#nathan bateman drabble
eyelessfaces · 9 months
unconsciously smiling whenever they smile + nathan?? i feel like it’s 100% something he would do.
this is my first time writing for nathan so I hope he’s alright!
You only hear the distinct sound of a weight dropping down onto the couch before your eyes look up from the computer screen.
“I thought you were supposed to isolate yourself to work all day long” you speak as you get up from your seat and join Nathan to the gigantic couch he’s slouching on. He sighs, and you tilt your head to the side in interest as you prop your elbow onto the back of the couch.
“I was.” he groans, taking off his glasses before rubbing a hand over his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Things weren’t going my way.” he admits, in a way that looks like it hurts him to say it.
“Pretty unusual for you huh?” you tease, poking him in the ribs.
“Shut up”
“You can’t be good all the time” you declare getting up from your seat as quickly as you had joined it, rapidly completely disappearing from Nathan’s peripheral vision.
He closes his eyes and sighs as he puts his glasses back on. “Well that’s pretty fucked up,” he jokes, loud enough for you to hear it now that he doesn’t hear your footsteps anymore and deduces you’re far away from him.
“I know it pains you but,” you reply after a while, coming back into the room. “You’re only human.” you continue as you get back to him, smiling playfully as you hand him an open beer.
He looks up at you, a gentle smile making his eyes crinkle behind his glasses drawn onto his face as he takes the beer from your hands.
“What are you smiling at?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing. C’mere.” he offers, extending his arm out for you to curl yourself up against him.
Nathan takes a sip of his beer, still wearing that small, thoughtful smile as his arm wraps you tight.
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freelancearsonist · 1 year
"if you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up" w/ nathan 🤭
ooooooh i haven’t written for nathan in a while! thank you for sending this in ☺️
warnings: gn!reader, no physical descriptions, actually clean wtf, established relationship/mentions of sexual relationship between reader and nathan, kind of a boss/employee relationship but that’s not the main theme if that makes sense
It’s been three weeks to the day since you packed your things and told Nathan you were going back to New York. It’s been three weeks, twenty-one days, of wondering exactly where the fuck you went wrong.
You hate that sly bastard. You want to tell him to go to hell and never speak to him again.
You also want nothing more than to jump the first plane back so you can fall into his arms again.
He’s a bastard and you’re totally in love with him.
Really, you’re just trying to teach him a lesson—but it’s not going how you planned. You expected him to chase after you, to beg you to stay, and instead all he said was, “fine. Come back when you’re over it.”
Such an asshole. He probably thinks you couldn’t possibly live without him, that you’re some helpless airhead who needs him to survive. Well, fuck him. That’s exactly what you left to disprove—you don’t need him, he needs you. He’s helpless without you, genius or not, and until he realizes this and begs for your return you’re not going to budge.
Maybe it’s not going as planned, but you know Nathan. You know he’s a stubborn idiot and he doesn’t admit defeat, but you also know he loves you. He’s told you as much, and made a point of assuring you that you’re the only person he’s ever had that’s worth saying those three words to. Like it’s an award, that you got under his skin. Like you should be proud of it.
The worst part is, you are proud. Because you know for a fact he wouldn’t waste his breath on saying it if it didn’t really mean something—everything—to him.
You’ve gotten under his skin as much as he’s under yours and it’s the accomplishment of the century.
It’s an awkward standstill that you’re at, because life is so boring without your boyfriend around to ask you a million questions and info dump to you and fuck the life out of you, but he also needs time to realize you’re not one of his sex robots. That you’re a living, breathing human with a brain, not some empty-headed plastic shell. You’re smart and you want to do things and he needs to make peace with that.
Week number four is when it finally clicks for him. He gets it. You like being his romantic partner, but you also want to be his partner in a professional sense.
He realizes he needs to utilize your skills and put your expertise to work the way he hired you to do, before he fell in love with you and turned you into a glorified house-partner.
He knows it’ll hurt his pride to call you and admit that he was an asshole. But he also knows that you’re the only one that can navigate where everything is in the kitchen, and he’s been drinking nothing but green juice for weeks. It’s time to call you, to bring you home. To make you his partner in every possible sense.
He’s a little bit surprised when you actually answer. He figured he’d have to try harder.
“God, I missed your sexy voice.”
It’s a very Nathan way to start the conversation, and it makes you laugh as you reply, “If you called just to get off on my voice, I’m hanging up.”
“That’s not why I called and you know it.” He almost sounds like a petulant child, and you can’t stop yourself from having a little fun with him.
“Do I?”
“And why is it you called?”
He hesitates for a long moment, then: “I’m sorry.”
Two words you’ve never heard from him before, and they make your heart flutter. “For what?”
“For being a narcissist.” He sighs. “I want you to come home. I need your help. In the lab.”
You can’t help the involuntary smile that spreads across your face, because Nathan always gives you exactly what you want in the end.
“Let me get my bags. I’ll be there on the next flight.”
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Give me some Nathan Bateman content 😌
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pairing: nathan bateman x reader
warnings: mentions of sex and sex machines, no smut tho lol
a/n: ask and you shall receive, nonnie. also this is way more than five sentences but it’s my first nathan drabble so here ya go!
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“So… what do ya think?”
Nathan flops down beside you as your mind wraps around the gift he’d planted at the foot of the bed.
Of course, you know exactly what it is. Your mind has temporarily short-circuited since your fuck buddy decided to build (and personalize?) this for you solely because he’ll be at a tech convention for two weeks, and three days ago, drunk-you had slipped out how much you were going to miss him.
“I-I can’t believe you made me a fucking sex machine.”
He grins smugly at your reaction, folding his arms behind his head against the pillows. “I’m still waiting to hear a ‘thank you.’”
You don’t indulge him. Not yet, anyway. You crawl to where the machine is to study its features closely. It looks like any other ordinary machine you could buy at an online sex shop. According to Nathan, you can control the speed of the motor with just a touch of the remote, adjust the angle of the thruster easily for a multitude of positions to try, and for some reason it has Bluetooth capabilities. Neat!
The cherry on top of this machine, however, is the silicone cock attachment to it. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you unscrew the fake, realistically flesh-colored dick from the device. The length, girth, and ridges of it are all too familiar to you, and when you finally realize what Nathan meant by personalized, he’s peering at you through his wire glasses with a smirk.
“Is this—”
“A perfectly casted mold of my cock for you to pleasure yourself with in my absence? Why, yes. Yes, it is.”
“You’re gone for two weeks, not two years,” you remind him, raising a brow.
Nathan sits up straight and runs a hand through his thick beard. “And? You can’t go two weeks long without sex.”
“Me?” You scoff incredulously. “Bateman, you can’t even last a day without stuffing your cock inside me.”
“Can you just say thank you and accept my gift so I can tell you one last thing about our very own fuck machine?.”
You roll your eyes and toss the dildo at Nathan, which he catches with ease. “Our?”
“Yeah, our,” he repeats as he scoots closer to the apparatus and screws back on the artificial cock. “Don’t think for a sec that you’re the only one who’s gonna have fun with this.”
“What do you mean? Are you gonna fuck yourself with it too when you get home?”
Nathan shakes his head, pulling out his phone from his pocket. You watch as he opens up an app on the screen, and that’s when it clicks.
A gentle whirring begins to sound as the fuck machine operates to thrust into the air.
“Not only can I control everything from this app, but it’ll also let me watch you from the built-in camera I’ve installed right there, which will make phone sex a hundred times better. Cool, right?”
You don’t reply right away. You’re stunned that Nathan managed to draft and assemble all of this in just three days. He may be an asshole most of the time, but god, this man’s brain is astoundingly brilliant, and it leaves you gaping in awe.
“We’re gonna test it before you leave in the morning, aren’t we?” You ask him, already knowing the answer as he reaches for your pajama bottoms and hastily slides them off your legs.
“Damn right we are.”
“Good,” you add as you lay on your back with Nathan prepping you himself for the machine. “Oh, and by the way, thank you.”
✨ send me an ask with a sentence + a character and i’ll write the next five ✨
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alwaysmicado · 3 months
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I just stumbled across this photo and wrote down what came to mind within five minutes. It's about an older Nathan, and it's emotional. ♡
Your ex, Nathan Bateman, is attending a gala dinner where you're the guest speaker.
You haven't seen each other since you left him ten years ago, after you couldn't take it anymore and finally had to admit to the both of you that love just isn't enough. You've since married a wonderful man and have a happy family. Your life is good. Nathan hasn't dated anyone else after you walked out of his life forever. He kept up with your socials in the beginning, but has stopped that a couple of years ago.
Now that he sees you here – the smartest, kindest, most beautiful human he's ever had the luck of knowing in this miserable life – he feels strange. Your presence can still captivate a whole room of people. Your voice is still as melodic as he remembers. You even look the same, apart from a few more wrinkles and gray hairs that suit you very well.
But there's one striking difference. You have a spark in your eyes. A beautiful, bright spark he remembers from when you came into his life and just...stayed. You lost that spark over the course of your relationship. He remembers how lifeless and dull your eyes were when you stood in the living room with no more tears to cry. He didn't beg you to stay, didn't promise you he would change, didn't stop you when you walked out into the night. He let you go.
His heart hurts as he looks at you with unshed tears in his eyes, but he doesn't feel sad. No. He feels happy for you.
You deserve the life you have. You deserve to pursue your career. You deserve to follow your dreams, to have relationships that fulfill you, to see the world. You deserve a partner who supports you. Who's not afraid to share his life with you. Who isn't afraid to love you. You deserve it all.
And even though he'll always love you in his own way, Nathan knows he could never be that man for you.
– – –
Nathan masterlist
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pygmi-cygni · 26 days
here, kitty kitty
getting nathan to do any kind of physical contact would be...a struggle, to say the least. I don't think he'd be a very touchy-touchy kinda guy, just cause he's not used to it. But I bet he'd warm up eventually.
blurb/ficlet thingy
Baby steps. Touches to the back of the hand, a palm on his shoulder while he worked. He would violently flinch away, looking like you'd slapped his mother. Upon seeing you, Nathan would relax marginally. Despite his prickly disposition, you could tell he craved attention.
His gaze would follow you desperately around the compound, and he would sit as close as possible on the sofa without touching you. If you paid attention, you'd see his hands fidgeting in his lap. A war was raging in hid head - he wanted to touch you but he didn't know how.
You took it slowly, like soothing a frightened barn cat. Yes, he knew he was allowed to touch you, but he still didn't know how. You were such a godlike figure in his mind, the thought of something so mundane seemed wrong.
Not that you didn't try. You picked up on his nervousness, as well-hidden as it was, gently reaching for his hand on the couch. Your gaze was locked on the movie, but your firm hold prevented him from sliding away. Every part of him was tense. You stroked your finger up and down, loosening the nervousness ringing through his body.
He shifted closer, clearing his throat. Nathan's face betrayed nothing of the mentally wagging tail he was currently feeling; gaze focused on the movie in front of you. A small smile tickled your cheeks when you felt his warm shoulder tentatively press against yours.
As tempted as you were to wrap him in a hug, you knew it would scare him off. He rumbled appreciatively when your chin ducked to rest on his shoulder.
The movie concluded but neither of you made a move to get up. Nathan's beard tickled your forehead and your leg was falling asleep, but you didn't want to end the small moment of intimacy.
"You gonna move?" he asked gruffly, hands twitching in yours. You leaned back slightly.
"Do you want me to?"
His gaze didn't meet yours, but you could see it in the pink of his ears. No.
Smiling, you coaxed him back against your chest. His back was stiff until you began stroking his head, fingers scratching lightly over the stubble. You could feel him shiver. Slowly, you paused, letting him adjust.
Nathan huffed impatiently, hands tucking against your waist. You tried to look at his face and gauge his reaction.
Another huff. Laughing quietly, you resumed the scalp massage, humming gently as his breathing slowed. He was out like a light before five minutes had passed.
A slow drumming gently roused him from the deepest sleep of his light. It was incredibly warm - warmer than he'd ever felt in the compound. Something soft was surrounding him in a way that sucked the energy from his bones. He blinked awake, hazily rousing from the syrupy blanket of slumber.
His glasses were folded at the edge of the coffee table. He was still on the couch. Vaguely, Nathan remembered your fingers on his scalp as he was blissfully rocked to sleep. His chest warmed as he realized the gentle drumming was your slow heartbeat against his cheek.
A thick throw blanket was pulled tight to his chin, and your arms bracketed his shoulders protectively.
Nathan burrowed back under the blanket, nosing into the warmth of your tummy. It would be a pain to wake you, he reasoned, contentedly snuggling back to sleep.
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justafandomgvrl · 9 months
Not A Christmas Person
Nathan Batman x OFC
Mild hurt/comfort
Word count - 450ish
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Thalia stared out the window as snow covered the grounds. As sure a sign as any that Christmas was coming. She sighed, clutching her mug of tea close to her chest and tugging her blanket further around her.
Christmas was not a time of year she enjoyed.
Nathan watched her with a raised eyebrow through his monitor. He couldn’t remember ever seeing her so down, even if she tried to appear happy around him. He hated that. Hated that she didn’t feel safe to be vulnerable with him. He sighed as she sipped from her mug and he pushed himself to his feet, padding through his house to find her.
“What’s wrong?” Thalia jumped, turning to see Nathan standing right behind her, caging her against the window.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t fucking insult me.” He ran his hand across his face, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “I know that something is wrong with you. I love you, you think I don’t notice when your mood shifts to shit?” Thalia sighed and looked down. “So what the fuck is wrong?” One of his hands came to grip her jaw, forcing her to look up at him.
“I just don’t like Christmas, Nate. That’s all it is.”
“Nate?” he pulled a face as though he’d eaten something bitter. “Why don’t you like Christmas?”
“I just… I never got to spend it with my family or my friends, or a partner. It’s just a sad time.”
“You’re sad cos of fucking capitalistic dream?” Pain flashed through her eyes and he regretted his words immediately, moving his hand from her jaw to her cheek. He tenderly brushed his thumb over her cheekbone. “You’re not alone this year. I promise, baby, it’ll be the best stupid Christmas of your life.” He dipped his head to capture her lips with his and she melted against him. The kiss said everything that Nathan couldn’t put into words.
“I know it’s different now, Nathan. But right now it still sucks.” Thalia mumbled, pulling away. He pressed kisses to her jaw, nodding.
“You should’ve told me, dove.” Thalia sighed. “I’m not mad. I just want to make sure you’re happy.” He reminded her. “And I’ll do anything to make sure you are. Want me to cancel Christmas?” Thalia chuckled, shaking her head, and his heart almost burst from relief at the sight of her smiling. “You sure? Three phone calls and it’s done.”
“It’s okay. Thanks Nathan…” she paused, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You really don’t like Nate?” He grimaced, scrunching his nose up. Thalia laughed, putting her hands up in surrender.
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my-secret-shame · 2 years
🔮? (also, just wanted to say that this whole idea is so fricking cute <3)
Ahhhhhh, thank you! You're too kind!
Your soulmate is: Nathan Bateman
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And you met: repair shop
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I’ve just had a little talk with the Fates, and they’re telling me this: 
“Look, I don’t plan on being stick in the middle of butt-fuck-nowhere, for a second longer than I need to.” The man’s voice pulled you out of the magazine you were glancing through while you were waiting for your tire to get changed. 
“I’ve told you, Sir,” the guy behind the counter shrugged. “We don’t have the parts, won’t have them until tomorrow at the earliest.”
“I need-”
“What you want and what you need aren’t gonna get those parts here. I don’t know what to tell you.”
The man, close shaven head, glasses, beard, quite handsome looking despite the obvious flaws in his personality, opened his mouth but the mechanic didn’t let him get another word in.
“I know you got places to be, we all do. If you're not local, it’s obvious you're passing through. If you're such a big shot, why don’t you get your helicopter to come pick you up?” 
Despite the obvious sarcasm, the man answered through gritted teeth. “The dust storm.”
“Of course.” The mechanic narrowed his eyes at him and walked back into the main shop. 
The man looked down, hands on hips, shaking his head, just as another mechanic came in through the side door. “All done!” He gave you a smile as he handed you your keys, you’d paid up front - cash. “Have a good day!”
“Thank you, you too.” You took the keys and stood, leaving the tattered magazine on your seat and grabbing your bag from the floor. 
“Excuse me,” the bearded man approached you. “Where are you headed?” 
You frowned at him.
“Look, if you’re local, I’ll buy your car from you, I’ll pay-”
“Car’s not for sale.” 
“I can trade, I’ll pay for the work on my car, it’s a-”
“Not interested.” 
He was getting increasingly frustrated. It suited him in an odd way, he blinked a lot like he was trying to process that you had said ‘no’ to him. 
“I need-”
“I’m not local,” you slung your bag over your shoulder. “Just blew a tire. I’m heading east, need to get in front of the storm.”
His eyes lit up. “I’m heading east.”
You stared at him, trying to hide your small smile. “So?”
“So- I-” He’s tumbling over his words in annoyance. 
“You want me to give you a lift?”
“Yes or no?”
“Can you stop cutting me off?”
You pause an extra second to let the beat of silence hang. “No.”
He rolls his eyes and you grin.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
He blinks heavily again, “I’m-”
“Come on, tell me your name, and let’s go.” You turn on your heels and head out of the door, making him rush to catch up with you.
Thank you so much! - sorry for the delay! I have an inner & middle ear infection at the moment that is kicking my butt.
My Secret Shame's Little Party
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fantasyqueen502 · 9 months
Madam Persephone 
Summary: Drabble, Before the events of Ex-Machina, Nathan Bateman sets up an appointment with his favorite dominatrix. 
Rated: R
For mature audiences obviously. (BDSM, Dominatrix, etc.)
Relationship: Nathan Bateman x female OC
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"You have called the Garden of Eden where you live out your desires. This is mistress Lilith, how may I be of pleasure." Lips outlined in ink pulled into a smile. "My apologies Mr. Bateman, Madam Persephone is delivering blessings at the moment." She informs with a point of sympathy. "I'll see what I can do sir, please hold."
Nine inch pumps click-clack against the tile of the establishment. Her leather white catsuit glowed in the light entering a room where the strikes and moans were coming from. A woman clad in nothing but a silk purple robe that was useless at staying on her shoulders leaving most of her collarbone and upper arms bare.
"Yes, Mistress Lilith." She exhales giving her colleague her full attention.
"Someone's asking to speak with you."
"Tell them they will have to wait like everyone else. And if they're good maybe a spot opens up." She recites fingers dancing over a table of assortments. "Since you've been such a good boy, Georgie. We're graduating to the big flogger!” she squeals. “What do you think about that?” she giggles.
"I'm elated, Mistress." the naked man trembles on his hands and knees.
Mistress Lilith swallows her pride walking over to the Madam "It's from a Mr. Nathan Batmen." she whispered in her ear having a gut instinct that the information was valuable to include. The Madam freezes, lowering her arm flogger still in hand.
"George, you be a good boy for Mistress Lilith." She hands the woman the flogger, not leaving until Lilith gave the man a good four strikes.
Her silk robe fluttered behind her as she ventured to her office. Taking a seat on her desk lifting the phone to her ear.
"This is the garden of Eden, Madam Persephone speaking. How may I be of pleasure?"
"You won't believe how hard I am just from you saying those words."
She chuckles. "I'm flattered, but hurt seeing as your overdue for a visit. I'd hate to see my progress was all for not." She pouts.
"What would you say to a house visit?"
"I'm flexible."
"Literally or metaphorically. I know both to be true.
"Whichever you prefer?”
"I'll send a driver tomorrow at seven--"
"Nathan, have you forgotten your lessons?" She scolds.
"I'm sorry Mistress."
"Mistress what?"
"Mistress Persephone."
"You can send your driver at noon, and I'll bring my toys."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Such a good boy." She praises.
Crack of the whip sounds as stifled grunts and exclaims of pain bounced off the walls of Nathan's secluded home. Wrist tied above his head held just high enough to rest on his toes. Two red lines appeared on his back beginning to weep blood. A thin sheet of sweat coated him. Body trying to stand upright with his toes shaking from overuse. His head lulled forward.
"Six, Mistress." he breathes "Thank you, Mistress."
She whips his chest, a high pitched screech leaving his lips as a streak of red crossed his left nipple.
“Seven, Mistress.” His head back between his arms letting out a moan. “Thank you.”
Looping the crop around his neck pulling him flush against her black latex catsuit..
“What a wonderful sound.” she coos lips ghosting over his slacked jaw. “Let’s see you do it again.” yanking the crop that whipped his shoulders blades and back when she removed it.
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Youvebeenlivingfictional Masterlist
Hooooboy, alright. Caving and turning this into a post. I'm keeping the page up as well, so if you prefer that, don’t worry, it’s still there.
If this post is missing something and i can almost guarantee it is, lemme know! Also if a link is broken, lemme know. Also also if you see that there are missing drabbles, that is because 9/10 times, unless it’s part of a larger work, I don’t list drabbles. It would never end. It would be a monster of a post.
As always, any minors interacting with explicit works will be blocked.
Last Updated: July 28, 2024
I do not give consent for any of my work to be copied, posted, or translated on other sites.
What it says on the tin. Archiveofourown: youvebeenlivingfictional
Kinktober 2022  *18+ Only
Kinktober 2023 *18+ Only
Fluffcember 2022 Fake Dating Masterlist
Includes: The Triple Frontier Boys, Javier Peña, Nathan Bateman, Percival Graves, Christopher Pike
Men I Always Meant to Write For
Includes: Bruce Wayne, Daniel Le Domas, Don Draper, Don Eppes, Harvey Specter
The Bear
Force of Habit - Carmy Berzatto x Reader  *18+ Only
Get What You Get - Carmy Berzatto x Reader
If You Can’t Take the Heat - Carmy Berzatto x Reader
Captain America
Love Isn’t Always On Time - Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes (On indefinite hiatus)
Strange Bedfellows - Steve Rogers x Reader *18+ Only
Estranged Wife - Patrick Zweig x Reader *18+ Only
the pro - Art Donaldson x Reader *18+ Only
reunion - Art Donaldson x Reader *18+ Only
tense - Patrick Zweig x Reader *18+ Only
Gauze - Frank Castle x Reader
Her Voice - Matt Murdock x Reader *18+ Only
The Dark Knight Trilogy
The Other Half - Bruce Wayne x Reader *18+ Only
Defending Jacob
Clandestine - Andy Barber x Reader *18+ Only
I Could Be Your Sometimes - Andy Barber x Reader *18+ Only
Where You Want My Lipstick - Andy Barber x Reader *18+ Only
Den of Thieves
Bad Idea - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader *18+ Only
The Pool - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader *18+ Only (The Pool ‘Verse)
Benny and Techie’s Holiday Plans  - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader (The Pool ‘Verse)
Benny and Techie Wind Up Skipping Arm Day - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader (The Pool ‘Verse)
Benny Teaches Techie How to Shoot - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader (The Pool ‘Verse)
How Benny and Techie Spend New Year’s Eve - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader (The Pool ‘Verse)
Benny’s First Thoughts - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader (The Pool ‘Verse)
Benny and Techie Have It Out - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader (The Pool ‘Verse)
Nick Makes Techie Uncomfortable - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader The Pool ‘Verse)
Last Resort - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader -*18+ Only
Points of Contact - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader
Procedure - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader -*18+ Only
You Know That I’ll Be Patient - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader -*18+ Only
You Want Me To? - Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader - *18+ Only
Don’t Worry Darling
Dark Victory - Frank x Reader *18+ Only
A Stalwart Gem - Duke Leto Atreides x Reader *18+ Only
Be Changed; Be Undone - Duke Leto Atreides x Reader *18+ Only
Left Behind - Gurney Halleck x Reader
The View - Duncan Idaho x Reader x Gurney Halleck *18+ Only
The Warmaster’s Wife - Gurney Halleck x Reader *18+ Only
Enola Holmes
An Absolute Mess - Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Terribly Confounding - Sherlock Holmes x Reader
When We Were Young - Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Ex Machina
A Few Nathan Bateman Thots - Nathan Bateman x Reader *18+ Only
Bateman Begins, A Nathan Bateman Batman AU - Nathan Bateman x Reader
By Definition - Nathan Bateman x Reader
Loosen Up - Nathan Bateman x Reader *18+ Only
Magnetic - Nathan Bateman x Reader *18+ Only
Nathan Bateman Buy Me This Challange - Nathan Bateman x Reader
Rubber Ducky You’re the One - Nathan Bateman x Reader *18+ Only
Soft Nathan Headcanons - Nathan Bateman x Reader
That Algo is Fuckin’ Scuffed - Nathan Bateman x Reader *18+ Only
The Logical Progression - Nathan Bateman x Reader
The Logical Epilogue - Nathan Bateman x Reader
This Didn’t Happen - Nathan Bateman x Reader 
Three Years - Nathan Bateman x Reader *18+ Only
Wired - Nathan Bateman x Reader *18+ Only
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
A Grave Life - Percival Graves x Reader
Game of Thrones
Being Pregnant with Oberyn Martell’s Child Headcanons
Take Your Time - Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand
The Maiden of Summerwood - Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand *18+ Only
The Gilded Age
Bluff - George Russell x Reader
Lessons - George Russell x Reader *18+ Only
The Crossing - George Russell x Reader
To Have Loved and Lost - George Russell x Reader
The Gentlemen
Company Man - Raymond Smith x Reader *18+ Only
Indiana Jones
Relative Dating - Indiana Jones x Reader
James Bond
All Over - James Bond x Reader *18+ Only
Enemy at the Gates - James Bond x Reader *18+ Only
Give Me a Buzz - James Bond x Reader *18+ Only
Old Dog - James Bond x Reader *18+ Only
The King’s Man
illicit - Orlando Oxford x Reader *18+ Only
Knives Out
Homestead - Benoit Blanc x Reader
Morning Paper - Benoit Blanc x Reader *18+ Only
Mad Men
Better - Don Draper x Reader *18+ Only
The Starlight Room- Don Draper x Reader
The Mandalorian
Softly - Boba Fett x Reader It’s On the Cards - Boba Fett x Reader
Mayans MC
Good Cop, Bad Cop - Crossover with Den of Thieves. Angel Reyes x Reader x Benny Borracho Magalon *18+ Only
How to Have Fun - Angel Reyes x Reader *18+ Only
Hop On - Angel Reyes x Reader
The Mentalist
His Hands - Marcus Pike x Reader *18+ Only
I’ll Be Home for Christmas - Marcus Pike x Reader
I’ve Seen This One; It’s a Tragedy - Marcus Pike x Reader
Odd Hours//Getting Even - Marcus Pike x Reader
Stress Relief - Marcus Pike x Reader *18+ Only
The Long Con - Marcus Pike x Reader
Wooed - Marcus Pike x Reader
Wound Up - Marcus Pike x Reader *18+ Only
A Most Violent Year
Headcanon: Meeting Abel Morales - Abel Morales x Reader
Intrigues - Abel Morales x Reader
Might As Well Jump - Abel Morales x Reader
Pretty Things - Abel Morales x Reader *18+ Only
Moon Knight
The First Time - Marc Specter x Reader *18+ Only
Don’t Get Too Close (For Comfort) - Javier Peña x Reader Explicit *18+ Only
Easy - Horacio Carrillo x Reader x Javier Peña *18+ Only
Empty, As Before - Javier Peña x Reader
Enough - Javier Peña x Reader
Just You and Me - Javier Peña x Reader Explicit *18+ Only
Middlemen - Horacio Carrillo x Reader
Movement - Javier Peña x Reader
Stubble - Horacio Carrillo x Reader
What’s the Use of Wonderin’ - Javier Peña x Reader
Ocean’s 8
Oh Whiskey Please - Lou Miller x Reader (On indefinite hiatus)
Outer Range
Closing Time - Rhett Abbott x Reader
Don’t Make it Weird - Rhett Abbott x Reader  *18+ Only
Waking Up Slow - Rhett Abbott x Reader *18+ Only
Peaky Blinders
Making Arrangements - Tommy Shelby x Reader *18+ Only
Princess - Tommy Shelby x Reader *18+ Only
Itsy-Bitsy//Hunger - Diego Jimenez/Reader *18 Only
Ready or Not
Wicked Game - Daniel Le Domas x Reader
Scenes From a Marriage
Holiday Traditions - Jonathan Levy x Reader
Breathe - Jonathan Levy x Reader
Exhale (Sequel to Breathe) - Jonathan Levy x Reader
Star Trek: Discovery/ Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
Christopher Pike Headcanons
Chapter and ‘Verse - Christopher Pike x Reader
Grounded - Christopher Pike x Reader
I Caught One Last Sight - Christopher Pike x Reader
I’m Always Curious - Christopher Pike x Reader
I’m Right Here - Christopher Pike x Reader
Intergalactic Prince Consort Christopher Pike Thread - Christopher Pike x Reader
Let’s Get Physical - Christine Chapel x Reader
Lonely - Christopher Pike x Reader x Una Chin-Riley
String Theory - Christopher Pike x Reader
The Bodyguard - Christopher Pike x Reader
The Captain’s Woman - Christopher Pike x Reader (On Indefinite Hiatus)
Star Wars
Effective - Poe Dameron x Reader
Everyone’s Got Their Reasons - Poe Dameron x Reader (On indefinite hiatus)
Heartless - Poe Dameron x Reader
Is That My Shirt? - Poe Dameron x Reader
Neighborly - Poe Dameron x Reader
No Pressure - Poe Dameron x Reader
Stupid, Slutty Collar - Poe Dameron x Reader
The Stars - Poe Dameron x Reader
You Never Know - Poe Dameron x Reader (On indefinite hiatus)
I Can Take a Beating (Like a Good Pair of Headphones) - Kendall Roy x Reader
Long Shot - Stewy Hosseini x Reader  *18 Only
More Than Enough - Harvey Specter x Reader
Bad Faith - Harvey Specter x Reader
A Little Dream Of Me - Dean Winchester x Reader
Stranger Things
You Spin Me Right Round - Eddie Munson x Reader
Sex Pollen - Eddie Munson x Reader *18 Only
Teen Wolf
Trouble Finds You - Chris Argent x Female OC (On indefinite hiatus)
Top Gun: Maverick
Our Girl - Bradley Rooster Bradshaw x Reader x Jake Seresin *18+ Only
The Periphery - Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
Princess - Jake Seresin x Reader
Row 27 - Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
What You Do to Me - Jake Seresin x Reader *18+ Only
When Are You Gonna Come Down - Bradley 'Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader *18+ Only
The Worst Best Man - Jake Seresin x Reader
Triple Frontier
The Balance  - Santiago Garcia x Reader x Will Miller *18+ Only
Beached - Santiago Garcia x Reader *18+ Only
Caught (Up) in the Act - Santiago Garcia x Reader 
Don’t Treat My Love Like a Habit - Santiago Garcia x Reader
Fooled Around and Fell In Love - Santiago Garcia x Reader *18+ Only
Impressions - Will Miller x Reader
Patched Up - Will Miller x Reader *18+ Only
Plans Can Change - Benny Miller x Reader
Sweets - Frankie Morales x Reader
Under Covers - Santiago Garcia x Reader *18+ Only
An Unspoken Rule - William Miller x Reader
Well You’re Not What I Was Looking For - William Miller x Reader
You Shouldn’t - Santiago Garcia x Reader *18+ Only
Benny Likes to Talk
You Got a Ring for Me, Miller?
Benny Miller Headcanons
Drift-Compatible Miller Brothers
Will You Give Me Shelter - Eddie Brock x Reader x Annie Weying (On indefinite hiatus)
The West Wing
Clean Slate - Josh Lyman x Reader
I Don’t Mind the Company - Josh Lyman x Reader *18+ Only
Nickname - Josh Lyman x Reader
1,001 Reasons Not to Move - Josh Lyman x Reader
Wonder Woman
I Cannot Weave - Antiope x Reader *18+ Only
Steam - Antiope x Reader *18+ OnlySantiago Garcia x Reader 
849 notes · View notes
boredzillenial · 9 months
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Laurent Leclaire
Sweet Relief
Laurent finds you during a difficult time of the month, he wants to help you feel better.
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Jonathan Levy
A Simple Arrangement
Jonathan wakes you in the night to meet his needs with your agreement
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King John
🎃 King John upholds his scandalous reputation and takes what he wants.
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Jack Jackson
Dirty Talk & More
🎃 You come home to find a stranger by your pool.
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Richard Muñoz
🎃 Richard knew better than this, but he just can’t help himself.
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Nathan Bateman
Your boss Nathan needs your body “for science”
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Poe Dameron
Sir’s Suprise
📨 Poe is off on a mission but has just the thing to fill his pet’s needs
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Cecil Dennis
Threesome Drabble
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Seduction Drabble
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faretheeoscar · 4 months
Pairing: Nathan Bateman x gn!reader
--Warnings: Nothing more than Nathan being a pain in the ass and some sexual innuendos, fluff by Nathan standards--
Also this drabble is so very nerdish from my part, it started as a blurb in my head when I started learning coding lol
A/N: English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there’s any mistakes.
Word count: 600~
Dividers source: animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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Blue is reader
Green is Nathan
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#include <iostream>
int main() {
    std::cout << "// You work so fucking hard. Lunch?"
    std::cout << "// Nathan, seriously? You hacked into my work just to ask me out?"
    std::cout << "// Not hacking if it's my own software"
    std::cout << "// Whatever, I’m busy" << std::endl;
changeText.addEventListener("click", function() {
  changeText.textContent = "Text has been changed!";
    std::cout << "// Come on!"
changeText.addEventListener("click", function() {
changeText.addEventListener("click", function() {
  changeText.textContent = "Text has been changed!";
    std::cout << "// Nathan, STOP disrupting my work, please?"
    std::cout << "// I will stop if you have lunch with me"
    std::cout << "// Not gonna even entertain you, I have a lot of things to work on and I have to finish them quickly"
    std::cout << "// You need to stop being so stubborn btw... you’re too tense... you’re gonna have an aneurysm or something if you don’t take a break...and have lunch with me?"
    std::cout << "// NO, let-me-work!!" << std::endl;
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    std::cout << "C:\\Users\\Bluebook\\Documents> del \"code_file.txt\"" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Are you sure (Y/N)?" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Y:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "C:\\Users\\Bluebook\\Documents> del \"code_file.txt\" Successfully deleted"
    std::cout << "// Not spite, you needed a break. Now you have one."
    std::cout << "// Unbelievable"
    std::cout << "// Now, lunch?"
    std::cout << "// No, fuck you"
    std::cout << "// Tempting..."
    std::cout << "// ..."
    std::cout << "// 0——->"
   std::cout << "// That was a dick btw"
    std::cout << "// I’m actually quitting now for real…"
    std::cout << "// Like hell you are…"
    std::cout << "// Come on, don't be so sensitive, Jesus Christ" ;
    std::cout << "// You just deleted all my week’s worth job .l. "
    std::cout << "// Stop moping about it, I have a backup"
    std::cout << "// Then restore it" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "// Not until you have lunch with me."
    std::cout << "// I'm calling the chopper and packing my things…"
    std::cout << "// WAIT, fine! I’ll reinstate the code… you big baby."
    std::cout << "// I was just joking, ffs" << std::endl;
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   std::cout << "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Bluebook\\Documents> rstrui.exe" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Files successfully restored"
    std::cout << "// Happy now?"
    std::cout << "// Asshole."
    std::cout << "// Is that an invite or a statement?"
    std::cout << "// Take a wild guess."
    std::cout << "// Worth the try…"
    std::cout << "// Now, are we done with your temper tantrum? Can we eat now?"
    std::cout << "// I can’t stand you..."
    std::cout << "// So is that code for Italian or sushi?"
    std::cout << "// Sushi..."
    std::cout << "// I'll tell the droids to start preparing it then"
    std::cout << "// Okay, I’ll be down in 5 minutes just don't fuck with my work again?"
    std::cout << "// I promise, but only if you let me fuck with something else later ;)"
    std::cout << "// Fine…"
    std::cout << "// Can you indulge me in something else?"
    std::cout << "// You’re really testing me here"
    std::cout << "// For science?"
    std::cout << "// Be the sushi table?"
    std::cout << "// I’ll go get undressed…"
    std::cout << "// Fuck yeah! (143) <3 ."
    std::cout << "// I love you too" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Bluebook\\Documents> Save" << std::endl;
    return 0;
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143 in coding means “I love you” btw <3
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ivystoryweaver · 11 months
🌿IvyStoryUpdates Nov. 5 - poll included
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Feel free to rank your choices in the comments if you like more than one.
Thanks, my readers and moots are the best!
Main Masterlist
My current WIP list
Haven't done one of these in a month, so this one will be a little detailed for anyone interested.
🔥 indicates 18+
Next priority updates:
Spooky season has come and gone but that's okay, we are most of the way through our ghost love story.
Spectre: A Moon Knight Halloween Love Story 🔥 👻 Up next: Event #8b: Us 🎃 8/11ish Events completed
I guess it's POEVEMBER! So this poor, ignored boy/fic shall get a November update.
The Only One - A Poe Dameron Story 🚀 Up next: Episode 5 - date #2 and Poe has an urgent mission 💫 4/10ish Episodes completed
These two are so close to finishing, wink wink
Perfect Fit (Nathan Bateman Choose Your Own Adventure) 🔥 🤖 1/2 Parts completed - make sure to vote at the end of part 1
Decadent: A Miguel O'Hara Story 🔥 🕷️ Up next: Chapter 13 - An accident in the lab! 🕸️ 12/14 Chapters completed
Asks/Requests updates:
If you have sent me a request/ask, I promise you I have it.
Titled/in-progress requests:
@themarvelousbee - Poe Dameron, titled "There is Someone" - trying to get this one published during Poevember
@cositsamarvelfan - Marc Spector, titled "Can't Stand It"
@saturn-rings-writes - Orestes, titled "Made for You"
@babyprofessorsharkpalace - Duke Leto Atreides, titled "Left Behind"
Other requests:
@dowbastan - Duke Leto request
@soulsforsales - Arctic Monkeys song
Miguel and a deaf!female!reader
Steven x m!reader fluff
More Moon Dads. um, YES
I have more asks in my inbox that I promise I will get to. The ones above are older and/or have been started.
I just wanted to let everyone know I do read and love your asks and requests, and they are not forgotten!
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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Requests are paused for one shots and fics ⏸️
Requests for headcanons, drabbles or screaming ab blorbos are open 📭
Askbox always open 📥
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
My current WIP list
Updates blog - @ivystoryupdates
Reader blog - @ivystoryreader
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💚 Ivy
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freelancearsonist · 6 months
if your reqs are open, could i ask how you think nathan would be with a hoh reader?🥺 thank you🫶
OH. 🥺 i actually had quite a bit of fun with this, thank you so much for sending this in lovely <3
his stages of grief are out of order. and out of line, really, considering he doesn't have any reason or right to be grieving your hearing. you've made peace with it, after all, but it takes him a while to do so.
it starts with anger, although nathan is more outraged at himself than at you. whether you were born hard of hearing or you have a degenerative disorder, it makes him grumpy at first. all he wants to do is be his usual grumbly mumbly self but he can't. he has to speak clearly, loudly, with efficiency, and when he uses his whole chest most of the things he says sound stupid. how can he complain out loud about the paper cut on his finger and how much it hurts to tweet when it sounds so dumb and trivial? he's not mad at you, never at you, but at how silly he feels all of a sudden because his first world problems sound so cringey when spoken so loudly.
then comes the denial. it's over quickly once he becomes aware of how gross and ableist it is, but it rears its ugly head for a few days nonetheless. are you really as deaf as you claim to be? if he lowers his voice a little bit, can he catch you off guard? surely you have to slip up eventually.
this thought process comes with a dollop of depression. are you pretending just because you don't want to listen to him? because you don't like talking to him? he spirals dangerously for a day or so until he realizes he can run tests and shit.
here comes the bargaining. he has your results laid out in front of him on his desk with you next to him, smirking at him because it's really kind of adorable how much he cares.
he's smart. smart is an understatement, really. he's a god, and a god should be able to bring your hearing back, right? he's sure that if he can get you hearing properly again--fix you--you'll have to love him forever. right?
and then comes the acceptance--the realization that there's nothing to fix. that you're perfect the way you are, and he doesn't mind accommodating your hearing. it's helped him, after all; not only to gain a new perspective, but to check his own privilege in more ways than one. no more grumbling about how his truffle coffee gets too hot when it's fresh or anything of the like. no more denying how much he likes having you around.
and the thing about being so smart is that it makes him thoughtful. he doesn't have to ask how he can help, how he can make your life easier, he just does it.
he sets every tv in the compound to have subtitles, just in case you want to watch a movie. he installs flashing light smoke detectors because he's been known to burn eggs on occasion. he puts hearing aid docks in every room in case you need a charge. he makes your life easier than it even needs to be, really, because that's just who he is. nathan "acts of service" bateman loves you the way you are, and it shows.
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gingersforeverbox · 9 months
Hi, no one asked for this, but have some Nathan Bateman x Reader headcanons/ drabble ideas
A/n: Howdy, I know it's been a hot minute since I posted something of my own, but I've been a simp for this stupid-genius bastard for a while now, and here is just a dump of the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head about Bitchman himself :)
Fem!Reader x Nathan Bateman btw
Content warnings: Nathan for obvious canonical reasons, the good kush🍃, swearing (probably), suggestive material that is +18 (If I find a minor on my lawn I swear to all that's good that I will tell your parents/guardians that you're being inconsiderate of boundaries Ya lil gremlins), that's all I can think of for now, but let me know if I missed anything! <3
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Pretty little homemaker Reader? Yeah. Pretty little homemaker Reader who got to happily retire once they married Nathan and be a domestic, feminine person without care? Even better!
Pregnant Reader where we learn about what it’s like to be expecting with him (spoiler: he is a pain in the ass up until you have to snap at him to be considerate to the person who will give him his child, then he surprisingly gets his head out of his ass to try and be better for you and y'all's child).
Reader and Nate have to go to a gala or some shit for the first time as an official couple then there’s a bunch of questions from the press and coworkers about y'all being together, and he is basically like "Honey, I own the planet, whatever you don't want public won't be public. it's that simple, now let me show you this ice sculpture that looks like a dick if you look at it right >:)"
Stoned Nathan and Reader. She does it for fun, he insists that he’s gonna be chill, but he is such a fuckin nerd that he babbles about how scientifically interesting weed is while Reader is just like “M’kay babe, keep talkin’, you’re cute like this iloveyou” and Nathan kinda just buffers for a minute before then is high as a kite when he realizes "oh fuck this woman makes me feel things and I'm too high to try and hide it iloveyoutoo"
Nathan getting genuinely confused when Reader treats Kyoko with basic dignity despite her being an AI, and Reader basically being horrified with how he treats her and actively goes out of her way to be nice to Kyoko. Does Nathan learn to be nicer to his AI? Does he still treat them like shit and it bites him in the ass? YOU DECIDE!
Bossy!Reader who is one of BlueBook's communications experts, and he can't wrap his head around the idea of Reader, the same lady who doesn't hesitate to call one of his ideas bad-shit crazy, being the same lady who easily schmooses his business partners for him until he sees her in action at a conference they both have to attend. Nathan then realizing that he likes his organic women to be a lil fiesty.
*forewarning that this one is a little self-indulgent:* Nathan and a Psychologist reader? I would pay Money to watch those two bicker about everything. like come on, Nathan's fuckin' nuts and Reader deals with emotionally/ mentally troubled people for a living. Just imagine BlueBook deciding to assign him a psychologist since he lives in the middle of nowhere all the time, and Reader taking one look at him and being like "Oh, he's not just a narcissistic rich man, he's a narcissistic rich man with a literal god complex.... interesting :)))" then proceeding to actually help him regardless. Bbgorl wouldn't know what hit him.
That's all for now folks, as you were 😊
....psst, hey, if anyone is interested in reading something with any of these ideas I would happily see what I can do to make a lil somethin'-somethin'. Also, if you wanna take a stab at writing any of these, all I ask is that you tag me so I can get some credit and so I can see y'all's awesome work <3
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alwaysmicado · 13 days
I'm fine
0.9k | Nathan Bateman x reader | drabble
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no warnings, just Nathan being Nathan inspired by this post by @h4untedsp3ctor 🖤
You’re still fuming from the argument.
Actually, no. Scratch that. You were fuming, but now it’s slowly morphing into an irritated simmer. It’s been about an hour since you stormed off to cool down, and you’re not ready to make peace yet.
At least, you think you’re not.
You hear footsteps approaching. Nathan’s footsteps. Of course, you think. This is his favorite part of every fight—the dramatic entrance, the flourish. And there it is, right on schedule.
Nathan rounds the corner, wearing that shirt again.
White, crisp, with a bright red bloodstain smeared dramatically over the chest. Above it, in bold black letters: I’m fine.
Because of course, Nathan’s idea of an apology isn’t actually apologizing. No, it’s to be as Nathan as possible. Like wearing a shirt that reminds you of the fact that, oh yeah, he survived a murderous AI.
You can’t help it—the second you see it, your lips twitch against your will. You fight to keep your face stern, but Nathan’s doing that thing where he stands like a model in a cheap cologne ad, arms crossed, hip cocked, giving you his most exaggerated pout.
You stare at him, eyebrow arched. “Seriously?”
Nathan glances down at his chest, pretending he’s just noticed. “Oh, this? Yeah. Almost forgot I was wearing it.”
You fold your arms, but the corner of your mouth twitches. You’re determined not to let him win, but that shirt is so damn stupid.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you mutter, trying to ignore the rising amusement in your chest.
Nathan raises an eyebrow, pretending to be hurt. “Oh, so now you’re attacking the shirt? I thought you’d at least come for my feelings first.”
You roll your eyes. “Nathan, we had a serious argument about a serious issue. Can you not be ridiculous for five minutes?”
He looks down at his shirt, then back at you, deadpan. “This is how I express myself, okay? My feelings? On my chest? Very clearly marked. Literally bleeding heart here.”
You try to hold onto your anger, you really do. But he’s standing there, looking so absurd with that fake bloodstain that you can feel your defenses crumbling. “You wear that every time we fight. It’s getting old.”
“Wow.” He presses a hand to his chest, right over the bloodstain. “You really know how to twist the knife, don’t you? Here I am, freshly wounded, barely surviving, and you’re saying I don’t even bleed in an interesting way anymore?”
“Wounded?” You snort, crossing your arms. “Last I checked, you’re the one who survived a literal robot stabbing. Pretty sure your feelings are fine.”
“Oh, they’re not fine,” he counters, stepping closer. “Hence the shirt. You hurt me, deeply.” He taps the stain for emphasis. “Emotionally. Spiritually. Metaphorically.”
You narrow your eyes at him, trying desperately to stay serious, but his deadpan delivery is getting to you. No, you tell yourself. You’re mad. Stay mad. This man is insufferable.
“And maybe,” he continues dramatically, “just maybe… physically.”
You’re biting your lip now, trying not to laugh. You shouldn’t laugh. You are mad at him. You are really mad at him, but somehow, this man has managed to derail every serious argument you’ve ever had with sheer absurdity.
He sees the crack in your resolve and steps closer, tilting his head slightly like he’s studying you. “You know, Ava didn’t stab me this hard,” he says, voice dropping into mock seriousness.
“Stop,” you mutter, turning away to hide the smile threatening to break through.
“Really,” he insists, circling around you, still talking. “Her knife had a clean exit. This?” He motions toward the shirt. “This cut runs deep.”
You groan, covering your face with your hands. “Nathan, you’re impossible.”
He steps closer, nudging your shoulder lightly. “You know, Ava stabbed me right here.” He taps the bloodstain on the shirt like it’s a merit badge. “I mean, this exact spot. Almost poetic, don’t you think?”
You look up at him through your fingers. “Poetic?”
“Yeah.” He’s fully leaning into it now. “The shirt, the fight, the fact that we’re both alive and kicking…well, I’m alive. You didn’t get stabbed by your own robot creation, so I guess you’ve got that going for you.”
You’re trying so hard not to crack a smile, but it’s a losing battle. “You’re such an ass.”
“And yet,” he says, standing in front of you again, “here you are. Still with me. Still making me bleed, but somehow…” He leans in with a smirk. “…I’m fine.”
Your hands drop from your face, and you can’t hold it back anymore—you laugh. It starts as a small chuckle, but once you see the ridiculously triumphant grin on Nathan’s face, it grows into full-on laughter. “Oh my god, you’re an idiot.”
He takes a little bow. “I prefer ‘brave survivor’, but I’ll take what I can get.”
You shake your head, half-exasperated, half-amused. “We’re supposed to be mad at each other.”
Nathan grins wider. “Hey, you’re the one who hurt my delicate, fragile heart. This shirt’s just here to remind you.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And you love it.” He winks, then pulls you into a light hug, his chin resting on your shoulder. “C’mon, admit it. You can’t stay mad at me when I’m bleeding all over the place.”
You laugh against his shoulder. “You’re lucky that shirt’s so stupid.”
“I love you, too.” He pulls back, looking entirely too pleased with himself.
– – –
Nathan Bateman Masterlist
tag list: @my-secret-shame @pattwtf
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ominoose · 11 months
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𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
A list of seasonal fanfics I've read or found over the month of October that I really enjoyed for future reference and others to check out <3
Since this got so long and we're only halfway through kinktober, a Part Two will be posted after Halloween.
Part 2
Key: 🎃 - NSFW ┆ 🤎 - x reader
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Making Memories: Halloween by TockTornInReverse Steven, Marc and Jake decide to make new Halloween memories with Layla. System is very autistic. Very comfy and cozy. Characters: Moon Knight System, Layla Elfouley WC: 5.3K Birds of a Feather, Now and Forever by RebeccaOTool The System has to steal back Khonshu's ubshati. A funny lil fluff. Characters: Moon Knight System WC: 1.1K
Smarties Are Fine (But M&Ms are Traditional) by RebeccaOTool System are thumbsized (idk) and play a Halloween prank on Layla. Cute lil art at the end. Characters: Moon Knight System, Layla Elfouley WC: 683
My Way by @ladywynne Had me genuinely crying in a college bathroom. System dies with Jake. Hurts to even think about. Seasonal because trauma is halloweeny technically. Characters: Moon Knight System WC: 2K
Life's No Fun Without A Good Scare by RebeccaOTool Moon Knight and Hocus Pocus crossover. As goofy as it sounds. Characters: Moon Knight System, Layla Elfouley WC: 17.6K
Bad Moon Rising by interstellarwraith You go to a Haunted Attraction with Steven, accidentally end up on a double date with Marc. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector WC: 1.3K ┆ 🤎
Moron by @jayke0 Pathetic man Cecil walks in on Blue pounding you and gets whiny. Characters: Cecil Dennis, Blue Jones WC: 1.9K ┆ 🎃🤎
You've Got Me Now by @jayke0 Basil starts an onlyfans after finding your onlyfans then you both bang. Characters: Basil Stitt WC: 2.5K ┆ 🎃🤎
Formal Wear by @flightlessangelwings Duke Leto likes your formal outfit a little too much. Characters: Leto Atreides WC: 1.5K ┆ 🎃🤎
Glove Kink by @winniethewife Jakes puts his gloves up your hooha. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 632 ┆ 🎃🤎
Peak-A-Boo by @hon3yboy Nathan ghostface au that made even the biggest Nathan disrespector (me) simp for him. Characters: Nathan Bateman WC: 5.7K ┆ 🎃🤎
Private Show by @jayke0 Blue Jones but for the chubby girlies. Characters: Blue Jones WC: 1.4K ┆ 🎃🤎
King John The Scandalous by @boredzillenial Being a maid in King Johns castle comes with a lot of hassle. Characters: King John WC: 1.2K ┆ 🎃🤎
Lost in Love (and in a maze) by @w-m-heart On an anniversary date with Jake, you both go to a corn maze and get lost. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 1.2K ┆ 🎃🤎
Accidental Stimulation by @outcome3 Blue hides in a closet to snoop on the girls until you squeeze in with him. Characters: Blue Jones WC: 775 ┆ 🎃🤎
Jake Has Ghosts by @reallyrallyauthor Short smut drabble themed around ghosts that was so poetic and good in the short wordcount it had. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 245 ┆ 🎃🤎
Tied Down by @melodygatesauthor In the asylum with Blue Jones and he... ties you down. And acts like a condescending asshole. Characters: Blue Jones WC: 300 ┆ 🎃🤎
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