#name and would feel wrong with anything different that’s why gender is so interesting it’s what you make it im going to DIE FOREVER
milimeters-morales · 2 years
Someone calling Miles “Miley” as a joke once but he realizes he likes the ambiguity over whether or not it’s a cutesy/teasing nickname for the more masculine sounding “Miles” or straight up just a new feminine name that he wouldn’t mind being called for the rest of his life
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fallingdownhell · 11 months
i love your recent posts but can i request hurt/comfort genshin impact xiao, wanderer, cyno where like they get into an argument about the reader being weak or something like that
although they didn't mean it, but after a few days after the argument, they see reader like training hard for them because of the fight.
Mhh, always. You know I love me a good dose of angst! And I'm sorry, but I only included two of the requested characters, because otherwise this would haven gotten way too out of hand and too much to read. Hope you're okay with that.
Characters Included: Xiao; Wanderer
Content: gender neutral reader; angst; comfort; hurt/comfort; established relationship; arguments between them and reader; shouting and cursing at reader in wanderer's scenario; Kunikuzushi/Kuni is being used for Wanderer
Word count: 2,2k words
Enjoy the read!
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You have to understand him. He's just looking out for you!
There is a clear, natural difference in strength between you and him!
He's an adeptus after all, and you're just a human! Sure, you possess a vision and you know perfectly well how to utilize it to your advantage in battle, but he's still your boyfriend! Let him be worried about you!
Honestly, he really just had your best interest and saftey in mind when he approached you one day, offering to train with you and possibly make you stronger, since he noticed your form to be a bit lacking when he watched you train.
The problem was, he told you exactly what he was thinking, no filter whatsoever. Which in turn caused you to get a bit defensive with him. That didn't sit right with Xiao, because in his eyes, he was only trying to help you.
This then resulted in a huge argument, where neither of you wanted to back down against the other.
"(Name), for the love of the Archons. Can't you see I'm only trying to help you here?"
"By berating me and telling me all the things I'm doing wrong? Without offering any advise at all? Yeah, great help.", you scoff as you turn your back to your boyfriend, trying to resume your exercise in peace. You were hoping that he would get the hint, to leave you alone. But he didn't.
"I'm really only looking out for you. You lack basic knowledge with the sword and you lack stamina as well. You're moving around too much, you make so many unnecassary movements. The hold you have on your weapon is too loose. Anyone could easily knock it out of your hand. Also-!"
"Okay! I got it!", you suddenly burst out as Xiao keeps on listing the things you're doing wrong in his eyes. It not only frustrated you, but it also made you feel so inferior.. to him and basically everyone else. You know that everyone starts out at some point. Everyone has to learn from the beginning. So why is he being so mean to you? Shouldn't he be more supporting of you as your boyfriend?
"I get it. You've made your point very clear."
You speak again, while Xiao just stares at you, mouth still hanging open. He didn't expect for you to raise your voice like this. You were usually so soft spoken.
You stared into each others eyes for a few more seconds, before you let out a sigh and placed your sword back into its sheat.
"I'm going home.", you announce as you go to grab your stuff. You collect everything and put it in your back, leaving without taking another look at him.
Suddenly, Xiao got the feeling that he made a huge mistake. Not only by "helping" you out with your training, but also as he let you go like this without having a talk with you, but something told him to let you be for the time being.
Well... did he regret letting you just go like that. It has been almost a week since he last saw you, because you refused to call his name like you usually did on a daily basis.
And he was afraid of seeking you out himself, since he feared to only further sour your mood with an unannounced visit from his side. But he wanted to see you again so badly...
When the one week mark was reached without hearing anything from you, Xiao has had enough. He needed to make sure that you were okay. He was certain you would have called his name if you were in mortal danger, despite the argument at hand, but it's better to be safe than sorry. He needed to know you were still alive..
So, he teleported to your home, waiting for a few seconds in front of the door, gathering courage, before knocking on the door. He waited and waited, but nothing happened. He knocked again, but still nothing.
Xiao was about to leave again, scolding himself in his head, because of course you wouldn't open, you obviously didn't want to see him right now, when he heard noises coming from a bit further away.
Deciding to investigate, he followed the noises. And what he saw did shock him a bit..
He saw you, standing in a circle of training dummys, practicing different moves and tactics. He could tell that your hold on the blade has gotten better over the week you have been apart. In fact, everything he had critiqued about your skills seems to have improved...
Have you been training relentlessly this entire time??
This made him feel even more bad about this entire argument. He wanted to help you, not make you overexert yourself like this, just to prove something to him..
Deciding that it was finally time to talk, he approached you. You heard the footsteps coming your direction and turned towards them. Surprised to see Xiao there, you stopped in the middle of your session, facing him.
It was quiet for a few seconds as he arrived in front of you, and when you couldn't take it anymore, you decided to speak up again.
"What? Here to berate me even more?" It sounded way more sarcastic and hurtful than you had intended it to, and you saw Xiao flinch the slightest bit at your words, but you didn't back down from them.
"No..", Xiao answered weakly.
"I'm here to apologize." His words left you surprised, not expecting this at all.
"I didn't realize how much my words were hurting you. That was never my intention, (Name). I.. I'm just worried about you. There is a clear difference in skill, after all, but I shouldn't have been like this to you. I sincerely apologize for the way I treated you."
You have been with Xiao long enough to know two things. First, he was being completely honest with you. You could tell by the tone in his voice and the way he tried to look into your eyes, while also trying to avoid them at the same time, feeling embarrassed about being this vulnerable with someone.
Second, you knew just how hard it was for him to be honest and vulnerable with you. Saying this must have caused so much for him to do, yet he did it anyway.. for you.
For a second, you stood there and stared at him, before sighing and walking over to him, wrapping your arms around his body in a warm, comfortable hug. He did not hesitate for a second before doing the same, having missed this feeling dearly for the past week.
"I don't mind you helping me or giving me advise.. but maybe don't be so brash and insulting about it. Okay?"
He nodded, promising you to be more careful with his words from now on.
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You sighed with relief as the Ruin guard in front of you collapsed and shattered into its parts, the cut on your side hurting a bit when you breathed, but it wasn't bleeding too bad, so the wound must not be too bad, either.
You were usually not that easy to surprise, but for some reason, you overlooked that particular ancient machine, resulting in it getting a hit on you before it was taken down.
Though, you were not the one responsible for taking it down. The actual reason was flying in from behind it, your boyfriend, Kuni. And while you were smiling at him, wanting to thank him for his help, he had a scowl on your face as he landed in front of you.
"What the hell were you thinking, Idiot? You would be dead now if it weren't for me being here!", he shouted as soon as he landed, not letting you get a word in.
You were taken aback by his harsh words and tone, staring at him, which only made him even more agitated.
"The hell? You don't even have an excuse! How can you be so fucking careless? I know you're weak but I wouldn't have thought of you being this stupid as well!"
You heard each and every single one of his words, and they all stung right in your chest. You were aware of the difference in power between you two, but that didn't mean you were incompetent with your polearm. You've trained long and hard to get to the point where you are now, and you were proud of yourself for it.
When you looked into his eyes again, you could see a bit of shock behind them, like he was surprised himself that the words actually left his lips.
You waited a few seconds, to see if he would apologize to you or take them back, but nothing came. Kuni's pride hindered him from doing the right thing..
"I see. If that's what you think of me, I won't be in your way again."
The words sounded cold when they left your lips, and Kunikuzushi flinched ever so slightly when hearing them, but you didn't react to it. Instead, you turned and walked away from him without acknowledging his presence any longer.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Where are you going?", he shouted after you, but no response. Then, he chased after you, but when he noticed that you were still ignoring him, he gave up on it, figuring that it would be best to leave you alone for the time being.
Surely, you would come crawling back to him soon enough... right?
Two weeks.
The incident has happened two weeks ago. And for those two weeks, he did not hear or see anything of you, whatsoever.
He was so sure that you wouldn't even survive a week without him before coming back and apologizing, but it seemed like he was wrong this time.
And he hated to admit this, even to himself, but.. he missed you. Missed your stupid, cheerful smile, your laugh and the way you always made his day better, just by spending time with him.
After about a week and a half, he began to think, that maybe, this time, he was actually the one in the wrong. That maybe, he took it too far with his words this time around.
Maybe.. he should be the one to apologize to you.
And yet, it took him a few more days to overcome his stupidly high pride and actually follow through with his thoughts.
Nahida, who knew all about the situation from Kuni himself, smiled and nodded proudly as the puppet went to leave the Sanctuary of Surasthana.
He first searched for you at your home, but you couldn't be found there. Then, he went on a stroll through the city, hoping to run into you along the way, but that too, proofed to be without success.
His last hope was the adventurers guild, and that someone hopefully has seen you there.
And luck was on his side this time, as some other members told him about how you have constantly been taking commission after commission for the past few days.
Feeling his worries for you rise again, he went to the locations given to him, hoping to find you there.
About an hour or so later, he spotted you at the location of the third commission you took, standing next to a defeated ruin drake while facing another one head on.
He had half a mind to rush over and take care of it for you, but something in him told him to let you handle it yourself. So he watched with bated breath as you easily took care of the machine, letting it fall to the ground while you remained completely unharmed.
That's when he really realized what his words might have caused for you. You are by no means a sheltered human, you're capable of defending yourself, and very well so.
As you were checking the defeated drakes for useful stuff, he came out of his 'hiding spot', walking directly to you. You noticed him approaching but chose to ignore him still. In fact, you've noticed his presence in the middle of the fight, but decided not to call him out and see what he would do.
When he arrived, he just stood next to you in silence for a while, watching you. But when you still wouldn't acknowledge him, he decided to speak up.
"(Name)... I... I'm sorry..", he mumbled quietly. He felt embarrassed, not used to acting like the bigger person, but he was in the wrong here, so he had to do this, no matter what.
The words out of Kuni's mouth caught you by surprise, your head swirling around to look at him, finally.
Kunikuzushi didn't know what else to say right now, so he stayed silent, hoping you would understand how difficult this was for him right now.
"..I'm not weak.", you answered him quietly as well, fully facing him now, but your posture and tone seemed a bit more open and calmer now.
"..I know."
He may not be the best with words, but somehow, you always understood what he wanted to say, anyways. It has always been this way between you. It was one of the many things he loved so much about you.
And that's how it was this time, too. He quietly thanked the Gods when he pulled you into his arms again, holding you for the first time in what had felt like an eternity.
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reikissu · 5 months
❥・• kaedehara kazuha and wanderer dating hcs.
a/n: might be ooc, i’ll try my best to edit it and make it more accurate to their character huhu
ꔛ genre: fluff, romance
ꔛ reader: gender neutral
ꔛ warnings: corny stuff, cursing
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my, you're a lucky one to be the paramour of kaedehara kazuha.. because life is about to change.
he's swift as the wind, with just his way of words and voice.. he can make you turn flustered in a matter of minutes.
with just a call, you feel as if you're on cloud 9.
"dearest, may you come here?" "huh? uh sure...! (⌯❛௦❛⌯)" then he asks why your cheeks are red HAHA
his petnames for you are like a sweet flavor to his tongue, calling you out by using his petnames makes him feel warm.
he calls you dearest, dear and love. they vary in different days when he chooses one.
his love language is definitely gifts and physical touch, he loves writing poems and giving it to you, since you are his inspiration of the poems he gives to you.
and they turn out to be so romantic that you start giggling while reading it, after all.. it is all about you and he wrote it full-heartedly.
everytime it’s autumn, he would bring you to a cliff where the trees are in view, sitting next to you as you both behold the sight of the maple leaves flowing along with the wind.
he would take one leaf and put it behind your ear as an accessory, "you look beautiful, my love." he says as he gives a soft smile. 🤭
as i also mentioned, his other love language is physical touch. he likes to feel your soft skin against his, he'll kiss you, hug you, hold your hand.. anything that’s comfortable with you.
on certain occasions he would hold your hand, whenever you both are alone of course.. wouldn’t want anyone prying on your moments with kazuha, no?
he would share his experiences when he traveled with beidou or by himself, it would always have interesting events happening in them. so it’s very entertaining to listen to.
HE DEF KNOWS HOW TO SEW, because i hc that when tomo had rips on his clothes, kazuha would fix them. so kazuha would gift you handmade clothes, handkerchiefs, scarfs… you name it, and it will always be in your favorite color. “Ah, shit! My sleeve ripped!” “Mm? Oh, give me the top you’re currently wearing tomorrow, i will fix it.” “You know how to sew?” “Yes, my dear.” “Aw, thank you..” “You’re welcome :)”
sometimes when you both are in the mood to hangout on the ship, Captain Beidou always teases you both “Hey, hey.. no one told me the lovebirds would board the ship!” “Captain beidou…” you and the other crew mates just laugh it off.
you and Beidou would talk about Kazuha and tell stories, and she had one piece of advice for you. “Just come to me if Kazuha hurts you or did something wrong, i’ll teach that kid a lesson.” “Is that a threat, captain?” you laugh, kazuha mutters under his breath, leaning on the wall of the ship "Why would i ever do that to them.."
all jokes aside, having kazuha in your life is a blessing from the gods that you can never thank them enough for.
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at first, wanderer wasn’t the sweetest boyfriend. But after learning about relationships and love.. he started showing how much he loves you.
after he regained his memories, he was back to his old, sassy and arrogant self. But that didn’t stop him from being soft around you.
in public, he’s the biggest asshole you’ll ever meet istg, but when alone with you, he just suddenly melts into your touch.
he’d let you play with his hair, cuddle with him or more. you’re one of the people he trusts and loves, so he doesn’t mind it. he likes being pampered and pampering you.
he doesn’t have a petname for you, he just calls you by your name. but if he’s feeling nice enough, he’ll call you babe.
“Babe, can you-“ “Huh? What did you call me? 🤩” “..Babe. Are you deaf?” “OH MY GOSH 🥹” then he’d just stare at you like “what’s so shocking about that?” HAHAHAHAHA
his love language would mainly be physical touch, but in my opinion his love languages would be all, depending on his mood.
he would make fun of you sometimes, if you trip he’d definitely laugh his ass off but will help you stand up, if you accidentally say something that is SO stupid he’ll literally never shut up about it.
he would try food or things that you like, so he’d understand your preferences. But if you like sweets, he’d have a hard time with it. he’d spend an hour just trying to swallow it, he hates it.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like dango?” “….No. I like dango.” (He’s about to puke.)
wanderer wasn’t very good at showing his love through physical touch, but he would give you soft yet quick kisses, it’s like cotton grazing on your lips. after a while, he would be able to kiss you more confidently without any hesitation in private.
he is slightly showy in public, just subtle hand and waist holding as you two walk through sumeru, eat somewhere, or do any activities outside. like stargazing, watching a play etc.
whenever he would see you eyeing something you want, he would click his tongue and say “Tsk, buy it yourself.” then later night he’s holding a bag with the item/food you wanted earlier… “Hm? Isn’t that the food/thing i wanted?” “…Yeah.” “I thought you told me to buy it myself?” “Shut up, i changed my mind.” (he will get absolutely pissed off and flustered if you tease him about it 😭)
he would help you in any way he can, cooking, laundry, blahblahblah. just anything, so he could take the weight off your shoulders. you’re a hardworking person in his eyes, and he admires that, and he’s willing to be one with you.
he would surprisingly like cuddling, but not the one with those type of cuddling where it turns into some steamy stuff. i have a gut feeling he would love chill and tender moments with you, like talking about past experiences and laughing together, watching a movie together, etc. he loves seeing you smile and laugh, it makes him feel warm inside.
would kill for you, if anyone tries to harm you, they’ll be buried 6 feet under for that. even though he acts hard to get, he loves and cares for you a lot. he does not give a single shit if you’re bigger and taller than him, he knows he’s capable of protecting you.
overall, his life with you is the happiest one he has ever had. wanderer loves you with all his heart.
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© reikissu do not repost/steal any of my works and repost it on other platform/s. I do not own the characters i write for at all, reblogs are appreciated though ♡
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watermelonlovershigh · 5 months
Friends Who Share Mutual Emotions {part 3.} (housemate!harry series)
Arguments and Confessions {part 2.} (housemate!harry series)
AN: i've been in a writing mood lately so i hope you enjoy me spitting out these stories left and right lol. anyways, here is part 3 to my housemate series. before you ask, yes there will be a part 4 and hopefully a couple more after that. let me know how you liked it and make sure to leave your feedback. thank you and enjoy!
This story contains: mentions of one-night stands, confessions of feelings, slight angst, fluff
{ housemate!harry - friendrry - soft!harry - au harry }
word count- 1,372
Harry confesses that you're the women he likes and after giving you some time to think, you have an eventful conversation about your mutual feelings and how you'd like to move forward within your friendship.
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Looking deeply in your eyes, Harry answers clearly, "Her name..... her name is Y/n." The weight of his confession leaves you standing in the kitchen, completely shocked. When you initially asked him about his love interest, you never anticipated that he would reveal his feelings for you. Although he described some of your qualities, you didn't think much of it, as many people can possess similar traits.
Realizing that you need some time to process his words, Harry rises from his stool and states, "I don't expect you to feel the same way about me or anything. I'll give you some space to think, alright?" With that, he turns around and retreats back to his bedroom.
Now standing alone in the kitchen, you find yourself torn about what to do. On one hand, the man who kindly allowed you to stay in his home as a housemate, who eventually became your friend, and whom you've developed feelings for, has just confessed his affection for you. It seems like the ideal outcome, but what if something goes wrong? You would risk losing your best friend and a place to live.
On the other hand, if everything goes well, you could finally experience a fulfilling relationship. You could put an end to the casual encounters and truly understand the intimacy that others have experienced in Harry's bed. You would have the opportunity to feel his touch on your skin and savor his kisses, something you had only imagined during fleeting encounters with strangers.
You head to Harry's bedroom and upon reaching his door, you give it a hesitant knock. A soft voice responds with, "Come in." and you take that as your signal to enter. Inside, you find him sitting up in bed with his cat Pixie beside him, and the TV showing old episodes of Friends.
Approaching his bed slowly, Harry gestures for you to sit beside him. After a deep breath, you confess, "I want you to know that I have feelings for you too, Harry. How could I not? You're kind and sweet, and anyone would be foolish not to have a crush on you. But, I'm afraid."
Harry turns off the TV to focus on you. "Afraid of what, Y/n?" he asks, "We both like each other. What's there to fear?"
"It's not that simple, Harry," you respond with a hint of frustration. Why can't he see your concerns? Maybe it's a gender difference. Men don't worry about relationships as much as women do. Well at least from your personal experiences.
"Can you explain then, please? I want to understand your fears so we can move forward in a way that works for both of us."
Shifting uncomfortably on the bed, you express, "Harry, what if things don't work out between us? What happens then? I could lose a friend and I might not have enough money to cover regular rent in London."
"Y/n, our mutual feelings don't automatically require us to rush into a romantic relationship. We can proceed at a comfortable pace, one day at a time. Even if we don't progress beyond friendship, I value our bond too much to risk losin' it. As for your concern about losin' a place to stay, rest assure that I would never evict you if things don't work out romantically. You were my housemate first and foremost, and that won't change. Well, unless you want to move out someday that is."
Hearing his words have made your eyes gloss over. You can hear the sincerity in his voice and it makes your heart swell. But, you still need some clarification to move forward. "So like, where do we go from here, Harry? I don't want to think we're one thing but you assume we're something else. I don't want to constantly be questioning where we stand. What's too much or what's not enough."
Harry adjusts his posture, leaning closer to you. He carefully reaches out for your hands and clasps them within his larger grasp, holding them gently as he begins to speak. "As I mentioned earlier, Y/n, we can take this slow. Let our connection develop naturally. At this moment, I would describe our relationship as friends, but friends who share mutual emotions. And in response to a question I know you may have, no, I will not be sleepin' with anyone else. And I don't expect..."
Anticipating his next words, you swiftly interject, "No, neither am I. I mean, being involved with someone else intimately. I can promise you that. Besides, I never truly enjoyed having one-night stands. I only sought them out as a means to conceal my feelings for you. But now that my feelings are out in the open, there's no reason to hide them any longer. From now on I only want you."
Chuckling in relief, Harry murmurs, "Just me, huh?" He was incredibly anxious that you might still have the desire to sleep with other people, even though that didn't make much sense after you had confessed your feelings for him. However, he couldn't be entirely certain.
You lean forward, wrapping your arms around Harry's body, embracing him tightly. "Of course, Harry. I would never do that to you. Besides, most of the men I slept with were unsatisfactory, so I'm perfectly fine with giving up my one-night stands."
Harry reciprocates the embrace, then teasingly asks, "Unsatisfactory? Are you tellin' me those muscular, macho men you brought home hardly ever satisfied you?"
You respond, your voice filled with affection against his neck, "That's right. And when they did, it was usually because I was thinking of you."
"Alright, let's end that conversation right here or we'll have a problem on our hands and break our 'takin' it slow' rule." Harry remarks, trying to maintain a sense of caution. If you kept talking about how you always thought of him while having sex with all those strangers, he'd get hard in his pants and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable right now. Nor does he want to move that fast. Like he said, he genuinely would like to take whatever you are, slow.
You laugh at his words and playfully say, "Can we take a nap? I'm feeling tired. Didn't get much sleep last night."
Harry nods in the embrace you still hold and replies, "Yeah, we can take a nap if you'd like. I didn't get much sleep last night either."
As you sit up, you carefully shift towards Harry's side where he's preparing a space for you to rest. "Seriously?" you inquire. Although you noticed his exhaustion when he entered the kitchen earlier, you didn't consider that it might be due to a lack of sleep.
"Yeah," Harry begins to coo while helping you under his duvet, "felt awful with how I spoke to you last night. The guilt ate me alive and I couldn't sleep."
Now laying side by side, facing each other, you whisper out, "Awe, well you can rest easy now. I forgive you." As your eyes flutter shut, Harry can't help but think about how you're too far away from him. Even though you're literally just six inches apart in reality.
So without thinking, he draws himself closer to you and wraps you in his arms. Which in turn has you pressed up against his clothed chest. "Is this alright?" Harry whispers quietly. Although he wishes to take things slowly, cuddling is typically considered a leisurely activity, isn't it? It remains innocent and platonic.
"Yes, very much alright." you reply and soon after fall asleep. The musky smell Harry produces along with the warmth of his body lulls you right to sleep. It may be only nine in the morning but with your lack of sleep the night before, have no trouble falling unconscious.
Harry also falls into a deep slumber. The comfort of having you in his arms lulls him into a state of relaxation, leading him to quickly doze off. His cat Pixie has now settled at the foot of the bed, peacefully asleep alongside you both. Harry's once anxious room is now filled with tranquility. The unfolding of your friendship will become more apparent when you wake up later today.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @allthelovehes // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
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My Masterlist Masterpost
A Shift Occurs {part 4.} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
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edonee · 8 months
The belief that gender is a feeling, something interior and unrelated to sex is not only false, but it also upholds gender stereotypes. What does a transgender person mean, when they say they identify as the opposite gender? I've actually posed the question to a lot of trans people, and the answers were always something along the lines of "I liked things made for boys as a kid. I felt different from other girls. I don't feel connected to my biological gender because I behave differently" (coming from women who identify as trans) or "I preferred girls toys as a kid, I was always drawn toward dressing more femininely, wearing make-up, etc." (from men who identify as trans). I then ask, why does that mean you are a different gender? I thought we were all on the same page with the whole "boys can like pink, girls can like blue" argument. I mean, everyone has been saying that for decades, and we all agree that those are gender stereotypes, right??
So I always asked myself why transgender people used those as arguments to prove their point. The other argument, that a lot of trans people might bring up after reading this, is "Well, sex dysphoria is a thing though". And yeah, it is a disgnosable mental disorder, and there are people who seriously suffer from it. But so is anorexia. Do we see doctors performing liposuctions on people suffering from anorexia, though? Of course not: mutilating the body of a mentally unwell person is inhumane. People who suffer from eating disorders are offered therapy in order to recover and create a healthy relationship with their body. So why would dysphoric people get "gender affirming surgery" (which is an interesting name, because I thought y'all said gender isn't dependent on sex???) instead of analyzing the reasons why their body brings them distress? The whole narrative of "being born in the wrong body" is so...vague. And, *trust me*, I've tried to put myself in transgender people's shoes and comprehend their arguments, but they are just insubstantial. I see why for some of them (especially women) identifying as the opposite gender would be favorable: for women, because it's an attempt to escape their fate in a misogynistic world. It's freeing (I speak from personal experience here, I identified as non-binary for a while). It feels like saying fuck you to the patriarchy. You feel the rush of eluding womanhood (or at least you think you do). But, at the end of the day, it's truly just that: eluding. And (unless you medically transition, to the point you pass as male) it's not going to change anything. People hate us because of our sex, not because of our "gender identity". Men won't care whether you identify as ftm, non-binary, agender or anything else. They hate you because you are Female. That's what misogyny is at its core. And, if you push the idea that gender is just a feeling, something that you can identify as, and that biological sex doesn't matter, and that "anyone can be a woman, actually!" you are inevitably going to water down the definition of Woman until it is just that: a sensation, something intangibile. How can we fight for a category of people, if we can't even define who we're fighting for? Also, Women are the only class this applies to. Take Race as an example: the movement of resistance against racism knows exactly who they are fighting for. The definition of a Black person is not up for debate. People who identify as "transracial" (mostly trolls) are heavily criticized, and they are obviously not included in the Black movement. Why do we have to accommodate males in our movement? Use whatever pronouns you want, get all the surgeries you want, take whatever hormones: it's not going to do anything to defy misogyny. @kieransskin
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snowy-nostalgia · 7 months
Love? A Postal 1 Dude x Reader fanfiction
(Gender neutral, no content warning, fluff with slight angst. This is a precursor to my Date Night fanfiction)
The day was cold, yet pleasant, as you woke up after sleeping in till the afternoon. As you were going through your daily routine, peaked out the window to see a moving truck in front of the vacant, nearly run down house across the street from you. A man with long red hair, sunglasses, and a trench coat was taking boxes into the house. You noticed there weren’t many items in the truck, just a bed, a tv, and a few smaller boxes. He seemed to be alone, and you thought that you should help him, as the mattress was on the bigger size. You put on your jacket and shoes, and headed out the door, briskly walking across the street. “Hello? Do you need some help?” You called out to the man as he began walking out of the house. He was taller than you expected, and he almost looked surprised to hear someone say that. “Um…” He mumbled before letting out a cough “I uh, guess... Thank you.” He said quietly. His voice was low, almost scary, yet at the same time pleasant to listen to. You headed into the truck with him, helping him lift the mattress, and slowly carrying it inside the shabby house. You never got to see the inside before that day, it actually looked better than you thought. Although the wallpaper was peeling and the floors were scuffed to hell and back, it didn’t look too bad. “I don’t need help with the tv… but uh, thanks for your help.” “No problem! my name’s (Y/N), by the way. Welcome to the neighborhood!” You responded, reaching your hand out for a handshake. He reluctantly shook your hand, clearly shocked by your upbeat attitude towards him. “You can just call me Dude.” He muttered, making your head tilt. “Okay? Well, if you need anything I’m just across the street.” You said as you were leaving. He mumbled something, but you couldn’t make out what it was.
Over the past few months you two began talking more and growing closer, eventually becoming friends, despite Dude’s reclusive behavior. He never talked about where he came from, always dodging the question when it came up. The most he’d say was that he was from Arizona, but never WHERE in Arizona. You were the only person in the neighborhood he’d talk to, he never even gave a glance at your other neighbors. There was something about you that made him drawn to you, something different. Maybe it was your welcoming personality, maybe it was some of your shared interests, or the way you smiled. The way you laughed, how you’d compliment his outfits, the gentle softness of your eyes. He’d often catch himself staring at you, hoping you wouldn’t notice. Well, you did notice, but you thought that maybe you had something on your face, or food in your teeth. No, there was nothing wrong, in fact, he saw no flaws in your face. The more he’d study your face, the more small blemishes would begin to look perfect. It was almost like he began to see you as a painting, a priceless piece of art. Not only in your beauty, but in the way he wanted to protect you, preserve you. Keep others from touching you. He didn’t know why, he never had feelings like this for anyone else in his life. No one ever made him feel this way before. Like a protector. He wanted to watch over you, keep you by his side. Shield you from harms way, like a knight with royalty.
He began going out with you in public, which only made this feeling deeper, thicker. He knew what could lurk around the corner, he was living proof of it himself. He always lingered closely by your side, his eyes darting around at passersby so often he’d almost bump into things. If anyone ever talked to you, he’d glare at him through his sunglasses, the darkness of them masking his nearly white hot glare. He didn’t know why people giving you attention made him shaken, rageful. Jealousy perhaps? He couldn’t tell. But he’d never do anything about it, no, he respected you too much. He knew you were just a person, a person allowed to have a life outside of him, but it didn’t stop the choking feeling in his throat. The nearly instant headache that would radiate throughout his skull as you laughed at someone else’s jokes. He wanted to touch your hand, hold it, squeeze it. He wanted to remind you he was there, focus your attention on him, but he knew you probably didn’t feel the same passion towards him that he felt for you. He knew the most you felt for him was friendship, hopefully seeing him as a best friend. He didn’t care what you felt though, as long as you were with him, by his side.
Nights upon nights were spent, pacing around his house, biting his fingers, muttering to himself, trying to work up the courage to confess to you. But he wasn’t ready. No, he couldn’t! What if he lost you, what if you saw him as a creep? He’d stare at pictures of you two together, tracing his thumb across your face. A warm, pounding feeling would radiate from his chest. His breathing was harsh, anxious. He’d collapse on his bed, gripping at his chest, his head throbbing in pain. How did he let this happen? How did he let you sneak your way into his cold, hollow heart, filling it with warmth? Kindness, even happiness. He had never experienced this in his entire life, he never let anyone in like this. It scared him, making him so stressed to the point of wanting to move away again. To save you more than him. He wasn’t equipped for a relationship, not in the slightest, even if you reciprocated his feelings. He thought he’d hurt you, even though he knew he could never lay a hand on you. Wrapping himself up in his blanket, in the fetal position, he’d cry himself to sleep. Even if you loved him back, he didn’t deserve you. Not even as a friend. You were too soft, too sweet for him. Your kind words filled his head, the feeling of your hand on his shoulder. The way you’d fall asleep during a movie, how your chest would rise and fall as you breathed, how he wanted to hold your face in his hands. You weren’t a delicate person, you could hold your own, but he still wanted to protect you with every fiber of his being.
As the days went on, fist bumps turned to side hugs, side hugs to full hugs. He’d breathe you in everytime, wanting it to last forever. Resting his hands on the middle of your back, your head resting on his chest. Would you notice his heartbeat? How it raced in your presence, fast enough to override his system? Hugs became longer, tighter. He didn’t know you felt the same way, how could he? You were an angel in his eyes, one deserving of a much better man. Were soulmates real? He couldn’t be sure, but if they were, you were his, and his alone, even if he couldn’t have you. Even if you left him one day. You’d always have a spot in his hollow heart, even if you hurt him.
Going out to lunch together, he noticed you acted different, much shyer than usual. Did he say something wrong? His mind filled with disastrous thoughts. Until, you placed your hand on his, and he looked up at your face, your radiant, smiling face. It made him feel… safe, comforted, okay. He only knew those feelings with you. It was almost as if you protected him instead. The sun began to set as you two drove home together, nearly not a cloud in the sky as the orange light shone on your face through the car window. He wanted to stare at your beauty, study every curve of your face, but he knew he had to focus on the road. His heart beat was fast, but steady. He knew as long as he was with you he was safe, and in turn wanted to do the same for you, making sure to drive carefully. Arriving in the neighborhood, he parked in his driveway. “Can I uh… walk you to the door?” He asked, looking at your face, how your eyes glistened from the streetlights of the culdesac. “Sure!” You replied, with a sweet smile on your face. That smile, that damned smile. Everytime you did it his stomach would be filled with butterflies, his hands becoming shakey. As you both walked to your front door, you reached for his hand, and he naturally held it back. You could tell he was shaking, you just hoped it was for the same reason you were. Stopping at the door, he towered over you, looking down into your sweet (E/C) eyes. You tiptoed to his height to give him a peck on the cheek, causing his face to flush, even the tips of his ears burned a bright red. “Goodnight, Dude~” You chirped as you entered your house. He stood there, shocked. His mind racing. You liked him back? That happened right? He never felt so much joy as he began to grin ear to ear. The goofiest, happiest grin ever. He nearly started skipping as he crossed the street to his house, almost collapsing on the floor as he shut the door. He never felt this good in his life. For once, he wasn’t thinking about how undeserving and unlovable he was, because YOU loved him. And he loved you, so so much. No one mattered to him as much as you did, and now he’d devote every hour, every minute, to you. You and only you.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Some SFW headcannons if that's ok with you. Can we get some headcannons about Dad Submas with their kiddo (whether separate or a poly s/o au is both fine)?
Holy fuck yes sir(gender neutral) been waiting for this shit
Submas as the fathers of your child/children
Ingo has always dreamed of having a family despite that permanent frown on his face being quite menacing to the children. He was pretty fond of kids. Always very gentle and patient. Holding his kid in his arms for the first time, he shakes, afraid he might hurt him or scare him. But who could ever be scared of that soft kitten smile? His heartwarming, when his child looks, sees him, and giggles.
His child is a precious treasure, and their happiness is Ingo's number one priority. Yes, Ingo may or may not have spoiled them a few times but seeing them so happy warms his heart every time.
Like any good parent, Ingo values his child's safety he's a Subway boss safety is part of the job; of course, safety is an important part of his parenting. And it is the same with Emmet. They both agree that their child must know about safety.
Ingo is a first-time father. He doesn't mean to be bad, but of course, some parents make their own mistakes. As their child grows older, Ingo seems to have a problem where he still sees his child as his sweet baby, and sometimes he gets a little protective because it's bittersweet when a parent sees their child grow up. Eventually, he does accept that his child is growing up, and sometimes he won't be there to protect them, but he'll make it known that he'll always be there for them.
I can already feel that poor kid's embarrassment when Ingo screams their names during assemblies every time they get a reward or their name called for one.
He's always having a conversation with his child, even if it's just babbling. He would be having a fake argument with his toddler.
Emmet is the for-your-own-good type. He's a serious parent, but he is not unfair; rules are there for a reason and are very important, and he'll make sure that his child knows. He ensures that he teaches his child that actions have consequences; good behavior gets rewarded while bad behavior is punished. ( though not every situation is black and white like that.)
If his child ever asks why for anything, he will explain clearly and calmly. Rip for their belief in Santa when they inevitably ask their father.
Emmet takes safety very seriously, and Emmet can be a little bit of a mother hen. He just doesn't want anything to happen to his child as their parent and a Subway boss; it is their job to protect them.
No parent is perfect; Emmet struggles with personal space and privacy issues. He's always had this. He himself is not really a private person. He says what he says, and he means what he says. It might sound mean, but he'll say it anyway. And the lousy habit is from expecting everyone else to be like that, especially people who are closer to him. He wants his child to be open and honest with him at all times, and he wants to know what's happening in their day-to-day life even though they don't want to tell him. And I can see him getting a little antsy when someone won't tell him or they are hiding something from him. It's something that he always struggled with.
If his child ever gives him a logical argument on why he's wrong when he says no to something he will just freeze and think about it for a few seconds then just say "Ok, verrry fair... carry on."
Emmett gets obsessed with little baby onesies and baby clothes "look!! a little Joltik Halloween costume ah! So verrry cute!"
Ingo x parent!reader x Emmet
( the brothers are sharing one love interest no incest)
Usually, they're pretty good at getting along when it comes to Parenting, but sometimes their different parenting methods clash between two. Usually, they would ask you for advice after that or come to a fair agreement.
If they have twins, they can't be happier. Ingo would bring it up constantly, and Emmet would immediately start picking one color for each twin.
When they come home from Gear Station is usually your time off. They make sure you get plenty of rest because they know how tired you would be after taking care of your children all day.
Emmet would let his child hold a Joltik for the first time.
Ingo would give them a Litwick night light.
When the twins are together, they will always be excited to take their children for hikes or go places to have fun, like parks. We're walking around the amusement park or just seeing Aunt Elesa while you take a rest.
The first thing they do when they realize they are becoming fathers, is cram their minds with as much parenting knowledge as possible they're both excited and scared and praying they'll be prepared enough to deal with a kid.
Soon enough, you'll find them both asleep on top of a pile of notes next to another pile of parenting 101 books.
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sailorspica · 1 month
I'm curious to know what you think would happen in a "Kenny raises Mikasa" scenario because in hindsight I feel like it's a missed opportunity to not have them interact
this sent me down several lines of thought. it seems like a missed opportunity because of the ackerman lore, sure, but also because kenny bizarrely interacts with two other 104th girls: annie and historia. kenny and historia's parallels are near and dear to me as—chapter 65 is one of my favorites and so poorly adapted by WIT—so he's actually kind of an incredible scene partner for teenage girls a la arya stark and sandor clegane
on mikasa's side, her concept of "family" is conspicuous as hell from beginning to end. i'm not the most familiar with EMA, but i'm pretty sure she refers to both eren and armin as "family" while levi stays firmly her superior, even one she's fond of and admires apart from others, because that's how they met. any bonding between them feels post-canonical
logistically: frieda eats uri in 843 and mikasa's parents are killed in 844. i puzzle through kenny's resume here, but in 844 he would have most likely been part of the first interior squad. speaking to his grandfather in snk 65, he's aware of the southern cadet branch. in 850 trost, MPs have records of mikasa and eren killing the human traffickers, so the "ackerman" name is floating around the military for sure besides ""captain ackerman"" (SO crazy to me, fake job)
many questions
when kenuri meet and "the persecution of the ackerman family" stops, that only means the MPs leave them alone and obviously doesn't reverse their fortunes. he went underground most likely intending to bring kuchel back up to the surface(?), but that care didn't extend to these distant relations. seeing how he ditched levi, why in the world would he be invested in mikasa?
answering my own question in the style of a scholastic summa: i generously think his guilt toward kuchel is one of kenny's softest qualities. the fates of kuchel and mikasa's mother stand out as this universe's most horrifying misogynistic violence, and that they're both ackermans even if only by marriage is significant. so MAYBE, maybe, kenny could be moved by mikasa's circumstances like he wasn't by levi's, certainly due to chauvinism! don't get me wrong! children of any gender should be protected, and this is the man who was ready to slit historia's throat! since his narration pities kuchel as different from him and levi: "long as ya got [power]… ya won't meet an end like my little sister's," he might not be compelled to look after mikasa since she's been awakened to ~the ackerpower~, which unfortunately seems to be kenny's measure of majority/adulthood
mikasa's adoption is like story crucial. whatever. but i AM intrigued by the thought of kenny's arms-length mentorship instead of the jaegers' warmth. would she be comforted by the shared name? despite the lighter hair, her father's face shape is similar to kenny's. she already knows who the fuck she is, she has/had parents; maybe much like kenny knows he's not cut out to be some kid's dad, mikasa doesn't want that at ALL, versus levi's much worse position of suspecting kenny might have been his father. child levi's painful conclusion that he disappointed kenny somehow would be so much worse if he saw someone else was worth kenny's attention
but! this would only be because uri is fucking dead. would dealing with a traumatized middle schooler be a satisfactory "hobby" for kenny before the anti-personnel control squad? i doubt it!! though maybe the funniest panel of all time where grandpa ackerman describes the azumabito as "'asians,' a people vastly different from us" would make mikasa a Little little more interesting to him, like a lab rat more than anything. but this is why historia and kenny's interactions are so fun to me, as well as kenny's ambivalence toward frieda: i really think he'd feel more obligated to the reiss girls than any ackerman. see levi
anyway, i could see mikasa joining the cadets still and succeeding, perhaps even angling to make it to the first interior squad. bereft of eren, i imagine her treating kenny as a doddering old man who should retire even though i'm pretty sure he's like. 45-50 at most in 850. and this right here is a setup for an MP mikasa canon AU, I Think. mikannie. mikahitchannie. mikahisu. jeankasa or eremika i fucking guess
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 1 year
CW // Ship discourse rant (Dragonfruit, Spicynoodles)
(Before anything I just wanna say that I don't like getting involved in ship discourse, it's incredibly stupid in my opinion but this actually really bothered me so I had to make a post about it, and this is likely the only post I will be making about the situation. I might also delete this later but I wanted to get my thoughts out)
Also, no shade to Dragonfruit shippers, I know not all of them are like this, but they seem to do this the most from what I've seen personally which is why I'm mainly talking about them.
I'm not sure if other people are dealing with this or if I just happen to be unlucky, but I keep seeing twt and tiktok posts about Spicynoodles being brothers and saying that the ship is problematic by Dragonfruit shippers and this kind of content keeps popping up no matter how many times I click "Not interested" and it's starting to get on my nerves.
It's so incredibly stupid, and not only that but I keep seeing Dragonfruit shippers say things like "if you hate Dragonfruit that means you hate sapphics", "people would like Dragonfruit more if it was mlm", "people who say Dragonfruit gives them sibling vibes hate wlw ships", "Dragonfruit is more likely to be canon", commenting about MK and Redson being brothers/cousins on Spicynoodles ship posts and more.
And maybe some of that's true, maybe some people who don't like Dragonfruit right now would like it more if it was mlm but maybe - JUST MAYBE - some people just have different opinions on these characters dynamics that have nothing to do with their gender identities or if a ship is straight or not.
Personally I think Mei and Redson have nothing more than a platonic relationship, she constantly gets his name wrong on purpose and bothers him whenever she can and overall acts alot like how an annoying sister/best friend would, and if I'm being entirely honest seeing Dragonfruit ship posts makes me a little uncomfortable, but I don't go around commenting that on Dragonfruit posts, I just click "not interested" and scroll and the fact that so many Dragonfruit shippers feel the need to start unnecessary conflict instead of just scrolling or even blocking them is absolutely infuriating.
Also the whole "people who don't like Dragonfruit just hate sapphics" is also stupid considering it's not even a sapphic ship to begin with, Redson is canonically a man and if you hc him as genderfluid, like so many other people do, or as transfem or something else I think that's great, you do you, I love seeing peoples headcanons for these characters. But that doesn't change the fact that he's a man in canon and if you're so delusional and captivated by your own headcanons to the point where you think someone disliking a F/M ship automatically means they hate sapphics then you need to get some serious help.
I've seen multiple accounts now in the lmk Fandom that exist purely to bash on Spicynoodles and Spicynoodlesshippers, constantly commenting on their posts about how much better Dragonfruit is and that MK and Redson are related because DBK and Wukong are Sworn Brothers so that means you can't ship them.
And this doesn't go just for Dragonfruit shippers - yes, this post is mainly about the Dragonfruit shippers who do this since I've seen them do it the most (atleast in my personal experiences) - but just in general, if you dedicate your entire account to bashing other people's (non-problematic) ships and instigating unnecessary conflict in what should be a kind, welcoming and supportive community you need to get off the internet and work on yourself before anything else.
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hihi, soo first off I wanna say I am so in love with your blog and headcannons. They literally make my day, its like eating a whole cake..! and your character is so ❤️💖💖 Keep doing what you are doing because you are awesome 💖
secondly- I just been struggling with family (and living in a small town of yeehaws) that I was just wondering, like how would Diane and/or Hobie react if someone invited them over to their world and just were like "oh yeah uh... can you also uh not use my prefered name and pronouns because I don't wanna get stared at and probably called names..?"
Honestly when it comes to Hobie PERFECT PERSON FOR THIS - HE'S GOT YOUR BACK.
For Hobie
Hobie is the KING of wording things very specifically and casually - like he's amazing at it.
Hobie knows that when you have to get purposefully deadnamed the conversation is still hard everytime you hear it, so he tries to lessen it as much as possible and IT WORKS
Someone else would say '[Deadname] and I are going to the store by [pronoun] house to get [pronoun] prescription and some other things [pronoun] needs-'
'The two of us are heading round to the store by this one's place to pick up the script and grab some things we've been eyeing'
He has SO many ways to get around it as much as he can that it's basically effortless. Gender neutral nicknames based on a thing that doesn't relate to either name
He'll ask if calling you 'kid' is okay, so he can do what Miguel and Peter were doing.
'The kid and I' 'The kid was saying, etc' 'That belongs to the kid'
And people pick up on it without realizing and do it too. Without even noticing.
Peter B. always called Miles 'kid'. And Miguel only called Miles 'kid' at the very end, having getting it off of Peter.
So Hobie would call you something like 'the kid',
Or come up with a gender neutral, noun based nickname and tell some huge elaborate funny interesting story behind it (real or not) - so then people are like WOAH!!! and start calling you it too.
'Rocket was telling me -' 'Why do you call them Rocket?' *grinning* 'You're gonna wanna sit down for this bruv. So the two of us are out, Wednesday, sunny,-' *explains a story for ten minutes that makes you look awesome PLUS you earn a cool gender neutral nickname*
Or a really powerful one because BRITISH - He'll say 'My mate' or if you're in the room 'my mate here'.
'My mate here was telling me-' 'Can you get my mate's-'
All in all Hobie wouldn't say it unless he ABSOLUTELY HAS TO which is rare to almost ever because he's always thinking of the next sentence and how to do it a different.
He'll also make sure to do this to EVERYONE if you're in front of your family. Like...no one gets pronouns now lol
Because he wants to minimize it as much as possible because he wants you to be able to feel comfortable and able to join in on the conversation rather than brace for the next misgendering, you know?
So that way you don't stand out too much or it doesn't look like you asked him to do it. People just think that's how he talks
Plus, afterwards he ALWAYS makes sure to pull you aside and ask how you're feeling after a convo, making it look all casual. But he just wants to know if you're okay, if not he can say 'This ones taking me to the bathroom', and he'll find a spot to sit with you, just to chill and decompress
Hobie is the KING of SMOOTHNESS You're not playing him
[Hi! I hope you're doing okay, and holding up well! And I hope this helped even a little bit. I know how like every wrong pronoun and every deadname can sting and you can't ignore cause your brain is gonna notice -
It can be tough, but there are people and places out there who are accepting beyond anything you can think. We're out here, and hopefully one day soon our help will get to you, and you can start living a live not having to worry about all this!]
Hope this was okay :) You aren't alone my friend]
And for anyone who's interested in what Disco-Spider Diane would do (and what those accepting places are like) that'll be under the cut!
As for Diane also; this part is largely inspired by this DiscoPop song by singer named Jessie Ware
I'll include the song if you wanna listen! And the lyrics for those who would rather read or skip! You can even pretend she's singing it that's what I do all the time lol
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Beautiful People -
Diane knows transphobia is out there, she's from 82', but it still bothers her. When you told her, she'd try best to be reassuring, following Hobie's lead and asking for advice when she needs to. They're a TEAM in this, all of them, so they can work together and it'll all be a bit easier.
But it still bothers her. Like BOTHERS her, going to sleep talking to Ansi on the phone like 'That's SO fucked up you know, uhhh!! The world!!'
And so the next morning she's in your universe.
It's early as hell. Like 7am. And she's standing over your bed in rainbow sweatbands and a sweatsuit. Looking at you like
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'Heeeeeyyyyy, Wanna go some place like way more rad than here could ever dream of being??? wanna go some place FUNKY FAR OUT.'
And then she pulls you into her world-
Diane is from 1982 - and one odd thing about her universe - it's always night. The same way Noir's is like, always raining.
[She didn't learn about day until she met Hobie. If that sounds confusing....it was for her too. she's still learning whats a 'day' thing and what isn't. Like the time someone told her blue eyeshadow is a 'strong nighttime look' like...what???]
Because it's always Disco-time there. Always time to party, all donuts shops are 'open late' etc.
And the cool places are open all the time!!
She pulls you in and immediately goes "We're going to Stonewall!!" (but first she has to get you fed cause yall not about to be walking around hungry)
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Stonewall being the historic bar where the Stonewall Riots took place in 1969 - one of the biggest events in queer history and liberation. Stonewall still exists to this day, but back in 82 it was BUMPING.
All of The Village (that's 'The Gay Neighborhood' (affectionate) ) of stonewall is known for his LGBTQ spots - The Center's even there! (That's what we call the city LGBT center, I love that place SO MUCH)
Already she has a matching tracksuit ready, sweatbands ready to go.
She wants to take you to a place where people are cool and accepting and kind and want to dance for a little bit
And there are rainbow flags strung across the ceiling, gay couples being able to hold hands, trans people being able to JUST BE.
And everyone treats everyone like the other person is the most interesting person ever, like they've got nothing to worry about.
Everyone is gendering you right, throwing affirming compliments your way, telling you you're amazing and beautiful and Yes we're here to live!!!
(and that's what its really like in queer spaces out here - these places exist and people like this EXIST and we're always ready to accept you I promise!!!!! - please don't think the world is cold and cruel just know we're out there WE WANNA GET TO YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE!!!)
Of course she stays by your side the whole time, ESPECIALLY if you're a minor - this is a chaperoned trip - but she just wants you to be able to hang out in a space where like..you can actually hang, y'know.
Everyone deserves that - and a little funky music and place to show off a good outfit
The Disco scene and the Queer scene were basically hand and hand and one in the same in a way - and Diane being bi, she gets the fear of hiding and having to keep a secret.
Maybe some of the great queer icons are still hanging around there - you never know in 82!
Plus the LGBT Center only a couple blocks away - and their lounges are AMAZING. And there's people there going through the same thing.
They can swing by and Diane can show you around, even chill for a bit.
She just wants to make sure you have a good time after all that the day before. She thinks EVERYONE needs more TLC - and so she's ready to administer it herself if need be.
And it'd be fun and games but she means it when she says 'The dancefloor is always open.'
Diane would ALWAYS be ready to take you dancing, or crash at The Center, or just be a listening ear.
Just remember that beautiful people are everywhere! <3
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lgbtqtext · 6 months
Long overdue update!
Hey guys- it has been a LONG time. I have some news and most importantly, an apology.
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My new, inclusive header
Firstly, I've been on a road of self-discovery for quite awhile. As it turns out, I'm a nonbinary person and bisexual. I am transmasculine, and as I've been on testosterone, my previously undetectable attraction to men has skyrocketed. I'm still attracted to women and nonbinary people, but mostly men these days. I'm bisexual, so my attraction to all genders is different for each one. It feels different for me, the way I experience my attraction to each gender, which is why I am not pansexual. My name is now Ash.
So what does this mean for my blogs? Well, they're not going anywhere, but I am changing the names. Lesbiantext is now LGBTQtext, and in my about section I'll include the other updated blogs. I will be making content for the whole acronym! Including the plus that I can't put into my url. Even some stuff for allies.
Now, my apologies. I'm apologizing for my serious inactivity first. I am so sorry that I've been MIA for so long. I got stressed from my blogs and just lost interest. But what I am mostly apologizing for is my previous lack of trans inclusion. Back when I thought I was a lesbian, I was dealing with dysphoria and seriously repressed it. I thought that I could just shove away my discomfort with my body and being referred to as a she or a woman. And that meant I didn't want to acknowledge trans anything. I surrounded myself with the wrong kind of people and I should have known better. And I am sorry. I am sorry for never mentioning trans people at all, especially trans women. It took a lot of strength, but I did separate myself from the wrong crowd and finally recognized myself as a nonbinary person. I love all my fellow trans people. That negativity is behind me now, and I am never looking back.
After a year-ish on t, my miniscule attraction to men shot up way higher than my attraction for women. That was a struggle too, since so much of my identity was about being a lesbian. It took a lot for me to take down my flags, but my nonbinary flag and my bisexual flag suit my room so much better. They feel right, as with my old lesbian ones I would sometimes feel like an impostor. I used to just write off my few moments of 'this guy is kinda hot WAIT WHAT-' as a fluke, but looking back, I think I was having bi-cycles. A lot of bisexual people experience fluidity in their attraction. I do still experience the bi-cycle, so my attraction can vary at times. And even though I can't get those years of denial back, I can just accept and love myself now, for my gender and my orientation.
So, I'm going to be slowly creating content for all genders and orientations. Send in your requests! I love you all.
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siriusist · 8 months
All things considered, Episode Four of Masters of the Air was definitely my favourite episode so far. Which surprised me- considering coming in, I was definitely dreading this episode, for a multitude of reasons:
WORLD WAR TWO MEDIA GENERALLY SUCKS AT MAKING FEMALE STORIES INTERESTING OR NOT RELATED TO HOT MEN: This will be the name of my rage thesis I will eventually figuratively write on how World War Two media as a whole. Like, traditionally, let's be honest, none of our favourite series, even a masterpiece like Band of Brothers, really has particularly strong female leads or characters. If there are characters, even if they have more of a featured role, we usually just see them in relation to nursing, or caring for men in some way. And while this obviously is an important part of women's legacies in World War Two, it barely scrapes the surface of what women were responsible for during the war on all fronts, and usually is just a vehicle to be like AND THE NURSE FELL IN LOVE WITH THE PATIENT WHO'DA THUNK IT. I like to snarkily call this, "Pearl Harbour Fever."
HBO War/ Tom Hanks/Steven Spielberg Series Are Great- But Sideline Representation for the Sake of a Streamlined Story: I think I speak for most people in that I would rather have a well-written story rather than tokenism left, right, and centre, in any given series. That being said, to pretend other interest groups rather than white dudes did not contribute to any war front is laughable. World War Two's theatre of war, no matter where you place it, had so many more stories of people of all backgrounds, genders, ages, and abilities pitching in, and I'm happy we're seeing more of those, with characters who actually have built out character arcs rather than sideline "gee whiz I'm helping the war" washerwomen.
Marketing led with LOOK AT THESE LADIES KISS THESE MEN ISN'T THIS SALACIOUS: Ninety percent sure I was worried when the past few episodes (And I'm ninety percent sure it's also in the intro), had Bucky kissing the Polish refugee Paulina that it was going to be some cringe paper-thin side love interest, that we meet once, and is never commented again. But the series proved me wrong- we had not one, but TWO women who, while they were love interests for male characters, had at least SOME build out to why they were in London at the time. And if you look into the history of how many different cultures, refugees, service people, etc., were actually coming to London, or residing in London at the time, despite the bombings, it's a wonder why war media doesn't showcase more of those stories, even in love interest characters.
Even though we only got two scenes between Paulina and Bucky, we understood where she was coming from- she still described herself as married, despite sleeping with him- she wanted to at least feel something before he was able to feel something in terms of her going to bed with him- she refused past fleeting moments together to emotionally commit any further, due to seeing her husband in him- yet she doesn't see anything wrong with bombing the Germans, because she knows what the Germans have done to the Poles, and to all of Eastern Europe. She clearly knows what people have sacrificed, and she wants the Germans to feel the pain she and her people have felt. She has set morality aside in this sense. She's a fucking INTERESTING character, despite sleeping with Bucky- not because of it. And even though she hesitates at the door, and wants to stay- she doesn't allow herself to. A FULLY ROUNDED. INTERESTING FUCKING FEMALE CHARACTER. WELL FUCKING DONE TEAM WE DID IT GOOD FOR YOU WAHAY.
Same with our Red Cross donut girl Helen. Even in a couple of lines, we establish what they volunteered for, and what was open to women to volunteer for at the time. When Nash says playfully something along the lines of, "You came all the way over here to give out donuts?", she basically responds, "That's what they gave to me/ allowed me to do." It's clear it's not what she had in mind, but she wanted to contribute to the effort, any way she could. And her experience was very true to many women who served donuts and coffee and were the "last pretty face" many of these men saw before entering these planes.
In short, I'd like to direct Hollywood as a whole to the astonishing premise of, "Look what happens when you write women as well-rounded individuals with different motivations, holy shit, you have the best episode in the series."
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eldritchsurveys · 3 days
When are you at your happiest? >> When I'm in a cuddle pile with Can Calah and King Crimson.
Do you find that you’re attracted to people who aren’t “right” for you? >> I'm not attracted to anyone on this plane of reality. I am dying to know what it feels like.
Is there anything you wish you did today? >> Actually, I did more than I expected to. I maybe could have done the dishes in my bus bin but I am okay with the fact that I still haven't summoned the energy for it.
Why haven’t you done it? . What were you doing before you started this survey? >> Well, I was looking for a survey to take, which lately always seems to take more time than I would like. Before that, I was watching an episode of Chernobyl.
Is there any exotic animal you’d like to have as a pet? If so, what is it? >> There is not.
Can you honestly say that you love yourself? >> I can honestly say that.
How many people have you kissed? >> Simultaneously too many and not enough.
How many of those people are you still friends with? >> I don't know any of the people we've kissed anymore, save for Sparrow.
Do you just feel awkward when you dance? >> I don't, I feel... ecstatic. When I get in the groove, in the moment... it's transcendent to me. But only if it's nonstructured, freeform dance. If I have to start thinking about steps or moves or whatever, the mood becomes way different. When was the last time you felt absolutely happy? >> Probably at some point during a really intense moment with Can Calah.
Where did you go, the last time you left your house? >> I just went for a walk.
Name someone that you love: >> Can Calah.
Is there something that you’re looking forward to right now? If so, what? >> Whenever Sparrow's financial aid refund comes in so we can actually buy groceries. God, what a charmed life, huh. What caused you to cry, the last time you did? >> Loneliness, but specifically the feeling of desperately needing support and knowing it just doesn't exist for me.
Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? >> I don't spend too much time feeling upset, I spend as much time as the feeling requires. The world does an excellent job of being judgmental towards emotions and trying to hurry them along, but I'm not interested in that anymore. I will be in agony regardless, but I'll be in less of it if I stop trying to run away from it.
Is there anywhere you would rather be right now? If so, where? >> Always. Just somewhere that's not here.
Do you like your singing voice? >> Eh, I haven't seriously practiced singing since high school and HRT permanently changed my range (or at least the expression of my range), so my singing voice is rusty at best. I still enjoy singing, though, so that doesn't really matter. No one said I had to be good at it to have a good time. (A lot of people say that, actually, or at least imply it. They're wrong, though.) Do you think that you’ve ever actually been IN love with someone? >> I, personally, have not. Previous body pilots... I don't know. The body's memories are unclear on that front. If so, do you still feel the same way about them? .
Have you ever done a psychedelic drug? If not, would you ever consider it? >> I haven't done a proper psychedelic. I am interested, but because of my previous drug-use trauma it'd need to be in a very supportive setting, with at least one experienced trip sitter or guide or whatever around.
What’s something that makes you feel uncomfortable? >> Seatbelts.
Are you bisexual? >> I am xenosexual. Human gender doesn't factor into my potential for attraction.
Are you a good speller? >> Very.
Are most silences awkward for you? >> Hardly any silences are awkward for me, unless the other person is clearly uncomfortable in a way that my hypervigilant nervous system picks up on. Then I'm just annoyed at their discomfort, lol. Can't we just vibe?
Do you sing and dance? >> Damn skippy. Have you ever been to an amusement park? >> I have.
Name someone you wish you had never met: .
Why? . Do you have any “nerdy” hobbies? If so, name some: >> I don't feel like trying to figure out what makes a hobby "nerdy". Name a word that you just really do not like: >> "Wholesome". Ew.
Why don’t you like it? >> I don't know. I'm okay with just having random word aversions that I can't explain. It might be connected to my distaste for mawkishness, and people tend to use "wholesome" in such a fashion. Do you still seriously make pinky promises? >> I don't recall if I've ever made any. Did you ever see the movie Good Burger when it came out? >> I still haven't seen it. I doubt I ever will.
Do you and your friends have a lot of inside jokes? .
What’s your favorite aspect of your life? >> I love being strange and unusual. That part never stops being great, even when it sometimes contributes to my feelings of alienation.
Do people tell you that you should smile more? >> Fortunately, I don't remember the last time I heard this stupid ass sentiment.
Do you prefer summer to winter? >> I do. I don't have anything against winter, but my body/nervous system sure does.
Do you use swear words? >> I do.
If so, do you have a favorite one? >> I like funny combinations of words, like "fucknugget" or "shitass". It's just silly :B
What’s something you find utterly disgusting? >> I don't even want to think about the things I find disgusting, that's how disgusting I find them. Are you easily angered? >> I am not, but I am easily irritated.
What’s something someone could do to really piss you off? >> Be dismissive or mocking towards me when I'm being vulnerable. I'll fucking kill you <3
Do you spend a lot of time just thinking/daydreaming? >> I do spend more time thinking than I'd sometimes like to (ruminating, more like), but not nearly enough time daydreaming.
Name a song you’ve really been digging lately: >> I got into Rotting Christ recently. Good shit.
Are you a virgin? If yes, are you waiting until marriage? >> I am not.
Who has the nicest singing voice, that you know personally? .
Say something nice about someone you really don’t care for: .
Do you think you’re pleasant to be around most of the time? >> I think that it takes a particular sort of person to find me pleasant to be around. (I don't think this is a bad thing. I like that about myself, that I'm singular in a way that only certain people would appreciate, despite how much rejection is involved.)
What are you gonna do now that you’re done with this survey? >> See what's going on on tumblr, I guess. Maybe another survey a bit later? Haven't been doing these much lately, too much going on with me that makes me just want to zone out and play FFXIV for 6 hours straight.
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saintsenara · 11 months
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
🕯️ was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
i’ve found writing one year in every ten very difficult, because my brain and the concept of planning things tightly really don’t see eye-to-eye, so the need for a murder mystery to make sense means that writing this has not been the easiest task i’ve ever set for myself.
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work that has you excited!
do you like gender?
do you like lord voldemort?
do you like a serious think about how the harry potter series would be changed if its villain-in-chief was named mary rather than tom? do you like a series of profoundly unreliable narrators piecing the story together from the afterlife? do you like metafiction (lol)?
do you like a story with this as an extract?
She never blinked as much as I would have thought normal, even though the doctor said it probably wasn’t doing her any harm. You know how you get a tingle in your spine when someone’s watching you? You’d get that all the time with her, and you’d look up from your sewing or your cooking or your laundry to find her staring at you. And if you said ‘Mary, what are you doing’, even if you tried to sound as strict as possible, she would continue to look at you and you’d have the horrible feeling that she was rifling through your mind, flicking through your thoughts and feelings and secrets and memories. 
Then, all of a sudden, she’d look angelic, and say ‘I don’t believe I was doing anything, miss.’ 
And she’d smile and leave, and you’d stand there, feeling as though you ought to have done something differently, but not being quite sure what.
But, when you saw her later, at the dinner table, she’d have such a sweet, innocent look on her face that you’d convince yourself that you’d been in the wrong to feel creeped out by her. I always used to think I might have been jealous. I mean, I’m not a lot to look at, I know, and she was absolutely gorgeous. It quite shocked me, when I remembered what the poor girl who’d given birth to her looked like. She’d got her dying wish - that mysterious Mr Riddle must have been one hell of a looker. I used to wonder who he was quite a lot. I thought maybe he must have been an actor, because Mary looked like a film star, with her lovely alabaster skin, and her delicate bone structure, and her glossy, jet black hair. Effie thought he must have been a dancer, because Mary was so elegant that she never seemed to walk anywhere, she glided instead. Martha thought he must have been one of the dons at Oxford or Cambridge, because Mary was just so clever - she taught herself to read when she was still in nappies, you know. Mrs Dolan thought he must have been a gentleman, because Mary had these lovely manners which she definitely hadn’t learned from us.  
She never got any real interest though. Even with her good looks and her brains. People would ask to meet her at first, when they came to Wool’s looking to adopt. They were all impressed - well, you would be, I suppose, to see a five-year-old reading Dickens like it was the most natural thing in the world. They used to gush about how polite and refined she was - she’d put on this posh accent, you see, even though I knew she sounded like a fishwife when she was arguing with the other kids, and say ‘oh, please, sir’ and ‘why, thank you, ma’am’. 
They all liked her. At first.  
But then they’d move on, to Susan or Billy or Betty or Donald or Ann. Plain, stout children with common voices and common minds. They’d never say why, but I knew. It was because strange things seemed to happen around Mary. I used to think, and I know it sounds silly, but I did, I used to think that the air obeyed her. She seemed to be able to call down things from high shelves into her hands, or break tea cups without touching them, or mend them without glueing them, or make it stop raining when she wanted to go outside, or make your cheek sting as though she had slapped you hard round the face for trying to tell her off, even though she was on the other side of the desk from you and she hadn’t moved. 
By the end of 1932, just before she turned six, I was afraid she could control people’s thoughts. 
I know, I know. It sounds like I’ve lost my marbles. 
But I saw her. I saw her, with my own eyes, on Boxing Day, when she cornered Terry in the playroom while he was looking at the tin soldier he had been given for Christmas from the ‘collection for the unfortunate’ they held at St-Basil’s-in-the-Marshes. She held out her hand for the toy and said in that soft, quiet voice she had, ‘I think you’ll find that’s mine, Terry’, and he opened his mouth to resist but then his face just went blank and he placed the soldier in her hand. And Effie bustled over to chastise her - ‘Mary Riddle, I saw you do that!’ - but Mary simply looked at her, with her eyes narrowed, and said ‘I don’t think you did, miss’, and Effie just stood there, her expression suddenly vacant. 
I was on rounds that night, and I found the soldier under the settee in the matron’s parlour. Its chest had been broken open and its empty metal innards were glistening in the lamplight.
then you should watch this space!
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mylesimeblr · 1 year
hi i'm a year late but i saw your spec on noah and finn's sexuality and then you turned out to be right about noah! not that its about being right but i think harmless spec is ok and natural actually... like a reflection of your empathy and sensitivity, youre good at reading people i guess!
so anyway my point is have you got any examples of why you think finn might not be straight? cos you mentioned some specific moments where noah seemed gay but you think finn is gay or bi or something else?
sorry if youre not into spec on this anymore, just curious ya know! and you seem knowledgable/openminded. thanks!
Hey there, thanks for the ask. I've heard that some people in this fandom don't like when we "speculate" about people's sexuality and gender identity, like it's something very offensive. But I don't find anything offensive about saying that someone might be queer as there’s nothing wrong about being queer and if the person isn’t, they’re just not. So I'm glad I'm not alone here!
Regarding Finn, I personally think that he's pan and non-binary. I actually don't see Finn caring about gender as a concept at all. It shows in the way he dresses, the obvious fact that he's played queer roles and how he moves his body. His body language is very non-cis coded, it's actually super interesting to analyze. 
For example, when he sits, he crosses his legs in a way that no heterosexual or cis man would. A bit like Millie or Sadie. Also the way he puts his hands on his legs and how he moves his fingers… No cis man would do that. It’s all very subtle. You have to pay close attention but it’s there. There really is a female elegance about him that you don’t see in the other guys. Noah, for example, is 500% visually gay. It’s even in his voice. But it’s all masculine. Totally different from Finn.
Then, there’s Finn’s clothes. The blue pullovers… The tweed suit… The heels and the way he dresses for photoshoots. And his facial expressions. His smiles. There’s a cuteness about him that is very feminine.
And there are moments where he can be masculine too but always with a hint of femininity that Joe or Gaten or even Caleb do not have at all. For example in his movie with Juliane Moore. He’s a perfect mix of both, all the time, at the same time. It’s amazing. And he can be a little goofy and clumsy looking too which adds to the queer reading. I’ve said it before, but I know many lesbians are “confused” by him and it’s not by chance at all. No one in the cast has this non-binary poise and energy. Not even Jamie who is more like a rockstar dandy. Finn… is different.
Again, I may be completely wrong, I don’t know. It’s just how I feel when I look at him or listen to his interviews.
(The other day, we were watching a very old YouTube video of a French gamer streamer. And as he talked and played the game, I told my husband “that’s funny, he has a woman energy”. I didn’t even know that guy at all. My husband laughed and told me that this Youtuber came out as a transgender woman a few years after the video we were watching was published and she’s now living as a woman gamer (DamDam if I need to name her). It actually made me laugh too but I wasn’t surprised. It’s all about energy.)
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eeriehowl · 10 months
eredin for the character ask thingy of course! but also maybe auberon? 👀 up to you
thank you so much elis!! i really appreciate it.💛
sexuality headcanon: gay. i actually tend to block ppl if they ship him with women no matter who he is shipped with because this is my strongest sexuality headcanon in witcher...it's obviously not anything inherently problematic, just makes me personally very uncomfortable, so i curate my experience. gender headcanon: he's definitely masculine and enjoys it, that's all i can say. a ship I have with said character: avallac'h. i'm usually not much of a multishipper, so...that's it. a brotp I have with said character: imlerith! he actually has the opposite effect of ava on eredin though...when ava is around, his impulse control is better, while imlerith makes it worse. they are besties though. a notp I have with said character: ciri. over all else is that i think it's creepy but i can also easily add further to that. i'm sure there is no attraction from either side, ciri has an aversion to anything actually happening between them if her anxiety is anything to go by. i find it strange that people think her attraction to him was genuine. however, this is about eredin, so i will go more into how he acts and feels towards her instead. eredin isn't even slightly attracted to her. the only line that could even slightly indicate that is an offhanded comment... he notes that some prefer being roughly caressed and that he would not personally do something of the sort non-consensually ("only if you permit me"). this p much potentially points out his own general view on sex and i do not think at all that he was actually flirting. he changes the subject without any further ado because he doesn't care for continuing that topic...it was, as said, an off-hand comment. ciri very much specifies that he showed no interest in her or doing anything with her; he stares at her with cold eyes and only thinks about his own shenanigans and straight out specifies how little he thinks of her *twice*...he straight-up says that he doesn't think that she is special in any way, seemingly not even believing that she has any powers at all from the way he talks. explains that he thinks ava & auberon are wrong about her. in conclusion, why people think ciri & eredin would want anything to do with one another is beyond me. a random headcanon: eredin had a decent relationship with his mother before he left her to be independent. he never met his father but that doesn't matter to him and didn't affect him. eredin got his brutal honesty from his mother, she was like that too. she was not toxic in any way though. in the end, he ended up seeing value in the things she had taught him, but did not choose to take her name because it did not seem vital to him that he'd have his origins be clear in his name. she had already given him his own name and he would carry that with him as a reminder instead. eredin wasn't born into a higher up family, pretty much got his recognition by just being an extremely talented swordsman. it was a passion of his. he's got the personality of a natural leader and earned the respect of many despite his sharp tongue...though he was partially feared too and would grow to be revered and feared more and more over time. wasn't much of a surprise when he ended up becoming a general. general opinion over said character: i love him. i didn't give a shit about him in witcher 3 after seeing his face because i thought elves were boring back then...i wanted him to be a monster...and here i am now. he is a type of monster, but very different from what i initially wanted him to be. eredin in the books has lots of layers and can be interpreted in several different ways. he's also very clearly intelligent to a certain degree. game eredin is just all about loving violence and dominance with little to nothing else.
sexuality headcanon: he's tried everything. gender headcanon: i think auberon is too old to care about his gender. a ship I have with said character: with shiadhal. lara looked at them and hoped she would find something like what they had. she did not truly find it until she got to know cregennan. shiadhal died young, at least for an elf. many depict her as a warrior and i like that idea. a brotp I have with said character: never had many close friends, and many individuals he did consider friends are gone. i imagine he was sort-of friends with avallac'h's mentor. a notp I have with said character: i guess i could say with eredin, because i've seen some of that and it's not for me. doesn't induce disgust in me like ciri with aen elle does so i don't mind running into it much but i don't enjoy it. a random headcanon: his relationship with avallac'h isn't exactly friendly, it's very professional. auberon calls ava "crevan", mainly to express his authority and only partially because that used to be his potential "son-in-law" (or whatever the elven equivalent of that is, at least). general opinion over said character: i have very mixed feelings about him, though i think it leans more towards dislike. he makes me uncomfortable in many ways, which makes it ironic that his gwent card's 3rd stage is my favorite card in gwent....
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