#my friend thought this was just my art style now 💀
neon-danger · 5 months
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I’m so normal about them (lying)
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yesimwriting · 4 months
I keep thinking about your style of writing the reader in the movie challengers and my girl would NOT have a good time 💀
She would see this trio being lovey dovey with her and she would be so shy she would have a heart attack... She just wants to organize her sticky notes in alphabetic order leave her be.
Now if she was already in the friend group, she would totaly just get up and go to bed:
Trio: *on the verge of hooking up*
Reader: *yawns* would you look at that, well bye!
Trio: its not even midnight.
Reader: well, beauty sleep yk?
But also:
Art: we will be in eachothers life forever right?
Reader:duh! Your my friend 😀
Art: 🥺🥺
anon i can literally feel you understanding my writing, omg, we are so connected
however the trio is so hot and charming and good at flirting i fear it'd take an unnatural level of self control to not accidentally hook up with them
i agree that this scenario is definitely influenced by wether or not reader is already friends with them, so let's take a second to talk about both:
if reader wasn't really friends with them first, i can see her going to tashi's party. she starts talking to tashi to congratulate her, and then patrick and art invite both of them over.
tashi and her joke about it, but when tashi says she wants to go, reader's already regretting her life choices. she's finally making a (very pretty, very intimidating) tennis friend, she can't back out.
it'd start off so calm, everyone passing around a beer, and reader feeling like drinking during a tournament is already rebellious of her. maybe patrick hands her his cigarette and she takes a drag bc she's convinced she can pass off being this chill person.
she's even fine when art rests his hand on her knee for a little. everything feels light, friendly. and then patrick tells that story about teaching art how to jerk off, and reader's still not overly affected bc she's not directly involved. for a beat, she even thinks it's kind of cute that art's flustered.
and then tashi gets on the bed and there's an immediate switch in energy. reader immediately knows the window to leave without being labeled 'weird' or a 'mood killer' is slowly closing. so she mentions the time, and when anyone tries to get her to stay, art is for sure the one that helps her out. he's a sweetheart like that <3
art agrees that it's late, and would probably even offer to walk her back to her room. or, if things didn't feel too tense, he might ask her if she wants to go with him to get some ice and stay for one more beer. a subtle reset to help protect reader's boundaries. he's so bf material, i'm sorry.
now, if reader was already friends with them:
i feel like if patrick and art had a close girl friend, hotel room would not be the first time they came close to hooking up 😭. even though reader is still shy, there's a familiarity between them that has her feeling secure.
bc she knows them, she can tell when they're in a bit of a flirtier mood. patrick's hand is on her knee and art rests his chin on her shoulder, all while they're giggling and kicking their feet at everything tashi says. reader's spider senses start tingling. thirsty bitches.
her first thought is: 'i didn't hook up with you guys at my high school graduation, and i'm not hooking up with you guys now.'
i think the main difference if she's already friends with them is that reader feels a little more comfortable slipping out. there's a bit less social pressure bc they're already friends, so there's less pretending.
patrick would probably be more comfortable teasing her if they were already friends. he'd be touchier, asking reader if she'd sit with him for a few more minutes, and then he'd walk her back to her room. scout's honor.
art's quicker to pick up on reader being uncomfortable if they're already friends. he's going out with her to get ice and asking her if she's feeling okay. if she seems extra shy or like she feels bad for not being super okay with everything, art will probably stay out with her a bit. he'll talk to her about stuff she likes and then walk back to her room.
i love your side note about art and reader's dynamic, he'd find everything so endearing. like, yes, reader is the one making promises to be in art's life forever without a second thought. that is his very necessary second emotional support best friend that he pines after.
he's making sure everyone leaves her to her color coded sticky notes and tennis practice if that's what she wants!
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lousirs · 10 months
this is a dump about the uglydolls movie novel 💋💋💋
Alrighty I'm basically a regular here SO LETS GET TO IT
lodoeheie so I just got the movie novel of uglydolls because i need to fill my hunger for uglydolls content and THERE R SO MANY LITTLE DETAILS AND DIFFERENCES IN THE BOOK???!!???
ok so Lou's monologue in the pipes are completely different and they kind of point out details about Lou like his loafers being expensive and allat
there's this one part in the book where they are about to reveal Ox after the all dolled up scene and instead of Ox, Nolan was behind Lou???? I think it was just supposed to show how awkward Nolan is idk 💀💀
ALSO for some reason I feel like EVERUTIME Nolan made an appearance they always described him as "the handsome doll" and I find that so so silly but I love it
oh YEYEHA it's implied in the book that the dolls wear their own clothes when they aren't doing training which was not the case in the movie (probably due to animation complications)
in the gauntlet scene, in the book, it was Mandy who kinda taunted Lou to participate in the gauntlet rather than him deciding to buy himself. Also it made me think why he even decided to join it in both medias when he knew he'd fail but my friend and I just established that at that point he was probably already batshit crazy and had nothing to lose
the whole Ox flashback part was longer and had more details to it. So both Lou and Ox went for the gauntlet together and completed it but it showed that they failed and everyone thought it was Ox that caused them to fail when it was really Lou (kind of sad that Lou probably knew it was himself and had to put the blame on Ox)
it was also mentioned that both Lou and Nolan have somewhat of a muscular build so time to make some new head cannons
I just found thrse so interesting I'm so sorry
the book is pretty good imo (probably biased) and there's more stuff than what I put here so DEFINITELY go read it for yourself
why hello, we meet again... time for more rambling xD STRAP IN EVERYONE!
yes!! i've known about the novel for a hot minute. i haven't bought or read it (...yet) but i remember seeing silentreadersmatter (i believe?) post about it on wattpad... so shoutout to them lol. anywho time to respond to each thing mentioned in order (just about)...
lou with loafers!!: i always assumed he wore some sort of fancy shoewear... so it's nifty that they added clarification i guess xD
awkward nolan: awkward nolan is the superior nolan (in my opinion. i'm sorry lads)... i see nolan be depicted as a 'uwu soft boy bottom" most of the time... but i always thought he was just a awkward doll. like, an anxious mess that is trying his best but fumbles constantly. he's a ball of anxiety, and i love him. ANYWAYS
buff nolan real??: GOSH, I AM SO GLAD SOMEONE NOTICED THE MUSCULAR NOLAN THING. i always imagined nolan to be taller than the other dolls (he isn't really in the film but i always headcanoned it so because his uniform is smaller as if he was too big for it) but once i saw him be called "handsome" and "tall" and "muscular" in the novel, i flipped. the little baby boy is actually a BIG BUFF BABY. i have a doodle of this from a few months ago heheh... (thank you for giving me an excuse to show it because it's been lingering in my files for a while LMAO)
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^^^ lou is just trying to act evil and devious but he got this tall, handsome muscular doll getting in his way xD
ohhh but i can just imagine instead of the robot dog taking lou to the washer, nolan personally picks him up and drags him there. now THAT'S a moment i want to see.
fashion: oh, i didn't know about the clothes thing! DAMNIT i want to see them all in casual clothing, so i know what kind of styles they wear!! i mean, there's a concept art with lou in a white jumper with a golden 'L' on it... but that's all.
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i have my headcanons for what they wear, but it would be cool to see... especially since most other dolls normally do have numerous outfits for the kids to dress them up in.
gauntlet: yeah, lou kinda lost the plot around that point. i would take a guess that he was probably unnerved by just basically killing two dolls, one that he knew (possibly for a while) and one that was close to his old friend, so when he saw mandy still alive he was like "well sh*t." and then came the downward spiral of him trying to sabotage the others, before inevitably sabotaging himself. ...but i think the book's version of mandy getting the crowds to peer pressure lou to joining the gauntlet made more sense (lou's reputation would be at stake and his reputation is basically all he has) than him joining anyways in the film. i guess they tried to make it make more sense with the whole "I don't even have to win. I just need to make sure you lose." but ehh... eh....
ox's tragic anime backstory: yes!! they should've done this version in the film honestly. perhaps they could've even shown lou's regret for lying to basically his only friend. ...oh wait, i forgot. lou's meant to be a 100% evil villain who kicks babies. anyways, again i feel that the novel made more sense than the canon we got in film. i guess in the film ox got recycled because he was causing others to fail by accident? but the novel's version is much more interesting.
if i remember correctly (and if i don't, count this as a rewritten version lol) the assistant robots took ox away after he 'failed' in the novel. i can imagine a scene where we are in ox's perspective, being forcefully dragged away to the pipes whilst lou looks at him, dread and sadness written across his face, yet he doesn't try to stop the robots. he just stands there, biting back his guilt. ohh... if only...
STRONG BOYS!!: heheheheh strong nolan and lou... would be funny if nolan didn't appear strong, but is actually stronger than lou. but then again, how can you tell if the doll is strong? they all look like same. lou says his arms are bumped or whatever in ugly truth but WHERE? WHERE'S THE BUMPED ARMS LOU??
anywho, thank you for the novella lore dump! for anyone who is interested, go check out the novel as well. it's pretty interesting if you are deep into doll purgatory. (also it's mentioned that ox used to wear a fedora from what i remember)(THAT IS TERRIBLE. I LOVE IT)
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chibishortdeath · 11 months
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Simon derangement page number um I lost count!!! Time to explain things and transcribe my handwriting lol >:3
I put a photo of the whole page here because some things were hard to single out into separate images :)
A pose study! I was trying to work on foreshortening with that arm position. Just imagine that he’s talking to someone off screen and sweating cause he’s been working out or something d(^^ )
Two of these are based on some reaction image doodles I ran into on Pinterest that I’m pretty certain originated on tumblr lol. The bottom left one says “*realization*” and the top right one says “deranged —>” with the arrow pointing to our Mr. Deranged in question, Simon. The Simon and Richter one is kinda poking fun at the general Smash Bros fandom depiction of them and is also based on a doodle I saw on Pinterest.
Bottom left says “he has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces” lol. Dw! He is your friend! I just forgot to write that part :). I hope the tbh creature doodle is appreciated, I’ve drawn him like that more times than I’d like to admit—
This one is based on a photo of this guy (gotta be a Snapchat one idk I’ve never had Snapchat) with a monster energy and caption “KILL”. I think it fits the vibe.
Bottom left says “monsert!”, a silly bastardizarion of “monster”, again the energy drink. I feel like Simon would be the kind of guy to have caffeine at like 6PM and then wonder why he can’t sleep later lmao. Or worse have caffeine to avoid sleeping 💀. The other two doodles I drew because I woke up one morning and immediately imagined Simon with raccoon stripe hair for no reason.
This one is based on a tumblr post, it says “(Simon) the psychiatrist diagnosed me with divine madness” “(Christopher) any other diagnosises you’d like to share?” “(Simon) Autism”. That ending panel of Simon saying autism ended up a sticker in a discord server I’m in lmaooooo. Also I need to have more Simon and Christopher interactions cause I think they’d be friends aaaaa
The top doodle is based on a Simon MMD model I found of him as a Vocaloid and I thought that was hilarious and banger, we need more people making fun crossover stuff like that in the world lol. The bottom one is just him vibin(?). Idk he seems pretty distressed, but that’s his usual state so uh—
Another little pose doodle. I think his preferred sitting position is like criss cross applesauce on the floor. I don’t think he’d sit normally in chairs at all. I am now picturing him leaning a chair back too far help 💀.
This one is based on this meme that’s kinda poking fun at the art styles commonly found in yaoi with the last one being left blank for putting whatever you like there and implying in a comedic way that it’s ‘straight man yaoi’, I’ve seen ones with things like football players or idk Breaking Bad put there lol. Basically I saw the meme and realized that all the different styles kinda lined up too well with some Simon designs and well yeah this happened 💀💀💀. So we got Ayami Kojima’s design as “straight woman yaoi”, the NES cover art/X68000 as “gay man yaoi”, Simon’s Quest as “lesbian yaoi”, and Captain N thrown into “straight man yaoi” lmaooo.
Okie that’s all for this one, I will make more inevitably lol
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So ummm I never finished this in September everybody got sick, and we are still sick but I just wanna finish this to have it as reference in here. (its a long list from 14 to 29)
14. 2 ocs who hate each other?
As of right now none.
15.oc house home?
I made Zoe’s house so far!
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16. Oc items
Zoe has he potions and precious books
Malaikah has her phone(she’s a phone addict)
Aida has her bells (which are an ancient artifact)
Ren treasures his watch that his grandfather gave him
17. Oc way to travel
There’s different places and each place has a easier medium of transportation. The fae and dragonkin use flight, humans use vehicles. Elves use teleportation stones.
18.oc jobs?
Ren works in his fathers company, (he will take over one day so he tries really hard to please his father)
Aida and Aro do odd jobs (mostly exorcisms and sending demons back to the underworld)
Malaikah helps run her parents business (but she’s mostly on her phone all day talking to her friends and girlfriend)
Azari is a prince so he does his duties
Zoe is a researcher in potions and is held in high regard for her studies and accomplishments
Xayah is the heir to the throne and Zija helps her with her work
19.ocs hobbies
Ren likes to work out
Aida likes to collect cute things
Aros hobby is to beat up demons to a pulp (he has a lot of pent up anger) and probably go eat afterwards xD
Zoe reads in her free time
Azari likes to spend time with Zoe(is that considered a hobby?)
Xayah likes to have a spa time cuz she’s always stressed out and working out is not doing it for her anymore
Zija goes shopping in different cities, and buys gifts Xayah since she doesn’t like to go out too much
20.ocs family
Xayah and Zija are sibilings
Aro and Malaikah grew up together so they treat each other like sibilings
Ren has 2 sibilings
Azari has 7
And Zoe has 12
21. Oc as kids or their kids
Nooo kids yet i haven’t thought that far!
But here is a little doodle I made of Aida as a kid a long time ago for a video challenge
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22. Oc who is suffering
Aro. He has been through hell and out. Unlike Aida he wasn’t used to it. So it kinnda scared him mentally and physically
23. Who is doing fine?
Zija. If he stresses out he just goes shopping and goes to spas💀
23. oc in alternate universe?
Aida as Mavin x3
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25. Ocs in different art styles?
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Wonderful art by @raouwul (please follow them if you haven’t!) the first one is Zija and the second picture is Aida (give it a like and reblog if ya want to <3)
26. oc meme?
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(my main pfp cuz thats my life in general)
27.oc in a videogame?
i havent drawn that yet :p
28 forgotten ocs
a anon asked me before about my forgotten ocs so i already had this pic and i forgot about it lol (thank you anon you predicted i was ganna need this xD)
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29. and oc i like the most?
REN <3
i put so much thought into him!<3
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blupengu · 10 months
Okay, I thought Le Salut emotionally devastated me? Wrong. Weak sauce. I think I inadvertently went in order from happiest to most depressing salvation ending oops…💀
Big fat spoilers for everyone’s salvation ends under the cut!! I’ll add the order I did them in first in case somehow someone finds this and is curious but hasn’t done them all yet
Just wanna say though, thank you Virche Evermore for gifting us with not one, not two, but FIVE(!) long-haired boys, god damn! I would like to shake Yomi’s hand because the art and character designs are so *chef’s kiss,* long-haired anime boys are superior 😂
Also random aside, the first few notes of the salvation theme before the piano comes in gives me such……… indescribable feelings? That underlying dissonance fills me with like such a desperate but forlorn desire to go back to simpler, happier times before the melody becomes more hopeful 😂 (this might be a weird pull, but it gives me Giygas theme prayer for safety vibes from Earthbound 👀)
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Adolphe -> Mathis -> Scien -> Yves -> Lucas (yes I saved him for last because I am a Lucas simp I admit it. I saw some comments say it was uhhh not the happiest ending LOL but the heart wants what the heart wants 💀) Boy this is gonna be a LONG post
Love things being solved with guns lmfaooo, guess we’ll go by each scene that the game goes through. Also since I forgot to mention this in my Le Salut rant, I LOVE all of Ankou’s CGs, he is so pretty! The very first one you get stopping Ceres from killing herself? Impeccable. When Adolphe’s pointing a sword at him while his hair’s blowing in the wind? Show-stopping. Him eating the lycoris? Peak *I saw a man so beautiful I started crying* 😩
LUCAS AND NADIA ARE ALIVE! NADIA IS RECOVERING!! LUCAS IS GOING TO THERAPY!!! As mad as I am that ankou died, this is the best timeline oh my gosh the way I (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) when I heard Nadia, the relief I felt for these two blonde bitches y’all…
LMAO JEAN. Oh my evil hot butler being forced to take care of a baby as his punishment is so *chef’s kiss,* scien has wonderful ideas, I desperately want fan art of this 😂 ah… they did say Rosalie was pregnant though when she was killed, didn’t they… oh now it hurts a little more… I hope he, Mathis, and the kid become a loving family 😔
What the FUCK Yves eating the lycoris bulbs coming in clutch though??? And Hugo still being an A+ Yvesexual I approve 😌
Scien is the BIGGEST mvp though in practically every route my god
This was such like a nice, tight little bow to put at the end of what I guess is the true route? But I love it because all our boys are happy (Ripperoni ankou 🫡)
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Sweet baby boy, too good for this world… Dahut why tf are you blowing shit up in his route this don’t involve you go away 😂 (still love him though…)
Oh… OH. Mathis was ACTUALLY baby…?? o_o (kinda 😬 how Jean got the cells but uh, let’s ignore that shall we?) Rosalie, Camille, Mathis happy family AU when??? Aaaw Jean did care about Mathis deep down TT_TT (like waaaay deep down), and thank you Scien again as always.
Lmao Ankou’s just casually showing up like, “here take these sweets, it’s made of my blood! Haha no of course I’m joking it’s just normal candy” 👀 Not much else to say about this end, it was cute! I’m glad at least one character got a real happy ending 😌
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Bruh I forgot how disrespectful Scien is to everybody lmaooo, guess we back to sandwich dispenser… I’m glad Dahut’s our friend in this route though!
SALOME WHAT THE FUCK! Oh bruh hell nah, she did not just do that I stg… oh bitch she really killed Dahut huh. YOU JUST KILLED YOUR SON!! GIRL, THIS MAKES ME MAD AF 💀 (this also made me realize they share the same bang style 😭)
Not much else to say about this one either, I’m glad it’s happy (other than Dahut… and they’re never gonna find out about that, huh… ಠ_ಠ), and looks like the kiss CG’s improved! 😂
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Bruh Yves needs therapy so bad, he’s such a good boy though 😂 Ngl his full name is kinda sick, Yves Noirge, guardian of the Lycoris, named after the flowers of misfortune? That goes hard af
Please… please give her the Magic science juice first so you don’t die before you get to her… no? Aight then I guess the power of love stopped you from dropping dead LOL (this kiss CG was also pretty nice! Hooray the artist has improved 😂)
Cannot believe they put in the effort to change Scien’s sprite so he’s missing an arm though lmao, and Ankou just kinda showing up to solve problems is always great
Y’all Yves and Ceres are so mentally I’ll for each other… and two kiss CGs!! They really saved the nice ones for the end huh 😂 Good for Yves! It’s not a super happy ending, but at the very least things are hopeful, and that’s all I can really ask for in this game…
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I am. Upset. I miss when all we had to worry about was the cage 😂
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*internal screaming* Boy oh boy this one absolutely wrecked my shit. When I looked at the flow chart and realized it would split off AFTER Nadia and the killing spree… 😬 like bitch I don’t wanna go through this again 💀 okay okay though, this one’s definitely gonna be long (sorry in advance), I guess I’ll just tackle the scenes chronologically:
Seeing Dahut hiding from Lucas really just made me shout “LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!” at my TV now knowing what we know lmao, but also… why was he unsure about Capucine’s involvement…? Like he knew Capucine was Ortie and he must’ve known that Capucine was running the hospital Nadia was in… also knew he was abusing Lucas and doing fucked up human experimentation, Dahut so why are you surprised??? I would’ve pulled Nadia out if there the second I became friends with her, a huge chunk of this is your fault 😭
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But bruh… this is not a salvation end… it’s a despair end with more CGs and trying-to-talk-with-a-slit-throat-while-coughing-up-blood ASMR wtf 💀
(Poor Lucas saying “I can’t do this anymore” was so relatable lmao sweetie the game is doing you so dirty I am so sorry, like oh my god make the pain stop… what do you mean it’s only gonna get worse?!)
I am glad though that even though we stabbed our boy in the throat we are still going after Capucine’s ass together! Seeing him scared was so satisfying aah, GET FUCKED CAPUCINE HELL YEAH YOU BETTER BE AFRAID BITCH!! Even with 0 pints of blood, Lucas is still kicking down doors and kicking ass, what a king 👑 the man must be leaking everywhere (like sir we cut an artery, there must be a fountain coming out of you), love the “man too angry to die” vibes 😌
Bruh the siblings face to face is so fucked. Was not expecting Dahut to have already been there and playing dead though! Even though you’re kinda the reason Lucas and Nadia’s lives got so fucked, I’m glad you helped in the end 😌 get fucked (again) Capucine!! I’m very glad Nadia was the one to claw the shit out of that garbage man 🔥💯
Aha, the touching sibling reunion is SO super duper fucked 😭 they did not have to describe how Nadia can feel the other body parts and how much it hurts… like Jesus fucking Christ honey I am so sorry you’re in this game, this is too much suffering for such a sweet character 😩
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God I am so absolutely devastated, his dying CG was pretty at least… ಥ_ಥ this ain’t fair though y’all… what is this injustice for Lucas?? Like this is some Shakespearean tragedy bullshit… Whoever decided his gravestone CG needed THREE variations is sadistic lmao 😭
My crops are dying, my skin is dry, everything is pain… I guess all we can really do is take some solace in the fact that he gets a happy ending with Nadia in Le Salut…
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I don’t think the salvation theme music ever even played???? I also realized this motherfucker’s been wearing high heels the whole time while on his murderous rampage??? WORK BITCH damn 💅
Phew this rant for just Lucas probably could’ve been its own post honestly lmao but oh well, the man changed my brain chemistry… guess it’s time to pray for the FD to be localized. Please our lord and savior Scien, let it be soon, Lucas deserves so much better than what he got 😭
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Well guess that’s it for my rambling posts about virche evermore!! This game was a wild ride from start to finish and I loved it, time to make shitty memes to cure my brain rot (sorry if this post was incomprehensible LOL)
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puppyyboyy · 4 months
huge vent under the thingy
im really selfish i think, like i dont really do much for people and i dont like to talk to people anymore as much as i used to but i think im just scared of people now. my parents pulled me out of school so i wouldnt be bullied but i think it just made my social anxiety worse
im also really sensitive and cry easily and i dont like that, yesterday i almost started crying because i couldnt find a room number in school (i was there for exams) that was super embarrassing
today is my brothers birthday and he has special needs and i feel bad because he has no friends to celebrate his birthday and my sister left the house to go hangout with her boyfriend so its only my mom, dad and me there for him on his birthday and i feel so bad and im like miserable right now and i woke up really upset because i was almost late for my exam and i definitely failed it because i guessed on almost question and i talked about college today and my plans with my guidance counselor at school and she talked about what im gonna do after highschool and i dont know what i wanna do because i thought i was gonna kms at 11 years old and not have anything else ahead of me and im so lost now and i dont even know what to do anymore
and im crying because i cant stop thinking about all the stuff thats gone wrong in my life and if i did things differently i couldve been happier and a better person
and i feel bad cuz im ignoring literally everyone rn whos texting me and im just sitting on my bedroom floor crying and writing this lmao im literally venting on tumblr💀 how did i get this bad omg. i could use my notes app to vent but i also want someone to read this, like anyone idc who im not even asking for help i just wanna be seen in a way i think
and my head is always full of ideas and thoughts and its hard to do anything because its always racing and i dont like it at all and i cant ever find the right words to get all these thoughts out or draw them out because i make art but irs not good it sucks and i hate my art style and i hate how i cant draw poses right or render correctly it pisses me off
my sister is really good at art, she goes to college for it and is way better then me and my parents are always praising her about her art and i feel like ill never be as good as her with anything, shes an honors student and graduated almost top of her class and president of the art club at her highschool (currently my highschool) and i got pulled into a bunch of shit when i made friends at highschool and they are all older then me and have so much drama and i feel like no matter who im friends with i cant be friends with the other people i wanna be friends with because they have drama together and if im one persons friend then i cant be the other persons friend because then im a bad person and i just hate it so much i hate beiing around people and i hate having to pick sides and i wish i could kms and i wouldnt have to deal with anything anymore
and then with my sister- anything i do or make art of my parents are like "cool!" and move on with their rlife and when my sister does art they post it on their facebook and show other family members and praise her so fucking much. im not saying i want all that but it feels like they dont even care
and i also noticed i get less things at Christmas and on my birthday now ever since i came out as trans to my extended family like my grandparents and uncle and aunt, my sister and brother get a bunch of shit and ill get some books and some other shit i dont even want or asked for but my sister gets money and a bunch of shit she asked for (expensive things) and my brother gets new electronics every fucking year. he got the newest iphone and a ipad and a fucking 3d printer last christmas???? and i got books and a 20$ Michaels gift card? its so unfair i with i was cis and my family would like me more itd not even about the gifts its just in general they got so distant and weird with me i feel so odd when i go to family events
sexual talk here- and i feel really gross a lot of the time cuz im sexual a lot and i wish i wasnt because i always feel gross and idk it makes me feel weird i guess its just hormones and a trauma response from when i was younger but i just feel weird especially when im alone and im being sexual i feel gross after and i dont know why im like this
theres so much on my mind and im just like AGHHHH!!!!!! i wanna cut myself and bleed out everywhere istg (i wont actually cuz im very afraid of physical pain)
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
I haven't made one of these so I thought why not while I'm getting more followers
About Myself...
My name is SindiNero, but I also go by Tortillasconsal. You people can call me Sindi or Tortilla.
I'm a 18 y/o Mexican, I am a nonbinary aromantic lesbian and I use they/them pronouns only!!
English isn't my first language despite being the main language of this account, so I apologize for any mistakes I make.
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Currently I am very invested in creepypasta since I'm coming back to the fandom after like 5-6 years I think(? I'm writing my own AU but I doubt it'll be something big, right now I'm just making headcanons and some world building maybe. I also focus a lot on the Slenderbros bc they are very gender.
I do have a couple of crp OCs (and more outside the fandom), but I rather share them later on when I'm more comfortable with my audience.
My ask-box is always open if anyone wants to chat or ask for stuff, but if you want to DM me please ask there first. I get really confused with random messages from people I don't know.
Also, I talk a lot. So prepare to have a bunch of ridiculously long posts filled with excessive context and nonsense descriptions in random order because I can't talk normally.
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I do both writing and art requests. You are free to ask for anything, but here is some stuff to follow:
You can ask for anything as long as it's appropriate and creepypasta related, asking for my original stuff outside of the crp fandom is ok too.
The style I do with art requests may vary depending on my time, the request and how much I'm familiarized with the character, but I usually try to do a simple doodle for time's sake.
I will do gory art, but don't expect much. I'm just not that experienced in that.
If you give me a list of characters to draw/write about I'll only pick one or two. Except if you're asking for the characters doing stuff together obviously.
The only OCs I'll draw and write for will be my friends'. If you come here asking for headcanons or art of your OC and idk you, I'll ignore you.
I take a shit ton of time on doing the requests, so please be patient with me, I'm lazy 😩
There will be a bunch of characters that I won't write about at first as I'm still learning about them, but eventually I'll do more.
Shitposting is always welcome.
Themes I don't write or do art about:
Ships or romance.
Smutt or Fluff.
Anything NSFW or suggestive.
I don't do fanfic or oneshots. I just don't have the mental capacity to focus on a story 💀 please just ask about headcanons or something else instead.
Characters I won't write or do art for:
Lazary and Lulu, or any other Chibi-Works character.
Julius the Dressmaker and Killian Lynch, or any other work made by SanityisforLosers.
Dr. Smiley.
Pokepasta, gamingpasta (with the exception of B.E.N.) and MLP creepypastas.
Offenderman. But he's a special case. He's canon in my AU as the original version, I won't take prompts or requests for him and I won't write/draw much about him, the most I'll do is answer questions and do lore-bits when necessary. If enough people ask me to write my headcanons on a certain topic where I don't see any harm, I'll do it.
I also love Art Trades. Check out mi bio to see if they're open!
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Other interests/likes of mine:
Character Design
Smoking herbs like lavender or chamomile (weed too, but that is a secret)
Glass Animals, Will Wood, Grandson, Cosmo Sheldrake, IDK HOW, Saint Motel, Tally Hall, Scene Queen, Miranda!, Cuarteto de Nos, Vete a la Versh, Molotov, Cartel de Santa.
My DNI List:
The basic (homophobes, transphobes, ableists, racists, etc...)
Anti-feminists, masculinists and people who don't support feminism.
People who support SnuffBomb, La Mishi Mish, Sanityisforlosers, GravezGrind and/or xXAmLuvsXx.
Comshitters/Proshitters/Anti-Antis and their supporters.
Coffin of Andy and LeyLey fans and other weirdos that like similar media. (Excluding ones that don't enjoy the sketchy aspects of it)
People who think fiction doesn't affect reality and say "they're just pixels" like stfu.
People who say 'latinx' (you can refer to me as Latino or Latine, but please don't use that word)
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My socials!!!
Instagram📷 tortillasconsal0
Twitter🐦 SindiNero69
Pinterest🖼️ SindiNero69 (in case you're interested in seeing my OCs' or Creepypasta MoodBoards)
Swag people you should follow
@the-catcake @schrodingers-seraph @realmysticalsorcery @ivydarkrose @dadumtss @ask-jeff-creepypasta @laliloon
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mooneln0ne · 1 year
Ooooo alright here goes my love letter for the Luffy kite ARG! Hope that this isn’t too long/hope this doesn’t cause you stress! You don’t gotta answer or read it if you don’t wanna. I just wanted to get this out of my system.
(( Hope it isn’t weird to write so much, I write paragraphs for everything that I enjoy! ))
At first when I came across the art, I didn’t know that it was an ARG. Eventually when more and more answered asks of yours appeared on my page, I found out it was an ARG. I really loved the style and it just felt so...ominous. But ARGs weren’t really for me (I’ve never tried one out and was too lazy to lmao) so I just admired the art and laid back for a few weeks.
It wasn’t until today that I decided “Y’know what? I’m bored! Screw it!” And saved all of the frames in my phone to study. I turned up all of the settings of my phone like the exposure and brightness and sharpness etc.
After like a second of looking at this cool asf hidden text I was like “Yeah okay I need to record this!” So I pulled out the closest notebook I had and started writing down my thoughts and other stuff! Now I’m in love with this ARG—
I have a picture (I took one to show my friends my new obsession—) but I don’t think I’m allowed to post it since it’s all of my thoughts through combing through most details. Still though! Just know that your series has a whole entire page in a notebook dedicated to it because it’s just that good PFT—
So much cool stuff is in this story and I cannot wait for more! But please, take as much time as needed Moonel!
P.S. I couldn’t help but see some...codes around the story. Are these codes supposed/able to be to be scanned or should I be taking out some hidden tools to do so? I’m gonna be honest I took like an hour of my time to try and figure out how to make those damn codes work 💀 my dedication is infinite when I like something and I wouldn’t mind taking the extra step to figure it out but I would like to know if they’re viable first!
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IM GLAD I INTERESTED YOU... oughh I love to see people try their best to decipher my post.. I love it when a person not usually interested in something becomes interested on the very thing they'd usually not be into!!!
The codes are decipherable, QR codes are scannable, and some hints are askable if you know where to look!!!!
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rivetgoth · 1 year
what do you think of cursedindustrialconfessions on instagram? and other fandom style confession accounts?
personally i don't find much issue with the accounts themselves but some of the comments and confessions are truly cursed 💀
Been sitting on this ask since I woke up trying to figure out why it doesn’t sit right but yk, here— I don’t have any interest in name dropping specific accounts or pages and talking shit on them (OR conversely praising accounts who I think are the "right" kind of fan). I obviously vagued a few specific instances I’ve seen of behavior I found inappropriate from online “industrial fans” in the original post I made but even then kept usernames out of it and even then I was trying to emphasize that all of these are examples of a larger problem, not that One Particular Guy is the harbinger of inappropriate industrial fan behavior lol. I already shared the bulk of my thoughts about “fandomizing” real life musicians and real life music subcultures/communities and my distaste for it, but ultimately every single topic (especially things that are ultimately not life threatening and I’d even go as far as to call a First World Problem) is going to have plenty of nuance and grey area and I think it’s counterproductive and even hypocritical personally for me to start making lists of the Good and Bad industrial fans/pages. That just as much goes against my view of the industrial scene as a community as the stuff I was bitching about to begin with.
I’m honestly a little nervous about the post I made getting a decent amount of notes to begin with because it’s not like I was trying to write the absolute manifesto on Correct or Moral fan behavior, though I think sometimes my posts are mistaken for such because I write a lot and very passionately (sorry), I was just complaining about trends I’ve seen in online industrial music spaces that feel disrespectful or rub me the wrong way, and ultimately was just trying to strongly emphasize that this subculture is an incredibly important real life community for me full of people I absolutely adore and I don’t like seeing the music or the people who make it fandomized or treated like weird quirky characters, with their experiences and traumas not taken seriously. Obviously there is a grey area to any of it, and ultimately I think stuff like memes or jokes about these guys, fan creations ranging from DIY’d clothing to fan art to fan edits to cosplay to whatever else, and even expressing sexual attraction towards them is generally harmless and normal when it’s done respectfully and thoughtfully, keeping in mind these are real people with real traumas, who are not that famous, who can and do look themselves up online and see what’s going on, or have friends who do and then send it to them. Like, I was planning to make that post BEFORE Ogre spoke up about how he was reading comments online about people complaining about the show not being as bloody as prior ones and how it upset him because the older shows were an expression of authentic pain and suffering and even literal self harm and this new show was an intentional movement towards something new and the fact that he’s in a better place in life now… He said that because he saw firsthand what people were saying about him online!
So idk man. But ultimately if you really really want my thoughts? I think any time something is described as “fandom style” in the context of real people or an active real life music subculture all of my hair bristles like a scared animal and my fight or flight response kicks in lol. And I ultimately think that y’all are gonna have to decide for yourselves what you’re okay with rather than ask me, because Lord knows I am not the keeper of all that is objectively right and true. I think some of MY opinions for what is or isn’t okay might actually be more extreme than others (like I said in my previous post—I’m much more neutral on RPF than many I’ve seen, which I think is a controversial take? I just think like anything else there is lots of nuance in that conversation. Idk.), I just encourage anyone calling themselves an industrial fan or viewing it as a fandom to try dipping their toes into an IRL alt music scene and start talking more to old timers and going to shows and clubs and making friends and connections that way with other people who are devoting parts of their life to actively engaging with the community surrounding this music face to face because I think it can very quickly change your perspective for the better and kinda demystify some of the more fandom-y mindsets that these guys are larger than life caricatures to be memed on the same way you would talk about like, Herbert West or Will Graham or whatever.
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seb-reads31 · 1 year
I have this one very very special headcanon for Bruce, the serial killer where I feel like he's into manipulating people into loving him or something like that. I have another headcanon where he likes to pinch young people's cheek NOT BUTT CHEEK I MEAN FACE CHEEK
🔪The Serial Killer🔪
Tw's - Killing (duh), mentions of manipulation, mercenary work, just a general warning for this man 💀💀
Comments - This is just gonna be me adding onto this- I now have to add onto the key. Cry-
Random thoughts:
🔪 I have the feeling he hates kids in all honesty
🔪 He either A. Has a short temper, or B. Gets incredibly irritated by certain things
🔪 He gives me the vibes that he manipulates on occasion
🔪 Not exactly a relationship type of guy thanks to his.. occupation
🔪 These are interesting ideas, but don't exactly match him
🔪 He has probably turned on the charm to get out of sticky situations, but that's as far as it goes
🔪 The less he has to build a relationship with a person the better
🔪 Hence why he's been on the run for so long without getting close to being caught
🔪 My random head canons feel, odd? Or just kinda basic 💀
🔪 I feel like he does pinch the cheeks of people he's messing with (if they're tied down or too injured to move) to try to get a kick out of them
🔪 He has the skills to manipulate people, but doesn't really use them unless if they're really needed. (I feel like I already said this but meh)
🔪 He barely gets sleep. Aaliyah's art of him has shown (sort of) that he has some sort of bags under his eyes (this could just be her art style however)
🔪 Doesn't have a very big knife collection personally, but when it comes to torturing people, he has a very wide variety he can choose from
🔪 Sucks at cooking, I will take no criticism on this
🔪 Not a touchy person, tries to avoid touching people as much as possible
🔪 Hence the gloves (minus OBVIOUS reasons)
🔪 The cheek pinching however is for him to try and tick off the person he's talking to/torturing
🔪 He also slaps them if he feels like they're getting too brave for their own good
🔪 He's a bit trigger happy I feel like
🔪 I feel like if someone angers him enough, he'll plot for about a couple of days the perfect murder then go for it
🔪 I don't know if he does have a job outside of his very obvious occupation/favorite activity, or if he's a mercenary
🔪 I want to throw out a couple of ideas of what he might be, but I can't think of anything 💀💀
🔪 Nothing I can think of fits-
🔪 I was thinking something in the medical field, which would add onto the sleepless nights, but it would become too much physically
🔪 He's not a classic office worker for a corporate business because he either has a short fuse or gets frustrated/annoyed easily
🔪 So I can only think of a professional assassin that runs his own business and still does field work
🔪 He mentioned that he had a couple of "friends" but added on the fact that they were only being nice to him because he's their boss (do correct me if I'm wrong)
🔪 So that feels the most logical
🔪 If I'm right however, he runs a very dangerous business, and was probably contracted to attack our school.
🔪 He saw us, saw himself in us, and wants us to go on the same path as him being a successful serial killer/assassin/paid mercenary (I don't know if an assassin and mercenary are the same so let me know if they are-)
Notes - This was very interesting to think about, and do keep in mind that these are my personal opinions of the character, you're completely allowed to think whatever about him or any other character you want.
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tyonfs · 1 year
but omg yeah i see what u mean w operation true love HAHA the sister is so annoying so it gives me SO MUCH satisfaction to see her not getting her way rn!! omg if u do decide to start it again lmk!!! 🤭 AND JIMIN AND YE EUN ARE GETTING THEIR OWN WEBTOON??? OMG E2L ARC I LOVE THEM SM CRIESNFKGNRN
i'm literally keeping up w so many webtoons rn (i gave up on anime bc of webtoons im sorry alice 😭😔) but my two absolute favs r seasons of blossom and honey lemon!!! (both of them update on the same day too so that's lucky for me LOL) but i recently found this new webtoon called muse on fame and i am Very Invested already!!! i also keep up w hello baby, go away romeo, operation: true love, maybe meant to be, the guy upstairs, get schooled!, perfect marriage revenge, there must be happy endings, dark moon: the blood altar, and marry my husband!! plus a lot of daily pass ones like designated bully, reality quest etc. OH and i don't even like horror but i found this rlly good dystopian one called everything is fine! it's currently on hiatus but i m super excited for the next season! i might also start purple hyacinth bc it's on hiatus rn and i can catch up quickly! beyond virtual is also rlly cool but it's also on hiatus rn unfortunately :(
which are ur fav webtoons??
also omg i saw u saw the dreamies live!!! THATS SO AWESOME I SHALL HAVE TO LIVE VICARIOUSLY THRU U :') which of their songs did u enjoy seeing live the most? and how were they irl? like . do they look the same as in videos? (idk if this makes sense but like are they taller than they seem or like. basically how are their personalities irl? 😭)
I'm so sorry for the long ask lmao i tend to get too excited whenever someone asks me ab webtoons 💀🥲 i hope ur day has been great and you got to eat lots of good food and stayed hydrated!! – anime :)
HAHAH i’ve been on the webtoon grind for the past 6 years it’s hard to escape 🫨
the art style is still rlly nice so i would consider reading true love operation tbh LMAOAO but love triangles also stress me out 😔 (odd girl out you have ruined me) also i’m not sure if i translated the raws wrong but i think they’re just getting extra chapters :’)) lowkey…….. i like them more than the main couple 🫣
LMAOAODJJ ANIME ANON U EVOLVED INTO WEBTOON ANON 😩 omg seasons of blossom is my absolute fav i remember when the first three chapters were out and i thought it was the cutest webtoon ever and now it’s the most emotionally damaging work of art i’ve ever read 😭💗 i fast passed to the end and wow. incredibly beautiful. and honey lemon is so cute too!!! i hate the boyfriend 😡😡😡 cant wait for her to break up with him!!! omg muse on fame is sooo good i love the art style so much 🤭 hello baby is from the author of age matters right ?? i subscribed but i’m yet to check it out :0 i will have to once i catch up with unordinary LOL
omg i read those too except the daily pass ones 😩 dear x and suhee0 are the only ones i’ve been trying to keep up with </3 everything is fine is one of my favoritesss i’m so sad it’s been on hiatus tho 😔 omg the hybe webtoons im ngl i think the only one that caught my attention was the lesserafim one :’)
hmm i’d say my favorites at the moment are seasons of blossom, villain with a crush, cursed princess club, phone addict, our secret alliance, odd girl out, exchange student, the fox club, act like you love me, my dud to stud boyfriend, and after school lessons for unripe apples 💗💗 my all time favorites would have to be romance 101, swimming lessons for a mermaid, and seasons of blossom 🌷🌷
oh my god i have post concert memory loss from tds2 i swear but they were so unreal 😭💖 like i couldn’t believe they were right in front of my eyes they were incredibleee i think my fav stage to watch was trigger the fever 🥹🥹 ngl i think they’re shorter irl . but my guy friends are also 6’3 and i’m pretty short so i have a skewed perception anyways LMAOAO but they’re so passionate when they perform and RENJUN was so energetic i was so soft watching him 🥰 but they are all so much more gorgeous irl like YES they are beautiful on camera but it’s such a different experience in the flesh
don’t apologize !!! also i hope you’re staying healthy as well and make sure you have a good day 🥰💖
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Don't know why I needed other ppl doing this to finally send you this appreciative ask, but I thought you wouldn't want to interact with anyone cuz you mentioned going through a slump. So i held in all the shit I wanted to say about your beautiful art (not visual arts) which is your writing.
Honestly, I joke yo write like you one day. Or at least as good as you. The way you describe shit is so... tidhsgfegsv idek fuck.
I've just been spending months reading all your works dude, you are BANGING in that area (your writing). I just- I just- maybe it's cuz it's been long since I wanted to say this so Idek the words to write, but I just love you and your work (sorry if saying ily makes you uncomfortable 🙏🏾).
Anyway, your writing is really beautiful, it's engaging, it makes me wanna give you my last penny if you publish a book and ask for more. Idk if that's... idk in..sen..sitive...? but idk you're really great is my point.
I think my first fice of yours was a sevika fic (like fine wine) but I didn't even know your blog cuz I didn't look at the name 💀. But I noticed your style of writing when I came to your blog and read your Kassandra fics.
See, for THOSE ones ???? I am forever grateful, cuz you made me live that woman more. And despite her not fully having a solid personality (yk the fact rhat we can choose what she says and all that), you captured her perfectly. I think my favourite fic is the one where reader moves into a new place and meets Kassy and her beautiful bird uhhh... Ikaros! Or maybe it's that friends with benefits one that I would love to read more of (I was sad when I saw it was supposed to be a full length fic, but it became headcannon 😪 it's still good though dw😭).
I'm typing too much now, but your fics made a um, safe (?) space for me in my head to properly daydream (this is probably bad but wtv 👀), and I think that's great.
Uhhhh, gb
Hope nothing I've said is offensive anywhere or in anyway. I hope you get through your stressful uni life successfully. I feel you on that. Uni is fucking stressful, especially with the misogynistic assholes you mentioned.
I didn't expect to full on ugly-cry today. But this is one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me. This genuinely means the world to me and I'm sad there aren't enough words to encapsulate the emotions I'm feeling right now 😭
Thank you for everything - your time reading my fics, your kindness, sharing your appreciation for the characters, and your consideration for my mental health. I will never close my inbox even if my brain is in the shitter, because interacting with the wonderful people who read my stuff is one of the few sources of real happiness in my life.
Daydreaming is a beautiful thing! And the reason I write is to help facilitate that, so I am very touched 😊
Rest assured, you have been nothing but sweet and considerate. Thank you so, so much for taking time to type this. I can't emphasise how much of a healing experience it was reading it. Have a lovely day my dear ❤️
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curekibouka-writing · 2 years
Um 8, 16, and 17 if your comfortable answering them?
Referring to this ask list
8. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? If not, would you tell anyone?
EVERYONE in my personal life knows 😂 You can probably tell I’m a very talkative girl. My parents know, my friends know, even some of my teachers know. Actually my English teacher in high school had to actively stop me from writing stories for exams because I never get high marks that way (because I can’t create a story in a short period of time), but overall she encouraged me to write in my spare time.
My parents don’t see any harm in me writing fics, and sometimes I discuss with them when I realise what I write in my fics might lead into some interesting philosophical reflections (asked them about their thoughts on adoption and the birth parents trying to reclaim the child when I was writing Choices).
All my friends know about my fics, a few of them read it. My whole fanfic path started because of a friend after all (“oh you’re doing this cool thing, imma do it too”), we sometimes give each other’s fics some advice too. And even if my friends don’t read my fic, I sometimes talk to them and ask them if they think certain plot points work. So actually, I have good memories with a lot of fics because I get to talk to my friends and family about them 😊
16. Do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won’t go back to?
Depends on how old the fic is. As I answered in another ask, I really dislike rereading my fics a few years ago. But I do reread ones in these two years, and sometimes I feel like I had greater creativity in the past than now 😔 Sometimes I reread and think “whoa, how did I think of that back then?”
There is a time I wouldn’t like to go back to, my before-angst era of course 😂 Wrote a lot of romantic (and other happy) stuff that just made no sense back then. I’m still clumsy with the romance genre and you can probably tell, but back then it was multiple times worse 💀 As for my early angst period, I wouldn’t go back either because they weren’t good angst. Overuse of crying, too saturated with emotions, melodramatic… there were a lot of problems. 😭
Generally, things that I’m comfortable enough to post on Ao3 are things that I’m willing to re-read.
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
I love all who interact with me 🥺🥺🥺 (I’m very extroverted, I need interaction, please interact with me and thank you for interacting with me UwU)
A lot of writers would tell you this, the best kind of interaction is when people tell you what they like about your fics. I have one or two commenters on Ao3 who repeatedly comment on my Lilia and Silver fanfics (yes I do remember their usernames), and they not only say they like the story, they tell me why. They tell me what theories it remind them of and what it made them feel, and sometimes quote from my fic and say what that specific line made them feel. There are also times when people comment about their interpretations, because sometimes I’m not very obvious with my words and sometimes I write poems. Definitely love this too because I want to know about how other people see what I write so I can amend and improve! Both of these are examples of people showing me that they actually put time into digesting the words that I pour my heart into, and it’s this unbelievable feeling that’s beyond words. It’s really indescribable how wonderful it is to know someone out there is reading what I write so closely.
There was also one time when I got a cover art for a fanfic of mine (Words of Blessing) for Precure Secret Santa and it was so wonderful, it captured the atmosphere of the fic so well and had a story-like colouring style, it also clearly shows that the artist digested my writing and turned it into something so fantastic!
But I would also love to receive constructive criticism because it’s so rare. I need to know what is lacking from my writing, otherwise I can’t improve. People who give constructive criticism are willing to have a conversation on the premise and worldview that I set up in my fics, they digest the narrative and then think about it in order to talk about what it lacks. It’s very touching tbh that someone would give such time to think about your writing.
But ultimately, any kind of comment makes me really happy! Even just a simple “I like this fic!” or “This is an interesting idea!” make me really happy, even the comment tags in reblogs. Comments are evidences that someone is reading my stuff, and each one is dear to my heart! 🥺
0 notes
lcandothisallday · 3 years
ooo what about something where y/n hires urban to take some pictures for her for a project and jack gets jealous cause he’s liked her for a while but urban is the one that gets to meet / work with her before he can
Unfair - Jack Harlow x f!reader
Warning: a bit of angst, lil bit 18+, brief urban x reader
note: this is lowkey such fucking trash💀 but haven’t posted something in a while and this has been in the drafts for a hot minute lol
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Urban’s eyes widened as he read the dm over and over again. There was no way you contacted him for a project. He and Jack had been crushing on you for a while, keeping up with your Instagram and commenting on your posts here and there. He didn’t actually think you would notice it-or notice him for that matter. He always thought if you did notice one of them, it would most definetly be Jack and not him.
You were a model, often participating in high end projects of course, but also modelling for your own artistic pleasure and as a muse for your photographer friends. It was an art form. You loved different aesthetics and recently, you had been really into more retro and funky styles, so you thought Urban would be the perfect photographer for the next project you had in mind.
“Dude,” Urban called out for Jack’s attention, smacking him in the chest with the back of his hand. “Come look at this,” he said, handing Jack his phone. “There’s no way Y/N actually wants to work with me.”
Jack furrowed his brows and took hold of the phone, narrowing his eyes on the message you had sent Urban. “That’s so unfair,” Jack whined, handing him back his phone.
Urban furrowed his brows. “How is it unfair?” he mumbled in question.
Jack frowned. “I’ve tried sliding into her DMs so many times and nothing. Then she ends up randomly contacting you? Yeah. Unfair.” 
Urban snorted before he laughs. “Your jealousy is showing, man,” he chuckled. “I’m gonna set up a date with her,” he said, replying to your dm.
“Think I can come with you to meet her?” Jack asked him, a hopeful look in his face.
“It’s work not play,” Urban pointed out. “You’ll just distract her.”
Jack scoffed jokingly. “C’mon, man. I take you everywhere with me,” he said. Urban thought about it for a minute before he nodded reluctantly.
“Alright fine. We’re going to New York in three days,” Urban warned, Jack grinning as he nodded. “Can’t wait,” he mused, leaning back in his seat.
Urban rolled his eyes before he laughed at his friend. “If you fuck this up for me—I’ll be pissed,” he joked.
Three days pass and Jack and Urban are now in New York, headed to the location you sent them. You and Urban had texted a few times back in forth in the few days leading up to the meeting which was nice because it eased both your nerves about the project. In that time, you two also shared your visions on the shoot, making the planning and organization of it that much easier.
“Do you think she’s as hot in person as she is online?” Jack wonders aloud. Urban snorted and shrugged. “Guess we’re gonna find out,” he chuckled, motioning to where you stood talking to your assistant.
Your back was to the boys so your assistant notified you of their arrival which truth be told, had you feeling a bit nervous. You thanked her before turning around and smiling upon seeing Urban.
“Oh my God, hi,” you greet, going in to hug Urban which he gladly accepted. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person,” you chuckle. Jack clears his throat in exaggeration, nudging Urban with his elbow which causes the blond man to sigh.
“Y/N--this is Jack,” he introduced for his friend. You laugh softly and nod, turning to look at the taller of the two men. “Yeah. I’m a fan of your music,” you compliment, enjoying the way it made him grin with confidence. He really was extremely attractive you thought. They both were.
You keep up your professionalism and turn to Urban, since Jack’s intense stare and smirk made you a bit flustered. “Okay, so I was thinking you get full creative freedom. It’s as much your art as it is mine,” you explain. “I have one thing in mind I wanna try but other than that--I will be your muse,” you smile.
Urban grinned at that, “sounds good. Let me set up,” he said, beginning to take out his equipment. Jack walked over and stood next to his best friend, Urban taking the opportunity to lean closer to Jack. “Definitely hotter in person,” he mumbles under his breath, just loud enough for Jack to hear which causes him to nod, most definitely agreeing. 
“For sure. She’s fine as hell...a bit pressed though that I didn’t get a hug,” Jack mumbled which caused Urban to roll his eyes.
While Urban set up, Jack strolled over to where you’re standing, licking his lips as he discretely looked you over once, his eyes falling on your ass for a bit longer. “So do you really like my music or were you just saying that for pleasantries?” he asked teasingly and with an amused smirk.
You turn to look at him and laugh before you roll your eyes at him with exaggeration. “Nah because I wasn’t gonna embarass myself like that again,” you giggle. Jack looked at you playfully. “That’s happened before?” he asked you. 
You nod. “Yeah—I met a guy. Thought he was cute so I said I was a fan of his music then he asked me what my favourite song was and I blanked,” you say, groaning at the memory. “Needless to say it didn’t go anywhere,” you chuckle.
“You know I gotta test you now, right?” Jack teases.
“Yeah but I’m actually prepared,” you hum with confidence. “I like a lot of your music but Creme, and Smells like Incense are some of my favourites.”
Jack grinned, “Damn, mamas. Proved me wrong for sure.”
The nickname caused your cheeks to heat up which forced you to look away, not wanting him to see that he’s caused that reaction. But Jack being the observant guy that he was, definetly took note and it made him prideful.
Meanwhile, Urban was at the side, nearly finished his set up when he glanced over at where you and Jack stood talking to each other. After seeing the way Jack had you giggling and blushing, he knew he had no chance. Not when he was competing against Jack and his smooth talking. He never won in these instances.
“Hey, I’m finished,” Urban called out after a few minutes, you spinning around and smiling at him, almost completely forgetting about Jack. “Let’s begin then,” you muse.
The next few hours consisted of several outfit changes, a ton of poses, and flurries of camera flashes.
Jack stood to the side, his tooth pick between his lips as he observed you doing your thing. He couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t getting bricked up while watching you--you were just so damn beautiful and when you came out in what was practically lingerie, he nearly passed out.
Despite having modelled in front of dozens of people before, doing it in front of Jack made you extremely nervous for some reason. Perhaps it was the way he was watching you, his intense stare that made your face heat up. This outfit change, as requested by your management was the one you were most on edge about because of how revealing it was.
Urban looked between your nervous and flushed frame and Jack’s gaze and he sensed you were uncomfortable.
He smoothly walked over to where you stood talking to your assistant, reaching for your hand for your attention. “Wanna do this one in the other room? Just me and you?” he asked, not being able to help but catch a peak at your body.
You smile softly and nod. You inform your team you’re switching locations for the next few shots, and since it was a tighter space, it was only gonna be the two of you. It worked out perfectly too because the room worked well for the vision. 
Jack watched as the two of you left to the other room, causing him to sigh. He loved his best friend and wanted the best for him but he also couldn’t deny that there was raging jealousy bubbling within him.
Meanwhile in the room, there was a beautiful velvet couch, the perfect contrasting colour to what you were wearing, which also complimented your skin tone perfectly. You laid on it and splayed your body as Urban held the camera up.
“Like this?” you hum in question, posing dramatically and just overall being kinda goofy which caused Urban to let out a laugh. “Perfect,” he joked, snapping a few candids of you messing around. “Lay down again,” he instructed, you doing as told as he continued to take snapshot after snapshot.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he muttered quietly, moving closer to get a better higher up angle of you. You can’t help but grin as you look up at him through your lashes. “Yeah? You think so?” you ask him timidly.
Urban smirked, his right hand holding onto his camera tightly while his left hand reached out to stroke your cheek before it slid down slightly to gently wrap around your neck, the camera going off throughout the entire interaction.
You looked at him with blown out pupils, your entire body heating up. “You... Are so hot,” you breathed out, sitting up slowly before brushing his hair back with your hand and bringing his lips in to smash into yours. 
He kissed you back just as eagerly, putting the camera aside as you slowly began to lay back down so that he could hover over you. His hands were all over you, touching your hips, thighs, stomach. You let out a soft moan as he began to kiss down your neck, reaching the top part of your breasts, the exposed part, and deciding to suck a few marks. After he’d left about three, you gear his lips back onto yours, kissing his plump lips sweetly before mumbling a low “I need you.”
Jack perked up once he saw Urban step out of the room first, you following moments after with a set of new clothes on. Urban was adjusting a few things on his camera as he approached Jack while you spoke to your assistant.
“How’d it go?” Jack asked curiously. Urban nodded, fighting back the blush that overcame his cheeks as he nonchalantly shrugged and tried to play it cool and not like he just railed you minutes before. “Yeah--pretty good,” he replied.
“You’re gonna have to show me the photos of her in the lace though,” Jack breathed out. Urban’s eyes widened momentarily when he remembered the scandalous photos of you with his hand wrapped around your neck. “Um yeah,” Urban started, clearing his throat. “Ima have to edit them first though,” he replied smoothly.
Jack nodded in understanding, a grin appearing on his lips as he watched you begin to walk towards them with a smile. “Hey, my team and I are going out to dinner. Do you guys wanna come?” you ask, biting your lip as your eyes shifted hopefully towards Urban who purposefully avoided your gaze. 
“Yeah, why not,” Jack piped up with a smile.
Urban practically ignored you throughout the entire dinner. Any time you tried to spark a conversation with him, he’d either brush you off or give one word replies that added nothing to the conversation. You didn’t understand what happened and why he was acting the way he did. You thought he had liked you, especially considering what happened in private.
Jack on the other hand made extra effort in talking to you, making you laugh and complimenting you often which undeniably made you flustered at times.
You were taking a sip of your drink when you noticed Jack staring at your chest with an almost concerned look, his hand reaching out to smooth his thumb over the red mark... the hickey that Urban had given you earlier. “You good?” he asked.
You glance down in remembrance, eyes widening slightly before you shrug it off with a laugh. “I’ve got sensitive skin and some of the clothes they put me in give me a rash,” you lied.
Fortunately, for some miraculous reason, Jack believed you and his brain completely disregarded the fact that it could’ve been a hickey.
Dinner was wrapping up and at this point, you were beyond upset with Urban but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing it. If he was going to treat it like a one night stand, then so would you. 
Truthfully, it was Urban’s own insecurities that had him become closed off. Knowing that Jack liked you first gave him a sense of guilt and he knew that if Jack kept pursuing you than he would lose so he thought what was the point?
As you go to say your goodbyes to the boys, Jack stops you with a nervous look. “I was wondering if you--you know... If you wanted to go out on a date with me?” he breathed out.
Your eyes widened as you looked at him a bit stunned. It wasn't a secret that he obviously liked you--he was flirting with you all day after all but you just hadn't expected it, and for him to be nervous no less. 
“Oh Jack--I don’t know if that’s a good idea...we barely even know each other,” you chuckle awkwardly. Jack reaches for your hand and gives it a squeeze. “That’s why we’d go on a date. To get to know each other one on one,” he explained with a hopeful smile.
You were still hesitant, all because you had hoped things with Urban would’ve worked out. “Jack--”
“Urb!” Jack called out to his friend, catching his attention. “C’mon--tell Y/N she should go on a date with me.” 
You looked at Urban expectantly, wishing he would’ve interjected in any way, except the long haired man only shrugged. “Yeah--you should give Jack a chance,” he practically deadpanned. “He’s been simping over you for a while.”
You had to stop your jaw from dropping as you heard his response. You couldn’t believe that he was dismissing the moment you two had so easily. Meanwhile, Jack’s cheeks visibly turned pink in embarrassment. “Man--I asked you to hype me up, not expose me,” he mumbled. “But what do you say, Y/N?”
You bite your lip as you look away from Urban and gaze up at Jack, forcing a smile. “I’d love to, Jack.” You couldn’t deny that the grin he gave you after that gave you butterflies. What was the worst that could happen?
It had been about four months since that day and you could confidently say that you were falling head over heels for Jack. Your first date had gone way better than you had expected. He was extremely charming and respectful and put so much effort into the date, more than any guy you had ever gone out with.
“I’m sure you’ve gone on many fancy restaurants dates with a bunch of guys so I’m trying something new,” he had told you when he picked you up, which had undoubtedly caused your heart to melt. And the night was perfect. So much so that you had completely forgotten that you slept with his best friend because you were so enchanted by Jack and Jack only. 
He made you so beyond flustered but he too was extremely nervous which was adorable in your opinion. 
At the end of the date, when he was dropping you off, you knew you wanted to keep seeing him. “I had a really really good time with you, Jack,” you confessed, the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Really? I wasn't sure about the--”
“Jack it was perfect,” you interrupt with a soft smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed myself so much on a date,” you chuckle, biting your lip. “I’d like to keep seeing you.”
Jack’s eyes widened since you had caught him completely off guard. “Fuck--and here I thought you only accepted the date to be polite,” he joked. “But how can I deny such a pretty girl a request like that,” he mused with a grin, his hand coming out to brush a few strands of hair away from your face. “Text me what your schedule is like and we’ll set up another date.”
You can’t help but grin at the compliment, before nodding your head at his request. “I’ll text you for sure,” you breath out. “Good bye, Jack,” you hum, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before you disappear into your apartment.
You were now in his apartment, more specifically, on his bed, with you underneath him as he hovered over you while making out. Surprisingly in the four months of dating, you two hadn’t slept together yet, him wanting to take things slow as to not pressure you. But at that moment, while your lips clashed with one another, you both knew it was time.
Your fingers were tangled in his curls, eyes closed blissfully as he began to pepper kisses along your neck. Eventually he began to tug at the button on your jeans and that’s when you had to pull away.
“Jack--Jack,” you call out, prompting him to stop his actions immediately. “We don't have to continue if you’re not ready,” he mumbled sweetly.
You shuffle away from him and sit up, shaking your head. “No, J...its not that. I--” you sigh, running a hand down your face. “I just need to tell you something first.”
Jack sat back on the bed and furrowed his brows, his right hand reaching for one of yours. “What’s up?”
Your eyes began to water as the guilt coursed through your veins. “You have to promise me this doesn't change anything,” you choke out. Upon seeing the tears in your eyes, Jack instantly felt concerned, his hand leaving yours to move up to cup your cheek.
“You can tell me anything,” he reassured. “Nothin’ is gonna change, mamas.”
“God--you’re gonna fucking hate me,” you whisper, looking up at the ceiling momentarily, almost contemplating how you fucked up with him so badly.
“Y/N, you’re kinda scaring me,” he chuckled, trying to ease your nerves. “Just let it out.”
“I slept with Urban.”
The second those words left your lips, Jack’s face fell, his kind features dropping into a frown as he immediately dropped his hand from cupping your face. “When?” he asked, his jaw clenched in anger, having to stand up and distance himself from you. 
“The day we met--the shoot. Happened when we went into the private room,” you explained. “But I promise it meant nothing.”
Jack scoffed, “I should’ve fucking known--did you even want to go out with me or did you agree to spite Urban?” he asked.
The tears now freely fell from your eyes as you shook your head and held back a sob. “I don’t--fuck I barely knew either of you...I agreed to get to know you. It wasn’t to spite Urban--”
“If Urban didn’t ice you out after fucking you would you have been with him instead of me?” Jack asked as he glared at you.
You shake your head, “Jack you can't be asking me questions like that! I don’t know what would’ve happened--you can’t base this on the ‘what ifs.’”
Jack ran a frustrated hand through his curls. “Except you've been lying to me, Y/N!”
“I didn’t lie! I didn’t know where this thing between us was gonna go so I decided not to say anything but things between us are getting serious and we’re becoming emotionally attached and I just--I wanted to clear the air before we went any further...please Jack you have to understand it meant nothing,” you choke out.
Jack shook his head, his arms crossing in front of him as he closed himself off. “How can I trust you after that?” he asked, the hurt so evident in his voice.
“You promised this wouldn’t change anything,” you sniffle, which caused Jack to scoff. “Yeah--that’s before I knew you fucked my best friend.”
“It’s not like I cheated,” you croak, wiping the tears from your eyes. 
“I just...why are you telling me now?” Jack asked, his expression was one that was filled with hurt and confusion. You reach for his hand and pull him down back onto the bed, taking the opportunity to just hold his hands as you spoke.
“The past few months with you, Jack--God I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy. You’re so good to me. You’re so sweet and you never force me to do anything I’m uncomfortable with. You’re charming and smart, and so beyond talented. I love hearing you talk about your passions and teaching me your process in the studio--I love watching you perform because I’m always so proud of you,” you say softly. “I think I’m in love with you and I didn’t want this to be a secret I kept from you because I regret it so much. If I had known I was going to fall this hard for you I would have never slept with him,” you sob. “I’m so sorry.”
Jack only pulled you into his arms, holding you to him as you softly cried into his chest. He drew circles on your back as he kissed the top of your head. “Y/N its okay...baby c’mon. You gotta calm down,” he spoke softly. “M’ not mad,” he reassured, pulling away sightly. “Look at me,” he instructed, to which you pulled back and tilted your head up, your eyes red and puffy.
He cupped your cheeks in his large hands as his beautiful blues stared into your eyes. “You’re in love with me, yeah?” You nod. “And you say it didn't mean anything?” You nod in confirmation again. “Then we’ll be okay,” he completely with a smile. “Because I’m in love with you too and I’ll be damned if I lose you.”
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aquagustd · 2 years
Hey luv, so, dont ask me why i thought of suggesting this to you now, but i‘ve read again today and thought, yus may like this. So its a book on wattpad ( i literally use wattpad only for this book ) and its by igotbangtan_7. Im sure you heard of bonded and this user before but thats not the one i‘ll recommend to you ( i dont like that book actually 🤭😬😩 ( may get killed by bonded fanatikers but whatever lol )). Its actually abt the book 16 love letters. Its SO GOOD i cant even explain it ? like, i have NEVER read a book in my life in which jk was described so perfectly ( and even tae )). Y/n is A GODDES too. So its basically abt Jk and he has tattoos ( lots and lots of tattoos ), long hair ( its in a man bun mostly ), piercings ( lip, nipple etc ). He has a bike and wears stuff like black boots and black pants ( u know the good jk style ). He is an author but he goes to therapy and his therapist is yoongs. he has an ex called jennie ( she is a model and broke up with him ) he wrote a book abt her and made her die bc he started hating her after they broke up ( 💀 ). Jennie is a bitch and no one likes her lmao and shes mentioned sometimes but isnt really in focus so we are good and i love the author for that. She still called him for sex tho and he always agreed ( that typical sex between exes shit ). Now, y/n is a special person being introduced in his life. Jk ( kinda ) begins stalking her and then things fall into place. Tae is also very rich and has art galleries and his fashion taste is so good and he has longer hair too. I dont want to spoil too much but believe me when i say this book is the shit and you‘ll fall in love with it. Jk‘s thoughts, the whole description, the emotions and everything is SO good. Y/n is also is a GODDES and this is one of my fav things abt this book. Like, she is perfect. wanted by everyone, knows who and what she is, but shes just SO relatable and cute and you just want to cuddle her and have her as a friend. Like, she is just THAT women yk ? she ofc is self conscious sometimes too but its the first time in a book in which she isnt always sad, or the one crying or stupid shit. PLS take a look and tell me what you think. The way jk is being described and especially in the last chapter i couldnt believe my eyes when i read it again today. Hes my fav all time jk and once you read it, youll understand why.
- 🧚🏻
heyyy. i haven’t heard of the user before but this sounds interesting !! i’m all for y/n’s being girlbosses 😌✨ i actually don’t read jk fics (or tae fics that much) but i’ll check it out <3
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