#my inbox is open y'all
klonoadreams · 1 year
As far as I can understand, public opinion is something important in Galar, they have sponsors for gym leaders and they are treated like celebrities, so how does the public see the members of the polydex?
I understand that Raihan should be loved like, I don't know Ryan Reynolds (for some reason I think they have a similar personality) and Leon is his undefeated champion for 10 years, but Brie is wild, Piers seems like someone not to approach and because of his mother one could have an erroneous preconceived opinion of Gordie, and Sonia, could be slightly recognized for her career in pokemon battles but besides that it would be for her friendship with other leaders (and more than friendship) and her family connection with Professor Magnolia not much more is known about her, it could be said that she's a pokemon researcher but I don't think those are jobs that people care about very much.
Is this important too in Paldea?
Gordie is an exceptionally popular man who gets fanmail and gifts. He might have to deal with his Mama, but he is genuinely loved by Galar. Which is cute, because like his Mama, he is also on the heavy side
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YOU ARE LOVED. Absolutely lovely.
Piers has his fans that are especially supportive (though it's not enough for his town just yet). And Sonia is fine, if sometimes feeling a bit overshadowed, but she has her fans, mostly because of what things that people were able to see during her time as a Trainer. Like, she thinks she's nothing special, but some her battle records are often played, because she really stuck out strongly and while she never went farther than what she's done, she still should be proud of her achievements.
Brie started off rather roughly on her own Journey, since she lost often, and like, her very first public appearance, alongside the rest of the newcomers (you know that cutscene of your character taking their first step into the stadium, with people watching), she tripped and fell flat on her face. And that...pretty much got eyes on her, since she is ALSO Opal's adoptive granddaughter.
They don't really know much about her background, since Opal and Chairman Rose are doing their damn best that it STAYS like that. No one needs to know that this is the wild child of the Glimwood Tangle - that's the one thing that only a select few people know.
Brie's effectively a mystery, until events happen and rumor come out, and then all attention is on her. Honestly, it's that same attention that is what drew Bede towards her.
And effectively made Bede each out to her and Opal, like...he's a bratty kid in my head. He latched onto one of their legs and refused to let go. Say hello to your little brother, Brie!!
Anyways Brie's effectively viewed with a lot of positivity (public opinion favors her highly, the only ones talking shit about her are those jealous and *cough*SwordwardShieldbert*cough*), as someone who lost a lot, but still has the tenacity and drive to keep trying anyways. :V
Brie might've passed on the title to Bede, but Bede is always ready to hand it back to her, should she ever feel like it. :V
by the by, should definitely be mentioned, as a result of Brie's existence here, whatever happens in Sword and Shield goes a LOT more differently, including Chairman Rose. Honestly, I think what I want best is the reconciliation between Rose and Peony, because at the very least, I think they should be on speaking terms.
After all, despite being often compared to Rose, Peony still has his attachment to him, from the fact that he still has the very first Pokemon that they caught together. :V
That's enough spoilers on that end for me. (this is also me confirming that, while it was never intentional, I realized it'd be VERY weird if things didn't change in the future, because hey, this is different now and would be very STRANGE to keep going as if things are still in the game)
Anyways I don't think this is as important in Paldea, since their battles aren't as broadcasted as Galar. Not to mention, you need endorsements to go on the Gym Challenge in Galar, so there's a heavy emphasis on sports for this like it's Soccer/Football.
It's like...not as high of a career, and isn't as difficult to juggle multiple jobs. Like Nessa has some difficulty on her end, while Tulip has no issues at all, whatsoever, despite the two having similarities in their careers outside of being a Gym Leader.
Katy can juggle it well, though she REALLY wants to go full-out in Pokemon battling instead of being a warm up of sorts, like Milo in Galar (though even Milo feels bad about defeating Trainers if he manages to be stronger than them - otherwise, he's very HAPPY to help them grow stronger).
Larry is a complete outlier here, considering he is a Gym Leader, an Elite Four Member, and a Salaryman that works for the POkemon League (if I remember reading that correctly, idk, but his entire career REVOLVES around the Pokemon League). Geeta gets on his ass, yes, but Larry ALSO KEEPS WORKING OVERTIME.
Not to mention, he's mainly situated by the entrance into Area Zero. My dude is competent, but he is also tired from various stressors (one of which he inflicts on himself with the voluntary overtime). Geeta's just part of it, but god damn, man, take it easy on yourself too, before you HAVE to get put on MANDATORY vacation.
Grusha is mainly a Gym Leader, but he's doing okay - most of his struggles stem from the issues he has with the end of his snowboarding career. Which is fair. :V
Of course, that doesn't make any of them less popular, but it's definitely a "you have to be there to see it" sort of thing with most gym leaders. Which is why so many of the locals are ready to cheer Larry on.
Scarnoa has her own fans too, but they're certainly nothing to compare with Brie's die-hard fans after she struggled so much with her Gym Challenge. Scarnoa is more of a "oh shit, do we finally have another champion in the making????"
but she is still loved. Brie's just got fans with massive soft spots for the child that kept rematching Kabu until she FINALLY won, albeit, rather scuffed because her Wimpod traded out (Wimp Out) with an Eiscue of hers that wasn't registered for the battle and while she DID get scolded for it, the timing of it allowed the battle to continue without any disqualifications...
and she won. Sure got some criticism for it (main from a pair of brothers), but eventually, everyone just "accept the win - you still won!!" and best of all, she made it past the biggest hurdle that most Trainers usually give up at. So keep at it.
anyways sorry for the late response, I KEPT FORGETTING TO ANSWER THIS DX
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birdperselias · 2 months
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thanks so much for all the kind words!!!!! jumping up and down in excitement to it all !!! :)
im gonna take a small break tomorrow then get onto the wonderful requests ppl sent but i absolutely loved drawing this silly guy for a week so ty again!!!
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skullsemi · 9 months
I hope it isn’t harsh to ask Mi, but can you draw Sunny?(My Toonsona, if you can’t that’s fine! 😁)
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How could I say no? I hope you don't mind that I also added some plushies! Such a sweet character! ✨
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se-agapo-skywalker · 3 months
Ahem can I get an a + i for the alphabet luv
Smutty headcanons below the cut:
A has been answered here!
Sexual gratification aside, intimacy is by far Luke's favorite part about sex. Yes, he is absolutely the type of person to refer to sex as "making love," because to him, that's exactly what it is. He wouldn't be sleeping with you if he weren't head-over-heels in love with you. If you're comfortable with it, Luke is pretty big on maintaining eye contact, giving you soft smiles from above (or below) you as he asks how you're doing. He is an absolute god at seamlessly switching between whispering sexy dirty talk and sweet nothings into your ear, all the while checking up on you both with his words and via the Force. I've mentioned this before, but he also adores holding your hand and having as close physical contact with you as possible.
At this point, Luke is so attuned to your body that he can sense your desires and your pleasure, and it heightens his all the more. As a result, sex in general is such a vulnerable, emotionally-heightened time for him, not to mention a borderline spiritual act. Your signatures are woven together in the Force, and whether or not you can feel it, he certainly can. While he won't hesitate to give you the universe--silk sheets, flower petals, candles, the whole holoromance package--he doesn't need any of that to feel satisfied with you. You're you, and that's enough.
NSFW Alphabet
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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finished one of my finals so i decided to celebrate by sketching up some concepts for cal's mind in the Cally O'Pia au!! putting image IDs/descriptions and general elaborating on my Vision(TM) under da cut cause i can tell even before typing it's gonna get long (PSYCHONAUTS 2 & RHOMBUS OF RUIN SPOILERS IN THERE BTW YOU ARE WARNED)
Welcome. Let Me Describe You My Vision. my goal with this was essentially "how do I hit the major plot beats that are necessary for Psychonauts 2's plot to Happen while still incorporating Cal's very different backstory in this AU"; some of this involves functionally combining RoR's and Psychonauts 2's versions of Loboto's mental world. maybe someday I'll go into how I envision RoR changing in this au but whatever right now we're on The Opening of Psychonauts 2 As Played Out In This Verse
first things first Sasha's Psychic Projection has to be completely different given 1) Cally already works for the Psychonauts 2) he knows the other agents very well already and 3) he is a Known Psychic rather than a random feral dentist Morry picked up off the streets. so rather than the "Psychonauts office where Loboto gets employee of the year and has to get his vacation form signed off on" construction, Sasha instead constructs a scenario where Cally is still under his "Dr. Loboto" guise, has captured the other agents, and has to deliver Raz to his boss. unfortunately for Sasha, Cally catches on pretty much right away, plays along for all of five minutes, then drops everyone in a little box to keep them contained while he makes sure all the info on his boss is under mental lock and key. Unlike the ones you see above, Raz's box is kind of plain and nondescript because, unlike all the other agents he's known for years, all Cally knows about Raz is "psychic kid who keeps getting himself in some shit".
because this is, you know, The First Level of the Imaginary Game, this still has to be constructed as a tutorial, too, which you will see as I get into each of these little boxes. Raz's box teaches you to use your standard psi-punches, because it is Hastily and Weakly Put Together, so Raz can literally bust his way out and scamper around looking for the others. Cally, in turn, keeps trying to re-trap Raz as he investigates the next boxes, but with the help of the other agents Raz keeps finding ways to break out and proceed further (though the others remain stuck).
The first one Raz finds is Oleander's, which you can see in the top left of the first pic - the primary theming is Loboto's Lab from the first game and drawing on their time working together there, but the walls are also covered in pictures of Oleander and/or the two of them together, that have all been defaced or scribbled over in some form (since at the time of the game they're very much on the Off side of their On-Off relationship). To get out of the box Oleander re-teaches Raz telekinesis, which allows him to open up the hatch on the upper right of the wall, and then gives Raz a boost out - Coach, of course, isn't able to reach it himself before Cally slams the door behind Raz. You also may notice a hidden room behind one of the pictures - you can only get in there by returning later in the game when you have pyrokinesis, and once you do, you'll find a memory vault about his and Morry's relationship (which i've had concepted out for like a year and WILL draw eventually) and a bunch of photos that haven't been defaced (representing how Cally still has much stronger feelings for Oleander than he's admitted to, and is still carrying a torch even through the surface level of their breakup).
Next comes Sasha (top right picture in the first image), whose room is kind of a combo of his and Otto's labs, with a bunch of the props drawn from both locations - books, papers, inventions, computers, The Lamp, you know how it be. The floor also has a big glass swirl that gives you a peek at Otto's brain storage, which has a bunch of brains tumble by as you're in there (plus the occasional Faberge egg, for Foreshadowing - for even more of that, there's also the brain case on top of Sasha's exam table in the corner). The escape here escalates to a two-step process - Sasha re-teaches Raz psi-blast, the two of you combine forces to pry the door open with TK, and then the chattering teeth start spilling in and Raz has to fight his way out with psi-blast.
Third comes Milla - I swapped her with Lilli compared to the "canon" order first because I misremembered, but then I stuck with it because I felt like it worked better thematically. Anyway, Milla's room (seen bottom left) is a combo of her meditation chamber and Cassie's house back in the gulch, with pillows and tapestries and books everywhere, honeycomb wallpaper, and of course, Bees? Bees! They Have Chosen The Bees. You might notice the big scary beehive from the Forgetful Forest in the middle of the room; the escape here involves Milla re-teaching Raz levitation, the two of them pulling out the beehive with TK, using psi-blast to fend off the subsequent BEES, and then Raz drops in the hole and uses levitation to hover his way to safety. (At this point Cally is like KID C'MON and outright intercepts and dementistrates Milla rather than just keep her trapped.)
Last but hardly least is Lilli; she's in a combo of Truman's office and what she tells Raz looks a lot like her house/apartment - Cally's functionally kind of an uncle to her in this verse, so he's been particularly thoughtful in crafting a comfortable, familiar mind-prison for her. (The Extremely Subtle Foreshadowing also continues here, with envelopes and a hacksaw on the desk, the brain case on the shelf, and of course The Fuckoff Huge Crown Chandelier hanging above the desk.) The other wall has a bunch of family photos of Lilli and Truman, and one big pic of young Cally and Truman in the Gulch; Lilli re-teaches Raz pyro so he can burn that, and Enormous Mental Cally takes this as an opportunity to grab Raz much like in the original game.
Now we're at the point of the second image, and where things particularly divert from the original version of the level in my mind! Big Ol Cally drops Raz in a combat arena and he has to deal with a few waves of Censors and Doubts and Regrets - I haven't decided if this is the first time you encounter true Combat or if you have mini-waves throughout the level like in the "canon" version, but if it is your first combat I like the idea of Lilli being your "mission control" explaining the new enemies an dhow to beat them. Either way, Raz fights a couple waves while trying to convince Cally to give them information, he refuses, and when it looks like Raz is in a real tight spot he manages to dive off the arena deeper into Cally's subconscious.
This is where we start incorporating RoR stuff! Raz drops all the way to the little dollhouse representation of Cal's childhood home, goes in, sees a little Cassie-style paper projection of young Cal and overhears his parents having their Oh What Can We Possibly Do We Can't Handle This Child Anymore conversation. Paper Cal hides in a wardrobe, Raz follows, and this portals into this endless-seeming hospital hallway where dialog plays between li'l Cal and the doctors, revealing to Raz that they were going to lobotomize him for being psychic. (I think maybe you find your first accessible memory vault either here or in the path I talk about in a second; that one goes into how Cal got taken in by the psychic 7 and i also have that one concepted out please god give me time and energy to draw these soon). After this plays there's a cutscene where representations of the psychic 7 tear apart the hallway, and Raz falls into this paper representation of the Gulch. He follows a little path past some simple setpieces of things you'll see later in the game, talks to himself a bit like Wow This Is Just Like True Psychic Tales So Cool That Agent O'Pia Grew Up Here :)
Now this path leads past a little paper version of Lucy's hut (which Raz doesn't recognize for sure, which bugs him), and the path around THAT leads to a big winding path through a parted waterway (which Raz is Very Much Not Happy About, reestablishing the water curse - maybe there's a little cutscene where he sees the hand of Galochio much like in the first game at the beach). Raz nervously walks through, and dialogue plays between Cally and Mysterious Figures revealing Cal got caught undercover and was threatened into assisting with the Kidnap Truman plot (or rather, they threatened Cassie and Lillie and Oleander, which ended up being Much more effective than threatening his own life). At the end of the path Raz finds the base from RoR, and it's in there that he sees "Loboto" talking to the Shadowy Figure similar to canon and 1) learns whoever hired Loboto was a mole, and 2) sees the vision of Maligula when the figure reiterates his threat to Cal-slash-Cal's family. Vision-Maligula destroys the village, Raz snaps back to the real world, and There's Our Game!
if you've read this far you're a hero beyond compare here's the image descriptions for you
[Image 1 ID: Digital sketches of four boxlike rooms. The top left room is labeled "OLEANDER" and incorporates elements from Loboto's Lab in Psychonauts, including the jagged glass window, Mr. Pokeylope's terrarium, and a prototype brain tank sticking out of the floor. There are miscellaneous papers on the floor, and a brain tank blueprint on the wall. Various framed photos of Oleander are also on the wall, most of which have been scribbled over or otherwise defaced. There is a hatch high on one wall, and a secret room with a memory vault behind a pyro-able picture.
The top right room is labeled "SASHA" and resembles a combination of Sasha and Otto's labs, with a large bookshelf making up one wall covered in books, papers and gadgets, floating shelves on the other wall, as well as a desk with office chair, computer monitor and Tiffany lamp. Sasha's examination table is in a far corner, with Truman's brain case on top of it. The floor has a glass swirl revealing brains being transported similar to Otto's brain storage. There is a partially open sliding door on one wall where chattering teeth toys are spilling in.
The bottom left room is labeled "MILLA" and resembles a combination of Milla's meditation chamber and Cassie's home in the Gulch. The walls have a honeycomb pattern wallpaper and string lights, with an eye tapestry hanging on one wall. There are round lantern lights hanging from the ceiling, with bees flying overhead. The floor is a round conversation pit covered in pillows, throw rugs and books; in the center is a massive oozing beehive similar to the one in the Forgetful Forest.
The final, bottom right room is labeled "LILLI" and resembles Truman's office. There is a desk covered in envelopes and a hacksaw, with a desk chair behind it and two 60's style chairs in front. There are two shelves along the wall behind the desk, containing the brain case among other things, and the wall prominently displays the Psychonauts logo. A chandelier resembling the Maliks' crown is hanging from the ceiling above the desk. There is a couch and several plants against the opposite wall, and many family photos of Truman and Lilli on the wall perpendicular, with the largest (pyro-able) one being a picture of young Cally and Truman. End ID.]
[Image 2 ID: Digital sketches of three scenes in Cally's mental world. The first shows Raz (represented by the simple head-and-legs silhouette used in Peter Chan's concepts) diving off a disc-like combat arena (on which are several Censors, Doubts and Regrets) towards the dollhouse representing Cal's childhood home, which is floating in space. The second shows Raz in one of the dollhouse rooms with a paper-projection version of young Cal, with an arrow leading into a wardrobe, which portals into a long hospital hallway with a "NEUROLOGY" sign on the wall, eventually trailing off into nothing. The third shows Raz walking past Lucy's old hut in the Gulch, along a winding path through parted water, and ultimately to the Rhombus of Ruin base. End ID.]
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prince-liest · 4 months
ALRIGHT, first draft of ch 3 of the bodyswap fic is done!! Now I need to meal prep so that I have things to eat for my next several shifts. +^+
5.6k words, so a bit longer than the previous chapters! And chapter count is definitely up to 4 now, haha. I always do this to myself.
I'm gonna need to write some adorably shitfaced platonic radiodust shenanigans after this to cope, haaaa—
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911-on-abc · 3 months
(i'm that anon that wrote the buck being giddy and sore and having beard-burn all over his body thing) they get back to the station. buck puts his outer gear away after checking it over for tears, and walks up to the loft to get something to drink and another coffee. eddie and hen are talking about some playdate for denny and christopher for when karen and hen pick up their new foster and chimney is on the phone with maddie (something about the wedding), but buck only listens half-heartedly. his uniform is getting a little uncomfortable, it's chafing in the wrong places and he really doesn't want to be teased about puffy nipples thank you very much, and the cream tommy put on this morning has either been sweated off or has sunk into his skin. point being, he should probably apply some more cream to avoid even more chafing. it's not nearly as fun when it's caused by cotton rather than tommy's stubble, and the soothing kisses and teasing nips at his skin that are missing definitely have something to do with it. the soreness in his glutes is really nice though, and he kind of revels in it. it feels like after a really good workout. makes him feel accomplished. and the 3 orgasms in a little over 12 hours are definitely a benefit he doesn't get from going to the gym. jfc, he's at work he needs to reign in his thoughts. it's like he's a horny teenager discovering his own body for the first time. and yes, technically he is experiencing a lot of new things and firsts, and sure, maybe in a few months he'll brag about his stamina as a man in his 30's but now? now all of this is very inconvenient. "buck, you're okay?" shit. "yup, just sore and a little tired, haven't finished my coffee yet." "if you say so" hen's definitely suspicious. "buck, help me with brunch?" he could kiss bobby right now. well, no, EW, but he'll take the win and get away from prying eyes. bobby hands him veggies to cut up to put into the omelettes later, and buck grabs a knife and starts to cut up the mushrooms and the bell peppers. they work along in silence for a bit, and then bobby hands him a little post-it, whispers "we will never speak of this" and moves on to whisk the eggs like nothing. buck puts the post-it away, finishes cutting up the veggies, washes his hands and walks over to the bunk rooms. he kinda wants to check-in with tommy anyways. it's in the corner of the room, away from prying eyes, that he opens the note, turning scarlet immediately upon reading it. burt's bees mama soothing nipple cream and stokolan. i put some samples in your locker. stay safe. buck sends a pic of the note to tommy after applying the creams (they're a god-sent) with a simple "still jealous of the tight-knit family of the 118?"
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anon I want to kiss you on the lips thank you for blessing me with this OHMYFUCKING GAWDDDDD (part 1 sent to @canonbibuck which you should read because hot DAMN 🥵)
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peaches2217 · 9 months
🍽️ - Dinner date
I am so sorry this took so long, but I hope it's worth the wait!!
Mario was in full regalia.
Further: Mario was in full regalia, casually, by his own choice.
The whole getup was so very un-Mario — the deep navy tunic, the gold buttons and tasseled shoulder pads, the white trousers and tall black boots. He looked more suited for engaging in political discourse than plumbing or carpentry or any of the other hundreds of things he enjoyed far more. Yet not a single thread felt out of place. It was him, somehow, and it suited him perfectly.
Peach felt suddenly woozy. “Devastatingly attractive” didn’t even begin to describe how she perceived him in that moment. 
When she took too long with her ogling, he grinned a knowing little grin and stepped forward. She couldn’t help but blush as he took her hand. Or maybe she had already been blushing, and now she was just blushing even harder. Oh, stars.
“Your Majesty.” He dropped to one knee with a smoothness that suggested practice (but the way he wobbled briefly when he landed suggested he still needed more), kissing her knuckles. His crown sat in place of his usual cap, a smaller replica of Peach’s; the garnets and pastel sapphires set into its band caught the light of the setting sun just so, sparkling in a way that seemed almost ethereal.
Are you trying to kill me? she wanted to ask. Glancing up, she saw Toad in the gazebo a few steps away, his own attire traded for a black vest and bowtie. He offered her an eager thumbs-up.
“Look at you,” she said instead. She meant to follow up with “You look handsome,” but Mario’s eyes met hers, shining with satisfaction and reverence, and her voice stuck in her throat.
He could fill in the blanks. He knew exactly what this was doing to her.
Pushing back up to his feet, Mario led her forward, her hand still in his grasp. “I don’t know about you,” he said, a joyful lilt in his tone, “but I’m starving! Shall we?”
She only nodded, because she couldn’t trust herself with an honest response.
Thankfully, Mario was merciful enough to carry their conversation in full until she overcame her stupefaction. He wasn’t trying for full formality. In spite of his attire, the mood was relaxed, and it loosened further when Toad produced a bottle of Yoshi Berry wine from the kitchens inside. In short order they laughed and joked together as they always did, and for that Peach was grateful.
Toad stationed himself in one corner of the gazebo and filled the air with the warm tones of a viola (she hadn’t even known he could play the viola, an instrument almost as large as he was, but that was beside the point). In the lulls between topics, Mario would swirl the liquid in his glass and smile at her, the sort of smile one might expect to find on the face of a lovesick schoolboy. The sapphires in his crown couldn’t compare to the deep, denim blue of his eyes.
None of this felt real. Peach was certain she was dreaming, or that perhaps she was living in a children’s picture book, the obligatory kindly queen and her beloved, benevolent king.
But this was in fact reality, and as the haze of romanticism ran its course, she could see the signs more and more clearly.
Mario shifted frequently, tugged at the high collar of his tunic, fiddled with the buttons. Reached up to make sure his crown wasn’t sliding off, reached down to ensure his pant legs were still securely tucked into his boots. As they chatted and nursed their wine, he absently flicked at the tassels on his shoulders; he’d catch himself doing it, stop, and then start back up again as soon as he wasn’t thinking about it.
When their food finally arrived, he dug right in with something that sounded like a sigh of relief. It wasn’t just hunger, Peach recognized. He was grateful for another distraction.
He was uncomfortable. The clothes that made him look so regal in turn made him feel horribly out of place. The realization didn’t really surprise her; she had come to his first fitting for moral support, and while he had done his best not to complain as the seamstress made her measurements, his face betrayed his agony. More than once, his eyes met hers, and he mouthed an over-the-top “Help me.”
“I didn’t think becoming a royal consort meant I’d actually have to dress like one,” he had joked that night, pulling on the softest and most worn, ragged night clothes he owned. Peach had just giggled.
Guilt gnawed at the pit of her stomach. She had reacted so strongly to this new addition to his wardrobe, and judging from the look in his eyes, he had known she would. The regalia he would have to wear at least once a week as part of his new duties, maybe more, and there was no helping that. But tonight, he was putting himself through needless misery just for her sake.
She tried not to think too hard about it as she ate. Leaving her food untouched would be terribly rude.
At the completion of their meal, Peach rose from her seat and stretched her back, and Mario came around the table to offer his arm to her. “Walk with me?” he asked. She could hear no hint of an ulterior motive in his offer, nothing but a sincere wish to extend their evening. He would happily endure his discomfort just to spend more time with her. The thought brought her as much joy as it did sadness.
She took his hand instead, eyeing his gloves. She hadn’t noticed they were different. Instead of leather, dented and scuffed from constant use, these were silk.
“Wouldn’t you rather get out of that stuffy outfit?” she offered in return. She could see him in his regalia every single day and never find it any less attractive, and even now she fought the urge to accept his offer and enjoy the sight that much longer. But she couldn’t bear to indulge her own desires at the expense of his comfort.
Mario’s face twisted with surprise at her words. She didn’t even hear Toad as he left them to talk, his voice straining with suppressed laughter — “C’mon, at least let a Toad get outta earshot first!”
“You don’t like it?” Mario asked. His eyes flicked down and over himself, as though inspecting for some sort of flaw in the fabric, a missing button, a stain, but Peach put her free hand to his cheek, commanding his attention once more.
“I think it’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen,” she confessed. “But you looked like you were seconds from tearing it off and clawing into your skin all night.”
“Oh.” Mario’s cheek warmed beneath her palm, and he gave her a sheepish smile. “Well… you know. Not exactly the kind of outfit I’d wear lounging around, yeah? But!” He plucked her hand from his face and brought it to join her opposite hand, cradling them both in his own much larger grasp. “I’ve gotta get used to it anyway, right? The sooner I start, the better!”
“You don’t have to torture yourself for my sake, darling.”
“Torture? No no no, tesoro mio, you misunderstand,” he said, and that smile became all at once confident and tender. “Seeing your face light up like a big Fire Flower? The way you couldn’t keep your eyes off of me? I’m a little selfish, you know. Learning to put up with this dumb thing is a lot easier when you’re making me feel like a hunk.”
Peach laughed at that, overcome with relief and affection all at once. “You are a hunk,” she said, bending to press a kiss to his cheek. He tilted his face to return the favor, and she giggled again at the way his mustache tickled her skin.
“And you’re the most beautiful princess in the whole world,” he murmured against her. “Sorry— queen.”
“Your queen.”
“My queen,” he agreed. He chuckled and pressed another kiss to the corner of her lips before pulling back, and Peach followed suit. She noted with another gentle wave of relief that he didn’t look nearly so uncomfortable right now.
“In that case,” she said, “why don’t we take that walk?” Mario squeezed her hands one final time before dropping them to offer his arm once more. If this was his preferred method of breaking in a necessary evil, she would gladly assist.
“For what it’s worth,” she continued as he led her out of the gazebo, “I think you’re a hunk no matter what you wear.”
“So if this one sits in the closet for our next date?” 
“Actually, I was thinking we could have pizza and ice cream in our pajamas instead.”
“Oh, yes, please. Same time next week?”
“Why not tomorrow?”
“Mamma mia,” Mario laughed as they walked into the calm night, “and I keep thinking I can’t fall for you any harder!”
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thornhawthorne · 6 months
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Rotating my OCs like they're in the microwave
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aegisofworms · 3 months
You genuinely have some of the coolest art and concepts on Tumblr. You constantly inspire me and get me to try new things, so thank you so much. You make the world so much cooler
I'm tearing up???? This is so sweet. Wherever you end up going with your concepts I truly wish you the best. This is one wacky world but I fully believe with the power of friendship and brainworms we can make it wackier. Follow your heart, put pen to paper, and slaughter the gods. You've got this.
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sourpatch-punkin · 7 months
Hey kiddos,
I know the holidays will be rough for some of y'all, so as we go into this first section of end of the year holidays..
You are loved, you are cared about. You are who you are, and no one can tell you different. If you are trans or nonbinary or gender something, you deserve to be seen and respected. I know its not safe for all of you out there to be known by your family. You'll find your people someday, trust me.
Take a deep breath, remember that they have no control over you and your feelings. It's gonna be rough, but you got this, kay kid?
remember to feed, water, and rest your flesh suit 💙
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aeolianblues · 19 days
You come onto Tumblr sometimes and think 'wow everyone here has such a depth of musical interests, they keep talking about all these bands I've never heard of' and you google them and it's my chemical romance, my chemical side project, my chemical solo project, my chemical gay lover, my chemical best friend, my chemical counterpart from the midwest, my chemical girl (only one), my che
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the-writing-mobster · 6 months
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Sooooo busy this month! Comms + anniversary + fransweek prep!
Does anyone want to crowd my inbox with motivation, questions about my aus or well wishes? (Or all three...😏)
I would love to hear from y'all!
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shmeddieshmunson · 2 years
The Routine
Eddie Munson x Transmasc!Reader, 18+, cute but then smut, smoking, drinking, making out, fingering, Eddie x You +"good boy"
Smut one-shot ~3k words, minors do not interact
Knock knock knock-knock-knock! You drummed rhythmically on the door with your knuckles.
You scanned the edge of the pool of yellow light that washed over you and the front porch of Eddie’s trailer. Moths and mosquitos flitted around. The park was calm, but you could hear the muffled sound of music and voices from neighboring trailers. Could see vague movement in some of the lit windows behind the curtains.
The warm summer breeze carried away the smoke from the cigarette that hung between your lips, and you could hear the crickets, cicadas, and frogs.
Knock knock! You heard from the other side of the door before it swung open. You whip your head forwards again and come to attention.
“What do you want, punk?” Eddie spits, locking his hip and obscuring the doorway, his voice almost sing-songy with his faux toughness. He’s backlit by the warm lights inside, face highlighted yellow with dramatic shadows. You grin and pull the cigarette from your lips, but he plucks it from your hands and takes a drag before you can even lower your arm fully.
Slightly slack jawed and awkward, you just kind of freeze there in awe, and he cocks an eyebrow at you. “Well??” he demands, his mouth starting to curve upwards. 
“I uh…” you clear your throat, “I’m here to see a guy… about a thing...” There’s a brief pause that feels longer than it is as he exhales the smoke in his mouth. “C’mere–” you lean forward quickly and hook your finger into one of his belt loops, and stuff the other into his hair, pulling him into you for a hard kiss. He laughs into your mouth, finally cracking and relaxing, leaning the front of his body into yours.
“That was really the best you could come up with?” He teases you as he takes a step back, "A guy about a thing?" He moves quickly like he’s going to punch you in the gut, “uhn!” he exclaims playfully, his fist stopping jerkily before it connects, and recoiling. Then he’s grabbing your hand and pulling you indoors with him. 
“Look, I came here to smoke and to make out, not to start writing our comedy show,” you quip back sarcastically.
He walks across the room and into the kitchen and pulls open the fridge door, tongue absentmindedly sticking out between his smiling teeth. 
The trailer already has a smoky haze to it, and you plop down on the worn but comfortable brown couch, beginning the routine you two have developed together over the months. You reach into your jacket’s chest pocket and pull out a small hand painted tin, which you lovingly refer to as your Go Pack. Eddie had gifted it to you for your last birthday, and intricately decorated it with snakes and dice, as well as your initials. 
You run your thumb over the slightly raised design, then pop it open and pull out the spliff that you already have rolled for the two of you. Eddie walks over to the couch with two beer bottles clinking together in one of his hands, and an ashtray in the other. You look up at him and there is a flicker in both of your eyes as they meet, and you flash him a brilliant smile. He sets everything on the small coffee table.
“Care to do the honors?” You ask, head tilted up, looking at him. You motion the spliff and lighter you’re holding towards him.
“Ooo, don’t mind if I do,” he takes them and bounces himself down on the couch, thigh pressed up against yours. The lighter flicks to life and lights up his face as he settles into your side and you rest your arm on the back of the couch behind him. His cheeks hollow around the joint as he sucks in to spark it, and you’re taking in all the details of his soft and angular face. 
He looks at you and raises his eyebrows slightly before billowing a puff of smoke between you. You laugh lightly through your nose, and take the joint from him, your fingers brushing his on the filter. 
It’s his turn to stare as you inhale, but you pretend you don’t notice.
“You always look so hot when you smoke,” he says with a lowered voice, eyes scanning from your lips to your eyes and down again. You let a smug smile creep onto your face and exhale the smoke out of your nose. You take another drag, but instead of passing the spliff you hold it away and lean your face towards Eddie’s. He knows that cue and meets you halfway, parted lips meeting yours as you blow the smoke into his mouth while he inhales, ending it with a flit of your tongue and soft open mouth kiss. You hum into his mouth as he returns the kiss, and holds the smoke for a moment before blowing it out again. “Damn,” he rasps. 
“Yeah, damn,” you rub his shoulder with your thumb and look at him through your eyelashes. Without breaking eye contact you pass the spliff over. The two of you spend several minutes doing this; lazily kissing and admiring each other while you shotgun hits back and forth, and slowly burn the spliff to the filter. You make each other laugh, and cough, and neither of you can keep your hands off of the other. 
That's how it goes.
He pulls away to set the butt of the spliff that went out a minute ago into the ashtray.
“Shall we relocate to the dungeon,” he croaks in a cartoonish voice, and arcs his arm dramatically towards his bedroom. You throw your head back with a laugh, and don’t catch him fawning briefly at your exposed throat.
“Yes please,” you say with a mischievous smile on your face. It was ridiculous how much this boy made you smile. 
You quickly push up off of his shoulder, pinning him to the couch while you get up first. “Hey!” he grunts, and pushes you a little when he catches up a moment later. You both laugh and stumble towards the other room, knocking into each other, racing to get there first. He does, but he steps aside, bows, and sweeps his arm like you’re royalty, letting you pull ahead at the last second. 
“Chivalry isn’t dead,” you coo. As soon as you cross the threshold of his room you start shedding layers, and Eddie clicks the door shut behind you. “My uncle shouldn’t be home until late, but, yanno..” You glance over at him and he wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Better safe than sorry.” 
He closes the distance between you and grabs the bottom of your shirt, pulling it over your head for you, before pushing you towards the bed. You happily oblige and fall onto his bed, the blanket cool under your back and you close your eyes and take a deep breath, soaking up his smell. You feel as he presses his shins into the edge of the bed with one of your knees between his. When you open your eyes, he’s looking down his nose at you, long hair falling around his face. His energy has shifted away from the playfulness you came into the room with, and when you meet his eyes again, it gives you butterflies.
“Hi,” you say breathily. He kneels one leg between your thighs, and starts leaning over you, planting a hand by your head on his descent towards your face.
“Hi,” he whispers into your mouth, just barely keeping from brushing his lips against yours, and holding your gaze still through his eyelashes. You lean up to connect with his lips, and the movement shifts you down into his knee on accident. Your breath hitches, but it gets lost in the kiss that’s exploding between the two of you. You move your hips on purpose now for a little bit more of that friction and let your eyes flutter shut. He smirks and runs his free hand down your chest, over your stomach, and grabs the waist of your jeans. He pulls and presses, helping you establish a rhythm against his knee and thigh. 
The intensity of your kisses amplifies, and he pushes his tongue into your mouth. He sucks on your top lip, and nibbles at your bottom. His tongue traces your teeth. Your hands are running all over his back, up into his hair, and up and down his chest. Restless and grabby. 
He ruts your hips into him with a particular gusto, and you can’t help but moan. 
“Mmmm, get up on the pillows for me,” he rumbles, and he licks a stripe up the side of your neck before yanking the waist of your pants the direction he wants you to go. 
You make a little sound of agreement, and use your elbows to scooch backwards. He drops his other knee to the bed, and watches you wiggle into a comfortable position while he begins the slow crawl up to you between your legs. Again, his dark and intense gaze sends a ripple through you. You can see the slight bulge in the front of his jeans and it makes you throb a little more in your own pants. 
He kisses a line along the top of your waistband, then slowly starts to kiss a trail upwards. Holding himself above you he kisses your stomach, past your belly button, up to your chest. He veers off center and takes one of your pierced nipples into his mouth. His tongue swirls over it as it hardens and you take up fistfulls of his hair as he sucks on it. You groan and let your head fully relax back, the feeling of his tongue and teeth grazing your sensitive skin and the metal nestled in it zings into your core. 
“Fuck, Eddie,” you whimper as he licks and kisses his way across your chest to torture your other nipple. Sucking on one, and rolling the other between his thumb and forefinger, grunting and groaning when your hands tighten in his hair. You’re already becoming a wet mess for him, and he knows it, but that doesn’t mean he won’t drag it out. 
His hands find their way to the front of your pants again, but this time he pauses. “Baby, I wanna feel you so bad,” he drawls, and you exhale hard at his words. “Can I?” he asks, and you nod vigorously, biting your lower lip a little.
He unbuttons your pants, unzips the fly, and starts pulling down on the waistband of your jeans and underwear simultaneously. You lift your hips into the air to make it easier for him, and he leans down to plant a kiss on your abdomen in response as he slides the rough material down your thighs. When you put your hips down, he sits back on his knees briefly to finish pulling them off of you and then reclaims his spot between your thighs.
Only now, the situation is a bit more intimate. He flashes a rogue smile at you, before zeroing in on the exposed heat between your legs. His rings glint in the light as he brings his hand to you, tracing sporadic shapes beside your lips and across the top of your mound before dancing over your swollen clit. Your eyebrows jam together as you let out a long sigh. You love the feeling of his fingers putting pressure on both sides of your clit, helping it pop out from under the hood even more. He dips his finger into the pool of grool that's gathering at your hole, and draws a string of it away, very obviously enamored, eyes wide. He does it again, but this time, sliding two fingers over your entrance, up your clit, and then bringing them to his mouth to lick off your juices. He moans around his fingers, looking up at you. The hunger that’s burning in his eyes makes you clench. 
“Are you all wet and hot for me? huh,” he murmurs, and drips a glob of spit onto his fingers. He rubs outside of you briefly once more before pushing two of his wet fingers into your cunt and curling them. “Mmmm, yeah, good boyyy,” he groans out, feeling you pulse and drip around his digits. His voice sounds like honey, and he can’t pull his eyes away from your soft skin stretching around his fingers, his rings contorting the skin when he’s deep inside you.
You gasp and swear when his fingers brush up against that rough spot inside you, and you try to keep your hips still with the help of his firm hand pressing down on your abdomen. Then you start babbling pleases and vague begging. Your whines pull him back to this planet, and he looks up at you.
“What is it?” he almost taunts, “you feel good?”
“Yeah, but–” you gasp as he curls his fingers again.
“But what?” He likes making you squirm and struggle, likes making you feel so good you can’t finish your sentences.
“Please, more, I need more,” you look down at him, eyebrows still furrowed, mouth agape, and eyes pleading. 
He laughs lightly and plants a sloppy wet kiss right on your clit, causing you to moan. Flicks his tongue over your tiny erection several times.
“‘More!’ he says,” he teases you, as he pulls his mouth away. But, he doesn’t hesitate to jam a third finger in your wet pussy and pick up the pace. You spew profanities littered with his name, all throaty and loud, your back arching and your hips rutting, but he pushes down from your stomach again, which just makes you flood with more juices. 
The steady rhythm that he’s rocking your body with from the inside out starts to build inside of  you, a deep ache in your guts that makes your legs start to shake.
“God you're such a hot little mess,” he spits between bared teeth. His breath is starting to wrack his body, and his face is scrunched up in lust and focus.
“Ooooo yeah, Eddie, fuck,” you pant, “Eddie you make me feel so good. You– fuck– you make me so wet– nnnn,” your praise and whines are like music to his ears. He doesn’t want you to stop making those sounds, ever.
But he does want to make you squirt.
“Can you take one more, baby?” he asks courteously.  He knows you can, just wants to make sure you want it. You nod your head. “Mmmmm, ask for it then, babe,” he slightly slows his three fingers and focuses on just curling them against your inner walls for a moment.
“Ah! Will you, please–nnnnn….  Please put another in me Eddie, I want you to stretch me out.”
“Ooo hoo hoo, good boy,” he tells you, and he pulls his fingers out of you. You wince at the sudden emptiness. He locks his eyes on your face as he tastes you on his fingers, keeping a steady motion on your clit with his other hand. Then he flattens that hand and speeds up, making you drip and clench and pull your legs together at the shift in feeling. He firmly pushes your legs back apart, and then shoves all four of his fingers into your cunt. You make this animalistic, guttural moan scream as he goes right back into his body shaking rhythm from before. Except now, he’s basically grabbing your whole cunt from the inside, and rocking your hips down into the bed and up towards him, and it’s driving you fucking crazy. 
Very quickly the tension builds inside of you, and before you can even turn your desperate sounds into real words to warn him, your orgasm crashes over you, and a wave of pleasure rolls through your body. You clench and jerk and your pussy floods and gushes around his fingers, the wetness rolling down his wrist and onto his bed.
“Good BOY! YES, ooo, come all over my fingers, baby,” cooing and groaning, and his face is flushed, mouth open in disbelief. “You’re so fucking hot, yes,” he keeps the stream of praise flowing, but you’re barely tracking it over the rush in your ears and the sound of your own heartbeat. He pets your inner walls a few more times before you start flinching at the stimulation, and he slowly slides his hand out of you. He kisses your inner thigh, and bites down. You yell a little in surprise, before giggling back into a pant to catch your breath. 
His fingers and his rings are extra shiny in the light now, dripping every now and then, and he is looking at you with the  biggest shit eating grin on his face.
“Goddamn, godDAMN,” he says with a slap to your thigh, he bites his lip, and then he moves to lay down next to you.  
“What can I do for you? If you give me a minute you can fuck me…” you start as your breathing regulates, his body warm and sweaty against yours.
“Well, funny story…” he says sheepishly, “I’m actually uh, pretty sorted out.”  You look down without even thinking, and sure enough, in place of the tent he had pitched earlier, there is now a wet spot coming through the denim.
“Oh my god…” your voice is soft and almost a laugh. 
He starts to splutter, looking defensive and not finding the words he wants before you cut him off. “No– good oh my god! Like, oh my god that’s so fucking hot that that made you come in your pants,” you grab his face and study him with your bright eyes and amused smile. “Like it’s a little funny, but holy shit, I love it.”
He lets out one laugh and scrunches his nose at you, “Alright, alright, whatever.” He kisses you so you don’t have to keep talking about it. 
“I’m gonna go roll up another joint,”  he declares, pecks you on the lips, and grunts when he stands up. 
You watch him leave the room with an unwavering smile turning up the corners of your mouth, and glassy eyes. After a couple more deep long inhales and exhales, you trail after him.
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theatrevampire · 3 days
turning off anon asks before 2x07
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blueberryrock · 9 months
Do you have any headcanons that absolutely cannot work at the same time but you love them anyway? If so what are they?
I have a couple but easily the biggest is whether or not Legolas has siblings 💀 cause in the movies and books i think? i haven't read them besides the silm yet, but they never show/mention any other kid of Thranduil just Legolas that i know of which is sad, i collect elves like they're trading cards
But like if he did have siblings then i'd say he's def the baby of the family. Im sorry but that elf has no older sibling energy at all, maybe middle kid energy but mostly baby sibling!! Which means Thranduil and the others are highly protective over him so they pretty much all have heart attacks when they hear Legolas joined the fellowship and fought in massive battles. But i'd think that as he's the youngest he realizes that he would never get the throne and focuses more on his own thing as Thranduil has more focused on his older sons so they'd have a more strained relationship cause he'd be an over baring parent to him
But then. If Legolas is the *only* kid of Thranduil i'd imagine that means his mom is dead but i didnt really like how closed off he was to Legolas so in my mind he's still hella protective over his son and gets so pissed when he hears the Elrond sent him with the fellowship. But honestly i think Legolas and him would have a good relationship as they only have each other and Legolas would realize as the only prince he would have to learn to be a king (even tho it'd be rare) so he would probably spend a lot of time with his dad in court and stuff to learn but he would also def be outing with hunting parties too but idk I just think since it's only them two they'd be a lot closer
and oh my god i am so sorry that I made this post so long, I haven't posted a headcanon post in literal years so if y'all want anymore lmk cause there are just so many (esp about those two) that I might burst XD but anyways those are the 2 conflicting headcanons that I can think of right now, I love both ideas dearly if you can't tell but I usually write the sibling-less!legolas as it has a lot more angst opportunities but I do like him having siblings cause those two deserve some happiness once in a while :)
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