#reincarnation stories
xuaxian · 1 year
-Waking up in wattpad stories-
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-The beginning-
-Part One-
"Oi, where are you taking me?"
The woman in black asked with a scowl. She was getting tired of walking so much behind her friend. It had been a while of aimlessly following him, without answer to where he was taking her.
All of a sudden, all senses of the woman were completely overwhelmed, pain taking over every nerve of her being, no matter how hard she tried to scream, nothing could be done at that split second the train made contact with her body. The memory went by a flash, and then…
-What....What is going on...?
Wait...don't tell me...
Did I seriously die?? Oh you got to be fucking kidding me! Where the fuck am I? Is this...heaven...?-
In the white emptiness, the woman in black floated around aimlessly, with a mix of expressions plastered on her face. No way she was dead. She had to be dreaming… right…? Unbelievable.
A few more curses left her mouth as she raged at the situation. Not knowing how to feel, it’s all she could do. I mean, in this situation, what CAN you do? Wallow in your own misery? Swear that you would haunt anyone who has wronged you? As if that mattered in this moment. She needed to know where she was in the first place before doing anything drastic, not like she could do anything in this white, dull space.
With no memory recollection of what happened on how she died in that split second, she could only make scenarios in her head on how she could have died.
Deep in thought, a subtle static sound could be heard.
"Welcome host, yes that is how you died and no, you are not in heaven"
There was a mysterious male sounding voice heard, which seemed to come from nowhere which startled the woman. Is that who she thinks she is? GOD?
-Are you God? Or am I going insane.-
"No Host. You are not going insane, also I am not “God”."
-You aren’t? Then who the hell are you? The boogeyman?-
She expressed sarcastically, a sly smirk plastered on her face.
-I was kidding, I'm not that dumb, I just died, am I not allowed to make any jokes here?-
The system felt like punching itself.
"Host please be serious, this is a serious matter"
-Fuck fine, I am curious on where I am. Also where the fuck are you?? Literally I don't know where to look, I don't see you anywhere. Maybe you ARE the boogeyman.-
Turning around in circles, there was still nothing but white nothingness, not a person or reflection in sight. Hearing a sign from the system, the woman chuckled.
"Host, I am not a physical being in the current moment, however let me finally start to explain as to where you are.”
-Oooh I'm talking to a ghost.-
She started making ghost sounds, not taking anything seriously. She couldn’t. She can’t.
It was hard for her to accept her death, so she tried to see if she could break this “illusion” or dream by messing around instead. She can’t start having a breakdown out of nowhere.
The system rolled it’s non existent eyes and continued.
"To start off, I am an entity known as System 22. Where you are standing, more like floating, is a vast of negative space where time is non existent."
Yeah, she didn’t understand any of that.
-Ohhhh I see I see.
A bit of panic started settling.
-Why the fuck am I here, I can’t be fucking dead can I? I mean I was so young and all and if this is what death is after life then it’s completely heartbreaking to find ou-
The system immediately cut her off, not wanting to listen to useless rambling.
"Host, please be quiet and let me explain, you're making things more difficult for me.
Fine, she won’t talk then.
"Anyways I won't be wandering around the topic. Yes host, you are dead. Normally you would go either to heaven or hell, however due to your… unique capabilities, you were chosen for this mission and bound to me.”
What now?
-Uhhhhh.... What...?-
The system continued.
"Looking through all of your memories I can clearly see tha-"
-You. Went. Through. My. Memories..? BRO AT LEAST LET THE DEAD HAVE SOME PRIVACY??-
She was not pleased at the fact she was immediately exposed to some unknown entity who called itself some stupid system.
"Host please, this was a matter of selection, I go through a lot of peoples memories"
The woman rolled her eyes. Still invasion of privacy much?
-Whatever, why am I here and when can I go to heaven, I got an appointment with the big man of the skies.-
She joked. Or maybe not. She really didn’t want anything to do with this purgatory BS.
"Host, why do you have to be like this, I'm starting to regret choosing you. The reason as to why you're here is confidential information as of now. And unfortunately, you're not allowed to leave until you complete the mission you will be given.”
-W h a t.-
How was this fair???? She just died and having no time to process her emotions, she was dragged into this weird place, with some thing expecting her to do tasks just so she can rest in peace? Give her a break.
"You have no say in the matter, you can refuse for as long as you like but that will only waste your time and mine.”
Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath. Calm. It’s okay. Just go along with it. No matter. This is how you dealt with things, making a joke about everything. No matter how serious the situation was.
-Jesus Christ, here I thought that after death I would finally be able to rest go ur eternity while playing cards with god or something. Wait... speaking of death, how the fuck did I die?-
Curiosity finally won as she asked the question she had been dying (Literally) to ask.
"Host, you were hit full force by a moving train."
How the hell?
-I'm pretty sure I wasn't on the rails...right...?-
"Enough of the nonsense host"
What nonsense? Everything she was feeling was human. Give her a break.
-Jeez I'm only trying to have fun here. Fine. So... what is my mission?-
Finally getting back on track the woman in black stopped messing around and was curious on what was going to happen next. Not like she can fight her way out of this anyway.
The system was delighted at hearing this.
"Host, your mission is to go in different parallel worlds and changing the fates of the individuals you will be living as, while also collecting fragments of that world.”
-Fragments? Changing fates? How many fragments?-
"There are 8 fragments total, host."
The system beamed.
The woman thought for a second, wondering if she could refuse and see if she could do something else instead.
-You know... System 22 now is it, I'm going to have to decline, I'm not getting anything out of this anyway.-
-So I recommend you choose someone else for the job.-
"Host, do remember that you will be living the lives of rich and powerful people"
Hearing this, her ears perked up and her attitude seemed to change with the flip of a switch. She gets to not have to struggle with money? Sign her up!
-Where do I start, sign me up, I've always wanted to live like the rich. Also, can you stop calling me host, it's weird, call me by my name, Lorica.-
It felt weird having the system call her host.
"I cannot do that Host. Now, you will be transported to your new world where I will proceed to explain the rules to you and what you need to do.”
As Lorica was about to say something, everything went dark.
Eyes fluttering in the sunshine as Lorica woke up in a plush bed.
She quickly looked around to see she was in a room not belonging to her.
Suddenly the same voice popped out of nowhere.
"How is it, host?"
-Yo, this is sick. Also are you in my head???-
It felt strange having someone in her thoughts.
"Yes host. This is so no one else can hear me. Anyways, it's best I start explaining how things work.”
-Please do because I am so god damn lost right now.”
"Someone sure is enthusiastic. While you travel worlds, I'll tell you the plot of that dimension, or story per say, this is transmigration. In each world, you are either the main character, the villain or a completely unrelated side character. In some way you will be associated with the main character."
Too many words.
-Bro what. Get to the point already.-
She wanted to quickly get things done, so she could enjoy her life of luxury.
"Don't rush me, host. Continuing on, there is a rule you MUST follow no matter what."
-And that issss.....?-
"Do not act OOC"
-What's OOC?-
"Out of character"
-What the fuck does that mean.-
"By that I mean you're supposed to act like the character in whose body you are, for example, the character you are right now is someone who is quite shy and cannot stand up for herself.  Meaning you have to act shy and not act any different.”
How in the world was she supposed to change the dates of the characters she was playing by not changing their personality?
-But that makes no sense?-
"I know host, but I know you'll be able to do it. Unfortunately it was not this System who made this rule so I cannot change it."
The system added regretfully.
-This is gonna be such a pain... also I know I'm supposed to find those fragments you were talking about earlier, but how do I do that?-
"Finding the fragments can be a difficult task and can only be achieved when you have changed the fate of the individual you are now.”
-Really now? Do tell me of whose body I am in right now.-
It felt strange inhabiting the body of someone else, almost like she was possessing the person. It felt… wrong. Something was off.
"Gladly, host. You are Alice Smith, daughter to a regular family. You only have your mother in your life who works 3 jobs and is rarely home. You just transferred into a new school after moving."
Nostalgia hit Lorica like a train.
-Bro, this sounds like a Wattpad story.-
The system ignored Lorica’s comment, continuing.
"In the original plot the main character falls in love with your typical bad boy named Raven. And like you mentioned, this is very cliché. The ex of Raven gets jealous of Alice and ruins her reputation. Raven, finding this out, gets rid of the ex by asking his father to expel her. And there we have your happily ever after. The way you need to change this story is to never get Raven's interest and live a normal life while also in search of the fragment. The fragment will only materialise when the plot has changed significantly."
The long silence made the system wonder if it’s host was even listening.
"Is there a problem, host?"
The system laughed nervously. It knew what the host was going to say next.
-Yes there is a problem! Why the fuck am I doing this?? You told me I would be living in riches. Oh my fucking god I know everyone here is gonna be so wattpady like, is that even a word? Well it is now because of the amount of BULLSHIT you’re spewing. I want out.-
Lorica was cut off before she went on a never ending rant.
"I understand your frustration, host. However, if you ever need any help, don't hesitate to ask. I'll always answer your call. The contact has been made since you met me so it is impossible for you to leave. You must do this.”
The system tried to reason with its problematic host.
-Fine… I better have some drama to live for or something.-
She needed some sort of entertainment. All this supernatural business made her dizzy.
"I'll alert you when the fragment is materialised. Also when you find each fragment you get to choose to continue living the life you are in or go to the next one. However to go to the next world. You have to die."
-Has anyone told you that you speak a lot?-
Once again, ignored.
"Anyways host, it's best you get your day started, and good luck."
With that, the presence was gone and silence filled the room that Lorica, now known as Alice resides in. She slowly got off her bed leaving the soft haven and went over to the large mirror to see how she looked like in this world.
“I look exactly like a wattpad character. I mean what else did I expect?”
Rubbing her nose bridge, she took a deep breath.
This was going to take a while.
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-A/N: I wrote this a while ago so the writing style is not the best, and there will be mistakes, so please, I hope it doesn’t bother you. I hope you enjoyed at the very least.-
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
I don't read fanfiction, but I do read web books the length of Moby Dick about people being reincarnated into fantasy worlds as slugs and butterflies and octopi
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thestuffedalligator · 5 months
The reign of Queen Inmi lasted for three-hundred-and-forty-seven years across six lifespans.
There was a secret song that was only known to Queen Inmi and a private inner circle, and this was chosen as the signal of the queen’s reincarnation. When a woman who was born on the day of the death of the queen’s last incarnation began singing a particular melody she had no right to know, that was the sign that she was the queen returned.
This had been a viciously kept secret for generations. To sing, hum, or even whistle the secret song carelessly was grounds for execution.
Then one year, the song began to spread.
It was sung in every field by the tenant farmer and in every court by the royal musician, passing from mouth to ear faster than summer fire. A bloody attempt to quarantine the song ran long and vicious until blades went dull. On a grim, grey day, it was accepted the secret sign — and the queen — had been lost.
Why the song spread has been the subject of serious debate. Some say King Ohrwurm, the son of the last of Queen Inmi’s incarnations, had deliberately spread it to remove his mother’s influence from the kingdom.
Others say the whole thing was a sham. That there had never been a secret song, and the ruse was meant to keep the throne in an iron grip of some inner circle, who would be prepared to claim any poor, confused girl as the rightwise queen.
It has been five-hundred-and-seventy-six years since the reign of Queen Inmi.
Today, a young woman is singing a song she has no right to know.
It’s probably just a coincidence.
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As the (for a lack of a better word) Ancient of balance and space, and being a halfa that is arguably immortal, Danny has the rare opportunity to reincarnate. Live again. Start over.
When Clockwork had originally told him he was immortal, he (understandably) assumed he meant he, Danny Fenton, could not die. He was wrong. As usual. Instead, it was that he, his soul, could not parish or cease to exist. Two very different things that he was forced to learn through experience when Danny Fenton died at the age of 64 from a car accident as mundane as that is, and ended up in the Ghost Zone to, presumably, ‘live’ the rest of his afterlife. It wasn’t until later when he fell asleep in his lair (first sign something was happening, ghosts don’t need to sleep) and woke up with his head fuzzy and body clumsy. He was a baby and it wasn’t until his mind was old enough to comprehend who he was that he understood he was living life again, this time as child in a different universe and different time.
And when he died again, this time very young from a sickness traveling through his village, he ended up in his lair again, as if he never left. The other ghosts understood after a brief explanation, but the process was still disorienting. Even if it happened again and again.
This time he was born into an odd place. He awoke from a large tube of green liquid. He had a mother named Talia and a Grandfather. He also had a father and older brother named Damian, but they lived in a different country and weren’t really on speaking terms it seemed. It also appeared he was born into a cult of some kind. Mother called it the League of Assassins and Grandfather called it his Legacy, the organization he built from the ground up. Oh and it all revolved around the green, bubbling pit below their home that had resurrection powers that may or may not make someone insane.
A connection to the dead in the basement, a family business, and a Frootloop with too much power. This was turning out to be a lot like his first life.
It’s the assassinations that bother him. He’s fine with killing to protect himself and to protect others. He’s even fine with mercy killings, but to kill someone who is unarmed and can’t even put up a fight is crossing a line.
Grandfather doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like a lot of what Danny does. He talks back too much, he doesn’t follow orders, he has too much of an imagination, he has a weak stomach and can’t see the big picture, he’s never good enough. He’s also compared to his big brother Damian a lot. He’s never even met the guy but knows he has a better fighting stance and climbed the mountain faster when he was Danny’s age. Danny doesn’t know if he wants to met Damian at all after hearing his name every time Grandfather criticizes him. The only thing Damian is to him is a standard to exceed.
And don’t get him started on his Father. Mother brags about him enough, but he’s obviously not here for a reason. He stole Damian from the family, Grandfather says, his golden heir. Danny is just the spare, filling in for his older brother who doesn’t want to come home. Of course, he takes everything with a grain of salt. Danny’s family also brainwashes and conditions people to follow them and die for them, it’s all twisted and manipulative. However, there’s bound to be some truth woven in there somewhere and it doesn’t look good for his biological father.
When Danny becomes the Demon’s Head, and with everything he’s been training for he WILL be the Head, the first thing he’s doing is cutting Grandfather’s head right off his shoulders and feeding it to the dogs. He’ll run this cult thing with actual morals and better management. Not too much change because then his position will be questioned, but over time he’ll bring about some good outcomes.
He does think his family believes they are doing things for the greater good, he just thinks they’ve lost sight of what’s important.
Danny’s not even bothered with not having a normal childhood. He’s lived it once or twice, it was quiet, nice, but ultimately boring. He enjoys the adventure and thrives on the action. He gets excited when he learns a new weapon and celebrates when he finally perfects that technique he’s been practicing. He’s proud when his mother compliments his precise aim in her own weird roundabout way of speaking and is awfully smug when Grandfather doesn’t say a word of criticism when he slaughters his opponents efficiently.
He has a crazy family, but it’s his. So it comes to no surprise that he feels a little unbalanced when his mother takes him to Gotham after some political tension between Grandfather and some group he’s not important enough to know.
He’s seven and has lived this entire life in Nanda Parbat, only visiting the other League locations a few times, where the weather is warm and the air is clean. Gotham is the opposite of his home. He remembers a life in Chicago, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as the permanent smog covering the sky. Even if it was clear, the light pollution would hinder his view of the stars.
He already hated this place and was actively counting down the minutes until they could leave. Although he had a suspicion of why they were here. The tight lines beside his mother’s eyes gave away her reluctance, but her confident stance didn’t falter.
Danny watches as she meets with a man in a black superhero suit and what looks like a teenager in a different uniform. The pieces were finally coming together when Mother calls him to come out and he drops from the rafters to land on his feet like a cat.
Their two visitors stare hard at him and if he was in a different life he might have fidgeted under their intense attention. He does not.
“My son, this is your father and older brother.”
“Mother,” the teen- Danny’s brother, Damian, objects, “since when do I have a brother? Have you adopted like Father?”
In response, Danny pulls down the black mask to show the rest of his face and the clear resemblance between the two. Danny had more blue mixed with his green eyes to give a marbled effect and he had his mother’s jaw line but he still had his father’s lips and- actually that was all he could see, the cowl obstructing the rest of his features. Either way, there was no mistaking Danny and Damian as anything but brothers.
“Damian, meet your brother. I hope the two of you will get along and look out for one another.”
Like hell they will, Danny thinks bitterly. He’s spent pretty much this whole life being compared to the boy in front of him, there’s bound to be some resentment on his part.
“I thought he’d be taller,” he tells his mother, eyeing Damian up and down unimpressed.
Damian actually sputters.
“Talia,” his father says, demands, as if asking twenty questions in that one word.
“You will care for him while I’m away. It isn’t safe for him and I have work to do.”
Danny knew it was coming and yet he still felt the squeeze of panic and betrayal in his chest.
“Mother, don’t leave me here,” he almost whines but just manages to keep his voice steady. “I can stay in Switzerland or the Alps or somewhere else that is not here.”
Mother says his name with that amount of sharpness that lets him know she wasn’t changing her mind. He huffs angrily and glares at the two in front of him like it was their fault his was here in this disgusting city.
They don’t talk for much longer before Danny is following them back to a black suped-up car and Mother is nowhere in sight. The ride is silent, the others’ thoughts loud and leaving the vehicle suffocating.
Danny decides to make the process difficult for them, arguing when they ask for a blood sample to confirm, getting into things he clearly shouldn’t when he got bored, and being a little shit to anyone else that shows up in his path.
He knew nothing of this side of his family, his Mother only telling him how strong and honorable his father is and how proud she is of Damian despite his decision to not become the Demon’s Heir. This was his opportunity to watch and learn and maybe test their patience here and there. He didn’t want to be there, they didn’t want him there, so he was going to make this everyone’s problem and maybe formulate his own opinion of his father and brother in the meantime.
It doesn’t take much for him to tolerate the others Father has brought into his side of the family because he had no prior knowledge of them.
He respects Alfred, he can relate to Tim, Dick is a pun master that Danny can’t help but contribute, Jason is too cool not to like, Cass is kind, Steph is bubbly, Duke is probably the most normal, and Selina has a mischievousness to her that Danny can get behind.
Father is gruff. He always looks like he wants to say something but doesn’t. Danny isn’t used to that. Mother and Grandfather and even himself have the position of power to say what they want without much consequence. What’s stopping him?
It gets to a point where Danny snaps and demands he speak his mind or say what he’s feeling. It doesn’t go well but he thinks there might have been some progress in the days afterwards.
Damian is a different story. Danny doesn’t hate his brother, but he certainly doesn’t like him. He makes a point to show it through pranks on the older boy and trying to outplay him in competitions and bets the other sometimes doesn’t even agree to.
Danny can admire how passionate he is in his art and how devoted he is to caring for his animals, and even how much he reminds him of Sam from his first life, but it doesn’t erase the years of feeling less than the perfect first son.
This doesn’t really change until Damian comes back and goes directly to the medbay after a mission gone wrong. It takes Danny a moment to realize that he’s worried for his big brother. Damian is in pain and Danny does not like it. He wants to go out and kill the men who hurt his brother, make them pay for what they’ve done. He wants to be the one to stitch up his wounds and bring him soup.
It’s truly unfortunate that his obsession is protection, particularly around those he considers friends and family.
Danny tones down on the aggression towards Damian after that. He still pranks the teenager and teases him and challenges him to competitions and duels, but it’s more in a brotherly way than showing resentment. Damian definitely notices, but wisely doesn’t address it. Instead, Damian quietly talks about what he remembers and misses of Nanda Parbat when the two of them are alone, both of them actually having a conversation without raised voices or tense shoulders.
After a while Danny doesn’t even realize he isn’t counting the days anymore.
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Danny Phantom Writing Prompt:
When she comes to, a silver haired man with a matching goatee greets her. Kind of. He’s disappointed.
She’s surrounded in neon green and she is so, so, so confused.
Her name is-
Well. It was something else.
What matters is that Vlad doesn’t call her by anything other than “Danielle” and “you.”
She thinks if she wasn’t who she is- if Vlad hadn’t ripped her out of her own life, poured her tattered soul into this imperfect body- she’d believe the father like figure he’s poorly pretending to be. But she knows. This is a show she’s watched many times. Vlad, even if she hadn’t had years of actual life and the foreknowledge of Danny Phantom, she’d eventually clock him as a villain.
“You can do it, Danielle.” He says.
“Obey, or suffer the consequences,” she hears. She knows manipulation when she hears it. Vlad thinks it’ll work. After all, little pod baby Danielle would know no different than the confining walls of her room. But she does know, and the voices of her loved ones bolster her in this delicate balancing act.
So, she pretends to let him mold her. Let him shape little Danielle into a puppet he could pilot as he wishes.
To act like her body’s template, but to be obedient in ways Danny would never allow himself to be. To turn trusting blue eyes up towards the drawling billionaire and pretend to take his word as gospel.
In return, he gives her more freedom. He thinks it’s control, that she returns even when he gives her ample chances to leave. She knows it’s a test, and she’s always been good at those.
She collects evidence, slowly. Because Vlad might have overshadowed people and signed their companies over to him, but he was sloppy. He was sloppy and she was a paralegal.
Vlad gives her the mission she’s been waiting for. She goes to Danny with a neutral mask and acts like a person who knows nothing of normal social cues.
It’s what Vlad expects of her.
The time is not yet right.
So when the time comes, Danielle makes a decision. She was never the baby Dani. She will never be. When she punches Vlad, she tears into him with everything she has. She makes him bleed and she breaks him and she slaps the anti-ghost belt on him to lock his ability. And she breaks more, just to make sure he might not heal all the way, all the while Danny watches in horror.
And then she starts the process of legally beating him up. Danielle bankrupts Vlad in two months with legal fees, and she takes vicious pleasure in rendering him destitute.
Hah. Try creating clones of your one sided love now, you creepy motherfucker.
She’s melting. She makes a joke, because Danny looked terrified and she got attached. Well, it’s hard not to get attached, considering he risked his neck for her even after learning she was there to…
He saves her. She knew he would.
She’s whole again. Stable. But something in her breaks, because she knows, with a sense of unfathomable knowledge, that she will never rid herself of the name Danielle again. She’s bound to this world. The price for her life was an eternity of imprisonment in a realm where she will never see the people she loves again.
“I’m not… I wasn’t always Danielle.” She admits to Danny, Tucker, and Sam.
“What does that even mean?”
She sighed, leaning against the window sill.
“The reason I was stable and my… siblings weren’t was because Vlad ripped my soul out from my body and shoved it into the body of a clone. He killed me.”
Danny stuttered to a close. Grief. She smiles at him.
“Technically, I’m older than you and Jazz.”
“I’m sorry,” Sam says, head buried in her hands. Tucker just stares at her.
“Yeah. Me too. But you shouldn’t blame yourself, Danny.” Danielle knows that look on his face. “I hate him, yeah. But… I can’t change it now. So, I’ll see what this world has to offer.”
“I’m sorry,” Danny says to her.
“I get it.”
And she does. Because Danielle knows what it is to die, now. So does he.
So she flips off the window sill, enjoying her always novel powers of flight, and laughs.
“I’ll be Nellie. You can call me Nellie.”
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elainiisms · 1 year
need a constant steady flow of yuri content or i will wither up and die
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Call that a Cave Story.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen chao#wang lingjiao#mianmian#wei wuxian#jiang cheng#I had to cut the comic with JC 'holding WWX back from fighting the Wen Assholes' but it is with me in spirit.#It reads (to me) a little bit like JC is scared of Core Melting Hand and wants to have an excuse to hold on to WWX for comfort.#As far as I can recall they are around 15-17 in this arc.#And a guy who can rip out your golden core? The thing we know JC truly puts so much weight upon that he feels meaningless without it?#Yeah that's pretty terrifying. I hope WWX hugs back (he will not)#I have a lot more thoughts on Wang Lingjiao and Mianmian but I will keep them for later.#WLJ is a character I feel got done a little dirty because she has a ton of interesting potential that gets pushed aside for Mean Villainess#Let's be fully honest. Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao are *THE* characters the Protag of one of those 'Reincarnated as the villain!' stories#Set up to be assholes to the main character and meeting a horrible end in retribution.#Do you think MXTX thought about that? How Wen Chao is basically the original Shen QiugQiu?#Who's going to be the brave soul who writes A transmigrator in wen chao's body (accidently makes wwx fall in love with him) story?#Though If we are going with “any mxtx character sho dies transmigrates to another book” WHO is the transmigrator?#Hear me out. I think it should be Original Liu Qingge. I think he and wwx would make a funny duo and I want to see it so bad.#AND the contrast of womanizer Wen Chao VS 'What is a woman' LQG.
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kenchann · 3 months
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some random modern(?) doodles + an oc 👀
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unboundprompts · 10 months
prompts about a near-immortal someone encountering their human lover in a reincarnated form?
Does the human remember their immortal lover? Did they know they were immortal? I tried to make a range of prompts for this.
Prompts For an Immortal Seeing their Human Lover Reincarnated
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
He felt like he couldn't breathe. It was them... he was sure of it.
"How did you know it was me?" The Human asked, a bitter sweet smile on their face. Immortal ran a gentle hand across their cheeks, brushing away their fallen tears. "I'd recognize your eyes anywhere. No matter how much time has passed."
The human laughed, throwing her arms around immortal. "You haven't changed a day, my Love."
Immortal caught the human by the wrist, and he turned around with a confused look on his face. "Can I help you?" Human asked, shaking his hand free. Immortal felt their stomach drop. "You don't remember me," they said, more to themselves than their human.
"I thought I'd never see you again."
"You look different," Immortal said, running a hand through Human's hair. "But, that is to be expected." Immortal felt Human stiffen. "Is that okay?" Human asked timidly. Immortal pressed a kiss to their forehead. "Of course, it is. You're still the same person I fell in love with all those years ago."
The human shook her head as if trying to shake away a thought. "I don't know why," she said, staring into Immortal's eyes, "but I feel like I know you."
"How are you alive?" Human asked, backing away from the person that they knew centuries ago. "How are you alive and look like you haven't aged a day?"
"I know you used to ask me if I would still love you if you were a worm," Immortal sighed, placing their reincarnated lover in a jar of dirt, "but this is ridiculous."
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pruneunfair · 20 days
Ranking every manhwa villainess and white lotus I could find.
Keep in mind these are all opinion based.
#22: At the very bottom of the list is Sumin Jeong from Marry my husband
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Now, like almost everyone else on this list, Sumin is kept a level that is below the FL Jiwon so she can never best the hero. However unlike the others here, Sumin has not once been shown to be anything other than a dumb and evil bimbo who talks like elmo even before Jiwon regressed, her reasons for wanting everything Jiwon has make no sense and she has no flavor to her, no backstory that makes sense, no real charm since it's lost as soon as possible, all she has going for her is a distinct design.
#21: Charlotte-the villainess maker
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Honestly, Charlotte is about as forgettable as the comic she's from. She doesn't do much, just basic bland white lotus tropes over and over. She is portrayed as a sweet heart but she's secretly a jealous vindictive mean girl, she loses everything to the FL because she's too basic for the not-like-other-girls readers, nothing really revolutionary about her, but this could be chalked up to the story shes from canonically being an abysmal mess written by the FL when she was 14, Sorry Charlotte.
#20: Iris Van Conrad-Today the villainess has fun again.
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A step up from Sumin when it comes to backstories, still not the greatest but it makes a little more sense. She's more passive aggressive since her actual plots are destoryed in nanoseconds by the plot, she gets dunked on so much I wonder if she's supposed to the Villainess or a discount Meg Griffin. Considering the fact to that Reilynn is pedo coded, Iris is less of the two evils.
#19: Aisha Selir-divorcing my tyrant husband.
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Shes okay, But like Charlotte, Aisha isn't very noteworthy, as usual, any attempts she makes to best or outsmart Robelia are met with utter failure, she could be something really great if she were just allowed to make a mark on the plot. Like actually have Alexandros take responsibility instead of blaming her for her existence. Her design before the art shift was pretty enough and I'm pretty sure she's being possessed by a vindictive soul so that might explain why Aisha suddenly became a villain when she's described as being dainty, sweet, and a general damsel and saintess in the story within DMTH.
18: Fonta Magnus:the tyrants only perfumer
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Fonta is the type of antagonist that would be adored as a isekaied protagonist. She doesn't really do much though since she gets defeated over and over with the same plan of copying Ariels ideas (how original, no pun intended) I like her though just because her design reminds me of cartoon goth girls, specially Gwen from total drama island.
#17: Benela Verdi- the princesses jewels
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I don't care if she seduced Ariannas father or killed her brother, Arianna was out there acting like she wouldn't do the same just to get with a sexy man. Benela may suffer from the same problems every other villainess does but if ranked them based on that then almost all of them would be on the bottom. This image of her drinking her stress away is accurate to how I felt reading this one.
#16: Claudine von Brandt-Cry or better yet beg
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I absolutely adore Claudine and she's not really a villain but unfortunately the narrative says she's a so she'll have to count. It's why she's this low since she's just a woman who gets in the way of the main ship
As you can probably guess, her only crimes are being condescending to Layla and valuing superficial values such as wealth and status, crimes that somehow make her worse than Matthias in the narratives eyes. Justice for my girl Claudine ✊️
now we are moving up to the middle tier
#15: Diana-for my derelict favorite
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This girl has more protagonist material then Hestia ever will. Sorry but Hestias entire thing is just being a rich girlboss, simping for Cael and damning any woman who broke his heart including Diana, who is the saintess that opposes murder, Wow! Who would have guessed that the saintess woman wouldn't endorse literal murder! Could she have communicated better? Yes, was she always in the right? Hell no. But she's got more character in her pinky toe then everyone else in their entire bodies to I salute to her.
#14: Irene/Aileen Hascator- I didn't mean to seduce the male lead
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I have a weird relationship with her. One minute I'm impressed because she actually does manipulation pretty well at first with making the lives of those who won't swear loyalty her unbearable in very smart ways, she'll buy all her friends expensive dresses so she can stand out in a simpler one, she'll defend the black sheep and make her into her friend to keep up her sweetheart facade, unfortunately it's all so she can get with a boy where she goes nuts on anyone who gets near him.
#13: Freya van Furiana- how to get my husband on my side
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I really loved this manhwa, almost all of the characters are complex and 3 dimensional with a great commentary on abuse, ED, and family dynamics, with that said I was a little disappointed seeing Freya as another basic white lotus who only wants Izek for herself, it won't take much even a little more character traits would help because Freya isn't just some random girl who became the ogfl, she was the childhood friend of Izek and Ellen, so we should've gotten to see a little more too her then what we got
#12: Mielle Roscente- the villainess turns the hourglass.
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Beautiful design, basic but rather solid goals, a charming personality, Mielle has all of that in the bag. She secretly wants Aria and her mother out of her life since they aren't of noble blood (before the terrible Arias a noble plot twist) and she's really entertaining. However I'll never understand how she managed to destroy Aria in the first timeline if she's such an idiot now. The first timeline also takes the blame off of Arias shitty actions with "Mielle tricked her into being evil!" It ruins the charm since Aria, as a villainess should be allowed to suffer the consequences while not wanting to quit.. since you know, she's not meant to be a good person.
#11: Isabella de Mare-sister I am the queen in this life
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THIS is the Isabella I'm talking about
Absolute genius, she knows that Ceasre is a bastard and not just in the literal sense, she doesn't even love him and just wants that sweet sweet power and wealth. Fooled Ariande for years that she was on her side and as a bonus she can easily say she wanted revenge for Alfonso to the public if they ever found out she was behind it all. But the best part about first timeline Isabella is her villain monolog that women mean nothing to men, putting your life in their hands is a fatal mistake and if you want to make it to the top, you gotta crush the opponents. But alas we never see this version of Isabella after Ariande goes back in time
Higher tier now, the best of the best who managed to make it this far
#10: Rhyse/Lise Sinclair- not your typical reincarnation story
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Yeah shes technically being controlled by the author or hell maybe she is the author I have yet to finish this one but for once we get a comic that doesn't immediately pit two women against eachother and actually gives a solid reason for her to be at odds with Edith. When something doesn't go her way, Rhyse doesn't throw a fit and turn on the water works no no no. She stands there, awkwardly, almost like the real Rhyse is wondering why she feels so jealous and angry with Edith for stealing the spotlight. She's incredibly ominous too when that purple mist surrounds her to force the other characters back into place. All while she's making friends with Edith in a possibly geninue friendship.
#9: Isis Frederick- the villainess reverses the hourglass
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I'm pretty sure most of us can agree she's the real villain of TVRTHG since she basically started and encouraged the whole operation to begin with from afar, the puppeteer if you will. Killer design, a great fear factor and an evil sister done better. Wish she had more time to shine.
#8: Diane Poitier- I abdicate my title as empress
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What already sets her apart from other evil concubines is that she was there before Adelaide so her reasons for being upset that another woman is showing up to marry the Emperor is reasonable, obviously her actions aren't but I still felt bad for her since no one in that palace gave a damn about her, Diane got ruthlessly belittled and ignored for not being useful to their liking or simply being too desperate and when Adelaide tries to not make an enemy out of her, Diane is looking for anyone to direct her anger on but the redemption arc as short as it is, makes up for it.
#7: Leila- villains are destined to die
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My favorite ogfl turned villain. Leila is pure evil no questions asked. She steals the body of Yvonne which played a part in taking the latters reputation to a degree in the fandom and starts brainwashing everyone around her. That's what makes her so terrifying, one minute you could be at your highest and you feel like you rule the world, and next minute it all comes crashing down when the face of your long lost sibling arrives with fake tears in her eyes, ready to destroy everything you hold dear.
#6: Soleia Elard- seducing the villains father
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I can't believe I'm saying this but a classic black magic witch is a unique villain in the manhwa world. During her introduction she's already causing mayhem by trying to kill Yerenica with black magic, and at first you'd think she's another "I want my hubbies affection!" Chick but no, she just wants to marry Erudian to have his child and use said child to avenge her family and destroy everything, characters are all frightened by her because she actually gets shit done instead of failing every minute of the day, and even after all that, she's allowed the privilege of life by getting a redemption arc.
#5: Cosette Weinberg- I was the real one.
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She deserved so much better!! 😭 Cosette, my baby, you were set up to be such an amazing villain with high intelligence and well thought out plans, why did they have to give you the good old plot induced lobotomy! Girly wasn't just smart but there were actually times I could get behind Cosette. When Keira gave a maid 100 lashes after she insulted and wished death on Keira, it was Cosette who took advantage of an actual truth with only a little bit of exaggeration, they were both evil but only one of them was rightfully called out for it. Honestly just read the novel, the manhwa did it dirty.
#4: Marianne Edenverre- into the light again.
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Nah someone get this baby to a church and give her the aggressive baptism 10 times over, I'll always be wondering how the hell did that 10 year old get her hands on a demon in the first place, the fact that the family never found her hiding behind a door or closet staring into their soul like a paralysis demon is surprising cause I imagine she would do that and be like "it's just me sillies, I would never mean to scare you 😛" she's a well written villainess who I wish would have a little bit more screentime but her powers and what she can do honestly confuses me (like that whole body-swap thing)
Final 3 everybody, you ready for this?
#🥉: the 3rd place medal goes to Dodolea Castor from My in laws are obsessed with me
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Another real villainess, putting everyone off guard with her initial gacha life brat persona only to be hit in the face with disturbing levels of cruelty that can only match a psychopath, she looks straight out of an uncanny mr incredible meme with that light skin stare shes got. Straight up laughs at Therdeos trauma while being well aware that she tried to SA him and how it affected the poor guy and later proceeds to attempt to kill and later kidnaps his wife. There's no remorse, no regrets, just the souls of innocents behind those huge eyes.
#🥈 : the second place medal goes to Verta Alberhart from depths of malice.
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She isn't even the antagonist, no that's the protagonist! And honestly, the only white lotus in the main lead spot I've ever read so far. And while she has a messed up backstory that explains why she's so bitter, she still full on embraces it. Vertas way of being granted a second chance isn't even because of some goddess or divine power, she just snatches the body of a suicidal noblewoman and wreaks havoc on all of the disgusting noblemen in her path. She cries on the court trial of her fiances murder while secretly laughing knowing she set the whole thing up and slowly ruins the life of anyone who fucked around and found out.
At long last, we reached #🏅, and the crown goes to none other than...
Rashta Ishka from the remarried empress!
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Hear me out now, this isn't just me being biased. Rashta earns first place because even though she is rendered an idiot who's only use is being worse so everyone else can look good, she still managed to do something unfathomable. She earned the respect of a fandom that initially hated her with all the fiber of their being and now she has a growing fanbase of real people, not fictional characters, actual fans. People are literally turning on one of the most popular manhwas that started it all for its treatment of Rashta (because who would guess that people are uncomfortable with the fact that a former slave is the ultimate evil and not the guy who tortures people just for shit talking the FL) and even though there is still a big part of the fandom who despises her, she still lives in everyone's head rent free. The trashta meme is more well known than Navier as a character and her character arc will always be superior and far more interesting than everything else in the story, after all remarried empress did start to decline after her death.
Jesus christ this took so long, I had to do so much rereading and fact checking but it was worth it.
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Current brain rot: an elf absolutely obsessed with his human lover in every lifetime they’ve met them in. Every time they die, he travels the world until he finds them again hoping they’ll be reborn in a body that lives longer than the last
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megyulmi · 5 months
➠ Chapter 257 and Rebirth:
This chapter officially introduced the concept of Rebirth (환생, in which the actions of a sentient being lead to a new existence after death) into the plot of the manga. We can say it has been hinted at before through Jogo and Yuuji’s words for example, but the Rebirth of the soul of Sukuna’s twin officially confirmed it. We do not know the conditions of Rebirth in the world of JJK yet, but it implies the existence of Samsāra (윤회전생) which is the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth, and it made me think of this illustration:
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This illustration is based on the Kalachakra Mandala, which represents the wheel of our lives, and the time we have in this world to make peace with ourselves and achieve Enlightement (freedom from Samsāra). Kalachakra literally translates to ‘cycle of time’ (Kala meaning ‘time’ and Chakra meaning ‘cycle’). It means that everything in nature happens in the ‘cycle of time’.
These four characters being the centre of the above-indicated illustration is not random. Each one of them is in some way bound by the concept of Rebirth (Reincarnation). Chapter 257 gave us a good perspective on how Yuuji, Sukuna and Kenjaku are bound to it (and each other as well), which, considering the ties of the other three, may make it seem like Gojo is out of the equation.
Personally, there could be two interpretations of why Gojo is part of it (besides the simplest explanation that these four are central to the storyline):
1. As Tengen has implied themself before, Tengen, the Star Plasma Vessel, and the Six Eyes are all connected by fate. Through Tengen, we also learn that Kenjaku lost twice to a sorcerer with the Six Eyes, and after the second time taking no chances killed both the Star Plasma Vessel and the Six Eyes less than a month after they were born. We know that there has been a connection between Tengen, Kenjaku and the Six Eyes throughout time. Gojo could be part of the illustration to indicate the recurring existence of the Six Eyes, bound to Tengen’s existence whose relationship with Kenjaku we do not clearly understand yet, but has been as continuous.
2. Drawing on the confirmation that the concept of Rebirth exists in the world of JJK, Gojo being part of this illustration could imply that perhaps the soul of Sukuna’s twin is not the only character who has been Reborn (note: we do not know yet whether Itadori Jin was his twin’s first reincarnation or he died and was reborn multiple times before (however, the way Sukuna says it implies the latter)). We do not know yet what the conditions for Rebirth are (or if they are the same as in Buddhism) or whether the Reborn soul retains anything of their past life, so it is difficult to make the assumption, but it opens up the possibility of Gojo being reincarnation as well, i.e. the Six Eyes are the same soul.
Regardless, the existence of the concept of Rebirth has opened many different (and interesting) possibilities.
Edit: additional note
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I know that technically when a god dies they die completely, unable to reenter the cycle of life and death, but the way a god dies is by all their believers abandoning them. Shi Wudu was decapitated by He Xuan, but I don’t think that necessarily destroyed his following. After the main series, it’s plausible for Shi Wudu to reform (whether as a god or a ghost) out of devotion and love for his brother, now with the purpose to save Shi Qingxuan from his inevitable death.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Heeey Mutuals....
@hdgnj & @radiance1 I was thinkin about us makin a third thread if that's alright with y'all? (I feel so bad for the people who're trying to scroll through our blogs and just get walls of text lol) If not lemme know or just ignore lol. [For those Interested in wtf this is about, Part 1: HDNJ Reblog | RADIANCE Reblog & Part 2: Thread]
So hypothetically, kind of wanna return to closer to the beginning, of the two on the streets, haven't been exactly discovered yet. Not fully local cryptids either yet, but there's definitely been a shaky video or two of "shadow people" in some abandoned buildings. (Because let's be honest, someone is getting some sort of video that would be sent in to one of the youtube channels about ghost videos before the whole cryptid thing even started. Not to mention audio videos of the 3am noises)
But also, I realized something. They're experiencing food and such for the first time (for the most part, & Danny was used to ecto-contaminated literally living food) while on the streets. Do... would they have context for good food? Do they almost make themselves sick the first time they eat food? We know kryptonians can straight up eat bullets, and stuff other things definitely can't, but hypothetically they could still get food poisoning, right?
Match is partially taking cues from Danny when it comes to survival, or at least figuring out what they need. But like, Danny is also very much.... not a normal kid, even if he wasn't a 3 year old amazonian-alien clone. Like Fentons are wild, reincarnated or no, and Danny's sense of what's safe or edible or normal is slightly.... y e a h. Though who knows how much he can recall at once.
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ah, could you write something about a vampire x mortal who always reincarnates
The vampire recognised the scent of them immediately. Part of them thought it might be wishful thinking. The other part burned with thirst and longing and too many raw things for any one person - supposedly soulless vampire or not - to cope with.
If they needed to breathe, they would have been breathless.
It wasn't them.
It couldn't be them.
"Jesus," they heard their lovely and inexplicable love murmur. "What have they done to you?!"
The sounds of the world grew a little louder as the human began to tear down the wall around them, inch by cold and concrete inch. The vampire felt like they had been trapped for a very long time.
(They suspected that they might have been trapped for a very long time).
The sound of that blood, that impossibly familiar blood, roared in their ears. A heartbeat. A lifeline. A hangman's noose.
"Don't." The words were inaudible with disuse. The whisper of cracked plaster and old bones long since desiccated.
Cool air caressed the hollow of the vampire's throat as that part of the wall was shattered through first. The vampire couldn't see them straight away, there was only the agony of hope. Glimpses.
Their love had a new haircut - something of the contemporary style, perhaps? Their eyes were so much older than their face. Their lips were pressed in a harsh, trembling, utterly livid line.
Was it truly them?
Their love looked like a strange memory, not quite accurate to the version that the vampire knew. Different. The same. Younger?
The vampire tumbled out of their broken cage less like a deadly immortal apex predator and more like a Jenga tower made out of soggy potato wedges.
The human caught them, cradled them close, pressing frantic kisses atop their no-doubt horribly greasy hair.
"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner," the human said. "I thought you were dead. If I'd known - it's going to be okay now. You're going to be okay."
Maybe it was a hallucination.
Maybe the vampire had finally died.
That blood was so close, so enticing, a siren call that they were too pathetically weak to even reach for. They didn't feel like a living thing at all.
The vampire groaned.
"Blood." The human - the hallucination, the everything because if they were dead or hallucinating than at least the vampire got to see them again - blurted the word. "You need blood. Of course you need blood! You must be starving. Shit. Okay."
The kisses stopped crowning their head.
It was possible that hallucinations were supposed to hurt less.
The scent of blood grew stronger. Something was pressed against the vampire's mouth and -
They drank.
When the vampire came to themselves again, they had only the vaguest memory of stumbling out of the tunnels and into the inky night. The human's arm was warm and secure around them. There was a bed. Soft sheets. Fresh air. A growing strength returning to their body.
The room around them was clear. The human sitting by the bed was undoubtedly there, but still impossible. Still some miracle.
"You look a lot less dead now," the human said, apparently making a remarkable effort to keep their voice light. "That's good. Dead doesn't suit you."
"You died." The vampire had processed the grief for years, as if such loss could be neatly packaged and boxed away like a vampire feral with mourning.
"I came back. I didn't realise you had too."
"You're..." The vampire's brow furrowed. They sat up, slow and careful lest they terrify their definitely not a vampire but not quite mortal love.
"And you're a vampire," the human said. "Wow. When did that happen?"
"Shortly after you died. You died."
"Sorry. I didn't do it on purpose."
They stared at each other, disbelieving and so crippled by relief that it left them both shy and faltering.
What did one say to the reincarnated version of someone they had loved more than anything? What did one say to a blood-thirsty monster who had spent the last decade or so entombed in a wall?
It felt somewhere between a second chance, beautiful and shining and everything that they had ever wanted...and an utterly sick joke.
The vampire wanted to kiss them.
"And you're back," the vampire said.
"And you're a vampire."
"I didn't do it on purpose." They would never have chosen an eternity without their love on purpose and yet...there they sat. The vampire was glad that they didn't have to blink, didn't have to tear their attention away for even a millisecond.
Their hand twitched on the bedsheet. They were abruptly aware that a long chain connected their wrist to the headboard.
Their love coloured. "I wasn't sure if you'd try and eat me again. You weren't...you weren't quite yourself."
"It's okay."
"It's not okay. What they did to you - if I hadn't come back - if I'd found you sooner -" It was so like them that it had to be real, and so the vampire had to smile.
"It's okay," they said. "You're back. You found me."
Everything would be okay because they were there.
The moment after that, the two of them were clinging to each other like they were clutching for the last life boat off the Titanic.
Everything was going to be okay.
"God," the human mumbled into their neck, "I missed you. I thought I was - I thought I was alone. I thought you were gone."
"Never." The vampire kissed them, then, claiming and tender. "I'll never be gone again. I'll wait for you forever."
Their mortal would never wake up with that shattering grief again.
The vampire grew used to the exquisite pleasure-pain of the reincarnation cycles after that.
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