#napowrimo day 6
amalgamationink · 1 year
a eulogy for my son, who will not hear it
I would say “you’ll understand when you’re older”, but I suppose therein lies the rub. I would explain myself— tell you the grown-up truths of regret and shame and survival, and the fact of the matter being that all children are inevitably failed by their parents so, forgive me, but you’re lucky that I got it out of the way so quickly and made a spectacle to boot— but I should have done that when you still had ears. And anyway it’s rude to talk with your mouth full. Something else I would have taught you if I’d only had the time.
If it’s any consolation, they will not look kindly on me. I will be the monster who consumed his son, who knelt in a bloom of copper and salt and tore the babe to shreds. There is little room for nuance when I am stuffed so full of flesh. Did you know that it was you or me? Parenthood is about sacrifices, and I couldn’t bear to lay myself upon the altar. Forgive me. They are welcome to their judgement. When they discover the knives in their backs, gifts from their precious lambs, they will understand. Or they won’t. I won’t ask.
It was you or me, you know. You had my eyes, my mouth, my hunger. These were gifts from my father, once, and he fell at my hands for them. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, forgive me — I could not play his part for you. Your gifts were mine to give, and mine to repossess. The revolution ends with me. I have done what I must to survive you. Part of you will survive with me, resting somewhere in the caverns of my gut. We will share the blame. You couldn’t help your birthright. I couldn’t let you keep it. Believe it or not, this hurt me more than it hurt you.
I picture you serene. Better than picturing you headless, bloodied, between my fingers. In the depths of me, there is a quiet peace, drowning the sense memory of the snap of your spine. The fruit of my loins had tender skin, and it burst ripe and sweet between my teeth. Even in my grief, my mouth waters. They will say that my consumption has cost me the right to mourn, but nothing else can hurt you now. I have saved you a lifetime of little agonies. It was violence as an act of love, a shield from harm. It was you or me. It had to be me. You understand. I know you do. Forgive me.
(inspired by Goya's painting, Saturn Devouring His Son).
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azure-scribbler · 2 months
Day 6
Fill in the blanks of a memory, seats for ghosts, paint, weird wisdom, become the red wheelbarrow
The auditorium is empty, and I am on stage.
I try to remember my lines,
What, where, when, how, why,
Some seats start to fill
With figures like wisps of smoke.
What happened here, what was the drama?
Where was this based? School, college, or home?
When did this even happen, did it even?
How do I find out the truth? How do i know?
Why do I need to anyway?
The seats start to fill up
From wisps to Ghosts,
But translucent and nothing solid,
Not a memory to trust.
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torrentialmonsoon · 1 year
The Sun Rays' Desire through hiding, at times the sun rays fall only then do desires convey. that your beauty never stops, soul never bows this beautiful youth, nightly conversations never stop; oh the things I have considered. conversations of sun rays desires, desires, desires life - your beacon, beacon, beacon. floods not stopping at edges your love not bare life not barren.
Kirnon ki khwaahish
Chhup chhup ke, kabhi kabhi pardhti hain kirnein jab kehti hai khwaahishein ke tumhari kabhi khoobsoorati na ruke, rooh na jhuke kabhi pyaari jawani, raat ki baatein na rukein; kya kya hum soch chuke. kirnon ki baatein khwaahishein, khwaahishein, khwaahishein zindagi tumhara charaaghe raah, charaaghe raah, charaaghe raah. salab kinaron tak na ruke pyaar tumhara kabhi na sookhe zindagi na sookh chuke.
The prompt was to find a poem in another language, read it and compare how it sounds in your own language and write a poem from that. I chose KINRAYIJ, KAWAJ by Humberto Ak\'abal (Guatemalan poet), wrote it phonetically in Urdu to the best of my ability and then translated it to English.
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NaPoWriMo Day 6
(.......write a poem rooted in “weird wisdom,” by which we mean something objectively odd that someone told you once, and that has stuck with you ever since. Need an example? Check out Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem “Making a Fist.”)
In the dim corners of the town's old square,
Lived a man with unkempt silver hair.
His eyes like stars in a tempestuous sea,
Whispered tales of the world's mystery.
They called him "Crazy Carl," a common jest,
For the oddities he shared, put to the test.
Of reason and logic, they seemed askew,
Yet held a strange allure, a truth shining through.
One day, as I passed by his weathered door,
He beckoned with a gesture, saying, "Listen, explore.
The moon's grin hides secrets untold,
Of whispers in shadows, of stories bold."
I hesitated, then leaned in close,
To catch his words, strange as a ghost's.
"Each night," he murmured, his voice a croon,
"The stars twinkle like fireflies on a lagoon"
"And the moon, oh the moon," he continued to say,
"Is a mirror of dreams where lost souls sway.
In the velvet embrace of the midnight air,
Seeking solace, finding answers that are rare."
I blinked, bewildered, at his peculiar view,
Yet a spark of understanding within me grew.
For in his ramblings, though eccentric and wild,
Lurked a wisdom deeper than I reconciled.
Another time, on a mist-laden eve,
He shared another insight, hard to believe.
"Listen close," he whispered, eyes intense,
"A spider's web holds the universe's sense.
"Each strand a pathway, delicate and fine,
Mapping the cosmos, a design so divine.
The stars are but dewdrops, glistening bright,
In the threads of existence, weaving through the night."
I nodded slowly, though my mind did reel,
At the visions he spun with mysterious zeal.
For Crazy Carl, in his ramblings strange,
Unveiled truths that are beautifully deranged.
Now, as I wander through life's shifting maze,
I recall his words in a curious daze.
I find solace in the wisdom so peculiar,
That blends the mundane with a mystical allure.
~ A poem by me - P.V.
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beautifleye · 2 months
Weird Wisdom
Lactose intolerance is not real People are way too sensitive these days Gut health dominating the news stream Eruption of smells unable to contain Not meant to ingest by human beings In theory it all made sense Growth beyond the normal scale Unable to decipher any of the tales Addiction out of control Stemming from chemicals beyond our control Added to our diet from the womb Artificial…
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find me a comfy cave, not a damp one, i think,nor a dark one, or one of cold stone.i reject your cynicism, despiseyour privilege, coldness, wealth, all useless in my eyes.i would not choose them. I long to see through holes in rock the distant sky,in my home of precious dryness, precious rockadorned with fresh gorse, scented.i embrace this outpour.i am safe, without a care or fear in this dim and…
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dobaara · 1 year
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tangled bodies and homes of ribs by S.R.
napowrimo day 6 using @mercuriian 's prompts (x): ‘bodily’ (description in alt text)
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pattytacuri · 2 months
Happy Poetry Month! Napowrimo-Day 6
Happy Poetry Month! Napowrimo-Day 6
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Gansey’s voice is feather-soft
in the cathedral silence of the forest.
As he walks
his fingertips brush against tree bark
rustling leaves
moss-covered stones.
He kneels beside the brook
dips fingers into cool water
touches his lips.
His tongue darts out
partaking of the water.
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink.
The thought makes the corner of his mouth
into an almost smile.
He knows he isn’t holy
but Cabeswater washes him clean.
Gansey takes a handful of mint leaves
from his pocket
watches the water
float them around a bend
and out of sight.
(Gratias - thanks)
NaPoWriMo day 6: cabeswater is gansey’s church
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A Chaotic Poison
There’s this ache I’ve been feeling. A chaotic poison, radiating through me. Ever since we had that conversation, since she spoke to me that day, since he sent me that final message.
Her refusal to take accountability pierced between my ribs, infecting my chest with the realization she never cared. A poison that radiates through me
The text he sent to disown me, the one from someone I cared about, someone I thought cared back. It harshly burns me. As if he spit acid into my chest I still can’t tell if he ever cared either.
I’ve been searching for signs, foreshadowing in the story, desperate to avoid this recurring fate.
People are a force of chaos with no narrative structure.
And this was a harsh reminder.
(NaPoWriMo 6/30)
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jenrogue · 3 months
Happy National Poetry Month! Here’s a list of 30 poetry prompts from Kat Savage and I that you can use every day in April as inspiration for a poem, short story, or scene! If you post one, use the hashtag #roguesavagepoetryprompts so we can see it! The Howl Echoes 1. QUIET RAGE 2. THIS IS WHAT YOU MADE ME 3. THE INJUSTICE OF IT 4. BARING TEETH, BRAZEN TRUTHS 5. GENTLE SKIN, WILD BONES 6.…
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blackinkmess · 1 year
NaPoWriMo 2023 - Day 6
Arms wrapped around me you pull me in and say the words I have longed to hear. Tears fall in relief because a new beginning finally feels possible. It may not make sense to anyone but us, but we have a sacred love and we are not ready to give up.
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mbfrezon · 1 year
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NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 6
I stepped outside to contribute the coffee grounds to the garden and it was much warmer outside than in. I came in, and even before making the new coffee, I opened my bedroom window to the spring. Such a relief to have fresh air in the house
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angededesespoir · 1 year
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and  share anyway.
(Thanks for the tag, @crimsonrainseekingflower ! 💚)
[Since one of the most recent ones I posted on AO3 is an oldfic I forgot to transfer there sooner, I’m gonna share 11 instead of 10. Also, be mindful of the tags on the fics. if you go to read them!]
1. Marie put away her weapons and strode towards the pantry, blood-stained hands reaching for the jar of chocolates she kept hidden in the back. (Melting Dream- Gangsta. Cursed (Marie & Abel) ficlet)
2. This is how it ends-
a friend’s hands reaching out,
the blade digging into throat;
sharper pain radiates from eye,
sharpest from the heart. (This is how it starts- Naruto (Danzo & Kagami) Poem)
3. Hashirama comes through the window, feet barely making sound, yet the home is so empty, the drop seems to echo. (NaPoWriMo- Day 1: Venomous Love- Naruto (Hashimada & Izuna) Prose Poetry)
4. He shouldn't be here. (Set Fire to These Petals- Naruto (Izutobi) ficlet)
5. The bed dips as Kagami crawls in. (Goodnight Kiss- Naruto (Kagatobi) ficlet)
6. Mikoto knocks on the door and waits patiently for Kushina to answer. (What we can knot say- Naruto (Mikokushi/Minakushi) ficlet)
7. Kagami watches as Tobirama returns, dividing his teammates into pairs before passing them their keys with instructions to their rooms. (Care- Naruto (Kagatobi) ficlet)
8. When Tobirama regains consciousness, he is met with the presence of his distraught subordinate. (Awakening- Naruto (Kagatobi) ficlet)
9. He had acted on impulse, again- a growing stain to his once untarnished record. (Cut- Naruto (Sakumo & Kakashi) ficlet)
10. You shoot up in bed, panting heavily. (Blood Stains- Naruto (Danzo & Kagami) ficlet)
11. I feel the stirring of my surroundings as the young man approaches. (The Allure- Naruto (Kagatobi) ficlet)
I tag: @archangelsammy , @quietwingsinthesky , @pierrotguru , @agirlamonggeraniums , @zylafone ,
@evilpenguinrika , @jacarandabanyan , @mikmik121 , @synesindri , & @hashiramashonkers (and whoever else may want to do it!). (As always, you don’t have to do this! 💚)
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aetherianessence · 2 months
NaPoWriMo 17.1-17.5: Two Song-Based Poems I Like And Even More I'm Meh About
As Long As You Love Me
At the extreme (EX-TREEEEEMEE!!!!) end of the cassette age
two hyper kids scream-belt Backstreet Boys
into Barbie karaoke mics.
They won’t hear Toxic for another three years,
Backstreet was never Back to them,
in this backwater bit of boonie
where bluegrass is king
and Natalie Maines reings supreme,
but Britney and the Boys are real as the tape
that plays, LOUD! as we sing louder,
spinning out in song till we hit the hard frame
of the little couch in the playroom
and collapse in laughter.
Mock serious confessions of love
to piles of air, saying we don’t care,
as long as you love me.
As long as this stays.
San Cristobal
I found religion in you
(Song, not island)
After angstily losing life,
Searching for foundation,
I came upon you, antifolk hero,
sum of bluegrass past, punk present.
Poet of the borderlands of my being.
Guitar chords resounding,
I don’t wish I’d never gone,
because without going, we’d never meet
and I’d never find the strength.
Years later, at Quaker meeting,
I still find religion in concert halls,
shitty venues, great ones,
I see you there, and the crowd
echoes your voice as one:
I’m home.
Kelly, Avril, you never told me
that it would be so HARD
When your voice, your words came belting out
of the Princess Diaries 2 DVD
our family must have watched
till it was etched in our irises.
Riveted, I was seen, and saw,
Longing for the wrongness to end,
too scared to pray it would.
I can’t forget you, early days
This break doesn’t mean I hate you
This taken chance will remake me,
But this change is not an ending,
Simply a finding of where to begin.
Carry On
I’m 16 again,
listening to the radio
on a drive past somewheres
I’ve been a thousand times.
Getting stuck in a creepy van with 6 people
six high-schoolers, for 30 minutes? Yeah,
angst central. I hate Some Nights (the song,
not the album- though little one, it’s much better
with the prelude), and We Are Young doesn’t yet
feel my own. So when your gentle piano caress
careens out of nowhere into my waiting ears
it finds a blissful emperor’s welcome.
And then- layers adding themselves until
a vast city spawns in my temporal lobe.
Bagpipes?- those madmen! I must
Follow them wherever they go,
My life is worth living.
I’m not a fuckup,
I’m just a girl
No one’s ever gonna stop me now.
Aw no,
They’re breaking up.
Welp, guess they were stopped.
Just Dance
Gaga, I feel you.
I suck at gran jetés,
pas du chaux,
A traveler without a guidebook,
bereft of fundamentals.
Yet when your music thrums
I do them anyway, else
with militia-grade insistence,
my dance teacher will force me
Yes, I’ve had a little bit too much-
Utterly unready, useless in this
We breezed through positions
why am I in front of this scathing mirror
without a barre to my name?
Gaga I love you baby,
But I can’t do this anymore.
This moment scares me.
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denimbex1986 · 2 months
His neck, his neck, his beautiful neck I could write a thousand words and it still wouldn’t suffice To sum up the musk coming off his nape Spring blossoms and freshly washed sheets The pages of a book, the spray of a beach I inhale it like oxygen and watch in awe How the goosebumps dance when I whisper his name My lips touched in prayer against his beautiful neck His neck, his neck, his beautiful neck Like the centre of gravity when I float away My fingers free to explore all of him Find themselves pulled back to hold his nape That tattoo where his silky hair ends and he begins Speaks his story in a code I am beginning to unravel I ink my own designs next to it in passion purple ink To stake my claim on his neck, his beautiful neck. It’s my safe house, my favourite hiding place That last bit of him I see when he leaves I hold him there when our lips meet The warmth coming off it telling me what I do to him And that’s why it’s my favourite part His neck, his neck, his beautiful neck.
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