#because that right there is an alternate universe version of her best friend ( - or if you gave him the pact ring which I did - fiancé)
creativesplat · 1 year
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So the Fell Xenologue... huh...
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Romantic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Alternate Wife Spider Reader [Part 2]
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Summary: After meeting the strange copy of your partner on the streets, you return to your office to ask your partner if he has a twin brother but what he tells you is even more terrifying than you could have ever hoped for.
Part One
[Earth-654B - New York Detective Agency]
Concentrated brown eyes looked through glasses lens at the computer screen while fast fingers typed upon the surface of the keyboard, watching the words as they appeared on the screen. A large hand left the keyboard and brushed back the hair of the man's head before returning to typing with a nod and a smirk on his face. This man was Miguel O'Hara - your partner in the Detective Agency. The Client just left a little while ago and he was updating the case file with the images you sent to him before he reached for his coffee cup and sipped the brown liquid before setting it back on the coaster. This was going to be an open-and-shut case - with all this evidence, the wife was going to sue the pants right off her husband and his mistress...or mistresses if it was discovered that he had more than one.
The door opened across from him and his hands came to a halt before he looked up from the screen toward the door - watching as it opened - before you walked in with a rather confused look on his face and another cup of Mocha Latte in your hand before closing the door, setting the cup on your desk before taking off your coat and placing it on the coat rack before taking the cup back in your hands and taking a seat at your desk.
"Hey, [Name]. You alright? You seem rather distracted this morning." Miguel asked as he took off his glasses - revealing his chocolate brown eyes that were full of concern for you. You looked at him and exhaled before you open your mouth to speak.
"This may be hard to believe but I ran into someone who looked just like you earlier this morning but he had red eyes instead of brown and he was claiming to be from another universe and that I was his wife. I told him that he had the wrong person but he was insistent so I just left him." You looked into Miguel's eyes, "Miguel, you don't have any older twin brothers, do you?"
"No...but I do believe you because I met him last night." Miguel said as he looked down at his bandaged hand, placing his good hand over it, you looked at your partner's hand, just now noticing that he was harmed - you were rather protective of Miguel; you were friends since you were infants and you were going to raise hell on anyone who hurt him but he just said that he met the man you saw today?
"What do you mean you saw him last night? What happened to your hand. Miguel?" You asked as he looked down at his keyboard before looking at you.
"Last night, when I was on my way to my apartment; the landlord was confused to see me because he just saw me going into my apartment; I was on high guard because I was the only one with a key to my apartment. I opened the apartment door and walked inside with y hands on my taser but I was attacked from behind and thrown to the ground before my hand was stepped on. I looked up at the man who attacked me and it was me - I was looking back at myself with red eyes and he looked at me and told me: "I won't let you take [Name] away from me - she and Isabela will be mine again"; then he stomped on my hand until it broke and left out of the door." Miguel explained.
"Why didn't you tell the police?" You asked him.
"What was I supposed to tell them? I saw another version of myself and it threatened me to stay away from my best friend and partner at work? They would have laughed me out of the station. Besides, I'm sure that we can handle this as Spider-Man and Spider-Woman when we go on patrol tonight. Let's focus on the case right now, what did you find out?" Miguel asked as she looked at his computer.
"The Target was definitely cheating on his wife, I followed him to one of his mistresses' house and he greeted her with a kiss at the front door." You said as you logged into the computer before you heard the phone ringing, you reached over and grabbed it off the receiver, and held it to your ear. "Detective Agency, [Name] Speaking. How can I help you?"
"Working as a detective, Mi Amor? I guess that never changed with you."
That voice.
"How did you get this number?" You growled into the phone.
"That's not important. I know that you are talking to that other version of me - the one with the broken hand. I want you to stay away from him - don't get too attached to him."
"I'm not listening to a damn thing you say. You aren't my husband and I will make you pay for what you did to my best friend if I ever see your face again." You warned him.
"We'll see about that, Mi Amor. I know your secret and I shall have you back if you know what is good for you. Just give yourself to me and everything will be alright."
"Go the hell, asshole." You hung up.
"Who was that?" Miguel asked.
"You'll find out tonight." That was all you said before you started to get back to work.
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holewithinahole · 1 year
Brown and Green | Olivia Octavius x Reader
Summary: After the accident with the collider, you end up on Earth 1610 in the Alchemax building. Dr Olivia Octavius is here to greet you. You can't help but notice all the resemblances with your own Octavius.
Ao3 Link
Warnings: shameless smut, no genitalia specified, no pronouns specified (reader), tentacle sex, restraints, orgasm denial, overstimulation, fantasising, non-native writer
I hesitated posting it here, but we don't post non-beta'd shit to be a coward. I wrote this in a few hours and took three days to resign myself and just post it. But after seeing Across the Spider-Verse, I had to re-watch the first one and I was, once again, hit in the face by my bisexuality and my obsession towards Dr Octavius. Tell me I'm not the only one...
Oh, reader is part of the Spider-Verse, I wrote with no gender nor genitalia in mind, I hope everyone can enjoy it!
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Ok. Let’s do this one more time, shall we?
My name? Not really important because for the last few years, I’ve been the one and only Spiderman. You all know the story by now: being bitten by a radioactive spider which suddenly allows you to skip workout, the loss of a loved one... The usual Spidey-stuff.
I shoot my webs; I swing from Brooklyn to Queens to the Bronx to stop supervillains, rescue cats stuck in trees and help your grandma cross the road.
One day as I was doing my super-work, something weird happened: a flash of light and boom, I was in New York. But not my New York, a new New York. As for where I crashed, well–
“You seem tensed, Spiderman.”
You can feel your bones crack as those weirdly smooth, plastic-y tentacles wrap tighter and tighter around you.
“You, ow–” you hiss, out of breath. “You could say that.”
A shimmering laugh answers you and it’s just so weird. But after all, what could you expect from a parallel universe? You still have a hard time wrapping your head around the whole concept of dimension warping… and alternate versions of your enemies.
“What did you say your name was?”
“Dr Olivia Octavius.” She draws closer, that ridiculously hot smirk at the corner of her lips.
Fuck, can you concentrate for once?
“It sounds like you already knew the answer,” she says. With her free hands, she pulls her curly hair up, rebellious strands framing her face. Is amazing hair a multi-universal law for all Doc Ocks?
“‘Can’t say that I did–” you pause as long gloved fingers slide under the edge of your mask. “Hey! That’s a no-no, lady!”
She snaps the mask right off your face, an interested glimmer in her eyes. You feel like a mouse spread apart for dissection and she sure looks ready to whip out a scalpel. Was she really hiding a complete latex suit underneath her clothes? Not to be the one to pat supervillains on their shoulders to congratulate them on a job well done, but she really mastered the inconspicuous chemistry teacher cosplay.
“It is quite fortunate that your portal opened here,” Octavius says conversationally as she readjusts her gloves. “I would have hated to run after you everywhere in the city.”
“Oh, you know me.” Your shrug looks like an uncontrolled twitch of your shoulder. “Always glad to help.”
“Indeed,” she chuckles. She grabs your face, inspecting it from every angle, ignoring your string of offended words. At the corner of your eye, an actuator reaches for a– ah, there is the scalpel. “Now…”
Oh hell no…
“Hey! Hey lady–“ Struggling is pointless and the more you try, the more she grins. “Olivia– can I call you Liv’?”
Octavius laughs. “Only my friends call me Liv.”
“We can be friends I’m sure.” You make sure to put on your best smolder. It looks painfully ineffective. “Or, you know, we can come to an arrangement.”
She raises an eyebrow at that but doesn’t answer. She’s not considering it, is she? That’d be a lucky day for the smolder – not that it doesn’t usually work of course (It doesn’t.) You keep smiling but her slow approach makes all your senses – spider and regular, tingle. It takes all of your brain power to tame your fight-or-flight response and not recoil as much as you can.
Are you seriously sweating right now?
“Oh, that’s rich.” Her smile is predatory. “Is it a usual Spiderman tactic to try to seduce their enemies?”
The actuators tighten even more around your torso. The discreet cough you let out widens her smile.
“Perhaps not in your universe.”
You’re relieved when the scalpel is dropped carelessly on the table behind her. Even more relieved when the tentacles lessen their grip around you. Your relief is soon replaced by surprise as one of them curls slowly around your left leg. It’s definitely better than being cut open, right?
“Alright, little spider.” Octavius stares down at you. “I’ll entertain the idea.”
In a blur, she steps in between your legs, helped by the arm holding your limb hostage. “And to answer your question…” Her hand comes to rest in the dip of your hip, feeling up muscles under her fingertips. Somehow it’s this simple gesture that sends a strong shiver through your nervous system.
“You can call me ‘Doctor’ from now on.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Liv.” The actuator tightens around your throat. “Doctor!”
A low laugh answers you. And that’s just not fair. Octavius has you in the most vulnerable state you’ve ever been in. Except perhaps that time when you had to face Captain Stacy, near the corpse of your bestfrie— oops, no, wrong mind folder. The most physically vulnerable you’ve ever been then.
“You never stop talking, do you?”
Earlier, Octavius had taken all the time in the world to push your arms out of your suit, her actuators handling you like a puppet, until your torso was bare for her to enjoy. You did try to yank at the tentacles keeping both your arms secured behind your back but thanks to whatever kind of sick machinery she put in them, they just wouldn’t budge. You were genuinely impressed at the technology allowing those arms to both be flexible and unbreakable. Even your Octavius had to favor titanium steel when he built his own.
The actuator that isn’t wrapped around your throat – a menacing yet tantalizing statement, or holding your limbs down, creeps from the top of your thigh to your chest, not unlike a viper chasing for its food.
Ah yes, the situation at hand.
“To be fair,” you huff. “You love to hear yourself talk as well.”
“You seem to know a lot about me, little spider.” Her hand travels from your hip to the underside of your right thigh. “Altercations with my alter-self then?”
You chuckle, a breathy fucking embarrassing thing. “Oh, plenty.”
Your suit pools uncomfortably at the bottom of your stomach, the sleeves flapping underneath you. It must be so practical to have strong mechanical arms capable of holding your enemy one meter above the ground without even breaking a sweat. But you feel way too warm. Isn’t it hot right now? Isn’t she hot?
Oh, she definitely is, submit your traitorous mind.
“I’m sure we must have been tormenting you intensely.” She giggles, examining a large scar running from your pectoral to your lower belly. With a finger, she traces it like words on paper.
“That’s from you, actually.”
Your Octavius had looked so smug when it happened.
She looks up, smirking. “His actuators are way more pointy than yours,” you explain.
The double-entendre doesn’t go unnoticed, but she doesn’t comment. “Actuators, uh? I haven’t heard this denomination in a while, since my research paper on radioactivity in fact.”
“Yeah, I did my homework.”
You exhale shortly when the teasing actuator wrapped itself around your middle section allowing the others to tug at your suit. Octavius stopped her reverential petting to observe the spandex clinging to your skin, slowly displaying your legs and your underwear-clad pelvis like an exhibit. A free one at that, with free food and everything.
“So,” Octavius asks after discarding the suit to a corner of the room. “What’s the name of my counterpart?”
Both her hands come resting on your legs again. “Otto,” you mutter through clenched teeth.
“Funny,” she says, taking her sweet time feeling your backside muscles. She likes to grope, doesn’t she? “That’s the name of my father.”
Your nose wrinkles. “Ew, what a way to kill the mood, lady.”
Strangely, she doesn’t mention your slip, simply laughing while resting her palm on your– nether regions. The mood is far from being killed however judging by the humiliating wetness spreading through your underwear. She presses her palm down a little forcefully, and you moan loudly. Raising an eyebrow, it’s with a certain – perhaps misplaced – curiosity that she alternates between stroking up and down and toying with the tips of her fingers any potentially sensitive region. And you can’t contain the noise.
To be fair, you’ve never really been ashamed of anything.
There’s a daze settling in your mind, a fog behind your eyes as you only focus on the diffuse pleasure settling down there. You’re pulsating, every blood vessel tight, engorged as a blush spreads on your skin. You’re drifting, fuck– you’re so–
“Eyes on me, sweetheart.”
You don’t have time to reflect on the fact that you obeyed so eagerly because her touch's gone and it's the only thing you can focus on at the moment. She knows that too because her smugness is plastered all over her face – some things never change, and you want to cum all over her arrogant little smile.
“That’s–” you struggle to catch your breath. “So uncool.”
“The arrangement is you get out of here alive and I,” Octavius smirks. “get to do what I want with you.”
The shiver that travels through you speaks volumes. So the key to the ultimate fuck was ‘travel to a parallel universe’ all along? Talk about a joke.
“Now.” She straightens up, towering over you. “Tell me a little more about your Otto.”
The tentacles raise you higher in the air, pushing your hips at almost eye-level to Octavius.
“Self-centered much?” You joke, trying to ignore the actuator crawling along your leg.
“Curious,” she replies, enjoying the show. “You didn’t go around flexing those beautiful muscles in front of his face, did you?”
“What–” You try not to blush but fuck– it’s hard to concentrate when there’s the equivalent of an alien tentacle nuzzling you through your underwear. “Hey! I’m a very respectable – ah!, person ok?”
She laughs loudly at that. “It’s not a no, is it?”
“It’s part of the job!” You huff, avoiding eye contact. “Nothing ever happened with Otto. I care about my life, you know.”
“But not enough to avoid trying your ridiculous seduction tactics on me?”
You wonder if there’s a sliver of internalized misogyny reprimanded somewhere but, in your defense, the smooth head of the actuator now slowly creeping towards your opening is hard not to focus on.
“Worth a shot?” you pant.
You let out a surprised groan as the rough feeling of your underwear breaches your entrance, pushed inside by the blunt head of the mechanical arm. Not nearly enough to truly be inside but the movement is a warning at worst, a promise at best.
For fuck’s sake, listen to yourself.
As the actuator keeps pushing against your hole, you’re assaulted by the wet sound your garment does as it moves. It’s reminiscent of your evenings alone in your shitty apartment when you have enough time to tease the shit out of you. And as Octavius’ hand is back on your crotch, sensations and recollections drive you mad, spilling moans and gasps from your open mouth. Are you going to cum just like this? Groped through your pants and your hole teased like a fucking teenager? You’re too old for that.
Octavius hums to herself, observing you and cataloguing all your reactions as she would do for her research. Her undivided attention on you is exhilarating, and you watch her through half-lidded eyes wishing you could see the curious glint in those wide brown pupils.
What the fuck?
“You seem out of it, Spiderman.” She chuckles. “Drifting away?”
You gulp. “You could say that.”
It’s like she can see right through you. “Fuck– I’m–”
She suddenly disengages, leaving you once again panting, muscles tensed under smooth plastic. “Oops,” she giggles. “Butterfingers.”
You can only stare, heart skipping a beat. She couldn’t possibly have–
“Let me help you with that.”
In seconds, she discards you of any remaining pieces of clothing, holding you upright in all your naked glory. Still dizzy from everything, the touches, the words, you don’t say anything.
“Well then.” She tilts her head to the side. “Spider got your tongue?”
As latex-clad fingers dip inside your mouth before you can even muster a clever answer, you let out a moan, obsessed with the slick feeling of spit on her gloves. Lost in thought, a smooth arm soon takes its rightful place on your groin, pocking, rubbing and your sex glistens, sticky and sensitive to the air. Octavius keeps pressing her fingers down your tongue, sampling every single strand of your DNA when she pulls them away. Now that she’s so close, you can see her green eyes through her goggles. Wait, green?
“Have I finally broken you, little spider?”
Her laugh is supposed to be taunting but it just releases another spike of arousal through your whole body as if she somehow managed to alter your genes, confuse every nerve. Your entire self had changed with a single bite from a radioactive spider, who said you couldn’t go through the same process all over again?
“Not by a long shot,” you chuckle breathlessly.
“If I’d known it’d be this easy…” Her wet fingers graze against a hard nipple and you bite your tongue to not release another embarrassing noise. “Perhaps your Otto should take lessons.”
You let out a breathy moan, weak against the surge of all those sensory attacks and perhaps from the superposition of brown and green, tiptoeing the leyline linking her universe to yours. Unlike him, she seems to see right through you, deciphering the codex of your fantasies with a single look.
“You should describe him to me.”
“What?” you sutter. “What for–”
The twist sears through you, making your knees shake, pleasure distorting pain. The actuator against your throat tightens imperceptibly, just enough to make you remember its presence.
“Come on,” she whispers. “Are we alike?”
You scoff. “Not at all. He’s…”
A pain in the ass. Always in the way, always stealing money, always speaking about grand schemes and higher purposes. Completely mad, a total whacko, undeniably intelligent, brilliant–
It makes her laugh. The touch of the actuators against your feverish skin is almost enough to cool it down. “And?”
“Uh, large?” you mutter. “He’s like a mountain or– something…”
One hand keeps playing with your nipples as the other traces random figures along your stomach which, you realize, aren’t random at all but just the complex network of your battle marks. When she runs a finger along the scar adorning your torso, you gasp softly and her gaze is all-knowing. Octavius drives you insane, and you’ll soon be complete putty in her hands, using your body as she pleases while you’re assaulted with visions of large hands and uncovered skin.
“He has uh…”
Get a fucking grip.
“Uh, he has short brown hair.”
You realize that her spit-covered fingers have travelled all the way down when she uncaringly presses a digit inside. Breath knocked out of your chest, you still hiss at the dry and unpleasant sensation but the lone actuator is quick to distract you again. When you think you had enough time to gather all your unholy thoughts and the remnants of your oxygen, her finger is joined by another, spreading you open.
“What else?” she asks, focused on her task.
You sigh, annoyed. “He has brown eyes–”
The actuator’s head suddenly splits open, revealing four small appendages and the opening of the tube that controls it. It stares at you, almost mocking, and you can’t take your eyes off it before it starts to dip down.
“Wait, wait, what do you think you’re doing–”
The echo of Octavius’ laugh is registered far at the back of your mind as the arm traps the entirety of your sex like the mouth of a carnivorous plant on a powerless bug. You feel it suck, making you throb, sputtering everywhere. The rippling of the plastic membrane makes it look alive as if it was waiting to swallow everything your body has to offer.
“Whe– where they even– fuck!, designed for th–ah!”
Octavius retreats her fingers, laughing again before getting rid of her right glove with her teeth. You try not to dwell on how filthy it is.
Fuck, it’s the filthiest thing you’ve ever seen.
The suction on your crotch increases and now you can only pant, gasp and droll everywhere. It's a sensation like no other, making you ignore everything else. Nails dip in your cheeks as Octavius grabs your chin to look at you, pride of your current state written all over her face.
“His eyes, you said?”
You want to kill her. “His– eyes?”
“Yes.” She giggles. “I don’t think you finished your sentence.”
You want to kiss her.
The actuator around your throat releases you, leaving you gasping for air. But your relief is brief as it soon slides against your loosened hole, slowly but surely pressing in.
‘They’re– they’re,” you stutter, arching towards her, brain devoid of any coherence. “Brown?”
She grips your face more forcefully and every sensation suddenly comes to a stop. “Have your brain already melted through your ears?”
You whine. “Ok, ok– they’re big, too gentle even–”
She smiles, a predatory thing. Aren’t spiders supposed to be predators? One good, strong suction on your crotch has you moaning so loudly you’re afraid all Achemax will come running in. “Beautiful– he’s–”
The actuator pushes inside smoothly, leaving you a shaking mess, split apart by the chaos of sensations running underneath your skin. No casual sexual encounter could have ever brought you to such a delightful, painfully aroused state. Your senses are attacked, assaulted from every direction as you’re watched, dissected under the gaze of an enemy. Octavius takes immense pleasure watching you completely surrender to her, and you can’t not picture the smug crooked smile of her counterpart in the wrinkles at the corner of her lips. There’s a lot that you could question about yourself if you hadn’t left your higher brain functions under the hands – and the tentacles, of a magnificent opponent.
“I think you have some self-reflection to do, little spider.”
You register the press of her lips late. Still holding your chin in a death grip, she kisses you like a snake strikes its prey. Eyes rolling back as she sinks her teeth into your lower lip, you arch strongly towards her, arms hurting for being held down for so long, legs spasming and chest heaving. Her tongue plunges into your mouth and she sucks at your lips not unlike how her actuators pump in and out of you, suck you dry, drive you insane…
Suddenly, she draws back, exhaling harshly against your reddened lips and you can feel her body moving forward. You only have the time to register that her hips are trusting against the actuator stuck to your crotch before she grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls harshly.
“Come on,” she pants in the crook of your neck. “Break down, sweetheart.”
You come like this, lightning travelling up your spine as you release on the mouth of the actuator, overstimulated by the trusts inside of you and the feeling of Octavius’ teeth on your skin. You spasm like an insect trapped in a web, a mouse constricted by the body of a python, arching, trusting your hips up over and over as the arm milks your orgasm out of you. Your throat is raw, your tongue is heavy and all your muscles scream from overuse but you just can’t stop coming, wetness spreading against your groin. When the actuators finally move away, you drip all over the floor, as your sex pulses, crimson red and spent.
Breathing air like it’s the first time, you try your best to calm your beating heart as you’re finally free from the arms’ grip, lowered on a nearby chair. Octavius lets out a sigh, tugging a rebellious strand of hair behind her ear.
“Oh well.” She smiles. “Good, very good.”
She throws your suit at your face. “You better run, little spider.”
“Uh?” You put it back, ignoring the uncomfortable stickiness between your thighs.
“This is my gift to you,” she says, putting on a clean glove. “You have five minutes before I hunt you down and use your body for my experiments.”
You laugh awkwardly, voice rough as you limp through the room. “I’ll be gone then. See ya, Doc!”
The giggle she lets out is hunting. As you swing away to central New York, the traces of her abuse all over your body, you think about your Octavius.
Perhaps you’ll try a new technique next time you meet.
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thelibrarian1895 · 6 months
Bats and Time Travel
First, a disclaimer, I have only some minimal level of Booster Gold knowledge.
That being said, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that detective work isn't his strong suit, or the strong suit of most time travelers. Why would it be when they can just peak into the past and see what happened? So when something comes up and it's less straightforward than obvious bad guy needs a beating, Booster is at least smart enough to get expert help. On occasion that expert help has to go through time with him. He has to be very careful with this because no one wants another Flashpoint and he doesn't want to clean up any time shenanigans. The same goes for any other time related incident.
Bats are, of course, the go to for anyone who needs expert detective assistance. You can generally just grab any Bat and they can fill in as a detective though some are happier about it than others. Some are also more suited to time travel than others.
Batman works out well enough. He can be more or less trusted not to go off and mess with the timestream and cause some sort of catastrophe that takes forever to fix. Things get a little dicey if any case brings the Bat around Gotham or near one of his kids in the past. It becomes an exercise of restraint for both involved because B very much wants to go to his child and protect them/lecture them/hug them depending on the timeframe or at bare minimum loom over them. Booster has to sometimes physically get in the way to stop this. It doesn't always work. B is at least polite enough to fix the mess. Batman has trouble with alternate universe or alternate timeline adventures since he has to so often beat other versions of himself up and comes back extra broody. His family appreciate when he gets to the self reflection and determination to improve part after he's done brooding.
Nightwing is good to work with during time related incidents. Very professional, very cheerful, but still kept out of Gotham and very reluctantly kept from his past self because Nightwing really wants to give his past self a pep talk more often than not. Nightwing has, however, written letters for his past self that has resulted in a few branching new timelines or a mess that he was polite enough to help fix. Nightwing is allowed on alternate universe adventures which lets him give those pep talks to himself that he knew he desperately needed/wanted at those various ages.
Red Hood is not allowed on time travel cases because Jason has poor impulse control and has on more than one occasion killed someone who would commit a terrible crime in the future and ended up causing decades worth of a mess that needed to be cleaned up. He is responsible enough to fix his own messes and is only allowed now in alternate universe adventures. He's good at alternate universe adventures and they've helped him remember to rely less on hearsay and more on solid evidence.
Red Robin is Booster's favorite to work with because the kid can be snarky if caught in the right mood and the worst he has to worry about Red Robin when it comes to damaging the timeline is Red Robin taking pictures of various incidents. Red Robin is also polite enough to direct all attention Booster's way which appeases Booster's attention seeking nature. This is how Tim has the best collection of Batman tripping on his cape pictures and other similarly embarrassing incidents of his friends and family. Tim is allowed on alternate universe adventures and again returns with more pictures that his friends and family can't prove aren't them. He is developing an alternate tim support group to try to prevent additional gun batmen timelines. And, as he tells his brothers on occasion, so he can have intelligent conversation with family when Cassandra is away.
Black Bat would be Booster's favorite to work with except he's extremely intimidated by her, even more so than he can be by Batman. She has deliberately allowed herself to be seen in the past on occasion and those sightings in certain conspiracy forums as a cryptid. She's very proud of it. She is also a cryptid in other alternate timelines but is no longer allowed to go to alternate timelines after she has had to be restrained from adopting/kidnapping alternate versions of her younger self or her siblings.
Spoiler is also not allowed on time travel cases for the same reason as Jason, poor impulse control. She may have set off glitter bombs that resulted in a timeline mess almost as impossible to clean up after as the glitter. Her ability to help with alternate universe adventures is under review because, again, glitter bombs.
Robin aka Damian has worked in a timestream case once and came back with a dodo bird. Booster is glad that the kid allowed himself to be persuaded that there wasn't enough room to bring back the mastodon. He is not allowed to work on timestream cases until he can be trusted not to come back with extinct species. He is also not allowed to go on alternate universe adventures after he came back with another dragon bat he has named Desdemona.
Signal takes advantage of timestream adventures to fact check the crazy nonsense his siblings have told him. Booster likes the kid well enough and the invisibility does make things easier at times. The only reason he's not Booster's preferred Bat is because Signal is more naturally charismatic and people pay more attention to him than to Booster and also Signal needs to work on his confidence in his detective skills. He gets migraines dealing with alternate universe adventures and so tries to avoid them when possible.
Alfred has gone on ONE timestream adventure. Booster does not speak of the adventure. Alfred will just smile slightly if asked. Alfred is not allowed on alternate universe adventures because the Bats in his home universe get sullen and withdrawn without him and at least one kitchen fire will occur. His alternate selves are also possessive of their respective kitchens and do not appreciate intruders, even if the intruders are themselves.
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haladrielficxch · 6 months
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Author Reveals are here! Read below the cut to see who wrote your favorite fics!
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The magic is always just there on the periphery of his lands, threatening to spill over. Sometimes he swears he can feel it in the earth beneath his feet, taste it in the water, clear and bright and so utterly unlike his own. The flowing currents of it had drawn him to these lands, led him to stake his own claim and build his fortress along the borders of the Golden Wood. He knows who resides within, hiding herself away amidst the forest’s glittering bowers.
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Tempered by eye_of_a_cat for @cozy_ships on Twitter
She focuses instead on smaller things. She notices the edges of him: the sewed seams of his bracers, the way they press against the skin of his hands; the shadow at his neck where the cloth of his collar falls loosely; the way the fuzz of hair on his arms glows a little in reflected firelight. He is all edges and joins, scars and soldered seams. There will be a way to break him apart.
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at the dawn of our folly, we took from the tree that was rotting by ichabodcranemills for @lisenberry
Stranded togehter in the middle of nowehere, political rivals Galadriel and Halbrand learn they have more in common than they could've possibly imagined.
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Love is heavy and light, bright and dark by lisenberry for @softlighter
There was a time in Lady Galadriel Artanis Noldor’s life when all she had to worry about was keeping her face out of the sun and her feet out of the mud. Her nose in her embroidery and her hands soft as lambskin. Her brain empty and her mouth shut.
Many things had changed since then.
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and I feel like I just got home by Lizzen for @eye_of_a_cat on Twitter
A third age haunting of a sort; an alternate version of life as seen through the looking glass, and the impact resonate.
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She is Everything You Want by MyrsineMezzo for @alicuntisms
As he looked at that tight braid with the light reflecting in her hair, Halbrand realized he knew who she was. Everyone knew who she was. Galadriel Noldor. She was the best and the brightest; the pride of the university who had been profiled in the recent campus magazine because she was on a sure ride through the NCAA fencing tournament system even as a sophomore. He realized Mel had followed his gaze when he heard a low scoff.
“Noldor. A loner who thinks she’s above it all. Now there’s a challenge worthy of the highest of prizes.”
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the only song i want to hear by MyrsineMezzo for @ichabodcranemills
5 times Halbrand kissed Galadriel in exchange for a secret, and one time he did not.
Set throughout the first season of Rings of Power.
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Deeper, Darker Things Than You by nuclearnik for @formerlyIR on Twitter
He is effortlessly charming—and everyone besides Galadriel seems to eat it right up—but something hiding just below the surface, coiled and restless, calls to her.
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don't answer me (i'm calling just to hear you scream" by poeticmemory for @the-sweet-hibiscus
One year after her eldest brother‘s murder, Galadriel and her friends find themselves in the sights of a horror-film obsessed killer.
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everything (except what it is) by softlight for @myrsinemezzo
“And what are you going to say?” “That I can be civil if you can."
Rival teachers Galadriel and Halbrand sign up to run the school show. Things do not go as expected.
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the Curse of Linhir by TheSweetHibiscus for @justatinycollector
The morning of October 28th I, along with my unwilling companion, managed to flea the decrepit town of Linhir. I had ran, cloaked in nothing more than a t-shirt and the threadbare soles of my brother's old hiking boots, nearly twenty miles to the Regent's port home in Númenor. Each step was agony – the ill-timed impromptu marathon more than enough to cause my lungs and thighs to burn like coal cinders. Yet it was nothing compared to the sinking dread — a fear I hadn't gotten far enough away.
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By the Moonlight by justatinycollector for @wyrd-syster
It would seem to Galadriel, in their first few encounters, that Halbrand would always leave her with something. Later, she’d come to learn that he never left a place empty-handed.
The Highwayman AU.
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stones that move (and trees that speak) by Wyrd_Syster for @bad-surprise
Halbrand wants power and Galadriel wants her inheritance. There is no cost too high, no price too steep, to stop them from taking what they want.
A Macbeth AU with a dash of Sleep No More.
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moodywyrm · 1 year
so reader's one of ellie friends right, and basically all ellie friends are known for the 'bad reputation'. but then?? abby has a massive crush on her? and abbys is a dork, someone who follow the rules and a real good girl. when they're already in a relationship, jerry hears about reader 'reputation' and gets a bit concerned?
one day, abby wakes up to some harsh cold symptoms and jerry insists shd must rest so she goes back to bed and sends reader a message and warnjng she wont show up because shes sick :(. jerry promises to come the earliest he can from work, so she won't be alone (he knows she's stubborn he knows she won't just stay in bed).
as soon reader sees abbys messages she immediately drops everything and FLIES to her gf' room, and stays to take care of abby.
imagine reader reaching her place with meds and all her favorite snacks, sweets, movies and all
actually 🧶 anon's ask inspired this? I'm so sorry this was such a tought dayand hope everything gets better :( wishing all the best ;;
also sorry if it's messy I typed so fast 😅
- 🌬
ohhhh hell yeah. alternate version of the basketball/college abby universe. I imagine that, even though Ellie n her friends have a kinda weird reputation, ur all pretty much just huge dorks n relatively good kids? like Dina is an academic Star and the sweetest ever, Jesse is super kind to everyone, huge big brother vibes, Ellie may be the schools suspected dealer (she is) but she's also just a massive dork, academic star, just doesn't really like talking to people? like she comes off as mean but she's actually just kinda reserved? and then u! ur very much black cat, kinda quiet kinda mean, also doesn't really like people, is very smart, has been friends with Ellie since like childhood. ur adoptive dad is friends (enemies?) with Joel (surprise ur adoptive dad/father figure/adult who took on a parental role in ur life is Bill n Frank but them from the tv show bc kings <3), so u n Ellie practically grew up together.
u get a bad reputation for being a bitch (imagine Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You but ur not mean to people who don't deserve it), and Jerry (who has close ties to the faculty) has heard from other professors about you. They all say the same thing: academically promising, if challenging to work with, especially in group settings. and he's ,,,, concerned ,,, to say the least, when Abby tells him that You are her gf and he's like OK! (on the outside) but on the inside he's like shit, I really don't want her to get hurt or anything. but, like u said, it only clicked that the student he'd heard so much about (reputation and all) was you After u n abby started dating, so that time when he didn't know, he was like 'she seems really sweet!' every time Abby mentioned u.
but then. abby gets sick. she texts u saying that she can't study with u bc she's got a cold and ur like??? fuck studying??? ur already on ur way to her place, knowing she's at her dad's, with two full bags of medicine, treats, and remedies from ur childhood like sprite, ginger ale, chamomile, vaporu, anything. and u show up at her door like Open Up Honey. and, on the outside, she's like u didn't have to come, I don't wanna get u sick :( but on the inside she's all warm and fuzzy bc ur taking care of her!! u!! who took so long to warm up to her in the first place and is now her sweet lil gf who never wants to leave her side!! and ur like yeah yeah whatever let me in but on the inside ur freaking out bc abby is ur baby n she's sick which means she's uncomfortable and u don't want her to be uncomfortable :(
so u spend the entire time taking care of her, cooking her soup From Scratch, making her rest on the couch n keeping her refreshed. ur sitting on the couch with her head on ur lap, rubbing lil circles onto her shoulder when Jerry comes home. abby, who was fast asleep, pops up so fucking fast she gets dizzy when the door opens and Jerry calls her name. ur steadying her when he comes into the living room and is like. oh. hi! u must be the girlfriend! and ur like hi yes nice to me you! and abby is still there all discombobulated like hi dad. ouch.
and the second she winces both u n jerry are like lunging forward to take care of her. u two proceed to help her upstairs to her room, getting her more soup n liquids n keeping her comfortable, and Jerry gets to see all the work you've already done to take care of her, and how ur taking care of her now even though he's there. he leaves you two in her room, abby about two second from passing out on ur lap and u reading to her. he walks back out to the living room and is like. 'huh. maybe everyone was just exaggerating.' but in reality he's like tearing up and getting emotional bc his baby girl, his lil Abigail, found someone who takes care of her and clearly loves her more than anything and that makes him so sappy bc he loves his daughter!!
n thank u honeybee, today is getting slowly better, I might have a lil cry n then get to work but who knows </3 this is also such a cute universe I really like it <3 wonderful developments in the college abby multiverse
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crazycatgirl420 · 1 year
Saving Daylight p2
Dpxdc Jazz and Dani povs. Civilian life is still weird to write buy I suppose that's why its a challenge huh? It should get easier as I write more and explore more drama and such.
Part 1
Jazz knew her best quality tended to also be her worst one. She knew her optimistic attitude often blinded her from the red flags others practically smack her with. From the deadly house she lived in as a child to the government sanctioned genocide, the reality of it went right over her head until she found her brother dead, his core the only thing remaining of who he'd been.
She knew her optimism blinded her. That's why when she started dating Jason, she also asked her friends Johnny and Kitty to be roommates with her for a while.
"He's a crook" Johnny said. "Red Hood's gang based on affiliation markers,"
"So a bad guy," Jazz sighed, a bit disappointed.
"I mean not really? You are living in Hood territory," Kitty said.
"He's a good guy then," Jazz smiled.
"He could be," Johnny agreed. "We'll have to hang around a bit more to find out."
Jazz stared into her coffee mug. This whole 'is he isn't he' was driving her batty. She just wanted to know if falling in love with him was okay, of her son would be safe, if he could be trusted. Because she knew it wouldn't be long before she fell for his boyish smile and charming personality.
Kitty squeezed Johnny's hand on the table, and Jazz sighed again. She wanted what they had. A love that not even death could separate or stop.
"Even if he's not the one," Kitty said. "We'll make sure the cutie is safe. There'd be no harm is seeing where this thing you've got with Jason goes,"
Jazz nodded, and smiled at the text poppingup in her phone screen. "Good," she said. "Because Jason asked my out to coffee tomorrow morning and I need someone to watch Danny,"
Dani needed to get out of her apartment more. Ever since her template died, things have been weird. Dark Danny, the evil Dan, now known as Dante, became her so called Father. How could a future version of her template exist if her template was dead? Simple. Alternate universe.
Dani had accepted that and stopped caring. Jazz was her cousin now, and she had a legal identity and she had to go to school all the while she watched the core of her once template re-grow a body in Jazz's stomach for nine-months. Her template didn't look anything like he used to now. Before he was literally reborn. An entirely new person with her temple's core.
And she watched him learn to talk, and walk, and start kindergarten.
It happened so slowly but too fast and now she just didn't want to think about it anymore.
So she tossed notes at the other weird kid in her class. And when he forcefully held her hand in the hallway she smiled.
It was easy to forget her issues when she was dragging Wayne around. The bird nest above the senior science laboratory window. The carving of initials in the old stadium bleachers that could possibly be his father's. The weird relationship the volleyball coach had with the soup lunch lady.
Her worries drifted to the back of her mind with every quirked eyebrow or haughty smirk.
"If you like animals then you should accompany me to the rescue center this weekend." He said.
Dani looked away from the bird nest they'd been watching. "I'd love too!"
"Then it shall be a date. I will pick up you up at nine Saturday morning. See you tomorrow Danica,"
Her name, so new and still so weird to hear, sounded special on Damian's lips.
"See you tomorrow Damian,"
She had a date. Her first date.
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powerofwisdom99 · 4 months
You're weird. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you're just a pretty weird individual and a piece of shit? Why are you shipping Dogday and Catnap? Honestly, it's fucking everywhere. And it's DISGUSTING. Catnap ripped off his LEGS and made him suffer. Just because they used to be friends before, still doesn't make the ship any less gross. Plus, Catnap is 8. And the fact that you're participating in this gross activity is disgusting. You basically made Dogday a pedo. And the relationship is abusive.
You're joking, right? Like, I'm actually curious. Is this satire?
You know, it's amazing to me how some people are willing to freely embarrass themselves on the internet and think they're in the right. How embarrassing. Like, what actually made you hop out of bed and think 'hey! I'm feeling like a silly little goober today. Let me go harras somebody on the internet for shipping a pairing that they like!'. And I find it ironic that you say all of this, because if I can recall, you have been reblogging my posts before. What a crazy switch up, am I right? I would've replied to this little anon of yours nicely if you didn't call me a piece of shit. I wonder who pissed in your cereal today.
Anyways, let me dive you in on a little something I've been wanting to bring out for so long. At first, I kept it to myself. But the more I see claims like these, the more pissed off I get. So, let me just get this off my chest and point out that Catnap isn't evil. Yeah. I said it. He is NOT entirely evil as people make it out to be. The Catnap you see in the game and the one in the cartoons are two completely different characters. One serves a prototype. One likes to sleep all day. One was an experiment. One smells like lavender. There's a huge difference. The DOGDAY that YOU see in the game lost his legs. The cartoon however, didn't. You get what I'm saying? The games and the cartoons are NOT connected to each other. Both are separated. Take it as alternate universes type of thing. I can't believe I have to explain this because Sleepyday antis are way too focused on calling a ship toxic instead of actually looking into the lore of Poppy Playtime, which shouldn't even be this hard.
From what I've seen, people mostly ship the cartoon versions of Dogday and Catnap. Which is COMPLETELY healthy, by the way! The two have goals and a lot of chemistry. They are best friends. They CARE for one another. People ship them because of their dynamic and because of their adorable sun x moon dynamic. And don't get me wrong, I heavily despise the ship between the bigger bodies. In my opinion, it's genuinely disgusting since Catnap used to be an 8 year old called Theodore. And knowing that he died at a young age before becoming an experiment, people like that can't exactly age anymore once they die. And Dogday's legs got ripped off by him. So yeah. Kinda fucked up. I think the version of that ship is disgusting and weird. They wouldn't be great together. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can really do about it, though.
If you're STILL confused, take Bendy And The Ink Machine as an example. If you even know the game. It's kinda similar to Poppy Playtime at it's finest. With the people turning into characters from a show type of genre. The Alice Angel that we see in the game is completely evil. Her motives are to steal the hearts of innocent ink creatures in order to make herself look beautiful again. At first, you'd think that's the same gal from the one you see in the cartoon. But surprisingly, no! Alice Angel used to be human. She used to be a women named Susie Campbell. She was the voice OF Alice Angel. Alice Angel in the cartoons is completely different. For her height difference is much more smaller from game Alice's. She has no melted half face, AND she DEFINITELY has no evil intentions. She's a completely sweet gal. See the comparison? They are NOT the same. The toys in Poppy Playtime are NOT the same from the cartoons. They were all experiments.
It just pains me that I can't even enjoy my comfort ship in peace without that one person shouting about how wrong and icky it is. And at this point, if I ever come across a person like that again, I'm just going to ignore them. Because I'm sick of this. I'm sick of it so much. I shouldn't even have to EXPLAIN the Poppy Playtime lore to get this through your thick skull head. I shouldn't have to explain that Sleepday isn't all that TOXIC just so you could leave me alone. And I'm scared because I think despite everything I'm saying to you right now, I'm going to get harassed either way. Because I've dealt with situations like these before. I'm sick of people NEVER pointing out the fact that Theodore IS Catnap. I'm sick of people misunderstanding why this ship is so important to me and calling me a terrible person. I'm sick of it all.
In conclusion, Sleepyday is not TOXIC. Part of it is. A part of it isn't. Use your FUCKING brain. Think before you talk shit in my blog. Oh, and for the record? I'm going to continue obsessing over my ship. Thank you very much.
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Into the Ninjaverse: Concept Talk
Oh boy, okay-
Good timezone, my lovelies! So, here's how this is going to work- I'm only going to pick one of the variants of the AU (more specifically, it's the one where it fuses the Ninja suit with Spidermen/Spider Society lore because I just can). Now keep in mind, none of this is officially canon for the time being but that will be revealed eventually!
I'm going to break this down into three categories: characters, headcanons, and general infodumping/lore explanation! Good luck because this is extremely messy hahaha. Fair warning! This is going to be a long post.
Character Concepts
OG (Canon) Universe/E-1610
Randy Cunningham: This is Randy from the canon/show universe- with some differences to fit the narrative! He's only been the Ninja for a few months, still adjusting to everything but this eludes the canon ever so slightly- in this verse, he has yet to fully face the Sorcerer but he does deal with stankings! The Sorcerer just isn't a major threat at the moment- this is likely set somewhere in the middle between the two seasons
Howard Cunningham: Howard is, of course, Randy's best friend! He mostly stays true to his canon persona- though with some minor differences. He's slightly more involved in the battles, serving as backup at times for the Ninja and occasionally patches him up when things get a little dire. Despite his manipulative tendencies, he still cares for Randy.
First Ninja/Finja/???: The first official Ninja of Norrisville. He's soul-bound to the Nomicon- he can't leave it, but he can vaguely communicate with Randy via dreams. His canon plays out the same where the Norisu 9 committed the "ultimate sacrifice" against the Sorcerer and he just exists as something akin to a spirit/ghost within the Nomicon. He's Randy's mentor- very no-nonsense attitude.
Alternate Universe/E-616
Finja/Ninja of Norrisville/???: This version of Finja is technically meant to hold the spot of Peter B Parker. He has long since 'retired' as being the Ninja of Norrisville, and isn't necessarily lazy per se but he isn't active as the Ninja anymore. Certain details are, of course, being kept vague- his canon event is fairly obvious (coughs the Norisu 9 coughs) but there's some differences to this reality. Finja exists in modern times due to undisclosed reasons. He's a little wary of Randy's endless/relentless optimism. The only thing I can say right now is he ended up in OG! Randy's universe- he was found unconscious and a little injured, resulting in Randy deciding to help him.
Howard Weinerman: Howard is an adult in this reality- his life as a Norrisville High student was what you would expect when there is the Ninja and he grew up to become a teacher, of all available jobs. His best friend, Randy, ended up becoming a well-known idol. There's not a lot to be known about him- for now, at least. I don't see him being incredibly important for now. I just want to share concept ideas!
Alternate Universe/E-14512
Theresa Fowler/The Purple Ninja: Theresa is one of the Ninjas in an alternate timeline- a little similar to Peni's but not quite. Her alias is The Purple Ninja as her outfit looks purple in the universe she's a part of. In that dimension, Theresa and Randy's relationship is friendly but they're not dating- Randy's only a civilian after all, and she does follow the Nomicon's rules to not get too close to others. She fears putting him at risk.
Randy Cunningham: In some other life, perhaps- Randy and Theresa would be together but that is not this reality. Randy's a civilian who was never chosen to bear the mantle of the Ninja and instead works at the Game Hole with his best friend Howard Weinerman. He's friends with Theresa Fowler, but he isn't aware that she's also the Purple Ninja.
Alternate Universe/E-318
Spike/The Punk Ninja: requested by @just-animaxiz Spike is somehow appointed the Ninja in this universe- due to a shift in that universe's canon, Spike is a protector to Norrisville and has extreme issues with authority, preferring his sense of anarchy over anything else. There's not an official Ninja due to, well, reasons but we'll get to that later. Though, he's occasionally seen with a young teenager- the two seem fairly close.
Alternate Universe/E-928
Nomi/Nomicon: the equivalent to Miguel O' Hara. In this universe, Nomi is an immortal being who takes on the mantle of the Ninja- though, something seems to have gone wrong... he's cold, reserved, and distrusting of everyone and everything. While he's not literally Miguel O' Hara, Nomi believes in the order of the Ninjas and he isn't too keen on OG! Randy, but that's all I'm going to say right now.
Additional Characters
Howard Weinerman/???: Ho' boy, you are going to get a kick with this one. Howard is from one of the few canons where things are... different- he interned for a little under Viceroy and then sort of went off the radar for a while, but of course upon the multiverse opening- he meets OG! Randy and seems almost saddened surprised (?) to see him.
The Kitsune: [INFORMATION NOT FOUND] ᴇʀʀᴏʀ 404
The Dragon: [INFORMATION NOT FOUND] ᴇʀʀᴏʀ 404
How do I explain the rest of the characters without accidentally spoiling my own AU? Would anyone even want to see this as a fanfiction- this is going to take a lot of work, planning, and time so we'll see how this works out. Boy, I'm excited for this one but I still have a new fic to write and whatnot-
McFist and King Pin are meant to share similar roles- for what I feel are obvious reasons. The difference is that McFist's goal is to open a gateway or something that will allow the Sorcerer to escape and it's something they'd both benefit from. Unfortunately due to shenanigans, and even with Viceroy's intervention, it caused a rift- breaking the typical laws of time and space which led to the leak
OG! Randy isn't an anomaly per se- i don't know what direction this is taking right now, so nothing is fully confirmed yet but just know, there will be plans for him. Although he is a bit like Miles Morales!
616 Finja is Having a Time and he's exceptionally stressed from the fact he's involved with ninjas again, but that's all I'm saying for now
Randy and Howard from Punk Ninja's canon are in a rock/punk rock band! Because I said so
This next part came to me from reading thesoundofmadness' own multiverse/randyverse AU! I feel like not everyone is going to have a nomicon :) do with this what you will for now
Spike isn't technically the Ninja but because the Ninja apparently hasn't been sighted, he somehow took over- i'm still working this part out
E-318 Spike and OG! Randy have the same type of relationship Hobie has to Miles, but that's all you're getting from me-
I am struggling with ideas right now, unfortunately so now we get to the last part-
Everything starts from OG! Randy's timeline- after a few months of being the Ninja, he's starting to get the hang of things, but he manages to uncover one of McFist's ploys and ends up caught in a fierce battle. He manages to escape- only managing to get what appears to be a USB and then books it back home. Sometime after, within a few days of infiltrating McFist Industries, Randy is out on patrol when a weird wormhole opens up and this is when he meets 616 Finja. Things go a little south when realizing Finja is unconscious, and after only a little struggle- Randy manages to take Finja back home since, thankfully, his parents aren't home. Feeling a little wary, he has the brilliant idea to tie 616 Finja to a chair- trying to get answers and it starts getting a little weird
Deciding 616 Finja isn't a threat, Randy lets him go but then offers him a place to stay- since his parents are barely ever home, there's not a problem doing this. Things are extremely awkward because he never considered there were other universes and now, well, here this other version of Finja is here- in the flesh. Randy has to continue going to school, but that's where something gets a little... weird because he feels like he's being watched
Now this is where our fun lore rambles kick in
The Ninja suits are infused with the same type of material as a spider-suit and gives them similar abilities- as well as the abilities that come with being the Ninja on the account of I said so. Since it's obvious that the Ninja suits are magical, this felt extremely plausible for ITNV as a whole
The Nomicon is a sentient being in every universe- there are very few where it'll reveal itself as a human. The only known dimension where this has been known to happen is in E-928 (and well, wherever the Ninja Society is located)
Each Ninja has different skills, abilities, and powers at their disposal. Some are universal to every single known Ninja in existence- like the sword for instance, and the smoke-bombs and whatnot but some things will change
Do canon events exist? Well- sort of :) let's just say that I have ideas because OG! Randy is something of an outlier and each universe is still different
Nomirandy will be showing up in one of these universe, but again more spoilers! I don't want to ruin the entire AU in one-go. I will say that there's no endgame ship here. For, well- a number of reasons. One that the AU isn't meant to be as ship heavy and more centered on the plot and expanding lore
The villains are exactly what you'd expect- but uh, with Across the Ninjaverse technically also being canon, this could change. Nomi's role is a little complex, because he's not literally Miguel O' Hara but he's also weirdly not a fan of OG! Randy either- it's... complicated, especially in the form of an idea that isn't complete yet
Spells from the Shadow Warrior's temple might be referenced a lot more here!
I'm going to add more when I have the chance since I'm not feeling my best right now and let's just say there is more to come! There's also just the fact I can't fully share everything hahaha
Additional Under-the-Cut Information
Other Notable Characters
Debbie Kang: [INFORMATION NOT FOUND] Julian Nightingale: Julian is involved with this somehow- i think you can possibly figure it out, but with a twist! That's all I'm going to say for now- jokingly thought of Ghoulian being the Spot because I'm a little menace though again! Unconfirmed-
I can’t think of anyone else atm, but I do have smaller tidbits of information! Because I have so much brainrot!
Extra Information
Much like we’d expect from other multiverse media, the dimensions collapsing because of being in the wrong reality- well, that applies here too! It might work a little differently so as to keep the leads safe for obvious reasons!
The Kitsune and the Dragon are my own flair to the ‘crossover’! Whether they’re original characters or canons is a different story! I will always be original character friendly, that won’t change no matter what I write-
As referenced in older posts, each Ninja is tied to a specific element and has a signature move they typically use- almost always connected back to that element. I’m uncertain at the moment if that’s going to be used here, but I will say that Randy’s definitely fire coded- like that boy is a Gryffindor but anyway, I’ll be writing more for this crossover soon!
For now though- this is where I leave you
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ninjaneonleon · 8 months
Here's my little bit of propaganda for the @tmntaucompetition before we really get underway!
Leo took a breath before looking around. The last thing he remembered was hanging out in Japan with his bros and everyone else, now he was… somewhere else. At least his brothers were here, and so was Yuichi, Casey, CJ, Mona, April and Juan. They seemed to be in some sort of arena that looked vaguely familiar. Had Leo been here before?
“Wait, I remember this place!” Mikey cried suddenly. “Remember when we met all those alternate dimension versions of ourselves? It’s like that!” It took a moment for Leo to remember. That’s right, he had met a lot of other versions of him, a lot of them very traumatised. He hadn’t known about the Kraang back then, hadn’t known why the older versions of himself had lost arms or looked so haunted. He didn’t get why a lot of them had cried and clung to his brothers like they were the most important people on earth. Well, that part he understood, but not the crying part. He understood now. He wished he didn’t. Idly he wondered what had happened to that older Leo and Mikey he had hung out with, Angelo and Leon they had called themselves. He hoped things were going well for them, they were cool. “Raph remembers now! How are we here again?” Raph asked, looking around. “Isn’t it obvious?” Donnie asked with a grin. He posed and sparkled. “Clearly we’re some of the more popular versions of our counterparts. We’re in some sort of competition because we’re clearly the best. And with our more complicated designs and fashionable accessories–” he flipped the edge of his shawl for emphasis. “We’re perfectly marketable and easily recognisable.” “You guys have been here before?” Yuichi asked, looking around in awe. “Wait, do you think there are other versions of me here? What about Momo and CJ? April? Juan?” “I know we’ve seen other versions of April,” Mikey said thoughtfully. “And there were older Leo’s so there has to be other CJs here too, and Caseys are a given. I dunno about Momos and Juans though, they seem pretty unique to our universe so far.” “Of course I’m a given, I’m Casey Jones!” Casey cried, posing with the hockey stick she somehow brought out of nowhere. “And naturally, I'm gonna be the coolest of all other Caseys!” “Well we won’t know that for sure until we talk to some people! You guys wait here, I’m gonna see if I can find our friends from before–” Leo cut himself off as he glanced around. “Wait, I see some! Hey! Gemini! It’s good to see you again!” The two turtle twins looked over in unison. They glanced around before walking over, with the alternate Leo giving a friendly wave and the alternate Donnie giving a polite nod. “It’s great to see you guys again too. Didn’t think we’d be back here again, things have gotten a little… restrictive recently,” Leo Gemini said. Leo flinched, remembering that these two had been raised by Big Mama in their universe. That was something Leo could relate to now. He wondered if that meant they’d have more in common now. “I can imagine. Anyway, it’s great to see you again Gemini. Gemini. Hopefully we don’t get our asses handed to us too badly by you guys again.” He gave the twins both a nod and a bright grin before they wandered off. Juan stayed plastered to Donnie’s side, but his eyes did follow after Gemini Donnie appreciatively. Leo suspected that his Donnie was about to get a little more hostile to the witchy soft shell. “They seemed nice,” Mona said, peering after them. She hadn’t let go of Raph or CJ’s hands since getting her bearings. “But they seemed strong. Hopefully we’re not against them in the first round…”
“Well, since we’re here, let’s look around. See if we can find any familiar faces and maybe make some new friends while we wait for everything to start,” Raph offered with a grin. He squeezed Mona’s hand. “After all, we dunno who we’re gonna be up against and what we’re doing. Let’s get comfy before we get too caught up in the contests.” “Sounds like a good idea, big guy,” April agreed with a nod. “Okay, listen up! We’ll make this corner our home base, we meet back here in one hour or when the next announcement comes out. Got it?” Everyone nodded. “Great, now go have fun, make some friends and let’s make sure to win this!”
Angelo and Leon are from our friend @newellthedragon
The lovely Gemini twins are from the always remarkable @tangledinink
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kenandeliza · 1 month
WIP tag fun: Tell me about "Ocarina of Time: The Boy with No Fairy"?
It is basically an alternate universe that swaps Ganon's role and Link's role as heroes and Villains. There are some plotholes but im still working on it
'Boy with no Fairy' is an AU: Any Holder of the triforce of Courage or any reincarnation of the first hero is corrupted instead of any holder of the triforce of Power, this includes OOT Link.
In this fanfiction in particular, It is told from the perspective of Saria, from her friendship with Link to slowly realizing that he is a monster that cause Hyrule in shambles.
Instead of the original OOT, Ganondorf is de-aged to fit Zelda's age and Link is born as a kokiri instead of a Hylian, and unlike other Kokiris, he never had a fairy. There's a magic within himself that prevents Fairies to be near it.
In this AU, Fairies are what tells right from wrong, as the kokiri children do not have that innate conscience unlike Hylian children. Without a Fairy, this version of Link doesn;t have a conscience, he does whatever he wants.
The Great Deku Tree doesn't want this Kokiri near anyone as he is potentially dangerous, so he is placed in the Forest Temple instead.
many centuries later, Saria befriended Link and the two became best friends after she practiced her song. She expressed that she wants to go out into Hyrule but couldn;t because the forest magic in Kokiri Forest is the only thing keeping them alive, they can survive outside for a few hours, but eventually they'll die. Link kept that thought into mind
then the Gerudo war with the Hylians came along, A woman gave a baby girl to the Kokiri as a temporary safe haven for her. a few years later, after the war ended, the king picked his daughter from the Kokiri settlement, promising to return the favor one day and giving them a letter with his signature in case they need to show it to the kingdom for proof.
This made Saria longed to see the kingdom of Hyrule even more because she misses baby Zelda. Link, seeing his friend sad, had an idea in mind, something that will change Hyrule forever. He had seen the inscriptions in the forest temple, that there is a mythical artifact, the Triforce hidden in the Temple of Time, an artifact that can bring a wish to reality.
Link has a plan, a plan that will eventually doom Hyrule
since this is too long, i will explain it as if it was a greentext post
>Be Link
>Prepare enough power to do your plan [years have passed , zelda and Prince Ganondorf would be 10 years old at this point]
>create queen gohma with his powers to harm the great deku tree and get the kokiri emerald [it's filled with forest magic so he can be outside the forest while wearing it]
>Kill Mido because he discovered you while he enters the sick great deku tree
>Leaves kokiri forest with the intention to gather the other two gems from the two tribes to open the temple of Time
[plot holes are in here but im working on thinking about it]
>gathers all the triforce after Prince Ganondorf stupidly opens it and seals himself away for 7 years
>Wishes that Hyrule is overruled by Kokiri forest magic so the kokiri can live in Hyrule
>Kokiri forest magic turns regular hylians into stalfos and skullkids
>The remaining Hylians are in Death Mountain and Kakariko village
it's still a work in progress, so it's a bit rough, by the end of the story, it has to end by Saria realizing his friend is a monster and he must be stopped.
I am planning to write ganondorf's side of the story one day, where after the hylian-gerudo war, he is consumed by hatred of hylians. His mother was killed by the Hylians.
at 10 years old on the peace treaty event, he plans to gain the king's trust, and the princess' so he could poison his food one day and marry the princess, ursurping power and enslaving them one day. He followed along what he thought was Zelda's delusion about a prophecy on an evil "forest kid" so he could get close to her.
Then one day, after he got the mastersword, and 7 years have passed, Hyrule field is filled with dangerous monsters and plants, his own people thought their prince had betrayed them whereas Link gave them an oasis in Gerudo Desert, so they serve him now.
The character arc I want for ganon in this story is for him to let go of his hatred of Hylians after seeing them suffer like his people, he had always thought that hylians were weak but after seeing them fight alongside them. He will eventually become not only Hero of the Gerudo but The hero of Hyrule as well
again, this is still incomplete
sorry for mucho texto
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baenyth · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews: The Paris Parallel Universe Special
Big news! Parallel Universe time! Except it's mostly just visitors from another universe! Just the multiverse plot I like! In the episode 2 timeskip, I'm guessing!
Also I thought about it and decided in my rewrite AU Marinette instead falls into an alternate timeline that's my attempt at giving reason to salt fics combined with a dream I once had. The current issue I'm having is figuring out how Lila can coerce and befriend both the class members that worship Hawkmoth and Alya, who still is a massive Ladybug fan and therefore would be against said Hawkmoth worshipers. It's a dark timeline, to say the least.
I don't think being a fashion designer is a normal life, honestly.
Holy fuck, this really is an alternate timeline! Gabriel Agreste's the one doing the singing!
So why is it Kamiko instead of Akuma? I always felt like it would be Tenshi for the angel/demon parallels, not to mention how Tenshi meaning "heaven messenger" works well with them being empowered and in a way controlled by the butterfly wielder. What does Kamiko mean, anyways? I know Akuma just means "evil demon," considering their only purpose is to wreak havoc and get the Miraculouses,
Oh right. This scene again. The lighting looks different, though.
"Turns your best friend into a dimensional portal and pops out of it"
Evil fucked-up Ladybug and Chat Noir
Nope. Still not believing this is real Paris.
Wouldn't it be funny if she said "Unlucky charm!" instead? To enhance the evil reverse situation!
Alright, so how does "Tikki living in all parallel universes at once" work, anyways? Is each Tikki a small component in a grand semi-autonomous hivemind that all relay back to the Master Tikki? Does Tikki ever get messed up at what part of the universe she's talking to? Is she aware and feeling the misery of her Shadyverse counterpart I know will appear?
Claw Noir is corny as hell and feels like he's forcing himself and not being who he truly is. You can tell this isn't who he's meant to be because he's still a boy.
Honestly Claw Noir turning his staff into nunchucks is cool as hell. I hope regular Chat Noir does that sometime.
Same with Shadybug's lucky charms being guns and weapons and tools. Helpful stuff!
No way! Angel Chat Blanc!
Those two dumb jackasses are the kind of people to say "Bad morning" and "No we can't" to Bob the Builder.
Monarch's really thinking with portals now
Doomreading about her alternate self's better life and friends
So why are there evil phrase versions for the Miraculouses anyways? What purpose does it serve?
Long forms
Oh hey! This happens in my rewrite as well!
Yep, the giants are illusions.
Despite this being a timeline where bad is good and good is bad, Chloe is still evil? Honestly I think she should be a sweetie pateetie. Also because it's funnier that way.
Eh. The old outfit looked better. Just get rid of the dark makeup and make the hair tidier.
So have they been up all night?
And Ladybug has become Hatsune Miku!
Get his ass! Get his ass! Also different timelines having different appearances is very useful knowledge to me.
Nooroo's used to this shit
Yep, this never happened!
Oh god they did stay up all night
Damn, these specials are getting better and better! I'll admit, the reconciliation scene felt campy in a way I didn't like and it feels weird that even in another timeline Gabriel Agreste redeems himself more than Chloe, but other than that, good stars! Also the animation was good!
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slimepuparibaba · 1 year
this is a rlly dumb crack au guys im sorry
okay but like i've been fucking brainrotting for some reason about my versions of my otps of some otome games and twitter is shit and no one rlly reads my tumblr so just
imagine the four of them meeting
so it's like this:
luke and his mc, belle (tears of themis)
victor and his mc, yu (mlqc)
osborn and his mc, jue xiyu (light and night)
ayn and his mc, xiao ling (lovebrush / for all time)
and when they meet its the funniest shit ever because they just talk about all the crazy things that happened to them aklsdjfhaskljdfhaklsjghaskl
Victor: I am the CEO of Loveland Financial Group, but I am also an EVOLver--someone that has enhanced supernatural abilities. Mine is the ability to manipulate time, whether moving to the past and future, or halting it in it's place. I've seen the world nearly come to ruin, but it was all resolved thanks to my dummy, Yu. We still have a long way to go, though. The Laws of our world are never finished with us, but I guarantee that nothing will stop me from finding her. Not time, not space.
Luke: I was a secret agent, but after a mission, I was struck with a chronic illness, so I don't have much time to live. I've been trying to find a miracle that will cure me of it, but nothing so far. I avoided my best friend, Belle, for so long, but after reuniting with her and joining NXX with her, I decided to try and live out what days I might have left and find our miracle, together.
Osborn: Racer by day, bounty hunter by night. I'm a free spirit, really, though I've had my own fair share of mess-ups and troubles. Sometimes, i questioned why I was still here, and argued with myself over and over again. Not to mention I can summon blue flames, which might mean I have God Blood running through me. Whatever it is, though, as long as Xiyu is by my side, I'm fine. After all, my Lil' Xiao Five is my light in the night.
Ayn: i.
Ayn: i am a music student at an academy.
Ayn: that. is dating xiao ling.
Ayn: i guess.
And then meanwhile the girls are all like--
Yu: So it turns out I'm an EVOLver, I became the QUEEN and rewrote the rules of the world multiple times, was stuck in a time loop, and I might... be the CORE or something? It hurts my head, honestly.
Xiyu: Tell me about it. I'm surrounded by angels, ancient foxes, vampires, and I might be related to a God? It's insane, and I don't even know up from down anymore. So much for living the normal fashion designer life, right?
Xiao Ling: Oh, I'm a comic artist, but some of the comics I draw are actually based on alternative realities that I've visited! In each one, I always manage to find my way back to Ayn.
Belle: I AM. A LAWYER.
in the end, ayn and belle shake hands.
Ayn: Oh, Belle, Xiao Ling is normal like us too. Right, A-Ling?
Xiao Ling: Y-Y... Y-yup!
Belle: *stares at Xiao Ling in astonishment*
Xiyu: ...you didn't tell him about the alternate universes thing, did you?
Xiao Ling: N-nope.
Yu: Thought so.
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shiorimakibawrites · 6 months
Idea: Legacy (Spider-Man)
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These are rough notes and therefore subject to change. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
Warnings: Spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War, Alternate Universe, Temporary Death of Canon Characters
Peter Parker / Spider-Man x Reader
You are the daughter of Matt Murdock, born when he was 17, inherited his superhuman senses. You have trained in martial arts but strictly as exercise – your father is very clear that he’d rather you not be fighting crime.
MOTHER is either died or left when you were very young:
(1) protect you from some shady organization like Hydra
(2) having severe postpartum depression
(3) pressure to pretend she never had a child out of wedlock – maternal family is wealthy, devoutly Catholic . . . wanted to have you adopted far away to some couple but MOTHER gave you to your father.
STEP-MOTHER meet Matt sometime during university or law school, married sometime before BROTHER was born. BROTHER is about ten years younger than you and about 7 years old.
Matt and STEP-MOTHER are dusted during the Snap.
(1) Wilson Fisk and some other enemies of Daredevil did not.
(2) Uncertain if Foggy or Karen are dusted.
(3) BEST FRIEND and BROTHER might have also been dusted but leaning toward not – what your situation to be similar but not identical to Peter’s.
Elektra didn’t die (again) in Midland Circle but never bothered getting herself legally alive again. She had left everything she inherited from the Natchois family to Matt in her will . . .and maybe Matt hasn’t found out that she isn’t dead before the Snap . . . we’ll say that is enough of a fortunate that you can easily cover your rent and other expenses, pay for school, etc. Maybe not Tony Stark level of money but qualify as rich? Part of it is business interests or real estate that that regularly brings in money?
Marci or Foggy (if he’s not dusted) might be the executor of Matt’s estate since you being still a minor can’t yet. And would have no idea what happen all you needed to do anyway.
You want to uphold Matt’s legacy. The part that has Foggy and/or Karen enthusiastic support is the lawyer idea but that will take several years to accomplish – you haven’t even finished high school yet.
You can hear how bad things are getting – the streets your father bled to make safe have become dangerous and maybe there are rumors that Fisk and others might be released or paroled early due to resource constraints or some other indicators that all of your father’s hard work is going to be flushed down the drain. All of which you hate.
If BROTHER wasn’t dusted, maybe BROTHER is frightened by all the bad stuff he can hear (“I want Daddy . . . he made the monsters stay away!”).
You decide that Hell’s Kitchen needs a Devil and make your own version of the black suit – Matt’s red suit would be more protective but it doesn’t fit. Eventually get your own version of it that actually fits you.
Inspiration pictures on Pinterest are mostly Elektra when she was Daredevil so maybe you use sais instead of billy clubs? Probably need to use different tactics – at 17, you are smaller and lighter than Matt.
Meanwhile Peter isn’t doing so great. He lost his girlfriend, best friend, Aunt May, and both of his mentors. One is Tony Stark with the added trauma of seeing him dusted right in front of him. Also for the purposes of this fic, Spider-Man has been taught a little fighting by Daredevil (mostly because Matt found Spider-Man’s attempts at hand-to-hand painful . . . maybe they were teamed-up and Peter broke his hand because he doesn’t really know how to throw a punch, yes it healed by morning that wasn’t the point).
Peter is trying handle everything on his own – he doesn’t want bother Ms. Potts while she’s grieving Tony, the Avengers have their own stuff to deal with . . . he can handle this.
Peter might have problems because Aunt May didn’t have much an estate – maybe Tony named something in his will, maybe not – and there is only so much work a high school senior can do without quitting school . . . and daring-do doesn’t make him the most reliable employee . . .
Hears about the new Devil and decides to check this person out.
Vigilante team-ups at first but start doing other things to support each other. Like patching each other up, food . . . then you are friends. Romance is slow-burn – MJ being dusted doesn’t mean Peter’s feelings for her disappeared.
Those who were not dusted and aware of Matt’s identity are not enthusiastic about you becoming Daredevil. But also become aware that you are just as determined and stubborn about it as your father. Eventually stop fighting you about it but acknowledge that if Matt ever comes back, he is going to be so mad . . .
Claire might make some comment that Matt would richly deserve to be on the other side of his ‘no hospitals, I’m going to fight with my broken ribs’ nonsense. Like see how infuriating that is, Matthew?
One thing mentioned in Into the Spider-verse films is that all Spider People have certain things in common. Like there is always a spider involved in getting their powers (generally they are bitten by a weird spider). All of them have an Uncle Ben moment (where the death of a beloved paternal figure teaches the 'great power, great responsibility' lesson).
So for the Daredevils out there across the multiverse, what are the repeating elements that always seem to happen if you already are or become Daredevil? The lost of your dad? Being blind?
It might be cliche or something to have Reader is this story lose her eyesight but sighted Daredevil just doesn't sound right . . .
Maybe you were on the fence until blind and you take the loss of your vision as a sign from God that He wants you to continue your father's work as the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
Or you lose your eyesight as part of the side-effects of The Snap - drivers suddenly disappearing from the trucks, etc would cause a lot of deaths and injuries . . .
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delicategardenerbear · 11 months
What do anyone think about this idea of making a new alternate universe for sonic using unused characters, concepts, and beta designs of existing characters as well as the concept art of Satam? Here are some of my ideas.
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Feels the Rabbit is the main hero in this universe that is helped by the brilliant but lazy Dr. Teddy Eggman who also acts as the young rabbit's father figure
Madonna of this would be a mix of her original concept and her Archie Comic version with elements from Topaz, so basically Ada Wong from Resident Evil, she was send with her partner to keep an eye on Feels and Dr Eggman but soon formed a bond with the young rabbit, acting as a mother figure to him.
Beta Rouge (I'm not sure what to call her) is Madonna's partner and her personality is similar to Lara Croft so she was a former archaeologist who ventures into ancient tombs and hazardous ruins around the world and give what she finds to museums, in fact she was so good the G.U.N. offered her a job which she accepted in hope of more excitement and was paired with Madonna.
Gazebo Boobowski and his daughter, Tiara Boobowski, were the guardians of the six magical Rings of Order, as well as the ancient art of Ring smithing, I'm not sure what else to do on these characters, any ideas?
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Terios (the top two) could be similar to Wolverine in terms of origin as well as personality with him probably mentoring Feels the Rabbit. He is related to the bottom character, who will be named Void, who is basically Sabretooth. Also, the two designs next to each other could be their super forms. They don't remember their origins but remember being experimented on by humans, resulting in Void's hatred of humans and his insanity as well as Terio's general distrust of humans, though Terios escaped with the help of a mysterious white hedgehog.
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Very little is known about Venice the hedgehog but all that known is that he believed he is from the future and is here to set things right, I'm actually having problems with coming up with a ideas for him
In this universe, Mobians live alongside humans because of a crisis at Mobius which led to mass immigration to earth. Feels the Rabbit lose his family during an crisis and he was found by Teddy
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an fire elemental that follows and protects a young bobcat after the child save her from being captured from government agents. She has total control over fire as well as their physical body
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Buttercup the Bobcat
After saving Inferno from government agents, she and her family are forced to go on the run. She is a good-hearted but mischievous girl, think a mashup between Calvin and Hilda, a part of her regrets helping Inferno due to the trouble it brought her and parents but they her assured her that she did a good thing
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Glam the Hare
A up and coming rock and roll sensation that's making headlines, his style of music is Very reminition of glamrock as well as 70s funk. Glam was just a struggling musician that was trying to make it big in the music industry, his luck changes when playing at a live music bar when famed music producers Lennon Bulldog overheard Glam and immediately offered him a contract which changed his life
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Washington Wolf
A famous mascot for a car company who ironically has a fear of going fast
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Boomy the Turtles
Feel's best friend and rival who after losing his legs in an accident and was given cybernetic legs are able to turn into rockets by Teddy. He is laid-back and care-free guy who tends not to worry about things but is very competitive when he wants to be
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Martin Simpson
Teddy Eggman's assistant who is very positive and hard-working to a weird amount. He is almost always smiling but rarely talks and sometimes plays practical jokes and pranks also Teddy doesn't remember hiring him but since he's worked hard so he doesn't question it
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Ziggy the Black Cat
The Wario to Feel's Mario, He's a greedy, rude and hot-tempered but surprisingly intelligent individual who always making some get rich quick scheme but fortunately is a nuisance at best
Axel Mole
A very passive and unassertive guy who tend to stay out of conflicts and just want to explore the world. He always has to wear his special goggles when he comes to the surface so as to not hurt his eyes
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ineffablyrandom · 10 months
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December 1, 2023
Hindi ako magsasabi ng happy first of December kase di happy ang first of December ng madaming tao ngayon.
Break na ba lahat? Heartbroken na ba ulit lahat?
Tangina ng KathNiel. 11 years. Hayop. Ang sakit sa puso. Hindi ako solid KathNiel fan. But I admired Kathryn even before ma-team up siya kay DJ. I watched Mara Clara and her movies with Julia Montes. I remember me and my family went to the mall and may mall show pala si Kathryn Bernardo, that was the first time I saw her in person. Napakagandang bata. You know I spent my teenage years and growing up watching Kathryn also grew up and spent her teenage years in the limelight. It was such a blow you know, I knew it even before they announced it on IG pero iba pa din talaga. Ewan ko ba. Hahahahaha. Siguro kase it hits a little too close to home. My highschool bestfriend (the one na lagi kong kasama mag travel. Yes. Barbie. My bestfriend since we were 14) recently broke up with her highschool sweetheart last October. And 11 years din sila. I had a fair share of my heart being broken and it was so hard moving on sa 2 year relationship, paano pa kaya 11 years? It is so hard seeing my bestfriend cry and second guess herself now and the best I can offer is me being with her through the journey of being broken, moving on, and healing. So really, I can't imagine now what they are going through especially they were the biggest love team in the industry. And I can't put my shoes in their shoes, but it's just so heartbreaking.
To my best friend. I was with her when she and her ex boyfriend started their love story when we were in highschool. I was with her when she texted me that he's breaking up with her. I was with her the moment she asked me to come because they just broke up. And I will always be with here through the painful journey of acceptance, moving on, and healing. I love you barbieeeee! Kaya natin to!
Anyway, sorry. But here's me nagpapa-cute. Because I am in my late 20s and I miss random selfies in my phone. And ang heavy ng feelings kanina pa. Timing na binabasa ko tong The Versions of Us - the idea that there are moments when our lives might have turned out differently, the tiny factors or decisions that could determine our fate, and the precarious nature of the foundations upon which we build our lives.
Eva and Jim are nineteen and students at Cambridge in 1958 when their paths first cross. Jim is walking along a lane when a woman approaching him on a bicycle swerves to avoid a dog. What happens next will determine the rest of their lives. We follow three different versions of their future – together, and apart – as their love story takes on different incarnations, twisting and turning to the conclusion in the present day.
It's all of the what ifs and what might have been. All the "in an alternate universes" that left us wondering. And this book is giving me a kind of closure right now in my own kind of way, of the things that could have happened when I chose or didn't choose a different path. And I guess even if I think about it long and hard enough, I will never know. I think I wrote something before along the lines of "I crave for something/someone I've lost. Something/someone I could not have. I miss my old self or my unlived life. It's such a mystery to me." And this life is so profound, that you want to toy with the idea of something out there, that there is a different versions of us living the life we wanted or living the life we ought to have, different from the life we are having now. Somehow you wish that the different versions of you have those genuine happiness that seems so hard to find.
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