#my sweet boy so deprived of sunshine
whoisnotmyname · 10 months
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adding more full plate to the plate armor bc i love it and the big belt+skirt combo felt really lackluster on this armor. also some natural lighting bc act 2 is is making him wilt :((
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fanfics-with-coffee · 1 month
To be kind, To be a fool
This has only been proofread and edited by a sleep deprived me sooooo, I also wrote it in a daze from 1AM to 6AM. I'm back in my Baldurs Gate 3 hole and I've been so very inspired from so many other fanfic writers I got back on this blog
You did it, you saved the prisoners from Moonrise Towers and everybody is back, safe and sound at least for tonight. You and Astarion are holding back from the festivities, instead talking about your act of heroism and why you do it. You say you choose to be kind for who else will, he says you're choosing to be a fool for what else is kindness if not foolish.
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort Pairing: Astarion x reader Words: 4400
Its doubtful if Last Light Inn had been quite so lively as when you returned in the raggedy old boat with the prisoners from Moonrise Towers. Once they had been cleared, everyone had ran to their loved ones or simply rejoiced in the warmth of the fire, ever burning away the darkness that threatened to creep inside any crevice it could get it's cold claws into. And of course they soothed their dry throats with the little wine and ale that was left behind when the shadow curse had blanketed the land. The two boys manning the bar were running around relentlessly, trying their best to fill every empty goblet and mug they could spot, leaving no one without a drink. It’d probably only be hours before Jaheira had to call it a night so they wouldn’t run out of the little liquid joy they had left. But until then, the celebrations were loud and proud.
For a moment, things were bright, despite the dark sky. 
“What a ruckus, you could almost think that Lathander himself had been in attendance.” Astarion mused, one hand gracefully swirling a glass of wine while the other rested on his upper arm. He was leaning against the wall beside you in a corner of the inn that hadn’t been filled with people. Not that it was difficult, even with the prisoners free it was barely enough to fill the tables and chairs. You smiled, watching the tieflings try to catch up after the devastating nights apart. 
“If Lathander was here, I think there’d be a lot more dancing on tables and a lot more wine.”
“True… And a lot more fucking.” Astarion replied with that signature cheeky smile he always pulls when he’s said something salacious or teasing. You couldn’t help but laugh at his comment, nodding along to his line of thought. He wasn’t wrong. 
“You’re probably right. Well at least we could let these people see another dawn, I think in a sense maybe Lathander really is here.” You pull your eyes from the happy faces and let them reflect in your mug of ale before downing another mouthful of it. The smooth, delicate taste of honey coats your tastebuds and leaves a pleasant warmth in your stomach.
“I didn’t take you for the god honoring type, you know? Besides, these people didn’t need Lathander, they had their own little ray of sunshine coming to their rescue anyways. Our own little goody-two-shoe altruist in shining armor.” He teases you, reminding you that there weren’t any gods in the belly of Moonrise Towers. Yet beneath the lighthearted tone you detected something else, a familiar bitterness and disapproval that he had given you before. That he gave you whenever you did something ‘too nice’, ‘too self sacrificing’ or ‘too cheaply’. You had long ago started ignoring it, instead taking it as a sign you probably did the right thing.
“Mmmh, mayhaps. I mean we were there anyways, and I wouldn’t have wanted to be left there to the Absolutists if I was stuck either.” You give him an answer you know he’ll hate and you made sure to slather some extra kindness in there as well just to really make a point. “And I find enough reward in watching these people.”
Astarion rolls his eyes hard enough you worry they’re gonna get stuck to the back of his head. You watch him, unable to hold in a laugh as he pretends to vomit from how ‘disgustingly sweet’ you are. You don’t say anything for a moment as he lets his eyes roam the room, the soft light of the torches reflecting upon his white locks of hair. You can see the disgust in his eyes as he watches them, and you could only guess as to why he felt so strongly about your acts of kindness. 
“I can’t wait to see the day you realize that none of these people would do the same for you… When someone betrays your kindness and I can stand there and laugh, telling you ‘I told you so’.”
He says it nonchalantly, as if it’s a fact. He let’s his own hatred for the world seep through every syllable yet he hides it behind a face that says he doesn’t care. You expected comments like this to come from him, you expected resistance to helping the helpless. Yet something about his words right now makes your chest tighten in anger, the notion that you were simply too stupid to realize that not everyone was kind. That he was maybe smarter and more experienced than you for seeing the cruelness in the world. You turn sharply to face him, slamming your mug down a little too harshly on a table close by. Astarions eyes meet yours, he never expected you to react like this, you had never before raised your voice at him. The air has grown tense. 
“Astarion, I am kind. I am not a fool, and you should do well to remember that there is a difference.” Your words are sharp yet you’re thankful no one else has seemed to notice you two. “I know that people will hurt me, and betray me. That people will not always do the same as I would’ve done. But if I don’t help, then who will? I have the power to make a change and I’ve chosen to use that power. You don’t have to agree, but you’re not allowed to tell me that I am wrong for deciding to be kind.”
He can see the hurt in your eyes as you correct him. That it’s not a question about your own navïte making you help others, but the fact you put conscious effort into being kind, despite the risk it has. Cold, uncomfortable embarrassment washes over him like ice water. A feeling he despises and so he sets it alight with anger instead, feeling himself burn with it as he finds himself again. His fingers clench around the half empty glass of wine he continues to hold onto. Thoughts swirl around in his head, trying to find the ones that will hurt the most, a painful payback for embarrassing him.
“And pray tell what is the difference? You waste not just your own time helping these idiots, but ours too. We were here to find a cure, yet all we’ve done is listen to sob stories and rescue people who will most likely die on the road to Baldurs Gate anyways. What kind of fool would waste so much energy and time on things that will lead to the exact same result anyways, I believe that’s actually what people call insanity.” He makes himself appear taller as he pushes himself off the wall and stands in front of you, scowling as he meets your gaze. 
How dare you tell him that he’s wrong? After 200 years of cruel torment and nights spent around people who could not give less of a shit about him, you’re telling him there’s people out there that care? And if so then it’s even worse, because that would mean no one simply knew he was in pain. Was Astarions own torment not enough for people to even notice?
No, he knows what he went through. No one cares about others' torment unless there’s something in it for them, even if just so they could feel a little better about themselves and comes at no expense of theirs. It’s always just about ourselves, Astarion just skips the other steps and puts himself first. Why could you just not do the same? Why did you have to go out of your way for anyone else?
“Fine, call me a fool. Insane, även. Say what you want about me, Astarion, but I will always choose to be kind. I’m sorry no one made that choice for you before, I am. B-”
“Do not tell me about kindness, y/n, there is no altruistic kindness like the one you speak of it’s a performance people put on for others.” His words are cold and sharp, they bite into your heart in much the same way his teeth pierce your skin. Painful. “We should all put ourselves first, it’s what everyone wants to do anyways! Skip the damn pleasantries and just be honest about it at the very least. I’m tired of having to look beyond the kindness just to see their true intentions.”
He’s rambling without thinking, remembering all the kind words and touches he’s received just because someone wanted to get in his pants. All the faux acts of kindness he watched Cazador perform so he could get what he wanted, or even just to make sure whatever cruel act he had in mind would hurt even more. All the nights in the beginning where he debated how he could save a victim, just to realize he’d get nothing but pain in return. The kind acts he himself performed in hopes of receiving something kind in return. 
The way he seduced you just to make sure he had safe passage to Baldurs Gate, to a cure. 
You were left speechless, caught off-guard by the outburst of emotions. You knew he was selfish but this was rooted deeper and maybe you should’ve realized when he had finally told you about Cazador and his ‘siblings’. You clenched your hands, trying to find something to refute his points. To prove him wrong. Yet you have nothing of worth to sooth his pain. He sees your hesitations and assumes he’s finally gotten through to you, he’s won. His red eyes leave yours to once again look at the others smiling faces, not wanting you to see the disappointment grow in him as he realizes he was right.
“So you’ve never been kind just to be kind?”
“No. Never.”
He rakes a hand through his hair, letting the motion tilt his head back as he finally raises his glass of wine, downing the rest of it. The sudden action makes the glass flow over the corners of his mouth and the deep red liquid coats his chin and drips down on his chest, staining the white fabric of his shirt. It bleeds into the criss-cross stitching and travels further down before he has time to react. 
You gasp and grab an old handkerchief stuffed in your pocket, quickly moving to try and save his favorite shirt. It's instinctual, thoughtless. Even when you’re mad at him and even though he’s furious at you, you try to help him. As soon as the cloth touches him, shame spreads like a disease through him, regret taking root in his chest somewhere where his beating heart should’ve been. 
He hates it.
“Don’t touch me.” He bites back, snatching the handkerchief from your hand to do the job himself. You instantly step back, putting your hands up to make sure you give him space.
“Tsk, I’m going to bed. Good night, y/n.” He’s aggressively dabbing at the stain as he starts walking away, trying to soak up as much as possible but it’s clear it's a useless endeavor, it will forever remain stained.
“Astarion!” You call out to him before he gets too far and he stops momentarily, turning to finally look at you. 
He’s met with pity reflecting off of your eyes in the lowly lit room. 
He hates it.
You say something else but suddenly the sounds of the celebrations drown out whatever it was. He doesn’t even try to listen and simply turns around to find the room that he had been given as a thank you from Jaheira. He didn’t need your pity, he didn’t tell you about his past because he wanted your pity, anyone would feel pity for him if he told them what had happened to him. He wanted you to… care. Foolishly, he wanted you to care about him, about what had happened to him. He wanted you to listen to his issues and maybe, just maybe, you’d want to help him like you helped everyone else around you. And maybe you’d do something without asking for anything in return. 
Yet tonight, he reminded himself that no such thing as true kindness existed. And to expect you to care about him despite who he was at his core was foolish itself. Your kindness came at a cost he hadn’t even thought about; You expected him to change in return for your kindness. He was mean, he was selfish and he wouldn’t let you change him for anything.
He turns to close the door to the room he was staying in, the feeling of his shirt clinging to his chest uncomfortable and wet. Astarions eyes find you in the same corner he left you, yet your eyes didn’t meet. Gale and Karlach had come up to you, pulling your attention to them. You had quickly started smiling and laughing again, one hand on Karlachs shoulder in a calming manner. 
Why had he even let himself hope that you would follow after him?
He closed the door.
The hours dragged on, the darkness in the Shadowlands making day and night nearly indistinguishable. The only thing that made time feel real was the ever waning torches, slowly burning out. And while you felt like it must’ve been a fortnight of drinking, laughing and talking, it can’t actually have been more than three hours based on how many torches had already burned out and been replaced. You had been convinced to join Karlach by the grill, Wyll telling stories of his time as the Blade of Frontiers in the soft glow. You listened and laughed, at points discussing the actual validity of these stories. But in the back of your mind, you couldn’t let the thought of Astarion go. He hadn’t left the room he was staying in, all alone in there, perhaps still trying to clean the shirt he always seemed to wear. 
As people finally sated themselves and found their companions, the celebrations died down to  a quiet mumble amongst those unable to sleep. The children had long ago been told to head to bed, only occasionally peeking their heads out from the dorm or coming out to ask for a late night snack. Jaheira herself had taken over the bartending but was now stuck pleasantly talking with some fists that had sat down after their patrol shift. Even most of your companions had headed to bed, either in the dorm or at camp depending on their preference, Astarion had specifically called dibs on the single private room. 
“Well, I think it’s best I call it a night as well!” Karlach stood up and stretched her muscular arms over her head. “You should do the same, soldier, can’t have our tactician getting sloppy!” She smiled at you, expectantly putting her hands on her hips as she waited for you to stand up and walk with her.
“Oh, I think I’m going to stay up just a little more. I’m sorta enjoying the quiet murmur in here, and I haven’t really had the time to speak with Jaheira since we came back.” You lied, trying to give her a convincing smile. But you couldn’t hold her eyes with yours, instead turning your head to watch the door to Astarions room, trying to make it look casual. 
“Riiight… You know, I don’t know what’s going on between you and fangs but I wouldn’t take anything he says to heart. He’s sorta dumber than he wants us to think, so whatever he told you… Eh well, I dunno, I’m not the smartest myself.” She laughs at herself, the alcohol having had an effect on her after quite a few bottles. “But I am the strongest! So if he needs  a good assbeating then I’m here for ya. I know he can say some pretty rude stuff at times even if he doesn’t mean it. What is it people say? Hurt people, hurt people?”
“You’re right Karlach...” You smile at her, she may say that she’s not smart but she knows people better than most. “But it’s fine between me and Astarion, we just had a disagreement but it’s nothing to worry about, I don’t think. Though I know an assbeating wouldn’t help, but I appreciate the offer.”
“Well if you say so, soldier! I’ll see you in the morning then I guess.” She gives you a hard pat on your back before leaving, yawning loudly as she walks towards the dorm room, softly ‘shoo’-ing another tiefling child back into the room.
You spend some time just watching the embers of the firepit burn, feeling the heat hitting your face in waves and drying out your lips. You drink the last of the wine in your cup and lick your lips, standing from the stool to leave the empty cup at the bar. Your eyes find the wooden door again and you spend a long moment debating if it’s a good idea. Facing Astarion right now would be awkward and draining, it would even risk you two blowing up at each other again. Yet you know he was hurt, that much was obvious.
The knock is soft and you’re uncertain if he could even hear it over the sound of the fireplace in the room. You consider that maybe he had gone to bed in the end, it had been hours since you saw him after all. 
“Astarion? Can I come in?” You call out softly, afraid to wake him if he was in trance but wanting to give it at least one more shot before you give up. It takes a moment but suddenly the door opens ever so slightly, just enough to let you know it was open but not enough to see him in the doorway. You take that as a ‘yes’ and carefully push it open further. You hadn’t even heard his footsteps come to the door nor leave, yet when you slip through the crack of the door he’s sitting on the bed. The room is dark, long shadows being cast from the dying fire. The moon lights up his pale skin and even paler hair, reflecting off of him as a glow. His legs are crossed and he’s leaned back on his hands, his chest exposed. He looks as if he’s made of marble, his chest doesn’t even move with breaths as you watch him, a quirk of his vampirism you’ve realized. You make sure to close the door behind you, never turning away. 
Neither of you say anything. There’s a book open  next to him on the bed, it’s the sequel of some book he had picked up early on in your adventure. You had gotten the sequel for him after he expressed his enjoyment for the first one, it had cost you a gold but it was worth it. You stare at it, unwilling to meet his gaze directly. Yet his is firmly placed on you, indifferent and icy.
“Well? Were you just here to get your handkerchief back or did you want something?” He spoke first, raising an eyebrow.
“...Is it as good as the first book?” You ask, finally looking him in the eyes. He furrows his brows before he looks at the book next to him, realizing what you meant.
“It’s decent. I liked the twist in the first book so it has a lot to live up to, but it’s an enjoyable read. But I’m sure you’re not here for some midnight book club so out with it. What do you want?” He’s clearly pushing you away, but the fact that he opened the door when he heard it was you must mean he’s willing to listen.
“I wanted to come see how you were doing. Did you manage to get the stain out of your shirt?”
“I’m fine, thank you. And no, I did not, I will have to try to find someone who knows prestidigitation to get it out, I believe. Now if you excuse me, I’d quite like to get back to my bo-” He’s about to pick his book back up, clearly done with the conversation if you weren’t going to get to any point.
“I also wanted to apologize.” 
He raises an eyebrow and looks at you, giving you his full attention and newfound interest in the conversation.
“I snapped at you, and while I don’t think I was in the wrong for doing that-” He rolls his eyes, making it clear he disagrees with you but he lets you keep talking. “I shouldn’t have made it sound like being kind was an effortless choice and that you always can and should choose. It’s not easy every single time. So I’m sorry.” You try to gauge his reaction, see if he gives you any sort of response. He doesn’t at first, his face difficult to make out in the drastic lighting. The distance between you may only be a couple meters but right now you feel like there's kingdoms between you.
“...You say that yet you make it seem so damn easy. You never question why someone needs help, if it’s their own fault for getting themselves in that situation. You never assume people have any other intentions than what they tell you up front. You’re kind as effortlessly as some breathe.” He spits out the words as if they’re venom, once again speaking as if he believes you’re a fool. “Even to me, you’re kind. You ask me about my wounds, if I like the books I read, if I’m comfortable, where I learned to sew… I thought you were just trying to get in my bed at first, something I’m used to. I’ve given my body to countless ‘kind souls’, but now I’ve realized you just want me to be another victim you saved. Another person you’ve fixed. So you can play hero and get all the love and praise that entails. ‘Hero of Faerûn saves poor vampire spawn! Look at this poor sucker!’” He uses his hands to show off the fake headlines.
“Pun intended.” There's a sarcastic smile on his face as he stands up, grabbing your bloodied and wine stained handkerchief from the bed table before approaching you.
“That’s not why I did those things, Astarion, please. I care about you, just liste-”
“Well jokes on you, your kindness has been wasted on me. I’ve used you for my own gain, you know?” He throws your handkerchief against your chest, forcing you to clutch it so as to not let it fall. “I played with you just as easily as any other poor fool I’d find in Baldurs Gate’s whorehouses. You were ridiculously easy, just a few kind words and charming smiles and you were wrapped around my finger! Not that I blame you, have you seen me? I’m hard to resist. But it’s time to drop the pleasantries, the kindness, you’ve just been a tool for me to find a way to survive and I’ve just been another notch in your belt. But I am not another helpless pawn for you to feel good about ‘fixing’. I am pessimistic, I am selfish, I am merciless and I am cruel, and you won’t ever be able to change that.” He finally finishes his monologue, still forgetting to mimic the act of breathing as he stands before you in eerie silence. There’s a sense of vulnerability within his eyes despite his posture. Like a cornered animal lashing out in a desperate attempt to be left alone, to not be hurt.
You’re standing close to him now, mere decimeters away from each other's bodies. Yours heated and warm and his forever cold to the touch. You move slowly when you finally decide what you want to say, what you need him to realize. His eyes notice your hand raising and he tenses up even further, preparing him for what? He’s not sure. Then your hand reaches his face, softly cupping his cheek with your palm. Your heat exchanges with his, your hand slowly warming his skin while yours cools to the touch. He’s in shock, unable to say or do anything, just watching your face to try and read what your intentions are.
“I’ve tried to tell you, even before you went in here. I will always choose to be kind to you, Astarion, just as you are.”
He finally sucks in air, his lips parting to make sure his lungs fill fully and it’s as if it's his first breath since he died in that alley. That’s what you had tried to tell him before he left. You smile, moving your hand to brush a strand of his hair out of his face, observing his features. The dark, angry and nearly sadistic expression he carried before when he was trying to hurt you has washed away, leaving only the face of a lost young man standing before you. Eyes wide and mouth agape as you fully brushed off all the cruel things he said to you. Could he do nothing to scare you away, force you to back off? Keep you locked out of his heart?
He closes his mouth finally, eyes cast down to the floor as shame once again flowers in his chest, the thorns digging into every nerve.
“Even when I make it a difficult choice?” He asks quietly, shyly.
“Yes, even when it’s a difficult choice. But I don’t find it difficult to care for you Astarion. If you let me… I wouldn’t even find it difficult to love you.” You laugh a little, the question was silly to you after all. 
“You really are a fool.” A smile forms on his lips, the smile lines you’ve always adored finally showing themselves and his eyes as softening. He could never understand you, you’d never make sense to him. No matter how many times he thinks he has you pegged, you always go over and beyond his expectations. And once he thinks you’ve reached your limit on kindness, he finds a little more, even for a monster like him. His hands, which had consistently remained at his sides until now, moved up to find your hips. Astarion pulled you in closer to him, soaking in your heat and digging his head into the crook of your neck. You can’t help but laugh again, loud and happy, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him even closer to you.
“I will always be kind, even if it does make me a fool.”
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౨ৎ good morning ౨ৎ
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summary: reader and bucky are very much in love and have their morning routine down to a tee. bucky manhandles the reader a lot but not in a weird way, just in an "i love you and can't live without you" kinda way.
warning: fluffffff (bucky and reader are EXTREMELY in love and love to show it)
wc: 1.8k
pairing: domestic!bucky x reader
a/n: I wrote this between the hours of 11PM-1AM when i was feeling especially psychotic. I am so sleep deprived I’m sorry. But I just came up with this sweet little scenario and had to write it down. This is why I shouldn’t be allowed to daydream.
You opened your eyes, groaning as soft sunlight filtered through your open blinds. You tried remembering the dream you had just abruptly woken up from. Something about a tall, muscular, brown-haired man. The man of your dreams. The man whose arms were now around you from behind, caging you to his warm chest.
You turned around to find Bucky gently stirring in the light of the sunrise. You reached your arms out around his shoulders as he slowly blinked his eyes open. You were both morning people and were glad for it because it meant the two of you were in sync. Neither of you got much sleep, what with Bucky being plagued by his nightmares and you by your insomnia. However, you were in it together, making hell sightly more endurable.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he mumbled with a sweet smile, burying his face in your chest. You squirmed slightly in his arms as his thick beard scratched your chest. You were coming to like his grown-out facial hair. It made him look like a soft teddy bear rather than a violently beautiful Greek god. Yes, you quite preferred this look to his freshly shaven one with his chiseled cheekbones and jawline of steel on full display. With his beard, he looked somewhat more approachable, more domestic, and more lovable than ferociously intimidating.
“Good morning, my moonlight,” you whispered. He was the moonlight to your sunshine, the darkness to your light. He complimented you so perfectly that it sometimes made you want to cry.
Bucky interrupted your thoughts by pulling your body on top of his. “Mmh, I love you so much,” his voice was slightly muffled as his face was still smushed against your chest, and he wrapped his thick arms around your back, securing you in place on top of him.
“I love you too, baby boy,” you combed your fingers through his hair. It was much shorter than it used to be, but it was starting to grow out like his beard. You were not complaining, however. The long summer days the two of you spent swimming in the pool caused his hair to curl at the ends, and it was a lighter shade of brown now than it was during the colder months.
“Wanna stay here with you forever,” Bucky mumbled into your chest, peppering sweet kisses to your neck and jawline before lazily moving his lips all over your face.
“C’mon, Bucky, you say this every morning,” you giggled. “We gotta get up soon, bubs. We have things to do and people to see.” You pushed his face away, scrunching your nose when you caught a whiff of his morning breath.
“They can wait,” he muttered, half-heartedly batting his arm at the air like a petulant child. You almost giggled but caught yourself. You couldn’t encourage him on like this. You actually did have a lot of errands to run later in the day and a long to-do list to accomplish. While you wanted nothing more than to indulge Bucky (because, duh, why would you want to do anything but lay here in your soft bed, basking in the morning light with the man you loved), you knew you needed to be an adult and put your responsibilities first if you wanted to prevent your life from falling apart. You decided to give him ten more minutes. After that, you would force yourself to get up.
You almost fell back asleep, tangled up in his arms. In fact, you probably would have if it hadn’t been for your grumbling stomach. You were past the point in your relationship where this embarrassed you. In fact, you were grateful to your stomach for choosing to be so loud because otherwise, you might not have gotten out of bed all day.
But before you could leap out of bed and berate Bucky for almost making you fall asleep again, he leaped up, carrying you like a child. Of course, he would get up when you were in danger of being hungry. “Can’t let my pretty doll starve, now can I?” he smirked down at you.
“Barnes, you have five seconds to put me down!”
“Five, four, three, two…,” Bucky ran into your shared bathroom, clutching you in his arms like you were a football. “…one! Touchdown!” he plopped you down on the toilet’s closed lid, holding onto your shoulders for balance as he let out a belly laugh.
“I hate you,” but you were smiling a mile wide even as you said it.
“Aw, that’s too bad, doll,” Bucky fake-pouted at you, backing away out of the bathroom. “Because I lava you very very much.” He said the last part in his silliest baby voice, scrunching up his face to give you air kisses as he turned to leave.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help grinning like you had won the lottery. Truthfully, you had won the lottery because if wealth was measured in happiness, you were ecstatic, floating above everyone else. It was the same silly routine every morning, with Bucky forcing you to cuddle him in bed for at least a half hour and then bolting up with you in his arms whenever your stomach grumbled. He knew you were grumpy when you didn’t have any food in you, so he started on breakfast when you got ready in the bathroom. When you offered to switch roles, he said this was optimal since you liked to brush your teeth before breakfast, and he brushed his teeth after. Your heart melted at the memory. Your boyfriend got your breakfast ready for you when you came downstairs. Every single morning, without fail. It was the little things that made you fall in love over and over.
You finished your skincare routine and headed downstairs to find the same scene as every morning: Bucky with a kitchen towel over one shoulder, plating whatever he made for breakfast. Today, he had made a fluffy stack of pancakes and scrambled eggs. He had even gone the extra mile to put spinach and chopped tomatoes in the eggs and had added fresh berries and banana slices on top of the pancakes. The sight of the sticky sweet syrup oozing down the sides of them was enough to make your mouth water.
You snuck up behind him and snaked your arms around his torso. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” you punctuated each one with a kiss to his shoulder blades and neck. “Did I tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life?”
“Only about a HUNDRED TIMES A DAY,” he turned around quickly in your arms, grabbing you under the thighs to lift you up. He clasped his arms together, forming a sort of seat in midair. You threw your arms around his shoulders and crashed your lips onto his, melting into him, his pillowy lips warm on yours.
You barely noticed that he had backed into the fridge until you felt the cool metal against your back through Bucky’s thin cotton T-shirt. You continued kissing him voraciously and suddenly remembered Tony scarfing down a Burger King cheeseburger when he had returned from his brief kidnapping in the desert.
You broke away laughing at the mental comparison you made of yourself kissing Bucky to Tony when he was starving after being in the desert.
“Whatcha laughin’ at doll?” Bucky panted, a slight smile creeping onto his lips.
“Oh, nothing,” you panted back. “Just shut up and kiss me.” You were back to business, your lips back on his, feeling like a dog deprived of its bone. Bucky opened the refrigerator door, never once breaking the kiss. You kept your eyes closed, one hand still raking through his soft hair as you used the other to grab the milk carton from the door. You secured it in your hand without faltering, then brought your hand back to rest against his shoulder blade as Bucky shut the door and walked you back over to the counter. Once you safely sat down, you pulled away, gasping for air, desperate as a fish out of water for more of him. His hands were on your hips, his name was on your lips, over and over again like your only prayer.
Bucky grabbed his mug of coffee from where he had left it in the coffee machine and brought it to where you sat, a bright smile adorning his face. You returned the grin and poured a smidge of milk into his cup. When you had first started living together, you were aghast to find that Bucky drank his coffee black without a single drop of milk or spoon of sugar. It had taken some convincing, but you were thrilled when he finally agreed to stop torturing himself and drink his coffee with milk like a normal human being. Although he still used less than a tablespoon of milk and no sugar or creamer, it was a start.
You, on the other hand, were the exact opposite, preferring matcha as your morning drink of choice, which required your mug to be 95% full of milk with the other 5% being, of course, the matcha powder, ice cubes, and copious amounts of honey to satisfy your sweet tooth.
“Oh, I heated up some water and mixed in the matcha powder for you already,” Bucky pointed at the mug beside you, his other hand still warm on your thigh.
“Thank you, bubs,” you leaned down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. His cheeks pinked at the suddenness of it, and he ducked his head, shying away from your gaze.
“Aw, it’s nothin’,” he smiled up at you, eyes sparkling beneath his thick lashes. “Here, lemme get you some ice.”
The momentary loss of his hands on your thighs made you whine slightly, but he was back as soon as he left, ice tray in hand.
“Here you are, babycakes.”
You took the tray, beaming at him, then plunked precisely three heart-shaped ice cubes into your cup. You handed the tray back to Bucky, and he left to return it to the freezer before returning to stand between your thighs from where you sat on the countertop. You poured a generous amount of milk into your cup and reached for the honey to drizzle some in. Stirring your drink, you clinked your mug with his before taking your first sip.
You sighed reveling in the mild sweetness of your drink. It was just the way you liked it.
"Alright, doll, let's get some breakfast in you before we run today. We doing intervals or easy?"
"I actually wanted to go for a long run, Buck," you held his gaze from behind your mug.
"Cold plunge after?" he smiled already knowing your answer.
"Yes," you nodded your head vigorously, giddy at the prospect.
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heeruh · 1 month
I find it rather endearing how, at the end of Vila's story quest she somehow gains that reconciliation between her human and Rusalka side—with the help of sweet Avgust
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Him pointing out, that despite Vila's insistence that an eternal soul does not really exist in material form but rather a concept of everything and nothing, how can something he see and perceive to be "nothing"
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(my sweet boy being poetic: It's golden, like the sun)
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I love this part of the story most (aside from the Windsong Vila moments HAHA)
I adore how the way it is framed, like reverse1999 is somehow showing us (and Vila) how she is both human and Rusalka. How despite her internal insistence at the start of the story and her feeling that she never belonged as one—having been shunned out by her kin and hunted for being a half blood— that she is neither one or the other, but both. Also Avgust is right, she's basically sunlight. She carries that pocketful of sunshine wherever she goes that basically in all of her scenes in Farewell Rayashki, she feels like summer.
(Im sleep deprived, and have yet to have my cup of coffee so this rant is going to feel all over the place but yeah)
Also bonus ship points because at the end of that specific scene, bluepoch basically breadcrumbs us with Windsong x Vila
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In Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, mermaids don't have eternal souls like humans do—that unlike humans who go to heaven when they die, they return to the sea as seafoam (but i guess that's for another day and post) I simply wanted to give credit to the framing done by Bluepoch in that scene.
and lol, isn't this a subtle way of saying, Windsong is her prince, given how out of everyone Samodiva can threathen Vila with they chose Windsong to rile her up.
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evenstar0600 · 2 years
greetings name twin! loved your Tom riddle fic. it was super good :) could I humbly request some headcanons for how different doctor who characters would react to you cupping their face??? thank you :)))))
hello, my lovely. and fellow Jace. thank you for your kind words!
PLOT: the request
PAIRING: various!doctor who characters x gender neutral!reader
WARNINGS: biting, the master (they are a warning by themself), mentions of the time war, angst, fluff etc
AUTHOR'S NOTES: reader is female in bill's part and is half time-lord btw. and reader is female in yaz's part.
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mans is shocked
like 100% will freeze and just awkwardly stand there
he'll eventually melt into your touch
since the time war, he's closed off his emotions
upon cupping his face, he'll become emotionally vulnerable around you
ngl, he'd probably say 'fantastic!' or something like that.
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bless this sweet baby's hearts
since he's the polar opposite of his previous incarnation, he'll be all for it
i can picture him blushing and smiling (like in the gif)
you'd have him twirling his hair and kicking his feet
100% would give you forehead kisses and cuddles
would be a bit confused as he's got a thing with rose but y'know, for the sake of fanfic they're not together
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baby. baby boy.
he'd be all smiles and shit like that
he loves you to the edge of the universe and back
in turn, he'd cup both your cheeks too
100% would catch feelings for you after this
deffo would snog you
amy ships it
river, who knows what happens in the future, just smiles contentedly and knowingly
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"what the hell are you doing?"
i can picture him saying that
like nine, he'd be frozen solid
for at least a minute or two
he melts into your touch
he comes off as a grumpy old man but he yearns for affection
he'll even kiss your palm softly and brush his nose against your thumb
like with clara in face the raven, he'd retract your hand and softly kiss it
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she's gonna say shit like "brilliant".
also, since she's fruity asf she'll blush
much like her previous incarnations, she'll blush
and smile
this bby is made of sunshine and rainbows
i love her sm
might pull a chris chibbers and not kiss you (# we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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would bite your hand
like 10000000% would bite your hand
depends on his mood
he'll either nip your hand or maybe its a full-on chomp
we've seen him in "the end of time", he ate two whole ass people that episode
he's either biting you or straight-up killing you.
there is no middle ground
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it depends which part of capaldi's era
if it's in series 9, then she'll do to you what she did to osgood.
if its in series 10, she'll freeze.
she might cry
will need cheering up
so cuddles
she might shrug you off but then a couple hours later, she might cuddle with you.
either way, its death or cuddles.
your choice
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crazy ass fucker
like simm, he gives bitey vibes
instead of having half a mind to eat you or some shit, he'll nip your hand
or he'd scoff at your and push you away
third case scenario, if he's feeling vulnerable, he'll demand a hug
and god, if anyone hears about it, they're dead
canon, i'm his eyebrow
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she's so pretty <33333
given the era she's from, she'd probs say "i'm not gay"
for the sake of fanfic, i reckon she'd smile and give you a hug
i can imagine her giving really good hugs
will take you out for chips after
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she's stunning <33333
would be a bit awkward given her crush on the doctor
for the sake of the fic, she doesn't fancy the doctor
she might cry
but its happy tears
melts into your touch
would probably develop feelings for you
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^what she's realistically say
given that her ex-fiancee tried to kill her or something, she's a bit wary
would probably say something like "you wot mate?" or "not my type, sunshine" idk
the doctor is probably standing in the background like "miss girl what is going on here"
wilf might smile or something. (love wilf sm)
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would be so awkward it's cute
he's so sexy in the roman uniform
given he's married to amy, he'd be like "no thanks"
or he'd say like "i'm flattered but i'm happily- moderately- i'm married"
(again for the sake of fanfic, he and amy aren't together)
he'd 100% blush
river is, once again, smiling the background
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she knows all
when you first met the infamous river song, she told you that both of you were, quote on quote, "close" in the future
after the ordeal with the weeping angels, you were terrified.
she comforts you and you cup her cheek
she smiles, knowing that this is the start of something brilliant
would maybe cry a little but would kiss your forehead
years down the line, you'd both reflect on how that was the starting point of your marriage
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100% would flirt with you
like i'm not even kidding
rory would be like "wtf" in the background"
theres an episode where she started flirting with herself so i'm not even suprised
maybe, just maybe, would give you a smooch
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your impossible girl
would be a tad shocked but would smile
bisexual queen
kisses your hand
then kisses you
no middle ground
melts into your touch 100%
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bill is a sweetheart and one of my favourite companions
if you cupped her face after a stressful adventure, she'd pause
time would literally stop for her
she'd smile
since loosing heather to the sentient oil, love had been off her mind
then she met you: the doctor's great-granddaughter, the daughter of susan foreman.
might, just might, end up in a kiss.
the doctor smiles, missy deffo takes a picture and nardole cheers.
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yaz is SO pretty and you can't tell me otherwise
sapphic queen
if you cupped her cheek, she'd hesitate before metling into your touch
her face would heat up and her heart would beat at a million beats a minute
might develop budding feelings for you
sapphic queen (#we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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tmntxthings · 2 years
What nicknames do you think the turtles would call their s/o?(preferably romantic, but platonic's fine)
Well, I think..
Raph would call you his 'angel'. He's so soft and endearing, put plainly his 'love' / 'lovely'. I can see him using 'dear' or 'honey' / 'hon' too since he's such an old soul. Maybe even 'sugar'. Platonically hnnn @marwhoa mentioned 'lass' once and I have yet to use it in a fic but I can just see Raph saying that. Or 'lady' ! And 'boss' ofc, he refers to himself as boss mostly or his brothers, but I think he would use it with close friends too..
Leo would call you 'babe' one thousand percent tho I may just be influenced by the fics I've read. He's a tease and he's super annoying so I can imagine it being long and drawn out, 'babeeeeeeee' 'baaaaaabe' and all the flirty compliments, 'beautiful' 'gorgeous' and let's not forget 'princess' since yk he's so charming and charismatic but yeah don't forget about super embarrassing ones just to annoy you, 'apple of my eye' 'nutter butter' ' snookums' 'honey bunches' these are used when he requires attention asap orrr when he knows he's done messed up and he's trying to be slick or cover it up and he would probably use those embarrassing names platonically too so no one is safe
Donnie uses 'darling' and I will stand by this one. 'beloved' doesn't seem far from something he would say either, 'doll' may be stretching it but I'm adding it :p If Donnie is particularly inhibited or just like sleep deprived, just out of his normal wits for whatever reason I can see him calling you 'precious' (and that's totally not bc of my yandere!donnie fic... nope not at all) I can also see his more shy self just calling you his 'person' if he is not super confident with nicknames yet. One more, something about stars and Donnie just go together, so his 'star' 'supernova' 'galaxy' 'universe' & the like.. Platonic Donnie would use code names the two of you come up with like he does with April, or yk just call you 'friend' 'best friend #2' or whatever your status on the totem pole of friendship, if y'all ain't close he would definitely use 'acquaintance' or 'stranger' LOL
Mikey is already over-the-top friendly so lets start with the platonics for the sweetest boy. As friends you are his 'munchkin' his 'cutie patootie' more tame ones would be 'bestie' 'queen' 'forever friend' and then to wine & dine you, win you and that lovely heart over, it would have to be, his 'sunshine' 'sweetheart' 'sweets' 'my one and only' like Raph I can see him using 'angel' too, he would think it's cuter bc it is part of his name, intertwining the two of you together in any way he can
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luvangelbreak · 8 months
Deprived | Five
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, smoking (cigarettes), mentions of drugs (weed) word count: 3.3k a/n: the italics are a flashback to allie and layla in their gym class btw! love you guys <3
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pov: layla
I decided to stay home from school for the rest of the week, I just didn't have the energy to endure the looks people would give me. The whispering during my last two subjects after Matt and I came back at lunch was already too much and it was worse in gym when Allie stuck to her word and paired up with me.
She seemed nice, much nicer than Mia was to me. She talked my ear off the whole lesson but I didn't mind because then I didn't have to talk.
"Don't worry about Mia, by the way. She can be really bitchy at times but she just doesn't like change. I promise she is usually a lot nicer," Allie rambled as we walked around the gym as a warm-up, "It was kinda funny though. No one ever really stands up to her when she gets bitchy because everyone's scared that her dad will arrest them."
Oh, I've met her dad.
"Matt also stood up for you after you left. I trust Matt's opinion on people, he's kinda my scapegoat when it comes to talking to people. I told him to start talking to you like three weeks ago so I could ask you to hang out. I just get nervous talking to people I don't know sometimes."
You don't seem nervous now, motor mouth.
"Sorry if I'm rambling a lot. I'm just really glad you decided to pair up with me because I've been paired with Mia for like the past 2 years. It's nice to have a new friend. It's not like I don't like my friends but Mia is my only girl friend and the guys are such guys sometimes it drives me mad. You get your nails done?"
I shook my head no before she continued, "We should go get our nails done sometime. My shout of course, I'm not gonna force you to get your nails done as well as make you pay."
She was a ray of sunshine and I was sure people were confused as someone as sweet as her was talking to someone like me who looked like they had a constant rain cloud over their head. I found myself amused by her rambling and I decided that it wouldn't be the worst thing to talk to her every now and then.
I spent the rest of my week smoking weed when my father wasn't home and drawing on the last few pages of my sketchbook. The time passed quickly considering I slept for most of the days. Suddenly it was Friday afternoon and I heard a knock at my front door.
I paused my music, frowning when I looked at the clock to see it was 3:30. It was far too early for my dad to be home so I grabbed the metal bat that was lying on the bottom of my underwear drawer, sneaking towards the door silently. Another round of light knocks were placed on the door and I crept up to it before looking through the peephole.
My tense shoulders slumped as I looked at two people with the same face and their familiar brown hair. I unlocked the deadbolt on the door as well as the regular lock before I swung the door open.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, leaning my left hand on the handle of the bat now that the other end was placed on the floor.
"Hi to you too," Chris mumbled as he looked side to side, clearly tense to be in South End as Matt smiled at me.
"I figured you would forget about the game. Decided to come earlier in case you were ready which..." he looked down at my outfit which was my small sleep shorts and an old ratty t-shirt, "I don't think you are?"
"You didn't say it was this Friday!" I frowned and Chris looked down at the bat I was leaning on before shaking his head.
"Good thing I came early then," Matt smirked at me and I chewed at my lip. I tapped the bat on the ground as I thought making Chris look at me again.
"Calm down. I'm not gonna use it on you," I deadpanned to Chris and he just shrugged, looking back out at the street. I felt a nervousness in my chest because they were at my house but I knew if they stayed on the porch or in their car, someone would try something. So I reluctantly said, "Come in."
"We can wait in the ca-"
I cut off Matt quickly, "Get inside now." They looked at each other in surprise before shuffling past me and I closed the door behind them before saying, "Do you have anything valuable in your car? Phone, wallet, laptop?"
They both shook their heads and I locked both of the locks on the door before I spun around to face them again.
"Why?" Chris asked and I tilted my head, giving him an unimpressed look.
"I'll just say you're lucky you drive a fucking soccer mom car or it would be broken into within 15 minutes," I answered blandly and they seemed somewhat shocked but didn't talk, "Come on."
I walked down the hall towards my room, slipping inside and they followed shortly behind me.
"We could've waited on the couch," Matt said as I closed the door of my bedroom and raised my eyebrows.
"If my dad came home and you were sitting on the couch, say goodbye to hockey for the rest of your life," I replied dryly and he pursed his lips, "If he comes home, you will just have to go out my window and jump the fence around the side of the house."
"You don't know when he's coming home?" Chris asked as he leaned against the wall beside my mattress and I shook my head. I was suddenly very conscious that I had the two most loved boys in our school standing in my dirty bedroom. I looked around my room, realising that I looked like I lived in a trap house with my mattress on the floor, empty beer bottles in the corner of my room with cigarettes stuck in them and clothes all over the floor.
"Sorry about the mess. No one ever comes over," I mumbled as I moved a couple clothes off of my mattress, "Sit wherever. Just don't look over here because I'm gonna get changed."
I travelled to the corner of my room where my chest of drawers sat and I saw them both turn to face away from me quickly. After placing the bat beside the drawers, I pulled out black baggy jeans, took off my shorts quickly and slid them on. I then took off my old T-shirt and slid on a baby blue hoodie. I didn't bother putting on a shirt since it would be cold at the game and I wouldn't have to take my hoodie off at any point.
"I'm dressed," I let them know as I grabbed my boots off of the floor, sitting down next to my dresser so I could slide them on easily. I looked up to see both of them sitting on my mattress, looking around my room. Their expressions were unreadable as they looked around my room.
"I like your posters," Chris spoke up and I looked to the wall above my mattress where my Bob Marley, Frank Ocean and Kurt Cobain posters were hung.
"Thanks," I answered, a half-hearted smile being sent his way which he reciprocated, "When do we have to leave by?"
"Four," Matt answered and I nodded, checking the time to see it was 3:40. I hopped off of the floor, walked over to my desk and sat down on the old desk chair.
I scribbled some eyeliner on my eyes before smudging it with my finger and then putting mascara on. I grabbed my lip balm, placing it on my lips before I ran a hand through my curly hair. I grabbed the white beanie that was thrown onto the floor, sliding it onto my head. I jumped up from the seat, grabbed my leather jacket that was hanging over the back of the chair and slid it on.
"Do I need to bring anything?" I asked, having no clue what else to bring to a hockey game.
"Just your team spirit," Chris cheered sarcastically and I tilted my head with an amused look on my face.
"I'm not a cheerleader for a reason," I answered and he shrugged, a small smile on his lips.
"Doesn't mean you shouldn't cheer when we win," he retorted and I nodded in agreement.
"I'm good as long as I'm not expected to start screaming 'Go Bats go!' like an idiot," I did a small jump when I said the slogan that I heard all the cheerleaders say proudly and Matt laughed in response as Chris shook his head with a smile.
"You wanna get food on the way?" Matt asked and I shook my head in response.
"I'm good, I just ate," I explained and he nodded, quickly checking his phone.
"We should probably go," he said, turning his phone to me to see that it was 3:55. I couldn't believe another 15 minutes had passed so quickly but I nodded. Making sure I had my phone, cigarettes, lighter and keys in my pocket, I swung the bedroom door open as Matt and Chris followed behind me. I unlocked the front door swinging it open and motioning for Chris and Matt to go outside.
They walked past me and walked to their car as I turned around to lock the door with my keys. After triple-checking the door, I wandered down the driveway to the minivan. I noticed that Matt was always the one to drive and Chris was seated in the passenger seat, phone already plugged into the aux.
I slid the back door open, jumping inside before I closed the door behind me. As I buckled myself in, Matt started the car and Chris played a song by Lil Skies.
"We good?" Matt asked, looking at me in the rearview mirror and I nodded before he spun around to look at me, "I didn't even have to remind you about your seatbelt, so proud."
"Start driving before I change my mind and go back to the comfort of my bed," I smiled slightly and he beamed back at me before he spun around and we took off down the street.
Within 5 minutes, we were in the parking lot and Chris was wriggling his body along to the beat of the next Lil Skies song. I could take a wild guess as to who his favourite artist is.
Matt turned the music down, earning a glare from Chris but he turned around to look at me ignoring his brother for a moment, "You waiting in the car or coming in?"
"I'm gonna have a smoke first then I'll come in," I explained and he nodded before turning off the car.
"You head in. I'll be there in a sec," Matt told Chris who was clicking away on his phone. With a nod, he jumped out of the car and walked around to the back of the car.
"You want me to take your shit inside?" Chris called from the trunk as I turned around to see Chris lugging his huge duffle bag full of hockey shit.
"Nah I got it," Matt called back to him and Chris raised his eyebrows as he leaned into the trunk again.
"Don't start fuckin in the car or I swear to god," he deadpanned before slamming the trunk closed and I saw him start walking towards the building.
"Sorry about him," Matt mumbled apologetically and I shrugged as I turned to face him.
"It's fine. Wouldn't expect anything less," I told him with an amused smirk making him shake his head, a smile creeping onto his lips, "Are you gonna go inside?"
"I'll wait for you to finish and then I'll show you where to sit inside," he explained and I nodded before hopping out of the car. I closed the door behind me before leaning against the car, pulling out a cigarette and placing it between my lips before lighting it. I heard Matt's door open and close before he rounded the car to get to the trunk.
As I began smoking my cigarette, a car pulled into the space next to Matt's and a few moments passed before Nate and Allie appeared out of the car.
"Hey! Matt told me you were coming," Allie beamed at me and I observed her outfit, feeling strange to see her out of her usual cheer or gym attire. Instead, she had blue jeans, a black puffer jacket with a blue beanie on and black and white vans.
"He failed to mention the game was this Friday," I told her and she rolled her eyes as Nate waved at me. I sent him a wave back with the hand that held my cigarette before I took another puff.
"Is Nick coming?" Nate asked and Matt appeared beside me, duffle bag over his shoulder.
"Nah. He said something about doing homework tonight. Chris is already inside," Matt explained with a shrug as Nate rounded the back of his car and popped the trunk open, grabbing a duffle bag of his own hockey gear.
"You coming in?" Allie asked me and I held the cigarette up.
"When I finish this," I told her, a smile tugging at my lips at her beaming personality.
"See you guys in there!" Nate called as he started walking towards the building with Allie following behind him.
"Is Miss Cheer herself coming?" I asked Matt once Allie and Nate were out of earshot and he shrugged, moving to stand in front of me as he adjusted the bag on his shoulder.
"No clue. She usually shows up late if she comes though," he told me honestly and I nodded, noticing my cigarette almost being done. I quickly finished it before dropping it onto the ground and squishing it underneath my foot. I went to push away from the car but Matt stopped me by saying, "Hold up."
"What?" I asked, confusion written on my face. He held his hand up before he dropped his duffle bag to the ground and squatted down to rummage through one of the smaller pockets.
He pulled out a small pot of black face paint and a brush before standing back up, "Move your hair."
"What are you doing?" I squinted at him as he opened the pot of black face paint and he smiled at me.
"Just trust me," he shrugged and I squinted my eyes at him for a moment before I tucked my hair behind my ears. I tilted my head back as I peered up at him and he dipped the brush into the pot before he started painting my right cheek.
"If you're drawing a dick on my face I'll kill you with my bare hands, Matthew," I mumbled, trying not to move my mouth much as his tongue poked out between his lips in concentration.
"If I was gonna do that..." he trailed off before leaning back with a smile, "I'd use a sharpie."
"What did you do?" I asked and he just shrugged as he closed the pot again, sliding it back into his bag before swinging it over his shoulder again. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, opening the front camera to see he had painted the number 81 on my cheek, "What does this mean?"
"You'll see," he shrugged with a smirk and I frowned as he started to walk backwards before he tilted his head towards the building, "Come on. I gotta warm up."
I pushed away from the car, trailing behind him as we walked towards the entrance. He swung the door open, standing behind it as he let me walk in first. We walked through the front area, some of his teammates being gathered around to grab snacks or energy drinks.
"Matty B!" one of the guys called who I recognised as Daniel and he jogged over to us as Matt paused, dapping him up quickly, "Who's this?"
"Layla, Daniel. Daniel, Layla," Matt introduced us and I just nodded at Daniel, not surprised that he didn't know my name.
"No Mia?" he asked Matt and Matt just shrugged in response.
"She's being weird. I don't know dude," Matt answered before he looked towards the rest of their team, "You guys gotta hurry up. We have 45 to warm up."
"Sir, yes, sir," Daniel sent Matt a salute before he started walking backwards and looked at me, "Nice to meet you, princess."
I sent him another nod before Matt started walking towards the doors of the rink, "Ignore Dan. He'll try to fuck anything with legs."
"Don't worry, Captain. I don't do goalies," I smirked and he chuckled in response, holding the door open to the rink for me to enter first again. I walked in, the cold air hitting my cheeks making me shiver.
"Layla!" I heard Allie's chirpy voice call out from the bleachers and I looked to my left to see her sitting front and centre, I sent her a small wave as I started to walk over to her with Matt following behind me.
"I gotta go get ready but are you good to sit with Allie?" Matt asked me and I turned my head to look at him now that he was on my right and I nodded.
"Yeah. Go make sure your hair is nice before you play," I joked as he rolled his eyes, pushing my shoulder slightly before spinning around to walk backwards while I paused at the steps that led up to where Allie was seated, "Break a leg, pretty boy."
"Thanks, pretty girl," he smirked at me and I bit my lip to hide my smile as he spun back around and walked into the locker room at the end of the rink. I shook my head to get rid of my smile as I walked up a few steps before sitting down next to Allie.
She smirked at me and I gave her a confused expression, "What?"
"Nothing," she hummed, her smirk turning into a smile as she looked out onto the ice. She pulled a packet of Sour Patch Kids out from her small handbag that I hadn't even noticed before she pulled open the packet, "You want one?"
"Sure," I shrugged, picking out a couple before throwing them into my mouth and her actions followed mine.
"So you and Matt..." she trailed off and I looked back at her as she smiled at me.
"Me and Matt?" I questioned, waiting for her to continue.
"You guys are cute," she shrugged, a genuine joy spread across her face and I let my mouth fall open.
"Uh... I don't even know if we're friends let alone anything else," I told her honestly and she rolled her eyes playfully before she hummed.
"Matt doesn't talk to just anyone. If he's asking you to come to his games clearly he wants you around," she told me as if it were obvious and I shrugged as I chewed on my lip. A few players from the other team skated onto the ice with their full gear, doing laps around the ice lazily.
"I don't think Chris and Nick like me though. His brothers' opinions probably mean a lot to him," I answered, looking at the players skating in circles. A couple players from Matt's team slid onto the ice as they started doing the same as the opposition.
"Chris is just focused on other shit. Nick tends to stick to himself a lot so just give them both time," she tried to reassure me and I looked back to her before she continued, "Besides, I like you so they're not getting rid of you that easily while I'm around."
"What about Mia?" I asked, genuinely curious as to how heavily Mia's opinion influenced her friends.
Allie sighed as she looked out at the rink, "Mia will figure it out. I don't know why she's being so weird about it. I think it's because she's protective over us."
"Matt's the one that came to me. I don't know why she was acting like I'm tryna break up your entire friend group," I mumbled as I looked out onto the ice to see a couple more players.
Only then did I realise that number 81 with a small C on the chest of his blue and white jersey was skating around the rink and it was none other than Matthew Sturniolo.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Chapter 4: Every Time You Smile, You Laugh, You Glow
Collaboration with my ultimate soulmate, @corroded-hellfire 💚
Series Summary: Based on the Jonas Brothers song of the same name. You and Eddie share a hospital room in the wake of Hawkins' turmoil, striking up an unlikely friendship that could lead to much more.
Chapter Summary: Eddie's determined to help Sunshine wake up, but when she does, will the truth break them apart or bring them closer together?
Warnings: eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI!), Eddie survives the Upside Down, hospital, mentions of surgery, angst, hurt/comfort
WC: 6.3k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
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It seems like years pass before the doctors come out and report that they’ve been able to stabilize you, but that you need your rest and can’t have any more visitors today. 
“Her body has been under immense stress, physically and mentally,” Dr. Sanoj explains patiently. “You can come back during tomorrow’s visiting hours and see her if she’s strong enough.”
If she’s strong enough. The words grate at Eddie, chipping away at his resolve to remain calm. Of course you’ll be strong enough; you’re the strongest person he knows. 
He and your mom wordlessly make their way out of the hospital. Maybe it’s his eyes, red-rimmed from crying and lack of sleep, but it brings out a sympathetic side of your mom. 
“You should get some rest, too,” she says gently. She manages a small smile. “No sense in going in there tomorrow all sleep-deprived.”
Eddie nods, mutters a, “you, too,” and hurries to his van. The last thing she needs is to have to comfort him while her own daughter’s life hangs in limbo. 
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To his credit, Eddie does try to take a nap. He tosses and turns for forty-five minutes before giving up, swinging his gangly legs over the side of Gareth’s couch and walking over to where Sweetheart is regally perched on her stand. He strums a few unenthused chords, attempting to muster up some semblance of ambition. Nothing he plays seems right anymore, like every note is out of tune. If he’s honest, it’s how his life feels without you in it. 
He thinks back to the day you formally met Dustin, Robin, and Steve. The way they insisted that there was something between you two. Jeez, Harrington went as far as to call it a spark, like a budding relationship could explode at any moment. And Robin had made that joke about how sad he got when the nurses “took his Sunshine away.” Like that song Wayne always sang around the house. 
Eddie hums the tune now, trying to match the pitch and find the right chords to play. He slowly picks them up, but there’s something still…off about the way the sweet, mellow song sounds on the electric guitar. 
“Hey there, Ed.” Wayne comes through the front door, wiping his boots on the welcome mat. “Got some good news for ya.”
“Mm,” Eddie murmurs, still entrenched in his music. 
Wayne holds up a manila envelope. “You’re officially cleared of all charges related to the Cunningham girl,” he announces, a big grin spreading across his typically stoic face. “Chief Hopper was able to pin it all on the Russians; easy enough, considering what happened at Starcourt last summer.” Wayne shakes his head at the memory. “‘M tellin’ you, boy: you’re real lucky the Chief of Police is also involved in this monster hunting thing.”
With the help of his friends, Eddie explained the truth about what happened to his uncle as soon as he got home from the hospital. And while Wayne was certainly skeptical—who wouldn’t be, with a story about an evil supervillain from another dimension?—he’d believed every word. 
“That’s good,” Eddie says now, no trace of enthusiasm in his voice. 
Wayne frowns. “What’s up your ass today? You’ve been cleared of murder charges, and you don’t so much as crack a smile?”
Eddie sighs, finally looking up at his uncle. “Even if they don’t charge me for the crime, people are still gonna think I did it. That I’m some kinda Satan-worshiping cult leader, or whatever.”
Wayne sits down on the couch next to Eddie. “Let me get this straight,” he says, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. “I’m supposed to believe that the same kid who would fight to the death over a traffic ticket doesn’t care that he’s no longer wanted for murder?” 
“I fucked up, Wayne,” Eddie chokes out, brushing the tears from his eyes. “I fucked things up with Sunshine, and now there’s something really wrong with her, a-and she might not wake up, and I can’t get this stupid song to sound right with this stupid guitar!” He pulls Sweetheart over his head angrily and places her back in her stand. 
“Well,” Wayne says, dropping a comforting hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “I may have only met her a few brief times, but even I could tell that she’s a fighter, that one. And just because someone’s not awake, doesn’t mean they can’t hear ya. Remember we’d sit by your mom’s side in the hospital and you’d tell her about your day? She’d wake up a few hours later and, like magic, she knew what you said to her. Pretty sure Sunshine’s got that same magic. When you go back there and visit her, tell her what’s on your heart. She’ll hear ya.” Wayne pauses and takes a deep breath. “Now about this song business…I dunno how to help you with that one. You and I both know my musical ability ends at putting records on. What song are tryin’ to learn?” 
“You Are My Sunshine,” Eddie grumbles, not taking his eyes off of his feet. Wayne can’t help but smile at that. He always knew his nephew was a softy deep down, but there weren’t too many times that he’d let anyone on the outside world see that. 
“S’a good song,” Wayne says. “And I ain’t known you to never get a song just right before. Keep fiddlin’ with it.”
Wayne pushes himself off the couch, but before he can leave the room, Eddie calls out to him. “Wayne? What, um, what should I say when I go visit her?”
His uncle shrugs and crosses his arms over his chest. “Just speak from the heart, boy. Keep it real honest and tell her how ya feel and what’s been on your mind.”
“Thanks,” Eddie says. Wayne gives him a nod and heads into the kitchen. After staring at Sweetheart for a few moments, Eddie picks her back up and starts to strum. He sit and practices for hours, occasionally massaging the back of his neck when it starts to stiffen up from staying in the same position for so long. He’s so enraptured in perfecting the song that he doesn’t even hear Wayne come back into the house.
“Ed? You still at it?”
“Unfortunately,” Eddie mutters, standing up and stretching his back with a groan. “You can come in if you want. I need a distraction before I fling myself out of the window.”
Wayne peeks his head in, a mischievous grin on his face. “Good thing we’re on the first floor then, huh?” He laughs at his nephew’s inevitable eyeroll. “C’mon out; I’ve got somethin’ to show ya.”
Curiosity getting the best of him, Eddie follows his uncle to his rusty old sedan. Laying in the backseat is an acoustic guitar. It looks a little beat up, but definitely playable.
“Where–how did you–” he starts, unable to speak because he’s so stunned by Wayne’s kind gesture.
“Ya can’t play a sweet old song like that on the electric guitar. Need one of these,” Wayne says proudly, pointing towards the instrument. “Guy at the pawnshop said she just needs a bit of a tune and she should be good to go.”
Tears spring to Eddie’s eyes, and he envelops his uncle in a tight hug. “You’re the best,” he says, voice muffled by his cheek being pressed against Wayne’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I haven’t been the easiest to deal–”
Wayne dismisses his concern with a wave. “Enough of that. I’m just glad to have you back here, alive. Now,” he says, the joyful glint returning to his eyes, “go learn that song so you can get the girl and leave the damn house once in a while.”
Eddie’s unable to suppress the smile that grows on his face. He’d never thought of himself as someone who would “get the girl,” but then again, he’s never felt about anyone the way he feels about you. 
Re-energized by his gift, Eddie brings the acoustic guitar inside and starts to practice again. Right away, he can tell the difference. 
“Much better,” Eddie says to himself. Wayne was right, as usual—not that he’d ever admit that to his uncle. Before, Eddie felt every second drip by as he tried and failed to make the song sound right. Now, the hours were flying by faster than Eddie even realized. Footsteps march into the living room and Eddie reluctantly looks up to see Gareth standing in the doorway.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks.
“Do you know what time it is?” Gareth asks, raising his eyebrows. Eddie shakes his head and goes back to strumming. “It’s after three in the morning. Dude, if you don’t get any sleep, she’s going to think you look like shit tomorrow.”
Gareth managed to find the one thing he could say to make Eddie put the guitar down. He didn’t have an official place to put this one, since Sweetheart was already resting in the stand. Standing up, Eddie grabs his guitar case from behind the couch. Gareth shuffles back down the hallway towards his room as Eddie flips open the latches of the case. He sets the acoustic down inside and smiles as he looks down at it. His first precious guitar has a name, and now he has the perfect idea for the next.
“Goodnight, Sunshine the Second.”
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When Eddie arrives at Hawkins General Hospital the next morning, he’s not surprised to see your mom already by your bedside. He winces when he notices the tubes in your nose, another painful reminder of your weakened state.
“Any changes?” he asks softly, a pang of disappointment settling in his chest when she shakes her head no. 
“No better, but no worse,” your mother reports, running her thumb over your hand, carefully avoiding the needle in your vein. “How’re you holding up?”
“All right,” Eddie shrugs, peeling the guitar case off of his back and setting it down. “Wish she would wake up, though.”
Your mom laughs kindly. “You and me both, kid.” She takes notice of Sunshine the Second and smiles. “Did you just come from band practice?”
“Nah,” Eddie shakes his head bashfully, letting his messy curls brush his cheeks. “I, um, wanted to play her a song. If th-that’s okay.” He’s never been good with parents; they’ve always written him off as some punk or, worse, trailer trash. He anticipates disapproval, so he’s pleasantly surprised when your mom’s face brightens and she encourages him to play. 
“I’ll be right outside if you need me,” she excuses herself, giving his shoulder a maternal squeeze. 
Eddie clears his throat. “Hi, Sunshine,” he starts, pausing briefly to give you a chance to reply, but the silence dashes his hopes. “I’m so fucking glad you’re alive. I kept thinking about you, and this song, and I—I wanna play it for you.” He unzips the case and slings the guitar strap around his body. Tuning it quickly, he starts to sing:
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You’ll never know dear How much I love you Please don’t take my sunshine away
He’s not sure what he was expecting; it’s not like his warbling voice would heal you. But he can’t help the disappointment that sinks into his chest like a bag of rocks in a river when you remain perfectly still. 
He strums absentmindedly, playing whatever songs he can remember off of the top of his head. His usual repertoire of Metallica and Black Sabbath don’t sound right on an acoustic, so he thinks about some of the folk-y music that Wayne listens to. 
So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you’ll wait for me Hold me like you’ll never let me go ‘Cause I’m leavin’ On a jet plane I don’t know when I’ll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go
The mention of an airplane reminds him of the argument you two had had before he was discharged. “I know you weren’t sure about if you wanted to fly with me to California and try to make it as a dancer,” he murmurs, “but whether or not your plans include me, I really think you should.”
He sighs, continuing to play random chords as he speaks. “Feel kinda bad right now. I mean, if you were awake, you might tell me to fuck off. And I wouldn’t blame you, honestly. But you can’t tell me that, so I’m just pouring my heart out whether you care to listen or not.” He laughs softly. 
Eddie’s fingers are moving of their own accord against the strings, his mind drifting off in a thousand different directions. It isn’t until his ear catches on the familiar notes that he realizes he’s playing a new song, one he heard a lot growing up, thanks to Wayne. 
Woah, my love, my darling I've hungered for your touch A long, lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine? I need your love I need your love God speed your love to me
His voice catches on the last few lyrics, his throat constricting and his eyes become heavy with unshed tears. Taking a deep breath, Eddie keeps strumming the guitar because he needs something to do with his hands. He slips his eyes closed, trying to compose himself, but it doesn’t do much. When he opens them again, a few stray tears escape down his cheeks.
“Sunshine, wake up,” Eddie pleads. “I don’t like this. Sunshine, wake up.”
He switches gears, going back to the original plan for the acoustic guitar. What he practiced for hours so it would be just right for you. 
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You’ll never know dear How much I—
Eddie is cut off by the gentle fluttering of your eyelids. His heart stalls in his chest, his breath freezes in his lungs as he stares at you. In reality, it’s about four seconds of you blinking before your eyes are fully open. To Eddie, it was an agonizingly long wait. His hands are still on the guitar, too shocked to move. You’re looking up at the white ceiling above you before blinking a few more times. Slowly, your head turns towards Eddie and when your eyes lock with his, all of the emotions that have been swirling around and building up for days now hit their breaking point. The tears surge and Eddie sets the guitar down to wipe them from his eyes. He’ll be damned if anything keeps him from looking at you, alive, awake, wonderful you, even if it’s his own damn tears. 
“Sunshine,” Eddie breathes out, a rush of breath and a sigh of relief all wrapped up in the nickname. You look slightly groggy still from all the medications, but Eddie can tell you’re looking into his eyes, which is all he needs. Gently, taking care of the needles and wires hooked into you, Eddie takes your hand. “Sunshine, can you hear me?”
Your mouth opens and you go to speak, when a look of pain flashes across your face. 
“Shh, no, no. Don’t speak. Just squeeze my hand if you can hear me,” Eddie says. 
The soft pressure of your delicate hand tightening around his is enough to bring another round of tears. These, he scrubs off with his sleeve before they can make it too far down his face. Once his vision is clear again, he looks down to see you smiling at him. He’s not sure if you’re genuinely glad to see him, or you’re still so hopped up on drugs that you would’ve been happy to see Pennywise standing over your bed. 
“M-Mom?” you whisper, and your head is filled with sandbags as it lolls to one side. 
“No, Sunshine, it’s me. It’s Eddie.”
To his horror, you start to cry. He doesn’t know how to interpret it, so he quickly stands up. “I can go get her, okay? You don’t have to be scared.” Running over to the doorway, he pokes his head out towards the waiting room, catching your mom’s eye as he waves her over. 
“She’s awake,” he tells her, watching her body visibly decompress with relief, “and she’s asking for you.”
Your mom rushes into your room, heaving sobs wracking her body as she takes in your open eyes and small, chapped smile. “Hey, baby,” she murmurs. “I’m here now.”
Eddie awkwardly shifts from one foot to the other, not wanting to intrude on such a sensitive moment but not wanting to leave. “I can come back later,” he offers, but your mom shakes her head and pats the seat next to her. The two of them sit in silence as you go in and out of sleep, waking to ask for some water before dozing off again. 
After an hour, you finally claw your way out of a groggy stupor, focusing on the two people by your bedside. “Wh-What happened?” you manage.
“Honey, you had trouble waking up from your surgery,” your mom reluctantly tells you, sharing an uneasy glance with Eddie. “Your, um, your heart stopped; they had to revive you. We didn’t know if you were going to make it.”
“We should’ve known,” Eddie chimes in, offering as much of a smile as he can. “I mean, you’re a total badass. If anyone can cheat death, it’s you.”
It takes you a moment to piece together what’s going on. The last time you saw Eddie, anger and disappointment marred his normally cheerful disposition. There was no trace of the young man who theorized about future soap opera plotlines or who fell asleep with his cheek nestled against your shoulder; there was only hurt.
The Eddie sitting before you now is different altogether. He looks like he’s about to burst into tears at the sight of you, like he wants to hold on to you and never let go.
There’s so much still left unsaid, and your head swims at the mere thought of such an intense discussion. Instead, you opt for a more obvious question: “Is that a guitar?”
“Eddie was playing some songs for you,” your mom explains, looking between the two of you. Eddie hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since he’s sat down, and it doesn’t seem like he’s going to stop any time soon. “I’m gonna grab something for him and I to eat; maybe he can play them again?”
“You don’t have to–” Eddie starts, but your mom waves him off with the promise of whatever sandwich looks the least unappetizing.
“You always sing for your mortal enemies?” you ask wryly, a hint of teasingness in your tone that you hope carries over.
“Just your run-of-the-mill sacrifice chants,” he jokes back, and you audibly sigh at the easy slide to your usual back-and-forth banter. He lowers his voice and takes your hand in his, weaving your fingers together as he says, “and you’re not my mortal enemy.”
“I��m really sorry that I lied to you,” you tell him, a misty film covering your eyes. “I just didn’t wanna disappoint you. And if you saw me sad, then you’d get sad...”
Eddie lightly presses his palm to your cheek. “Sunshine,” he says mournfully, “I never wanted you to hide your feelings from me. You’re my Sunshine because you’re you, not because I thought you were happy all the time.” He uses his free hand to rub behind his neck. “But I could’ve asked. I guess I was just so in my own head, thinking about myself, that I took you for granted. Poured my heart out to you, but never gave you the same chance,” he chides himself.
“Or I could’ve spoken up,” you point out truthfully. “I could’ve said, ‘Hey, I need a bunch of surgery and I may never dance again, and I’m really fuckin’ sad about it.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up. You may never dance again. And there he was, blowing up on you because he thought you didn’t want to run away and pursue your dream; the whole time, your dream may have been yanked from your grasp.
“Can you play me one of the songs?” you interrupt his thoughts, and he just nods wordlessly as he positions the guitar on his lap.
“It’s kinda lame–”
“Just play it. Or do I have to almost die again?”
“Sheesh, all right,” he chuckles, latching his gaze to yours as he sings:
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You’ll never know dear How much I love you Please don’t take my sunshine away
You’re giggling and crying at the same time, a sight that must seem completely absurd. You don’t want to think too long about what Eddie’s making of the way you look right now. His voice is rough and gravelly from years of metal covers at the Hideout, but it’s soothing nonetheless. But it’s the way he sings one particular part that replays in your brain over and over.
You’ll never know dear How much I love you
Maybe it’s just a song lyric. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything. He just sings it, not even remotely flustered, as though his love for you is common knowledge.
“So,” he says sheepishly, “what’d you think?” When he realizes that you’re cry-laughing too hard to respond, he grins. “Oh, Sunshine. What did I do to your heart–fix it, or break it?”
“I’m not sure,” you half-joke, because if you get your hopes up that he does love you the way you want him to love you, and then he doesn’t, it might shatter into a million pieces. “That was the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
Eddie pauses, biting his lip nervously before he speaks again. “Can I try something?” When you nod, he cups your jaw and lets his thumb graze over your lower lip. You cringe at how dry they must feel, but he doesn’t seem to care as his mouth presses to yours. It’s a quick kiss, over too soon for your liking, but it still leaves you breathless.
He leans his forehead on yours, smiling as he caresses your cheek. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before,” he confesses, “and it kinda scares the shit outta me.”
“Only kinda?” you tease, nudging your nose to his.
Eddie leans back in his chair, letting out a shaky chuckle and rubbing his palms on his worn-out jeans. “I want us to be honest with each other. I don’t want any more secrets. From either of us,” he clarifies, so you know he’s not only talking about you. “Starting with what really happened the night of the earthquake.”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you trust that I’ll tell you the truth?” he asks, and you nod. “Okay. So, um, shit, where do I even start? I guess…well, the earthquake…it wasn’t really an earthquake.”
Your eyes widen as he plunges into a story that sounds like it could be one of his D&D campaigns. 
“It was the first time I’d ever seen anything like it,” he tells you, explaining how some monster nicknamed “Vecna” had snapped Chrissy Cunningham’s bones like twigs. How he’d hidden in his drug supplier’s boathouse—a detail you’ll have to unpack later—until Dustin Henderson tracked him down. How the whole town was convinced that he was some kind of heinous murderer, when he’d never hurt a fly. 
All of that pales in comparison to the World War III-esque scene that awaited him in the Upside Down, an alternate dimension controlled by Vecna. “Every moving part was connected to him. Like a hive mind,” he says now. An arachnid-shaped force called the Mind Flayer that could possess anyone with a painful jab of its long pedipalps. Thick vines, far more dangerous than the poison ivy that showed up in your backyard each spring. “Nancy, Steve, and Robin—they almost died from them,” Eddie says somberly, and you sit up as much as you can and rub his back. 
“Is that how you…?” 
Eddie cuts you off with a quick shake of his head. “Henderson and I were supposed to lure the demobats from Vecna’s lair. That’s all we had to do. And we did it,” he flashes a sad smile. “But all I could think about was being a hero. Saving my friends. Finally facing danger instead of running from it.”
They’d just made it back to safety before the storm of bats surrounded the trailer, busting through vents and shaking the foundation. “Henderson went back first, an’ he was calling my name. Everything in me was screaming to climb the rope, get myself back to the real Hawkins.” He’s sobbing, and you have to lean in closer just to understand what he’s trying to say. “But I cut the rope and I went back.”
“To the Upside Down?” you interrupt, blinking back tears of your own. 
Eddie nods. “Those little bat fuckers got me good. I thought I was gonna die, right there in that weird, fake Hawkins. But my friends dragged me out, got me to a hospital…and here I am,” he finishes, trying to muster up a smile. 
“Here you are.”
“Scariest shit of my life,” Eddie says with a sigh. “But it landed me in the same hospital room as this really beautiful girl, so I guess something good came from it after all.”
His compliment brings a shy smile to your face, and your mind starts to remember all the laughs and conversations the two of you had in that room. A room, you assume, Max is still in. 
“So, uh, is this all how Max went blind?” you ask. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, his eyes dropping down to your hand in his. He rubs his thumb along the back of your hand, taking care to avoid your IV line. “When Vecna targeted Max, she started levitating like Chrissy did. Her bones started to snap and her eyes started to bleed. When Vecna was torched, she was released. But the damage had been done. Lucas—her boyfriend, swears she died while they were waiting for an ambulance. And she was in a coma here for a little while.”
“She seems like a good friend. Loyal,” you say.
At that, a small smile curls on one side of Eddie’s face. “Yeah, Red’s a good kid.” 
“When they brought you in,” you say, lacing your fingers with his. “What did they tell the doctors was wrong with you? It’s not like they could’ve come right out and said you were attacked by multidimensional bats.”
“Steve and Henderson were arguing the whole way here about what their story should be. In the end, it didn’t matter though. The hospital was so overwhelmed by patients that they just wanted to know what my injuries were and didn’t even ask how I got them.” 
“This is all so insane,” you say with a shake of your head. Eddie’s brow pinches up and you’re quick to reassure him that you believe his story. “Eddie, what you had to go through was insane. The fact that there’s this whole other dimension existing alongside ours. Why is this shit happening in Hawkins of all places? Land of the boring doesn’t seem like the type of place that evil creatures would want to strike. At least, not according to most of the monster or disaster movies I’ve seen—and there have been a lot.”
“Before Vecna became…well, Vecna. He was just some kid who lived in Hawkins. With weird as shit powers he used to kill part of his family,” Eddie says. 
“That’s almost more morbid than the killer vines,” you say. “So, he chose to create a new dimension?”
“Not exactly. He was…banished there, more or less. By this badass little superpowered girl that all my friends know. I haven’t gotten to meet her yet, though. But she sent Creel there and he corrupted it to his liking, apparently.”
“Wait, did you say Creel?” you ask. “As in, The Creel House? Victor Creel?”
“His son, actually. Henry Creel. Henry is Vecna,” Eddie explains. 
“Jesus,” you say, leaning back against your pillows. “I know this whole thing is all pretty unbelievable…but do you know what part is bothering me the most?” 
“The fact that there are worse creatures around here than regular old spiders?” Eddie teases, getting a giggle out of you. 
“No,” you say. “Though that doesn’t thrill me either. It’s that the stupid people in this town would actually believe you’re capable of murder. And why? Because you like metal music? Because you play D&D? That’s such bullshit.”
Eddie can’t help but smile at your words. How could he ever have thought that you were like all those other assholes in this town? Well, he knows the answer to that, unfortunately. It was bound to happen over the years of bullying and abuse he endured, that now he’s just become paranoid that people are always fucking with him. Trusting people becomes a harder process, but falling for you is oh so easy. 
There’s a gentle knock on the door and your mom sticks her head in. “Am I interrupting?”
“Not at all,” Eddie says, his politeness towards your mother ever more endearing now that he’s kissed you. 
“I wasn’t sure what you liked,” your mom says as she sits down in the chair next to Eddie. She has a plastic container holding a sandwich in each hand. “I’ve got ham or turkey. Take your pick.”
“I’ll go with turkey,” Eddie says. Your mom hands him the sandwich and the two of them tuck into their food. You let your eyes roam around the room, which is smaller than the one you shared with Eddie—and then Max. Hopefully, you’ll get to move back into that room once you get a little strength back. But this room isn’t bad. It’s private, quiet, and you have a nice view out the window to your left. Dragging your eyes back across the room, they land on Eddie’s guitar laying next to his chair. 
“So, you play guitar,” you say, staring at the instrument. “Electric and acoustic, I take it?”
Eddie nods as he finishes the bite of food in his mouth. “Mostly electric. Just got this bad boy yesterday, actually. But it’s pretty much the same. You can play one, you can play the other.”
“Do you play any other instruments?” you ask. 
“Nah,” Eddie says. “I tried piano when I was younger, but the white keys…the black keys…too many to keep track of. What about you?”
“I was in band in middle school. Played the flute, but that was about it,” you say and your mom lets out a guffaw of laughter.
“I don’t know if I’d consider what you did ‘playing’ the flute, hun.” She leans in towards Eddie. “Those concerts were brutal.”
Eddie laughs and you feel your face warm up. “Thanks, Mom.”
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The conversation lasts for another forty-five minutes before your Mom decides to head back home. She thanks Eddie for being there, enveloping him in a warm hug. It’s loving and maternal, and not frantic like when they were both anxiously awaiting your prognosis.
“So,” you say, peering at Eddie through your eyelashes, “is it my turn to tell you what happened to me?
He shakes his head. “Another time,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. His lips are soft and kind, and you never want him to break contact. “I had something more fun in mind for the rest of our afternoon.”
Your cheeks flame, and you press your lips together shyly. “Um, I don’t think I can do that for a little while,” you whisper.
Eddie’s eyes widen. “No, shit, that’s not what I meant. I mean, eventually, hell yeah, but not right after you rose from the dead.” He crosses his arms over his chest and gives a dramatic pout. “D’you really think I’d try to get in your pants now?”
You shrug. “I dunno. Maybe you have, like, a coma fetish.”
He wrinkles up his nose as he stares down at you. “Is that a thing? Never mind, I don’t want to know.” He scoots on the edge of your hospital bed and proudly announces, “I’m taking you on a date.”
“Eddie, I can’t leave the hospital,” you say, gesturing to the litany of wires you’re hooked up to. “Not sure if they’ll even let me leave my room.”
“Only one way to find out,” Eddie says. He gives you a mischievous smile as he stands from your bed and strolls out of the room. You try to situate yourself so you’re able to see out the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever Eddie is up to. A few minutes later, he steps back inside, pushing a wheelchair in front of him. Raising his eyebrows, his eyes dart from you, down to the chair, to you again, as if saying impressive, huh?
“Whatcha got there, Eds? We going somewhere?” you ask. 
“On our date, m’lady. You’re cleared to go downstairs.”
“What’s downstairs?”
“You’re just full of questions today, aren’t you?” Eddie asks as he parks the wheelchair next to your bed. “Let me ask you one. Do you like coffee?”
“I’m a college student,” you say. “I need it to live.” 
“Well, Miss College, would you accompany me to the cafeteria for a coffee date?” Eddie bows at the waist, offering one of his hands to you and the other rests against his back. “I may also buy you a cookie.”
“Spoiling me, I see. I would be more than happy to go on this date with you.” You push the blanket off your legs and move to sit on the edge of the bed. Before you go to step off the bed, a frown comes to your face.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, standing up straight again. 
“I feel a little weird about leaving my room in just my hospital gown,” you admit, face heating up. 
“Not a problem.” Eddie shucks his leather jacket off and holds it out in front of him. The smile that lights up your face is involuntary at his sweet gesture. 
You stand up and reach behind you to keep your gown closed. “No free show,” you tease him with a smirk. 
Eddie chuckles and lays the jacket over your shoulders. “I mean, I am paying for your coffee…” He lets out a yelp as you playfully swat at him with your free hand. He helps you get seated in the chair and once you’re comfortable, you slip your arms into the sleeves. The scent of Eddie surrounds you as you're enveloped in his jacket. It feels soft against your skin and you just want to snuggle up in it.
He unlocks the wheelchair brakes and gently begins pushing you out the door, carefully navigating the frame so he doesn’t bump you. “Never thought I’d see the day that I was a responsible driver,” he quips, and you giggle. “Now, how do we get to the cafeteria?”
You crane your neck to look up at him. “How am I supposed to know? I didn’t exactly ask for a tour when they carried me in on a stretcher.”
“Ooh, feisty,” Eddie teases, continuing down the hallway until he finds a map of the hospital. His eyes scan the figure until they land on his destination. “Aha! Looks like we have to turn right at the end of this hall, then take the elevator down to the first floor, and it’ll be on the left.”
“Onwards!” you command, and Eddie gives a little salute as he brings you to the elevator.
You reach the cafeteria, and he wheels you over to a table. “How do you take your coffee?” When you give him your order, he repeats it over and over again.
“If you forget, just call out and ask me,” you reassure him, but he shakes his head.
“Wayne told me once that you should always know how your girl takes her coffee,” he explains. “‘S like one of the Ten Commandments or something.”
A grin spreads across your face. “Your girl?”
“Y-Yeah, if you want?” he stammers, shoving his hands in his back pockets and rocking back and forth. 
You crook your finger, beckoning him down to your level, and you kiss him passionately. He relaxes into you, deepening it and parting your lips with his own. “Yeah, I want,” you say softly, twirling a strand of his hair around your forefinger.
As he walks towards the carafes of lukewarm coffee, you admire him. Your boyfriend. He claims that revealing what happened to you won’t make him like you any less, but you have a niggling feeling that it might. He only knows you as Sunshine, and the one time you showed any emotion other than optimism, he left without a word. What if he decides that it’s too much? That you’re too much?
Maybe he’s better off without you and your baggage dragging him down. As if he can sense you getting in your own head, Eddie slides your coffee in front of you and plops down in the seat next to yours.
“My girlfriend gets the cutest little crease right between her eyebrows when she’s thinking too hard,” Eddie says. 
“Sorry,” you say with a sheepish smile. You take a sip of your coffee and let out a hum of approval. “Perfect.”
“No overthinking on our first date. Wait for the third or fourth for that.”
“Sounds fair,” you acquiesce. 
Eddie looks at you before taking a sip of his own coffee. “You know you don’t have to hide anything from me, right? I don’t run away. Not anymore.” He reaches out and strokes the back of your hand with his thumb, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.
You swallow your nerves, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. “Okay,” you agree slowly. “Okay. I’ll tell you.”
taglist: @thebrookemunson, @mystars123, @h-ness1944, @hazydespair, @ajkamins, @aysheashea, @jasminelafleur, @brittney69, @arsonfrogger, @brassreign, @lunarzstarz, @aftermidnightwriting, @justtryingtobecreative, @micheledawn1975, @kailynn-exe @afunkyfreshblog @fangirling-4-ever @crimsonsabbath @babyexpertlampskeleton @whenshelanded @ches-86 @acmbooksfilmtelevisionandreads
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acemakes-art143 · 1 year
Uhhh I may have accidentally clicked unfollow because I thought it said follow like a sleep deprived dumbass.
Please, I request of thee, infodump about this ship named Suntan. I know very little. And I wish to know more.
EEEEEEEEEEEEE YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY SUNTAN!!!!!!!!!! also it's fine no worries it happens lol
OK SO idk how much I can say about them without spoilers for omori BUT I will ramble about how much I love these little gays hehehehehe
First, I guess, is talk about the characters individually
Kel. This guy:
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he is an absolute ball of sunshine, silly little guy, love him. Tall boi. This guy's TALL. He plays basketball. Does he have ADHD? Most likely! Is he a little stupid? Absolutely! And I love him for it. He just silly. He is the kind of person who would accidentally burn the water while cooking, haha! This is also my favorite character in omori btw I love him he's so silly and goofy and I love him!!
LGBTQ+ Headcanons: panromantic asexual trans boy (he/him but he probably would be completely chill with they/them if someone used it)
Next up: sunny. That's him:
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This guy. He doesn't really like to talk much (in other posts I've talked about a headcanon I have for him but basically I think he has a notepad or smth that he carries around to write things instead of verbally talking). VERY traumatized. Definitely needs therapy. Does he get it? Nope! He has his tall sunshine boyfriend instead :)
Now, you may also see him shown with an eye patch on one eye, or a scarred eye, or something similar. This, without saying too much because it would be spoilers, is because his eye got hurt towards the very end of the game, so people (the fandom) gave him the scar/eye patch for post-game fanart/fan animations/comics/etc.
LGBTQ+ Headcanons: demi-biromantic asexual maybe demiboy? (he/they)
Now the main event: SUNTAN!!!!!!!!!
The name: sun(ny) + tan (kel)
Other names that I hear commonly are sunkel (just sunny + kel) and CapriSun.
Think: sweet happy extroverted ball of sunshine character x sad also sweet introverted and very traumatized/unstable character
Such a good dynamic I love them so much and they're so cute and AAAAA I can't talk about their relationship in the game at all because I don't know how much I can say before I reach spoiler territory and I want you my lovely mutual to go into the game 100% blind (or at least 90% blind) so yeah uh BUT they do interact a lot and i mean they're bestfriends so let them be boyfriends right?
Hehehe ok that's all I can think of to say about them here have some of the Suntan fanart I've found that I love a lot
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This one was done by me while watching a movie! It's a little old, but it still looks so cute! Maybe I'll redraw it and make it even better! My shading style has definitely improved since this one, if nothing else.
And yeah! That's my Suntan ramble/infodump that mostly consisted of talking about the characters individually because I really really REALLY don't want to accidentally spoil anything even minor things because it's so so so good if you just go into the game fully blindly so hope you get the game soon and enjoy my funny rambles :D
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darkmatter-nebula · 4 months
Colli tries on a dress
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Colli is a bit sleep-deprived and mistakes one of Luz' old dresses as one of Hunter's shirts. The starboy likes to wear over-sized shirts sometimes, because it's comfy.
Drabble: The Dress
A certain small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold was a bit sleep-deprived and didn't notice that he accidentally put on a dress instead one of his beloved big brother Hunter's shirts.
Speaking of Hunter, the young Grimwalker's magenta eyes were filled to the brim with an endless amount of love and adoration as he was looking at his precious little brother Colli. The kindhearted eternal little boy floated into the living room.
Hunter immediately pulled him into a tight yet soft hug. "Awwwwwww! You look so incredible cute, Colli!" Luz was quietly cooing. The human girl couldn't resist and took a picture of her still sleepy little brother. "Luz, Colli is always cute." Hunter chimed in.
Colli felt so warm and cozy that he drifted off to sleep in the blonde boy's loving arms. Hunter carried him into their shared bedroom and dressed him in his pajamas with moon pattern. Then, Hunter lie down next to Colli on their shared bed.
It was a quiet afternoon, after all. Hunter put tenderly his hand on the blue side of Colli's adorable multi-colored face and caressed lovingly the immortal celestial boy's freckled cheek. "Sweet dreams, my beautiful little Sunshine. I love you." The former Golden Guard whispered.
The End
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kkatastrophic · 3 months
idk why but i feel like the funniest and also most annoying thing i see with atla characters is like. how theyre pushed into a VERY small box and mostly known for/ characterized with like. a certain aspect of them.
tell me why i constantly see ‘mom friend katara shes so momcore motherly’ posts. like yeah i guess so but shes more than just a motherly person guys!! shes a teenage girl with anger and rage and a very very strong passion for justice! shes a teenage girl who was forced to mature and clearly dislikes the motherly part of herself!!! cmon guys shed be so upset if she was only known for being a ‘mother hen’ or something!!
aang. poor aang literally hes either a 'pacifist saint scared of confrontation and has no guts' or an 'evildoer thats the founder of frowntown' or some shit. did we watch the same show?? i mean i was a little sleep deprived when i watched it yeah but i dont think aang was the true villain of atla… i think that was ozai? just a guess ? (sarcastic) idk. i just think its crazy that this little fella is usually seen in such a bad light
sokka. my boy sokka brah see hes like. hes a strange thing. i feel like there could be a buzzfeed quiz of Which Sokka Are You? and the options are buff stupid ass himbo that gets girls , annoying male manipulator/manchild that hurts women, mean big brother thats only ever sarcastic and annoying and cynical and NEVER shows any emotion other than hatefulness, spite, and jealousy, or sunshine happy funny guy that aspires to be a comedian and never has any emotions or personality other than butt of the joke/ jokester. and even then those are like. BROAD options. i could get so much more specific but like. i wont because im lazy. it just. it peeves me a little bit but to be fair i am the same type of person to go YOU DONT GET MY FAVE LIKE I DO even though i am bad at overanalyzing characters. sokkas my fave so i might just be spewing nothin but pure ass takes (dont criticize me ill cry)
toph. AUGHHHH IT GETS ME SO MAD!! why is she a mean ass no tolerance no respect girl!! why is it thay most of the time they make her out to be some girl that is mean to others because ‘its funny!!1!1!’ and will never listen and also hates everyone and is unnecessarily violent. THAT or they make her out to some ‘i’m secretly really sweet and nice and kindheartedmaxxed but i hide myself with ANGER and violence and rebellion…’ type of person that acts like a tsundere in extreme comedy animes. like giys please why are there two extremes that neither of which are good!!
dont get me started on zuko because once i start i wont stop . WHY WHY WHY!!!! i scream to the midnight sky as raindrops down my despaired face… WHY is it that hes either a small, shy, vulnerable sack of twigs who cant defend himself and needs his alpha sigma buff boyfriend(s) to defend him at all times or a buff ass strong extremely mean jerk thats also ‘a bad boy with a big heart’ that smirks 25/8 and is sad all the time and in his feels. guys like… WHY?? HES NOT .. GUYS olease. Please please please
pisses me off man! but to be fair i am VERY particular about a lot of thijgs and like. no shame / hate truly. im just a fella who cant shut up, living my life happy go lucky and filled with love and hate. if this offends you PLEASE DONT HURT ME im just a feller!!! a person in this big big world!! twas just a rant!
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Talk about your OCs!!!!!!!!!!
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i desperately wanted to respond to this immediately but i had a physiology exam this morning :(( have my post exam sleep deprived caffeine induced ramblings mwah <3
there's 3 of them rn and i love them all to pieces i have gone into wayyyyyy too much detail under the read more
so there's my demon baby who currently has no name. legit just The Demon in my brain. they started as a reader insert but i genuinely fell in love with them and am probs gonna keep adding to that au for a while (keep an eye out if u liked it)
Personally i see them as genderfluid - they can shape shift at will, but tend to lean towards mma/wrestler builds (1000000% can and will fuck u standing up) and charcoal grey skin (to blend in w the smog that fills their home skies).
physical characteristics? definitely has bat wings. love thin, membranous, and slightly translucent wings. they generally have claws and sharp teeth, a tail cause its fun to whip around and provides a nice counterweight + extra arm to grab things. they change the style of their horns like some ppl change their hair colour, a personal fav are ones either like a ram's or greater kudus's, but honestly if u like a different kind they've probably worn them for a bit for sure. tall and broad no matter what. this bastard is BIG and will use it to their advantage.
they feed off emotions, there's a whole taste menu thing i could get into, but generally they feed on fear cause its most readily available. their fav is happiness. just pure joy. tastes like bubbly sunshine and keeps them satiated for weeks. they can also amplify emotions, but can't create them if they aren't already there. summoned in the stereotypical way: fire, blood, latin chant (soap was just fuckin around for a laugh). no aversion to generic holy items, they aren't evil just another species. bright light will fuck them up tho cause they are nocturnal and have "evolved" for life in the darker hours.
can be mean. can be very very mean. knows where to hit to make it hurt, will absolutely be a little cruel on occasion when hurt by something. can also be very very warm, reading emotions makes it easy for them to give ppl what they need. generally is pretty sweet though, kinda like a creme brulee - brittle hard outside that you gotta crack to get to the soft sweet inside.
when i wanna get into their headspace i listen to maneater by the blue eyed blondes, gimme by she keeps bees (thnx for the rec on that one), keep it down by migrant motel, and i like the way you die boy by black honey. the pintrest board that i dump all the vibes in
the last one is still sorta in the work shopping phase. they're a cod oc, early to mid 30s again. i know their call sign is Jaws bc they tore someones throat out with their teeth when they got pinned down during a mission. they're head hunted by laswell after the 141 is a known force for their recon and undercover work. they get pretty close to gaz and soap, but struggle initially to break into the group cause the boys are such a well oiled machine at this point and don't really want to disrupt the status quo.
there's also the protag of my other cod fic (once again i have yet to name her). she's bi, in her mid 30s, and moved out to the edge of the forest after her last long term relationship ended (have yet to decide whether it was divorce or death). she's definitely a recluse, has a little bit of a hobby farm garden going (hugelkultur ftw), and grew up on stories about how the woods used to eat people (nova scotian; apalachian for sure).
BAD relationship w/her mother. they dont speak anymore. kind enough to her neighbours, but everyone kinda thinks shes a little strange, a little offputting (same girl). big on enjoying the little moments with the people she loves, sitting on the porch and drinking tea together kinda life.
she's honestly super special to me and i love her so much. abandoned and cranky but forced to confront that physical manifestation of grief and rage inside her when she gets attacked in the home she used to share w/her wife. and then soap? just kinda working his way into her life and very quickly getting close to her and being kind and gentle and reaching out a hand for her? idk if that was how it came out but that was what i was going for :)
anyways i listened to black hole by Griff on repeat when writing that fic, also kiss with a fist by florence and the machine. alrighty aphrodite by peach pit, lost without by shane guerrette, ghosts and monsters by saint chaos, and west virginia by the builders and the butchers were some more songs that made the writing playlist for her. pintrest board if ur interested :)
they had some trouble with their last unit too, butting heads with a shitty CO/team mate (tbd). this 100% made it into their rap sheet and gave them a bit of a rep as a trouble maker, they chose to lean into it a bit though and cause some problems on purpose for assholes. they are pretty standoffish at the start, can take a while to warm up to people. not super chatty, but enjoys spending time w/friends and will just chill and listen. loyal to a fault, but not to many ppl (eventually the 141, las, a few old team mates).
they aren't close with their family, parents passed in a car accident while they were on deployment and their sister feels like they abandoned her for the military (give an oc a happy backstory challenge has been failed). playing around with the idea of them faking their death and leaving their old team behind to go undercover at one point (the angst of being recognized by someone who thought they were dead and accidentally burning that bridge tho)
disco! in the panic room by bug hunter, hey child by the x ambassadors, choke by i dont know how but they found me, bury me face down by grandson, aint lookin by the wild feathers if i end up writing them w/one of the 141. a pintrest boards 4 u to browse :)
wow that got really long, thanks for sticking with it!! im sure i'll start posting a little more about all of them as i flesh them out, once i get through the paper and presentation i have for a couple of my classes next week im gonna have wayyyyy more time to write and explore them :))))))))
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blueparadis · 2 years
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( CONTENT WARNINGS ) ⑉ afab-reader, explicit smut, predator play, dub-con, oral acts, cunnilingus, unprotected, cum play. word count — 1.3k
( SYNOPSIS ) ⑉ Kazutora just wants a taste of the bewitching angel that occasionally stops by his pet shop.
( NOTES ) ⑉ based on this request. hope you like it :'> i didn't actually think i was gonna able to pull this off. I'm glad how this turned out at the end.
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Angelic. That was the only word that flashed through his mind when Kazutora Hanemiya first laid his eyes on you as you walked into his life at a weeping dusk.
Being the halo of the moon, Hanemiya always had trouble speaking his mind and expressing himself in presence of others.
But when you gazed back at him with the slightest curve along the corner of your lips his heart thundered amongst his velvet bones of the ribcage screaming nothing but ‘my moon.’
At that moment, a feeble voice at the bottom of his heart told him that he found his moon.
Wait, wait and wait. All he could do was wait for you to look back at him every time you visited the pet shop, but you never did.
So, his flickering light of hope was becoming feeble day by day thinking the first time you glanced at him was merely a fluke, an eclipse.
The hardest part for him is to watch you gleam whenever Chifuyu greeted you with his handsome smile. You looked so soaked in his warm affection that it almost made his soul burn in affliction.
Secretly, you had an idea why the ebb of your emotions didn’t reach him, the cold shore that remained deprived of the madness of the abyss only you could offer, an abyss of a new moon who swallowed her halo.
The way he became stiff, the way he tore away his gaze when you brushed Chifuyu’s shirt to get rid of the dirt, the way he faded into the storeroom - declared it all, proved how hungry he was for your attention. Perhaps, your touch.
Every thought of you that started with touching himself at the lonely fark corner of the storeroom recoiled like a wire at the urge to soak you in his wild desires.
But he was a fool to hope for such a miracle, more stupid even to think that his dearest friend didn’t get a whiff of this whirlpool going on between them.
“Tora, you remember y/n right?”, he froze at the mention of your name. Great, couldn't he be more obvious! And of course, he remembers, why wouldn't he? You have been snapping every ounce of his sanity.
“Well, I’ll be visiting Baji-san’s mom tomorrow. Y/n might come tomorrow, probably around closing hours. She mentioned taking some photographs for a survey. Oye ka-zu-to-ra are you listening?”
“Yeah, Alright! I’ll take care of it.”, and then he carefully kept the kitten in the cage before indulging himself in work again. Chifuyu didn’t stir the silence in him. He knew if he would, Kazutora might get a boner just talking about you.
While Kazutora was in the dark about why on earth you were so cold to him, Chifuyu had an idea since you bluntly mentioned that the silent ones are your type; over a smoke. 
Kazutora was restless throughout his entire shift. His amber iris would flash on to the door every time the bell chimed.
On most days, that sound was nothing but an annoyance even today until you walked it and the very ring turned into a sweet melody.
It was quite an ordeal to hold his grin but when you ignored him as usual and strolled in the shop in search of the sunshine boy, Matsuno all you were bestowed with was Hanemiya’s vexed stares.
“Is ‘Fuyu not here?”, 
“Why ? do you like him?”, that wasn’t just curiosity in his voice. You did a quick scan on him and he was so easy to fathom from the beginning, it was placid possessiveness.
With that familiar smirk plastered at the edge of your face, you responded, “He’s nice but I don’t like him.” You shifted your eyes to him for a moment before standing at arm’s length looking at the empty cage along his way of vision.
And for the first time, you noticed a smile on his face. It was hard to decipher since his smile reeked of something you wanted, something he wanted, something both of you wanted. 
Each time he looked away, you watched him and each time you looked away he watched you, atleast you hoped for it.
“Then, want me to show you around ?”, his voice so mellowed yet so bold. That alone sent sparks of fire along your nerves. All you could manage to do was to nod locking your eyes on him.
It’s so silent here. He showed you around the pet shop but he was always behind watching you. The moment Kazutora locked the door of the room, you could feel his eyes boring into you.
You didn’t speak, and if you had to you owe him an apology for tormenting him for a month. 
It was almost electrifying when he stood behind you, his breath fanning your nape. You could feel him smile, but the moment you tried to turn around he grabbed you by your waist.
His body was warm, unlike his touch that slowly roamed under your shirt, grabbing the fleshy mounds.
“ Ah Fuck, you smell just like I imagined”, he whispers rubbing his nose against your nape as he strongly squeezes your boobs.
A low whimper escaped your lips as you felt his cold calloused fingers rubbing your pussy against the thin membrane. “Please… Please”, 
“Please what angel ?”, he rasped as he pressed his heavy bulge against your ass. 
“Please fuck me, Tora”, and god sounded so pathetic but all your desperate plea didn’t go in vain. You heard a light smirk before he rolled you placing against the work surface. 
One of his hands held you by your waist to keep you in place while the other was already exploring your folds. Under the reflex, your hands flew at his shoulders as he started to rub your folds, moving his fingers two and fro.
God, you wanted to kiss him, his soft peachy lips but you knew he would deny it just to swell in delight.
You’re totally at his mercy, helplessly moaning his name begging him to fuck you. “You made me wait so long, Angel. At least you could do the same for me”, his words laced your skin with goosebumps.
He pulled away his hand just before reaching your high, leaving you all aching and tears pooling at the corners of your eyes.
You were so weak from the overstimulation when he stared at you with insatiable hunger as he jocked down in between your thighs. One broad lick made you squeal and squirm in pleasure.
“Please…”, but your soft cry turned him on making him suck on your nub.
“Please no more !”, you cried once again earning his doe-eyed gaze. 
You noticed a slight curve of amusement along his lips. And as he stood up with his mouth and nose slick wet from your arousal you couldn’t help but kiss him. 
He didn’t resist like you thought he would. Instead, his arms snaked along your inner things pulling you closer to his body and rubbing his cock against your pussy.
You broke the kiss feeling his heavy cock against yours. You were so swept by the pleasure that you didn’t notice when he had sprung his cock free. 
Kazutora has been waiting for this so long yet seeing you begging like this, deluded in orgasm he couldn’t wait to thrust his cock into your cunt.
“Look at me, look at me while I fuck you”, he remarks guiding your chin towards his face as he sheaths himself into you. 
You were already so aroused that it didn’t take many strokes to have you cum on his cock. A few broad, heavy strokes and you creamed around his aroused cock. Heavenly.
Kazutora pulled out and before you could say anything he shut you up with a kiss as he pumped his cock to get his release. The sound of the doorknob startled both of you, it was just peke-j.
Kazutora knew he didn’t have the guts to share his dark angel with his pal, Chifuyu, with anyone as he watched his cum shoot all over your lower belly.
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⌗ tags — @michiphoria @manjiroscum @haitaniapologist @8kh
⌗ networks — @downtown-roponggi @tokyometronetwork
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glazelilyy · 3 years
the little things
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pairings (separately!)- diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, albedo, childe/tartaglia, zhongli, xiao, kaedehara kazuha, scaramouche, dainsleif x gender neutral reader (modern au!)
word count - 1770
genre - fluff
format- drabbles
warnings - none!
summary - a collection of cute, brief modern moments with the boys :)
a/n - if you've been around long enough on my account, you might know that i absolutely adore modern aus hehehehe so this post is just one big giant self indulgence :P also first post with thoma!! :D i love my sunshine boy he's so sweet :P
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THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN you arrive home, exhausted and tired expecting to met with an empty and bleak living room. but, instead, are greeted with the scent of fresh, sweet roses and the gentle, albeit scratchy hum of an old record player. flickering candles decorate the apartment, and in the middle of it all stands your prince charming. clad in his dress clothes from the office, tie loosely hung from his collar and black dress sleeves rolled up to the elbow with sleep deprived bags under his eyes to compliment the look, you've never seen a man more handsome. and just as a prince does, his hand stretches forwards and with your acceptance he sweeps you off your feet for a night of dancing in your cleared out living room to old, romantic songs in tandem to the sound of your synchronized heartbeats.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN your mind scrambles for purchase amidst draining thought after thought while you toss and turn in bed, and your stomach growls at an impossible time of night. it's almost as though kaeya has a sixth sense or something, because just minutes later there are stones hitting against the glass of your bedroom window, and lo and behold on your front lawn stands kaeya with two takeout bags in his hands and that all too familiar boyish smile on your face. he'll lead you by the hand, sneakily and quietly as if you were stalking amidst forbidden shadows of the night, up to the roof, where constricting ceilings fall away and above you lay a blanket of stars. the jagged roof tiles dig incessantly into your skin, but his cheesy stories and antics of stealing bits of your food are enough to soften and ease the many thoughts that had poked at your mind. his shoulder is warm, warmer is his smile and warmest are his lips against yours.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN the weight of school trembles heavily against your back, but he's there to soothe you. "allow me, love," he says, and scooches in beside you to read over your course material. his voice sounds of the sweetest symphonies, even when he's recounting the most boring of equations and facts to you in simple and precise manners. he's always managed to make things easier for you. under the illumination of your desk lamp and the faded stars from outside your window, he appears to shine so bright. brighter than the most luminous of stars, a beacon in your darkest times. but your thoughts remain snug in your head, which manages to loll onto his shoulder as your eyes shut and your consciousness drifts off to the comforting lilt of his voice. he looks down at you with a fond smile on his face, and presses a kiss to your forehead before shutting the textbook and switching off your desk lamp.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN his hands snake so suavely and sneakily around your arms and maneuver your flour-covered hands because he's just "showing you how to stir the bowl properly" and not trying to fluster you, apparently. your kitchen is nothing short of a mess from an earlier flour fight, empty bowls once filled with cake batter, there's smidges of cake frosting on his cheek and a fragrant sweetness of sugar in the air. you let him lick the spatula—"just this once," you say, but you know you'll let him do it again. his arms wind tightly around your waist, frosting smidged cheek nestled tight into the crook of your neck and you give in to his sways and gentle hums of childhood lullabies against your neck and the soft tune of his spotify playlist in the background. he kisses you and it tastes impossible sweet, and you're sure it's because of how sweet he is rather than the frosting he had devoured earlier.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN dawn breaks through the threshold beyond the horizon and glimmers of golden light pour onto your entanglement of limbs. you're snug, body secure in his arms and face comfortably nestled in the crook of his neck, safe and shielded against the outstretched arms of the waking world. "just one more minute," you mumble, but it's too late to slip back under and you peel your eyelids open to be met with glimmering pools of golden eyes that peer ever so lovingly back at you. there's a faint flicker of amusement in his eyes as his warmth leaves you vulnerable and bare in your shared bed, where you end up trotting after him out of bed. he's already prepared two steaming cups of tea by the time you've freshened up and stumble into the kitchen. his phone comes alive with hinderances of board meetings and closing deals, and the sounds of car horns scream up from the streets outside, and yet he takes his place beside you at the kitchen counter and raises his cup in greetings, to a morning with you by his side.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN you beg him to teach you the ways of navigating your most dreaded enemy: the skateboard. his hands would be firm in your own as you tremble on baby deer legs on his board, wobbling to and fro like a spinning top. he's patient, ever so calm with a slight hint of annoyance whenever you do make a teasing remark at how gentle his teachings are. under faded, dim streetlights with the scent of burnt concrete and adrenaline in the air, his hands would find their way around your hips and propel you forwards as you squawk and scream for purchase and security on his body. admittedly, he much rather prefers when your back is pressed tight against his chest and your feet are planted on the harsh black of the board, while he propels it forwards and keeps his arms wound tight around your waist. as a treat for your hard work, bubble tea is your reward, and your cup is emptied in the dead of night in an empty parking lot, sitting on an empty curb. your feet and his feet rest upon the board, rocking it back and forth and your head lolls on his shoulder with his secure arm around your waist.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN all is quiet and tranquil save for the gentle rustle of parchment and paper gliding against once another like gentle waves. light streams in through the translucent blinds attached to the high ceiling and allow in a pleasant breeze from beyond the glass panes. shoulder to shoulder, a book in each of your laps, phones long discarded save for yours, ignorant to the incessant whining of cars and chatter outside. his hand is akin to a gentle, blazing fire as it rests within your own, brilliant vermillion eyes trained on the text in front of him with his free hand skimming over the various faded words in the leather bound book. a lone earbud rests within the cavity of his ear, and you share the matching piece, where gentle melodies and soothing voices coax you into a state of tranquility. he squeezes your hand when the song ends, and you return your focus back to the book in your lap with an equally gentle squeeze right back and a loving smile on your face.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN you clamber into his home office and ask him for just a moment's reprieve from his work. "can't, busy," he replies, but you're stubborn—if not more stubborn than him, and soon he finds himself being dragged away from the endless cycle that was his work and nudged down onto the living room couch. he mumbled strings of profanities and grumbles of objection, but you're apparently having none of it. with every sour word that comes out, a loving kiss is instead pressed to his temple, then nose, cheek, eyelid, and, of course, lips. he's gone stiff on the couch, unsure of what schemes you've come up with as you rummage through a nearby bin of items. a pair of headphones and his preferred controller were tossed his way, along with your blindingly beautiful smile. the tv screen before him lights up, and your weight flops down beside him, donning your own pair of headphones and controller. "the reports can wait," he thinks, first he has to demolish you in a game of your choosing.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN you catch him tenderly caring for the gentle roses and carnations growing in his backyard. each flower was tended with love under dainsleif's watchful eye. many would think it was quite amusing: dainsleif, no doubt a giant of a man, finding solace in such a fragile pastime. you, however, know how much of a gentle teddy bear he is beneath his hardened exterior. you come up beside him and whisper in hushed voices as if the blooming flowers could overhear your conversations. there's an affectionate douse of tranquility in every one of his precise movements, ridding his flower beds of weeds and carefully inseminating the earth with fresh plants from your recent trip to the hardware store. he picks his most beautiful flower: a luscious, wine red rose that drips with the sweetest aroma, and tucks it behind your ear once its thorns had been clipped off. he smells of fairy forests and daydreams, and his lips taste of magic when you dive in to feel all of him, with his flower nestled securely behind your ear.
THE LITTLE THINGS ARE WHEN the seasons have shifted and spring cleaning has come around. dusty boxes and old trinkets covered in a thick coating of dust lie around your house, brooms and pans and a lone vacuum sit tight against a nearby wall. no cleaning has been done, which would usually leave thoma in an antsy mood. but he's never felt such peace, allowing you into his lap while he sits cross legged on the floor and leans against a nearby wall of your apartment. in your lap is an old photo album containing the many memories that even thoma could still recall in vivid detail. a photo of you holding up your pet dog, taroumarou, on the day he was adopted. a photo of him striking a silly pose next to an equally silly advertisement you'd found while taking a midnight walk. a photo of you and him during a trip up north, where all you saw for miles were blankets of stars. "the cleaning can wait," he mumbles with a faint, nostalgic smile, and picks up the next of many, many albums and allows you to turn the first page.
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date published: october 29th, 2021
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Hello Halo Hello! I'm hoping your having a splendid day/evening/afternoon/night! May I please request a lmk sun wukong and macaque x male reader? The scenario is one day the reader wears a dress for the first time infront of macaque/sun wukong, (cause men wear dresses! 😤💘) just some cute fluffyness if you don't mind
(P.S: can you do a cute love triangle rivalry please? If you don't mind, if not you can do em separate too if you like. And thank you for your time.)
Comfortable (Sun Wukong X Reader X Macaque)
Eyy, sorry for the very late oneshot. Things have been hectic. 
But eyyy, I 100% agree. People should wear whatever they want as long as it's not hurting people or illegal. 
And since I try to make my oneshots for anyone who could be reading, the clothes are up to you! Want business casual, boom, there you go. Want fancy? Go fancy! 
I hope you enjoy it! ^^
You looked between the various outfits and styles you could choose while standing in the mirror. You could hear the Great Sage and The Shadow King arguing about some little thing in your living room. Honestly, the only reason your home is in one piece right now is because you forced them to have a truce while in your presence. You didn't want to deal with property damage.
You shook your head and sighed to yourself before ultimately choosing the outfit you liked. You quickly changed into it before doing some last minute touches and smiling to yourself. You looked great! Now to see how the boys would react…
You grin to yourself as you open the door and step out into the living room and toward the boys on the couch, the argument Wukong was going to make dying on his tongue as soon as he saw you. 
"I- Holy crap Sunshine, you look stunning!" He beamed as Macaque stared at you, trying to keep his face neutral but ultimately failing with the soft blush on his cheeks. 
"Thanks! I was looking at what kind of outfits I'd be comfortable in if I needed to go to some event or something," He quickly gets off the couch and gently takes your hand.
"Event or not, I wouldn't mind you wearing this anyday," He flirted before sighing dramatically.
"Of course, you look good in anything," You laugh at his playfully distraught tone. Macaque huffed before getting off the couch and taking your other hand.
"For once, I agree with the self absorbed nuisance. You're my moon after all," Wukong grins.
"And my sun!" You smile gently.
"You guys are sweet, now come on! We're going to have fun!" You drag the boys out of your home and go wherever you want, having a casual date with the two monkie bois that you love so dearly, and they love you back just the same, if not more. 
Sorry if it's short, bit sleep deprived and this was the only idea I could come up with. ^^´
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
devil in disguise- Felix
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Contains:hard dom! Felix, explicit sexual contract, fingering, spitting, slapping etc.
This is just imagination doesn't describe Felix irl.
Minors don't interact.
That's what everyone thought your boyfriend Felix was. An innocent, kind and sweet ball of sunshine, it was true though. He was the most considerate and warm human you ever met. Felix was distressingly perfect. Not a single soul would have thought that this sweet-natured honey boy was a whole different person with you in the bedroom. A cruel sadist . His deep voice somehow becomes more deeper and sexier while he used to whisper the meanest words possible that leaves you a broken mess in his hold. His small fingers for which he gets teased often were able to reach the most sensitive corners of your pussy. He was everything you wished for, a caring boyfriend and also a strict dominant to overstimulate you till you beg him to stop. It didn't mean that you didn't feel loved while lying down next to him, he had a way of words that made both your heart and pussy skip a beat. It was true that there's a wild side to every innocent face.
" I am not going to touch you unless, you beg" Felix snickered , this was the third time he edged you this night , the sweet torture was beyond your limits, you wanted him to put his glistening fingers back to where they were. He knew you were a little hesitant while voicing out your needs so he always made you cry out what you wanted him to do the most. A literal tease. Your face was a complete mess. Tears falling from your eyes and mouth covered with spit and cum from the recent blowjob you gave your boyfriend.
" Please put your cock inside me ", you pleaded him , voice so desperate and shameless, it made Felix's cock twitch a little.
" As you say, my doll", Felix said as he positioned his one arm on side of your head, his eyes piercing your soul . He entered his two fingers inside of you to stretch you out a little for his thick dick. Even the slightest touch turned you on, the previous deprived orgasms made you completely lose your mind, the only thing you were focusing on was how good his fingers rubbed you down there, he curled his them up for a last time before removing them from your needy cunt and cleaning them on your breast and pinching one nipple not to hard, you were blabbering incoherent words. He just gave you a wicked smile before entering his cock inside you, stretching you out in best way possible. Felix felt he was in heaven, your lips were squeezing his cock damn perfectly, he didn't waste any more time before moving in and out of in a ferocious speed. That's how he was fast and rough. Skin slapping and filthy moans sound filled the room.
" open your mouth", Felix said in an alluring tone. you managed to part away your dry lips for him.
"Wider slut" He said as his hand reached against your tear drenched cheek slapping you not in a hard way, the action making your abused pussy throb around him .You opened your mouth as wide as possible. Felix removed his cock from you and entered his fingers inside you , twisting, curling and scissoring them in the most brutal yet pleasurable way possible. You knew what exactly he was doing. He collected both of yours as much as wetness and precum possible before he placed his fingers inside his mouth and then went down on you passing down the spit and precum from his mouth to yours. The mixture directly went on your tongue, it felt so filthy yet good. This was Felix. He could have also done this after Cumming around you but he preferred to look at the best view while he fucked your brains out . he always somehow finds new way to make the sex sinful and dirty as much as possible. He enjoyed watching his girlfriend being like a actress straight from porn so vulnerable and fucked out.
" Swallow", Felix said after fee seconds passed while he admired you, watching the mixture of liquid pooling inside your mouth. You swallowed eagerly after his command. You looked at him with Blurry doe eyes admiring every detail of him.
" Good girl", he said and moved his hand on top of your head patting you softly before entering himself inside your fluttering cunt again. His pace again the same fast and deep. You whimpered below him, feeling so full and cloudy.
" Who owns you ?" Felix rasped out in your ears dangerously, the possessive side of him coming out.
" you, you--" you said breathlessly as you grabbed his shoulders for support. Upon hearing you Felix was beyond satisfied. You were his and he was yours that's what that mattered. His hands roamed on your body hips, thighs breast neck everywhere , he was really touching like he owned every single part of you, that made you feel some type of way, butterflies exploding inside your stomach. Your orgasm was close, Felix felt you tightening around him , your toes curling due to indescribable heavenly pleasure.
" I want to cum", you said, your words coming out broken and weak. He was close to his high too.
" my pathetic slut, can't even beg properly." Felix mocked your broken state with full pride, knowing that only he was able to see you so fucked out and vulnerable and only he can make you feel so good. He grabbed you by hair and let you in a passionate hungry kiss, pushing his tongue further down your mouth, saliva leaking from the corner of your lips from his force, his kisses were dangerous for you . He wrapped your left leg around his waist while while he gave you the permission to cum around him.
With a high pitched moan you let your orgasm ripped through you, you felt like being on cloud nine. Squeaky sounds becaming more audible as Felix was still fucking you out while you ride down your high, the overstimulation making you dizzy. With few final thrusts he cummed inside you, his warm cum painting your walls, the feeling was amazing, after fully empting himself while being still inside you, he slowly moved his hips trying to shove the liquid as deep as possible his hand reached yours , intervening and kissing each other with now just pure love. He looked down at your both connecting sexes feeling proud and simply happy.
He plopped down beside you and embraced you so lovingly moving his hands on your head and stomach, he snuggled in your neck and left soft kisses behind.
" you okay, baby?" , Felix asked you softly while playing with your hair.
"I am", you said voice weak due to screaming and moaning .
" let's quickly have a shower baby, tomorrow I am very busy, I need to make many types of cookies and cake for you", Felix said in an enthusiastic tone, sounding just like a child.
This was the reason why you believed he was a devil in disguise..
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