#my lord 💙
me-myself-and-my-fos · 3 months
Thinking about Vincent 🥺
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sylenth-l · 2 months
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agir1ukn0w · 2 months
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Eddie Bluemel being unable to sit in a chair properly to save his life is my roman empire.
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tinyangrynerd · 4 months
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"Now there is no way they won't pay attention. Let the world behold their Lord's ascension!" ☀️🎸
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afterlife-2004 · 15 days
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inhonoredglory · 10 months
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🔥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
The Tenth Doctor’s death remains one of the most profound things I’ve experienced. Because Ten was a man who gave so much, sacrificed so much, loved so much. And in the end, he looked inside himself and found ugliness there. And in his profound humility, he willingly submitted himself to his own mortality for the salvation, not of the world, but of a single human being. I love you, Ten. Vale Decem.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
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Also yes he would love you sweetheart. Dont worry.
He's funny,sweet,and protective.
Even when he went "dark" he still had principles he just went a little crazy and you brought him back dont worry he still care.
Oh not to mention his bro thinks you're awesome.
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butilikedyou · 4 months
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Lord in Black stickers are now officially available on my Ko-Fi store!
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Ever wanted to stick a cosmic horror on your sketchbook? Needed Blinky to stare at you on your laptop while you do god knows what? Well, now you can! These Hatchetfield inspired stickers are roughly 2 inches wide and 1.8 inches tall, except for Tinky who is a solid 2.5 inches wide and 2 inches tall because of the horns and the ears.
I'd really appreciate it if you guys bought one of these dudes, or even got the whole set! It'd be a really great way to support me and make it easier for me to add more products to my online store, like cool buttons and stuff, and get better sticker paper!
If you can't afford the stickers but you still want to support me, feel free to tip me on Ko-Fi or on PayPal!
This may not be art, but reblogs are still very much appreciated!
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this seems to be discussed online semi regularly so
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mrstsung · 1 month
Ok so I'm in a fujin mood. And I'm sick of how people write him. So I'm having my own take and to me fujin is feral,wild,and untamed. But with a good heart. It is raiden whom is the "chill"(tm) one.
So have spicy fujin self ship art
Cw: nsft,smutty god goodness. It's mortal kombat we all know why we're here ok?!
Art below cut.
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"To love and be loved by a god of wind. Is to truly feel your soul be free. To let go of what others can not or shall not. And to let come what may. The kami knew this. And perhaps so shall i. Whenever there is a gust by the shoreside. Or the ring of chimes and temple bells. I know you'll be there. You always are. My love,my lord fujin." - excerpt from a fic i probably will never get down to write :') *cries*
Spicy fujin. Look fujin is great,just not the "fanon" version nor the canon one,tho i do like him in mk11,i just wish he had more "bite" But i wanna see fujin like his mythos counterpart. Plz n thnx. 🌸💖💖💖🌸
Also i love his tattoos. Yum
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me-myself-and-my-fos · 4 months
I’m watching season 3 and omg I was definitely the same as Penelope trying to talk to suitors except it was just Vincent and he thought it was cute how much I rambled
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nymerias-heart · 2 years
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Zuko: “Zhao, my old arch enemy…..”
Aang: “…I thought I was your arch enemy?”
Zuko: “I have a life outside of you.”
Aang: “…”
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wizardofarles · 4 months
started writing again after a week of neglecting this fic. we have rachmaninoff to thank for this
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stxrrlit · 3 months
oh my goodness my head hurts so bad after that race 😭
BUT ladies and gents...THE STREAK CONTINUES! 💙💛👏🏼
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
A Raiden Blurb.
Have a lord Raiden blurb. For no reason other than he need love,deserves better and gives me comfort.
I apologize in advance if this is self indulgent. But he's comfort character(i self ship with him too but he's mostly comfort character, i find peace with raiden fr. I ask myself sometime wwlrd? Or what wisdom would he give me in this scenario?).So I'm writing this sorta bias. So srry not srry.
Also apologizes if this isn't the best,it's been a bit since i actually wrote. But i hope you enjoy regardless.
Cw:hurt/comfort,angst,fluff,self indulgent. Not an x reader. Also slight mentions of past deaths,not anyone in particular just death in general(dunno if that is important or a tw but i wanted to mention it),mentions of my hcs for shang. If i missed anything let me know plz.
I sat down on my terrace patio of my apartment,listening to the rain,it felt heavy. Some tea in my hands. Warmth of the steam fills my nose upon my face. Somber thoughts race through my mind.
A few years ago i was thrusted into a world,a world of constant danger. Mortal men and women fighting each other to death for some cosmic war i never wanted to be a part of. I was fine being ignorant to it all. Living life as i was...and yet. I wouldn't have met the people i have. Wonderful people. People that have fueled my very soul and shaken my worldview to it's core. Made me grow,learn,see farther than i ever dreamed.
And yet,that looming danger. That hunger. It knaws at me. That voice in the back of my mind.
"Do it,you know you love it. Doesn't it thrill you? Don't you like how it sounds?...how it feels against your knuckles as it's crimson luster flows across your skin. The feel of power and strength. The way that victory tastes. And defeat only makes you crave it more?" This feeling I've never felt. This world that i have been apart of for a good time now. Never truly leaves. Even when peace surrounds me. Even when i am home...am i truly? Who am i truly? What have i become or am becoming? It terrifies me. But not because of the craving for violence. Or the thrill kombat gives me. But because it doesn't bother me,it should. But it doesn't.
What should be an easy task to decide,for any sane moral person. Is difficult.
I sought some answers,and if anything comfort of another.
I finished my tea. Got up. And put on my boots and coat. Grabbed my umbrella. And went to the temple. I lived on the city limits but still was an easy walk to the temple that was near.
The temple of lord raiden. God of thunder,protector of earthrealm. Or as normal people call it....earth. yeah i know,confusing right? It was for me too the first time.
As i approached the temple gates. The torii. They loom with dark red. I can hear the soft sounds of the chimes and temple bells. Prayers of monks. And the serenity of this place.
However,no matter the peace. The welcoming faces and smiles. I still felt like i wasn't even on this planet. Lost in my own realm if that makes any sense. But i chalk that up to my anxiety,as i always tell myself. But im sure lord raiden would see right through that shit.
But i needed to talk to him. If anything just to tell me "you're overthinking,you need rest,something...tell me something."
I don't usually pray,i don't go to temples outside of with any neighbors or out of courtesy. I'm not heavily religious,i do believe in spirits and am open minded. As all things have a merit of truth to it. But this...praying to an actual deity i could touch,feel,talk to,as if they knew me and my soul since birth yet never really knew me. It's terrifying. But more so because of how at ease i felt with him. And how familiar he felt. Like a long lost friend.
His brother is much the same. Lord fujin,god the winds. But he is on a whole nother level of intense. I walked up to the shrine. Paid my tribute. Lit the incense,and bowed deeply once. Clapped my hands together and took a deep breath. In my prayer i asked for lord raiden to come visit me. To give me wisdom and insight. Comfort of my own storm inside my mind. The questions that burned still.
As i prayed. I could sense the incense getting dim in the dark but serene temple shrine.
It went out,smoke loomed and whisped.
Swirls of the smoke formed a face and a flash sparked in front of me. Not a large boom but a quick flash of light. Like the spark of the burning incense ignited in front of me and formed him.
Lord raiden. He stood before me,manifested.
A very tall man. Long white hair trailed down,slight waves of silver glinted in the strands. Eyes that glowed softy. A very silver-blue tint. With flickers of electricity in them,but soft...like the rain. A golden tint to his skin. Otherworldly yet so...human. tattoos of thunderstorms and swirling clouds laces his exposed arms. A sleeveless training gi he wore. White and grey. His presence never ceases to leave me in awe. Even after these many years of my mortal life.
"Lord raiden,i have come to ask of you humbly of your wisdom" i said with a slight shake in my voice as i bowed deep in respects.
He laughed as he crossed his arms and then sighed.
"You don't have to do that,you can just ask me. I told you i dislike formality outside of where it is nessicary. Especially from my former pupils"
*sigh* "but i appreciate it. As this is a temple."
I thanked him. Bowing again out of habit.
"Lord raiden....i wish to ask you some things that have been bothering me."
Raiden then looked at me with a smile.
"Of course,but let us speak about it somewhere more private" he led me to a tea house. The rain around us seeming falling away like we were in a bubble of energy....Still freaks me out.
He opened the shoji screen took off his sandels and so did i. We stepped inside and sat down.
Raiden got two cups,and poured the tea.
"Now,what is it that is bothering you krista?"
"You don't normally come to the temple so formally. In fact. I just hear you call my name and fujin my brother tells me. Our visits aren't this formal."
I sipped the tea,still shaking from nerves.
"L-lord raiden. I am going to be honest. And i apologize if I'm so blunt....but I'm absolutely terrified"
Lord raiden looks at me with concern but speaks with a calming tone.
"I can see that. Remember to breathe. You know i would never bring you harm or discomfort my dear."
"Now,what is it that is terrifying you? Making you so anxious as to call upon a god in an abnormal way for a practical woman such as yourself?"
I sat down the tea cup. Took a deep breath,slightly tearing up as i do. I hate sensory overload of my mind. I could sense he knew this. Hence the more private and quieter place of the teahouse.
"Lord raiden. I have been plagued with feelings. Feelings i am not sure if i should be feeling."
"After the tournament and returning to a swmi normal life. I have been feeling these on and off cravings for kombat. For violence. And i know that i fight for whats right. And to help protect my home. As you,many masters and many of my friends have done. But these feelings. I'm scared that i love kombat too much. That it doesn't bother me as much as it should. I've been told even by that sorcerer,shang tsung i have a nurturing soul. But if that's so? Why do i relish in kombat?"
Raiden sighed. Put down his cup. Took a breath and looked at me.
In the most serious but most insightful words he's ever spoken to me,said.
"Krista. I know of too well of how you feel. Many others have been in your shoes and down the same path as you. These feelings are normal. Everyone has them. Even me"
I looked at him,wiping my tears from the corners of my eyes.
"Even you lord raiden?" I said.
"Yes,even me. I get concerned with these feelings. Cravings as you stated. But i remember why i do what i do. Who i fight for,what i fight for. And truly there is no wrong answer. Only choice. There is no one way in handling your darker half. But you must. *pointing finger* you must accept it. If you are to become enlightened. You will continue to suffer,if you do not."
His words stung. But they are true.
"I feel you are in need of creature comforts. Not formalities."
"I know you krista. You indeed have a sweet soul *mutters: one thing i have to agree with the sorcerer* . *reaches arms out in gestures for a hug.* come,embrace me....you big softie"
I quickly rush to embrace him. Holding him tightly. I burst into tears,crying in his chest. Letting go the many many many months even years of pent up emotions.
"Why raiden?! Why is it so hard?! Why can't i see myself the way you do? Or my friends do. Why do i feel so lost?! It hurts. I hate fighting,but i know i need to. I'm so tired raiden."
I sob pleading for the hurt to stop.
His embrace and arms hold me tightly but gently. He rests his face ontop of my head kissing it gently and ernestly. His breath is warm but soft. Like a summer breeze.
"I know,i know it is. And you're allowed to feel tired. Believe me,I'm tired too. Have been for millennia now. *chuckles* but what we dont do is unpack there. You have such wisdom yourself. And the reason why you can't see yourself as the beautiful soul you are. Is simply because you are scared to. It's unfamiliar. And it's alright to feel this way. You are a natural healer. But you need to give yourself the love,the care,the space and the tenderness you give others. The fire and the inspiration you give my other warriors is incredible. But you,my dear *lifts chin up to look at him eye to eye* need to give yourself the same. Because that beautiful woman inside you,needs it the most."
"It's taken me much loss to see this too. I might be wise but even masters need teaching and refreshment too"
*i wipe my tears*
"Really? Like how?"
Raiden looked at me with his soften eyes. Slight sadness behind them.
"I have seen this before. Liu kang,the champion of earthrealm. Your friend and fellow warrior. Has felt these feelings before. I said very similar things to him. However unlike him. You have something very similar to shang tsung"
I was taken aback. Paused. And asked.
"S-shang tsung?! How so? That seems odd"
Raiden explains
"Ah but it's true. Shang tsung as you know him now. Wasn't always a sorcerer. Let alone the serpent he masquerades as."
"He was a warrior,just like you. A mortal whom wished nothing but to protect those he cared for. But he instead of sitting with his emotions. He gave into rage. Although i did not help him in this time which he needed me the most. I did not give him the comfort he sought. As i am doing with you right now. Even liu kang i struggled with. Though not nearly as much"
"You see my dear,i do not always have an answer. Even if i did,i wouldn't know how to truly give it."
"Shang tsung was also a healing soul. Much like you. He was always trying his best to fight for those he loved. Much like liu kang. But unlike liu kang,he didn't have the same experiences of friendship,closeness,and love as my many other warriors i have trained in my eternal life"
I asked raiden after getting this insight.
"Lord raiden. If shang tsung,did have that do you think he'd be different?"
Raiden sighed
"Perhaps. This knaws at me every day. But then again. Perhaps not. It's hard to say. But this isn't about him. What i am trying to tell you. Is don't let that spark die out. You keep that faith. Please. If not in me,if not in the cause for you realm. Then the principals of you as a warrior and a healing force"
"Never forget krista that there are people that love you. Genuinely. That your friends love you. That i lo..that you are important."
I looked at him,slightly catching that pause.
But smiled and continued sitting and laying against his chest.
"Domo,raiden-sama. I needed this"
Raiden smiled rubbing my back.
"Of course,anytime"
He kissed the top of my head.
We then chatted some more. But i remembered i needed to get home.
Raiden looked at me and said. "I could fly you there. It's not far right?" "I mean it beats walking" raising a brow with a cheeky expression.
"Well yeah i mean. I guess it would" i said. But before i could continue. He picked me up. Scooping me bridal style. And flew out the doors of the teahouse.
Not a single raindrop hit us as we flew down the road in the sky.
We came to my apartment patio. He sat me down.
I said to him
"Thank you raiden,for everything."
He smiled at me and said
"Of course. Oh and next time? Just call my name and I'll be there."
I laughed a bit at that. "Of course lord raiden" smiling as he flew off.
I felt lighter. But i still wondered...why did he feel like he had guilt for shang tsung being how he was. If it was his choice than why feel guilt over something he chose? What happened?" But i guess that was for another visit. But more importantly than that.
"What was that pause when he said that i am loved? Could he have been trying to say that he loves....nah. I'm overthinking it."
But i couldn't help but blush at the thought.
The rain felt more calm now.
I got my cup and brewed some tea.
Sat down. And gave the rain a proper listen this time...it's beautiful. Just like the god that creates it. Like a beautiful haiku,a song,or a painter.
The tea was good too.
My soul was at ease now.
His eyes,Soft...like the rain.
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