#mystic messenger x oc
meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Obey Me/Arcana /Twisted Wonderland/ Mystic Messenger
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omelette-boy · 4 months
The star boy!!!! 💫💫
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natasha-in-space · 30 days
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Movie nights in the Choi household often don't go according to plan... Saeran has to deal with being the living pillow of the family
He still doesn't wake anyone up though
Gift for a friend <3
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serenitysilverheart · 3 months
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finally got the chance to play mystic messenger instead of watching routes on youtube and now i'm stuck in the brainrot purgatory again-
anyways, i genuinely love this game and am very passionate about these two deeply complex men that it kills me inside to have to only pursue one of them at a time... so i made an entire au for my mc-insert so that they can all hold hands! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) that and i believe jumin and seven are totally hilarious when put together so katherine (mc-insert shown above) is basically the positive mediator between them.
anticipate more content in the future perhaps... because there is far more to the au that is just festering in my brain +_+ and i'd like to further expand on how these three function with each other, so stay tuned(?)
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
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It's that time of year again which means I get to draw something to celebrate my birthday. It's been eight years since I met the RFA this year, and that means it's been eight years since I met Saeran Choi. I am grateful to his character for being there for me after all this time, and for continuing to be with me to this day. I love him and I know in some universe out there in the cosmos, he loves me, too.
My smile shines brighter because Saeran helped me find my worth. Thank you, my love, for reminding me to love myself all four seasons even if you're not around.
[Ref: @/aniforce_pusan]
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eunxhan · 8 months
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❝ I am forever your most devoted believer. ❞
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I think I've made myself clear with how many disclaimers and warnings I've put in my posts recently, if you choose to ignore and continue to interact with my posts while being underage. It's not my responsibility on what you consume.
Please know what or how to say your words, keep everything respectful towards me or anyone who interacts with my blogs.
Keep it in a sarcastic level.
Use an identifying name or emojis.
Use of tone markers.
Do not vent in my requests but You can vent to me privately.
Be aware of my boundaries.
Be specific as much as you can, Especially in OCs.
I do not condone YANDERE behavior in real life, I don't have such fantasies.
Dark and Mature themes are welcome!
I can write for characters that aren't in the fandoms I write for, just give me a specific info or link about the characters.
I write male,gn,nb, etc.
Maximum of four characters per request
Gender neutral unless specified
Always open to chat
I have the right to ignore some requests.
• ──────── ⌒⌒⌒ ︶︶︶
Headcanons | One-shots | DrabblesCrossovers / Alternate Universe
Suggestive | Platonic / Romantic Relationships | Mini Series
Soft, Angst, Dark, NSFW
Pedophilia | INCESTOUS
Minor characters aged up versions. | Never change character's sexuality who's canonically in LGBTQ.
• ──────── ⌒⌒⌒ ︶︶︶
— I can write for characters in any fandoms.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Bungo Stray Dogs
Blue lock
Blue period
Obey me
What in the hell is bad?
Mystic messenger
Twisted Wonderland
Genshin Impact
Honkai Impact
Dead by daylight
Identity V
Call of Duty
Coming soon..
Helluva Boss
Marble hornets
Alien Stage
Harry Potter
Hazbin Hotel
Creepy pasta
Will be making character profiles.
• ──────── ⌒⌒⌒ ︶︶︶
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carnivorousyandeere · 6 months
If that's the case then it would be a crime if you don't include yan Mad doctor/scientist
Well, if it would be illegal not to… 🤭
( MDNI, No Age in Bio DNI )
CW: unethical medicine, medical play, unsafe knife play, blood play, fear play, sadistic yan
Info: bottom reader, sub reader
Yandere mad scientist bending you over an examination table, flipping up your flimsy hospital gown, their gloved fingers sliding inside you, opening you up… unbuckling their belt and fishing their cock/strap out, sliding it inside you with a hiss. You can feel their breath, hot and humid, even through the medical mask pressing against the back of your neck, can imagine how they must look, their glasses fogged up and crooked, skin slick with sweat. Their gloved hands trail all over your body, preparing you for the real course, their scalpel. Carving their name into your back, shivering and relishing in your choked sounds when they hook a slicked and bloodied finger in their mask and pull it down to shove their tongue as far as they can into the wounds they’ve left. Don’t worry too much, they’ll disinfect it once they’re done. After all, they’re your beloved and loyal doctor…
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pagingharu · 2 months
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v x cassie little red riding hood au
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juminies · 9 months
in order to get to the heart
marriage of convenience, on occasion, is not so convenient.
♡ — jumin x original female character. small amounts of canon compliant jumin x reader, but mostly canon divergent (jumin is unhappily married prior to the start of the game). 1600 words. title from heartlines by florence + the machine.
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They just say anything to each other these days.
“This façade drains me beyond comprehension,” Jumin confesses the minute he walks through the door. His fingers loop into the knot of his tie and pull it looser around his neck.
“So you say,” murmured half into a cushion tucked up to a woman’s chest as she types on her phone. “It’s not for our benefit though, is it?”
On some level, this is always how it was going to be for Jumin, he thinks. In a marriage stripped to its fragile bones. A sacrificial lamb for the sake of the corporation, for mutual social and financial gain.
He leans down to untie his shoes.
It would be untrue to say there weren’t veiled attempts, in the beginning, to love. When that didn’t work there were attempts to like. None successful, of course. Lately it’s becoming more difficult to believe this arrangement is better than any alternative. Between the two of them there is a lot of nothing.
The woman remains quiet—focused—but nods easily against the woven fabric she’s leaning into when Jumin asks, “Do you not get tired of coming home from work to find me occupying your space?”
He knows that in public they look good together. He knows that their careers slot together effortlessly. Despite what the media may suggest, however, they are human. Jumin included. The way he feels nothing for her does not match the way she feels nothing for him. The way she yells that he is robotic does not match the way he stoically calls her irresponsible.
They do not sleep together, or eat together, or do any of the romantic things Jumin wishes he hadn’t let himself privately indulge in the idea of. And it’s not that she’s not nice—she’s intelligent and beautiful and kind, when it suits her. Perfect on paper until she wasn’t. When she laughs with her chest Jumin can almost imagine a world where she smiles at him like she does others and it makes his heart weak. Part of him wishes, truly, that that was the case. In reality it feels like nothing.
It could be worse, he tells himself—repeats it like a mantra.
Concealed beneath it is fear. You could be like him. You could repeat his mistakes.
She throws her phone haphazardly onto the sofa beside her and looks up to where Jumin is standing in the doorway. He’s mostly backlit from the light in the hall, the lamp beside his wife barely grazing his features but lighting up hers in all the wrong ways. The orange glow casts unpleasant shadows over places she’s usually pretty. He should have the bulb changed to something less harsh.
“Not much we can do if you don’t want the press to kick up a huge fuss, sweetie,” she says.
The pet names are a jest he has learned to tune out.
“Will they not make a fuss over our divorce in three years’ time nonetheless?” Jumin asks. It’s hypothetical, of course. They will.
“Maybe we’ll have grown on each other by then.” Her tone is disinterested; feels almost mocking. Her phone chimes to let her know her driver is outside. “I’m going out. Shall I take my card or yours?”
“It makes little difference to me.” Jumin looks at his watch. It’s almost 10pm but he doesn’t ask where she’s going. A bar, perhaps.
“Could you adjust my necklace?”
She holds her hair up messily, and he does.
“Let me know if you need anything,” he tells her, then briefly wonders if she’ll meet someone tonight and sleep with them. He pictures her naked beneath a stranger. It feels like nothing.
She takes her own card and squeezes his bicep softly as she walks by him on the way out. She shuts the door more forcefully than is ever really necessary.
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At some point Jumin suggests she move out of their—his—apartment and into the one directly below; just recently made vacant. He probably would have suggested it earlier had the apartment been available earlier, but their district of Seoul tends to be under high demand.
“I thought we agreed it was a bad idea to live separately,” she says. It’s a statement, not a question. They had done exactly that.
Jumin hums, tired. Tired from his trip and tired from trying and at some point, it seems, he has lost an indistinguishable part of himself to her for good.
“We did. Although I would say that that was long enough ago now for us both to have become quite aware that we do not do particularly well sharing the same space for considerable periods of time.”
“You’re gone a lot anyway. The place is big enough for us to avoid each other if needed, and I like it here.”
She exhales sharply; amused.
Jumin has no idea why until she adds, “More so when you’re not around, to be fair.” And that explains it, just about.
“Stay here when I am travelling if you must,” he tells her. Somewhere along the way his suggestion has morphed into more of an instruction.
“Fine. Don’t tell your father, though. Or mine.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
They buy it outright in her name, the cost split fifty-fifty. Jumin tells her to keep it all when she sells it later. She tells him she won’t.
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They argue tonight, as usual, about who will be chauffeuring them to a company gala. They had agreed that Jumin’s driver would take them only for her to assert for the hundredth time at the last minute that she doesn’t trust him, though she has not legitimately spoken to him more than once and he has been working for Jumin’s family longer than she has been alive.
It’ll cause a stir if the two of them show up separately so they end up in her car, as usual. Jumin apologises to Driver Kim via text for requesting him when he wasn’t needed on the way there, and they arrive late.
The venue reminds Jumin of the last RFA party. His wife had not attended despite her invitation, so it is not proper grounds for conversation. However, when they are out like this they are a happy couple like the legal drabble says, so he says it anyway—if just to appear interested in her.
“I’m sure this is nicer than your friends’ charity get togethers,” she replies lightheartedly, and they are called over by her father before Jumin can retaliate.
The façade stays firm for the remainder of the event. Jumin can easily distinguish her fake laugh from her real one, and he can tell when she forgets who he is for a moment and touches him a little more tenderly than either of them really mean.
They are silent on the drive home. They are silent in the elevator, until it stops one floor below Jumin’s penthouse. “Goodnight,” he says. “Sleep well.”
“You don’t have to say that, you know,” she counters, and smiles softly as the doors slide shut between them. “Not when it’s just me.”
Elizabeth the 3rd is snoring softly when he unlocks his door, and it is the only sound he can hear. He basks in the bliss of having nobody around when he is already so mentally exhausted, and takes out his phone to see it’s just after midnight and Yoosung has opened a chat room.
He enters it, multitasking as he changes his clothes and brushes his teeth. His cat patters into the room and jumps up beside him when he perches on the edge of his bed. She smells frustratingly like perfume and something oddly like guilt threatens Jumin with a dull blade.
Wait!! says Luciel. Think someone entered the chat room.
Jumin checks. There is a name on his screen he doesn’t recognise.
Who are you? Identify yourself.
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“Jumin. It’s me,” your voice is soft and bubbly; maybe a little nervous but still pleasant on his ears. An intriguing introduction. He almost finds himself chuckling.
Jumin moves the phone from his ear and glances down at your name again, just to be certain he’s not imagining things, then focuses in on the plainness of the wall in front of him.
“I hope you realise blurting out ‘It’s me’ is not a proper way to identify yourself to the person on the other end of the line.”
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He had hesitated briefly before telling you he is married. Now he has known you for five days and whatever he’s feeling is somehow, ridiculously, already far greater than any emotion he has ever felt towards his wife.
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He invites her out for dinner at their usual restaurant the following evening, and she tells him if he has something to discuss with her she would rather keep it simple. As an alternative he invites her to the penthouse and opens a bottle of wine he knows she likes. When she arrives her hair is tied up experimentally and she is wearing a new shade of lipstick. She surprises him when she actually accepts his offer to pour her a glass.
“I am going to talk with my father,” Jumin says, and she knows what he means. It’s only later that he will find out she had already brought it up with hers. “For what it’s worth, however, I apologise that it ended up like this.”
“Me too,” she agrees. Jumin notices the light catch a glassiness in her eyes as she continues, “If I could have loved you, I would have.”
She stays for a few hours and it is the most sincere time they have spent together in three years.
That night, Zen has a dream.
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flosgaudium · 1 year
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Self Indulgent Zen Art... (.///.)
OC x Canon
Please don't flame me I have an unhealthy obsession with this man...
━━━༺ .⋅ Social Media ⋅. ༻━━━
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Commission me on Ko-Fi!: https://ko-fi.com/flosgaudium
More information on Carrd!: https://flosgaudium.carrd.co/#
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asterjennifer · 2 years
🎀 Sometimes you have to get back at your loved ones~
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Thank you pandamimi9021 for this outstanding comission! <3 🎀
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wendy-606 · 7 months
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Saeyoung X CMC♡
Yeah it's March but I'll still post it!! So Happy Valentines Day💝🍫I made this piece for @lusree 🥰
Also I was dying because of my exams in February, but finally I'm FREE! So here I am alive again!! Wohoooo~(>v<)♡
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jinjinranran · 2 years
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shewrotesomething · 1 year
The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You (Unknown)
Marriage was a distant thought to Saeran. He never really considered it. With everything that’s happened, really, it’s the last thing he could even begin thinking of. That was fine, you never pushed him to jump into anything he wasn’t ready for. 
He could remember the day he changed his mind though, or at least, felt a shift in his heart. 
At the time, some days were better than others. And when they weren’t… they really weren’t.
His brother had to be out of town for an entire week, and so, the two of you figured to stay at your place for a few days. 
He had a terrible time falling asleep. Too many thoughts in his head. Thoughts such as, if you wake up one day and decided you didn’t want to bear his burden with him, well, he wouldn’t blame you. Thoughts such as, the longer he spends with you, the more he’d ruin you. Thoughts such as, he wanted to be okay. Just for a day. To be okay so you wouldn’t have a hard time.
A nightmare came for him that night. Nothing gruesome. Or perhaps it was. He couldn’t remember anymore. All he knew was that he grasped for your presence, only to wake up and realize you were gone.
His heart leapt to his throat and he ripped his sheet away to reach for his phone on your nightstand. A text message read: Heeeey, I had to leave super early. I have to deal with an emergency. Didn’t want to wake you. Tell me when you’re up though!
He was frustrated, immediately. First, at you, for leaving so early, then at himself, for thinking such things. It’s fine, he’ll deal with it. He had to learn to deal with his emotions by himself. He had to learn to be stronger for you.
His mood didn’t improve throughout the day. Even when he did some work to get his mind off of it.
Saeran slammed his laptop shut and leaned back on the couch. From his seat, he spotted the trash can. It was filled to the brim. Not only that, it couldn’t even close with how much trash there was. He remembered telling you to take that out 2 days ago, why is it still there?
The door clicked open then and you strode inside with a bag of groceries. “Oh hi, you’re up. Didn’t you see my text?”
He did. He didn’t really want to reply.
His lack of reply didn’t deter you. “I ran into an old classmate on the way home, she’s inviting me to a party, but honestly we weren’t even that close so I don’t know if I should go. I remember she once told me I had weird legs…” 
As you narrated your day, you organized the groceries.
Saeran was only half listening. The other half was sitting in a boiling pot of anger and frustration.
“Hey, is everything okay?” you asked when you noticed his unnatural silence. “Sorry that dinner is taking so long, do you want to eat something while you wait?”
Saeran rolled his eyes. “You know what I want? I want you to take out the trash already. It’s been a full 24 hours since I asked you to take it out and there it is. I can’t believe you can live in this kind of mess!”
“Oh, well I—”
“You’ve been walking around in the kitchen for nearly an hour, you don’t notice how the trash doesn’t even close anymore? You remember what your aunt said about your shirt 3 weeks ago but you can’t remember to take out the trash you see everyday? Grow up!”
He watched the expression on your face melt from surprise and confusion into quiet vitriol. Your breath heaved. His throat tightened. Then, came the tears. Your lips quivering with words you refused to release. Only then did he realize he’s gone too far.
Without a word, you put the potholder down on the counter and pull the trash bag out of the can and tie it off nicely. You crossed the room.
“MC, I—”
You held a hand up to stop him before grabbing your wallet and keys. “I love you, but I need a moment,” you told him before you walked out the door.
Saeran’s heart dropped to his gut when he heard the door shut. This was bad. This was really bad. You’ve had arguments before but this was the first time he’s seen you so angry you couldn’t even speak. 
He should go after you. Wait. No. That would be worse. You’ll be back. Right? What you said earlier definitely means you’ll come back. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
Saeran bolted out the door. Looking both ways on the street. You were nowhere to be found. 
He messed up big time. Why is he like this? Why her? Of all people why her?
Walking back inside, he tried not to panic. He should call you. His eyes jumped to the couch where his phone sat. He dialed your number only to discover that you had left your phone on the dinner table.
His fault. His fault. His fault. He’s shit. His fault. His fault. You left. It’s his fault. He shouldn’t have taken it out on you. Not your fault. Not your fault. 
Saeran curled himself up on the wall next to the door.
He doesn’t know for how long he sat there. This wasn’t the first time this has happened. He’s snapped before…but… you always stayed. 
You always stayed…
The door clicked open and he sprang out of the ground.
There you were. Despite your insistence to look indifferent, the spot of redness under your eyes betrayed you. He did this to you. His fault. His fault. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean any of it, I promise. I…I’m not okay… I’m not okay. It’s not your fault. I took it out on you and I’m so sorry. Please don’t leave again.” Tears started flowing down your cheeks and nails dug into his heart. He wanted to touch you. Was he allowed to touch you? Please just don’t leave.  “I… I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’ll do anything, just… I really didn’t—”
A cold object collided with his chest and landed on the ground. Saeran looked down and it was a packet of popsicle ice cream. He bent down to pick it up. When he looked up at you, you had wiped away your tears and had a pout on your face.
“Just eat your ice cream.”
Saeran hasn’t heard a louder I love you.
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 1 year
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Mystictober💌✨️ day 1: fave character/dance
Saeran/Ray is my favourite too!! but I only had a solid idea and enough time for Saeyoung, so my guy had to miss out😔 I'm so sorry, Saeran. it's probably fair since I usually draw the younger of the twins way more often anyway.
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
This recent idol meme makes me think of Lila and idol Ray/Saeran 😭😭😭
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I hear you. I've decided to deliver what we both want. This outfit is one of my favorites and we're going to pretend this doesn't come from a Bad Ending. In fact, this belongs solely to a happy universe where our boy is an idol and Lila's the fan he falls in love with through a comical set of rom-com tropes.
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