#my one bud was describing their crushes like the other day and I went
rune-chaser · 1 year
I think it’s so funny that when you had romantic attraction described you you were like “that sounds really fun” but when it’s described to me I’m like “that sounds really unpleasant I’m glad I don’t experience that”. Duality of aro 💚
Like with the way people described it to me I was confused almost the whole time because just, "what do you mean? That doesn't actually happen that sounds like every romance plot and we all know those are just to sell movies and stuff."
But no it kinda does and it took me way to long to realize that people weren't just having "Movie romances" they were just experiencing romantic attraction.
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genshin-scenarios · 1 month
ignite - lyney x reader
Summary: friends to enemies to lovers! ‘My enemy lost their memories and I couldn’t help but lie about our relationship’ trope
You used to work with the twins until you were betrayed by them (Lyney and Lynette had to be loyal to their mission). Things have been tense since, but now that you’ve gotten into an accident and woke up with amnesia… What are they going to do?
Wordcount: 1700+
Content note: mentions of Reader getting badly injured, but not explicitly described! Lyney used to have a budding crush on you before your fallout.
Adopt a Wanderer Fanbook: Digital Store
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After the betrayal that sowed your hatred towards them, Lyney had tried to reach out three times. 
Once, on the streets, where you briskly walked away. He sees you hiding a limp. Guilt eats up at him, remembering the way he and Lynette had to abandon the scene once they’d fulfilled their objective. They were still too young to even consider bending the rules of their mission, especially when turning their backs on you wasn’t meant to happen at all. They tried to give you a signal, but you noticed their retreat too late.
Next, when he sent you an invitation to their magic show. You didn’t bother showing up. He still wonders if you kept his letter after all this time.
Finally, when he showed up at your door. Lyney promised his sister this would be his last try. 
It hurts more because he sees your expression and knows their betrayal struck you deeper than you cared to admit. The three of you had gone on many missions before when your organisation collaborated with the Fatui. You were friends, and bonds forged under life-threatening situations weaved deep.
So did Lyney’s attachment once he opened himself up. You stuck out your neck for both him and Lynette many times, and they also get used to returning the favour. 
The three of you could’ve maintained a deadly alliance, if only you were still friends to this day.
Lyney’s apology reaches your ears. You listen, watch his body language, and move to open the door and gesture for him to leave.
“...You remind me a lot of your Father, now.” You’d said, avoiding his gaze. “I wish you and Lynette the best.”
The shadow of other circumstances cling to you, but it’s not his place to ask.
It’s unfortunate that Lyney has a bleeding heart and never let the memory of you go. In the past his feelings hadn’t fully bloomed yet, but certainly there was something budding whenever you fought battles together and had late-night dinners. You were both too busy trying to survive, but you were always his what if; what if you’d stayed close? What if that mission never went awry?
What if your circumstances were different?
So, when you finally run into each other again after two years, Lyney sees you at one of their missions and his heart stops beating. Because the underwater cave is collapsing and you’re not close enough to the exit to escape. And the next thing he knows his body moves to pull you out of the wreckage: 
Not fast enough to get you out unscathed, but fast enough to save your life. You have a head injury but you’re still breathing. He and Lynette bring you back to the House of Hearth to get treated. His sister is the one to suggest bringing you back; Lyney is too distressed and neither of your organisations are very legal. You live the same lives from different parts of shadow.
However, soon after you wake up in the infirmary, the twins realise very quickly that you’re missing memories.
You don’t remember them, nor things about yourself.
It’s a bigger loss than either of them are willing to admit. Lynette glances at her brother—who in a split second goes from blank-faced and shocked into a smiling, kind magician. 
He speaks to you like he would an injured child, but Lynette isn’t sure if this was to soothe you or himself, at this point. 
“You were caught up in an accident, but you’re safe now.” Lyney says, kneeling down next to your bed. You’re still lying on your back, hesitating to move once you feel the bandages around your head. 
“I remember a cave, and rocks falling…” You frown. “What was I doing in that kind of place?”
“Well, you’ve always been quite an adventurer.” Lynette raises her brow silently as Lyney spins a lie. “Me and my sister Lynette were in your travelling party. But since you got injured, we brought you to our home to get treated.”
“...I see.” You mutter, looking around. When you spot Lynette standing a bit behind her brother, you give her an unsure smile. “This is a safe place, right?”
Yes. But your un-amnesiac self might not agree. “Yes.” Lynette answers, before looking at Lyney. “My brother was a mess when you wouldn’t wake up. We’re both glad you’re fine.”
“Thank you for looking after me.” You hold back a chuckle. “I’m afraid I can’t remember much, but you’re both clearly very close.”
“You can stay here as long as you need to recover.” Lyney promises, before the twins excuse themselves to get you some food.
As the days pass and your memories show no sign of improvement, Lyney’s resolve starts to crumble. It’s been so long since you looked at him or his family with warmth.
Before, it was hidden behind a straight posture as you leaned against the wall, observing the younger children while they played. He’d admired you quietly from the sidelines, thinking it held a certain charm when paired with your combative prowess. 
Now that the shield you put between yourself and the world is gone, and Lyney is getting much too attached every time you look up from a book you’re reading, innocently curious and trusting. ‘What’s up?’ You might ask. And Lyney would make small talk or tell you stories about the house.
But once he runs out of stories, how much longer before your sharp mind catches on? And will Lyney get away with this betrayal of trust again, without meeting your blades?
“This isn’t a magic trick, Lyney. You’re going to get the both of you hurt.”
“That’s only if they recover their memories. And if they do grow enough reasons to hate me, that means I did a great job of nursing them to health.”
“They never hated us, before.” Lynette frowns.
“But they never would’ve treated us so warmly again, either.”
Lyney spends his free time researching you; catching up on the two years of your fallout. What your habits were, and how you’re seen by others—so that he has a better idea of how to prompt the return of your memories. 
Sitting down to tell you stories about yourself has become part of Lyney’s routine. He fabricates some details, but keeps facts intact. And when you ask Lyney how he knows so much about you, he spins a white lie of saying you’re close friends.
“This is you, isn’t it?”
Lyney’s heart drops when he sees an image of himself on the newspaper, but relief washes in once he realises it’s just about his previous show.
Not the scandal about him and Lynette being part of the Fatui.
Laughing sheepishly in an attempt to cover up the racing of his heart, Lyney accepts the paper from your hands and traces his gaze over the headlines. “Looks like our newest trick was quite successful.”
“You never told me how popular you are. I didn’t think I was friends with a celebrity.” You joke. To be honest, your main impression of Lyney has been from around the house—he’s reliable and dotes on his siblings, always willing to perform a trick or two to entertain them. 
Lyney’s heart twinges. “It’s only my job,” he says, but the simple joy he feels from your praise is dangerous. This is you, but you’re incomplete. Without memories. And he should never wish that you’d stay like this, in a state where you’d give him a little smile at the end of a long talk that he’s grown weak to. Or gotten closer to his younger siblings, or even built a music box with Freminet who’s no less than shy; and even if this feels like his what ifs are all coming true, Lyney is crushed by the knowledge that it could collapse at any minute. “I’m just glad if my performances can bring smiles to the crowd.”
It’s not just your lowered guard that’s different, but the fact that Lyney’s never seen you freed from your responsibilities. And within this sphere, he feels a tiny bit of escapism himself.
“Lyney, I know you said we were friends, but…” Your brows furrow. “Was that really all we were?”
Lyney freezes. “What do you mean?”
“I mean… Lynette always looks at us a certain way when we’re talking. And the children tell me we were particularly close.” You take a deep breath. “I guess what I mean to ask is: were we ever… involved?”
Lyney’s face has turned a bright red.
“I— You don’t have to answer if it’s too awkward!” You try to salvage. “It’s a stupid question, forget about it.”
“No no, it’s not stupid at all!” He exclaims, quickly turning towards the first-aid kit he’s put on the table to distract himself. His hands remember how to work, so it’s only his brain that’s scrambled. “I mean, we were definitely… Um.” Lyney, think! “We were close.” He finishes lamely. “But I would be lying if I said I never considered you special to me.”
While Lyney changes your bandages, you press your lips together and study his body language. You can tell that he sometimes omits things in conversation, and while you also know that he’s busy, Lyney’s been staying with you for longer times these days. Having heavier conversations, letting his smiles border on something doting—but you can’t let yourself fall into this lulling dynamic until you have some clarification of what you two are.
Ever since you’ve woken up, you’ve felt like you were in a warm, sunlight-tinted world within the comforts of the House of Hearth. You vaguely know of this place’s past, but something is missing from your memory. And you’re terrified at the idea that once you step outside, you’ll learn that none of this little world was actually real.
“What if I told you we were lovers?”
That snaps you back to reality.
“What?” You echo in surprise. But when Lyney’s lilac gaze meets yours, you’re surprised by how determined they look. Like a soldier taking a stand. 
But only Lyney knows that this decision will make or break things in the future. Despite that, he reaches out for the chance to live through his what if for just a little longer. 
When he reaches out to entwine your fingers, you don’t pull away. He knows deep down that he’d still try to help you regain your memories, even if that means things might end in flames.
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
Love your writing! Can we get a history teacher AU? Maybe with some NSFW 👀 fellow teacher y/n always had the hots for Rengoku-sensei but never had the courage to say anything until one day, on his birthday, she finds him alone grading papers and everything just comes out
Hope you’re doing well!
Hey, bby! I’m doing well. Hope you like this one. ❤️‍🔥
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: After School Hours (Smut, Modern AU, NSFW Scenario)
Warnings: Smut, Semi-Public Sex (Library), Clothed Sex, Birthday Sex, Food Play (Body Icing)
Read part 2 here.
(Y/n)’s hands were so shaky as she tried her best to get herself from the faculty room, down to the library on the second floor. To say that she was frazzled and nervous would have been an understatement, as she had chosen that day to finally confess her feelings to the enigmatic History teacher— Rengoku Kyōjurō.
She had always harbored feelings for the blond, ever since she had first started at the academy. And even though the other teachers always kept teasing them about being too close to each other— as well as the other women telling her that he liked her— she still held on to the possibility that they were wrong.
After all, it was better to expect the worst; so that she wouldn’t be that disappointed when she received the truth.
The closer that she got to the library, however, the harder that her heart began to pound in her chest. And the more that she began to think that she shouldn’t be so bold.
She had even thought to turn back immediately, only to be plagued by thoughts of her regrets haunting her once she got home. (Y/n) didn’t want all of the ‘what-ifs’ from this one choice to haunt her forever.
After all, the worst that he could do was to thank her and give her a friendly hug.
At that thought, she quickly shook her head— clearing the worst case scenario from her mind— before pushing her legs to walk faster to the empty library.
She only knew that it was empty after having seen Kyōjurō stay there after class on most days. He would grade papers until the school closed down, instead of taking his work home with him.
And after asking him once why he preferred the library, he told her that it was the perfect place to do work; all because the students who did have tiny crushes on him never thought to check for him all the way at the back of the place.
‘Oh gods, I may just be worse than those students,’ (Y/n) thought in a panic, almost dropping the cupcake in her hands. But she managed to right herself at the last second, taking a deep breath in through her nose and exhaling it from her mouth.
“Okay, calm down, (Y/n).” The young woman tried to soothe herself, even going as far as to close her eyes for a brief moment, before stepping inside the library as quietly as she could.
One foot in front of the other— she kept making her legs move, until she was at the end of the aisle that led to the tables at the back of the library.
And right there, in all his handsome glory, was Kyōjurō— pen being twirled between his fingers, and eyes focused solely on the paper in his left hand.
Gingerly, (Y/n) fished the lighter from her skirt’s pocket and lit the tiny candle that she had stuck in the middle of the cupcake; one she’d baked the night before, and decorated with so many intricate designs— all for him.
“Rengoku-sensei,” She called softly, her voice even cracking at his name. Yet it had the blond looking up at her— eyes widening a fraction of an inch, while his lips curled up at the corners.
Kyōjurō felt absolutely flustered.
Especially when (Y/n) walked forward with the cupcake, eyes solely on him to block out the nerves that were trying to consume her.
Thankfully for her, he met her halfway; standing right in front of her, and turning all of his attention towards the woman who made his heart race— in the best way.
“Happy birthday, I baked it just for you,” (Y/n) managed to breathe out softly, before holding it up a little higher for him.
And her heart almost leapt out of her chest when Kyōjurō reached out with his right hand and gently wrapped it around her wrist— holding her shaky hands steady, as he leaned in and blew the candle out.
“Thank you, (Y/n)-sensei. You didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me,” Kyōjurō stated with a grin, even as his eyes momentarily flickered down to his co-teacher’s plump lips.
He was naught to admit it, but he had racked up so many nights just fantasizing about those lips on him; on any part of his body.
At first it had started as a simple crush for him, but it had evolved into something else; something much deeper than simple attraction. However, what the other male teachers had told him was that she already had someone she liked, so he had held himself back from confessing his own feelings.
Which was a surprise that she even sought him out on his birthday, when he fully expected her to have gone home with everyone else— as he wanted to finish work before celebrating with his family.
“I wanted to…” (Y/n) answered quietly, before swallowing past the lump in her throat and coming out with it. “Because I like you, Rengoku-sensei. I like you so much that I can’t get you out of my mind- and I- just… I want you!”
Mortified couldn’t even begin to describe just how (Y/n) felt at that botched confession. She could even feel her shame washing over her in waves; making her face and ears red, especially when she looked up and saw nothing but surprise on Kyōjurō’s face.
Instead of pushing her away like she had expected, the blond calmly took the cupcake from her hands and set it down on the table. All before closing the space between them, and staring right at her.
If she were to be honest, she would say that he looked a little… excited.
Gone was his exuberant attitude, and in its place came something much more attractive; a million times sexier than his usual persona.
“That’s great, (Y/n)-s… chan. Because I like you too… and I want you just as bad.” Kyōjurō finally admitted, feeling his own pulse racing as he gently cupped her face in his hands and leaned in to press his lips to hers.
When (Y/n) didn’t try to pull away from him, Kyōjurō decided to be a little more liberal with his touches; pulling her flush against his chest, before awkwardly spinning both of them around, so that he could sit her down on the table.
Thankfully, they had missed the cupcake entirely. Because a lightbulb just went on in his head, as he gently wedged himself between her thighs and began to caress her soft skin.
With every pass of his hands up her thighs, he pushed the hem of her skirt up little by little— making no effort to hide what his intentions were.
“I’ve always liked you, (Y/n).” A gentle kiss to her lips, before dragging his lips down to her neck and sucking on it. “And I’m so happy that you have the same feelings.”
If it was any other woman, Kyōjurō never would have touched them. But it was (Y/n), and he had been holding himself back for two years; that alone was torture for him, so he couldn’t keep himself from indulging in her immediately.
Before either of them could comprehend it, (Y/n) was already on her back on the table, with Kyōjurō kissing down her exposed chest and his fingers circling around her clit.
All the while, (Y/n) was in such bliss that she couldn’t even muster up any coherent thoughts. All she could do was moan and mewl as Kyōjurō kissed her all over.
When he pulled away for a bit, however, she was brought back to reality; keen eyes solely on him, as he reached over and swiped a little bit of the cupcake’s icing on his index finger.
Initially, she thought that it was weird for him to stop for a taste of that, until she realized his plan when he dabbed the icing on both of her nipples.
It was a little bit warm, but it was made all the warmer when Kyōjurō wrapped his lips around her right nipple; licking and sucking on the hard bud, while his index finger circled and teased the other one.
“Rengoku-sensei!” The young woman moaned out, one hand delving into his hair and curling into the soft strands. But Kyōjurō didn’t relent; not until her back was arching and her legs were wrapped around his hips.
It was obvious that she was cumming, and it gave Kyōjurō an all-time high at feeling her come apart beneath him. Especially since he wasn’t even inside her yet.
When she was calm and spent beneath him, the blond pulled away from her right nipple— making quick work of licking her left nipple clean— before pecking her lips.
“Do you want more, (Y/n)?” He asked with a grin, feeling his cock throb in his pants at how beautiful she looked post-orgasm.
He expected her to refuse, but was pleasantly surprised when she shook her head. “Please give me more.”
“Good girl.” The praise had just slipped out and made his lips tingle, but he paid it no mind as he quickly undid his belt and pants to pull his cock out.
Then, as gently as he could, he pulled her ass to the end of the table before pushing her skirt up all the way; groaning aloud at the sight of her panties being so soaked with her cum.
What made it better for him, however, was the fact that she was wearing red lace. As if she had worn it just for him.
He didn’t have time to dwell on it though— cock twitching with need, as he fully pushed the crotch of her panties aside and rubbed the tip of his dick up and down her slit.
“Please, sensei, no more teasing,” (Y/n) whined quietly, which only spurred Kyōjurō to give in to her.
So, slowly, he dragged the head of his cock all the way to her entrance and pushed inside her tight cunt. He almost buckled at how heavenly she felt around him, but held firmly to her hips before bottoming out in her.
His pace was gentle at first, getting her used to how thick he was, before beginning to really pound her against the table. He pushed in hard and fast, milking his own pleasure and adding to it by watching her expressions.
Because, it was guaranteed, that his current reality was better than all of his fantasies combined.
And it was made all the better with how he watched (Y/n) lose control— especially when he lifted her legs up onto his shoulders and held on tight to her ankles.
He just hoped that marks wouldn’t show up later, since he still had plans for both of them; mainly taking her home to meet his family.
After everything was said and done, with Kyōjurō’s cum slowly trickling out from (Y/n)’s cunt, he pulled her up to his chest— hugging her tight and pressing butterfly kisses to her neck. “You should get dressed, (Y/n). We have to go home with me.”
“But… why?” The young woman was confused, but she was too boneless after getting thoroughly fucked that her question fell flat.
“So that my family can meet my girlfriend, of course.”
“What? We just- I’m- Rengoku-sensei!” That had pulled (Y/n) out of her stupor immediately. Then, she hissed at him, “I’m still full of your cum! I can’t meet your parents like this!”
“I can lick it clean for you.” Kyōjurō was joking, he really was… at least at first. But he thought that eating her out wouldn’t be so bad. So, they stayed just a little bit longer in the library; much to (Y/n)’s chagrin.
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professorrw · 3 years
Truth or Dare
Pairing: gn reader x Wanda Maximoff
Requested: Yes
Warnings: smut, 18+, intoxication, thigh riding, fingering, big sister dynamic Natasha
A/N: Requests are open for one-shots, headcanons, imagines, and drabbles for My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, and Marvel! My taglist is open so if you’d like to be on that just tell me! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Liking someone, especially your friend, is hard. It isn’t hard to like someone, it’s hard to tell them. Wanda was a goddess in your eyes and you had a serious crush on her. Natasha gave you hell over it. She was like a big sister to you. 
You joined the Avengers when you were pretty young and she immediately took you under her wing. After being with them for a year she was basically your family, along with the rest of the Avengers. When Wanda joined you were glad to have someone closer to your age. It was refreshing to have a girl to hang out with other than Natasha. Not that something was wrong with her.
That friendship changed to something more on your end, or at least you thought it was only on your end. The part that Natasha found so funny was that you were so oblivious. It was obvious she liked you back but you didn’t seem to think so. But since Natasha knew and neither of you would act, she took matters into her own hands.
“Okay, let’s play a game guys!” she shouted.
“Oh how swell! A game!” Thor responded.
Clint groaned as he came out of his room and sat down on the couch with the growing crowd. You made a circle, some of you on the couch and some on the floor. You and Wanda were on the floor next to each other with Natasha sitting beside you.
“Okay so what’s the game?” Tony asked.
“Truth or dare, a simple kids game.”
“I can’t believe you think I’d play this sober. Wait I’ll be right back,” Tony said before he ran off to the kitchen. You all waited for him and he came back to the living room with bottles of alcohol and glasses. Clint was in the same boat as Tony. He sure as hell didn’t want to say or do anything and remember it. He was the first to take a glass and fill it with whiskey.
The rest of you followed and the game didn’t start until everyone had at least downed a whole cup.
Natasha started the game and it soon kicked off. The game of truth or dare started innocently and you more or less just made fun of each other. That was until Nat dared Thor to take off his shirt and then Tony thought he just had to take his shirt off too. 
The game quickly became more and more scandalous after that, more people taking off clothes, including you. All kinds of stuff was being dared at that point. Tony dared Bruce to take a shot off of Clint’s stomach and he was so wasted that he actually did it. It seemed like the only people not completely drunk were you, Natasha, and Wanda.
You didn’t want to do something you would regret so you laid off after two glasses. Wanda wasn’t big on drinking so she only had a cup. But Natasha was staying as sober as possible for the scheme she was working up.
Multiple rounds went by and it was Natasha’s turn again. She tapped her chin and looked around the group before her eyes landed on you. A mischievous grin spread on her face as she asked you, “Truth or Dare?”
“Okay… is it true you like someone in this room?”
Your mouth dropped open before you answered. “Yes.”
And even though the group was drunk and intoxicated this got their attention. They knew you were bisexual so it could be any of them. Wanda immediately turned to look at you. Out of everyone she was the most shocked. Her stomach fluttered, partly from hope and partly with stress. Of course she hoped you liked her but she also knew you could like any of the other hot people you hung out with.
“Who is it?” Wanda asked.
“You have to wait your turn! Right now it’s Y/N’s,” Natasha said.
Your face was hot and you were rushing to get the attention off yourself. “Wanda truth or dare?”
“Um… have you seen Pietro naked?”
She did a half scoff, half laugh at your dumb question. “Yes I have, he’s my brother. Though it wasn’t pleasant, I'll tell you that.”
“Come on now. I’m sure I have all the ladies falling for me,” Pietro retorted.
Natasha’s plan was working wonderfully and she was shaking with anticipation for Wanda’s turn. She knew Wanda and she also knew that if Wanda found out Y/N liked someone she would have to know who it was.
“Wanda it’s your turn. Pick someone.”
“Y/N truth or dare?” Wanda asked.
“I dare you to kiss the person that you like.” Wanda had to pull herself together for this one. There was a possibility that the person you would be kissing wouldn’t be her. She watched you with unabated attention as your face flushed even further. It took you a minute to, what she assumed, gather your courage.
You turned to her and cupped her cheek. The kiss was fast. You were already embarrassed and scared but it melted away when Wanda pulled you back in. The group around you whistled and cheered as their teammates made out right in front of them. Natasha sat back with a pleased smile. Her work there was done.
When you parted you were both out of breath. All you could do was stare at Wanda. You were relieved and filled with joy. She didn’t outright say it but you could tell from your kissing that she reciprocated your feelings.
“Okay guys I think this game is done!” Nat shouted. She was met with multiple boos but you gave her a grateful look. She winked back at you and ushered you out of the room. “Go! You two have things to talk about.”
You sheepishly smiled and looked at Wanda, who was positively beaming. You walked to your room and flopped onto your bed. Maybe if you closed your eyes you would wake up and find it was all a dream. Wanda sat on the bed next to you and giggled. You opened your eyes and found out that it wasn’t a dream.
You really kissed Wanda and she kissed you back. What a day. After that you two talked and made your relationship official. It was an understatement to say that you were giddy with excitement. You gushed to Natasha constantly about how much you loved Wanda and after months of you two dating it died down. Being with Wanda was so natural it just felt right.
You were closer than ever, not just mentally but physically. A bonus of your relationship was that you had free roam of your gorgeous girlfriend. You waited a few months before you had sex together. You didn’t want to rush anything and Wanda was okay with that. She was content with kissing you but when you had been dating for four months and you started making moves she was excited.
You had been sitting on the couch together by yourselves and your hand was rubbing Wanda’s thigh. With each stroke you got closer and closer to her pussy until you were actually brushing a hand on it. Her breath hitched and you looked at her for confirmation. She nodded and you were quick to pick her up and take her to your room.
You set her on your bed and dissolved into kissing her. Your eyes were closed but you could hear the lock on the door clicking and assumed Wanda had shut the door with her powers. You smiled against her lips and she let out a little breathless laugh. You left her lips and traveled down to her jaw. Her nimble fingers threaded into your hair and she tilted her head back to give you better access to her throat.
Your hands were at either side of her body and one of your thighs was in between her legs. She scooted further down until she was rubbing against your thigh. You realized just a second later and quit kissing her neck.
“Lay down,” she said. You did as she asked and switched spots with her. She was on her knees just out of reach of you. She slid her shorts and underwear down and your breath caught in your throat. She looked so absolutely beautiful it was like nothing you’d ever seen before. She stayed in that same position, shorts pulled at her knees while a hand snaked down to her cunt.
She swallowed thickly and suppressed the need to touch her. You would get your time, right now she was getting herself ready. From what you could see Wanda was fingering herself, and doing a good job of it too. She was biting her lip and her eyes were shut. Her face could be described as blissful. You still thought she looked like a goddess, like a painting.
She quit sucking on her lip and let it go with a pop. Your whole body was tingling and your mouth was open in a trance. Every part of you wanted her, to make her feel good.
“Wanda come here,” you whined.
She smiled and pulled her hand away from her vagina. She crawled on top of you, cunt hovering over your thigh. You held her steady with hands on her waist. She was holding onto your headboard that was a few inches above your head as she lowered herself. She moved back and forth on your bare thigh and it soon had your girlfriend’s natural juices on it.
You raised the hem of her top and stuck your head underneath the fabric. You planted a line of kisses from her belly button to her cleavage before you pulled her bra down so her nipples popped out. You took one of the hard buds in your mouth and sucked on it. Wanda moaned above you and started moving faster.
She was grinding against you and you were sucking on her sensitive boobs, both actions working her into a frenzy. You kept on sucking and gently biting, even taking a hand and cupping Wanda’s ass with it.
While your mouth was attached to her chest your hand was attached to her butt, kneading and squeezing the plump flesh. You were still suckling when you heard her moan out, “I’m about to cum.”
You took your head out of her shirt so you could see her when the moment came. “Come on, cum for me darling.”
Her face twisted and then smoothed when you felt the slick, sticky cum on your thigh. She slid against you once more, wiping the cum off of her. When she was off and laying next to you you gathered it on your finger and popped it into your mouth. The savory taste filled your mouth and you made a long mmm sound when you were finished.
You pulled Wanda close to you and she rested her head on your chest.
“You taste good,” you whispered.
She giggled, “I love you.”
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cafeacademia · 3 years
Guardian | Chapter One
Draco Malfoy x Muggleborn!Reader Soulmate AU
Chapter Summary: As you navigate your fifth year at Hogwarts, you reflect on the things that have led you this far and you begin to wonder if your complicated friendship with Draco holds more meaning than you originally anticipated.
Warnings: A little bit of angst, some friendly teasing, mentions of Umbridge’s punishments, description of harm to a student, comfort, fluff.
Word count: Approx 4000 (oopsies)
A/N: Hi loves, here’s the first full part of the series! Please check out the Prologue if you’re new to the series, it gives some general setting up for the story and explains how this soulmate AU works. Enjoy! 💖
Flashbacks are separated using *** and use of the soulmate book is highlighted in italics
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(Gif is my own)
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Sitting in the library, Neville was not far from the desk you were sat at as he scoured the shelves for a copy of a book about rare magical properties in plants while you were trying to work on your final Potions essay for the term. “This feels impossible.” You yawned, slouching over your four parchment rolls of completed essay. All you really had to do now was make a conclusion, but your brain was wandering after a few hours of working on your homework and it just wasn’t happening. “That’s incredible.” Neville whispered to himself and you couldn’t help but breathe out a short laugh, looking over your shoulder to see that he was fully engrossed in the book he had pulled off the shelf.
Putting your quill down, you looked down at your hand, eyes trailing over the little bandage wrap you wore over the mark left from the detention you had served the previous evening with Umbridge. It was still sore and it felt very tender, but you tried your best to keep it hidden under the bandage and the sleeve of your school jumper. Slowly, your mind wandered towards what Draco might be up to. You hadn’t spoken to him in months since you had started in your fifth year and you’d had less of desire to do so now that he was in the Inquisitorial Squad. And your thoughts paced back to your fourth year when you had started to share a bit of a friendship with him.
“You’re fraternizing with the enemy, you are.” Ron scoffed. “I am not.” You frowned at him. “Oi, shove off would you? I know you don’t like the little git, but he seems to like our girl, isn’t that right George?” Fred asked, looking over your head to his twin who was standing on the other side of you. “That’s right Fred, maybe he’s got a crush on you.” He chuckled, nudging you in the side. “Ah, young love.” Fred sighed, garnering a multitude of reactions between Ron sounding utterly disgusted to Ginny’s amused laughter. “Draco is just being friendly.” You rolled your eyes. “Oh Draco is it now? Not Malfoy anymore eh?” Fred teased.
“He’s such a git, Malfoy’s not worth your time anyway, he’s probably just using you or something.” Ron argued and for once, Hermione gave Ron an agreeing nod. “Besides, since when is Malfoy nice to anyone?” Hermione asked, Fred and George giving each other a look, they were a little more accepting than the others, but with the question raised even the twins wondered if there wasn’t another motivation there.
Sighing, you leaned back against the wall of the quad and glanced over at Neville, who had just been quietly listening to the conversation without saying a word, but the look on his face told you that he felt the same as the rest of your friends. The problem was, while you really, truly valued their opinion and you understood that they were trying to look out for you, albeit with a little tough love on Ron’s end, you knew there was something there between you and Draco but you just couldn’t seem to find the words to describe it.
Was it friendship? Was it some kind of connection deeper than that? Whatever it was, Draco seemed to become a different person around you. He was more genuine, more open, more himself and oddly, you were starting to feel like he really valued your attention and your opinion.
“You shouldn’t be giving him the satisfaction.” Ron went on, Harry now wandering over to join the group and you heaved out a sigh because you knew as soon as he joined in, the two of them would be going on about how much of ‘bloody git’ Draco was. “Give who the satisfaction?” Harry asked. “Malfoy.” Ron replied in a disgruntled tone. “Fine,” You gritted out. “Then I won’t give either of you the satisfaction, Ronald.” You suddenly burst out, everyone looking at you as if you had grown a second head from your sudden outburst. “What’s that ‘sposed to mean?” He asked, a little bewildered.
But as the days passed, your friends started to realise what you had meant by that statement. Your little chats with Draco seemed to have halted entirely, and you didn’t speak a word about your budding friendship with the Slytherin. It was as if you had completely forgotten it had ever happened and your friends were starting to wonder if you were sneaking off to talk to him without any prying eyes, but of course there was no way they could prove it.
You valued their concern, you appreciated it in fact, but stupid or not you couldn’t deny that you felt a pull towards Draco. So you removed all indication that there was any interaction with Draco at all and it became quickly apparent to you, that maybe it was safer to just have a friendship with Draco in secret, especially as you weren’t too fond of the attention that being around the Slytherin Prince brought you.
You couldn’t deny, the secret meetings with Draco felt a little wrong, purely because you knew you’d get an absolute earful from Ron if he ever found out. But you still loved spending time with Draco, because out of everyone you had ever spent time with, Draco seemed to really value your company, be it quiet or more talkative. He seemed to understand when there were days that you just didn’t want to say a lot or you were more shy than usual and he understood that it was okay to enjoy silent company, but he also enjoyed it when you had energetic days and you wanted to chat about whatever came to mind.
“Are you listening?” Neville asked, leaning over your chair. “Hm?” You suddenly looked up at him, a little bit startled from being pulled away from your thoughts. “If we don’t hurry up, we’re going to be late for Defence Against the Dark Arts.” Neville warned and you pulled a face of worry before you hurried to pack away your things.
“Thank Merlin.” Neville mumbled as you both practically ran up the stairs to your classroom, seeing that there was a line of students waiting outside of the room, telling you that either you were just on time or Umbridge was late, though you thought the latter to be unlikely when she liked to go on about punctuality so often.
As you joined the line, Draco Malfoy made his way up the stairs, stopping when he reached you and pushed his way into the queue, though he was careful not to push you. And while Neville was busy catching up with Susan Bones who was standing on the other side of him, Draco leaned in and whispered to you.
“Meet me after class?” He asked. “Promise no funny business, just you and me.” He murmured and you tentatively glanced up at him. “This isn’t about you know what, is it?” You asked quietly. Draco knew what you were referring to. He knew you would be worried that he might try and pry some information out of you about the DA. Checking from side to side with a quick look, he held up his hand in front of you and pointed his ring finger at you. “I promise, it’s just like our old chats.” He whispered, glancing down to see you smiling, realising he was attempting a pinky promise. “Alright, but you’re using the wrong finger.” You had to refrain from giggling and instead, you shyly hid your smile as best as you could. Hesitantly you raised your hand, almost too shy to even touch him, but you pulled his little finger free and linked it with your own. “Sorry, I always forget which finger it is, muggle promises are strange.” Draco mumbled.
It wasn’t long before Umbridge finally poked her head out of the classroom and invited everyone in.
Draco sighed as he slouched down in his chair with his arms crossed in the drier than normal Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Umbridge was particularly boring to listen to as she droned on about a test you’d all be taking soon.
Instead, his focus was trained on the notebook that peeked out of the top of his bag that sat under his desk. He wished he could pick the book up and leaf through the pages, idly reading your handwriting, take in your thoughts and feelings and remind himself of days before now. Sometimes Draco wished that he could outright approach you and tell you that it was him, that he was your soulmate, but really that would be quite a bad move.
Draco wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to actually tell you, perhaps there was something that would prevent him from doing so or some sort of consequence and he was especially wary of this since his fourth year at Hogwarts when Pansy Parkinson had involved herself.
“What is that tatty old thing anyway? And why do you always brandish it about like a... a trophy or something?” She had asked with a judgemental edge to her tone, stealing it right out of Draco’s lap. The boy had nearly thrown himself across the common room at her as she hurried off with it. “I bet it’s a diary.” She giggled to herself. “Yeah, or he keeps secrets in there.” Crabbe added as he joined her. “That’s what a diary is, you dolt.”
“You wouldn’t understand.” Draco stormed towards the pair of them, his heart racing with fear as he watched Pansy teasingly open the cover of the book. However, much to Pansy’s surprise and even more so to Draco’s, there wasn’t a single word, not a single drop of ink, no markings, nothing. The book was completely empty. “You really carry around an empty book?” Pansy questioned, sceptical with her upper lip curled in disappointment. “What did you expect, my heartfelt feelings?” Draco scoffed, his tone cold and sarcastic as he snatched the book back from her, trying not to appear too hurt that his book had been handled roughly. “I’m to keep it safe. Father sent it to me.” Draco lied through his teeth, but thankfully, his lies were hard to detect, even for someone who knew Draco’s tactics to uphold his image and Pansy just pulled an expression that told him that she thought it was weird.
But now, as he sat in class, Draco could still see the small dent in the leather cover that Pansy had caused when she’d roughly stolen it from his grasp. He was still angry about it even a year later, perhaps it was irrational to be so annoyed about damage to a book, but this was special and he remembered how very upset he had felt that someone other than him had held the book. It was precious, vulnerable and he treasured it.
But it wasn’t just the book that he treasured. No, what he considered to be more important, more precious and something truly wonderful in every aspect was you. Which was why he had started to slowly distance himself from you. But as Draco looked up to see you sitting a few rows ahead of him in the middle of the classroom, the thing that reminded him of why he wanted to see you peeked out from under your jumper sleeve. Your hand was bandaged and Draco was quite angry with himself, because the night before when you had unknowingly written to him in your book and told him that a teacher had hurt you during detention, Draco had immediately known what it meant and he was livid.
“Attention, mister Malfoy.” Umbridge practically shrieked across the classroom, slamming her hand down onto the front desk, disturbing the Friday afternoon gloom and making everyone in the room jump at her sudden raised voice before she gave him a forced smile. Draco lazily sat up in his seat, eyes flitting to you every time Umbridge turned away to write or point at something on the blackboard as his mind wandered throughout the rest of the lesson.
When the class finally came to an end and Professor Umbridge excused you all to enjoy the rest of your Friday evening, Draco left the classroom and leaned against the wall outside until the very last person left the room.
Draco gave you a subtle smile before he very quickly peeked around the doorframe to see that Umbridge was climbing the stairs to her office before he turned to look at you and give you a proper smile. “I’m so sorry it’s been months, it’s bloody difficult with her around, it’s like she’s everywhere.” Draco sighed, rolling his eyes as he pushed away from the wall and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I understand, everyone is on high alert at the moment.” You replied in a quiet tone, almost too afraid to speak up as Draco began to walk you down the stairs, having avoided the eyes of all of your classmates and hopefully any spying caretakers too.
You were anxious to be spending time with Draco after all of this time. Especially as now he was part of the Inquisitorial Squad and part of you was afraid that your friends had been right last year. What if he did try to use you? But Draco had not yet betrayed your trust and you firmly believed in giving him the benefit of the doubt, you just hoped you weren’t doing it at your own expense.
“Come, we can talk in here.” Draco stepped into a hidden little alcove that was behind a statue at the side of the staircase. It was unlikely anyone would stop long enough to be able to hear you both talking and no one could see you hidden around the corner either.
“Was she hard on you yesterday?” Draco whispered his eyes softening as he watched you give him a little nod. “Yeah, a little.” You replied. “How did you know?” You queried, shyly looking up at him. “Pansy told me she caught you and Neville yesterday.” He explained and you just gave him a little nod. It wasn’t an outright lie, Pansy had told him she’d caught some students, but she never said who, it was only until you confided in your soulmate that it had happened that he knew you must have been in the group that Parkinson had caught. He watched as you slowly lifted your hand and pulled up your jumper sleeve to show him the bandage.
“Can I see?” Draco asked softly, gently taking your hand into both of his, holding you so softly like he was afraid he could hurt you with just his tender touch. You nodded, Draco leaning down to catch the way your eyes seemed to be filled with shame and you glanced at him, only for a second with a watery gaze.
Slowly and as carefully as he could, Draco unwrapped your bandage, reading the words that had been carved into your hand. “Oh love, I’m sorry, I should have been there to stop it from happening.” Draco sounded like he was scolding himself as he apologised, the emotions reaching his eyes as they swam deep in worry.
“It’s alright, I knew I’d end up in detention with her eventually.” You sighed, watching as Draco gently held your hand in his. He couldn’t lie and say it didn’t make his stomach turn horribly. It sickened him to no end and part of the reason he had joined the Inquisitorial Squad in the first place was with the hopes that he might be able to protect you better from that position. Not that he would let on to that, though.
“Does it hurt still?” He asked. “It still stings a bit and it’s sore.” You told him, your eyes saddened as you looked down at the writing you had tried so hard to conceal all day, not just because you were ashamed of what Umbridge had done, but because you simply could not bear to look at it. Would it always be there? You wondered if it would serve as a constant reminder and you hoped that with time that it would fade, but you couldn’t help the worry that sat deep in your stomach that the mark would remain long after healing and you hoped at the very least, that it would not make your stomach turn every time you looked at it.
“I’m so sorry.” Draco sighed, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, his eyes looking up to meet yours as you let a shy, watery smile take over. You hoped not to cry, but Umbridge and her punishment was still very fresh in your mind and you felt a horrible chill roll through you whenever you thought of it. Merlin only knew how you had managed to make it through your lesson with her without it affecting you terribly.
“I’m so sorry I haven’t been here, but I’m here now.” Draco whispered it so quietly as he pulled you against his side. He hated that he couldn’t promise it wouldn’t happen again. Draco hated that he couldn’t stop Umbridge from hurting you and part of him hated himself for how weak he was for you. Did you find it strange that he was so apologetic? That he was almost loving towards you? But the worry seemed to slip from his mind when he felt you lean against him. It was moments like this that made Draco question himself. He questioned if he should continue to create distance between you, or if keeping you close was easier to keep you safe. And he questioned things like if he should find a way to help you realise that he was your soulmate like he had worked out two years ago. But he was afraid. Draco was starting to feel like that was beginning to be all too common for him to feel these days as things became more intense. The pressure from his father to do increasingly worse things that simply did not align with Draco’s morals was enough to twist his mind and now with working under Umbridge, he hoped it did not skew his true alignment and morality. It was this that he was fighting so hard to keep, because it was the one thing he could control when everyone else was insistent on pushing him into the directions they wanted him to go in.
What you didn’t know though, was that your friendship, his connection with you was more than just that to Draco. When he was around you, he didn’t feel like he had to cling on to who he was and put a mask on. He could just be himself and it relieved some of the tension and the fear.
But the question begged itself again. Am I too close to her?
“You know, Draco.” You broke the silence, the Slytherin humming in response, prompting you to continue. “Sometimes I feel like I’ve known you for years.” You told him. And while it was somewhat true, you had known him since you both had started Hogwarts, you never really knew him until recently. Without even knowing what lay deeper in your connection to Draco, you could feel something there, you felt drawn to him.
That’s because you have, he thought. “I know what you mean. I’ve felt the same too.” Draco replied with a soft smile, only he really did know what you meant, more than you did and he wished he could tell you.
“We should go.” Draco spoke, almost in a regretful tone as he carefully and gently bandaged your hand back up. He hated that he had so little time with you, but he was thankful at least, that you were not against spending time with him. Stepping forwards, Draco checked the stairwell. “There’s no one around.” He reassured you. “See you soon.” Draco smiled sweetly at you. “I hope so.” You nodded, mirroring his smile before you stepped out of the alcove and made your way down the stairs quickly, Draco waiting several minutes before leaving, just in case.
The end of term was on it’s final stretch with one last exam to sit the following Monday for Defence Against the Dark Arts. But as the weekend came, you decided to spend at least some of it with the person you’d not been able to see nearly all year.
“Can I ask you something?” You broke the silence, Draco glancing over at you from his spot on the grass. You were both sat down by the lake, hidden by a bit of overgrown foliage and rocks. It was a part near the shore of the lake that not many people went to and it was perfect for spending a private moment with someone. “What is it?” He asked as he reached up to push his hair to the side.
“You’ll think it’s ridiculous.” You sighed, fiddling with the book that sat closed in your lap. “Nothing you say is ever ridiculous.” Draco said, looking over at you with a sweet smile and you felt yourself warm at his words. “Well in that case,” You paused, looking out over the horizon of the lake. “Do you believe in soulmates?” You posed the question as if you were terrified he’d tell you it was utter rubbish, but when you heard him give you a little hum as he thought about it, Draco leaned over a little, resting his hand on your arm to get your attention.
Meeting his gaze, his blue eyes softened when he saw how nervous you looked and he wondered if someone had told you that it was all an old wives tale.
You seemed to become more shy under his touch and Draco smiled to himself, feeling that it was sweet that you seemed to get so flustered whenever he touched you, even though it had very rarely happened.
“I do, I believe in soulmates.” He reassured you. Draco wanted, with every fibre of his being to show you his book, to tell you everything. But he didn’t. “Did someone tell you it was...” He trailed off. “Stupid? Yeah.” You huffed out. “Do you think there’s someone out there for us?” You asked, relaxing a little as Draco leaned down to gently grip your hand.
“I know there is.” Draco smiled softly.
Sometimes I wonder if I already know you, you wrote. Perhaps we do know each other, but we won’t know until we reach the end of this book, he wrote only moments later. The trundle of the train rolling over the tracks began to lull you into a sleepy state as you sat in a mostly empty carriage on the Hogwarts Express. It was the end of term and while too much had really happened for you to fully compartmentalize and process it all yet, you took solace in knowing that you could figuratively lean on your soulmate for comfort.
You told him everything you felt, almost like a journal and in turn he did the same. He detailed his thoughts, his feelings and he came to you when his day had been too much, but neither of you were too specific. You wished you knew who he was so that you could give him physical comfort, so you could both lean on each other and you wished for this even more so now that you started to wonder if you already knew him.
I promise I’ll write to you as often as I can. You scribbled it down into the book. But there came no answer. And days after you had arrived in London and returned home for the holidays, there was still no response.
If only Draco could tell you what had happened. If only he could write to you and explain it all from beginning to end. But he had no idea if he could, because his only way of communicating with you was no longer in his possession.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter Two - Embry Call x Reader
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Day of Normalcy
I went home a little more awake then when I left. I helped my dad unpack some more stuff while I had some energy. We talked about my day with the guys as we set up the house. 
“I’m glad that you’re so happy again. It’s like the real (Y/N) is back.” He smiled at me.
“It feels like it, too. I’m so happy to be back. It almost feels like we never left.” I smile back at him. 
“It looks to be that way.”
I look over at the clock, it’s a little past three in the morning. 
“I think we should call it quits for tonight. It’s pretty much done, because the movers doing a lot of the work.” I yawn. 
“Of course. Goodnight, hun.” 
We both retreated to our rooms. 
I plopped down on my bed, looking at the ceiling, wondering about tomorrow.
What’s it going to be like to see Embry for the first time in person in years? 
My mind races for a few minutes, thinking of every possibility. I look at my phone, I got a message from Embry a few hours ago. 
I open the message, it was a link to a new song he wanted me to listen to. I smiled to myself, pressing play. As the song played, I fell into a deep slumber. 
I woke up to the smell of pancakes coming from downstairs. I followed the aroma into the kitchen. 
“Thanks, dad.” I grab a plate and sit down at the table next to him. “You got it, kid.” He looks up from the newspaper. 
“What’s your plan for the day?” I ask. 
“Well, I’m going to see Billy and Harry today. I think we might go fishing.” 
“Oh, nice. That’s fun.” 
“What about you?” He sips his coffee. 
“I’m going to surprise Embry. Probably hang out with all the guys.” 
“Oh, Embry, huh?” He looks at me with a knowing face.
“Dad, please.” I beg. 
“Fine, fine. I’ll stop teasing you about your crush.” He says, putting his hands up in the air, false surrendering.
“Dad!” I exclaim, blushing like a maniac. 
He smiles before putting his dishes in the dishwasher, walking upstairs to go get ready for his guys day. 
I followed suit, I had to get ready to see everyone. 
I walked upstairs to find a missed call from Jake. I called him back as I started looking for something to wear. 
“Hey, (Y/N). You should come to my house at 11:30. We’re gonna be playing video games. Just walk into the house.” He says over the phone. 
“Alright, sounds like a plan.” I hang up the phone. 
It was daunting to figure out what to wear, I worried about seeing Embry. I dug through all my clothes. 
By the end of it, I decided on some jeans, a pair of vans, and a moderately flattering black t-shirt. 
Yeah, I knew this would happen. Searching through clothes to only pick out the most casual and boring outfit ever. I grab a hoodie, just in case I stay out later with them and it gets cold. 
I look at the clock, it’s only 11. I had a few more minutes to kill before the twenty minute drive so I decided to stop at a little convenience store and grab some of our favorite snacks. 
I pull into the lot and walk into the little store. I grab a few bags of chips, including two bags of blue doritos as they reign supreme, and regular potato chips for Quil-- because he’s weird. 
I put the bags into my passenger seat and begin the exciting, yet agonizing drive. I decided to listen to Embry and I’s shared playlist, hoping it would calm my nerves. 
I pull in front of Jake’s house once again, nerves returning into my stomach. I approach the front door and hear a few screaming boys. I easily recognized Embry’s from the last time we spoke on the phone, and it was even better in person. 
I push the door open, walking in casually and putting the bags of chips on the table. 
Only Jacob tore his eyes from the screen, smiling at me. 
“Wow, you guys are pretty distracted, huh?” I joke. 
Quil and Embry’s heads snap up in my direction. Quil was smiling at me, looking back to Embry to see a reaction. 
Embry’s face flashed through so many emotions. Confusion, surprise, happiness, and then what I could only describe as a state of shock. His mouth slightly agape, eyebrows slightly raised. Our eyes refused to break away from each other. He dropped the controller in his hands. I felt a force pushing all around me, almost suffocating me. Though, I felt no pain. I felt serene, this was a positive feeling. I dropped the bags of chips that were once in my arms. 
“We called it.” Quil says aloud, snapping me out of it. 
“Hey.” I smile to Embry.
“(Y/N). Hi.” Embry says, getting up from his spot to hug me. 
He hugs me, and it felt so different than any other hug I’ve ever received. While it felt to reunite and hug Jake and Quil, it didn’t compare to how hugging Embry felt. Though, he too felt like he was burning hot. 
I guess my feelings weren’t gone, nor were they planning to leave any time soon. I was overwhelmed with my feelings towards Embry, I could only hope he had felt at least a fraction of what I felt. 
After what felt like forever, he let me go after hearing Quil and Jake mumbling about something back on the couch. 
“What?” I ask them, looking behind Embry.
“Nothing.” Jake winks at me, the blushing returned to my cheeks. 
“How are you?” Embry asks me.
“I’m really happy to be back. How are you?” I ask him, looking into his deep, chocolate brown eyes. 
“I’m great. I’m so happy you’re back. You’re back for good, right?” He asks, eyes pleading with mine.
“Yes, I’m back for good.” I smile at him. 
“You got really tall, too. What the hell did I miss?” I ask, wondering how everyone I knew suddenly turned into giants. 
“I did get tall. It seems like you’re the only one who missed the memo, bean.” Embry lightly laughs at me. 
I blushed at the nickname. The one he gave me years ago, when he hit his first growth spurt at 15, making fun of me who didn’t grow past 5’2”, when he hit 5’10. 
Now the kid’s gotta be 6’4”. Quil was a few inches shorter than Embry, but Jacob still had some  inches on Embry. Embry looked way more muscular than the last time I had seen him, but still more of a lean build than Jake and Quil. It would take some time to swallow how different they all look, now. They weren’t the scrawny kids I remember. 
“So, can I have some of those chips?” Quil asks, breaking the tension in the air. 
“Oh shit, sorry. Yeah.” I bend down, picking up the bags of chips off the floor. 
Embry looked at Quil, eyes narrowing at him. Quil smiles back at him, like a kid who stole candy from a baby. 
I walk his plain old potato chips over to him, earning a thank you and appreciative fist bump. 
“You wanna get destroyed in smash bros?” Jacob offers me a controller. 
“I’d love to destroy you all in smash bros, yes.” I smirk, taking the controller from his hands. Embry puts the bags of blue doritos on the table, taking one for himself. 
Jake and I start playing, I glance over at the bag of doritos, before turning my attention back to the screen-- determined to beat Jacob. 
“You want a chip?” Embry offers.
“Yes please.” I smile. 
“Okay, open.” He puts the chip into my mouth, causing me to blush from shyness. 
I see him smirking at my blushing out of the corner of my eye. 
I focus my attention on the game once more, killing Jacob’s character for the third time-- winning the game.
“Hah!” I exclaim, jumping out of my seat in excitement. 
“Cheater.” He grumbles. 
“You wish, Jake.” I laugh. 
Jake’s phone begins to ring on the table. Bella’s name flashing on the screen. 
I begin to wonder if he still had his crush on her, or if they were together now. Though, I think that he would have mentioned it. 
“Oh shit. What time is it?” He asks, getting ready to pick up his phone. 
“Only like noon.” I tell him.
“Hello? Yeah I’m still good for one. That works. I’ll see you soon.” He hangs up the phone.
“Gonna torture yourself some more, bud?” Quil teases. 
Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.
“Shut up, Quil.” Jacob snaps. 
“What’s going on with her? You still have a crush on her, right?” I ask him with comforting eyes. 
“You could also call it, hopelessly head over heels in love with Bella, actually.” Quil snarkily remarks. 
“Shut it.” Jacob snaps. 
I look at Jake, hoping for him to talk to me. 
“Uh yeah, things are complicated.” His voice lingering with sorrow and disappointment, his eyes moving from mine to his feet.
I looked over to Embry, who wore the same sad, empathetic face as me. Our eyes connected in grief for our friend suffering with the girl he loves. 
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Jake. You always do. What’s going on?” I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder. 
“She’s dating Edward Cullen. That’s the issue here. He’s got his cold hands wrapped so tight around her.” He says angrily. 
“I don’t know who that is, but I am sure he’s not like you. Maybe she’ll come around one day, if he’s so bad she’ll probably see that eventually.” I try supporting him. 
“No, believe me. If she hasn’t left yet, she never will. There’s a lot going on there.” Quil says. 
Jacob’s face growing more upset by the minute made me sick. I hated to see someone I considered my best friend to be so upset. A pit in my stomach began to form. 
“Well, then there’s someone better for you out there. Don’t hold out on someone who doesn’t appreciate your true value.” I rub his back a bit, trying to ease him. 
I see Embry grow a bit uncomfortable for a second, until I look at him and he smiles at me. 
“I know, it’s just easier said than done.” He says, still not looking up from the ground. 
“I know, I understand. You deserve more than this. You’re so young, you have so much time to find someone. You’re sweet, handsome, caring, tall, and one of the funniest guys I know. Anyone would be lucky to have you, Jake. Don’t let one girl kill your self-esteem.” I wrap my arm around his shoulder now, as I watch a single tear fall from his face. 
“It just hurts.” He says, leaning into me. His large head almost feels like it’s bruising my shoulder, but if it helps him, it helps. 
“I know, bud. I know.” I tell him. 
He rubs his face with his hands, standing up and walking to the door.
“Wanna go throw the football?” He invites us all.
“Yeah.” We all respond in unison. 
I get up, Embry following close behind me; seemingly watching my every move. 
I could get used to this.
Quil comes out last, shutting the door. Jacob grabs the football and throws it to Embry, very hard. I make a mental note to not let Jacob throw me the ball. 
Embry turns to me, throwing it swiftly, seemingly softer than Jacob’s throw but still enough to make me wince. 
A look of guilt and apologeticness flooded his facial features. 
“Sorry!” He yells, running over to me.
“It’s ok, I’m fine.” I throw the ball to Quil as hard as I can, not even getting a fraction of the force the boys had with their throws. How did they throw like that? 
“Are you sure? Are you okay, bean?” He asks me, almost frantic. 
I blushed at the nickname once again, as it brought chills to my spine. 
“Yeah, Em. I’ll be okay.” I smile at him. 
“Bean, you’re already bruising.” He said, looking sadly at the new spot forming on your arm, holding it delicately in his hands. 
“Em, I have always bruised like a peach. I’m sure it could have happened from anything.” I look up into his pleading eyes, watching his worries melt away. 
What was going on? Does he feel the same way? I wonder. 
“Okay sap fest, we were trying to throw around the football to have fun. Not to make me sick!” Quil interrupts, making fake puking noises. 
Jacob smiles slightly, almost laughing. It made me happy to see him feeling a little better after how he was in the house not too long ago. 
They continued to throw the ball around, throwing it way more intense than I thought possible. I decided to sit out after noticing how rough they all were, more how they don’t seem to notice how rough they got with each other-- how it doesn’t seem to even hurt them at all. 
We all talked about stupid nonsense, like debating on which cartoon characters would win in a fight, cars, and other time eating subjects. 
Soon after, I heard an old truck pulling up to Jacob’s house. Bella Swan got out of the driver’s seat, walking over to us. 
“Hey everyone.” She says shyly, hands in her pockets. 
All the guys gave her a hello in unison.
“Hey Bella, how’ve you been?” I ask her. 
“Oh wow, (Y/N). You’re back? No way. I’m good, how are you?” She asks, walking over to give me a hug. 
I hug her back for a few seconds before pulling away. 
“I’m doing great, I’m happy to be back. It’s nice to see you again, it’s been like what, almost ten years?” I ask, trying to make polite conversation as the guys would not do that simple notion out of awkward feelings. 
“Yeah, that’s nuts. I can’t believe that.” She says shaking her head in disbelief. 
“Are you ready to go?” Jake asks her, smiling at the both of us. 
“Yeah, sure.” She looked over at him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
“Great. I’ll see you guys soon.” He waves back at us. 
“Bye everyone. It was good to see you, (Y/N).” She smiles softly at me. 
“You too.” I smile before turning and walking back over to Quil and Embry. 
“So what now?” I ask them, ready for almost anything. 
“Well, we could go cliff diving.” Quil suggests. 
“No we can’t.” Embry said quickly. 
“Why not?” Quil exclaims. 
“She can’t do that. She’ll get hurt. Or drown. And she’s afraid of heights, remember?” Embry looked at Quil like he had five heads. 
“Oh shit, yeah. Almost forgot.” Quil had a look of realization on his face. 
He remembers I’m afraid of heights. 
“Where do you guys go cliff diving?” I ask.
“We can show you, but we’re not doing it.” Embry tells me. 
“Well, that works I guess. We can include that in our day.” I shrug.
“Oh, that reminds me. I should go help Sam.” Quil says. 
“You guys still didn’t fix that pipe?” I ask him. 
“Pipe?” Embry asks. 
“Yeah, Embry. The pipe that was leaking yesterday. You and Paul tried to fix it, but couldn’t. Then Jacob and I went and fixed it after last night.” He looks at him with stern eyes. 
“Oh yeah. That pipe. It’s been a long week for me.” Embry laughs. 
I look between the both of them, wondering what was wrong with them. 
“Yeah. So Paul came and got you. Did you guys fix it or is it still leaking?” I ask again. 
“No we fixed it. I just told him I would help him clean and fix everything else up from the leak.” Quil said. 
“Ah I see.” I raise my eyebrows at him. 
“You saw Paul last night?” Embry questions. 
“Yeah after you guys left Sam’s.” I tell him. 
He nods his head, seemingly like the gears are starting to turn in his head. 
“Okay, well when you guys are done lying to me about all of this, let me know what’s actually going on.” I snicker. 
“I gotta go.” Quil runs away into the treeline of the woods, assumingly off to Sam’s house. 
I watch him go, before turning my attention to Embry, who is seemingly looking at anything except for me. He keeps looking around between the trees, the ground, and the clouds. 
“Em?” I ask.
“What’s going on?” 
“Please, not yet.” 
“Not yet?” 
“Just, please. Trust that I will tell you soon. When the time is right. You just got back and I don’t wanna lose you.” 
“Em, why would you lose me? You could never lose me.” I say, walking closer to him. 
“I don’t know, it’s… it’s a lot. I’m really happy to have you back. Let’s just hang out, spend some time together. Maybe later, please?” 
His eyes were begging me to just agree, and I couldn’t say no. 
“Okay, yeah. That’s fine. Just please, don’t leave me in the dark too long. I already feel like I was for two years. Now that I’m back I want it all to be transparent with everyone again. I don’t wanna feel like I’m left in the dark again, Em.” I look up to his chocolate brown eyes, feeling like I could see his soul. 
“I won’t, I promise. I just… I want to see you, bean. I want the way you see me now to stay, I don’t want to see you lose the light in your eyes when you look at me.
“Embry, I don’t think that’s even possible. You have such a special place in my heart, you have a soul like no other.” I smile up at him. 
He pulled me into another rib-crushing hug, as comforting as it was painful. 
“Em, you’re kinda hurting me.” I whimper out. 
“Shit, sorry. I’ll be better with that.” He looks at me apologetically. 
“It’s okay. But we should probably leave Jake’s backyard and find something to do, or somewhere else to go.” I suggest, realizing how we’re just standing in the yard alone. 
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go to the cliff. And then I wanna bring you somewhere else, but that’s a surprise.” His smile gleamed vibrantly. 
“Okay, sounds like a plan.” I blush at the thought of a surprise. 
We begin walking to my car before he speaks up again. 
“It almost feels like we were never apart. I know we talked a lot on the phone, but it feels like you never left. Ya know, being with you feels just as comfortable; just the same.” He smiles at me, as he opens my car door for me. 
“I know, it’s a nice feeling. It feels… right.” I look at his beautiful face, beaming with happiness. 
He directed me to the cliff where they would jump from. As we walked out onto it, my jaw almost hit the floor. 
“Embry, you jump from up here?” I ask, almost dying of shock. 
“Yeah. Most others jump from the lower level. We dive from up here, though.” He looks at me, smiling awkwardly. 
“How do you not… die? I see what you meant now. I probably would die.” I say, cautiously peeking over the edge of the cliff. 
Embry grabs ahold of my waist gently, steadying both my balance and my nerves. 
“It’ll all make sense soon. You wouldn’t die going down with one of us though. If we went down together, you’d be fine, bean.” He smiled sweetly at me.
“How? I’m going to need an explanation sooner rather than later because nothing makes sense anymore.” I chuckled, looking down at my feet. 
“Well, I’d be able to swim against the rough water, I can get us back up to the surface quickly, and most of all-- I’m just that great.” He said with his cheeky grin. 
“Oh I keep forgetting about how great you are.” I mock lightly. 
“(Y/N), I promise I’ll explain to you tonight. I just want a day of normalcy with you. Then I’ll answer any question you have.” His eyes looked deep into mine, digging into my soul.
“Okay, Em. Let’s have some fun. Let’s go to your surprise place.” I smiled at him. 
“Okay.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me to the car. The way his massive hands held mine, felt like two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together. I never wanted him to let go, Embry’s touch was intoxicating. 
Word Count: 3459
I hope you guys enjoy this series I’m doing. It happened after I spun off of something else I was writing. I hope you enjoy, please give some feedback!
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chilligyu · 3 years
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info: platonic wonwoo/reader, teen, college au genre: angst | word ct: 1.5k warnings: implied past suicide summary: he was sick of being what everyone else wanted him to be, but he didn't even know how to be himself. she would be the one to finally teach him something worthwhile.
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“You may begin.”
And thus began a unique symphony. The sound of test booklets being flipped, of pencils scratching down answers. Of students nervously tapping their fingers at their desks, of a tyrannical professor circling the class. Of seconds ticking by, and of one stubborn student snoring quietly in the corner.
Jeon Wonwoo.
He was sitting in the back of the class, headphones in his ears, his hoodie pulled over his eyes, and his arms crossed over his chest as he slept. His classmates offered him sparing glances, unsure if they should try to wake him. But—no one did. No one ever did. Everyone was completely content to let him fail the test. If he was so determined to throw his future away, who were they to stop him?
“Mr Jeon?” His professor asked with a coy smirk. “Care to join the rest of the class?”
Wonwoo didn’t even open his eyes. “Not really.”
“You do realize that you pay to go to school, right?” She questioned, smug amusement clear in her tone. “I get paid regardless of how well you do.”
“Good for you.” He snorted, pulling his hood down even further.
She shook her head at him in fake disappointment. “Such a waste of potential. To think, Jeon Wonwoo, the piano prodigy, can’t even pass a simple introduction to music theory class.”
“Fuck off.” He hissed through his teeth.
This woman makes my blood boil.
She snorted, feeling as though she’d won. “All this talk of Composer Jeon’s son attending our small university with absolutely nothing to show for it. Your parents must be proud.”
Without another word, Wonwoo grabbed his bag and stormed out of the room.
Fuck her. He swore to himself as he climbed the stairs to the roof. Fuck her, fuck my parents, fuck this place, fuck everything!
Throwing the door open, the cool autumn air swirled around him and he suddenly felt at ease. He was finally free. Free of the absurd expectations placed on him, free from the pressure that was crushing him, and free from the world that told him how to act, how to think, how to be. He closed his eyes, a small smile creasing his face. Then he fumbled through his pockets looking for his lighter.
“Jeon Wonwoo, what is this?”
“It’s a cigarette, mom.”
“You’re smoking? You have got to be kidding me.”
“Mom—it’s not a big deal—”
“Not a big deal? Not a big—you don’t get to decide what’s a big deal. No son of mine will be caught dead smoking a cigarette!”
“You really don’t think about anyone other than yourself. What if the press got wind of this? Think of the scandal! You’re still in high school! Do you want me to look like a bad mother? Do you?”
“You already do.” He muttered to himself, lighting up a cigarette and inhaling deeply. “Fucking bitch.”
“Do you always talk to yourself?”
Wonwoo turned abruptly, startled by the sudden intrusion. At first, he thought it might be a teacher, but standing by the door was just some girl. Just another annoyance. Just someone else questioning everything he did. At least this one he could ignore, and he did. He turned up his music and headed over to the edge of the roof.
“Hey!” She laughed, jogging up to his side. “I was just kidding!”
He rolled his eyes, pulling out one of his ear buds. “Great, now leave me alone.”
She let loose a low whistle. “Yikes. Who put you in a bad mood?”
“A lot of people.” He continued, taking a drag. “Look, take a hint, I’m not in the mood to listen to you lecture me.”
“Okay…” She started with a smile. “Are you in the mood to talk? You look like you have a lot on your mind.”
Wonwoo stuffed one hand in his pocket. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
“It’s not.” She agreed easily. “But I can speak from experience, nothing good comes from bottling it all up inside.”
“Why the fuck do you care?” He practically growled at her, his frustration rising. “You don’t even know me.”
She shrugged. “What’s that got to do with anything? Can’t I care about someone I don’t know?”
A humourless chuckle bubbled past his lips. “In my experience, people who know me don’t even care about me.”
“Then a change of pace is just what the doctor ordered!” She exclaimed. “Just tell me what’s eating you, maybe I can help.”
He shook his head in disbelief. “I doubt it.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “C’mon, try me. What’s the worst that can happen?”
Exhaling, he decided to give it a shot, because she had a point.
“All my life I’ve played the piano.” He started. “My mother is a famous cellist, my father’s a famous pianist, it was safe to assume that I had some sort of musical talent. And I do, I just—have you ever done something for so long that you just feel compelled to continue?”
She nodded. “Definitely. It’s the only thing you’ve known.”
He took a drag from his cigarette. “Exactly. So, I went to college to play the piano, like my dad. That was the big plan my parents had for me. But—it’s not what I want to do.”
“What do you want to do?” She asked. “Something other than music?”
He shrugged. “I mean, I love music, I’m just not big on the performing end of it. I’d much rather produce than be on stage.”
“Then why don’t you?” She continued, like it was that simple.
“My mom would probably disown me.” He chuckled. “All of those classes, all that money, she would see it as a waste. Some days I feel more like an investment to her and less like her son.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her wince. “Wow, that’s rough.”
“You’re telling me.” He agreed, finishing off his cigarette and flicking it off the roof. “Shit sucks.”
She nodded in understanding. “I feel you, I really do. You shouldn’t have to put up with that.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah. Doesn’t change the fact that I do.”
“Why settle for that?” She asked. “Why not do what you want? I say to hell with her plan! You’ve got your own dreams and desires, aspirations and what not, she’s got no business telling you what to do.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “You clearly haven’t met my mother.”
“That’s true.” She conceded. “But you haven’t met my father, sounds like they’d make quite the pair.”
“Did you ever rebel against him?” Wonwoo asked.
Sadly, she shook her head. “No, I never did. Wish I had though, my life would’ve been a lot different if I just mustered up the courage to say “dad, I want to be a singer, not a classic violinist, please support me”. Instead, I suffered in silence.”
“So you’ve really got no room to talk.” He scoffed. “You’re just as hopeless as me.”
It was barely noticeable, but a small yet sad smile creased her face. “That’s true. Only—there’s still hope for you. You’ve still got a chance.”
“What do you mean—”
He stopped suddenly, shocked to see her climbing up onto the ledge of the roof.
“What are you doing?” He asked in horror, reaching out for her. “Don’t—don’t do it. It’s not hopeless, I promise you, you can still be a singer. There’s still time.”
She offered him a look he couldn’t quite describe. “Sadly, my time’s up Wonwoo. Follow your dreams. Don’t be like me.”
Then, she jumped. It was so sudden, so unexpected, he hesitated for just a second. When he rushed to grab her, to save her from herself, she was gone. He was too late. Reluctantly, he looked out over the edge. He expected to see something that would haunt him for years to come—but she wasn’t there. There wasn’t a trace of her anywhere. Confused, he turned back around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, hoping that his mind was playing tricks on him.
“Sadly, my time’s up Wonwoo.”
He swore that he was going crazy, because for the life of him he was sure that he never told her his name.
“Follow your dreams.”
He clutched his heart in agony.
“Don’t be like me.”
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cosmic-rainestorm · 3 years
Valkyrie - Winn Schott x Reader
Warnings: mild swearing, adorable winn.
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With your wings spread out, you soared through the inky sky, looking out for danger in National City. You had just moved from Parthas to become the apprentice of Winn Schott at CatCo WorldWide media. However you were never originally from Parthas
Your name is Y/n Pond. You're the daughter of The Doctor and Melody Pond aka River Song. You're part timelord and part human and  you are 122 years old. Your mother and father travelled back in time to when Gallifrey existed and raised you there, until the high council of Gallifrey captured you, took control of your mind, experimented on you, gave you unlimited power that you never asked for and altered your appearance so that your eyes were rainbow and your hair was purple and gold. Lucky for you, you could camouflage your appearance to look relatively human. They turned you into there personal assassin and if you disobeyed, they would punish you in the worst ways possible. On my 100th birthday your parents found you and broke you out of your prison but you were badly injured and regenerated into a baby. It was then that they decided to go to Earth and try to raise you again, in Parthas. Your powers stuck through your regeneration and you don't think they will ever go away, hence why you have decided to use them for good, to try and wipe away your past. As your favourite comic book character Black Widow would say, I have red in my ledger. Now I need to wipe it out.
As you landed on top of a random roof top, you noticed a brown haired man about to enter a van when a group of, well, you would describe them as incompetent fools with guns and weapons came stumbling round the corner. Oh god this guy is gonna get killed if I don't do something quickly.
As you made your decent to the ground, you could hear the strange and the gang talking to each other with your super hearing.
"Hey bud, that's some fancy looking equipment you got in your van"
"Uh-uh yeah, yes it is, and if you don't mind I'm just gonna take my equipment with wm and out of your hair, yup, uh bye"
Just as one of them was about to shoot the, well, rather cute stranger, you landed inbetween him and the gang and caught the bullet in your hand.
"You know, it ain't nice to shoot at people, now why don't we solve this like civilised people, I will let you guys go as long as you don't attack this man. Its either that, or, well, you get your asses kicked"
"Move out our way bitch, or not only will this guy die, but so will you"
A fairly large bald guy with a snake tattoo around his arm started charging at you, so, obviously you blasted him with an energy blast.
"Okay, it seems you guys are getting your asses kicked"
Now picture the most badass fight scene with energy blasts, knives, guns, elemental manipulation, several types of fighting styles, flight, angel wings and one very awkward guy just gaping at how one person can take down 10 people without breaking a sweat.
"Wow that was a RUSH, " you screamed "now are you okay um"
"Winn, Winn Scott. W-who are you" he confusingly asked. Where have I heard that name before, oh it will come to me at some point.
"I have never actually thought of a super hero name before, how about Valkyrie. You can call me Valkyrie. Now if you excuse me I have a long night and a new job tomorrow, nice to meet you Winn"
And with that you spread my wings and flew off, not without hearing a very loud thank you being shouted.
Okay Y/n, new job, don't mess up, don't mess up don't mess up. That's all you repeated in your head as you stepped of the elevator into CatCo. Well that was until you bumped into someone and dropped your bag.
"shit, shit, shit, " you whispered "I am so so sorry"
You looked up and saw Winn. Oh fuck now I remember, he is my new boss.
"Its okay, honestly, on my first day I tripped over nothing, " he chuckled. You both rose from the ground as soon as you had picked up everything from your bag. "I'm Winn and you are?"
"I'm Y/n, Y/n Pond. I'm your new apprentice"
"Oh yes, YES. I was told you were coming today. Welcome to CatCo, if Miss Grant doesn't shout at you atleast once then well, you might be doing your job wrong" he again chuckled and you just stared at each other.
He lead you to your desk which was right next to his and you finally set my bag down. When you turned around, he was still staring. Then his eyes went wide and he gasped. Shit, he knows.
"You, you're, you're her aren't you"
"I-I don't know who you're talking about"
"Follow me" and with that he yanked your hand towards the lift and up to the roof.
You were nervously sweating, no one has ever recognised you before and you were fucking terrified.
As you walked onto the roof he wiped towards and pointed.
"YOUR VALKYRIE" He boomed.
Well I guess that's my identity blown.
"Why would I do that, this is amazing, now I know three superheroes, WOOOO" huh, maybe that's why, wait there are more here. That's... Interesting.
"How did you know its me, I mean I am camouflaged to have h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes, not my natural appearance." you questioned.
"Your voice, I recognised it immediately, I would never forget that voice, " he said simply. At this point you were blushing like and idiot. Wait why am I blushing, oh fuck I can't have a crush already. " this is great, I could help you, oh please let me help you, please please please"
You just grinned at him and nodded your head, which caused him to raise his fist. I think this is gonna be a great partnership and an amazing friendship.
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savoies · 3 years
uuu - jamie drysdale.
summary: friends to lovers.
word count: 2k.
warnings: one bad word?
a/n: this is so self indulgent and maybe one of the best/longest things i have ever written. enjoy!
taglist: @hartsyhart ​ ​ @nhlpetey @mitch-slap ​ @frostythegoalman ​ @ryanssuzuki ​  @aria253264 ​  @josty ​ ​ @kaitieskidmore1 ​ ​ @kiedhara ​ ​ @laurenairay ​ @teenagekook ​ ​ @alxvlasic ​ ​ ​ @hockeyallthetime ​ ​ @barzy-baby ​ ​ ​ @officialgritty ​ ​ @bowenbyram ​ @mems06 ​ ​ @joshsandersons ​  @connormcdavo ​ @maattamatthews ​ ​ @pierreslucdubois ​ ​ ​ @selenophileangel ​ @boqvistsbabe @ana-maa ​ @stars-canucks @quinnhughxs
​tagging some buds: @npatrickz @beauvibaby @heybarzy @tkachuk-yeah @cozycozzy @2manytabsopen ​
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(*credit to gif owner*)
You and Jamie had met through a mutual friend. Since then both of you had been inseparable. Spending every single waking moment together. Stuck at the hip as your friends described it. Arms linked up as all of your friends hung out together. And when your mutual friends made plans to hang out it was always "will jamie be there?" or "will y/n be there?"
Jamie was great. You always had your fair share of best friends. Some back stabbing you in the back while others just moved away. But you have never had a connection with anyone like the one you had with Jamie.
Talks till 4am, finishing each other's sentences, or saying what the other was thinking cause the other was afraid or embarrassed to do so. Those are just some of the things you loved about your friendship with Jamie.
When he wasn't playing hockey you would sit in front of your tv and watch as many episodes as you could of the current show you were both obsessed with. Of course stuffing your face with food until you were physically sick, hunching over at a stomach ache. Every morning waking up in each other's arms in the most uncomfortable position. But it didn't matter cause you were in each other's warmth.
I mean of course you did have a dream or two about kissing or going out with Jamie but he didn't need to know that.
Both of you sat on your roof looking at the stars and listening to music.
"This song reminds me of you." He spoke up as a lively melody filled your ears.
"Funny you say that baby duck cause I actually have this song in your playlist cause it reminds me of you."
"Ok first of all you know how i feel about baby duck and second of all this just proves my point of us being on the same wavelength."
"Well i'm still calling you it even if you do hate it, i mean it is what you are." You looked at him with a smirk on your face knowing how much the nickname annoyed him.
"So like what if i just push you off the roof." He narrowed his eyes at you.
"James you want to kill me." You gasped.
He rolled his eyes at your other nickname for him. He shrugged his shoulders. Now it was your turn to narrow your eyes at him as you placed a punch on his shoulder.
Laughter was heard throughout the night as hours passed of you guys just listening to music and enjoying each other's company.
You sat at your friends house as she told you the latest drama going on with her on and off again boyfriend. You of course most of the time staring at your screen and smiling like an idiot.
"Y/N are you even listening?" Your friend said irritated.
"Of course I am." You lied as you looked up at them.
"Doesn't seem like it. Get me out of hereeee." Your other friend read out loud your text from your exchanged convo between Jamie to everyone.
"Ok fine no i wasn't. I already told you I think you should leave him, you can do better." You told your friend and narrowed your eyes at your other friend.
"Easier said than done. Not like all of us have a boy wrapped around our fingers just one call away." She looked at you directly.
"What are you talking about?" You asked, utterly confused. You weren't the best at reading signals when it came to dating. Honestly you were pretty oblivious.
"Wait are you serious, have you seen the way Jamie looks at you?" Your friend replied.
"Drysdale and I are just friends." You laughed nervously pushing away the not so friendly thoughts you've had about him.
"That's what they always say." Your friend who read over your shoulder responded.
"Shut up." You slapped them on their head.
"I am leaving because I feel like I'm getting attacked." You said as you gathered your belongings.
"She's going to see Jamieee."
"You guys are annoying, you know that." You huffed as you stepped out into the chilly night.
"Love you too." Your friends replied as you closed the door.
Weeks had passed since that conversation with your friends. And as you thought about it, it all seemed to make sense. Well not the part of Jamie liking you but maybe you did like him a little. Ok maybe a whole lot. But it's not like you could just come out and tell him. You loved your friendship more than anything. And you wouldn't throw it away for some silly feelings.
Both of you sat on the couch in silence. Something you did regularly. It was your very own therapy. Thinking of what was wrong (or something that was going right) in life and then telling each other.
But you couldn't tell him this. At least not any time soon.
"Ok you first." Jamie spoke up breaking the silence.
"Well uhm nothing new really, I guess you're still annoying." You laughed.
"Hey!" He said shoving you with his shoulder as you sat on the couch side by side.
"Your turn." 
"Well uhm I'm going on a date." He spoke up nervously avoiding eye contact.
"Oh my gosh Jamie that's amazing." You told him. I mean hey if he was going on a date it meant that you didn't need to worry about the dumb feelings you were experiencing and you could bury them deep.
"Yeah I guess." He laughed nervously smiling softly at you.
A few days had passed since his date. Honestly he was avoiding you. Not really sure what he was feeling. He missed his best friend though. So he drove to your house and made his way to your room. He had knocked a couple of times at the front door but with no answer he used his key that you had given him for "emergencies". Soon with walking into your living room he understood why there was no answer. Loud music was vibrating through the small apartment from your room.
As he walked closer to your room he saw you dancing or more like jumping up and down to some catchy beat coming from your phone. (which your neighbors soon would complain about) But he loved seeing you this happy and carefree that the things he had been feeling soon faded away.
"Jamie!! Come dance with me."  You yelled over the music.
"No no it's ok." Jamie said not really being the best at dancing. You went up to grab him spinning him around a couple of times and soon both of you were dancing around your room like crazy maniacs. 
Both falling on your bed breathing heavily as the dance party had tired you out.
"What are you doing here?" You asked him confused since he hadn't called.
"Well I missed you." He spoke up softly using his elbow to lift himself up and face you. Your heart rate picking up as those words processed in your mind and you really hoped that he couldn't sense it.
Your friends decided to walk around and go for coffee. So here you sat between some of your friends as Jamie was waiting in line to get your usual order.
Jamie saw you laughing at something your friend said. Your eyes creasing at the corner as you smiled hard. The smile he so dearly loved.
He wasn't going to tell you this but his date wasn't the best. The girl was amazing. But he caught himself talking about you rather than himself. He apologized profusely for wasting the poor girls time and all she said was that you were special. And indeed yes you were. To him you were everything he ever wanted in a person. In his person.
You looked up to meet Jamie already staring at you and you offered him a small smile and awkward wave. That smile he loved so much. And that is when Jamie realized that he was crushing on you hard. Your friend who had stood with him waiting for their coffee as well looked at him staring at you.
"You know she likes you too." They had said. As he looked at them questioning if it really was that obvious.
So now as he got both of your coffees he walked back to you. 
"Ahh there is whom I love." You said as you made grabby hands for your coffee. 
"How rude, and here I thought you were talking about me." He huffed.
"You know I love you but I do love my coffee more, now come sit before one of them takes your spot." You looked at your friends.
"Well i just don't think it's fair to spread yourself against two chairs to save seats." One of your friends said.
You stuck your tongue out at them as you laid your head on Jamie's shoulder and drank your coffee happily spending time with your friends.
And then came Saturday. Jamie had asked if you wanted to go get ice cream and of course you couldn't say no. So after getting in his car and hugging him you told him how you missed him even though you had seen him less than twenty four hours prior.
Both of you trying to block the sun as you ate your quickly melting ice cream.
Some dripping on your shirt as the melting ice cream dripped from your spoon.
"You got a little something." Jamie had laughed. 
"Good thing it's your shirt." You grabbed some napkins as you rubbed off the sweet treat.
After some time Jamie spoke up. "I like you and not just as a friend, you don't have to give me a response right away but yeah i just had to tell you." You looked at him shocked to say the least. Your friends were right and honestly all those feelings that you so called "buried" came all at once filling your stomach with butterflies.
"Well baby duck lucky for you I like you too." You said as you leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. And the rest of the day was spent with huge smiles on both of your faces.
A few weeks later both of you sat on your friends couch. Holding hands. You guys weren't official just yet, trying to keep everything slow and not rush into things. Your friends of course had betted how long it would take for you guys to get together.
"Ok honestly if you guys are gonna be this lovey dovey and shit i think i might just head home." Your friend who had finally broken up with her boyfriend spoke up.
"Omg i forgot to tell you, Jamie has this friend who's like super cute, no offense babe..." you said.
"None taken." He said as your friends around you laughed.
"... And he's super nice. I'm sure Jamie can introduce you.
"Yeah, I think he's single." Jamie replied. Later on you guys played some board games, watched some netflix, and just talked about life.
"Ok ok i have to know when did you realize you guys liked each other." Your friend looked up from her sitting place on the floor.
"Uhm I think i saw signs over time but maybe when some people kept on insisting we weren't just friends." You narrowed your eyes at your friends.
"Hey look we were right so a thank you would be nice." They shrugged their shoulders.
"Mine's kind of embarrassing but when all i talked about was Y/N on a date." Jamie cringed.
"No way dude." 
"Is that why you didn't want to talk about how it went, it all makes sense now." You looked at Jamie.
"Poor girl." 
"In my defense I apologized many times and she said it was ok." He lifted his hands in defense.
You laid in each other's arms as the hours passed by happy at how things were going.
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The Dinosaur and the Vampire Part Two (carlisle cullen x reader)
Request: hi can you do a one shot for Twilight where the reader is best friends with Bella and is there at the car crash in the first movie, they go to hospital and that’s where the reader meets Carlisle, really fluffy, thanks
Word Count: Long
Pairings: Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Warnings: nothing
A/N: This is part two of this request because it was so highly requested!! Thank you so much for the love and support!! I’m back re-reading the twilight series so if you have any requests just send them my way<3
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“I’ll see if we can sort this thing out.”
It was the last thing he had said to her with a small and yet reassuring smile before he turned and walked through those pale doors and apparently, y/n’s life. She hadn’t seen Dr Cullen since the day of the accident. Hell, she had barely seen his adopted children. Spring was warming into summer, the sun glittering down through the immense greenery and the Cullens were never around when it was sunny. 
Bella and Edward were getting closer with every passing day. He had taken over their morning ride together, stopping by in his silver Volvo to pick Bella up, every so often flashing a smile at y/n as she climbed into her own less flashy car. Edward was kind enough to leave Bella to y/n after school, considering they both finished with gym. It was precious time for the pair as they recounted their day and filled each other in on gossip, none of it proving to be that interesting. Well, apart from the budding romance between Bella and Edward.
Despite y/n’s secret complaints every time Bella disappeared from a study session or cancelled a trip to Port Angeles, she knew her prejudice came from no genuine malice toward Edward. After all, he was lovely. Since the day of the accident his attitude towards y/n had done a 180, before he had never so much as spared her a glance and now he smiled at her in the corridor, even sat next to her in English, the only class they shared together. He made little conversation, most of it was inquiring after Bella but it was nice to have made a new friend.
It just seemed unfair. They way he had spoken in the hospital made it seem as if something would happen, perhaps an apology gift or an invitation to their mansion up in the woods. Something. Edward’s cordial behaviour was pleasant but in no way satisfactory. Y/n wished in every spare moment to see the doctor again, and when she wasn’t wishing to see him she was imagining what it would be like to see him. Maybe he’d pick the Cullen’s up after school or maybe there would be some big event in town which everyone went to. It was a silly thought since the Cullens were rarely grouped with ‘everyone’. So her mind of drifted to the idea of herself being injured, dragged into hospital only to have his face, angelic and flushed in light hovering above her.
“Stupid.” She muttered under her breath, dismissing the thought instantly. Bella threw her a glance, “Forgot to carry the one.” Y/n lied as she smiled and looked back down at her barely touched maths homework. All this pining and obsessive thinking made her feel so little and insignificant. She felt like a student with a crush on their teacher, and in many ways she was. Every time his name or ivory face rolled into her mind a small voice in her head protested.
She hated that voice. It was the one that reminded her she was only a junior in high school. The one that mocked her, told her that he was an adult with a job, a medical job that must have demanded a couple of years of study pushing him into his late twenties. What doctor has time for a high school student with a crush. A crush that was so overt she couldn’t even talk to Bella about it. Bella who had quickly grown into becoming her best friend, Bella who was dating Carlisle’s adopted son, Bella who was currently packing her things into her bag with haste.
“Where are you going?” Y/n hated the small whine in her voice and tried to play it off with a smile. She wanted to be happy for Bella and Edward and deep down she was, they were just a reminder that she was getting nowhere with her own crush and, most likely, never would.
“I’m running up to Edward’s to pick up his Bio questions. I forgot about them and he offered to help.” She smiled, oblivious to y/n’s anguish.
They were camped out in Bella’s room, a strange sounding CD playing in the background as they finished off their schoolwork. It had become a bit of a ritual to spend time with each other doing insignificant things. Bella was nice like that, never desperate to go anywhere or really do anything, happy to stay inside. Plus Charlie liked having y/n in the house, he was always asking her questions about her parents, grateful Bella was able to make such a good friend so soon.
“M’kay.” Y/n followed in suit, shoving her unfinished problems into her bag. This was her cue to leave. “How is Edward by the way?”
“He’s...fine?” Bella smiled wryly through her lashes, “Why are you asking?”
“Oh, it’s just, you always fill me in on your gossip but never actually tell me how he is.” Y/n smiled back as they both padded down the stairs.
“He’s fine. I think. His family’s a bit nervous about us actually.”
“Oh.” Y/n tried to make her voice sound as inconspicuous as possible, hiding her feral craving for more information on the Cullens.
“Well...it’s mostly just Rosaline, you know the blonde one.”
“The gorgeous one.”
“They’re all gorgeous.” Bella sighed.
“You got that right.” Y/n muttered under her breath. Pale hair melting into pale skin - the human equivalent of snow.
“Anyways,” Bella sighed not hearing her, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yup!” Y/n called over her shoulder as she hopped the fence between their two houses, pulling the keys out of her pocket.
A loud engine revved distantly followed by the squealing of car tires as a silver blur flashed down the street before halting in front of them. Edward. He was out of the car quickly, a broad grin stretched across his cheeks. He was smiling at Bella, of course. Y/n was happy for them, smiling to herself as she pushed her keys into the door.
“Hey y/n!” His voice was both silken and broad.
“Hey!” Y/n spun around shooting him a grin, “How are you, I haven’t seen you for a while.” It was nice now that she was able to actually carry a conversation with him, that they weren’t just strangers.
“Yeah weather’s been nice, Carlisle took us up this trail in the mountains. It was beautiful.” Edward said his name so casually and yet the word stunned her for a minute. It had been so long since she had actually heard it said aloud.
“Oh,” She murmured, her breath somewhat stuck in her throat. His eyes were careful, assessing her despite his broad welcoming smile. “Well you owe me,” Y/n relaxed back into the conversation, “I’ve been taking over Bella runs to school.” His laugh was loud and rare.
“Hey!” Bella half-protested tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “I didn’t realise I was such a burden to you guys.”
“Aw, it’s okay.” Y/n smiled, her keys feeling slippery in her fingers, “You make up for it with good conversation.” Y/n turned back to the door, mentally preparing for her night of microwaved meals and algebra.
“Y/n,” Edward’s voice surprisingly called out, “I’m running Bella up to mine for some biology questions but I wouldn’t mind if you came. I’ve got that first edition Hardy I was telling you about in English.”
The offer was most shocking to Bella who turned, utterly stunned, to gawk at her boyfriend. Y/n felt as though she had just been slapped as her heart lurched, sure her and Edward were chatty but the fact he was now inviting her to his house - the Cullens house. She did a quick mental calculation. On one hand she was invading Bella’s privacy with Edward but it was him who offered the invitation, on the other hand, well she might just see him. If it were anyone else y/n would have politely declined and been happy with soggy potatoes and Pythagoras, but she felt completely and utterly compelled to accept. The mere chance that he might be there in that house was enough for y/n to waltz her way into the back of Edward’s silver Volvo.
Edward drove like a maniac and somehow, that made sense. Y/n gripped the edge of her seat as she glanced out the window focusing on the never ending blur of blue and green. The conversation was casual and somewhat stilted but y/n couldn’t even try to care, her mind was already there in the Cullens house. She pictured popping into Edward’s room to grab the book and bumping into him, or the scenario where he was in the kitchen, or what about seeing him as he comes home from work, wearing the same pale shirt and tie.
Y/n hated how obsessive her mind was. But it genuinely felt as though she couldn’t help it, as though she had no control over her thoughts whatsoever. A small knot had twisted its way into existence in her gut and what was worse, they had already arrived.
“You guys can stay for a bit,” Edward got out the car heading into what can only be described as a mansion. “I’m pretty sure everyone’s out.” These seemed to ease something in Bella but had the opposite effect on y/n. Trying not to think about it y/n was quick behind Edward and Bella who had loosely interlocked their fingers as they walked in.
Taking her time, y/n absorbed what was probably the most beautiful house she had ever seen. Wood and glass flowing from wall to wall in eccentric shapes and patterns. Artwork y/n would never understand slung across the walls. A grand piano, smooth like silk displayed in the corner
“Oh, y/n.” Edward called her back to reality, “I’m pretty sure I left the book in the kitchen, I was going to bring it to you tomorrow.” Y/n was taken aback.
“Wow, thanks Edward. You really didn’t have to.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled, “You’re free to get it, Kitchen’s just up the stairs and to the right.” Y/n smiled at him gratefully before heading up the stairs. Partly to leave Bella and Edward in peace, partly to admire the home interrupted. She took her time going to the kitchen, admiring the way the Cullens lived. Of course they lived somewhere like this.
Once in the kitchen, y/n spotted a worn copy of ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ waiting for her. Picking it up she thumbed through the first few pages noticing small faded scribbles in pencil - it would be nice to have a look in Edward’s mind.
All he said was her name and yet she knew in an instant who it was. Snapping the book shut and spinning around, there he was. His trousers were dark and tucked into them was a crisp shirt, white as skin and unbuttoned slightly, the sleeves rolled up to display his forearms. They looked like marble, pale and stony and completely solid. His silver hair was swept away from his face, his eyes a golden brown similar to Edward’s. “How did you...” he trailed off, his voice soft and distant, not a hint of anger.
“Sorry Carlisle,” Edward appeared out of thin air behind her. She took note of how he never called him ‘dad’. “I thought everyone was out. I brought y/n and Bella up to collect some things for school.” The two Cullen’s stared intensely at each other, something passing between them in that look.
“I’m sorry,” Y/n blurted after a moment, feeling as though she had intruded, “I’ve got what I came for,” She held up the book, “I can head back now.” She attempted a half-smile not meeting Carlisle’s eyes.
“It’s fine.” He said almost too quickly. His voice quiet, meditated. “You’re no bother to me.” The way he spoke, it was so elegant and unlike anyone in town. “I see you two are friends now after the accident.” Edward and y/n shared a glance.
“It was no big problem really.” Y/n felt herself melting into his presence, now more confident to steal looks at his unwavering eyes, fixed on her. “Just a scratch.”
“Still,” A smile had warmed into his stony cheeks, evidently comfortable himself as he busied himself with a folder already fanned out on the counter top, “Edward’s behaviour was unacceptable. He did apologise?” Carlisle leaned on his forearms, his smile widening.
“Yes...I did.” Edward groaned, y/n couldn’t help but giggle. He then turned to her, “You should’ve heard the verbal lashing I got when I came home.”
“Edward.” Carlisle warned, his smile dropping disapprovingly. Edward held y/n’s gaze for a moment before slowly reaching Carlisle's stare, again something seemed to pass between the two. “Did you say Bella was here?” Carlisle swiftly changed the topic.
“Yeah, I best go find her.” Edward added, the two easing the tension with expertise. “Before she falls down two flights of stairs and through a window or something.” He muttered.
“Wouldn’t put it past her.” Y/n agreed.
“Me neither.” Carlisle added distantly causing y/n to flash a smile at him. Edward bounded out of the room, distantly calling Bella’s name as he began his search. “Good book.” Carlisle commented.
“Yeah when Edward said I could borrow his first edition I was in shock to be honest.” Making conversation was disturbingly easy.
“You can take anything you want from our library, it’s full of first editions.” Carlisle said without thinking, “It’s sort of a...hobby. For us.” The way he said ‘us’ made y/n shiver, he knew that him and his family were exclusive, outsiders. Us and them, and y/n couldn’t figure out what side she was on.
“I have a feeling this one will take me a while but thanks. I’ll keep your offer in mind.” She smiled without thinking.
“It’s nice to see Edward’s making friends. We’ve been here a few years now and he’s only just branching out.”
“Well, ‘making friends’ is a bit of an overstatement,” She leaned back against the counter top, comfortable, “Technically me and Bella are the only two people he’s talked to outside of his own family. And I’m pretty sure he’s only putting up with me because I live next to Bella, that and your...verbal lashing.”
“It wasn’t that bad, honestly.” Carlisle chuckled to himself.
“Thank you though, nonetheless.” He eyed her carefully, his golden orbs flitting across her face and, unless she was mistaken, for a moment they glanced down her body.
“Your cut cleaned up perfectly.” He spoke into the silence, “No scarring at all.”
“I don’t think I would’ve minded a scar. At least it would be a conversation starter.” He laughed, it was softer than Edward’s, more rounded and from deep within his chest.
“Ah yes, then you could tell everyone about the time you walked into a car door.”
“Technically, I think the car door walked into me.” He laughed again and y/n’s chest swelled with pride. She was doing it, holding a conversation with him at ease. “It feels like ages ago now,” She pondered aloud, “And it’s really how Edward and Bella met. Funny that.”
“Yes.” He agreed, his eyes holding hers a second too long before he turned back to his paperwork. “Well,” He cleared his throat, “Best get back to business.” Almost like clockwork Edward and Bella appeared at the stairs, giggling to themselves about some inside joke.
“Yeah uh, I’ll see you around.” Y/n shot him a tentative smile. He didn’t say anything in response but his eyes were conveying an emotion she couldn’t quite comprehend. She already knew that look was going to stick with her.
“You ready to head back y/n?” Edward asked as he sidled into the kitchen. From behind him Bella shot y/n an apologetic look as if she were sorry for leaving her with Carlisle. How little she knew.
“Of course.” Y/n smiled at Edward.
“Okay, just head down to the car I’ll be down in a sec.” With one last smile at Carlisle y/n skipped a little to meet up with Bella before the pair headed downstairs. It wasn’t until they were far out the house and near the car that Bella started a conversation.
“Sorry for leaving you there.” She half-smiled.
“Don’t be.” Y/n tried not to smile too much.
“Carlisle’s lovely isn’t he?” The question caught y/n off-guard, it took her a minute to realise Bella was speaking of him as a fatherly-figure.
“Uh, yeah.” Y/n stammered, a pink flush spreading across her cheeks. Bella noticed and went to say something when she realised.
“Y/n, your book?”
“What?” Y/n was confused again before realising, looking down her lap was empty. Completely devoid of all 19th century classical text. “Shit, be back in a sec.”
And with that she was out, jumping up the house steps two at a time. When she was in the house though she slowed down again, afraid of the mere thought of falling and damaging anything within the house. As she moved through the house she became aware of somewhat raised voices.
“What game are you playing?” It was Carlisle’s voice, not angry, not anything. It was completely monotonous. It was wrong to eavesdrop but it felt like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand it was rude to eavesdrop, on the other she was already stuck behind the corner of the kitchen and had no idea how to walk into the kitchen naturally, especially since the conversation had already begun and the Cullens would know that she must’ve heard some of it.
“I’m not doing anything.” Edward’s voice was soft as well. The pair arguing without arguing.
“What you’re doing is dangerous.”
“You’re so happy for me and Bella. Every time I enter a room all I can hear it you’re praise of approval. Why can’t you let yourself be happy.”
“I’m being serious.”
“I don’t need this right now I’ve got paperwork.”
“If we were to live life your way you’d quite literally be doing paperwork for eternity.”
“The smell Edward. Even I have only so much restraint.” Whatever she was expecting to hear, it wasn’t that. Y/n was brutally offended. Surely, surely he wasn’t talking about her. Mortified, y/n tugged her shirt to her nose and inhaled deeply. It smelt like her mother’s washing detergent and y/n’s cheap perfume from Christmas. The statement had knocked her so off balance she wasn’t quite aware of Edward stalking in her direction. Hurriedly, she paced down three steps before walking up them as if it were the first time.
“Y/n.” Edward exclaimed loud enough for Carlisle to hear. Y/n looked at him, trying to mask whatever emotion she was feeling.
“Sorry. I forgot the book.” She smiled, hoping her eyes didn’t give her away. Edward said nothing, just disappeared and returned with the Hardy, gently passing it to her before leading her downstairs. Did he know she was listening?
The drive home was silent.
next part
requests open <3
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writtenjewels · 3 years
Jaal was eager for the Tempest to set down. Only two weeks had passed since he last saw Scott but it seemed so much longer. The messages helped but he longed for the young man's voice, his smile, his touch. Sara was thrilled with the relationship and when he questioned her about the “crush”, she assured him that Scott was no longer in pain, which was good. Liam teased him about it while Vetra offered some cross-species romantic advice.
“Humans are very smooth and curvy. It was a little strange at first but you grow to like it. And don't worry about them finding you physically attractive. Humans are pretty clear about that.” That hadn't really been a concern at all. Given how much Scott liked kissing him and hadn't hesitated in touching him, Jaal was confident the young man was physically attracted to him.
He entered the horticulture building and found Scott waiting for him. The human's hands were folded behind his back as he examined the plants. Jaal found it amusing and endearing how Scott acted as though merely touching the plants would harm them somehow. Scott turned and his face instantly warmed.
“Jaal.” He lifted his hands to touch Jaal's face, running them along the crown of his head and following the shape to his shoulders. “Not that your scars aren't bad-ass, but I'm glad you didn't get hurt enough to have new ones.” He leaned forward, pressing their lips together. “And there's my kiss for winning the race. Best prize ever.”
“I missed you, dear one,” Jaal sighed. “I want to hear all about your mission.”
“Sure. Just let me pick some mint leaves for our tea.” Scott released him and turned toward one of the plants. He plucked a handful of leaves and stored them in a small container. “Tell me about your mission,” Scott urged as they headed back to his living space. “What kind of explosives did you use to blow up the facility?”
They fell into conversation, each listening with interest as the other went over their missions. It carried on inside and Jaal found a seat to wait for the tea. Scott went on a long tangent talking about different ideas he had for water filtration systems and pipe-lines for Kadara.
“Sorry, I hope this isn't too boring,” he apologized.
“No, it's what I love about you,” Jaal assured him. “Your desire to build things and improve life for your people is what makes you who you are.”
“Speaking of building, I'm making a new surfboard. I know it'll be a while before we have any decent waves but I figure that'll give us time for me to teach you, if you're interested.”
“To surf?” Jaal clarified.
“Why not?” Scott poured two cups of tea and handed one over to Jaal. “Now, if you don't like it, please don't act like you do just to spare my feelings. I'm aware angaran taste buds are different.”
Jaal lifted the cup to his nose first to inhale the aroma. It was faint but sharp and mildly pleasant. He brought the cup to his lips and swallowed the mouthful. The taste was difficult to pin down. He had tried some human food out of curiosity and found much of it to be too bland. This tea wasn't very flavorful but he sensed it wasn't supposed to be. He took in another mouthful.
“It's refreshing,” he decided.
“Exactly.” Scott looked pleased and tipped back his own cup. “Back home my favorite way to relax was to make some mint tea and look at the stars. Spent a lot of time wondering what was up there and itching to go see for myself. Six hundred years later and here we are.”
“All of you were brave to make such a long journey into the unknown,” Jaal said. “Knowing that there was no way to return. Will you miss it?”
“Parts of it,” Scott nodded. “But I don't regret coming here, even with all the problems we've faced. Every day I wake up excited, knowing there's going to be something new to discover. And it doesn't hurt that I have a cute boyfriend.”
“That would be... me?” Jaal confirmed. Scott nodded again and took another sip of tea. “I looked up this word,” Jaal told him. “Your species uses it to describe a male romantic partner.”
“Well... yeah. That's what you are.” Scott's expression turned a little nervous. “We didn't exactly talk about it, but when you invited me to listen to the yevara, it felt like a date. And you've been using endearments for me ever since. We are dating, right? Or... I don't know the angaran equivalent.”
Jaal didn't really know what dating was, but he understood what Scott was asking. “Scott, I wish us to be together, too. I'm so pleased you feel the same.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to Scott's. The mint added an interesting flavor to that mouth, and he became curious. He moved his tongue out to feel along Scott's lips.
Scott shuddered a little and parted his lips. Very carefully Jaal slid his tongue in between as Scott did for him once. The response was immediate, Scott gasping and gripping the sides of Jaal's head. Scott's tongue prodded his and he found he enjoyed the sensation. He was beginning to understand the appeal of mint, though he knew he would like the taste of Scott all on its own.
“Jaal,” Scott groaned softly. “I, ah...”
“I adore you,” Jaal declared.
“I...” Scott's breath came out gently across his lips. “I adore you too... dear one.” There was no sufficient word to describe how it felt for Scott to call him that. He knew humans had difficulty expressing their emotions so when they did, it felt even more precious. Jaal drew their lips together again and they kissed until they were breathless.
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matan4il · 3 years
I'm a little nervous about Monday. Why is every single cast member using the word "unexpected" to describe the episode? The only unexpected thing would be for Eddie to choose Ana and for Buck and Taylor to move past their budding friendship to romantic partners. Or perhaps, temporarily, Eddie takes an indeterminate sabbatical to figure out if he still wants to be a firefighter.
(Side note, I hope Maddie gets help. My sister went through bad ppd and I had to go over every day to check on her and the baby for a while.)
Hi lovely! great question about what do they mean with 'unexpected' and one I kept asking myself at the start of the season, when we had Buck's mystery calls with a woman. I had assumed the 'crush' talk was a red herring and that the woman would turn out to be Buck's therapist. The main thing that was giving me pause was Tim saying something along the lines of this woman not being who we think she is. I wondered who does he assume we think she is? 'Coz if he figured we'd guess she's a therapist, then she's not. But if he's speaking to a more casual general audience, then he's assuming "we" (without distinguishing fandom from other viewers) accept the in-show teasing about a crush for a fact... Turns out, the latter is what he was doing. So I'm assuming the same applies now, when they're saying "unexpected" they probably mean, "unexpected for the general audience". If the show goes in the direction you described, it really wouldn't be unexpected at all. But the show could still catch us ALL by surprise. We'll know soon enough and I can't wait!
(and lots of hugs to you and to your sister. My mom probably had undiagnosed PPD when she had me, so know that I feel you more than I can express and I am sending TONS of love! xoxox)
Hey ! I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE your blog and I always look forward to read your metas after each episode! And I do have a question: so next episode is gonna be intense ! And I was wondering do think we’ll get something buddie-wise like Realisation of feelings or Buddie moving in together ? Because the events have been piling up for a possible Buddie SetUp right ? Oliver live tweeting the finale even though he said himself that everything he says is taken the wrong way and him saying that this episode is gonna change things for s5... ? And do you think that Buddie will ever become canon or are the writers just messing with us? (Sorry for the long ask)
Hi Nonnie, and thank you so much for the kindness! I'm so happy you're enjoying my meta! As for 414, I'm never 1000% sure about anything a show will do. Because shows can disappoint, because there can be elements behind the scenes, unknown to us, influencing storyline decisions... But in terms of narrative, I can't see having both the 'follow your heart' talk and the intense Buddie shooting scene (because it IS a Buddie one. Eddie is shot, but the scene is just as much about Buck's reaction and their connection during this) in the very same ep and then not letting this lead to some sort of Buddie feelings realization. The show can still disappoint and not follow up on its own build up, I'm just not sure how they can take it in any other direction. Mind you, I remember when quite a few fans were hyped after the kitchen scene and were sure Buddie will kiss in the next scene, but I didn't think they would at the time. This feels different. The narrative is begging for this resolution and they made it the intense cliffhanger for the first half of the season finale. Everything they've done this season is pooling into this scene in 413 and the follow up in 414. It's all lined up just right for this development. Add the stuff you mentioned from outside the show, and yes, it feels like it really can happen now. It's not a guarantee that it will, but this is the first time I've felt like the moment in canon is right, when before it all still felt like a part of the subtext that the show may or may not deliver on. Does that make sense? Thank you so much for the ask and let's do a prayer circle together for the show to come through! xoxox
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
Imagine what it would be like if Remus never got injured. Like he’s plays professional hockey, was first round draft pick like expected. How would he and Sirius have met and how would they have ended up together??? Would they be on the same team or different teams or like Remus having just got traded to the lions.
I hate how much this took over my brain. (Just kidding I loved it.) These are just a couple of snapshots of what life in the Lions might have looked like with Remus as a player.
Characters of course by the one and only @lumosinlove
Sirius stepped into the locker room for his first official day as a member of the Gryffindor Lions. He’d already met all of the team but this was different, this day had weight. His mother's parting words, a hissed whisper echoed in his ears.
Toujours pur.
The Snakes motto. A not too subtle reminder to do everything he could to get traded. Sirius looked around at the little hush that fell when he walked into the room before Pascal.
There were more than a couple shouts of “Rookie!” and before he knew what was happening, Sirius was being ushered to his stall by someone talking a mile a minute. 
“Talkie, give the rookie a break will you? Much more of you and he’ll be begging for a transfer before the season begins.” Came a joking voice and Sirius looked up to see none other than Remus Lupin standing in front of him.
Sirius knew who Remus was - how could he not? He had been first draft last year and had played spectacularly since. The media couldn’t get enough of him, he was like the all American boy with his perfect hair and perfect smile and perfect family.
“Look Loops, just because you’re not technically a rookie anymore doesn’t mean I’m going to stop treating you like one so until further notice you can’t tell me what to do.”
Remus burst out laughing and pushed Thomas away lightly before those sparkling eyes met Sirius’.
“Welcome to the club.”
The team was… not what Sirius expected. Even more unexpected however, was how he never wanted to leave. His mother’s words still haunted his dreams but Sirius knew; somehow he would have to stay. So he worked. He trained and he slept. Then he slept and he trained. His days were a never ending cycle of eating, training, sleeping, repeat. Even the nights out with the boys seemed the same. Sure, they went to different places, met different people but… the essence of it was the same. The only thing that wasn’t constant in his life was Remus. Sirius couldn’t figure him out. He laughed and joked with the guys, but he was clever and sarcastic and so brilliantly witty, Sirius just couldn’t get enough of listening to him talk. Yeah, one thing was for sure, he would have to stay.
“Remus! You were so good! That goal! It was like one minute you were here and then you were there and the goalie was all ‘woah!’ and I was like ‘woah!’ and like… woah!”
Sirius smiled as he overheard Julian Lupin come in. Remus’ little brother had become the team's little unofficial mascot, appearing frequently in the locker room, peppering everyone with questions and following Remus around like he hung up the moon.
(Although, knowing Remus Sirius wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did).
“Sirius! You were amazing!” Jules buzzed, appearing right in front of him, at a level of pure excitement that only children ever seemed to fully reach. Sirius reached out and ruffled his hair. “Thanks bud, did you have a good time?”
Julian stared up at him, wide eyed. “Yeah.” He breathed. “It was so cool. And mom says I only have ten more minutes because it’s past my bedtime but I want to stay with all of you.”
“Hmm, I’d say your mom probably knows best kiddo, but…” Sirius said, lowering his voice conspiratorially and leaning in, Jules copying his movements, “That is enough time to help me with my cool-down stretches, would you be up for that?”
Julian’s enthusiastic, affirmative response would replay in Sirius’ head for days.
“You’re good with him.” Remus commented later, leaning against the doorframe in the kitchen. The muscles in his arms and shoulders tensing to support himself. Sirius swallowed and forced himself to look away. He never let himself look at Remus too much. Never in the showers - it would do too much to him. It would also hurt too much to know exactly what he was missing out on. This was at least, Sirius could pretend that Remus was horribly misshapen.
(Though Sirius would love Remus if he looked like a toad).
“He’s a good kid.” He said simply, blinking and realising several seconds had gone before he had responded.
“Yeah I think so,” Remus agreed, moving into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. “But I suppose I’m biased.”
“Nah, he’s just a good kid, no bias in sight.”
Remus met his eyes and smiled. Sirius closed his and wished.
Sirius and Remus rose through the ranks. The metaphorical ranks. By which Sirius meant they were no longer treated like rookies. They had Finn and Logan now, so Remus and Sirius were off the hook.
“So what do you think of the new rookies?” James asked him as they stood at the bar, having offered to get the next round of drinks.
“They seem okay, I haven’t talked to them much.”
James nudged his shoulder playfully. “Of course you haven’t.” He said, rolling his eyes. “Well, I like them.”
“Of course you do.” Sirius replied, taking the cue to roll his eyes. Pots liked everyone.
“Hey! They’re nice! And they already know each other so that should help them adjust a little quicker.” James speculated and Sirius glanced back over his shoulder to see the two rookies sitting with their heads close together as they talked. As he looked around, he spotted Remus, who was talking to Thomas but as he watched a girl walked right up with him and started talking. Thomas took his cue to walk away and Sirius took it as he=is cue to leave.
He could stay with the Lions. He could leave his family. He could find a new home here.
But he wouldn’t watch Remus potentially find a home with someone else.
The day Sirius made captain was the best day of his life. For an insurmountable amount of reasons. However one Remus John Lupin pulling him in for a bone-crushing hug and whispering; “You deserve it Captain.”, well that played a big part of it for sure.
(For sure - now Sirius was starting to even sound like Remus.)
For a moment, everything went quiet. Sirius didn’t know how to describe it - everything happened so fast and yet it was like it happened in slow motion. Sirius felt it like an outer body experience, like when you watch a game on the TV and see the replays. It was just like that except it wasn’t on TV and it was happening to him. Snape had made a dirty play. And Sirius was falling.
He fell for forever and for no time at all and he knew only the cold of the ice yet it felt like for a split second the secrets of the universe were revealed to him. 
Then the pain kicked in.
His eyes found Remus’ as his team rushed to him, but stayed a distance away to give the medics space. Remus came the closest, his gloved hand reaching up to cover his throat as his lips mouthed Sirius’ name. Sirius looked at him until Remus was out of sight and after that, his hazy, drug-induced dreams were full of laughing eyes, quirked smiles and ridiculously long eyelashes.
Sirius’ recovery was long, but he did it. How could he not? If the choice was hockey or no hockey, well it wasn’t even a choice really. Sirius needed hockey like he needed oxygen, both were key to his survival. He returned to the ice. He pucked around with James and chatted with the baby rookie Leo and played with the Dumais children. He hung out with Remus. A lot.
Until one day, Sirius accepted a dinner invitation, on a stormy night.
Twenty four little candles on a cake, ready to put their special little magic to use.
Sirius closed his eyes and wished.
(And well, we all know how that works out ;) )
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Tongue Tied
Notes: This is another Valentine’s Day fic, except it’s a bit shorter.This is for those who rather have pure, straight up fluff
Setting: I wanted childhood friends au. OOC Tai, kinda. Tried to make it short and sweet for Valentine’s Day, along with my other fic that’s more plot-y and smutty tOTALLY does revolve around yokai: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29427309
 When you first met him, you were both about eight. He was round, cheeky, and friendly, greeting you to the new neighborhood. Only being eight, and not really having any friends, you were rather shy. He grinned, holding up a bag of blue gummy sharks. Eagerly but hesitantly, you complied, and he beamed at you with a blush, seemingly to rival the sun as he introduced himself.
“-but ya can call me Tai-chan!”
Regularly, his mom and your mom became close friends, and often brought the two of you to the park. Him being the only familiar, friendly face, you followed him everywhere, like a little puppy. He would be always smiling and talking, falling in step beside you as he munched on whatever or whichever his mom had brought for him, sharing with you, and you offered your own snacks.
He grew on you, taking you everywhere, creating blanket and pillow forts, and promised that the two of you will be best friends forever. Although rather shy, you were extremely protective of him, finding your young self snapping at bullies when they’ve made fun of his weight, and making sure that he was alright. He would look at you shyly yet with a soft grin and rub the back of his head, telling you that you were amazing.
You were both ten. In two years, you’ve grown very close to him. Of course, his family and doctor worrying about his weight, had put him on a diet. He was still a little round, but had grown a few inches taller. You didn’t care, as long as he was your friend. Who you totally did not have a small crush on. Nope.  
The two of you were in his living room, resting in your own separate sleeping bags as Bambi played on the VHS. No matter how many times the two of you seen it, his eyes would always water up when a particular scene came along as he shoved popcorn in his mouth. All you could really do was pat his shoulder gently, causing him to stutter and have the same odd red tint to his cheeks as he laughed nervously. You stared at his odd behavior, but shrugged, reaching for the popcorn as the two of you talked about future dreams and other things as the sleepover crawled on.
By this time, you’ve knew him a bit more, use to hanging out at his house, and his yours. Cooking and baking with each other’s respective moms, was a common weekend thing.
 He’d gotten a bit more loud and rowdy, but was still sweet as ever. Of course, being twelve, the two of you were experiencing your own physical and mental changes. Voice cracking, outgrowing baby fat, the two of you were still close. He’d gotten many scrapes and bruises, however, while being rowdy and not as careful, and he’d grumble a little with a pink tint to his cheeks, as you hushed him, placing a Hello Kitty band-aid on his cut.
Although a bit more older, the two of you still drank Capri-sun, watched classics on his VCR, and he didn’t mind that you tagged along wherever he went. Imagine his surprise when you’ve gotten a little braver, not hesitating to cheer him on during sports tryouts, or started doing more things of your own without him. Of course, the both of your parents were wary of the two of you spending the entire night for some weird reason, but you still hung out for most of the day, swapping Pokemon cards and playing on the old gaming system while mindlessly talking like you’ve always done.
  High school was somewhat different. He was an awkward fifteen year old boy, but head-strong, tall, and a bit more lanky. You were still a little quiet and shy, but the two of you stuck close to each other like glue. He’d drag you to his baseball tournaments, and you’d invite him to your archery ones. He still was rowdy and somewhat of a hyper, cute klutz, grinning from ear to ear with pink cheeks as you sighed, wrapping yet another band-aid around his cuts.
 You, being still young, had to bite down an odd feeling that came over you when he was surrounded by girls. You didn’t understand it, they were just being friendly, right? He looked rather uncomfortable, but was still red in the face as he kept making glances at you, a silent plea for help.
 It’s when the bullying had started. The whispers and rumors, all because you helped him escape from a gaggle of young teens. He, being protective as always, shot glares and scowls at those who dared even came close to you, telling you that it was alright to defend yourself, and to call on him if he needed anything. So, while there was some bullying, the budding attention from kids hitting puberty, was a bit worse.
He was agitated for some weird reason, yet kept a dopey smile for your sake when you kept receiving love letters and confessions. You didn’t miss the relief in his eyes when you turned them all down, and vice versa when he stated that he wasn’t really interested in most of the people in your school. You didn’t fail to notice that he kept looking at you for an extra two seconds, but dismissed it.
Senior year wasn’t as bad as freshman year. He, with all of his practice in sports and such, grew a bit of muscle mass, but at eighteen, was round and taller, around six foot, easily dwarfing you. Although older teens, you’ve kept in touch despite the crazy amount of tests, finals, and new friends. People were murmuring in awe at how the two of you were so close, and yet weren’t a couple. It didn’t stop either of your ears burning, but neither of you had either dated, only fueling those rumors.
He was very popular, as were you, despite your shyness and liking to blend in. Two peas in a pod, yet almost opposite personalities described him and you. You liking to read, and him liking to play sports and be outside. It didn’t stop you from following him around, him chuckling and ruffling your hair as you played a few games with him, or him hanging out with you at the library.
 Of course, a lot of admirers from both sides were jealous because of the two of your closeness. You still politely refused the applicants of the love letters, and he, gaining more courage, stated that he wasn’t really interested in the gaggle of fawners who surrounded him. The two of you had constantly protected each other from unwanted bullies and too pushy one-sided interests while living your own lives.
It took longer than you’d like to admit, but you’ve gotten a part-time job as well as your license, him not wanting to be left behind, followed after. You forever had the image burned in your brain that Monday morning. He, waiting for you, sported a Letterman jacket, beat up sneakers, grinning wildly and proudly as he leaned against his new car. It was an older model, but you were proud of him, and plus, he was still doing things to your chest that you did not understand.
“Get in, Sugar, we’re goin’ fer a spin.” He smiled, holding up his new keys, and you couldn’t help but feel cicadas buzz gently within your stomach.
Prom was different. You weren’t really interested in going, and instead, the two of you spent the night at your house, baking cookies and listening to old songs on the radio. He smiled, wearing your mom’s apron as he swiveled to the music, causing you to laugh more than you should as he mimicked her, cursing about the neighborhood children and gushing about soap operas.  
The tiny desserts ended up being burnt, his hair was wild, and the two of you were a laughing mess, reflecting childhood days.
By the end of the night, he looked like he wanted to say something before he left, but instead, gave you one of his warm, gooey smiles that made your heartbeat quicken.
College had a unique spin to it. Tests weren’t as frequent, but they were a bit harder. There were online classes, more deadlines, and yet, despite it all, nicer, calmer teachers. You, being an excellent student, earned your funding through the school. Of course you broke away from living at your parent’s house, and had to support yourself further by working, but it was worth it.
The dorm rooms were roomy, and your roommate, who was blessed with common courtesy, was kind and distant. He, attached to you at the hip, followed the same pattern, almost, except he’d chosen a different career. Oddly, he wanted to become a teacher, but the more you thought about it, the more you could see it. Always friendly, warm, and generous, an inner part of you knew that he was good around children, and it’d be a perfect career choice.
You yourself, only nineteen, had liked the idea of biology, studying animals and their habits. It also put the two of you in a lot of the same classes for the next four years. Despite studying, working, and worrying, the two of you had seemed to find extra time for each other. Granted it was more to study, but a lot of places were in the cafeteria, at the local coffee shops, and sometimes in your dorm room if your roommate was out. Within the four years before graduating, you’ve discovered more about your own feelings for the blond, and had secretly accepted them. You didn’t know of his own feelings towards you other than a very close friend, but you were surprised that he turned down popular, pretty people.
To say that you were relieved, was an understatement, but you couldn’t fathom why he’d turn down so many nice admirers. You’d accepted the fact that he might be asexual, or aromantic, and cherished him as your close friend no matter what the outcome might have been.
 Graduation was celebrated with lots of laughter and cheer from both of you and your families. Not really having a place, the two of you, being really close, decided to rent together on a lease. Age twenty-three, the two of you had to struggle a bit to find jobs, but luckily, with his charm and endearing personality, it didn’t take him too long to land as a kindergarten teacher, and you, with your experiences and tenaciousness, landed in the science lab some miles over.
   The two of you worked perfectly together, splitting bills and chores, making meals, it was almost as if the two of you were a couple, due to your wishful thinking. Which, to be fair, you thought and wondered a lot. What was the two of your relationship, what were you waiting for, and so on. It was growing on you, and you were feeling as if you had enough. Although not blaming him, you wanted to spend as much time at work as possible, staying away from the very being who made your heart soar and yet hurt from the questioning and pining.
He, being very keen, noticed immediately of your sudden absence. Going early and coming home later, eating briefly with that odd, distant look in your eyes as you joined in on his conversations, but it was as if you were replaced by something else. It was driving him mad, because in all of his years of knowing you, it didn’t add up.
One night, you came home to an odd sight. The table, although already set neatly, had your favorite dish set out on a platter. He sat there, pouring two glasses of wine as he stared at you.
“This ain’t like ya, Chickadee.” He stated bluntly, setting your glass near the platter, and you sighed, sitting down. Of course he’d notice, and although you felt guilty, you needed to give yourself space from the accepted, yet buzzing emotions welling within you.
“Ya wanna talk about it?” Was the silent plea, and you, caught off guard by the sheer hurt in his voice, found yourself nodding.
Present. The two of you, adults, sat at the table as he stared at you intently with a look of worry and hurt. He was your friend, and you guessed that it wouldn’t hurt to let loose your feelings, so he could know, and let you down, gently. Taking a breath, you started.
His eyes were widened, but he didn’t speak as you spoke. Letting the weight of your concerns and feelings be lifted off of your shoulders as you could only briefly make eye-contact. He was stunned, to say at least, but it’s what you’ve been feeling for years. As soon as you finished, you bravely stared at him, to drink in his reactions to your inner conflict. Swallowing thickly, he set his utensil down as he gave you a warm, heated stare.
“We’re both a lil’ dense, ain’t we, Sugar?”
You couldn’t help but nod a little as he stood up, walking over towards you to stare at you. It was your turn to look surprised, letting him cup your face, and lean in. Soft and warm, just like him, you couldn’t help but think as finally, finally, the two of you shared a kiss. The soft fluttering of butterflies within your stomach melted with a warm heat within your gut, surprising you in an instant as the two of you had broken away, him staring at you with a soft smile and a hot blush to his cheeks.
“Ya know how long I’ve been wantin’ to do that?” He asked rather shyly.
“Since we were eight?”
“Right on the nose. Ya as well?” He grinned, kissing your forehead gently at your nod.
“We gotta lotta talkin’ to do, but how ‘bout we start things proper with a date?”
  You gently took his hand within yours, rubbing your thumb over the back in soft circles.
“Sounds perfect.”
Short bc I had a 12k fic already done not too long ago, and this is for the crowd who just wanted fluff and cuteness.  
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obwjam · 3 years
thank you thank you thank you for submitting this!!!!!!!! soft gentle peter is the best peter, skdjdkskd i love this so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️ UR THE BEST
New Beginnings
Wrote a FemBorrower!ReaderxReader one shot for obwjam because she amazin, have mercy, I tried here we go. 
1,617 words,
6 minutes and 28 seconds reading time
Peter was almost finished helping Mr Delmar un-pack into his new store. He set down the last box and waited for Mr Delmar's further instructions. Suddenly there was a faint growl coming from outside that sounded like Murph (Mr Delmar's cat). Peter knew it would take a while before Delmar would be finished upstairs, so he decided to head out the door to see if Murph was alright.
  You were limping on your way back home, maybe taking the shortcut through the sewers wasn't the best choice. It had been over a month since the accident, where you lost your brother to human carelessness. 
You remember how he talked about this sandwich store that was moving to your old apartment. You knew it wasn't safe roaming out in the open, but ever since the humans living in that apartment moved out, you really needed something to eat.
  You had just arrived at the store. Exhausted, you sat against a wall to take a break from that long walk. You took out a piece of ripped cloth from out of your bag in an attempt to start wiping the blood off your leg. But Suddenly, From the side of the store crept the biggest rat you have ever seen, or at least you thought it was a rat. It had huge pointy ears, You could barely see its eyes because of all that fur, but you knew it was a threat as soon as you heard it hiss at you. 
  You felt your stomach clench, your leg was busted, and you were so exhausted. You really didn't think you could outrun that thing.
“This is it,” you thought as you fixed your eyes on the creature, covering yourself with your arms, braced for impact. 
Just then the huge door of the shop flung open, followed by what looked like a boy.
The cat lifted its paw and went straight for you. Although you were expecting it, you were shocked at the impact. 
  You swallowed your scream, but you couldn't hold in your tears. As soon as the first one escaped, a whole river flowed down your dusty cheeks. 
"shit, shit, shit, fuck, this can't be happening," you whispered as you tried to control yourself. Now wasn't really a great time for panic attacks.
You rubbed your face hastily trying to define your emotions. You pushed yourself up from the wall and prepared to run, you couldn't let another human see you, not again. As you turned your back and started sprinting, the creature's huge paw flung straight for you and pushed you back to the floor. You groaned in pain hoping that this was all just a bad dream. 
Peter bent down to pick up Murph, barely noticing you. “What's wrong Murph,” Peter said as he stroked the Murph's fur. 
"That thing has a name?" You thought as you pushed yourself back up.
The cat turned to you and hissed down at your little form. The human turned its attention down to what or who Murph was hissing at. 
  You stared at the towering human hoping he wouldn't notice you, or just leave you alone. But then again, one look at your bloody ass foot and you decided you were a literal recipe for attention. 
All those late-night stories about how you should be extra careful around them. never take any risks, they'd keep you in a jar on their nightstand for all their friends to see. They wouldn't hesitate to pick you up without your permission. You always thought it was kind of insane the way your brother described them, but once you let that thought slip to your head you started sweating. 
You weren't exactly against human's existence, you just didn't want to deal with them.
It took a few seconds for Peter to comprehend what he was seeing, but as he slowly bent down again and let Murph go, he could make out an actual real-life borrower.
There had been several reports on capturing these little things on camera over the past few years, but Peter never imagined himself actually having an encounter with one. 
She looked so scared. She was covered in dust, dried up bruises and scars. Her ankle looked like it was bent in an unnatural position. That huge scar on her waist looked fresh. Did Murph do this? did she- was she crying?
"H-hey bud, are you ok? you look really torn up"
yeah, no shit sherlock.
You forced yourself to look up at his huge empathetic face. You didn't like how he was looking down at you like you were some weak little shit in desperate need of help. 
You tried to force words out of your mouth, but all that came out were weak whimpers, you felt unsteady, the bright sun behind the human made you feel dizzy.
Peter noticed this and used himself to block the sun. "That's ok you don't have to talk, d-do you maybe want something to eat?" Peter said expecting maybe a nod or anything indicating "yes". But you couldn't even hear him, white dots covered your vision as you grabbed your head trying to stop everything from spinning.
And then you blacked out.
You woke up on a cold smooth surface, you turned your head around trying to adjust your eyes to the light. you felt tired and your stomach felt empty and weak. you sat up slowly rubbing your eyes, suddenly a familiar voice filled the room.  
"Thanks, May, but I'm stuffed!" Peter said with a small laugh as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.
You turned your head towards the noise, and once you set your eyes on the large room and the human you saw from before, you started panicking again. What time is it? Where am I? What the hell is going on.
This time there was no one to save you.
"you're awake," Peter said surprised. "I got u some leftover pizza, figured u might be hungry," Peter said as he strolled across the room towards you. You immediately stood up ignoring your aching leg but fell back down in an instant. 
"WOAH Slow down, that leg's not gonna get any better if you keep putting pressure on it, trust me, I've had experience," Peter said with a small smile. 
He set down a piece of pizza on a folded tissue and carefully slid it towards you. You scooted back a little but once you laid eyes on the piece of food he offered, you thought that maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a little. 
You grabbed the piece of food like you hadn't eaten in days. You were still having your doubts though, like why this human was giving a shit about your wellbeing, but once you took the first bite, you were in heaven. An unforced smile spread across your face for the first time in a while, Peter couldn't help but smile too. He always felt good helping people. 
"Hey is that leg okay?" Peter said as he shifted his gaze down to your bloody ankle. You looked back up at him again. You were a little scared to make converstation. I mean this human could crush you in seconds, but it had been a real long time since you actually talked to someone, so not wanting to make this any harder you cleared your throat and responded. 
"Well, nothing has changed, still hurts like hell," you said with a weak smile. You tried speak as calmly as you could, panic attacks were a real common guest nowadays. Peter frowned, he didn't think anyone like you should suffer like this at such a young age. borrowers have it real hard huh.
"M-My name's Peter by the way," He said scratching the back of his head. "What's your name?" 
You were a little surprised he even cared, "Oh uh, It's y/n". 
"What are you going to do to me?" You said, sounding concerned.
Peter hadn't actually thought of it that way, he only brought you in because you looked like you were in really bad shape, and considering what Murph might have done, he naturally thought he owed you something.
"I- I just wanna help, just until you can get back on your feet again." He stood up and ran across the room to pull out a box from under his bed. He came back with some gauze and wipes. "I-If you'd let me".
You thought it was crazy he even bothered to help you. Still, you weren't sure you wanted to be handled by a human, If he was anything like the other human...
Peter noticed the doubtful look on your face. "I promise I'll be careful," He said almost whispering. You did have nowhere else to go, the dried up blood was starting to make you feel really uncomfortable, and if this human's intentions really were to help you, you're seeing humans in a whole new light. 
you gave a weak nod and sat up straight so Peter could see the cuts. He rubbed the cold wipes gently on your leg. You jumped a little at contact and pressed your lips together, the wipes were a little too cold. But after a few seconds, you could handle it. 
You stared at Peter, it was almost unbelievable how gentle he was. Usually, you would pay attention if someone was wiping your cuts, but something was comforting about Peter. When was the last time you could rely on someone other than yourself?
When he finished, he glanced back down at you. "T-Thanks Peter," you said with a smile. Peter beamed back, he was just happy you trusted him to help out. 
still cant believe this piece of shit took me 2 days wow.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
It Will Rain
Summary: Gang-tae is finally honest and has a realization about his relationship with Mun-yeong. 
Author’s note: This story is coming to an end and honestly I’m very happy it has been very hard to tap into these emotions for both of them, their self-deprecation just wraps around me even after I’m done writing. But this was also very cathartic and I am happy that I wrote it, this was one of my only issues with the show and I know a lot of people excuse and accept GT’s behavior and that’s your right but I couldn’t do the same and I finished the series still yearning for a real apology so this story has done that for me. Provided more closure. Anyway, there is only one chapter left hope you all enjoyed! 
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She's gone.
He goes through the ceaseless motions of life, robotic and mechanical, going to work and coming home like he's living in a washing machine; spinning around and around in violent circles.
But endlessly his mind spasms every second as he remembers that she's gone and he has no idea where exactly she might be.
Sang-in refuses to speak to him, exiting any space that he enters and his frustration melts away as he realizes that her disappearance is not solely impacting him, the manager looks haggard as well, dark circles sunken deep like craters on a surface.
His thumbs twinge with malignant pain from his extensive messages to her, 109 messages sent since the day he went to her empty castle, pleas and apologies easily coming now as he recognizes how badly he needs her in his life. Life without her has been colorless and dull, a black and white façade that he longs to escape from. He wants the vibrant hues that being around her splashes into his life.
All his life he's been a blank canvas and meeting her poured colors onto his skin that he never knew he needed, life was meant to be lived and up until the moment she crashed into his life, he'd merely been existing.
He's taken to eating alone, punishing himself for his hapless mistakes, he doesn't deserve to be surrounded by warmth or have a full belly when Mun-yeong is out there with no one, thinking that he doesn't care for her. That couldn't be further from the truth but he has nobody but himself to blame for that, she'd given him too many chances and each time he'd been a fool; why had he done that? Why couldn't be accept love while it was the one thing he yearned for the most?
You don't deserve to be happy. This is what you deserve. Regret and despair.
His thoughts assault him viciously poking holes through his paper thin sheet of confidence. Each day without her and unread messages breaking him down into unrecognizable pieces, his walls crumbling like a sandcastle under the lightest pressure.
"Gang-tae, why are you so sad?" His older brother's voice draws him back from the depths of his melancholy, breaking the shackles of his self deprecation.
He sits from his starfished position on the ground, meeting his brother's warm questioning eyes. Immediately a smile spreads across his face, instinct kicking in.
Sang-tae looks at him, expressionless before he sits down beside him, reaching out a hand and catching his smile before slowly pulling down the sides of his mouth.
"It's fake. It's not real, you're not happy Moon Gang-tae, that's a fake smile. Why are you smiling when you're not happy?"
He feels the dam holding in his emotions start to burst before his eyes are swimming with emotions, twin lines scorch down the smooth skin of his cheeks.
"Hyung, I made a mistake." His voice squeaks from his worn lungs, sobs now wrecking his body until he's shaking apart. "I hurt Mun-yeong and I don't know if she's going to forgive me."
Sang-tae lifts a hand hesitating minutely before laying it on his head, air soft caresses on his thick hair. He almost melts into the brotherly brush, unable to recall another instance where his brother has touched him in this manner.
"It's because you're the little brother, you're just a kid still. You have to say sorry when you hurt someone , you have to say sorry and make them happy. Mun-yeong smiles when she's with you, a smile is better than a fight."
I have fun with you. I keep smiling.
He'd been so focused on his own newfound happiness he hadn't stopped to think about her, how much they'd both smiled when they were together. Her smile had been especially gorgeous, brighter than the sun moments after their first kiss. Her lips tasted as beautiful as they looked, her joy palatable on his taste buds.
He'd crushed that happiness under his feet that day on the beach, callously throwing sharp daggers at her chest, the vision of her clutching her bruised heart forever stamped in his mind.
I might not deserve happiness but she does and I....make her happy.
With a hiccup he smiles at Sang-tae, so young at heart but wise beyond his years. His wonderful older brother.
"Thank you hyung. You're right I need to make her happy."
"Yes she's my best friend, don't make her sad anymore or I'll scold you."
He laughs for the first time in days, happiness growing in his chest like a mustard seed.
Gathering his courage he meets his brothers eyes, finally prepared to be honest about his feelings for Mun-yeong, he's tired of hiding himself from the people he cares about.
"Hyung, I...like Mun-yeong. I want to be with her and I want to make her happy all the time." His confession eases the fear and concern that has been weighing him down, his shoulders loosening as the words escape his lips.
Sang-tae sinks into himself, scratching at the raw skin between his fingers.
He reaches out to hold his hands, rendering them still. He smiles at his brother, a smile that finally reaches his eyes.
"Don't be scared hyung please, I'm still your brother and I still love you. I just care about Mun-yeong too, my heart is big enough to hold both of you. Is your heart big enough big brother? Can you let Mun-yeong in too? She needs us."
Waiting with abated breath he watches the thoughts as they run across Sang-tae's face, shifting from one emotion to the next before he can properly decipher then until his brother finally responds.
"Yes. Mun-yeong needs us. She needs a family, we can let her into our family."
His heart ripples from his brother's generosity, he never imagined this conversation going this well. He'd ruminated about talking to Sang-tae always thinking his brother wouldn't understand and once again seeing that he underestimates his brother, she'd been right he just needed to be honest.
"You need to eat Gang-tae, I came to get you. Come on let's go eat, I'm your big brother it's just job to take care of you."
He lets himself he pulled away, leaving weightless. That night sleep finds him easily, his dreams are full of her.
Helpless is the only way to describe his circumstance, for once he knows exactly what he wants and is willing to fight for it but she remains elusive, not responding to any of his messages or calls, her voicemail now filled from his persistence.
The patients are the first to notice the change in him, their watchful eyes following his very move as he does his rounds.
"Your pretty smile, it's gone."
She's right, as his days without Mun-yeong pile on he finds it impossible to even force a fake smile, for once letting his true emotion show.
It's accidental that he runs into Sang-in, literally. Colliding chest to chest on the stairs to the rooftop, the manager teeters on the edge of the step arms flailing as he tries to regain his balance. The scene is all too familiar to him as he wastes no time to reach out and grab the man by his bicep, righting him before he can tumble down the stairs.
They both look at each other with trepidation before Sang-in pulls his arm free of his hold, mouth opening before his eyes harden and he spins around, intentions clear.
Hastily he calls out, "Wait."
Sang-in halts, the lines of his shoulder sharp and unfriendly.
That simple word loosens the tension, he watches as the shoulders lower and after two beats Sang-in pivots around.
Dark eyes look at him imploringly, his expression saying more than words ever could.
What do you want?
Latching onto the opportunity he rushes to say his peace, "I care about her. I know you think I'm selfish and all I do is hurt her."
Steel wraps around Sang-in's eyes as if he's preparing to rebuke his excuses. Ready for a fight.
"You're right. I am selfish and I've hurt her a lot. It doesn't matter what my intentions were I still hurt her and I'll never forgive myself for that."
After a pregnant pause, a sneer glides across Sang-in's smooth shaven face, "So what? You're going to leave her alone and stop making her cry? Is this you telling me that you're giving up on her so she can be happy?"
His eyes dart all over that manager's face, before he finds what he's looking for. That's not Sang-in's secret desire, beneath the sneer his lips quiver as he awaits Gang-tae's response.
It's the easiest test he's ever been given.
"No. I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to make her happy, I won't push her away." He promises with his heart in his throat.
Their eyes lock in a staring match, he hides nothing letting his emotions pour through his eyes, taking down his walls. Sang-in takes a deep breath before answering.
It's such a simple answer but with it he feels Sang-in's reluctant acceptance, their happiness was connected and despite his anger Sang-in couldn't deny that. The answer boosts his confidence.
He has to find her.
He's at work when he gets the message from Sang-tae, Mun-yeong text me. She sent me a picture.
He races to the staff lounge, phone precariously clutched in his hands as he looks at the message. Disbelief and relief wash over him in submerging waves, before he can maneuver his trembling hands to type out a response he gets another message.
Her face fills his phone screen and his heart as Sang-tae sends him a screenshot of her message.
I'm okay Sang-tae. Don't worry I'll be back.
Pushing aside his jealousy he devours her picture, the downward tilt of her lips doing nothing to lessen her beauty, those black orbs shining through the luminance of his phone.
Once his heartbeat slows down to a manageable rhythm he looks at the picture once more, scouring for clues and immediately his memory whorls as he takes in the door in the background.
She's gone back to where he'd finally let go.
Maybe he still has a chance.
With that though fueling his movement he runs through the door, stomping to the director's office.
Director Oh smirks at his stuttered excuse before chuckling and nodding in acquiesce, letting him leave his shift early.
He stands still in shock before confirming, "Really? I can go..?"
With a shrug the director waves him away, "Go, go I did worst things when I was young for a girl. Love makes us all a little crazy."
Blushing at how easily he's been found out, he bows low thanking the director before running out of the hospital.
As he bursts through the entrance door, a car horn catches his attention and he twists around until he finds the source.
Sang-in climbs out of the driver's seat of his rental car, walking closer until they are within arm's reach, wordlessly he tosses the keys into Gang-tae's hands, snatching the metal out of the air he looks at the manager surprise etched in very pore of his skin.
"Why?" He asks, taken a back by everyone's willingness to help him.
"Because I want her to be happy. You promised to spend your life doing that. You better keep that promise."
He hears the threat for what it is, impulsively he leaps forward wrapping the older man in a bear hug before releasing him and rushing to the car.
Sang-in's wide eyed stare causes his laughter to fill the car's small space as he pulls out of the parking lot and drives off to keep his promise.
The woman who owns the guest house grumbles when he arrives but shows him to Mun-Yeong's room and tells him that she's currently out taking one of her "soul searching walks". He waits outside, not wanting to invade too much of her space. He wants her to let him in.
Hours crawl by before the heavens open out releasing wet retribution that drowns the ground. Worry washes over him as he glances out at the road, willing her to appear and to his utmost surprise she does, materializing before him like a vision in a dream.
Her movements are unhurried despite the harsh downpour that has already soaked her, her clothes plastered to the soft curves of her body.
He watches her entranced, eyes feasting. She's here, his heart gallops giddy from her mere presence. He savors this moment of pure exuberance, knowing her well enough to acknowledge that she will not be as happy to see him. 
He's right.
Her words cut him as she rages, cursing his presence and demanding that he leave her alone. She sugar-coats nothing as she rips him apart the worst part of all is that she only speaks the truth. She's not vicious or malicious, he thinks he might have preferred that, instead of this piercing honesty.
She slams the door in his face and he's reminded of him slamming the door on their relationship on the beach. He deserves this.
He slides to the ground, placing one hand on the door that separates them.
It's my turn to wait.
"I'm here for you. I need you Mun-yeong."
She stares at him blankly, vastly different from the anger she'd just exhibited at finding him slumbering on her doorstep.
Without a word she spins around, slamming the door shut in his face once more.
Eventually he goes to find the bathroom, a warm bathe soothes the chill in his bones before he's forced to put back on his still damp clothes.
When he finds his way back to her, she's standing stock still where he once was.
A closer look reveals that she is not completely still, her small shoulders are rapidly moving up and down and after a moment's pause he rushes to her, spinning her around to face him.
Her face is crumpled in wet anguish, tears gushing from her eyes as she bites her lips to contain the sobs that are aching to escape.
"Mun-yeong." He breathes out before she tumbles to the ground.
Instantly he falls with her, gathering her in his arms, she pushes him away fighting to break his barricade. He lets her go. Arms falling helplessly to his sides. His heart breaks as he watches the woman he loves fall apart, helpless again to do anything to comfort her.
"I thought you were gone. Why did you come back? I accepted that you left me, why do you keep coming back damn it!"
Her cry breaks as her body continues to shake and he can't watch this anymore, his arms and heart empty without her weight.
Mustering his last remnants of strength, he pleads, "Mun-yeong please, can I hold you? I can't stand to see you like this, please. I'm yours. I'm here for as long as you want me. I'm never going anywhere."
Her moist eyes peer into his soul, searching. Before her eyes slide shut, slowly she reaches out her arms and he bolts into the space, a space just for him. He fits perfectly.
He wraps his arms around her slight figure, engulfing her in a deep embrace, her tears soaking through the collar of his uniform.
Time slows down as she shakes in his arms, her sobs quieting down until the sounds of nature fill his ears instead. He rocks her back and forth, patting her back as she clutches on his shirt.
When the last of her cries falter off he draws away from her, her beautiful wet face blessing his eyes.
Gently he reaches out to brush the tears from her cheeks.
She blinks back at him, sniffling before sighing and looking up at the skies.
"Okay. Let's talk."
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