#nah it´s a simple festival
sebfreak · 1 month
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
LIPxLIP and the Filming of the New Year’s Special Programme: Chapter 1
the hakamas made me do it i m s o r r y
next part (chapter 2)
Aizo and Yujiro, the constantly bickering pair that made up the active idol unit known as LIPxLIP, had a relationship of friendly rivalry with each other as they worked towards a shared goal.
On a day leading up to the new year, their apprentice manager, Hiyori, called out to them with an “I have something great to tell you!”—
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Aizo: A New Year’s variety programme, you said…?
Yujiro: And it will be livestreamed…?
Hiyori: Yup! The stream will begin right after the year changes, so we don’t have much time…
Hiyori: But the director said that they absolutely had to have you guys participate in the programme, and extended an offer to you!
Hiyori: Your fellow participants will include other idols, entertainers,  and all kinds of other people who are rather popular at the moment.
Hiyori: It’ll be a solo competition, so the two of you will have to be rivals on it.
Aizo: For real?! So do I have to act like I have a score to settle with Yujiro?
Yujiro: Huh? Settle what score?
Yujiro: Though, the outcome will be obvious, even if we don’t do it.
Aizo: You’re talking about the fact that you’ll lose for sure, right?
Yujiro: More like, your loss. Give your stupidity a rest already.
Hiyori: Geez! I should be the one telling you guys to “Give it a rest”!
Hiyori: Manager Uchida told me to explain everything to you guys properly!
Hiyori: So pay close attention until I’m done!
Aizo: Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Yujiro: As you wish. Care to continue, Miss Apprentice?
Hiyori: Geez, did you really have to add that last part…?
Hiyori: …Anyway! As for what the special programme is going to be about…
Hiyori: It will be in the format of an elimination match. You will have to participate in various competitive events, and the lowest scoring participant of each event will be eliminated until there is just one remaining participant, who will be deemed the winner.
Hiyori: Said winner will receive the grand prize of some self-promotion time on the show!
Hiyori: Manager Uchida said that “We’ll be lucky regardless of which one of LIPxLIP wins, because we’ll get good publicity either way.” though…
Hiyori: There’s a chance that all kinds of people will be tuning in to the stream of the New Year’s programme, so do your best, you two!
Yujiro: …I’m obviously going to give it my all, though.
Aizo: What kinds of events will there be anyway?
Hiyori: Ah—... About that…
Hiyori: We won’t know till the programme begins.
Hiyori: It’ll be a special programme to celebrate the New Year, so the events may be related to New Year festivities, or they could even be stuff like simple sports.
Hiyori: There’s also the possibility that it could be a quiz, or maybe a card game tournament or something…
Aizo: So we won’t be able to plan for it, huh.
Yujiro: …Yeah.
Hiyori: But still! I really do think that you guys have a shot at victory!
Hiyori: Just don’t argue with each other over weird things on the stream, okay?! All you guys have to do is stay on the programme till the very end.
Hiyori: Cooperate with each other, all while appearing to be competing with each other, got it?!
Aizo: Yeah, yeaaah.
Yujiro: Understood—
Hiyori: …
Aizo: Huh? What’s with that reaction?
Hiyori: Nah… I just…
Hiyori: Have this feeling… of unease…
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Aizo: Thanks for your hard work!
Director: Yup, you did well out there! I’ll be counting on you again in the future!
Having finished their shooting for a television programme, Aizo and Yujiro walked along the path towards the dressing room, alone with each other.
Aizo: …Hey, regarding that special programme…
Yujiro: What of it?
Aizo: Despite what Suzumi said about cooperation, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna go all out to defeat you.
Yujiro: That’s my line. Don’t do anything lame like getting eliminated in the very first event, okay?
Yujiro: Wait, scratch that, just try to stay until the final round. If you even can, that is.
Yujiro: We’ll face off against each other in the final round… Where I’ll be sure to show you the sheer differences in our abilities.
Aizo: Why you…!
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Okay but chill s/o with the no biggie attitude was so cute like bakugo is rlly this dramatic lil boi who excepts ppl to do the most for his love n I’m here for it can I have a head canon for them or 2?
Title: No Biggie P.2
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Part 1: Chill S/O
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Bakugou Katsuki!:
First Date:
At first your classmates didn’t notice a difference between you two
You didn’t really act any different and neither did Bakugou
He was always a little nicer to you anyways
Considering you were best friends there was no reason to think any differently about it
You two weren’t trying to make it known,
However, you guys weren’t trying to hide it either
You two did the same things you normally did
Hung out together, studied together, trained together
Anything together, you name it
But Katsuki felt as if he wasn’t doing enough for you,
Or what he said was,
“You think I’m hot, Katsuki~?”
And so you two made a plan to spend the day together that weekend
And it honestly was the least stressful thing ever
You know how people get those first date jitters?
Nah, none of that here
Even though Katsuki knew that this was a big deal,
He knew you were the person he trusted the most,
So why would he be nervous?
If there was anything you did/didn’t want to do,
He knew you’d be vocal about it
In a non-condesending way
(Because baby boy cannot handle that rejection yo)
So the day came and he took you out,
And lo and behold he had the best time of his life
He didn’t do the usual,
‘Let’s eat at a fancy place and watch a movie’
Nah, this guy is a little wild,
Kinda crazy if anyone would ask you,
So you guys did a bunch of things most people would consider training,
He took you both to this park he knew
Beautiful area with trees and hiking trails,
And actually wanted to mountain climb with you,
“You ready to lose, Katsuki?”
“Let’s fucking go!”
At the top was this really pretty spot,
You totally thought this is the spot he wanted to show you,
“Nah, we gotta go farther, just hikin’ this time.”
You just shrugged,
Grabbing his hand with a lazy smirk,
“well then you gotta hold my hand.”
“It’s my prize for winning, duh.”
“I fucking won, what are you talking about!”
“Well, what do you want as a prize then?”
“…shut up.”
He squeezed your hand and started to drag you up
Took you on the scenic route all the way
Once at the top-top, he whipped out a nice little picnic lunch he made
You thought it was the sweetest thing
He made a bunch of your shared favorites
You guys talked about everything while you ate
Hero studies, class, plans after graduation
You had never felt more happy
And Katsuki swears he’s never seen you more stunning 
Especially that you have that favorite lazy smile of his on your face
You guys packed up after a while,
And you tapped him with your famous lazy smirk,
“Race you to the bottom, hotshot.”
He never ran so fast
You won,
But he “let” you, of course…
You two walked around the city for a while after you climbed down 
At one point you were caught rambling,
and when you looked at Katsuki your breath hitched in your throat at the look he was giving you
He was staring, a smile and serene smile on his face
It wasn’t anything over the top,
but it was a true smile
He noticed the dazed look in your eyes and couldn’t help the blush over his cheeks
So, if you’re asking
What was the perfect way to end this perfect date with your perfect man?
With a perfect kiss of course.
When Class 1-A Figures it out:
As stated,
Your classmates didn’t notice anything different at first
You two had just seemed,
Well normal
As normal as a nice Bakugou could be
But it all clicked for them during the last sports festival
You were watching from the stands along with the others,
Having gotten out during the first rounds of battle
But you were enjoying watching from the sidelines,
Getting to watch your mans move his way up the ranks just like his first year
Y’all don’t talk about second year…
But now you were watching the last match before the final two were to battle,
And Katsuki was going against a tough opponent
Tougher than you thought, seeing as they were keeping him on his toes
You knew he could handle himself,
It was never a big deal when anything would happen
If he lost a practice battle or spar you’d just give him a smile,
“No biggie Katsuki, we’ll kick ass even harder next time, yea?”
People would say it was a miracle how you could calm him down with something so simple
But you  knew it was because you were just telling him the truth
SUre, he didn’t win but next time?
Oh he’d kick ass.
He knew you weren’t messing with him and he appreciated you
He may give a fake frown and a playful eye-roll, but he’s always agree
That’s how you were with everything he did though,
You shrugged it off,
Even when girls or guys would try to flirt on him,
What reason was there to get upset?
You knew who you were, 
He knew who he was,
So what did it matter if someone thought something else?
But this time you felt a strange tightening in your chest as you watched this chick land punch after punch 
She must of had some type of strength enhancement quirk because holy hell
She was kicking ass.
You had winced,
When she punched him and you saw Katsuki get slammed back and skid across the cement
A few of your classmates saw how emotional your facial expressions were,
And they were a little nerved
If you were worried, 
Then what the hell was happening???
You weren’t worried per say but-
Ah, she was flirting with him now??
You watched how she blew a kiss as Katsuki stood up, 
Pushing her breast together as she fawned over how manly he was being
Yea, like that made sense.
“Wowie Katsuki-kun, you’re so amazing. I’d love to see some more!”
the way she eye-raped him made your chest tighten even more
“Some more huh!? I’ll show you some more”
The lick of his lips had something in your snap,
And you were out of your chair before you could even register what the hell you were doing
You’ve never felt this way,
A burning feeling in your chest as you saw green,
This wasn’t no biggie,
This felt like a big deal to you.
Your shout startled everyone,
You literally made Deku jump out of his seat at the gruff and barking tone,
you NEVER raised your voice,
even during training when you were calling for backup, medic supplies, or commands, 
It was always just loud enough,
to be heard and respected
But never like this!
You were glaring harshly,
Gripping the railing tight as you did,
You saw your boyfriends attention immediately snap to you,
Like he swore his neck broke at how fast he looked at you,
mouth to the floor and eyes open wide,
who were you??
You didn’t bother to stare at his rare flustered face,
grinding your teeth as you looked at the girl instead
“Has (y/n) ever talked like that?”
“Why are they talking like Kaachan??”
“Is (y/n)-chan jealous?”
“…There has to be a reason, kero.”
“(y/n)-san???? EMOTIONS??? Besides nonchalant? No way…”
After the battle,
That Katsuki pulled off like you knew he would,
They had a lot of questions…
You waved them off with a lazy shurg,
Your chill persona there as if it never left in the first place
“Idk what you guys are talkin’ about. You’re being pretty noisy though.”
You stood up and started to make your way out the seating area,
Just to see Katsuki sprinting towards you
You stared up at him with lazy eyes as he came to an abrupt halt,
Not even flinching when he almost crashed into you
“Yo, good match-”
He caught you off guard with a kiss.
It was rough, 
a little sloppy and frantic,
but damn if it wasn't romantic,
“what was that for?”
“You’re just the best, you know that?”
“If you say so?”
The shocked sounds of your classmates pulled you both from your own little world,
You gave a lazy smile while watching Katsuki blow up on them all
But you saw that little blush along his cheeks,
Who knew Katsuki liked to be shown off?
Sure, you knew he wanted you to do the most for his love,
Or whatever he had called it,
But you didn’t realize just how much he needed it.
Needed someone to put him first,
To prove to him that he was worth it.
Right then you decided that no matter what,
You would do your best to prove to this boy he was the most.
That his life was the most valuable, most worthy thing you could ever hope to be apart of,
and that was no biggie,
Unlike Katsuki Bakugou,
Who was very much a big deal.
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Um, can I have the sdr2 boys (if it's not too much) with an s/o that thinks they may be cheating, but they're actually trying to propose? Like they're busy all the time. Hopefully this isn't too much for you, I know you do dr1 a lot. You're one of my favorite imagine writers!
Awww Thank you so so much!!! I do DR1 a lot but I also love my DR2 and DRV3 babies so don't be afraid to request them. Okay, let's go to the imagine
I made Kazuichi, Fiyuhiko and Komaeda so so long so the rest are a little bit simple but I still find them cute, sorry for that
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Hajime Hinata
•He's been really distant lately
•Sneaking out whenever someone calls him
•Making up excuses to not assist to your dates...
•You don't want to think about it but you do
•It really seems like he is cheating
•And you are very sad now
•He tries to convince you to go with him to the beach
•On a date!
•You don't really want to go but you accept and try to talk to him about it
•"Hajime... is there something you are hiding me?"
•"What? No, not at all"
•You choose to trust him and forget about the issue
•Even if you are a little tense
•When nights falls you want to make him a little surprise and go tot he sand to write I love you on it
•And as you walk backwards you crash against something
•You turn around and it's your boyfriend
•In one knee and showing you a ring
•Oh, and you really though he was cheating on you
•He would never! He loves you enough to ask you to spend all your life with him!
•He gives you a long speech about all you two have been through
•And you can't really focus on it because you are too excited
•"S/O I love you, truly and forever, will you marry me?"
•You don't give him any answer, you just jump onto his arms and no words are needed
Nagito Komaeda
•He tried, he really tried so hard to make it cute
•But you know how his luck works
•The first thing he tried was to buy your favourite book and hide a ring on it
•As a reference for that love for books you two shared
•He took you out to a very fancy restaurant
•And you two had a great night
•And then he wanted to give you a gift, the book
•You opened it and no special reaction was given
•Of course you liked it but it wasn’t the reaction he expected
•Well, of course, you didn't know he was proposing
•Because there was no ring at all, it was lost
•He understood it pretty fast and tried another thing
•He tried to propose at the lake after a romantic day on there you two alone
•But a fish ate the ring
•And he tried to propose with fireworks
•But he ended up a little burned
• You started to doubt him, you knew he was hiding you something and all of those weird dates didn’t help, you liked him beiing extra romantic but he had been busy all week and at the end of every single date he looked quite... dissapointed?
• You know Komaeda would never cheat on you, he adores you 
• But it looked like he was cheating definetly
•Luckily, before you went absolutely mad or he killed himself trying to propose, he gave up
•"Look, S/O, I've been trying, really but it looks like my luck isn't on our side for this" he gave you his usual tender smile that smile that made you feel calm whenever you saw it "I love you and all of the bad luck from this world is worth it if it means I can spend my life with you forever, I know it is selfish to want someone as great and hopeful as you all for me and even more if there is no ring-"
• Oh, god, he wasn’t cheating, he was trying to propose all along!
•You cut him with a passionate kiss before he starts degrading himself
•"I want to marry you, Komaeda, I want to marry you because you are the greatest person I've ever met and I don't care about your luck, the ring or whatever you think of yourself, I want to spend my life with you"
•And after a long long kiss Komaeda finally says something
•"Yeah, I am definetely the lucky student, that's how I managed to find someone like you"
Kazuichi Souda
• Kazuichi had been working on his repair shop all week
• And you hadn’t seen him a lot in the past month
• But what made you more anxious was the fact that he hadn’t told you about waat he was working in
• He would usually spend hours talking about his inventions
• And you adored to listen to him because he loked too happy while doing it
• But this time he was keeping it a secret
• And you were a little bothered
• You didn’t want to admit it because Kazuichi was the most caring and attent guy you had ever met
• And he loved you deeply
• But he was also easily distrated by other people
• You knew he would never cheat on you
• But sometimes you were specially sensitive about it if he had been delusioning too much lately
• And that along with the lack of communication issue made you paranoid
• But then Kazuichi called you and planned a date for the next day
• You had to go to his repair shop and so he would bring you somewhere
• You went to his repair shop the next day 
• And the wall was projecting something
• He was trying to fix a projector all this time?
• You see then what is being projected
• It shows all of your relationship
• How you two met, how he felt in love with you, your first dates, your first problems, the moment when you two started to be really in love with each other, the tragedy, the killing game... absolutely everything
• And when you were on the verge of tears the projector started to sho things that hadn’t happened 
• Yet
• Like you dressing for your edding, a big family house,, picures of you to on it
• Cookig, cuddling, playing videogames, talking about his machines... all with matching rings in both your hands
• Some kids maybe?
• And it ends with two elders you on that house, spending all your life together
• And when you turn around and finaly see him he is in one knee giving you a ring
• And you were thinking you had lost him... you had been such an idiot
• He doesn’t really propose because he just can’t talk
• And you can't either, being honest
• You finaly manage to spit out a “yes” between all of your tears
• And then he is hugging you
• With sucb strentgh yuo breath, he is just way too nervious
• Your poor boy is shaking and his heart razes at lighting speed
• And once he calms down he whispers lots of “thank you”s to your ear
• I mean, he is so thankful for having you on his life... expect a lot of spoiling for the next few weeks
Gundham Tanaka
• Let’s be honest you have always been a little jealous of Sonia
• They were always so... close
• And he had been spending his time in her bedroom more than usual
• Canceling your dates to go see her
• To the point when you started to think that his Devas were sleeping in Sonia’s bedroom
• And you were paranoid
• And that was too much
• You were about to lose it when the Devas came to your room
• Carrying a little box with them
• You took it in your hands and opened it 
• To find a beautiful, pure black ring 
• It was a rather scary ring, you could almost see hell inside it
• But that was your boyfriend style and you loved it!
• You knew what this meant
• He wasn’t cheating with Sonia, she was helping him and the Devas prepare all of this
• “S/O my dear” It was your boyfriend behind you “there is no one as powerful and valuable as you in this world, and having you by my side has made my power increase" He took your hand in his "would you be the spouse of Tanaka the forbidden?”
• “Yes, yes, yes, of course I will!”
• He kissed your hand before putting the ring in your finger
• “I swear I will make you the happiest person alive, my queen/king of darkness” 
Fuyuhiko Kuuzuryu
•He asks Peko for help
•And after all your little talks Fuyuhiko knows what he is going to do
•Peko isn't either but she is your friend and can ask you something discreetly to find put what would make you happy
•He isn't the best with this things
•On the next summer festival, during the fireworks he will ask you to marry him
•You said you used to love the fireworks as a child and that Fuyuhiko was always handsome on his yukata
•He was fully prepared to make your week amazing and romantic and end it with the fireworks and the proposition
•Well, you said more things but those were the most important for him
•And you weren't suspecting a thing thanks to Peko
•But then things went wrong
•The Kuzuryuu clan enemies attacked
•And he didn't want you to know
•And a lot of yakuza's business had place during the festival
•And he couldn't attend it with you
•He was mysterious, angrier than usual and failed you on the festival
•And you realized then that Peko had been covering him all this time but he had been very distant
•And then those thoughts about him cheating appeared
•Nah, he would never cheat
•He was too sweet to do it, right?
•Peko accompanied you all night long
•It was to keep you save but you thought it was to make you forget about your boyfriend abandoning you on your favourite festival
•When the fireworks ended and you arrived at home all that you wanted to do was cry on your bed
•But then Fuyuhiko was there
•With a little box of fireworks on his hands
•"I'm late, I know, but those fucking morons- I... It took me longer than I thought to fix some problems but I'm here"
•"Problems? What kind of problems?"
•"Yakuza's problems"
•"You should have told me"
•"I didn't want to ruin your night and... I brought fireworks"
•You would like to be angry but you imagined Fuyuhiko with all of his bad temper and anger issues searching for a place to buy fireworks just to cheer you up and you couldn't help but to smile and thanks the world for sending you this wholesome boy
•You went to kiss your boyfriend and watched his special fireworks together when he pulled out a little box of pants
•He was not only worrying about not worrying you and making you enjoy the festival, he was also trying to propose to you
•He was definitely the best boyfriend you could have asked for
•And now he was going to be your husband!!!
Nekomaru Nidai
•He was untraceable all the time
•You offered him to do something and he was too busy
•He wasn't even going to the gym
•Something was wrong here
•And you suspected the worse
•Some days passed by and he kept being ilocalizable and you kept overthinking it all
•Until he asked you to go on a walk with him
•A mountain walk of course because it is Nidai, remember?
•And when you were about to ask him if he didn't love you anymore he disappeared
•And the next thing you saw was a plane on the sky writting with its fume
•It said 'S/O will you marry me'
•And behind you your boyfriend arrived in paracaidas
•With a ring in a box in his hands
•Man, he'd put as many passion onto this as he did usually
•And he almost make you lose your head!
•You run to him and hugged him
•And he spinned you around in his arms
•"I will take that as a yes" he said with his characteristically loud laugh
•That laugh that you loved so much
•And now you would hear it FOREVER!!!
Teruteru Hanamura
•He takes you out to the best restaurant on town
•Your house
•With him as the cook your dinner room will be the best restaurant you had ever been to
•He tries to decorate it as romantic as possible
•But being him it looks more like an acenary from an... adult movie
•You called him and no responses
•But still when you arrive home you love it!
•He has been so distant lately
•And with his constant comments to the people around you it was easy for you to think he would cheat on you
•But no, he was planning this surprise right?
•Yeah, sure it was that
•Your boyfriend's dishes were spectacular
•But your favourite plate was the dessert without any doubt
•And no, Teruteru wasn't the dessert even if he joked about it
•It was a beautiful pink an white cake
•And inside of it a ring
•"S/O, I had never met somebody like you, in you I found another family and I want to be with you forever, will you marry me?"
•"Of course yes babe!!" Is the only thing you say before kissing him
Byakuya Twogami (ultimate imposter)
•They didn't really know how to propose to you
•They had never had nobody that loved them for who they were
•They never had nobody who knew them at all
•Except you
•And they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you
•But how? They dressed up as joyero to ask the costumers about their ideas
•But then you saw them and another person (who were just they digused) and started to think he was cheating on you
•You know where dies he gets all inspiration from
•You eventhough it so much that you decided to ask them once they were at home
•"Oh, S/O, baby" they laughed "I wanted to make it special but it will only make it worse" he se puso sober una rodilla and you already knew what he was doing
•And you were so so happy
•"Yeees!" You answered before they could even ask the question
•You just jump over them tirandola al suelo and hugging then
•You were so so very happy and so were them
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monomonomagines · 3 years
Prompt #23 Caramel Apples with Ryoma
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While there were plenty of fun fall activities to head out to do on date night, Ryoma was normally the person who'd rather have a night in with you. It wasn’t that he hated going out per se but rather that being around all the large crowds and all could make him a bit uncomfortable at times. He was closed off and didn’t really concern himself with the hustle and bustle of the big festivals nor did he desire anything that was of high value unless you were counting that by a scale of intrinsic value.Yes, Ryoma was just content getting to be close to you in your shared apartment with your pet cat where you two were safe and sound, as if you were in a space that was fully secluded from the outside world.
There was no way you’d ever drag him away from the safety and warmth that he had at home. Even if it was tempting to, you knew that if you were going to be enjoying any of the typical fall festivities you’d be far better off bringing the fun home and directly to Ryoma rather than making him go out. Thus, came about the idea to make some caramel apples together where you knew he was sure to have fun.
It didn’t take much time at all with the kits available at the store to finish shopping for the necessary ingredients you needed so by the time you finished with set up it was rather easy to get started. All you had to do was to clean off the apples, stick a skewer into them, and heat the caramel so that you can dip them in it. Seems easy enough you thought so may as well just jump in head first after you decide how to split the work between the two of you.
You knew of course how Ryoma tended to dislike working in the kitchen at times with his height causing so many problems for him even with all the stools and other items you had to help him so you both decided to give him what you thought was the easier of the tasks. He’d wash and skewer apples while you’d head the caramel mixture.
As you grabbed all the ingredients to set next you on the counter closest to the stovetop you gave him a smile, happy to see that this didn’t seem to stress him too much.
“Hey, you gonna be ok with those apples all by yourself?” You quip, struggling not to let out a small giggle as he keeps a rather straight face.
“I’ll be fine. Are you going to be fine working with all that hot caramel? There’s been a few close calls when we’ve cooked before.” He replies smoothly, saying it in a half teasing manner and half remindful one so that you would remember not to get too careless even if your task seemed to be an easy one.
It was embarrassing to know that he did catch onto your mess ups but rather than let it get you down you instead laugh it off. “I’ll be fine! I promise so you can have fun skewering apples while I get this started!”
Of course, you wouldn’t call it “fun” necessarily to just do such a mundane activity as cooking alone but both of you seemed to reach the same sentiment that so long as the two of you were together even small things like cooking side by side weren’t simple tasks anymore. Now they were acts of love and kindness, something that you can end up doing with an effortless smile on your face as you think of the happiness it’ll bring the other.
Now with a small nod of understanding on each of yours end it was time to begin your task! Heating caramel as worded within the instructions on the back of the kit you had bought. First, add milk and the caramel mix, put it on high, and once it starts to come to a boil, put it on medium and let it start to solidify slightly. It certainly seemed like a lot when you first gave it a readover but it didn’t seem to be that many steps regardless. Now focusing on the mixture with utmost concentration, you add the necessary ingredients and turn on the stovetop. The only sound between the two of you being light banter, the sound of a skewer piercing the flesh of an apple here and there, and the low bubbling of the caramel mixture.
Within a fairly short amount of time though, the sounds on Ryoma’s end stopped as he walked over a tray of skewered apples ready to dip to you, having to hand them off to you so that he can go get his stool to help him see the stovetop from the same perspective as you.
“Done already?” You ask, surprised by his speed as the caramel mixture still didn’t do so much as continue to lightly bubble in the pot you were working in.
“Yeah, it doesn’t take much work to skewer a few apples.” He admits bluntly, looking over to the mixture himself. “Do you need any help with the caramel?”
Blushing a bit at how long your end is taking you shake your head. “Nah, nah! I think I’ll be ok so long as the mixture starts to boil.”
Not seeming to take your answer to heart though, Ryoma only continued to look down before returning his gaze to you and bluntly asking, “Isn’t there supposed to be milk in the caramel?”
Milk! That’s right you forgot to add it but you had it already out on the counter nearby. “You’re right! Can you hand me the measuring cup next to you?” You blurt out, flustered by your mistake.
“Sure.” Is all he replies, handing you the measuring cup as gently as possible, making sure not to let go until it was securely in your grasp.
“Thanks!” You reply, blushing as you add the milk and see the mixture instantly improve. “You’re definitely more on top of things than I am!” You joke, trying to cover your embarrassment as he shakes his head.
“I’ve just done this before.” He admits, his tone sounding more distant than usual. “I told you before, my girlfriend used to really like to make sweets so sometimes I’d watch her or help out.”
Feeling a tug on your heartstrings you take your eyes off the stove to face him, taking a small hand in your own and giving it a squeeze. “Is this too much for you? You could’ve told me if it’s too much.”
“I know I can. It’s not too much...really...it’s just that it’s been a while since I’ve done anything like this.” He replies, not elaborating though you can tell from the soft expression on his face that he’s doing ok. “Let’s just finish up the caramel apples and watch a movie like we planned ok? We can talk more about that later.”
You wanted to agree but rather than any words coming out all you could do was nod as you quickly gave him a small hug and peck on the cheek. You were happy to know that he felt comfortable around you enough to open up back then even if it wasn’t much. You knew how big of a step that was for him and decided that you may as well work even harder now to make this a great experience!
Turning down the heat as the caramel finally came to a roaring boil, you gently pluck a caramel apple from the tray Ryoma had brought over to you ready to try your hand at coating it in caramel the way you’ve had at pumpkin patches and festivals. With an encouraging but sleepy looking smile, Ryoma gives you a thumbs up as if you signal that now is the time, allowing you to take that first step and dip your first apple.
You admit you’re no five star chef but as soon as that first apple came up with a clean coat of caramel sitting pretty on it you were absolutely beaming at him, determined to make sure the others were sure to be as great of a result. Of course, it may seem a bit funny even to admit but with Ryoma watching over and coaching you on how to dip the apples it was a pretty easy process even if it felt as if he was something as silly as the ultimate caramel apple dipper and you were his trusty apprentice learning the trade for your first time. But regardless of any of those soft and silly moments shared or your few clumsy mistakes, you were happy to look at a successful tray of caramel apples now just waiting to be eaten.
“Ryoma, we did it!” You cheer, nearly hugging him off of his stool out of excitement and earring a small deep laugh from him.
“We did. You did a good job, S/o.” He praises giving you a small peck on the cheek this time as a small smile crosses his features once again. “How about we take a small break to enjoy them.”
Nodding in agreement with a small hum you smile at him sweetly as you pluck an apple in each hand and place one in his hand as gently as he had been with you earlier.
“To us!” You half joke, happily taking a bite into the fruits of your labor (literally).
Smiling as he watches you he can’t help but utter out something under his breath. “It’s sweet,” you think you catch though he hasn’t taken a bite out of his apple yet.
“What's sweet?” You inquire, tilting your head to the side like an inquisitive feline.
“Moments like this. I’m glad I met you, S/o.”
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fedeipox · 3 years
The Way of Time (Rdr2 fanfic) - Chapter 9 (3/3)
Hello again! 
I tried with a little experiment this time. People on Wattpad and Ao3 appreciated that, hope you will too!
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Just a little information before you start reading: I won’t be posting this here anymore (I want to focus on Gifs and photos mostly) so if you are interested you can go on Ao3, Wattpad or Fanfiction and you’ll find the rest there. <3
Part 1 here: https://fedeipox.tumblr.com/post/645629699195846656/the-way-of-time-rdr2-fanfic-chapter-9-13
Part 2 here: https://fedeipox.tumblr.com/post/646163870469259264/the-way-of-time-rdr2-fanfic-chapter-9-23
Chapter 9 /3/3) - Getting accustomed
Words: 2,3 k
Emily didn’t waste time. As soon as they untied the horses from the wagon, she run to the girl’s tent looking for Mary-Beth.
“You have no idea what I just discovered!” she almost yelled.
“What?” asked Mary-Beth raising her eyes from Tess of the d’Ubervilles.
“There is a ghost in Emerald Ranch” she whispered kneeling down next to her.
“A ghost?” she whispered back with wide eyes.
“I swear to you, I’ve seen her! She was at the window, and I might know who she is.”
Emily exposed her theory about a young woman, the lover of Mr. Wagner, the ranch owner. She was killed by his husband because of his jealousy and now her ghost didn’t leave the house until midnight, when she used to hunt the entire ranch and scare the other women out of it.
“Wow, this makes a really good story” said Mary-Beth in the end with sparkling eyes.
“Do you want to write it?”
“Can I?”
“Of course! Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be famous for it.”
“That’s the dream” sighed Mary-Beth taking out a little journal and writing a couple of lines.
Emily peeked at it trying not to be noticed, but from upside-down she couldn’t make anything out of it. Mary-Beth had a strange handwriting: small, twisted, with the words really close one to the other.
As soon as she put the journal away, Emily looked around, pretending indifference, and causally her eyes fell on Dutch in the distance, smoking his cigar and watching the camp people at work. 
It was like this that she thought of asking Mary-Beth about the ‘Kieran situation’, no-one better than her to give advise. She told her about her idea of trying to convince Dutch to free Kieran, if only he had done something for Dutch in turn.
“I don’t know” answered Mary-Beth with a shrug, “you should go and ask Dutch in person. Talk to him, he will listen.”
But despite Mary-Beth’s certainty that Dutch would have listened to her, Emily was still unsure. She knew she had to speak with him: he was the boss, the ruler, the one who took all the decisions there, but she had postponed that moment because Dutch’s character intimidated her. There was something in him that pushed her away from him in a resolute way, and, since the beginning, since that moment when she had attacked him because of his camp organization, they hadn’t truly spoken again. 
But Emily knew she had no other choice: she had to face him soon or later, and, after all, it was for a good cause. 
Hi, Dutch. How are you? No, no, what the hell, they saw each other everyday, what a stupid start. Hello, boss! Boss? No, not boss. Just the idea to say that word made her sick. Hi, friend! Friend? What friend? They weren’t friends. Hi, we need to talk. Yeah, right. Like they were a couple and she wanted to leave him. No, no, no. She had to be natural, just natural. Which meant be an idiot and embarrass herself.
“Hey, Dutch. Can we talk?”
Dutch narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly. What did she want from him? She seemed nervous. Maybe she had caused some more trouble? Besides, the fact that she wanted to talk with him was strange. Generally, she looked for Hosea when she needed to talk, never for him, because Hosea had that paternalistic way of doing things that reassured everybody. It had always been like that, ever since Arthur and John were young. 
The girl slowly headed to the back of his tent, away from indiscreet eyes, and he followed her.
“I-I… well, I have a proposition” she started and Dutch noticed she was looking everywhere but to him.
“It’s a bout Kieran.”
Dutch breathed deeply but tried anyway not to lose his composure. He didn’t want to clip her wings, even though he knew where she was going.
“I was wandering, if… if he proved himself to you, would you, erm, let him live?”
She looked up at him and it was at that moment that Dutch understood that she cared, she truly cared about that O’Driscoll, and she probably would have done anything in her might to help him. But he still din’t trust him, he could never trust him, he knew Colm’s boys, they were unworthy of trust. Anyway, he was intrigued.
“Prove himself?” he asked.
Emily’s eyes sparkled with hope.
“Yes, yes, like… give something to you, or do something for you. A, erm, loyalty token or something.”
“Uhm… loyalty token. The only thing that I could possibly want from him is his boss hideout.”
Then, Dutch thought about something. It was a very devious thing to do, he was aware of that, but if she was so determined to help, she would have helped, but by following his rules.
“If you are able to convince him to talk, give away this information, I’ll let him live” he said in the end.
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
“I can’t” said Kieran when Emily explained the terms to him.
“Why not?” she asked.
Kieran wasn’t an idiot, he knew what Dutch was doing, using that girl to get what he wanted, and he knew his options where two: if he spoke, Dutch would have found an excuse to kill him and even if he didn’t, Colm O’Driscoll would have found him, sooner or later, and Kieran would have paid for his betrayal. 
But even if he tried to explain that to Emily, she was too convinced that Dutch might never kill him, and she didn’t want to listen to him.
“Are you sure that’s not just an excuse?” she asked angrily. “It seems to me that you’re not trying to help me getting you out of this situation, Kieran.”
“Why, why would I lie?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve tried to help and Dutch is meeting you halfway.”
It was at that moment that Kieran understood Emily had fallen in Dutch’s trap. “Don’t you understand he’s playing you?” he naively asked.
Emily was outraged by that statement and she left Kieran to walk as far away from him as possible. It seemed he liked to be tied to that tree after all.
Hosea came back the day after. He had left Arthur halfway from camp when he said he wanted to reach Javier and Charles near Blackwater to free Sean. He said the bear hunting didn’t go exactly as expected, but he had fun at least.
The first among them to come back was Charles, all dusty and sweaty, telling everybody about their success in West Elisabeth. Then, Sean and Javier showed up and it was time for introductions.
Emily found Sean incredibly cheerful and full of life for someone who had been captured and tortured: he had an everlasting big smile on his thin freckled face and as soon as he stepped foot in camp, some sort of festive atmosphere had come with him. 
“Come on! Le’t celebrate the return of Uncle Sean!”
Emily was exited about all that happening. She was craving music, mental lightness and the company of someone who could ward off the heavy and dark thoughts from her mind. 
Those weeks had been hard: she had done things she had never thought to do, living in that place that seemed to destroy, day after day, her good intents and rightful ideas. 
The preparations implied the purchase of alcohol and for that Sean seemed to think he could take Dutch’s place, ordering to go and buy some in Valentine.
“Nah nah, Mr. Macguire, your party, yours the responsibility to buy what you want” said Miss Grimshaw putting some dollars in his hands and pushing him towards the wagons.
“I need company” complained Sean, but Miss Grimshaw’s answer was a simple gesture with her hand, like to tell him: ‘not my business, choose who you want’.
Sean looked around. He had no intention to bring Javier nor Charles. Their journey back to camp had already been boring enough. He needed someone alive, someone with a good sense of humor. 
“Hey, you girl!” Sean called out loud.
Emily didn’t answered and didn’t even turned around. There were five girls in camp, how could she know he was addressing her?
He could walk closer and ask her gently, but Sean being Sean, he preferred to be rude and quirky as usual. 
“Hey, the new girl! Yeah, you! You come with me to buy some booze?” he yelled and now Emily’s attention, together with the one of everybody else in camp, was caught. 
“Sorry, you were talking to me?” she asked walking closer.
“Yeah, you come with me?”
“S-sure” she agreed a little taken aback for the request.
He could have asked everybody, maybe his girlfriend, but he had asked her. Why? And this fact was also noticed by Karen, who anyway had pretended not to hear nor see what was happening and kept to work as usual.
“You know Valentine, girl?” asked Sean getting on the wagon.
“Yeah, I’ve been there a lot of times.”
“Good, so you can guide me there.”
“And, my name is Emily, by the way.”
“Okay, Emily, nice to meet you. How did Dutch find you?”
Emily frowned at those words. 
“They haven’t told you anything about me?” she asked.
“No, they should have?”
“Not a word about the crazy dumb girl that comes from the future?”
Sean laughed and this way Emily noticed he missed a tooth, maybe more than one.
Javier, Charles and Arthur hadn’t said anything about her since they had recused him, and Emily felt bad for that. Not that she wanted everybody to talk about her, but she would have appreciated a mention, a few words to explain her presence in their group. 
So she started with her story. Sean was delighted that in the world existed someone who talked almost as much as him, and Emily was happy to have found someone who finally liked her the way she was, with her habit to speak too much, her being naive and her simple humor. A bond was created between them that afternoon, a good friendship which, unfortunately, wasn’t destined to last much.
“And you say Hosea believes ya?” asked Sean when she was done with her story.
“Actually, a lot of people believe me now.”
“Well, if they believe you, I believe you too. These weeks mustn’t have been easy for you all, since Blackwater.”
“No, not really. But from what I heard, you got the worst.”
Sean started about all the things the Pinkertons had done to him and how he had played the ‘brave big boy’ and told them nothing. Emily let him talk, glad that, unlike the other people at camp, she didn’t have to pull the information out of him. 
They easily bought two crates of beer and two of liquor at the general store in Valentine and came back right before the sun was down completely. 
When Arthur arrived, the party had just began. The first bottles had been opened and Sean was about to end his speech, half drunk already. Right after that, music started.
“Come on! Play something we can dance to!” Emily exclaimed, and Arthur noticed she had some color on her cheeks. Had she been drinking too?
“Like what?” asked Javier, taking his guitar.
“I don’t know. What you dance to in 1899?” she laughed.
“I might have an idea” said Uncle sitting on one of the logs near the campfire with his banjo. 
He started a song which Emily was sure to have heard someplace else, maybe right in the future. It reminded her of a public event, with a great crowd and a lot of flags and banners, and she remembered herself, very very young, on her father’s shoulders to watch whatever was going on on the distant stage.
Then, Uncle started to speed up the rhythm of the melody and Javier joined him with those few notes he was able to catch. Anyway, the two of them together made something great to which Emily couldn’t resist and, grabbing Mary-Beth’s hand, they started dancing. 
With their skirts moving frantically to the rhythm of their jumps and the sound of their laughs, soon the eyes of everybody were on them and Mary-Beth felt so embarrassed she had to stop. Emily begged her with the eyes and tried to pull her back to the dance, but she simply wouldn’t keep on. 
“Come, dance with me!” exclaimed Sean taking her arm and the two of them started swinging around. 
Emily loved music, she loved to dance and sing, it was the best way she had to stop thinking and in that moment she forgot everything. 
She started laughing in that sweet way that made her irresistible to others eyes and this didn’t slipped away from Karen, who was the only one who didn’t like what she was looking at. Jealousy is powerful and dangerous, and God knows how dangerous Karen could be.
The rest of them was enjoying the music and the presence of that strange girl, who brought such an unusual happiness among them, making them forget all their problems.
Emily let Sean go and reached for Tilly’s hand instead, who needed a little more insistence to join the dance, but in the end proved to be the best dancer among them.
Hosea was again proud he had insisted to keep her with them, Charles felt peaceful in looking at her dancing, Sean had finally found someone to have a fun time with, Mary- Beth felt lucky in finding such a friend, and Arthur… well, Arthur couldn’t help but still feel unworthy of her, even though he knew nothing romantic could start between them, because of his past, because of what he was, because he was sure she wouldn’t stay with them much longer. 
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hello Darling! I just read the valentines alphabet you wrote for Shifty and omg I absolutely loved it! So, if it’s not too much to ask, may I request the same for Bull Randleman? Thank you and have a wonderful weekend 💛
@noneofurbusinez asked:   balentines balphabet for my man bull blease ,,,
here’s the big boy
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Bull’s love language is very much acts of service, so that’s what he’ll do, all the time. He’ll fix something before the person he cares about realizes it’s broken; he’ll do favors, help them with simple tasks without saying a word, and generally be there when needed. He’s not too liberal with words or touch, so Bull says everything through what he does. If he’s really feeling affectionate, he’s got a tiny smile that could melt butter, and only the people closest to him have it directed at them.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He enjoys flowers in a purely aesthetic sense, but could name...  daisies and roses, probably. That’s it. He likes them, but does not understand them. The sort of man to pick a lone-ass flower and give to someone, like that’s an acceptable thing. It’s kind of cute, but also goofy. (He’s always had a soft spot for buttercups.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
If he is hungry, and a chocolate bar is in front of him, he will eat it, but there are about two dozen snacks he’d enjoy a lot more.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Give him a country fair and some carnival games any day. Watch him win everything, eat multiple corn cobs, go on the ferris wheel just because it’s his favorite, and have a lovely night. If he’s got good company with him, well, that’s all the better.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
It’s like hugging a bear, but...  in the best way. Bull gives Dad Hugs. Absolutely reassuring, wraps you up completely, kind of hard to breathe but it feels good...  if Bull Randleman’s hugging someone, a bomb could drop directly on their heads, and they’d be perfectly safe. Nothing can get through a Bull Hug. People miss it after it’s done.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Umm...  flirt? Bull? Bull flirt? Nah, man, he...  he’s, uhh...  he’s a big guy. He’s got eyes. He can make eye contact sometimes. That’s the best he’s got. This man flirts like a brick.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Look. Bull’s out here trying, okay? He really does put a lot of thought into gifts, because it’s important that he gets something his loved one is going to appreciate. This does not make him a...  “good” gift giver. Bull’s gifts tend to be very practical, very small  ---  he’s not going out to buy jewelry or putting a bow on anything, because he will have no idea what he’s doing. Somebody needs new oil for their car, or they’ve been looking for grill charcoal? Someone wants a particular shade of paint but has no clue where to get it? Bull will get it for them, and paint their house on top of that. Honestly, he’s better at doing things than giving things, so his gifts tend to be favors.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
For Bull Randleman to fall in love, he first has to trust someone completely. That’s no easy feat. He also needs respect in a relationship, and if he hasn’t built that up, he can’t really give his heart to anyone.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Shhh. Nah. He’s maybe said it...  four times??  In as many years, once he’s been in a long-term relationship. Possible less than that. Bull doesn’t say “I love you”, he shows it. If he’s not able to do that, then he doesn’t deserve to love the person he loves.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
He’s really not a jealous guy. If someone tries to flirt with his partner, he’ll be overall unimpressed by it, and step in if needed, but he’s not hot blooded like certain people he knows.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Shy boy. Unexpectedly shy, but he doesn’t have a lot of experience. This is the one time when he doesn’t quite know what to do with...  all of himself. There’s a lot of Bull, and when you’re kissing you have to know exactly how to move, how to match your rhythm with someone else’s...  he’s a bit of a clumsy kisser, and would appreciate someone else taking the lead. Quite soft, won’t use tongue at first; prefers to put hands on his partner’s upper back / shoulders; if he can lift them up and put them on top of something, like a tabletop, so they’re at an equal height, that’s just perfect. Not above lifting his partner up while they’re kissing.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
His Mama has to take first place here, forever and always. Bull would move mountains for that woman. He’s very devoted to his family overall; he’s got friends he’d drop anything just to help. In general, when Bull decides to love someone, it’s long-lasting and steady. He’s not fickle with his affections, and definitely not into second-guessing. Even when they say hurtful things or quarrel, he won’t stop loving them.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
He’s a morning person. Always has been, always will be. There’s something about early morning that Bull just finds peaceful, and he’d love to share it with someone he cares about.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Again, you gotta understand...  there’s a lot of Bull to go around. And he knows what to do with exactly none of it! At first, he’s definitely uncertain of himself, prefering to let his partner take the lead and guide him how they want. A very physical lover; all about body movements, instinct and rhythm; breathes heavily. As he gets more into it, he’ll gain enthusiasm; at this point, he can sometimes get rough without meaning to, though he tries to be mindful of it. Once Bull works his confidence up, he becomes quite an intense lover. This is an intimate experience for him, and he wants to savour the sensations...  but he’ll always be focused on his partner, to ensure they’re enjoying it too.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
He has a way with word. As in, like...  one word. He can shoot out monosyllabic answers really well. Bull’s not a talkative guy  ---   very much an “talk less, do more” type.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Well, he’d like someone shorter than him  ---  that’s not hard  ---  preferably someone he can pick up easily. He wants someone...  gentle isn’t the right word, but someone who’ll be gentle with him. At the same time, not someone delicate, who’ll break easily. If they know their way around a horse, that’s downright perfect. He’s got a thing for eyes  ---  expressive ones, eyes that dance, eyes that laugh, eyes that sometimes tease. He likes brown ones most of all. And any partner Bull chooses is going to have to be way more talkative than him, sorry  ---  while he doesn’t dislike silence, he also enjoys having that silence filled, and not having to carry a conversation is a massive weight off his shoulders. He’s more than happy to just listen to the person he loves chatter, smiling benignly at their thoughts.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
He’s neutral either way. While he wouldn’t mind if his partner asked him first, if he’d already decided he wanted to marry this person, he’d definitely muse on different ways to do it. Nothing elaborate, that’s not Bull’s style  ---   maybe a proposal during a quiet countryside walk, or after going for a swim, or even at the end of a big day, during the quiet moment when all the festivities are dying down. Bull wouldn’t make a scene out of it; his proposal would be simple, soft, and very sincere.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Not a cynic at all. He’s a practical guy, but he’s got a tiny romantic streak buried deep down in there. A part of Bull just really liked the idea of getting to love someone. He’s lowkey about it, but has a definite romantic side.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He had a crush on a little girl in his class  ---  Wendy something-or-other  ---  for a solid few months, because she had beautiful red curls, tied up in bouncy pig tails. Honestly, Bull might have been more in love with her hair than Wendy herself, but they promised to marry each other under the oak tree outside school. Wendy got cold feet the next week, broke it off, and gave Bull back the straw ring he made for her. It didn’t break his heart, but it taught him a valuable lesson: never fall for anyone just because they’ve got nice hair.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
Nah. That sort of thing belongs in fairy tales. Love has to build itself up in order to really matter.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Bull’s heart is like a slab of steak. Very beefy, very tender. He doesn’t give it away easily, but it would break easier than he likes to admit. Hasn’t happened yet, because he hasn’t found the right person to hurt him yet.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
Honestly? Not a fan. Look, if Bull wants to go on a date, he’ll go on a date  ---  they can do that any night of the year. If his partner’s into Valentine’s Day, he’ll try to make it special, but otherwise he doesn’t have a problem ignoring the holiday.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
Yes! This is actually something he feels quite strongly about. He wants to have a traditional relationship/marriage; he would really like to be a husband one day, to have a ring on his finger and dote on his spouse. It’s not about starting a family for Bull (he doesn’t have any strong feelings about having kids, though he’d be a great dad) but very much about...  stability. About someone loving him enough to tie the knot. and getting to love someone that much in return. It’s hard for him to articulate, but he’d really want to get married.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He’s not really the pet name type...  so on the rare occasions he does use them (simple one’s  ---  “darlin’” is his go-to) it stands out that much more.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Look, no one’s gonna mess with Bull. He’s a big dude with a withering stare, and could probably flip most people over his shoulder without trying. Bull doesn’t need to put on a show; if someone’s messing with the people he cares about, he’ll stare them down, decimate them with a well-timed remark, and that’s usually all it takes to break up the situation. Not afraid to use the old “arm-around-the-shoulder” trick to show he means business.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Not many! He’s a conservative guy in bed  ---  he’d prefer one steady partner whom he knows well to a series of strangers. He probably had a girlfriend or two when he was younger, but even then they didn’t do it much; Bull was quite careful, and always respectful.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could pls write about Shouto telling his s/o about Endeavor & everything that happened? Maybe it happens after his fight with Midoriya or he just wanted to tell them about it? It can be headcanons or anything else. Whatever is easier for you :-) thank you!
todoroki shouto x reader
word count: 1156 
warnings: some little sadness, fluff, small Endeavor hate, a tiny splash of NSFW (blink and you’ll miss it)
A/N: omg, this is actually something I kinda wanted to do?? or realized I wanted to do after reading this LOL so thank you genius anon!!!! okay, I’m going to tweak when it in time it happens because I just don’t see todoroki having an s/o until waaay past the sports festival arc (personally), other than that you got it!!!!!!!!!! requests are open :)
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You were in the bathroom, humming along to whatever music was blasting through your speakers, making sure the water was warm, you added a few drops of lavender and eucalyptus oils into the water and sighed contentedly at the pleasant aroma that drafted through the bathroom. Grabbing the bouquet of roses that your loving boyfriend had given you a few weeks ago, you took one flower out and let the petals fall into the water.
You beamed, feeling thrilled at the thought of being able to soak in a bathtub for a few good hours before bed. You worked over at Uravity’s Hero Agency, head of Public Relations, and quite honestly it was a very simple and straightforward job. Uraraka just was such a charming woman that her having an immeasurable face in the limelight was never impossible, but it was still a demanding job that required you to be on your feet all day.
With the water-filled to the max amount, you sighed stripping off your robe and slipping one foot in. You just about moaned when the warm water seeped in your skin and you slowly got in, picking up your hair so it wouldn’t get wet.
You tilted your head back as you soaked in the warm water, feeling blissful.
The front door opened, and you cracked a closed eye open as you heard it shut.
“I’m home.” A voice called out sounding drained.
You trained your eyes on the closed bathroom doors until Shouto opened it, and stepped into the bathroom. “Welcome home, love!” You greeted him as he walked to your resting form and pressed a kiss on your lips delicately. “Wanna join me?” You ask, motioning down to the tub you were in.
“I need to talk to you,” Shouto says, ignoring your offer, as he puts the toilet seat cover down and sat down next to you, his head drooping instead of looking at you. “About Endeavor–my father.”
Your eyes widen slowly at this revelation, you had been dating a little more than a year, but in terms of familial relationships, you had only met and heard stories about his older sister, brother, and his mom. You knew that Endeavor was a sensitive spot in his life but you didn’t grasp as to why.
You nod your head, sitting up from your relaxed position to one of attentiveness and care, your hands folded over your knees, “Okay, Shouto, whenever you’re ready.”
You two sat there in silence, the only sound being the acoustic songs still playing calmingly through the speaker, and at this point, you were too afraid to turn it off. Shouto while no longer the reserved teenager his fellow Pro-Heroes claimed he was, his ability to open up and let people in, was still an issue he had, even with you.
“Endeavor was someone I despised, so much.” Shouto began, his eyes locking on yours and it almost took your breath away with how much sorrow and anger were swirling in his tremors. “As a kid, he wanted me to be number one, and he trained me diligently to be number one. It didn’t matter that I was only four years old, I was drilled to the bone to be a warrior.”
You nod, listening quietly as he continues talking. Shouto continues to open up about how Endeavor abused him as a child, physically, mentally, and emotionally. He quietly continued on how Endeavor even made Rei breakdown one day, hence the permanent reminder of that fatal night scarred on his face. At some point, you grab his hand and hold on reassuringly as he continues talking about some of his lowest memories that all seemed to involve Endeavor.
“He has been trying; however, for the past several years to make things better with me, and the rest of my family, but I can’t excuse him,” Shouto whispers as you press a delicate kiss on his fingers to remind you that you’re here for him. “He made me the worst version of myself, and suddenly switches to forgiveness, and everyone in my family has finally accepted his apologies. B-But I just can’t forgive him, and I won’t forgive him.”
You don’t blame him in the slightest for that opinion.
“At the same time, what if something bad happens and I can’t ever forgive him?”
You’re silent, you haven’t spoken the entire time he was letting you in on his worst memories, so instead, you help him to his feet while you stand as well.
Disregarding your slight embarrassment of being naked and dripping wet from the now cold bathtub water, you undo his costume, stripping him completely and letting him in the water with you. He stands in front of you, just gazing as you hug him close and returns the action. “Sit down, Shoucchan.” You murmur in his ear, sitting down on the tub again, and let him relax between your legs.
You smile affectionately as you feel the water heating up, along with the left side of his body. You brush Shouto’s hair with your fingers, gently massaging his scalp as you go. Slowly, Shouto molds to your will and is now putting his weight on you as you sit in silence, the aroma of the oils once again picking up.
“You don’t have to forgive him, you have never been obligated to forgive him.” You start after a bit, finally gathering the words to say. “Endeavor was your childhood oppressor, and not until you’re completely unhesitant should he ever deserve forgiveness. It’s difficult, I know because he is still your father despite his horrible decisions, but this is about you not him.”
“I feel like I should have an answer by now, y/n,” Shouto sighs as you press a kiss underneath his ear.
“Nah, you don’t.” You disagree wrapping your arms around him loosely, “If it takes you until your deathbed to decide, it’s perfectly okay, love. It’s about your forgiveness, feelings, and willingness, not Endeavors feelings.”
You watch him weakly nod, his head now resting on your collarbone.
“I’m not ready to forgive him…”
“Then I’ll support you, whatever you’re feeling at any moment, I will support how you feel.”
Shouto chuckles, pressing a kiss on your neck.
“Thank you, beautiful, I’m grateful that I have you.”
“I am, too.”
There we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that’s all I could think of, and I skipped over the majority of shouto letting you in on the deepness of his terrors because that would make me cry, so instead of pain take the comforting part of a relationship! plus by now I feel like everyone knows the entire story by heart.
“What oils did you use, y/n, they smell really good?” Shouto asks as you both were now resting in the bath, eyes closed, humming along to the acoustic music.
“Lavender and eucalyptus, I’m glad I used them too, they’re apparently super helpful when you’re stressed, anxious, and need to vent.” You giggled, cracking open an eye to see Shouto smiling over at you.
“You really are the best,” Shouto states before sealing a kiss over your lips as his hand slips to the back of your neck. Safe to say you two found another way to vent out some pent up emotions: cuddling.
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fifteenskies15 · 4 years
Moon Viewing Bliss
(Tokito Muichiro x Reader)
Summary: It's almost Otsukimi day and you decide to take Muichiro with you...
Admin's Note: Ayy @brinthie I know you didn't ask for this but consider this as my token of appreciation for you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Tommorow is otsukimi day, the harvest moon, the night when moon shines brilliantly, and you were thinking to take Muichiro to watch the moon together, you decided to take him because lately your lover, who is a mist pillar has work his shoes off, fighting demons tooth and nails, protecting the innocent people from those foul cretins, and what couldn't be more perfect than watching the moon while munching some moon dumplings?
You just came back from your mission today, after get some check ups from Shinobu in butterfly estate and make some lunch for him, you go straight to Muichiro's estate, as you arrived there, his crow greet you with a shrill caws "(Last name) is coming!! (Last name) is coming!!" You chuckled at that long lashed crow and let her land on your shoulder as you pat her small head with your finger.
Now you may wonder, how is it that his usually mean and full of malice crow is so tame to you? Simple, Muichiro told her to behave with you or else he's going to ignore her if she didn't.
As you walk in, you could see Muichiro in his plain white kimono and dark blue hakama stare blankly at the now ruined dummy with sword in his hand, you smiled and called after him
He looked up at you and a bright smile decorated his once blank face "(Name), welcome back!" He put his sword back to its sheathe, as he wiped his sweat off with towel and drink some water, he walked up to you as you laid out a plum riceball and two steaming cup of green tea "dig in, Muichiro, you need more energy after your long solo training" he smiled gratefully at you as he take a sip of his green tea "Thanks for doing this, (name)"
"You're welcome, Mui"
You both just sip your tea, enjoying the peaceful autumn, the leaves on the trees turned red and yellow, the wind blow the fallen ginko leaves in Muichiro's estate garden gently, the view is definitely picturesque, the wind gently carried the scent of a autumn flowers, you sighed contently at how peaceful autumn season is.
"The autumn is very nice, don't you say, Mui?" He looked at you, tilting his head a bit "Is it? What makes it so nice and peaceful?" You giggled at him, oh sweet and naive Muichiro...
"Well, what do you think? What makes it peaceful to you?" He hummed and scratch his chin as if deep in thoughts and closed his eyes as he looked at you with a smile.
"Huh? W-what do you mean, Mui?"
"Your presence made it so peaceful and filled with tranquility"
You sip your green tea to hide your smile "You're being too much, Mui" he just let out a low chuckle as he take a bite of his nosh, "I have a feeling that you came here for another reason" you smiled at him, a bit cheekily "Guilty, well are you free tommorow?" Muichiro shrugged "Oyakata-sama didn't assign me on mission, so I'm pretty much free, what's up?" You scoot closer to him "You see, Otsukimi day is tomorrow and I was thinking... Maybe we could go to the small hill near the estate to watch the moon?"
He tilted his head in confusion again "Why should we? Can we just do it another time?"
You smiled at him, playing with his hair "Well tomorrow, the moon will shine brighter than the usual, besides that Mui..." You took both of his hands as you pout and give him your sad eyes "You have been working too much lately, you need to straighten your legs and let it loose for once, please Mui? Won't you humor me?"
Muichiro let out a soft sigh as he smiled and cup your cheeks "How could I say no to my precious (name)-chan/kun?"
You laughed and playfully shove him away "So it's a yes then?"
"It is indeed a yes"
He take another bite of his rice before he stand up and take his sword "Well I feel rejuvenated, thanks for the meal, (name)"
You smiled and nodded at him "You're very welcome, Mui, and I guess I'll take my leave"
As you're about to head back to your estate, Muichiro tugged on your sleeve and looked at you like he's a lost puppy
"Can you stay please?"
Well, who would have say no to those big sad eyes?
"Fufu... Alright, if you insist"
The Otsukimi day is here, you already make a bunch of moon dumplings for you both to enjoy while looking at the moon, you smiled to yourself as you bring the basket of moon dumplings, as you're about to get Muichiro, you stopped on your tracks because he's been waiting outside your estate
"Oh, Muichiro! Good evening! I was about to come over and pick you up"
He just smiled "Well I'm here now aren't I?" He then offered his hand to you with a smile on his face "Shall we, my dear?" You giggled at him and gratefully take his hand "Yes, we shall"
As you both make your way to the hill, you and Muichiro started a small talk as the sound of chirping crickets accompany you "So... Why is it so special about the moon viewing festival?"
"Well Mui, it's to celebrate the harvest moon, I'm sure you're aware that autumn is the season of bountiful crops, and this is another way to celebrate it! And did you know that this is the perfect opportunity to see the moon rabbit"
Muichiro raised his eyebrows, he seems to be visible intrigued "Really? So there is a literal rabbit on the moon?"
You giggled at him "Goodness Mui, no! There's a tale of a virtuous rabbit that gave its life to feed a Buddhist deity disguised as a poor, elderly man. Touched by the rabbit’s selflessness, the deity drew the rabbit’s shape into the surface of the moon where it remains to this day"
You looked at him and to see him with his mouth slightly ajar, he's mildly impressed.
"Wow... That's amazing"
"It is indeed, so every full moon night we should definitely bought a rice cake because the rabbit is known to always pounding rice into a paste and speaking of which, here we are"
You smiled as both of you eventually reach the small hill, a sturdy birch tree standing proudly on it. As you put down the basket of moon dumplings, you see Muichiro sat down and looked at the majestic shiny moon.
He looked like he was spellbound by the moon, you smile and sit next to him "Here Mui, I made you moon dumplings, help yourself" you say as you offer him the dumpling, he smiled and take it.
"Thank you, (name)" he took a bite and smiled "it's delicious" you smiled as you take one for yourself "I'm glad then"
You both enjoyed the dumpling while while look at the moon.
You sneak a glance at Muichiro, his handsome face were illuminated by the moonlight.
Is it possible for someone to look that divine?
"What is it (name)?" He asked you with a playful smile on his face, you blushed and look away, muttering a quiet "... Nothing..." He just chuckled and scoot closer to you
And lay his head on your lap, making himself comfortable, you smiled at him as you run your fingers through his hair "Are you comfortable there, Mui?"
"Mmm, very...I had a great view too..."
You playfully arch your eyebrows "Are you talking about me or the moon?" He then put his gentle hand on your cheek, as he admired you and how the moonlight illuminated your (s/c) and your (h/l) (h/c)
"The moon is beautiful but the view above me is more beautiful, because right now, I'm looking at the most beautiful person that ever walked on the earth"
There he go again, he surely know how to make you blush, gracious alive...
"Muichiro, you flatter me too much" he just smiled and sat up, giving you a sweet kiss on cheek "You deserve nothing more than praises and appreciation" he just lay back down on your lap as you just bashfully smile at him, a faint blush on your face.
You lean in to give him a sweet kiss on his lips, you could feel his smile amidst the kiss
"Have I told you how much I love you, (name)?"
"Nah, I don't think you have today"
"Well in that case (name), I love you, I love you so much, because you give me courage and you opened my eyes, you made me see the beauty of this world and I don't know if you didn't came into my life, if you didn't, I can't even see something magnificent as this" he said as he pointed at the moon
You smiled warmly at him "I love you too, Mui, I will always find my way into your life and show you happiness even if that means I have to move the heaven and earth just to be with you"
You both share each other smile before you looked up at the shining moon, faintly, you can see a figure of a rabbit pounding rice, you smile to yourself.
"That rabbit just witnessed my undying love for you" Muichiro said out of the blue, you raise your eyebrows "You saw it too?"
With a smile, you looked up at the moon
"Well then, virtuous rabbit, you did just witnessed our love for each other"
With that being said you smile at Muichiro once again as both of you bask in the moonlight together...
Admin 15: Tumblr, I'm angry at you for having an error when I publish the original version of this story now everyone is going to be confusion, but anyways... I hope you all enjoy it, I'm so sorry for the grammar error too!
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freyjawriter24 · 4 years
Advent Omens: Cookies
This one might make you a little hungry - apologies in advance! Another of my responses to @drawlight‘s excellent winter prompt list - this time Day 18, which has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for ages. Enjoy!
When he’d set out on this project, he hadn’t thought it would take that long. A couple of months, a year at most. Not the best part of a decade.
Trying, adjusting, trying again. He was almost at the stage where he was ready to ask for human feedback – in total secrecy, of course, under the empty threat of eternal torture in Hell. He could trust the American girl, certainly, and probably her husband, and their kids could give their feedback too, but they were probably too young to understand the intricacies of flavour and the importance of the whole thing properly. Adam and Warlock could probably be trusted to keep it secret, but he’d have to keep them out of the way afterwards, because when secrets were involved, they both had a habit of grinning at Crowley in such a way that the angel would figure out something was up in about two seconds flat. Other than that, he supposed he could try it out with random humans who didn’t know Aziraphale and would therefore have zero chance of passing any confidential information on, but that was worse, because he’d have to explain things and then wipe their memories afterwards, and honestly it just wasn’t worth the stress.
But he hadn’t told anyone yet. It was almost maddening, that, having to keep something quiet for so long without even a hint that there was something there to hide. It had been a while since he’d had practice at that.
Today was the cut-off date. If he wasn’t happy with it by this evening, there wouldn’t be time for the human trials to take place so that it was ready in time for Christmas, and so he would have to work on it for another whole year before showing Aziraphale. He’d gotten this down to a fine science, both the project itself and the timings of it, and he was not going to risk mucking it all up by going over deadlines and changing everything at the last minute.
“Right, you,” he said threateningly to the tray in this hand, but determinedly not putting a miracle into it. “You’ve got to be perfect this time, okay? Perfect. I do not want this to last another year.”
He opened the oven door and slid the tray inside, hitting the to-the-second timer at the same instant that he shut the door. It began to count down, and he glared at it for a second to make sure it knew what would happen if it wasn’t loud enough or on time enough or did anything else wrong.
Then he glanced at the counter, at the pile of stuff sat there.
“Ugh,” the being who was once the Serpent of Eden said, and reached towards it. “Now for the apple.”
He worked for another couple of hours, mixing and dividing and baking, plating up the results in colour-coded tins and setting a miracle over each of them to keep them at the perfect temperature. The clipboard was marked off as each batch came out, and sat beside the tins, waiting to be filled out with all necessary details when the time came.
Crowley didn’t realise he was humming until the tune was broken partway through by a polite cough. The demon froze, then whirled around, uncovered yellow eyes blown wide.
Any faint hope he’d had that the now-adult Antichrist had been the one to break into his locked flat vanished as his gaze fell upon the softly-smiling face of his husband.
“Angel...” The word slipped out without intent, as it often did when Crowley was suddenly caught by how beautiful Aziraphale looked. But this time the shock was more one of fear and embarrassment than just flat-out love. Though there was definitely a healthy dose of that in there too.
Unnecessary blood thundering in his ears, he took in the scene, trying to figure out how much Aziraphale knew. The angel was stood by the kitchen table, the rainbow of labelled tins in front of him. Crowley himself was stood by an obviously-on oven, clearing up an obviously-floured counter, but there was no tray in his hands, no actual evidence tying him directly to the tins on the table. Maybe he had a chance? But then, with a sinking feeling in his chest, he realised the clipboard containing his own handwriting was held gently in the ethereal being’s hands, and Crowley knew he was done for. Aziraphale knew the whole thing.
The demon stumbled through a few nonsense sounds, and then eventually fell quiet. And then changed his mind immediately.
“It was meant to be a surprise,” he said slowly, quietly, and he was distantly shocked to hear how broken he sounded.
“Oh, Crowley,” Aziraphale said, dropping the clipboard on the table and crossing the room to him in a few quick, sure strides. The angel folded the demon to him in a strong hug, and Crowley hugged him back automatically, the contact no longer unusual or terrifying.
“If it helps, it was a surprise,” Aziraphale murmured, his chin tucked over his husband’s shoulder. “I didn’t even know there was anything I should be avoiding walking into. And it’s a wonderful surprise, too.”
Crowley mumbled something neither of them recognised as words into Aziraphale’s neck, and then resolved to just enjoy the moment for a bit. There was a time when we couldn’t do this. Something so wonderfully simple as this. He also resolved not to cry, and only failed a little.
“Are you okay, my dear?” Aziraphale asked when they finally drew apart. The angel was frowning at him in a concerned sort of way, and Crowley vanished any hint of tears with a click of his fingers, at the same time focusing on returning his irises to normal, human-like size.
“Yeah, sure, ’m fine, angel.”
“I really am sorry that I walked in on your surprise.”
“Nah, ’s not that. Well, maybe it’s a little bit that. But, I mean...” Crowley cast about for the words and ended up groaning at his own inarticulacy. “I just... It all got a bit much. That we can just do that now. Hug. In the middle of the kitchen. In broad daylight.”
Aziraphale’s face crumpled into a strange mixture of love and sadness and deep, deep understanding. “I know, my darling. I know.”
At that moment the timer went off. Crowley wavered for a second between the oven and the angel, then figured why not both and clicked his fingers as he stepped back towards Aziraphale and wrapped his serpentine arms around him. The final batch of cookies made it to the cooling rack right on schedule, and the two celestial beings enjoyed another moment that was all their own, still a novelty after only a decade being allowed that.
At some point, when they realised that the night had drawn in on the Mayfair flat, they broke apart again, limbs relaxing into this strange world where they could live together, be married to each other, and not have to deal with either of their respective Head Offices trying to murder them. They decided not to make the long journey back to the cottage tonight, and instead Aziraphale retrieved a collection of tartan blankets from a cupboard and arranged them around himself on the sofa.
Crowley brought a plate over with one of each cookie batch on it, and when the angel took it from him, he slipped under the blankets too and snuggled into Aziraphale’s soft embrace.
“They’re still just prototypes,” the demon warned. “I haven’t tested them on anyone else yet, so they might not be quite there yet...”
Aziraphale gave him a look, and Crowley shut up, nodding in acceptance.
“Which should I try first?”
The demon considered, then pointed, describing each by their major flavours.
“Gingerbread, white chocolate and raspberry, milk chocolate and orange, lemon with meringue chunks, then apple and cinnamon.” He considered this list, then nodded. “Yeah, that’ll work. Not the order I made them in, but they should all be the right temperature for what their flavours are.”
Aziraphale daintily picked up the first biscuit on the list, a simple round of gingerbread with a star pressed into it. “Very festive,” he commented, smiling prettily.
“Yeah,” Crowley mumbled. “I was going to add some bronze edible glitter or something, but that kind of messed up the rustic aesthetic a little...” He trailed off, realising how much he was giving away, and buried his face in Aziraphale’s neck. “Urmph, just try it.”
The angel’s soft fingers found Crowley’s among the blankets, and squeezed. The demon clung on in return, and didn’t move until Aziraphale had tried every flavour of cookie he’d painstakingly put together from scratch through a decade of testing and tasting and so much baking, baking, baking.
“Crowley,” Aziraphale said finally, and the demon dared raise his head. The pale blue eyes were full of emotion, and for a second Crowley wondered (again) what would happen to him if he discorporated now from pure love.
“My dearest, most wonderful darling,” Aziraphale began, and there was a crack in there somewhere that made Crowley grip the angel even tighter to him. “I love you more than anything in the entirety of creation.”
“They that good?” Crowley asked, and pretended the odd note of his voice was a laugh.
“Oh, they are,” Aziraphale said, nodding and pulling Crowley impossibly closer to him. “But that’s not the point. You’ve...” The angel cut himself off, took a deep breath, and covered the break by pressing a kiss to Crowley’s forehead.
He drew back slightly and continued, gazing earnestly into the demon’s eyes as he did so. “You’ve put so much time and effort into this, into making these perfect, and that’s all for me, and I just...”
It wasn’t often that either of them cried, but they both forgave themselves for it on this occasion. The tears were heavy with millennia of affection, but they were warm with it, too, and the pile of blankets became a haven of strong arms cuddling close and gentle fingers brushing cheeks and soft lips offering kisses and endless words of love, and that was honestly all they needed.
The tins of cookies sat, perfectly warmed, on the kitchen counter for the rest of the night. They were retrieved in the morning, and offered out to anyone who ventured into the bookshop (as long as they promised not to buy anything), all of whom gave rave reviews of every single flavour.
Aziraphale encouraged Crowley to bake a batch of each to bring to Tadfield for the winter celebrations that year, and every one of the humans who tried them agreed with the angel’s assessment that they were the most delicious cookies they’d ever had. Thereafter, of course, Crowley’s baking was requested at every major event, but he didn’t really mind. It made his angel happy, and that was all he’d ever really wanted.
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The Perfect Blend Chapter 1
Characters: Tenth Doctor (aka James Noble); Rose Tyler; Clara Oswald; Amy Pond; Jeanne Poisson; Donna Noble; Sylvia Noble; Wilfred Mott
Tags: Human AU; fake relationship AU; coffee shop AU; stalkerish!Reinette; hurt/comfort; angst; romance; fluff; Christmas; New Year; New Year’s kiss
Story Summary:
Trying to escape from an predatory ex-girlfriend who will not accept their break-up, James Noble (aka The Doctor) finds himself in a coffee shop where he meets a barista (aka Rose Tyler) who makes him the perfect cup of tea and lends a sympathetic ear to his tale of woe.
A gift for my fellow Fangirl and Secret Santa recipient, @lizann5869.
I hope you like it, hon. You offered me loads of brilliant suggestions and prompts to work from, and I produced quite a bit for several of them, but none that felt quite right. Then I looked over your prompt list again, under the category “Tropes I Like” and fake dating was right there! I added a dash of coffee shop AU and this was born.
Merry Christmas!
Many thanks, as always, to my wonderful betas, @rose--nebula  and mrsbertucci. You make me so much better. mrsbertucci is the Empress of Title-Creation: she came to my rescue once again with both the title for this fic and the name of Rose’s coffee shop.
Read also at: AO3; Teaspoon; FF
James Noble peered furtively past the swags of garland, fairy lights, and tinsel to the damp, snowy London evening beyond the coffee shop window.
Nothing. No one there.
He blew a shaky breath past his lips. It had been a narrow escape. He was safe for now, but really, it was only a matter of time before she found him.
He was doomed.
Running a hand through his wild, brown hair, he stepped into line and turned his attention to the menu above the counter, skimming over the bewildering selection of beverages with long, complicated titles and eccentric, festive flavours, piled high with whipped creams and syrups. Any other day he would have relished one of the sweet, creamy concoctions.
But today was different.
Today, he wanted to get back to basics.
Today he wanted to get away from drinks for overbearing people with expensive tastes and the need to impress. Today he wanted to take a break from extravagance and pretensions.
He snapped his glasses into place and scanned the menu board, searching in vain for a simple, uncomplicated coffee. It was a bloody coffee shop, for pity’s sake! Pete’s Coffee Dimension. Surely, they served regular coffee.
He was dragged from his musings by the query and found himself goggling absently at the cashier in front of him. Somehow, while he hadn’t been paying attention, he had ended up at the front of the line.
“I asked you what you would like to order…” She was watching him with slightly narrowed eyes, one dark brow tilted in an impatient arch. Even the tip of her blonde ponytail seemed to twitch impatiently. “If you need a little more time–” She glanced over his shoulder at the line of people behind him.
“No! No, no, no, no! That’s fine. I’d like, erm…” His hand ruffled his hair again and his left foot jittered against the floor, as he glanced over his shoulder, out the shop window again and then back up at the menu board.
“Blimey, you all right there, mate?” The hint of a bemused smile curved the cashier’s full lips. “You don’t look like you should really have any more coffee…”
“No, quite right… Nor sugar.” He snorted a strangled laugh and shook his head. “I erm… I just want–”
“A cuppa?”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Is that possible? I mean…” He gestured vaguely at the menu.
“Course! How about something light and simple. Darjeeling, perhaps?”
He felt the tension within him ease a little at the thought of a hot cup of tea. “Erm… yeah. Brilliant… With a splash of milk, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure thing. China or paper?”
“Never mind. China it is. And your name for the order, please.”
“Erm… The Doctor.”
“The Doctor, hmmm? Interesting…” She quirked her brow again, but this time her brown eyes sparkled warmly at him. “Go on, then, Doctor. You take a seat over there,” she nodded to a small, free table by the window, “and I’ll bring your tea over once it’s steeped, yeah?”
“How much do I owe you?”
“It’s on me, mate,” she offered with a dismissive wave of her hand.
“Really? Oh... weeell, thank-you.” Before heading to his table, he dug in the pocket of his coat and pulled out a large assortment of coins which he stuffed into the tip jar sitting by the cash register.
 “Clara? Could you take over here for a bit, please,” Rose Tyler asked her friend. “I need to take some tea to a customer.”
The petite brunette smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief. “The Doctor, hmmm? He’s quite good looking… for a bloke. Not your usual type, though.”
“Shut up,” Rose stuck her tongue out at Clara. “He’s just a customer. He seems a little out of sorts, so I’m doing something nice for him. That all right? And besides, I don’t have a type…”
“Whatever you say…” Clara shook her head and turned to take over at the cash register. “You go take your break.”
“Thanks.” Rose picked up the little teapot and cup, set them on a tray, and examined them with a critical eye. “Clara? Are the gingerbread biscuits ready to be served? You were icing them earlier, yeah?”
“Oh, now he’s getting a biscuit, too. Oh, Rose, you have it bad.”
“I don’t even know him! ‘Sides, can’t have a cuppa without a biscuit, can you?”
“Well, he’s out of luck. They’re not quite ready yet. The icing hasn’t had time to set properly. They’re supposed to be for tomorrow.” Something in Rose’s expression must have affected her, because the next thing Rose knew, Clara had changed her tune: “Oh, go on, then. Take one. One, mind.”
“Thanks, Clara,” Rose grinned, rushing to the kitchen to snag one of the pretty gingerbread stars. She laughed. Sometimes it was hard to tell that Rose was the one who owned Pete’s Coffee Dimension and Clara was the employee. But the two girls had known each other from Powell Estate for years and had discovered they worked together exceptionally well.
Plating the biscuit, she added it to the tray and carried the lot over to where The Doctor was seated. He was leaning on his elbows, his face in his hands, a picture of misery. “Hey there.” Rose spoke softly, not wanting to startle him.
The Doctor lifted his head and offered her a strained but genuine smile. Rose felt her insides turn to jelly as his sad, chocolate eyes met hers.
“Here you go, then.” She placed the teapot and cup on the table. Setting the biscuit next to them, she added, “And you can’t have a cuppa without one of these. Clara just made them fresh and her gingerbread is second to none!”
“Thank-you! It looks delicious, but you shouldn’t have.”
“Oi! No arguments. You put enough change in the tip jar to pay for the next three customers, never mind a single biscuit. Besides, you looked like you could use one.”
“You aren’t wrong…” The Doctor picked up the teapot and poured out a cup of tea.
Rose stood beside the table, biting her lower lip in eager anticipation as he took his first sip. She had learned from her mum how to make the very best cuppa and hoped this particular pot was somehow imbued with Jackie Tyler’s tea-making magic. She wasn’t disappointed.
“Blimey, that’s good!” the Doctor closed his eyes as he swallowed the first small mouthful. “Tea! That's just what I needed!” he enthused. “A good cup of tea! Nothing quite like that super-heated infusion of free-radicals and tannin.”
Rose simply stared at him for a moment, nonplussed. “Well, that’s a first.” She chuckled. “Never heard tea described exactly that way before! I take it that’s a good thing?”
“Oh, yes! The perfect blend!” He then snapped one of the biscuit-star’s arms off with his teeth. “Not to mention,” he added, crumbs spraying from his lips, “the numerous health-benefits of ginger!”
Rose smiled, warmed through by his enthusiastic, if eccentric, response. “Well… enjoy.” She turned to go back to work at the service counter when he spoke again.
“Best thing to happen to me all day, and that’s no lie!”
“You did seem a little out of sorts…” she ventured, turning back to him.
He grumbled with a shake of his head. “It’s my ex, Jeanne Poisson.”
“I’m sorry. Break-ups are always sticky, aren’t they?”
He nodded. “Sticky doesn’t cover it! She’s more than sticky. She’s like Super Glue. She just won’t take no for an answer and it’s been over a year since I’ve properly seen her! And today, on the last day of classes before the holidays, she shows up at my office at the Uni.” He gestured with his thumb in the direction of campus. “I thought I was done for! I just barely escaped without her seeing me. Fortunately, I know all the service hallways like the back of my hand. (I never would have made it by the conventional routes.) Even so, I swear I could hear her heels clicking on the pavement behind me. So, I ducked into your lovely establishment and found refuge… and the best cuppa in London!”
With these last words, he beamed at Rose, who settled into the chair opposite him, continuing to worry her lower lip between her teeth. “Is she really that bad?” she asked, her eyes wide and fixed on him, dying to hear the rest of his story.
“Oh, yes! Though, not if you ask Aunt Sylvia.” He rolled his eyes, dramatically. “She loves her. She’s just dying to have her (and her considerable fortune) become a part of our family. Mind you, she’s the only one. Gramps and my cousin, Donna, agree she’s toxic.”
“If she’s so toxic, I’m surprised you were ever attracted to her at all,” Rose blurted. She backtracked quickly. “Sorry… that wasn’t very polite…”
“Nah, don’t worry. I was an idiot, not thinking entirely with my head. She was beautiful and exciting, and I was in the final months of my previous Ph.D. She was finishing up law school.”
“Wait! Your previous Ph.D.? You’re so young!” He looked to be in his late twenties, only a few years older than her, Rose thought. “How many Ph.D.’s do you have?”
“Oh, I’m working on my third, right now. Genius me! Hence the name, The Doctor. It’s what my friends call me. Started off as a joke, but it stuck.”
“You think you’re so impressive,” Rose chided good-naturedly.
“Weeell, I am so impressive.” Rose should have been put off by his claim, but he spoke as though he was simply stating a truth, not boastful at all. “I really am classified as a genius. I have a permanent faculty and research position at the Uni, as well as being a sort-of student.”
“Oh…” Rose suddenly felt small next to him. She hadn’t even completed her A-levels, and here she was ostensibly flirting with a university professor (and multiple-time doctorate genius.) As if she would ever stand a chance. Still, he was rather nice to look at: tall and slim, the tan coat and brown pin-stripe suit enhancing his large, dark eyes and soft, haphazard peaks of brown hair. He had some really great hair…
She was brought out of her musings by the sound of his voice: “I’ve always been very clever. Just not about choosing girlfriends,” he muttered around another bite of gingerbread and a gulp of tea. “I’m a bit stupid around girls!”
“Don’t say that!” Rose hurt for him.
“It’s the truth. I don’t have a great track record… not that the track is particularly long.” He tugged on his ear and his cheeks flushed pink.
Rose instinctively reached across the table to cover his hand with hers. A sudden tension flared between them as Rose realized how forward she’d been, and she hesitantly retracted her hand from his, moving it away in fits and starts, clinging to some ridiculous delusion that she was being stealthy and he might not notice that she’d touched him in the first place.
“So, right, erm…” He glanced down at the teapot, picking it up to refill his cup. There was an awkward few moments of silence before he spoke again. With a sigh, he lifted his eyes to Rose’s. “It was like she had me under some kind of spell. It felt like she could read into my soul and see how lonely I was, and then… weeell, then she kissed me, and it was brilliant. Blimey! All I could think was Jeanne Poisson, this posh, popular girl had kissed sad, geeky, old me.”
“Gosh, I know how that feels,” Rose commiserated, thinking of her dangerous obsession with wannabe Estate-born rock star, Jimmy Stone. She’d quit school and broken her mum’s heart for him, leaving home to move in with the wanker. But for a short time, before reality had set in, it had felt like she’d been on top of the world.
“At first, we had so much fun,” the Doctor’s words mirrored Rose’s thoughts, “but it didn’t take long for me to realize she wasn’t right for me. She was demanding, wanting expensive gifts, and always dragging me to exclusive clubs. Not my thing. Not even a little bit. And she was always wanting to know exactly what I was doing when she wasn’t around. She was very controlling. I was miserable.”
“Didn’t you try to break it off?”
“Multiple times. I still am! She just will not accept the fact that I’m not interested and certainly not the right man for her. I’d thought when she went back to France to work in her mum’s law firm, that would be it. I figured we were going our separate ways. But she kept texting me and trying to video-chat. I kept telling her it was over, and eventually had to change my mobile number.”
“And did that help?”
“For a while. But she ferreted out my new one. I suspect Aunt Sylvia gave it to her,” his fist clenched, “but, I suppose it could have been anyone at work, acting innocently enough.”
“And now she’s back…”
“And now she’s back. Last text I got was that she wanted to surprise me. Well, count me surprised!”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Rose’s hand fluttered in the direction of his again, and she had to restrain herself from touching him.
“I am too.” He tossed back his last mouthful of tea and crammed the remains of the biscuit into his mouth. “Well, I’ve bored you long enough. Thanks so much for listening to me moan. You’ve been brilliant! But I best be off. I think the coast is clear for now. Besides, it looks as though you’re needed at the counter.” He nodded toward the ever-growing line of people dropping in for a post-work coffee before venturing out to shop for the holidays.
“Oh, shit, I nearly forgot!” She giggled. “Some barista, I am, yeah? Listen, I gotta run. Hope you’ll come back. I’d love to chat again… Doctor!” Rose flushed as the flirty words erupted from her mouth.
“Oh, for a cup of tea like that, you’ll never be able to keep me away!” He offered her a broad smile and called out, “And Happy Christmas!” before slipping out the front door of the shop.
“Happy Christmas!” Rose waved after him, returning to work with a skip in her step and doing her best to ignore Clara’s pointed looks and cheeky, knowing grin.
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Can I request the Organization doing recon at the Kingdom of Corona with their S/O during the lantern celebration and their S/O is too distracted enjoying the festival to do their job? (Kind of like Flynn did with Rapunzel.)
(/edit omg I’m so sorry I forgot Xemnas sdhjkhk)
It’s the first trip to this new world, so Xemnas decided to do the first recon mission himself
You had no idea what to expect, so the festival is a very welcome surprise
However, that also means there’s a lot of world to do recon in
And, well, you’re definitely not supposed to interact with the people living here!
“We’ve spent enough time here; let’s continue somewhere else.”
He may be right, but damn, the festival would be so much more fun!
Still, the two of you leave the city pretty quickly; Xemnas will have to send someone else for the recon job in there
While he loves fooling around, his main priority is usually still the mission
So theoretically, he can’t let you get distracted before you’re done
But… There’s something about seeing you look back at the stands when he tries to leave with you…
He suggests you split up; you do recon at the festival, take notes about what kind of people you see at the stands etc
That way, you can enjoy the festival as long as you at least take some notes
(In the end, it’s just one mission, and not a too important one - to him at least. Long-term, it won’t matter if you only do a mediocre job at it)
Seriously annoyed by it
“Don’t you think you have wasted enough time with this already?”
(Bold words coming from the jerk I had to go fetch from Beast’s Castle!)
It’s… Kinda hard to enjoy the festival if you can feel his glare the entire time
So you decide to do your best and at least try to focus on the mission first
If you finish early enough, Xaldin is perfectly willing to watch the lanterns with you, though!
He really tries to keep you on task
And tbh, he doesn’t quite get what you find so fascinating about the festival in the first place
“Yes yes, that’s all very nice dear, but can we now please focus on the task at hand?”
At some point, he decides it’s not worth it, and pretty much… ditches you to finish the mission on his own
To his credit, though, he won’t sell you out. He just doesn’t keep you company during the festival
He is happy you’re having this much fun
But while he’d love to just hang out and enjoy it with you, there is a mission to be done
So whenever you get distracted, he reminds you that there’s something you’re supposed to be doing
The mission probably ends up taking more than twice as long as it should have, but you manage to finish it together
At least you got done before they let the lanterns fly, and Lexaeus suggests you do it together
It takes him a bit to even notice how distracted you are
He can get very focused on stuff, and just assumed you were working, too
He notices when he turns to say something to you and you’re… Not there
Kinda annoyed, since he didn’t want to do all the work!
He doesn’t directly chew you out, but he gets very snarky with you. There’s a job to be done, after all!
If you finish early, he wouldn’t mind watching the lanterns together; he might even agree to strolling through the streets, looking at the stands, etc
However, the mission comes first
He’s kind of torn
On one hand, it’s kinda cute how excited you get
On the other, he already has one member who keeps slacking off, he doesn’t want to have to deal with another
He actually drags you away from the stands and reminds you there’s a mission
The more distraced you get, the more annoyed Saix gets, which… Kinda kills the mood
You even miss the lanterns completely due to the mission
He tries to motivate you for the mission instead
He kinda gets it; the festival is way more fun than whatever job you’re supposed to be doing!
But, well, you do need to do this job
In the end, he agrees to a short break to enjoy the festival a bit before returning to the job at hand
After the break, the two of you hurry up - maybe cutting some corners here and there - so you finish in time for the lanterns
He gets it
He tends to get distracted during missions, too, tbh
Suggests you two slack off and just enjoy the festival together
So you just spend the afternoon enjoying the festival, not getting any actual work done
You might even suggest doing the work once the lanterns have risen, but Demyx is like “Eh, nah, we did enough”
The report is… lackluster. Not that Saix expected anything else from Demyx, though.
“It is quite marvelous, isn’t it, dear?”
He totally sees why you’d get distracted
(Especially considering there isn’t much fun stuff to do in the World that Never Was)
He suggests a little gamble. A simple coin toss, and you get to call Head or Tails
If you win, you get to enjoy the festival while Luxord takes care of the mission, then joins you once he’s done
However, if you lose, Luxord is the one who goes to the festival while you have to work
Good luck!
He does understand you
However, right now, both of you should be focused on the mission
If he’s gonna betray the Organization, preferably with you by his side, he can’t have Saix keeping a closer eye on him so he can’t slack off
If you’re too distracted, he’ll ask you to do recon in one of the outer areas while he does the main streets - Fewer stands there to distract you
If there’s some time left, he definitely wants to watch the lanterns with you though
And he gets you some nice trinket from one of the stands
“Come on, we have work to do.”
She’s kind of impatient; it’s just a random festival, she doesn’t care about this kind of stuff
… or so she claims
If you look closely, you might notice that she sometimes gets distracted, too, though not as much as you do
Still, she insists on finishing the mission first - But says you don’t need to do too well on it
Which means cutting quite a few corners, doing just enough that you won’t get in trouble
And then you still get to spend some time on the festival
Well… He’s kinda curious about the festival, too
Since he’s never been on one before
He first tries to remind you about the mission, but soon enough asks a few questions about what all this is
He will try to remind you about the mission occasionally, though; the festival is nice, but to him, it’s not that great
You end up gathering barely enough intel for a report; you do get chewed out by Saix, but it’s not bad enough that you have to go do another recon mission
Like Roxas, she’s never been to a celebration
She starts asking questions pretty quickly; what the whole thing is, what it’s about, etc
She’d really like to spend time enjoying the festival, but the mission comes first for her
So, she tries to get you to focus so you can finish a bit more quickly and have some time left to enjoy
If you really can’t focus, she’ll tell you to stay and enjoy the festival while she finishes up the actual mission
If she misses out on the entire festival (and if it’d have been faster with you there), she’ll be kinda annoyed, but not for too long
(Especially not if you get her a pretty trinket at the festival)
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
Part Of That World Chapter 7
“Okay everyone, I have an important announcement to make!” Tony called out as he entered the common area where everyone else had been watching The Incredibles, pausing the movie to make sure everyone had his attention. “At the end of the month we will be hosting my annual Halloween party. A costume is required, and no, your uniforms do not count.”
“And if we don’t want to be part of the party?” Wanda asked with a chuckle. 
“Well, you do have your rooms.” Tony quipped back.
“I think it sounds fun. Count me in.” You said with a smile, liking the idea of getting to know some new people without the status of Avenger getting in the way.
~ ~ ~ ~
You wandered through the isles with Nat and Wanda of one of the local Halloween stores, each attempting to find the perfect costume for them. “Hey, what do you think of this one?” Nat asked with a snicker as she pulled out a Katniss costume. “For Clint...I won a bet and now I get to pick his costume. 
“No...not good enough.” Wanda chuckled.
“Go big or go home.” You agreed before pulling a large cloth diaper and set of wings with the label ‘Cupid’. “Here what about this one?” The girls burst into laughter, each one of them picturing him in it.
“Perfect!” Nat announced before grabbing it from you before continuing on their search for themselves.
“You know,” You pulled out a cheaply made cloth version of your battle suit, “I don’t think I’m ever going to be ok with this.”
“You get used to it. Last year I saw at least ten little girls dressed as me.” Wanda assured you. “So anyone have any idea what they’re looking for?”
“I want something with a mask...and absolutely nothing mermaid.” You announced.
“Would you be ok with me being a mermaid? All this mer talk around the tower has me in a mood.” Nat asked, wanting to be sure to not offend her friend. 
“Yeah of course! Hell, come by my room I’ll let you borrow some stuff.” You assured her. "Give it a little bit of authenticity."
Bucky and Steve wandered on the opposite end of the store, debating if they even wanted to take part in the festivities. “I don’t know pal, the last time Tony had a party in the tower we ended up with Ultron.”
“Yeah but how often do I get to talk to people as just Bucky. Everyone sees me as The Winter Soldier. I can’t even go for a jog without being mauled by girls! Besides, don’t you want to see the costumes the girls come up with.” Steve laughed, glad to see his old pal was finally starting to sound like his old self again.
“Anyone in particular you’re looking to see?” Steve teased as he followed Bucky’s eyes to the girls on the other end of the store.
“No, not really.” Ever since the apology the two of you haven’t exactly been friendly, but at least you weren’t at each other's throats so much. “But I’m willing to bet someone’s going to be a mermaid. And if she will be I plan on taking full advantage of that easy target.”
“I thought you two were done with all that mess?” Steve asked looking through the costumes.
“Man I tried. She wouldn’t even let me try apologizing for the whole thing with her dad.” Bucky insisted as he picked up a plastic Red Skull mask. “Now this is the scariest damn thing I’ve ever seen.”
“So instead of trying to make it right you’re just pushing her buttons further?" Steve scolded, "Damnit Bucky!”
“Hey if she’s keeping me up at night singing the Little Mermaid she’s asking for it!” Bucky insisted as he took the mask off. “You remember when a Halloween costume was as easy as cutting some holes in a sheet? Whatever happened to that?”
“Wish I could tell you man. Things have changed.” Steve let off a small laugh. “Just wait, in about a week you’ll see how much Christmas has changed.”
“We won’t even be past Halloween by then.” Bucky said with a raised brow.
“Yeah...I know.” Steve responded with a chuckle.
“Here, how about this costume?” Wanda suggested as she pulled an Elastigirl costume off the rack. “The character has brown hair so you’ll need a wig to cover up your streaks and it comes with a mask.”
“Sounds like a winner to me!” You declared as you took the costume.
“Hey Buck, this one has gloves and a mask.” Steve suggested as he pulled out a Mr Incredible costume.
“Sounds good!”
~ ~ ~ ~
By the time the party rolled around Nat and Bucky had a running bet that he wouldn’t be able to find you. His steely blue eyes scanned the sea of costumes, so sure he’d find you dressed as some kind of sea creature. Soon he found a tuft of blond hair mixed with blue...but then another one and another...It would seem your blue streaks have caught on as a popular hairstyle. Oh well, you never took that hook off your neck, he’d win his bet that way. Nat leaned against the wall laughing at Clint as he paraded in his cupid get up, shells and nets hanging from her Maelstrom wig, her face hidden by a fish scale mask. And just to sell it all the more to ensure she won the bet you even let her borrow your treasured fish hook. As Bucky’s eyes fell on it he was sure he won, but he’d find out at the end of the night. Tony only had one rule for this bash...no names until the masks came off. A little plan cooked up by him and Steve to hopefully get you and Bucky to have an actual conversation and realize you might have more common ground than you thought. So for now he went off to find someone to talk to. 
“Hey there Mr. Incredible.” You said with a smile as you tapped the unknown Mr. Incredible on the shoulder, not recognizing who was under the mask, but knowing they chose costumes who were a couple.
“Well hi there Elastigirl.” Bucky said with a smile as he turned to the friendly smile as he took a sip of his drink. “Having a good time?”
You nodded a bit. “Yeah for the most part. Just kinda thrown off by all these girls wearing the,” you threw up some air quotes, “Maelstrom look.”
“Yeah it’s wild isn’t it. I guess it looks interesting on her but wow!”
“I know right! They were even selling a wig in the halloween store!” You agreed with your mysterious new friend. 
“So is this your favorite movie?” Bucky asked with a smile as he gestured to the costume.
“Nah." You looked down to the costume. "I just liked the idea of wearing a mask tonight. Just something freeing about the idea of no one knowing who you are for a night.”
Bucky smiled at the answer, finally someone who understands him. “God I know how you feel! So what is it then?” He paused taking another sip as you both sat down on the sofa to get more comfortable in talking with each other. You shot him a confused look he could only just barely catch through the mask. “Your favorite movie. Sorry. This no one gets to know who anyone is rule makes small talk a little extra awkward.”
You laughed again. “Yeah I guess it does. But in a way it adds to the fun. It’s The Wizard of Oz.”
“Me too!” It was the last movie he saw before he was captured, and it was still around which gave it a very special place in his heart. “Maybe if Tony does this again next year we should accidentally dress to match as Dorothy and the Scarecrow or something.” He half suggested with a joking chuckle.
“I’m game if you promise to remember.” You replied, not sure if you were flirting or not.
“Hey it’s not every day I meet a girl I actually have something in common with. Trust me, I’ll remember.” He assured you.
As the two of you talked, finding you were enjoying the company of their mystery company Steve weaved his way over to Nat looking rather dashing in his 1940’s gangster costume and simple black mask. “You know (Y/n), Bucky is never going to let you live this one down.”
Even with the mask Nat knew who she was speaking with, she just knew him too well for that. “Sorry Steve, (Y/n) is over…” She paused scanning the room before pointing to the fictional superhero couple chatting on the couch, “there. Hmm...I wonder who she’s with.”
Steve followed the finger before spitting out his drink. “No” he muttered in disbelief.
“What’s wrong?” Nat asked moving closer, suddenly worried about her friend. 
“That’s Bucky.” He chuckled.
As the night went on you and Bucky continued your chat, finding you were enjoying each other more and more, even venturing small flirts until finally the music died down and Nat made her way to the two of them. “Ok Buck. Night's over. Which costume is (Y/N)?” She asked with a smile that only grew as his eyes widened seeing his assumption was wrong. 
“I… I thought you were…” He stammered as he watched Nat take off the mask, tearing his off as well. “But you're wearing that dumb fish hook she never lets out of her sight…”
Your lips pursed as your eyes hardened. “That dumb hook was a gift from my father you asshole.” You snapped to him, removing your mask and wig. 
eyes darted between the two girls. “My god, you were setting me up!” 
“I was doing no such thing! Nat just needed stuff for her costume.” You paused for a moment with a shudder. “Ew. I can’t believe I actually thought for a moment that I might like you.” You and Bucky both stood, giving each other a look that could kill.
“That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve seen and heard all night.” Bucky agreed before getting up, throwing Nat the money he now owed her.
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transassbuttwriting · 4 years
My 27th Birthday: We Couldn’t Get Much Higher
Word Count: 2,592 Warning(s): Depressing narrative, scars mentioned
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His day wasn’t going how he originally planned it to go, but Geoff wasn’t complaining. It had been a while since he last hung out with Alan Wilson. The first time they ever interacted was when Brian had walked Geoff back to the club from their walk. Geoff had swallowed any doubts he had and just walked up to Alan, only knowing him as the blues rock singer that had performed before him. Now, they were walking along the sidewalk with Bon following behind closely. Bon had started to visit Geoff every couple of days. Geoff didn’t mind. He liked the company.
Alan was blathering on about the difference between the blues music genre and the rock music genre. Geoff couldn’t remember what the conversation was originally about, but Bon had mentioned how the music they played was similar. After that, Bon continued to feed ammunition to Alan.
The three of them were heading to a cafe that Geoff heard about from other members of Club 27. It was supposedly filled with the best treats in the entirety of Haven. Geoff wasn’t sure about those claims, but he knew that the employees would hate hearing Alan and Bon bicker.
Bon skipped ahead and opened the door for the other two. As Geoff expected, Alan continued, drawing a few looks from other customers. Geoff wanted to shrink into his coat like a turtle.
“Here, let me go ask one of the workers.” Alan said. He started to walk up to the register before Geoff grabbed him by the collar.
“We are not going to do that. The customers knowing is enough.”
Alan gestured to Bon, “Well, he doesn’t.”
Bon shrugged, his smirk only grew, “You know it sounds very similar. It’s like they were inspired by similar sources.”
Before Alan could step forward and sock Bon in the face, Geoff grabbed him and held him in place.
“You do know that he’s doing that just to rile you up, right?”
Alan paused. He scuffed, turning away.
“Yes, but I’m still mad.”
“Yes, we know, but for now, can you calm down enough to not make a scene?”
A second passed and Alan nodded.
“Good. Now that this is resolved enough, let’s order.”
Geoff had to admit there was a vast selection of snacks and coffees for them to choose from. He didn’t know where to start. His eyes avoided the more festive drinks until he found the regular drinks. Bon and Alan had already ordered, somehow passive aggressively interacting with each other. Bon had ordered a coffee with a good amount of Baileys in it. Geoff couldn’t imagine how he handled that stuff. Alan, on the other hand, was simple. Just a black coffee. When it was Geoff’s turn, he decided to get a drink with four espresso shots, earning a few looks from the employees. He didn’t care. They didn’t know what he had to do that day.
As they started to head for the exit, their drinks in hand, Geoff stopped in his tracks. Bon and Alan hadn’t noticed since they had reopened the conversation from before.
Across the cafe, he saw a tall man who looked so small as he hunched over. He looked tired as if he hadn’t slept in a couple days. He turned to look at the decorations that the cafe had put up and Geoff saw a large, long, red scar that started at the corner of his neck and continued down into his shirt. He played with his fingers, shifting his weight from his heels to the balls of his feet.
Geoff wanted to walk over to him and introduce himself. The man seemed to be by himself so, he wouldn’t mind having any company, would he? Geoff blinked and thought how weird that actually was. Still he wanted to know the man. Looking over him, he noticed more about him. He had delicate features and his hands were buried into his sleeves, his fingers the only part visible. Geoff had to admit it was cute.
Then his stomach turned and he scurried out of the cafe, catching up to Alan and Bon. They had nearly missed his absence and their argument was finally coming to an end. Geoff didn’t feel right and he took a sip of his coffee to calm his senses. He cringed at the taste, but swallowed it down since he needed it for later.
“You ready, Geoff?” Bon asked, pulling him along.
Geoff just nodded. As they started to walk, all Geoff could think about was if he would ever meet that man again. His stomach twisted and he took another sip of his coffee.
It was going to be a long day.
Maybe five or six espresso shots was better. Four shots wasn’t enough. Geoff did want to listen to Jim talk about...whatever he was talking about. It was just how his sentences flowed and how soft his voice was. By the time Jim had finished a sentence, Geoff forgot the beginning of it. He didn’t mean to. It was just...just that it was...was…
“You tired?” Jim asked.
Geoff’s eyes shot open to see Jim staring at him, waiting patiently to answer. Geoff shook his head and rubbed his eyes.
“Sorry about that.” Geoff mumbled.
“It’s all okay. You should get more sleep, you know? If you’re feeling this tired.”
“No, it’s...I’m okay. Just had some coffee today.”
They were alone together in the upstairs lounge of the club. It was always empty so it was the perfect space for relaxing. The noise from the stage room was muffled out enough that it was sitting in the room like the rays of sunlight coming from the windows.
Jim nodded and scribbled something on a notepad he had. Geoff had noticed it, but didn’t bring it to attention. Yet with each small note Jim made, Geoff grew more curious.
“What are you writing down?”
For a moment, Jim’s eyes widened as if no one had asked him before. He composed himself and grabbed the notepad.
“I’m just working on some poems.”
Geoff perked up, “May I see them?”
Jim hesitated, blinking at couple of times at Geoff. For a quick second, Geoff’s stomach flipped as he thought he had offended Jim. He had no idea how, but what if he did? Jim gave in eventually, handing the notepad over. Geoff took one look.
Jim was his friend and friendship needs honesty. He believed the poems would make some sense to him, but reading his poems were like trying to sleep on a pile of bricks. Geoff didn’t want to say this out loud, but Jim’s poems were not for him.
Just above the notepad, Geoff saw Jim’s face drop. His stomach turned again.
“Not your thing, right?”
Geoff panicked, “No, no! It’s great! I like how you...uh...used metaphors. It’s very descriptive! It’s very inters-”
“Don’t lie, Geoff.”
There was a pause between them.
“Yeah, I don’t get it.”
Jim chortled and took the notepad back. He scribbled down another verse and tapped his pen on the paper.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to get my stuff and I don’t have to get yours.” Jim said.
Geoff readjusted his sitting position, “Well, A for effort. At least you’re doing what you want to do. I couldn’t write a poem if you forced me to. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Jim stopped tapping and furrowed his brows at Geoff.
“You know, you can just...write one. It doesn’t matter the length or quality.”
Geoff laughed, “Nah. I couldn’t.”
Jim flipped to a blank page and pushed the pen and paper to Geoff.
“Give it a try.”
“Go on.”
“Jim, I can’t-”
“Just write something.”
Geoff stared at Jim and wrote down a sentence. He smiled smugly as he turned the paper, showing off the sentence in large bold letters. 
“Alright, smartass. Stay here. Don’t move a muscle.” Jim stood up and walked downstairs.
Geoff sat still, moving in small increments just in spite. He looked around, tapping his hands in a silly rhythm before he saw Minou climb up the steps and jumping onto the couch beside him. He started to scratch behind her ears as he wondered what was taking Jim so long.
Jim rushed back up the stairs, one of Brian’s guitars in his arms. He dropped the instrument on top of Geoff, making Minou jumped to the other couch before she was hit.
He sat down, “Play.”
Geoff blinked, “Excuse me?”
“Play something.”
Geoff looked at the guitar and back at Jim. He waited with Minou hundled into his lap. The eyes staring at him made his hands clammy and his brain run fast.
“I can’t play.”
“You’re telling me you can’t write a poem or play a guitar, but you can wear popcorn shorts, thinking they look okay.”
Geoff recoiled, his hands tightened around the guitar.
“Hey! Stripes look good on me!”
Jim raised a brow, “Popcorn shorts.”
“Shut up. Your style isn’t any better anyway.”
Jim ignored his last comment and waited again. Geoff readjusted his hands, forming the few chords he knew. He played a progression of the chords, not knowing the order he chose was a horrible combination. He then poorly played a melody that Randy had taught him, cringing at each note he played. 
Jim smirked, gesturing, “See? You can play a guitar.”
“Not well, though.”
“But you can play.”
“I suppose...Just because I can play and I can write doesn’t mean that I should or that I’m good at it.”
Jim rolled his eyes and reached over to take his notepad back. As he did, Geoff saw through the open buttons of his shirt a birthmark about the size of his fist on his chest. He frowned. He couldn’t remember Jim having a birthmark there. It would have been plainly obvious since during Jim’s life, he had been shirtless countless times.
“What is that?” He asked, placing the guitar down beside him.
Jim looked down into his shirt and smiled.
“Oh, that! That’s just my deathmark.”
Your what?
Geoff continued to stare. Jim opened his shirt a bit more, showing it off with what seemed to be satisfaction. It sat over his heart and it was light in colour. He began to think about the other members and how he never noticed any of them to have deathmarks.
He asked, “Does everyone have one?”
“For all I know, yeah. I know that if the cause of death was internal, it’s like a birthmark.”
“What if it’s external?”
Jim replied nonchalantly, “Then it’s a scar.”
Geoff froze as he came to the realization. He jumped from his seat and ran into the room on the right. He leaned over the sink, searching his face for something new. Then he found it. Sitting in the middle of his forehead, only slightly off center, was a small, round scar. He couldn’t believe he missed it every time he had looked into his bathroom mirror. It was grooved like a bullet, but sat on the surface of his skin.
Jim followed him with Minou meowing at both of them. He leaned gingerly on Geoff’s shoulders.
“Strange, right?”
“That’s fucked.”
Jim laughed, “Yeah, kind of.”
Geoff touched the scar. He couldn’t believe it. Out of all of the emotions he was feeling at the moment, frustration was the strongest.
“How did I not notice it?”
Jim looked at the scar and shrugged, “It isn’t very noticeable with its size and all.”
Geoff shook his head, “It’s just...that’s real fucked up.”
It was probably the years between their deaths, but Geoff found Jim’s calm attitude toward the scar was a bit unsettling. He was frustrated and felt cold thinking about why he had it.
Jim’s face lit up, “You know, you could write about it. Poetry can help people process things better.”
Geoff rolled his eyes and shoved Jim off of him. He couldn’t help, but smile however.
“How many times do I-Look, a painter can paint, an actor can act, a singer can sing, a writer can write. What am I? A singer. I didn’t even write that many songs for Needles. They were heavily edited by David and Randy.”
Jim crossed his arms and wore a smug grin. Geoff really wanted to smack it off, playfully or actually. He didn’t care.
“And what were they?”
Geoff’s eyes widened. He just backed himself into a corner, even Minou squeaked in agreement with Jim. He lifted his arm in defence, trying to climb out of the hole he had just dug.
“I’m just saying poetry, stories, essays, whatever else, I can’t do stuff like that. Not in my blood. I’m only a singer, that’s what I was raised to basically be.”
He turned back into the lounge area, moving the guitar to make room for himself. Minou skittered around the room, jumping into Geoff’s lap and mewing up at him. Geoff smiled at her and ran his hand along her entire body, hearing her pur back.
Jim leaned against the door frame. He was frowning down at Geoff; not like a disappointed father who was ready to tear you to pieces, more like a concerned mother, ready to listen.
“What do you mean raised?”
Geoff looked up, still petting Minou.
“I don’t know. Just that my sister and I were in the church choir as kids. Music was the start of my life and that’s what I’m good at.”
Jim shook his head, “Yes, you’re good at singing. I’ve heard you, this whole building has. Just because you’re good at one thing doesn’t mean you can’t be good at other things. I mean, look at Brian or even Alan. They both are musicians, but Alan is great at researching music and Brian doesn’t just play one instrument.”
Geoff raised a brow. He wasn’t going to listen to Jim, no matter how much he tried to convince him.
“You think I only do poems?”
Geoff nodded.
“I went to school for film, Geoff.”
Oh, shit.
Jim sighed, clasping his hands together.
“Look, if you ever listen to me once, please do now. If you sit still, you’re going to be stuck and you’re not going to grow. That’s what life, the afterlife, is about; growing.”
Geoff stared at Jim, his mind processing the words. Maybe Jim had a point. Maybe he needed to do something, whether it was just to please someone or it was genuinely something he wanted to do.
“Don’t think you can’t,” Jim finished, “Do or don’t, you know?”
Geoff let out a chuckled before he could stop himself. Jim furrowed his brows at Geoff, not realizing that Geoff’s mind had jumped when he accidently made a reference.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sorry. I totally get it.”
“Alright,” Jim’s body relaxed and he grabbed the guitar, “I have to return this. I promised nothing bad would happen with it. You know how Brian gets.”
Geoff chuckled again and nodded. As Jim headed toward the staircase, Geoff called out to him.
“Hey Jim. Do you know if there’s like...a poem club or something like that?”
Jim paused, his eyes focused on the stairs as he started to think.
“I think so. I would have to check again though. Why? Are you interested?”
Geoff looked down at Minou sheepishly, “Could you take me there one day?”
Jim gave him a soft, side smile, “Of course, Geo.”
He turned back and walked down the stairs.
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storiesbyjes2g · 5 years
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50 Questions For Your Sim
I was tagged by @citrusswig​. By the way, I think your name is so cute lol. Thanks for the tag! These were so fun. I got Pruetts on the brain, so you guys get to get personal with Maya! Mostly, I will answer according to where I am now in the story and not where we left off in August.
1: How old is your sim? She’s 3/4 through her YA days, so the way I see Sims ages, she’s 33 or 34. Where the story left off, she’s probably more like 27.
2. When is your sim’s birthday? The chapter she was born in came out on February 16th.
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? I guess that makes her an Aquarius, but that’s probably not accurate.
4. What is your sim’s ethnicity? Maya is multiracial and identifies as Black. Once upon a time, I was curious about her ethnicity and went through her entire lineage drawing pie charts of everyone’s race LOL. Here is her exact make up: 59.25% Black, 31.25% White, 6.25% Asian, 3.125% Egyptian
5. Does your sim have any nicknames? Her mother calls her pumpkin.
6. Do they have a job? If so what is it? As of the last chapter, she was the Director of Communications at Sim.tv. She is now a Spin Doctor (level 10)
7. Where does your sim live? Maya was born and raised in Oasis Springs and now lives in Willow Creek.
8.Who does your sim live with? Her parents and little brother.
9. What environment did your sims grow up in (strict, loving, cold etc.)? Maya grew up in a two-parent home that was very loving and supportive. Drama in her life came from outside the home.
10. What are your sim’s favorite food? Leftovers lol
11. What is your sim’s favorite drink? Granny Smash (She loves those sweet, fruity drinks, but they do not love her lol)
12. If they have one what is your sim’s favorite color? Red 
13. Does your sim believe in any clichés (like love at first sight, etc)? Oh, of course! Here are a few. “Love yourself.” “A good man is hard to find.” “A picture is worth a thousand words.” “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
14. What is your sim’s sexuality? Straight.
15. What is your sim’s gender identity? Female.
16. Is your sim type a or type b? Type B
17. Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Definitely extroverted, but she appreciates a little quiet time.
18. What is your sims favorite woohoo position? Ranveer is teaching her all kinds of things, so she is undecided right now.
19. Is your sim a pet person? If so what is their favorite animal? Maya has never given any thought to pets. She thinks puppies are cute, but they are so much work.
20. Does your sim have a best friend? None other than Penelope Fleming, aka “Penny Pizzazz” (this is her real name in the Pruett Cinematic Universe, he he he)
21. What is/was your sim’s favorite school subject? Lunch LOL
22. Is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? Mid achiever. As you can probably tell, she didn’t like school much. She’s no dummy, so she passed everything. But, she didn’t excel like her sister.
23. Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? If so, what would be or what was their major? Even if we had a university pack, Maya wouldn’t be the type to go. At least not right away. She would probably take night classes later in life when she figured out what to do with her life. (she was a late bloomer)
24. What are your sims political beliefs (if they have them)? Maya is non-confrontational, so she doesn’t get involved in politics. I would say she’s liberal by association because I can see many of her friends leaning that way.
25. What is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? She wants to meet Octavia Moon.
26. Does your sim have a favorite TV show (cable) and/or movie? Maya is a TV junkie. She loves romance and drama, and her two favorite shows are The Bachelor and Real Housewives of Del Sol Valley.
27. Is your sim a Netflix viewer? If so what are their top 3 shows. She watches Netflix with Ranveer, but they don’t really watch if you know what I mean.
28. Does your sim like books? If so what’s their favorite one? She’s not much of a book person.
29. Does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favorite one and do they play on PC or console? She has never touched a game in her life. Not even on her phone.
30. What is your sim’s personal style? Cute, cute, and cute. Even when she’s dressed down she’s cute.
31. Does your sim have a lucky charm? Nah
32. Is your sim religious? She believes in a higher power. That’s as far as she goes.
33. What kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favorite artist? Maya loves pop, R&B, and a little rock. She is killing some Bailey Kay right now.
34. Is your sim a festive person? If so what’s their favorite holiday? Meh. She loves the holidays, but she leaves decorating and prep to her mother. It’s less because she’s not festive and more because she’s just lazy.
35. What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? Maya looooves to show off her body, so warm weather is the best.
36. Does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? She’s a lover, not a fighter. (heh, another cliche? lol)
37. Does your sim have a dream job? Not really. Penny got her this job, and she just happened to be good at it. If Simstagram was a job, that would be her dream.
38. Does your sim have any siblings? A sister and a brother both younger. Brother is way younger--young enough to be her child.
39. Does your sim get along with their family? Oh yes. The Pruetts are a tight family. Even tighter after the family drama when she was born.
40 What is your sims favorite hobby? Watching TV
41. What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Requited love, humor, fun to be around, FINE
42. What is a secret about your sim? She was a virgin until recently.
43. What is a wish your sim has? Maya wishes she could have met Ranveer instead of Akira back in the day.
44. What is a flaw your sim has? Lazy as heck. She can also get out of control with the negative self-talk.
45. How do others generally perceive your sim? Fun loving party girl. Back in the day, she was a tease.
46. Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? She reached the top of her career before she was 30.
47. If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Probably not breaking up with her high school boyfriend when she first thought she should.
48. Does your sim have a favorite emoji? 😍
49. Does your sim use simstagram? If so what’s their @? Simstagram is her middle name! You can follow her @mayapruett (she’s very simple lol)
50. What is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)? It was a goodnight text to Ranveer. It started innocently and ended with some spice lol.
Whew! This was fun! Lots of people have been tagged for this I see. If you’re up for the challenge, consider yourself tagged and say I tagged you!
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shurisneakers · 6 years
espresso [2]
Summary: In which your best friend’s brother begins to set you up on dates when you mention that you haven’t been in a relationship in years, but things don’t go as expected.
Warning: swearing
A/N: this is my entry for the ethereal @bithors writing challenge!  huge thank you to @samingtonwilson, queen of everything, for beta-ing this fic and adding her magic to it. ily sam taal.
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous part- Part 1 || Espresso Masterlist
If you could narrow your times of intense regret to two main circumstances, one would be when you allowed Bucky and Rebecca to convince you that a roller coaster ride after scarfing down funnel cakes was a great idea and the other would be the precise moment your alarm clock shook the walls of your bedroom an hour earlier than usual after a night of drinking. 
You hadn’t realized how early Bucky had to wake up to go to work until the morning you experienced the latter circumstance. The constant slump in his shoulders the days he had work and the dark circles under his eyes suddenly made more sense.
You grudgingly tugged on a hoodie and leggings and left a note for Natasha on your way out saying that you wouldn’t be there for breakfast.
Stepping out into the crisp, cold air would be great on another day but all you could feel today was Jack Frost’s wet dream. Campus wasn’t completely deserted and you could see people looking more lively than you did, forcing your already unpleasant mood to shift into a mix of anger and jealousy.
You walked briskly to the coffee shop, sighing in relief when you pushed open the door and were finally enveloped in the familiar smell that every coffee shop smelt like. Fucking coffee.
Bucky was behind the counter, his back turned to you as he pressed a few buttons on a machine and leaned on the counter while it filled up the cup. As he looked up for a second, his eyes spotted you standing near the doorway.
A smile grew on his face as he beckoned you over, “Gimme five minutes, I’ll be right over. Go have a seat if you want.”
“How are you so confident that I came here to talk to you?”
“Oh, sweetheart-“ he tilted his head at you, “- we all know how much you hate the coffee here.”
“Well, everything here tastes like a discount version. It is morally wrong to drink this soulless donkey piss.” You made a disgusted face when you thought of the last time you put that shit in your mouth. Never again.
“Not everyone can afford Starbucks every day like some people I know, Mario,” he sang, putting a lid on the cup before handing it to the guy who looked like he could use a couple of years’ worth of sleep.
You furrowed your eyebrows. You didn’t know if he realized that his comment stung a little more than expected.
“Besides, you’ve never tasted my coffee.”
“Oh? You’re telling me your coffee can redeem this hell joint?” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“I don’t redeem it. I make it what it is.”
“So… a complete failure?”
“Like you? Nope,” he fired back, making you laugh. “Do you want something or nah?”
“Give me my regular. You know how I like it.”
“Coming right up.”
You took a seat in the booth near the window, sliding in all the way until your shoulders were leaning on the glass. There was dew on the leaves of the fake plants outside while the logo of the coffee shop was starting to peel off. You couldn’t say you didn’t aid the small scratches inching away at the giant sticker.
As you waited for him, your fingers pulled at the loose threads in the musty couch, while your eyes remained trained on him as he moved around to make your order.
His hair was shoved under a black baseball cap and he wore a grey t-shirt that was covered by the apron. You knew there was an engineering joke on that shirt, some geeky thing that he was unnaturally proud of.
You watched as he scribbled something onto the cup, biting his lip in concentration. Probably his nickname for you.
As he continued to shuffle around, you let your eyes close for maybe a few more seconds of sleep. You had Strange’s class in the morning, followed by Foster’s. Blergh.
“Didn’t get much sleep last night?” he asked as he slid onto the couch opposite to you.
“I just don’t get how you can do this every morning.” You opened your one eye to look at him. In front of Bucky was a to-go cup with Mario written across the front.
“I don’t really have another option.” He shrugged, pushing your cup forward. You took it with a sigh, feeling the warmth immediately creep into your skin.
“So what’s your master plan, barista boy?” You tipped the cup back, sipping on the hot liquid. He was right. It was kinda great.
His eyes flitted to the cup in your hand before looking at you again. “It’s pretty simple, really.”
“Do enlighten me.”
“I know a couple of guys. I send you on blind dates with them. If you like any of them, go for it,” he said nonchalantly, shrugging.
“That’s all?” You took a pause from drinking to narrow your eyes at him. “You woke me up at this ungodly hour to tell me that you’ll set me up with a few guys?”
“Damn, don’t sound so excited and grateful, I can’t handle it,” he muttered, sending you a smile.
“C'mon, James. I know you can do better than that. Even Nat could set me up with guys.”
“Yeah, but can Nat make you the best damn coffee you’ve ever had?”
“Nat can do everything,” you answered without batting an eye. “I mean it. You ever seen that girl write? Shit, I’d date her just for the love letters she could possibly write me.”
“Point taken. Isn’t her film festival coming up? How’s she handling that?”
“Incredibly well. She’s sleeping a maximum of four hours a night and is running on nothing but Gatorade and spite.”
“Great.” His eyes shifted to the cup again, before looking back at you.
“What did you do?”
“What did you do to my coffee cup? You keep staring at it.” You opened the lid to look inside, praying that you wouldn’t find a dead lizard or something.
“Nothing! I swear I didn’t do anything,” he said defensively, leaning back with his arms surrendering.
“I promise,” he added when he noticed your look wasn’t faltering.
“Alright, Barnes. Coming back to the topic at hand-” you waved around between the two of you. “I know you can do better than that.”
“What more dost thy thirsty ass wanteth?” Bucky asked, smirking when you rolled your eyes.
“How many dates are you planning for me?” you asked after a pause.
“Five. Why?”
“What if I don’t like all five?” you raised your eyebrow, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Are you questioning my matchmaking skills?”
“What credibility do you have, really?”
“I watched two seasons of The Bachelorette,” he said, making you choke on your drink. “I’m like, a certified Tinder employee.”
“My original question still stands.”
“If you don’t like all five, you don’t like them. That’s about it?”
“That’s so boring,” you whined. “Make it interesting.”
“Jesus, Mario,” he exhaled. “Okay, fine. Here’s the thing.”
“Ooooh, shits-“
“Say ‘shit’ one more time in plural and I’m leaving.”
“Shit-“ you said, making him nod. “-s,” you added under your breath.
Either Bucky ignored you or he didn’t hear you, but either way, he continued, “If you don’t like any of those five guys, I’ll do one thing you want me to do. It can be anything.”
“Holy shits-“ he glared at you but you continued, “-If I asked you to strip your pants and walk around campus?”
“Yikes, but yes.”
“Do my homework for a month?”
“If I understand any of it, sure.”
“Tell me who the love letter you wrote years ago was to?” you asked deviously, making him freeze.
“What makes you think I still remember it?”
“So it was a love letter! Gotcha, you liar, liar, pants on fire.”
“Jesus Christ. How old are you again?”
“Irrelevant, move on. Will you tell me who it is to or not?” you waved off his question quickly, moving to the more pressing matters.
“I still don’t get why you want to know so bad, but yes. I’ll tell you,” he gave up, throwing his hands up. “But what if you like one of them?”
“Isn’t that a win, win? You get to keep your amazing matchmaking reputation and I get myself a guy.”
“Alright. Fine. You got yourself a deal.”
“Deal,” you affirmed, finishing what was remaining in the cup before reaching across the table to shake his hand firmly.
You pulled back soon after, gathering your phone and wallet, leaving him a five dollar bill on the table before he could argue. You adjusted the bag on your shoulder before giving him a short wave and a smile before wishing him a good day and walking out the shop in a slight hurry. You were already kinda late for class.
He sighed, picking up your empty cup and toyed around with it, reading the words he had written on it. He genuinely wondered how you didn’t see the letters in black ink across the front, but before he could worry too much about it the bell above the doorway rang, signalling the arrival of another customer. 
Making his way back to the counter hurriedly, he threw the cup into the dustbin before sliding under the counter and jumping back up again to greet the next person with a bright smile.
“Hi. Could I have a grande soy cinnamon no-foam, half caf, extra shot caramel macchiato?”
‘I fucking hate this job,’ Bucky thought, smiling and nodding to the customer in front of him.
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