#n at the same time just the thought of fallin in love again scares the shit outta me cause it never goes my way
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 4 months
Ngl I'm scared it wasn't just my love for him that broke off that night, but my ability to love at all
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scarisd3ad · 7 months
Superstar | football player!joel miller x popstar!reader
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Chapter Four - labyrinth
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Warnings - angst, cursing
Summary - when you find out about a certain football player showing up at your tour you decide to reach out just because of all the dating rumors, but what if thoughs rumors turn into reality?
a/n - okay so since I've never really introduced Joel parents they are introduced here. his mother is named Juliana in this, and his father is named tom (because tommy just feels like he'd be a jr)  <3. also, song reader sing is labyrinth because I love labyrinth and Taylor sang it at n1 in Argentina.  
‘Oh no, I’m falling in love’
I let out a deep sigh as my fingers pressed against the piano keys. The same piano I sit at weekend after weekend with a large screaming crowd showing all their adoration for me through screams and chants. I pull my in-ears out so I'm able to hear the actual volume of the crowd. "Holy shit," I whisper into the mic in front of me. They're loud, so loud it's impossible to believe that this is my life. Screaming crowds, fans, concerts at venues this big it's incredible. "you guys are so unbelievably awesome you don't even understand," I say as I place my in-ears back into my ears. I can still hear the screams the in-ears just kind of lower the volume. "So, I um, I wrote a new song and I want to see if you guys like it," I say with a smile. They scream as I begin to play the notes on the piano. I take a deep breath before starting the first lyric.
"It only hurts this much right now...was what I was thinking the whole time" It's a little nerve-wracking performing a song that I had just written last night to a whole crowd of people. I didn't even know if they were going to like it, let alone like that I was playing an unknown song rather than a song that they all could sing along to. But despite my anxious thoughts, they scream, scream like this is their favorite song ever. "Breathe in breathe through breathe deep breathe out. I'll be getting over you my whole life," they scream again, astonished by the lyrics, astonished by what these lyrics might mean. I know there's already a video posted somewhere speculating what these lyrics mean and who they're about. That's just how the internet works. But I'm the only person who will ever truly know what this song and its lyrics are about.
"You know how scared I am of elevators, never trust it if it rises fast, it can't last" I hear a loud "I love you y/n!" from a girl sitting in the very front row closest to the stage. I smile as I start the next lyric. "Uh oh, I'm Fallin' in love. Oh no, I'm Fallin' in love again" Screams from the crowd start up because these lyrics just have to be about Joel, right? I know that's what they're thinking and they're right, or at least partially, about him. "Oh, I'm Fallin' in love. I thought the plane was going down. how'd you turn it right around?"
"Sooo, why aren't you out with Joel?" Tara asks from her spot at the end of my bed. It was my off weekend. I had one weekend off from performing, and this was it. I let out a sigh. "Um, he invited me to something just didn't feel like it" She rolled her eyes; she knew I was lying somehow. it wasn't anything about 'not feeling it' it was all about the kiss, and the 'good job' afterward, the way my heart dropped right after he said that too. We just needed some space. I needed to be away from him for a little while to try and rid myself of this crush I had on him.
"Is that true?" I let out a sigh as I shook my head and murmured, "I don't want to talk about it, kay?" I wrap my arms around Ollie, who is nestled up beside me, and pull him closer. He lets out a tired "meow" but forgets about the fact I had moved him about 2 seconds later. "c'mon y/n tell me y'know I don't judge" I roll my eyes as she props herself up with her arm. "He kissed me," I whisper. Her brows furrow in a confused curl, which sends me tumbling into an explanation. "He kissed me, and I think I'm in love with him. And the kiss was all for the paparazzi," I whisper as I lay my head back down on my pillow. She sits up quickly, snatching my phone off the bed. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I shout as I quickly sit up. She tumbles off of the bed running away. I let out a groan as I scurried off of the bed to follow after her. She's letting out giggles as her thumbs type away. "Seriously T, what are you doing?!" I shouted as I followed her down the stairs, almost tripping as I came to the bottom.
She stops in the kitchen and pushes herself against the counter. "You're going out with Joel" my eyes widen. I plan on ignoring him for a few weeks before cutting the deal off. "Because you need to figure this shit out 'cause I know it's not fake for him either" She hands me back my phone and I'm quick to open the messaging app.
Joel Miller
y - hey, plans changed. I'm able to go to that thing if I'm still able to.
J.M. - what happened to your sisters?
I rolled my eyes it was obvious that I did not write the text. This was just going to break my heart even more. I don't even know why she'd do this. "Tara...why seriously this is just going to hurt me even more" I whisper, she shakes her head as her arms cross over her chest "he likes you too, y'know have you seen the way he looks at you?" I don't even know how her brain works; he looks at me like how a normal person looks at another human. There was not even a hint of love in his eyes. I stare at her, waiting for her to explain. "Oh my god seriously, are you blind?"
Joel Miller
y- canceled, can you pick me up?
y- please?
J.M. - yeah, sure, be there in 15.
I let out a sigh as I stuff my phone into my pocket. "he's gonna be here in 15 so I better..." I whisper, my voice trickling away as I make eye contact with Tara. I'm not mad at her because I just can't be mad at her, but I'm just so anxious that I seem mad. "Are you mad?" her smile immediately drops. Sometimes Tara just plays too much. She didn't realize how brokenhearted I was after he kissed me, not until now. I turn around and begin to walk away. "Hey y'know, he does like you, I wouldn't lie to you." she chases after me, "I know I just don't trust your judgment," I whisper. It wasn't that Tara liked to lie and make things up, she just embellishes the truth sometimes, especially when I like a guy. She likes to add things to make me feel good. "Just let me get ready...by myself," I whisper.
I throw on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt before putting on some makeup and doing my hair. I was anxious to meet his entire family. That was the main reason I didn't want to go because it just felt like a little too much for fake dating. my heart pounded against my chest as I sat on my couch waiting for him to show up. I was trying to hype myself up in my head, but I had no luck in doing so. I was still a big bundle of nerves who didn't want to be talked to at the moment. My hands shook and my chest was rising and falling so fast it was concerning. And then when I heard three soft knocks on my front door, I wanted to hide.
knock knock knock
I take a deep breath in mutter "I've got this" before standing up and stuffing my phone into my back pocket. "Hey Tara, I'm leaving kay?" when I hear a muffled "okay!" from upstairs I open the front door. I'm met with Joel standing at the door dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a cowboy's tee shirt.
"Hey, darlin', how have ya been? Haven't heard from ya in a while." My heart flutters at the nickname, and at the thought that he cares about how I've been. "I-I've been good, you?" he waves me off. "No, I wanna hear about you. How was your concerts last weekend, huh? Heard they were all sold out," I giggle, flustered that he had even thought about my concerts. "Go-good, I um performed a new song," I say as I smile up at him, a disgustingly lovesick look on my face. But I can't help it, he just makes me feel so good. So free, so loved even if it is fake.
"Need ya to sing that to me, darlin," he says as he grabs my hand. It felt so weird having a man care so much about my music. Every time I see him, he asks about my concerts or how I write my songs. I've been with men who cared I made so much music with Andy, but Joel just feels so different. "y-yeah um I can if you want me to," I whisper as he leads me toward his car. Unlike every other time I had seen him, there wasn't even any paparazzi outside my house. So, him holding my hand is pointless.
When we pull up to his house, it's nothing like I imagined it to be. Unlike most other celebrities his age who have large mansions that span many acres, it's a normal 2-story suburban home. It's a stereotypical picket fence home with a large tree in the front yard and faded chalk drawings on the driveway. It was unexpected for a man with so much fame and wealth, but not unexpected for a man like him. Joel was a regular Texan man, a father, a son, and a brother. A man who lived in a simple 2-story, 3-bedroom, 2-bath house. Picket fences, scrapped knees, and handmade drawings stuck up on the fridge. Normalcy, that's what his house felt like. It felt like my childhood. It felt like suburban neighborhoods playing with the neighborhood kids, and ice pops on the front porch. It felt like playing in sprinklers, puddles, and mud. It felt like baseball in the backyard. I felt happy that his kids got that, although their father was such a star. They didn't have to grow up in a large mansion with no kids around like other celebrities' kids got.
As we walk into his house, Joel's hand is splayed across my lower back. There were a lot of people sitting on his couch, some women, some men, but they all felt older than me. "Back...Um, this is my...girlfriend y/n...y/n this is my uncle Walter, aunt Gabriela, my mom Juliana, my dad Tom, and our neighbor Jason" My eyes widen a bit at all the new names and faces I'm taking in. "hi" I squeak with a tiny smile. "She's a superstar, famous singer, right darlin'?" I didn't even have enough time to become flustered at the fact that he had called me his girlfriend because I was met with bunches of hands and people trying to hug me. "I um yeah, yeah I sing a little" I whisper as I try my best to hide myself behind Joel. it's a weird feeling being around all these people who are just so much older than me, I felt like I'd fit in more with his young daughter than with these people. "'Sing a little' c'mon darlin', don't sell yourself short. This girl is performing for sold-out stadiums" he says with a chuckle, "I-I yeah um-" Thankfully, I'm cut off by a scream and the feeling of a little body smashing into my leg.
I look down to see Sarah with her arms wrapped around my torso. "you're here! Daddy said you couldn't come" his family begin quiet 'aww's and 'look how cute's "y-yeah I um I could make it after all," I say with a shy smile. For someone who has stadiums full of people cheering me on, I'm so shy in front of a room of just 5 people. I look up to see a smaller girl standing just a little behind Sarah. She has a paler complexion and straighter brown hair. She's got her arms crossed over her chest; she can't be any older than 5. when she opens her mouth and begins to talk, I can see that her two top teeth are missing. "Who's this?"
"This is daddy's friend I told you about don't be rude Ellie" Sarah whispers as she turns so she's facing her sister. Ellie looks up at me, her head cocking to the side as she takes me in. "I went to your concert" she whispers, "it was too loud" she mutters before walking a bit closer. Her father chuckles behind me. "We-well, I'm sorry bout that," I whisper with a little laugh. "she's the one who has a cat," Sarah whispers and it seems like Ellie's eyes instantly turn into two hearts. "Cat? what's its name?" Ellie asks as she approaches me. "His name is Ollie," I reply as I kneel, so I'm face to face with her. "Can I come see him?" she asks. I nod "Yeah if your daddy lets you" She looks up at her father and puts on the cutest puppy dog eyes. "Can I go see the cat, Daddy?"
"Maybe one day El" I feel a tiny hand wrap around mine before I'm quickly pulled back to my full height and pulled out of the living room "Let's go play y/n!" 
I'm outside in the backyard chasing around all the kids in the backyard while Joel and his father grill burgers on the deck. "ahhhh you can't catch me!" Ellie screams as I grab ahold of her arm and pull her towards me. We both topple to the ground as I begin tickling her. She screams out loud giggles as she tries to squirm away. Once she finally gets away, she stands up and places her hands on both her knees, trying to catch her breath. I sit up noticing Joel has now walked back inside. "Hey, I'm gonna go get a drink alright?!" I shouted, not only to acknowledge Ellie but to the other children who were playing as well. Ellie just nods as she breathes heavily. I push myself up off of the ground and begin to make my way up to the back door.
"May- maybe she could be like their mom. They need a mom, Joel. I know you are all they need, but they need a mother," I hear Joel's mom say as I open the back door slowly. Joel's mom stood at the counter, staring out the window above the sink as she prepared a salad. Joel stood next to her, chopping up the chicken. "I-momma she-we're-" I know what he means we're not real, this is temporary. I clear my throat before saying, "I-um, is there anything I can drink?" Joel's mother begins to swat at her son's arm. "Oh god sweetheart, I am so sorry. Joel, get your girlfriend a drink," she says before shoving him my way. "I-um..." he stutters, as he opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water. He hands the bottle to me.
"Let's go outside," he whispers before turning back towards his mom. "You got this, Mom?" she nods before shooing him away. His hand slots into mine perfectly as we walk outside. Everything about him made my heart just leap with excitement. It was embarrassing. We stand on the deck watching as the children run around screaming and laughing. "I don't know how they have that much energy," he chuckles as I twist the bottle cap open and take a swig. "Yeah, they wore me out in like 2 seconds," I reply with a smile. "They like you a lot, y'know Ellie and Sarah" I nod, I just wished they didn't. it wouldn't be this hard to break things off if they didn't like me. "Wish they wouldn't get so attached," I whisper. "It's not going to be easy on them when this ends." his face contorts into an expression I can't read. It's a mix of sadness and realization.
"y-yeah but you can still come around. As my friend, we don't have to not talk after this" I nod acting like I would, but I knew I probably wouldn't because it'd be too hard on me. I can't just be his friend, that's the problem. I wouldn't be able to see him with another girl without being heartbroken. "I know" 
Once everyone had left, I sat on the couch with both his children while Frozen was playing on the TV. "You need me to take you home?" Joel asks as he walks into the living room. I've been trying to convince myself it's time to break this off before the kids get too attached. I decided I should just rip the band-aid off before I had time to overthink it and not do it at all. "Um, actually..." I quickly rise to my feet. "Can we talk...alone?" Joel nods, his brows furrowing together in a questioning look.
I follow after him as he leads me to a room far enough away so the kids won't be able to hear us. His arms crossed over his chest as he asks, "What's up?" I take a deep breath in before saying, "We should stop this. I can't do this anymore." his brows furrow into a knot as I see the look in his eyes change from curious to hurt. His head cocks to the side "Wh-why? did you-" I shake my head as I run my hands through my hair "I-I um I can't talk about it." his hands shift so they're placed on his hips. Why did this hurt worse than any breakup I've ever experienced? Why was my heart shattering over a man I was never even in an actual relationship with? "I-I just need to know why. closure y'know," he whispers.
"I-I-" I sigh as my head lowers so I'm not making eye contact with him, "y/n..." my hand squeezes against my opposite arm hard as I try to keep quiet. I can't tell him. I can't, I just can't. "I-I think... I think I'm in love with you and I know you-" lips pressing against mine interrupt my words, instantly alleviating all my fears. Nothing mattered but his lips against mine. He pulls away and places his hand against my cheek. My lips chase after his, which makes him chuckle. "Do you l-" he cuts me off with a simple "mhm," and I nod before our lips meet again.
@taylarxse @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @ktheunready @camixkami @skysmiller @mars743 @romeestrvjds @lightxzhan @alyhull @jenna-mcgraw19 @raindropsandteaandtears @winkuchu @lexloon @greensabereyesforcevictim @cozylibraries @celebrities-imagines @joeldjarin @nezukos-number1fan @abbysgirll @sadbloatedegg @hopelessromantic727
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sorikkung · 2 years
I don't mind, I just like talking to you anyways and this is a good excuse 🙃 first things first I'm in my mom's place, so I'm almost 100km away from where I live and I thought would be a good idea to open up Tinder and see if I could match with some interesting people now so basically I have two gossips about my midnight Tinder matches.
First one was with this really sweet guy that lives in my city. He's a hella sportist and even participates on jiu-jitsu championships. You know those quiet math guys that don't usually talk much but they are very talkative when it comes to his interests and this hard shell is only to protect a big warm heart? Is him. And the fact that it only took me a a couple of DAYS to get so close of him bothered and scared me a lot. Right now, we're in a video call and he keeps saying that I'm pretty and that he's falling in love with me and I can see, by the way he looks at me, that it trully might have something going on.
I don't know, I feel a little scared about it, not gonna lie, but I assume I'm intrigued as well as I want to try out and see where it goes but is all so unsure...
This second gossip is about some friends of mine from here. They used to date for a long time, I met them with already two years of relationship on their backs so, this year they would be like, 6 years together. As I said, I was at Tinder and I saw this profile with a picture I've seen before. I went to this friend Insta and the picture was there, same name, age, place, everything was the same. I was gagged but, anyway, brushed it off because it might be a fake profile or maybe they were seeking for someone to spicy up their relationship, I don't know, I was trying to create an excuse for why was him there that wasn't because he was cheating.
Obviously, I swiped right on him because, if he was really cheating, he would know I saw him and I knew what he was doing. But that left me really unsettled, so I went to Insta again. I checked both his and hers profiles and they weren't following each other anymore, all their cute photos with texts celebrating their birthdays were also gone... Was like they were never together. I even checked her TikTok videos and, apparently, she had returned to her parents house after a year living with him.
They had broke up and I heard about it from Tinder 🤡
To add up: he just text me today, while I was in call with this new guy and legit asked about a hook-up. Like a good slut, I said he could pass by with drinks and drugs and we would party and kiss like good friends do 🙃 so I guess this will have more scenes to come. And I hope I can kiss her as a friend too, they're both hot
this is so wild lmFAOooo mainly the second part but damn look at you go??? mfs fallin in love w you n shit??? goals???? i keep telling myself ill never stoop as low as to download tinder bc too many straight people but honestly all the lgbt focused dating apps be kinda dry i might as well 😭😭 doesnt help that i usually leave convos on read bc they bore me easily or just take too much effort... oof. but i digress. why are you so scared of where things are going w your tinder match? lmfao right now as in as you type this?? does he know youre gossiping abt him to a random australian online 😭😭
as for the second part at least theres no cheating, but if you kiss them separately when they seem to have broken up on bad enough terms to wipe it all i feel like thatd cause drama... but if youre not super close w them and just wanna shitstir, im not gonna deter you lmFAOoo live ur hoe life bestie. wish that were me (i say, with like 37 bitches in my dms i ghosted bc i ran out of things to say to them and they didnt interest me enough to ask to meet SDFGSDFKHSDFH)
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chickentendieboi · 3 years
ʟᴏꜱɪɴ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ | ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀᴡᴀ ɪꜱꜱᴇɪ
☾ Song: Losin Control by Russ
—tw/cw: hurt/comfort, angst, cheating, alcohol use
—wc: 2,313
☼ a/n: {aged up} {originally on my quotev and wattpad, revised slightly} For those of you reading this first, there is a first part to this story if you wanted to check it out. Black Ink Revenge | Kuroo Tetsurou. It'll give you a better background to the whole story. This can still be read on its own, but if you wanted more, then yeah! {Part 1}
Masterlists: Main Masterlist || SFW Masterlist
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A rough few months went by, the apartment you were in was slowly turning into a place you could see as your own. Being cheated on isn't fun, wasn't fun... But there isn't a single trace of him in here anymore, all the pain locked away by the memories being non visible. Although... that didn't help during the night, your dreams come back to haunt you, the scarring on your heart still having a bit of the reins on your feelings.
But lately... there's been this guy. Someone who has been slowly helping you heal but the caution tape around your heart was wrapped god knows how many times. But you were losing control of your heart and it scared you half to death.
She's fallin' in love now, losin' control now Fightin' the truth, tryin' to hide But I think it's alright, girl Yeah, I think it's alright, girl
You'd met him at a bar. Matsukawa Issei. He was tall, dark and handsome. Exactly how Kuroo was which naturally brought thoughts back to him... and your heart swelled, the only difference was you could visibly see both of his eyes... But you talked with him. Light conversation which showed to you that he was very easy going, quiet and didn't seem to force flirtation.
"What brings you here tonight? All alone?" You watched him talk, loosening his tie a bit before he poked the ice cube in his short whiskey glass.
You looked down at your glass. You were sat 2 seats away from him, a nice distance you were fine with keeping, for now. "I come here every so often. Just need some time to sit and think... have a drink." You tilted your glass to the side, showing off the liquid that swished in your glass.
He nodded his head. "I get that. So, we're in the same boat then." He chuckled dryly. "My girlfriend... left me a few months ago. No rhyme or reason. Just one day... her stuff was gone."
Your face fell as you looked at the man beside you, his thick eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head. "We're a lot a like, huh..." You moved your gaze back to your drink, moving around the toothpick, listening to the ice clank against the side of the glass.
"The guy must have been stupid." He shook his head again and took a small sip of what you believed to be whiskey or bourbon.
This time you laughed through your nose. "He was more than stupid but... I was the one who kicked him out." You rested your head in your hand that you ended up propping on the bar counter. He didn't say anything, turning his body which was basically telling you he was all ears. "I found him cheating on me." Your monotone voice spoke out, your eyes tunneling in to your drink. "I'd had my suspicions before that though..." You then got quieter. "Then I told him to leave while he was at work... I wrote a note and left for a week." You choked out the last part. "S-sorry." You shook your head, shaking off a tear that managed to escape your eyes but then you stopped and furrowed your brows. "W-why am I telling you all this?" You astonishingly laughed out through your nose again.
He shrugged, leaning back into the high chair. "Sometimes... it's easier to talk with someone who's been through the same, even if they are a stranger."
You nodded your head slowly. "I wonder... if it would be better not to know what went wrong... Just to have had him up and leave."
"No." He answered quickly. " I don't think it would be... It's more closure knowing."
You began to chuckle, earning his attention and furrowed brows. "God, it feels like we're in a support group meeting."
This earned a laugh from the tall male, a genuine one you had yet to hear. "It does feel like that, doesn't it?"
"So... tell me about yourself?" To your surprise, it was you that had moved. You got up out of one of the chairs and into the one that was next to him. You brought over your drink, propped your elbow up and tilted your head, giving him all of your attention.
He gave you a gentle smile then began talking about himself, his relationship, high school, his current job. Once he was done, you in turn had spoke about your life, tears spilling ever so often and one of your tears had been wiped away by his finger.
The night was coming to an end, and you could feel that. It was getting late, you had finished your drink and just the two of you were left in the bar, plus the barkeep.
Matsukawa spoke up. "I don't feel comfortable asking for your number, but please allow me to walk you home. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I found out something had happened to you."
"I... uh, um, okay." You blinked a few times before nodding, picking up your purse and waiting for him to finish the last sip of his drink. "You know, it seems... stranger to ask to walk someone home. A number is easier to change than an address." You chuckled lightly.
He scratched the back of his neck, realizing how it wasn't much different. "Oh, uh-"
"It's alright though." You began to lead the man out the door with a small smile. "You can still walk me home."
The walk home was easy going just like the conversation that flowed between you both at the bar. Much to your despair though, you lived close to the bar so before you knew it, you both were in front of your apartment building.
"You... still could ask for my number." You softly spoke as you held the top of the gate leading into your apartment complex.
"Would it be alright though? I'd feel as if I was taking advantage of a woman who still isn't over a relationship." He tilted his head, his voice filled with sincerity.
You paused for a moment, thinking over his words, the evening and your feelings, your eyes looking back and forth into his. "It's alright." You were confident in your response and he could tell so he took his phone out and handed it over to him. You both said good night and parted, leaving your caution tape slowly unraveling.
She's falling but she doesn't think he'll catch her 'Cause her last relationship was a disaster Accusations everyday she didn't know why All her calls would be ignored he's on his own time Shoulda ended it before it started All she ever got was broken hearted He was cheating on her tryna' flip it Back on her like a victim
That night your dreams were rough again, your heartbreak hitting you full force. But why? They weren't this bad before, was it because of Matsukawa? Was your conscious throwing guilt in your face for kicking Kuroo out while Matsukawa had got walked out on? You shook your head, you were the victim, not him and you had to completely believe that.
Now she all alone and starting over Now she got baggage on her shoulder But the new guy really loves her She loves him, but she doesn't trust herself anymore
It's been a few months. You both talked close to everyday, even started going out on dates a few weeks ago and you felt really happy but you couldn't help but still feel that dragging down feeling in your heart. It's been a few months but you felt yourself falling for him with every bit of yourself and you were terrified. How could you fully know that he's not going to do to you what Kuroo did?
How do you know that the girl didn't up and leave because he was the one cheating on her? These thoughts started bombarding your mind. Taking a deep breath, your eyes made their way to the man walking though the door and your spirits surprising lifted.
Despite her past, she can't help the attraction
"You alright?" Matsukawa furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you, eyes filled with concern.
"Hmm?" You questioned back, not even noticing the tears that had streaked your cheeks. "O-oh..." You blinked a few times and shook your head. "I'm fine."
"Come on." He held out his hand. "Let's go somewhere quieter. It's too loud in here." He gave you a soft smile and you didn't hesitate at all to put your hand in his, allowing him to lead you.
You walked into a bookstore, one with a cozy corner that he brought you over to. "Please, have a seat."
You nodded and sat yourself on the bundle of pillows that surrounded themselves around a short table, one meant for a laptop or a book.
"Tell me what's wrong." His hand found yours and he caressed the top of it.
"Did you cheat on your ex?" The words came out of your mouth so quick you didn't have time to filter them, to make them sound less accusatory.
His eyes soften, the worry he had prior leaving them. "No, no I didn't. I couldn't ever think of cheating on anyone." His spare hand found your cheek.
"A-are you sure?" The tears you held in from your thoughts began to threaten to spill.
"Positive." His warm lips found yours in an instant, turning you into putty with his touch. He backed away moments later. "I've... fallen in love with you, Y/N." He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours. "I know... I know there are men out there who can tear apart your heart and leave it out on the dirty street. But there are also men... who want to do everything to make you happy."
You blinked up at him, your heart swelling as your nose twitched slightly. "I... I've fallen too..."
He tells her that he's nothing like the last one He redefines in every way what love is She fell for him and hasn't gotten up since
Every now and then, she goes off, though Beating on his chest like a bongo He understands she's coming from a hurt place Answers all the questions on her survey Doesn't get jealous, doesn't break trust Doesn't call a hoe after hang-ups Gives her everything she ever wanted And even though she still feels haunted
He stayed at your house quite a bit, close to 5 days a week and it was good but you still had nagging feelings that tugged at your heart. His phone would buzz, he'd check it, laugh or smile then respond, placing it back down only for it to go off again. Who would respond so fast? As fast as a girl would?
You excused yourself from the room and went into the bedroom, the tears not doing anything but fully escaping your eyes. It took him no more than 10 seconds to hear your sobs and barge into the bathroom.
"N-no. G-get ou-t!" You yelled at him in between your sobs.
"Not happening. Tell me what's wrong."
"No!" You cried out and when he started getting closer to you, grabbing your waist, you started hitting his chest with your fists. "Go back t-to texting th-that g-girl!" You tried pushing him off you but he completely collapsed your arms against his chest and hugged you close.
He brought you down to the ground with him, his arms still securely around you. "There's no girl I have to go back to text. It's kind of pointless to text you when you're right here." He kissed the top of your head, the sobs slowing their pace. "It was just Makki, he and I are sending memes back and forth. You wanna see some? They're quite funny."
You sniffled and backed away from him, looking up into his small dark eyes. "O... okay." You nodded and he got up first, helping you with him so you both could sit on your couch looking through memes for the rest of the night.
You surprised yourself, you didn't realize you could get PTSD from this... But it explains exactly why tiny little things have set you off. Placing accusations on Matsukawa when he doesn't deserve them. You placed your head down on the kitchen counter sighing in between your arms.
Suddenly, you felt arms snake around your waist, stiffening your body. You turned your head and your eyes landed on messy black hair. "I-Issei..."
"I'm sorry."
Your heart fell and your eyes widened. "What the hell are you sorry for? You have no reason to be sorry. It's me who needs to be sorry. You've been doing everything, making me feel... wanted... good enough..." Your eyes began to brim with tears. "I'm not the only one who had a tough relationship, and I'm taking out my hardships on you... a-and..."
He breathed out through his nose as his hand made its' way up to your cheek. "I'm just so sorry that you had to go through something like you did. You're a gorgeous woman. You're smart and funny, sincere and gentle. It pains me knowing that you're living with demons in your heart that won't allow you to be happy. And as for myself... I can't say I don't think about it every so often, but then I see you, think of you and just think... it's bad, but I'm glad what happened to us did. Otherwise... I wouldn't be as happy as I am now."
Your mouth dropped slightly, words refusing to form and your heart surging. "I..."
"I promise you though, as much as I can, I will fend off those demons. I will make sure that you can smile carefree, so you can trust me." By now, his other hand had attached itself gently on your other cheek, both thumbs caressing your cheekbones.
Your shoulders fell as you melted into the warm, comforting touch of his hand. You looked up at him, pain, freedom and overwhelming happiness filling your eyes.
"I won't hurt you. I never could." He pulled your cheeks and you went on your toes as he bent down to you, taking your lips in with his, gently, ever so gently enveloping you in his hold and securing you to the best of his ability. Your fingers furled themselves around the fabric of his shirt as he tightened his hold, deepening his kiss as he showed you how much love he held for you.
She's falling in love now, losing control now
I think it's alright girl
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lottiebagley · 3 years
Till forever falls apart- Fred Weasley
Out on our own Dreamin' in a world that we both know It's out of our control But if shit hits the fan, we're not alone
Fred Weasley lived in his own little world. He had his friends who he eagerly invited in but he was never particularly aware of the world around him. He never needed to look any further than his circle of friends.
She fell in love with Fred Weasley instantly. From the moment she saw him she wanted to be around him. Something about him made her heart beat faster and her mind run miles. She wanted Fred Weasley in every room she entered.
He never really noticed her.
She was the year below him at school and he never needed to know who she was.
His little world didn't include her and so he barely realised she existed.
That was until she arrived at his quidditch practice in floods of tears in the middle of his third year at school.
Fred had watched in shock when Oliver Wood immediately called a break mid-practice, something he never does, and rushes down to the crying second year.
Fred notices as he flies back towards the ground that despite being in tears the girl is beautiful. Something about her so raw and vulnerable. He pushes the thought away because what 13 year old is looking at a 12 year old, he doesn't quite understand the difference between them is a mere 6 months.
"What's got Wood all caring? Hope he's not dating a child the pedo," Fred jokes to his friends who all seem to look at him like he's grown a second head, even Harry, who had only been on the team for four months.
"That's his sister you moron," Angelina Johnson states, rolling her eyes.
Thinking really hard Fred can almost remember knowing that Oliver Wood had a sister, he just never took the time to realise who she was. He watched from afar as Oliver comforts the girl before she settles in the stands and practice resumes.
The entire time Fred feels drawn to her. Glancing towards her every so often and watching as she reads her book, occasionally glancing up at the practice.
When Oliver finally calls time Fred watches as the girl walks down to the pitch, eaves dropping as Oliver tells her to wait for 5 minutes while he changes. Fred sees his opportunity to talk to her, wanting too not just because she's beautiful but because something about her seems to pull him in, he runs to the locker room and grabs his bag before heading out to the pitch where she's standing.
"Hey, I'm Fred," He grins brightly to the girl who blushes just from the way he looks directly into her eyes, looks into them like he can see her very soul.
"I'm y/n, Oli's sister," She introduces herself, he nods
"You alright? You- well-"
"Showed up a sobbing mess?"
"Yeah," He nods, chuckling a little at how direct she is
"I'm fine. I've been arguing with this girl in my dorm a bit recently. I'll be honest she's kind of a bitch,"
"Really? Who is she? I'll prank her for you," Fred offers brightly
"Florrie Watson, but you really don't have to. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble,"
"I have no clue who that is but just you wait, once I find this Florrie Watson she won't know what hit her. And don't even worry about me getting into trouble, I've done it for much less beautiful girls," Fred promises, the girl giggles a little and Fred would do anything to be the cause of that giggle again and again for the rest of his life.
"Thanks Fred," She smiles, he grins back brightly, fishing around in his bag
"Here, have a chocolate frog, they always make me feel better," He offers, she smiles gratefully accepting the frog as Oliver exits the changing room. He strides over, nodding his end in a goodbye to Fred before leading the girl off talking about a game or exploding snap and some hot chocolate.
Fred Weasley would never forget the image of her, a few feet away, turning over her shoulder to shoot him a warm smile.
Three days later she arrives at breakfast to see Florrie Watson with bright green hair and exploding boils on her face. When she looks to Fred he sends her a knowing wink before returning to his breakfast.
She was utterly in love with Fred Weasley and maybe one day he would feel the same. 
Cause you've got me and you know That I've got you and I know
Fred does feel the same. He doesn't realise for a while but he falls just as hard.
Once she's become part of his little world she is a staple of it.
They chat in the common room, she helps out with pranks, they tease Oliver together.
They grow close over the next two and a half years and so on the platform ready for his sixth year at Hogwarts, Fred is more than excited to see her.
Although, he had probably been in love with her for a while, the realisation happens all at once.
He turns around to see her charging down the platform, skillfully avoiding bumping into people, as she runs towards him and George. She has a bright grin on her face and her eyes are shining with excitement.
She throws her arms around Fred who wraps her in a tight hug lifting her into the air to spin her around.
It's as her easy laughter floats into his ears he realises he's a goner.
That he is madly in love with her.
Despite feeling anxious at the realisation he wouldn't have it any other way.
He places her down gently and smiles happily as she grins up at him "Missed you Freddie," She grins and with that she's moving to pull George into an equally tight hug.
"I'll never understand why you come from Scotland all the way to London to go back to Scotland," George teases her as he releases her from his tight grip.
"Becuase floo powder takes literally seconds and otherwise everyone gets fun memories and I don't,"
"So you're scared of missing out," George deadpans
"You're happy to see me, right Freddie?" She beams, turning to the boy who is staring at her with a love struck grin on his face
"Couldn't be happier sweetheart," He confirms, she grins even bigger, although he hadn't thought it possible, before turning back to George
"See Georgie, some people actually like my presence," She jokes
"Don't remember saying I didn't," He chuckles, raising his hands in mock surrender, she laughs loudly, swatting his hand down. She moves to say something but is stopped when her name is squealed from across the platform.
"I'll talk to you guys later," She informs, turning to run towards her best friend, the very Florrie Watson that Fred once pranked.
"Yes, Fred."
"I think I'm in love with her," Fred speaks with confidence
"About time you figured it out," George smiles, patting his brother's shoulder with a laugh
If the tide takes California I'm so glad I got to hold ya And if the sky falls from Heaven above Oh, I know I had the best time fallin' into love
She was almost 100% sure she had no chance with Fred Weasley, that and that alone is why when Cormac McLaggen asks her out she says yes.
"Hi boys," She smiles, leaning over the sofa to stick her head between Fred and George
"You smell good," Fred comments, not really thinking about what he is saying but immediately recognising the scent as the one coming from the potions classroom that morning.
"Thanks Freddie," She grins happily
"You look good too, what's the occasion?" Lee questions, he's the only one who can fully see her from his arm chair across from the sofa the twins are sat on
"I've got a date," She shrugs. Fred feels his heart sink as he takes a deep breath, mustering his best fake smile, before putting on a 'totally fine' act, not wanting her to think he is mad, although right now he's thinking up a thousand ways to make whatever boy she's about to go on a date with's life a misery.
"Show us the outfit then," He chimes cheerily, she moves away to come around the sofa, George catching Fred's eye and sending him a sympathetic smile.
She looks beautiful as she stands in front of the boys. Fred letting out a dramatic wolf whistle and smiling when she blushes
"Give us a twirl then," George encourages, she laughs but plays along and twirls for the trio.
"Looking gorgeous," Lee compliments
"You really are," George adds. She smiles at them both before turning to Fred, his the only opinion that ever really mattered to her.
"You think I look alright?" She questions, he wonders for a second how she seems so anxious, like he doesn't think she looks like a piece of art people would wait hours to see even when she's just in her pjs in the common room.
"You look better than alright darling, absolutely beautiful. He's a lucky guy," He grins happily. She blushes a bright red, moving to respond before her name is called from across the room.
"See you later," She smiles to the trio before rushing off towards Cormac McLaggen who is eyeing the girl like she's a piece of meat.
Fred watches as he leads her out of the common room with a scowl on his face "Seriously? McLaggen of all people? If Oliver knew he'd murder Cormac and then he would murder us for letting it happen," He grumbles, receiving sympathetic grunts of agreement from his friends.
We've been livin' on a fault line And for a while you were all mine I've spent a lifetime givin' you my heart I swear that I'll be yours forever 'til forever falls apart 'Til forever falls apart
Fred feels his heart sink at the sight in front of him. Cormac McLaggen dancing at the ball with a girl who is most definitely not his current girlfriend.
He's exiting the ballroom quicker than his friends can work out what's going on. "She's in her dorm," it's the voice of Florrie that makes him stop his frantic search, turning to look at her, thinking it best to have a clue what's going on before he charges full steam at a problem.
"What happened?"
"He broke up with her this morning so he could bring Romilda. I tried to force her to come anyway but she didn't want to. Managed to talk her into her dress and we did her hair and makeup but she just wouldn't actually leave the dorm,"
"Prick!" Fred grumbles, shooting the younger girl a thankful smile, before running off in the direction of the Gryffindor tower.
When he arrives, slightly breathless, outside her dorm his heart sinks even further in his chest. He can hear her sniffles from inside her dorm, raising his hand to knock on the door.
"Florrie, please, I really don't want to go," she calls, her voice cracking a little.
"It's Fred," he calls back
"Oh, do you need anything?"
"Just wanna see you sweetheart," he responds gently
"You should be at the ball,"
"So should you," he calls, "I'm coming in," he adds.
The sight makes his blood boil in anger but also makes his heart beat race.
She looks beautiful, a long silver ball gown flowing around her, her hair curled and falling gently around her head, her makeup is smudged from crying but he can tell before the tears it was done to perfection. She looks like an angel walking the earth and he wants to kiss her right there and then.
At the same time though, he notices her red eyes and the tracks of mascara on her face. He thinks about Cormac and how horrendously he treated her and it takes everything in him not to turn around, march back to the hall and kill the stupid boy.
"You look beautiful,"
"I look a mess," she responds
"A beautiful mess," he sighs, moving to sit next to her on the narrow single bed.
"You look handsome Freddie," she smiles, resting her head on his shoulder, exhausted from crying all day.
"Thank you darling," he grabs her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze "There's no chance I can talk you to coming to the hall is there?" He asks
"No. You should get back though, I don't want to ruin your night,"
"Well my plans were to stare at the most beautiful girl in school from across the hall which I can't do when you're sat up here," he's completely honest but she laughs like it's a joke.
"It's your one ball at school,"
"Look, I know you don't quite realise how important you are to me, but I'm not just leaving you a crying mess on your own. So, you and I will stay up here all night," he decides
And they do.
He steals snacks from under Ron's bed and they sit up in her bed eating them. He makes her laugh and she cheers up a little. He catches Bertie Botts every flavour beans in his mouth and smears Cauldron Cake filling on her nose.
He talks her into dancing around her dorm with him. It's fast at first, music playing from her friends record player. When a slow song comes on he holds her close and strokes his hand up and down her back, she rests her hands on his shoulders and stares up into his eyes with a too quick heart beat and a need to kiss the boy she's head over heels for.
They drop to her bed, laying up as she explains what happened. She tells him that she never really liked Cormac all that much and it was the shame and embarrassment that hurt so much, it was the feeling of worthlessness.
Her friends filtered back from the ball one by one, finding them fast asleep in their ball outfits, her head on his chest and his arms holding her close.
So this is it, that's how it ends I guess there's nothing more romantic than dying with your friends And I'm not sorry for myself I wouldn't want to spend a minute lovin' anybody else
"Where too next pretty girl?" Fred questions with a smile, his arms  wrapped around her shoulder, holding her to him as they walk through the warm streets of Hogsmeade, the first drops of summer warming the couple.
"Three Broomsticks?" She suggests, taking a lick of the caramel ice cream Fred had insisted on buying her in Honeydukes.
"Sure," He nods, beginning to walk in the right direction, swinging his Zonko's bag in his empty hand "How's the ice cream?"
"As good as ever, you wanna try some?" She questions, taking another lick before tilting her head upwards to look at him, he shrugs in agreement before a smirk takes over his face.
Her eyebrows raise in question before his thumb comes down, hand cupping her jaw, the thumb swiping over the corner of her lip and collecting a smear of ice cream, he pops it into his mouth, sucking the caramel flavour off as she stands staring up at him, eyes a little wide and mouth a jar.
"It's good," He nods, casually dropping his arm back around her shoulder and continuing on his was towards the pub. She allows herself to be tugged along, slightly in awe and massively in love as he somehow manages to act nonchalant, in reality his insides feel like they're on fire.
"Hey, Fred?" She questions as they walk, he hums gently in response, eyes flickering down to look at her
"Why no date this weekend?" She questions casually.
"Haven't been on a date in a while if I'm honest," He admits casually. It was true, for a while Fred was serial dater, she was so unattainable and so he occupied himself, tried to find someone who would make his heart beat just as fast as she did. That was until George informed him the more girls he dated who weren't her the less likely she was to admit to liking him if she felt the same, George knew she did, he could tell, not that Fred believed him.
"Very out of character," She teases, a smirk falling to her face "You lost all your game?"
"Why don't you consider how much you blushed when I tried your ice cream and answer that yourself?" He smirks, watching as she blushes once more but rolls her eyes at him.
The afternoon passes pleasantly, harmless flirting that makes them both overthink carrying the conversation.
It was a joke at first.
He had snuck into a small florist whilst she was talking to a girl from her year.
When he had returned to her side, the flowers held behind his back until the girl was gone, he smiles politely along with the conversation.
She had turned to him, ready to ask where he wanted to go next, and blushed madly when he held out a bouquet of sunflowers to her, he knew they were her favourites.  She had taken them with a bashful smile and a teasing 'what have you done wrong to butter me up with flowers'
And it had been a joke when he responded.
"Nice guys buy their dates flowers Wood,"
The reality of what he said hit the pair hard as his eyes widen at the realisation. He can practically see the cogs turning in her head before she whispers
"Is this a date?"
He almost lies. Tells her she's insane and that she's like a sister and he had just been messing with her.
But then he sees it.
The flicker of hopefulness in her eyes.
"I hope it can be," He admits, breathless although he's not quite sure what from.
"Okay, date it is," She confirms, tugging the flowers to her chest in one hand and taking his hand in the other.
'Cause you've got me and you know That I've got you and I know
Fred's foot taps loudly on the floor, a rapid beat ringing through the kitchen.
"You're up early," Molly comments as she enters the kitchen, she's unsurprised by her son's presence in the kitchen even though it is hours before he would normally wake up.
"My girlfriend gets here today. Merlin, mum, you didn't forget did you?" He questions.
It had taken hours and hours for Fred to be able to convince his mother and all the other adults involved to allow his girlfriend to stay for the last two weeks of summer given the location of the Order was supposed to be a secret.
It was eventually Remus' declaration of trust for the girl over dinner after a meeting one night that forced the adult's agreement. "Of course not sweetheart," His mother assures, a loving smile on her face as she watches her son who she's never seen happier. "You know she's not getting here until the afternoon though and that Remus is meeting her in Diagon Alley and he hasn't even woken up yet, let alone left,"
"I know. Just couldn't sleep," Fred admits, rolling his eyes at the beam that overtakes Molly's face
"You really love her?"
"I do. If it means anything I think you will too,"
"I'm sure I will dear," Molly smiles, squeezing her son's shoulder before moving to prepare breakfast.
6 hours later the door is pulled open and Fred feels his heart practically double in size. She hadn't been expecting her boyfriend to be sat on the stairs staring at the front door waiting for her, he had been there since his old professor left. She had been talking happily with the older man, something about her brother's new quidditch job from what Fred heard before she's silenced.
She let's out a mildly shocked laugh when two arms wrap around her, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around in circles. He places her back to the ground, staring down at her with a bright grin that's mirrored on her face as she stares back up.
Half the order and all the kids have now made their way to the front door to watch the couple's reunion. No one can deny that the entire house seems warmer now that their love is filling the walls. No one can question that it's love to the very truest form as they watch the couple stare at each other.
"You're entire family and a load of people I don't know are staring at us," She whispers, only he can hear and he chuckles a little, his arms still wrapped around her waist as her hands rest on his chest.
He can faintly hear the scream of Walburga Black's portrait followed by Tonks shouting 'shit I tripped, did I miss it?', her question answered by Ginny's laughter and a 'They haven't even kissed yet'
"I'm going to kiss you anyway darling, because it's all I've been thinking about for the past four weeks an-"
He's cut off when her hand tugs him down by his shirt, his lips meeting her for the first time in a month. It's not the most magical of kisses, a little toothy from both their wide grins and ruined by the onlookers and Ron's dramatic faux gags.
She pulls away quickly, not wanting to seem disrespectful and giggles when his lips chase after hers "Next time don't talk so much and just kiss me," She teases in a quiet whisper, just for him, he lets out a breathy laugh as she pats his cheek before squeezing past him in the corridor, approaching Mrs Weasley with a tentative smile.
She's pulled into a hug by the woman before being lead into the kitchen. Fred watches from the doorway as she's introduced to everyone and happily greets his siblings, a lovestruck smile on his face.
If the tide takes California I'm so glad I got to hold ya And if the sky falls from Heaven above Oh, I know I had the best time fallin' into love
Fred sits on the cabinet, his legs open as she stands inside them.
"You really need to stay out of trouble," She comments quietly, trying to be gentle as she dabs the open wound on the back of his hand clean.
"Better it's me than the 11 year old she would have given the detention too if I didn't take the blame," Fred responds, trying not to wince at the sting of the alcohol on the cotton pad.
"I hate seeing you like this though," She sighs, he leans down to press a kiss to her forehead "You were very brave though," She compliments, throwing the red stained cotton pad into the bin as she grabs the ointment the twins made a few weeks before from the cupboard. "We're running low," She comments quietly
"I'll make some more in the morning," Fred sighs, letting his head drop back against the wall "Is there enough for George too?" His voice sounds tired but she knows if there wasn't he would stay up to make his twin more, it was the quickest way to heal the scars of Umbridge's quill.
"Yeah," She sighs gently. "Freddie?"
"What's wrong darling?" He asks, one eye fluttering open to look at his girlfriend. Not liking the anxiousness of her voice.
"I was just thinking that tomorrow I could go to Umbridge and tell her the other night was my fault, your hand is practically raw and-"
"No," He doesn't mean to snap at her but he would never, ever, let that toad of a human lay a hand on his girl. He'd take any punishment she has a thousand times before he let her take it even once.
"Fred, you can't just-"
"I mean it. I'm not letting her hurt you, alright? 'M your boyfriend, it's my job to keep you safe so no. You aren't taking the blame for her finding us kissing in a broom cupboard," He demands, she sighs as she grabs a bandage to wrap up Fred's hand
"You're killing yourself slowly Fred and I won't let you. I was just as at fault as you were and you've taken the blame for every slip up I've made all year. Even when you weren't there," She argues, her voice is soft though, not wanting to fight with him.
His hand that's not being bandaged rakes through his hair in frustration. "Please, please just let me keep you safe?" He's speaks so quietly, so full of nerves and love and every emotion in between that her heart melts a little
"I swear to you right here that I'll start being more careful and I'll stop taking the blame for other people if it makes you worry, but, please. Angel, please, just let me look after you,"
He's practically begging and she can't help but agree, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek. "Just start being careful alright?" She whispers the question
"Promise," He confirms quietly
"I love you Fred,"
She had been in love with him since her first year and it was the first time she ever said it to him.
She wasn't nervous though, not even for a second, she knows he loves her back, he may not have ever said it but he tells her in his own way a thousand times a day.
"I love you too sweetheart," He smiles gently, reaching his none bandaged hand to her jaw to pull her to him.
He kisses her soft and slow before she pulls away, moving her head to press a gentle kiss to the palm of his hand that's moved to cup her cheek.
"George! I'm ready to do your hand!" She calls, turning away from her boyfriend to blink away her tears, her anxiousness for his well being feeling overwhelming. George enters the small bathroom, cradling his own bleeding hand.
Neither twin mentions the redness in her eyes.
We've been livin' on a fault line And for a while you were all mine I've spent a lifetime givin' you my heart I swear that I'll be yours forever 'til forever falls apart 'Til forever falls apart
"I need to tell you something," Fred had spilt the words out over dinner, interrupting his friend groups story. She immediately turns to him, eyebrow raised in concern. She had joined his friends for dinner at his request, he'd been clingy fort he past month but she thought nothing of it until that very moment.
His brown eyes that usually held so much love and mischief seemed consumed in guilt.
"Alone," He adds hastily, trying to ignore the questioning look from Angelina Johnson across the table who had been talking about her Potions essay.
He stands, his girlfriend following behind wordlessly. Normally, he would reach out to grab her hand but he could feel the cold stare of Dolores Umbridge.
By the time he pulls her into an empty class room, too anxious to go all the way back to his dorm, he can feel his heart in his mouth.
He knew, realistically, that he should have told her months ago. Told her when the idea was first born. Not now, less than 24 hours before it happens.
"I swear to god, if you've cheated on me Fred I will cut you-"
"No!" He's quick to defend himself "Of course not. I would never, you know that," He sighs, still not sure where to find the words. "I have something to tell you but please don't be mad,"
"You can tell me anything Freddie," She reassures, sitting down on a desk as he stands in front of her
"I'm leaving," He speaks lowly
"What do you mean leaving?" she questions, eyes scrunched up like she's concentrating.
"I mean Harry gave George and I his tri-wizard cup winnings and we are dropping out of school to open a joke shop. I'm leaving tomorrow,"
"I- I don't know what to say," She admits quietly
"Well, what are you thinking?" He promts, trying to gauge her reaction
"I'm- I'm kind of mad that you didn't tell me you were leaving. That you've undoubtedly known for a while and you didn't bother to tell me. I'm worried because I'm so in love with you and I don't know what happens to us when we aren't both here, I mean I knew next year everything would change but I thought we had time to work out what we are doing. I'm sad cause I'm going to miss you like crazy, but, if I'm honest more than anything I'm so unbelievably proud of you and happy for you,"
"I should have told you. I know that. But I promise that nothing has to happen to us, I love you, not being here won't change that,"
"And you'll write?"
"Everyday," He assures, standing between her legs to press his lips to hers.
We never had it from the start 'Til death do us part
"So, what do you think?" Fred's voice questions, his hands that had been clasped over her eyes nervously ringing by his sides.
She was the first person to see the inside of the shop and both the twins, who stand on either side of her, were nervous about it.
She looks around with wide eyes, her feet spinning her in a slow circle as she takes in the bright colours of the store.
"Jeez woman, say something already," George groans, his anxiousness getting the best of him
"It's perfect," She grins, turning back to the two boys
"You really think?" Fred questions
"I do. It's like you two in shop form. I love it," She grins, flinging her arms around her boyfriend's arms as he lifts her up into the air, spinning her around as his loud laughter of excitement mixes with her giggles
"You love it?" He asks, excitement evident in his voice
"I love it," She confirms as he places her back onto the ground. She turns to hug George, smiling a congratulations.
Fred tugs her by her hand around the store, giving her the guided tour and pointing out every single product, explaining ones she hadn't seen before. She listens attentively, her heart swelling in pride and she swears she falls in love all over again as he grins at her, eyes shining.
If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to know ya
Fred's arms hold her close to him, her's looping round her neck as he sways them gently to the music playing through the marquee, her head tilted up to look at her boyfriend who smile back down.
"When we get married-" Fred starts, rolling his eyes when she immediately rolls her eyes
"Did you just say we?"
"Obviously we are getting married you idiot," Fred huffs, she smirks, reaching onto her tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek "As I was saying, when we get married, it's not going to be this fancy,"
"No. Not worth the stress, unless you want a big fancy shindig, if you do obviously we can have one, we will just put a full body binding curse on mum," He chuckles at his joke but she can hear the sincerity in his voice
"Fred Weasley I would marry you with a piece of string for a ring and only one witness,"
"So a small wedding?" He smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of her head
"Small wedding sounds good. You'll have to ask Oli for permission before you ask me though, otherwise he'll genuinely murder you,"
"I'll do that," He grins down.
She laughs it off, no idea there was a ring in his bedside draw since his first pay check at the joke shop, that he was just waiting for everything to calm down to ask.
And if the sky falls from Heaven above Oh, I know I had the best time fallin' into love
Fred feels like he can finally breathe again when he hears the door of the flat swing closed.
"Hey, I'm back," Her voice rings through the home above the joke shop.
"In the living room," He calls back, he hears her drop her keys onto the small table by the door before she arrives in the door way. Staring at him from the door way
"Thought I told you not to wait up?" She questions
"Couldn't sleep, hated not knowing if you were okay," He admits, she let's out a sigh, crossing the living room to sit next to him on the sofa.
"I know what you mean. Spent the whole day worrying if anything had happened to you," She admits, he sighs, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"How was work?" He asks softly
"Busy. The world is a mess out there," She admits, her job as a healer seemed to only get crazier with each passing day, the war raging on the streets.
"I know," He hums gently, "Did you see Oliver after you finished?"
"I did, he's good just worried about everyone," She shrugs, it was how everyone seemed to be recently.
"I'm glad your home safe,"
"I'll always get home safe to you Freddie, as long as you promise to do the same?"
"I promise angel,"
We've been livin' on a fault line And for a while you were all mine
She feels like she can't breathe when the door is pulled open, she had the address on a piece of paper in Hermione Granger's neat cursive.
For a second, as selfish as it makes her feel, she allows herself to pretend. Pretend the man standing in the doorway is him. Allows herself to pretend it's the love of her life staring at her, and, for the second she does she can almost kid herself into thinking everything is okay.
"You want to come in?"
She feels the world crash around her as she nods, allowing George Weasley to lead her into his house. He offers her a drink and she politely declines, taking a seat in his living room.
"You're staring," He comments, he doesn't seem angry, nor does he seem hurt to see her. Instead, he watches her with pity.
"Sorry, I just-" She sighs, not bothering to finish
"I do it too. I stare at my reflection and trick myself into thinking it's him,"
"I'm so sorry, that you've had to go on without him. George, I'm so, so, sorry,"
"The same to you," George smiles sympathetically. His eyes scan her, trying to work out how she is without asking. "So, that's why you're here?" He questions, nodding towards the ring that sits on her left hand.
"It is. I need to talk to you about it. I'm sorry, because I know we said that we weren't going to speak but it had to be you,"
They'd both agreed it within a few months of the war ending. Being around each other was too hard. They were the one person who reminded the other of Fred the most.
"Okay," George nods in agreement. He watches as she eyes the framed photo of his wedding day on the mantle piece before letting out a deep breath.
"I moved away, to America, after the war- I just- I needed to get away. It was 5 years before I went on a date, it was 6 before I had sex it was 7 before I had a boyfriend. I didn't want to have a relationship, not when it would never come close to the one I had with him, and it doesn't, you should know that it doesn't, but Daniel, he asked me to marry him and I said yes. But- I can't go through with it, not if you're mad at me for it,"
"I'm not mad," George speaks gently, he has a feeling that in this moment it isn't him she's speaking too at all. If it were anyone else he would be angry, but for her, he is prepared to be the bridge to Fred, because he knows the one person who loved his twin more than George himself, was the girl in front of him.
"I know. I knew you wouldn't be I just-"
"You aren't asking if I'm mad. You're asking if I think he is," George comments, he reaches across the coffee table to squeeze her hand gently
"I know. I'm so sorry George, it's not fair to you and I know that. The thing is- You knew Fred better than anyone and you- Oliver keeps telling me that it is okay. That Fred would want me to be happy and to have a husband and kids and- I want to believe him but- I need to hear it from you. From you who knew him so deeply. Wherever he is does he hate me right now?"
"Fred would want to be the one who made you happy,"
"Look, George, I believe in love. I believe in one grand love, a soulmate, a forever. I believe that Fred was mine. He was the one. He was the sun and the moon and the stars. He is the love of my life. But I want kids, George, I always wanted that, and he is gone. I believe that when you die, the person you loved most in life is waiting for you and no matter what I believe it'll be Fred who greets me. I believe that he's watching over me and every decision I ever make I can practically hear him telling me what to do. I have love for Daniel but I am not in love with him, I will never be in love with anyone like I was with Fred, he was it for me. But I can't have him. I think he knows I would always pick him, I would still pick, I wish it were him. So, George, would he hate me for having a life without him?"
"You had a forever with Fred. It wasn't your forever, but it was his. I never saw him so happy. He wouldn't hate you. Just, for me, don't forget him,"
"I won't George. Nothing else comes close. It never will,"
I've spent a lifetime givin' you my heart I swear that I'll be yours forever 'til forever falls apart
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babydollmarauders · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you would be interested in taking a request for prompt 15 with Reggie from Julie And The Phantoms? Maybe she can see and hear them all the time and her and Reggie catch feelings for each other and she tells him not to fall in love with her? Of course, he does and he confesses to her and it’s all a angsty because she thinks it won’t work because she’s a lifer and he’s a ghost but then it ends up being fluffy with him focusing really hard to touch her and they smoooooch or whateva? Sorry if this was a lot to ask for.
Fallin’ (Reggie x Reader)
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Requested: Yes
Summary: Reggie and his best friend fall in love, but she doesn’t believe they can be together.
Pairing: Reggie x Reader
Prompts: 15. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
Warnings: Mild language at the end.
A/N: I love writing for Reggie, and my sister sure likes it when I do too, because she gets to read them when I’m done and she always complains there’s not enough Reggie fics (he’s her fave)
Your earbuds were starting to make your ears ache, but you kept them in for the sole purpose of making sure no one talked to you. You were sitting at the top of the bleachers in the gymnasium for the school assembly, the sound of your favorite band, Why Don’t We, was flowing into your ears as you blocked out the sound of Dirty Candy. You closed your eyes for a second, leaning your head back on the wall behind you, slowly letting your consciousness slip away from you. That is until you felt a nudge on your knee, opening your eyes back up, you realized the assembly was over and everyone was leaving the bleachers. You stood, collecting your backpack before jumping row to row, making your way down the seats. When you finally reached the bottom, you heard a piano playing. You removed your earbuds and looked up to the stage to see Julie Molina, a fellow music program student. You watched as she sang, her voice captivating you, making you push you push through the crowd of students and make it to the front of the stage just in time to see three boys and their instruments appear on the stage. As the schools resident freak, a.k.a. the daughter of a medium, you could already tell that the boys were other worldly. Yet, you couldn’t help staring at the bassist, who obviously caught you as he sent a wink your way. You could feel your cheeks get red, but did you didn’t have much time to dwell on it, as he soon disappeared along with the two others. You shrugged your shoulders and started pushing your way out of the crowd as they all stood entranced by the appearance and disappearance of the band.
“That’s wild. They could see us when we’re playing, but not when the music ended.” You glanced over to see the three boys again, only this time at the side, in front of the stage.
“We should double check.” The bassist ran onto the stairs to the stage, waving his butt around a couple times. “Yeah, I don’t… I don’t think they can see us.”
“I wish I couldn’t see you.” The drummer stated exasperatedly.
“Yeah, me too.” You shook your head to try and get the image out of your mind as the boys heads whipped around too.
“You can see us?!” They questioned, eyes wide.
“Yeah. My mom’s a medium, so she can see and talk to ghosts, I inherited the trait from her.” You explained. “It kinda makes me the school freak because nobody believes me.”
You looked around to see that the gym was empty besides you, the boys, Julie, and her friend Flynn, who looked upset. You watched as she ran out, Julie following after her. You followed after the boys, making your way out of the gym as well, not feeling like going to calculus.
“This is so cool! Having another person be able to see and talk to us. I’m Luke, by the way. And that’s Alex.” The guitarist pointed to the drummer that you related to in the gymnasium. “And that’s Reggie.”
Reggie smiled and waved at you before the boys began to make their own little pyramid, clearly waiting for Julie. You leaned against a column near them, watching as they scared Julie.
“JULIE!” They exclaimed, making her jump a little in fear and scream.
“You! Stop doing that! I’m serious.” She glared at the ghost boys, making Reggie puts his hands up in mock surrender.
“Whoa! This one’s all on you. We were already here. Well actually, we were over there.” He pointed behind them. “And then we came over here.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his stupidity, making Julie’s head snap over to you, finally noticing your presence. Thinking you were laughing at her, she stuttered for an excuse, but shut her mouth as you began to speak.
“Relax.” You told her. “I can see them too. Daughter of a medium, remember?”
“Oh! Right!”
Its now been around a week, and you and Julie had become fast friends, but you had mostly hung around the boys, them enjoying the company of someone besides Julie that can see and talk to them. You had become closest to Reggie, you and him bonding over your love of things such as Star Wars and your guilty pleasure of country music. He even played you his song ‘Home is Where My Horse is’. You were currently sitting in the studio with Reggie, Alex was currently with his ghost friend Willie, and Luke currently talking to Julie at school, which you were currently skipping. Reggie was complaining to you about Jar Jar Binks.
“Reg, you know I love hanging out with you, but please, I’m begging you, to let it go.” You rolled your eyes at his whining, but still laughing his offended face.
“Awww, I love hanging out with you too.”
“Just don’t fall in love with me.” You winked jokingly, and Reggie laughed but honestly, you weren’t joking. You’re mom had told you before about a time that one of the ghosts she was friends with in her teen years had fallen in love with her and got pissed and refused to stay friends after she told him she couldn’t be with him because he was dead.
It had been about a month now since you had met the boys and you were currently watching them perform ‘Edge of Great’ at Julie’s garage party. Watching as Julie attempted to ignore Luke to try and shake the crush she had confessed about to you. But, she wasn’t the only lifer in love with a ghost, because you and Reggie had only gotten closer, and honestly you think you may have broken your own rule and fallen in love with him. Your eyes wandered his body, his signature leather jacket conforming to his arms. He caught your eyes on him and sent you a wink, making you roll your eyes and smile, but on the inside, you felt like you had just melted.
Once the performance was over and the boys disappeared, you made your way into the garage, passing Julie as she made conversation with some of the guests.
“On your way to find Reggie?” She assumed as she sent you a suggestive wink and a laugh, to which you just shoved her shoulder.
“Shut up.” You laughed, embarrassed that she knew you so well. You climbed up the ladder in the garage into the above space, as that’s where Reggie had told you he would be after the performance. You spotted the ghost boy sitting on a bean bag, playing around with his bass.
“Hey loser.” You smiled at him, his head snapping up to look at you, his eyes peering into yours.
“Hey freak.” He chuckled out, setting his bass down on the ground next to him, eyeing you as you sat in the bean bag next to him. You watched as his smile dropped and his tone suddenly became serious, which was very unlike your best friend. “(Y/N), I need to tell you something.”
“Of course. You can tell me anything. You know that.” Your eyebrows furrowed together, your smile dropping as well. He seemed like he was struggling to get the words out, and you began to speak at the same time that he finally spit them out. “Are you okay?”
“I’m in love with you.”
“Wait what?!” Your eyes grew wide, your breath hitching in your throat. “Reggie, I told you not to fall in love with me.”
“I know! And I tried not to, but I mean, look at you! You’re beautiful, and you smell good, and we like the same things, and I mean, can you blame me?!” His voice seemed to drown out as he rambled on and on.
“Reggie, you realize that we can’t be together, right? I mean, you’re kind of dead.” Your eyes grew glossy with tears, your voice breaking at the end of your sentence.
“If you don’t love me, just tell me. Please, don’t make excuses.” Your eyes locked with his. You could deal with your feelings when you thought he didn’t return them, but now knowing that he felt the same way made your heart ache.
“Reggie, you don’t understand. I do love you.” You explained. “I’m so in love with you, you can even ask Julie, I confessed this exact thing to her yesterday. But we’re from different worlds, literally. I mean, I’m alive, and you’re dead. It would never work.”
“I can make it work. I can try, for you. We can do this.” He grasped your hand in his and you gasped at the feeling.
“How did you do that?!” Your voice shook, knowing you couldn’t keep your guard up for much longer.
“I focused. Really hard.” He moved his hand to now hold your face. “See? We can make this work. All you have to do is say the word.”
“Okay. We can try. But please, if this doesn’t work, don’t leave me alone. I don’t think I could handle that.” Your voice was as soft as you could possibly make it, knowing that if you tried to speak any louder, it would break again.
“I promise”
His eyes shut slowly and you took that as a sign to close yours as well, his face coming so close to yours that you could feel his minty breath fanning across your lips. Your lips finally collide, locking together and moving in sync. His tongue brushes across your bottom lip, and you part your lips slightly, letting his tongue push past them and gently caress against yours. You explored each others mouths, before pulling away from each other for some much needed air.
“I feel dirty. Like I just watched some weird heterosexual porno.” You heard behind you, and you whipped around to find Alex peeking at you both from the ladder. Watching as he shuddered and jumped down from the ladder. “Gross.”
Taglist: @starkeysgirl @meangirlsx @whyisquill @bestdressedandstressed @aunicornmademedoit @solophantoms @noncannonships @chennyetomlinson @dpaccione
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multi-fxndom446 · 4 years
Dabi X Reader
Warning: none?
Word count: 3.7k
A/n: yall I’m a little weak for soft Dabi although I’m also weak for dom Dabi I thought I’d share some soft Dabi
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I never thought that you’d be the one to hold my heart.
Dabi was the type of person to pride himself in not needing anyone. He went his entire life without a single person by his side until he met the League but even they weren’t enough to convince him that he needed someone. Or needed wasn’t really the right word, want was more accurate.
He didn’t want anybody, hell he didn’t even want the League he just kinda did it for the sake of destroying the hero society. But he repeated that daily, he didn’t need or want anybody.
Then he met you, a beautiful clueless girl who was more importantly in his way while he was trying to catch this guy. You were carrying a box, seemingly undisturbed by the panicked cries of the guy running. The guy shoved you out of his way and ran the rest of the way down the alley.
But you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start.
You put your arms around me and I believed that it’s easier for you to let me go.
Dabi moved faster then he could think as he wrapped one arm around your waist to keep you from falling and the other holding the box you were holding moments before.
You scanned him in obvious shock, looking from the box to his face. He wasn’t even looking at you he was scowling as he looked down the now empty alleyway. “I-how?” His eyes snapped back over to you and immediately he set you on your feet and he set the box down next to you.
“How what?” He was definitely annoyed. Not only did he lose his target but now some random person was gonna think a villain went soft.
“That box was filled with books how’d you catch it with one hand?” Dabi narrowed his eyes at you before they caught onto the earbuds dangling at your side now and he sighed.
“So that’s why you didn’t here him coming.” He muttered and you followed his gaze down but when you looked back up he was already walking away with his hands shoved in his pockets.
“W-wait!” He didn’t stop so you jogged after him and grabbed onto his coat. He turned to you with a harsh glare that made you quickly retract your hand. “Since you’re here do you think you could help me real quick?”
“I’ve already helped you.”
You glanced over at the boxes you still had to bring into your shop before you turned to him again. “Please. I’ll make you tea if you want.” For some reason the sparkle in your eye made his heart jump.
“Tch. What a pain.” Although he complained he followed you and helped you bring your box’s of books in. He even stayed to watch you unpack some of the books and stock them onto the shelves.
The entire time he was there not one customer had come into your store, which he figured out was a bookstore that also doubled as your living space. He watched you make the tea in the back room before you spoke up, “who was that guy earlier?” There was an edge to your voice like you were nervous to bring it back up but he just shrugged you off.
“Nothing that concerns you.” For some reason he didn’t want you to know. You hadn’t given off any indication that you knew who he was and he was kind of hoping you didn’t. “Is your store closed or something?”
You were silent for a moment, the only sound being the spoon hitting the cup as you stirred the tea. “Not many people come in here. It’s not very eye catching and it doesn’t really help it’s on the bad side of town.” You explained as your turned to him with his cup in hand. He didn’t actually want any tea but he wasn’t about to refuse you.
“So what’s your name?” You finally asked after you got tired of watching him swirl around the tea in his cup. He glanced over at you before he set his cup down on the counter he was leaning on. “What are you not gonna tell me?”
Your eyes scanned over his scarred body while you waited for some sort of response. He seemed so familiar to you, you just couldn’t place it. “Do you really not know?” He asked you while he watched you scan him over.
You shook your head before your eyes snapped back to him and you panicked slightly, “you’re not a pro are you?” He almost choked on the air he was breathing from laughing so hard but he sobered up pretty quick when he saw the seriousness on your face.
“What if I was?” He tried to gauge your reaction but you just smiled and shrugged.
“I would’ve felt bad for taking you away from your duties.” You told him and he looked away from you to play with his tea again.
“What if I was a villain?” You went quiet so he dared to glance at you only to see you with a soft smile.
“You seem like a nice guy.”
He scoffed. “You just met me.” You shrugged again, “so you’re saying that because I helped you carry box’s I’m not a villain?”
“I never said you weren’t a villain.” You corrected, “I just simply said you seem like a nice guy. I don’t know your backstory, I don’t know anything about you. Who would I be to judge you? I just wanna know your name.”
You two stared at each other in silence before the door chimed out front. You were quick to set your tea aside to go run and greet the customer. “Dabi.” You stopped dead in your tracks and looked over to him. “Just don’t look me up got it?”
You nodded with a smile, “I’m Y/n.” Then you were gone.
By the time you were done taking care of the customer you went to go back to Dabi only to see he was gone. Nothing left behind except his untouched cup of tea.
How many times will you let me change my mind and turn around?
Dabi has made it a habit to show up at your shop every few weeks. Each time you are unsuspecting and each time there is no customers. And each time you greet him with the same warm smile that never dulls.
He was admittedly scared to go back the second time only because he was scared you looked him up but when he saw you the worries washed away.
But then he was scared of something else entirely. He didn’t need you but why did he feel sad when he had to leave. Why did he feel his heart jump when he saw you pass by into another isle?
He paced outside the alleyway right next to your store. This wasn’t new he should be able to go in but he was scared. You watched him do this on multiple occasions where he would come to the store only to turn last minute and leave but you never questioned it. Today was different though. You could see blood seeping through his thin shirt.
“Dabi what the hell are you doing?!” You ran outside to him and immediately he went to leave but you grabbed his wrist. “You’re bleeding get inside.”
I can’t decide if I’ll let you save my life or if I’ll drown.
He watched you with a careful gaze as you switched the open sign to close and made your way back to him with some first aide supplies. “I’m sorry it’s not much but it should help.” He could only find it in him to nod.
The cut wasn’t bad which you were thankful for but he still winced when you put alcohol on it. He watched you work with a blank expression though his thoughts were running wild. He never meant to come here, it was almost like instinct that he did. He liked that you didn’t care if he was a villain or not. You were the only good thing left untouched by hero’s or villains but if he kept this up he would dirty that.
“Dabi?” He looked to you, you had a concerned look in your eyes. “Did you hear me?”
“I finished. Are you alright?” He looked over at where you were patching him up. He wasn’t even sure that was the only injury he had but for the sake of you he nodded his head. “You’re such a liar. Take your shirt off.”
The cut you had just wrapped was around his upper arm but you knew even with how much blood was coming from the wound it wouldn’t have reached the other side of his shirt. Dabi watched you but you weren’t gonna budge so he sighed and took off his shirt, allowing you to see his scarred up chest.
He was expecting you to make some comment about his appearance but you simply got to work on his second wound without a word. Your hands felt soft against his rough skin and he knew he could lose himself in the feeling.
“It’s not as bad as I had thought.” You murmured and quickly finished bandaging him up. “Was it that guy from a few weeks ago?” He nodded. You wanted to ask what happened but part of you wondered if you even wanted to know and you decided you didn’t.
Even when you were done though you didn’t move a step away from him. Just continued to look up at him before your hands came up and grazed over his chest. He allowed your hands to travel until he felt your fingers skim over his scars and he grabbed your wrist but not enough to make it hurt.
I hope that you see right through my walls.
I hope that you catch me cause I’m already fallin
I’ll never let our love get so close
Your eyes met his cool blue ones and his grip loosened on your wrist before it was more like he was holding your hand. Dabi let his other arm slip around your waist when you got just a little closer.
When you lifted up just a little to get closer to him he finally let go of your wrist and cupped your cheek and brought you even closer.
You were both centimeters away from each other. He could feel your breathe ghost over his lips as you both hesitated to close the distance. He would lean a little closer only for his breathe to hitch and he would pull back.
You were clinging to his arms and the one around your waist tightened before he finally turned away from you, letting you drop back onto your feet.
You put your arms around me and I’m home
He couldn’t seem to look you in the face. He was expecting you to push away from him in anger or annoyance but instead you lunged and wrapped your arms around his neck.
His eyes widened in shock at what was happening before he slowly wrapped his arms around you. One of your hands ran soothingly through his hair and he let himself bury his head into the crook of your neck.
“It’s okay.” You reassured him and he didn’t know why but it worked.
The world is coming down on me and I can’t find a reason to be loved.
You knew Dabi had a past and you knew he had a present. You didn’t really care about either as long as he wasn’t hurt. You never pushed him to tell you because he never wanted to tell you. He wanted to keep you as far from villains and hero’s as possible but sadly not everything works out.
Tomura wasn’t stupid, although some of the league might have thought so, he wasn’t. He could see Dabi leaving more often then not, he could see the change in his demeanor even if he came back to them the same cold hearted killer.
When he found out about you his first instinct was to kill you. You were a weakness and that was the last thing he needed to deal with. But then he knew soon enough others who were out to get Dabi would find out about you. And they did.
On one of the nights Dabi wasn’t able to see you, you had called him in a panic and immediately he was on his way to you.
When he got to your shop it was up in flames and you were out in the street watching the firefighters and small pro hero’s try and put it out. You were in utter shock at what you were seeing. In the midst of the chaos Dabi was able to pull you out of sight from the Pros.
“Y/n are you alright?” You still seemed dazed before you finally got a look at who was standing in front of you. As soon as it registered you wrapped your arms around his waist and let more tears flow down your cheeks. “What happened?”
He was soft with you, running a soothing hand through your hair while you gathered what thoughts you had and pulled away to tell him. “Some guy came in talking about pay back and how he never thought someone so ruthless could have a weak spot.” Dabi tensed up, he knew immediately they did this to you because of him.
“Did he mean to hurt you?” He asked frantically
“He just started the fire and ran. I don’t really know what he was trying to do but obviously part of it worked.” You gestured to your chared book store. “I have no where to stay.”
Dabi rubbed your arms softly, “come stay with me. I have a place.”
“Are you sure?” He just leaned down and pressed a kiss to your head before he ushered you away. When you got to his apartment you could tell he didn’t stay there often.
“I usually stay somewhere else but this place is safer.” He told you while you looked around before he went over to his dresser and pulled out a shirt. “Go take a shower you smell like smoke.”
“Gee thanks.” You said but there was a hint of a smile on your face as you grabbed the shirt and walked to the bathroom.
I never wanna leave you but I can’t make you bleed if I’m alone.
He stood by his bed and stared at the bathroom door with a frown. This was his fault, he knew this would happen if he got close but he allowed it anyways. He could hear the shower going and he glanced towards the door.
He could leave right now. You would be safe from this. From him. You wouldn’t be able to find him if he did leave. He knew how to disappear the question was if he could stay away from you.
You put your arms around me and I believe that it’s easier for you to let me go.
He thought he never needed anyone but now he knew he was lying to himself. He took one step towards the door when he felt your arms wrap around him from behind and he froze. “That was quick.” He said, trying to cover up what he was thinking
“Dabi..” he turned in your arms but you kept your face buried in his chest. “That man from the first day we met..”
“What happened to him?” His eyes narrowed in confusion. “He was the one who set my store on fire.”
You could feel his whole body tense. “I’ll kill him.” Immediately you looked up at him and shook your head
“I just want to sleep please stay with me.” You could tell what that look in his eyes meant it meant he was ready to go hunt this man down. His glare turned to you and it vanished when he saw your eyes looking at him.
“Okay.” He let you lead him to the bed where you both collapsed and you snuggled in closer to him before you were fast asleep.
Dabi let his fingers glide through your hair as he stared at you, lovingly. He knew he would protect you at any cost even if it meant he should leave your life.
I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth.
“Dabi.” It been weeks since you were hidden away in Dabis apartment and you were starting to go insane. You want to go see your store but he wouldn’t let you in fear of you getting hurt. “Dabi.”
Said male was pacing around the apartment talking to himself about something you couldn’t quite catch. You watched him for a second longer before you threw a pillow at him which he caught. “I want to leave. I want to go see my store.”
“Y/n that mans still out there it’s dangerous.” He told you, throwing the pillow back onto the bed. You stood and walked towards him with a bright smile.
“Then come with me.” His silence was your answer. “Come on big man if you won’t let me go by myself let’s go together.”
He wanted to say no, he really did but then he saw the sparkle in your eyes. The sparkle that sent his heart racing every time. “Fine let’s go.”
His hand was tightly latched onto yours as you both weaved through the dark alleyways. It was already dark out so you both weren’t as worried about Dabi getting noticed.
When you got to your store you let go of his hand to walk around and see if there was anything you could salavage from this mess. Dabi watched over you with a careful eye, not once letting you leave his sights.
“Well who would’ve thought.” Dabis head snapped in the direction of the voice only to see it was the man from many many weeks before, with a group of his guys. “Didn’t think you’d come with her.”
“Have you just been sitting around waiting for her to come back?” Dabi had his hands shoved in his pockets as he set these guys with a sadistic smirk. Some of them pulled out weapons while others started up there quirks. Dabi glanced behind him to see you turn a corner to the far end of the shop so you wouldn’t see what was about to happen. “Really wanna do this in front of her?”
“I don’t give a shit.” Dabi shrugged before one of them threw a knife at him. It wasn’t until it was close enough to him that he realized it wasn’t aimed for him. His eyes widened in shock as he saw you turn the corner again to come back to him, luckily the knife missed but stuck into the wall right by your head.
Dabi turned back to the men his hands engulfed in blue flames. You held your hand to your chest, feeling your beating heart as you watched what was happening. You glanced at the knife right by your head and grabbed it, holding it up for self defense.
Your eyes watched the blue flames strike each and every man. You were almost certain Dabi was trying not to catch any part of your store. But after awhile and all the men were down Dabi was still going.
“Dabi stop!” You yelled at him, your eyes wide in fear. “Dabi!!”
Finally your voice reached him and he stopped in his tracks. He glanced back at you and he swore his heart broke when he saw the fear in your eyes. The blue flames died out and he carefully made his way to you, stopping a few feet away in fear you might run from him. But all you did was drop the knife and run to him, wrapping your arms around him.
And I’ve never opened up, I’ve never truly loved till you put your arms around me and I believe it’s easier for you to let me go.
The two of you were back at his apartment and haven’t said a word. Neither of you knowing where to start. He was scared, scared that you would leave after you saw what he did tonight.
“Dabi do you remember a few months ago when you first brought up you being a Villain?” He could only nod his head once. “I wasn’t scared then. So why would I be now?”
“You should be.” He looked over to you finally. “How are you not? I killed those men tonight.”
“You’ve been protecting me since we met. Whatever moral you have set and whatever issues you’re trying to fix I’m not going to get in the way of that. Call me crazy if you want I don’t care.” You were determined, the fear that had flooded you earlier was long gone.
“I’ve done a lot in the past that you weren’t there for-“ you lunged forward grabbing his face in your hands and bringing him to you. Giving him a quick kiss before you pulled back.
Dabi watched you with wide eyes, not understanding anything you were saying before he eventually grabbed the back of your neck and brought you back to him. This time the kiss was deeper.
Your hands fell to your sides so he took charge and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you so you were straddling him. His hands fell to your hips and his gripped them tightly, loving every bit of warmth you were giving him.
When you pulled away your lips were bruised and your eyes were glossed over. Dabi smirked before he wrapped his arms around you and flung you onto the bed so your back was to him. His head fit snuggly into the crook of your neck as he kissed your shoulder.
Soon enough you were asleep and he was left once again to watch you. He knew the rest of your lives would be filled with danger and close calls and he knew leaving now would probably be for the best but he wouldn’t do it. Not when having you in his arms felt so good.
He’d make you happy, he was already sure of it. He would help you rebuild your shop, he would help you with anything.
Dabi used to pride himself in one thing. Not needing anybody. He thought he could get through life without anyone. But how wrong he was. He did need someone.
He needed you
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jonah-aesthetic · 4 years
Fallin’/ Jonah Marais  WIP
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Jonah X Reader 
Plot: Corbyn had set the rule: My sister is off the table. Before he let her hang around the band, Daniel soon became her best friend after various piano lesson. It also wasn’t long before she started to become very fond of the oldest out of the band, Jonah. But the one and only rule Corbyn had given rang in her head every time she thought of him in a non-platonic way. 
Word Count: 3834
A/N: Hello hello I wrote this awhile ago it’s definitely a work in progress as it’s not finished. Haven’t edited or proof read it since I began to write it. I’ll try to finish whenever I can until then enjoy!
The October wind had a shiver run down your body and your teeth began to chatter as the wind grew harsher. Causing you to pull your black teddy jacket tighter around the waist. Picking up your pace towards your brother’s house. well it was more of a compound rather then house from how massive the place was. Corbyn shared it with four other roommates who he happened to be in a band with. They had been doing fairly well and were pretty well known internationally. 
The tall white palace came into view and small smile made it’s way onto your lips. Watching leaves twirl amongst the pavement, you silent dawned on yourself for not driving. Or wearing something warm enough to stop your obnoxious chattering teeth. 
Walking up the driveway fast almost into a small jog. The cold weather nipped at your ears and nose. Hands hiding in the sleeve of your jacket as you raised one to ring the door bell. The door was of frosted glass and a metal dainty pulling handle. Dipped in gold or made of gold you didn’t exactly know the structure to the house. 
You could hear footsteps through the door, too faded to know whose they belonged to. The door opened letting the warmth lick at your face and body through your coat. Eyes connecting with gorgeous pools of green, a breath caught in your throat as you took in the man in front of you. 
Dark eyebrow brought up in question as he leaned out the door a little. Looking left and right as if trying to spot something or someone else. His gaze locking on you again confusion written on his features. The day dream of him escaping your mind as he asked “Did you walk?”  Stepping away slightly so you could finally walk into the warm place. 
“Yeah I did, nice to see you too Jonah.” You say playfully rolling your eyes at his observation of your absent Jeep. He closes the door behind you with an almost soundless click. “I don’t think you should be walking when it’s this cold outside.” 
“Sorry dad I’ll ask you next time when I want to leave the house.” The sarcasm filled with venom as you hated when he showed he cared for you. It was hard to keep your growing feelings for him at bay. Walking off towards the den where you knew the rest of the guys were. 
“That would be most reasonable.” Jonah spoke behind you, heart pounding  inside your chest almost making you halt. Controlling your breathing you fought the urge to drop every thought of your older brother, to walk back to Jonah. Grab him by the collar and smash your lips to his. 
“Well if it ain’t our little groupie.” Zach’s voice caught you by surprise as you hadn’t realised you made it to the den. Too caught up in thoughts of the oldest member of the band. 
The den was one of the bigger rooms in the house, with the leather black ‘L’ shaped couch Where Zach was seated. A tv hung on the wall right above a gorgeous fire place with flames that flourished inside, producing natural heat. Entertainment systems laid a upon the mantle. Controllers, remotes, and various dishes rested on the coffee table. Along with magazines with the band on the covers. An elegant piano sat in the corner on the right of the room. A few of their favourite guitars lined the left wall. The same massive bean bag chairs scattered around the den. 
With a lazy smile towards the youngest of the band. You reached out and messed up his natural chocolate hair as if he were an annoying sibling. “You wish little one.” You teased him, sitting down in a white bean bag beside Daniel. Who had a black acoustic guitar decorating his lap. 
“Oh come on y/n just admit it, you’re in love with me already.”  
“Not this again.” Daniel chuckles at Zach’s joking declaration of love towards you. He did it often, but he didn’t like to when he was seeing someone. It was harmless flirting but he didn't see the honour in it. 
Jonah sat down on the couch next to Zach. Curling his thumb and pointer finger together, before flicking him in the centre of his forehead. “Behave yourself.” Jonah says like Zach was a misbehaving puppy. You and Daniel gazed at each other, the look you gave each other before you burst into laughter together. His blue eyes glittered in the light. 
Zach closed his eyes pressing his lips together not expecting the flick. His expression humorous causing your’s and Daniel’s laughter to sync together perfectly as if they belonged. 
“Haha, Very funny guys.”  Zach says mockingly. 
“To be fair I thought it was funny.” The familiar voice cut your laughter short, but you smiled once your eyes landed on Corbyn. When he first dyed his hair black your weren't too keen on it. After awhile you got use to it, noticing how in brought out his eyes and the sharpness in his features. And the new hair made him glow with happiness.
Corbyn’s eyes locked on you and his expression changed, “What are you doing here?” His voice rough as all eyes fall upon you, feeling immensely small and the happiness you felt a few seconds ago gone. Did he not want you hanging out here while he was absent? Which didn’t make sense since you’ve done it several times before. 
“Ah-I can leave..” Your voice trailed off weakly, Daniel’s eyes shining with concerned as he rarely saw you this vulnerable. When Cordyn sounded angry and gave you a stern expression like he was right now. You couldn’t help but feel weak and helpless, You looked up to him too much in your music too upset him. 
Corbyn’s eyes softened at your reaction, feeling guilty for making you feel so little. He hated seeing you that way, he always saw you as his sassy-I-take-shit-from-nobody-little-sister. But he also knew you starved for his approval. 
“No, god no. I didn’t mean it like that, Your Jeep isn't sitting outside so I didn't think you decided to come over.” The tension in the room eased at his words, Daniel reached over into your lap and intertwined your fingers with his. The comforting feeling washed into your veins calming your nerves. You silently thanked god Daniel knew you so damn well. 
Over the years Daniel learned you didn’t find comfort in words, but physical feeling. It was hard because every time he saw you upset he tired to talk to you, but you locked him out. He still tired and every single time you ran from him, Corbyn told had told him to leave you be. You’ve always been that way, never wanting to talk about what has been eating you alive. 
One day you fumbled into his room tears trailing down your cheeks. Eyes red and puffy as if you’ve been breaking down all weekend. Hair pulled into a greasy ball a top your head, wearing one of his older hoodies he gave you. Heart break was written all over you demeaner as he sat up instantly at the sight of you. 
It was the first time you came to him for comfort, the first time his hoodie hadn’t been enough. He said nothing as you fell into his lap utterly exhausted, Daniel didn’t want to scare you off. Dreading breaking the tender moment you decided to share with him. 
Daniel shifted himself in a laying position pulling you to his side. You curled into him as if you belonged their, resting your head on his chest. He began to hum the melody to ‘Something Different’ as he rubbed your back gently, Daniel knew you finally let him in. he knew you found comfort in his presence. He knew you were his best friend. 
With the soft and delicate moment you let your emotions fall out, sobbing silently into his chest. Vibrating vigorously against him, Daniel’s throat grew sore as his eyes began to brim with tears. It hurt him to see you like this, broken, despite it he continued to hum to you. Feeling your sobs turning into light snores. 
“The Jeep was a gift and I’d appreciate if you used the gift.” Corbyn said with a soft smile. Daniel pulsed his squeeze in your hand. 
“Of course.” 
Is not that you didn’t appreciate the gift, but you no doubt did. It was your dream car, a white manual four door Rubicon Jeep. A vehicle you couldn't turn down, especially during Christmas. All you got him that year was a pair of holographic  AF1′s. You adored your car, but you knew it was something you couldn’t pay back to him. There fore you only liked to use it when you needed to, like coffee runs, appointments, work, and school. You felt a deep guilt when you used it for anything else. 
You could feel Daniel lean towards you, pressing into your bean bag. Jonah Stared at you two across the room with his jaw clench. Corbyn glanced over at him knowing he had a soft spot for you. In all honesty he didn’t mind but he wanted too see if Jonah would betray his words. You are oblivious to all of it as you felt Daniel’s hot breath tickle against your neck. “You don’t have to feel guilty taking it for a joy ride, It’s yours.” 
Looking at him you watched as the smile never left his pink lips. “How’d you know?” You asked his accusingly giving him a suspiciously glance. He shrugged “Well I don’t know, but being friends for the last four years might’ve done the trick.”  
You woke up heaving, breathless as if you just got back from a run. Which you didn't do often enough. Sweat coated your body as your heart thumped hard in your heart, aching slightly. You didn’t remember exactly what happened in your nightmare just fragments of it. 
Green eyed wolf. 
Glancing around the room your body slowed your breathing without you realizing it. Spacious room, too much bed, big windows, a tv, and two massive bookshelves. Telling you were currently in the guest bedroom of the Why Don’t We compound. It was really more your room than a guest bedroom. Over the last year you made it your own, once Corbyn practically said you could move in.  You still had your own place though not ready to give her up just yet. 
The darkness in the room made you reach for your phone, the bright screen displayed the time 4:12am. Squinting your eyes and groaning you turned down the brightness. Staring at your screen that had a picture of you and Corbyn at a movie premiere last year. You were his plus one. 
Ripping the duvet from your body you made your way to your closet, it was a small walk-in closet. you grab and older band t-shirt you snagged from Daniel a few months ago and a pair of shorts. Stepping into the shower you were relived to wash the sticky sweat down the drain. You stood there with your eyes closed, feeling every single drop cascade down your body. It relaxed your mind and your body like nothing before. 
30 minutes later you were out of the shower and dressed, you didn’t crawl bad into bed but made your way to the kitchen. With the way your body reacted to the nightmare you knew you wouldn't be able to fall back a sleep. Opening the cupboards you spotted Jack’s favorite cookies that were calling your name, you swear it. y/n eat me, eat me! You grabbed five, hoping he might not notice but he definitely would. he counted each cookie before going to bed. You caught him doing it once before. 
The white piano glistened in the moonlight, giving it an extra glow. The last time your fingers touched it wasn't too long ago, maybe a week ago. you didn't remember. Sitting on the cold bench you set the the cookies a top it after popping one in your mouth. Your hands grew closer to the keys and started to play. It was almost like your fingers had a mind of their own once you heard the melody. 
You hummed the lyrics, warming your vocal cords before you sang them. You were a singer but you weren’t as famous as the boys. You were known locally with three songs out, you did preform at café once a month or so depending on how crazy life decided to try you. 
 When I’m around you I fee it in my veins
something about you that’s making me go insane 
we have a storm to weather 
my litte sweet surrender
The thought of Jonah entered your mind, making you lose yourself to the song not aware of the man behind you. Watching you with adoration and smile spread across his lips. The thought of his light brown natural curls, his green eyes the sparkled in the summer’s sun. His smile that felt the closet thing to home, the way he made you melt with a glance. He knew it too, because you also knew his mind went soft when you looked at him. 
oh baby I can feel the rush of adrenaline
 Im not scared to jump if you want me to
lets just fall in love for the hell of it
maybe just keep fallin’ 
If you didn’t respect Corbyn the way you did you’d probably would’ve been in Jonah’s arms for the last year. Falling in love with him everyday, making memories, sleeping in the same bed, kissing him, being vulnerable with him, sharing a life with him. Deep down you knew that can never happen, Corbyn set that rule. You loved him too much to break, to break his trust and a friendship. 
Did he know how much it would hurt you? To watch Jonah be with other girls, to kiss them and touch them in music videos? maybe he didn’t, but you were too scared to tell him you were in-love with his best friend. Cruel isn’t it? why couldn’t you like someone else? Someone who wasn’t one of your brother’s best friends? Because nobody was Jonah and nobody could make you feel the way Jonah does.
Oh you are my muse I feel so reckless
At the first note his vocal cords released, you mind froze and your body tensed. Missing a key as if you put the song on paused. Trying to brush it off you turned around, coming face to face with a tired looking Jonah. Who only wore grey sweat pants that hung dangerously lose on his hips. His v-line has become more defined since he started working out a few months ago and it definitely has done his body justice. 
A blush starts creeping from your neck as you noticed you’d been ogling him for a bit too long. Glancing to the left the heat began to drain from your cheeks. “Sorry, d-did I wake you?” 
“Ah no you didn't, I couldn’t sleep, came down for a snack when I heard you playing.” Sensing him you looked back up as he sat beside you on the piano bench. “how did you know it was me?” 
“Daniel didn’t answer my texts..” He trailed off, 
“Oh” You looked down at your fighting hands, nerves getting the best of you. “besides..” His hands came into view, reaching out for yours. “...I know when it’s you...” His touch is warm and comforting you as he holds your hands, stopping the fidgeting. “..You're more gentle with the keys...”  Jonah brought your hands to his lips and kissed each finger. “... And your voice is softer then Daniel’s.” His eyes grew darker as his glace drank you up. 
A delicate smile spread across you lips as you took in this intimate moment being shared between you two. You lost yourself within him, not an ounce of Corbyn on your mind. 
Jonah raised his hand, delicately capturing your chin in his palm. Heat danced around your jaw and cheeks, he guided your head to the side and leaned in. His hot breath exploded against your throat, sending a cluster of shivers all over your body. 
“Can’t stop my heart from beating, why do I love this feeling.” He sang into your ear making you giggle as his breath tickled your neck. He pulled away and connected his eyes with you, wanting to see how he effected you. 
“Make me a promise, tell me you’ll stay with me” The lyrics slipped from your lips without any need to process it all. He gave you this unknown feeling that engulfed you a delicious ecstasy. 
“If I’m being honest, I don’t know where this leads.” Both of your voices intertwined in perfect harmony as if they were meant to be sung together. Genuine smiles sprang to life before both of you erupted into light giggles. Glancing from his lips to his eyes made your laughter die down. Pink and inviting, you wondered what they tasted like. 
His eyes grew darker again, as he leaned in glancing at your lips as well. You hands snaked around his shoulders, finding themselves behind his neck and into his hair. Pulling him closer to you, he smashed against your lips with a grunt as your teeth clanked from the impact. His hands found their way to the small of your back, pressure through his fingertips as he drew you even closer to his body. 
he tasted of stale peppermint and honey, you know longer had to wonder. Mind hazy as the kiss grew hotter and faster. Lost in him completely, Forgetting you were both currently swatting spit in the den. Where any of the boys could see you in plain sight. 
The sound of someone cleaning their throat had both of you coming to realization. Wide eyes as you yanked apart as if the both of you been burned by the other. Falling off the piano bench you connected with the floor. Yelping as the pain was felt through your tailbone. 
Jonah glanced at the curly blonde before rushing to your aid. Helping you to your feet, you felt extremely small in this exposed situation. 
“I knew it was coming, I just didn't expect to just stumble upon it.” Jack spoke, his expression a little surprised to find you two. On instinct Jonah took a few steps in front of you, Protecting you from god knows what. You looked at the floor as you hugged yourself, a little ashamed of yourself getting caught. 
“We were just talking,,,” It was a lie, but what else could Jonah really say to him. Jack shrugged, “You do-are those my cookies?” He cut himself off, furrowing his eyebrows as he pointed. Following his line of vision you spotted ‘his’ cookies you snagged from the cabinet atop the piano. You didn’t remember moving, but you must’ve. 
Grabbing them you started for the stairs, “You don’t have to worry about it, it’ll never happen again. The cookie-napping or Jonah and me, ‘cause between us nothing happened.” 
“Y/n...” Jonah called after you but you continued towards your room. Leaving both of the boys in the den. 
--------December 7th update 
Loud obnoxious voices grew as you carried yourself to the kitchen. Anxious about what happened last night almost made you turn around, but the aching groans in your stomach made you continue your slow route. 
stepping over the threshold of the gorgeous room.You swallowed your expressive anxiety down and replaced it with a tired smile towards the boys. Pretending last night didn't happen, pretending you didn't have a taste of Jonah, pretending you didn't betray your brother. 
“Morning” you spoke praying to the gods your voice didn’t have a chance to break. You immediately noticed the absence of Jonah and Zach. Most of the anxiety lifted from your shoulders, calming your psychotic nerves. Still you silently wondered where he went off to. 
“Finally.” Corbyn is the first to greet me, “At this rate I was beginning to think you were Sleeping Beauty” Jack chimes in as if it was a normal day, like he didn’t catch you all over his best friend last night. You cross your arms and roll your eyes at him as if it were a normal day. 
“Nice shirt,” Daniel comments as you go on your toes to reach of a bowl on the second shelf. 
“Thanks, got it from Seavey’s, one of my favourite places to shop.” a smirk reaches your lips, Daniel always knew how to distract your mind from anything that unsettled you. 
Grabbing the fruit loops a top the fridge was usually easy with a jump or two. Today they were set back a bit too far, one more little jump and your finger tips grazed the smooth box. Pushing it back farther. You couldn’t but curse your damn height, Maybe just one more powered jump you could latch on to it. 
The feeling of someone coming behind you was comforting, Daniel pressed against your back. Breath fanning along your neck as he reached over your head. Grabbed the red cereal box you couldn’t. Placing it in your hands you were shocked to see green eyes staring into yours instead of the safe blue ones you were use to. 
messy curls framed his expressionless face, pink lips brought into a taunting smirk. non-heavenly thoughts entered your mind as if you two were the ones there. 
Be normal. Be normal. Be normal. 
It was a dream, all of it! 
“I think you guys should invest in a stool, So I can reach your damn fridge!” Turning away from Jonah you tend to your bowl. stunned how you managed to handle yourself around him. 
“You do know you’re the only one who eats cereal in the house right?”Corbyn asked. 
“What’s wrong with fruit loops?” 
“Absolutely nothing.” 
After fetching a spoon and asking Jonah to return the box to the fridge. You joined the boys at the island, stuffing your face with the fruity goodness. making Daniel laugh, “You didn't wait for the bowl to hit the table top before the spoon was in your mouth.”
“You’re just jealous that you don’t have a Seavey’s and this amazing cereal. Seriously it’s like an orgasm inside your mouth.” 
“settle down they’re not that good little sister.”
“This is why you're not my favourite sibling.”
“Shot fired.” Jack speaks, Corbyn sends him an icy glare across the island. 
Feeling eyes watching you, you glance to the left to see Jonah’s green eyes locked on you. As if you were the only thing in a five mile radius. He wasn’t an ounce subtle about it and not to mention you were stuffing your face at the moment. So attractive, You didn’t mind, Jonah’s practically seen every side of you. 
What bothered you was that Corbyn could catch him at anything given time....
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just-jordie-things · 4 years
Accidental Naps - Richie Tozier
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word count: 1911 warnings: swearing, mentions of weed (?) summary: pretty much the request :)) request: can you write something for richie? reader and him end up falling asleep in the clubhouse and the losers wake them up (a/n) this one’s dedicated to my wife who needed some romantic pining :3
“Come lay with me,” Richie called out, making grabby hands towards (y/n).
She looked up from where she was sitting in her bean bag chair, reading one of his comic books.  She pulled a face, because Richie was laying in the hammock, and he’d proven before that two people did not fit, when Eddie had forced himself into the hanging swing.
“Come on” The boy whined again, his arms hanging off the side dramatically.
(y/n) raised her brows, not out of surprise, he was always dramatic, but it was still entertaining to watch him pout like a child.
“It’ll break” She told him, and looked back down at her comic.
“No it won’t” Richie argued back hopefully.
“One of us will fall out- or we both will” She answered, still reading.
“You won’t fall out!” Richie pleaded.  “It’ll be fine, please?”
Her eyes flickered up to his, and when he gave her that big stupid cheesy grin, she knew she was done for.
“I need attention” He added in a whine.
“You always need attention” (y/n) sighed.
She marked her spot in the comic as she stood up, and made her way towards him.
“And you always give in!” Richie told her- like she didn’t already know- and wrapped his arms around her as she carefully crawled into the hammock with him.
She tried to be slow in her movements, but Richie didn’t care if they flipped the swing, so he pulled her the rest of the way until she tripped and fell into him.
“Richie!” She tried to scold him, but she was laughing too much to really be convincing.  “You could’ve flipped the whole thing over”
“Nah, calm down babe,” He shrugged while she got situated.  “Here, I’ll keep it steady”
Richie stuck a leg out of the swing, and since the boy was a tree, it wasn't difficult for him to keep one foot on the ground, so they would stop swinging back and forth.
(y/n) cuddled up against Richie’s side, even though she was already half on top of him, since the hammock was so small.  Neither of them would admit, but they didn’t mind anyways.
“Better?” She asked, laying her head on his chest and opening up -her- his comic book again.
He grinned at her.
“Much” He says, wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her close while she started to read.
He could’ve fallen asleep right then and there, but he wanted to enjoy his time with her.  So he squeezed her tighter and buried his face into her hair.
“That tickles,” (y/n) giggles, her shoulders flinching while Richie only buried his face further.  She squealed when his nose grazed over her neck.  “Richie! Cut it out!” She said between giggles, until eventually she dropped the comic book to the ground, and flipped over onto her stomach so she could lift her head away from his face.
“We don’t hang out enough” Richie declared, and the sudden change in mood made her brows furrow.
She stared down at him, an almost worried expression on her face.  Had she been a bad friend? Had she not reached out enough? Sure the whole gang hangs out plenty, but did she not do a good enough job creating special relationships with each of her friends individually?
“I’m sorry,” The words slipped out rather awkwardly, but she didn’t take it back.  “We should hang out more, but you know Beverly always wants to go to like the mall or something-”
“We can just do this,” Richie said, pulling her back down.    She was laying on top of him now, but again, neither cared.  “Just lots and lots of this”
She grins, shaking her head at him, but she was still smiling.
“I guess I’m okay with that” She mumbled, before laying down against him again.
Her legs tangled between his, and she threw her arm across his torso.
“You guess?” Richie teased, and she chuckled against his neck.
“You’re actually pretty comfortable,” She hummed, starting to feel sleepy as the soft material of his tee shirt caressed over her cheek.  “Even though you’re a skinny ass tree”
When she let out a yawn, Richie grinned at her, even though her eyes had fallen shut.
“You gonna fall asleep?”
“Play with my hair a little and you bet” She joked, peeking an eye open at him for a second, just so she could stick her tongue out.
“You got it” Richie replied, and before she could laugh it off, his hand was in her hair, combing through gently.
She giggled, looking up at him with a dopey smile that she couldn’t bite back if she tried.
“You’re so dumb,” She teased affectionately.  “The dumbest, really”
There’s a blush on her cheeks that Richie doesn’t miss, because the proximity between their faces is so small it’s almost nonexistent.  If he didn’t know better, he would kiss her right now.
He wondered briefly if he did know better, though.
He knew he should say something, because he’s just staring at her like a love-struck idiot -which he was- and it’d been so long now he was blushing too.
(y/n’s) eyes wandered down to his lips, and paused for a moment, staring just long enough for Richie to notice, and for his cheeks to darken to a red.
A beam stretched across her lips when she saw this, and her eyes flickered back up to his.
“You’re blushing” She whispers, and she pokes his nose and then his cheek.
“Yeah well you’re starin’ at me” Richie retorted.
(y/n) quirked an eyebrow.
“And that makes you blush like that?” She asks, her grin turning into a sly sort of smirk.
“You’re frightening, babe”
He was murmuring, and something about the drop in his voice when he used the cute little nickname made her heart skip a beat.  Maybe even two beats.
“I’m frightening?” She asked, confused as to what part of her made him nervous.
Richie chuckled, his hand still petting her hair comfortingly.
“Hell yeah” He said, and her brows furrowed.
“What about me scares you?” She asked.  “I think I’ve always been nice to you?”
“You have,” He told her.  “But unfortunately you’re really pretty, so it doesn’t matter”
Both of her eyebrows raised out of surprise, and Richie only grinned back at her.
“And- and that scares you?” She asks, and she tries to get the feeling to go away, but her cheeks feel hot again, and they must match the same rosey shade on Richie’s face.
“Well, it’s certainly intimidating,” He said, shrugging his shoulder nonchalantly.  Her head moved with it, and she giggled at the action.  “You’re a frightening, intimidating, pretty girl”
She giggles again, because it’s the weirdest and cheesiest thing she’s ever heard.
“I didn’t know you thought that,” She mumbled, her eyes drooping a bit as she spoke.  “You’re not actually like… scared of me, are you?”
“No, not completely, I mean, Stan is way scarier than you are, so there’s that”
She laughs and so does he, and the hammock swings them a bit from the commotion.  But Richie places his foot on the ground and steadies them again.
“For what it’s worth,” (y/n) whispers, before yawning, and tucking her head against the crook of his neck.  “You’re pretty too”
“Thank you, babe” Richie chuckles, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.
(y/n) hums, and her nose pressed into his neck as she readjusts her head to be more comfortable, and Richie squirmed a bit from the sensation, despite trying not to.
“You’re welcome, Rich” She murmured, quietly, and slowly.
He realized then that she was going to fall asleep on him, and was making no effort to try and stop it.  Then again, he didn’t make any effort either.
So he wrapped his arms around her snugly, and rested his cheek against the top of her head and closed his own eyes.
“You fallin’ asleep on me?” (y/n) asked, words a bit slurred, and muffled.
“No, you’re falling asleep on me” Richie corrected.
“I already told you that you’re comfortable,” She argued back.  “But if you don’t want to nap with me, you’re free to leave the hammock Tozier”
He chuckled, and couldn’t help but press a little kiss into her hair.  So small and quick she probably wouldn’t even notice.
She did.
“I’ll nap with you” He told her, and she smiled.
She doesn’t say anything, but her hand falls from where it had been lying on his hip.  She reaches tentatively for his free hand- the one that isn’t tangled in her hair- and ever so carefully slips her fingers into his palm, before slotting in between his.
Richie doesn’t dare move a muscle, until her fingers are perfectly intertwined with his, and then he carefully clasps her hand in his own.
His heart is beating so fast that he’s sure she hears it, or feels it against her cheek, but he doesn’t really care.
She’s holding his fucking hand how could he care-
“Richie,” (y/n) whispers, voice barely audible.  “Your heart’s beatin’ real fast”
“Sorry” He apologizes impulsively, but she chuckles sleepily.
“It’s okay,” She mumbles.  “It’s cute”
It’s the last thing she says before she falls asleep, and he can tell because her hand relaxes a bit, and her breathing evens out.  Richie doesn’t fall asleep himself for a couple more minutes, enjoying this moment way too much.
But eventually his body gives in and his eyes get heavy and he passes out with her, in what they would later describe as the best nap they’ve ever taken. ___
“What the fuck?”
“Sh-should we w-wake them u-up?”
“Are they… together?”
“Oh my fucking god- holy fucking shit- did they hook up?”
“Don’t be stupid, they couldn’t have hooked up in the hammock”
“Well, they could have done it all over and then fallen asleep in the hammock”
“Oh my fucking god.  I’m gonna throw up.  Yeah- yeah, I’m about to barf-”
“Shut up dumbass you’ll wake them up”
The rest of the Loser’s Club had made plans to hang out at the clubhouse, smoke a little weed, play dumb games, the usual.  They’d tried calling (y/n) and Richie, but neither had picked the phone, so everyone got together anyways.
It made for quite the surprise when they got to the clubhouse, only to find their missing friends cuddled up in the hammock.
“Do you think Richie confessed?” Beverly whispered to her friends, lighting a cigarette and smirking at the sleeping pair.
“Doubt it” Stan muttered.
“They’re holding hands though,” Ben pointed out.  “That doesn’t just happen in your sleep”
“(y/n’s) a-affectionate,” Bill shrugged.  “Sh-she p-probably j-just-”
“Can we wake them up now?” Eddie cut him off.  “I don’t wanna look at them anymore”
“You’re just jealous” Mike said, and Eddie stuck his tongue out defensively.
“We’ll just smoke outside,” Beverly declared.  “We’ll let them sleep, and when they wake up, they can come up and join us”
“They’re gonna have to talk when they wake up anyways,” Ben said, heading back to the ladder.  “You know, about their feelings-”
“Disgusting,” Eddie shoved Ben’s back.  “Go faster”
“Jealous” Everyone said in unison.
It only took about twenty minutes before (y/n) and Richie awoke from their slumber.  And the Losers definitely eavesdropped from the open hatch while they talked through their feelings for one another.
taglist: @fiantomartell​ @lemonypink​ @darling-egg​
xoxo ~ jordie
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sunlightwoo · 4 years
Mistakes Are Made
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ღ pairing: fallen angel!yunho x gender neutral reader
ღ genre: friends to lovers, and then strangers… there is some fluff, but will end up being angst (not gonna lie i hurt myself with this one)
ღ wc: 839
ღ plot: in which you remember the three times that you’ve met Yunho, the once innocent person that you’ve ever encountered and fallen in love with who ended up being someone that you didn’t think he was.
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The first time that you met Yunho was in your economics class, neither of you knew what was going on at all throughout the lecture, but you were grateful to share the class with someone who was willing to brighten up your day. It was strange considering he didn’t look the way that he talked when you first held your conversation with him, but it was interesting to see that he wanted to put in the same amount of effort into your friendship with him that you did.
It was one of the things that you liked about him.
He was loyal, trustworthy, someone that you were able to confide into while suffering in college as he became your best friend over the short amount of time that you became friends with him. You thought that it was cute, seeing as though he looked like an innocent lost puppy as the two of you were known to be connected by the hip; inseparable from the other as you always went to a lot of the school events together platonically.
You believed in the first two years of being friends with Yunho, that he would always stay by your side and pull through with whatever deal that you went through along with you. However, things seemed to change as you were in your final semester together, the two of you having to have met the second time under different circumstances after a year of not talking to one another because of school and different friend groups.
The second time that you met Yunho was when he looked cooler than he once did, his entire look completely changed as he was more mature; darker. His entire aura was completely different from the first time that you'd met him because he was then a stranger to you, until the very night that he showed up to your apartment with his heart on his sleeves.
The kiss you shared was anything but what would’ve been innocent in your eyes.
That night when he kissed you, it felt like your body was on fire as he held you close to him, as though he would lose you to the darkness of the world if he were to let go, and he was absolutely afraid of that. You were someone that was fragile and untainted, to be protected by someone that wasn’t him because he was scared that you would learn about the secrets he was harboring, even though he had told you already about being an angel.
It was nothing compared to the fact that you still saw him with all the light possible in your eyes, not wanting to let him go because you believed that you loved him, and you let yourself believe that he was in love with you too after so long. However, it was until there was just one night that he leaves a note behind at your apartment without another word, all traces of him gone as he told you to forget about everything that you both once shared.
And that was how you became strangers again.  
The final time that you’ve met Yunho was the last one, just moments ago when he finally reveals a secret that you had a hunch about. You knew from the beginning that he was an angel, someone that was supposed to protect and make sure that other humans were going in the right direction, rather than sinning. You even thought that at one point, he was your guardian angel, which was why he came into your life when he did in the first place.
However, the fact that you were staring back at the stranger in front of you with shock and heartbreak, seeing as though he was wingless, his wings having been ripped out by the higher ups above. Had he been hiding them the entire time that you’ve known him in your life, or was he just really good at distracting you? Did you not see it the last time that you saw him?
“You’re going to forget about me, Y/N, and I mean it this time. You have to, and I will be the one that makes sure of it.” He mumbles to you quietly, staring into your own eyes as you didn’t know what to say to him, seeing as though you felt breath taken from how dangerous he was now.
But you also wanted him to stay, despite the fact that he was detrimental to your own life.
“What if I don’t want to forget about you, Yunho? You can’t just make me forget about you, even if we end up being strangers again.” You retort with your voice slowly retorting to a small whisper, watching his eyes get darker than you’ve ever seen them get; a look that meant that you were in it for the dangerous part of life, and you had yet to see what he was still capable of.
“Then you’re only going to be in more pain because of me.”
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
just finished writing this and realized how long it got oh jeez i am so sorry. i promise it is just me rambling about nothing and does not require a lot of thought.
i made a playlist of r5's entire discography and am listening to it (in order) because there is something wrong with me. if only it had their very first ever ep on it (ready set rock ep you may have been slight garbage but i don't love you any less for it). oh god i realized i fucked up and didn't add the songs by "ross lynch and r5" from the austin & ally soundtrack. i'm already three songs into louder and they would have been between louder and say you'll stay. what do i have to do is actually one of r5's best songs and i'm pretty sure i remember ross calling it one of his favs fairly recently?? which was so valid of him. anyways. this is now an r5 song ranking. i'm bored and avoiding doing assignments. i'm going to name my top 10 r5 songs off the top of my head. source: me trying to remember every song they've ever released.
no. 1: easy love. nothing comes close. my fav song they ever made. they haven't made anything that even compares since (this is /hj. tde has some valid songs).
no. 2: wishing i was 23. what do you mean i only love this song because of my nostalgia bias no i don't.
no. 3: what do i have to do? i will not elaborate i do not know why i adore this song as much as i do it's just a cute song.
no. 4: repeating days. THE END. THE FUCKING END AFTER THE SONG ENDS THE "all i've got is cheap wine" PART ross sounds so vulnerable and him with just the guitar makes me so :(((((( it's so gorgeous that part makes the whole song and that makes it top 3 for me.
no. 5: i want u bad. THAT SONG FUCKS LIVE. I DO NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THE FACT THAT I WILL PROBABLY NEVER SEE IT LIVE AGAIN. (speaking of concerts i can't believe you bought concert tix and fucking forgot??? that is actually so fucking funny bella it made me laugh i will not lie)
no. 6: dark side. so so valid of them. it just fucks. it's so good. it makes u want to dance. u named a fic after a lyric from it which was so valid.
no. 7: did you have your fun? i love this song. no i will not elaborate. it is a sexy song. what's that one lyric from it that's hot. "love me, leave me, left me numb" some lyrics you love for no particular reason and for me that's one of those lyrics.
no. 8: f.e.e.l.g.o.o.d. this has alwayysss been one of my favs by them. since it dropped. some lore about it: the like crowd yelling that's in it they recorded live at a festival they played and i remember there being hype about this being an unreleased song when they had the crowd chanting "f-e-e-l-g-o-o-d" with no explanation. also another fun fact is that the final version of this is just a demo?? source: my slightly faulty memory remembering ross saying something about some demos being so good that you keep them as they are and it later being revealed this was the song he was talking about.
no. 9: i know you got away. sexy song. they released a vocals only version of it (that has apparently since been deleted?? i went to look for it on youtube and couldn't find it?? wtf r5) that has stuck with me ever since.
no. 10: loud. but more specifically the acoustic or live version. this was their encore song that they played to end every show. i MISS IT. it holds a special place in my heart.
honorable mentions: hurts good (a good song and THEIR LAST THEY EVER RELEASED VV SAD), wild hearts (fun fact almost picked a lyric from this song as my senior quote till i found out they didn't write this song), fallin' for you (YOU LIKE MISMATCHED SOCKS WITH POLKA DOTS YOU LIKE YOUR PIZZA COLD I THINK THATS HOT i never saw this song live and i'm still fucking pissed about it ok), do it again (it's such a sweet song :(((( "listen to the airplanes as we count the stars" gives me the same vibes as six feet under the stars), things are looking up (generally just a cute song!! this whole ep is just very good and very cute!! when i saw it live one time during the bridge ross was like "everyone shut up this is my favorite part >:(" and that was so valid of him) i can't say i'm in love (it's just a fun song!! it was a bonus track on sln from another country), trading time (this is the only song from the new addictions ep that i listed and u know what i'm Not sorry)
ok. i will spare you and stop rambling. other honorable mentions: if you have never listened to cool girl (feat. the driver era) by new beat fund i highly recommend. it's an okay song but it was one of the first songs released after they rebranded as tde and includes ross saying motherfucker with his whole chest. i will never again feel what i felt the first time i heard that song having listened exclusively to them as r5 whose songs they couldn't curse in because they were on a disney label.
in conclusion. i miss r5. ross saying fuck is kinda hot. i listened to the entirety of louder while writing this. i am sorry to dump this in your askbox. i still have multiple assignments to do and should probably go to sleep at a decent time. it feels fitting to finally stop writing while easy love is on. when i was 12 and this ep came out i thought "dirtbags" was a curse word and was scared to sing it. they changed it to "douchebags" live.
that's all. goodbye. have a lovely night. listen to r5's discography for clear skin thriving crops etc etc. sorry to lovepost about them in your askbox i only have (1) former r5 mutual that i still talk to (a very interesting but long story. she's the gemini bestie) and she will only lovepost about r5 once in a while. feel free to ignore my ask calling cody bellinger hot i was a different person when i wrote it i am now a changed woman. LOVE YOU MWAH - bella but she misses r5
hi hi im going to answer this with minimal thought because im tired but i dont wanna leave this sitting in my inbox forever but for the record all your r5 opinions are valid. ok lets go
1. easy love slaps ive heard it a couple times over the last few days (it played in the car today while i was driving sam n meghna to the airport) and it does fuck i can see why it's your fave
2. i do not know this song
4. oh i do love repeating days great choice i would have to hear it a few more times to get it in my head but i remember really liking it when i listened to the album it's on
5. also a banger and i'm glad my concert tickets situation made you laugh it made me laugh too imagine being this useless gldskfjgs
7. ANOTHER FUCKING BANGER this one is probably among my favorite r5 songs maybe top 5 LOVE ME LEAVE ME LEFT ME NUMB (guitar moment) DID YOU HAVE YOUR FUUUuuuuUUUUUNNNNN i feel the same way about this lyric as you
8. oh shit thats pretty cool i dont know this song tbh i cant remember how it goes i know ive heard it once or twice but. id have to listen to it again so i will keep you posted on that
9. i do not know this one either
10. interesting choice for top ten but i support you, this song fucks and ever since you mentioned it it's been in my subconscious and randomly getting stuck in my head i think i need to listen to it to get it out. it does hit ur right
11. i don't know hurts good or wild hearts or things are looking up or i can't say i'm in love or trading time well enough to say anything about them. but i really like fallin for you it's one of those cheap fun songs but emphasis on fun, and also really like do it again one day ill write a fic based on that song
i have not listened to cool girl i put it on my to listen playlist so hopefully i remember to listen to it soon ill be honest though i dont think im prepared for ross lynch saying motherfucker w his whole chest like i think itll take me out. so. anyway. i hope you got your assignments done. thank you for the r5 lovedump feel free to drop in anytime with more
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callmeunstable · 4 years
Angels & Demons - Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
Characters: Reader
Summary: She finds herself in the middle of a unknown forest after falling asleep. It seems like a normal forest until she gets to meet a mystical creature that welcomes her in a different world.
Warnings: Monsters, Cursing, Blood
Words: 2.000+
A/N: Hey! This is my first fic and I decided to place it in the universe of the greatest of the greatest. Geralt of Rivia! I don’t know where this will go 100%, but I know it’s going to be interesting. 😄 The reader starts of in our modern world and stumbles into the universe of The Witcher. I take my information mostly from the books and games but my fic is set based of the Netflix series so it’s basically beginners friendly.☺️
Disclaimer: GIF’s and PNG’s are taken from Tumblr and are not mine! Credits to the creators!
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“Two face, two face, yeah Black, white, left, right, yeah Up, down, all night, yeah Can't escape it ever Don't forget my name I don't feel the same On a trip, no train“
The music made her headphones vibrate. Probably loud enough for everyone around her to hear. If there was anyone. She was alone, hiking in the forest. It was what she always did when her anxiety got the best of her. The city is loud and dirty, squeezed full with people that never look around. Never realizing what was going on in the real world. At least what that’s what they called their reality. She always thought it was foolish to believe that they were alone in this big of a universe. Impossible.
Some stones here and there made her trip but she didn’t stop. She knew where she wanted to go and she didn’t intend to stop before she reached her destination. Kicking some branches out of the way and silently passing other hikers that greeted her with waving hand. She didn’t like the people in the city. All of them were selfish and money orientated. Of course, so tried to earn some money as a health center receptionist at her university but only to keep her head above water. Her focus was on her degree in medicine. She wanted to be able to afford a good life for her and her dad.
“And all these angels and demons Keep shoutin' and screamin' I'm fallin' from Eden”
She slowed down and let herself down on the ground.  Pulling her knees to her stomach and breathing in the fresh air of the trees. The pollution caused by cars and all of these different companies laying behind her. Closing her eyes and trying not to fall asleep. Her insomnia got worse on hot summer days like these. The missing air conditioning in her dorm room made it even worse. Two hours have to be enough to function. She couldn’t wait for the autumn to start. For the leaves to fall. And the crowds to shrink
“So fuck me like a rockstar, dancing on a cop car Nothin' in the world can stop me now Fucked up like a rockstar, riding in a cop car No one in the world can help me out-“
Her music was cut short and her eyes gazed at the screen. The Battery was almost empty. With an annoyed groan, she took off her backpack searching for her power bank. The only good thing summer had for her was the power of the sun being strong enough to charge the battery of the device. Still having her headphones in her ears. Just in case someone stumbled across and wanted to have a conversation. The easiest way to ignore people without seeming too harsh.
Her glance went up, analyzing anything she was able to catch. The mountains far back on the horizon hugged by a thick layer of clouds that protected them from any unwanted attention. The distance colored them in a blueish gray tone that would capture a lot of people. At least the ones who noticed and wanted to have a peerless experience.
Some strange black orbs were able to sneak into her daydream making her once again face the consequences of her lack of sleep. Slowly blinking she took a look at her watch. 2 pm. Still early. She just wanted to close her eyes for a few more minutes. To help her find her lost energy. Just in case she set her alarm for an hour and put her phone in the pocket of her pants. - “Everybody said that I'm falling, uh Took another line, I'm calling, uh I'm so sick of the nonsense, uh I'ma dive into the mosh pit, uh I don't really think I'm the problem I don't really think it's a problem Me plus me is a problem One gunshot could solve 'em Tell my friends I'm sorry though T-T-T-Tell my sins to go. And all these angels and demons Keep shoutin' and screamin' I'm fallin' from Eden”
The tones of her favorite song woke her up. Her headphones got disconnected while she was asleep. With panic caused by the rush of adrenaline, she paused the music. Taking a deep breath and enjoying the silence again. Her arms were stretched above her head and a yawn made it through her mouth. Slowly gaining back clear vision she looked up again. But something was different. The dusk was slowly setting in.
She failed to set her alarm correctly. But it could be worse, she wasn’t doing anything special today anyway. As she was standing up she looked for the mountains in the far, however, her view was blocked. Big deciduous trees rose in front of her. Maybe she fell asleep in a different place? A little far more into the forest? 
She got herself up and started walking her way back. At least what she thought was the right way. Somehow everything looked a little different. As different as forests could look like. The hiker trail was gone. Slowly breathing away her risen heartbeat she tried to focus. It’s just the forest how bad can it be? She always found her way out of it. She got lost a couple of times whilst exploring new paths but still. The air felt different. Not as heavy as she was used to. The trees were able to give her better oxygen as in the city but they just couldn’t hold all of the smog back.
Her feet automatically began to walk faster and faster as time went by and nothing seemed familiar anymore. She tried to find her starting point again but that seemed rather impossible right now. There was still a lot of light left but everything seemed strange.
She started to run. Jumping over the rocks and logs that blocked her way. As she was trying to bridge over the next log she wasn’t able to see the small lowering that led to her stumbling and rolling a couple of feet down. ‘Great, just great.’ 
Her thoughts were sarcastic, helping her to cope with the panic rising in her throat.
She looked up and let out a short scream. Some big bright yellow eyes were looking at her from above. They belonged to a child with pale blue skin. At least it looked like a child. She didn’t dare to move one muscle, staring at the creature in front of her.
It was barely as tall as a 9-year-old and it’s skin made it look like it was suffocating. A rough crown made out of sticks sat on top of its head. It wore some pants that had seen better days. They seemed to be made out of a cheap fabric that was ripped in several places. A green scarf was hanging from its neck. 
“Hello.” It could speak. His mouth was stretched to wild smile.
“It’s been some time since an ol’ villager got lost in ma forest. That was some fall you had. Are you alright?” Still staring at the creature she tried to get her words together.
“Ehm…yes I tripped and fell. I don’t think I’m hurt. Thank you.”
“Good to hear. So what’s your name? I’m James.”
She hesitated. She didn’t even know if this creature was human. She couldn’t trust just anyone.
“Alva. My name is Alva.”
“Nice to meet you, Alva. So what did ya run away from? Thought the Drowners were after ya.” Drowners? What the fuck are Drowners?
“Yeah so. Excuse me the question but you seem rather … blue?” She was scared to ask something like this but this little creature seemed friendly.
“Oh that. Have you never seen a good ol’ Godling? Because that’s just what I am indeed.” The little boy laughed and seemed to be happy to have found some company.
“That is a Godling?”
“You never heard of us amazing Godling?”
The little blue boy explained to her that Godlings are woodland creatures dwelling in burrows and moss-covered hollow stumps on the outskirts of human settlements. They are deeply rooted in their home territory and perform acts of care and guardianship to those dwelling near their burrows. They watch over people as well as animals, but, shy creatures by nature, they try to do so while remaining unseen. Godlings are drawn to joy and innocence, and so delight in the company of children and usually only show themselves to the young.
“That’s why I am talking to ya. You seem fun. At least you look funny.” The boy started to walk around her while lifting her flannel and poking her skin.
‘He’s the one looking like a tall version of a smurf. What is he talking about?’ Her thought rushes inside of her head, making her regaining the feeling of dizziness.
“So you’re telling me you’re some kind of magical creature as in Harry Potter?” The girl tried to order her thoughts by sitting down and trying to hold on to the facts the little guy was telling her. Maybe she was in a coma? Or dreaming? Possibly. These are the only explanations she could come up with.
“I don’t know anyone called Harry Potter. Is he a friend of yours?”
“Ok, listen up. You’re probably just part of my imagination so why don’t we have some fun while it lasts?” As long as she sleeping and lucid dreaming she could at least make the best out of it.
“Yes, let’s have some fun! I love singing, I love music! I heard some strange melody coming from your direction. That’s how I found you.” James started to do some little happy jumps and clapping.
“Oh, you mean this?” Alva took her phone out of her pocket and showed it to him.
“What witchy device is that suppose to be?”
“No magic. Technology. Let me show you.” She pressed on some Icons and song from earlier continued.
“So fuck me like a rockstar, dancing on a cop car Nothin' in the world can stop me now Fucked up like a rockstar, riding in a cop car No one in the world can help me out.”
The little one danced to the music and showed off some rather random dance moves. Spinning in circles, jumping up and down and throwing his hands in the air.
Still thinking of her lucid dreaming she joined her little Godling friend. Turning the music louder and louder they enjoyed themselves.
Until a growl broke the peace of the music. But both James and Alva were to focused on having von dancing to notice some strange noises. They didn’t hear it, down to the moment when the girl got hit by something sharp, making her fall to the ground.
“Don’t stop dancing Alva, you’re no fun.” The Godling still didn’t realize that Alva was sitting on the ground covering her bleeding upper arm with her hand. Looking up she saw the scariest creature she could’ve imagined. 
In front of her is standing a sickly blue or green colored human, with slime and sludge oozing out of every pore and the acrid stench of rot wafting off of it. No, that wasn’t a human.
“James! What the fuck is that?” The girl cried for help.
Finally objectifying the situation, James was hurrying towards the creature when it rose its arm for another attack.
Covering her face Alva started to realize that this is the moment she was going to die. You can’t get hurt in a dream. That is just not possible. Her arm was on fire, giving her a pain she never had felt in her entire life. This was real. Waiting for the next hit but it never came.
Slowly she opened her eyes to see only James in front of her. The monster not in sight.
“Where did he-?” Completely shocked by the situation and being unable to talk, Alva starred at the boy.
“Don’t underestimate the power of a Godling. Nothing comes between me and my forest. And since you stumbled in it you’re a part of it.” He looked down at her bleeding arm and his eyebrows furrowed.
“You need a healer. As much as I’d love to I can’t heal it.”
The words barely got to the girl. She was scared for her life. She never believed something like this could happen. But one thing she knew for sure. This wasn’t her reality.
“And all these angels and demons Keep shoutin' and screamin' I'm falling from Eden.”
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padme-parker · 4 years
Collide / Chapter 2
[a Star Wars x Avengers crossover]
summary: You get interrogated by the Jedi Council and some calls home are made.
word count: 3,700+
warnings: my shitty writing, a few curse words, plot holes
A/N: I might’ve forgotten to edit some things out lol my bad, also this chapter is really messy but I will come back to fix it once I get the hang of writing for a series
Song(s) of the chapter: Creep by Radiohead, Home with you by FKA Twigs, and Softly by Clairo.
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read chapter one here
“Is it alright to feel this way so early? And in my blood, all the sweet nothings fallin' in love overnight” -Softly by Clairo
Anakin was walking amongst the halls with Master Obi-wan and Master Yoda when he felt it, a disturbance in the force. Obi-wan turned to him, “Do you feel it too?” Anakin had merely nodded before taking out his holo device, bringing up a map of the Jedi Temple. His eyes quickly scanned it before finding something out of place, “Look, it’s an unrecognized heat signature in the lower levels of the temple.” Of all the years he’d been living in the temple, he had never visited the lower levels. He knew of its existence and that only certain Jedi, like Master Yoda, could enter. However, he never understood why it was forbidden to enter.
“Master Yoda, what should we do?”
“Go down, you must. Alert the others, I will.” He gave Master Yoda a nod before taking off with Obi-wan. Using the holo map to guide him, he found himself in front of a large steel door. He placed his hand on the door, seeing if it’d budge, but it didn’t move an inch. Beckoning forth the force within him, he imagined the door opening. A warmth that spread from his heart to the tips of his finger, encompassing his entire being until he felt the door shift. Pushing the door open, he put away his holo device, his lightsaber now in his grasp.
“They’re close Master, I can feel it.” Obi-wan took the lead, using the force to guide him to the person they were looking for. It didn’t take the two very long to find them, well more like her. Anakin took notice as to how she was gripping onto the wall for dear life. With her back to them, he couldn’t see her face. Only the outline of her figure, clad in all black. Who are you?
Obi-wan ignited his saber, Anakin following. “Stop right there! Turn around and face us sith!” Oh, so apparently I’m a sith now. Anakin furrowed his eyebrows, why could he hear her thoughts? His ears picked up on the approaching footsteps, as he felt the other Jedi enter the room, his shoulders slightly tensing.
The girl raised her arms slowly, showing defeat. Turning around, his eyes immediately found hers. He watched as her eyes moved across the room until they landed on his. He let his eyes widen for a fraction of a second, before composing himself. He realizes that he’s seen her before, in his dreams. The ones where her beauty overtook him, and they’d spend their time together in the meadows. When he dreamt about her, he felt at peace. He felt whole. Even after waking up, only to find Padme at his side, he could still feel her lingering touch. He had always wondered why the force was showing him visions of her, of their future together. Now, he knew why. He felt a tug in his chest, the force insisting that he move closer. To take you in his embrace and never let go.
He watched as you blinked, licking your lips before uttering his name. He watched as your knees buckled, sending you to the floor. He watched as your eyes shut, your body going limp.
It’s you.
He was angry at the force. Why would they send him to you, after he had gotten married to the love of his life. The force had also shown him visions of Padme and him, their life together. He knew it was one full of joy and happiness, the force assured him of that.
“Anakin? Anakin, I asked you a question,” He was broken out of his reverie by Obi-wan, “Do you know that girl?”
“No, I don’t know her.”
Anakin found himself in your room, the steady beeping of the machine was beginning to frustrate him. He needed you to wake, he needed to know why you were here, in this exact moment. Why not earlier? Before he had fallen in love with Padme? He wasn’t sure, all he knew was that he couldn’t leave Padme, especially now that she was carrying his child.
He walked closer to your bed, before sitting on the edge of it. He observed your face, she looks the same. She even smelt the same, like a meadow of flowers with a hint of something fruity. He took his time to observe you, not knowing if he’d ever see you again. What was the Jedi Counsel going to do to you? He gently brushed a lock of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. Brushing his knuckles softly over your cheeks, he was interrupted by his holo device pinging. Signaling that he was needed elsewhere. He didn’t want to leave your side, but he has a life to get back to. He looked at you one last time before swiftly turning away, leaving you alone once more.
A few hours later, you regained consciousness. Sound was the first sense that came back to you, and all you could hear was the stupid beeping of the machine. The next sense that came was sight. Your eyes scanned around the room, noticing the IV that was hooked onto you, along with the heart rate monitor attached to your index finger. Using your free hand, you ripped off the monitor and IV, the beeping of the machine stopped, only to be replaced by a flatline sound. Oh my stars, does this thing ever shut up. Before you could make it to the door, it flew open. Obi-wan, Anakin, and Master Yoda walked in.
“Where do you think you’re going, sith.” Obi-wan asked.
You titled you head to the side, “What makes you think I’m a sith?”
“What other force user would be able to cunningly sneak into the temple unnoticed?” Although his face was completely serious, his voice held a sarcastic tone. “Besides, who wears all black in a Jedi temple?” You gave him a pointed look.
“Uh, Anakin. Duh.” Turning to face Anakin, you also gave him a pointed look. Both brows furrowed as you called him out.
“And exactly how do you know Anakin?” Right, you forgot that they were going to question you. Luckily for you, Fury had gone over the plan with you a couple of times, so you knew what to do.
“I’ll tell you, only if you bring me to the Jedi council.”
Standing in front of the council was more intimidating than you thought. Especially when your eyes landed on Master Windu’s. You couldn’t tell who was scarier, Fury or Windu. As intimidated as you were, you were also amazed. Gazing through the windows, you could see the flying shuttles and speeders, something Earth certainly didn’t have.
“Right Miss…” There was a pause, they waited for you to say your name.
Remember, no real names. Why? ‘Cause Fury said so, “Alyra.”
“Just Alyra? No last name?” Obi-wan questioned
“Yep,” the pop of your ‘p’ echoed throughout the silent room, “Just Alyra. No middle or last name. Mysterious right?” You said, wiggling your eyebrows, trying to lighten the mood. When no one laughed or cracked a slight smile, you gave them a tight smile. Right, the Jedi don’t like having fun.
“So Miss Alyra, please do tell us why you’re here.” Fu- Master Windu’s voice booms, showing that he isn’t in the mood for jokes.
“It’s extremely vital that you explain to the Jedi Council the reasoning for your arrival. And I don’t care how much you admire that Anakin Skywalker, don’t do anything that will forever alter their timeline. We need him to turn, because we need the Death Star.”
“So, you want me to watch and do nothing as Anakin suffers? Absolutely nothing. Also, how the hell am I supposed to acquire the Death Star?”
“Correct, I trust that you can do that. Right, agent L/N? As for the Death Star, just make sure you get close to Skywalker, close enough that he won’t kill you when he turns, but not too close.” You assumed Fury hadn’t watched any of the prequels because Anakin killed and pushed away literally everyone who was close to him.
You swallowed before swiftly nodding, “right.” you replied. Your mouth had gotten dry all of a sudden. You’d be damned if Fury thought you weren’t going to do anything to help Anakin. You couldn’t imagine yourself holding the knowledge of their future, Anakin’s future, and not doing anything to help. You didn’t know what you were going to do, but you sure as hell knew that you weren’t going to sit around idly. Something had to change.
How were you supposed to explain to the Council that billions of lives were being threatened, and that the only way to save them was through a weapon that doesn’t exist yet. On top of that, it was a weapon created by the empire. There was no way Fury’s plan was going to work without questions arising, so you created a plan of your own. Of course one that Fury would approve of.
“I’m here because not only is my planet being threatened, but so is yours, and every other planet in this universe. The only way to stop it from happening is if you train me.”
“Before we can even decide on if we should train you or not, please do tell us, how did you find out about our existence.” Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself before telling them the story.
“Long ago, there was a Jedi named George Lucas.” You glanced at Master Yoda, noticing his eyes light up as he remembered him. “He was a powerful Jedi, gifted with foresight. Almost always, his visions came true. One night, he dreamt of the destruction of Coruscant and it’s people. At the time, he didn’t know that it didn’t only affect Coruscant, but the whole universe. Scared of being caught in the destruction, he warned his friends, Jedi or not. Together they fled using the bridge, coming to my home planet. There, they started their new lives. George Lucas then created comics and movies to serve as a reminder to himself and his friends of their home. He did his best to replicate Coruscant, but I must say, it’s more beautiful in person.” I can’t wait to see Naboo though. You smiled, a frown soon emerging. This means that I can never tell Anakin of his future, not even a little. They wouldn’t believe me.
You cleared your throat before speaking again, “If that’s all, I’d like to go for a walk.” You waited for one of the Jedi to reply.
“Alright, you have 30 minutes. We expect you to be back once those 30 minutes are over. In the meantime, we will be discussing your stay here.” Master Windu said, waving his hand to dismiss you.
Quickly walking out of the room, you began to wander around aimlessly. You took in your surroundings, admiring the new environment. Who knows, you were probably going to hate it as time passed. The vibration coming from your chest startled you, picking up the necklace you pressed the button. A hologram of Director Fury and Mr. Stark came up.
“Hey kid, how are you holding up in there?”
“Well, I think I’ve got everything under control. I’ve told them about the mission,” well not really, “So far, everything is going as planned.”
“Alright agent L/N, if that is all, I’ll be ending the call no-”
“Wait, wait, wait! Can I speak to Peter, pretty puhhhleasee! Come on Fury, you owe me this.” You watched as Fury rolled his eyes and huffed out a fine, soon after Peter came into frame. “O. M. G. Peter you’ll never guess where I am.” You panned the device around the hall, showing off the Jedi Temple.
“Holy crap! You're in the freaking Jedi Temple. That’s so cool!” You heard feet shuffling behind you, “Hey, I’ve gotta go, but I’ll call you later Peter. See ya!” You shut off the device before a voice was heard behind you.
“Were you talking to someone?” Anakin’s voice rang out from behind you, turning around you found him resting against a pillar, looking casual as ever.
“Yes I was, Mr. Skywalker. However, that information doesn’t concern your prying ears.” you smirked.
“And that is where you are wrong Miss Alyra. You see it does in fact concern me, do you think the Jedi Council knows of this device.” He strided up to you, gently grasping your necklace. You were able to get a good whiff of his scent, he smelt like strawberries and cinnamon. It was a peculiar combination but it worked together. Honestly, that was probably the most attractive thing about him, besides his face. You could stare at it all day. There was just something so mesmerizing about his face, it demanded your attention.
“Why are you staring at my face?” He asked
“Hmm, oh nothing. I just thought I’d never see you in real life.”
“Real life? What do you mean in real life?” His brows furrowed, making the scar on his face more prominent. Shit, not even a day in Coruscant and you had already blown your cover, “Have you,” He inhales deeply before continuing, “Have you seen me in your dreams too?”
Wait, what? Sure, maybe you had a sexual dream about him every once in a while, but you didn’t expect him to dream about you too. “Umm, yes…?” It’s too late to stick to the original plan now.
“So, you’ve seen it then? Visions of us, in the meadow?”
“Yes, I was… unaware that you were having these dreams too. I thought I was going crazy.” Maybe you are.
“Well, we’ve only known each other for a short period of time, so it wouldn’t be plausible for you to know. However, I do suggest we talk about this tomorrow. I’m afraid we have to get back to the council now.” He motioned for you to go first, following closely behind you. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence until the doors of the Council came into view.
“Well, here goes nothing.”
“The Jedi Council has come to the decision that we will train you,” You let out a breath, “But you need to tell us of the threat first.”
“In my system, there is a moon filled with powerful beings. Their greediness and selfishness will ultimately lead to their demise. There was a famine, the poor and weak struggled the most, while the strong thrived for a short amount of time. However, once the food was all gone, everyone perished. Except for one. His name is Thanos. Struck with grief, he sought after power. Enough power to eliminate half of the universe. He…. He wants to spare us the grief of losing our loved ones to selfishness, but fails to realize how much anguish we will be in if half of the universe just disappears. That’s why we need your help. Without your knowledge and technology, we wouldn’t be able to save the universe. But once my training is over, I will need others to help me.” There was a pause, you let the words sink in before speaking again, “Like I said, they are powerful beings. But even they cannot survive a famine. The only reason Thanos survived was because he was exiled. An acquaintance of mine saw this, through a vision. So it hasn’t happened yet, but it will soon. So the sooner I can get trained, the better. But I will need others to train with me too. I cannot take down a titan alone.”
“It’s settled then, Kenobi and Skywalker, you will train alongside Alyra to help her. We will send more Jedi if needed.” After Master Windu dismissed the council, Obi-wan came up to you to formally introduce himself. Of course, he didn’t need to, you had already known who everyone was. But for the sake of the plan, you had to act like you didn’t.
“Hello there! I am Obi-wan Kenobi. I’d like to apologize for my behaviour earlier.”
“Oh, there’s no need to apologize. But thanks I guess.”
“I assume no one has shown you to your quarters yet?” You nod, “Let me show you the way then.”
Anakin watched as the two of you left, a gentle laugh escaping your lips. Although Obi-wan’s hands were clasped behind his back, Anakin didn’t like the way he was so close to you. The furrow of his brows were noticeable as he felt the jealousy grow in him. Snap out of it, you just met her. He took big strides in order to catch up to the two of you.
“Hey! Wait up.” Hearing Anakin's voice made the two of you stop in your tracks. “Where are you two heading?”
“I was just going to take Miss Alyra to her quarters. Anyhow, since your quarters seem to be closer to hers, I think you should take her instead.” Obi-wan stated, giving Anakin the information he needed before leaving.
“Well, it looks like your room is right across from mine.” He began to lead the way, taking smaller steps to make sure you kept up.
“Tell me Anakin, what’s it like living on Coruscant?” You’d been curious, life as an avenger was grueling, although you did travel many places for missions, it was never for leisure. Living in New York for most of your life, you lacked knowledge about culture and life in general outside of America. So being in a new environment like Coruscant was quite exciting to you, but it was also scary. Give or take a few Jedi, some senators, and siths; you barely knew anyone.
“Well, I’m not gonna say I love it, because I don’t. But Coruscant does have its perks. There are many different cultures here, you’ll never get tired of it. Plus there’s no sand here, I fucking hate sand. It just-”
“-gets everywhere. Yeah I don’t like sand either. There’s a lot of branches and broken shells in it, making it hard to walk on.” You finished his sentence for him. Not realizing what you said before it was already out of your mouth, you gave him a sheepish smile. Anakin gave you a smile in return.
As your quarters came into view, Anakin grew nervous. He didn’t want the conversation to end, “About tomorrow, how about I pick you up for some breakfast, then we can explore the lower levels of Coruscant while you tell me about your home?”
You looked to the floor, biting your lip to keep you from smiling like an idiot, “Yeah, I’d really like that.” you continued to stare at the floor as you felt your cheeks heat up. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Anakin.” Finally meeting his gaze, you gave him a small smile.
“Sweet dreams, Alyra.” You watched as Anakin disappeared into his room before entering yours. Truth be told, you weren’t expecting much from the Jedi. The room was moderately decorated, only containing necessities. The bed itself looked like a bag of rocks, but was surprisingly comfortable. Going into the refresher, you were delighted to find that it wasn’t some outdated 90’s looking bathroom, but a more modern one. There was a single sink, along with some counter space where you could put your toiletries. A circular mirror was hanging above the sink, giving the bathroom some style. Everything in the bathroom had been so monotone, the same shade of white. Except the shower curtain, which was a very light gray.
Walking out of the bathroom, you noticed a door which presumably led to your closet. In it you found Jedi robes already hanging, there was also some sleep wear too. The robe itself was black, just like Anakins. However your clothing had been variations of white and gray. What a weird combination for a Jedi. It felt weird to be calling yourself a Jedi, it just didn’t feel right.
You decided to take a quick shower before calling Peter again. Turning on the shower, you watched as the water fell from the shower head attached to the ceiling. To your disbelief, the water was already hot when you jumped in. You thought it would’ve taken a while for it to warm up or that the Jedi absolutely loved taking cold showers. They hadn’t given you any shampoo or body wash, so you just let the hot water do its magic. I should probably tell Ani that I need some tomorrow while we're in the lower levels. Stepping out, you hastily dried yourself before putting on your night clothes.
Sitting on the bed, you took off your necklace. Pressing the button to turn on the device, you scrolled through the hologram screen until Peter’s name came up. Clicking on his name, you waited for it to connect. After a couple of seconds waiting, the video connected.
“Y/N!” He said eagerly
“Hi Peter! How are you? It feels like ages since I last saw you.” It had been only mere hours since you had left, while for you it’d been almost two days.
“Honestly things have been...okay. It’s just not the same without you around y’know?” You could hear the hesitation in his voice, as if he was hiding something.
“What do you mean okay? What happened?”
“I meant to tell you this before you left, but everything happened so quickly, and then you were gone before I knew it.” He pauses, taking a deep breath, “Umm…. MJ and I broke up.”
“What, why? Peter what happened?” Before he could answer, the hologram disappeared and the call ended. You tried to call him back but the call wouldn’t go through. Giving up, you let out a sigh. It’s probably for the best, I need to get some sleep.
Crawling into the covers, you situated yourself before finding a comfortable position. Thoughts of Peter and Mj lingered throughout your mind as you tried to fall asleep. You decided not to think about them for the rest of the night, and instead think of your day tomorrow with Anakin. Soon your breathing slowed down, a smile could be seen on your lips as you fell asleep.
somewhere in the Star Wars galaxy
Darth Sidious sits on his throne, hood pulled up to hide his face. He too, felt the disturbance in the force. Reaching into the force, he sought to find the person responsible for the disturbance. Quickly finding his answer, he lets out a vicious cackle.
so, the last of the Andarae bloodline has returned.
read ch 3 here
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
Falling Like The Stars (Bucky Barnes Imagine)
Imagine based on the song “Falling Like the Stars” by James Arthur.
I swear to God, when I come home I'm gonna hold you so close I swear to God, when I come home I'll never let go
There was something unfair about the situation you were in. You finally meet the love of your life, the one you’re sure you’re bound to marry and grow old with, only for life to take him away from you.
You had only spent three short months with Bucky before he got his orders. As short as those months may have been, they were the best three months of your life. With Bucky, you felt invincible, like the world was against the both of you but somehow, some way, you two would win regardless of the circumstances.
Bucky felt exactly the same way as you did. There was not a day that went by where he didn’t thank the lucky stars, God, real or not, for allowing him to experience you and all your glory. He was infatuated, obsessed, in love, smitten, all the words and more. 
So when he was given his orders, he wanted nothing more but to ignore the notice and run away with you. All he could dream about was waking up next to you, the sun shining and hitting your face in the most angelic way possible. Bucky finally found you and now he had to let you go. 
Like a river, I flow To the ocean, I know You pull me close, guiding me home
The day he told you he got his orders was undoubtably the worst day of your life. It felt like a part of you was being ripped away, discarded, and left for dead. You knew you could live without Bucky but God only knows how badly you didn’t want to.
“When do you leave?” You asked, voice trembling as you tried to process the words that just left his lips.
“Two weeks.” He gave a sad, side-smile, reaching for your hand to hold. “Please don’t be sad.”
A part of you wanted to hit him for even saying such a thing. How could you not be sad? “There’s not point in saying that.”
“I know.” 
He just wrapped his arms around you and you completely let yourself fall apart. He made it feel okay.
And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast We're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love And I'm not scared to say those words with you, I'm safe We're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love
“I can’t believe its only been three months, Buck.” You pointed out, playing with his hair. “It feels like we’ve been together for a lifetime.”
“I second that.” Bucky agreed, looking up at you from your lap. “The first date, love, it felt like we’ve known each other all our lives. I don’t remember feeling awkward at all. Sure, I was nervous going out with someone like you but once I saw you in person and talked to you, all my worries went away.”
You smiled fondly at the memory of your first date. Dinner and a movie, a cliche, but nonetheless, the best first date you’d ever been on. “I remember that.”
“Remember when you asked Steve what my favorite snacks were?” He laughed, his eyes drifting to the pile of snacks in the corner of the room. “Then you snuck it into the theater somehow. I was impressed.”
“I thought you would find me weird.” You confessed. “Or cheap. I mean I did sneak your favorite snacks in the theater instead of buying from the shop.”
“Not at all.” Bucky sat up, shaking his head. “I thought to myself how lucky I was that you took that time to spy on me using my best friend just to surprise me with my favorite snacks. No girl ever did anything that thoughtful for me.”
“And no girl ever will, Barnes.” You jokingly warned, getting up from your seat to get some more snacks. 
“Never again.”
I swear to God, I can see Four kids and no sleep We'll have one on each knee, you and me, hmm And when they've grown up You're still the girl in the club When I held your hair up, 'cause you had too much
“You know doll, as much as I love you,” Bucky chuckled, holding you up in the car. “I would prefer loving you when you’re sober.”
“Hey!” You hiccuped, leaning against his shoulder. “When we get married, you have to love me for better or for worse, so get used to it.”
“Married?” He smiled, looking at your distorted state. “You see us getting married?”
“You don’t?” Even drunk, his question offended you. All the words you were speaking were merely your sober thoughts-- thoughts that you were just too scared to blurt out when you’re sober.
“Of course I do.” He reassured you, pressing his lips on your temple. “I see us getting married and having kids. A lot of them. Steve is gonna be the Godfather of them all.”
“Yeah?” You asked, dozing off. You were finally feeling the drinks you had at the bar. 
“Mhmm,” Bucky whispered, rubbing the side of your arm. “Go to sleep, love. It’s okay.”
And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast We're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love And I'm not scared to say those words with you, I'm safe We're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love
“I’m gonna miss you.” You sighed, your head pressed against his chest. The pins on his uniform hurt your cheek but nothing could compare to the hurt in your heart as you digested that the love of your life was going away. “Don’t forget me while you’re away.”
“I could never forget the love of my life.” Bucky pulled you away from his chest, wanting to get one last look at your face. 
“I’m gonna hold you to that, Barnes.”
“When I come back, I’ll prove to you that I haven’t forgotten you.” He raised his pinky up for you to intertwine it with yours. You did. “I promise.”
“I promise.”
You both leaned over to seal the promise with a kiss to your pinkies. 
Bucky kissed your lips, softly, pulling away to rest his forehead on yours. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, Bucky.”
I swear to God, every day He won't take you away 'Cause without you, babe, I lose my way
Life is truly unfair. 
If it had been anyone else, you wouldn’t have believed them but this was Steve. Steve would never lie to you, especially not about something like this.
“I just- How did it happen?” You asked in disbelief, having to take a seat, not trusting your body to hold you up after hearing such news. “What do you mean Bucky’s gone?”
You saw Steve gulp. You knew this was just as hard for him as it was for you. Bucky was his best friend. “We were on a classified HYDRA mission and there was a complication. He fell from the train and we couldn’t save him. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” 
“It’s not fair, Steve.” You sobbed. It wasn’t supposed to end this way. It was supposed to be you and Bucky until the end of time and even some after that. He was supposed to come back and prove to you that he still remembered you. That he still loved you. “It’s not fair at all.”
“I know, Y/N.” He muttered. “It’s not.”
Oh, I'm in love Oh, I'm in love Oh, I'm in love Oh, I'm in love Oh, I'm in love Oh, I'm in love (fallin' like the stars)
It took you a year to finally move forward with your life. Bucky still held a piece of you even if he was gone. He was your true love. 
You started working with Peggy, finding comfort in your work with her. And when they started the talk of creating a female version of Captain America, you didn’t hesitate to volunteer. 
You knew there was a purpose to your life and when the opportunity presented itself, something within you just knew. You knew it in your gut, just how you knew that nobody else could ever make you feel the way you felt about Bucky.
And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast We're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love And I'm not scared to say those words with you, I'm safe We're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love
“Y/N?” Steve knocked on your door. “Can I come in?”
It’s been two months since you came out of the ice and over 70 since you were put in there. Everyone you knew and loved had long passed, except for Steve and Peggy, who was holding onto her last breath of life. You had become a super soldier like Steve, another experiment gone right. 
“Come in.” You replied, shutting the book you were reading. The Twilight Series; you wanted to get caught up on the times and Wanda said this is what everyone was reading. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know where to start.” Steve said once he entered your room. “I wasn’t allowed to tell you until he was fixed up.”
“He?” You sat up, confused. “Vision? Does he want his room back? I can start packing no-”
“No, not Vision.” He sat beside you on your bed. “A year ago, we found Bucky. We’ve been treating him ever since.”
“Yeah,” Steve continued. “He’s alive, Y/N. But there’s a lot about him that’s different. He’s not the same Buck that we used to know.”
“Where is he?”
Your mind completely shut down after he said that Bucky was alive. Your Bucky. 
“Downstairs. Tony just transferred him from Wakanda.”
“Can I see him?” You didn’t wait for his response. You slipped on your shoes and bolted to the elevator. 
You heard Steve’s footsteps closely behind you, “Y/N, wait!”
He caught up to you and watched you press the Lobby button on the elevator. “He’s not the same Bucky. When he first saw me, he didn’t even know who I was, Y/N. I don’t want you to get your hopes up.”
“I don’t care, Steve.”
The elevator dinged and you sucked in a breathe. Could it be real? Bucky is alive? The metal doors slid open and you saw Tony, staring at you carefully behind his glasses and a man, long-haired, wearing a white tank top that showcased a glistening metal arm. The man turned around upon hearing footsteps behind him and that’s when you knew. Bucky.
“Bucky,” You stopped in your tracks when your eyes met his. Even after 70 years, you knew. Your gut knew. “Do you remember me?”
“I don’t break my pinky promises.” His cold eyes changed, the darkness of the grey subsiding, making room for the blue. “Hi, Y/N.”
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Falling for you - T. Holland
Literally falling asleep right now but here we are!! Fluffy goodness for mr Tom Holland (one of the lomls)
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
Falling for you - Colbie Caillat
Seven dates. Three and a half months. Secret meetings to avoid any rumors in the media, yet Tom rarely had an hour to himself where his thoughts weren’t on the woman.
It also didn’t help that she was cast as the female lead in Spider-Man: Far from home.
More specifically, the love interest.
Only seven dates, yet Tom found a strong comfort in her presence. He felt immediately at ease when she was around; he acted better, spoke better, dealt with paparazzi better. She made him feel more confident and in control, while also reducing him to a puddle of nerves with a single smile.
He had it bad, and everybody knew it.
“So you gonna tell her you want her to have your babies, yet?” Jacob asked him, wiggling his eyebrows at the brunet man.
Harrison clipped him round the ear, “no, you idiot. He’s going to propose first!”
Tom simply rolled his eyes at his best mates. If they could tell that Tom was falling fast, then did Y/N know?
If she didn’t, should he tell her?
Is it too soon?
I don't know, but I think I may be fallin' for you. Dropping so quickly.
He wanted to say that he knew her inside and out. Knew what made her heart beat fast, her palms swear, her stomach flip; what little things interested her, the way her nose crinkled when she was focusing, or even the way she slept, but he didn’t.
He knew so much about her, yet so little at the same time.
He knew her hopes and dreams, how many kids she wanted, her views on global warming, her career aspirations, her family life, but he didn’t know the little things.
He wanted to know everything about her, for she quickly became everything to him.
He was falling hard, and fast. She was his tipping point, and like Lucifer he left his spot up high, just to plummet into her depths as if she was the earth beneath his feet. Or at least, that’s how he looked at her.
He wanted to tell her, but he didn’t want to scare her off.
Maybe I should keep this to myself. Waiting 'til I know you better
Every time she is near, it’s as if the words are on his lips. He can’t stop himself from staring at her, thinking of how beautiful she is and how he is so happy to call her his.
In an ideal world he would have the courage to tell her everything on his mind without fear of her leaving. His line of work isn’t the most private, and he fears getting close to anybody for fear of being used.
Even now, as they lay on his lounge room floor, staring up at the glow in the dark stars she had painted, his eyes are on her and the words are on his lips.
He yearns to whisper them to her, to hold her body close to his and embrace the warmth of love alongside her.
But does he know her well enough?
I am trying, not to tell you but I want to. I'm scared of what you'll say
She turned her head to face his, their lips a breath apart.
“What’re you thinking about, Tommy?” She smiled at him. A genuine, toothy grin that sent his heart leaping into his throat.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, yet she didn’t budge from her spot.
“Not much, just how beautiful you are,” he sent her a grin to match, and a slight flush rose to her cheeks.
“Whatever you say, lover boy,” she rolled her eyes, pecking him on the lips before turning her gaze back to the randomly painted stars.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her, and she knew. The blush never left her cheeks.
Tom had it bad, and he was dying to tell her.
And so I'm hiding what I'm feeling but I'm tired of holding this inside my head
With Y/N there was almost a constant nibbling inside of Tom’s stomach. A reminder that he adored the woman. He looked at her as if she hung the moon in the sky, and he wanted nothing more than to hold her close and kiss her breath away before telling her the very thoughts running through his head.
Sometimes, the feeling became so overwhelming.
All of his friends had come over for a small gathering, and Tom invited Y/N. He almost couldn’t get through a night without her presence or at least a FaceTime.
He was truly whipped for her.
It was there when he introduced her to his parents. It was there when he noticed the happiness in his mother’s eyes as she spoke to Y/N.
And it was there as she stood close to him, her fingers laced with his as they watched his friends and family dance to the various songs playing through the speakers.
As I'm standing here, and you hold my hand. Pull me towards you and we start to dance
The nibbling turned into neat heart palpitations as she pulled him to the center of everybody and began to dance with him.
Ironically, their dance was to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t hell falling in love”.
When he looked at her, she was all he could see.
The music was a dull hum in the background and the voices of his loved ones faded as well.
It was as if time stopped,
She was the only thing he could focus on, as her hands rested on his body. One on his shoulder and the other clasped in his larger one.
Her body was close to his as they swayed, and his senses were overwhelmed with the intoxicating smell of her shampoo as she rested her head against his chest.
It was exactly the one month anniversary of their relationship becoming official.
Was it too soon?
All around us, I see nobody. Here in silence, it's just you and me
The night ended later than they expected, for Tom was completely absorbed in the woman who stuck by his side the whole time.
He felt his stomach tug as his mother and father hugged her and kissed her goodnight, making sure to invite her over for Sunday roast.
They hadn’t even set a date and he was already buzzing with excitement.
He wanted his family to love her as much as he does.
He knew he loved her, and he needed to tell her.
I've been spending all my time just thinking about ya
The door had finally closed behind the last person and Y/N pulled him by the hands into his lounge room.
The began to sway like they did when they were dancing, and before he had the chance to say anything her small voice piped up.
“Is it wrong to say that I want to stay here forever? In your arms?”
He laughed softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Absolutely not, darling. I would love to be wrapped up in these guns as well,” he lifted one arm from her to flex, earning a smack on the shoulder before she pulled his arm to wrap around her again.
She sighed into her chest, and a feeling of content washed over the room.
She truly was the best thing to calm his racing mind, and he adored it.
I don't know what to do, I think I'm fallin' for you
The words left his lips before he could control it.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he whispered, afraid of the words he released into the air.
She stepped back from him, a quirked eyebrow as she analyzed him.
“I said, I think I’m falling in love with you. I’m sorry, darling. I know it hasn’t been long enough but I just adore everything about you,” he began to ramble, feeling self-conscious underneath her gaze. “There’s just something about you that makes my heart beat like a jackhammer. Whenever you’re around my mind is so much clearer, and I’m so much happier. You’re just so easy to love-“
She raised a finger to his lips, halting his words as his brown eyes focused on the blush and the wide grin that decorated her features.
I've been waiting all my life, and now I found ya
“I’ve been waiting my whole life for somebody like you to waltz in and tell me those words,” she dropped her finger, moving her hand to cup his cheek. “Maybe not in so many words but...”
She trailed off, sending him a small wink as it was now his turn to blush profusely.
“I didn’t want to scare you off,” his smile mirrored hers, only smaller.
She had yet to return his sentiment, and he didn’t mind. He knew how he felt, and everybody develops feelings at different paces, so he was more than ready to wait for if and when she felt the same way.
She scoffed at him, now cradling his face with both cheeks and leaning closer.
“You could never scare me off, Tommy.”
I don't know what to do, I think I'm fallin' for you
“You don’t know that, darling,” he sent her an uneasy smile. His fame had cost him relationships before, and before that it was his intense and fast developing emotions.
He fell too fast and loved too hard, he knew it. And so did everybody else.
It just made him scared.
She feigned a grumpy look, furrowing her brows at her boyfriend.
“Wanna know how I know, Tom?”
Her arms were crossed over her chest and he nodded softly, grinning small at the expression on her face and how adorable he found it.
“I know, Tommy,” she stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms round his neck, “because I’m falling in love with you, as well. Very fast.”
His eyes widened within seconds, and a full smile split onto his face.
“You mean it, princess?”
She rolled her eyes at the nickname that she despised, nodding her head despite the grin on her face.
“I mean it, Tommy. I love you.”
He crashed his lips to hers softly, but with an intense emotion gliding through the contact.
“I love you too, princess.”
I think I'm fallin' for you. I'm fallin' for you
She slapped him once on the back of the head, “I hate that name, and you know it.”
The happiness was evident in both of their laughs.
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Atsumu Miya x F!Reader
Song - Fallin' For you by R5.
Word Count - 2.5k
Genre ~ SFW Fluff 
Posted ~ 15/07/20
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Atsumu had begun to realise that he was slowly falling for his team captains younger sister. She had quickly become one of the team. Then the current manager discovered that she wanted to become a manager herself and took (Y/N) under his wing and to teach her everything he knew about the career while she was studying at the same university as Atsumu.
He had always respected the girl as had gotten to grips with the job and all the rowdy boys on the team pretty quickly, she seemed to have some kind of influence over Bokuto, managing to stop him from having the meltdowns on the court. She manages to explain to Hinata in a way that only he can understand, using the sound effects and everything.
The moment he realised he liked her was the time they had a pool party after a win at Shugo house with more Pizza than a whole team of hyper volley players could eat. He noticed she was wearing a orange with white Polkadot bikini with a coupled with a pair of white shorts, a large floppy straw hat perched on top of her currently pink coloured hair. He loved the fact she was always changing her hair colour, a month ago it was blue. He had once asked why she changed the colour so often, and her reply was once she became the full-time manager should have to go back to her natural coloured hair for professionalism so she wanted to go as many colours as she could while she still could.
She was playful and always having a laugh, and she didn't get angry when her brother pushes her in the pool even with her phone and drink in hand, she just laughed. Atsumu, who had a panic about the phone, he knew that a lot of valuable information about the teams and her university course on it had later discovered that her phone was waterproof.
Once everyone had gone to bed that night, Atsumu couldn't sleep and went downstairs to grab a glass of water when he looked out the window to find someone swimming in the pool under the full moon.
"You're out pretty late," Atsumu said in a quiet voice as if he was scared to ruin the peaceful atmosphere of the garden this late at night, as he sat on the edge of the pool, the water reaching up to just below his knees.
"I love to swim at night when there is a full moon." (Y/N) replied as she leaned her arms on the wall next to him, giving him a smile. "Come on in, bet you will fall asleep after you do" She tugged on his hand, noticing he was in his swim shorts still.
He was mesmerised by her joyous smile, he put his glass down as he let her tug him into the pool.
"Just lie on your back and look up at the moon." He followed what she said and copied her movement as she floated on her back staring up at the sky, the moon and star were so visible against the blackish-blue, cloudless sky, Shugo house was in the countryside a good hour and a half outside Tokyo where the city lights didn't block out the stunning night sky. Atsumu couldn't deny that it wasn't a beautiful sight.
"You all seem to take life so quick on the team but sometimes just lying in a pool and staring at the cosmos is just what you need." (Y/N) said, they were now sat on the edge, leaning back on her hand she continued to stare up at the bright yellow moon.
Atsumu, on the other hand, was staring at her, the moonlight was reflecting off of the water droplets on her sink giving (Y/N) a kind of illuminated look. Her hair in a messy ponytail, a few strands had become lose falling on the back of her neck, and around her face, he could see her natural (H/C) in patches around the roots and through the rest of hair where the semi-permanent dye had faded over the last four weeks.
"What colour are you going to dye your hair next?" His brown eyes watched as her eyebrows frowned in thought, as she was tried to work out what colour she hadn't gone yet.
"Huh, maybe green, I don't think I have done green yet." She laughed, it was like music to his ears, her eyes creased up at the side with a smile that reached them as she laughed.
That was when he realised that he was falling for her.
The next morning just made it more apparent when she slid into the kitchen in a pair of cotton pyjama shorts, an oversized t-shirt or her favourite movie logo on the front and knee-high mismatch polka dot socks, half of her hair had fallen out the bun she tied it in before going to sleep, opening the fridge she grabbed one of the left over pizza boxes out and leaned against the counter munching on the stone-cold Pizza. While the ones who had been on the team a while shook their heads used to how (Y/N) was with cold Pizza, Bokuto and Hinata just watched frowning, wondering what cold Pizza was like, while Atsumu had a gentle look of adoration for this quirky girl.
"Kou, Sho, stop staring at me like I'm crazy just try some." She shoved the box towards the two boys. "When I was studying abroad, after nights out we would get pizza, it was the worst pizza you had ever had if you were sober but drunk and hungover it was the best thing ever, one of the girls used to eat it the next morning cold when we woke up, and I tried it and never turned back, I have never reheated it since."
The two boys picked up a slice each dubious of whether they should be eating this for breakfast. All eyes were on them as they took a bite, their eyes lit up and suddenly demolished the whole slice. "Pizza is always better the next day and cold! 'Tsumu, try some too," She had a goofy grin on her face. Yep, Atsumu was falling hard and fast for this quirky, sweet girl.
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It was a few weeks later before he finally got the confidence up to ask her out to grab some coffee just the two of them, she gladly agreed. He couldn't believe how cute she looked sat opposite him in the booth, wearing a pair of pale yellow shorts and a red tank top, she had dyed her hair green earlier in the week, and she still looked beautiful and somehow managed to pull it of with the clothes she was wearing. They were talking just about anything that came to mind, from the fact that kola's fingerprints often get confused at crime sense for humans to how they felt about Avengers infinity war.
When they had decided to take a walk in the park together, it suddenly began to rain, the weatherman had not forecast this, it was meant to be in the high 20's today. While Atsumu looked for the nearest tree to take shelter under, (Y/N) had spread her arms out wide and chucked her head back in laughter as she spun around on the spot in the tracheal down poor of rain.
"'Tsumu! Dance with me" Grabbing his hand, attempting to pull the boy out from under the tree where the raindrops are still falling on him ever so slightly from the leaves. She was the only person like this, and he loved her, he had completely and utterly fallen head over heels for her. She might be crazy, he never wanted her to change the way she loved life. He smiled and let her pull him out into the rain. (Y/N) she was drenched head to toe, her hair plaster to her face and neck. She linked one hand with his and placed the other on his shoulder, his other hand on the small of her back, while they waltz around the open area. People who had taken shelter nearby were watching the pair, the older couples smiled at pair of them, others looked at them like they're crazy. Children had started to jump in the puddle that were forming.
In a split second, he had decided he want to spend the rest for his life with this girl, he wanted to dance in the rain with her whenever it poured, see her in mismatch sock, she happened to be wearing an odd pair of footsie today, he had noticed them creeping out from under her ballet pumps. He wanted to lay on the grass or float in the pool, staring up at the stars with her.
"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to kiss you." He mumbled, resting his forehead against hers. She caught her lower lip between her teeth grinning at him.
He stopped them moving, as he pushed her wet hair that was plastered to her face behind her ear before cupping her face in both his hands while his chocolate brown one's stared deeply into her (E/C) ones, looking for any hint of fear or panic before leaning down, placing a delicate kiss, scared that she was run away, when he felt her kiss him back and her arms weave around his neck, her fingers threaded through his drenched dyed blond hair, he couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
"Be mine?" Going up on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips against his again. That was all he needed for his question to be answered. His arms enveloped her waist as he picked her up, spinning her around, drops of water flew off the pair of them as they span around laughing together.
Hand in hand they ran back to Atsumu's apartment, seeing as it was the closest to the park they were at, just getting them more soaked at they ran, but they just laughed far too happy to care or even think about how waterlogged they were at this point. Finally, on arrival at his apartment, they kicked off their wet shoes and sock before Atsumu went and found some towels for the pair of them while showing (Y/N) to the bathroom where she could take a shower to warm up.
"'Tsumu? I don't have anything else to wear, so I'm just going to head home" She told him when he said she could have a shower and change. His eyes widen, as a blush formed over his cheeks.
"I may have something, you can't walk home that drenched." He ran in the direction of what she assumed was his room and watched him reappeared with one of his t-shirts, that was clearly going to be too big for the shorter girl.
"Thanks" Her own blush forming over her cheeks as she took the t-shirt.
"If you change out of your clothes and put them outside the door I'll throw them in the drier for you." She nodded closing the door, quickly changing out of there clothes and bit her lip when she realised her underwear was just as soaked. She folded her clothes hiding her bra and panties in between her t-shirt and shorts, wrapped the towel around herself and opened the door before placing them on the floor outside the door, hoping that Atsumu will just put them in the drier like that.
"I put them outside the door." She called out to him.
Atsumu walked over at picked up the pile before throwing them in the drier, out the corner of his eye, he saw something lacey and (F/C) as he closed the door to the drier causing the blush to erupt all over his face and up to his ears, he instantly knew what that was. He was known as a player, but he wasn't it was just the vibe he gave off, what he really wanted was to just find that girl he could spend his life with. He had actually only slept with girls he had been in relationships with but it was totally different when he noticed that girl he wanted to spend his life with underwear, matching he added, was in his drier and she was in the shower right now about to walk out in just his shirt with nothing under it. That was doing things and making him think some stuff that he really wishes wasn't on the first date. Calming himself down, he turned on the drier before heading towards his room grabbing a change of clothes for himself, trying to get the picture of her in that matching set out of his head before (Y/N) came out of the shower. He heard the water turn off and not long after to the lock on the clicked and the door opened. His eyes flicked to door to see her stood there, rubbing her hair with a smaller towel looking a little bashful, while he was definitely sure that t-shirt looked better on her than it ever did on him.
"I'm going to have a quick shower, make yourself comfortable." He got up off the couch, he grabbed the tv remote and passed it to her as he headed towards the bathroom for his own shower. Seeing (Y/N) in his t-shirt didn't help all the thoughts going through his mind, he turns on the shower, letting the water roll over him as he sighed he placed his hands against the wall trying so hard to get the thought out of his head, he'd been having these thoughts for weeks, but now that she was here it was different, she was right there, and now she was his girl. 'Atsumu, no, get your thoughts in check, you don't want to scare her off.'
(Y/N) sat in the sitting room, she stood up from the sofa and headed for the room where she assumed where the drier was, opening it she found her matching undie in there, they had dried off, she quickly pulled on her panties up and under the shirt and slipped on her bra before heading back to the sofa. Grinning she grabbed the blanket from the back off to couch before settling into the sofa and flicking through the tv channels till she finally landed on Disney movies, Brother bear was playing it was at the part where Koda had found Kenai hanging by his foot from a tree.
Opening the door to the bathroom, Atsumu leaned against the door frame watching his girl cuddled up in a blanket, watching a Disney movie. Quietly sneaking up behind her, leaning on the back of the couch, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Brother bear, really baby?"
"Yep! I haven't watched it in years, it's a great movie, and all about brotherly love." grabbing his hand; she tugged him around on to the sofa, when he finally sat down she snuggled into his side and pulled the blanket over him. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer than she already was.
This was just where he wanted to be, snuggled on the sofa with the girl of his dreams watching Disney movies, eating takeout, or dancing in the rain, whatever it was if that's what makes her happy then he was delighted to do that with her.
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Haikyuu Masterlist
©️ All content  belongs to lilmissbeanie, do not copy, edit, repost or translate. 
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