#my writing series: monster
thekittyokat · 28 days
you ever just have a lot, a LOT of feelings all at once about a character and not even remotely enough words or brainpower to FORM the words to describe everything you're feeling. so it feels like you may explode. yeah
#sorry i got really into my feelings about mark hoffman again#the very specific version of him in my brain that i really really wish i had the time and energy to properly share with you guys#saw#well until i muster the energy to explode all of my feelings out into a fic. if you want to TRY and understand#know that my three biggest hoffman fic insps right now are as follows#your best kept secret hoffman. a series of mistakes hoffman. and rushed like a dreadful wind hoffman.#there is a very clear throughline just know i am extremely emotionally compromised rn#thinking about theee fics vs the canon path hoffman spirals down#something something the absolute tragedy of watching a man's descent into madness#the transformation of a man into a monster#and what could have saved him from himself and kramer's corruption#sorry i'm rambling so much oh my god i was just having such a crying fit out of nowhere about this#do you think he could feel it happening. do you think he was aware he was losing his mind.#the script version of him fucks with me so bad. the crazed rankings and the longer hair and him not being well kept anymore#it's impossible to think he didn't know he was deteriorating#fuuuck okay i need to either chill or write a whole longfic rn#i project on that guy so much i truly don't know if i could properly write my vision of him#until i do something more substantial the full extent of my hoffman exists for me and my boyfriend only. they get me like no one else#well ginny and jenna also get me. please read best kept secret and a series of mistakes Oh My God#where am i going with this. i like tag rambling actually this is a nice way to do it without forcing EVERYONE to read my delirium#anyways if you've read all of this i think i love you? feel free to dm me about hoffman and my very specific headcanons and aus#maybe soon i'll try and start writing my fics about this tragic man#i could never say any of this on twitter btw they'd string me up for my opinions on him as a sad wet beast who could have been fixed#if only he hadn't been weaponized first#god i'm too tired to even be as embarrassed about this as i should be. thought i unlearned cringe already#but i've been spending way too much time on twitter and they HAAATE hoffman there#rip. i know it's not that serious but i'm sensitive rn and hate feeling lonely in my thoughts#ok bye for real otherwise i'll never shut up. i might tag ramble more often bc this was therapeutic in a way i needed badly#cat chat
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cinnaminsvga · 4 months
🥀 | yoongi
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the sleep deprived series (n.): drabbles that i write when i’m sad and tired
→ vampire!yoongi ft. lots of miscommunication (all because newly-turned yoongi doesn't know how to talk to women lol) | 2.6K words → a/n: SURPRISE i am miraculously alive and well (?) back at it again with some weird monsterfucker propaganda... it's been months since i've written a fic so pardon the lacking quality but i Am Trying... also i added ghost!maknaeline bc i think they'd be cute... umm this might become a series if anyone is interested but i think it works as a standalone... enjoy!!!
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When Yoongi first agreed to being turned, he never imagined being so tired all the time. Even as a mortal, Yoongi had never been the most energetic soul. He preferred loafing around at home or reading a nice book by the fire. He rarely left his drafty villa, always isolated despite the nearby town. The most cardio he would ever do was when he’d take the few steps needed to get to his piano and play a few soft songs for the ghosts wandering down his halls.
He knew the neighbors liked to whisper about him, liked to refer to him as a local boogeyman to scare naughty children. “Beware the man who sold his soul to the devil,” they warned, though Yoongi supposes their silly rumors weren’t so far from the truth. Although, it was only a month ago that he did “sell his soul,” just not for the reasons that people might have expected.
Still, being a vampire was still very strange and new to Yoongi. He’d known about spirits and ghosts for as long as he can remember, but even he thought that creatures of the night were nothing more than an urban legend. All it took was one high-stakes game of cards and an empty promise to pay back a debt for Yoongi to realize that it probably isn’t smart to make deals with ghoulish-looking men in strange clothing in the first place.
It wasn’t all bad, save for the never-ending fatigue and deathly pallor to his skin. He was still Yoongi, just… worse, if you will.
For safety’s sake, he hadn’t told anyone about it. He was a bit embarrassed, to be honest. If his brother found out, he’d surely get an earful (or a stake through his heart, though Yoongi hopes his Seokjin hyung would remember all the good times they had together). Most importantly, he could absolutely NEVER tell you about his turning. That would be absolutely humiliating.
You were a witch doctor he had met just a few weeks prior to his turning. You had just moved into his sleepy town as a “pharmacist” who could “magically” make any ailment disappear. You had decided to move there on a whim after being exhausted from the high-paced nature of the big city.
You had spotted a small line of ghosts trailing after him on the night you had moved in. He had been on the way to the convenience store for a caffeine fix, and you had been on the way there to grab a couple of toiletries you had forgotten to pack.
You were so sweet, shyly approaching him under the guise of asking him if he could reach for a snack on a high shelf. But he could see your worried gaze fixed on the three spectral children climbing on his back, though he did nothing to shoo them away. After all, they had no mass, so as long as they didn’t lick his neck or something weird, he was fine with letting them be menaces.
When he had his back turned away from you to grab your snack, he could hear you quietly telling the ghosts to get off of him. They only laughed in response, their giggles always sounding a little muffled and distorted.
Yoongi plucked the bag of chips from the shelf and turned back to you, catching a glimpse of your annoyed expression before you could school it back into something more neutral.
“Is something the matter?” Yoongi asked smoothly, handing you the bag. He amusedly watched as your brows furrowed, not even hiding that you were glaring pointedly at the little gremlins making faces at you from his shoulder.
Jungkook, the youngest of the three ghosts, climbed on Yoongi’s head before proceeding to pull down his pants, mooning you with his spectral ass.
“Uh, nothing,” you eventually said, huffing indignantly as you stomped away. Yoongi caught you discreetly poking your tongue out in annoyance before you turned to another aisle.
Thus began your cautious attempts at exorcising him without trying to “alert” him to it. It was amusing to watch you try to “save” him from the three little ghosts that decided to cling onto him, and it was even more amusing to watch you fail repeatedly every time.
Yoongi made no comment when you were suddenly bumping into him everywhere he went. There was always a terse grin on your face as you performed as many anti-ghost spells as you could, but none of them ever seemed to work. The truth was, ghosts could only be exorcised if the haunted person in question wanted them to leave, but Yoongi had found himself a little fond of these stupid little kids. They might be slowly sucking the life force out of him, but Yoongi didn’t really care. They were just kids, and he’s always been too soft for his own good.
Your many encounters with him created a subtle friendship of sorts, one that Yoongi found himself enjoying. He was never been one to foster friendships with living beings, but perhaps your sweet attempts to save his soul might have defrosted his little grinch heart. But he wouldn’t ever tell you that, of course.
Plus, it didn’t hurt that you were very pretty, for that matter. He certainly would NEVER tell you that as well.
Was he feeling guilty for not telling you about his ability to see ghosts? Slightly. But was it cute watching you trying to outsmart three little ghost babies to no avail? Very much so.
So, Yoongi stayed quiet and enjoyed your company, even if you had no idea who he was or what type of things he was capable of.
That was until he got into that damn bet with the stupid bloodsucker.
Probably shouldn’t call him that, given that I’ve become one myself, Yoongi groaned internally. He’d been hiding in his house for a month now, and your “random” visits were surely on the horizon. He wasn’t sure if you’d immediately clock that he’d turned into a vampire, but he wasn’t going to risk it. If you found out, then you’d find out about everything, and that wouldn’t be a good impression.
Yoongi knew he wasn’t great at interacting with people, let alone people he had a crush on. But at least he knew that lying to someone for extended periods of time was probably not in his favor.
Little Jungkook fluttered close to him, his smoky form twinkling from the moonlight streaming through the living room windows. “When is the pretty witch coming to visit?” he asked, a little forlorn. Among the three ghosts, Jungkook was the one who’d grown attached to you the most. “I miss playing with her…”
Yoongi sighed, rubbing his face. “Hopefully never,” he responded, voice muffled by his hands. He peered through his fingers and saw the two other kids floating by his doorway.
Jimin, the older twin, nudged Taehyung forward to speak. “Y-Yoongi… I think she’s coming soon,” Taehyung whispered, a tinge of excitement evident in his tone.
“You can’t keep hiding from her forever… She's sure to find out anyway,” Jimin warned, uncharacteristically stern.
Yoongi stretched his tired limbs, his aching back cracking as he pushed himself off his sofa. Time moved weirdly ever since he turned into a vampire. This month had felt like a day, so it was hard to tell how long he'd been sitting so still. His creaking bones gave him an idea though, that's for sure. “I know… how much do I have to bribe you three to scare her away?”
Jungkook giggled, floating over to sit on Yoongi’s shoulder. “Nothing. We do that all the time for free,” he snickered.
Taehyung nodded in agreement. “It’s true… but she never seems to go away even when we do.”
“In fact, I know she thinks we’re cute,” Jimin said, and Yoongi couldn’t help but agree. Your cat and mouse game with the three idiots was probably past the point of annoyance and more towards the territory of playfulness. You likely noticed how they weren’t exactly the malicious ghosts that people feared, so you humored their antics.
(Yoongi hoped that you stuck around for him, too.)
“How much longer ’til she gets here?” Yoongi asked, walking to his bedroom. The air was stale inside the room, not having to use the bed as much as he once did. He opened his closet, trying to find some better-looking clothes than the threadbare robe he had decided to live in. He plucked a nice button-up shirt, before thinking better of it.
Am I really going to look like a stereotypical vampire when I meet her? What’s next, a cape?
“She’s a few blocks away,” Taehyung responded. The ghost paused, looking at the shirt Yoongi had put back. “No, wear that. She likes it when you wear that shirt.”
“She thinks you look regal in it,” Jimin agreed, grabbing his only pair of slacks. “These, too. She likes your butt in them.”
If Yoongi were still human, he’d probably blush. “I told you boys it’s rude to eavesdrop on her thoughts,” he scolded.
“You like the reassurance, though…” Jungkook muttered, but Yoongi ignored him.
“Two minutes away…!” Taehyung reminded him before disappearing. The two others followed suit, likely going to meet you before you arrived. Yoongi sighed, a headache slowly forming by his temple.
As promised, after two minutes, there was a knock from his front door. As Yoongi reluctantly approached and reached for the doorknob, he could hear you arguing playfully with his little friends.
“Taehyung, no pulling! I just got my hair fixed,” you whined. Despite your words, Yoongi could hear the affection in your voice, plain as day.
“You look really pretty today, noona…” Jungkook giggled, and Yoongi could imagine Jungkook placing a chaste kiss on your cheek in greeting. “Are you finally gonna tell hyung about your crush on him?”
“What are you talking about?!” you yelped. Yoongi heard something fall, then a string of curses from you. “Oh gosh, the food! I hope nothing spilled…”
“Don’t worry, noona. I doubt Yoongi hyung is hungry,” Jimin giggled slyly. “Unless you count how he’s hungry for you…”
Before you could reply to Jimin’s out-of-pocket comment, Yoongi swung open the door, an alarmed expression on his face. “H-hey, Y/N,” he began, a little awkwardly. He cleared his throat, trying to appear as if he hadn’t heard anything at all. “What do I owe this pleasure?”
You froze when Yoongi suddenly appeared. You were in the midst of rearranging the plastic bags of take-out food with your jaw agape, likely about to chastise Jimin for his rudeness. You floundered for a second before straightening up quickly. Your cheeks were a cute shade of red.
(Yeah, maybe he was a little hungry…)
“Yoongi! Oh god, sorry, I was just…” you stumbled for a moment, trying to figure out a way to explain yourself. Behind you, the three stooges grinned evilly, full of satisfaction.
“Do you need help?” Yoongi asked instead, bending down to gather your bags. The smell of take-out Chinese wafted into his nose, and he had to hide his growing smile. His favorite food, you had remembered. If he could eat, he’d be salivating.
“Yoongi hyung is salivating for a different reason…” Taehyung muttered, reading his thoughts. Yoongi and your eyes widened in alarm, causing the three kids to guffaw in response.
“Sorry, I was on the phone with somebody and the bags slipped,” you coughed, quickly grabbing the rest of the bags. In your haste, your hands accidentally touched, making you gasp in surprise.
“Gosh, Yoongi! Your hands are terribly cold! Are you alright…?” you asked, trailing off. When you tore your gaze away from his pale hand, you slowly turned to face him fully. Due to the uproar caused by the kids earlier, you hadn't been able to look at Yoongi properly since you arrived.
Yoongi braced himself, a terse smile on his lips.
You observed him silently, a mysterious emotion flitting through your face. Yoongi saw the way your gaze shifted to the injury on his neck, which he had recklessly forgotten to at least try to cover up. The dots were connecting, and Yoongi waited for you to make the first move.
To his surprise, you started by staring inquisitively at the kids. “Did you guys…?” you asked, suspicious. This was the first time you had openly addressed them in front of him, and Yoongi was shocked. Not only for that, but for also potentially thinking that they were to blame, somehow. Didn’t you trust them by now?
Jimin looked affronted, scoffing at your train of thought. “Us? Of course not! Why on earth would we do that to hyung?”
Jungkook huffed, wrapping an arm around your waist with a sad pout. “Yeah! Why would we hurt hyung on purpose? You don’t think we’d do that, right?” he asked, eyes watering with hurt tears.
Immediately, your expression softened. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean…” you trailed off, sighing. As if remembering where you were, you snapped back to reality, staring incredulously at Yoongi as if he’d grown three heads. Well, or turned into a vampire, he supposed.
“Yoongi! What on earth happened?” you asked, terrified for him. Or perhaps, terrified of him? Yoongi knew he should be feeling guilty, or embarrassed, or maybe a little ashamed, but all he could see was your worry for him, and his dead little heart would have skipped a beat if it still could. God, he was pathetic.
Instead of answering you truthfully, Yoongi chose to run away from his problems, like he always did. “It’s just a mosquito bite,” he explained lamely. He rubbed the very conspicuous marks in question, wincing slightly. It might have been a month since he turned, but it still felt as tender as it did the day it happened.
You stared at him, unimpressed. “In the middle of winter? When you rarely step out of your house?” you asked sarcastically. You gave him a steely glare. “Be serious with me for a second, Yoongi.”
But Yoongi couldn’t. He couldn’t tell you, or else he’d literally die a second death, from embarrassment or heartbreak, he couldn’t tell.
“I… I don’t actually know,” Yoongi lied. It was sort of true. He didn’t know that the stupid bet would actually mean he’d give up his soul to pay for an impossible debt. He had been swindled, that was it. He still didn’t understand how he could’ve been so stupid.
“He didn’t know he was stupid… what a joke,” Jimin murmured, causing the others to giggle in turn. You and Yoongi ignored them.
When he didn’t explain further, your shoulders slumped, defeated. You likely didn’t believe him one bit, but you were never the type to push. You were probably as shy as he was, which had caused its fair share of misunderstandings in the past. Most of the time, those misunderstandings helped Yoongi, though he often wished that he didn’t need them. One day, he’d be honest with you, but for now…
“May I come in, Yoongi? There’s something I have to tell you…” you started, eyes shifting behind you. The kids hovered closer, watching you with curiosity.
Yoongi felt the air turn colder, though he wasn’t sure if it was just him, the wind, or the ghosts doing it. Or maybe it was you.
Yoongi opened the door wider, gesturing for you to come in. “Please, make yourself at home…” he whispered before closing the door gently.
Outside, the three boys didn’t make a move to come in.
“Now… we wait,” Jimin whispered. The other two nodded, faces determined. They floated to the second floor of Yoongi’s villa, still keeping their ears to the floor. As much as they wanted to interrupt, they knew this was an important development for the two of you. They wanted to give you a false sense of privacy, but they could never stop themselves from hearing the gossip. God knows that these rascals would be bored without their daily dose of real telenovela romance.
In the living room, Yoongi took a seat as far away from you on the couch as possible. He laced his hands with an iron grip, forcing himself to stop any fidgeting.
Breaking the silence, you sighed tiredly. “So… where do I begin?”
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samdeancrimespree · 2 months
so like. i think part of the reason that john stopped bringing sam on hunts was not to protect sam, but to protect himself. john trained them to protect themselves, but also so that he could have hunting partners. and dean is a solid hunting partner. he’s quiet, obedient, calm under pressure. john can trust him to watch his back.
except when sam is there.
they only bring sam on a couple hunts before john starts noticing a pattern. small slip ups that he hasn’t made in years, shots dean would never normally miss that he can’t explain, monsters getting the jump on them when dean was the lookout. at first, john thinks it’s his son’s way of rebelling, trying to prove his argument that sam is too young to hunt.
but dean wouldn’t go and get injured on purpose to prove a point, especially not in front of sam. dean seems more concerned with sam’s panic than his own wound. sam works well under pressure, stabilizing the injury even through tears. john has to finish the job by himself, knowing sam would never leave dean in that condition, and not wanting to bring even more attention to them by arguing over it.
the hunts are messier with the three of them, and his youngest is much more resistant than dean was, so john only brings sam on hunts when john deems it necessary. everything goes smoother that way, dean back to his cool-headed self.
the last time sam comes on a hunt with them, john almost gets his heart ripped out by the ghost because dean is too busy checking on sam to burn the bones. dean all but carries sam— it’s only a mild concussion, and his ribs aren’t even cracked. dean’s fought on worse injuries— to the car, and refuses to speak to john for two days.
sam is a liability, but not because he’s bad at hunting. his presence destroys any logic in dean’s mind, like he’d rather die than see sam get slightly injured. he’s not that reckless with john.
at least sammy’s good at research.
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rs-hawk · 1 month
My Brother’s Hot Friend: Week Three
FtM Reader x Dragon
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four
You stood there, confused by what you’d heard. Did Drake really say that? Or were you so drunk that you were just hearing what you wanted to? There was no way your brother’s best friend, the guy you’d been pining after for years, said he missed you. Even if he did, he wouldn’t have meant it like that, right?
“What?” you said softly, looking down at the darkness where you know where your feet are.
Drake just muttered something you couldn’t hear as he lead you to a room. “You can sleep in here tonight. I’ll sleep on the coach.” Your fingers were still interlocked with his as he tried to set you on the bed. “C’mon now kid. You gotta let go.”
“Why?” you asked as you tugged on his hand, as if trying to pull him into bed with you, but really you just wanted him closer to you.
He chuckled slightly, and in the little bit of moonlight that filtered in through the window, you saw him smirk. “Let me get you some water and something to eat. You’ll feel better if you’re not so drunk.”
You knew he was right, but something about the way his rough and calloused hand felt in yours was even more intoxicating. You didn’t want to let it go. “Can I at least come with you?”
He laughed, a full hearted, deep laugh. It made your stomach churn and twist. He was perfect, and you were here with him. “Sure. You can come with me.”
You shakily stood up, but he stopped you. “Are you still wearing your binder?”
You nodded, knitting your brows. “Yeah. So?”
“How many hours has it been?”
“I don’t know.”
He growled softly, nudging you back towards the bed. “Y/N, come on. You have to be careful! Take it off.”
“I don’t want to,” you said stubbornly, letting go of his hand to wrap your arms around your chest.
“I’m just trying to help take care of you,” he argued as he tried coaxing your arms away from your chest.
When you started wriggling away from him, he grabbed your forearms, yanking them roughly away from your chest. “I said, take the binder off, Y/N. You can’t sleep with that thing on.”
Don’t forget to vote on what happens next!
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athina-blaine · 22 days
genuinely don't understand people who gripe about someone getting into dunmesh for m/m pairings as opposed to f/f when none of them are even close to being the main point of the series
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raspberrydaisieschlb · 7 months
The MHG3 Queer criticism is so stupid to me.
Back then, it would be hard enough to get a queer character in ANY cartoon, let alone Monster High. So now that the new cartoon features OPENLY queer characters that are portrayed in natural and healthy ways, it’s a problem because “it’s not the way I would’ve done it”.
This show is arguably the most progressive kids show in terms of queerness and people don’t like it because the wrong characters are queer.
It’s such petty shit. Your headcanons can queer-up whoever you want, but don’t act like a show is doing something wrong because fanon isn’t canon.
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counting-stars-gayly · 4 months
Is it sick and twisted that I want to see an uno reverse card where Annabeth sacrifices herself for Percy next season
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ampresandian · 3 months
My (unofficial) PJO season 2 episode 5 script part 4/4 (part 1 | part 2 | part 3)
The last part! Thank you for reading I just couldn't get the vision for this episode out of my mind and had to write it down.
Images of script and copied text (bc I'm lazy and don't want to write out alt text) under the cut, just in case I didn't tag enough spoiler warning or people aren't interested <3
Annabeth Tries to Swim Home
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Continuation of first scene/flashback. CYCLOPS is grinning at YOUNG ANNABETH menacingly. Behind him, the fire rages, and LUKE, THALIA, and GROVER are tied up in the corner. Annabeth’s attention is taken up by the large monster speaking to her. 
CYCLOPS: (in her father’s voice) Annabeth. How nice of you to join us. Now, Annie, don’t you worry. 
Annabeth draws her knife. As he speaks, the Cyclops approaches her. 
CYCLOPS (CONT): I love you, Annabeth. You can stay here with me. Don’t worry. You can stay forever. 
He reaches out for her. Annabeth stabs him in the foot, keeping hold of her knife as he reaches forward and grabs the door in shock. She runs around him towards her friends. 
The Cyclops rips the door of its hinges and throws it across the room with a roar. 
Annabeth reaches the older kids. 
THALIA: Annabeth! Thank the gods you’re okay.
YOUNG ANNABETH: (determined) Hold still.
Annabeth cuts the ropes around Thalia’s arms and legs. Thalia takes up her sword and stands defensively in front of the others. 
THALIA: Cut them free, Annabeth. I’ll hold him off. 
Annabeth turns to Luke and Grover as the Cyclops roars behind her. She saws at their ropes as Thalia goads and fights the monster. 
THALIA (CONT): Come on, ugly! Can’t you take me?
She slices at him with her sword. Now free, Luke can barely stand, Grover supporting him. They all turn to watch Thalia defending them against the monster. 
Suddenly, the Cyclops roars, and Thalia’s sword can be seen buried in his eye. As he rears back, she pulls it out, turning to her friends. 
THALIA (CONT): Come on. We have to go.
Annabeth leads the way through the house, back the way she came through the servants kitchen into the orangery. They escape through a side door, standing in the storm. 
Sirens and howls can be heard, the sounds of the monsters they have been running from closer than before. 
THUNDER rumbles as they look around desperately in the dark. Grover sniffs. 
GROVER: Come on. This way.
They walk away from the house. The Cyclops roars again from within. 
SHEEP hooves/underbellies walk across the screen as POLYPHEMUS calls them. Under one of them hangs PERCY. 
ANNABETH: (invisible) Just don’t let go! 
Polyphemus drags aside the boulder sealing the cave. He addresses each sheep as they pass. 
POLYPHEMUS: (patting each sheep) Hasenpfeffer! Einstein! Widget! Widget? Heavier, huh? 
WIDGET stops in front of him, Percy clinging to her wool. 
POLYPHEMUS (CONT): Soon you will be big enough to eat! Go on, Widget!
WIDGET enters the cave, followed by the rest of the flock. 
ANNABETH: (invisible, from outside) Hey, ugly!
POLYPHEMUS: (looking around wildly) Who said that?
ANNABETH: Nobody! 
POLYPHEMUS: Nobody! I remember you!
ANNABETH: You’re too stupid to remember. But Nobody remembers you!
Polyphemus throws a boulder, aiming for the invisible Annabeth. 
ANNABETH (CONT): Your aim hasn’t improved!
POLYPHEMUS: Come here! Let me kill you!
ANNABETH: You can’t kill Nobody! And you’ll have to come find me!
Polyphemus yells, running down the hill to find Annabeth. Percy drops off Widget, glancing back outside at the island and the Cyclops before moving further into the cave. 
Percy moves through cavernous hallways, turning a corner into a dead-end room of sheep memorabilia. He backs out, going back the other way and turning right instead of left. 
He turns corners through a set of “rooms,” something that might be a bedroom, a room full of bones, and another room full of sheep memorabilia. He turns a corner and trips, catching himself against the cave walls with his hands. 
Righting himself, Percy looks around, breathing heavily. He looks back and forth, choosing a hallway and running into another room, full of wool and smelling of sheep. He covers his nose as he looks around the room, faced with three separate doorways. 
Percy makes a choice, going through the left opening. Down the hallway, he finds a room with a spinning wheel and loom. GROVER and CLARISSE are inside, trying to undo Clarisse’s ropes. 
CLARISSE: It’s no good. You’ve been working at it for hours!
They spot Percy. 
CLARISSE (CONT): You’re supposed to be blown up!
PERCY: Yeah, good to see you too--
GROVER: (hugging Percy) You came!
PERCY: Yeah, of course, dude. Now, Clarisse, hold still. 
Percy takes Riptide out of his pocket and cuts Clarisse’s ropes. 
CLARISSE: (rubbing her wrist) Where’s Annabeth?
PERCY: You’re welcome. She’s outside. 
CLARISSE: Great, come on.
PERCY: Wait. Was... It was just you in your lifeboat?
CLARISSE: Yeah. Everybody else... I didn’t even know you guys made it.
Percy looks down at his sword. 
PERCY: Okay. 
GROVER: Come on, guys. We need to go help Annabeth. 
They move back through the cave, Grover guiding them. As they come back into the first room Percy ran through, they hear a loud crash.
Annabeth screams. 
POLYPHEMUS: I got Nobody!
Percy, Grover, and Clarisse move to the doorway, peeking through to the main room. Polyphemus is standing at the doorway, holding his arm up. He shakes his fist, and ANNABETH’S CAP flutters to the ground, revealing Annabeth, hanging upside down from his hand. 
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thepenultimateword · 8 months
Old Bones Part Six
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
CW: Blood, cannibalism, abduction and being trapped, starving, death, undead description
Vampire smelt blood. Not the sweet or savory scents they were accustomed to, but a bland, metallic flavor that simply...existed.
Their own.
As soon as they registered that truth, the lacerations on their ankles began to burn, sliced by the sharp edges of the snow as each step shattered the icy top layer.
Didn't matter. Run!
Footsteps crashed behind them.
But where next? They didn't know the way. They had not left Lav's cabin in weeks. And it was earlier in the morning than they'd originally thought. No later than 4 as the sun still hadn't come up. And it had begun to snow again.
Didn't matter. Run!
Anywhere. Anytime. Any place safe and lavender-scented and before all this happened.
Something heavy crashed into them from behind. The ice cut their cheek as they fell; a half-second later, their nose was filled with cold, stale powder. The weight lifted slightly as rough hands rolled them onto their back. Vampire blinked against the snow, making out a blur of red, and the weight plopped back on their chest.
"No, no, no!" Vampire warded them away with clawing hands, but the villager's beefy fists clasped them tight, drawing them in against their warm breast.
" It’s me! It’s me!" They kissed Vampire's knuckles. "It's Lav."
Vampire's eyes welled. "You don't-- You don't look like Lav. You don't... Your eyes...but not... What are you?"
The villager--Lav-- drew back as if slapped. Their yellow eyes drifted away from Vampire's face, fixing instead just past their shoulder. "Let me explain."
Vampire swallowed. Lav's grip had grown tight, almost painful. Worse because they couldn't seem to stop trembling, though, from the fear or the snow, they didn't know. "W-when you're done...can I go?"
Another slap. This time enough to make them drop Vampire's hands. "Yes. In fact...I've been quite expecting it. Should we go back to the house?"
Vampire shook their head rapidly. It felt like a trap. Walls they could be cornered against and kept behind. They couldn't imagine sitting down in the living room with that face across from them. They couldn't even make sense of what was going on. Was Lav even really their friend?
"Ok..." Lav said, shifting a little in the snow. Their new ruddy face was turning a bright shade of red in the cold, but they didn't even shudder. "You know I'm undead. Not like you though. You're beautiful. I'm... desecrated. You didn't have a choice in your transformation. And mine...well, it's only possible with some degree of choice."
"What are you?" Vampire said firmly, frankly tired of all this beating around the bush.
"I call myself an abomination. You'd call me a ghoul."
"A...ghoul?" Vampire blinked.
Lav thumbed away the cold dribble of blood rolling down their cheek. "You're smart. All those books. You've heard of ghouls."
Not a question, a certainty. And a correct one. Vampire had read about ghouls. They simply couldn't correlate the hideous illustrations from their books with the seeming human in front of them. The face they wore now may appear monstrous after last night, but If it weren't for those predatory eyes and the bone-chilling wrongness of their air, Vampire wouldn't have guessed anything supernatural about them.
Lav must have seen the recognition in their face and the wheels turning behind their eyes because they said, "What do you know?"
"Y-you live in graveyards," Vampire said. "You eat the dead."
"I eat the dead, true. As for the graveyard, it's more a hunting ground than a home. I much prefer my cabin. But I've never acquainted myself with another of my kind, so what do I know of others' habits. Anything else?"
Vampire shook their head. Since ghouls were apparently one of the less common creatures one could run into, the book hadn't dedicated much page space to them. And they weren't about to tell Lav the unflattering details of the entry's description. Especially when it had also offered no defenses.
"Ah." Lav's smile looked more like a grimace. "Then, unfortunately, I must be the one to give you the disturbing history of ghoulish birth."
Vampire grimaced. They weren't sure they wanted to know. There had to be a reason why Lav had kept it veiled for so long.
"I once told you my kind are not quite so simple as a bite. There are several parts to it. One, the moon: the process must last a full cycle, beginning and ending on a new moon. Two, the subject must willingly cannibalize. Three, the subject must die and with that death, make a choice: pass on permanently or return to life."
Vampire shuddered. Their death had been no picnic. Bloody. Nightmarish. Agonizing. But at least it had been quick. "So, y-you wanted to become a ghoul?"
Lav's eyes flashed. Vampire immediately shrank away, but Lav snatched them close again. It seemed meant as a comfort, but their digging grip and cold voice set Vampire's heart pounding.
"When I was 23 years old," Lav hissed in their ear. "I was abducted from my home and locked inside a tomb for thirty days. A sacrifice for a death god rumored to be plaguing our town. They were the cause of all their misfortunes, and my death would surely save them all in time for the next harvest. For four days, I starved in the dark, surrounded by the quiet dead. But, enough time passes, and anything begins looking like food. I survived on corpses' bones and spoiled flesh until the cold and the stomach sick killed me all on their own. But when the death god came for my soul, he gave me a choice. Most people don't know there's a choice. And that there's a reason almost no one chooses to stay.
"I didn't want to die. I had barely lived. I chose life. At first, it seemed like the right choice. I had escaped certain demise without consequences. Yes, something was wrong; anyone could tell that. Any extended amount of time with other people ended with their discomfort and avoidance. But I still looked like me. Sounded like me. Lived like me. And that was enough."
Lav's nails dug unconciously vicious into Vampire's shoulders. Vampire bit back a yelp. They leaned paralyzed on the again-stranger's chest, half frozen in horror, half captivated. Though Lav spoke rapidly, the words obviously came out with some difficulty. Any movement, any sound, seemed likely to send them back into silence.
Lav swallowed hard, throat bobbing against Vampire's resting head. "But I was dead. I couldn't stop the decay. Or the hunger. The craving for the things I had only eaten out of desperation before. My being twisted into something other, something monstrous. And soon enough...I was gone."
Vampire slowly pulled back, and Lav's hands slipped off them, settling in their own lap. They smiled vaguely at their snow-crusted knees, a sort of pasted-on, empty thing without any real feeling behind it. At least, not any of the good ones.
"So you...the real you..." Vampire trailed off, not exactly sure how to finish the question. It seemed insensitive to pry after such a confession. And yet so many questions churned in their head. Did Lav have a body? Were they a spirit that took others' bodies? What did Lav really look like?
Luckily, Lav seemed to understand where the thought was going.
"There's nothing left of me but old bones."
They couldn’t think of another response. This was all happening so fast. A few hours ago they were almost killed. A few hours ago Lav saved their life in a horrifying display. And now all this… Did they care that Lav had changed?
"I can shift my shape into the last human I consumed," Lav continued. "A facade for myself as much as others. I've done it enough times for it to have become commonplace, but each one still takes some getting used to. However, this body...was a less-than-savory choice."
Vampire cocked their head. Did a difference in appearance even count as a real change? They were still the same person. Even with this bulkier body, their mannerisms hadn't changed. The delicate way they folded their hands. The elegant tone of speech, so different from the villager’s harsh voice at the door last night.
Lav mistook their thoughtful look for further inquiry and rushed on. "I mostly survive on animal flesh, but every few months I must eat something human or I fall ill...as you witnessed yourself. I grew too weak on the way to the cemetery, and I needed to return to you...so I did what I must. It made you terribly uncomfortable. For that, I'm sorry."
Yesterday's conversation drifted back to them.
'Should you be getting fevers?'
'Sometimes. I’ve put something off too long, that’s all.'
So that's what they had been referring to. A few months, huh? Vampire had been with them for a few weeks, so they must have had their other form for a while. Had they been refraining for Vampire's sake? But why? They'd never hidden the fact that they ate things outside of Vampire's own comfort zone.
"So the way you looked before...when we met..."
"A traveling noble."
Vampire grimaced involuntarily.
"You don't need to look at me that way; I wasn't the one who killed them. I don't kill any of them if I can help it. From the looks of the carriage and the body, it was bandits. But who was I to waste a fresh body?"
"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let yourself fall ill?"
Lav's shoulder sank, and they folded their arms tight against their chest. For truly the first time since they'd met, they seemed small. "Because I've been alone so long. And you were the first person who ever chose to stay. Even if it was out of convenience. With you around, I could pretend I was normal, like a real host with a real guest who both really enjoyed each other's company. I knew once the truth was out, you would want to leave, and I... I just wanted to pretend a little longer."
Vampire paused. The immediate denial of Lav's words dying on their tongue. They had run. And they had wanted to leave. And part of that had been because of Lav's choice of body, but the rest... They couldn't deny that a part of them had recognized Lav immediately. And they'd still run. Maybe had even been looking for excuses to do so. Lav was easy to love when they were making tea or dozing on the sofa. It was a whole different story when they were ripping people apart. Or when they looked like something Vampire had decided they shouldn't. It was the wrongness that made them run. The predator part of their friend that their instincts had always told them to flee from.
They could keep ignoring it or...
"Lav...can I see you?"
The ghoul's yellow eyes flicked unblinkingly to their own. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I don't care. I...I want to see you. The real you. I think I have to."
If they didn't, it would keep eating at them. They'd always know they were only pretending to accept what they refused to even see. And the distrust would curdle any remains of their relationship.
Lav wet their lips. For a long while, they were quiet, the only sounds the ghostly whistle of the wind through the naked trees and the creaking of the branches as they became overladen with snow. Vampire expected them to refuse again when they said, "Can I ask one thing?"
Vampire nodded.
"Don't run. I want to say goodbye properly."
Vampire's heart skipped an uncertain beat, but they nodded again. "I won't run."
Lav rose brusquely to their feet, thoroughly patting themselves off and taking a long, deep breath.
Vampire's chest tightened. They only knew they were breathing from the faint cloud puffing in front of their face. They gripped the snow on either side of them in handfuls the icy bite grounding them just enough to keep them still.
Lav gave Vampire one last mournful glance and squeezed their eyes shut. Then their face began to melt.
Freckles and hair and ruddy skin, it all dripped away like candle wax. There was no blood or terrible cracking of bone Vampire had imagined in shapeshifting; it was liquid illusion, wet watercolor running off the page, exposing the pale paper beneath.
Vampire bit back their gasp, but a strangled whimper still escaped through their teeth.
The creature was ghastly. A skeletal thing with only dried sinews holding them together. Their tunic, once pulled taught against a broad chest, now hung like drapes off their bony frame. Exposed teeth trapped their expression in an eerie eternal grin, while their yellow eyes, bigger without lids, seemed to roll in their sockets as they looked to Vampire for a reaction.
The thought wasn't so much verbal as it was a visceral reaction.
Vampire slowly rose, legs shaking.
The creature shielded their face with a grayed hand, nails discomfortingly long and claw-like
Their instincts had always been wary around Lav, but now they were screaming.
Vampire stepped forward.
The snow had deepened since the start of their conversation, and with their legs already unsteady, the drift immediately tripped them. Lav lurched forward, catching them in cadaverous arms. In turn, Vampire slid up their hands to hold their desiccated face.
It was much colder and stiffer than while tending their fever, but Vampire stroked the raw cheekbones and haggard brow. So terrible. So familiar. They knew these bones.
"I'll stay with you."
Lav's breath hitched. Immediately, they were fleshy and warm again, buried in Vampire's neck in a fit of stifled sobs. Vampire could have gone longer; they didn't think they'd made any hint for them return to a living guise. Maybe Lav was the one uncomfortable in their own skin.
Vampire ran their fingers through the stolen red hair. "But we can't stay here."
Lav spoke muffled into their shoulder. "I'll keep you safe. If we stay in the cabin--"
Vampire forced Lav's face toward them. "Three villagers gone missing after visiting your house? They'll come investigating. And they'll find the bodies soon enough." They squirmed a little. "...Whatever you've done with them. We can't fight them all. And I don't want to. I don't think you do either."
Lav opened their mouth, eyes roiling with a surge of emotions, but the protest died on their lips.
"You can't travel in the day," they said instead.
"They'll be back before nightfall. I'll...I'll wrap up tight."
Lav frowned.
"Besides, it's winter," Vampire rushed. "The sun doesn't rise for a few more hours. Maybe we can at least get the other edge of the wood before they come looking. Find a tavern or inn to hide out in until nightfall."
"And then?" Lav said.
Vampire's brain stuttered to a stop. What was next? They'd barely survived here, and what they had managed had been mostly from hiding. Not much chance of that on the open road. But there would be more information available. More rumors. More people, maybe the inhuman variety.
"Find a clan," they said more firmly than they felt. "For the both of us.
Lav mouth pulled into a skeptical line, but they simply pulled the collar of Vampire's tunic closer around their throat. "We can talk more inside. You're not going anywhere until you've warmed up."
Vampire was suddenly aware of their aching toes, bare and several feet deep in snow. The wind whipped their cheeks and snuck up their shirt sleeves, prompting a violent shiver.
Lav hoisted them into their arms. "You really are the strangest vampire I've ever met."
"Darling, I chased you all the way out here; I'm not chasing you home."
Vampire stuttered incoherently but eventually settled tiredly against their brawny chest. They’d been through too many traumatic things in the last 24 hours, and having Lav so close was steadying, even if their outer packaging still unsettled them. They closed their eyes and concentrated on what they could feel beneath the skin, ribs, sternum, collarbones, shoulders…
They could get used to old bones.
Part Seven
Me after finishing this section:
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I know it’s not the typical attractive love interest love story, but I think it’s important for Vampire to love Lav for who and what they truly are even if it’s ugly. And it not like they’re suddenly completely ok with it all either, more they’re comfortable enough with it at the moment to move forward. They’re still going to have to accustom to the idea that the physical attraction they’ve had up to this point has all been fake. And they’re going to have to be ok with an ever changing appearance and be confident in their love for what’s on the inside. Anyway, as I finished up this section I was thinking, “this might come off kinda weird for some people” but I enjoyed writing it so that’s what matters haha
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn
108 notes · View notes
hunterssm00n · 6 months
Deal / part 3 /
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What first starts out as a cruel prank turns into a night of unmatched passion. | Waylon Jones/OC |
part 3 of 3
also on ao3: here
*cw include smut, explicit situations, size kink, teratophilia, fear play, dirty talk, anxiety attack, extremely mild dubcon (for point one second but tagging just in case), graphic description* MDNI - 18+
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
/ / Devour / /
If you chose to stay a little bit longer I'd make it worth your while...
There was no way she was leaving now.
Kris nodded at Croc, looking into his yellow eyes with affirmation. In those glowing orbs surprise shown momentarily, but he quickly let out another one of his trademark gravelly laughs as though to cover it up. Not for the first time, she felt a squeeze of pity in her heart for him. Everyone thought he was a monster; everyone said he was nothing more than an animal. But he had shown her empathy, fairness, and kindness. None of which the very much human guards and orderlies, who had thrown her in here in the first place, had shown me. This so-called "monster" treated her better than those scumbag "normal" humans did. As far as she was concerned, she felt safer in here, with him, Waylon Jones, than she did out there with her coworkers. 
She licked her lips as he crawled back up her body, his hulking form covering her completely, like a large, protective cocoon. A massive claw-tipped hand came up to brush away pieces of her hair that were stuck to her face from sweat and exertion. If he tried, he was clearly capable of gentleness, though the movement from him felt almost uncertain. Violence and brute force came easily to him, being a man that's had to fight for his life for his whole life. Gentleness was something he was not used to. So tonight, she was determined to show him some. 
She reached up her right hand from where it had been down at her side, previously clutching at the mattress while he'd been doing his extremely kind ministrations to her lower region, and brought it slowly up to his face, which was only about a foot above hers. She made sure to move carefully so as not to startle him, and she gently ran her fingertips up from his scaly jaw to his equally rough cheek. The scales on his face weren't any smoother than his chest; in fact they were rougher, his complexion cracked and unforgiving under her soft fingertips. This did not deter her from her journey, and she really hoped he was okay with her exploration of his visage. Her eyes looked to his in a silent question, asking permission, and she saw no resistance in those yellow orbs - only unspoken encouragement. So she kept going.
Kris cupped his scaly, broad jawline in her palm, stroking her thumb over the corner of his mouth and the sharp, non-human teeth that protruded from the inside. She smoothed her hand over his head, traced his brow, his nose, his chin, everywhere. He submitted to her study, reptilian eyes watching her curiously the whole time. The feel of his gaze on her made her own face grow hot, and the arousal began creeping back between her legs, her skin becoming tingly all over once again. She continued those explorative touches on him, moving her hand down his thick, sinewy neck, running her fingers over the ridges of skin and the hard muscle underneath. The back of his head and neck had rougher, pointy looking scales that continued on down his spine, and maybe even beyond the tops of his pants.
From working in the clerks office she had seen many pictures of him, from all angles. Now she got to feel; something that, admittedly, she had given some thought to before. From looking at those photographs of him when she was filing his paperwork all those times before, she had wondered what it would be like to touch him - and to have him touch her. She’d wondered what kind of lover he would be; what it would take to make this big man weak. At the time she’d thought of it as just another one of her strange fantasies - especially considering the content of some of the photos in his file. She had had no idea that she would be actually living this fantasy someday. 
"What're you smilin' at, pretty one?" 
His gruff but not unkind question made her cheeks burn; she hadn't realized she'd been smiling. Swallowing hard, she asked something that had been fluttering around in the back of her mind since they had made it to his mattress - and once she’d found out for certain that he was not going to kill her and eat her body, "Can I request an addition to this deal?" 
Croc's eyes glimmered with curious amusement, and he tilted his large, muscular head at her inquiringly, "Sure thing - what'd ya have in mind?" 
Now Kris really felt the blush heat her cheeks, and honestly she didn't know for what reason. This man had already eaten her out - like, practically devoured her - and here he was on top of her, half naked from the waist up, while she was half naked from the waist down. But she chalked the heat on her face up to just the way he looked at her; so predatory, so hungry, so... intimately, like he could see right through her into her very soul. Nothing escaped that golden gaze, and there was no doubt in her mind that he could definitely see the heat rising on her face and neck... and elsewhere, too. She knew reptiles could sense heat, and that was how they hunted. So maybe that had been another factor during their first encounter in the office hallway last week. Maybe along with him smelling her desire, he had seen how warm everything got when he'd touched her. But honestly, when she’d been face to face with this brick wall of a torso, caged in between massive arms and imposing height, and held frozen by yellow eyes that watched her with a true hunters attention and precision - how the fuck could she not be turned on by that?
He was waiting for an answer, and she licked her lips to moisten them since her quick, shallow breathing had dried them out, noticing how that ever watchful predatory gaze flicked down to her mouth. Oh, god... "If- I'll, um, I'll trade a kiss for... for..." Fuck, she hadn't thought that far ahead. A kiss for what? For him fucking her senseless? No, that was already going to happen regardless. Think, think. It was so hard to think in this moment, though. With him shirtless and crouched over her like a predator that had just taken down his prey, and practically salivating while more than ready to devour his meal. And thinking was not the only thing that was hard at the moment; she could feel how hard and hot and massive his erection was, straining through his pants and pulsing against her bare leg. And it hadn't gone down at all, even though at the moment all they were doing was talking and studying each other. If anything, it felt like it had gotten harder, and bigger. What did that mean?
He grinned, not unkindly, while seeing her struggle (and she bet that he'd grin even more to see her struggling in other ways; god help her, these thoughts were going to kill her if he didn't do it first), but then he decided to help her out by saying, "Tell ya what; a kiss for," He reached a massive hand up in between them and hooked a claw into the collar of her scrub shirt, lightly pulling it away from her chest, but not hard enough to tear it, though she knew he could, easily. Her pants could attest to that, as could the bones strewn around the floor of his 'room'. "This coming off." 
Oh. It really was that simple. Why hadn’t she thought of that? In all honesty, she had nearly forgotten about her shirt that she was still wearing; she felt completely naked and exposed under his gaze, even when she'd been fully clothed. 
Eagerly, maybe a little too eagerly, Kris nodded her head against the mattress underneath him, and his low chuckle caused a fresh gush of wetness to leak out of her bare pussy. Her chest was heaving underneath him, and his index claw was still hooked into the collar of her shirt. She wanted him to tear it off of her right now, but forced herself to stay under control. Plus he hadn't torn it off yet, so he was probably waiting for her to make the first move, since she’d been the one to bring up this new bargain. She mustered up all of the sexy feminine energy she had within her and smoothed her palms over his huge shoulders. "Well, what're you waiting for, big guy? C'mon down here and kiss me." 
His mouth quirked in a grin that showed nearly all of those rows and rows of sharp, inhuman teeth, and he huffed incredulously at her once again before leaning his body down to better be able to reach her, "I meant what I said before; you're somethin' else, little Kris." 
The nickname sent a shiver through her, the use of her name on his tongue sounding so good, and even more so combined with his other nickname for her. Little one, little Kris. God dayum. 
Before she could say anything else, he leaned down and covered her mouth with his. And quite literally covered. 
When she’d thought about kissing him she had wondered how a kiss would work between the two of them. Sure, he had a mouth, with a tongue, so technically he also had lips. Honestly, she didn't really care about the quality of the kiss itself, more about just having that connection. Much like everything else he was doing to her and making her feel, it was like a physical need. She needed to feel those rough lips on hers, claiming her that way too; needed to feel his long, forked tongue in her mouth. It was like she’d been returned to her basest form where human and societal standards and formalities had all gone out the door, and all that was left was this primally charged exposed nerve. 
And she was not at all disappointed when their mouths locked in a desire fueled battle for dominance - though there was really no question as to who was winning that battle. Quite honestly, that was just fine with her, because she didn't want to win. 
His lips were still scaly and rough, though not as much as the rest of his face. More like the scales that covered his chest and belly, smoother and lighter in color. But just abrasive enough for Kris to get the shivers at the feel of them lightly scratching her own soft lips. And that reaction increased tenfold whenever she felt one of his teeth against her lip, or whenever her tongue glided over one of those sharp canines. His mouth was much wider than hers, but he was being careful to not open his jaw too wide and accidentally (or maybe purposely) bite her lips off. But weirdly enough she liked the danger of knowing that he could if he wanted to. She enjoyed the mutual feelings of fear and arousal at the thought that he could kill her at any moment - which sounded silly considering she had practically begged for her life earlier. But she didn't care; she knew she was a complete mess here on this mattress underneath him, Waylon Jones aka Killer Croc, while they made out like two horny teenagers. She ignored the stench of the rotting, dead meat on his breath; she literally switched that part of her brain off. That was how turned on she was, and how much she enjoyed this kiss. It was addictive.
That long, forked tongue scraped the roof of her mouth, and she eagerly sucked on the tip of it when he went to draw it back. A reptilian hiss escaped his parted jaw at her willingness to please, to make sure he was enjoying this as much as she was. His dick in his pants was still hot, hard and pulsing against the inside of her thigh, and she felt it give a jump when she lightly dragged her teeth across his bottom lip. 
"You tryin'a kill me?" he groaned against her lips. The gravelly undertone always present in his voice made his words come out in a growl, which made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. He pulled back from her mouth slowly, reluctantly, a string of saliva still connecting their lips. Who knew if it was hers or his - most likely it was both of theirs mingled together. She could feel it all over her mouth, her cheeks, her chin. And the more he pulled back she could see that his green face was also shiny with their mixed fluids, and some of it was dripping off of his chin and onto her shirt. And speaking of her shirt...
Croc leaned back so he could fully see her underneath him, and that grin was ever present on his face as he surveyed the scene before him: her, splayed out on his mattress, her dark hair probably strewn everywhere around her head like some sort of dark halo, face covered in drool and sweat, eye makeup probably smeared and running all over her cheeks, lips most likely red from kissing his. She must have looked like the mess she felt like. Yet that desire in his gaze never faltered. 
When his large lands went to her shirt, a stupid voice of reason yelled out in her mind, and she faltered, "Um - before you rip that, I... I don't... I'll need something to walk out of here in... my stuff is all still in the office..." Kris felt stupid saying all of that, but it was the truth. She couldn't just walk out of here stark naked and go to the clinic to get her purse and keys; there were cameras everywhere.  
He paused for a moment when she spoke, yellow eyes flicking to hers, probably to make sure she wasn't about to tell him to stop (hell no), and once he registered what she'd said he visibly relaxed in what she could tell was relief. And she had no doubt, even only knowing him for this brief amount of time, that if she asked him to stop, he would. 
He appeared to think for a moment, a brief moment, and then very quickly after he concluded, "I have some things you can wear outta here." 
She hadn't known he had other clothes down here, which made her feel a little bit better about his current living situation - not much, but at least it was something. She had never been happy about the Asylum's decision to put him down here like an animal, rather than putting him in a cell or a room like the other inmates. She thought it was incredibly dehumanizing. When she'd brought it up to the director he'd told her it was for "everyone else's safety, and for Croc's own safety", whatever that bullshit meant.
Kris must have nodded or given him some kind of non-verbal go ahead because immediately after his big scale covered hands grabbed two handfuls of her shirt at the modest V neckline. With one more look at her eyes to confirm that this was okay, he pulled at the fabric and her black scrub shirt tore right down the middle. Her whole body felt warm and tingly all over; his display of strength was such a turn on. It had been when he'd carried her here, it had been when he'd held her down on the mattress after she'd been afraid he was going to eat her, and it still was now. She knew he'd barely had to exert any strength at all to rip the thin material, but it was still hot. The way his massive biceps flexed when he moved his arms to pull the tattered pieces of her shirt off of her arms? Hot. Hot as fuck. 
She knew he was strong; judging by his size alone, anyone could tell that he possessed immense strength. Standing at at least eight feet tall, and with more brawn than a pro-wrestler, it was easy to see. Physical strength was a huge turn on for her, and so was his size; he was so much larger than her. His biceps were bigger than her thighs, and his upper half had a V shape to it that made her want to actually drool. With every move he made she could see the muscles rippling under his skin; slithering like snakes underneath his own scales. Ugh, she'd be lucky to walk out of here alive. If he wasn't going to kill her on purpose then his hotness would kill her on accident. 
She also knew from his file in the clerks office that he had done cage fighting and, ahem, alligator and crocodile wrestling - like, where he actually wrestled alligators and crocodiles. Wrestled the animal that had the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom. And he'd done that often. The thought of him in the water, his scales gleaming and dripping wet, muscles flexing as he wrestled his opponent, more animal than man when he needed to be... She needed to stop. She seriously needed to stop. 
With a claw slid underneath the front of her bra in between the cups, he shredded through that much like he had done with her shirt. His sharp nails gently scraped over her skin as he pulled the ruined scraps of material away from her body, and her breasts fell free of any confinement before him. Those reptilian eyes immediately zeroed in on the two mounds of flesh, that low crocodilian hiss emanating from him once again. Her nipples pebbled into hard peaks without him even having to touch her, just simply from the heat of that fiery golden gaze. When he did touch her her vision went hazy with need. He lightly dragged the tips of his claws over her soft skin, very lightly so as not to scratch or break the skin. It was just this side of teasing, and it felt so good. Too good. His hot, scaly fingertips skimmed the undersides of her breasts, thumbs tracing around her hard nipples. When his large, scalding palms closed over her tits she couldn't help the moan that drifted out of her throat, all high pitched and needy. His hands were so big they completely encapsulated her twin B-cups, and when he lightly squeezed, her own hands curled into fists on either side of her body atop the mattress. 
"Pretty little morsel," he ground out above her, voice strained with arousal as he kneaded her tender flesh, "you look good enough to eat," 
Her vision refocused on him as he leaned back down towards her body, long tongue coming out of his wide mouth to swipe at a nipple. Kris whimpered at the feeling; even though it was her breast he was licking, the feeling shot straight down between her legs like an electric current. That tongue continued tracing around her diamond hard nipple, his hot breath scorching her flesh. She trembled beneath him, every lash of his forked tongue sending amazing sensations down below. That coupled with his huge, warm hands cupping the undersides of her mounds to keep her nipples ripe and perked out towards his mouth was almost too much to handle. This whole thing was so hot. She had never been so glad that she agreed to a trade before.
That tongue explored further over the soft skin of her chest, tracing around her whole breast now, and when he let his sharp teeth lightly skim the sensitive underside her whole body shivered. He switched sides and did the same treatment to her other tit, and by the time he leaned back once again she felt like a literal livewire, her body reacting to every small touch, and every promise of a touch. 
When he began removing his own pants, Kris couldn't help the gulp that lodged itself in her throat. Here was a very, very large man before her. What on earth would such a large man's cock look like? Well, she was about to find out. She watched in anticipation tinged with nervous energy as he expertly unfastened and unzipped his own pants despite his inch long claws, and she felt her scalp tingling with excitement. 
Usually when she pleasured herself, she was one and done; if she wanted to go again she had to wait at least half an hour, sometimes longer, and even then it was sometimes hard to get back into the same frame of mind as before. But right now she felt very much ready - turned on with the same intensity that she had been before the first climax. It was like that one had slicked her up, and now she was ready to continue; like that was the delicious first part of a multiple course meal. She had been satisfied, but not satiated.
Croc propped himself up with one massive arm near her shoulder, his elbow on the mattress as his other hand shoved his pants down his body, and Kris looked down, not knowing fully what to expect, but knowing she was about to be wowed. When the monster appendage sprang free from the confines of his wet pants she felt her breath catch in her throat, as well as her pussy becoming even more swollen with desire. How the fuck was she going to take that?! Much like the rest of him, his member was covered in scales, and was the same mottled, dark green color, although from what she could tell by looking, the scales appeared to be much smoother here, like the ones on his taut lower abdomen. Much like the scales on a snake, it seemed (an anaconda, to be exact); smooth but still very different from a normal human cock. While the base and length was more of that same mottled green color, the tip was pink, and he was extremely swollen and leaking with arousal. Upon seeing it, she felt her mouth water. Kris wanted to put it in her mouth, though she knew the whole thing would not fit, maybe not even half of it. Ever tried fitting a whole footlong sub in your mouth? Cuz that was what this monster looked like. But she wanted to do it anyways. She wanted to make him feel good like he'd made her feel good.
The thought of him putting that monster thing inside her didn't scare her nearly as much as it should have, though she did get a small thrill of anxiety up her spine at the thought of being filled so heartily. She also was very glad that she wasn't a virgin, as she could only imagine the discomfort of such a big, thick cock breaking her in half. While she was still nervous, she was also filled with want. The desire was making it feel like her loins were on fire.
"Like what ya see, pretty one?" He grinned down at her, and his golden eyes gleamed. She noticed, not for the first time, that his pupils, normally vertical slits like those of a reptile, were almost fully blown out in his state of arousal. She was pretty sure hers looked the same.
Kris nodded at his statement, licking her lips. He was going to stretch her so good; maybe even split her in half. That one annoying little morsel of fear in her wondered if she would be able to even take him; if it would hurt. She hated that stupid little voice, it was such a debbie downer. 
Croc leaned down closer to her, now that he was also completely bare, and that long, slimy tongue came out of his mouth to lick a line up her stomach and between her breasts. She shivered; there was such an animalistic way he was handling her, though he was considerably gentle and concerned with her well-being. All of those things combined made her stupid hot for him. 
His tongue leaked out of his mouth to lick at the underside of her right breast; the long, thick appendage so strange on her skin. She barely had time to register that feeling before the forked tip passed over her nipple and made her feel like a zap of pleasure went straight down her body to the area between her legs. She arched into his mouth, her hands finding his scaly, ribbed shoulders as he hovered over her. The fire down below burned hot, and the only thing that could make it into the inferno that it needed to be was his monster dick.
As if he'd read her mind, yellow eyes gleaming at her, he asked her, "You a virgin, little one?" 
Kris shook her head no, and she honestly thought about asking him the same thing, just out of general curiosity. Though she wasn't super experienced by far, she'd had a couple of boyfriends in the past, and two of them had been her only sexual partners. However, it had never been like this.
One of his large hands drew up towards her face, a big, thick finger sliding underneath her chin to turn her face towards him to look into his eyes. "Don't sweat it, little one, I ain't either. Hope I didn't offend ya by asking - just wanted to make sure so I don't hurt ya; I'm pretty big, and you're, well," Here, he grinned at her, "a little one." Kris couldn't help but smile at him, at that. "And if my tongue filled you that good," His reptilian eyes glimmered dangerously down at her, "I can't even fuckin' imagine how tight you're gonna be around my dick." 
His crass, explicit words sent a zing of pleasure up her spine, and she hoped he continued his graphic description once he was finally seated inside of her. It was yet another thing that she thought was hot about him; that voice made her wet, especially because she could feel it rumbling throughout her whole body when he spoke.
He moved a little bit down her body now, and she felt her heartrate speed up in anticipation of what was about to happen. I'm about to be fucked by the crocodile man in the lowest levels of my workplace. And though she was beyond horny and desperate for him, she was also a little nervous about how exactly she was going to take that massive cock inside of her. How the hell was it going to even fit? Would it hurt the whole time? She couldn't help the anxious thoughts swirling around in her mind.
The large man above her leaned back on his haunches, right over her knees, and she now had the best view of his naked body she'd had yet. Big barrel chest, massive dick staring straight at her, pointed nearly vertical towards the old brick ceiling over our heads, and yellow eyes that seemed to glow from within, tracing over every inch of her also naked form beneath him. It should have made her self conscious, the way he was looking at her, but it didn't. 
As if he'd read her mind once again (could he read her mind? Was that one of his crocodile superpowers?), he brought one of his massive, claw tipped hands up to his face, and that tongue came out to coat his open palm and fingers with a thick layer of saliva. She was still incredibly wet from her own arousal and from what he'd done to her with his mouth before, but she was very glad for the extra precaution. He kept eye contact with her the whole time, making her warm and tingly all over, and when his tongue slithered back into that mouth his hand was dripping with saliva. Kris watched with bated breath as he lowered that hand to the area between her legs, his other hand gently spreading her thighs wider so he could kneel between them. She was now wide, wide open before him, like a goddamn oyster. The first touch of one of his fingers against her pussy had her clenching around nothing, and she would have been embarrassed at the wet sound it made if she wasn't so turned on. He generously spread the fluid around her entrance, using so much of the saliva coated on his hand she could feel it running down the crack of her ass. Not that she minded one bit.
He let a wet finger wander up to her clit to give it a stroke, grinning widely when she squeaked and her legs instantly tried to clamp shut from the ticklish, intense feeling - except they couldn't because he was knelt between them. "That's not n-" Her words were cut off by one of his massive fingers prodding at her entrance, and replaced by a gasp that came from her throat instead. Yes. Yes. Yes. Careful of his claw, she felt the very tip of that finger enter her, and was relieved to feel no pain or resistance. His tongue really had slicked her up good before. That first finger slid in rather easily thanks to all the lube of his saliva, plus her body's own personal lubricant that it was providing. Additionally her desperation and eagerness helped, and by the time that finger was fully seated inside of her she was grinding against his hand, panting and trembling atop the mattress. Once he'd seen that she'd gotten used to the first finger, she felt a second one prod at her entrance, and this was where she began to worry a bit. She tried to immediately relax her muscles and relax her mind, and not think about the fact that each one of his fingers were the size of corndogs. Each of them alone were thicker than any cock she had ever seen. And while he was clearly trying to be careful she was still worried about what that claw could do to the insides of her most sensitive areas. 
Upon seeing the expression on her face he immediately paused in his movements and asked her, "You okay, little one? Ya want me to stop?"
Kris was relieved by his concern and attentiveness towards her, and swallowing hard she shook her head no. She wanted this to happen; it was going to happen one way or another. "I'm okay, k-keep going."
His hand stayed still a moment longer while those eyes studied her face, probably to make sure she really was okay like she had said, but he must have been satisfied by what he saw because then he continued. That second thick appendage started to slide forward into her once again, alongside the first one, but this time his thumb came up to rub her clit, probably to distract her from thinking too much about the intrusion and the stretch. And that definitely worked; the more his thumb drew circles around her little nub, the farther the thought of the burn and the stretch and his claws went from her mind. It wasn't long before she was whining and squirming on top of the mattress from the intensity of the feeling; that scaly finger rubbing his saliva all around her sensitive bud was too good for her to be worrying about anything at all. 
"Halfway there, pretty one. Ya still doin' okay?" he asked, and Kris hadn't realized she’d been squeezing her eyes shut from the pleasurable assault of his thumb continually circling her clit until now. She opened her eyes to see him looking straight at her, amusement quirking one corner of his mouth. The feeling of two of his thick fingers in her was no longer worrisome; now she wanted more. She wanted his whole hand inside her. The stretch was no longer burning but pleasurable. Realizing he was waiting for an answer she quickly nodded her head, and he chuckled as she lifted her hips to try to take in more of those fingers. And she also made a quick mental note to tell him afterwards how much she appreciated him checking in with her to make sure she was okay. Heartless, murderous animal my ass. Those people upstairs didn't know what the hell they were talking about. 
Croc slowly slid the second finger the rest of the way in, mindful still of the claw at the tip. By the time it was as far in as it would go, less he risk hurting her, she was eagerly thrusting against his hand and headed steadily towards the freight train of pleasure that would be her second orgasm of the night. "Oh, god," she whimpered, the scaly finger on her clit combined with the thick appendages deep inside of her combined with those eyes watching her... All were the catalysts for her rapidly approaching pleasure. "Croc, I'm gonna cum,"
"Yeahh do it, baby doll," he hissed, "anything that's gonna slick up this tight little pussy, you're tight as fuck around my big fingers and you're gonna be even tighter around my big cock, ain'cha?"
His words and his voice pushed her over the edge, and her body writhed on top of the mattress as the pleasure exploded between her legs; Kris cried out as the tidal wave pulled her under in the best way, drowning her in sensation. The rushing of blood in her ears as she was coming down was all consuming, but underneath she could still hear his rasping voice quipping, "Guess my relaxation method worked a little too well, huh?" 
She was breathing heavily, shaking, coming down from the pleasurable high, but she couldn't resist responding, "If y-you didn't want me to c-cum then you s-shouldn't have been t-touching me so g-good..." 
Here he let out a laugh, and she was finally able to open her eyes again to look at his face as he grinned down at her, showcasing those sharp teeth in his wide mouth, "Ohh pretty one I want you to cum - as many times as ya fuckin' can would be preferable. And next time I want you to cum around my cock."
Yesss, her brain whispered to her. The thought of being impaled by his huge member and forced to cum over and over was going to haunt her, she knew. In a good way.
Croc slowly removed those two thick fingers from her womb, making her shudder at the feeling of going from completely stuffed full to barren. At the same time he brought his other hand up to his mouth like he had done before, and this time he spat into his open palm. He then brought that hand down to his hard member, which was swollen and leaking precum at the tip, and smeared the fluid all along his impressive length. He gave it a few strokes up and down, eyes on her all the while, and her cheeks would have flooded with heat if not for the fact that she was still lying boneless atop the mattress from the second explosive orgasm of the evening he'd given her. And even more so when he brought the hand that had been fingerfucking her up to his mouth and sucked her juices off of his fingers. Who had given him the right to be this hot? 
Now he placed both of his hands on her hips, pulling her towards him on top of the mattress, and keeping her legs open, he fit her thighs comfortably over his and around his waist. This was happening - this was really happening. Killer Croc was about to raw her in his bed. He drew her hips towards his, and she sucked in a sharp breath when she felt the thick mushroom head of his dick rubbing up and down her slit. "You ready for me, little Kris?" he intoned, voice low and yellow eyes burning bright under his low brow.
Swallowing hard, she nodded. "Yes, please, Waylon, give me your dick,"
His whole body noticeably shuddered at her words, and his grip on her waist tightened as he began to push forward, the thick head spreading her wet pussy lips open for her to take him inside of her. Her body was still prone below him on the mattress, muscles too tired to be tensed, so this was as good a time as any for him to put it in her. 
The head slid into her and her pussy made a wet, slurping noise, and they both gasped at the feeling. He was tense all over but was showing an astonishing amount of self control, reptilian eyes burning fiercely as he breathed out in harsh rasps. "Fuck, little one - you sure ya ain't a virgin?" he rasped out, and Kris couldn't tell if the question was meant to be serious or not, but she giggled anyway, which turned into another sharp intake of breath as he slid in a couple of centimeters more. If she had still been a virgin, trying to take in this monstrous cock would have broken her in half. 
He continued sliding in slowly, very slowly, guiding her hips towards his almost like he was afraid to thrust forward. His eyes were trained on their conjoining genitals, watching rapt as her pussy swallowed his cock. What would happen if this man lost control? Her mind was so clouded with pleasure at the moment that she honestly didn't care if he lost control and just pounded away, but knowing how vast their size difference was, the logical part of her wanted him to keep taking it as slow as possible. Even though he had stretched her out on his fingers it was still a tight fit; there was an ever so slight burn that she knew would fade over time. Kris was extremely thankful for the extra lubrication provided by him as well as the multiple climaxes - without any of that she knew this would have gone a lot harder. She knew she would have been so tense that he might not have been able to enter her at all. 
When the crown of his dick nudged against her cervix she gasped a little and he immediately paused in his movements. His hands were clamped around her waist so tight she knew she would have bruises there tomorrow, shading her skin in the shape of his huge palms and long fingers. He'd hit her body's natural stopping point and there was still more of his dick to go, but thankfully he didn't press any further. Instead, those yellow eyes flicked to hers and he asked, "You good?" And atop the mattress she nodded her head once again in answer and acknowledgement. She felt so full like she was ready to burst, but the sting was ebbing away, and she could feel every vein and ridge of his cock against her inner walls. She couldn't even make a sound, the feelings were so intense. And good.
Slowly he began to draw back, very slowly, almost torturously, and he pulled his hips back all the way until it was only the bulbous head of his member still inside of her. And right when she was about to make a noise of protest he began pushing back in, and she choked out a moan at the sheer size of him gliding into her wet channel. He was still going slowly, but gone was the burn, and it was replaced by sheer need; wet, throbbing, pulsing need. And the only one who could satisfy her was him. When the tip of him reached her inner stopping point once again he immediately began pulling back, and her breath went out in a whoosh of air, until he pushed back in, making her let out a needy whine. Now that there was no resistance he didn't have to go as slow anymore, and his pace picked up slightly. He could probably tell by the noises she was making that everything was more than okay, anyways. Every time he pushed himself back into her she saw stars. 
"Oh Croc- Waylon!"
"Am I hurtin' ya, sweetheart?" 
"N-No just please, k-keep going,"
"You got it; look at you, takin' me like a champ," 
His praise made the simmering heat in her belly turn into a molten flame, and with every thrust of his hips he stoked the fire within her. He still wasn't going as hard as she knew he probably could, but each thrust had her breasts bouncing on her chest. My god, she’d never felt so full. This type of pleasure was on another level. If he went any harder or deeper she knew she would see the head of his cock bulging against her lower belly. At the moment her vision was so hazy from all the stars and feelings he was making her experience that the only things her eyes could focus on were his two golden orbs floating somewhere above her, and his sharp teeth gleaming. He looked so deliciously frightening in the dim lighting of his abode, and she was once again reminded at who exactly was fucking her silly on top of his mattress.
"Fuck," Croc lowered his head, rounding his broad, scaly shoulders as his hips continued pumping in and out of her steadily, "I can't hold out much longer..." His huge hands began to dig his nails into her hips, and she’d be lying if she said it didn't feel good. The little pinpricks of pain made the pleasure between her legs all the more intense. It wasn't long before Kris was eagerly meeting his thrusts, chasing the inevitable, impending climax that she knew was coming, and fast. 
She squeezed her legs around his hips and stretched her arms above her head, trying to push herself as far down on his cock as her body could go, arching her back to the sensation. "I'm close," she whined, and it was so close she could practically taste it. 
Croc's thrusts became more pronounced then too, more punctuated and aimed to hit her spots. He removed one of those huge hands from her hips and slotted it between her legs as much as he could fit it to rub her clit, "Come on, little Kris, cum on my cock, milk me dry with this tight little pussy,"
His voice rasping out such explicit, dirty words was her undoing, combined with that scaly finger on her clit, and she was cumming hard, spiraling down the rabbit hole of pleasure, crying out his name, his real name. As soon as her walls clamped down around his member she felt it twitch violently inside her, and the hand that still remained on her hip flew off of her to dig his claws with surprising speed into the dingy mattress aside her head. He bellowed his release like the sound an actual crocodile would make when it was pissed beyond belief, and she felt his hot seed spill inside of her like lava. The fabric of the mattress material tearing beside her ear made just the right amount of fear liquify her bones, along with the explosive climax, and combined they made it the most intense feeling of pleasure she had ever experienced. 
His hips eventually slowed as did the flow of his own release inside of her, and her walls slowly ceased their pulsing around him, the thunderous rushing of blood in her ears ebbing with each heartbeat.
The last thing she remembered seeing before passing out from pure exhaustion was his yellow eyes looking deep into hers. And then she succumbed to the throes of sleep; the quickest she’d ever fallen into slumber.
Hot. Why was it so hot?
She blinked her eyes open sleepily, her body damp with sweat, and her right side completely burning. It felt like she had fallen asleep in an oven. It was only when she looked up and saw the brick ceilings with the dim lighting, and felt movement on her right side that she remembered where she was.
Holy. Fuck.
The memories of however long ago came violently flooding back to her, and with flushed cheeks Kris slowly turned her gaze to her right to see a massive, green, scale covered body sidled up next to her atop the mattress. Her eyes traveled up the impressive expanse of him - still naked, she noticed with her pulse picking up rapidly - and when she got to those yellow eyes she swore she felt her heartbeat falter. He'd already been looking at her, a calm, content expression on his face, leaning on one elbow and his head propped up off of the mattress while the other casually rested on her right hip. 
She gave him a small smile, her face burning from the heat - which she now knew was coming from him - and from her own weirdness during social situations. She really hoped she didn't make this awkward; she’d never had a one night stand before. "Hi," she squeaked out, feeling her sore pussy muscles clench when his mouth quirked in a grin, and his reptilian eyes gleamed.
"Mornin'. How ya feelin' pretty one?" 
"Um..." Kris went over the mental checklist of her body in her mind, trying to consider everything she was feeling at the moment: her legs felt stiff from having been held open so wide before while he'd been fucking her, her pussy was sore from his thick fingers and thicker cock that had stretched her and drilled into her, her hips were already bruised, she could tell, from him squeezing them and unintentionally cutting her with his claws. Plus she was covered in sweat, saliva, and cum. But goddamn, she’d never been so satisfied. "Sore," she admitted, and he let out a chuckle that twisted her insides deliciously, "but good. How about you?" 
"No complaints here, little one." He punctuated this with a grin, showcasing those rows and rows of sharp teeth. She realized in this moment that she was not afraid of him - and honestly, she didn't know if she ever really had been. Of course, she had been scared of what he could have done to her if he decided he wanted to make a snack out of her, but those thoughts no longer plagued her mind. She felt... content. Like she had befriended someone and was getting to know them, only to find out that they had a lot more in common than they’d initially thought. Or like she was on a date that was going really well. It was hard to explain, but she felt good. 
Then of course she Thought about yucky adult responsibilities and let out a groan. "Do you know what time it is?" she asked him. Kris didn't want to ruin either one of their good moods by being the responsible one, but unfortunately her daily anxiety meant her mind was rarely ever at rest.
The large man next to her shrugged the shoulder he wasn't leaning on currently, and answered, "Still early, or late, whichever ya like. You've only been out a couple hours. Can't give ya an exact time, though - no clocks down here." He said it lightly, but instead of finding it humorous she once again found herself feeling empathy for him. They really did treat him like a monster down here.
Kris shook her head, looking up at the crumbling brick ceiling above them. "I'll get you a clock." she replied quietly. And a pillow, and a blanket, for gods sake.
"Aw, don't sweat, little one. You don't hafta bring me nothin' - don't trouble yourself." 
She turned her gaze back on him, fixing him with a look; she’d already made up her mind. "It's no trouble; you deserve basic human amenities just like everyone else. I don't like these conditions you're living in - I didn't know it was this bad."
He smiled genuinely at her, not unkindly, and there was a glimmer of something in his eyes as he said, "It's no skin off my nose, little one. Better than being in a cell, that's for damn sure." 
"But you don't even have a clock, you barely have a bed... do you even have a bathroom and a shower down here?" Did he really not see anything wrong with the way he'd been living? Had society really brainwashed him that much that he thought he didn't deserve any better? 
Well, she would see to it that things changed for the better - whether he liked it or not. 
"I make do," He shrugged once again, like it really was no big deal. "Plus, someone opens the hatch and throws soap down here every once in a while. Don't think they want me around the other inmates. 'Fraid I might do somethin'... violent." Here, he winked a yellow eye at her with a side grin. "That'd be like putting a bunch'a steaks in front of a starving mutt." 
Kris rolled her eyes - she actually rolled her eyes at him, Killer Croc. She could see that she wasn't going to get anywhere tonight trying to get him to see things from her perspective, but she internally resolved that she wasn't going to let the issue go. Instead of arguing the point further, she simply told him, "Well, I'll at least bring you a small alarm clock. I've got a spare." 
Here he grinned dangerously, fangs on full display. "Well, I definitely won't say no to seeing you again," Those golden eyes wandered slowly up and down her naked form, and she shivered under his gaze. She definitely wouldn't say no to seeing him again, either, that was for sure.
Unfortunately, though, she knew she had to get going. She didn't want to run into the morning cleaning staff when getting her things out of the office, especially not in the state she was in. She knew it would only lead to questions. And since she didn't know the exact time, she figured it was probably better to go sooner rather than later... though she really didn't want to.
She looked up at Croc, laying next to him on the mattress, and told him, "I should probably go..."
Disappointment flashed in his golden gaze, but he didn't argue the point. She hoped he knew that she wasn't leaving because of him, so she quickly added sternly, "But I'll be back with that clock."
His face lit with a grin, reptilian eyes gleaming with genuine joy, "You can come back anytime. Don't hafta bring me nothin', either; just your pretty little self." Kris could tell he was trying to sound casual, as was she, but her heart was beating furiously in her chest in a way that was anything but. And there was no mistaking the way his whole visage had lit up when she’d told him she would be back. He wanted to see her again - and she wanted to see him again, too.
Following what she’d said a few moments ago, Croc slowly pushed himself up off of the mattress with another glance at her naked form, and said, "Lemme get'cha those clothes." When he rose up off of the bed she, of course, also had to study his naked body. It was like if Adonis had scales and was over eight feet tall. She forced herself to look away from his tight ass and tried to pay attention to other things. If she got turned on again, she’d never leave. Her brain told her this would not necessarily be a bad thing, and she readily agreed, but also she didn't want to be reported missing, and possibly get both of them in trouble if she was found down here with him. 
While he walked over to a small nightstand a few feet away (at the very least they gave him that), crouching down in front of it to open a drawer, her eyes wandered down in front of her to see what the state of her body was like after the most amazing sex of her life. And it was then that she saw something she hadn't even realized the whole time she’d been on the bed, and especially not in the throes of passion: she still had her shoes on.
She snickered quietly as her black and white converse stared back at her. She guessed she had been too distracted to remember to take them off.
"Whatcha laughin' at, little one?" Croc asked with amusement. She turned her head and saw him walking back towards her where she lay on the mattress, and also noticed to her internal disappointment that he had put his own pants back on. 
Smiling up at his amused expression she told him, "I, uh, forgot to take off my shoes during... while we were, um..." The thought of what they had done, and what had been done to her, flustered her. Not in a bad way, but enough that she couldn't finish her sentence and it dissolved into the air. 
Croc chuckled lowly, which made her want to clench her thighs together, and he replied, "Think your mind was preoccupied with other things." He said this while his eyes traveled up the expanse of her nude form, and when they reached hers he flashed her a wink once more. She ducked her head in embarrassment, smiling widely as her cheeks flushed, and he laughed quietly. Then he stepped closer to the mattress and leaned down to hand her the presumed item of clothing he was holding, which she noticed was the same color orange as the pants he wore. "Don't think the other pants I have will fit ya, but this should be long enough on ya to cover the goods." 
She unfolded the item of clothing and saw that it was a long sleeved orange t-shirt - Arkham issued, of course - and it would indeed be long enough to be a literal dress on her. She looked up at him and smiled in gratitude. "Thanks, I'll wash it and bring it back to you." 
He easily returned her smile, and huffed with a bemused shake of his head, "You're somethin' else, little Kris." 
His tone and words sent warm tingles throughout her whole body as she sat up on the mattress, and she pulled the material over her head, partially to hide the blush she knew was on her face. When she had his shirt on and comfortably situated, she smoothed back her hair as best as she could, which was a task and a half even though it only fell to just below her shoulders. She took the hair tie that was thankfully still on her wrist and tied back her black locks so they hopefully didn't look too crazy. So maybe it wouldn't look like she’d just had the best sex of her life and was now trying to inconspicuously sneak out - which was absolutely the case. Plus, to top it all off, she would now be walking out of here wearing his clothes.
Once she was ready, Croc reached out a hand to help her up and she took it gratefully, once again putting her hand in his like she had done not just a few hours earlier while they had made their deal. He helped pull her up off of the mattress on the ground, and she hadn't realized how much she would be relying on his strength until she was actually standing. Immediately her legs were incredibly wobbly, like a fawn taking its first steps, and she had to hold onto him and his big body with both of her hands. The tender area between her thighs was still sticky, but thankfully none of it ran down her legs. Since she didn't have any underwear on, that was something she would've been kind of self conscious about since she now had to go upstairs to get her stuff so she could go home. She really didn't need, and neither did he, both of their combined DNA dripping out of her and onto the floor - that would surely be something no one else needed to discover, for both of their safety.
"You gonna be okay?" he asked her, both of his hands holding onto her waist to insure that she didn't fall over.
"I think so," Kris blushed sheepishly once again at the thought of why her legs were so wobbly. The twenty minute drive home was sure to be fun, she thought to herself. Not. She looked both ways, wondering how exactly she was going to be getting out of here. Earlier he'd mentioned something about a back exit. And she wondered: if he knew about a back exit, what was stopping him from escaping out said exit? 
Before she could ask him, he had noticed her looking around and gestured with his head down the tunnel beyond his 'room' area - the one they hadn't come down on the way here. "Down that way, not too far," he grunted. He led her over to the edge of the thick slab of brick they were standing on, then hoisted her up into his arms once again, explaining, "Gonna hafta get back in the water, though - hold tight, pretty one." 
Kris smiled to herself against his chest, thinking of the first time he'd said that to her this evening. He then leapt them into the gently running water and held her body tightly to his to keep her from slipping out of his grip, and she wrapped her arms around his neck for the same reason. Also, she couldn't resist.
As they began the trek down the dim tunnel of the old sewers once more this evening, Croc asked her suddenly, "So, what were you doin' here so late, anyways?" 
She realized then that he probably had no idea what she actually did at the asylum. It was clear to him that she worked here, but he didn't necessarily know which department. "Working late; I work in the clerks office to do paperwork and stuff like that, and I volunteered to do some overtime tonight." When she had come to be in his abode it had been around eight pm. Normally her shift ended at four-thirty, but she’d volunteered to stay until eight to help catch up on some extra work. Before she’d left for the night, she had stepped out of the office to use the bathroom before her drive home, and, well, that was when she’d been ambushed by the guards and orderlies. Little did they know, they'd done her a favor, it seemed - for herself and for her scaly companion.
He nodded, taking in that information as he continued walking them down the watery tunnel, walking a lot slower than he had before, when he'd been taking them to his 'room' area to complete their deal. Almost as if he was reluctant for her to leave... "Well, as much as I wanna tear every one of those idiots to pieces for doing what they did to you, I can't say that I'm upset that you stumbled on in here tonight. Quite the opposite, in fact." 
Kris smiled at his words, and quietly replied, "Same here." His yellow eyes flicked down to look at her, and while he didn't respond verbally she could see that same intensity as she had many times this evening, brewing behind his gaze. Intensity and warmth. 
After a few more moments of comfortable silence they reached the end of the tunnel, which came out to a circle shaped opening where water was draining out into a small waterfall down a concrete siding into the lake surrounding the island. There were thick vertical bars going across the exit, and they looked to be spaced just far enough apart that she could squeeze through them. Along the sides of the tunnel there were very narrow walkways, and both led up to the opening right to the bars. Croc brought her up to the siding on the left and gently set her on her feet, and gestured towards the exit, "This comes out right below the parking lot." 
That worked out perfectly. She felt relief in knowing that she wouldn't be stumbling around Arkham island in the dark right next to the lake, with nothing but Croc's oversized shirt and her shoes on. She at least knew where she was. And from the parking lot she could get back into the building, retrieve her stuff, and finally go home. 
Kris turned to Croc, wondering what she should even say to him. Thanks for the amazing sex? Thanks for not murdering me? See you later? What does one even say in a situation like this? 
She took a moment to think, looking him up and down, her eyes going back to his yellow gaze as they always seemed to be drawn there. Then she said, "I'll be back with that clock, and," she added, hoping this would sound flirty like it did in her mind and not come off as desperate, "I'm prepared to make another deal for it." 
Like she’d hoped he would, he gave her a grin and a huff of laughter, which sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. He returned with, "Well in that case, I hope to be seein' ya real soon." And he finished with a wink.
She smiled back at him, cheeks hot, and told him genuinely, "Then it's a done deal. Thank you for tonight... See you around, Waylon." 
Before she could talk herself out of it and convince herself to stay longer, she turned and slipped through the old metal bars, careful not to step in the running water with her shoes on, and stepped out onto the grass alongside the flat cement drainage ditch. Before she began walking up the hill towards the parking lot, she gave him one last look into the darkness of the tunnel, just barely able to see his outline and those eyes illuminated by the moonlight from outside. Then she turned and headed up the hill, and the whole time, her cheeks hurt from how big she was smiling. Done deal, indeed. 
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
AN: I do not own the Batman: Arkham Asylum franchise or any of it's characters, but Kris is my own OC.
also, some songs i listened to (on repeat) while writing this~: EAT ME - Demi Lovato feat. Royal & the Serpent (naturally) Perfect Lover - Britney Spears (don't ask plz lol) Get Naked (I Got a Plan) - Britney Spears Doomsayer - Hatebreed Break the Ice - Britney Spears You Don't Own Me - SAYGRACE feat. G-Eazy Gimme More - Britney Spears Come Together - Demi Lovato Gangsta - Kehlani
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plushii-gutz · 24 days
Fallen Stars is discontinued until further notice, as well as Thorns.
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(i've been waiting forever to do this ahahahahahahahaha). Author's notes: The radcliffemobile is remy's car,it's a red truck car with many seats. Edit: Added the series title,and the chapter title n' number. And the "the radcliffes series" tag.
The radcliffes series
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙: Japan flights and dragon bites
The entire radcliffe family are getting chased by a golden dragon while they're riding the radcliffemobile on a steep mountain,remy is driving and mars is desperately holding onto the car seat as the family is going through the rocky mountain road. The golden dragon then bites the back of the car off which causes the kids at the back to almost get flinged off but they quickly hold onto the seats in front of them before they do. "How the hell did this happen?!." remy yells to mars while still driving like his life depended on it,because it does. "Well SOMEONE decided to touch a statue that very clearly said 'do not touch' and look where it got us!." mars replies as they make a face of disappointment from remy's stupid decision. Remy then swerves to a different part of the mountain trail and opens his mouth to speak. "I didn't know that it was a MAGIC statue!." remy remarks to mars. "Whatever we'll talk about this later just keep driving or else we're all gonna die!." mars exclaims to remy and then they scream from the golden dragon almost biting them but then sigh in relief after it doesn't. The family keep riding along the mountain in hopes that the dragon would eventually stop,but it never did and it's been four hours since they started driving away from it. "What the fuck does the damn giant lizard want anyway?!." momo asks remy,annoyed that everyone is getting chased by a dragon instead of enjoying their family trip in japan. "I don't know but maybe we woke it up and now it's pissed!- AAAHHHHH!." remy screams along with everyone else as the car falls into a cliff while the family is still inside. The car suffers various forms of damage from the fall such a broken roof shattered windows and missing tires but the family luckily survives despite their car being absolutely wrecked. The golden dragon then proceeds to corner the family after it catches up to them with everyone shaking from fear. "P-Please don't eat us. We just wanted to have a fun family trip." rocket says while crying and sweating profusely. The dragon then sits down in front of the family and opens it's mouth to speak. "Eat you all?. No no no no that's not what i was going to do." the dragon says to the family. "Wait really?. Then why were you chasing us?." jojo asks the dragon. "Well after your father woke me up from my well deserved slumber,i saw that he left an orange cat plushie beside my leg so i decided to run after your family car to give it back. It's been hiding underneath my tongue the whole time. Also where are my manners?,my name is aurelius,nice to meet you all." aurelius the golden dragon says to the family as he grabs the the orange cat plushie from his tongue which he gives to remy who gives it to fox as it's her plushie. "Thank you aurelius. I'm glad that you're not pissed from me waking you up and that it's all just a misunderstanding since you were chasing us to give cunning back to fox." remy says to aurelius. "You're welcome and don't worry i was just annoyed about that. Well i shall take my leave,goodbye radcliffes." aurelius the dragon says to the family as he flies away to his place in the center of tokyo. Rocket fox mars as well as the others wave goodbye to the dragon as they all feel a wave of relief wash over them from knowing that the dragon wasn't trying to kill them. Remy then looks at the car and then he yells at aurelius,pointing at the shattered car which aurelius realizes is still broken and so he offers to let everyone ride on his back in order to get back to yokohama,everyone gets on aurelius' back and then the dragon flies them to yokohama,with everyone bidding the dragon a final farewell upon reaching their destination. 'What a fascinating turn of events.' remy thinks to himself as he enters a gift shop along with his family.
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aerodaltonimperial · 5 days
woke up feeling weirdly grateful to fandom (must be pride month lol) so just wanted to toss out a big thank you to anyone who has ever read my fics. you really make me feel like i matter when i hear that my words make people happy or flaily or screaming or what have you. it honestly means the world to me knowing that people take their own free time and use it to read things i have written; given everything, i can't overstate how much this helps to heal over the big me vs. writing/publishing wounds. 💚💚💚 i had really truly considered leaving fandom the past few weeks, but i don't want to any longer, and a huge part of that is you wonderful folks for being here.
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
A World Without Monsters Masterlist
See the full masterlist here, as well as a list of fandoms I write for here!
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During a post-kaiju war press tour, you and your copilot Raleigh finally  grapple with the growing feelings you have for each other while also wrestling the world of reporters, politicians, and more who would  manipulate the world's saviors for their own purposes.
Warnings: friends to lovers slow burn, mentions of depression and anxiety, PTSD, and trauma throughout multiple chapters.
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viciousbutprecious · 8 months
Suggest a character and a colour palette and I'll draw them in MS Paint:
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I saw this trend going around YEARS ago here on Tumblr, but never got around to doing it myself. Now it's time!
I made this layout myself, since similar challenges had at least 5 colour palettes I didn't like, and I didn't want to get demotivated. Also, all the colours are colourpicked from the PS1 Spyro games.
Put your suggestions in my Ask Box!~
Also feel free to use my challenge.
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charmwasjess · 9 months
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Pictured, MFW seeing Hayden in an apparently multi-episode arc and possible Force Ghost in Ahsoka, the same month as issue 10 of the Yoda comic teased us with a fakeout Dooku Force Ghost on the cover and then gave us this instead
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