#my food routine now is usually breakfast. snack around 2-3 or late lunch
butchtaurus · 4 months
literally have to hide all the food in the house cause this 50yr old man eats the same amount as 4 teenage boys and he doesn’t buy any groceries bcuz when he brings anything home he eats it all himself in 4 days
we had a barely open box of ramen noodles and it’s literally all gone within 3 weeks, i maybe had 1 or 2, when that would usually last us 6-8 months bcuz we don’t eat it often. you think he’s gonna buy another one? absolutely not
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cinefairy · 3 years
what does your typical day look like?
OOOO this question i like. it’s usually different everyday but this is what usually happens
i get up at 6am, do my skin routine make breakfast for me and my bf. listen to music and get ready for school and take a shower.
around this time its 6:45 im at the train station i pick up stuff from the shops like food and snacks for school
itd be 7:30 im at school and i start school earlier now due to exams/mocks coming up so i revise earlier i talk to my teachers earlier
school ends 2:35pm for me and then this is the actual fun part, i go back on the train and i usually go to covent garden or any shop around and usually buy skincare routine stuff, more food, CLOTHES!! especially chanel and other high brands with me and my friends hang out.
id be home around 3:30pm? its dark at this time so i hate staying out too late but yeah! 3pm i make myself lunch and try out new baking recipes!
id talk to angel and lex and just hang out, online shop. talk to my bf, our apartment has really cool restaurants underneath so i go there and meet different people and party!! ive been going to a lot of parties recently
i do my bedtime skin routine and sleep oww
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ikehorganics · 4 years
disclaimer: i am aware that binge eating is an eating disorder, but not a lot of people have access to professionals to help them, and this guide could help a number of people struggling with binge eating, it could be successful to some binge eaters but not all. i hope this assists you, and this all comes from a place of good faith not malicious intent. i am also aware that binge eating does NOT equate to bored eating or overeating.
skip the preface if you want to skip straight to the tips!
I have been in quarantine for nearly nine months, and I have struggled with multiple aspects of my everyday life that have had to be changed and adapted to the new rules of society. Since the beginning, I have always preached about staying in doors, social distancing, not going out to into open places without a mask etc because this is a direct reflection of the respect you have for yourself and the people around you. In this strong belief, I found myself struggling to juggle being a first year university student, my fitness, mental health, food and constantly being bored within my house.
Food was the hardest aspect, and with being surrounded by food 24/7, weight gain was inevitable. At first, I had not realised how I ate on a regular basis, I woke up at 6am, and would be at uni between 8am and 5pm from monday to thursday, where i would usually only eat one meal and a snack between that, whether it be left overs from dinner for lunch and an apple or piece of fruit for when i feel a bit peckish, and 2litres of water. My day consisted of four lectures ranging from 1 hour to two hours and walking around a lot because I hated sitting for a long time, and occasionally doing summaries or watching netflix between lectures. And when i got home, I had dinner and would go to bed. That was my routine and it was never truly surrounded by food constantly available at my every beck and call.
During quarantine, I was filled with procrastination and demotivation to attend lectures online or read my books. And all that extra time was filled with having an efficient workout routine and eating, but then that eating turned to eating quite frequently whether i was watching television, and mainly eating for the sakes of eating and in gross portion sizes because it was now available. Let's talk about how I broke out of that cycle of over eating and bored eating:
I needed some direction in my life, I forced myself to plan every hour of my day so I can do something productive for myself. I planned the times from when I would wake up at 8am, to the time it took to fix my bed, brush my teeth, workout, stretch, eat my meals, nap, spend time outside, spend time on social media and more. Not only did my eating habits straighten out, but I got more done with my day.
Setting eating times was the best thing I had ever done. Breakfast was always at 12 midday, lunch at 2 pm and dinner at 6pm, but these were my eating times, especially since i was intermittent fasting. These times helped me plan my day accordingly, between eating times I would usually fill my day with studying, and doing summaries, catching up with work I had missed. This helps especially if you have a restrictive diet or fast a lot! Restricting calories and fasting for extended periods of time only adds to the urge of falling into a binge cycle because your body feels the needs to refeed!
Listening to your body is so important. If you want to eat pizza for lunch, don't eat a salad, eat the pizza because it will be mor satiating than that salad or pasta that you might not want as much. Because that pizza might just pop into your mind late at night and you will have a little late night feast, this applies especially if you are counting calories. Having cravings are normal, and unless you are on a no bs diet that is extreme, you shouldn't deny yourself of something that you really want for something that won't leave your soul satiated.
I won't say much on this, but having water before, during and after your meal is so important. It aids in better digestion and adds to the feeling of being satiated when you are done eating, plus it's an easy way to get your water in. Replace that coca cola or soft drink with water, especially if you know you don't get enough glasses of water into your day.
A cup of warm water and a wedge of lemon juice squeezed into it is super refreshing, sip on it throughout the morning before breakfast, to aid in digestion. Lemon water is a thing that is constantly brought up, and shut down for being "ineffective" but it works for me, and I believe that it is a phenomena of the mind. If you believe lemon water can help, it will definitely help you because you have manifested its impact on your health. Lemon water and warm water is one of those things that 'curb' hunger, and if you are one of those people who sometime wake up hungry but can't bring yourself to eat so early because it could make you nauseous, then water lemon water in a glass is the drink for you.
Calories are a touchy subject, and they add up very quickly very surprisingly. A bowl of oatmeal will have a lot of volume, leave you satiated and keep you full longer than toast and nutella. No one is saying do not eat the nutella, but adapt it into a meal that will leave you full and satisfied for example, if you want something sweet, heave oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter or nutella inside of your oatmeal! Eat foods that will nourish you and give you enough energy to go about your day.
Portion sizes are all up to you as an individual and how satiated a portion size leaves you. Eat portion sizes that leave you satiated, but remember that being satiated does not equal to being so physically full that you feel uncomfortable as a result of eating too much. Being satiated is very difficult because sometimes you eat food that tastes amazing, and even though you are physically full, you feel like you could eat more and that becomes problematic because you've eaten past your bodies physical limit. Eating what you are craving ( number 3 ) comes into play with this aspect, as you have to be able to know when enough is enough. If you feel as if your portion sizes are huge and want to reduce them, then reduce it gradually whether it means you want to go from eating 4 slices of pizza to 2 slices of pizza, then begin with eating 3 and a half slices or eating one less scoop of pasta than you usually eat. If you have no idea how to stop eating past your physical limit, eat until you feel like you're just about to be physically full, do this for a week, and see how you will become satiated with the portions you are eating, gradually lessen the portion sizes overtime until you are happy with the amounts you are eating! This won't happen immediately, it is a gradual process.
A lot of the time, we do not realise how fast we eat and how we don't thoroughly chew our food. The food isn't running away, take your time to enjoy your meal and chew it instead of swallowing after a few times of grinding your teeth. Take in the flavour of your food and really enjoy it in the moment.
Nothing in life happens in a linear manner, everything is gradual and has its ups, its downs, its regressions and just general moments we are not proud of. If you find yourself in a binge cycle or overeating cycle for a day or a week, it does not meal all progress is lost. It means you are human, you are not engineered to be perfect constantly. Have a mantra for yourself that you repeat to comfort yourself: “it is okay, tomorrow will be better.” or “it was just one day, i can go back to normally eating tomorrow.” or “I shouldn’t be too hard on myself, it happens to everyone.”
Make your meals satisfying and as colourful as possible! Don’t just eat pasta or pizza, eat it with something healthy like a side salad or a side of fruits or a side of healthy carbs like roasted potatoes! Never just eat one thing especially if it doesn’t have any greens or vegetables!! It doesn’t have to even be a salad or anything fancy! It can be cut up tomatoes, or cucumbers or apples!
Your oven, grill or airfryer is your bestfriend. Fried food is delicious, but you feel insecure at times after eating something that was cooked in heaping amounts of oil. Remember an airfryer is just a small oven, and can do wonders too. If you want a burger and you have time, home made burgers are always amazing and tastier than their fast food counterparts! Make your burger at home so you can control what goes into it, or make your fries in the oven so you can have a much more healthy alternative for less calories, and have more of it! I’m not saying make your burger buns something like lettuce buns, but making your burger at home can significantly reduce the calories in comparison to ONE mcdonalds burger, and you can have two for less calories than once burger if you make it at home.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Hopefully these tips can assist you day to day, and you take them into consideration and even test it out! These tips worked for me, and I know they won’t work for everyone but some of them might be helpful to you!
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lets-get-better · 4 years
September here I come
I know, okay I know that binge eating is not solved by restriction, but I cannot gain any more weight. 
I’m thinking back to the times in my life when I remember having a more normal relationship with food. Half of high school was awful food-wise, but for most of college (except the summer) I really felt like I was cured. I approached food as something I needed to stay full during classes, and dining halls were only open during certain hours so I had three meals a day, of food already prepared for me. And, I walked around a lot—I was a lot more active throughout a normal day. I remember still comparing my body with other girls’ bodies, and comparing plates, but for the most part, I really just didn’t care. I ate to stay full, and I ate only what I wanted (dining hall food was mediocre on any given day, anyways). I was also around friends every day, and was studying and working almost constantly. And I ended college comfortable in my body, satisfied enough with my weight, and relatively stable mentally.
The only times I relapsed to bingeing were when I thought that I could try to drop my weight further (usually brought on by seeing other people who lost weight, or being around athletes, as was common at my college). 
So rather than focus on everything that I’ve read and watched about how to cure binge eating, I’m going to use my own experiences to tailor a plan for myself for September. For accountability, here are my main goals:
1. Have three solid, filling meals a day, with small snacks as needed. Essentially, replicate my college meal plan experience. 
Breakfast was usually around 8:15, and was a latte and bagel/cream cheese. The latte was sipped over the course of a couple of hours. (Looking back, I never even thought about the calories in the bagel/latte combo—I just ate it. God I miss when I wasn’t so fixated on food.)
Lunch would usually be about four hours later, around 12:30. I would try and grab a variety of stuff (ah, how I took the variety of prepared food for granted). Usually some greens/coleslaw, plus some tofu or chik’n nuggets and some other vegetable side. So I guess it ended up being protein and veggies, with a cookie or two for dessert.
Dinner would be similar to lunch, but more substantial, and usually around 5-6pm. More protein, more veggies, but also more carbs like bread and butter, rice, or sometimes pasta. Sometimes I’d add a side salad too. I’d usually still have some kind of dessert, either a slice of cake or cookie or a bowl of cereal. 
In between meals, I might have an apple that I took from the dining hall, or small snacks like goldfish or dry cereal. But for the most part, that was about it. Looking back, it looks like a lot of food, but a) I was more active then than I am now and b) I regularly eat way more than that in my binges, but I binge on snack food so it doesn’t seem like the same amount of food. That’s the most ridiculous part: I could be eating comparative or fewer calories now as I used to, but the food could be so much better, and yet my stupid animal brain wants to continually get high off of snacks upon snacks upon snacks.
2. Be more active. In college, I usually got up to at least 8000 to 9000 steps a day, and some days way exceeded that.
So now, I want to make more of an effort to go out and move. I would sometimes go to the gym in college (not possible now, thanks corona), but for the most part, it was just walking anyways.
I’d like to get into the habit of occasional morning walks. Evening walks are nice too, but there’s more people out and in NYC that makes me anxious. For now, I only go to work once a week, so there’s only one day a week where I consistently get to 8000-9000 steps. I can usually convince myself to leave my apartment on weekends, so I try and get extra steps then, but I’m still lagging far behind where I was. So, I need to find a way to get walking into my routine.
3. Stop bingeing. Stop bingeing for real.
I cannot live like this. Food cannot keep occupying my every thought. It’s taking up so much of my energy that it’s hard to find other things to enjoy and focus on. I cannot keep bingeing. It is not sustainable; it is bad for me physically, mentally, and emotionally. 
I read through The Fuck It Diet and Brain Over Binge recently. I think both ultimately boil down to getting rid of food restriction and eating adequately and allowing yourself to feel uncomfortable emotions. I plan to reread Brain Over Binge because I’m too concerned about the weight gain that The Fuck It Diet seems to promise (horrible, I know, but maybe one day I’ll get over it). Brain Over Binge resonated with me, too, and I think it will be better to focus on the steps that Hanson outlines. 
4. Find new ways to spend time that are not revolved around food, weight, dieting, etc.
College was busy to say the least. I’m trying to branch out and find new things to enjoy. It’s hard when bingeing leads to depressive episodes which suck the fun and the light out of everything, but I’m trying. 
Lately, I’ve been rewatching lots of my favorite TV shows, I’ve started writing fanfiction (somewhat embarrassing, but it’s enjoyable enough), I’ve gotten into commentary youtube channels, and I’m trying to read more. 
Some other things I can incorporate into my every day life: applying for jobs, studying for the GRE and LSAT, journaling, writing letters to friends, taking online courses, studying languages, listening to new music, blogging more regularly, drawing, keeping in contact more with friends and family, etc. The limit does not exist. 
So I guess that’s about everything. The thing is, I still desperately want to lose weight—I can’t keep spending money on insane amounts of food, I can’t keep buying clothes in bigger and bigger sizes, and I will continue to self-destruct in worse and worse ways if I keep bingeing and my body keeps spreading. 
BUT I know that weight loss cannot be one of my goals. I’ll hyperfixate on restricting too much, which will only backfire. I have a bluetooth scale, so maybe I’ll try syncing my weight with my phone daily, but I won’t check anything until the end of the month at the earliest. 
So essentially, my only goals will be to eat adequately, resist the urges to binge, move my body in satisfying ways, and find ways to make life happier. 
I wish myself luck, and good luck to everyone else out there on this path !
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ja9doeswhole30 · 5 years
Food Freedom: The Good
Hello friends.
I swear, I’ve been trying to write a post updating my progress the last few weeks and it just didn’t happen. The start of Passover kept me very busy, and I have a draft about the holiday’s dietary restrictions and the nature of Seder meals. I finished the Reintroduction phase right before Passover started, and I enjoy telling stories in linear fashion, so this seemed logical at the time, but now that it’s been a while it might be better to discuss things differently. 
So, this post will be about all the Whole30 victories that I’ve experienced/maintained in the last few weeks. Then I’ll post separately about the fails/things that need the most work. 
3 meals + 1 snack, at home. The biggest impact Whole30 has had on my diet is to emphasize large, filling, plant-based meals. I’ve always made it a point to cook lots of veggies and lean meats at home, but I was an avowed grazer. I’d have a small (usually processed-carb-based) breakfast, which meant I was ready for snack mid-morning, followed by a small lunch, and another (possibly two) snacks in the afternoon before dinner. 
Now, most days, I’ve gotten pretty good at planning out meals and (limited) snacks so that I eat in a structured fashion. Once I started trying it, I found that I can usually sit down for a nice breakfast around 8 AM, which is late enough that I haven’t eaten in at least 12 hours, but early enough that I’m not starving. Sometimes if I’m able I try to push it to 9 AM to extend the overnight fasting period, but that doesn’t always work. Either way, though, having a good, filling breakfast will keep me going until lunch around 12:30-1PM. I allow for a snack in the afternoon but try to push that ‘til at least 4 PM. Then we have dinner at about 6:30 and finish by 7:00. 
Less indiscriminate eating. Another big reason I started Whole30 in the first place was that I would constantly pick at my kids’ snacks, or other nonsense we happen to have around the house. Hence, always gave myself credit for being a healthy eater, but whatever good I was doing eating plant-based & whole foods for meals was offset by my random unscheduled snacks. With certain foods off-limits during the Whole30, I broke my habit of helping myself to a few Cheddar Bunnies or chips whenever I wanted. Food Freedom Forever discusses the concept of deviating from an eating plan if you really consider the treat worth it, and can properly savor the experience. I haven’t been perfect with this practice (more on that next post), but it’s a good guideline. I’m definitely in the mindset of closing the vault unless there’s a truly worthwhile deposit to be made. Yesterday, for instance, I was tired and considered ordering sushi for lunch, but decided that reheating things at home was perfectly feasible and I didn’t want sushi that badly so as to indulge. 
I broke up with Dunkin’ Donuts. While I don’t drink an enormous amount of coffee, I have at various phases of life been a regular at chain coffee establishments. Although raised in a Dunkin’ household, my most sustained love affair was with Starbucks, which provided daily fuel for my second summer of law school, studying for the bar exam, and my first job. The Starbucks around the corner from my Brooklyn apartment became a necessary destination when I was home with my first baby. Thereafter we moved to a house in the suburbs, with the nearest Starbucks and DD each a mile away, serving as motivation for a nice walk when the weather was right and nothing else was going on. Following the birth of baby #2, coffee became both critically necessary and harder to obtain out of the house. The DD in the next town over has a drive-thru, which I patronized occasionally but otherwise made coffee at home - always iced, with whole milk and a teaspoon of Sugar in the Raw. 
Gradually, though, my kids were spending more time in preschool, I went back to work part-time, and I also became aware that DD’s rewards program is much more generous than Starbucks’. For a long time it seemed like there was always a promotional deal, be it a $1.99 medium latte or double-points when you order on the app or whatever. Going back to this past fall, I’d gotten sucked pretty deeply into a downward spiral of vice. First came an increase in the number of visits per week (from one to three... or more). Then I got into the habit of adding ridiculously sugary flavored syrups to my order, which I justified by asking for only one pump of the stuff, as opposed to the three or four the usual recipe would call for. Finally, I would use an especially stressful or exhaustion-ridden day as an excuse to get a large instead of my usual medium. 
Coffee every day having become a necessity, I began keeping a supply of small-batch homemade cold brew for my non-DD days. Thankfully I’d perfected my cold-brewing method prior to Whole30, because I knew that during the 30 days I wouldn’t be able to go to Dunkin’. In theory I could have sussed out the brand of almond milk they offer, to assess compliance, and possibly keep the habit alive. But I knew, deep down, that it would be especially worthwhile to cut my outside-coffee habit off at the knees. 
It was hard. Having my homemade cold brew with almond-coconut milk (no sugar) became a nice part of my daily routine, but during the Whole30, when I was limiting so many foods, it hit particularly hard to drive past a Dunkin’ and know that I wouldn’t - couldn’t - go in. It was truly the biggest form of deprivation for me; I didn’t miss the “treat” itself so much as participation in the ritual. As with the rest of Whole30, though, it felt like a great achievement once I realigned my habits. 
Case in point: On April 15th (federal tax deadline here in the U.S.) DD had an offer for a $1 medium coffee, so I made an exception, purchasing a black iced coffee on the way to work and adding my almond-coconut milk once I got to the office. It was... not good? I guess I’d gotten used to the bold flavor of my cold brew, and the way I make it at home. And while I was excited to participate in the commercial-coffee rat race yet again, the unsatisfying result was the exception that proved the rule. It’s cheaper and healthier to make coffee at home, so that’s what I do now. (I even grind my own beans, which feels really rustic and industrious.)
Daily exercise. During Whole30, I think I exercised 27 days. Initially it was motivation to earn my extra post-workout meal, but even prior to that my daily elliptical session + strength workout had become a seemingly necessary part of my routine. Since Whole30 ended, I’ve been able to maintain the habit. Some days, I need to work to squeeze it in, setting up kids with breakfast before I race down to the basement to bang out a quick 20 minutes. Other mornings my kids play downstairs and I need to pause my workout to help them figure out a toy or set up another activity. In the past, their presence might have stopped me from even attempting the workout (”Why bother if I’m just going to get interrupted?”), but I find that if I just force myself to get started, I’m compelled follow through even on the most hectic of mornings. Other times, I’ve been able to skip the morning elliptical in favor of an outside walk later in the day, which has been a (literal) breath of fresh spring air. 
That’s it for now, I think! Stay tuned for the next entry which will detail all the stuff I’m still doing wrong. D:
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daddy day care
I have a 9 year old smart-ass, witty daughter and a joyous, very active 8 month old baby girl. I love them with my whole heart and then some, and I absolutely LOVE being a mom. But, I am physically TIRED! like, my everything hurts, LOL. I don't sleep much and I work full time, then I come home to my second job of being mommy full time. The mommy job is a lot more tiring than my professional job as a nurse. I get coffee breaks at work and I get to eat lunch. My Mommy job starts as soon as I walk in through that door. I need to breastfeed because my last pump was at 4 pm and I get home by 6 pm. I barely have enough time to take my shoes off before the baby leaps across the bed to me. Sometimes I still have my purse on and I am quickly moving it aside before everything spills out of it (it has happened). My 9 year old, Bella, is excited I am home and starts telling me about her day, her homework and how Brianna and Hailey aren't her friend anymore. So, I finish up my breastfeeding and the baby wants to crawl all over me, Oh and I have to keep a boob out in case she wants a snack real quick, so she's trying to crawl and leaps forward every 2 minutes.
I don't know how some moms do it, some moms have a lot of babies, some moms are single, some moms have kids who require extra attention, some moms have children with disabilities. I count my blessing every day, but yes sometimes I forget and I whine and I have to quickly remind myself how lucky I am that I have 2 healthy, thriving and beautiful girls. I am human though, and I do get tired even though I do have help from my hubby. He is genuinely amazing. This is definitely a team effort and I am glad we both take parenting and our girls very seriously. We get a lot of comments from people who don't know. well, I get a lot of comments. People ask why do I work and he stays home ? They don't even realize I have the easy job. I love to work and I don't know if I would do as good of a job as he does with the kids. WE decided as a family that I would return to work and HE would stay home. I never have wanted to pay for child care, its over priced and I don't feel comfortable leaving my kids with a stranger. IF I am able to choose, and I know many can't, then I will choose for the girls to stay home with US! and so far i do NOT regret our decision. Our first daughter, she is 9 now, is so smart and witty, she is a daddy's girl. She defends him when I jokingly make fun of his dad bod, they have a really close bond and I love seeing that. Our newest addition is 8 months old and she cries when daddy leaves the room. she LOVES me but she REALLY LOVES daddy. See, he's fucking awesome.
A typical day in the life of Daddy Day Care involves a lot of stuff, he doesn't sit around and watch TV all day, he wishes! He's up by 6 am and prepares breakfast, I'm not talking about cereal either, I'm talking about a substantial breakfast that is eggs...pancakes/waffles, bacon, toast, OJ and coffee. sometimes he makes breakfast potatoes too. Then, he helps me pack up the baby and get Bella ready. He prepares Lunch for Bella and for myself, if we have leftovers from dinner he will usually pack me that along with my fruits and snacks since he knows I am trying to lose this baby weight, he makes sure I get my vegetables. by the time our morning routine is finalizing we head out for the drop offs. We drop off our little one at school, on the way we swing by and will pick up our niece and nephew if needed, then we make our way and he drops me off at work. Once he  gets home he does the kitchen, laundry, folds the laundry, runs errands as needed, 3-4 baby walk and park trips, does the grocery shopping, meal plans and preps dinners. Dinner is no joke in our house either, he loves to cook. So we are lucky to have a home cooked meal most nights, he has his days too. He whips up stuffed bell peppers, home made fries or mashed potatoes, pork shops, chicken, fish, salmon ... he tries to keep it healthy but he's a lover of Bacon and he finds way to incorporate it in. You guuyyys.... he even purees baby food!!! He knows I don't like the jarred baby foods, so he blends it up for her, fresh fruits and veggies! Once he does all the school and work pick ups, homework with Bells, we have dinner and after we relax for a bit before it's bath time saga! Once I get home though I try to take over as much as possible, some days I go to bed late as I try to give him a break, the baby is tiring, she's wiggles, she wants to crawl! Oh, and when he's in daddy mode he looks so attractive to me, with his back pack diaper bag and his baby carrier hanging off his waist.
Seriously, this job isn't for all men... or women at that , this job is hard and it sucks. He is so good at it. If I was a stay at home mom I don't think I could do all of this. I am home on the weekends and sometimes on Sundays I'm wondering how soon Monday can get here. I take over on the weekends to give him a break, but he still lets me sleep in on the weekends and I get breakfast in bed because he says I work hard to keep a roof over our head. But like, yea I do work hard and so does he. it's a team work. I can go to work comfortably knowing my girls are taken care of and they're happy. I have the peace of mind and can focus on my job. He doesn't (always) complain, he loves it and if he's good at it... I am not rocking that boat.
Some people just don't understand that times have changed, it's different and women and men roles are changing. That's OK though, it's our life and it works for us. We are happy, we laugh a lot, we don't sleep much but it's temporary and we still make time for intimacy when the girls are finally asleep. I am not saying we are perfect, we are far from it. we are still trying to figure out who we are, still dreaming about our future plans and setting goals, we do fight and we do get annoyed with each other, some days I want to not be bothered and some days he's done at 6 pm when I walk in through the door, gives me the kids and checks out. It happens.
I guess what I am trying to tell myself here is STOP whining and complaining about how tired you are, everyone pulls their weight in my family and I feel so happy and blessed.
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nuka-rockit · 6 years
so im fat and that was mostly due to poor diet as a kid that has just haunted me into my early adulthood but now ill usually have 1 meal a day its pretty 50/50 if its a healthy meal or not and their normal sized meals but my mom says having 2 meals a day is overeating. I usually ignored her but today i didnt eat anything at all then had a katsu bowl at around late afternoon then 5 hours later decided to make dinner and then my mom told me that thats overeating and now im worried is she right?
okay, so, I need to preceed this by saying that I’m not a professional in anything. Not a dietitian, not a doctor, no formal qualifications at all so do keep that in mind
that said…your mom is…really wrong. 1 meal a day is NOT the norm. 2 meals a day is DEFINITELY NOT overeating. I have no idea where she got that idea but that sounds like she herself may have a dysfunctional relationship with food.
When I saw a dietitian as part of my ED recovery process, she told me that the general advised frequency of meal is 3-5 (3 larger, 5 if they’re small. could also be 3 regular meals + 2 snacks). This is of course highly dependent on your own routine/what youre comfortable with & what you need. For example, my mom usually doesn’t breakfast because she’s not hungry in the mornings, but she eats normally around lunch and dinner and has a snack every now and then, so she’s doing fine. Meanwhile I try to eat breakfast every day because if I don’t I can’t focus in the morning and space out all the time.
What is and isn’t overeating is HIGHLY INDIVIDUAL. 
everyone has different needs when it comes to food. not everyone is hungry at the same time or to the same extent. it’s really not advisable to try and force a rule like that on anyone, and it’s irresponsible of your mom to put that kind of pressure on you. and 1 meal per day is DEFINITELY too little.
You need to find what is comfortable for you. That you ate because you were hungry is perfectly normal and even healthy. after all your body told you it needed fuel, thats what hunger cues are for. 
Don’t let anyone tell you how to eat, you need to figure that out for yourself. if someone tries, tell them to get lost. that’s my advice.
I hope this helps!
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myrainydayloves · 6 years
All of the sleepy asks with Sho! ❤️
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Alright! Here we go!
1. Who falls asleep first?
….If Annaka is ever awake, she falls asleep first. God, she really does have sleepy bitch disease.
2. What’s your partner’s nightly routine (from skincare to listening to you talk, etc)?
She showers, washes her face, brushes her teeth, cuddles me, and passes out.
3. Who snores louder?
4. Who is easier to wake?
Also me. Unless you’re banging pots and pans next to her head, she will just continue to sleep.
5. What’s your go to way of waking them up in the morning?
Kiss attack. Smooches allllll over.
6. What’s their go to way to wake you?
Gentle whispering. She brushes my hair and whispers, “Hey Baby, it’s time to wake up, honey.”
7. Who’s more likely to get cold in the middle of the night?
Me! Especially if I roll away from Annaka in my sleep. She’s like a little furnace. 
9. Their favorite midnight snack (if they have one)?
Hmmmm depends. Usually my go-to for her is getting her a slice of strawberry shortcake and a cup of rose bud and chocolate tea.
10. Would they rather be held all night or hold you?
Annaka has to hold me. She doesn’t get a choice. I must be held.
11. Who moves more in the middle of the night?
Annaka, as soon as she falls asleep it’s like she’s a worm. It’s really weird? In order to fall asleep she needs to like, bounce herself? Like she’s twerking to fall asleep. 
12. Are they an early riser or late sleeper?
She’s never fuckin’ awake my guy. She’s asleep right now.
13. When they first wake up are they grumpy or cheerful?
Depends on whether or not she has class.
14. Do they drink coffee, tea, or O.J (if coffee or tea what do they take it with)?
Water or maybe a soda. It’s too hot for tea around here.
15. What’s their favorite breakfast food (sweet or savory)?
None, she hates most breakfast food. But if forced, she loves this weird egg in a hole like sandwich. It’s so rich I could only manage a few bite of it. It’s got really thick bacon, fancy sharp white cheddar, and really thick bread.
16. Who’s more likely to make breakfast in bed for who?
Annaka is most likely to bring me breakfast. She makes it soooo cute. Boiled eggs shaped like heart, rabbit apples, berry parfaits, and warm green tea. Ahhh she treats me so well.
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17. How long does it take for them to be fully awake?
Cannot stress enough, this bitch is NEVER awake.
18. Who has a longer morning routine?
Me! I want to look hot as sin for training so when she comes in to take me to lunch I look soooo good for her.
19. What do their Pj’s look like?
Just panties
20. Who’s more likely to sleep with a plushie, and what kind?
Me! Annaka is my plushie! She’s like a life size Altaria! Or maybe a Snorlax? Snorlax is her favorite pokemon after all. 
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A routine is key!
1. Start by fixing yourself up with a bit of good old sleep. You need 7-8 hours of sleep each day to function properly mentally and physically. Start with waking up at 8AM, then 7:30AM and finally if you can 6:30AM. You can do so much in the morning from reading to working out to studying: the list is endless! When its nighttime and you struggle to sleep, wean yourself until your body is too exhausted and forces itself to want to sleep earlier. (trust me it works) Try to get to bed around 9/10pm and this way when you become used to your sleeping pattern then you feel energised and ready to battle the day ahead of you. 
2. Now we’ve come to the agenda of breakfast. You can choose to either skip or take it to be honest. I prefer to have black coffee as my breakfast as it helps to wake up my metabolism after sleeping. I feel that when you consume breakfast it disturbs your ‘fasting metabolism’ by eating early. I usually wait until 12-1pm to have my first meal. Intermittent fasting has been proven to be more beneficial for weight loss and prevent the risk of developing metabolism diseases such as cancer later on. If breakfast is a must then I would recommend eggs and avocado. They are a great source of protein and fat, is filling and you would be surprised by how energised you feel. 
3. WATER WATER WATER PEOPLE! It is an absolute must! I used to hate the plainness of it and now I’m chugging it like its holy water XD 2L is a must per day and if you can - go for 2.5L. Water helps to speed up your metabolism during digestion, clears skin and purifies you both mentally and physically. Break down your consumption during the day to make it easier for those who struggle to drink water. 
4. Food time! Now as I mentioned in point 2, intermittent fasting is great! I would recommend lunch, snack and dinner. Timing is crucial and an important factor for weight loss and general health. I don’t eat after 6/7PM as I feel queasy and sluggish in the morning if I eat late so this is the time I recommend. The diet I follow is quite varied: I don’t eat dairy (intolerance problems), I hate sugar (the more you remove it from your life, the more you start to hate it), I’m a snacker (big meals don’t cut it for me) I balance out my protein and fats, I’m not much of a carby unless its things like healthy biscuits or fiber based. I love vegetables and fruit and try to get as much of it as I can. 
5. Exercise is vital! Might I recommend a few great cardio workouts; dancing (1hr-1hr30min), walking (10,000 steps+), jogging. Strength: circuit training. If yall want what I do, hit me up :) I workout in the mornings as I feel more energised afterwards to start my day. 
6. Happiness. If you don’t feel happy with the prospects of losing weight or you aren’t mentally then do not push yourself so much. Baby steps are important for wanting to go on a journey like this. Don’t ever let anyone discourage you and never let anyone tell you that you can never do something. You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. Love yourself enough to want to be better. 
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
Intermittent fasting was one of the biggest diet trends of 2017 — here's what you should know if you're planning to try it in the New Year
Intermittent fasting was one of the most talked about diet trends of 2017.
Business Insider spoke to Max Lowery, the man behind the 2 Meal Day, to find out how you should prepare — and what to expect — if you're planning to try it in the new year.
You can expect initial headaches and hunger pangs, but the good news is you don't have to give up alcohol or count calories.
Intermittent fasting was one of the most talked about diet trends in 2017.
There's the 5:2, where you eat what you want for five days of the week but restrict your calorie intake to just 500 a day on two days. There's also the 16:8, which sees you eat within an eight-hour period, then fast for the remaining 16. Now, there's The 2 Meal Day — as the name suggests, it requires eating just two meals in a day, either breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner.
As Business Insider's Lifestyle Reporter, I've decided to give The 2 Meal Day a go in the new year, following what's sure to be an indulgent holiday — but first, I wanted to find out everything I need to know before I give it a try.
I met up with 27-year-old Max Lowery, the former stock broker and personal trainer who published a book on the 2 Meal Day in June 2017.
Before he went through what I should expect, he asked me a series of questions on my eating and exercising habits: How many meals do I usually eat in a day? Do I snack? Do I drink alcohol? Do I take my own lunch in? Do I eat until I'm full? Do I calorie count? I quickly realised my eating habits are both sporadic and unpredictable.
"The number one misconception people have about intermittent fasting is that it's a magic pill that will solve all your problems," Lowery said. "Fasting is an incredibly powerful tool, but you have to change the way you eat first for two reasons.
Firstly, he said: "It will be a lot harder if you're not eating nutrient-dense foods because it's only when you start eating proper food full of nutrition that you will start to feel less hungry because you're nourishing yourself properly, so fasting will be a lot easier.
"And 2. If you're eating processed foods and carbs full of sugar it can have a negative effect on losing weight, even if you're fasting."
Here's how to prepare for — and what to expect from — the 2 Meal Day, according to Lowery, though many of these tips could be applied to other intermittent fasting regimes.
As you prepare, stick to three home-cooked meals a day
I'm really enjoying eating more vegetarian recipes at the moment. I made the Tempeh Butternut Squash Bake from my vegetarian meal plans 🤤. I ate two helpings of course 🙌🏻
A post shared by Max Lowery (@max.lowery) on Nov 23, 2017 at 4:00am PST on Nov 23, 2017 at 4:00am PST
In the lead-up to starting the diet, Lowery said it's important to get into the habit of eating three home-cooked meals a day, with no snacking in between. It will stand you in good stead for what's to come.
Clear out your cupboards...
Perhaps an obvious one, but to avoid temptation clear out all junk in your cupboards so that you only have fresh ingredients to make meals from scratch.
...And stock up on good ingredients
I made this baked bacon and egg stuffed sweet potato and I ate two helpings in under 5 minutes 😳 🤤. • Is anyone else craving sweet potato at the moment🙋‍♂️?
A post shared by Max Lowery (@max.lowery) on Nov 30, 2017 at 12:15pm PST on Nov 30, 2017 at 12:15pm PST
Go shopping and make sure you have certain long-term things in your cupboards that will make things easier to cook homemade meals. "Things like tuna, tinned tomatoes, chilli, olive oil, and spices should all be in your cupboards," Lowery said.
Next, pick a meal to skip, and stick to it
"Decide which meal you're going to skip and stick to it, at least at first," Lowery said. "This can be changed later down the line to fit in with your lifestyle but to help you at the beginning it's better to get into a routine."
For those on the 16:8, this could be working out what time you'll stop eating and sticking to that.
Lowery said that for most people it's easier to skip breakfast, so if you decide on that then you should have lunch when you would normally have it. Then, as your body gets used to it all, you might start to feel less hungry and eat later at 1, 2 or 3 o'clock.
Plan, plan, plan
Just because I don't eat breakfast doesn't mean I don't eat breakfasty things 😊 This bacon and feta omelette was delicious! • Don't forget I will be going live at 7pm this evening (GMT) to answer your questions.
A post shared by Max Lowery (@max.lowery) on Nov 7, 2017 at 4:02am PST on Nov 7, 2017 at 4:02am PST
Organisation is key to this diet so that you don't end up eating rubbish when you break your fast, so meal prep is key.
"You're either someone who does it all on a Sunday and spends about two to three hours cooking, or you overcook in the evenings." Lowery said. He usually cooks the night before but does sometimes freeze a batch on Sundays.
Be strategic with caffeine use
Lowery only really ever uses caffeine when he trains and says it's important to not be dependent on it for energy.
"I believe caffeine should be a performance enhancer, not something you use to get to a normal functioning level," he said. "There's nothing wrong with drinking a black coffee or green tea during your fasting period, as long as its for the right reasons."
But don't have it first thing in the morning, he warns, you should save it until you really need it. "Caffeine can be used as an appetite suppressant, so it makes sense to go as long as you can without it when you really think you're about to break, have a tea or coffee and you'll manage to fast for longer."
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
You need to be drinking at least two litres a day, especially when you're fasting, because you're not getting water from food, Lowery said, adding that he drinks up to four of five litres a day.
He said that at the beginning lots of people get headaches from dehydration, but there's a method for dealing with this. "If you've drunk more water and it's not working, put a teaspoon of salt into a pint of water for electrolytes which will increase the absorption rate."
You can drink — but limit your alcohol
The good news about this diet is that you don't have to cut out alcohol. In fact, Lowery warns his clients against trying to cut out alcohol as well as introducing fasting to their diets.
"If you want to get the most out of The 2 Meal Day you obviously need to limit your alcohol intake," he said — and he advised me to just have it once or twice a week. "But from a lifestyle perspective it's really important to change your habits around drinking rather than just cutting it out for a month."
Lowery says that he completely transformed his drinking habits that he says were the "worst imagineable from [age] 16 to 23."
Have three meatless days a week
N e w  B l o g  P o s t - - How Much Meat Should You Be Eating? • When it comes to meat consumption quality, not quantity is what's important - reduce your intake and use the money you save to support local producers who treat the animals fairly. • About two years ago I reduced my meat consumption by about a third - find out why! • Follow the link in my bio👆 #2mealday #eatlessmeat
A post shared by Max Lowery (@max.lowery) on Oct 23, 2017 at 1:00pm PDT on Oct 23, 2017 at 1:00pm PDT
Lowery advised to try and have at least three meatless days a week and by buying less, try to spend slightly more on  quality meat when you do have it.
The same goes for fish
"If you can, go for wild salmon rather than farmed and just have it once or twice a week," Lowery said. "In this country there are different levels of pollution in fish, and generally mackerel is one of the best kinds."
Time your carbs around exercise
I still haven't got over my gnocchi addiction! I made this lemon and chive pesto to go with it 🤤. • Christmas only happens once per year, don't waste your time feeling guilty about overindulging. • I will be overindulging in a big way, but I will continue to fast, train and eat real food when I'm not😊.
A post shared by Max Lowery (@max.lowery) on Dec 13, 2017 at 12:01pm PST on Dec 13, 2017 at 12:01pm PST
Your rest days should be low-carb and you should time your carb intake around your training. White bread and pasta should mostly be swapped for sweet potatoes, quinoa, and brown rice — though Lowery said he eats loads of gnocchi, but just adds loads of vegetables, like this dish above.
Don't focus on time periods
Lowery encourages his clients on the 2 Meal Day to only to focus on the meals they're eating and not the timings of their eating period/fasted state. "No matter how disciplined you are, if you get obsessed with time periods that's never going to be a way of life," he said.
"I will often eat late at like 8 or 9 o'clock, or if I get back from Olympic lifting in the evenings, I sometimes don't eat until 10 p.m. Eating late wont affect your weight loss but it will affect your sleep cycles."
Expect a transition period
As your body gets used to the new eating habits, it will go through a transition period where it goes from being sugar dependent to burning stored body fat.
"For some people it can be quite difficult for up to a week, and other people are used to it within two days," he said. "It's often a mindset thing, whether you have the confidence to believe that this is a normal thing you're doing.
"Headaches, lethargy, feeling hungry, stomach grumbling, and pain are all normal side effects to experience during this time. The pain is just your body releasing digestive enzymes because it's expecting food. That usually goes away after about two or three days."
He added: "Just because your stomach is empty, it doesn't mean you're hungry — and it's having the confidence to know this."
Despite how you might feel, know you're not starving yourself.
"Another misconception is that fasting is a means of starvation. It's not. It's nothing to do with calorie restriction. Four to six hours after eating you enter the fasted state and your insulin and blood sugar levels begin to stabilise, it's a normal state to be in, but people are just afraid of it."
Hear Lowery's tips on fasting over Christmas in the video below:
SEE ALSO: A personal trainer explains why you should always do your weight training before your cardio at the gym
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NOW WATCH: We talked to Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman about tax reform, Trump, and bitcoin
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opepin · 7 years
nov: week two
13: 5/6 pto day~ it was pretty gloomy outside so i felt a bit gloomy on the inside. kevin went to work and i woke up before he left. i ate another cinnamon raisin english muffin for bfast and then i hopped on my computer to update my tumblr. until i get my new gratitude journal, i am going to continue writing about my day, but i might change it up so that it’s bullet points again. we’ll see. i was pretty productive today. i finally decided on a gratitude journal to try it out and ordered it on amazon. then i chilled and watched some youtube videos and caught up on anime while eating lunch. after lunch, i digested a bit and then hit the gym. i thought i was going to spend it all in the yoga studio but i ended up needing to go to the fitness center so after glute activation exercises, i went across and did sumo squats and deadlifts. my legs felt so weak today. it could have been my form as well because my mind was scattered from going back and forth to the fitness center and yoga studio @_@; i managed to get through all the weighted exercises and then went back to the studio to do a burn out and hip dip exercises. i might have scared off someone in the studio, but i was in the zone so... ahha...
i came back, cooled off and stretched, and then showered and made myself a smoothie. i started prepping dinner and then kevin told me he left the office late so i just made dinner tonight. i made our spicy kale coconut fried rice and it came out pretty good (: i’m so happy with the outcome haha. kevin was also real happy to come home to a hot meal. it was nice. before cooking, i spent some time looking for my chocolate molds. they disappeared somewhere. i don’t know where they are :( i looked in all the small places as well as the storage room and no dice. kevin even looked with me after we ate :( sigh. i’m sad but i hope it will turn up somewhere. we asked the front to check our old apartment to see if we forgot it. i mean, it is transparent right? kevin went for a run after helping me look and i just continued looking until it was time to sleep. i was really bummed so i slept early. lol. 
14: i got up at 7:45 am and then did my 30 minutes of stretching. it was nice and quiet in the morning and i felt like doing something but not cardio or anything of the sort. then i changed and made my smoothie for breakfast, said goodbye to kevin, and left for work. only john and haowei were in the office today. cole was waiting for a furniture delivery so he wasn’t in. mmm the moment i got on the train, i felt really sleepy. when i got into the office, i felt pretty kjsfnbkjsdf. i don’t know if it’s the heating, lack of people, etc. but i wanted to go home asap. there wasn’t much for me to do in the morning so i did some testing. then at around 11:50 pm, i ate my lunch and then packed up and headed to a chinatown market to get a carrot for our slaw tonight. i waited 10+ minutes to buy one carrot for 46 cents because the people in front of me chose to buy soy sauce that wasn’t entered into the system yet -____<” i mean it’s not their fault but the two other lines started moving faster after i was boxed into this line...
i got out and then rushed over to south station to get on my train. i waited 7 minutes for my train because it probably had left before i got to the station :( luckily, i got back at 1 pm and phil didn’t ping me about our meeting until i asked him if he was ready at 1:06 pm. we talked about next steps and upcoming sessions and then he went into a meeting and i continued to work while watching an episode of ‘jane the virgin.’ i got my blender bottle in the mail today! i washed the dishes as soon as i could so i could use it after my workout today. i also got kevin a ‘pre xmas’ gift! i saw that there was a christmas caroling and hot chocolate boat cruise so i got tickets for us because last year, he went on a team outing instead of the jazz cruise i booked for us (i took hillary instead because it made sense and we had funn!). so i thought it would be nice if he actually went this time~ hehe. kevin went climbing so after work, i cut up the carrot and cabbage and let it wilt with salt for about an hour while working out. i felt like doing a few cardio hip hop routines, standing abs, abs on a mat, and then ending everything with hip dip / bodyweight butt exercises. it was a good and fun workout. i finished seasoning the slaw after my workout and used my blender bottle to mix my protein with cashew milk. lol, the lid wasn’t locked in properly so i spilled a bit of my expensive af protein on the rice cooker and counter T___T on the bright side, everything was blended perfectly! tomorrow, i’ll try putting in some honey to see if it will mix well or not.
as i finished up with the slaw, kevin came back. we showered and then toasted burger buns, heated up the leftover pulled chicken, and ate small burgers for dinner. we were still hungry and i got an idea to make “curry buns.” i flattened out one burger bun, put leftover curry inside, sandwiched the curry inside and sealed the bread by pinching the outsides, and then pan fried it in butter. well, i did the stuffing and kevin did the pan frying. if we heated up the curry before pan frying it, i think it would have tasted better but it was fun cooking on the spot with kevin :3 <3 we split one and then i had a bite of kevin’s guava strudel while we watched the latest foodwishes video. we want to make his new soup video as well as his hasselback turkey breast video when we come back from thanksgiving. we cleaned up a little and then beat battleblock theater! omg the last few levels are so hard lmao. the ending was trololol but i think there will be a sequel. it was challenging and fun playing with kevin. :) we half-planned what to get our families for christmas (gift baskets for each of us visiting our families from harry and david). 
then he gamed and i got ready for bed. this night, i was on my phone later than usual because i was chatting with daniel about working out with him when i get back, michelle about daylight savings dahkness, and chewy about us missing each other and i want to see her and i want to visit her so badly but ticket prices are so expensive from coast to coast T__T and then i did the thing where i stayed up on my phone doing nothing productive. if i got a new phone, i think i would spend more time on it, which is bad. lol. my oneplus one is my longest tech relationship with a screen (lol): 3 years and still going strong (well, my phone’s body is chipping).
15: i’ve been working out when i actually feel like it so i didn’t work out this morning and slept in :) i’m getting back to 7 hours of sleep now (more than once or twice a week)! kevin headed out for work and then i made my breakfast smoothie and started work. i’ve been craving warmer foods because it is colder now but my protein won’t taste as good if i put it in oatmeal or something. hmm, maybe i could just blend milk and protein and then eat an english muffin with pb and bananas on it. it’s a bigger breakfast but if it’s hot, i don’t think i would mind at all :) work has been chill this week because it is nearing thanksgiving and things are winding down for now. this day is a bit of a blur for me. i’m not sure what i did. i stayed at my computer for the most part until kevin got back home. i did talk to phil for a bit and then signed off and hurried to get the chicken thighs into the slow cooker. i didn’t realize it would take 4 hours for the slow cooker recipe. so i chopped up onions and garlic, put in the sauces and spices, and turned on the slow cooker. kevin got back early-ish but it he was in a heated argument with jon about sentencing. -___- this debate went on even after i went to sleep...
i snacked on edamame while kevin angrily typed away at his keyboard and waited for him to go to the gym with me. i knew it would take him more time to stop so i just left and did arms and back. i lifted mostly with 8s and 10s and took it slower this session. my arms are pretty flimsy and i still think my form is a bit off. i’m gonna check with daniel when i come back to chicago. after my workout, kevin was still debating. so i forced him to stop and go run and then i showered and added cornstarch to the thighs before it was done cooking 30 minutes later. i was pretty hungry by the time we ate. while kevin showered and cooked celery, i watched the beginning of season 5 of ‘mind of chef’ featuring ludo. lol kevin could see how excited i was and i kept gushing. i have 2-3 favorite chefs: david chang, ludo lefebvre, and christina tosi. i go nuts when i watch documentaries about them. lol. i now want to go to LA just to try all of ludo’s restaurants. instead of opening a big fancy restaurant, he went for a bit grungier strip malls in LA, which is fascinating. lol ok i’ll stop fangirling. we managed to get in a few games of helldivers before i rq’d and went to sleep because kevin would not stop debating with jon. i slept pretty late at 1 am (my phone dammit). i wrote in my gratitude journal that i just got as well. i want to think more positively. i think after this week, i’m going to stop updating my tumblr for a bit and just write in my gratitude journal.
16: i got up to go to work but after eating breakfast and changing my outfit twice, i really didn’t feel like going. so i changed back into my sleep clothes and worked from home. when it rains and looks gloomy and i’m not sure if my team is in the office, it makes me want to stay home. kevin got out of bed a bit later than usual so he went to work straight away. then i did a bit of work and phil pinged me with a new thing to do so i hopped on that. i worked on that until lunch time. then i ate lunch while watching youtube videos and downloading videos and movies to watch on my flight tuesday morning to chicagooo. after lunch, i anxiously waited for the eggie season ii drop. when it happened, i got a password screen and then all the items slowly came loading in. tbh, i wasn’t impressed :( mindy and i looked at the same time and she said she kind wanted the blur tee and i kind of wanted the oo dang long sleeve but $7 shipping is not worth for two shirts that are a bit pricey. we decided to wait for the next drop and bundle the shirts later. yeah, i had really high expectations. the season is inspired by the 2000s fashion, which i’m not a huge fan of, so maybe that’s why?
after that anti-climatic moment, daniel talked me into trying to bypass the $20 guest pass fee for his gym by live chatting someone for a free pass on his gym’s website. what he didn’t tell me is that they would call me and ask more and try to sell me their membership... man, i can’t lie. i feel so bad about it. :( i’m not gonna pick up sigh. i feel guilty for lying. anyway, i hopped on stand up and finished with the assignment phil gave me. the stand up took longer than i expected but after, i took a break to do some internet errands and stretches while watching more mind of the chef ft. ludo <3 after work, i made rice and chicken thighs for dinner. kevin came home and he made some chinese broccoli. hm i think today, i was feeling pretty moody. i watched some anime probably and some youtube videos while walking around the apartment. kevin went ahead and gamed with the guys. i think it was a pretty typical evening for us. we watched more ludo <3 while eating dinner and i continued watching after. hehe. i love this season.
17: today, i had a stressful day because of work. i didn’t work out in the morning but i ate my breakfast and then asked phil some questions and at the end of the conversation, i felt overwhelmed with the amount of videos i had to remake because of our monthly releases... so right after our talk, i hit the yoga studio. i started out with kickboxing with weights and then into hiit and a bit of legs. i ended up working out for over an hour. then i went back, drank a protein smoothie, showered, and ate lunch. i tried starting on my massive pile of work by figuring out how to streamline this process so that this won’t happen again. i like doing video tutorials but not when i am told i have to redo all the ones i’ve done because of small navigational changes... so i googled, researched, thought, brainstormed, etc about ways i can make this process easier for me and maybe for someone else in the future. i did this for a while alone until i decided to ask winston, kevin, and vivian for their ideas. winston actually video chatted with me for a while and it was nice catching up with him even though no solid solution came up. vivian gave me her best answer, which was plausible but not in the long run. kevin came back home and gave me two interesting ideas, but in the end, i had it in my mind that i had to remake all of them. oh well. it was the end of a week, so i set my mind to rest.
kevin brought me back sliders from his friday happy hour and we ate that while playing pokemon ultra sun and moon! i could have not worked a bit more and started playing but i wanted to start with kevin. we played a bit and then kevin went out for a run and then for dinner, reheated some broth to make korean rice cake soup. we watched ‘mind of a chef’ until i realized, that ludo’s season was only half of the season’s episodes... i forgot that this is how it was laid out after david chang in season 1. so we started watching the ‘best of’ episodes while eating. we ate the rest of our pomelo for dessert. we gamed for the rest of the night happily. we obviously, stayed up and gamed lol.
18: oh yes, we woke up late and we played pokemon in bed until we got hungry. then we decided to be responsible and went to do a quick grocery run. we just got edamame and bananas from bj’s because that’s what i eat on a daily basis lol. we got some ingredients to make caldo verde with the leftover kale in our fridge as well. kevin got me a slice of chocolate cake and some dark chocolate because i’ve been craving it like crazy. i know it’s going to be my time of month when i have a craving for rich dense chocolate cake lol. we also picked up chocolate covered wavy lays chips -- it’s a no. i ate it all but i would not buy again. lol. i would suggest getting ferrero roche instead. well, we got back and kevin felt like going climbing. i think we put everything away and then played more pokemon for a bit and then kevin went out. i tidied up a bit and got myself in the mood for working out. i wasn’t sure what i was going to do but i went to the yoga studio anyway. there was a girl facetiming someone in there... i felt awkward but i just did my thang in the corner while she did that. i don’t think she meant to go into the yoga studio for just that purpose because i heard her saying that he was interrupting her workout session. she left like 10 minutes after i started working out lmao.
i did full body strength today because i won’t have access to weights for most of next week. it was a good workout! i got back, made myself a smoothie, cut the potatoes and onion, and then washed some dishes. kevin got back, we showered, and he got to cooking caldo verde. i was pretty munchy at this point so i kept picking off the sausages lol. the soup turned out delicious! i think we ended up playing pokemon for the rest of the night. well, at least i did. i think kevin stopped and played hots before going to sleep. zzz.
19: today will be the last post before my gratitude journal break. we were bums again :P we played pokemon in the morning and then i was getting cramps and feeling out of it. i think we kept gaming for a while... ryan asked us if we wanted to game with him and terence and we ended up playing gauntlet together. after that, i started cleaning to be productive. at some point, i think kevin went for a run and then i worked out as well. we showered and then kevin made us fried rice with leftovers for dinner. after dinner, we digested a bit and then... hmm, maybe we ate then digested and then worked out, showered, and then cleaned the kitchen. lol. i am updating this on the 21st (when i stayed up to catch my flight to chicago) so i’m a bit out of it and 3 days ago is a lot @_@; anyway, it ended up being a really productive night. we cleaned everything and i got to rest a bit with my cramping and stuff. i tried going to sleep a bit earlier than we’ve been going to sleep because i needed to check in for southwest and get up to see the gymshark sales as well as take a call from kristen. yup. it didn’t feel like tomorrow was going to be a start to a new week aka work. i loved the way we spent this weekend just chilling and enjoying each other’s company. :)
20/21: okay, so that’ll be it for a bit. yesterday and today has been crazy. we spent monday working. i actually came up with a great game plan for the videos currently and worked a bit longer than i expected to -- i was on a grind though! we gamed together after eating dinner and when we left, we thought we had everything down, but when i got to chicago, i realized we didn’t take out the garbage... so i hope i don’t see a million fruit flies when i come back T__T i’m a bit worried but we’ll see! anyway, i stayed up yesterday because kevin’s flight to china left at 1 am and i wanted to go to the airport with him even though my flight left at 5 am. so after he went through security, i headed back to my terminal, brushed my teeth, and found a place to charge my phone. i started watching ‘psycho pass’ and i did stay up for the entire aiport process. i ko’d when i got on the plane. now it’s 10 pm and i am getting a bit sleepy. not sure if i want to do 10-15 minutes of abs anymore and/or play pokemon. i’m kind of ready to sleep. well, talk to you later, tumblr! thanks for being there for me and helping me document my life from sophomore year of high school until a year / two years after college graduation. it’s been real. i’ll be back in some way! <3
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bentonpena · 5 years
Master Fitness Instructor Who Lost 60 Pounds After Partying Too Hard Gives Advice On Losing Weight And Making Changes
Master Fitness Instructor Who Lost 60 Pounds After Partying Too Hard Gives Advice On Losing Weight And Making Changes http://bit.ly/2nG7mPh
image provided by Jesse Alexander/CycleBar
It has been about 13 months since I started making radical changes to my lifestyle in order to lose weight and get healthier. Flashback to late Summer 2018 and I was the heaviest I’d ever been in my life, I was having daily hypertension headaches because I was eating unhealthy, my doctor told me I had high blood pressure and needed to get healthy, and I’d just found out I was going to be a dad. Change was needed.
I’ve always thrived on the ‘strength in numbers’ style of exercise with the peer pressure and accountability pushing me on the in the class. A friend told me about CycleBar and how locals got their first class for free so I checked it out and I was hooked almost instantly. CycleBar is an indoor cycling class with a mixture of sprints, climbs, push-ups, ‘tap backs’, arm exercises, and a brief bit of meditation. It’s all done in a dark room with mirrored walls, club lights, and loud ass music. I love it.
Last October, I started ramping up my fitness and went on to lose 40-pounds between October 2018 and March 2019 by doing 4-7 indoor cycling classes a week and getting my portion control in order. Along this fitness journey of mine, I came across Jesse Alexander (@ja__tapback22) who is a Master Instructor at CycleBar. He’s based out of NYC/NJ but also gets to travel the nation and teach master classes at their over 200 locations throughout the U.S.
I’ll be honest, when someone tells me “you have to take this class, this person is AMAZING” I immediately assume that person’s full of shit and probably way too into things like horoscopes and astrology but I was blown away by his enthusiasm for exercise and his motivational. It was infectious. So when I received an email a while back asking if I wanted to interview him about fitness my interest was piqued.
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When I was VERY comfortable living the XXL lifestyle. Possible poor choice in color scheme. #Wellness #WellnessJourney #ChangedTheBrainBeforeTheBody
A post shared by Jesse Alexander (@ja__tapback22) on Apr 1, 2018 at 3:21pm PDT
Jesse reached 230 pounds and was looking quite ‘puffy’ due to too much late-night snacking, drinking, and partying. He’s now 44-years-old, has lost more than 60 pounds, and he’s in the best shape of his life (picture above). I asked him a series of questions about how he stays fit, what’s the best clothing for men to work out in, how to preserve that athletic apparel so it doesn’t get worn out in a few weeks, and how he helps clients take it to the next level.
Cass: When did you know you wanted to lose weight? What was the first step you took in getting healthy? And something I’ve been wondering myself, when did you realize you’d reached a point in life where you were healthy?
Jesse Alexander: For me, it was never an issue of not liking what I saw in the mirror. I was always a confident guy. I think the biggest thing is you have to like yourself before you set out on a weight loss journey. If you do it out of self-hatred you aren’t going to be happier when the weight comes off. I always tell the story of being out to Chinese food with my father, and over an egg roll he said to me I had “gotten puffy”. My lifestyle wasn’t great – I was out partying a lot, eating whatever, not in a consistent routine.
I knew it was time to make a change, not because I didn’t like myself, but because it was time to get healthier. I cut out things like soda, eating 2 breakfast sandwiches a day (yes I did that), and started indoor cycling. Finding SoulCycle was my first indoor cycling class and a true game-changer for me. I had never before been a part of that kind of community experience.
I was quickly addicted and having a fitness routine combined with small changes in my diet the weight came off. Eventually, I auditioned, got rejected, auditioned again and became a founding instructor for FlyWheel. My fitness routine changed again when I found HIIT classes and strength training. Today I feel I’m in the best shape of my life and look better than I ever did when I was younger.
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M O O D. Here’s to a summer of of vibes, feels, tapbacks, beach trips, park trips, Sojo, outdoor workouts, tequila, baseball, family, friends, @cyclebar, @cyclebarcloster @cyclebarfortlee, and living your BEST DAMN LIFE. #fitnesslifestyle #wellnessjourney #summer2018
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A post shared by Jesse Alexander (@ja__tapback22) on Jun 19, 2018 at 3:33am PDT
Cass: As someone who burns a ton of calories every day but needs to stay fully energized, could you take me through what a typical Monday-Friday diet might look like? Does it differ from the weekends in any way?
Jesse Alexander: I teach 10 classes a week in addition to my own daily workouts so eating throughout the day is a priority to make sure I stay fueled. Breakfast is usually protein pancakes, or eggs with avocado toast. I’m on the go a lot so I’ll try to get a protein shake or two in throughout the day. I’ll try to grab whole foods for lunch that includes greens and protein.
I get home late from work but I’ll always cook so I’m not just eating whatever’s around – usually I’ll make some form of protein like burgers, steak or chicken and something green on the side. Since my schedule isn’t the typical Mon-Fri work week, I tend to eat pretty similarly all week long – I go for an 80/20 mindset daily instead of eating well through the week and letting loose on weekends. I try not to deprive myself too much – I’m going to have pizza with my kids if they want to go get pizza.
Cass: A lot of people start exercising after reaching that invisible ‘I can’t believe I’ve hit this weight’ number that we all have in our heads. It’s different for everyone. Then they hit the gym and expect to see results overnight. The ones that stick with it are always happy they do because they’re lighter, healthier, stronger.
As an instructor, do you notice when clients hit this invisible barrier of self-confidence and health? What are some ways to keep people motivated to exercise in those early days before they start seeing the weight loss results and body changes to stop guys from losing interest?
Jesse Alexander: As an indoor cycling instructor, a lot of milestones I see my clients hit have nothing to do with weight loss. Of course they start to look and feel a lot better and we will always praise and notice that but I try to also recognize the smaller moments that have more to do with them gaining the confidence they didn’t have before.
The moments like moving from the back corner of the room to a front-row bike, hitting a personal goal of a number they’ve never sprinted to before, and especially gaining the endurance to stay out of the saddle at faster speeds for longer which is generally difficult for beginners. Even wanting to take pictures with other clients or being more involved in the community is a huge step forward.
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One of my favorite pics of us. Happy anniversary to Mrs. Tapback, @farrahroxx. My co- Captain, my friend, my partner. I’m a better human with you by my side. Eternally grateful I found my person. Through such powerful highs and just as powerful lows, it’s you and me. I love you. #happyanniversary #thealexanders
A post shared by Jesse Alexander (@ja__tapback22) on Aug 25, 2019 at 3:18pm PDT
Cass: There seems to be a day when every serious gym rat ditches the sleeves and starts wearing tank tops to the gym whether it be for cardio or weight lifting. I’m a Sleeves Guy
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. In fact, I’d prefer to workout in a collared tennis or golf shirt made from smart fabrics if I can.
Each guy is unique and this is an issue the fitness/athleticwear industry seems to grapple with. When you look at the athleisure industry for ladies, there are very clear frontrunners on which brands are dominating the market. For guys, the best options are usually shopping online or hitting a discount store and buying workout clothes that we know will last a few months before you can’t clean them anymore.
Do you have advice on the best athletic apparel for a guy who does cardio every day if not several times a day? What tips do you have for getting the most life out of this clothing when it’s constantly getting hit with sweat? When should a guy know it’s time to toss away his favorite gym shit because its lifespan has passed?
Jesse Alexander: My two favorite brands that consistently deliver great quality are Lululemon and Nike. These materials recover better from intense workouts and are consistently good quality for the price. In terms of getting the most life out of clothing, I try not to let my sweaty clothes sit in sweat bags after a workout.
Hang them to dry out before you wash them and use a good quality detergent made for athletic wear (I like Tide Sport). Another tip is to add plain white vinegar to your wash cycle – this absorbs odors. If I notice a shirt isn’t smelling clean even after a wash or two, then I know it’s time for it to go.
Cass: I love food. I love eating food. I love all cuisines and I’m not the type of person who can eat the same thing every single day. I recently lost 40-pounds from doing 6-7 days a week at CycleBar but have hit this plateau and can’t lose the 10-15 more I’d like to.
What sort of advice would you give someone like myself looking to hit that next gear? And what sort of advice would you give to someone who has hit their target weight? Do they maintain the same daily routine that got them there or is a shift in lifestyle needed to maintain?
Jesse Alexander: Indoor cycling was the biggest game-changer for me when I lost the weight I needed to, but consistent weight training put me over the edge to see the final goals I wanted to come to life. CycleBar is incredible for cardio and doing it almost every day will definitely help maintain and continue to lose weight but adding in strength training will help you build muscle and continue to burn fat as well.
If you’ve hit your target weight my advice would be to continue doing what you’re doing but adding in cross-training keeps your body guessing. I think a shift in lifestyle is definitely the key – you aren’t just going back to old habits once you’ve hit your goals, you’re now a new version of you.
Also, rest! People underestimate how important rest days are to weight loss and building muscle. Your body needs to recover to perform efficiently. Add in an extra rest day and see what happens!
Cass: For any aspiring instructors out there, how do you develop the lung strength to speak constantly throughout a workout? I know people who are in immaculate shape but can’t hold a conversation on a jog or they’d be winded. What are some tips to develop that lung strength to be able to lead a group while working out?
Jesse Alexander: This truly takes building vocal endurance which takes time and practice. Newer instructors build their stamina talking and riding and it gets easier – a huge game-changer is the perch on the bike! Instructors shouldn’t be crushing their ride like a rider does. Stop pedaling so you can efficiently look, talk and coach your riders – plus you’ll get your breath back too. When I came back from my honeymoon, I was out of shape from not teaching for weeks and this forced me to develop this new style of coaching while perching and being off-bike more. It really upped my game and forced me to connect in a newer way to my riders.
You can find Jesse Alexander on Instagram at @ja__tapback22, at CycleBar Fort Lee where he’s a Master Instructor, or at CycleBar locations throughout the nation where Jesse regularly travels as a guest Master Instructor. You can find me on Twitter at @casspa, regularly riding at CycleBar UTC in Sarasota, on Peloton at username ‘CassPA’, and on Instagram at @BroBible.
Men via BroBible.com http://bit.ly/2Z1jdnl October 2, 2019 at 10:33AM
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weightloss441posts · 5 years
Working Day in the Life: 21 Months Old
Hi friends! It has been ages since I did a day in the life post – especially a day in the life post on one of my work days vs. mom life days!
We have childcare twice a week – on Mondays from 10 to 4 and Wednesdays from 10 to 6. I can get a little work done on my mom days during naptime as well, but Mondays and Wednesdays are my days to get more focused work done, to take AnneTheRD nutrition client meetings or calls, and occasionally to go to appointments or attend to other stuff that’s not toddler-friendly. :) 
So – here’s what I was up to this week on Wednesday!
6:15 a.m. – I always seem to wake up right around this time which is annoying if Riese isn’t up yet and if I’m not trying to do an early workout! I usually do early morning workouts (6 or 6:30 a.m.) 2 or 3 days a week, but this is not one of those days, so I try to fall back asleep. 
6:45 a.m. – No dice, can’t fall back asleep, and I hear Riese waking up anyway. Matt is in the shower so I get myself up and going and head in to get her up, change her diaper, etc. 
7:15 a.m. – Come downstairs and start breakfast! This basically entails Riese flipping out and refusing to be put down, so I do everything one handed. Usually I’ll get her started in her high chair with some fruit before I give her the rest of her breakfast, especially if I need two hands to make whatever else I’m making! 
I have some leftover Veggie Egg Casserole and some fruit and muesli, plus yogurt that Riese feeds to me. ;) Sidenote – Riese LOVES banana and I’ve been giving it to her with a little nut butter on each bite – helps keep her full longer than just the banana alone… especially if it’s a day where she only wants to eat the banana and nothing else. 
 We say bye to Matt at 7:20 – he has an early meeting to get to. 
7:45 – 9:20 a.m. Bumble around the house cleaning up from breakfast, playing with the dog and cat and various toys, feeding the dog and cat, and getting myself and Riese ready for the day. 
I love that our sitter doesn’t come until 10 a.m. – our previous nanny used to arrive at 8 a.m., and while the extra hands were helpful, I love our new routine and am grateful to get to spend morning time with Riese every day of the week now. :) 
9:25 a.m. – We finally make it out the door! Every weekday morning Riese and I take the dog for a walk or a jog. I’m always proud when we finally get out the door because it’s so many logistics… getting dressed and ready for me and Riese, getting the (outrageously excited and jumping all over us) dog ready and waiting by the door with her leash, collar, poop bags, etc., getting a snack for Riese ready and both of our water bottles ready, grabbing (/trying to find) my phone and hat, getting Riese in the stroller while the dog waits inside, THEN bringing the dog out and attaching her leash to the stroller, then putting sunscreen on both of us… OMG so much. Ha. I can only imagine this with more than 1 child… (not pregnant, just a comment)!
Sidenote – thank you for all your helpful comments on Monday’s blog post about bribery and strong toddler opinions… I’ve been reframing things with the morning stroller and now instead of “please just get in the stroller and I will give you a snack” – I’ve been talking it up and saying “Let’s get dressed, and then you can enjoy your snack in the stroller when we walk the dog.” Same outcome, but framed more positively for both of us. :)
(Another sidenote – if you also have a very strong willed child, check out this article that a blog reader shared – I found it helpful! Peaceful Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child)
9:30 – 10 a.m. – Stroller run with Riese and the dog! It’s pretty hot out already but I was craving a workout and our dog is always super happy if we run vs. walk. ;)
We probably cover about 1.5 to 2 miles, which is about my max when the stroller is in the mix. That ish is hard!
10 a.m. – Arrive back home just as the sitter arrives – perfect timing! I always try to time it like this so that Riese is still in the stroller and I can quickly show our nanny the food situation for Riese for the day and then send them right off to the playground, vs. Riese coming inside first, clinging to my legs and crying, etc.
She’s still sad when I say bye, but if she’s still in the stroller at least it’s easy to quickly get her distracted and off to their adventure. 
10:10 a.m. – Hop in the shower and get ready for the day. 
10:40 a.m. – Head out the door with my work stuff in tow. #WetHairDontCare
I take a bit of a roundabout route to avoid going by the playground or down the street where Riese and our sitter could be walking around… if Riese sees me she’ll get really sad all over again (and so will I)!
I also eat a snack while I’m walking – a peanut butter oatmeal ball from Stomping Ground in Del Ray + an Oatmeal Banana Coconut Cookie (
I packed two of each so I save the other two for the afternoon!
10:50 a.m. – Grab a quick iced latte because I realize I forgot to have coffee this morning and I’m dragging. 
11 a.m. – Tour a co-working space in Del Ray! I mentioned last week that I tried one out in Old Town, Alexandria that I really liked, but I discovered there’s one walking distance to our house so I wanted to give it a shot too because not having to drive (and deal with expensive/annoying Old Town parking) would be ideal. 
11:05 a.m. – It’s a small space so it was a quick tour! They let me stay and work for the day to test it out, which is what I was hoping, so I set up shop and get going. It’s SUPER quiet (only one other person around) which I actually don’t love because I’d rather have more life/action going on, but the convenience may mean I go with this place over the Old Town one even though I liked the more lively vibe better in Old Town… we’ll see. 
My blog post for the day (my Watermelon Mojito Sorbet) is already live (I wrote it and pre-published it on Monday so it would appear on Wednesday morning – I usually do this nowadays since I’m not actively online as early as I used to be), so I spend some time sharing it around on social media, sending the links to the client, and then catching up on emails and blog comments. 
12:40 p.m. – Break for lunch! I walk over to Stomping Ground and order their beet salad with roasted chicken added. 
It’s really delicious!
While I eat, I listen to an episode of Janet Lansbury’s parenting podcast “Unruffled” that a bunch of you recommended to me in the comments section of Monday’s post. I love that the episodes are mostly only about 20 minutes – perfect!
I listen to the January 22 episode about how to set limits with children (even those as young as Riese). It’s really interesting and helpful! I also got her book (“No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame“). Matt downloaded it on Audible and is going to listen to it in the car on his commute so we are on the same page. 
1 p.m. – Take a quick walk around the block (technology free) to reset and get some fresh air. 
1:15 p.m. – Back to my desk! 
I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on emails, working ahead on some blog stuff (like starting this post, and another recipe post that’s in the works), and working on some blog redesign to-do items (reviewing old recipe blog posts to see which ones I want to keep/feature – they sent me a massive spreadsheet of links to go through, oof).
At some point I get tired of sitting and set up this makeshift standing desk using a filing cabinet. ;)
Around 4, I eat the rest of my snack from the morning. I probably should have brought something savory and crunchy with me as well because I’m still a little hungry and craving something not sweet or chewy, but oh well!
5 p.m. – AnneTheRD nutrition client call. 
5:30 p.m. – Send my client a follow up email, wrap up a few other loose end emails, and pack up and head out the door. 
5:55 p.m. – Arrive home – yay! It’s always so fun to come home to Riese – she gets SO excited and runs towards me. It’s the best. :)
6 p.m. – Say farewell to our sitter and go upstairs to play with Riese. 
6:45 p.m. – Riese starts getting a little manic (throwing heavy wood toys down the stairs, and when I ask her to please keep the toys upstairs with us, she instead starts throwing them at me… ahh, toddlers) so I decide it’s time to get her ready for bed. Usually Matt gets home between 6:30 and 7 but he texted that it would be a late one, so I know I’m not trying to keep Riese up to see him!
7:15 p.m. – Finally get Riese wrangled into her jammies, drinking some milk, and reading a book/singing with me to try to calmmmm things down a bit before bed. 
7:30 p.m. – Lights out for Riese. Night, night!
I come downstairs and snack on some crackers and guac while trying to decide if I feel up for making an elaborate dinner. ;)
I eventually decide to throw together a simple rice, beans, and fish situation.
I pan sear some fish rubbed with a little Mexican-themed seasoning…
And then serve it with 90 second brown rice, microwave string beans, and some canned black beans. Easy and fast! Enjoyed with a magazine. :)
8:30 p.m. – Clean up the kitchen, tidy up downstairs, and then sort through some mail and packages.
My new purse came – cute, right? Less than $20 on Amazon and comes in a ton of color options, too! I needed a new everyday purse that would match everything – I had two I alternated between but both were basically falling apart after many years of use. I was nerdy excited to put all my stuff away in this. I like the size – not too big, but big enough to fit a water bottle, phone, wallet, etc. 
9 p.m. – Head upstairs and get ready for bed. 
9:15 p.m. – In bed! Getting in bed early to read is my fave. I start reading the “No Bad Kids” book – interesting, although I wish she went into a little more detail about how to carry out her advice… 
9:30 p.m. – Matt is home! Wow, that was a late one. Poor guy! We catch up on our days and relax. 
10 p.m. – Lights out! I’m wiped and I have my alarm set for 5:33 am (yes, those 3 minutes matter) to hit a yoga class – oof!
Feel free to play along in the comments – what’s a typical day in the life like for you? 
In other news, I’m off to Monterey, California tomorrow! I’m attending a press trip that takes place Monday to Thursday, but decided to head out early to see my friend Lauren from grad school. I’m excited! I’ll pop back in on Monday with some travel adventures, so stay tuned – or see what I’m up to on Instagram in the meantime. :)
Please note there are affiliate links in this post. 
from https://www.fannetasticfood.com/working-day-in-the-life-21-months-old/ from https://myfunweightloss.blogspot.com/2019/08/working-day-in-life-21-months-old.html
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weightlos6 · 5 years
Working Day in the Life: 21 Months Old
Working Day in the Life: 21 Months Old:
Hi friends! It has been ages since I did a day in the life post – especially a day in the life post on one of my work days vs. mom life days!
We have childcare twice a week – on Mondays from 10 to 4 and Wednesdays from 10 to 6. I can get a little work done on my mom days during naptime as well, but Mondays and Wednesdays are my days to get more focused work done, to take AnneTheRD nutrition client meetings or calls, and occasionally to go to appointments or attend to other stuff that’s not toddler-friendly. :) 
So – here’s what I was up to this week on Wednesday!
6:15 a.m. – I always seem to wake up right around this time which is annoying if Riese isn’t up yet and if I’m not trying to do an early workout! I usually do early morning workouts (6 or 6:30 a.m.) 2 or 3 days a week, but this is not one of those days, so I try to fall back asleep. 
6:45 a.m. – No dice, can’t fall back asleep, and I hear Riese waking up anyway. Matt is in the shower so I get myself up and going and head in to get her up, change her diaper, etc. 
7:15 a.m. – Come downstairs and start breakfast! This basically entails Riese flipping out and refusing to be put down, so I do everything one handed. Usually I’ll get her started in her high chair with some fruit before I give her the rest of her breakfast, especially if I need two hands to make whatever else I’m making! 
I have some leftover Veggie Egg Casserole and some fruit and muesli, plus yogurt that Riese feeds to me. ;) Sidenote – Riese LOVES banana and I’ve been giving it to her with a little nut butter on each bite – helps keep her full longer than just the banana alone… especially if it’s a day where she only wants to eat the banana and nothing else. 
  We say bye to Matt at 7:20 – he has an early meeting to get to. 
7:45 – 9:20 a.m. Bumble around the house cleaning up from breakfast, playing with the dog and cat and various toys, feeding the dog and cat, and getting myself and Riese ready for the day. 
I love that our sitter doesn’t come until 10 a.m. – our previous nanny used to arrive at 8 a.m., and while the extra hands were helpful, I love our new routine and am grateful to get to spend morning time with Riese every day of the week now. :) 
9:25 a.m. – We finally make it out the door! Every weekday morning Riese and I take the dog for a walk or a jog. I’m always proud when we finally get out the door because it’s so many logistics… getting dressed and ready for me and Riese, getting the (outrageously excited and jumping all over us) dog ready and waiting by the door with her leash, collar, poop bags, etc., getting a snack for Riese ready and both of our water bottles ready, grabbing (/trying to find) my phone and hat, getting Riese in the stroller while the dog waits inside, THEN bringing the dog out and attaching her leash to the stroller, then putting sunscreen on both of us… OMG so much. Ha. I can only imagine this with more than 1 child… (not pregnant, just a comment)!
Sidenote – thank you for all your helpful comments on Monday’s blog post about bribery and strong toddler opinions… I’ve been reframing things with the morning stroller and now instead of “please just get in the stroller and I will give you a snack” – I’ve been talking it up and saying “Let’s get dressed, and then you can enjoy your snack in the stroller when we walk the dog.” Same outcome, but framed more positively for both of us. :)
(Another sidenote – if you also have a very strong willed child, check out this article that a blog reader shared – I found it helpful! Peaceful Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child)
9:30 – 10 a.m. – Stroller run with Riese and the dog! It’s pretty hot out already but I was craving a workout and our dog is always super happy if we run vs. walk. ;)
We probably cover about 1.5 to 2 miles, which is about my max when the stroller is in the mix. That ish is hard!
10 a.m. – Arrive back home just as the sitter arrives – perfect timing! I always try to time it like this so that Riese is still in the stroller and I can quickly show our nanny the food situation for Riese for the day and then send them right off to the playground, vs. Riese coming inside first, clinging to my legs and crying, etc.
She’s still sad when I say bye, but if she’s still in the stroller at least it’s easy to quickly get her distracted and off to their adventure. 
10:10 a.m. – Hop in the shower and get ready for the day. 
10:40 a.m. – Head out the door with my work stuff in tow. #WetHairDontCare
I take a bit of a roundabout route to avoid going by the playground or down the street where Riese and our sitter could be walking around… if Riese sees me she’ll get really sad all over again (and so will I)!
I also eat a snack while I’m walking – a peanut butter oatmeal ball from Stomping Ground in Del Ray + an Oatmeal Banana Coconut Cookie (
I packed two of each so I save the other two for the afternoon!
10:50 a.m. – Grab a quick iced latte because I realize I forgot to have coffee this morning and I’m dragging. 
11 a.m. – Tour a co-working space in Del Ray! I mentioned last week that I tried one out in Old Town, Alexandria that I really liked, but I discovered there’s one walking distance to our house so I wanted to give it a shot too because not having to drive (and deal with expensive/annoying Old Town parking) would be ideal. 
11:05 a.m. – It’s a small space so it was a quick tour! They let me stay and work for the day to test it out, which is what I was hoping, so I set up shop and get going. It’s SUPER quiet (only one other person around) which I actually don’t love because I’d rather have more life/action going on, but the convenience may mean I go with this place over the Old Town one even though I liked the more lively vibe better in Old Town… we’ll see. 
My blog post for the day (my Watermelon Mojito Sorbet) is already live (I wrote it and pre-published it on Monday so it would appear on Wednesday morning – I usually do this nowadays since I’m not actively online as early as I used to be), so I spend some time sharing it around on social media, sending the links to the client, and then catching up on emails and blog comments. 
12:40 p.m. – Break for lunch! I walk over to Stomping Ground and order their beet salad with roasted chicken added. 
It’s really delicious!
While I eat, I listen to an episode of Janet Lansbury’s parenting podcast “Unruffled” that a bunch of you recommended to me in the comments section of Monday’s post. I love that the episodes are mostly only about 20 minutes – perfect!
I listen to the January 22 episode about how to set limits with children (even those as young as Riese). It’s really interesting and helpful! I also got her book (“No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame“). Matt downloaded it on Audible and is going to listen to it in the car on his commute so we are on the same page. 
1 p.m. – Take a quick walk around the block (technology free) to reset and get some fresh air. 
1:15 p.m. – Back to my desk! 
I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on emails, working ahead on some blog stuff (like starting this post, and another recipe post that’s in the works), and working on some blog redesign to-do items (reviewing old recipe blog posts to see which ones I want to keep/feature – they sent me a massive spreadsheet of links to go through, oof).
At some point I get tired of sitting and set up this makeshift standing desk using a filing cabinet. ;)
Around 4, I eat the rest of my snack from the morning. I probably should have brought something savory and crunchy with me as well because I’m still a little hungry and craving something not sweet or chewy, but oh well!
5 p.m. – AnneTheRD nutrition client call. 
5:30 p.m. – Send my client a follow up email, wrap up a few other loose end emails, and pack up and head out the door. 
5:55 p.m. – Arrive home – yay! It’s always so fun to come home to Riese – she gets SO excited and runs towards me. It’s the best. :)
6 p.m. – Say farewell to our sitter and go upstairs to play with Riese. 
6:45 p.m. – Riese starts getting a little manic (throwing heavy wood toys down the stairs, and when I ask her to please keep the toys upstairs with us, she instead starts throwing them at me… ahh, toddlers) so I decide it’s time to get her ready for bed. Usually Matt gets home between 6:30 and 7 but he texted that it would be a late one, so I know I’m not trying to keep Riese up to see him!
7:15 p.m. – Finally get Riese wrangled into her jammies, drinking some milk, and reading a book/singing with me to try to calmmmm things down a bit before bed. 
7:30 p.m. – Lights out for Riese. Night, night!
I come downstairs and snack on some crackers and guac while trying to decide if I feel up for making an elaborate dinner. ;)
I eventually decide to throw together a simple rice, beans, and fish situation.
I pan sear some fish rubbed with a little Mexican-themed seasoning…
And then serve it with 90 second brown rice, microwave string beans, and some canned black beans. Easy and fast! Enjoyed with a magazine. :)
8:30 p.m. – Clean up the kitchen, tidy up downstairs, and then sort through some mail and packages.
My new purse came – cute, right? Less than $20 on Amazon and comes in a ton of color options, too! I needed a new everyday purse that would match everything – I had two I alternated between but both were basically falling apart after many years of use. I was nerdy excited to put all my stuff away in this. I like the size – not too big, but big enough to fit a water bottle, phone, wallet, etc. 
9 p.m. – Head upstairs and get ready for bed. 
9:15 p.m. – In bed! Getting in bed early to read is my fave. I start reading the “No Bad Kids” book – interesting, although I wish she went into a little more detail about how to carry out her advice… 
9:30 p.m. – Matt is home! Wow, that was a late one. Poor guy! We catch up on our days and relax. 
10 p.m. – Lights out! I’m wiped and I have my alarm set for 5:33 am (yes, those 3 minutes matter) to hit a yoga class – oof!
Feel free to play along in the comments – what’s a typical day in the life like for you? 
In other news, I’m off to Monterey, California tomorrow! I’m attending a press trip that takes place Monday to Thursday, but decided to head out early to see my friend Lauren from grad school. I’m excited! I’ll pop back in on Monday with some travel adventures, so stay tuned – or see what I’m up to on Instagram in the meantime. :)
Please note there are affiliate links in this post. 
from https://www.fannetasticfood.com/working-day-in-the-life-21-months-old/ from https://myfunweightloss.tumblr.com/post/187050447532
0 notes
myfunweightloss · 5 years
Hi friends! It has been ages since I did a day in the life post – especially a day in the life post on one of my work days vs. mom life days!
We have childcare twice a week – on Mondays from 10 to 4 and Wednesdays from 10 to 6. I can get a little work done on my mom days during naptime as well, but Mondays and Wednesdays are my days to get more focused work done, to take AnneTheRD nutrition client meetings or calls, and occasionally to go to appointments or attend to other stuff that’s not toddler-friendly. :) 
So – here’s what I was up to this week on Wednesday!
6:15 a.m. – I always seem to wake up right around this time which is annoying if Riese isn’t up yet and if I’m not trying to do an early workout! I usually do early morning workouts (6 or 6:30 a.m.) 2 or 3 days a week, but this is not one of those days, so I try to fall back asleep. 
6:45 a.m. – No dice, can’t fall back asleep, and I hear Riese waking up anyway. Matt is in the shower so I get myself up and going and head in to get her up, change her diaper, etc. 
7:15 a.m. – Come downstairs and start breakfast! This basically entails Riese flipping out and refusing to be put down, so I do everything one handed. Usually I’ll get her started in her high chair with some fruit before I give her the rest of her breakfast, especially if I need two hands to make whatever else I’m making! 
I have some leftover Veggie Egg Casserole and some fruit and muesli, plus yogurt that Riese feeds to me. ;) Sidenote – Riese LOVES banana and I’ve been giving it to her with a little nut butter on each bite – helps keep her full longer than just the banana alone… especially if it’s a day where she only wants to eat the banana and nothing else. 
  We say bye to Matt at 7:20 – he has an early meeting to get to. 
7:45 – 9:20 a.m. Bumble around the house cleaning up from breakfast, playing with the dog and cat and various toys, feeding the dog and cat, and getting myself and Riese ready for the day. 
I love that our sitter doesn’t come until 10 a.m. – our previous nanny used to arrive at 8 a.m., and while the extra hands were helpful, I love our new routine and am grateful to get to spend morning time with Riese every day of the week now. :) 
9:25 a.m. – We finally make it out the door! Every weekday morning Riese and I take the dog for a walk or a jog. I’m always proud when we finally get out the door because it’s so many logistics… getting dressed and ready for me and Riese, getting the (outrageously excited and jumping all over us) dog ready and waiting by the door with her leash, collar, poop bags, etc., getting a snack for Riese ready and both of our water bottles ready, grabbing (/trying to find) my phone and hat, getting Riese in the stroller while the dog waits inside, THEN bringing the dog out and attaching her leash to the stroller, then putting sunscreen on both of us… OMG so much. Ha. I can only imagine this with more than 1 child… (not pregnant, just a comment)!
Sidenote – thank you for all your helpful comments on Monday’s blog post about bribery and strong toddler opinions… I’ve been reframing things with the morning stroller and now instead of “please just get in the stroller and I will give you a snack” – I’ve been talking it up and saying “Let’s get dressed, and then you can enjoy your snack in the stroller when we walk the dog.” Same outcome, but framed more positively for both of us. :)
(Another sidenote – if you also have a very strong willed child, check out this article that a blog reader shared – I found it helpful! Peaceful Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child)
9:30 – 10 a.m. – Stroller run with Riese and the dog! It’s pretty hot out already but I was craving a workout and our dog is always super happy if we run vs. walk. ;)
We probably cover about 1.5 to 2 miles, which is about my max when the stroller is in the mix. That ish is hard!
10 a.m. – Arrive back home just as the sitter arrives – perfect timing! I always try to time it like this so that Riese is still in the stroller and I can quickly show our nanny the food situation for Riese for the day and then send them right off to the playground, vs. Riese coming inside first, clinging to my legs and crying, etc.
She’s still sad when I say bye, but if she’s still in the stroller at least it’s easy to quickly get her distracted and off to their adventure. 
10:10 a.m. – Hop in the shower and get ready for the day. 
10:40 a.m. – Head out the door with my work stuff in tow. #WetHairDontCare
I take a bit of a roundabout route to avoid going by the playground or down the street where Riese and our sitter could be walking around… if Riese sees me she’ll get really sad all over again (and so will I)!
I also eat a snack while I’m walking – a peanut butter oatmeal ball from Stomping Ground in Del Ray + an Oatmeal Banana Coconut Cookie (
I packed two of each so I save the other two for the afternoon!
10:50 a.m. – Grab a quick iced latte because I realize I forgot to have coffee this morning and I’m dragging. 
11 a.m. – Tour a co-working space in Del Ray! I mentioned last week that I tried one out in Old Town, Alexandria that I really liked, but I discovered there’s one walking distance to our house so I wanted to give it a shot too because not having to drive (and deal with expensive/annoying Old Town parking) would be ideal. 
11:05 a.m. – It’s a small space so it was a quick tour! They let me stay and work for the day to test it out, which is what I was hoping, so I set up shop and get going. It’s SUPER quiet (only one other person around) which I actually don’t love because I’d rather have more life/action going on, but the convenience may mean I go with this place over the Old Town one even though I liked the more lively vibe better in Old Town… we’ll see. 
My blog post for the day (my Watermelon Mojito Sorbet) is already live (I wrote it and pre-published it on Monday so it would appear on Wednesday morning – I usually do this nowadays since I’m not actively online as early as I used to be), so I spend some time sharing it around on social media, sending the links to the client, and then catching up on emails and blog comments. 
12:40 p.m. – Break for lunch! I walk over to Stomping Ground and order their beet salad with roasted chicken added. 
It’s really delicious!
While I eat, I listen to an episode of Janet Lansbury’s parenting podcast “Unruffled” that a bunch of you recommended to me in the comments section of Monday’s post. I love that the episodes are mostly only about 20 minutes – perfect!
I listen to the January 22 episode about how to set limits with children (even those as young as Riese). It’s really interesting and helpful! I also got her book (“No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame“). Matt downloaded it on Audible and is going to listen to it in the car on his commute so we are on the same page. 
1 p.m. – Take a quick walk around the block (technology free) to reset and get some fresh air. 
1:15 p.m. – Back to my desk! 
I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on emails, working ahead on some blog stuff (like starting this post, and another recipe post that’s in the works), and working on some blog redesign to-do items (reviewing old recipe blog posts to see which ones I want to keep/feature – they sent me a massive spreadsheet of links to go through, oof).
At some point I get tired of sitting and set up this makeshift standing desk using a filing cabinet. ;)
Around 4, I eat the rest of my snack from the morning. I probably should have brought something savory and crunchy with me as well because I’m still a little hungry and craving something not sweet or chewy, but oh well!
5 p.m. – AnneTheRD nutrition client call. 
5:30 p.m. – Send my client a follow up email, wrap up a few other loose end emails, and pack up and head out the door. 
5:55 p.m. – Arrive home – yay! It’s always so fun to come home to Riese – she gets SO excited and runs towards me. It’s the best. :)
6 p.m. – Say farewell to our sitter and go upstairs to play with Riese. 
6:45 p.m. – Riese starts getting a little manic (throwing heavy wood toys down the stairs, and when I ask her to please keep the toys upstairs with us, she instead starts throwing them at me… ahh, toddlers) so I decide it’s time to get her ready for bed. Usually Matt gets home between 6:30 and 7 but he texted that it would be a late one, so I know I’m not trying to keep Riese up to see him!
7:15 p.m. – Finally get Riese wrangled into her jammies, drinking some milk, and reading a book/singing with me to try to calmmmm things down a bit before bed. 
7:30 p.m. – Lights out for Riese. Night, night!
I come downstairs and snack on some crackers and guac while trying to decide if I feel up for making an elaborate dinner. ;)
I eventually decide to throw together a simple rice, beans, and fish situation.
I pan sear some fish rubbed with a little Mexican-themed seasoning…
And then serve it with 90 second brown rice, microwave string beans, and some canned black beans. Easy and fast! Enjoyed with a magazine. :)
8:30 p.m. – Clean up the kitchen, tidy up downstairs, and then sort through some mail and packages.
My new purse came – cute, right? Less than $20 on Amazon and comes in a ton of color options, too! I needed a new everyday purse that would match everything – I had two I alternated between but both were basically falling apart after many years of use. I was nerdy excited to put all my stuff away in this. I like the size – not too big, but big enough to fit a water bottle, phone, wallet, etc. 
9 p.m. – Head upstairs and get ready for bed. 
9:15 p.m. – In bed! Getting in bed early to read is my fave. I start reading the “No Bad Kids” book – interesting, although I wish she went into a little more detail about how to carry out her advice… 
9:30 p.m. – Matt is home! Wow, that was a late one. Poor guy! We catch up on our days and relax. 
10 p.m. – Lights out! I’m wiped and I have my alarm set for 5:33 am (yes, those 3 minutes matter) to hit a yoga class – oof!
Feel free to play along in the comments – what’s a typical day in the life like for you? 
In other news, I’m off to Monterey, California tomorrow! I’m attending a press trip that takes place Monday to Thursday, but decided to head out early to see my friend Lauren from grad school. I’m excited! I’ll pop back in on Monday with some travel adventures, so stay tuned – or see what I’m up to on Instagram in the meantime. :)
Please note there are affiliate links in this post. 
from https://www.fannetasticfood.com/working-day-in-the-life-21-months-old/
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Everything Harling Did, Saw and Felt During Copenhagen Fashion Week
Everything Harling Did, Saw and Felt During Copenhagen Fashion Week
51 PHOTOS click for more
3:30 p.m.
I arrive in Copenhagen fresh as a daisy, ready to grab Scandinavia by its scrunchie-wearing horns. Just kidding! I didn’t sleep on the plane because I am my own worst enemy and I still haven’t mastered the art of sleeping on planes — or the art or chic travel attire, for that matter, so I look exactly how I feel: tired.
However, by the time I’m in my hotel room and faced with the opportunity to curl up in one of the side-by-side twin beds for a much-needed nap, something miraculous happens. I don’t want to take a nap! I’m energized simply by looking out my window at the Copenhagen skyline! Naps can wait until I’m back on American soil.
4:30 p.m.
I’m freshly showered and wearing my favorite blue kaftan from SZ Blockprints plus translucent pink Mars sunglasses and a T-shirt wrapped on top of my head. The T-shirt is because I’m in the midst of plopping, an integral aspect of my curly hair routine I will wax upon at great length in my upcoming Man Repeller Hair Diary. But anyways, I remove the T-shirt and unleash my wet hair before skipping my way out of the hotel in search of sustenance. I have a dinner in exactly 1.5 hours, but who cares? I’m hungry, and I’m in Copenhagen.
4:45 p.m.
I walk to the Torvehallerne food court, which is super close to my hotel. There are so many little stalls selling food, flowers, coffee and other alluring delights that I’m immediately overwhelmed-in-a-good-way. I’m prepared to explore, but then I spot a window full of smørrebrød (Denmark’s famous, open-faced sandwiches) and stop dead in my tracks. I order one with chicken salad and devour it standing up before I can take a photo.
5:30 p.m.
I get some work done at the hotel while contemplating what to wear to dinner, a seated event hosted by Copenhagen Fashion Week to celebrate its seasonal inauguration. I decide on a sundress from Naya Rea with side cut-outs — or, as Haley calls them, “platonic peepholes.”
6:30 p.m.
I’m at the dinner! There are so many people here! I’m sitting next to Mads Peterson, the co-director of the Copenhagen International Fashion Fair. We chat about which shows we’re most excited to see and the merits of Scandinavia’s serious bicycle habit. I’m not super hungry because of my late afternoon snack, but I eat some chicken because it’s delicious, and I’m in Copenhagen.
10 p.m.
After filing copy for a story about why celebrities are bad at Instagram, I promptly fall into the deepest slumber I’ve had since I was in utero.
8 a.m.
I start my first official day of Copenhagen Fashion Week at a press breakfast showcasing up-and-coming designers in the Nordic region. Much to my jet-lagged delight, there is a little mobile espresso machine on wheels outside the venue. I get a latte.
8:30 a.m.
Although there is plenty of sustenance in terms of fashion inspiration, there isn’t much in the way of actual food at the breakfast, so I join a couple other editors for a second course of eggs and bacon in the hotel’s dining room.
9:30 a.m.
I answer emails and finish editing a story. (I know, I know, snoozeeeeeeee, keep scrolling for Copenhagen content).
12 p.m.
Three other editors and I arrive at the Morten Ussing show venue exactly on time. Our driver, Niclas, is worried that “exactly on time” means I’m late, but I assure him that fashion shows tend to operate on a half-an-hour-or-later delay like a moody teen.
12:30 p.m.
Sure enough, the show starts exactly half an hour late. I sip on my ginger soda while taking in the collection, a smorgasbord of bright colors, clever woven accessories and translucent dresses and skirts layered over high-waist underwear.
2:30 p.m.
I head back to the Torvehallerne food court to get something to eat for lunch. I pass a stall for the Danish chain Palæo, which I remember someone recommending to me via Instagram. I’m not paleo, but the food looks good, so I stop and order a wrap. I eat it on my way back to the hotel. It’s a bit funky (there are whole almonds in it, which I’ve never had inside a wrap before), but I like it.
3:30 p.m.
I arrive half an hour late to the Mark Kenly Domino Tan show due to a carpooling delay, but fortunately it doesn’t start for another 10 minutes. I love the collection: low-slung trousers, perfect trench coats and deconstructed blazers galore. I’m still thinking about the opening look in particular, and how such a simple outfit (blue jeans, a blue blazer and a slightly oversized white T-shirt) can somehow say exactly what you need it to.
4 p.m.
I chat briefly with Simon Chetrit (of Man Repeller fashion week street style photography fame) outside the venue before hopping in a car and heading to Cecilie Bahnsen.
4:20 p.m.
I AM SO EXCITED FOR CECILIE BAHNSEN. In the three years since starting her brand, Bahnsen has cemented her place as an industry darling, wooing everyone from editors to buyers to shoppers with her penchant for comfortable silhouettes and traditional techniques like quilting and patchwork. The Spring 2019 show is located inside a ginormous white-floored warehouse lined with a single row of seats around its entire perimeter. A hush falls over the crowd as soon as the first look emerges from behind a curtain: a white quilted top paired with a matching skirt and pearl-decorated Suicoke sandals. The entire collection is, in a word, dreamy, filled with the kind of clothes that practically beg to be seen and touched up-close.
5:30 p.m.
My last show of the day is Stine Goya, a brand known for its unique ability to marry contrasting prints in surprising and delightful ways. The Spring 2019 collection is no exception; inspired by Italian architect and interior designer Renzo Mongiardino, each outfit is like an artfully curated room, replete with different textures, unexpected shapes and whimsical accents. My favorite detail? Silk scarves knotted under bucket hats, because two head accessories are always better than one.
6:30 p.m.
I take myself out for dinner alone, an idea that usually terrifies me, but I’m trying to overcome my need to be constantly occupied with something — conversation, my computer, a book, my phone — and learn to sit peacefully with my own thoughts.
I end up going to Souls, a casual restaurant near the hotel with a seemingly endless number of positive reviews on Trip Advisor. I order a salad with tofu, sweet potatoes, hummus, quinoa, edamame beans, avocado and cashew-curry dressing. I’m not exaggerating: It might be the best salad I’ve ever had. I eat it at a small table outside, surrounded by groups of young people drinking beer and speaking Danish, watching the sun set on the city.
8 p.m.
I pay a visit to the Ganni showroom, which in addition to being filled with cool clothes is also filled with cool chairs, a cool urn and cool blue raspberry candy. It is, in other words, very cool. I meet Alexandra (the brand’s head of PR), who kindly lets me pick something out to wear to the show tomorrow. I immediately start spiraling from indecision, but Alexandra makes a beeline for a hot pink midi dress, holds it out in front of me and yep, that’s it.
9 a.m.
I wake up, put on my favorite milkmaid dress from Maryam Nassir Zadeh and go downstairs to eat breakfast in the hotel. I’m eating alone but my phone is now charged to 100% battery and I did not sit peacefully with my own thoughts.
11:00 a.m.
Upon arrival at the venue for By Malene Birger, I’m greeted by bouquets of flowers and a sparkling row of glass-bottled waters infused with various fruits and herbs. I choose one bobbing with cantaloupe balls and sip it as I make my way towards the back of the huge room. All of the seats are dotted with paper accordion fans, which guests are using to cool flushed cheeks in the unusual Copenhagen heat. I unfold mine and flap it breezily, feeling very ladylike.
Waiting for shows to start is typically when my anxiety starts to kick in. I’m still a relative newbie on the fashion scene, so I don’t have many close or even semi-close friends in the industry (a work in progress), but I’m pleasantly surprised by how open and chatty everyone is here compared to New York. I feel so much affection for the people who strike up conversation with me I could kiss them, but I don’t, because I’m drinking cantaloupe-infused water.
11:30 a.m.
The show is great (high energy, lots of bold silhouettes, fun bags), but I’m drawn to one look in particular: a maxi-length striped shirt dress paired with strappy kitten heel sandals. So easy, so refreshing. I want to recreate it as soon as possible.
12:30 p.m.
I have tons of free time before my next show, so after getting a bit of writing done, I head out to explore. I’m wearing my best exploring outfit: a short slip dress from LHD, Lowercase sunglasses and my trusty Maryam Nassir Zadeh sandals (trusty because they never give me blisters, which is key for walking adventures). For lunch, I’m embarrassed to admit that I went back to Souls and got the exact same salad I ate the day before. I know! Lame! I’m supposed to be exploring! But it was THAT GOOD.
1:30 p.m.
I hit up a few vintage stores nearby that were recommended by people on Instagram, starting with Times Up, a small and very well-curated shop with a great selection of floral sundresses. Next, I head to the 90s mecca that is Wasteland, where I try on a seemingly infinite number of Bermuda-length denim shorts. I can’t seem to find a pair that fits me perfectly, but only because I’m impatient a.k.a. eager to head to my third stop. I walk around the corner to Carmen Copenhagen, which ends up being my least favorite of the stores, but still fun to visit. To conclude my window-shopping spree, I walk in the direction of Holy Golightly, a luxury fashion retailer famous for its aesthetically-pleasing interior and collection of high-end brands — or so I heard. Sadly I can’t corroborate, because I can’t find the store! I wander in circles near the designated address for about 15 minutes before giving up and making my way back to the hotel. My phone’s map must be glitching. Alas.
5 p.m.
Dressed in my unmissable hot pink dress, I’m dropped off at a mysterious-looking warehouse for the Ganni show. Inside, there are gargantuan shipping containers that perfectly frame the uber-long runway. I chat with my friend Anaa for a bit before heading to my seat, where I meet Jenny Walton, an illustrator whose incredible personal style I’ve admired on Instagram for a long time. Meeting people in the era of social media is so weird huh? I repress my urge to tell her how much I loved the white top and skirt she wore last week.
5:30 p.m.
Wow! This show! It’s so much fun, and such an interesting direction for the brand — significantly more “outdoorsy” than previous collections. Instead of feminine floral-print dresses there are anoraks, hiking books, bungee cord belts, cargo pants and fleece vests galore. The Dopp kit clutches are my personal favorite touch, one I can easily see becoming a street style mainstay.
6:30 p.m.
The Baum und Pferdgarten show is set inside an auction house, which provides some very entertaining artistic eye candy as I wait for people to be seated. Baum und Pferdgarten was founded in 1999, so it’s one of the more established Danish houses. It’s also one of the most distinctly wearable, typically offering a selection of colorful pieces that are easily mixed and matched. This season was no exception, featuring items like like two-tone jeans, windbreakers, pink trousers, structured jumpsuits and gingham knits. In other news, I’m hungry for a snack.
7:15 p.m.
I venture out in search of sustenance to tide me over until dinner. I decide to indulge in my adult right to eat dessert cream before my main meal and promptly head in the direction of an ice cream shop called ParadIS. I get two scoops of Oreo in a cup and eat it on a bench outside. I’m sufficiently sustained.
8:40 p.m.
The Saks Potts show is about to start — 40 minutes late, but who cares! It’s as if everyone can tell it’s going to be worth the wait. There’s something distinctly anticipatory about the atmosphere inside the venue, which is wall-to-wall carpeted in white and smells like orange blossoms. Suddenly the lights go dark and a horde of leotard-clad dancers march into the center of the room. They perform an intricately coordinated routine I would gladly watch again and again for hours. The lights go dark again and a lone model dressed like the White Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia emerges from a side door. Illuminated by a single spotlight, she looks like she’s floating. Her dramatic entrance heralds the true beginning of the show — an array of Olympics-inspired ensembles ranging from lime green lycra to flame-printed jumpsuits. Worth the wait indeed.
9:30 p.m.
I arrive at Ganni’s celebratory post-show dinner, hosted at designer Ditte Reffstrup’s her home. The entire house is emptied of furniture, save for a makeshift bar where peach cocktails abound, and a DJ booth in a room filled with silver streamers. I text my boyfriend that James Murphy (of LCD Soundsystem) is DJing. He’s a huge fan.
I head into the kitchen where I find stacks of porcelain bowls and a huge vat of lentil soup. I’m deliriously hungry, so I ladle myself a huge bowlful and walk outside to find somewhere to sit. I immediately run into Brandon Borror-Chappell, comedian and Man Repeller contributor extroadinaire. I’m so happy to see someone I know. I chat with him and his girlfriend, InStyle Editor-in-Chief Laura Brown, while attempting to elegantly slurp my soup without spilling.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Lisa Williams, the founder of Lisa Says Gah. She introduces herself and her husband, and I talk to them about what it’s like being on the buying side of the industry until I see Fashionista Editor-in-Chief Alyssa Vingan walking towards us with a hot dog in hand and gasp. Some context: I’d heard rumblings that the Ganni party would be serving famous hot dogs, catered by chef-of-the-moment Frederik Bille Brahe, so I was very excited to try them. After confirming their deliciousness, Alyssa guided me around to the back of the house where the hot dogs were being served. I secured one smothered in sauerkraut and headed back to my seat…
Which was now occupied by none other than supermodel Frederikke Sofie, a.k.a. my curly-hair idol! I legitimately bring her photo to my colorist every time I get highlights. I’ve never been more delighted to have my seat stolen. I stand and stare at her hair in what I hope is the least creepy way possible while I try to elegantly eat my hot dog without spilling.
8:30 a.m.
I grab a quick breakfast downstairs in the hotel before heading out into the city for a run. I end up running through King’s Garden, which is the oldest park in the city and so tranquil I almost feel like I’m trespassing.
1 p.m.
After doing some work, packing up all my bags and checking out at the front desk, I run into Alyssa of Fashionista again in the hotel lobby. Her flight was cancelled due to technical issues, so she’s stranded in Copenhagen for the next two days. Given I have lots of time to kill before my evening flight, we decide to get some lunch and walk around for a bit. I haven’t been to Copenhagen’s trendy eatery Atelier September yet (it was recommended to me by at least 100 people on Instagram), so we head in that direction. The restaurant’s most-hyped dish is avocado toast. Living in New York, I’ve somewhat avocado toasted-out, so I’m wary of ordering it, but in this case it seemed silly not to. When it comes and I take a bite, I’m alarmed that I almost didn’t get it. It’s fantastic — definitely on par with my favorite avocado toast of all time (Bluestone Lane, for the uninitiated).
2:30 p.m.
We wander down to Nyhavn, Copenhagen’s waterfront district and sit down for awhile on one of the many floating barges. The parallel rows of 17th- and 18th-Century townhouses are so brightly-colored they almost look fake, like charming, super-sized homes for dolls.
3:30 p.m.
One quick jaunt to Boyy and Arket later, I part ways with Alyssa to return to the hotel. On my walk back, I think about what made the past four days feel so special. It’s a strange and interesting time to be working in fashion. A lot of changes are taking place: print magazines are folding, designers are decamping from New York to Paris, sustainability is becoming more and more urgent, brands are popping up on Instagram and people are reevaluating how they do things and why. With change comes discomfort, and sometimes, cynicism. But as a new and young editor in the industry, I still feel quite a bit starry-eyed about the whole thing.
At fashion weeks, intermingled with my anxiety about not having anyone to talk to, a palpable sense of joy shines through every time I sit down at a show. In New York that feeling can seem almost cheesy, but in Copenhagen, I feel it shining right back. Denmark’s fashion industry is pulsing with joy. Fashion is now the country’s fourth-largest export. It’s riddled with comfortable shoes, frilly dresses and rhinestone claw clips. Everyone looks excited to be there — openly, unabashedly, uncynically.
I retrieve my suitcase from the hotel’s storage room. Riding down the escalator, like Saks Potts’ illuminated White Witch, I feel like I’m floating.
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Feature photo by Simon Chetrit.
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