#naruto might be more mad about sai in this scene but he's DEFINITELY not a yamato fan for most of this arc either
sessakag · 5 months
I guess I'm the odd woman out because I wasn't really mad with Naruto this update. Sure, his whole Sakura monologue was irritating, but it said a lot more than I think a lot of people read into. I feel like you were very deliberate in the way you detailed the reasons why Naruto "loves" Sakura and how they got together in the first place and it's not the endorsement it seems like. I read and immediately knew why they keep breaking up and why they'll never work out and why Naruto wasn't really expressing love when he talked about her. That wasn't love to me, it was something else. His actions too! Before and after this latest chapter speak far louder than what he sees from his perspective. Naruto said he was tired of Kiba's nasty mouth but it took Hinata for Naruto to finally blow up and I think that speaks volumes, and it reminds me of the Pain arc where Naruto didn't lose his mind until Hinata was hurt, or when he saw all his friends get wrapped up by the Infinite Tsukiyomi but it was when Hinata called out to him that he almost went out there and got caught himself. There's a lot of "underneath the beneath" going on! When I take all of that in, I can't be angry with him. I'm more excited knowing that's what he thinks and when he realizes the truth its going to hit him like a meteor! Even though he's a few months shy of being an adult, he really does still have the mind of child and I'm okay giving him time getting his head on straight. Hinata will certainly help him with that!
I would agree you're the odd woman out, lol, though there were some other commenters that felt the same as you, more contemplative and analytical about the situation 🤔there's a bunch of red flags littered in his monologue, and yes, they were purposefully placed there for a reason😄there's definitely a lot more going on than surface level that might have been missed, but I do understand, it's hard to stomach NaruSaku for me too🤢but it was an important segment for a number of reasons, lol. And you're right I do incorporate a lot of the canon Naruto themes and situations into the story and it's very satisfying for you to peep that, though, I won't say which scene(s) I used this time🤭but yeah, back to the analytics, our perception as humans is a really narrow thing, and it doesn't always reflect reality, we don't always really know how we truly feel until something happens and we're like "oh shit, I didn't know I felt this way". I really do try to bring a human element to my stories and characters and that means contradictory thoughts and behaviors, decision making that makes no sense, being blind to your own hypocrisy while wagging a finger at others, hurting other people just because you yourself are hurt, like humans are flawed, messy creatures and I enjoy that in a story far more than a character that makes all the right decisions, never has an inconsistent thought and always takes the right path. So there's gonna be a lot of moments that are gonna piss people off, lol, me as well, however, I do encourage everyone to look a little deeper🕵🏽‍♀️
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panharmonium · 2 years
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yamato: i’m pleased to meet the both of you!
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You Really Got Me – pilot (Kakashi Hatake x Reader)
(Original title: Stay This Time Around. But this song made me change it.)
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It was supposed to be a short, routine mission, perfect for the team to learn the basics. What he wasn’t expecting was seeing you there, hanging out with some guy. Dealing with those three was already enough for Kakashi, but now he couldn’t stop thinking about what he had seen. Was it a date? Were you now dating some weird, blue-haired punk? Talk about a downgrade…
Though he wasn’t proud of it, he asked Pakkun to follow the two of you and find out what it was all about. He had to know if it was a private or a professional meeting because he couldn’t recall officially breaking up with you. Well, okay, he couldn’t remember the last time you talked either. He hated it when things got confusing. He really did.
A few painfully slow hours later Pakkun finally returned, but the news he brought wasn’t what he had expected to hear. Despite being careful and sneaky, the mysterious guy eventually revealed he knew they were being followed and he didn’t like it at all. What’s even worse is that you knew Pakkun so you definitely knew he was behind this silly spying mission. This meant he now had to talk to you about what happened.
Finding you wasn’t hard, all he had to do was looking for the highest building in the town. For some strange reason, you had always loved heights and jumping off tall buildings. But when he laid his eyes on you for the first time in a while, Kakashi didn’t know what to do. He had just realized how much he missed you, but he couldn’t shake off the feeling that the mysterious blue-haired guy was your boyfriend after all. Was he also here with you?
“I didn’t know you turned into a stalker,” you suddenly noted loudly, making it clear you knew he was there. Letting out a sigh, he walked over to you with his hands in the pockets of his green leather jacket. “How long were you planning to hide there?”
“I wanted to make sure you were alone. I don’t feel like getting into a fight, to be honest,” Kakashi explained as he scratched the back of his neck.
At first, you looked at him with raised eyebrows, not sure why he said this. But then he could almost see the moment your brain finally put the pieces of the puzzle together. “Oh, so Pakkun already told you we had noticed him following us and that Grimmjow got pretty mad.”
Well, now that he had a name, he officially hated him. “Grimmjow, huh? Is he your new boyfriend?” he asked as cheerfully as he could, even faking a smile under the mask. Or was it too much? Was he way too obvious?
“Are you jealous?” you asked teasingly.
Okay, so it was obvious. Still… “No, only a little curious.”
“Answering your question, no, he’s not my boyfriend, only an arrancar friend I like to train with these days. You see, not long ago I met a wizard called Bruno in Reverse London,” you began to tell him as you sat on the concrete railing of the rooftop. “These two are so much alike that now I want to convince Grimmjow to visit him to see if they’re related.”
You were sitting too close to the edge. He knew you were perfectly safe and you wouldn’t get hurt even if you fell, but his instincts told him he should make sure it didn’t happen. Without thinking much about it, he stepped closer and put his hands on your hips. “I see,” he said quietly as he thought about what you told him.
Suddenly a wicked little smile appeared on your lips then you grabbed the front of his shirt to pull him even closer. “Also, if it was only up to me, I’d be dating this idiot in front of me. Too bad he told me to fuck off during a fight.”
Wow, you knew how to kill the mood. “That was harsh, I know. I’m really sorry, Y/N.” One second passed after another, each feeling longer than the previous one. You were still mad at him and this had to be the reason why you remained silent. “Hey, you know me, I would never intentionally hurt your feelings,” he pointed out.
“I can’t remember you calling to apologize, though.”
“I wanted to, I promise, but I kinda forgot.” And it wasn’t even a lie, he really had forgotten to do it.
“What, you got lost on the path of life again?” you asked surprisingly calmly. Kakashi loved to be this close to you again. So close that if he wasn’t wearing his mask, he would’ve kissed you already. But just when he actually began to consider doing it, you let go of his shirt. “Anyway, what are you doing in Karakura Town?”
With an annoyed grunt, Kakashi took a few steps back and stuffed his hands back into his pockets. A cold shower would probably help a lot more but a little distance would hopefully do the job for now. “We’re on a mission with my team of students. Pretty basic stuff,” he added with a shrug.
“Your students? You let some brats pass?” you asked in the company of an incredulous laugh. When he nodded, you suddenly fell silent then let out a quiet whistle. “Well, good luck to them. They’ll need it.”
There were many things he wanted to say but he didn’t know where to begin. A part of him was dying to ask you to stick around this time so you could fix your relationship because despite completely forgetting to apologize, he still cared a lot about you. In the end, he chose a more subtle approach. “Are you working on anything now?”
Your answer turned out to be a good start because you said, “Nah, I’m on an extended vacation.”
“Hey, shut up or they’ll hear us, idiot!”
You both turned toward the source of the sound but couldn’t see anything. But you certainly weren’t alone there and Kakashi recognized that voice right away. “And here they are,” he noted as he let out a sigh. “Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, come out, we know you’re hiding over there!”
The three kids came forward and stopped in front of the two of you. Kakashi had been so focused on you that he didn’t even notice them before. While Sasuke looked completely unimpressed as if he had been dragged into this against his will, Sakura looked guilty, and Naruto acted like being busted wasn’t his fault. In a way it was true this time, after all it wasn’t his voice they heard.
“I told them not to do this but they didn’t listen!” Sakura quickly pointed out. Great, she was coming up with excuses to save herself.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw you roll your eyes at her. “And yet here you are,” you informed her with a mocking grin. “Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, guys, I’m Y/N. I’m gonna be honest: I never thought he would even let anyone pass that stupid bell test.” Oh, no, you weren’t mocking Sakura, you were mocking him.
“Did you only accept this mission to meet your girlfriend?!” Naruto demanded angrily as he pointed at the two of you. Shaking his head, Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is so unfair!”
“We met by accident,” you pointed out before he could scold the boy himself. “But I can’t deal with kids when I’m hungry so–” You stopped right then and pulled out your phone to take a look at the screen. Whatever the message was, you weren’t too happy to read it. “Where was I? Oh, yeah, why don’t we go and eat something?”
As you jumped off the railing and began to walk toward them, Kakashi began to count down in his mind. It was only a matter of seconds until–
“YES! YES, YES, YES, let’s eat some ramen, I’m starving!” Naruto yelled enthusiastically with a wide grin on his face.
Laughing, you pulled out your phone and quickly typed and sent a text. It soon turned out it was for Kakashi as his phone beeped right away and you even gave him a meaningful look. “I like this kid. There’s a great place nearby, I texted you the address. See you all there in… I don’t know, maybe fifteen minutes? I have to take care of something first.”
After Naruto, Sakura, and even Sasuke agreed, Kakashi had no choice but to do the same. Then he noticed you were walking backward, your eyes fixed on the edge of the rooftop. He hated it when you did what you were planning to do. Such a show-off. “For real?” he asked quietly.
You winked at him in response then said, “See you guys later then!”
And with that, you began to sprint to the edge and eventually jumped off the building and disappeared in the form of black smoke. All three ran to the railing without hesitation and tried to figure out what had just happened.
“Don’t worry, she’s fine. I’ll explain on the way,” he told the kids before he began to walk toward the door. Because this was how normal people left places. Either this or at least teleporting without the stupid theatrics.
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I’m not entirely sure about this one yet. But the reader is a pretty powerful and badass creature, a perfect match for the equally powerful and badass Kakashi. Yes, I mentioned Bruno and Grimmjow so if I continue they might show up later. I have a scene in my mind in which the reader takes Sakura to Hueco Mundo where she can train to get stronger.
Update: I continued this one.
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12, 14 and 18☺️
Thanks for asking <333
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
There's lots to be honest, but something I still can't believe I haven't written is a horse riding au. Like, that's half a lie bc I have a few thousand words written for a Simon/Baz horse rider au that I might never finish, but I'd really like to write one for Naruto. But I always decide not to because I don't know all the words and I hate googling stuff while I write. But one day! Surely!
14. If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
Honestly? Kirk and Spock. They'd find a way to get us out of there. And if not, it would at least be cool to meet them.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
You really had to pick such a difficult question... I can never decide on any particular line/scene. So I opened up The sun within me and looked at the chapters and thought I'd pick something that could be interesting to comment on. And in this case, it's a bit about how Naruto, Sasuke, and Charasuke have changed and their different relationships with each other. So! Here's a bit of commentary for a scene in chapter 40 (under the cut bc it's fairly long lol):
[For clarification, this is right after Naruto and Sasuke come back home from Sasuke's mission where he fought Menma and Menma then disappeared. I'm skipping ahead to the part where they arrive at the orphanage and Charasuke is waiting in their room (Naruto's POV). My comments will be written in bold text.]
The clone’s memories dropped into his head like a puff of smoke, and he groaned out loud, making a face. Sasuke gave him a concerned look, but Naruto sighed and shook his head.
“Let’s go,” he said, feeling very reluctant as he grabbed Sasuke’s arm.
He supposed he could have teleported them somewhere else, but Charasuke had seemed prepared to wait until they returned. Maybe Sasuke could deal with him while Naruto sort of… drifted away and hid in the kitchen.
Naruto is acting very childishly in this scene, mostly because he's still wary of Charasuke, and also because he's just spent two days in Sasuke's company but pretending to be Menma, which means no cuddles/kisses or anything. He's kind of clingy, isn't he? Haha. And also, he doesn't really want to admit to himself that Menma disappearing for Charasuke is the parallel to his worst fear, that Sasuke will disappear.
“Where is he?” Charasuke demanded the second they arrived in the bedroom.
“Ah, Sasuke, maybe you can explain?” he suggested, inching towards the door, but Sasuke nailed him to the floor with a single glare.
“He could be anywhere,” Sasuke said, continuing to glare until he was sure that Naruto wouldn’t escape. “I didn’t manage to get a good look through the portal.”
“The portal?” Charasuke seemed to waver, arms wrapped around himself as he looked between them. “Tell me what happened.”
You can tell that Sasuke has really started to care about Charasuke here. He's not entirely open with him yet, but he recognizes a lot of himself in Charasuke and he puts himself in Menma's position, thinking about when he left the village and Naruto was left behind. He doesn't want Charasuke to hurt the way he knows Naruto was hurting back then.
While Sasuke described the mission, including what he called ‘Naruto’s dumb interference’, Naruto dug through his closet for the shirt he would make Sasuke wear. He was absolutely sure that Sasuke would argue about it – especially since he’d sent a clone to Akatsuki and not himself – but if he talked fast enough and relented that it would be enough if Sasuke slept in it for one night…
“He really is gone, then,” Charasuke said, his voice toneless. “I’ll never see him again.”
“I’m sure you’ll see him again,” Naruto said, contemplating the pros and cons of a t-shirt versus long sleeves. “Whoever grabbed him and hauled him off probably just wanted to keep him out of Sasuke’s reach. He gets awfully strong when he’s irritated.”
Naruto is definitely acting a bit heartless here, again, because he doesn't want to think about his own feelings or feel forced to recognize that Charasuke is a person Sasuke cares about, that he should also care about. I think he can get a bit closed off when there's too much going on in his own life, and that makes it hard to focus on other people, especially since he still wants to leave the other dimension and doesn't want to think about Sasuke caring about his family here - meaning Sasuke might want to stay.
When he turned back from the closet, he found Sasuke giving him a disappointed look.
“You’re taking this lightly,” he said, glancing at the shirt in Naruto’s hand and apparently deciding to ignore it.
“Well, unless we figure out how to dimension-hop after him, I don’t think there’s a lot we can do.”
Now that he was back to being himself, all Naruto really wanted was to curl up in bed with Sasuke and not think about the outside world at all. Charasuke, on the other hand, seemed on the verge of tears.
“And what would you have done if I was the one who disappeared?” Sasuke asked, an icy note to the question.
“How would I know? It hasn’t happened yet.”
A bit of foreshadowing lol. Except Sasuke is the one left reacting when Naruto leaves, but Naruto really is trying to keep a tight grip in his emotions here and absolutely not think about the fact that Sasuke could have disappeared with Menma, and he wouldn't have known what happened to him.
“You could have let me follow after him and we’d know where he went.”
Naruto straightened up, face hardening.
“No, you might have known where he went, but the rest of us wouldn’t. Besides, he was trying to kill you. I went through too much trouble to keep you alive to just let you jump into some unknown enemy territory.”
As you can see, putting a lot of emphasis on Naruto's fear of losing Sasuke again.
Silent tears now streaming down his cheeks, Charasuke sat down on the bed and clenched his fists over his lap. It was obvious that he didn’t like what they were saying, but Naruto pushed his feelings of sympathy aside. Sasuke was his top priority, and that hadn’t changed simply because there was another one of him now.
“I told him I never want to see him again,” Charasuke sniffled, and it was really disturbing to watch someone with Sasuke’s face – well, a version of Sasuke, really – crying out in heartache.
Meanwhile poor Charasuke is having a background breakdown. To Naruto, it's hard to see a version of Sasuke like this. Charasuke is coming face to face with the realization that he's A: definitely not over Menma, B: he really handled things badly and never even stopped to think about why Menma was doing things.
“If he survives, you can apologize,” Naruto told him, trying to sound comforting. “Hell knows Sasuke said a lot worse stuff to me.”
To his great surprise, Sasuke went over to sit beside Charasuke, frowning as his hand twitched to reach out to him.
“This isn’t about you and me, Naruto,” he said, settling for an awkward hand on Charasuke’s shoulder. “And it could be our fault, anyway.”
“You know, Sasuke,” Naruto said as the initial shock wore off, “that sounds scarily like you’ve started caring about other people.”
Naruto and Sasuke having a small fight about Charasuke... Naruto knew Sasuke cared about Charasuke, but this is when he realizes that Charasuke is becoming a person that Sasuke wants to protect. And for Sasuke it's a small step towards opening his heart for more people than just Naruto. Sasuke is honestly mad at Naruto for taking things so lightly, for treating this other dimension as something that doesn't affect them. Besides, I really wanted Charasuke to be comforted by Sasuke haha.
Charasuke kept crying, and the look Sasuke directed at him clearly said what he thought of Naruto right then.
“Moron. I care about other people, just not anyone in our own dimension.”
Naruto knew that to be a lie, but decided not to say anything. Having Sasuke admitting to something like having feelings was a huge enough step on its own. Instead he sighed, grabbed something to sleep in, and headed for the door.
“I’ll just sleep on a couch,” he mumbled.
Does Sasuke care about anyone back in their own dimension? Maybe, but you wouldn't really see him act like this with canon Sakura, not before they left for the RTN dimension at least. It's a big thing that Sasuke is starting to voice his feelings out loud, and acknowledge them more. Naruto is feeling jealous actually, because he wanted to finally have Sasuke to himself, and also he feels guilty for being jealous, and also he's hoping that if he pouts enough Sasuke will comfort him instead of Charasuke lol. Not always the most mature person, but who is?
Coward, Kurama accused as he headed towards the living room, but Naruto was too tired to argue with him. Something about Charasuke always rubbed him wrong, and maybe it had to do with how he displayed his emotions openly and so obviously thought of himself as weak. If Sasuke wanted to handle it, fine. Naruto didn’t have the patience for people who sat around crying, and a small part of him didn’t like that he had such problems with caring about Menma, either. Menma had everything, a loving family, a Sasuke who cared about him, but he was still feared and treated differently. Even in this world people treated the bijuu as something dangerous, and he wondered how much of the whole story of them losing consciousness and turning into beasts was true, and how much was justification to treat them badly.
It's a bit of 'my problems are worse than yours so you shouldn't be so upset'. In the movie, we really got to see how much it hurt Naruto to see this other world where he had everything he wanted, and then acknowledge that it wasn't real. Even if he can recognize that the bijuu were still treated badly here, he can't quite make peace with the way Charasuke and Menma can't appreciate what they have. It makes it really hard for him to sympathize with them.
Am I supposed to feel touched? Kurama snorted as Naruto rearranged pillows into an acceptable bed on one couch. You didn’t care much for us either before you figured out the truth.
No, but everything was supposed to be the opposite here, right? Well, this part isn’t the opposite, it’s the same.
Between one heartbeat and the next, Naruto blinked his eyes open in front of Kurama’s open cage. There was water sloshing around his ankles, and everything was clouded in some sort of yellowish haze.
“Oh, come on,” he complained, but Kurama tsk’ed at him with his head supported by one giant paw.
“I hate to admit it, but you might be onto something, kid.”
“Uh-huh, well I don’t know about you but I want to sleep.”
Kurama reached out and poked him in the stomach with a sharp claw, eyes narrowing to slits. Even if they were friends, Naruto didn’t feel like testing the limits of that friendship with those claws so close to him.
“Sometimes you say things in such a stupid voice that I miss how important it might be. Now shut up and listen,” Kurama growled, three of his tails swishing angrily behind him. “This world is supposed to be opposite, right?”
“I don’t know, but everything seems opposite.”
“Let’s pretend we know it’s true. So, everything and everybody is the opposite more or less. But, the prejudice against the bijuu is still there. And we were told that it was only recently that they became unable to control. So, where does that leave us?”
Naruto pouted, not bothering to answer. Obviously Kurama already knew what he wanted to say.
“I think it means that anything that is the same, is something that somebody has tampered with.”
I was going to do more with this, but it was also a bit of 'what sort of theories would they have for what was really going on?' and this one is accurate in a way, because Hagoromo did tamper with the bijuu which in turn made them become feared and badly treated. So it's definitely hinting at there being someone behind the scenes manipulating the bijuu.
Kurama rolled his eyes, sighing so deeply that Naruto felt the wind from it tear at his clothes.
“Think, boy! If this is a mirror-world or whatever, people shouldn’t be afraid of me and my siblings. But they are, and it only started a while ago. Obviously someone made us go crazy. And Menma has me inside him, but a crazy version of me, so wouldn’t it be logical that whoever did something to the me inside Menma, could also do something to Menma?”
He thought about it, hard enough that his head started hurting. Sasuke would probably know, but he was busy with Charasuke.
“I guess,” he said eventually, huffing a little. “But even if you’re right, it doesn’t help us figuring out who’s behind it all.”
“Does it matter?” Kurama scoffed, and then his lips spread in a terribly evil grin. “We’re going to kill them anyway, aren’t we?”
“This is why you have such a bad reputation,” Naruto sighed.
Kurama only laughed.
I really love Kurama... His and Naruto's weird friendship gives me life. His solutions to problems are always very straightforward heh.
Well, that's that :3
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
OMGOMGOMG possibly Kakashi head-cannon collection? He is the love of my life (lmao don’t tell my bf that)
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Your secrets safe with me he’s my love too😂
Kakashi Headcanons Collection
What He Looks For In A S/O~
• A reader, they don’t have to read Icha Icha (bonus points if you did) but someone who appreciates a good book
• Someone laid back and not very high maintenance
• I see him wanting a shinobi S/O cause he needs them to be to take care of themselves or he’ll worry too much
• he’ll worry anyways
• Someone who understands his pain and won’t shy away from him when he’s going through a rough patch
• Someone who is good with words, like say something sweet and he’s metlinggg
• A person with considerate personality traits
• He would like an S/O who’s willing to try new things and adventures
• Someone who would take things slowly
• Someone who could honestly make him laugh
• He’s DadKashi he’s going to want someone good with kids
• To be frank, he would probably want a relatively stable S/O so that in his mind there’s no chance of them ending up like his father
• He wants companionship so someone who’s not distant and who wouldn’t mind him being around all the time
• I really can’t see him with a tsundere S/O, he needs to see that his partner loves him as much as he loves them
Relationship With Kashi Stuff~
• Please do domestic stuff (Sending him off to work with a kiss, a note in his lunchbox, kissing him when he gets home) he will be near tears every time
• TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK™ (whether it’s kicking butt, making dinner, or teaching (raising) Team 7)
• You probably won’t notice moving in with each other until you look up like ‘holy crap I haven’t been to my apartment in like 2 weeks?’
• Read with him or read to him, and you will have his HEART
• He’s not clingy per se, but he loves to be in your presence whenever he can
• Will take you out on dates once a week EVERY WEEK (Sorry Tsunade-sama, I have a date then, but I’ll leave right after?)
• Dating Kakashi means you’re now honorary rivals with Gai (who knows Kashi better, who can make him laugh most etc.)
• Pick up line wars 24/7, the loser has to do the other’s chores Kakashi wins
• Okay, but Kakashi never had a childhood, so make a list of everything he never got to do and you slowly complete them together
• He’s such a sweetheart like, surprise, he’s so sensitive
• Get’s so flustered seeing you in his clothes, he temporarily shuts down
• He’s given up trying to take back his mask whenever you’re wearing it
• Okay, we all know this silver-haired hottie is suave, but he is SMOOTH, he will 100% find ways to have you blush whenever possible, he is the CEO of leaving you hot and bothered
• Made you your own area in the Hokage office as a hint that he needed your company
• Has never forgotten an important date (he uses his Sharingan on the calendar)
• He’s fought demons and other crazy villains, but will still be terrified of you on your period (he’s brave tho he’ll just bring a lot of peace offerings)
• He heard you refer to him as DadKashi in front of Team 7 and/or your friends and just about loses his mind
• When you first see his face without his mask you’re probably pissed cuz WHY would he hide that beauty from the world?! it’s for the greater good hun
How To Lose/Annoy Him~
• Being insensitive/ignorant about things like loss or mental illness
• Constantly distracting him from his duties or hobbies
• Being rude or uncompassionate
• Being willing to abandon people or being self-centered you SCUM
• He always makes time for you, so he’d be a bit bothered if they didn’t put forth any effort to spend time with him
• Little pranks are harmless, but things that make him scared for your wellbeing or stealing his mask are big fat NO
• Being reckless just because, being a shinobi is already dangerous with would you play with death like that??
• Being lazy, Kakashi at his core is really something of a go-go-go person, he doesn’t want to just do anything all the time
Soft Kakashi Things~
• Kakashi is such a softie omg
• He likes to fall asleep last just so he can tell you how much he loves you and you saved him while you’re asleep
• If you’re having a bad day, he’ll drop everything (if possible) to hold you and be there for you in every way you need
• Definitely has Sai draw a small pic of you so he can carry it around and/or put in the Hokage office
• Mission dates are a thing like imagine flirting with Kakashi while destroying your opponents (so romantic)
• He’s big on practical gifts. If he notices you’re running low on shuriken? Expect a box of them from him
• He’ll read a particular *wild* Icha Icha quote to you just to make you flustered (bonus points for him if you’re in public)
• His students question you all the time like how did you end up with their lonely, pervy sensei?
• Will sweep you off your feet for no reason other than he likes to hold you and carry you
Random Kashi Facts~
• Kakashi’s love language is words of affirmation like he craves hearing that you love him and the like
• He hums and sings around the house or whenever he’s bored or preoccupied
• After having eating fish out of necessity day after day he prefers not eating it if possible
• He will often fall asleep a good while after he actually lays down because he enjoys debriefing himself of everything that happened during the day
• Actually sleeps really deep when he’s next to you, otherwise, the smallest sound can wake him up
• He likes to put notes or letters from you in his Icha Icha books so he can read them whenever and no one will peak cuz ew, Icha Icha
• In all honesty, Gai is a common factor in why he’s so late everywhere, but it’s mostly him walking around and taking in the sights like a nostalgic old man
• In the episode where Sakura and Naruto transformed into kids and called Kashi and old man, giving him an identity crisis is actually common. His hair color and the fact that you can’t see his face make some kids think he’s old
• Sometimes when he can’t sleep he’ll find a random tree and fall asleep in it (he’s a strange one)
• He lost his newest Icha Icha book when he was Hokage and very nearly (thanks to Shikamaru) called a citywide search party
Little Things~
• Place to kiss- Your temple, it feels really intimate to him and he’s so tall it’s an easy place for him
• Way to hug- Kakashi loves those giant bear hugs where he just envelopes you like you’re basically one with him now
•’Thing to do with you- He really loves reading with you, whether it’s the same book, or you’re just both sitting next to each other reading
• Type of date- Although your most common date is a mission date (lol), his favorite is being able to take you to a nice restaurant and then on a walk around the city
This or That:
• He’s a winter person actually, he loves being cuddled up with you and blankets, and the abundance of hot drinks
• He’s a morning person because he’s been waking up early since he was a child, and doesn’t really know how to enjoy sleeping anymore (but if that wasn’t the case he’d be a night owl)
• Loves both cooking for you and being cooked for he puts Bobby Flay to shame honestly
• He spends all his time reading obviously and if his S/O is a writer or he’ll be soooo excited and will read everything they put out
Conflict Happenings~
• He knows disagreements are a normal part of relationships (in moderation of course) so if there was a real problem, he wouldn’t shy away from it
• He won’t raise his voice or take a tone with you, he doesn’t feel the need to, but he will definitely get his point across
• To his fault, he might throw in a slight or cutting remark here and there but he will regret it the second your expression changes
• He’s a real go with the flow kind of guy so if he realizes that something is his fault, he will correct it ASAP
• If he notices you’re getting really worked up, he’ll just hug you until you calm down and can speak coherently but at that point it’s like ‘what was I mad about??’
• If his S/O is headstrong it’ll probably bring that side out in him, even if temporarily
• If it’s a minor disagreement he’ll probably say something funny to diffuse the situation
• He would rather die than argue in public, to him it’s a private thing and he hates causing a scene
Modern Kashi~
• I can see him as more of a club/extracurricular activities leader than a teacher
• He’s really close to those kids in his group and probably sheds a few proud DadKashi tears at their graduation
• That one fine teacher that all the students are thirsting over
• If not a teacher he’d probably be an elite CIA agent or a higher ranking FBI officer
• He has so many dogs like he sees a stray and how could he possibly give them up??
• He’d probably walk around Playboy Magazines just cause he can
• At one point he dyed his hair black cause he thought it’d look more ‘normal’ but he HATED it
• He likes plants but he’s so bad at taking care of them?? He can remember all of his dogs’ names and their food preferences but can’t remember to water a plant
• His house is so clean he’s been doing all his household chores since he was a child
• He definitely met Gai in elementary school and they never parted, even going on to become college roommates never again
• Gai probably barges in Kakashi’s classroom so often he’s most likely considered the co-leader/teacher
• Kakashi has definitely gotten drunk on school nights before but he’s such an in-control drunk no one ever noticed
• Kakashi was my first Naruto love and my first husband. BACK OFF
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southsidestory · 4 years
Hey! I LOVE all of your writing! Thanks for sharing your work with us! I saw that you like kakasakura... any chance you would ever write for them? 🙏☺️
Thank you so much, nonny! I’m so glad you enjoy my writing.
As for KakaSaku... well, there’s definitely a chance I’d write for them, because I already have. 😅 I’ve just never posted it.
But since you sent me this sweet ask, I’ll share the first scene of a KakaSaku fic I’ve been toying with. FYI even though Sakura is a chuunin and this is in the period when Naruto is traveling with Jiraiya, Sakura is 18. Because I said so, and this fanfiction land, where my rules are the only rules lmao
Kakashi’s mission ran over. It turned out that quietly assassinating a samurai lord constantly surrounded by underlings wasn’t as simple as he’d expected. The assassination itself was almost absurdly easy, but getting Lord Akinobu alone long enough to do it wasn’t. He ended up spending almost two weeks in the Land of Iron before an opportunity presented itself.
The trip back to Konoha was uneventful. He should report to the Hokage right away, but he felt a shower and nap were in order first. After he woke up, he watered Mr. Ukki, who had withered a little in his absence. Kakashi suspected that his house plant was indestructible, but two weeks was a long time even for it to go without attention.
He would ask someone to look after Mr. Ukki when he went on missions, but he didn’t have anyone. His neighbors resented him for coming and going at all hours, and his friends were… well, kept at arm’s length. Which was how he liked it. But unfortunately his independence meant poor Mr. Ukki sometimes went without water for a while.
Kakashi meant to go directly to the Hokage tower, but he spotted Gai buying watame from a street vendor and couldn’t resist getting two for himself.
“You only did that to one-up me,” Gai said sourly.
Kakashi continued on, cotton candy in hand. The blue one was the same soft shade as the sky overhead, and the pink was almost the exact color of Sakura’s hair. Like the smooth inside of a conch shell, or the cherry blossoms she was named for.
He hadn’t seen Sakura in three or four months, and he wondered how she was faring. He heard about her occasionally from his fellow jounin. What a skilled kunoichi she’d turned out to be, with the promise of becoming as strong as the Hokage herself someday.
Not much surprised Kakashi, but Sakura did.
He handed the blue cotton candy to a passing child, whose mother immediately yanked it out of his hands and glared daggers at Kakashi. The little boy wailed and reached for the spun sugar treat while his mother lectured him about not taking food from strangers.
Kakashi ate the pink one as he meandered his way toward the Hokage tower. By the time he arrived, he’d finished the cotton candy. He pulled his mask back up over his face, dropped the plastic stick in the lobby trash can, and went up the stairs to Tsunade’s office.
“You’re late,” she said, without looking up from her desk.
Kakashi leaned against the wall, tempted to pull Icha Icha out of his kunai pouch, but Tsunade’s temper and monstrous strength were a formidable combination. He’d like to keep his nose unbroken.
“It was hard to get Akinobu alone.”
Tsunade snorted. “You were the youngest shinobi to be promoted to chuunin in the history of Konoha, and you know a thousand jutsu. You’re creative enough to kill a measly samurai in a timely manner.”
Kakashi didn’t argue. Fighting with the Hokage was an exercise in futility.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I ought to dock your pay.”
He shrugged. “If you want.”
He had a nice nest egg set away, thanks to his thriftiness and over ten years of A-rank and S-rank mission rewards.
Tsunade sighed. “I expect your report on my desk by twelve tomorrow. And I do mean twelve in the afternoon, not midnight.”
Kakashi nodded with all the deference he could muster. “As you say, Lady Hokage.”
She didn’t look like she believed him, even though he did plan to turn in his mission report on time.
Someone knocked on the door, and Tsunade called, “Come in.”
It was Sakura, carrying a stack of binders and looking very harassed. “I got those files you asked for, shishou—”
She stopped dead, green eyes wide as she looked up at him.
“Kakashi-sensei!” Sakura’s words were ruthless and so painfully high that he almost winced. 
She hurried to set the binders on Tsunade’s desk, then turned back to him.
"Hey, Sakura. Long time no see."
The surprise fell from her expression and something harder took its place. 
"Yeah," she said. "Been busy?" 
"I was on a long mission," Kakashi said. 
She raised one rosy eyebrow. "Oh? Four months long?" 
Apparently Sakura hadn't grown out of her passive aggressive streak.
"Two weeks,” Tsunade said. “And it shouldn't have taken that long.”
Sakura smirked. "Are you losing your touch, Kakashi-sensei?" 
He laughed a little. "Don't get too big for your britches. I can still take you."
She opened her mouth, no doubt to toss some retort at him, but Tsunade beat her to it.
“Don’t be so sure. You might be surprised by what she’s accomplished.”
“With a proper teacher,” Sakura said sweetly.
Kakashi scratched the back of his head. “Don’t blame me. If any students besides Team 7 had ever passed the bell test, I would have had more practice before you guys.”
“Please. You didn’t have any problems teaching Sa—” She paused for a moment, and in that brief silence Kakashi heard everything she wasn’t saying. She shook it off and went on. “You taught Sasuke fine. Naruto too sometimes, even though he was dead-last in our class.”
Kakashi canted his head. “Sasuke and Naruto were focused on becoming better shinobi. You were too busy nursing a school-girl crush.”
That was a low blow, but he wasn’t going to take all of the blame here. Sakura was as responsible for her lack of growth as a genin as he was. 
She clenched her fists at her sides. “So I wasn’t worth your time? Is that it?”
“I didn’t say that—”
“You might as well have!” She took a few steps toward him, glaring ferociously enough to intimidate a lesser man. Too bad for her he’d seen worse than a spitting mad chuunin. “At least you’re finally honest enough to admit it. Not that you haven’t already made it astoundingly clear how weak you thought I was.”
Tsunade stood up and put her hands on her desk. “If you’re going to brawl, take it outside.”
Sakura’s chest was heaving with ragged breaths, her gaze fierce. She barely topped five feet and might weigh a hundred pounds soaking wet, but size didn’t mean much for a kunoichi of her caliber. Especially a girl trained by one of the legendary Sannin.
“Fine,” she said. “Let’s go to the training grounds.”
“Come back and challenge me when you’re a jounin.”
He ruffled her hair, and Sakura smacked his hand away.
“Don’t treat me like a child, Kakashi!”
That brought him up short in a way that her temper tantrum hadn’t. She never called him by his name alone.
“Then don’t act like one.” He looked to Tsunade. “Am I free to go?”
She waved at him vaguely. “Get out of here before Sakura kills you.”
Kakashi took the shortest route home, barely hearing the hustle and bustle of the village around him. Mrs. Kurosawa, one of his neighbors, berated him for something on his way up the stairs to his apartment, but he didn’t bother to listen. He locked his door behind him, took off his hitai-ate, pulled down his mask, and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. He should read, maybe watch TV. Reruns of his favorite soap opera would start airing in an hour, and he needed to catch up before watching the new episode. Immersing himself in Marriage Contract would help him wind down from his overdrawn mission.
And his fight with Sakura. Which, if he was honest with himself, bothered him more.
He shouldn’t have called her feelings for Sasuke a school-girl crush. He’d watched Sakura’s childish infatuation grow into love, and diminishing it was downright cruel.
Some people would say that thirteen was too young to understand love, but Kakashi knew better. Shinobi learned hard lessons of the heart long before other children. Rin had loved him, and Obito had loved Rin. Kakashi didn’t know who he’d loved. He lost them both before he could figure it out.
Maybe if their team could bring Sasuke home, things would turn out better for Sakura.
He hoped so.
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hermadnessmacwrites · 3 years
A Game of Puzzles (Making the Pieces Fit) Chapter 4
Summary: With the war over and Sasuke home again, Sakura is more hopeful for Team 7’s future than she has been in a long time. She’s quickly disappointed to find that nothing in the Village fits quite like it used to—not her old bedroom, not her clothes, and definitely not Team 7. Join Sakura as she scrambles to understand her place in this new team dynamic.
If she has a place there at all.
It takes three dorks a painfully long time after moving in together to realize that they all belong together.
It’s the first time Sakura remembers October 10th ever being this...jovial.
The streets are always crowded this time of year, but the laughter seems oddly out of place. Gone are the mournful monochromatic clothes she’s used to. Everything she looks at—the clothes, the storefronts, the people—is so bright she has to work to avoid squinting.
“Oooh, Sakura, look, there’s a dango stand!”
Brightest of all is Naruto. He’s actually wearing less orange than usual, having been convinced into a pair of dark tan pants, but his expression more than makes up for the loss. Each street vendor and colored lantern is taken in with equal amounts of awe. He looks like a kid at his first birthday party, which…
...it’s a painfully accurate description. Sakura tries not to think about it.
“Didn’t you just eat like five bowls of ramen?” she teases. Naruto opens his mouth and closes it, looking for an excuse, but Sakura elbows him lightly in the side. “Just kidding, let’s go grab some. I heard they were going to add a new flavor today, too.”
Naruto’s eyes widen comically. “For me? Really?”
“Of course it’s for you,” Sasuke cuts in from behind them. Walking three across really isn’t possible in these crowds, but, like most genin teams, Team 7 feels most comfortable navigating public spaces in a loose triangle formation. “It’s not like Konoha has anything else to celebrate today, right?”
The pointed question isn’t lost on Naruto, who visibly deflates. Sakura spins to glare at Sasuke and catches a flash of a frown as his gaze drops to the pavement. It’s not Naruto that Sasuke is annoyed with, but that’s exactly who he’s hurting with his bitterness. It doesn’t take much for Naruto to swing to extreme sadness when he’s this happy, which Sasuke knows. She had hoped he would mind his temper today.
“Hey.” Sakura draws Naruto’s hand into hers and gives him her best smile. “Why don’t you take Mr. Killjoy and find a spot to sit for a bit. I’ll bring the dango over, okay?”
Naruto’s smile starts small, but quickly grows as she holds his hand.
“Yeah, I’ll keep him out of trouble,” he agrees, “Could you grab a couple different flavors?”
“As many as I can carry,” she assures him. Sakura sends one last pleading look at Sasuke before they disappear. She’s pretty sure he rolls his eyes at her, which isn’t exactly a promise to behave, but it does mean that he got the message. Probably. Hopefully.
Once Naruto is out of view, Sakura takes a quick second to get her emotions back in check. Sasuke’s right. The Village’s abrupt one eighty in its treatment of Naruto grates her nerves if she lets herself think about it for too long. They’d gone from disdain to reverence in the span of six months. Technically this is a festival celebrating the end of the war, but there’s been a fair amount of Uzumaki branded treats and well-wishes from strangers as well.
At least she had apologized.
A couple deep breaths later, Sakura’s pushing through the crowds towards the stand. There’s a line forming, but the vendor calls Sakura forward as soon as he sees her. Embarrassed, Sakura ducks her head in a small apology to the people in line as she moves past them. She doesn’t want to make more of a scene than she already is, and she really wants to get back to her team as soon as she can.
“Could I get two Hanami dango, a mitarashi dango, and a”—she cranes her neck to get a better look at the name of the new flavor from the poster on the side of the cart—“and one Uzumaki dango, please?”
“Absolutely! Would you like a Team 7 dango as well?”
“Oh!” There’s nothing about a Team 7 dango on the sign. Is that actually a thing? Did he make that up when he saw her? “Um, yes, please. Thank you.”
By the time Sakura’s done counting out her coins, the dango are being shoved towards her. She scrambles to put her money pouch away and grab her sweets without holding up the line any longer. Four of the dango end up in one hand while a white, pink, and orange dango ends up in the other. It takes her a second to realize that this is supposed to be the Team 7 dango. The anger kicks in a second later.
To be fair to the vendor, she’s never actually seen blue dango before. Then again, she’s never seen a red habanero dango before today, and that’s definitely one of the flavors on the Uzumaki stick. Choosing the white dango for Kakashi feels like a dig at Sasuke. Sakura bites the orange dumpling off the stick and chews furiously. There. Now it just looks like a partially eaten Hanami dumpling.
That “Team 7” roll better not be on the actual menu. For the vendor’s sake.
Sakura finds Naruto and Sasuke sitting on top of one of the tables in an eating area, of all places. She has no idea who’s idea that was. It’s an extremely rude thing to do with so many people looking for seats, but Sakura doesn’t really want to be joined by the type of people who are deterred by her teammates’ antics right now.
Naruto spots her first and starts waving wildly—as if she could have missed the pair of them. Sasuke turns to see who has caught Naruto’s attention. When he recognizes her, he pulls one of his legs off the bench and onto the table so she’ll have a place to sit. Naruto follows his lead, pulling both his feet off the bench and into a criss-cross position. So they were trying to deter people from sitting with them.
She’s not even mad.
“One mitarashi dango, one hanami dango, and one Uzumaki dango,” she declares, handing over her loot. Naruto cheers, promptly digging into the hanami stick as soon as it’s in his hand. He’s two dumplings deep before Sakura’s even fully seated.
Sasuke’s eyebrow raises as she nibbles on her own dango. “You got two hanami dango for yourself?”
“Uh, one of them is for you?” she tries. At Sasuke’s unimpressed expression, she relents, “Fine. Yes, I got two hanami for myself.” He still looks skeptical for some reason, so she tries for classic misdirection, “You might actually want to try the red dumpling from the Uzumaki dango, though, I’m pretty sure it’s spicy.”
“It is?” Naruto pauses his munching on the mitarashi stick to take a bite of the red dumpling before recoiling immediately. “Ack—it is! Why is it spicy?”
Sakura laughs. “I think the colors represent your family. The orange and yellow are pretty self-explanatory, so the red is probably for your mom. For the Uzumaki hair, I’m guessing. I don’t know why they didn’t choose cherry or something, though—that would have gone better with the rest of the flavors.”
“Her nickname was the ‘Red-hot Habanero,’ so that’s probably it,” Naruto explains, his smile dimming. It’s Sasuke’s turn to glare at her, and she winces, appropriately abashed. She always manages to stick her foot in her mouth when the conversation turns to parents. “Anyway, you should try it, Sasuke. It’s not sweet, like, at all, so I bet you’ll like it.”
Sakura figures the odds are skewed sixty/fourty in favor of Sasuke rejecting the offer, but Sasuke doesn’t actually say anything at all. Instead he bends down and bites the rest of the dumpling right off the stick that Naruto’s holding. Some of the drizzling sauce clings to his lower lip, and his tongue darts out quickly to wipe it clean.
She’s not even the one holding the stick, but Sakura is absolutely certain her heart fucking stutters to a stop at the sight. Poor Naruto looks appropriately shocked. His lips are parted in a gentle “o” of surprise, and his eyes are, dare she say it, looking a little glazed over. He rallies quickly, though, shoving the rest of the Uzumaki stick right under Sasuke’s nose.
“Try the orange one next!”
“Ugh, no.” It’s Sasuke’s turn to recoil. “That one probably is sweet, dumbass.”
"Come on," Naruto wheedles,"Just take a little—wait. Wait, are you saying my mom tastes better than I do?"
"Why do you have to phrase it like that!"
The words are different, but the cadence of her teammates bickering is familiar enough that it quickly fades to the background of her attention. She works through the rest of her "hanami" roll at a leisurely pace, scanning the crowds as she does. There's so much laughter. Even actual festivals haven't been this boisterous for years.
Most of these people weren't on the war front. It's easy to resent them for that—for celebrating the anniversary of such a trying day. Victory is not a reward granted, but a luxury paid for in blood and flesh by the pound. She understands the relief, but is this much pomp and circumstance acceptable? Does a life saved by a black market kidney still deserve celebration?
Sakura doesn't know.
A child screams, high and piercing, shattering through the joyful murmur of the crowd. Her teammates' argument grinds to a halt. Sakura swivels to locate the source, and, in her periphery, she notices the majority of the adults around her do the same. Chakra flares around her as ninja spread their senses in search of a threat.
"Kenta!" a petite woman scolds, bending down, "What did I say about screaming?"
"Not to," the child mumbles. He's small enough that a picnic table nearby obscures him from Sakura's view.
"Unless?" the woman prompts. If Kenta answers, it's too quiet for her to hear.
Everyone in the vicinity, ninja and civilians alike, visibly relaxes. It's sobering to realize how on-edge they all are despite the upbeat atmosphere. Life has not been kind to Konoha's residents.
How self-absorbed of her.
No, the civilians around her didn't watch Neji die. They didn't despair as the Ten-tailed beast appeared in the battle-ground. To say they didn't know fear—didn't know suffering—is terribly short-sighted.
Konoha is a thriving militaristic society. Has been for decades. But having the pointiest sick doesn't ensure safety. Often the wielder becomes a target of others struggling to create their own rags to riches stories.
Or revenge. Pointy sticks are great at poking avengers into action.
Point is, Konoha has been leveled three times in Sakura's short time on this earth. If the civilians don't get to celebrate the peace she fought for, maybe she doesn't get to celebrate the Village they rebuilt.
Food for thought.
Sakura lays her finished dango stick on the table. The untouched dango stick sags in her hand with her increasing disinterest. Her recent train of thought is more than enough to derail her appetite entirely despite the fact that dango is one of her favorite treats.
"You okay?" Naruto asks immediately. He glances at the dango dangling in her grasp pointedly.
Sakura doesn't even have to force the smile. His concern forces its way through the heavy stormcloud of her thoughts like the sunbeam he is. Sweet. Naruto's just so sweet.
"I'm fine.” She fans herself with her free hand. "Just kinda hot, yeah? It's killing my appetite."
Naruto's expression clears immediately. "In that case, let's go get some shaved ice soon! I think I saw a vendor on our way in."
"I did not sign up to wrangle the two of you on a sugar high," Sasuke interjects sourly. Sweet sauce is smeared across his cheekbone, and there might be a crumb of fried dough occluding one nostril. Sakura chokes on a giggle which clearly earns no points from Sasuke. "No more sweets."
Sakura raises her hands in surrender, but Naruto isn't as quick to acquiesce. They start bickering, again, and as Sakura watches a dango skewer slides dangerously close to Sasuke's eye. Idiots. That does explain the out-of-place dough and sticky sauce, though.
The reprimand on her tongue withers at the enthusiastic sparkle in Naruto’s eyes as he advances further and further into Sasuke’s personal space. And Sasuke—brooding, angsty Sasuke—has a smile playing at his lips as he avoids the sticky dessert. He’s making a good show of being annoyed by his teammate’s antics, but if he was really done he’d be slapping the blond away. Angry Sasuke wouldn’t lean back unconcernedly on his only hand like that, and he certainly wouldn’t let Naruto rest his stump on his shoulder as he pesters him.
Bright. It’s so, so bright out today—ridiculously sunny for October—but no amount of sunblock would protect her from their megawatt smiles.
If the fight gets enthusiastic enough to disturb the table, she'll step in, Sakura decides, turning her head to give them a little privacy.
Or the illusion of it, anyway.
Sakura’s not sure how her teammates are able to ignore all the attention they’re attracting. The picnic table they have selected is on the outskirts of the eating area, but they might as well be on center stage. Her skin prickles under the weight of the public’s stares.
Logically, she knows the curious civilians don’t mean any harm. It’s rare that Team 7 is out in the public eye for such an extended period of time. That doesn’t stop the shinobi buried deep beneath her medic persona from sharpening her kunai warily. Sakura doesn't resent the instinct exactly—that's what keeps her alive—but she does try to shake it. The eyes on her aren't dangerous.
Just oppressive.
It’s in pretending to look out across the crowd—and ignoring the alarming number of heads that whip away from her that she does—that she notices them.
A trio of girls sit at two tables away from them at a diagonal. Four older women share the table, but there's enough space between the two to make it clear that they're separate parties. And anyway, the women are laughing, with clenched eyes and wide smiles. The younger ones, though, they're tittering. The sound is sharper than the murmuring of the crowd around them, which is probably why they stood out to her in the first place.
In their mirth, they haven’t noticed Sakura’s attention. One of the girls has a blush dark enough to match the hair of the girl digging an elbow playfully into her side. She can’t see the face of the final member of the trio, but her shoulders shake in obvious laughter under long, black hair. Suddenly the girl’s arms come up in an exaggerated stretch before dropping to her hips so she can make a show of twisting and stretching her back. Not bad for a civilian. Sakura would have almost believed her if not for how quickly she turned back to her friends after a less than sneaky peek at Team 7’s table.
Any amusement she might have held for the girls’ antics slip away immediately. Clearly the trio isn’t looking at Sakura, or they would have noticed her attention. The number of times they’ve all slid glances her direction is too high to be a coincidence, however, which only leaves one option.
The boys.
Now it’s abundantly clear what the brunette is being teased about. It’s been a while since the Academy, but Sakura has sent her share of moonstruck looks a certain Uchiha’s way. She knows what it feels like—what it looks like—to laugh and tease over crushes. Her eyebrows narrow fiercely for all that she tries to keep her expression neutral. The only real question left is: which boy are they looking at?
Four years ago, the answer would have been Sasuke hands down. His sharp features and aloof personality are easily misread as the mysterious persona of at least fifty percent of the love interests in romance novels. Barely dodged war crimes have tamped down the general enthusiasm for Sasuke, though there is always the chance the girl thinks she has a thing for “bad boys.”
Sakura hopes not, for her sake. Sasuke’s particular brand of “rebel with a cause” needs at least three years of serious training and an instruction manual the size of one of her medical textbooks to have any chance of walking away unscathed. Even then nightmares and traumatic events are pretty much a given.
Naruto laughs, loudly, and throws his head back enough to give a clear view of the syrup that drips down his chin. The brunette’s expression softens, and Sakura can hear the lovesick sigh she heaves from twenty feet away. So Naruto is the object of her affection. The realization makes her stomach twist.
There’s a sharp crack, and Sakura’s dango drops to the grass beneath them. She blinks, confused. The bottom half of the stick is still clenched tightly in her fist. It takes longer than it should to notice the splintered edge of the stick and piece together what happened.
“Are you alright?” It’s Sasuke that asks this time.
“Yeah, I’m—I’m fine.” Sakura bends down to grab her dango from the ground. She hadn’t planned on eating it anyway, but the grass coating the dumplings means that’s not an option for later anymore. “I just, ah—”
Before Sakura can come up with an excuse for her ill-timed use of super strength, the tittering behind them grows in volume enough to catch Sasuke’s attention this time. Sakura’s eyes flit to the trio of girls automatically, and they are looking at her now. Great. Even the blushing brunette has joined in the action, so Sakura knows that the laughs are meant for her. She grinds her teeth together. They’re civilians. Sakura can’t go around just laying civilians out because she feels like it.
“That’s enough time in the sun,” Sasuke declares, sliding off of the table top. He shoots a viscous glare over his shoulder. Sakura shouldn’t find so much satisfaction in how rapidly the giggles grind to a halt, but she does. The knots her intestines have tied themselves into loosen enough that she can take aim with a sharp smile of her own.
“Guys…?” Naruto asks. He can tell that something is going on, but doesn’t have enough information to piece the story together as Sasuke did. Blonde eyebrows furrow lightly as he glances from his teammates to the girls’ table.
The brunette has the audacity to sigh again. Every muscle in Sakura’s body tenses for a fight, and she doesn’t even pause to think about how ridiculous her reaction is. It’s not like she has any sort of claim over Naruto. Sasuke is the one who has been messily sharing finger food with him this whole afternoon. If anyone has any right to feel the sudden rage coursing through their body, it’s him. How dare that girl assume she has a chance when Naruto is clearly taken?
Sure enough, Sasuke’s expression has doubled in intensity. Disgust and possessiveness mix in equal measure on his face as his lip curls up and over his teeth. He probably doesn’t even realize what an overprotective boyfriend he looks like, and Sakura can only watch smugly as the girls wilt under his glare. Serves them right.
“We’re getting out of here,” Sasuke declares, firmly. He turns away from the trio before hefting Naruto off the table and over his shoulder in one fluid motion. Naruto squawks in surprise, understandably, but Sasuke’s malice is clearly not directed at him, so he allows himself to be carted away with only token protests. “Let’s go, Sakura.”
The urge to gloat is irresistible. Sakura tosses a taunting wink that the girls are too shell-shocked to react to before falling into her place at her boys’ backs. The rage and, okay, she’ll admit it, jealousy that bubbled up so unexpectedly earlier washes away in the face of her contentment. Maybe neither Sasuke or Naruto are hers in the romantic sense, but they’re hers in all the other ways that matter.
Sakura will guard their backs for as long as they let her with a smile in her heart.
Read the rest of the chapter on ao3
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qrbie · 4 years
The Masterlist
Hey. I know it’s been ages since my last fic rec, but my motivation is slowly building again and I think I’m going to have a big one coming up soon. Meanwhile, I tossed a ton onto @0nceuponafanfic, so she might have something brewing for y’all. Anyways, I’ve been updating this thing, so if you ever need a pile to fall back on when I’m MIA, here you go!
Please tell me if I’m missing something, like a trigger warning or a link to someone’s Tumblr. Also don’t be afraid to rec me your favorite fics or even your own fics! I wanna see them. If you want to request fic recs, I’m open for those too! Even if you don’t have fics or even a specific purpose, come to my inbox and mess around. I’m bored and want human interaction.
‘allo people! yeah yeah yeah It’s been AGES since the last update so I’mma dump some new fics into here soon. I’m also gonna fix up the organization a bit. so sayonara and see ya later!
As always, stay hydrated!
Happy pride, everyone!
Last updated 6/23
1-Chapter bits of fluff or angst or something else
one hell of a hook | A TodoBaku fic... but don’t let that drive you away! This is an amazing fic, so please give it a try before you judge.
Mafia Au | What if Present Mic was a yakuza boss and Aizawa was a spy? (There’s a lot more to this, including a lot more art, over at @nartothelar‘s blog)
UA Music Conservatory | a series of one-shots in an AU where UA is actually a music school.
Silent Shadow | has the potential to evolve into something bigger. Nomu!Midoriya is Kurogiri’s protege. So cool.
Present Mic’s Awesome Mixtape 2.0 | Aizawa doesn’t like any kind of music. Shocking, right? After discovering this, Yamada has a new goal. Find a type of music Aizawa likes.
cultivating something so divine | Vet!Kiribaku, with so much fluff and animals and mutual pining that even the hardest of hearts can be softened.
The story of how Midoriya Izuku won the Sport Festival | I love a good dose of Crack Treated Seriously, and here’s some.
Trash Goblin Finds Love | “Bakugou. This is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen.”
president of the krbk club | Whenever something exciting happens, what does Midoriya do? Whip out his notebooks, of course. So what happens when Bakugou isn’t pushing Kirishima away?
It's Hard to Get Past Some Things | Whenever Midoriya’s drunk, Todoroki’s his designated caretaker. What happens when drunk Midoriya decides to talk about kids (or pups, whatever)? (A/B/O)
it's just the little things | Bakugou’s interactions over the years (stealing from the official summary here)
The Knock-On Effect | There’s only a couple types of knocks that Bakugou likes. Kirishima’s knocks in the middle of the night are one of them.
Smile for me, would you? | Unlike the rest of us, Present Mics has goals, and actually follows through with them. This goal? Make his neighbor, Shouta Aizawa, smile.
Shadowed Soul, Electric Eyes (We'll Be Okay) | What if Tokoyami and Kaminari, people with completely different quirks, got quirk-swapped?
A Matter of Pride | How everyone in BNHA came out. That’s it. It’s so fluffy, though.
firedancer | Unlike the rest of these, this one has the tiniest bit of angst. So little you’d need a microscope, though. Whenever someone falls in love, romantically, platonically, or any other way, a flower appears on their skin. Kirishima has a ton of flowers, but where are Bakugou’s?
A Mile in New Shoes (and A Mile Too Far) | Artist!Bakugou is invited to his first house party... Luckily he has three guys showing him around.
Boy things | Ashido loves her friends, but sometimes it gets lonely being the only girl in the Bakusquad. Good thing they understand!
come home to me | Kiribaku might’ve gotten a telepathic connection... There’s so much fluff in this one!
one to ten | Kirishima wants to date Bakugou, but he’s gotta climb the ladder of friendship first!
Get Mad! | Bakugou teaches Eri how to cope, and Eri returns the favor.
bakugatsu | Yeah, I know this is 20 chapters long, but it’s basically 20 drabbles compiled together by the amazing wonhaebunny!
a mix of six | Probably my favorite series of all time, no matter the fandom. What happens when Aizawa and Hizashi adopt Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou and Eri?
KiriBaku Week 2020 | A series by PoorUnfortunateSoul - full of fluff!
Safety In Numbers | A little bit of fluff and a lot of parental Erasermic.
Multi-chapter Stories
How To Get Adopted Without Letting Your Dad Know He's Adopting You, A Guide By Class 1-A | Good old fashioned school fluff. (WIP)
Dandelion | No masterlist is complete without at least one fic from the legendary Broken Realities, right? So here’s @owlf45‘s fic... (there’s a lot more! Check out the Broken Realities Collection on Ao3 for at least some of them... I bet there’s a lot more floating around.) (WIP)
Phosphenes | A Naruto/BNHA crossover, Mina is reborn from Naruto, and learns to navigate life even with such a big burden on her shoulders. (WIP)
Flour Power | Kirishima and Bakugou are supposed to take care of a sack of flour for a school project. What could go wrong?
Not really a villain, but close enough | “Aizawa didn't expect the raid to go so well. he didn't expect the informant to be so useful and well-mannered. who was hi kidding? Aizawa didn't expect the informant to be a kid. but the green-eyed boy cuffed to the interrogation table was wiling to help, and Aizawa wasn't one to look the gift horse in the mouth“ (WIP)
green haze | Vigilante!Midoriya is known as the Green Haze, a vigilante, Eraserhead’s supposed to capture. Shenanigans happen.
2am Knows All Secrets | One of those classic Kiribaku fics that trickle through the ranks. Lots of fluff, with good ol’ tropes like sharing a bed and mutual pining and Good Friends, and-it’s great.
The life of a hero | Such a good series. It’s so amazing. It gives angst and pain but then soothes it over with fluff, but then it tears you apart... and then it gives you life... a great read.
The Last Resort | This is basically pure angst. It’s so painful, but it’s such a good story... Shinsou was sold as a young child to a yakuza. This yakuza would rent out people for their quirks... This is an amazing read, but don’t expect any fluff from this. (Check the tags! WIP)
¥300 Shampoo | When Aizawa’s working on a book at the cafe, he certainly doesn’t expect someone pulling his hair. He definitely doesn’t expect getting a free haircut out of it, either.
quote love unquote | Take the official summary “When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.”
lovin is easy | Blasty doesn’t get “feelings,” so here’s five times Bakugou doesn’t get love and one time he does. (WIP)
The Empath & The Mind Reader | Bakugou is a mind reader, and Kirishima is a empath. If both of them can literally know what the other person’s feeling/thinking, why are they still dancing around each other? (WIP, Contains smut, Anxiety attacks)
and finally I see the world in color (the violet stands out, thanks to you) | This fic deserves a LOT more than just 76 kudos. Sometimes people miss out on amazing fics just because it’s a femslash. Momojirou, where Yaoyaorozu is a businesslady who is bored with her life and everything else, until she happens upon the rambunctious band Dark Shadow. Seriously, please read this! (WIP)
Behind The Scenes | A KiriBaku actor AU. What happens when you start falling for your co-star - and your on-screen love interest? (WIP, It’s rated E for smut, but there isn’t any yet)
We Didn't Start the Fire | What if Touya decided to make something out of himself instead of becoming a villain? This is amazing, by the way. (WIP)
it seems i'm never letting go | Here’s how I summarized it to myself... “Koi no yokan... will Blasty experience it? (His sister left)” By the way, koi no yokan is basically love at first sight, Japanese-style. (WIP)
Lips Like Blood | What happens when Bakugou, a mage, falls in love with the one person who can’t love him back? (WIP)
Charm Me, Loser | A Hogwarts AU that has no right being that ingenius and amazing. My only problem with it is sorta small... There’s already a wizarding school in Japan... Why aren’t they going there? (WIP)
Gotta Get Away | Tsuyu and Bakugou are out getting some new hero merch together because of the new buddy system at UA. What happens when they’re mistaken for a couple? (WIP)
Opposed to the Typical | A fashion AU. This is ridiculously good. It feels like the author was actually in the Japanese fashion industry! (WIP, smut, past child abuse, mental health issues)
One Day at a Time | Pretty genius idea, actually. Bakugou and Uraraka are trapped in what is essentially a time-speeder-upper. What’s going to be a day for their classmates is going to be a year for them. What will they do in that year together? (WIP, it’s rated Mature but it’s pretty innocent so far)
The UA Quarantine Collection | Basically, a bunch of authors got together and made a ton of one-shots of what Class 1A is doing in quarentine. Technically it isn’t a coherent story, but I’m counting it as one. There’s two versions, a clean version and a version with all the smutty bits. The smutty one’s the second story in the series. This one’s linked to the clean one. (WIP)
Midoriya Fuckin' Izuku | This is an amazing fic! It has a ton of TWs, though. Make sure to read the tags before starting it! (WIP)
Seeing Double | A very good, and very long, fantasy AU. (WIP, smut)
Broken, but Still Good | Bakugou was rescued, after four years, from an illegal alpha fighting ring. Can Kirishima, a beta, help him back to society? Pay attention to the tags. (WIP, A/B/O)
Broken Wings | Kirishima’s a dragon who was rescued from the dragon slave trade by the mysterious Bakugou Katsuki, I don’t know what else to say. (WIP)
The Roast of Class 2-A | Have a crackfic. (WIP)
The Space Between | Midoriya’s a photojournalist who is just starting out. One fateful night, he goes to photograph the Antiheros in concert. (WIP, mild smut)
A Fissile Family | Bakugou’s been kidnapped by the League of Villains again. They’re actually sorta a weird family. (WIP)
Mochi Mochi | Just take the official summary. “Ochako never saw a problem with DM-ing an internationally known actor her grocery lists, absolutely certain that he'd never see them. That is—until he replies. And who the hell does he think he is to tell her mochi isn't real food?”
Green as the Leaves, and Red as a Rose | A TodoDeku flower shop AU. (WIP)
remember my name | Post-UA, Bakugou realizes that some things are for forever.
Blinding Shapes | What happens when soulmates, a blind abstract artist and a burnt out barista meet?
a heart swelled to bursting | Mind the tags, here. Training camp part 2 for Class 2A. (WIP)
manly man falls for manliest man | What happens when businessman!Kirishima meets his idol, and maybe biggest celebrity crush ever, actor!Bakugou? (Smut)
Miscellaneous Stuff From Other Fandoms
I have some Harry Potter fics lying around somewhere, so I’m going to add those later.
Stucco Hearts | One of my absolute favorite soulmate fics ever, from Percy Jackson.
Christmas and Chill | A old series I sorta just came across again from PJO.
The Florist and the Punk | Maybe another old series from PJO.
Hearts Need Love | Keep an eye on the tags! This is my favorite PJO fic of all time.
Our Songs | It’s good if I spent half an hour trying to find it again. It’s a Solangelo songfic.
Some random writers I recommend (A lot more coming along-I’m in the middle of a ton of different fics right now)
aloneintherain | @captainkirkk
wonhaebunny | @wonhaebunny
Sif (Rosae) | @intothedarknessigo
aloera | @aloera
Argentina | @junepixel
KuriKuri | @letaizawarest
26 notes · View notes
recurring-polynya · 4 years
Bollywood Review Time!
Today, I am going to talk about Om Shanty Om, a very good movie that was Not For Me.
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Let me back up. People recommend stuff to me a lot and I try to watch it and talk about it, and I always feel bad when I don’t like it. This one was recommended to me by my friend @serene-faerie​ I want to make it very clear that you, reader, may like this film very much! It was a strange perfect storm of Things I Don’t Care For, and I actually rather enjoyed the experience of picking apart what I didn’t like about from what I did, because honestly, I am always interested in the ways stories are told and what stories say about themselves.
Cut for spoilers and also length
First off the bat-- this is not a film for the Bollywood beginner. It’s sort of a meta-narrative, with a ton of cameos from famous stars and jokes about Bollywood tropes and directors and such. There’s a ten-minute dance number in the middle that’s just famous people showing up to get down and everybody cheers every time someone new rolls in. I have only actually seen a handful of Bollywood films, mostly made after this one (it was made in 2007), and I could tell that there were a ton of gags and references that flew over my head. I got the sense, both from watching it, and from reading reviews, that this was all very well done and funny, I just didn’t have the proper frame of reference to appreciate it.
The main character, Om, is played by Shah Rukh Khan, an incredibly famous Bollywood star whom I had never heard of before watching this film. In the beginning, Om is a somewhat-bumbling movie extra, dreaming of stardom, flipping his hair, and falling in love with a beautiful starlet on a billboard. I… was not taken in by his charms. I feel like I really missed out by not knowing who Shah Rukh Khan was ahead of time. That was sort of an interesting thought to me-- that a famous actor brings the good will of all his previous roles to a movie with him, and that it was very interesting to me to watch a film stripped of that context. I was literally shocked when halfway through the film, he rips off his shirt and had killer abs, I was absolutely not expecting it.
The deal of the movie is that, through a series of coincidences, Om meets Shanti, the actress of his dreams (from the billboard). She is played by Deepika Padukone, who I fell for immediately. She is gorgeous and had a ton of charisma. This movie seems like it’s going to be a love story, but it really isn’t. Shanti is charmed by Om’s sweetness, but she’s already in a doomed secret marriage with a scumbag director, Mukesh, who ends up murdering her when she wants him to publicly acknowledge her, which is kinda time sensitive, because she is pregnant. Mukesh had planned to have her star in a lavish movie spectacle called Om Shanti Om, but when she forces his hand, he burns the set down with her locked inside. Om witnesses all this; he tries to save her and dies in the process.
Om happens to die in the same hospital where a famous director’s child is being born, and he is reincarnated as the baby, and grows up to have the life he always wanted-- that of a Bollywood superstar. His name is still Om, but his nickname is O.K., so I am going to call him that to distinguish between 1977 Om and 2007 Om. He meets Mukesh again who is now a super-successful Hollywood producer. O.K. gets all the memories of his past life back, and decides to Get Revenge by proposing to do a remake of Om Shanti Om. He finds a wanna-be actress, Sandy, who looks exactly like Shanti, and has her haunt the set in order to make Mukesh think he is going crazy (and maybe also confess? It’s not a terribly clear-cut plan). You might think that Sandy is the reincarnation of Shanti, but Shanti’s ghost shows up in the grand finale of the film, so I guess she wasn’t?? You also might expect O.K. and Sandy to have some romantic feelings, but they really don’t, and in fact, O.K. is actually pretty mean to Sandy, even though she is extremely sweet and I don’t see how anyone could possibly be mean to her.
The movie is lush. The costumes are elaborate, the sets are lavish, the dance numbers are many and long. There is not a single scene without an off-screen fan to dramatically tousle the actors’ hair. I actually rather liked the last act of the movie where they were gaslighting Mukesh and it was over-the-top, scenery-chewing, Hamlet--play-with-in-a-play madness. A chandelier falls on someone. A lot of the end doesn’t even make a lot of sense or exist in any sort of linear time, cutting between the film-within-a-film and dance numbers and what’s “really happening” and I really had no problem with any of this. I actually really liked the amount of meta that was happening and the breakdown of boundaries, and I found the end to be reasonably satisfying.
So what didn’t I like about it?
The entire film relies on you being charmed by Om and I did not care for him. We all have this set of trope personality types that we enjoy and fall for, and “young person who dreams of making it big on the stage/screen” is a huge swipe left for me. Give me a stolid second-in-command who has been stationed at an ice wall for 30 years to protect his homeland. A incredibly tired dude muttering “fuck” as he wades into a swamp to fight a bog zombie, because who else is gonna? My dude turn-ons include duty and self-sacrifice and really good posture. I couldn’t watch Naruto because everyone spouted off about “their dreams” too much, and I thought Om should have cut his losses and gotten a real job. I am who I am.
There’s a weird fine line between “meta,” that is, stories about storytelling and presentation and media, and movies about being in love with making movies. I like the former a lot and I do not care for the latter one bit. I did stage crew for a high school production of 42nd Street and I have a very distinct memory of thinking “this is a play about putting on a play. Why on earth would anyone who is not an actor want to watch this?” I also hate books where the main character is a writer (yes, Stephen King, this is a call-out). I also hate biopics about musicians and actors. I honestly do not care about the craft, and the “magic of cinema” has never been a thing I have found remotely compelling. 
What I love about reincarnation storylines is the period where the characters recognize the feelings and memories that are tied to their previous lives-- where they see someone and can feel their old emotions for this person, but without knowing why. This is where I live. I eat this with a spoon. I want this to prolong the emotional burn, because the characters don't know what are their own feelings and what comes from their past lives, and that there are conflicts that must be resolved for both lifetimes. Alternatively, you can also use a reincarnation storyline to skip the emotional burn entirely, by just having the character “get all their memories back in one fell swoop.” This is… the opposite of what I want. This is what Om Shanty Om does. I felt deeply cheated.
Relatedly, the entire theme of the movie was "When you want something badly, the whole universe conspires to give to you", a sentiment I wholeheartedly disagree with. I love stories about the conflict between agency and destiny, I think this is a really meaty subject, but once again, the movie used it as an excuse to let the characters sit back and do nothing and have a solution to their problems drop into their laps. I am sure you could make an argument for the charm of this viewpoint, but it is not for me.
I like dance numbers all right, but they are not why I watch Bollywood films. This movie is over two hours long and a lot of it was dance numbers. I was very tired of dance numbers by the end. That being said, the titular song was a bop and I had it stuck in my head for days. “Disco of Distress” was my second favorite.
I do not really feel a lot of nostalgia for the late 1970s, which is when the first half of the film takes place. If noisy patterns and kitsch and big winks and goofy hair is your period aesthetic, you will enjoy this part a lot!
Here’s what I did like!
Sunglasses. There were so many good sunnies in this film. So many. A parade of excellent shades.
Deepika Padukone. She is so adorable, for one, and she charmed me in every way that Shah Rukh Khan did not. I loved her both as the melancholy starlet Shanti and the doofy, gum-chewing Sandy, and also the Angry Revenge Ghost at the end. I would say this movie is 75% Om and 25% Shanti, and I would have liked it a lot better if it were the other way around. Sandy had basically no agency whatsoever; the second half of the plot was basically about O.K. getting revenge on Mukush... mostly for himself? I liked that the first half of the movie didn’t make Shanti fall in love with the puppy-like Om just because he was devoted to her, but it would have been a nice reversal if the jaded O.K. had softened toward Sandy more in the second act, and that there had been a bit of a love story to temper the revenge plot.
The idea of the plot. The plot described in words is very cool to me, and there was a period of about 3 minutes in the film when O.K. recognizes Om’s mother when I got real excited about where this was going, and then I realized it wasn’t going where I wanted and was sad again. I think I might have liked it better if the movie started out with O.K. and revealed Om’s story slowly, through flashback, but nothing about this movie catered to my narrative aesthetic, so I eventually gave up with ways of trying to fix it.
Anyway, as I said, I can definitely see how someone could love this movie! If you are a big Bollywood buff and you love dance numbers and silliness and Shah Rukh Khan, I would recommend it in a second! It was strangely almost tailor-made to hit some of my pet peeves, and I was mad because I wanted to like it more than I did.
That’s my review! @serene-faerie​ I hope you still love me even though I didn’t like your movie. I am always trying to expand my movie knowledge and I learned a lot watching this one, and I don’t regret watching it, even though it wasn’t my fave.
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makeste · 5 years
Favorite BnHA OST Tracks
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anon I never thought this day would come. (థ ェ థ) 
I fucking adore this OST. and no one has ever asked me about it. which is fine, but I think we all need to just take a moment to acknowledge that the BnHA soundtrack fucking slaps. I’m not just saying that as a fan of the series; I’m saying it as objective fact. it’s up there with Zelda and Game of Thrones and How to Train Your Dragon. this soundtrack deserves all the love. and up till this point I’d resigned myself to loving it quietly, but now you have unlocked pandora’s box so I just hope you’re ready!!
I have... let’s see... six BnHA-related playlists right now lol. out of these, three are composed of tracks from the OST (the other three are my character-inspired playlists. wait, did I say three? actually there’s four of those. so seven in all. good lord). this soundtrack gets a lot of play, you guys. when I like something, I have a tendency to put it on repeat until I’m sick of it. so if I never get sick of it, you can imagine how that ends up going.
I was going to do a top ten of this, but then I went through the playlist and wrote down all my favorites and there were like thirty. I briefly entertained the idea of just saying FUCK IT I’LL JUST POST THEM ALL!!!!, but I had to sit myself down and lecture myself about having some goddamn self control. so I narrowed it down to like... twenty-three. and then finally down to seventeen. soo, it’s a top ten, plus seven honorable mentions. this is the best I can do guys. this is taking everything I’ve got, so please just humor me this once.
I promise this post won’t be super long. I’m not even gonna put it under a cut. I will restrain myself. okay here we go.
 10. Bombing King!!
Katsukiiiiii. I couldn’t not put this here, who the hell do you think I am. it’s perfect for him. it’s rowdy (I love how it just crashes in with those opening drums and guitar without so much as a how-do-you-do), but it’s got a real drive to it, and a fucking legit leitmotif that can be cut into sections and remixed in any number of ways (see: number 4). if you want to make it sad you can make it sad. want to make it even more badass, you can definitely do that. it makes me excited because there’s so many ways to play around with it for his future character development.
9. Cavalry Battle
this track makes me want to go out and cause a ruckus. it’s so full of energy and there’s an optimism to it, but like a clever, resourceful optimism. I love when the melody smooths out at around 1:14. it’s like, the team is coming together and we’re gonna kick some ass. they should play this in promos for the Olympics.
8. Nevertheless, Go Beyond
this makes me want to save the world. this one actually gets bonus points for the title because it’s so emotive, and somehow nails the exact feeling that the music manages to convey. even when you can’t go on, go on. you’re a hero. people are depending on you. get up.
7. All For One
ooooooohhhhhh my gooodddddddd. “The Power of All For One” is arguably the creepier track, but this one is more epic. it sends chills down my spine. he’s so fearsome. only the strongest of the strong can hope to defeat him. good vs evillllllll. god the bass in this is so good. and the vocals. and the frenzied urgency of the strings. and the Inception-stype WHOOOOOOOM at the end ugh.
6. Your Power
I almost went with “I Absolutely Won’t Use the Heat (Left)” because it’s so sad and haunting, but in the end this version won out because, as with the All For One track above, it’s the more epic of the two. I really consider them to be two parts of the same track though. anyways, so Todoroki’s motif is hands down the most haunting on the OST. fact. it’s so goddamn tragic?? and this version of it has that resounding drum beat that to me feels like a kind of grim determination. it’s a great track, and perfect for that theatrical Todoroki family drama lol.
5. My Hero Academia
this traccccccck. is so good. it makes me picture someone standing on the edge of a cliff at dawn looking down on the city below. it’s just got this kind of legendary feel to it somehow. this is an “only the beginning of the adventure” type of track. I also associate this with Iida unveiling his Reciproburst during the Sports Festival arc, because it was used so fucking well during that scene. “everyone, there’s less than a minute left...” I honestly get chills every time I watch that. it’s like quintessential BnHA.
4. Katsuki and Izuku
guys. I don’t want to throw the word “masterpiece” around all willy-nilly, but this. this, right here, is why I like character motifs so much. because you can play with them and wind them apart and together and bam, just like that you’re telling a fucking story. so anyways, in case you didn’t know, this track combines You Say Run/Jet Set Run (a.k.a. Deku’s themes) with Bombing King!! (a.k.a. Katsuki’s theme). bringing the two of them together through the power of music ffff why am I so weak to this shit. when You Say Run kicks in at around 26 seconds I fucking looooose it. then when Katsuki’s theme first joins in at around 52 seconds I lose it all over again. this is a better arrangement of it than Bombing King tbh. which is perfect, because the whole point of their story is that the two of them make each other better! anyways, they just complement each other so perfectly. IT’S LIKE THIS TRACK IS A METAPHOR FOR SOMETHING YOU GUYS. waiting on the anime to fucking use this in season 4, since it went unused in s3 despite them having all the opportunities in the world smdh. they might actually use it in the upcoming movie, come to think.
3. You Say Run
obviously. what else is there even to say. this is a fucking tour de force. chills every time. I know y’all came here for 2:05, but honestly the whole track is a rush from start to finish. I’m literally not exaggerating when I say that this music taught me the meaning of plus ultra. like on a spiritual level. music is cool. please don’t be mad at me that I only put it at third. if anything, that ought to tell you just how much I love the #1 and #2 tracks.
2. Hero A
I can play this on repeat for hours. not an exaggeration. this has the highest play count of any of my BnHA tracks. I’m not a naturally energetic person. I want to be, but I’m not. but this track is like a fucking life-hack to get you pumped the fuck up. and it’s so catchy, and it makes you feel so good, like you can really do anything. it might not be easy, but you can do it! I actually like the “you can be a hero/you say run” motifs in this track even better than the original tracks tbh. especially when it goes a bit quieter and then builds up again starting from 1:45, and then the percussion kicks in again, and it’s like something out of a Rocky movie. this track makes me fucking believe. it makes me want to try.
 and before we go to number one, here are some runner-ups. (by “some” I mean a fuckton more of them but my descriptions are shorter. compromise)
 You Can Be a Hero - the track that proved it’s possible to simultaneously make someone feel more inspired than they’ve ever been in their entire life while also causing them to ugly cry
Heroic Fighting Battle Song - why is the season 2 OST so fucking good
Go Seize It! - why is the season 2 OST so fucking good
The Threat of Offense and Defense - this theme makes me want to solve difficult puzzles very dramatically
Battle of Deku - this is just here because of Deku VS Kacchan part 2. I 100% associate it with that fight. it’s a great track, but it wouldn’t quite stand out among all the other tracks if it wasn’t for that. but that fight does exist, so now this track makes me think of rivals throwing down and it’s great
Yoarashi Inasa - specifically the part that starts in at 1:14. it’s like the Naruto and FLCL soundtracks had a really funky baby
People Always Reaching for the Top “the winner of the U.A. sports festival is...” the only reason this track isn’t higher is because I don’t feel like it stands quite as well on its own as some of the other tracks. but with context?? god. I love how this was used at the end of Bakugou VS Todoroki. it was just the perfect cue for that scene. so good.
 ...bonus runner-ups because I’m a fucking liar and have no self-control at all
 From Me to You - this is the one used when Kacchan joins the scooby squad. it’s quiet and sad and hopeful all at once. the perfect theme for something ending and something else beginning
Rampaging Evil - I associate this with Tomura. it’s badass and usually means that some hardcore shit is happening
Predecessor’s Sworn Friend - this track is some straight up Cowboy Bebop shit. badass grandpa gettin to work
 okay, without any further ado let’s finish up with number one
 1. One for All Vs. All for One
good. versus. evil. this is epic incarnate. how is it so good. I have so many feels about it oh god. it’s so desperate and so determined at the same time. it perfectly conveys this image of one person, almost at their limit, standing alone against something terrible, and somehow reaching deep within themselves to summon the courage to fight. it is beautiful. it is powerful as shit. it may just be the most heroic thing I’ve ever heard.
 so that’s my top ten twenty! rest assured, this is still leaving a lot out. like the rest of the entire goddamn soundtrack. god this series fucking spoils us.
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giyushino week wrap up!
aaaaand that’s a wrap!! thank you to the moderators of giyushinoweek, and to everyone who liked/reblogged/commented on/sent me asks about my fics!!
it was a wild ride to write 8 fics in basically a week or so; i keep saying the fics were hastily or frantically written but LMAO considering how little fic i put out nowadays and how long it usually takes me to write because i edit as i go (which means i take f o r e v e r ), i was seriously just screaming like I JUST GOTTA DO IT I JUST GOTTA GO WITH IT I DON’T HAVE TIME the entire time haha. it was really good to be able to just think of a thing and run as far as i could with it, though!! it’s been quite a long time since i was able to do that, and it was really nice to have a project to work on in the back of my head. <3
ideally, if i work myself up to it, i’d like to revisit all of these and spruce them up to post to ao3, but we’ll see. :’) 
under the cut is just some thoughts on my process during this and also writing each of the fics, if you’re interested! favorite prompt, the most difficult parts to write, what the fic was originally was, things like that. 
thank you again, everyone!! back to hibernation and occasional slow snail pace writing i go, haha.
re: writing process -i tried writing a fic per day during the week before the actual event, which...kind of worked!! ideally, i was going to write a mostly complete fic each day, and then spend the week of the event editing each one before i posted it. what really ended up happening was that i partially wrote several, but not all of them, during the previous week, and then spent the week of finishing up, editing, or writing the whole thing more or less the day before the prompt was “due”, LMFAO. my weekday schedule is pretty structured because of work--I have maybe an hour or two of free time before i have to sleep--so i doubled down a bit more on the weekends. i know like it wasn’t imperative that i meet the “deadline”, but i really, really wanted to!! i figured i’ve written a fic per day for fandom weeks before so why can’t i do it again, but BOY i don’t know who i was back then. i mean, i still did it (yay!) but it seemed so much easier then?? either i was just writing more back then or less afraid or...something, or it’s just been so long that i don’t remember what i felt, LOL.
-i was really quite nervous in the beginning to post the fics, since again, they’re pretty hastily written and my usual writing process is much more “careful” and drawn out. but, it was also freeing as the week went on to just post and not worry, because the point of the week was to have fun, and not necessarily to write the best work i expected of myself within a limited time. (oh, how the perfectionist in me still hisses, though.) still, i’m glad people liked them, and even the extra notes that i just kinda spit out for some of them. :’) i do wish that some had gotten more attention than others, but those ones don’t show up in the tags and i’m not sure why, so. alas. 
re: the fics -confession: as of now, i feel pretty neutral about all of them, since i wrote them in a frenzy. at some point i’ll probably go back and read them and feel differently (and catch my mistakes! oh no!), haha. -a lot of them ended up being AU, which is...??? unexpected?? but i think it was just easier to put them in an entirely different setting, so i could play a bit more loose with their characters, haha. 
day 1 - glance (or hug) -this one...im pretty sure was one of the ones i waited until the last possible minute to finish up. it’s pretty basic event-wise, one of the few more regular slice-of-lifey ones for the week. it was surprisingly hard to get down the “movement” of it all; a glance is hard to describe in detail and in any other way, but i had really wanted to create kind of this...fleeting, almost nostalgic atmosphere in the back and forth of “he keeps looking, she keeps missing”, if that makes any sense. oof, it’s still hard to describe what i had wanted to achieve even outside of the fic!!
day 2 - soulmate (or family) -this one was SUPER HARD to write!!! originally i had wanted to go with a “A sees flashes of what B sees” soulmate prompt, because i figured that would be SO disorienting and would be fun to play with. but i ended up not being able to run with that one. i had also wanted to do the “soulmates write on themselves and the words show up on the other’s arm” idea, based off of what i had started in a 100 word drabble i did, but that deserved wayyyyyy more exploration and angst i was able to write in the time i’d allotted. i do like the “tattoo” soulmate aus the best, i think, and i did want to explore the one i did more, buuuut. alas. soulmates aus are something i prefer to read rather than write, i think, they can get so complicated!! 
day 3 - AU (or touch) -i’ve already made enough notes on this haha, but this ended up being a little too ambitious!! it wasn’t originally supposed to stop where it did, but i just...kinda got stuck and couldn’t bring myself to continue it, because i knew it would just keep going and needed more thinking out. so i just stopped it at the scene break, and hoped it would be decent enough. :’) surprisingly people seemed to enjoy this one most of all????? or maybe it was just the au itself that was a appealing, haha. regardless, i was surprised at the amount of notes this got!
day 4 - demon & wedding -soooooo this might’ve been my favorite prompt LMAO, like when i realized what i wanted to do for this day, i got excited because like, oooh yeah, pain. definitely wanted to go in on this to flesh out and explore various aspects more than i did, but i think of all the ones i wrote, i might be the most pleased with this one so far. 
day 5 - moon (or angst) -honestly, it’s a surprise i didn’t choose angst for day 5. writing about shinobu’s death would’ve been so easy, but i’ve seriously been putting it off since i started writing for kimetsu no yaiba. both “a blade of honey” and “if not cut at dusk”, which are my longer fics, were intended to be about shinobu’s death scene and turned into something completely different, and i ended up avoiding it for day 5 even though it could’ve been so easy. it’s denial, probably! anyway, shinobu’s MAD BOLD here. she would never. maybe. there’s two shinobus that i think about--the "usual” one, modeling herself after kanae, and one who’s more in line with her younger self/inner feelings. i think i went with the latter for a lot of these fics, because i didn’t have to be as careful with dialogue. giyu might’ve suffered character-wise, though, woops. but again, maybe shinobu would, in the vein that she wants to win and have the last laugh, haha. still, i feel more like she wouldn’t. :P oh, also, do you remember ages ago, when AMVs were still widespread, that scene that was everywhere in naruto where hinata’s bathing/training at the waterfall and it’s like really pretty and cool and stuff? yeah. that’s what i wanted this one to be, a little, LMFAO. genuinely surprised that people thought this one was pretty spicy!!
day 6 - kiss (or ocean) -confession: i wrote all of this while i was at work LOLLLL. it was a slow day, i promise. this might’ve been the easiest one to come up with, because the “quick, kiss me!” to escape situation is a classic. the characterization is preeeetttyyyyy loose here, but it was also kind of fun, honestly. my day 5 and day 6 run in pretty similar veins though, so i had kind of wished the endings were a bit more distinct from each other. 
day 7 - date (or crossover) -honestly i had wanted to do like, a soul eater crossover!! really i was planning out an au, but i think a crossover specifically has characters of two series interacting, and then i was Tired and was like, i can’t do that. crossovers aren’t something i usually read, either, so the planning got too complicated and i gave  up. the date idea was also one that came much later and one that i finished up last minute; i’d wanted to make it a little more cohesive and come up with better things for sabito’s list, but. eh. it got longer than i expected too! ideally there would’ve been more of the college life, and sabito and makomo. i thought about doing another additional notes for this, but there was wasn’t enough i had wanted to add on. really it was just the majors for them i’d been playing with--shinobu as a med student (possibly a minor in horticulture/botany, SOMEHOW), sabito & giyu as hydraulic engineering majors (sabito more on fieldwork, giyu more on research), and makomo as a marine veterinary student. shrug!! the lines of “you do realize we were set up, right” and “this was a date, tomioka-san” were the highlight for me, haha. and i’m inordinately fond of the title.
day 8 - halloween (or n*sfw) -sexy stuff isn’t my forte at all!!!! so halloween it was, but. i was thinking of skipping out on this one, and then was like, oh what the hell, you’ve come this far, of course you’re going to go the last leg, too. already wrote enough notes on this one too, but yeah, this one really was quick, and just barely meets the prompt, i think, lmao. ended up being more of a fantasy au, which was fun, though there was a lot left unexplored. ultimately just glad that i was able to come up with something for the last stretch. :)
please feel free to drop me an ask if you have any thoughts or comments! i’d love to hear your thoughts on the fics for the week, if you’d like to share. :) 
thanks for reading!!
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robininthelabyrinth · 5 years
Tear Into Your Soul - Training Week 4 - ao3 link
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Hashirama/Madara/Tobirama
For @writhingbeneathyou
Something will probably have to be done about Izuna.
Hashirama smiles vacantly at his best friend’s younger brother as he continues to rant. Despite their proximity, Izuna never really became his precious person - but he is Madara's, and thus Hashirama considers Izuna to be his by proxy and thus important - no matter how annoying he might be sometimes.
Izuna had stormed into Hashirama’s office at full Uchiha boil, which would be funny except for how it’s keeping Hashirama there when all he wants is to go back to rejoin Tobirama and Madara already.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” Hashirama interjects when Izuna stops for air, keeping his tone polite. Far more polite than Izuna deserves, really, what with his implications and innuendos suggesting that Hashirama has taken his beloved brother off to be murdered or tortured or for some other nefarious purpose. And, sure, there might have been some kidnapping involved, but Hashirama’s intentions are hardly nefarious! Madara’s getting everything he’s ever wanted, and everything Hashirama’s ever wanted, too. What’s the problem? “As I’ve already told you, we went out on a secret high ranked – sorry, S-ranked – mission. I got the summons telling me to come back and I did, even now a second time –”
And oh, Hashirama loves his village, but someone is definitely going to die for that.
“– but I’ll be going back out to join them soon enough. Your brother is not at any serious risk.”
Izuna crosses his arms in front of him. “And I’ll be going with you.”
Hashirama manages not to snort aloud at the thought of Izuna walking in on some of the scenes between Madara and Tobirama that he’s been recording for himself in the little hideaway he put them both in. He doesn’t think Izuna will properly appreciate what Hashirama is doing.
Pity, that, because Hashirama’s plan is working so well.
If he can just pull this off, Hashirama will get to keep his most precious people close to him, Madara will get a haven from all his worries, and Tobirama will finally, finally get to have someone (other than Hashirama) who loves and adores him the way he deserves, with all the intensity of true Uchiha obsession.
All Hashirama wants is for his beloved ones to be happy, and he truly, sincerely believes that their happiness can only be achieved when they’re with him. So, really, when you think about it like that, it’s practically incumbent upon him to do whatever it takes, anything it takes, to seize that wonderful happiness for all of them. And no matter how difficult, that is a duty he is more than willing to take on.
(For Madara, Hashirama would and has crushed his own clan into meek compliance, all to enable them to obtain their mutual dreamed-of village of peace.
For Tobirama, Hashirama would raze down forests, and for him that’s saying something.
There is nothing he will not do for them – nothing, that is, but let them go free…)
“There’s no need for you to come along, Izuna,” Hashirama says sweetly. “We’re perfectly safe, or as safe as you can get on a mission.” His smile broadens, beatific and radiating inner peace in a way he knows is extremely irritating, especially to people who – like Izuna – think he really is that dumb. “After all, we already have the three strongest shinobi in the village on the job.”
Izuna doesn’t quite manage to hide the way the reminder makes him scowl. Tobirama’s superior status rankles and eats away at Izuna, Hashirama knows, but after how gloriously Tobirama defeated him – Tobirama’s brilliant mind defeating the Sharingan at last, even the great Mangekyo Sharingan itself – there can be no question anymore.
Tobirama is the third strongest – Izuna only the fourth.
After all, Tobirama had all but killed his rival, while it was only through Hashirama’s mercy that Izuna yet walks the earth.
Mercy, yes – and patience. 
Oh, Hashirama has learned all about patience, this past decade or so. He was an impatient child, he acknowledges as much: he should never have asked Madara to choose him over his family by the riverbank – they were young, weak; they could never have stood together against their parents for their peace, not when their brothers would have paid the price for it. They should have laid in wait, grown strong, and then they could have acted, acted together, and things would have been different, better.
He didn’t wait, and now he has to work twice as hard to fix what he broke – but fix it he will.
Madara wants to choose family over Hashirama?
(It’s not fine.)
Hashirama will weave himself and his Tobirama into Madara’s conception of family so permanently that they can never be plucked out: he’ll plant the seeds now and let them grow until Madara’s heart and soul are ripe for the harvest.
He knows what he wants and he knows how to get there - and he knows that he will use all of his resources to get it.
Even the resources that don’t yet know they are his.
Like - say - poor, ignorant little Izuna.
After all, what Izuna doesn’t know won’t hurt him -
- until Hashirama decides that it will.
“Listen to me, Senju,” Izuna says heatedly, putting his hands down on Hashirama’s desk. It’s almost offensive how free he feels with Hashirama’s personal space, but then, he thinks of Hashirama as a soft-hearted fool, a perception Hashirama has done exactly nothing to dissuade him of. It’s far too amusing. “I’m going to get straight to the point –”
“Oh, good,” Hashirama says innocently. “I’d been wondering when you were planning to do that.”
“You –! I know you're up to something. My brother never leaves home without warning or telling me –”
“My fault entirely,” Hashirama cuts in smoothly. “I’m afraid I sprang the mission on him last second – forgot all about it until it was time to head out. You know me: I’d misplace my head if it wasn’t attached!”
He laughs, even as Izuna seethes. Mostly because it makes Izuna seethe; if Izuna wasn’t so set in his belief that Hashirama is a blithering idiot, he might actually realize that Hashirama’s been mocking him this entire time.
“How long is this mission supposed to last again?” Izuna finally demands, as if Hashirama hasn’t already told him five times.
“We should be back a week after we first set out.” 
“If he’s a single day late –”
“Isn’t the usual worry date four days out?” Hashirama wonders. “Or at least two, for short range ones? Do you not trust Madara to be able to complete a mission, is that it? You should have more respect for your elders.”
Izuna makes a frustrated sound like kettle boiling. “Listen, he’d better be back on time, you hear me?”
“I hear you. I’m not sure I understand you, but I certainly hear you.”
Izuna scoffs. “Just make absolutely sure he’s back in one piece, or else -”
“I’ll always do my best to take care of Madara,” Hashirama assures him. “He’s very precious to me.”
“Yes, yes, your ‘precious people’; the whole world knows about your stupid Will of Fire and your precious people…!” Another scoff. “I’ve just about filled up on it. Tell me the instant my brother gets back.” 
Hashirama watches as Izuna storms out.
Shaking his head, he gets up to go: with Izuna gone, there’s nothing keeping him here, and he has high hopes for what Madara and Tobirama have gotten up to in his absence. Madara’s been positively mad for Tobirama ever since he left them alone that first time, worshipping every inch of him with classic Uchiha obsession; it’s all working out very well according to plan.
An Uchiha tracker does try, not-so-subtly, to follow him out of the gates, but Hashirama loses him easily, just as he does the one who follows far more subtly, seeking to use the shadow of the first as a dodge. Izuna’s loyalists, of course, but Hashirama is not respected throughout the many nations and nor revered among the many clans as the God of Shinobi because he would fall for such an insipid little play as that.
Yes, something will clearly have to be done about Izuna.
After losing his tails in the forest, Hashirama doubles back to the secure little outpost where he’s left his brother in Madara’s tender care.
Hashirama grins in earnest as he walks into the room: they’re on the bed, Tobirama lying flat on his back, eyes glazed over with pleasure and moaning as Madara thrusts into him, kneeling between his splayed legs.
Hashirama wonders if either of them really needed the infusion of aphrodisiac he included in the tea he served them that morning before he returned to the village, or if he would have walked in on them like this regardless, but dismisses the thought as irrelevant a second later; there’s really no harm in being certain, after all.
“Having fun without me, I see,” he remarks cheerfully, shedding his clothing as he comes forward to kneel by the bed. He’s been hard since he left the office, and after the aggravating day he had he thinks he deserves a nice treat. “Madara, push him forward a bit, will you?”
Madara obliges him, and Tobirama hangs his head back over the side of the bed, opening his pretty little mouth to take Hashirama’s cock without even the slightest bit of urging.
The position robs Tobirama of all autonomy: with one leg wrapped around Madara’s chest and the other draped over Madara’s arm, his back arching and his neck hanging low and supported only by Hashirama’s hand, he’s being held entirely aloft between them, shifting back and forth with their thrusts.
Entirely at their mercy.
“That’s wonderful, Tobirama,” Hashirama praises, even as he fucks his brother’s throat without much concern for the difficulties of the position. Tobirama’s a trained shinobi, lithe and flexible; he can handle it. “Very well done; you’re getting so good at this. Madara, isn’t he getting good at this?”
Madara scoffs a little. He would sound remarkably like his younger brother but for the fact that his version comes across as rather fond instead of condescending.
“Enjoying teaching your baby brother to suck your cock, Hashirama?” Madara asks, not slowing his thrusts in the slightest. “That turn you on?”
“It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it,” Hashirama says virtuously. It’s ridiculous enough to make Tobirama actually laugh around his cock, a delightful feeling, and it brings a smile to Madara’s face. “Might as well be you and me, wouldn’t you say?”
“Besides, I’ve already taught him that. This is just a new position. Like a graduation lesson!”
Madara barks a laugh. “You’re absurd.”
Hashirama grins and reaches out to reel Madara in for a kiss, tasting Madara’s laughter on his tongue even as he enjoys the feeling of Tobirama’s hot little mouth, the way he moves his lips and tongue along Hashirama’s cock to try to make it better for him as he thrusts in, glorying in his brother’s submission.
This is how it should be, he thinks to himself: Madara happy, distracted from the worries and the weight his clan has placed on his shoulders; Tobirama safe between them, safe and loved and appreciated the way he should always be, and would never believe just from Hashirama alone; and the three of them concerned with nothing but the great joy of being together, a joy that grows all the greater for being shared.
This is how it should always have been.
This is how it will be, if Hashirama has anything to say about it. He’s going to make this beautiful present into his future, his permanent future, and absolutely no one will stand in his way.
Especially not Izuna.
Hashirama wonders idly if it’s time for Izuna to have another little relapse of that lung complaint of his, the one that stems from that little snarl of scar tissue left over in his chest from the battle wound he incurred from Tobirama’s sword. All perfectly natural, of course; the Uchiha medics themselves confirmed that it was truly amazing that Hashirama had managed to keep the scarring to such a minimum amount.
And if their iryo jutsu is not strong enough to see that within that scar tissue there is the tiniest little dab of foreign cells, mostly dead and entirely dormant unless awakened with the Mokuton, that once upon a time came from a species of tree called ficus aurea –
Well. That’s just too bad, isn’t it?
Hashirama smirks a little at the thought – he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue into Madara’s mouth, to mercilessly grind into Tobirama’s face, enjoying the uncomplicated pleasure they were both giving him – but ultimately decides against it.
Annoying or not, scheming or not, threat or not, Izuna will remain untouched for now.
After all, the true purpose of the so very aptly-named strangler fig is to ensure that Izuna will not waste his life in battle: Madara loves and fears for his last brother, the bastion of his sanity, and Hashirama knows that although Madara is saddened by Izuna’s mysterious condition, he is secretly pleased that it does not impact his life in any serious manner and cannot fully hide his lack of regret that Izuna has been forced to resign from the front lines, trading battle for administration in his new role as the head of T&I for the village.
No, best not to do anything: Madara would only worry if he found out that Izuna had another attack while he was gone, starting coughing and clutching at his chest as though something had curled around his lungs to press all the air out, and Hashirama wants this week to be one that Madara remembers with untainted joy.
Maybe another time, if Izuna continues to be so irritating.
“Oh, I missed you two,” Hashirama says, continuing to kiss Madara. He likes kissing Madara, and he’s got over a decade of kisses to make up for; he could spend all day doing just this. Having his cock sucked at the same time doesn’t hurt, though, especially since Tobirama has really become quite frighteningly skilled at it given the short amount of time he’s had to practice. “You know, I haven’t come at all this morning; isn’t that a terrible shame?”
“No, you’re terrible,” Madara breathes against Hashirama’s lips, breaking away a little, but still fond, still laughing, and not pulling away the way he had been at first. No more struggling, no more attempts to escape: Madara’s forgotten all about that. It’s amazing how pleasure can break a person so much more thoroughly than torture, something professional torturers like Izuna never seem to realize – or else he’d be far more worried about his brother’s friendship with Hashirama than he already is. “Absolutely terrible, Hashirama. Did you put something in our tea this morning?”
“Who, me?” Hashirama asks, leaning forward to nip slightly at Madara’s neck – Madara likes a bit of pain with his pleasure, Hashirama’s found, and he’s already got all sorts of plans on how to best use that to maximum advantage. “I’m hurt at your, mmm, terrible insinuations. As if I’d ever do something so underhanded. Me, a sweet, good, innocent little shinobi…”
Madara laughs again.
“What makes you say that, anyway?”
“We haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other all day,” Madara says. “You did, then?”
“Obviously I did. There’s no such thing as an innocent shinobi. When did you notice?”
“Not until afternoon,” Madara concedes, which is hilarious: that meant they’d already been at each other all day without thinking anything was strange about it. “I’d decided to try riding Tobirama –”
“Oh, did you now?” Hashirama asks, delighted. He’d had to guide or force them into trying all sorts of new positions and techniques, but he’s also had nearly five days of almost non-stop sexual play to distract them by now; they’d stopped even mentioning their other obligations at this point. And now they were starting to innovate on their own! “Did he like that?”
(He wonders if this satisfaction what it feels like when you finally break a feral animal's spirit to your yoke. He thinks it might be.)
Madara smirks, smug as a rooster strutting amongst the hens. “I’d tell you to ask him, but…”
“His mouth is otherwise occupied, yes. Good, good. How’d that give it up?”
“Well, he came pretty quickly –”
“Virgins,” Hashirama sighs, tutting a little down at a now-blushing Tobirama. He does so love humiliating his so-proud brother, a pleasure he reserves only for himself and no other, though perhaps if Madara is very good and very obedient Hashirama will consider letting him in on the fun. “Really, Tobirama, and here I thought you were doing so much better…”
“He did a perfectly respectable job of it,” Madara says, and oh, Hashirama loves how he’s defending Tobirama’s honor, even if there’s nothing really to defend.
Izuna’s going to be in for a nasty little surprise the next time he tries to cast aspersions on Hashirama’s little brother just because he’s a sore loser who can’t admit his own failure.
Hashirama really hopes he’s there to see it happen.
“And?” Hashirama prompts.
“Well, he got hard again right after,” Madara says wryly. “And given that he was still inside of me at the time, it was – noticeable.”
“I’m sure it was,” Hashirama says, laughing at the thought. He’ll have to watch that scene later; he can just imagine the looks on their faces. “Should I not have done it, then?”
Madara snorts. “Like me telling you to stop would have any effect –”
Good, he’s learning.
“– but as it happens, I’m more interested in getting my hands on some of that stuff, whatever it is. I can think of four different missions it would be perfect for.”
“I’m not sure I’m pleased with you thinking about missions while fucking my brother,” Hashirama scolds his best friend lightly, though he doesn’t disagree. It is, in fact, extremely useful. “Don’t let us down, Madara; put your back into it or don’t bother.”
Madara’s always been marvelously competitive, and it doesn’t take much more than a few more goads before he’s really rutting away in earnest; Hashirama can lean back on his heels and let Madara’s thrusts move Tobirama’s mouth along his cock, no effort required.
It takes only a few more minutes for Madara to come after that, and then he curls up on the bedsheets and watches as Hashirama kneels back up to properly fuck Tobirama’s mouth.
Mindful of his visually-attenued audience, Hashirama makes sure to pull out and come on Tobirama’s face at the end.
“Lovely,” Madara says, his eyes heavy and lidded with post-orgasm languor. “Hashirama, you can handle clean-up, can’t you? Since this is all your fault, anyway.”
“Seems only right,” Tobirama agrees, his voice raspy, his throat well-used. “Go get some water, anija; we’re positively filthy.”
“Work, work, work,” Hashirama complains cheerfully, even as he does get up to get water and towels to help clean them both up. “That’s all you want me for, I knew it. I’m just superfluous free labor…”
“Shut up, anija. We’re sleeping now.”
“Damn right.”
Hashirama pretends to grumble, but he’s immensely pleased when he settles in between them, pulling both his brother and his best friend into his arms. He’ll deal with their insolence later, when he’s less content, less happy.
This is everything he wants in the world, right here. He’s going to keep it.
No matter who he has to sacrifice to do that.
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akane171 · 2 years
Yes, I am sure😅😂
Yuuup, definitely poor dude 😅😖
Well, the SPN fandom is a place of crazies and madness, soo🤷🏻‍♀️😉😂
Wasn't that the scene in the OG Naruto? But Shipuuden had flashbacks of Naruto hanging out with Shikamaru and Choji🤔 Ah, whatever, I'm starting to get confused😂😂😂🙈
Yeah, I never understood that either, like the Third Hokage even PROMISED Minato and Kushina to protect Naruto and showcase him as a hero😅🤦🏻‍♀️
HAHAHAHAHA that is quite ironic😂 But didn't the newest pope even speak up several times about ACCEPTING such stuff? (I might be remembering this wrong, I don't really keep up with what which religion is currently in favor of but I think he said sth a few years ago?)🤔😅
Yes, worry about you... Calling that "entertaining" is quite worrying😅🙈
Yes, RL is like that, NOT fanfics😭
😂😂😂😂 I suppose? 😂😂😂😂
Hmm, not sure if the theory will ever be addressed🤔😅
Yeaaah...Most fillers are annoying tho some were indeed nice🤔😅
Hahaha, they'd throw the most awesomest of parties😂😍
...Please don't remind me of Scott and Malia, that was just random and weird...🙈😅
You're welcome?😅😂
Naah, I'll accept suggestions but most often then not, I'll choose, so kinda yeah😂 Everybody else just gotta shut their cakeholes😉😉
Honestly, Keith and Jim are two of my absolutely most loved things ever right now😂😂 I could watch them be silent and make gestures in interviews all day every day😂😂 (Imagine those Space puppies meeting our Karamel Space puppies😂 I feel like Keith, Jim and Mon (and Winn) would get along brilliantly😂😂😉)
Uhh, now that you say it, Linkin Park fans really do seem to be Skillet fans, too🤔🤔 Maybe because the vibe of both bands' older songs is kinda similar?🤔🤔
Ohh, Sleeping at Last is kinda an opposite to the rest😂🤷🏻‍♀️ They usually have more calming even kinda sad songs🤔😅 You might know their song "Saturn" tho, that one seems pretty widely known🤔
Ohh, FictionJunction and Two Steps from Hell?😱😍 I'll need to check out the rest when I have time tho, I'm really bad with titles and names, so not sure if I know them😅🙈
😂😂😂 medical harassment, Huh?😉
Don't believe ya :)))))
SPN fandom made me realize how incest is popular in some spaces.... and my life was not the same since then....
I think it was during the flashbacks of their first big ass battle? When Naruto was for the first time remembering how their relationship started. I think? It was long time ago and I ERASED the memory of that manga/anime from my brain =='
And here we ended, with Naruto hated by the whole village and Sasuke alone, miserable and cultivating a big ass piss at his brother. Splendid!
He was telling some progressive stuff and then told some shit about Ukraine and well, pissed me off :))) but I guess he is better than the last two. What is not a big... improvement, but whatever.
I'm innocent! You are creating some weird stuff about me in your head!
Probably it won't. That's how the producers approach their shows *glares at the SG*
Scott and Malia was the perfect example of how they fucked up perfectly working ships (Stalia and Scira) for fanonship (frucking sty dia) and realized they don't have a ship for the main hero, so they put him with his FRIEND, even when there was nothing romantic. Ever. Because friendships between males and females can't exist right??? I'm still so pissed :/
Lol, best pals for lives xD Seriosuly, we need more weirdos in our lives XD
Yeah, and some of the other bands you sent me have that vibe too, I guess it's similar genre? Not sure, because aside of the Linkin Park, I don't listen to this type too much. Still good music :D As for Skillet, there is something in their music that doesn't make me their fan, but can't tell what exactly.
Nope, sorry, I don't know that song, bands like them are not really popular here and I have never really dug into them.
FictionJunction is just perfect. And Two Steps From Hell made a lot of pieces that help me creating the space opera ideas xD they are very... epic xD
medical harassment - fuck yeah.
Nooooo, still didn't have time for that, but will soon :D Happy you are happy and for sure LW is going to be happy too xDDD
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sharigone · 7 years
Summary:  “ Her endless pools reflected the moon in the most wonderful way.  In some weird way, I felt connected to Hinata and almost protective over her.  I wanted things to go her way and I’d do my hardest to help.” College AU. Rated T, might be changed to M later.
Pairing: NaruHina
Bleachers Chapter Two: O, Romeo
“A romance play! You didn’t tell me it would be a romance!” I groaned when he handed me the scripts.
It would be super hard to convince Hinata to join me on this one.  I can already see her running off the stage when our characters have to profess their love to each other.  It couldn’t hurt to try though, maybe she’ll agree to it just for the scholarship. Although I wish Sai would’ve warned me ahead of time.
Today there would be an orientation in the theatre about auditions and call backs and the auditions would start the following day.  Basically all we had to do is show up and sign up.  Hinata and I decided to meet up in my dorm room with Sasuke after she is done with her Calculus course since the dorms were close by.  Worked perfectly.  We would have at least an hour to go over the lines and hopefully go to the orientation if she still wanted to go through with it.
Until then, I decided I’d play games with the guys before they had to go to class.  Shikamaru and Sasuke always tried to find the smart way to the goal in our multiplayer mission but I liked doing things head first, so usually when we play our video games together, we ended up arguing about which route is the best route before we just end up blowing stuff up on the game.  
“Damn it, Naruto! I told you to take cover by the car, not throw grenades!” Shikamaru slammed his controller.
“Now you alerted the enemy.” Sasuke squinted his eyes at me.
“Why walk on eggshells when a grenade can take out about half of them?”
“You never think these things through and it drags the mission.”
“Whatever. You’re just mad because I like to actually utilize the weapons we have.” I waved them off, getting up to grab some soda.
“Hey, what’s that over there?” Sasuke nudged his head towards the script.
“Nothing.” I shielded it from his view.
This only irritated him and he snatched it from behind me.
“A play?” Shikamaru raised his eyebrow, “Not just any play, but a romance. Just wait until Chouji and Kiba hear about this.”
“No! Whatever you do, don’t tell Kiba!” I waved my arms frantically.
If Kiba got any word of this, I would have no end to all of the theatre jokes and pokes.
“I can already hear the dog-faced idiot.” Sasuke snickered to himself, “O, Romeo where art thou?”
“Shut up, will ya!” I punched his arm, “Don’t you guys have a class to go to?”
“Oh yeah, that’s right. See ya… Romeo.” Shikamaru got his bag and left with Sasuke.
I cursed to myself and kicked my door shut.  They were definitely telling Kiba; they couldn’t possibly resist such a golden moment.  It was only a few minutes before I heard a light tapping on the door which could only come from Hinata. I happily greeted her and let her inside.  She fidgeted with her hair and her scarf as she sat down on my bed so I decided to try to make her a little more comfortable.
“How was class?” I started.
“It was fine. Just graphing and unknown variables, the usual.” she turned her head to the side.
I got the scripts and handed on to her, “I’ll let you read through it before we get started.”
“Penelope.” she read the title, “The play is Greek?”
“Uh, yeah.” I nodded, sitting across from her in my swivel chair.
We silently read the entire script together.  The drama team decided to do a more modern take on the old Greek play to attract a broader audience which I thought was pretty cool. I finished reading the script but I knew she finished when her usual light pink tint spread across her cheeks.
“A romance.” she stuttered between her words.
“Yeah, I had no clue. Sai didn’t care to let me know about that.” I scratched behind my head nervously, “If this is too much for you, it’s okay to back out.”
She thought about if for a second, her gaze glancing all around the room before she stuck out her pinky towards me.
“We made a promise remember?”
“Yeah. Are you sure though?” I wrapped my bigger pinky around her’s.
She nodded, “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
I let out a hearty laugh and leaned back in my chair, “I’ve always known you were funny, Hinata.”
She brought her hands up to her lips and let out a small chuckle at her own joke.
“I’m really gonna have to break out of my shell if I’m going to play Penelope.” she noted.
“You can do it, keep your eyes on the prize.”
“Right. Shall we go over the lines?”
I gave a quick nod as we started to rehearse the lines and before we knew it, it was time to head out to the theatre.  The director of the play was Miss Fuyu, she apparently did Broadway once and was an expert in everything related to plays and musicals. I saw Sai painting in the background with a few other people while Miss Fuyu gave everyone a run down of how auditions and callbacks work, the story behind the play, and the schedules. Hinata took all the notes and listened attentively to everything she was saying.  At the end of the orientation we had to sign the sheet and put down which role we were trying for. I, of course but Odysseus and Hinata put down Penelope. Tomorrow we’d have to meet at the theatre at the same time which would a bit of a rush since both Hinata and I had class before then.  We’d make it work though.
“Do you think Miss Fuyu will want us to do the entire play for the audition or just a certain scene?” Hinata asked as we walked out of the theatre.
“Gee, I dunno.” I thought a little, “Guess we find out tomorrow.”
“I was just wondering because..” she fumbled between her words, “Y’know because… of that scene at the end.”
“Oh, yeah.” I chuckled nervously.
There was a kiss scene at the end of the play. I knew exactly what she was worried about.
“I’ve never actually kissed...anyone.” she admitted, turning her head away from me.
“Wait what?” I stopped our walk and turned her to look at me, “Not once! Not even a peck?”
She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.
“C’mon, Hinata! That’s crazy, I mean you’re really pretty how could it not have happened?”
She let out a small gasp before raised her hands up to cover her cheeks, shaking her head furiously.
“My nose is always in a book.  Besides, I wasn’t ever really interested.”
I guess I can see where she’s coming from.  My first kiss was accidental with Sasuke of all people, but we buried that deep in the grave and it is never supposed to be brought up again.  And then there was that time in my first year in university when I had seven minutes in heaven with this girl named, Saya.  That was less than pleasant, I had no experience and she insisted on shoving her tongue down my throat.  I could gag at the very thought. Yikes.  
“You don’t want your first kiss being with me?” I smirked mischievously.
“No, no it’s not that!” she shrieked.
“Oh, so you do want to kiss me.” I had to admit I liked seeing her get all worked up.
Her face was beet red and she did her best to hide herself in her hair, “Naruto!”
“I’m just messing with you.” I bursted out laughing and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, continuing our walk.
She gently poked my side and pouted, her face still red. Oh, this was pure gold.
“That was not nice, Naruto!”
“Oh, c’mon it was funny. At least a little!”
She shook her head defiantly.
“Admit it! It was a good one.”
“Slightly.” she bubbled up in laughter.
“That's more I like it.” I laughed with her, “I’ve got class right now but we’re all going out for drinks later, wanna join?”
“Um, it sounds like fun.” she glanced my way before looking back down at her feet.
“Cool! See ya there!” I gave her a thumbs up before running off to the Communications building.
I turned my back once and saw her back where we stood, smiling and waving at me. Her hair contrasting the sun in the most mesmerizing way.  I had a small feeling I’d have a hard time keeping her out of my head.
Last Chapter | Next Chapter
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Naruto: 10 Hilarious Hinata Memes Only True Fans Will Love
Of the characters in the manga/anime series Naruto, a particular fan-favorite is Hinata Hyūga. Initially shy and lacking confidence, she admired the series’ titular protagonist Naruto Uzumaki from afar while being burdened with pressure from her own family as the heir to the prestigious Hyūga Clan.
RELATED: 10 Hilarious Naruto Memes Only True Fans Will Love
But starting in Naruto: Shippuden, Hinata became a stronger and more proactive character, leading to further admiration from fans who supported her eventual marriage to Naruto.  With that said, she has become the subject of many memes like the rest of the characters, and arguably the funniest ones are highlighted down below.
10 Beat Up In Front Of Crush
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When guys are bullied in front of the girls they like, they usually try not to seem weak by shrugging off whatever injuries they might have sustained in order to appear tough.  Now how this applies to the above meme is Naruto’s face, which seems like the perfect reaction a guy would make to act tough despite getting beat up, thus making it funny in the process.
This, in turn, is aided by Hinata’s face, as she looks genuinely concerned.  But it’s even funnier in context since in actuality it is Hinata crushing on Naruto and not the other way around.
9 Friendzoned
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Invented in the '90s, ‘Friendzoned’ is a popular expression to use when a person who’s crushing on another person doesn’t have their feelings aren't reciprocated.  This is often applied to love triangles in TV shows, where one person’s feelings aren’t reciprocated, and Naruto is no exception.
Because Naruto didn’t acknowledge Hinata’s obvious feelings for him until The Last: Naruto the Movie, which was the final Naruto-focused film in the Naruto franchise, she was basically friendzoned for most of the series.  So her blank, yet calm face in this meme is funny in contrast to the sarcastic tagline outlining her face.
RELATED: Naruto: The 10 Best Love Triangles, Ranked
8 Before It Was Mainstream
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While most people are familiar with the term ‘Hipster,’ its definition has changed over time.  For instance, in the 1940s and '60s, it referred to people who liked jazz and lived vagabond lifestyles. But in the 21st Century, it’s come to refer to people who reject mainstream things in general and are often characterized by wearing square-shaped glasses.
So this meme makes fun of Hinata by framing her as a modern hipster by claiming that she liked Naruto before it was popular.  This is especially true in context with the series, as Naruto wasn’t liked by his village until about midway through Naruto: Shippuden.
7 Never Got Mad
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Those who’ve seen the Naruto series in its entirety, along with its ongoing sequel Boruto, will get a kick out of this meme due to its truthfulness. What it mostly makes fun of is Hinata’s personality, as she rarely got mad in both Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden since she was usually unassuming and not impulsive in her reactions unless Naruto was involved.
Yet in Boruto, this changed as she became more prone to getting angry especially when it came to her husband Naruto and her children Boruto and Himawari.  So this contrast is what makes the above meme funny.
RELATED: 10 Reasons Naruto Is Better Than Boruto
6 Gets Hurt
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A common trope in Shōnen series is the tendency for female leads to get injured, which in turn sparks the male lead to unleashing their full power on whoever harmed her. Thus leads the perpetrator to get hurt or even killed in some cases.  We see this trope played out twice in Naruto, which the above meme points out and makes fun of.
The first time, Sakura Haruno gets hurt fighting a team of Sound Ninja during the Chūnin Exams all by herself when she’s conveniently saved by Sasuke Uchiha who’s activated the Curse Mark that Orochimaru gave him earlier which makes him stronger but less mentally stable.  This causes Sasuke to hurt one of the Sound Ninja team members, as opposed to Naruto who nearly kills Pain in his unstable Six-Tail form for injuring Hinata during Pain’s attack on Konoha Village in Naruto: Shippuden.
RELATED: 10 Best Episodes Of Naruto Shippuden According To IMDb
5 Sakura Vs Hinata
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Because Sakura was the girl that Naruto had feelings for despite Hinata’s own affection for him, this naturally led fans to compare the two in terms of which one was the better love-interest.  As the above meme shows, it seems more people supported Naruto getting together with Hinata instead of Sakura.
While the obvious contrast in the crowds’ reaction is certainly funny in of itself, it does ring true base on each girl’s actions.  For instance, Hinata loved Naruto unconditionally throughout most of the series while Sakura didn’t care for Naruto until later.  Plus, when she did claim to have feelings for him she was really lying to herself.
4 Kissed Naruto-Kun
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Due to Hinata’s shyness, she was usually nervous in the presence of Naruto. Even thinking about him would make her nervous, and sometimes this led to comedically timed fainting spells which would end up surprising her teammates Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame.
So the humor in this meme comes from how the adult Hinata finally worked up the courage to kiss Naruto, which was the main highlight of The Last: Naruto the Movie.  By contrast, her younger selves could only dream of such a thing before fainting at the sheer thought of it.
3 Cannot Be Unseen
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Apart from the action scenes and drama that make up most of the Naruto series, there was also the comedic elements which often came from the characters’ reactions to ridiculous things that happened.  Such is the case in the above meme where we see Hinata looking extremely shocked at something offscreen with an appropriately funny tagline.
Though considering that she’s hiding behind a post, we can assume that Hinata is spying on Naruto which she occasionally did in the show.  Plus, her reactions tended to be the strongest if it involved something with Naruto, which made them funny when they happened.
2 Love Emilia
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At a glance, this meme may not make much sense with Naruto declaring his love for someone named Emilia right after Hinata says she loves him. But this meme is actually quite funny if one is familiar with another anime series called Re: Zero - Starting Life in Another World.  In the anime, an ordinary boy named Subaru Natsuki is transported to a parallel fantasy world where he meets an elf girl named Emilia whom he falls in love with.
However, a shy demon girl named Rem also has feelings for Subaru and eventually confesses though he ultimately declares his love for Emilia.  This enraged so many Re: Zero's fans who liked Rem that it became a meme that has been used in other anime series including Naruto.
1 Even Lift?
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While this meme speaks for itself in relation to the tagline, the hilarity of it comes from the significance of the scene itself.  It’s arguably a pivotal moment in not just the Naruto: Shippuden series, but also in Hinata’s character arc.
During Naruto’s battle with Pain, the designated leader of the notorious Akatsuki organization, he gets pinned down and is about to get killed when Hinata steps in.  She uses all of her power to protect him from Pain, and in the process, she finally confesses her feelings for Naruto, which would significantly change how he felt about her down the line making this moment memorable and therefore easy to make fun of.
NEXT: Naruto: 10 Biggest Twists & Reveals, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/naruto-hinata-memes/
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furederiko · 7 years
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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2017 was held on June 13-15 in Los Angeles, USA. Meaning, it has once again come and gone, and now comes the time to talk about some of its biggest news (ones that matters to me, at least). That's right, it's a Video-Game Special Random-News-Digest this time around...
NOTE: In general, the topics below are categorized under the company that released them. But in some cases, they go by their separate franchises instead. And one more thing, this was supposed to go up yesterday, precisely one day after E3 2017 ended. BUT... due to unexpected technical issues (internet connection, and... my health), I had no choice but to postpone it. Better late than never, I guess... *sigh*
Marvel vs Capcom
Let's kick this off with a collaboration of Marvel and CAPCOM. Aside from another "Monster Hunter" title that I honestly couldn't care less, "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" was one of CAPCOM's big showcase this year. Remember that leak that arrived earlier this month, the one that spoiled the game's roster? Looks like that report might be true after all. CAPCOM has officially unveiled several more playable characters: the Marvel side has been added by Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, cosmic warrior Nova, assassin Gamora, and the Mad Titan Thanos; while the CAPCOM side was expanded by silver haired Dante of the original "Devil May Cry" (so NOT the latest reboot "DmC"), Zero from "Rockman X" series, cyborg Spence of "Bionic Commando", and goofy knight Arthur from the action comedy franchise "Ghosts 'n Goblins". Considering all eight of these names fit that roster report, I'm pretty sure the credibility of that leak has been confirmed. Everyone was revealed through the new Story trailer, that also announced that a Story Demo has been made available to those who want to experience the game first-hand. You can also check out some of these characters in action, as well as possible in-game pairings (like Gamora-Strider, Strange-Arthur, and so on), through the official gameplay video.
As I've commented on my previous R-N-D, most of the names (with the exception of two) revealed here are 'has been' characters. So while some people were happy about them, many were equally disappointed, which isn't good considering the internet hasn't been kind towards this title. An issue that stemmed from public's disappointments to "Street Fighter V", really. Thankfully, there was one pleasant surprise that came along with this trailer. And it's Black Panther! Those X-Men enthusiasts who cried foul when Wolverine is omitted from the game, can stop whining because the character officially has a replacement now. I'm pretty confident that Panther is going to share a similar 'slash and dice' movesets, if not simply a re-skin version. Panther's inclusion made a lot of sense, considering his first-ever solo movie is arriving in February 2018. The same logic goes to Thanos, as "Avengers: Infinity War" that will put him in the spotlight will arrive a few months after in May. And thanks to Thanos' importance in the story mode, now I understand why Gamora (who shares a famillial link) is necessary to be included in the core cast. Somehow I suspect she's going to be a re-skin of Jill Valentine though, and that might be an issue. Speaking of problem, Panther's not among the core roster. He will be part of the upcoming 6 character DLCs that already includes Ultron and Sigma, though seemingly will be available on launch as part of the 'Deluxe Edition'. And since we already have Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, and also Groot (who has been confirmed to be an official assist of Rocket, as they come in one package), I wouldn't be surprised if Star-Lord will follow suit among this DLC wagon as well.
Story is usually not a fighting game's forte. Even the seamless touch of "Mortal Kombat" couldn't hide the fact that it's... ridiculous at best. And well... this one is no different. Jugding from the trailer, this game seems to rely heavily on the Infinity Stones, or as Captain America suggested, "Infinite Six". Again, it also makes sense, due to the movie based on it happening in less than a year. After all, why would the title even bothered to have 'Infinite' as the sub-title, if that's not the whole point, right? The universe-shattering plot somehow reminded me of "Street Fighter V" all over again, which wasn't that great. So I'm not too sure CAPCOM will be able to pull this 'cinematic experience' off into something significantly better. The CAPCOM characters already felt... what's the word... out of place? And yikes, what happened to Chun-Li?! Subjectively speaking, she's not as 'ugly' as NetherRealm Studios' design for female characters, but I've certainly seen the Chinese Interpol agent in a much better shape before! On the other hand, never thought I'm gonna say this, but Thanos totally kicked-ass with his Infinity Gauntlet. Getting me more and more excited for the "Infinity War" movie, which might be the other primary goal of this game from the very beginning.
I don't know what you think, but overall this game doesn't look half bad. The design might need some getting used to, but I think it feels closer and closer to the previous 3 titles the more I see it. Unfortunately, as I've said before, the general sentiment of this game is definitely leaning on the side of negative. Fans who have 'tasted' the Story Demo have expressed a similar pessimistic tone as well. With a release date crawling closer and closer, how would CAPCOM react to this? I guess we'll just have to wait and see when the game is officially launched. "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 19.
Sonic the Hedgehog
SEGA released a new trailer for "Sonic Forces", and this time around, they introduced the set of villains that Modern, Classic and Custom Sonic will be teaming up to face. I was already sold by the inclusion of a Custom character, but seeing all those arch-nemesises in one place just turned me into... a pure happy camper. And that's not all, because a new powerful and mysterious enemy will be joining, if not commanding them. Infinite, no relations to the above category, will be teaming up with Doctor Ivo Robotnik/Eggman (from... duh, almost every game?), Metal Sonic (who debuted on "Sonic CD"), Chaos (of "Sonic Adventure"), Shadow the Hedgehog (of "Sonic Adventure 2"), and Zavok (from the recent "Sonic Lost World") to take over the world. Seriously, that new villain looks scary, and he's totally stealing my attention. Dang it, I totally wish I can play this game. There's no release date so far, but "Sonic Forces" will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC this holiday.
Dragon Ball
I actually couldn't care less about any "Dragon Ball"-based games beyond the ones released during the 90s, but this one... "Dragon Ball FighterZ"? This totally got my attention! Indeed, it was that good, that it was stealing many E3 attendee's attention with its high speed action, flashy moves, and colorful anime graphics. For some reason, the "Marvel vs Capcom" style felt strong in this, to the point that many people have come to loving this more than that franchise's upcoming release. Ironic, huh? I guess nostalgia does play a crucial factor...
This title is under Bandai Namco, but developed by Arc System Works, and somehow was leaked a few days ahead of its planned official reveal. The latter is the company that is known for franchises like "BlazBlue", "Guilty Gear", and also the "Naruto" series. But unlike the Naruto ones that went full-on 3D style, this one utilized a 2.5D style, which once again, is the right call! Why? The development is in 3D, which as producer Tomoko Hiroki has confirmed, makes some technical elements much easier to pull off, but the visual is of 2D animation. And I say, not just that. "Dragon Ball" IS and has always been an anime, thus the anime style is definitely the way to go when it comes to adapting Son Goku and other character of the long-running franchise. It also easily reminded me of those classic "Dragon Ball" fighting game I used to play on my SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive with my family. Aaah, the good 'ol times when the world was still kind, and people hasn't been corrupted by the irony called... growing up.
The game's official reveal trailer only included 6 characters so far: Son Goku, Vegeta, (child) Son Gohan, Cell, Frieza, and Majin Buu. But since the game will be based on the whole "Dragon Ball Z" arc, it's obvious we'll be seeing many more characters like the twins Android 17 and Android 18, Krillin, (future and child) Trunks, and even Son Goten. Especially with Bandai Namco stressing out that "famous scenes from the Dragon Ball anime reproduced in 60 frames per second and 1080p resolution.". A closed beta demo will be held on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One before the end of summer, so fans who are intrigued to give this game a shot, just need to wait a bit longer. For the time being, we can indulge ourselves with several gameplay videos taken as direct-feed from the E3 hall. You can visit Gematsu (HERE, and HERE) to view them. "Dragon Ball FighterZ" will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide in early 2018.
Contrary to previous report, Nintendo did take the stage this year, as they announced numerous exciting titles that made MAAANY people happy. Not a surprise as well, because Nintendo Switch was just released 4 months ago, and there haven't been many softwares to complement the hybrid console.
Let's start with what's probably the biggest signature title for Switch. A game that IGN has even crowned to be the "Game of Show", "Best Platformer", and "Best Nintendo Switch Game" of E3 2017. It's none other than... "Super Mario Oddysey"! In this game, players will take Mario on a globe-trotting 3D adventure to collect Moons, a fuel for the airship 'Oddysey' that is necessary to rescue Prince Peach from Bowser. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. How many effing times do Mario needs to walk through the same scenario, right? But never mind that, because this game looked super fun.
I haven't purchased Switch yet, but even I'm already itching to play this game. For so many reasons. That great and catchy theme song that made me dancing like a child. That white broadway top-hat, or Mexican sombrero? And Mario 'possessing' practically any living beings around him with a cap throw? Dang it, if only I can play it right NOW. This looked a lot like "Super Mario Galaxy" on Wii, but with its own... spin. Get it? Here, just take a look at its reveal trailer, or the gameplay videos (available on Gematsu), and tell me if you're not easily charmed by this game. Because if you're not, then I seriously pity your sad childhood (just kidding, no need for death threat!). "Super Mario Odyssey" will launch on October 27th, 2017... only on Nintendo Switch.
The second Switch game for Mario is "Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle", that combines the world of Mario and his Mushroom Kingdom, with Ubisoft's "Rabbids" franchise. Yep, this worst-kept secret collaboration title has been developed by Ubisoft, hence why I don't give the company their own exclusive category (because its content will be separated in two). In this game, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and also Yoshi will join forces with their four... Rabbids dopplegangers, to journey four different worlds, in the hope of restoring order to The Mushroom Kingdom. I'm personally NOT a fan of the Rabbids, but even this crossover game looked FUN. And beyond that, according to IGN it has a deep strategic battle system too. But more importantly, this game also proved that Nintendo is becoming more open to allow other developers to use their properties. A fact that inspires great potentials and possibilities in the future. You can watch the official announcement trailer on Youtube, as well as a Development Diary for the game. Gematsu also had 21 minutes of gameplay from the E3 floor, so go ahead and visit the site. "Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle" will be released for Nintendo Switch on August 29th, 2017.
More Mario? Yes... more Mario! Announced during Nintendo's E3 2017 Treehouse live stream, "Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions" is a renewed classic that will arrive on October 6th, 2017 exclusively for Nintendo 3DS. In this game, rather than trying to battle Bowser, the Mario Bros are teaming up WITH Bowser to restore Princess Peach's voice. Visit Youtube for the official trailer, and also Gematsu for 25 minutes of gameplay videos. Wow, Mario is killing it, huh? Nope, not just him, his green dinosaur friend Yoshi is also getting his own Switch game! Conveniently titled as "Yoshi", the 2D side-scrolling adventure will see Yoshi exploring a world of miniature diorama filled with flip-ping surprises. Go ahead and watch the trailer and have your mind... flipped. LOL. "Yoshi" will be released in 2018.
What about other franchises, you wonder? Well, ask and you shall receive! In list form... LOL - The honestly weird-looking "Arms", is getting rave reviews. It's ridiculous fun, even with its lack in the story department as well as... logic. It might look simple, but it has a startling amount of depth that will wow anyone. Many are saying that this will be a hit for families entertainment, and the game is already hitting the market with a DLC already announced. - Fans of the "Metroid" series will also get their share of excitement. "Metroid Prime 4" has been announced for Switch. There's no release date for now, but I'm sure information about that will come in the near future. The same can't be said about "Metroid: Samus Returns" though. A 3D polygon remake of Game Boy classic "Metroid II: The Return of Samus", the title will be officially released for 3DS on September 15th, 2017. - The pink ball Kirby also gets Switch-ed, in the equally conveniently named "Kirby". Kirby will be adventuring in a party of four, which means up to 4 players can play this game together. Don't forget to check out its Hollywood style trailer! "Kirby" doesn't have a release date yet, but is set to be released in 2018. - And "Skyrim" fans? You got it! Complete with amiibo support and Legend of Zelda skins...
As you can see, the library of Switch is expanding like crazy, and it's an exciting turn around especially compared to what happened to Wii U. Those who have purchased this hybrid console since day one, no longer has to worry about not having a game to play. And for those who haven't had a chance to do so... well, the more the reason to get a Nintendo Switch, right? *grins*
Pocket Monsters
Are you among those who are waiting for a core Pokemon title on Switch? And you were disappointed when "Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon" was announced for 3DS instead of the rumored "Pokemon Stars"? Well, turns out you only need to wait... a little bit longer. The Pokemon Company president Tsunekazu Ishihara officially announced that Game Freak has begun developing a core RPG title for Nintendo Switch! So it is indeed happening, folks! He added though, that the title "may not release for more than a year, but we hope you will look forward to it all the same", hence why I told you to wait. Then again, more than a year from now can also mean... it MIGHT arrive on November 2018, right? Wow, I'm getting excited for no reason... LOL.
In a way, this announcement has also partially confirmed that the Switch is indeed the officiall replacement of 3DS. Moreso, and this is just a wild guess, but likely the rumor about "Pokemon Stars" was actually referring to this particular development, instead of the recently announced extension of "Pokemon Sun & Moon". Either way, this is a great news, because we're finally getting what many Pokemon fans have been dreaming: a chance to play a Pokemon RPG on the TV screen! How is that possible, you dare ask? DUH, Switch is a hybrid console that enables that! Of course, this also works wonder to Switch itself, because quoting my own words from last week: "The hybrid console is definitely in need of a fan favorite franchise like Pokemon to attract more players". Yes, the E3 announcement for those Mario titles and many others have shut down the public concern of 'Switch is lacking of exclusive game titles'. But having a Pokemon RPG on Switch, will undeniably attract Pokemon fans who are still on the fence to purchase the console and help boost its sales. Want prove? That's easy, because mark my word, I'm TOTALLY getting a Switch (sooner or later) just for this! *geeks out*
By the way, technically speaking, this section should've been part of the Nintendo category. But since it has already established its own category (in various form of medias) for such a long time, I've decided to put it separately.
Assassin's Creed
At long last, Ubisoft officially unveiled "Assassin's Creed: Origins" during Microsoft's E3 2017 stage. It was certainly not a surprise announcement, considering the title was already leaked since May. More than that, a Game Informer coverage was already leaked ahead of E3, officially spilling the beans in a non-official manner. Ouch! Someone at Game Informer is going to get fired...
Confirming the rumor, the new game will take place in Egypt, and as the title suggest, will be telling about the founding of the Assassin's Brotherhood. The main character (but not the only playable one) will be Bayek, a protector of the land whose story will be root of the Creed. Since the game takes place in the ancient Egypt during Cleopatra's reign, we can expect to see Great Pyramids, mythologies, pharaohs, and many other awesome bits from the country's history. Eventhough this game has been in production before the infamous "Assassin's Creed Unity", it will have a new free-form combat system with new A.I., revamped narrative experience and freedom to choose quests, an entire country to full explore, while still retaining and improving the series existing signatures like puzzles, Eagle Vision (through an Eagle named the Senu this time), stealth, that annoying climbing, Naval adventures, and many others. You can check out the official reveal trailer on Youtube, a Gameplay Demo, coverage by Game Informer, as well as a "Mysteries of Ancient Egypt" that gave additional details about the game.
There are several version of the game that fans can purchase. First is the "Deluxe Edition" that contains the game, printed version of the hand-drawn world map, soundtrack, and Digital Deluxe Pack. Second is the "Gold Edition", that adds a Season Pass for upcoming expansions and equipments. There are also the "Collector's Edition", "Dawn of the Creed Collector's Edition", and the special "Dawn of the Creed Legendary Collector's Edition". That last one will add a highly detailed resin statue of Bayek and Senu, The Collector's Certificate of Authenticity, replica of Bayek's eagle skull amulet, two Steelbooks, and four large lithographs signed by the studio artists. This limited edition (only 999 units for worldwide sale) is already available for pre-order exclusively on Ubisoft store for $799,9. As the pricing suggest, this is totally for that devoted fan with plenty of money to spare! *sigh*. Visit Gematsu for further details of these items. "Assassin's Creed: Origins" will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 27th, 2017.
Square Enix
The company brought their top franchise to the convention this year. Several new iterations of "Final Fantasy XV" were announced during the event, while new development on the highly anticipated "Kingdom Hearts III" was also revealed elsewhere.
Second DLC episode for "Final Fantasy XV", one that will focus on Prompto Argentum's solo adventure will be launched on June 27th, 2017, alongside the "Regalia Type-D" update (brings greater freedom to drive Regalia off-road). Just like the first that featured Gladioulus as the central character (released back in March), "Episode Prompto" will likely take place in between the infamous Chapter 13 of the main game as well. If Gladioulus was a hack and slash action genre, then apparently Prompto will take on a first-person shooter experience. Makes sense, really, considering his signature weapon of choice. You can check out a six minutes gameplay video of this DLC on Youtube.
Expanding the "FF XV Universe", two more extension games have been announced. The first one was "Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV", that will be available for PlayStation VR. It's a... fishing game, that let players explore oceans, lakes, ponds, and rivers alongside Noctis and his friends. Clearly based on one of the main game's mini-mission, the game will be launched in September. For now, you can view the official trailer to know that I'm not at all kidding. The second was "King's Knight: Wrath of the Dark Dragon", which apparently is an action RPG. This one's an App game, and will be released on iOS and Android later this year. I can't see the relation of this title with the main game, but I'm sure Final Fantasy fans will dig it like crazy anyway, right? Last but not least, the main game will soon have a major update to support Microsoft's new console. One which I will talk about at the end of this post. "Final Fantasy XV" is available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
As for "Kingdom Hearts III", Square Enix debuted a new trailer during the "Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour". Compared to the "Final Fantasy" one, I personally liked this one better. But while the game looked great, the story seemed to have gotten... even more confusing by and by. Apparently, Hades, Maleficent, and Pete are looking for a Black Box or something, while lead character Sora alongside buddies Donald Duck and Goofy want to bring Roxas to reality, with a certain 'dire cost'. I recall only getting to the second game, thus never experienced the Nintendo DS ones to even have a clue of what's going on. Still, the charm of this series is the various Disney/Squaresoft worlds, and at the end of this trailer, Square Enix officially announced that new information will be delivered at the Disney D23 Expo 2017 on July 15th, 2017. That means there will be new worlds to explore, and I bet it will involve recent released titles like "Frozen", "Moana", and/or "Big Hero 6". "Kingdom Hearts III" is still under development, and hasn't gotten a release date, but is likely to arrive in 2018 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Taiko no Tatsujin
The latest iteration of the "Taiko Drum Master" series, the "Taiko no Tatsujin: Session de Dodon ga Don!" has been announced on Famitsu Magazine. The game will have a special jam session against other player's musical performance data, that can even be achieved when they are not actually available online. This game will include over 70 songs that cover from famous Japanese classic anime songs, classic orchestral musics, recent tunes from the J-Pop circle, up to modern hypes like the "Pen-Pineapple Apple-Pen". A teaser website has been opened by Bandai Namco, that revealed a special feature to play the game alongside popular characters from Japanese shows. Development has reached 80% and the game is set to be released for PlayStation 4 later this year.
As proven by their smartphones games like "Future Fight" and "Contest of Champions", or the collaboration with CAPCOM that I've talked about above, Marvel is ramping up on their video game divison. And the one I'm going to talk about here, is their collaboration with Insomniac Games, in form of the non-nonsense titled "Marvel's Spider-Man". It is best known as "Spider-Man PS4" though, because as the nickname suggests, it will be exclusively released on PlayStation 4. And well, since SONY is the copyright owner of the Spider-Man franchise, it's not really much of a surprise huh?
A special 9 minutes gameplay video has been released to give players a sense of what to expect from this game. My reaction? If you're eager to see how Spider-Man gets trapped in a Rocksteady's Arkham game, then this is easily your answer. The whole stalking, cinematic quick-time sequences, as well as exciting one-vs-many combat totally reminded me of those Rocksteady titles. But instead of Batman and his vast array of gadgets, we have Spider-Man and his iconic humor, jokes, acrobatic movesets, and... gadgets in his place. Creative director Bryan Intihar also described the footage in details, through PS4's official blog. It seems Spidey will 'cooperate' with Wilson Fisk, to deal with the Inner Demons gang, who works under Martin Li or Mr. Negative. He will be exploring an open-world of New York to deal with super villains as well as personal matters.
Honestly, I'm not too keen on the human character design, as well as the first suit that has too much white. But this certainly caught my attention. Heck, I think every Marvel fans would be amazed by this. In fact, this game has been confirmed to include additional Spidey suits, as well as multiple Spider-Man characters, meaning there's more to it than what we've seen so far. With strong emphasis on story, it's not a joke that IGN has awarded it as "Best PS4 Game" as well as "Best Action Game" of E3 2017. Here's hoping the actual game will be as good as, if not better than this achievement suggested. "Spider-Man" will be released in 2018.
LEGO Games
New characters have been announced for "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2"! Giant teleportation mutt Lockjaw, and Inhumans Queen Medusa have officially entered the game alongside Agent Venom. As to be expected, the whole roster of Guardians of the Galaxy have also been confirmed to be playable in this second game, because the story will pick up directly where the previous title left off. Not to mention tying in to this year's "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" movie. There weren't many details offered for this game, because likely TT Games and Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment is saving more reveals to be delivered on Disney D23. For now, you can watch various gameplays through the official LEGO presentation stream on Youtube. "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2" will launch for all consoles on November 14th, 2017.
Professor Layton
Following last month's reveal of the first episode of "Layton's Mistery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires' Conspiracy", LEVEL-5 celebrated E3 2017 with with details for the second one. Episode 02, entitled "Song of a Certain Love: Riverside Festival" will focus on the town's tradition of confessing love from opposite sides of River Thames. One that is called "Riverside Confession Show". The legend told that the couple who engaged in that would die unnatural death. But this time, contrary to the annual festive that usually went victim-less, two young people actually get killed! An event that shakes the town, for better or worse. I found the premise of this episode to be exciting, because it means Katrielle isn't just a run-of-the-mill detective in this game. She's going to be investigating deaths, and possible murders!
Another two of the "Seven Millionaires of London" have also been revealed. Joining Ridley Fremens and Clerk Gospec are Andrea Quinto and Zach Lyell. Quinto is a young multi-millionaire who inherited a vast sum of money following the death of her parents. While Lyell is a sharp business who is extensively expanding businesses. He's the president of a group enterprise that owns Long Roller Bank. Up to this point, it's still unclear how or in what capacity these Millionaires are involved in the game. Are they part of a secret organization, that is somehow responsible for Professor Layton's disappearance? Or is there other mystery behind that? And how will they affect Katrielle's life?
Several new features have also been announced. Katrielle will be able to change clothes in the game, and they are specially designed by famous stylist Shouhei Kashima. New outfits can be obtained by using "Special Coins" in the 3DS version, or actual money in the smartphones version. Those who purchase the 3DS download version in Japan will receive a Flora Reinhold-style outfit. Player can also decorate the interior of Katrielle's "Layton Detective Agency" through the new "Room Coordinate" feature. New furnitures might be obtained by trading "Interior Tickets". As for the puzzles, this game is said to have the highest number of them, of all Layton titles. Lastly, the game's theme song "Girls" is sung by Kana Nishino, and will be officially released on July 26. "Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires' Conspiracy" will be released worldwide on July 20th, 2017.
No, you're NOT reading it wrong. Atari, the classic 90s gaming console that even I have never even seen in real life, is getting back into the hardware business. Apparently, CEO Fred Chesnais had publicly stated this news on the E3 2017 floor. He didn't really go into specifics about this, aside from saying that it is based on PC technology. But could he be talking about that "Ataribox" that has been teased on Youtube? The video DOES call it 'a brand new Atari product'. It even has its own website. The current speculation on the internet, that Atari is attempting to replicate Nintendo's accomplishment with their NES Classic. You know, the one that only saw limited release and has been discontinued? Especially because the video hinted at the "Atari 2600" which was the first console ever released by the company. I guess we'll just have to wait for more information about this. But be honest, would you purchase a NES Classic-esque console just to play classic and likely long-forgotten Atari games? Personally, I'm NOT too sure...
Speaking of console... Okay, let's end this R-N-D with a topic that many are calling to be... the 'MOST POWERFUL' reveal of the Expo. Microsoft has officially unveiled the name of its high-tech console Project Scorpio, and it officially goes by name "Xbox One X". That's... so many Xs, huh? LOL. By 'most powerful', I'm obviously talking about the console's technical specifications of course. And not about that over-confident official tagline that's being boasted throughout the event on T-Shirts, as well as flaunted pretty much everywhere. Hold on... HUH?
Really, its technical specs is certainly no joke. True 4K resolution with 12GB GDDR5 graphic memory, that enable games to run smoothly in 8 million plus pixels resolution (that's the highest possible, for current technology at least); 8-core Custom AMD CPU with 6 Teraflops GPU and 326GB/s Memory Bandwidth, for realistic and smoother animations; liquid cooling and supercharger-style centrifugal fan, to ensure it stays cool with less noise, a system that, according to Xbox Software Engineering Kareem Choudhry, is usually implemented for servers; 8GB flash and 1TB internal HDD storage, with faster hard drive speed; 4K UltraHD Bluray Disc Drive; DTS and DOLBY TrueHD Atmos sounds; various connectivities via wires and wireless; and not to mention being the smallest consoler the company has ever released. To be honest, eventhough I might have an IT background, I have NEVER been into hardware. Thus all these gibberish tech-talks almost put me down to sleep. But I don't think it takes a genius to easily tell that this thing is massive. Undeniably a 'First Class' product that offers immersive gaming experience. According to IGN, the CPU is 30% faster than the current Xbox One, with a GPU that's 4.6 times higher. To ensure backward compatibility with it, all of its accessories and games will work on this Xbox One X, and existing games (like "Dragon Ball FighterZ", "Final Fantasy XV", and "Assassin's Creed: Origins" that I've mentioned above) will soon receive major updates to ensure faster loading time, even for a player who isn't utilizing a 4K TV.
Said technical specification is certainly an eye-popping fact. This is basically a super high-end PC set, in form of a standalone console. Unfortunately, that comparison also immediately raised several glaring questions among the public, particularly game enthusiasts. One that ranged from the most simple, like "Who is this intended for?" to the most philosophical like "Why even bother choose this over PC?". Indeed, which gamer market is Microsoft really trying to aim with this product? Because obviously, to make full use of the UltraHD 4K resolution, a gamer needs to eventually own and plug it into a 4K TV as well. Which is... STILL a really pricey technology that NOT everyone can afford. The fact that the console itself will arrive at an equally 'premium price', feels like a hard wake-up slap to every average guy's face.
Will this win over those gamers who have abandoned home consoles and have since moved on towards PC? In an interview with Gamespot, a developer (who's working on exclusive Xbox title... a random FYI to see the bigger picture) sang praises for Xbox One X by calling it as the most developer-friendly due to its super over-powered hardware. He said, "it's like a high-end PC crammed into this tiny little box". Of course, the logic that follows is, why not just... use a PC instead? A PC World writer has even made a possible comparison to the budget necessary to build one with similar specs. With its own valid pros and cons. The point is, PC gamers will likely opt to spend less money to upgrade their existing PC sets. So is this meant for Xbox fanatics who are looking to upgrade from a very recent Xbox One then? Or VR enthusiasts, eventhough it might be a veeeery niche market? Why not go with the cheaper Xbox One S instead? Hmmm...
Sure, technically speaking, Microsoft has created a console that's... uncomparable, and has no competitor in terms of power and performance (that's the words of Head of Xbox Phil Spencer himself). Will that guarantee a win in the console competition? Remember, the hip and popular neighbour PlayStation 4 (and its 4K extension PS4 Pro) proudly carries the advantages of having far richer library of titles and DLC exclusives, one that only continues to add as we speak. While the sweet and seemingly innocent new kid-on-the-block Nintendo Switch, is offering the ease of mobility, family-friendliness, and multiplayer experience both offline and online. Both are already promising long hours of entertainment with a relative 'family-budget' that seems more inline with the current economical climate throughout the world. So can Microsoft really be certain that their luxury product will appeal a much bigger mass than those? Particularly when sales for the current Xbox One isn't even doing... good? Learning from past experience, the answer to that is rather... skeptical.
No offense to the company, but somehow the term 'most powerful' itself feels... exaggerating much? I mean, A for effort, but it's nothing but a temporary bubble with a very limited lifetime. We are talking about technology here, a means that is ever-changing and ever-evolving. This month, perhaps Xbox One X is indeed the strongest there is, but another console will surely swoop in with better specs and surpassed it. Perhaps next year, if not sooner or later. Trust me, this is coming from a proud Xbox360 owner, who still has the fully operational console and plays its numerous game titles every now and then, and who has consciously skipped out Xbox One due to the lack of interesting titles (aside from monetary situation LOL). What I'm trying to say is, I don't really see the point of moving on towards Xbox One X, at least in the near future. Which is ironic, because what seems to be winning over many gamers' heart, was none other than Xbox One's backward compatibilites. Yes, the exact thing that SONY has been failing to deliver for years, has become the big positive difference that Microsoft is generously offering. Said function will not be available until later this year, but it will support up to classic/original Xbox games! That's an era of 15 years ago, so we're talking about valid nostalgia boost here.
In the end, the common sense is the Xbox One X is NOT for everyone. But it's still all up to you to decide whether you want, NEED, or even afford to have one decorating your already-possibly-expensive home. Lest we forget, freedom of choice, is everyone's basic human rights, regardless of their financial ability *sigh*. This 'most powerful console' is set to be released on November 7th, 2017 at the mindblowing price of $499. I guess that's when its accessibility strength to the general public can truly be tested. So as always, we'll see...
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