#my hands are not so nice can i die thx
eddiesghxst · 9 months
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gasp she's finally here !!!
pairing: rockstar!eddie x journalist!reader
summary: the last day of tour has arrived and you're pushed to make a difficult choice
contains: enemies to lovers trope, alcohol consumption, smoking, sexual themes, mentions of oral, angst, and more glimpses of eddie being boyfriend coded <3
word count: 6k
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song inspo for this chappy, thx to my stink @mmunson86 ily hehe:
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Sunday mornings are meant for being lazy.
You wake up, you toss around in bed for a bit, maybe turn on the TV, and order food if you’re at a nice hotel like you are now— which had been your plan. You had wanted to try the strawberry crepes here for ages, and you planned to finally order it to start the last day of your short-lived tour on the right foot— but apparently, someone doesn’t believe in the mainstream concept of Sunday morning.
It’s seven in the morning when you get a knock on your door. You want to ignore it— and you have every intention to do so— except the person at the door is incessant and apparently doesn’t get the hint of silence.
It makes sense, though, when you open the door to see who is banging on your door like a madman. Eddie, of course. 
He’s got a cute, wide smile and damp curls that make your chest flutter even though you still have one foot in a dream. Although, you think the dream might be the man standing before you, clad in jeans and a graphic tee, and beaming at you.
“Eddie, it’s seven in the morning.” You grumble.
Eddie’s smile widens, “I know. Perfect time for a walk in the park.” He says before pushing past you and walking into your room. Your eyebrows furrow as you watch him walk over to your window and open the blinds. You rapidly blink at the sunlight, “I– what? A walk?”
Eddie turns to you, smiling still as he nods, “Yes. Down at Central Park. They’ve always got cute dogs down there, and I know a place with pancakes to die for.”
You’re too tired to even wrap your mind around how cute of an image Eddie with dogs would be, “Woah… woah, woah, wait— Eddie, I— I would love to,” you blink hard, “But I’m still half asleep, and I only got to bed like four hours ago, so I think I’d pass out on a walk right now.” You softly laugh.
You feel a twinge of guilt stir in your gut, so you step forward to Eddie, reaching out to rest a hand on his bicep and gently squeeze, “Why don’t we order coffee up and sit on the balcony until my mind warms up a bit?” You offer.
Which, now that you think of it, was a perfect idea because there’s a cool breeze this morning that gives you an excuse to press up against Eddie’s side and curl into the heat of him as you sip on warm coffee and watch Eddie burn through cigarettes. Eddie was bold enough to drag your legs to rest across his lap, and you decide to blame your compliance on lack of sleep rather than desire.
“Are you nervous for tonight?” You wonder aloud, watching as the morning sun cracks through his fluttering eyelashes. Eddie’s lips pull into a smile, “No.” He leans into you, “Are you?”
You snort, pressing your fingers into the warm ceramic mug, “Why would I be nervous?”
Eddie shrugs, “Maybe I’ve got a surprise up my sleeve or something.” He teases. His fingers are warm and send goosebumps across your skin as they dance across your leg, inching up your thigh until you slightly squirm. Eddie doesn’t even try to hide the smirk on his lips.
You ignore his wandering hands as best as you can, although the lick of heat that runs up your spine when he fiddles with the hem of your baggy shirt sends your mind spinning, a dull throb of your center when his knuckles brush the crease of your hip. You raise an eyebrow, gazing at him and cocking your head to the side, “Well, do you?”
Eddie glances at you, busy drawing stars inside your thighs, “No.”
You roll your eyes, shoving your foot into his jean-clad thigh as he barks out a laugh, hands squeezing your bare calves. “That’s not funny, Munson. You’re on probation, you know?”
Eddie tilts his head, dreamy gaze in his eyes as he gently squeezes your calves, “I know. I’m working on it, though… which reminds me—” You take a deep breath, slinking your legs out of his grip and sitting up straight to stretch, “Think I’m in the mood for those pancakes now.” You hum.
Eddie gazes at you, jaw loose as he watches you stand up and completely dodge what he’s been spinning out about for the last twenty-four hours. “Birdie—” “Yeah, I’m starving now that I think of it. Let’s go.” You wrap your fingers around his wrist and tug him up, ignoring his grumbles of protest.
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It should be studied, the pull Eddie has on you, because here you both are in a booth at an old breakfast diner, and all you can think about is how you want nothing more than to slink over to the other side and burrow yourself in the warmth of his embrace.
But Eddie’s friends are here.
The entire ensemble: Nancy, Robin, Steve, Gareth, Jeff, and even Eric, who you hardly even see because he’s the busiest with groupies out of the Corroded Coffin band.
They caught you and Eddie on your way down to the lobby, and well… they just tagged along. Eddie wasn’t so happy about it, mumbling about how he can never shake these assholes, but you just snickered and told him to be nice.
So, now, you’re sitting across from Eddie in a diner with the smell of pancakes and maple syrup wafting through the air and a friendly chatter ringing throughout the table.
You try your hardest to pay attention to the conversations, but it’s hard when Eddie is glancing at you with these eyes that melt your insides. It doesn’t help when he leans forward on the table, shoulders pressing into the edge as his fingers skim your knee beneath it. You raise an eyebrow when he takes a menu, opens it, and stands it up to block the view of his friends as he beckons you forward. You lean forward, chest fluttering at the sight of Eddie’s pretty eyes so up close, pouty lips and curly hair that you want to reach out and card your fingers through. He’s a dream, no doubt about it.
“Let’s ditch them.”
You snort, rolling your eyes, “You can’t ditch your friends, Eddie.”
Eddie makes a face, “Why not? They crashed, and I have work to do.”
You tilt your head in confusion, “Work?”
Eddie grumbles, his voice carrying an obvious tone, “Yeah, I’ve only got until tonight to pay my dues.” He reminds you. You hum with a teasing glint, “I reckon that’s a fault on your part, Munson.”
Before Eddie can respond, the menu is torn out of his hands to reveal Gareth and Jeff snickering, “You do know we can still see you two, right?” Eric teases.
Eddie rolls his eyes, “I don’t know if you dipshits got the memo, but you definitely weren’t invited to this.”
You giggle, nudging your foot against his shin, “Don’t be rude,” You mumble. “Yeah, Eddie, don’t be rude.” Robin teases. 
Eddie grumbles, ignoring his snickering friends as he stands up, “All of you can fuck right off.” He sticks up a decorated middle finger to his table of friends, and you smile as you slide out of the booth, warmth spreading through your body when he reaches around to grab your sweater. 
“Oh, come on, we were just joking, Eds!”
Eddie waves them off, slinking an arm around your body to rest a hand on the small of your back, gently ushering you toward the exit as his friends create a scene.
“Hey, don’t be late to soundcheck, asshole, we won’t hear the end of it from Richie!” Jeff calls out, but Eddie doesn’t answer because he’s walking you both outside of the diner and muttering something about them being a pain in his ass.
“We could just take a flight out somewhere far away from them, princess. Say the word, and I’ll book it.” Eddie jokingly offers. You smile as you take your sweater from him with a small thanks, “They love you. That’s a good thing to have.” You remind him. Eddie rolls his eyes, scratching at the back of his neck as you begin walking down the street, “Sure, except not when I have important things to do. Which, when are you gonna put me out of my misery and tell me what you think?”
You hum, feing ignorance as you blink up at Eddie, “Think about what, Eddie?” 
Eddie stares at you, blinking once before his lips spread into a smile, “You’re lucky you’re pretty.” He teasingly says through gritted teeth, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you in as he jokingly presses his palm to your face, laughing as you squeal and squirm in his hold. “Eddie Munson thinks I’m pretty. How cute.” You mock as you grapple at his wrist, prying his hand from your face, “Only took him a month to figure that out.”
Eddie laughs, “See, that’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart,” He drawls, “I always knew you were pretty. I never thought you weren’t pretty. Who told you that?” “Nobody told me that; you just,” you shrug, “Kind of hated my guts, so it went hand in hand.”
Eddie’s eyes soften at that, and your cheeks warm as his gaze zones in on you. You clear your throat, glancing away, “Are we going to eat or what, Munson? I told you I’m starving, and you just dragged me out of that diner, so.” 
Eddie nods, “Yeah, yeah,” He waves before lacing his fingers with yours to drag you along, “I got a place in mind; let’s go.”
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“If you wanted strawberries on your pancakes, then you should’ve asked for them.”
Eddie, you are learning, has sticky fingers. Sticky in the metaphorical sense where he just takes things without asking and sticky in the literal sense where he keeps reaching over to steal strawberries from your plate and ends up dipping his fingers in your maple syrup as well.
He’s like a child for fucks sake! Touching things he shouldn’t be touching and grinning at you with a ‘you can’t do anything about it because I’m cute’ glint in his eyes.
You watch as Eddie sucks the syrup off his thumb and smirks at you as he says, “Sharing is caring, you know?”
You look at his plate, tilting your head with a smirk before asking, “Yeah? Then can I have your hash browns?” Eddie glances at his plate, a frown spreading across his lips as he looks at you, “But there’s barely any left.” He points out.
Your eyebrows raise, and he sighs in defeat, cutting into his hash browns to give you half of it. You snicker as he carefully reaches over to put the side dish on your plate, pursing your lips to hold a laugh when you look up at him. “What’s so funny?” He grumbles, stabbing into his food and shoving a fork full into his mouth.
“Nothing. I just, like, hate hash browns.”
Eddie stops midchew, looking up at you for a brief moment. He’s silent as he resumes chewing his food and swallowing, quietly eyeing you for a moment before clearing his throat. “You hate hash browns?” He asks.
You nod as you take a bite of your eggs, and Eddie looks at you like you just told him something concerning. “I—... what do you mean you hate hash browns? Do you like potatoes?”
You shrug, taking a sip of your drink, “Sure.”
“Do you like fries?”
“I love fries.”
“Tater tots?”
“I like them every now and then,” You shrug.
Eddie’s head cocks in confusion, eyes narrowing, “So what’s the problem with hash browns?”
Your eyebrows raise, and an amused smile spreads across your lips, “Holy shit. I’m getting the sense that you might, I don’t know… love hash browns or something?”
Eddie scoffs, “Of course I fucking love hash browns. Are you fucking kidding me? Who doesn’t like hash browns?”
“Tommy Lommi.”
“Well then, they’re fucking weird— wait…” Eddie blinks at you and stares like you’ve just discovered time travel. “What do you mean, Tommy Lommi? How do you know Tommy Lommi hates hash browns?”
You shrug, “Ate breakfast with the band a few years ago. They gave him hash browns, and he returned the entire plate. A lot of people hate hash browns, Eddie.”
Eddie waves a hand in dismissal, scooting closer to the table as he responds in a hurried and amused tone, “You had breakfast with Black fucking Sabbath?” He exclaims.
You hold back a smile as you blink at the man before you, his brown eyes wide and blown from adrenaline, “Yeah, it— it was, like, a work thing. I was doing a short piece on them, so Anna and I had lunch with them and their manager.” At the mention of your manager's name, you make a mental note to call and update her on your piece.
Eddie raises two hands to his head, grasping his hair like he’s in distress, as he lets out a loud sound, drawing attention. You giggle, reaching out to grab his wrist and lower him back down to the table, “Eddie, you’re making a scene—” “You met Ozzy, and you just, like, casually forgot to mention that to me? Like he’s not my idol? Like he’s not my literal lord and savior? Do you even care about me?” He exclaims in a loud voice. 
Your eyes widen in amusement as the man practically spins out right in front of you. “I’m sorry! I didn’t think it— wait, haven’t you met him before? Like on a red carpet or something?”
Eddie scoffs, leaning back into the booth and pulling a face like the words you’ve just said are rubbish. “Yeah, right. Like Ozzy Osborne would willingly surround himself with a bunch of untrained nuts like the boys of Corroded Coffin. He’s a professional, Birdie. That’s an insult.”
You giggle, gently nudging your plate away, taking a deep breath from feeling so full as you shrug, “Maybe if you cleaned up your act, it would happen.” You teasingly say.
Eddie looks at you, runs his eyes over your face, and smirks as he folds his arms over his chest, reaching up with one hand to twirl a piece of his hair between his fingers. “Yeah? And how do you suggest we do that?” He slinks his feet forward, gently tapping his shoe against yours before hooking an ankle around yours.
You hum, “I don’t know. Maybe cut back on the parties. Less reckless act and more calculated rockstar. Less groupies… none, if that.” You mutter the last part, and Eddie snickers. He hums as well, tipping his head side to side as if he’s thinking, “And would you say maybe,” He clears his throat, “Like, a girlfriend would do good as well?”
You huff out a laugh, “Nice try, Munson.” You snicker. “You’re far from girlfriend status with me.” 
Eddie lowly hums, taking a deep breath as he shifts in his seat, “Yeah, well, I intend on changing that, so, are you done eating?”
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Eddie’s sure that Richie will chew him out.
It’s the last day of tour before the next leg starts in a month, and Eddie is almost an hour late to soundcheck. Richie was adamant about being on schedule for today because it’s the last show, and Richie’s a goddamn perfectionist (who would take on the job of managing a group of rowdy rockstars if they have the personality of a fucking sergeant?). But honestly, Eddie doesn’t have a single bone in him that cares because— well, why would he care when he’s spent all day with you practically pressed into his side? 
You’re Eddie’s every dream compacted into the cutest, kindest, prettiest human he’s ever fucking known, and Eddie keeps having these moments where he wants to smash his head through a brick wall for ever letting a cruel word form on his tongue towards you. He would pay an endless amount of money to rewind time and do it over again, do it right, and give you the respect you deserve.
Then maybe you would stop dodging his kisses.
“Come on, just one?” He begs, watching as you walk a few steps ahead of him. Eddie won’t lie; it’s a great view he’s got from behind. You’re wearing these black ripped jeans that hug your ass and thighs so perfectly Eddie wants nothing more than to sink his teeth into you.
You shake your head, “Nope. A kiss has never been a kiss with you, and I’m not too keen on giving Richie more reasons to put me in time-out. You’re also definitely still on probation.”
Eddie grunts, “This is just cruel, sweetheart.”
He jogs a bit to catch up to speed with you, “While we’re on the topic, what’d he say to you?”
You glance at Eddie, brows furrowing, “Who? Richie?”
Eddie nods, and you shrug. “I assume the same thing he told you. Told me to hold off on it until the magazine blows over in the fanbase.”
Eddie hums because, well, that’s not what Richie told Eddie. Actually, Richie told Eddie to just forget it, don’t even attempt to do anything with that woman because when you fuck up, I’m gonna be the one left to clean it up. And isn’t that Richie’s fucking job? Isn’t that precisely why Richie was hired? To clean up the boys’ mess and make their appearance seem squeaky clean. 
“I don’t blame him, though.” 
Eddie’s neck practically snaps in your direction, and he has to stop you from walking any further down the backstage hallways because what the fuck are you saying right now?
“What do you mean?”
You shrug, glancing up at Eddie, “I mean, he’s just doing his job, Eddie. He’s trying to protect your image, and, honestly, I didn’t understand where he was coming from until he pointed out that I’m still practically press in the eyes of the industry, so.”
“Well, that’s bullshit.” Eddie snaps. Doesn’t mean to snap, really. Doesn’t mean to have a harsh tone or sound upset with you because he’s not. He’s upset with the situation and the absolute mess he’s created from having his head up his ass for so long. He’s upset because he doesn’t want to wait until the magazine blows over. He’s upset because he’s finally admitting to what he wants, and you’re right there, and he wants to work on getting you but fucking Richie— jesus christ, Eddie’s going to choke that bastard.
“That doesn’t even fucking make sense,” Eddie exclaims, “I already fucked up. There’s not much to fuck up at this rate.”
“It’s different when there’s feelings involved, Eddie.” And Eddie doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like that you sound as if you’re siding with Richie, and he doesn’t like that you’re using your hot ass journalist tone with him. “What difference does it make?” Eddie stresses.
“Because shit could hit the fan. Things could go bad again, and, in Richie’s eyes, I could easily become an enemy. It’s a rational call to make.”
No, no, no, this isn’t what Eddie wants, and it’s not how Eddie wants you picturing what you two could be— a disaster. 
Eddie blinks, heart pounding in his chest because god, he wants you and he’s scared he’s lost you before even getting the chance to fix things. “So… is that— is that what you want? To wait?”
You gaze up at Eddie, “I— no?”
Eddie frowns, stomach churning as you look away to avoid his gaze, “That didn’t sound confident. You don’t want to do this?”
“It’s… That’s not what I’m saying. I just— I’m not quite sure where this is aiming.”
“What do you mean? I told you how I feel.”
You make an exasperated noise, stepping out from the wall Eddie had you caged against, “No, you haven’t told me how you feel. You’ve told me what you want. That’s not enough.”
And you’re looking at Eddie with these eyes that make him want to crack open his chest and let you see it for yourself because fuck, the only time Eddie has ever confessed his feelings to someone, she ended up breaking his heart without a single care in the world.
And for this entire month, you’ve been slipping from Eddie’s hands, but this is the time that he’s actually felt it. He feels dizzy and sick and so angry with himself.
“I— well, how do you feel?” Eddie asks.
It’s like time slows as you gaze up at Eddie, eyes filled with so many words and uncertainty that Eddie has only himself to blame for. “I don’t know.” You softly reply.
Eddie says nothing as he stares back, gently nodding as you slink your arms around yourself, “I don’t know, Eddie. I’m… I don’t know this side of you— and that’s not to say I don’t like or want it, but— but what happens when we get bored without the chase?” 
Eddie’s heart breaks. 
Your eyes fall shut, and you shake your head, “That’s not what I meant–” “But that’s what you said.”
“Yes, but I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. You know what I mean, Eddie.”
Eddie scoffs as he steps back, “No, Birdie, honestly, I don’t. I’m actually, like, really fucking confused right now.”
Your face twists in defense and your eyes glint with something that Eddie can’t quite put his finger on, and it makes him want to scream. “You seriously can’t be upset with me for being hesitant on this, Eddie.”
Eddie looks at you, pauses, and holds his breath before shaking his head, “No, I’m—” He steps forward, “I’m sorry. I’m not upset.”
Your lips are pulled into a frown as Eddie reaches out to softly skim his knuckles across your elbow, silently asking for you to stay open for him. “I’m not upset with you.” He repeats. 
You don’t step closer or move away, and Eddie takes that as a win either way. But before either of you can say anything else, Eddie is being whisked away with his assistant and promising to finish the conversation afterward.
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You don’t see Eddie for the rest of the day, and for the first time, it’s not Eddie’s fault but yours.
You regret to admit that the small dispute you and Eddie had caused you to spiral within your thoughts, and you spent most of the day holed up in your room packing, writing, pacing, and thinking until you exhausted yourself. On a good note, though, the day passes quickly, and before you know it, you’re making your way down the Madison Square Garden backstage halls.
You’ve walked these halls enough to know your way around by heart now, so you don’t have trouble finding the dressing room. The usual small group of ladies that stand outside are there in their Sunday best for the show finale, passing a blunt between each other— and you don’t even notice the missing leader of the group until she’s storming out of the room.
“Fuck you, Eddie!” She turns to yell into the room. You watch from a few feet away, stunned and slightly terrified. She’s beautiful, even as mad as she is now; her red hair is styled in bouncy curls that jump and jolt with each wave of her hand, her heeled boots clicking on the ground with each stomp of her heel. She steps into the room, pointing at someone who you can only assume to be Eddie, but the door obstructs your view, “I knew you before you had a single fucking dime! If you think for one second she’s gonna stick with you through all of your bullshit rock and roll facade, then you’re wrong!” She snaps.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Kenny, please get rid of her.” You hear the familiar grumble of Eddie’s voice. Kenny, the security guard by the door, steps forward and ushers the angry woman away from the threshold. “Don’t fucking touch me.” She snatches her arm from his hold, and Kenny lifts a hand in surrender, “Look, I’m gonna have to get you banned from the building if you don’t leave. Make my job easier, please.” Kenny replies in a bored tone.
The girl scoffs with a roll of her eyes before turning around and storming down the hall, her posse quickly trotting behind.
You don’t hear the usual chatter in the dressing room, so you’re slightly suspicious as you walk up, kindly smiling towards Kenny as he lets you in. The door shuts behind you, and you take in the empty room, void of the usual hustle of band members and staff. 
“Kenny, I swear to god, if it’s another groupie, I’m gonna fire you.” You hear Eddie say from the ensuite restroom. Eddie doesn’t notice you as he walks into the room, busy ruffling his hair up for the show and walking toward the vanity, “I already told you who to let in.” 
Finally, Eddie lifts his head, a cigarette hanging from his lips as his eyes brighten when he sees you through the vanity mirror. You smile, shifting in your spot as Eddie whips around to look at you, “Hi.”
Eddie’s eyes widen as he takes in the view, eyes raking over your body as he blindly snuffs out his cigarette on the wooden vanity, face stunned as he walks over to you, “What the fuck?” He lowly says.
He’s reaching out to loop his fingers around your wrist and bring you closer, eyes traveling further and further down your frame, “What the fuck?” He repeats.
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“Eddie,” You groan. “Where the fuck have you been hiding this, princess?” He exclaims.
“It’s nothing. Stop.” You grumble, but Eddie only shakes his head, “Nothing? Are you insane?” He steps back, hand wrapped in yours as his teeth dig into his bottom lip, “Let me look at you, come on.”
Your dress is black, tight, and form-fitting, with an off-the-shoulder neckline and a puffy lace hem matching the long sleeves' scrunchie endings. Two thin black straps hug your shoulders, tauntingly digging into your collarbones. The dress stops just above the middle of your thigh, leaving little to the imagination—- much in Eddie’s favor. Below the dress peeks out a black garter belt, two shiny silver clips winking at Eddie as they hold up your black thigh-high stockings. Your feet are held in shiny black stilettos. Sex.
Eddie nearly whimpers.
Eddie wants to sink to his knees, push up the skirt of your dress, and stuff his face between your legs. He wants to make you cum on his tongue until you’re pushing him away and begging for a break. Wants to feel the nylon stretch of your stockings scratching up against his ears as your legs clamp around his head. God, Eddie wants it, he wants it so fucking bad.
You smell sweet and taste even sweeter when Eddie presses his lips to yours, practically swallowing you whole— he would if he had the choice. Your lips split into a smile against Eddie’s, breathily laughing as he blindly leads you to the vanity, walking until he feels your body softly thud against the counter.
“Jesus. I’m gonna fuckin’ lose it,” Eddie grumbles against your lips, sloppy and wet, as he trails down to your jaw, neck, and collarbones. His hands are greedy as they grapple at your hips, squeezing the thicker parts to tilt you towards him, groaning when your pelvis drags against his quickly hardening length. You pant his name, one hand dropping to steady yourself against the counter as the other hand sinks into his damp, curly strands. Eddie groans, stuffing his face into your neck, licking and biting as he grinds you against him. You’re all whiney breaths and moans, and Eddie just can’t help himself when he nudges his nose against the strap of your dress before sticking his tongue out and dragging it up the length of the flimsy black piece.
Your head drops back, chest rising and falling with a sinful glisten under the vanity lights as Eddie drags his tongue all the way from your shoulder to your chin before smashing his lips back onto yours, fingers curled around the base of your neck. Wet, hot, and heavy.
Your lips curl against Eddie’s mouth, hips grinding against him, “S-should I be concerned about the angry woman that just stormed out of here?” You lowly ask.
Eddie laughs, smearing his lips against yours, teasingly flicking his tongue into your mouth, “Definitely not. Good fucking riddance.” Eddie can’t wait to tell you all about how he learned about Lany’s money-greedy actions that led him to the page of every tabloid with a false girlfriend.
You fail terribly to hold the snort that rises in your throat, and Eddie cuts it off with his mouth, swallowing your hums as he presses his body into yours. 
“Want you.” Eddie needily whispers. You whine, fingers curling against Eddie’s roots to draw a throaty groan from him. “Need to have you, baby—” “I— wait, wait, wait.” Your hands are pressing against Eddie’s shoulders, and god, Eddie feels lightheaded as he pulls away, blown-out eyes blinking down at you.
You huff, squirming against the counter, breath heavy and bated as you reach down to tug your dress down, “We need to talk.” 
Eddie swallows, running a hand through his hair as he gazes at you— and fuck, he’s so hard, and you’re so pretty, and Eddie thinks he might bust just looking at you.
Still, Eddie blinks through the thick fog of arousal and nods, taking a moment to not-so-discreetly adjust himself within his pants. 
Ever the gentleman, Eddie offers you the seat at the vanity, but you only shake your head, and well— fuck, Eddie just wants to get back to kissing you so he doesn’t fight it. He hops up onto the chair and gazes at you as you lean back against the vanity, fingers fidgeting with one another.
You’re avoiding Eddie’s gaze, and Eddie doesn’t like it very much, so he distracts himself by lighting a cigarette, but it does little to aid him in distraction when the words slip from your mouth.
“I think we need time away from each other.”
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Eddie’s looking at you like you just told him you killed his dog, and you hate that you start feeling as if you’re wrecking everything when you know— when you both know— this is the best thing for the future.
The unlit cigarette between Eddie’s lips is removed and tossed to the side as he blinks at you, shaking his head with a confused and hurt expression, “W–what do you mean?”
You slink your arms across your body from instinct, mentally pushing yourself to stand on the rocky island you’ve built— because even though you want nothing more than to cave and throw yourself into Eddie’s arms and start over, it’s not right. You didn’t start on a good note, and it’s unfair to yourself or Eddie to avoid fully acknowledging that just because of your intense pull toward one another. You both need time.
“I don’t understand.”
“Just so we can have the space to figure out what we want and need from each other, you know?”
Eddie runs a hand over his face, “Is this about what happened earlier? Because I was being an asshole, I know, and I’m sorry, but just give me a chance–” You shake your head, stepping closer to Eddie and running your fingers over his wrists, “No. No, that’s not what this is about— I mean, it might’ve spurred it on, but it was on my mind before that.”
Eddie’s face twists in defeat, “I want to fix what I did, baby, just give me a chance.” 
You push his long bangs from his eyes, “I am, Eddie. I promise I am. But I need space— we need space.”
Eddie doesn’t even look at you, and your heart aches. “Everything’s been so quick, Eddie. It’s only been a month, and there’s been so many emotions—”
“That’s bullshit, Birdie, and you know it.”
You tense at his harsh tone, “Excuse me?”
“You said when,” He reminds you, “When you get bored. You really expect me to believe you ‘just want space’? You’re scared.” 
Your eyebrows dip in anger then, eyes narrowing at the man in front of you as your chest tightens, “And you’re not?”
“Yes!” He exclaims, ringed hands flailing in exasperation. “Yes, I’m fucking scared, obviously. I never would’ve fucked up this bad if I wasn’t scared.”
Your eyes are brimmed with tears, and you’re beginning to think maybe you shouldn’t have even come tonight. Maybe you should’ve just left without a single word and made Eddie hate you all over again. At least the foundations of your relationship were solid and clearly stated then.
How could everything have gotten so confusing in such little time?
Eddie notices your shifting demeanor and breathes, rubbing his eyes and smudging his eyeliner. You fight the instinct to reach out and fix it for him. “Okay, so… you want time apart.”
You nod, fingers twisting amongst themselves. Eddie turns his rings around his knuckles as silence cracks down on you both. Eddie swallows, eyes catching yours for a split moment, “Okay.” He nods.
You want to sink your hands into his and tell him you’re hurting just as much, wanting him just as much, but if you touch him now, you’re afraid you’ll never let go.
“It’ll be good, Eds.” You softly say.
The curtain of his hair obstructs Eddie’s face, but through the tiny windows, you can see the twitch of pain that flashes across his features. “Are you staying for the show?” He asks, eyes trained on his busy fingers, rings glistening in the lights. God, you want to give in to him so badly.
You shift in your spot, clearing your throat and blinking away tears, “I’ll never leave if I do…”
As if on cue, Kenny opens the door and pokes his head into the room, calling for Eddie to notify him of the running clock. You and Eddie only speak through gazes for a split moment, and you both know if he stays any longer, neither will leave this room. You only have enough strength to nod towards the door.
You can’t even watch Eddie leave. Because watching Eddie go seems to be the recurring theme of the month— but now, you’re sending him away— and it hurts. You were so close yet so far away from justice.
The dressing room is vast and holds Eddie's phantom presence and smell, and you can’t seem to hold the silent tears that end up soaking your cheeks. You can hear the distant screaming of fans, the loud booming of the opening to a song, and deep down, you understand that if you don’t leave now, you’ll end up in the crowd, there’s no doubt.
You don’t recognize the opening song for tonight, but you hear the words and Eddie’s voice crystal clear— tugging you back with every step you take towards the arena's door.
My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost
I need to feel something, 'cause I'm still so far from home
Cross your heart and hope to die
Promise me you'll never leave my side
So, you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you, 'cause I'm under your spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you, I will follow you
The song echoes in your mind from the time the door slams shut to the moment you step into your cold apartment in Michigan, and it never stops.
part twelve
a/n: OHHH PLS DONT HATE ME IT HAD TO BE DONE AND IM SORRY THIS IS ON NEW YEARS EVE !!! these two will be back for one more round of fun in 2024. ok let me shut up before i start saying all my sob shit
as always, thank u for reading if you've made it this far and i appreciate any feedback, ILY AND I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL NEW YEARS, STAY SAFE PLS <3
cutie lil taglist: @mastermindmiko @whataboutbibi @ryanmxrie @ihatepeanutss @tlclick73 @motherfckerrr @emxxblog @ye0nvibezzn @eddiesguitarskills @bibieddiesgf @chloe-6123 @micheledawn1975 @demxnicprxncess @emma77645 @sidthedollface2
@daddyhetfield @s-u-t @hereforshmut @mmunson86 @welcometohellsock @lma1986 @birdsinmywalls @animechick555 @sheneedsrocknroll92 @spideydreams00 @lorosette @prestinalove @sirensleepingsoundly @nabiiturner @catherinnn @mossiswriting @kellsck @joannamuns9n @siriuslysmoking
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theobsessedcookiefan · 7 months
If you're open, how about a scenario where Pitaya Dragon Cookie help teach a weaker Younger Dragon Sibling!Reader on how to get stronger but they're a bit reluctant to say the least... Hey, a lil "tough love" never hurt anyone, right?
(platonic obviously)
Hi !!! Thx for the suggestion !!
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Flying lessons!!
"Come on! Please, you're my sibling and honestly the only sibling I can ask this too! Lotus won't help me and neither will Ananas, Lychee will make fun of me and I'm afraid to ask Longan.. You're the only one who would actually help me!" You tried to convince the armoured dragon cookie who was doing almost everything on their power to avoid you. "I already told you no, ssstop being ssstubborn!" They said while walking a bit faster, but you wouldn't give up that easily, no sir. You followed them almost everywhere while saying "please" of course that just made them want to walk away from you even more.
"Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please." You continued to say while following them to their annoyance, but Pitaya didn't budge, ignoring you as they walked; they thought you would give up after an hour or so but surprisingly you continued to say "please" the whole time, to the point they even started to have an eye twitch. "FINE! I'LL DO IT JUST SSSHUT THE HELL UP!" Your face lit up immediately after hearing it and you ran to hug them only to be greeted by their hand in your face stopping you from doing so. "No hugsss." Pitaya growled and pushed you away while you tried to catch your balance once more. "Fineee.. So what we will learn first dear teacher?"
"THIS IS YOUR WAY OF TEACHING ME HOW TO FLY?!" Your voice rang out from the top of a volcano in dragon's valley. "Exactly, jussst jump, ssspread your wingsss and you'll be ready to match a falcon ssspeed in no time." Well they sounded sure of themselves but you weren't so sure, you always sucked on flying, especially after you got hurt while doing so when you first tried it. You took a step back from the edge. "There's no other place a little bit less let's say.. Umm.. Dangerous?" Pitaya looked at the edge as well. "Mmmm nope." And with that they pushed you; you hoped for the worst, closing your eyes rather tightly before realizing that you were indeed flying, the hot air coming from the volcanoes in the valley hitting your face.
"AHA! I DID IT!" You talked too fast, a small wyvern then crashed into you and made you lose your balance and fell, this time you could've sworn that you were about to die because of the fall but when you opened your eyes you realized that your sibling was holding you by your tail and looking at you as if holding their laughter.
"Don't you dare laugh-" You threatened them only for Pitaya to cover their mouth with their free hand and look away, letting you down in the ground of the volcano once more. "You were right.. You really need sssome advice-" "Yeah glad you noticed-" You said and rolled your eyes before sitting down. The next few days they started to teach you in a less dangerous way, teaching you the correct ways to balance yourself in the air and how to land safely, even getting Royal Margarine to help! With Buttercream helping in case you felt insecure. You wouldn't believe that Pitaya was such a good teacher, you thought they would've let you fall and hit your face but no; they were particularly careful with you, always catching you if they felt you would fall, it was a nice contrast to your other siblings.
One day in the middle of a practice you both heard the sound of swords and a crowd in the distance, that made you both wonder what was happening. "A festival maybe?" You suggested while Pitaya shook their head. "No, the fessstival isss planned for the next week." Then they noticed the smoke, hunters. "Crap." They mumbled before taking you by the hand and flying to the trees, that way they could be hidden. "What? That's something bad?" You asked, sounding concerned about you and your sibling safety. "Pfft- no, jussst huntersss." Even if they tried to downplay the situation you could see they were a bit worried. "We should go, let's get to a safe place." They seemed to hate that idea. "What?! No, thisss isss my territory and I'll make sssure every cookie remembersss that!" And with a flap of wings they were gone, oh shit- of course you followed them from your hideout, thankfully the trees were big enough to cover yourself.
Once you finally caught up with Pitaya you saw them fighting with the hunters, you knew your sibling was strong, they were the strongest cookie you've ever seen and you admired them for that! But the hunters were so many that made you worried sick, to your surprise in a hour or so Pitaya managed to knock them all out, wow, a new record. "Okay you coward, you can come out now." They called you, making you get out from the safety of the tree. "I- I'm impressed if I'm honest." That made them laugh. "Why? I'm the ssstrongest dragon here, you ssshould've known that." Well maybe but that didn't made up for the fact you felt like you were about to throw up every time a sword hit their armour; talking about it, you saw a big crack on it, a crack that exposed their dough. "Umm sib, I think you should cover tha-" Before you could end your sentence you saw out of the corner of your eye one of the hunters get up, he had a crossbow and was aiming it right at the crack in the armor, you knew what that arrow was made of; obsidian, that could cause your sibling's death, so without another thought in your mind you tackled them and flew, faster than a hawk if I may say so, you flew until you reached the sky and the volcano where it had all started. When you finally put your sibling down they looked a bit dumbfounded, heck even their messy hair was messier. "What jussst happened?" Pitaya asked, watching their surroundings, it was strange for them, in a moment they were in the middle of a forest and in the other back to the volcano. "I- I- crossbow.." When that instinct of flight or fight died down you ran and hugged them tightly, surprisingly they didn't push you away this time, they even start giving you headpats to calm you. "Don't be ridiculousss, I'm fine, a sssingle arrow wouldn't kill me." They sounded annoyed by your worries but deep inside they felt happy, at least one of their siblings cared for them. "Hey let me repay thisss practice, what about a drink?" Pitaya gave you a smile, trying to make you forget about the whole deal. "You're paying for it?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Nope, but Hollyberry always paysss for me!" And with that they took you to Dragon's City.
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fatuismooches · 8 months
muzzle anon here- thx for HURTING ME SO MUCH :D !!! that dottore fic is 'THE' dottore fic for me now, I will read it over and over and over again, it was an amazing experience. AND I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT
Since you wrote how the raven and sparrow's destinies are intertwined. I was thinking of a reincarnation (modern) au? Idk if you would be interested but I just keep thinking of doctor zandik and fragile reader
Kinda would be ironic if zandik is still experimenting on people to find a cure for reader
Or maybe this time they are actually healthy and happy together?
Oh maybe one day Zandik remembers his past life? How he lost reader? How they both ahem went to the other side haha like the whole "you are as beautiful as the day I lost you" thing
They can also met at an university (like how they met at akademiya) it is giving soulmate vibes but hear me out. When they first see each other, they instantly know each other, they don't know how but there is just this bittersweet feeling. Both are questioning why do they feel this desire to hug each other like they have been apart for so long
(I still cant over the death of the segments, Omega, and the end tho. Beta is my fav segment but ZANDY? GONE? NOO and then Omega also? Considering how reader told Dottore they still loved him, maybe Omega thought reader hated him while dying- Like in the end he thought about how he lost the love of reader. How much he messed up? Ouch .)
Actually wait segments didnt die (delulu talk)
Dottore: it was a prank.
Reader: wha-
Segments: *was just about to celebrate their birthday but now feel guilty they just caused a borderline panic attack*
YESSS GRRRR- Imagine if thousands and thousands of years have passed and Teyvat is unrecognizable from what it once was. Elemental energy, Visions, what makes Teyvat, Teyvat, are no more, and the world is completely modernized. Since Celestia is gone as well, the eternal punishment handed to you and Dottore is finished and you two can finally be reincarnated, and perhaps this time fate may give you a happy ending.
Modern Doctor Zandik and fragile reader... your illness is so mysterious that no medicine or treatment seems to be able to cure it, no one knows what's going on with you despite all the medical advances, you get sent from doctor to doctor, clinic to hospital in hopes of a miracle but nothing... But Dottore, he is widely renowned as one of the best doctors in Teyvat, despite his... attitude. Now obviously you could never dream of affording the money to see him but, it just so happens he hears of your case and takes an interest in you... Now, he never expected to get attached to anyone, much less his patient but, it seems that history repeats itself... (unethical doctor part 2)
Happy and healthy reader... and having an instant connection with Zandik!! Oh my gosh yes. Zandik would be the most confused and annoyed because he had never felt a connection with anyone his whole life, he's always been the one by himself. He tries to ignore it, ignore the building feeling in his chest, but as fate would have it, he finds himself bumping into you far more frequently than he'd like. You've had enough of his pretty man constantly invading your mind, so you approach him one day and it all begins from there. (I imagine if he ever dreamed of his past life with you, it'd teach him not to take you for granted. Especially if it was after a fight with you or something.)
I imagine Omega didn't regret his actions, but he still deeply lamented his relationship with you - he missed whenever you'd barge in and lavish him with your affection, how you'd freely rant to him, how you loved him. All were replaced with stone coldness. But perhaps, this is the price of selfishness, one that he had to pay.
😭😭 Segments pranking you... they feel quite guilty but at the same time, it's really nice to think you care about them so much.
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kaleschmidt · 1 year
DSAF Assorted HCs (Part 2)
yeah. uh. get fucking jumpscared. previous part here
once again expect some TKPverse stuff here ok? nice
This is important okay you need to fucking listen to me. that is a short, fat, hairy man. I don't care that he's corpsy he is hairy as hell.
he has. so many issues. there's probably more but my current hcs for him are npd, bipolar, n adhdtism
his nervous stim is backflipping (thx quentin)
He chose his own middle name and it starts with an F. that's all i'm saying
It has a biting/chewing stim and will chew on anything it can get its hands on. Dave can get bited as a treat. otherwise shirt
Jack can sew!! They did it often when they were taking care of Dee and picked it up from their mom.
^ Jack made Dee's scarf btw. also after dee's death, jack stopped sewing
Jack DID pick sewing back up again (kinda) when he realized he kinda has to sew their body parts back up
He fucking HATES being called "Jackie". no exceptions
From DSAF 1-2, he wears a wig. Pre-DSAF 3, he starts growing it out, though. cuts/shaves it into a fucked up mullet for DSAF 3 though.
..... the mullet is made out of mold. Sorry. He's insane and so am I
As it worked on the machine for the Flipside, whenever it got KFC, it always broke any wishbones in the bucket, hoping it would help contribute to the machine working- that all his efforts would be worth something. TKPverse, he still does this
This is obviously i LITERALLY MADE A WHOLE FUCKING POST ABOUT IT but Dave has bpd. He also has adhdtism n probs a few other things
Dave really doesn't like when people are behind her and rather people walk in front of her instead. ESPECIALLY when walking through doorways
actually likes licorice. in my heart.
Dave has faint tastebuds after the whole "eating an ashtray" thing. Kebabs are his comfort food though
Capable of falling asleep with his eyes open. This has made Jack shit a few times
Dave steals Jack's clothes sometimes. they're big on him
major sin i'm sorry. peter is a big disney fan. i don't have a favorite movie for him yet
more of a silly hc n not anything solid but when he dressed up as The Rat, I like to imagine Peter did a very horrible mickey impression. we love you peter
When Naomi's (his daughter) sixth birthday passed, Peter was so relieved that she survived that he cried to Caroline about it, after Naomi was tucked into bed
This is like. a hc i debatably switch between having and not, but Peter's middle name is Guy. for normal reason.s
She and Jack actually got along well! They like to tease each other a lot
VERY skilled in wrestling
Caroline had several brothers she used to live with (she was the oldest sibling), so she can relate to Peter abt older sibling troubles
SHIT at fucking cooking. peter was the one who cooked. she did her best though
Japanese-American i can't accept her being fully white i'm sorry.
Further elaborating on the timeline stuff he has going on: Matt more or less has a hivemind throughout timelines that shares memories throughout. hope that helps
I can't believe i never said this but Matt is mixed. filipino + white specifically. GO WASIAN BOY GO. he's not exactly as connected w his filipino heritage though
he actually likes madonna as an artist but he'd rather die than admit that. you're not getting that out of him.
On the few occassions the two take a shower, Jack + Dave shower together. helps a lot. they make a fucking mess sometimes though
Sometimes they sleep together naked. fuck you. ok? sniff. let me have this
i'd put this in their respective sections, but jack + dave have specific sleeping styles. Jack likes to sleep all sprawled out, and Dave does that sometimes too! But mostly she's all cozied up to Jack. likes to feel smaller sometimes
Dave likes to knock his head against Jack sometimes ok? ok.
now that i have gotten him i can finally confirm. oscar + matt bffs 4ever
Matt likes Jack, in the sense that he's interesting to it, with most timelines revolving around him. Would never want to get involved with his business though. It's too hot for that shit
Peter + Dave frenemies ftw... they will begrudgingly get along. they're more similar than they think
so like i know that i said jack + harry had a fling in the last post but i grew and changed as a person. that's a lesbian phone. I do think that Jack trusted Harry the most out of the other phoneys, though
I think Jack saw a bit of itself in Roger. never admitting though.
off-topic but has jack fucking hit on every phone employee of his. i haven't seen jake's shit but has he. Jack.
Dave actually has a ... somewhat nice acquaintanceship w Steven! i kinda need them to bond a little more ok?
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metaphysical-mate · 1 year
Not gonna be able to write today so here’s everyone meeting their orginal selves!!
They would get into a fight
Past Venus starts crying
present Venus is just going “lol perish”
After that, they’re chill to eachother
“Have those ugly bangs to hide your forehead?”
“Have that personality to hide the closest s glass door?”
Case and point - they just really don’t mesh well.
They chill together and talk about space
And their worries
“Yeah I’m scared I won’t be able to guide everyone out of the killing game without keeping myself stable”
“Same, but with a lab in the middle of the ground”
Vibe mostly.
They would bake brownies or smth together
Present Nozomi would prob do a tarot reading for past Nozomi
Would trade social media accounts!!
It wouldn’t work!!
Who is this man?? Why is he so weird?? That stutter is wrong???
No bc he used to stutter like “i-I-I-I-“ (I didn’t do proper research)
Both just sit and don’t do much the whole time tbh.
Maybe do a painting together dk??
Past Cy is just calling his bf the whole time
Wasn’t interesting at first
Do NOT trust these two.
Damien in the past had NO morals
They are planning evil things tm
Talk about a lot together tbh
Present Damien is taking notes of evil stuff so he can annoy Z more
Would exchange evil notes
Absolute Frienimes
“Man why didn’t I think of that” <- now upset
Would fight at some point
A child is dead now/silly
They are like Sun and Moon
Present Leiko? So energetic, shaking her hand agressively and being passionate
Past Leiko? “Mom come pick me up.” Obnoxiously shy, UwU kitten..does like calligraphy tho.
Would talk abt their gfs, realize their fighting and be like “fuck.”
They’re making popcorn now if you want some.
Super chill at some point, present Leiko adapted to not scare past.
“Why are you white.”
Present Z doesn’t wanna do this.
“A suit?? Those collared shirts are unconfortable.”
“I’m a dapper villain.”
Mostly ignore eachother.
Not rlly that interesting
Just walk out when they leave.
Don’t get along well.
“I cheated on my bf with his brother!!”
“Keys without the e”
They talk bc they’d die of boredom otherwise.
Would play minecraft together
Might physically fight???
After the fight they have cake together
Have an odd friendship/enimies
Love hate
Both WOULD and HAVE geeked out abt plants
“Hi!! It’s so nice to meet you” BAM
Present Alexis did NOT like her
It’s a FUCKING UwU soft girl
Alexis is against violence…but-
After that they didn’t talk.
Past Alexis was to busy being a cinnomon roll to cry/neg
Sorry I’m projecting.
Would probably be..semi nice to eachother.
Past Alexis litterally couldn’t be mean.
“So..any siblings?”
“Yea, 3!” BAM. Punched
Sorry I’m projecting again.
 hasn’t changed much?
Ones hyped on serotonin one need melatonin
Chilling, really.
Eating cookies and playing Wii games
Might play Ultrakill
Just chills together rlly
Nothing to much.
Thx for reading! I’ll answer questions if people have them
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qwaked · 6 years
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after camila's pr ended. :> - Back and ready to draw for shitposting! :'D
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
Heyy!! I read that ur req is open :3 Btw i love ur blog!!! I wanna req a hcs for Savannaclaw, what if s/o is TRYING to make them jealous on purpose cz s/o thinks it’s cute/just want their attention :3 Thx & have a nice day!! <333
hjkhfkweh awww thank you so much (////) I hope that you like it and have a great day! I even put some Disney references in it... I hope that you can recognize them!
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🦁 Big mistake. You shouldn’t have done this. 🦁 Leone seems to be a calm lion, minding his own business, but that young prince can be too overprotective and damn jealous, after all, you were hisand nobody else’s. 🦁 He knows you so well. “Some guys are flirting with (y/n).” He heard Ruggie tell him, knowing that you did it to get his attention. “So exhausting.” His teeth clenched, before he stood up, walking to the direction the hyaena claimed to have seen you. 🦁 “Herbivore.” He had called you by the nickname of yours, noticing that you weren’t running back to him like a sweet puppy. Maybe you didn’t hear him? Or maybe you did it on purpose. 🦁 “That was pretty cute.” One of the students had laughed, scratching the back of his head, before he heard a low growl behind him. 🦁 The students gulped, knowing that the one and only dorm leader of Savanaclaw was standing behind them, throwing daggers with his eyes at them for flirting with his s/o, making them run away. 🦁 “Oh my… Leona, don’t tell me that you are jealous.” You smiled at him, a little nit flustered, when he pulled you into his arms. 🦁 “Do it one more time and I will make sure that your sweet little bite mark will never disappear.” A smirk graced his lips, before he whispered into your ear:”You don’t have to make me jealous. You will always have my attention.” His fingers slowly touched your neck, hovering above the bite mark he had given you last week, the day you tried to make him jealous again.
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🐺 Jealous Jack was so adorable, just like sleepy Jack, flustered Jack, hungry Jack and… Basically every Version of our sweet Jack Wolf. 🐺 Every day he wishes for you to stop thinking about how adorable or cute he might look like. He needed some space, so you couldn’t tease him for the rest of the day, after you made him blush by kissing his soft ears. 🐺 “(y/n) won’t come over here…” He sighed, feeling a little bit upset and angry at himself for avoiding you, but he doesn’t want to die due to a heart attack you might give him. 🐺 But he made a big mistake. He shouldn’t have come to the botanical garden, because now he had seen something the wolf never wanted to see. 🐺 Were those Heartslabyul students talking to you? Wait one touched your hand… Did you looked down nervously with redden cheeks? You usually did it, when somebody flirted with you! 🐺 Like an alpha wolf, Jack stood up, no longer hiding at his hiding place and storming towards you. When that blonde guy tried to touch your shoulder, his hands grabbed his wrist, slightly turning it away, making him groan at the pain the strong Savanaclaw student gave him. “Leave them alone.” 🐺 Jack looked angry. So mad! His inner wolf wanted to kill them, while his brain tried to calm his pacing heart down. He looked like a beast wanting to drink the blood of his enemies, which made the poor students studder and shiver in fear. 🐺 Your cheeks got redder and redder by every second that passed, when you stared at Jack. “So cute…” You mumbled, when Jack turned towards you, raising his eyebrow. “What was it?” 🐺 “You are so adorable, Jack!” Your voice got higher, as you threw your arms around his neck, nuzzling your nose at his twitching ears. His tail wiggled around crazily by your compliment, while his cheeks blushed. “Please never try to make me jealous ever again…” – “I don’t know what you are talking about. Hehe~”
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🍩 Ruggie was known as the busy hyaena, the kinda vice-dorm leader, the maybe-butler of Leona, as the part-time working hyaena and not to forget; your busy boyfriend. 🍩 There were times he was working too much. The poor hyaena didn’t even had time for his beloved s/o, who had now one thing on their mind: gaining Ruggie’s attention. 🍩 So poor (y/n) was thinking day in and out about that one thing they desired the most at the very same moment. How could they do it? Until realization in form of a dark colored and always hungry cat hit them across their face. “Are you listening to me!? I told you that I am sooo jealous at this guy for always having so much food…” Grim’s mouth started to water, when you jumped up, raising Grim up like a monkey would hold a lion in their hands. “YOU ARE A GENIUS, GRIM!” You run away, having now a wonderful plan, while Grim screamed at you. “I know, but you could give me some more tuna rather loud compliment!” 🍩 Jealous! You will make Ruggie jealous! “I will talk to some guys and make Ruggie jealous by the sight…. It’s brilliant, brilliant, BRIALLIANT, I TELL YOU!” You stood in front of your mirror, now surprised by your own words. “That was strange…” 🍩 You told Grim that he should call Ruggie over to the Savanaclaw, even giving him a can of tuna for this small afford and stood in front of the building, now talking to some guys, until one flirted with you, only to stop immediately when his back started to shiver. “What are you trying there?~” He heard Ruggie’s voice. 🍩 The hyaena’s grin got wider, when the students apologized and walking away, before he puts his arm around your waist, watching the guys leaving the scene. “Trying to make me jealous?” He asked, now his eyes wandered to you, never stopping to grin, when you started to blush. You had planned it differently. 🍩 “You tried it, right?~ Grim told me you were here and wanted to talk… I guess you just needed my attention, mh?” Why was Ruggie always right?
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hoboyherewego · 2 years
Twst questions made by @seajellyx
Im answering in a separate post cause it was becoming a very long thread and it hurts my small brain
@ryuuryuuhoney thx for the @ !
(By the way, honey= miel in french )
Would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human?
I would be a human cause I’m a basic bitch
Would you be at rsa or nrc?
Realistically, RSA since Im a goody two-shoes. Maybe NRC my way of association, like Kalim and Silver.
What dorm would you belong to?
Diasomnia for the vibe. Its calm, it’s dark. Im a lil creature of the night. Also, they’re very loyal to eachother.
Maybe Octavinelle because sea creatures are my jam and I would just pass my free time looking at the aquarium. Also, I would actually try to represent the spirit of benevolence and would do it better than the entirety of the dorm.
What character(s) would you be best friends with?
Grim cause cat.
Na for real, I guess Jade cause we can gush about our special interests together. I can also keep up with his bullshit.
Maybe Idia but like; best friends that talk absolute shit to eachother.
What character(s) would you hate?
Hate is a strong word so none. Most characters would probably just piss me off at first lmao. I don’t like it when people only work for their own agenda. (RIP the whole school)
What character(s) would you date?
Huuuuum the whole octatrio polyam im so thirsty for them fish boys they are so cute and beautiful im down bad plz floyd squeeze me i crave physical touch
Trey would be a very nice boyfriend, have you seen his arms? :) so much potential
What would floyd's nickname be for you?
Shrimpy fits very well since I’m extra smol irl. Also my hands kinda just * limp wrist* all the time so they look like lil claws.
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and rook's?
As a native french speaker, I would call his bullshit french out before he can find one.
What twst character(s) are you most like?(personality-wise)
I guess the closest would be Idia, but not really. I have the internal ADHD of Floyd, some weird obsessions like Jade (autism), the crippling anxiety of Idia and the positive aura of Kalim.
Which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
Anything that has to do with science, im a fucking nerd. I would be so excited for the potionology class since I’ve played so many alchemist games as a child. Its literally a dream of mine to make potions. Also, anything with art.
What club would you join?
The Mountain lover club 100%. Ive spent so many summers as a child hiking I love it. I would probably go hang out with the pop music club from time to time tho.
How do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
Tbh I have no sense of self preservation so I would need a lot of luck ( which I don’t have). I would probably die 🤷 ✨
[optional!] What would your unique magic be?
If I had magic, I would like to have something with healing (That would prevent me from dying lmao). Maybe some plant stuff.
There we go (me👇)
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yuichi-ro · 3 years
ik ur running the dark content event atm (good job; its amazing!) but the latest chapter leaks fucked my disgusting lil mikey simp brain up and i cope with it by writing (hanma) fluff. sorry not sorry XD
also how did u know i was literally thinking about Noritoshi and Getou when writing my ask for the special, get out of my head i swear there is nothing interesting in there
hanma wakes up one day; but its not his room, nor the warehouse he sometimes sleeps in. its a real bed, not just a smelly old mattress on the floor. when he looks at his hands, they are wrinkly, when he stretches, his joints hurt and crack in ways he had never known and when he looks in the mirror he can see grey hairs peeking through.
hanma is thoroughly confused. he recognises himself, its still him but he definitely isn’t 16 anymore. did he get hit so hard on the head that he cannot remember anything anymore? was he in a coma for 30 years, what is happening?
he looks around a bit; it’s definitely a bedroom. ordinary and quaint but more than he has ever known. everything looks new and shiny.
is this supposed to be his future or something? he must have hooked up with someone and stayed over at their place, how else is he supposed to explain it? still a bit dazed, he leaves the bedroom and heads downstairs, cursing a little at his aching joints; if this is what it means to be an adult he’d rather die young, he tiredly muses.
when he enters the kitchen, he freezes. there is a nice smell of eggs and pancakes wafting through the house and the cause of it is a young lanky boy with hair unmistakably his. his figure makes him look older than he actually is, he is maybe 12, maybe 13 but probably not much older.
“morning dad”
ah so it was a hook up. just a hook up a couple of years in the past.
his son, he now assumes, smiles at him; a smile he recognises all too well a smile that can only belong to-
and there you are, a basket of fresh laundry in your hand as you tease him for sleeping in for far too long.
you are older too, obviously, but god you are still the hottest thing hanma has ever laid his eyes upon. whatever this dream future shit is, he is sure he doesn’t want to ever wake up again.
that you would settle for someone like him? impossible, illogical, stupid even.
but also something he has never wanted more in his life.
the mundaneness should bore him, it really should but somehow it doesn’t. the domesticity is strangely alluring, god he must have really mellowed out- he will truly mellow out?
it still makes no sense to him, whatever it is, but he would be a fool to not enjoy it. and he does enjoy it; spends all of the day with his family- something he never thought he had, truly enjoying his time with you and the mini-him.
when he wakes up the next day, it is some couch again that he crashed on, the smell of fresh breakfast replaced with the smell of old cigarettes and cheap deodorant.
maybe it was just a fever dream but- just based on the slim, tiny chance that it truly was a glimpse into the future, hanma will do anything to make that his reality.
maybe he should just start with actually asking you out.
here hope u enjoy my soft word vomit; tl;dr shows cant fuck with my mental health during my exam phase thx and goodbye
the way I'm watching all Mikey simps self combust. My wife included. Is killing me 😂 Naota said to kill Mikey!! But no no one listen to the Aries it's not like we know what we're talking about!!! Smh the shit Aires gotta put up with in shows. I'll take the "Naota has been right since day one" to my god damn grave 😂 me sitting here with my albeit odd but almost well behaved Hanma husband in comparison to the fucked up gremlin that Mikey crawled out of the womb being
yer brain is nice. I like it in here. I'm never leaving >:D
Oh my god I don't know if you ever saw my short little post about timeskipper!Hanma. Where the person that sent him too and from (like Naoto) the future and present was the reader that he was dearly in love with. But you word vomit reminded me so much of that!! My brains a bit scrambled I woke up early and have been doing yardwork all day but-
timeskipper!Hanma still being in love with you after everything's gone down. Being with Kisaki was a little "safer" bc at least it was fun and he didn't get violently jerked to a bleak future if he touched him. Unlike with you. Every time he touches you its this god awful dreadful future that he doesn't want to think about. But doesn't want to do anything in the moment to make better. That's tomorrows problem. Never the problem he wants to deal with today. But after Kisaki's death. Being a fugitive. Living like shit and not in an exciting way. He's certain this is why his future was so bleak. He really dug his hole with this one. But lets face it he's too lazy to fix it now. All he can really do is maybe see you one more time before succumbing to the fate he's already seen. And that's when it happens. When the leap drives him back to the future. Waiting to be thrust into the shit scene he always knew when this happened. It's why he stopped coming around you. Stopped chancing having to see his shitty future of his. What he comes to through isn't the same though. He's certain he's leapt but this...this isn't what he use to see. The kid. You. The warm house. None of this is familiar. Not what he use to know was his fate. This seems like a cruel joke. Until the older version of you kisses him on the cheek and tells him to get ready for breakfast. Before he can even say anything. Hanma is ripped back to the past. Standing. Not alone this time. No. He's standing in front of you. With you looking at him in the most peculiar way but he has no idea why. Desperate to take the easy route and go back to that future. Hanma grabs your wrist. This would surprise you if this wasn't Hanma we were talking about. When he expects to be yanked from his conscious. The sinking feeling in his stomach happens. Desperate he even laces your fingers together. Trying and realizing you hand isn't doing anything. He's still here. He's still standing right in front of you.
"What are you doing?" "I should be asking you that Shuji, what are you doing?" "I uh- I was-" "You had asked me out." And Shuji freezes. Not even recalling that he had said that. Before it didn't matter what happened when he was 'gone' to say. But not he realizes he has no idea if you answered him or not. "And...you said....?" "I said yes Shuji. I'll always say yes."
It's then Hanma realizes why he can't go back. He has to make that future he saw a reality. He has to do it himself if he wants to wake up one day to the smell of pancakes, your kisses and his son.
asdfghjkl sorry I went off ignore me I don't love Hanma I swear
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bunnirs · 4 years
Yandere! Gon and Killua with a S/O who tries to leave
Requested by: Anon!
“I don’t know if you do any yandere stuff but if you do I was wondering how would yandere killua and gon react to thier s/o trying to leave them for Accidentally Cheating. Thx love your blog”
First Gon and Killua request!! I’m so excited! For the sake of all things holy, ALL CHARACTERS WILL BE AGED UP A BIT. especially with the cheating thing 👉👈 UMM ALSO THIS IS MY FIRST EVER YANDERE TYPE THING SO IM SORRY 😭
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Alright this dude doesn’t see anything wrong with the fact that he cheated
And to think you’d get so upset over him ‘cheating’ on you??
He would never! He was just being ‘nice’ to one of tourists of Whale Island
A little to nice.
He’s the type of Yandere that thinks what he does is completely fine! He thinks he’s doing the right thing!
So that’s where you had enough.
Gon was a lunatic and you had to get away
Maybe you’d call Leorio or Kurapika, they’d help you
That’s all you had to do
Get to a pay phone and dial Leorio or Kurapika
So while Gon had left to do God knows what..
You packed your shit and walked out the door
Surprisingly.. you got to the pay phone rather easily
Your paranoia had shot up with the risk of getting caught
Like 📈📈📈📈📈
You made the decision to call Kurapika. He was more serious with this stuff.
You waited for Kurapika until it was dark out
But he came all the same
But you hadn’t expected to see Gon right behind him
That’s right. Gon had said something about visiting Kurapika. Shit.
You were an idiot not to pay closer attention
Fuck fuck fuck he looks mad
His eyes were avoid of anything,,,
His soulless hues stared into your own, and you felt like you could throw up
Kurapika seemed rather worried, asking what happened while Gon was gone
You couldn’t tell him about Gon being a psycho
He wouldn’t believe you.. right?
You made the choice in saying that someone had tried to hurt you, and with Gon away, you didn’t know what to do
Kurapika sighed and said he’d get a hotel and would scout the island for any suspicious behavior,,,
But he didn’t know that Gon WAS the culprit.
Soon after that, you went home with Gon.
“....You lied to him, Y/N.” There was a pregnant pause before your name, almost like it was hard for him to pronounce. “You never lie.”
“...Gon....” You said quietly, not prepared for whatever the hell he was going to say.
“Is this about the woman?” Gon narrowed his eyes at his feet, which moved as the both of you took the road to his house.
“No I just-“ you went quiet, not knowing what to say. Make something up. Fast. “I just wanted to.. get away from the island a bit.”
“Get away?” Gon’s dark expression changed into one of confusion. “Do you not like it here?”
“No! I like it here!” You said abruptly, your eyes widening. “It’s just, I was thinking of visiting my parents! See what they’re up too!” You nervously laughed, praying he didn’t notice your smile faulter.
“...Oh well...that’s easy.” Gon smiled at you, and for a second, you thought you did something good. “They’re up to nothing.” His eyes darkened, his smile widening a bit.
“Nothing?” You questioned, confused.
“They’re dead.” Gon hummed. “They kept trying to get in my way.. so I put them out of their misery. They missed you a lot.. and kept saying I kidnapped you! Which isn’t true right?”
You didn’t say anything. Nothing at all. The only thing that escaped your mouth were the harsh sobs, which seemed to shake your whole body. You fell to the ground, the rough asphalt slicing your knees, the stinging couldn’t compare to the state your heart was in.
“...Oh..” His voice lowered, the slight evidence of worry laced his tone. “.....Can you not speak..?” He grabbed your hand, kneeling before you.
You smacked his hand away, falling onto your back. “G-get the hell away from me!” You screamed, your hands slipping on the bloodied gravel below you. You kept trying to stand up, but it seemed that gravity pushed against you even harder than before. “Go away! For gods sake just leave me alone!”
He stared at his hand for about a minute, his mouth wide and agape. “Leave.. you alone? While your upset?” He seemed hurt, his eyes swelling up, tears appearing. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you like this! You’re hurting!”
“Because of you! I’m HURTING BECAUSE OF YOU!” You screamed in his face, somehow gaining the strength to sit up.
“.......I didn’t hurt you! I would never hurt you!” His voice gained in volume, almost like he was panicking. “I just did what was best for both of us!”
“You did what was best for you!” You shoved your finger into his chest, your nail almost bending due to the pressure. “You never think about me! You force me to stay with you! I never wanted something like this! I-“
“Shut up.” Gon said suddenly, shadow overcasting his facial features. “Everything I do is for you... don’t you dare say it isn’t!” His hand quickly grabbed your wrist, the sickening sound of bone being crushed seemed to echo in your ears.
“Y-you’re hurting me... right now... you’re hurting me..” you whispered, trying your best not to cry even more. Your head already hurt from the screaming, the pain adding to your desire to pass out.
“You don’t know real pain.” He said coldly. “But you’ll find out soon.”
That’s all you heard before you eyes seemed to close, your body falling forward into someone’s warm embrace, the air being knocked out of you.
“But everything I do... is for you.. Y/N.”
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Thing is I don’t see him cheating :(
He’s so closed off as is, so it’s surprising he’s in love with you anyway!!
He’s definetly the Yandere who thinks that you need him
Like you’d be in danger without him
He’s definitely convinced himself that you’d die if you weren’t with him
And that makes him so friggin sad
He wants you to be happy
But he wants you to be safe first.
So, if you try to escape, that’ll make him even more broken inside
He’s a tragic yandere tbh
Wants to give you happiness and love, but he can’t let you out of his sight 😭
So you probably try to leave when he kills someone that was close to you
Probably a guy friend of yours
He felt like he was dangerous, and couldn’t have him taking you away
So he murdered him on the spot with a quick hand through the heart, his nails bloodied.
That was the last straw. You were living with a murderer.
How you would get out? You had no idea
You were in the Zoldyck Mansion. Locked away.
If anything, you could try talking to Canary. She liked you. A lot.
So that’s what you did. You told Canary everything.
She believed you almost immediately. She knew the Zoldycks were cruel... Killua included, no matter how much she liked him.
She’d try to smuggle you outside the gate
Hopefully the security guard would understand
That’s what got you here, standing from right inside the testing gate, Killua before you.
Canary was long gone. She had to stop the butlers from following you.. so you were alone.
“....What are you doing so far from home...?” He questioned, his eyes widened at the sight of you with bags in your hands. “It’s dangerous out here.”
“Killua, we’re inside the gate. You know it’s plenty safe out here.” You narrowed your eyes, nails digging into the leather holsters of your bag. You couldn’t back down now. “Besides, I can protect myself if need be.”
“.....Of course you can. I don’t doubt your abilities.” Killua rolled his eyes, his attitude returning to normal. “I wouldn’t date someone who can’t protect themselves.”
“....Then why don’t you act like that?” You felt a pang in your chest. He made it seems like you were weak.... He made it seem like you were helpless. Why would he do that?
“Act like what? Protective? I can’t do that?” He questioned, his defensive tone making itself clear.
“That is not what this is.” You countered, stepping back a bit. “You know this isn’t you being protective! You act like I’m fragile! Some glass vase that’ll break if someone pushes me to hard! I’m not! I’m a professional hunter just like you!”
“...You don’t act like it.” He pouted, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“How can you be so childish right now!? This is why I need to leave!” You stepped forward, your voice gaining in volume.
“...Leaving is a need? Are you sure you just don’t want it?” He stepped towards you, his voice getting low. He was definitely getting pissed off now.
“I haven’t been outside the gate in years Killua! You know how ridiculous that sounds?! Last time I interacted with someone from outside this gate, you fucking murdered them! He was my friend!”
“He was trying to hurt you!” Killua responded, his eyes darkening. “He was inviting you outside the gate! And by yourself no less! He could’ve hurt you!”
“Going out the gate isn’t a death sentence! I need fresh air Killua! I need to see people!” You continued to yell, throwing your hands up in the air dramatically, the bag in your hand almost being flung off to the side.
“You see my family everyday! They’re people!” Killua scoffed. “barely...” he muttered to himself, getting lost in thought.
“What if I don’t want to see your family anymore?! What if I don’t want to see you?!” You gasped right after the words left your mouth, hands covered your lips, almost in disbelief of what you had just said.
As your thoughts consumed you, you felt a slight pain in your abdomen, your body falling to the ground. Your bags cluttered around you, creating what ironically looked like a crime scene. He had just pushed you. That’s never happened before.
Killua stood above you, his eyes pulsating with dark intent, his aura covering for what seemed like miles. “....Don’t you ever say that!” He yelled out, tears almost appearing in his empty voids. “I might believe it one day! That you don’t need me anymore!” He grabbed the collar of your shirt, so his eyes could look into yours. “I can’t lose you like everyone else! Don’t leave me behind! I used to think you needed me but now I think it’s the other way around!” He cried out, tears threatening to spill. “I have to protect you with everything I have! I’ll continue to kill the people who try to take you away! So please don’t make this hard! I know you want to leave! I understand! But that can’t happen!”
You were quiet, your body feeling limp as he had hit a sensitive point on your body. “O-okay...” you muttered out, tears brimming the corners of your eyes. “I’ll stay.... I-“
Before you can finish, Killua hugged you tighter than ever before, knocking the air out of you. You felt like you could pass out, that feeling soon coming to reality as black dots filled your vision. He had somehow managed to manipulated you again. His worry getting the best of you.
Curse you for being so damn sympathetic.
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katiea03 · 4 years
hellu! a friend led me to your account and i wanted to req smth right away! i'm a girl who loves hurt comfort so can you do smth with tsukki and kenma where reader doesn't like sitting on their lap or getting carried because she doesn't want to squish them?? thanks bby ❤
❣︎Reader Scared To Sit On Their Lap❣︎
Thx you sm for the request! This one hit home as this is lowkey a insecurity I have but I had a lot of fun writing it! 👁👅👁
❣︎Warnings❣︎: Weight,suggestive
❣︎Genre❣︎: Hurt/comfort, lil fluff
❣︎Featuring❣︎: Tsukishima, Kenma, Oikawa
❣︎A/N❣︎: This is my first official request and I’m really excited how it came out! I/ve never written a scenero or hurt/comfort before but i really liked it! I threw Oikawa in with the other two because of how perceptive he really is. I feel like people forget how smart Oikawa is so he gets a lil love. Am I really starting to become an Oikawa simp maybeeee ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Probably for the first time ever, Tsukishima Kei was clingy. You were hanging out at his place after school as you usually did but today you couldn’t help but notice how tightly Tsuki held onto your hand, or how he would use your head as a resting place for his more often. You obviously weren’t opposed, just surprised by his sudden change in character.
You looked through the kitchen for snacks when Tsukishima hugs you from behind. You jump a little and turn in his arms to see him with his signature smirk that made your knees weak “What’s gotten into you today?”
He looked at you amused “What do you mean?”
He rests his hands on your hips , “You’ve been very touchy that’s all.”
“You don’t like it?” He looks as if he’s about to pull away. You pull him in quickly before he has a chance to pull away. Resting your head on his chest,
“I never said that. I think it's really nice.” You take in the fresh scent of his hoodie.
“Oh yea?” There’s a faint smugness to his words that you recognized instantly
“Yea.” And before you knew it, you felt yourself being lifted up. Panic rushed through you and you tried your best to squirm out of his grasp,
“Put me down! Please just put me down.” Tsukishima could sense the gravity in your voice and put you on the kitchen counter.
“What’s wrong Y/n.” He could see the uneasy look on your face and wondered what he did wrong. You stood silent, not making eye contact with him.
“Babe what is it… did I hurt you?” You remained quiet. Tsuki didn’t want to push you to say anything you didn’t want to, but he was concerned.
“If you don’t want to say anything that okay bu-“
“I’m worried I’ll break you…” Your voice came out shallow. Tsuki almost laughed, not because what you said was funny, but because of how ridiculous the notion was, “What do you mean?”
Still not being able to look at him, you croak out, “I’m scared I’m too heavy for you.” At this point you’re trying to hold back tears. You’re weight has always been such a huge insecurity for you, and truly having to admit it was almost embarrassing.
Tsuki cups your cheek, forcing you to look at him. He had no idea you felt this way, and he wasn’t too sure what to say so the kitchen was almost awkwardly silent. You were about to pull your face away when he tells you,
“Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?” You snap your head to look directly at him. That wasn’t the type of response you were expecting.
“I love you, and no matter what size you are that won’t change. But no, you won’t break me, I’m almost 6’4.”
You choke out a laugh and wipe the tears that brimmed at your eyes,
“Yea but Kei, you’re built like praying mantises!” Tsuki poked you before throwing you over his shoulder and carried you to the living room. You shrieked kicking your legs as genuine laughter escaped your lip.
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This would be the first night you would be spending the night at Kenma’s place. He’s spent countless nights at yours but you finally asked to spend the night at his.
Stepping out of the shower, hair wet, and wearing one of his hoodies, you go to look for him. Along the way you inspected his apartment more. There was nothing too special about it, it wasn’t the neatest by any means but you could tell he tidied up a bit before you came. You passed by his living room and saw only a couple photos. He didn’t look too enthusiastic in them but a small smile laced your face seeing him with his friends and family.
You quietly make your way down the hall to his gaming room, and with a soft knock, you creak open the door. Kenma was intensely staring at his computer screen with his huge gaming headset on with his hair messily pulled back. He couldn’t hear you come in but he sensed your presence and turned his head to you.
He softly smiled at you and slid off one side of his headset to hear you properly.
You walked behind his chair and peered at the screen , “So what are you playing right now?” Kenma focuses back on the game and mumbles, “ Rainbow…”
A minute or two goes by of you just wanting his hands rush across the keyboard. His face stayed as neutral as ever, the only indication of stress was the tiny crease that bunched in between his eyebrows. He wins another game and takes off his headset while waiting for the next round to start. He pulled your hand around to sit you into his lap but you backed up and settled on sitting on the arm of his chair. He could see how uncomfortable you were and peered up at you.
“What’s wrong?” You sat a little straighter, “Nothings wrong Kozu.”
He looks up at you unconvinced, “Y/n”
You crossed your arms and try putting on your best face. Unfortunately for you, Kenma knew them all.
“Tell me, what is it?” He took one of your hands in his, softly rubbing his thumb over your palms. You searched his face for any way out of this inevitable conversation you landed in, but to no avail. You sighed and stared intently at the screen in front of you.
“What if I’m too heavy?” What you asked didn’t process in his head for a moment. But when it did, he instantly pulled you into his lap without warning. You go to stand up but he wraps his arms around you, holding you down. You hide your face in his polyester t-shirt feeling extremely self-conscious. You slowly feel yourself calm down and you get yourself more comfy on his lap.
“See you aren’t too heavy.” Kenma is a man of very few words, but as he ran his fingers through your wet hair, you couldn’t have felt more safe and loved.
The next match started and as he slid on his headset (only one ear had it on), you stayed there watching him play. You felt yourself doze off in probably the most comfortable position you had ever been in.
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Oikawa was going on about another ridiculous alien conspiracy documentary and was begging to watch it for tonight’s Friday movie marathon. He already had his ‘stylish’ purple alien socks along with his even more ‘trendy’ neon green space martian shirt (according to him of course!). He was already comfy on the worn down couch he owned with tons of blankets.
You come out from the kitchen wearing a big t-shirt of his with the popcorn and set it on the coffee table.
“Oh my beautiful Y/n, what would I do without you?” He sits up on the couch with his head in his hands.
“Probably starve and die.” Oikawa opens the blanket waiting for you to cuddle on the couch with him,
“Rude, but you’re probably right.” He pats at his lap and you come closer to the couch, nervously taking a seat next to him rather than sitting on his lap. You turn on the couch looking for the remote when Oikawa outbursts,
“Ummm excuse me?” He has a hand on his heart with an exasperated look on his face.
You turn to him pretending to be clueless but as you play with your fingers, Oikawa knew something was wrong.
“Shawty, is my lap not good enough for you?” He puts on his best fuck boy face to try and make you laugh- and it usually did, but not this time. He drops the act and pulls your leg onto his.
“Spill, what’s going on?”
Not a sound comes from your lips and you just continue to look down at your lap.
With an extra dramatic sigh he wipes fake tears from his eyes, “ If you're not gonna say anything, I’m gonna have to assume you have terminal cancer.”
You shoot up with wide eyes,
“No!” With that Oikawa throws his head back laughing and you can’t help but laugh too. Eventually the laughter dies down and Oikawa has his serious face again.
“So are you gonna tell me what’s going on now?”
It’s quiet for another moment before you actually speak, “I don’t really wanna talk about it babe.” Of course, Oikawa wasn’t satisfied with that answer.
He takes both of your hands in his and kisses them both gently.
“Y’know you can tell me anything.” He was genuinely a little hurt that you felt like you couldn’t talk to him about whatever it was.
“Yeah I know, it's just-I .” You took a deep breath as you felt the tears sting your eyes. Oikawa waited patiently,
“I just feel like I’m too heavy for stuff like that.” Small tears began to stream down your cheek, but Oikawa wiped them away before they could fall too far.
Oikawa’s heart broke wiping away your tears. He had no idea you were dealing with this. He feels the tiniest bit of futile guilt. Despite it not being his fault, he wishes he could’ve done something to make you feel better about yourself. He kisses the top of your head before telling you,
“You are beautiful exactly the way you are, and I’m gonna prove it to you. I promise you.”
You feel your face go warm at his promise to you as he easily lifts you onto his lap. He pulls you into a deep kiss, and as your lips connect you feel the worry and anxiety melt from your body. His kisses trail to your collarbone and the collar of his shirt falls down one side of your shoulder. He leaves a sweet kiss on the edge of your shoulder,
“I don’t care if it takes all night baby.”
He looks up at you with such adoration, you know what he was saying was true. The way he looked at you made you feel beautiful inside and out.
Oikawa was true to his word, and made sure to worship you like you deserved.
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laddieseddiemunster · 3 years
Hi! Thx for replying by for specification, I really loved the rebel aspect about the little sister imagine and maybe you could do one for like when it’s the day after she drank the bottle and the guys didn’t find her in the cave but can sense her around the boardwalk. I read in a few that when a new member is added they can feel it so that’s the route I’m going for. If not it’s cool.
Thank you for this ask! I really love the whole little sister concept with the lost boys. This ended up kind of turning into a wholesome fic cause I didn’t want to copy my other one. Hope you enjoy!
New Arrival (Lost Boys & 13 y/o Sister!Reader)
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warning(s): mentioning of kidnapping, sneaking out of school, alcoholism, peer pressure
Some might say you were too young to be ditching school, but the hell with them, right? Though you weren’t sneaking out of school to a party. No, you were meeting up with friends to go exploring through some abandoned places. Sure, these places could be haunted, but the slight fear makes the experience more fun for you and your friends. Nothing spooky has ever happened before, so why should something happen now?
One of your friends came up with the idea. It was supposed to be a celebration for you and your friends most hated teacher because they had just gone missing. It was the ‘I’m glad you’re gone and I hope you never come back’ type of celebration. You didn’t know exactly what abandoned place you were going to, but wherever it was, it seemed to be really closed off near the mountains.
This abandoned place was beautiful, but it didn’t seem too abandoned. It was a cave that looked like it was something else originally, but it was decorated so nicely that you could hardly tell. The only problem was, there was some fire lit in the cave to bring light in, which probably means someone was in here not long ago.
Instead of deciding to leave, you chose to stay because you didn’t want to look like the one that was all scared. You’ve been to many abandoned places with your friends, but the slight fact that this place could possibly not be abandoned gave you the creeps.
As you all gathered up in the center of the cave, one of your friends thought it was a great idea to play a game of truth or dare. You made the smart move and decided to go with truth, because there was no way that you were doing a dare in this cave. One of your other friends decided to go with dare, and the dare they got was to crawl through the tunnel up hidden in the cave that no one had the balls to go into. You were thankful you didn’t have to do that.
Unfortunately for you, it came a time where you used up all of your truths, and now you were forced to do a dare. If you chose truth for a certain amount of times, then you had to do a dare no matter what. One of your friends came up with that idea, and you were currently hating them for it.
Your heart beat started to pump faster and faster as you thought of what horrible dare you would have to do in this cave. The answer to your question, was not thrilling or exciting as you might have guessed. Your friend handed you a tall looking wine glass that had been sitting on a table when you had first gotten to the cave. Your friend told you that for the dare you’d have to take a sip of whatever substance was in this glass.
Both of your eyes looked down in the direction of the bottle in your hands. The liquid inside was blood red, and it didn’t smell too appealing either. You almost gagged and immediately shook your head. There was no way you were going to drink this. All your friends started to whine and tell you that you had to do it because it was a dare. They started to chant “chug!” over and over again. You realized that if you didn’t drink it, then your friends would never let you live this down. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “If I die it’s their fault,” you thought to yourself before putting the opening of the bottle up to your lips.
The substance burned your throat the second you swallowed a tiny portion of it. You let the bottle drop onto the floor and smash into thousands of pieces. You started to cough as you felt the burning from the liquid practically in your chest now. Your friends crowded you asking if you were okay, but you couldn’t answer them. You were barely able to breathe, more or less speak.
While you were trying to catch your breath, you heard some screaming coming from the other end of the cave. You thought this day couldn’t get any worse, but boy, were you wrong.
The screaming was coming from your friend that was given the dare to explore one of the tunnels in the cave. Well, they were now squirming out of the tunnel, and they looked scared shitless. They were screaming loudly that you all needed to leave now, and you definitely weren’t going to argue with that. The rest of your friends now looked pretty afraid, so you all grabbed your things and left as quickly as you could.
Your friend started to calm down when the cave was no where in sight and you all were safe. They claimed that they saw a couple people hanging from the roof at the end of the tunnel. A couple of your friends thought it was all a bunch of bologna. Some of them actually wanted to go back and investigate, but you were quick to shut them down. There is no way in hell that you were going back to that place.
The boys woke up and immediately noticed something was off. They could feel in their blood that a human had just been turned. Though, they didn’t know how. David could tell that it was from his blood, so he knew that someone drank the bottle. That, or one of them didn’t fully kill someone, and they hoped to god that that wasn’t the case.
Once they all saw the broken bottle of David’s blood on the floor they knew what had happened. They could also smell in the air that their were humans in the cave just a couple hours ago. Their main concern wasn’t to go out and kill some people that were in the cave, the main concern was to find you. A new vampire out in public could be dangerous. Lots of terrible things could happen that they didn’t want to think about. They knew they had to find you. Before Max did.
You didn’t feel too bad after a couple hours. You were able to breathe, and the burning in your chest went away. It was almost like nothing had happened. Well, so far.
Once you felt 100% you decided to take a walk around the boardwalk. Your friends were most likely already there. You met up with them there almost every day. Your mom dropped you off at the boardwalk before scurrying away to the nearest bar. It wasn’t a surprise to you at all. Sometimes you wondered how your mother even remembered to pick you up after school cause of all her drinking. You hoped one day she’d get some help for herself and you, but you’ve been hoping for that for years.
After your mom dropped you off you decided to look around for your friends. You usually met up with them around the carousel, but when you got there, they were nowhere to be found. You figured that they were probably still spooked over what happened at the cave, so you decided to go for ice cream because you knew it’d be a while before your mom would come to get you.
While you were in the line to order some ice cream, you started to feel a pounding in your chest. It felt like your heart was about to explode. You fell onto your knees and tried to take a few breaths. You could practically hear your own heart beat. It sounded like your heart was a ticking time bomb that was ready to detonate. A couple people in the line crouched down to your level and asked if you were okay.
As you looked over at the people trying to help you, you noticed that a weird feeling appeared in your throat. Almost like a thirst. Not a thirst for water though. You could practically smell the blood from their veins. It was quite unsettling, and the thirst in your throat kept increasing. It was like you were looking at them as if they were a meal. The people didn’t understand. They probably thought you were about to pass out.
The thirst was too much for you to handle, so you pushed past the people to try and stop it. Of course, that didn’t work at all. There was hundreds of people walking around, and you were stuck right in the middle of the crowd. The thirst didn’t go away, and the crowds only made it worse. The pounding in your chest didn’t help much either. You felt like you were dying, and no one around you seemed to care.
Your vision started to blur, and now your head was pounding along with your heart. You almost felt like your legs were about to give out. Until you felt someone grab onto both of your shoulders to keep you upright.
“Are you okay, kid?” Your vision came back and you looked up to see who was talking to you. It was a tall blond looking rocker, who definitely was considerably a lot older than you.
“Y-yeah! I’m fine,” you tried to get away from him, but he wasn’t budging. He hard a firm grip on your shoulders.
“Oh good, you found her,” you turned to your left to see a shorter blond with curly hair. He had a leather jacket on that had lots of vibrant colors. Since you had been on the boardwalk a good amount of times, you knew who these guys were. They were a part of the biker gang that was known for being feared. These guys were bad news.
“Wh-what?” The fact that they had been looking for you only sparked red flags. Luckily, your thirst started to become manageable. You didn’t quite feel it anymore. It was strange that the second these guys showed up was the second your thirst started to wear off, but you weren’t exactly complaining about it.
“Uhh, kid, you’re going to have to come with us,” the shorter blond said trying to take your hand.
“No!” You pulled your hand away from him, but the taller blond still had a grip on you.
“Kid, listen, you’re a-”
“No! Let go of me!” The blond rocker now grabbed onto your wrist. He was pretty strong, so no matter how hard you pulled, he didn’t budge one bit. The two remaining members of the gang had now joined in. Four against one.
“This is the one, right David?” The shorter blond asked. David. Now at least one of them was revealed.
“Yes,” the one called David said. He was definitely the leader. You recognized him because he always led the pack whenever you saw them around the boardwalk. “We have to take her back.”
You cursed under your breath realizing that you had to get out of this and fast. “Help me! I’m being kidnapped! Help!” You screamed for anyone to hear, but everyone just kept walking. It was like you were deaf upon ears.
“Stop it, kid! Ow!” The blond rocker yelped in pain as you bit down hard on his wrist that gripped onto your arm. He still didn’t release you, no matter how hard you tried. The other two blonds laughed at the two of you.
“Jesus Paul,” the brunette scoffed. “You’re scaring the hell out of her!”
“You’re not being kidnapped,” the shorter blond said with a mischievous smile appearing on his face. You could tell that he liked scaring people. “Well, not literally.”
The brunette shoved the shorter blond aside and walked towards you. “What’s your name?”
“Why would I tell you that?” You replied trying to back away from him.
“We’re not here to hurt you. You’re not being kidnapped,” the brunette said and turned back to glare at the shorter blond. “We’re here to help you.”
“From what?” You asked still unconvinced.
“We’re gonna explain that. Just tell us you’re name first,” the brunette said.
You rolled your eyes at told him your name. They all followed by telling you their names. The brunette was Dwayne. And the shorter blond was Marko.
David pushed Dwayne aside to walk towards you. “Let’s get to the point, okay?” You nodded even though you didn’t know exactly what he meant. “You drank from the bottle, didn’t you?”
You gasped softly. Dammit, you knew that you shouldn’t have drunk from that bottle. All because of some stupid dare. You shut your eyes and nodded.
David sighed. “Look kid, this is going to be really hard to explain, and I can’t do it here. You’re going to have to come back with us.”
“How do I know you’re not going to hurt me?” You asked not fully trusting them.
David chose not to put his hands on you. He felt that that would probably freak you out even more. “I swear to you that we won’t. We are here to help you, and protect you.”
“Protect me from what?” You asked.
“Yourself in a way.” You gave David a questioning look. What the hell was in that drink? “Listen to me very carefully,” you nodded. “You’re no longer...human. That drink contains something that turns you into... one of us.” He said which didn’t help your confusion.
“It’s hard to explain, but I can explain it better if we’re not in public. You’re going to have to trust us. If you don’t, it can be bad for you.” David said which still didn’t make much sense to you. But, you wanted to know what was the matter with you, so you nodded.
The boys took you out of the crowds and towards their motorcycles. You still didn’t exactly trust them, but if they could fix whatever was wrong with you, then you were willing to take the risk. David motioned for you to get on the back of his bike, and you had to take a breath before getting on it. Millions of thoughts raced through your brain, but you tried to convince yourself that these guys might actually be trying to help you.
The ride was actually kind of thrilling. You could tell David had no intention of driving slow. It didn’t surprise you when you saw them stop right in front of the caves entrance. You hoped to never see this cave again, but it didn’t look like this cave was ever going to leave your life.
You walked in trying not to look at the broken glass on the floor from the ‘wine’ bottle.
“Is this what you drank from?” Marko asked picking up some of the broken glass.
You gulped and nodded.
David and Marko shared a glance. Unfortunately, it didn’t look like a good one.
“Y/n, we are not exactly human,” David started. “You’ve seen all the missing posters around the town I’m sure?”
You nodded again.
“Those people are missing because of us. We are...killers. We have to feed from people to survive. If we feed, we will never die.” David said. You started to fidget. Maybe they weren’t trying to help you. Maybe they wanted you to be their next victim.
“So, you’re...cannibals?” You asked hoping that that wasn’t the truth. The two blonds started to laugh, but Dwayne glared at both of them internally telling them to stop.
David shook his head. “No, we’re...” David took a deep breath. He didn’t like stating the exact name of what he was, “...vampires.”
You scoffed in disbelief. You weren’t only in the worst place in the world, but now these guys claim to be vampires.
Marko and Paul shared a glance and mischievously smiled at each other. You were about to call them crazy, until you saw both of the blonds faces change completely. Their eyes turned golden, and their teeth were now sharp fangs that could pierce anyone’s skin.
Before you could scream, Dwayne put his hand over your mouth. “It’s okay, they’re not going to hurt you.” He tried to sound reassuring, but it didn’t work too well. The blonds turned back to normal after a few seconds, and you started to calm down. After Dwayne took his hand away from your mouth, you started to put two and two together.
“Is that what...I am?” You asked hoping that your conclusion was incorrect. The last thing you wanted to be was a vampire.
David nodded. “In that bottle, was my blood. Since you drank it, you’re now one of us.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Vampires were supposed to be fake! Not real! You couldn’t imagine killing people in order to survive. “Is there any way to turn back?”
David looked away before shaking his head.
“You mean I’m stuck like this forever?!” You raised your voice. This was worse than death.
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Marko said.
“It’s worse than it looks!” You fired back making Marko look to the ground.
“Well, on the bright side you’re going to be our sister now,” Paul said with a smile.
“I don’t want to be your sister!” You said which made Paul’s smile fall. “I want to be normal!”
“Look, I understand that you probably want to think this over. There is a bedroom over there if you want to be alone.” David said pointing over to a room that was covered with curtains. You wondered why. You didn’t want to argue with them anymore, so you got up and walked over to the bedroom closing the curtains behind you. This was definitely the worst day of your life. You had to bite your lip to fight the tears that were threatening to fall. Crying wouldn’t help anything at this point.
You ended up spending the night there. The boys brought you food before the sun came up, but you never said a word to them when you came to give you the food. You woke up the next day assuming that it was morning. Instead, it was six in the afternoon. The sun was probably already down. You groaned realizing that your mom was probably pissed right now.
A couple minutes later, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko walked in your ‘bedroom’. You sighed and sat on the bed trying not to look at them. Marko walked to the side of the bed you were closest on, and he showed you a teddy bear that he had been hiding behind his back. He gestured for you to grab it, and you hesitated before grabbing it. The bear was brown, and it had a big smile on its face. You looked over at Marko and he shrugged his shoulders with a grin. You smiled and hugged the teddy bear tightly letting your head rest on the toys head.
Paul walked over to you and showed you a cake he had been hiding behind his back. On the top of the cakes was writing made out of frosting that said “Sister?” on it. You chuckled and took the cake.
“Is this...breakfast?” You asked not exactly knowing what to name this meal.
“Hey, if you don’t want it, I’ll eat it,” Paul said laying down on the bed.
“Did you write this?” You asked Paul pointing at the writing on the cake.
Paul nodded.
“Well, you have terrible handwriting,” you giggled looking at the words on the cake that were so hard to make out. It looked like someone drunk had written it.
Paul glared at you before grabbing the teddy bear and throwing it at your face. While you were distracted, Paul took his chance and wrestled you down to the bed and grabbed the cake looking like he was about to drop it on your face. You screamed for him not to do it.
“Take back what you said!” Paul pretended to be angry, but you could tell that he was just playing. Though he probably would drop the cake on your face.
“I take it back!” You gave in and Paul put the cake down on the bed.
You looked over at Dwayne who looked like he was trying not to bring up the elephant in the room. “Where’s David?” You asked him.
“He went out.” Dwayne said with a frown on his face. “Look y/n, you’re not a full vampire yet, you’re half. In order to be full, you’ll have to make your first kill.”
You looked away from Dwayne. Your good mood was now gone. “Do I have to make a kill?”
“Well, it’s probably best that you shouldn’t right now,” Dwayne said which gave you some hope. “You’re pretty young, so it’d be best if you wait til you’re older. It’ll be hard, but you’ll be able to do it.”
You sighed. “Will I ever get to see my friends and family again?” You asked Dwayne.
“It’s probably best that you don’t. You won’t be going to school anymore, so it’d be hard to explain to people why you aren’t going,” Dwayne replied.
“I’m not going to school anymore?” You asked.
“Well, as long as you’re with us, then no,” Dwayne said. No school? You hated school. Maybe this life wouldn’t be so bad after all. Then you remembered about your mother. You couldn’t just stop seeing her. Even though she wasn’t the best mother, you still loved her.
“What about my family? I can’t just leave my mom. I’m all she has!” You told them.
“It’s probably best that you don’t see her. If you see her and she calls the police, it could be bad,” the brunette explained.
Your mom was probably worried sick about you. The least you could do was check up on her, and make sure she’s okay.
“Can i at least go check up on her? Just to see if she’s okay? I won’t talk to her, I’ll just look through the window,” you suggested.
Dwayne looked over at Marko and Paul for an answer. They both shrugged their shoulders.
“Okay,” Dwayne agreed. “But just this once.”
You were glad that they were letting you see your mother, but at the same time it felt like they were controlling your life. You didn’t choose to be like this, but now you can’t get out of it. All because of a stupid dare.
Dwayne drove you to your mothers house. It sucked because you wanted to see how she was doing, but you couldn’t speak to her. You could only look through the window. You hoped to god that this wasn’t the last time you’d ever see her. The thought of that made you sad.
You told Dwayne to stay on his motorcycle, and that you wouldn’t be long. As you walked over to the front window you noticed a car pulled up in the driveway that you had never seen before. You shrugged it off and decided not to pay much attention to it. You crouched down next to the window and took a look trying not to look suspicious.
When you looked inside your house, you saw that your mom was sitting down on the couch. She looked like she was talking to someone, but you couldn’t see who. Suddenly, someone walked over to her. It was some guy you had never seen before. He grabbed onto the back of her neck and started to kiss her. She definitely wasn’t trying to push him away. He ended up getting on top of her, and she let him.
Your breath hitched and you started to see red. You mother didn’t seem like she was worried about you. It looked like she was having the time of her life. You had been gone for almost a full day, and she cared so much about you that she was hooking up with some guy in your own house. You knew she wasn’t perfect, but this was crossing the line.
You felt tears start to form in your eyes, and you tried to blink them away. Some still fell, but you were so angry that you didn’t care. Angry and sad. Angry because you just realized that your own mother didn’t look like she cared that you hadn’t been home for almost a day. Sad because of the same reason. She obviously didn’t care. She cared more about alcohol and this random guy more.
Dwayne noticed you wiping away tears from your eyes as you walked back to his bike.
“Are you okay? What’s the matter?” He asked.
“Nothing. Just drive,” you ordered him as you hopped on the back of his motorcycle.
“Is she okay?” Dwayne turned around to face you. He saw that your lip quivered and that your eyes were watering.
“Yeah, she’s just perfect, okay?” You barked back not looking at him.
“Tell me what happened,” Dwayne said while grabbing onto your arm.
“Nothing! Just take me home!” You said with a slight whimper. Dwayne decided not to keep bothering you with the question. Obviously something happened, but you weren’t going to tell him. Dwayne was a little surprised that you told him to take you home. Because you meant the cave. You wanted to go back to them. Dwayne realized in that moment, that whatever you did see, made you not consider the place with your mom ‘home’ anymore.
Dwayne said nothing to you on the ride back to the cave. He didn’t want to upset you any more than you already were. Dwayne wasn’t planning on telling the other guys about what had happened. They’d probably get worried and shower you with more questions.
David was already back at the cave when both you and Dwayne came back. When you walked in, you noticed that Marko and Paul had big grins on their faces. Too bad you didn’t feel like smiling along with them.
“Where’d you guys go?” David asked.
“We went for a ride,” Dwayne said which was half the truth.
David nodded before standing up. “Y/n, I got you something.” You sighed. You weren’t exactly in the mood for any more gifts. All you wanted to do was lay down in bed for the rest of the night. It was a terrible day, and you felt like nothing in the world could make it better.
Before you could tell him that you weren’t in the mood, David pulled out a black leather jacket that looked around your size.
“I thought that sense you’re one of us, that you should look like us,” he said handing you the leather jacket. You took it in your hands and admired it for a few seconds. It wasn’t too crazy like Marko’s, but it did have some design. The front had some golden print, and some beads were stamped on the upper part of the sleeves. The edge of the sleeves also had some golden printing. There was no zipper or buttons. It looked like a smaller version of David’s jacket.
“If you don’t like it I could go get another one,” David suggested.
“No! No, I like it,” you said still admiring it. You had never owned a leather jacket before. Up until now of course.
“You could decorate it, too,” Marko said pointing to his very decorated jacket.
You still felt a little hurt from the past situation, but you weren’t sad anymore. You felt welcomed by the guys. Even though they’re vampires, they’re now your brothers. Whether you like it or not, that’s not going to change.
“Try it on,” Paul said and you obeyed. You pulled the sleeves over your arms and noticed that it was a perfect fit. David sure knew how to pick the right size and jacket. You couldn’t exactly look into a mirror to see how it would look, so you looked over to your new brothers.
“How do I look?” You asked them.
“Like one of us,” David said and you smiled.
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realcube · 4 years
Karasuno and their love languages headcanons
tw// cussing, sexual references
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Shoyo Hinata
his love language is physical touch
after every one of his games, the first thing he does when he sees you is tackles you to the ground in a hug 
the day he walks beside you without holding your hand is the he is kidnapped and replaced with a clone 
and he’d always place a kiss on the tip of your nose and vice versa before you went your separate ways on the walk home 
and one time he caught a flu and (because he loved you so much) he wouldn’t go within 10 feet of you for like a week 
and that was the hardest week of his life
he almost had a meltdown on day 3 
but don’t worry because as soon as his flu subsided, he gave you enough hugs and kisses to compensate for the whole week he missed
Tobio Kageyama
his love language is word of affirmation 
honestly, whenever you compliment his volleyball skills (even if it sounds really amateur) it makes his heart go 💖💞💕💓
not that he’d even admit it though
and recently, he’s been trying to compliment you more because some how he came to the conclusion that he wasn’t being nice enough to you and that you’d leave him for Oikawa if he didn’t step up his game 
so whenever you mention one of your slight achievements to him, he goes insane with the praise 
“Oh, Kags. Did I tell you about the English test?”
“No, you didn’t.” 
“Well, I got a pretty good mark so don’t stress about it. It was an easy test but you should probably still study though-”
“A good mark? (Y/N), that’s amazing.” He said in a monotonous voice, making you snicker slightly. 
Although his flattery didn’t seem genuine, you still appreciated his efforts
At least he tries
he just wants to make you feel the way he does when you compliment him 🥺
Kei Tsukishima 
his love language is acts of service
to him, nothing says ‘i love you’ like helping him fold the laundry 
he does acts of service for you too, like helping you with your homework
or sometimes you help him with his homework
honestly, it didn’t take long for you to figure out this man’s love language considering he’d describe all the other things as ‘shallow’
(other than quality time)
“Seriously? I mean, I’d hate to be in a relationship that was based off of compliments. That shit gets tiring, y’know?” he’d gush to you while you both were buying the groceries 
and don’t even get him started when you make his lunch hhhhhhh
one time he went downstairs to see that you had already made him lunch and at first he thought it was sweet but no big deal so he just texted you 
‘Thx for the lunch btw’
but when he actually got a bite of your god-tier onigiri
he deadass almost got up and said 🚶‍♂️✌
anyway when he got home you got railed so <3
and by railed, i mean you heart got railed because he gave you a kiss on the forehead :3
Tadashi Yamaguchi 
his love language is words of affirmation
again, his heart goes brrrrr whenever you compliment him 
but it’s different depending on what you compliment him on 
when it is on his volleyball skills, he feels chuffed and not absolutely worthless
if it is has something to do with his facial appearance, he gets that warm tingly feeling inside and gets the urge to cuddle you - which he usually acts on 
but if it is a comment on his body..the unholy thoughts-
like on one hand, he wants to crawl into a hole and die
but on the other hand, he is like ‘is that so?’
anyway, he doesn’t act on either of those thing so he usually ends up making a comment about your height in response 
also, you make sure to shower this boy in compliments because he deserves it 
and he does the exact same right back at you because you deserve it too
but he is shy so he either writes a note to you in class or, more commonly, he ends up texting you after a date like 
‘omg I AM SO STUPID AAAAAAA..! I wanted to say this so bad while I was with you but i just couldn’t >< anyway i think you look so beautiful and your hair was absolutely gorgeous in that style, goodnight <3′
Ryunosuke Tanaka
his love language is quality time 
this man has no chill
if you text him like ‘omg i wish you were here bb 🥺’
my mans would be RUNNING WKDHWESAK
his personal motto is ‘get that bread, get that head, get that love and affection, get that attention, get that movie, stay the night, THEN LEAVE! PEACE OUT!’
his home his your home and your home is his home 
then there was that one time that he studied so hard on his tests, just so he could pass and hopefully get moved up into your class 
mission unsuccessful but he did get good grades ^^
Yuu Nishinoya 
his love language is receiving/giving gifts
which is really hard coz y’all are poor lol 
jk jk 
but anyway, sometimes you find a cool rock on the ground and then give it to him like “this rock reminded me of you..”
and honestly, he thinks that his is the cutest thing ever
he has a display on his windowsill in his room of all the rocks you’ve given him ever
and sometimes he’ll catch an insect, put it in a container or a plastic bag and give it to you like “it reminded me of you!”
then he hands you a tub filled with worms lmao 
it’s the thought that counts
Asahi Azumane
his love language is physical touch
contrary to popular belief - it is not words of affirmation
he likes compliments and feeling worthy as much as the next person  but..
sometimes it makes him kinda flustered and self-conscious 
anyway, he thinks that actions speak louder than words
before a game, rather than verbally encouraging him, he prefers it when you play with his fingers or give him a massage 
that relaxes him ten times more than words ever could
 and he might not act like it in front of his friends - but he spends most of his day looking forward to 9 o’clock when y’all can both be together and cuddle in bed ^^
also, before a big game you make it your mission to wake up especially early , find Asahi and do his hair 
firstly, you do it better than he ever could 
secondly, the feeling of your fingers gently massaging his scalp and lacing his hair in between them just made him so calm
and in those moments he would just look up at you with admiration in his eyes and wonder what he ever did to deserve you
Koshi Sugawara 
his love language is quality time 
this man actually gets physical withdrawal symptoms when he is away from you for too long 
and his teammates know symptoms off by heart and the order they appear in so they can identify when Suga is going through YNWF (  Y/N withdrawal fever ):
The first sign of YNWF; excessive lip biting, lip dryness and generally poor lip condition - this is due to the fact that (Y/N) is the one that always reminds Suga to put on lip balm
The second sign of YNWF; becoming lenient and overly nice to the first years - since (Y/N) isn’t here, he has nobody to be nice to. So he is nice to the children.
The third phase of YNWF - and probably the most dangerous; mood swings. He goes from fanon to canon Suga real quick. 
The fourth and final phase of YNWF; denial. 
“No! I don’t miss (Y/N)! I am doing just fine without them.”
Then his teammates force him to facetime you and then he is cured.
Daichi Sawamura
his love language is physical touch 
every second he spends with you, he has his hands on you
not always in a sexual way, ofc
and he’ll immediately back off if you are even slightly uncomfortable with it 
but he just loves he feeling of having you close to him 
it makes him feel like he is protecting you (especially in front of Tanaka)
(’tanaka, nice kill!’)
and when he cuddles you to his chest, not only does it warm you up, but you also feel like you’re making him feel big and strong (which you are), so that makes you happy
also, Daichi will lend you ever single jumper/jersey/jacket he owns if you even shiver within a 10 metre radius of him
Chikara Ennoshita
his love language is quality time 
y’all don’t even need to be talking or even interacting 
as long as he is in the same room as you, he is chill
(Narita and Kinoshita are also quality time kinda guys because it is not like they get any quality time in the actual anime smh)
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Nev, Max, Help!-Nate Jacobs Oneshot
Requested: Yes
Warnings: aggressiveness and rudeness from Nate and a brief panic attack scene
A/N: The reader is gender neutral since the requester did not specify what they wanted and I did not want to disrespect the storyline from the show. Also, it’s a long one. 
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  For once, Amy Winehouse’s low, melancholy voice did nothing to soothe my nerves as I typed what I was looking for in the designated box. “Love is a Losing Game” was definitely not the best song for the mood but I loved her voice so much; it was like a really messed up security blanket for me. My thumbs shook as I kept typing and quickly deleting my words. 
  Someone to have fun with.
  No, that’ll bring every single creep to my profile.
  Someone to watch Netflix with.
  Ew, no, they won’t want to go anywhere or do anything. 
  Someone to discuss Maya Angelou with...
  This could go one of two ways: attract a sensitive, nice person or the ultimate softboi who was really just an f-boy in a sensible cardigan.
    Okay, Y/N, just add to it.
   ...and have adventures, great conversations, and watch the best movies.
   That seemed broad enough and, potentially, weeded out all the weirdos. Patti Stanger would approve of this. I took such a deep breath that I could feel the oxygen in my feet as I pressed the green check mark. An adorable buffering sign appeared before being quickly replaced by a CONGRATULATIONS, Y/N/N, ON COMPLETING YOUR PROFILE. 
   The air came out of me slowly, like a balloon, and I tried to make myself relax as I swiped through different matches. One person was too short, the other too tall, another had way too many pictures with reptiles in his profile, and one’s bio simply read: DM and you’ll find out. 
  Serial killer much?
  “That’s part of your problem, Y/N,” Jules had chastised me a few day prior.
 “What do you mean by ‘part’?” I’d replied.
 “Well, for one, you barely leave the house anymore unless I drag you out,” Jules argued.
  “I’m busy,” I’d defended. 
  “Rewatching Breaking Bad for the eighth time does not count as being busy. Plus, you’re so picky.”
  “Am not!” 
  “You said you’d only do DiCaprio in his Great Gatsby days,” Rue had added.
  “Did you see him in that suit?” 
  Jules then shrugged. “All I’m saying is if you aren’t careful, you will end up all alone.”
  “That’s not true, Y/N might get cats.” 
  That conversation had haunted me since and had driven me to making a dating profile after the required Saturday night family dinner. While my parents and brother were downstairs watching a movie, I was holed up in my room, cringing and regretting accepting any chat requests. 
   Half an hour on the app caused the images of various male genitalia to be burned into my mind. I would need my brain soaked in holy water for it to be erased. I huffed and kept scrolling, vainly hoping and wishing for a decent guy to pop up on my radar.
  Maybe Jules and Rue were wrong. Maybe I had all the right in the world to be picky, I thought harshly to myself. 
  I dropped my phone on my nightstand and flopped against my pillows as Me and Mr. Jones began playing. I sighed and felt myself being lulled into the comforting abyss Amy created. 
   I jumped out and glared at the source of the noise. Another chat request, another picture to ruin my young brain? 
  “Be positive, Y/N, this might be good,” I stated as I grabbed the phone. 
  Tyler wants to chat!
   I frowned and opened up the app, only to be met with the most sculpted six-pack I had ever seen. My heart began banging against my chest and my thumbs fumbled for a moment to answer the chat request. 
  My stomach dropped as I stared at my first chat to Tyler: Shg.ismtle
  I’m. Going. To. Die. Alone.
  I quickly typed: Please ignore that, I’m so sorry!
  Seconds later, my phone dinged.
  Tyler: Really? I thought you were trying to send me a secret code and I liked that we were that cool already.
  This was not real, this could not be happening. Tyler had to be a bot, that was why he didn’t show his face in his profile. Bots were supposed to have a hard time recognizing and creating faces, right? 
   But, on the off chance Tyler was real, it would have been rude to leave the conversation so abruptly? 
   Y/N: Who knows? Maybe it was a secret code and I’m just testing you.
   Tyler: Ok, let me guess what it means.
   Tyler: Hi? 
   Y/N: Haha, you really thought I’d use such a simple code as a first message?
   Tyler: It’s my bad for underestimating u. I should have known u were smarter since you read Maya Angelou.
  Y/N: U a fan? 
  Tyler: “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” 
  He knows Angelou? He could have Googled a quote though. Still, it’s a good quote to use if he had Googled it.
   Y/N: Nice, but, doesn’t get u out of the guessing game.
   As Tyler helplessly guessed wrong for several minutes, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I used to think online dating was a last resort or a breeding ground for predators. But, maybe there were decent people looking for something (or someone) meaningful after all. 
  Tyler: I give up, you’re really good. 
  Y/N: Thx. But, I can tell you what I meant to say. 
  Tyler: The suspense is srsly kiilling me. 
  Y/N: I meant 2 say hey.
  Tyler: I guessed that!
   Y/N: No, u guessed ‘hi’, there’s a difference.
  Tyler: C’mon, barely.
   For the rest of the night, Tyler and I chatted. He told me that he plays baseball at a school across town and he doesn’t like anyone around there. He liked John Mulaney stand-up, lemon bars, going to the gym, hanging out with his friends, and reading good books. He was an only child and his parents tended to spoil him. I told him about my friends and how I liked being on the swim team at my school as well as the different YouTubers and books I enjoyed. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of talking to him. 
   On Monday, Jules and Rue were hanging out outside the school as other people either headed to class or relaxed on the lawn. I could not stop my feet from bouncing as I walked up to them.
   “...and that is why Sailor Mercury is the most underrated character of the whole show,” Jules affrimed. 
   Rue seemed halfway interested as her head nodded slowly underneath the hood of her burgundy hoodie. “Cool, all I asked was who’s your favorite but, cool.” 
   Jules rolled her eyes playfully and straightened up when she saw me. “Hey, Y/N, nice shirt.” 
  “Thanks.” I wore a sky blue tie dye shirt with ripped jeans and white Converse.
  Rue leaned forward and squinted at me. “You’re not wearing black, something’s wrong.” 
  “Nothing’s wrong, she’s obviously been influenced by me!” Jules teased as she wrapped a slim arm around my shoulders.
  “Yeah, you can only hang out with this literal rainbow human so long before she starts influencing your outfit choices.”
  We started heading inside, which was really just Jules and me dragging Rue into the building.
   “But I don’t wanna be here. It’s so stupid that I have to wait six more months before I can legally decide where I spend my time,” Rue muttered.
  “It’s fine, you have us!” Jules insisted.
   “Yup!” I agreed.
  “Hey, Y/N, Rue, Jules!” Cassie greeted as she sidled up next to me. 
  We all greeted her.
  “Have a good weekend?” Rue asked. 
  “Yeah, there was this great party that Nick Davis threw. I swear, everyone there was on acid.” Cassie stopped herself and bit her bottom lip. “Sorry---” 
   Rue shook her head. “It’s fine.”
  “How were yours?” Cassie asked as we continued to our lockers. 
  “Fine,” Jules said.
  Rue shrugged in response.
  I opened my mouth to reply when my phone beeped and I wrestled it out of my pocket. 
  Tyler: Is it 2 late 4 a good morning text? 
  I smiled. 
  “You’re so cheesy,” I muttered under my breath. 
  “Who’s that?” Cassie asked, peeking over my shoulder.
   I jumped and cradled my phone to my chest like it was my child. “No one.” 
   Jules pulled open her locker and cocked a bleached eyebrow. “‘No one’ does not cause huge smiles like that!” She jabbed a sparkly-manicured finger at me. 
  “Yeah, show us,” Rue said. “We are your friends.” 
  “It’s nothing,” I insisted as I weaved around them. 
  I pushed myself against my locker and managed to open it with my free hand. Rue was on one side of me and Cassie was on the other. 
  “Is it a boy?” Cassie sang.
  “Or a girl?” Rue questioned.
  “It’s none of your business,” I gritted out as I grabbed my necessary books. 
  As I shuffled the books in my arms, Jules came from behind and slipped my phone away from me. I gasped, whirled around, and watched as Rue tried to look at the phone while Cassie playfully blocked me.
  “Guys, this is not cool! This is such a serious invasion of privacy,” I argued as I tried to move around Cassie.
  “We’re besties, there’s no such thing as privacy!” Jules retorted. 
  “Wow, Y/N, these are so----” Jules cut Rue off.
  “Adorable!” Jules squealed and turned to face me.
  Cassie took the opportunity to glance at my phone and she smiled. “Aw, this Tyler guy sounds so sweet.” 
  I snatched my phone from Jules. “Well, now you know. Can we please go to class now?” 
  As the other girls grabbed their things from their lockers, I got out my phone to reply to Tyler.
  Y/N: It’s never too late...until noon technically.
   Somehow, I started wandering away from the girls until I ran into someone. I tried to jump away, but they grabbed me by the forearms.
  “I am so sorry, I should have looked where I was going---” I stopped speaking when I recognized Nate’s direct gaze on me. I was pretty tall but I always felt like he could throw me into the lockers if he wanted to.
  “Watch it, Y/N,” he muttered. 
  “Nate, let go of them,” Maddy chided, her hand resting against one of his arms. 
  She seemed to have the magic touch because he relaxed and I joined my friends. As the couple continued down the hallway, I couldn’t help but admire them. In a very messed up way, they worked. Kat had told me only a little about what Nate would do whenever Maddy upset him and I felt so bad for her, angry at him, and then conflicted. Nate just had to have that stereotypical amazing all-American look.
  “You okay, Y/N?” Cassie asked.
  “Yeah, is it weird that I can still feel his eyes on me even when he’s not looking?” I asked. 
  “No, his need for dominance permeates everyone’s sense of autonomy,” Rue assured.
  “Nice,” Jules said. 
  “And scary accurate,” Cassie added. 
  Jule looped her arm with mine and steered us in the direction of our first classes. “Anyway, if he tries anything, I’m sure Tyler would gladly kick his butt for you.” 
   Throughout the day, Tyler and I chatted and I even had to get creative with responding. In English, I kept my head down during quiet reading time and made sure my phone was positioned just right in my lap. During geometry, I told Mrs. Packer that I was having some digestive issues and spent most of the class outside the bathroom, texting Tyler. At lunch, I could barely focus on my friends’ conversation.
   “Hello, Earth to Y/N?” Lexi waved her hand in front of my face and I blinked.
   “Sorry, I was----”
   “Texting her boooyfriiiend,” Jules sang.
   “He’s not my boyfriend, we’re just talking.” I started poking at my sandwich. “What did I miss?” 
  “Oh, nothing, just the fact that I nearly blew up the school during chem,” Cassie said. 
  “Magnesium chloride isn’t an explosive,” Lexi argued. 
  “Well, the tube overflowed and everyone was freaking out,” Cassie argued.
  “Yeah, because magnesium chloride can have bad side effects,” Lexi continued.
   “I wonder what would happen if the school exploded and we weren’t all here? Would they have to give us our diplomas?” I thought outloud.
  “Ooh, and I could go to fashion school early!” Jules cheered. 
  “I’d be happy not coming here anymore,” Rue admitted. 
  It was quiet for a moment as we all ate but that quiet was broken when Maddy yelled.
  I couldn’t help myself but look. Maddy was standing behind Nate, who was sitting with his teammates at the center table. Bebe and Kat flanked Maddy a little behind. Everyone stared at them. Nate’s jaw tightened. 
  “Maddy, calm down,” his relaxed, controlled voice nearly echoed in the silent cafeteria. 
  “Can we talk about this somewhere else?” Nate asked. 
  Maddy sighed. “Are you gonna let me see your phone?”
  “Maddy, we need to talk.” 
  “Don’t talk to me again.” 
  Before Nate could respond, Maddy dumped the contents of her lunch tray over his head and threw the tray aside. Kat and Bebe followed her as she strutted out of the cafeteria amid the shocked gasps. 
   “I’m gonna go check on her,” Cassie whispered.
  We all nodded and she quietly exited the room. As I stared at Nate, the supposed king of the school, drenched in soggy salad and fat-free milk, I wondered why he could never stay broken up with Maddy. Their relationship was not just toxic, it was volatile. Their breakups were always public and outrageous, but they always ended up back together. No one questioned it either. I never understood why people could continue to choose relationship they knew was bad over pursuing something new. I told Tyler as much that night. 
   Y/N: It’s like those dogs that get killed by electric fences because they keep walking into them.
  Tyler: U have a good point, but, that couple’s relationship is more complicated than u think. 
  Y/N: Probably, but, it doesn’t look that way. They hurt each other a lot.
  Tyler: How do u know? 
   Y/N: Bc I’ve seen it. I don’t mean 2 b judgy, but, I could never be in a relationship like that. 
  Tyler: Well, I don’t think anyone would b if they knew it would b bad. 
  Y/N: Good point. But, why would they get back together so much? 
  Tyler: Idk them, but, it could b bc it’s familiar and it’s what they know.
  Y/N: Still, it’s messed up.
 Tyler: Yeah, but I don’t wanna talk abt them anymore.
 Y/N: K, what do u wanna talk abt? 
  A few seconds later, Tyler sent me a picture so graphically beautiful that I was convinced I passed out.
 The next day, I showed Rue and Jules the picture during break time.
 “Holy crap!” Jules took my phone and leaned into it for closer inspection. 
 “Tyler is packing,” Rue agreed. 
  Jules slid my phone back to me. “You haven’t replied to him?”    “No, and he hasn’t talked to me at all today.”
  “He’s probably expecting a reply that’s similar to what he sent,” Rue said.
  My face warmed up. “I can’t send him nudes,” I hissed.
  “Why not? It’s like the greeting cards of our generation,” Jules stated.
  “Really? You’d send your grandparents a greeting card of your naked body?” I replied sarcastically.
  “Relax, if you’re uncomfortable, we can help you,” Jules assured.
  “We can?” Rue asked.
  “We can.” Jules gave her a look and Rue relaxed. 
  “It’s still weird, but, I guess you guys can come over after school.”
  “Sweet! Your mom still bakes cookies for you after school, right?” Jules asked.
  I nodded.
  “She might stop once she learns her darling favorite older child is sending nudes,” Rue snorted as she spoke.
  I recoiled in my seat, taking a second to bask in the sun’s warmth. “Don’t remind me.” 
  After swim practice, once my teammates left the locker room, I eyed my naked form in the mirror. I had nothing to be ashamed of, really, thanks to all the swimming, but, I just felt weird being naked in front of people. There was something so vulnerable about it, like, being on display in a museum or lying on a cold surgery table. But, online dating was supposed to get me out of my comfort zone and I’d found someone who’d made me feel comfortable enough to do it. With this resolve, I changed into a hoodie and some sweatpants and left the school. It was dusk and I typically walked home after practice since it wasn’t far. Plus, I’d told Jules and Rue to just go to my house after school. 
  The late breeze rippled past me and I dug my hands into my pants’ pockets as I started walking towards the parking lot. There was barely anyone around, except stoners hotboxing their cars, some couples making out, and dance team members and football players getting out of practice.
  I kept my head down as I maneuvered around the few cars and people around. It felt like someone could spot what I was about to do once I got home and it was nervewracking. All I had to do was get home, let Jules make me look even better, take these pictures, and never thinking of it again.
   “Something on your mind, Y/N?” Nate called.
   I froze and snapped my head up to look at him. He was leaning against his truck, looking like a model for Ford in only a tshirt and jeans. Ford should hire him. 
   “No, not really,” I said. 
   I started to side step the truck, eyeing the sidewalk that was only a few yards away as though it was a lifeline. 
  “Get in,” Nate ordered.
  I paused and looked at him. “Excuse me?” 
  “I see you walking home all the time, let me do you a favor, one athlete to another.” Nate was about halfway in the driver’s seat of the car and all I could do was stare.
  “We’ve...never really talked before,” I stated. 
  “We can talk during the drive.” 
   I stepped back and my eyes flittered around, like the best decision would hit me in the face. Then, I saw Maddy across the lot. She was standing with a couple of dance team girls, including Cassie. She stared me down as though daring me to do it. I glanced from her to Nate, who started the engine loudly. 
   I quickly climbed into the passenger’s seat and stared into Maddy’s reflection in the rearview mirror as he pulled out of the parking lot. 
  “How do you know where I live?” I asked.
  “You forgot that I gave you a ride before?” Nate asked.
  “After Cassie’s sweet sixteen. You blacked out, your friends were panicking, and I offered to take you home. For some reason, you remembered your address,” Nate recalled.
  “Oh, thanks?” 
  We pulled up to my house a few minutes later, Lil Wayne bragging about his conquests filling the quiet. I hopped out of the truck and grabbed my bag. 
  “Thanks for the ride, this one, I mean, I owe you,” I said.
  “Yeah, see you around, Y/N.” 
  I closed the door and headed inside.
  “I’m home!” I called.
  My mom poked her head out from the kitchen. “Y/N, how was school and practice?” 
  “Was that Nate Jacobs outside?” 
  I hesitated. 
  How did she know what Nate’s truck looked like?  “Yeah, he gave me a ride today.” 
  “Aw, isn’t that sweet? Rue and Jules are waiting for you in your room. They took the cookies with them.”  
  I nodded and went to my room. As soon as I walked in, they bombarded me with questions.
  “Why did Nate give you a ride?” Rue asked.
  “What did you guys talk about?” Jules inquired. 
  “Don’t you hate him?” 
  “He’s kind of a dick, but, unfortunately, super good looking.”
  “Did Maddy see?” 
  “Do you think she’s gonna kill you?” 
  “Guys, I don’t know but I do know that if you do not take amazing pictures of me with no clothes on soon, I will delete my entire profile,” I interrupted. 
  They both nodded. 
  “But, we will ask for details later,” Jules insisted.
  “Okay, but, please give me a cookie, I’ll need it to get through this.” 
  Rue extended the plate towards me and I bit into the melty goodness as Jules began doing my makeup. It was simple, only bringing out my best features. I made them both turn around as I undressed. Once I had, Jules encouraged me.
  “You look amazing, I would be shocked if he didn’t jizz in his pants,” Jules said.
  “Lower your voice, Y/B/N can only play Five Nights at Freddy’s so loud,” I hissed.
  Jules held her hands up and Rue direct me to lay on the bed, my phone held up in front of her.
  “Okay, look sexy,” Rue said.
  I tried to smolder, but, by their expressions, I did not achieve it.
  “No, like, pout your lips, like, you just heard that TheOdd1sOut is not uploading for a month,” Jules directed.
  “And give the camera bedroom eyes, you know, as though it’s Tyler.”
  “Okay.”    After a few pictures, I slowly got the hang of it and even started posing a little naturally.
  “Oh my gosh, Tyra is shook!” Jules cheered. 
 “Yeah, these are pretty good if I do say so myself.” Rue handed me my phone and I flipped through the pictures. 
  She was a talented photogrpaher and I joked that maybe she should go professional.
  “Yeah, I’m sure I’d have a nice clientele.” 
  I laughed as I changed back into my hoodie and sweatpants. “Okay, help me pick one to send.” 
  Jules took my phone and she and Rue began scrolling.
  “No, the lighting’s off in this one,” Jules muttered.
  “No, it’s never off in any of these,” Rue argued. 
  “I’m not shading your talent, I’m just trying to find the best thing for Y/N to send Tyler.” 
  After a little more bickering, we all agreed on the picture and I sent it to Tyler.
  “Should I follow it up with something?” I asked.
  “Maybe say ‘Wrong person’? Guys want what other guys want,” Jules suggested.
  “Or say ‘Sorry for the late reply’,” Rue added.
  “I’ll go with Rue’s, sorry, Jules.” 
  Jules shrugged. 
  I sent everything off and my friends and I watched as Tyler typed a response.
  Tyler: It was worth the wait ;).
  We squealed so loud that my mom yelled for us to keep it down. We apologized as we descended into a fit of giggles. Through it all, I could not help but feel so bouncy and light all over. Was I...falling for this total stranger? 
  “What do you think he looks like?” Jules asked during lunch later that week.
  I shrugged. “It’s different every day, if that makes sense.” 
  “I guess that’s the nice thing about interacting with someone who doesn’t show their face,” Jules thought outloud. 
  “How do you see him now?” Lexi asked. 
  I sighed. “Right now, I think he’s tall, six feet at least. He’s got a mix of blonde and brown hair like a surfer because it’s lightened from all the time he’s spent in the sun. He has green eyes, freckles, and he dresses well.” 
  “Sounds amazing,” Jules said as she rest her chin in her hand. 
  Rue nodded slowly. “You’re not nervous or anything?” 
  “No, this is so cheesy, but, I feel like I know him, you know? He’s so easy to talk to and has so much to say.”
  “Y/N’s blushing,” Jules teased. “Do you love him?” 
  “I really, really, really, like him.” 
  “Do you think you’ll meet soon?” Lexi asked.
  I shrugged. “I don’t know, neither of us has brought it up.”
  “Well, it just matters that you’re comfortable, okay?” Rue said.
  If I was honest, I did not know if I wanted to meet Tyler. I knew that I liked him more than I liked anyone before, but, there was something strange about breaking this wall the internet provided us. It was freer to talk on the internet than it was in person. What if I said something stupid in front of him? What if he thought that I looked different in person? What if he looked different in person? 
  I managed to keep these thoughts at bay for the rest of the day until I got home. Post-dinner had been officially declared Talk to Tyler Time. None of my family knew what I was doing besides blasting Amy Winehouse in my room for about an hour. My laugh nearly overpowered her high note in “Best Friends, Right?”. I had to blink away my happy tears as I replied to him. 
  Y/N: That did not happen!  Tyler: Yes it did! Do u want 2 c the scar????
 Y/N: No, I think I’m good.
 I wiped away my tears and settled under the covers. I wondered if his friends would agree that Tyler gets into some weird situations as well. Just as I started typing, Tyler beat me.
 Tyler: I want 2 meet u.
 The speed that I launched my phone away from me almost shocked me more than the text.
  My heartbeat thrummed in my ears. This was it, I knew I couldn’t avoid him much longer, but, I felt like I couldn’t move. All I could do was stare at my phone like it was the most offensive object in the world. Slowly, I regained mobility and grabbed my phone. I took a deep breath.
  “Take a chance, Y/L/N,” I whispered.
  Y/N: When and where?
    “You’re meeting him tonight?” Jules squealed the next day.
  I hushed her as people in the hallway paused to look at us. “Not so loud.”   “But this is so exciting. Please let me help you decide what to wear,” Jules pleaded with a pout. 
  “Sure,” I said. 
  Jules hugged me. “This is going to be so fun. I won’t go crazy with glitter since this is the first time you’re meeting this guy.” 
 “Do your parents know?” Rue asked.
 “No,” I replied as I slowly pulled away from Jules. “They’re coming Senior Night tonight, though. and I’m going to meet him at Mercy Park an hour before it ends.” 
 “Are you sure you even want to do this? I know that Jules and I tease you about your love life, but, this is risky,” Rue said. 
 “You weren’t saying that when you were helping me with those pictures the other day,” I shot back.
  “That was different. You’re...you’re actually meeting him now and he could be a psychopath or a sociopath or, just, a creepy old guy who likes to look at teenagers!” Rue insisted.
  “Rue, relax, everything’s going to be fine.”
  “You don’t know that!” She turned on her heel and hurried into the bathroom with Jules and I on her tail. 
  When we entered, Rue was leaning against the wall, panting and staring up at the ceiling. Jules and I approached her slowly as the girls who were in the bathroom quickly filed out. 
  “Rue, slow down your breathing,” I said slowly.
  “I...I can’t. You-you could get hurt or something and-and I would know about it an-and I-I couldn’t live with that!” Tears burst from her eyes as Rue began pacing and Jules and I were close but gave her room. 
  “Rue, Y/N is going to be okay, we both know what time she’ll be at the park. If anything happens, we’ll know the area she could be in,” Jules assured her.
  Rue shook her head and stopped in her tracks. Then, she looked between us helplessly before bowing her head and sobbing. Jules and I carefully hugged her and let her cry.
  “I’m sorry that I’m scared and I care about you and I don’t want you to get hurt,” Rue mumbled into my shirt.
  “It’s okay, I appreciate it. I really want to meet Tyler, though, and, I promise I will let you know if something happens, okay?” 
  Rue nodded and sniffled.
   It took Jules about an hour to make me look amazing. I had no idea my hair could be so fluffy and put together until she was done with it. She used eyeliner to make eyes look bigger and rounder and added sparkly lip gloss to make my lips look plumper. After she contoured and highlighted the best places she deemed that her work was done. My outfit, a fitted forest green long-sleeve shirt and fitted black pants with Jadons, was also approved by her.
  “Tell me everything later!” she insisted.
  Rue couldn’t join us since she had “prior commitments” but I texted her that I would let her know when I head to the park and when I leave. My nerves didn’t let me focus on the soccer game my parents insisted I joined them and my brother at. I couldn’t care less that the forward on one team got a yellow card or that the goalie on the other team made illegal blocks. I was practically buzzing with excitement and fear so much that I had to give my pretzel to Y/B/N. Finally, the third quarter arrived and I told my parents that I would meet them at home since I’d promised Lexi that I would help her with some homework. 
  Lexi wouldn’t mind being used for a lie this one time; it was an emergency.
  I tried to practice some calming deep breaths as I walked over to the park. The dark night sky provided a little bit of comfort to my walk. I wondered how different Tyler would look from the picture in my mind. I wondered if he thought I would look any different. Maybe (hopefully) it wouldn’t matter to either of us.
  Finally, I reached the park. It was empty, save for the oak trees scattered throughout the lush green scenery that seemed mysterious under the mooonlight. A few benches and wooden tables were around as well, but, Tyler and I had agreed to meet at the fountain which was further in the park. The breathing exercises had to have helped because I felt much more relaxed and I hoped that everything would go all right. 
   When I got to the fountain, there was a tall person facing it. All I could make out were dark clothes and broad shoulders. I took another deep breath and kept walking.
  “This is a nice spot, you have good taste,” I commented. 
  “I could say the same for you.” I stopped in my tracks as Nate slowly turned to face me. His face was unreadable but his eyes stayed on me. 
  “What? Wh-where’s Tyler?” I asked, my voice already hoarse. 
  Nate glanced down at his shoes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know how else to talk to you.” 
  I shook my head. “No.” My vision got blurry but I could tell that Nate was looking up at me now. 
  “Just let me explain,” he requested softly. 
  He took a step towards me and I took two steps back .
 “I don’t wanna hear it. This....this is some sick joke to you or something?” 
 “No, never, Y/N, just listen to me.” 
 “I don’t want to!” The tears rolled down my cheeks and I swiped at them so hard that I thought I scratched myself. At least I could feel something because my heart felt numb. “You catfished me!” 
  “I just wanted to talk to you, I really do like you, Y/N. Tyler and I are the same, just different names,” Nate insisted, coming closer.
  For some reason, I didn’t move. I didn’t know if it was from emotional exhaustion or stress, but, I let him approach me. I kept shaking my head. 
  “No,” I hiccuped. 
  “I wanted to meet you tonight because I was tired of lying. I want to figure this, us, out,” Nate said.
  I sniffed. “Us?” 
  At that moment, I could actually see his face and Nate seemed so hopeful. There was a slight smile on his lips and his eyes seemed light for once. Maybe he wanted there to be an “us”. Maybe, despite all logic, he wanted to talk to me seriously and could not do it offline because of his reputation. Maybe, he was over the on-again-off-again situation with Maddy. Maybe, this was my chance, our chance.
  I wiped my face again, mentally cringing at how upset Jules would be for my ruining her masterpiece. 
  “Yeah, us.” Nate stepped closer to me, gently wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me into his chest.
  Gradually, my muscles relaxed and I relished in the feeling of his strong upper body and his warmth. Then, I began to feel pressure on my waist and gasped as it intensified. 
  “Nate, you’re...squeezing...too hard,” I rasped out. 
  And he started laughing, no, cackling. As he laughed, his grip tightened and I continued gasping and clawing at everything I could. 
  But he kept laughing and squeezing. When he finally released me, I looked up and saw nothing behind his eyes. Everything in me told me to run, but, I knew he could have easily caught up to me.
  “I really thought you were smarter than that, Y/N. C’mon, you couldn’t honestly think that I would do all this to be with you,” he sneered.
  “So why do it then?” I asked, my voice so small that I could have kicked myself for it. 
  Nate sighed and folded his arms. “Because you made it so easy and, to ask for a favor.” 
  “What? That makes no sense,” I argued. “I told you I owed you one that day you gave me a ride!” 
  “Yeah, well, I needed to make sure that you were available when I needed you.” 
  “Whatever, screw you,” I hissed as I pivoted on my heel. 
  “Too late for you, you’re already screwed.” Nate pulled out a folder from inside his jacket pocket. “Remember those special pictures you sent to Tyler? Well, they count as distribution of child pornography, which has a hefty fine and sentence.” 
   My mouth opened and closed several times before I faced him and responded. “But...but you held them, doesn’t that count towards possession? And, you’re extorting me!” 
  Nate glowered at me and stormed over. “Heresay, no solid evidence for your case. Plus, I’m a Jacobs, so, who are you kidding?” 
   I felt so sick to my stomach that I could have thrown up, fainted, or cried at that moment. This was not real, this could not be real.
   “What do you want?” I asked.
   “Like I said, just be available when I need you.” 
  “Sorry, what was that?” He gripped my chin his hand and forced me to look up at him.
  “Okay,” I said softly.
  “Hmm.” His eyes scanned my face before he released me. “And if I ever hear you judging my relationship with Maddy again, these pictures are going to be the least of your concern.” 
  I nodded weakly, regretting every single thing I ever told him. Nate Jacobs was truly the devil. He wandered off into the night like a centurion leaving a victorious battle. It seemed like he always won. 
  I managed not to start crying until I was on the empty sidewalk. No, I sobbed so bad that my throat went dry. 
  How could I have been so stupid? I should have known it was him that day Maddy yelled at him for texting all day. 
  Stupid, stupid, stupid!
  My sobs continued as I grabbed my phone and texted Rue. 
  Y/N: U were right. 
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
“I’m Glad You Kidnapped Me” (Five Hargreeves x genderneutral!reader)
Request: Can you do a Five Hargreeves x reader where Y/N and Five are friends and he finds out that Y/N’s mom is Cha Cha and kidnaps Y/N while they have Klaus. Y/N and Five become close and Cha Cha finds Five and almost drowns him and as Y/N is giving him mouth to mouth, he wakes up and they kiss. Thx 
Requested by: anon
(A/N: That was an amazing idea, anon! I hope I do it justice.)
(A/N #2: I accidentally deleted a different request, and I don’t remember much of it, so sorry if that was yours!)
(A/N #3: Sorry this took so long! I just started remote learning, and it is much harder than I thought it would be, and I have some family stuff to deal with as well(not getting into it). I’ll be updating as often as I can.)
Word count: 1672
Warnings: mention of kidnapping, slight fluff, waterboarding
5 x reader:
Y/N sighs, staring out the window of the hotel room that they shared with Uncle Hazel and their mom. It was around midnight, and they were supposed to be sleeping so they could be on their A-game tomorrow to kill even more people. 
They hated it more than anything. They would do anything to be whisked away, to not have to deal with- 
And suddenly, they were knocked unconscious by a panting Five, standing over them with a baseball bat(idk how he got it). He picks them up and gets in a car that he stole, setting them down in the backseat with a smirk.
Y/N was sleeping soundly on the couch in the living room in the Academy when they wake up to yelling.
“What the hell, Five? You kidnapped a person!” A woman with long dark hair with blonde highlights glares at a boy who seemed to be around Y/N’s age.
“Yeah, that’s messed up man.” A man with short dark hair and piercing dark eyes shakes his head at a boy with a school uniform on.
“This can be used to our advantage! I now have a bargaining chip to use against Cha Cha!” The Boy (just accidentally did an homage to the comics. Nice.) says, tired of his siblings’ empathy.
“The ‘bargaining chip’ has a name and feelings, you know.” Y/N sits up and glares around at the group of adults and one boy, who all stare at them. “And one of the feelings that it’s feeling is anger.” 
“I don’t care about your feelings, but I do care about your name,” The Boy says, his patience clearly wearing thin(per usual). “What is it?”
“Like I’m telling you, you’re the person who kidnapped me,” Y/N says with a death glare at him. “I don’t trust you.”
The Boy growls but keeps his anger in check for a change. “Fine. I’ll tell you mine. I’m Five Hargreeves, and you are?”
“You’re Five Hargreeves? A boy?” Y/N chuckles. “Like I’m going to believe that. The real Five Hargreeves is like eighty.” 
“Fifty eight.” Five grumbles. 
“I really don’t care. Let me go.” 
“Not until your mom finds you. And then you can go back to her, but not until you give me information on what they’re going to do next.”
“Well, that sucks for you, because I’m not telling you anything,” Y/N says, a big smirk on her face. Of course, that feeling was only skin-deep, because she had no idea what they were going to do. They wouldn’t tell her anything, not that she was interested, although it would have been helpful right now.
“Oh, you will.” Five chuckles darkly. “Trust me.”
“I don’t.” Y/N snaps. 
Cha Cha wakes up at 5 am on the dot every morning, rising from her bed and looks to the place where she always first looked on a mission(which was pretty much constantly), her child’s bed, usually finding a sleeping Y/N, who would be normally snoring quietly. But this time, she found her worst nightmare.
Y/N was gone. 
Cha Cha’s eyes widen, and she runs from her bed to Y/N’s, tears running down her face. “No no no no no no…” she mutters to herself repeatedly. “HAZEL!” 
Hazel, the lazy one, slowly opened his eyes to look over at Cha Cha. “Hm?” he mumbles, barely registering anything, let alone tears. “What happ’n’d?” 
“They are nowhere to be found.” Cha Cha says quietly.
That sure woke him up. “Y/N?” 
Cha Cha nods, not having enough emotional energy to say a sarcastic remark about how obvious it was that it was Y/N. “And I think we know who it was.” She says, her voice filled to the brim with the perfect mix of anger and worry.
Five pours himself a cup of coffee, pleased with himself. “I should probably get them something to eat…” he mutters, going upstairs to some room that he had chosen for Y/N. And by chosen, he checked to make sure it didn’t belong to anyone else and shoved them in there. 
Y/N was sitting there, a million possibilities on how to escape flying through their head when they hear the door open and look up to see Five. “Oh. It’s you.”
Five rolls his eyes. “Yeah, no shit. I just came here to see what you are and aren’t allergic to.”
“Oh, so you won’t let me starve out! That’s a relief.”
“Yeah, so that you can live to give me information on your mom and her partner.”
“Oh, no way. Although, my opinion might be changed with my appetite…” 
Five studies their face for a moment and chuckles. “Absolutely not, you’ll just make me steal you stuff and then you’ll never tell me anything. Oldest trick in the book.”
Y/N sighs in fake defeat. “Aw, man! That was my entire plan, all foiled by you again, Hargreeves!” They laugh. 
Five laughs a bit too despite himself. “You’ll never defeat me, …?” He looks at them questioningly, realizing he still hadn’t gotten their name.
Y/N thinks for a moment. Well, they did like him, but not that much. Wait, did they just think that? “Robin.” They say, deciding that they would think about that more in-depth later(if your name is Robin, then just replace it with Casey). 
Five nods slowly. “You just gave me a fake name, didn’t you?” 
Y/N shakes their head. “Nope. Robin/Casey is my real name.”
“I don’t believe you, but that doesn’t matter right now. So, for real, what is it that you’re allergic to?”
Over the next few weeks, Y/N and Five became closer and closer. Unfortunately, so did Cha Cha and Hazel at finding out where Five Hargreeves was located.
Cha Cha smiles to herself in front of one of those big pinboards(like the one in the conspiracy theorist meme). “Finally…” she whispers. Hazel comes up next to her with a couple of cups of coffee. “Find ‘em?”
Cha Cha takes one of the cups and sips from it gleefully. “I sure did. Now let’s go kick some ass.”
Y/N grins, moving their scrabble piece to create the word ‘vivacious’ earning them twenty-one points and the game. “I win!”
Five glares at them. “You must have cheated somehow. I never lose.”
“Oh my gosh. You are SUCH a sore loser!” Y/N laughs harder shifting themselves into a better position on the living room floor. 
“I am not! I just don’t like losing!” He exclaims.
Y/N chuckles and starts to reset the pieces. “Another game?” 
Five was about to agree and vow to defeat them this time, but he was interrupted by a loud crash. 
“Y/N!” Cha Cha yells. “WE’RE HERE, HONEY!” she runs up to Y/N and gives her a quick hug and a kiss on the head. “Go to Hazel, he’s outside. I’ll deal with this… thing.” She looks over at Five in distaste and a deathly glare.
“No,” Y/N mutters, barely being heard as they glance at Five.
“What was that, sweetheart?”
“I said no,”(not relating to this whatsoever but if you’re a fan of Heathers the Musical, search up I Say No deleted song) Y/N says more clearly and meets her mothers’ eye line. “You are not going to kill him.”
“And why not, dearest?” Cha Cha mutters through gritted teeth.
“Because… of the Commissioner. She will ask questions about why he is dead, you know.” Y/N says, thankful they found another way other than admitting their feelings.
“So smart…” Cha Cha’s hand cups their cheek with a loving smile. “But quite frankly, I’d rather die than let you be trapped here.” Her hand drops down to the space where her gun was supposed to be. “Oh come on...” she mutters. “I forgot my own damn gun.”
Y/N’s eyes light up. Maybe then she wouldn’t kill Five! Best case scenario, Y/N leaves and Five’s okay. They’d rather stay here with him, but they’d take this over Five dying any day of the week.
Cha Cha’s eyes graze over the mansion. First thing you learn about as an assassin? Everything is a weapon. Her gaze captures the sink and her smirk starts to grow. Guess she would be doing this the old-fashioned way. 
With a smile, she grabs Five’s hair, thankful that he was a kid again and was easy to push around. And before either Five or Y/N could react, she drags him over to the sink and turns on the tap violently, sticking Five’s head under, waterboarding him. 
With wide eyes, Y/N rushes over to her mother and starts pulling Cha Cha’s arm yelling at her to stop. Five was turning blue and struggling to get out of her grasp. 
Finally, Cha Cha slips up and is pushed to the floor. She tries to get back up but is pushed down again by an angry Y/N. “Leave. Now.” Their voice shakes with anger. 
“Sk-” Cha Cha is cut off. 
“No. Leave right now.” 
Cha Cha sighs and gets up, walking out the door. “Come back to me when you’re ready to admit that Five Hargreeves is nothing but an assassin who kidnapped you!” She yells.
Y/N ignores her and gets to work, putting Five on the ground, giving him mouth to mouth and pumping his chest up and down.
“Come on…” she mutters, leaning down and doing it all over again.
Suddenly, Five starts coughing up water, the color slowly returning to his face. “Y-Y/N?”
Y/N nods, their eyes welling up with relief tears. “Yeah. It’s me.”
Five smiles and sits up slightly. “So, was that the only reason why you didn’t want me to die?”
They shake their head. “No… there was another reason.”
“Oh?” Five looks at them, not really believing that someone like them could love someone like him.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Y/N looks at him, smiling nervously.
“Well, I know I’m in love with you.” Five smiles back, leaning in to kiss them. 
Y/N grins and kisses him softly and then pulls away. “I’m so glad you kidnapped me.”
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Poll Results
Alright, that’s it, i’m tired of trying to sort the answers so yall just get the big list of all the free response answers to that quiz about ofa. be aware some are less safe for work than others.
memorable ones: OfA Snickerdoodle, I’d Give It To A Cat, So You Know Vore Right?, I’m in Love With Nana, Slicey Blood Oath, and Homoerotic Sword Fight
(My answer above is how I think it did happen, not how I want it to happen.) I personally think something along the lines of a Bruce Banner Jennifer Walker blood transfusion where the OFA holder doesn’t realize they’ve passed it on until later.
a tender kiss. perhaps loving. perhaps they're dying, and i already knew that they loved me, either platonically or otherwise, and we always knew that i'd be next. perhaps they tried so hard to make sure it never happened, and perhaps that tender kiss as an apology as much as it is a gift. sure sucks to be gay i guess 
Peacefully? By doing the do and making it a wonderful moment of lovemaking and passing on the future.. If we're in the middle of battle you bet your freaking butt I want them to kiss me dramatically, tell me they love me, and then yeet me away as they turn back to the fight. Ow but relationship goals. 
If we're not romantic because I am obsessed with the Duo Holders ship currently, blood works fine. Ingest it or have them pressing a bloody palm into a wound of mine *shrugs* Gotta pass it along somehow
Personally, I'd rather drink blood instead of hair. It feels less gross. But I'd pass it on as hair just to fuck with my successor
Hair or blood eating, but no touchy-touchy or whatever thx.
Probably a vial of blood so it’s easy and over quick
kiss 👉👈
i would like it to be blood from an already opened wound just cause it would probably less weird, ..........but knowing my luck and because irl my sister has attempted to feed me her baby teeth by shoving it to my lips and saying "eat", thats actually how i would get ofa. ( >:/ i have almost eaten at least two teeth this way because i thought she was being nice and giving me candy )
Consider: doing one of those blood oath things where you swear to be BFFs for eternity except now you also get a quirk out of it. But lbr kissing is way more romantic and you’ve made First/Second my new OTP, so I’ll stick with that for them. <3 But also, maybe to make the kiss option more romantic First thought something more along the lines of wishing he could give ~everything he has/all of himself~ to Second which counted as including his quirk, rather than specifically about giving him the power to defeat his brother?
This is going to sound gross but all ways of transferring DNA is. Just work up a sweat and have the other party drink it. It would probably be the best tasting option which is kinda a weird thing to think about. Nvm sweat doesn't contain DNA looked it up but I don't want to delete all of this so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe a scraping of skin cells
Honestly the hair is probably the way I'd want to go. That or blood. Like just swallowing it.
Look, i know realistically it was probably some desparate on-the-brink-of-death "please defeat my brother" thing and oo, magic he gets the quirk. But consider. First's last fight with afo. Second is holding his bleeding body, crying. First gently cups Second's cheek and pulls him into a bloody kiss before dying. Second pulls himself together just long enough to flip off afo, barely resisting the urge to absolutely slaughter him, knowing he would lose. He finds his successor and trains him to the best of his ability, determined to not lose another person he cared for
I mean like dead skin cells probably dont work right? Except hair works so thats not true. So like you totally could lick someone to get OFA. Like could you imagine the whole holding your hand over someones mouth to shut them up but they lick you and they somehow wind up with your quirk, like crazy. What must have been the trial and error with this stuff cause they must have kept passing it inbetween each other to figure out its dna right. How long did it take for them to realize. Like you’re eating breakfast and theres a hair in your food like ew and why am i stronger now. Overall, comedic timing for getting a quirk would be hilarious.
My apprentice lays broken and bloody beneath me as I cradle them in my arms, crying on to an open wound on their face praying the power will be enough to save them
little bit of skin like a hang nail just like put it in a sandwich and dont thing about it
Put it in my coffee.
If I received it from Nana then I would love to have received it via eating her out~ though for passing it on to others I think I would just either spit into their mouths or shove a bleeding finger down their throat until they swallow and then run and get myself killed by AfO while taunting him with "I DON'T HAVE YOUR BROTHER'S QUIRK ANYMORE! SUCK MY NON-EXISTENT DICK YOU LOSER!"
knock me out and just inject the blood. if i have to actively think abt ingesting someone elses dna im gonna yeet myself into the ocean. to pass it on i'll just spit in a cup (or in their mouth) bc im not gonna make someone eat my hair nor is anyone getting my blood
who in their right mind would trust me with a power like ofa 💀afo just looks at me funny the quirk is his. im not a mc for a reason
Sexy battle where I’m the villain, and randomly the hero thinks “I wish I could save you”. Boom I punch them with bloody knuckles and the quirk passes to me. Now the hero has to teach me how to be good again. Also we fall in love.
You know, I always assumed I would head canon it as something romantic until canon proved me wrong But these options are so varied - I had to choose the most Dramatic (tm) one As for my actual answer: a gentle kiss with full consent from both parties
I will bite a holder as a sign of affection. There's probably some dead skin cells in the arm I can swallow by accident. They are used to this and sometimes we switch the quirk around for funsies.
You know, I spent like 10 minutes trying to think of something original here, but knowing my shit luck some bastard would spit in my drink or something and cast upon me the Curse of Bone Breaking and/or.... y’know..... AFO...........
okay this is gonna sound weird but. consider this i marry a very lovely women. we are in much love. we get attacked by evil people because she is a good hero but plot twist. i am secretly her nemisis. the attackers are my minions. i wanted her to protect me because i am very smol but. my comrades were too mean. she is nearly dead. "take this" she says. she kisses me and i am one for all. fuck, i say internally, but i dont tell her. she dies in my arms. i run and become vigilante and take down my once comrades. all is not well. i die unsatisfied. i eventually pass it onto a cat in an alleyway because they are the only one who is with me when i get hit with a back alley sniper
Blood or just like. skin. You could use nail clippers to take a bit off from a really fleshy area, like just under the nail. It's that easy
Spit in my food like an underpaid fast food worker.
i have long hair so that would not be ideal, but blood seems kinda...unsanitary, but i guess it would be better if i was 100% positive i wouldn't pass on some sort of disease. so if that could be ascertained then like a few drops of blood in a glass of water or something and then down the hatch, bam ofa passed on. i know other folks are probably typing some nsfw stuff but just. no. keep it in your pants y'all.
Blood transfusion First, pick a hospital Second, steal all their blood Third, have the previous user donate their blood to that hospital Fourth, get into a major accident and need a blood transfusion near the hospital you robbed Fifth, hope either OfA will only pass onto you bc your the intended recipient, or that no one else needs a blood transfusion Sixth, get the transfusion Seventh, steal all of the previous users blood back Eigth, return all the other stolen blood Ninth, get new identities, this crime leaves DNA everywhere Tenth, die of a blood clot due to incompatible blood types (optional)
okay realistically bleeding into a cut or a drop of blood into water and drinking it would be easiest but like... what if somehow dna could be baked into like a muffin or cookie or something... like i know when cooking with wines and stuff the alcohol cooks away and evaporates out but is that process the same for like blood? like if you baked your blood into a cookie would traces of your dna still be there? basically i want an ofa cookie (snickerdoodle preferably)
no i like my bones
drink a drop of blood. it'd go down easier than hair
Something dramatic and desperate in the heat of battle like blood or something
First of all, I think First passed OfA as he was dying entirely on accident, because Second was badly (though not critically) injured and they'd been sort of dancing around each other's feelings and doubting their own worth, so First, knowing he was dying and that his brother was a petty bitch who would probably kill Second anyway because he knows that First cared about him, kisses Second with blood on his lips and his last thoughts before dying are about how he wants Second to have the strength to survive if his brother comes after him.
If I was given the option of getting OfA, I wouldn't take it. I'm a coward and being given something like that is a death sentence.
If it was forced, probably ingesting the previous users blood, because blood is a lot easier to choke down than hair.
If I already had it and had to pass it on, I would want it to be something suitably dramatic like collapsing on the doorstep of a trusted loved one and explaining with my dying breath who killed me and why and then raising my blood covered hand to their face like I was going to caress their cheek only for them to taste blood. They cry and try to get me take it back and when I finally die they swear vengeance over my slowly cooling corpse.
Pass it on in a non-life threatening scenario where I decide I actually don’t like the weird bone breaking power a random person gave me as they were dying and wish I could pass it to someone else and through a weird set of circumstances end up accidentally cooking some of my own hair into brownies I was making because I shed like a dog and passing it to my new neighbor I came to welcome to the neighborhood.
Either drinking a glass of milk with their saliva (no icky hair taste), or an epic sharing of blood while clasping hands like knights in a noble brotherhood!
not by eating all mights long ass hair thats for sure, why did he give midoriya one of the longest ones he had, he has shorter hair right there on the back of his head. not to mention the fact of like how i would prefer to recieve it or give it away which would be just, fucking sharing a pop or something and swaping it through the backwash??? less nasty than hair and not as weird as the other options for spit which is like straight up spitting in a drink or the other persons mouth outside of kissing. if someone told me i had to eat their hair i would straight up say no thanks, cheers for the fitness glow up tho homie
I want nana 2 kiss me, on.,, the m,,,.."#*(@÷out.h pretty lady.,
Q-tip to the inside of the cheek
Those blood pacts where you slice your hands open and do a little handshake thing. Not very creative, but idk it just appeals to me
Via consumption of blood, babey
I would want it to be with a maybe maybe not homoerotic sword fight in a Wendy's parking lot, preferably while we are both being impaled on each other's swords. The sweet pain of almost dying is a very intense moment to share isn't it?
Sweet love
If it's someone cute, a kiss. Otherwise I'd probably just swallow a hair with some water.
i'd just like. spit in their water bottle. if thats not enough dna i guess licking a paper cut it is. hair is bad idwa bc it doesn't digest and can get wrapped up in things. and like. im too aroace for kissing and such
Last option, cause first is sexy as hell
okay you know what vore is, right. and you know how blood and organ transfusions work? well...
Not at all, like?? I enjoy being alive and not having my body destroyed thank you. Literally everyone with OfA died young-ish or has suffered debilitating injuries bc of it. Like Midoriya's bones are powder, and we don't even need to go into All Might's medical history. Like thanks but no thanks no freaky dna ingestion 4 me
Had a open cut from a can lid and ofa holder had an open cut. While lamenting about fins a successor.
Assuming we can bypass the rules of canon, it would be funny as fuck is OFA was passed on by intentional physical contact. So yes, a smooch for First and Second (and Second and Third) but also. Bitchslap of destiny. Nana giving her protege one last hug. All Might ruffles Mido’s hair like a dad to pass it on. I’m sure you get it
Bleeding over an open wound
lil bit of spit in a milkshake.
I hold their hand Platonically but it's summer and we're both sweaty and they're a little loopy and having weird thoughts due to dehydration and heat lmao, literally hanging around anyone for any extended period of time guarantees you accidentally ingest SOME of their dna. Dead skin cells are floating through the air ~constantly~ and if you have a friend I promise you've inhaled their dead skin cells before. Have fun with that knowledge!!
ok so like deffo a kiss, but in canon people get weird biological urges for using their quirks, like bby Toga drinking bird blood. First has had a LOT of "spit in their drink" intrusive thoughts over the years. immediately post first-kiss he is mystified that his intrusive thoughts have disappeared entirely, but then BAM it seems that second has the stockpile now, and with it, a preoccupation with vampire lore
drink from the same water bottle?
Pass it on by making them lick my arm because that would make them rly uncomfortable, passed to me by spiting in my 20oz Red Bull and then chugging it
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