#my mad fat diary fic
peterjakes · 2 years
My Mad Fat Diary Fanfic - Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Selfish Mutterings
Archie meets up with Finn and realises how selfish he has been. From trying to avoid Barney, the two end up together once again but Archie cracks. 
also posted on ao3; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20154688/chapters/106548834
Archie hadn’t seen Barney in almost three weeks, not that he was counting. After their last encounter, Archie wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel. Maybe Barney hadn’t remembered certain parts, they were pretty drunk and when you’re drunk, you can blackout, forget stuff. But Archie didn’t forget, he didn’t forget any of it. And that wasn’t because he was clinging onto meaningless things. No, Archie remembered them because they did actually happen. But what Barney had said at college that day, he clearly had remembered them. He even said those words out loud, even if they were only whispered. But Barney had clearly been thinking about what had happened, why would he have corned Archie if he didn’t care? He could have just ignored it, but maybe that would have been even more awkward. Maybe Archie was overthinking it all, which was something he regularly did.
Archie knew he had to clear his mind of all this Barney stuff, it was messing with his head and honestly, he didn’t want to deal with that anymore. He wanted to actually enjoy the time he had left in Lincolnshire before heading up to Durham and probably never seeing half of these people again. No, that wasn’t true. Maybe he wouldn’t speak to Izzy or Chloe. Maybe not even Rae. Or Chop. But Finn? Well, Archie couldn’t imagine his life without Finn in it. He hadn’t really spoken to Finn much in the past few weeks, too entangled in his own drama. And that wasn’t fair. Finn was always there for Archie, always. Archie had just been selfish, worrying about a boy who didn’t even like him, who didn’t even know what he wanted. It was all so stupid. It was obvious something was going on with Finn and Rae, which Archie didn’t like to see. Those two were perfect for each other, and maybe they’d have a few bumps along the way, but everything needed to work out for them. They both deserved it. Finn was never a big speaker, Archie knew that. And Archie never wanted to pry, but he hadn’t managed to get anything from Rae. She was keeping her lips firmly sealed, as was Chloe, which was very unlike her. Maybe Rae hadn’t told Chloe anything, maybe there wasn’t anything to worry about. Maybe Archie was just being extra cautious.
Archie hadn’t managed to get any more out of Finn when they met up in the park. It was a spur of the moment thing; Archie wasn’t intending of interrogating Finn, but it was nice to have something else to think of. Finn was wearing his signature leather jacket with a loose grey tee and jeans. Archie noticed how scruffy Finn looked, more so than usual. Archie couldn’t say he looked great himself, he was sure he’d worn this t-shirt yesterday, it definitely hadn’t been washed. But Archie doubted that Finn would even care.
“You alright?” Archie greeted Finn, trying to put on a brave face. It was clear to Archie that Finn wasn’t himself, and Archie could say he felt the same. But something felt odd.
“Nah, not really.” Finn was avoiding Archie, making sure not to look at him. It was as if he couldn’t face the two pairs of eyes meeting. Finn knew that the moment they looked at each other, he’d just crumble. Archie knew Finn, maybe more than anyone. Archie was one of the only people Finn could be honest with. But he was struggling with things more now, it had become harder.
“Yeah, I know how you feel.” Archie didn’t want to wallow in self-pity, and after realized how selfish he was being. But in that moment, he felt like only his problems mattered.
“S’up, Arch?” Finn moved to pull out a cigarette, lighting it and glancing over to Archie, watching him intently.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” That was a lie, a big one. Archie knew it, and so did Finn.
Finn waited a moment before turning to Archie, head on.
“It’s her anniversary, ‘ya know.” Shit, it was. It had been 8 years since Finn’s mum had died. It wasn’t that Archie had forgotten, of course he hadn’t. But Finn didn’t grieve very publicly, not after that first year. Archie sometimes took flowers to her grave, if he was passing. Finn knew this of course, he knew Archie always bought the peonies, but they never spoke about it. Finn rarely spoke about his mum to anyone, only briefly mentioning it to Rae and Archie. Others knew but never wanted to push him. Archie didn’t either, but maybe this was why Finn was struggling. It made Archie’s struggles seem so meaningless. He still had his mum. She had seen him grow up into who he was today. And his mum was always so supportive, she tried her best. Archie couldn’t imagine life without her either.
“Doesn’t feel that long, does it? Like nothing’s changed.” He was wrong of course, so much had changed and sometimes Archie wish he could turn back the clock. Do things differently. But that was never going to happen.
“Everything ‘as, Arch.”
“I know. Have you spoke to Rae-“
“’bout me mum?” Finn questioned Archie, almost confused. He wasn’t talking about Rae, wasn’t thinking about Rae right now. It was obvious the two were having problems, but Finn didn’t want to talk about that, not right now. He wasn’t sure if he even wanted to talk about his mum. But talking to Archie, or even just spending time with him, it had always worked in the past. It had helped, in some way. Distracted him. And that’s what Finn needed.
“About anything. I thought you two were doing alright but-“
“We’re fine.” Finn answered almost at the exact time Archie had finished speaking, as if he knew exactly what Archie was going to say.
“Would Rae say the same? Look, mate, I just care about you, both of you.”
“Should start caring ‘bout ‘self ‘bit more.” That was harsh, Finn knew that, but it had to be said. It was becoming clearer and clearer than something was happening with Archie. Finn didn’t want to force anything out of him, just like he knew Archie wouldn’t do to him. But he cared about it and he wanted to help.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Feeling taken aback, Archie moved his glasses upwards.
“Come on, Arch. I’m not an idiot. Did ‘ya ever go and see someone, like ‘ya said?”
“No, I don’t…I don’t need to.”
Archie could tell Finn was pissed off, maybe not at him, but it did feel a bit like that. There were only a few times Archie could remember when they had argued or even disagreed. One of the more recent times was when Archie had decided to ask Rae out and then didn’t even bother to turn up. Archie was being a coward. He liked Rae, even back then, more than most people but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He’d done it to other girls before, and every single time he was a coward. He couldn’t even tell Rae himself; making Finn do his dirty work. Finn did it, of course he did, he was his best mate. But Archie couldn’t help but feel a little bit of judgement from Finn. Archie knew now that maybe Finn just wanted Archie to be honest with himself. That was the first step.
“I’m sorry. Everything just feels so shit, but you know I’m here if you need?”
“’Course I do, bud.” Finn gave Archie a quick smile, but Archie could have sworn it was genuine.
The gang along with some others were hanging down the rec, the spring weather was picking up now and Archie couldn’t wait until the summer. Things just seemed much easier when the sun was blaring down at you. But being closer to the summer meant being closer to everything changing. Archie wasn’t sure if he was quite ready for that yet. He’d been so preoccupied with everything that he’d let his studies slip, only a little, but it enough for him to notice. He hated himself for that, the whole point of everything was for him to go to college, get out and make a life for himself. What was he doing?
But then again, he was only 18. He still had his whole lie ahead of him. He didn’t have to be a constant worrier. Maybe he should try to enjoy himself more. Ignoring everything that had happened over the past few months, when was the last time Archie actually enjoyed himself? Actually smiled. Was actually happy. Archie couldn’t remember. Maybe it was time for him to put himself first for once, and actually put himself first.
With this new state of mind, Archie felt much lighter. It was good to be hanging with the gang, everyone seemed to be getting on as much as they could. After his chat with Finn, he didn’t want to concern himself too much with any troubles Rae and Finn may be having. It was their relationship, not his. But they seemed better today. The two were sitting together, their legs intertwined with each other’s. They seemed to be talking about something, but it didn’t seem too deep. Rae was talking with her hands, whilst Finn watched her, smiling.
Izzy was occupied with Chloe, rambling on about some new film she’d gone to seen. Her and Chop were a little distant, but Chop hadn’t seen to notice. Smoking cigarettes with Little Al and Lizard like he didn’t have a care in the world. Chloe seemed happy, she was laughing and smiling. Her eyes lit up whenever Archie and Chloe locked eyes, he was happy to see her like this.  
One person was missing. The lads hadn’t mentioned anything about Barney, not even acknowledging his absence. Archie hadn’t even noticed at first, he was too occupied trying to focus on something else for a change. It was true that Barney didn’t always turn up, it was very often that he would agree to things but never appear. He was always such a mystery.
But he wasn’t missing today. There he was, walking towards the group slowing, with a big smile on his face.
Barney. Shit. No, not shit. It didn’t matter that Barney was there. Of course, they were bound to bump into each other at some point. Barney didn’t want to talk or think about what had happened, so why should Archie? He wasn’t going to ignore him, that would be dumb, but he wasn’t going fawn all over him either. He was over that now. He didn’t want that. Greeted by the lads, Barney gave them all a wide smile, his teeth glistening in the sunlight. Archie was still sitting down; he hadn’t rushed to say hello and that was obvious to Barney.
“’lright, there, Arch?” Barney stumbled down beside Archie, seemingly ignoring everyone else. Archie could smell the beer from his breath, he was clearly already quite drunk. Much drunker than everyone else there. Barney shifted closer to Archie as he sat, his thighs almost leaning up against the boy beside him.
Archie nodded, trying to move away from Barney as subtly as he could. But in hindsight it didn’t actually matter, considering Barney was pretty drunk. “I’m fine, fine.”
“Well, that’s good, ain’t it?” Barney smiled at Archie; his eyes all dazed. He glanced around to the rest of the group, all in their own little worlds, as if to make sure no one was watching the two. “Beer?” Motioning over to the beer bottles sitting in the middle of the grass, Barney moved over to grab them before Archie could even answer.
“Er, yeah. Sure you should have one? You reek, Barney.” Taking a beer from Barney’s shaking hand, Archie couldn’t help but feel some concern for Barney. He didn’t hate him, far from that, he was worried about him. Regardless of what had happened.
“’t’s fine, stop fussing, Archie.” Barney tried to playfully push Archie off but ended up falling back himself. Archie couldn’t help but smile; Barney making a fool of himself is exactly what Archie needed right now. Archie watched Barney for a moment, before pulling him back up to reality.
“Fine, fine.” Archie nodded, wanting some normality between the two, although he knew it was unlikely that he was going to get it.
Barney seemed to ignore this comment, and just babbled on about pointless shit for the next 10 minutes. He did love the sound of his own voice, Archie understood that at least. And any other time, Archie would have hung onto every word that escaped Barney’s mouth. But not today.
It wasn’t until around 5 minutes later that Barney suddenly stopped look directly at Archie. He looked the way he looked when they kissed those few weeks ago at the party. Archie wasn’t sure whether Barney would do that again. He was drunk but everyone else was around, Barney wouldn’t risk it.
“We should go for a walk, stretch me legs, eh?” Before Archie could even contemplate an answer, Barney had pulled him up and started to walk away from the rest of their friends. He started rambling on about some funny story he thought Archie would like, but Archie wasn’t listening, not really. He wasn’t thinking about the story, but how angry he was getting. How hurt he really was. And how Barney didn’t even seem to know what he’d done.
Barney was acting normal, as it nothing had happened. It was starting to get pretty annoying. Archie hadn’t wanted to mention it, but keeping it hidden wasn’t going to help anyone. Archie was going to crack.
All of a sudden, Barney had fallen to the ground. Archie was getting tired of this. Tired of being his helper, tired of tiptoeing around him. Enough was enough.
“Fuck, Archie…” Putting his hands out for Archie to pull him up, Barney smiled at him, as he was expecting Archie to fall down and do exactly what he wanted. But that wasn’t going to happen. Archie watched Barney struggle until he managed to pull himself up without Archie’s help.
“You can’t mess me about, Barney. It’s not fair. You don’t get what it’s like for me! It’s been … it’s been fucking hard, ‘lright? Guys like you, you just …you don’t know the effect you can have.” Archie tried his best to not raise his voice but he just couldn’t help it. He was angry now. It just wasn’t fair.
“Mate!” Barney seemed confused, which only made Archie more annoyed. Why wasn’t he getting it? Why did he think this was all OK?
“You can’t just… do the things you do and say the things you say!” The desperation was seeping through Archie’s voice, he just couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted Barney to at least understand. Archie couldn’t keep it all bottled up, not now.
“Mate, I get it, ‘lright? I do. ‘m sorry. Didn’t mean to ‘urt you, you’re a mate.”
“A mate? Right. Mates. You shouldn’t keep kissing a mate and then decide you don’t like it. That’s not on. I already get enough shit from people” Archie was angry, really angry. There’s only been a few standout moments in Archie’s life when he felt like he was going to explode. “I don’t need you making me look like an idiot.” Archie said calmly, but still making sure to Barney that he didn’t want to be messed about anymore and he wasn’t going to take it sitting down.
“You’re not an idiot, Arch. I… ‘m sorry. Real sorry. Fucked up, didn’t I? Forgive me? Please, Arch.” It had finally come, Barney had finally realized or at least started to understand what was happening. Barney tugged on Archie’s arm, hard, as if he didn’t want to ever let go. His eyes were wide, and he mind seem to be working quickly. But that didn’t matter. Archie had said what he’d wanted to say and there nothing else to be done.
“I think I need to go home. I’ll see ‘ya around Barney.”
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rockinthebeastmode · 1 year
guess who realized shes been giving previews on AO3 and not here? so heres a few tings ive been pondering over. please enjoy and thx for reading lovelies
Night Shift VI
Rae woke reluctantly to music playing and kitchen noise and she wearily rolled out of bed to stumble to the loo. After making herself halfway presentable, she went to the kitchen, surprised to see the myriad of food cooking.
“Oi, get back in bed,” Finn instructed, waving a spatula at her, “Breakfast’s not done.”
“Shite...you’re a morning person,” she grumbled, his answering grin nearly blinding her. Wine hangovers were always the worst.
He chuckled and kissed her neck before returning to the stovetop. He moved around expertly and Rae went about making tea. Finn already had the kettle on so she grabbed sugar and bourbon. She poured a healthy splash in a mug while he was turned away and then surreptitiously put the bottle away.
“Y’dont have to hide it.” She frowned and he shrugged, “I understand.”
“Do you?” She wasn’t sure she could believe him. He hesitated.
“I was in rehab awhile back.”
“For drinking?”
“Not entirely,” he swallowed before going on, “I used to be a cokehead, but then it was pain pills and alcohol…”
“Anything else?” She couldn’t say she was shocked but certainly didn’t think he was the type.
“Just spliff,” He joked weakly, his head tilting, “What about you?”
“Not really…” she shrugged, “I’ve tried stuff at parties but nothing else stuck.”
“Good,” he said genuinely, pain behind his eyes as he nodded and looked her over.
“C’mon,” he took her hand and urged her into the hall, “Back to bed with you. Food’s almost up, alright?”
Rae didn’t argue, her stomach rumbling embarrassingly loud.
He lingered after she sat at the foot of the bed, kissing her firmly and she held him to her with a hand in his hair, the other running down his bare chest. He allowed the kiss to deepen, his tongue sliding along hers but he shortly leaned away with a sigh.
“You’ll be the death of me, girl,” he whispered, shaking his head.
“I could say the same,” she added, raising a brow at him before tugging him back, her lips pressing to his hard.
He groaned, his fingers moving through her hair and running over her cheek. His thumb stroked over her chin and he held her to him as he devoured her inside and out. She whimpered slightly when he pulled back again, his breath short.
“Okay…” He took a deep breath, “Breakfast,” he reminded them both, smiling wide at her instant pout. He backed a step and turned, hands fisting at his sides.
Doin’ Time II
Finn rubbed his hands together in happy anticipation as Rae finished stirring the batter into smooth waves.
“Let’s have a taste then,” Finn beamed, already reaching for the spoon. Rae smacked his hand away, scowling at his affronted grunt.
“No, there’s raw egg, knobhead,” she protested, holding the bowl away from him.
He kept his arms outstretched around her frame to grab for it and she laughed and shifted as he pressed to her side, her arse sliding across his front. He stiffened, barely stopping his arms from encircling her waist, and instead dropping them to his side. She spun away from him, a cheeky smile in place. She placed the bowl on the counter, a dollop of batter smearing across her thumb. She licked it away without thinking and her eyes widened when Finn raised his brows at her, a devious grin forming.
“So that’s how it’s gonna be?” he drawled, advancing towards her slowly. She kept her back to the bowl and when he reached her, she grabbed his biceps, holding him back.
“Don’t you dare, Nelson,” Rae breathed, her fingers light on his skin. Her grip tightened when he leaned closer to her.
All Mixed Up II
Rae was all moved in a couple weeks later. She was still nervous about it but glad to be with Chloe and saving money.
Unfortunately, her first few days were a bit lonely. Chloe was balancing uni and modeling gigs, both of which kept her out of the house often. Archie, who’s parents apparently owned the house, wasn’t around much either, with his schooling as well as a rumoured relationship. Rae was left to settle in with only Finn there; however, he seemed to be in and out a lot. She guessed he had classes too but she quickly noticed his early morning entrances, sometimes with a girl, sometimes not, but he always ended up passing out somewhere other than his room.
She suspected he was a bit of a drinker, given the state of him when she’d come across his unconscious body but that wasn’t any of her business—she really had no idea what he was about now that they were out of college and older.
Back then, he’d been cocky and somewhat arrogant but showed a totally different side when she’d put him in his place.
Now, he was more subdued and obviously no less of a flirt but the girls he brought home never stayed long. In fact, there wasn't a single time one had been in his room longer than an hour at the most.
Curiosity overwhelmed her and she found herself asking Archie about him, knowing how close they were.
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commonpeople-fic · 2 years
ok, so...I know you promised that you're still working on this story that despite myself I am still obsessed with... and I know we won't get a new chapter until it's complete and perfect, but.... how about a tiny preview, like just a few paragraphes, to keep the dream alive?? :D If you don't want to, I understand and no pressure. I will wait until you feel it's ready! xxx
Dear anon!
You are wonderful, thank you so much for still carrying a torch for this story :) It's been a while since I could devote any brain power to writing, or the time for writing as a hobby, when I needed to write for pay (and you guys know I hate writing, so that was too much writing...).
HOWEVER, from time to time me and @madfatty my lovely beta and friend, had been sporadically working on it. We were making real progress... and then I decided to re-work an entire plot point, so now there's even more writing to do 😐
I guess what I'm saying is - as always - it's coming, only very slowly. And yes, dearest anon, as per your request, here's a small part of the next chapter. Note that it's not fully beta-ed! so all mistakes are mine alone. Oh, and you don't get much of anything really interesting (I know what your guys are really interested in wink wink). But hey.
I hope this helps to restore your faith in me... and thank you for asking! 💖💖💖 Shiri AKA Witchstuff
Excerpt from Common People, chapter 9
... Forty minutes later, Rae is feeling a whole lot better. She’s still got tremors in her hands, she can still feel the choking tears in her aching throat, but when you go through a magical door into an alternate universe made of light and noise and people and excited expectation, other shit tends to fade into the background. 
Rae’s never felt anything like it before. Every fantasy she’s ever had about attending a big concert to watch proper musicians that she loves, has paled in comparison with the feeling of actually standing in the venue, in the middle of the enormous lobby crowded with people who are just as excited as she is. She’s trying to take it all in, her eyes are gobbling it all up, to remember every moment, every sound.
On the one hand, she’s never been anywhere that’s more her in all her life. The noise, the excitement, the fans practically climbing out of their skin from sheer anticipation; that is exactly how she should spend her life. Band T-shirts and the occasional snippet of excited music-related conversation made her feel she’s finally in her element; these are  her people.
On the other hand,it’s all absolutely terrifying. Rae feels uniquely exposed, as if they all can see how clueless she is. As if they all know each other, but she’s a stranger at the party and they can all tell that it’s her first time and that she’s a total poseur who just doesn’t belong.
She’d spent twenty minutes with her back to a wall, as befitting a wallflower who suddenly found herself at the cool kids’ party unprepared. She wants to go exploring, check out the merchandise booth, piled high with Stone Roses garments calling her name. She wants to make eye contact with some of the fans and maybe get into a conversation about her favorite topic. But she just has to hold the wall up, can’t just step away from it, she’s holding her personal sky from falling.
Clasping her hands in a futile attempt to get rid of the tremors, she takes a big breath and shuts her eyes, frantically trying to remind herself this is the best night of her life. They don’t know you, she repeats inwardly, they don’t know you’re not like them. She’s still trying to convince her feet to move, her body to fake confidence and walk to the merch booth, when her ears catch a bit of the conversation taking place not too far from her. “- shouldn’t have worn these dumb clothes. I should’ve put on my own shirt, like that cool girl. Look at her, she’s fucking boss”. “You look hot, though!”, says another girl, sounding apologetic. Her friend’s not having it. Her voice rises in frustration. “I look dumb and I’ve got high heels on, for fuck sake. Is the cool girl wearing high heels? No. She’s got converse on and she looks fucking perfect…” The drive-by convo moves past Rae and now she sees the pretty, leggy blond girl in a hot-pink mini dress throwing adoring looks back her way. Rae almost turns to look for the “cool girl” in question when she realizes in shock, they’re looking right at her. At Rae.
For a few seconds more, she continues to stare blindly at the spot where both girls (proper girls, girly girls, Chloe-type girls, what her mum wants her to be type-girls), had disappeared into the crowd. 
They were literally talking about her.
Rae smiles and goes exploring. 
She stands in front of the merch booth and she’s close to tears again, this time in frustration at how unfair life is. Every fucking thing on that table is so bloody expensive, Rae would need to go home, get a job, work for a month and come back, and even then she could probably only afford like a key chain or something. She checks out every product anyway, trying to console herself that the designs aren’t that great, that there isn’t that much variety, that she prefers underground stuff made by fans, not corporations… she can almost believe it. 
A bored looking sales girl asks if she can help her. Rae pretends that she’s interested in purchasing a T-shirt. And then, it happens. Of all the things that could go wrong, and really, the way this night is going, it could be anything, the one thing she never expected, was that she’d be standing by the merch table, with an impatient sales girl suggesting loudly that she get a Men’s XXL, because “They don’t make women’s shirts in your size”, and that would be the moment she runs into Finn fucking-everywhere Nelson.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: My Mad Fat Diary Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rae Earl & Finn Nelson, Rae Earl & Chloe Gemmel, Archie & Rae Earl, Rae Earl & Izzy, Rae Earl/Original Female Character(s), Archie & Chloe Gemmel, Chloe Gemmel & Finn Nelson, Chloe Gemmel & Izzy Characters: Rae Earl, Izzy (My Mad Fat Diary), Chloe Gemmel, Archie (My Mad Fat Diary), Finn Nelson, Chop Peters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, #Hot Girl Summer, Queerplatonic Relationships, Summer Vacation, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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blingblong55 · 6 months
When I’m done with all requests, let’s thank this bot and “My Mad Fat Diary” for the fic I’ll post on this for my plus size pookies
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hrhmiat · 8 months
The Princess Diaries: KEEP OUT!
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I swear, I had a story to tell a year ago when I first thought of this fanfction about what happened on Mia's prom night. But seriously, I didn't think it would turn into what it is today! I am SOO full of joy and my heart is warmed by the amount of people who have expressed their interest and desire for me to keep writing this fic. As I sit here writing Chapter 10, I am so proud of myself to say, that as a fanfiction writer that I've actually gotten to chapter 10!!!! In the years I've been writing fanfics (since 2019, mostly in my favorite anime called, Gundam Wing) I've tried many of times to start chapter fics, but never end up writing more than two or three chapters. (Even though, I will never give up any of my stories that I've started) I think this story is what I needed, to inspire me to figure out how to move forward with my fears of continuing a story to completion. So, thank you to myself. Thank you to the people who have helped me through the years to become a better writer, thank you to my friends, my beta's and thank you to the people who keep inspiring me. On that note: Michael and MIA FOREVER!< 3! <3 The Princess Diaries: KEEP OUT! Chapter 3 An excerpt from The Princess Diaries: KEEP OUT! Chapter 3:
I am so mad right now. Hello, I'm eighteen years old! Where are my rights as an adult?! Where are the freedoms I gained graduating high school?!
I guess it's impractical for a princess like me.
It's as though I am Rapunzel, maliciously locked away in my tower, awaiting my handsome prince to arrive, reciting, 'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair.' And then I'd let my long golden locks fall aiding to my rescue. Okay, well, I don't have THAT long of hair. And thank GOD my hair finally reaches my shoulders now. I have no idea why I went full Britney two years ago. But anyway, my alternative, or at least the ‘city life’ tower would be sending the fire escape steps down to allow passage for my one true love to save me from this God-awful New York City loft. Although, now that I think about it, I have it way worse than Rapunzel; at least she wasn’t chaperoned and forced to the confines of a small Manhattan apartment with her parental units chasing after her baby brother, who is causing such a ruckus right now!
There is no peace for me!
Anyway, why am I angry? Because I'm not allowed to see Michael tonight, which ruins our plans for the evening! And now I have to wait another day for Michael to install the firewall he promised to integrate into my phone so that TMZ or any other potential hacker can't access my private text messages and pictures! Not that I have any pictures that are incriminating to leak onto the internet. I hardly think anyone would be interested in thousands of photos of my baby brother, Rocky, or my cat, Fat Louie. I mean, they are both VERY cute, but nothing worth headlining the gossip columns:
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tadacorner · 10 months
Just saw this clip from High Fidelity and i just had to say this to people who would get it. A crossover fic with the my mad fat diary gang set in their world would be so perfect.
i barely remember the film but now I have to watch it. Like it could just build off the record store vibe alone. That's so Rae and Finn, the music snobs. 😆
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endemictoearth · 10 months
Hi! I remember reading a my mad fat diary fanfic a few years ago and I feel like it might’ve been yours! Where can I find what you have written??
Hello, kind stranger! I have the vast majority of my fics over on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/endemictoearth/works
I just updated my bio to include that; I am a terrible tumblr-er, and even worse fic writer/promoter.
Hope you find what you're looking for!
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them-bo-dacious · 10 months
As a fat person this fic is the best thing that has happened to me since My Mad Fat Diary
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
Did any of y'all catch my, "My Mad Fat Diary" reference in my last fic? Chloe and Rae are two characters in that show. Y'all should go watch it, its streaming on Hulu😁
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peterjakes · 2 years
My Mad Fat Diary Fanfic - Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Wicked Smile
happy new year everyone!
here's a barney centric chapter, focusing on him dealing with his feelings and emotions
I actually quite enjoyed writing this one!
enjoy! x
also posted on ao3; https://archiveofourown.org/works/20154688/chapters/90845539
Barney was the type of guy that everyone could get along with. He was funny, could always take a joke as much as he’d give one, never got too angry, and had a wicked smile. Or at least he thought so. He also like to think that he was pretty popular with the girls, even though he hadn’t kissed a girl in about two months. Well, he had been kissed, but he was trying to not think about how Archie’s lips formed and the smoothness he felt when they last came together. No, Barney wasn’t thinking about Archie or his lips.
He always had a feeling about Archie.
Not that kind of feeling. Not that he knew about him or anything. Just that he was slightly different from everyone else he hung around with. Archie was different to Finn and Chop, and to outsiders, their friendship did seem very unlikely. Even Barney thought so himself when he was first introduced to Archie. Archie was clever. Witty. Quiet. But then there was this side of him and Barney could see it so clearly. What Finn and Chop saw in him. And that’s when Barney knew he was a top lad.
And Barney meant that. He liked Archie. He always laughed at Barney’s jokes, even when they weren’t even that funny (which wasn’t often), he listened to his stories and only interrupted to add something or to show interest. Archie’s music taste wasn’t the best, the band they had in common was Oasis but come on, everyone with ears likes Oasis. All the indie crap that Archie would talk to Barney about wasn’t the best, although when Archie suggested Barney listen to School Disco by Bis, because it was less indie and more of a dance tune, Barney was pleasantly surprised. He’d also listened to Big by New Fast Automatic Daffodils on repeat for about a week after Archie played it to him from Chop’s speakers whilst all the lads were down the rec. Knebworth was a laugh; Finn seemed preoccupied the whole time and didn’t seem to enjoy it, Chop was literally on one and Archie seemed to have the time of his life.
Archie had tried to bore Barney with a bunch of historical tossers that Barney didn’t care about, but Archie was so enthusiastic, so passionate that Barney didn’t block him out. He liked it when people actually cared about stuff. It might not have been the most interesting conversation, but it seemed to mean something to Archie, so Barney listened or at least tried to.
Barney also didn’t mind admitting how impressed he was when Archie first played a song down the pub. If Barney remembered correctly, it was an acoustic version of Paul McCartney’s Pipes of Peace – one of Barney’s favourite Christmas songs. He played it in a way Barney had never heard of it before. It was pretty special. Barney wasn’t always there, but he’d occasionally see Archie play and he was amazing. That was clear to see.
Archie had also been there when Barney’s parents had split up. That was one of the worst times in his life, and he didn’t like to admit that. It wasn’t like other people weren’t there for him. Little Al and Lizard, were his best mates, but they had their own shit to deal with. Barney wasn’t always his true self with them either. Not that he was pretending to be someone he wasn’t or hiding a certain aspect of himself. No. Barney was proud of who he was – why shouldn’t he be? But yeah, sometimes he did put on a bit of a front. That’s what lads his age did. He wasn’t proud. It was just routine.
Archie had found Barney, wallowing in his sorrows one spring evening in the park just around the corner from college. He’d only gone to the park for a walk to clear his head, not wanting to bump into anyone. He almost diverted himself to avoid Barney, but as soon as he got near him, it became clear that Barney was not having a good time. He was sitting on a park bench; well Archie wasn’t sure if he would call it ‘sitting’. He was almost sprawled on the bench, surrounded by beer cans. He looked bad, seriously bad. Archie could tell something had happened. At that point, Archie didn’t know Barney too well, but it was clear to see Barney wasn’t in a good place. Archie had wanted to be by himself, have some time to think but this was a good distraction from everything.
“Barney? You alright?” Archie walked slowly towards the disheveled Barney, who didn’t seem to know where or who he was.
“Dandy.” Barney nodded, barely opening his eyes. He was sweating and had mud all over his Levi’s. This was not a good look, especially as Archie knew Barney prided himself on his appearance.
“Yeah, you look it. “ Looking Barney up and down, trying not to judge, and then directing his eyes at the beer cans, Archie wondered what had got him in this state. It was unusual, to say the least. Barney was always so slick, so refined. He was always laughing and joking, never taking anything or anyone serious. This wasn’t the Barney Archie knew. This wasn’t the confident lad who kissed Archie at the sexy party. Shit, why was Archie even thinking about that now?
“They were on offer.” Barney had tried to sit up, but his body didn’t seem to let him. He just fell back to his original position, barely sitting against the bench.
“Right. Any reason why you’re here?”
“Can’t I come to park? Why are you ‘ere?”
“Needed to clear my head.”
“Heh.” Barney made a noise that sounded like a laugh, but to be honest he was pretty hard to understand. Archie started to move some of the scattered beer cans off the right side of the bench and scooted next to Barney. The two boys sat in silence for a while, just being in each other’s company. Archie wasn’t sure how to deal with this situation. He couldn’t leave Barney here, not in this state. But he wasn’t being particularly helpful either. Archie wasn’t strong enough to force Barney somewhere else but he doubted Barney would thank him if Archie got some of the lads to help. Luckily for Archie, Barney had now managed to sit up and was about to divulge into what had happened.
“Me parents. They…me dad’s gone.” Barney sighed, picked up one of the half-empty beer cans, and swigged it back. Shit, that was shit, Archie knew that. He was lucky with his parents. They loved each other, from what Archie could see and Archie couldn’t imagine them ever splitting up. Archie didn’t know much about Barney’s parents or his family, really. Barney was pretty secretive about that stuff but it had obviously affected him. He was pretty cut up about it.
“Shit Barney, I’m sorry.” He was sorry, it was shit for anyone. Archie remembered when Finn had lost his mum, they were only 12 and Finn was in bits for months after. That was tough, Archie tried his best to be there for him but what can a 12-year-old really do? Luckily Finn did come out from the other side, he was never the same, but it was better.
“Don’t be, he was a prick.” Barney laughed, although his face fell soon after. Archie noticed how red his eyes were, had he been crying? Archie couldn’t blame him. It was almost strange seeing how vulnerable Barney was now, it was sad though.
“Come on.” Archie motioned towards the edge of the park, where the gates were. He knew he’d have to get Barney somewhere, try and sober him up. Just help him. Archie wasn’t sure Barney would want to, though.
“Let’s go sober you up.”
“Nah, I like being drunk.” Barney moved over Archie, bashing into him, trying to get another beer can. Archie managed to stop him, getting a grip on Barney’s wrist. He made sure not to hold on too tight, but his fingers lingered for a moment holding onto Barney.
“Yeah, well you won’t tomorrow, trust me. Just…come on. We’ll get you a kebab and some water, alright?” Archie gave Barney a small smile and a tap on his arm as if to reassure him.
“I don’t like kebabs.” Barney folded his arms in an act of defiance, but Archie could tell he wasn’t being serious.
“Well that’s bullshit, you necked down four last weekend.”
“I was drunk.”
“You’re drunk now.”
“Fair play, Archibald. Fair play.”
“Also, if any of those old biddies notice these beer cans, we’re gonna be in a lot of shit.”
This time was floating through Barney’s mind, more recently now. He wasn’t entirely sure why he was thinking about that meeting. Archie and Barney had spent plenty of other times together, more so recently – which was something that Barney was glad of. He liked Archie, yeah, he did. He meant what he told Archie that time down in the corner shop. It was a pretty brave thing to do, come out in Lincolnshire. He thought it was cool, but Barney…well he could never do anything like that. Not that Barney needed to, of course, he didn’t. Barney was very sure of himself, of course, he was. He was straight. He liked girls. He liked their boobs. Their bums. Their waists. But… there was a little nagging feeling at the back of his mind. A feeling he didn’t often let out. It was a feeling that only came out in the dead of night, when Barney would be lying in his bed, not being able to sleep. He’d allow it out just for a moment, but that was long enough for Barney. Archie…he did something to Barney. He made him feel good and the more time he spent with Archie, the more he wanted to be with him, basically all the time. It was a strange feeling; he’d never really felt like that before. Sure, he liked spending time with his mates, but he liked his own space too. He liked being by himself sometimes, although it was easier for Barney to be surrounded by people. He liked the attention, he liked people being impressed by him. But that did take a lot of work.
And girls, well Barney loved girls, of course, he did. He’d had tons and tons of girlfriends. He’d slept with loads too. But he wasn’t sure if he’d ever loved any of them. One came close, but that didn’t end too well. And as much as he loved the attention from the girls, he didn’t always want to spend every waking moment with them.
But Archie? Shit, Barney got excited when he saw him. He perked up whenever Archie sat next to him and they had a conversation. Archie was into having really deep conversations and most of the time Barney didn’t know what the fuck he was on about, but that didn’t matter. He liked him and liked when they talked.
Barney knew he couldn’t ignore what had happened between, though. After the party at Chop’s flat, when Archie had spoken to him outside, Barney had prayed he wouldn’t mention what happened in the bathroom. Barney remembered every single thing, but he couldn’t bring himself to talk about or even think about it. It was embarrassing. No, it wasn’t embarrassing. It was just…Barney didn’t know to be honest. He didn’t know what he was supposed to think or supposed to feel. It was like he could blame Archie. He was the one who initiated the kiss. He didn’t even know why he did it. The first time was nothing, they were just playing spin the bottle. You always end up kissing loads of people. Barney remembered one time he had to kiss Little Al, and well, he felt nothing. He didn’t remember feeling much that first time with Archie either. But that moment in the bathroom, when it was just him and Archie, Barney couldn’t help himself. But he was drunk, he was.
And then Archie did it again. He made him feel things he’d never really felt. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Archie made him feel good, almost free. But when Archie kissed Barney at Jonjo’s party, Barney didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t expected it for one. He wasn’t allowed to prepare himself. At least with spin the bottle he knew there would be a slight chance of kissing a lad. And at Chop’s well, as soon as it was just him and Archie in the bathtub, he had a feeling he had to do something. With some Dutch courage, of course. He was almost glad in a way that Archie had run off, he didn’t see him for the rest of the party and after that, well he wasn’t really in a party mood. He just got drunk. He got smashed actually and regretted it the next day. He almost wished he had seen Archie again. Barney didn’t know what he would have done or said to him, but there was a small part of him that wanted to see him again that night. Maybe it was the drink. Yeah, that could be it. Whenever anything happened between Barney and Archie, he was drunk. Yeah, that was a good enough reason.
Barney knew he had to talk to Archie, clear the air after that night. Maybe he was a bit harsh, but what if it happened again? What would that mean? Barney didn’t know. He wasn’t sure that he didn’t want that to happen. But no, it couldn’t, and it wouldn’t.
But the more time Barney and Archie spent together, the less Barney would be able to convince himself. And that was what he was afraid of.
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commonpeople-fic · 3 years
so i know u haven't updated in a while and it makes sense bc this story is so intricate and long and well done :) but i just wanted to let u know i think about this fic ALL THE TIME and even tho the fandom isn't as active anymore theres still people who are reading ur stuff and are excited for more chapters
Hi @laughterafter I think this Ask has been waiting in my mailbox for a long looong time, but I missed it. Today it caught my eye, and even though it's probably from a pre-pandemic era ;) I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you wrote. Knowing that there's a person out there still thinking about this story, unrelated even to the fandom, just because they love the story itself, was very powerful. Thank you so much for writing. I'll do my best to continue and finish CP for all, like, 6 of you who still are looking forward to reading it :D
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Currently rewatching MMFD start to finish for the umpteenth time and I forgot how much I love it.
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mariamirallegro · 3 years
Decided that come mid to end of May, I’ll FINALLY rewatch mmfd again it’s been far too long. I have made my decision it is decided!
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c-rankin93 · 7 years
Uncle Archie Knows Best
A/N: so me being the anti-social person i am, decided to troll Tumblr. When i came across THIS lovely post about MMFD prompts, and i haven't done a prompt for many moons.. soo.. i wrote this in about an hour, because of my 'shes no you' multi chapter creation. so hope you like it even if its just thrown together and i though id just add the tag list to my other Fic.
Runs and Hides now... Because i dont even know where this came from!
Archibald at your service...
Now let me tell you a story, a fickle little shrine to two people I love dearly. A story so pleasantly surprising you'll be wondering 'what happens next?' You've seen Rae's point of view, and maybe even Finn's, but have you viewed it from the outside looking in?
I can read Finn better then a poem written by Shakespeare himself, and Rae let's just say hostility and regret can never be covered by a sarcastic joke. Her facial expression tell a story of their own, I just so happen to be a fantastic Explorer. Summer of '96, currently 3 days, 7 hours and 19 minutes ago was the last time I had seen or heard from either Rae or Finn. Which was incredibly odd because I ALWAYS get the one moody phone call from Rae everyday, telling me to get my arse moving and to meet her at the pub. Oblivious to the time she's calling, which would be tethering on lunchtime. And I, being the early riser I am would already be wide awake and on my 3rd cup of peppermint tea. Finn on the other hand would just levitate around, half the time fading into the background by the jukebox until it was time to see Olivia. Olivia, Finn's new prized possession. The 24 year old business women that seemingly found a newly fresh 17 year old attractive enough to date. And if Finn's docile smiles have any indications, he really didn't know what she saw either. That stupid boy jumped head first into a pile of his own shit, when he got involve with Olivia. I know why he did it though, Rae hurt him that night she broke up with him. He wasn't stupid, he had heard the rumours about Liam and Rae. The kiss. The fight. He wasn't even keen to go on the date in the first place, but he walked outta the pizza place with a new girlfriend. Coincidence? Yeah, your probably right. So what happens when Uncle Archie knocks some sense into a dim witted Finn Nelson? Nothing. You know why? Because they hadn't contacted me in 3 days! No 'thank yous' or 'Fuck yous', just a whole lot of silence. My mind maybe a little fuzzy, my alcohol ingestion that night was more then I'm willing to disclose. But I do remember what I said to Finn outside the pub after Rae made a dramatic, but also quite hilarious exit... (Fades off into a memory. Woooohooo *spooky fingers*) "Finn, a word. Outside?" My eyes gravite towards the gang; who are still wondering 'what just happened?' Before they land on the boy in question. He too looked a little put out, but agreed to talk. Finn kissed Olivia's cheek quickly, then trailed after me into the bellow freezing temperatures of a summers night in Stamford. We huddled close together around the side of the pub, away from prying ears. He kept looking around, trying to see what direction Rae sprinted off to and when he saw her fading figure he frowned. "What the bloody hell were you thinking Finn!" I pointed an accusing finger at him and shoved it into his chest multiple times. "Wot?" He replied, defending himself from my unslaught. "What do you think your doing bring Olivia to the pub? Especially when you know Rae will be there!" This boy was smarter then he looked. He knew exactly what he had done tonight, he brang Olivia to show everyone he had moved on. He just had no idea that was the topic I chose to broach with him tonight, we'll until now. "I didn't do anythin' wrong Arch. Liv wanted to meet you all tonight, especially 'Cause she knew Rae was there. She wanted to get to know everyone." I swear gay men are the only smart creatures on this planet. "You twat! She was sizing up the completion! 'Oh Rae how lovely to meet you, Finn talks soo much about you'" I spoke with a girly accent. It wasn't my finest work, but at least I got my point across.   "And what's with all this cheesy nickname shit. Bug? Really Finn! When you guys chose pet names, were you laying in bed cuddling too?" "Hold up Arch! Remember Rae left me! Not the other way around. She has to use to me datin' other girls-" "Woman" I interrupted. "Girls-women whateva! I had to deal with it, so does she." I shook my head at the stupid boy I decided to call my best friend. "Do you not listen to the stories that get spread around school" I asked honestly. After socialising in the same circle as Macca and Simmy for a few weeks, I had grown a custom to the foul things they talked about involving the other students. And to my regret, Rae had been a topic well and truly covered. "What are you talking about? You know I can't stand college" Finn stressed running a hand through his hair. I caught him look in the direction Rae headed, but unfortunately her figure had disappeared by now. "After your little disabled toilets stun, you two became quite famous. I'm surprised you didn't hear about your little escapade floating in the wind." "You know nothin' happened. We talked, and I kissed her. And it shouldn't matter what happened in there anyway! It's nobody else's business." Sighing, I thought of a different way to broach the subject. "Finn its a place full of teens, gossip is their only form of communication. We are a nasty breed of people, that will twist and turn the truth until it's a plausible story. It doesn't matter what really happened. All they know is you and Rae locked yourselves in the toilet, alone, together. They have an imagination. Everyone thinks you two had fucked." Finn scoffed acting like it was the stupidest thing he has ever heard. Then it clicked. The clogs in this brain meshed together in harmony, he finally got what I was trying to say. "What are they saying about Rae?" "Do you want the truth? Or would you like me to sugar coat it?" I asked honestly. It didn't matter how and what I said, I know Finn was going to be mad once he finds out. "Truth." "They are saying along the lines of... Rae is a fat minging bird that you felt sorry for so you decided to give her a sympathy fuck..." "And she's heard this?" I nodded. "What about you and the rest of the gang? Have you heard this?" I regretfully nodded again. "Why hasn't anyone told me this shit! Why haven't you done anything about it Archie!" I bowed my head in shame. Here I am berating Finn about what he's doing to Rae when I too was only hurting her as well. "I honestly thought you knew and shrugged off the silly rumour like you normally do, I mean when you heard about Rae and Liam you laughed. And I know I should of done something Finn. I'm just trying to fit in at the moment, and I fucked up! We all fucked up" I sighed. "So she believe what people where saying about her then? That's why she broke up with me? Not because she didn't want to be with me but because she doesn't think she's worthy of me." "I don't know Finn" I shrugged. "She had a mental break down not that long ago. Anything could be going through her mind right now." Finn patted his jacket pocket, checking for his wallet and what not before looking back at me with a sad smile attached to his face. "I have to go talk to her before she gets to the pigeon race." I snorted. "Really Finn?" "Look just tell the others I had to run off, I-ugh-I had toooo..." "Go to a pigeon race?" I laughed. "Yeah whatever. Just tell Olivia I'll call her tomorrow" he shouted the last part as he darted across the road. He ran down the road leading to Rae's house. I hoped I had done the right thing. "CALL ME!" I shouted, but Finn had already faded into the black. "Well what to do now?" I mumbled to myself staring at the pub doors. I didn't particular want to venture back into that domain, especially without Finn in tow. Eh. I think chop will be quite alright with the ladies tonight. I started walking towards my car. I think it was time for a peppermint tea. (And.. CUT!) But he never called me.. He never picked up the phone, his dad being away on a work trip didn't help. Even Linda didn't spill the beans, she just said she was out. So you see my glorious friends, here is my little story about how Uncle Archie either saved the day or got himself into a load of shit. Time will tell to establish the ending of this story. All I know for one, is it won't be ending with someone jumping on a train to Bristol. I'll shut that shit down quick smart. So until then I will bid you farwell- *Ringing* "Holy fuck" I mumbled wiping the drool sliding down my chin. The ringing continued to blare through the room as I picked my head up from the desk I fell asleep at. I rubbed my forehead and groaned before reaching over my lamp to grab the phone. "Ello?" I croaked, sleep still evident in my voice. "Archie?" I bolted up right as soon as I heard Finn's voice, which caused me to fall backwards off the chair. I laid there a few seconds before dragging the receiver to my ear and taking the base with it causing it to land on my leg. Fuck. "Yeah?" "Did you just- never mind. What's going on?" "What's going on? WHAT'S GOING ON? Three fucking days Finn! No contact from you, nothing" I sat up straight. "What happened?" "Uh well I broke up with Olivia" Finn said warily. I snorted. "Don't give a toss about that! What happened with Rae did you find her?" "Yeah I found her." "And?" I stressed. I'd start going grey soon if Finn kept talking in riddles. "Here I am stressing. Having waky ass dreams about me narrating a story about you two and all your giving me is a short answer. I need information Finn Nelson!" "Are you alright Arch? You seem a bit strange this evening" Finn had the audacity to laugh. "Finn!" "Ohkay. Ohkay. We talk, no details. And we sorted stuff out. Starting fresh. We're going to try again." I smiled. Whatever Finn said actually worked. Honestly I thought the twat would fumble over his words, but he actually did it. I was like a proud father. "Ohkay that's good" I played it cool but inside I was jumping up and down like a school girl. "Are you Bellends coming to the pub anytime soon to socialise? Or are you two not quite ready to come out of your bubble?" "Nah we'll see ya tonight. Catch." "See you then." The line went dead and I sagged back onto the ground. Oh it was glorious being Uncle Archie. Being wise beyond my years, with a dramatic  group of friends that helped expand my growing ego. I could sell my story and become a millionaire one day.
*dramatized exit*
@lily-pop-2 @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus @hey1tskat1e @arathewallflower @mmfdfanfic @luly310 @l88cym @tinakegg @milllott @milymargot @lurkernolonger
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rockinthebeastmode · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if you were going to continue writing?! I absolutely love your stories and the way you write! I really hope you continue DLS, Night Shift, and Bad Company, some of my favs of yours! Have a good one :)
Absolutely! Tbh I havent been these past couple months but I definitely plan to try and write while I’m off work next week—taking some much needed vacation time to sort out my mental health and burnout 😝😅
I can’t give any previews of NS or BC bc of big spoilers 😬 and I dont have enough written of the next DLS to share but I can say the next couple are inspired by songs Business-CATB and Bloodsport-Raleigh Ritchie to give an idea!
Buuut theres a multichapter I was working on before this pandemic bullshit got worse, requested by @yes-please101 and a sneak peek-as well as tags- are under the cut! Thanks so much for reaching out! I appreciate it 😁
Finn hated making girls cry.
Not that he made a habit of it—he reckoned he could count on one hand the number of times he did within his twenty-some years, most being from middle and high school romances gone wrong. After starting uni and growing up a bit, he had a clean slate...until now.
“Look,” he started delicately, the girl swiping at her eyes as she moved away from him and off the bed, “I'm really sorry—”
“Don't bother,” she snapped before retrieving her clothes from the floor. His hand ran over his face and he sat up slightly, resting on his elbows.
“It's not you,” he said sheepishly and she nodded sarcastically, the bundle of clothes held against her bare chest.
“Thanks for the reassurance,” she snarked and he watched as she shook her head and turned to the door.
“See ya laters, yeah?” he offered, grimacing as her middle finger raised toward him and she strode past Archie with his hand raised to knock in the doorway. He looked down at Finn, shirtless and spread eagled on the bed with his jeans still undone.
”Didn't go well?”
His head raised just enough to stare at Archie coldly.
“I havent gotten off in two fucking years, mate.”
“Has it really been that long?” Archie said, slightly dumbfound. His head tilted curiously, “Maybe youre gay…”
Finn stifled a laugh and rolled off the bed to a stand. He smirked at Archie and stepped in front of him.
“If I was, I wouldn't be having this little problem, eh?” Finn patted his cheek, moving to pinch it as Archie scoffed and pushed him away, suppressing a smile.
Izzy appeared behind him with a flash of red hair, one of her million watt smiles at the ready.
“House meeting, in the kitchen,” she trilled, nearly jumping up and down as she urged them to follow her.
“For what?” Finn griped, bending for his shirt. He'd barely tugged it on and stood before she was dragging them down the hall excitedly.
When they entered, Finn sat down at Izzy's push but got up and turned the kettle on. Archie dropped to the table beside Chloe and smiled, wiggling his brows at her as Chop clapped for their attention.
“We have an announcement,” He paused for suspense, Finn rolling his eyes as he took mugs from the cupboard.
“We're moving out!” the two crowed simultaneously but to their chagrin, the three barely reacted.
Archie nodded with a murmured, ‘sweet’ while Chloe beamed encouragingly before inspecting her nails. Their exuberance faded as Finn focused on setting the table, his response little more than a grunt. Izzy seemed to sink before putting her hands on her hips.
“You lot don't even care!”
Finn snorted, Archie giving her an exasperated look.
“Well, Iz, it's not really a surprise. You two all loved up—”
“For months,” Finn emphatically chimed in from his bent position in front of the fridge.
“It's disgusting,” Archie finished, shaking his head, “Y’need your own space.” He shrugged and continued, only half joking, “When can I rent the room out?”
“The house will be ready later this week,” Chop grumbled as he dropped to a chair, his lips pursed.
“We’re mostly packed,” Izzy assured prickly, her arms crossing.
At that Archie stood and forced her into a tight hug, his arms winding around her neck and not long after, the others joined in, forming a laughing mess of tangled limbs.
“Oh, fucks sake…”
Rae ripped the bright pink eviction notice from the door, crumpling and shoving it in her bag. she struggled to unlock it, cursing as she finally entered the flat. She slammed the door behind her and leant against it, closing her eyes with a deep sigh. Rubbing at her temples, she shuffled to the kitchen and threw her bag onto the counter before taking her mail from it and thumbing through it quickly.
We regret to inform you your application has been denied—
“Blah blah blah,” she mumbled, tossing it aside.
Your account is past due, to avoid service interruption, please pay—
“Jesus,” she moaned lowly and pinched the bridge of her nose. She noticed the new message light blinking on her landline and pressed play, leaning over the counter with her hands clasped behind her head.
“Hey, it's me...I got the last of my shit out, left the keys on the counter… Liam trailed off and Rae looked up, frowning as she stared at the phone, “Y'know 'm sorry,” he apologized weakly before chuckling, “Maybe we’re too fucked up together.” Silence fell again and she could vaguely hear a voice in the background saying his name. “Right, talk laters then.”
The line clicked and Rae irritably wiped a tear away.
If you would like to save this message—
She bit her lip and quickly pressed ‘delete’ before going to the fridge for a much-needed beer.
She was surprised he’d called at all, given his penchant for avoiding conflict but he always loved having the last word. To be honest, she had planned on breaking it off soon anyway. She started looking at rentals and applying to jobs in hopes of moving out but he’d beat her to it.
If she’d known fucking a coworker would result in that, she would’ve done it months ago. With just her part time position at Town Records, finances were completely wrecked now. She drained half the beer in one pull, closing her eyes tight against frustrated tears.
The phone rang and her eyes opened, glaring as it continued. She considered ignoring it and going straight to bed but picked it up subconsciously.
“Hello,” she answered hesitantly, ready to yell if it was Liam's voice.
tagging these lovelies @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus @lilaviolet @laurielau @hey1tskat1e @tinakegg @kneekeyta @likeashootingstarfades @girl-looking-out-window @stinemarine @lurkernolonger @crystalgiddings1993 @milllott @milymargot @vivammfd @finn-nelson-for-the-win @ifinallyknow @isthistherightwayround @believethaticanandiwill @paisleystuff @arathewallflower @whatthefuckisthisfuckingfuckery
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list and if I missed anyone :)
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