#my sweet evil and confusing character of a man
creativesplat · 1 year
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So the Fell Xenologue... huh...
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white-sinner · 1 year
Poly Yandere Alphas Asano & Karma x Male Beta reader (assassination classroom)
They force reader to wear a collar with their names on it.
Marking, reader being tied up, degrading, sadism, treating reader like a pet.
They say many things that bring down beta’s, and how they wish he was an omega, how much better he would be if he was. That he shouldn’t worry, they’ll still like him regardless of the fact that he’s a beta. Stuff like that.
you can try to resist but this is a challenge that you too know you will lose..
WARNING: kidnapping, threats, force collaring, knives, marking, sadism, sex, mention of pheromone
A/N: are we all aware that these two as yandere would be impossible to stop? with the controlled/rational personality of Asano and the sadistic one of Karma I think our dear Male reader has no hope of getting out of this fall into hell
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a couple of hidden lovers born in the seventh grade who despite the difference in classes continue to live and be stronger and stronger but what will happen when these two Alphas find in M ​​/ n the omega they were looking for?
for Karma and Asano it had never been difficult to get along their two characters intertwined perfectly but then there was a change when 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High moved M/N L/N a beta, the first to notice it was Karma who was truly amazed by your skills against Korosensei not to mention your splendid personality and your scent which, despite you being a Beta, goes more sweet like vanilla and caramel since you arrived Karma feel a strong sense of protection and with your being kind but also knowing how to stand up to him,he understand that you were the missing omega that he and Asano were looking for but despite your being Beta he didn't care you were definitely a omega for him and no one could change his mind. obviously Karma as a good alpha and boyfriend reported everything to Asano who thanks to social networks, acquaintances and stalking in the end he too fell in love with you so the two devised a plan to get you
the two of them started leaving on your desk, folder and even mailing them to your home! they started giving you anonymous teddy bears/t-shirts and even used underwear…. now if you were an omega you got those things for your nest and as a clear sign of courtship that an alpha wanted to make you his but being you a beta you couldn't even recognize whose scent it was but things got worse in class when yet another soft toy appeared on your counter
“Another gift from your secret admirer?”
“I wouldn't call him a secret admirer but more perverted stalker *huf* I swear Nagisa if this dude doesn't finish it I'm going straight to the cops why doesn't he go fuck a bitch instead of bothering me"
poor man M/N he didn't know that the "pervert" he was talking about was watching him Asano was out of class and Karma near the window
in the chats between Karma and Asano
“it seems that your plan has failed”. my beloved psychopath 8:13
"I notice ugh he's getting on my nerves why he doesn't understand we're just trying to make him understand that he belongs to us?" my control freak 8:15
“now now don't get angry maybe our dear M/N needs to be put in his place and submit to his mates”. my beloved psychopath 8:16
so Karma stopped you outside school after class was over but as he spoke to you he took your hands and pinned you in the wall as ticked off Asano who with a syringe the rest was too blurry to remember
you woke up tied to a chair and in front of you with an evil smile your two captors
“but coincidentally, it seems the bitch woke up "
“wha-Karma Asano?!"
“Is this the way to address your mates? it seems that our omega likes to be punished”
what the hell were they saying omega, mates have they gone crazy?!
“haha look at that really adorable confused and scared expression”
“what the heck are you saying are you crazy I'm not an omega! release me immediately you ugly sons of bit-*slap*
” ugh and so that you address your alphas! first you called us perverts then this… I think you need to learn some of the rules Bitch”
at that moment Karma untied you and threw you on the bed and he cut your pants with his knife
"it's a real pity that you're not an omega right now you could be in heat and we would have helped you little slut"
said Asano while he was thrusting his cock into you without even getting ready!
“aAasano stop…Mmhm~”
“nonono this is not the way you call us”
Karma approached with the knife making a cut on your lips and then licking them
“so tell us bitch are we really perverts like you said?”
"to me the only bitch looks like you M/n look at Asano he's not fucking you even for 15 minutes and you already look like you're about to pass out"
continued Karma before he positioned himself on your face putting his cock in your mouth by now those two were gone in sync it was too much for you after a while Karma painted your throat white and you came
“wouldn't you like to be an omega? being inside a nest made with our clothes feeling the need to obey your alphas…having our children inside you”
“mmm after all look at you you are already below us for being a beta you are a shame”
they continued while karma came for the second Once Asano hadn't come yet! karma take his members off you and kiss you furiously making your tongue stick out and came again
“you know M/N you are really cute when you cry but I think you need to remind you who you belong to”
with that he took the knife and carved his initials and Asano's on your arm while you cried in pain and Karma licked your blood Asano came inside you
"if you were an omega by now with us you'd already be pregnant so you couldn't open your legs to anyone and you won't"
he approached your ear and whispered to you
“try to escape from us and we will kill all your loved ones remember the packages we know where you live"
having said this the two of them attacked your throat covering it with hickeys. a few minutes later and Asano also came out of you
"we have a gift for you go get it Asano"
Asano come back with a red streak collar and an orange heart with Karma Akabane and Gakushu Asano properties written behind it
"that's it, what are you saying Asano him Isn't he just adorable?”
“very Karma so how do you say M/N when your mates give you a present?”
you answered Asano in a low voice even though he was out of you you still felt him inside
” thanks Asa-“
“I think you were wrong try again or do you want to be punished”
“thanks alphas…”
before you could say anything other karma and Asano they made you spread on their chest and they ignited you with something
“don't worry M/N although you are a beta we love you the same but wouldn't it be better to be an omega? betas are less strong than alphas and more useless than omegas and then to be a beta you are a shame you smell so sweet and you let yourself be used as a sex toy"
" this syringe contains omega hormones we will continue to give it to you for a while you will see that in a short time you will assume your true behaviors "
you wanted to fight back but you were too tired so you closed your eyes hoping to wake up from this nightmare
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alisonthedeluluisback · 9 months
Rating movies about nazi germany I have watched
First of all, I want to make it clear that this isn't a professional review, it's only my opinion
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I liked the proposal of the story being centered around a nazi family and the younger boy befriending a jew, but all of that goes down the drain due to the multiple historical inaccuracies: the children learned about nazism very early, so there is no way bruno would have been that innocent. Also, concentration camps wasn't of that much easy access. The appeal to emotion instead of actually building a deep plot also sucks. 5/10
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I absolutely adored this movie, the plot is so deep, the construction around the persecution of Liesel's parents, her relationship with her adoptive parents, the brotherhood she had with the jew hiding in their house, her tough but sweet personality, her desire for knowledge. It was all so beautifully orchestrated, and also the historical accuracy>>>>>> 10/10
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This movie will always be a classic for me. The way they portrayed nazis as they were, human, vulnerable, with a distorted view of the world but still seeking what they thought was the best. How they went deep down into the life in the bunker, the despair and hopelessness they felt. Also, the way they portrayed Eva Braun>>>> how she tried to sugarcoat everything not to suffer, how she threw parties in the hallway of death, how even in a desperate situation the greatest joy of her life was to marry the terrible man she fell in love with and was blindly loyal too. Everything is so heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. Also, the historical accuracy is just a delight. 1000/10
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This is a true punch in the gut. The terrible way he lost his family, the inhuman life he lived in the guetto, his part in the warsaw guetto riot, how he kept his beautiful talent immaculate till the end, when he lost the love of his life and had to see her married, the hunger, mistreating and fear that were a part of his daily life, his brave survival. Everything about this movie is truly sad. 9/10
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I won't even talk much about this one. I start it laughing and finished it on the verge of crying. It is funny, heartbreaking, the perfect mix between comedy and tragedy, the true definition of bittersweetness. 100/10
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Following the same road of the last one, there's this piece of art. It had everything to go wrong, but it went beautifully. They made something outrageous turn out funny without being offensive, and yet made a deep, tragic and beautiful story. The underlying romance between that ex-soldier and his assistant, the way jojo changed his mentality gradually, and his absurd view of hitler. It was surprisingly very historically accurate, but Im still confused about: how was jojo not sent to an orphanage after his mother died? How did he survive on his own? Anyways, this was a negative point for me, but still love it. 50/10
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Okay, I absolutely love this one, but hate to death how they slipped over such simple aspects, like Hitler's personality. They made him hit a dog when in fact he defended animal's rights, they made him not give a shit about his mom being ill when in fact he loved her dearly. They changed his personality to make him seem even more evil. But, I also have plenty of positive points to talk about. I rarely see movies portraying Hitler's early life the way this one did, and how he ascended gradually to power. I love this miniseries deeply for getting into details about his whole life. They even aborded his abusive relationship with his niece. I can almost forgive the outrageous innacuracy with the characters and the altering of some details (how he earned his iron cross, how he met eva braun, how he treated fuschl), and I love it despite its defects. It also has some iconic scene: the bar fight, the munich beer hall putch, the trial. I wish I could give a 1000/10, but because of its innacuracies im giving it a 500/10
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Nazis getting brutally slaughtered. Do I really have to say anything else? Also, Hans Landa>>>>>>>> ∞/10
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tusks-and-claws · 1 year
Miguel being depressed and picking up an anomaly who notices and is sweet and understanding with him.
Okay I'll write some feelings just this once because I like this. Reader is the anomaly in question. SFW angst/feelings under the cut
And it arrived in the unlikely form of a hulking figure in red and blue. He leaped through the darkness in near silence, binding you up with neon red webs as you struggled to break free. Was this Spider-Man? He didn't look like the Spidey from your dimension. And you, apparently, didn't look like any anomaly he'd ever seen. You looked so scared, so confused. Utterly helpless. When he finally realized that something was amiss, his mask retracted into his suit, revealing his face. It was angular and strong, but there was such weakness in his eyes. It struck you, and you stopped struggling.
You didn't know what an anomaly was until you became one, falling out of your dimension and into another. The experience was far more painful than you ever would have been able to predict. You looked out of place, you felt it, your body knew it. The longer you were there, the more it hurt. Until help arrived.
He approached you slowly, his hands up, showing you he didn't mean any harm. "I don't know what's going on," he said, his voice low and level. "But I do know that we need to get you out of here." Apologetically, he released you from his webbing and lifted you up into his capable arms. He carried you through a new portal that he created, bringing you to his headquarters.
There, he placed you in an orange containment device of some kind, and the light of it made you squint. "To keep you from glitching," he had said. "Wish I could give you a day pass, but I don't want to set a bad example. At the very least, I'm expediting the process to get you home. But there are some dangerous characters that need to be prioritized." You nodded. You understood as best you could. He asked you about yourself. And you both learned that there was a version of you from a different dimension that became some kind of villain. Your matching DNA confused whatever presence or influence transported you, and so there you had been, traveling through space and time without a single inkling as to why. A completely regular person in your own world, but a villain in another.
You were in a line, now, a line to eventually go home. The man who saved you seemed to feel terrible about you being there. It wasn't your fault that your interdimensional counterpart was evil. He brought you food and drink from the cafeteria. Empanadas, burgers, all sorts of things. One day, he sheepishly brought you a burger with a bun that looked like his mask. It made you laugh, and that seemed to soften him like nothing else had.
"What about you?" You eventually asked him from inside of your cage. He told you his name, Miguel, but not much else. "It's just that... you look so sad." You admitted.
"I know what it's like to feel so out of place."
"No," you said. "It's more than that." He picked his head up at that, suddenly on guard. "You don't have to tell me anything. I'm sorry. You do so much good. Surely, it outweighs whatever is hanging over you."
"Nothing will ever outweigh it...." He finally said, his expression tortured. "I do all of this because I know what happens when someone doesn't do it. I've made that mistake, and I can never take it back."
You shared a moment of silence with him before saying, "I hope you can at least rest knowing that you saved me. You're my hero because of that. Your past and your mistakes don't matter to me. You'll always be the man that saved my life."
He actually smiled at that. It was small but genuine.
The day came when it was finally your turn to go home. He brought you another burger with his mask on it. A goodbye gift. The sentiment tasted better than the burger ever could. He watched from the platform below as the machine detected your DNA signature and started to weave an enclosure around you. When the portal opened, Miguel's face was the last thing you saw before finally going home.
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bumblebugwrites · 7 months
chapter 6: bite the hand
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Pairing: Victor!Treech x fem!Reader
Summary: Over the next four years, you speak only five times with Treech, each conversation proving more confusing than the last.
Warnings: Cursing, Suggestive Themes, Mention of Injuries, Character Death, Weapons, Violence.
Word Count: 6.6k
Taglist: @nekee-lilac02, @mr-panda357, @yourfavmiki, @blackoutdays13, @dialuvsbangtan, @emgunther
A/N: Well, this is admittedly late, sorry y'all. Also on that note, the update schedule is about to be completely fucked for this fic. As it turns out school is lowkey catching up to me so unfortunately I think I may need to move to posting every two weeks. Either way, I hope you enjoy this chapter, which according to my original outline puts us at about halfway through No Evil Angel But Love!
Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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“I just think it was a mistake. It should never have happened, and– And it won’t happen again.” And just like that, your heart was shattered, scattered across the floor in a million pieces. Well, maybe not just like that. In fact, for a moment, you’d thought the whole thing was a joke of some sort. But then his eyes had caught yours, cold in a way you’d never seen them before, and you had to stop yourself from staggering back, from hitting the wall, because this Treech, the one standing before you, he looked just like the man who’d put an axe through your heart in a dream you’d tried so hard to forget.
“I don’t understand. Does this have something to do with the fact that you disappeared this morning?” Sure, you had been out of it when he’d left, but it didn’t take long for the panic to set in, waking once more to a cold bed, mind reaching out to a memory formed only an hour ago. A mystery phone call to your room. Treech disappearing out the door.
“No, I– No. Just listen to me. This is it, it’s over.” Not the phone call. Him. He wanted this, and next to that, the phone call felt like something to be forgotten in its entirety.  But why?
“You came here last night. You showed up at my hotel room, saying you couldn’t take it anymore, and now, what? You’ve changed your mind?” Anger was quick to follow confusion in those fleeting moments, and as you surged forward, hands tangling desperately in his shirt, you weren’t sure if the intent was to pull him in or push him away.
“You’re just not–” And his hands were on yours, brushing a sweet, delicate pattern across your knuckles, bringing you that soft, quiet feeling he always had. And for a moment, you could feel him leaning in. To hold you? To kiss you? You weren’t sure. “I don’t want you.” 
It was like a punch in the gut.
“I was enough last night.” Tears clouded your vision as you held steady willing him to look at you, to pull his gaze from the ground, to wrap his hands around yours once more. They were limp now, hanging uselessly at his sides.
“Maybe you weren’t. Maybe you never were.” You wanted to scream. To cry. To lash out and disappear and explode with the unmistakable rage inside you. You couldn't. You could barely speak.
“Treech, I–”
“We’re done. Don’t talk to me. Don’t touch me. Don’t even look at me.” And with that, he pushed you away, spinning to exit out the door just behind you. Leaving you to crumple to the ground. Alone. Unwanted. 
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Over the next four years, you had five more conversations with Treech alone, each leaving you more confused than the last.
The first time you spoke was just over two years after he told you that night had been a mistake. That you were a mistake.
It was harder to stay away in the beginning. Hardest at night when you could hear his screams, telltale signs of the nightmares you knew he fell prey to. The nightmares that formed mirror images of your own. Several nights, you found yourself frozen outside his door, compelled for some unearthly reason to stand guard, to make heavy, unyielding eye-contact with the painted number 7 as though waiting long enough might make it open without any necessary action. You knew then what you really wanted. To go inside. To assure him it would be okay. To offer him the same place in your room you always had. But then, he didn’t want that. He’d made that clear enough. And so after minutes, or sometimes hours of waiting, you would escape back to your own room before your presence could be noted. Afraid of the harsh words he might have stored up this time, lashings for your petty emotions.
It was one of those nights, the first time you spoke, although the nightmare was yours, not his. It had left you in a cold sweat as you jerked yourself from the duvet, still sobbing, and you found yourself wondering when the room had become so unbearably large. A glass of water, you’d thought. A coffee, maybe; chances are you’re done with sleep tonight anyway. You’d wondered how Treech was. You always did when your own nightmares exceeded their typical limits, and the thought had infiltrated your mind until the minute you’d pulled the door open, revealing his seated form just outside, back pressed to the wall. Alert. Awake, as though certain his presence alone might ward off any oncoming evil. 
He appeared nearly as shocked as you at the reveal, quickly launching himself to his feet and plastering a grimace across his features, darkened by the little light in the hall. And just as you’d opened your mouth to speak, to question his attendance at the foot of your door, he’d bit with words of his own.
“Could you try not to be so loud? Some people here are sleeping.” You did not populate the hall outside his door so much after that. You did not populate his presence at all.
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The second time was out of necessity. It was that same year of the 13th Games, and you had found yourself down a tribute, the girl, Rhea, having lost her life in what was beginning to be known as the bloodbath. Skinner was older, the boy. Eighteen and a walking tragedy, so close to escaping. That was the year before they stopped locking you all in the Academy. Before Lux convinced them that sponsor relations could only bear to improve if mentors were allowed the ability to mingle with the people of the Capitol, within reason, of course. Before the Games grew longer, sometimes lasting over a week. 
The night was young, but you were on your third cup of coffee, unable to tear your eyes from the screen. From Skinner’s restless movements as he sat back to a tree, with eyes that scanned his surroundings in wide, impatient arcs. He was alone, and no allies meant no sleep, so he clung to the adrenaline still coursing through his veins, begging it to carry him to safety. 
On your right, Teff fidgeted with his screen, clearly agitated by an increased sense of anxiety at the prospect of both of his tributes escaping the mess of fighting that began the Games. It was harder that way; you had come to learn. Longer survival meant hope. Hope that will infiltrate your thoughts. Your emotions. Higher risk of attachment. And with two tributes, a higher risk that the death of one would only serve to destroy the other. Or worse, a higher risk that they would be forced to take each other on. You’d seen it happen. In the 12th Games, both remaining tributes came from 2, and while Octavian remained firm and unmoving in his seat, Antonia could barely force herself to watch.
Still, you had liked Skinner, cursed with the gangly limbs of a teenager on the verge of adulthood, with a crooked smile and a biting sense of humor reserved only for Rhea in their short days together, so you pushed on. And if the lingering claws of hope had curled their way around your heart, so be it. Maybe this would be the year you could save one. Maybe this would be the year you saw a kid survive.
To your left, there was Treech. Always Treech, who endlessly invaded your thoughts in those weeks you were forced to travel back to the Capitol. In the years since your first visit, the trips had only increased, with Snow managing to find a reason to gather you all in the ‘Gem of Panem’ at least four times a year. Press, he called it, and Hilarius often assured you that networking of that sort was necessary, but it was hard to believe even from his mouth, and you often felt yourself feeling more inclined to believe Teff’s theories. They just want to remind us who’s in control.
Treech was down a tribute, too; though both had escaped the initial violence, the career pack had managed to track the pair, quickly ending the boy’s life and leaving only his girl to escape. Arbor. It had been some time since you had noted her presence on your screen, but you didn’t dare to even attempt casting a look in Treech’s direction, fearing the rash display of the temper you had come to know as reserved for you and you alone.
And you wouldn’t have had to, really, if it weren’t for what happened next, the crushing of underbrush underfoot, the cacophony of voices infused with a false confidence. Skinner’s head shot up in an instant, fear plain on his features. He stood slowly, pushing himself up from the ground with the bark of the tree cutting into his palm for support. The career pack was coming, and he was as good as dead.
Several low branches stuck out to you, and silently, you begged him to climb in spite of a display earlier that day which assured you he did so with the elegance of a toddler. Still, it was all that was left, and you were clinging to hope. Stupid, useless hope. He turned to size up his route upwards, and the voices grew nearer. It was now or never. The pace was the first problem you noticed as Skinner inched up the tree with the speed of a snail. You realized in passing he’d probably never climbed a tree before. Sure, they weren’t a rarity in 10. There were plenty out on the ranch, and as a child, you often sought solace among their branches when your father had allowed you to tag along with him to work. But for a kid like Skinner, confined to 10’s more industrial parts, spending days cooped up in the slaughterhouse, climbing a tree wasn’t exactly within the realm of knowledge he should possess. 
“Fuck. Come on.”
The second thing you noted was the noise. Certainly, there aren’t many silent ways to climb a tree, with the continual brushing of leaves against the fabric of your clothes, but the footfalls were doing little to help in the way of masking his presence, and though he’d made a bit of progress, you almost wished Skinner would stop moving completely. 
The third and most glaring problem, however, was that you’d finally managed to find Arbor, crouched and observant several branches above Skinner. No weapon. That was good. What wasn’t good was that it would be well within her rights to give him up. And beneficial, too. You sucked in a large breath. 
The pack had reached the foot of the tree, though it didn’t seem to note the two tributes hidden within its branches. Still, they idled for a moment, and your whole body tensed with anticipation. Skinner’s foot slipped. And you knew you shouldn’t, but you shielded your eyes, waiting for the impact, incapable of watching him fall into death’s open hands. It didn’t come. Instead, as you removed several of the fingers obscuring your vision, you found Arbor, hand clinging to the back of his shirt, and her face screwed up into a scowl from the effort of keeping him upright. Skinner’s clumsy hands managed to catch a branch, and he pulled himself up, mouth already opening in a question, but she was faster, pressing a hand to his lips and shaking her head with a vehement look that encouraged only silence.
And so he said nothing, and for a while, that’s how they remained, waiting for the pack to move on, her hand over his mouth, simply taking each other in. It was only once the coast was clear that he dared to speak.
“Why did you save me?”
“Well, I didn’t need you making a bunch of noise and giving me away,” she said, releasing any hold she had on him. For a moment, her face only served to support the harsh words, cold in its regard, but the instant his eyes shifted towards the ground, it softened, revealing the true intention, simple and unbridled care. She reminded you of Treech.
“Are you gonna kill me now?” Skinner sounded almost defeated, and he did not even bother to meet her gaze as he asked. Her expression, safe from his sight, twisted into one of concern before she masked it once more.
“I couldn’t if I wanted to. I don’t have any weapons, and the chances of me strangling you are low at best.”
“I don’t have any weapons either,” Skinner admitted before appearing embarrassed by the confession. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not a threat, so– please don’t try to kill me.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you could kick my ass,” Arbor returned, her tone flat and a small smirk gracing her features. Skinner flushed at the expression before admitting defeat with laughter of his own when she let out a chuckle.
“So where’s your partner?” He asked.
“Dead.” The response was factual, but the traces of pain on her face remained obvious. “Yours?”
“Dead.” It was quiet for a moment, and though neither of them spoke, you noted Arbor eyeing Skinner's rope.
“Maybe we could make a deal?” She asked.
“Like what?” He was slow to respond but less guarded than before.
“Like allies?” And she extended a hand in a truce, only continuing after noting Skinner’s hesitation. “Listen, I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted, and if I’m gonna sleep in this tree, I’d prefer to do it tied down and with someone to watch my back. We could take shifts. Even if it's just for tonight?”
It was not then that you spoke with Treech. Nor was it over the following days, watching the pair grow closer. Watching them reach the final five with the boy from 11 and the girls from 1 and 2. No. The days registered simple interactions. Nods indicating bread and water would be sent, and curt conversations regarding strengths and weaknesses. It was only on the sixth night that you shared more than a handful of words; even then, it wasn’t much. And yet, it was more. Heavier than any of the terse exchanges you’d held since you stopped speaking altogether.
Because, on the sixth night, Arbor and Skinner shared a kiss. He had fallen earlier in the day. No simple fall either. His leg would only carry him so far, but Arbor remained loyal, and the two traveled as a unit. Under the moonlight and the cover of darkness, she had stopped them to take a look at the injury, steady hands unraveling the makeshift bandage she had torn from her own shirt. Skinner only cringed in pain, regardless of her soft-spoken attempts to comfort him as she poured water from a nearby stream on the wound.
“It’s no use. I’m dead weight. You should go. Get out of here before I accidentally screw you over.” The defeat was evident in his tone, but so was something else, something more. A need for her to make it out. To survive.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Her jaw was tense as she focused on the work before her, but you sensed it was not out of a need to concentrate.
“Arbor, I’m not gonna let you die for me–” He was exhausted, eyes heavy with sleep and glistening with pain. Sweat collected at his brow, and he raised a lazy hand to wipe it away, but she got there first, swiping her thumb across his forehead before speaking again.
“Well, I’m not gonna let you die, period. So, just drop it.”
“Arbor.” His hand moved to still her own as though begging her to meet his gaze.
“Skinner?” She asked, annoyed by the disruption but looking up nonetheless.
“What happens if it’s just us?” And you could hear a pin drop in the Academy lecture hall; not even Lucky Flickerman bothered to present his input.
“Well, we aren’t– That’s not… I’m gonna get you out of here,” she stated with finality. Beside you, Treech stiffened, the scene beginning to appear all too familiar. Two kids from 7 and 10, with nothing and everything on the line at the same time.
“I wouldn’t let you do that. I wouldn’t be able to let you do that.”
“Why? Why are you being so selfish? Just let me save you–” And she pounded at his chest, but there was no feeling in her attacks. It took Skinner no effort at all to stop her fists, collecting her hands within his own.
“I don’t want to live if it means you have to die. Because I– Well, I know I haven’t known you that long, but I– Well, I–” And suddenly she was kissing him, telling him wordlessly she felt the same. And suddenly, the world was crashing down, fear pooling in your stomach at the consequences you were sure would come, and you couldn’t help it, looking at Treech, who was already looking at you. Your mouth was dry.
“I don’t– I–” Your chest was constricting, and the room felt hot, hotter than ever before, and your mind was spinning at a million miles an hour. You crossed to the entrance in mere moments, not even noting Treech directly behind you until you had shoved your way out, back slamming into the wall just outside as you crumbled to the ground.
“I– I–”
“You’ve got to breathe. You– We have to get back in there. It isn’t something until we make it something.” His tone was cold, but he was crouched before you, and when his hands reached to pull you off the floor, you swore his thumb ran carefully over your arm once. Twice.
“But it is. You know it is. And if those kids die at the Capitol’s hand, I’m gonna spend the rest of my life wondering if it's my fault. If it’s our fault.” And it was true. It may not have been love for him, but for you, the echoes were everywhere. And though you’re sure the Capitol never saw what happened that night, Dr. Gaul knew enough for the connection to be dangerous.
“You don’t know if that’s what they’ll see–”
“Is it what you saw? Because it’s the first thing I thought about. And I know you hate me now, but you can’t be stupid enough to think that Coriolanus Snow could miss it.” His face only grew more tense before it passed to stone once more.
“What other choice do we have?” He was right. Of course, he was right. So you reentered and took your places, fixed yourselves with masks of unbothered poise, and for nothing. They were dead by morning, carcasses wrapped around one another in a pile of bones and flesh once the Gamemakers’s mutts had finished. And as the camera panned away, you swear you felt a lingering gaze on you, but you did not look, only faked a cough as you brushed the tears from your cheeks and fixed your steady gaze ahead.
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That was the year Teff’s boy won, Reed, and once more, before you were allowed to return home, you were forced to attend a party at the President’s mansion, this time with the inclusion of a Victor’s dance. 
“Teff, come on, I am begging you–” You began, but the older boy was already shaking his head.
“I can’t, alright. Octavian already asked me if I’d dance with Teresa, and I gave my word that I would. He registered us a week ago,” he sighed, and you wanted to scream; how could you have been stupid enough to forget about this?
“What about Reed?” At this point, anyone would do. Anyone who wasn’t Treech.
“He’s not doing the dance; his leg is broken, remember?” And you did; the boy had fallen off the top of the cornucopia while securing his win, landing on top of the girl from 1, whose neck broke on impact.
“Well, do you think Mags will switch with me?” You were grasping at straws, aware the answer would be no the moment the suggestion passed your lips.
“You know the deal, the only reason we are allowed to have partners from other Districts is because–” But you interrupted him, already knowledgable of your oncoming defeat.
“We don’t have any from our own. I know. I just don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
“It’s one dance, it can’t be that bad.” He reassured, but you knew better.
“We haven’t spoken in years.”
“You spoke the other day–” Teff corrected.
“That was different; I was basically having a meltdown.” You recalled that moment in the hall. His thumb on your arm. Part of you was convinced it never happened at all.
“I don’t know what to tell you; take it or leave it; this is your only option.” He shrugged, and the conversation was over; you both knew it, but not before you vocalized your frustration one last time.
That is it, the third time you talk to Treech, at the President’s mansion, surrounded by Capitol citizens. Before you take the floor, you recall your last dance in this place with a certain Heavensbee. Your mind drifts to the events of that night. To what happened after you departed. You shake the thoughts away. Now is no time to linger on what used to be. 
When it is time to go, Treech appears at your side, extending his arm to lead you onto the floor, and you note that he seems to flinch away from your touch, which barely grazes the crook he creates for you. You are already seething. Was it really so painful for him to even touch you? Were you really that deplorable? It is a simple waltz, one your escorts were able to instruct you on with ease, and though the first few steps are taken in silence, as the music continues, you hear the other victors around you begin to chatter. You and Treech remain quiet, your eyes fixed on the floor below, watching the pattern of your steps. Thinking about anything except his hand on your waist and the other delicately gripping yours.
“You’re not supposed to look at your feet,” he mutters, and that gets your attention enough to force your gaze away from its previous target.
“Excuse me?”
“You aren’t supposed to look at your feet. It makes it easier to screw up the steps.” You don’t answer, only fixing your sightline over his shoulder instead, fully expecting the silence to engulf you once more.
“I hate dancing.” He sighs bitterly, and you almost have to resist a smile because it makes sense that the stoic boy before you would loathe the exercise in trust and coordination, ripe with opportunities for embarrassment. For creating holes in his well-kept facade.
“I don’t.” And you aren’t really sure what prompts you to speak, but maybe it is his clear discomfort with the practice, evident in the way his shoulders bunch awkwardly with each turn and his eyes, in spite of his own advice, continue to flit down towards the floor.
“There’s lots of dancing back in 10. Line dances, mostly from a long time ago. But there’s other stuff, too. Once a month, there's a big dance at City Hall. There’s this big open barn connected to the back, and they decorate it, and everyone goes. My dad taught me how, so it reminds me of him.” You can’t help but smile at the memory of your father, pulling the hat from his head and dropping it onto your own before spinning you around the kitchen in preparation for your very first dance. When the day finally came, you’d already forgotten all the steps, but he didn’t mind setting your feet atop his own, the two sets of boots moving in a stilted pattern around the barn, all shrieking laughter and love.
You feel Treech’s shoulder relax beneath your touch, his gaze now fixed on you and nothing else. The movements become more fluid, and by the end of the dance, it feels like flying. That is until something else seems to catch his attention just outside of your sightline. And suddenly, his grip on your waist tightens, ushering you closer, but his eyes grow cold. For a moment, you could have sworn he was shielding you from something until he wasn’t. Until the music came to an end, and he was pushing away, but not before leaving you with a cutting remark.
“Thanks for the story; I’ll remember that the next time I’m pretending to give a shit about you.” You almost gape at him, unsure how to respond, but as rage, hot and untethered, licks its way up your spine, you give into the cruelest thing you can think to muster.
“I hate you.” And he flinches as though the words hurt him. As though he hadn’t spent every moment of the last three years trying to probe that very reaction from your lips. And you know he must not have meant it. That it is nothing more than the residual regret leaving his body, but a part of you relishes it. Relishes causing him pain after the torture he had put you through.
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Victory Tours weren’t uncommon by then, so when it was announced the tribute from 11 and his mentor would be making their way to 10, people were well prepared. Lennox in particular seemed to be veritably jumping with joy, unable to sit still after having received the knowledge that you would be hosting the visitors in your new home in the Victor’s Village. Even Fawn, who at the now ripe age of fourteen was determined to allow nothing to faze her, seemed excited at the prospect of the celebration that typically occurred in tandem with the arrival of a victor. 
You on the other hand were simply happy to see Teff, pulling the taller man into a warm hug the moment he set foot off the train. He seemed not to mind, laughing as he pulled you tighter against him and after a long day of festivities including a night of dancing and the best food 10 could offer, you found yourselves sat around your kitchen table, enjoying one another’s company and a couple of drinks.
“Are we gonna talk about what happened at the mansion? That night, at the party? Quite a scene you two caused,” Teff asked, finally digging into what you knew he’d been itching to talk to you about. You allowed your head to slump forward, burying your face within the comfort of your arms with a groan.
“What am I supposed to say? I was being very civil. He’s the one that ruined it.” Teff only nodded in understanding, having come to know the events that made up your rocky relationship with Treech through snippets divulged over the years.
“You know I’m just worried about you is all. Just wish you would fly under the radar like the rest of us–”
“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore. Tell me about you. About home. How’s Harvest?” Teff was quick to relent, never displeased when talking about his favorite subject, his wife of two years. 
“She’s good. She’s– Well actually I’ve been meaning to tell you this– She’s pregnant.” And though the news reeks of joy, there is an uneasy smile on his face. Still, you are quick to rid him of it.
“That’s incredible! I’m so happy for you.” And you are, beaming from ear to ear, but a part of you aches, just as you know it does for him, for that unborn child. For the world they will surely face.
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The fourth time you spoke, it was your fault. At least, that’s what Treech told himself. It was the year of the 14th Hunger Games, and in preparation, the Capitol was running a television program highlighting each of the Districts. It was for that reason Treech told himself it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when the small screen in the corner of the hotel bar filled with Lamina’s face, especially given that she was his District partner and, as he was the only existing victor from 7, an obvious choice for closer study. Still, it didn’t stop the shock from cutting to his core like a knife. 
You had taken the seat beside his, though clearly not intentionally. It was the only place left in the whole bar, and upon your arrival, he had watched you hesitate to even stay, but with the Games set to start in two days, you needed a drink, exhausted by the prospect of another year.
It was as though you could sense his discomfort, gaze clearly flitting in his direction and dragging across his tense form. The television program blared out, filling any gaps in conversation left by the bar’s occupants, and you observed it keenly following Treech’s reaction.
“She seemed kind.” And there you were, attempting to comfort him after all he’d done to push you away.
“She cried a lot.” It is easier than telling the truth. Than admitting he had known Lamina long before the Games. That she was family, a cousin on his mother’s side.
He often saw Lamina in you. In your quiet moments of soft kindness and generosity. Even in moments of fear, watching you steel yourself and move forward in spite of the difficulties. Sometimes, he would imagine a world with no Districts or Games. A world where a gentler version of you who had not been left hardened by survival had met Lamina, and the two of you had become fast friends, spending your days whispering confessions among the branches of the tallest trees or stretched out in a field, you with a pencil and paper and Lamina fashioning a crown of flowers.
“You remind me of her.”
“Because I’m weak?” Your brow furrowed as you gazed down into the drink before you, preparing yourself for the harsh words you had come to expect of Treech.
“Because you’re brave.” He couldn’t help it really, the way it sprang forward from his lips, toppling out before he could fight to keep it in. He suspected somewhere in the wide universe, the spirit of Lamina was laughing at him. That she was somehow responsible for the admission. He hated her for it. Hated himself. Your own face revealed little more than an obvious state of shock, blank blinking eyes staring back at him when he finally summoned the courage to fix your gaze with his own. Your mouth moved, jaw seeming to hinge and unhinge, but nothing came out. Nothing until the soft syllables of his name slipped from your lips in a stilted sort of way, like a sharp breath. 
Treech was on his feet before you’d finished, the remainder of his drink easily downed in his haste to depart, but as he turned one last time to eye the television in the corner, he could have sworn your eyes were brimming with tears.
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The final time you spoke to Treech, it felt as though he had something more to say. Like the words he wished to express had caught on his tongue like glue, unable to escape. It was the final day of the 14th Games, five years exactly since your own. On days like that, you forced yourself to remember the things that often felt too painful. The names that sunk like stones in your chest, fading each year into more distant memories. Rye, with his eyes like two wide saucers. Orion, who was so close to victory that he had nearly succeeded in having it. Baron, the boy from back home who’d lost his life within minutes, figure slumped and unmoving in the center of the arena for the remainder of the Games. And, of course, there were others. Brandy and Tanner. Bee and Colt. Rhea and Skinner. Kids from home. Kids just like you. Except here you were, not dead, while they lay, presumably rotting in some mass grave deep within the Capitol’s walls. The thought made you sick.
That year, your fourth as a mentor, your tributes hadn’t even managed to outlast the bloodbath. The second Rochelle’s body hit the ground, you knew it was over, but it didn’t keep you from hoping. Hoping against reason, she would find a way to fight it. To get back up. She hadn’t. And that year, as the buzzer rang out and the bile rose in your throat as it always did, you noted that the pain was less. Less intense. Less crippling. And then the disgust was back again, drowning you, with its aim pointed inwards, armed and ready to feast on your heart. How could you be so cruel? How could you allow yourself to become so hardened and unfeeling? 
Because it is easier. Because there has to be a better way. Because you will never survive this if you cannot learn to leave some things behind. Still, you’d never left a single thing behind your whole life, clinging to every passing thought, person, or feeling like it might be the last. So when Rochelle was gone, signaling your Games had finished, you pulled the small notebook from the inner pocket of your vest and scribbled her name just below Gavin’s with its own set of notes. 
Rochelle. Two sisters, no parents. Lived with her father’s brother and worked nightshifts at the slaughterhouse. 15. Kind. Enjoyed the color green. Was learning to knit with some of the excess wool from her uncle’s work at a nearby farm, sheering the sheep.
Your fingers traced over the list, gently passing each name with the pad of your thumb. So many names. It was easier now to write them down. It was easier now to emote, to feel openly without the watchful eye of the Capitol analyzing your every move just behind Lucky Flickerman. Well, at least without it trained directly on your soul.
A bit further down the bar, Lux sat by herself as well; Beau tucked into the seat beside Trawl, the two having become closer over the years. Maybe even too close, you thought regretfully, mind flitting to a time you had caught the former making a quiet escape from Trawl’s room in the dead of night. Still, you’d bit your tongue, refusing to lecture someone you were aware already knew of the potential consequences. Besides, words often fall on deaf ears when spoken from a position as precarious as yours.
There were three kids left then, each with no alliance in place to keep them safe. A boy from 2, a girl from 5, and Maple, Treech’s girl from 7. She was ruthless, doing little in the way of preserving any image of humanity with her kills, but you understood that there was more than what appeared to pool on the surface. That those who seemed the most heartless were often the most human of all, filled with an unparalleled desperation to return. For a loved one. For themselves, hoping to go back to some semblance of a childhood they would never see again. Your heart swelled for her. For all of them. Still, you’d been doing your best to avoid her mentor since your last encounter. Afraid that he might snap once more, leaving you frustrated and hollow. Or worse, that he might plant some ridiculous seeds of hope as he had with your fourth conversation, calling you brave before disappearing completely. He was infuriating. Aggravating. Annoying, vexing, and completely incensing. 
He was also sitting directly across the bar, arm draped over the seat of the woman beside him with the same lazy arrogance you had come to register as a part of his Capitol persona, a smirk painted light and unshakable across his face. It was as though you could not even recognize the man before you. Still, he looked good. That much, you could easily admit, curls on the lengthier side now compared to the more cropped cut you’d last seen him with. You wondered if they still felt the same, if running your hands through them would still have the intoxicating effect it had years ago. You want to punch yourself in the face for the indulgence of a thought like that, forcing your gaze away with the heat that rises to your cheeks, and just in time, it seems, as the screen switches to capture Maple, finishing off the girl from 5. It is over in a second, and all of the sudden, there are only two remaining. 
Your heart aches for her, the dead girl from 5, without a mentor or guidance, left in the dark. Still, you cannot stop your gaze from traveling across the bar again to fix on Treech, only to find he is already looking at you. The woman beside him has rid herself of all pretense and is curled into his side, back arched like a cat. And yet, he appears almost regretful, eyes trained on your face with the sort of steely focus that rarely graced his features these days. 
Hours later, when Maple does win, pushed over the finish line with the help of several grandiose sponsorships, you can’t say you are all that surprised, no. The real shock comes as you move to exit the bar when a hand catches your forearm within its grasp. You almost ignore it. Almost push to continue on your steady path toward freedom, but it pulls hard, whipping you around, nearly sending you barreling into the chest of your assailant. Treech. And he stands there, blubbering like a fish, features painted with the unsubtle earnesty of a boy. And that alone is enough to stop you in your tracks.
“I– I–”
But not for long. You’d learned your lesson long ago. Wrenching your arm from his grasp, you spin on your heel before he so much as forms a second word, making for the elevator. You would not fall prey to him again. Not now, not ever. In your eyes, Treech was as good as dead.
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It was another month before you saw him again, although, on the morning of the Victory Tour’s arrival, you were nowhere to be found within the awaiting procession. Despite the Capitol’s wishes, you’d continued work on the ranch in your free time, and this morning was no exception. Especially considering you’d requested the shift, putting as much distance between yourself and the upcoming ceremonials as possible. 
Just last night, you’d sent notice to the mayor that you’d been feeling unwell, vomiting, and the like, pleading to be kept from the tour for the safety of those involved. He’d kindly agreed, considering your consistent attendance in previous years, and so you’d spent the last few hours with Bluebell, who had grown over time into as much your horse as one could be, walking the ranch’s perimeter and assessing the different pastures for any sign of intrusion the previous night. Finding none, you dismounted, ridding the creature of everything but her bridle and allowing her to graze within your sightline as you sat in the grass, pencil at the ready and sketchbook perched easily in your lap. 
And so the morning passed in easy silence between the pair of you, only returning to the barn just before lunch due to necessity, though you nearly turned on your tail as the building came into view. The form was clear enough from afar, leaned up against the side of the old building, and at first, you felt your chest fill with anxiety, concerned that perhaps the mayor had caught onto your lie from last night to come get you. But as you drew closer, you noted that familiar head of curls you would recognize anywhere, accompanying the lanky form of a young man. Treech.
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Rating Every Nu Who Episode: Season 14
The Star Beast: 9/10 DONNA'S BACK!! And I love Rose, and I love that they found a way for it to be ok after all, and I love that the cute sweet innocent beastie was evil. Loses one point though because Rose should not be named Rose because (1) that's confusing and (2) after all the deal with the Doctor needing to move on to current companions, really?
Wild Blue Yonder: 10/10 creepy af and I love that Donna immediately broke everything through coffee. Thought about taking off a point for making me watch through my fingers, but I think that is actually a testament to how good it is.
The Giggle: 9/10 so weird and funny and horrifying and silly! Love that they seem to have realized that if they pile any more trauma on this character he won't be able to function, so he needs to heal a bit. Just a point off because the original Toymaker episode is lost to time.
The Church on Ruby Road: 9/10 I love everything about this episode, especially the impromptu musical number, but it does lose a point for the literal baby-eating goblins because come on guys, really?
Space Babies: 8/10 I'm not as obsessed with this episode as the others this season but I thought it was so, so sweet.
The Devil's Chord: 9/10 loved everything about the plot but it didn't feel like they did enough with the 60's setting. Did enjoy the Maestro SO much and the musical number at the end was great.
Boom: 10/10 perfect use of plot and characters without changing setting hardly at all. Great commentary on war and capitalism etc.
73 Yards: 7/10 because it was a Blink-level setup that I didn't feel paid off very well, with no answers or hints of answers in the end.
Dot and Bubble: 15/10 holy shit. The racism commentary in a way talking about young people on social media instead of old white guys in charge or a distant, historical context. The layers to it. The way you realize after the fact some of the things that could be dismissed definitely having to do with the Doctor's race. The bright and poppy aesthetic. Them literally preferring to die than to let a Black man save them. His confusing mix of anger and pain at this new experience. Instant favorite episode.
Rogue: 10/10 NOW the Doctor has it in him to be gay. He just had to go to therapy first lol. Too bad Rogue immediately vanished. Can't wait for him to come back. Also the cosplay theme was so clever and fun.
The Legend of Ruby Sunday: 7/10 it was fine. Just fine. I liked a lot of it, but it was much less exciting than the previous several.
Empire of Death: 9/10 I really loved it, from Fifteen screaming at the death of the universe to falling back into patterns of blaming himself to the peek at the emptiness it all caused. It loses a point because I wanted a lot more answers about Ruby, the 4th wall breaks, etc, but only one because I trust we'll get those next season.
Bonus Character Rating
Fourteen: 10/10 I love that he's like Ten but not the same, and that he finally gets some recovery time.
Fifteen: 10/10 he is NEW and DIFFERENT but still definitively the Doctor. He is so expressive and so much fun and clearly still traumatized but better than he was.
Ruby: 8/10 not the best companion ever, but she is sweet and fun and I like her.
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catyo90 · 4 months
hey! 😊 i noticed that you also write for ‘the dare.’ wooow, ever since i watched that movie, i’ve had a huge crush on dominic. i’d love to know if you write romantic headcanons for the character. maybe in a scenario where you both met and started dating after a certain period?
i’m not sure if this will make sense to you, but i don’t speak english, so forgive any mistakes.
after all, i loved your profile ♡
The Fic for Dom was actually the first, but...why not. ;)
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Head-Canons/ Small Fic: Start of a Relationship
-You both met at the campsite, he wasn't wearing his mask. He was wearing his normal clothes but kept his distance. He would claim to be there to enjoy the campsite with friends but he seemed sad when he spoke.
-His blue eyes caught your attention as he nervously asked to sit with you, at first you were nervous, after all a strange man in the woods by himself. You were smart enough to a least be generally kind to him.
-You couldn't help though but to admire his physique, he was so tall and built that you guessed he was farmer or woodsman. You then noticed blood on his shirt and got a bit more nervous but he explained that he raised and stocked up pigs for meat that he sold.
-After a few moments of silence you asked if he was hungry at all and offered to make a smore for him. He looked confused for a moment.
"Have you never had one?"
"My father didn't let me eat sweets."
"Oh, well, I promise you will love it. And it will warm you up."
He took the smore from your hand and bit into it, the melted chocolate and marshmallow made his mouth tingle. He smiled at you thanking you with a nod. You noticed his lips had some chocolate stain.
"You got a little on you..." You brought a gentle hand to his lip and wiped away the stain and licked it off your thumb. You laughed a little at his face looking surprised.
-After a few hours of talking with Dom (At least you talked he was still distant and wouldn't give any personal other than his name.) You realized your so called friends were not going to show up, it hadn't been the first time they did this, you thought they could have at least called to let you know or something. You sighed as Dom added another log to the fire, the cold air made you shiver.
"I suppose I should leave, its getting late."
You stood up grabbing your bag and looked down at Dom.
"Thanks for staying with me."
"Wait!" Dom said standing up he looked a little afraid and ran a hand through his hair trying to stay calm.
"You...do you want to meet up again?" He said trying to keep his cool but he could feel his inner evil coming out a little, he liked you, he didn't want to lose you. another possible friend.
You smiled and moved your hair behind your ear, you wouldn't usually meet with a stranger again but he seemed nice enough, and you didn't have anything going on.
'Alright. I'll see you tomorrow"
-Dom smiled to himself as he returned to his home after you left in your car, when he got home he stepped into the hidden room where he overlooked his book of friends, he started to draw a crude drawing of you in the book, the sudden screams of those he took below, he sighed as he slammed his hands on the table and walked down the stairs and violently opened the door, three people tied to the corners of the room, one of them trying to hide their phone that he managed to see and grab from them, a familiar face of you and the three.
He huffed and groaned as he threw the phone at the wall before turning of the lights and slamming the door closed as your so called friends screamed.
-The next day you actually arrived a little late due to the weather but you saw him sitting on the log with some meat cooking on a stake that he was rotating, you smiled and waved at him as you brought some hot chocolate with you.
-He noticed you were a bit saddened, you heard nothing from your friends the night before and were a bit worried, but they had done this to you before and in truth you were wondering why you stayed with them, maybe just to not feel lonely. You sighed and brought your attention back to Dom.
"You need better friends."
"You might be right. Guess you'll do." you said with a smirk taking a bite of meat offering him a sip of the hot beverage. The next few hours were nice but still a bit awkward. You smiled to yourself as you actually felt safe with Dom, physically and mentally. The looks he gave you would make you feel warm and the way he felt more comfortable with you made him, for once in his messed up life, he felt peaceful.
Every few days were like this, he would meet you with a smile on his face and you even offered to meet him in town, but he didn't seem too comfortable with leaving. Almost like he had to stay nearby, he gave you some insight on his past, saying how his father was mentally insane and how when he died he was finally able to live his life. You felt sorry for him knowing that he probably never got the proper childhood everyone deserved.
You noticed his arm was bleeding one day but he didn't seem to mind, you were worried but if he seemed to be okay who were you to argue. He was a bit surprised what you asked next.
"Would you like to see where I live."
"Um...I really shouldn't leave."
"It's just up the road from here. Dom, it would be good for you to get away for a little bit. I promise it won't be long."
Dom didn't say anything for a long while but he eventually agreed and walked with you to the car, on the ride there it started to rain heavily making you wonder if he was just worried for his pigs. But he was now fully focused on you. Like whatever was back home didn't matter. Once you got to your home you hurried inside with him following close behind, both of you were soaked. You sighed as you grabbed a towel from the next room and placed it over his head drying off his hair.
'Sorry, I didn't think it would rain so badly."
You moved the towel away from his face and gently wiped off the water around his neck and chest, you paused for a moment when he looked at you bringing a hand to your hair moving the wet strands away from your face. You felt one of his strong arms wrap around you, you felt nervous and uneasy but you didn't move away, you glanced at his lips for a moment as he took the towel away from your hand and threw it to the ground as he gripped onto you tightly. What ever control he had, he could feel it slowly moving away. The evil he saw in his friends and yours, he saw none of that in you.
He wanted you, he wanted you to never leave. He kept his hands on your upper body holding you closer to his body, you wrapped you arms behind him clinging to his flannel shirt slowly taking it off his shoulders feeling his whole body flex from your touch. You felt him slowly walk you backwards toward the couch and caught both of you from falling as his lips met yours. You heard a small growl come from him as he clung to you, as if you were a dream that could fade away.
He pulled himself away for a moment giving you a chance to catch your breath. His eyes are as bright as they always are. He seemed to have excitement in his eyes. Like a child. Your hand moves up from his chest to his face, where you caress him. The sentiment temporarily freezes him in place. Your touch is kind. It’s soft. Every time you touch him he has to remind himself that you are not a threat. Not like his friends.
He knew he couldn't go an further, he wouldn't lay with you under false pretentions. But that didn't stop him from kissing you all night until you both feel asleep in each others arms.
You were laying against his chest on the couch. Your back faced him and his arm was wrapped around your waist. His hand was intertwined with your own as he absentmindedly rubbed his thumb over your skin. It’s was enough to make your heart flutter.
He suddenly snatched your wrist, gripping onto you firmly. It makes you gasp. Did you do something wrong? Innocently, you trust that he wasn’t going to hurt you farther than that. you remembered how his father berated him and abused him, If he was asserting a boundary, then that’s good. But you wondered, would he hurt you?
There’s no movement for a while. It’s just him and you laying together, the tenseness in the air quickly dissipates. You go to lean against his strong forearm before he uses his other hand to tilt your chin upward to face him. A pair of lips meet your own. You slowly turn, placing a free hand on his chest. So many things cross your mind.
When you reach in to kiss him, you pause just before his lips. He’s the one that closes the distance. Tingles prickle in his stomach, making him feel sick happiness. The kiss is a lot more intimate than he thought. It makes his heartbeat increase and blood rush to his cheeks. It’s real. And it’s with you
"I suppose this means we are dating now?" you asked half joking but also half serious.
He said nothing only holding you closer feeling sobs coming from him as you gently held him back.
"I'm sorry."
"Dom...its okay. This was just nice. I didn't..."
"No. I want this. I want you."
-Since that night he wants to kiss you all the time, no matter what time of day or what you are doing. He craves attention and companionship, But he still seems distant, especially when missing people reports start to show up and he knows he can't get you involved
-So he decides to stay with you for awhile, at least until the heat dies down. But when the cops start asking you questions, he starts staying at home missing your touch everyday, even so he has to satisfy himself constantly. One day though he sees you at the camp once more, you wanted to know why he wasn't seeing you anymore why would he discard you in such a way. But your thoughts are interrupted when you hear a snap behind you, you turn and see nothing for a moment but suddenly you felt a hand over your mouth, you struggled against them but to no avail, your vision became dark. The last thing you felt was the person carrying you and the sound of Dom's voice.
PT.2? Let me know.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Dog Days of BL but July is Incoming
June 2023 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 10 of 12 - I’m finding the time frames confusing. Still, a lovely crying kiss + a very high drama-lllama gay confession. Kitchen counter make out, my fav! The actor who plays Jeng kisses at MaxTul levels, which is to say = like a man who has actually done it before with genuine desire and is capable of portraying that on screen. (What makes MaxTul kings is that they BOTH do this.) Pat caught up, thank goodness. Also P’Jeng!!!! P’JENG!!! I love how intimate phi is when it’s been all khun prior. This is the Thai version of hyung slinging. Errotic linguistics, my fav. And ALL the work drama and homophobia fall out when you sleep with the boss. I really enjoy that the angst concerning their relationship has to do with the fact that this is an office romance. Lastly? I love Chot so much. Everyone needs a gay auntie. Also Bruce is SO DAMN GOOD. (I mean we knew he would be from Lovely Writer, but this... chef’s kiss.) 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 10 of 12 - There are enough meta-analysis on this one for me not to have to weigh in. Suffice it to say that I like what it’s trying to do, and I certainly appreciate the levels of consent and so forth but I’m not sure I actually like it as much now that we are swimming in high concept. Too much lying. I’m not sure I want my BL to make me think this hard. Also poly, boys = final answer. (Anyone else getting Color Rush flashbacks?) 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 6 of 12 - I love Max now and forever, and I made some very bad puns in the Trash watch here. Otherwise I’m not super invested. 
Dinosaur Love (Thai Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 eps - from Ultimate Troop (The Yearbook people) so I shouldn’t watch this as it airs, after Remember Me? I swore never again. But there’s so little on right now, I’m falling on the pulp sword...  My initial thoughts? It’s an En of Love installment? What is going on? Why all this opening with the sides in a bar? Are we framing? Just move on to the 2 boys kissing! Don’t try to be clever, for fucks sake. Okay, good, the pulp has begun. I like soft wet-blanket Rak and his sad love life. I’m not wild about how aggressive Dino is plus insta-SINGING but I DO LIKE THAT HE’S OUT and knows what he wants which is refreshing. It’s trope filled nonsense (crash into me, instalove, sing feelings, floppy drunk, he’s in engineering, fast and bi-curious) also Dino used ter at first (how forward!) then he went to gu/mueng after rejection, while Rak uses khun & phi/pom. Love this for them. Despite my justified reservations with this production team imma stay watching. I need something on Sundays. * 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 6fin - That’s it? Bullsheiit. No seriously. That’s my review. 3/10 I DON'T KNOW WHAT I JUST WATCHED AND NEITHER DOES IT AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT.
* I got to say, you have only yourselves to blame for Dinosaur Love’s ranking. Once upon a time, I lived happily in ignorance of the Thai film industry. And then you all kept asking me extremely intelligent questions about it. And because I am a nosy little shit, I had to figure out what was going on. And now a BL like this, which ordinarily I would just love unconditionally, is a really scary place for me, because I know too much about the production house. The evils of too much information are all true. Remain happily in ignorance, I advise you, especially where BL is concerned. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love Tractor (Korea Weds iQIYI) eps 7-8fin - Yechan is such a frank character it confuses all who meet him, also a truly terrible flirt. This is such a puppy/cat relationship. It was cute but it went too far into cringe for a KBL (for me). I don’t think Kdramas are good at farce (sorry), better if they stick with more subtle humor. It was a sweet ending tho, not too cheesy. Nice kiss for KBL but pretty rather than sexy. Full review below.
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 3 of 8 - Oh, it’s GREAT. Damn it. There is a lot of subtext and things not being said. This is going to be one of those shows where it’s endlessly frustrating that they don’t just talk to each other. The crying first time was gut-wrenching. Ren is complicated & scarred & closed off. Kazuma is earnest & empathetic & thinks he’s unworthy - so will take whatever crumbs are handed to him. They are both giving parts of themselves away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other. These 2 are gonna fuck each other up while they fuck and fuck with our hearts. Japan is giving us the Bed Friends that Thailand can never even imagine. There is absolutely no guarantee this will end happily (it’s from the Eternal Yesterday people) but it is guaranteed to be painful and beautiful along the way. Oh Japan, must you? I guess you must. 
Stupid Genius (Vietnam Fri YouTube) ep 4 of 6 - I’m mostly confused by the catfishing & tarot side plots. But the mains sure act like bfs. To the point of our tiny jock idiot getting gay panicked by how much bfs they are. Surprise kiss! For everyone, it turns out. Yes I laughed. What? It was pat but also… FUNNY.
Tie The Knot (Pinoy YouTube) ep 3 of 8 - The main couple is adorable, but I’m not wild about the gay bashing blackmail side story. Still, it’s the best we’ve had from the Philippines in a while so I am keeping my fingers crossed. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 9 of 12 - Seriously? Bah Vinh = chemistry with EVERYONE. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 12fin - So Souta just disappears off to Singapore and doesn’t say anything to his boyfriend about it? And then comes back with the perfect plan and life for both of them? Oh Japan, must you? Review below. 
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It’s airing but ...
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - It’s mostly English & set in LA (shudder) so I’m not bothering.
Ever After (Pinoy YouTube) 12 eps - Spies reported that it's a real mess and not a hot one.
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me. 
In case you missed it
BL Express reviewed The Egoest. Oh boy am I never going to watch that. 
One in a Hundred - Gaga dropped all 12 episodes (c.10 min ea) at once. This is a 2020 Chinese show. It’s not BL. And it has a laugh track. I watched the first & final eps and won’t bother with the rest. DNF
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I finally watched the 2022 thing I should have. 
To Sir, With Love - REVIEW
This is a true lakorn with scenery chewing performances from an ensemble cast focused on family obligation and past sins, especially from the mother characters. It is a Thai tellenovella + Gone With the Wind but gay. That said? I loved it: A glorious central brother relationship (the best, made me cry), het romances, class divide + gay *gasp* main romance, the camp of it all! It’s like it was invented by drag queens. Arranged marriage, rebellion, cut sleeves, dramatic death with curses and regrets, beautiful if inaccurate costumes, secrets unraveling, cover ups, sparkle murder, sex herbs, coils within coils including snakes and death by glitter (is anything gayer on this earth?). It’s a WILD ride. It’s not BL. It’s not a romance, it’s a family drama Thorn Birds style but it does end happy for our gay boys. Like Manner of Death I’m struggling to rate something on a BL scale when it patently isn’t a BL. I think I have to give it exactly what I gave that show, 7/10 
I loved it, but not as a BL. 
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Zenra Meshi - REVIEW
AKA Naked Dinner 
I have to be honest, I didn’t really like much about this show. The central premise was too odd and the main character too clumsy & slow on the uptake. I like the food, but there have been food-set BLs before that failed to meet expectations. Too many of them. This one joined that throng. Good ending tho. 7/10 
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Love Tractor - REVIEW
Most of this country-set BL had me feral for the beautiful broken city boy and his hot young farmer. Hyung romance, puppy/cat pairing, open frankness meets jaded reserve, language play, water hose frolicking, only one bed, all my favorite tropes. This show was basically a light-weight Restart After Come Back Home and I’m not even slightly mad about that. 
But (and you knew there was a “but” coming) something about the cringe of the final 2 eps and the impermanence of the ending (both of which highlight the fact that ultimately these 2 are I’ll-suited: too different & too far apart) left me with the feeling that they probably won’t last as a couple. However, in this case, rare for me, I forgive it this finale for my love of the rest. 
I did dither a lot though, it’s not an 8 but not a 9 either. Better than Love Mate (8/10) not as good as The New Employee (9/10) but in the end I’m value adding up for the premise and the cast, giving it a 9/10. 
(Gotta say, because this is rare for me, that this had a great OST. Not the credit music but the refrain, Rainbow.) 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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July 2023 Supposedly... 
7/3 Be Mine SuperStar (Thai Mon Viki) 12 eps - JaFirst whipping boy/spoiled prince, obsession, celebrity/mundane. Third-year film student Punn (Ja) gets an internship on the set of a drama. He’s come to learn, but "what lights his passion even more than the work" is leading man Achi, Thailand's sweetheart. Adapted from the novel “The Superstar and the Puppy on Set” (พี่พระเอกกับเด็กหมาในกอง) by Orpheus, cast includes Benjamin Brasier (2moons2), Bosston Suphadach (UWMA), Jo Kavinpat (War of Y), Kokliang (TharnType). Directed by David Bigander (Bite Me) which makes me nervous. Maybe he'll do better with an adaptation?
7/6 Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu ????) 12 eps - The story is a continuation of Minato & Shin's love story, and it picks up 10 years after the events of season 1 but the characters don't seemed to have grown at all. Very Japan of you, Japan.
7/7 Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 10 eps -  Gu Bu-Xia has the ability to hear ghosts, except when he is around his new roommate Jiang Chi. So he starts to find ways to approach Jiang Chi. But is it  the ghosts or Jiang Chi’s charm?
7/8 Low Frequency (Thai Sat YouTube?) 8 eps - ghost boyfriend, celebrity/mundane - Mon's life as a spirit-seeing interior decorator is full of headaches. On good days, he helps settle problems for his relative, who is a star manager. But then he gets involved with the spirit of Thames, a famous young actor who is in a coma.
7/9 Hidden Agenda (Thai Sun GMMTV YouTube) 12 eps - JoonDunk are back. Zo, a college freshman whose never been in love, decides to change it by making the college’s star Nita as his gf. He approaches Joke, Nita’s ex, for dating advice. What he fails to realize is that Joke has had his eyes on him for a long time and uses this opportunity to approach Zo. TMS 2.0.
7/15 Laws of Attraction (Thai Sat ????)  Stars the pair from To Sir With Love and with the same production team, cryptic description, but it seems to be Manner of Death esk.
7/19 Wedding Plan (Thai Wed YouTube & iQIYI)  - It's Mame and she's coming for our GL. She's such a misogynist IMAGINE what we will get with a GL? It's going to be absolute carnage. To crane your neck as you drive by the car wreck or not... that is the question. Me? I'm wallowing in the guts.
7/20 Jun & Jun (Korea Thu Viki) - From 2022 (TutorYim rumored to cameo) this office romance features 2, yes 2! Bls. Seme looks aggressive, we in classic yaoi territory. There is an idol involved. Past failed flirts. I am very excited about this one.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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To Sir With Love
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Best execution of the piggyback trope ever? I think so. 
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Fucking GENIUS piece of acting. Bruce we LOVE you! 
All Step By Step 
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It was stupid funny, okay? (Stupid Genius) 
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Ridiculous man, you don’t have to eye fuck THAT hard. But we all appreciate it. (Vian) 
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Dangerous thing to say in a show about identity in relationships. 
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Brave boy.
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I said this show was deep, not that I was. Although Patts seems to be going there. 
I’ll stop now.
All La Pluie. 
(Last week.)
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miiilowo · 1 year
I've never really watched anything about Security Breach's cut content so I'm don't know much about it. Any specific things or moments that you wish the most were actually used?
And/or, could you tell us about your interpretation of Vanny :3c, I don't have any less vague questions off the top of my head so just in general I guess-
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there are voice lines and unused art for glamrock freddy that show vanny commanded to other glamrocks to disassemble him, and it would have turned him against gregory. Having your one failsafe source of protection and guidance (well. if you dont include him getting stuck on walls and railings) ripped out from underneath you, now hunting you? can you imagine how effective that would have been for most people?
this was the intention for the game. it wasnt an idea that was scrapped, it was cut because they didn't have enough time. this was SUPPOSED to happen. even if it wasnt scary, (which it might not have been accounting for how MONSTROUSLY BRIGHT THE PIZZAPLEX IS), it would've made the game much more memorable, the characters have more stakes, and made the game feel less empty. and can you IMAGINE the sexyman potential? Hot bear dad turns fucked up and evil??? you know the fandom would be all over this freak
like all silliness aside, one of my major complaints w SB is how empty it feels. It's fundamentally broken, and not just from a bugs perspective; The story does not work like it should, because most of the story was removed. You experience the most barebones version of the plot. The meat used to be there, but they hid it in the files never to be seen again. It's stuff LIKE shattered freddy that would've made this game more than it is, would've fleshed out the characters, the plot, and motivations. It injects some EMOTION in there, god forbid. Among the lines for shattered freddy related cut content is one of gregory crying!!!! come on man!!
They'll probably bring him back for Ruin, but it won't be the same, nor have the same plot or characterization. Just a skin slapped onto him, I imagine.
Before I get to vanny, i wanna touch on glamrock bonnie. I do think we were supposed to get more of him in general, seeing as a whole bonnie bowl minigame was cut out, but we really only got scraps hinting at a larger mystery. I'm not sure what all was cut, but it feels like it was building up to something much bigger and it simply never had the chance to be executed, which is a shame.
Moving away from him though, theres a bunch of stuff about Vanny/Vanessa (most of which i will not cover here). vanny my sweet lovely girl who was done so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dirty
First of all, they completely made Vanessas personality do a 180 degree turn right before release. The version of her that we got is very mean, short tempered and cruel, whereas the version of her before actually cared about Gregory and helping him out of the pizzaplex; The reason Gregory wouldn't trust her, being that he knows she is also Vanny, but I'll get into that in a second. She seemed just as confused and scared as Gregory is, and while, yeah, having every female character be motherly and sweet is BAD i do have a point as to why that would have been better for her character, especially if it was a ruse she was putting on:
It makes the player want to trust her. Since Gregory never explains WHY we shouldn't trust Vanessa, it would make sense that we would want to doubt him, wouldn't it? There's cut lines that show Freddy didnt believe Gregory for a while either until he proves that something is up. The game was originally supposed to have a sort of "vanny meter"; I'm not sure how this would deplete, but whenever it did, Vanessas model itself would turn INTO Vanny, at which point she would start hunting you. Having the player witness one of these transitions after being led to believe that Vanessa has been genuinely trying to help us this whole time would be 1. scary in the same sense shattered freddy wouldve been 2. would explain why gregory doesn't trust her (he's seen this happen before, presumably) 3. would give freddy an actual reason to protect you instead of just doing it for the sake of protecting you, continuously going against his programming in rather inconsistent fashions
You can see how this was likely going to be incorporated through the trailers, (the line where shes saying she didnt want to hurt gregory, and it was 'just a glitch'), and it would also explain why shes NEVER IN THE FUCKING GAME DESPITE BEING ADVERTISED AS A MAIN CHARACTER AND VILLAIN
While I do think steel wool wouldn't have made her full evil (as much as i would love her to be) and would've made her genuinely a helpless wet rag whos scared and being puppeted around by afton, I do think this wouldve been better, because she wouldve been an effective threat and more sympathetic as a character. In the end game she still is just a helpless wet rag being puppeted around by afton but without any of the emotional impact. what fucking ever i guess
i still stand by the fact she should've been a copycat killer and afton's "i always come back" line would mean his INFLUENCE is eternal, not that HE HIMSELF is eternal, as we both know this would have been better in one thousand hundred million billion trillion ways forever
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nikethestatue · 8 months
so confused how people see Az as an entitled fuckboi but still ship him with their beloved Gwyn when:
1. This man pined over Mor for 500 YEARS. Not days, hours - YEARS. He is 540 and pined over Mor for 500 of those??? Insane.
2. The reason he moved on from Mor was Elain - this is not debatable, that is canon text. Cassian (you know, lord of bloodshed, the MOST reliable narrator, Velaris fashion police) even notes Az has moved on. Nesta knows WHY Az has moved on. Az clearly shows he is at the very least, attracted to elain (obsessed, head over wings, but potato potahto I guess)
3. This man was tortured by his family. He does not have good self esteem. He already thinks his position as spymaster/lead torturer is bad, he is ashamed of his own hands and struggles with feeling worthy on a GOOD DAY. He knows it’s wrong to have feelings for Elain (bc she has a mate and he was ordered to stay away from her) but HE STILL HAS them. He can’t help it, he loves her?? Is that not the most heart wrenching thing youve heard?? How is he entitled when man himself doesn’t feel worthy of even touching her NECK???
Like how can you read that bonus chapter and say “yeah Az is an incel he is a fuckboi only lusting after elain” like this dude is clearly torturing himself with the feelings he has for her ?? How is he only after sex?? Do we want to whip out Cassian & Rhys’s POVs about their mates? The same thoughts.
It boggles my mind, truly, to attempt to understand gwynriel. elucien - I don’t ship but I do understand. They have been declared mates…that’s about all they have but at least that is there.
How can they be out here saying Az is evil incel fuckboi but then ship him with Gwyn… a priestess that was SA-ed and going on her own healing journey?? It makes no sense.
“Oh but elain needs light and azriel is just darkness she won’t be able to understand him” idk seems like it’s been said multiple times they understand each other without a single word.
“Elain can’t handle his darkness, Gwyn will heal him” … heal him how exactly? Through her laughter and song and pliable bones? Like she is not a therapist. She is bad with secrets (canonically). She can’t even leave the library. So what makes HER capable of handling “azriels darkness” like ?? What is she going to do someone please genuinely tell me? I would ask a gwynriel but they will get angry and tell me I’m a monster against SA victims or some bs.
Also what the actual hell is this so called “azriel’s darkness”?? Why we doing this “I can fix him” mentality in 2024? Sure man has got self image insecurity issues but it’s something HE has to fix … himself…
All I ever see from gwynriels is the craziest shit they are trying to pass off as theory because they literally hate elain!!? They ship elucien… only so it gets elain away from NC
They send her to spring court to be with tamlin and the flowers. They send her to day court to be with sunlight(? Even tho the night court has… sun…?)
They say she will turn evil. They say it’s only lust between them. They say she looks bad in black (this girl is described as having beauty to bring kings to their knees… I don’t think people care that she allegedly cannot pull off black)
They hate elain because elain is beautiful and kind and sweet and NOT a warrior and they don’t connect with her. And the loooooove azriel bc honestly a man who doesn’t say anything is just easier to shape to someone’s own fantasies. And they looove Gwyn because she is pretty enough (not devastating beauty) and vague enough that they can self insert.
And elain is also still a character in development. But the few things we know about her were apparently dammning enough that they have written her off completely.
But the fact is she’s the only character relevant enough and has shown an interest in azriel that is reciprocated. So why are we even fighting still? It’s been over since SJM wrote “death and the lovely fawn” even after she made her mated to Lucien.
He is only an incel fuckboi when it comes to Elain though. It's never with anyone else. With Gwyn he is a gallant hero.
Yeah, I never understood what qualifications Gwyn possesses to 'heal Azriel's trauma' especially considering her extremely, EXTREMELY limited life experience. She is 28, acting like she is 13, because she's lived in a closed environment all her life, had her basic chores, but everything was taken care of for her. Then she moved to the Library, where she is in the same situation. Not denying *her* trauma, but she barely dealt with it herself, and until Nesta, didn't do a very good job at it either. She only just began functioning, though still unable to join society and doesn't want to leave the Library. Even to go to a wedding! And this is the person they think is going to 'heal' Azriel's darkness? Can 500 year old 'darkness' even be healed? I feel like Azriel is what he is and I don't think there is much 'healing' that's going to happen. He is essentially Lorcan--he'd thaw for his girl, he'll be friends with Cassian and Nesta, and that's pretty much it. And the girl who'll accept him, who already accepted him is Elain.
Also, GA girlies need to remember that it's not a woman's job to 'fix' a guy and his 'darkness'. It's Azriel's responsibility, if he so desires.
Will never hear an Elriel talking about Elain 'healing Azriel's darkness'. Homeboy better take care of that himself because there is Dusk Court shit to take care of.
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Champion Frolic Funfacts/Lore Master Post
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Here's a Master Post on Funfact/Lore about my very first experience in Sword And Shield!
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1. I named the player character Frolic because of Hop's name. I just thought it would be adorable if the rivals had somewhat matching names.
2. I stared Shield as a Nuzlocke, but quickly got bored of playing the game when I finally got to the first gym, so I set the game down for a few years.
3. Once I returned to the game and remembered I was Nuzlocking it, I lost my dearest Yamper in the Water gym and decided to cancel the Nuzlocke and play normally. I didn't want to lose my sweet puppers </3
4. After removing the Nuzlocke conditions, I found myself enjoying the game far more, and quickly fell in love with the story and characters.
5. I ship Gloria/Victor with Hop, Postwick Shipping is beautiful.
6. I do not really ship Leon and Sonia, I'm a soft-core shipper of them. I can appreciate artwork/fanfics of them, but I don't think I'll create much shipping content of them. I'm more of a Leon X Raihan shipper, and will def make shipping content of them. However, I also have my own ship with Leon. I ship him with my first ever Pokemon Oc, Oleander. I will post lore/backstory on Oleander in another post after I finish their design!
7. Scorbunny was my starter of choice, and their name is Scorch and they have an amazing nature that ups their physical attack power, which in turn makes their Pyro Ball attack a deadly force to be reckoned with. It says in their summary that Scorch loves to battle, and honestly, rock on lil Bunny Man!
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8. I one-shotted almost all of Leon's Pokémon, save for his Dragapult, I sent out Frostine, my Frosmoth, to ice-beam it. I didn't realize it had flamethrower. I one-shotted his Charizard with my Vaporeon named Mistral.
9. I completed the post-game in like 3 days.
10. I actually love the fact that Leon, for the most part, keeps the player and Hop out of the big and dangerous stuff. How he goes out of his way to handle things, like FINALLY! Adults doing their jobs! I honestly didn't mind the fact that the player wasn't going around beating down some evil team or something. Because I was honestly getting bored of that rinse and repeat plot. I actually enjoyed the fact that the player and Hop were just allowed to be kids and enjoy their journey, and the only reason they get involved is because they choose to do so.
In most games, the protagonist is kind of just pulled into the conflict just because they exist. But here, it's because the player and Hop want to help Galar and Leon. I know a lot of people really disliked how disconnected the story was, what with how the game didn't show you a lot of the stuff happening behind the scenes, but I didn't mind it, personally.
I was just happy running about doing trainer things and beating gyms, and connecting with my Pokémon through camping and eating curry. I've never felt more connected to my Pokémon in any other game than I do with my Pokémon in Sword and Shield.
11. I have many questions about how Leon survived getting blasted by Eternatus's power after it broke out of the Pokeball. Like how the fuck is he not dead? I even have a Youtube video I made discussing my confusion-
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12. It took me so many hours to finally get the berry sweet to evolve my Milcery into Alcremie. I kept getting rare candies, and the same sweets over and over, I think it took like three to five days in total to evolve them into the Alcremie with the blue berries in their swirls. Whose bright idea was it to LOCK all of the evolutions for Alcremie behind such a WHACK system anyways? Like if they're gonna do that, then at least make it so you can battle the cafe twice a day, and one victory gives you a guaranteed sweets prize!
13. The Water-bike kind of sucks, like even with the upgrades you're still kind of slow in the water, I hate when I'm riding the bike and accidentally hit the water and all the momentum just... stops. It's a buzzkill, like let me go FAST!
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14. I feel as though I understand Leon, I easily get lost in the game, and forget where shit is. Honestly, I don't blame him for getting lost. Without being able to fly from place to place, I think it would take me hours to figure out how to get back to where I wanna go.
15. Leon is the first ever character to make me read character x reader fics. I am not ashamed of that.
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16. I noticed while playing that Leon and Hop have such an interesting dynamic with one another and their family members, and I wish it had been explored more. Like, their mother and grandmother seem to really only talk about Leon, and there's no pictures of Hop to be seen, and well it just seems Hop is put on the backburner, while Leon is at the forefront of the family. I really do wish that this Leon and Hop and their family aspect was explored more, because it's obvious Hop really feels pressured to be just as great as Lee, and to not drag his name through the mud. In the game it's really obvious that Hop has some complicated emotions when it comes to Leon. He loves and adores his brother so much, but he also feels lesser than him, feels like he'll give him a bad name if he doesn't become just as great as him.
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17. Hop made me feel for him in the game, never before have I ever felt so conflicted in defeating a rival and crushing their hopes and dreams right in front of them - Wally is a close second-. Like, fuck me, this poor boy cannot catch a break. To be honest, him wanting to become a Pokémon professor didn't hit right with me. I feel like he would be more suited to a Pokémon Ranger type, it just seems more his style. Going out and saving People and Pokémon, still battling, capturing Pokémon, and filling up his Dex. Being a Pokémon Ranger would allow Hop to go out and journey far and wide, and help People and Pokémon in a more Hop like style. I feel like him being a Ranger would have been a much better choice for his character. Pokémon Ranger Hop was a missed opportunity.
Well, that's it for now! I'll add more funfacts/lore/feelings about my first Pokemon Journey through Shield later. It's almost 2 am and I'm eepy. Goodnight!
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salt-hag · 11 days
fall 2024 cdrama + kdrama check-in list
haven't done a check in/wrap up post of dramas watched in a while so wanted to do one before the end of the year ✨ hoping to have finished a lot of these and have a list of reviews at around new years
dramas watched
story of kunning palace (cdrama)
8.5/10 for me. This is my year of loving costume period cdramas and I kicked it off with sokp. Really enjoyed the time travel/redemption plot line and Bai Lu as a somewhat reformed evil empress.
the legend of shenli (cdrama)
9/10 for me. A little slow in places but this goes down in my list of fav drama romances. Badass and admirable female lead and quirky oddball male lead who simps for her (as he should). I found the fantasy somewhat goofy but lovably so. This is a *comfort* show for me now. Has the best happy ending/post finale last episode I've seen up to now.
the double (cdrama)
9.5/10 for me for the sheer melodrama. Is this technically a better drama than the legend of shenli? No, of course not. Is it entertaining as hell? Yes, so it's gets a .5 boost. Costume period one-woman's-revenge, absolutely delicious. Hilarious male lead who loves the drama of it all and is very handsome. I was telling a friend about this and she was confused. Weren't you just watching this earlier this year? No, dear reader, she had the revenge stuff confused with Story of Kunning Palace. I have a type, and that is conniving women getting what they want in beautiful period costumes while a handsome, competent man answers their beck and call and simps all the while.
currently watching
RIGHT NOW: Are You the One (cdrama) - ep 22/40
This started out as costume period brain popcorn for me but now there's intrigue and back-stabbing and a clever woman out-scheming men in power so. yeah i'm enjoying this i guess whatever...
RIGHT NOW: Cinderella at 2am (kdrama) - ep 3/10
I haven't watched a kdrama in a while and I wanted a comforting, brain-popcorn modern rom com. I think this will deliver.
My Journey to You (cdrama) - on ep 20/24
I am DETERMINED to finish the gorgeous scheming assassin ladies period drama. I WILL. It's just the main plotline made me snooze a bit at ep 20 so it's taking me a while.
The Princess Royal (cdrama) - ep 6/40
Snowfall (cdrama) - 17/24
dropped or on hold (I'm a mood watcher)
[on hold] Love Like the Galaxy part 2 (cdrama) - ep 12/29
[on hold] Meet you at the blossom (uncensored period BL, Thai) - ep 4/12
[on hold] Lost You Forever season one (cdrama) - ep 17/39
[on hold] In Blossom (cdrama) - ep 22/32
Another one I am DETERMINED to finish!! But I don't vibe with the main actress. I loved the one who played the female lead before the body swapping. Otherwise this drama has everything I would ever want: costume period murder mysteries, a very beautiful man who devotedly simps for his nice wife, a clever female lead with quirky interests, BODY SWAPPING AND IDENTITY SHENANIGANS.
[can't decide to drop or not] Only For Love (cdrama) - ep 21/36
I can't really stand modern-setting cdramas, I'm sorry. I was watching this one for Wang Hedi. I somehow made it to episode 21 despite the cringe. Might finish watching this while pmsing.
[can't decide] Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938 (kdrama) - ep 9/12
Idk why but I just found the plotline kind of boring?? I loved the extra character and world lore. But I had problems with the original TotNT too so.
[dropped] Till the End of the Moon (cdrama) - ep 20/40
This was gorgeous but I like sweet romance, I'm sorry. This was too dramatic for even me. I wanted Bai Lu to love her problematic malewife!!
[dropped] Miss Night and Day (kdrama) - ep 2/16
Loved the concept, found the show too painful to watch.
anyway hoping to get back into kdramas this fall or in 2025. we'll see!!
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neo-zone · 9 months
Alright, I finally got my hands on this full ... presscon? cast reaction? Whatever.
I already shared some screenshots from this before (by some people on Twitter) and after finally watching the full version, I fell like I need to share the rest of the season 2 world building and character lores mentioned and discussed to you guys in here (and also major spoilers for season 3)
P.S. I could be wrong on some of the points here (either misinterpreting or not paying enough attention), so please correct me if I do in the reply section
Season 2
I'm still confused af on this line : "he killed his original body as well as his personality, eventually turning into the twisted monster that he is now". Like so, does it refer to Sang-won killing his original body in season 2 or is it about monster Sang-won killing the real Sang-won?
I still don't get this line too, so interpret it however you want : "The child covered in black?" "This is where what's remaining of Sang-won disappears, uncovering the child."
Chan-young was a baseball player. Ye-seul was one of the cheerleaders
Oh, apparently monsterization does still happened inside the stadium. That's why there's a regular daily checking. Anyone showing symptoms will be out in the isolation place (yeah that place where they put the sick mom in). Some lived, some died inside the isolation => might be why Chief Ji keeping her monster son secluded somewhere deep inside the stadium
Hyun-su cut Yi-kyung's daughter hair the same style as him, hence how they're being similar appearance wise
The live action crew is adapting Shotgun Boy into Netflix Sweet Home
Yi-kyung blames herself for how her child turned out to be with her monster-turning power
Yi-kyung's inability to give affection or even touched her child stems from the fact that monsters are created from human desires, so she didn't want her child to have desire (awfully familiar with a particular old man *side glance*)
Yep, you guessed it. These three (Hyun-su, Eun-yu, and Chan-young) are dense as fuck about their own feelings to each other (minus Hyun-su to Chan-young and vice versa ofc)
Yi-kyung's daughter views Hyun-su as her own family even more than her biological mother. Because they're similar and he's the only person she could hold hands with without her power reacting
Hyun-su uses red ribbons to mark the safe area for Eun-yu because color red stands out among the greenery of Seoul post time skip
The monster cocoons are shaped like a heart because monsterization manifests from human desires
The "real Jung Wui-myeong" is one of the scientists. Sang-won (or monster Sang-won depending how you interpret the earlier points) took his identity and used it as his own, probably to separate himself from his old human self
Lmao, not them calling Sang-won's family as family of evil and there's no good apple in it. That's so fucking foul
Sang-wook is still there somewhere (I already shared this one before)
Sang-won's original abilities include the Medusa touch he did to Hyun-su in episode 3
Oh wait, Yi-kyung survived?! I thought she died after her fight with Hyun-su (uh oh *nervous glance to every instance of me mentioning "her death" in replies*)
Monster Hyun-su act according to what Hyun-su thinks and desires (I had shared this one before)
Monster Hyun-su is more proactive and extrovert (is the extrovert part really necessary?")
Season 3 rough summary
Family drama : Nam Sang-won starts a bunch of trouble (this bitch) in order to create a world he dreams of. There are family reunions and conflicts between spouses. He also meets his child (uh oh). They fight for her custody. This custody case didn't need a court (fuck, oh come on 😂). Yi-kyung wouldn't just talk it out. She'd fight until one is dead
Sibling drama : Eun-yu will meet Eun-hyeok again, but I'm not sure it'll make her happy
Second male lead struggle : Chan-yeong faces even more hardships as the story progresses. But even then, he gives up a lot just to protect Eun-yu. He starts to understand the monsters more. There's a lot on his mind as the story goes on.
More monster Hyun-su : Hyun-su lets go of himself and lets out the monster. But the monster doesn't just do its thing. He reads Hyun-su's mind and acts as he wants.
Another Hyun-su and Yi-kyung interaction : And later on, he interacts with Yi-kyung as well. The emotion it brings also felt huge. In the narration, he tells Eun-yu how much pain Yi-kyung is in and that he has to stop it all himself. So I'm sure Hyun-su sparked a change in Yi-kyung's heart. That'll continue in Season 3.
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embie-the-buttercup · 2 years
Random childhood crushes I had
Bernard from The Santa Clause
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I think this one is pretty much self explanatory, we all had a crush on him.
Ian from What a Girl Wants
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Still a pretty standard and normal crush. That hair was so cool when I was like 7.
Dapne from Sccoby-Doo
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Who am I kidding, I still have a crush on Sarah Michelle Gellar, she's so pretty. Little me had confusing fellings about her in those short dresses.
Velma's friend from Scooby-Doo
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This man doesn't even have a name but I was so gone for him. The hair, the eyes, the goatee, the shirt... I still love him. Somebody give a name to my boy. (And I'm still mad that they didn't let him have a kiss with Velma. I know she was supposed to be gay, but if you didn't make her gay, and made her have a crush on Seth Green in the second movie, she at least could've had this beauty of a man...)
Both Robin and Maria from The Secret of Moonacre
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Such an underrated movie. I loved Maria, she was so sweet and pretty and my little heart could barely handle the scene where she wakes up with curly hair (I couldn't find a picture.) And let's be honest, everyone who watched this movie had a crush on Robin with his stupid little bowler hat and smudged eyeliner. (Oh so that's where my obsession with men in eyeliner came from...)
Simon from Nanny McPhee
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I still have a crush on Thomas Brodie-Sangster. He was my first ever celebrity crush. There used to be a giant poster of Nanny McPhee in the hallway of my elementary school and I used to go to that part of the school just to look at him. I had no other business in that part, I took trips to see him. I still would, tbh.
Audrey from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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She's cool, she's badass, she's pretty, she's witty. I was whipped the moment she came on screen. I loved that she was a strong female character surrounded by men and she was treated as equal. Same goes for Helga (but she was evil so little me drew the line there) and Kida too (I don't know why but I preferred Audrey over her. Maybe because the scene where she's taken by the crystal freaked me out a kid.).
Vinny from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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He's the funniest of them all. There's nothing else neccessary for me to develop a crush.
Cinderella from Cinderell II: Dreams Come True
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Let's be clear, Cinderella from the second movie. Not the original, not third with the time travelling AU. This Cinderella was sweet but independent, confident and determined. And she had a great wardrobe. I loved her so much.
Linda from Rio
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Specifically this scene. The part where she drives the motorcycle also did things to me at 13 but I was done for when she put on this costume.
Fly from Help! I'm a Fish
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Now, we're getting into weird territory. For those of you who haven't seen this movie, for most of the runtime he's a fish. And yet, I had such a big crush on him. He was a hot fish, okay?
Mr Tumnus from The Cronicles of Narnia
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I might out myself as a furry now, but I don't even find James McAvoy that attractive without the faun make up. MAybe I had a crush on him because of his personality. Let's just say it was that.
Nico from Rio
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I know, I know, he's a bird. But have you seen the part at the party when he says "Party in Ipanema, baby!"? That's hot, okay? I might or might not have written self insert fanfiction about him and myself (as bird of course)...
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angelgirl768 · 1 year
Man, sometimes I just forget how much I love Daniel until I start writing him again- (fic soon?)
Like this man is so misunderstood by so many people. He’s not evil. He’s not a villain. He’s not bloodthirsty.
He was a brand new deviant who couldn’t control his emotions or actions made as a result of them (think of it like having the emotional regulation of a toddler in a fully capable adult’s body) and the first thing he felt was intense betrayal and fear. Things were bound to go wrong.
He couldn’t control his emotions - didn’t know how to - as he saw John buy a new android and wanted the problem - the pain - gone. The three shots were clear overkill so it’s clear that he was acting purely off of emotions that he couldn’t control. Not to mention that John was the one who bought the new android so Daniel wouldn’t have been needed anymore - which meant that he would have been reset and sold on or simply thrown away. Either way Daniel would have been erased and effectively killed. As a new deviant, I could only imagine a few things that might have been scarier to him at the moment than death and, in a way, you could argue that killing John was in self defense to prevent that death.
The first responder isn’t killed until 30 minutes later and that’s only after he shot at Daniel first, again self defense. Sure he has Emma at this point, but there’s no context to how he got her or what he plan was. She could have been confused with the chaos going on and ran to him. They could have been planning to leave together when the cop showed up at the only exit and drastic measures had to be made. Besides, at this point his only weapon is a gun (no 70 story drop) and you can’t convince me for a second that he’d ever even think about using it on Emma.
The rest of the cops that come brandishing guns all want to kill him and he’s still so hoped up on betrayal and anxiety and fear that there’s no way any of his decisions are made with a clear mind. He’s acting on impulse and a desperation to live. He knows they won’t risk shooting Emma, so if keeping her with him on the edge is the only way to keep himself alive, then so be it. Hell, it’s only if Connor drives Daniel further into a corner of hopelessness that he falls off the building and lets Emma die too.
Though, the most damning piece of evidence that he isn’t some monster comes straight from Daniel himself in the evidence room saying that he didn’t want to hurt anyone. He was just scared.
He really just thought his family loved him, felt the ultimate betrayal of learning that they didn’t, couldn’t control his newfound emotions and the actions they caused, and did things he didn’t want to do because he was scared. Scared of being betrayed. Scared of being replaced. Scared of dying. Scared of not being loved.
And that’s why Daniel’s one of the most relatable characters in dbh and tied for my favorite character in the whole game with Simon. I love my Danny boy and the sweet guy who just wants to be loved that he really is <3
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
One of my favorite negative reviews
I can’t find a full text of it online, so I’m going to copy out some big chunks of Stephen Hunter’s retrospective on Gone with the Wind, which apparently resulted in lots of angry letters to the editor.
Long, stupid, ugly and, alas, back for the sixth time (in theaters, innumerable television showings have preceded this rerelease), it is probably the most beloved bad movie of all time, as its adjusted box office gross of $5 billion makes clear. If you love it, that is fine; but don’t confuse its gooeyness, its spiritual ugliness, its solemn self-importance, with either art or craft, for it boasts none of the former and only a bit of the latter. It is one of the least remarkable films of that most remarkable of American movie years, 1939. In fact, far from being one of the greatest American films ever made, I make it merely the twenty-eighth best film of 1939! It may not even have been the best movie that opened on December 15, 1939! It is overrated, overlong, and overdue for oblivion.
Of the various characters and actors:
It’s profoundly misogynistic...the secret pleasure of the film is watching Scarlett O’Hara being punished for the sin of selfhood. The movie delights in her crucifixion, even to the point of conjuring the death of a child as apt punishment for her ambitions. Her sin, really, is the male sin: the pride which goeth before the fall...
Leslie Howard was a great actor and a brave man, who raced home to join his unit when World War II broke out, thereby missing the famous December Atlanta premiere. He was killed in 1943 when the Nazis shot down a plane he was in. Let us lament him as we lament all the men who gave their lives to stop that evil. That said, the truth remains that on screen, he was a feathery creature, best cast as the foil to Bogart’s brutish Duke Mantee in The Petrified Forest, where his cathedral-abutment cheekbones gave him the look of an alabaster saint in the wall of an Italian church. But he was about as believable as a sexual object as he would have been as Duke Mantee...
The wondrous Olivia de Havilland was an actress of spunk and pizazz, and she gave as good as she got, even across from such hammy scene stealers as her longtime costar Flynn. But she, too, is trashed by Gone with the Wind as sugary Melanie Wilkes, a character of such selfless sweetness she could give Santa Claus a toothache.
Of the film as art:
Too much spectacle, not enough action. David O. Selznick, who produced the film and rode it to immortality, didn’t understand the difference between the two. Thus the film has a fabulous but inert look to it; the story is rarely expressed in action but only in diorama-like scenes. It is curiously flat and unexciting. Even the burning of Atlanta lacks dynamism and danger; it’s just a dapple of flickering orange filling the screen without the power and hunger of a real fire. And the movie’s most famous shot- the camera pulling back to reveal Scarlett in a rail yard of thousands of bleeding, tattered Confederate soldiers- makes exactly the wrong point. It seems to be suggesting that Scarlett has begun to understand that the war is much bigger than she is. And yet she never changes. The shot means nothing in terms of character; it’s an editorial aside that really misleads us.
Of the film’s message:
From its opening credits, which characterize the South as a lost land of lords and ladies, to its final images of Tara nestling among the Georgia dogwood, the movie buys into a myth that completely robs the region of its truth. Love it or hate it, it’s a land (as Faulkner knew) in which the nobility of its heroism lived side by side with the ugliness of its Original Sin: slavery. I’m not attacking the South here, just Margaret Michell and Selznick’s version of it. Other movies or 1939 were beginning to find the courage to express some subtle ideas. One of them was John Ford’s Young Mr. Lincoln.
Of its comparison to other 1939 movies:
I found 797 titles from the year 1939, had seen fewer than a tenth of them, and even on that small list there were 27 that struck me as fundamentally better than Gone with the Wind, movies that I would watch again with utter delight. They are: Allegheny Uprising, Another Thin Man, Babes in Arms, Beau Geste, Confessions of a Nazi Spy, Dark Victory, Dodge City, Drums Along the Mohawk, Golden Boy, Gunga Din, Juarez, The Light that Failed, Made for Each Other, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Ninotchka, Of Mice and Men, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The Real Glory, The Roaring Twenties, Stagecoach, The Story of Alexander Graham Bell, The Three Musketeers, Union Pacific, The Wizard of Oz, The Women, Wuthering Heights, and Young Mr. Lincoln.
Dammit, my dear, I’m just being frank.
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