#nessa barrett x reader
landososcar · 28 days
so high school ; JB5
pairing(s) ; jude bellingham x singer!reader , jude bellingham x student!reader
summary ; twitters favourite new(ish) artist drops her new album right during her school year.
warnings ; nothinggggg & mainly just fluff bc i love happy people
note ; SORRY ITS SHORT AHHAHA, i’ll post a new lando fic soon i just have no inspiration… ignore any dates that are wrong or don’t match - im lazy. also this is VERYYYY LOOSLY based off so high school lol (it’s mainly the aristotle line)
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youruser surprise !!!!! as an end of term present (for myself🤭🥳) and in honour of knowing the loml for 15 years, here’s 15 new songs for you guys to (hopefully) enjoy 😊 noah, thank you for trusting me and letting me join you on what might be one of my favourite songs ever!! i loveeee youuuu. && to my jude<3 thank you for inspiring me every single day of our lives. i love you bigger than the whole sky 🩵🩵 (guys he’s actually v v talented and he helped me write scared of my guitar, hard to sleep, and feels like) j, you are my safe place and these songs — especially the ones i haven’t let you hear yet — are for you.
ps guys idk how to only write happy songs but jude is the only one who makes me feel safe enough to express my emotions through my songs 😁 i looooovvveee him and am NOT 🙅‍♀️ breaking up with him. he is stuck with me forever💞
‘the alchemy’ is YOURS tonight at midnight 💓
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user1 WHAT
oliviarodrigo my girl💞💞 i’m so so soooo excited😭
youruser jude and i love the alchemy the most out of all the songs and wanna keep her just ours for a little bit longer but maybe if you guys enjoy these songs i’ll let you have my baby
user5 WHATTTT songs did she not let jude hear omfg i need to know
youruser he’s heard them all except for daylight, paper rings & so high school lollll
judebellingham refreshing my spotify every minute til midnight you guys don’t understand she’s kept these songs in a VAULT
user6 jude i know you love spotify but apple music get new music 10 minutes early xxx
judebellingham just made an apple music account
taylorswift so so proud of you beautiful 🩷🩷
judebellingham putting ALLLL of these on the pre-game playlist
youruser babe idk if some of these will pump you up before a game
judebellingham hearing your voice will pump me up idc how sad the song is xx
user8 why’s no one talking about how she’s in UNIVERSITY and dropped a FIFTEEN song album like …??? she’s INSANE. WHERE did she find the TIMEEE
user9 not to mention she lives with him in madrid and does school online coz her uni is in the uk
user10 she’s insane i don’t understand how😭😭
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liked by judebellingham, trentarnold66, and others
youruser surprised my fav person in the uk for his england game and he scored for me 😆🩵🩵
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user1 she wrote “you know how to ball” and he said “yeah” then scored a goal and did a celebration for her😭
user2 zoom in on pic 6 and you’ll see me laying on the road waiting to be run over
judbellingham ‘unemployed girlfriend’ but you’re the greatest singer on earth while also doing online uni full time and you still make time to be able to come see me
youruser it’s coz i love you so so bad
jobebellingham you make me sick
youruser i love u too jobeyyyyyy
england our favourite visitor💙💙
user3 how does she do all this whilst going to uni😭😭😭
oliviarodrigo 💖💖💖
judebellingham I LOVVVEEEE YOUUUUU
user4 i NEED the top in pic 8 where is it from
youruser i found it on depop and HAD to buy it😭😭 i think someone made it x
chappellroan HOTTTTT (you not ur bf)
youruser I WOULD DIE FOR YOU MY WIFE💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
user5 i don’t understand how you write sad songs like the ones on your album if ur ‘in love with jude’
user6 jude deserves better than someone who’s so caught up on and still writes songs about her exes
user7 were both insane let’s get married
user8 dm me right now wife
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youruser lol little life update coz i’ve been m.i.a. for the last almost two months. 1: i went blonde again. 2: my man still as fine as ever. 3: got engaged or whatever lol. 4: slaying up exams. 5: i miss tour so i decided imma come back and see you all soon 🤭🤭 tour dates soon <3
ps in honour of becoming fiance or whatever🤗 the alchemy and 4 other songs are yours on the deluxe version of ‘the alchemy’ ,, out tonight !!!
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harrykane juudddeeeeee!!! congrats🥳❤️
declanrice mr bellingham that is a ROCK
judebellingham WIFE WIFE WIFE‼️‼️‼️
youruser not yet my love but so close🥰
user5 she’s still writing break up and sad songs whilst engaged… so weird
user6 yeah and jude helps her,, he must be so disgusted right? seriously get a life and go touch grass
taylorswift so so happy for you 💓💓
youruser 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i love you
england juddeeeeee💙 sooo happy for you two
trentarnold ❤️❤️❤️
user8 how girl just gonna casually drop a ENGAGEMENT announcement in the middle of a photo dump
noahkahanmusic YESSSSS🤍🤍🤍🤍
user10 HOWWWW is miss girl gonna find time in her schedule to do uni, make music, keep a healthy relationship, AND TOUR
judebellingham mrs*
my other works !
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dreamxloki · 1 year
summary: y/n has a suspicion that loki is seeing someone behind their back, so they decide to do some snooping.
warnings: angst, just pure angst <3
a/n: this one was so much fun to write. I love the song that inspired this fic so much. It gives me such a confidence boost !!
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Y/n couldn’t shake off this nagging feeling that Loki was hiding something from her. They had been together for a few months now, but something felt off. Maybe it was the way he acted around his phone or how he would often cancel plans last minute, citing work emergencies. She tried to bring it up with him, but he always dismissed her concerns with a charming smile and a reassuring kiss.
But Y/n couldn’t let it go. She had to get to the bottom of this. So, one day, when Loki was out of town on a mission with his fellow avengers, she decided to do some snooping. She knew it was wrong, but at least it would put her mind at ease. Besides Loki usually leaves his phone at home when he is on a mission, so it was the perfect opportunity.
As Y/n scrolled through his phone, she found nothing incriminating. No secret messages, no hidden photos, no evidence of any wrongdoing. Maybe she was just being paranoid after all. But just as she was about to put the phone away, a notification popped up. It was a message from a contact named “M”. The message simply read, “Miss you already, my love.”
Y/n’s heart sank. Who was this “M”? And why were they talking to him like that? She scrolled through their conversation history and found a whole string of messages that seemed suspiciously flirtatious.
A few days later, when Loki returned home, Y/n confronted him about the messages. “Who is she?” she demanded. Loki’s eyes widened in surprise. “Woah, woah, slow down my love. What are you talking about?” He replied.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Loki. I know about her. Who is she?” Y/n said in a strong tone. Loki shook his head. “There is no one else, Y/n. I swear it.”
But Y/n wasn’t convinced. She knew what she had seen in those text messages. She couldn’t believe Loki would even lie to her like this. Y/n sighed loudly. “Look, I can’t do this Loki. I can’t be with someone I can’t trust.” Loki tried to reason with her, to explain that it was all a misunderstanding, but Y/n was done. She packed her bags and left their shared apartment.
Months went by, and Y/n tried her best to move on. She focused on her music career, pouring all her emotions into her lyrics. And then, one night, she got a gig at a popular nightclub in the city.
As she stepped onto the stage, she felt a sense of exhilaration. This was her moment to shine. The crowd was cheering, and the music was pumping. Y/n belted out her song ‘gaslight’, her newest song. Pouring all her pain and frustration into her performance.
And then, in the middle of her set, she saw him. Loki. He was standing at the back of the club, looking at her with a mixture of surprise and admiration. Y/n couldn’t resist the opportunity to send him a message. As the chorus of her song approached, she looked straight at him and sang the words:
I should’ve known, but I
Went through your phone anyways
I should’ve known
Love’s a dangerous game
Y/n started smirking whilst singing the lyrics. Making it clear to Loki that these lyrics were about him. Her gaze never left his.
Why am I jealous, if I’m yours? 
Why do you make me, insecure?
Why do you tell me not to worry
When you always fucking hurt me?
Why am I jealous if you’re mine? 
Why am I not even your type?
Why do you tell me that I’m crazy
I’m not crazy, if I’m right
Loki’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Y/n was singing about him. The crowd around him cheered, oblivious to the drama unfolding before them. As the song was coming to the end, Y/n got really into and laid down on the ground vibing to the music while singing the vocals. The crowd was screaming, excited by the performance she was putting on. She could feel the energy of the crowd building around her, and gave her more confidence to keep going.
Once the song ended, Y/n took a deep breath and stepped off the stage. She knew Loki would try to go up to her and talk to her, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face him. But before she could make a move to head out the building, Loki was standing in front of her. “I didn’t know you had it in you,” he said, a hint of admiration in his voice.
Y/n sighed, “I had to get it out somehow.” Loki looked at her, his eyes softening. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I never meant to hurt you. And I wasn’t seeing anyone else. I swear on my grave.” Y/n looked at him skeptically. “The who was ‘M’?” Loki looked down at his feet.
“It was nothing, she was just a friend from work,” Loki explained, still not meeting Y/n’s eyes. But Y/n had heard that line before. She shook her head, not wanting to hear any more excuses. “I can’t keep doing this, Loki. I can’t keep playing these games with you,” she said, her voice shaking with emotion.
Loki reached out to grab her arm, but Y/n stepped back. “Don’t. I don’t want to hear it. You had your chance, and you blew it. So… please, just leave me alone,” she said, her voice cracking at her own words. Loki nodded, looking defeated. “I understand,” he said, before turning and walking away.
Y/n watched him go, feeling a mix of sadness and relied. She knew that ending things with Loki was the right choice, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. She took a deep breath and turned to leave the club, ready to put the past behind her. But just as she stepped out the door, she heard a voice behind her.
“Excuse me, miss? I couldn’t help but notice your outstanding performance. I work for a record label, and I think you have real talent. Would you be interested in discussing a potential contract?” Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise. This was the break she had been waiting for.
“Omg! Yes, I’m definitely interested,” she said, feeling a glimmer of hope.
As she walked out of the club, Y/n realized that sometimes, the things that hurt the most can lead us to where we’re meant to be. And even though she had lost Loki, she had gained something even more important – the opportunity to follow her dreams and make something of herself.
As for Loki, he knew he had messed up. He had let his insecurities and fear of commitment ruin what could have been a great relationship. But he also knew that he couldn’t force Y/n to forgive him. So instead, he focused on himself, working on his own issues and learning to be comfortable with who he was. And maybe one day, if he was lucky, Y/n would be willing to give him another chance.
But until then, he would be content to watch her from afar, supporting her as she rose to fame and chased her dreams. And who knows? Maybe their paths would cross again someday, and they would both be in a better place to make things work.
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annemiek19 · 2 years
Die First - Jay Halstead
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Inspired by the song ‘Die First’ from Nessa Barrett
Your music was your way of dealing with things. Whenever something happens, you would put your feelings into a song. Now you have done the same thing. It was the first time Jay ended up in the hospital while the two of you were dating. It was the first time you got a call from his brother Will that Jay had been shot. It was minor, but to you, it felt like the air got punched out of your lungs. Seeing him at the hospital, it did something to you. You couldn’t really describe it, so you decided to put it into a song.
Hermann from firehouse 51, and owner of Molly’s, heard you were into music and asked if you wanted to perform some of your songs. Of course, it was right after Jay his accident. But you said yes. When you walked into the bar with Jay, it was like the whole police department was there. The bar was packed with people. Hermann had set up a little area next to the bar. You put the microphone standard on the right height with your guitar in your hand. You looked at Jay, who was standing at a table with Antonio, Gabby, Kelly and Matt. You slightly smiled at him before you announced yourself and started playing. 
You’re all I ever wanted
So, how come I’m still haunted
By the thoughts inside my head?
You love me, but no matter what you say
There’s only one of two ways
That this is gonna end
Someone dies or someone gets hurt
But if one of us dies
hope I die first
’Cause I don’t wanna live without you
I don’t wanna ever learn
How to fall asleep without you
Tell me what’s worse
Losing you now or later
Maybe I can break the curse
And I can be in love forever
If I die
You’re my fire and my safety
You never mean to break me
And that’s why I’m afraid
’Cause someday, everybody’s leaving
You promise that you’ll stay
But that’s a promise you can’t make
After that song, you did two covers that were happier and got the bar back into some good feelings. 
“You are awesome!” Hermann said as soon as you were done. 
“Thanks, Hermann.” You helped put the stuff away before walking over to Jay. 
“I didn’t know you could sing and play the guitar,” Gabby said. 
“It’s my now not-so-hidden talent,” you laughed. “I’m going to put this in the car. I’ll be right back,” you said. You left the bar and went outside to put your guitar in the car. 
“You wrote the first song, didn’t you?” you heard Jay ask behind you. 
You shot the car door and turned around. “I did. I wrote it when you were at the hospital.”
“I could tell. Is that really how you think?” Jay moved closer to you, slightly pushing you up against the car. 
“Yeah. I don’t want to die first and feel how it is to live without you. In a perfect life, we would die together so we both wouldn’t have to experience that.”
Jay chuckles. “Yeah, that would be the perfect scenario. But I’m going to be around for a while, you know.”
“I hope so.”
“It was a beautiful song.”
Heat rose to your cheeks. “Thanks,” you mumbled.
Jay cupped your cheek with his one good hand and kissed you. 
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teapartyprincess4two · 2 months
Weakness- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: fem!reader x FWB!Matt
classification: slight angst, smut
inspiration: submission for @annamcdonalds67 ‘s writer’s challenge, American Jesus by Nessa Barrett
warnings: 18+, MDNI, literal sex, slight cursing, no use of Y/n, mention of smoking
summary: You fight your inner desires, but ultimately let your weakness consume you.
You pull your skirt up quickly, jumping to get the fabric past your thighs. Matt watches from his bed, his body slumped against the headboard as he lazily pulls a cigarette to his lips. His lips form a smirk as you fumble to get yourself together, his eyes trained on the way your ass jiggles against the fabric of your pleated uniform. Even though you two clearly just finished, an erection grows in his boxers at the mere sight in front of him. His hands flick a lighter over the cigarette, inhaling once it’s lit.
Everything about what you just did —what you've been doing— with Matt is wrong. He’s your best friend's brother; the second you admitted that you had a crush on him you should’ve distanced yourself. Instead, you let yourself cross an unforgivable boundary with him time and time again.
There are so many reasons why this relationship is wrong. First, you’re the cheer captain who’s never been caught with so much as a wrinkle on your uniform. Second, you’re at the top of your class and have never brought home a grade lower than an A. Third, you’re popular and if anyone were to find you with a bad boy like Matt, even if it was just your best friend Nick, your perfect reputation would surely be tainted forever.
“See you next week, sweetheart,” he murmurs, each word being followed by a puff of smoke. He catches your attention through the mirror, throwing a playful wink your way that has you rolling your eyes.
“No, you will not see me next week. This was the last time, Matt,” you retorted, trying to sound confident, but even you struggle to believe your own words. You tug your shirt over your head, fluffing your hair over your shoulders as you examine yourself in the mirror. The school’s logo stairs back at you, reminding you of the reality of your situation, of everything that was at stake.
He’s got lips like cherry wine and cigarette smoke on his breath. He’s got pretty long brown hair, blue eyes that look like sex.
You’re a mess.
Your lipstick is painted across your cheek, your hair remains tangled no matter how many times you run your fingers through it, mascara forms dark circles under your eyes, and hickeys litter every inch of your neck.
Not that he looks any better. His lips are equally as stained as yours and his long, brown hair falls past his eyes.
“You said that last week,” he smirks, the sultry undertone in his voice causing your knees to buckle. He knows that he has you, but he wants you to pledge your allegiance to him one last time before you go.
“I mean it this time,” you say, but your voice trembles; a clear sign of your resolve breaking, and this was no time to give in. There was still time for you to walk out with even a little bit of your dignity. All you had to do was walk out, get in your car, and leave. But some things are easier said than done.
Instead, you go on a nervous ramble. “You probably don’t care, but if anyone were to find out about this– If Nick were to find out about this, I’d be the worst friend ever. And I have so many cheer scholarships lined up too, Matt. I can’t let my grades slip, if I get anything below an A they could take those away. Do you know what my parents would do to me if I lost those scholarships? What they’d do to me if it was all over a boy?” your words are coming out a mile a minute, each insecurity and doubt going in one of Matt’s ears and coming out the other.
“Do you even care?”
It’s not that he didn’t care, he just preferred it when your mouth was occupied with other things instead. Matt takes a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke in your direction. It curls around your figure, lassoing you towards him slowly. He wasn’t good with words, so he’s glad that your body gravitates towards him like second nature.
“This is the last time….” your voice trails off as you fall into Matt’s trance.
Before you know it, you’re crawling over to him and your body has managed to fit perfectly against his. Eager hands fall onto his chest, earning a satisfied hum from him because he knows he won.
Matt takes one last drag of the cigarette, holding the smoke in his lungs as he dabs the bud onto the ashtray that sits on his nightstand. His hands instinctively pull your face in by the back of your neck, latching his lips onto yours and allowing the smoke to dissolve into the kiss. You used to hate the smell of cigarettes, but now even the taste is addicting.
“If you want me to stop, just say the word,” Matt instructs, his piercing blue eyes clouded with lust as he watches you intently. Your mind is telling you to stop, to grab your things and leave before anyone can notice you, but the aching feeling that grows under your skirt keeps you planted.
“That’s what I thought,” he chuckles, watching you internally battle with yourself. The comment makes you feel weak and small, but you’re chasing a euphoric feeling that helps you see past that.
Matt’s lips trail down your jawline, finding the sensitive spots on your neck that are already lined with bruises and bite marks. He sucks on a spot that always makes you whimper, simultaneously bunching your skirt up against your waist.
He delivers a swift slap to your ass cheek, painting your skin a bright shade of red. “Matt,” your voice is strained against the kiss, but he knows exactly what you want. Your hands travel from his chest down to his boxers, teasing fingers tracing the outline of his erection. He kisses his teeth at the sensation, pulling away from your neck briefly to watch your perfectly manicured hand cup his clothed penis.
It would be easy for Matt to submit to you, but where was the fun in that?
Knees down at your altar. Please don’t fail me now.
“On your knees, Princess.”
It’s a command that you’re used to, one that you follow without complaint. You wiggle into the carpet, your knees accustomed to the rough feeling that meets them. “Beautiful,” he hums. His body towers over yours, ready to watch you worship and praise the entirety of his shaft.
You look up at him through hooded eyes, asking for permission to proceed. He grants it to you with a lick of his lips, his fingers caressing your face as you pull his boxers down.
Matt’s penis springs out of its constraints. “You know how I like it,” he comments, watching you take his shaft into your hands. You pump it slowly, taking your time with it and making sure to properly service him.
You place a neat kiss on the tip, letting your lips travel down towards the base. From there you lick a stripe back towards the top that has Matt hissing because you wrap your lips around it, almost like you were drawing an exclamation mark on it.
Your tongue swirls around the tip teasingly, lips still hugging around him. Matt’s eyes stare down at you, eager for your every move.
A careful hand pulls your hair into a makeshift ponytail, pushing your head down slowly on the rest of his length. You gag when the tip hits the back of your throat, your hands moving from his member to his waist. That doesn’t stop him though, instead he bucks into you one more time just to hear you choke around his cock.
You got me red, white, and blue. Pledging my allegiance to you.
“You like that, don’t you?” His question is met with your bloodshot, tear brimmed eyes and a chin dribbling with saliva. Your blue hickeys and red eyes were about to pair perfectly with the white strings of cum he was going to paint your face with.
Ooh, seeing stars in your eyes. No, I’ve never felt so alive.
Matt’s fucking your face at a feverish pace, grunting every time your cheeks hollow around him or his dick presses against the back of your throat. He’s so unbelievably close that he has to shut his eyes because the way your saliva coats his penis and bubbles at your mouth has him seeing stars.
Momentarily, he pulls out of your mouth, giving you enough time to catch your breath before he’s tapping the tip on your lips. “Open,” he grits, shoving himself back into your dazed face. Three more pumps and the submissive sight in front of him is all it takes to push him over the edge.
Spurts of cum land on your tongue, some of it managing to hit your cheek. He collects it on the thumb that brushes your cheek, popping it in your mouth and groaning at how eagerly you lick it clean.
Won’t you take me to heaven tonight?
“Now let me make you feel good, yeah? To remind you how much you mean to me,” Matt whispers, pulling you up and guiding you to the edge of the bed. Now it’s his turn to kneel in front of you, his lips latching onto the skin of your ankles and slowly kissing their way up to your inner thighs.
He nips and sucks on your skin until he’s face to face with your crotch, your arousal evident through your soaked panties. Matt places a gentle kiss on your clothed bundle of nerves, relishing in the satisfied shudder than runs through your spine.
Strong arms wrap around your thighs, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed and forcing you to lay back against the mattress. “Ready?” he asks, but he knows the answer, it’s literally glistening in front of him.
“Yes, fuck yes,” you respond. Weren’t you just claiming to be done with him? And now he has you exasperated at his touch.
Matt uses his teeth to pull your panties down, letting them fall onto the floor before returning his attention to your throbbing core.
He starts off slow, licking your clit just to get a taste of you. Your squirming informs him that this isn’t enough, so he uses his fingers to part your folds. His tongue is flat against you, applying pressure where you need it most.
His right hand presses one leg against the bed while the left clasps under your knees to push your leg in the air, providing him with the perfect position to ravish you. He begins sucking on your nub, burying his face in your juices.
You know all my secrets.
Your hands find his hair, whimpering as you tug at the strands. You’re squirming under him, attempting to pull away at the overstimulation, but his grip on you is so firm that you can’t move.
His left arm slithers from under your knee to over your thigh, wrapping around you tightly enough to tug you even further past the edge of the bed. At this point, your ass is in the air as you chase his face, grinding against him for even more friction.
“Matt— fuck! I’m so close,” you exclaim, propping yourself up on one of your elbows to watch him work. His hair fell past his eyes and his arms were securely wrapped around you; he looked so beautiful.
Your pussy flutters around him, signifying your pending release. So, as to push you closer towards your climax, his right hand leaves your thigh to plunge two long fingers inside of you. The euphoric sensation causes you to throw your head back in pleasure, your elbows giving out until your entire body falls back onto the mattress.
“C’mon baby,” he murmurs, “cum for me.”
That’s all it takes for you to come undone, your body trembling as your orgasm completely washes over you. Matt watches in awe as your jaw falls slack, small moans rolling off your tongue and floating towards him like a melodic tune.
You’re still catching your breath when Matt places one last kiss on your pussy, crawling over you to capture your lips in a kiss.
“How about we make the last time count?” he taunts, dragging the tip of his cock against your still sensitive folds.
You know you’re my weakness.
You nod your head feverishly, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of you. You’re desperate for his touch, your walls crashing down like an addict overcome with their weakness.
That doesn’t seem to satisfy him. “Words. I need to hear you say it,” he grunts, becoming desperate himself.
Tell me you believe in me too. I do.
“I need you, Matt. I’ll always need you,” there’s a pathetic desperation in your voice that makes his dick twitch, and it’s all he needs to hear before he’s plunging deep inside of you.
He sets a steady pace, rocking his body back and forth against yours like it’s the first and last time. His pelvis brushes against your clit with each stroke, causing your hips to lift off the mattress and meet him midway.
Matt pushes your hips back down, knowing that if you keep that up he won’t last. “Patience, baby. Patience.”
He’s got a cross around his neck.
You can’t be patient though, he’s already so deep inside of you and he still doesn’t feel close enough. Your fingers loop around the cross necklace that dangles from his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to you. Your lips find his in a hungry frenzy, both your mouths moulding into a needy kiss.
Moans and whimpers are exchanged, along with the breathy sound that follows when you look down to see where you two are joined. His cock is covered in your slick, your walls hugging him perfectly with each stroke.
Your hand moves from the necklace to the nape of his neck, caressing and massaging the skin there as he continues to thrust deep inside of you. His necklace sways back and forth, serving as a reminder of how sinful this is. Yet, you never want it to stop.
Matt can tell you’re becoming pensive, so he pushes your hips into the mattress, providing him with a new angle that allows his tip to kiss your cervix. “Matt!” you gasp, the new, delicious angle setting you closer towards the edge.
His animalistic grunts fill the room, he loves when you say his name. “Say it again,” he commands, pulling out of you completely only to snap his hips back in at an ungodly rate.
“Matt!” you exclaim, chanting his name like a prayer.
You’re the greatest love of my life.
“That’s it baby, let go for me,” his words help you reach your climax, your pussy fluttering around him as you come undone. He follows suit shortly after, his head falling into the space where your neck meets your shoulder.
He groans as he releases inside of you, hot breath fanning against your neck. His hips rolls lazily against you, and for a second he lets himself be taken by the immense pleasure that washes over him.
“Fuck, I love you,” he moans, placing sloppy kisses all over your body. He doesn’t realize that he said until he feels your body stiffen beneath him, and honestly he’s not sure what possessed him to admit it out loud.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that,” he stutters, pulling out of you completely. He’s quick to find his boxers and throw them on, leaving you dazed on the bed.
“See you next week?” you ask, a hopeful tone in your voice. Quickly you find your panties on the floor and adjust your skirt. He coughs awkwardly, mostly because he doesn’t know where to go from here.
“This was the last time,” he replies, quoting your words from earlier, but there’s something almost venomous in the way he says it. The sentence breaks your heart and you’re almost tempted to get down on your knees again so he’ll take it back. But you don’t, instead you gather your things and take a fleeting look at yourself in the mirror.
“That’s what you wanted, right? Wouldn’t want your best friend to find out about us anyways.”
You nod your head slowly, a tight lipped smile forming on your face. “Right.”
You were red, white and blue and he never gave you the chance to admit that you loved him too.
a/n: 🇺🇸😵 so excited to read everyone’s stories for this challenge!! - L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @raysmayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03 @k-l-a-w-s @maryx2xx @biggesthat3r @herxyzblog @getosuckers @sturnioloarchive @tillies33ssss @fratbrochrisgf @aurizp @riasturns @sturnikitty @sturnrc @sturtriple16 @sillyfreakfanparty @imwetforyourmom @mattslovelygf @stingerayyy2
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐 if your user is striked through, I wasn’t able to tag you :(
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thyln4gf · 23 days
Cheri cheri lady
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✞ Watching you on the top step of the podium for the first time, while still in your rookie year... It all tasted a little bitter for Lando, but he wasnt complaining too much... he did get the best view out of them all - right from p2.
✞ Word count - 808
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "american jesus" - Nessa Barrett, "heavy metal lover" - Lady Gaga, "flawless" - The Neighbourhood, "take me back to eden" - Sleep Token, "hall of fame" - The Script. Note - i do have a whole playlist. Ask if you want it.
✞ Warnings - none, I guess. A lot of fluffy shite. Slightly suggestive. A short little blurb inspired by Landos first win<3 Gg, my boy.
✞ Lando Norris x Mercedes!Reader
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The sound of a crowd yelling someone elses name annoyed him till no end - it reminded him of the fact that he hasnt won yet, and that hes currently holding a pretty sad record - the highest number of podiums without a win. That, until it came to you - it immediately became something that he wanted to hear over and over. It was almost as sweet as the champagne swirling down his body, the sun kissing his face, or the sweet, sweet sound of an anthem that wasnt the dutch one.
It all started at the beginning of the season, really. He was intimidated by you at first, just a little - for the first quali of the season, your rookie season, you had already grabbed the pole. But, quickly enough, he found himself getting more and more curious about you. He would ask you about the weather, or about the ridiculous activities the media admins made you do - to "see if it matched his". It was far from enough for him though - he wanted to know everything about you. How do you like your waffles? He wanted to ask you about that. He wanted to ask you about breakfast and honey. Sunlight. Do you like strawberry smoothies? What was the name of your childhood cat? Do you have any scars?
There were so many things he wanted to say, but didnt know how to. Thats why he spent quite a bit of his time quietly observing you. He felt as if you were just a mere result of his imagination - one touch, just one taste - and youd disappear.
His newly found obsession, however, was watching the wide grin fighting for its place on your face. You were stood on that step, taking up the space that you deserved oh so much. He was a little jealous of the success that you found yourself in so soon, but he couldnt peel his eyes away from you - the way you were stood there, proud. The golden hour danced on your face, making the sweat drenched features pop out. Just like him, the sun seemed to enjoy your eyes - they looked like the shiniest gems you could find.
The champagne celebration rolled around. He was already giggling, looking forward to absolutely drowning you in the sticky, sweet, liquid luck. He looked at Daniel on the other side, the English anthem for Mercedes coming to an end. They both wiggled their eyebrows at each other, seemingly getting the exact same idea, and locking it in.
They could have planned all they wanted, honestly - but you were just quicker. You jumped off the step quickly, it almost looked like you were flying. To Landos surprise, you didnt go for your usual move. Instead, you seemed to use his - the famous champagne floor smash. He was so pleasantly surprised that he didnt even register a stream of the beverage aimed right into the centre of his face. Wiping the champagne from his eyes, he saw your wide grin - and Daniel getting the back of your head. You shrieked - and it wasnt from the surprise, he knew. You washed your hair just this morning.
As much as he would have wanted that scene to last forever... Like all good things, it quickly came to an end. But that meant that he got to stand by your side for the photo - and it made him nervous, almost like a young, teenage boy, whos crush went to the same school.
He was nervous. Oh, so nervous. He was a little scared of messing something up, taking great measures to avoid exactly that. He did end up on the wrong side of the step, somehow. He didnt even notice, but thats until he felt your hands on his waist, gently gripping onto the material of his suit.
"Youre in the wrong spot, darling." You had murmured into his ear, gently guiding him to where you wanted him. A smirk was so evident in your tone, even if he wasnt looking at your face.
The hands.
The. Gentle. Fucking. Hands.
His stomach quickly got filled with a ton of butterflies, his brain shortcircuiting. He would have frozen in the spot, if the circumstances had allowed him. And he did, at first - was given a slap to the back of his head by Daniel quickly enough to not be noticed, though. Or, thats what he thought - people were talking about it already, and it would continue for days. If not weeks. And not even the fact that you just casually moved him, just like that. Not the placement of your hands - but the fact that he could be seen blushing, all shy, like a little girl.
Despite it not being his victory, it was his favourite podium of all time already. But, who knew. Maybe the next one was gonna be his?
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55sturn · 3 months
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series masterlist!
pairings: matt sturniolo x fem!reader [eventually, in this chapter, they are not friends]
synopsis: in which y/n receives the news of her life and she feels on top of the world, as if nothing could bring her down, until she meets her dorm mate, rather, until she re-meets him.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, cigarettes, drug usage [weed], alcohol consumption, cocky!matt, flirting, bitchy!reader.
important notes: i’ve been so excited to post this! this is going to be slow burn, and updates will be slow as well while i’m in the process of deciding what i want done with back to december, povs will change regularly between reader’s pov, matt’s pov, and third person pov, each pov is vital to the story and each character’s internal battles throughout the series.
playlist for this series! song below for this chapter below!
my hands shook as i held the letter that determined whether or not i’d have a chance at landing a job in screenwriting or directing, or literally anything the film industry would give me. landing a spot in this course, was extremely tough. it was only open to twenty five students, and there were thousands of applicants to rifle through each semester. it was a prestigious course, and if you excelled in it, the professor would consider sending out a letter of recommendation to any companies he knew were offering an internship. it was such high demand because the professor had a lot of sway when it came to massive filming and production companies, and would often land one of his students their big break.
but in order to apply, at least three years of training under some sort of local theatre was mandatory, the applicants needed to prove that they understood how screenwriting, production, and set or stage management worked, and there was still more that we needed to cover but those were top three areas of experience this course looked at. each applicant needed to prove that they were completely fit for this course and that they genuinely wanted to pursue a career in this field, and if you didn’t show it well enough, you weren’t even added to the consideration list.
it was a tough spot to land, and i would give anything to land a spot in this course. i had fought tooth and nail throughout all of high school to get grades that proved determination and hard work, the only university i ever had in mind was harvard, and if i didn’t get in, i wouldn’t know what to do with my life.
so here i was, freshly twenty-one, and finally holding the letter that led to the rest of my life, good or bad.
“come on you pussy, open it already.” jocelyn groans, she had been my rock throughout the entire application process. she’s been my best friend since we were six and bonded over having the same pencil case when she moved to boston in first grade. however, she’s been a bit callous to the idea of me being nervous about reading this letter. she was the type that barely scraped in high school, and she had decided pretty early that she didn’t want to go to any college or university. she excelled online and had amounted a huge following.
“joce, i love you but please shut up. this is the most important letter i’ve held in my entire life. i’m scared, what if i don’t get in?”
“please bitch, you’ve worked harder than anyone i know, i’m sure you’re going to get in.”
“thanks joce, but i genuinely don’t trust your judgement after the last guy you hooked up with. so i am going to take a shot and then open it.” i laugh, walking over to the cupboard above the fridge, grabbing the bottle of tequila we had bought in preparation for this very moment. i also grabbed two shot glasses from the mini bar-cart we had beside the fridge of our shared apartment, and began pouring a shot for the both of us.
“oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god!” she gasps from behind me, making quickly turn around, only to see that she held the open letter in her hands.
“you fucking got in!” she exclaims, causing goosebumps to rise along my skin as i stand and watch her eyes dart back and forth along the page, reading the words aloud.
“dear miss l/n, i am pleased to inform you that the committee on Film and Visual Studies has voted to offer you a place in the Harvard class of 2025. dude you did it!” she beams, her voice full of pride and excitement, causing tears to well along my waterline as i stare at her.
“oh my fucking god, i did it.” i sob, feeling genuinely accomplished for the first time in my life.
“however it does say that the only available dorm situation is co-ed, since you had applied for on-campus living.”
“that’s fine with me honestly.” i shrug, wiping the tears, unable to rid my face of the smile that resides on it.
“alright, let’s take some shots and then start packing the rest of your shit. i can’t believe i’ll be living without for so long, i can finally walk around naked.” she hums, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as i sigh, my arms winding tightly around her waist.
i let out a loud laugh as i grab the bottle of tequila, followed by the two full shot glasses, sliding jocelyn hers as i stare at her.
“you’re acting as if you don’t already do that.”
“touché, however, here’s to my bitch starting her dream career.”
the next few days blew by in a blur as jocelyn and i finished packing everything i wanted to take. she was going to help take my stuff from boston to cambridge. the eight hour drive was going to be brutal, but it was completely doable, especially know that she’d be along the way. instead of driving sixteen hours total, she was going to spend the first night with me, she also wanted to scope out my dorm mate to make sure they’re not a total freak.
“i can’t believe i leave tomorrow.” i sigh, resting my head on jocelyn’s shoulder, the two of sitting on our balcony while she puffed her joint. jocelyn stifles a laugh before straightening out her expression, and turning to me.
“your mom would be so proud of you.” she says, her face blank as the absurd comment leaves her mouth.
“as fucking if.” i snort, rolling my eyes, taking the joint from her fingers, taking a small hit as she laughs.
“she’d probably ask why it took so long to get a response and then tell you that you didn’t try hard enough and that your acceptance letter was a pity letter.”
“probably.” i whisper, handing the joint back to her as i watch the setting sun, feeling a strong tinge of hurt swelling in my chest at the mention of my mom.
her and i never really had a steady relationship, when i was younger she was never really around, she was a big part of the film industry, quite the requested screenwriter, and was always in high demand which meant she didn’t take time to nurture me.
when she was alive and around more during my high school days after she was forced to retire from the spotlight due to her cancer, she was constantly berating me, the high ninety grades and constant participation in local theatre was never good enough. she always said i wasn’t shooting high enough. but she fell deathly ill my senior year, and that was a rough patch for us. i had snapped and told her that i hope she regrets the way she’s treated my entire life, and that i won’t be found at her deathbed. but when that time came, i was the first one to hold her hand and tell her i love her, but the reply never came from her, she just stared at the wall blankly until her boyfriend showed up and then suddenly she was lively as she could be while dying.
but i’ve moved on from that year, and it took a long time and shit ton of therapy to realize that i was never going to be the daughter she wanted, but my dad and my step-mother, melissa, have been as supportive as they could. they’ve been with melissa’s mom in maine for the last two months, helping her with everything after her husband’s passing.
i sigh again as i look at jocelyn, leaning my head back on her shoulder.
“we should probably head back to bed, we’ve got a long ass drive tomorrow.”
“yeah, wanna eat some ice cream first?”
after our ice cream, we finally crashed, both of us only getting about four hours of sleep after having to wake up at nearly six in the morning. we quickly got dressed, and grabbing the last few bags and boxes that needed to be packed into the car before leaving to grab food and drinks. after that, we finally started on our way to cambridge.
the drive was full of numerous stops, causing to get at the dorms around four in the afternoon.
“alright you stay with the cars while i go to the admissions centre and grab my key and i’ll go unlock the door and then we can start.” i hum in joce’s direction through her open window, grabbing my bag off the front passenger’s seat while jocelyn nods, climbing out, and stretching.
“i hope you get a hot roommate, you need a boyfriend.” she calls out, rolling my eyes, and flipping her off.
“i’m walking away i cant hear you!” i call back, following the signs that direct me toward to admissions office, as i enter i nervously approach the lady at the front.
“hi i’m here to pick up my dorm keys, room 496, y/n l/n.”
“here you go! so you’ll want to turn right, then take two lefts and follow the numbered plaques on the wall to the co-ed section of the dorms! and lastly, welcome to harvard!” the older woman chirps, flashing a warm smile that eases my nerves just the tiniest bit as i begin following the directions that she had called out.
as i reach my door, i fish the key from my pocket, quickly shoving it into the keyhole, wanting to get into my dorm as quick as possible. as i’m about to turn the knob, someone clear their throat from behind me, causing me to turn around. and once i meet the eyes of the person standing behind me, i immediately wish that the ground would open up and swallow him whole.
“what the fuck are you doing here?”
“this is my dorm?” he coughs, making my skin crawl at the idea of sharing a dorm for a year with the one person that i genuinely wish didn’t exist in my life.
“there’s no way in hell i’m sharing a dorm with you, matt.”
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taglist: @dylsdunbar @verosivy @florcult @33sturniolo @greatooglymooglyyy @sugrhigh @rootbeerworshiper @soursturniolo @spencerstits @meanttomeet @bluesturniolo333 @graciereid @abbie13sworld @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @mylifeisevenstranger @bethsturn @ifilwtmfc @themattgirl @lovingmattysposts @lacysturniolo @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @cupidsword @lustfulslxt @sturnifyed @teapartyprincess4two @mangosrar @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chris @evie-sturns @nicksmainbitch @gnxosblog @sturniolopepsi @wronqness99 @sturniolossss @hesvoid3434 @mattsfavwh3re @inlovewithmattstur @melanch0lybby @whatrulookingat11
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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shdysders · 6 months
club heaven
pairing: jenna ortega x female reader
summary: in which jenna found herself thinking about you and where you might be.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: mentions of death & alcohol
author’s note: wrote this fully based on the song club heaven by nessa barrett, mainly because it’s currently one of my favorite songs. and i suppose it’s confusing if you haven’t read the lyrics to it, so take that into consideration while reading!
i didn’t rly like how this turned out, so please tell me if it’s too confusing and i’ll delete it. hope y’all like it!
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As Jenna sat at the lavish Met Gala table, surrounded by the dazzling lights and extravagant fashion, all she could find herself thinking about was you.
It was currently the place and time of the Met Gala after party, and as sad as it sounded: Jenna was alone. Even though she was encircled by people in the same working industry as herself, she should be enjoying herself. This was people she was supposed to actually relate to.
But the thought that was stopping her from doing so, was you. You just wouldn't leave her mind. She just couldn't stop thinking about where you were, what you were doing or who you where with.
You had always liked afterparties, no matter what the occasion, so she should've known that thoughts of you would appear when she would attend them. You claimed it was the icing on the cake when it came to celebration. You wanted one after your birthday, Christmas and even on New Year's Eve.
It was something Jenna loved about you, you always felt the need to celebrate, whether it was for a new project she had finished or such small things as finishing an audition tape.
Her thinking was harshly interrupted by a strong white light flashing onto her, followed by both male and female voices yelling her name from afar.
You hated the paparazzi, despised them. It was a conversation topic you and Jenna talked about almost all the time, you couldn't stand the people that made it their mission in life to make well known peoples life a living hell: taking pictures who all looked the same, making them partly blind in the process.
A smile appears on Jennas face at the thought of your hatred towards them. The fact that you were now somewhere they couldn't go made relief wash over her, but it also made her feel worry. You wouldn't be there to protect her if they ever tried to do something, like you always said you would.
She just prayed to the gods above that you knew how truly sorry she was for not being with you, for not being able to tell you how much she loved you, how much she adored you; like you had told her everyday. She wouldn't be with you for the future years at least, maybe even decades unless she would die in any sort of accident.
Your number still lingered in her contact list, your name followed by an amount of hearts she never bothered to count.
She texted your number almost every day, every chance she got, knowing she would never get a reply from you.
She knew that your number would eventually get shut down for it's lack of using and that a new user would get it, but when it did she certainly didn't know how hard she would take it. Everything that ever belonged to you was starting to slip out of her grip, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Although the new user didn't stop her from texting the number, she didn't care if that meant for her number to get leaked. Because if it made her feel closer to you, she didn't mind. It actually got to the point where the number had called her multiple times, your number called her. But this time the picture of you didn't cover the screen, nor did the contact name she made especially for you.
Jenna tried to tell herself it was you calling her, that you were calling her to ask if she could join you up in paradise.
But she never actually answered the calls because she knew what it would be like if she did: an old lady full of frustration, telling her to stop texting her phone because she didn't know how to block the number. But in the fantasy of it being you, she tried to tell herself that she couldn't hear the signal through the clouds, just so you didn't think she was ignoring you.
The champagne in the glass ran slowly down her dry throat, her face crunching together at the scary feeling of the liquid barely making it through. The paparazzi was now long gone; probably because she didn't give them any satisfaction in posing for their worthless pictures.
Jenna stared with guilt onto the empty glass, that was just minutes ago all full of luxury exotic fruit champagne, Enrique had told her to take it easy multiple times, not wanting her to be completely out of it and not being able to make it home, but of course she didn't listen.
She enjoyed the feeling of the buzz in her head that shut out the bad thoughts in her head; the thoughts of you. She had been trying to escape them with alcohol more than she could remember, drinking all alone at night, either alone in her hotel room or in her apartment, that was once yours too. And when drinking alone got too boring, she tried going to a club.
But unfortunately, she wasn't allowed. Surprisingly enough it wasn't for her short figure or petite and short looking body. The bouncer claimed she was too well known, that she would cause a fuss by being there, crowding people around her and making people turn the attention away from the actual place.
He had told her that she would have to sign herself in as a performer or an entertainer so they had time to schedule it in. But that didn't stop her, she waited right outside every night, even trying to bribe the bouncer with an autograph or a photo, but she left there without avail; the only answer she got was "not tonight".
She hoped that you were up there somewhere, spending your time at your own club, dancing and drinking. You loved dancing, you were always the first person onto the dance floor, practically forcing or dragging Jenna with you.
She hoped that you were up there smoking some blue dream and cigarettes with your legends and idols; even though you never liked when Jenna smoked, she knew you liked to do so yourself when she wasn't around.
She could actually bet all her life savings that you were up there raising all kinds of toasts for her, telling all of the other people up there who she was, what she did, and who she was to you, so everyone else would know who she was until she would get in. To club heaven. The club up there that she prayed so deeply you were at.
And even though she was constantly surrounded by warm and kind hearted people that only wanted the best for her and her career, it never filled the void, the void of you. It was like the city was filled with beautiful angels, but it missed the best one.
She wished for nothing else but being able to cut the line, whether it was up to you or the club she was rooting so hard to get into.
It was either seeing you, or forgetting the loud and bad thoughts about you; the thoughts that you were actually gone, that you weren't with her. Of course she didn't want to forget about you forever, it was just a temporary solution for when the thoughts got too loud.
But a thought that had hit her, was the long wait. The line up towards the place where you were at weren't exactly short, and she was probably way too far back in that line. What if she would never get in? What if she can't get in at all? If that happened, how would she ever see you again?
What if she can't get in? How will she see you again?
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tan1shere · 6 months
Motel Whore pt 2
Ellie Williams x female reader!
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A/n: you GUYS the second part is hereeee I hope you lovelies enjoy it!
Warnings: angst, smut just the same that was in the other one practically. Drinking, Ellie being an ass but not for long. Fluff at ze end 😋
Summary: You and Ellie started a fwb. But you want more. She doesn't see that nor notice how you've been acting. You're just her. Motel Whore. (Yes this is based off of the song Motel Whore by Nessa Barrett!)
Pt 1
You didn't know how. But you did it. You had cut Ellie off completely. You were currently just in your apartment, in the dark with the blankets cuddled up to you. You hadn't spoken to anyone. Nobody. Not even Dina, which made her worry also. You just couldn't bare going outside, going with the friend group in case you ran into Ellie. You couldn't face her, nor did you even want to after the last time you saw her. You went home, crying your eyes out. Cursing yourself for agreeing to this.
You're not a friends with benefits girl. You want love. True love that actually means something. You couldn't keep hurting yourself, but how that didn't even work. If anything you're hurting more. All these thoughts and they're all of her. You were infact inlove with Ellie, and you needed to try get your mind off of it. You just didn't know how.
Ellie texts you from time to time, asking why you don't answer her anymore. You ofcourse don't answer those. You just can't. You were sitting in bed, watching some TV in the dark in hopes to get your mind off everything, it wasn't working that great when you hear a knock on the door, startling you completely. "In a second." You begin to get up bringing the blanket with you having it drape over your shoulders. You go to open the door.
"What the fuck Is going on with you." Said a very concerned looking Dina. You sigh going to walk into your apartment more not even wanting to talk. "Uh uh don't do that." She says following you in. "Spit it out." She says. You turn around. "Just not feeling the best Dee.." You look down. "You know what I think you need. Is to party." You look at her bewildered. "Actually I need my bed." You were about to walk back into your bedroom as you say that but she swiftly grabs your arm. "Nope you need fun, and.. color." She looks around your apartment, looking at the dullness that's overcome it. "Come on, you might even meet someone." You scoff at her comment.
"Fuck that 'someone' I'm not even interested." You sit down on your bed, looking at her. "Pleas, just for tonight then you can come back and mope around about whatever the fuck it is." You sigh once again. "Ugh, fine." She smiles at the response you give. "Right let's get you dressed into something, slutty!" You laugh slightly as she says that. Maybe this could be the distraction. And who knows maybe you could meet someone. You just prayed that someone wasn't Ellie. You did not. Want to see her face tonight.
You had just arrived at said club, walking in with Dina. "Drink?" You think for a second. You weren't a drinker. At. All. "Fuck it yeah why not." She looks at you very surprised. "Actually?" You nod. She then orders, handing you the glass. "Now, you don't have to go fast just-" but you hadn't listened to a word, downing the liquid. "Pace yourself.." She finishes with a small laugh. You shrug with a smile, feeling it burn slightly, not use to this kind of tang.
"Having fun?" Dina yells over the loud music. It had been an hour or two since you had arrived, you and Dina were dancing like there was no tomorrow. "Loadsss." You slur, definitely out of it. But honestly, you couldn't really think straight right now, bit you did feel good. No hurting, no thought, nothing of- "Oh look there's Ellie!" Your eyes go wide, immediately ducking off into the crowd trying to get away from Dina. "Ellie!" She calls out. "That makes another-" Dina wips her head around to try find you. "Y/n?" You were almost sprinting in your drunken state, so much so you hadn't realized you bumped into anyone.
You stumble but thankfully they catch you. "I'm so sorry- I wasn't looking-" You ramble. You look up at the figure. It was a male with light brown fluffy hair, he smiles at you. It seemed to be genuine. "You're quite alright." He was British, saying everything so beautifully. He notices your state. "Have you come here alone?" He looks quite concerned. You shake your head. "Oh, no I'm with a friend, but I just-" you couldn't even remember what you had been doing. "I can't remember-" You let out a choked giggle. "Ok well why don't we take you back to your friend." He gently grabs your wrist when you hear  your name?
"Dont fucking touch her, can't you see she's clearly drunk." Uh oh. It was Ellies voice. You look to see her coming over here with Dina. You were left confused by her statement. "Was just bringing her out of harms way actually." Ellie scoffs. "Yeah sure you were buddy. I don't believe you even for a second." She goes to grab you to take you away. "And what makes you think you could do such a thing." He stares at her. This poor guy, he seemed like he only wanted to help. "Dont fucking do that I know her." No you don't.. you don't know anything about me.. you think to yourself. Everythings all coming back again.
"How do I know you aren't just saying that." Ellies getting angry. But why? Why does she even care so much. "You aren't funny." She spits. "Do you see me laughing?." Dina is now over, just behind Ellie. "What's going on?" She looks at everything that was happening. "Trying to bring someone that's under the influence to her friend, when this bird. Is accusing me of the complete opposite." Dina looks at you. "I know them." He looks at you as you say that. "Are you positive?" You just nod. "Alright, please be safe." You thank the man and go off with Dina. "You alright." You nod. "Jackaas." You then hear Ellie mumble to herself. You can't even believe her right now.
"Let's get home yeah?" Dina speaks breaking the barrier of awkwardness. You agree, and so does Ellie. It was pretty silent on the way back, as Dina drops you off at your apartment. But Ellie gets out too. You shrug it off just wanting to get into bed still slightly drunk. "Oi." You don't look at her as you fiddled with your keys, getting in and setting your bag down. "Hello I'm talking to you-" "what Ellie what." You turn around abrupt and cold. Glaring at her. She mirrors it. "What the fuck do you mean what? You've been ghosting me forever." You turn back around turning the lights on and taking off your shoes. "No no, you're gunna answer me."
You scoff. "Why the fuck do you care so much. You have other bitches." You spat. "What the fuck is going on with you. You're acting like an idiot." You let out a dry laugh. "Im the idiot?" She nods. "That is what I just said, wasn't it?" You wanted to punch her, squinting your eyes ever so slightly at her. Silence took over for what felt like the millionth time that night. "Tell me I'm more." You say softly, trying not to burst into tears. "What?" She looks very confused. What on earth did you mean. "Tell me. Im more." She stands there, trying to figure out what you were saying. "Your more?" She says unsure. "I promise I'm more.. more then a God damn motel whore." Boom. It clicks in Ellies mind. "Now get the fuck out." You spit with absolute venom. She's stunned. But you weren't playing.
As you watched her leave, the water works started flooding back again like a tidal wave. You really are stupid. You had fallen for someone who didn't give you even a single thought. How foolish of you. How stupid. You fall to the ground letting it all out now. Feeling hopeless. Desperate for something. You had no idea what it was but you just wanted to be held. Tighter than you ever would have imagined. But that wasn't possible. Dina was gone. You didn't really have anyone else. Lost. That's the perfect words for this all.
Why can't I be lovely.
Why can't I be yours.
I'm only your babydoll when you get bored.
Sobs, as you lay on the floor. Feeling like your eyes are burning. What is wrong with you. Stop this. Oh but you can't. You can't even stop thinking about her after she hurt your brain. You couldn't forgive but you wanted to so bad. You shouldn't. But you wanted to so bad.
I wanna be precious.
I'm left on the floor.
Crying in desperate.
Darling, what am I for.
It was a few days later. Nothing had changed. You were in your room, dark. Gloomy room. Not even doing anything just laying on your bed. You'd say you were thinking but you had nothing more to think about. Your brain felt fried. Empty. Which was a good representation of your aching heart. Like last time trouble occurred there was a knock on your door. Again. But this time you don't do anything. You don't want to answer it, to whomever was on the other side. You couldn't. They knocked again. "Go away." There was a pause. "I-its me.." You were shocked at first but slowly that turned into anger.
"Leave me alone." You say, shouting slightly. "Please I just want to talk.." You were torn on what to do. Answer it. Be hurt again. Don't answer it. Keep hurting. Either way you weren't changing your mood, so you pull yourself out of bed, not even caring how you look, as you open the door. "I-" She looks at you, softening her look. "I'm so fucking sorry. Why didn't you tell me?" You look at her, not even sure how to respond. Standing there, wanting to sob again. But you didn't, it felt like you had nothing left to let out. "Did your mother raise her daughter, to love a lady like a corpse." You then blurt out the only thing that came to mind. She let's that sink in. "Oh Y/n.. I'm so fucking sorry you have no idea." You nod. "You're right. I don't."
"You wanna know something." You shrug. "Might as well you've hurt me enough." But then you think. You want to rip your hair out at that. It's not even her fault it's yours. You shouldn't of even agreed in the first place. You're the one screwing up. "No Ellie, you don't have to explain. I let my emotions get in the wa-" "and I didn't let mine." She blurts out looking at me. I furrow my brows. "What?" She smiles. "I've always been interested in you. I just never thought you'd ever feel the same." You swallow, still confused. "So you-" She keeps talking cutting you off. "Everything that happened it was my fault. I felt horrible the last night after I left you asleep.. I was realizing half way through what I had just done. It was obvious you weren't comfortable. I felt like a right asshole afterwards. But then you didn't seem upset or anything so I shrugged it off. I shouldn't of I realize that now." She finishes.
You were dumbfounded. "Are you telling the truth?" She nods. "I'll prove it to you. That's if you let me ofcourse." You tilt your head. "I wanna fuck you." You stood there looking at her like she was insane, but she giggles. "That's not funn-" "With so much love and adoration that you'll explode." She says coming closer and rubbing your chin gently. Hearts formed in your eyes, that's all you ever wanted. "Sooo is that a yes?" You smile at her. "Yes that's a yes." She smiles at your smile, missing it deeply. She picks you up so gently you melt into her touch, as she brings you to your bed. "Let me take care of you.. it's what you deserve."
You nod giving her full permission, she slowly goes to kiss all over your face, making sure to keep the soft manner. She gently goes to take your shirt off continuing the soft kisses down your neck, breasts, stomach.. hips. Everything was so delicate. In a way that was making you go crazy for her. This is all you ever wanted. Especially with her. She goes to take her shirt off, something she never really did, you couldn't help but stare. She was beautiful. "You're so pretty Els." You say gently. She gives you a sweet smile at your compliment. "And you're so amazing." She goes to take your pants off still keeping with her soft demeanor. It was all so lovely.
She then proceeds to take hers off. You look at her a tad confused. "More intimate angel." You crumble as she says that, is this even real? You nod at the response regardless. She goes to line up perfectly, sinking down onto your body. You both let your mouths drop slightly at the instant connection and softness. She then begins to move on you, both of you letting out noises of pleasure. "F-fuck, I regret not doing this sooner." You watch her as she keeps going. "Els.." She let's out a grunt. "I love you." She says. You stare at her in pure shock. Bringing her down by her hair and kissing her, she kisses back with so much passion. You felt it, that feeling. "Ellie i-" She just nods. "Me too, me too. Together yeah?" You nod also cumming shortly after along with her.
She flops onto you, laying there playing with your hair. There was a comfortable silence. "I love you too Els." She smiles. And for the first time ever with her. You felt safe with the aftercare. No leaving to go to someone else. Cuz she was yours. And you were hers.
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totalswag · 2 months
could you do headcannons of drew starkey x singer!reader? where his schedule is free for some months so he goes on tour with her, and she has a nessa barrett/young forever vibe. 🩷🩷
support buddy — DREW STARKEY
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authors note this was such a great idea because i’m currently in the works of making a singer!reader x drew starkey 🤭. i hope you really like this lovie :) i’ve listen to a few of nessa’s music and i have a couple songs that are some of my favorites of hers!!!
summary drew joining you on tour while he has time off from filming.
taglist! if you would like to be added to my taglist leave a comment or let me know by sending me in my ask.
warnings drew being a supportive boyfriend.
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➪ Drew has been filming his new movie in Europe while you are on tour, performing at sold-out shows. You both miss each other a lot.
➪ Drew had informed you that he would be taking a few months break from filming and that he would love to join you on tour during this period. That made you very delighted, and you had originally meant to ask him.
➪ The entire time he's been with you has been memorable. Every second and moment is forever captured. Will never forget this.
➪ "You are gonna do amazing baby, promise," Drew tells you between kisses in the dressing room before you had to walk onto stage.
➪ The sound of screaming fans could be heard from the audience as you walked closer to stage, hand in hand with Drew.
➪ Half an hour into the show, everyone is having an amazing time. You’ve played songs from your newest album that has a different feel and vibe to it compared to your first album.
➪ When you were in the middle of talking to the fans when a large crowd starts screaming on the side where Drew and his cast of Outer Banks stood at the private area on the second floor.
➪ You smiled into the microphone, making fans pay attention at you, "My lovely boyfriend decided to join me on tour for a month while he has time off from filming, and it's been amazing," fans all awed.
➪ Drew waved to the excited fans below him with a kind smile.
➪ The rest of the show consisted of songs from your album as well as older songs that you had previously performed. You often glanced at Drew, blowing him a kiss or simply smiling at his beautiful face.
➪ You played two songs from your album that you wrote about Drew that mean a lot to you. You wrote this when you were going through a tough time in your life and he was the one that was there for you.
➪ Cried throughout various portions of the song, along with fans who had their phones out, capturing the times when you looked up at Drew and never took your focus away from him. The moment was lovely.
➪ After the show, you rushed into Drew's arms. He whispered nice things into your ear just for you to hear. He wanted to take you somewhere special—just the two of you.
➪ "Where are we going?" you innocently inquire. "Somewhere that will keep your mind relaxed and listen to the sounds of water hitting shore," Drew answers between laughter.
➪ The rest of the month with Drew continued to be the best times filled with a lot of emotions and happy moments.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @chenslucy @brooklynscherry-z @johannelis2302nely @rosezza @solanathascientst
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vinnieslove · 2 years
Do you take requests?
yes!! requests are currently open for all 😌😁
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foreverbase1 · 17 days
lie ❣ Kim Gyuvin
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❥𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Kim Gyuvin x fem!reader
❥𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.5k
❥𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Angst, Fake Dating
❥𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: pet names (baby)
❥𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠: lie by Nessa Barrett
❥𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Liz (IVE), Ricky & Gunwook (ZB1)
❥𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Gyuvin asks Reader to fake date him in order for him to make his crush jealous, Reader agrees as she just wants to help her friend, Reader ends up falling for Gyuvin while they are fake dating.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬! <𝟑
It all started when Kim Gyuvin, your best friend, asked you the most bizarre question ever. You were sitting in the cafeteria, seated at your usual table waiting for Gyuvin when the boy in question rushed in and sat across from you, slightly startling you.
"Y/N, sorry, but i need your help. I don't trust anyone else with this" He said, seemingly excited and a bit nervous. But since he was your best friend and he said you were the only one he trusted with this, you agreed to hear him out. "I need you to fake date me" His eyes looked into yours, his orbs filled with hopefulness.
The question caught you off guard, causing you to choke and cough a bit, taking a sip of the strawberry milk you purchased to help you gather yourself. "What? Are you crazy?" You say, looking at him with wide eyes. Gyuvin whined a little, his hands coming together in front of him in a begging gesture. "Please, i'll do anything Y/N. It's to make Jiwon jealous" He told you, and that's when it clicked in your head.
His crush was Kim Jiwon, one of the popular girls at school. You couldn't blame everyone for loving her and for every guy in school for having a crush on her. She was pretty, talented and she was a sweetheart, not to mention she was funny too. Thinking about it for a second, you eventually hummed causing Gyuvin's face to light up. "You will?!" He almost shouted, causing you to clamp your hand over his mouth. "Only cause you're my best friend, be glad" You couldn't help the smile on your face at his happy expression.
"Thank you Y/N! I seriously owe you one, i have to get going anyway, Ricky and Gunwook asked me to meet up with them. See ya!" Gyuvin smiled at you, reaching over and giving you a quick hug across the table, almost spilling your mill everywhere, before he sprinted away. You couldn't help but giggle, he could be so cute sometimes.
And that was how it all started, you both thought it was going to be awkward. After all, you two never thought of each other 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘺 before. But surprisingly it wasn't awkward at all, you and Gyuvin fit perfectly together, almost 𝘵𝘰𝘰 perfectly.
Everyone in your class was shocked when Gyuvin dropped you off at your classroom, quickly pecking your cheek and heading to his own. Turning around and entering the classroom fully, you sat at your seat and noticed the wat Jiwon stared at you, almost with an emotionless expression, her hand tightly clenching around her pencil. This made you smile, cause at least you knew the plan was working.
You, however, didn't expect the bombardment of questions from everyone. "How did it happen?" "When did it happen?" "Did you always like Gyuvin?" and more questions, it gave you a massive headache, but you couldn't help but feel your heart twirl at the thought of being titled "Gyuvin's girlfriend". It made you feel all fuzzy, but, you quickly dismissed it as just you feeling like this due to all the attention.
"You remember the plan, right?" Gyuvin asked you once you both met up at the cafeteria during lunch. "Yes, Gyuv, i know the plan" You reassured him, Gyuvin smiles at you before kissing your cheek again. "Great, i love you, baby" He said, walking away as you replied with "i love you too" before he left.
The plan you two came up with was that you and Gyuvin were just "testing the waters". You'd date for a week, then, you'd break up and tell everyone it was due to you "being better off as friends". That was when Gyuvin would confess to Jiwon, a week after your break up at the upcoming school dance event.
Some extra rules you both made was that Gyuvin always had to hold your hand and call you "baby", the lips were completely off limits unless it was to really sell that you two were dating, so that meant for the majority of the time it was only cheek kisses.
Unfortunately, it all went downhill halfway through the week. You and Gyuvin would purposefully get spotted going on dates after school and on days off, taking cute couple pics and posting them on your socials for everyone in your school to see. You and Gyuvin were eventually dubbed the "cutest couple" in school and Jiwon would begin getting jealous of your relationship, causing her to start asking you personal questions about Gyuvin.
What you didn't expect to happen was for Gyuvin to capture your heart during the entire fake dating plan. It happened when you were about to cross the street and a car tried to avoid getting stopped at the red light, trying to see if they could quickly pass it before it turned red. Gyuvin was fast to react as the car was about to hit you, grabbing your arm and yanking you back, the words "watch out, baby!" leaving his mouth as you pulled back into his arms, your back against his chest.
You were completely dazed and scared, but most of all, your brain was short circuiting at the thought of being this close to Gyuvin. Turning around while still in his embrace, you stared up at the boy, a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" Gyuvin asked, looking you over to make sure you were okay. "I-i'm fine thank you, Gyuv" You smiled nervously at him, causing him to sigh in relief and show you a small smile too.
For the rest of your date that day, you couldn't stop thinking about why you were feeling the way you were. You weren't like this before and it only hit you when Gyuvin dropped you off at your house, wishing you a good night before he kissed your cheek, on instinct you guessed. But that was when it all clicked, you watched as he walked away, raising your hand to your cheek with an unreadable expression on your face. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘮.
This caused your world to flip upside down in just a day, and it only continued to get worse. Gyuvin kept up the lovey dovey act with you, meanwhile, you were struggling to even keep it up without blurting your true feelings out at any second.
And eventually, your world did come crashing down. The last day of your fake dating plan had arrived, you and Gyuvin were seated in the cafeteria, keeping up this lovey dovey act until the very end. You, on the other hand, weren't ready for it to stop, you knew that the minute the final bell rings and you walked out of the school gates it was all over. You would go back to being Gyuvin's best friend.
Once the final bell did ring and you walked out of the school with Gyuvin by your side, you both looked at each other. Gyuvin's expression was one of excitement, he was happy that the plan was all working, Jiwon was jealous and she was trying to get closer to Gyuvin as well because of it. In the end, Gyuvin would get his happy ending because this meant Jiwon liked him too.
However, you would not get your happy ending. Instead, you would get your heart crushed in a matter of seconds and get left behind. And as you approached the school gates, you couldn't even control your own actions anymore. "Gyuvin" You called his name as you stopped right outside the school gates, causing the boy to stop and look down at you. "What's up?" His eyes showed curiosity and care, you hated it so much.
"Thank you" You thanked him, causing his head to tilt and a confused expression to take its place on his features. "For what?" He asked, and you let out a quick sigh, looking behind you, you noticed Jiwon and her friends approaching, a pit forming in your stomach as you looked back at Gyuvin. "For being my first love, even if it was fake" You finished, stepping forward and standing your tip toes. Your hands gripping his school tie and pulling him down, your lips pressing against his.
It was like the world stopped for just a few seconds, it was just the two of you standing there. You didn't care if this ruined your friendship with Gyuvin, because you knew that your friendship was already broken the minute you found out your feelings for him. Now all you wanted was to feel his lips on yours, just once, even if his lips weren't reciprocating.
Pulling away, you smiled at a dazed and shocked Gyuvin. You would turn your head to look at Jiwon, who watched you both with a stunned expression on her face, every other student stopping to look on too. This was it, this was the end of your fake dating plan with Gyuvin. Breathing in deeply, you looked up at Gyuvin once more and said loud enough for Jiwon and the other students to hear.
"𝘎𝘺𝘶𝘷𝘪𝘯, 𝘭𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘶𝘱"
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This was so shit byemapkrpmlqwkrpmlqoneonq
Thank you for reading <3
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callsignmarz · 3 months
MDNI | 18+ | König x Reader
TW: mentions of alcohol, mild language, misplaced anger, mature scene.
“He makes you jealous.”
König knew the type of woman he married.
Especially, after a heated argument.
There at the end of the bar, you downed the last few sips of your second cosmo, reminiscing on the stupid fight you just had outside, moments ago.
“Want another?” The bartender customarily asked as he draped a hand rag over his shoulder.
You had a good buzz going.
Although, you didn’t need to go over your limit. The sober mask comes on as you pushed the empty glass away with your fingertips.
“No, I’m okay. But, just incase I change my mind; Keep my tab open.”
“What about your big fella and his friend?”
Your eyes thinned at the bartenders question with confusion quickly morphing into raw ire as you swiveled around to see König sitting at a booth with an arm purposely wrapped around some red headed bimbo.
Let the games begin, motherfucker.
In a matter of seconds, you pounced from the bar stool and like a black panther in the shadows, you blended in with the sea of bodies, stalking and observing their interactions from afar.
As a former mercenary yourself, patience became your most reliable source.
Feeling a familiar pair of eyes burning a hole into him, König swiftly turned his attention to the crowded bar, leisurely scouting until his gaze met yours.
His lips curl into a cocky smirk as he pulls the woman closer to him, triggering you to fly into a jealous rage.
Maneuvering through the horde of drunks, you wantonly drag over a nearby chair once you finally approached the two, persistently planting yourself uncomfortably close to the woman.
“Neue Freunde finden, mein Liebe? (Making new friends, my love?)” You asked König while your eyes fixate on the red haired woman, maintaining a toothy grin.
“Ja, das glaube ich. (Yeah, I guess I am.)”
The red head’s brows crease together, feeling quite uneasy.
“I’m sorry, König. Do you know her?” She questions as she leans closer into König, hoping he would shield her from your piercing watch and you fight the maniacal urges that arise.
By the befuddling look on the poor girl’s face and her accent was a dead give away…she was an American.
Regardless. She had no place flirting with König and the thought of her sharing the same oxygen as him, slowly boiled your blood to a dangerous temperature.
“Ich schwöre bei Gott, wenn du ihn berührst...(I swear to God, if you touch him)” Your tone daintly dips to a menacing level, one that König immediately recognizes.
The smug expression on König’s face becomes one of wary. “My apologies, Schatz. This here is my lovely wife, Y/N. She thinks you’re very pretty.” He blatantly lies through his teeth.
“Y-Your wife?”
The woman blinks a few times, bewildered by how she missed all the crucial signs.
Her eyes drop to your left hand, where a diamond ring would be, but instead there was a small calligraphy tattoo, engraved in your skin that read:
“Til Death.”
“Hat deine Hure einen Namen, König? (Does your whore have a name?)”
He didn’t answer right away.
Instead König reached over to grab the glass of bourbon that sat on the table, taking a quick swig of it while watching the tension build as you continued to inspect his new “friend.”
Your eyes flit over to him with impending glare, which light a fire under his ass to give an answer.
“Victoria.” He said dully, avoiding all eye contact.
A seed of suspicion was ready to plant itself as König had a small habit of fabricating to avoid conflict. But, the way her neck almost snapped at the name, convinced you otherwise and your expression softens.
“gefällt sie dir?” (Do you like her?)
“Y/N, es ist nicht-” (Y/N, it’s not-)
Swiftly rising to your feet and cutting off his excuse, you walk your way around the table to settle comfortably in your husband’s lap, wedging yourself between the two with your eyes studiously on Victoria.
Despite your calm and relaxed nature, the air surrounding held underlying tension with a dicey edge to it.
Victoria’s eyes shift frantically between you and König, hoping that she can escape the situation without any causing any more problems.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t know you were married. I just assumed you were single.”
“Du hast falsch gedacht, Schlampe. Ich wette, die dumme Schlampe erkennt nicht einmal, was für eine Frau ich bin.(You thought wrong, bitch. I bet that stupid bitch doesn’t even realize what kind of woman I am.)” You added with a humorless laugh, confusing Victoria even more.
“What did she say?”
“Don’t look at my husband, look at me.”
In response to your command, König’s arm causally wraps itself around your waist, not to be endearing but to restrain you if things go suddenly left.
“Are you having fun with König, Victoria?”
Victoria shivers at the piercing tone of your question.
“No, of course not.”
“No? So are you telling me that he wasn’t good enough to entertain you?” You scoffed in disbelief and instinctively König’s grip tightens around your waist, fully aware of the game your about to play.
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mxqdii · 10 months
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hii ! my name is madi (she/her)
about me! ⬇️
my birthday is october 29th
i love billie eilish, nessa barrett, renee rapp, chappell roan, and more!!
i love writing! please leave requests for any of the fandoms below !
all works are mine, i do not condone any of my work to be posted/reposted/translated by anybody besides me! all copyright ownerships go to me and me only.
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sturniolo triplets
tlou fandom
harry potter characters
percy jackson olympions
the summer i turned pretty
billie eilish
marvel characters
sam and colby
the hunger games
jake & johnnie
the vampire diaries
my life with the walter boys
cobra kai
outer banks
ginny and georgia
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about my works and rules.
i will NOT be writing any rape incest or underaged smut whatsoever.
i do not write character male x male reader as i am a female !!
i will write about dark topics such as mental health and struggles that come with it... but please be aware of using trigger warnings and just being mindful when making requests
dont be a silent reader! i love making friends with the community as well as anons, feel free to talk to me and send me a message anytime<3
if you wanna be added to my taglist just ask! <3
all my work is mine i do not allow any of it to be reposted, translated, copied to another site, etc.
my tag(s)!:
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
American Jesus | Javier Peña
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pairing: javier peña x f!reader
warnings: smut, literally just smut, smutty smut smut, and oh look, more smut! (also mentions of smoking, edging, defying religion???? [I guess if you wanna call it that or even say that???], cursing, pet names, no use of y/n... also, this is not meant to be disrespectful toward anyone's religion at all. just wanted to put that out there. so yeah. that's all I think). 18+. minors dni.
word count: 1.9k
*= i changed the lyric from green eyes to brown eyes for obvious reasons
based on the song 'American Jesus' by Nessa Barrett.
He's got a cross on his neck, but he spends Sundays in my bed
Javier's cross necklace dangles in your face as he hovers over you, lips parted, pupils blown, as he moves his thick fingers in and out of you in a salacious manner. The sounds you're emitting from your throat are nothing short of erotic as you call out his name like a prayer, nails leaving plentiful scratch marks along his back.
"Look at you, cariño. You're a mess just from my fingers. Can't wait to find out what this cock will do to you." His voice is domineering, and you can hear the fucking smirk the bastard has on his lips. He's been edging you for the last fifteen minutes, and you were about to lose your shit if he kept this up. You ached for release, bad, and your impending orgasm was so hot and heavy in your core that tears started to well in your eyes at the near torture he was doing unto you.
"Fuck, Javi, please, please fucking let me cum." The tears fall down your cheeks, and he coos at you.
"Ay mi pobrecita. Since you asked so nicely." He presses the pad of his thumb to your sensitive clit, rubbing circles around it. His skilled fingers have you coming undone in no time, your orgasm ripping through you like a wave in the ocean. You're screaming his name, and there's no doubt his neighbors absolutely hate you both right now.
He's my blue jean little baby, with a halo on his head
"Quit staring at my ass, cariño." Javier warns, giving you a pointed look.
"What? Not my fault it looks good in those tight jeans." The shit-eating grin you toss his way makes him roll his eyes and shake his head. The light behind Javier gave him a specific glow on the top of his head, giving him a halo effect. The scene in front of you was ironic, really, because Javier was nowhere near an angel. Not with that fucking sinful tongue of his, that did so much more than just shit talk.
That same tongue had you calling out god's name with the way it worked its magic on you.
He's got lips like cherry wine, and cigarette smoke on his breath
Javier's lips were nothing short of addicting. Any chance you got to kiss him, you did. His plush lips always kept you in a daze, and drunk on the man that is Javier Peña. He never kissed you half-assedly, either. You often wondered if he kissed other women the way he kissed you, too.
"What's on your mind cariño?" His eyes are trained on you lost in thought, curiosity getting the best of him.
"Nothing, Javi."
"Don't give me that. Seriously, what's on your mind?" His hand grazes your thigh as he takes a drag of his cigarette.
"Do you kiss your other women like you kiss me?" You blurt out your previous thought without even giving it a once-over in your mind.
"There are no other women, baby. Not anymore," His hand is feather-light as it trails up your thigh, sending goosebumps down your legs. He removes the cigarette from his mouth before pressing his lips to yours with such neediness, never letting you get a chance to catch your breath.
Javier was a passionate man when he wanted to be, and goddamn did he never hold back when it came to you. His hand found its way to your core as he rubbed over the fabric covering you. You moaned his name out which to him, was heaven to his ears.
Before yanking your underwear off of you, he paused and whispered against your lips.
"Only you."
He's got pretty long brown hair, and brown* eyes that look like sex
Javier’s dark brown eyes are ardent as they roam over every inch of your body. His dark locks were a mess as he indeed looked very freshly fucked… because he was.
You’d just blown his mind with possibly some of the best sex he's ever had in his life. No one compared to you, and you made sure to let him know that. He was your man.
He was trying to catch his breath after what had to've been the fifth orgasm he's had tonight. You were a vixen tonight and nothing could've stopped you from pleasing your man, over and over and over again.
Javier had been incredibly stressed at work, and you knew he needed to take the edge off, so you were there to let him know you'd take care of him and his needs tonight.
Javier thought you were a god send. No woman had ever made him cum like that in his entire sex life, and fuck if he was going to ever let you go. Not only were you amazing in bed, but you showed him that you genuinely cared about him and his well-being, not just through sex.
His hooded eyes scanned your features, looking at you lovingly.
"Mine." Was all he said before pulling you to him, kissing your head and wrapping his arms around you before he drifted off into a much needed sleep.
Knees down at your altar, please don’t fail me now
"Fuck, corazón, you look breathtaking in that dress." Javier's eyes are ravenous once more as they rake over your body with absolute hunger. It was a hot day in Colombia, so the black flowy minidress you were wearing was fitting for the sticky weather.
Javier pulled you in by your hips so you were flush against his strong body. Your hands rested comfortably on his chest. You felt his elevated heart rate beneath your fingertips, and your own heart swelled at how you made him feel. He may not have always told you, but he definitely showed you.
Javier slowly sank to his knees in front of you, leaving you confused.
"What are you doing, Javi?" Your voice is meek as your own heart rate starts to pick up.
He doesn't say a word as he lifts the hem of your dress up, exposing your thighs and light pink thong you chose to wear for the day. One of his hands cradled the back of your thigh while the other held the dress up, and he moved his face to you to kiss your clothed core.
You moan softly at the feeling. Javier's eyes are full of determination as he hooks the hand that was previously holding your dress up into the hem of your underwear, pulling the cloth down your legs with ease.
"Javi, we're going to be late to dinner with Steve and Connie."
Ignoring your comment, he moans at the sight of your already soaked core, moving his head back to you and under your dress. He gently grabs the back of both of your thighs this time, coaxing you to spread your legs a little further. You have to put your hands on his shoulders to balance yourself.
He wasted no time indulging you as he licked a hot, wet stripe up your core. You gasped in shock, knees already wanting to buckle under you.
"Mm, baby you always taste so fuckin' good. Fuck." And he doesn't stop lapping you up and sucking your swollen clit until you convulse violently above him, causing you to sink to your knees as well.
"I've got you, corazón. Always."
You know all my secrets American Jesus, baby
"You're terrible at hiding your emotions, you know." Javier is watching you with an amused look, cocking an eyebrow up at you.
"Fuck off, Javi." You roll your eyes, and his gaze darkens.
"I'd like to fuck something, alright." His voice drips like pure venom as he watches your every move. You immediately feel an ache in your core at his words, and of course, your face shows it all.
"Too easy. I know all your secrets, baby, every last one of them." Javier chuckles at your disposition, an annoyed look overtaking your needy one.
You stick a middle finger up at him, rolling your eyes.
"C'mere, then, cariño. Don't keep me waiting."
Won’t you take me to Heaven tonight?
Javier snapped his hips at a pace against yours that nearly knocked the breath out of you. He always stretched you in such an intoxicating way, you almost wanted to stay like this forever.
"Look at you, cariño. Fucking you dumb on my cock and you're taking it so fucking well. That's it baby." Javier's voice was thick and full of lust, a sheen coat of sweat all over his body. His focus was solely on you and the inaudible moans coming from you as your jaw was slack and eyebrows were laced together.
He gripped your hips so hard you were sure he was going to leave bruises, but you fucking loved it. You were drunk on Javier's cock and he knew it.
He had you seeing stars with the pace he was going. It was ruthless, relentless, and almost unbearable, but the pain quickly subsided into pleasure every time he bottomed out into you.
You were convinced being with him like this, as rough and pleasurable as it was, was what heaven felt like and damn, you never wanted to leave.
You know you’re my weakness American Jesus, save me
"Javi," You're a panting mess just by his fingertips lightly brushing over your body.
"So needy, corazón." He was teasing you and having the time of his life while doing so.
"Please, I need you." The desperation in your voice almost made you want to cringe, but you couldn't help it. This man was your sole weakness and you'd be damned if you couldn't have him. He was so intoxicating. He was like a drug. Your drug.
His good looks and charming charisma are what had you wrapped around his finger... not to mention his soft side he only reserved for you. You were in love with it all, and even though he didn't know it yet, you had a strong feeling he felt the same way too.
You’re the greatest love of my life
You rested your head on Javier's bare chest as he stroked your hair lovingly. For the first time, he wanted to make love to you. He wanted to take it slower and savor you—your smell, your taste, the way your bare body felt against his—everything about you.
He was scared to admit it at first, but he knew that you'd be it for him. You're the love of his life. He never thought he'd be capable of love again after leaving his high school sweetheart at the altar, but here he is, head over heels for you and everything you are.
You made him so soft, but just for you. He wanted to take care of you, not just intimately, but support you emotionally and mentally. Hell, he could even see himself having kids with you, and that's something he was so sure of that he never wanted—until you came along.
He looked down at you in adoration, and figured this was the best time to admit his feelings for you. The fresh after-sex glow you had on your face was reserved just for him, and it made him weak in the knees.
"I love you, cariño." His voice is barely above a whisper, and if you weren't completely alert, you would've missed it.
You freeze, taking in his words carefully. This was a huge confession, especially for Javier. You completely melted into him, kissing the bare skin beneath you.
"Oh, Javi," Looking up at him with nothing but love in your eyes, you bring his lips down to yours. You kiss him softly before pulling apart, whispering against his lips, "Te amo para siempre."
He smiled softly down at you, and he knew then that he was hooked, forever.
American Jesus
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urmooniee · 7 months
Unspoken Feelings - JJ
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JJ Maybank x fem!reader
words: around 3k
tw: swear words
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It was another lazy summer day on the Outer Banks, and the Pogues had gathered at John B's place. The sun was blazing, and the scent of saltwater hung in the air as the gang kicked back into the living room. John B was sprawled on the couch, scrolling through his phone, while Pope and Kiara were engrossed in a debate about advanced mathematics. JJ Maybank sat with a smirk playing on his lips, glancing over at you, Y/N, who was seated on the floor, fiddling with a seashell necklace.
"Y/N, you believe that nonsense Pope's spewing about advanced mathematics?" JJ teased, a playful gleam in his eyes.
You shot him a mock glare. "JJ, you wouldn't know a differential equation from a Sudoku puzzle."
Pope chimed in, grinning. "She makes a valid point, JJ. Math is the language of the universe and can be incredibly fascinating."
JJ rolled his eyes dramatically. "Alright, alright, Ms. Mathematician. I'll take your word for it."
As the day wore on, the group migrated to the beach, and a spontaneous bonfire was set up. The warm glow of the fire danced in JJ's eyes as he stared at the flames, lost in thought. You sat next to him, and there was an unspoken connection between the two of you.
Pope noticed the tension and decided to intervene. "So, JJ, when are you going to make your move on someone special?"
JJ blinked, caught off guard. "What? Who said anything about that?"
Pope grinned knowingly. "Come on, we can all see it."
You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, but you hid it behind a smile. "I'm on board with Pope. You should go for it."
John B, always the mediator, added his two cents. "Seriously, JJ, you should just go for it. Life's too short to play it safe."
JJ looked at you, his eyes searching for something. "Y/N, what do you think?"
You took a deep breath, trying to suppress your feelings. "I think you should follow your heart."
JJ's gaze lingered on you for a moment, and then he turned to the group. "Alright, guys, I'll take your advice."
The banter continued, and the night wore on. As you all sat around the fire, it became clear that there were unspoken feelings between JJ and the subject of his affections, and between JJ and you. The group's playful teasing had given JJ the push he needed to confront his emotions.
As the night deepened and the bonfire's flames waned, the Pogues remained nestled on the beach, their bonds growing stronger with each passing moment. The evening had deepened their friendships, and unspoken emotions lingered just beneath the surface.
JJ cleared his throat and looked at Kiara. "Kie, could I talk to you for a moment?"
Everyone shared a confused glance at each other, wondering what was going on. Pope and John B exchanged sly smirks and whispered, "Ohh," and "Ohh, damn, that was fast," thinking that JJ was about to confess his feelings to Kiara.
Kiara, equally perplexed, shrugged and said, "Yeah, sure," as she got up, her eyes briefly meeting yours in a puzzled glance.
As JJ and Kiara moved a little farther away from the group, Pope, John B, and you exchanged puzzled glances. It was clear that the two of them were having a private conversation. The night held a promise of unexpected revelations, and the Pogues were about to find out whether their assumptions about JJ and his feelings were correct or if something else entirely was in the air.
Pope raised an eyebrow and quipped, "Well, that was unexpected."
John B chuckled, sharing a knowing look with you. "Yeah, we thought JJ was going to ask you, Y/N."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. "What? No way, never. JJ and I are just friends, nothing more than that."
Pope and John B shared a smirk, and Pope replied, "Well, you know what they say, 'friends to lovers' can make for a great story."
John B nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not uncommon for close friends to discover deeper feelings for each other."
You rolled your eyes playfully, still not convinced. "Guys, trust me, there's nothing like that between us."
The three of you continued to watch JJ and Kiara, curious about the outcome of their conversation. The night was still young, and the Pogues were about to discover what secrets lay beneath the surface of their unspoken feelings. 
As JJ and Kiara rejoined the group, JJ looking slightly flustered and Kiara grinning, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The group had eagerly awaited the outcome of their private conversation.
Pope couldn't resist a sly grin. "So, what's the verdict? Are we in for some dramatic love story?"
JJ sighed and shook his head, a hint of frustration in his voice. "No, it's not what you all think. We were just talking about something else."
Kiara chimed in. "Yeah, nothing romantic, I promise."
You exchanged a knowing glance with Pope and John B, who seemed a bit disappointed that their theories hadn't panned out. Nonetheless, you decided to make the most of the night and keep the atmosphere light.
"Alright," you declared, breaking the brief silence. "I'm bored. Should we play truth or dare?"
The group readily agreed, and the night took an unexpected turn. Here are some of the truths and dares that followed:
**Truth:** John B confessed his most embarrassing moment, involving a mishap with a surfboard during a competition.
**Dare:** Pope was dared to serenade a random passerby with a song, leaving everyone in stitches as he attempted to sing a love ballad.
**Truth:** Kiara revealed her biggest fear, which turned out to be spiders, much to everyone's amusement.
**Dare:** JJ had to do a cartwheel on the beach, showing surprising gymnastic skills that drew cheers and applause.
As the game continued, secrets were revealed, and laughter filled the night. 
Later on, Pope, with a mischievous grin, turned to you and asked, "Truth or dare, Y/N?"
You contemplated for a moment and then replied, "Truth."
Pope and John B shared a glance and smiled deviously. Pope, not one to hold back, posed a daring question, "Do you have feelings for someone?"
You looked up, and for a moment, it felt like you had stopped breathing. You hesitated before responding, "Hm... no."
Pope rolled his eyes playfully and said, "Y/N, no lying."
You countered with a hint of defiance, "And how do you know I'm lying?"
"It's obvious, so answer the question, yes or no," Pope insisted.
After a brief pause, you admitted, "Yes. Are you happy now?"
Pope smiled warmly and responded, "Yes, I'm happy."
JJ, who had been observing this exchange with a curious expression, couldn't help but think that there might be something more going on between you and Pope. It seemed like he had missed something important, and the mystery added another layer of intrigue to the night.
"Have I missed something?" JJ asked, pointing at Pope and you, his curiosity piqued.
You and Pope exchanged alarmed glances and quickly blurted out, almost in unison, "Oh God, no!" and "Never in a million years!"
Your fiery refusals startled both Pope and you, making you look at each other in surprise. The tension in the air was palpable as you both stood up, now face to face.
Pope couldn't help but challenge, "What do you mean by 'Oh God, no?'" He stood up and pointed a finger in your direction.
You, not one to back down, retorted, "What do YOU mean by 'Never in a million years?'" You also stood up, mirroring Pope's defiant stance.
John B attempted to get in between the two of you to defuse the escalating situation. "Hey, hey, calm down, guys. Let's not make this a bigger deal than it is."
The bonfire's glow illuminated the charged atmosphere, and the group watched in fascination as the unexpected exchange between you and Pope unfolded, with JJ trying to make sense of what he might have missed.
Amid the tension, John B's voice broke through, trying to keep the peace. "We're all friends here."
JJ, sensing the rising tension, chimed in with a hint of mischief. "Come on, guys, don't be so defensive. If there's something going on, it's okay to admit it."
You and Pope shared another glance, this time more embarrassed, and you both slowly eased down, dropping your confrontational postures.
Pope spoke first, trying to defuse the situation with a wry smile. "JJ, you've got it all wrong. We were just caught off guard by the question, that's all."
You nodded in agreement, "Yeah, just a surprise question. Nothing more."
Kiara, satisfied that the tension was dissipating, suggested with a chuckle. "Well, maybe we can change the topic and continue our game of truth or dare?"
After you had excused yourself and headed home due to exhaustion, Pope, after a few more minutes, followed suit. He discreetly slipped away from the group, leaving the bonfire behind.
JJ couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he noticed your departure and then Pope's. He leaned over to John B and said, "Yeah, definitely not suspicious at all."
John B chuckled and replied, "Well, they must be really tired. Let's not read too much into it."
As the night continued, the remaining Pogues enjoyed the bonfire and shared stories. The departures of you and Pope seemed to be a minor blip in an otherwise enjoyable evening. 
After you and Pope had left the bonfire, you walked a bit ahead, feeling Pope's presence behind you. Turning to him, you playfully asked, "You following me now?"
Pope chuckled, though there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "I'm not, even if it looks like it."
He then gently turned you around by your shoulders and continued, "Look, what I tried to do there was—"
But he got interrupted by your response. "I know, Pope. It was just—"
Pope interrupted you, his words pouring out with exasperation, "No, shut up. You don't know anything. I tried to make it obvious that you liked JJ back there so he could make a move. It's so tiring to watch you both having feelings for each other yet being too dumb to make a move. I was just so tired, so I tried to help you out, but I just made a bigger mess."
You blinked, taking in the flood of words. "Damn, that was a lot to take in," you said with a chuckle. "Thank you, Pope, truly. But JJ doesn't have feelings for me. If he did, then he wouldn't talk to Kie after you told him to make a move on his crush."
Pope sighed, realizing that things were more complicated than he had thought. He appreciated your honesty and gave a small nod. "Alright, Y/N, if you say so. But if you ever need help, you know I've got your back."
You smiled, appreciating Pope's concern and friendship. As the two of you walked back to your respective places, the complex web of emotions among the Pogues continued to unfold.
You and Pope walked together, you both knew that your homes were just a short distance apart. The night was calm.
As you approached your respective homes, you turned to Pope and smiled. "Well, Pope, it's time for me to say goodnight. See you around."
Pope returned your smile. "Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well."
With a friendly wave, you parted ways, each heading to your own home. The night in the Outer Banks was quiet.
As you returned home, you settled into your space, feeling the comfort of your familiar surroundings. It was a peaceful moment, and you had just started to unwind when your phone chimed with a message.
You glanced at the screen to see that it was a text from JJ. He was asking if you and Pope were in a relationship. You hesitated for a moment, torn between being honest and your reasons for not discussing it with JJ. In the end, you decided to be truthful, even though it wasn't the most comfortable conversation to have.
With a deep breath, you typed your response, "No, JJ, we're not in a relationship. It's not what you think."
Sending the message, you hoped that your explanation would help clear any misunderstanding, even though the conversation was a bit more complex than you had anticipated. JJ's reply came shortly after.
 He typed, "Okay, thanks for being honest. It's just that things seemed a bit strange tonight, but if it's not what I thought, then that's cool."
You felt a mix of relief and unease as you read his message. It was clear that JJ had sensed something amiss during the evening, and while your response had clarified things, there was still a sense of unspoken tension in the air.
Feeling a need for more honesty, you typed your response to JJ, "But what if we were?"
The question hung in the air, and you knew that it had the potential to change everything. JJ's response was filled with surprise and a hint of confusion. 
"Wait, you mean you and Pope? I didn't see that coming. Are you saying there's something between you two?"
You asked JJ, "Would you be happy if we were in a relationship? Me and Pope?"
The question hung in the air, and the future of your friendships seemed to hang in the balance.
JJ's response was a mix of surprise and thoughtfulness. "Wow, this is unexpected. I care about both of you a lot, and if you and Pope were happy together, I'd support it. Our friendship matters to me more than anything."
You replied, "Friendship?!"
JJ, replied with a touch of uncertainty, "Well, I care about both of you, and I don't want anything to ruin our friendship. But I also want you both to be happy."
Feeling the complexity of the situation and JJ's mixed feelings, you couldn't help but express your frustration. You sent a message that read, "JJ, you are so confusing." 
JJ replied with a mix of emotions, "I know, Y/N. This is all complicated, and I'm trying to figure it out too. Let's talk about it in person, okay?"
"Sure, at my place?" you suggested, feeling that a private and comfortable setting would be ideal for the conversation ahead.
JJ agreed with your suggestion, "Yeah, your place works. Let's talk things out."
Five minutes later, you heard a soft knock on your window. Curious, you opened your curtains and were greeted by the sight of JJ standing outside. You couldn't help but smile and, with a hint of amusement, you opened the window.
"Window, really?" you teased. "You could have used the front door."
JJ grinned mischievously. "I'm stealthy, like a ninja."
You chuckled and shook your head. "Yeah, right."
As JJ entered through the window, the two of you settled into a more comfortable setting in your room, sitting on your bed.
With a somewhat forced smile, JJ broke the silence and asked, "So you and Pope?"
Your eyes widened, and you couldn't help but respond with a mixture of disbelief and a hint of frustration. "There's nothing between me and Pope, you idiot," you retorted before playfully slapping the back of his head.
JJ, looking sincere, responded, "Y/N, you can trust me, you know."
Your mind was racing, and you mumbled to yourself, "Pope was right, we both are so dumb." JJ overheard your words and questioned, "Pope said what—"
Before he could finish, you changed the subject, your heart racing. "What did you and Kie talk about?"
JJ, avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with his ring, muttered, "Oh, um, well, nothing important."
You couldn't let it go and reached out, placing your finger on JJ's chin to lift it so he could maintain eye contact with you. 
"It's important to me," you emphasized.
Confusion filled JJ's eyes as he asked, "Why?"
Frustration and desire surged within you, and you couldn't hold back any longer. 
"Fuck me, JJ. I like you. My heart beats like crazy every time you're close to me, and it broke me when you thought me and Pope were in a relationship. Do you know why? Because I wanted it to be you, not Pope. Pope is my friend, while you are more than that," you confessed.
JJ was silent, his emotions swirling as he processed your words.
"Shit of course I ruin everything—"
But before you could continue down the path of self-doubt, JJ leaned in, capturing your lips with his own. The room was filled with the intensity of your feelings, and in that moment, words were no longer necessary to express what you both felt.
As your lips met, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the connection between you and JJ. The kiss was a culmination of the unspoken feelings and emotions that had been building for some time.
When the kiss finally broke, you and JJ pulled back slightly, your eyes locked onto each other, the weight of your feelings now out in the open. The room was filled with an electric tension, and both of you were processing the weight of the moment.
JJ's voice was soft and sincere as he said, "Y/N, I... I didn't see that coming. But I can't deny how I feel about you."
With a hopeful smile, you asked, "So is that a sign that you like me back?"
JJ's eyes held a spark of affection as he replied, "More than you know."
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au/ TWO CUTIESSS!! also we stan pope for being the cutest friend!
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damiansgoodgirll · 11 months
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posting this one again since it was one of my favorite erling one shot i’ve ever written!
erling haaland x reader
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Promise you’ll lie
promise you’ll lie
promise you’ll lie
everything that erling dreamt about was having you by his side. not that you weren’t by his side, you were like brother and sister but he wanted more.
he wanted to wake up next to you every morning, he wanted to make love to you while the sun was shining outside, he wanted to hold you when you had a bad day and he wanted to surprise you or spoil you with random gifts but he knew he couldn’t have it.
you had sleepovers every weekend, it was something that started when you were kids and even if you got older that’s something that never left your weekly list.
but for him, it wasn’t the same having sleepovers with you and sleeping with you. he loved you and you had no idea.
when you were younger you got a crush for erling, more than a crush. but you were young, barely sixteen and you had no idea what love meant.
you knew you couldn’t have him the way you wanted, he never looked at you in that way. but you stayed closed to him and supported him in every way you could. you never missed his games or his interviews or his parties, you were always there for him.
as you got older you tried to find love somewhere else and even if it got a little harder, one day you met someone who really showed you what love meant.
he was kind and patient with you, taking things slow, showing you love and respect and now, two years later you were engaged. you were the happiest woman on earth and you thought that erling was happy for you too but since the engagement announcement he started avoiding you, saying he had things to do with football or sponsors and you got tired of his childish behaviour so one day you decided to confront him about it.
you were currently in his apartment, asking him for an explanation but he looked anything but happy to see you.
“erling, you’re my best friend…i truly don’t get it” you told him.
“i know!” he shouted back.
“why are you mad at me? what have i done to you?” you asked him, on the verge of crying because in all of your years of friendship you never fought this bad.
“i’m not mad at you y/n, i’m mad at me!”
“what? erling please…what is going on?” you asked him again.
“i’m mad at me because in all of these years i never had the courage to tell you how much i love you! i love you y/n and i’m such an idiot for telling you this right after your engagement because i can see how happy you are with him and how much he loves you” it was erling the one who was crying now.
“you love me?” you whispered.
“i do, i love you so much…i want to be the man you wake up next to in the morning, i want to be the man who hold you when you cry or when you have a bad day and i want to be the one who dry your tears…i want to make love to you and show you how much you mean to me…but i know i can’t have that” he said trying to avoid his look because you were speechless.
“i know this is a lot to take in…you just needed to know…” he whispered.
i know i can’t help if you meet someone else
“erling i…” you whispered, no idea of what you were going to say.
“i know i just fucked up our friendship but you deserved to know it…”
“no, you didn’t fucked up our friendship because i can’t imagine a life where you are not here with me…these days without hearing a word from you were the hardest…i need you in my life erling, but not in the way you want me to, i’m sorry…” you apologised knowing you just broke his heart.
“i know…” he was hurting “i know…it will be hard but i’ll always be by your side y/n…you’re still my best friend after all” he wanted to call you love and not best friend but if he had to choose between having you as a friend or not having you at all he chose to have you as a friend because he couldn’t live a life where you weren’t there. 
“okay…i’ll see you tomorrow then? for our brunch?” you asked him, trying to make everything normal again.
“sure” he smiled even if all he wanted to do was crying and screaming.
with those words you left his apartment with heavy heart. 
did you make the right decision? 
what if you were going to regret your wedding? 
no, you loved your boyfriend, you wouldn’t choose it in any other way. 
you can tell him that you love him as long as it’s a lie.
promise you’ll lie, promise you’ll lie.
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