#napoleon; head canons
musemuseum · 5 months
The difference between the Nicholas Galitzine muses...
This is Napoleon Bronswyn - a lord with a secret side. When out in public, or with his family, he must be proper. But in private, or with his friends, he has a bit of bad boy air to him.
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This is Cooper Tobin - a marine.
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This is Fievel Crowley - a prince with a dream of becoming a musician.
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vanderilnde · 12 days
✋🏼 i am here to talk. let’s see–
i need to speak my truth. soap has a scenting kink. likes all his partners hairy so sweat and musk clings to them for longer.. think that one napoleon letter to joséphine where he tells her not to wash before his homecoming, but its soap accosting you when you come back from the gym so he can bury his face in your musty leggings like the fucking degen he is. its so canon in my head
“Do not wash” is the text Ghost gets from Soap when he’s done with CQB for the day. Johnny just needs his daily fix of body musk so he buries his nose in Ghost’s nooks to steal a sniff of his scent… maybe even jerk off with his briefs ://
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yanderepuck · 6 months
How long do you think it would realistically take for all of the guys to fall in love and want a relationship? Vincent is the only one I can see falling quickly.
This is more or less my version of the guys rather than in canon so remember that
Napoleon I feel like would want a relationship...but not the commitment of a relationship. He wants everything about it but he's not making any promises
Mozart doesn't want a relationship but damn he probably falls head over heels for someone and gets into a relationship bc of it
Leonardo??? He definitely falls in love easily but tries to keep his distance because he knows he's going to end up hurting you in the end
Theo needs to catch some kind of feelings before considering a relationship. But it's also not easy for him to catch feelings. But when he does they are STRONG
Arthur? Well same with Napoleon. He's got the commitment issues. He wants a relationship and everything that comes with it but it's not going to be a long term relationship.
Isaac has no thoughts on a relationship, or even gaining feelings. Actually. He's going out of his way to not gain feelings. He doesn't want that. He wants to focus on his research and that's it. But he's going to fall in love slowly if you do things for him
Jean is so hard to say. He's so numb imo. I feel like he would start feeling love but not realize what he's feeling. He's never really thought about a relationship, so it's going to take some time and a lot of trust
Dazai is running away from all emotions if you didn't guess already. He's a little scared to love imo?? He believes he doesn't deserve it and honestly would probably rather hurt your feelings in the beginning than get into a relationship because he knows it will end badly
Shakespeare probably also has some commitment issues. He's a huge flirt but in a way that he doesn't mean it. He says such sweet things bc that's how he talks. But he would probably try a relationship before cat hing feelings to see how it goes.
Comte????? Too many issues. He doesn't want to admit he's in love let alone think about a relationship. It's going to take a few heart to heart conversations to get him to open up about how he feels
Sebastian is going to try to avoid a relationship bc of his illness. He wouldn't be one to hide his feelings. I wouldn't say it's a commitment issue, more so as it is him being realistic.
Faust is like Isaac in wanting neither, but he's also not actively avoiding it. He gives the vibe that he doesn't realize that he can feel love, so when he starts catching feelings even he is surprised
Charles doesn't have commitment issues persay, but he's not quite sure what to do with everything he is feeling. (I feel like his route actually covers this exact question)
Drake is avoiding a relationship at all costs but is letting his feelings go wild and letting himself fall in love with anyone. Gives me flirty/hook up vibes like Arthur tbh
Galileo is similar to Isaac and Faust (science boys). But he is avoiding feelings and relationships. He doesn't want to feel either. Give him some drinks and I'm sure he'll open right up though
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empiredesimparte · 2 days
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Live broadcast of ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon V’ on the national channel Francesim 2, hosted by Stéphane Bernard
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(Stéphane Bernard) The Emperor solemnly hands over the regalia and all honors to the Church, symbolized by the Grand Chaplain Mgr. Morlot, so that they may receive the sacraments necessary for the anointing. It is at this moment that the Alleluia will resound. A gesture of profound symbolism unfolds before our eyes, dear viewers.
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(Pope) Do you profess, our dear Son, and promise before God and the angels to observe the law, to administer justice to your subjects, to maintain peace in the Church of God with the help of His grace, in the manner that you deem most fitting…
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(Pope) … Based on the advice of your faithful counselors, and to ensure that the Pontiffs of the Church enjoy the respect and honors due to them according to the holy canons? (Napoléon V) Profiteor
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°10 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
The Emperor of the French, Napoleon V, makes his profession of faith before Pope Gregorius XIX. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist for the crowned heads in Francesim.
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
⚜ Traduction française
(Stéphane Bernard) L'Empereur remet solennellement les regalia et tous les honneurs à l'Église, symbolisée par le Grand Aumônier, afin qu'ils reçoivent les sacrements nécessaires à l'onction. C'est à ce moment que retentira l'Alléluia. Un geste d'une profonde symbolique se déroule sous nos yeux, chers téléspectateurs.
(Pope) Professez-vous, notre cher Fils, et promettez-vous devant Dieu et les anges, de faire observer la loi, de rendre la justice à vos sujets, de maintenir la paix dans l'Eglise de Dieu avec le secours de sa grâce, de la manière que vous jugerez la plus convenable....
(Pope) ... D'après l'avis de vos fidèles conseillers, et de veiller à ce que les Pontifes de l'Eglise jouissent du respect et des honneurs qui leur sont dus suivant les saints canons ?
(Napoléon V) Profiteor
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fang-and-feather · 3 months
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: G
Category: F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationship: Napoleon Bonaparte/Sebastian/OC
Prompt(s): Break from Multimamory March Day 19, Mundane Tasks from OC x Canon Week Day 2 and Breakfast in Bed from Flufftober Spring Edition Day 8 - @polyamships, @theocxcanonweek, @flufftober
Words: 818
Summary: Napoleon is determined to make sure his partners have the break they deserve, even if he has to force himself out of bed way too early.
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Napoleon yawned as he practically dragged himself to the kitchen before the sun was even up.
He wasn’t used to being out of bed this early. Or early at all. And just making sure he would wake up in time was tricky. Especially in this stormy weather that was so inviting to just sleep through.
But he was determined to make sure his partners had the break they deserved. Sebastian and Amy worked too much. Their job was taking care of the house and its residents, but even then, he thought they worked way too hard, rarely taking breaks or days off. It had improved a little after the three of them started dating, but sometimes Napoleon still worried and did his best to aid them.
But it was the first time he had forced himself to get up this early to make breakfast to surprise them, not only with breakfast in bed, but with a surprise break. Amy hadn’t been feeling well these days, so Sebastian was working a lot more on his own. Napoleon did his best to help, but it was about time he took it a step further and gave them a proper break.
Napoleon learned to do these tasks out of a sense of duty. He was one of the few people who actually needed to eat in that house, and given his sleep schedule, it was best if he learned to cook for himself instead of giving more work for Sebastian. But now, he liked that he could use these skills to help his partners, and he actually enjoyed such mundane tasks. They gave him a strange sense of peace and normalcy.
Who would have guessed his second life as a vampire would be more normal than his first one as human.
Although no human in this time would consider him having two partners normal.
He was almost finishing making breakfast when Amy walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning.” She greeted, kissing his cheek.
“Good morning. Did you come looking for me?” He teased.
“No. Water. I saw you leave, and I knew you’d be here, though. As surprising as it is to find you up even before us.”
“Did I wake you up?”
Amy shook her head as she drank the water.
“I was feeling too uneasy to sleep.” She added, rubbing a hand over her belly. “But the food smells good, actually. I think I’m fine enough to eat.”
She’d been feeling understandably sick these days, to the point she had difficulty eating sometimes.
“Good thing I made some light food. Even if you feel better, it’s good to go easy, Nunuche.” Napoleon ruffled his girlfriend’s hair, to which she pouted.
“Not too easy, I hope. I’m quite hungry.”
As if to make a point, her stomach growled, making Napoleon laugh and her pout even more.
“Well, go back to bed then, and we’ll feed this little bear of yours. I just hope we have enough food.”
“Do you want help to finish here?”
“I’m almost done. And if you stay, Sebastian will come looking for us, and you know we can barely get him to rest once he’s up, even on his days off.”
He laughed, but Amy looked surprised, then smiled at him.
“It’s hard to get used to the change, isn’t it?” She chuckled.
Napoleon hadn’t even noticed this time, but sometimes, especially when his boyfriend wasn’t around, he fell back to using the name Sebastian. It didn’t help that even Amy did so when other people were around.
“I just need to get used to it.”
“I know. I had the same problem the other way around. I knew Aki since we were children, but when I arrived here, he was using a different name, and I can’t say it was easy for me to keep up with the change at first.”
“And still isn’t. Or he lets you call him Aki?”
“Well, at least neither of us tends to mix up while he’s around.” Amy laughed, then kissed him.
“I’m sure he would understand.”
“He would let it go. From you. And only because he’s not used to the fact that you’re his boyfriend. From me, he would make sure I never slip again.”
Napoleon laughed at the way she blushed while saying that, in a tone that sounded afraid of how that would happen. But if it was something she was blushing over, it was also something she wouldn’t mind.
And he was still laughing as he watched her leave before resuming his work.
Amy wouldn’t admit it, but she still had such conflicted feelings about certain aspects of their relationship too. The three of them had much to get used to.
A lazy morning with breakfast in bed was a good step forward. A nice meal with the people you loved always made things easier. Or so Napoleon was determined to find out.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @2-lines-and-a-circle, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
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josefavomjaaga · 3 months
I've come across a random mention in the biography of Marie Louise by Charles-Eloi Vial, about how Anatole de Montesquiou believed the Duchess of Montebello had "bewitched Marie Louise using a medallion with cabalistic signs".
New head canon: Louise Lannes and Marie Louise try out spiritualistic sessions and scare each other so much they both run out of the room screaming.
Louise Lannes and Marie Louise try out spiritualistic sessions and scare Napoleon's aides so much they run out of the room screaming.
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dameronology · 2 years
Hi! Could I please request imagines of Steve or Eddie with a short reader? (Pref one who isn’t a rabid chihuahua because not all tiny ppl are filled w/ rage 24/7 ty 🥰)
i will drink to this bc i'm 5'3 on a good day which isn't even that short but i work with lots of tall ppl so i have a little bit of a napoleon complex at times but i hate the tHeY'Re DeMoNs cOs tHey'Re ClOseR tO hElL bullshit
eddie munson
a lotta people write eddie as being tall as fuck but canonically, he is 5'10 which is definitely on the taller side and he's somehow still lanky and gangly as hell
idk how people individually define short but in my head it's like 5'4 and below so he's definitely towering over you in some way or another
obviously, he teases you about it; especially when you ask him to get stuff down for you from a shelf in the supermarket or to reach the leftovers at the back of the freezer
it makes him feel needed in a sweet domestic way
eddie will sometimes use your head as an arm rest, just to take the piss
one of his nicknames for you would definitely be "short stuff"
"having trouble reaching that, short stuff?" and "how's the weather down there, short stuff?"
it also means this clothes hang off of you and he loves that !!
like seriously his heart skips a beat every time you have to roll back the sleeves on his denim jacket or t-shirt that he's leant you
his arms are long enough so that he can keep a hand on the small of your back when you walk.
i'll tell u what tho. sharing a bed with him is a pain in the fucking ass
because the man spread eagles his stupid gangly limbs everywhere and you're forced to resign yourself to one singular corner of the mattress
but then he tangles himself with you in the night, and he's tall enough to completely enclose your body in his and it's sweet as fuck
steve harrington
steve is also on the much taller side at 5'11
he insists he's six foot though and honestly you're just gonna have to let him have this one
either way, he's a lot bigger than you
honestly it's not something he paid much attention to until dustin, lucas, mike & will had their growth spurts and he's all like "wow haha you're actually fuckin' tiny"
one time he took you & the kids to the theatre and the lady in the box office asked if you wanted a kids ticket
steve said yes because he wanted to save money and you didn't talk to him for the rest of the day
he loves the height difference tho. it means he can rest his head on top of yours when you hug and you're the perfect height for forehead kisses
his favourite thing to do is sling an arm over your shoulder whenever you're walking beside him
and sometimes he runs up to you and picks you up into a kiss
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lietpolski · 1 year
i deleted the ask because i'm a dumdum, but @sneakystorms asked me to talk about denmark! so here it is, my denmark character analysis through history: warning, this is gonna get long and it will be a mix of canon, real history & my own headcanons!
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denmark is a SUCH a fascinating character to me, because he has subtle but really important character development over the centuries!! (both in canon and in my crazy little head)
i think earlier on in his life he was for sure on the cocky side, and he had every reason to be! he and his buddies are destroying the british isles, gaining a presence in continental europe, and being all around incredibly powerful forces. as their presence in britain and ireland dwindles, that's still just fine to him, because now you have the kalmar union! where denmark, sweden and norway (with finland & iceland as territories of the last two) were united under denmark's crown! not only are he and his friends together as a powerful kingdom, but within it he is the one with the most power and political control
we see this manifest in him heavily because he begins to identify as the "leader" of the nordics (both then and in modern times, but i'll get to that later)
he is the leader, he makes the decisions, people listen to him. and that's when he gets too cocky, and it's not just cockiness anymore but a refusal to budge on what he thinks is right. which brings the stockholm bloodbath and the multiple battles that brought about sweden's independence and the end of the kalmar union
and denmark is upset. it's fine for a while, but then things get rough: he begins to lose battle after battle and war after war to sweden. here's a comment that i found interesting: even though denmark kept losing, he continued to risk the safety of the kingdom just for petty revenge
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and even some of his other motivations are selfish: pride, wanting to protect the slowly crumbling image of a powerful empire
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this also brings into the discussion what i think is a fascinating aspect of norway and denmark's relationship at the time. i think of this in a dennor context but it can be platonic if you'd like! but in both instances of denmark & norway that we see in canon during that time, norway is never bitter at him. denmark is having a rough time geopolitically and he's making mistakes over and over again, but their relationship never becomes strained, because norway cares too much
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and in return, denmark who has internalized this idea of him as a leader and a protector comes back to this: he needs to get stronger, needs to make sure it doesn't come to this again
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it doesn't last forever. in 1814, denmark-norway enter the napoleonic wars on the wrong side, and as war reparations, denmark must now cede norway to sweden. from himaruya's notes on 1814:
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this is a clear example of how denmark's cockiness, his selfishness, his want to be the leader, to best sweden, to get revenge raptured his relationship with norway over time. and the word that stands out to me is childish: denmark is always described as a big brother type in modern day, a little silly but mature, a businessman. not one to throw tantrums and cut ties with his best friend, not because he misses him, but because he lost
and what's left of denmark then? an ex-superpower with increasingly dwindling territory and the man he's been in a union with for almost 500 years given away to the man who's only taken for him for 300 years (albeit, denmark instigated a lot of those doomed battles)
this is where denmark and iceland's relationship becomes so fascinating! because i think now is where the shift begins to happen. don't get me wrong - denmark was never a bad person, he's always cared for the people around him, but he's also been selfish and stupid and careless. and now his best friend's brother is under his care, he's lost everything, and the world stage is changing rapidly. what does denmark do?
well, he tries his best.
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he's maybe not as tactful or sweet or comfortable with iceland as he is in modern day, but he tries. as he explains later, he believes he raised iceland. he views himself as his guardian!
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also, this is just really cute:
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this brings us to the denmark we see in modern day, after two centuries of learning how to be a nation instead of an empire. i think a lot of his modern day personality is a reaction to his past which he deeply regrets. he raises iceland, mends his relationship with norway, even mends his relationship with sweden! he's not the selfish cocky ruler that he used to be, and in my opinion, he purposefully overcompensates, making sure that this time he is listening to others, he is taking their feelings into account, he's more selfless:
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we also see how he has redefined his "leader" identity! he still identifies with it, but now he uses it to be a good friend to the people he cares about:
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and there he is! denmark, ex warrior, ex ruler, ex asshole trying his best, now reformed dad, friend, and boyfriend, still trying his best :)
there's more to get into, like his relationship with iceland and norway in more depth and other historical relationships like him and estonia, him and england, or him and poland, but that's a story for another day!
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Anonymous asked: What’s your favourite piece of classical music that you discovered through a film soundtrack?
What an interesting question to which I have had to really scratch my head and think a little. The main issue is that if you are, like me, one of those kids who was exposed to classical music and some of its canon from an early age then the question becomes harder to answer. Like many other children, I was taught to play musical instruments and have music lessons from about 6 years old onwards. Films, especially the more adult themed ones with a classical score, were something you discovered much later in your teens onwards. So I’m going to cheat a bit here and there. For example I can’t include Milos Forman’s classic movie ‘Amadeus’ because I was already familiar with a range of Mozart’s repertoire before watching it.
Predictably, I’m going have to start with Walt Disney’s classic film ‘Fantasia’ (1940).  This was perhaps the first film I was truly exposed to classical music in all its glory. It was Disney’s love letter to classical music and I can still watch it with child-like wonder at the magnificent music set to an incredible animation.
I’m pretty sure that Igor Stravinsky almost certainly wasn't thinking of dinosaurs when he wrote his ballet The Rite of Spring. But Walt Disney and his talented team of animators decided to tell the story of these prehistoric creatures using the dramatic, angular sounds of Stravinsky's masterpiece. And it's become one of the most famous sequences of the 1940s film.
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The score was performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra under Leopold Stokowski and was narrated by composer Deems Taylor was awesome. As magnificent was the music that Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J. S. Bach, selections from The Nutcracker Suite by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikowsky, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Paul Dukas, Pastoral Symphony (Symphony No. 6) by Ludwig van Beethoven, and the “Dance of the Hours” by Amilcare Ponchielli, it was the last two pieces that left a real impression. Of course I’m talking about Night On Bald Mountain by Modest Moussorgsky, coupled with ‘Ave Maria’ by Franz Schubert.
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I’m also going to add Léo Delibes’ Flower Duet (from the opera Lakmé). I used to hear this ad nauseam but not in a movie. This classic piece was the chosen soundtrack for the British Airways advertisement on television and in their departure lounges and flights. The ad - updated often - has been around in one form or another but with the same soundtrack since the 1980s. It was a huge feature of my childhood in the 90s. Whenever I boarded a flight in the Far East or South Asia or the Middle East to fly back home to Britain - because we lived overseas - you would hear this as you strapped yourself in to your seats.
As for my main list (in no particular order):
Second movement of Beethoven's Symphony No.7 from: The King’s Speech (2010)
The climactic scene where King George VI has to make his speech ‘unto the nations’ was made more powerful by this piece. Like King George VI and his personal battles with his voice, much speculation has taken place over what personal agony the musical piece reflects in Beethoven’s life, especially since sketches for the movement predate the symphony by several years.
One clue is that Beethoven, who conducted the premier in December of 1813 for the veterans of the Battle of Hanau, made an address to these veterans, saying: "We are moved by nothing but pure patriotism and the joyful sacrifice of our powers for those who have sacrificed so much for us." There is every reason to believe that the deep emotion of this movement was founded on anything but what he said it was. His sentiment had existed long before 1813, as had the wars. Napoleon was being repelled, and the symphony is overall joyous.
However, Beethoven was not the kind of man to casually dismiss sacrifice, and the concert was dedicated to veterans. I believe that this movement celebrates those military veterans who made sacrifices for their nation, in much the same way King George VI was asking his subjects in Britain and the Commonwealth in the fight against evil menace of Nazism and Fascism.
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Ligeti's Lux Aeterna and Requiem from: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
I hated it. I saw it as a teen and I thought something was wrong with the audio. I still hate the piece but at least I know who Ligeti is. It was way too avant garde for me back then and it remains so today. I think scratching your nails down a chalk board has more melody than a piece by Ligeti. Kubrick clearly loved his work and used it in his other films such as The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut.
Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra from 2001: Space Odyssey (1968)
By contrast I loved it. Music can be the difference between a highly memorable scene and one that leaves viewers with an indifferent shrug. It’s hard to believe that this classical piece was used in the main opening scene of the film originally as a temporary place holder by Kubrick whilst he waited for the film composer, Alex North, from the full soundtrack. In the end Kubrick left Strauss in and it made all the difference.
Franz Schubert’s Piano Trio in E-Flat from: Barry Lyndon (1975)
The Piano Trio No. 2 in E-flat major for piano, violin, and cello, D. 929, was one of the last compositions completed by Franz Schubert in 1827 and one of the last pieces he heard being performed before he died. The track itself has been used in countless of movies over the decades such as The Hunger, Crimson Tide, The Piano Teacher, L'Homme de sa vie, Land of the Blind, Recollections of the Yellow House, The Way He Looks, The Mechanic, Miss Julie, The Congress, and the HBO miniseries John Adams. But I first heard it on Kubrick’s film Barry Lyndon and remember being captivated by the film and the music. I was a teen watching it my parents and the whole scene at the card table was beautifully directed and wonderfully lit. As I learned much later in life, Kubrick and his team invented new kind of film lens to be able to film in candlelight.
Handel's sarabande from: Barry Lyndon (1975)
The sarabande is traditionally the music written for a courtly dance in triple metre. Handel's version was composed for solo harpsichord at some point between 1703 and 1706 and first published in 1733. This classic piece is the 4th movement of the Cette pièce est le quatrième mouvement de la Suite in G minor composed for the harpsichord. Although the Sarabande was originally intended by its composer to be played solo on harpsichord, the orchestral version of the Sarabande is very well known these days thanks to the Barry Lyndon film. Moreover, the Sarabande is beloved by filmmakers and has been adapted several times for various films. It’s one of my favourite pieces and it reminds me of the English countryside for some reason rather than some formal court dance.
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Domenico Cimarosa’s Concerto for Oboe in C Moll from: Though the Olive Trees (1994)
Directed by Abbas Kiarostami, this little known Iranian-French film was something I stumbled upon through my Norwegian mother who loved these kind of independent films when we lived in South Asia as an antidote to all the Bollywood films we children enjoyed. Kiarostami’s film traces the trouble arising when the romantic misfortune of one of the actors on a film set - a young man who pines for the woman cast as his wife, even though, in real life, she will have nothing to do with him - leaves the director caught in the middle. In hindsight I can now say it was a metafictional masterpiece. Kiarostami contemplates cinema and its romantic fallacies. The film is gorgeously grounded in Northern Iran’s folk traditions and with a soft focus on its shaken yet convalescent landscape. It’s a warmhearted tale that explores what happens when love goes unrequited - which was surprisingly relevant to a teen with raging hormones at the time.
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Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis from: Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
A classical musical masterpiece in a masterful cinematic movie - both epic in every sense of the word. As a former British Army combat pilot it’s the only film that made me have a smidgen of sympathy with the Royal Navy. It was one of the first films I was allowed to go and see at the cinema itself as a teen. The film is almost faultless in terms of acting, directing, cinematography, and authentic detail. It even made me go and read one or two of the books by Patrick O’Brian. How Peter Weir never won an Oscar for directing I shall never know.
Vaughan Williams’s Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis is a 15-minute (or so) work for double string orchestra and string quartet, based on a melody by the 16th century composer Thomas Tallis. The quartet traditionally sits away from the orchestra in performance, to create an atmospheric antiphonal (alternating voices) effect. It is often known simply as the ‘Tallis Fantasia’. The tune is from a setting of Psalm 2 that Tallis wrote in 1567. It originally sets the words ‘Why fumeth in sight: The Gentils spite, In fury raging stout? Why taketh in hond: the people fond, Vayne things to bring about?’ It was in 1910 at a festival that Vaughan Williams himself conducted the London Symphony Orchestra in the first performance, which was followed in the same concert by Elgar conducting his own The Dream of Gerontius. Vaughan Williams, in his late 30s, was already establishing himself as a major name, but the Tallis Fantasia raised his profile even higher, not least because the concept of harking back to the 16th century was a comparatively new one.
The piece by Vaughn Williams is what has stayed with me throughout the years. In a nod to Proust, I chiefly identify the piece with reflections of my time on the battlefields of Helmand during my time in Afghanistan and especially seeing wounded friends and comrades long after we got back home from war.
Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana from: Excalibur (1981)
I was already familiar with bits and pieces from Wagner’s operas - played loudly in our home by my parents - but I must admit this classic piece by Carl Orff I first heard watching John Boorman’s magical and majestical film about King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. I know this piece has been used endlessly in other films and even gained fame as a men’s aftershave advertisement (so my father says) but I first heard it watching this film.
John Boorman’s 1981 fantastical retelling of Thomas Mallory’s Le Morte d’Arthur is, to quote Nicol Williamson’s Merlin in the film, “A dream to some. A nightmare to others!” It can sometimes come across as an episodic and hammy sword and sorcery tale, but I saw it as clever and satisfying retelling of an evergreen myth. I had read read Mallory’s epic books and so my expectations were unduly high. For the most part they were met and then some. Boorman took an abstract approach that shows us Arthur’s (unnamed) Kingdom, a place out of time, in several stages of transition; from dark to golden age, via loss of innocence, and painfully bloody rebirth. Excalibur arose out of the ashes of Boorman’s earlier attempt to bring J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings to the screen (ironically after trying to get a filmic retelling of the Merlin myth off the ground).
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Excalibur is a cautionary tale. The characters are all struggling to find their place in the world, to maintain harmony with nature. Merlin says poignantly of Excalibur to Arthur, “It was forged when the world was young, and bird and beast and flower were one with man, and death was but a dream.” The film is a longing for a golden age, and the struggle to balance the warring natures of honour and goodness with human greed and jealousy. Surely the most rousing image is when Percival has returned the Grail to Arthur who, rejuvenated, also recovers Excalibur from Guinevere (now a nun, to atone for her adultery with Lancelot). She has kept it safe, knowing her once and future king would one day seek its power. Merlin is unfrozen by Arthur, and even Lancelot, a raggedy wild man driven into exile by his own shame, heeds his true king’s call. Arthur rides out with his knights and these fellow warriors through a re-blossoming countryside to do battle with Mordred for the soul of the land, to Carl Orff’s stirring music.
The name of Orff’s piece has Latin roots. 'Carmina' means 'songs', while 'Burana' is the Latinised form of Beuren, the name of the Benedictine monastery of Benediktbeuren in Bavaria. So, Carmina Burana translates as Songs Of Beuren, and refers to a collection of early 13th-century songs and poems that was discovered in Beuren in 1803 - although it has since been established that the collection originated from Seckau Abbey, Austria - and is now housed in the Bavarian State Library. The songs (over 1000 of them) were written in a mix of Latin, German and medieval French by the Goliards, a band of poet-musicians comprising scholars and clerical students, who celebrated with earthy humour the joys of the tavern, nature, love and lust. Although Orff set the original texts, he chose not to use the primitive musical notation that accompanied some of the songs. The collection was first published in Germany in 1847, but it wasn’t until 1934 that Orff came across the texts; a selection had been translated into English and formed part of a publication called Wine, Women And Song. With the help of Michael Hofmann, a law student and Latin scholar, Orff chose 24 songs and set them to music in what he termed a “scenic cantata”.
It was in this form that it was first heard on June 8, 1937, in Frankfurt, under its full title Carmina Burana: Cantiones Profanae Cantoribus Et Choris Cantandae Comitantibus Instrumentis Atque Imaginibus Magicis (Songs Of Beuren: Secular Songs For Singers And Choruses To Be Sung Together With Instruments And Magic Images) Quite a mouthful! After the triumphant premiere of Carmina Burana, Orff, then 41, wrote to his publishers: “Everything I have written to date, and which you have, unfortunately, published, can be destroyed. With Carmina Burana my collected works begin.” However, nothing Orff subsequently wrote ever came close to approaching the popularity of Carmina Burana. Oh dear.
Richard Wagner’s Siegfried’s Funeral March (from the opera Götterdämmerung) from: Excalibur (1981)
The film almost plays like a screen Opera - it is a heightened reality, a world anew. One where sex, jealousy and pride threaten to undo the mystical balance and ties between the King and the land. A powerful aid to that feeling is the superb score which utilises music such as Siegfried’s Funeral March by Wagner, and O Fortuna, a medieval poem set to music by Carl Orff. Boorman was determined to squeeze as much of the legend into his film’s running time as possible, chopping and condensing characters, and switching acts around. He created a three-act saga - the dark ages and the birth of Arthur, a period of brutality and superstition; the rise of Camelot and its age of reason, law, and dawning of Christianity; and the final descent into chaos and wasteland, where a frail Arthur commands the Round Table knights to seek out the Grail. Arising out of this a final battle commences for the soul of the land and the people, a sense of renewal with a promise of a new age to come. Boorman called it the “past, present and future of humanity.”
Richard Wagner composed his opera Götterdämmerung between 1869 and 1874. It is the last of the four operas that make up Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen cycle, a project that had taken him over 25 years to complete. The opera is much renowned for its orchestral sequences, and these are often performed as concert extracts. Siegfried's Funeral March is taken from Act Three after Siegfried has been murdered by Hagen. Following his murder at the hands of Hagen, the death knell of “Siegfried’s Funeral March” opens with funereal timpani as Siegfried’s body is placed on his shield and carried off by the vassals. The music vacillates from deep mourning and rage-filled outbursts to the majesty of the “Hero” motif, brought out in bold relief at the centre of the movement.The whole opera is made up of musical motives from previous operas that tell of Siegfried's background, including the Volsung theme, Siegmund and Sieglinde's theme, the Sword, Brünnhilde's love theme and the curse of the Ring. 
Richard Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries (Die Walküre) from: Apocalypse Now (1979)
Francis Ford Coppola's Vietnam War phantasmagoria is an epic fresco oozing with madness. It is a madness that manages to escape from the frame and infect the director and his team, turning the film into a legend. It is impossible not to talk about this film without mentioning the Dantesque shooting of the film. A typhoon that destroyed the sets, a heart attack that nearly killed Martin Sheen, a Brando who was more obese and obtuse than ever, who arrived on the set without knowing his lines, and a director at the end of his rope physically and psychologically, on the verge of divorce and suicide. Instead of taking four months to complete, the shoot lasted 15 months. The analogy with the hell of Vietnam is obvious.
The film itself is about Benjamin Willard, a special forces captain, who is given a highly perilous mission: to find and assassinate Colonel Kurtz, a renegade who has set up his headquarters on the Cambodian border. To accomplish his mission, Willard must travel up a river in a small patrol boat with a handful of men. We follow Willard sinking into the madness and insanity of this war, personified by the character of Colonel Kurtz, an obese Buddhist, a true godfather of the Vietnamese jungle. Apocalypse Now is in fact a mirror for the spectator, it plays on our feelings about the Vietnamese conflict, and this is what sets it apart from other great war films. It is a physical and very real journey through Vietnam, but also an inner journey for its hero, Willard, a drug addict and alcoholic, which will allow Coppola to make his denunciation of the war. After watching this movie over several years I’ve come to regard Coppola’s movie as more than just a war movie but also an hallucinatory trip, as anxiety provoking as possible, about the human soul lost inside itself.
For a movie that had two of my greatest loves - combat helicopters and Wagner - the film surprisingly didn’t inform my future career path as a combat pilot for the British Army. I was too young as a teen and caught up with other feminine things girls of my age did. But watching it retrospectively I’m sure it had some unconscious influence on me. I noticed things more with each viewing such as before Jim Morrison's paradoxical and delightful prologue, it is the helicopter blades that open Apocalypse Now. The jerky noise that spatialises this mortifying horizon is a motif that will be the melodic line of the entire film. In crosshatching, it truncates reality and allows the initial confusion of a man in reverse who opens his eyes on an uncertain world. The fan in the hotel room is not the air-conditioned shelter of war. Everything, from then on, is under the sign of duality.
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Then of course we have the euphoric scene but no less horrifying than the helicopter attack by Kilgore and his men to lay waste to a village so that they could surf. And all done to the terrifying bombast of Wagner’s Ride of Valkyries. It’s a demented scene but also so visually lyrical. Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries is sadistically perfect. It’s a perfect mythical metaphor of the valkyries who majestically flew in the sky and decided who died in battle from above. Of course the symbolism of Wagner - wrongly tarred with its fascist connotations - as a place holder for Western imperialism over the Vietnamese is not lost on the viewer. It’s a clever piece of juxtaposition.
Armies have of course used music in warfare for millennia. The deployment of musicians - from trumpeters to drummers - in battle was useful in instilling regimentation and rhythmic purpose for soldiers; and in days before radio, in carrying specific orders across the battlefield. As well as unifying an army - it could potentially disorient the enemy, or as Kilgore eruditely elaborates: ‘We use Wagner, it puts the shits up the slopes. My boys love it!’. So what we are seeing is an age old military tactic being given a modern twist. This has already been established by the notion of an air cavalry, trading their horses for helicopters - which gets further embodied by Kilgore’s wearing of a cowboy hat, common to the Western film genre. The symbolism of linking old and new - ancient and modern, history and the present - occurs throughout Apocalypse Now, as it does in the original novella Heart of Darkness. It indicates an uncomfortable continuum, a never ending foreboding cycle. That beneath the fragile veneer of civilisation, humanity is endlessly repeating barbarism - a cycle foreshadowed by helicopter/fan blades at the start of the film which also loops back to become the end of the film - itself a cycle that won’t end.
When I flew combat helicopters over in Afghanistan we were banned from playing music in our cockpit. It’s simply not practical because you need to be aware of all your aural cues of what the hell is going on around you as every mission is task intensive. You’re focused on a mission where the shit can hit the fan such as coming under rocket attack at any second especially if you’re on a night mission. In theory you could,  as anyone with some audio equipment and electronics knowledge could wire in a 3.5mm headphone jack and hook up your music into your own helmet. I knew some pilots who broke the ban and did this. They would get their clever avionic ground staff technician crew to put in a some sort of patch cord that could plug through to their helmet ICS - in return you get them a case of beer. I’m not telling where we got the beer from.
Other honourable mentions:
Second movement of Schumann's Piano Quintet from: Fanny and Alexander (1982)
Gaetano Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor "Il dolce suono" from: The 5th Element (1997)
Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez from: Brassed Off (1996)
Maurice Ravel’s Trio en la mineur pour piano, violon et violoncelle, Sonata for Violin and Cello, Violin Sonata #2 in G, and Berceuse Sur le Nom De Gabriel Fauré from: Un Coeur en Hiver/A Heart in Winter (1992)
Mozart’s Divertimento in D major, K. 136 from: Out of Africa (1985)
Carl Orff - Schulwerk Volume 1: Musica Poëtica - Gassenhauer from Badlands (1973)
Puccini’s O mio babbino caro (aria from the opera Gianni Schicchi)  from: A Room with a View (1985)
Verdi’s La forza del destino (the Force of Destiny) overture from: Jean de Florette (1986)
Mozart’s Letter Duet (from The Marriage of Figaro) from : The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
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sere-ness-ima · 1 year
HWS Poland during the partitions: the full timeline (1795-1918) [1]
...but it will take a long time to write, so I will divide the infodump into parts. Haha, divide into parts, get it?? Because Polan–
<concering muffled noises>
...this part contains the following topics:
[1.1] Why offing Poland during the partitions is a terrible move [an essay-flavoured rant]
[1.2] What I'm going for in shaping my hetalia universe [a short boring disclaimer]
[1.3] TL;DR Feliks' timeline 1795-1918 [because I'm not a clickbait type]
The actual essays [nessays?] detailing the events and providing contexts and sources will come later, and hell am I excited for it.
[1.1] An introduction
I’ve been sitting on it for almost 10 years at this point, which is a lot of time to sacrifice to a fictional character’s fictional biography. And I’m speaking about 123 years of Poland’s geographical non-existence, which even my fellow Polish fanfiction writers often skip by unaliving him and only letting him resurrect in 1918 after regaining independence, with cool phoenix metaphors and a jazzy remix of *Poland is not lost yet*.
It's not that I hate this concept utterly, because I have even attempted to write a fic just like that once. I couldn’t resist the picture of Poland, the snobby, aristocratic, moustached, hot-headed peasant-owner from the end of the 18th century, suddenly waking up in the middle of barely-post-WW1 turmoil, with the world having changed SO MUCH since the times he last remembers that he’s like a caveman released from a block of ice in the middle of modern-day New York. Oh, yeah, and his job is to rebuild a country which he lost- wait, he losT FOR HOW LONG???
Yeah, I like the idea. It would be a fascinating comedy plot. But let’s be realistic. The clue of all my rambling is, Poland just before the partitions and just after the partitions are two completely different people, but there’s a road between them, a story of Feliks changing drastically over the 123 years, a story which is absolutely delightful, emotional, hilarious, and honestly the director of The World should get an award for it, because oh boy does Feliks’ character arc HIT HARD. (And I’m not the director here. I’m the film editor, at best. Just choosing the best scenes to bring to light based on a personal whim.)
[1.2] A disclaimer
My hetalia universe works on my own custom-made rules. I only touch canon when convenient, otherwise ignoring it completely. My rule of thumb is to make the concept of personifications as realistic as possible and to bring the “Ness Cinematic Universe” as close to a normal history textbook as possible [some people are just built different, like and subscribe if your goal is to write a history textbook of a fic too!]. I strive for historical accuracy here – but the Rule of Cool takes priority when needed, because I also strive for whatever my heart desires. All my stuff are of the “public hetalia” variety unless stated otherwise. It means the personifications and their identity are usually public knowledge and their existence is a natural phenomenon in-universe.
[1.3] HWS Poland's 19th century timeline: TL;DR
(i'm about to elaborate on each point from this list in my future posts.)
1795 – the third partition. According to their earlier agreement, Russia takes Lithuania east and Prussia takes Poland west.
1796 – Poland moves through Saxony to France… 1797 – ...and from France to Italy, where the famous Polish legions in Italy are starting to form.
1797-1814 – Poland’s Great Napoleonic Adventure :) [to be elaborated on]
1815 – the previous agreements between the partitioning sides get nullified at the congress of Vienna. Feliks has no other way but to agree on a personal union with Russia under certain conditions.
1815-1830 – he then lives a mildly peaceful life in Warsaw, but the conditions aren’t met and the tsar’s brother is unbearable.
1830-31 – Feliks revolts in Warsaw.
1831-37 – prison time (Schliesselburg fortress, Russia)
1838-1848 – Poland’s Great Emigration :) (his mental health rapidly decreasing, he moves to live in France and travels here and there around western Europe. You can insert your ship content here, though.)
1848 – Feliks revolts in Germany.
1848-1849 – Feliks revolts in Hungary.
1849-185X – prison time (Spielberg castle, Austria [nowadays Czech])
185X – 1861 – passed from Austria to Russia, he once again accepts an offer to sit calmly in Warsaw and try not to break anything. [the plot of BSA the fic happens here – for those who know :) you can also use this time for your ship content.]
1861-1863 – mildly chaos with occassional patches of prison time (Warsaw Citadel)
1863-64 – Feliks revolts in Warsaw.
1864-1866 – Poland’s Not So Great Exile To Siberia :)
1866 – Feliks revolts in Siberia.
1867-1890 – a free time slot. Show your OTP some love here. Personally I want to see him in Austria-Hungary, Prussia works too. So does going west and crying into France’s sleeve. So does prison time in Irkutsk, Siberia. Let him have a trip to China. Or Australia. Do your worst.
1891-190X – I’d love to see him in Russia around here, though, in Petersburg. At least when he’s not running wild and committing crimes.
190X-1914 – I’m currently reworking this section. The old version had him start WW1 in Prussia, in the Prussian army, then switch to the Russian side. The new one will probably have him do the exact opposite, so he’d be starting in Russian.
1914-16 – not like it matters, because he manages to fight for all the three occupants’ armies (until they notice he's jumping sides and...
1916-1918 – ...have him sit on his ass till the end of the war).
1918 – he finds his people eventually, or they find him. And the real fight starts now. :)
...see you in the next nessay, which will probably be all about the three acts of partitions and making an attempt to paint a picture of Feliks the moment his country collapses? We'll answer cool questions like:
"should the partitions be blamed on Feliks or is he helpless about his people's stupid decisions",
"was the canon partitions scene with Poland laying in the snow actually the battle of Maciejowice (1794)",
"is Austria the kind one, because you know, Hungary likes Poland"
"yeah but how can we make it pruspol" And more! Maybe I'll even add a picture to the wall of text. As a treat.
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musemuseum · 5 months
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Muses within the 2SLGBTQI+ community:
Bisexual 1/?
Aiden Philips (preference for men)
Napoleon Bronswyn
Diego Martinez
Barron Quartermain
Osiris Gold
Hunter Green
Kai Yukiyama (preference for men)
Alaska Jones
Cherish Kane (preference for women)
Emmett Van Horne
Aspen Armstrong
Astoria Campbell
Avalon Foley (preference for men)
Avery Cross
Benji Markland
Casper Worthington
Briar Starr
Bliss Frey
Colby Shade
Cooper Tobin
Damien Cavanaugh
Declan Nichols
Dominic Hall
Eevee Grant
Fern Thibideau
Finnley Carrigan
Ian Stanfield (preference for women)
Ivy Fairaday
Jack Starling (preference for women)
Jericho Hall
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wonderlands-ass · 10 months
I am revolted at how little love there is for my bitch Boyz Ivan, al and Napoleon outside of fanfics of al and Napoleon fucking and Ivan just not existing.
Let them be a stupid family with kah >:c
Anyhow I've been mind parasited with a new natm AU.
I present to you, haunted mansion au.
Larry has gotten a letter saying someone from his family line has passed a really long time ago but they just recently found there last wishes thingy, in it it stats that an immediate are will receive the deed to their mansion.
Larry and Nicky go to this mansion and they're like "whoa this shit old and gross" when they look from the outside.
But like the inside of the house is like pretty strangely decorated with all kinds a stuff from different time periods and shit.
The person who gave them the actual deed to the mansion (Dr McPhee) says that the original owners wanted to turn the building into a museum hotel thing where every room would be a different time period.
Think for instance about a room for Egypt, this is then decorated in the entire style of Egypt. There would be hieroglyphics on the walls and then also actual artifacts on display (cough cough the tablet for instance).
So Larry and Dr McPhee sight a contract to actually get the place cleaned up and renovated so that plan can actually be a thing.
And during that Larry and Nicky decide to sleep and stuff in the building (idk just imagine Larry got evicted or something). But they start to notice sone weird things going on.
For inctence a armor statue in the hall (Lancelot) keeps moving and looking at them.
Certain rooms have some strange problem's with wind, noices and electrical shit.
just the idea that the rooms haunted by specific ghosts also give people in the rooms the issues that the people had when they died, that sounds really weird to say it like that so immagine the cowboy room got issues with leakage (Jed probably drowned at least that's my head Canon of how he died) and People in that room struggle to breathe. That kinda shit.
But yeah that... That's it.
I feel insane ranting this much about something holy shit.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
Requested by @weirdwriter69 who wanted canon setting with Napoleon and genderbent!MC and I added a twist by making it a Magic AU! Hope you enjoy<3
[ 🌈 part of the character x character or genderbent!character x mc requests🌈 ]
For Different Universe, Same Love content creation challenge, hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me.
𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐀𝐔 ┅┅┅Napoleon x Genderbent!MC
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𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦
"At least your magic is useful. I take it back when I said you're a goner if you step a foot outside the mansion."
That does bring back memories, MC muses, looking somewhere beyond the garret's wide open windows. The night air is crisp but soothing; Napoleon's little hideout turns out to have a charm to it after all.
When MC first came through the door, he was constantly warned about the outside world. Beyond the protective barrier cast over Comte's mansion lie magic abilities about which MC would've only read about in books. Magic abilities that would be long banned in the 21st century. Here is no place for a defenseless stranger like him.
His so-called bodyguard wasn't exactly thrilled about the "chore" given to him, but didn't spare his words loaded with harsh, raw prejudice. Strange considering he found him first upon his arrival, and acted almost gentle with him, like a whole another person.
It was then that MC first revealed his abilities, sealing Napoleon's foul mouth shut for a good couple of minutes so he couldn't open it if he wanted to. And then, the next morning when MC was tasked with waking him up, the ability proved useful too.
Now that enough time passed for Napoleon to actually take his words back, MC is thinking about the first part of that sentence.
"So what's your magic, Napoleon?"
There is no need for the addition of "only if you want to share", because Napoleon doesn't think twice. A pair of tar-black wings appear on his back, big and feathery enough to make the garret seem cramped.
"Not very impressive, I know. In a world where we use magic-powered flying devices - and surely, your time period has excelled in the mastering of those - having a pair of wings attached to your back is rather ordinary."
"They're pretty."
Napoleon snorts, but still catches MC's gaze while his is lingering on his slightly fluttering wings.
"Well, thank you."
"You were hoping for something else. After being reincarnated... your magic turned out to be nothing like the one you had in your past life.
Napoleon stays quiet, but with no visible signs of hostility against someone laying his innermost feelings bare. Before he can plaster the smirk on his face and jokingly ask him if he can read thoughts too, MC continues.
"Maybe you're not meant to use your magic to hurt people anymore. Having wings is not useless. It has to do with freedom."
Napoleon opens his wings to their full intimidating size, yet MC doesn't as much as tremble.
"You're an interesting guy, you know?"
A hand is extended towards MC.
"Do you want to take me for a ride?"
That smirk. A man who charms both men and women alike, or whatever that totally-not-head-over-heels butler said.
Putting his own hand atop Napoleon's, MC agrees. Men like Napoleon should come with a warning.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @my-day6 @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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heytheredeann · 4 months
Febuwhump 2023 (stop laughing at me), Day 2 - Flinching
Tags: Post-Canon, Napoleon Solo Whump, Hurt Napoleon Solo, Injury, Hospitals, Guilt, Illya Kuryakin Needs a Hug, Could read as Gen or Slash or OT3 tbh, Angst with a Happy Ending, Friendly fire
Notes: Okay so LOL, this was written for the prompt "flinching" for Day 2 of. uhm. Febuwhump. Yes, 2023. I DID FINISH IT (barely) BEFORE FEBUWHUMP 2024 AT LEAST, RIGHT???? But BUT, extra funny? This is also for @cha-melodius, who inspired this with a comment that she left on a fic way back in drum roll MARCH 2022! So here you go everyone, if you've sent a prompt in my inbox ages ago and I never filled it, never give up, you don't know the length that my stubborness will go to when I decide that something Must Be Finished! LOOOL So, yeah. Have fun with this totally-on-time-in-every-way piece of whump!
He walks back in with no little hesitance, a bottle of water and a sandwich at hand. Though he can see her eyes running in his direction, testifying that she did notice his entrance, she doesn’t turn to him, nor does she acknowledge him in any other way.
That is probably the best reaction he is going to get from her, so he swallows and steps forward, holding out his offerings with no explanation.
It’s been a while, she needs to drink and eat something, or she’s going to crash at some point. He’s worried about her, though how he can spare enough space in his mind to worry about anything other than Solo at the moment is a mystery to himself before anyone else.
Gaby gives him a look that isn’t the least bit benevolent, but she accepts the water and the food, taking them from him and turning away like he isn’t there at all. He can’t spare the energy to be offended, and he certainly doesn’t blame her for not wanting anything to do with him.
Her screams are still echoing in his ears as he sits down, at more distance from her than would probably necessary. The look on her face when he told her is burned in his eyes, the way she went from worry, fussing over his graze as soon as Solo was out of their sight and she noticed the blood gushing out of his arm, to horror followed closely by disdain—he remembers her taking a step back, her hands still hovering between them for a few moments, and then there was only screaming.
He got out of her face when ordered to do so, numbly finding someone to take care of his stupid little wound just because he wasn’t sure he could bear to be alone with his head.
It was such a stupid mistake, and it’s going to cost them their partner’s life.
[More on Ao3]
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koco-coko · 6 months
Ikemen Vampire OC: Elizabeth I
(Don't worry many more ocs are to come, but I thought I'd start with my most 'normal' as of now hehe.)
Also, I modified https://yanderepuck.tumblr.com/post/649268127267504128/free-to-use-character-sheet this for my use so yeah :) Anyways-!
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Elizabeth Tudor (Bethy, Lizzie)
General Information
Full name: Elizabeth Tudor
Nickname: Bethy (close friends), Lizzie (acquaintances) 
Age: Unclear, but on the younger side of the mansion 
Nationality: English
Current place of living: The Mansion
Income: (… 'borrowing' Comte’s money) Works odd jobs around Paris, mostly at art galleries.
Birthday: 9/7
Likes: Paintings, theater, music, novels, etc.
Dislikes: Small spaces, inequality, coffee
Background: Former Queen of England, bringer of the Elizabethan Era, England's self-proclaimed Golden Age. Sassy and quick-witted, Bethy always has something to say about everyone and everything, critical or not. Despite her apparent vanity and tendency for self-praising, she’s incredibly generous. Elizabeth actually ends up running herself into debt from how much she ends up donating to art galleries and theaters. To be fair, she was royalty in her past life- She never had to worry about finances like she does now. Thankfully, Comte's 'willing' to deal with her habitual overspending.
Mary Tudor: For your own sake, never bring up her family. Especially her sister. Mary and Elizabeth got along once, but after a deep “falling out” over Mary’s… devotions, Elizabeth wants nothing to do with the Tudor name anymore. If Mary and Bethy are put in the same room, a loud argument is likely to break out in five minutes. (Oh no she's totally not another vampire oc of mine she totally won't show up totally not I'm definitely not making the three main Tudor children at all why would you even thinking that)
Though a few residents find it suspicious she talks about her sister like she’s still alive…
“Oh, there’s a reason she’s nicknamed Bloody Mary. She’s everything I stand against! Now, I’m not a very superstitious person, but… I’d rather not say her name more than twice… She was always sneaking up on me when we were younger…”
Napoleon Bonaparte: One of Elizabeth’s closest friends, being a fellow former ruler and both having eras named after themselves. They often get into heated debates, but it’s all in good fun. They could be yelling one moment, then out for lunch another. Napoleon is also one of the few who have ever seen the deeper side of Bethy, a simple woman who sits alone at night and overthinks far too often. Napoleon is really the only person in the mansion Elizabeth feels safe around, revealing her true thoughts and perception of herself to him. Still, that's only on rare occasion, but it's a start. (she is totally not mainly shipped with him I dont even know whyd you think that mhm yep totally not oc x canon here)
“Oh, please! Crepes again? Is that all you eat?”
“Says the tea fiend. I’m fairly certain you’re made of that drink.”
“At least it’s something dignified. Ugh, let’s just hurry up. I want to get a good seat at this new café, you know!”
“Hey– wait up!”
Vincent Van Gogh: These two became friends by accident. Bethy is friends with both Theodore and William, so they ended up near each other often. Vincent often acts as Elizabeth’s grounding beacon. Bethy tends to overthink and get stuck in her head, so eventually Vincent allowed her to view his paintings whenever she so pleased, whether he’s in the middle of a work or it’s the dead of night. They’ve yet to intentionally spend time with each other, it’s always accidental. That doesn’t stop the two from getting along, though, and Elizabeth is one of the first in line to buy him new paints or donate to the art gallery he’s a part of. She truly admires his work and would support him in any artistic endeavor. Though, William has caught a glint of jealousy in her eyes whenever Vincent and Theo are talking to each other every now and then.
“Hm? Oh, Bethy! Nice to see you. I’m almost finished with this piece.”
“Wow… It’s wonderful, Vincent! Every work of yours's just seems better than the last! Not to say those are any worse, of course. Where are you going to display it”
“Aw, thanks! This one’s just for my Broer. I thought I’d make him something nice. He’s been working so much lately… Bethy? Is something wrong?”
“... Not at all. It’s just… That’s sweet of you, Vincent. You’re a good older brother.”
Theodorus Van Gogh: Both frantic art enthusiasts, these two clicked instantly. Elizabeth was impressed by his dedication to the arts, Theodore was impressed by her’s. They go to art galleries together and tag along to his work when she can. He’s also one of the few that have seen her true side, but unlike Napoleon, neither Bethy or him get very personal about it. Both know the other is more to the other, and they just accept it. In truth, she’s actually a bit jealous of Theo for having such a good relationship with his older sibling. She’d never admit that, though.
“Didn’t expect to see you here, Hondje.”
“Hm. Well, hello to you, too, Theodorus. And for your information, I imagine myself more of a cat type. Cute and cuddly–”
“Horrible and vicious.”
“Aha, yes! Exactly!” 
William Shakespeare: Elizabeth’s best friend in the whole wide world forever and ever and ever and ever! Elizabeth is Shakespeare’s biggest supporter and defender, taking his side over anyone else’s in the blink of an eye. She goes to every one of his plays, donates to his theater weekly, proofreads all his work, and often helps him with costumes and props. There’s a 50/50 chance on any day that she’s at William’s villa instead of the mansion. They’re almost glued to each other, really. They’re so close that many nobles believe they are lovers, but both are entirely against the idea. 
“Me? Courting Will? Ha! You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s disgusting. I wouldn’t even wish that upon my worst enemy!”
“Oh, Bethy. Thy words cut sharp into the heart of mine.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure they do. Now, as I was saying, I believe there were some grammatical errors in Act 5...”
Le Comte: Despite their differences, Elizabeth and the Count get along incredibly well. Bethy spends many nights chatting with Le Comte and becomes a reoccurring partner to galas and balls. The main reason for this is because Elizabeth actually finds navigating and manipulating hedonistic life quite enjoyable. She also joins him so she can get in his good favors. He’s rich, and she often gets into debt… 
At night, Elizabeth can be found with Comte sometimes, drinking tea and speaking about the menial and the existential. She asks him the same question every night. “Why did you give me a contract?” 
At times, they’re two competent adults, and at others, they resemble a teenage daughter asking for dad’s money.
“Why did you give me a contract, Comte?”
“You ask me the same question every night… Do you regret signing it?”
“Not at all. In fact, I’m entirely grateful. I just don’t understand why.”
“Your name is in history, like every other lesser vampire here. Is that not sufficient?”
“... I don’t know.”
BONUS! Arthur Conan Doyle: Elizabeth beats him with her heels whenever he makes a move on her. I mean it. She will snatch her shoe off her own foot and give chase until the end of time if she has to, just to get some good swings to the head. (Theo cheers her on whenever he gets the chance to witness it)
Pet, Prince the Frog: When Elizabeth was first revived, it was raining. The first thing Bethy did after she realized she was alive was to run outside and feel the rain, screaming: “I’m alive! I have no idea how– I’m alive!” While she was out there, she found a frog. In her euphoric state, she found this amphibian life so fascinating, wondering if it could turn into a real prince with a kiss. Unfortunately it didn’t, but Elizabeth has kept him in a large flower vase in her room ever since. And yes, occasionally, she gives him a peck. It never works… but maybe one day…
Physical Characteristics
Addictions: If Bethy gets particularly stressed or upset about anything, she turns to her favorite sweetened teas. She drinks at least 3 cups every day, and when an stressful event occurs, it can easily jump up to 10 and above. Current record is 19.
Bad habits: Bethy bites her nails whenever she’s nervous. Also, whenever she’s mad at anyone, she discreetly starts chewing on her thumb nail specifically. (Elizabethan version of the middle finger).
Eye color: Bright green
Hair color: Hot pink
Skin color: Slightly tanned
Dialect: English, can slip into Old English if she’s upset or passionate about something (or around William in private.)
Drink often: Sweet tea and hot chocolate. Doesn’t find most alcohol appealing.
Good habits: Puts others over herself in almost every scenario, incredibly appreciative of people’s hard work
Height: 5’6”
Hobbies: Going to plays, concerts, art galleries. Window-shopping
Clothing style: Always tries to wear the best dresses she can. Usually wears bright pink, accented by black, and looks very regal (purely on accident). She dresses similarly to Shakespeare, combining the the 15th century clothing with a 19th century style.
Talents: With an incredibly sharp tongue, persuasion is one of her finest skills.
Mental Characteristics
Education: Highly educated for her time due to her status and is constantly spending time in the library so she can catch up with the times. She’s very encouraging to others who want to pursue an education as well (she buys hundreds of books for Jean).
Fears: That one day her sister will return, that she’ll be powerless to stop her. Has a minor case of claustrophobia. 
Life goals(next 5 years): For art and education to be enjoyed by the masses, rich and poor, male and female, etc.
Self-perception: Although she has strong convictions and acts like she belongs wherever she walks, it’s just a cover. Elizabeth struggles intensely with inferiority issues and imposter syndrome. Being called a bastard child from a young age, having to wait the longest to inherit the throne, and being a woman in general made her know what fighting for worth looked like. Now, with the contract and being surrounded by true masters of their craft, she has no real idea why she’s here. She’s no composer or poet, just a girl born slightly lucky. She’s simply an art patron, a member of the audience.  
Self-confidence: Elizabeth’s confidence is a constantly moving scale. She’s confident in her opinions, hardheaded to an end, but she doesn’t have much confidence in herself.
Assumed external perception: Upon first meeting Elizabeth, she can be seen as very self-centered and vain, talking about everything she’d done to improve the world and the latest fashion and makeup. However, overtime, it becomes clear that Bethy is a kind and giving person, putting others before herself so much that it almost gets frustrating. 
Rational or emotional: Emotional reaction, rational response. Elizabeth has strong convictions and is stubborn to a fault. Still, even at her worst, she can put together a good argument.
How could you upset this character: Easy. Mention her sister, brother, mother, or father (basically anything to do with her family) and you’re in for a bad time. For an even easier way, discriminate or insult anyone based on appearances, wealth, etc. 
Sleep habits: One of the lightest sleepers in the mansion. She wakes up at any small noise, making her incredibly drowsy in the morning.
Emotional Characteristics
Emotional strengths: Very empathetic and encouraging. She loves teasing, but knows when she oversteps and does everything she can to apologize whenever she’s unknowingly hurt someone.
Emotional weaknesses: Her convictions are quite strong, so any disagreement can turn into a screaming match with her. That doesn’t lessen her ability with words, but being so easily upset and red-faced can make her seem irrational to onlookers.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert. She loves talking and being with people.
How do they cope with:
…Anger: Tears, yelling… It's a surprise that steam isn’t coming out from her ears. It doesn’t take that much to get her upset. Usually to calm herself, she’ll lock herself away in her room and either: read, listen to music, or observe the many paintings in her room. A cup of tea always helps, too.
…Unhappiness: Elizabeth deals with it on the daily. She tries to spend as little time with her own thoughts as often as possible. She’s already prone to overthink– she doesn’t need sadness on top of that. She usually just tries to ignore the feelings and move on with her life, focusing on something else until the feelings go away.
…Rivalry: Oh, she thrives on rivalry. She does everything in her power to one-up Napoleon, after all. In reality, Napoleon is the only person she could ses as a “rival,” though it’s more like the relationship between Theo and Arthur.
…New situations: She loves new situations! She enters them with glee and a skip! 
…Trouble: She tries to talk her way out of most bad situations in a calm, composed way. She only uses violence if absolutely needed. If that happens, she’s watched Napoleon enough to know how to (kind of) handle a sword, though she’s equipped with a dagger whenever she goes into the city alone.
Meaning of life: To create and understand the world. Bethy believes life reflects art more than it does life, and that the act of creating is the most human thing a human (or vampire) can do. 
What would they change about themselves: Elizabeth sees herself as a supporting character. Although she’s ashamed of it, she secretly dreams for the spotlight to hit her one day. That doesn’t mean she wants to be thanked for any of the work she does, though.
What motivates them: Her need to prove herself, to do good in the world. She wants art and life to be enjoyed by all.
What scares them: Her sister, first and foremost. Next in line is people who aren’t open to discussion and changing their minds. Even hardheaded Elizabeth is willing to listen at times.
What makes them happy: Elizabeth usually attends art exhibitions alone due to the fact she can get lost in a painting for hours at a time. It’s rather embarrassing for her if someone notice’s the usually loud and bombastic Bethy staring at a painting like a child staring into a candy store. 
Are they often biased: Bethy will always take William's side, then the underdog’s over anyone else’s. 
Give or take? Give
Nice or rude? Rude
Pet peeves: She hates the smell of coffee with a passion. She asked for her bedroom to be farthest from the kitchen so she wouldn’t have to deal with the smell in the morning. She also tends to be easily annoyed by people who talk during plays or concerts.
Guilty pleasures: Bethy will indulge in teas any day of the week. Especially in the morning, when everyone is brewing coffee. 
(i don't draw so picrews are the best i can do until I can save enough for to be able to commission so...)
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Yippee -insert autism creature here-
(Also @yanderepuck bc they said they were interested in reading the oc bio so um yeah)
As of posting this I've yet to make any masterposts but I will soon!!!! Eventually,,,
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(Hope ur having a good day <3)
aww🥰 ty phoenix!! I hope today is treating you well too (and my day has been pretty good so far)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Dunno if this counts BUT I head canon that Napoleon is the only one capable of bringing Ilya out of his rage episodes.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
The exact dewey decimal number for books about murder (and other things) for my library fic LMAO. 
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
Today is Napoleon Solo’s birthday and I love him SO MUCH (im so normal for him) 
thx for the ask!💕
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