#my sister wrote her once and got a RESPONSE
accidental-spice · 1 year
Hi. I know what Greenglass House is. I love it. Would you like to rant with me?
*gasps* YOU DO?????
I would love nothing more!!!!! Isn't it utterly fabulous?!?!
I must know all your thoughts! Who's your favorite character(s)? Have you read Ghosts of Greenglass House and/or The Thief Knot and/or The Left-Handed Fate? Did you guess all the plot twists? (I know I didn't 🤣) Do you also now wish you could visit Nagspeake?
Thanks for the ask!!
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wileys-russo · 7 months
filling the void II a.putellas x sister!reader
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biiiig thanks to @girlgenius1111 for brainstorming this lil fic with me and listening to my rambles - would recommend listening to after the storm by mumford and sons for max angst as that was the soundtrack in my ears as i wrote this. filling the void II a.putellas x sister!reader
you'd known you were taking a rather large risk the moment you'd arrived to the event with your friends and realized just what it was. this was of course followed by the staggering domino effect of knowing who ran and organised it lingering in the back of your mind.
you'd not been responsible for the tickets, only accepting the invitation of a night out with your co-workers turned friends, your older friends to say the least with most of them in their early to mid twenties and you still only at seventeen, though majority of people would never guess so if meeting you for the first time.
having grown up with a significant age gap between you and both of your older sisters you'd only had so many years living in your childhood home with them before suddenly they had lives and jobs and partners all of their own, and one day it felt like you blinked and suddenly you were left behind.
weekly family dinners slowly strayed to become monthly or just on occasion, trying desperately to find any sort of common ground with your sisters which might attract them back to spending time with you like you all used to.
but time stood still for no one and they got older while still seeming to refuse to accept you did too, the things they enjoyed doing together not something you ever seemed to be included in.
gone were the nights you'd all spend curled up together arguing over what movie to watch, often followed by the spontaneous late night drives you were snuck out for afterward once your mami was asleep.
bribed with the promise of ice cream the three of you would sit on the beach and listen to the waves, talking about everything and nothing for hours and hours.
sometimes when you were much younger you'd fall asleep on the sand with your head on either alba or alexia's lap, their fingers carding gently through your hair they spoke softer as to not wake you.
when it came time to leave they'd argue for a moment over who was carrying you back to the car, alexia nearly always losing as she very carefully returned you to your seat, alba sliding in the back with you as your head was cradled safely into her shoulder, arm draped protectively around your back.
you'd stir a little as the engine roared to life, lifting your head slightly as alba softly pushed it back down to slump on her shoulder again. "go to sleep fresa." your sister would coo, kissing your forehead as you'd drift off again.
fresa, little strawberry.
the small red berry your favorite fruit growing up meant as a baby your face was always stained red with the juice, finding endless amusement in smushing them against your lips rather than eating them properly.
the nickname given to you by alexia who would always laugh as she tried to feed you one and you'd almost take her finger off in your eagerness, having to be extra careful once your teeth came in and suddenly the small nips hurt.
as a small child your affinity for the fruit continued, t-shirt often stained with blotchy red patches to your lack of care when eating, your entire family now dubbing you as fresa, the name affectionate and loving and sweet.
but now, now it felt like ashes in your mouth.
growing up with such a large age gap had made both your sisters fiercely protective over you. your first year of school an eighteen year old alexia walked you there hand in hand every single day, often leaving the barcelona academy early to make sure she was there on time to pick you up again at the end of the school day.
her heart would swell as your face lit up everytime you saw her, waving goodbye to your friends and sprinting over toward her, the footballer often still in her training kit would drop down as you launched at her in a tight hug.
swinging your tiny little hand in hers she'd smile in amusement at your bookbag which was nearly the same size as you as she listened to your excited little ramble about your day, waiting patiently while you forced her to stop so you could pick a bunch of wildflowers from a small park near your home which blossomed every spring.
sometimes they were a gift for her, sometimes for your mami, even sometimes for alba though that was a lot less as your fifteen year old sisters unpredictable mood swings could be truly terrifying at times.
the year your father died was hard for the entire family, but it seemed to fall hardest on you. still too young to understand why suddenly one day he just stopped coming home, and no one really knew for awhile how to explain it to you in words which made sense among dealing with their own grief.
it confused you that as you asked when he was coming home again everyone just seemed to cry, your sisters often pulling you into a hug so bone crushingly tight at times it hurt your chest a little as your shirt became damp from their tears.
of course with time you eventually understood why he no longer came home and had instead made a new home in heaven.
the tight hugs with your sisters you now offered to them rather than they just be taken from you at will as you all did your best to move forward together in this new scary norm.
back then you'd been a tightly knit family unit, bonded by a loss which would always leave a hole in that unit. but overtime with a support system full of love and care it began to close a little, relishing in the time you got to spend with your two older sisters who were your biggest idols and in turn your biggest protectors.
you cheered very loudly and very proudly when alexia played her first senior game for barcelona, sitting on alba's shoulders and watching in awe as your sister blazed up and down the pitch so fast she was like a superhero.
and back then to you both of your sisters were your superheros.
but now dismissed and brushed off by the two women you'd always looked up to and held on such a pedestal growing up left you with a wound carved a lot deeper than you cared to admit or either of them cared to notice.
though of course nothing was missed by eli who with now only you at home to look after meant the pair of you grew even closer. though even eli's subtle attempts to hint to her two eldest that maybe you were feeling a little neglected and left out were waved off.
as far as alexia and alba could see by your instagram you had an active social life and a good handful of friends you hung out with regularly. why would you want to hang out with them anyway if you had friends your own age? what teenager chooses their sisters over their peers.
but what they failed to see was all the over posting and the near forceful attempts to shove a healthy social life down the throat of your followers was to try and prove you weren't a loser.
prove you went out and had fun with your friends, so it hurt even more to not be able to answer the question of why wouldn't your own sisters deem you worthy enough to invite you to do the same with them anymore?
instead now on your own you'd been forced to watch on through a phone screen as the pair of them seemed to grow closer and you suddenly felt a million miles away, some days even on a different planet despite both their homes being a mere twenty or so minutes from yours.
you'd always been smart, you weren't by any means cocky or arrogant you were just intelligent. both emotionally and logically you found yourself head and shoulders above your peers, excelling through school and graduating a whole year early at only sixteen.
you'd hoped maybe this display of maturity and achievement might allow you a small crack to slither through to spend more time with your sisters, and for the weekend following your graduation it seemed to work with both older girls plastered by your side for the entire 48 hours of celebration with your loved ones.
but of course the moment monday rolled around they were nowhere to be found when you'd woken that morning, returning to their own lives and their own homes which just didn't seem to hold a place for you in them anymore.
discussing with your school careers advisor from afar the options which were laid out in front of you now you'd finished school, you found yourself put forward for a junior position with a local pathology lab.
at first they were quite firm they were looking for someone older and with more experience, but with a gentle forceful push from your advisor you were offered the chance to interview anyway.
you'd spent the days leading up to it doing your research, you'd always had an uncanny knack for retaining information and this was no different.
you'd reached out to both your sisters for some advice, hoping they might be proud enough to come see you and help you prepare. though when all you got back were simple texts wishing you luck and not even asking you call them afterwards with how you went, you deflated like a balloon someone had taken a pin to.
the day of the interview came and passed.
it hurt that neither of your sisters bothered to check in, though given they were on yet another weekend away together with a few of alexia's teammates you tried to tell yourself they were just busy and hadn't realized, deluding yourself as the days passed that anytime your phone went off it could be them.
but it never was and you knew deep down they'd likely forgotten all about it, and in turn it felt like they had forgotten all about you.
and when after a few days you'd not heard anything back from the lab you emailed your advisor thanking her for the support but that you were unsuccessful in the position.
but not even five minutes had passed before your phone started to ring and you clicked accept, your eyes widening as you were offered both the job and even an apology.
your chest swelled at the positive feedback that you were the ideal candidate and that in fact your age was an advantage, you might have been young but you were eager to learn with a good mature head on your shoulders and that was exactly what they sought out in a junior position.
that had been twelve months ago and now you were qualified to both take and test the blood with careful supervision, having assumed you might stay in the role only a few months while you worked out what you wanted to do next you found yourself quite drawn to pathology.
over those twelve months you'd found yourself withdrawing from your school friends, struggling to find common ground now you seemed to be in an entirely different life phase to them and through no malice you all just seemed to drift apart.
with a large chasm opening in your chest at the breakdown in relationship with your sisters, your sisters who at some point in time you'd go to for everything and anything, you sought that out elsewhere.
from your very first day you'd felt welcomed and looked after, everyone assuring no question you had was stupid and that the very best lessons came from mistakes made.
so taken under the wing of a few of the more senior girls working you found yourself invited out for dinners, then to parties and birthdays, then just to hang out as that chasm lessened a little with your new older friends offering you the life advice and comfort you'd lacked with alexia and alba stepping back.
which brought you back to now as you chattered eagerly with your coworkers turned friends, all of you grateful for the weekend off since the lab only operated monday through friday.
your heart started to race and you felt your head spin as you looked up at the very large manuelas banner stretched out across the top of the entrance, though that could be attributed to the large amount of alcohol you'd already consumed at pre drinks.
you'd tried to plead with your friends before you entered the line outside the club, already able to hear the thundering bass and laughter coming from inside but all you could focus on was the knowledge your sisters girlfriend was likely already inside.
you knew at least your sister herself wasn't going to be here, having seen on her instagram that alexia was out for dinner with her agent and management team celebrating a brand new deal she'd just signed with nike for a further three years under them.
of course you found that out through instagram as well, as you did with most updates about their lives or careers. the text thread with both of your sisters pushed right down at the bottom of your contacts, rarely speaking to them much these last few months.
you’d stopped going to alexia’s football games, she hadn’t seemed to notice which only solidified she didn’t care if you were there or not. instead you spent your weekends with your new older friends, the ones who actually wanted you around and cared for you in a way you hadn’t felt from either of your sisters in a long time.
though no matter which way you explained the olga situation and your worries you'd be caught out for being underage your friends were not taking no for an answer. promising they'd look out for you and that the chances of you being noticed among the hundreds of women crammed into the club was slim to none.
so with a sigh you allowed yourself to be pulled into the line to get in, your friends doing their best to distract you as your nerves were obvious, though they eased a little by the time you finally made it to the front.
you all had your tickets scanned, that was easy enough and without an issue you stepped forward, hovering in the middle of the group as you tried not to look nervous when you handed the bouncer your fake ID.
really it wasn't all that much of a stretch and you knew you passed for nineteen always having looked a little older than your peers, especially with the amount of makeup slapped on your face right now as you shifted and subtly tugged your dress down a little as it hitched up your ass.
when you'd bought the ID you knew better than to age yourself up more than a few years, nineteen was reasonable, achievable, anything more and you knew you'd be pushing it.
before anything else you'd contemplated just stealing alba's ID, but trying to pass for twenty seven was laughable and a disaster waiting to happen so you'd abandoned that thought quite quickly.
flashing the rather hulking and stern looking bouncer a smile as charming as you could manage, you withheld your sign of relief as he handed the ID back to you and nodded for you to proceed.
your friends dragging you inside your body sagged and they all announced this called for shots before you were even a few feet into the club.
you blinked a few times as you were pulled and jostled toward the bar, slightly disorientated from the tequila pumping through your blood stream, the amount of insanely attractive women surrounding you and the flashing strobe lights which pulsed above your head as the bass vibrated the floor beneath your feet.
a shot of something shoved into your hand you couldn't help but grin as the cheers rang out celebrating you, having been given a pay raise today at work on the anniversary of your first year with the lab.
"vamos!" you all yelled and downed the drinks, your nose scrunching at the sambuca which burned its way down your throat.
doing your best not to cough or gag one of your friends clapped you on the back and kissed your cheek, grabbing your hand and tugging you with her onto the dance floor.
your friends following suit and yet another drink placed into your hand you found yourself finally able to relax a little, calmed by the mass of sweaty drunken bodies crammed into the room you'd all but dismissed your fears of being found out.
but really, you were caught out long before that first shot passed your lips.
olga had been stood on the second floor with her team, watching with eager grins as the line to enter grew longer and longer and the cheers rang out, glasses of champagne clinking as one by one her partners slipped downstairs to continue the celebrations.
olga however relished in the gentle evening breeze fanned with the fresh fragrant air of summer, having spent what felt like the last month packed into that club organizing every little detail to be as perfect as could be, so understandably she was in no rush to go and join the party just yet.
she had always enjoyed people watching, a smile curling on her lips watching the groups of atendee's below. some clearly already maybe a little too drunk she trusted her security team to keep everything at bay, in olga's mind as she did with all of her events she'd prepared a solution to any possible problem which might pop up.
well, she thought every single problem that could have arisen.
eyes scanning faces and nursing the now lukewarm glass of champagne in her hands olga's gaze passed you by without a second thought, making it a further seven faces before suddenly she snapped to attention as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over her head.
her grip on the half empty glass tightened and eyes narrowed as they locked in on you, the sound of your laughter floating through the air confirming her fears as her chest tightened watching you make your way easily through the security team and disappear inside.
the moment you did her phone was already pressed to her ear, champagne abandoned as she paced back and forth, olga dismissing one of her colleagues who popped her head out to check in with a wave of her hand.
"hola, amor?"
your worries were now long gone as you downed your third drink of the hour, bodies packed against you from all angles as you and your friends sang screamed along amid your laughter.
"your round chiqui!" you felt a poke to your cheek and rolled your eyes playfully, one of your friends shoving you halfheartedly. "vale vale i'm going!" you laughed at their insistence, shuffling and jostling your way through the crowd toward the bar.
finally busting out of the throng of drunken sweaty patrons you were able to breathe properly again, standing in line and running a hand through your hair tugging out a few loose knots.
"hola." you turned your head at the new voice, a tall brunette grinning down at you, the alcohol coursing through your veins impairing your judgement a little as you smiled back and returned the greeting.
"can i buy you a drink querida?" the girl asked, tone clearly flirty as you raised an eyebrow at her forwardness. you opened your mouth to reply however a different pair of eyes caught yours from the bar and suddenly your heart dropped into your stomach.
"no, lo siento." you apologised before turning to make your way away, the girl shrugging and turning to another woman on her other side, repeating the question as you pushed your way back in trying to find your friends.
though the longer your eyes searched the more desperate you became and so abandoning your plan you decided to just make a break for it.
"oye! pequeña?" your blood ran cold at the familiar voice calling out behind you, eyes widening as you ignored the urge to turn around, instead making a beeline for the door, mumbling apologies as you elbowed your way through the crowd.
you flashed a nervous smile to the bouncer whose eyebrows furrowed but before he could say a word you'd taken off, the man deeming he had other priorities as he made no move to follow you.
by the time olga made it to the front you were already gone, the security team confirming you'd left as olga dismissed their questions as to why she was looking for you, the older girl needing to keep this as under wraps as possible as she hurried upstairs already on the phone to her girlfriend.
your uber account linked to eli's you couldn't call one of those, so it was looking like you were walking home considering you didn't have the faintest idea of what bus would get you there.
you were grateful that the club itself was in the centre of town, plenty of people wandering around the warm summer night as the time had now passed midnight.
you were so caught up in your own head you hadn't noticed the car pulling up on the curb behind you, the slam of the door pulling you from your thoughts as you glanced behind you out of curiosity.
but the sight which met your eyes had them widening and the breath quickly snatched from your lungs, the furious hazel orbs burning a hole in your head.
"tienes muchos problemas." your sister growled, both of you locked in a stand off as you sized one another up and you swallowed hard, eyes darting around nervously.
"no!" alexia warned as she took a step closer and you bolted, quickly snatching your heels off and sprinting away as your sister took off after you.
"mierda!" alexia swore as you quickly disappeared, returning back to the car and instructing olga to drive as it was now suddenly a race to see who got home first.
your chest heaved, calves throbbed and lungs burned as you finally stopped running, almost home now and profusely sweating out the alcohol which was pumping through you.
adrenaline and fear having carried you to your final destination everything started to catch up as a wave of nausea washed over your body and you careered over, throwing up the remaining contents of your stomach onto the grass.
wiping your mouth with the back of your hand you forced yourself to your feet, darting around the back of the house and moving the trash bin as quietly as you could, shaking your head to try and remove the dizziness as you climbed up.
meanwhile back around the front alexia and olga arrived right as alba was dropped off by one of her friends, having been at manuelas herself and by the luck of god not running into you she'd only just checked her phone while in the bathroom.
"where is she?" alba asked confused as alexia jumped out, kissing her girlfriend goodnight and promising she'd be home soon, olga sensing this was now a family matter as alba waved and she was gone.
"joder when i get my hands on her, ten foot under in a grave!" alexia warned coldly, body tensed with rage as the two made their way to the front door, alexia pounding her fist against it and tapping her foot impatiently.
"ale!" alba pushed her hand away as she did it again, the door swinging open before another word could be said. "Dios mío. what is wrong?" eli questioned worriedly, alba paling a little as alexia rolled her eyes unfazed.
"mami do you know where your daughter is right now?" alexia asked coldly, eli frowning at the question. "i know two of them have just woken me up at nearly one in the morning." the woman responded calmly, raising an eyebrow as alexia huffed and gently moved the shorter woman out of the way striding inside.
"alexia what-" eli started, the blonde making a beeline for your bedroom as alba closed the front door, alexia all but kicking your door open as you froze like a deer in headlights, halfway through the window.
"oh que perfecto!" your sister was hauling you the rest of the way inside as you stumbled and almost fell, wincing as she grabbed your ear and twisted hard causing you to hiss and try to pull her hand off to no avail as you were dragged across the room.
"alexia? let her go ya mismo!" eli ordered as your sister shoved you to sit down on the sofa, towering over you with a murderous glare as you tried to stand again, quickly abandoning that idea as you slouched backwards with a frown, crossing your arms over your chest.
"mami do you know where she has been? where we found her? what she has been doing?" alexia was on the brink of exploding, and there was a time where perhaps you'd have teased her for the vein in her head looking ready to pop but long gone were those days.
"hija?" eli sighed tiredly, raising an eyebrow as she took a seat in the armchair in the corner of the room, alba and alexia's glares trained on you as you refused to meet their eyes.
"i was out with my friends mami, like i told you i was." you answered with a shrug causing your sisters to scoff. "tell her where." alexia continued to probe as you rolled your eyes, digging your grave a little deeper but beyond the point of caring now.
"at a club." you mumbled, picking at a loose thread of your dress. "más fuerte!" alexia growled in warning. "no, i heard her." eli held up a hand and you chanced a look up to meet her eyes, face unreadable.
"she was at manuelas mami, at olga's event in a club drinking with women twice her age! drinking, at seventeen in a club!" alexia hissed, fists balled by her side as once again your eyes rolled.
"you roll your eyes at me one more time hermanita and i will turn them black!" alexia exploded, taking a step toward you as alba grabbed her wrist and tugged her back.
"some friends hermana, sneaking you into a club and buying you alcohol? group of idiotas!" alba snarked adding in her two cents as your jaw clenched and you bit your tongue.
"do you have any idea how much trouble olga could be in if someone reported that there was minors at the club and drinking? she could lose her license, maybe lose her business, her team would be investigated-" alexia ranted on and on as you sighed quietly.
"no one would have found out alexia, stop being so dramatic." you muttered, and if you were all in a cartoon you were sure steam would have poured from her ears.
"pequeña since when are you this stupid? this reckless? this selfish!" alba spoke up again, shaking her head in disbelief, disappointed in you while alexia remained angry.
the last word caused a bitter smile to be painted across your face, body vibrating with a chuckle as alexia's eyes widened. "is this funny to you hermanita? are you laughing right now? because i will give you something to laugh about if-" alexia warned, cut off by eli clearing her throat in a silent warning.
"i went out with my friends and did a few shots, lock me up alexia!" your voice dripped with sarcasm as you pouted and held up your wrists mockingly as if ready for them to be cuffed.
"hija." eli's stern tone cut through that as your hands dropped and you sighed. "mami por favor i am tired and it is late, can i go to bed?" you asked quietly, eli's face softening as the older woman took pity and nodded.
"sit your ass down hermana we aren't done here!" alexia warned as you stood, her words ignored as you moved to kiss eli's cheek as she drew you into a hug, murmuring an apology to her as your sisters watched on in disbelief.
"mami. really?" alba scoffed as she gestured for you to head to your room and you shot your sisters a filthy glare. "you ruin my night, alexia's night, olga's night and you have nothing to say pequeña?" alba accused as you only shrugged.
"i was fine, i was safe, you had no reason to come here. you ruined your own night!" you snarled back, the sudden tone catching your sister off guard, not used to you pushing back like this and certainly not expecting that as a response.
"sit. down." alexia's larger form blocked you from moving, glaring down at you as you both stood chest to chest. "no. move, puta." you growled, the blondes eyes widening as you tried to push past her and she grabbed the material of your dress in her hands and shoved you back harshly into the wall.
"go on la reina, hit me!" you challenged with a twisted smile at the pure rage in her eyes as you raised your chin up, daring her to make contact.
"alexia! déjala ir, now." eli stood and warned firmly, alexia's grip loosening as you pushed at her chest sending her stumbling backwards. "you don't scare me anymore alexia. i hate you both! stay out of my life." you hissed, both your sisters eyes widening further at the venom in your tone.
but at your words and obvious lack of remorse toward the situation all the midfielder could see was red.
"careless, stupid, selfish little accident!" alexia hurled back angrily as you paused by your door, hot tears burning at your eyes as her words cut you deep like a dagger dragged down your back.
but you wouldn't let her see that they hurt so you refused to turn around and give her the satisfaction.
your anger deflating and now numb and tired you stepped into your room, door closing with a gentle click and a thud of your lock as alexia stood chest heaving with rage watching you go.
"she's seventeen drinking in a club and she gets a kiss on the cheek and sent to bed? mami!" alba echoed her sisters thoughts with a scoff as alexia watched your door for a moment more, your light turning out before she stepped away.
"she's a baby mami! our baby. she is out drinking and dancing and doing god knows what with older women, who don't know that she is a minor! are you blind? deaf? do you not care about her? her safety? she needs rules, consequences, discipline! she is out of control." alexia struggled out, eli fixing her with an unimpressed stare at her words.
"she is not a baby anymore and it would do the two of you some good to remember that hija's, if you have any hope of fixing this." eli spoke calmly as both your sisters faces scrunched up.
"fix it? por favor we have to be sorry? for what mami you are joking!" alba laughed bitterly, shaking her head and shooting a glare at your door with half a mind to kick it in and lay into you herself if no one else would.
"both of you. venga aquí." eli nodded for them both to follow her as she lead her two eldest daughters out onto the balcony, ordering they take a seat as she firmly closed the doors, your ears not needing to catch wind of any of this if you were still awake.
you were, sobs muffled into your pillow as your eyes stung from the salty tears pooled in them and the smeared makeup not yet wiped off your face, mascara stained tears carving their destructive little path down your cheeks as your body shook violently at the effort to try and stay as quiet as possible.
"mami it is late we-" alexia started, the night air cooling her flushed cheeks as eli took a seat across from them. "no, you woke me up and caused all of this, and now you will both listen to me." the woman warned as both girls nodded.
"before tonight, when is the last time either of you saw your hermana?" eli asked calmly as alexia and alba both shared a look, clearly struggling to remember.
"maybe your birthday? but mami-" alexia started, silenced by a hand held up her way. "my birthday was three weeks ago hija's, and it was just dinner. what did you do afterwards?" eli's tone was a little sharper now.
"we went to ale's house, i wanted to see olga since she returned from her trip." alba answered this time as eli nodded. "and did you invite your sister?" both girls hesitated before shaking their heads, starting to sense where this conversation was headed.
"but mami-" "no, i will ask the questions."
"tell me ale, how long has your sister worked at the lab?" eli asked quite casually as alexia opened and closed her mouth a few times. "eh, a couple of months?" she guessed, even alba wincing at that as eli hummed.
"no, one year. one year today, well yesterday. that is why she went out with her friends, to celebrate. i knew she was going to drink, she was honest with me about that as she always is. we went to dinner together on friday to celebrate her achievements." eli informed as alexia and alba shifted a little uncomfortably.
"she didn't tell us." alba dared to speak up, eyes dropping to the table at the fierce look from the older woman across the table. "no she didn't. i asked if she wanted to and do you know what she said said?" eli questioned, neither girl daring to answer.
"your sister said why mami? they won't care, they don't have time for a stupid dinner." eli's tongue cut like a sword through the tense silence rolling in like a fog around the table. "time. something the both of you no longer have for your sister it would seem." eli hummed, crossing her arms and resting them on the table.
"mami we-" "no, i am not done."
"growing up the pair of you have always had one another, three years apart and always close. always filled with love, always looking out for each other like we raised you to. always together." eli started as alexia awkwardly fiddled with the hem of her shorts.
"i know your sister is younger, much younger. but never did i think that would ever mean the two of you do not care for her and look out for her the way you looked out for one another growing up. you had each other, but when you both moved out she had no one but me." eli's tone became harsher as both girls sank deeper into their chairs, both on the verge of throwing up with guilt as her words hit home.
"i am partially at fault as i should have said something sooner. i know you both love her, i do. but she does not, she does not think you care and i can see why. i watched her try desperately to gain your attentions once you both left, i watched her heart crack that little bit more when she was rejected again and again. and it broke my heart because that is not how i raised any of my girls to be!" eli continued as alexia swallowed a hard lump in her throat and alba stared blankly down at the ground.
"i am getting older hijas, and so is she. i can see her now going backwards, she pulls away from you both and if you do not make attempts to fix this then she will pull too far and she will be out of reach. is this what you want?" both girls were quick to shake their heads.
"then do better, find a way to fix this. go to your own homes and think about why your sister does not feel she is welcome in them anymore, and why she no longer feels she holds a place in your life or that either of you deserve space in hers. before it is too late all together, you both need to fix what you have broke."
part two
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loose-angel · 2 years
Big Brother | Neteyam
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pairing: Brother!Neteyam x sister!reader, Brother!Lo'ak x sister!reader summary: A day in the life of older brother Neteyam Sully w/c: 613 notes: i recently hit 100 followers while i wrote this little drabble!! thank u all so much >.< i hope u enjoy this xD im on a streak w the sibling fics and drabbles its just so much fun to write!!
It was not uncommon that you and Lo’ak would get into arguments, almost always they are about petty things, who was the fastest, who’s better at hunting, who makes the better meal, etc. So it wasn’t rare that the Sully family would walk in on your childish arguments, though unfortunately, it was Neteyam who had the luck to run into the both of you.
“Lo’ak just admit you’re a pussy bitch and this can be over.” You rolled your eyes.
“No way in hell! I told you, we need a rematch and it’ll be fair,” Loak grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, turning away from you.
Neteyam sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood to play ‘most responsible person in the world’ right now, but duty calls.
The eldest Sully approaches the both of you, “Hey, hey, what’s all this fighting about?”
“This skxawng and I did a race of whoever got the first kill and I won but Lo’ak says it ‘cuz he heard a thanator and had to hide for the first few minutes.” You whined to your older brother, earning an appalled gasp from his brother. 
“Hey! You can’t go sucking up to him just ‘cause you’re his ‘little princess’!” Lo’ak mocked in a high pitch tone, his hands flying around wildly.
“Listen, listen, I’m not taking anyones’ side, both of you are skxawngs.” Neteyam exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest, “Now, no more fighting, or I’m telling mom and dad.” The eldest says, mostly directed towards his brother. 
“Ya, you skxawng, scurry off.” You scoffed, sticking your tongue out at your brother, playfully poking at his torso.
Lo’ak hissed at you, brows furrowing.
“Princess, you’re provoking him,” Neteyam shook his head. Yet you paid no mind, continuing with your teasing. 
You poked Lo’ak once more before he hissed and pounced at you. The two of you begin fighting, with Lo’ak pulling at your braids and you pulling on his ear. Grunts and whines bounce against the leaves of the hometree, the pair of you rolling around and knocking into the bark of the tree. 
“Ow! Bro she has my ears! She has my ears! Get her off!”
“Let go of my fucking hair!”
Neteyam sighs once again, he can never have just one peaceful day, can he? He struts over to the two of you. At this point you’re now straddling Lo’ak, pulling on his hair as he throws meek punches to your torso. 
Neteyam picks you up without a second thought, “No more fighting, please.” you squirm in your brother’s hold but ultimately cannot fight against it. The eldest Sully reaches out a hand and helps Lo’ak up.
At just the right timing, Kiri walks in. She pauses to observe the scene, before shrugging and going on about her business. 
“My ears really hurt,” Lo’ak muttered under his breath, a stupid pout forming on his lips. 
“Okay, go ask Kiri for help,” Neteyam nods his head in his sister’s direction. Lo’ak begrudgingly struts over to where Kiri is. 
You remain beside Neteyam, eyes wandering to the ground, which was suddenly so interesting. 
“Now you, I don’t know why you continue to cause trouble baby,” Neteyam points, looking down at you with disappointment. You shift from foot to foot. Luckily enough, his soft side for you remains, the slip of a pet name indicating he’s not entirely mad at you.
Yet you chuckle nervously, “I won’t anymore, promise.”
Neteyam rolls his eyes at your promise. As if you hadn’t said the same thing a few days ago. Though he takes a look at your disheveled state, and decides to let it pass.
“Come, I’ll fix your braids.”
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caffeinemachine · 1 year
Life Jacket - Chapter 1
Conrad Fisher x Eldest Conklin Sibling Reader
I just wrote this so quickly cause it was sitting in my head and it had to get out. Go read this post for an idea of what this series will be! I'm very excited about it!
Here's Part One!!!
Word Count; 1.2K
Cousins. Lots of mixed emotions came with going to Cousins. I loved it I really did, but I wasn’t blessed with the privilege of experiencing the blissful, worry-free love like my sister. Things still followed me to Cousins, responsibilities. And I always was stuck wishing they didn’t.
My siblings got to go swimming whenever they wanted, I had to swim once a day to “keep up with it” in my parents' words, mainly my Dad. I know they don't mean it. That in their hearts they do it out of love. Cause I do love swimming, I really do, but sometimes I wish reality could go on pause so I could live freely for a little while. With no concerns, or right way or wrong way, just me doing as I please. Without my Dad here the past two summers it helped. He’s harder on me than Mom. I grew up to realize it was just cause he didn’t really know how to be a parent. Does anyone really?  But his way of showing me love as a parent was by promising my success and ensuring my future. Well, I got recruited to Harvard's swim program with a scholarship so I guess his way of love kind of worked.
Despite everything, Cousins meant I got to see them. Susannah, Jeremiah, and him. Conrad. He was what stirred my emotions about Cousins the most. I’d had a crush on him for as long as I could remember. But I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t jeopardize our families like that.  I didn’t have time for boys. I had tried to date here and there, but everyone got bored, or mad that I “didn’t have enough time for them”. I couldn’t even get upset because they were right. I didn’t have time for them like normal high school girls did. I couldn’t hang out after school, I had swim practice and very few high school boys wanted to hang out just to do homework together once I got home if you know what I mean. I couldn't afford to be distracted, so I let them all go. I couldn’t do that to Conrad, put him in that situation. I also think I couldn’t do it to myself. The other boys didn’t matter, but him? Losing him would crush me so hard that I don’t think I would recover.
I drove to Cousins with Steven in my car.  I had saved up all summer and bought my trusty Volkswagen Passat last Fall. That was another pro about Cousins, the money. I've worked as a lifeguard at the club since I was 15, and I also did swim lessons there as well as private lessons. Those people will pay real well to have an all-star swimmer teach their three-year-old how to float I’ll tell ya.
“So you excited to work this summer?” I asked Steven. He got a job at the pool snack stand at the club and I had helped Jeremiah get a position as a lifeguard.
“Yeah, I guess, I’m excited to make big bucks like you have been all these summers.” He smiled at me making me instantly light up. Steven just had a natural energy to him that brightened people's moods. 
We jammed out to music for the rest of the drive and before I knew it we were pulling in the driveway. I noticed my mom's car wasn’t here yet. Knowing her and Belly, they probably stopped for snacks. Man, this house. I dreamed about this house. It was absolutely beautiful. I honked, our signal to them we had arrived. 
Jeremiah was the first one to run out to see us, but Susannah was not far behind. Conrad was nowhere to be seen, odd. I didn't have time to think about it though as Jere scooped me up in a big hug and spun me around. I noticed then how much he had grown since last summer. He probably started working out and he definitely grew a couple of inches. As we said hello he had a huge smile on his face, he usually did Jere was always a golden retriever in human form. 
Then Susannah came up to me. when Susannah hugged me it was like life went on pause, the way I always wanted it to. In her arms I was safe, in her arms I was still just her baby, the first born girl. 
“ Wow Y/N look at you, my precious girl, you've bloomed," Susannah said to me as she held the sides of my face. I never doubted a word Susannah said, the way she said things made me believe them. Susannah never said it and neither did I, but we were each other's favorites. She always spoiled me, she always was my number one fan. Susannah had a level of enthusiasm to her that most people didn't have. It probably wasn't fair for me to call her my favorite. She got to love me like a mother and spoil me like the fun aunt, and she never had to give me any of the negatives. So yes it probably wasn't fair for her to be my favorite, which is why I only ever told her private.
We all walked back inside, Susannah and Jere helping Steven and me carry in our bags. Still no Conrad. I dropped my bags on the floor as I scanned my eyes around my room. Nothing out of place, everything was as I left it. I really do love this room. It was bigger than my one back home, it even had a small walk-in closet.  Conrad and I had the biggest rooms, we were the oldest so we got the first pick of rooms. 
I'm mindlessly unpacked for a while before hearing the same signal I had done myself just a bit earlier, Mom and Belly were here. I didn't rush down after all, I had seen them just a few hours ago. I thought it was okay to let them have their own proper reunion with the Fishers. So I finished putting the rest of my clothes in my drawers before I went downstairs. However, when I open my bedroom door, I open it to find Conrad with his hand in mid-air as if he were about to knock. 
“Whoa- oh, hi,” I said somewhat skeptically, he had just appeared out of nowhere, where had he been when I would got here? He cleared his throat, shuffling his feet somewhat awkwardly as he put his arm down from its spot in the air and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Hey, um I was uh coming to say hello!  I was down at the beach surfing all morning, I didn't even realize you were here until your mom pulled up and you weren't with her.” He seemed nervous for some reason, I wasn't sure why.
“Don't worry about it, was the surf any good?” 
He smiled at me then, “ Yeah it was so good, I lost track of time.” I smile back at him, I had missed him. 
“Glad to know you missed my entrance for something worthwhile.” He laughed, me along with him before his face went back to being relaxed. He stared at me in silence for a few moments before suddenly, before I could even realize what was happening, Conrad had his arms around me. Conrad was hugging me. It was nice, but odd. Conrad wasn't the most affectionate person and this was very out of the blue.
“I'm happy you're here Y/N.” He whispered, slightly muffled by my hair. We backed away as I said,
“Me too.”  The silence stretched a moment too long for my level of comfort. He was too intoxicating, his gaze on me was all consuming, I had to get out of there. “I'm going to go say hi to my mom and my sister.” I rushed out, going past him down the stairs before he even replied.
This summer was already off to an interesting start.
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chloe-skywalker · 10 months
Better Man - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader ! Stark
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 1, 037
Summary: Before the battle against the white walkers Jaime has a long time coming conversation with Y/n.
Authors Note: I honestly wrote this as I was watching the show and this was the first Game of Thrones imagine I wrote (its not the first to be posted). I honestly don’t know where I planned this to take place so I put it towards the end of the series. 
P.s - I didn’t watch the show as it was premiering live but I watched it for the first time in October 2022 and I finished it in 2 weeks. I loved it, great show. I was sad that each season only had 10 episodes or less.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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“You're quite the knife thrower, Lady Stark.” Jaime stated as he strutted over to her. They weren’t that far outside the walls of Winterfell, but they were alone.
“And I hear you're quite the swordsman, Ser Jaime.” Y/n replied picking up another knife, he had startled her when he spoke. It had been dead silent before he spoke, but she didn’t show that he had startled her.
Jaime nodded with a cocky smirk. “My reputation precedes me.”
“I would hope not all of it.” Y/n said looking at him, noticing his expression fall at her words. “Well, people don’t have the nicest things to say about you, your personality or your family.”
Jaime squinted his eyes before nodding, but he decided to lighten the mood with his answer. “Personality? I presumed I didn’t have one.”
He to had heard the rumors that she spoke of so he knew what she meant with her words.
Y/n laughed at his response, at least he could joke about it. Then again he was use to insults by now, wasn’t he?
“As for my family, I’m not my father or siblings.” He spoke again, approaching her step by step. Once he was right in front of her he leaned in and spoke seductively. “How about you make up your own mind about me?”
The two of them always seemed to flirt in each other's company, but it could never go far and they never had the time to really get to know each other either.
“I’d love to, but we never seem to have the time now do we?” Y/n decided to tease him, even though it did hold truth. When had they ever had the time? For yours it was one thing after another.
“I would make the time-” Jaime went to answer but she cut him off before he could finish.
“I don’t think your sister would appreciate that.” Y/n gave him a sad smug expression.
“Cersei doesn’t control me.” He growled lowly.
“But doesn’t she?” Y/n raised her eyebrows at his reply. She knows what she’s seen with her own eyes, he can’t argue that.
Jaime shook his head and pointed out. “Not since the war of the five kings.”
Y/n tilted her head recounting the time a few years ago he recalled. Was this really suppose to help his case? “You mean since my brother took you prisoner and my mother broke you free?”
As much as Jaime could agree hearing her tone that it wasn’t the best thing he could’ve brought up. But it did play to his point so he stated. “I spent over a year away from her and the rest of my family. That’s quite a lot of time to contemplate.”
Y/n would admit that he was away from his family who she believed was the reason for his bad traits and actions were beneficial for the man in front of her. She could see the changes in him by just looking at him. Because she truly looked at him. She looked past his exterior and looked at the man inside.
“I can see it in your eyes.” Y/n nodded in agreement with his statement. Which shocked and puzzled Jaime. “You are a changed man. You're not the man I first met in Winterfell. You're better. You are a better man now.”
Jaime looked down, having a hard time believing her words. No one ever believed in him as much as the woman in front of him and she barely knew him. “I don’t know about that.”
Y/n could see how much he doubted himself, and that saddened her. But it didn’t shock her, the Lannisters did not seem to be an encouraging family.
“But I do.” Y/n stated, the tone she used compelled Jaime to look into her eyes. She stated her belief in him so strongly and without a doubt, it made his heart clench. But in a good, emotional way. “I do. But even with that said as long as Cersei has a hold over you, there will never be a chance for us.”
If she was honest Y/n wanted him to chase them. Give them the chance to be together that they both so obviously wanted. But he had to make the decision himself, she couldn’t for him.
Y/n gave him a sad smile before moving around him to walk back to Winterfell, having stelfed the knives back on her belt the only thing she was leaving behind was a charming Lannister that didn’t seem to know what he wanted in life.
“Say the words.” Jaime spoke before she could get to far, turning on his feet and facing her.
“What?” Y/n stopped and turned towards him confused at his random choice of words.
Jaime took her confusion as his opening, he walked over to her, his face all serious. Shocking Y/n with the words that came out of his mouth. “Say the words and I’ll stay. Say the words and I’m yours. Only yours, forever.”
“And what words would that be exactly?” Y/n questioned nervously, she wanted to believe he was serious. But that depended on what words he meant.
Jaime wrapped his handless arm around her waist and leaned his forehead against hers.Gently running his other hand, the only hand he had left that was flesh and bone across her cheek. “You know the words.” He whispered, hoping she knew. If she felt the same as him she’ll know he thought.
Y/n felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Looking up into his pleading eyes she said the words that they have wanted to say for years to each other. “I love you.”
Jaime smiled, relieved that she did truly feel the same. Jaime pulled her into a sweet passionate kiss that should’ve happened years ago. There was nowhere he’d rather be. As their kiss continued Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the kiss just as much as him. Pulling back so they could both get air, Jaime smiled genuinely happy for the first time in years. “I love you too.”
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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pookie-stay-wookie · 3 months
strong for too long (san x platonic!reader)
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a/n: hii, this is my first fic, (id written it some time back but it somehow got deleted so i wrote it again)
warnings: death of a family member (just two lines), mentions of being tired, being in a depressive episode (in the past)
genre: hurt/comfort, angst (a little)
word count: 1.4k
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being the oldest of her three siblings, and all of the cousins yn had naturally always felt a sense of responsibility growing up, no one had asked her to do it, it was just ingrained in her bones. one might see this as a good thing, and it was, she was always there for people always had a shoulder for anyone to lean on, but this faltered when it came to herself.
she never meant it to be like this, but in the midst of her helping her siblings she had forgotten to take care of herself and now here she was, not willing to lean on anyone and figuring out things on her own.
she and san had been friends since before he debuted and had always been close with the rest of the boys as well. 
usually yn was able to hold herself up through the darkest periods of her life, like when her grandmother died, she had played a huge role in all of her siblings' lives, she helped her siblings through the grief and pain of losing her. 
somehow she didn't seem to realize that her family was taking advantage of her kindness, her support. once she moved out, hardly any of them kept in contact with her, only coming to her if they needed help. she didn't know how or why it happened but they just grew apart
she knew that her family wanted nothing to do with her, her mother calling just to tell her how ungrateful she was to move away from them though she never said it to any of her other siblings when they did the same, she knew that her mother just didn't like her she knew all this, she just didn't want to accept it
It hurt to accept it, to know that the people who you were there for ignoring you completely, maybe she expected it from her mother, but not her siblings but she had brainwashed as well, she had convinced them to think that they had nothing to do with yn.
since it had been a long time since she had talked to any of her family, most days she had forgotten about the dispute going on with them. 
she held herself up when she was losing herself, trying to go day by day, fighting the demons inher head, she pulled herself up from the darkness. not because she wanted to, but because she knew that no one else would do it for her so she somehow willed herself to do so and she did it, she proved to herself that she didn’t need anyone and closed herself off completely, 
most days she was able to handle whatever was thrown at her, 
today was not most days
today just kept on kicking her down, not one thing was going good for her 
she woke up late, bumped her head on the bedside table as she woke up, when she got to work, the boss yelled at her for what seemed like hours because of her being late and in the hurry forgetting her laptop which had a presentation she needed to show today to some clients which in turn getting yelled at even more, her so called ‘friends’ from work seemed extra rude, her phone died in the middle of the day, and she just wanted to go home and have a quiet night to herself to recover from today's events 
but no, the universe decided to throw another curveball at her just as she was a few minutes away from her drive home, she got a call from her youngest sister
she picked it up, expecting her sister to want something from her, what she didn't expect her to be doing was sobbing her eyes out while trying to tell her something that she could understand nothing. 
yn pulled up on the side of the road, calming her sister down, panicking a little herself for wanting to know what was going on
that's when she heard it, oh how she wished she didn't, how she wished it was something else that she could her but the two words that came out of her sister's mouth were all that haunt d her all the way home 
'mom died' was all she heard and then just the wailing of her little sister, she didn't even realize when but she hung up the phone and started driving again 
even if her mom was terrible to her after she had moved out, she still loved her to death, she didn’t want to believe it. 
she couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it, the entire ride back to her house was a mixture of shock and numbness.
san was in yns living room, sitting on the couch, waiting for her to come home.
he had made some ramen for himself an hour ago and was sitting with his hand on his stomach, satisfied with the meal.
This is how it was like some days, san just showing up to her house, letting himself in with the spare keys he had, that's what happens when you've been friends for so long. he would always inform yn that he was coming over before he left from his own house, shooting her a text
it was around 9 when he heard the rustling of keys from the other side of the door signaling that yn was home. around the time he had expected her to come, what he didn't expect was her walking in like a zombie and go straight to her room, not even acknowledging the man in her living room, a distant look in her eyes.
knowing yn for so many years, he has never seen her like this, she's always been the rock between them, always there whenever san needed a pick me up, he had not once seen her this down, so he knew that there must be something going on. 
he slowly went towards her room and heard sniffles coming from across the closed door and his heart broke. he knew yn was strong, but she was closed off and she didn't like to show her emotions but it broke him to think that she was battling demons on her own. 
he knocked softly on the door in front of him "yn? honey can I come in?' he asked and heard the sniffles stop for a few seconds, but nothing more. he sighed thinking of what to do next 
so he quickly ran to the kitchen, making some ramen plus some add-ins, similar to what he had had earlier to give to yn since he was sure she hadn't had anything since she had come straight from work.
after I came home, i just went straight to my room, the words my sister told me haunting my brain. 
i heard a soft knock on my bedroom door, and realized it was san. in the midst of all this, i didn't even realize that he was here. he asked if I was fine but I didn't have the energy to say anything, so I didn't. some time later he knocked again and entered with some ramen, multiple side dishes and a glass of water. 
"i don't need to know what happened but I do need to make sure that you eat, so here you go." he said, placing the tray on my nightstand.
"but just so you know, if you need to talk, I'm here for you." he said with a smile as he sat on the bed.
before he could say anything else, i hugged him, my head finding the crook of his neck, he wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me under his huge frame.
Every fiber of my body yelled at me to not show my vulnerability but i didn’t have it in me anymore, to hide from people who wanted to help, especially san.
when I felt the warmth radiating off him, i couldn't help but burst into tears, the stress of it all coming all out at once, being neglected, work stress, being strong for all those years and finally, finding out about mom
"you've been strong for too long, it's okay to break, cause I'll be there to pick up the pieces." he said into my hair as we stayed there however long i needed to.
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ak319 · 4 months
Yan General Sister? x Fem reader
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This is the 2nd scenario I wrote. Hope you love it too.
Warnings: Possessive toxic behaviour, forced marriage, dub-con, violence, blackmailing, forced pregnancy
1799 , September:
The whole family sat after so many months and I couldn't be more happier. We were having dinner, all my sisters and I along with their children, one of the babies by the name of Harlow, a boy of 3 months was in my lap playing with his fingers and I swear it is the cutest sight ever. I was sitting on the left of Jara, who was sitting at the head of the table. Every few minutes she would nudge me or comment to make me eat or feed me something like a baby. Everyone else paid no mind as they were used to this and adored how Jara took care of me despite being so serious and cold all the time. But seriously, even Harlow might be thinking right now " Umm, who is the baby here?"
"Master Jara?" My second older sister, Demelza spoke grabbing everyone's attention. Demelza and Jara had taken our parents' role after their death. Demelza even after getting married paid heed to the needs and responsibilities of our estate and her younger siblings.
"I was thinking, now that Flora is engaged so why not we start looking for a proper suitor for (Y/N)."
I kept looking down at Harlow's round head , not because of shyness but due to fear of what would come next. 
"No." Phew.
Demelza nervously laughed to break the tension in the room.
"No what Jara? . Umm , it would take time to find a suitor and by then (Y/N) would be mature-" My other sister , Edith tried to reason .
"I said no. She's still not of age. Focus on Flora's marriage preparations for now."
Then I felt her gaze on me and I was right, she was glaring at me.
"Go to sleep instead of sitting here and not even eating." What!? I ate two steaks , what the hell does she want?
"Fine." I handed Harlow to Golda , his mum  and stomped to my room.
I was furious at how she ordered me around but also was happy that she didn't give Demelza permission for my marriage. Perks of being her favourite!
I woke up to a baby crying from the other room beside mine and it sure was Harlow. He quieted down moments later when probably Golda started feeding him. But now, I couldn't sleep and needed to eat something sweet so got out of my room. As I was walking sleepily down the candle-lit hall, I heard hushed voices from Jara's study which used to be my father's once.
I couldn't get rid of my curiosity and made my way sneakily to the door. Now I could see my older sister Demelza and Jara arguing about something. Demelza was standing beside Jara who sat on the study chair looking as if she was in deep thought but still had her signature frown on her face. She was wearing a loose white shirt which indicated that she was about to go to sleep.
"It's---it's just not right."
"Who are you or anyone else for this matter to decide whether it's right or wrong?"
"Jara , (Y/N) is our sister and that's what everyone knows her as. She too believes it . And if you were to ......marry her , then what would people say?"
WHAT!? DID I HEAR THAT CORRECTLY? AM I IN A NIGHTMARE? I pinched myself and no, it was real. My stomach churned up and my body started sweating even in the cold night of September.
"SHE'S NOT MY OR YOUR SISTER! Stop saying it. I've never seen her that way nor is she blood-related so I don't give a damn about people and if anyone does raise questions or has a problem then he or she can talk to my sword ...anytime." 
Wait .....not blood-related? This can't be. No. Am I adopted?. Is this the reason I don't look like any of my sisters? I can't believe it. For (YOUR AGE) of my life, I felt as if this was my family when it isn't? 
I rushed back to my room and after locking it, cried heavily on my bed. I tried to console myself that this might have been just a dream and soon fell asleep.
1 month later:
No one talked about my marriage after that night and I too somewhat recovered from the trauma but I always felt scared and nervous around Jara thinking about what she had said about marrying me. My questions about her being a bachelor were now clear, she had her eyes on me. Shameful. Utterly disgusting. I always looked up to her as my mentor, my sister and .....second father. How can she say that so easily? I just prayed every day that she would forget about what she had said.
After the grand marriage of Flora to the son of the Duke, everything had begun to settle for everyone except for me as now I was left alone in the mansion with Jara but thankfully Demelza had offered to stay for some days before leaving and I couldn't be more glad. Perhaps I can go to her house for some time if only Jara allows it which I hope she does. Even if she doesn't, I would rebel with every fibre of my body. I am not staying here for a minute.
"(Y/N)? What's all this?" Demelza entered my room and was shocked to see my suitcase packed.
"I am going with you."  I said with a grin as to melt her heart but it must've failed terribly as she stared at me.
"Did you ask Jara?
"No, but don't you think it's been long since I have stayed with you and I will miss you awfully if you go."
"I can't take you if Jara doesn't allow it which she would never. You never stayed with me before so why now (Y/N)? Are you hiding something from me? Is everything alright?" Me and hiding? I think it's you all who have been hiding a lot from me. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't know what reaction I would get if I told her I knew my identity.
"No , just thought it would be great.."
"(Y/N) , I don't mind taking you but you know Jara.... and actually , that's why I came to talk to you."
We both sat down on the bed and she took my hand in hers.
"(Y/N), I know it's going to be heavy for you at first but I know you are a very brave and kind girl and will understand me. " She pursed her lips and breathed in for a minute and I could tell what she was going to say.
"You were adopted and it's not a joke. You are our mother's friend's daughter. Your real mother was Kyla and she had eloped with someone and couldn't take care of you as she was young and not in good financial conditions. When she finally came to take you, it was too late. You were 13 and our parents had recently both passed, on top of that Jara---she didn't allow you to be taken away. Your parents however tried their best to get you but Jara had enough and she....exiled them. " I couldn't believe that Jara could be this cruel.
"How can she do that?! I have the right to meet them , to be with them."
"I know , we all know you do. But she -----listen (Y/N)-
"I heard both of you that night!. Just needed to hear the whole story. And now, I am not staying here for a second. Please, Dolly, take me to my parents." I called her by her nickname as my eyes teared up thinking what my parents must be going through. She was shocked to hear that I heard them both but she nodded gently. 
"If only our parents were alive, I would've taken you but now..." She whispered before wiping my tears "You can't leave because ......Jara has sent me to tell you that from now--you are her betrothed." She stated firmly as if trying her best not to cry and not take pity on me but I knew she loved me very much.
"NO! No, please Dolly , I -I can't marry Jara . She--she's..she is like my sister-
"Ssh, don't say that!. She doesn't want you to say it anymore." She put her finger on my lips and now she was shedding a few tears herself.
"(Y/N) ---I am so sorry. I am--stuck between you and," She paused and cleared her throat.
"And what?!" She ignored my query and continued.
"You have to marry her . Perhaps then you can meet your parents."
"NO! I don't want to stay here! Please Dolly , I am ---scared of Jara. " I screamed and begged her but then my bedroom's door was thrown open and there stood Jara. I closed my eyes and turned my head  furiously to the other side as Dolly moved closer to me as to shield me.
"You will stay here and be my wife. That's not a choice. So quit whining. And yes, maybe I'll take you to your parents if you bear me a child first." My eyes bulged out at her bold statement as I shook Dolly to say something in my defence.
"Jara! Give her a break, please. I am talking to her! . "
"And it's clearly not working. I have called for the arrangements to be made by the end of the month. This wedding will take place no matter what happens. And remember what we talked about, Demelza." Dolly nodded desperately and I looked at her confused. After the monster left when I asked her, she brushed it off and hugged me tightly whilst continuously whispering apologies.
"Dolly , there must be a way!."
"There isn't (Y/N). Her men are everywhere even on the borders. There's no way for you to run otherwise I would've helped you run away myself. Believe me." She broke away and held my shoulders tightly.
"Now, Jara is,I know strict and many other things but she loves you perhaps....too much. She won't do anything to you ever. I promise you and if she does, I am just a letter away, love. Hmm? Look at me, let me see you smile." 
I shook my head.
"She's bad. I hate her, Dolly. I hate her."
"Every person has a good and bad side, there's no need to be afraid. You will live like a princess you are." She kissed my forehead and all I could was silently protest.
Amber's POV:
"And now my dear students, we are going to move to my personal favourite, hehe! And possibly the most daunting part of the estate, perhaps the reason millions of people visit it." Our guide announced as our group followed her to a wing at the interior of this palace.
Our eyes were met with a large painting on the right before the chamber's door. 
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"This painting, my dear students is chilling and well normal at the same time. The woman in the uniform you see is General Jara Armani herself and the girl sitting on the seat is her wife Lady (Y/N) Armani!." My feet turned cold and goosebumps travelled all over my body and I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one as the room had gone eerily silent. Every eye stared at the painting like a hawk. We had seen countless paintings on the way here ranging from Armani's ancestors to the four Armani sisters and their belongings. But this was the first time we had seen the infamous General and her wife. 
We had read so much about Jara Armani in our textbooks, due to all the wars she participated in and not forgetting the "LOVE STORY" of her and her wife who was once her "sister". The whole world knows, some people perceive it as a fairytale whilst others as a scary story. I perceived it as the latter.
"The cute baby that you see in General's hands is Sir Richardus who grows up to be Admiral Richardus, who defeated the Blue robes in his youth by building the strongest fleet the world had ever seen at that time and the second cutie pie in her mother's lap is Elena Armani, born shortly after her brother. She was known to be very intelligent and also beautiful just like her mother. She grew up to be a scholar and also was her brother's trustee and advisor. Now, coming to the parents. So Lady (Y/N) was actually..."
The guide began telling about Lady (Y/N) while my mind thought about what the poor girl went through after marriage.
 Both were married in 1799 and the wedding was not that grand considering the General was getting married. Even though the King had attended himself still, the wedding was unpretentious as Jara wasn't a fan of extravagance. And even though everyone had their questions about why Jara was marrying her "adoptive sister", no one had the guts to question her. You can say, not even the King. Let's just say those who did---were never found.
After the wedding, Jara was more possessive of her wife. (Y/N) was only allowed to leave alongside her wife. When Jara went to battles, (Y/n) was on lockdown. Her sisters were no longer permitted to meet her in Jara's absence as General feared that they would fill (Y/n)'s ears against her even when they didn't and just wanted to meet their baby sister or--- their sister-in-law. 
Within a year, (y/n) gave birth to Richardus and shortly after, the next year 1801, gave birth to Elena. This wasn't it as she went on to give birth to five more children, two sons and three more daughters. However, this painting is the only painting with Lady (y/n) and with her first two children as Jara wasn't a fan of painting and her wife being displayed along with her children. It is said that the painter who rendered this portrait is never to be seen again after it. Some people say Jara killed him by gouging his eyes out immediately or exiled him but it could be just rumours. It disgusts me that people romanticize a relationship Jara and (Y/N) had. Some people even say that this painting is fake because Jara would never allow her wife to be painted but the chances of this being true are thin because it was specifically ordered by the King that every General and Prime Minister had to have a painting of them and their spouse as per tradition and Jara had no other option but to obey the King as she never disobeyed the royalty, almost as if the King made this law to purposefully piss off Jara and test her patience. Yeah, he was indeed a waggish guy.
This original painting was only found in the Armani estate and was worth millions. You can't find it on Google or in any book because people do it in the honour of Jara Armani. Again disgusting. Honouring the acts of such a person? Absolute bullshit.  Those people are actually Jara's descendants. They are the ones who don't let it go public. They are either still scared of Jara or just don't want to disrespect her when it comes to Lady (Y/N). Which sounds very odd to me. How can someone be scared of a dead person?
There is an incident that is very famous regarding Lady Demelza . When General Jara had gone off to battle, she had come to take (Y/n) with her as the latter was feeling very stressed and sick during her first pregnancy. Demelza ought to keep (y/n) with her until her sister would come back so (y/n) wouldn't feel lonely. Convincing the guards was something which came easy to Demelza. She was desperate to spend time with her sister and wouldn't let Jara or her minions stop her at all.
(Y/N)'s POV: 
 January 14th , 1800:
"Dolly? Do you think , after the baby is born , I'll get to meet my parents?" I asked my sister as she massaged my  feet softly.
"If she has promised then ..yes because one thing I know is that Master Jara never breaks her promise."
I nodded and sighed, relaxing back into the soft pillows. The cookies that Dolly had made really lifted my mood up and the glass of warm honey milk I had gulped down, was now making me sleepy. I heard her chuckle.
"You should sleep now,"
"But stay here , please."
"Yes I am here , don't worry sweetie. Rest now and goodnight little pumpkin. Can't wait to meet you." She caressed my bump and then covered me with the fur blanket. Minutes later we heard shouts and I woke up , half asleep.
"What's happening? Dolly?"
"Stay here, I'll check."
"Shush. Lock the door." 
She carefully got up and walked out. I got out of bed and wore a shawl around my body. I locked the door but then heard Jara's voice. I gasped .
'She is here!'
I opened the door and upon reaching the staircase , the words my ears caught on , made me nearly faint.
"Not only did your husband betray me on the battlefield but you did too by bringing my wife here without my consent. So here is your reward." I saw her throwing  Mr. Cynrik's head on the floor , who was my brother-in-law.
"AAAHH! CYNRIK! NOOOO! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME! CYNRIK!" Dolly fell down on her knees, near her husband's head. Still screaming and wailing while I just saw the scene unfold like a statue.
"Stop crying over a traitor. And go bring (y/n) , I am taking her home."
All I could remember after that was pain and lots of pain as I fell down on the floor . Jara had carried me away and took me to the nearest nursing home where I gave birth to my son. Here my baby cried and on the other side my ears still rang with my sister's cries . My wife however , was unfazed by all of it. She had forgiven me for staying at Dolly's due to the sudden 'homecoming gift' I gave her.
"Richardus , how does it sound (y/n)?" She kissed my forehead as she sat beside me , holding our child.
I gave her no response. I felt her nudge me with her forehead lovingly. This damned love of hers. It has taken everything away from me.
"I want to see Dolly."
"Don't you dare say her name . Ever. You will not meet her from now."
" Don't take advantage of my patience. We are going back to the capital, right now." She handed me the baby, or should I say Richardus, and stood up.
"Maersa! Ready the carriage!."
"Yes ma'am." The man outside the room ran for his life to do the assigned task.
After that , I was taken back to the prison which Jara called home with our son. Despite my pleas, Jara didn't listen and I could never find out how my sister and her children handled themselves after this horrid incident as that was the last time I saw her, hugged her, talked with her, laughed and cried. She couldn't even be there to see Richardus or any of my children. It all happened just because I was too whiny to go with her and felt stressed. Only if I stayed in the mansion like an obedient wife that night.
The threat that Jara had given to Dolly before our marriage finally came true. Dolly's personal maid had disclosed to me that Jara had threatened to kill her husband if I didn't marry her which reminded me of the time when she was scared of Jara as she was trying to convince me of this forsaken marriage.
After Richardus was born , I demanded Jara to find my parents but she always found a way to make an excuse and eventually I let it go and focused more on my "HOME" and children. I had accepted the fact that Jara had lied to me. She was intimidating and just two times worse than she was before when I was younger. More protective and obsessive. 
It is written in her will which she told me herself proudly whilst combing my hair like she did every night , that if she dies before me then I was to be killed as well because
"You are deemed to be only with me, love."
Like every other night, once she finished combing, pulled me lightly to her embrace as she settled on the bed. Her lips began to trail feathery kisses on my neck.
"I think Richardus deserves a little sibling, doesn't he?" She bit on my collarbone and groaned.
I push her away almost as if my body reacted on itself.
" It's only been 8 months--- I can't have another one...so soon." I don't know how I became confident enough to behave like this. But it was also liberating ...to some extent. To say "No" to her albeit knowing it was futile.
Her eyes darkened as she pulled me back again, this time not so gently.
"You don't get to decide that. If I want one, I will have one, wife."
I shook my head violently, hoping that she would be considerate.
"Jara--please. Try to understand." A gasp nearly left my lips as I was promptly pushed onto the bed with her hovering above me.
"You said your vows which were to keep me happy and obey me." Her hand untied my robes, the other one gripping my leg.
"So do your duty now."
Amber's POV:
"So, this is how (Y/N) had to spend her life now as, 'The General's Doted Wife'. She died of food poisoning the next day after her wife's death. Tragic, sad and yet very haunting". The guide, Rose, ended her speech while clasping her hands together. 
"Okayy now , let's move on to see their grand room now shall we?"
You might be wondering why I knew so much at the age of 15, even the secrets which this woman didn't know about.
It is because these two were my great-great-great-grandparents. I was from the line of Jara's third son, Dorian who was really close to (Y/N) when it came to understanding her trauma. He was the youngest child. The other children were more or less just like Jara. Ruthless. That is because she raised them to be like that. They were probably too scared to stand up for their mother anyway. That is why (Y/N) had asked Dorian to keep her diary. I had read everything in her diary and---it really changed my perception of this 'great family'. I scoffed in my mind thinking about my other cousins who were such fans of Jara Armani. I hope she is suffering in the deepest depths of hell.
Here is the link to the first part which is a platonic one.
Scenario 1 (Yan Gen sister)
61 notes · View notes
1d1195 · 1 year
This is the story I dubbed as therapeutic for myself. I've been struggling a lot lately (I apologize for the delay in posting). I actually wanted this to be more but I wanted to post very badly. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy a lot of fluff and bit of angst.
Harry was convinced that even if they did end their relationship (and he was certain that would never happen) he would thank her for the heartbreak.
Harry was at the grocery store, passing the florist department when he realized his mistake. He had been dating her for nearly two months when he came to the realization that he hadn’t gotten her a bouquet of flowers yet. He felt horrible immediately and wanted to remedy the situation as quickly as he possibly could.
But he wanted her to like the flowers he got, and he wanted it to be a surprise. Neither of which he was sure he could pull off when he hadn’t asked her once what her favorite flower.
Like an absolute creep, he messaged her youngest sister on Instagram; he had at least met her in passing on one of their dates when they stopped for a coffee while she was working. Harry hadn’t met the other two just yet so messaging them would have seemed insane.
Hiiii. Uh...sorry to message you like this...any chance you know your sister’s favorite flowers?
Oh, my goodness, that’s too sweet! Umm...now that I think about it, I’m not sure. Let me ask.
Er...I was hoping it could be a surprise.
Aww...Don’t worry I have just the idea, wait one minute.
Harry waited patiently for her response thinking about how smitten he was with the beautiful girl. Just the mere thought of her brought a smile to his face, making him nearly giggle with how much he liked her. Flowers didn’t seem like enough. She deserved a whole garden.
Here’s what I got. She’s so sad sometimes *eyeroll*
Harry frowned and clicked on the screenshot titled Will Recipients. He chuckled at the name. He knew it was between the four girls and Harry was looking for his lovely lady’s response in the many messages they managed to send. He was slightly amazed they had time to send all of them in a matter of five minutes that he texted her sister.
Her sister started: I’m doing a project for school. What’s your favorite flower?
Harry didn’t know which middle sister was which, but he thought their responses were funny, nonetheless. What kind of project asks about your favorite flower?
I like daisies.
That’s the most boring answer I’ve ever heard. Harry knew the youngest was brutal sometimes and he thought of messaging with Gemma, and it was nothing in comparison to four girls ranging from their late teens to their mid-twenties. It’s for my stats class.
I took that class, we never did a flower thing.
Can you just tell me?
Finally, the oldest answered and Harry examined her little gray message for entirely too long. Like the one I actually like? or the one I tell everyone I like? That was her response.
What kind of lunatic lies about their favorite flower?
The kind that gets told their favorite is old-ladyish all the time. Or laughed at because it’s a stupid flower. Forget it, I like sunflowers.
Harry frowned and responded to her sister once more. Any chance you could find out the real one?
Within moments Harry had another screenshot.
Hey drama queen, I won’t tell the others, what’s your real favorite flower. I’ll even keep my comments to myself.
Nothing else. That was the only thing she wrote. Harry didn’t really know what to expect but it wasn’t tulips.
Thank you, love. I appreciate it.
Any time Harry! Let me know how she likes them!!!
Harry was planning when he’d see her next and looked into all types of tulips and how to care for them as well. He wanted her to like them and didn’t want her to feel bad about liking them. Making her happy was his goal. He didn’t really feel any particular way about tulips at all. He didn’t really think they were old-ladyish so he wondered where that came from. He felt bad the poor thing had to hide her real feelings. He never wanted her to feel that way around him.
Harry thought it would seem too obvious if he brought flowers right away. So he had to wait for just right the time which gave him plenty of time to research the perfect color and care needed for the pretty girl that deserved pretty flowers.
Harry knocked on her door holding the bouquet in his hand. They were going to dinner and a movie that evening and Harry came prepared—especially since it was now approaching nearly three months since they began dating. After a quick greeting she seemed to finally notice all at once the flowers in his hand. “Kitten?” He asked gently as she stared at the flowers. Her eyes sort of glazed over.
“Are you the reason my sister was asking us our favorite flower?” She wondered.
Harry frowned a little. First, she was too smart. He was sad she knew so quickly the motives of her sister asking the question were tied to him. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe she still lied to her sister, and these weren’t her favorite flowers. Harry bit his lip and sighed. “Er...yeah,” he sounded so shy. “M’sorry, kitten...I thought I got the right—” She shook her head and stayed silent as Harry stopped speaking. It was so silent. Nearly uncomfortable with how silent it was. Why would her sister lie to him?
God, he really liked her, and he thought he ruined everything just by getting her flowers. His frown deepened and he sighed as he went to the kitchen to find a vase. She stayed by the door almost in a trance, and Harry felt a little awkward trying to figure out what her reaction meant.
“Harry?” She said softly and suddenly hurried to the kitchen. He was filling the vase with water, and he looked at her entering the kitchen a tad nervously.
“Yeah, angel?” He asked.
“Thank you,” the thankfulness, the kindness, the overwhelming amount of gratitude in her voice almost shattered Harry. She was so grateful for the flowers.
He sighed with relief and smiled at her as he put the stems into the vase. Setting it on the counter he came to her side and slid his hands up her neck and gently rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “’Course, beautiful,” he hummed and pressed his lips against hers. Kissing was still kind of new—and he loved the way she nearly sighed each time their mouths connected. He smiled as he pulled away. “Sorry it took me s’long t’get y’some.”
 She bit her lip. “What do you mean?” She asked.
“Should have gotten y’flowers every time I saw you,” he smiled and rubbed his thumb on her lips. He kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose before he turned his attention back to the vase and settled it in the middle of her coffee table. “Y’ready t’go?” He asked.
Since she seemed speechless, she nodded. Harry gave her a reassuring smile, took her hand, and left happy the bouquet seemed to be a hit.
They were flowers. Flowers. Just flowers. She wasn’t going to lose her mind over a bouquet.
But she kind of was.
Fortunately, Harry was giving her a hilarious recap of the movie that she was hardly able to stay focused on while it played. His summary allowed her to make believe she had watched the whole movie. While instead, for the better part of the last two hours, she really thought only about the tulips that Harry had placed so effortlessly in the middle of her apartment. As if the flowers didn’t mean everything in the world. Like it wasn’t earthshattering that he got her flowers.
“Are you okay, love?” He hummed and gave her hand a squeeze as they made it to the restaurant. He put his hand on her lower back as he held the door open for her and ushered her inside. His eyebrows pinched together. “Did y’like the movie?” He wondered nervously as she walked inside. Maybe his recap was overdone. But Harry enjoyed the movie and the way she seemed so engrossed and how captive she was through his summary he assumed she did. Maybe he was wrong this time about her—like he thought she didn’t like the flowers. She grabbed the next door and held it open for him but he placed his hand above her to hold it open so she could walk through first once more.
She would have enjoyed the movie if she paid any attention to it. But she didn’t. So, she fibbed a little. “I did, yeah. M’just a little tired... movies make me tired,” she explained with a breath of exhaled laughter. That wasn’t a lie. They were lucky they were in a theater because if they were at one of their apartments—and she wasn’t having a meltdown over a bouquet—then she would have fallen asleep for sure.
He frowned. “Oh, m’sorry, kitten. D’you want me t’take you home instead?”
She shook her head quickly. “No, I’ll perk up. I’ll get a coffee,” she said and reached for his hand as they stepped to the hostess stand. She squeezed it reassuringly. “I...I like our date nights,” she smiled sweetly.
Harry seemed to sigh with relief. He liked her so much. Lately, more and more, he didn’t want their date nights to end either. Of course, he would have taken her home if that was what she wanted. He would do anything for her. But he was so glad he didn’t have to. He wanted to spend forever with her. “Okay,” he said with a happy grin. Turning his attention to the host, “I have a reservation for two under Styles?” The host nodded and brought them to their table. “I know it’s not your job, but could you get us a cup of coffee, please? Cream and sugar,” he asked as he held her chair out for her. The amount of chivalry and manners in Harry made her melt every moment they were together. No one ever held a door open for. Certainly, never pulled a chair out for her. He always asked so politely for anything she wanted. It made her fall so effortlessly and heavily in love with him at every moment.
Harry sat down and placed his napkin in his lap. She kind of wished she told him she would like to go home. She would much rather enjoy the bouquet and sit with Harry on her couch until she did fall asleep. The restaurant seemed too public, even though no one was paying any mind to them. They were just a young couple on a date and there wasn’t anything to really witness.
But she was in love.
And Harry was perfect.
She wanted him all to herself. “Have y’ever eaten here?” Harry asked.
“Umm,” she looked at the name on the menu as she did wonder if she had been there before when he broached the date idea earlier in the week. As she scanned the titles of the dishes, she responded to him. “I think so—but it was a while ago.”
Smiling, he nodded. “M’a huge fan of the cauliflower.”
“We should get it then,” she answered. “If you’re willing to share,” she winked at him.
He chuckled. “Only with you, kitten.”
When they headed back to her apartment, he rubbed his thumb on the outside of her hand. He loved touching her—even just holding her hand made him feel like he was floating. “D’you have any plans for tomorrow, love?” He asked.
“Probably just clean and read some. Maybe go for a walk or something,” she shrugged.
“That sounds nice.”
“How about you?”
Just think about you all day. He thought to himself. “Hmm...nothing comes t’mind. Probably just lounge around.”
She nodded. “Well...you should come lounge around with me then,” she said sweetly. He turned to look at her with a grin.
A beat of silence, her lips pursed together, and she glanced up to meet his gaze briefly as she spoke finally. Harry thought she was nervous again. He didn’t like that she was nervous—he wanted her to feel utterly comfortable around him. “I really like spending time with you, Harry.”
Harry leaned against the wall beside her door and smiled at her. He couldn’t see his own face of course, but he hoped his expression was as loving as he felt. “I love spending time with you, angel,” his voice was filled with infatuation, she felt her face warm under his gaze. Gently, he reached for her and brought his hand to cup her face so he could kiss her once more. He let his lips linger against hers for a few moments and peppered a few extra kisses along her jawline. “Goodnight, kitten. Send me a text when y’want me over,” he nearly hummed as he left her standing in front of her door.
He heard her sigh near dreamily and he smirked to himself as he headed off to his car. As he turned his car over, her message popped up on his screen. Thank you again for the flowers, Harry. It was so so sweet &lt;3
Of course, kitten. Glad you like them :) See you tomorrow, sleep well. Xx Alone with his thoughts Harry left feeling excited that she liked the tulips so much but was suddenly overcome with disappointment—but not disappointment of her. Merely because her reaction made him a bit sad.
He messaged her sister before pulling away from his parking spot. She LOVED the flowers. Thank you for the help, love! Xx
Woooo! Yay! I’m so glad I could help!
Harry was sincere in his thankfulness—she did love them. But she loved them so much for so much more than they were... and Harry felt...devastated by that fact. He wanted to know why. Wanted to know why she was so quiet when he entered the apartment. She was rendered speechless. So much so that it seemed she didn’t pay any mind to the movie. He didn’t harp on it of course, but now alone he couldn’t help but think about it. He supposed he would see her the before he knew it the very next day maybe he could figure a way to ask then.
It was early afternoon when she finally messaged him. Harry was waiting anxiously by his phone with nervous energy worried that she wouldn’t ask him over. Hiii I’d love to have you over if you’re not busy.
Harry thought that maybe he should have waited longer than thirty seconds to respond. It seemed desperate. I’ll be there soon, love :)
He arrived nearly fifteen minutes later, knocking on her door and smiling at her as she answered. He leaned against the wall beside the door frame just as he did the night before. Pushing off he smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly. Kissing the top of her head, he sighed. “Mmm,” he hummed. “Hey, angel.”
“Hi Harry,” she murmured into his chest.
They were quiet for a moment before he released all but her hand and gently nudged her inside. “Didn’t know there was anything t’clean in here,” he smirked as he inspected how spotless it was (as it always was). He enjoyed the scent of the candle she lit that seemed to mix so effortlessly and perfectly with the smell of the dryer running from another room.
She giggled cutely. “It’s not...bad, y’know...I just am a bit particular. And I like to make things look nice.”
“It’s lovely, kitten,” he chuckled. “Do y’want to watch a movie? Or read...?”
“Are you...sure?” She asked.
“Well yeah. Y’said we were lounging. I’ll do whatever y’want, love,” he made himself at home on the couch and he set the book he had in his bag on the coffee table beside her bouquet of tulips that still (thankfully on Harry’s part) looked beautiful. He patted the seat beside him. After a second of uncertain hesitation, she situated herself beside him. “Jus’ glad t’be spending time with you,” he said and dropped another kiss to her temple. Turning to face her she smiled at him. Harry thought he would melt just from the warmth of her pretty lips curving up in his direction. He cupped her face delicately between his hands. He brushed his lips over hers causing that beautiful, wonderful sigh to escape her lips. Harry rested his forehead against hers. “M’in love with you,” he told her.
She all but gasped as her lips parted ever so slightly as she looked at him mere millimeters away from her face. “Really?” She whispered.
That crushed him. “Very much, beautiful,” he murmured even though he was heartbroken by how...confused she looked. Of course, Harry loved her. She was perfect. “Been loving y’more every day.” She blushed between his hands, and he kissed her nose. “Y’don’t have t’say it back,” he said softly. His heart broke a bit at the idea. “I know m’probably a bit early, but...I jus’ wanted you t’know tha—”
“I love you,” she said simply, not quickly like she was rushing to say it. It was definitive. She didn’t have to follow up with her next words, but he was so lucky and grateful she did. “So much.” Harry felt breathless and he leaned forward and kissed her so deeply he thought he might never breathe again.
Harry was helping her with the dishes after they had eaten at his place. He was tired of having her overnight bag sitting on his bed and just a drawer of her things being the only part of her around when she wasn’t. But that wasn’t true. She was constantly in his thoughts. Even in the brief seconds he wasn’t thinking about her, the notes she left behind for him to find made his attention turn right back to her. “You okay?” She asked kindly. “You seem a little quiet and out of sorts.”
He shrugged. “Mmm,” he sighed. “Jus’...thinking.”
“Sounds scary,” she smirked after a moment.
He rolled his eyes. “Baby, I would handcuff you t’myself.” She giggled and turned her attention to making sure the dishes didn’t shatter as she put them back. “D’you ever wish we lived together?” He asked.
She paused. Harry thought that maybe as good as things were going after a year, it was still too soon. Sure, they spend nearly every weekend together. They talked every day and saw each other every other day. But maybe that was enough for her. Maybe it was easier to just have a Harry-weekend and live her life during the week. Harry pursed his lips about to take back his offer—or make some excuse that it it didn’t need to be a right now thing. “You want to live with me?” She wondered.
He turned to lean against the counter, and he watched as she put the dishes away as if she did in fact live there. “Well, yeah,” he said. “I’d see you a lot more,” he reminded her. “Wouldn’t be sick missing you s’much,” he brought his hand to his mouth, pinching his bottom lip between his fingers and pulled nervously at her response. “If y’don’t—”
“No, I...I really want to live with you,” she nodded. “If you want to live with me,” she reaffirmed quietly.
Harry dropped his hand from his mouth and grabbed her hand. “Yeah?” The smile on his lips grew by the second. “Of course, I do, angel. You’re the best part of m’day—I want it every day.” She looked down slightly and smiled. Harry didn’t miss the blush that painted her cheeks and he squeezed her hand. “I love you,” he reminded her.
“God, I love you, too.”
It was Saturday. The first one they were living together. Harry moved into her place, and she was so utterly accommodating. There was so much room for all his stuff. She made it effortless. They went through everything logistically—her bed was bigger, but Harry had a better couch. Harry wanted to hire a mover, but she was insistent that she and their friends could do it. And they did.
It was embarrassing how long Harry lay in bed. He scrolled through social media, answered a few work emails, and read some of the books he started before he went to bed last night. He would have gotten up sooner if he noticed the sound of her wandering about the apartment. It wasn’t until he heard a few dishes clink together that he realized she was home. He assumed she may have been running a few errands—she mentioned them before—things she wanted to move in for herself.
After the dish clinking, he paid closer attention to her movements and that was when he heard the distinct sound of a cleaning spray bottle and the sound of the washing machine going. Shit. He thought to himself, threw the covers back, and marched out to the kitchen.
He realized he should have started with a good morning, but it was too late. “What are y’doing?” He asked.
“Oh! Hi Harry,” she jumped at his question. She must have only half heard him through the music playing in her ears. She turned to him with a hand over her heart. She wasn’t used to Harry being around so casually. She was used to him shirtless and only in boxers, but it was the first time seeing it in their own place. He didn’t seem amused as he waited for her to answer his question. Which she nearly managed to forget while she waited for her heart to simmer down. “Uh...cleaning?”
Harry looked...annoyed? That couldn’t be right. She didn’t do anything to cause him to feel annoyed. She was quiet and cleaning all morning. It couldn’t have been an issue. Harry was just hanging out in their room and—
“You’ve been cleaning all morning, yeah?” He said already knowing the answer. She felt like she was suddenly in trouble. She nodded solemnly.
“Uh...yes,” she said quietly.
Harry ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Pursing his lips he glanced around at the near spotless place—their place. Their. Place. “Can y’go sit down for me, then?” He asked gently.
“I’m sorry?”
“Jus’...don’t want y’doing t’much. I wish I was paying attention more—I thought y’were...well I don’t know what I thought y’were doing. M’sorry. I’d like t’take it from here and do the rest of the cleaning so y’can lounge around.”
She swallowed and the uneasiness in her stomach transformed a bit into something less of feeling like she was about to get into trouble and more into a worry of not...being enough. “Oh, Harry. I don’t mind,” she whispered looking at her feet. “I...I’m really used to cleaning...I kind of like it and...I don’t know. I didn’t mean to bother you. I thought I was being pretty quiet, so I’m sorry if I woke you,” she spoke to his feet the whole time and she couldn’t shake the idea that he was mad. It made her so nervous that she had already ruined their first couple of weeks of living together.
He didn’t respond but he kept his eyes glued to her face—or where her face would be if she was looking up. “Kitten,” he said so quietly, almost sadly. “Can y’look at me please?” He asked. Tears were in her eyes, and it felt more like she was in trouble once more. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. Harry looked as sad as he sounded. He reached out and grabbed her hand. “M’not mad at you, m’love,” he whispered.
Harry was crushed by the relief that exhaled from her body. “No?” She whispered.
He squeezed her hand. “Angel, why would I be mad?”
“Um...” she swallowed again and smirked but there was no humor. It was just sadness. “Uh...I don’t know,” again, no humor, but a laugh escaped her lips.
“Kitten,” he hummed gently. Tears started to overwhelm her vision and she swallowed nervously against the emotion. When she sniffled, Harry finally lost the stand he was taking. The one where he was going to make her say it, because he wanted her to, and he didn’t think it was right. He pulled her forward and pressed her against his chest, her head beneath his chin and he sighed softly. “Tell me, baby,” he said rubbing his hand up and down her back. He kissed the top of her head and hated the way her shoulders shook from the tears that fell from her eyes.
She hated that he was so handsome—especially almost entirely naked because there wasn’t even the layer of a thin t-shirt to hide the tears that she was shedding. “He was,” she sniffled like it hurt to say.
“I know,” he sighed. “But m’not him,” he reminded her. “I don’t want you t’do it all, kitten. I don’t expect you to,” he slid his hands to her face, and he crouched just a little as he peered down into her eyes. “I love you,” he promised. “You’ve done so much for so long... for so many people.” Biting her lip, she turned her head from him. He wasted not even a second tilting her chin back, so her eyes were back to him. “Y’don’t have t’do anything for me,” his voice was so gentle it hurt. It made her feel sick and undeserving.
“If I don’t...then...” she sighed and closed her eyes.
“Kitten, please look at me,” he begged so quietly, she hardly heard him, but she didn’t open her eyes.
“Then...you’ll...not...want...me,” the pauses between each word hurt more than all of them said together. It meant she was thinking about every single syllable. Each word that was going to break her heart...and Harry’s.
It wasn’t the time to do it, but he couldn’t stop himself. Harry thought of the tulips. He thought of the times she thanked him for putting the laundry—the laundry that she washed and folded—away. The way she said “Really?” when he told her he loved her for the first time. There were all the times she never asked for anything from Harry but he could sense she wanted to but was...scared to do so. It made sense now. She was scared. For no reason. But still scared. Harry felt so angry toward every person that ever broke her heart and made her feel less than perfect. He hated when she hurt. “M’beautiful angel,” he sighed softly stroking his thumb over her face.
She sniveled and brought a hand to her face. “Harry,” she whimpered.
“I know, love,” he cooed softly and brought her back to his body. He let her cry for a few moments. He listened to the way she sounded like she was in pain as she let the tears fall freely and it made him so sad and upset, he could have cried himself. “Baby,” he hummed to the top of her head. “Y’don’t have t’do anything for me, m’love.” She nodded against him and he sighed. “Y’don’t, kitten. Y’really don’t need t’do anything,” he promised. He hoped if he repeated it enough she would believe him.
“No,” he shook his head. He didn’t say anything else. It wasn’t final or demanding the way he spoke. It was just a simple no. There wasn’t anything else to be said. Harry let her tears subside before he settled her on the couch and finished her cleaning. For the first time since she moved in, she relaxed on a Saturday while someone else cleaned for her.
The love she felt for Harry was overwhelming.
They were lounging on the couch. The TV was on, but she was turned away from it, facing Harry’s chest. With one arm looped behind his head he could see the show and with his other hand he rubbed it up and down her back. It was so peaceful and gentle. It was everything he ever wanted in a relationship. It was everything he wanted with her. “Y’okay, love?” He hummed dropping a kiss to the top of her head. She nodded wordlessly and he smiled and continued watching his show.
“Wanna stay here forever,” she mumbled. He smirked, placing another kiss on the top of her head. He sensed there was more, but he hated pressuring her into saying more than she may have wanted to—after that first weekend she cried to him, he let her feel exactly what she wanted and how she wanted. Harry knew most of her thoughts. He of course wanted to know all of them, but he knew that she always told him anything she wanted to tell him.
“Is there more, kitten?” He asked quietly. She nodded. “Y’can tell me if y’want,” he reminded her gently.
“It’s stupid.”
He shook his head and glanced down at her perfect face and her fingers fidgeting with the cross and chain around his neck. “You’re anything but stupid, angel,” he felt her feet wiggle uncomfortably. He wanted to beg and pull the words from her lips, but he waited patiently.
“How do you know when I want to say more?” She asked instead.
“Because I adore you,” he responded instantly. She snorted a short laugh but didn’t seem to have an answer to that. “Jus’ know you so well, love. Been trying t’read your mind for the two and a half years...think m’getting pretty good at it. Now jus’ have t’make sense of what y’don’t say,” he smirked and kissed the top of her head.
“Are you frustrated that I don’t tell you things?”
He pursed his lips and shook his head.  “No, course not.”
She was silent. “I think about marrying you every day,” she whispered so quietly Harry almost missed her words.
“I never thought about a wedding with anyone I’ve ever dated in the past. It seemed like so much work because I would do all the planning and the everything...” she explained. “Now...God...I just...I want to show you off to everyone I know and show how wonderful you are because I know you would make the wedding of my dreams come true...because you make all my dreams come true.”
Harry was so quiet thinking about how that may not have seemed like much but to her it was—it was letting herself be vulnerable about wanting to spend her life with Harry. Without knowing how he felt—which was silly since he wanted to spend every second with her in his arms, reading her mind, or listening to her every thought. He wanted to cheer her every win and console her every loss. She was all his and he adored her so completely. He tipped her chin back. “I can’t wait to marry you,” he promised. He saw the way her face seemed to sink with relief which broke his heart, but he couldn’t get over how beautiful she looked even when she did—it left him breathless, wordless, soundless. Harry was convinced that even if they did end their relationship (and he was certain that would never happen) he would thank her for the heartbreak. As he always did when she left him speechless, he kissed her so deeply he thought he might never breathe again.
But it would have been the best way to go.
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sanhaswife · 1 year
Hello, I've been reading you're work for a while now and I've gotta say it's absolutely stunning! I was wondering if I could request a Bakugou x Reader where basically Reader is jealous of Uraraka (She gets insecure around her) Uraraka and reader are like childhood bff's and once they get to U.A they become supper popular and people start making fanart/fanfictions of Kachhako and Reader hates it but she knows Uraraka has a crush on Deku. So one day Bakugou finds out and Ig you can make the rest :). I'm so sorry if this is confusing it's my first time asking on tumblr. Have a great day/night!
Thank you so so SO much; it means a lot that you're enjoying my little dabbles ;-; AHHH this sounds like such a fun idea it's not confusing at all! I hope you like it :)
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
Ever since you could remember, you and Uraraka have been best friends. You met her for the first time back in preschool, and you two have been stuck together like glue since then. You did everything together, and for years, you considered her your sister with how close you two were. She brought out the best in you and was your rock, the one person you could confide in when things got tough. You always assumed it would stay that way as you both went on in school, assuming that nothing could possibly get in between your friendship.
Well...that was until you both got into U.A.
You and Uraraka shared a love for cheesy romance movies about high school sweethearts, so on the first day of school, you both made a silly contest on who would get a boyfriend first. Not knowing what to expect from a new school, you foolishly agreed. Walking through the entrance for the first time made you anxious; you had always been the introverted one out of the two of you, so you panicked a bit when you and Uraraka found yourselves suddenly popular.
Suddenly you found yourself being the center of attention, new faces jumping at the chance of getting to know you and your best friend. Seeing Uraraka adore the attention and unswayed by the sudden rise of popularity, you felt the overwhelming need to match her pace. So that's what you did, to hide the fear of being left out you started putting up a front and hid your anxieties so that you and Uraraka both seemed like equals. Equally confident and loving the attention, especially from boys.
Uraraka always had better luck with boys than you ever did.
So after a couple weeks, when she caught the attention of one particular blonde in your class, you couldn't help but feel insecure. You two were always together, doing everything together, and even sat next to each other; you were a duo, a pair, so why? Why did he only ever talk to her? What was so special about her that he never seemed to notice you? You're pretty too, so what did she have that you didn-
"Y/n? Did you hear me?" Uraraka was waving her hand in your face trying to get your attention, her expression confused. "Y-yeah, I do." You mumbled, making her laugh before she scooted closer to you. Leaning in close, she looked around you two before whispering in your ear. "I said that someone is spreading rumors again about me and Bakugo. I heard that someone even wrote fanfiction about us! Can you believe how silly that is?"
Her words burned, making your insides feel like hot lava. Unable to shake the irritation that bubbled up inside you, you moved away from her with a sigh. "Yeah, very silly."
Oblivious to your dry response, she grabbed a hold of your arm, pulling you into a tight hug. "Turn that frown upside down! Come on!" And you did try forcing a smile on your face, but you couldn't. The rumors were starting to bother you more and more as time went on, and you couldn't help but not only feel insecure because of Uraraka but feel jealous of her. Of course, she gets the attention of Bakugo and not you.
God, he was perfect. Anger issues aside, you've always loved tough boys while Uraraka was the opposite. So it was surprising to both of you when you first caught wind of the rumors.
Uraraka and you were sharing some snacks at your desks when Mina and Denki pulled up a chair in front of you guys. "So...Uraraka, we kinda heard a rumor that you like Bakugo. Is it true?" You remember Uraraka choking on her drink in surprise while you sat there in shock. "No! W-who said that?' She coughed out.
Denki and Mina exchanged looks and shared identical smirks. Denki spoke out this time, leaning in. "Someone saw you and Bakugo walking home together yesterday after class sharing an umbrella." This time you were looking directly at your best friend in shock, your stomach dropping when she started to blush. "He offered because I didn't have an umbrella, and y/n was finishing some stuff and told me to go ahead."
This time Denki and Mina looked at you, making you gulp. "Well, you didn't tell me he walked you home! Or that you didn't have an umbrella!"
"It was embarrassing! Plus, we're just friends anyways."
After that, more rumors started to go around, so it didn't take an expert to know who exactly was spreading them.
"So...I'm guessing Deku isn't here today, considering it's lunchtime and the lunch you packed for him is still in your bag." The thing was, Uraraka, despite the rumors, actually liked Deku. Ever since meeting him on the first day of school, she fell in love and started trying to get close to him every chance she got. Finally, she managed to convince him to try some of her cooking after talking your ear off about it, and it was still sitting in her bag.
She blushed and took a blue bento box out of her backpack, setting it down in front of her with a sad sigh. "He's in the nurse's office again. He's sleeping it off, but I think he and Bakugo were at it again at the gym."
You were about to respond when someone came up and grabbed the bento from the desk. "That damn nerd started it, and he's weak if a little explosion makes him faint every time," Bakugo said as he pried the top off of the bento box and started to eat the insides of it. "Hey! That's for De-"
"Damn, round face this is amazing." Uraraka sat in silence while you sat straight up as he quickly ate everything inside, giving back the box before licking his lips in satisfaction. "Bring more next time." He said, looking at Uraraka, not sparing even a glance at you until you finally spoke up. "We'll pack one for you tomorrow, Bakugo."
"Oh? Look who's finally talking." His smirk made your cheeks burn, and you knew they were glowing at that moment. When he walked away without another word, Uraraka turned to you with a smirk of her own. "We?" She laughed out loud when you nudged her away and continued to talk about Deku. Out of the corner of your eye though, you noticed Denki and Mina hanging around the door of the classroom with Bakugo, whispering to him desperately before running away. This time Bakugo looked back at you with a brow raised in a curious look before leaving as well.
The next day was even weirder when Uraraka suddenly claimed she was sick and couldn't go to school, smiling from her doorstep as you left confused. So you took a slow walk from home to school with your extra bento box in your backpack for Bakugo. It made you feel giddy, knowing that you would be able to talk to him without her being around.
"I can't believe I just thought that. No, she's your best friend; stop it!" You whispered to yourself, stopping your walk to silently beat yourself up for such thoughts when you felt a shoulder bump into yours. "So you talk to yourself now huh weirdo?"
"B-bakugo?" You turned around too fast out of surprise and stumbled, Bakugo swiftly grabbing you by the waist and steading you. "So where's round face? You idiots, are usually glued at the hip." Since he was taller than you, you had to look up to meet his eyes, but it only made you feel embarrassed, so you kept your eyes down, focusing on your feet and the feeling of the area where Bakugo touched you burning as you both walked alongside each other to school. "Oh, she's sick today...so it's just me."
Surprisingly he was very quiet, only humming in response, looking straight ahead with his hands in his pockets. The silence was awkward, and it was killing you inside not being able to just say something. You kept thinking to yourself how easy it is for Uraraka since she always starts the conversation and knows how to keep it going. Uraraka...now that you were thinking about her again, you started to feel small and insecure again.
You were so lost in your thoughts that Bakugo's loud, frustrated shout made you jump. He grabbed your arms and forced you to face him, your face getting warm again. "U-uh Bakugo?"
"Do you like me." He said simply, his brows furrowed.
"What?" It felt like you suddenly couldn't breathe. How did he find out? No! Why did he find out? Who could've told him? The only person you ever told was...Uraraka. Feeling betrayed, hurt, sad, and angry, you let your emotions take over your thoughts that Bakugo gave you a little shake to snap you out of it. "God damn it, y/n, do you like me."
The shock and the hundreds of emotions you were feeling in the moment were swirling inside of you like a hurricane that you blurted out your response. "Yes!" It made Bakugo freeze; the only thing moving was his eyes looking into yours as if he was checking whether or not you were lying. "Bakugo-" You were about to deny everything, to make a joke out of your reply, but something stopped you.
That something being Bakugo's soft lips against yours. Without a word, he pulled away, grabbed your backup, swung it over his shoulder, and grabbed your hand speed walking to school as you trudged behind him in shock. You touched your lips that burned and looked up to see Bakugo purposely hiding his face.
"Consider sparky and raccoon eyes your matchmakers. You just won your bet."
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steddielvr · 2 years
welcome to the family
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female!Hopper!Reader, Jim Hopper x Daughter!Reader, Eleven Hopper x Sister!Reader
Summary: You invite your boyfriend Steve over for dinner for the first time with your dad and younger sister. (Set between season 2 and 3)
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: extreme fluff, protective!hop&el, Steve being nervous and adorable as per usual
a/n: sooo this fic was my all time favourite fic that i wrote on my old account so i thought it would be perfect to have this be the first one that i reposted. i made some edits and added a few extra scenes and things and i hope you love it! 
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You had just finished setting the table with your younger sister whilst your dad worked on getting the food ready when a knock on the door echoed throughout the cabin. The three of you froze, heads shooting up, wide eyes flickering between one another in confusion. 
Typically, you would have recognised that knock anywhere, but the months of keeping your sister hidden from the outside world and not letting anyone other than yourself or your dad into the house made you all instinctively alert.
You wrap an arm around Eleven, pulling her protectively into your side as your dad slowly places down the bowl he was holding, making his way from behind the counter towards the front door, fists clenched tightly by his sides.
“Hey, uh, it’s Steve. Am I early?”
Your shoulders instantly relax at the familiar voice, Eleven releasing her tight hold around your waist as she feels the tension leave your body. She looks up at you in surprise and you give her a comforting grin in response, pressing a kiss to her growing hair before heading in the direction of the front door. 
However, you pause as you realise that your dad has already beaten you to it. He gives you a smug smirk, ushering you away and signalling that he’ll take care of it and you give him a stern look in response, meaning ‘play nice’.
He rolls his eyes and nods, holding his hands up in defence before turning towards the door. He carefully turns all of the locks, puffs his chest out and swings the door open to reveal your visibly nervous boyfriend, clutching a small bunch of nearly dead flowers in his sweaty hands. He smiles sheepishly at your dad, trying to discreetly wipe his hands off on his jeans.
“Hopper” He nods, before his eyes widen. “I mean Chief-I mean Mr Hopper-I mean sir-I..uh-” He stutters, face turning a light pink. Your dad cuts him off with a laugh disguised as a cough.
“Hopper’s fine, kid” He looks your boyfriend up and down, face emotionless and moves to the side, gesturing for him to come inside. 
The brunette gulps and walks inside, stumbling slightly over his feet. El comes to stand beside you, arm returning around your waist. You glance down at her, holding back a laugh at the look of amusement on her face. 
“Dinner will be ready shortly,” your dad announces after doing a quick check of the surroundings outside and relocking the door. “If you’ll excuse me.”
Steve nods quickly as Hopper turns, returning to the kitchen, busying himself with cutting up some vegetables for the coming meal. You watch as your boyfriend takes a deep, shaky breath, muttering inaudibly to himself before turning around, starting slightly once he realises he has an audience. His face instantly lights up and relaxes once he registers your warm, welcoming features looking back at him, making his way towards you quickly. God you looked gorgeous.
Your smile widens as he comes closer, blushing as he leans in to shyly peck your cheek before smiling nervously down at Eleven. He clears his throat before hurrying to separate the almost forgotten flowers in his hands into two bunches before holding them out in front of you and El. 
“I-uh-I got these for you. Both of you.” He clarifies, smiling gently at you and your sister.
You feel your heart turn to mush at the adorable boy in front of you, taking the first bunch of flowers with a grateful smile. You look towards El, who’s staring wide-eyed up at Steve. You nudge her gently, nodding your head towards the flowers. She takes them carefully, looking down at them in awe before raising her head with a small smile.
“Thank you” She whispers sheepishly, before running over to the kitchen to show Hop. 
You look at Steve with a wide grin, his face mirroring your own. You check that your dad’s attention is wholly captured by your sister’s excited presentation of her flowers before reaching over and putting your arms around his shoulders, kissing him quickly. 
“You’re too cute!” You gush, squishing his reddening cheeks affectionately. He chuckles at your antics, before his face turns serious.
“Your dad doesn’t like me..” He murmurs, sadness pooling in his brown eyes. You cup his face in your hands, pouting at him before giving him a comforting smile.
“He does.” You reassure, “He’s just protective. They both are” You mumble, looking over to your dad and sister in the kitchen area. You turn your attention back to Steve, who’s looking at you with so much love in his eyes you think you could cry. “Besides, with the amount of times you’ve saved my life over the past two years, there’s no way either of them could hate you.”
He opens his mouth to argue but you pull away from him as you spot your dad walking towards the table with El right behind him, both carrying full plates of food for the four of you. You take Steve’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and guide him over to the table. 
Hopper and El are already sitting down beside each other, and you move to take the seat across from El before an arm stops you. Steve scrambles to pull your chair out for you, making you giggle softly at his gentlemanly behaviour as you sit down. He takes his place beside you, wiping his clammy hands off again. 
You place a hand over his bouncing knee, making him turn his head towards you. You give his knee a squeeze, smiling reassuringly at him. Your dad watches the interaction carefully, the corner of his lips twitching upwards at the sight of his love-struck teen. But he would never let you see that. He clears his throat, catching both of your attentions, and motions towards the food.
“It all looks delicious” Steve praises, afraid to look your dad directly in the eye so opts to turning to Eleven instead. “Did you help make all of this?” he asks, mock surprise in his tone. 
Eleven grins and nods, appreciative of her help being recognised, eyes flickering over to you. You wink at her, causing her to let out a giggle. 
“Let’s eat, shall we?” Your dad’s tone is harsh and you look at him in shock, raising your eyebrows scoldingly at him. He shrugs his shoulders in response, attention turning to Steve.
“So, Steven,” he begins, tone menacing and face dead serious. “What are your intentions with my eldest daughter?” 
“Dad!” You scold, eyebrows knitted in anger. 
“Yeah, what are your intentions with my sister?” El mimics, arms crossed over her chest. Your head snaps to your little sister, eyes widening.
“Eleven!” You expect this from your dad, but he’s dragged her into this too?
Steve places a hand over yours, calming you instantly. 
“It’s okay” He soothes, before staring directly at Hopper, hand still holding yours. 
“Sir, I love your daughter.” He starts, causing you to look over at him in shock. You’d said it to each other before, but the declaration in front of your family surprised you. “All of my intentions are good, I can promise you that. My only goal in our relationship is to make her happy every chance I can get and I know how lucky I am to have her. I would never dream of hurting her and I know we haven’t really talked about it before, but I can’t imagine my future without her in it.” He finishes his speech, now looking at you. 
Your eyes are full of tears, your face sporting a wide grin as you gaze at him in awe. You turn to your dad, surprised to see a wide smile on his face too. Glancing at El, her face mirrors his and they look at each other and nod. 
He turns back to Steve, holding his hand out over the table. Steve looks at it in surprise, before composing himself and taking it in a firm grip.
“That was a test.” He says. “We wanted to make sure you were good enough for our girl. And now that we see that you are..” He trails off, letting go of his hand and looking down at El with a smile.
“Welcome to our family!” She exclaims, grinning. 
Steve looks like he’s about to burst into tears as he looks at you, you squeezing his hand tightly as your expression mirrors his own. You know how much those four little words mean to him, what with his own family being so absent in his life. You turn to your family with a teary laugh.
“Thank you” Steve chokes out, covering his shaky voice with a cough. 
Hopper nods with a knowing smile, before gesturing to the food. 
“Well, we didn’t slave away in the kitchen all afternoon for this to go to waste. Eat up.” He jokes, nudging his shoulder against El’s. The table erupts into laughter as the four of you dig into your meals, your hand still clutched tightly in Steve’s own.
The remainder of the night is less awkward than the start. The conversation between the four of you flows easily and by the end of the night, you are all laughing together and sharing stories, your dad telling Steve your most embarrassing moments growing up, much to your dismay. Eleven had quickly warmed up to Steve and stayed glued to his side for most of the night, much to your delight.
When it was eventually time for Steve to bid goodnight to you all, your dad gave him an approving pat on the back and thanked him for looking after you when he couldn’t. As Steve made his way to the door, El wrapped him in a warm embrace, making him stumble before returning the embrace with a chuckle. You watched them with watery eyes and a wide smile, thankful that she felt so comfortable around him. 
“I’ll walk you out.” You offer as El releases him, ruffling her hair as she walks back past you to join your dad in the living room. You grab a coat from the rack by the door, helping Steve with the many locks before following him out onto the porch. 
Your eyes scan the surroundings out of habit before settling on your boyfriend’s glowing features once satisfied that it was safe. You grin at him, shuffling over to wrap your arms around his waist, nestling your head against his warm chest as his arms come up to cocoon you in his embrace. He sighs against your head, chest vibrating with a chuckle as he reaches up to cup your face in his warm hands, proceeding to litter every inch of your face with sloppy kisses. 
“Thank you.” he begins, pulling back to smile lovingly at you. “Not just for tonight, but for everything. For choosing me to love and to bring into your family. You’ll never know how thankful I am.”
Your heart warms at his words, shaking your head and cupping his face in your colder hands. “It’s me who should be thanking you. Most people would not be able to handle all of this,” you say, gesturing to the empty space surrounding you and the cabin you call home. “But you don’t even bat an eyelid. And how sweet you were with El...I just-I really love you. So much.”
His smile widens at your words, repeating them back to you without hesitation. He leans in, relieved at finally being able to give you a proper kiss before he is cut off by a loud knock on the glass beside you. Your heads snap to the window and are met with the disapproving glares of your dad and sister, shaking their heads at Steve and waiting until he steps hurriedly back from you before lowering the curtain with matching smirks.
“I guess that’s my cue.” Steve chuckles, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “I’ll call you as soon as I’m home.”
You nod, ignoring the fact that your family is probably still watching and rushing over to give him a soft kiss. You smile sheepishly when you pull back for air, chuckling at the expression on Steve’s face. “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. I’ll be waiting for your call, Stevie.”
He laughs, giving you a mock salute before making his way off of the porch and back towards his car, parked discreetly off to the side of the cabin. You wait until he is safely inside and driving away before heading back through the cabin door and bolting it again. You roll your eyes at the pointed look from your dad and join your sister on the couch, wrapping her into your embrace as your dad chooses a movie for you to watch. You loved your little family to pieces and it made you so happy to know that Steve was welcomed into it with open arms. 
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demonslayedher · 8 months
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Things that went through my mind while watching this episode: --The other day, my fellow otaku colleague sent me a screen cap of her dictionary looking up the word "abazure" and I was like, "I know what episode she's on."
--And, after finishing this season, she announced she has a new favorite character. You can all guess where this is going. We gushed about how wonderful Mitsuri is, like, an hour after I wrote some otherwise unprompted Mitsuri gushing. Mitsuri is so worth gushing about. And Ufotable has done her such justice!!
--First off, Love Breath. Just. So good. And they basically handed the ending them to her this season as her own personal theme music. Speaking of sounds! Cat noises on the Love Breath. And you know that part at the beginning of the ending theme when she looks in the mirror and pats her cheeks? You can hear it.
--Speaking of the ending theme, one of the demons she is shown defeating is mostly in shadow, but you can still make out stripes on him similar to Akaza... but more similar to Speedy from the Rengoku Special. Rengoku nod!?!? Also, although they aren't the same character design, in part of Mitsuri's flashback she pictures a mother and son very similar to the pair she saves in the Gaiden. Rengoku nod!?!? --'k but also... the Rengoku Gaiden had Rengoku give her a haori, and that thing got totally obliterated in that attack she took with her face. That attack also tore her uniform in many places, and that is made of material that can at least withstand a normal demon's claws and teeth. Underneath, however, she doesn't even look bruised, which goes to show how strong her constitution really is.
--OKAY BUT ALSO... right after we see her say she'll treasure the socks, Iguro says, "don't bother, if they tear, I'll just give you new ones"? We see that despite how frayed and torn her uniform is, THOSE SOCKS ARE STILL IN TIP-TOP CONDITION.
--Iguro, what are those things even made of?????
--So for as much as Muichiro gets to show his ease in battle by verbally messing with Gyokko (at least once he has the double whammy of memories+mark), Mitsuri is so physically capable that it totally makes up for her less-than-stealy frame of mind. Our girl can be right in the middle of battling an Upper Moon and be like, "wHaT DiD tHat cHiLd jUsT cALL mE!?!?!?!? Oh wait yeah not a child BUT STILL"
--And I love that Zouhakuten is so ULTRA-SERIOUS that he takes her totally at serious face value as an opponent instead of caring one way or another about her personality, which surely must have thrown other demons off in the past since she's so unlike other Corp Members they might have faced before.
--And then you got Hantengu, running from his responsibilities as the #1 Most Relatable Demon.
--Some other animation moment I loved: NEZUKO'S FACE as she looks at Mitsuri with admiration. I can't get enough of those two. I'd like to think that if Mitsuri and Nezuko met when Nezuko was human, mature elder sister Nezuko would be just as enamored with her. Like, that day Nezuko tells an adult off for hitting a child, say Mitsuri comes to her rescue and also stands up to the guy, but then when Mitsuri is lightheaded with hunger Nezuko uses that chance to treat her to a snack and chat with her, Takeo is probably watching this all go down and feeling very overwhelmed seeing that chatty side of Nezuko, so when Tanjiro comes by he might be like, 'help,' but then Tanjiro probably starts going into fanboy mode right alongside fangirl Nezuko and Takeo would be doubly overwhelmed.
--Also, I loved that Tanjiro (who already finds Mitsuri amazing) is like, "wow, whoever made that sword is amazing," which makes a very nice through-line about Tanjiro's admiration for the swordsmiths. If we look back at that scene in the opening when Kotetsu is showing him the swordsmiths at work, there's such a nice chance in Tanjiro's expression as he feels extra resolve as he appreciates how this is how the swordsmiths fight.
--Another part of the animation I love in this episode: How you can feel the shifty G-forces as Genya struggles to hold on to the twisted trunks of wood, and then all the strength of his jaws as he pulls at the bark. I also love how this is really the only explanation we ever get of his powers, and we're all supposed to be like, "Huh. Okay."
--What I don't love about this episode is that we don't get to see Tanjiro & Nezuko's faces--or Genya's face, for that matter--when he throws the tree. Those were some good faces.
--While I am sad at Ufotable for taking that out, we have to appreciate all blessed new material they gave us for fleshing out Mitsuri's background. We all fell a little in love with Mitsuri's dad, didn't we? Since we've never gotten it in any canon material, I do have to wonder how her parents reacted to her joining the Demon Slayer Corp, and how that even came up in the first place.
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--I ate sakura mochi while watching this episode, tee hee hee.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Knowing Enough for Her
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • She/Her Pronouns • Dixon’s Little Sister!Reader / Mute!Reader • Hints of Caryl • If you asked Merle, he thinks you’re mute because of the shit you witness your dad do to your brothers. Daryl thinks you’ve always been that way, which is correct. Honestly, you didn’t mind it. Even in the end of the world…but some moments made you wish you could just scream off the top of your lungs your frustrations • ANGST/SFW • TW: Injuries / Canon Violence / Anxiety Attacks / Abuse
Requested by: Anon
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“The cop is gettin’ frustrated with y’all” Merle makes the comment quick to draw his siblings’ attentions toward Shane who was arguing with Dale about letting them into their group.
“You sure it ain’t your bitchass?” Daryl snaps at Merle who gave him an eye roll as a response. He felt Y/N tug on his shirt for his attention as she started to sign toward him.
Shane scoffs pinching the bridge of his nose. “If she’s deaf, she can cause problems. Kill herself maybe”
“Shane I wouldn’t—-“
“What? Bring a bunch of rednecks and a disable into our group?” Shane turned toward the group once again but up close was Y/N as she suddenly socks the cop in the face knocking him on the ground.
The cop stumbles to the ground making the man he was talking to step back. Dale quickly looks at Y/N seeing the rage radiate off of her person as he held his hands up in surrender.
“Okay. Not deaf. I’m just gonna assume and say mute?” He tilts his head with a questioning look waiting for Y/N to inevitably nod as her tense composure relaxed. “Alright. Now that that’s clarified, we’d love to have yea. Uhm. Just…leave him down there” he states directing them toward their camp as Merle approaches the cop who was stunned on the ground while his siblings went head.
“I wouldn’t fuck with my sis, pig” Merle laughs picking up the pace to catch up with them.
So you’re gonna go on this dangerous run into the town? Could it be a ploy to get rid of you? Y/N frowns signing to Merle as he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him to that last part.
“They wouldn’t survive if they tried to kill me”
“Can’t hold it against them” Daryl scoffs. “Watch your back, man. We may hate you too but—“ Y/N smacked Daryl in the chest. “Your family. We want yea back in one piece”
I can go with him Y/N states to Daryl as he shakes his head. He’ll be safer with another one of us
I don’t give a flying fuck. Merle is a big boy he’ll be fine Daryl frowns signing to his sister who grew frustrated instantly. “You’re staying here”
“Y’all know I know sign right?”
Everyone is listening Y/N points with her eyes to the few that would watch them talk with sign language and when they got noticed, they’d turn away. This shit isn’t foreign.
Don’t get feisty. I will be fine, kid Merle scoffs, still awful with his signing but it was enough for Y/N to understand. “Yer gonna go on the hunt with Daryl. I’m going on the Atlanta run. Nothing can go wrong”
Then of course, Merle didn’t come back. But another cop did.
Y/N watches her brother go off on the poor guy after he had just reunited with his wife and son. She watches as Shane turns toward her looking for her to stop Daryl’s outburst toward his best friend Rick. But if she could speak, she’d expose what she sees in the trees.
“Stop your brother!”
The youngest Dixon met him with silence but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a plan.
Shane groans as the situation started to escalate and before either cops could get a hand on Daryl. Y/N suddenly came forward and pinched a nerve to make her brother instantly drop to avoid him landing a shot with his knife.
“Thank you” Rick thanks Y/N as she nods before going to Dale writing in the air knowing that would tell him to get her something to write with.
It took some time to get Daryl to calm down as he was now mad at his sister for what she did. Y/N wrote on the pad of paper with Rick and Shane on either side of her.
Is Merle dead?
“No, just chained to a roof”
Is it easy to get there?
“Also no, Atlanta is infested with the dead that we can’t risk going back in there”
“But I can find us a way” Glenn chimes in getting two concerning looks and Y/N’s curious one. “We have to plan this out though.”
“If that’s the case we can also grab the weapons I left behind” Rick adds only for Lori to protest the possibility of actually losing her husband.
Daryl finally calmed down enough to join the planning process as Y/N taps him giving him a concerning look.
If they won’t help us, we’ll do this ourselves Y/N signs but Daryl’s facial expression gave away to the rest of what she told him.
“What’d she say?”
“I’ll agree with her. We’ll take care of it ourselves if yea don’t—-“
“Nah. We ain’t risking lives. If there’s a way? We’ll do it.” Rick insisted and left to talk to Lori about such.
Once it came time to preparing to leave, Y/N got in the hull of the truck with Daryl as she had her axe strapped to her back watching Rick and Shane talk.
You think he’ll tell his friend?
“Nah. Hell I wouldn’t if I did” Daryl scoffs only for his sister to smack him. Why do you care?
We act on emotions. No one really uses their brain anymore. Y/N frowns. Merle must’ve asked for a death wish. Dumb bitch acts more than thinks
He better be okay Daryl frowns signing that last bit as Y/N takes his hand into hers.
But not finding Merle was just the start. Then the outbreak in the camp. And it continued going down hill…
After helping her drunk brother to their room, Y/N went back to the common room of the CDC hearing Shane’s voice and the heat in such toward who she can only assume to be Lori. Even if the girl had no booze in her system, she had to help a friend out.
Before Shane could even lay a hand on Lori is when the door suddenly flew open and Y/N stumbles forward to the couch. She gave out short laughs or what sounds like puffs of air that could mimic such.
“She had a bit too much” Shane rolls his eyes as Lori shoved him away from her before helping Y/N by wrapping her arm around her shoulders. “We were talking”
“I’m taking care of her” Lori’s glares shot like daggers through his chest as she directs Y/N out of the room.
Once the two were alone in the hallway for a short moment, Y/N straightens herself out which confused Lori but she watches her face grow in concern resting a hand on her arm.
“Am I okay?” Lori asks watching her nod as she couldn’t be happier that she had someone who cared for her, even without knowing everything in its entirety. “I’m good. Thanks to you”
Y/N smiles warmly. Good she signs seeing the confusion grow but given what Lori just said.
“Good?” Lori smiles as she nods happily before making sure she got back to her room with her family.
When the CDC was a blow, literally, and the group was a back on the road. Y/N was in the car with Lori, Carl, Carol, and Sophia as she started to teach the kids a few signs with the same pad and pen given to her from Dale. The four started to get the hang of it, the moms more than the kids.
Especially when Y/N signed to Carol that she was going to go look for her daughter. Even if she ended up finding her brother injured along the way. To add more to his state, the two standing close to one another looking like undead blobs in a crosshair to an idiot who’s never shot a hunting rifle before.
“Y/N, we’ve got him” Rick reassures holding him up gesturing for Shane to help hold him up on the other side in place of Y/N.
Clearly the guys helping never “heard” a mute person before but still felt awful listening to Y/N’s crying as it sounded more painful than a regular cry.
“He’ll be okay” Glenn reassures hugging the girl as she watches Dale and Andrea run over to the group which lead to him getting pushed and Y/N rushing Andrea.
“Jesus Christ!” Dale freaks out when Y/N tackled Andrea down to the dirt, pinning her down and not taking any hits on the woman. “Y/N she didn’t mean to”
Y/N just stared at Andrea ignoring Dale and given the ones not carrying Daryl weren’t breaking the two up. They knew she was trying to teach Andrea something but it was never going to get through to her.
A few hours went by and Carol came into the room Daryl was resting in with dinner for him and to thank him for looking for her daughter. But to add…
“Your sister went back out there. Followed your footsteps…more carefully…to figure out more. But given you found something of Sophia’s. You both are doing so much for me that I don’t want you to risk yourself”
“No one should feel that pain of losing somebody…”
“Then don’t let Y/N feel such. I like her” Carol smiles kissing the archer’s temple before leaving the room.
Everything seems to escalate in the apocalypse. Sophia had met her fate too soon, Carol was heartbroken and Daryl was frustrated. Y/N knew not to get in the middle of Daryl’s outburst but he knew that she’d give him a new one to hurt a grieving mother’s feelings even further.
But his frustration turned when Hershel went missing, because so did Y/N.
The Dixon brothers can be idiots for acting on their emotions before even thinking. But their sister knows to think ahead.
Ahead being the attack on the bar that held Rick, Hershel, and Glenn. When Glenn went ahead and Rick thought he was shot, he quickly ran to his friend finding Y/N had pulled him out of the way just in time.
“How did we not see hear you coming?” Rick laughs relieved as she shrugs with a smile before pointing in the direction she was going to help give them a window of escape.
That act lead to Rick and Glenn finally gaining an interest in learning to sign. But that had to wait for their return with a hostage that didn’t really give anything useful except reveal that Shane was more psycho then they thought. And the farm was just as temporary as the CDC.
House hopping gave them time to learn more signing and for Y/N to grow close with everyone left. So the pain she endured when Lori died broke Daryl watching her sob. He didn’t hesitate to help in that split second as he and Maggie left to get formula and other necessities that’ll benefit the baby that was later named Judith.
“You stick close”
You be safe
Daryl nods continuing to follow the group into Woodbury with Y/N covering their backs. Saving Glenn and Maggie lead to be difficult especially when the one that hurt Glenn was their own blood.
Y/N had managed to get out of getting caught up in the trouble her brothers were now facing. But she helped Maggie and Rick get them out of there, even if the two were only trying to get Daryl out of there.
We can’t have him come back with us
He risked himself to help Daryl. Merle isn’t the same man you met back at Atlanta Y/N sighs at Rick who wasn’t going to have someone who worked for the enemy in their space.
Y/N. Think about the baby. We can’t have the Governor knocking on our door Rick frowns signing back as he really didn’t want to argue with Y/N about this.
He also knows what we are signing. Y/N crosses her arms as Rick turns to Merle who was only growing more annoyed. Ain’t good at it. But still. Regardless. He’s family
“HE CAN GET US KILLED” Rick suddenly yells at Y/N shocking all of them and without a second she shouted back. Sounding strangulated but it made it clear that he made a mistake yelling at her.
“Holy shit” Merle scoffs surprised that even came out of Y/N and in regards for him in that matter. “Look. I can help y’all take down Woodbury if shit ever hit the fan. Hell I can even be chained outside like a dog if it means—-“
“We don’t want you there” Glenn frowns still frustrated with what Merle did. Maggie held his arm keeping close and still worried about his injuries.
“Then…we’ll leave” Daryl states not letting any protests from the others who don’t want the good Dixons to leave.
Yet that didn’t last long and Merle could’ve seen it coming a mile away…but part of him was relieved they didn’t stick with him and he wasn’t going to let his family get hurt.
Even though the world keeps taking and Daryl came back to the prison with dried tears and horrible news to Y/N who could already know by the look in his eyes. She turned to Rick with tears in her eyes as she couldn’t even think of the words to say before looking at her feet then signing.
He has to pay.
And he did. The prison then got an infusion of the Woodbury folk and they started to make the place more of a home.
“I’m gonna go huntin’, wanna come or busy?” Daryl knew she was busy given his sister was currently holding baby Judith and listening to her soft coos that she happily expressed.
Don’t forget to check the snares Y/N signs with her focus still on the little baby but before he left her cell she tapped the metal bars to get his attention. Ask Carol to join you she signs with a smirk that was met with a scoff from her older brother.
“Your sister is in love with that baby”
“She’s always wanted to be a mom” Daryl lead the way to track down the rabbit he spotted tracks for with Carol happily joining him.
“But she doesn’t cuz she’s mute? That stops someone?”
“Stops her but Judith fills that void and I ain’t taking that away from her” Daryl knelt down by a snare handing Carol his crossbow for a second to untie the rabbit that was caught. “Make that stew of yours?”
“Let’s find another and then I’ll make your favorite” Carol smiles watching the heat meet the tip of his ears. “I’ll make it for you regardless of how many you get me”
“Hey uh” Daryl straightens up putting the rabbit in the bag. “Maybe we can do the late watch together instead of switchin’ off?”
Carol couldn’t help the excitement to rise in her chest as she nods with that signature smile of hers.
“Then hurry up Pookie.”
The good days were limited, when Carol disappeared and the illness took out a good handful of people with it’s hell and the undead’s involvement. Daryl knew Y/N took care of herself and was taking care of Judith, Carl, and Beth when the illness came through. Protecting them. Even if she didn’t get sick, she was the first person he had to check on once the medicine got into their people.
Carol will come back Y/N reassures with a smile as Daryl brought his arm around her shoulders bringing her in.
“Can I be honest?” Daryl frowns as she nods. “I don’t have a good feeling…”
There seems to be a pattern. The good then bad then good again. But next was bad and the Governor’s comeback was that.
As Daryl got Beth out of the prison hoping Y/N made it out safe, his anxiety was relieved when she ran into the two right before Beth was taken. Y/N felt awful as if everything happening to them was her fault…guess she shares that with Daryl. The silence between the two grew worse when they came in contact with the Claimers. Y/N didn’t want to sign in case any of them knew but by the looks of them, she really could’ve whenever she had a suspicion. But she thought Shane was insensitive toward her…this group was worse
Daryl woke one night with the Claimers to hear Y/N struggling. He was about to get up and knock the lights out of the guy when he was stopped. No leader in sight meant, they were going against his agreement of not laying a hand on her if he did whatever was asked.
“Stop! You’re hurting her”
“Just trying to get words outta her man” One of them laughs crushing her hand which only resulted in more screaming. “Wow she’s real good with no begging to stop”
“Yknow” Len, the one giving Daryl the most trouble, approaches and took her other hand into his. “We gotta go hard” then suddenly a loud crack was audible as he broke not one, but two of her fingers. Making Daryl break loose from one’s grasp and shoving the other into the guy to avoid being grabbed again as he grabbed Len.
Len was instantly tossed to the ground right as Daryl socked the other Claimer in the face finally letting go of Y/N as she knelt to the ground feeling her hands shake trying to get a look through the blur that her tears caused. But all she saw was bent out of place blobs and felt all the unbearable pain that made her scream for the rest of the night.
Which lead to Len’s death the next morning, done by Joe without a second thought. Daryl, bloody and bruised, took the tape he had to buddy tape her broken fingers after snapping them into place as it only brought more pain. He got a good look of the other hand as they were more of the cutting and brushing type with the other. Daryl watched as her hands shake but he couldn’t hold them to comfort her…that would only cause more pain. He took his rag out wrapping the other hand the best he could even if her tears continued to fall.
“They’ll pay” Daryl whispers only for Y/N to bonk her head against his causing a wince from him and his eyes to lock onto hers. “We gotta find the others quick”
Quick came but lead to another fight and Rick killing the one threatening him and the one trying to have his way with Carl. While Michonne takes out her handler and Y/N held her axe with the one hand with no broken fingers, taking out the one that dared lay a finger on her brother then the siblings took out the last two.
As morning came and Rick was talking about going to this Terminus to see if it’s actually safe or not what it is. He was going to ask Y/N if she’s seen any of their own before meeting with Daryl when he noticed what the Claimers had done.
“You’re just gonna have to do all the talking” Daryl states, checking how bad the bruising was on her arms after taking a few hits during their fight on the road. “It’s a safe bet headin’ to this sanctuary”
“Maybe we’ll find the others”
Hopefully Y/N thought blinking away more tears as she sat on the ground for a bit given they’ve all been through hell. A few more minutes didn’t hurt anyone.
The group got to following the tracks to this Terminus and Daryl couldn’t help but check in on his sister even if it was met with tired and pained expressions. He knew what she meant by them.
When they reached Terminus, Daryl instructed Y/N to keep an eye out in case anything goes south. He doesn’t want to risk her life in there. But she was going to anyway.
Y/N heard the gun shots and right as she was about to head inside, the relief that washed over her when Carol met up with her. She couldn’t be happier to devise something to help get their family out of there.
“Who the fuck are—-“ the gunshot cut the guy off as did Rick stabbing the drift wood in the neck of the other one.
Rick sighs thankful seeing Y/N helping them get out of there as she helped let loose the others with her knife. Daryl instantly brought her face into his hands making sure they didn’t lay a hand on her but she smiled in that second to reassure him.
Finally their group got outside of that hell, with new members as well. Daryl didn’t hesitate to hug Carol when they spotted the other in the woods. Y/N watches the two smiling warmly.
Soon the group was pieced together…with a few missing pieces along the way…the good. Then the bad…this should be the good part now?
Y/N looks up at her brother confused seeing his usual worried expression burden him.
“Please. Please give me somethin’ that’ll confirm this will be alright”
The youngest Dixon knew the words wouldn’t come out in any way to communicate to him, so all she did was take his hand squeezing it with the strength she had left.
Then the gates opened to Alexandria…
The good.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Hello I was tagged by a lot of people for wip Wednesday thank you @devirnis @rogerzsteven @wildlife4life @rewritetheending @homerforsure @jeeyuns! Now. Are you all going to kill me with hammers if I say that when I sat down this morning to work on literally any of the many wips I have open, I instead wrote a short drabble set in the future of ER nurse Eddie au? Well. Here you go!
Warnings for alcohol and some mostly glossed over nsfw content
Was listening to this song on repeat while writing
"Your sister isn't, like, a secret Olympian is she?"
"Well, if it's secret enough, why would I know? Thank you." That second part Eddie aims at Adriana as she hands him a drink. He assumes she's not the athlete in question. "Why?"
"There's nets a little down the way, I asked if she wanted to play some volleyball and she got, like, this look on her face."
Eddie very carefully tries not to also get a look on his face, and somewhere to his left Adriana stirs the margarita mix a little harder to mask a tiny laugh. "Oh. Well I'm sure that's fine."
Buck smiles at him in a studious sort of way, tongue in the side of his mouth. "Now, I wouldn't be getting tricked in some way, would I?"
"Mm?" Eddie responds, neutrally.
"Or, perhaps, fooled?"
"Hm." He takes a sip of his drink.
Buck steps closer, looming over him, grin growing into something wide and conspiratorial. “Hoodwinked, maybe?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Eddie says, aiming for lofty but landing somewhere around embarrassingly giddy as Buck kisses him once, twice. “No all state varsity girls softball champions in my family. Sophia has never in her life accidentally broken anybody’s arm with how fast her spike is.”
“Jesus,” Buck laughs, puffs of air against Eddie’s skin. “You’re just gonna let me go out there and face possible bodily harm?”
“Her aim has improved.”
He laughs, and pulls Eddie in for another kiss. There's sand in Buck's hair, but there aren't many places sand isn't in this Air BNB up the coast with a backyard that opens right onto the dunes. They'd only got there yesterday and already the grit is under Eddie's nails, dragged across his skin, in his clothes and bedsheets. It’s an abrasive sort of dirtiness that Eddie doesn’t really mind, he feels like he’ll come home at the end of the weekend scrubbed clean by it, but he’d wondered, worried, that being so close to the beach for so long might make old fears rise up in Chris or Buck. They’d both tossed themselves right into the waves with the cousins all day long, though, and had gone out to do so again today, and it was only very late at night that Buck admitted in a whisper that it’s not the feeling of the water or the sand, but the endless roar of the tide when the rest of the world was quiet that left him feeling helpless and awake. Eddie had reached out for his hand, and they’d fucked slowly and silently, surrounded by thin walls in a house full of people, and the heady thrill of restraint had his hands and legs and everything shaking by the time he’d come. Buck — and Eddie is not not smug about this — had slept soundly the rest of the night.
Anyway. They kiss in the kitchen until Adriana stirs the pitcher with even louder, more pointed clanging. Buck pulls back first. “You wanna come play on my team?”
“No,” Eddie says, making a face that has Buck laughing again. “I’m staying in the shade and drinking margaritas.” He clanks the ice around his beverage in demonstration.
“Great plan,” Buck says, stealing a small sip. Eddie feels like he should say something about sobriety and childcare, but they’re on vacation and Sophia is out there and responsibly dry even if she may or may not be planning sports related manslaughter.
“I’ll meet you out there later.”
“Okay,” Bucks says, kissing his cheek. “I was a lifeguard for a few weeks once, so if you get really drunk and fall in the sea I’ll come fish you out.”
“My hero,” Eddie salutes him with the glass. Buck is several feet away into the sand when Eddie blinks and calls out. “Hey- wait, Buck! Wait!” Eddie grabs the sunscreen off the counter and follows a few feet off the porch. “Mi vida, wait,” he laughs the words as Buck skids to a clumsy turn and stumbles back to him. Eddie holds up the sunscreen. “Come on, don’t get lobstered, I won’t rub aloe on you later.”
Buck takes the bottle and applies a quick but generous layer. “I think you would,” he says quietly, voice and mouth curved all sly.
“Mm,” Eddie says again, neutrally, making steady eye contact as he accepts the bottle back and takes a sip of his drink slow enough that the alcohol burns in his mouth. Buck lets out one last huff of a laugh, kisses his cheek again, and marches off towards certain doom.
Eddie retreats back into the shade, with the drinks.
Adriana, at the counter, is staring at him.
“What?” Eddie absolutely does not hide behind his glass.
“Mi vida?” She asks, face tipped more towards surprised than teasing. “So it’s serious.”
Fuck. Eddie regrets saying it in front of someone who understands the words. Not the language but the context, what it might mean for Eddie to admit to thinking of a relationship in that way. Someone who knew him, during Shannon and the mess that came after, and after again. Someone who knows him, knows what a fearful man he grew into, knows the protective armor he forges out of carefully kept distance. Eddie was never good at commitment, and has learned to be perpetually frightened of the word forever because he's become intimately familiar with how quickly it can be ripped away. Mi vida, my life. It's terribly revealing. What a promise, what an act of trust. Buck, my life. He'd said it so easily, and staring back at his youngest sister now he doesn't think he can convincingly deny any conclusions she's drawing.
So. "Yes," he says, finishing his drink and holding out the glass for another. "I… it's serious." Gulp, gulp. “He… it’s serious.”
She nods, eyebrows raised all the way up, sipping her own drink. “I mean, clearly you’re all over each other, but I thought it was because he’s, like, tall and hot-“
“But like…” her glass tips towards him, liquid dangerously close to spilling. “You’re for real. Are you going to marry this man?”
Jesus. “Jesus, Ri.” Christ. Eddie finishes this drink, too. “I don’t- I don’t know. I can’t even think about that. I don’t know.”
“Okay, well, not marriage then,” she waves one hand to brush away the concept, while the other hand pours him another drink. “But like… You love him.”
Yes. He does, down to his bones he does, all consuming in a way he sometimes forgets to be scared of because it’s Buck, who makes it easy. He loves him, and has loved him, probably, he’ll admit it because of the two margaritas, since he was a stranger that once held his hand who’d pulled his son from a tsunami. It’s only been a year since they’d shared a cigarette and gone home together, but Eddie hardly needed any of that time to know the terrifying scale of this, the you’re it for me of it. He’d known, probably, two margaritas, since that first morning in the same bed. “I love him.”
It comes out awful and whispery and it makes Adriana move around the bar to wrap her arms around him. He leans his head on hers, lets himself be comforted in a way he wouldn’t have in his father’s house when they were young and there wasn’t really space for them to be friends around the roles of protector and protected they’d been slotted into. She smells like sunscreen and salt and limes, and is lovely and warm.
“You seem a lot happier,” she says quietly into his shoulder. “We- I don’t know. I was worried about you.” She leans back, knocks his arm with her knuckles. “So far away.” He doesn’t think she’s talking about the distance between California and Texas. “But he makes you, like… happy and goofy. It’s been a long time.”
He doesn’t point out that they’re on vacation, and it’s summer, and it isn’t always like this; that sometimes their sharp edges fit together wrong and there's a lot of horrible grinding sounds until they align again. But. "He makes me feel safe."
Her eyes glisten a little at the implication that a lot of the time he doesn't. "I'm glad you found each other."
Eddie smiles, genuinely, despite the circumstances of the finding. "Me too."
She knocks back her drink. "Are you going to tell mom and dad?"
"God." He scrubs a hand over his face, and then back through his hair for good measure. A year ago the answer had been a firm no. Texas was far away, he could live a whole life out here exactly as he wanted it and answer to no one. But Buck and Pepa go to bridge, now, and Buck is here on this Diaz Siblings trip when no other partners are because his sisters wanted to meet him, and the cousins all adore him, and Texas is far away but it's where Isabel lives now and Eddie knows- hopes- knows that she would love him, too. And he's taught himself fear for so long that he can't imagine it going any way but badly, but maybe he owes Ramon and Helena the chance to see his whole life and be happy for him, with him. "Maybe. I think… yeah, maybe."
She hugs him again, tight, and then puts her hands on her hips. "You know you still have us as backup. We won't let them be shitty."
He laughs. "I don't know if you can let them do anything."
"Mm," she says, moving to fill her glass again. "Me and Sophia are in possession of more grandchildren than you, that's a lot of leverage."
"Hey, I have Chris, quality over quantity," he grins and then dodges the drops of margarita she flicks at him.
"Fucker. Offer rescinded, I won't forbid them from seeing the kids if they don't immediately put up a pride flag."
He snorts, but he can feel his smile twisting sideways. "Adriana. I don't want you to fuck up your relationship with them for me."
"You think you have exclusive rights to childhood trauma in the Diaz family?" She shrugs, takes a drink, and then shrugs again a little sadder. "It's… it can be easier to stand up for someone else."
He takes a steadying breath against the regret of only being there for his sisters in some ways and not others, and nods, and holds a hand across the bar for her to take. "Here's to ruining Christmas," he says, glass in the air. They drink.
"You wanna go watch your boy get destroyed in the fine arena of weirdly competitive vacation volleyball?" She asks, setting her empty glass down.
He sets his next to hers, and contemplates just how clumsily he's about to go stumbling across the sand from all that rapidly digested tequila. "Sure." Buck will be too busy fighting for his life out there to notice him looking foolish. Though, and he can blame the sappy smile on the third margarita, he thinks Buck would still, always, catch him if he fell. “It’s so sad that I’ll have to tell them that I had a boyfriend who tragically died because Sophia spiked him into the earth’s core.”
She laughs, and they hook their arms together, and walk out into the sun.
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xojennyboo · 11 months
A/N: Here’s a little something I wrote out of the blue. Thank you always for reading my stuff. Please like, comment, reblog, and send in suggestions! Happy reading.
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Church can be the most beautiful and holiest place on earth, or it can be the most sinful place on earth. I’ve grown up in the church, both my parents being religious but unfortunately, with both of my parents being the priests of the town church, means more responsibilities for me. According to my mother, I have to be an "example" to the girls growing up with the church. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy doing my participation at the church. I enjoy planning weekly activities for the children. Although these are great things, the church doesn’t define me. I have fun with people who I’ve grown up with all of my life. We go out and party, some do drugs and drink. I think I can say that I have managed to balance the church life and my personal life.
For the past month, there has been talk about the Styles family coming back into town. I remember that they left after high school graduation, along with their son Harry. Harry was always getting into trouble, always skipping Sunday service and partying. Harry and I had our history. In school, he would always flirt with me. It was very surprising that he had the balls to flirt with the priests’ daughter. One thing led to another and soon we had created a beautiful relationship kept from the eyes of others. We had a secret hiding spot in the woods and that’s where I had lost my virginity to him.That was another bad thing on the list of being the priests’ daughter, only daughter. The boys in school were always afraid to talk to me or flirt with me. This caused me to be some sort of a loner, besides my best friend Alice. She has always been there for me and understood my bittersweet relationship with the church. Her parents are very close to my parents, kind of like best friends you can say. Alice and I grew up together and went to school together. She’s basically the sister I never had. Now we’re both 26 and dedicate most of our time to the church.
Today is Sunday, which means an early morning and an overall busy day. I got up and took a shower, getting up at 6:30am in order to take my time to get ready. For my outfit I decided on wearing a black skirt that went down a little below my knees and flowed nicely. The skirt had a flower pattern all around it, the flowers a beige color. I decided on wearing a long sleeve beige shirt to compliment the flowers on the skirt. After I finished doing my hair and makeup, I look at the time, 9 am. Church doesn’t start for another hour, but you still had to get ready for today’s service. I put on my beige heels and made my way towards the kitchen. I was expecting to see my parents down here, but they probably already made their way to the church. Weird. I grabbed my purse and went to my car. The church was only a 10-minute drive from our house. Once I arrived at church, I saw two cars in the lot, one being my parent’s. The other I did not recognize. I parked my car and made my way into the church. The church is huge, beautiful in every square inch. My favorite part was the stained glass adorning the building. I made my way down the aisle, seeing my mom and dad talking to a couple and a third gentleman. As I got closer to them, my heels making an echo sound as I walked, I recognized the couple. I stopped in my tracks as everyone stopped their conversation and looked at me. The Styles family.
“Good morning sweetheart. Sorry that we didn’t wake you, we had special guests to attend and welcome back”, my mother said motioning back to the familiar family in front of me. Harry’s mother spoke first. "Y/n look at you so grown up! Gosh you look more and more like your mother each day!”, she says pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, glad that the rumors were true. Mr. Styles also greets me and pulls me into hug. “And you remember our son Harry, right?”, he asks. “'Yeah, I do”, I say giving Harry a wave instead of a hug. I couldn’t’t help but feel my heart rate speed up as I look at him. He looked completely different but the similar at the same time. He literally took my breath away at how handsome he got. He was taller than I remember, he had built muscles, grew facial hair, and his curly hair wasn’t as curly as before, more like a natural wave to it. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him as they all mingled with one another. Thankfully he was paying more attention to my parents than at me. You slowly walked away and made your way to the back of the church and into your office. You loved the fact that you didn’t have to share one with your parents. You placed your bag on your desk and turned your computer on looking through the schedule for the day. You really didn’t have a lot planned for yourself just a little coloring activity with the kids.
Since the kids who attended the church were majority minors, your job was to keep them busy and entertained while the parents listened to the sermon. Sometimes Alice would help you with the kids but unfortunately, she is out of town with her parents this week. There was a slight knock on the door interrupting your train of thoughts. “Come in’, you say, and the door opens revealing Harry on the other side. “hey”, he says, coming in and closing the door behind him. Act normal y/n you cannot react to him. “Hey”, you say back giving him a smile.”I apologize for not saying anything earlier, I didn’t know what to say considering all the time that has gone by,”he says. “It’s alright. I felt the same way,” you say to him, silence overtaking the room. “You look great y/n “, he says. You smiled shyly, your cheeks turning pink at his compliment. “Thank you. You look great as well Harry”, you say, turning your attention back to the computer screen that was in front of you. “I see you still react the same way towards me y/n” he says, his voice lower causing your legs to squeeze together. You heard him chuckle beneath his breath before making his way towards you standing right behind you. “What are you working on”, he asks looking at the computer screen. “My schedule", you whispered, not liking the effect that he continues to have on you after all these years. "Coloring with the kids?” he says. I just nod not trusting my voice at the moment. “Mind if I help?” he asks you. “You’re attending todays service?" you turn around in your chair facing him, closer than what you would like. He gives you a smirk right before placing both of his hands on either side of your chair and leaning down closer to your face. He’s now face to face with you, eyes looking into yours and then down to your lips. Your chest rising and falling at a quicker pace than you would like, your breathing picking up at the close proximity.
“Hmmm?” he hums as he closes his eyes and inhales, taking in the aroma of your floral perfume. He smirks before opening his eyes. “Y-yes”, you whisper to him. He smiles, looking at your lips one last time, before pulling away completely and making his way to the other side of your desk. As if on cue, the door to your office opens, your parents coming in. “Honey, service will begin soon. Ready to take the kids to the other room?”, my father asks. “Yeah, actually Harry is going to help me today since Alice isn’t here", I say to my father. "Perfect. Make sure you make Harry feel welcomed especially since his family will be part of the church.”he says. “Of course, don’t worry about it”. I say smiling and getting up from my desk. I adjust my skirt and start making my way to the alter. Harry is right behind me, his footsteps echoing along with my heels. “All you have to do is greet the parents as they come to the front and take the kids, forming a line next to you”. I say to Harry who is listening attentively to my instructions. That’s exactly what we did. Soon we had two lines of children, a total of 20 kids. We made our way to the back of the church and into the cafeteria area since it was the only room in the church that can fit these many kids. “Good morning kids! How’s everyone doing today?" I say to the kids. The kids all together say good morning to me. “We have A special guest today who will be helping me with you little angels. Please welcome Harry Styles “, I say to the kids. Harry says hi to them waving. An explosion of greetings filled the room causing Harry to smile. “We're going to take it easy today. We’re going to start by coloring in your workbooks and then make our way to eating some snacks. Sounds okay?”. I ask the children. They say yes and I tell Harry to help me hand out the workbooks to each child along with the crayons. Once the children are talking and occupying themselves, me and Harry sit towards the back of the cafeteria, allowing the kids to have their space.
“You’re great with them. It looks like they truly trust and love you”, Harry says fiddling with the thick rings adorning his fingers. His demeanors different than what it was in the office. “I love keeping them company. I’ve seen many children grow up in front of my eyes. I want them to feel safe around me. I want them to trust me with whatever they may need. Especially when it comes to them wanting to talk to someone", you say, watching the kids color in their books. “How long have you been doing this for?”, he asks. “For about 5 years now. I enjoy it really. Gives me a small hope that I may have some positive impact on these kids.” I stayed quiet for a bit until I start laughing at some of the kids who start arguing. These kids were good kids and they always had small banter here and there, but nothing ever too serious. Once an hour had passed it was time for snack time handing out the snacks to the kids. Once they ate their snacks, Harry and I took them to the playground that was at the back of the church outside. It’s a beautiful day out today. I watch the kids interact with one another as I make my way to the swings. Harry just follows. I sit on the swing and soon I feel Harry behind me, my hands on each of the chains besides me. I feel the swing move as Harry slightly pushes me. “Harry, what are you trying to do?”, I ask him, stopping the movements of the swing. He sighs, not saying anything as he sits next to me on the empty swing. I roll my eyes, frustrated by his lack of words, before getting up and strolling along the playground watching that the kids were being careful. After half an hour not saying anything to one another, we gathered the kids to go back inside. The sermon should he over by now. We both take the kids back to the main room, taking each kid to their parents.
Everyone leaves, giving me the chance to escape. I grabbed my belongings and made my way to the car, driving to the nearby coffee shop. I haven’t eaten breakfast, and I was starving. I ordered a muffin and a white chocolate mocha latte. I loved coming to this café, since it always gave me a feeling that I was at home. I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened today in your office. The feeling he gave you felt exactly like how it was in high school. It infuriated me that he was still able to make you feel that way. I had a crush on him back then, but I always thought that it was because he was the only one giving me attention. What game is he trying to play? Why did you feel the way you did? Why did you want his lips to press to yours? I finished my breakfast and made my way back home. My mom and dad weren’t there yet assuming that they were still at the church. I went to my room and started planning next week's schedule. After, I did my bible study since I didn’t attend the sermon. Once I was finished, I looked at the clock to see that it was already dinner time. Your parents still weren’t home. You texted your mother asking where they were. According to her, they were spending time with the Styles and were going to have dinner. Great, another lonely night. I got off my bed and made my way to the living room, turning on the TV to watch Netflix.
I was halfway done with the episode when the doorbell rang. Who could it be at this hour? I opened the door to see Harry standing there with a box of pizza in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. “Care to have dinner with an old friend?" he asks. “Depends, are you planning on acting childish and continue not to talk to me?”, I ask. “I won’t be children, I promise", he says. I open the door and allow him to come in. “Looks exactly the same since the last time I saw it “, he states looking around the house. “Yeah, nothings really changed", I say, taking out plates for us to eat. He opens the box of pizza, and he gives me a slice before placing one on his plate. He then opens up the bottle of wine and pours some in the glasses that he pulled out from the cabinets. We eat in silence for a bit, my favorite show playing in the background. “Feels like old times yeah?” he says. I just nod my head, my mouth full of pizza. Once we were done eating, we made our way to the living room and watched TV. It was nice but I still couldn’t stop thinking about our encounter in my office. “I apologize for my behavior earlier today. I was out of line. I just... Seeing you again bought so many memories from how we were before I left”, he says, looking straight at the TV. “I don’t even know if you have a boyfriend or not and I just acted on impulse,” he says. “No boyfriend that you have to worry about”, I tell him. The mood in the room slowly takes a huge turn after my confession. It’s the same feeling like in the office. There was built up tension. We continue to stay silent, but this time it was a comfortable silence.
Harry stayed with me until my parents came home. It was very nice to catch up with him after all of these years. He attended university and graduated with a degree in English. Most of the time he dedicated time to his family and tried to change for them and for himself. He mentioned that he had gotten into trouble after moving which made him want to change. He said that he turned to church for guidance but that he wasn’t super religious like our parents. He was glad to be back in his hometown. I was super happy for him. The next couple of months were a blur with the holidays coming up. Me and Harry became super close, as friends, and we were having the best time planning holiday activities for the kids. Everything was running smoothly. I was currently in my office putting our plans in my calendar in my computer. “Hey y/n, the shipment for the holiday decorations is here. Where do you want me to put them?”, Harry asked carrying two big boxes in his arms. "Cafeteria please”, I instruct. Soon he came back into my office. Today, it was just us two in here, both of our parents going out to dinner. “So, what do you have planned for the evening?", he asks me as he sits in front of my desk. “I’m not sure. Probably just grab some takeout and go home. What about you?” I ask him, focusing my attention on him now. “Have dinner with me tonight", he says to me catching me completely off guard. “Once you’re finished, we can go. Just let me know”, he gets up from the chair and leaved my office. Why does he always do that?! He always says some demanding or cheeky comment, leaving me speechless and flustered. I take deep breaths and gather my thoughts and emotions before grabbing my belongings and exiting the door. I walk towards the alter where I see Harry knelt down finishing his prayer. I don’t know why but seeing him do that does something to me. Makes me think about very sinful thoughts here at church! I cleared my throat once he was done praying, his attention now focused on me. “Ready to go?”, he asks me. “Yes”, I say. “Alright let’s go”, he grabs my hand causing a spark run throughout my whole body. We walk hand in hand out of the church and into his car. “Where are we going?”, I ask looking out the window at the scenery. “You’ll see when we get there”, he says. The rest of the car ride was silent. Soon, I started recognizing the scenery in front of me. Are we headed to where I think we’re headed?
I start noticing the familiar trail leading to the woods, coming closer to the cabin. Our cabin from years ago. When we were in high school, Harry and I would come here after school almost every day. There, he would he completely different than how he acted around school. He was the bad boy in high school, but here, he would act like he has been acting now. Vulnerable. My heart rate started to increase as I saw the cabin fixed up, nothing to how it looked years ago. Harry parked the car and came around to open the car door for me. I was too stunned to speak. All I did was walk around the cabin, inspecting it to make sure it was the same one. “It didn’t look like this before”, I say walking back towards him, a smile plastered on his face. “Do you like it?”, he asks. “I love it, did you fix it?”, I ask him in disbelief, his answer just a small nod. “When did you do this? How?”, I had so many questions. “This is the first thing I wanted to do when I came back. This was our happy place when we were younger. When I visited it the first morning here, I was devastated when I saw that it was going into ruin. So, I looked for people who could do the work and we fixed it up. Although I did add extra things that weren’t there before”. He explains. He walks to the front door and motions for me to go in and I do just that. Inside, there was a small kitchen area, dining area, and a bed by the window. It wasn’t a huge cabin, but it was spacious. “I can’t believe you did all of this”, I tell him looking around. “Maybe we can continue to use it again like we did before. Create our happy place again”, he says coming closer to me. We're standing face to face now, his hands on my waist. “Do you remember the night we spent here?”, he asks me. How could I forget. I lost my virginity to him here. I was scared that night. I had told my parents that I was staying over at Alice’s house but instead me and Harry met up here. He had gotten us takeout, and we talked for hours and before you know it, one thing led to another, and we slept together. Although we were young, I knew that I wanted him to take it.
“When I left, I feared you would forget everything we did. That you would be mad at me for leaving and would regret everything", he confessed. “I would never regret what we did Harry. I understood why you needed to leave. What truly hurt more was the fact that you didn’t attempt to contact me at all”, I say, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. “I know Y/N, but I needed to get my, shit together. I needed to change for you”, he says to me. “Why for me?”, I ask, the tears falling from my my eyes and down my face. “You know why”, he says before leaning down and attaching his lips to mine. His hands are holding my face, his fingers wiping away my tears as his lips are dancing with mine. Without breaking our kiss, he grabs my purse and places it on the table by us. His hands are placed on my back, pulling me closer to him. My hands are around his neck playing with his chocolate curls. Memories from that night replaying in my head as the kiss intensifies. Harry walks backwards as he sits on the bed, bringing me with him as I straddle his waist. He positions himself leaning against the wall by the window. He breaks the kiss and reaches towards the switch by his head. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusing. He flicks the light switch and soon the cabin is lit up by small fairy lights. I gasp as I look outside noticing that the trees surrounding the cabin are also lit up all around in white lights. "Harry!", I say in excitement. All he does is let out a chuckle as he brings his lips against mine again. This time the kiss is more intense. We're pulling each other closer, our want for one another consuming us. “Do you trust me?”, he says against my lips.” Always”, I answer against his lips. He removed my cardigan slowly, my arms exposed. He kisses up my arm and removes my shirt. He admired my breasts as he starts placing kisses on my neck and chest. I grab the hem of his shirt and removed it exposing his upper body that is now filled with many tattoos. I gasp, my hands reaching down to the butterfly tattoo on his abdomen. “Do you like them?” he asks looking at my movements and reaction intensely. “Yeah”, I whispered to him, placing small kisses on his exposed chest. He smirks and pushes me down to the mattress, positioning himself on top of me, continuing his assault on my neck and chest. “You don’t even want to know the many nights that I have thought about having you like this”, he whispers in my ear, my fingers exploring his bare back. His fingers make their way to my back and unclasps my bra, revealing my breasts. He lets out a small groan admiring my naked upper body before taking one of my nipples into his mouth. My body instantly reacts to every move he makes, his soft lips around my nipple causing a whine to come out of my lips. His hand reaches over to my skirt lifting it up before he places his fingers on my closed pussy. I moan as his fingers start rubbing small circles on my clit. His fingers moving up and down my slit his fingers circling around my wet hole, causing my back to arch. His tongue flicking my nipple at same pace as his fingers rub me.
I couldn’t help but moan his name at the pleasure he was giving me. He removes his mouth from my nipple, before taking his fingers into his mouth, tasting my wetness. He lets out a low moan causing you to let out a small moan as well. "Delicious", he says as he unzips your skirt and removed it, taking your panties off as well. Without being told, he removes the rest of his clothing as well. My eyes are now distracted on his penis, his size definitely bigger than before. You heard Harry chuckle as he placed his head between your legs. “Enjoying the view?”, he asks. Before I could answer Harry attaches his mouth onto your wet pussy, my back arching at the feeling of his tongue flicking on your clit at a fast pace. He changed from flicking to sucking on your clit, your body always giving him the reaction that he wanted. The noice of his mouth devouring you filled the cabin walls, your moans coming out in soft whimpers. Your hips soon started moving against his lips, Harry moving his head in the same direction as your hips, allowing you to ride his face this way. You felt your orgasm approaching, your small whimpers becoming needy moans for release. Harry wrapped his arms under your pelvis and held your hips down as his tongue licked you completely. His tongue gathering your wetness to cover his tongue. Before you know it, you were moaning Harry's name repeatedly as your legs trembled around his head, your orgasm taking over your body as Harry continued to lick you clean.
Once you relaxed from your orgasm, Harry positioned himself at your entrance.”before I do this, I have to ask a question,” he says. You motioned for him to continue." Have you slept with anyone else? Don’t get offended, I just want to know so I know how I can be with you.”, his question catching you off guard. It wasn’t the fact that you didn’t want to sleep with someone else. You just didn’t like the idea of sleeping with random people. The boys in school were too scared to talk to you and if they did, they didn’t make you comfortable. “No”, you shyly respond. “You’re kidding right?”, he asks making his reaction towards your answer nerve-racking. “no one else has touched you besides me?”, he asks in disbelief. You simply nodded. “Jesus Christ woman. You’re driving me crazy. This might hurt a bit then”, he warns you before slowly entering you. The intrusion causing a stinging sensation for a few. Both of you moaned against each other's lips as Harry held still enjoying the light grip your pussy had on his dick. Once the stinging sensation disappeared, you told Harry to move. He slowly thrusted out and then in, your eyes rolling back at the pleasure you were receiving. Your nails dug onto his back as his thrusts started to pick up at a faster pace. His hands were wrapped around your thighs, his head in the crook of your neck as his thrust were getting deeper into you. The noise of slapping skin mixed with both of your moans caused you to feel wanted and worshipped. Harry’s moans against your ear caused tingles around your body, your second orgasm soon approaching. The bed squeaked to the movements of Harry’s thrusts. His thrusts were so deep that you thought you can feel him in your stomach. “Oh my God you feel amazing my love”, he pants against your skin. His words causing you to pant louder, your moans coming out as your orgasm was starting to take over your body. “That’s it baby, come for me,” he moans out as he attaches his lips to yours, feeling his sweaty skin against yours. Both of your moans spilled out against each other’s lips as your orgasms overtook your bodies. His hands held yours tightly as he rode out both of your highs. At this point both of you were breathing heavily as you tried to calm down. This was definitely more intense than the last time. You felt Harry's weight on you as he slid out of you. Thank goodness for birth control. You wrapped your arms around him, your fingers playing with his hair.
In this very moment you were the happiest you’ve ever been. You didn’t want this moment to end, and you wanted to stay here with Harry forever. You felt Harry shift, completely coming off of you, lying next to you. “That was amazing”, he says laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh as well. I lay my head on his chest, my right leg over his his arm on the bottom of my back. I could near his heartbeat slowly coming down, but speed back up once I start tracing his tattoos. “I really like your tattoos H”, you say to him as you trace the butterfly tattoo again. “And I really like you”, harry whispers to you as his heartbeat increased as well. A smile spread across your face. “I like you too”, you say leaning up to kiss him. “You want to see where this goes?”, he asks motioning to both of you. “I would love to”, you say as you straddle his lips and kiss him again. "Perfect. Then I can guess I can call you, my girlfriend?” he says. “Your guess is correct...boyfriend", you smile against his lips. You couldn’t wait to see where this would lead. You were nervous and scared. One thing that you were sure of is that your feelings for Harry were strong and you felt completely safe with him and that you were ready for all the new adventures to come.
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nena-la-fresa · 7 months
Cooked My Way To Your Heart |Part 2|
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18+ Account | Minors DNI | Do NOT Follow, Like, or Comment | Pls have your age in your bio | If you don’t I’ll automatically block you because I’ll assume you’re are a minor.
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Part 1 | Part 3 
Pairing: Taishiro Toyomitsu x f! Reader
Warning: Fluff | Eventual Smut | Violence | Angst | Love Triangle
Word Count: 3888
A/N: It’s been a hot minute since I updated this. Sorry, I had lost the motivation to write for anime at the moment. I also cringe at my old stuff. I wrote it when I was a teen so I feel like I have go through all of it and edit stuff. 
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It was a surprise to Y/n that she had missed Taishiro. It had been two weeks since she last talked to him in person. Y/n found herself missing him, she enjoyed his company to say the least. He radiated so much energy, he made her feel safe. But they would text often which was still better than nothing. 
The bell on the door had rang as she was making meals for some of the locals. She heard shuffling and gasps, followed by a small whine and a light laughter. The voices sounded a bit familiar. “Welcome! Take a seat and I’ll be right with you.” She said not looking up from making the meals. 
Finally done, she took a deep breath, her energy was running out. She was short on staff today, she was now considering getting more older staff. Most of her staff were teens or college students. Which meant less work hours, not that she minded but on days like these she wished she had workers who could work during school hours. It was a very hectic day to say the least. The customers told her not to worry and to slow down but she couldn’t help but want to get to them fast. 
She finally was able to get to the customers that just came in. She looked up and her eyes widened, “Tai-” She cut herself off. “Uh I mean, Fat Gum, what are you doing here?” Y/n could feel her cheeks heat up. 
Taishiro smiled at her surprise, “Just thought I’d stop by and refill my energy with some of the best food in the area.”
“Well I’m glad you came by, I haven’t seen you in a while.” 
“I’m here too.” Tamaki glared at his sister who was lost in a trance with the BMI Hero. 
Y/n shook her head as she turned to Tamaki she ruffled his hair as he groaned from the action, “Of course I know you’re here. Your hero outfit makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Anyways, were you hungry for my food? Or did you need to get some energy too?”
Tamaki pulled down his hood from her comment, “No I’m fine. Fat Gum said he was hungry. He said he was going to take me to a good restaurant, I just didn’t think it was this one. By the time we got here it was too late for me to run away.” Y/n giggled at his response and shook her head.
Seeing her smile made him admire her and her hard work. Even with the way she looked exhausted. Hearing her laugh pulled on his heart strings just a bit, he could get used to hearing her laugh. 
“Sorry Sun Eater, but I couldn't resist coming here. How could I not when the amazing cook is so beautiful.” The hero still looked down at her even when he was sitting. Y/n smiled at his remark as her brother groaned in protest.
“Well you just came in time. My quirk is at its limit so it would be enough with just both of your meals.” As she began to make Tamaki’s food she could feel herself getting dizzy. After moving onto Taishiro’s dish and finishing, she felt drained. As she sat down next to Fat Gum she could feel the warmth radiating off of him. It made her feel comfortable and safe. She closed her eyes and leaned against him. The fat that he had stored up was soft and cushiony. Y/n felt like she was laying on a pillow. And being as exhausted as she was once her head hit his arm she had fallen right asleep. 
Once Taishiro felt her head hit his arm he looked down at her and began to blush. He was going to move her but Tamaki stopped him. “If you move her now she’ll throw a fit. Just leave her.” 
Tamaki had remembered the times he had tried to wake her up when she would fall asleep on the couch while watching tv. She basically threw a small tantrum because he didn’t let her continue to sleep. Fat Gum nodded his head, he was still blushing, his face felt warm, his whole body felt warm. He enjoyed the feeling and eating her food made it even better. 
One thing that Fat Gum should have remembered would be to never show themselves involved with anyone. Heroes never know who's watched. And this was one of those cases. The heroes hadn’t noticed it yet but there was a man watching them as he sat in the corner, he went unnoticed. He had stumbled upon her restaurant by accident when he noticed Y/n through the window. He even made his way into the restaurant to see if she would notice him. He had felt himself getting riled up remembering how she looked passed him. 
But how could she remember him when it was so long ago. He changed, his voice was deeper, he grew taller. He was nothing like how he was before. But seeing her attention focused on someone other than him made him upset. It made him want to have all of her undivided attention on him and only him. 
 His thoughts were now beginning to be the start of something that no one would have expected to happen. It wouldn’t be something that anyone could have prevented even if someone tried. It was inevitable. If he didn’t do anything then maybe he’d lose her completely this time. He wasn’t going to let this happen, not again, he couldn’t lose her again. Not this time, not when he just found her. 
Y/n had just gotten back from school, as she was walking towards her room she heard crying coming from her brothers room. The twelve year old walked into her little brother's room. Looking down at the 4 year old she walked up to his bed. Hearing her footsteps he opened his eyes and looked up at her with his little indigo eyes. There were small tear stains going down his cheek. 
“Hi” Tamaki scrunched up his nose while he sniffed
“Hey Tama, how are you feeling?” Y/n patted his head. 
“Bad” Tamaki was holding back his tears, not wanting to cry in front of his big sister. 
Y/n smiled at him and crouched, she had an idea to make him feel a bit better. “I’m gonna go to the store real quick, want me to get you something really cool?” 
Tamaki nodded and saw her grab a small jar he had on his bed side. She looked back at him, “Try to stop crying so that you can be really excited when I get back okay?” 
Leaving the house Y/n started to look first in her mothers garden. Not finding anything there she left the front gate to look in the streets. She had been searching for a while and found nothing but she decided to go look at the park. Getting to the park she looked all around and found nothing but just when she was about to give up luck was on her side. 
She saw a yellow butterfly just sitting still on the grass, leaving her jar on the ground. She went up to it cupping her hands to capture it. But right as she got closer the butterfly flew away, she followed it until hands were in her field of vision. 
She saw a boy, looking up at him. She noticed his eyes were a very beautiful color, she had never seen a color like them before. She could feel her face start to heat up. The boy looked at her then at the jar. Motioning for her to get the jar, she brought it to him. She closed the top of the jar as she wondered how he was able to put it in without it flying away. As soon as she was done she looked at him, she could still feel her face being warm. She wasn’t sure if it was from the sun or him.
After being bashful she managed to speak up, “Thank you.” 
The boy nodded and walked away.
Every day after school since then Y/n would always go to the park to look for the mysterious boy. She had gone for weeks, she wouldn’t stop till she could talk to him. Sitting on the swing she began to look around. That was when she saw him across the street. She got up quickly and began to run to him before she lost sight of him. 
“Hey! Hey wait up!” She shouted at him. Hearing her voice he turned around to see who was calling him. 
Now standing in front of him, she got a better look at his face. It was different from the last time, he had a cut on his lip and a black eye. She didn’t know what to think or say but she could see the hurt in his eyes. Without thinking she hugged him, he wanted to push her off of him but it was the first time he had felt this type of affection from a stranger. 
“I’m sorry for hugging you.” 
“I-it’s okay.” Clearly it was as he hugged her back. 
“I’m Y/n.” 
“I’m ---.” 
From then on they had became friends. They would begin to hang out for a year. Within that year Y/n began to notice the marks on his body got worse and how he began to hate physical contact. Yet he still let her hug and grab his hand a lot, he felt like it was fine if she did it. 
The sun had begun to set while the two were still in the park. They had gotten tired and laid down in the grass looking up at the sky that had now turned pink and purple. 
“Hey ---, do you think we’ll always be able to do this? Like hang out more.” Y/n turned her head to look at him as he still watched the cloud go by. 
“I hope so. Maybe we can even grow old together too.” He gave her a rare smile that she had never seen before. He had smiled at her before but there was something different about this. She couldn’t help the heat that ran across her face.
“---! Get over here now!” Just as the calm of the moment came it quickly disappeared. The smile on his face fell, there was that same hurt in his eyes when he first met her but it was mixed in with fear. 
Y/n looked up and saw a man and woman walking towards them angrily. 
“So this is where you've been. I always knew your sorry ass was doing something. Get up, we’re leaving.” The woman yelled at him. But he didn’t do what he was told, her patience grew thin. 
“I said get up!” She came over to him and grabbed his arm roughly, he was clearly in pain. 
Getting up Y/n grabbed his hand and tightly held it, “Stop you’re hurting him!” 
The man made his way to Y/n he pulled her hand away from the boy's, but she wouldn’t stop trying to reach his hand again. That’s when the man had enough and pushed her to the ground and it unfortunately caused her to hit her head. She groaned from the pain, putting her hand to the back of her head she felt something warm, looking at her hand it was now covered in blood. 
“Y/n!” The boy yelled, the built up anger activated his quirk without him knowing. His hand went to the woman’s hand, and as soon as he touched it, she vanished, blood began to spill everywhere. 
Y/n eyes opened wide, she couldn’t process what had happened. Her vision began to get foggy, she was going in and out of consciousness. 
The boy looked at the blood on his hands and hives began to form. While he was distracted the man came up behind him, knocking him out. Lifting him up on his shoulders the man began to walk away, Y/n tried to get up but fell back down. She stretched out her hand, tears falling from her eyes. 
“---” she lightly said. 
“Kai!” As soon as she woke up she sat up, her hands going to her face as she felt tears pouring down her face. 
The normally loud restaurant had now gone quiet. Looking over at Taishiro and Tamaki she could see the horror on their faces. And unknown to her, her old friend was a wanted man that the two happened to be chasing. To her it didn’t make sense, Tamaki was too young to remember her old friend, and Taishiro hadn’t been in her life then. 
 There was one person who was even more surprised, the man himself. She remembered him, he couldn't believe it, there was hope. But seeing that hero try and comfort him upset him. 
In a blind rage he stormed out of the restaurant. This didn’t go unnoticed, Y/n looked in his direction but was unable to see his face due to a mask. She turned her attention back to Taishiro when he got a call. 
“Alright, we’ll be right there.” He looked at Tamaki then back at Y/n. 
He was worried, he hoped that the Kai she named wasn’t Overhaul. And if it was he didn’t understand why or how she knew him. It upset him, it made his heart hurt to think that she would know someone like Overhaul. He very much wanted to push away the thought and think it was a different Kai. 
He watched the way she was fidgeting while slept on him, it made his hand clench. “Be careful Y/n. Let’s go Sun Eater.” His mood shifted, it was of determination and anger. The possibility that she knew Overhaul was big but it still made him want to catch Overhaul before something bad happened, not just to others but to Y/n as well. 
Tamaki nodded and said goodbye to his sister. He quickly left with Taishiro. After the two left all the other customers did too. Looking at the time Y/n noticed it was time to close, sighing she got up and started to clean up. She was almost done washing all of the dishes when she heard the bell ring. 
“Sorry we’re closed.” she shouted from the kitchen. 
It was silent. She grew nervous, maybe it was her imagination. But then she heard footsteps making their way to the kitchen.
She grabbed the closet knife she could find, looking at the doorway she saw a shadow figure walking through the doorway. A man with familiar hair color and eyes, she couldn’t pinpoint it until he removed his mask. He smiled at her, a smile she hadn't seen since that day that they were lying on the grass together. 
Y/n felt her eyes begin to water as she dropped the knife. She had moved closer to him. Her hands went to his face, his eyes closed as she lightly touched his cheek to make sure he was real. He pressed his cheek against her warm hand and gave it a light kiss. As his eyes opened his gaze on her softened. 
“Hey Y/n, it’s been a while.” 
As her tears continued to run she smiled at him. She had laughed lightly in disbelief, her hands still on his face, “It really has been. I’ve missed you so much. I didn’t know if I was ever going to see you again.” 
Kai had taken off his gloves as he raised his hand to her cheek while the other was resting on her lower back. “I know. After what happened it was hell not being able to see you. But I’m here now so let me take care of you.”
Y/n could feel her face heat up just a bit. She hadn’t expected him to say that. How could she not feel something bubble in her at something like that, he was her first love. 
“Thank you for the offer Kai but I’m an adult now. You don’t need to take care of me. Come on, let's sit down, I’ll make your favorite.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the front. Just as they got to the front of the store the doorbell rang. Hearing the bell Kai lifted up his mask. 
Taishiro came in his skinny form, “Hey Y/n! The villain is gone. I came to walk you ho-“ He was shocked to see who was standing next to her. “Y/n get away from him.” Taishiro clenched his jaw seeing the villain. 
Looking at Taishiro and then back at Kai, Y/n was confused at what was going on. Seeing Taishiro caused Kai to tsked. “Guess I’ll have to see you later. I’ll come back for you.” Kai kissed Y/n on the cheek before glaring at Taishiro as he made his way to the back exit. 
Taishiro wanted to chase after him so bad, but he knew he couldn’t, there was a time for that and it was coming near. All he could do was make sure Y/n was okay, he wished he could do more. He walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. Looking up at him she was confused, she could feel his hands shaking against her shoulders. 
“Taishiro? Are you okay?” Y/n didn’t understand why it was such a big deal and why Taishiro was so upset about Kai. 
Taishiro looked down at her, his eyes were serious as they looked directly at her’s. She had never seen this look on him before, it scared her. Taishiro regretted the serious look he had on, but it was for her own safety, she needed to know how dangerous Overhaul was. 
“Y/n” He paused for a moment trying to figure out how he could tell her. “That man is a villain named Overhaul. I don’t know how you know him but you can’t be around him. He’s dangerous.” 
Her eyes widened just a bit but her smile came back on. She playfully scoffed “Yeah right Taishiro. That’s a good joke. No need to get jealous.” 
Taishiro wished he was joking, but from the looks of it it seemed like they were close. Even if she was teasing he was jealous. Overhaul kissed her as if they were more than childhood friends. But he knew he couldn’t show those that right now. 
“I wish I was joking with you Y/n. But what I’m telling you is true. He’s killed and tortured people. If he loses control he could hurt you.” 
Kai losing control brought back memories of the day he killed his own mother. Y/n looked down, she didn’t know what to think, her mind raced as she thought to herself ‘Would he really hurt me? No, he isn’t like that. He was never like that.’ 
Looking up at Taishiro, she spoke, “You’re wrong! He wouldn’t hurt me. He’d never hurt me, he never has and never will.” 
He moved his hands to her cheek as he wiped her tears. She was shocked she was crying, she hadn’t even felt them. It was the second time he saw her cry, he didn’t like it one bit. It put a small hole in his heart, he knew he shouldn’t think about it but he wished that she cried for him instead of a criminal. 
“I’m sorry Y/n.” He moved his hands away again, leaning down he pulled her in for a hug. 
“He wouldn’t hurt me right?” She slowly put her arms around his body and held him tightly as she cried. 
It had been weeks since Y/n last saw Kai. For a week she had felt empty. It was to be expected, how else would anyone react when they find out their first love was a criminal. She didn’t have much of a smile when she went back to work. She didn’t really know how to feel. 
But as the day got late she found herself walking back home. As she opened her front gate she noticed a familiar tall figure in front of her door. They were mumbling something quietly as they were fidgeting with what they were holding. Once she got closer she noticed the blond hair on the figure. 
“Taishiro? Is that you?”
The tall beautiful man turned around with a blush on his face. He quickly hid the flowers behind his back. “Oh hey. I didn't know you’d be back so early.” 
“Taishiro, it’s eight nineteen. If anything I should have been home sooner.” She smiled at him. As she made her way towards him she tried to look at what he had behind him. 
“What’s that?” She put a hand on his arm as she looked behind him. She froze for a second, he was holding her favorite flowers. 
“Tai, are these for me?” Her face heated up as she looked up at him. Looking down at her he lightly turned away with his face still pink. 
‘Did she just call me Tai? Did she give me a nickname? And she’s flustered, well shit, she isn’t making this easy.’ The blushing blond thought to himself. 
“Yeah, I hope you like them.” He stuttered and removed the flowers from behind his back. 
“How did you know that these were my favorite?” She smiles at the flowers before leaning to smell them. 
Taishiro thought back to how he got the information. 
The Hero went on his knees and grabbed the boy's hands. “Please Sun Eater tell me what her favorite flowers are!” 
Tamaki gave Taishiro a disgusted look. “Fat Gum people are looking, please stop making a scene.” 
“That’s why I did it! I’ll stop once you tell me what they are!” 
Tamaki groaned and gave in. 
“Oh, just you know by instinct. I saw them and thought of you.” He was mentally sweating, he didn’t want her to know he begged her little brother for that information. 
“Well thank you. They’re really pretty.” She smiled up at him, seeing him this way made her forget about what happened the past week. 
“Yeah! Just like you! Actually you’re prettier than the flowers I take that back.” He started to ramble on and Y/n found it adorable. 
Before she could say something he spoke in a serious tone. “Y/n I’m sorry for what happened when I last saw you. I should have said it better, but seeing you with him made me upset. But it also made me realize that I do in fact like you. And I don’t want to lose to a villain, so please let me take you out on a real date” He said a bit louder than his normal voice. 
After all that's happened she couldn’t refuse him. Her was this man, willing to treat her right. Someone who was respectable, who wouldn’t hurt others. She decided that maybe this was good for her. She smiled at him, “Alright. Let’s go on a date.”
Even if Kai was her first love it didn’t mean that she couldn’t grow feelings for another. 
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lostinhisworld · 9 months
burnt memories - JOHN B ROUTLEDGE
warnings: short angsty sibling fic. mention of death and being missing. she/her pronouns. john b being a bit of a dick. sad y/n. unedited. an old draft.
word count: 346
hope you enjoy x
for anyone waiting on a request, im sorry. i have seen them and started writing, ive just been a bit busy with the holidays.
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her eyes glowed with the dying fire's embers, orange light brightening the colours in her irises. she smiled a small grin, watching the ashes decorate the ground around her.
too stuck in her own world of flames and burnt memories, she missed the sound of approaching footsteps.
his eyes locked on the charred envelope, only half touched by the heated glow, his face contorted into a confused expression. "you burnt my letter?” he breathed, voice full of sorrow.
waiting for the girl's response, he turned to face her. tears lined her eyes, contrasting the bright smile on her lips.
"why did you burn the letter?" he continued as her silence stretched. "i wrote it myself. i wanted to see you." he cried.
between sad, angry and helpless she tells him, "why don't you ask Sarah?”
shaking his head in despair, John B reaches for his sister, watching her pull away from his touch at the last second. "no, do not touch me." she demanded. "you don't get to abandon me and then be upset that i don't want to hear from you."
he whispered her name as a plea, “please don't be like this." the older Routledge kid tried. "we promised not to turn our backs on each other."
the girl scoffed, roughly wiping her tears with the sleeve of her jumper— the jumper that once belonged to him, and the only reminder she had left of her brother.
"don't lecture me on promises when you are the one who can't keep them." she shouted in response. "you promised you'd be safe, that you wouldn't disappear like dad did,"
she chocked on the last two words, a sob forcing its way out of her throat. "but you did. you disappeared, John B.” she forced, pushing at the boy's chest. "and then i hear from some random girl that you're back and living in the Cameron mansion. do you know what that feels like?"
"to lose the only two people you have? to sit around hoping the only family you’ve got left aren't dead, being eaten by fish in the middle of the ocean?"
"come on, you've got to know i’m sorry."
"you've been back for weeks, JB," she stated, her voice losing edge. “and all i got from you was a lousy letter.” another tear marked her cheek, yet she made no move to wipe it. "i’m exhausted, i don't have any fight left in me. so, i give up.”
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