#my precious children
bfhdhb · 2 months
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finished playing through aai2 recently
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madam-libraaarian · 1 year
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I'm super late to the party, but obligatory Wenclair fanart, I guess?
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mirrorbxlls · 6 months
you are in love (percabeth's version)
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bigdamnproject · 1 year
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We’ll carry on…
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shysheeperz · 10 months
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sillyangstyimp · 2 years
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More Cuphead doodles, except this time with Chalice! Her design may look a bit funky cuz i drew this at like 2 am and didnt have any references lmao
i love the chaos children they're my babies
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artufex · 12 days
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I love being an artist! Drawing is so fun, especially comics!
Here's a comic WIP
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
*walks out of a character's main tag covered in blood*
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wombywoo · 2 months
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fresh blood 👶
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derelictsouls · 1 year
hinata sibling brainrot is real. i cannot.
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egophiliac · 1 month
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WOOO we're finally getting some Ride Kamens story content! ...and it's mostly Leon getting REALLY into being a small business owner! this is (unironically) an excellent sign for the future.
(what do you mean the Agent isn't wearing cat ears 24/7 in every outfit) (can't hear you la la laaaaa)
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hahahafangirl · 20 days
gotta put my thoughts down before i forget it but the thing that did it in for me is how spy x family is ultimately and uniquely a “children-focused” work, where the major stakes require that we pay attention to the lives and dynamics of young children so that — specifically — we have to genuinely engage with and invested in their inner lives, motivations, desires, thoughts, emotions, etc.
i think this is a very unique focus in the shounen sphere, where the audience and creators are centered about adolescent boys (the shounen genre, in its name) and thus have a very wide scope of focus that nonetheless has “aged” past “childhood”. usually media about children and childhood are sequestered in its own genre (children’s shows like doraemon, magical girl anime like precure series, etc.) aimed at a different target audience who are in the same demographic as the main characters in the shows. this is, obviously, not a bad thing. but i appreciate the “genre-breaking” focus that spy x family have because it inspires a sort of empathy to children, who are often not the most favorite group of people for the typical demographic of shounen readers, that is specifically vital in today’s climate. (can’t say much about japan itself, who historically has been dealing with declining birth rates, but oh i can speak for the american individualism— ironically where sxf is also very popular in) another thing about this is it’s drive home how intertwined the family life is, and should be. agent twilight and thorn princess’s plot-lines are clearly shounen-esque (a spy fighting for world peace, an assassin weeding out traitors) but they are nonetheless inextricable from the family- and anya-focused story, because by choice or circumstances they are anya’s parents. they’re a part of a larger societal fabric that embedded them in relationships to others — children being one of them. i think that’s pretty neat.
another thing, specially about the depiction of children in sxf: they are fictitious yet realistic enough to portray real children and inspire sympathy for them. a lot of asian home media in general have the problems of portraying young children as “problems”: annoying, loud, privileged, dumb, ungrateful, etc etc. these are such complaints about children that are unfortunately way too common and way too ungenerous and mean-spirited; none of these tropes are present, even in a media full of scions and heiress. complaints about them being brats (red circus bus hijacking arc) was rightfully framed as unsympathetic and unreasonable (they’re children! they can’t help where they were born into— it goes both ways.) i think the crux of this beautiful balance sxf struck in portraying nuanced, dynamics children is sympathy. they can be loud, they can be whiny, cry at the drop of a hat, has too much energy, gross, have bad grades, clingy, inconsistent, academically unmotivated, ran off randomly— and that’s fine, because we know why they do it, we are given space into their inner thoughts, something so rarely afforded to real life children at times. but they can be motivated, they want world peace, they want to have genuine friends, they want their friends to be happy, they have crushes, and most of all they love their parents and they love the people around them.
i think regardless of everything sxf is a work that understands that children are full of love and the majority of the things they do are out of love. i think that alone makes it incredible in the current socio-econo-political climate where sympathy is spared so little and humanity spreads so thin children barely gets what they deserve. i suppose that’s the sort of war we are entrenched in.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 93
“So are we going to talk about the whole end of the world thing or…” Tucker trailed off, sprawled on one of the couches as he looked up from his pda, sand falling from his hair. 
 “No,” Sam grumbled, glaring at one of her plants as though demanding why it wasn’t growing like she was asking it to. 
 “Hey Danny are we-” 
 “Nope!” Danny cheerfully responded, hands inside what might be a black hole or some sort of baby cosmos to-be as he molded it like a chunk of clay. 
 “Alright, no talking about that, but can we at least talk about how we’re going to stop Clockwork from murdering my speedsters for this one…?” 
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Usopp your family is back with us for like a panel and I am losing my fucking mind iwanthembackiwanthembackiwanthemback-
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Hehe I really enjoy your comantary and captions you're so funny, I can't wait until we see Wen Ning again since we left his brief cameo
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I miss him everyday.
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sillyangstyimp · 2 years
mmmmmm random cuphead headcanons time
he has ADHD
uses humor to cope with stressful situations, and doesn't take things very seriously (which gets him in trouble a lot)
he's demiromantic, basically will only feel romantic attraction to people he is very close to, and due to that doesn't understand crushes, and prefers action over romance
he prefers comics over novels, and likes drawing on occasion
he loves climbing trees and just exploring in general
has a huge sweet tooth
he has autism
he tends to overthink a lot, which is balanced out by Cuphead's carefree behavior, they keep each other in check :)
he's panromantic, basically just: FUCK EVERYONE'S HOT
he doesn't mind romance, but isn't too interested in dating anyone (that doesn't mean he doesn't have any crushes though)
has social anxiety and anxiety in general, and usually leaves the talking to Cuphead, but always feels comfortable in his brother's presence
he likes sitting and reading under trees
LOVES chocolate, but doesn't like overly sweet things
he's learning how to sew from Elder Kettle
Other random ones:
Cuphead and Mugman are adopted, and don't know which sibling is older so they just settle for twins
they don't know their actual birthday, so they just celebrate the day Elder Kettle adopted them
Cup and Mugs were found by an orphanage very young, and neither have no memory or clue to their parents, not that they care that much
both are 11 years old
Here are couple headcanons, mainly focused on the boys! Lemme know what you think and i might post more of them
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