#nerd obi wan
byrdling · 2 months
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charmwasjess · 11 months
Lightsaber Theory: Obi-Wan "Sith Lords are Our Specialty" Kenobi consistently loses duels to Dooku not for any reason of technical form mismatch or lack of ability, but because Dooku is not even pretending to try to kill him. Resultantly, Obi-Wan can’t figure out what the fuck is going on when they fight. 
Obi-Wan: (preparing to defend an expected lethal strike) You’ll answer for your enormities, Count!
Dooku: (giving him the lightest love tap on the leg) Don’t be so sure, my special good lineage baby boy, so perfect in my eyes. 
Obi-Wan: …What?
Dooku: What?
Which Dooku and Obi-Wan proud lineage moment is even the most unhinged? There are so many to choose from! Is it Dooku’s frequent inability, both in AotC and TCW, to keep from spontaneously gushing about Sidious’s plans and even his own dark secrets to Obi-Wan?? Is it the time in Labyrinth of Evil where Dooku drags a long-suffering, bored Grievous over to watch a holorecording of Anakin and Obi-Wan thwarting his plans yet again, to point out how beautifully they’re working together as a team and how much he likes watching their lightsaber work evolve? Is it in the recent Brotherhood novel, where Obi-Wan just has to casually namedrop Qui-Gon to get Dooku to do exactly what he wants?
Obi-Wan is a big problem for Sidious in his mission to destabilize and corrupt Anakin, and Sidious knows it. He needs him out of the picture to do the same isolating, evil bullshit that worked so well when ensnaring Dooku himself. But the war has been going on for years now, and guess who remains inconveniently alive? And whose job was that to take care of? Oh yeah. I remember. His useless, Padawan assassin-collecting apprentice: fucking Count Dooku. By the time of RotS, Sidious has specifically ordered Dooku to make fucking sure Obi-Wan is dead only for him to completely ignore the command about a half-dozen times.
Going by the Stover RotS novelization, in the same scene where Dooku also literally refers to Obi-Wan as his fucking grandson actually, add that to our earlier list, Sidious reiterates that KILL OBI-WAN is the plan (over the sound of Dooku’s loud complaining) moments before that final duel.  I kind of wish we’d gotten a shot of Sidious's incredulous, enraged expression as Dooku knocks Obi-Wan unconscious and pins him safely out of the way. He is, once again, going out of his way to not kill Obi-Wan in that duel, and this time directly disobeying his Master to his face after they just had a conversation about it. You just know exactly what Sidious must be thinking at that moment. Oh, Dooku. You are so fucking fired.
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nhyhu · 2 years
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a little comic i did for @pencildragons !
stuff under cut
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^^^ without text, lineart, and sketches
basically obi wan left and went back to melidaan after the clone wars ended to essentially retire and cody and some of the 212th need to lay low for a while so they go and track down their former general. And they find him hands deep in dirt farming of all things, and theres this whole thing between cody and obi wan about how they fell out of the closeness they had when they were in war(theres a moon lit conversation that is in my head and not on paper I HAD IDEAS) and they miss each other, they really do, but they don't know how to function together without the war on their backs.
Now obi wan isn't only a farmer no no hes a busy boi, he also helps out at the local clinic/hospital because him having the force means it's easier to understand how people feel which means it's easier to diagnose the patients. So one day he's working and idk his neigbor or something knocks on his door, and the troopers that where living with obi wan are all like whos that, so cody goes and opens the door and it's just someone obi wan knows coming to ask him for some help, and that person is like who are you? so cody says he's a good friend of obi wan's and is visiting him, and that obi wan is at the clinic right now. The neighbor guy is like ok and goes to find obi wan.
And when the guy finds obi wan they go "obi wan i didn't know your boyfriend and his family is visiting" obi wan internally is going " boyfriend????" and obi wan goes along with it because it's a good cover for the clones. and when he gets back to his house he announces himself with "my dear im home" and he and cody bond via pretending to be a couple because it reminds them of having a mission. And with the whole fake couple thing they learn to be domestic with each other, and function together outside of a war setting.
Until the group of clones don't have to lay low anymore and they can go back to corusant. and both cody and obi wan are like, i should tell him i love him for real and they do and they live happily ever after :)
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pyromaniac4198 · 5 months
Silas: mand'alor, when I went to check on the prisoners one claimed to be literally climbing the walls with boredom
Jaster Mereel: what did you do about it?
S: I gave him a translation dictionary and the Supercommando Codex.
J: why are you laughing?
S: it wasn't a basic dictionary
Quinlan Vos, hanging off the wall like Spiderman: obi why are you not paying attention to me :(
Obi-wan: I am trying to read this book. It's difficult, since the translation dictionary is in shyyriwook but the parts I can read are absolutely fascinating.
Q: why is my best friend a nerd 😭
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xd-m1a · 5 months
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MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU GANGYY🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️🤑🤑🤑
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sendpseuds · 6 months
Same age knights AU where Obi-Wan is pretty sure Anakin is being groomed by a Sith Lord, even though they’ve been extinct for millennia and no one believes him.
He tries to warn his friend [well, they’re more frienamies but Obi-Wan’s not just going to let Skywalker fall to the dark side] but, unsurprisingly, Anakin doesn’t believe him. He calls Obi-Wan’s warning a pathetic jealous trick and “what do you know about the Sith anyway?”
Fine. Obi-Wan will learn everything there is to know about the Sith if it means he can stop this idiot from becoming an even bigger pain in the ass than he already is. He’ll learn their ways, confirm his suspicions, collect his evidence—
But there’s a problem.
The more Obi-Wan learns, the more sense it makes.
All he’d meant to do was prevent Anakin Skywalker’s fall.
He certainly hadn’t meant to trigger his own.
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goldleaf-art · 1 year
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One day i’ll draw the tatooine part of the tatooine codywan au i have rotisserie chickening in my head but it is not this day :)
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Eye Trios - Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
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sea-owl · 5 months
Why does Lord Debling kinda look like the regency version of Obi-wan Kenobi
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thivell · 2 months
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Jango was being rude so I'll come back and touch up design at a later- he do have secret flag colors if you can guess it right
They've lovingly been dubbed Drobi Wan (big boy dragon) and Dango
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charmwasjess · 11 months
Strap in for the Soresu form III Obi-Wan lightsaber post. This is gonna be a sad one, girlies. We’re getting into Obi-Wan’s Fucking Trauma. 
Qui-Gon’s death changed literally everything about Obi-Wan’s life, right down to the lightsaber form. Still a Padawan himself, he had to watch as an extinct monster from his nightmares* utterly took apart the form he’d learned since he was a child, and then, to complete the destruction, slaughtered the teacher who’d taught him the form and raised him. The devastation of Qui-Gon’s actual death had to be the last in a cascading series of horrors that started with the gut-sinking realization that Qui-Gon was losing. And if all of that weren’t enough, Obi-Wan also loses his own lightsaber in the same duel, a psychological blow to his personhood which we don’t have to guess at the significance of. Obi-Wan tells us the cost of it himself in AotC: this weapon is your life. 
The Duel of the Fates on a sheer physical level is a devastating thing to consider. It’s a grueling, full out running battle, the likes of which we don’t see elsewhere in the saga. The beauty (and pounding musical score) of the fight distracts from the sheer brutality of it. Maul is physically attacking them at every turn; he manages to kick Qui-Gon hard enough to knock all 6’3 of him off his feet; he dumps Obi-Wan into a fall that seems to be several stories high. We don’t see Obi-Wan get back up off the floor with Qui-Gon’s body at the end of the duel, and I’d be surprised if he was physically able to even stand again so after the adrenaline faded and the soreness and exhaustion took over. He just been whirled in a lightsaber blender. 
I can’t imagine how hard it was for him to pick up a lightsaber again after the trauma of that battle - much less, a new, unfamiliar one, not the kyber crystal that had been his since he was a child. The new canon’s emphasis on the spiritual relationship between a Jedi and their crystal makes this detail even more excruciating. The Ataru form itself must have felt broken and unusable. How can you put your trust in a form once you watched it be broken so ruthlessly?
And this is where Obi-Wan is so endlessly beautiful as a character. He goes through this horrifying experience of violent unmaking, and instead of avoiding lightsabers as an understandable trauma response, or picking up an overwhelming power and dominance form like V, he remakes himself into a master of Soresu: a form of simple, complete defense. He doesn’t attempt to become a weapon of attack like Maul did to disintegrate Ataru; he makes himself invincible, untouchable, with a perfect defense. Soresu works the pieces that fell apart for the Jedi in the Duel of the Fates to an advantage. It is a form of ultimate endurance, of playing out your opponent and staying up in a fight until the attacker is exhausted or angry. It preserves and it lasts. It is philosophical. It is considered. It lacks the showy flash of Makashi or Ataru and returns to the basics, even working in some of that battlefield meditation that Qui-Gon so believed in. And in that simple economy, it’s gorgeous and effective. 
I have to wonder: is Soresu, on some level, a form of kinetic self-soothing for a person who faced an incredibly traumatic battle at a young age? Does Obi-Wan use it that way?
All of this is perfectly in keeping with the themes of the character. Obi-Wan’s story remains about life, about hope, about survival. The word he uses to describe the Jedi to Luke in the OT is important to me. “Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice.” Guardians. And what better lightsaber approach for a person who sees his role as one of protection than a form whose signature move is called “The Circle of Shelter?”
*Maul, of course, is a tragedy in his own right, but that’s a different post. 
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daily-hanamura · 11 months
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Piecing together me and @tricksterscorvid's Star Wars AU is interesting.
recent thoughts:
I feel like Anakin would be nervous at his first command; The Death Star.... so for a while, a long while, he would have workers and such go through his Apprentice, Lord Kenobi, to get to him.
this of course would make rumors start that Vader was unapproachable, unpredictable, and possibly violent... cuz... you know... Sith Lords can be quite temperamental.
eventually Obi-Wan realizes this, and mentions something about it to Anakin. the following day Anakin arrives in the mess hall. all talking stops. all eyes on him. His response? "what. do I have something on my face?"
cautious tittering. the workers. do we laugh? do we not? is this a Sith trap? And then Lord Vader keeps TALKING.
within a few days, more and more of the crew start approaching Lord Vader, cautiously at first, then when they realize he's NOT going to kill them at the drop of a hat... he becomes one of the more popular people.
very soon when a new crew member joins the crew of Vader's Death Star, they're scared. having heard the old rumors of him being a terrible tyrant.
wordlessly the older staff take the new person to the tech bay, where Lord Vader sits in the middle of the floor, surrounded by droid parts, tinkering with various pieces.
"THAT'S Lord Vader?"
"yes. he's made at least 19 fully functional and very helpful droids in the past six months. reduced our workload by half. Go say hi."
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Star Wars Fun facts Part 1, WARNING:SPOILERS AHEAD, clone wars season 3 spoilers, also it’s long sorry.
The Mortis Gods: they had a 3 episode arc in the clone wars show, S3E15-17, They were the Son, the living embodiment of the dark side, the Father, the living embodiment of the balance of the force, and the Daughter, the living embodiment of the light side of the force, the Daughter also had an owl named Morai, they lived on mortis, a hidden force nexus where the Daughter grew life in the day and the Son destroyed it all at night. Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka find an odd thing in space while going to answer a distress call, and they are brought to mortis, they cannot contact the outside world. The Daughter brings anakin to the Father, he was brought their because he has the potential to take the Father’s place, keeping the Son and the Daughter from leaving mortis, while they are there, the Son takes control of Ahsoka, and tries to kill Anakin, who wanted to leave, The Son tried to kill the Father but the Daughter stopped him, getting stabbed in the process, Ahsoka was dying bc of the dark side possession and the Daughter was dying from her wound, her dying wish was that her remaining life force be transferred to ahsoka, saving her life and marking the first of 3 times ahsoka ends up in a situation where she should have died but something involving mortis happens and saves her. The Son shows Anakin the future to turn him to the dark side, and the Father has to erase those memories, The son ends up killing the Father, and Anakin kills the son, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahoska leave mortis, and the only survivor of mortis who has been seen since is Morai, the Daughter’s green convor, who is seen with Ahsoka in Rebels, Ahsoka, and the Mandolorian. In rebels the portal to the World Between Worlds is in a mural of the Mortis Gods. In the end of the Ahsoka show statues of the Mortis Gods are seen on Peridia. The statue of the Daughter is severely damaged.
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nerds-yearbook · 6 months
General Grievous made his first appearance in a animated Clone Wars short on April 8, 2004. The episode also featured Voolvif Monn (the wolfman Jedi) who was chosen to appear as a winner of a Cartoon Network choose a Jedi contest. ("Chapter 20", The Clone Wars, Star Wars TV Event)
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dysfunctionaldyslexic · 10 months
So rewatching the prequels and I noticed something
In the second movie when Obi wan jokes about Anakin being the death of him. Anakin says that he sees Obi wan as a FATHER figure “the closest thing i have ever had to a father”
Multiple times we have seen Obi wan say that Anakin is like a BROTHER to him. (In the movies and shows)
- which makes sense when you think about how young he was when to took on Anakin as a Padawan. He wan’t even sure if he was ready to be a knight let alone raise a 9 year old
While Obi wan and Anakin had an amazing and close relationship in both the movies and in clone wars. They also often had these like moments of frustration with each other that they never really talk about and definitely make it easier for Palpatine to make Anakin doubt Obi wan/their relationship.
With this information of Anakin looking at Obi wan as a father figure and Obi wan viewing himself more as a teacher/older brother it is easy to guess that it was probably frustrating, especially Anakin, if they did not realize they viewed the nature of their relationship differently.
A teacher pushes you and guide you to improve, but there isnt the emotional connection that a parent child or sibling relationship would have
An older sibling jokes with you and at you, dose fun things with you, gives you advice… and while closer than a teacher still not like a child and there parent
A parent teach their child, but they are mainly supposed to guid their child to adult hood. Helping them to understand who they are, what they are feeling and how the world work around them. They are who you go to with the really random questions. And most importantly they are supposed to be the one person you can always count on to be in your corner, who will tell you that you did a good job, that they are proud of you.
Especially with Palpatines manipulation influencing him (stepping in to overly lavish Anakin in praise while also feeding his insecurities) Anakins comments about Obi wan being overly critical make sense.
Similar to Anakins frustration with Obi wans “blind faith” in the Jedi code and refusal to disagree with the council. When anakin struggles to follow the code and has a rocky relationship with the council.
Anakin’s expectation of the relationship are different from Obi wan’s.
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