#need me some vamp dick
friendly-traveler · 8 months
Bisexuals will click on and willingly read the most morally questionable fics with red flags blaring in the tags simply because it has Astarion in it
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wild-jackalope · 15 days
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When your boyfriend begins his vampirism transformation, you can’t stand all this time apart from him but visiting him during his rut turns into a big mistake.
pairing :: Vampire!Yuji x Reader
warning :: feral Yuji, pórn with some plot, blood play, animalistic sèx, implied vírgin reader/Yuji, reader passes out, blood sucking, dry hùmping, grinding, making out, Yuji and reader are in college
note :: vamp Choso next? 😏
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As a young child, Yuji’s vampirish tendencies seemed more like odd quirks to you.
The way his canines were always largely pronounced, and never seemed to stain or break despite constant blunders to the face via fist or hard ball.
The way he’d always greet you with a sharp smile and hug you with an impressive strength (once you’d received a fractured rib after not having seen him for a week). Whilst his arms trapped your body, he nosed your head, huff the scent of your hair like it was a drug and not letting go until you’d kick and yelp at him to stop.
The way he always knew when you were on your period and the day before you’d get it, murmuring a casual “Are you about to get your period?” And the very next day you’d have stained your sheets during the night or ruined a pair of underwear.
The time he was a toddler and dipped his finger into a puddle of blood that pooled around smushed roadkill and lapped it off his finger like an ice-cream seemed like the worst example of his odd quirks.
So when Yuji was found by other vampires like him, and informed of his heritage, you hardly needed convincing.
“Come here.” Yuji cooed, thick arms outstretched to you.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, you’re so needy today.”
After integrating into a vampire community, your life with Yuji had changed. He went to a different school, had new undead friends.
“I missed you.” He murmured, pulling you in and moulding your body into his against your bed.
“You saw me three days ago.” Like always, Yuji nosed your hair like a in-love cat and inhaled the smell of your latest shampoo.
And despite being with Yuji for so many years, the two of you hadn’t reached the point of having sex. The furthest you’d gone was innocent grinding with some wandering hands. Now living his life as a vampire, the time for intimacy seemed even scarcer.
“Too long.” He drawled, running his fingers in a fluid motion up and down your spine.
“I missed you too.” You huffed, allowing your body to melt into his warm embrace. “I wish your schedule wasn’t such a pain.”
“I know, I’m sorry. Gojo wants me to start getting used to being awake during the night.” His hand lifted to cradle your head, holding you into his chest.
“But you can still walk around in the sunlight.” You protested.
“That might change soon, we don’t know.” His tone laced a tired repetition, giving you the clue he’d likely parroted the same argument you had to his teacher.
“Hm, fine. I don’t mind. Whatever I have to endure to keep my sexy vampire boyfriend.” You buried your head into his chest, hearing the reverberation of his laugh as he pinched your side.
“I’m barely even a vampire.” He added, to which you kissed his chin, hoping to distract him from the thought. “Fushiguro can control animals, what can I do? Punch really hard?” He was too lost in the disappointment of it all, so you dipped a hand under his hood and ran your thumb over his abs whilst planting a wet kiss to his neck.
The loose touch made him shiver and forced a stutter from his hips. His semi-hard dick rolled into your thigh, flushing your face and body at the feeling of his arousal.
He loosened the arms that barricaded you, pulling you to his level. His palm rested at your neck, fingers pressing against your pulse to feel the pump of your blood, a rhythm that always soothed him.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, much too seriously.
“You’re my boyfriend, Yuji, you don’t need to ask anymore.”
“But I love it when you say yes.” His lips mould into a smile. Contagious, you smiled too.
“Yes, I want you to kiss me.”
With a swift breath, Yuji’s lips slipped to your mouth, catching you in a passionate lip lock that immediately informed you just how much he missed you.
His lips devoured yours, starting with a hard press before encasing you in open mouth kisses that demanded you keep up with his rhythm. Just like most times you’d make-out with Yuji, he took hungry charge.
Your hands dipped further, nails dragging along his v-lining and skimming the elastic of his shorts. He rolled into you again, humping the fat of your inner thigh.
The desperation to please himself against your body brought a whine to your lips, which he ate with a smacking intensity. He must’ve decided those sounds were too sweet to muffle because his moving lips traveled further, latching to the pulse on your neck.
“Can we— go all the way this time?” He asked, lips hardly freeing from your neck to speak.
“Mhm.” You shyly muffled, his pink hair tickling your cheek.
His hand dipped underneath your thigh, pulling your leg up and just before he ventured south to undoubtedly give you the best head you’d ever receive he returned to your lips for another kiss.
His teeth tightened around your bottom lip, his canine breaking through the pink skin, causing spurts of blood to fall into your kiss. As soon as the sweet taste met Yuji’s tongue, he pushed you away, eyes blown wide staring at the nip.
Tasting the metallic blood yourself, you wiped the thin drops away. “It’s okay, it didn’t hurt.” You assured.
A beat passed with Yuji glowering at your lips swollen with passion. He licked off the bloody residue from his own mouth, whispering. “I have to go.”
“What? It’s okay, Yuji, I promise.” Your assurance didn’t reach him and before you could speak again, Yuji had lifted himself from your body and left. You called to him again, only to hear the shutting of your front door.
Yuji was never one to go crazy over blood, sure he might like his meat raw, and there was that one time with the roadkill… but he never went stiff whenever you scraped a knee or got a paper cut. It was so out of character for him that your mind began to wonder if you had done something to turn him off.
You’d called Yuji not long after his quick disappearance, only to be left with his voice message, telling you ‘Sorry I wasn’t able to answer your call! Leave a message and I’ll get back to you.’ In his usual cheerful tone. Your messages to him were left on read, too.
Yuji was the type to respond to you within minutes and call you just about every day. To go from foreplay to feeling like you were single dizzied your sense of reality. Did you touch him wrong? Kiss him wrong? Say something you shouldn’t have?
Days passed with nothing but silence.
The thoughts rammed your mind until you could no longer take it, deciding to see Yuji and confront him about his odd behaviour.
You were no stranger to visiting Yuji after he’d been brought into the vampire community, having met his classmates and even a long lost older brother. His living space had certainly doubled in size, now he stayed in a large mansion rather than his late grandfather’s home. Having vampire heritage usually came with a large sum of money and Yuji was no exception to that.
You slipped inside his home, meekly calling your boyfriend’s name. Your voice bounced off the dimly lit walls and faded.
Behind you loomed Choso, tall and dark. “What are you doing here?” His voice broke fear into your spine, and you turned, unable to keep your back to him.
“I—I came to see Yuji.” You stood tall, sure of yourself.
A frown scrunched his beautiful pale face. “He hasn’t wanted to see you.”
“I know, that’s— that’s why I came to visit him.” You willed your heart to be still, however each time Choso’s dark maroon eyes swept over your smaller, weaker body fear and panic jumped you.
He smiled and you caught a glimpse of his shining white teeth. “You’re Yuji’s young friend, from childhood, yes?”
“Yes, sir.” Sir? Despite his ancient aura demanding some kind of formality, sir hardly seemed to fit.
He chuckled, kind and hearty. Were all vampires so utterly handsome? It must’ve been part of their design, faces and voices so alluring humans couldn’t help but become victims. Despite being aware of this possibility, your heart still fluttered for him.
“Please— tell me what’s wrong with him.”
The handsome smile faded. “Yuji and I aren’t like most vampires.” His eyes clouded, lifting from your body and catching sight of the stairs leading up to Yuji’s room. “We were born from the union of human and vampire, whilst most are born human and are turned by a vampire late in life.”
“Half vampire, right?” You weren’t completely unaware of vampiric history, despite Twilight being the majority of your informer, it was based in some truth.
Choso’s eyes gleamed and he nodded. “Yes.” His impressions of you seemed to shift, because his eyes held an amused interest. “The vampiric genes lay dormant in us until we come of age. Do you know the changes Yuji is currently experiencing?”
Sweat cooled to ice on your back pulling a swift shiver from you. You shook your head.
“Human food becomes mush, no longer satisfying the curdling hunger that rages for something more. Your lust, your passion, your anger all doubles in intensity.”
You let loose a small whimper at the thought of Yuji experiencing all this alone his room, going through changes you couldn’t hope to fathom the feeling of. Choso’s nose flared and his mind seemed to be pulled from the memory of his own transformation.
“I’m frightening you, I’m sorry.” He murmured.
“No, it’s okay. Please tell me, what did you do to deal with… everything?”
“Hid myself for over a year.”
Your heart sank. A year? Yuji and you had hardly been seperate from one another for longer than a few days. How would he, much less you, survive a year without the other?
“However it’s much too early to know how Yuji might react, he’s a strong boy.” Choso leaned to soothe your visibly stressed figure, a featherlight hand reaching your shoulder in comfort.
A shattering bang echoed down the winding stairs, sharply drawing both your and Choso’s attention.
“You should leave.” Despite the words being laced with kind formality, his face held a fierce expression.
“Okay.” Your body hardly allowed you to hesitate, finally giving into the flight response and leaving the gloomy house. Once free from the gates, you exhaled an uncomfortable sigh that freed your lungs of a breath you felt you were holding in the entire time.
But despite your quick departure, you hadn’t stayed away for long, deciding you needed to see Yuji as soon as possible.
So, you had returned the next day. Waiting for Choso to leave before entering the Itadori home. The blackness of night made it hard for you to navigate your away around the interior, although you had managed to stumble your way to the winding stairs and reached the second floor, leading you to Yuji’s room.
No noise. You couldn’t hear anything. You pressed your ear into the door and hoped to hear some indication of his presence. Still nothing. Your hand gripped the door knob, and before you could twist Yuji’s muffled voice met you.
“Don’t come in!” His tone was stiff, almost choked.
His command ripped your hand away from the door knob. “Yuji? You’re in there?” Misplaced excitement bloated your chest.
“Why are you here? Didn’t Choso explain everything to you?” He was clearly worried, but you couldn’t understand why.
“He did, I— I just wanted to see you.”
Silence permeated the air, but you heard floorboards creak under Yuji’s feet as he stepped closer to the door you stood behind.
“I miss you, Yuji, I miss you a lot.” You continued.
“I—” The words thickened his throat like garlic. “I miss you too.”
The sound of pointed nails, scraping desperately against wood in long rakes echoed from behind the door. It made you shiver.
“Do you?”
“Yes.” So much need seeping from his words, desperate for you to understand the level of which he yearned for you in your absence. “I miss your smile, your smell, I miss your heartbeat. God I miss hearing your blood flow.”
“Yesterday, when you visited. I could smell you, sense your heartbeat,” A deep exhale, and the scraping stoped. “Made my mouth water.”
“I—” You’d got him discussing his passion towards you, now unable to get a word in.
“Then when you talked to Choso— he made you nervous, didn’t he? I could smell it. Almost tore him apart when you left.”
The words, however deranged, made your back ache to be cradled by him. “Yuji, let me come in.”
Weak willed, he thought to himself. “Okay.”
Despite his voice seeming so close, when you opened the door, Yuji kept to the other side of the room, crouching on the edge of his bed.
You approached him, feeling as though you were encroaching on a caged tiger. The warning sensation that he could strike at any moment was one you shoved away. You halted a foot away from the bed.
Yuji’s hand kept over his mouth and nose, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his eyes glazed over you. “Are you okay?” You asked.
He nodded, strained. “You look good.” He murmured into his palm. “So good.”
“Good enough to eat?” You joked. Yuji’s eyes widened and he desperately grasped at the red hoodie covering his steaming body. You cringed, bad timing. “Sorry.” you took a seat at the end of the bed.
The weight of you shifting the mattress only seemed to make Yuji tense up further, eyes laser focused on where your butt and thigh connected with the bed.
“How are you feeling? Sick?” You asked.
“—Hungry.” The answer left him too swiftly.
“Right, Choso said you would be.” You gazed up at the ceiling. What could you do to help him? You felt useless, unable to even be near your boyfriend without him clamping up.
“I’m sorry— for leaving. The other day.” He huffed out.
“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to apologise. I understand now. I wish you would’ve told me, though. I thought I did something wrong.” You admitted.
“No, it was me.” He shifted closer to you. “I got too excited, then I bit you.”
“I didn’t mind.” You shrugged, averting your eyes. “I liked it.”
Yuji’s grunted against his hand. His gums itched to stab his growing fangs into your warm flesh at your sultry words. “You did?” He drawled, affected like a drug.
“Yes.” You’d surely come to regret the next words that left you. “Can you do it again?”
His reserve to keep himself from you utterly disappeared whilst his desire to leave you pale with nasty bites all over your skin overtook him. Yuji crawled to you, pulling you further onto his bed and trapping you beneath his weight.
His cock was already hard at the pheromones you’d been oozing into his room, you could feel it pressing into your thigh the moment he moved between your legs.
Already his lips moved to yours, overtaking you with a passionate intensity. He licked over his previous bite mark, tasting the metallic healing before lightly pressing his canines into you again. Even a little prick from his sharp fangs was enough to fill your kiss with drops of blood.
Hungrier now, Yuji licked and sucked at your bottom lip. Without truely realising it, he began to grind his hard dick into you, rubbing himself into your thigh, then crotch. You gasped as he made contact, that sound being devoured by Yuji the moment it escaped your mouth.
Before your wound could close up, Yuji nipped you again, slurping up the heavenly blood your swollen lip had to offer. Furiously, Yuji humped your core, utterly driven by his own hunger and desire.
You forced your head away, Yuji attempted to chase your honey-blooded lips, until you gasped for air. His hazy eyes snapped from his bloodlust for a mere second to check your gasping form, when he saw your lips swollen with passion, raw and slicked with his saliva and your plum pink cheeks, he dived into your body again, unable to keep himself away.
“Y-Yuji— Yuji.” You called to him, unable to reach past the frenzied desire clouding his mind. In sweet recognition, he kissed your cheek, bringing you a moment of heartfelt clarity before he bit you.
Yuji slipped down your neck and made out with your pulse, licking along the line which pumped your blood and sucking the skin. His hot, thick hands grab your sides, keeping your squirming hips still as he fucked you dry.
“Wan’ more. Let me drain you baby, please, I need more. So hungry, so so hungry for you.” He spoke through riddled huffs of your hair, nosing your nape like a pet.
“Wan’ you to be my first, for everythin’.” He continued. You couldn’t help but fall into him further, letting up to help solve his desperate hunger.
“Just a little—not too much!” You added, hand clamping against his shoulder.
He hissed into the bare of your neck, munching the supple skin until your blood pooled into his mouth.
White flashed over your eyes and you yelped, pushing against him. The struggled only made him latch onto your more, moaning loudly whilst his hips jutted into you.
The speed which Yuji sucked and dry-fucked you was dizzying, the lightheadedness making it hard for you to push him away. “Enough, Yuji, stop— ahh.”
His fangs left your freshly penetrated skin, tongue licking over the oozing remnant.
“Feel dizzy, Yuji.” You slurred, having no response from him.
“No, no, not done yet. Please. I want more.” With painful regret, he left your seeping neck and eyed you.
“Yuji...” You whined.
“I’ll make you cum, yeah? Can I? Make you feel good.”
Faintly, you nodded. He kissed his way down your body, pulling off the articles of clothing as he did. First your shirt, then your bottoms. He huffed your underwear, taking a long drag of the moist fabric. “Yuji!” You gaped, squirming.
In retaliation, he forced down your hips, his impossible strength burying you still into the mattress. Again he scented you, before tearing at your underwear with just his teeth.
He barely looked over your cunt, instead mapping you out with his tongue. The first lap sliding around your cunt was merely for his own curiosity, licking over your curves and bumps, circling your weepy hole. The puffs of his hot breaths lulled you back into a flushed realisation, the woozy lightheadedness fading.
Despite Yuji being drugged on the high of your sex, he was aware enough to focus on your clit, spelling shapes into the nub with his tongue before licking up the slick you weeped from the pleasure and repeating the cycle.
You reached for him, threading one hand through his short pink spikes whilst the other grabbed at the hand locked to your hip.
The new sensation rocked your body, his wet, warm tongue slurping and squelching around your cunt as he ate you out.
You cursed loudly, a premature orgasm rippling over your body until you went limp under him. Yuji dragged his fangs over your twitching clit, coming dangerously close to biting you.
Still vibrant with your orgasm, you sat up, bringing his chin to you and kissing him.
His hands left your sides, and you didn’t need to glance at the red marks of his handprint to know that it’d bruise tomorrow.
“Was that good?” He asked, you nodded desperately and he groaned to know he brought you pleasure.
“You too.” You added, words unable to form correctly. “Wan’ you to feel good.” You opened your legs to him, and he moaned at your offering.
“Fuck.” He hissed, shoving off his pants and shirt sporadically. His boxers followed in suit, slower, suggesting that Yuji was somewhat shy to reveal himself to you for the first time.
You were just as bashful, looking up to the ceiling to avoid the sight. Your eyes only returned to him when his tip pressed into your cunt.
“Wanted to feel this f’ so long…” He drawled, sliding his hard dick up and down your wet pussy.
“Just b—be gentle, Yuji.” You uttered.
“I’ll try.” You could hear the disbelief in his voice, neither your nor him knew he would be able to hold himself back from fucking you desperately.
His squishy head slipped into the first ring of your chasm, moulding to the tightness of your cunt. The initial feeling made him buck his hips spastically, freeing a choked moan from his throat.
“Oh fuck, fuck.” He cursed, pushing himself halfway in before halting to pace himself. “You feel so good, so so good, fuck I’m gonna cum.”
He rested his hands around your bruising sides, his chest rising and falling with an intense rhythm. Although Yuji’s orgasm approached far too quickly, he pulled your hips onto him, his arms lifting your weight like you were a plastic doll.
Your hips connected with a tight smack!
You whined and Yuji gasped your name. His cock twitched inside you, aching to release against your gummy insides.
“Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck.” Immediately his hips smashed into you, once, twice before you felt Yuji’s hot seed slash your insides. “Let me turn you, fuck—” He choked through the grunt of his orgasm.
“What??” He didn’t stop. Continually and erratically humping your gushy insides.
“I wanna fuck you forever, please, let me turn you.”
“You’ll be mine forever,” the mere thought hardened his sensitive dick painfully. “Forever.” He hissed.
“T-Think about what you’re saying, Yuji! That’s s-serious— nhg—” You pushed against his chest, trying to escape the intensity of his thrusts.
“Don’t try and leave.” His claws tore through the flesh of your sides. He kept you down, buried in the layers of blankets and plush. Deeper now, his cock reached the furthest part of your insides.
“D—Do you even know how?” You gaped, throwing your head back and moaning the moment his cock head massaged the spongey nerve bundle inside you.
“I’ll learn.” He seemed to take the show of your neck as an invitation, because he began lapping up the half dry blood his puncture wounds left.
“Nnno Yuji, I can’t think— fuck.”
“Don’t think, okay? Just say my name.”
As if the command cleared your mind, you did just that, voice cracking halfway the mewl of his name as Yuji’s teeth reopened the two holes in your neck. This time, the sharp stab hit you harder sending a jolt of pain through your body, clamping up your muscles.
The moment your blood waved over his tastebuds was the same your pussy tightened in reaction to the pain, at both sensations a thick drop of precum seeped into frothy mess inside you. His moan reverberated into the raw skin of your neck and you responded with a weak grunt of your own.
His humps into your cunt loosened, his aim becoming unfocused as he lost himself in your essence. Your impossibly ambrosial blood satisfied the hunger and desire he hadn’t known had been hanging over him since childhood.
Nothing could be more euphoric than fucking you whilst feasting on your neck.
“Yu…” your ears rang out, heart pumping escaping blood into Yuji’s mouth.
White steadily overtook your vision and everything but the sensation of Yuji’s hot cock working against your sensitive, gummy walls faded.
Your white-hot orgasm brought you back, jolting your body like a lifesaving shock of electricity that had your back contorting. It seared your empty veins with unfaltering love for Yuji. You’d let him turn you, you’d let him do anything to you. Your quick jolt ripped Yuji’s teeth from you, allowing his mouth free rein to moan your name as his own orgasm came quickly.
Your inside sucked Yuji in, desperately pleading for more of his seed. A slave to your cunt, Yuji came again, adding another clump of white, warm cum inside your pink chasm. Another few spurts of feral thrusts was all Yuji had in him.
You gasped at the air, feeling the weight of Yuji lift from you and fall into the space beside you.
His nails loosened from your raw hips, replaced with a kind hold of his thick hands. He pulled you in, cradling your pale cold body against his hot, sweaty skin like you were his favourite stuffed toy.
It had taken a mere minute after Yuji cleaned your remnant from inside his mouth before clarity hit and he shot up. “Oh fuck! Are you okay? Shit, I went too far.”
Glorious afterglow welled your fuzzy brain. “M’ okay..” You uttered, fluttering eyes and pale face telling him otherwise.
“Okay. Fuck. I’ll uh— get a cookie, for you, and a juice box.” He was gone for less than a minute, but within that time you fell into unconsciousness and came to wearing one of his shirts and having been noticeably cleaned up. Yuji cradled your head, prompting you to drink from a straw.
He’d reached clarity after being severely fucked out of his feral state. To you, he even looked calmer, eyes a cool brown and canines retraced. The sweet juice lifted the pallor from your body, and the slightest bit of colour flushed your cheeks. Yuji brightened at the sight.
“Do you feel better? I’m so sorry.” He apologised quickly.
“I’m okay, I’m fine.” You sighed, utterly fatigued. “Holy fuck that so intense.”
Like a praised puppy, Yuji beamed. “Was it good?”
“Yes— yeah. I’ve never… cum that hard before.” You admitted. Yuji’s invisible tail only wagged harder.
Internally, he fist pumped. “Yeah, me neither.” He stated, sliding into the bed beside you.
A comfortable pause enclosed the two of you, until your mind lingered on the words he declared while high on your blood and insides.
“You were lying before.” You stated, despite it really being a question.
“What’d I say?” He asked.
“You wanted to turn me, into a vampire.”
“Shiiiit.” He rubbed his shoulder, awkwardly nodding. “I did— do. I do, actually.” His brown eyes slid to you, gauging the expression on your face. “I’ve thought about it a lot. I don’t want to live forever unless I’m with you.”
“Sounds like a marriage proposal.” You huffed.
“It does, I guess. We wouldn’t have to get married right away, we’d have forever to figure that out.”
“You’re serious?” You shifted, turning to look him head-on.
“Yeah.” Yuji nodded, like he’d just proposed a casual date.
“I’ll…” An abundance of questions overflowed your mind. Was turning into a vampire painful? How would he even do it? Would you live with him? Would you have to kill to eat?
Most of all; did you want to live forever? With Yuji?
“I’ll think about it.” You finished.
Warmly, Yuji embraced you, pulling you into his chest and blanketing you with his thick arms. “No pressure, yeah? I love you, vampire or not.”
“I love you too, my sexy vampire boyfriend.” You mused. Yuji dug his face between your neck and shoulder, planting kisses over your mark painted skin.
“I think that nickname is pretty well suited now.”
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Part two? 😏
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wraithlafitte · 8 months
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pairing: dean winchester x reader
CONTENT: violence (hunting), SMUT, only one bed~ enemies to lovers (kinda), unprotected p in v (encase before you embrace), hate sex, Dean calls reader "princess" mockingly, manhandling, slapping, spanking, big dick!Dean has all the audacity, dirty talk, degradation, choking, cum eating, brat taming, edging, overstimulation, squirting
word count: 4.7k
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To say you were unhappy to be working with Dean Winchester would be putting it lightly. A massive understatement, in fact. But, as luck would have it, you needed backup on a vamp case; and when you called Bobby Singer for help, it turned out that Dean was the only hunter nearby.
Your jaw set uncomfortably as you dialed his number and held the phone to your ear. Asking for help from anyone was hard, but from this man? Practically your mortal enemy? A feeling of shame, or maybe embarrassment, crept into your stomach as you listened to the phone ring.
He's probably just watching it ring, you thought cynically. Who's to say he would pick up at all? Maybe he won't, you hoped.
There was a laundry list of reasons why Dean was the last person you'd want to work with on a case. He was reckless, had no respect for plans, and tended to go in guns blazing without regard for his own life, which meant that you would constantly be saving his ass. And boy, was he a pain in yours.
The cherry on top of the Dean Winchester disaster cake was that he hated your guts. You never really figured out why, but you assumed it was his misogynistic tendency to be completely contrary to any woman he met who didn't fall all over him. God forbid a woman doesn't care about his rugged good looks or roguish bravery!
When he finally picked up, you could practically hear the smirk in his voice, dripping with self-righteousness. "Well, well. What do you want?"
You decided it would be best to cut to the chase and just get it over with. "I'm working a case in Nevada," you said calmly. He would not get you riled up. "Vegas. There's a vamp nest, been snatching homeless people. Tunnel dwellers," you added. "Not that it matters. People are people, vamps are vamps."
"What are you tellin' me for?" Dean asked gruffly. He was gonna make you say it. Of fucking course he was, because he just had to hold it over your head.
"Need backup," you said curtly. "There's at least five of them."
"So what you're sayin' is...." The smugness in his voice was unmistakeable.
"I need your help, you dick."
"Oh do you now."
You huffed, already fed up with him. "Bobby says you're the only hunter he knows nearby. Said you're in Flagstaff."
"Maybe I am," he said vaguely. "Bobby should know not to tell you anything about where I am or recommend me as reinforcements for you."
"He didn't want to, but I made him. Are you coming or not?" you said sharply.
I'll be there by nightfall. Don't wait up," he said teasingly and hung up, leaving you to listen to the tone, steaming.
Why does he have to make everything so difficult?
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Rough pounding on the door of your motel room startled you up from your chair at midnight. Dean wasn't even in the room yet, and he was already tormenting you. You went to the door and jerked it open, pinching the bridge of your nose. You could feel the headache coming on.
"Honey, I'm home," Dean said wickedly. He pushed past you into the room, dropping his duffel bags in the middle of the floor. He dropped into the chair you had just vacated and looked up at you with a shit-eating grin.
"Don't make this any harder than it has to be," you warned him, eyes narrowing.
"Hey, I'm just excited to kill some vamps," he said, jabbing a finger towards you.
"Give it up. We both know you would rather be anywhere else."
"True," he conceded. "But let me just bask in the moment real quick."
You roll your eyes and return to your task, packing up your stuff. "Don't get too comfortable. We can't stay here. I was followed earlier."
"Perfect," Dean said sarcastically. "Of course you were."
You turn on him. "It can happen to anyone."
"Sure," he mocked. "So what's the plan, genius?"
Your face hardened. "We take the fight to them."
"Say no more."
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The vampire's nest was in an abandoned warehouse (real original) that was a few streets away from one of the tunnels that the homeless had set up camp in. Chain link fence, corrugated metal, broken windows, the whole deal. And of course Dean wouldn't wait to make a game plan, sliding open a side door like nothing bad was waiting to jump him. In a vampire nest. At night.
All you could do was follow him, machete at the ready, and hope that the scuffing of his boots on the concrete floor wouldn't alert any vampires to your presence.
Dean ducked down, holding a fist in the air. You hurried behind him and crouched behind a shelf just in time to miss a patrolling vampire rounding the corner. Without missing a beat, Dean jumped out behind it and chopped it at the neck soundlessly. The body fell to the floor. As much as you hated to admit it, he was good.
You crept in the direction the fang had come from, Dean hot on your heels. He was so close you could hear his leather jacket creaking, smell his cologne, feel him practically breathing down your neck. You shot him a glare over your shoulder, then suddenly you hear voices. You stopped abruptly in your tracks, causing Dean to bump into you. You elbowed him and gave him a look.
Peeking around the doorframe, you saw what appeared to be the vamps' main hangout room. And there were a lot more than five of them, lounging around the walls, circling victims that were hung by their wrists from a beam.
"We can take them," Dean whispered in your ear.
You looked at him in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?" you hissed back. You tried to count the dark shapes in the next room. "There's at least ten in there. There's only two of us."
"We can do it." Without waiting for a reply, Dean busted down the door and started swinging. You had no choice but to follow as the vampires started coming out of their startled stupor and attacking.
Dean cut down two of them easily, their heads rolling on the floor before they knew what hit them. The rest, however, had time to react.
One of the vampires rushed you, just managing to avoid your blade as you swung it. She snarled and leapt towards you. You slashed her across the chest and she howled, clutching her shirt. You took the opportunity and decapitated her.
Someone grabbed you from behind, claw-like nails scratching your neck as it was forced to the side, baring your skin. You stabbed behind you, blade finding purchase, and used the distraction to cut off the fang's head.
Another vamp rushed you from the front. You swung your blade out in defense, but he just grabbed it and ripped it from your hand. Then, as if they could smell your defenselessness, you were suddenly swarmed, vampires clawing at your skin, your clothes, pulling your hair. Several hard punches landed to your gut and your face and the wind was knocked out of you as you fell to the floor, smacking the side of your head into the concrete. You yelped in pain and shock.
A boot pressed into the side of your neck and your vision was suddenly obscured by a heavy-set vampire bearing down on you, grinning. "Not so tough now without your little sword," he sneered, fangs descending. His mouth was smeared with blood and you could smell the tang of iron on his breath. You struggled to breathe as the pressure on your neck increased, your vision getting spotty.
Great, this is how I die....
As if in the distance, you heard Dean shout. The looming face of the vamp was promptly detached from its body, hitting the floor by your head. His body fell on top of yours, his gross bloody neck stump right in your view. The boot left your neck and charged in the direction of Dean's voice.
You struggled to free yourself from beneath the former vamp, ears ringing from your near-suffocation. You could hear the ensuing scuffle, all grunts and wet slices and heavy footfalls, but you had no idea who was winning.
Then, it was silent.
You held your breath instinctively, listening to a lone pair of footsteps approaching you. You found yourself realizing for the first time that you hoped Dean was coming. Better than the alternative.
Sure enough, Dean's hunt-beaten face appeared above you, screwed up with effort as he pushed the large vamp's body off of you. You sat up quickly, surveying the carnage, slapping away the extended helping hand. The shock of your near death experience wore off quickly, but the adrenaline from the fight did not, so your energy turned towards Dean.
"What the fuck, Dean?" you yelled, rising to your feet, wincing from the pain in your sides.
"What do you mean what the fuck?" he returned angrily. "I just saved your goddamn life!"
"After you endangered it!" you shoved him, scowling furiously. "Ten to two are not good odds! We could have fucking died! I almost did!"
"Hazards of the job, sweetheart!"
"There's hazards, and then there's suicide," you replied, fuming.
Dean rolled his eyes. "Don't have to thank me."
"I won't." You shoved him out of your way and made for the door. "Don't you ever fucking do that again."
"Not so fast, princess," Dean called after you. "Hunt's not over."
You froze in your tracks. "What."
"I didn't get all of 'em." You whirled around to face Dean, who was looking uncharacteristically sheepish.
Your voice was dangerously quiet. "What do you mean you didn't get all of them?"
He made an attempt at a self-confident grin. "They saw me ganking their buddies like nobody's business, turned tail and ran. I was more concerned about saving your life than to chase."
You smirked tauntingly. "Oh, you cared about my life?"
Dean just shrugged. "Couldn't just leave you there."
"Whatever." You started walking to the entrance again. "Since you let some get away, I say we get a night's sleep. They'll probably be expecting us to come after them, so they won't hunt again tonight. We can pick up the trail in the morning."
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"What do you mean you only have one room left?" Dean asked angrily, slamming his hands down on the motel counter.
The clerk looked at him blankly. "Just what I said."
You were at the cheapest motel you could find in the city that was built on tourism. You and Dean were both short on cash, so it seemed like the best option. It was this or take shelter with the junkies in the tunnels.
"I'm not spending the night in the same room as her!"
You hit his shoulder. "Hey!"
"Like you don't feel the same," Dean said exasperatedly, digging out his wallet. "Next cheapest is still too expensive. I'm basically broke," he whined, rifling through his meager collection of bills.
"What happened to all your credit cards, Mr. Fraud?" you sneered.
Dean glared at you. You glared back. After a few moments, the clerk cleared his throat.
"So, do you want the room or not?"
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You dropped your bags just inside the door of the room. "You're fucking kidding me."
Dean pushed past you. "What- oh. Oh my goddd." He ran his hand down his face tiredly.
Staring you in the face was the decidedly lumpy surface of a double bed. One. That fucking clerk could've warned you.
You and Dean slowly looked at each other, then you made a mad dash to claim the bed, shoving each other out of the way, kicking, tackling, until you both lay tangled on the floor, still not in the bed. You had his arm pinned behind his back, but he was pinning you to the floor with his weight.
You jerked on his arm, panting, and he grunted painfully, digging his knee into your side.
"Say.. uncle," you gritted out.
"You first!" Dean rasped.
You laid there for a few more seconds, then, almost as if it was painful, Dean asked, "Should we- call it a draw?"
You rolled your eyes and released him. He rolled off of you, getting to his feet. He didn't help you up, of course.
"I'm not sleeping on the floor," he said spitefully.
"Well, neither am I." Your eyes narrowed.
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You laid on the bed stiffly, positioned all the way at the edge of the mattress, as far away from Dean as possible. He was doing the same, and the blanket was pulled taut between you as you wordlessly battled over it.
You were steaming. You should have known that everything would go to shit if you called on him. He completely ruined what should have been a one-hour job, endangering your life and letting a few vamps go. He did, technically, save your life though. You were grateful, but you wouldn't tell him that in a million years.
Adrenaline from the hunt and your constant fighting with Dean coursed through your veins, keeping every sense on high alert. Every tug of the sheets from Dean lit a fire under your skin. His weight behind you on the bed filled you with a painful awareness of how touch-starved you truly were. As much as you tried to suppress it, tension began building in your core.
You shifted uncomfortably, squeezing your thighs together. "Ugh," you let out before you could stop yourself.
"Shut up," Dean grumbled through the darkness.
The sound of his voice, rough with tiredness, intensified how extremely horny you felt. You felt your underwear getting damp in spite of your hate for the man.
"God dammit," you said frustratedly, sitting up and swinging your legs over the side of the bed.
"What?" Dean said, throwing the covers back and sitting up too. "Why can't you just let me fucking sleep?"
"Nothing," you snapped, taking a swig from your water bottle. Hydrating would calm you down, surely.
"Yeah, right," he snapped back. "What the fuck is wrong?"
"I'm really fucking horny, Christ!" you blurt, whirling on him.
"If I fuck you, will you stop bitchin'?" Dean demanded, fire and a deadly seriousness in his eyes.
You opened and closed your mouth, stunned.
He just smirked at you. "Is that what it takes to shut you up?"
You stared at him. "Are you serious?"
"You want me so bad, huh." He moved across the bed and settled right behind you, his face in your neck, inches away from your own.
"Shut up," you say, flustered, still trying to keep some semblance of control. But you couldn't deny the arousal pooling in your gut.
"Say the word," Dean said smoothly, breath fanning over your exposed shoulder.
"Fuck," you whispered, cursing what you're about to do. You turned your head and smashed your lips to his.
Dean responded immediately, pulling you backwards and into his lap. He bit at your lips, forcing his tongue inside your mouth. You made an indignant sound, battling him for dominance, teeth clashing in a messy display of pure desire.
Your lips only parted to rip off each other's shirts. You dug your fingernails into Dean's bare shoulders as hard as you could, trying to elicit some kind of reaction from him, which came in the form of a deep groan into your mouth. He broke away, panting, and flung you onto your back on the mattress.
Leering down at you, he placed himself between your legs. "That's how you wanna play, huh princess?"
He yanked your leg up by the knee and slapped the back of your thigh. An involuntary moan escaped your mouth, and Dean chuckled darkly. "Oh, this is gonna be fun."
"Just shut up and fuck me," you whined, hitting his side with your foot.
"Ah-ah," he tutted. "Bad girls don't get what they want."
You sat up and came nose to nose with him. "If you think for one second that I am going to sit here and play submissive for you-"
Dean laced his fingers through the back of your hair and sharply tugged your head back. You moaned in response. A smile slowly grew over his face and he let go abruptly and shoved you back down. Your back barely hit the mattress before he was yanking off your sleep shorts and underwear in one go, tossing them to the far reaches of the room. You gasped as the cool air from the room hit your core, driving home the fact that you were now completely exposed to him.
"Aw, already so wet for me," Dean jeered, running a finger up your slit roughly. You flinched away from the sudden contact, heat spreading to your face.
"Don't flatter yourself," you gasped as he shoved a finger inside you, curling it vigorously, relishing the wet sounds your pussy produced.
Dean palmed himself through his pajama pants, groaning. He closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them again, he added a second finger inside you, scissoring you open. At least he has the decency to prepare me, you thought.
He yanked his fingers out of you, giving your pussy a quick slap, and you whined at the sudden empty feeling.
"Don't whine," Dean said roughly, getting off the bed and kicking off his pants and boxers. You looked down, unable to help yourself.
You saw where he got all his confidence from. He was big. You practically quivered with anticipation. You loved a good stretch, and you liked it rough, and this was about to be both.
"Like what you see?" Dean mocked, shaking his cock.
"Looks like maybe your confidence isn't completely unwarranted," you admitted dryly. You could feel your combative spirit giving way to lust, but you weren't giving up that easily.
He winked, grabbed your ankles and jerked you to the edge of the bed, your thighs around his waist, your hair fanned out on the blanket behind your head. Dean took hold of your calves and pressed your knees up by your face, leaning over you and pinning you down with his weight again. Only this time, it was way hotter.
"Gonna be good for me?" he asked, voice dripping with mock sweetness.
"In your fucking dreams," you spat.
In one fluid motion, he backed off of you, grabbed you by the waist, and spun you onto your stomach. You squeaked as a heavy hand landed on your ass, much harder than he hit before.
You used your feet, barely touching the floor, to push yourself back towards him, hoping he would get the point and just fuck you already without you having to ask him again.
"So fucking needy," he murmured in your ear. "Use your words, princess."
"Fuck you," you moaned, feeling his cock jerk against your leg.
"Mmm, that's not right," Dean warned, fingers digging into your hips.
You grit your teeth. "Fuck me."
Dean splayed his fingers over your ass cheeks, spreading you open for him, and thrust into you roughly, filling you in one go.
You gasped, feeling his cock throb inside you as your pussy complained against the intrusion and desperately tried to adjust to his size. He groaned as you clenched around him, pulling out slowly and slamming back in.
"Dean," you gasped out. "Don't be such a fucking tease."
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want, princess," Dean growled, his thrusts becoming faster. "You asked for this."
"Technically- you offered," you corrected, eyes screwing shut at the pleasure building inside you with each thrust.
"God, shut- up," Dean griped, punctuating his words with a deep thrust that hit just right, eliciting an embarrassingly loud moan from you.
He just grunted, hips colliding against you, now just chasing his own high. You pressed your face into the bed, clutching the blanket with both fists, fortifying yourself against Dean's relentless pace. His fingers pressed deeply into your hips, carving out a place for him, letting you know you wouldn't be coming away from this encounter unbruised.
"God, you're so fucking tight," Dean rasped, slapping your ass. You moaned in response, unable to think of a witty retort. "Bet it's been a long time since you were fucked, huh?"
When you didn't reply, he slapped your ass again, on the other side, sending fireworks through your core.
"Bet that's why you're so desperate for me," he groaned. "Haven't gotten laid in a while. Bet that's why you're such a bitch, too," he added snarkily.
"Oh, fuck off," you mumbled into the mattress.
Dean pulled out, much to your chagrin, turning you onto your back again. "If you want," he said, eyes glimmering with mischief.
You pouted and whined, hooking your feet around his waist and trying to pull him back. You were rewarded with a sharp slap to your pussy. You cried out from the stimulation.
"Don't whine," he growled, pushing into you again on the last word.
"Sorry," you whispered in spite of yourself, gripping onto his arms as he cages you in with his body.
"What was that?" Dean said, grinning wickedly and thrusting into you sharply.
"Fuck-" you moaned instead, refusing to cooperate.
He wraps his hand around your throat loosely, putting slight pressure just under your jaw. Your eyes widened as he slowly increased the pressure, jeering down at you, still slamming into you at an incredible pace. Your body started to become overwhelmed with all the sensory input and your core tightened.
You knew Dean felt it, because he grimaced. "Gonna come, you little slut?" he taunted, reaching down with his free hand to rub harshly at your clit. A low whine released from the back of your throat.
His grip tightened around your neck to see your reaction. You gasped, straining to get a full breath in, your pussy clenching hard around his cock.
"Such a fucking slut that you're gonna come from being choked out," Dean said through gritted teeth, his thrusts becoming sloppy.
"Fuck- Dean," you choked out, both hands wrapped around his wrist. He eased up on the pressure some (he didn't want to kill you) and your hands moved desperately up his arm, gripping him tightly.
Dean was getting close, you could tell, but the question remained: would he come before you? And if he did, would he still take care of you? Somehow you doubted it. The self-absorbed jackass was probably going to cum inside you and fall asleep, like almost every other man you'd slept with.
Suddenly Dean lurched forward, shoving his face into the space between your neck and shoulder, breathing heavily in your ear. You clenched in surprise (and also because a man getting desperate was one of the hottest things on the planet).
Dean groaned deeply in response and bit down on your shoulder, hard. You cried out, half from pain and half from the surprising pleasure it sent roaring through you, causing your cunt to squeeze down on him tightly. He practically whimpered, detaching from your skin and pulling out, pumping himself a few times before spilling onto your stomach with a moan.
He looked down at the mess he'd made of you, dragging his fingers through his cum. Then he brought those fingers up to your mouth and pressed them against your lips. "Open."
You scowled at him, once again determined to be contrary.
Dean glared back. "Open, or you don't get to come," he said harshly, forcing his fingers between your lips and teeth.
So he was planning to take care of you. Your neediness returned in full force, and you opened your mouth to allow him to shove his fingers deep into your mouth. You gagged as his fingertips hit the back of your throat, the taste of his cum filling your mouth. He pressed down on your tongue and you dutifully sucked on his fingers as he smirked down at the sight.
"Good little slut," Dean said nastily, obviously feeling proud of himself. He started to pull his fingers out and you closed your teeth, scraping his skin as he did. He slapped your cheek lazily once his hand was free. "Swallow it."
You glared, but did as you were told, sticking out your tongue to prove it.
Dean grinned. "Ready for your reward, princess?"
You moaned needily, throwing your head back and bucking your hips up towards him.
"Such a fucking whore," he chastised, bringing his hand to your clit and stroking around it lazily. A pang of arousal shot through you as you quickly approached the edge again. All thoughts of defiance went out the window as you grinded against his hand.
"Please," you whimpered, squirming under his touch.
"Since you asked so nicely," Dean mocked. He stuffed your pussy with three fingers at once, thrusting and curling them inside you. "Fuckin' dripping, princess."
He brought his other hand to your clit, thumbing it in figure eights in time with his fingers. You gasped as your core tightened. His fingers were bringing you so close to the brink and just keeping you there, never increasing the pressure just enough to push you over.
"Fuuuck," you moaned, panting. "Please, Dean! I need- I need-"
"You need what?" he teased. He twisted his fingers up to your g-spot, simultaneously ceasing his movements on your clit to press down on it hard.
"Oh, God!" you cried out, almost hyperventilating. The feeling of your orgasm building up was almost too much to bear. A dry sob wracked your body.
Dean nipped at your chest, gazing up at your contorted face with eyes so innocent looking you could've sworn, for a moment, that this was not a man you hated with your entire being, who was not currently doing the most sinful things to you with his hands.
You whimpered pathetically. "Please," you said in a small voice. "I need to come so bad." Your face flushed with shame as you finally admit what he's done to you, both with your words and body.
"All you had to do was ask," Dean said, sickly sweet. His hands sparked into motion again, redoubling their efforts. You let out a strangled scream as you were brought right back to the precipice, only this time, surely, he's going to let you?
It was like a pot boiling over, overwhelming heat spreading from your core out through your stomach, making your legs shake and your abs tighten. You made another strangled, desperate noise as you grinded down on his hand.
"That's it, princess, fuck yourself on my fingers," Dean goaded.
You struggled to catch your breath, eyes wide. Your face was hot and wet, and you realized numbly that tears were streaming down your face, running into your hair. He started to take his hands away, but your hands chased them, seizing them and bringing them back to your core.
Dean seemed surprised, but more than willing to fuck you past the point of no return. "Fuck, you just can't get enough, huh," he said, sounding mildly impressed. Your body shook as he all but stilled his fingers inside you, just rubbing your clit slowly until it became too much to bear and you pushed him off.
You laid there panting quietly, your body shivering from the aftershocks of one of the most intense orgasms you'd had in a while. For once, it seemed like Dean didn't know what to say.
You closed your eyes for a moment, then suddenly felt his hand on your clit again, rubbing vigorously. Your eyes flew open and you looked down to see Dean's face set in determination. You clutched at his wrist, trying weakly to get him away, knees trying to close around him, but it didn't take long for you to cum again with a shriek, heels digging into the mattress to push yourself away. Your cunt pulsed around nothing, and you felt a gush of arousal leave you. Dean looked delighted.
"I fucking knew it," he said triumphantly, holding up his hand to survey the mess.
"What?" you asked feebly as another shiver ran through your body.
"Knew you'd be so touch-starved I could get you to squirt," Dean explained smugly. He licked some of your arousal off his hand.
You threw your head back onto the bed exasperatedly. "God, I hate you."
"Could've fooled me," he returned, displaying his hand to you and smirking.
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dividers once again by @cafekitsune and @saradika-graphics
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p0rk-guts · 7 months
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Velvette if she served cunt
Design breakdown below 👇🏾(BEWARE IT'S VERY LONG)
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Alright going into detail about my gripes and edits. Like Velvette but her design is just. Not good to me. None of her (main) outfit details look like they fit to me— pinstripe pants + long fur coat paired with black crop top and scene sleeves? Skull earrings? TINKERBELL HEELS????? Tell me how any of that meshes well or even makes SENSE for the social media influencer persona she's supposed to have going on. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be clown themed... But I'm just gonna toss that idea out bc being a revered social media influencer and a clown at the same time just seems a bit oxymoronic to me, and the "clown" details aren't adding shit for me.
And don't think I forgot about her features. Pale ash grey skin and wavy hair at best. If she was supposed to be some type of creature where a nonhuman skin tone would make sense then maybe I could let it go?? But as far as I can tell she doesn't have an object or creature or animal theme like the other V's and if she does I shouldn't need to do detective work to figure it out. There is no reason for *any* of these poc characters to have grey skin, especially since they don't have any other poc features at all.
Sorry that shit gets me heated anyways. Onto my redesign. Gave her a more obviously black skin tone and textured hair bc I love a 30 inch buss down as much as the next girl but considering how there are no significant poc cast members with visibly textured hair I think she deserves to flaunt some coils if no one else will.
Ngl I'm not. A fashion girlie. Idk what's trendy idk what screams "influencer" so a lot of this was just throwing shit at the wall that I've seen around recently but it looks cute enough to me. And there was a bit of inspiration taken from Aliyahcore and ghetto fabulous fashion ❤️
If you can't tell this is shamefully inspired by lovesart23's Velvette reimagining because imo they had some outstanding ideas for Vel. I low-key stole their idea for those floating eyes in her hair that follow her around and help her keep tabs on shit it was just a superb idea for a social media overlord to me. I also took some inspo from @furbtasticworksofart 's redesign because vampire influencer sucking up the souls of her followers in exchange for content??? Too good (also the eyes were supposed to have bat/vamp wings I just forgot 😭) So yeah she's a vampire demon now. Without the features she was looking too human anyhow. Maybe she also feeds off of the energy of her followers through tech like after Vox mind controls them or whatever... Idk idk is that anything
Speaking of Vox, the screen glasses are meant to connect her to him w/ their color and shape while serving the purpose of being like a second phone she can post and check the web with. Like lovesart said in their reimagining vid, Vel doesn't really do more than pose for selfies and scroll on her phone when it comes to social media so in my head she's constantly flipping her shades on and off, using them to scroll and stay active, and they can show when she's not paying attention or respect to something/someone bc scrolling is more worth her time in the moment.
The hearts everywhere are also supposed to kinda represent social media likes + connect her back to Val w/ his heart patterns. That might've been what the hearts in her og design were for but. I just didn't like their placement bc I'm a nitpicker and a hater❕
I have so much more I could say about possible ideas for Velvette because I love evil black girls and I only want them to succeed in my media and I could treat her so much BETTER but I'll refrain bc this is way too long anyway.
Alright for reading/scrolling through all that rambling I offer you the sketches + some alt hair ideas I had
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P.S. I'm very open to constructive criticism but if I see anyone just dick riding in my replies or rb's I'm just blocking you on sight ✌🏾
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hatchet-boy · 6 months
Judging SPN Seasons By How Messy It Would Be If Sam And Dean Started Having Sex
Season 1: freshly reunited. no one else in their world but them. they are obsessed with each other. they would fuck like feral dogs and it would make them so much worse. also dad is there. unspeakably messy. 12/10
Season 2: dad just died. the grief sex would be more tears than come and at least one of them is probably saying johns name mid fuck. dean might have to kill baby brother (TM) and so the obvious reaction to this would be extremely possessive sex. sam would not like that attitude (with the one exception of if it happens when hes drunk in playthings). messy in even grosser but marginally less feral ways than szn one. 13/10
Season 3: milder. still obsessed with each other but more settled into it now. deans turn to maybe die and sams turn to be uber-doober possessive about it. unlike sam, dean would be extremely into that. and his deal is comin due so he might as well. sad and tragic,, but not that messy. probably still more tears than come. 6/10
Season 4: dean just came back from hell to find sam fucking his new demon girlfriend. the angels are there. they're still hunting but Stuff Is Going On and god knows they need to be grounded with each other to make it through. sex would probably help. would do the opposite than make things messier. would be vicious. definite chance dean might try to feed sam his blood. 4/10
Season 5: apocalypse fuck. oh fuck. ruby is dead. angels and death and demons and god and destiny. sam and dean are the most experienced and secure theyve ever been and yet. the whole damn world is about to explode. and yet they are still tortured and annoyed by the goofy everday hunting horrors. fucking would be nice for them, would remind them they belong to each other. they think theyre gonna die so the consequences wouldnt matter a whole lot. less insulated and worried about holy judgment so the incest thing may be a bother now. 2/10
Season 6: you fuck your brother but its not your brother he's different in ways you cant explain but you havent seen him in months and you thought you lost him and hes not quite right but fuck he looks like him and talks like him and knows everything about the two of you and he fucks like a greek god and hes mean as a motherfucker in bed but you can take it its fine its worth it its sam godammit-
Season 7: stranded up the creek without even a twig for a paddle. both brothers are destroyed and traumatised and forcing each other forward by force of necessity and a brotherly hand on the back of the neck. at least its just them alone together (dean please ignore the hallucination of lucifer sitting in the corner and judging our cock size-). sex would go terribly and be the most unsexy sex ever sexed. but they would probably like the closeness if sam could handle it. messy but wouldnt ruin them long term. there would be a terrible Dick joke. 8/10
Season 8: WHOA BOY WHAT A DOOZY. BOTH BROTHERS HAVE PARAMOURS ON THE SIDE WHOM THE OTHER FUCKIN HATES. DEAN IS PURGATORY FERAL AND HAS ONE EYE ON A VAMP. SAM IS SOFT HAS HIS PINKY FINGER TWINED AROUND SOME RANDOM GIRL. WHY DIDNT YOU LOOK FOR ME?? // YOU TOLD ME NOT TO!! // YOU TRUST A DAMN VAMPIRE OVER YOUR OWN BROTHER?? // YOU HIT A DOG... meanwhile sam is doing the trials losing his mind again and dean is losing his mind about that. letting you down was my biggest sin//there is nothing i would ever put in front of you. messy. 10/10.
Season 9: less than ideal with sam possessed by and angel. dean is rocking with the guilt and confliction. the mark of cain is also making him a bit feral again. theyre safe together in the bunker but thats already claustrophobic enough sex might just suffocate them both. pretty messy. 7/10
Season 10: your big brother is an angry angry man but its not his fault right??? its because of the mark right?? he cant control it and you love him and you want to stay in the safe house/bunker/tomb with him you dont want to leave anymore and you need him. youve both been through enough. you deserve this. there would be minimal messiness caused by sex with your brother rn. exception to those few weeks where he was a demon. 2/10
Season 11: gods sister is here and its the apocalypse again. dean hates what he has with Her. at least his sammy is here. at least theyre together. still crazy about each other. gay incest sex is the most reasonable reaction. god might find out- but then again, he and his sister are pretty wacked out together too, and are we not made in gods image?. 1/10
Season 12: Mom is here and so is lucifer and his kid and also the cunt ass brits. not ideal. minimal messiness so long as no one finds out. and fuck all them anyway its pretty clear sam and dean can only ever really trust each other. sex would be affirming and safe here. they are absolutely fucking in the kitchen to the smell of toast and coffee. dean discovers he has an std because no its not normal that your balls have iched like that for the past four years you need to go to a doctor and dean i swear on the impala if you gave it to me- . 3/10
Season 13 to 15: fellas is it gay to have sex with your brother who you've been functionally married to for over a decade? probably not right ha ha. if they havent already fucked by now theyre not going to. theyre just gonna be intensely platonically married until they die. they both have erectile dysfunction by this point . sex would mean everything to them but change nothing they would still be old and married in their bunker with the devils kid tomorrow regardless. they dont care what people think anymore. fuck all messiness. 1/10
Post Season 15 Finale/Heaven: we deserve a soft epilogue my love sammy. mildly concerned about being kicked out of heaven for incest but with everything else theyve done they still made it there. it would be the least of their sins. lovely soft and nothing hurts. can you make a sex tape in heaven? 0/10
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scoobydoodean · 5 months
DEAN He threw me to that vamp. I'm telling you, it's not my brother. BOBBY Well, then he's something we ain't ever seen before. DEAN Yeah, or it's freakin' Lucifer. BOBBY Did you call Cas? DEAN 'Course I called Cas. He's not answering. Screw him. I can't wait anymore.
My favorite thing about lines like this is people always think of them as lines where Dean displays a desire for Cas to be useful to him, when they also show so clearly the exact opposite of that. When Cas answered Dean’s prayer in 6.03, it was because Dean had information of value to him about The Staff of Moses. ("You think I came because you called?") He then tells Sam and Dean he needs their help to get the staff and they help him. Cas flew away so abruptly—as soon he got what he wanted—and has been radio silent since. As I’ve mentioned before, Dean has no reason to believe Cas wouldn’t ask if he wanted help (especially now that he’s cleared the air on the reasons for his previous silence). Cas fully controls the means of communication between them. He can come and see Dean any time and say "I need your help". Dean gets a one-way line and has no clue if the messages go through. Cas clearly demonstrates in 6.03 and in this episode, 6.06, that he'll only show up if Dean can be of use to him.
DEAN Castiel? Hello? Possible loose nuke down here, angelic weapon. Kinda your department. You hear that, Cas? CASTIEL Hello, Dean. DEAN Are you kidding me? I have been on red alert about Sam, and you come for some stupid horn?! CASTIEL You asked me to be here, and I came. DEAN I -- I've been asking you to be here for days, you dick!
"You asked me to be here, and I came"... but that's... extremely misleading. Cas didn't show up because Dean asked him to be there. Dean had been asking him for days to opine on Sam after Sam let him get sexually molested by a vamp. Cas very clearly showed up for no other reason than Dean finally mentioned something of use to Cas—an angelic weapon. He showed up because Dean was finally useful to him again. That's exactly why he showed up in 6.03, and it's exactly why he showed up here. And yeah—Cas IS a busy guy! There's nothing wrong with that—but the misleading framing where Cas claims he's here to help Dean when it's the other way around—he's here because Dean has information that can help him—is literally just lying.
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yzashaven · 11 months
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꒰ ♡— fem!reader︰period sex ✰ nushi eats you out ✰ use of blood as lube ✰ "painting" using ink and blood (sort of) ✰ could be read as vamp!nushi or not :3 ✰ half proofread, half not ꒱
୨୧. i hope this made some sense especially at the end sobs forgive me, i was half awake when i wrote most of this </3
꒰ general﹒taglist ꒱ @yukiitaooo @scara6 @kana-de @ciarchivez
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you never really had a problem dealing with period cramps, but today was different. the pain in your abdomen felt like blades were being pierced deeply through you, over and over again in a brutal cycle.
kuronushi's suggestion? sex.
did you agree? absolutely not! imagine the mess and all the blood that could possibly spill everywhere! your flow was too heavy to engage in any kind of sexual activity at the moment.
"a little blood never hurt anybody, darling. come on, i'll make you feel good~" kuronushi cooed from behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist as one of his hands went down to reach under your skirt to feel up your inner thigh. "promise, i'll make all of those cramps and pain go away."
"now be a good girl and strip."
lewd moans flow past your parted lips as kuronushi's tongue effortlessly dealt with your dripping arousal, licking at the intimate area and stimulating your needy clit like he always does when bringing you to an orgasm—being the least bit bothered at blood that was mixing together with your fluids. "mmh~ delicious as always, my angel." before you could even think of a reply to his words, he went back to situate himself in between your trembling thighs as soon as he caught sight of the blood dripping out of your cunt.
you blush hard at his eagerness to eat you out despite the current state of your body. embarrassed, you attempt to push him away, he groans lowly and resists instead—hooking his hands around your thighs to pull you as close as possible to him. with this, his tongue reaches your deepest parts and was soon accompanied by his thumb that went ahead to rub slow circles on your clit to drive you closer to the brink of ecstasy.
it didn't take long for you to finally cum all over his tongue, to which he happily licks up as well. you glance over to him and see a smirk on his face as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand, "hah, i could never get enough of you." he whispers while undoing his shorts, pulling it down to reveal his hard cock underneath, stroking the length as precum drips from the tip. "see how hard i am for you, angel?" he teases upon seeing the way you were staring at it in complete awe as your arousal only grew further.
"hmm, looks like we don't need any lube at all, huh?" kuronushi chuckles as he rubs his dick along the slit of your wet hole, covering it in your fluids—both arousal and the blood alongside it. his tip teasingly hitting your clit on purpose to have your need for him grow even more. he hums a short melody as he slowly pushes himself inside, inch by inch, filling you up completely, eliciting a gasp from your lips. he starts off with a slow yet sweet pace, taking notice of your sensitivity, but that didn't last long until he couldn't help but go on with a rougher pace that had you moaning louder for him each time he hit your g-spot.
during your period, your cunt was more sensitive than usual, so it didn't take long before you became a babbling, moaning mess beneath him as he pounds you mercilessly. being so into the moment, you hadn't taken notice of him reaching for a nearby paintbrush on his desk, carefully dipping it in ink before returning his focus to you. with a mischievous smirk on his face, he places a hand to your hip to hold you in place as he writes a few words on your skin, just above your pussy.
" my slut "
he grins at the sight, continuing to thrust into you relentlessly before abruptly pulling out only to put two of his fingers inside your hole, collecting your fluids on his fingertips. your eyes widen slightly as you observe his movements—using the mixture of cum and blood to draw a small heart at the end of the words he wrote not too long ago. he throws the paintbrush away somewhere, not caring where it went as he takes in the sight of you being rightfully marked by him. separating your thighs, he pushes his cock back inside you, grinning at the way you clenched around him, moaning at the feeling of being full once again.
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sad-ghost-of-garbage · 3 months
Nicknames with the Lost Boys
Affectionate and Goofy nicknames for and from the boys
Author: SadGhostofGarbage Warnings: this is a crackfic! It’s only semi serious. There is some NSFW headcannons so MDNI!
David’s nicknames for reader: Kitten, Kitty, Kit Cat, Doll face, Beloved, and My Queen (Yes even as a male reader, David believes himself the King so naturally his partner is his other half despite gender. He regards his partner as the chess Queen to his King; here is a lil blurb of how I see the conversation going, the first time it happens.
Male reader x David: “Um David, why did you call me your Queen? I am a whole grown ass man?” “Beloved, you are the most important piece on my chess board, since I'm clearly the King, you are my other half.” The bastard has the audacity to say condescendingly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You do realize that means I should be protecting you right?” That wipes the smirk right off his face, and he narrows his eyes at you. “Absolutely not happening”. He says with teeth grit in a firm line. “You are not putting yourself in any danger ever.” “Then by chess standards that makes you the Queen”. It was your turn for the shit eating grin, the expression on his face was priceless. It is definitely one of your favorite ways to tease him from that moment on. If however it causes you discomfort he will refrain from using it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still tease him with it. You will be punished accordingly after every instance you jokingly call him “my Queen”, but teasing him is half the fun. Side note, Paul tries to help by suggesting you combine the two, “One of you can be, Quee-ing, and the other can be Ki-een. BOOM! Problem solved, you’re welcome!” Spoiler… It does not solve the problem.
Things that David secretly loves being called, its a “secret” because he “doesn’t do nicknames”: Handsome, Cowboy, My King, My one, My love, basically anything that has a possessive edge implying that David is readers everything (Daddy loves to be needed)
Things reader (and the boys) call him that he “hates”: Daviey (Paul’s go to mostly), Marko calls him Daddy as if he were confessing to a Catholic priest during confession; “Daddy I’ve been naughty” instead of “forgive me father for I have sinned”. Chaos ensues and you will catch David chasing Marko around the cave on multiple occasions for this very reason. David won’t admit out loud that he’s okay with his partner calling him Daddy but he does prefer Sir, but if it revs your engines then he will graciously allow you to call him Daddy. Moral of the story… David is a butthead.
Names David actually hates being called: Baby, And any nickname that is overly obnoxious like : Stud muffin, or Pookie.
Dwayne’s nicknames for reader; Darling, Sweetheart, Baby/Babygirl/Babyboy (if it is Babyboy, just know Paul is jealous), Mama or Nobi for a non gendered version (of a parental name that both he and Laddie call a parental figure reader), Prince/Princess/Princex
Dwayne’s nicknames from the reader and the boys, they are all fair game for D-man: Papa, Big man, D, Snuggle bear, Big Cat, Baby Daddy
Nicknames that are affectionate when it comes from reader, and jokingly when coming from the boys: Gigantus, Tall Dark and Dracula, Skater boy, Dork
Paul’s nicknames for Reader: Sugar, babe, bug, Beautiful/Handsome/Gorgeous, Hot Stuff, My cute lil capri sun! If you're still human. Bit will continue to call you that after you become a vamp as well, he just likes biting. (fun fact I looked up when capri-sun came out, the answer? 1969! its cannon!)
Paul’s nicknames from reader and the boys: Paulie, Puppy, Pretty boy, jellybelly~ Paul got high af and cried because his blood wasn’t jelly bean flavored after he ate 12 bags of them. “I wanna be a jellybean damn it” 😭 NSFW: I saw a post going around about sucking Paul’s dick and my brain went… ah a Paulie pop… and now it lives rent free in my head so have that too
Marko’s nicknames for reader: Angel, Dove, Love, precious one, Sunshine, Tesoro / my treasure (if you headcannon him as an Italian, as many do 😉) the Juliet to his Romeo if you're a fem reader (until you point out that Juliet was like 13 and Romeo was 16. And comparing your love to that of children was not as romantic as he assumed it was. Those names quickly get abandoned)
Nicknames for Marko: Cassanova, Italian Stallion, Stud, Angel (the first time reader calls him angel you both argue over who gets to call the other angel, and it ends with an intervention from David. “You are both little devils, you brats!” you both continue to call each other angel, and David continues to call you both little devils.)
Nicknames that will get get you (or the boys) in trouble and not the good kind: Cherub, bird boy.
side note, I'd love to hear what nicknames you guys think the boys like being called and call their partners
Taglist: @ria-coolgirl, @britany1997, @henhouse-horrors. If you want added to my Lost Boys taglist lemme know!
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
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liked by jackhughes, ehaula, and 28,628 others
y/ndevils00 hello everyone, welcome back to your postgame recap: blackhawks edition! unfortunately everyone’s favorite WAG (sorry girls) and social media manager: me, was unable to attend this road-trip due to illness. however, i, of course, still watched this game and have many a comments!
first, what the hell were these boys doing in first period that they couldn’t get a single goal against the blackhawks? had me yelling at the tv!
however, my favorite gingersnap got the first goal of the night 6:19 into the second period! GO HAM! I’M SO PROUD!
following that up, my uncle (we are still not related in any way) got his 11th goal of the season, tying up the game! really had me haula-ing! (get it? haula-ing? hollering? whatever!)
mere minutes after, my dear sweet boqy scored, making us end the second period up by 1!
we opened 3rd period with a camera shot of my boyfriend. that is the face of someone who misses his wonderful girlfriend and cannot wait to come home and take care of her while she is sick (jack come home. i think i need you more than they do.)
we kicked off 3rd period scoring with a goal by mr. edward cullen himself! he really does sparkle, doesn’t he! who knew vamps were so good at hockey?
with not even 4 minutes left in the game, we got an amazing wrap around shot by timo, who has yet to insult me again! i feel like a proud mother!
and lastly, my sweet baby, mercy put the nail in the coffin for this game with an empty net goal, bringing the final score to 6-3! dawson, you have never let me down, unlike your brother, john.
closing off this post, we have some adorable shots of captain swiss and lil jizzy with blackwood.
p.s. i’d like to bring everyone’s attention to my boyfriend’s hand. that’s my favorite hand, because it holds mine <3 jack come home, i have separation anxiety
tagged dougieham, ehaula, jesperboqvist, jackhughes, ryangraves27, tmeier96, dawson1417 and nicohischier
user oh no! i hope you feel better :(
john.marino97 i didn’t even do anything in this game and you still find a way to insult me
y/ndevils00 that’s exactly WHY i insulted you. do better.
jackhughes for once, you actually got what i was thinking about right
y/ndevils00 i’ve been saying you were thinking about me for so long, i was bound to be right eventually
jackhughes i miss you pretty girl
y/ndevils00 aww shucks, you’re making me blush 🤭
jackhughes nevermind never say that again
jackhughes you like my hand? you’re such a sap
y/ndevils00 let’s try that again
jackhughes i like your hand too?
y/ndevils00 why thank you! is it because it holds yours?
jackhughes dawson tells me i should say yes
y/ndevils00 well at least dawson understands how to be affectionate
ehaula i’m begging you to stop using my name as a pun
y/ndevils00 and i’m begging you to hop off my dick
dawson1417 @/y/ndevils00 y/n….
y/ndevils00 i mean, no, thank you. i would like to keep making my puns if that’s okay with you
ehaula since you asked so nicely.. still no
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 how do i work with this?
dawson1417 @/y/ndevils00 you stop making the puns?
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 i can’t do that
user67 sick y/n is so lovey, jack better get home asap
dougieham thank you, y/n!
y/ndevils00 you’re so welcome! now, will you bring me wawa when you guys get back?
dougieham i will. but does jack not feed you?
y/ndevils00 i don’t like his food
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 you know i can see this right?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes no you can’t. this is a private conversation
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 it’s really not
ryangraves27 i’m still not a vampire
y/ndevils00 i’ve never seen you eat garlic so i cannot rule it out as a possibility
ryangraves27 you’ve also never seen me drink blood though
y/ndevils00 look, i don’t know what you’re into
ryangraves27 i’m so confused
dawson1417 y/n, what do we say to marino?
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 i’m sorry and i love you both equally 🙄
john.marino97 @/y/ndevils00 this seems anything but genuine
y/ndevils00 dawson, he’s onto us! what do i do?
dawson1417 well i can tell you what you don’t do: that!
tmeier96 i think i learned my lesson from last time. i’ll never insult you again
y/ndevils00 good. actions have consequences and you’d do good to remember that!
nicohischier ❤️❤️
y/ndevils00 you are my favorite, swiss cheese
nicohischier i’m revoking my hearts
y/ndevils00 it’s too late, i already have them they’re mine now
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cjsmalley · 1 year
Wished Away 7:
Happy Thanksgiving (Early, I Know, Shut up):
“Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker wish to invite you to our Thanksgiving meal,” Damian said.
“Are you sure?” Bruce asked, “we’re a lot.”
Even without Damian, Bruce had many children and cooking for all of them was sometimes a tall order.
Damian smiled, “We are aware. You are not the only family we are inviting. Every child Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker has taken in we have invited along with their remaining family if they have any. Even the non-Americans have been invited.”
“We’d be delighted to come,” Alfred said for his family, “should we bring anything?”
“You may,” Damian agreed, “however, the chefs and cooks of the Palace will be preparing the main meal. It will be mostly meatless. Seitan mostly, in observance with mine and Mother’s dietary needs and our beliefs. It will also be made in-line with kosher regulations.”
“Cookies,” Jason said, looking at Alfred, “we can make vegan cookies.”
“Very well, Master Jason,” Alfred nodded, already planning for such a large batch, or several batches.
Damian grinned.
Thanksgiving Day arrived and the portal opened.
They filed through and were greeted by Sam, the younger Sam on her hip, “Happy Thanksgiving.”
Sammy just waved shyly, gaining fond chuckles.
They all echoed the sentiment and were led through the palace to one of the ballrooms, “Not even the large dining room is big enough to hold our horde,” she said with humor.
“Everyone invited came,” Sam explained before visibly remembering, “Oh, and any red wine you see? Not red wine; we have a vampire in attendance. He eats human food but not really.”
“Of course,” Bruce nodded; only Dick was of age to drink, of his children, but neither one really drank. Still, it was good to know.
“’m assuming the vamp’s friendly?” Jason voiced.
“Friendly as in doesn’t eat humans anymore, yeah,” Sam nodded, “but, well, Spike’s Spike. You’ll understand once you meet him. Don’t go after his humans and he’s nice enough.”
“Fair enough,” Stephanie nodded.
“Also in attendance are a Vampire Slayer, several witches and wizards, two magic superheroes…basically everyone you met at Damian’s birthday party’s here. I know Spike wasn’t there; he had to babysit the Hellmouth that day, so he’s really the only new face. Him and his daughter, Hope.”
“Vampires can have—”
“She’s adopted, from a separate dimension. Danny brought her to the Hellmouth group to hide her. She’s being raised by Buffy and Spike.”
They finally made it to the ballroom; the doors were wide open; servants rushed forward to relieve the Waynes of the platters of cookies they carried before they entered the room.
Most of the room was divided down the middle by a cartoonishly long dining table, bench seating on either side of it. Settings were already in place.
In one corner was a padded and gated off area where Anakin and the baby that could only be Hope played. Well, played as only young babies could, which wasn’t much.
Dotted around the room were small clusters of regular chairs and beanbag chairs, some of which were already occupied, surrounding small tables with pitchers of water and juices and, yes, blood.
Spike the vampire was easy to pick out from the masses because he had a glass of what looked like red wine in hand. Nobody else did.
The Waynes spread out, first finding Damian to say hello, then mingling and visiting with the friends made at the birthday party.
Bruce made his way towards the vampire.
“’Lo,” Spike greeted lowly over his drink, Buffy at his side.
“Hello, Buffy,” Bruce said before smiling with a closed mouth, “and you must be Spike. Bruce Wayne.”
“Not an ape, mate,” Spike snorted, “won’t attack if you smile at me. Sit down, take a load off. Hear you’re Batman. The real deal one.”
“I am,” Bruce took a seat, reaching to fill a cup with orange juice, “where did you hear it from?”
“Dawn was excited; her little brother’s bio-dad is Batman,” Buffy explained, rolling her eyes fondly, “one of my friends, Xander, is a big comic book nerd.”
“Ah. I assume there won’t be any problems?”
“Not from us,” Spike agreed, nudging Buffy with a smirk, “my girl here’s a superhero too. Won’t be any trouble from our lot. Right, Slayer?”
“Yep. No problems from us. If Danny and Sam are good with you being…you know, you then we’re good,” Buffy nodded, “just as long as you don’t put Dawnie or Hope in a suit.”
“I don’t want them out there,” Bruce grumbled, “but if I didn’t help them, they’d all be dead by now.”
“We get it, honestly,” Buffy assured, “Dawn’s given us enough gray hair,” she grinned mischievously at Spike, “she’s even given Billy Idol here some.”
“Slayer, you know that pissant stole—”
Bruce laughed.
Everyone mingled and chatted for a few hours before the meal began; servant after servant carried food and drinks to the main table as everyone found seats on the benches.
Spike and Danny placed the babies into highchairs.
By the time everything and everyone was ready, the table was fairly groaning with the meal.
Danny gained everyone’s attention, standing and grinning, “Welcome to Thanksgiving Dinner at the Palace. Thank you all for coming, even our non-Americans for putting up with our silly traditions.”
The non-Americans laughed fondly, nodding; even Alfred cracked a smile.
“For those who’re probably wondering,” he continued, “our essential living staff celebrated at lunch and most will have the day off tomorrow. Everyone else had the day off today. Now, normally we’d go around and say what we’re thankful for but we’d be here forever if we did that tonight. So, while we eat let’s just think about what we’re thankful for and enjoy the food and the company. Oh, and just so you know, everything’s kosher and most of the ‘meat’ is actually Seitan. Real meat is on the green platters. But before we begin, let’s give a round of thanks to the kitchen staff for making the food!”
Everyone applauded.
“Now, tuck in!”
They all did so with gusto; the meal was magnificent and it was clear the Palace staff had put their all into it.
Most of the Seitan was shaped into meat product appearances, looking indistinguishable from the real turkeys and hams. And it tasted almost like the real things too.
The meal lasted well into the night and everyone went home stuffed and with leftovers.
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celestialspecial · 1 year
Blood Rush
Warnings: Mentions of Blood/ 18+ themes
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The pounding beat of the music seemed to reverberate down to the earths mantle. An intense light show swam across the crowd lighting them up in vivid reds and blues, purple tones intermingling on the dance floor.
The entire club was packed to the gills, heat, sweat, and sounds drowned together in one large overwhelming assortment. The entire establishment felt like it was shaking down to its foundation from the pounding bass.
So many warm bodies all in one place. Billy let his eyes close as he leaned over the side of the railing looking down at the crowd. If he focused he could pick out conversations going on all around him.
He didn’t need to strain, no, to their human ears they had to yell. His pale hands gripped the metal pole tighter as he sniffed into the heavy air. Filled with so many different fragrances. Perfumes, sweat, the stench of sex even emanated from a few of the private vip booths.
A lilting soft scent wafted over his nostrils. It was airy, sweet but not overpowering. Whatever it was had his mouth watering. It was blood. But not just any. 
He let his sixth sense drift outwards, hoping to pinpoint exactly where the smell was coming from. Ignoring the ache in his stomach, hungering for whatever delicious morsel was unknowingly going to become his next meal.
The next song started and the strobe lights flickered over the packed interior. He could feel the pulse from the DJ booth, the whole floor felt like it was moving as people jumped up and down.
In his earlier days this place would’ve drove him mad. The bursting colors, unconfined smells, the droning music. And the thirst for blood. He would’ve gone mad.
Now it was the only place he could zone out. Far removed from reality. The one place he could fade into the background and pretend. Pretend he wasn’t what he was.
You could feel the buzz start to wear off as you downed your next glass of water, the sweat streaking across your forehead. You brushed at the strands stuck to your face in a futile attempt to cool down.
You could see some of your girl friends still out on the dance floor, the vodka had in fact, helped them dance better. You couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous penis headbands two of the them wore.
Then Cassie in her short white dress with a ridiculously large sash starting “Same Dick Forever.” The micro veil now very askew on her head. 
“…and three waters please.” You smiled at the bartender. You were doing your best to be the mom friend by drinking less but you knew there was no way to get the group back to their respective apartments if you had to drag them.
Another surge of that intoxicating scent rose up from beneath him, this time a little stronger. It had Billy, craning his neck this way and that searching for its source. 
Outlined in his enhanced periphery he could see another two or so vamps sniffing into the air as well. Red eyes threading through the crowd greedily. 
I don’t think so.
This catch was his. If only he could find them.
“Awwww is this for me?!” Izzy slurred taking the water from your hand. You watched half of it spill onto the dance floor as she regained her balance from holding the cup.
“Yes. Waters all around! Drink up!” Passing the other cups out to your friends and watching them sip something non-alcoholic. 
You couldn’t help but giggle, smacking a palm to your forehead as Cassie took a long swig then made a face, realizing it was actually just water. 
“What gives?!” 
“It’s 3 am, and I promised your fiancé I’d have you home. In one piece.” You emphasized the last part, knowing that would get Cassie to relent. 
“Ughhhhh fine.” But she was smiling, her eyes still significantly glazed. 
“Alright, bathroom break then one more dance until our Uber is here.” You corralled them off to the side as you whipped out your phone, scanning the latest price increase from Uber and Lyft.
It was more than you wanted to pay but you needed to go home, and there were so many people leaving the clubs right now. 
After hitting confirm you could feel it. A cold pin prick crawling up your spine. A quick glance around and you realized no one was touching you, but it felt like it.
All you could see were groups of people dancing as magenta light poured over the establishment in waves. No one. 
Izzy said something to Meg and Cassie chuckled but it was all muffled to you. A loud pounding in your ears, your heart rate kicking up a notch. 
What the-?
Then you looked up to the balcony where the vip booths and other dancing patrons occupied. A man was staring down at you.
Black eyes and raven hair. Pale skin that absorbed whatever new flash of color the strobe lights were sending out. He didn’t blink as you continued to stare at him.
He was handsome. Not the usual handsome you liked, but a cold almost threatening kind. Jaw set on edge and slicked back hair, almost too uniform to be in a club.
The discomfort in your chest growing with each second neither of you looked away. You swallowed thickly, pushing your sweat drenched hair aside, praying a cool wind from one of the fans would wipe away the cold sweat gathering on your skin.
His nostrils flared and you stumbled backwards, knocking into Izzy and the rest of her untouched water toppled to the floor.
“Hey! What gives?” 
“We need to leave now.” 
“Why?” Cassie asked, sobering slightly at the hint of panic in your voice.
“There’s a man up there watching us.” You turned to point but he was gone. You brows drew together. “What the fuck?”
“Oooooookay. How many shots did you do while getting us waters?” Cassie giggled, nudging you with her shoulder.
“None I swear, I just-“ a small beep from your phone rang out, “driver is now arriving. Ok guys, we gotta get out of here.”
It was no small task getting the rest of the bachelorette party out, more like herding cats, but you did it as quickly as possible sparing a few extra glances over your shoulder in the process. 
Billy had pushed away from the railing and was descending the curved stairs down to the first floor. The second he’d spied the girl below he knew it had been her he’d smelled.
Was he planning to kill her? Suck the blood from her body like he originally intended? Why did he feel like that was no longer an option?
Her wide eyes had pinned him to the spot, and an arousal grew within him, the feeling he got when a hot meal was within reach and something else. Something that brought him pause.
The other vamps hadn’t located the exact scent yet so he needed to move before they noticed him gone. There was something delectable about whatever blood ran through that girls veins.
Untainted, pure. Not pure in the traditional sense of white dresses and sacrifices to volcanos, but something deeper. Bloodlines dating back centuries could give off smells unlike anything else.
Reaching out Billy could practically hear her thrumming pulse calling to him through the darkened club. He licked his lips imagining sinking his fangs into that soft skin, her scent overwhelming him.
Drinking deep, that lifeblood coating his tongue. There were so many vital arteries he could choose from. He ached to bite into her thigh, tasting the sweat on her skin in the process.
A roiling in his stomach set him on edge, only this time it wasn’t from hunger.
Some bouncer pushed past him, shouldering Billy to the side and for the first time since he was turned, Billy stumbled. 
Catching the wall only at the last moment. Placing a steadying hand on the bricks to his side, leaning against the cool stone.
A hand shot to his forehead as he felt a shooting pain streak across his vision.
What in hells name?
The Uber pulled up as best it could to the crowded sidewalk. A Prius, way smaller than the picture had looked on the screen of your phone. 
Izzy tripped on the curb sliding into the backseat followed closely by a hiccuping Meg. Cassie grabbed the passenger’s side door before stopping.
“Wait, there’s not enough room.” She squinted into the vehicle. You licked your lips, begging your brain to think of another plan. 
“Sorry ladies, my cup holder doesn’t go up in the back. Damn things stuck, supposed to get it looked at next week.”
The man gestured to  the back seat where sure enough the cup holder had dropped into where a middle seat should be.
“We can wait for another one.” Cassie suggested, hand beginning to loosen on the door handle. 
It was late and if you waited any longer it’d be $300 for any type of transport and be over an hour wait.
“You guys go. I’ll get the next one.” You didn’t want to, but you were the only one sober enough to use the app and the streets were busy enough while you waited for your ride.
“Are you sure?” She looked hesitant, Izzy was already passed out asleep in the backseat. 
“Yes, go. Tell Dan he’s welcome.” You tried to smile reassuringly but it felt forced.
Cassie noted the struggle in your voice but before she could push back, you opened the door and gently nudged her inside. 
“Text me when you get home!” She shouted through the lowered window as the car pulled away.
Your fingers felt stiff as you tried desperately to find another rideshare, hell you’d pay through the nose for a cab at this point.
Then you felt it again. That icy sensation tingling along your spine and up your neck.
Whirling around all you could see was throngs of people rushing past into cabs, or onto the next bar that was open. 
A swirling mass of coats, hats, vibrant clothes in the hustle and bustle and then a flash of white. A pale face. A familiar face.
The man who’d been looking down at you from the club. People moved in and out, obscuring your vision of him but there he stood. 
You willed your feet to move, but your body betrayed you in every sense of the word. Run. Move. Anything. 
He was moving towards you now, each movement fluid and calculated. Why hadn’t you just shoved yourself into that damn car with your friends?
What had possessed you to just…not get in?
Somehow the neurons in your body started firing again and you were able to turn tail and run. Bolting as fast as you could down the sidewalk. Weaving in and out of groups of people.
Where the hell were you going? It didn’t matter, you just needed to move. To get out of there as fast as possible. Your sneakers splashing through a puddle as you rounded a corner. 
A small convenience stores lights called to you from just a little ways away. You could get in there and call for help. Call the police. 
Your arm began reaching out even before you could realistically grab the door handle. Fingers stretching, so close!
Then a hand shot out, grasping your wrist and tugging you into the dark alley to the side. You tripped over your own feet, tumbling to the ground, skirt catching on the rusted edge of a dumpster.
The vice remained on  your arm, but now laughter accompanied it.
“Well aren’t you a sweet little thing?” A large hulking man hovered over you, bald, with a stained shirt, beady eyes that seemed to glint red in the moonlight. He smelled sour, a thumping in your chest increased.
As if he could hear the uptick in your heart rate he chuckled to himself. Sniffing the air, bear paw of a hand holding you tightly.
“You smell delicious.” You shuddered understanding the implications, tugging your wrist even though it was futile. 
“Let me go!” You screamed even though you were sure no one could hear you. 
“Not a chance precious.” He grinned, an evil look danced across his face, mouth parting and then you could see two glimmering white fangs. Elongating before your very eyes.
Then you knew this was it. It was over. You wouldn’t get to see Cassie get married, see Izzy get her graduate degree, you’d never buy your own house or settle down yourself.
Your eyes squeezed shut waiting for the end. But then you heard a shout and suddenly your wrist was freed and the man before you was rolling across the pavement. 
His own attacker on top of him, the sounds of a scuffle and tearing flesh.
You crawled off to the side, your fingers felt numb against the cold pavement. You could hear the brawl happening to the side of you but you tried to ignore it.
Instead attempting to lift your body up, willing your knees to stop shaking so you could stand. So you could run.
A shout rang out, bouncing off the enclosed space and the bald man stumbled back a few paces. A huge hand grasping the side of his neck where blood was shooting out in spurts.
That ice water chill shot through your veins once more, the dark haired man stood back facing you, panting. His shoulders rising and falling underneath his stained hoodie.
The other man, no- vampire, pulled back eyes darting to yours.
Narrowed as if second thinking his retreat but the snarl that came from your protector-reassured the idea that leaving was the best idea.
The words froze in your mouth, was thank you enough? Could you even form a coherent thought right now? Heart still racing.
The dark haired man looked back at you and the shudder that ran through your body nearly knocked you back to the ground.
Blood soaked the front of his sweatshirt and smeared along his mouth. A mouth that held two sharp canines, equally covered in red.
His eyes looked wild, scratches marred his clothing from the fight. A lump in your throat tightened watching the drop of blood drip from his mouth into a puddle at his feet.
You felt along the wall to your side, desperate to stabilize yourself and begin running again.
You weren't sure how, maybe he could read thoughts, you'd never met a vampire before. But he was on you in less than a blink.
His hands gripped your biceps, pushing your back into the wall behind you. His eyes were so black you couldn’t see the pupil, but when the light caught on them from a passing cars headlights you swore they were red.
Your body was frozen to the spot, limp in his grasp.
“Why do you smell so goddamn good?” He pressed his face into the crook of your neck, snarling against the heated skin. 
His scruff scraping against you, his tongue darting out to lick a long stripe up the column of your throat.
The noise that escaped your mouth must have pleased him, because you could feel him muffle a sound of amusement against you.
Billy had been a vampire for so long now, years of practice controlling his hunger and urges but this girl seemed to unravel all that. 
If he’d been newly turned he would’ve torn into her throat without a second thought. Allowing the hot blood to flow unencumbered into his mouth. 
It took almost all his control to not just bite and drink all that he could. Pulling back, his once slicked back hair now falling into his face. 
Framing his pale skin and dark blood red eyes, fangs protruding as he huffed a laugh at her expression. He must’ve been quite a sight. Torn from the pages of horror comics.
Her heart was thundering in her chest, those gorgeous eyes wide and beautiful full lips parted in fear but, hell, what would they look like parted in ecstasy?
Billy could feel his pants becoming tighter just at the thought. No. He needed a taste. Something to whet his appetite, nothing lethal. 
His thumbs rubbed at the exposed skin on her arms where he held her firmly in place. 
“Please let me go.” She stammered, it was soft, pleading. It tugged at a long forgotten part of him that remained from his time as a human.
It almost worked.
“No I can’t do that. Not yet.” 
Leaning in Billy kissed the side of your neck. Sucking a long slow spot where your shoulder met in a delicate crease. Another delicately placed kiss to the clavicle, working his way up to nip at your ear.
Your treasonous body relaxed into his grasp, turning to soft putty under those strong hands that still held you in place. 
His eyes fell shut, smothering a groan against your skin as he could smell your own arousal dampening between your legs.
Why was this girl making things so much harder for him?
Some vampires chased their prey, claiming the fear and adrenaline pumping through their victims bodies was the closest they could get to a high they had experienced as humans.
Billy disagreed. Pleasure tasted so much sweeter than fear. That metallic tang was pleasant when you were a newbie. A fresh kill that had you feeling dangerous and all powerful.
But desire? Lust? There was no comparison. It trumped all other emotions flooding the system when he fed. It made him feel truly alive and lulled his generous donors into a blissful relaxed state.
In a swift movement, he had your hands pinned overhead. Holding them tight against the brick wall. He was so close to you now, his breath scattered the few stray strands of hair that had fallen over your shoulder.
A strong muscled leg inched between your own, spreading them apart millimeter by millimeter. You bit your bottom lip so hard it drew blood. 
Dark eyes immediately darted to your face, sniffing the air once. All while keeping both your hands pinned with his inhuman strength, the other hand drifting to capture your chin.
Holding it in place before sucking your bottom lip into his mouth. You cursed yourself as shockwaves of pleasure soared through your bloodstream. Both of you moaning at the sudden sensations.
“Are you going to kill me?”
The man before you pulled back at that. Eyes that had been fixed on your lips now lazily drifting over the rest of your face before making contact with your own. 
His thumb grazed your lip that was now swollen from where he’d sucked the rivulet of blood free. 
“No.” He paused, as if to say something else but then thought better of it. At that you felt your body relax, sinking against his raised leg. 
His knee rose further up, pressing into you firmly enough you gasped at the contact. He bounced it higher, your sneakers scraping desperate for purchase onto the ground, but they no longer made contact . 
“That doesn’t mean I’m not going to have some fun with you.” 
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smuttycentre · 8 months
Word Count:
Summary: Stefan and Damon Salvatore are tired of fighting over Elena so they decide to please each other.
Warnings: sibling sex, incest, unprotected sex, bottom Stefan, top Damon
Author Note: This is set at the start of the show and the brothers are sick of fighting over Elena.
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It was almost midnight at the Salvatore house and Stefan and Damon were in the living room drinking their nightly Bourbon.
“What’s got you down, brother” Damon smirked.
Stefan looked and him and took a sip of his drink. “Aw come on Brother, don’t you want some brotherly advice?”
“Well, I say you need to drop the bunnies, drop the Elena and drink. Enjoy yourself”
Stefan looked at Damon “Why should I listen to you when all you’ve done since you’re got here is murder three people and left one person alive in the woods to tell everyone.”
Damon vamp sped over to Stefan. “Is that a challenge, Brother?” Damon said as he took his brothers glass out of his hand and drank the rest of it. “Oops, I’m thirsty”
Stefan stood up off the couch and just stared intensely at his brother. Stefan hated his brother but something about this night, he seems almost charming. Stefan never understood why girls would fall head over heels for Damon’s bad boy act but while staring at his brother in this moment, there was something enchanting about him.
Damon gave him a judging look of confusion “Don’t look at me like that brother. I’m not Elena. You look like you want to fuck me.”
With that Damon sped away. Stefan sped after him and tripped and both Damon and Stefan fell to the floor looking at each other with Stefan on top.
Stefan just stared into his brothers eyes. Damon was about to make a comment but stopped himself and just looked at his brother. Their eyes were locked for so long that Stefan had to look away but the only place he could look was Damon’s lips.
Damon noticed this and licked his lips making them moist. Stefan watched in awe as he made eye contact with his brother again before slowly dropping down for a kiss.
There was something so wrong, but so right with this. Stefan was just enchanted with his brother and Damon was enjoying the attention. This was the first person in a long time that he didn’t have to compel to make him feel something.
Damon tilted his head to try to get closer with his brother. Stefan moved his hands to his brothers dark hair and gave it a little tug.
Damon was growing stiffer in his underwear which was pressed against his brothers crotch which was also growing.
Although Stefan started the kiss, Damon was in control. He made every move and was exploring his brothers mouth. He could taste the bourbon.
Damon ripped off his brothers jacket and shirt leaving him topless and showing off his muscles. Damon then used his vamp strength to get on top his brother and took off his own top.
They carried on kissing until Damon started moving down his brothers body. Stefan could only moan and close his eyes and just feel every touch, every kiss and every sensation his brother was leaving on his body.
Damon worked his way back up to his brothers mouth and started to move his lower body up and down his brother. Both their jeans were rubbing together and the tightness made both their dicks tingle and get even more hard.
Damon separated and stood up. “Let’s not ruin the rug Brother. Come” He held out his hand. Stefan took it but before they could take off to the bedroom, Stefan said:
“No, I want you to fuck me right here on the wall”
Damon looked at his brother and smiled and vamp sped pushing Stefan into the wall. Stefan moaned and Damon carried on kissing him.
Damon started to unbuckle his belt and opened his buttons on his jeans. He took out his penis which was 7 inches and fully erected and thrusted himself against his topless brother.
The feeling of Damons dick rubbing against his brothers jeans was so hot for Damon. They carried on kissing and thrusting until Damon started to undo his brothers bottoms.
He pulled them down exposing his long, hard 6 inch dick. Damon grabbed both their dicks and started rubbing them together. Both of them were moaning and breathing the same air.
“Please Brother. Fuck me.” Stefan moaned in between kisses.
Damon smirked and lifted up his brother. Stefan wrapped his legs around his brother whilst his back being on the wall. Damon, holding on to Stefan’s ass cheeks, spread them apart and lowered his brother slowly onto him. He was now inside him. Raw.
Stefan had to close his eyes from the pain and pleasure that he was feeling. His mouth was wide open waiting for his brother to get back into it.
Damon moved his hands to Stefan’s back, supporting him. Stefan’s legs were still tightly around Damon with one hand on the wall and the other around his brothers neck, holding on.
Damon began thrusting so fast in his brother it was like a rollercoaster. Damon liked it rough and kept going faster. Stefan has never been treated this rough and was enjoying every second. The thrill of his brother taking charge was over whelming.
Damon kept thrusting faster and faster until he came. He gave 4 loads to his brother. Tensing and showing off his muscles with every thrust of ejaculation. Stefan could feel the warm seed of his brother inside him.
Damon kissed Stefan again as he lifted him off the wall and took him to the couch and laid him down, still inside him, still on top.
“That was amazing brother” Stefan said.
“Uh uh uh” Damon tutted. Stefan opened his eyes and looked confused. “You’re forgetting to cum on me”
Stefan was so satisfied from his brother that he forgot to cum. He got of the couch and pushed his brother onto it. He then straddled his brother, leaking cum out of his arse and started to wank. It only took a few seconds before Stefan came all over his brothers body.
A bit landed on Damon’s lips and he slowly licked his lips and swallowed what he could.
Stefan then collapsed on top of his brother. Both of them panting and sweaty.
Damon put his finger up Stefan’s cum-filled arse and got a bit of his cum on his finger. Stefan looked and Damon.
“Drink up” Damon said as he nodded towards his finger. Stefan looked at his brothers cum and sucked it off his finger.
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celebtf · 8 months
The meet and Greet experience: The Vamps - Conner and Brad
" And we have a Winner, Jake and Mike From New York, Congrats buddies, you have won the 2 tickets plus Meet&Greet passes till tonights The Vamps show here in New York, have fun "
Me and Jake couldn't really believe this, yes we are two 23 year old boys listening to The Vamps still. Their music is pretty good but me and Jake mostly listen to the band because the bands members are incredably hot, my favorit is Brad, he just looks so good and sings amazing. Jake is all for Connor, he's the bands bassist, very hot, my second favorit after Brad ofcourse.
A few days later we got the tickets and the Meet&Greet passes in the mail, we were so excited, not only to be front row but also to actually meet the guys.
We got to the Arena earlier then we needed that day, just to go to the toilet and just prepare mentaly, I haven't been able to sleep at all these days, I'm just soo excited. I told jake to hold my spot in the que and ran to the bathroom, I had my ticket and Vip badge on so if I miss something i can come in later or a bit after Jake. When I was Washing my hands I saw Brad coming out from the toilet. He looked so good in his blue shirt.
" Hey man, sorry, thought I was alone in here " Brad said, he notice my badge " So I see you're coming to the show later " he smiled and I asked him for a quick selfie and he agreed and I took up my phone and snaped a selfie with me and Brad.
Brad left and I was just checking out myself in the mirror, my roots were turning darker, which was weird, my cheeks loosed a bit of fat and my jawline was more dominant now, my eyes went from dark brown to green-blue. I was turning into Brad, I felt my dick grew, It was an awful feeling, but felt good too. I wish I could just stroke ome out, but I new I didn't have much time. I checked myself in the mirror and went to find Jake.
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Mike was really taking his sweet time on the toilet, damn, I was starting to get annoyed. I just wanted to go to the toilet too, I been holding his spot for some time now.
My phone started calling, I didn't know this mumber, but I assumed Mike lost his phone.. again, he always do it.
" Hello, Jake, hii are you there" the voice was not Mike's, this man was brittish and I didn't know anybody that were brittish. " Just Come to the blue door at the other side of the house quick, trust me"
I left the que and went to the other side of the house like the man said. And I was greeted by a big shock, It was Brad from The Vamps.
" Hey Jake, hurry, get inside. I know this sounds crazy but I took a photo of Me and Brad and now we have switched bodies" Mike is that you, but how? And how can I.. you know, do the same? " Go to the bathroom and I will get your person." I went to the Bathroom and waited.
" Conner meet my.. umm.. this my cousin, he's coming to the gig tonight, and he's a big fan of yours " Mike..I mean Brad came inside with Conner, I thought I was going to pass out right there, he looks so hot, I need to hide my hard-on.
" So Brad's cousin, let's get a picture together, I can't find my phone, Brad can we use yours " the new Brad Gave Conner his phone and we took a picture.
" Nice to meet you bro, but I have to set up for tonights show, ser you later " conner left but I felt weird, like and Electric feeling.
I looked in the mirror, my hair shortend, jaw became more dominate and nose changed my eyes too and I grew a feet too, and the feeling in my pants, it was growing for sure. I looked in the mirror, I saw Conner, it actually worked, I looked back at Brad " You look so hot Jake... I mean Conner"
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" Five minutes to Warm up guys" we need to be out om stage now, me and Brad left the bathroom.
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" Meet me in my room tonight, for some extra fun " Brad whispered in my ears. " We will have some extra fun while we can " and he came me a smirk, and I felt myself getting hard on stage.
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sp-by-april · 1 month
I’ll have a 🍒x💚 with a side of 🦇&🐣 with some⚡️sauce, please!!
We got 2 Vamp Kyle orders, I love it! 🥰 Also, without direction, it's taking me longer to figure out storylines, so I apologize. I'm already running 1 story behind. 😭😭😭 Sorry I'm working out the kinks here but I think I finally figured it out!! anyway
F!Reader x Kyle, Vampirism & Breeding kink, rough and ready! Order up!
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Vamp!Kyle x F!Reader
[Order from the Smut Cafe] [Kyle Broflovski Master List]
I had just found out that my boyfriend Kyle was a fucking Vampire. It’s not really the kind of thing you sleep on. It’s the kind of thing that hits you like an avalanche. He stressed to me that he was still Kyle. He still loved me. He still wanted me.
I needed time to adjust. He didn’t want to give it to me.
We were in our bedroom, and he pinned me to the bed.
He was sniffing my neck as his fingers skimmed from my knee, up my black silky robe, to my naked slit.
“I wouldn’t hurt you,” He sighed as he pushed his fingers inside of me, “I love you,”
“I know,” I moaned softly as his fingers curled and he began to massage the spot inside he knew would make me come.
He felt so good and knew so well that it wasn’t long until I was moaning his name over and over as I saw stars and my knees started to shake.
I panted as he withdrew his fingers from me.
“I can smell your pheromones. Your arousal,” He put them to his mouth and licked at my slick, “You’re ovulating. Did you know that?”
I was shocked. I thought all there was to vampirism was a long life of blood drinking.
“Your body wants me,” He sat up and started to unbutton and unzip his pants, “It’s begging for me,”
“Kyle – I –“ I stammered. I couldn’t form a coherent thought.
Especially not once he was on full display. I liked a lot of things about Kyle, but having a great dick didn’t hurt. Right then he was so hard every vein was bulging and he was dripping wet. He was right, I did want him.
He pushed inside of me without any warning and I gasped for air. He was so thick that he always pushed my body to its limits at the best of times.
He started to thrust right away. He didn’t build up a rhythm at all.
He curled his hand around my throat and started to use his hold on me to forced me harder onto his cock.
I was so loud, I worried our neighbors would think I was being murdered.
He ran his tongue over my nipple and nearly yelped as he bit into my breast. The pain subsided into extreme pleasure as I could feel him drinking from me, little by little.
He pulled his mouth off of me and a small trickle of blood stained his lip.
He thrust into me hard, slamming into my soft cervix and I cried out.
“If I give your body what it wants,” He lapped at my nipple again, “You’re gonna get so swollen and sore that you’ll be begging me to drink from you like that,”
I couldn’t believe what he was saying.
“What does my body want?” I choked out.
“It wants me to breed you,” He was practically purring as he used his hold on me to slam me down on him again, “I’m going to give you want you want for once,”
I tried to speak again but I was overtaken. My body really was running the show. My every muscle seized up and my back arched to fucking sky. A loud, quivering moan spilled out my mouth and the soft, warm walls inside of my core fastened up around Kyle’s cock and gripped him like my life depended on it. Maybe it did.
A deep growl emerged from Kyle and his eyes rolled back as he bared his fangs. He pulled his hand off my neck and buried them right in my neck. He sucked and drank from me as his cock pulsed and he filled me up with spurt aft hot, wet, spurt.
When he finally pulled off of my neck, a slant smile slid over his face, “You’re really mine now,”
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nighhtwing · 3 months
the oversexualization of dick grayson in grayson comics </3 an overview:
or how many times can someone mention dick grayson's attractiveness in one series (the answer is a lot)
secret origins (2014) #8: "'A review from 'circuspeanuts.com' states, 'Young Dick is fearless and charismatic, with a disarming smile...'"
secret origins (2014) #8: "He is quite handsome, and if he is as charming as they say, well--it is often said to know a man is to love him." —minos
grayson #1: ticket collector watches, captivated, as dick walks away
grayson #1: "I can read the electrical activity inside that pretty head [...] If you get away, I won't remember that charming face." —midnighter
grayson #4: "One of my cameras caught a rare and beautiful sight. A man. [...] I'm talking about some prime Hollywood beefcake. Nice bahookie on 'im too. Couldn't get a good shot of 'is face, but what good's that anyway." —one of the students
grayson #4: "Now, where are those ripplin' shoulders?! I want 'em!" —one of the students as they're trying to stalk dick
grayson #4: "Sexy Tarzan-man me Jane." / "No, me Jane!" —two college students as dick swings in from the trees
grayson #4: "A gay French gymnast? I'll be writing stories about you, Agent 39. Sexy stories." —dr elisabeth netz
grayson #6: "Your nifty Hypnos tech trick may make it so I can't see Spyral agents' faces...but I'd know that ass anywhere." —midnighter
grayson #8: "I...I have to confess it. I love. Gym." "Oh yeah. Best subject. By far." "Nah. Not 'gym.' 'Jim.' That's what I named the right cheek. Left one's Juan. An' he's a fine one that Juan. But my heart belongs to Jim." "I can see that." "Poor Juan though. (sigh) He's going to need comforting. Lots and lots of comforting." "But it's all like a waste though, right? I mean, he's gay." "Ah, Janni. Don't yeh understand. Paris is gay...that doesn't stop me from wanting to climb up on its Eiffel Tower." —students ogling dick
grayson #8: "Y'know, after all's said and done...I may just have to give Juan another chance." "(sigh) Poor Jim." "He'll need some comfort." "Lots and lots of comfort." —students ogling dick's ass after he shot paragon in the heart
grayson #10: "I wouldn't have been so taken by a common thief with the most beautiful butt I have ever seen...and an unusually well-developed penchant for duplicity." —duchess
grayson #10: "I pulled autopsy reports for all of the murdered agents, Director Bertinelli. The depth of the bludgeoning injuries is consistent with the muscle-strength locked into Agent 37's lovely arms." —dr elisabeth netz
grayson #12: "You know, Agent 37, after watching you fight for my Spyral all this time, this is not at all how I imagined meeting you. I think I just assumed you'd have your shirt off. Oh well, my loss really." —agent zero ii, luka netz
grayson annual #2: dick is so sexy that, when stopping hypnos, one of the fists of cain was so shocked by his sexiness that she got distracted enough to get knocked off her motorcycle
grayson #13: dick is fully nude in front of dr elisabeth netz and makes his discomfort known
grayson #15: "So, question. You all have names. Robin, Red Robin, Red Hood. Except leader-guy. All the Robins just call him "Tight Ass." For various reasons.
grayson #20: "By the way, now that I am in this gorgeous body, I can tell you with some certainty that the only woman Dick Grayson ever truly loved was named Barbara--" —dr. daedalus
grayson annual #3: "I should have known something was wrong when I couldn't see his face. Then again, the danger of the situation, the enormous pressure of encountering four simultaneous vampires--oh who am I kidding. I was distracted by his butt. Hell, if I was a vamp, I'd bite him, too. I had minutes, maybe less, before that beefcake became a body bag." —constantine
grayson annual #3: dick's just getting ASSAULTED by vampires btw. getting called "luscious"
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samiwife · 10 months
guess whos back w male vamp reader 🔥🔥 okay hear me out, possessive vamp nikki sixx x vamp male reader, this request is in fact smut 🙏🙏 TAKE AS MJCH TIME AS U NEED SINCE IK U LITERALLY JST FINISHED MY LAST REQUEST 🫶🫶🫶
Sure, thanks for being so kind about the timing <3 Thank you for your request and support <3
Pay Attention 𓆩♡𓆪 (Nikki Sixx x Reader)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
☾ ⋆*= Incorrect Quotes
T/W: Slut-shaming, Blow-jobs, and Revenge/ Rough sex. (Reader discretion is advised)
Tonight was one of those late-night parties, Nikki always took you to. He would always show you off. He would always say how gorgeous you look and how your dick would quiver when you see him. You always begged for his attention at parties. You're pretty much an attention whore for Nikki. You constantly wanted attention from him. You would either flirt with other guys to make him jealous or dress slutty for him to notice. Tonight was that night. You wore fishnets and a tight tank top. You also wore a tight black skirt. You knew Nikki loved it when you wore tight clothing. It shows more of your ass and thighs which is what Nikki loved most about you. You walked out of your room and waited for Nikki in the living. Nikki walked out and stared at you up and down.
"So baby, what are your thoughts on my outfit?" You asked fluttering your eyes at Nikki. Nikki smirked slyly. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Who are dressing for?" Nikki asked moving closer to you. You smiled and kissed him on the lips.
"Nobody sweetheart. Can I just look nice for once?" You said biting your bottom lip gently. Nikki lets you go and sighs.
"Okay, just keep those thighs to yourself otherwise you'll be hearing from me," Nikki said tightly gripping your thigh causing you to yelp. Nikki smiled at your yelp and kissed your neck.
"Okay now let's go the guys are waiting for me," Nikki said pulling away from your neck. You nodded, grabbed his hand, and followed him out of the door and to Nikki's car. You sat in the passenger seat as you applied eyeshadow.
"Baby, you look so perfect. There's no need for makeup." Nikki said while driving. You sighed and closed the eyeshadow packet. You looked at Nikki with a pout.
"But Nikki, I want to look perfect around everyone." You said with a pout. Nikki smiled at you and leaned close to your ear.
"You don't have to look perfect for anyone else except me," Nikki said almost growling in your ear. You blushed brightly and you felt your skirt grew tighter. You looked at Nikki who was flashing his fangs.
"Okay fine, you got me. I won't put on the eyeshadow." You said sitting in your seat as Nikki drove. Nikki smirked and focused on his driving. You sat in the passenger seat looking at the clubs and bars Nikki drove by. Nikki quickly found parking and helped you out of the car. The two of you walked into the bar, as you walked you saw the guys waving down Nikki. Nikki looked at you and kissed you quick.
"Okay baby, the guys are calling for me. So could you be a doll and get us some beers?" Nikki asked smiling. You rolled your eyes and let go of his hands. Nikki started to chuckle and walked towards the boys. You walk to the bar, and the bartender assists you.
"Hey pretty boy, what do you need?" The bartender asks smirking slightly. You chuckled a bit and fluttered your eyelashes.
"Yeah, just 5 beers. It's for the table in the back over there." You said smiling and pointing at Nikki's table. The bartender nods and starts filling the glasses up. You stood there waiting for the drinks.
"So what is a cutie like you doing tonight?" The bartender said staring at you while sliding the glasses your way. You chuckle and lean closer to him causing your ass to stick out.
"Well, I wanted to stay home. But my boyfriend isn't paying attention to me. So I guess I'll be doing nothing tonight." You said smiling shining your pearly white fangs towards the bartender's way. The bartender chuckles and pulls you in closer.
"Is that so? How about you come here with me and we'll have fun?" The bartender whispered in your ear. You blushed and giggled a bit. The giggle caused Nikki to look over. Nikki's face turns stone cold. You noticed Nikki staring.
"Hmm I don't know, I don't think my boyfriend will be okay with that." You said biting your bottom lip slightly. The bartender looks down and then back up at you.
"He doesn't have to know, I'll give the attention that he didn't give you." He whispered causing your face to glow bright. You giggle louder using Nikki to walk towards the two of you. Nikki looked stern and angry. Nikki quickly pulled the two of you apart.
"Ack! Hey, what gives?" You said annoyed. Nikki grips your hand hard and drags you out of the way. You were shocked and stepped aside as you saw the horror unravel in front of you. Nikki quickly grabs the bartender by the collar and pulls him forward. You were even more shocked and scared Nikki would kill the poor guy.
"Don't ever touch him got it? If I ever see you flirting with my boyfriend, I'll fucking kill you." Nikki said angrily while showing his fangs. You ran towards Nikki, pulling him off of the bartender. Nikki looks at you sternly causing you to feel your stomach drop. You gulp the lump in your throat.
"Nikki, let's just go. You don't need to hurt him." You pleaded to Nikki. Nikki still looking angry grabs your arm and drags you out of the bar and to the car. Nikki pushes you into the passenger seat as he gets in the car. You two sat in silence the whole drive home. You were scared but at the same time, this is exactly what you wanted. You wanted Nikki's attention and you got it. Eventually, Nikki and you arrived home. Nikki quickly went inside as you followed behind. As soon as you walked through the doors, Nikki pinned you against the door with his strong arms.
"You want my attention?" Nikki said in your ear causing your knees to quiver. You just stayed silent, Nikki wasn't happy with that. Nikki wrapped his hands around your thighs and squeezed hard. Causing you to yelp.
"Answer me when I'm talking to you, do you want my attention?" Nikki sternly said in an almost growling tone. You gulped your nervousness and sighed
"Y-yes, I-I want your attention." You whimpered out. Nikki smiled and moved his hand higher to your ass and squeezed. You closed your eyes in pleasure.
"Then you better beg for me to give you attention," Nikki said leaving kisses around your neck. You groan Nikki's name and place your hands around his waist.
"I want you to fuck me like there's no tomorrow." You muttered out. Nikki smiled and lifted your head up to make you look at him. Nikki was tall and strong. But, most notably he was dominant.
"That's what I want to hear, now kneel for me, baby boy," Nikki demanded, and so you did. You went on your knees for Nikki. Nikki quickly unbuckles his belt and pulls down his pants exposing his large member. You wanted Nikki to fuck your mouth hard. You begin to twirl your tongue around Nikki's tip. Nikki began to moan out your name. Nikki couldn't take you teasing him. Nikki roughly deepthroats your pretty little mouth. In a matter of time, Nikki began to thrust his hips back and forth. Tears began to form in your eyes, Nikki was moaning out your name and began to thrust faster.
"God, you're such a fucking slut for me." Nikki moaned out. He gripped your hair hard as he fucked your mouth. You couldn't talk but having Nikki fill you up made you hard.
"Does my little slut like it when I fuck your mouth?" Nikki asked but you couldn't answer, you just nodded. Nikki chuckled and soon slid his member out of your mouth causing a loud pop to come from your lips. You took a minute to catch your breath.
"N-Nikki, f-fuck me." You said whimpering and quietly. Nikki looks down at you and smirks. Nikki rubs his member up and down.
"What did you say? I didn't hear you." Nikki said with a smirk. He wanted you to beg for him to fuck you and you knew.
"I said fuck me. I want you to fuck me till I can't walk." You demanded. Nikki smiled widely picked you up and pinned your back against the wall. Nikki tore off your skirt and fishnets. Nikki began to kiss your neck and leave bite marks.
"Oh my god Nikki, just fuck me." You demanded. Nikki hushed you and slammed his member into your entrance. Causing you to yelp and scream.
"Huh, what was that? I couldn't hear you over your yelping." Nikki teased. You gasped and held in your moans.
"Baby, there's no use of acting tough. You're mine and nobody else's got it?" Nikki boldly said as he slammed further into you. You couldn't mutter out a word, you just nodded. Which didn't make Nikki happy. He thrusted faster and deeper in you to get you to talk.
"Y-yes, I'm only yours and I-I won't flirt w-with other guys ever a-again." You whimpered out. Nikki thrusting at a steady pace looks down at you and smiles.
"Good, now I'll give the attention you long for," Nikki said. He began to thrust in and out. You moan out his name and Nikki groans in unison. You wrapped your legs around Nikki's waist. Nikki soon wrapped his fingers around your member and began to pump up and down.
"N-Nikki, I'm about to come." You muttered out. Nikki smiled down at you and thrust a little faster.
"Me too baby, I'll come with you," Nikki said out loud. And as soon those words left his lips, you came all over. You felt your hole fill up with Nikki's fluids. Nikki stopped thrusting to catch his breath. And soon Nikki pulled out. You smiled at him and snuggled your head in Nikki's neck. Nikki smiles and runs his fingers through your hair. Soon, Nikki princess carries you to the bathroom.
"Where are we going?" You asked raising your head up from Nikki's neck. Nikki places you on the bathroom counter. and turns on the bathtub and fills it up.
"Cleaning you up," Nikki said smiling. You look down in shyness and blush. Nikki walks in front of you and kisses your lips passionately. You let loose and kiss him back. You ran your finger through Nikki's hair as you kissed. Then you pull away.
"Can you stand?" Nikki asks you. You tried but you were too weak. Nikki chuckles and the bridal carries you to the bathtub. He gently places you in the tub.
"Shout for me, if you need anything," Nikki said smiling as he walked off to get cleaned off himself. You smiled looked down at the water and blushed.
"Nikki?" You shouted loudly causing Nikki to quickly stop walking and turn his head to face you.
"I love you." You said confidently while looking at him.
"I love you too Y/N," Nikki said smiling and winking.
A/N: Holy shit, this one was long wtf... haha hope you enjoyed <3
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