#nervous plays bass btw
birdietrait · 10 months
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nervvy's roomies and bandmates
top left: dez (he/him) - guitarist
top right: callie (she/they) - vocals
bottom left: chris (any) - drummer
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Hi, could you do the bachelor/ettes with an s/o that plays an instrument in the orchestra? (Violin, cello, viola, bass)
Btw love ur work, and I hope you are doing well <3
Bachelor/ettes x Strings Orchestra Player
My knowledge on instruments and music in general is very limited. So, expect mistakes. Still, this seems like a really fun ask (and cello is a really cool instrument), so I'd be happy to do it! I'm not sure if you meant in an orchestra as in the reader is actually in one or just an instrument from one, but the former seems more fun. Thank you for your patience in getting this done. Thanks for the ask, 🌙!
Oh, and I don't know how much tickets cost but I'm imagining they're expensive okay? Please don't get mad at me.
Oh, and an important(ish) announcement! My @ask-sdv blog is back up and running, now with a new coat of paint (aka I updated it a bit)! You can go an check it out and send in an ask if you want (it even has a running timeline!). So far we're on day two, so not much is there yet, but it will be soon!
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Join his band, please. He'd love to have another musician playing. And what better musician than the person he cares about most? Listen, I'm not sure how conventional it'll be to have strings instruments in a rock band (if he's doing a rock band, anyway), but Sam wants to make it fun and experimental anyway. And I know you're in an orchestra, so that may be hard (and he understands!), but he just really wants you there. The two have jamming sessions all the time together and use what knowledge you have on the other's instruments to help yourselves improve.
He's a big fan of the piano, being a classical-based pianist himself, so if you're playing something like violin or cello, he'd love to do a duet with you. I imagine on the nights when you're sick he likes to play a bit of piano to help you sleep, so he'd really appreciate if you'd do the same for him. Like Sam, he helps you practice. Pays a high fee to get the best seats when you play. Man is in crippling debt (probably still paying off his shack), but will put that all aside to see you shine. Not the best investment, but... Eh... It's worth it to him.
Also a piano player (well, keyboard). He's a little bit shy about his skills, so he's not as keen to play duets with you. But he'd love to listen to you do a solo! He's got an ear for mistakes and how to fix them, so he makes a great tutor. And he'll do it for free, too! Or maybe a plate of sashimi. But that's close enough.
He usually can't afford to get tickets for your show, and all the people make him really nervous - he's not very confident he'd look 'appropriate' there - but when he can and he'd feeling up to it he will try to go! He really does want to support you; he just needs some extra help anxiety-wise.
Adores listening to you play. He's quite the jazz guy, so if you're into playing that stuff he'd just fall in love (if he hasn't already). I like to think he comes from a rich family, though they don't really associate anymore, so he's had the chance to learn an instrument or two in his time - though I think he'd go for saxophone or French horn. So, he remembers a few bits and pieces to help you out with if you need it. But honestly, he just prefers to listen, mistakes and all.
Like I said, he's not really associated with his family anymore, and he's living in a small town in the middle of nowhere, so money is very tight. He can't really afford to go to your shows, so sorry about that. But his dream is to meet you backstage after you finish and give you the biggest gift of support he can. He gets so flustered seeing you all dressed up for your shows like that and can't help but take as many photos as possible.
Doesn't know anything about music, to be honest. He's a punk or alternative rock guy with a bit of an interest in metal, so if you're a classical musician it's going to be quite the change for him. But don't worry, he's still willing to sit down and listen! He can't provide much help but will show you CDs/tapes he's found in your genre. If you like his taste in music, however, oh boy; he's so happy. Again, not sure how strings instruments fit into death metal, but we'll make do. And who knows, maybe it's very common (though I doubt it).
Like Sebastian, he's not really looking forward to going to your shows due to his anxiety. Yeah, he's getting help for it and may be medicated, but that doesn't mean it's an instant fix! Situations like these where he feels out of place or unworthy can really trigger his self-doubt, so it's harder to go. But he has been able to save up for those really expensive shows Jas wanted, so he's doing better than Seb money-wise.
This man listens to The Beach Boys, '60s/'70s hits, and SWING BABY! Listen, this man is living in the past, okay? Metal is the biggest shock to him. It's the equivalent to showing a Victorian child TikTok to him. Please be patient. Anyways, if you're willing to play that sort of stuff he loves it! Well, he loves strings instruments in general but still! He loves it.
As for seeing your shows, he hasn't got the money for it, and Yoba knows he isn't asking his granny or grandpa for some. You'd honestly have to just pay for him, which would make him feel really guilty (he'd make up for it, though). He's also a little nervous in a suit; I headcanon that a lot or at least some of his confidence is a cover-up. But that all goes away when he sees you up there.
She enjoys listening to you play a lot. I think she'd like classical songs, 10 Hour Deep Sleep Rain Noise for Deep Sleeping videos, and Fernando by ABBA (plus the songs I have for her in my other post). As a child I imagine she'd wanted to learn viola, so meeting someone who plays that very instrument or at least something in the same family of it will make her heart soar. She loves just closing her eyes and listening to you play.
As for her shows, she could never get in on her own. Girlie is living in a trailer, and she doesn't even have a car to get herself there. You need to pay for her, end of story. And despite it happening all the time, she will still feel guilty about it. It's just how it goes with her. So, do not - I repeat, do not - make her feel even worse about it. She will cry (maybe, alone).
Artist x Artist of Different Medium? Let's go! I just love Leah so much and she's such a perfect partner you don't even understand. She'd be so supportive of you in your musical endeavors; always giving you encouragement and even doing a little bit of research so she can better provide constructive feedback! She also may or may not have designed a few album covers for your own music (if you make it).
Once her art business gets up and going, she finally has the money to buy tickets to the show (that is provided they don't sell out). She probably went to Haley and Emily for help in picking out the best dress for her to wear, and the two teased her over being so in love.
Musician x Musician? Yes please! She's currently working her way through mastering two instruments, so she'd be happy to help you out with yours. She plays her flute while you play your strings instrument in a wonderful duet that has the whole town captivated. You two make your own songs together and maybe even have a little 'band' on the side of Sam's!
Abigail has some money on the side for her shows, but in general she might have to ask for some money from her parents. Despite them being pretty strict about what her interests are, they do give her the money because they trust her and you. Abigail doesn't really have the best dress to wear, so she rocks the place by stealing borrowing her father's old suit.
Maru likes pretty much any music, but if you want to know the specifics check out my post I made for it in the General Headcanons post (link in my pinned post). Anyway, she loves what you do. Maru's definitely recorded you playing to a tape that she's looped to play when she's working. Demetrius is getting a bit sick of it, but Robin finds it cute.
I feel like Maru doesn't get paid much for her work as a nurse at the clinic. It's not that Harvey doesn't want to, it's just he's barely keeping the business afloat and he literally can't pay Maru any more without crashing the clinic as a whole. Maru understands this, and so does her family, so it's no biggie having to ask for a little cash just this one time. They happily pay, and Maru gets to go to your orchestra while donning an absolutely amazing outfit curated by Emily.
Speaking of Emily, she's quite the fan. She prefers upbeat tunes she can dance to, but if you're more of a mellow or sad type she'll still listen. I feel like Emily would really like to come up with unique dances for each of your songs - dances that rarely fit the theme. But in her words, "it's about how the song makes you feel, not how it's supposed to look."
Emily and Haley are having the easiest time getting to see one of your shows. Their parents are rich, rich enough to go and get milk on a holiday, so it's no problem for them to leave some extra money for their daughters. Emily spends a lot of money and effort making the perfect dress for the night, and you can easily spot her from the crowd due to all the fancy colours and frills.
Haley isn't the biggest fan of any music that isn't pop, so she's not as excited to hear you play. But don't be fooled; because it's you she's listening to, she'll sit there and hear it through. She doesn't hate it by any means, it just doesn't really grab her attention. But she would love it if you were to do a cover of one of her favourite songs. Now that is something she could listen to for hours.
As for going to one of your shows, Haley's all down for it. As I said, money's no issue. She takes you, Emily, and herself on a shopping trip in Zuzu City to get the one and only best dress for the occasion, no matter the cost. She'll have the room for it too after she cleans out her wardrobe. At the show, she's kind of bored, but passionate enough about you to loudly shush anyone talking.
Hello! I am doing well, 🌙, thank you for asking. I hope you are doing well too! With my @ask-sdv blog now open for asks, I'd really love it if people took the time to send stuff in. And this time with all the free time I've got I'll be able to actually get to them on time, haha... Anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
Hi!! I saw that headcanon requests for the Repugnant members was open and as a Repugnant stan I can't not join in (I love yalls headcanons btw, you're kinda who inspired me to do headcanons but I'm too nervous to reveal who I am at this exact moment)
Could you do headcanons of the Repugnant members (or just Mary if you don't wanna do all of them) catching their S/O trying on their clothes and making silly poses in the mirror with their instruments/drumsticks?
Repugnant catching their s/o mimicking them in front of a mirror
Mary Goore
They've been looking for their favorite leather vest for a while now.
After a while they've figured out they must've left it at your place when they were over last time.
So they simply went to your place and got in using the spare key you gave them.
They would have to come over soon anyway. Since they also left their guitar at your place as well, deciding to leave it there for a while after you asked them to teach you a few riffs.
They didn't hear you do anything at first, so they just assumed you weren't around.
Until they came over to your bedroom and heard not only their guitar, but also their partner trying to imitate their growls, clearly trying to do your own little attempt of a Repugnant concert.
They leaned against the doorframe like a lesbian would (something DD teased them about relentlessly) and watched.
You even nailed the little speech they gave before Morbid Ways.
And then, just as you were about to announce the title of the song, you heard a familiar voice growl it out instead.
"Mary?! The fuck, dude?! Scared the shit out of me!"
And they just grinned, pulling you into them with a corny "Mary Goore 2.0" joke.
And then, finally taking their vest off you... as well as the rest of your clothing.
Yup, they fuck you over it.
Are you really surprised?
DD Sars (fwb, not s/o)
He was getting frustrated, not able to find his favorite shirt.
He spent the night at Mary's, since he got wasted last night and their place was simply closer to where he was.
Yes, they did fuck. But that's besides the point.
He ended up taking one of Mary's shirts before heading home.
And as it turned out, you decided to stay for the weekend again. Which was fine, of course. He gave you a key for a reason.
Though it did surprise him a bit to hear his guitar playing "From Beyond the Grave" in his bedroom.
And so he sneaked in there to see you. In his favorite shirt, with his guitar. Imitating the glare he would always give Mary when they started to say dumb shit on stage.
And seeing that made him snicker, which in turn absolutely fucking terrified.
"What are you doing here?!"
"I live here, you stupid cunt."
"... oh. Right."
He's gonna make fun of you for a month.
G. Grotesque
He loves his family. But he also loves his bass. So when his aunt decided to visit his family for a weekend, he wanted to make sure his precious instrument was safe from his very young cousins.
Naturally, he left it with you. His darling, his sweetheart, his pookie, the love of his life, his beloved partner.
And now he was going to visit to pick his bass back.
Maybe (hopefully) get a cuddle session.
And a few kisses.
Okay, lots of kisses.
And since he decided to make this a surprise visit, he did not expect to see you attempting to do a riff from "Another Vision" in his battle jacket that he forgot at your place.
You were failing miserably, hitting the correct notes with luck instead of skill, considering you didn't even hold the guitar properly. Clearly more focuses on making silly poses than actual music.
And fuck, it was absolutely adorable in his eyes. He didn't have the heart to stop you.
Once you finally notices him, the just hugged you, kissing all over your face and repeating how cute you were.
E. Forcas
You felt cold while watching a movie together at his place, so he gave you one of his grey hoodies to warm you up.
And after the movie, he went to make you guys more tea. He had those cool, really big cups that you really liked.
And as you waited in the living room for him to come back from the kitchen, you could hear his fingers drumming against the kitchen table. Sometimes you wondered if he even realized he did that, or it was just a habit of him drumming whenever he had nothing else to do with his hands.
Speaking of drumming, as you waited, you got bored, too. And then you saw his drumsticks. And so you picked them up, pretending to play the drums, imitating the sounds it would make with your mouth.
You didn't even realize when he came back, somehow managing to always be almost completely quiet. But you did realize what you were doing when you saw his amused, yet adoring look.
"I've... made an idiot out of myself, huh?"
He just patted your shoulder before quietly offering to let you try doing it again, but on his actual drum set.
The way your eyes lit up in excitement told him everything.
He showed you a bit of how to play some of their songs. Slower than he would actually play them on stage, of course.
While you had something else planned originally, there was something very endearing in seeing you play (well, attempt to play) his instrument, so he just let you have your fun.
Written by Nosferatu (Jez).
Taglist: @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @thermodynamic-comedian @vampyrolesbos
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a-writes3 · 4 months
Chapter One: The Offer
Fatin Jadmani x reader
the wilds band au.
I promise it'll get better I just never know how to start stories. BTW all of their songs will be existing songs in the world from a bunch of different artists. I will be making playlists of songs in each chapter.
series masterlist
Living in L.A there are a lot of bands trying to make it big, get record deals. But The Unsinkables were different, they had an instant draw to them. Talent and charm that couldn't be matched, a stage presence that captured everyone's attention at once. The Unsinkables are also a sapphic band, a band of women for women, they are all of the queer community wrapped around their fingers.
There was Shelby, the bands lead singer and rhythm guitarist. The blonde was known as the sunshine of the group, always smiling and cheering others up. she is also in a relationship with fellow bandmate Toni, who is the Lead guitarist, though hot headed at times she has a heart of gold and will only come after you if you hurt those she cares about.
Dot, the drummer, is everyone’s masc dream. rumored to hook up with fans backstage and at after parties. a stone exterior at first after a life of hurt and disappointment but the softest person when you get to know her.
and then there’s Fatin, the bass player, everyone in the world has a crush on her and basks in the attention. she's hot and she definitely knows it, uses it to her advantage often. pushing lovers away after a day is normal for her, she keeps a lock around her heart for fear of it being broken. she can be icy at first but deep down, she cares deeply.
Shelby walks into the local music center, which is filled with practice rooms and walks through the halls, glancing though the small windows in the doors. Near the end of the hall, she finally finds who she is looking for, y/n, sitting in a room at a piano playing a melody that she seemed to have written, going back and forth between the keys and the paper she was writing notes on as she went. The blonde knocks quietly on the door and you look up to meet her eyes through the glass. Getting up and opening the door, Shelby gives you a friendly smile. You had known the girl since high school, you were in choir together throughout the years. The friendship has grown quite a lot, you consider each other best friends. though in recent times with her band, the closeness isn’t quite the same, she’s always busy.
“Hi Shelby” you offer her a smile back while making space for her to enter the room.
“Hey, y/n” she seems nervous, picking at her fingernails a bit.
“Is there something wrong?”
“No, not at all. I just had a little question for you.”
“Oh, go ahead.” you couldn’t help but feel nervous too at the question.
“So, my band needs a new keyboard player. and I thought of you.” she must’ve sensed wariness from you and continued quickly, “you don’t have to but maybe you could come to practice, meet the girls, play a couple songs and we can go from there.”
you hesitated a bit, anxious about what the others would think of you especially over a year into their time as a band.
“I don’t know shelbs, what if your band mates don’t want me there. i mean do they even know you’re here right now?”
“Well, not exactly. we floated the idea of a new keyboard player months ago, but no one could agree. our bassist, Fatin, thinks she can handle both instruments at once but with how bass heavy all of our songs are, she’s struggling on stage to switch back and forth. we need you.” the girl explained, a pleading look in her eyes. “Plus, wouldn’t it be nice to see each other more and make music together?”
you smiled softly at the last part, but your brain goes to Fatin, she went to your high school as well, a popular kid so you never spoke to her, but truth be told you always has a fascination with the girl. she was attractive no doubt and she had an undeniable charm to her.
“Fine. one practice” you say sighing. “But I am not agreeing to be in the band yet.” you add on before Shelby gets too excited.
“Yes!” the blonde exclaims. “Be at my house at 6 tonight!"
You watch Shelby walk out the room, smiling at her excitement. You sit back down to get more work done and pass the time until 6 o'clock comes.
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eeethantom · 2 years
Belated diary for myself and I’m gonna try to translate it🙃
⚠️please DO NOT REPOST⚠️
DIR EN GREY Die’s in-store event in Hiroshima (Oct 15th 2022)
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① my brain: Beautiful....omg it’s so close....what a smooth skin....smells super great....and his hair is silky and gorgeous.... w..wtf...? (*he was wearing a polka-dot-patterned shirt btw)
②*noticed his autograph was written in Hiragana
me:*dying of cuteness
③ He leaned forward a bit cuz my voice was too small to hear (I’m so sorry)
④ Since I was super nervous and out of my mind, I completely forgot the things I wanted to tell him and asked him boring question instead.... But, he thought about and answered to it sincerely😭
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⑤*asked him some advice about playing the instruments (cuz I play the bass guitar)
*Die looked at me straight in the eyes and answered to it seriously
Die: .....Was it too basic?? lol
me: noooooo thank you so much!!!
⑥ then time’s up and as I was leaving, he told me
Die: Keep going! (on the bass guitar)
he was SO KIND the whole time...🥺Thank you so much, Die-san🐍♥️
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silly70-o7 · 13 days
Blue lock orchestra au bc I have an orchestra concert on Thursday
Violin 1
Kaiser obviously (lol)
Isagi maybe?
probably Zantetsu
Ego probably
Reo definitely
I feel like Raichi maybe?
Cellos (I play the cello btw!!!)
Naruhaya :D
Charles probably
drum set?
probably Lavinho
I put some characters multiple times so I’m basically just explaining why lol (and a lil extra)
Ness probably knows how to play th piano, harp and cello because his parents were probably strict about grades and wanted him to have extra credit.
I think Sendou would have started out playing cello but switched to bass once he realized he didn’t really like playing the cello.
Nanase is just hardworking ig?
Rin doesn’t like that Sae switched from violin to viola :(
Naruhaya and Barou did a duo in an ensemble festival during middle school but shortly after Naruhaya stopped playing cause he couldn’t afford the cello but still keeps in contact with all the players he can :D
me(cello) and my friend(viola) did a duet at a ensemble festival so i reimagined that into a ReoNagi duo (we played carol of the bells so they did too)
Tokimitsu broke some of his harp strings when he first played cause he was so nervous
Ness is really talented but is super humble and modest so when Some members found out he did (and was good at) a bunch of extracurriculars other than just the cello they were shocked 😭😭
anyway thx for letting me rant <3
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Poll 1
Hinata (She/They) by @to-hell-with-good-intentions
Why Should Your OC Win?
Okay buckle up. First of all? Bisexual. Painfully so. She’s in love with a girl and it’s adorable and sickening. She spends every waking hour being like “I get to see Chloe today. I love Chloe. I can’t wait to talk to Chloe.” When she’s actually IN A BUILDING with Chloe she’s a wreck. Cannot stop giggling. Looks up every time someone passes by in case it’s Chloe. She’s trying to figure out how to ask her out but her only ideas have been “Scientists are interested in science just like I’m interested in you” or “Want a raisin? No? How about a date?” She’s the frontman of an emo cover band and also plays the bass. She’s got CFS and uses a wheelchair. She’s a scene girl with an ungodly amount of hair dye in her closet. She burns water. Sets fire to instant ramen. Can’t figure out how to work a tea bag. She’s horrible functionally but wonderful in theory. She’s my favourite. My blorbo. My skrunkly. She deserves to win everything ever.
What is Your OC Like?
She’s so caring. She carries around candies and hair clips in case her friends are sad. She’s kind and kinda stupid and gentle and confused all the time. She loves to laugh and does so often. She gives all of herself to others without expecting anything in return (this is often not a good thing). She considers everyone she’s ever talked to her bestie but is nervous to say so in case they don’t reciprocate. She gets her mom to adopt all her closest friends. She’s failing almost every class, especially English. And she’s a disaster. And autistic. And ADHD. End scene.
Sorin Witherstone (He/Him) by @bonetrix-arts
Why Should Your OC Win?
Because he's a TTRPG character that spawned from an old D&D campaign where I played as Sans Undertale the Horny Bisexual Bard and I think that's very funny.
What is Your OC Like?
This man is a mess. His father is missing and his mother is dead. His little brother is a weird lil guy and there's this strange black cat that just appears in his apartment sometimes. He's in a polyamorous relationship with his two partners; Sebastian Plight (literally just The Lamplighter from OneShot) and Ellis Grayton (a hot hot woman awooga I love women btw). He writes music and plays at a local coffee shop where his bestie Eugene works as a barista. He might also have a little crush on Eugene so oop. He also has a fat crush on the detective sent to help work on his father's dissapearance case; Mysterium Imerty (my bestie's oc omg hi bestie!!). He also is so cringefail but has somehow pulled more bitches than any man that pathetic rightfully should. His girlfriend Ellis is also a detective sent to work on his dad's dissapearance case and he somehow rizzed that cutie wth a southern accent up (god knows how he managed that). He's also tormented in his nightmares by his original iteration which, if you'll remember, is **Sans Fucking Undertale**. Just imagine falling asleep next to your hot purple boyfriend and some 3 and a half ft tall skeleton-ass motherfucker appears in your dream bitching about how he should be the one with the hot boyfriend and successful music career and skin. Wouldn't that just make you want to win a Tumblr poll?
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iwanttobepersephone · 3 months
hi i’ve been a follower of yours for a while but have always been to shy to interact 😭 just wondering how your day was going and if you had a favorite rangers apprentice book :)
Hi!!!!! I'm so glad to hear you like my stuff!! Don't worry about interacting with me, btw, I'm only human too, and I get just as happy seeing an ask as you probably do seeing an answer! ^^
My day's been going great, I went to a high-school up the hill this morning to practice for a combined band concert we're gonna be doing tonight. It went well, and I'm really happy because I'm not the only string bass! But also a little nervous because this'll be my first time playing with another string bass loll
My favorite book in the series is book 8, Kings of Clonmel, followed by book 9, Halts Peril. I really really love the character development in both books, and they both solidified Halt as my favorite character. I really love the concepts introduced in Kings of Clonmel, and I think the way that dynamics are explored in Halts Peril is amazing. Almost all of the characters act "out of character" at one point or another, but it's really not out of character, they're just acting differently than they normal might under extreme stress (like real people would). I love that kind of writing ^^
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dotster001 · 1 year
Can I get a test match up for your event? This is what o sent on a while ago for an obey me match up (I think it was for 500 or before when I sent this) anyway, thanks and congrats!
Transmasc he/they, 4’10(lol), INTJ-I have Adhd and lots of anxiety(always nervous and stressed about something)
I like art and theater (acting and musicals) I also like playing the Irish tin whistle and electric bass. I also like reading (books and comics)
I like to think and I’m told I’m funny, I like making people laugh and be happy(though sometimes my jokes can be like, horrifically dark-it’s coping but I always feel bad when I make someone uncomfy :( ), I’m caring, I’ll be there for anyone and take care of people no matter what (not the best at taking care of myself though rip)
I’m kinda 50%, sometimes I’m chaotic and I’m up to do whatever and dangerous junk without thinking-other 50% I just wanna nap and cuddle with someone.
Btw I don’t really know the new characters/datables so prefer not to be matched with them, sorry
Event Closed
(sup SHARKY!!! Hope you enjoy this 😊)
I match you with Belphegor.
Imma be honest. It's the dark humor. If anyone uses dark jokes to deflect inner turmoil, it's him. I mean, just compare the way he is before and after he was locked in the attic. Point being, you're never going too far with him. If he goes too far though, smack him. Actually, maybe don't, he might like that.
He does his best to stay awake for you, but sometimes he can't help it. So he likes that you're a reader, because it's something you can do while he lays on your lap. You can both sit quietly together, and he doesn't miss too much if he falls asleep. Although, he does get dissapointed missing your expressions if you're reading something particularly interesting. But it's fine. He can see them when you rehash the book for him later.
Got anxiety? Babes, he can help. Sort of. His abilities are typically used to put people to sleep. And if anxiety is keeping you from sleeping, it's all the more excuse for him to use you as his body pillow. But he slowly learns to syphon his abilities so that if the negative energy is starting to rise, he can lull you down enough that you can feel at ease. He's so proud of his new skill, mostly because it means he isn't useless to one of the two most important people in his life (it's the trauma talking)
Glad you like cuddles. Your new position as boyfriend to the Avatar of Sloth is dependent on cuddles. Get ready for your new life skipping classes to nap in the attic, skipping council meetings to snuggle, and disappearing from the HoL to sleep under the stars. He's warm and snuggly, more soft than any teddy bear you've ever cuddled.
Idk how tall the brothers are, but I hc that they are all nearly freakishly tall. His sadistic ass mercilessly teases you for being 4'10" constantly. But if you find a spell that could make you taller, suddenly he's whining and pouting. He likes his tiny boyfriend! You're snuggle sized! Don't stop being his tiny cuddle buddy!
You're lucky you're chaotic. Because once you started dating Belphie, your involvement in the Anti Lucifer League had only grown. Your fingerprints were on all sorts of crimes. Good thing you liked that life.
"So, obviously we are still banned from the kitchen after the incident," Balphie said, pointing to the whiteboard that was detailing his idea for the future prank.
"Right," you and Satan both nodded.
"So, we need a prank that will require less stove top and more finesse! Now, Satan, you will aquire as many bottles of dish soap as possible from your connections."
"On it."
"And as for you, my little shark," he said, giving you a soft smile, before taking your hands in his, "I need you to cause some chaos. While Satan and I spread the dish soap on all the floors in the house, you'll pester Levi enough that he summons Lotan."
"And filling the house with water, along the house full with bubbles! Belphie that's genius," you said, nuzzling your nose against his.
"I do what I can," he grinned, pride radiating off him. "Now if everyone understands the plan, let us begin!"
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poetka · 2 years
what was the concert like?? 🥺💗
Sorry I'm replying so late, I was a bit busy :') The concert was amazing, Sunmi was soooo cute and beautiful and sweet 😭 She and the dancers did a great job performing and seemed to have a lot of fun, and she mentioned a few times how happy she was to perform in front of a live audience after 3 years! She also played her bass guitar, on stage for the first time since Why so lonely 5 years ago, and the audience went wild. She played 2 songs (what the flower and noir) and afterwards she was like "yay I did it!!" She said she had been really nervous and was proud of herself for doing well because it was confusing to play the bass and sing at the same time. It was adorable 🥺
The venue was really hot and she kept asking if we could breathe and even showed us her boob sweat sjdbdjbwkd
To conclude, I am in love
I'm not really going to post my recordings (btw it's insane to me that I have like. my own fancams??) but here's a sample because she's so cute and it's one of my fave songs of hers. Unfortunately tumblr butchered the quality and idk how to improve it :/
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promptplanetblr · 2 years
Hi! Love your blogs theme btw :). Can i get some rivals to lovers prompts between people who are in different bands
‘band au’ prompts
## intense rivals to lovers flirting. cursing warning!
“who’s that?” “that? uh, [name], i’m pretty sure. why…? you have a little crush?” “no. they’re shit at the bass (can't stop staring).”
“you’ve been staring at me.” “couldn’t help but be entranced by how you suck at singing.” “mhm, and that look on your face definitely isn’t awestruck.”
“so what if they’re good at guitar? i’m better.” “you think i’ll praise you instead of my own band member?”
“stop looking at me! i keep messing it up!” “are you really blaming me for making you so nervous when i’m around?” “yes. fuck off.”
“i’ll win this competition. get out of my way.” “is it really my fault that you’re just behind me?”
“can’t help but notice how much you show off when i’m watching.” “i’m not showing off, i’m reminding you who’s better here.”
“you’re cute when you shut your mouth.” “i’m the lead vocalist, asshat.”
“you’re not so bad.” “yeah?” “definitely better than your drum skills.” “we were about to have a moment!”
“this, um, song that we’re about to play next. it’s dedicated to someone. you know who you are.”
“holy shit, i want that bassist in my band.” “you already have a bassist. it’s me. i’m right here.”
“literally kiss me before i snap your guitar in half.” “i will— what the fuck?”
- mod sushi | masterlist
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soupbabe · 2 years
HEEY im here to request a jjba matchup if possible, any part ! i like ur blog btw :]]]
i'm a minor (17), transmasc (it/he/🌺 pronouns), unlabeled sexuality, anything goes, and my hobbies are mainly drawing and sometimes writing ! i technically kinda know how to play bass but i havent done it in . a while now
i never took that personality test thing but i'd describe myself as usually quiet, jumpy and prone to dropping shock humor jokes or generally say unexpected things (nothing too gross but i do indulge in toilet humor sometimes). i try to act cool and aloof sometimes but that facade falls extremely easily as soon as im approached. im kind of a fucking himbo and im not very responsible, im more careful with other people and like looking out for others but i tend to get emotional, nervous or antsy easily. (yknow that image with the dog in the yellow "nervous" jacket? thats me.) to remediate that, i make a bunch of stupid jokes and over-exaggerate a lot.
I match you with ,,,
Josuke Higashikata♡
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I definitely think that Josuke would balance you out perfectly! He's quite outgoing, but not too overbearing. Like just enough to keep conversations going and make sure you're having a fun time with him! I can imagine you getting him giggly so easily, his humor can be very dumb and you just get him to the point where he can't help but cry laughing.
Plus Josuke gives off a very chill vibe, like you can't help but relax around him <3 he offers such a safe space and will always put your comfort first. I couldn't imagine anyone better <3
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gavinlovebot · 3 years
Gavin In My Eyes - My Opinion On Gavin
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oof okay. so in my birdcop stans gc (which yall should join btw) @risualto suggested we describe gavin as if we were telling someone who had no knowledge about mlqc and i thought it would be a fun post so here goes my rambling :')
sidenote: @birdcopsfangirlsblog also gave her opinion on gavin so go check it out
Scenarios I made to better explain how i view him:
he is definitely the type of person to have a very specific ringtone set for you and only you so he knows it's you calling him and it's also most likely your favorite song
ahh he's also definitely the type of guy who would rather chop his arm off if you were to ever fall asleep on him and he needed to use the restroom rather than just wake you up like a normal person
picture this: you get home and immediately after walking in, you can sense a tense atmosphere. why? what's wrong? you greet gavin normally but he seems stiff and nervous. you ask him "what's happened?" and he answers but only tells you how he's extremely sorry and he'll never do it again. now what is it that this man has done? what is making the guilt eat him from the inside out? what is he so worked up over? ...he ate your last cupcake while you were out at work.
(you: gavin you're so handsome) (gavin: *malfunctioning and forgeting how to human because he can't handle being complimented*)
How I came to like Gavin:
when i first found out about mlqc at the start of 2020, the first one who stood out to me was actually kiro; i tend to be more fond of the cutesy, soft, ball of sunshine type of boys yknow? 😌
my first impression on gavin was actually 'ew cop' 😅
but after playing i saw how precious he was and how shy yet confident he could be
also those eyes 🤤 im such a sucker for brown hair and brown/amber eyes
he's also very overprotective but without being overbearing which i find very admirable because in my opinion usually when characters are portrayed as overly protective they usually don't know when or if they've crossed a line
He's also very honest and transparent about everything (well with the exception of his feelings at times🤭)
also it's kind of cute how he hides injuries from mc in order to not worry her but also c'mon broski just tell her, you're just worrying her even more by hiding them injuries boi
he's super sweet and supportive and it's so fucken adorable
this man really wants to protect everyone so they can all have a happily every after 🥺 he's a literal super hero
he's gone through so much yet he still gives you his all i- 😭
Final Verdict:
gavin is a huge cutie patootie who needs to be protected at all times! I'm so in love with him! 🥰😔
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tractorbeamofwoe · 2 years
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My thoughts on the podcast since everyone was asking and LOOK here are some little birds to go with the theme 🥺 I actually texted my mates live updates of my thoughts as I was listening so I’m using those sort of as a guideline because it’s been a couple days and I’ve already forgotten most of what was said 💀💀
• I can’t believe he said he’s been doing it for a cOUPLE OF YEARS and he didn’t tell us like sir you’re keeping this whole amazing hobby to yourself?! Smh
• Anyway I was so nervous going into this lmfao like I genuinely was a wreck just from him saying hello
• Also the fact that he knows what ASMR is??
• Idk and I think it was really sweet how he gets impressed by like even the common/simple birds just cause he’s a beginner n all that like man imagine just being so in love with life and the world and being able to appreciate everything like wow
• yeah welcome to me being soppy™️ for this man for an hour and 12 minutes
• I found it really interesting too him talking about all his hobbies he has and his little obsessive personality so he gets properly stuck into new things all the time cause I’m kinda the same
• Also the fact he started playing at 13 makes me feel less bad and untalented lmfao cause I really thought this man was like...a child prodigy or something 💀
• I also think it’s really sweet how he mentioned his cousin and remembered his teacher who were there at the start cause I feel like not many musicians like to admit that they had lessons or whatever ?? Like it feels like so many people these days are so determined to be “self taught”...Idek if that makes any sense ignore me haha
• Had a little laugh at the thought of him skipping school to play guitar lmfao
• Man was like yeah I like throwing them around a bit and whacking them and I was like 😀
• Really really hoping he releases his solo stuff one day cause from a music standpoint rather than a “I’m in love with him” standpoint I’m really curious to see his...process and whatever
• Also not him lying that he’s not a cook?? Sir we’ve seen cooking frenzy 🙄✋🏻
• And the crying at Björk while also probably high as balls 💀💀
• Him saying how his mum has all his awards and stuff crying 🥲🥲
• I’m leaving the catfish discourse stuff till the end btw I wanna be happy first 😅
• And him being so happy about his uncle coming to his gig and stuff bless his heart
• Okay so as for the catfish stuff
• I said in another post that had I not known about all the fallouts and stuff, I would’ve just said he sounded bored with the band stuff and ready to move on BUT knowing all that yeah it’s sad
• Idk it just seemed like he was talking very past tense and like...this happened, this is over, it was nice while it lasted etc.
• So I deffo do think he’s leaving but not without playing Cardiff first I reckon
• But yeah this definitely won’t be the last we’ll see of him and I really don’t think I have anything else to add to it tbh
• :)
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Acapella Group AU
(Or: Karasuno 1st years as Pentatonix)
They’re all in college
Hinata has awesome natural talent, but his high school didn’t have a choir program so he was never taught proper singing techniques. He did play trumpet in the school band, so at least he knows how to read music and understands rhythm
Kageyama is an all-around singer, but he specializes in vocal percussion. He also likes to write vocal arrangements. He joined his high school’s acapella group in his sophomore year, but by the time he was a senior… well, he had a massive ego problem to say the least. He was constantly pushing the others to take a faster rhythm and his arrangements went way beyond his classmate’s singing ranges
At the last concert of the year, the group was supposed to perform one of Kageyama’s pieces. There were a few college representatives in the crowd and Kageyama was desperate to make a good impression. So when he stood up at the time they were supposed to perform and realized the rest of the group had bailed on him, it messed with his head.
Kageyama found Hinata singing his heart out in one of the school’s practice rooms, cornering him and grilling the boy on his poor technique (but that high range, though…)
Hinata is not a fan of this guy’s attitude, but they start seeing each other on campus all the time? Is this guy following me around?
One day, Hinata finds some sheet music in his practice room. He sees Kageyama’s name in the top right corner and scoffs, about to throw it away when he decides to hum the melody and see if it’s any good. Turns out, it’s really good.
Hinata tracks down Kageyama in one of his classes and makes a deal: Proper vocal lessons in exchange to sing the higher ranges in Kageyama’s songs.
About a week into these lessons, the pair are taking a short break to let Hinata relax. Kageyama is muttering about how to find a lead singer (ignoring Hinata’s claims that he should be the lead) when they hear someone singing somewhere in the hallway. Damn, it’s a good voice, too. As they’re looking for the owner of the voice, another joins in. A very low voice. Perfect for bass.
They find Tsukishima and Yamaguchi in a practice room, practicing the melodies for their upcoming duet with violin and cello. Kageyama, very bluntly, tells them to join his and Hinata’s acapella group and Tsukishima just as bluntly turns him down. Tsukishima ends the argument by saying he doesn’t sing in front of others before shutting the door in the other’s faces.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi talk about the strange interaction and how Hinata and Kageyama had waited outside their practice room for an hour after the rejection. Yamaguchi, though nervous about singing in front of a crowd, thinks it might be fun to sing with a group. Akiteru’s acapella group had been nice to listen to… until Tsukishima found out his brother had been replaced by someone with a wider singing range.
Hinata finds Yamaguchi at lunch without Tsukishima and they start talking. Hinata manages to hook Yamaguchi on the acapella group idea by showing him one of Kageyama’s pieces. Yamaguchi agrees to convince Tsukishima to at least show up at a practice room that night.
Kageyama had informed Hinata that, while his voice was high, for the songs he was envisioning, they’d need a girl as well. Cue Yachi slipping out of the bathroom, singing Disney songs right as Hinata was passing by.
Hinata practically dragged her to the meeting.
It’s a disaster for the first 10 minutes. Tsukishima is insulting Kageyama’s tyrant behavior, Yamaguchi nearly passes out when he learns he is to be the lead, and Yachi is shaking with nerves being around these four boys with such great voices when she passed out during her high school’s choir concert.
(That’s all I have so far. It will be Kagehina and Tsukiyama, btw)
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patrick-hockstutter · 4 years
Modern!Bowers Gang:
Really into cinematography and photography of the unsettling
Never captions his Instagram posts
Goes live on Instagram a lot, even though people really wished he wouldn’t
Makes art out of dead animals or animal bones he finds
Think Banksy, but with roadkill
He’ll take some (somehow) tasteful photos of them, post them, then leave the scene there for some unexpecting bystander to find
Has a nosering (fight me)
Never uses incognito mode
If someone happens to stumble upon his search history, he’s not paying their therapy bill
He likes reading smut more than he likes watching porn
A ps4 guy
Loves spooky games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Until Dawn and Death Stranding
He’s not really into school, but he surprisingly reads a lot when he’s alone in his room
Only about things he likes though
Abnormal psych, criminal psych, and sometimes some zoology (u kno y)
Watches serial killer documentaries like he’s paid to
Listens to grunge, nu metal, and 80s alt
Won’t admit it, but sometimes listens to Joji
He’s not super into emo music, but he’s the only one who will listen to it with Victor (he fckn vibes to Brand New)
Ironically uses a Zune
Has an Android but lowkey wishes he had an iPhone
Doesn’t have a computer, just jailbreaks/hacks the school issued laptop
Has a black line tattooed around some of his fingers, one of his wrists, and the shell of his ear
Has a foot tattoo
Has a fucking Juul
Watches LeafyIsHere on YouTube (tell me I’m wrong)
Spends too much time on Reddit
Wears flannels, skinny jeans, and Vans (a beanie if he’s cold)
Mostly cycles through the same three or four outfits
Wears the same pair of Vans every single day
Big into aromatherapy
He uses lavender soaps and has an essential oil diffuser in his room
Uses incognito mode to watch Vampire Diaries
A Nintendo ass b i t c h
He has the gray Switch Lite
He brings his Switch with him everywhere (yes he’s that guy)
But what else are you gonna do when you wanna ignore Patrick?
Watches conspiracy theories about ghosts, cryptids, and aliens
Also big into podcasts (mostly true crime and conspiracy ones)
He listens to them on his headphones while he takes walks or draws
Posts his drawings on Tumblr
Does art streams on Twitch when he gets really bored
Has an eyebrow piercing (but it’s a small stud one, not a ring)
Has little tattoos on his hands
Wears bomber jackets, skinny jeans, joggers, army jackets, converse, and combat boots
The boy has style okay
Had an emo phase but still listens to the music (especially Tiny Moving Parts)
The emo phase was pretty short because Henry made fun of him so much
He just fucking liked MCR and Taking Back Sunday a lot, okay?
And Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens, but he doesn’t readily admit that
Now mostly listens to new wave, synth pop, and lofi hiphop
His favorite bands are Drab Majesty and Choir Boy (look up their new album btw)
Has a black iPhone and a space gray MacBook Pro
Uses Apple Music
Vapes, but only fruity flavors
Watches BoJack Horseman
Doesn’t really eat fast food but never passes up an M&M McFlurry
Paints his (and Patrick’s) nails black
One time Patrick caught him doing a facemask, so Patrick put one on and started chasing him around screaming as a joke
Cue: hmm… this feels kinda good tho
So now Victor and Patrick have secret mini spa days
Drives a Subaru
Makes Spotify playlists like he’s paid to
He’s just really good at putting songs together
He tried to get into music theory, but he wasn’t one for actually making his own songs
Really into metal (obvi) but also likes some classic rock and punk stuff
Has records hung up side by side all around his room where the wall meets the ceiling
Still buys CDs
His Instagram feed is full of vintage cars and custom import cars
Fast and Furious is his favorite movie series
His favorite shows are Sons of Anarchy and The Walking Dead
But he also loves early 2000s comedies
Has a mini projector to watch movies on his room wall
Wears band tees, flannels, jean jackets, Carhartt stuff, d a d  h a t s
Really wants a tattoo but always gets nervous
Uses incognito mode to watch porn and buy some of his band tees from Hot Topic
Only one in the gang that uses Facebook (Mama Huggins made him so he could keep in contact with family)
Follows a few meme pages but also some cooking ones so he can send his mom any cool recipes he finds
Victor lowkey makes fun of him for actually using the Facebook page
Invests money in really good headphones and car speakers
Has a black iPhone
It’s always at 20% battery cause it’s always connected to his headphones, Bluetooth speaker, or car stereo
Him and Victor FaceTime when they’re bored
Sometimes they won’t even say much, they just like the over the phone company
Doesn’t smoke, but sometimes hits Vic’s vape
A social vaper if you will
Watches Idubbbz and Filthy Frank on YouTube
His favorite fast food place is Wendy’s
Not really into video games but fucking slays at Guitar Hero
And when Rock Band came out nobody saw him for like two weeks
Has a black Hydroflask with band stickers on it
He plays a lot of Xbox
Mostly Halo, COD, Destiny, any first-person shooter really
Baits people on Xbox Live cause he thinks it’s hilarious
He’s also a fucking cyberbully but we all expected that
Has Victor’s old iPhone
Never fucking charges it
He’ll text you back in 3-5 business days (if at all)
And if you try to call him he’ll block your number
Plays iMessage games like cup pong and 8 ball with Belch
The only social media he uses is Snapchat and Tinder to look at girls
In one of his Tinder photos he’s holding a fish (srrynotsrry)
Doesn’t really listen to too much music
He doesn’t dislike music, just usually prefers to do things in silence
His mind is chaotic enough, he doesn’t need background noise
But he will listen to Cigarettes After Sex and TV Girl on a really low volume when he goes to sleep
Uses incognito mode to pick and choose random soft or angsty songs that he likes to put into a bedtime playlist
Otherwise just listens to whatever Belch listens to
Has a tattoo on his wrist
Takes a lot of drives into the countryside/national forests/mountains with Belch
Takes a lot of scenery photos, but never posts them anywhere or shows anyone except Victor
Still smokes cigarettes (he thinks vaping is douchey)
Watches South Park and American Dad
If he’s willing to spend money to go see a movie, he’s going to an IMAX theater
Sometimes he likes 3D, but most of the time it just hurts his eyes after a while
Longboards everywhere
Needs prescription glasses but refuses to wear them
They’re mostly for reading, which he doesn’t do anyway
But he does listen to audiobooks sometimes
Likes Frappuccinos but will kill you before you find out
He orders them through Uber Eats under a fake name so nobody will find out
BONUS: all four!
Victor still has his childhood GameCube that they play Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Melee on
Henry is banned from playing Mario Party after breaking a controller while beating Patrick with it
Patrick only ever picks Waluigi in Mario Kart and everyone is sick of it
When they play Rock Band Patrick is on bass, Henry plays guitar, Belch absolutely slays the drums, and Vicky boy sings his lil heart out
One night a week they order a shit ton of Dominos and make a drinking game out of watching Vine compilations
Victor does everyone’s birth charts
They collectively made a fake Tinder account on Patrick’s phone and catfish guys with it
They all try to one up each other doing vape tricks yikes
They buy bags of chips and candy from Costco and lounge around eating them on weekends
They’re banned from the city metro busses because Belch’s car was in the shop for a week and that week was hell for every bus driver in the city
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