#my mcshep memes
halestrom · 2 years
McShep + #8 for the Valentine’s Day prompts pls?
8. “This was the plan? You planned for this??”
John ducked as another bolt shot over his head and he turned, staring as Rodney pulled a gun from somewhere and handed it over. "What?" he asked, even as he started shooting back.
"What, what?" Rodney asked, putting spare ammo clips next to John.
"Why do you have a gun?" John demanded, rolling his shoulders and wishing he was wearing his BDU's instead of the suit Rodney had bullied him into.
"I planned for it," Rodney said, sliding another gun over to Ronon and Teyla who were both hiding behind a table across the aisle.
"Because its our wedding day! Nothing was going to stop me from marrying you!" Rodney snapped as he slammed a clip into his gun. "So I planned for everything. Including making sure we had guns in case someone tried to crash the wedding!"
"This was the plan? You planned for this??" John demanded, turning to stare at Rodney.
Rodney scowled, and John tried not to get distracted by how blue Rodney's eyes looked wearing the blue suit. "Yes! I planned for it!"
John...found himself charmed as he smiled at Rodney, who smiled back. He ignored the sound of the guns firing overhead, and Dave yelling in multiple languages as Jeannie yelled back at him.
"Can you shoot now, eyefuck later?" Ronon yelled, getting John's attention in time to see him pop up to shoot back at the members of the Trust who, for some reason, had decided to crash John's wedding.
John looked back at Rodney and grinned. "C'mon, we got a wedding to get to."
Rodney grinned back and the two of them started firing back. Hours later, when the police had arrived and carted off the Trust and the kids had been settled down, John held Rodney's hands and ignored the pain in his probably cracked ribs, or how Rodney's right eye was going to have a hell of a shiner and instead just looked at Rodney and realized, shoot out notwithstanding, he was the happiest he had been in a long time.
"Love you," John said, interrupting O'Neill's speech without care.
Rodney's smile was brighter than any sun. "Love you too."
O'Neill sighed and slammed his book shut. "Right, I pronounce you married. Go."
John kissed him, and it felt like coming home.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
kiss numbers: 36, mcshep
yessssss i always love an excuse to write a good mcshep fic
36- To Give Up Control
"I didn't fucking ask for this, you know."
Rodney looked at the Major, hurt and confusion radiating on his face.
"Uhh, you kind of did? I mean, you actually very explicitly asked me to come out and have a beer with you, so I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that," Rodney responded, and John let out a frustrated huff.
"No, I mean this," his arm waved around, encompassing the general space around them, "coming to Atlantis, being in command of an entire goddamn base of people, including civilians." John slammed back the rest of his beer- his second beer, Rodney noticed, and he was reaching for a third- and ran a hand through his hair.
"Oh," Rodney said, because he wasn't sure what else to say.
"I just... My career was practically over, I was banished to Antarctica, and then all because I sat in the wrong chair, I'm suddenly in charge of keeping people alive in a war I accidentally started in another galaxy? What the fuck, man?" John wasn't normally so honest or vocal about, well, anything, but the beer must have been enough to make the words start flowing, because now it seemed he couldn't stop.
"Every choice I make has such huge consequences now. It feels like I've been forced into playing God, like I'm... Like I'm somehow worthy of deciding who lives and who dies. No one should have that much power, that much control. Every choice I make feels wrong, but doing nothing is somehow always worse. I just wish, for 5 fucking seconds, I didn't have to make the life changing decisions. I wish I didn't have to be in control."
Rodney still isn't sure what made him act. He isn't sure he'll ever know, between the beer and the odd moment of calm peacefulness that seemed so rare in the Pegasus galaxy and the intensity John was speaking with- but something told him it was the right thing to do.
He took John's beer out of his hand right before he raised it to his lips, setting it aside as John gave him a confused look.
"Rodney, what are you-" John's words were cut off by Rodney's lips on his, his hands pushing John's shoulders back to lay against the ground of the pier. The tiniest sigh came from John as he went limp on the ground, completely at Rodney's will.
Rodney kissed him harder, moving to straddle John's hips to get a better angle. John's hips bucked up in response. Rodney's hand ran through John's hair, pulling slightly at the base as he started kissing down his jaw. John moaned.
"I'll take control. You don't have to make any decisions, any choices with me. I'll decide for you, all you'll have to do is relax. Just relax, John," Rodney whispered in his ear, and John melted against him.
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nimuetheseawitch · 27 days
John Sheppard for the character ask meme? :3
How I feel about this character
I love his messy hair, his messy emotions he doesn't want to talk about, his messy relationships, his complicated relationship to his job and the military as a whole, and how much he loves his team. He has so many issues, and I want to explore them all.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
So many. I want him with everyone. My SGA shipping journey started with John/Elizabeth/Rodney, then I fell down the McShep rabbit hole (I love it here), but I'm also very down for John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon and John/Rodney/Jennifer. I absolutely adore John/Parrish because of a fantastic conversation with Anagrrl that resulted in this amazing fic. I'm also down for John/Cam, John/Evan, John/Evan/Cam, John/Ronon, and more. I'm not sure there's a romantic ship out there with him that I wouldn't at least consider.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
John/Vala. I love them as friends. They barely interact in the show, but John and Vala would get along like a house on fire. And I love them having casual sex and being friends but not being romantically interested in each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't think I have any truly unpopular opinions about John. I'm pretty flexible about him because I think he can fit a truly astonishing number of headcanons.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Honestly, I'm kind of okay with canon because it gave us room to mess around. Part of me wishes John had come out as some kind of queer, but that wasn't going to happen for so many reasons, and I'm actually very okay with it not happening because it leaves us with enough wiggle room to make him whatever we want. I guess I wish we'd gotten more AU versions of him. We had a lot in the Daedalus Variations, but they were all military, and it would've been fun to see some non-military or non-Stargate versions of him.
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exuberantocean · 1 month
For the fic writing meme! Numbers 4-5 please! ❤️
4. What's your favorite genre to write?
Hurt/comfort, hands down. It's my absolute favorite. Especially emotional hurt/comfort or hurt/comfort that triggers emotional stuff. And I love seeing people rally to each other's aid.
5. What's a genre you'd like to try writing?
This is a hard one because basically if I'd like to try writing a genre then i'd write it, you know? I think the best answer is that I have a 15+ year old unfinished non-linear SGA McShep story that I still keep going back to, but I can't seem to make it work. I'd like to write this non-linear story. My ambitions have so far exceeded my talents. 😔
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 11 months
Trick-or-Treat! I have come knocking on your Tumblr door asking for a treat. You can answer with a meme, a bit of art/fic, a fic recommendation, pictures of candy, or something else! Then go to your mutual’s Tumblr door and ask them for a treat! Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 (don’t answer until October 31)
I'm answering early because I will absolutely forget about this if I wait until morning 😅
happy Halloween frosty!! my treat for you is yelling about SGA fic lmao
first, Bludgeoned by @sga-owns-my-soul lives in my head rent free even though it's a short little guy. it's so damn good
second, i desperately want to write a fic exploring John having ADHD!! I haven't decided how yet (fold it into the college au I still haven't written? 👀👀) but it's a NEED. I'd love to loop in autistic Rodney too, because while the fandom talks about him being neurodivergent a little bit, absolutely nobody besides other folks with adhd (like me) talks about John being ND and that's a crime. John and Rodney are two queer, ND, traumatized peas in a pod and those parts of their characters don't get highlighted nearly enough. (open invitation to you or anyone else reading this to yell about them with me)
related note: imagine mcshep at a Halloween party in some sort of couples costume. I have no idea what the hell they'd wear, but just IMAGINE
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internerdionality · 11 months
For the WIP ask meme - There's No Reason Why You Should Remember Me
OOh! This is actually one of those that I would really love to get back to, but have kept pushing to one side to focus on stories that feel more pressing. 😭
One of my very first favorite fanfics, way back in the day, was "Happy" by Crysothemis, published in the early days of AO3. It's a McShep (Stargate Atlantis) fic where McKay gets whammied and forgets everything that's been causing him stress lately, including Sheppard. Of course, they both leap to different assumptions as to how exactly Sheppard has been causing McKay stress.
I always thought it was such a fun premise, chock full of my favorite tropes (amnesia, angst, misunderstandings, mutual pining). And then one day waayyyyy back in like, March 2022, I was going back through old fics looking for inspiration and went, ooooh! This would be so much fun to do with SuperBat! I hammered out a couple thousand words in a week or so and then... well. Gay pirates happened, and it went on the backburner. Then back in April of this year, I was going back through my old WIPs after having this Passover inspiration, and started working on it again, but I'm still not quite two-thirds of a chapter in.
When Clark reflected on it later, he was a little embarrassed and guilty to admit that his first thought when he saw Batman hit full in the face with a fluorescent pink burst of light was: Ollie wins the pool? Ollie? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts. 
(He was often late to the party as far as good TV went, what with the whole “secret identity, holding down three or four full time jobs” thing, but once he’d finally made time to watch The Good Place, he’d ended up binging through all four seasons in one night, zooming through them on the Fortress’ holographic projection at triple speed. It had stuck in his head a bit.)
He’d supported Batman’s stance outlawing the League’s unofficial betting pool for exactly this reason—it encouraged a certain desensitization, a jaded attitude toward the genuine threat of death or worse that they faced on a regular basis. Worse, it created exactly this sort of problem, where someone saw something happen to a teammate and their first thought was something—anything—other than leaping immediately to the rescue. 
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stargatebarbie · 8 months
wip tag game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Thanks for tagging me @denimshortsdean!!
I am incapable of maintaining any order in my wips and don’t really have a “wip folder”, so this is what I could scrape together from various notes apps, google docs, and discord messages I sent to myself. Maybe this is why I haven’t actually posted anything I’ve written in about 10 years
I cut out eveything that just had a single line of text & everything where I'd sent myself a meme/text post just with the caption "write this", so these all have at least a loose outline or a few lines written, (most of them more a loose outline tbh)
cas diary whump
gay4pay porn au (note- I found a double for this one??? That file is just named “blanky” and frankly I don’t know why)
old man destiel fic
shelter destiel au what would that be.
mcshep dadt fic
mcshep clone!Beckett angst
mcshep 36qtfil sinkhole fic
look okay don't fucking look at me it's an mpreg fic
I thought about including art in this for funsies but I checked and turns out I have literally never given one a title they all just say “untitled artwork”
I think most of my mutuals who I know off the top of my head make things have already been tagged? So I'm just going to tag @spurious @sga-owns-my-soul & I've certainly forgotten people so if you see this & want to do it please pretend I tagged you 💖
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lostmeadowjade · 1 year
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Meme Questions Answers.
I have spent the last few minutes staring at this questions wondering if I actually have a true OTP or not, lol. I think I kind of do after like, three OTPs across three different fandoms.
But my very first, not surprisingly, was McShep. It started off as platonic arrangement and then grew to romantic. And while I might have have other ships with these characters, if you give me a choice, it's gonna be John & Rodney.
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sgwhattt · 9 months
Pinned post was already getting out of hand with all the tags, so here's a separate tag post.
●●● (dots for copy/pasting to separate tags and make it easier to click)
--definitely need to organize a little bit better
fic ●●●
dean stockwell ●●●
stargate ●●● stargate fic ●●● stargate video ●●● stargate meme ●●●
Stargate SG1: sg1 ●●● sam carter ●●● daniel jackson ●●● sam x jack ●●● cameron mitchell ●●●
sg1 season 9 ●●● sg1 s9 e18 Arthur's Mantle ●●●
Stargate Atlantis: sga ●●● mcshep ●●● mcshep mini story ●●● mcshep fic ●●● radek zelenka ●●● sga fic ●●● aiden ford ●●● carson beckett ●●●
sga season 1 ●●● sga s1 e17 letters from pegasus ●●●
sga season 2 ●●● sga s2 e6 trinity ●●●
Stargate Universe:
star trek ●●● star trek art ●●● star trek fic ●●●
Star Trek ToS: star trek tos ●●● spock ●●● james tiberius kirk ●●● leonard mccoy ●●● spirk ●●● star trek tos fic ●●● spirk fic ●●● star trek tos art ●●●
Star Trek Enterprise:
my post ●●● my fav (no link yet) ●●● to read ●●●
lemonemenom ●●● sassycordy ●●● toomuchplor ●●●
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spurious · 1 year
chatty? or john is bad wingman ?? 👀👀💜
(WIP titles ask game)
John is a bad wingman has been asked and I'm percolating on actually writing a snippet of it, but Chatty actually has quite a bit written! It's something I'm toying with either posting as a ficlet or expanding into more, hence why it's in the WIP folder.
The fourth time they have sex in Rodney’s bed (counting the time they tried it in John’s bed and Rodney fell off, three groping sessions in closets, and one blowjob in Jumper Two, it’s their ninth total encounter), he experiences something that causes all of his paradigms for what’s happening to shift, sudden and abrupt.
John becomes chatty.
He’s chatty for John Sheppard, which is still pretty far on the laconic end of the spectrum, but it’s enough to shock Rodney into silence for a full forty-five seconds—well, that and the fact that John is unselfconsciously naked, poured like water over Rodney’s rumpled sheets. His hair is sticking up in four more directions than normal, his face is still pink with a post-orgasm flush, and he’s smiling at Rodney, something soft and private that Rodney wants to hold in his hands, lock up tight and safe and solely theirs.
John’s voice penetrates the buzzing static in Rodney’s ears, and when he blinks, John has twisted across the bed, leaning up on an elbow. His legs are splayed like open scissors, sheet tangled around one ankle, and Rodney looks at the inside of his thigh, the soft vulnerable skin where the hair turns sparse, then back up to John’s face. He’s got one eyebrow raised, amusement written in the grass-green sparkle of his eyes.
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halestrom · 1 year
first lines meme
tagged by @sparrowsarus
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
A Winding Road (McShep, E, WIP but almost done)
Daylight. (Gen+McShep, T, 1445)
"Come on; we're wasting daylight."
Sunshine (Gen+McShep, T, 471)
Rodney watched as the balcony filled with people, everyone crowding the edges to try and catch the first glimpse of sunshine in almost three months.
Better Than The Moon (McShep, T, 975)
“You know what I hate?” Rodney demanded, glaring at John.
Ashes to Ashes (McShep, E, 57,627)
“You know, I always wondered if it was the pressure or the water that kills you.”
Gently, Gentle (McShep, E, 3291)
“John, can you come to my office, please?”
Sun and Sand (OT4, T, 400)
Rodney stepped into the hotel room and stopped when he saw John staring wide eye at Ronon and Teyla, both who were ignoring him in favor of the TV commercial playing.
Building Blocks (John/Evan/Rodney, T, 7081)
“He’s gonna run.”
Marked For Later (OT4, T, 5993)
No one knew where soulmate marks came from.
Coming Home (OT4, T, 4230)
John tilted his head back as he stepped through the gate onto Atlantis, inhaling deeply and thankful that the two-month tour the SGC had sent him on was over and done with.
No pressure tagging: @gingerpolyglot @logicgunn @spurious @dedkake
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
For the kiss meme: Evan Lorne/anyone you'd like; #28...as a lie.
ahhhh okay this was REALLY fun to write thank you so much for this suggestion!!!
28- As A Lie
It wasn't the first time Evan had to pretend to be in a relationship off world.
It was relatively common for a society to request some sort of committed couple be the ones to enter the sacred holy grounds that were some sort of Ancient ruins.
It was, however, the first time he had to pretend with McKay, much to both of their dismay. The scientist had been rather vocal about his objections, but Colonel Sheppard was too busy doing off-world recon and the Ancient database said there could possibly be a ZPM here- and McKay was the only one who knew what to look for.
"Look, this isn't ideal for me either, but it's not that big of a deal. Didn't you say you were an actor or something as a kid? Just think of this as a role or something," Evan said after 20 minutes of listening to McKay complaining on the hike to the village.
"Oh yes, the role of a lifetime, playing a happily-in-love-to-a-marine-grunt idiot, how thrilling, Major," McKay scoffed, and Evan rolled his eyes.
"We'll be at the village in less than 10 minutes, and they're expecting a happily-in-love couple, so get acting, Rodney," Evan emphasized his name, giving him a pointed look. This time McKay rolled his eyes.
McKay- Rodney- must have taken his advice to heart, because as soon as they were in view of the village, Rodney took hold of the hand that wasn't casually resting on his P-90. He didn't look at Evan, but there was a slight blush raising in his cheeks. Evan smiled.
They greeted the welcome party, smiling and exchanging pleasantries as they were escorted to the Sacred Ancestors Temple.
"Please, before you may be granted entry, the Ancestors request an offering of love," they had said, and Evan knew this would be coming. They were briefed on it by Teyla, who knew of this planet and their ways. Still, it didn't stop the chill that ran through him. He just hoped Rodney would be a good enough actor.
Evan smiled softly at Rodney before leaning in, expecting a small peck, but suddenly hands were on his shoulders and he was being pulled in and Rodney's lips were on his, passionate and deep and fucking magical. Evan lost himself in the kiss, in the feel of Rodney's body against his, fireworks exploding through every inch of him. When Rodney finally pulled away, Evan couldn't catch his breathe, and desperately wished he could lean back in for more.
"We're finishing this when we get back to Atlantis," Rodney whispered, a dark look in his eyes that made Evan shudder, and maybe it started as a lie, but Evan was sure this had just become real.
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aceofwands · 2 years
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I posted 9,706 times in 2022
That's 5,221 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (0%)
9,694 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,766 of my posts in 2022
#stranger things - 358 posts
#the orville - 205 posts
#steddie - 196 posts
#cackles - 157 posts
#spoilers - 127 posts
#ds9 - 112 posts
#goncharov - 101 posts
#unreality - 88 posts
#wheeze - 47 posts
#leverage - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#also the authors notes where the characters would 'talk' to the author and complain about what they were being made to do in the story
My Top Posts in 2022:
I unironically love that in the span of a few weeks we've gone from a cringe revival designed to ward off Twitter refugees, to genuine welcoming posts teaching them the ins and outs of reblogging/tagging/the etiquette, to creating a batshit faux film complete with poster and a goddamn musical theme for a meme (Goncharov) that's spreading across our dashes like a fucking virus. If that doesn't just sum this place up 😂
14 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
I started this after I 'finished' Don't Give Up On Me (the McShep vid that I shared last week) and didn't get super far with it back then, but was inspired to go back to it and have basically spent the whole week working on it. No one's more surprised than me that it's done :'D
Anyway, I've described this as Rodney according to Rodney - so everyone who enjoys his manic little bastard energy is gonna have a blast with this :'D
Feel free to give it a kudos on AO3 here.
22 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
The Orville season 3 is now on Disney+
If any of you have thought, hmmm, what on earth is that wacky Seth McFarlane sci-fi show everyone's been raving about for the past 10 weeks? (the first two seasons were already on there)
First of all, it's not Family Guy in space, I promise. It's like contemporary 90s era Star Trek with a sprinkle of workplace dramedy (though it was originally billed as a comedy by Fox). The cast of characters are all delightful and lovable. The SFX for both makeup and the CG is fucking spectacular. But most importantly, the writing is clever and the stories are well told - the characters and their dialogue are relatable and believable, and the stories deal with so many contemporary issues - everything from religious fanaticism to social media, slavery to suicide, populist leaders to trans rights.
This is a world in which humans still enjoy getting hammered and know pop culture - but also one which is completely committed to the idea of a world without capitalism, where Earth came together with other alien worlds to form a planetary Union for shared advancement and protection and cultural exchange. (And unlike Trek which is often handwavey about it, they actually go into this lore properly!)
It's optimistic, goofy, funny, but also not afraid to pull any punches and made us all cry at least once an episode in season 3.
Season 3 was the best season yet, but each of those episodes was built onto the foundation established in the first two seasons. So please, give it a chance - go in knowing you're getting goofy Star Trek that starts a bit too comedic and needs a bit of time to find its space legs. But I promise, if you stick with it, you're in for a hell of a ride and some absolutely incredible sci-fi.
In conclusion: do you love found family? Do you love optimistic space explorers? Do you love wacky adventures?
Watch The Orville!
24 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
seen some folks suggesting Goncharov is the latest escalation to ward the Twitter refugees away, but I gotta respectfully disagree
Goncharov is the equivalent of you and your cousins putting on a 'play' for all your parents when you were 8
we're just trying to show off for our new audience
could your old social media site do this??? I don't think so! [pulls a fully formed fake 1973 Scorsese film out of someone's knock off boots like a magician wielding a bouquet of fake flowers]
26 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Finally finished the McShep vid I started back in June during my SGA rewatch. Can't believe it's taken this long for me to make a vid about my two favourite idiots in love <3
Feel free to give it a kudos on AO3 here.
93 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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scifidancer · 2 years
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Shame on you, John!!!
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 1 year
is it weird to just answer the ask meme questions without actual asks? probably, but i want to yell about fandom shit rn so you can't stop me
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. its obvious that im in a grimm fixation rn, so i have to say nick/monroe as a romantic ship (or nick/monroe/rosalee), and the whole gang as a platonic relationship. For SGA, i'm always a mcshep fan but i honestly enjoy any pairing of AR1. Anyone that has followed me for an extended period of time knows that im a mcdanno (H50) and leverage ot3 truther as well.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind. hmm, not sure? OH some folks doing the sga kinkmeme have mentioned john/cam and im very intrigued
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. Rodney/Jennifer :( I love Jennifer, but the writers consistently changed her characterization and that relationship felt forced and weird (SGA)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. John/Elizabeth. I'm sorry! maybe its just because im gay af but to me their relationship felt like bffs, not romantic (SGA)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? I made that stargate cinnamon roll meme, if that counts
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? ~10 years
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it? i'm a multishipper for sure, but one of the first ships i remember really clearly was eric/ryan from csi miami (circa age like 12)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)? TV!
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? I dont know that it was entirely tumblr, but yeah, Voltron. The fandom was truly fucking awful
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.) uhhhh, like every show tbh. 99% of the shows i watch came from tumblr or online friends
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. hmm, I guess Adalind counts as a character who isnt one of my faves. She's a complex and interesting character, and its clear that a lot of her decisions come from a place of trauma. After having Diana it really shows that she does want to protect her and keep her safe (grimm)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend. Ronon (SGA), Hardison (Leverage), Teal'c (SG1), etc
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom 1. men showing emotions!!! (grimm does this well, thankfully) 2. on a similar note: depicting how the shit these characters get up to is traumatizing and how that impacts them long term 3. literally any canon queer rep. can we PLEASE have a show like stargate or grimm where one of the characters (especially a man) is canonically queer? is that so hard???
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? Forfeit by Rise Against always makes me think of ascended Daniel/Jack (SG1). Oh and ever since i saw a gifset with lyrics from it, Timberwolves at New Jersey by Taking Back Sunday makes me think of John (SGA)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). one of these fuckin days i am going to write a baseball SGA AU
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why. As previously mentioned: Voltron because the fan base was toxic and awful
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? all my favorite fandoms are themed around found family so this is so hard lmao. Nick & Hank (Grimm), Eliot & Harry (Leverage Redemption), Harry & Breanna (LR), Don & Charlie if brothers count (Numb3rs), etc
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon anyone who reads my H50 fics knows that i will fuckin die on the hill that Danny has an anxiety disorder
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?  besides anxious danny, I'd say John having ADHD (SGA), and Monroe being bi (Grimm) are two right off the top of my head
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites 1. Steve McGarrett (H50) - he's been through so much shit, but he's still so damn loyal and protective and kind. He's such a good dude who is just traumatized beyond belief. 2. Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs) - besides the fact that i am CONVINCED he has ADHD, he's just so fucking loving and passionate about his work and the people he loves. he balances out the hardness of Don and the gang with the sheer size of his heart 3. Eliot Spencer (Leverage) - basically the same reason as steve. I have a type.
V - Which character do you relate to most? this is tough. probably Daniel (SG1) - esp early seasons - because of similar worldviews and interests and personalities, and Danny (H50) because of similar personalities
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. MISCOMMUNICATION!! its so frustrating.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. im a big ol softie so i love stuff like mutual pining, hurt/comfort, etc.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms Good Omens is a big one rn lmao. I've read the book but haven't watched the show. Also, Daredevil probably. I watched at least the first season years ago, but haven't seen anything beyond that. I still enjoy seeing people's posts about it and i read fic sometimes
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! im so cranky rn about the lack of depiction of trauma/mental illness/neurodivergence/etc in fandoms where its to be expected. like with Grimm rn, you give Nick PTSD and sensory enhancements but then suddenly forget about them?? that's not how that works! Or why is it always just hinted at that characters are ND? why is it so hard to just be like 'yeah no x has ADHD (or whatever)'? i want to be able to actually have complex/tough/interesting/etc protags that are ALSO neurodiverse. if we're all reading John as having ADHD (SGA) or Parker being autistic (leverage) anyways, why can't these things just be intentionally part of the character
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atlantis-scribe · 3 years
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