#naaaaah can't be
wortverlust · 2 years
uh, first thing's fucking first; your pfp... i'm like, trying to breathe over here can you like, stop stealing it? my air pls? like i need that shit. stop taking my breath please i would like to keep it in my LUNGS
second things second, my knowledge of dragons is anything BUT cool. pls, the fucking drawings on my wall are a testament to that, which will NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY EVER AGAIN pls don't go looking i don't think i could ever live that down–
if you sketched a dragon i think i would like, idk, simply game over. like i would just stop working. i think.
...WAIT IS THE RECURRING DREAM THAT YOU HAVE PICKLES FOR LEGS???? it could be that moving forward in a certain aspect of your life was difficult for you, and it was going to be a slow learning process. don't ask me wtf the pickles mean, maybe you just had a really specific craving???? but it also depends like, which way you were trying to walk, whether you were trying to support yourself by holding onto like, idk a banister or some shit, if anyone was with you at the time, whether they were dill pickles or sour pickles or pickled gherkins idk why i have such expansive knowledge on PICKLES–
i mean, personally, methinks you should take care of your good leg whether your dreams are telling you to or not. ngl if a dream was telling my to cut off my good shoulder... i'm probably not gonna do that or maybe i would just to see what would happen...
i'm curious now–
i understand the struggle, many a time have i been tempted by the squirrels of tinder, but you must say NAY, NAY SQUIRRELS, YOU SHALL NOT TEMPT ME THIS DAY
that film was horrifying the music to the boat sequence is now stuck in my head thank you -_- (but you could never be a bad nut <3)
also moj says to look after yourself so now you have to
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ESSA!!! YOU IMPRESS ME WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE DIFFERENT KIND OF PICKLES!!! A- AND WHAAAT?! PLEASE NOOO!!! IT'S FREAKIN' COOL!!! I MEAN DRAGONS?! HELLO?! D-DRAGONS ON YOUR WALL!!! DRAGON DRAWINGS!!! EHFOWHFOEHOFHEH wanna.see.them.so.badly…efhwehhie (I once painted a dragon on my wall. like a BIG one…so I just could finish his head O_o)
A-A-AND MOOJOO!!! HIII!!! G O D… I want to pat him so badly?! Like SERIOUSLY!!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
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Yeah, It's a dream I get once in a while -the pickle leg dream. So definitely recurring and a dream where I lose all my teeth (NOT IN A COOL OR GOOD WAY SO I WON'T GET INTO DETAIL ...not gonna lie, I have a lot of fucked up dreams ^^;;) AND NO!!! YA HAVE TO KEEP YOUR SHOULDER… AND ARM…AND HAND!!!! Ya need them, for typing (:
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steelthroat · 4 months
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It's almost over! It's almost finished! Wuhuuuu!
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writinglionqueen · 2 years
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theminecraftbee · 3 months
Vintagebeef and time loop?
The second-most annoying thing, he thinks, is that his crops just won't grow.
He's wanted to retire for a while now. Head out and live on a farm. Get some rest. Not have to worry about gunfire and business fronts and drugs and appearances and being in charge. He'd known he wouldn't be able to escape fully. Beef always knew he was on a timer, no matter how he tried to bury the hatchet and bury his past behind you. It always catches up.
He had a big name. He had a big life. He can't just retire from being head of Big Salmon, even if his loyal Skizzleman is the only person he told where he was going. One day, someone will catch up with him, and perhaps if he's lucky they'll turn his tractor into a car bomb. If he's unlucky, it'll be personal.
So in a lot of ways, really, the fact he keeps on waking up in the morning is a gift. It may be the same morning over and over again, sure, but he collects the eggs from his chickens, and he pats his dog, and he feeds his pigs, and he feels the sun shine on his face in a place that smells nothing like asphalt and fumes.
If his tomatoes would grow, it'd be nearly perfect, getting to wake up again and again in the sun like this. It's better than a man like him deserves, really. And it may be Wednesday, and Wednesday, and no tomorrows, but he didn't have himself much of a tomorrow anyway, and collecting the eggs from the chickens is nearly as good as harvesting the crops.
Quiet, and peaceful.
Or it should be. But see: the crops not growing are the second-most annoying thing.
The first most annoying is--
"HALLO! I have decided that this time, I am announcing I am here to assassinate you, ah? That way, you won't see it coming and manage to escape."
Beef groans and puts his head in his hands. A red dot appears on his temple.
"Don't try to run. You have a lovely home, of course, and I don't want to put holes in it. You've repaired those holes real fast, I have to say. You're a real hole expert. No, wait, that sounds terrible in English. Ah well, I'll just say it again."
It's him again.
"...hello? VintageBeef? I have been hired to kill you by your rivals? You aren't even moving. See, this is how you always get me. You do not move and I think I have killed you, then I come back in the morning and it is fixed! Very strange, very strange."
He hasn't realized it's a time loop. Somehow. Beef's tried to tell him. It's a little hard when he's busy being as annoying as possible, and ruining what would otherwise be the best chance for Beef to retire he's got.
"Well, okay, I guess I'll just pull the trigger. This is boring. You're boring, except for the part where you won't die. Hey, wait, maybe you can introduce me to your chickens instead? So next time I can bring you a totally safe chicken."
"Go away," Beef says.
"But I'm being paid so much money to kill you!" the famed assassin codenamed Iskall85 says. "We're friends, aren't we?"
"But I've tried to do this so many ways!"
"Have you considered there's a reason it's not working?"
Iskall considers for a moment. "Naaaaah," he says, and Beef's instincts flare all at once. He dives to the ground as Iskall takes the shot. "Awww, no fair. I thought you were not moving."
"What do you want from me," Beef says.
"I mean, I feel like I've been pretty clear," Iskall says, and Beef doesn't say that he's not even asking Iskall at this point. He's asking the universe. He's asking this Wednesday. He's asking why this has happened to him.
The universe, of course, does not respond, and Beef ducks behind cover for yet another day of his peaceful time loop retirement being completely ruined.
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bestosunglass · 16 days
be honest do you think frylock and master shake could work in a relationship together
As friends? Hardly. As siblings? Nah, they can't even start w being friends. As a couple? I don't ship 'em so it's up to u but, personally, naaaaah.
They live together and make it Meatwad's (and Carl's) problem kkkk
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fakecrfan · 2 months
I'm a believer that Sam and Celia have a bad influence on each other and that their eagerness to form a relationship in a very short period of time will simultaneously scar them mentally, but Alice's attitude is giving me "orphan who in absence of caregivers have learned that they must meet their own needs rather than allowing themselves to rely on another's ability to act genuinely" energy. She's the worst, everyone's the worst and I'm loving everything I'm seeing so far and I can't wait for them to get even worse.
Man, anon, I respect your opinion but I have an entirely different read on the situation.
I wish Celia and Sam had a bad influence on each other. That would make it so there was a single interesting thing about their relationship dynamic at all. Right now I'm getting nothing from them. Not a contrasting dynamic, not interesting banter, not charged interactions, not tension. NOTHING.
They aren't even forming a relationship in a super short time! They are coworkers who after a few weeks went on one mediocre date where they started with baggage and ended up talking about work most of the time. That's literally such a mundane date that it makes me want to tear my hair out.
Also Alice meeting her own needs? Oh definitely not, at least not emotionally speaking. Naaaaah if she was doing that she wouldn't be pestering and jabbing and poking Sam at LITERALLY EVERY MOMENT for any kind of attention out of him. She is the definition of a womanchild, acting like your 11 year old bully friend who has to try and tear you down every moment in an attempt to be "funny" because she literally knows no other way to get attention. And then she gets hurt when her friend gets sick of it because she has 0 amount of emotional intelligence to realize getting on people's nerves gets old.
Tl;dr - everyone actually isn't the worst. Alice is the worst, and that is why she is the best. Meanwhile Celia and Sam are just fine, and that is why they are boring me to tears.
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xxoxobree · 9 months
Not to be contriversal but Miles 42 does not give the vibes of liking white girls im sorry but i just can't see it happening
I know its a fun headcanon for those shippers but naaah he would def be with a black/latina girl
I cringe so hard when I see him with gwen like naaaaah we need black love
I HATE! And I cannot express that enough seeing him with Gwen 🤣 that be getting on my nerves I scroll pass those artwork and theories and stuff soo fast like get that shit off my screen IMMEDIATELY!!!
If you ship them cool but nuh uh ✋🏽 I can’t see it don’t wanna see it. They’re so different too Gwen is a privileged white girl , you could tell by the way she had no regard for Miles’ things and ripped open his collectible. She’d probably irritate tf out of Miles G.
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howlingday · 7 days
1 / (2) / 3 / 4
Qrow: Hey. Some girl named Weiss Schnee went missing.
Qrow: All this work is such a pain! It's like people expect huntsmen to solve crimes or something!
Qrow: Ruby, get your uncle another beer.
Ruby: ...
Neptune: Weiss really isn't at school today...
Neptune: It's almost like that crazy TV world we fell into has something to do with the murders!
Neptune: I can't just walk away this time. I need to find out why Weiss had to die like this!
Yang: Neptune...
Neptune: ...So can we go back in the TV again please, please, please~!
Neptune: Alright, guys, this is going to be dangerous...
Neptune: So, I brought a rake!
Neptune: Also, Yang doesn't get to come!
Yang: Wh-What?! But I-
Neptune: Shut up and hold this rope!
Neptune: YAAAY, TV WORLD~!
Somewhat: Hey! It's you guys again!
Somewhat: Now I get it... You must be the ones throwing people in!
Neptune: (Yanks Somewhat's head off)
Neptune & Somewhat: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Somewhat: We must join forces~!
Somewhat: (Hands over glasses)
Neptune: What are these for?
Somewhat: So you can look cool during battles~!
Neptune: Battles- Wait! This is Weiss' parents door! I bet this place has something to do with how she di-
Neptune: What?
Grimm: (Licks Neptune's face)
The Rusted Knight: I AM THOU, THOU ART ME...
The Rusted Knight: WE'RE A HAPPY FAMILYYY~!
Somewhat: Okay, listen; some Grimm have weaknesses, but they never make any sense! So just guess until you get it right! Here, press this button to get a helpful analysis!
Somewhat: I'm CHEESED to see your GOUDA input skills and FONDUE diligence for this SQUEAKER of a battle~!
Somewhat: Wowie, sir~! That was amazing~! Don't you think so, what's your face?
Neptune: Hey, why don't you call me sir?
Somewhat: Because you're comic relief!
Neptune: Is that Weiss' dad? I don't get it. Weiss always seemed like she was having fun at work... Y-You mean to tell me she WASN'T happy working at the store that drove her family out of business?!
Weiss: Hey, Neptune~!
Neptune: Yes, my sweet~?
Neptune: WHAT?! B-But we were gonna get married and have a million beautiful babies together!
?Neptune?: Whatever, man. She wasn't even that hot.
Somewhat: (Gasps) Two Neptunes?!
?Neptune?: More like one Neptune and one... AWESOME Neptune. Gee, living in the country sure is boring-
Somewhat: Whoa~!
Neptune: Naptiiime~!
Grimm Neptune: OW!
Somewhat: You have to accept it, or it'll attack us again!
The strength of heart to face one's self has blah blah blah...
Neptune: Okay, fine, I guess I do kinda hate everything.
He has obtained the facade used to overcome life's hardships... THE PERSONA FARMER PIG MONK~!
Neptune: Sweet~! Maybe now we can save people who fall in here before they die!
Somewhat: Yeah~! You know, since you guys came in here, I've been wondering where I come from and-
Neptune: Yeah, whatever! See you later!
Somewhat: HUH?!
Neptune: Hey, we're ba- Oh, crap, I forgot about you.
Yang: You guys are jerks!
Neptune: Huh. I guess we should apologize.
Neptune: Later! I'm going to bed.
Blake: I'm wearing a kimono because I'm filling in for my mom at the inn we run!
TV: Blake Belladonna is wearing a kimono because she's filing in for her mom at the inn they run.
You should watch the midnight channel. There's a high school girl wearing a kimono on the screen. ...but you can't think of anyone who fits that description, so you decided to go to bed.
Ozpin: Helloooooooooooooooo~!
Ozpin: Person, persona, persona...
Neptune: Dude! I'm so excited to find out who's behind all these murders!
Neptune: Let's be friends~!
You became friends with Neptune~! Neptune will now DIE FOR YOU
Yang: (Scroll buzzes, Answers) Oh, is this Blake? Yaaay~!
Qrow: Two bodies hanging from telephone poles... and we don't even know if this is a homicide yet.
Clover: Sir, I think we can probably assume it's a-
Qrow: Shut up, Ebi.
Qrow: We've got no clues about the perp. We don't even have a sus because the sec with the mo's got a perf al.
Clover: Sir, what are you even-
Clover: Um, so what do we know about the case so far?
Qrow: The perp... is PROPBABLY in Patch!
Qrow: Case closed! Let's get drunk.
Clover: Huh?!
Ruby: ...
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daddymothxxx · 2 months
"Relax. You can't see everything coming." (From my Val to yours. It's too good to pass up.)
The amount of question marks that should be floating around his head are astronomical. Was he goin' crazy? No--naaaaah. If he was prone to going insane, he'd of done that real young.
Vox had other Vox(s), so...
"Haha, real fuckin' funny. This is in your fuckin' future too." Though he had a good study to lie to himself, he was less inclined to lie to a self outside of his self. However that worked.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
AU where Technoblade, fiercest Warrior in any Server, Potato King, Blood God's Chosen, Antactic Emperor, Tactician of the century-
-is a Piglin RUNT hybrid and is 2 feet tall.
Imagine all of his achievements, but instead of looking down on people, he looks up.
Or even better. In DSMP, when he first meets Dream, he gets annoyed that Dream is standing a block higher and places one. First to look down on him, and then decides Naaaaah. Same height.
You know who else places blocks to be taller? Wilbur. Wilbur, young and impressionable, seeing his dad's very intimidating bestie placing blocks to get the height advantage. Of course he remembered that.
Two foot tall Techno freezing in front of a wanted poster.
Two foot tall Techno putting up guard rails on Pogtopia so Wilbur won't fall, even though it means he can't see over the side as easy because guard rails too tall.
Two foot tall Technoblade having to climb on top of the soul sand to place the wither heads correctly.
The Whole "are you feeling tired, Quackity?" from two foot Technoblade.
But, of course, its you. Lets make it SAD NOW.
Runts are supposed to be cherished, but he keeps getting betrayed by people, whether actually or he perceived it as betrayal, and it makes his instincts haywire.
He puts everything he's got into things so people will value him. But as soon as his usefulness as a tool is up, they toss him aside.
He gets cold SO EASILY. He is small and does not have a ton of body heat to work with. He was mostly coat during Antactic Empire. And when they tried to execute him, they took away all his thing and forced him to walk through the snow. It went up to, like, his waist. And he had to walk back with nothing, Ranboo didn't give him his armor back until later.
Steve is his service bear because even if Technoblade is more dangerous than a bear, and completely able to defend himself, having something big and fierce that WOULD defend him by his side soothes his instincts.
He can't sleep when he is alone. It feels too unsafe. But during Pogtopia he can't really sleep at all because none of them feel safe.
Runts are not supposed to be around strangers alone. Instincts say run away. Makes being watched and peer pressured into things very confusing.
I'm just saying, I think Niki was on to something in OSMP when she begged to make Techno tiny. It is a fun thought.
Runt Technoblade is always my absolute beloved.
The comedy ones are good too, especially that railing one. That's funny. The angst potential though... Maybe that's why Techno works extra hard to prove himself. Because as a runt, he has to try twice as hard to be useful to the sounder.
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steelthroat · 4 months
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It's almost over! It's almost finished! Wuhuuuu!
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I so agree with you with supersons as the perfect natural lgbt couple
It baffles me how dc could mess up so bad. The pieces for them were literally right there and somehow not only does dc fumbles the bag they drop, kick, burnt it, AND made fun of it in its funeral
Like i myself personally am an aroace dami person (bcs i relate) but even i fully believe they're perfect for each other
like, people were always like 'make tim gay make tim gay!' and im like 'hmmm maybe. OR, take the natural progression you've created in Jon and Damian finding themselves and GO FROM THERE.' You'll have the superbat/robin+superboy pairing the world's been BEGGING for.
But naaaaah.
And then when we all brought it up they're like 'Well....we can't admit we messed it up EVER so let's just YANK THEM APART FOR ALL TIME. It's just. uggggggggh
It would have been so easy. SO. EASY. asdlfkjasjd;flkj I'll never be over it.
and as much as I love connor hawke being ace DAMIAN WAS RIGHT. THERE. Queer adjacent again SIGH. rude.
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velvetineblue · 26 days
🚢 ( sending this in!! for suki 🥲 )
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon ( i am PRETTY sure they would work very well as a romantic ship (for tai at least), because i love suki & tai's dynamic as friends!!! and for tai, all potential romantic partners have to also be his friend. above all else, even. for him, a partner is very much just like a Best Friend with some extra ( mostly less important ) 'benefits' on the side, lmao. ... bUT there's always that small chance we try it and they're like 'naaaaah'. idk. characters are weird and have minds and hearts of their own, lmao. )
would i like to ship with you?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FRANKLY A TRAVESTY THAT WE DO NOT ALREADY WRITE A (romantic) SHIP lmao. but I also completely get it and respect it, because neither of us want to force anything that feels ooc!! < 3 | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: ( meaning these are the types i could see writing riGHT NOW... others? possibly later ehehe. ) childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance ( i mostly checked this one because... sure... why not. KJAHDJHSH it could be long distance in the sense that he does travel a lot in the verses where he and Suki interact, and also?? i could potentially see it being a way that they slowly realize they have feelings for each other, because they realize they miss each other when apart... and if they were crushing or dating while apart, I think that would almost kind of give them time to get used to the idea of like 'omg wait do i have roMANTIC feelings for this person?!?! O SHIT--' lmao because they've been platonic friends for so long, lmao. IDK!! it's just a possibility/hypothetical/thought, heh. ) | online relationship | just dating I don't think Suki is the casual dating type, if I understood posts about her feelings on romance correctly?? and I know Tai wouldn't want to 'casually' date her. he already feels somewhat 'close' to her... like they're not EXTREMELY emotionally intimate, but he feels a certain close-ness with her: being that they're long-term friends... so it would be really really hard for him to keep a 'casual' relationship with her... if that makes sense ??? if their friendship is more than casual, then so too would be their romantic relationship, I guess is kind of another way to put it?? lmao, idk... but yea-- it's much more likely that if he realized he has romantic feelings, he'd want to DATE-date her. not necessarily jumping head-first into something SERIOUS-- just that he wouldn't treat her like a 'coffee dates, lets get to know each other, while still exploring our options' kinda thing, YOU KNOW??? if he gets with suki, he's WITH suki and committed to it and committed to making it work, I think!! | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits I think he would get too emotionally attached to be fwb. aksjjk. so I mean, technically yes they could be this, for awhile..... but it would end up with him almost-certainly wanting more 😭😭 akjdajj that could be kind of an interesting, messy plot, too, tho-- SO SURE, WHY NOT CHECK THAT ONE ALSO AKJDHAJKJ
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers ( only enemies when it comes to crocs..... even then, Tai is pretty much an ally to the crocs Cause-- Suki just doesn't feel he's doing ENOUGH for the cause, I think adxkjahsjkj ) | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine neither is consistently grumpy enough for that, are they?? lmao | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship ( idk why they would have to be a secret. I can't think of any reason tai would have to keep suki a secret lmao. but idk-- the idea just sounded kinda interested. if she wants a secret bf... he's down aksjaj ) | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( I'm pretty much open for any of those!! I'm definitely intrigued by the idea of Suki/Tai now hehe. they have a good amount of development, and I think they've always had really good chemistry!!
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter ( I'm not in a random-unplotted-starter-creating mode at the moment 😭 akdjhakj but I'm sure I can come up with some eventually!! : D at the moment, though, my brain just isn't cooperating with the idea lmao. I could reply to anything tho !! :3 )
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: I still love the idea of them living in the same apartment building, if you're still okay with that ! : D so so many cute and fun scenarios can come from that, hehehe
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tsuki-sennin · 4 months
Prominence horn! Sununicorn!
Alchemy... modern chemistry even, is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. It could be as simple as halogens forming salt from metals. It could be as macabre and absurd as creating kitchen knives out of things like tape or crab. It could be as vital as the food you eat being broken down inside your body and spreading nutrients all throughout it, or as brutal as building an empire out of Blue Sky and the blood of far too many people.
Young miss Rinne Kudo, for her part, is undergoing a change of her own. A... transformation, if you will... Daybreak has past, and the Sun hangs high above us in the sky. Allow her to take the stage on a stark white horse...
And, after that... the curious case of Kurogane Spanner's stalling engine. What sort of mechanical failure is he suffering from? Is the ego that once propelled him becoming an unreliable fuel source?
Spoilers, I guess...
-The Kitchen Alliance!
-What are we cookin'?
-"Naaaaah, it's fiiiiine~!"
-Yeah, fuck secrecy~!
-"My dad gave me this ring, it's not the same thing :<"
-"Good morning, meat boy >:3"
-It doesn't feel right seeing Clotho get bowled over like that.
-Three heads, just like the mythological Geryon. Hmm...
-"Atropos, dear, how about you take him for a walk? :)"
-Hello, Spanner's Mom.
-Can't believe it, can ya?
-Minato-sensei's deadliest ability. Rerouting pathfinding.
-Noooooooo, Hotarooooo!
-"Sensei, c'mon man!"
-Geryon all along!
-Take some small comfort in that, Rinne.
-Saba miso~!
-Renge-san's taken quite the
-Meat puffs.
-"I'm gonna be real, this isn't as terrible as I thought it'd be."
-Spooked by a nine year old.
-Extra spicy fried grasshoppers~!
-He's three guys now!
-I seeeeee! An overheat limit~!
-Help us, Rinne...
-Ohhhhhh, that's not good.
-Geryon Gilded.
-Oh Rinne...
-All lives touch other lives to create something new and alive.
-"Yeeeeeah... about that..."
-Not a law... but a principle.
-"Filthy traitor :c"
-Alchemis Link!
-Unicon! The Sun!
-As above, so below...
-Prominence Horse! Sununicorn!
-Her resolve has come!
-What's Your Fire, comin' in hot~!
-Tearing up the ground~!
-Get it back on, Majade!
-I deeply appreciate just how unironically...
-Magical the whole thing is.
-Be free, child.
-"Even Kudoh Rinne..."
-Sorry Kyoka, I don't think Spanner's in the mood.
-How do you know what happened to her, you creepy old fuck-
-Y'know, I think he does understand.
-"Girl, what????
-Okay, next time
-"Good work, daughter I don't hate."
-Y'know, it's pretty telling that Geryon constantly giving his homunculi piss-colored chromejobs seems to win out over other alchemical goals like creating panacea or learning more about prima materia.
-Already confident, eh?
-"Ohhhhh, I see~!"
-Awwww, no Mom?
-Damn, last week I learned she was Sukeban Deka as a kid.
-"You're just as Spanner said you are~!"
-Sour grapes...
-So that's the Angel's game, is it?
-Angelead and Madwheel...
-"So like, I hate to be a jerk, but I've gotta ask..."
-For Spanner...
-Up to twelve.
-"Yeah, they got Madwheel, remember?"
-Holy shit, he seems almost
-At least Kyoka believes us.
-"Oh... oh no... No, no no no no!"
-"Nooooooo, Supana!"
-The dead can't be alchemists, eh?
-Jesus Christ, wha
-They're getting dusty.
-Orphenoch style death.
-"Stupid dog..."
-Lachesis, you wanted to fuck this poor sopping bloody mess of man several episodes ago, shush-
-"Noooo... :c"
-There he is.
-"Remember me, buddy? How about I rip that darkness out~?"
-This is Heisenberg levels of petty.
-"Oh, nope, can't have that~!"
-Minato-sensei, what the fuck man
-Kyoka meant
-Black fire literally.
-"Be gilded, my son!"
-Watching your parents die again, getting beaten to a bloody pulp in front of your ex girlfriend, being forced to make your favorite Chemy do bad things, and being flashbanged by a Rubik's cube.
-Kurogane Spanner's having a terrible day.
-Fuck you, Angel.
-"He's... he's gone, you little punks."
-Oh no....
-"H-hey, listen buddy, how about-"
-Piling on the traumas one after another, I see.
-All too often incredible power falls into the hands of malice.
-"No virtue in vengeance..."
-"You're a good boy, Spanner... that's what made you so powerful."
-I'm almost upset I like Spanner now.
-"Goodbye. Get lost. Farewell."
-"You won't fail again. Not while I still think so, at least!"
-Angry Car Man...
-Come home... Valvarad...
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
rewatching my recording from last night, just for quality stuff, and...
wow, it's very noticeable how Astarion missed on all but one single fucking shot he took against his siblings.
Like the fight was over very quickly (what's the most effective weapon against vampires, stakes? naah. garlic? naaaah. silver? naaaaah. It's a fucking owlbear.), that's not important, but... for the MVP he usually is, this time, he literally landed one single attack. Which was the first shot, an Arrow of Many Targets that only managed to hit Violet (a Miss on all the others), the rest of the damage dealt was only because of his equipment's enchantments, and it was healed literally right away (because I totally forgot about the vampiric regeneration thing- but since his is currently blocked, I feel like it works that he might too).
I love these little coincidences that happen on a meta-level. I feel like this really works with the story, him being so rattled that he just can't even focus enough to aim properly- I was already pruposefully playing him as a bit more evasive than usual Because Plot (he's not reluctant to raise a hand against them, it's the "I've come to collect you and Take You Back There" that would rattle anyone), but being just absolutely and completely useless in this fight specifically just works so well.
... As did rolling fairly low to persuade him to not lie to his siblings, but succeeding nevertheless because of Iona's absurd charisma. Like it shows that even though her argument wasn't great, and they pretty fundamentally disagree here, the "disappointed I'm not getting cuddly Astartion" look he specifically remarks on is really doing some heavy lifting. It's kind of nice to imagine that he's growing as weak to her disapproval as she has been getting to his. I feel like she was a lot more open to being kind of a dick to him and challenging him early on- it's since reaching the Gate that she's kind of been a little bit on eggshells.
(He's gotta at least kind of hate that he can't bring himself to say no to her. And she's not even doing it on purpose this time, it just feels especially cruel to lie to the pig about how the sausage is made.)
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rachiegeorge · 1 year
Ever try one of those life hacks that sounds extremely dumb, but then you try it yourself anyway... And it's actually incredibly useful?
Story time!
I was sitting on my useless butt in my free time at work, nomming mini stroopwafels and mindlessly using the internet when I caught myself in the act of being useless. Mildly frustrated with myself I looked up if there really was no easy way to stop gorging on pleasure chemicals. And I did find something. As you probably have guessed... I thought it sounded extremely dumb. I mean how does making your computer screen greyscale help anything? But... Y'know, if it didn't work, what did I really have to lose? So I tried it. And just 20 minutes later I found myself backing away from my screen and stretching, something I never do as an internet zombie.
But I was like "naaaaah, this can't be working..." and I look up if there was any tests done to show that this does indeed work. And I found an article that claims test results show it can work.
Guess I'm one of the lucky few where it works.
Anyway, not long later I was like "This isn't good for me" and went for a walk. Sure I came back just to waste more time, but it's a good start. Hell, I even stopped eating my stroopwafels.
I just hope this aha moment won't turn out to be all that great like all my other aha moments. Certainly it's no miracle worker because I'm... You know... Still typing this blog post.
But... Maybe after this post I'll wind down with some Lofi girl / Meditation.
Anyway, if you feel yourself hopelessly hooked to social media even though you want out... Maybe try this? I can't guarantee it will work for you but it's worth a shot right?
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