#naps cherish the people you love
apurpledust · 10 months
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Thinking a lot about them recently and can't help but notice how this couplet from one of my favourite Chinese poems called "Jin Se" can sum up their relationship : 「此情可待成追憶? 只是當時已惘然。」 This feeling might have become something to be remembered later on; Merely, at that time I were already perplexed and lost.
This saying could roughly be interpreted as the two people's relationship should have bought back wonderful memories, but one didn’t cherish it enough when they were together, and now it just brings sorrowness.
😭 Actually, this could also be apply towards Napoleon with Lannes / Duroc aka his harem too. He is just so shippable.
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moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
✨💙🌛 Pakidge Post 🌜💙✨
I got my packidge from @murderofcrow today, and I want you guys to see how beautiful everything looks 🥺✨💙
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Got a "You Are So Loved" bracelet in blue!!! With a cute star bead, the Sleep Token pendant AND a moon and star charm 🥺✨🌙 So so so beautiful 💙
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Vessel clay pin (ADORABLE) ; Telomeres keychain (!!!! crying about it actually) with a star! and moon! and my colourssssa 💙🥺 ; and everything came wrapped in the cutest blue unicorn rainbow tape 🌈🦄
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(also shout out to Lia @vesselsscarlet for helping picking the lyrics for the charm, you're the sweetest and your pakidge is being made with so much care 💙)
There's also a beautiful letter and some messages on the little packages, which I'm keeping for my eyes only 💙 Definitely didn't tear up at them, no sir 🥺✨
Crow, I've already told you this before but you're an amazing friend and I'm so so glad to have found you in this wasteland of a place 💙🫂
🌛 You are so loved 🌜
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solarisgod · 11 months
to the chimera cluster, i'm so sorry you guys have been going through a rough time, and i share my feelings to ✨ and other affected chimeras for the anxiety and paranoia it's giving out. i don't think you guys are horrible people. i think you, as a whole, are incredible while you always want to be better and try your best. you've always been so kind and positive and opening to others, and it takes a lot of strength to be so in general and in an environment like the rpc. it's never easy being just kind, so seeing you always want to spread love even when things get difficult is amazing and inspiring. the rpc isn't the same without you, to be honest, so please don't let others put you down. you are all wonderful and i'm glad you're here. please take care and i hope the rest of this week and then treat you all more kindly, c.c. 💖🌟
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Hey, thank you so so so incredibly much for this, Nonny. You have absolutely no idea how much this is needed and it means to us. It's truly extremely nice to know that our presence is appreciated, even though we can be a bit too... rowdy and chaotic to talk to and have around. We just wanna inspire and be inspired by so many wonderful and talented folks the rpc has while we make good genuine friendships and memories. Just. Thank you entirely and endlessly for this ask and we hope you have the most wonderful month and the rest of the year and so forth. We're so glad you're here too, in the rpc / on this platform and in the world. 💖✨
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bisamwilson · 2 years
I'll still read your fics when you come back. Please get some good rest. Writing, even as a hobby, is work, and it's good to take breaks when you need them. Sending you love 💕
thank you, anon <3 i appreciate all the love and support <3
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
Mini Gojo
Dad!Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Words: 555 Synopsis: You dress up your baby like a miniature of Gojo Masterlist
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You carefully adjusted the miniature blindfold on your baby's face, trying not to laugh at how ridiculously cute they looked. Dressed in a tiny jujutsu uniform that you had custom-made, complete with a tiny pair of sunglasses perched on the neck of the uniform, your baby resembled a pint-sized version of Satoru Gojo himself.
With a grin, you carried your little bundle of joy into the living room where Gojo was lounging on the couch, engrossed in a book. As you entered the room, he looked up, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight before him.
"Hey, babe," you said with a playful tone, "look who's here to say hi!"
Gojo blinked, momentarily speechless as he took in the sight of your baby dressed up like him. Slowly, a wide grin spread across his face, and he sat up, setting his book aside.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" he exclaimed, reaching out to gently lift the baby into his arms. "A little mini-me, huh? I must say, they've got excellent taste in fashion."
You chuckled as Gojo held the baby up, examining the tiny sunglasses and the miniature blindfold with amusement. Your baby gurgled happily, reaching out to grab at Gojo's white hair, much to his amusement.
"Looks like we've got a little troublemaker on our hands," Gojo remarked, ruffling the baby's tuft of hair affectionately. "But that's okay. With a sense of style like this, they're definitely my kid."
You watched fondly as Gojo interacted with your baby, his usual carefree demeanor melting away into something softer and more tender. It was moments like these that made your heart swell with love for both of them.
As the afternoon stretched on, you found yourself snapping pictures of Gojo and the baby, capturing every precious moment. From Gojo making funny faces to the baby's delighted giggles, it was a memory you wanted to cherish forever.
Eventually, the baby started to grow tired, their eyelids drooping as they snuggled against Gojo's chest. Sensing their exhaustion, Gojo rose from the couch, cradling the baby in his arms.
"I think it's time for our little one to take a nap," he said softly, pressing a kiss to the baby's forehead. "But don't worry, we'll have plenty more adventures together, won't we?"
With a smile, you followed Gojo as he carried the baby to their nursery, tucking them into their crib with gentle hands. As Gojo watched over the sleeping baby, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the wonderful man by your side.
"Thank you for being such an amazing dad," you whispered, wrapping your arms around Gojo from behind. "Our baby is lucky to have you."
Gojo turned to look at you, his eyes shining with love and affection. "And I'm lucky to have both of you," he replied, pulling you close for a tender kiss.
As you stood together in the nursery, surrounded by the quiet sounds of your sleeping baby, you knew that this was exactly where you were meant to be – with the two people who filled your life with endless joy and love.
And as you watched Gojo place a gentle kiss on the baby's forehead, you couldn't help but think that there was nothing more precious in the world than this – your little family, together forever.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 21 days
family friends and jealousy
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summary: when visiting your childhood home for the first time he can't help but notice the pictures on the walls. namely, the pictures of you with your childhood best friend. your male childhood best friend.
cw: fluff, jealousy, your childhood/best/family friend's name is elliot, just to be clear elliot is like a brother to you, oikawa being a dramatic jealous little shit, insecurity, post-timeskip oikawa
wc: 1k
note: this is a request for @ficsforgaza's fundraiser!!! thank you so @wizardhore much for your donation and sending in a request. you check out how to send one in here, or sponsor a wip here
haikyuu masterlist | blog navigation
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While most people assume Oikawa Tooru to be an egotistical bastard, those who are close to him know better. Underneath that irritatingly cocky front was insecurity. Insecurity that he tried so hard to hide. He doubted his skills as a setter, as a professional volleyball player. He was self-conscious of his accent when he spoke Spanish, and wondered whether he was a good friend or not.
The only parts of himself that he was truly confident in were his good looks, and his abilities to charm ladies. He knew he was extremely attractive, and that his smooth tongue and quick wit could land him pretty much any woman he wanted. So in past relationships he hadn’t doubted his ability to be a good boyfriend for a second? Why would he? He knew he was a catch, and he knew that his partner knew it as well.
At least, that’s how it was until he met you. Until he met you and for the first time found himself thinking that you were out of his league. Which was crazy, because no one was out of his league! He was the Oikawa Tooru. But you, with your beauty and bright smile and overall goodness might just be a little too good for him. 
When the two of you became friends, he found himself falling not just for your looks and perfection, but for all of your little flaws that made you you. And with every quirk he discovered, he found himself more and more in awe of the idea that you would want to spend time with him.
Then the two of you began dating, and he did everything he could to be worthy of your love and time. He told you he loved you at least three times a day, planned romantic dates, spent every one of his free seconds with you, cherished the time you spent together.
But despite all of this he found himself doubting his worth as a boyfriend. You deserved someone who could spend more time with you instead of always being at practice. You deserved to be able to tell everyone who you were dating without fear of rabid fangirls. You deserved someone who was more into your own interests, someone who could do your little hobbies with you.
All of these thoughts were constantly swirling around in his head, which is why he was currently staring at the pictures lining the halls in your childhood home. Namely, the pictures of you, and your very male, family friend. Which was strange, because when you mentioned your best friend you had told him that your mom and your friend's mom had been friends for 50+ years, but had failed to mention that Elliot was actually a guy, not a girl like he had assumed.
Your mom had asked you to help in the kitchen, ushering him out when he offered to help, telling him to relax and feel free to look around. Which led to his current fixation on the offensive pictures documenting the time in your life when another guy was at your side.
The pictures were in order from newest to oldest, ranging from when you were no more than a few weeks old, to the most recent one that appeared to have been taken mere months ago. Going down the line examining them, he nitpicked everything he could about the boy who was with you in all of them, making a mental list of all his flaws.
1. In one of the earlier pictures (you couldn’t have been more than three in it) the two of you were napping cuddled up in a pile of blankets. HOWEVER Elliot was hogging the blankets, which was something he would never do. He knew that you hated sleeping cold.
2. You looked to be about eight in this one, the two of you sitting on opposite sides of the room, clearly ignoring each other because of an argument. Hah, who did this guy think he was? If he did something to make you mad he should be groveling for your forgiveness, not ignoring you like an entitled brat.
3. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t find anything wrong with the following few, so you were teenagers in the next one. Elliot lay flopped on his back on a paddleboard, while you swam behind it, pushing it to shore as you cackled at something he said. How dare he. What type of guy made a girl push him to shore. No, he would never make you do that. In fact, he would be the one pushing you to shore, making sure you were relaxed and happy.
4. The two of you were watching a movie, curled up under a blanket and Elliot was hogging all the popcorn. Oikawa knew you loved popcorn, so if it had been him he would have let you eat all of it.
5. The two of you were at a barbeque, you perched on one of Elliot’s legs while you ate because he was manspreading, leaving no room for you on the tiny bench. Oikawa scoffed. If there was no room for both of you on the bench, he would have eaten sitting on the ground before forcing you to perch uncomfortably like that!!
His main takeaways from his research: Elliot was an immature, entitled asshole who didn’t know how to treat a girl right, and inferior to him in every way. Satisfied, he headed back into the kitchen to keep you company, prepared to beg your mother to let him stay because he missed you already. 
Turning the corner, his earlier concerns about your best friend appeased, he trotted around the corner, freezing as the blood drained from his face when he heard your voice.
“Hey, mom, What time is Elliot coming over tonight?”
Okay, maybe he wasn’t as okay with it as he thought he was…
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taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight lmk if you would like to be added or removed from any of my taglists!!
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divine-donna · 1 year
hey, can you make Miguel O'Hara X gender neutral reader? Where reader (Miguel lover) accidentally get teleport or glitch in the spider verse where they (the Spidey's) were in the middle of chasing miles? Thank you! <3
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hi anon. i'm happy to write this for you.
i wrote this in the form of headcanons rather than a fic. i'm still recuperating from finishing dragon age: inquisition, the succession finale (even if it was like a week ago), my adrenaline high from the across the spiderverse, and the other things i have written already.
some creative additions i made: this is a spidey! reader. i think it naturally made more sense to have a spidey! reader rather than a civilian. i would have to jump through a lot of hoops for a civilian reader to make sense and my brain does not have the capacity to jump through those hoops right now.
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you deserved a well needed rest. after all the work you had been pulling to keep the multiverse safe, it was the least you deserved. especially a nap.
what you didn't expect when you went home was to just fall asleep on the couch.
you had gone out with your friends, finally caught up with them, and changing into some comfortable lounging clothes. you had plans to watch the newest 3 hour long ego project the director called a movie. and naturally because it was 3 hours long and an ego project filled with nothing, you ended up falling asleep.
what you forgot to take off was your multiversal band. you always kept it on in case of emergencies.
you also had a habit of rolling around in your sleep a bit. and you don't have the best luck with technology.
naturally your band malfunctions and you're thrown into the portal and transported back to hq.
ideally you didn't want to be falling through the space. but you were. and that woke you up.
"fuck! fuck! fuck!"
you had no web shooters. why would you? who sleeps with web shooters anyways? (actually there are some spider people that might)
and the worst part is, no one seemed to notice that you were falling. because they were busy doing something else.
when you squinted your eyes, you saw what was happening: every single spider-person that was at hq was chasing after one singular spider-person.
you didn't know who it was but from the looks of it, it looked like a young spider-person. someone who was only a kid.
if only you weren't just free falling-
"(y/n)! what are you doing here!" a familiar voice exclaims.
he caught you in midair, swinging safely to the nearest platform that wasn't stampeding with spider people and other variations of spider totems to set you down.
you took in his appearance. his hair was disheveled and his fangs were poking out. you also noticed his talons were out too and his breathing was heavy.
"i...i was teleported here on accident." you explain. "what is going on?"
"i can't talk right now. go back home! it's supposed to be your day off!" he gives you a small kiss on your cheek and prepares himself to jump off the platform.
"miguel, who is that?"
"miles morales. he disrupted a canon event and now the multiverse is at stake! and we're trying to prevent him from causing another one."
"okay well did you try talking to him?"
"of course!" he exclaims, turning to look at you. "it's the first thing i did. but he doesn't want to listen. now i have to catch him before he disappears!"
he doesn't even wait for you to respond before jumping off. as much as miguel loved you and loved talking to you and cherished your presence, he had to catch up to miles. he had to stop him.
he had to save the multiverse.
you were left with a sinking pit in your stomach. something told you that today was not the day to take off.
but first you needed to find lyla or margo to help with your watch so you can grab your suit and equipment and come back.
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whillywisp · 5 months
Seeing a lot of talks about finnick as a dad/doting husband during pregnancy on the fyp and I must contribute to the conversation 🌱 (warnings: it's long and so fluffy you're gonna die). Part 1.
Part 2 ☁︎
The thing about Finnick is that he has a lot of love to give to anyone who would take it. His heart is overflowing with it, shining cerulean with it. So of course fatherhood came to him as easily as breathing—
Wrong. Have you seen that walking talking ball of anxiety, love and autism?
The day you tell him you're pregnant he passes the fuck out. On the floor. And when he wakes up he cries for an hour straight, thanking you enough times with kisses pressed into every inch of your skin he could reach that the words don't even sound like English anymore. He's so grateful, so fucking grateful and terrified but above all, completely and irrevocably in love with you.
Throughout the pregnancy, he's as paranoid as it gets to the point you have to beg him to please leave you alone and no, Finnick the baby won't be hurt if i eat too fast please breathe and let me breathe but it's all from a place of love. He's lost too much, almost everything in his life. The few people he could still keep were precious to him and he was not going to let any of them forget that least of all his babies. Or baby.
Finnick talks to the baby a lot. Asking the most bizarre question to your bump as if he actually expected a tiny, baby's voice to answer him. He was constantly on about something new and his favourite topic to talk about was whatever his new hyperfixation was and you just nodded and smiled because of course the baby wants to know how to do an alpine stitch! But it was so endearing and relieving to see him finally be happy, finally find a purpose, even if it was to just talk nonstop to your belly. He deserves this, these little pockets of happiness.
And one of his greatest happiness was taking care of you. Circling back to the fact that he starts hyperventilating when his lover so much as sneezes too hard, the hellscape that was pregnancy scared him. No, fuck it, it terrified him. So he did what he always did and loved to do and banned you from anything and everything that needed physical exertion. Chores of any kind were out of order. You were on a healthy diet of four meals a day and of course they included all your cravings that he always presented to you no questions asked thank you very much and you had to take naps, multiple of them, all with his presence as a requirement (you were sure those were just an excuse to cuddle you but you would rather take up another round of hunger games than call him out on it). He attended every appointment, had an alarm set for all the prenatal meds, and always a kiss for the belly and your lips just so you knew that this was it for him. You and your baby were the very centre of his universe and this was him orbiting you both. And you couldn't help but be grateful that you had him to love and cherish just as he did you.
And your favourite way of telling him you loved him was letting him take control over the one thing you knew he loved: baby shopping. With all due respect, this is the type of guy who bought baby shoes when he was eighteen with no baby in sight because look at how tiny this is it's so cute *big sparkly green eyes.* But it's particularly endearing watching him waltz around the store, arms full of onesies and plushies and you kind of just stand there, unable to do anything because what the fuck were you supposed to do at nine months pregnant and married to a man who you *checks notes* gifted a day where he could buy anything he wanted as a birthday present?
I promise you the answer was not 'go into an early labour the second he dumped the shopping bags in the living room' but who am I to say anything?
The baby coming two whole weeks early did not sit well with his anxiety. He was a mess, a complete and utter mess but he was also the most precious angel on this planet so seeing him holding back tears of fear so he could be there for you and hold you tight, so tight, because he was scared he would lose you broke your heart too. While the pain of the labour was bad, knowing he was close, holding you tight as he pressed gentle kisses everywhere, to cater to everything you needed, was enough to realise, he was the one. And you were going to fight through hell for him.
Such a wretched thing, love, you thought to yourself as you felt him shake beside you through the pain and haze, to ask you to hope against hope that the strain on your strength and your fading string of fate would persevere despite it all.
But you did. You survived and so did your precious little baby girl, and so did the last pieces of Finnick's soul, despite it all.
The first time he holds his tiny, tiny baby in his arms, something in his brain just clicks (or maybe his frontal lobe was finally fully developed because of course his baby picked the day before his birthday to make her own entry on planet earth) but whatever it was, it was perfect. His entire world narrowed down to the squirming little angel in his arms and he couldn't help but feel his heart leave his chest for the second time in his life to become hers. She fit right into the crook of his arms, the space in his neck. She fit into his life like another piece of puzzle that he never knew he was look for.
She was his little angel, his little girl. The person he never knew he fought through whole wars for but now, holding her against his chest as he watched you both sleep, he knew this is what he was meant to do. To love, to love, to love. For the sake of it. Simply because he could. Simply because he was alive and it was good enough reason to love with his entire being.
Part 1 because I don't exactly know if you people will like it enough to want more.
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sh0tanzz · 2 months
How about doing Riize green flags 😚
you have thankfully given me a reason to post this draft instead of procrastinating 😭😭
RIIZE GREEN FLAGS/PROS based on astrology ~
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reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself and I am not a professional astrologer
values including people for example in a group discussion if you haven’t said your piece yet he’d ask “what do you think” to make sure you know your opinion is also valid + important
private, reserved and relatively humble, doesn’t put all attention onto himself and isn’t overly cocky, doesn’t air his business out to everyone
cherishes loyalty and sees it as an important value
very attentive and observant of others, pays attention to people’s habits and gets to know them like the back of his hand
emotionally grounded and leveled, understands making decisions off of feelings alone can lead to consequences or mistakes
independent and can handle being alone, isn’t clingy and overly dependent can handle his own responsibilities
practices being rational and practical, understands the subjective and objective twist to things and needing to level them
calm yet witty, isn’t overly forward but is able to assert himself with charm without being overbearing or too much to handle
friendly and kind, likes to make a good lasting impression with people and likes to be on good or at least neutral terms with people
extremely into self improvement and becoming an optimal version of himself (working out, self help, etc)
enjoys being useful and of purpose/service to others, likes to provide and brings things to the table
empathetic/sympathetic, somewhat tapped into his more emotional and sensitive side and is very aware of his feelings and the feelings of others
extremely truthful and honest or at the very least..has an extremely hard time lying and being dishonest to others 😭
has very prominent and potent creative and artistic ability, likes to create things on his own and likes his creations to be original
can settle and indulge in the more basic things in life or appreciates the mundane and comfortable, the type to appreciate a good nap or something like that
very set within his own morals or motivations and can at least stand his ground in a more opinionated sense
sweet and personable, despite being introverted he knows how to interact with others in a manner that can make them comfortable or at ease
affectionate, both physically and verbally, dotes on and compliments those that he cares about
finds importance in fairness, thinks that what’s given should be reciprocated or for there to be a sense of equality or 50/50
likes to make others around him feel good or important, a hype man or very supportive even
an optimist. prefers to see and value the good in things and stay on the positive side, a more “glass is half full” personality/mindset
takes pride in his craft and nurtures it, practices and is very stubborn and constant when it comes to improvement of his talents
blunt and honest, feels that speaking the truth is the best and that speaking what’s on your mind is the best choice in most situations
enjoys trying new things and viewing things outside of his own mind/lense
mentally stimulating, likes communicating and knowing/learning different bouts of information and opinions (lowkey a yapper 😭)
ambitious yet careful, goes after what he wants with all that he’s got but won’t take a risk unless it’s calculated and he knows the possible outcomes
can/chooses to take care of himself, similar to eunseok he can handle being alone and isn’t too dependent on others
protective and caring to his loved ones, takes the matters of the people he loves seriously and is willing to defend and protect them
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starstruckgrrl · 7 months
who am i to deny you 🫡
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ꕤ*. synopsis: tamaki doesn’t do so well at hero events, but he’s grounded with you there. not to mention you give him the perfect motivation!
↳ ♡₊˚.warnings: smut, car sex, he says “i love you”, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, sub!tamaki, pet names, established relationship, lil bit of edging, cute tamaki naps for aftercare :3
a/n: sorry if the way i capitalize some stuff has changed, i want to make it easier to read!! i really hope you like it, give me some feedback or suggestions pls!!
ever since he’s met you, tamaki has been doing a lot better at handling any event that comes his way. his friends take notice, praising him for sticking around “this long!”
he owes his success to you, who he will often scamper off to. you’re always with him at every event, keeping him grounded and confident(ish).
usually, he’ll take you everywhere with him, making you become his bodyguard against awkward conversations or slightly passive aggressive behavior. however, you know that it is good for him to do some things on his own so he won’t feel so horrible when you’re busy and can’t escort him everywhere.
so the pro-hero Suneater is here, after several minutes of you gently pushing him, at a table with Deku, Dynamight, Lemillion, Red Riot, Nejire Chan, and a few other names from high school. while he does feel much better that nejire and mirio are there with him, the potential comfort he might have had is ruined when everyone delves into questions about his personal life.
tamaki mentally curses mirio, who asks first, “Suneater! i haven’t met that girl you’ve been parading around yet? when will i get to meet her?”
“her name is ——, and you can meet her soon, i guess? she said she would follow me over soon.” tamaki replied.
“she’s very nice, Lemillion! i met her once while getting a drink at an event a week or so ago, and she was nothing but kind!” Deku shot out, happy to have met a nice person.
nejire never passes up an opportunity to talk about something happy, so she began her rambling, “she’s so preeeetty! can you ask her about what products she uses in her hair? does she have extensions? does she wear wigs? if so, where does she get such natural ones?”
the indigo-haired hero you cherished began to sink in his seat, visibly overwhelmed by the onslaught of questions that had begun after the mention of his date, but felt better when he felt your hand pat him on the shoulder.
“hi, baby. are you doing okay?” you asked, loud enough for people sitting near him to hear, but to him nonetheless.
he began to sit up in his seat, the pet name being comforting enough to help him regain some composure, “yes, i’m okay, how are you?”
you gave him a small smile as you sat in your spot next to him, confirming that you were feeling alright.
mirio was the first to speak to you, “are you ——?! i’ve heard so much about you!! well, pieces about you, tamaki is kind of private about your relationship, but pieces nonetheless!!”
“yes, that’s me! it’s lovely to meet tamaki’s best friend!” you replied, recognizing tamaki’s description of his grade-school friend.
“AWWW, Suneater, you’ve told her about me!” mirio shouted.
tamaki smiled up at him, how could he ever think that he wouldn’t tell everyone about the person who motivated him so much?
as the evening went on, you had been asked plenty of questions, mainly by nejire. you had no complaints, as you found everyone thoroughly entertaining and sweet.
the whole time, you were keeping physical contact, even in small ways, with tamaki. it was the best way to make sure he knew you were still there for him and thinking about him, even as you conversed with the others.
over time, your small touches turned into something else. clasping his hand turned into rubbing his thigh, slight pokes turned into tracing soft circles on his bicep. the little things meant the world to this man, so you knew he was getting your idea.
about 3 hours in, tamaki’s social battery had been completely sucked dry. he gave you a special look and squeezed your hand twice to let you know he wanted to go, a signal the both of you had come up with.
you cleaned up your area at the table, stacking your used dishes neatly for a waiter/waitress to pick up with ease, and stood up. you patted yourself down as your lover stood up, and you all exchanged goodbyes as the both of you walked out, your arm wrapped around his.
the both of you walked out to the car, and tamaki slid his hand down to your waist and pulled you closer. you were stunned, he rarely initiates things, especially in public.
“tama” you cooed in his ear.
tamaki led you to the backseat of the car, opened the door for you, and sat next to you. he kept the door slightly ajar for what he would call “ventilation” when you questioned him later.
you kissed him first, a small but sweet kiss. your partner, however, kissed you again. longer, deeper. he grabbed you and held you close to him, and he leaned against the back of the seat. he began to unzip his pants when you stopped him.
“are you sure, baby?” you asked, knowing his fear of having all eyes on him.
“yes, i love you too much, please.” he replied, asking you to please continue.
you nodded at him, and got on top of him. you gave him kisses on his neck and bit him softly as you pulled down his pants to let his cock spring out.
you flipped up the dress he bought you special for this event, and moved your underwear to the side. tamaki brought his hand down to rub small circles on your clit, getting you wet for him.
you softly pushed his hand away, then brought yourself up, then down onto his dick. he let out a small whimper and you shushed him, “shh, baby, we don’t want anyone to see, do we?”
tamaki swallowed thickly, and stuttered out, “n-no”
“maybe you’d like that, dirty boy.” you teased, and he whined in response.
you bounced up and down softly on him, the friction of the base of his cock teasing your clit.
then, suddenly, you heard voices outside, a mere 10-15 ft away.
“oh, hey, someone’s car door is open. should we close it?” said one of the voices.
tamaki’s eyes widened, but he never stopped bucking up into you, and you never stopped riding him. he whimpered quietly, and you put your thumb in his mouth to silence him.
“nah, let’s just leave it. someone might be coming back to it in just a minute.” said another voice.
the both of you heard their footsteps trail away, and you looked at each other. tamaki leaned up to kiss you, and you could tell he was getting close. he was rutting into you from below, and it made you giggle.
“don’t cum until i say, tama!” you reprimanded.
he nodded quickly, confirming his submission.
you were also getting close, and tamaki always knew that you should cum first. you slammed down onto him harder, making his tip kiss your cervix every time. his cock was rubbing against a sweet spot inside you the deeper you went, and you came with a moan of his name.
as you were going through the aftershocks of your orgasm, tamaki began to beg.
“please, can i cum? please.” he whimpered out, his legs shaking slightly.
you kissed his forehead and gave him permission, and his cock twitched as he finally let go of the orgasm he had been holding. his cum warmed your insides and gave you an extra, satisfying feeling as it began to leak down.
“i’ll drive us back home, sweetheart, you rest. i know you’re tired” you told him as you slowly got up, grabbing a blanket that rested in the back pocket of the car seat, special for any sleepy car rides.
you laid tamaki down in the backseat and covered him in the fluffy blanket. you adjusted his pants and his underwear to make him as comfortable as possible.
you got out, adjusted your dress, and closed the car door. you got into the front seat and turned the car on and the heating up so your partner would be cozy on the ride home.
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lecsainz · 7 months
Kk! So I absolutely loved your last piece about Carlos and the heiress!reader, and I have to agree I really really love those blended fics. Something about them just hits different ya know? And then I saw this post https://www.tumblr.com/monzabee/729167936518012928 and was like god I wish someone still wrote for kimi. And then off I’m scrolling through your blog and I see that ask were apparently you do?? Like holy shit bestie! This is like the greatest day ever! So all of that to say will you please please right something that involves the video from that post?? Pretty please??
parings: kimi räikkönen x wife!reader
author 🗒️’s: my heart melted writing this, I hope it turned out as you want, love
summary: the one where you see your husband taking care of your son and feel that you couldn’t be happier as you are.
✩. . . masterlist !
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Kimi Räikkönen, the Iceman of Formula 1, had always been known for his stoic and unemotional demeanor on the race track. But at home, in the quiet moments, he transformed into a different person entirely. There was a side of him that very few people got to see, a side that was incredibly warm, loving, and tender.
One sunny afternoon, the two of you sat in the cozy living room, surrounded by the soft laughter and gurgles of your 6-month-old son, Jake. Kimi held the baby in his arms, cradling him gently as he made funny faces to elicit the most delightful giggles from your little one.
Kimi leaned down, his lips brushing against Jake's plump, rosy cheeks. "Who's the happiest baby in the world, huh?" he cooed, his Finnish accent making it all the more endearing.
Jake's response was a chorus of delighted baby laughter, a sound that could melt the coldest of hearts. You watched in awe as your husband continued to play with Jake, making silly noises and pretending to nibble on his tiny fingers. It was a side of Kimi that you fell in love with all over again, a side that he reserved for his family.
"Kimi," you whispered, unable to contain your fondness, "you are the best dad in the world."
Kimi looked up from Jake's little face, his azure eyes meeting yours. A small, warm smile graced his lips, a rare sight for the world but a daily occurrence in the privacy of your home. "I learned from the best," he said softly, referring to you.
You couldn't help but blush at the compliment. Kimi's transformation into a devoted father had surprised you, but it had also filled your heart with an indescribable joy. His dedication and love for Jake were unmistakable, and you couldn't have asked for a better partner to share parenthood with.
As the day continued, you both took turns caring for Jake, feeding him, changing his diapers, and watching him drift off to sleep in his crib. Every moment felt like a cherished memory in the making, and you couldn't help but daydream about the future.
When Kimi returned to the living room after putting Jake down for his nap, he found you deep in thought. You looked up at him with a dreamy smile, and he knew you were up to something.
"Darling, what's on your mind?" he asked, settling beside you on the couch.
You took his hand and interlaced your fingers. "Kimi, I was just thinking about how wonderful this is—our little family. I love watching you with Jake, and I can't help but wonder… I want more of these moments. I want more children with you."
Kimi's typically cool exterior cracked, and he looked at you with a mix of surprise and delight. "More children?" he repeated, as if the idea had never occurred to him before. But the spark of warmth in his eyes revealed that he was just as excited by the prospect.
You nodded, your heart pounding with anticipation. "Yes, more children. I want to see you as a father again and again, to have more of these beautiful moments with you."
A slow, genuine smile spread across Kimi's face, and he pulled you into a loving embrace. "I'd love that," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I love you, and I love our family. Let's make more beautiful memories together."
The two of you sat there, lost in the prospect of a larger, even more joyful family. Kimi held you close, and you knew that your dreams were aligned. It was a beautiful day of laughter, love, and dreams for the future, all in the gentle embrace of your husband and your precious son, Jake. The Iceman had certainly melted, and you couldn't have been happier about it.
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sashiavi · 8 months
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•····🍑········• ֪٘ ︶ ͝ ٘⏝𝓓𝓪𝔂 𝓕𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷⏝ ͝ ٘︶٘ ֪•········🍑····•
𝚂𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒𝙰𝚟𝚒'𝚜 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛
𝙰𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝙸𝚝𝚝𝚘 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ ².⁸ᵏ
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The Arataki Gang was made up of many interesting characters. An intelligent ex-shrine maiden, a hulking descendant of the Red Oni, a young Akaushi bull calf, even the renowned Traveler was an honorary member. The Gang was a group of rowdy misfits, tossed aside from their previous lives, doing their best to make every day count. They welcome people with open arms, including you! A sweet young girl from the outskirts of Inazuma.
You fit in well with the group, adorning your own unique features; You were a hybrid, not too common of a sight within the Nation of Inazuma, a Taurean hybrid to be exact - or a Cow Girl! As Itto says. You sported large, floppy ears and adorned the cutest little horns on your head. You were sweet, soft and loving, ever so compassionate towards all of the members of the group.
Whether you meant to or not, you took on a maternal role for the Gang. You ensured everyone's tummies were full and satisfied. Took up mending clothes and garments whenever they were torn. Regularly, halfheartedly scolding the silly boys when they stayed up far too late considering their plans for the morrow.
Your presence created a new balance, something Itto cherished dearly, he adored having you around. His heart swells when he watches you snuggle into Ushi after a long day, napping with the young calf before supper. He smiles when you return after an outing, bringing sweet treats and chocolates for everyone to enjoy. His chest hurts when he sees you unwell, waving everyone off while you attempt to upkeep your routine.
He notices your permanent downturned frown, the sleepy little blinks you make while trying to concentrate on the meeting. Itto couldn't help but ignore Shinobu's voice, something was wrong and even he could tell. You hug your arms around your body, squeezing tightly, in an attempt to provide some sort of comfort to yourself. Itto watches you rock back and forth with little wobbly movements, he swears he feels his heart crack into two.
If it were him, he thinks, he'd like a hug, that'd make him better so.. Surely it'd help you.. Right? There's something tugging at his chest, an urge, to hold you close.
He wraps his large arm around your frame, squeezing you tight into his side. It seemed to soothe you a little, Itto thinks. You smelt really pretty. He feels your soft body relax into him with a little sigh. He was going to get to the bottom of his, even if it took all day! He would make you feel better. The meeting drags on (no offense to Shinobu) and all Itto could think about was the sweet girl in his arms. He was surprised you eased into him so easily - Not that you had an aversion to his touch! He didn't think - just that most people weren't so easily pliant. Man, you really must not be feeling well.
If anyone noticed Itto's arm around you they didn't mention it. When the meeting lets up, everyone makes their way out, babbling on about who's shouting yakisoba and sake, leaving you and Itto alone in the room. You sit in a comfy silence, Itto was nearly sure you'd fallen asleep until he hears a soft whine. He feels your little horns press into his ribs, it nearly tickles him. He squeezes you again and you startle with a gasp. You suddenly pull away from his form with a small '..'m sorry'. Why were you sorry if he was the one to pull you in?
"You okay? You seem sick" Itto pouts, creasing his eyebrows in concern. You looked flushed, your lips still stuck in that unrelenting frown. Itto waits, let's you take your time in answering.
"Just.. Something with my… biology?" You sounded uncertain, you look anywhere but him. Biology? Science stuff? Man he really should have gone to school.. He scratches the back of his head, he wasn't the smartest tool in the shed but he was willing to learn! - He nearly fist pumps the air in determination.
"Biology..?" He probes, relaxing his body, bringing himself down to your level. You give a nervous laugh, shit, he hoped he wasn't making you uncomfortable.
"This thing.. Happens to my body around this time of the year…" Your voice is impossibly smaller, if it weren't for his keen ears he's sure he wouldn't have heard you.
"Ah, like a rut?" It made sense, Spring was approaching, the air was warming and there was the distinct tickle of pollen in the air. Itto was all too familiar with ruts, the hot achey flashes, the unbearable pains, curling into a pitiful ball until it passed. The only thing that helped him through it was a hot bowl on tonkotsu ramen and a heavy set of weights to push. Maybe you needed something to eat? Itto misses the Owl eyed look you give him.
"Ah.. yes… Something like that.. It's more of a h-heat.. Ah! I- I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable, Mister Arataki.. It was inappropriate of me to say that.." Your voice wavers. Inappropriate? What was inappropriate about a heat? Sounded like a rut and they made his bones chill, made his tummy ache and burn, made his legs restless. He wouldn't wish that upon anyone!
"Nahh it's alright, I get it! I get the feeling - and stop calling me that, just call me Itto" His smile is wide and cheeky, doing his best to ease the mood and bring in a little light.
"You.. You feel it too?" You shift in your spot.
"Yeah! If there's anything I can do to help I'll do it, promise!" He even holds out his pinky in a truce. He hopes that your shared experience will help, make you feel comfortable and safe. No judgement here! It's an Official rule of the Arataki Gang.
"I… I may have a request.." You finally lock eyes, you look unsure and Itto feels something in his belly. Second hand anxiety? He could tell you were nervous and for some reason, his body screamed at him to just.. Hold you close.
Itto nods his head, showing you he's listening.
"It's… really embarrassing.." You squeeze yourself tight again. It's Itto's turn to frown, surely nothing could top his most embarrassing moments you've bared witness to.
"Hey, I won't judge.. Trust me! I gotta look out for my Gang, how can I do that without helping you out?" He thinks he makes sense. He hopes he does, he didn't really have a way with words.
"I…" Your lips purse again, in an attempt to gain some courage.
"I'm a hybrid.. With Taurean features.." He knew that, you were a little cow. Not like Ushi, but you had pretty horns, you were soft like a cow too and sometimes you let out little 'moos' when you got excited. Itto nods in understanding, beckoning you to continue.
"We have.. I inherited a certain... thing.. please keep an open mind?" You nearly beg, little tears well up in your eyes. It must be serious then, Itto straightens up, running his finger over his heart in an 'X' shape. He crosses his heart and hopes to suffer the traumatic consequences of the beans. He was really proud of you for telling him this much.
"I can handle anything!" Itto puffs out his chest with a satisfied grin.
"I… I.. I need to be Milked"
Something inside of Itto's brain starts ticking, a new feeling, something he'd never, ever felt before in his life. He can't help but notice just how pretty you looked, how sweet you smelt, how clamy his hands were. He swallows thickly.
"Milked..? Like.. a cow?" Did she have utters? Did all girls have utters? No that's stupid. Unless?
"U-uh I- I'm sorry it's weird.. I… it just.. hurts" Your sweet voice cracks and so does Itto's soul.
"Ah- bah- no! Not weird at all! I think it's normal.. cows and milk it- it all goes together yeah.. it makes sense- was that offensive? n-not that you're a cow-" Itto babbles, he does his best to reassure you, flailing his arms around madly. You manage a half smile, he was trying and you appreciated it.
"Usually.." You start. "I sort this out alone but.. I haven't had the time." You look away again, letting out a strained breath. You were still hurting and it was Itto's fault, he should have done something sooner.
"How can I help?" He's serious, he'd never felt so sure of something in his whole life. His eagerness catches you off guard, you're giving him the same, owlish look from before. He sees you bite your lip, pretty.. stop it.. focus.
"You just.." You make a gesture, squeezing your fingers together and pulling your hand down. Seems simple enough.. You stand and beckon Itto to follow you. He's lead to a little corner, covered in plush pillows and blankets, a comfy little quiet spot for Shinobu to read and Ushi to nap. He sits first as you request, propping himself up on the mountain of cushions. You follow after, tentatively sitting in his lap, your back to his broad chest. Your frame is soft on his, smaller than him of course, but soft. He nearly wraps his arms around you to give you a squeeze, but he withholds.
"I'm.. going to take my top off… is that okay?" You turn back to talk to him, your face inches from him, breath on his chin. Itto nods with a 'mhm!' - he didn't trust his voice right now. Your soft skin is revealed, illuminated by a warm hanging lantern in the room. You whine softly, poking at your achey breasts, wincing when you touch your sensitive nipple. Ittos heart pulses in his ears, your warm back leans into his naked chest. His hands hover over your hips, unsure on where he was allowed to put them.
You palm at his fingers, carefully bringing them up to your sore chest. He cups your swollen breasts, his warm palms welcomed on your cold, achey skin. Itto resists the reflex to squish and squeeze the soft flesh in his hands, never had he felt so out of breath. He couldn't describe the feeling, the warm, heat in his lower stomach, the sensation near cramping. His brain felt hyperaware, as if he were in danger, despite him clearly not. His thoughts are cut short when he hears your sweet voice.
"S-So.. you just.. pinch like thi- ah~" Your soft tone is cut with a keen as Itto squeezes at your puffy nipples. A sharp spurt of hot milk sputters from your breast, dribbling down Itto's knuckles. His eyes widened in fascination. Neuron Activated.
He continues to pinch at your nipples, tenderly squeezing the swollen, puffy buds with his fingers, relieving the ouchy pressure in your chest. You keen your head back, nearly knocking him in the chin with your little horns. Itto sighs out, breath laced in a new-found emotion. Something soft, something.. hot. His fingers become sticky, coated in your sweet milk. He's almost tempted to shove his fingers in his mouth, lick up the sweet, sweet cream that leaked from your breast. He finds his nose in your neck, drinking in your pretty scent, something about you was making his body agitated, his brain fogged, his tongue drooling.
He feels as though the sweet milks spilling from your breast was wasting. It dribbles down your tummy and soaks into whatever fabric was pooling at your hip. Your wet fingers come up to caress his face, drenched in your cream. The smell drives him mad, just a taste.. it would be a waste otherwise. Itto kisses at your fingers wetly, savouring your sweet cream. Gods he wanted more. Needed more. He doesn't know what comes over him.
"Can I.. please- can I use my mouth?? It'll be faster.. waste less.." He babbles into your neck, nuzzling his nose hard into your pulse. To his surprise you nod. Nod and nod and nod.
Itto is quick to manhandle your form, effortlessly scooping you up and placing you softly into the plush cushions. He wraps his large arms around you, taking a quick moment to snuggle into your front. You pet his hair, kiss his head, squeeze him back. Itto's chest surges and his tummy aches - in a good way. His breath is hot on your breasts, lips kiss carefully on your puffy nipples. His brain sparks, pupils dilate, he needs a real taste.
He licks a soft stripe up your plushy tits, lapping his tongue over your achey, swollen nipple. He urges your hands to wrap around his horns, lest he poked your eye out with them. Your sweet milk leaks on to his tongue and he nearly groans out loud. He breathes deep, his nose pleasantly assaulted with your pretty scent, soft and floral like sakura, sweet like dango milk. Carefully, he wraps his lips around your nipple, engulfing the achey bud in his mouth, soothing it with his tongue.
Itto sighs and nuzzles into the skin of your breast, lips latched on your puffy nipple, carefully nursing on your creamy milk. You cradle his head, petting at his fluffy hair, tucking it behind his ear as he suckles on your tits. He hears you sigh and relax into the plush pillows behind you. His other hand slowly massages at your other breast, in an attempt to soothe any ache while he's occupied. Your bud dribbles milk down your tummy, pooling prettily in your lap. Your sweet buttery milk coats his tongue, warm and creamy as he swallows it down. Your plush thighs wrap around Itto's middle, hugging him close to your body as he nurses on your tits.
Itto feels an ache in his groin, a pulsing pressure at the head of his untouched cock. Your pretty thighs squeeze at him, your achey, swollen nipples spurt the yummiest, creamiest milk on his tongue.
Itto couldn't remember just how he ended up like this, but he wouldn't have you any other way. Itto's thick cock nestles sweetly into your gushy cunt, wet and creamy from your arousal and the sweet milk dribbling from your tits. Your hands grip at his red horns, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into the sensitive surface. Itto's lips never leave your tits, body bent over you, milking the sweet, creamy nectre from your nipples. All for him, just for him.
His hips hump carefully into your pussy, warm and sticky and wet. The soft squeeze of your core feels like Heaven on Tyvet. If this was Itto's last day alive he'd die a happy man. Your sweet little moans tumble from your pretty lips, just as soft as you were. Itto peers his eyes up, lips kissing and suckling at your achey nipples as he looks at you. You smile prettily, carding your fingers through his messy bangs, absolutely blissed out on him. Your breaths are slow, soft in his ears, your voice light and relaxed as you speak.
"..'s good Itto.. thank you~… doing a good job.. such a good job.." You praise him with your heart. Itto all but whimpers into your breast, rutting his hips deliciously into your cunny while he milks you. Anything to help out his sweet girl.
You press your forehead to his hair, knocking your pretty little horns against his own. Itto feels a hot twist in his groin, he swallows hard, nearly choking on the thick, sweet buttery cream on his tongue. He feels something, an aching in his cock, a delicious pressure building up in his lap.
"Itto.. m' gonna… getting close.. doing a good job, such a sweetie… my sweet.. my Itto~" You babble, voice breathy as can be, muffled in his hair. He barely hears you, too caught up in the tight hug of your cunt, the sweet milk thay dribbles down your tummy and on to his cock. He looks down, hyperfocused on the pretty, creamy ring around his cock as he humps his hips against yours. He groans out loud, dribbling spit and milk down his chin, something was happening, he could feel it.
Itto latches hard on your achey nipple as he creams in your pussy, slowly fucking hot ropes of cum up into your tummy. He nurses on your tits as he grinds his pelvis on yours, bumping his groin into your sticky clit. You follow soon after with a keen, squeezing his hips with your plush thighs, pulsing over his thick, aching cock. Neither of you made an effort to stop, still grinding against eachother softly. Itto continues to suckle and lap at your achey tits, massaging your nipple with his thick tongue, swallowing up your sweet milk in little gulps.
Itto could stay like this for hours, and maybe he will. Fucking into your soft, gushy pussy while he worships your tits, nursing out every last drop of your sweet, buttery milk until all of the ouchy feelings go away.
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These recent fics have been rotting in my drafts for far to long 😔
they're so tedious to write but I think I really like how this one came out - itto is a sweety dumb dumb <3
Also I have never written in Itto's pov? Lmk if it works or not baha he's kinda an unreliable narrator but only because he's confused </3
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Thank You For Reading! Comments Are Always Aplreciated! I'll Kiss You muah ♡
♡KinkTober Taglist♡
@heath-sama @yejiswifex @hunnibunnix @bleh09 @madsw9 @py-schi @wizzardcatwithastick @shiningpaint-marbleheart @cherrytomato2 @i-am-silver @your-tears-taste-sweeter @kqzutcra @themusingsofmany @kaijubxnny @tericula @omletteattack @maryeehawe @pomeiu @the-massive-simp
♡Silly Goofy Itto Taglist♡ @lighteez
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supermoongirl9 · 9 months
Your 12H is also about what you're scared could make you fail in life tbh so you're avoiding doing it somehow (to your detriment).
ex: Gemini? scared of stagnancy and not having enough time so they never rest (Taurus 12H) but then they exhaust themselves lol bitch, take a nap it's ok.
Aries? Scared of getting lost in their dreams and that their emotions could prevent them from being their best self/people would use it against them so they're trying to act strong all the time (Pisces 12H).
Taurus? Scared of being seen as too bold and insolent for asking for what they want from life so they try to act unbothered when things don't go their way so no scandal happens somehow (Aries 12H).
Cancer? Scared of being seen as inconsistent and acting like changing their mind about something means they were never serious about it in the first place + disappointing themselves and others in the process (Gemini 12H).
Leo? Scared of being seen as too sensitive and fragile so others don't take seriously enough, don't let them do their own things; acting like they don't need to be protected and babied sometimes when it's actually just normal (Cancer 12H).
Virgo? Scared of being seen as too much and somehow selfish for wanting to do their own things/putting work into their projects so they're trying to help others in order to balance that fear; scared of success and the potentiality of failure leading to self-sabotage (Leo 12H).
Libra? Scared of being seen as too obsessed with what they want to accomplish and accused of not treating everyone and everything equally if they show any kind of preference so they have now to say yes to everything others are asking them to do to counter that (Virgo 12H).
Scorpio? Scared of others seeing how much they actually care about others generally speaking so people could use their loved ones to manipulate or hurt them and now they have to act as being alone isn't an issue for them to protect what/who they cherish (Libra 12H).
Sagittarius? Scared of how they could react when crossed and of how much things actually impact them on a deeper level so they're trying to act unbothered and like they know everything has a purpose when it's eating them alive at times (Scorpio 12H).
Capricorn? Scared that they won't ever be knowledgeable enough to master what they need to, of actually never experiencing enough in this life and regretting it but at the same time spending too much time working to even enjoy (Sagittarius 12H).
Aquarius? Scared of being not serious enough to be able to achieve their goals because it means people won't respect them, their work and their possible legacy while at the same time claiming to despise any form of recognition from major institutions/people (Capricorn 12H).
Pisces? Scared of never actually fitting in while being attached to their uniqueness but not knowing how to express it in a way that won't make others reject them for being different which leads to them hiding some parts of themselves, claiming to be misunderstood (Aquarius 12H).
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greenunoreversecard · 4 months
Kai general and Romantic headcanons
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A/N:sorry if I got any of the characters wrong, I was using a combo of wiki/Google translate as I don't speak any of the languages mentioned. Pls let me know if I got any info wrong, i will gladly go in and change it to make it right.
Half Indian and half Chinese.
His and nya's last name is 鄭 (Zheng), but he says it's Smith bc when they where younger he got in the habit of lying about his name so he Didnt have to deal with CPS.
His ma is from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, and was a practicing Hindu. Ray is from the 云南 (yunnan) province, and was a practicing theravida Buddhist. Ray is ethnically from the 傣族 (dai people, also spelt Tai in english)
Before his parents dissapearances, they both brought him to their hometowns, and actively taught him both cultures and religions, which he continued to learn about and even teach Nya about after their dissapearances.
When he was 14 he bought a small boat and him and Nya rode it across the costal line, and he promised Nya one day when he was older he'd bring the both of them to their parents hometowns.
He's a Buddhist.
He speaks so many languages.
Like so many
He's fluent in Thai, mandarin and cantonese chinese, telugu, urdu, hindi, Punjabi, arabic and ninjago-ian(idk whatever language ninjago speaks)
Also trying to learn Indonesian.
He also knows yunnan dialect bc his dad would speak in it more often than not
Absorbes info like a sponge
He likes to quilt
He always wears a golden bracelet He got from his moms jewelry box after she left.
Likes to draw but is bad at it, so he colors coloring books
He may act all confident, but he really isn't. super insecure
Soooo good with hair
Like, has all the stops. 10 step hair care routine
rivals Zanes cooking skills.
When working out focuses on building rather than lean muscle.
Mother friend
has dragged all of his friends into the water splashing festival.
Fatal flaw is loyalty and kind of hubris (it's conflicting, ik with the insecure and extreme pride, but like- it makes sense in my head. Inferiority/maybe superiority complex.)(it makes sense bc this is such me behavior. Imagine hating yourself but thinking ur the baddest bitch alive)
Likes to stare at fire
If he can't sleep he'll make a small bonfire to stare at and think
Chronic cigarette smoker
Hes more show than tell
Def acts of service (me frfr)
Although, he is very cuddly.
Not in public, though. Maybe infront of the other ninja if it was a rough day
Loves to rock you gently from side to side when yall are hug
loves to give you temple kisses
He's very gentle with you, treats you like glass
You wil prolly say ily first, and he'll go;"🧍‍♂️...cool?"
He has mommy and daddy issues, but HEAVY on the mommy issues. Have fun with this hyper-independant fuck who can't accept help without feeling like a failure even though they need it (I'm not projecting you are)
Goes all out for holidays and anniversaries.
Doberman/German Shepard vibes tbh
When it's just you two he doesn't feel the need to fill the air with meaningless chatter, so if he feels safe enough to just share air without talking feel honoured and cherish it bc that means he actually trusts you.
A little rough around the edges, but will remember that thing you said 5years ago on ur first date
Most dates are chill inside and take a nap
But sometimes if he can he takes you on the town or someplace fancy
Also likes to show you his favorite childhood spots
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neverchecking · 1 year
I'm mostly curious, so you can write this as whatever but how does Sage do with an affectionate reader? We know he laps up all the attention Reader generously gives but like, is he generally rigid at giving or receiving? Or is he the softest man alive haha
Not well. Affection does not compute with this poor guy-
@lovanmari I think these may be more of what you were looking for?
Anyway, Sage is TotK Link!
In face, have some headcanons on this-
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・❥・Sage. My precious baby boy. How I love and cherish you, you little rat bastard.
・❥・So, we've established he's got some trust issues. Can you blame him?
・❥・He's just so, so tired. He just wants to rest. But he can't. He feels he's the punchline to one of Hylia's jokes. And it eats at him.
・❥・So when you, perfect, adorable you, come in with your sunshine and rainbows ass, he's just...like frustratingly confused.
・❥・What about life is so great? Hm? What about it makes you want to go around, hugging and kissing the others around him? Hm? What makes them so special? Hm?
・❥・Why do you feel the need to do the same to him?
・❥・At first, Sage doesn't trust the affection at all.
・❥・He's convinced you're buttering him up for some sort of secret attack. Like he'll lower his guard to accept one of the cuddles you bestow upon him and you'll stab him in the back-- literally.
・❥・But the others just seem to...accept this?
・❥・The bird hero (Sky) seems to downright preen whenever you gently press a kiss to his cheek.
・❥・The smithy with a height problem always looks so at ease whenever you settle next to him, laying his cheek on your shoulder.
・❥・Even the ever stoic Ocarina player looks more...relaxed when you come up to him, demanding a piggy back across the swampy bog. Little you demanding something from Time sparks something in Sage.
・❥・He knew that Time was just as scarred as he was when it came to trusting people. He had been burned in the same way, hand scorned when offered too many times.
・❥・That's part of what gets him to settle just a bit.
・❥・He doesn't start any cuddle parties, don't get it twisted, but if you wanna sit next to him while he's restringing a bow, he won't say no.
・❥・But start slow. He's like an easily startled deer in this situation. Only you never know if the deer is gonna buck and curse you out, stomping away, or if it's going to simply turn on its heel and reinstate the original distance he kept between the two of you.
・❥・But once you've gotten past the initial stage where he's simply scared of getting hurt again, Sage has an absolute heart of pure mush for you And you alone.
・❥・You see, once you've proven that you're hard to get rid of, he takes it as a sign. Especially if you've spent quite a bit of time together.
・❥・ He'll start slow. Sitting next to you while he fiddles with his Purah pad, or setting his bed mat closer to yours than before, but when you accept these without question, or, goddess forbid, encourage them- oh ho ho-
・❥・He is the clingiest bastard. Like, you will have no time alone.
・❥・(Forgot this was a yandere blog, did ya? Well I'm here to remedy that! >:))
・❥・He is constantly hovering over your every move. You wanna sit under a tree and read? He's laying his head on your lap, expecting head scratches the entire time and loudly complaining if you don't give them. You wanna go for a swim in a nearby lake? He's joining you in the water, no questions asked, making sure you don't drown, even if you're a great swimmer. He's got that Zora armor, and even if he doesn't wear it, he's spent enough time with Sidon to become a great swimmer. You wanna take a freaking nap in a tree?...Are you nuts? Sage would never let you nap in a tree, are you kidding? He has a much comfier lap with arms wide open for you to crawl into.
・❥・You fool.
・❥・Once he's established that you're not going anywhere, not for a while at least, he is all over you.
・❥・Like, this man, who's used to traveling along? He's switching up everything. Extra shields for you (Because he is not giving you any weapons. At all), extra potions, carrying snacks in his Purah pad, extra bed mats and blankets, extra armor and gear (Like snowquill jackets and fire breaker sets).
・❥・He's a secret mother hen he just hides it.
・❥・When you guys are traveling, he's in your presence constantly. Like never out of arm's reach. He has in fact bitten someone for trying to fight him for his spot (Rip Wars).
・❥・He will in fact do it again because when he's in arms length he has so many possibilities. Like you are right there.
・❥・He's pressing swift kisses to your temples, cheeks, even your lips when he gets cheeky enough, before moving on like nothing happened.
・❥・He's walking with your fingers knotted with his own, rubbing his thumb along your skin.
・❥・He's not only moving his sleeping mat beside yours, oh no, they are touching they're so close and he's clinging to you in his sleep.
・❥・And he is heavy. Like he is clinging to you like a Koala bear in his sleep.
・❥・You are not safe. He snores and drools and you're just gonna have to put up with that. Sorry not sorry. He just sleeps so well when he's with you! He can't help it!
・❥・It burns the other Links, but there's not much they can do because, let's be honest, you like having Sage's attention.
・❥・It's something well earned and you deserve to enjoy it.
・❥・Just don't let him get used to it. Who knows what he would do if that happened?
・❥・Unrelated, but how do you feel about, say, Tarrey Town?
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Hi! Can I have the R8 women react to finding their S/Os sketch book and not realising what it is, opening it up and seeing various pages of beautiful sketches of them? Just them doing various things like reading or napping or sipping wine. Even them not at their best like after they've eaten someone. Please and thank you!
I love this! Some of these have more of an established relationship between the ladies and Y/N, but some don’t. Let’s get into it!
Alcina had been searching for her missing necklace for what felt like hours when she stumbled upon a small leather-bound book. It was lying innocuously on a table in the library, and she picked it up, intrigued.
As she flipped through the pages, her eyes widened in surprise. The book was filled with sketches of her, drawn in incredible detail and accuracy. There were sketches of her reading, sipping wine, and even napping. Alcina was stunned. Who had drawn these?
She felt a flicker of anger begin to rise within her. How dare someone invade her privacy like this? But, as she continued to look at the sketches, she felt the anger dissipate, replaced instead by a sense of awe.
The sketches were beautiful, capturing her likeness in a way that she had never seen before. Even the sketch of her after she had just… Uhh, disposedof a maiden was done with such skill and finesse that Alcina could not help but admire it.
It was only then that she realized what the book was. It was a sketchbook, a collection of the artist’s work. And the artist had chosen to focus on her, of all people.
Alcina was used to being feared and reviled, but to be immortalized in such a way was a new experience. She closed the sketchbook gently and placed it back on the table.
She would have to find out who the artist was… She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t intrigued and maybe… Smitten. Perhaps she would even commission this artist to do more sketches of her. Alcina smiled to herself, feeling strangely content. Who knew that a sketchbook could bring her so much joy?
Donna Beneviento had always been a private person. She valued her solitude and cherished the moments when she could be alone with her thoughts. So when she stumbled upon a small leather-bound book lying on a table in her home, she was intrigued. It had to be yours. (You had only recently moved in with her). She felt guilty for looking, but her curiosity won.
As she opened the book, she was greeted with a series of sketches. At first, Donna was confused. But, as she examined the sketches more closely, she realized that they were all of her.
Donna was taken aback. She had never seen herself depicted in such detail before. The sketches captured her every movement, from the way she held a book, to the way she stirred a pot on the stove. Even her expressions were captured perfectly, from her serene smile while reading to her focused gaze while cooking.
Donna felt a sense of vulnerability wash over her. How had you managed to capture her so perfectly? She felt as though she had been exposed, laid bare for all to see… But… The drawings were done with care and reverence.
Pride began to bloom within Donna’s chest. She had never considered herself particularly noteworthy, but to see herself depicted in such a way made her feel special. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling, but one that she cherished nonetheless.
Miranda is a curious woman, and when she stumbled upon your notebook, she couldn’t resist the temptation to take a look. She didn’t know what to expect, but what she found inside left her speechless.
As she opened the book, she saw various pages of beautiful sketches of herself. The sketches depicted her doing various things like reading, researching, and even sleeping. Each sketch was more beautiful than the last, capturing her essence perfectly.
Miranda couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and joy at the sight of the sketches. She had always known that you were talented, but she had never imagined that you would have the ability to capture her so perfectly on paper.
As she flipped through the pages, she realized that the sketchbook was a sort of diary for you, a way for you to express your feelings and emotions through your art. She felt touched and humbled by the depth of your love for her.
Miranda closed the sketchbook, feeling a newfound appreciation for your talent and a deeper understanding of your feelings for her. She couldn’t wait to see what else you would create in the future and to be the subject of your beautiful art once again.
Bela Dimitrescu is a woman of great power and influence, but even she couldn’t deny the childlike flutter of excitement in her chest as she stumbled upon an unknown sketchbook on her shelf. She had been searching for something else entirely in your shared chambers when she noticed the leather-bound book tucked away on a shelf.
Curiosity getting the better of her, Bela pulled the sketchbook down and thumbed through its pages, expecting to see intricate sketches of landscapes or perhaps even fantastical creatures. What she found instead stopped her in her tracks.
Page after page, there were sketches of her. Bela doing mundane things like reading or working on paperwork for her mother. Bela standing in front of a mirror, brushing out her long hair. Bela sleeping peacefully in their shared bed. Each image was rendered with stunning detail, the lines and shading creating a lifelike depiction of her.
Bela felt her cheeks grow warm as she realized the depth of your affection. She had always known you cared for her deeply, but to see it expressed so beautifully and intimately was overwhelming.
For a few moments, Bela simply sat there, taking in the sketches and feeling a newfound appreciation for the one who had created them. Eventually, she closed the book and tucked it back onto the shelf, deciding to ask you about it later.
But in that moment, all Bela could do was smile to herself, feeling deeply loved and appreciated in a way she hadn’t realized she needed.
Cassandra felt a surge of anger as she flipped through the pages of the sketchbook she had found. You had always been secretive about your art, but she had never suspected you were drawing her. She felt embarrassed and exposed, as if you had violated her privacy by capturing her likeness without her permission.
But, as she looked closer at the sketches, she couldn’t deny that they were beautiful. You had captured her in moments of quiet contemplation and fierce determination, as she hunted or slept or simply sat in silence. She saw herself through your eyes, and it was like looking at a different person. Someone strong and graceful and full of life.
Slowly, her anger began to fade, replaced by a strange mix of curiosity and excitement. She is… Your muse and inspiration.
She closed the sketchbook gently, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest. For the first time, she felt truly seen by someone, truly understood. Now she wanted to be your muse. To inspire you in every way she could.
As she walked back to your shared room, she felt a sense of purpose filling her. She would help you create and express the beauty that you saw in the world. And she knew that together you would make something truly amazing.
As Dani walked into your study, she noticed a sketchbook lying on the desk. Curious, she picked it up and began to flip through the pages, not realizing what it was.
As she turned the pages, she saw beautiful sketches of herself. She was depicted reading, laughing, and even sleeping. The sketches were incredibly detailed and showed her in various states of being, capturing her essence in each drawing.
At first, Dani was confused. She didn’t understand why her lover would have a book filled with drawings of her. But as she continued to look at the sketches, she began to feel a warmth in her chest.
She realized that her lover had been secretly capturing her moments of joy and happiness, and it made her heart swell with affection. She felt incredibly touched that you had gone to such great lengths to immortalize her in these beautiful sketches.
Dani felt a tear roll down her cheek as she closed the sketchbook. She felt grateful for the love that she had in her life, and for the beautiful moments that had been captured on paper.
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