#my tea dependency comes when it's chilly. coffee during summer
grilledkatniss · 1 year
Me: *has coffee*
Me, two hours in the bathroom later: Man, is it tea time already? *Makes more coffee*
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For the ask game you posted, could you please answer 14, 23, 39, and 43? (Sorry if it's a lot of questions.)
And for a question not from that one ask game, if you could write a story arc set entirely within Thea, what general plot thread would it center around and what team of BC characters would you want there (I think 5-6 characters is a good enough list)? This one will probably take time to answer and that's kind of the point, I like a bit of a wait, heh heh.
Hiya Erika!! Of course you may ^^
14. Do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
Yes. Actually, I love the smell of rain in itself. Specifically if it's in nature, or close to the forest. The air just smells so fresh. And most often it combines with the scents of pine or grass or just... the nature around
23. How do you feel about chilly weather?
I meeeeaaaaannnn.... I'm from a cold country. But it depends on the kind of chilly weather. The autumn, humid kind of cold I hate. It seeps into one's bones and just ... It's cold as hell.
But if it's the kind of dry coldness, that's much more bearable. And enjoyable. Also, actually, I think that chilly weather during spring is also... less freezing? Like +4 C and we're out in hoodies because... It's so warm! Sip your coffee, or tea and just enjoy the weather.
I am a summer child by heart, but the contrast between cold and warm (dry cold and warmth) is enjoyable to me.
39. Do you use lip balm?
Yes. Though... my latest lip "balm" that I bought was labelled as "lip oil" so it's more of a .... gel? I think it was over-priced, but at least it tastes nice (raspberry-peach).
43. What’s your take on spicy foods?
It's kinda funny that... I had this conversation with an irl friend some months ago, when he (a poc) asked me, in a very courteous manner, if I can handle spice. And my reply was something along the lines of "my skin tone is the colour of milk, and I have a spice tolerance to match". Which was meant as a humorous reply, but genuinely my spice tolerance is low. I do enjoy some spice in some dishes, but it really depends on the dish, and even then the spice level according to most would probably be quite low.
So, what is considered as "spicy"?
Spicy food can be tasty, really tasty, but if the heat overpowers the taste, and it just burns, then I personally don't enjoy such dishes. I'm just a weakling when it comes to spicy food, but spice that I can handle, I enjoy.
For the story... I think it'd be a kind of an exploration fic. Or getting to know Thea, because I like exploring my own country.
I'd probably include Owen, to explore the health care aspect of it. Probably Charlotte, because, honestly, I think she'd enjoy being in Thea, and for the YamiChar aspect, I'd probably include Yami too. Perhaps he'd even be intrigued by the country, and how it functions, along with how it's different from Hino and Clover. Practically speaking it might be beneficial for Nozel to also go there.
But the way it's formulating, the idea, it'd probably be the Captains, along with Owen, familiarizing themselves with Thean customs and practices. All of them could probably find an aspect that they find intriguing, and enjoyable.
I know this is a bit vague, but... my brain works by me placing the characters into the setting, and then I just "follow them around", so to find out what happens in the story, I'd have to start writing it, or mapping it out.
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bbboar · 1 year
weird asks: ALL hehehe
chaotic good, i love it!!
who is/are your comfort character(s)? Dont rly have comfort characters but during the 2020 lockdowns Breq Imperial Radch was my comfort character bcs i was going through some shit and she was a force of nature and justice Basically i get why Seivarden was down bad.
lighter or matches? Dont smoke
do you leave the window open at night? Absolutely not. It does not close properly and theres spiderwebs outside!
which cryptid being do you believe in? None of them but love to hear stories
what color are your eyes? Brown
why did you do that? What?
hair-ties or scrunchies? Ive never used a scrunchy so i cannot judge effectively
how many water bottles are in your room right now? Only one (i have 2 metal water bottles, one for home and another for work)
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? Depends on the season! Hot for winter but cold for summer.
would you slaughter the rich? i understand the craving for violence but personally i think it would be more torturous to have them watch as their wealth is redistributed and they have to live like normal people and work and have a budget and shit lol Like i know i doesnt sound bad but the way some of these people live....theyd be crying screaming shitting throwing up etc
favorite extracurricular activity? Girl im 27, i dont go to school anymore. All my activities are extracurricular
what kind of day is it? Thursday. Actually its after midnight so its Friday now
when was the last time you ate? Like 5 hours ago, i had some chocolate
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? Yeah!!!
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) no
can you drive? No but god do i need to learn to make my life easier
are you farsighted or nearsighted? Neither to my knowledge
what hair products do you use? Lmao none?? Unless im curling my hair and using hair spray. Oh i also use a hair mask each time i shower.
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? omg of course, bestie!
do you say soda or pop? Im Australian, i say fizzy drink
something you’ve kept since childhood? I have a sonic tshirt that ive had since i was 12 years old and i will not throw it away until it comes apart
what type of person are you? Vampire coded werewolf
how do you feel about chilly weather? I get sad when the weather starts getting colder bcs summertime is my favourite, but after that transition period, i think its fun to go into cozy mode! I love my big comforting jackets and my oodie and having tea every day.
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? Looking at the starts, laughing, having deep conversations.
perfume/body spray or lotion? Personally i dont use perfume or body spray. The only lotion i use is moisturizer bcs my skin is dry
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? So many of them, lets not get into it
about how many hours of sleep did you get? Yesterday? Probably ~7
do you wear a mask? Yeah although not as much as i used to ngl
how do you like your shower water? Warm.
is there dishes in your room? Nope. The most there is at any given time is 1 tea mug and maaaybe a plate if ive had a snack or smtn
what type of music keeps you grounded? This doesnt apply to me
do you have a favorite towel? Not really?
the last adventure you’ve been on? Took public transport to an area id never been before last week. To me thats an adventure lol
is there a song you know every word to by heart? Yeah, theres a bunch where as soon as they start, ill know all the lyrics and be able to sing along but if the song isnt playing? Head empty.
what’s your timezone? Australian Eastern Standard Time
how many times have you changed your url? Over 5 for sure
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? Damn i think ive known Kieran Teeniepaws for 10+ years (Kieran if youre reading this sorry for not tagging you, this post is sooo long)
a soap bar that smells good? I dont use bars of soap??? I dont find them that practical. But ive sniffed a lot of them in shops and like 80% of them smell rly good
do you use lip balm? I have to bcs my acne medication gives me super dry lips
did you have any snacks today? Yeah i had some chocolate after dinner
how do you take your coffee? I just have a regular latte no sugar unless its more bitter than im used to. Then 1 sugar
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Twitter lol, podbean, spotify, youtube and as of recently pokemon go
what’s your take on spicy foods? i love spicy food! i actually bought some sriracha the other day bc i missed having it
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? who are you? The fbi? Im not going to tell you
can you remember what happened yesterday? woke up, took the bus, went to work, kept thinking about touchstarved (game) while at work, tried to play some sneaky pokemon go during work bcs i ran out of pokeballs and needed to spin the local pokestop to get more, went home, made dinner, made a touchstarved thread on twitter, went to sleep
favorite holiday film? Not to be a grinch but i dont like holiday films and im sooo sick of the xmas films that come out every year.
what was the last message you sent?
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when did you first try an alcohol beverage? Pretty sure i was 14,i had a glass of wine and fell asleep almost right after lol
can you skip rocks? I think its fun to do but i am bad at it
can i tag you in random stuff? If youre a stranger? No. If youre a mutual, sure! Go ahead.
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dharc16 · 4 years
The Autumnal Equinox is the time of year when daylight and nighttime are equal. After the Autumnal Equinox, the darkness will begin to win the battle, gaining an extra minute or so every day as we progress towards winter. Now is the time when nature begins to slow and the harvests become less plentiful. Though the autumn equinox can arrive as early as September 20th or 21st depending on solar patterns, this year it falls on September 22nd. So get ready to celebrate!
Like most Sabbats that are celebrated later in the year, the autumn equinox is about reflection and letting go of that which does not serve us any longer. It's a chance to slough off the old and prepare for rest. We clean out that which piled up during the business of summer and store up that which we will need for our winter rest. The colors of the Autumn Equinox are just as rich and warming as the colors of autumn—deep crimson, vibrant orange, lustrous gold, and earthy brown. If you're planning a feast, make sure to include all the fall bounties as well as late summer fruits and vegetables. Pumpkin, squash, berries, nuts, and corn are all fantastic inclusions. Looking for specific ideas on how to celebrate the Autumn Equinox without costing a mint? You've come to the right place! Here are 10 wonderful ways to celebrate for free or for little cost!
What's more cozy than snuggling under a blanket with a big bowl of buttered popcorn? Of course, you could always watch a movie, but why not take your treat outside to watch nature instead? Inhale that fragrant autumn air. Really take a few moments to appreciate the breathtaking hues of the trees. Watch the birds and squirrels as they prepare for winter. Simply take in the magnificence of the season. And if you're in a generous mood, leave a few un-buttered pieces of popcorn for the critters.
The Autumn Equinox is a time to find balance in your life. But while we tend to immediately think of time constraints as a place to find balance (work versus family time, family time versus self-care), when was the last time you balanced your spiritual centers?If you're not familiar, chakras are points of energy on the body that have spiritual as well as physical impact. When they are balanced, life is good. When they are imbalanced, we have unwanted manifestations, such as illness and financial troubles. The good news is balancing them is as simple as taking a few minutes for visualization! Like any visualization, chakra balancing gets easier with practice, so don't feel discouraged if you have trouble focusing during your first go around or two. A nice, simple chakra meditation can be found on YouTube. Get a blanket, find a quiet spot under a tree, and take some time to balance your chakras this Mabon! You'll be glad you did. Bonus points if you plant your feet in the soil and get your earthing on!
Admittedly, this suggestion is a little self-benefiting. But what's autumn without a warm drink laced with cinnamon and nutmeg? You can certainly buy one at your favorite coffee shop, but why not make one? I'm betting you already have the ingredients on hand. Take the time to really savor the process. Inhale the nutty aroma of the coffee before you brew it. Watch as the creamer turns your drink into a rich caramel color. Savor the first sip without scarfing down the entire drink. Life is a lot more pleasurable when we take time to relish the things we enjoy. Sit outside with your homemade brew, breathe deep inhalations of that luscious autumn air, and simply BE.
With Autumn Equinox being a time of reflection and balance, what better way to celebrate than to make a list for all that you are thankful for? Take a notebook to the park and make a list of everything you appreciate—from big things, like your family or health, to small things, like hot cocoa and fuzzy slipper socks. Feeling crafty? Make a gratitude tree! Simply find a funky fallen twig that has lots of little branchy offshoots to hold your leaves. Place the twig (or twigs) in a pot of stones so it's standing upright, like a miniature dead tree. Collect fallen leaves or cut your own from construction paper. Write something you're grateful for on each leaf. Tape on a loop of string or thread, and hang the leaves from your twig! Beauty and function— my favorite!And remember, crafts don't need to be limited to children. Our children are grown and gone, yet we make a gratitude tree every year for Thanksgiving by adding one leaf a day for each day in November leading up to the big feast! Festiveness isn't just reserved for those too young to drive. Embrace life! Live it with all you've got! And don't forget to be grateful!
If you're anything like me, you're just itching to get something decorative in your home this fall. We don't really get in to decorating for Halloween with ghosts and goblins because we don't celebrate the way that most people in America do. We celebrate it the Christian way, not the pagan way. Why not take a nature walk and collect whatever beautiful, natural treasures you stumble upon? Colored leaves. Acorns. Gnarled twigs. Pine cones. Cool rocks. Bring a bag and collect whatever catches your eye. Arrange it on a table or counter top when you get home, throw in a candle or two (maybe gold and red) and you've got yourself an instant natural Mabon altar! You can even leave your natural masterpiece up for a few weeks as a spectacular (and FREE!) fall decoration!
As the sun sets on the Autumn Equinox, we welcome in the darkness of the coming season. Grab a blanket, some lawn chairs, and allow yourself to be fully in the moment as the sun sets this equinox. Once the orange globe has dipped below the horizon, breathe in the darkness of fall and honor the tranquil introspection this season inspires. With tea, of course!
Having spent most of my life in Texas, what I miss most about autumn is the coziness. Soft sweaters. Knitted throws. Hot drinks. Crisp morning air. Chilly noses on rainy days. Envelop yourself in the coziness of autumn, even if, like here in Texas, you are still running the air conditioner and suffering in 90 degree weather. Whether that means decorating your home in autumnal flare, lighting a pumpkin-spice candle, or baking a cinnamon-scented apple pie, do something special that puts you in that autumn state of mind.
The best part of autumn is undoubtedly the simplicity. Life seems to slow down just a little, following the graceful dance of nature herself. Take the time to slowdown alongside her. Treat yourself to a pumpkin latte, head over to your favorite park or even your own backyard, and just exist. Watch the passersby as you sip your drink. Observe the colors of autumn, the slight crisp that's beginning to blossom in the air, the chatter of birds as they prepare for winter. Breathe deep. Slow your mind. Just exist. It's something we don't do often enough, but fall is most definitely the time for it!
 Whether autumnal or vernal, equinoxes are the perfect opportunity to find balance, just like nature! If you've been doing a little too much of anything—eating, working, worrying, whatever!—now is the time to take a step back and evaluate how to change your behavior in favor of a more healthy approach. Remember, anything in excess is damaging. Even drinking too much water will kill you.I know! Crazy, right?!If you find it difficult to disconnect from work. If your vice is copious amounts of sugar. If exercise has become obsessive. If spending has exceeded income, take the time to make positive changes. NOT to belittle and berate yourself. NOT to feel guilty and swim among the self-loathing waters. Objectively look at the situation, find a reasonable solution, and make changes. Shame doesn't fix the problem. It's a warning bell that alerts us to the need for change. Nothing more. Take a deep breath of that fresh autumn air and start again. You've got this!
Autumn seems to bring out the craving for bonfires and campfires. If you're lighting one up this Autumn Equinox, toss in a couple of cinnamon sticks for good luck in the coming season. Plus your backyard will smell heavenly!
Whether you use this time to reflect or to indulge, I hope you have a spectacular Autumn Equinox celebration filled with love, coziness, and an extra dash of magic! BLESSED BE!
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stygiantarot · 5 years
Winter Witchcraft
(Taught in @thealexandriarchives on 1/17/20)
Winter. The solid dark earth, bright swirling snow, prickling sharp ice, stark reaching branches, echoing warm silence. It can appear in a variety of different ways around the globe depending on the local season. I shall do my best in today’s class to give inspiration and tools that apply to as many persons as possible. I apologize in advance if this Midwest USA witch is a bit too used to intense winters and forgets to adjust as much for those in more temperate zones.
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When it comes to the season of winter, it is most commonly associated with snow, ice, cold, all those Hallmark style holiday card scenes with snowmen, scarves, and white covered buildings. At it’s core however, winter is really just your area’s fallow period. It doesn’t have to involve cold or snow; just the time when things are not growing (or not growing as much). Locals may tend to be more inclined to stay indoors; regardless of the weather, and just be more lethargic and measured in their time.
When it comes to incorporating winter and it’s attributes and power into your witchcraft, the main ingredients you’ll want to work with are:
Dirt: Fallow dirt is mighty! Like a hibernating bear, it’s carefully collecting all those nutrients and minerals and saving them up for spring to share in full with local flora and fauna again! It is stable, strong, and patient. A good ingredient for spellwork involving breaking a habit, defensive protection (long term wards especially!), prosperity and abundance spells; especially slowly building ones like a long term money spell, spells or glamours relating to hiding or camouflage, encouraging a relationship to remain stable and grow, and many more. Though it should be strictly collected/harvested during the winter, you can store it year round and it retains it’s Winter attributes.
Snow/Ice: The most obvious winter witchcraft ingredient, this will mostly be used in a melted water form but some examples I’ll offer use solid snow and ice and the melting of it is part of the spell. It’s a good ingredient for: cleansing, freezing a person or problem, healing, banishing, creativity boosting (especially in physical crafts). Like with winter dirt, you can only collect during specific times but can store year round. You can even refreeze in your freeze if you have a spell that requires it to melt in some fashion that you want to cast in spring or summer.
Specific types of snow and ice correspondences: https://orriculum.tumblr.com/post/ 168151692633/winter-correspondences.
My own post on using snow in witchcraft: https://stygiantarot.tumblr.com/post/181955654194/ we-just-had-our-first-real-snow-here-in-ohio-and
Stones: Stones found in winter can have a special sort of power to them. Despite being unchanged physically year round (besides temperature), stones absorb energies readily. They are attuned to what is going on in the locale seasonally despite not directly changing themselves. It is because of this physical permanence that they are more easily able to be energetically sensitive. I like to use them especially in divination work (whether directly in creating runes or oracle sets or indirectly in boosting divination power and focus). They hold that deep quiet and patience of the season deeply under their hard surfaces. They also make excellent spellwork batteries and anchors for warding or enchanting.
Sticks/Pinceones/Flora castoffs: Those things that trees and shrubs drop are especially potent in winter as well. A weathered stick, a prickly pinecone, even some nuts and seeds are cast off during the fallow season and can be used in spellwork. These tend to be good for intentions relating to growth, protection, spirit work, psychic prowess boosting, and creativity as well as associations related to the plant it came from.
Cold weather Flora: Evergreens, hearty flowers like heather, and witch hazel, and early flowers like snowbells or daphne; there are still some plants that thrive even in chilly temps or fallow growing periods. Keep a sharp eye out in your local area for what remains or becomes vibrant during your winter and you can incorporate it into your spellwork. It would have the attributes of that plant, but “jazzed” up a bit during the season of winter when it remains strong amongst other flora that wait for spring or summer.
Citrus/Spices/Seasonal kitchentry: Despite it’s bright sun and summer associations, most citrus fruits are winter growing and this is an appropriate time to incorporate them into drinks and foods to bring some sun into your fallow period. It can help with healing (anti-depression especially), inspiration, solar magic, and creativity. There are also the warmer spices like those used in mulling ciders and wine that are good to use during this season to inject warmth and power into your spellwork. Take a look at what might grow or be commonly used in cooking during your area’s fallow period and incorporate them into your kitchen work in drinks, food, even baking!

Now to build spellwork and crafting ideas. The following are from my own grimoire that you may use or be inspired by!

Snowmen poppets: draw or write a taglock on a piece of paper and put it into a snowman! The intention of the spell takes effect on the target as the snowman melts.
Snow cleansing baths: put a bit of snow in your bath for a soothing ritual bath. Imagine all your worries falling away like a gentle snowfall drifting from the sky.
Winter Jar of Dirt: collect some winter dirt into a special jar, leave a bit of room at the top and put in scraps of paper that outline things you need to have growth or be more stable throughout the year. Feel free to double down by drawing some sigils on the jar for growth and stability.
Create a tool: use a winter stone or collection of them to create a tool for your practice. This can be a divination set, a spellcasting battery, an enchanted focus stone, even a painted offering, etc!

Use that crockpot or bake!: This is the time to do something warm and slow. A soup in a crockpot, a slow roasted dinner, those favorite cookies or brownies you remember from days of yore. You can also focus on a warm drink recipe; chocolate, cider, tea, coffee, wine, etc! They all can be made intentioned with spices and flavoring additions while they warm up to toasty soothing temps!
Room and floor sprays: use a bit of snow or ice, added to standard water, along with winter focused herbs and spices infused and put in a spray bottle for room spray or fl oor wash. You can focus the intentions as needs but a good one would be a pre-cleansing treatment for that “spring cleaning” physical cleaning many do! Or an energizing or inspiration spray to keep out seasonal blues and lethargy.
Enchant a blanket: Take a favorite blanket and enchant it with comfort, warmth, and peace for you to cuddle with during chilly evenings. You can do the same with a favorite towel for after warm baths or showers!

The methodology in creating crafting and spellwork ideas is to think about that fallow period and what you can “harvest” from it; whether it being something directly like snow or dirt. Or something indirectly, like the quiet, the introspection, or even the longer nights to do more lunar focused magic. Spirit work is another strong association in winter months. The slower and quieter season allows for easier connecting often to those not of physical form. Trying visiting a graveyard, park, or museum during your fallow season and seeing what you are able to sense.
Winter is also the time to take stock of your own life and spirituality- just like the earth does during its fallow period. Catalogue and cleanse your tools while you consider if there are any more you need or any you might pass along because you no longer use them. Clean and reorganize your storage and altars or shrines. Spend some time adding to your grimoire or journal those entries you’ve been putting off. Do some shadow work or divination. Write down some clear spiritual goals you’d like to focus on this year (good to put in your Jar of Dirt 😉 ) Do extra research on that area you’ve been debating on delving into.
However, don’t let yourself become too isolated. It’s normal to want some additional space in fallow periods, both personal and seasonal. But it’s important to still have some regular times that you get out of your own headspace. Set reminders for yourself to reach out to your favorite people to at least have a chat even if you don’t have the ability to get out of the house. Connect with online friends and community. Share ideas, thoughts, stories. Go see a movie or to a museum.
Letting winter into your bones doesn’t have to be chilling- it can be like that first breeze when you step outside. A surprise, maybe you gasp for a moment. But it’s exhilarating and revitalizing and reminds you of the beauty and wonder of nature. Even when nature is quiet and stark, she’s there. Just waiting for you to reach out and find her secrets and power to lend you. Go forth and Do the Magic.
Orriculum’s Winter correspondences: https://orriculum.tumblr.com/post/153243108238/winter- witchcraft

Some other Winter inspirations:
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ariadenassau · 5 years
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name: Ariadne Marie de Nassau 
meaning of name: Ariadne is a Greek name, meaning “chaste” or “most holy”. Marie is a French version of Mary, and the meaning is debated, but can mean “sea of sorrow” or “rebellion”. Her last name, de Nassau, is literally “of Nassau” — she is a part of the House of Nassau. 
aliases: Aria is her nickname from childhood and her preferred name. 
place of birth: Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. 
race: Caucasian 
nationality: Dual citizenship with France and the United States. 
gender: Cis-female
sexuality: Mostly heterosexual
profession: A freelance journalist
eye color: Dark brown
hair style/color: Straight, chestnut brown hair to her shoulders, usually partly braided or in a plait.
height: 5’4” (164 cm)
clothing style: Simple, tailored, and clean-cut, Aria dresses in neutrals and soft materials. She's partial to creamy ivories and tans as opposed to bright colors, with the occasional baby pinks. The only jewelry she wears is a simple gold pendant and a sapphire ring, her birthstone.
best physical feature: Her eyes — both soft and piercing at the same time, the eyes are truly the window to Aria’s soul. 
appearance: Very soft and muted, yet luxurious. Aria is from wealth, which shows, but she never flaunts it. She doesn’t wear much makeup and avoids showing too much skin. She looks professional and pretty, but not someone you’d turn around and look at twice in New York. 
weight: 110 lbs (50 kg) 
complexion: Fair during the winter, slightly tanner during the summer, as Aria darkens easily under the sun. 
build: Slight and petite, she is quite skinny and small, without very many curves. 
voice: Gentle, she rarely speaks over a shout. She doesn’t like to yell and upturns the ends of her sentences, as if she’s always a bit unsure of herself. She has a slight British/European accent from her upbringing abroad. 
fears: Spiders, roller-coasters, and disappointing her parents — although she is working on that last one, 
guilty pleasure: The Bachelor. Aria will never admit to watching them, as she finds the entire idea trashy and degrading, but somehow, she turns it on every week when its airing with popcorn and a glass of wine. 
biggest pet peeve: People who chew on their food loudly (bad table manners in general, really.) 
ambition for the future: To find out who was behind Abby’s killing and write an entire expose on it. 
one bad habit: Popping her pimples and skin blemishes.
one good habit: Washing the dishes immediately after she uses them.
one habit they can’t break: Her daily iced coffee (or two) from Starbucks.
one they’ve broken: Chewing on her nails. 
first thoughts waking up: “I need coffee.” 
what they think about the most: Deep-set anxieties about her future and identity as an individual person. 
what they think about before bed: All the errands and things she needs to accomplish tomorrow. 
what they think their best quality is: Intelligence and writing ability. 
what they think would completely break them: Finding love, and then losing it. 
what they think was the best thing in their life: Discovering that she had a long-lost sister, and getting to reconnect with her. 
what they think was the worst thing in their life: Losing that long-lost sister. 
what seemingly insignificant memories stuck with them: Her childhood piano teacher smacking her fingers when she’d play the wrong notes. 
single or group dates: Neither — Aria hates dates. 
to be loved or respected: Respected.
beauty or brains: Brains. 
dogs or cats: Dogs. 
coffee or tea: Coffee. 
showering in the day or night: Showering at night. 
taking baths or taking showers: Taking showers. 
tv or movies: Movies. 
writing or reading: Writing. 
platonic or romantic love: Platonic.
iced tea or lemonade: Iced tea. 
ice cream or smoothies: Smoothies. 
cupcakes or cake: Cupcakes. 
beach or mountains: Mountains. 
lie: “Yes — it’s a way to get information that I want out of people. But I never lie to hurt anyone.” 
believe in yourself: “I hope that I do. I think that I do. Maybe not.” 
believe in love: “I think love is out there, but I don’t know how to find it or if it even exists for me.” 
want someone: “Maybe.”  
work so that you can support your hobbies or use your hobbies as a way of filling up the time you aren’t working: “Well — neither. Writing is both my work and my hobby. So I guess I lucked out.” 
have something you’re reluctant to tell people: “My ‘royal’ status. It doesn’t mean anything.”  
have an opinion about sex: “It’s something lovely that can make two people’s bonds stronger, but...  I don’t know. I don’t think I have a strong opinion either way.” 
have many friends: “I have many acquaintances from work and school, but close friends? Probably not.” 
have as many friends as you want: “Yes. I’m a bit of a loner, you see.” 
have something to make a scene in public about: “God, I hope not.” 
have something to give your life for: “A hundred percent — my career, my writing, and figuring out what the hell happened to Abby.” 
have major flaws: “I… get too attached to people. It goes along with having such little close friends. The friends I do have, I keep very close to my heart, which means when I lose them… well, my world falls apart.” 
have something you pretend or try to care about: “Um — politics?” 
have an image you project: “I think I try to come off as more self-confident than I am. I’m also very polite to most people, even if I don’t particularly think the person is deserving of it.” 
have something you’re afraid of: “Isn’t everyone afraid of something?” 
think you’re polite or rude: “Definitely polite.” 
favorite color: “Hm. I love baby pink, but I also love cream and ivory as well.” 
favorite animal: “Polar bears. They’re so majestic!” 
favorite movie: “Lost in Translation. It was such a beautifully shot movie!” 
favorite game: “I don’t play very many games.” 
sound: “Oh! — the sound of sunny winter mornings back when I was in school in Gstaad. You can hear it when you open a window; the chilly breeze, the sound of snow underneath people’s feet… I miss it.” 
song: “It changes, really, but I can always listen to anything by Frank Sinatra.” 
band: “Is it cliche if I say The Beatles?” 
outfit: “Well, it certainly depends on the season, but for the fall and winter, I love my tan crepe pants, an ivory cashmere turtleneck, and my Acne leather boots.” 
place: “Switzerland. I spent most of my years there, and the landscapes are so beautiful.” 
memory: “I think the first time I met Abby — I was so nervous, and I just saw her, and we talked for hours in her room afterwards. Her parents made hot cocoa, and we just sat there, laughing, crying… it was so wonderful, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” 
person: “Abby. Or my mentor back at Harvard. She was the one who helped me curate my writing to what it is now.” 
show: “I don’t watch much television.” 
age: 29
date of birth: September 2nd, 1990
day your next birthday will be: Thursday.
zodiac sign: Virgo.
age you lost your virginity: 18.
does age matter: “Age certainly matters if you’re younger, but once you pass twenty-five or so… who am I to judge?” 
moral alignment: Neutral Good. 
enneagram: 4 - The Individualist
four temperaments: Melancholic
tropes: the soiled dove, the lost soul, the contrite, the taciturn
archetypes: The Sage/Innocent 
tarot cards: Temperance
compassion: yes. 
empathy: yes.
creativity: yes.
mental flexibility: at times, no.
passion: yes, for the right things. 
stamina: yes. 
physical strength: not much. 
battle skill: not at all. 
agility: a bit. 
strategy: she’s always planning for her next move, so yes. 
teamwork: yes, but she needs to be the leader. 
strength: so much emotional strength. 
intelligence: yes. 
wisdom: partly, but still trying to find it. 
dexterity: none; Aria has a rare muscular dystrophy that degraded the muscles in her hands and fingers. 
constitution: a hundred percent. 
charisma: only on certain occasions; otherwise, Aria is quite aloof. 
i love: “... good food. Can you blame me?” 
i feel: “... lost.” 
i hide: “... my feelings, my emotions, my thoughts.” 
i miss: “... Abby.” 
i wish: “... that I could know where life is taking me.” 
i hate: “... people who think they can take advantage of my kindness.” 
relationships: “I had a boyfriend. It’s awkward to talk about really, but he dumped me. Quite an awkward situation.” 
parents: “My father is Prince Jean Louis, sixteenth in line for the throne in Luxembourg. My mother is Princess Charlotte Julie, formerly Charlotte Julie Vanderbilt.” 
siblings: “Just Abby, who was fathered by my father and another woman. She was given up for adoption when she was a baby, which is why I never met her until I grew up.” 
children: “No — although, maybe in the future.” 
favorite childhood memory: “Oh — my childhood wasn’t that fun. But I guess, early on, my parents did take me out on trips on the boat in lakes in the South of France. Those were always nice.” 
favorite childhood toy: “My stuffed bunny Juliette. I still have her.” 
embarrassing story: “I fell asleep once in a bowl of yogurt in class. I was so tired staying up studying for an exam, that during it, I was eating my breakfast, and just… fell asleep.” 
favorite family member: “Abby. I’m not very close to my parents, or anyone from my family, really.” 
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
do you sing in the shower? >> I sure do. do you think money makes people happy? >> I think knowing that your basic needs are cared for contributes greatly to overall well-being. I also think being able to buy a bunch of cool shit that you like can make you feel happy. So, yes, money can make people happy. what’s your relationship status? >> Married in outworld, bonded in inworld. what time is it? >> 7.28p CDT. what emotion are you feeling right now? >> I’m not feeling any emotion right now. I feel pretty good, I guess.
do you have netflix? >> Yes. have you ever traveled outside your home country? >> No. coffee or tea? >> Tea. shower or bath? >> Shower. what’s your favorite pizza topping? >> Usually I get a veggie pizza, because that has the most toppings I enjoy. Pepperoni can be good too (especially if the pepperoni is crispy). what’s something that makes you happy? >> Watching the Addams Family (either the show or the movie). do you have siblings or are you an only child? >> I was raised like an only child, since all my half-siblings were a couple of decades older and therefore didn’t live at home. what’s your favorite instrument? >> The pipe organ is cool. what’s your favorite food? >> I’m not even going to try with this one. what is something you are always losing? >> The ability to give a fuck. are you good at spelling? >> I am. what is one goal you have? >> I haven’t made any lately. did you get a flu shot this year? >> Yes. what’s your favorite Disney movie? >> Lilo & Stitch. are you bored? >> Not right now. what are you listening to? >> Nothing, but the television is on. I’m doing this during commercials, because I hate commercials. what’s your favorite foreign language? >> --- what do you do when you can’t sleep? >> Read, usually. Or browse Reddit. do you like cats or dogs better? >> Dogs, generally. do you have any piercings? >> Septum and ears. what’s your favorite vegetable? >> Not going to try with this one, either. do you eat meat? >> Yes. what’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? >> I’ve been to a lot of amazing shows. what’s your favorite season? >> Autumn and spring. do you still write letters? >> No. what would make you really happy right now? >> I don’t know. what’s your favorite song? >> Turbo Killer by Carpenter Brut is one. are you good at giving advice? >> It’d depend on what I’m being asked for advice about. what’s your favorite hobby? >> I don’t know if I have any hobbies. do you prefer to talk or text? >> Text. what’s your favorite pair of shoes? >> --- how often do you read? (as in books) >> Rather often. Most days a week, I’d say. do you have any pets? >> I personally do not. what’s your favorite day of the week? >> Wednesday. are you in college? >> No. are you/have you ever been in a long distance relationship? >> I have been in them. how do you typically listen to music? >> Through Spotify. do you like going to the beach? >> Yes. did you make any new year’s resolutions? >> No. how old are you? >> 32. do you know anyone who is blind? >> Not fully. who is someone you admire? >> --- do you have a good singing voice? >> It does the job. are your nails painted? >> Yeah. are you an introvert or an extrovert? >> I don’t know, none of that shit really matters to me. what are you having/had for dinner tonight? >> We had dinner at Pere Antoine’s in the Quarter. I had a burger -- well, half of one, because I wanted to save room for pecan pie, lol. do you ever write in a journal? >> Yeah. if you could time travel when/where would you go? >> Meh. what’s your favorite animal? >> Capybaras are cool. what’s your favorite kind of cereal? >> I don’t eat cereal. how was your day? >> It was great. do you ever listen to classical music? >> Sure. what inspires you? >> I don’t know. I don’t ever recall thinking “I feel inspired right now”, so I might not be able to recognise the feeling. do you have a hard time making decisions? >> Not usually. how many pillows do you sleep with? >> Two. how many hours of sleep do you need? >> Between six and eight usually does the trick. do you have big or small feet? >> On the small side. what’s the weather like where you are? >> It was sunny and mild today. It’s chilly now because it’s nighttime (still not as chilly as it is in Grand Rapids, though). what’s the most interesting thing you can see out the window? >> I can’t see anything out of the windows down here on the ground floor of the vacation house, because they’re all frosted for some reason. does/did your high school have a school song? >> I don’t remember. what month is your birthday in? >> May. what’s your dream job? >> --- are you excited for summer? >> I mean, autumn just started, so the winter ennui hasn’t set in. Ask me again in 3 months. what foreign country would you want to live in for 6 months? >> What foreign country wouldn’t I want to live in for six months? did you have to go to school today? >> No, because I don’t go to school period. win a million $$ or never have to pay for anything again? >> Hmm. do you throw coins into fountains? >> No. do you have a trampoline? >> No. what’s your favorite song lyric? >> --- what did you eat the last time you went to the movies? >> I didn’t eat anything. I drank a french toast stout I’d sneaked in, lol. do you ever measure time in songs? >> Yeah, I do that a lot. do you know how to play chess? >> I don’t even know how the pieces work. what’s your favorite game? (any type) >> I play too many games to have a favourite. do you enjoy traveling? >> Yeah. The process of travelling can be obnoxious and boring, but I like going to different places. do you tend to wait til the last minute? >> It’s not a tendency of mine, no. have you ever owned a goldfish? >> No. how do you relieve stress? >> Talk to Can Calah, cuddle with King Crimson, lay under my weighted blanket and listen to music and play a phone game, watch a show or movie, that sort of thing. without looking it up, guess the outside temperature? >> I’m going to say low sixties. now look it up - how close were you? >> 69*F, so I was a little off. do you prefer digital or analog clocks/watches? >> As long as I can read it, I don’t care. do you prefer to shop in stores or online? >> I prefer to shop in stores when it comes to clothing, but I don’t care much when it comes to other things. do you enjoy coloring? >> Yeah, I do. do you like to dance? >> Yeah. have you ever owned a horse? >> No. do you take selfies? >> I rarely take them nowadays. do you ever listen to music in languages besides English? >> I sure do. have you ever cried from listening to a song? >> Yeah. what’s your favorite song from a movie? >> Death is the Road to Awe by Clint Mansell for The Fountain is one. do you prefer headphones or earbuds? >> Headphones. who was your favorite music artist when you were 10? >> I have no idea. when was the last time you had to go to the dentist? >> It’s been a couple of years. I do need to go again, but I have to wait until I get some insurance. can you speak Spanish? >> Not fluently. what’s the last thing you watched on youtube? >> I don’t remember. now what time is it? >> 8.20p CDT (I’m only doing this during commercials, like I said, so it’s taking me a while lol). do you ever watch musicals? >> Yeah, I like them. do you know anyone who’s a twin? >> No. do you ever get carsick? >> No. what’s your opinion on wolves? >> I love wolves, they’re the best. when you’re sad do you prefer sad music or happy music? >> I prefer music that’s familiar, is all. The mood of the music itself doesn’t matter. do you like seafood? >> Yes indeed. do you enjoy going to the zoo? >> Yes. are there any celebrities from your hometown? >> It’s highly likely, but I don’t know who. do you shower in the morning or at night? >> In the morning. do you prefer to work alone or in a group? >> I guess it depends on the activity and whether I have a good group or not. do you go to the gym alone or with a friend? >> --- do you like coconut? >> I do. who is someone you’re jealous of? >> --- what’s your favorite place to go out for breakfast? >> --- do you still have your christmas tree up? >> No. do you have a favorite type of bird? >> Corvids, definitely. have you ever had an overnight flight anywhere? >> No. don’t you hate it when you hear a song that’s familiar but you can’t remember what it is/how you know it? >> Yeah, that’s so aggravating. if you use them, tell me 5 of your recently used emojis >> --- do you know anyone that plays the violin? >> Not that I know of. how much money is in your wallet right now? >> The only cash I have is a $20. anything you’re looking forward to tomorrow? >> I have no idea what we’re doing tomorrow, but I’m sure it’ll be a good time. have you ever auditioned for anything? >> No. did you have a webkinz when you were younger? >> No. how would you describe your aesthetic? >> Lazy/broke goth metalhead. have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? >> Yeah. when was the last time you rode a bus? >> Last week. if you saw $50 on the ground what would you do? >> Take it. do you know how to play any unusual instruments? >> No. are you an early bird or a night owl? >> I don’t think I’m either, really. have you ever had trouble understanding someone because of an accent? >> Yeah. do you ever go to Massachusetts? >> No. do you personally know anyone who is transgender? >> I know quite a few people who are transgender, including myself. what was the most memorable rainbow you’ve ever seen? (if any) >> I haven’t seen any that were particularly special. do you remember anything from when you were 5 or younger? >> Vaguely. do you need to do laundry? >> Yeah. do you know anyone (including yourself) who actually enjoys math? >> I’m pretty sure I know someone who enjoys maths. I think it’s pretty cool, I guess. do you have a favorite poem? >> Ozymandias is one. if you were from somewhere else, would you visit your town on vacation? >> There is literally no reason I’d want to visit Grand Rapids. I don’t understand how it has tourism at all. where would you spend $100 if you had to spend it all in one store? >> Probably Meijer or another big-box department store like that. Or maybe World Market. Or Horrock’s! would you rather go to Japan or Greece? >> Either would do fine. now what song are you listening to? >> --- what are you wearing right now? >> Lounge pants with aliens on them and a Dark Tower t-shirt. any fun plans for the weekend? >> This coming Saturday is the day we return home, and Sunday we’ll probably just veg out at home and recuperate a bit. It will definitely be fun to be back in my own room again -- oh, and I will probably buy The Outer Worlds and start playing that, so that will definitely be fun.
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longingbucky · 6 years
i was tagged by @torgaryen ily Julie!!!
what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum? it depends on what’s stuck in my head so at the moment it’s Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas
what’s your favourite flower/tree/plant?  I love succulents, sunflowers, California poppies, and pine trees.
favourite colours? forest green and light blue
what do you always doodle? usually I draw realistic eyes and faces
how do you take your coffee/tea? My go to is a vanilla latte
favourite candle scent? I love Christmas candles so anything that smells like cinnamon or trees
sunrise or sunset? sunrise, I love going on road trips and leaving early in the morning before the sun comes up.
what perfume do you wear? dot or daisy by Marc Jacobs 
what’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? classic dad dancing because I'm horrible at dancing
favourite quote? “going to the wilderness is going home”-John muir 
favourite self care routine(s)? baths and face masks
fuzzy socks or house slippers? slippers
what colour are your eyes? blue green
what’s your favourite eye colour on others? probably blue or green
favourite season? why? summer because I love having time to go on adventures with my friends and not having school, but my favorite weather is fall I just wish I wasn’t in school during fall.
neck, cheek, or nose kisses? I know this isn't an option but forehead/top of the head kisses.
what does your happy place look like? Camping in the eastern sierras with a group of friends and all our dogs sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories with no light pollution so we can see all of the stars.
favourite breed of dog? Rhodesian Ridgeback (if you don't know what this is look them up they're the best)  mine is named Sawyer and he’s a total sweetheart and a complete goofball.
do you ever want to be married? YES! Lmao I've had a wedding Pinterest board since like 7th grade I just have to find the right guy.
cursive or print? cursive, I've been really into calligraphy lately
favourite weather? Either sunny and warm during the day but chilly at night, or dry snow with the huge snowflakes that float down really slow.
All of my mutuals have already been tagged in this but if any of my followers want to do it feel free to! 
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fuckingkirschtein · 7 years
 I was tagged by @hedera-helixwriteseruri. I’m super flattered you tagged me, so thank you so very much < 3.
what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
Disney songs almost always make me wanna sing along. Probably because I’ve heard them for so many years, and they’re usually associated with very positive memories. 
what are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)
I love dandelions because they’re so good at growing where no other plants can. 
I adore pine trees; they stay green even during winter, and that’s so calming. 
favourite colour(s)?
I’m going to be very cliché and say a darkish forest-green color and the color the ocean has when the sky is ridden of any skies. 
what do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Hearts or leaves but I can’t for the love of anything draw even a straigt stick-man honestly. 
how do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
Just a cup of green tea as it is. 
favourite candle scent?
This citrus and sunflower scented one. I sincerely wish you could all smell it because as odd as it sounds it is so good!
sunrise or sunset?
I think I’m going to say sunset simply because of those late-night summer evenings. To sit outside and feel the weather slowing turning a bit more chilly, looking at the time that says past 10 and yet you can still hear bird’s chirping. It’s like the days never end in a really comforting way. I always long for these days. 
what perfume do you wear if any?
 Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears. 
what’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
I dance around in circles with my big gentle cat in my arms, and that’s it.
favourite quote?
"When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” by Ernest Hemingway.
“And now you’re just a stranger with all my secrets.” Veorra  - Strangers.
“I’ll end up dying because I want to live so badly.” by unknown. 
"We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” by Anaïs Nin.
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” by Mahatma Gandhi.
"Most of the cruelty in the world is just misplaced energy.” by Zadie Smith. 
“Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.” by unknown.
and I could go on. I don’t have one favorite quote, I have a thousand. They all speak so directly to my heart that I feel the same chilling sensation when I read each and every single one of these. 
favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?  
A relaxing run and a huge glass of water followed by a luke-warm shower with a face-scrub, comfortable clothes and a pair of really soft socks. A cup of tea and a bit of dark chocolate and then just disappearing into my little shell whether I’m reading, writing or simply just listening to music.
or having my boyfriend nuzzle my palms and arm. because that is such a pleasant feeling it’s a reward in itself. 
fuzzy socks or house slippers?  
Fuzzy socks. My slippers tend to disappear always. 
what colour are your eyes?
A darker shade of blue.
what’s your favourite eye colour on others?
I think it really depends on the person mostly. I really love blue eyes, but I know someone with these brown eyes that are just... incredible and beautiful.
favourite season? why?
My answer has always been spring because it brings back the sun and everything begins to blossom at the same rate as people seem to wake up from the dark winter times. But I must admit that over the past couple of years I’ve learned to love all seasons and though I long for the one that’s about to pass I also cherish the changes the new one brings. Going from late summer to fall always makes me feel sad because rainy, windy days feel limiting and all the green leaves will disappear, but I always try to tell myself that it comes with good things as well. The leaves will be stunningly beautiful before they fall, and rain makes everything smell so refreshing. Winter is cold, dark and feels distanced but the times you have during this season are also some of the most cozy and grounding during the entire year - and I think we all need to be grounded again before the new year begins. 
cheek, neck or nose kisses?
Neck kisses. They feel so intimate and personal.
what does your happy place look like?
My happy place doesn’t look in any specific way. It’s more about how I have found peace and am content with my life. I’m sure if I feel this way, I could be almost anywhere in the world and still feel like this place is my happy place. 
But I do imagine it to be somewhere with mountains.
favourite breed of dog?
All dogs are angels to me, but a border collie will hold my heart forever. 
do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
I’m not sure if I ever really want to be married but I sincerely want to commit to my loved one through some ceremony. In a forest full of snow. So definitely something that matches white and green 
silk or lace?
favourite weather?
Summer evenings, rainy days, snowy mornings, and sunny days that still feel a bit chilly. What a tough question. I can’t possibly choose. 
Thank you so much for tagging me again! These questions were really nice to go through. I’ll be tagging: @keishn, @sookashira, @morbelmus, @verratenduo, @circumspects, @roguehrenjager, @caravean, @joonierapmoonie, @bismuthsnowflakes, @haumeax, @viella-art, @alakazarmins and @eldian-scum.
I know some of you sweethearts do not usually do these and don’t have the time, so please do not feel pressured into it. Stay safe <3. 
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goldenscript · 7 years
soft tag.
tagged by the cuties @joyfulgem & @eris0330
the only rule if you do it, tag a few people/blogs you adore~
tagging: @jungnoir / @workofteaguk / @cafewonu / @gukyi / @jinjikook / @minghaseok / @taehyung-the-baehyung / @taekemeaway / @baechuni
what’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum? 
spring day is always a really fun tune for me to hum, probably one of my favorites because my heart always feels so full whenever i hear it. but any other song usually depends on what’s stuck in my head! as of late, it’s been daniel caesar’s “blessed”
what are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer for ‘em.)
hibiscus & daisies; redwoods & palm trees; & cactus!
favorite color(s)?
muted colors like baby blue, rose gold / blush pink, and as of late, it’s been forest green.
what do you always doodle (if you ever do)? 
scribble clouds LOL. they’re literally just concentric circles but they’re relaxing to make when my mind drifts during class.
how do you take your coffee/tea? if you don’t like those what’s your fave warm drink? 
i like black coffee! i’ve recently discovered i like iced caramel macchiatos too! but honestly, i like iced drinks more than warm/hot ones. and if i were to choose a tea, then wintermelon, early grey, or taro milk teas because i really like those with boba lol.
favorite candle scent?
fresh, citrusy scents! i have a pomegranate scented candle and i love it so much.
sunrise or sunset? 
sunset, but i don’t mind sunrise if i’m up around that time.
what perfume do you wear if any? 
all kinds. i get them as gifts all the time so i’m not super picky about what i put on since they’re usually okay scents -- one of them is really floral, another is fruity, and i have this really fresh scent from the pink store that i especially love
what’s your go to dance move when you’re alone? 
i sway my hips LOL
favorite quote? 
"do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you will be criticized anyway.” -eleanor roosevelt
favorite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
skin care!!!!!! cleaning!!! working out!! all of those are my fave things to do because they really help with my state of mind - i’m that type of person who’s very susceptible to overthinking and dark thoughts and falling into that Mood, so to have a routine really helps me because i think of those things very systematically. i’m also keen on lists, so having like a little check list and getting those things accomplished makes me happy.
fuzzy socks or house slippers?
neither lol. i like going bare foot.
what color are your eyes?
what’s your favorite eye color on others? 
i think hazel eyes are really pretty. they’re just so warm and inviting imo. or grey eyes! they’re just so.... intense. it’s really cool to me.
favorite season? why?
late summer and late fall! i swear coming up to davis has made my allergies act up exponentially, so i’m not fond of the cursed sneezing season aka spring. and i really like late summer where it’s still kinda of warm but the nights get much cooler and it’s just bearable. late fall’s a given since it’s almost winter but not quite as chilly or rainy either.
cheek, neck or nose kisses? 
cheek kisses! they’re as sweet as nose kisses to me. and i’m really, really fond of forehead kisses.
what does your happy place look like?
my happy place is being in my bed and just laying there for an entire day. i shit you not this is what i like to do during my vacations because i have those bed pads and a memory foam mattress so having that is just so freaking beautiful. alternatively, my other happy place is this beach my uncle took me to as a kid in santa cruz like it’s just so relaxing and beautiful and i miss it dearly. funnily enough, my aunt got married there too!
favorite breed of dogs?
do you ever want to be married? if so, what colors would you pick for your wedding theme?
i’m fine without marriage LOL. it’s not something i’ve ever thought of. like. ever. even when i was a freshman in high school and i had a small group of pals in geometry, they talked about how they envisioned their weddings and when they asked me how i envisioned mine, i totally blanked the fuck out and didn’t know what to say because that was something that was never really normalized for me - my mom’s never been married so i guess i picked up that idea of independence and self-reliance from her.
silk or lace?
silk since lace makes me feel a little itchy sometimes LOL
favorite weather?
i like when the sun is out with wisps of clouds smeared across the skies. it’s especially my favorite when there’s a timid breeze too. it’s perfect for lounging on the grass somewhere or sitting at an outdoors table with milk teas, just chatting with my friends. i adore that.
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