#my first fotoshoot
beaters-plushies · 2 months
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Jason got his first fotoshooting today
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I do not have any more information about his production status besides the picture, I do think its just a few more steps before he is fully in production and out for shipping
I can't promise that it will be this or next week but I'll do my best to get constant updates about him
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5and3nevermind · 4 months
Hello! A few days ago I was thinking about yoonmin (as I often do hehehe) and I started thinking about jimin and his gender. Now, I'm not sure if he identifies as anything other than male, but it's safe to say that he has struggled with masculinity and toxic expectations when he was younger. There have been some instances in the last few years were there have been some non-bn references, the first ones that come to mind are the fotoshoot with the bigender symbol and taemin's words on suchwita (“jimin also has that gender-neutral charm and also delicate”).
What I wanted to ask you is how do you think gender has impacted yoonmin?
I don't know if you've ever received an anon about this topic but I was curious about your opinion 😅
Personally, I think Jimin struggled a lot in his early years since he felt the pressure to fullfil this assigned strong masculine roll within the group (when they made him lift his shirt and do things like that). From what he's said in interviews, he later learned to accept himself and I can only think about how reassuring it must have been to have someone as accepting and supportive as yoongi by his side. I feel like yoongi is the kind of person who would encourage him to freely explore his gender (his bestie Halsey uses she/they pronouns by the way) and especially through his art (when face came out some ppl interpreted as Jimin talking about his gender and I found it very interesting).
Anyways, I feel like I'm just rambling haha. To sum up we don't know if he's 100% non-bn, he may still identify as a cis man, but still it's safe to say that he has been exploring his gender in the past.
(We'll probably never get a confirmation if he's actually non-bn, unless things in Korea change A LOT.)
Hi anon! Your question about gender in terms of yoonmin is a good one and something I have wondered about too!
First of all, I agree with you regarding Jimin and his relationship with gender. We’ve gotten many clues (and what I would consider more than clues) about this.
In regards to yoonmin as a pair, one thing I’ve noticed are the types of words Yoongi uses to describe Jimin. Yes, he’s called him handsome. But he’s also used gender-neutral or even traditionally feminine adjectives to describe him: “sexy,” “pretty,” “small and cute.” I think he does this because he knows these are the type of words that Jimin enjoys. Typically, when someone gives a compliment, their words are tailored to fit the person they are complimenting.
Another example: when Yoongi quoted the k-drama line to Jimin backstage in Newark, he quoted the male character’s line thus placing Jimin in the female role in that scenario.
(Likewise, Yoongi seems to be perfectly fine with Jimin referring to him as “cute” and “baby,” which to me shows a level of open mindedness that, unfortunately, many men lack.)
They’re both smart people and they’ve been in the entertainment industry long enough to know how fans analyze things. So, even if the female lead in the Like Crazy choreo isn’t Jimin’s reflection (although I believe she is), he at least would have known that some people would interpret that way…and he was fine with that. Similarly, by now Yoongi knows what many fans think of his Cypher 3 verse. Yet years later, he included that verse, unchanged, in his D-Day set list.
I’m rambling now, but my point is they have both demonstrated an accepting/progressive attitude toward these issues and have not attempted to “set the record straight” when it comes to gender (or sexual orientation, for that matter).
Obviously, Yoongi and Jimin are individuals and each of them has their own unique feelings about gender. We can see differences in terms of how they present themselves. But I do see commonalities in terms of their way of thinking, their acceptance of themselves and their acceptance of others. I hope that makes sense!
Here’s Jimin playing with the idea of gender roles and putting himself in the feminine role: shocked that he’s been caught shirtless, while he places the viewer, who is likely to be female given Army’s demographics, in the role of the voyeur (typically thought of as the masculine role). He seems to love doing this, turning the tables and offering unexpected and non-traditional portrayals of gender roles.
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Here’s a video of Jimin talking about how he’s changed and grown over the years.
Here’s a video of Jimin showing (again) that he’s comfortable playing with the idea of traditional gender roles.
Here’s Yoongi saying in an interview that everyone is equal.
Here’s a photo of Yoongi wearing his pride Vans.
Here’s a really cute video of Yoongi with a male fan. (He is treating the male fan the same way he’d treat a female fan, giving the high-five and the cute pout. Like he said in the interview, “everyone is equal,” and he treats fans accordingly. I love this video!)
In Yoongi’s case, I understand that these are not examples related to gender specifically. I see these as clues to his world view and his inclusivity, and of course I’m sure he extends that way of thinking to Jimin.
I hope this made sense! Thanks for this ask, anon!
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korealog · 2 months
[2] Finding my way (ENG/DE) — Sunday, 14.07.24
After this great experience, I headed back to the beach. The weather had calmed down a bit and I went to the photo spot on Haeundae Beach. An older lady (Korean) saw me alone & asked me if she should take a photo. And off we went to the photo shoot! She went out of her way to take as many beautiful photos as possible. Totally lovely! Unfortunately, my weird arms made most of it looking not so good, so 12 photos turned into only 3 (but she doesn't need to know that ;)) At the end she wanted to take a selfie with me, why not? Another super pleasant encounter in which I was able to use my Korean. Afterwards I got a bit thirsty again & went back to the Shopping Street (which isn't actually called that) and ordered a peach iced tea... in Korean of course :D After half an hour of sitting on the beach, drinking my iced tea & watching people, I decided to take the train to Semyeon (I would call it a shopping district). So off I went on the Busan subway. After 30 minutes I was able to get off and ended up directly in a shopping mall in the underground of Busan. Stores as far as the eye can see. But I decided to go outside first. When I got to the top it was raining like crazy, but no reason to let my plan fall through. Let's get out into the floods. It wasn't cold, just clouds that wanted to get rid of their moisture. So I wandered around Semyeon for a good 2 hours & maybe even dropped a few things in my bag. (I paid of course, not if you're thinking now...) After that I went back to the apartment, ate ramyeon & headed straight back to the beach in search of something specific. Here in Korea they call it "busking", street performances. There were 2 singers on the beach and I spent about 30 minutes with them.... Unfortunately, the rain got so heavy again that they had to end their performance, so I went back to Shopping Street and returned home after an hour. So, I'd say that's it for now... Enough, right?
Let's see what awaits me tomorrow ;)
ByeBye xoxo
Nach dem tollen Erlebnis ging es für mich wieder Richtung Strand. Das Wetter hat sich etwas beruhigt und ich ging zum Foto-Spot am Haeundae Beach. Eine ältere Dame (Koreanisch) sah mich allein & fragte mich, ob sie ein Foto machen soll. Und los ging das Fotoshooting! Sie hat sich so ins Zeug gelegt um so viele schöne Fotos wie nur möglich zu machen. Total lieb! Meine krummen Arme haben da leider eine kleinen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht, so wurden aus 12 Fotos nur noch 3 (aber das muss sie ja nicht erfahren ;)) Zum Schluss wollte sie noch ein Selfie mit mir machen, warum nicht. Wieder eine super angenehme Begegnung in der ich mein Koreanisch anwenden konnte. Danach wurde ich doch wieder etwas durstig & ging nochmal zur Shopping Street (die eigentlich nicht so heißt) und habe mir einen Pfirsicheistee bestellt… auf Koreansich natürlich :D Nach einer halben Stunde, die ich am Strand saß, meinen Eistee trank & die Leute beobachtete, entschloss ich die Bahn nach Semyeon (ich würde es jetzt mal als Shopping Viertel bezeichnen) zu nehmen. Also nichts wie los in die Busan‘er U-Bahn. Nach 30 Minuten konnte ich aussteigen und landete direkt in einer ShoppingMall im Untergrund von Busan. Läden, wohin das Auge reicht. Ich beschloss aber erstmal raus zu gehen. Oben angekommen regnete es wie verrückt, aber kein Grund meinem Plan ins Wasser fallen zu lassen. Nix wie raus in die Fluten. Es war nicht kalt, nur Wolken, die ihre Feuchtigkeit loswerden wollten. So schlenderte ich gute 2 Stunden durch Semyeon & vielleicht fiel mir auch die ein oder andere Sache in meinen Beutel. (Ich habe natürlich bezahlt, nicht wenn ihr jetzt denkt…) Danach ging es wieder zum Apartment, ich habe Ramyeon gegessen & ging gleich wieder RichtungStrand, auf der Suche nach etwas ganz bestimmten. Hier in Korea nennt man es „Busking“, also Straßen Performances. Am Strand waren 2 Sänger, bei denen ich bestimmt 30 Minuten verbrachte…. Der Regen wurde dann aber leider wieder so stark, dass sie ihre Performace beenden mussten, also ging es für mich wieder zur Shopping Street & nach einer Stunde wieder nach Hause. So, ich würde sagen, das wars erstmal… Reicht auch, oder?
Mal schauen was mich morgen so erwartet ;)
ByeBye xoxo
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wtflife01 · 2 years
Ok so I translated Kelly's interview that was just posted here. It took me way too long to be honest, but please excuse any grammar errors, I've worked more than 9 hours today and I'm tired lol. Please read because this whole interview is so contradicting with all of her actions of the past year or so.
Kelly Piquet is known to be Max Verstappen's girlfriend, but mostly she is a mother and model. Her Dutch roots appear in her down-to-earthness: 'For me, being in balance is the key to everything.'
Recently Kelly Piquet signed a modelcontract with Micha Models/Talent Motherhood, a renowned bureau which also represents succesful models like Maartje Verhoeven and Bregje Heinen.
Kelly says writing down her signature was 'a proud moment'.
'During the first conversation with Micha Models, I knew I was in a good place, I agreed with their vision. Micha sees someones potential better than anyone else.' This is why signing the contract was a big deal for Kelly. 'It's the start of getting to know each other and discovering ways that please both parties. We call this learning to dance together, and I can't wait to see what's next.'
I definitly prefer to be in the background - Kelly Piquet
Eventhough Kelly has Dutch roots, English is her main language. Half her family lives in The Netherlands and she used to spent a lot of time there. 'I have fantastic memories of The Netherlands and I'm always super excited to go back. To be honest, I don't speak the language very well, but I'm able to follow a conversation and of course I know all the naughty words, haha!'
Kelly's interest in modelling was - Kelly's father is Brazilian driver Nelson Piquet  - sparked because of her mother, Sylvia Tamsma, who was a succesful model in the 80's.
'As a child I was very impressed by my mothers fotoshoots in magazines. Every time she showed me a picture, I would think: that is so cool, I hope to get the same chance one day.'
Kelly Piquet graduated from New York Marymount Manhatten College in 2011, she holds a bachelor in International Relations & Affairs. She lives in Monaco, together with Max Verstappen and her daughter from a past relationship, where she works as a health & wellness coach. Having an own career, interests and passions are very important to her: 'that defines you as a person. I constantly try to grow and I'm always up to learning new things. Curiousity is what keeps life interesting.' Her priority lies with taking care of her daughter. 'You always have to think about, and work on yourself to be happy. Only then can I show happiness to my daughter en give that to her. Supporting Max and working on my own projects gives me extra power.'
One of Kelly's passions is sports. And yes, she says, she usually works out together with Max and his trainer. 'I enjoy working out and staying fit. I don't have a perticular goal I want to achieve, except being healthy.' Obviously she sometimes needs to put herself in the mood to work out. She has a piece of advice you should never forget: 'Always push trough. You will feel amazing after. This is import to me, besides the fact that working out helpes me clear my head.'
Kelly is relaxed about her appearance. She is at her most beautiful when she's natural, she barely had any make-up on for the MIRROR MIRROR shoot. 'For me being in balance is the key to everything. Altough I enjoy styling myself and doing my hair and make-up myself, I also have no issues with going out without wearing make-up in a simple t-shirt and jeans. I feel pretty then aswell. Your personality and charisma are what make you beautiful. Then, you're able to rock whatever you're wearing.'
Standing out to be standing out, like by being Max Verstappen's girlfriend, is not in her nature. When Max gloriously won in Zandvoort and received a trophy afterwards, Kelly watched the cermony from a modest distance. Altough the camera was able to zoom in on her, she prefers to be in the background. 'I'm an introvert-extrovert person, you know. I love meeting knew people and I would describe myself as confident. But sometimes certain events can be overwhelming and I definitely prefer to stay back, especially when it's not about me.'
Being a person of interest and being well-known for social media brings responsibility, says Kelly. 'Every day you find yourself in a position to inspire people. But people don't see what happens behind the scenes, what can lead to misunderstandings, which is upsetting.'
The shoot with Kelly took place in the South of France, at a waterfall surrounded by rocks and crystal clear water. 'A magical location', says Kelly. 'It's very adventurous to get there. My team and I had to walk a difficult route to get there. I instantly fell in love with the place. Because of this location I immediately was in a good vibe as a model, I felt powerful and feminine. The place is so special that I shared a sneak peak trough Instagram with friends and followers (1 million followers). Loads of them told me that they wanted to go there themselves. I find it fantastic to share such moments.'
Kelly emphasizes that doing model-work is an important step in her career. 'To take things to the next level, you need a team that not only believes in you, but also takes care of every aspect of your work and image.' She says about the role of Micha Models. 'You need someone who can guide you trough this industry. Micha Models has an incredible track record of that.'
As thank you 🙏🏻
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artsyccfindss3 · 1 year
Just some
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notartist-sky · 3 years
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~ Kylo Ren - Photoshooting Part 2
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kpopchangedmylife44 · 4 years
Ateez: honeymoon thread
Hello fellow atinys, my blog reached 500 followers and I would like to thank everyone, who enjoys my stories 🥺 I’m really happy that someone out there gets to read them and it maybe put a smile on their face ☺️ So this is a 500 follower special. It’s a long thread and also kind of a sequel of my wedding post. I planned it for quite some time, but I also procrastinated and everything was overwhelming in life. Now I’m back (kinda) and will start to work on the requests I got. ✨
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Planning: although you both were extremely tired, you insisted to plan everything yourself, so it turned out exactly how you imagined
Location: Italy
Accommodation: several cozy hotels in bigger cities
Food: it’s Italy so you can bet your ass there is a lot of pizza, spaghetti and ice cream involved
- you would start your honeymoon in Rome, where you wander around and fall in love with the city
- the architecture and museums are extremely beautiful, so you’re even more happy that you get to experience it with Hongjoong
- visiting Verona and pretending you were Romeo and Juliet (but with a happy ending)
- eating a lot and wearing comfortable clothes as you walk around so much
- Hongjoong is particular affectionate during this trip as he showers you with compliments all the time and never lets go of your hand
- exploring Venice by boat and singing some dramatic song that you once heard in a opera
- wearing couple jackets he designed himself which feature your initials 🥺
- he filmed parts of the trips as he would like to make a short film, which you could enjoy afterwards
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Planning: since you both hated it, you were hiring someone to do it for you, at least you had prepared a mood board and the general direction of your trip
Location: south of France
Accommodation: fancy all the way, either a really nice hotel or a little castle (or chateau how you say it in French)
Food: grapes in the form of wine
- prepare yourself for the luxurious trip of a lifetime
- you’re arriving there and everything is ready for you both
- first are reFrEsHMents (which means alcohol)
- full course meals (and yes, this includes your husbands looks)
- boat trips and visiting tiny islands for the day
- taking a lot of selfies
- enjoying the sun and the food (and Seonghwa in swimwear)
- skinny dipping in the sea
- hot nights in the hot tub
- testing wine and feeling a little pretentious
- visiting a chateau and running around there like a music video
- Seongwha saying ,,so ha“ when he sees you
- kisses your hand and hair all the time and is more clingy (or thirsty) than usual
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Planning: you try to plan without the stressful part, so you ask a professional for help and it’s really smooth from this point on
Location: nationalparks in the USA
Accommodation: small hotels along the road (not Motels)
Food: normal restaurants, but also a lot of burgers
- it’s like a roadtrip, but way more comfortable
- you sleep in cozy little hotels and visit some bigger cities along the way
- wandering around the nature with Yunho is actually really fun
- although he is quite hyper around everyone he enjoys the calmness of your trip
- always holding your hand and kissing you
- you visit several national parks like Yosemite and could gaze at the stars during the night
- englishi Time
- he is no longer yunhoe bit yunhusband (i’m sorry)
- buys dumb souvenirs like mood rings which you religiously wear from then on
- thought that he saw a bear and almost started crying
- singing really loudly in the forest
- oh and also outdoor sex
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Planning: 8 months before the trip, but he actually always had ideas; planned his wedding and honeymoon years ago when he first met you, he also made a mood board and it helped a lot
Location: Japan during the cherry blossom
Accommodation: a traditional house with a lot of privacy, an onsen but also room service, does not look like a hotel but has all the privileges
Food: lots of chicken; Japanese dishes, but also snacks whenever you go out to explore
- you would first explore Tokyo and visit everything the city has to offer
- as the city is really beautiful but also hectic, you would visit Nara-park and pet the deers to relax
- you would let some street artist paint a portrait of you both as it’s a really fun idea to remember the trip
- shiba inus everywhere and Yeosang melts every time he sees one of them
- ,,Look at how cute they are. We need to adopt at least one in the future“ (and you would, because they are so adorable)
- fotoshootings with the cherry blossom
- after a week in the urban area you would travel along the coast
- Yeosang rented a car for it and you stayed at different hotels along the way, which you also booked prior
- you visited a little island where a lot of bunnys live and had the best time there
- Yeosang always buys souvenirs whenever you visit a new city or attraction
- he especially loves the postcards as he plans to do a collage with them for your honeymoon fotobook
- driving along the coast would be peaceful and filled with laughter, Yeosang giggling to himself and feeling like all of this might as well be a dream
- ,,I never knew it was possible to love someone so much until I met you“
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Planning: you booked the trip 6 months prior and you gradually became more and more excited for it, although both of you aren’t really into planning, you did it with a lot of excitement and talked about it for hours on end
Location: South Africa
Accommodation: a huge wooden house in the middle of a resort that focuses on reserving the wildlife
Food: a huge variety of fruits and meat, the dinner is a feast every single day of your stay (and so is your husband)
- the journey itself would be really cute as you were flying first class and cuddled all the way until you arrived
- San even mumbled in his sleep how excited he was to finally go
- when you arrived you took it really easy, just relaxing at the resort, which also had huge beds and a stunning outdoor area with a whirlpool
- the first evening you relaxed in that whirpool, while spotting some giraffes in the distance and it just hit you like ,,Wow, look how amazing life could be” (bish, I wish)
- you never really believed that you would ever be this happy, finding someone that you loved and going on adventures with him but here you are
- and of course San felt it too, but you just sat there enjoying it, holding hands and not saying anything
- the next couple of days included going on safari, climbing a mountain, standing under a waterfall and chasing sunsets
- it was the perfect balance between adventure and relaxing
- because of your husband you always felt a calmness by his presence
- ,,I wish we could do this all over again, San.“
- ,,Well, we have the rest of our lives to go on adventures like this.“ 🥺🥺🥺
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Planning: like the wedding itself it happened quite fast without much planning
Location: Australia
Accommodation: several hotels as you also rented a car
Food: some really strange exotic food, but mostly real meals with the occasional burger and cocktails
- the focus is on having fun, enjoying every moment and just going with the flow
- after all its Mingi, who has a lot of spontaneous ideas
- why not go snorkeling or run naked around the beaches?
- or that time he was convinced that he saw a shark and you both panicked and screamed (but it was a dolphin)
- going to a concert at the beach and dancing until your feet hurt and he has to carry you
- also sleeping at the same beach as you two were too drunk to find the way back to the hotel
- Mingi being extra clingy and giving some people the stink eye, who look too enthusiastically at you
- he wrote a rap for you (inspired by your honeymoon) and performed it by the ocean
- it’s like having the best trip of your life and realising it doesn’t end when you get home, because having Mingi as your husband is a great adventure and he spends every day trying to make you laugh and love life
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Planning: the location itself was decided a long time ago, but the activities are more spontaneous, just going with the flow
Location: Iceland
Accommodation: first in a hotel, then in a mobile home
Food: fresh food like fish and also a lot of snacks
- your honeymoon and accommodation were a little unconventional
- you started in the city of Reyjkavic and visited the touristy sights
- you stumbled around the Icelandic phallological museum and decided to go inside for the lols (and had a lot of giggles)
- after a few days in the city you ventured out to the beautiful nature of Iceland
- it started at the blue lagoon, which was the most relaxing thing and you were just hanging out and sipping slushees (they are really good, I had the time of my life lmao)
- then you drive around and it feels like absolute freedom
- you feel like exploring a whole new world as they are a lot of waterfalls and geysers
- Wooyoung feels like he is falling in love with you even more (if that’s even possible) and if he hadn’t already, he would marry you then and there again
- star gazing as there is no air pollution and it’s amazing how many stars there actually are
- visiting the diamond beach, which sparkles and has you feeling like little kids
- long morning snuggles and random hugs throughout the day
- and he would also be your personal photographer and scream how cute you are
- your honeymoon would also include really random stuff (like the penis museum) like skateboarding in the middle of nowhere (like Walter Mitty - the absolute legend) or hiking because you felt like it
- never a dull moment with your husband that’s for sure
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Planning: he wanted everything to be perfect so you started pretty early (1 year before)
Location: England
Accommodation: small hotels with cozy interior
Food: pretty normal food, you also tried fish & chips once (and it was nothing special)
- would hold your hand during the whole flight
- you started your honeymoon in London which you loved at first sight
- the hotel was really central, so you could walk to a lot of sights
- London by night was magical and you visited many museums which had great artwork and were free
- theater nights and going for a walk along the Thames
- after a week you started to explore the cities around London like Oxford, Brighton and Cambridge
- and everything was so stunning and with Jongho by your side you could literally cry, because does it get much better than this??? (well no)
- Jongho declares his love for you at least once a day and although it was so cheesy it still got you giggling and feeling all mushy inside
- he loves all the old buildings and biscuits, so you would probably visit again sometime
- it’s a really nice and somehow relaxing trip although you get to explore so much
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issamelhider · 3 years
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❝ There was something in her eyes! Her eyes were expressive and from the first day that they met, they spoke to him a million things! He could know which night she had cried, which night she had slept peacefully and which night of hers had been spent in complete sleeplessness. ❞ 🌃 #issamelhider ✔️⚡ ••• 🖤 👸 @emgracefarrell 🖤 ✒️ @issamelhider ••• Follow me @issamelhider for more and if you want to get notified right away on my daily content, tap the triple dots on the top right and tap "Turn Post Notifications On". Thanks and have a great day ! ✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️ .. #photography #portrait #portraitsmadeingermany #portraitphotography #bnw #bnwphotography #bnwmood #bnwportrait #bnwsouls #bnwlovers #leica #leicamag #leicafotografieinternational #leicam10 #summilux50 #fotoshooting #fensterlichtshooting #schwarzweissfotografie #schwarzweissportrait #monochrome #blackandwhitehumansphotos #777luckyfish #rebelmag #onemodel #facesobsessed #fantasticportrait .. ✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️ @issamelhider ©️ 2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHAJUDsJYa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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budapester-pflaume · 4 years
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There he is. Little Efnisien in front of his 48 books. I adore him so much. He is from "Falling Falling Stars" which is the greatest thing I have read in a while.
@not-poignant is the absolute fantastic author. And their whole portfolio is breathtakingly good.
Under the cut are some more pictures of my little figurine.
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For size comparison. He is my smallest one yet, with only 4 cm in heights. Made from clay (and part off a toothpick for stability in his neck).
It's hard to see but his little jumper has an engraved knitting pattern.
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The books all have pages and some have covers. I actually made the books first thats why they are way to big.
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He threw a little tantrum during the fotoshoot and made a mess with his books. His second body is simple nude. The head is moveable and alows for easy switching. Usally I'm giving them a second outfit but I sort of didn't want to put him in baggy lumps...
So Nackidei Efnisien it is!
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Sorry Efnisien. No grace or dignity for you. Only books and a shabby cinderblock bookshelf.
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Will you marry me?
This is part 2 of pregnant? Enjoy😊
Couple days prior 
  Chris Pov
Chris just finished his interview in New York to promote his new single that just came out
And is now driving to his hotel room to rest before he had to go back to California that same day
When he arrived to his hotel room he decided to call Zendaya, she picked up after the third ring
“Hey you, how was the interview”
“Hey babe, it went good how is my baby” he said with a big smile on his face
“The baby is doing good but I think the baby is missing you” she said while showing her bump
“Ooh you look cute girl, who you wearing that dress for” he said jokingly
“Haha the weather is nice today so I wanted to look cute today and our moms and my sister wanted to go shopping again for the baby”
“Dang again we don’t even know the gender what do they wanna buy” he said and chuckled
“Boy I have no idea but they giving me free food” she laughed
While they were talking, Chris heard a knock on his door
“Ooh babe I gotta go my manger is here, I will see you tonight I love you”
“I love you too” and blowed a kiss to the camera and hung up
Chris stood up from the bed and opened the door For his jeweller the dapped each other and and sat at the table
“So are you ready to see the ring” the jeweller asked
“ yup” he said excited
He took out a black velvet box and opened. The ring was placed on a smal red rose, as the light drom the box was shining on it
“Thank you man she is gonna love this ring, you the best”
“Your welcome man”
The talked for a while, before he left
He look at the ring one more time, smiling at it knowing that he was making the best decision of his life.
He then got ready to leave for the airport.
Friday morning
“Babe wake up” she said while giving him kisses on his face
He woke up with a smile on his face
“What time is it”
“It is fotoshoot day sir so go get ready” she said smiling big and went downstairs to finish breakfast
Hé watched her walk out of the room, and thought about his big plan for tomorrow and finally decided to get ready
He finished 15 min later and went downstairs to see her in the kitchen dancing and singing to one of his songs
He took out his phone and filmpjes it
He walked over to her and put his arms around her and danced with her
They finished eating breakfast and got in the car to go to their fotoshoot
When they arrived at their destination, they were immediately brought to hair and make.
Music was playing in the background while they were taking their pictures
After hours of taking pictures, changing locations and changing clothes they were finally done
They then went to the car on were deciding on what to eat. After 5 min they decided to order food and watch a movie and call it a day.
**Saturday **
Chris woke up early to make sure that everything was gonna go perfect for today.
You see today it was their anniversary and he was gonna ask her to marry him.
All of their family members were gonna be their too but they only know that it is a surprise baby shower
Chris went downstairs and started to make breakfast for the both of them.
He had cooked all of the food that he knew she like when it come to breakfast.
He put some rose petals in the kitchen all the way to their room
“Babe wake up” he said while rubbing her stomach.
She finally woke up, looked at him and gave him a kiss
“Happy anniversary”
“Happy anniversary to you to” and gave her another kiss
“could you follow the rose petals please” he said
She got out of bed and put on her robe and followed the rose petals
The arrived at the kitchen were she saw breakfast and rose petals
“Aww babe this looks nice, thank you” and give him a kiss
He lead her to the table and helped her in her chair and sat next to her.
“Mhh babe this taste really good” she then got a kick from the baby
“It seems like the baby like it to” they both put their hands on her stomach and felt the baby kick
“Okay so I thought about having dinner at a new restaurant that I saw” he said
“Okay we can do that what time were you thinking”
“How about 6 pm”
“Okay great that gives me enough time to decide what I wanna wear”
“Ooh btw I have to go give a something to my mom she said that today and it couldn’t wait, but imma make sure I came back on time it probably won’t take long
"Okay that fine”
The finished breakfast and Zendaya went to get ready for the day.
Chris bought her a new outfit and made sure that her make up artist and hairstylist came to do her hair  and make up
He but them all on the bed with a card and left the set everything up.
**Zendaya pov **
I just got out of the shower and went to our room to see what I could wear when I see boxes on our bed
I walked over our bed and saw a card, I picked it up and read it the card.
“_Happy anniversary babe, _ I bought you a new outfit and made sure that you make up artist and hairstylist came to do your hair and make up.  a car will pick you up at 5:30 pm, so make sure your ready by then see you soon.
Love Chris❤️
She smiled and openend the boxes. She had a new red dress and new heels
"This man sure comes with surprises” she said and heard a knock on her door
She went downstairs to open it and saw her glam team
“Hey guys” and hugged them
“Hey daya”
“You ready to get glammed up”
“ yess” she said excited
After hours of getting ready she was finally done and her team left
She then heard a knock on her door and went to open it
“Hello miss”
“I’m here to bring you to your destination and mr brown left you a card”
“Thank you”
He walked her to the car and opened the door for her
She opened the card and read it
“5 years ago today I met you at a special place where every thing started for us”
She told the driver where she had to be and he drove her over there
After a 30 minute drive she arrived at her destination
The driver opened the door for her
“Hello mam im Stacy”
“Hello Stacy”
“Mr Brown had these roses for you” she said and gave her the roses
“If could follow the the path right here than you will finally arrive at you destination”
“Thank you Stacy”
She followed the signs and the flowers petals
When she looked up she saw Chris and a big sign that said “will you marry me”
She walked over to him as the tears started to come down
She couldn’t even talk she was speechless
He held her hands and complimented her
“This is the place where is all started for us. We met each other here for the first time, had our first date here and even had our first kiss here. From that very first kiss I just knew that I had wanted you to be in my life for a long time. You have showed me what love is and how to love. I thank God for allowing you to be in my life and for making me happy again. Ever  since our first kiss I told you you was gonna be my wife one day and the mother of my kids you didn’t believe me but look how far we have come. The experience that we have had is something I will cherish the most”
He took a deep breath while tears come down on both of their faces
“So will you Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”
“Yes yes yes a million time yes” she said with tears in her eye
He put the ring on her finger and kissed her
They then went to the car and see the family which she didn’t know
The arrived at the place and Chris helped her out of the car
“Is this the restaurant”
“Yes it is”
They walked to door and opened it
“Surprise” everybody screamed
“Wait what"she said surprised with more tears
After hugging a their family Chris went on stage and took the mic
"Hello everybody body, welcome to our engagement party”
He saw everybody with a surprised face
“I know I said this was a baby shower but it’s isn’t I wanted to surprise y'all as well”
Everybody clapped, hugged them and congratulated them
While everybody was partying Chris and Daya were sitting at their table looking at everybody having fun
“Chris thank you for every thing, your a wonderful man i love you” and gave him a big kiss
“I love you too”
“Lets dance” he said
She accepted his offer and danced the night away.
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Hi! I love all your headcanons and I can't believe that requests are open! Could you write something about RFA + Minor Trio with MC that is/was a really well known actress? Like Hollywood and everything? I'd love to read it! (Also, I hope you see it, I don't know if I'm doing it right... It's my first time asking anything...) Hope you have a great day!
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who is/ was a well known actress 
Hey dear! Thank you for being hyped! I can’t believe it that you’re so happy, hahaha I‘m a mere Tumblr user….well, I hope you like the Hc even through it’s a bit boring….ENJOY! 
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It took him a while to recognize you. 
He met you at big parties but he never paid attention to you. 
For him you were just a rich spoiled gold digger. 
But he soon realized that you were different. 
You were a kind hearted woman, a beautiful one too. 
Although, he hated it a bit that all these men looked at you but it was just naturally, due to your beauty. 
And besides you were an idol. 
The two of you couldn’t go anywhere without bodyguards, it was simply needed since a lot of people would always grab you to ask you for a picture or a hug. 
But Jumin made sure that you would stay save and supported all your roles in every movie. 
,,Big actress disappeared!“ he read out loud and shook his head. 
,,The agency probably wants to make her more famous.“ he mumbled and looked at the clock. 
You were about to come and he was just so nervous. 
He wondered how you would look like. 
Suddenly the door ringed and he knew-this was you. 
But the face which smiled at him shocked him deeply. 
,,Y-You’re…the actress who disappeared….“ he creaked. 
,,Well, yes. Due to the situation I decided to not go to work….but since I‘m an idol just like you I guessed I could help you.“ 
Indeed you were the first person who could understand him deeply and who loved him the way he was. 
It didn’t took long for Zen to change agency and to begin a big career with you. 
As soon as Yoosung turned around he was surrounded by flashing lights.
Behind him a young woman who looked somehow like the actress he follows. 
And indeed, you didn’t just look like her but you even were the young actress. 
You played together with Hollywoodstars in Dramas, played in KDramas and in Movies. 
Yoosung couldn’t believe it. 
He couldn’t believe that an idol like you actually fell in love with him. 
The relationship was a bit hard since you were always followed by fans and paparazzi but Yoosung enjoyed the time with you and so even through you had a hard schedule, your marriage was the best marriage people could ever see. 
There was once an actress Jaehee followed. 
She was about her age and very good. 
All the acts she played in were simply fantastic and this at such a young age.  
But somehow the actress one day stated that she would stop. 
She simply wrote a message and posted it on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. 
Jaehee always wondered why. 
She didn’t have much time, work and Zen simply robbed her time. 
And then you. 
But it didn’t take her long to realize who you really were - the young actress she looked up to. 
,,I was tired. Like you. I didn’t want to spend my life like that but instead I want to stay with you and begin something new….“ you confessed and accepted the key she offered to you. 
For a while she felt bad for all those fans of yours but as soon as she saw how happy you were working in the coffee shop, this feeling vanished. 
Of course he knew. 
He knew everything about you. 
And that’s why he acted so mean when he was staying over with you at Rika‘s place. 
But as soon as Saeran was save you decided to help and support him even more. 
Even through you were just a star, you were well known in every country.
You were practically the best friend of all important people. 
Not only your donation as an actress helped you but also your contacts which were made because of your good behavior. 
With you the red haired boys had the chance to live freely and without worries because you could show people what the prime minister was doing. 
And they believed you. 
Even through Rika hated it, he always followed your series. 
They were most about bad treated people or even brainwashed people. 
Of course the romance in these series wasn’t missing. 
But Saeran was pretty surprised when he got the order to kidnap you and that‘s when he snapped. 
He had to save you, to make sure that you stayed okay. 
He had to do something against Rika.
That’s why you stayed so calm, even through you were scared and nervous you could act perfectly. 
,,Actress Mc came back and stated that she was taking a vacancy! If she found love in that time…?“ the media speculated. 
After Zen‘s plan failed the RFA decided to take you and your fame to save Saeyoung. 
This was a hard and long way to go but it wasn’t impossible. 
Both of you were the perfect couple. 
Each other knew the pain or happiness from their partners. 
Being famous wasn’t always easy. 
,,I will come later tonight.“ 
,,Don’t worry, me too, I have a Fotoshooting.“ you answered, still looking at your filled schedule. 
,,Don’t tell me….“ Jihyun began to laugh which made you realize that Jihyun was actually the one who would lead the shooting. 
That’s why both of you could keep going, even through your schedule was filled, you always met because your work simply connected both of you in a lot of ways. 
You always wonder how it came that you, as a big, well known actress, singer and model didn’t get any haters anymore. 
There were no mean messages anymore, none said they would kill you. 
None stated fake rumors about you or posted that you were ugly. As if the world was beautiful and peaceful. 
Well, what you didn’t know was that Vanderwood, your boyfriend filtered out ever hate messages on your social media.
Every email on your server was checked. 
You didn’t know that your beautiful boyfriend took care of these things for you. 
Before he got to know that you were an international idol, he didn’t even believe that a mere person could get so much hate. 
But he knew now. 
And he would make sure that you would stay save forever. 
11.09.’19// 17:36 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @sailormoonrocks666
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 @r-f-a-journalists 
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miss-violence-5f · 4 years
On Tour
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🇩🇪 25 August 2019 - Zu Beginn meines kleinen Road Trips ging es in den Norden zu meinem Großonkel. Allerdings machte ich einen kleinen Zwischenstop um meinen Heckdiffusor abzuholen. Diesen hatte ich beim Seat Meeting versprochen bekommen.
🇺🇲 Aug 25th, 2019 - At the beginning of my little road trip I went north to visit my great uncle. However, I made a little stop to pick up my rear diffuser. I had been promised at the Seat Meeting that I could pick it up when I was around.
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🇩🇪 26 August 2019 - Nach einer Übernachtung ging es als nächstes weiter zu einer Freundin, die ein Stück weiter in Richtung der holländischen Grenze wohnt. Neben den vielen Tieren die es zu beschäftigen gab ist sie auch noch eine mega Fotografin. Also haben wir ein kleines Shooting (ohne Auto) am See gemacht. Als sie einen Termin hatte habe ich die Gelegenheit genutzt und bin für ein paar Bilder mal schnell über die Grenze gefahren, da ich im Internet eine coole Location gefunden hatte.
🇺🇲 Aug 26th, 2019 - After an overnight stay, I went on to a friend who lives a little further towards the Dutch border. In addition to the many animals to deal with, she is also a mega photographer. So we did a little shoot (without a car) at the lake. When she had an appointment, I took the opportunity and quickly drove across the border for a few pictures because I had found a cool location on the Internet.
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🇩🇪 28 August 2019 - Nachdem es bei meiner Freundin ein paar Schwierigkeiten gab bin ich etwas früher als geplant weiter in Richtung Hamburg gefahren. Besser gesagt nach Soltau, auf einen Ferienhof den ich früher sehr oft besucht habe. Dort waren auch einige bekannte Gesichter, die ich schon sehr lange nicht mehr gesehen hatte.
🇺🇲 Aug 28th, 2019 - After there were a few difficulties with this friend I drove towards Hamburg a little earlier than planned. Better said to Soltau, on a holiday farm that I used to visit very often. There were also some familiar faces that I hadn't seen in a long time.
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🇩🇪 30 August 2019 - Bevor es dann zu meinem letzten Ziel ging machte ich unterwegs noch einen Zwischenstop im Schmetterlingspark. Ich war fasziniert und wollte eigentlich gar nicht mehr gehen. Aber irgendwann musste ich dann doch weiter nach Berlin. Dort warteten schon meine Oma, mein Onkel, meine Tante und mein Cousin auf mich. Dort angekommen gingen wir noch gemeinsam Essen und anschließend ins Bett.
🇺🇲 Aug 30th, 2019 - Before I went to my last destination, I made a stop in the butterfly park on the way. I was fascinated and didn't really want to leave. But at some point I had to go on to Berlin. My grandmother, my uncle, my aunt and my cousin were already waiting for me there. Once there, we went to dinner together and then to bed.
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🇩🇪 31 August 2019 - Am Morgen machte ich mich mit der S-Bahn auf den Weg zum Brandenburger Tor und zum Alexanderplatz um ein bisschen Shoppen zu gehen. Als ich wieder bei meinem Onkel angekommen war ging ich erst einmal mein Auto waschen und machte mich anschließend auf den Weg zu einem Platz an dem sich die Berliner Tuning Szene häufig trifft. Dort lernte ich ein paar Leute kennen, die mich dann mit zum BER nahmen. Hätte ich gewusst wie viel dort los ist, wäre ich direkt dorthin gefahren. Nachdem ich ein paar Fotos gemacht hatte habe ich ein paar andere Fotografen kennengelernt und hatte spontan mein erstes Fotoshooting mit meinem Auto. Die Bilder sind der Wahnsinn!
🇺🇲 Aug 31st, 2019 - In the morning I took the S-Bahn to the Brandenburg Gate and Alexanderplatz to do some shopping. When I got back to my uncle, I first went to wash my car and then made my way to a place where the Berlin tuning scene often meets. There I met a few people who then took me to the BER. If I had known how much was going on there, I would have gone straight there. After taking a few photos I got to know a few other photographers and spontaneously had my first photo shoot with my car. The pictures are amazing!
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🇩🇪 01 September 2019 - Nachdem ich erst um 3 Uhr nachts im Bett war habe ich ein paar Stunden geschlafen und machte mich nach den Frühstück auf den Weg nach Hause. Unterwegs hielt ich noch an einer Location an, die ich schon sehr bald wieder besuchen würde. Zu Hause angekommen erzählte ich meiner Mama von allen was ich erlebt hatte, zeigte ihr die Bilder und packte meine Koffer aus.
🇺🇲 Sep 01st, 2019 - After I was only in bed at 3 am I slept for a few hours and after breakfast I made my way home. On the way I stopped at a location that I would visit again very soon. When I got home I told my mom about everything I had experienced, showed her the pictures and unpacked my bags.
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otterwerks · 4 years
A Tirol Hochzeit Foto Blog: Was ist mit dem Wetter?
Jede Hochzeit, ob es sich um eine große Familienangelegenheit oder eine private intime Entführung handelt, erfordert einen bestimmten Aspekt der Planung. Hochzeitsplanung ist (oder war!) Eine sehr erfolgreiche Branche, die all die verschiedenen Anbieter und die Erfahrung unter einem Dach vereint. Nein, ich ziehe nicht in dieses Gebiet, obwohl ich als Hochzeitsfotograf viel Erfahrung habe, die ich an meine Kunden weitergebe, wenn ich kann.
Nein, worüber ich sprechen möchte, ist die eine Hauptsache, über die Sie an Ihrem Hochzeitstag keine Kontrolle haben werden, das Wetter.
Sie können planen, indem Sie Zelte, Reservestellen und große Regenschirme haben, aber manchmal müssen Sie einfach umarmen, was passiert, und schließlich kann es den Tag wirklich unvergesslicher machen!
Dies ist, was für Martina & Dominic passiert ist.
Wir hatten darüber gesprochen, wo wir das Portrait-Shooting haben wollten, da sie ursprünglich das Fotoshooting in der Olperer Hütte über dem Schleigeis Spiecher in der Wildnis des Hinterer Zillertals haben wollten. Leider mussten wir dies aufgrund des in der Woche zuvor gefallenen Schnees ausschließen (die Olperer Hütte liegt 2388 m über dem Meeresspiegel) und beschlossen, stattdessen ein Fotoshooting am Schlegeis-See zu machen, der über einen Kilometer unterhalb der Hütte liegt. Es würde kein Trekking auf schneebedeckten Bergpfaden geben, was das Wetter viel weniger zum Problem machen würde, als es gewesen war. Auch der Hintergrund des Fotoshootings wäre aus einem etwas anderen Blickwinkel gleich.
Nachdem die Zeremonie beendet war, machten wir uns auf den Weg zum See. Es war fast so, als hätten wir das Schicksal versucht, während des gesamten Verlaufs der Zeremonie hatte das Wetter stattgefunden und es sah so aus, als würde es für den Rest des Nachmittags gelten. Als wir vorfuhren, fing es an zu regnen, zuerst sanft, aber dann wurde es schwerer und dann wurde es kälter. Als wir in Schlegeis ankamen, schneite / regnete es seitwärts, und ein kalter Wind peitschte vom See auf.
Wir nutzten einige der Gebäude in der Nähe des Sees sowie einen freundlichen Hüttenbesitzer, der uns erlaubte, seine Garage zu benutzen, trotzen dem Wetter und beendeten das Fotoshooting. Ich werde die Ergebnisse für sich selbst sprechen lassen, aber das Wichtigste dabei ist, dass Sie unabhängig von den Herausforderungen immer das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielen können, einen unvergesslichen Hochzeitstag (und unabhängig davon, was das Wetter versucht).
What about the weather
Every wedding, whether it is a large family affair or a private intimate elopement requires some aspect of planning. Wedding planning is (or was!) a very successful industry bringing together all the different vendors and the experience all under one roof. No I am not moving into that area, even though as a wedding photographer I do have a great deal of experience that I pass on to my clients when I can.
No, what I want to talk about is the one main thing that you will have no control over on your wedding day, the weather.
You can plan, by having marquees, reserve locations and big umbrellas, but sometimes you just have to embrace what is happening, and after all it can really make the day more memorable!
This is what happened for Martina & Dominic.
We had spoke about where we wanted to have the portrait shoot as they had originally wanted to have the photoshoot at the Olperer Hütte above the Schleigeis Spiecher in the wilds of the Hinterer Zillertal. Unfortunately due to snow that had fallen the week previous we had to rule that out (the Olperer Hütte sits at 2388m above sea level.) so we decided on instead having the photoshoot at the Schlegeis Lake that lies over a kilometre below the hut. There would be no trekking along snow covered mountain trails making the weather much less of the issue that it had been. Also the background to the photoshoot would be the same just from a slightly different angle.
After the ceremony had finished we headed up to the Lake. It was almost as if we had tempted fate, the whole way through the ceremony the weather had held and looked like it would hold for the rest of the afternoon. As we drove up however it started to rain, gently at first but then it got heavier and then it got colder. By the time we arrived at Schlegeis it was snowing/raining sideways with a cold wind whipping up off the lake.
Using some of the buildings that are near the lake, as well as a friendly hut owner who allowed us to use his garage, we defied the weather and completed the photoshoot. I shall let the results speak for themselves, but the thing to take away from this is that no matter what the challanges are, you can always achieve the desired result, a memorable wedding day (and regardless of what the weather tries to do).
#wedding #hochzeit #tirolhochzeitfoto #hochzeitindenbergen
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weskersofficepet · 5 years
Cardinal Copia is evil!!
(This is just my theorie/headcanon. If you don't agree with me, that's fine)
My theorie is that Copia will kill Nihil and maybe even Sister Imperator. Why? To be in control over the whole church.
As we all know the Papas are not the leaders of the church. The church was always lead by Nihil and Imperator. Copia doesn't want to be their puppet. He just plays the teachers pet to gain their trust...and if he becomes papa he will kill them...or maybe he'll do it before.
I think we will get to see his true face in the movie that is already being filmed apparently.
Tobias has also stated that one of the songs on Prequelle are about two lovers saying goodbye to each other for the last time or something like that. I don't remember which song he was talking about ( I think it was Life Eternal??) but the song he was talking about will play in the background while both of them are dying. I know, very evil. But that would be the perfect introduction to a darker era/album.
I really don't think that Copia is this shy and nervous character. Or at least it's just a facade. Remember the video where we got a first look at him? The video was released on instagram and Copia literally said that he will crush the third with his own feet and months later he holds Papa 3's head in a fotoshoot. So he's definitely not a very niceguy™
TL;DR: I don't trust Copia. At all.
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kaitofluff · 6 years
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It was my first Fotoshooting. Me as Marco Bodt from Attack on Titan.
The picture and the edit was from Yuu-chan from YouTube, and me
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peakatseven · 7 years
Today I've been pointed out that in the picture with Taylor in front of a fire, if you look closely to the Polaroid she's holding in her hand, you see her and Toe kissing and I thought Karlie was not real when I saw that :( I m so bummed
first of, lets remember everything from those magazines was staged and well thought out for album publicity. it’s how the album is presented, it has more to do with the album’s aesthetic than taylor’s actual personal life. with her, there’s a fine line between personal life and professional carreer. the 1989 polaroids are a great example. they looked as if they were personal photos, a simple photoshoot any of us could have with a friend. but they were obviously staged to give off that vibe, it’s not like taylor was actually hanging out at a random boat. the same is to say here. she wasnt just randombly burning pictures and a chair, it’s supposed to fit into Reputation’s aesthetic and story arc. that polaroid is probably one of the outtakes of the whole photoshoot.
the picture she’s holding is so low quality (cause its a polaroid) that i cant really tell what it is. it may be one we havent seen of two people kissing or it may be this one . but there’s no way of telling who they are if it’s two people kissing. it could be joe and taylor, karlie and taylor, calvin and taylor, for we know it could very well be abigail and her husband and their polaroid was used for that fotoshoot. I’m from peru so i cant really buy the magazines, so scans is all i got but i think that polaroid is too LQ to be definitive on what it is. Dont take it as fact.
The one thing you should be 1000% sure of, is that kaylor is or was real. at some point in time karlie kloss and taylor swift felt romantically involved with the other. that, to me, is cristal clear. were they actually together? probably. are they still? i doubt it but everything is possible. is most of rep about karlie? posibly. is toe real? idk but maybe.
just my opinion. sorry for the long answer, or any gramar mistakes. my first language is spanish :))))))
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