#n leaf is VERY useful for the poison
sexysilverstrider · 2 years
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everything was going so well even ice steven behaved n hit enemies but then i had to use my brain at round 4 and round 5
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blackmoonoracle · 1 day
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Soooo, you’ve definitely got a pretty decent release coming in during the month of october. I specifically heard the releasing of a karmic contract, so, I truly love that for you. You could be making a decision about a connection, it definitely feels like a past energy though. Some sort of cycle you’ve experienced with a particular soul over and over again. You put a stop to this though, I feel like you called it like it was. I’m channeling Vultures by Earl Sweatshirt and the beginning of the song literally goes. “I’ve been on the run, that’s why I go harder than you go. Plus I call em how I see em, maybe that’s why I’m all alone.” Season of the Witch is currently playing and it’s the part that goes “you’ve got to pick up every stitch” it feels like an energy of uprooting. I do feel like this pile has a tendency to hold onto people that don’t serve them in any way shape or form. Channeling Serve the Servants by Nirvana, in specific this part stands out:
“I just want you to know that I don't hate you anymore There is nothing I could say that I haven't thought before”
There feels like a specific intention in this pile to remove themselves from relationships that are dragging them down.
Something may be occurring that is causing you to let go of this connection, like something is going to make you realize you’re wasting your time. It’s not like usual either, it’s like this undismissable feeling of disgust and realization.
The mask is being ripped off, and in a very ugly way LOL.
I feel like whatever information you’re going to learn from this situation is actually going to help you develop better self esteem and turn a new leaf. It feels like a sigh of relief, this person possibly made you feel like you weren’t good enough, or were a bad person. I heard “I’m always the problem” and you’re going to realize that you aren’t and never were the problem.
I literally heard “reactive abuse”.
If you’d like to book a personal reading you can always dm me on here or instagram.
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You guys are making social waves the month of october by setting harsh boundaries and restrictions in place with others. I heard “Look but don’t touch” I feel like there may be some kind of drama going on in october. I did hear workplace, so for some of you this could be career/reputation/workplace related drama and bs bubbling over. I see you taking things into your own hands and very critically thinking about the situation so you can make a solid decision that is balanced and fair. I also heard “in your favor” I feel like whoever this person you have issues with is doesn’t have a very good reputation. It’s almost like this person speaking so negatively of you constantly is really aggravating other people. Especially because you don’t really talk about them at all. You’ve pretty much moved on from whatever this is.
I heard “bitter ex friend” and I also heard “bite the bullet” and I heard something about a poison apple? Someone could have tried to use an apple in some sort of hex or spellwork towards you. It could be also that someone has poisonous intentions of trying to gain access to you and that you are putting that shit to a stop.
I heard scorpio, so this person could be a scorpio. I see you essentially making a judgment on this person socially which is going to cause other people to really see them in a different light. You could also be bringing context or clarity to some kind of situation, you hold missing information or you are a missing link in some way. I also heard complexity, so this situation could be very complex.
This new judgment will teach you to be more selfish with your time and resources so that you can create a genuine balance in your life.
Too much gratitude I heard, which is lowkey crazy? I think that what that means is that essentially sometimes you put shit on a pedestal. There’s a self worth wound being worked out in this situation tbh.
If you’d like to book a personal reading you can always dm me on here or instagram.
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I see a new financial opportunity becoming available in the month of october for you, something unexpected. It could be in something with creation of some kind, doing and creating content possibly even? I see you handling business matters and phone calls of some kind? I heard admin, so some sort of administrative position? I also heard dream job, so for some of you this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity or for others this could be a really solid offer. I also heard high caliber, but I’m also hearing don’t work yourself to death. This group feels very capricorn type of energy, addicted to working, you love making money. I see where you’ve fought long and hard to get into whatever position is being given to you. I see where you’ve lost so much, in search of stability and I feel like you will need to face your shadow of lack and insecurity while in this job position or offer. It almost feels like some of you may try to eject yourself out of the situation because you’re scared or because it feels too good to be true? I feel like this is a good opportunity, but don’t get wrapped up in social liaison I heard. I feel like you have to learn to be comfortable with not fitting in or being like neck deep in a community. You’re meant to be a bit of an outlier at this current point in time because you are learning something new. You’ve already developed the social skills, this is about developing a deeper personal skillset that you can really utilize to drive you to your success.
I see this group really coming to terms with the past, and releasing either the fear of being seen for who you are. I’m also hearing “of being heard” a fear of being perceived for who you really are. You are healing your relationship to yourself, i heard “grotesque” you might be really mean to yourself a lot of the time. Like highkey you are very impatient and cruel to yourself at times and it lowkey sucks for you. I also heard don’t lose sight of what you have, this new opportunity is here for you to milk it for what it has to offer and then dip when things begin to culminate on a deeper scale for you. Some of you could really go through a deep spiritual awakening and learn what happiness truly means to you as a result of this.
If you’d like to book a personal reading you can always dm me on here or instagram
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
Sorry I'm invading your inbox again but I wanna see what you do with this song. Can be with any character. I just wanna see what amazing thing you come up with (when you have the time of course)
the broken self
carlisle cullen x fem!reader
word count: 1.1k
warning: esme simply does not exist in this one, mention of the tough past, our reader is not a vampire and i don't think she's aware of what carlisle is
summary: If I could start again, I would find a way. Now, you've been given the chance, so what's your next move?
a/n: hey, hello!!<33 thank you so much for your request, as always! in case you don't like what i have prepared, i'm sorry. in my defence, i didn't know from the very beginning which way it was going to go and i've always been pretty terrible at interpreting things (me writing for twilight was not on my bingo list for this year, but the autumn weather outside the window has made me do so. happy hua hua hua hua huooooaaa season!!)
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
also, my requests are open!
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
The Cullen house was bathed in the soft, fading light of the setting sun, casting long, amber shadows that stretched across the polished wooden floors. It was a striking contrast to the usual vitality that filled the grand halls and spacious rooms, typically bustling with the presence of the vampire family. But on this particular evening, the house felt still and serene, as if time had momentarily paused.
With each step down the wooden stairs, you could feel the texture of the handrail beneath your fingertips. You ran your hand gently along its length, a small ritual to dispel the dust that had managed to settle on it in the absence of bustling activity. The house seemed to sigh in response, as if it too welcomed your presence in the calmness.
As you made your way through the dimly lit corridors, you reached the doorway of Carlisle's study. The soft glow of a desk lamp illuminated the room, casting a warm and inviting aura within. There, in the center of the study, sat Carlisle, his slender frame framed by the golden light.
Carlisle looked up from the book he had been leafing through. He welcomed you with a faint smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, but held the warmth of familiarity.
As you stood in the entrance of the room, bathed in the warm, inviting glow, your mind churned with thoughts that had plagued you for far too long. You couldn't help but contrast the serenity of this moment with the turmoil that had defined your past. In this peaceful space, it was easy to forget the chaos you once reveled in, the empire of dirt you had built brick by brick.
Your eyes met Carlisle's, his gaze always so kind and understanding, yet you couldn't escape the unease gnawing at your heart. You had come so far since those dark days of your past, but the shadows of your former self still clung to you like an unshakable curse. You'd worked hard to change, to become someone unrecognizable even to yourself, but the weight of your past sins still weighed heavily on your conscience.
As you gazed into Carlisle's warm eyes, you couldn't help but remember who you used to be. A master of deception, a manipulator of hearts, you had once reveled in the power you held over others. Lies had flowed from your lips like sweet poison, carefully crafted to serve your own desires. You had toyed with people's emotions, played with their feelings as if they were nothing more than pawns in your game.
The memories of your past self weighed on you like an anchor, threatening to drag you back into the abyss you had fought so hard to escape. You had come to Carlisle seeking redemption, seeking a chance to be better, but a gnawing fear lingered in the depths of your soul. What if you were incapable of truly loving someone? What if your capacity to hurt ran deeper than you dared to admit?
These doubts, these insecurities, they clawed at your heart, and you couldn't help but wonder if Carlisle would eventually become another casualty of your brokenness. In his presence, you felt a warmth you had never known before, a genuine kindness that seemed to radiate from his very being. It was a stark contrast to the false facades you had once worn so effortlessly, a reminder of the person you aspired to become.
“Y/N?” the sound of your name suddenly pierced the cocoon of your thoughts, snapping you back to the present. You blinked a few times, returning your focus to Carlisle, who had been regarding you all along with his gentle, unwavering gaze. “Is everything all right?” he inquired, genuine concern evident in his voice. A faint furrow appeared between his brows, underscoring the authenticity of his worry.
You quickly composed yourself, as if slipping into a familiar role. “Oh, yes,” you responded swiftly, putting on a mask of laughter. With a gentle smile, you began to make your way toward Carlisle's desk. “I just got lost in my thoughts,” you added, your tone light and carefree.
The last thing you wanted was for Carlisle to glimpse the chaos within you, to see the shards of your past self that still clung to your soul. The fear that he might stop caring about you if he knew who you used to be was a heavy burden to bear.
As you continued your charade of nonchalance, a wave of hypocrisy washed over you. It was absurd, really, that you, who had always been the one to leave others when you grew bored, now found yourself terrified of abandonment.
“What are you reading?” you asked, your voice casual and genuinely curious as you circled Carlisle's desk and stood behind him, placing your hands gently on his cold shoulders. You were truly interested in the lecture he had been engrossed in, hoping to engage him in conversation and keep him from delving too deeply into your own thoughts.
Carlisle looked up from the pages of the book, a warm smile gracing his lips. “Just some recent research on rare genetic disorders,” he replied, his voice tinged with enthusiasm. “It's fascinating how people's understanding of these conditions continues to evolve.”
You smiled in response to Carlisle's passion. His love for his work was one of the many things that drew you to him, a stark contrast to your past life where you had feigned interest for the sake of appearances.
“That does sound fascinating,” you said genuinely, your hands still resting lightly on his shoulders. “You always manage to make the things I don’t even understand intriguing," you laughed softly.
Carlisle's smile widened at your compliment, and he leaned back slightly in his chair, allowing your hands to linger on his shoulders. “Thank you,” he replied warmly.
A comfortable silence settled between you, the weight of unspoken words and fears still present but momentarily pushed aside by the connection you shared. There was this strange, unexplainable attraction to this man, an irresistible force that dragged you closer to him, just like when a magnet pulls things together.
After a moment, you broke the silence, your tone casual. “You know,” you began, “if you're not too busy, maybe we could go for a walk later. It’s already dark outside, but I think the weather is lovely, and it's been a while since we had some quality time together.”
Carlisle's eyes brightened at the suggestion, and he nodded eagerly. “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” he agreed. “I'd love to.”
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cayleeuhithinknot · 7 days
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉. . .during a fun camping trip with your friends, you end up bonding with the person you swore you hated. all over a tent.
cw: SMUT WITH PLOT, making out, unprotected p in v (wrap it please), cursing, use of pet names and y/n, oral (m receiving), getting caught kinda (oop), hair pulling, bigdick!chris (oop), softdom!chris and sub!reader. and probably more but i might’ve forgot😭 also not proofread (SORRY)
-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛--ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-
“who’s idea was this again?” madi asks, the sound of her boots mushing on the soil like nails on a chalkboard.
“chris. who else would choose something as dumb as this to spend our weekend doing?” you reply, trudging through the leaves and branches. chris scoffs, shoving you lightly.
“you might wanna hit the gym more, y/n. i’m chilling.” he boasts. and very evidently, chris is lying. the sweat beading up and trickling down the side of his face, the way he took ragged breaths, and the pink hue forming on his pale skin were all indications that the stupid, exhausting trip up to your camping site was getting to him.
just like it was getting to you and the other 3.
usually, the triplets will drag you around to do all this stuff in the woods. but, madi? she doesn’t get out in the wilderness much. not necessarily that you were very cut out for it either. madi seems to have it the worst out of the 5 of you.
she’s been complaining about it ever since the first hour of the trip.
nick and matt were taking it more dramatically than you’d expected. matt swears he’s some wilderness and nature expert, but once you bring him in the woods, he’ll start telling you that every little leaf—even the harmless ones—is poison ivy.
“oh my gosh, we need to take a break,” nick huffs, stopping in his tracks to bend down and rest his hands on his thighs. “i know right—chris, how much longer?” matt agrees, expectantly turning to look at chris for an answer.
“an hour. how many times have i told you guys that it’s a 3 hour trip?” chris snaps back, making you roll your eyes.
this omniscient, cocky, egotistical attitude of his was starting to make you mad. he’d been acting this way the entire trip. going on and on about how he was the “leader” or something. and you’d have to endure it for a grand total of 2 days.
so far, you’ve been putting up with it for 2 hours straight, and you’ve gotten to the point where one singular impertinent comment or remark will make you burst.
it’s worse than the sun burning your scalp, your achy back, and your sweat ruining your freshly washed hair. so much for that everything shower the night before…
“we’re not taking another fucking break, nick! just push through.” chris follows up.
madi rolls her eyes too, shooting you a look to which you just shrug. a snarky “i told you so” rests at the tip of your tongue. it wasn’t your idea after all. when chris first proposed this idea to you, you’d warned him that this was how it was gonna go. but, of course, he didn’t listen.
you were no stranger to his stupid endeavors. in fact, you were possibly the person that was the most familiar with his sometimes irritable personality.
but, was he your bestfriend?
one might call him that.
but, is he also incredibly annoying and you can’t stand to be alone with him for more than 20 minutes?
yes. yes, he is.
the final hour passes, but it feels like 3 more with each aching step.
“this the campsite?” madi asks. she’s out of breath and water, just like everyone else.
“yeah,” you manage to get out, taking in the scenery and the woodsy smell.
“dude, this is crazy!” matt shouts, excitedly wrapping his arms around nick’s neck and ruffling his hair. this was right up matt’s alley.
“ouch, dude—yes, yeah, so cool” nick agrees, attempting to pry his brother off of him.
the near 3 hours of what felt like the five stages of grief were instantly made worth it after all.
the sparkling lake in the very back, the colorful flowers and whimsical trees, the animals chirping?
it’s beautiful, mesmerizing, and screams relaxation.
oh, who are you kidding? nothing could repair 3 ongoing hours of enduring christopher sturniolo.
“alright, let’s set up tents,” you sigh, stepping toward the grassy patch under a nice shady tree.
“i want that spot,” chris says, standing right in front of you. “too bad. take that one.” you say, pointing to the tree beside yours with a tight-lipped smile. chris scoffs at that, messing up your hair before walking past to the tree you’d pointed at.
you irritatedly readjust your hair, watching nick and matt goof around and nearly pushing each other into the glistening lake.
“i wish i was that careless…” madi mumbles to you, shaking her head as she watches them as well. “me, too…” you agree, fumbling with one of the tents bars.
everything had been going dandy with the set-up process of your tent. but, one bar simply won’t stay where it needs to.
frustrated, you drop the bar in the grass, watching half of the tent cave in on itself as you crouch down to try and further examine the issue. a couple of footsteps can be heard from behind you, a chuckle accommodating them.
“need help with that?” chris asks, getting down to your level, his eyes scanning the scattered pieces in the dirt.
chris tsks, hands going straight to work to reassemble your tent. you can tell he’s making an effort to stay focused in your presence, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, his tongue every now and then darting out to swipe over his pink lips.
your eyes travel down to his veiny hands working on building this contraption. “you done?” he taunts, waving his hand in front of your face.
chris clicks his tongue, an amused smirk spreading across his face.
“i said are you done?” he repeats himself, and you just now notice that he’s finished setting up your tent. “with what?” you ask, already deeply annoyed with this attitude he’s carrying.
“staring. if you want me so bad, just tell me. use that loud mouth for somethin’ useful, yeah?”
“ew, you’re gross. thanks for the help, but i won’t be sucking your dick in return.”
his smile is insufferable. that low, cocky tone he uses and the way he leans in closer just to tease you.
“how cute. i didn’t even mention that. but, now i guess i know what goes on in your head, huh?” he hums lowly before standing up, leaving you all by your lonesome on the ground.
“oh god, shut up” you scoff. he laughs at you, jogging off toward the rest of the group.
that night, the 5 of you come across a slight problem.
“so, what you’re saying is…you need to go to the store?” chris groans, plopping down in one of the folding chairs you’d brought.
madi nods, “dude, we totally thought one of us had brought the bag of food!”
“for the record, madi and i were fully convinced that nick had it. but, i guess he’s a little…forgetful at times.” matt defends.
“and you’re noticing that now?” you reply, your eyes practically rolling back into your skull.
today, it’s really starting to seem like everyone here shares the same half of a braincell.
“well, no—but, i mean, it was too late anyway—“ nick protests, rubbing the nape of his neck.
you’d all come to the conclusion that nobody managed to bring anything except for the chips that chris had, of course, eaten on the hike to the camp site.
chris pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing with evident frustration.
“now what?”
crickets. literally.
“guys, cmon” you chime in.
madi looks at her phone, “i could call a cab to the main street? it’s only a 25 minute walk there through the woods.”
matt and nick hum.
“okay, sounds like the best option.” you sigh, twirling your hair around your finger. chris looks up at you from his seat.
“yeah, we��ll set up the fire and you guys go to the—“
“no way.” you scoff, looking at chris with wide eyes. he responds with an annoyed laugh, running his hands over his thighs. “seriously?”
“dead serious,” you nod.
silence, once again…
chris practically shoots up from his chair and takes off to the campfire. and for the very first time, the air feels heavy. you awkwardly look back to the other 3, who are staring at you like some deer in headlights.
“yeah, uhm, just go. i’ll take care of him.” you shake your head and they nod, say their goodbyes, and make their way back through the woods to the main street.
a pit forms in your stomach, anxiety creeping up your body as you approach chris. you’ve never felt bad for insulting or bickering with him, mostly because he always returned the behavior.
but this time? it was different. this time, it hurt. something shifted inside of you when you saw his icy blue eyes glimmer, almost like he was hurt himself.
the way his jaw clenches when you approach his visibly angry figure makes you shiver, even in this warm weather.
“what?” he snaps, breaking a branch and throwing the pieces into the little stack he’d created.
“im sorry,” you mutter, the attitude still evident in your voice. there’s a pause.
“you piss me off so much,” he says, locking his eyes on yours. his eyes are dark, almost intimidating. the air gets heavier now. you try to ignore it. ignore the goosebumps creeping onto your arms from his voice.
“we’re equal then.”
his tongue grazes the inside of his cheek, eyebrows furrowing.
“no, we’re not. we can’t be.”
the anger inside you boils up quickly. “why? because you’re so much better than everyone?” you spit.
"no. because you think i'm insufferable and you don't want me around" he replies, cutting you off.
“what’s not equal about that? you literally hate me-"
“shut up" he says, this time fully cutting you off.
“excuse me?" you laugh out in disbelief,
“i said shut up.”
“you know what? no, because-"
"oh my god will you shut up? ‘I hate you?’ Are you insane?" borderline yelling, his eyes never leave yours, staring you down.
this time, you really don’t have anything to say.
“i ‘hate you’?” he quotes you. “seriously? like i haven’t obviously been in love with you for years? like i can’t take my eyes off you, like the only reason i ‘show off’ is to impress you? like it doesn’t hurt my feelings when you act like it’s the worst thing in the world to be near me?” he rambles.
the words leave his mouth so quickly, neither your mind or his can really catch up. panting, he looks up at you, nervously biting his lower lip, seemingly realizing what he’d just admitted to.
he runs a hand through his messy hair.
“look, i—“
“chris.” now, it’s your turn to interrupt him.
“if you don’t kiss me right now, i’ll kill you.”
at your words, he wastes no time ruthlessly crashing his lips into yours, grabbing you by the waste with greedy hands and pressing your body up to his.
his lips are needy, eagerly dancing against yours, a groan slipping out here and there. you sigh softly, your hands finding his stubbled jaw to pull him impossibly closer.
his teeth bite at your lower lip, making you open up just enough for him to easily slip his tongue in, exploring the new area. a couple of minutes—which felt like days—go by until he breaks it, ragged and heavy breathing coming from the both of you. he rests his forehead against yours.
“holy shit,” you whisper, making a smirk creep across his face before he connects your lips once more. “i need you so bad.” he murmurs into your mouth.
you pull away this time, hands on his shoulders as you take in the beautiful view in front of you. his swollen pink lips, his barely illuminated face, his tousled hair. “if this whole thing was just your tactic to get me to fuck you, you’re gonna drown in that lake.” you laugh, slapping his shoulder lightly. he rolls his eyes, hoisting you up in his arms and making his way to his tent.
“unfortunately, i am embarrassingly madly in love with you, but if you don’t wanna fuck—“
you shut him up by kissing him. “don’t ruin the mood.” you say as he sets you down and you climb into his tent on all fours. his eyes trail down to your ass, how it hangs out of your shorts. he follows in after you once you situate yourself.
as soon as he comfortably gets in next to you, his hands find your hips. “we don’t have a lot of time, pretty. i’ll make it up to you when we get home, yeah?” he says, pulling your shorts and panties down at the same time. you bite your lip, the sound of him taking off his pants adding to your excitement.
“it’s okay chris, i’m as desperate as you are.” your words earn a slap on your ass from him. “so did you imagine sucking my dick?” he teases, grabbing at the soft plush of your ass. “many times.”
chris pulls off his boxers and your eyes travel down, widening at his size. his dick frees from it’s entrapment, tapping his stomach. you hungrily gaze at the precum beading at his tip, it’s an angry pink. “you wanna make those fantasies come true, hm?” he asks, a grin creeping across his face. you nod eagerly, causing a dry chuckle to lowly leave his lips. “c’mon then.”
you get down so that you’re level with his dick and rest your hands on his thighs. you grab the base of it, kitten licking at the tip to tease him a little. you lick a few stripes from bottom to top, earning a guttural groan from chris. he shifts his hand into your hair, twisting it into a makeshift ponytail. “c’mon, y/n.”
you chuckle before slowly taking his length into your mouth. tears immediately start to prick at your eyes. not that you cared, though. chris notices this and gives you some reassurance. “you’re okay, doin’ so good f’me. breathe through your nose, yeah?”
he starts to move your head up and down himself, letting out low moans. “you okay if i go faster, baby?” he asks. you know he’s obviously hoping for a yes. you manage an “uh-huh” and at your words, he’s immediately picking up the pace. the riskiness, the built-up tension, the feel of your mouth around his dick, the sound of your chokes, all of it. it just brings him closer and closer to the sweet release.
“ah, fuck—‘m so close, baby, gonna let me cum in your pretty mouth, hm?” he groans, tossing his head back. once again, you manage a response. “good fuckin’ girl,” he mutters, thrusting his dick into your mouth. next thing you know, a warm, thick liquid is shooting down your throat. he pull you off of him and you swallow the remnants of his orgasm. “did s’good f’me, baby.” he praises, stroking you cheek with his thumb.
“gonna let me fuck you? gonna let me fuck that pussy i’ve been dreamin’ about?” he asks, his fingers trailing down to your pussy. he runs his finger through your slickness, stopping to rub your clit. “y-yes, yes, please” you beg, stuttering over your words at the feel of his finger on your clit.
“mhm, i thought so.” he says, flipping you over. he runs his tip up and down your slit, eliciting a whine to fall from your lips. he finally positions himself at your entrance, teasing you some more. “fuck, you’re so sexy, can i pull your hair?” he groans, positioning his hands on your hips momentarily. “damn, you freak, yeah, you can,” you reply.
a strangled moan leaves your lips when he pushes his entire length into you, one of his hands keeping it’s grip while one goes up to your hair again, gathering it up to pull on it. “fuck, you’re so tight—you’re not a virgin, are you baby?” he huffs, keeping his pace slow for the time-being.
you breathlessly giggle between moans, gripping at the fabric of the tent floor. “no—i’m not, you’re just—fuck—huge,” you manage. he throws his head back again, pulling on your hair while his hips pick up speed significantly, hitting that spot inside you over and over again.
the both of you are trying to keep your moans down, given that there’s another campsite nearby. yours are muffled by the floor of the tent, chris’ low growls only loud enough for you to hear. “you feel so good—i’ve wanted to fuck this tight pussy for ages,” he mutters, letting go of your hair momentarily to harshly pull your hips back against him, making you meet his thrust half way.
your knees felt weak, pressing into the ground beneath you. the string in your stomach starts to pull, signaling that you were getting closer. “you’re mine now, right baby? my pretty pussy, my girl?” you let out a high-pitched “yes”, a borderline squeal, followed by a plea of his name. “gonna cum?” he growls, pushing himself as deep as he can inside of you.
you only manage to nod. you’re mind’s practically gone blank, the only thing roaming it is the feeling of chris inside of you. the “string” inside of you is starting fray, threatening to snap any minute. “f-fuck!” you squeal, slapping a hand over your mouth as the string finally snaps. your legs shake, your whole body practically convulsing as you cum on his dick.
“mhm, fuck—‘m cummin’, baby,” chris purrs. his moans are deep, his thrusts slowing but not stopping, just to help the both of you ride out your highs. spurts of his cum coat the walls of your cunt, and you can feel it shooting deep inside of you. a few minutes of silence pass as he rests inside of you. but then, he pulls out, watching the strings of your arousal disconnect from your cunt and cover his entire shaft.
he gently rubs his thumbs over your hips before flipping you back over onto your back. you smile up at him weakly, watching as he cleans the both of you up carefully. he was using a spare towel that was originally for the lake. he pulls your panties and shorts back onto you, slipping his boxers and pants back on afterward. he lays down next to you.
“i, uh..i left marks on your hips. does it hurt? i didn’t really realize how hard i was, uh…gripping.” he asks worriedly, peppering kisses on your cheeks. you shake your head, reassuringly intertwining your hand with his.
“it’s okay. kinda weird to see you bein’ nice, wow.” the urge to tease him returns of course, nudging his nose with yours. chris bites your cheek playfully, then he smothers your face with wet kisses. “stooooop” you whine as a wide smile cracks across your face.
“i’m obsessed with you, jeez, you don’t even know.” he mumbles, cupping your face in his hands.
“should we like…knock or something?” matt says awkwardly.
the 3 of them stand maybe 2 yards from your tent. and they have been for the past 20 minutes, bags in each hand.
“uhm…sure?” madi replies.
“well, at least we know they get along now…” nick sighs, turning around to make his way back to the campfire.
-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛--ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-
a/n: hi hi!! this was like so fun to write wtf?? i know some of it doesnt make a lot of sense😭 but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!! pleaseee leave requests and asks thank u!!<3 love uuu
tags: @sturn-saturn @xysbree @sturniolos4life16 @emely9274 @pearlzier
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oh-its-souichi · 2 years
Marry, Part 2
Sakuna x Reader
The walk to him felt like a death march. The closer you got to the room he occupied the heavier the air got, it krept down your throat like fingers scratching and suffocating the softest parts of you. You weren't ready to face him yet. Werent ready to pathetically respond to whatever he had to say to you. You imagined the way his smiled, his sharp shark toothed grin, his nails were sharp to. You wondered if there was still the blood of the other girls underneath his fingernails and if your blood was bound to rest there too.
To your dismay, you came to a sliding door, the color a peaceful brown. "Remember," you maid hushed. "He likes a quiet woman, strong yet docile. Dont talk much, but respond when you see fit, least you want to join the other mangled girls." You nodded her eyes, locking onto yours. There was a hint of desperation just as there had been in your fathers. "I will do well" you said gently resting your hand on her shoulder. She nodded and knocked lightly at the door. "Our lord, I have brought y/n, may we enter?" She said her voice beautiful and calm the panic you saw vacating her body. There was a long silence before there was a loud knock.
Your maid slid open the door, and you braced yourself for the horrorshow you were about to walk into. You expected to see Sakuna surrounded by gutted and sorrowful bodies sitting on a thrown of viscera and bones, a disgusting smile on his face. You followed your maid into the room and were shocked by what your eyes saw.
It was a beautiful room, dark brown wood, and an open window looking out to the garden. The room was the very meaning of peace, simple and beautiful. Sakuna sat at a low table in a leaf green robe looking like a regular man, not a monster. You hated he dared dressed like a person, and found yourself pissed at the fact he wasn't clothed like the bloody, dirty animal he was.
You stood before him bowing with your maid. "Leave us," he said, and your maid, your lifeline, quickly vacated your side, leaving you ungrounded and alone. Her lack of presence left a silence with made Sakuna snicker. "My wife," he said with his low poison voice. "Thank you for inviting me, my lord, I am happy to be in your presence," you said bowing down, feeling like a dog. "Sit before me, women," he said, and you complied. Organizing yourself neatly at the table, careful to look perfect, careful not to meet his eyes. "This room is lovely. All the rooms in the temple are though," you spoke. You felt blood boil in your cheeks, the heat quickly cooling to fearful ice when you heard his bemused chuckle. "What a waste of time. This small talk does not suit you." He said smooth and calm, but underneath his tone, you felt the lash.
Your head snapped up, and in a lapse of judgment, you felt yourself speaking. "Im sorry, my lord, but I haven't the slightest clue how to speak to you. You're untouchable, a god, with mere humans as wives. I know not what gods chat about at breakfast, " you said, motioning to the table in front of you. After your words left you so did your passion and raw fear settled back into your stomach. You knew he would kill you, with the way he stared at you wide-eyed and a smile plastered onto his strangely handsome face you knew he had sentenced you
You did not waver, though. If these were to be your last moments, you would not spend them quivering and stammering. Instead, you locked eyes with him and smiled gently. "So please excuse me for wasting your time, my husband." You finished, the smile wiping off of his face.
His expression was blank as he hooked one sharp black nail under your chin, gently raising it to better meet his gaze. With one of his other arms, he slammed it into the wood table, slitting it in half and effectively sending shards of wood bulleting around the room. Some sunk into your legs and knees, but you did not remove your eyes from his, keeping your pain for another time. He snaked forward, his face inches from yours. You noticed how carefully he eyed you, the murderous gaze you saw before gone and replaced with something unreadable. You felt his third hand move up your shoulder and fiddle with something in your hair, a golden pin. He removed it, and all your hair cascaded down, just as he had done the day he murdered the others.
He stared at you seconds more before seeming to disappear from in front of you. He left you bleeding on the floor it wasnt until your maid came rushing in did you realize how bad your injuries were.
"Dont move. There are others coming," she rushed, sinking to your side. You stared at her dumbfounded, batting your eyes at her words. "What do you mean?" You croaked a sudden wooziness hitting you.
"Our lord accidentally severed the artery in your wrist when he broke the table. How are you still alive? What did you say to him to make him angry?" You looked down, noticing the jagged gash up your arm and piece of wood sticking out of your wrists and legs. In the moment, you had felt nothing but seeing all the blood you were taken over by an intense pain. A calm older man entered the room and your maid looked back. "Her wrist is broken as well, theres extreme swelling" she rushed and the doctor held up his hand.
You dont remember much after that. Your vision turned to a fishbowl of swirls, and you succumbed to sudden blackness soon after.
He hadn't meant to hurt you. Sure, he wanted to tear your head from your stick of a neck, but in that moment, he didn't want to hurt you, or borderline kill you. Something came over him when you spoke to him again, "My husband," he heard your voice echo in his head. He stared down at you, now hands twitching to wrap themselves around your neck and squeeze until your eyes popped, but he just didn't. Just as he "just didn't" let you die when he noticed how badly you were bleeding. He almost didnt to caught up in the way you looked at him. You didn't look at him like a monster but like a person. He hated that the most because a monster is what he was and loved being.
Now he stared down at you, lying peacefully in your bed. You had become more blanched in your face, the lively color it had radiated before all but drained. He cringed at the thought.
He had thought a lot of you since the first night he met you
He paused staring at them a moment. When you were first dropped off at his temple you were tremmbling. He asked who you were and what you wanted. "I am Y/N from the Gojo Clan" you bowed your head to him speaking in a voice pure as the sky. "The elders said we are married"
He smirked and jumped down off of the porch of the temple to get on your level. He snaked around you, bore his eyes into you. He wanted you to squirm, writhe, die. Your eyes stayed on the ground in front of you. "Are you scared?" he hissed. "No," you said, and he stopped looking down at you, taken off guard. "No? Why is that?" He took a deep breath in and raised your head.
You reached your timid hands up and cupped his face. You looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes and spoke in a shaken voice, a voice he found himself not minding. "You're my husband," you spoke. In that moment, he was furious. He wanted to chop you into tiny pieces and spread you around the mountain for the animals to eat.
You had leveled the playing field for a second, made him feel less of a god and more of a man. He slapped your hand away and turned away from you. Pissed at the pounding in his chest. His hands didn't lift against you, though he just left you out in the cold until he sent a maid out to fetch you if you had survived the night. To his shagrin, you did.
It never occurred to him why he took up so many wives. He didn't care for the company, and the idea of having an heir was foolish. Why have something that would only come for your throne in the end. Each person that came in, though, there was a small glimmer of hope in his chest that there would be something, what that something is was a mystery to him.
You started to stir in your sleep, and he eyes you for a few careful seconds before turning and leaving the room.
You didn't know how long you slept or how long you stayed in your half asleep daze of consciousness. There were a lot of people in and out of your room, tending to your stitches or spooning food into your mouth. You saw your maid every once in a while, and some nights you swore when you opened your eyes, you saw him standing beside you. Those moments brought you no confort, though. To be next to him was a nightmare. One day, you had faded back into reality, and all the people you had seen before went away. Your maid sat by your bedside now and eyed you suspiciously. "He has been taking very good care of you, pink," she called you, having earned the nickname from the color you wore. She said she didn't like learning the names of the wives because they always died in the end, so "what is the damn point?" You looked over at ber and nodded. "I dont remember much of anything that has gone on," you said, your voice weaker than you expected. "He has sent doctors to tend to you. I've never seen one of his wives eat so well, Im terrified, " she chuckled, scratching at the back of her neck. "He watched you like a hawk as well," she whispered, and your heart dropped in your stomach. He was like a snake coiling around you, but why was he tightening his grip?
You shrugged and tried to keep composed. "I am grateful he has done all he has, you said, and your maid nodded. Both of you knew the words that came out of your mouth were bullshit.
A few days later, you felt strong enough to walk again. Allegedly, you had lost a lot of your blood, most of it, in fact. So when you couldn't immediately walk, you were surprised.
Today, though, you maid walked with you out to the garden. For being such an evil shit, Ryomen Sakuna had a beautiful garden. Roses and hydrangeas, lilies and bleeding hearts. You didn't recognize half of what he had. There was a pond as well, filled with fat red koi fish, lotus and lily pads. It was a haven.
The two of you found a place under the shade of a tree near the pond and sat in silence with 6 enjoying the warmth of the day. A few of the other wives floated around beautifully, and you couldn't help but admire the wife who was always dressed in black and red. "They call her wife number one," your maid said. "Is she the favorite?" You asked, resting your head on your knee, careful not to stare at the girl. "That's what the word is amongst the other wives, but who knows, I've never seen her in his bedchamber," she said, wiggling an eyebrow at you, you blushed. "Oh god," you smiled and looked away. "What a nightmare that would be" you sighed and she laughed loudly "well with the path your on you may find yourself there one day" she said and the smile dropped from your face. You hid the shift in your mood by turning your head away. "God bless me, I suppose" you sighed again.
You directed your eyes up to the clear blue sky noticing in the distance, in the direction of your village a few fluffy clouds bouncing calmly alone. Your mind went quirt at that time and you felt, for the first time in awhile, okay. The boiling fear and anxiety that melted away at you subsided, for the moment at least.
"They are coming this way," you heard your maid say, and you snapped back to the present. "They dont look happy," she hissed. You looked around, finally spotting two wives and their maid walking to you, a face of calm wrath on each of their faces. You quickly stood and bowed. "Im happy to meet your-" you started but was quickly cut off. "Shut it." The red wife said, her face not matching the tone of her voice, like a mask. "Hes spent all his time on you, are you trying to get the rest of us fucking killed?" She said. You shook your head. "That's not my intent at all, I apologize. Please forgive me for my carelessness." You spoke, wanting to lunge forward and rip her eyes out. You maid stood beside you and bowed. "we have no control over Lord Sakunas' actions, as you know, please keep this in mind." she said. "We all want to live"
The red wife stared down at your maid, her mask slipping, exposing a vile, terrified face. "I will do just that." She said. Before you could react, you felt a sharp pain in your gut before you were drowing in heavy laps of water, the sound of yelling muffled above you. The water wasn't that deep, but for some reason, you couldn't seem to find your footing. Small red streams ribboning up around you caught your attention, and with the sounds and sights muffled you, though, you might like to stay here.
A strong hand reached below the syrface and yanked you out of your water womb and back into the stinging sunlight, though. On the surface, you became keenly aware of the throbbing from the side of your head and the stitching of your wounds. Shocked, you stared agape at Sakuna, who stared just the same back. He looked you over and for a second looked genuinely shocked.
You looked like a soaked terrified dog staring up at him, your beautiful dress soaked with blood and water, heavy like tarp on skin. The side of your head was matted with blood and hair, and he noticed the stitching on your arms busted and bleeding. He imagined what infection might be gathering there as he stared at you and his mind festered.
He had been standing in his tea room watching you out the window, he had been avoiding you, watching closely from a distance. He watched you speak with your maid, curious what made you smile the way you were.
He watched the other wives march up to you, and after what seemed to be a brief exchange of words, you were struck and then kicked into the pond.
At first, he just laughed and manically laughed, but before he knew it, he was seething and storming down the hallway until he found himself staring down at you. "My my ladies, what seems to be the problem?" He said his tone, lacking its usual flow. It was clanky, his anger seeping through.
The women who kicked you started to ramble on "she attacked me, I had to fight back" blah blah blah. He hated a fickle women, as she was but what he also hated most was liars.
He snatched the woman up into his hand and sunk his fingers into her neck. You tremmbled and turned your head when her jugular popped. "Go get cleaned up," he said, and you nodded, not daring to look at his face, just slunk away clinging to your maid.
That made him feel... shitty so shitty in fact he slammed the nearly dead women to the ground and sulked off to his room not bothering to watch her die.
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calethelettuce · 11 months
SaSi Intruality Week 6/7: Chaos Cookies - The Electric Boogaloo x2
Prompt: Baking
Tags: @intrualityweek
Synopsis: Patton and Remus are back in the kitchen! The follow up to Day 1's oneshot. Remus finally gets permission to make "cookies". Patton's there to support him and make sure the house doesn't burn down. We've got a shorter one today, my motivation isn't being very nice to me :(
Characters: Patton, Remus, Virgil
Relationships: Romantic Intruality, Implied Prinxiety
TW: Swearing, PATTON SAYS A BAD WORD????!!!?? Glass shards, inedible food items being ingested, eating glass, talk of cremation/burning bodies, sex jokes/implications (don't be surprised), minor description of burnt skin/Remus is being dumb, I MEAN IT GUYS
"Remus, buddy, can we keep the glass shards in the bowl, please?"
Remus only continued to mix the dough at a quick pace, snickering to himself as the pieces of once-shiny glass scraped against the sides of the bowl. "You said I have full control today!" he proclaimed, adding the slightest pinch of poison ivy to the concoction, "Therefore, no thanks!"
Patton sighed, shaking his head slightly. "You do you, then, Morningstar."
Patton observed the state of the inedible batter from behind Remus, peering over his shoulder.
It was lumpy, the sharp blade-like edges of the glass sticking out at odd angles. The leaves of poison ivy the green-sashed side threw in stuck out like a sore thumb against the pale colored dough.
"Isn't it great, Patty?" Remus asked proudly, admiring his handiwork with a grin, "I've never made something so delicious before!"
Patton gave him the biggest smile he could muster. "Well..! It's certainly not my taste, but uh, I can definitely see the appeal."
Even Remus could tell he was lying.
Although, instead of getting upset as most would, his smile only grew bigger. "Exactly!" he chirped, grabbing a ball of dough with his bare hands, "Time to throw these fuckers in the the torture chamber!"
Patton handed him a cookie sheet. "Put them on this one please," he practically begged, "I really don't want to clean the oven again."
Remus rolled his eyes but complied. He smashed the ball onto the sheet. "There."
"Good job, bud!"
Remus continued to slap the remaining dough balls onto the surface, with Patton holding the sheet out gingerly and carefully as to not get poison ivy from the leaves.
"Remus, does poison ivy still work the same here as it does in the real world?" he asked, nearly avoiding an accidental attack from a loose leaf, "Because if it does, maybe I shouldn't-"
"You'll be fine! I made these, but they only affect me! I made sure of it. It's just these ones that do that, though. If you find any in a forest, then that'll give you the greatest rash this world has ever seen."
Patton shivered at the thought of that. Remus took the pan from him carelessly, pressing a kiss to the shorter side's forehead. "Did we already set the oven to 600?"
"600!" Remus opened the oven door, quickly shoving the pan in before shutting it again. "Wouldn't want us to get cremated!"
"It's not hot enough for the human body to burn, you know." Patton supplied, washing his hands with extra soap, "It's got to be at least 1400 fahrenheit."
Remus stared at him in shock, mouth hung agape. "Holy shit, this is why I love you."
Patton laughed. "Well, even dads can have a dark sense of humor!"
"You're even hotter when you make dark jokes." Remus winked at him, leaning on the counter. "Except you're always hot. You're a certified DILF."
Patton felt his cheeks go red. "I-"
"Shhhh," Remus strode over, putting a finger to Patton's lips. "You're gonna make me horny."
"Stop being gay!" They heard Virgil shout from the living room, "It's too late for your shit, Remus!"
Patton felt his face grow darker. "Virgil, I thought you'd be upstairs by now!"
"Too early. Besides, it's not like I go home, since my house is covered in glitter because of somebody- also known as Remus. It's only 10."
Remus snickered. "I regret nothing, bitch."
Patton kept an eye on the oven to make sure nothing was on fire. He took the messy, empty bowl from the counter, handing it to Remus. "Have a gift for your junkyard! I don't think it's safe for me to use the bowl anymore."
"Awh, thanks Pattycake!" Remus took the bowl gratefully, evaporating it away to his junkpile by the playground outside. "I love that you're thinking about me!"
Patton smiled up at him, hopping onto the tips of his toes to press a kiss to Remus' nose. "Always am!" he chirped, ruffling the taller side's hair.
He heard Virgil groan from his spot on the couch.
"You're just mad you're lonely!" Remus gave the purple-clad side the middle finger. "Cause Princey doesn't want to suck your DI-"
"My bad, Pat." The timer dinged to signal the cookies were finished. "OH! They're done!"
Well, Patton knew his house was going to smell like burnt cookies for the rest of the week.
Remus took the pan out of the oven with his bare hands, laughing as the sizzling smell of burnt flesh filled the room.
“Holy shit, Remus! Put the pan down!” Patton was little too tempted the smack the pan out of his hands. “You’re gonna burn your hands off!”
Remus plopped the pan down onto the counter. “That was fun!” He declared, “I don’t have fingerprints or palm skin anymore!”
Patton heard Virgil mutter a quiet “oh fuck no-“ before the anxious side ran up the steps to the guest room.
He turned back to Remus. “Come on, honey, I thought we agreed this one was going to be injury free!” He said sadly.
Remus pouted. “But that was fun!” He insisted.
Patton let out a huff. “I know, I know, but you have to keep your promises!”
“…fine.” Remus magicked away his hand burns with a frown, wiggling his fingers for reference. “There.”
Patton gave him a soft smile. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to make you upset, dear.”
“You didn’t.”
Patton gave the taller side a quick hug, resting his head on Remus’ shoulder. “Next time, we can have another baking day where I’ll let you do whatever you want, okay?”
Remus brightened just a bit at that. “Really!?”
“Of course!”
Remus hummed in appreciation, hugging Patton back. “Okay.”
“Now, how about we wait for these cookies to cool?”
“Oh, who needs that!?”
The sudden release of pressure and the sound of crunching glass signaled that Remus was already chomping down on a glass cookie.
Patton knew he was gonna have his work cut out for him this week.
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ukr-anka-09 · 7 months
Hello! I'm new here. I will write about MK, reactions, headcanons, etc. Please don't judge harshly! I am Ukrainian and I translate half of the text myself, half with a translator.
Let's start. It was winter, the cold season. There is snow and it is quite slippery. There are holidays coming up in China, but they are strangers to our Y/N. The girl came to China to learn more about her distant relatives who used to trade in China, as well as to learn various facts. The girl also decided to enroll in a small town. Where she is now. Well, for now Y/N has nothing to worry about. The girl rented some kind of house, although one can argue that it was not a house, it looked more like a temple.
But Y/N quickly settled in, and now it’s a cozy place. The girl lived at the end of a small town. Almost near the forest and lake. It’s not very safe to live there, especially for a girl, but Y/N wasn’t worried about that. The girl herself knew medicine. Medicine for people and animals also did not interfere with her making various ointments, decoctions, and teas. She is also good with chemistry, she could make some kind of poison. For example, from insects that love to eat her flowers. Now the girl is currently sitting by the window reading a book and drinking tea, covered with a blanket. Nothing was foreshadowed until someone knocked. Y/N became alert, took the dagger in her left hand and began to open the door. Y/N always prepares there since she doesn’t communicate much with the locals. When suddenly she saw two men holding a third. One had black hair, another had gray hair, and the third also had black hair, but he seemed to be passed out. You decided to start a dialogue.
- Hello, what do you need?Then a man with black hair in yellow answered
- Does a healer live here? We need help, please help .You didn’t really trust them and wanted to close the door. After all, you didn’t want to get involved with different clans. But you let me in and decided to help
- Okay, come quickly. Lay him down on the sofa. I'm behind a blanket and a pillow.You came with a pillow and a blanket. You put a pillow under the head of the man in blue and covered him with a blanket. And you decided to start a conversation.
- Well, tell me what happened. Just like your name and his. But I also demand to tell you how he has been feeling lately, as well as permission to examine him.
- I'm Tomas.This is Kuai Liang, and the one lying there is our brother Bi Han. We were on a mission and he became ill. It takes a day or two to get to our clan. We decided to stop somewhere here. Also, back in the clan, we heard about the miraculous healer. And they told us that it was you
- Ok Tomas, tell me how Bi Han has been feeling lately
- Well, he often grabbed the spine and pelvis. He also weakened, it was obvious. Although he didn’t show it, his muscles probably hurt. You could just often notice how he kneads them or grabs them. He also couldn’t walk, he had a headache, he had difficulty admitting it. He never liked to talk when he felt bad. He was also more irritable than usual. This was last week. And for the last two days he slept poorly and didn’t really eat anything. And it was either too warm or too cold. He is a cryomancer, it was normal for him, but he became even colder, and then even warmer. And then he fell, we couldn’t bring him back to consciousness. Well, we were not far from your house, and here we are. Next thing you know.Y/N walked up to the table. She took the book and started leafing through it. And then she whispered something, then, putting down the book, she walked up to Bi Han. She began to feel my pulse and forehead. He was hot, his pulse was more or less normal. Then Y/N took a notebook from the shelf and began to draw and write something, then tore it out and gave it to Kuai Liang
-Myofascial syndrom and colds Y/N said in a quiet tone. And Kuai Liang looked questioningly while Tomas was quietly silen
-He just overworked himself and that’s why he got sick. Got a cold
- When can we continue on our way?
-Well what can I say. He may be unconscious for 3 days maximum, but he definitely needs to rest for a week. Otherwise the same thing will happen again.
- Is it possible to stay with you for a while?
-Well, I don’t have enough places, maybe there won’t be enough
-Can we leave Bi Han until he gets better? We can leave, we need to let you know that everything is fine with us
-OK then. We agreed, I hope he doesn’t kill me and you have time to pick him upY/N laughed, and Tomas smiled at the same time. And Kuai Liang just grinned.
- Well, see you later. They said and left. Leaving his brother for a fragile girl
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jeweledstone · 9 months
The Legendary Beasts: Raikou (Rock), Raging Bolt (Rock/Bug), Entei (Water), Gouging Fire (Water/Bug), Suicune (Grass), and Walking Wake (Grass/Bug)
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Raging Quake (aka Rokkami)
Gouging Rapids (aka Mizutitan)
Walking Willow (aka Thorncune)
Battle Info:
^ Attack
v Sp. Defense
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass
Resistant to(x1/2): Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
^ HP
v Speed
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Grass, Electric
Resistant to(x1/2): Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
^ Sp. Defense
v Attack
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Flying, Bug, Fire, Ice, Poison
Resistant to(x1/2): Water, Electric, Ground, Grass
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
Raging Quake
^ Attack, Sp. Attack
v HP
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Steel, Rock, Water
Resistant to(x1/2): Normal, Poison
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
Gouging Rapids
^ Attack
v Defense
Weak to(x4): N/A
Weak to(x2): Flying, Rock, Electric
Resistant to(x1/2): Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Ice
Resistant to(x1/4): N/A
Immune to(x0): N/A
Walking Willow
^ Sp. Attack
v HP
Weak to(x4): Flying, Fire
Weak to(x2): Poison, Rock, Bug, Ice
Resistant to(x1/2): Fighting, Water, Electric
Resistant to(x1/4): Ground, Grass
Immune to(x0): N/A
Info: Known colloquially as the Legendary Beasts, these powerful pokemon were first discovered after a powerful earthquake and tsunami struck the Johto region.
A nomadic Pokémon, Rokkou roams its native region, never staying in one place for very long. The earth beneath it trembles with each step it takes.
Mizutei’s roar can summon great tidal waves to wherever it may be, even if said place is far from any body of water. The webbing on its paws make it a very efficient swimmer.
Stemcune causes plant life around it to flourish wherever it goes. This elusive pokemon was almost hunted to extinction after it was discovered that the leaf on its body could be used to make a powerful medicine rumored to cure any illness.
A strange pokemon from the past bearing resemblance to Rokkou, Raging Quake rules over the depths of Area Zero. Constant tremors in the area are supposedly caused by it slithering through its underground caverns.
Gouging Rapids lurk in the waters of Area Zero, attacking anything that gets close to its territory. A good amount of scientists studying the region have been fatally mauled by this pokemon.
Walking Willow is named for the many leaves covering its body, resulting in said pokemon bearing resemblance to a willow tree. It wraps its two tails around its prey, mutilating them with its massive thorns before squeezing out the last of their breath.
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justmanic03 · 8 months
Amethyst - Chapter Eleven
Pokemon Trainer Mackenzie sent out Hydroxica!
I grinned. I knew what I had to do. "Go! Lily! I know you can do it!" Lily stood opposite Mackenzie's water Pokemon, and when I instructed her to use Giga Drain, the waterbear lost almost half of its HP. Mackenzie grimaced before taking a little over a second to contemplate his next move.
Hydroxica used Ice Beam!
Gladlily was frozen solid!
A smirk developed on his face, as I pulled out an ice heal. Although it hadn't affected Gladlily's HP too much, it still rendered her unable to move. Following my heal, Mackenzie was quick to make his next move.
Hydroxica used Hydro Cannon!
This zapped Lily's HP down to 40%, however, I knew that her attacks would have a much greater impact. "Come on Lily, let's finish this dude off!"
"My Hydroxica is a girl!" Mackenzie corrected.
Gladlily used Razor Leaf! It's super effective!
Hydroxica fainted!
"Yesssssss! Go, Y/N!" Danny cheered, clenching his fists for my victory. I smiled, Danny's support was proving invaluable to me.
Mackenzie is about to send out Gengar! Will you switch your Pokemon?
You sent out Manganese!
Gengar used Gunk Shot!
Fortunately, it did not poison Manganese. However, his attacks were not very effective against Mack's super strong ghost Pokemon. Despite being strong against ghost types, Manganese fainted before he had the chance to finish off Gengar. And so, I sent out Zelda.
Zelda used Hydro Cannon!
The opposing Gengar avoided the attack!
Eventually, Mackenzie and I were both down to our last Pokemon. Mine was an Espeon, and his was an Umbreon. My breath hitched in my throat, Mackenzie was by far the strongest Pokemon trainer I had battled up to this point. He was insanely sharp, and he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. His Pokemon all had insane speed stats, and I definitely felt the pressure as the battle progressed.
Espeon used future sight!
Umbreon used Dark Pulse!
Espeon fainted!
Umbreon took the future sight attack!
Umbreon fainted!
It was over. We had TIED.
"Now THAT was insane!" Danny marvelled, clapping his hands as he jumped up. His Pikachu squealed in agreement. "You guys are top notch! Im nowhere near on your level!"
"So, who's buying the next meal?" Mack asked awkwardly. The three of us all looked between each other. I eventually spoke up, "I'll get it. But I think we should at least try to find Lisa first. Do either of you have any idea where she might be?"
"Last time I heard from her, she was on Juniper Mountain but the signal up there is kinda bad." Mack explained.
"Or she could've already made her way to Krodania to challenge the Steel Gym?" Danny suggested.
"Well I guess that's where I'm headed next." I said. "We have to get across Juniper Mountain in order to reach Krodania." The two guys nodded. "But I don't really want to go up there alone."
"I'll come with you. The Steel Gym is my next target anyway." Mack walked over and stood beside me before turning to Danny. "Are you coming with us?"
Danny shook his head. "Nah, that battle just now showed me I've still got a lot of work to do if I'm going to ever stand a chance against Maddie. You guys go on ahead, I'll catch you up, and if I see Lisa, I'll thrash her in a Pokemon battle." He proceeded to run off in the opposite direction. Mackenzie and I turned to each other. "He never changes, does he?"
The ascent up Juniper Mountain was a lot more difficult than I expected. It had a lot of really steep pathways, which were covered in slippery black ice. Since Stalagus was an ice-type, I decided to let him out of his Pokeball so he could guide us up. "Yeah, I'm not built for this." I commented, which earned a chuckle from Mack. "Me neither. I'm hoping to catch some little ice buddies though." As if on cue, a wild Snover appeared. When I threw out Zelda's Pokeball, she shivered due to the wild Pokémon's snow warning. "I really hope it doesn't actually snow. If my hair was covered in white stuff, I'd never hear the end of it from Danny."
"It'll be fine as long as there aren't any spiders up here." Mack replied.
As I pulled myself up onto a stone ledge, a very faint sound could be heard in the distance. "Do you hear that?" I asked. Upon listening closer, I could make out a gentle harp. Mackenzie and I looked at each other in confusion. "It's probably coming from nearer the summit." And so, as we began climbing, the harp sound grew louder and louder. I wondered to myself how it was physically possible for a person to lug not only themselves - but a heavy instrument - up such a steep mountain. Nonetheless, I shrugged the thought off so I could keep focused on climbing. Mack was only ever a few feet behind me. "This is nice and relaxing." He commented. "Makes me forget I could fall and die at any second-"
"Can you not?!" I hissed, not wanting to think about the possibility of falling. We successfully managed to haul ourselves out of the steep zone. "Yes!" I sang triumphantly. "Only a few more paths to go now." The paths were, however, slippery, and oftentimes we found ourselves clutching at the wall rocks for support. Yet, as we did so, the beautiful harp sound came to an abrupt stop.
"It's stopped..." Mackenzie remarked.
"Yeah no shit, Sherlock," I rolled my eyes. "Let's go check it out."
As we crept up the paths inconspicuously, we could make out two female voices. It seemed as though they were raised, arguing. Mackenzie and I scuffled our way behind some large rocks, so we could observe what was happening from a safe distance. Sure enough, two female figures were standing on the plateau of the summit, and the tension between them somehow worsened the already cold temperature. "Wait... is that Lisa?" He pointed towards the figure dressed in black. Upon further listening, we realised that it was indeed Lisa, and she seemed to be arguing with another woman, whose harp was placed behind her. She was very small, no more than 5ft, and thin. She was wearing a blue snood that covered the bottom half of her face, and her waist-length, platinum blonde hair was styled into a fishtail braid.
"I can tell you're a hoodlum simply because of how you're dressed. You look ridiculous, love." She sneered at Lisa, looking her up and down in a condescending manner.
"Hey! Who do you think you're calling a hoodlum? You're just sat up on a mountain playing a harp! Don't you have anything better to do?!" Lisa spat back. "And don't you dare EVER insult the style of Team Moon!" She was flailing her arm around, with a finger pointed at the nonchalant harpist who stood opposite her.
The blonde girl raised one eyebrow. There was a pause, before she burst out laughing. "You know, you're actually quite hilarious! When you're knocked out of the gym challenge, you should abandon Pokemon training and be a full-time stand up comedian!"
"What's so funny?!" A confused Lisa demanded.
I felt rage building inside me as the mysterious girl continued to taunt Lisa. Before I could stop myself, I sprung forward from the rocks and sprinted over to the scene, with Mackenzie in tow. "Hey you!" I called out. "Stop picking on my friend!"
The young blonde girl turned her head slightly towards me, and crossed her arms. "And what are YOU supposed to be?" She sneered.
"Mack! Y/N! What are you doing here?" Lisa asked us. This prompted the snobby harpist to take a few steps closer to where I was standing. Her piercing, turquoise eyes gazed right through me. I felt a shiver down my spine. "So you're Y/N, the little protégé everyone keeps banging on about? I must say, you don't strike me as being THAT powerful."
My fists immediately clenched at her words. How could one person be so small, and play such a gentle instrument like the harp, and yet still be so brazen and arrogant?! "Are you challenging me?!" I asked, swiftly whipping out Gladlily's Pokeball. This girl had rapidly made her way into my bad books, yet I couldn't understand why I suddenly felt so protective towards Lisa. Harp Girl only scoffed in response. "I really wouldn't go there if I were you." She smirked, before reaching into her pocket and grabbing a luxury ball. Damn, so she's rich as well... I cursed silently. The creature that proceeded to hop out of the Pokeball was one of the most bizarre-looking Pokemon I had ever seen. It didn't even look like a Pokemon to me. It looked like a monster.
It was... terrifying.
The monster towered over not only Harp Girl, but also the rest of us. Lisa and Mackenzie both let out gasps as the mysterious Pokemon inched closer towards us.
It was a very pale pink colour, and on the sides of its body were wheels that vaguely resembled a Cyclizar, oozing with psychic energy. Its eyes were red and beady, and I could tell by the sounds it made that it was at least partly mechanical. Another wheel protruded out from its chest, to which a third eye was attached. Then, perhaps even more bizarrely, the Pokemon started to speak.
"Epsilon hungry..." it hissed, licking its lips with a lizard-like tongue.
"It TALKS?!" Lisa exclaimed, earning a growl from the threatening creature.
"Epsilon not an it!" The creature spoke, although its tone appeared confused.
"Calm down, sweetheart. These are just miscreants. They can't challenge us in any way." Harp Girl patted the Epsilon on its back.
"Would you like to bet on that?!" Lisa stepped forward, whipping out her own Pokeball. Mackenzie then followed suit, grabbing an Ultra Ball. However, neither Harp Girl nor Epsilon seemed remotely phased.
"If you really want to play this game, then fine. Open up your Pokeballs." Harp Girl instructed. The three of us clicked on our Pokeballs, yet they failed to open.
Our Pokemon wouldn't come out. They were too frightened. I looked back up at Harp Girl with a frown etched on my features. Despite the fact the lower half of her face was covered, I could tell by her eyes she had the smuggest grin on her face.
She proceeded to speak, "Yeah, thought as much."
The large monstrosity also chimed in, "Epsilon's Master too strong for miscreants." It hissed, with an equally smug grin on its face.
"Come on then, dearie. We've got places to be." Harp Girl then jumped onto the back of the creature, and pulled up her golden harp, before ushering her Epsilon towards the cliff. She then spun around at the last second. "Good luck with your gym challenge, you bunch of weirdos. Ciao!" She snapped obnoxiously, before the creature spread its wings and leapt up into the sky.
The three of us watched, speechless, as the mysterious girl and the even more mysterious creature disappeared into the night sky, her long braid flowing in the wind.
"I'll absolutely have that stupid Regina George wannabe someday!" Lisa yelled, kicking the ground in frustration.
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crystalelemental · 9 months
PokeFair Select Scouts (January 2024)
If you have 5k paid gems to burn, you may be looking at these PokeFair Select Scouts like hey, this seems pretty worth it. A selection of anything in the Strike, Tech, or Support roles? Crazy. Some who don't spend routinely may be considered. But with only one pick, who is best to get?
Striker Pool Is it just me, or have we not gotten many Strikers lately? I feel like that's going to change with the introduction of High Score and all that, but it still feels Tech dominated.
SS Red - At this point, SS Red is kinda garbage. He can still get a general on-type job done but he's a shadow of his former self.
SS Hilda - Legitimately fantastic. If you somehow don't have Fire under control, this is how you get it under control. Hilda has brutal power, would definitely recommend.
Classic Blue - If you need Rock, just Tech for SS Diantha.
N - Not as good as he used to be.
Steven - Pretty sad overall.
Cynthia - Ground is a rare type, but she's only worth talking about at 3/5, and even then is a rare "wants 5/5 for the utility."
SS Cynthia - Having a 3-person run with Lucas and SS Leon. She's in the same boat as base Cynthia, too.
Emmet - See C!Blue.
Lance - Similar to Cynthia, but hard wants 5/5 to do like anything of value.
Alder - Bug is so hard to shop for. If you got Winter Viola, this is her best partner, otherwise he's tame Hyper Beam spam.
Palmer - Funny Numbers Man. I don't know how he holds up in 3k meta, but think about how much you like off-type, because his life is 100% off type.
SS Giovanni - None of his types are needed anymore. He's slow as dirt and I hate him.
Diantha - Not all that exceptional for Fairy damage anymore.
SS Lana - Honestly the most skippable Tapu. She doesn't mesh well with SS Lusamine at all, and I don't respect her damage output because she relies too heavily on SS Acerola for the impressive showcases.
Lysandre - Needs 5/5. No listen to me. It's that bad.
SS Lysandre - Powerhouse Water Striker with a nuke of a B Move. Very, very good, so long as he can burn.
Eusine - Pretty good! Get SS Lys instead.
Emma - Arguably the best pick. Even 1/5 holds tremendous DPS, Poison is a crazy rare offensive type, and Emma's still one of the best. Team Speed control is also fantastic.
Victor - AoE Max Move. Arguably good for High Score.
Gloria - Only good 4/5 or higher.
SS Leon - Rerunning with SS Cynthia and Lucas, who are better pairs.
SS Piers - Primary electric, so unnecessary with rats, secondary Poison isn't worth talking about. Has field effects but isn't too consistent with either.
Rose - See SS Giovanni.
Personal opinion, Emma's far and away the best one here. Rare offensive typing, excellent DPS pressure at 1/5, great tools for a team like +4 team speed in one move. Emma's excellent. SS Hilda's really good too, for those who care about needing a Fire type, and SS Lys or Eusine are good for Water. There's a case to be made for SS Piers, but I'm not going to make it. Palmer was hilariously broken in 2.5k Master Mode meta, but I don't know if he's holding up in the transition. Pretty much everything else needs high investment. So many are old, and so many needed 5/5 expansions to become more relevant.
My pull will be Palmer. I've either got or don't care about everything else. But I skipped Normal Zone because I couldn't justify it, and now I can.
Tech Pool Tech has a billion options, and feels like it has the most that have never rerun. Anni Skyla, SS Cyrus, Classic Elesa; these are super rare acquisitions.
SS Roxie - Arguably the best pair on this list. Rare Poison type, solid secondary electric DPS, field effects for both, and the coveted Tech/Strike role combo. Also the outfit's really good.
SS Korrina - Hilarious boost from the "Five Stats +3" parameter in CS, and good at stealing buffs/nuking. I'm not her biggest fan.
Anni Skyla - Absolutely excellent at 3/5, but terrible before then.
SS Leaf - It's 5/5 or 1/5, take your pick. She has some good survival tools but is very, very dated at 1/5.
SS Hilbert - Excellent Bug damage that can also DPS for Fire, Ice, Water, and Electric. Solid Sp Def debuffs which are rare, too.
Lear - Big nuke man back when this mattered, currently kinda whatever. Ramps fast, though.
SS N - I like running SS N because I think he shouldn't work, but his damage output on Freeze Shock is impressive.
SS Steven - One of the most versatile pairs ever. Excellent offenses, wonderful dodge tank fast-ramping with Speed, never really used the other two but I hear Normal can do some stuff in Gauntlet with the 60% flinch rate.
C!Iris - Excellent nuke, really wants 4/5 for Aggravation in the modern meta. Not really worth it over BT Leon.
SS Hau - I think Hau kinda sucks. He has fun tools but I'm constantly unimpressed by him.
Classic Elesa - Astounding 1/5 value. Spectrum debuff on a paralyzed opponent with every hit.
SS May - Individual fast-ramp, great sync potential if set up, CS tends to be a lot harder to manage for her than you'd want.
Anni May - Similar to the above, but trade ramp for Psychic Terrain. Bianca tends to do as much.
SS Wally - Fairy Zone, which was significant before Sylveon eggmon. Good nuke that's hard to set up, crap DPS, horrid Buddy move conditional.
SS Silver - Fun, but similar to SS May, his myriad conditions make teambuilding stressful.
SS Diantha - Obscene. Even 1/5, she's providing every Rock damage dealer with everything they need, and contributing excellent DPS of her own.
Lucas - Still our only source of manual Dragon Zone. I don't think he's that great but some swear by him.
SS Cyrus - AoE sleep man. I think he's slightly overhyped. Sleep is hard to maintain, and getting Zone up for his sync is a pain.
Dojo Gloria - See SS May, but easier to set up and has Max Move.
Challenger Gloria - Cinderace is butt ugly, don't do it. I don't care if it's a Gauntlet Solo machine, or if its DPS pressure is sufficient to handle sides.
Marnie - SS C!Iris.
Bede - Hyper underrated utility pair with excellent bursts, but always runs next to a trio of Master Fairs so is often neglected. But trust me man, he's stupid good.
BT Leon - Piercing Blows with good Atk/Def debuffing. I think his kit is a bit wonky at times, but the man puts in good work.
Anni Raihan - Fast Ramp with stacking moves up next on Sandstorm, the sync pair. Needs 3/5 to really matter, since Sand is garbage without his Propulsion.
Oleana - Another excellent Poison nuke, with a great Max Move and phenomenal debuffing utility. A little slow on gauge though.
Tech is extremely good. There are a lot of solid choices here. For those who seem to do well across the board, BT Leon, Bede, SS Diantha are all excellent, even with 1/5 non-EX investment. Diantha is the current only source of Rock Zone too, so big props there. The rest tend to need higher investment, though there's a good argument for pairs like Oleana and SS Roxie for a rare offensive typing and their still-useful 1/5 traits.
My personal pick will be SS Roxie. While I am incredibly tempted by SS Hilbert, due to my lack of good Bug types, I just invested in Alder and got Winter Viola, so I'm hesitant to make that trade no matter how good he'll be in Bug High Score. Meanwhile, Roxie is just...easier. 1/5 she has status application and -2 AoE Sp Def debuffs. Hilbert doesn't compete with that until 3/5.
Support Pool In general, I think Supports are your best options to get. A good support carries, while a good Striker often still wants for something.
Classic Red - HMM, I wonder why the Red alts are all listed first! Weird how that happens even if Snorlax is ASS GARBAGE
SS Acerola - You've heard the stories. They're all true. You want to stack PMUN to the moon in very few turns for quick clears, Acerola is your girl. Mind the frailty.
SS Brendan - I disparage Brendan more than I should for a pair who is very, very good. Excellent bulk, Potion support, fast-acting buffs, harsh debuffs on a move that's mostly free when he takes hits, paralysis options, gauge management options, he does a ton.
SS Blue - Was never good, stop deluding yourselves.
SS Mina - Good for bulk, but little else. If you're a big fan of SS Leon (Kuri), Mina is a godsend. Her Buddy move will block sync damage enough to survive, and let Leon tear loose. Otherwise, her buffing kit is fairly poor.
Ingo - Languished in time, didn't get a good 5/5 grid. Sandstorm is butt chunks.
SS Dawn - I love her but she's dying for a grid expansion. There's not a thing she can do that a dozen other defensive supports since can do, except the Crisis Countdown and self-sacrifice set, which I don't like no matter how effective it is.
SS Morty - Excellent utility with Sun, defenses, and speed. Really good so long as you don't need to buff offensive stats.
Anabel - Worse than she should be, and I'm sorry.
Argenta - See SS Acerola. Their kits are very similar, but Argenta takes a slower pace of stacking in exchange for persistent application and accuracy buffs. I like Argenta better because she can drop field effects for CS.
Elaine - If she's 3/5, she's honestly insane. If she's any less than that, she's kinda garbage.
Penny - Very useful Fairy support, with AoE debuffs on Sp Def. Slightly frail, hard for her to maintain HP given the vampire Buddy move condition, but she does well enough.
Rachel, Sawyer, and Tina - They're 4*s, bro.
For support, "best pick" is defined by your needs. If you have NC Blue, you probably don't need SS Brendan no matter how good he is, while NC Leaf may mean SS Morty isn't as essential, especially if you gave her the Support role. SS Acerola or Argenta are excellent for PMUN stacking, if that's your speed. Penny is good for SMUN, in that she's the only option. Elaine is a great generalist but only at 3/5 or above.
I favor supports, so I have everything I need. I will still be taking SS Dawn for 5/5. One day, she'll get a grid expansion, and I'll want in on it. Better to do it for 5k now than wait for a potential Sinnoh cluster rerun where I have to worry about Lucas and SS Cyrus being around, you know?
Overall Best If I were like...brand new, right? And I had no resources, and no significant tools, and was asked hey. Who do you think offers the most out of everyone in any of these brackets? SS Diantha. Rock Zone is exclusive to her right now, Rock is a terrible offensive type to shop for, she elevates literally every Rock type to relevance with her hilarious combination of traits, and all of it is achievable at 1/5. I think by type, power, and low-cost impact, SS Diantha is the best bang for your buck. I'd consider SS Roxie or Oleana second. Poison is even rarer, with all its good options being limited availability, and the decision largely comes down to how bad you need more Electric support. Oleana's Rebuff is more valuable than a Zone, since DeNA is still trying to push those, while her offensive debuffs are really handy for a lot of content.
"But don't you favor support?" Yes I do, and I stand by that. However I think the supports are largely...conditional? It's hard to explain. SS Acerola is very good, yes, but only in a context where you have physical damage dealers with DPS worth talking about. ie, other limited pairs. You can make due with the 3-bar spams in the common pool, but I've personally never been too enamored with SS Acerola. She is excellent, as is Argenta if she's more your speed, but I think for newer players, and people who focus primarily on-type anyway? Covering Rock is harder to do, and more valuable. Same with Poison.
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Dark Forest Resident: Quickstar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Quickbelly, Little Rain, Rapscallion
Gender: tom
Sexuality: bisexual
Immediate Family: Rainhail (mother), Mossheart/star (mother), Lowhawk (brother), Daisydust, Icepaw, Fernpaw (sisters) Fernfur (mate), Mumblespeckle, Slightpaw, Lavendernut (daughters), Ashivy, Rowanacorn (sons), Blossombreeze, Shadetail (step-daughters)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Berrywhisper, Elmtail (apprentices),
Clan: Clubmossclan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: troublesome, good fighter, skilled (max exp)
Number of Victims: 7
Number of Murders: 1
Method of Harm: blunt force, teasing/bullying
Known Victims: Fennelfin, various clanmates (bullying)
Victim Profile: spotted young medicine cat, previously anyone he could tease
Cause of Death: lung infection
Cautionary Tale: N/A
Quickpaw was a young apprentice when his mother, Rainhail, was accused of murder.
Bluestar had gone out alone, supposedly to check something near the border, and was attacked by a dog. She had dragged herself back to camp, accusing Rainhail of leading her into a trap after she had told the leader to go out.
Bluestar promoted a very startled Ratstripe to leader, and his mother was outraged.
Mossheart had later decided to take her scared kits, apprentices at the time, out on a small herb patrol.
It was going fine until a large, starving rogue showed up. The rogue attacked him, and Quickpaw only had a moment to think before Icepaw had jumped in front of him.
Her throat was torn out. Mossheart chased the rogue away, but it was too late. His sister was dead.
Quickpaw blamed himself, and that only doubled when his baby sister, Fernpaw, barely an apprentice, went out on patrol alone to look for moss. She was killed by the same bloodthirsty rogue.
Quickbelly found the body. His baby sister’s front leg was severed from her body, her throat slit.
Lowhawk changed after that. He stopped bullying Quickbelly, and they became very close brothers.
They worked together so that one of them always went on patrol with Daisypaw, keeping her safe.
It was a very chaotic few moons, with Rainhail being demoted only for Mossheart to replace her, and Ratstar getting sick.
Quickbelly bullied his Clanmates a lot now that he was older, mostly harmless teasing. He always apologized when he went too far.
Daisydust, sweet Daisydust, went on patrol with Rainhail. Quickbelly and LowHawk let her go out with her mom. It was only a border patrol. She’d be fine, right?
Daisydust got stuck in a fox wire trap and bled out while Rainhail struggled to keep the wire off of her neck.
Quickbelly threw himself into any task he could find so he could be useful to the Clan.
Things looked up, many seasons later in leaf-fall when he met Fernfur. Fernfur was strong, and beautiful, and compassionate.
The two fell in love quickly, becoming mates.
Quickbelly recklessly led a patrol into a border skirmish with the hostile Beeclan. It was a freak accident, with Berrywhisper and two Beeclan apprentices breaking the ice on the river.
The three of them drowned, with Quickbelly desperately trying to pull them out of the water.
Rainhail was poisoned, and it was revealed that she had planned to murder Ratstar and Bluestar.
So, once again, he threw himself into patrols to distract himself, and helped his Clan a lot in Leaf-bare, becoming one of the top warriors.
Lowhawk was killed on patrol with a young warrior. Apparently, he had tried to protect Applefern from a fox.
Quickbelly was devastated. All of his siblings dead, he couldn’t keep any of them safe.
Over time, his Clanmates began to look to him rather than the deputy, and Quickbelly enjoyed it! He wanted to be deputy more and more as the moons went on.
A year later, Mossstar was killed by Sparrowbounce and Sparkbush. He wouldn’t learn this for a few years more.
Quickbelly and Owen spoke, deciding that Quickbelly should be leader and Owen should remain deputy.
The next year was when it happened.
He had gone out on patrol with the medicine cat, Fennelfin, late at night to look for catmint.
They had gotten into an argument, and the stars had lit up in colourful shapes and patterns, casting a shadow over Fennelfin’s face. It had to be a message, his first message!
His heart was beating out of his chest, his ears ringing from the loud crack that came with the dancing stars. He sank his claws into Fennelfin’s shoulders, smashing his head against a rock.
Why would Starclan want him to do this? He had never wanted to hurt anyone, and the fact that he had killed someone affected him greatly. He vowed to protect Fennelfin’s son, Webpaw.
He washed the body of his scent and made his way back to camp. He curled up with his sleeping mate and wished he could forget what happened.
The war with Beeclan lasted many years, and took many lives.
Things felt bleak until his first daughter was born. Mumblekit was perfect in every way, and moons later they had Ashkit!
Two more moons later they had Lavenderkit, Slightkit, and Rowankit.
It was perfect, their little family was perfect.
The war raged on, and tensions ran high as all the cats in the Clan received messages and omens from Starclan.
Everyone except Quickstar. Did they blame him? Why would they blame him? They told him to kill Fennelfin!
Slightpaw was murdered. He never learned who killed her. His daughter was dead! Why was Starclan doing this to him?
Mossstar had taught him to be faithful to Starclan, but how could he be if they did this to him?
The next season was when war reached its peak. Clans teamed up and fought, even the rogues forming a group to join the war.
Twenty-four of the cats he knew and loved were gone, and for what, a rivalry?
His lungs hurt more and more in the moons that followed, a tightness that even blazing star couldn’t heal him.
Something in the back of his mind told him that this was Starclan’s punishment, that all of this heartache was his fault. Why?
Morningshade, the kind medicine cat he had grown up with, who was basically his aunt, offered to end his pain by putting deathberries in his prey. But he refused, not wanting to go out like that. Like his mother.
Quickstar passed the next night, with his mate and daughters curled up by his side.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors​
--He is, of course, from clangen! He’s a sweetheart who was a snuggly quiet kitten. His siblings and most of the kits in the nursery with him had the bullying trait, and when Quick became an apprentice his quiet trait was replaced the bullying trait as well. Then as an adult it was replaced with troublesome and good fighter.
--He died at 137 moons, or 11 years old. Despite this he still appears very young and fit.
--In the Dark Forest he appears with cracked paw pads and raspy lungs with a wheezing cough.
--He loves to volunteer to help the apprentices with training.
--He knew Brownmouse when Brownmouse was just an itsy bitsy little kit!
--Short story for him here: https://at.tumblr.com/wills-woodland-warriors/fireworks-short-story/o02pufxbqymr
--Because of how clangen works, all the murders and stuff were all randomly generated. Wills used a coin to decide if the cats killed by “rogues” on patrols are actually rogues or the enemy Clan from another clangen save, BeeClan. The war however they threw in to shake things up and because there was so much drama, they needed an ending to it.
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horseshoehate · 1 year
Gandalf Follows Evil Trey on Phish Tour
a/n: This is part 2 of my Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter/Phish fanfiction series. I hope you all enjoy very much.
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In the days that passed after the epic Phish concert and battle with Voldemort, and Gandalf continued to follow the band on their tour, hoping to keep an eye on Evil Trey. He saw that Evil Trey was struggling with the darkness that had possessed him during the concert, and he felt responsible for what had happened. He swore right there that he would do whatever it took to help his friend return from this darkness that had taken his heart.
One night, after a concert, Gandalf found Evil Trey sitting alone outside his tour bus, writing the lyrics to his newest song, "Evil Farmhouse." Gandalf approached him cautiously, unsure of how he would react.
"Hello, Evil Trey," Gandalf said, sitting down next to him. "How are you?"
"I'm doing okay," Evil Trey replied, taking a beat. "It's been a weird few days, you know?"
"It does not surprise me to hear that," Gandalf said sternly. "I have growing concern for your wellbeing. I fear that Voldemort's spell may have done more damage than you are letting on to your friends."
Evil Trey shrugged. "I don't know about that. I feel like I've been playing better than I have in ages."
"And you feel that this is worth doing at the cost of your mind?" Gandalf asked pressingly. "You were possessed by a dark magic beyond your control and it has poisoned your mind far worse than I had feared. Not to mention the fact that last night's Reba was a flub fest with a mid-tier jam ta boot!"
Evil Trey looked at Gandalf skeptically. "How can you you say that to me? You're just a jaded 1.0er who's mad that its not the 90s anymore!"
"Friend, I've seen this happen before," Gandalf said. "Time and time again, I've seen people delve into the darkest of powers and reach their lowest points. But I want to offer you support, Evil Trey."
For the first time since the concert, Evil Trey smiled. "You know what Gandalf? You're wrong!"
Evil Trey pulled out his new Languedoc, still hot off the line. It hummed with energy and was inlayed with the Black Speech of Mordor.
"I've turned a new leaf and I'm not ready to go back. I call this Evil Mar Mar, and I'm gonna do some fuckin wicked shit with it!" Trey explained, cackling in evil laughter.
"You know not of what you speak, Evil Trey! Dark magic resides in this instrument. Dark, ancient magic, the likes of which no mere luthier of man possesses the ability to place into a guitar!" Gandalf said, studying the axe.
"Oh Gandalf, you didn't think I was the only one turned evil by Lord Voldemort, did you? He got to Paul Languedoc soon after you cast him from the concert, and Paul set to work right away crafting me the most vile and elegant weapon ever to be possessed by a mortal! But he knew that he could not do it himself and so he searched for the only one powerful enough to help." Trey said, holding the guitar under the light so he could admire the details of it. "It was forged in the fires of Mt. Doom under the watchful eye of Sauron himself! I'm going to bust this bad boy out tonight, we'll see how evil 'Evil Phish' can get when I play my new evil songs on this thing!"
Gandalf knew that there was no way this would end well and he began backing away from Evil Trey. Though he knew it not, Evil Trey possessed a magical artifact most powerful. Gandalf knew that Evil Trey at least did not know its true potential, though to use a guitar made partially by the hands of Sauron showed the depths of his foolhardy naivety.
"Evil Trey, surely you must know that none but the hands of Sauron will this instrument answer to. There is not a being alive that can wield this." Gandalf warned, still backing away.
Evil Trey simply slung the guitar onto his shoulder and shrugged before playing a few licks. Though the guitar was not plugged in, it was as though he had cranked a stack of Marshalls to 10. The sound blew Gandalf's hat off of his head. The sounds of uncompressed rage eminated from the instrument. Evil Trey simply cackled as he saw the old man fall backwards in fright as he scrambled away.
After that day, Gandalf stopped attending Phish shows. He knew it was a fool's errand to listen to the evil, twisted Phish songs that Evil Trey spewed from his guitar night after night, turning the crowd slowly into more evil and twisted versions of themselves.
The lot scenes became outright dangerous as the last of the fans' humanity drained. The rest of the band seemed not to care that their bandmate had turned evil. Gandalf theorized that they had perhaps recieved a lower dose of the evil-turning spells. Or that they lived in fear of what would happen if they got in Evil Trey's way. Gandalf shuddered to think it. Regardless, the band played on.
By now Gandalf knew that his bag of wizarding weed would be the least of his troubles. Things were now in motion that could not be undone. Sauron had launched a successful attack on the mind of the most influential musician in Middle Earth, and this was surely only the beginning.
Gandalf knew he had but one thing left to do. He must seek out the only man he knew to have more knowledge of the subject than himself. Someone who knew how to drive out this madness from his friend Trey.
Gandalf sought the council of Elrond in the east.
pt 3: https://www.tumblr.com/horseshoehate/713646407445282816/in-the-house-of-elrond-gandalf-goes?source=share
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thenixkat · 2 years
Pokemon games that I became Champion in
Kalos Region
Starter: Zira the Hydregon (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Jolly- somewhat vain
Item: Leftovers
Hyper Voice
Rock Smash
Dragon Pulse
Draco the Charizard (M)
Ability: Blaze- powers up fire moves when hp low
Nature: Lax- very curious
Item: Charizardite Y
Fire Pledge
Heat Wave
Buck the Gogoat (M) (MVP)
Ability: Sap Sipper- boosts attack when hit by grass moves
Nature: Adamant- quick tempered
Item: Miracle Seed
Horn Leech
Leaf Blade
Nazca the Sigilyph (F)
Ability: Magic Guard- only takes damage from attacks
Nature: Hardy- alert to sounds
Item: Amulet Coin
Air SLash
Sky Attack
Dazzling Gleam
Zoro the Aegislash (F)(MVP)
Ability: STance Change- changes forms depending on what moves used
Nature: Serious- hates to lose
Item: Black Belt
Iron Head
Night SLash
Sacred Sword
Toxic the Dragalge (M)
Ability: Poison Touch- may poison if touched by physical attack
Nature: Hasty - quick tempered
Item: N/A
Dragon Pulse
Sinnoh Region
Gondwanna the Torterra(F) (partner)
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Calm
Item: Soft Sand
Giga Drain
Leaf Storm
Ducky the Golduck (M)
Ability: Damp- prevents self destructs
Nature: Modest
Item: Amulet Coin
Rock Smash
Kur the Giratina
Ability: Pressure- raises PP usage of foes
Nature: Rash
Item: Soothe Bell
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Force
Bird?Yes the Porygon (MVP)
Ability: Download- adjusts power according to foe’s ability
Nature: Impish
Item: Razor Fang
Tri Attack
Signal Beam
Champ the Machoke (F)
Ability: No Guard- all attacks always land for everyone
Nature: Quirky
Item: King’s Rock
Rock Climb
Cross Chop
Wake-up Slap
Carcaridon the Garchomp (F)
Ability: Sand Veil- boosts evasion in a sandstorm
Nature: Serious
Item: Quick Claw
Rock Slide
Dragon Claw
Hoenn Region
Tyson the Blaziken (M)(partner)
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Lax- highly curious
Item: Blazikenite
Blaze Kick
Brave Bird
Sky Uppercut
Lobobo the Lombre (M)(MVP)
Ability: Rain Dish- gains hp in rain
Nature: Timid- highly curious
Item: Eviolite
Nature Power
Grass Knot
Shout the Exploud (F)
Ability: Soundproof- immune to all sound based moves
Nature: Quiet- thoroughly cunning
Item: Silk Scarf
Rock Smash
Zapp the Eelektrik (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy- capable of taking hits
Item: Bright Powder
Wild Charge
Skitch the Sableye (M)
Ability: Keen Eye- no one can reduce accuracy
Nature: Quiet- likes to fight
Item: Sablenite
Night Shade
Shadow Ball
Foul Play
Eo the Latias (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Naughty- somewhat vain
Item: Latiasite
Dragon Pulse
Alola Region
Strix the Decidueye (F) (partner)
Ability: Overgrow- powers up grass type attacks when hp is low
Nature: Modest
Item: Grassium Z
Leaf Blade
Grass Pledge
Spirit Shackle
Sucker Punch
Krakatoa the Toucannon (F) (MVP)
Ability: Skill Link- maximizes number of hits from multi hit moves
Nature: Bold
Item: Fightinium Z
Hyper Voice
Brick Break
Bullet Seed
Beak Blast
Ex the Vikavolt (F) (MVP)
Ability: Levitate- immune to ground type moves
Nature: Naughty
Item: Electrium Z
Charge Beam
The Mistress the Salazzle (F)
Ability: Corrosion- can poison anything regardless of type
Nature: Naughty
Item: Firium Z
Leech Life
Dragon Pulse
Kaiju the Wishiwashi (M)
Ability: Schooling- in schooling form when hp is high; solitary form if low hp
Nature: Jolly
Item: Waterium Z
Hydro Pump
Beat Up
Feint Attack
Danny the Darkrai (gift)
Ability: Bad Dreams- reduces hp of sleeping enemies
Nature: Careful
Item: Dragonium Z
Spatial Rend
Dark Pulse
Dark Void
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sulffer · 2 years
alright im gonna make a few tldr straight 2 da point notes about balthus because i am cracking tf up frl
i kno people dont like to search and read things so a ‘small’ get to know quickie about balthus ->
⊱ balthus goes by she/he and it interchanges depending on how i feel about writing about her in the moment (no u dont gotta copy the same pronoun i use. i could be saying she and u could be sayin he, she still is those both) ⊱ balthus is short for balthazar, I JUST think its cuter to call her by the short but full name makes her feel like shes doomed to be in trouble  ⊱ she looks big and hefty deliberately because shes actually a twunky ass bitch underneath it all thats always in pain and needs heavy clothes to feel less like a leaf in the wind and to keep her safe and no she is not TALL shes like 5′10″ [177cm] LOL  ⊱ shes really shy to the point her aggression can take over and she can hurt people just by making her feel this way and its enough that she can break someone ⊱ despite the visual lies on her actual sizing, she is actually very strong and has juggernaut-like physical strength but because it hurts to even hurt others, she has psychic abilities on par to telekinesis and other psychic abilities ⊱ she is a scientist that specializes in toxicology especially but devles into most of biochemistry and just about anything that has to do with toxins, chemicals, drugs, and different compounds and how it affects anything living or dead. ⊱ HER “MASK” is also her ‘true face’. it can molt off and reveal her skin and ‘false face’ which is humanoid and this look lasts at least a good week before a new mask grows ontop of it. if one tries to take off the mask before its due for a molt, you are basically ripping off her skin with it. she has self-healing capabilities so if her mask is forcefully taken off for whatever reason, it will take a good lengthy amount of hours to heal over her ‘false face’ and the mask can be reattached (if its still on hand) as there are still live nerve endings attached to it and can connect back to her skin like a magnet. if that mask is not on hand, then a new mask will grow again ontop her face but it will take longer to appear. and yes, it can also move n function just the same as a ‘face’. ⊱ she is a criminal on parole that has to give back to the military system especially due to her list of crimes she has committed which most were dealt within the black market and side illegal jobs that were taken on. she has no deep remorse for the things she has given or things she has done with her own hands to retrieve what she needs for her new projects.  ⊱ lastly, she loves sea urchins and anything spikey and will vomit on you if you make her flustered or embarrassed and will kill you if you try to ironically poison her and use her shits against her with zero hesitation.
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attichaos · 2 years
P.2 Common Herbs A-Z
This is D-N of some common herbs and their uses
*longer read*
Used to keep negative energy away from the home or altar. Place fresh daffodils in the home to increase fertility. Wear near the heart to bring good luck.
Associated with babies and newborn infants. Incorporate into baby blessings & Wiccanings or to bring protective Magick into a baby's sleeping area. Wear or carry to draw love.
Dandelion leaf
Summoning spirits
Defeating negativity.
Bury in northwest corner of yard to bring favorable winds. Use in sachets and charms to make wishes come true.
Dandelion root
Calling spirits
Use in dream pillows & sachets for sleep protection. Bury on northwest side of house to draw good luck.
Use to purify any space. Use dried leaves to stuff healing poppets, pillows, or sachets. Arrange a ring of dried leaves around a blue candle and burn the candle for healing vibrations. Carry in a sachet or amulet to help reconcile difficulties in a relationship, for protection, and/or to maintain health.
Money drawing
Fertility magick
Use in floor washes to bring money to the home. Place in a jar and add a few seeds every day to increase money flow to the household.
Mental clarity
Dispelling negativity
Keep in room where studying is done to help concentration. Burn a sprig of fern before an exam. Use in sachets and amulets for powerful auric protection.
Place a branch in front of the door before traveling to ensure a safe return. Write a question on a fig leaf -- if the leaf dries slowly, the answer is yes, otherwise the answer is no.
House & business blessing
Protection for the home
Wear around the neck for health and protection against the evil eye. *Poisonous*
Protection of home & garden
Used to commune with those of the Underworld. *Poisonous*
Repulsion of vampires
Purification of spaces and objects
Used to invoke Hecate. Guards against negative magic, spirits, and the envy of others. Hang in the home to bring togetherness to the family or keep your willpower strong. Said to ward off bad weather when worn or carried during outside activities. Believed to absorb diseases -- rub fresh, peeled garlic against ailing body parts then throw the garlic into running water.
Overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes, lifting spirits, promoting protection & happiness. Repels insects. Balances mind and body.
Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success.
Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Place in amulet, mojo, or medicine bag to promote good health & protection. Use in herbal mixtures for the consecration of athames to strengthen and energize the ritual blade. A ginger root in the form of a human is a very powerful magickal token.
Mental powers
Garden magick
Use to paralyze a situation.
*Highly poisonous, do not consume.*
Attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams.
Carry in a sachet or burn as incense to attract love.
Draws money
Quick abundance
Aids persuasiveness and confidence, sharpens intuition.
Ring green candles with honeysuckle flowers or use honeysuckle in charms & sachets to attract money. Crush the flowers and rub into the forehead to enhance psychic powers.
Promotes peace of mind and peaceful sleep. Attracts love, luck, and good fortune.
Named for Hiakinthos, Greek God of homosexual love, this is the patron herb for gay men. Guards against nightmares when used as an oil, burned as incense, or included in dream pillows. Carry in amulet or sachet to ease grief or the pain of childbirth.
Love drawing
Lringing back a lover
Hang an ivy plant in front of the home to repel negative influence and discourage unwanted guests. Mix in a sachet with Holly as a wedding gift to provide protection to the newly married couple. Place ground ivy around the base of a yellow candle on a Tuesday, then burn the candle to discover who (if anyone) is working negative magick against you.
Uses include snakebite and divination; good for charging quartz crystals. Use in sachets and spells to draw spiritual love and attract a soul mate. Carry or burn the flowers to draw wealth and money. Use in dream pillows to induce sleep or burn in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. Helps to promote new, innovative ideas.
Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.
Spiritual opening
Removal of blockages
Add lemon peel to love sachets and mixtures. Soak peel in water and use the mixture as a wash for magickal objects to remove unwanted negativity, especially for objects received second-hand. Use an infusion of lemon to induce lust.
Lemon balm
Psychic/spiritual development
Use in love charms & spells to attract a partner. Use in healing spells & rituals for those suffering from mental or nervous disorders.
Psychic cleansing
Also used in lust spells.
Lunar magick
Love spells
Male sex magick
Promoting calmness and tranquility
Strengthening love
Promotes energy
Communication and vitality
Draws customers to a business
Use dried leaves to stuff a green poppet for healing. Place in wallet or purse or rub on money to bring wealth and prosperity. Use on the altar to draw good spirits to assist in your magick. Place in the home for protection.
Carried to increase lust & fertility
Prevent backache
Cure disease & madness
Place around divination and scrying tools to increase their power or near the bed to enable astral travel. Use in sleep pillow or place in a sachet under your pillowcase to bring about prophetic dreams. Use an infusion of mugwort to clean crystal balls and magick mirrors. *Toxic in large amounts*
Dispelling darkness & fear
Strengthening the will
Aiding in the ability to handle emergencies
Sprinkle in the home to drive off evil & negativity. Carry in a sachet or use with a poppet to turn back a spell on the one who cast it. Sprinkle on self to remove petty jealousies, gossip, envy, and uncomfortable situations.
Attracting money/prosperity
Bringing luck
Breaking hexes
Include in money magick and sachets. Carry as a good luck charm and/or to increase the intellect. Sprinkle nutmeg powder on green candles for prosperity.
And as always, merry meet <3
(photo - attichaos)
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andofone · 2 years
Just some sns fics i read and thought were amazing, i decided to put them on this list.
(if you see your work and don't want it on here, message me and I will take it down.)
Growing pains by wisteria_hime:
Now in university, Sasuke is living with his childhood friends, Naruto and Sakura - who are happily dating, and very much in love. Sasuke never used to understand when people would say you cannot choose who you fall for. But life is a maze full of twists and turns you can't always predict, or always stop. His falling for Naruto was not unlike that of a rollercoaster; the sensation of being on top of everything, and then suddenly he was plummeting down. Hard, and fast, somewhat expected yet he never saw it coming. As adulthood looms closer, Sasuke tries to navigate through the maze and make it to the other side. The growing pains are only just beginning
(I loved this fic, it was so sad but great at the same time)
I'm not your laser technician by  daquitaine:
Naruto has had this stupid tattoo for far too long, so when he turns 18, getting it off his body is his first priority. But things get a little complicated when they throw him out of the clinic with nothing but a stolen (and slightly torn) business card.
**** Chat fic/ Wrong number — Highschool AU
+57 838 186 9274: I’d be a queen bee +57 739 188 0402: LMAAOOO WHAT +57 838 186 9274: That’s the bug I would be, a queen bee +57 739 188 0402: B E Y O N C E +57 838 186 9274: No, I’d be a queen bee +57 739 188 0402: Has anyone ever told you you look like Beyonce? +57 838 186 9274: What
(i smiled through the whole thing, it deserves so much more love than it gets. its adorable, funny, and probably one of my favorites on this list)
Sweetest Poison by Cardil
Naruto is getting married to Hinata, and Sasuke's unrequited love towards his best friend has failed to get any weaker. When they drink something odd and his rinnegan spirals out of control, it connects their chakras, allowing them to feel the other's emotions. It seems they can't leave each other's side until the problem is fixed.
The link is only getting stronger, along with Sasuke's feelings
Home by zeraporter:
 Sasuke Uchiha has always wallowed in his pessimism and never knew what "home" truly meant. After his two plus years of atonement away from Konoha, he returns and his internal monologue spirals him into a world of confusion about the emotions he feels for his closest friend, Naruto Uzumaki. However, unsure of how to approach these emotions and whether or not they will be reciprocated, Sasuke treads delicately, deeply exploring his emotional longing for the blonde.  
 Bite Me by KinomiAkai:
Sasuke is tired. Sasuke is hungry. Sasuke is...hunting again. Ugh. Vampire AU, SNS, will be explicit.
 All of my tears have been used up by MisfitKitsune:
Suigetsu doesn’t get it.
Sasuke is laughing like a lunatic, and every person within a miles radius shoots them uncomfortable and weird looks.
He looks at the informant who also appears very distressed and confused, and it gives Suigetsu the impression he didn’t say anything remotely funny.
But Sasuke continues to laugh like he’s heard the best and worst joke of his life, and Suigetsu really doesn’t get it.
(this broke me try to read it)
 homesick for a mountain's song by kintou:
Sasuke tries to get away from the world by buying an abandoned house on a mountain. Naruto, tired from his long days in Konoha, gets a little too excited about growing vegetables in Sasuke's garden.
(this fic is good, i read it soo many times)
 Enter Naruto by KinomiAkai:
Sasuke's a writer whose been writing the same words for years. He's tired, he's annoyed, and his money situation is...pretty messed up, even by student standards.
Enter Naruto.
(KinomiAkai again, their a good writer!)
To Turn Over a New Leaf by sighexe:
Naruto has feelings for Sasuke, Sasuke has feelings for Naruto. But nothing between them has ever been simple. So what happens when someone else takes an interest in the clueless blond?
(kinda angsty, but really good!)
 Heaven Envies Your Melodies by furorem:
While Sasuke goes on a journey, Naruto begins to build a home.
Bound To You by  Tandy_Hard:
It's 1928, a year before the crash on Wall Street. Naruto and his best friend Gaara are trying to survive the dangerous streets of New York while the wealthy elite that surround them ride the wave of the big economy boom. While everyone vies for a piece of the pie, the Uchiha Clan, who has set up their crime syndicate in Brooklyn, battle it out with other Japanese Clans for control of the borough. After a run-in with Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto is faced with coming to terms with his feelings for Sasuke. Should he stay and work for the crime boss or leave New York with Gaara for a new life in California?
 NaruSasu Hanahaki by orphan_account:
Naruto develops hanahaki from his one sided love towards his best friend Sasuke. The disease puts him through a lot, if makes his life hell; that is until it eventually takes it. Leaving Sasuke broken. Also Sakura is an interloper.
Two Wrongs Make a Right, Right? by laziedaisies:
Naruto is an alpha that wishes to be an omega and have children of his own, but he's found a way to find something close that he's happy with.
At least he had until he meets another alpha that brings all of that yearning right back out of him
 The Blizzard by JKirin:
Naruto is a peasant boy in love with Hinata - an heiress of a very important family in the village. In fear of her father's disapproval, they elope to get married in secret but an unexpected blizzard gets in the way of their plans. For better or worse, it changes the course of Naruto's life. SasuNaru one shot , AU
 the sins you pay for by kayeeyooblue:
the walls of sasuke uchiha's apartment are dripping with layers of paint. it seems the only colors he knows how to use are red and black. sometimes, naruto wonders if sasuke has ever known any other color, or if his life has only ever consisted of blood and death. but he can't ask, and there is no answer, so he sits and watches the paint dry and waits for sasuke to begin again.
--- Warmth by noceux:
Naruto has mental illnesses such as PTSD, ADHD, and minor depression. He worked hard to get into a university. He then soon meets Sasuke at a party and doesn’t like him at all.
Sasuke is a bastard who can't stand loud and annoying people, Hence, like Naruto. What will happen when Sasuke had to tutor Naruto and how will Sasuke react after finding out about Naruto’s past and why the blond acts so obnoxious?
Give us our Daily Ramen by KizuKatana:
Naruto runs an underground newspaper called 'The Daily Ramen', focused on poking fun at the fragile egos of the rich and famous. How does Sasuke respond when he moves to town and gets in Naruto's crosshairs? Not particularly well. Sasuke x Naruto (Yaoi boy x boy)
Kamikaze by Tandy_Hard:
Naruto stepped inside the opulent manor and wondered what the fuck he was doing here. “Shika!” A cute blonde in pigtails grabbed his friend Shikamaru’s arm and pulled him deeper into the crowd of party-goers. “Ya gotta be kidding me,” Naruto mumbled and tugged on the straps of his backpack. “Mingle!” Shika called back to him and was then sucked away. Mingle? How the fuck was he supposed to mingle when he didn’t know anyone? Naruto’s eyes slid from left to right, everywhere faces and not a one, familiar.
by his side by xKweenx:
“You want to be by his side. You two...really do love each other. ”
Naruto and Sasuke stayed quiet
Boruto balled his fist, keeping his gaze on the floor
“And I got in the way of it”
--- Red Ring by Nomme_dePlume:
He turned the tap off and reached for a towel, wiping it over his face. He rubbed lightly at his eyes first, then brought the towel lower, opening his eyes to see his reflection as the towel wiped over his nose and mouth. A slight discoloration on his finger caught his attention, so he dropped the towel and brought his left hand up for closer inspection – only to find a thin, red ring around his left ring finger. Eyes wide, Naruto stared at his hand and opened his mouth, words failing him momentarily until he found what he was looking for. “Sakura!”
Secret Love by Dhampir (Dhampire):
AU! Sasuke enjoys his quiet, reclusive life as a historian and professor at Boston University. He spends his days alone and content among his books translating and delving into his love, ancient Japanese history and lore. Everything is just how he likes it until a blue-eyed, blonde-haired man changes everything.
Updates on Thursdays! ^_^
To those waiting, and you know who you are, it’s safe to come back now ^_~ -----------
Sasuke’s fury built as he rounded the corner to confront the idiot before he had him banned from the university library for life. The other occupant stood with his back to him, dressed in jeans and a garish orange jacket with a baseball cap on his head. “Do you have any idea the damage you have caused to—” His words halted as the man turned towards him, azure eyes wide and contrite as he flinched at Sasuke’s acidic tone.
hope this gives you some good reads!
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