#my playlist is longer than this so
um-prompts · 2 years
62 writing prompts based on my songfic playlist!
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Featured: kill the lights set it off • choke i don't know how but they found me • cannibal tally hall • feel better penelope scott • ramblings of a lunatic bears in trees • idk if i'm a boy blue foster • asthma attack noahfinnce
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"I'm afraid the spotlight dried you up."
"You make me sick with all the lies that you spill."
"Not even death could stand in the way."
"You never even tried in the first place."
"kill the lights, kill the actor, kill the actress."
"I'll break your pretty face."
"Oh, you clever little things."
"What a precious basket case."
"If I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate."
"Bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep."
"You get everything you want."
"Money always talks to the idiot savants."
"I am the willing victim of a cannibal."
"She rips out my bones just like I'm an animal."
"When I'm feeling like my blood is drained, she calls it a game."
"The wound she leaves is unmistakable."
"I'm not the only one she has come to see."
"They could be the ones to make her believe."
"She's a phantom."
"Please, won't you tear me open wide?"
"I don't wanna feel better."
"No one's ever gonna love me like that again."
"I don't wanna get over you."
"I'd give anything to miss you again."
"I know I'll never know just what to say."
"I'm a sad girl in a dorm room."
"Someone loved me, someone fucking loved me."
"I'd give my life to have a room that feels that small."
"I had a right to die, a right to live, a right to choose, too."
"Can you fucking imagine?"
"I wanna rip the stars to shreds."
"I'm a healthy baby girl who traded sunshine for disease."
"I loved someone I barely knew."
"Lost my sense of home from the words that I've said."
"Maybe I'll just descend to dirt."
"Would anyone listen to this, the ramblings of a lunatic?"
"My mind does play an awful trick."
"I'm running from my emptiness."
"My brain is tired, my stomach's sick."
"Why has constructing sentences become like pulling teeth?"
"Is this carcass even me?"
"Is this catharsis, therapeutic plunge to darkness or elaborating upon my mediocrity?"
"Maybe this is a result of me finally accepting that I'll be alone forever."
"I've never felt more comfortable in the concept of things ending."
"Maybe this writer's block that I've been perceiving is to stop me diving deeply into my internal being."
"All my friends are dying, some faster than the others."
"I'm trying to distract myself from the fears that I've discovered."
"I don't know if I'm a boy."
"I know I wanna be called pretty."
"I am something in the middle."
"I don't know if I'm a reject."
"I know that I've been breathing different when I'm wearing makeup."
"Those stupid words served to protect me."
"I cannot figure out these stupid words."
"Now I know that I'm a reject, my own special kind of loser."
"I am the physical embodiment of everything I never wanted to be."
"I am the prime example of indecision."
"What am I supposed to do when I'm so see-through?"
"I had never thought that life would be like this."
"If living was the equivalent of breathing then maybe I should prepare myself for another asthma attack."
"You think I know myself, well you'd be mostly wrong."
"If lying was a crime then I'd be doing time."
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mightybeaujester · 10 months
Comparing Mechs fans spotify wrapped with others shows us scientifically that we're something else
A friend of mine is in the top 0.05% of Sleeping At Last (almost 8mio monthly listeners) with 7.4k minutes
I'm just in the top 0.5% of the Mechanisms (36k monthly listeners) with 9.3k minutes
This means that you needed less minutes to be a way higher listener of an artist with 205 times as many listeners.
So there aren't many of us, but I can almost guarantee that not a single one of us is even remotely normal.
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chokopoppo · 4 months
Lies down on the ground.
Jack Jackrum is probably named after the famous folk song Jackaroe (also occasionally called "Jackaroo" or "Jackarum"). Which is my favorite 'woman crossdresses to join the army' folk song of all time bar none.
How did I fucking MISS TH-
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anotherpapercut · 2 months
guys check out my banger new playlist
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vlasdygoth · 1 year
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solaestial · 20 days
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The Run And Go
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 2 months
Hey, Amee!! I hope you’re doing well <3
If by any chance you’re up to it, could you please write a fic about Heist Mark being super jealous of Yancy because he and Y/N clearly seem to be into each other?? I LOVE your art and writings and I couldn’t get this idea out of my head <3 (Obviously no pressure, though!)
I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my work, thank you🥺💖 and thank you for your request! it got me out of a terrible writer's block. on that note, sorry this took quite some time, I've been in a bit of a funk of on and off general creative block, and unable to finish any writing at all for even longer. this was a pretty fun challenge! I myself view Yancy platonically so I wasn't quite sure where to go with this initially, and I had to fight every urge to just make this heist mark x y/n dfsjsjsv. that said, it did end up being more heist mark-centric than maybe you intended? in which case, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself😔 yancy is there but very briefly haha
Don't you tell me that you never even thought, 'maybe we could run'
2,603 words | Read on AO3
‘We're all gonna be rehearsing tomorrow so youse best get some sleep.’
You nod as you close the gate to yours and Mark's shared cell, stifling a yawn.
‘Goodnight, Yancy.’
You hold each other's gaze for a moment, before he turns and heads off, a tattooed hand over the back of his neck and a sweet smile still on his face. You watch as he disappears into the outer hallway and a guard appears to lock up your cell for the evening.
Your long-time accomplice and friend stands at the edge of your vision, arms folded.
‘Having fun with your new boyfriend, buddy?’ he asks, sounding unimpressed and slightly strained.
‘Oh, shush, Mark,’ you chide, but your stomach flips at the notion.
‘Yeah… Well, while you were busy playing Broadway,’ he glances to either side of the cell outside and continues in a lowered voice, ‘I've been hard at work hatching our escape. And I'm telling you, it's foolproof.’
‘Uh huh. As foolproof as your other three failed plans? I really don't wanna get thrown in solitary again.’
‘Please, that was one time! — and I don't see you bothering to come up with any ideas. Even though you pretty much got us into this mess.’
That accusation ticks you off, but you're quick to retaliate.
‘Are you seriously still hung up on that? How is this my fault? You couldn't fly a helicopter, why would you assume I can? You shouldn't have even presented it as an option!’
Your exclamation earns you a couple looks from other inmates slowly filing into their cells for the night.
‘Nevermind that now,’ Mark says, infuriatingly placatingly, ‘do you wanna hear the plan or not?’
The thread of uncertainty that you've been avoiding coils tight in your chest and you pause, wondering how to bring up what's been nagging at you for days.
‘Um, so, I've been thinking. What if… what if we don't try to escape?’
‘Ha ha. Funny joke, pal.’
‘I'm serious, Mark. We could just… stay here and wait out our sentence, if we play it safe we might even get our time reduced on good behaviour. We could be gone in like a decade. Or a few years! Maybe. Probably. Maybe.’ Wishful thinking, perhaps.
He scoffs, as if the idea isn't even worth considering.
‘There is no way you're genuinely telling me to just wait it out. Maybe you haven't noticed since you've been in la-la land lately, but we're not on vacation, we're in prison,’ Mark spouts, voice growing thick with agitation. ‘What was supposed to be the heist of a lifetime, would've set us up for decades to come, is still on the line! And we're on a bit of a time crunch here — I don't trust that warden guy one bit with the Box, or in general,’ he sneers. ‘I mean what kind of name is Murder-Slaughter? Ugh, do we even know for sure if he still has it?’
‘Yancy mentioned seeing it in his office the last time he was there, which was earlier today, so yeah, probably.’
‘Ugh, there you go again about Yancy. It's always Yancy this, Yancy that, blah blah blah, Yancy!’
‘Wh– I was just answering your question!’
‘Y'know what? I'm sick and tired of being the only one taking this seriously while you act like it's all a big party.’
He places a hand on his hip, the other poking a finger towards you as he speaks. It would be comical, if he wasn't acting like a jerk.
‘What's up with you?’
‘What's up with me? What's up with you? You seriously wanna stay in this— this shithole, ‘cause of what? Some pretty face you've known for all of like, less than two weeks??’
‘Oh my God, Mark, it's not that terrible, and Yancy is actually my friend, he's been nothing but welcoming and kind since we got here, and—’
‘Oh, did you forget that he tried to beat you up when you first met? Real interesting, how you let that little detail slip.’
‘We just got off on the wrong foot, he's really—’
It's then that you see it — something in the slight hunch in his gait, the furrow of his brow, his pursed lips and tense jaw — and you wonder why you hadn't noticed before. It's not just anger and frustration, it's something bitter and personal.
‘Mark… are you jealous?’
Bingo. His eyes only widen a sliver, for a fraction of a second, but you're so used to reading him that even the most imperceptible of reactions on his usually very expressive face have become familiar to you.
‘Psh. I'm not jealous.’
‘You so are jealous! Oh my god, you're super duper jealous,’ you say with a grin, revelling in this new information.
‘Shut up, why would I be jealous?’ he protests, trying to sound nonchalant. But it's too late. You've already seen through it.
‘Is that what this is about?’ you say with a laugh. ‘You just want my attention back or something?’
He stares blankly for a moment.
‘Are you serious right now? You actually think the only reason I'm mad is because some random dude just waltzes in and starts acting all buddy buddy with you and you fall head-over-heels,’ he jeers with his hands either side of his face, fluttering his eyelashes mockingly. ‘Hook, line and sinker.’
‘I mean, never mind your partner, right? You know, your best friend who you've known and worked with for years? Who cares what he thinks?!’
‘Mark, I—’
‘In fact, he can get punched through a wall for all you care! You won't even bat an eye, as long as there's a random spontaneous musical number immediately afterwards, it's all in good fun!’
‘Ok, that's not fair,’ you push back. ‘Of course I was worried! But I was also surrounded by violent criminals at the time, we've been over this!’
‘Oh, so they're “violent criminals” now? But they're simply “hurt, misunderstood souls” when it suits you?!’ he shoots back, making air quotes to emphasise his point.
‘They're people, Mark! They're allowed to be… multi-faceted!’
‘Lights out, everybody,’ comes a guard's voice, ringing through the hallway as it suddenly becomes dark, save for the glow of dim lamplight emanating from one or two of the other cells.
‘Whatever, let's just get some sleep,’ Mark grumbles under his breath.
‘You always do this!’ you whisper harshly, but inadvertently let the volume slip back into your voice as you feel your blood boil. ‘You try to cut things off and act like the “bigger person” just to get out of an argument that, newsflash, YOU'RE LOSING.’
‘Oh, whatever, what-f*cking-ever!’
‘You're being so damn overdramatic, Mark! It's not like I'm trying to break up our team.’
‘Yeah, well– well maybe we should!’
You don't know why it jolts you like a gunshot when he says it, but it does. His words, the force and resentment behind them, pierce you to your core. It stops any quick-fire response you had at the ready in its tracks.
Regret immediately flashes across his face, but he quickly attempts to cover it with a steely, hardened gaze. ‘Clearly, we want different things. So maybe it's for the best.’
‘Hey!’ one of the guards calls out from across the hall. ‘Lights out means quiet, you two. Don't make us separate you into different cells.’
With a frustrated huff, you reluctantly traipse off to bed, yours being the lower half of the bunk while Mark settles above you.
It really is a rather decent bed. The mattress is nothing special, but comfortable, and the soft blanket is accompanied by an oddly luxurious, fluffy pillow. Definitely above what you'd expect is probably average prison standards. Frankly, you don't know what Mark's problem is with this place. It's honestly not half bad. As far as you expect jails go, it surely could be a lot worse.
You lay back and let your breathing even out, trying your best to allow some of the bubbling anger to die down. Eventually, you hear the guards leave.
Time passes, it could be minutes or hours; it's not like the passage of time has felt right at all to you since that last heist.
It's silent, save for the sound of your breaths and Mark's above you. You're still upset with him, but the sound of him breathing nearby has always been oddly comforting. The two of you have had plenty of close calls as a pair — even times when you had to patch each other up after jobs that went particularly badly. If you got injured on a heist, you couldn't simply call an ambulance or show up at a hospital in an emergency and risk having your whole operation blown. That was simply the nature of your line of work.
At the worst of times, as long as you could hear those steady, even breaths, you could tell yourself he would pull through, and things would be fine.
You idly watch the mattress above you, letting the rhythm of your friend's breathing become a gentle white noise, and think.
You think about that heist and the Box. Ancient, coveted, mysterious. Sitting atop its perch in the museum vault, in all its glory and allure, practically asking to be stolen. The gleam of the gem encrusted in its surface. You wonder if the prize held within would be worth all of this, if you managed to get it back.
You think about Yancy, a little rough and a little troubled and not seeing much point in trying to kick old habits; but fun and soft and sensitive and full of remorse. You think about the feeling of your hand in his when you practise a routine with him, how his whole face lights up when he's excited or falls when he's sad or pensive. You think about how he has made this penitentiary into a home, and these inmates into a family.
You think about Mark. Silly, stupid, steadfast Mark, snarky and thoughtful and loyal. Who isn't actually as dumb as he lets on. Who is resourceful and quick-thinking when a plan needs to be formed. Who makes bad puns and trusts you whole-heartedly, and who always lets you decide which course of action to take, no matter how much he disagrees, simply due to his unwavering faith in you. Mark, your co-worker, your friend, your partner in crime. Who is maybe a little enamoured with you, despite you trying to ignore it. Who you half-heartedly agreed to go on a date with, not having it in you to turn him down, nor prepared for the guilt that would be eating away at you now.
You think about one of the first things he told you when you landed yourselves at Happy Trails: About how he doesn't belong here, but maybe you do. What if he were to leave and you were to stay? The thought breaks your heart a little.
Then, a whisper from above into the quiet, gently interrupting your thoughts.
‘Hey, you still awake?’
You hear his voice, soft-spoken, but clear enough that you can hear the sincerity laced into it.
‘I… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up.’
‘Yeah, I'm sorry too,’ you reply, matching his volume.
‘And I didn't mean it,’ he says, and you think you hear the slightest tremble in the statement, almost as if he's fighting tears, and for a second you wish you could see his face, ‘what I said before, about uh, splitting up. I know I joke about that kind of thing all the time, and not coming back for you… But you know I don't really mean it, right?’
You've certainly had your doubts in the past, but those moments seem so far away now; footnotes in a slowly unfolding tale, stepping stones on the journey the pair of you have taken together as you worked your way from theft to theft to get to this point. As much as you'd butt heads over the years, you could always count on each other and you always stuck together.
‘Yeah, I know…’
‘...And, alright, your lack of interest in breaking out aside, maybe I am kinda jealous.’
‘Ha! I knew it.’
‘Yeah, yeah.’ He sighs. ‘It's just… it took us a while to be like we are now and yet, you're suddenly so close to him when it hasn't even been that long, it just doesn't feel fair. I dunno, it's stupid.’
‘Nah, I get it. I'm sorry if I made you feel left behind.
‘And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel pressured into something you're actually just not all that into.’
You feel a bit of tension leave your chest as a small smile appears on your face. ‘I appreciate that.’
In some ways you're grateful for the small bed separating you and preventing you from being face to face. You think it makes this easier for both of you.
‘I don't want to lose you, y'know? I mean, we're supposed to be partners. Ride or die, remember?’
‘Oh, Mark… You know I still trust you with my life…’ You pause, considering your words. ‘For the first time in ages, things feel a little more complicated than just being about us.’
A beat, then you hear him inhale, and he says your name, foregoing any of his usual nicknames.
‘...Are you… happy here? Does he make you happy?’
‘There's things I miss about freedom, sure, but it's not so bad here. And let's face it, our crimes were probably gonna catch up to us eventually, one way or another, right? And Yancy…’ You let out the smallest huff of laughter, smiling to yourself once again. ‘You're right, it hasn't been very long… There's just something about him, I guess. I know he might be a little much at times but I enjoy being around him, and he honestly seems like he wants to make up for things he's done in the past by being here. Maybe nothing will come of this but even so, in a weird way, he kind of makes me want to do better?’
Mark breathes a good-natured huff of laughter as well, and the two of you take a moment to muse on the irony of that sentiment.
‘I just– I can't handle being stuck here,’ he finally says. ‘But you're right, nothing I've tried so far has worked, anyway.’
‘Y'know… Yancy knows all the ins and outs of this place. He could probably help us if we wanted it.’
‘Do you want it?’
Do you want to leave or stay? The real question beneath it all.
You're quiet again, and it feels as if every possibility is laid out before you, only obscured.
‘I don't know,’ you say eventually. ‘I need more time to think. I just don't want you to think I'm making a choice between you or him, there's so many other things I need to consider. That we need to consider.’
‘That's fair… Just don't take too long, ok? Not like we can pause or rewind time, haha.’
‘Right… In the meantime, could you at least try to get along with Yancy and the others? You might like them if you give them a chance.’
‘... Fine, I'll try,’ he acquiesces.
You raise a hand to your mouth to cover a yawn. A far more comfortable silence falls over the room, and you start to feel sleep overtake you.
‘... Hey, Mark?’
‘We're still partners.’
If nothing else, you hope this will reassure him.
‘...Ok. Sweet dreams, partner.’
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ruvviks · 24 days
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The resistance has fallen. Mac and Layla and their friends have been driven out of Los Angeles and are hunted down by Matrix Corp, the corporation now proven to have played a rather antagonistic part in the pandemic that unleashed bloodthirsty zombies upon the world. With no foot to stand on and no safe home to fall back on, the group has to trek back into the wasteland to reunite with some old friends— in hopes to find the stability they need to work on a plan to take Matrix down once and for all. But strange things are happening in the wastes of the United States. Ghouls are becoming smarter, and stronger— and the sudden appearance of a series of strange and hostile settlements tells the group a new player has entered the game, and they are out for blood. [SEASON ONE HERE] // [SEASON TWO HERE]
taglist (opt in/out)
@shellibisshe, @florbelles, @ncytiri, @bialanwake, @stars-of-the-heart;
@lestatlioncunt, @katsigian, @radioactiveshitstorm, @estevnys, @adelaidedrubman;
@celticwoman, @rindemption, @carlosoliveiraa, @noirapocalypto, @dickytwister;
@killerspinal, @euryalex, @ri-a-rose, @velocitic, @thedeadthree;
@kanos, @swordcoasts, @ordinarymaine, @claudiawolf, @strafethesesinners;
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squuote · 2 days
seeing an oc playlist come together so nicely like fuck yes. extremely good feeling. ive got you exactly through the emotions of music now and you are not escaping.
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disastrouscanasta · 3 months
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Would it surprise absolutely ANYONE to hear that I read @blood-mocha-latte’s Luztoye 1960s AU and immediately went feral? No. It would not. This is on-brand. Ever since she mentioned it I have been thinking “wow, I’ve gotta make a playlist for this” and let me tell you.
Reading that fic was like watching a FILM. I’m a film fan. I saw every masterful moment in it like a scene in a motion picture, and I needed to share this imagery with a playlist, which really, at its core, is the soundtrack in my mind. Here’s the CD cover to go with it
So thank you Rie for writing such a lovely fic! The fandom thanks you!! And of course for organising luztoye week and all of your other contributions, can’t wait for the rest of the days :)
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timdoubleyou · 1 year
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jam jams: a jay/tim fanmix
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me on this one.”
“I’m not really a trusting person anymore, Tim.”
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multiple genres. 4+ hours, songs are continuously added. no particular order.
tracks include: bullfighter jacket - miniature tigers // old college try - the mountain goats // set to attack - albert hammond jr // john & nancy - jack stauber // save me - aimee mann // i took your picture - cults // better - regina spektor // something about us - daft punk // static on the radio - jim white ft. aimee mann, m. ward, joe henry // song against sex - neutral milk hotel // spit on a stranger - pavement // safe socks - jack stauber // i can’t stop your memory - of montreal // and much more.
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available on:
youtube | spotify
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hella1975 · 8 months
girls will say they’re tough shit until 7 by catfish and the bottlemen comes on
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milogreer · 4 months
told courtney earlier that my blake/bestie playlist is up to 75 songs now and she goes "jessica. that is INSANE." 😭😭 i'm SORRY i just understand him !!! it's not my fault i'm crazy
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raayllum · 1 year
In preparation for season 5 coming out in July, could I be directed to one or multiple (however many is fine with me lol) of your analysis on Callum's arc being shown and not told in season 4? I remember back when that season came out that you were planning on writing an analysis about that but I think I missed it in the grand scheme of things, though I'm still curious all these months later! Thank you in advance! (And also my apologies if you have like, a specific tag for this already that would have been easy to me to look up and I just didn't know about it)
I know I for sure had something like that planned, but it might've been part 2 of my "Why S4 is Good, Actually" series that would've focused on both Callum (individually) and Rayla (as a couple) and we'll see if I get around to it. Part 1 about Rayla here.
But there's basically three layers stacked on top of each other when it comes to Callum's arc being shown > spelled out. Not that prior seasons do spell things out (or that spelling things out is bad) but that S4 definitely, understandably, relies on the fact that we have characterization context and therefore contrast with the previous three seasons to help us along. So let's talk about it
1) Previous characterization
In previous seasons, Callum hardly ever has to be prodded to open up. If anything, he gives heartfelt speeches or talks about how he's feeling quite often with very little prompting or even sometimes segue. He's goofy and more excited and deeply curious. Now, some of his changes in S4 is due to age and maturity (re: how much more mellowed out he is in Xadia compared to the googly-eyed amazement in most of S3, even in the new regions they travel to in S4). We also see that he's far less impatient, far more irritable regarding a lack of answers (1x06 with Rayla in a high stakes situation vs 4x01 with Soren in a possibly high stakes situation) and that a lack of answers is specifically triggering to him (4x02's book outburst). Callum's triggers - being unable to speak (1x02) / breathe (2x08-2x09) / choking (3x09) - are also important to keep in mind as to why the possession scene, which leaves him gasping for breath like he's being choked and then being literally deprived of his voice, affects him quite so deeply (beyond the obvious).
He is also, as previously noted, a lot more emotionally shut down about Rayla, but also just in general. He's still feeling like an awkward fit in his position at court, but this time it's as high mage rather than as prince ( "All that high mage stuff is so stuffy-" "Let's go talk about it in the high mage's office, that is, my office"). All of this is compounded particularly in the way he cannot say either Viren or Rayla's names until, well, she shows up:
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2) Viren parallels
Now, I think there are two layers to the Viren parallels (many of which I am still dissecting and wanting to dissect). There are the more overt ones when it comes to magic and their dynamics with Aaravos: being obsessed with the mirror, Viren asking to be allowed to let go / die while Callum asks for Rayla to kill him, with both Claudia and Rayla refusing. (More on that hot mess of a squad's dynamic in S4 here.)
Then there are their more personality / dynamic parallels. Viren and Callum both asking someone to kill Callum (and Ezran in S1) while knowing it's the last thing they'd want to do. The aforementioned Claudia and Rayla parallel. However, it goes deeper than that, I think, with Viren showing what Callum could become if Rayla hadn't shown back up, and to a certain degree, what Callum has become in order to try and cope.
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But Rayla does come back (literally pulling him away from Aaravos) and so Callum is forced to confront what he's feeling or not feeling ("I know it's silly, but I'm not sure how to feel about Rayla, either").
Yet the Callum-Viren parallels persist until the very final moments of the season, and seemingly even into S5.
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S4 emphasizes quite heavily the lengths Claudia and Viren are willing to go to for their family, and to save/protect them. Viren fears being unable to protect Claudia from Aaravos and his own failures (4x01, 4x07) and Claudia is desperate to save her father. They are two instruments (4x04) of Aaravos' Song of Love and Loss (4x03). Thus, Callum is quite overtly the third. Rayla's "Dear Callum" letter also specifically highlights protection as a key undercurrent of the show's dark and light theme:
They said that, sometimes, we make sacrifices so that the ones we love don’t have to. It’s part of protecting them—part of protecting you. Taking on hard choices and going to dark places is an act of love. It’s a gift. So, please let me give you this gift, Callum. Stay safe, and stay in the light.
This would already be noteworthy even if the show didn't take the, until S4, subtle light and darkness theme with Rayla and Callum and make it into an overt part of Callum's (and her adjacent) arc to the max. In darkness, gaze upon a fallen star. What if I'm on a path of darkness? and she shows up haloed in moonlight? Come on.
Basically: I think the Callum and Viren parallels are there to help get the audience on the page of being horrified/saddened, maybe, but not surprised at Callum doing something risky and batshit in the next couple of seasons to protect the people he loves. "However vile, however dangerous," Viren says. "In the name of love..." With S5 looking like this point for Viren will be emphasized further in his history with Soren, and Callum and Terry both poised to see what they're willing to do to protect Rayla and Claudia as they attempt to save their loved ones (Viren and Callum as mages; Viren and Runaan and co. as parents/fathers) and what they're not.
But yeah, I think the Viren-Callum stuff is definitely a show not tell, continually highlighting their growing list of similarities (and differences) in more overt ways than prior seasons, because the thematic reasoning for that foil dynamic is going to steadily come more and more to a head. To me, it's a great example of "show don't tell" in regards to both the ways Viren could get better, and Callum could get worse, tbh.
3) Magic crutch
Callum uses magical objects as a crutch in which to avoid looking at (aka confronting his feelings for) Rayla throughout the season.
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It's widely implied that Callum has only thrown himself into magic so heavily in show because he needed a distraction from Rayla, and he continues using magic as a distraction even once she's returned. He uses the staff to literally look away when he lets her walk away from him (again) in 4x05 even though he's also clearly upset by it, and can't bring himself to even watch her leave. Then we have it being his gift of sacrifice in 4x08 - "It was given to me, in spite of everything wrong humans have done with magic. It means a lot" - only for him to drop it an episode later in order to pick up her sword, because his walls are crumbling at the possibility of her being dead. So he abandons the staff, cradles her sword to his chest like it's precious to him (and it is, as his last piece of her), and then tosses that away too in order to run to her. More on this scene and its importance specifically here <3
There is also Callum's (and the show's in general, but specifically his and specifically in S4) looking away motif, which I do have a tag but have not written a proper meta for, so hopefully sometime within the next couple of weeks I'll finally get to that <3
And I think that's the bulk of it, at least for now! Thank you for asking & I hope you enjoy all the messy Callum thoughts
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Did anyone order Al's ridiculously self-indulgent Miles Edgeworth playlist? No? Too bad.
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star-mum · 21 days
i hate having a Big Emotional Reaction to something small/silly and then checking my period tracker app and realized I'm getting my period soon
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