#my subships
lilmizartgrove · 2 years
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Reunited - Suryth and Nefertari
This is after Nefertari awakens and she sees Suryth for the first time in 10 years. It’s supposed to be super emotional once it gets in the comic.
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dollya-robinprotector · 11 months
Alex making out with Whitney is glorious.
I guess they kinda my subship in this au?
Like, I am weirdly invested in their dynamic.
lol when you are a creator, especially art creator, reality is what you decide it to be.
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yeonchi · 11 months
A different take on The Power of the Doctor
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Jodie Whittaker's final episode of Doctor Who, The Power of the Doctor, premiered one year ago today. While it was one of the better episodes of the Chibnall era, it heavily relied on memberberries from the 80's while making no effort to address lingering plot threads, most notably the Timeless Child arc. Earlier this year, I saw this post from @armageddon-generation about how they would rewrite the episode as a tribute to the Chibnall/Whittaker era instead of the classic series, and in doing so, expand the special into two hour-long specials. Off the bat, this could work as a Christmas/New Year Special, or put Part 2 on 23 November for the 59th Anniversary. The OP put in quite a few good ideas, but there were some gaps and omissions here and there, so in this post, I'll be sharing my take on armageddon-generation's take on The Power of the Doctor while also adding in some things myself.
Part 1
The space train at the start is replaced by Karvanista, Bel and Vinder, who are transporting the young Ux Delph from the Series 11 finale (instead of the Quaranx, and yes, I am spelling it that) when they are attacked by the CyberMasters. The sequence presumably goes similarly to the original before the Doctor rescues Karvanista and co. In the TARDIS, Karvanista gets angry at the Doctor and when Yaz asks why, she tells Yaz about Division and her past as Ruth way before the original where she only found out (kind of) towards the end when she appeared. Dan has a heart-to-heart with Karvanista, which leads him to leave TARDIS. As Dan is taken back home, the Doctor restores his house (thank you) before she leaves with Yaz and the others.
The Doctor tracks down Delph's life signs to the Cyberplanet, which is actually Gallifrey, transformed and transported by the Master using his powers. As the CyberMasters attack the Doctor and Kate calls her back to Earth, leaving her unable to rescue Delph, who is being held in Tecteun's lab. The Doctor tells Karvanista and co about this and he offers to investigate the Cyberplanet in a subship, thereby taking Vinder's place in the episode.
Ryan and Graham were slated to replace Ace and Tegan in the episode, with Gabriela, Jake and Adam returning from Praxeus. Now, Tosin Cole was busy filming in the US after leaving the series, but yes, we'll assume that he was able to reprise his role here. Regardless, there is a glaring omission here, and that is Ravio, Yedlarmi and Ethan from the Series 12 finale. OP puts Gabriela and co travelling the world with Graham, but I think they should be with Ryan while Ravio and co are the ones travelling with Graham.
So Ryan (and co) investigates ZAIA Enterprise VOR from Spyfall, which should have collapsed after Barton went missing, but instead it is leading a worldwide tech revolution; on top of that, history has changed so that technological advancements happened far earlier than they did. Meanwhile, Graham and co are investigating the missing seismologists and the missing paintings (because why not). They are revealed to have been in contact with Kate Stewart at UNIT who calls the Doctor and that's where we get the reunion of the companions, or rather Ryan for the time being.
The missing paintings were defaced to show Nikola Tesla's face instead of the Master as Rasputin; the Doctor learns that Tesla became very successful after the Master saved him from financial ruin, taking over Thomas Edison's factory in the process and causing the technological advancements as a roll-on effect. The Doctor and the others see the Master's message just as Graham informs Ryan that he and his group are headed for the same university in Naples where the Master is, leading the Doctor to rush off with Yaz, Ryan and co following. Graham and co are captured by the Master before the Doctor arrives with UNIT. Graham is reunited with the Doctor, Yaz and Ryan while Gabriela, Ravio and the others stay with UNIT in Naples to deal with the dead seismologists, which is where we leave them for now. As the Master is put into UNIT custody, the Doctor has Graham and Ryan stay with Kate at UNIT HQ to guard him while she heads off with Yaz.
During this time, the Order of the Custodians from Resolution have been in contact with the Doctor as they deal with a Dalek incursion beneath the Earth. They infiltrate the Dalek base in the Bolivian volcano and meeting with the Doctor and Yaz, they give the former a chemical weapon that can kill Daleks (tested using samples from the recon scout Dalek), but the Order are killed and the Doctor is captured by a Dalek puppetering her, managing to get the Order's weapon to Yaz in the process before she escapes in the TARDIS.
Karvanista's subship crashes into the Cyberplanet and it is here that we get a brief cameo from Paltraki, who made it his duty to keep the Ux safe and is checking in with Karvanista on the progress. Karvanista gets impatient and uses the phone that the Doctor gave Vinder to contact her.
Ashad and the Cybermen appear from the Kasaavin realm. In the ensuing fight, there is a scene where Graham confronts Ashad about how the fear of death makes people human and I think it'd be nice to have, but I wouldn't know where to fit it in. The Master manages to escape to 1920s Wardenclyffe, where the Doctor has been brought to. There, the Doctor learns that the Master had also been using Tesla to construct the regeneration chambers he would use for the forced regeneration in an effort to spite the Doctor for failing to save him from the fate history dictated for him. Part 1 ends with the Doctor's forced regeneration.
Part 2
The Master's rampage in the Doctor's body is expanded here, leading a jailbreak in the Judoon prison and inciting Zellin and Rakaya's bet in Can You Hear Me? Tesla is shown restraining Yaz during these scenes, but she manages to overpower him and escape, locking him and the Master out of the TARDIS before responding to Karvanista's call.
The Guardians of the Edge scene cuts out the classic Doctor cameos in favour of an appearance from Ruth. It is here that we finally get some kind of closure from the Timeless Child arc by addressing the Brendan visions near the end of Series 12; at some point, after being recaptured by Division, Tecteun finally grants Ruth's request to leave and uses the Chameleon Arch on her to reset/limit her regenerations and memories, leaving her as a male Time Lord baby who would go on to become the Doctor. As much as I hated the Timeless Child being the Doctor, at least we got an answer to it.
The hologram implants activate in Yaz, Ryan and Graham, giving them some scenes with the Doctor. Ryan and Graham head up to the roof with parachutes, but Graham turns back at the last moment and decides to help Kate instead, thereby taking Ace and Tegan's roles in the following sequences respectively while also giving a highlight to Ryan's dyspraxia.
There is a bit of a modification to the Cybermen strategem here; when the Daleks detonate the volcanoes, UNIT would evacuate civilians to their strongholds, where Cybermen would be waiting to trap and convert them. Yaz saves Ryan and drops him off in the Bolivian volcano. To further emphasise Ryan overcoming his dyspraxia, I think he should be the one to destroy the volcano alone with the Order's weapon and the hologram Doctor guiding him. Or better yet, for an optional bonus, why don't we have Kane and Bella from Orphan 55 make an appearance here, going to Earth's past so they can help avert events that would contribute to Earth eventually being something like Orphan 55. It would also give them closure by showing that they managed to survive the destruction of the Dregs and also briefly reuniting Bella with Ryan before quickly leaving. There weren't any others good enough who could have helped Ryan in that scene but Kane and Bella did come to mind as another loose end.
At the same time, Yaz would pick up the Master and Tesla before going back to Wardenclyffe. While Yaz went out of the TARDIS with the Master and Tesla, Karvanista would stay hidden inside before coming out and shooting the Master after the Ruth hologram tricks the CyberMasters into shooting each other. Yaz uses the CyberMasters' regeneration energy to degenerate the Doctor into her old self. We then get a Thasmin kiss (OP's idea) while Karvanista has a heart-to-heart with the Ruth hologram, giving him closure while also alleviating his resentment for the Doctor.
Meanwhile, Gabriela, Ravio and the others fight off the Cybermen at the UNIT stronghold in Naples while Graham would save Kate from being converted before she self-destructs all the UNIT strongholds, trapping the Cybermen in them. The Doctor, with Yaz, Karvanista and Tesla, now freed from the Master's hypnotism, goes to pick up Graham, Kate and Ryan and they go to deal with the Cyberplanet Gallifrey.
The Doctor frees the Ux Delph and leaves him with Karvanista so he, Vinder and Bel can take him to where he was originally meant to be going, while also not wanting him to stress himself even further given what he went through. While the Doctor gets to work in the Master's TARDIS, Tesla (and Delph) helps Karvanista fix his subship before going back to work the controls in the Doctor's TARDIS alongside Yaz, Graham, Ryan and Kate. Karvanista and Delph successfully escape in the subship while the Doctor and her companions freeze the erupting volcanoes on Earth and transport Gallifrey back to its proper place in space, disintegrating the Cyber constructs with it.
The Doctor leaves the Master's TARDIS and prepares to leave Gallifrey, ready to make peace with the loss of her past as the Timeless Child and leave it all behind, but the dying Master returns to his TARDIS and uses his TCE to fire a laser beam at the Doctor (whether from the TCE itself or from the lamp atop the Master's TARDIS), knocking her out and triggering her regeneration. OP wrote it so that the effects of the forced regeneration was the cause of her eventual regeneration, but it left the Master with an unsatisfying ending so I adapted the original scene without the destruction from the Cyberplanet being disintegrated.
Yaz comes out, brings the Doctor back to the TARDIS and lays her on the floor before she takes everyone else home (well, she takes Tesla back to Wardenclyffe then drops everyone else off in Croydon). The Doctor regains consciousness, realises that she is regenerating and they have ice creams on top of the TARDIS. Just before Yaz is dropped off, OP wrote another Thasmin scene, gifting her the hologram implant in a projector Yaz had in Survivors of the Flux to round off her character development, praising her for what she did on her own while telling Yaz to carry (a part of) herself with her.
The ending scene with Graham's Companions Anonymous is replaced with a dinner celebrating Yaz's anniversary of running away from home as shown in Can You Hear Me? Yaz's sister, Sonya, is there, along with her parents Najia and Hakim and grandmother Umbreen. Ryan, Graham, Dan and Diane are there as well, having been invited by Yaz in addition to Aaron (Ryan's dad), Kate, Gabriela, Jake, Adam, Ravio, Yedlarmi and Ethan. The Doctor's extended fam is now Yaz's extended fam and support network as Yaz begins to tell them about the Doctor, calling back to Ryan's opening line in the Series 11 opener.
The Doctor's regeneration is witnessed by the Thijarians before they disappear again, leaving the Thirteenth Doctor to regenerate into the Fourteenth Doctor.
OP's changes and additions
The 90-minute special is expanded into two hour-long specials
Karvanista takes over Vinder's role in the story, though he and Bel make an appearance
The Quaranx is replaced by the Ux Delph, being transported on Paltraki's request
Ryan and Graham replace Ace and Tegan's roles in the story
Gabriela, Jake and Adam return from Praxeus
The Winter Palace is replaced by Wardenclyffe and Tsar Nicholas II is replaced by Nikola Tesla, who plays a more significant role alongside the Master
There is a sudden acceleration in Earth's technology as a result
The Cyberplanet is actually Gallifrey transformed using Delph's power
The rebel Dalek is replaced by the Order of the Custodians, who have a weapon that can destroy the Daleks
The Cybermen appear from the Kassavin realm and they attack all UNIT strongholds
The Master's rampage across the universe as the Doctor is expanded
Ruth is the only Guardian of the Edge shown and we get some closure to the Timeless Child arc
All UNIT strongholds are destroyed by Kate to trap the Cybermen within them
Ruth appears again to give Karvanista closure
Tesla (and Delph) helps repair Karvanista's subship
Extended Thasmin scenes
The Doctor's extended fam becomes Yaz's extended fam
The Thijarians bear witness to the Doctor's regeneration
My changes and additions
Ravio, Yedlarmi and Ethan return from the Series 12 finale
The missing paintings are defaced with Tesla's face instead of the Master's
(Optional) Kane and Bella return from Orphan 55 for a short cameo
Gabriela and Ravio et al help defend the UNIT stronghold in Naples from the Cybermen
Delph is freed and is left with Karvanista - the Doctor's plan with the two TARDISes returns Gallifrey to normal
The Doctor is still killed by a laser beam thanks to the Master, but it's not Delph's fault because he's already gone by this point
Once again, The Power of the Doctor was a decent send-off to the Thirteenth Doctor akin to an anniversary special, but it heavily relied on memberberries from the 80's without addressing the Timeless Child storyline. OP contends that the episode would be better if it were a tribute to the Chibnall/Whittaker era and I agree with it, though there were some aspects of their pitch that could have been improved upon, hence me making this post.
The Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials are coming in November, which isn't long to go now. There is also a Christmas Special coming up as well in December (the first since 2017) and Series 14 is expected follow in Spring 2024 (again, the first since 2017 or even 2011). My schedules for those months have been reserved for Doctor Who to be the focus because I intend to review the RTD2 era. We're still waiting for the exact airdates, but hey, at least we knew the specials are coming out sometime in November this year for two years, so that's a plus.
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
drarreckyninja’s top 50 ships of Nov 2022 [48. Grumpshine]
Grumpy x Funshine [Care Bears]
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image taken from a Kat Kawasime vid on YT
EAD: The Care Bears have ambiguous ages. They seem to be independent, sometimes holding jobs and living alone, but they often behave like children and reference social activities that relate to adolescents. It's easier to go by debut date; both Grumpy and Funshine were indicted in September 1982, making Grumpy and Funshine the same age.
Incorrect Quote:
*Funshine and Grumpy are attempting to conduct a seance*
Funshine: We're not the ghosts, you're the ghost. Unless...
Grumpy: You know, I guess I did get into that car accident a while ago and it was a pretty close call - it is possible that I'm dead right now.
Funshine: One time, I cut up an avocado, and a lot of meat was left in the pit. And I put the avocado pit in my mouth-
Grumpy: The entire pit? You put the whole pit in your mouth?
Funshine: Yeah, and I started to just kind of lick the meat off of it, and at that moment I was like, 'if I sneezed right now, this thing would lodge into my throat, and ever since then I've kind of been terrified of avocadoes.
Funshine: BUT the other thing is, I always thought, what if I did die then?
Grumpy: Fuck, dude.
Subship(s): N/A
Notes: Generally, when I write Care Bears fics, Funshine drops the 'fun' and goes by Shine. I switch up Grumpy's name; lately, his name is Thunder, and Shine calls him 'Thundercloud' as an affectionate nickname.
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itsjustpoopeh · 11 months
9 People You’d Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @abubblingcandle and @fanficfanattic thanks!
3 Ships: Roy/Jamie/Keeley (and all the subships i'm cheating deal with it), buck/eddie (i'm a thousand percent done with the people in that fandom and the fic is also quickly dying out but i have a large catalog of the good stuff downloaded and it all slaps), the leverage OT3 of all time, eliot/hardison/parker
First Ship Ever: i'm from the era before smartphones. it was either garak/bashir or tara/willow. the first i actually encountered fic for (reliable internet access didn't exist till i got to college) was jim/blair from the sentinel
Last Song: Bluebird Wine by Emmylou Harris
Last Movie: Only Lovers Left Alive, which is probably my favorite movie ever so i watch it on a regular basis and is probably an unfair pick. actual recent pick is They Cloned Tyrone. def recommend
Currently Reading: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. i haven't actually finished a real book in longer than i like to think, but i really like this one so far. i'm going to go back and re-start and annotate properly for my book sideblog
Currently Watching: re-watching ted lasso as i feel like it of course. just finished Silo. since i have a few months of free apple tv+ i'm about to start Lessons in Chemistry
Currently Consuming: cheddar sour cream pringles
Currently Craving: peanut butter banana milkshake from sonic
tagging: absolutely nobody because it gives me The Anxiety feel free to do it if you want i have no expectations
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seaofolives · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
@ofdemonsandangels tagged me! I don't get on this site much anymore so idk if this has gone around at all but if you're a writer who's reading this and you have time to burn, pls feel free to answer these questions for yourself!
also i didn't bother linking any stories so just uh here's the link to my portfolio
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
232 but I need to note that at least 31 of those are drabbles (that I couldn't put into one multi-chapter bc of the varied ships)
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
2,002,567 (what the fuck) but I also need to note that several of these are stories in at least two languages and that some of these are not written with the Latin alphabet system so the word count would be different in those
3. What fandoms do you write for?
g witch is my homebase rn! but I'd love to be able to write at least one ffxv fic again next year which is the biggest collection of fics in my ao3 rn. briefly I was also active in sk8 and even more briefly in hadesgame (but that's not counting the pre-pandemic years)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
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HUH my ffxv fics have been completely nudged out of place! :ooo this is a surprise but hygge remains unbeatable since I published it uhhhhh 2017? it's a 30-day fic challenge where the brodinsons settle into earth following the events of ragnarok so that's why it's so popular I guess. the next fics are (from most to least) お持て成し omotenashi, weather report (the only hadesgame fic, the others are sk8), 浮世 ukiyo and save the date.
5. Do you respond to comments?
absolutely! they took the time to let me know their thoughts, I need to honor their generosity. THO I did delete some anon hate once bc my friends told me it's not worth it to engage and my friends are much smarter than me so
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
HUH man idk. like I define angst so differently than others (most people: liv why is this so angsty??? me: it's not???) but off the top of my head, the meeting on the turret stairs? mostly bc it's unresolved forbidden love gladnis and I really upped the ante there…i don't remember if it's to match the tone of the original artwork or if it was a client decision
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
there's a lot!!!! I'm not just all bittersweet stuff, I can tell other stories, I swear, but most of them are probably gladnis stuff but uh…if you filter my portfolio to just the fluff category, it's probably all of those there
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
HAHA oh man. so that anon hate, right? it was that time I posted my first guesulemio fic (forget me nots is the title) and I woke up to like 5-7 anon comments who got upset that I tagged it as sulemio (never mind that I also tagged it as polyamory but ehh there's a certain type of ao3 readers, right? we all know this) and like, 1 other anon baby later on in the day when I refused to remove the sulemio tag bc it was a fic where guel, suletta and miorine weren't a closed triad yet. to be fair, that was a fairly educational experience! I read up on some reddit stuff about tagging ot3 fics and while some people don't mind if the all-encompassing ot3 tag was used indiscriminately, other people, especially in the cases of open triads or where one corner of the triangle is missing, would love to know what subship of the ot3 they're going to expect going in. anyway that was the first and only fic I locked away from public bc lord do the anon babies have a lot of time in their hands (not a lot of reading capacity tho)
surprisingly the one before this—not hate, just disappointment—was a fic where gladio married that rando woman (we're talking about ffxv now) he mentioned in the hammerhead camp prior to the insomnia chapter. that's the woman that only exists in the English localization. the ending was that they got married in spite of gladio and ignis' committed relationship so there's basically three of them now. and people apparently hated that even tho one of the points I wanted to make with that fic was how gladio and ignis would always be together no matter what happens 🤷🏻‍♀️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
what do you mean what kind isn't smut is smut is smut???? I mean yes I do write smut but damn if I know what kind of smut???? it's just smut?????
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
YES I love crossovers!!! of the ones posted on ao3, I think it might be joche in ffxv? mostly bc I couldn't fuse a lot of the lores together (kaoru was a lucian locked out of insomnia when Regis put up the wall, Kojiro was an altissian, that's it) but I do have one fic that I deleted from ao3 which is basically suikoden characters and events in the lore of pacific rim. and it's not on ao3 rn bc you could really tell I was just pulling shit out of my ass, it was all so bad and jarring 😂😂😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
MAN idk like i highly doubt it but I also don't take the time to find out you know?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated
ooh yes, two yeses in fact! mog (and ulan??) have translated some of my filipino fics to english but there was also a stranger who asked if they could translate one of my hadesgame!patrochilles ficlets (patience) into russian! that was very thrilling. and then just recently, I joined a guesule advent calendar project in Japan and the friend who invited me told me to give them a machine translation of my ficlet and they would go over it and clean it up to make it more readable to the jp audience. that ficlet isn't up on ao3 yet (it's on pixiv) but man I gotta remember to ask the project organizer if they would mind if I uploaded it there
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YEAHHHH we never finished it tho!! it was a friend I made on some final fantasy rpg yahoo group and it was going to be a retelling of ff7 or smth? I don't remember much else, this was during ff.net's heydays.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
clerith. which i have barely written for (I mean i used to write them a lot back when I was still some 13yo anti-cloti lmao) but if we're talking about like based on recent fic counts and productivity and stuff, gladnis.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh man, I got this zares reincarnation au going that I got distracted from with ghost of tsushima and then now g witch (it's the "I'll get back to this after xyz" kinda thing) and I'd LOVE to finish it! I know I will, I have a 99% wip-finishing rate, but I'll need to replay hadesgame to get some voices and inspo back, you know?
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have the brain of a project manager, hence the 99% wip-finishing rate.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can hardly write or even translate if i hear sounds! whether it's the TV or the radio or if it's someone talking to me, I can't do it bc I can't hear my own words
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
IF IT MAKES SENSE ABSOLUTELY I was soooo happy when I got guel and lauda to speak in my hokkien bc they're Chinese in the Manila au I have but also like, since the pov is guel (or miorine, who's also Chinese in that au), it makes sense to me for him to hear and understand the dialogue in the language. but if it's say like suletta who's filipino through and through? I would just write it like "meanwhile, Guel and Miorine are speaking in Chinese and, though Suletta doesn't understand a word, she can tell from the tension on their jaws that no one is happy". and also like, yes, especially for us multilinguals, I say we should flex our knowledge, but these dialogues need to get translated in the common language, too. if it's just purely flexing without understanding, then it makes no sense to even use a different language in the first place
19. First fandom you wrote for?
it was rpf 💪🏽
20. Favorite fic you've written?
lol pls I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to my fics. as soon as it's done (and optionally up on ao3), I forget about it as I'm writing a new story. but like…I don't finish or share a story that I made that I don't like. every one of those that I declared finished is bc I was satisfied with them and wouldn't change a thing about them
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Some thoughts on my last Gamefly rental, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection(Switch version).
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I never played the original games, just Network Transmission on the Gamecube, so it’s good for there to be a way for me and others to be able to play them again.
On the cartridge, the collection is split into two parts, the first having Mega Man Battle Network 1-3, and the latter having MMBN 4-6. Starting with 3, each game has two versions, like with Pokemon.
The game selection menu that you see when starting each collection up has a neat feature of having MegaMan.exe be there and talk when you navigate the menus(and when you press L), even being voiced by his voice actor from the Mega Man NT Warrior anime, Andrew Francis.
For all the games, there’s a Max Buster Option you can turn on that had the Mega Buster do the highest damage it can. You can bring the option up by pressing the -/Minus button. I used it quite a bit, though turned it off for bosses. It’s good for getting through maps and random encounters quickly, and scoring high rankings to possibly get better Battle Chips, or if you just want to play for the story. It’s not always an instant-win option, though, as some enemies, usually postgame ones, will need a strategy to beat.
There are several other extras for each game:
A Gallery to see official and concept art for each game
Trophies for completing objectives in each game
Free Downloadable Chips that are usually pretty helpful/OP
A Music Player
The basic controls for each game are:
X for the menu
A to interact with people/object or select options. It’s a good idea to run around areas spamming this in case an item or port is hidden somewhere.
R to try and jack into the Net if Lan is standing next to a useable port.
L to talk to either Mega Man or Lan, depending on who you’re playing as. They’ll give you hints on what to do next to progress the story. Sometimes they’re a bit too vague, though.
While jacked into an area and playing as Mega Man, you’ll encounter viruses to fight while walking around in random battles. Defeating them will get you, depending on the ranking gained at the end, either a Battle Chip or Zenny.
There are HP-Up/power-up programs you can find or buy that can raise Mega Man’s HP or give a boost to his Buster’s power, speed and Charge attack. HP Ups are used automatically, but the others need to be used manually from the menu under the ‘Mega Man’ tab.
I didn’t 100% the games, since some Battle Chips need a certain Battle Ranking to drop, and I’m really not sure how to manipulate the rankings to get to what was needed for some, plus the post games can be pretty difficult.
The Net maps in this game can be kind of confusing. I’d recommend using a map guide if you have trouble navigating them. Amusingly, there’s a bit in the credits where Mega Man gets lost in an area, so seems like they know it, too. XD
There's some notable upgrades and changes from the first game, from game mechanics to the size/look of the maps. 
Battles feel and load faster.
Navigating the Internet maps is much less of a pain now, and the areas look more distinct, though having a map guide for some of the more complicated areas would be helpful.
A new addition to this game is several ‘Styles’ for Mega Man that level up and unlock as you use them after Mega Man gets an upgrade a ways into the game. Here’s a guide to the Styles and how to get them. Later games expand on this.
Terrain effects in battle such as ice, fire and grass are also new features, ice’s effect being obvious, and grass tiles healing certain enemies.
Subships are another new addition to this game, which is carried onwards, which range from healing to avoiding weak battles, and more.
A change to this one that I don’t like that makes it harder is not having your HP automatically restored after battles, instead having to be healed by using healing Battle Chips in battle, using healing Subchips or jacking out. This seems to have been carried over to the later games.
In battle, you can now remove Chips from your selection by selecting them and hitting ADD, which, like in the first game, will have Lan send more chips, but now is based on the amount selected. I kind of preferred the old way, of just adding in more chips when hitting ADD and waiting for the Custom Meter to fill.
There are new purple diamond Item icons that you need to use an Unlocker item on to get an item from. You’ll need to go to the Subships menu and manually use it, as there won’t be a prompt just from interacting with the Item icon.
The first of the games with two versions, with a few differences between the two, such as available Chips, certain characters, etc..
MMBN 4-6
These ones gave the series a new graphical style and art upgrades such as new character portraits.
I was feeling kinda burnt out after finishing MMBN 2, so I decided to stop there, maybe go back to them all in the future. I did pop into each to at least get a save file started and see any immediate changes to each game.
It was good to finally play these, and for there to be a way for new players who missed out on them to get into the whole series, minus Network Transmission, at once.
Next game being sent is: Goodbye World
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pollarrydoomi · 2 years
I'd like to preface I have tone issues and all of this is in an excited and happy tone.
I am aware that Cometcare specifically refers to a required love between all four members of Pollarrydoomi, Pollarrydoomi is still an umbrella term that Cometcare falls under. My preferred interpretation of the ship is 100% Cometcare, I ship all the subships of it i.e., Doomi, Barruni, Polly x Uni (forgetting name rn), etc. The blog name will stay Pollarrydoomi as this blog posts any and all versions of the ship in any formats of who loves who and any subships.
Also I forgot I had this blog so I'll work on archiving any and all Pollarrydoomi stuff I can find, with a priority on official content, any poly ship content first, then one on one relationships, and then fan content. It's difficult to archive all of this but I'll do my best.
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miracleweaponhunt · 8 months
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 29: Cameras and a Little Privacy
Everyone was annoyed by the news reporters. Not just the ones from ShiShi, but all over. Ropear, Saoloro, Vannana and Sandala all had their own news station being sure to interview as many of the rulers as they could. Most of them were used to it, giving bland answers to satiate them or going out of their way to avoid them.
“Rory. Can you answer the questions people have about-“
“Fuck off, I already said it.” Rory said. “Go talk to my people if you want an answer.”
“I’m not entirely sure what to even say, it was all so sudden.” Was Kazumi’s usual response. “And so little time into my presidency before it all happens.” Then she would leave looking dejected and leave the news staff to find someone else. Usually Zach, who was nothing but keen to attempt to put the worries of the people at ease.
“Look, I have plans in place to assure the safety of everyone. The people back in Fightston are working on training as many new recruits as soon as possible to grands that need them. Any mayors of surrounding ships are more than free to contact us in the hopes of having a few soldiers. We want nothing more than for the Skyspace to continue to prosper.” Cassandra watched as he gave that exact speech, without fail, every time, in the same tone. It was actually kind of impressive. Hopefully someone with editing skills could layer them all and it’d end up on Skyspace’s funniest videos or something. She herself was playing a one-sided game of hide and seek around them with Roxanne, and they were all relentless. One from Saoloro had already got Julian, and the two of them were stuck making sarcastic comments at each other in an infinite loop of smartass.
“You think Willow’s stuck talking to one of them?” Roxanne asked, checking the corner for another one.
“No idea.” Cassandra replied. “How long until we get to eat?”
“Let me check…about twenty minutes.”
Julian eventually joined them in avoiding cameramen after he won the battle of wits, at least according to him. The three went around the castle’s walls, avoiding anyone they could, even if it wasn’t a cameraman. Being surrounded by the most influential people in the world was actually kind of boring, in all honestly. The three snuck their way onto the roof, where nobody was waiting.
“So is this where we’re waiting until the food?” Julian asked, looking over the city surrounding the castle. Nice lavish looking houses outside the castle with some shopping streets a small bit away. Behind those were some apartment complexes in a neatly polished white.
“Nice place.” He said to himself.
“You think?” Willow asked.
Roxanne jumped at Willow casually standing behind her.
“How long were you there?” She screamed.
“About two minutes after I joined.” Julian said casually. “Honestly, I just wanted to see how long it would take you to notice.”
“Seems I’m forgettable.” Willow said with a dramatic sigh.
“Not at all!” Roxanne yelled back. Cassandra just put a hand on her shoulder.
“So Willow, if I can ask something?” Julian interjected. “Any problems with this place I can know about?”
“What you mean?” Willow asked, joining him in looking over the grand.
“I don’t know, a seedy underbelly or something? Something that would make someone…join a weird cult dedicated to destroying it or another grand, for instance.”
“Got it.” Willow said with a sigh. “Well, I think the main one would be the lack of compensation some people are getting further out.”
“Like on the subships?”
“Further out here. The islands near the edge. Most of them deal with fishing. But it has their own issues, you see. Being separate from the mainland to allow fish societies to integrate more naturally means these fishermen either have to live by themselves or make their families live in more run-down areas. And all for pretty bad pay.”
“Bad pay, huh?”
“Anyone could catch a fish; you don’t need to learn anything special to do it. That’s the reasoning behind paying them less, despite them being arguably the most important people over here.”
“And if they were promised a better life fishing in a new society by the legion, maybe they could join them and poison the fish, or turn a blind eye to their ships.”
“Well, hopefully a certain eldest daughter steps up and takes care of things while we have to fight the big battles.”
“Sure thing.” Willow said after a moment of hesitation. Julian thought it would be interesting to press her mother further, but considering his antics yesterday, that would probably had him marked for death.
“So should we get going?” Roxanne asked. “Dinner’s in five.”
Javier was already waiting for the four of them when dinner started. There were only four chairs when they got to their table from yesterday. Everyone was sitting where they were the previous day, when a servant put a calm hand on Roxanne’s shoulder.
“I’ve been told you have a meeting with Rory.” He said calmly. “He’s at the other end of the room.”
The servant pointed her over to the table Rory and Gurpreet were sitting at. The two were making casual conversation that didn’t seem to interest either of them, and she quietly inserted herself on the lone empty chair between the two of them.
Gurpreet looked at her, but didn’t pass much heed, while Rory leaned in a little to glare at her.
“And what would you be doing here?” He asked, raising a thin grey eyebrow at her.
“I was told you wish to talk to me?” Roxanne replied, leaning back while secretly praying her chair didn’t tip over.
“I didn’t wish shite!” He snapped back.
“Be nice.” His wife said flatly.
“Sorry, sorry.” He began again, calmer this time. “I didn’t ask for you. You must be thinking of someone else.”
“But Freyja told me to come here.” Roxanne said. “I thought it might be something to do with the bow?”
“Ah, your group isn’t responsible for that. Don’t worry about it too much.”
“You sure?”
“How old are you?” Gurpreet asked.
“So the fate of the world has been trusted to an eighteen-year-old and her friends. You have enough stresses, don’t let us add to them.”
So with her effectively shut down, the food was served. Roxanne just got what she had yesterday, still tasted as good. Rory and Gurpreet continued their own conversation, with Rory’s throaty laugh erupting over what Roxanne took as a minor statement. Some kind of inside joke, probably. Gurpreet’s wife gave a relaxed smile, so the shock was shown externally.
She stayed silent throughout the meal, not having much important to stay. Eventually the food was finished, and all the leaders and heroes were moved to the dance hall. Just like it was rehearsed, the classical music started playing and people either started dancing or mingling with drinks. Julian and Cassandra started dancing well as they practiced, occasionally having to stop for a little to allow the other couples to move past them. Willow and Javier also started moving around the room together. They also had it down, even if they weren’t as graceful and started to brush against the other dancers at times. The couples danced together, fathers danced with their daughters, it was all such a lovely display of the unity the Skyspace was showing.
Willow was bored. She noticed Roxanne taking a glass of juice after being denied alcohol, standing around in her cute attempt to be casual.
“Javier, how thirsty are you?” She asked.
“A little.” Javier replied. Understatement of the century, the room was making him sweat so much anywhere he stepped probably needed a hazard sign afterward.
“Same here, I’ll go get us something.”
Willow looked around for her mom. Talking to Mia and Kazumi while taking sips from her wine glass, more sophisticated than usual. She found Roxanne, guiding her over to Freyja’s blind spot.
“Hey Roxy, wanna get out of here?” She whispered when Roxanne went over to her.
“To where?”
“To the castle we’ll have access to?”
Roxanne glanced around the room, giving a covert nod. The two tried walking out of the room as discreet as possible, but an especially lanky servant stepped in front of the door just as they were about to cross.
“May I ask what’s going on here?” He asked calmly, offering some orange juice to the two of them.
“We just need to go to the bathroom.” Willow replied quickly.
“Both of you?”
“Is that really that suspicious?”
“A little, I’ll admit.”
Willow leaned into him.
“Look, it’s kind of an emergency. The lady specific kind.”
The waiter looked a little grossed out as Roxanne gave an uneasy nod. He let them through, and Willow looked at the door as it was closing.
“Works every time.” She chuckled.
“So now what?” Roxanne whispered. She glanced around the empty hallways with not a single servant around, and not a sound from any source that wasn’t behind them.
“Whatever we want.” Willow whispered back. “But first, I need to get out of this dress.”
The two went through the hallways while avoiding the few servants that were doing some light cleaning on the halls. After a few minutes, they were in Willow’s room.
It was extremely simple in comparison to what Roxanne thought it would be. Her bed looked exactly the same as her old one back on Miracle with a simple red blanket in contrast to the blue walls. Next to the bed was a wooden dresser. Not with any special design, just an extremely ordinary dresser and wardrobe which Willow was digging through.
“Okay, you want to borrow some clothes or something?”
“Excuse me?” Roxanne asked.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re my size.” Willow replied calmly without looking, handing her a shirt. It was a neon green shirt with some cartoon character she didn’t recognise on it. Willow handed her some grey sweatpants to finish the outfit.
“You can keep the shirt; some ex gave it to me.”
“Yeah, she turned out to be an assassin. Shit was wacky.”
With that information given it’s nonchalant explanation, Roxanne went into the bathroom to get out of her dress. The bathroom also wasn’t anything to write home about, other than the fact it was Willow’s personal one. She quickly got into the clothes Willow gave her, heading out to see Willow already dressed in a plain blue t-shirt and black sweatpants casually laying on her bed.
“So now what?” She asked.
A couple ideas flashed in Roxanne’s mind once the question was asked. She had a TV opposite the bed, so that was definitely an option. Or just relax with some music, she definitely had a music player.
“We’re gonna kiss.”
The words left her mouth before they were in her brain. But this was her chance. Her chance to finally seal the deal and make this love adventure worth it. They’d kiss, and then perhaps do some other stuff…okay, let’s not go too crazy yet.
“Yeah, sure.” Willow said with a slow nod.
Okay, this was it. She was ready. She crawled on top of Willow as she lay flat on her bed. She put a hand to each side in an attempt to look assertive, just like in her favourite shows. She lay down and their lips connected, followed by their tongues. This was it. It wasn’t what she expected the end to look like, but she was here.
And it felt so…
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remolupini · 2 years
Hey this question is gonna sound combative but I don’t mean to lol more curious, what is the attraction for you for James/Reg/Remus or Blackeclipse over Wolfstarbucks or James/Remus/Sirius? Like what makes that ship work for u?
Hi! Thanks for the question.
So I never thought about it a lot, but I think I have an answer.
I preface this by saying I do read wolfstarbucks, and I was going to write a fic with them as the main ship, and I binned it for unrelated reasons. And I also need to say that I love the character of Sirius and exploring his mind and his actions.
That said, generally with Wolfstarbucks I'm not sold on all the dynamics within. Like reading about the ship sometimes feels like the writer went "and we all know how these two work"(most generally with wolfstar, but often with prongsfoot too) and didn't go more into detail and it ends up trying to sell you specifically one subsection of it, instead of telling you "this is why these three people are together as a throuple". And to be fair, looking back, if I had gone on with my wolfstarbucks I too would have done this.
And obviously with Blackeclipse I can't make such a statement because as of right now, we only have my fics, this other author's three one shots, and the same smut posted three times, but on a personal level I'm just more interested in all three subships (jegulus, moonwater, moonchaser) as well as how all three people exist together.
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creativityobsessed · 3 years
Since you just have to describe the fic and not write the whole thing I'm gonna be self indulgent. Zukki (or a subship) + 36 + 61
36. Text/Letter Fic
61. Love Confession
I have never read a Zukki fic that wasn't yours but letter writing is my JAM so let's GOOOOOO.
- Okay, so post-Atla canon, Sokka and Suki are in the same place, idk, doing ambassador shit, (EDIT: Important addition, they're NOT TOGETHER YET) and so Zuko, who isn't the greatest letter writer ever, just writes them joint letters because he hates writing the same letter twice when he knows that they could just swap letters cause they live right there together.
- One day a letter arrives addressed to both of them, and so Suki is hanging out in Sokka's room reading it to him while Sokka tinkers with his latest gadget, half listening. Suki gets to the end and reads I think I love you. and Sokka is still only half paying attention so he's like "Awww, you love me? That's so sweet of you Suki, I love you too." And she goes "No, I mean that's what he wrote." Letter isn't signed, etc. etc. just stops there. Sokka gets up and demands to read it himself, which he does, and then he's like "wait who was this addressed to" and they have this whole big fight over who Zuko even meant that for. They're both secretly kinda happy to fight over this because then they don't have to unpack Sokka thinking that Suki said she loved him (which they both are, you know, on board with, but nobody wants to talk about it).
- Meanwhile Zuko is searching high and low for this letter he started a few days ago, cause he really needs to fix it up (read: recopy and finish it) and send it, and Mai just shows up in his room, as she does, and is like "oh yeah, I sent that." "You did WHAT???"
- Now everybody is embarrassed. Zuko sends both Sokka and Suki apology letters, which feels weird cause usually he just addresses his letters to both of them, but they're not sharing to see what the other said because they both think this means that he meant it for the other one to get it. Both Sokka and Suki are upset by the thought and can't really tell if it's because they wanted Zuko or because they wanted each other. Intense three-way mutual pining ensues.
- Eventually Mai gets fed up with Zuko's depressed ass, so she forges a letter to each of them that's like, the Avatar equivalent of "CONGRATS you won an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii!!!" and since Sokka and Suki aren't really talking to each other because they're both so embarrassed it works. She gets Ty Lee to help her book a room for the three of them, so they're all stuck in this suite with a single king bed in it, and they all desperately need the vacation so they're all like "no this is fine, I'm not dealing with anything, I can hang out with you for a week, sharing a bed, this is fine."
- Reader, it is not fine. It is not fine at all. I haven't decided who breaks first, but there's some shouting, and some tears, and eventually they all end up making out in that giant bed and realizing that the best thing about this whole thing is that because they're all in love with each other, they don't actually have to choose. The End.
Give me a ship and two tropes off of this list and I’ll tell you how I’d mash them together.
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sqbr · 3 years
Can I ask about the Heaven’s Official Blessing story featuring the four person polycule?
(And I will never stop using the word polycule, it’s too cute. 🥰)
In short it's me taking advantage of the MANY VERY THINLY VEILED EXCUSES FOR SEXINESS the author included in her worldbuilding to work around Chinese censorship (It's not kissing, it's CPR...on a ghost. They're just sharing spiritual energy...with their mouths. The villain wants to undermine the hero's purity...with sex pollen. And so on), except in my case they let me work around the Very Good Reasons these characters have for not getting together.
Like my polyfic tends to balloon out into extended emotional wrangling and I was like “what if instead I just throw as many tropes at these characters as it takes to make them kiss”.
Further explanation will require some context for anyone not familiar with canon. Spoilers ahead, along with discussions of sexy worldbuilding and a lot of rambling.
The polycule (agreed, very cute word):
He Xuan: Tsundere ghost who never admits to liking anyone, but plausibly likes all the others in his way. Ally/employee of Hua Cheng. Shi Qingxuan: Flirty and good natured god, kinda innocent. Good friends with Xie Lian. Was shippy friends with He Xuan until [MASSIVE SPOILERY TRAUMA]. Xie Lian: Good natured god, DEEPLY sexually repressed after 800 years of celibacy. Good friends with Shi Qingxuan, falls in love with Hua Cheng over the course of the book. Hua Cheng: A ghost who has spent 800 years single-mindedly, jealously, sexually, romantically, and religiously obsessed with Xie Lian. Disdainful of pretty much everyone else but is vaguely positive towards Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan.
So Xie Lian/Hua Cheng is canon, and I can see Xie Lian being ok with poly. It's not too hard to imagine all the subships being into each other, that's why I'm into the ship in the first place.  
The tricky parts are (a) Getting Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan past the MASSIVE TRAUMA. (b) Getting He Xuan to admit to feeling anything positive towards anyone. (c) Having Hua Cheng react to the idea of opening up his marriage with something other than murderous jealousy.
I'm 80K into a Shi Qingxuan/He Xuan fic still solving (a) and (b), so am inclined to just gloss over that part and say "go read Into Deeper Water" >.>
The best solution I can come up with for (c) is for Hua Cheng to become convinced that it would make Xie Lian happy.
Some key events in canon: Everyone but Xie Lian has spiritual powers, which can be transferred by touching or bodily fluids. He borrows magic from Hua Cheng and Shi Qingxuan by touching hands. Hua Cheng is clearly interested in Xie Lian from the start, and Xie Lian is interested back, but massively in denial about it all. Shi Qingxuan is largely oblivious. Shi Qingxuan loses their powers, and then MASSIVE TRAUMA happens, and they and He Xuan vanish from the plot for a few hundred pages.   Xie Lian "sharing powers" with Hua Cheng gets increasingly sexy and eventually he admits to himself he's into it. Shi Qingxuan returns! Hua Cheng gives them spiritual powers via magic candy instead of touching them. At one point Shi Qingxuan shares Xie Lian's consciousness while Xie Lian is naked, they're both ok with it but Hua Cheng is Not. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng get together. He Xuan, in disguise as Hua Cheng to fool the bad guys and avoid awkward conversations, gives Shi Qingxuan power by shoving them and then walking away very quickly. Hua Cheng is extra dead for a year, and Xie Lian pines. He Xuan keeps to himself but is invisibly watching from the shadows. Hua Cheng comes back. Xie Lian has regained the hypothetical ability to have spiritual powers but since his cultivation path required chastity and he is Very Much No Longer Chaste he has to borrow powers off Hua Cheng a lot, sexily. Shi Qingxuan remains at least partly oblivious to what’s going on with Xie Lian and Hua Cheng.
So! I feel like there's some way to combine Shi Qingxuan being into light hearted flirty teasing and Xie Lian being in a headspace of "Sexy touching while getting spiritual power can TOTALLY BE A NORMAL PLATONIC THING BETWEEN FRIENDS" to end up with them doing something mildly sexy before Xie Lian has realised how much he likes Hua Cheng. Possibly with Hua Cheng there, doing his best to stop it, but also having to accept that Xie Lian seemed pretty into it.
Then things mostly follow canon, but Shi Qingxuan hits on Xie Lian during the year Hua Cheng is extra dead. Xie Lian politely rejects them and Shi Qingxuan apologises for not realising the two are together but there is a mutual Awareness of the Possibility.
Once Hua Cheng comes back Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian would never act on their mutual attraction...until some sort of Horny Worldbuilding Contrivance like sex pollen makes it very clear that they are both into each other, to them and to Hua Cheng.
Hua Cheng's response is to order He Xuan to stop invisibly stalking Shi Qingxuan and instead show up as himself as a distraction/other friend/source of spiritual energy, partly to distract Shi Qingxuan from Xie Lian and partly because he thinks it's genuinely what's best for the two of them.
Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan work through their trauma to return to being friends! This DOES NOT TAKE 80 THOUSAND WORDS. Things get shippy, and when Shi Qingxuan realises this started on Hua Cheng's orders thinks Hua Cheng ordered the shippiness too (which he did not) and is VERY ANGRY on He Xuan's behalf but Hua Cheng explains and the three of them get closer.
And then...somehow...Hua Cheng becomes convinced that Shi Qingxuan/Xie Lian is a good idea (more horny worldbuilding?? Something to do with helping Xie Lian work through his own BUCKETS OF TRAUMA? idk) Everyone else is less convinced, and He Xuan gets jealous in a tsundere way because that's everyone he remotely likes in a big polycule excluding him.
And then...the four of them work it out?? Somehow??? ...this is where I get stuck with tens of thousands of words of emotional wrangling again /o\
OH ALSO I came up with some NEW AND ORIGINAL sexy worldbuilding: spiritual powers are only transferred by bodily fluids. Most people would default to a tiny drop of blood, but this would make it easier to jump to kissing and/or sexy blood drinking. Still doesn’t fix the emotional issues, maybe I need some sort of Romantic Plot Contrivance like...idk...soulmates??
IDK. I will probably never write this. But this is the ideas I have!
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eirenical · 3 years
Courfeyrac or Feuilly for the ask meme if no one else has asked for them yet?
And last (unless someone sends me another one for the multishipper meme ;D) but NEVER LEAST...
So first of all, I am highly amused by these two choices because Courfeyrac x Feuilly is one of my pet rowboat ships.  I just love them SO MUCH; I don’t even know why, but they’re my favorites and I think they could make each other Very Happy and I have written several fic for them.  So that’s an auspicious beginning.  ;D
Apart from Courfeyrac, my biggest ship for Feuilly is Enjolras.  Like... Enjolras loves and admires Feuilly SO MUCH and that’s completely canon.  I mean... he interrupts his big barricade speech to give Feuilly a shoutout that’s basically “WE ALL LOVE YOU FEUILLY.  KEEP BEING AWESOME.”  And they’re just this wonderful little mutual admiration society and I LOVE THEM.  ^_^  They’re just... everything good about golden Sunday mornings and lazy breakfasts and talking revolution as pillow talk.  ^_^  (They’re also literally everything that the fandom seems to want e/R to be but canonically ISN’T, so I’m still just a BIT bitter about that.  :P  Like, if you ship e/R, then GREAT, but if you can only ship e/R by turning Grantaire into Feuilly then why not just... ship Enjolras x Feuilly?)
I also have a soft spot for Bahorel x Jehan x Feuilly.  I think they’d balance each other out really well and be a really interesting dynamic of similarities and opposites.  ^_^  And Feuilly would be a grounding influence on the other two, while they helped him open up and enjoy the finer things in life.  ^_^
Courfeyrac ...is going under a cut, because this got really REALLY long.  XD
PFFT.  Who DON’T I ship him with?  XD  Courfeyrac is pretty much my little black dress for this fandom.
So, I mentioned Feuilly already, but my first forever and always OTP is Combeferre x Courfeyrac.  They’re just... everything about best friends to lovers that I love.  ^_^  And I know that they don’t interact canonically very much and half the characterization I love for them is kind of... fandom-invented, but I STILL LOVE THEM.  Just... not the version with infantilized Courfeyrac.  That is... not my fave.  :P
I’m also partial to the Enjolras x Combeferre x Courfeyrac variation, because, again, I think they’d all balance each other out REALLY well.
...speaking of, I am ALSO a fan of Enjolras x Courfeyrac.  Just... all that FIRE ENERGY, my GOSH.  XD  That would be one hell of a passionate pairing.  And if you haven’t read @amarguerite’s A Passion For the Absolute, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.  It will make you a believer, I STG.  ^_______^  (It’s also just SUPERBLY written canon era Les Mis fic and this reminds me that I am ABSOLUTELY due a re-read.  *_*)
I love Courfeyrac x Marius with my ENTIRE heart and it’s even fluffier subship MC2 (Marius x Courfeyrac x Cosette), because you want canonical random-roommates-to-friends-to-lovers?  THEY ARE IT.  I mean... “I HAVE COME TO SLEEP WITH YOU.”  “DIDN’T YOU HAVE AN INTIMATE FRIEND?”  EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO CRY IN A CORNER.  *sobs aggressively*  Anyway, my point is that Courfeyrac should have lived and become a happy part of the Marius x Cosette household and doted on their kids and been Uncle Courfeyrac who lives with us and sleeps in mom and dad’s room and it all would have been FINE, OK, FINE.  *more gross sobbing*
And probably the first ship I ever encountered in this fandom (apart from e/R) was Courfeyrac x Jehan and I have NO idea where it came from, but it was such a sweet little ship and I’m kind of sorry the fandom got oversaturated and caused people to run away from it.  I mean... JUST IMAGINE THE POTENTIAL THEATRE NERDERY.
...ok, i think that’s everyone?
OH.  I did read a REALLY hot Courfeyrac x Grantaire fic once that I was SUPER ready to get on board with (Ampelos in Paris by @et-in-arkadia) and kind of single-handedly convinced me they could work as a ship, too.
NOW I think that’s everyone.  Because JBM is a crowded little trio already and I hate to break them up.  And Bahorel... ok, no.  I could definitely see Courfeyrac x Bahohrel working.  Honestly for much the same reasons I could see Courfeyrac x Jehan working.  Romantics Unite!  XD  ANYWAY.  THAT REALLY IS EVERYONE, I THINK.
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
once again belated drarreckyninja’s top 50 ships of Sep 2022 [50. Onetopclick]
Fandom(s): One Topic at a Time x The Click
Pairing: One Topic x Click
Tumblr media
Incorrect Quote:
OT: Come over
Click: I can't, my car only has 3 wheels
OT: What? Do you have a tricycle
Click: ur supposed to say "but my parents aren't home"
OT: I was distracted by your tricycle
Click: Ok. Start over
OT: Come over
Click: I can't, my car only has 3 wheels
OT: What colour is your tricycle?
Click: Fuck u
Subship(s): N/A
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hmm nieyao?? curious to hear ur thoughts on it
Unfortunately I don't have many thoughts about it. I don't really like 3zun or its subships at all, honestly, with the exception of Xiyao (and even that's... complicated).
Why don’t you ship it?
Honestly? A not insignificant reason is that I just don't find Nie Mingjue very attractive. Big burly guys with mustaches are not my thing, and aesthetics/attractiveness is a factor in why I like ships. If there ever was a place to be shallow, it's in shipping *shrug*
Furthermore, I just... don't like Nie Mingjue very much - his worldview and ideological approach are pretty off-putting to me, and I find his conflict with Jin Guangyao to be not particularly appealing or juicy as a result.
Another factor here is that I just did not get a shippy vibe from them upon first watching CQL, and the insistence from shippers that this was the only way to read their scenes, and there's no heterosexual explanation for this, just kind of put me off it out of spite. I've never claimed to not be petty...
What would have made you like it?
I would probably have to like Nie Mingjue more, but that would require him to be a different character, and as such the ship would be different, so.... I got nothing.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Oh yeah! It's got a lot of crunchy potential, and lots of skewed, fucked-up power dynamics. And I do love a good ship in which one half of it murders the other. Just not this particular one.
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arlakos · 4 years
What your Favorite Miraculous Ladybug Ship says about you
Title is simple, im just gonna get started. No ships shall be spared and my mouth shall not be stopped, so yeah warning for those who are under 18 or otherwise don’t want their innocent minds peirced.
Also, considering there are many different reasons for shipping, im just gonna put them all in dot points as subtypes
Adrinette (Adrien X Marinette)
You are a Miraculous Ladybug fan 
You like keeping things canon and/or endgame
You are a Marinette stan
You hate the season 3 finale.
LadyNoir (Ladybug X Chat Noir)
Your ideal love dynamic is bantering with occasional puns. 
You probably think that Ladybug should treat Chat Noir better than she did in Reflekdoll.
You liked Oblivio.
You are an Adrien stan.
You hate the season 3 finale
MariChat (Marinette X Chat Noir)
You are a fan of the ‘Friends to Lovers’ trope
You want to be wooed by Cat Noir and his many puns.
Evilustrator is your favorite season 1 episode
You have an addiction for the dramatic irony of two people talking about the people they love, not realising that their love is right in front of them.
You hate the season 3 finale.
Ladrien (Ladybug X Adrien)
You have an addiction for two lovestruck dorks not being able to talk with eachother or make any proper sentences.
On the other end of the spectrum, you think Ladybug would be the domme in the relationship once they are older, and probably have discovered a fantasy of being tied up by Ladybugs yoyo.
You hate the season 3 finale
The Lovesquare(tm) (You know which one im talking about)
You like getting teased nonstop for 3 seasons straight by a garden gnome who can’t write relationships, so he hides behind 5 seasons worth of akumas so he doesn’t have to.
Any time that either of the ships are in the same frame doing something cute, your brain is screaming at the screen for the two of them to kiss.
You are a fan of Oblivio
You are also a fan of that sleeping pic in Startrain.
Oh yeah, you also hate the season 3 finale.
DJWifi (Alya x Nino)
You like the idea of two nerds hanging out together.
Your favorite season 1 episode is Animan.
If you like them more as heroes, you probably like the idea of the two fawning over eachother like they did in that Heroes Day special.
Even if you don’t particularly ship them, you ship them anyways because it makes for great fanfic ideas about post-reveal double dates with Adrinette.
AdriNino (Adrien X Nino)
You probably saw those memes about the two bros being all homoerotic with eachother and thought it would make a good writing prompt. For those who don’t know what I mean, here it is:
Tumblr media
Alyanette (Alya X Marinette)
Your a fan of two girlfriends hanging out together.
You may or may not ship Adrinino.
Based on the above point, you also think that an older Alya would make sexual innuendos when discussions ever turn to relationships, and Marinette would the innocent one who tells Alya to stop in embarrasment.
Ninette (Nino x Marinette)
On the light side of the salt spectrum (aka nonexistent) You think Nino’s crush on Marinette was cute AF in animan.
On the other side of the salt spectrum, you probably dislike Alya, or at least how much Alya has made Nino her side-dude and took away his main character rights (but i don’t blame you)
Alyadrien (Alya X Adrien)
You love Adrien, but  Marinette’s inability to speak to him drive’s you so frustrated that you pair Adrien with Alya because you think Adrien should have a relationship with someone he can Actually talk to. 
If its Rena Rouge and Chat Noir, you could also be interested in Chat Noir finding a new incredibly amazing person to crush on. Or just a superhero rebound. Who knows?
If you age up the characters, There’s a good chance you are incredibly horny. No seriously. I searched up the ship on AO3 and found that most to all of the fics I found on Alyadrien led to some smut story. If you like this ship and go on AO3, you can only be horny. Only exception applies to the next ship
If you ship the two of them as civilians, you have either have an interest in Cheating, or the idea of Alya stealing Adrien from Marinette ‘just because’. If you ship the two of them as heroes, you like the idea of them have a ‘friends with benefits’ style relationship where after a night of partrol they sneak off to romp.
Alya X Marinette X Adrien X Nino
You are bisexual
You love the Entire Miraculous Nerd gang.
You have a love for non canon gay ships, but also a strong love for canon straight ships, and it tears your heart to have to choose, so you just decided to ship them all together, so everyone is happy.
You could also be horny for this ship as well if you age them up, but you could also have a desire for fluff between four people
Lukanette (Luka X Marinette)
You have an intrest for men who play guitars.
You are a fan of Luka
You are a fan of people with blue hair.
You think Marinette should move on from Adrien if she can’t even talk to him.
Inversely, you ship Adrien with someone else and just decided to ship Mari with Luka as to not be called a Marinette hater.
If you are one of the people who are still salty over Chameleon, theres a good to honest chance you ship these two because you think Luka is the ‘better Adrien’. Also you probably think Adrien is an asshole for Loving Ladybug but not loving Marinette.
Lukadrien (Luka x Adrien)
TWO OPTIONS. Either A, you have a crippling addiction to Yaoi and like the ending of Captain Hardrock, or B, you are someone like me who has a liking for the Idea of Luka swooning Adrien right in front of Marinette while she stands there gobsmacked.
If your B, this can be either for humorous reasons, romanctic reasons, or both.
Also this commercial (Watch the end and you’ll know what I mean)
Adrigami (Adrien X Kagami)
You cannot stand Marinette’s inability to talk to Adrien, or her stalkerish tendencies. PERIOD.
You think Adrien should move on from Ladybug and be happy, but you definetely think it should NOT be Marinette for reasons above.
You have an addiction for two people that fight eachother in combat, but also love eachother. (And also want to screw each other)
You like bluenettes, but you also like Dommes.
You are a fan of the season 3 finale
Kagaminette (Kagami X Marinette)
You REALLY love bluenettes, so you say to yourself ‘I want more!’
There’s a good to honest Chance that you also ship Lukadrien, regardless of whether its romantic or not.
If its not for romantic reasons, you probably like the same idea as Lukadrien, but from the other side of the gender spectrum.
You really like those anime stories where one person is up against the wall and their prime rival/future significant other just aims their sword at their neck and using the flat end of the blade to lift the others head up.
You are probably a fan of the Ikari Gozen episode.
You probably thought that Kagami should have gotten the icecream with Marinette in heart Hunter
Lukagami (Luka x Kagami)
You gotten attached to both Luka and Kagami, but you are REALLY attached to the Adrienette ship, so you pair these two together so that they don’t feel lonely.
Actually, you dont really have to care about them personally, but you still ship them because you hate the idea of someone losing in a relationship triangle.
Adrigaminette (Adrien X Kagami X Marinette)
The reason for shipping this three is the same as Alya x Nino X Adrien X Marinette, but you either thing Nino and Alya are fine on their own, and think that all three of the aformentioned characters are too sweet to think that any of them deserved to lose in the relationship. And that is perfectly fine :)
Alternatively, you could be a Chameleon salter who is still mad at the class, but considering you ship these 3, you probably aren’t as salty as other people in the fandom, and just want some actually fluffy romance.
AdriLukaMari (Adrien X Luka X Marinette)
Love triangles. Just love triangles. And one that actually has more than 2 people so its actually more angsty.
Alternatively, if you ship all 3 of them aged up, you probably think Adrien is a bottom in the bed  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Also alternatively, your fantasy is probably being swooned by two boys after your heart, but you are also a part BL fangirl.
Lukagaminette (Luka X Kagami X Marinette)
You are a Chameleon Salter, but you also probably hate Adrien, and by extension Chat Noir, and are probably one of the biggest salters that give the fandom its salty rep.
You absolutely go one AO3 to ONLY read salt fics where Lila gets exposed and defeated.
You probably read fics about Chat Noir being a stalker because you think flirting = SEXUAL HARRASMENT! You give Kudos for fics that either ‘make Chat Noir pay’ or take Adriens ring from him.
On that last note, guess who becomes the better Chat Noir?! (I am being sarcastic as hell, and of course its probably Luka)
You also hate the class and want them to either suffer, or apologise for hurting the ‘amazing, wonderful godess that is Marinette’ and kiss her feet like the dogs they are.
You probably have tunnel vision on Chameleon, and have failed to notice that aside from a that one episode, Lila hasnt impacted the show as much as you think she has in your fanfic.
You probably dont even ship Lukagaminette, because to be fair nobody ship this particular 3-pair, unless its one of the subships
You may also realized I tricked you, but I couldn’t exactly create a Salter X Salt ship, OC ships don’t count.
...Actually, there is one actual reason for liking this ship...BLUENETTES GALORE!!!
Lukadrigaminette (Luka X Adrien x Kagami X Marinette)
This is one of two things, either its the same reason as Alya X Marinette X Adrien X Nino where you just want all of them to be happy, or you are an ABSOLUTE SALTER who hates pretty much everything in the show (except Adrien) and so resorts to MAXIMUM FLUFF. You are tired of the Chameleon episode and Marinette not being treated right, tired of Adrien being treated wrong by his Father and possibly the show writers, tired of people fighting over the lovesquare (tm) and the alternate Kagmi/Luka ships, so you just ship these 4 lovable bastards and keep everyone else away from them. Fuck the class, Fuck Gabriel, Fuck Lila, fuck everyone else in the show, you want some damn happy fluff so you take these 4 and put them in the happy bubble away from the troubles of the fandom. You are the biggest salter out there, but are also the best kind of salter who wants fluff and does not give a damn.
Chloedrien (Chloe x Adrien)
Lol no XD. Nobody ships this.
But if you do like the characters, you probably think they are close as siblings.
Chloenette (Chloe X Marinette)
You used to be a Drarry fanboy/fangirl if you were a book lover, or a Sasunaru fanboy/fangirl if you are a weeb.
You are a fan of the enemies to Lovers trope
You probably want Chloe to have a proper character development.
This clip:
Nathanette (Nathaniel x Marinette)
You believe the show has gone down since season 1.
Evilustrator is your special ep.
You keep away from the fandom because you do not want to be involved with the war between the Chloethaniel shippers and the Marcaniel shippers.
Chloethaniel (Chloe X Nathaniel)
You also think Chloe should have a proper character development, but you are also heterosexual.
You think the show has been going down since season 1.
You are probably in a secret guerrilla war with the perople who ship Marc X Nathaniel.
Chloebrina (Chloe X Sabrina)
You have an addiction for alpha bitch girls.
If you age them up, you have a secret interest in BDSM that you haven’t told anyone about.
You think that whoever is the domme is depending on how drunk an aged up Chloe is before the start of your fic.
There is a good to honest chance that you probably ship them with actual fluff and that Sabrina has a secret crush on Chloe, which is the reason you believe that Sabrina sticks by her side.
But in most fanfics where there are multiple pairings, chances are you don’t pay all that much attention to it unless its the main focus of the story.
Sabrina X anyone else
You think Sabrina deserves better.
You also hate Chloe, or you don’t, but think that Chloe and Sabrina’s relationship is unhealthy and that they should see other people.
Lukloe (Luka x Chloe)
That one comment from Chloe in Miracle Queen has been the basis of your entire ship, actual character interactions be damned.
Also, you probably think Chloe needs calming guitar guy to counteract her alpha-bitch attitude.
Your name is DEFINETELY NOT @zoe-oneesama​, if your tumblr posts are anything to go by.
Julerose (Juleka X Rose)
You like keeping things canon - but not really because nothing has ACTUALLY been declared yet, just teases. But still.
You hate Princess Fragrance because of Prince Ali, and your favorite episode is likely Zombizou because kissou~
If you are part of the salt-dom. you regularly go and find people who dont ship Juleka and Rose together and send them rude messages because apparently ‘their sexist’.
AliRose (Prince Ali x Rose)
You haven’t watched Miraculous past season 1, or believe the show has been going down since then. Though really I don’t blame you.
There’s a good to honest chance that you don’t REALLY ship the two, and moreso just have them be the biggest BFF’s who are inspired by eachothers kindness and are probably pen pals with one another, because shipping people as best friends has been a thing. Good luck explaining that to the Julerose fans who keep sending death threats when they are not reblogging Julerose fanart!
Kimix (Kim x Alix)
You are a sucker for atheletes.
You are a fan of the Rivals to Lovers trope.
You believe in the inherent eroticism of daredevils who dont back down from dares.
Kimmax (Kim x Max)
You believe the school tropes about jocks bullying nerds is highly overrated, and seeing these two for the first time made you smile and ship them immediately.
You believe in the inherent eroticsm of opposites attract
Alix x Kim x Max
You like both ships a lot, and considering they don’t cause fandom wars like other CERTAIN ships in the fanom, you just quietly 3 pair this trio while other shippers throw salt and insults at eachother.
Ivan x Mylene
Everyone ships these two, but if you are one of the people who consideres them the OTP, you are probably just here for somewholesome side characters.
Marcaniel (Nathaniel x Marc)
You believe that Season 2 was the greatest thing to happen to the show in terms of the new characters it introduced.
Reverser is your favorite episode.
You are probably in a secret guerrilla war with the perople who ship Chloe X Nathaniel.
You believe in the inherent eroticism of two boys in love, and both of them are bottoms.
Kimette (Kim x Marinette)
Your name is @lunian​, your ship came out of nowhere, I am confused on what reason you shipped the two together, but I love it anyways. Keep up the good work.
GabeNath (Gabriel x Nathalie)
Either you think Nathalie’s love for Gabriel is beautiful in a tragic sort of way, or you think most of the show’s problems could have been avoided if Gabriel moved on.
Like Nathalie, you are probably attracted of Gabriels best quality... his extensive prebattle and post battle monologues.
Chlogami (Chloe X Kagami)
You believe in the inherent eroticism of deep hatred.
You ship Chlonette, but you want people who are actually at eachothers throats instead of snarky banter.
You believe the minute Kagami told Chloe to essentially piss off, Chloe should have kissed her right then and there.
Also the same video from Chlonette could be applied here.
Marinette x Entire Class
You are a diehard Marinette stan, and you have an addiction for harem fics.
There’s a good to honest chance you ship this because your one of those rare few people who try to ship every possible ship (without delving into the WTF-ships). 
Alternatively, you have a thing for psychopathic lesbians.
Liladrien (Lila x Adrien)
You may be one of those people who ship Volpina X Chat Noir back in season 1. I mean, its nearly nonexistent, but I’ve seen some comics.
However, you are most likely someone like me, waiting for the day that a bunch of us are able to find eachother and group up together to form the ulimate group of evil, and when the time is right, we post so much Lila x Adrien stuff on the Miraculous Ladybug tag that it will cause the fandom to burst into flames as all the Marinette stans foam at the mouth and collapse in sheer anger, shock and fear of our combined terrifying might.
If you don’t know what I mean yet...er...I mean if you ship Lila x Adrien, you are a massive troll. Or you really hate Marinette’s stalker behaviour and want to see her suffer. Probably both.
Adrichat (Adrien X Chat Noir)
Your name is @buggachat​, and you are the Destroyer of Logic and Bringer of Fandom Chaos.
EDIT: Forgot a ship
Kimdine (Kim x Ondine)
You just wanted good things for Ondine.
You also wanted good things for Kim, and probably hated the way Chloe treated him in Dark Cupid.
Syren is YOUR episode.
You’re probably waiting for someone to create a fanfic of Roi Singe saving Ondine from an akuma.
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