#my tutor also said some really nice things about it when I wasn’t feeling that good about it
transhulklings · 8 months
Crazy feeling when people really love something you made that you think is mediocre. Maybe I am too hard on myself
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alessiasfreckles · 4 months
not good, not bad, just different (leah williamson x ADHD!reader)
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disclaimer: this is based off of my personal experience of ADHD. this is in no way saying that this is what adhd looks like for everyone!!
a/n: based on this request! i hope you like it, i'm sorry it's so all over the place but that also felt pretty thematic so... hopefully it's okay. i'm planning on doing 1-2 more parts to this! the next part will be about the reader getting diagnosed and coming to terms with their diagnosis + telling the other lionesses about it. also if you're interested in more WLW football based fiction involving ADHD, read Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner!
You had always felt… different. Not in a ‘not like other girls’ kind of way, more like an ‘I don’t understand what’s wrong with me’ kind of way. Things just seemed to be so much harder for you than for everybody else. 
As a teenager, you were constantly getting told off by your parents for your messy room and bad grades. You were a smart kid, they said, so why couldn’t you just do your homework and study for tests like everyone else?
You would ask yourself the same thing. Forcing yourself to sit at your desk, staring at your maths textbook, desperately begging your brain to just cooperate, just this once, not understanding why it was so hard to just do the work. 
When your parents would come into your room you would instantly feel a flash of white-hot shame at the state of it. Clothes everywhere, rubbish you’d forgotten about in corners, plates, cups, half empty water bottles. You couldn’t help it, it was like once something was out of your line of sight, you just forgot it existed, like the plate of half-eaten food that you’d put next to the bed at some point and then had absent-mindedly pushed under the bed to get it out of your way. When you found it weeks - okay, months - later, you were so embarrassed by the mould that you secretly threw it away rather than take it downstairs to the kitchen, where anyone could see it. 
You would forget things you knew you should remember, things that anyone else would have remembered, like weekly tutoring sessions that your parents paid for (something they reminded you of when you forgot, yet again). You felt so stupid. It was at the same time, every Wednesday after school, so why couldn’t you remember? 
Or doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, any kind of appointment really. You would write it into your calendar, set yourself a reminder on the day, set yourself another reminder 30 minutes before, and all that would happen is that you would swipe away the reminder thinking ‘oh, yeah’, and then you’d continue doing whatever you were doing before. It was only when you’d hear the phone ring that you’d instantly know it was about you, about the appointment you’d missed, or maybe it was from school, or maybe something else you’d just completely forgotten about.
And all of that wasn’t even taking your issues with human interaction into account. You’d always struggled to make friends, especially as a girl who liked football. When you hit 9 or 10, the other girls in your class started to grow more interested in talking about boys, or music, or tv. You couldn’t understand what they found so interesting, that they’d rather spend breaks just sitting around chatting to each other when they could be running around playing football, or some other game, or anything more exciting. 
As you got a little older, though, you realised that it was clearly a ‘you’ problem. People at your secondary school were nice, for the most part, but you still struggled to make friends. When you’d accidentally interrupt someone, or start talking too much and too loudly in excitement, or fidget a little too noisily, people would give you looks and whisper to each other about how weird you were. You learned to sit on your hands to stop yourself from clicking a pen or tapping your fingers, to keep quiet to avoid saying the wrong thing or saying it the wrong way. 
Football was a good escape. It was fast-paced enough that you didn’t have time to think about other things, and there was enough going on that your brain wasn’t looking for external stimulation. You’d always been observant, noticing things most people wouldn’t notice, and you used it to your advantage. You were quick with the ball and you seemed to always know where everyone was around you. You were so good, in fact, that you made the England U17 squad - something you’d hoped would make you seem a little cooler at school, but just added to your ‘weirdness’. 
That time was far behind you now, though. Now you were in your twenties and not only played football professionally, having joined Arsenal when you were 19, but also played for the England senior squad, one of the Lionesses. 
That’s not to say that you didn’t still struggle with things. Your apartment was a mess, you lost things constantly, you would still interrupt people and fidget. You had friends though, at least. If anything, people knew what you were like and they loved you for it. It became a running joke on match days that you would inevitably lose your shoes, or your shin pads, or your phone, or that you’d need to borrow a hair bobble from someone. Everything would always show up right as you started to panic, though. Your shoes would be in the bathroom, because you’d been holding them when you went in to go to the toilet before the game like you always did. Your shin pads would be in the pockets of your jacket, one on each side, so you wouldn’t lose them. 
“Looking for this?” Leah would ask, pulling your phone out of her pocket and smiling at the look of relief on your face.
“Yes! Where was it?” 
“On the bus. You left it on your seat,” she explained.
“Huh. That doesn’t sound like me,” you joked.
“Nah, that definitely doesn’t sound like you,” she would say with a wink.
So, yeah. Maybe you had a reputation as the forgetful one, and the messy one, and the chaotic one, and the distracted one. But that was just who you were, right?
Okay, you knew you were here for a reason. There must have been something you were going to get from the prep room, that’s literally the only reason you were there. You mentally went through everything you needed; shoes, on your feet, jacket, wearing it, headphones, in your pocket, water bottle - fuck, that was it! Your bottle!
You grabbed it from the bench where you’d left it and headed back out. On the way you needed to pee, so you quickly went to the bathroom, washed your hands, and went back to the training pitch.
“Did you get your water bottle?” Leah asked, a quizzical look on her face as she looked at your empty hands.
“Fuck,” you sighed. “I had it. Where the fuckety fuck did I put it?”
“Y/n, come on! Training started 5 minutes ago!” one of the trainers called over. You felt a white hot flash of shame in your belly, heat rising to your face.
“Do you want me to help you look for it?” Leah asked.
You shook your head, looking down. “No, it’s fine,” you muttered. “Let’s just start training.”
After training, Kyra came over to you in the changing room. 
“Here,” she said, holding out your bottle. “I found it in the toilets, on the sink.” 
After that you made a list. You stuck it to the inside of your cubby, and every day you would look through it, double checking everything before you left the room. It helped for a while, until you started seeing the list as part of the background and your brain started ignoring it.
When you went to international camp, it got worse. You were away from your routine, in an unfamiliar environment. At least the people you were with was pretty much the same as always. As nice as it was to see everyone though, it was draining, too.
“Y/n? What do you want?” Leah asked. You were on a rare night out, the whole team at a restaurant by the beach together.
“Huh?” you asked, frowning. At a table nearby, people were singing ‘Happy Birthday’, cheering, clapping. On the other side of you, someone was having a conversation - it sounded like they were on a first date, but that didn’t make sense, you were in Spain, they sounded English, why would they be on a first date here? 
“What do you want to order?” Leah asked again, prompting you. The waitress stood there, looking at you expectantly, notepad in her hand. A light flickered somewhere in the corner of your eye.
“Oh, um, I,” you stuttered, looking at the huge menu in front of you. The people on the date were talking about what kind of things they liked to do on holiday, she liked to go sightseeing, he just wanted to relax, at another table a baby started crying, the ice in people’s glasses was clinking, knives and forks were scraping against plates, that song you’d had stuck in your head for days now was still playing on a loop in the back of your head, your leg was bouncing uncontrollably under the table, someone’s nails were tapping against their phone, the man was telling the woman that the whole point of holidays is to relax-
Leah’s hand on your knee made you look up from where you’d zoned out looking at the menu. The waitress was gone. Leah was looking at you with a concerned expression, her hand steady on your knee. 
“Do you want to go outside, get some fresh air?” she asked calmly. 
You nodded wordlessly. 
With a hand on your arm she guided you outside the restaurant, taking you to a nearby bench to sit down. The breeze cooled the sweat on the back of your neck, making you shiver. 
“Are you cold?” Leah asked, reaching for her jacket. 
“No, no, I’m okay,” you said, breathing in deeply. You knew you should just go back inside, suck it up, smile at Leah and say everything was okay, but you just couldn’t yet. You just needed a few more minutes.
You sat there in silence for a minute. It wasn’t a bad silence, but you could tell Leah was giving you space to talk whenever you felt ready. You didn’t want to talk about what had just happened though, you felt too embarrassed about getting overwhelmed like that. Everyone else was fine, it was just you who couldn’t handle it.
“The people at the table next to us, I think they were on a first date,” you said instead, looking at your hands. 
“Yeah?” Leah laughed. 
“Yeah. But, like, why would they be on a first date here? They sounded English, why are they on a first date at a restaurant in Spain?” you asked.
“Huh, I dunno,” Leah mused. “Maybe they’re both on holiday and happened to meet and decided to go on a date?”
“Maybe,” you nodded. After a few seconds of quiet, you sighed. “I’m sorry about all that. I just got… there was just a lot going on.”
Leah squeezed your knee. “It’s okay. It was busy in there, wasn’t it?”
You nodded again. “Yeah. My brain just couldn’t handle it all. All the noises, and the menu- oh, fuck, I didn’t order anything!”
“It’s okay,” Leah chuckled. “I ordered for you.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. A sandwich and chips. If you don’t want it I’m sure someone else will eat it,” she shrugged. 
“I didn’t even notice you ordering for me,” you frowned. “I feel like something’s wrong with me.”
“Wrong with you? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, I- I feel like something is wrong with my brain,” you tried to explain, not knowing how to put it into words.
Leah frowned. 
“It doesn’t matter, I’m making a big deal out of nothing,” you said, suddenly feeling awkward and embarrassed. “Let’s go back inside. Everyone is probably wondering where we are.”
“Wait, y/n, we can stay outside for a little bit longer,” Leah said.
“No, no,” you stood up quickly, not meeting her eyes. “Let’s go. I’m okay, I promise.”
It didn’t take long for Leah to corner you the next day, determined to talk to you..
“You seem distracted,” Leah said, sitting down next to you on the bench. “More distracted than usual, I mean.”
“Ha, yeah,” you said. “It’s kind of ironic, actually. I’m distracted because I’m distracted.”
“Right…” she said, frowning. “You’re distracted because you’re thinking about why you’re distracted?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, trying to think of how to word it. “We all know I get distracted easily, right?”
The blonde nodded. “Yeah, you’re like a magpie or something. You see something shiny, you gotta pick it up. Except the shiny thing is literally anything that catches your attention,” she laughed. 
“Exactly! Well, I was looking some stuff up online, or, no, I saw some stuff online, wait, let me start again,” you said. “My thoughts are moving faster than my mouth. Okay, so, when I was a teenager, I was on tumblr a lot. It was the only social media I really had. And on tumblr I’d see a lot about people with ADHD and autism and about hyperfixating on things. And I’ve always kind of hyperfixated on stuff - I mean, football, obviously, but other stuff too, like how on my days off I’ll binge watch an entire season of a TV show and then not shut up about it for like, a month straight, and then I’ll lose interest and basically never mention it again.”
“Or like when you decided to start playing guitar and bought a guitar and had 2 lessons and then stopped, or like when you got really into gardening for a few weeks and bought all those plants and seeds and books about gardening and then realised it was the wrong time of year for half the things you wanted to plant?” Leah asked, an amused look in her eyes.
“Huh. Yeah, I guess those count too,” you said, frowning. “So, yeah, I hyperfixate on things. And I’ve only ever seen it mentioned together with ADHD and autism. But I always thought wow, that’s so crazy that I do that but I don’t have either of those!”
“I feel like I know where this is going,” Leah smiled. 
“Leah, what if I do have ADHD? I don’t think I have autism, I mean, I might, but I haven’t really looked into it yet, maybe I should-”
“One thing at a time, okay?” she laughed, putting a hand on your arm. “Y/n, we both know I am in no way qualified to tell you if you have ADHD or not. But I know you very well. We’ve known each other for what, 5, 6 years now? And it would not surprise me in the slightest if you have ADHD.”
“Really?” you asked, incredulous. “What makes you say that?”
“You mean, aside from what I just mentioned?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Last night? At the restaurant?” she gently reminded you.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I may have also read up on the topic a bit. I kind of suspected you might have ADHD, but I didn’t want to bring it up until you did,” she explained, not meeting your eyes. You felt something flutter in your stomach at her confession. “Anyway, one of the things I read was that people with ADHD also struggle with overstimulation and sensory issues. Do you think that could be what happened last night?”
“Oh,” you said, suddenly quiet. “Maybe?”
“I’m sorry if I overstepped, I just-”
“No, no, it’s okay! It’s just a lot to take in.” you told her. Your mind was racing, thoughts splitting off into dozens of other thoughts, some fully formed and some nothing more than singular words or phrases. 
You sat together in silence for a few minutes.
“What do I do now?” you asked Leah, your voice small. “I, um, I didn’t think I’d get this far. You’re the first person I’ve told, and I kind of expected you to tell me I’m being silly.”
“I would never say that,” she said, turning to look at you, her eyes fixed on yours. “I wouldn’t say that about something important to you, I promise. And as for what to do now, well, I guess you have a few options. You can keep going as you have been, and do some more research, if you want, and try to figure it out alone. Well, not alone. You’ve got me. Or you could speak to someone, a professional. See if your hunch is right.”
“And then?”
“I dunno, I guess that’s up to you. I suppose they’d be able to help you with coping mechanisms, or put you on medication, if that’s what you wanted,” she shrugs. 
“Medication?” you asked. Your mind was full of pictures of hyperactive kids, bouncing off the walls. You propped your feet up on the bench, pulling your knees in close to your chest. “What if I’m wrong? What if there’s nothing wrong with me and I’m just being dramatic?”
“Then that’s okay, too,” Leah said firmly. “Then you’re just dramatic, but that’s okay, too. I promise.”
You nodded, resting your chin on your knees.
"Would you be able to help me find someone to talk to? I don't know how, or where, or, anything, really," you asked.
"Of course," she said, putting her arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close. "I'll help in any way I can."
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mirapril · 7 months
Hi, I would like some Castlevania headcanons please! About Alucard having a younger sibling but the sibling is still a child :D
OMGGG MY FIRST REQUEST!!! Ty sm for the request <3
so sorry I didn't see it until now 😭
since gender wasn't specified ill make reader gn
also this is my first time writing headcanons so I hope this is good enough😭
Feel free to give me any feedback or constructive criticism <3
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Alucard x child!sibling!gn!reader Headcanons
fluffy brother/little sibling stuff
word count: 557
warnings: none, a little bit angsty at the end
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When BigBrother!Alucard met you for the first time he swore on his life that he'd always protect you no matter what. no man nor beast will ever be able to harm you. not while he was around
While your mother was treating people of the village and your father was down in his lab researching, your big brother would play with you to keep you from causing any trouble
You’d play things like hide and seek together, which wasn’t really fair since he was as way more experienced with his powers than you are at your young age :(
"Adrian, this isn't fair! you're way older and faster than me!"
"You're the one who said you wanted to have a race y/n. You'll never get faster if you don't try you know."
When I say he’d do anything for you I mean it
He’d especially get into trouble with his father for you
On one occasion he had taken one of your fathers “pretty” science tubes but ended up knocking something important onto some also very important blueprints
Your father kept a very close eye on you both when you were around his lab after that
BigBrother!Alucard is also in charge of making sure you don’t get yourself lost in the woods around your home
You’d purposefully leave the house without telling anyone just so your older brother would have to find you
You loved when he had to chase you around big trees and across wide ponds with rocks surrounding them
Of course, he could easily catch you but usually he’d let you have your fun
He did have mini heart attacks whenever you’d run too fast around the steep and slippery rocks
His main worry was you falling and hitting your head on a rock or falling into the river
"Y/n! Watch where you're running! You don't want to run into another tree do you?"
Also BigBrother!Alucard is basically your tutor
Your parents taught you too, but you preferred your brother's teachings because he made lessons more fun for you
There was a time when your whole family went on one of your fathers' trips since he loved to travel so much
You got to see all sorts of sights together :)
For obvious reasons, your family didn't get out much, so it was a nice change of scenery for the four of you
After the death of your mother and father Alucard was the only one you had left
Alucard was worried about how your little brain was going to process such a loss, but he did his best to comfort you
It was hard for him to act like not only a brother, but a mother and father for you
You were very much brighter than most children at your age so you saw how much it was taking a toll on your brother
You tried to comfort him the best you could
"Don't worry Adrian. I don't feel so lonely because you look so much like mama! It's like I have you and her in one person :)"
He usually just laughed it off when you said strange things like that
He was also sad that you were literally growing up way faster than regular children should
He missed when you were small enough for him to cradle you in one arm
i got sad at the end cuz i was listening to music and i thought about reader and alucard growing up together :(
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custardcrazy · 2 years
sugar, sugar
summary: You’re Ted’s history tutor. After a study session in the library, he offers to buy you a slushie to thank you for your help - things happen from there. (gn!reader) 
wordcount: 2.2k 
A/N: please forgive me for somewhat ridiculous pacing on this one. also, my requests are open for bill and ted!!  (please help i’ve been stuck in writer’s block for god knows how long. also i love them) 
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“And who’s the patron saint of France?” You asked, showing the notecard to Ted. 
It was after school on a Friday, so hardly any other students were still in the building. The librarian had vacated her post a good hour ago - you weren’t sure if that was allowed, but she hadn’t returned thus far. The only other people- or, person - in the library was one kid in the corner, poring over a ridiculously thick book.
Ted took a moment, face scrunching up a little as he thought over your question. “Uhh,” he began, “is it Joan of Arc?” His brow furrowed as he absentmindedly brushed some of his hair out of his face. He didn’t sound sure of himself in the slightest. “I dunno, dude. Or is it Napoleon?”
“Joan of Arc,” you corrected gently, giving him an encouraging smile as you showed him the answer. “That’s six in a row, Ted. You’ve really improved!” 
Since you were one of the top students in the honors-level class, Mr. Ryan had basically forced you to help out Ted with his studies. Things had been awkward at first, as you hadn’t thought much of him, having heard less-than-flattering things from your fellow honors students about him and his friend Bill. But Ted, being himself, had quickly endeared himself to you, and you could gladly consider yourself friends with him now. You’d met Bill a few times as well, but since he was being tutored by somebody else, you didn’t get to see him as often as Ted. 
At your compliment, Ted tilted his head downwards, hiding beneath his bangs in a move that could only be described as bashful. “Thanks, dude.” 
Amused, you shuffled through the cards again. “No problem. Just one more to go, don’t space out on me just yet.” 
“ ‘Kay,” he answered meekly, looking as if he was attempting to regain his composure. Though, as he peeked at you, you could still tell that his face was a bit pink. He was pretty much an open book; even if he tried to hide his feelings, anyone with basic knowledge of human emotion could tell what he was thinking. It was kind of refreshing, actually. And also kind of cute. 
“Alright.” You dispayed another card to him. “Who was the creator of the Mongol Empire?” 
This time, Ted brightened up. “Oh! I know this one, it’s easy.” The embarrassed look was gone in an instant, replaced by a grin. “Genghis Khan, right?” 
Flipping the card over, you nodded. “Yeah, that’s it! Nice work.” 
Seemingly happy at his small victory, Ted’s smile persisted. You couldn’t help but return it; his attitude was contagious. Brown eyes met yours, crinkled up at the corners. And abruptly, time seemed to still. 
You were aware that Ted wasn’t exactly ugly, but. Had you actually looked closely before? Not like this. He was kind of -- 
Wait, since when had you -- 
“That’s all for today,” you said, after a beat. You focused your attention down at the table, suddenly feeling self-conscious, as if he could read your thoughts. “Like I said -- you’ve improved a lot, Ted. I think you’ll do alright on the final, at least.” Aware of the fact that you were speaking just to hide your own increasing awkwardness, you began to clean up your notes, paper rustling as you did so. 
“You really think so, dude?” Ted beamed, and you could practically hear the smile in his voice, even though you weren’t looking at him anymore. (But you wanted to.) 
“Maybe I won’t flunk after all! That would be totally mortifying, after all the effort you’ve put into helping me out, dude.” He was so genuine, as always, but it somehow felt more special now. Of all times. “Thanks again, dude.” 
“It’s no big deal,” you insisted, tucking your stuff into your bag before closing it. Finally, you glanced at him -- his eyes had been on you the entire time. “You’re not nearly as bad as some of the guys on the football team, y’know. One of my friends got stuck with one of ‘em.” You lowered your voice as if you were telling him a painful secret. “This guy in particular has terrible hygiene.” 
“Bogus.” Ted made a face. “I seriously hope that your friend is okay. That sounds odious, having to deal with unsanitary sports dudes.” 
“Oh, I’ve heard enough to know how it is.” Standing up, you swung your bag over your shoulder, before pushing in your chair. Mostly on reflex. You shivered to remember being yelled at for forgetting to ‘leave everything as you found it’... Maybe it was a good thing that the librarian was conveniently absent. 
Ted did the same, and you walked side-by-side out of the library. 
It was perfect outside, and the parking lot was pretty much empty. You checked your watch - 4:30 PM. Ted stilled next to you, and you looked over, meeting his eyes.
“Well,” you said, somewhat stiffly. “We actually ended a bit earlier than usual. Did you study on your own time?” You didn’t say it out loud, as it would probably come off as rude, but your expectations were pretty low when it came to Ted. He was a hard worker when he wanted to be, sure, but that was hardly ever. Most of his brain was occupied by Led Zeppelin and various other bands. Which was delightful, but not when trying to get him to memorize other things. 
The boy shifted where he stood, looking sheepish. “..Maybe a little,” he answered. “The flashcards you gave me really helped, dude. The little drawings on the back, too. The stuff you said about me being a ‘seeing learner’ was right, I think.” 
Huh. He actually studied? “Oh, I thought so -- wait.” You looked at him quizzically. “ ‘Seeing learner’?” 
“You know, uh.” Ted floundered for a moment. “Like, um, learning stuff faster if I see, like, pictures of them? I think?” 
It took you a second to figure it out, but then it clicked. “Oh. Ted, that’s a ‘visual learner’.” 
“Oh,” he said. “Yeah, that.” 
You couldn’t help but snort, which somehow seemed to bring a smile to his face - the reason why being unknown to you. “Right. Keep it up, then. Like I said, I’m pretty sure you’ll pass the final, as long as you have a general idea of what the historical figures did.” You’d already informed him that basically paraphrasing the textbook would probably work, as long as he loosely stuck to the theme. 
Ted nodded, his shoulders bobbing with the movement. “Stellar.” 
“So, uh, you heading home now?” He asked, shy once more. 
“Probably.” You shrugged. “It’s not like I have anything else to do.” 
“Then,” he said, and you quickly took notice of how he was beginning to rush his words. “Do you wanna -- I mean, if it’s okay with you -- I can buy you, like, a slushie or something? At the Circle K?” You opened your mouth to answer, but he kept talking. “If -- if it’s okay with you, dude. Even if you are acting most indifferent about helping me out, I wanna, like. Thank you properly.” 
... You had to admit, you were kind of touched. 
Also, did your heart just skip a beat? What was going on? 
“Sure, if you’re offering,” you said, mentally patting yourself on the back for how nonchalant you sounded, despite the fact that you were also really confused at the same time. 
“Excellent,” he replied, pretty much instantly perking up. If you had to describe Ted in as few words as possible, you’d probably call him a golden retriever. Was that degrading, though? “Let’s go, then! The walk isn’t far, I go from here to there with Bill all the time.” 
Ted ambled off, and you followed after him. 
As he’d said, the walk wasn’t long, and before long, you were sitting outside the Circle K, on the curb. Ted had paid for both of your slushies, and though he hadn’t mentioned it, you were flattered that he did, despite the fact that he didn’t exactly have a lot of money to his name. 
The way that he’d frantically rustled through his pockets for a five-dollar bill said it all. 
The plastic of your drink was cool against your hands, and you took a sip from the straw. You’d picked your favorite flavor to be safe, as you hadn’t had a slushie for a decent while - but you still enjoyed it all the same, thankfully. On the other hand, Ted had chosen a mixture of flavors that you still weren’t sure if they were safe to combine. 
“Is that edible?” You asked him, after taking another sip from your drink, and gesturing to his. 
“Sure is, dude,” he proclaimed proudly. “After loads of experimentation, I believe that I have found a magnificent combination of slushie flavors.” He smiled at you brightly. “It took all of last summer! Bill still thinks that it tastes gross, though.” 
“Huh.” You couldn’t even remember what he’d put in it. “Mind if I try, then? To see if Bill’s right.” Also, to sate your own curiosity. You weren’t quite sure if Ted’s slushie was radioactive, but even if it was, there was the chance that it was as good as he said it was. Even if the chance itself was slight. “You can have some of mine, too. Fair trade.” 
He gave you one of his jerky nods, and you exchanged slushies. 
You hesitated a little, before trying his. 
It wasn’t half-bad, actually. Maybe you could even call it good. 
You turned to face him to say so, about to give the drink back to its rightful owner. But you found him, just. Looking at you, like he had while you were talking back in the school library. He was still holding your slushie up, as if he’d just taken a sip from it. 
“What?” You asked. “Do you really hate that flavor or something?” 
Your voice seemed to snap him out of whatever reverie he had been held in, and he shook his head, dark hair flopping around. “Nah, it’s not that, dude, I just --” A pause, in which you waited for him to continue, now feeling somewhat apprehensive. 
“I just realized, like. Sharing the drinks and all...,” He trailed off, and okay, he was going red, you realized. “Sorry, it’s stupid.” 
“What, are you sick?” You urged, now more worried than anything, moving to give the slushie back to him. “Hey, it’s alright, just --” 
“It’s not that either! Like I said, it’s dumb!” Ted interrupted, and now you were officially confused. It probably showed quite plainly on your face, as he hurriedly focused his eyes on your slushie in his hands. Part of you wanted it back, but now you were mostly just concerned for your friend. 
“What is it, then?” Hoping that you weren’t coming off as harsh, you frowned, lowering your voice a little. “If it’s bothering you like this, then it isn’t stupid, Ted.” You’d finally gotten through to him, and his shoulders sagged. He mumbled a few words that you couldn’t hear. 
“Ted?” You asked, hoping he’d speak up. 
You had to strain a little to hear his next sentence. 
“ ... The whole, um, ‘indirect kiss’ thing,” he muttered. “With sharing straws.”
Wait, what? 
“What do you mean by that?” You pushed, and okay, he was hiding behind his hair again. This was new. You were suddenly aware that your heartrate was increasing. “Is there.. something wrong with that?” 
“ ‘M sorry, dude.” He took a steadying breath. “You’re a very intelligent and  helpful tutor, and you’ve really helped me a lot -- wait, you already know that, I’ve told you that before - But that’s all to say that --” Ted ceased his rambling, eyes snapping up to meet yours. 
“Now that I’ve brought up kissing, dude, I just gotta say that I have been most infatuated with you for the time we’ve known each other.” A beat, in which you merely blinked, stupefied. Ted kept talking. “And I.  I’d, like, really like it if we could actually, like. Kiss. And stuff.” His face was a pretty pink. 
It took a moment for it to sink in. And suddenly, it all clicked. It all made sense now -- how Ted always seemed to become shy when you complimented him. How he always turned his full attention on you when you were talking, even about stuff he found extremely boring. And how when he made you smile, he returned it tenfold. 
Had you really not realized this before? Maybe you were the one who needed tutoring, you thought.
Ted was still looking at you, though, awaiting an answer. He was beginning to shrink in on himself, and you couldn’t have that. Even if his confession was pretty sudden and completely out of nowhere. 
So you delicately placed his beloved drink on the curb next to you. 
Ted’s breath caught in his throat as you moved closer, taking a moment to cup his face, his skin warm against your fingertips. As soon as you made contact, regardless of how soft it was; he folded, maybe a bit literally, eyes automatically fluttering shut as you leaned in. 
At first, he was tentative. Unsure. But after the first kiss, which was rather short and cute, he was much less tense. Your hands carded through his hair, and he pulled you closer.
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densi-mber · 1 year
A Friendly Competition
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A/N: Now for some pure silliness. Set post Deeks’ time at FLETC.
“Ah, the returning hero!” Sam said grandly, standing like he was announcing the entrance of royalty.
Deeks accepted the the teasing with good grace, pausing in the middle of the bullpen with Kensi by his side while the rest of the team applauded. It was his first, official day back from FLETC.
Grinning, Sam gave him a firm hug, squeezing his shoulder.
“So, how’s it feel, Investigator Deeks?”
“A little surreal, difficult at times. Glad I don’t have to take anymore tests,” Deeks summed up, and Nell scoffed.
“Oh, please. Deeks, you were gone for weeks. We need more than that!”
“He’s been surprisingly reticent,” Kensi spoke up. She patted his shoulder. “But I’ve been able to weasel a few things out of him. From all accounts, his performance was very impressive.”
“Kens.” Deeks dipped his head in embarrassment, but Kensi ignored his protest.
“From what I heard, he was at the top in all his classes, he tutored some of the other candidates, and, they even asked him to present one time,” Kensi filled in proudly.
“Wow, that is impressive,” Callen commented. “Especially from a guy of your advanced age.”
“G, you’re older than Deeks.” Sam game him a perturbed look.
“True, but I was not the one who had to pass FLETC. Because I’m not a glutton for punishment.”
“Well, congratulations, Deeks,” Eric offered, speaking over Sam and a Callen as they continued to bicker. “It sounds like you did really well.”
“Thanks, man.”
“I’m just sad I wasn’t there to see it all,” Nell said mournfully. “Especially your final run.”
“Oh, I forgot to mention that Deeks also had the fastest time for his last run.” Kensi grinned up at Deeks. “He’s going to get a little plaque and everything.”
“Nice. I was very much middle of the pack during my training.” Making a face, Nell made a gesture to her body as a whole. “I can’t keep up with you people and freaking long legs.”
“You know, I think I could still keep up if I had to do it all over again,” Sam mused. “I’ve kept in shape.”
“I seem to recall that you had issues with speed. Something to do with being too bulky, wasn’t it?” Callen said. Sam’s expression turned truly menacing, but Callen just grinned, completely unbothered.
“I tripped over a root. My speed was fine.”
“Yeah, I think I ran into that root a couple times, too,” Deeks said, chuckling.
“What about you, Kensi?”
“For sure.” She answered without hesitation. “I bet I could even beat Deeks.”
He raised his brows in surprise, not sure when she had gone from supportive to competitive.
“Oh, really?” He crossed his arms, staring his down. “Would you like to put a wager on that?”
“What did you have in mind?”
Deeks considered the possibilities for a second.
“If I win, you have to fill out my expense reports for a week.”
“And if I win, which I will, you wash my laundry for a week,” Kensi decided. He chuckled, because of course after all this time, she’d still do anything to get out of housework.
“I accept your bet.”
“I’ll put two weeks of coffee runs on Sam,” Callen added.
“Why the hell are you bringing me into this?” Sam asked, quickly switching from amusement to disbelief and annoyance.
“Are you saying you can’t compete?” Callen raised one eyebrow in an obvious taunt.
“Of course not. I’m in.” Sam scowled at everyone, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “Now let's get this over with.”
“Anyone else want to join in?”
“Oh no, I am completely fine just keeping everyone time,” Nell said, naturally appointing herself as racing secretary. “I’ll grab my stopwatch, you guys better change.”
Half an hour later, they’d gathered outside behind the mission. While the participants changed into running clothes, Nell and Eric marked off a mile-long track.
Kensi was performing a series of stretches while Sam paced angrily. Deeks decided on a set of warmup squats, in part because it helped loosen up his joints, but mostly because every time he sank towards the ground, Sam muttered under his breath.
“Alright, runners, on your marks!” Eric called out. They lined up, Sam on the far left, Kensi in the middle, and Deeks on her other side. “Set, go!”
They all took off, staying pretty even for the first quarter mile. Then Kensi pulled ahead, lengthening her stride to its full limits, and Sam put on a burst of speed to keep up. Deeks kept the same pace, the same way he’d learned in high school track, and then relearned at FLETC.
He blocked out the sound of Nell and Eric’s cheers, as well as Callen’s playful taunts directed at each of them in turn. He kept sight of Sam and Kensi, to make sure they didn’t get too far ahead.
At the quarter mile marker, Sam began to flag. He growled, pumping his arms even faster, as though it would increase his speed. Deeks easily passed him, then caught up to Kensi.
He really should have warmed up more; his muscles were beginning to tighten up a little, but he pushed on. As they approached the last tenth of a mile, Deeks extended his stride to its full limit, bringing him in line with one another.
For several seconds, they were neck and neck. Kensi growled, desperately trying to force her legs a little faster. It wasn’t enough though, and Deeks crossed the finish line a couple strides ahead of her to the sounds of cheers.
Kensi followed him a few seconds later as Deeks bent in half, hands on his knees, and dragged in deep breaths. Sam brought up the rear, sweat dripping down his temples.
“Damn it!” Kensi gasped out, looking at him in disbelief. “You didn’t used to be this fast.”
“Well, something about having the equivalent of a very large drill shouting at you puts the fear of God into you. Plus, I don’t have the energy to run like that every day.”
“I want a rematch,” Sam said.
“I’m afraid not, the times stand as they are. Deeks is the winner,” Nell decided, and no one had the nerve to argue with her. “Congrats, Deeks.” She them at the finish line and hugged him.
“Don’t you think that’s a little biased for the grandmaster of the race?” Kensi asked.
“Oh, the grandmaster always congratulates the winner.”
“Don’t be jealous I’m the favorite,” Deeks teased, winking at Kensi.
“Don’t worry big guy, maybe you’ll win next time.” Callen stood up with a massive grin and gave Sam a conciliatory pat on the shoulder.
“Why are you so happy?” Eric asked. “You lost your bet.”
“I don’t care, it was worth it,” Callen decided happily.
“This is all your fault,” Sam grumbled.
“You’re welcome.”
“Congrats babe,” Kensi said reluctantly.
“Thanks. You know, I think I’ll have that plaque framed. Maybe put it up on behind my desk.” He spread his hands out like he was describing a marquee. “Marty Deeks, Office of Special Projects Fastest Runner.”
He ignored Sam and Kensi’s groans, addressing an amused Nell.
“I’m thinking gold plate is absolutely necessary.
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herofics · 2 years
hi! I know this might be a confusing request but I wanted to ask it based on my self. Here in the country I live (Brazil) the high school is concluded when we’re 17 (starts being 14, turning 15 and ends it being 17, it takes 3 years) but I was “pushed” one grade when I was really younger (the principal said I was smarter than my class so I was put in the 1 year older one, this was kinda common since in my high school class there were another three girls like me) so I started high school bwing 13, turning 14 and ending it being 16. How the class 1-A would react to a new student coming to the class being just 13 or being 16-17 and already done high school since they start it being 15-16? It can be scenario or headcanon (your choice) . I’m sorry if it’s confusing so tell me if you need and I can ask for another one (I was REALLY curious imagining it) also, have a nice week ☺️
I picked the reader starting younger, since that just made more sense to me, because they wouldn’t be in the class if they’d finished high school already. Even though you explained it a lot, you didn’t go into too much detail or add unnecessary detail, so this request was easy for me to understand, so thanks for that. I just picked a random assortment of students, since there’s no way I’m gonna do the whole class. I actually had a friend who was pushed up a year too, which lead to me being the only second grader, because our school was very small and there wasn’t anyone else our age there
•So you would start at UA, but since there was some hassle with the paperwork and stuff, because you’re younger, you started about a week later than the others
•The rest of the class had gotten to know each other already, at least somewhat
•You felt pretty nervous about the whole thing, since you didn’t know how your classmates would react to having someone younger in the class
•But you were pretty much welcomed with open arms by everyone
•Most of the class was impressed that you had  been pushed up a year, but there was a certain someone who thought it was bullshit
•That of course being Bakugou, who also made it very clear he had very little respect for you, since you were younger than him and he thought you were nowhere near his level
•You of course didn’t really like this and he got yelled at by most of the class, because they don’t like his attitude
•I think Midoriya would kinda relate to you, not because he skipped a year or anything, but because he knows what it’s like when people have certain expectations for you and what it feels like to be different
•He’s different from the rest of the class because of his quirk and you’re different because you’re younger
(•I probably explained that super badly, and Idk if it makes any sense, but I hope you get my point)
•You become a bit of a younger sibling to the whole class, but of course they don’t treat you like a kid or anything
•They know you can handle yourself, but as usual the whole class has each other’s backs
•Todoroki thinks your family must have really good connections for you to get to UA despite your age, but he doesn’t think it as a bad thing if that makes sense
•Iida is honestly a bit suspicious about the whole thing, because being pushed up a year is not really a thing that happens, like ever
•He’s not paranoid or anything, but he just thinks it’s weird
•While Aizawa is super strict with everyone, I feel like he would be even more so with you, because he wants to make sure you truly can keep up with everyone else
•Momo offers to tutor you, if you were to ever need it or if you just wanted to study together with a group
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ohmymelon · 2 years
Pair: Sungchan x Reader
Type: oneshot/blurb?; angst?
Warnings: cheating, kinda dramatic..., wrote it on a road trip, math
Word Count: 2.2K
note: i wrote this months ago and it’s technically unfinished because it was supposed to be a full story but i lost interest and don’t know how to continue it. i’m so scared to post this, but i also try not to care that much um. also lmk if i missed any other warnings. 
“Well, no, 12/49 is rational. Remember, fractions are rational,” You explained.
“Shit, I knew that too. I’m totally failing this test,” Sungchan said, leaning back in his chair.
You sighed, “You need to trust yourself more, like you said, you knew it was rational. Come on, let’s work on the next problem.”
And that you would have done if it had not been for Jaehyun and Shotaro running into the room of the library you two were in calling your name.
“Y/n, there’s something you need to know,” Jaehyun said in between pants.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” You asked, giving them some water.
Shotaro pulled out his phone, “Haechan is cheating on you.” He pulled up a picture and video of said boy kissing and flirting with the school’s lead cheerleader, Lia.
“Wait, is that Lia?” Sungchan asks.
You began to shake, taking Shotaro’s phone from him. “I think I’m gonna be sick,” You say with a small laugh. You hand Shotaro his phone back.
“We just found out and we thought you should know,” Jaehyun said, “I’m sorry.”
You began to pack your bag. “Sungchan, can we finish this another time?” Tears began forming in your eyes.
“Yeah, of course, do you want me to walk you home?” Sungchan asked.
“Um,” you thought it over. You didn’t really want to be alone just yet. “Sure, that would be nice, actually.”
“Are you gonna be okay Y/n?” Shotaro asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. Jaehyun looked at you with a worried expression on his face.
“Thanks for letting me know guys.” You gave the two a small smile, the best one you could muster, and walked out with Sungchan just behind you.
As you wiped your tears Sungchan couldn’t help but feel bad. You had helped him so much and all he could think to do was walk you home. Which you had accepted, sure, but he feels as though it wasn’t enough. Also, fuck Haechan. He absolutely couldn’t believe someone would do that to you. Especially his own teammate. He couldn’t believe Lia could do that either. Truth be told he had a crush on Lia. He’s seeing her in a different light now.
“Are you okay?” You asked. “I know you like Lia, so you must be pretty bummed.”
Sungchan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He could almost laugh. Even though you just got cheated on, all you could think of was others, absolutely bonkers bro.
“I don’t really care, to be honest. What about you? I mean, you just got cheated on.” He asked.
The tears came back, this time flowing down your face.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Sungchan began to panic. Enough to go for a hug? How do you help someone that just got cheated on?
“No, it’s fine,” you say between sobs. “I can walk myself home from here, you don’t have to stay.”
“Absolutely not, at least let me do this, please,” Sungchan asked. You managed a smile and thanked him.
You cleared your throat and he let go of you.
“Sorry, it’s the only thing I could think of that could maybe make you feel better,” he explained himself. You laughed at this as you kept walking.
“Sorry for cutting the session early today.”
“Hey, I’m supposed to be the idiot here,” Sungchan said, implying you’re being dumb, “It’s not like you were really in a place to tutoring anyways.” He smiled.
“Yeah, kind of hard to teach someone with something else on the mind,” you said, laughing a bit, “but don’t worry, next session is gonna be extra long.” Sungchan’s groan made you laugh even more.
“You don’t have to do all that.”
“This is my house,” you say when you’re phone buzzes. You grab your phone. It’s Haechan.
“Who is it?” Sungchan asks.
“Um,” you start, reading the message, “It’s Haechan. He’s asking me where I am.” Sungchan looks confused. “He normally walks me home after our sessions.”
Sungchan looked at you with soft eyes. “I don’t really want to get involved, but call me if you need anything.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.”
After initially ignoring Haechan’s message, he sends you more. After ignoring the first call, he calls you more. This, however, was getting annoying to you, so you decide to answer.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He says through the phone, and you stay silent. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for 20 minutes. Where are you?”
“I’m home.” You replied.
“Home? What? I thought you were tutoring Sungchan. What happened?”
“Are you cheating on me?” The tears were coming back at the memory of the photos and video that Shotaro took.
“What? No, Lia and I are just friends,” Haechan said nervously.
“I never asked about anyone, Haechan. I can’t believe you.” Those tears began to fall down your face as your cheating boyfriend tried to explain himself.
“Y/n, come on, I would never cheat on you. Who told you that?”
You scoff at him, “Haechan, I saw pictures. Stop lying to me.”
“Y/n, I’m telling you I wouldn’t do that. It wasn’t me you saw. It was probably Johnny or something.”
“We both know that there's no way 3 people could confuse you with Johnny. We’re done Haechan.” You hung up the phone and began to sob at that point. Nothing was stopping the tears coming down your face.
He didn’t call you back after that. In fact, he publicly posted about his new girlfriend, Lia, all over his instagram. She’s pretty, you can’t lie, but that didn’t help in making you feel any better, so you decided to call your friend.
“Hey, Y/n, how are you feeling?” with that line from Shotaro, you sobbed harder. “Oh, Y/n, I’m sorry.”
“I can’t believe he cheated on me. And now he’s just flaunting her on instagram like I never even existed,” you cried.
“I know, honey, but this is what we’re gonna do, ok?” he began, waiting for some sound of approval for him to keep going. “You’re going to block him on everything you got, mkay? Then you’re gonna delete all your photos of you guys together, and I mean ALL of them. No exceptions.” You sniffled as you listened to him, beginning to do as he said.
“Ok, now what?” you asked.
“We’re gonna plan our revenge,” Shotaro said, mischeiviously.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Taro.” you say.
“Oh, come on, we’re still high school students, live a little.” he convinces.
“Well, what did you have in mind?” It couldn’t hurt to be curious, right?
“You have to make him jealous! Start dating someone else!” he suggested.
“Shotaro! That’s an even worse idea! I don’t want to date anyone, what the hell?” Apparently it did hurt to be curious.
“Well, not actually date anyone,” he laughed, “just like, fake dating. Make him regret cheating on you and want you back.”
You began to think it over. Thoughts of ‘Would what even work?’ and ‘Who would ever agree to that?’ filled your head. Having your friend on over the phone, you decided to voice those thoughts.
“Who would ever even agree to that? And even if someone did, how do you even know it would work?” you asked him.
“Y/n, I’m sure anyone would love to help you. You’re such a caring person, there’s gotta be at least 1 person that would be willing to do this for you.” Shotaro is such a good friend. So good in fact, that he was right. “And Haechan might’ve cheated on you, but he’s also a territorial asshole that probably doesn’t think you can move on. So, it’ll definitely work.”
“You might be right. I’ll think about it, thanks for cheering me up, Taro,” you tell him.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m the best,” he giggles, “get some sleep Y/n.”
“See you tomorrow,” with that, you hung up.
The next day came, going through it was hard. Normally you had Haechan to walk you to class, but now you see him in the halls with Lia and the rest of the cheer squad and you want to cry. Thankfully, you don’t, and Jaehyun even offered to walk you to some of your classes.
“He said what?” Jaehyun asked, walking with you.
“Yeah, he said I should try to make Haechan jealous by fake dating someone,” you snorted, “Ridiculous right?”
“Well, a bit. But knowing Haechan, it could work,” He said.
“You’re not seriously agreeing with Shotaro, are you?” Jaehyun just shrugged at your question.
You both got to your class, “I would ask Sungchan if I were you. He’s most likely to agree, considering he likes Lia and would maybe also want her attention. He also owes you for tutoring him. If it weren’t for you, he’d probably be off the team by now,” Jaehyun said.
“Hey! How could you say that about your own teammate?” you say, while Jaehyun just shrugs. You sigh, “Well, you might be right about him agreeing. I just don’t really know if I should do it. It seems like a plan bound to backfire somehow.”
“I think you’re overthinking it, Y/n. Don’t you have this class with Sungchan? Just ask him. If he says no then just don’t do it,” he suggests. “Anyway, I gotta run to class before I’m late. See ya!”
“See ya.” You walked into class and eye the aforementioned boy, walking to sit in your seat beside him.
“Hey, Y/n, how are you feeling?” he asked as you sat down.
You pulled your books out of your bag, “Definitely better than last night,” you started, “But, do you think you could help me with something?”
“Yeah, of course. Anything.”
“Well… I was on a call with Shotaro last night, and he suggested me do something to, I guess, ‘get back’ at Haechan.” Sungchan hums, “It’s really stupid, so you don’t have to say yes, but he said I should fake date someone, and the only person I thought would work was you. You know, cuz he was always been super weird about me tutoring you, so like, maybe it would work…” you continued to ramble.
Sungchan laughed, “Y/n, I did say ‘anything.’ I agree with Shotaro, it would definitely work to make him some kind of jealous.”
“Really? Again, you don’t have to.” you questioned.
“Yes, really,” he smiled, “How about, after school, we go to my house, or yours whichever you prefer, and we talk more about this?”
“Yeah, sounds good.” With that, you both tuned in to the lesson the teacher was giving.
“Do you want me to walk you to your next class? Might as well start early.” Sungchan asked, packing his bag.
“Yeah, as long as it’s not too out of your way. It’s the science building,” you smiled, zipping up your own.
Sungchan extended his hand to you and you laughed as you took it. The walk to your next class was uneventful, as you didn’t encounter your ex-boyfriend on the way.
“You have this class with Haechan right? Do you want me to kiss your forehead when we get there?” Sungchan asked.
You panicked, “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Sungchan just smiled.
As you approached the door, Sungchan spoke up, “I’ll be back to pick you up, wait for me,” and he enveloped you in a hug that you quickly returned.
“Alright, see you then,” you smiled and walked inside, while Sungchan waves at you then walked away. You turned to see Haechan looking at you. An expression of surprise on his face.
‘Maybe this will work,’ you thought to yourself.
You guys decided on going to your house to talk about this plan, as well as the tutoring you were giving Sungchan.
“Are you hungry? My dad normally leaves food before leaving, I can make you a plate,” you tell Sungchan, as you opened the door of your house.
“Sure, I’ll have some,” he accepts.
“I can tutor you in the living room if you want. Just stay here, I’ll be right back,” you say as you depart to the kitchen fix yourself and Sungchan some food.
When you came back to the living room you see Sungchan still standing, a little awkwardly. “You can sit,” you laugh as you placed the plates down on the coffee table.
“Wow! It looks delicious!” Sungchan says. He takes a bite and his eyes go wide. “It’s so good! Your dad cooks really well!”
You laugh, “Yeah, he works as a head chef. I’d hope his food is good, for his job’s sake.” Sungchan laughs too.
“Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know that!” he says.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me Jung Sungchan,” you tell him.
“I guess you’re right,” he laughs.
“So,” you say after taking another bite, “about earlier.”
“Oh, right. Maybe we should establish some rules?” he suggests.
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spacerangersam · 1 year
Hey! I saw not long ago that you said you don’t mind talking about your creative writing degree.
After my gap year(s) I think I might be interested in maybe doing creative writing at uni (possibly alongside english lit) but I’m not completely sure yet.
I was wondering if you’d be alright sharing your experience with your degree? Like, did you enjoy it, find it interesting, useful or otherwise worthwhile etc.? And, would you recommend doing a creative writing degree?
If you end up responding to this (do feel free to ignore this btw) thank you so much! Also, I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read of yours (admittedly I ought to check out more of your work).
I absolutely wouldn’t mind! And thank you!
Also, sorry in advance how long this is but I wanted to be fairly thorough. 
So, I definitely found it helpful. There’s just a clear difference in quality between my writing before taking the course and after, it is just significantly better, it’s clearer, it’s more concise and it’s just- it’s just better, it truly is, and I'm so much happier with it.
I have a much better understanding of the writing process now, of writing characters and arcs, of sentence length and when it vary it, and of how everything should be formatted (Times New Romance, size 12, double-spaced). My prose has significantly improved (though it’s still something I need to work on tbh), and I have a far better grasp on writing in close 3rd person- all things that I might not have learned, or might have taken significantly longer to learn if I haven’t taken the course. 
It also gave me a lot more confidence with my writing as, from my experience at least, a lot of the course involved group feedback sessions, and getting to see people like, laugh aloud at jokes I’d written and getting to hear their feedback and what they liked and what they thought of the characters just made me feel much more sure of myself as a writer. 
And even when there’s criticism, it’s (usually) very helpful and only serves to make your work better.
I enjoyed being encouraged to dabble in different genres too, in different writing styles, for different age ranges etc. I took a writing for young people module and legitimately, it turned out to be one of my favourite modules ever (helped by the fact that our tutor was just amazing, I loved him, he was fantastic), and I absolutely want to finish the story I started writing for that course and hopefully get it published someday. Even for modules where I wasn’t as taken with the writing style, like the short story module, was still fun and good writing practice.
It can also just be nice to be around other writers, getting to read and enjoy their work and just bond with people who love what you love. 
I have absolutely no regrets taking the course, I absolutely believe it improved my writing and I would thoroughly recommend it for aspiring writers. 
However, there were definitely some downsides. For one, it felt like (for modules focused on novel-length stories) there was a very strong focus on the beginning, but not much guidance on how to handle the middle and end of stories. We did definitely go over it, but it didn’t feel like it was in great depth and to this day, I still flounder when it comes to handling those parts of my stories. That might be different depending on what school/modules you take, but that was definitely something I felt was a bit lacking. 
It also didn’t feel like we really went into detail about how you even get your books published. That whole process is still a bit hazy in my mind (granted, it has been like 3 years since I graduated).
There’s also just the problem that how good and helpful your course can depend a lot on your teachers/classmates. I took three different scriptwriting modules over my 3 years, and two were taught by horrendous teachers. With the first, I think he did such a bad job that when it came to our assessment, I had to independently look at how to format a script because he didn’t even cover that. And if you’re stuck in feedback groups with people who aren’t very good at giving feedback, it can also suck.
(This isn’t relevant, I just want a chance to complain but once I was put in a group with a lady who was just like, very conservative and a very bad writer to boot, and would just not listen to any criticism whatsoever. It was a nightmare, you absolutely don’t wanna be that guy who can’t take a negative comment, no one will like you. Also, don’t be a Tory. That too. She once came up to my friend group outside of class and started talking to this one guy who was trans and I just got up and did not come back until she left asdfg. It was for the best.)
You could also, and this is a big maybe, come out of the whole experience kind of hating writing. For instance, the poetry classes that I chose/had to take legitimately made me hate poetry. It’s hard to explain why exactly, I think just looking into the technicalities of it just ruined my enjoyment of it. To this day, three years later, I still struggle to enjoy writing poetry, which is a shame because poetry is where this all started, where I realised that hey, maybe i’m not bad at this whole writing thing.  
 That’s not something I experienced with any other modules though, it was just poetry. 
Also, reading lists can be a bit of a pain if you don’t like the books assigned (and a bit expensive, especially if your uni discourages you from buying cheap on Amazon/eBay as mine did. I understand where they were coming from but like, asking students to drop like £10 + on multiple books is a bit much), and writing essays/reflections can be a bit of a drag (I’m not a fan of it, especially since we weren’t allowed to critique the books we were assigned to read? For some reason? We were only allowed to write about the positives, which annoyed me, I like complaining) but I mean, if you’re considering a joint course with English lit that’s something you’re used to.
I also still don’t fucking understand how to use a semi-colon. I mean, I do but I don’t, you get me?
I realise this seems a bit uneven, but it’s just because it is bit hard to fully explain just how helpful it was, considering it was a) about three years ago now, and b) a lot of what I learned was nitpicky stuff that is absolutely crucial for good writing, but is just kind of a bore to go over.
As I said, I don’t regret it one bit, it's probably the smartest and best decision I ever made, but sometimes it did just suck. But if you do it, you do get to brag about having a degree, so that's another plus.
I hope this was helpful!
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devilsskettle · 2 years
today was so good honestly. 1) orientation for my bitchin new job that i’m getting paid for, 2) hair and eyeliner looked great all day, 3) getting my mom to drink with me and making her listen to lady gaga and my lit theory rant and collaging with her, 4) basically finished 3 collages i just have to glue everything down and put the finishing touches on but i think they’ll be really good!! 5) writing class tomorrow and collage group (with my mom) the next day, 6) the promise of going to target which means i’m getting some swim trunks and perhaps some free shit with my five finger discount, 7) the promise of seeing my sister and going to the beach soon, 8) i remembered to take my meds, 9) i don’t have covid anymore, 10) i’ll probably actually get to go to therapy for the first time in a month on monday which tbh isn’t that helpful but i have a captive audience at least and i love to complain. things feel not bad!! and 11) it rained last night and it was so nice today it wasn’t hot at all but it was so sunny. and 12) my friend finally found the records that i left at his house on accident. and 13) i’m fucking beautiful. like i feel like i suddenly became beautiful this summer. my face looks good. my body looks good. my hair looks good. my clothes look good. i look good. it’s crazy do hot bitches just feel like this all the time 14) driving lessons! with any luck i’ll have my license by the end of september. 15) i’ve decided to get myself a tamagotchi as a treat for myself when i get my license (and have more money) so i can put it on my keychain. 16) i tracked down the cake that we got for our 10th birthday party and my mom said we could get it sometime soon just because! because it’s beautiful and it’s cake and i remember it being so good and we finally found it and it’s the end of the summer. 17) i am getting back into writing and i have some nice clear ideas to pursue i just have to fucking sit down and write. 18) i’m also helping my dad with this book by transcribing these interviews he’s conducting and i need to get on that but it will be so fun to hear all the stories and it’s so cool to get to be a part of this project so i’m gonna start working on that tomorrow afternoon when i have real time and energy. anyway! not to brag but i’m basically on top of my shit except for some other things that I won’t mention because i want to get to brag about things being good for once instead of just being apathetic and depressed and bored. also 19) my grandpa is letting me borrow his car which is so fucking rad. i’m going to have so much freedom so soon. omg i will be able to give my friends rides. i’ll be able to go on road trips. i’ll be able to go to the grocery store and liquor store and any other store without having to go on a major hike. i’m gonna have a motherfucking cd collection maybe i’ll get those like dice or whatever to hang from the rear view mirror i’m so excited. 20) gonna refresh my latin so i can tutor if anyone wants a fucking latin tutor i guess and i’m so ready to reconnect with her (latin. the love of my life that’s why it’s the original romance language). 21) i am determined to go to the knotts berry farm boysenberry festival. it will happen. and if anywhere in the realm of possibility, i’m trying to get myself to halloween horror nights. i’m optimistic i’m really trying to make it happen. one or both will happen this year. it will happen 22) i’m gonna say listening to lady gaga again. love her
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haradasaya · 2 years
ASMR | Jealous Best Friend reunion at College M4A | Lasko Moore roleplay
Haha wow what a great title
Anyways here’s the fic in its entirety, in case that’s easier!
“Oh my God, Lasko?”
Their jaw fell open at the sight of the man sitting right in front of him. This wasn’t just any counselor, this was their childhood best friend—this was the man who had seen them grow up. And now he was a grown up. Now he was here, a counselor at D.A.M.N., helping students navigate their way through classes. He was here. It was him.
“Oh, it—it’s—it’s you! Oh my God Freelancer, how—how have you been?”
Lasko stood to accept their hug, albeit a bit shyly. It was like nothing had changed between them: he was still the same shy friendly kid they had grown up with.
“I’m well, how have you been? We didn’t hear from you for like two years, we kind of thought you fell off the face of the earth.” Freelancer laughed, in a way that said its chill but also kind of serious.
He chuckled, and lifted his arm to scratch at the back of his head, looking sheepish. “I’m, uh- I’m sorry about that. I accidentally dropped my phone off my balcony during my freshman year and it shattered beyond re—repair. My stuff wasn’t saved to the cloud I guess, so I lost all my contacts, and therefore any way to get a hold of any of you guys.”
Freelancer gave him a look. “You could have looked us up in the phone book, and you know where my dad works. Or better yet, you know where we used to live for God’s sake, you goof.” They punch his shoulder playfully, letting him know that they weren’t upset.
“I know, I know, I should have called. I’m sorry. I just got busy, and with all the things I’m doing for the academy now, I really didn’t know when I would have had time to contact you all.”
He looked up at them through his glasses. “But… I’m really glad you’re here now.”
Freelancer blinked, then wrapped their arm around his shoulder and gave him another hug. “I’m glad too. I really missed you, Lasko.”
The two stood pressed together like that for some time, before Freelancer pulled away to look him in the eyes. “Well, what do you say we get that schedule together then? I still need some help with that.”
Lakso chuckled then, “Right: we, uh, we should get started with that.”
Lasko and Freelancer parted with an exchange of numbers, and a promise to meet up again soon. Seeing him again so soon after getting there was quite literally a miracle. Freelancer had been resigned to scouring the campus with a magnifying glass to find him again, but there he was, right in front of them. He was their councilor for God’s sake, someone they’d stay in contact with even if it was only for school. But he was also more than that. He was their friend too, and they had him back.
They’d talked for a good while after they finished setting up Freelancers schedule. Lasko went on and on about this really nice Earth elemental he’d met a few semesters back, and how his classes and tutoring sessions had gone so well, the Academy had asked him if he wanted to become a counselor just this last semester, and he’d wholeheartedly agreed! He wanted to be a certified professor, to be someone who humanborn students could go to and feel safe and accepted. And as far as Freelancer was concerned, he was well on his way.
Despite his constant stuttering and his ability to go on forever and ever about things he was passionate about, eventually he started asking about their life—how their parents were, how the dog was, how was graduation. And they told him. Their parents were well; as well as old fogies can be, that is; and that their dog Sausage had died. Lasko got emotional at hearing that. Sausage had been a good friend to him through those rough few years of his life. They’d shared a quiet moment of respect and reflection of that time, and of those memories.
And then they left. They had a few things they needed to do before classes started next week, and so they parted ways with that promise to meet again soon. They’d moved into the dorms without any major hiccups, but they still had to go shopping for school supplies, as well as shopping for food—and, as more of a personal errand, they wanted to walk through the campus to orient themselves before classes begin next week. If they already knew where their classrooms were going to be, that would make it a lot easier on them for when they were inevitably running behind on the first day. Maybe they could get Lasko to show them around the school if his schedule cleared up a bit before then.
The night before class started, they lied in their bed, lights off and pajamas on, waiting for sleep to take them. It didn’t. Instead they thought back to all the things they’d talked about when they saw Lasko for the first time after all those years apart, all the things they probably should have said, should have asked him. Even just the fact that he was there, at D.A.M.N.—and better yet, their councilor and tutor—was unimaginable. After he’d dropped contact, they had been convinced they’d never see him again; and yet here he was, as if he was waiting for them.
They rolled over in their bed, grabbing their spare pillow and hugging it tightly to their chest. They missed the nights they’d slip out of their bed and into his. Sometimes it was because of a nightmare, other times because they were cold—but most often it was just because they wanted him to hold them. And he did. Whether he was awake or asleep, he’d make room in his arms and hold them close. His shyness wasn’t so obvious when he was sleepy, they’d learned back then. They always felt so safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt them there. They missed that right now; holding this pillow didn’t compare to holding him.
Now that he was older, would things like that change between them? Would they even get a chance to be over at his place at night, at a time when they’d be able to sneak back into his bed and have him hold them like they used to? Would he even want them to? Lasko would have moved on from them by now, right? I mean, he was three years older than them, he’d probably found someone else to date, someone serious and smart, someone who wouldn’t tease him like they had all that time ago, and—
They buried their face into their pillow. Ugh, they had been such a dumb kid. They’d have to apologize for all the dumb stuff they did as a kid the next time they got to hang out.
When morning came, they were right in assuming they’d be running late to class. Or at least getting into the classroom right as the bell rang. Their professor stared at them for a long moment before telling them to take a seat anywhere in the room. They did, sheepishly dragging their things behind them and taking a seat next to who they could only assume was an elemental, and a fiery one at that given the heat he radiated. He looked at them incredulously, they could tell as they were watching him from the corner of their eye, but needed to focus on getting their things from their bag. It seemed he was surprised anyone would choose to sit by him. They made sure to give him his space as they got settled, the professor already going on a rant about the syllabi and introductions and all that. It seemed pretty boring so far, so they got comfortable in their seat and began arranging their things how they liked to take notes and such. They could still feel the watchful gaze of the boy beside them, but chose to ignore it at the threat of being told to move when they’d already made themselves comfortable. If he really hated them being there that bad, they’d find another seat next time.
Freelancer wasn’t an expert on reading auras yet—not that they were an expert on anything yet, really—but their desk partner was definitely a fire elemental. One look around the room had them realizing that many of the other students had chosen seats one or two, even three desks away from him. It made them wonder if they should be there either. It was the closest available desk to the front, and it would be a bonus to not awkwardly have to make friends with some rando if they had partnered assignments. This is where they’d stay for now.
Luckily for them, they did already have a partnered assignment. Well technically it was their mid term already being introduced and partners assigned. They were stuck with the fire elemental after all.
“Look, I’m not here to make friends, okay?” The boy said to them as they packed their things up at the end of class. It was the first thing he’d said to them, so surprise definitely described how Freelancer felt after hearing those words. “I’m already having to retake this stupid class because some third year asshole made me fail it my first time. I’m just here to ace this class, and get out of here, understand?”
Freelancer sputtered for words, still shocked by his declaration. “Uhm, yeah that’s fine, I guess.”
“Good,” he said as he threw his backpack over his shoulder.
“Wait,” Freelancer stopped him as he turned, looking over his shoulder at them. He hadn’t expected them to have anything more to say about that, it seemed. “You said you’re going to ace this class? As in getting a perfect grade?”
He turned back slightly more, to look them fully in the eye. “I am. Do you have a problem with that?”
Freelancer gulped. “Well I guess I’m just a bit confused about how you plan on getting a perfect grade if we don’t even know who each other is.”
He huffed. “I told you I’m not interested in making friends.”
They quirked an eyebrow. “Then don’t consider it friends. Consider us partners on this project we’re going to ace.”
The boy blinked, very obviously trying to comprehend what he’d gotten himself into, but then huffed and dropped his gaze, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “I’m Damien. Here’s my number.”
He held up his phone, his number blinking on the screen. Freelancer took a moment to remember the combination of digits, but then nodded at him. “Cool, I’ll add it to my phone in a sec.”
Damien seemed surprised. “You can memorize that number that quickly?”
Freelancer nodded, tossing their backpack over their shoulder as well. “Yeah, I’m pretty good with numbers. Memorizing things has kinda always been a strong suit of mine.”
Damien pursed his lips, and nodded. “I’m impressed. Maybe this midterm assignment won't be so bad after all.”
He turned to walk away again, assuming the conversation was over—until Freelancer caught up to him, matching his quick pace and falling into stride with him. He seemed mildly annoyed that they’d caught back up to him, but before he could say anything about it, Freelancer had already asked him a question.
“So, this isn’t your first rodeo, considering you said you failed this class once already. If you’re not a first year student, then what are you? Oh no wait, let me guess. Third year?”
Damien blew a stream of air from his lips. “Good guess. Yes, I am a third year student.”
Freelancer beamed. “You know, I know a kid from here who just finished his third year. His name is Lasko.”
Damien only slowed his pace for a moment, looking over at them. “Wait, you know Lasko? Lasko Moore? The student advisor?”
Freelancer nodded. “Yeah, is that so hard to believe?”
He turned back to his walking. “No, I just didn’t know Lasko had any friends.”
They squint their eyes, offended. “What do you mean, he doesn’t have any friends? Lasko Moore is a great person and all of you are privileged to know him—”
Damien stops and turns to you. “Listen, I get it, he’s your best fiend or whatever, but I don’t really care. He’s just my advisor, someone who will let me max out my credit hours so I can graduate with full certification by the end of next year.”
Freelancer bit their tongue to keep themselves from retorting something they’ll wish they hadn’t said. “I didn’t know you were allowed to go past max credit hours.”
Damien smirked, the closest thing he’d shown to a friendly facial expression. “Yeah, well, Lasko is willing to break the rules a bit for me when I pressure him into it.”
“Hey!” Freelancer turned to him, pointing an angry finger at his chest. “He’s not some kid you can push around, got it? You better knock that shit off before I take care of you myself, understand me blasty?”
Damien pinched his eyebrows in question, but didn’t retort. “Yeah, alright, whatever. I’ll take it easy on the tornado, I got it.”
Freelancer nodded once. “Good. Now, when are you available to meet up to practice for this final?”
Damien made a face. “You really just threatened me and now want to know when we can meet up next? You’re lucky I’m not a real bully, I’d have toasted your ass.”
Damien’s light hearted attitude made it seem like he wasn’t actually upset, just teasing. There was something about his attitude that made him seem like the kind of person to play tough but was in all actuality a softy, but to what extent they weren’t sure. This was going to be a fun semester.
“I’m probably free this weekend, or later next week. I’ve got some things I need to take care of before I’m ready to hunker down and work on this, so make sure you’re ready to go by then.”
Freelancer nodded, realizing they needed to go down a different hallway than the one Damien was headed towards. “You got it, Damien. I’ll text you later.”
He nodded, barely slowing to wave them away with his hand before walking down the hallway and out of their view. They turned to head to their next class as well, already excited to see their new friend again.
“Hi, I’m Huxley. Lasko’s told me a lot about you.”
Freelancer stared up at the massive earth elemental standing in front of them. He was so large, Lasko was immediately hidden from view, standing behind the incredibly strong-looking man. Huxley looked at their hand for just a moment, before opening his arms and wrapping them into a hug.
“Sorry bro, I’m a hugger, and you looked very huggable.”
Freelancer weezed from how tight he was holding onto them, but when he finally let them go, all they could do was laugh. “Man, you’re one to talk, you give great hugs!”
Huxley chuckled, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck. “Awe, thanks bro.”
Lasko stepped around Huxley, smiling that his friends hit it off so quickly. He turns to Freelancer, a questioning look in his eyes. “Is Damien coming?”
They gestured to the interior of their apartment. “Oh yeah he’s already here actually; he’s just using the bathroom right now.”
At those words, a door from somewhere in their apartment opened, and footsteps could be heard walking through the room. He rounded the corner, and stopped upon seeing people standing in the doorway. “Oh, hi.”
Freelancer smiled, then quickly gestured for the two of them to come inside. Everyone sat together on the couch, a moment of awkward silence passing over them before Freelancer finally spoke. “So, this is Damien, my partner for my psychokinesis class this semester. Damien, this is Lasko, as you already know. And that is Huxley, one of Lasko’ s friends!”
Damien turned the corners of his mouth up in a small smile, quick to shift his glance at Huxley, and quick to shift it away. “Nice to meet you.”
Lasko barely made eye contact with the fire elemental too. “Good to see you again Damien.”
Freelancer turned to Damien. “You didn’t do anything last time you saw each other, did you blasty?”
Damien turned to them with a scowl. “Of course not. I don’t ever do anything, I’m just determined to get what I want, is all.”
“Yeah, nothing happened, I swear.” Lasko but in, trying to diffuse the situation. He didn’t need to worry, this was just a bit of playful banter between the supposed tsundere and a tease.
Damien huffed. “Yeah Lasko, this one here roughed me into place at just the implication, didn’t you Freelancer?”
They beamed. “Hm hmn.”
Lasko shot them a look. “Wait, what?”
They flashed him a quick smile. “Don’t worry about it.”
He opened his mouth to reply, but Freelancer just laughed and shook their head, waving him off. Huxley reclined back in his seat, tossing his arms behind his head, exposing the size of his pecs and triceps through the white shirt he was wearing. “Nice place you got here, Freelancer. How’d you bag it?”
They noticed the way Damien coughed into his hand, hiding his reaction from Huxley. They shrugged. “I don’t really know, to be honest with you. I just applied, thinking I’d be on a waiting list for months, but they got back to me pretty quick and said I’d been approved.”
Lasko shifted in his seat, but didn’t say anything. Huxley nodded in approval, smiling at them. “I dig it. It’s got good style.” He gestured to the minimal decor they’d already put on the walls. “You have good taste.”
They beamed at him. “Thank you! It’s not much, but I took what I could from home and tried to make it my own.”
Damien sat forward in his seat, sitting off to Freelancers left. “Speaking of home, didn’t you two grow up together?”
Lasko swallowed loudly, making them turn to him. Freelancer quirked their head, before turning back to Damien. “Uhm, yeah we did. Did you tell him about that?”
Lasko sputtered, offering a quick smile as if trying to play off his embarrassment. “Uh, yeah I might have mentioned it.”
Freelancer turned back to Damien. “Yeah, we did grow up together. Us humanborns gotta stick together, you know what I mean?”
Huxley also sat forward, interested in what they’d just said. “You both were humanborn?”
They turned to him, and nodded. “Yeah. My parents were okay with it, but… His parents weren’t so understanding.”
They turned to Lasko, waiting to see if he wanted to elaborate further. It was kind of a sensitive subject for him. “Freelancer’s parents took me in after I manifested my powers. They didn’t know the exact reason I’d been kicked out, just that my parents thought I was some kind of freak.”
Freelancer raised their arm to gently pat him on the back. “When I got my powers, we finally felt comfortable enough to tell my parents what had happened with his parents. Being unempowered themselves, it took some time before my parents truly came to grips on what was going on, but they really cared for us and wanted to help in whatever way they could. So when he wanted to go to a magical college, they helped him look. And… that’s all she wrote.”
“So you followed him here after you graduated?” Huxley asked, face knit in question.
They nodded in reply. Damien opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it. Everyone looked over at him, waiting to see if he’d keep going.
“I— um,” he huffed, trying to find the words. “I’m sorry that I was so harsh with you, I guess.”
Lasko looked at Freelancer, before offering Damien a small smile. “It’s alright Damien, you didn’t know, it’s not your fault.”
Damien looked back up at Huxley, then immediately down again. “Alright.”
After a moment of silence, Freelancer sat up. “Well, these drinks aren’t gonna drink themselves. You guys up for some video games?”
Glad to move on from the sensitive subject at hand, the three boys agreed, taking a drink from the table and grabbing a controller from the console.
By the time Huxley and Damien left, they’d played through all the maps at least twice on Mario Kart, drinks had been gone through, and snacks cleared out of the pantry, Lasko and Freelancer were all that remained. They’d asked if he wanted to join them on their balcony, and so they stood outside, on the tiny balcony of their apartment, watching cars go by in the distance, students leaving their evening classes and the sun just past setting over the distant mountains. It was a picturesque moment.
“Hey, Lasko?”
He turned to face them, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “Yeah?”
“I’m really glad that I found you again. I… really missed you after you left. I didn’t know what to do. It was like I’d lost a part of myself.”
Lasko blinks, still processing the words they just said. “You—You did?”
Freelancer nods. “I did. You’re my best friend, Lasko.”
He smiles, a flustered smile that lit up his eyes and showed his usually well hidden dimples form his cheeks. “You’re my best friend too, Freelancer.”
They look over at him, the eye contact lasting for far too long before they pull him in for a hug, wrapping their arms around his waist and just letting themselves be in that space with him. It wasn’t quite the same as when they’d lied together all those years ago, but this was enough.
Lasko was still shell shocked by the time they pulled away, though he’d managed to wrap his arms around them before they broke apart. And then they stood together, on Freelancer’s balcony, just talking until the sun had long set over the mountains, and lights had finally turned off at the campus.
Lasko drove back to his place that night, so full of joy and peace and contentment that he could have screamed if he didn’t think it unbecoming. But he was happy—so happy to have his best friend back in his life. And this time, he’d do things right. He’d tell them how he felt and he’d be there for them in whatever way they needed or wanted him. If that meant only being their friend, he’d do that. And if that meant something more… well, guess he’ll just have to see where their future lies.
For now, his Freelancer was back, and he was here too. They had a new group of friends, he was doing well in his schooling and in his work, life couldn’t be better. And so he decided then, that he wasn’t going to be scared anymore. One way or another, Lasko was going to confess to Freelancer, and he’d be okay with whatever they wanted to do.
It was time to make right all that he’d let slip by him all these years.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Secret Boyfriend | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Lupin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Keeping secrets seem to run in the Lupin family but one of the two twins has a bigger secret than the other can imagine. 
Pitter-patter could be heard inside the Gryffindor Common room. The Scotland weather never really seemed to make up its mind during the period between winter and spring. Nevertheless, it brought a calming atmosphere to the red and gold common room. The five Marauders sat in front of the fireplace, speaking to one another. Remus, Y/n, and Sirius sitting together on a couch. James on an armchair, and Peter sitting on the ground in front of the sofa. 
“So, Little Lupin.“ James drawled, “When are you getting a boyfriend?” 
Remus chuckled, quickly putting an arm around his twin sister, “Hopefully, never.” 
“Maybe I already have a boyfriend, and you lot just don’t know.” Y/n snipped as she elbowed her brother in the ribs slightly, “Oh, come on, paws!” James exclaimed teasingly. 
Paws was Y/n’s Marauder name. Her animagus was a Siamese cat, which resembled her personality quite well if you asked Remus. Y/n was quick-witted, independent, intuitive, curious, and affectionate when comfortable. She and Sirius were known to flirt all the time but recently - meaning a couple of months - they hadn’t done it at all. Perhaps Y/n was actually avoiding his flirtatious remarks. Nevertheless, Y/n’s animagus was a direct correlation with her personality. 
“Yeah, paws, you’ve been neglecting me recently. I’m not too happy with it either.” Sirius added with a fake pout, “Oh hush it, you two. Leave my sister alone. She’s got no hidden boyfriend.” Remus defended, looking at his sister. 
“Right, Y/n?” Remus coughed, and she jumped out of her daydream, “Mhm! Of course.” 
Conversation went on as usual. They began discussing new pranks, but Y/n’s jumper pocket felt heavier than usual, knowing what’s inside. It was a cream-colored envelope with the Black family crest as a seal. Y/n knew more than anyone that Sirius wouldn’t be happy to see the familiar logo, but this wasn’t from his parents. It was from his little brother, and Y/n was anxious to give it to him. So when James, Remus, and Peter went upstairs, Y/n pulled him aside before he could leave. 
“Padfoot, wait.” Y/n called, and he turned back, “What's up, paws?” Sirius queried, turning to face her. 
She sighed and pulled the envelope from her pocket, “Please, read this. It isn’t what you think it is despite the seal.” Y/n stated, handing him the parchment. 
“Where did you get this?” Sirius asked as he opened the packaging, “Regulus.” Y/n’s answer was firmer than expected. 
Nonetheless, the letter inside seemed essential to his fellow Marauder, so he opened it. Inside he was met with his little brother's prominent handwriting. The black ink treaded so seamlessly across the brown paper. Y/n remembered watching him write it at his desk, desperately trying to collect his thoughts while his hand shook relentlessly. She couldn’t do anything but sit from his bed and watch. Regulus needed to do this alone. 
After reading, Sirius slid the letter back inside its packaging, “Well, it’s his fault.” 
“Actually, it isn’t.” Y/n quipped, “Listen, Sirius, Regulus is trying. He really is.” 
“You would know this how?”
“Because we’ve been friends for a long time.” 
“Oh really?” Sirius questioned sarcastically, crossing his arms, “Since when did you and Reggie become so close?” 
“He began tutoring me in third year for Potions.” Y/n answered, “You couldn’t have asked Remus?”
“No. “ Y/n shook her head, “Slughorn wanted Regulus specifically.” 
“Well then. Full moon tomorrow, hope you’re prepared.” Sirius chirped as he began walking up the steps to his dorm, “I’m always prepared.” Y/n replied to essentially no one. 
She sighed. It was apparent Sirius didn’t want to believe what Regulus had written. It would’ve been hard on anyone. But Regulus wanted it to come from him instead of Sirius finding out. Since Y/n’s third year - Regulus’ second year - she felt attracted to him. He always made time for her. It wasn’t until their fourth year when she realized it. In her fifth year, they made it official. Regulus Black and Y/n Lupin were a couple but hidden beneath an invisibility cloak. 
Seventh year wasn’t easy. The upcoming war, her brother's lycanthropy, N.E.W.T.S, and Regulus getting the dark mark. Nothing seemed to be working in her favor. Books didn’t even seem to please her anymore. Her eyes wandered while she began to daydream about anything rather than reality itself. People began to notice how lost the girl appeared. 
Especially her brother. 
Study sessions with her weren’t the same. Some days her eyes would appear glossier than usual as if someone put a coating of lip gloss over them. Maybe they were rimmed with a pastel pink seeming tired and unhappy. The tremors in her hands were hard to ignore as she wrote with her quill. If there’s one thing Remus Lupin was good at, it was being observant; however, there wasn’t time, and he didn’t have the patience to deal with this right now. The full moon approaching meant that Remus’ patience tolerance was down to about none. 
There was one thing that brought her clarity. Regulus Black. The Gryffindor common room was always a warm and welcoming atmosphere. In contrast, the Slytherin common room was cold and damp, but it brought her comfort because of the person inside. Y/n padded quietly inside of his prefect hallway, which was beside the Slytherin common. She walked into his bedroom, which was dark. 
No candles lit. Just dark. Regulus always felt comfort in the dark, but it wasn’t dark because of that. It was dark because he was absent. Y/n peered over to his desk, where letters sat from his mother and some cousins. Andromeda seemed to try and reach him, but the letter looked unopened. There was one that caught her eye. It was Remus’ handwriting, and it was from him. It was also opened. Y/n knew she couldn’t stay all night. The full moon was due to rise in just two hours. 
Picking up the parchment, she began to read:
“ To Regulus Black, 
You need to step up. I get it. Sirius has been disowned, but he tries to make an effort. Can’t you see that? Sirius really needs you, and I know that you miss him too. This whole stubborn game of not wanting to talk to each other has gone on long enough. 
I know what it’s like to argue with a sibling, and it isn’t pleasant. Suck it up, swallow your pride and talk to Sirius. You don’t have to ultimately make up, but please, he’s trying. 
From, Remus Lupin. “
Y/n swallowed down her anger. Who was Remus to get involved in their affairs? If Sirius and Regulus didn’t want to interact, that was their problem, not his. It infuriated her. But she didn’t have time to babble around. Y/n pointed her wand at her and became a cat. Perks of her animagus being allowed at Hogwarts, she could roam around freely without suspicion. Quickly she sprinted down to the Whomping Willow, where she was met with her three Marauders in human form. Y/n transformed back. 
“Where were you! I was worried sick!” Remus scolded, “Nowhere, but we need to talk later.” Y/n answered. 
They got Remus in the shack and changed into their animagus forms. A stag, a rat, a dog, and a cat. The dog and the cat had the most interaction with the werewolf. Sometimes the dog and werewolf would cuddle up beside each other, whereas the cat would sleep on its own along with the other two animals. The following day Y/n and Sirius lugged Remus up to the hospital wing. Y/n sat beside him the entire time while the other three went off. Sirius and James were off to Quidditch practice. Peter was off to see his girlfriend in Hufflepuff. 
Y/n tapped aimlessly on Remus’ hand, “M- Morning.”
“Morning, Moony.” Y/n greeted, “How are you feeling?” 
“What did we need to talk about?” Remus questioned, and Y/n tilted her head, “You said we needed to talk before going to the shack.”
“Yes, I did. Um- uh- did you send Regulus a letter by any chance?” Y/n stammered, “I did. Why?” 
“I saw it.” Y/n replied shortly, “You saw it?” Remus repeated incredulously. 
She nodded, “How did you see it?” 
“Regulus and I are friends. Sometimes we hang out in his dorm.” The words seemed like nothing as they rolled off her tongue, “You hang out in the Slytherin dorms? Is that why you always know the password so we can do pranks?” 
“Of course.” Y/n chuckled, “I use my privilege to its advantage.”
Remus began to get up but grimaced, causing Y/n to jump up to help him. Gently she eased him to a sitting position. A new scratch on his cheek and multiple on his arms. It’s evident that the cat and the dog had to stop him. The thin scratches on his arms were a cat's nails. The thicker scratch on his cheek was a dog's nails. Remus looked down at his arms. 
“I’m sorry.” Y/n muttered, “Not your fault, paws. Who was it this time?” Remus asked. 
“Prongs. Apparently, you wanted Prongs.” Y/n answered, and he kissed the top of her head, “Thank you for stopping me.” 
“Anything for my brother.” 
“Just like anything for our Moony?”
Y/n laughed, “Yeah.”
Paws began to tap on his hand again, until a voice echoed through the hospital wing, “Y/n?” 
“Y/n?” The voice called again, and Remus quirked his eyebrow at his sheepish sister, “Y/n!” 
Suddenly a black-haired, grey-eyed, pale figure was beside her. He didn’t realize what he was doing until he had already kissed the top of her head worriedly. Y/n turned pink at the affection and the embarrassment of it happening in front of her brother. Remus coughed, and the male stood straight. 
“Regulus, what a surprise.” Remus retorted, “Didn’t think you’d ever visit me in the infirmary.”
“Remus, please-“ 
“I wouldn’t.” Regulus snapped, “Then why are you here?” Remus inquired. 
Regulus’ hand was playing aimlessly with the ends of Y/n’s hair, “Moony….” Y/n began at a whisper, “Regulus is my boyfriend.”
“This-“ Remus pointed at them both with a laughing smile, “Is funny.”
“Nice prank, paws, but it isn’t going to work.”
Y/n sighed, “It isn’t a prank, Rem.” 
“We’ve been together for about two years now.” She confessed, and Regulus stiffened, “Friends, my ass.” Remus scoffed bitterly. 
“Remus, please-“ Y/n began, “No, please just leave. We can talk about this later when I’m in the right frame of mind. Because if you don’t leave, now I might throw a punch.” Remus replied. 
She sighed and reluctantly left with Regulus trailing behind her. Y/n didn’t want to cry. It was pitiful. Regulus never had a good relationship with Sirius since Hogwarts, yet he didn’t seem to care. Thankfully, after building the Marauders Map, she knew every little crevice and hiding spot. Pulling back a tapestry, she sat down on the cement floor. Regulus doing the same beside her. Hesitantly he pulled his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. 
“This is pitiful.” Y/n chuckled bitterly, “I’m sorry, Reggie.”
“It isn’t pitiful. You and Remus have a close relationship. It’s okay to be sad about him telling you off.” Regulus replied, placing his chin on the top of her head, “Sirius and I are different. Don’t compare you and Remus with us.”
Y/n nuzzled into his chest, “I saw the letter Remus sent you.”
“I- I saw the way he spoke to you, and I’m sorry.” Y/n stated, “I hope he comes around.” 
“I do too, love.” Regulus kissed the top of her head, “ I do too.”
It was quiet for a moment until two figures pulled back the tapestry, “Oi! Get off, little Lupin!” James exclaimed, and Y/n sighed, “Sirius, James, please just leave.”
“What are you doing with my mate's little sister, Regulus?” Sirius interrogated, “Comforting her. She needs me.” Regulus retorted, tightening his grip on her shoulder. 
Y/n stood up and pulled Regulus with her, “Come on. We four need to talk.” 
The four of them walked into a broom closet. It was a quiet walk. Eerily quiet. It brought shivers down Y/n’s spine at how silent the walk was. The tension was so thick you couldn’t cut it with a knife. The pressure felt like sludge. It was thick and mush. But when Y/n opened the door, the lot of them walked inside. James and Sirius stared expectantly. 
“Regulus and I have been dating since my fifth year.” Y/n began, and Regulus intertwined their hands. 
“Little Lupin!” Sirius exclaimed, “You weren’t lying when you said you had a secret boyfriend!”
“You scandalous little thing!”
“I can’t believe this.” James stated after running his hand through his hair, “How did Remus take it?”
“Not very well.” Y/n replied, “He kicked me out of the hospital wing when Regulus showed up. “
“He’s- He’s not in the right mindset, though. He’ll come to. I know he will. He has to.”
Sirius’ eyes softened, “Moony will come around. It might just take him a minute.” 
“Regulus.” James called, and grey eyes stared at him, “Y/n is a Marauder.”
“I know that.” Regulus interrupted, “She is my little sister as much as she is Remus’” James continued. 
“And mine!” Sirius added, smiling brightly, “Y/n is our little sister. The lot of us depend on her. We can’t, and we won’t have her heartbroken.” James explained sternly, suddenly looking a lot like Mrs. Potter. 
Regulus’ cheeks flushed with pink, “I love her, I really do. I don’t plan on breaking her heart anytime soon.” 
“You’re gonna be my sister-in-law!” Sirius squealed, hugging Y/n forcefully, almost knocking her over, “Oh, little Lupin.” He cooed. 
“You’re all grown up!” 
They laughed, and Sirius kissed her forehead, “Take care of him, will you?” He whispered so only she could hear, “Of course.” Y/n smiled. 
“Alright, alright, I’d like my girlfriend back,” Regulus replied, taking her away from Sirius’ arms. 
Sirius gulped, “How’s mum going to take this, Reggie?” 
“I don’t care.” Regulus retorted, “Mums gonna have to deal with it.” 
The smile on Sirius’ face was brighter than the sun, “Oh, Reggie!” He wailed, pulling Regulus into a tight hug. 
The two brothers smiled as they hugged each other. Regulus sleeve slipped up, and James stepped back, pulling out his wand. The two Black brothers pulled apart, and that’s when Sirius saw it. The dark mark on his brother's sleeve. Y/n stiffened as Sirius lifted his sleeve up further to see it clearly. 
“Sirius, please, I didn’t want it.” Regulus pleaded, “She- They- Please.”
James watched intently at them. Sirius’ eyes had filled with tears as he embraced his younger brother. For the first time in a long time, Regulus felt protected in his brother's arms. James walked closer and joined them. Hugging both Black brothers as close as he could. James Potter, the man who never stops giving. They pulled apart, and James took Reggie into his own arms. 
“You need anything, you come to me, okay?” James informed sternly, and Regulus nodded, “Ye- Yeah.”
“Remus and Y/n always come for the holidays. You won’t be alone.” James stated smiling, “My parents already have one Black; they won’t mind another.” 
The Black brother smiled, “Thank you….”
The days went on, and Regulus still avoided the Marauders altogether. Remus glared at him from the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Deep emerald green eyes were flashing at the grey ones that sat at the Slytherin table. Until Y/n jabbed him in the ribs, taking his attention away from the younger Black brother. 
“Remus.” Y/n scolded, “Stop it.”
“I think you’re too hard on him, Moony.” James began, “He loves your sister. Maybe talk to him.” 
“No.” Remus snapped, “You guys can accept this, but I can’t.” 
They didn’t push any further. Y/n and Remus had been distant from each other. It was weird to watch the twins who were typically attached at the hip to be so - abroad. Regulus didn’t like that he was now the cause of their fussing. After all, they were the reason Sirius and him were on speaking terms now. So Regulus and Sirius made a plan. It involved them being locked in a broom closet, and so it happened—one night after dinner. 
Remus was shoved into a cupboard, not by his own liking either, “Come on, Sirius! This isn’t funny. I have prefect duties to do!”
“Actually, someone else has taken them over.” Regulus informed, and Remus whipped around, “What are you two doing here?”
“Remus, explain it to me.” Regulus began, “Why you don’t approve of me with your sister.”
“Because! You’re a bloody death eater! You probably forced her to be with you.” Remus exclaimed. 
Y/n scoffed, “A pureblood forcing himself with a half-breed? Doesn’t seem likely.” 
Remus ran his hand through his hair, “Okay, he’s still a death eater!”
“I was forced!” Regulus exclaimed, “They strapped me to a chair and embedded the mark into my forearm. You don’t think I wasn’t thinking of her the entire time?! I was scared out of my mind!”
“The entire time, all I could think about was ‘How is Y/n gonna take this.’” Regulus admitted, “My heart aches for her. I didn’t want her to be scared.”
Remus’ green eyes turned soft, “Does she accept you? Does she love you? Do you love her?”
“Yes, Remus. I love him for who he is. James offered him a place to stay at the Potters.” Y/n replied, “And yes, I love her.” 
Tears filled her eyes, “Remus, please. I don’t want to lose either of you.”
Remus held out his arms, and she walked right into them. He placed one hand on the back of her head and one on the small of her waist. Holding her close to his heart, rubbing his thumb through her hair. Regulus’ grey eyes stared at the two siblings before him. Remus’ heart softened at his crying sister. He never wanted to hurt her, ever. 
“Paws.” Remus began as he pulled away slightly, “Does he make you happy?”
Y/n sniffled and nodded; Remus wiped her cheeks, “Okay.”
“Does he know you, for you?” 
Remus turned to Regulus as Y/n parted with him, “Where’s paws favorite place to be scratched?”
Regulus chuckled, “Behind her ears.”
“Take care of my little sister.” Remus pleaded, “Please, Regulus.” 
“Of course. I wouldn’t expect any different.” Regulus answered. 
Remus walked forward and put out his hand. Hesitantly Regulus shook his hand. Grey eyes met green ones. Remus couldn’t help the smile that placed itself on his face. Without hesitation, he pulled Regulus into a tight hug.
“Take care of my sister, and I’ll take care of you.”
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iwadori · 3 years
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Haikyu boys when they make you insecure PT 1 (Kenma,Kuroo)
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Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6.
Word Count:3k 
genre: angst, fluff
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You and Kenma have been in a long distance relationship for a while.
Both of you stream, Kenma doing it seriously for his job and you just playing it for fun,
Sometimes you stream together of course but because of your difference in audiences and games you don’t do it all the time
“Bye guys! Hope you enjoyed todays stream” You wave off to the camera and shut off your PC taking a few sips of water.
Kenma: Hey.. nice stream today Y/N are you going to watch mine?
Y/N: Of course I will 
Kenma: Ok talk to you later
Y/N: okayy <3
Kenma is what inspired you to stream, he also taught you all the ins and outs of streaming making sure you were set and ready. Your gaming style was very relaxed and friendly as you obviously weren’t streaming as a career just for fun and to make friends with your online viewers. The games you played were usually: minecraft, COD, Sims 4, Roblox, Animal crossing and *Insert your favourite game here* the way I literally named all the games I play 
You wait for Kenmas stream to start, kind of excited as you’ve always loved seeing your boyfriend in his ‘element’ when it comes to playing to games. As your boyfriends stream starts you see he’s already chosen what game he is playing today which is to your surprise Call of duty, since that was the game you were playing earlier.
As he gets into the stream you are entertained, as always since Kenma was being his usual self laughing at his own deadpan jokes and interacting with his viewers. He is currently waiting for his capture the flag game to start so as he waits he decides to read some comments in the chat.
You’re used to the usual ‘Kenma where is Y/N I miss your usual streams together’ or ‘kenma please RAIL me’ which always makes you laugh. You were also used to the common hate comments Kenma and You both got on your streams but you were definitely not ready for this..
@ Ihatewomanandiamadick : Hey Kenma did you see your girls stream today she is so dog shit at COD lmaoooo jhdfkjdrhdrr
“Well hello ihatewomenandiamadick” started Kenma “but yes I did see Y/N stream and obviously she is not the best at games and I would definitely NOT ask her to team with me for any serious gaming competitions ... but she’s fun to watch I guess” as he finished speaking about you his game loaded up so he focused his attention on that the words he just spoke going to the back of his mind as they end up at the forefront of yours.
You obviously knew you were no match for Kenma’s gaming expertise but you didn’t expect him to publicly agree with a hate comment let alone add more of his imput on you. Did he really think that about you? ‘She’s fun to watch I guess’ did he not even enjoy your streams that much?
You wanted to distract yourself, and you definitely couldn’t do that watching him so you close off of his stream and get in your bed deciding to watch your favourite show. 
Waking up at 6pm after your sad nap, you see that Kenma has left some messages to you,
Kenma: hey did you watch my stream?
Kenma: do you want to facetime later and play some minecraft..?
Kenma: y/n r u ok??
Y/N: oh hey cnt play minecraft w you rn not really in the mood..
Kenma: oh ok..
Time passed since then a month to be exact and you basically dropped off of the face of the earth, you weren’t in the mood to do anything let alone game and stream, which was a constant reminder of your boyfriend (something you didn’t want at the time.) 
You felt embarrassed over all the things he said about you and all the things you now think he thinks about you and the way you play. Maybe he thinks even worse things about you, beyond just how you game? What if he doesn’t even genuinely like you...or he has someone else...it does make sense, you do both live miles and miles away from eachother AND he’s a big streamer you see the amount of girls in his comments.
You shake your head to erase your protruding thoughts coming in your mind, but it doesn’t really help. You and Kenma haven’t spoken much over this month he tried to constantly reach out to you at first but you assume he got bored over your constant, repetitive dry texts. So you were almost content with you and Kenma not even being in a relationship anymore.
However on Kenma’s side, he was beyond worried about you. Since you haven’t been streaming or barely responded to his texts he thought something happened to you, but he didn’t want to be seen as ‘overstepping boundaries’ if there was nothing wrong at all with you and you simply were just ‘not in the mood.’ 
So here he is, in Kuroo’s apartment trying to get him to help him out on finding out what is wrong with you.
“So kenma can you remember what happened the day when Y/N went ‘ghost’“ asked Kuroo in a mock detective voice
“Y/N didn’t go ‘ghost’ Kuro, and take this seriously” said Kenma “I’m worried bout her”
“Okay fine, but for real what’s the last thing you remember before she started acting all weird.” 
“Umm I think it was around a month ago I did my saturday stream and I think she was on it but she didn’t leave her usual nice comments throughout”
“Ohh that was the stream when you sai-” Kuroo said before pausing his words as the memory of what Kenma said about you on his stream came in his mind, as even Kuroo thought it was a tad bit harsh for Kenma to say all those things “I think I know why Y/N has been so distant kiddo”
“What why?” Asked Kenma
Kuroo pulls out his phone and brings up the clip off what Kenma said and Kenma’s face cringes ‘did he really say all those things about you’ he thinks. 
“Shit.. I didn’t know I said all of that” he said quietly “how do I make it up to her?”
“There’s only one thing you can really do Kenma” said kuroo
You are woken up out of your sleep by a knock on the door. Getting out your bed like a zombie, you trudge to your front door only surprised by what you see. There in his 5′6 glory stood your ‘boyfriend’ Kenma with a controller and a kitten teddy in his hand. You were very tempted to shut the door in his face and get back to your dreamless sleep but you waited on him to speak.
“Hi Y/N” he said quietly “wanna play some minecraft...?”
“Why so you can ridicule me on how shit I am?” You ask bitterly ready to shut the door on him
“No! No not all” he said stopping you from shutting the door entering your place “Y/N i’m really sorry on what I said, I wasn’t thinking AT ALL... I love watching your streams and I think you’re great at playing games...I was just being a dick,”
You take a deep breath before tears pool in your eyes “what you said really hurt me kenma..” you say “ I know people say shitty things on the internet all the time... it’s the internet. But I wasn’t expecting you to agree with the hater and say even more shitty things on top of that.. I don’t think I want to even stream anymore”
Upon hearing that, Kenma’s mouth parts open with shock ‘you dont want to stream anymore’ were his comments that bad? Now he feel even worse as he should and is now more determined to make things right. 
He impulsively drags your arm into your game room, catching your surprise ‘what is he up too?’ you think. He stops for a second seeing your usual pristine gaming set up, collected up with dust. 
“What are you do-” you start 
“Just wait!” He says, as he rushes away turning on all your stuff and logging onto his twitch account as he sees the views go up he starts to speak
 “Hi guys, its me kodzuken and today I’m here on stream with my beautiful girlfriend and today I want to say..” he turns to you “Y/N im so sorry for the horrible things I said to you that day... I was just being a dick and I’m sorry I really am.”
You look at the chat and you see some confusion and some people recalling his words from last month. “It’s fine Kenma, I forgive you” you say giving him a hug”
“Okay Y/N, so what do you say... wanna beat my ass at bed wars?” He says with a smirk 
“When have I ever loss?” you return his smirk
Of course you did beat his ass as bed wars for rounds on rounds never losing proving yourself to actually be a good gamer girl. You enjoyed your time with Kenma, forgetting what he said before about you and moving on. 
Eventually, you guys moved in together and streamed together all the time and yes you still do play for fun but you’ve gotten way better at COD (some may say better then Kenma) but who is better didn’t matter to any of you, as long as you got to play together that’s all you both cared about.
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Kuroo and you have been together since you were in your first year of high school 
You met as friends first when you got him to tutor you in chemistry ( a subject you still aren’t that good at.)
Now you have your upcoming entrance exams for university in a month so your school has you doing mock exams in preparation for them.
You look down at your chemistry paper that your teacher just handed you. 20%. You’re surprised, very surprised since out of all your subjects (that you go 90+% on) you studied on the chemistry test the hardest ensuring Testurou, that you didn’t need his help at all. But I guess it turns out, you did.
This failing mock grade put a blunder on your day, you didn’t interact with anyone and didn’t want to see your boyfriend so you skipped your usual routine of meeting him on the rooftop and went to the library instead ‘might aswell start early on your studying’ you thought.
As you were going over your chemistry topics, you hear an ‘ahem’ next to you and you turn your head only to find your boyfriend and his friends next to you. Kuroo with his usual goofy smile on his face. 
“Hey kitten where were you at lunch?” he asked 
“Needed to go to the library, Chemistry is kicking my ass” you mumbled 
“Oya” he said as he noticed your chemistry test laying under your textbook “20%, well damn Y/N I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t know you were that stupid” he laughed doing his stupid usual hyena-like laugh.
Ouch well that hurt. You slightly flinched at his words, “Really your name, you didn’t know the molecular formula for ethanol, that’s first year work” he said continuing to laugh “I’m pretty sure that’s one of the first things I tutored you on when we first met” 
His overbearing laughter was not good for you, you were already having a bad day and yes you do know your not that good at chemistry but you didn’t need your chemistry-enthusiast boyfriend to make fun of you for failing. Kenma and Yaku stood there awkwardly obviously aware of how bad Kuroo is making you feel but they didn’t really know how to stop his friend in the moment.Whilst he’s still dying of laughter you decide to pack up your stuff and leave the library.
You managed to get your Chemistry tutor to let you retake your mock paper in a week so that means, extra hard studying with no distractions you definitely can’t fail again. Since studying on your own was definitely not a good option, and you couldn’t go to Kuroo (especially after he ridiculed you) you decided to ask the second smartest person you know to tutor you.
Y/N: Hey Yaku! Can I ask you a favour?
Yaku: Hi Y/N what do you need??
Y/N: I have my chemistry retake next week, and as you know from your loud-loud friend I failed my recent test so can you tutor me?? 
Y/N: Pleaseeee
Yaku: Ok Y/N why can’t you ask Kuroo you know that he’d be more than happy to help
Y/N: Yakuu pleasee just help me out 
So there you was, nearly a week done with your study sessions with Yaku and you’re feeling way more confident than before. 
“Y/N what is the functional group of a Carboxylic Acid” Yaku asked
“umm... COO?” 
“Great! that’s correct Y/N” he praises i dont actually know if it’s correct or not
You then hear a knock at Yaku’s front door and hear his mum let the person in, Kuroo then enters Yaku’s bedroom with shock plastered on his face surprised to see you here.
“Y/N...hey?” he says confused “what are you doing here?”
“Oh Mori-chan is just helping me with chemistry for my retake tommorow” you say nochalantly internally smiling at the twinge in Kuroo’s face at the purposeful use of Yaku’s first name.
“So why didn’t you ask me to help you know I’m a chemistry whiz” he asks
“Maybe I’m too stupid to be taught under your tutelage” you mumble “since I seem to forget whatever you teach me, even when it’s 3 years ago... but ok”
“Y/N I-” he starts 
“Oh save it Kuroo, I have studying to do” you say cutting him off
“But I-” he tries
“So Mori-chan COOH is the function group of ethyl ethonate right?” you ask ignoring your boyfriend who is now at a lost for words
“ummm yeah it is” says yaku who is clearly feeling heavily awkward at the tension in his bedroom.
Kuroo leaves and you and yaku finish off the studying for the night, you did feel a little bad for being a bit mean to Kuroo but it’s karma for him being a dick to you. 
You wake up the next day ready for your exam which was first thing in the morning, before you hand in your phone you see a message from Kuroo,
Kuroo: I know you’re still mad at me, but I think you’re going to do so well on this test. You’re not stupid at all, you’re really smart and I love you < 3 
Kuroo: Good luck Y/N
You don’t respond to the message but smile at the sincerity of it and thankful for the boost of confidence it gave you before you start your exam.
Finishing the exam with a smile, you were confident you did well as everything you and Yaku went over was on the paper and you’re almost certain you atleast got more than 75%. You have to wait an hour before your teacher can give you your results, so in the meantime you might aswell reconcile with Kuroo.
When you exit the classroom, standing there was Kuroo who seemed to have been waiting for you for the whole duration of the exam.
“So how was it?” Kuroo asked, apprenhensive as he assumed you would just ignore him like you did at Yaku’s house.
“It was fine, I think it went alright..” you say
You say simultaneously, he pauses for a second to let you speak “I’m sorry I was being so stand offish when we were at Yaku’s I just wanted you to see I could do it on my own, and when you called me stupid I really took that to heart since you and I both know that Chemistry wasn’t ever my best subject” 
“I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, and since it was only a practice test I didn’t think you’d take it to heart but I am sorry I know you aren’t stupid.”
Before you got to say anything else, your Chemistry teacher exited the room with your chemistry paper in hand. Kuroo grabbed your hand anticipating your nerves and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Miss L/N” said your teacher “Well done on your chemistry test” he turned your test around to sure a perfect 100%. Both you and Kuroo gasped, you were elated to say the least you wanted to jump up and down in excitement but a PERFECT 100%.
“I’d also like to add that you have now got the top chemistry score in the school beating the previous title holder Kuroo Testurou” said your teacher, this made Kuroo open his mouth even wider in surprise nearly making you giggle at his response. 
Your teacher took his leave, leaving you and Kuroo in the hallway “ I guess i’m the chemistry whizz now “ you say wiggling your eyebrows just as Kuroo did to you before at Yaku’s this made him chuckle as he came to put his arm around you.
“Y/N don’t get ahead of yourself now, you may have won this battle but I will win the war” he said smiling
In the final exam, you continue your winning streak also getting a near 100% and still beating Kuroo which didn’t matter to either of you, now you’re just like him cracking chemistry puns and jokes all the time which none of your friends appreciated but atleast Kuroo found them SODIUM funny.
AN: Please kill me for the last line of Kuroos, I didn’t really like Kuroo’s since it was a bit self indulgent with my hate for chemistry but what do you guys think?
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sgt-paul · 2 years
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THE TIMES (December 22, 2021)
PAUL: Life had just started to get a bit messy when Linda became pregnant with Mary. Allen Klein [the American business manager] was involved with the Beatles and, over the year, things seemed to get more chaotic and worrying. Then, the miracle: our Mary. The chaos got pushed to one side and all I cared about was being a dad. But there was still a lot of unpleasantness flying around, so in the end I said: “Let’s get out of here, go to Scotland and be a family.” It wasn’t planned, but Mary came at exactly the right time. She changed my perspective to a degree where I could look at what was happening with the Beatles and think, “Does it really matter?”.
If you were a dad in the late 1960s, you were part of that first wave who got involved with the whole process of pregnancy and birth. One afternoon I remember going down to the local Family Planning Association and picking up a booklet called You Are Having a New Baby. I loved reading it: “At this-many-weeks, your baby will be as big as an orange.” And then being there at the birth! In my dad’s day, that would have been unheard of.
My first solo album came out in 1970 and I decided to use one of Linda’s photos of me and Mary on the cover. This tiny head poking out from the inside of my jacket. These days you wouldn’t do it because it feels dangerous to put pictures of your kids out there, but back then we weren’t bothered. A lot of musical acquaintances warned me that being a dad would change my professional life. You can’t take kids on tour, you can’t have them in the studio. My professional life did change because I was no longer in the band, but I was still writing and recording. For the first Wings tour in 1972 we simply packed a load of nappies and toys and took the kids with us.
Later, when they were at school, I’d have a word with the headmaster. “Look, we’ll be away for six weeks and I don’t relish the thought of getting a call in Australia saying something’s happened to one of the kids.” The school gave us a list of the lessons they’d be missing and we took a tutor with us, which the kids hated. They saw it as a six-week holiday. Like all parents, we were dreading the rebellious teens, but the most rebellion we had from Mary and Stella was having to listen to Wham! all day long. Looking back, I guess that wasn’t too bad.
In 1998 Mary and the kids lost their mum and I lost … Linda. I knew it was my job to be “strong Dad who keeps it together”, but you can’t do that the whole time unless you completely hide your feelings. Eventually my emotions started leaking out. That’s when the roles were reversed and the kids rallied round me. We got through it, but we all struggled because she was the glue that held everything together.
Linda would have been so happy to see how far vegetarianism has come since we started the food business [in 1991]. And now Mary’s continuing the tradition with her own vegan cooking show. Yes, I’m proud of what I’ve achieved musically, but I’m also proud that Linda played such a big part in bringing vegetarian food into people’s homes.
Christmas and new year were a big family thing when I was a kid, so I keep the tradition going. Me and Nancy [Shevell, whom he married in 2011] like to go to Mary’s, the grandkids running around with their new toys. I do it for them as much as me — I want them to experience the same joy I felt at their age. That connection with family is what keeps me sane. I’ve got my fingers crossed for 2022. Like everyone, I’m hoping we’ll get a chance to do some of the things we’ve missed out on, see the people we love. It’ll be nice to have a bit more normality.
MARY: My earliest memories are split between London and the farm in Scotland. The excitement of city life versus absolute solitude. It was still exciting but in a different way: riding ponies, climbing trees, helping Mum in the kitchen. And the sound of Dad’s guitar.
It makes me laugh now, but there were some afternoons when we’d be watching cartoons and Dad would wander over with his guitar. He’d sit down and start playing this beautiful music, messing around with melodies and songs. We’d all give him an evil stare. “Dad, we’re watching telly. Go in the kitchen.” One time he said: “Do you know how many people would love to be sitting here now, listening to me play guitar?” I just shrugged. “But we can’t hear The Wombles.”
Being a vegetarian family in the late 1970s marked you out as different. Everybody said it was all Mum’s idea and she’d forced Dad to stop eating meat, but they did it as a team. I remember them discussing recipes and Dad saying he still wanted something he could slice for his Sunday roast. Mum was always excited about cooking and she inspired me. Dad’s pretty good in the kitchen — he’d make a great sous-chef. If you ask him to sort out the mashed potato, it’ll be the best you’ve ever tasted. He’s meticulous, just like he is in the studio.
Of course people made fun of Mum and Dad for being veggie. They made fun of Mum for a lot of things, saying she wasn’t a real musician, she wore odd socks and charity-shop jumpers. The real problem was that she didn’t fit the mould of the woman they wanted Paul McCartney to marry. They wanted someone who went to all the chichi parties, but Mum was more interested in feeding the animals on the farm.
Mum and Dad insisted we went to the local comprehensive school, which made me feel a bit awkward at the time. I’d be in school for a term, then off on tour. When I came back, all my friends had made new friends. Now, when I look back, I realise what a smart move it was. It kept us grounded.
Dad was almost too enthusiastic when it came to helping with homework. On my own I could knock it off in half an hour but Dad would get out the encyclopaedia, he’d be cross-referencing and drawing graphs. The teachers must have got suspicious when I gave in these ridiculously detailed essays. Dad said education changed his life and he wanted to pass that love of learning on to us.
I look at Dad and think, after all he’s been through, how has he managed to stay in one piece? He has found a way of keeping a level head, no matter what else is happening in his life. My own personal theory — I’ve not talked to Dad about this — is that he needs normality because that’s what inspires him. Real life and real people. That’s where all the music comes from.
Every year that goes by I seem to find a new level of admiration for what Dad has achieved — and Mum too. My husband and I have this game where we try to get through a day without coming across a reference to Dad or the Beatles. What usually happens is that I get to around nine o’clock, then something comes on the radio or I see an ad for the new Beatles documentary.
I do listen to the Beatles at home, but it’s the Wings stuff I play the most. Mum’s not around any more, but when she’s doing her backing vocals I can still hear her and Dad together. There’s a song called I Am Your Singer — that always gets me. “When day is done, harmonies will linger on.”
Paul on Mary
She can do a very powerful whistle to catch someone’s attention. I once asked her to do it for Prince Charles.
Mary on Paul He has an exercise routine every morning and finishes it off with a faultless, unsupported five-minute headstand.
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maijobi · 3 years
“see you”
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okkotsu yuuta x reader
summary: when yuuta’s disappearance has much more of an effect on you than you every thought…
a/n: I had a totally different idea for this,, but it didn’t work out so I came with this. not proofread and I’ll probably change certain things when im not high on sleep deprivation.
everyday was a joyful day. well at least, you tried to make it joyful. you didn’t see the purpose in wanting to make your day worse by thinking too much so everything was always so sudden, energetic and for some people maybe a little annoying. but those were things you never cared about. people’s opinion didn’t matter to you. you lived your life for yourself and not for anyone else, so why not try to make the best out of it?
you weren’t easily budged so having missed the bus and running to school in the rain instead didn’t even concern you in the slightest. you had a toast in your mouth and took whatever drink you had in the fridge and ran out the door with your umbrella in one hand and your drink in the other. you were basically jumping in every puddle you saw, not caring if your socks got wet. a big smile was on your face because who didn’t enjoy jumping in puddles with bread in your mouth. you looked at the drink you had taken out of the fridge and got happy that it was strawberry milk, your favourite. 
with the speed you were running you knew you’d make it just in time for classes, but before you could reach the school building you saw a young man sitting on a bench. head down, hands intertwined and looking miserable. 
well grumpiness in the morning wasn’t for you, so even if you could put a small smile on his face you’d be more than happy. so before you knew it you were standing in front of the guy, holding the umbrella above the two of you. his gaze slowly turned in your direction, his eyes were red and swollen so that indicated that he was probably crying. you gave him a big smile, showing a full set of teeth. you weren’t ashamed the slightest. you handed him the umbrella and placed the strawberry milk on his lap. 
before he could say anything you took your bag and placed it over your head and started running In the direction of school. you heard him calling after you and when you turned around you could swear you could see a faint smile on his face. so in return you waved at him. “see you”, you found yourself saying while running through the school grounds. 
the day after you saw him sitting there again after having missed your bus again, he handed your umbrella and mumbled a thank you and you’d only smile at him and leave with a sprint because you’d miss school otherwise. 
the day after that you saw him again, sitting yet again in the rain with a miserable look. so you gave him your umbrella and, for this time, banana milk and started running with your bag over your head to school. he’d try to call for you again and you’d only turn your head while running and would scream “see you” again. 
and before you knew it you’d purposely miss every bus and run to school, just so you could see him on that bench every morning. so you could give him your umbrella in the rain and he’d give it back on sunny days and would mutter a shy “thank you” while you’d scream “see you” after every meeting. 
you started to leave the house earlier so you could see him and maybe even talk with him and when you’d see him sitting on that bench you made your way to sit next to him. he didn’t notice it was you yet so you spoke up. “huh, that much for giving you my umbrella every two days”, you said with a pout.
his face shot in your direction and you could see the flush red ears and slightly tinted cheeks as he looked at you. 
“you know, buying you an umbrella would solve many of your problems, but I seem to find it more fun to give you mine and get it back afterwards while you thank me”, you said. “I don’t think i’ve properly introduced myself.” you rose from your seat and stood in front of him while stretching out your arm. “i’m y/n, nice to meet you.”
he smiled at you and shook your hand. “okkotsu, okkotsu yuuta.”
“did you know you have very beautiful eyes yuuta”, you said as you pulled him closer.
he’d blush again and you’d laugh. “i’m looking forward to meet up with you more often.”
and you’d see him every day. every morning ten minutes before classes would start, because even If it were only ten minutes with him they made you feel the happiest. not even jumping in a puddle could relate to the feeling you had when you were with him. 
you would wake up in the morning trying to look better for him. wear your pretty socks or try to make your hair look slightly better than usual and every so often you’d wear a mask to let your skin glow. you found yourself doing things you’d never thought you’d do for someone. suddenly you cared a lot.
you’d figure out all kinds of things about him. his family, his past, his friends (which he didn’t have much). you learned his reason behind his gloomy days and you figured out the reason why he never went to school. “heeh, you pervert. bet you’re just looking at all the passing high school girls.”
he’d worriedly and anxiously try to tell you that was not the case because he was also a high school student, even though you were well aware he’d never actually look at every girl going to school. his reasoning was that he had special tutoring, something you’d never heard before. probably some extra math classes or something. well it wasn’t as if it would have much effect on you. 
it was raining again and you were ready to see yuuta again, but when you were running happily to the bench and sprung in every puddle in the meanwhile you saw he wasn’t there. and he wasn’t there again for several weeks that turned into months.
mornings weren’t special anymore and as much as you hated that this had an effect on you you couldn’t help the growing ache in your chest. you’d jump in puddles on rainy days, but they didn’t give you as much joy as they used to. you tried to run with your bag on your head to work up some adrenaline, but nothing really worked. nothing gave you the joy you wanted. 
many months passed and you found yourself being the person you hated. being the person you did not want to become. being the person that thought too much and let negative thoughts overpower your brain.
it was raining again and you found yourself missing the bus on accident this time. so you walked, not ran, but walked to school that day with no umbrella, no flavoured milk and no bag over your head to protect you from the rain. just you walking in the rain getting completely drench. you saw the bench and made your way to it. you thought of yuuta and sat down at the exact spot he’d sit down. 
you hated every moment. you didn’t wanna sit there and remember. you wanted to move on and be happy. who was yuuta anyways? some dude that forgot his umbrella every day? and yet you couldn’t move an inch. the rain had stoped, but the sounds were still there and suddenly a small bottle of strawberry milk was placed on my lap. you shot your head up and your eyes widened. and umbrella over your head.
“it’s unlike you to see you so gloomy in the morning”, he’d say with his oh so familiar smile. he changed. his hair changed and he grew taller. his face matured and he look a lot more calm rather than anxious like he used to be.
you didn’t realize it until he brushed his hand under your eyes that you were crying. “why did you leave so suddenly?”, you asked. 
“I can’t tell you the whole story yet, but I promise you that I will one day”, he said as he placed a hand on your cheek. “i’m sorry for leaving you so suddenly.”
you took his hand and lowered it from your face. “you can’t just disappear for months and come back only with a sorry expecting me to forgive you. i’ve been through hell. don’t ask me why you leaving had such an effect on me, but it did. I found myself worrying about what you’d think of me, even though something like that never happened to me before. I was happy to see you every morning and I hate how much of a bitter aftertaste you left behind when you didn’t show up for the past months. I hated you. I hated you so much, that I couldn’t even stop thinking about you. and I couldn’t stop myself from caring about you”, you said through tears.
“then let me make it up to you”, he whispered.
you knew what was coming and you let it happen. because you craved his touch and you craved to feel his lips on yours. so when they touched it felt ever so lightly that you found yourself intoxicated by it. you wanted more and pulled him closer as if he’d leave again. you didn’t give him a second to break it while letting your lips dance together. your heart was hammering in your chest and your brain was a mess.
you weren’t going to let him off the hook so easily. a kiss couldn’t stop you from being angry. but the kiss told you that he was ready to stay and was a form of saying that he wasn’t going anywhere. so your repeated see you’s were not a waste of hope. 
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jenoismydad · 3 years
2 + 3 = You In Me
Pairing: Tutor!Jaemin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut (pwp), Slight Angst, College AU
Words: 4.6k+
Warnings: 18+ content. Unprotected sex.
Synopsis: He agrees to tutor you and you end up becoming good friends even though you both so clearly want to be more. What happens when you let you bodies talk for you?
Jaemin was coming over to help you prepare for a test. You had no clue how he'd agreed to assist you, but you were thankful nonetheless. Jaemin rarely ever studied with girls. Mostly because they were always hitting on him. But it seemed you were an exception. You wondered why but you figured it was because he was trying to make some extra money.
Yes, Jaemin made you pay him. He made everyone pay him so you didn't think too much of it. From what you'd heard, his methods never failed to prove effective. You hoped he could help you study well enough to pass this test. After all, a majority of your grade depended on it.
You'd spent a good amount of your time trying to prepare a nice study space for you both to sit at in your apartment. So far you'd only managed to clean your coffee table and place two cushions for seats at its feet.
Jaemin would be here any minute. You rushed to get everything you'd need for the day, wanting to keep it all ready so that you wouldn't have to interrupt the study session. Your bell rang not soon after. He was here on time.
Opening the door, you welcomed him with a smile. He nodded and entered without a word. Black track pants and a plain white shirt. Jaemin hadn't made much of an effort to dress to impress. He ventured into your dorm, looking around the place silently.
That's when he came across your makeshift study zone. He pointed at it and looked at you.
"We're studying here," he asked, placing his hands in his pockets. He sounded a tad bit dejected. Your eyes widened slightly in panic. Was he not comfortable with sitting on the floor? "Yeah, I figured. Is there a problem," you asked, fearing the worst for no reason. Jaemin shook his head. "Nope, I just thought we were gonna sit in your room. That's where most of the girls take me anyways," he revealed, flashing you a small grin. You immediately felt at ease.
"My room's kind of a mess at the moment," you admitted, joining him near your couch. He took a seat on the floor, placing the cushion behind his back instead. He cleaned his black-rimmed glasses and patted the space next to himself. "Let's get started."
Jaemin was a pro at breaking down the complex concept so that your pea-sized brain could understand it to the fullest. The only drawback with that method was that it took much longer than you'd like it to. Two hours later you'd only finished one of the chapters that would be coming for the test. You still had four more to go.
"Fuck it's already three o'clock," you complained, falling dramatically on the coffee table. Jaemin flipped his pen in his fingers and stretched his body with a yawn. "I don't mind staying overtime," he joked. He'd made a lot of humoring comments during your time with him. The last you'd heard, he tended to be quite serious, never straying from his purpose. Not that you minded or anything, but Jaemin wasn't really meeting the expectations everyone had set for him in your mind. Maybe they were just trying to intimidate you.
"Don't you have to study too," you asked, turning your head to glance at him. He looked at you and shook his head. "I already studied beforehand. Plus, this test's gonna be super easy. You pass it with a breeze," he admitted. As relieving as that sounded, you didn't wanna take any chances. What if he flunked the test because he didn't revise or something. You really didn't want to be the person he blamed when that happened.
"You don't have to stay for my sake. You can go home if you want to. I think I can manage on my own now." you flipped through the pages of your coursebook, sighing in despair. It was a lot to go through. At least you still had half the day left.
Jaemin folded his arms. "Don't worry about me y/n. Not to undermine you, but I don't think you can get through all of this by yourself. I mean, you barely managed to understand the basics. All those chapters just branch off from this one and get increasingly tough to learn."
If this was him trying to convince you to let him stay then it sure as hell was working. You groaned and sat back up. "You promise you won't fail the test because of me then?" Jaemin chuckled. "Of course not. I'll pass with flying colors."
So you resumed studying. Jaemin was right. What he taught you next was more confusing than the first chapter you'd covered. You regretted not paying attention during your lectures. Jaemin never got impatient with you. In fact, he took ample time to make sure you understood everything he explained to you. He was very thorough and you appreciated that. However the more knowledge you absorbed, the more exhausted you felt. It got to the point where you felt like you couldn't study any further. Jaemin then suggested that you take a small break. You couldn't have agreed faster.
"Once we're done you should go through the practice questions that I emailed you," Jaemin reminded, taking a sip of the soda you'd offered him. You gave him a thumbs up and fell on the ground. "You're a lifesaver Na Jaemin."
Jaemin chuckled and turned to you. "I'm guessing it's not just math that you're having a problem with."
You raised your head and narrowed your eyes at him. "Nicely deduced."
"We can get together to study together for your other subjects if you don't mind. No need to pay me either," he offered.
You furrowed your brows. "Jaemin the longer you spend teaching me the dumber you're gonna get."
He brushed you off. "I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that."
"You never know, and besides, after today you should know that it's gonna take five hundred years to clear all my concepts. Do you even have that kind of time?"
Jaemin tilted his soda can at you. "You'd be surprised at how much free time I have on my hands."
You smiled. "Wait so you're actually agreed to be my personal tutor."
Jaemin rolled his eyes amusedly. "It was my proposition but yes. I wouldn't be your personal tutor though. Just a study partner."
You sat up and leaned back. "So like, studying in the library after class and stuff like that?"
He nodded. "If the library's closed we can come here or I can take you to my place."
You pursed your lips, considering his deal. But something paused your train of thoughts. "Wait a minute. Why are you asking me this all of a sudden? You hardly seem like the type of guy who'd study with someone else."
Jaemin downed his drink, wincing at the fizziness that clawed at his throat. "I've had fun studying with you so far. Like, you're genuinely dumb, unlike some other people I tutor who just pretend to be dumb so they can spend a few hours with me."
You raised a brow. Had he just called you dumb? "I'll try not to take offense, thank you very much."
Jaemin apologized with a laugh.
"Does it make you feel smarter in some type of way," you asked? Jaemin hummed in response. "It kinda does now that you mention it. But I also feel like it would help me revise and clear my own concepts at the same time."
That made sense. "Damn, and here I was thinking you wanted to do this cause you were interested in me."
Jaemin's eyes widened. You raised your hands in defense. "It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously," you assured. Jaemin relaxed at that.
"Let's get started again. We're almost halfway there," he said, changing the topic. You agreed and sat beside him again, pen in hand, ready to go.
You walked out of your lecture with a bright smile on your face and headed straight to the library. Sure enough, Jaemin was already sitting there, waiting for you patiently. You sent him a small wave and skipped over to him. Handing him your graded test paper, you watched excitedly as his eyes lit up.
"Oh my god. You passed!"
You squealed and sat next to him, placing your bag near your feet. Jaemin smiled up at you. "This is such a good score," he added, glad that he'd been able to help.
"Henceforth we're studying together for every single test. I don't care if you're sick or at a friend's house."
Jaemin laughed and nodded. "Sure thing. If it means seeing you this happy then I'm down."
You froze at his words, glancing towards him. He clearly didn't seem to realize what he'd just said. Maybe you'd heard wrong. It was possible. After all, he was whispering. You didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to listening anyways. Concluding that you were mistaken, you pulled out your books and got to finishing up your assignments.
A few hours later Jaemin and you exited the library. You both usually parted ways since your dorms were in the opposite direction. However today, Jaemin followed behind you.
"What are you doing," you asked when he jogged up next to you. "We should celebrate your achievement today," he suggested. That sounded nice. "Okay then, what do you propose we should do?"
Jaemin pondered on your question. "Let's go to the cafe. I'll buy you coffee and anything else you want."
Coffee was perfect. You nodded and agreed. Jaemin grinned and led you to a small cafe that was just a little outside campus.
You both entered the small shop, the tantalizing scent of coffee hitting your senses immediately. Even though it was almost lunchtime, the cafe was brimming with multitudes of students. Luckily, the queue was short.
"Go find us somewhere nice to sit. I'll buy us some drinks," Jaemin said, pulling out his phone. Before you left, you let him know what you'd like.
Venturing to the back of the cafe, you found a secluded booth for two. It faced a large window, one that gave a fantastic view of the campus. You took a seat and placed your bag next to you. After a couple minutes of waiting, Jaemin emerged with your drinks in hand. He handed you yours before sitting down.
"Iced Americano? I see you're into the classics," you chimed, deciding to spark up a conversation. Jaemin took a sip of his drink. "Simple is the best after all."
Of course, it was. "Hey Jaemin," you started, setting your drink down on the table. He hummed. "Do you wanna come over later today," you asked. Jaemin furrowed his brows. "But we already finished studying."
You shook your head. "Not to study. Let's hang out, maybe watch a movie or something like that."
He seemed a bit taken aback, but nothing too alarming. It was just that you two never really did anything other than study together. Sure enough, you'd become close because of it. But you figured as friends, there were other things you could engage in to pass the time.
"Let's do it. What time should I come over," Jaemin asked? "Does seven work for you? I'll order pizza, so you don't need to worry about dinner."
Jaemin nodded. "Seven works for me."
As soon as the clock struck seven, there was a knock on your door. The ever punctual Jaemin would never be a second late. You let him in, eager to get your night started. He walked into your dorm and went straight to your room, plopping down on your bed as if it were his own.
You'd already been browsing on Netflix, wondering what genre he liked. It had never come up in conversation before so you didn't really know.
"What are we watching," he asked, scrolling through the options. You shrugged and joined him on your bed. "I'm not sure. I didn't know what you like," you admitted.
"I usually just watch whatever's in the top ten or 'new this week'," he shared. He stopped at a movie you would never have believed he'd be interested in.
"You wanna watch Yes Day," you asked in disbelief? Jaemin giggled and nodded innocently. "It looks super lame but I've already finished watching everything," he revealed. Here you were thinking you both would watch something more serious instead of a family movie. Instead of spending forty minutes trying to settle on one movie, you decided it best to just go with the first choice.
Jaemin started the movie and leaned back beside you. It was quiet between you both for the most part. You watched the movie in silence. It wasn't as entertaining as you'd thought it would be, but Jaemin seemed to be engrossed in it so you chose to say nothing and continued staring at the screen.
Halfway into the movie, Jaemin stifled a yawn and fell to the side, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He looked at you and pointed to the screen. "Are we gonna keep watching this?"
You let out a breath of relief and exited out of the movie once and for all. "If you didn't like it why'd you make me watch it," you complained, shutting your laptop. Jaemin sat up and crossed his legs. "I thought you were enjoying it. You even laughed at the funny parts."
You stuck your chin out. "You should know what my fake laugh sounds like by now Jaemin." He raised his hands in defense. "The only time I hear you laugh is when you realize you're doing something wrong."
You tsked. "That's called nervous laughter genius. You suck at interpreting emotions."
He hit you with a pillow softly. "Hey, stop making me out for a robot."
"You're the human embodiment of the AI," you joked, dodging the pillow he swung at you. Raising your hands in defense, you shielded yourself from him. "At least I said you're intelligent."
Jaemin paused his attacks. "You're lucky I think you're cute. I'll let you off the hook for now."
You had another one of those moments where you froze, wondering if the words that had come out of his mouth were true or not. He didn't whisper this time. You'd heard everything word for word. But you couldn't believe it.
"Did you just call me cute?"
Jaemin nodded, not seeming too surprised about it. "You aren't not cute," he added. Maybe you were misinterpreting the meaning behind it. Friends called friends cute. It was normal. That didn't mean that they liked each other, did it?
Noticing the conflict in your expression, Jaemin leaned forward and cleared his throat. "I didn't mean it in an 'I have a crush on you' type of way."
Something about that made your stomach churn. You felt uneasy all of a sudden. You wanted to be relieved, that he didn't think of you as more than a friend. But a part of you wished he felt otherwise. You didn't know why, it just did.
You chuckled awkwardly and faced him. "Yeah, of course, you didn't. I don't know why I thought that."
Jaemin hummed and rested his chin on his palm. "Maybe because you wanted it to be true."
"Maybe you wanted me to tell you that I like you."
You didn't know what to say to that. So you just smiled awkwardly. "But you don't, do you?"
Jaemin grinned. "Do you want me to?"
"No! Of course not, why would I-"
"I'm just messing with you y/n. Don't worry, we're just friends," he assured, finding you getting alarmed quite amusing. You hit his shoulder. "Don't joke around like that. Who knows what might happen."
Jaemin's laughter died down. He met your gaze sombrely. You knew he wanted to say something, but he remained silent. His eyes traveled down to your lips for a moment. You sucked in a breath, suddenly feeling giddy. Jaemin looked back into your eyes, this time with a small smile. You didn't know what he was doing. You also didn't know if you liked it or not. Your mind said one thing and your body said another. Jaemin subtly licked his lips. You had no clue why the action had such a devastating effect on you.
Before you knew it, your lips were on his. Jaemin didn't seem surprised at all. In fact, he relaxed and snaked his arm around your waist, pulling your body onto his. He fell back on your mattress, bringing you on top of him. Straddling his lap, you placed your hands on either side of his head, kissing him with vigor. Jaemin groaned against your mouth, the sound sending warm shivers down your back. His lips were softer than you thought they'd be and he tasted faintly of coffee.
His hands slipped under your shirt, resting on your skin. His touch felt fiery hot. You rolled your hips over his lap impulsively, biting his both lip as a throaty groan left his mouth. He squeezed your waist and trailed his hands down to your ass.
Before things could escalate, however, your bell rang. You both stilled, separating from each other. When your eyes met, you scrambled off of him and sat at the edge of your bed, completely stunned. Jaemin rubbed his face and sat up as well, not really knowing what to say. The bell rang again, snapping you out of your daze. "I'll go get that," you muttered disorientedly, leaving Jaemin in your room. He nodded and stood up. "Actually, I'm gonna go," he said, leaving your room before you could say anything. You heard the door open and shut soon after. Your bell rang again.
You went to open your door. A delivery guy stood before you, hands empty with a confused look on his face. "The guy that just left took the pizza with him. He said that you'd pay for it." You couldn't believe it. Nonetheless, you paid the man and shut your door. What had just happened?
A few days passed after the incident at your dorm. Jaemin hadn't called or texted you and in all honesty, you hadn't made an attempt to contact him. You felt too embarrassed to face him. After all, it was you who'd gone onto him. Even if he didn't push you away it wasn't like either of you had agreed to start making out. You were anxious because you knew you'd ruined your friendship with him.
A part of you missed him. You enjoyed spending time with him, even though all you did was study. Everything was so bleak now that he wasn't around to humor you.
You didn't want to regret whatever had happened that night. It was amazing. You just wished it hadn't ended the way it did. You should have understood that he indeed was joking. Instead, you mistook his prodding for sarcasm.
It made no sense for you to not speak to him. You wanted to make amends, figure out what had gone wrong. But you were scared he'd ignore you. That would just make you feel worse than you already did.
So you passed the days, wafting in your own misery. Pitying yourself as if the entire weight of the world had been thrown on your shoulders.
Little did you know that all it would take was another shitty test score for you to pick up your phone and call Jaemin.
"Help me study," you said as soon as he answered the call. Jaemin was silent on the other end. "Don't just listen to me. Say something," you begged. Your heart felt heavy. You heard him sigh. "I'd rather not y/n." You got goosebumps. "Jaemin, please. We can go to fucking library if that makes you feel better," you suggested, desperate for him to agree. After giving it some thought he finally answered you. "Okay fine. Tomorrow at three. But no longer than three hours."
He hung up, leaving you feeling a tad bit better. You looked forward to the next day. Hopefully, he wouldn't act indifferent to you.
Jaemin sat in your usual spot at the library. He was on his phone, leg crossed over his lap leisurely. You walked up to him and took a seat beside him without a word. Seeing you had arrived, he put his phone away and turned to you. "What are we studying?"
You took out your books and opened them. "This."
Jaemin glanced over the material. No wonder you'd flunked your test. He sighed, placing the textbook between you two. Without wasting a second, he began tutoring you.
No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't pay attention. You were too busy staring at his face, more specifically his lips. They way he'd lick them ever so often made butterflies soar in your stomach. He'd run his hand through his fluffy hair and adjust his glasses, letting your mind run wild. Jaemin didn't seem to notice your lack of focus. You figured he didn't really care. He kept glancing at his watch. It was like he was waiting for your time with him to come to an end.
Much to your dismay, eventually it did.
"I'll send you a picture of some practice material. You can use that to prepare better," he concluded, getting up from his seat. You quickly stuffed your books in your bag and ran after him.
"Jaemin wait!"
He paused. "What," he asked as he turned around. He sounded disinterested. "Can we talk," you asked? Jaemin sighed and shrugged. "What do you wanna talk about," he questioned, placing his hands in his pockets. "About what happened at my place last week."
Jaemin tensed up. "It was a mistake. I think we both understood that."
You shook your head. "I don't know Jaemin, I'm not sure I did."
He furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"
"The more I thought about it the more I realized that I wouldn't have kissed you unless I wanted to. Not just that but you wouldn't have let it go so far if you thought it was wrong."
He seemed at a loss for words.
"When you called me cute, you did mean it in an 'I have a crush on you' type of way." You didn't need an answer for him to know you were correct.
"What are you trying to say y/n," he asked, sounding defeated.
"That I like you," you admitted. Jaemin's eyes widened. "And that you like me too," you added.
Jaemin bit his lip. "Okay, so then why were we acting like we hated each other for so long?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because you overthink everything and I'm a big pussy."
Jaemin chuckled and slung his arm around your shoulder. "I'm sorry about that babe."
You cringed at the nickname. "Don't 'babe' me. We're not dating. Not yet."
Jaemin rolled his eyes. "Does it really need to be that formal?"
You nodded adamantly. "Of course it does."
He sighed. "Fine. Will you go out with me y/n?"
You smiled and shook your head. "I'd rather not Jaemin."
"Yeah whatever," he said with a scoff, leading you outside.
As soon as you were past your door Jaemin's lips were on yours in an instant. He pushed you against the wall, wrapping your legs around his waist. You held onto his shoulders, sighing into his mouth. "I missed you so fucking much," he muttered, stumbling to your room.
He dropped you on your bed and hovered over you, staring down at you somberly before kissing you again. His lips didn't stay on yours for too long, trailing down to your jaw and then your neck. You tugged at his shirt, urging him to take it off. When he did, you stared at his chiseled body in awe. "I didn't know you worked out."
Jaemin chuckled at your comment and pulled your own shirt off. He flicked the tiny bow on your bra with an amused grin. "This is cute."
You nudged his arm timidly. "I wasn't exactly preparing myself for this moment."
He said nothing further and latched his lips to your neck once again. Running your fingers through his hair, you craned your neck to the side to give him more access. He gently sucked on your skin, not too harsh that it would leave marks. You sighed and fiddled with the waistband of his sweatpants. "Do you want it off," he asked quietly, lips ghosting over yours. You nodded, biting your lip when he pushed his pants down.
His member came into sight, making your mouth water.
Taking your hand in his, he brought it to his cock. Your fingers wrapped around his girth instinctively. Jaemin suck in a breath as he made you stroke his length. His hand slipped past your panties, fingers toying with your clit. You gasped and spread your legs wider, loving the way his calloused fingertips felt. Tightening your grip around his cock, you jerked him off earnestly. In turn, Jaemin began rubbing quick circles into your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Letting go of his member, you hastily pushed your pants down your legs. Jaemin peeled your panties off of you, marveling at the sight of your glistening pussy. "Don't just stare," you complained, shutting your legs, "do something."
Jaemin wordlessly, spread your legs apart and settled down between your thighs. He glanced up at your through his lashes, asking for permission before licking a stripe up your folds. You pushed your hips against his mouth, eyes falling shut when he repeated the action. Holding onto your thighs, he nipped and sucked at your clit, groaning every time your bucked your hips into his face. You gripped onto his hair, tugging at his roots. Jaemin's fingers prodded at your slit, slowly entering your walls. He curled them up, making your arch your back in delight. It felt so good. He knew exactly what he was doing.
With his tongue skillfully moving over your clit and his fingers continuously pumping in and out of you, it didn't take long for you to feel a familiar knot in your stomach. You sat up, pulling his mouth off of your cunt. "I need you to fuck me now." Your voice was hushed, breathless because of how much you'd moaned. Jaemin's eyes had darkened considerably. He pushed you down on your back again and pressed his tip to your entrance.
Jaemin felt bigger than he looked. Not that you were complaining or anything, it just took a while to get used to. He made sure you were comfortable before slowly starting to pound into you.
You grabbed his arms as he fastened his pace, head falling back in ecstasy. Shallow breaths left his parted lips. "You feel so good," he muttered, burying his face in the crook of your neck. His breath was hot on your skin. You wrapped your arms around his neck, humming in response. You were close. Jaemin could tell.
Gripping onto your waist, he went faster, slamming his cock into you as he chased your highs. You cried out his name, squeezing your eyes shut. Your walls clenched tightly around his length, your orgasm crashing down on you intensely. Soon enough, he twitched inside you. His thighs stilled, hips snapping into you one last time before thick ropes of his cum shot into your walls. He let out a pleased groan, voice deep and raspy.
"That was amazing," you breathed, pushing your hair out of your face as Jaemin moved off of you. He smiled and tugged his pants back on, joining you under the covers. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Jaemin pulled you into his side, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. You laughed to yourself. "What is it," Jaemin asked. You shook your head, looking at him. "To think this all started after you agreed to tutor me."
tagging: @neosmutcollective @hoehousenet @kdiarynet @kafenetwork @nct-writers @ficscafe @whipped-kpop-creators @kpopscape
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miekasa · 3 years
random armin/mikasa/jean headcanons (college au)
↯ pairing: armin x (fem) reader, mikasa x (fem) reader, jean x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: college au, fluff, lets see how many times i can mention eren in writing that has absolutely nothing to do with him
↯ notes: this.... probably won’t be a regular thing, i don’t know that i can consistently continue writing for them, but this sure was fun and reminded me that i actually have feelings for someone other than levi :// didn’t ask for that, but here we are
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Would most likely get pretty good grades, but he can definitely be lazy about it and hear me out.
If it’s a class that he likes and is genuinely interested in (which is the majority of them), he’s going to put in the work—sometimes too much work—to make sure he’s doing well. He usually studies very meticulously, and stays on top of his game throughout the semester.
But if it’s one of those bs classes the university makes you take, or some kind of stupid elective that was the only course that could fit into his schedule? Well, Armin is smart enough to bullshit his way through anything, so he’s not going to exert himself for a class he doesn’t even care about. 
Oh, and he’s very vocal about complaining to you about said bullshit courses. (Completely justified, go off king).
“I swear sometimes the TA just lowers marks randomly to ‘keep the class average.’ Granted, I didn’t really study for the quiz, so I wasn’t expecting a stellar grade or anything, but I know they do that sometimes.” “Well, babe, why didn’t you study.” “Because I hate it, (Y/N).”
Like I said, takes school seriously and tries his best; but even he knows he doesn’t have to be at 100% all the time. It’s also kind of a flex how smart he is and how much he can get by on doing the absolute bare minimum.
Poor Connie is studying his ass off for their shared elective and Armin barely looked at the first page of the textbook, and he’ll probably get a 90 anyways.
Imagine he’s so caught up with his other classes, he actually forgets about a midterm for his stupid elective, and at first he’s freaking out, so you kind of have to remind him of who tf he is. You finally get him to relax and he blinks at you, “Oh right, I didn’t study because I didn’t have to haha nice.” 
Helps you prepare for presentations by letting you practice them in front of him. Actually gives good feedback, but sometimes he’s just watching you and not really listening.
Sometimes, you have to be the one to remind him to take a step back and take care of himself, before his schoolwork. He doesn’t like to worry you, and likely feels guilty when he sees you walking up to him in the library at 2am; so he won’t fight you on it, and just lets you help him pack up all his stuff and head home for the day.
Likes head massages. Maybe sometimes has faked a little bit of a headache to get you to massage his head and play with his hair. He’ll never tell.
If you rub his cheek while he’s laying on top of you, he will knock out like a baby. Almost immediately. It’s a surefire way to get him to go to sleep.
Schedules dates with you, and plans them out meticulously. Sometimes gets playful and sends you a whole ass e-vite.
“Armin, why do I have an email invitation for our date to the library?” “So that you don’t forget, of course.” “How could I forget, it’s later today, and you’re literally helping me study for my midterm.” “With popcorn!”
Probably the type to get a job on campus. You and your friends come to visit him when he’s on shift and annoy him. He secretly likes it.
Oh, he’s kind of shady. Scratch that, can be very shady. He complains about school to you, but also just complains to you in general; he doesn’t outwardly do that a lot, but you’re his confidant.
Sometimes you get surprised and call him out on it and you’re like “Oh my god, Armin, the poor girl didn’t mean to mess up the project,” and he’s like “Well. Sometimes people are idiots and it has to be said.”
Has a bad habit of rolling his eyes and he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. “Did you just roll your eyes at me.” “I don’t know, did I?” Bye.
His hands are always covered in some kind of ink/markings. Accidental brushes of his pens, streaks from his highlighters or markers, a little bit of lead from his pencil along the side of his palm.
Speaking of which, he strikes me as the kind of guy to keep a bullet journal. Not necessarily decked out and fancy with Polaroids and extravagant fonts; but definitely neat, and decorated to some extent, depending on how he’s feeling. It makes him feel organized.
He would pencil in important dates and markers of your relationship into said journal. “Friday night: museum date—remember to buy the tickets in advance.”
If anyone is going to buy, wash, peel, and cut up fruit for you, it’s going to be Armin.
Lowkey tutoring all of his friends, and might be the sole reason that Connie hasn’t dropped out yet. He likes tutoring you the most, though. 
Get this, sometimes he asks you to tutor him, even if he knows damn well he doesn’t need it. Maybe he’ll even sign up for a stupid elective if it’s a class you’ve taken before, just to have an excuse to get you to teach him something. 
Likes trying new things with you. He might not always like the new things that you try, but he’s open to trying them at least once. Well… most things anyways. Just don’t ask him to get up at dawn and go jogging with you.
I genuinely cannot tell if he would be a morning person or not. Maybe mid-morning. Probably not a rise-and-shine at 6am kind of guy, but is up by at least 10:00am every day. Very cute when he’s groggy though, and stumbles around a bit like a baby deer when he first gets up, especially if he’s hungry.
He likes to bike. And really likes when you go on bike rides with him. As long as you both are on your own bikes, you learned the hard way that tandem biking isn’t cut out for you.
Knows that all-nighters aren’t good for you, but sometimes you have to pull them anyways. If you both have a lot to get done, he’ll stay up with you and make sure you both take breaks and drink water.
Can twirl his pens in that really fast and fancy way, and can do the thing where he rolls it between all his fingers too. I’ll let you think bout the implications of that for yourself.
He likes watching cartoons, and reels you into all his favorites. Definitely likes to stay in on weekends watching cartoons with you and just chilling.
Will go to a party with you if you ask, or if his friends are hosting, but nothing beyond that. You didn’t hear this from me, but he’d probably like to smoke more than drink.
Sometimes you think he needs a break and you commission Eren to take him out for the night, but Armin still comes back looking more composed than him. A little sleepy and maybe a bit out of it, but not sloshed, much to your disappointment. “Eren, you really couldn’t have tried to be more a bad influence?? I was counting on you!!”
Eren’s confused, like, “Did you want me to get him white boy wasted??” “Yeah, kinda!! It’s what he deserves every once in a while. Ugh, next time I’m calling in Sasha, she knows how to drink.”
By the way, if you’re dating Armin, you’re kind of dating (or at least babysitting) Eren too. Or vice versa. Either way, they will also go on dates without you. (“Hanging out. We’re hanging out, and I’m tutoring him so he doesn’t fail Biology, (Y/N).” “Likely story, ocean eyes.”)
Can be touchy in a very absentminded way. He’ll reach out to play with your ears/earrings, habitually rub at your shoulders if you’re standing in front of him, mindlessly toy with the ends of your clothing. Half the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, he’s so cute.
Plays one sport—is on the soccer team. It keeps him busy, and forces him to focus on something that isn’t academics once in a while. He’s pretty good at it, too; he and Eren make a good team when they play together.
You and Eren tried to get him to join the baseball team too. Eren, because he likes playing with Armin. You, because, well… the uniforms. He would look so good in the uniform.
Makes her classes look like a breeze, even though it’s at least 300 pages of reading and writing per week.
Kind of gives me Elle Woods “What, like it’s hard?” kind of vibes when it comes to schoolwork. You’re in awe of how she just did 75 pages of reading with a tiny ass font in one sitting, and she just blinks at you like “Was it supposed to be difficult?”
Speaking of which, she likes to read in general; for leisure, outside of her school work. She’ll recommend you books, too. If you don’t like to read, she’ll still try and rope you in with shorter stories, or just read them aloud to you herself. 
Sits at a table across from you while you both do your schoolwork independently. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a quiet, almost implicit sense of intimacy that she really likes.
Bundles you up when it’s cold, and won’t take no for an answer. You will wear a hat, whether you like it or not.
Always prepared—and by that I mean, she carries things on her that she realizes you might need. Tissues, extra pens, an extra pair of mittens. She strikes me as the kind of person to pay attention to details like those.
Likes to walk you to class, even if her class is very far away from your building. She doesn’t mind.
On that note, she knows your schedule pretty well, where it pertains to classes and personal interests.
If you’re the type of person who can slack off or even just get caught up in other things when it comes to school work, she’ll be there to keep you on track and hold you accountable. Usually through setting aside times to study with you, but can even be through small things like asking you how your assignment is going.
(Nevermind that you completely forgot about the assignment, and hadn’t even started it—but that’s the point; she knew that).
Hear me out: holding pinkies. Maybe not when you’re walking, but when you’re seated next to each other. The longer you’re together, the more likely she is to initiate it, too.
Would rather study at home/in her apartment than in the library, but if you like to study there, she can compromise a few days out of the week.
Makes you playlists, and they’re usually really good, because she knows you so well. Sometimes she gets cute and customizes the cover art to a picture of the both of you.
She’s your ride or die, so if you complain to her about a prof you don’t like or a TA you don’t think is fair she’s 100% on your side. She might not always be able to do anything about it, but she’ll definitely let you complain to her.
Texts you throughout the day to check up on you, but usually disguised through other questions. Asks what you want/had for lunch when she’s really checking to make sure you ate. Asks you what time your lectures end, just to make sure you didn’t skip it (again). Asks you what time you’re going to be done studying to make sure you don’t stay up all night cramming again.
Takes a genuine interest in your courses, and absolutely loves to listen to you talk about them.
If your classes are vastly different, she’ll still try and help you however she can, even if it’s only in small ways, like proofreading something for you.
Doesn’t use emojis alot, so your contact doesn’t have a bunch of hearts next your name on anything. But she does put your last name in as Ackerman. 
Has social media, but mostly uses it to keep up with her friends, and you. You’re in most of the few pictures that she does post, and she might not say it, but she really likes it when you post photos of/with her. 
Not sure why, but I think she’d be a pretty decent artist if she tried. That trend of doing glass paintings on TikTok? I think she’d be into that, and would plan out the whole thing as a date with you.
Keeps up with all your favorite shows to talk about or watch them with you. Sometimes she’ll purposely miss a few episodes so that she can spend the night and marathon them with you.
Likes to stay in and drink cheap wine and just watch or talk about whatever with you. You could watch a terrible show just to laugh and comment on it the entire time and she would be so happy. 
Doesn’t like to sit down on public transportation, and honestly would rather you didn’t either, but she’s not going to stop you from taking a seat. If you’re sitting, she’ll stand in front of/over you, and always keeps wire headphones long enough for you to share music that way.
The most insufferable human when she’s sick and she knows it. She hates being sick. And she knows you shouldn’t be around her or else you might get sick but she also just wants you to hold her. (You do).
Likes to sleepover at your place. Talks with you about your day while you lay down. Always smells good. Very cuddly when sleepy. 10/10.
Hates the act of doing her laundry, but likes doing it with you. Lowkey starts buying and using the same detergent and fabric softener as you because it makes her smell like you.
Gets very embarrassed if you kiss her in public. Very red in the cheeks, it’s kind of cute, so I wouldn’t blame you if you did it on purpose.
Jean is… quite smart, if you ask me. Or, at the very least, analytical, which can be applied to a variety of academic settings.
The only thing is, he’s incredibly lazy about it. He wants to do well in school, and can definitely pull himself together for a midterm or an exam; but is horrible at keeping pace with all his other work and assignments on a regular basis.
He also can’t sit still, which is why even though he is very kind and chivalrous and brings many snacks to your study sessions, he is also competing for number one worst study partner. Right next to Eren and Sasha.
Gets pouty when you tell him you don’t want to study with him. “But… but… but I brought snacks! And bubble tea!” “Yes, but you also have the attention span of a rabbit, Jean.”
At the end of the day he understands… that doesn’t mean he’s not going to be bitter about it LOLOL. It’s fine, you can make it up to him by hanging out with him afterwards.
Is, like, classically trained in at least two instruments because his mom put him in lessons as a child. He used to hate it growing up, and he doesn’t practice much now, so he never talks about it.
One day you happen to mention something about comparing two songs, telling him they remind you of each other but you don’t know exactly why or why, and very nonchalantly he’s like, “They sound similar because they share the same major chord in the chorus, and they’re in the same key.” 
And you just kind of blink at him like, “Okay, Beethoven. How. How did you know that.”
Once you realize he can, like, actually play the piano and violin really well you’re always begging him to play for you. It doesn’t happen often—it’s not like he owns a violin anymore and he certainly doesn’t have a grand piano in his shitty college apartment—but sometimes you sneak into the music room when it’s empty and he’ll play something for you.
He’s a romantic at heart, so he doesn’t mind, and if anything kind of enjoys you watching him play. It’s much better than playing for random parents in a recital. You’re dead if you ever mention it to any of his friends though.
Also not a frat boy, but definitely likes to party. Everything with reason. If he crushed a midterm on Thursday, he deserves to throw back a few beers on Friday night, you know?
Touchy when he’s drunk. Well, touchier than normal; he’d be the most affectionate out of every one on a regular basis. But he’s touchy and messy when he’s drunk, so he’s all over you.
Messy, but happy. All smiles and giggles and red cheeks, with his arm around your shoulder, boasting you anybody who will listen about his super hot girlfriend.
He and Eren throw the best parties when they team up together. (Only slightly related, but those two, when drunk together, could probably pass as a couple; they’re so uncharacteristically happy, and affectionate. You may or may not be keeping some photo and video evidence of Eren and Jean drunk cuddling).
Sends you videos when you’re in the middle of class. And only then. He plans it to be annoying. Because he is annoying.
Also always sending you those in-messsage games while you’re in the middle of lecture or studying. “PLEASE play virtual pool with me!! I’ll even let you win one round!!” “I AM TRYING TO LEARN!!” “LEARN LATER 😡😡😡”
A fucking fiend in your Instagram comments. It’s a miracle none of them have been removed or reported for inappropriate content. Replies to OTHER people’s comments complimenting YOU!! He’s so much
@sashabraus: aww you look so cute @youruser!! that color looks so good on you 💕 @jeannotjean: omg omg tysm @sashabraus 😊 i picked it myself @youruser: SHE WAS TALKING TO ME @jeannotjean!!! ME!!! @jeannotjean: @youruser you have no proof 🙄 @youruser: SHE USED MY @!!!! GET OUT OF MY COMMENTS!!! @jeannotjean: you’re so hot when you yell at me via insta comments 🥵🥵🥵 would it be better if i slid into your dm’s instead 😫😫😉 @youruser: @jeannotjean BLOCKED!! EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!
You try explaining your coursework to him and he’s just looking at you with puppy dog eyes like, “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, babe, but you look hot while doing it, so, please, continue.”
He’s another cocky annoying bastard (endearing). Always tilting you head up to look at him and smirk at you. Pisses you off just to put his arm around your shoulder and be like, “It’s okay, I know you love me anyways.” Winks at you in public just to embarrass you. He’s the worst. The worst.
King of picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder for absolutely no reason at all.
He lowkey wants to get an ear piercing and uses you to talk him into it. “Don’t you think I’d look hot with a piercing? I think I would.” “You would look good regardless, Jean. So, do it if you want to.” “Right. But, like.... do you think I would look hot.”
For as annoying and cocky as he can be, the second you actually genuinely tell him you think he’s attractive or talented or whatever, he gets kind of shy. It’s very cute. 
Likes trying new restaurants with you, even though he really should stop spending all his money on food. Sometimes trying new restaurants means ordering from a new place, but it’s whatever, you know.
Honestly… the two of you would probably have a ridiculously high Uber Eats bill. You really should go outside and, like, be people every once in a while LOLOL
Okay, but it’s mostly Jean’s fault. For as much as he likes to party, and doesn’t mind hosting a party, he doesn’t do much beyond that. He hangs out with his/your friends, and with you, obviously, but he’s not the kind of guy to have his weekend booked up all the time.
He would much rather stay in with you, and talk trash about his stupid group project partners, and lay on your stomach and try to teach you how to play his favorite video games.
Spoiler: he fucking lies and/or leaves out key parts of the gameplay!! Just so he can crush you and laugh about it!! Annoying, but you’re the one keeping him around, so, who can you really blame but yourself.
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