#nazi pigs fuck off
cannot fucking believe i saw a god damn confederate-flag wearing sw-stica-tattooed n-zi at fucking walmart in GOD DAMN ILLINOIS
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pricklypear1997 · 2 years
No, I won’t smile for you, you stupid ugly ass. Your mom should’ve aborted you, there’s too many of you. I’m not smiling for shit. It isn’t the fucking 1950s and milk doesn’t cost a quarter anymore. Fuck off, asshole. Fuck you, your mom, the service industry and this stupid shittard country more like CUNTry.
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Please more Tom riddle x ftm Reader 😩
vine? what’s that, like, herbology? (chapter four of phoenix tears) — 40s! tom riddle x ftm! dumbass! granger! reader
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uh okay so i accidentally gave tom religious trauma so that’s a thing in here
imagine being cool and requesting lmfao couldnt be yall
“What in the Goddamn Hell did you do?!”
You fall off of your bed with a shriek when a pillow hits you straight in the face with a whap!
You hit the floor with a solid thunk, picking up your nearest weapon—a single converse sneaker—and chucking it at Harry, who’s practically dying laughing on his bed.
Tom looks alarmed, partially at your fall, partially at the abhorrent language. Glancing down at where you’re sprawled on the floor—when you’d been sitting on your bed beside him just moments ago—Tom shifts his gaze to an overdramatic, whining Harry, clutching his shin and pouting like a petulant child, then finally, settling his gaze on a furious, fuming, irate Gryffindor girl with bushy hair.
“You Goddamn fucking dumbass-” the mystery girl arms herself with more pillows, chucking them at you with a surprising amount of force. When Harry laughs again, at your expense, he receives a pillow to the face as well.
She stands in the center of the boys’ dorm, her hands clenched into fists and her eyebrows furrowed so deeply, Tom wonders for a second if she’ll start steaming at the ears like the characters in newspaper comics do. Who is this girl, who so freely speaks the Lord’s name, as if she isn’t afraid of being beaten?
Hovering in the doorway to the boys’ dorm is an apprehensive redhead, who flounders for what to do for a moment before slowly joining the angry girl at her side like a demure, kicked stray. Tom tilts his head as he examines the two newcomers. The redhead… yes… yes, this must be one of the little Weasley girl’s older brothers. Which one, he’d never be able to guess.
The angry girl was currently cursing out Harry, Y/N, Tom, and God, which, Tom found rather egregious; but it was also a bit exciting, seeing someone do something so taboo.
“And you,” Angry Girl whirled around, her index finger pointing straight at Tom.
(Tom was a year older than Angry Girl. He had to be at least a foot and half taller than her. He came from a time of Nazis and economic depressions, for Christ’s sakes. Regardless, Angry Girl absolutely terrified Tom out of his wits.)
“You, you insufferable, good-for-nothing reprobate! You motherfucking scuzzy lowlife snake!”
Tom scrambled backwards on your bed as Angry Girl took a few purposeful steps forward, her finger in his face.
Honestly, her language was appalling. Who was this girl? A street urchin? Certainly not well-mannered, that was for sure.
“You utter pig! Don’t look at me like that! Oh no, I’m speaking right now. Be quiet!”
Tom was at a loss for words. He just stared, wide eyed, mouth agape as this unknown girl cursed him out and damned him to the deepest parts of Hell.
“‘Mione, lay off the poor guy. I think he gets it,” you said dryly, apparently in no concern to rush to Tom’s aid, if the game of… poker? you were currently playing on the floor with Harry and the Weasley boy was anything to go by.
Angry Girl, ‘Mione, as you had called her, stopped talking, but she still looked furious. She whirled around, a single angry look making the Weasley boy and Potter scramble to shove the cards back into their box. You seemed unbothered though, sitting cross-legged on the floor with a bored expression.
How the Hell were you not terrified of this girl?
“Oh, no,” ‘‘Mione’ said with a humorless chuckle. “You don’t get to say anything either. I leave you alone for an hour- You told me you were helping Harry clean out his trunk!”
“Well I was!” You defended. “It just so happened that good ol’ Tommy-boy’s diary was in Harry’s trunk. So really, you should be, like, yelling at him, for being so irresponsible as to still have it.”
“Oh, I’ll get to him shortly,” she snapped. “But you, dear brother-”
(Brother? Tom wondered. He could only vaguely see the resemblance, but when you ran your fingers through your short hair and it started to puff up, it finally clicked. Twins.)
“-you resurrected the guy who tried to fucking kill a bunch of eleven and twelve year olds! The same guy who tried to kill Harry as an infant- Jesus fucking Christ, this is why you’re not in Ravenclaw you dumb fuck-”
Tom gaped at her profanity. Not only using the Lord’s entire name, but giving Him a middle name that was a curse? The blaspheme this girl spoke was extraordinary.
‘‘Mione’ ran her hand down her face in exasperation. “There is a collective total of three brain cells in this room…”
“And all of them are yours?” You muttered sardonically.
“…and all of them ar- hey, that’s my line.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a loud exhale, closing her eyes. “Okay. Okay. Oka-”
“If you say ‘okay’ one more time, I’m punching you.”
Mother Mary, this boy was awfully violent. Nearly as bad as his sister.
“Right. Start from the beginning, please,” her tone made it obvious that it was not a request, but a demand. “Oh- Ronald, really. What are you two doing?”
The Weasley boy, Ronald, looked up—as did Harry—at her scathing tone. They were both still sat on the floor, but now had a garishly bright magazine between them and appeared to be solving a crossword together.
“Two bros, chillin’ on the floor, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay,” you chimed in, with an odd sing-song voice that Tom was baffled by.
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N,” Harry mumbled under his breath, his quill scratching on the magazine’s page and the ink turning green as he scribbled in the correct answer to number ten across.
‘‘Mione’ sat down on the floor next to Ronald, sighing heavily. She snapped her fingers at Tom, pointing at him, then making a sharp motion down towards the floor. “Sit down here, Thomas. You’re not sitting at a higher level than anyone else.”
Tom wordlessly slipped down onto the floor, sitting cross-legged with wide eyes as he scooted as far away from her as possible, which, coincidentally, was right next to you.
‘‘Mione’ seemed caught off guard when she saw Tom’s loaned clothes: green flannel pajama pants, a thick knit sweater with an ‘F’ on it, and fuzzy blue socks with penguins on them.
He was not intimidating in the slightest.
It’s kind of hard to be intimidating fifty years in the future, especially when future you is way scarier that current you.
But Tom digressed.
“We are not quoting Vines when we break into Malfoy Manor, Y/N,” Hermione, as her full name turned out to be, let out a long-suffering sigh.
You pout, your lower lip sticking out.
Tom nearly chokes on his tea when he sees this, his cheeks flaming red as he hurriedly wills away any depraved thoughts.
Don’t look don’t look don’t look don’t look oh dear God don’t loo- don’t take the Lord’s name in vain either Thomas! Oh no oh no no no-
He can almost hear his old headmistress at Wool’s chastising him after boxing his ears.
“You’re a child of God, Thomas Marvolo! Do not speak His name in vain!”
But you know what? Jesus fucking Christ, he hated his Goddamn name.
Tom let himself look up from his tea mug at you, let his gaze fall from your mirthful eyes to your pouting lips.
Goddamnit, I’m fucked.
chapter five
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chaos--core · 2 years
POC, Woman, & Queer Punk/Rock/Metal Bands
i’m sick of listening to old cishet white dudes sing all the time, so here are some of my more diverse favs!
links lead to spotify
Cinnamon Babe - A band with Stormi Maya on vocals, I recommend listening to her songs Rock ‘N’ Roll Is Black and Loose.
Dazey and the Scouts - A queer band. Their song Sweet Cis Teen explores gender dysphoria as an AFAB person, I really resonate with it. Groan is another one of my favorites.
Cheap Perfume - A riot grrrl type band, their songs are based around unapologetic feminism. I would recommend starting off with It’s Okay to Punch Nazis and Slut Game Strong.
Kittie - An all female metal band with some really great vocals. I really enjoy their song Choke.
Katja Macabre - A feminist metal artist who only has about 400 listeners monthly on spotify. They really deserve more love, so go listen to their song Compliments.
Doll Skin - A long time fav of mine, the songs I listen to the most are Love Is Dead and We Killed Her and Mark My Words. (they just had their final show unfortunately, linked here is a recording of the full set tho!)
VIAL - An indie punk band which I got into fairly recently. I really enjoy Piss Punk and Ego Death.
Dog Park Dissidents - A queer punk band that I think is really cool. I can’t stop listening to Queer as in Fuck You.
Dream Nails - Another queer punk band! My favs are Corporate Realness and Vagina Police.
Cable Ties - Their vocals are so unique, I’m not even sure how to describe them. My fav songs are Self Made Man and Say What You Mean, as well as Hope (which i found through a game on itch.io)
Witch Fever - I’ve been enjoying their song In Birth recently!
Mannequin Pussy - I just saw them live, and now they’re one of my favorite bands. The energy they created in the room quite literally moved me to tears. I’m in the process of listening to all their music right now but my current favorites are Romantic, Control, and Pigs is Pigs.
i will be adding more to this when i get the time, feel free to give me suggestions (i really appreciate all the recommendations you all are giving me)
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Hello neighbor!!!!
Welcome to my blog. What's up. How's it going.
I'm Rose, she/her, 34
I am an old married lady with kids
💖💜💙 bi/pansexual but women have my heart
I'm super friendly and dtf as in "down to flirt" and "down to make friends" but given my life situation probably not "down to fuck"
(But I'm still incorrigably horny on main and will be till I die)
Lots of personal posting, LOTS of sexual content, some scattered fandom stuff, occasional religion posting. Disgustingly earnest, unabashedly cringe.
This blog is not family friendly, so 21+ pls
If you're also old and into Dragon Age, my DA fandom blog is @theheartofhawke
I block liberally and with no ill will so don't take it personally if
🌸 You're hella young (18-20yo I know you're adults and can do what you want but this blog is not for you)
🌸 You don't list an age in your bio
🌸 You follow me from a fundraising blog (I'm more than happy to signal boost, no need to follow me)
🌸 You're into kinks that aren't my cup of tea (inc, hard cnc, scat/piss, ageplay, maledom)
🌸 You don't tag the rough stuff
🌸 You've got an "edgy" sense of humor
🌸 We just don't vibe
Absolutely do take it personally if
💀 You're a rad, a trad, a transphobe, a racist, a misogynist, someone who thinks they aren’t a misogynist but is vile to trans women (ie a misogynist), a prick about bisexuals, or someone who wants to get mad at me about my religion. Nazi pigs fuck off.
💀 You don't respect my boundaries or take uninvited liberties in my DMs. Do not try to sext me unless we’ve had flirty interaction, and even then it’s nice to ask.
🧦 honestly new cishet men are on thin ice right now— I really want to be friends, but you lads have got to behave yourselves or you’re catching a block. Idk why I made dirty socks your emoji but that’s how I feel about you rn
Again, welcome, and have an excellent day 🌈
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figayda-rights · 11 days
Hey. I know you're probably getting a lot of hate for your mismag opinions, and I don't want to be one of those voices or be dismissive of your concerns. I'm Jewish and trans (though admittedly transmasc. I will say, that though JK's virulent transphobia has mostly been centered around victimizing trans men, it's important to remember that the entire community is affected. Her claims that transmasc folks are just confused little girls is dehumanizing and patronizing. We should stand with our trans sisters who are being endangered first and foremost, but also acknowledge that there is no part of the community that is unhurt by her bigotry.) Anyways, that said... I personally disagree with your mismag takes. I think you're well within your right not to support a series platforming the Terf book, and I do agree with many of your takes. But one of the distinctions I don't see a lot of people making is the difference between criticizing the Harry Potter series and criticizing JK Rowling herself. I'm not advocating for the Harry Potter books, or claiming death of the author. Those books are filled with prejudice.
But, though JK has made her current platform off of horrible transphobia, the books themselves weren't as preoccupied with trans people as she's become. Yes, there are definite transphobic elements. But to me, the biggest glaring issues of the book come from the racism and the worldbuilding (specifically the "fantasy racism" of muggles/mud bloods and all that shoddy allegory entails) --- both aspects that are directly critiqued and centered in mismag.
Saying that Mismag isn't a satire because it doesn't center a takedown of the transphobia of Jk Rowling is a misunderstanding of how it functions as a satire. Not criticizing JK (aside from Fuck Terfs) so much as criticizing the book and the world itself. I think there are issues with it, no doubt! And I certainly wish a transfemme individual had been given a seat at the table, not as a token, but because their insight into the world would add an extra dimension to the intended criticism.
But I also think that saying it doesn't qualify as a Parody is sorta... ignoring the racial components. It's unfair to Aabria and unfair to the show as a whole.
thanks for your opinion. I don't agree that transphobia (transmisogyny specifically) isn't baked into every aspect of her books.
Remember Pansy Parkinson? Remember how she was described as pig faced, square jawed, short haired and mannish? Remember how she was a villain who did awful things and ultimately aided the in world version of "fantasy Nazis"?
Remember umbridge? Another woman characterized as wide, mannish, square jawed and shouldered, someone who would LITERALLY transform to spy on people, get into kids bedrooms, "invade spaces".
Remember the staircases to the dorm rooms? The ones that wouldn't let boys into the girls rooms but would let girls into the boys rooms? This isn't even all of it.
I'm absolutely in no way saying the books and Rowling currently aren't FILLED with racism. I am indigenous, her use of "spirit animals" as patronuses is despicable. Rowling isn't currently spending thousands of dollars pushing laws against black, Asian, or indigenous people though. She IS currently funding politicians who are pushing holocaust denial AND spending direct money advocating for laws targeted at specifically trans women.
It is irresponsible and incredibly tone deaf to release a season based on her books when violence and trans people, trans women specifically, is at an all time high.
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The LGBTQ community in Russia need to use absolutely any methods and any means necessary to both protect themselves from these filthy worthless Gestapo pig cunts and to resist the fascist modern day Nazi dictatorship that is the modern day Hitler Vladimir Putin, a war criminal and mass-murderer leading an illegitimate "government" of rapists, thieves, and murderers
Full offence intended but Vladimir Putin and every single "person" who supports him, works with him or supports him is a fucking cancer upon the human species that doesn't deserve to have been born and the world would be better off if every last one of these nazi cunts had been aborted
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robthegoodfellow · 10 months
May I Find You One December RENAMED Here I Go Again
1: Don't Know Where I'm Going, Sure Know Where I've Been
for @fizzigigsimmer
(caligator, referenced past harringrove, age difference, referenced character death, references to neofascism/evangelicalism)
Billy’d been warned against stopping in Stark County, but when you had to go, you had to go—and anyway, he was running low on gas. And snacks. 
And, since he wasn’t a spring chicken anymore, it’d be wise to get out, work the rust from his joints a bit. 
Glancing around as he filled the tank, the town looked normal enough; your average main drag in Middle of Nowhere, North Dakota. Couple sleepy shops, general store, dinky diner—one of those blue lives matter flags hanging limp by the door, vivid polyester garish against all the beige. 
Basic shit. 
No obvious signs of a place under the iron thumb of a white nationalist evangelical militia, and he was just about to roll the dice on that diner, maybe snag a coffee and a slice of pie, when a police cruiser ambled into view, pulled into the fueling station opposite.
Just his fucking luck.
Billy studied the pump, face schooled a pleasant bland. Marveled at how, even after all these years, his days of tussling with fascist pigs long behind him, the same wolves were stirring in his head. One baring its teeth on a low growl, ready and willing to tear the fucker to shreds, the other poised, still as stone, itching to turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble.
At fifty years old—fifty plus, but who was counting—he preferred neither option. The meter clicked off, and he watched his hands replace the nozzle, screw on the gas cap.
Even his hands were fucking old. Thicker—blocky knuckles. Veins starting to bulge. Grandpa hands. 
Sense memory flashed, suppressed so quick and smooth it left barely a ripple. Wouldn’t do to indulge in fond longing for those gay glory days, for the hands he still missed like phantom limbs, some nights, this aching absence. Not within spitting distance of a patrol car. 
Because why test the thought police, right? He could reminisce on youthful love lost when he was back on the highway, heading west.
Good boy, he heard, like Billy had a tin can cupped to his ear, the string trailing off into the fog of time. 
So strange what stayed sharp, he mused, rounding the hood, gripping his keys. Behind him, the cruiser door swung open with a creak. Like—despite the photos, it was hard to really conjure the face, hold it steady in his mind. A face through a window in the rain, and more so as the years slid by. But that voice still whispered clear as day—sometimes a Jiminy Cricket, keeping Billy out of trouble, sometimes a little prankster demon, pure trickster. 
And the hands. The feel of those hands had never left him, touch embedded in the skin.
He sniffed, ducking his chin, scolding himself. So much for smothering his inner queer.
The door was open, sanctuary of the driver’s seat calling his name, when something drew his attention across the way—some movement, maybe, or shift in the air. Pulling his gaze, against his better judgment, to meet the bored stare of the emerging cop.
His chest—seized, breath caught in tight lungs by a tighter throat. Distantly wondered if this was what a heart attack felt like—crushed in a cold fist.
Because the eyes staring back at him were Steve’s. The furrowed brow above lips pinched in a frown. The lines of his jaw, his nose. Like the rain had stopped and he could see him clear through the pane. Then the lips twisted, a sudden sneer, straight out of senior year.
“Got a problem, pal?” 
Billy blinked rapid, took in the flak jacket and badge announcing him as the Sheriff’s stooge, the douchey camo hoodie layered underneath, dark hair slicked back, sides shaved like he’d stepped off the cover of Nazi Vogue.
What the fuck.
“Asked you a question, old man.”
Billy coughed, half a laugh, half choke, and shook his head. Same voice—his voice. Steve’s. Only the tone was all wrong—mean and self-important—more like… like Billy, once upon a time.
Like if his old bratty attitude and Steve’s voice had a baby. That’s what he was hearing right now. Like—
Wrenching his brain back on track, Billy rebooted. Cut him off before the brat could launch another volley.
“Sorry, officer,” he said, and couldn’t help it—the amusement thrumming beneath the words, or more accurately, the unhinged hysteria. “Must be going senile.”
The eyes narrowed—assuming that if he wasn’t in on the joke, he must be the butt of it.
“In fact,” Billy went on, blindly following some instinct, he knew not where. “Think I might be having some heart trouble.”
The cop did not spring to the aid of a needy citizen, but eyed him skeptically. “You smell burnt toast?”
“That’s for a stroke,” Billy corrected, and he’d gone and done it again—only this time a fondness threading the wry mockery. “Heart attack is pain in your arm and whatnot.”
The brat didn’t shoot him dead for perceived disrespect, which was something. Really he just seemed—confused. Baffled. And boy, Billy was right there with him.
This wasn’t Steve, he reminded himself. Wasn’t him. Just a random dead ringer in Middle of Nowhere, North Dakota, a likely foot soldier in the brutal local militia.
And Billy should just leave him to it, obviously. Because this wasn’t Steve.
So—bid the doppelganger adieu, get the hell out of dodge. Billy cleared his throat.
“Don’t suppose protect and serve extends to helping some geezer find a place to eat while he rests awhile?”
Now the perplexed indignation was out in force, head tilted so far to the side it was liable to roll off his neck.
Hand to God, Billy thought he’d kicked the death wish long ago—his Y2K resolution—and yet here he was. Still talking, coaxing the neofascist to come closer, chucking all caution to the wind for a pair of pretty, over-familiar eyes.
“C’mon,” he said, and made the smirk self-deprecating. “I make it across the street without keeling over, I’ll buy ya a coffee.”
The brat straightened, something like tolerant intrigue settled in the quirk of his brow. “All right, then, old timer.” As they stepped off the sidewalk: “Don’t expect me to hold your elbow or nothing.”
“Oh, nah,” Billy replied, waving him off. “Dignity won’t allow it.” And then—he winked. Winked at the boogaloo boy. He’d lost his mind. Farewell, sanity.  “Name’s Billy.”
No response from the boy in blue until they reached the diner steps. “I’m Gator,” he said, hauling the door open, gruffness at odds with the tinkling bell.
To his credit, Billy didn’t break down into gibbering laughter.
Gator. This asshat wearing Steve’s face, this Duck Dynasty heir apparent—was named Gator.
Way off in Indiana, Steve must’ve been rolling in his grave.
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octuscle · 10 months
Got a lot of repressed energy in me that needs an outlet. Want to be younger, dumber, and full of rage. Think you can help me get into the punk or metalhead scene?
You hate winter. It's cold. The trains are late. And you can't even read the New York Times properly on the platform because of the wind. The wind from the trains is constantly turning the pages. So you can't concentrate on the review of the premiere of "La Traviata" at the Met. And now some bum arrives and asks you if you can give him a few dollars for beer and cigarettes. At least the punk is honest. But he still doesn't get any money. He curses you as a miserable bourgeois and gives you the middle finger. And actually snots at you. How absolutely disgusting!
There's no point in the newspaper in this wind. You stuff the Times in the trash, pick up your cell phone and open punktuationmag.com. And open your favorite playlist. You don't have headphones, but you don't care that everyone around you is rolling their eyes. Good, honest punk rock needs no excuse. The wind is damn cold on your shaved head. Shit, the train is ten minutes late again. You could do with a beer and a cigarette right now. You ask the lady next to you if you can have a fag. She turns away and says she doesn't smoke. You turn up your nose and snort. "Maybe you should, old girl. It might relax you." Shit, you're not relaxed… You either need a cigarette now. Or at least a good fight. You'd feel like kicking your boots up some Nazi pig's ass or something…. There was just another mate who was looking for cigarettes. You could do something with him. For fuck's sake, doesn't anyone here have any money for beer for you?
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By the time the train finally arrives, you'll at least have scrounged together a few dollars and three cigarettes. You can use them to buy yourself a beer or two at the main station later. And firstly, there are more passers-by you can mooch off. And secondly, there are always a few right-wing pigs that you and your buddies can fight with. You look pityingly at all the commuters in their boring clothes. Poor slaves of capital!
Your new you found @lockedinboots
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Only about the Ringdoll BJD thing. Honestly from what I've been told Ringdoll is on the shit list of a lot of Chinese collectors. An oldie Chinese diaspora on the BJD hobby side has talked about all the drama surrounding Ringdoll and how they're kind of a looked down on as a company amongst certain circles of collectors. Like how they recycled old doll sculpts, and then tried to sell it under a new name, might actually be the one you mentioned. And some other big production problems.
In the Anglosphere/European side of the hobby some of the more deep lore collectors have RD on their shit list for making literal Nazi dolls, armband and all, but with one of those "not really a Hakenkreuz but we know what we're seeing" black on white on red armband, with a suspiciously obvious Nazi uniform. It's gotten scrubbed off most RD pages, but older archives still have the promo pics featured.
Another shitlist reason is their open support of the violence against the Hong Kong protestors by the pigs CCP police, especially since it was on their English page as well, which meant a lot more people saw it in the Western hobby. A lot of people tried to make excuses and make Ring doll the victims, until a lot of Chinese people came in and said that not a single other Chinese doll company made a stupid fucking comment and that Ring doll was definitely not forced or anything like that, and that people should stop making excuses for Ringdoll's bullshit.
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anyone i see comparing zionism to nazism, terfs, and other extremist ideologies will be blocked. i could explain that zionism is a hugely complex system but anyone who's that far down the antisemitic rabbit hole will not listen to me. so for anyone who is not that deep down: zionism is not an extremist ideology. at fucking all. there is the occasional extremist branch of zionism (particularly revisionist) but those are not the norm. the core belief of zionism is a jewish person who believes in jewish people's right to self determination. notice how that's a very very broad statement? zionism is not the type of movement that can be shoved into a tiny little box because you're scared of the fact that jewish people like complex things.
extremist movements like nazism and terfism follow very, very strict guidelines. some of yall do not realize that bc you label everything you dont like with that. a nazi will not be ok with simply having some similar beliefs and leaving at that. they will attempt to drag you further and further down the hole and they're so fucking good at it. extremist belief systems do not have any room for nuance.
if yall actually interacted with zionists instead of blocking us or harassing us immediately you'd realize that the vast majority of us have zero interest in making people zionists. we prefer to focus on ways we already connect and we like building friendships and allyships based off that. i do not want you to be a zionist, goy. i dont want you to be an antizionist or nonzionist either. i want you to leave our community's movement alone. we do not need your input and we are perfectly fine without you.
i know your little "zionism is evil!" "zio scum!" shit is due to misinformation but i do not give a fuck. you had your chance. you had MANY chances and yet you chose to talk over jews, threaten us, doxx us, etc.?? i do not like pulling the i-know-more-than-you card but if all you've done is watch a few tiktoks and skimmed an al jazeera article then i do know so much more than you. ive researched zionism for 5 years and have been learning the belief system through my family since i was a small child. and holy shit i have SO much to learn still so I can confidently say you don't know shit.
zionism isnt going anywhere. we're jewish and we're made to fucking last and that applies to the things we create. our strength lies in the fact that unlike nazism, terfism, and other extremist ideologies, we openly embrace nuance. we want to be able to cooperate with those who have different beliefs than us and itd be a lot easier if yall stopped the threats and other bs.
you can absolutely follow me if you're curious. i tend to talk mostly abt my own experiences with zionism but if you want resources you can ask nicely and you'll get them. im always open to more people learning but I will not coddle you. I'm an angry jew who was having a lot of fun with my guinea pig blog and now ive gotta talk about jewish shit because it sucks for us rn and I won't let my voice be stomped out.
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hi! call me:
(and if you know me, ricky works just fine too!)
i’m your friendly neighborhood blogger. he/they/it, but neos work too! i don’t have time to care, to be honest.
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no real main theme for this blog, just whatever I hyperfixate on, really! but my interests include
🩵 - comics! mainly read dc and the occasional idw comic (i’d like to read more tmnt and marvel stuff, so please dump your recs in my askbox) but i also LOVE indie stuff so give me any cool ones you find.
my personal recs;
spill zone (fun style, representation, 14+ indie comic. had a lot of fun reading it)
the boy wonder (also fun style, 13+ dc miniseries. really well written and super accessible to people not used to comics, and worth your time no matter how deep-in the understanding of characters you are.)
nightwing: rebirth (loads of fun to me, but i haven’t finished it yet!)
robin lives! (pretty neat! suffers from ‘bruce wayne is an angry parent’ syndrome, but interesting imo)
🩵 - yellowjackets! i’m mainly here for the cannibalism but thank you @the-lonelyshepherd for doing the civil service of getting me to like it. NOT FINISHED WITH SEASON TWO ‼️‼️ NO SPOILERS ‼️‼️
🩵 - poppy playtime! alright i KNOW it’s not the best horror game out there but i enjoy it. unfortunately i do not have a pc and can’t play it though…
🩵 garten of banban (IRONICALLY. I PROMISE. it’s fun to watch the chaos).
🩵 - warrior cats! a recovering warrior cats kid. sorry
🩵 - musical theater! all of it, really, but my personal favorites
(ironically) spider-man: turn off the dark
the lightning thief
in the heights
grease (complicated relationship w grease… the sexism is. sexism-ing)
jekyll and hyde
🩵 - tmnt! mainly 2018 and 2012 — i haven’t seen 2024, much of 2003, or much of ‘87 or the 90s movies. but i want to!
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my thoughts, in general
i don’t have a dni. i’ll block you if you’re weird and that’s it. but with that said;
free palestine.
fuck nazis and republicans.
no rights for anyone until we have rights for all
black lives matter, cops are pigs.
my non-political thoughts that i feel like disclosing;
am i proship? am i antiship? no, i’m a person with a blog who doesn’t care (however for fictionkin reasons i block batcest and turtlecest, but i literally do not care. do what you want.) i do not actively ship anything, so ‘proship’ falls under that umbrella. i just reblog stuff i mildly enjoy— the only couple that consumes MY brain is my ocs.
i don’t believe in “problematic” media. sorry. i do, however, believe in not funding artists that are actively in hate groups, so write your hazmat hostel fanfiction, just don’t buy harry potter merch and we’re good.
i’m not here to get involved in discourse. bring me into it outside of my accord and i’ll block everyone involved unless i really truly care about them.
tag your shit and i don’t really care what you do. just make sure i can filter it and we’re good.
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that’s all!
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
I'm sure you all know about that shitty transphobic comic artist, sinfest, aka Tatsuya Ishida. maybe you've seen one or two of his comics from people making fun of him. maybe you remember how he used to be a "male ally of radical feminists" or whatever a few years ago. I still see people spreading his shit around without realizing how terrible he is.
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he supports the Jan 6 insurrection. he sees it as a "epic battle between woke gay anarchy man and cool based qanon guy" and not literally a coup
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he's extremely antisemitic
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like, really fucking antisemitic
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like, "not even gonna hide it, evil lizard shapshifters are taking over the government and grooming your children!" antisemitic.
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he blatantly supports literal nazis websites. those icons are for websites that host far right video sharing platforms, trumps new social media, and literal neo nazis
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look at this shit. he's complaining about "soyboys", "the pandemic", etc. but also thinks that the transphobic ideologies that pretend to be feminists aren't mainstream. too much time on 4chan I see...
and notice how in every single one of these comics he draws himself as a tiny girl. reminder that Tatsuya is a middle aged adult man.
wait a minute. that little girl self insert looks familiar
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oh, look at that. one of his older comics from about a decade ago, using that exact character, and being blatantly misogynistic and antifeminist.
terfs and radfems, let this be a reminder to you. he was never a feminist. he is a sexist transphobic racist antisemitic homophobic abilst pig. he slid past your stupid ideology on the way to full on fascism. let that sink in: radical "feminism" is just the middle point between edgy antifeminist garbage and full on nazism. if you support this guy, you are not, and have never been, a feminist.
you didn't have a problem with him drawing himself as a ten year old girl. you didn't have a problem with his blatant sexism bleeding into his comics with his fembot crap. "oh but like he's drawing the sexy women getting beat up because that's how society views women" no its how HE views SEX WORKERS. him constantly showing his fembot characters getting destroyed or reprogrammed is his view that all sex workers, and by extention all women, should either change their views or be killed.
now he's gone full mask off fascist with absolutely no subtlety or shame. and some of you STILL think he's a radfem ally. which means you're okay with radfems being nazis as long as it doesn't affect you.
anyway, Tatsuya Ishida is a nazi, and anyone who supports him is a nazi. how can you look at these disgusting antisemitic lizard drawings and still support him?
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yumemiyas-wips · 11 months
To all those who complain about Israeli hostages held by Hamas, how do you justify the 1200+ Palestinian people held hostage by Israel, under the pretense of "Administrative detention"? You can't. The pigs of Israel can't even bother to think up an excuse to throw Palestinians in jail. The attempt fries their itty bitty brains.
To all those who still whine about the supposed "massacre" of 40 Israeli babies, how do you attempt to rationalize the 2000+ children who have died in Gaza so far? Many more will be slaughtered by IDF hyenas in the following days. And you will twiddle your thumb and spew shit from your mouth.
To all those who condemn any Hamas attack at all, how do you justify the entire existence of the State of Israel? They live on stolen land. The state of Israel is formed on stolen land. The 1946 UN plan carved up the land of Palestine to conjure into existence a nation of "Israel".
To all those who claimed "Palestine shot first", on September 13rd, Israeli forces murdered 5 Palestinians in cold blood. Israelis has been killing Palestinians for years now, be it with bombs, bullets or beatings. Saying Israel was only defending itself against Palestine is the equivalent of saying Nazi Germany only defended itself against the Jews of Dachau.
There are precious few situations so simple and easy to understand as this genocide by Israel. If you still refuse to see the truth and condemn the State of Israel, sincerely fuck right off.
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River -> Sea
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rtothe3rd · 2 years
Being a girl;
I don’t like the “pick me” misogynist idea that stereotypically “feminine” things are inherently negative or shameful and can’t overlap with “masculine” ideas or qualities, and I hate how toxic and sexist and pro-ED the embracing femininity communities (coquette girlblogging) can be, as if being a woman is made of suffering and a woman's body is a vessel for misogyny in thin, white, childlike standards of beauty. Fuck it all; I do love the color pink and wearing lip gloss and buying clothes and Lana Del Rey and sometimes I even look at my horoscope and I use copious amounts of hairspray, but I want to be a lawyer when I’m grown up and and I swear like a sailor and I’m an honors student and my favorite thing to talk about is politics and I’ll debate anything that breathes, and I try not to equate my worth (or anybody else's) with the number of inches around my waist. How can’t those two things coexist? Why can't I put Taylor Swift's album drop and the senate midterms on my calendar? Why can't my walls be plastered with photo strips and artsy postcards alongside my 4 framed speech awards? Why can't I fantasize about being in love and also about kicking a nazi in the face? I'm a female; therefore everything I do is feminine, no matter what people say. I want to celebrate and RECLAIM femininity for myself and for womankind, not for the male gaze. Coquette pro ED and pick-me-choose-me-love-me subcultures have one major thing in common: catering to men and men in particular. The day that we as women stop hating ourselves is the day we stop feeding into a school of thought that fuels a multibillion dollar industry that creates and profits off our insecurities. If you're gonna wear makeup, wear it for you. If you're gonna change your weight, do it for your physical and mental health. If you're gonna get plastic surgery, understand why. Why you've always wanted bigger/smaller breasts, a bigger/smaller butt, a flatter stomach, a smoother face. Girls, don't feel rushed to go through puberty, but when you do, celebrate that you're maturing and changing. The stretch marks are healthy. Your breasts don't need to be any bigger or smaller to serve their purpose, whether that is to feed children or just exist. The blood is not filthy, it's a sign of health. Yeah, I know it sucks, but don't let anybody make you feel bad. Those asshole boys wouldn't exist if their moms never menstruated. And to women MY mom's age, you don't need to starve yourself to achieve what filthy pigs tell you you should look like after carrying and delivering a pregnancy for 9 months. You don't need to be as thin as you were at 20, this is supposed to happen. You don't need to inject toxins into your face to make it look like you've never smiled or seen the sun. You don't need to be ashamed of living and aging naturally, aging is healthy, you are supposed to get older. When was the last time you heard a a man your age complain about lines on his skin or 5 extra pounds? When was the last time you saw a male celebrity's stomach rolls or cellulite blown up on a tabloid cover and picked apart by the whole world? when was the last time you witnessed a man reduced to his appearance? why do WE owe beauty to the world, a world where our bodily autonomy is in jeopardy? Why are we only beautiful when we're weak and starving and cold, where we're miserable and tired and hurting, when we're manipulated and injected and stuffed and exploited and profited off of and sexualized and traumatized and forced? forced to perform and change and carry a child? Men will pay to see videos of naked women seducing them and turn right back around and advocate for our disenfranchisement. Men have been taught that they have the authority to reduce us, shrink us down to sex symbols and forget our humanity, and these men do what they want and make millions and get elected to America's highest offices and win grammies.
If you're a woman and you're reading this, you do not owe a man's perception of you to anybody. Every time a grown man online treats me like I'm stupid; every time a boy taunts me about Andrew Tate; every time another woman acts like politics are inconsequential; every time I remember an 80 year old man making obscene gestures to me on the street; every time I read a school dress code implying that my body is inherently pornographic; every time another pig is elected to our government; every time our trans sisters are oppressed and excluded by other women, the fire grows. soon it will consume me.
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rabid-catboy · 5 months
Crazy how when there’s an instance of ‘antisemitism’ in a protest against Zionist dogs committing genocide it’s front page news that deserves the state troopers showing up to campuses with snipers on the roof but when fucking nazis storm our campuses telling us that they’re gonna gas us dirty kikes and rape our women it’s apparently not worth calling in more than a handful of the same pigs who’d probably be joining those cunts if they were off duty.
Crazy how that works.
..could i have a shred of context, mayhaps?
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