#new danganronpa v3 imagines
evercelle · 1 year
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my friends: excitedly waiting for Fontaine to drop
me: annoying everyone around me by constantly pointing out how extremely oumacore lyney is
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lunarin64art · 10 months
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average bestie hangout
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based on this
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ashsirens · 6 months
It's funny that when Kodaka tweeted about Shuichi being bisexual everyone screamed for joy, but when he tweeted about Komaeda being totally cool with going out with girls, everyone went blind.
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luxexhomines · 8 months
Welcome back!!! It’s great to see you again, I hope you’ve been doing well 💕 Could I request a Kokichi/Reader (romantic) for the dialogue prompt “You're so persistent”? Either fluff or silly, whichever you prefer! Thanks and have fun!!
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Thank you so much for the heart-warming welcome back and for the request!! I'm happy to see you again too, and I hope you've been doing well, too, ehe~ ♡ ♡
I took a little while to think about this prompt and to reacquaint myself with Kokichi as a character, ahaha. I realized then that I...don't even know how to write Kokichi, even though I love him so much?! But nevertheless, I tried to write something fun. Honestly, it feels kind of awkward/mechanical, but maybe it can't be helped because it's been so long since I last wrote for Kokichi?
Anyway, here we go! It's almost 3k words (oops) so there's a cut. Icon credit to dreamcrush!
“You’re so persistent.” Kokichi x Ultimate! Celebrity Reader
“You’re so persistent.” You slammed the metal locker door close and glared at Kokichi. “And annoying.” 
Kokichi simply shrugged with that same shit-eating grin on his face that he always had. 
“Well, maybe you wouldn’t have to deal with the annoying me if you’d just say yes,” he says in that sing-songy voice. 
You resist the urge to box his ears and instead turn away, speed-walking toward the classroom. To your dismay, he quickly follows behind you, matching your pace easily and practically skipping. You supposed someone like him burned a lot of energy annoying people and pulling tricks everyday, so this was probably nothing to him. 
“Don’t you ever get tired of being rejected?” you glanced at him, genuinely curious. 
“Nope!” He folds his arms behind his head leisurely and grins at you. “But I bet you’re getting tired of rejecting me, huh? You really want to say yes, don’t you? Huh?”
“I’m not even going to answer that,” you sighed. 
Kokichi made a face of shock, mouth and deep purple eyes wide in a way that could only be described as overexaggerated and purely for dramatic effect. 
“But you just did!” 
You suppressed an exasperated sigh and looked away from Kokichi, who was strolling next to you without a care in the world. He’d even started to whistle some annoying little tune that sounded suspiciously like the tune that had recently gone viral for being one of the worst earworms ever. 
Kokichi had been asking for your autograph for the past month since the fall semester of Hope’s Peak Academy had formally started and the two of you had met in-class for the first time. 
“Ultimate Celebrity, huh?!” he’d exclaimed, eyes comically wide and sparkly. “Does that mean you get to be an Ultimate for just existing? Do you even have to do anything? How is that even a talent, huh?” 
Kaede interjected with her hands on her hips. 
“Hey, don’t make fun! You know, they’re an Ultimate for a reason,” she huffed. “Look at that face! That style! The stuff that they use gets sold out within minutes, and the places they go get so popular they only take reservations for months after!” 
To be fair, you tried to stop Kaede. Tried and failed. 
“It’s okay, Kaede-” you put a hand on her shoulder gently, only for her to not even notice. 
“Do you even know how much one of their autographs goes for? It can go for a million yen!” she burst. 
It was then that a chill ran down your spine as you watched Kokichi’s face flash from that of a naive and playful prankster to a calculative one worthy of being called the Ultimate Supreme Leader–whatever that bogus-sounding talent was. Actually, how dare he question your talent when he had a suspicious talent like that? 
“Oho, is that so?” he smiled and tapped a finger to his lips, seemingly in thought. You didn’t know what he was thinking, but you did know that whatever it was, you didn’t like it at all. 
You gave the door to the classroom a furtive look. 
“Okay, well, if that’s all, I’m going to go to the bathroom now- Eek!” 
Kokichi had made his way to the door before you and was somehow effectively blocking your exit route with both palms pressed on either side of the door frame, even with his slight frame. Not only that, but he was currently making one of the most horrifying faces you’d ever seen on anyone, and you’d seen a lot of terrible things in the entertainment industry. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he smirked. Whatever that black pit of a face was, his eyes were two black holes in that pit. And, his mouth was stretched unnaturally wide in what could only be called an evil smile. “Hand it over.” He held out a hand, and you stared at his empty hand, simply appalled. 
You’d faced plenty of terrors and challenges as the Ultimate Celebrity, from surprise paparazzis at night to stalker-fans trying to break into your apartment, but you had to say that this was your first time being extorted for an autograph–not even asked, but threatened. 
You crossed your arms and gave him a dirty look. 
“No. Now step aside.” 
You couldn’t imagine that he’d keep blocking the doorway forever, especially since from the corner of your eye, you could see Kaito walking toward the classroom from the hallway. 
He slinked to the side surprisingly easily, making a disappointed puppy-dog face. 
“Aww, you’re no fun. It’s just an autograph, you know?”
You slid past him and made a beeline to the bathroom, which he thankfully did not follow you to–but you did feel his eyes on you until you disappeared from his line of sight. You’d think you’d have gotten used to being watched, being the Ultimate Celebrity, but somehow, this felt different. 
Fast-forward to today, about a month into the semester, and he hadn’t failed to pester you for an autograph every single day, although he luckily spent some of his time playing with (irritating?) your other classmates, too. 
“Keeboi, robots don’t have nipples, do they?” Some clanking noises came from the other side of the classroom, which you desperately hoped wasn’t Kokichi touching Kiibo.
“This is harassment! I must ask that you cease and desist at once–no, seriously, stop, Kokichi!” 
You winced but opted to remain a bystander. Getting involved ultimately meant offering yourself as the sacrificial target for Kokichi’s tricks and attention. ‘Sorry, Kiibo,’ you thought sympathetically. 
But unfortunately for you, Kokichi must have quickly gotten bored with Kiibo, because not even ten minutes later, he was at your side again. To be exact, he was sitting across from you at the desk in front of yours, hands holding onto the backrest of the chair.
“Come on, just one little autograph,” he begged with those big, gleaming eyes. Man, since when did being an Ultimate Supreme Leader involve having incredible acting abilities? Because otherwise, how could he look so pitiful and sad? Like a cat left in the pouring rain, sitting in a rotting cardboard box, waiting for a kind owner–
You averted your eyes. It would be fine if you didn’t look at him, you desperately thought to yourself. 
“I’m not giving an autograph to any classmates,” you state. “We’re all Ultimates and more or less equal, so I’m not going to give a fellow Ultimate an autograph. Plus, you think I don’t know you’re just going to go and auction it off?”  You turned and stared him down with the last sentence. 
“Nishishi, you got me there!” he laughed, but he didn’t seem surprised or offended. “Why don’t you do your classmate a little favor, then? You gave one to Nagito!” 
You huffed and pursed your lips. 
“I said no, Kokichi! And it’s different if it’s a fan,” you argued. “Nagito was already a fan because he loves Ultimates. Plus, he’s our upperclassman!” 
Kokichi put a hand to his chin in thought. 
“So it’s different if it’s a fan, huh? Okay, got it! I’ll be your fan, so give me an autograph!” he cheers. 
“No, Kokichi! Were you even listening to me?” 
He didn’t reply immediately for once, just watched you in an unsettling way. He even started twirling a strand of hair around his finger as he looked at you, and you started to feel self-conscious. You thought you’d gotten used to being watched, but yet again, it felt different coming from him. 
“Hmm, I guess I wasn’t… Well, if you won’t give me your autograph, then I want something else!” 
“What is it, now?” 
You sighed and rested your cheek on your hand, propping your elbow up on the desk and preparing yourself for whatever other ridiculous demand he’d come out with next.
“Give me your heart!” 
You almost fall out of your chair and scramble to hold onto the desk for dear life before incredulously staring at him. You could feel your face heating up, but you were sure it was just because he’d said something so unbelievably absurd.
“What did you say?” 
“I said, give me your heart,” Kokichi enunciated with a smile. “Do you need hearing aids? How come you didn’t hear it the first time?” His eyes reflected obsequious concern, and you frowned. 
“I heard you the first time! I just thought I heard wrong because you said something so– so weird. You know, your habit of lying and playing around with other people is going to get you in serious trouble someday.” 
Kokichi held up a hand and started examining his nails, shrugging. 
“I was being serious, though? This time, at least.”
You stared at him, unable to discern his true intentions or motives. 
“Kokichi, I–you’re just pulling my leg, right? Because if so, it’s not funny…” you trailed off, not sure what to even make of the current situation. On the off chance that he was being serious, you didn’t want to be dismissive, but after the past month of being teased and watching him trick and lie to other people like it was nothing, you couldn’t just take his words at face value. Especially when he said it so offhandedly. 
Kokichi clenched his fists and pouted, puffing up his pale cheeks. 
“Hey, don’t make me repeat myself! I tell the truth once in a while, you know! Don’t tell me you don’t believe me after I told you I was telling the truth already!” 
You blinked slowly, feeling your cheeks reddening. 
“Uh, then… What do you even mean by, ‘give me your heart?’ You want to date?” 
“No, silly,” he stuck his tongue out at you and rolled his eyes. “I want you to fall in love with me, duh! Come on, are you really so boring that you can’t even understand a figure of speech?” 
“I just didn’t expect it from you,” you quietly muttered. 
How did you feel about him, anyway? The past month suddenly felt like a blur–what had you even done the past month? You couldn’t quite remember, but whatever it was, it definitely felt like it was all memories filled with Kokichi’s presence, as infuriating as he could be sometimes. 
Then again, you knew he never truly meant any harm, and overall, you considered him–a classmate? No, that felt wrong after all the time you’d spent together for such a short span of a month. 
A friend. That felt so much more right, suited your relationships so much better.
You paused. 
“Wait a minute! You never even said that you liked me or anything. You just told me to fall in love with you!” you said, affronted by the realization. 
“Oops, you got me!” Kokichi snickered. “Well, if you insist, though I’m sure you get plenty of proclamations of love everyday as the Ultimate Celebrity.” 
He pulled out a flower from behind his back and thrusted it toward you with a big, innocent smile on his face. “I like you!” 
You facepalmed but plucked the flower from his hand begrudgingly.
“Somehow, that felt so disingenuous,” you complained. “Like it was just an afterthought. And you wondered why I didn’t believe you.” 
Kokichi poked your cheek, which had puffed a little without you even realizing. 
“Hey, don’t be so pessimistic after I told you I liked you! How can you have so many complaints about the Ultimate Supreme Leader liking you, huh? It should be your honor! A snap of my fingers, and I can have my thousands of underlings kneeling before you in seconds,” he boasted.
You gave him a look–you could just about see his nose growing longer for every lie coming out of his mouth.
“I doubt you have thousands of underlings,” you sighed. “Plus, this was so anticlimactic. I’m still pretty sure you just want to get my autograph.” 
Kokichi put a finger to his chin, thinking hard–or hardly thinking, it was always hard to tell with someone like him. 
“Well, do you need me to prove it? I’ll say I like you a thousand times! Here, why don’t I start now?” He opened his mouth wide and started chanting, “I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like-” 
You hastily slapped a hand over his mouth and fearfully glanced around the classroom. Luckily, everyone else was busy with their own conversations during lunchtime. 
“Stop that, you’re going to get everyone’s attention!” you grumbled. 
“Oh?” he chuckled as he pulled your hand from his mouth, and a look of delighted mischief sparkled in his eyes–a look, you now realize, of trouble. “You know what an even better way to get everyone’s attention is? Watch this!” 
And then, he leaned in and pressed his soft, pale lips to yours–but they were gone so soon, no sooner than you had realized they’d even touched you at all, too soon, in fact. You sat there in shock, face rapidly heating up; you were melting like butter in a hot pan, like ice under the summer sun, and you had no idea how to cope. 
Slowly, you brought your fingers to your lips, still staring at Kokichi, who had the smuggest little smile on his face. 
“Did you like it? Should I kiss you again?” he licked his lips, smirking. “Here, hold still-” 
But before he could do anything else, he was interrupted by Kaito, who had grabbed onto his shoulders firmly with an uncontrollable blush on his face. Kaito could barely even look at you, instead fiercely glaring at Kokichi.
“What are you doing to them?! You didn’t even ask, and you’re in the damn classroom, Kokichi! Our entire class just saw that!” 
Kokichi stuck his tongue out at Kaito, struggling against Kaito’s hold on him.
“Yeah, and who cares? They didn’t say they didn’t like it. Right, [Name]?” He paused and waved his hand in front of your dazed face. “Hellooooo, Earth to [Name]?” 
You shook your head rapidly, trying to come back to your senses. Of all the things to happen today, you hadn’t expected to be kissed by Kokichi Ouma. Maybe just another plea for an autograph, and maybe a prank or two, but a kiss? And not only that, but you hadn’t expected yourself to like it so much. Or like him so much.
“No, I…” Still thoroughly startled, you glanced away, still blushing, only to notice that the entire class was practically staring at the two of you (and Kaito, now that he’d tried to intervene). Tenko had put her hands up over her eyes, except she’d parted her fingers, so she wasn’t actually blocking anything from sight as she blushed furiously. Meanwhile, Shuichi had dropped his egg roll onto his desk, and Gonta was trying to ask Miu what kissing was and what it meant. Angie was watching with fervent interest, and Maki seemed shocked you’d let him kiss you to begin with, judging by the murderous expression on her face. 
To hell with it, you decided. Let them watch. Most of your life as the Ultimate Celebrity was already watched, anyway. What was one more thing? 
“It’s my turn now,” you grinned. Kaito let go of him, seeming to notice the tension in the air. “Don’t move.” 
You leaned over the desk and with a finger, tilted his chin up toward you, watching the Adam’s apple of his slender neck bob nervously. 
You leaned in and pressed your lips to his, not just once, not just twice, but three times. When you finally let go of him, you had the pleasure of seeing a thoroughly and truly bewildered look on his face for once; his eyes were blank, as if trying to process what had just happened, and a generous amount of pink had painted itself over his usually pale cheeks.
Kaito gave a wolf whistle and clapped, while the others started murmuring to each other.
“Nyeh… Is this the power of the Ultimate Celebrity?” Himiko uttered in surprise. “Truly magic to be wary of…” 
“It’s not m-magic,” Tenko stuttered and flusteredly pointed at you. “It’s, it’s sorcery! They made Kokichi shut up for once in his life!” 
“No, no, this surely must be a divine act bestowed by Atua,” Angie crowed. 
“Did we want Kokichi to shut up that badly…?” Shuichi asks tentatively. 
“Yes.” Maki stabbed her pickled plum with scary precision. “Yes, we did.” 
Kaede tried to assuage everyone’s complaints.
 “Now, he’s not that bad…” 
“Well, I’m glad that pipsqueak shut up for once!” Miu exclaimed. 
“Yes, he’s an absolute menace,” Korekiyo agreed.
But the quiet Kokichi didn’t last for long–or at least, not as long as some of them hoped it would. He swiftly leapt up from his seat and pulled you up, too, before hug-attacking you. 
“Wow, I didn’t know you had it in you! From now on, you have to kiss me everyday,” he declared proudly. “And if you skimp, you have to give me an autograph!”
You pat him on the head, chuckling–his hair was so soft, you absent-mindedly thought to yourself. 
“Again with the autograph. You really are persistent,” you laughed. 
He pulled back for a moment and sweetly stared into your eyes. 
“But that’s what you like about me so much, right? Nishishi!” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you shrugged, but you could feel your cheeks warming up again. 
Kokichi leaned in close, the breath from his mouth tickling your ear.
“Just between you and me, though, I’d take your kisses over your autograph any day, so don’t forget~”
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Alright, Hear me out.
Bartender!(Who is actually a agent bcz.. Yeah.) Rantaro x GN! Reader.
Also, Headcanons (Romantic Ashsh.)
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yeah so this blog is basically like dead,, but i'll work on a few requests (ones i can do) and will just,
Thank you for requesting nonnie <3
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⬥ A bartender may be the perfect disguise for an agent.
Warning: reader consumes alcohol, if you wanna skip that part ignore the text put in a bracket []
⬥ You see, people usually go to the bar to quickly down an alcoholic drink or to stay there for a while, getting drunk and lamenting about their life.
⬥ It is extremely simple to get information out of them. While it may not be the most... Transparent way of going about it, it certainly is more moral than some others.
⬥ As a bartender, Rantaro often strikes up a simple conversation with his clients. Nothing too suspicious or out of the ordinary. A few drinks down and their life stories are spilling out from themselves.
⬥ In any case, it was just a normal day of serving drinks and talking with not-so-sober people. Until you came up to him.
⬥ you looked terrible
⬥ Dark circles under your eyes, clearly tired, and already hovering over the counter.
⬥So Rantaro passed you a glass of water, despite you mumbling some sort of (most likely alcohol containing) drink you were going to order.
⬥ Despite the drink not having any sort of alcohol in it, you still began telling him about your problems and what not.
⬥ At first Rantaro listened while he tended to his other work duties, sparing you a few occasional glances. But the more you kept going, he couldn't help but direct all his attention to you.
⬥ Despite being a mess in the current moment, there was something so strangely charming about you.
⬥ Soon enough Rantaro would find himself being a mess, once you were done and looked at hm, only to be confused as to why is staring at you with a smile.
⬥ He coughed and simply told not to worry about paying anything, as it was 'on the house' (read: he just gave you tap water).
⬥ In fact, Rantaro offered to pay for your cab, and by offered, I mean insisted.
⬥ He sighed once you had left, realizing this was one of the few times he ever broke character when playing the role of a bartender.
⬥ fuck
⬥At least it was only a once in a while occurrence.
⬥ So imagine his utmost delight and panic upon finding you there once again during the next day, looking much more ,, sober
⬥ fuck ²
⬥ It ended with you and him chatting the night away, before exchanging numbers.
⬥ Not too long after you began dating.
⬥ Although Rantaro hasn't come clean about being a secret agent yet, but he will in due time + it's quite likely you have found out yourselves, after stumbling upon one of his several fake IDs.
⬥ Through your slight suspicion you still decided to trust him; which is something he loved you form
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thatstroubling · 2 years
so I saw this meme on pinterest:
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and was prompted to check out my INFJ/INTJ personality type (I always get it half-and-half) and, well:
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I really don't know what I expected but I like all of these guys soooo...self-love I guess????
(but for fellow people who love personality quizes, I'd love to know: if you know your 16 personality type, does it fit for the DR characters with the same type? do you like those characters? maybe they annoy you more than others? 🤨)
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I just realized the fifth trial of v3 could have gone COMPLETELY different in my ghost au oh no
// SPOILERS for Danganronpa V3
I rewatched the trial recently and just got to the end when Kaito exits the Exisal to stop everyone from reaching the wrong vote, and it got me thinking.
We aren't completely sure whether Kokichi was killed by the hydraulic press or by the poison. It could've been totally possible for him to succumb to the poison while he was laying on the press waiting for it to lower.
We have no idea how long it actually takes for the Strike-9 poison to circulate through the body, and after Kaito and Kokichi switched places, he could've succumbed to the poison while Kaito was getting back up to the controls and setting back up to lower the press.
It's totally possible for him to have died of the poison and for Maki to be the actual Blackened, but as the player we had no way of confirming his cause of death. Not even Monokuma knew because the cameras were disabled! That was the whole shtick of the case! Monokuma relied completely on Shuichis deduction for this, and he concluded that Kokichi was killed with the press.
BUT in ghost au, we WOULD get confirmation of the killer and victim but not until that moment that Kaito exited the Exisal.
Kokichis ghost could've been hanging out in there through the whole trial until that point and exited with Kaito to see everyone's expressions up close. No one would really have made the conclusion that killers see their victims ghost until they became a Blackened themselves, but Kaito didn't know that so he wouldn't have been off put by not seeing Kokichis ghost. Dude was scared of ghosts after all so it would've sent him into a panic attack anyway.
But imagine when Kaito exits the Exisal and Kokichi's bloodied ghost follows, only visible to Maki. Imagine her shock when she sees both of them still supposedly alive in front of her. Imagine the rage that would boil her blood and send her bolting over to Kokichi to try to strangle or stab him, reaching out for his spindly neck to take him down-
Only for her to phase right through him.
She falls to the floor, to her hands and knees and is hit with an entirely new shock at the realization. Oh. Oh no. Shuichi and Kaito are moving to help her up and pay no attention to the bloodied Kokichi standing beside them, asking her if she's okay after tripping like that.
That's why Gonta was acting so weird in the previous trial, saying that Miu was still with them and even more confused about why there was a trial being held. They dismissed it as her being with them in spirit, but the others had no clue how literal that was.
Kaede didn't kill Rantaro, but if she had, it would've been a dead giveaway if she was freaking out about a ghost.
Kirumis spiral at the end of her trial was probably driven by Ryoma teasing her with the occasional quip until she lost it.
Korekiyo has probably seen enough ghosts to last a lifetime, so two more would've been nothing.
Only when Gonta had killed Miu did things click.
Maki would look at Kokichi in abject horror, and he would stare back with the exact same expression because this would completely ruin his plan. She would absolutely take the chance to give up her own life to save Kaito. She had done it so many times throughout the trial already, but that was just denial. Denial that Kaito could've been dead and that she could've been the one that killed him.
The trial would drag on for longer, and Shuichi would reach the same conclusion that killers saw their victims ghost. Kaito's skin would go cold because, if that's true, then why couldn't he see Kokichi? He was supposed to be the Blackened. Not Maki. Not Maki.
Maki and Kaito would argue for both stances, desperate to save the other, until Monokuma confirms that, yes, the Blackeneds can see the ghost of their respective victim, because hey, Tsumugi has been able to see Rantaro this entire time. On the cameras, the other culprits have been talking to themselves after killing their victims, but not in a mental spiral. More of a conversation with the dead body before them, except the victim was responding.
Maki would be executed because of this, and Kaito's moral would tank because he a) just lost the love of his life, b) survived when he wasn't supposed to and c) all of that work, all of that planning Kokichi had put into this trial to end the killing game once and for all was completely wasted. He would go numb. He was ready to give up his own life for this, but Maki didn't deserve this. Maki was supposed to live, not him. This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. The only thing trusting Kokichi got him was the love of his life dying before his very eyes when it was supposed to be him.
Oh God now i wanna write a fic where this happens
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 months
The Hundred Line - Famitsu interview June 19th 2024
What does the title Hundred Line mean?
Kodaka: The simplest way to describe this game is: student have to live together in a school while fighting to survive 100 days. This "100 days" timeframe became a major keyword, so we decided to express it through the title The Hundred Line - Last Defense Academy.
The game has been described as "a tale of extreme x despair produced by the creators of Danganronpa". This "extreme x despair" keyword reminds me of the Concept Art 1 presented September 2018 at the announcement of Too Kyo Games. Caption: Extreme x Despair. A game co-written by Kodaka and Uchikoshi!
Kodaka: As you can imagine, this is the game from Concept Art 1. We finally managed to announce, but at first, The Hundred Line was developed as Too Kyo's first original IP. However, our company isn't capable of self-publishing, so now we're working with Aniplex, on a half-half split on production costs.
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When did development start?
Kodaka: Since we founded Too Kyo Games (2017), so that has been 6 or 7 years. At first, Uchikoshi and I partnered with another major publisher to release our game, but unfortunately, the project was canceled...
In a previous interview, you mentioned a title not coming out as planned, but I didn't think you mean an actual cancellation...
Kodaka: I have so much I could talk about on this one, but I don't think the first talk about this game should be about what went wrong, so how about we save it for another day? Haha. Although The Hundred Line's project was canceled for a while, now, after finding what we needed to make it a good game, we rebranded it and restarted our whole internal development cycle.
We were initially fine with it being indie-sized, but as the story and character designs were getting polished, and the concept gained a more solid form, we started thinking we couldn't make our ideal game unless we went bigger. Determined to put our hand to the test... we took a loan.
A loan!?
Kodaka: It wasn't guaranteed that we'd have the working capital to maintain our enlarged development scope even if we sold all of our stocks. We advanced the production with the phantom of debt on our necks while we searched for a new publisher, and that's where I met Aniplex and smoothly sold our pitch.
However, since this game has simulation RPG sections, they said that'd need a third-party developer. For that, they introduced us to the accomplished Media Vision and had them join the dev team. We're also cooperating with Jet Studio, who worked with us before in Danganronpa and Rain Code.
After all that it took to get this game to a presentable state, we of Too Kyo Games consider it a proud symbol of our persistence, or better yet, the culmination and conclusion to the current stage of our careers.
Staking your life on your work has never been so literal...
Kodaka: True, if this game flops, we won't be able to pay our debt. In that sense, this also provides a rare opportunity to the playerbase too. They get to witness how much a single title's sales can influence the future of a creator and company.
That's not the kind of suspense I want as a game fan, haha. Still, with six years of development, is it safe to assume you've been through a fair share of hardships?
Kodaka: I did. That was my first time dealing with a full cancellation. Also, to enable to Too Kyo to continue its work, to partner up with a new publisher, etc, we couldn't continue the development in the direction we were before. We needed to restart on our semi-complete project, and that's already painful labor in itself.
In terms of creative workload, I can't say I was much busier than I was in the Danganronpa V3 days, having to work in the game and the anime at the same time, but in this situation, aside from my directing, writing, and screen composition duties, I'm also Too Kyo Games's president and producer, meaning I have more work outside my craftsmanship... Making the game and managing the funds at the same time would have given most people a mental breakdown (laughs).
It was mentally and financially taxing, but I don't think I'll ever get another opportunity to pour this level of effort into making a game happen. Putting my life on the line was a very valuable experience.
You mean to say you can feel Too Kyo Games's entire soul in the game? On another note, I couldn't find any of the characters from the concept art in the new key visual or the screenshots. Does the restart mean that those characters got shelved?
Kodaka: The game's general concept is still the same, but to put a new, clean start on it, we changed a few things completely. One of them being the character designs. But despite their changed appearances, they maintain the characterization of their predecessors, so you'll see characters similar to what those would have been.
However, the old politician you see in the upper left corner won't be in the game (laughs). He's a character Komatsuzaki made up on the spot for this illustration, so I know as much about who he is as you do. He's doomed to disappear shrouded in mystery.
(laughs) By the way, considering how The Hundred Line is "the tale of extreme x despair", I'm curious about how this keyword "despair" relates to Danganronpa.
Kodaka: The tagline "tale of extreme x despair" is to signify that this is the first game Uchikoshi and I are directing together. It has nothing to do with Danganronpa, but it is a game made leveraging all of my previous experiences. With that plus Komatsuzaki's and Takada's involvement, I consider it a spiritual successor to Danganronpa.
Who from the main Too Kyo Games roster is working in this and what are their roles?
Kodaka: Uchikoshi and I are splitting the directing and writing work, Komatsuzaki is on the character design, Shimadrill is doing the enemy design and the backgrounds, and Takada is in charge of the soundtrack. Also, Uchikoshi and I do screen composition for the scenes we write.
I didn't think I'd have to do the screen composition job here myself, but I'm the best at handling Komatsuzaki's art and Takada's music, so that job is dumped on me. I got a lot of material to work with. Maybe more expression options than Yuma had in Rain Code.
The Danganronpa series also had me personally choosing faces and soundtrack one by one, so I hope the fans of that series enjoy the familiar vibes in the visual novel sections.
The new announcement came with a key visual. Are these characters in uniforms going to be the main cast?
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Kodaka: Yes. They're the students of Last Defense Academy and are living in the school for unknown reasons. The students have special powers called Hemoanimas. They normally have their own sets of clothes, but upon activating their Hemoanima, they change into this uniform and fight against their enemies.
Is the white character a mascot?
Kodaka: Yes. He's the squad coordinator character. So his name is just SIREI, from shireikan; commander. By the way, SIREI is the reincarnation of the raccoon illustrated in the key visual. Both forms of this character were designed by Komatsuzaki. I pointed him in a general direction I wanted but overall let him do whatever he wanted. Meanwhile, the students followed the usual process going through a lot of back-and-forth until their completion.
In Danganronpa, their designs reflected their Super High School Level talents. Does The Hundred Line have any kind of keyword or characterization element that informed their designs in the same way the Super High School Level talents did?
Kodaka: Each student masters a different Unique Subject and has a different weapon of choice. That's what their designs mainly reflect. I'll talk more about Unique Subjects and weapons of choice later.
I'm looking forward to the update. Next question. Danganronpa and Rain Code had all-star casts of voice actors. I have expectations for The Hundred Line's cast.
Kodaka: Unfortunately, I can't reveal the actors at the moment, but I will say half of them have performed in previous Kodaka or Uchikoshi game and the other half is people we're both meeting for the first time. But look forward to it, it's going to be as all-star as any previous game. I know the released PV is voiced by the protagonist, but who is voicing him is still confidential.
Will the creatures depicted flying above the main characters be enemies?
Kodaka: Correct. The enemies are unknown entities attacking the school. They're called School Invaders. If you take a really close look at the key visual, you may notice the academy is protected by a pink flame. That's called the Unextinguishable Flame and that's what prevents the School Invaders from attacking 24/7.
When the School Invaders get past the Unextinguishable Flame, the students will need to repel them. The students aren't informed about the academy's or the unextinguishable flame's secrets, nor they know why the School Invaders are attacking. The story progresses as they fight School Invaders day by day unaware of their circumstances.
Do you have anything noteworthy to say about your interactions with Shimadrill regarding his work designing the enemies?
Kodaka: My priority for the character design of the weaker School Invaders was that they had venomous pop aesthetics. At my first discussion with Shimadrill, we arrived at the idea of making their designs intentionally similar to the monsters of a famous game franchise, but we changed plans along the way. Ultimately, we got likable enemies with that pop aesthetic.
Playing aggressively even on the designs, huh? That's the Too Kyo Games I know.
Kodaka: We changed our aim because copying designs was a really bad idea we took too far. Our mindset at the time is that, true to Too Kyo's name, we wanted to make a game that was indeed too crazy. Too Kyo Games is a company that prides itself on its writing, designs, and music.
However, compliance is a lot more important nowadays, so there's a lot more we need to keep in mind. We were defanged by the corporate structure of our partner for the cancelled version of the game. Depictions of violence and dirty jokes that were acceptable in our previous works weren't fine with them. We had to be on our best behavior to adhere to their compliance demands.
Now that I got to remake the game as something else, I can see that not releasing it on its previous state was for the best. Because I couldn't express my strengths in full there.
The Hundred Line was my first collaborative work with Uchikoshi and our first original IP. Making a game that's simply good wouldn't be enough. There'd be no point in starting this over if we couldn't go all-out. We developed The Hundred Line determined to make a game someone with good sense couldn't make. A title to be considered a product of deranged minds. In the sense, we were very lucky to land on a partnership with Aniplex.
Tell me more about what do you mean by "lucky" here.
Kodaka: To leverage the strengths of Too Kyo Games, we're writing a very controversial narrative. Aniplex is being thankfully quite flexible with what we're allowed to depict, as they understand our fortes and respect our vision. For that reason, Uchikoshi and I were able to depict the crazy story we wanted to.
Kodaka, in a previous interview, you expressed determination toward making this game a story that make people question your sanity. A game people wouldn't expect to be possible to make. Would you say managed to fulfill this ambition?
Kodaka: I can't comment about the gimmick without getting into spoilers, so I have no plans to reveal the answer to this before the game's release. Playing the game for yourself should be enough to convey Too Kyo Games's outlandishness. I believe my reason to pair up with Uchikoshi will be equally evident, and it'll be easy to make sense of why this game needed multiple writers and recruiting new hires.
I know perfectly well this is a tasteless request, but can you drop a hint?
Kodaka: Fine, I'll tell you some details after the interview. You're allowed to address what I'll say in your opinion post (laughs).
I appreciate the gesture, but let's see if I'm up for the challenge (laughs)
Tell us what the general gameplay loop is like.
Kodaka: The Hundred Line follows a cycle of 3 parts: a visual novel section, an exploration section, and a simulation RPG section. I already explained at the opener that it's a game where you survive 100 days of combat, but that doesn't mean time will pass uneventfully.
Like in Danganronpa, something will happen each day, and you'll get chances to talk with your schoolmates and deepen your relationships. You'll get Free Time, you'll get training sessions to increase your stats, and you'll be able to get other power ups by sharpening your weapons. The goal in the visual novel and exploration sections is to enjoy life with your schoolmates while also preparing for the enemies that can appear at any moment.
Got it. Now explain the simulation RPG section too, please.
Kodaka: The simulation RPG section has tower defense elements. It's not just about defeating the enemies, you also have to fight defending the school. Also, since the School Invaders come in large flocks, the main gimmick here is that you need to fight on multiple grids of the board at the same time instead of taking it one grid at a time.
Our developer, Media Vision, has a lot of experience in simulation RPGs. We'll disclose more details about the gameplay later, but I'm glad they were able to come up with and implement hype combat ideas (such as unique traits and ultimate moves for each character) in a way that can satisfy the fans of the genre.
You mean to say the simulation RPG sections are going to be solid?
Kodaka: Correct. That said, a lot of people who buy my games are casual gamers, so I always put emphasis on ease of play.
Then first-time simulation RPG players will have nothing to worry about.
Kodaka: Another point of interest is Takada's soundtrack. I requested the battle BGM to have the intensity of an action game. It's inspired by technical rock bands from the 90s, mainly The Chemical Brothers and Boom Boom Satellites. The visual novel sections, on the other hand, have a more sci-fi-adjacent OST to match its strong sci-fi aesthetics.
Tell us a release date and the consoles.
Kodaka: Early 2025, Switch and Steam.
Less than a year before release. Do you think the team can make it?
Kodaka: We're still working on it, but I think we won't have to delay the release. To be honest, The Hundred Line is progressing faster than Rain Code was (laughs). Besides, Too Kyo Games can't afford to delay a game our creators are staking their lives on.
Messages to players and readers usually often saying things like "We're doing our best" or "Cheer for us", but for this title, I can't bring myself to be so casual about it. I feel like I'm issuing a challenge to the players here.
I have a marketing strategy to draw attention to the game, and I'm polishing it to make anyone who buys it say it's a good game, so I'm feeling more of a "Just watch me!" or a "Wait until you see this thing released!" for a closing message.
Giant Kuroda's editorial comment
As outlandish as promised.
That's the interviewer's honest impression on what Kodaka told me about The Hundred Line's gimmick. I [Giant Kuroda] have been the Famitsu interviewer in charge of Danganronpa since Danganronpa 2. I interviewed him pre-release for a game launched in 2012, which means I've been talking to Kodaka for at least 12 years.
Kodaka and his art surprised me many times. In a good way.
Danganronpa 2's final boss. Danganronpa V3's first case culprit, finale, and the secret hidden in the title. Danganronpa 3 simultaneous broadcast of Side:Future and Side:Despair. Rain Code's first case...
The list could go on forever, but The Hundred Line's gimmick is more impactful than of those. I can't deliver a final judgement until I play the game for myself, but depending on what the game has to offer, it could be his uncontested best. That's how much potential I felt in that spoiler. I get the point of staking their lives on it now.
Also, in what's rare for a Kodaka title, the game will be allowed to be streamed relatively far into the story despite earlier spoilers (information subject to change). Kodaka's story-heavy games are a double-edged sword. It's possible for players to feel like they experienced enough by simply watching a Let's Play that spoils all the twists. However, I believe this game actually benefits from unrestricted streaming. But I can't say why. It's a spoiler...
At any rate, this game is Kodaka's and Uchikoshi's first collaborative story, and as Kodaka said, its narrative is a product of deranged minds. I wait with bated breath to the day I can finally play it, and also look forward to reading opinion posts about it online. You can get your hopes up, Kodaka and Uchikoshi fans.
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hopeymchope · 6 months
I wish Spike Chunsoft would just go full "Persona" with Danganronpa and milk it with tons of spinoffs.
I'd be there for every goddamn one of them on DAY ONE, you know. Pick your genre! The minute they figured out how to make a decent third-person DR action game with Ultra Despair Girls, that should've opened the floodgates wide IMO. In fact, if you take any given Persona spinoff, I can tell you how easily/naturally they could develop (and I could get super-hyped for) a Danganronpa equivalent.
Danganronpa Arena is SO obvious. It's the MOST obvious spinoff, and it has been sitting there waiting to be creating for seven goddamn years now. Ever since Kodaka said he wants a DR fighting game. Hey, remember that official DR3 Staff Book art that showed Nanami dreaming about it? Many of us have shared fan ideas for the story and/or for character moves. COME ON, y'all. What's the holdup?? DO IT! DO IT NOW!
Danganronpa: Dancing? FUCK YAS. I mean, there's already some wicked dance remixes of the game soundtracks in that Crypt of the Necrodancer DR content, so why the hell not?? And I recall that @dreamrlu did some great fanart (1) for how the (2) V3 crew could dress (3).
Danganronpa Q, a dungeon crawler? Despair Dungeon already exists, so it's COMPLETELY NATURAL. It's just a higher-quality production of that same concept! And if you haven't seen that fanmade version of the first "Persona Q" opening where it's the casts of DR1 and DR2 meeting up? It's AMAZING.
Danganronpa Tactica? Imagine leading squads from the Future Foundation (including DR1 and DR3 cast members) in missions against remaining Remnants of Despair. I've been playing a lot of tactical RPGs lately, and there's a lot of room to tell a ton of story in this format... plus it's not like you even have to make complex graphics to make it work, so SC doesn't have to worry about struggling with 3D renders if they don't want to. Just consider how Digimon Survive pulled this off with 2D sprite art!
Danganronpa Strikers is, uh, maybe the hardest to justify — but if you set it in the virtual world, that could make it easy! Since Danganronpa S already took place entirely in VR and contained a load of combat encounters, why the hell not do a similar setup for an action game? And if you prefer to keep in the real world, there are still a number of characters I could easily justify making playable in such a scenario — Genocide(r), Sakura, Asahina, Mondo, Nekomaru, Peko, Akane, Great Gozu, Seiko, Munakata, Maki, Gonta, etc. I can even picture some more-unlikely candidates such as Kimura slotting into the roster. I don't even like musou games that much, but ofc I'd play the SHIT out of this one.
Look: I know I'm an insatiable fan who just wants more precious content with these characters. But you can't convince me that these things wouldn't also SELL. The brand reached new heights of awareness and sales with V3, and they haven't really capitalized on that at all aside from giving us "Danganronpa S." We haven't even gotten a new anime since DR3, FFS! And I'm confident that any one of the ideas listed above would sell far better than a weird digital board game with RPG combat set inside VR, frankly. :P
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Danganronpa Opinions
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(I mean none of this with offense and I'm not targetting in any way shape or form btw-)
. Chihiro is VERY overrated.
. Off topic but it's canon Taka can sing, he wants Sayaka to teach him to sing so he can project his voice, and his Japanese VA is amazing at singing, and his English VA is Kinger in TADC (which I don't know much about but heard a song and imagined Taka singing it - which made me laugh -)
. Sayaka is underrated and over hated.
. Some of the executions aren't that good, and Celeste's was good and theatrical, but she (technically) killed 2 people and deserved to suffer a bit more.
. Toko is bad in THH and highly overrated if people like her and haven't seen her in UDG.
. Kiyotaka is annoying and loud even in his FTEs (He's like... my favourite character but I HAVE TO BE HONEST I WOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH HIM IRL-)
. Byakuya and Kyoko are EXTREMELY OVERRATED!!!! (If Byakuya has no haters I'm dead-)
. The survivors were so uninteresting, Hiro did almost nothing the whole time, and after Chapter 4 Aoi seemed to outlive her usefulness. She's still cool though, but also overrated.
. 11037 is still kind of funny, but only in context and not for making fun of Leon as a character.
. Sayaka haters are just mad for no reason... leave her alone gang-
. Junko was a terrible choice for a master-mind, they should've given fake Junko more development before killing her off. I forgot about her after Chapter Two.
. Byakuya x Anybody is a terrible ship, especially Makoto x Byakuya.
. Celesgiri have chemistry, but no interactions that make us ship them.
. Nagito is actually kind of annoying... he was better in Chapter One, but he did make the game 10x more interesting.
. Nekomaru > Ibuki
. Peko is a cool character but not as loveable as the fans see her to be.
. Hinanami is ONLY platonic, nothing else.
. This may be exclusive to me but Trial 4 was stupidly difficult (I knew who the killer was and didn't get it because I'm a fucking moron.)
. Mikan and Hiyoko are both equally as annoying as eachother, but Hiyoko is much more upfront about it.
. Souda x Gundham is a bad ship... even the Voice Actor of Tanaka says so.
. Chiaki is slightly overrated.
. AI Junko is mid.
. Kamakura should have gotten more development, and is overrated.(I haven't seen the anime)
V3: (Updated version btw)
. I love V3, it's the best game
. Maki>Kyoko
. They shouldn't have killed Kaede off early, for her development as a character, but it was necessary to do so.
. Rantaro's overrated and him and Ryoma NEEDED MORE DEVELOPMENT.
.Tsumugi best mm real???
. Gonta is overrated.
. The Motive-Video for chapter two is a reused from chapter one THH, did they run out of ideas? If so, how did they recreate Danganronpa 53 times without the audience getting bored?
. Traffic Light (HimokoxAngiexTenko) is a bad ship because though Himiko cares for them both, Tenko doesn't like Angie much. (from what I've seen)
. They should've gotten in some new VAs for V3, I love Shuichi but I can only hear Leon in his voice...
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funishment-time · 1 year
Kazutaka Kodaka, the dude who made Danganronpa, once mentioned he'd really like/have liked to make a Mahiru game. it got me thinking of a Beautiful What If.
glorious news everyone!! they drop a trailer for a new Danganronpa game, in the Hope's Peak Arc timeline. it's more of an UDG, a new genre for DR: we see Mahiru doing shit to help rebuild the world with her photography. there seems to be Cameos/Supporting Roles from all the ex-Remnants and the Survivors. then: disaster strikes! Mahiru now needs a souped up special Hacking Camera Or Whatever to Defeat Evil Monokumas Or Whatever.
we all think: this looks fun and insightful! sad we don't get the v3 Characters but it makes sense, considering we're not in Their World.
except in the trailer, at the end, we see someone working on the Hacking Camera, and it's clearly not Mahiru. this person has long messy hair. Kamukura? no, wait, it's—
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and then BOOM. the trailer ends.
regardless of whether or not you like this idea, don't tell me that "the v3 kids exist in the Main Universe, not the Summer Camp universe, the main universe, they're just normies that were never able to fully develop due to Apocalypse" wouldn't be the most Dangaronpa ass bomb to drop on like the 15th Anniversary
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accirax · 1 year
Literature Girl Insane and the Color Connection Theory
(Spoilers for DRDT’s Literature Girl Insane MV, as well as through Chapter 2 Episode 11. Vague spoilers for Super Danganronpa 2 and New Danganronpa V3. Because the images in this post are mainly designed to showcase the colors presented in the MV, there will be no image IDs in this post.)
Wow! Literature Girl Insane is… so much!! There is literally so much to look at that I don’t know how we’re supposed to handle it!!!
I mean that all in a glowingly positive way, to be clear. The DRDT creator has granted us an exciting puzzle that may take months to fully solve/analyze (or maybe we’ll never finish it), with so many facets that there are still things that I haven’t seen much of anybody talking about.
Speaking of, I’d like to take a look at the colorization of some of the lyrics! As per my eye, there are 15 distinct colors that appear in the lyrics of the MV. I distinguish the lyrics as “the words that are outlined in black (or white, when the color is black),” so any of the colored text in the background, such as the literary passages, will not be included in my analysis.
An important piece of information that I’ll reference a lot is the official colors that have been assigned to the students. That being, the color that the first letter of each of their first names gains when the students enter the Class Trial.
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Because Xander never attends a Class Trial, he has no confirmed color, unless I’m forgetting something. However, based on his bright hair, I would have to assume that the color of that letter would have been a fiery red. It’s even on the opposite side of Teruko on the color wheel.
David has two colors; one for his inspirational speaker persona (yellow) and one for his depressed theater kid persona (gray). I don’t think J’s color changes between being listed as J Rosales and J Moreno. Although I didn’t put it on the chart, MonoTV appears to have no color, with all of the letters in its name remaining white. Some of my personal assignments will go against these color choices, but I think it’s still important to keep in mind.
Since Tumblr doesn’t want to let me use as many colors as I want, I will put in an image of what each color looks like the first time it appears. I’m going to analyze each color in order of how many times it appears in the MV, from most to least. That means the first color is…
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are all just idiots (final verdict); Bye; whatever; Goodbye.; go mad; together; are all just idiots!; Bye; broken; go insane?; ignorant; God; go mad; great applause!!!; Aa; won’t change; original; you’ve killed so many; and disappear!; 1; medicine; [untranslated characters]; [untranslated characters]; [untranslated characters]; go mad; self delusion; isn’t it!?; ah,
(If you want time stamps and pictures of the characters, I wrote them down in the document Venus and I compiled together)
Red appears 28 times throughout the MV, and as you can tell, they’re very… edgy. It’s a very interesting color, given that there are multiple characters I think it could apply to.
The first option is Veronika. Her color is a bright red, and she’s no stranger to creepiness. Things like “go mad” and “you’ve killed so many” could definitely be words she’s spoken to her problematic faves like Arturo or David. The selection of “broken” could apply to her hidden quote: “once something is broken, it can never be pieced together in quite the same way again. The same goes for people.” If Veronika herself is something that is/was “broken,” going insane could apply to her as well. Some people have already called her delusional, which could fit right in with “self delusion.” With her chaotic attitude, I can also easily imagine her using the intense punctuation (!!! and !?) seen on some of the lines.
The biggest problem with this interpretation is that, frankly, I don’t think Veronika merits this level of importance in this MV. Now, that’s not to say that I don’t like Veronika, or don’t think she’s important– I love Veronika! I just don’t think she’s that important to David, who this MV is about. 
They could have more of a connection in the future, given that Veronika has started simping for his dark side, but thus far they’ve barely interacted at all. The most damning rebuttal is the cast list at the end.
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Would the color that appears the most in the MV really go to a character that doesn’t even make the supporting cast list?
The main way that I can imagine that Veronika actually is red is if she is the mastermind. That would explain how she could claim such a prolific color in general, yet why she wouldn’t yet be listed as a Main Role– because David (presumably) wouldn’t know that she’s the mastermind. If David survives for a while alongside mastermind Veronika, it would also give more of a chance for their relationship to develop down the road.
Still, it would make more sense to me if red did belong to a listed character; even better if one of the main roles. Someone like…
Option two: Xander Matthews.
Xander is obviously a key player in this MV, and like I said, I would guess that his character color would be red. Even if it was, say, yellow (for his eyes) instead, I don’t really think anybody could complain if he showed up as red in the MV.
The focus on the word “bye” would also fit Xander. He’s dead now, and David has clearly been thinking about him, so he could constantly be saying “bye” to Xander after the rebel “and disappear!”-ed from life. Xander had to treat his eye in the infirmary, so “medicine” could make sense for his character. “You’ve killed so many” could be something that David could imagine Xander saying to him in his guilt-ridden spirals. Although, as far as is confirmed, David has never actually killed anybody, including in his secret. Venus adds that “You’ve killed so many” could be Xander speaking to himself, stewing in his survivor’s guilt about the death of his family. She also says that “go mad” sounds like something a British person would say. You never know what she’ll have to contribute /lh.
Speaking of things Xander could say, though… I have a hard time imagining that he would say some of these things. I’m sure Teruko would tell me that I’m naive to have any trust left in the guy, but some lines just seem out of character for him, to me? Like, calling everyone idiots and telling people to “go insane” feels very different from how he acted in Chapter 1. Maybe if Xander was reflecting on his own “going insane” after he stabbed Teruko, it could work?
The line that stood out to me the most for not fitting Xander was actually “won’t change,” though. Man’s the Ultimate Rebel. He’s all about inciting change in people. Whatever this thing is that won’t change– David’s attitude, the mastermind’s wickedness, the continuation of the killing game– would he really be chiming in to say that it’s immutable? But, if I don’t really think that it’s Xander or Veronika, then what red person could be left?
Ah, right… the classic copout option, #3, Mai Akasaki.
I say “copout” because, overall, we know very little about her personality. Therefore, it’s easy to put words like “idiot” and “insane” into her mouth because there can’t be too much of a counterargument. It does seem like a pretty big contrast to her characterization as Unnamed Student (assuming that’s her), but given this series’ penchant for moral bankruptcy, I wouldn’t be surprised if her nice exterior hides a more sinister slant.
However, there are some genuine points in Mai’s favor here. First is the red color– Mai’s hair is red, and Teruko even notes that Xander’s red hair reminded her of Mai’s. Thus, if I speculated that Xander’s color could be red, Mai’s could be too. She’s at least in the Supporting Cast, unlike Veronika. “Bye” and particularly “and disappear!” would also fit Mai well, given her absence in the killing game. “God” is also of particular note, as it’s the first word in Mai’s roman numeral quote, “God is dead.” Mai also seems to be worshiped like a god among those who remember her (Teruko potentially excluded), and the MV notes her as “someone dearly loved.”
Those three aspects of God could be leading us to the conclusion that red represents Mai in this MV, and it’s that interpretation that I’ve decided to roll with. I promise I’ll pick up the pace for the next colors, okay?
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game; Bye; cat; is what you’re told; ambition; the falling slanted sun; Bye; “happiness”?; dead; make noise; The acclamation is; live; original; 2; Let’s do that! [translated]; shout; ah,; miserable
While Eden is the only holder of the color yellow as of Chapter 2 Episode 11, I think this color has to go to the man, the myth, the now-starless star himself, David Chiem. I mean, c’mon. It’s his MV. He has to have one of the most prominent colors.
But even beyond the yellow, there’s a lot that points to David here. Since I just mentioned the fading of the stars in David’s eyes, let’s start with “the falling slanted sun”. As the sun itself is a star, this line could represent both how the stars have fallen out of David’s eyes and how he, a star, is falling in the public’s perception. Given his determination to save his career, “ambition” certainly fits David’s character, and he “make[s] noise” every time he gives a speech, making people believe “what [they’re] told”. But despite his stage persona, he’s always felt “dead” and “miserable” on the inside.
Perhaps the most interesting line here is the “Let’s do that!”, which can be seen here.
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(It’s the only line in Japanese we were able to translate ourselves T-T)
Even if it’s a “let’s do that!” instead of a “no, that’s wrong!”, which means that David is arguably only agreeing with himself, the protagonist imagery here is exceptionally clear. Not to mention, every canonical protagonist post-Makoto has been able to access consent points as well.
I’ve definitely seen people out there theorize that David may become Despair Time’s protagonist one day, and while I found the concept merely amusing at first, the more evidence piles up, the more I’m forced to believe it may be true. So, if David is represented by the color yellow, this could be further evidence/foreshadowing towards his future role. If so, I’m particularly intrigued by the fact that yellow has both “dead” and “live”. It seems like David’s alignments and beliefs are still up in the air.
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this guy →; Bye; a life full of much shame; make noise; this guy; anonymous; Bye!; substance of the arts; this guy; original; 4; make noise; clown
Similar to yellow, there are two primary candidates for the color of green. And while Hu has a better argument than Eden did on yellow due to being listed in the supporting cast, her greatest competitor, Teruko, is also in the supporting cast.
Did you know that green appears thirteen times throughout the MV? Of course it’s fucking Teruko.
There’s a good argument to be made that, with her tragic backstory, Teruko is one who’s lived “a life full of much shame.” Doubly so if you believe that she has the “the killing game is all your fault” secret, which I personally do. Because she’s moved around so much and doesn’t seem to have many attachments to people, you could say that she’s “anonymous” in a lot of her actions.
Teruko “make[s] noise” frequently in both Daily Life, when she refuses to avoid the subject of murder and thrusts knives at people, and Deadly Life, where she maniacally laughs her way through solving the entire trial for those idiots twice in a row. However, due to her over-the-top lack of trust in anybody, I could still believe that David would see her as a “clown”. A smart clown, but a clown nonetheless. (She also had her sillier moments as well, especially when Xander was alive.)
The line that makes the least sense to me is honestly “substance of the arts,” especially given that it’s part of Veronika’s roman numeral phrase. Teruko doesn’t seem particularly artistic to me. Maybe it’s just meant to imply that she’s a girl with a lot of substance? If “the arts” were theater, it could be saying that her life is very tragic and dramatic? And if Teruko is a substantial, dramatic character, maybe Veronika would appreciate that? I’m obviously reaching, but I still do believe that green represents Teruko here.
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dog; No Longer Human; game!; I; isn’t that; original; LET’S LAUGH; just like that; 3; cry; foolish; “kapukapu”
While it might seem like this color should belong to J, given that it’s quite similar to her character color, I actually believe that this color represents someone else. Namely, MonoTV.
MonoTV’s official character color is white, but its face is obviously a bright cyan. It even tells Teruko that its favorite color is blue in Chapter 2 Episode 3, so I don’t think that calling MonoTV cyan is a stretch at all.
The most obvious clue that MonoTV could be cyan is “dog,” which is pasted over “cat” (in yellow) at 0:37. The replacement of “cat” isn’t written in the original lyrics of the song, so the creator definitely intended for this to relate back to MonoTV. Why not give the mascot itself the line correcting the species? “No Longer Human” fits along with this creature angle as well.
“game!” is another obvious one, as MonoTV is the excitable host of this killing game. While “LET’S LAUGH” seems sweet out of context, in the killing game, it could seem much more heartless and robotic. The all-caps approach also makes it feel threatening. “cry” could also be a command to the students, like when MonoTV encourages them to create more drama in Chapter 1. I don’t remember a specific instance of MonoTV calling the students “foolish”, but it doesn’t seem out of character at all.
I couldn’t figure out exactly what a kapukapu was, unfortunately. It’s a reference to Yamanashi, a children’s book by Kenji Miyazawa, but they don’t actually describe what a kapukapu is in that book. When I googled “kapukapu,” it came up with a Sega character described as an antagonistic “orange cat creature with yellow eyes, a zigzag shaped tail, and big sharp fangs.” The creator definitely knows more Japanese than I do, but if they were similarly struggling on this one, they may have also googled kapukapu, seen “evil cat” and said, “yeah, that sounds enough like MonoTV.”
I should also probably talk about the “1”, “2”, “3”, and “4” portrayed at 2:43, which has shown up in the red, yellow, green, and cyan sections so far. These numbers representing Mai, David, Teruko, and MonoTV definitely feels plausible to me, especially if you throw in the wrinkle that David could become the protagonist. The qualification could be “mysterious characters with a darker side,” “characters related to the formation of the killing game,” or even “the most actively important characters at the end of the killing game.” This interpretation makes me more confident that these assignments are correct, although there’s obviously room for debate.
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anonymous hopes,; heart; Rolling with laughter and turning into clowns; brainwashed; degraded copy; original; [untranslated character]; clown; painful
And now, onto a color for which I feel there’s basically no debate. If these text colors do correlate to characters, this color has to be Whit.
For starters, he’s the only character assigned the color pink, probably because it’s so prevalent in his design. I can imagine “Rolling with laughter and turning into clowns” paired with his XD laughing sprite, fitting how he’s the biggest canonical joke-teller in the cast. “heart” fits his Ultimate Matchmaker talent perfectly, while also representing how his empathic ways can make him the heart of a group. MonoTV literally mentions that he has “too many damn hearts on [him]” in Chapter 2 Episode 2. “painful”, meanwhile, can represent his secret, and how he represses the painful memories of loss regarding his loved ones.
The most concerning and confusing lines here are “brainwashed” and “degraded copy”. You could definitely pull these for mastermind Whit analysis, but since I’m not a strong believer in that theory (perhaps because I just desperately don’t want it to be true), I’ll go with another interpretation. Brainwashing could be something that Whit essentially does to himself, controlling his mental state and forcing himself to be happy. “degraded copy” could be how Whit feels about himself in regards to his mother. Although we don’t know too much about her, we know that he doesn’t relate to his dad, and he dyes his hair to be more similar to his mom. Since he idolizes her so fiercely, it’s possible he feels like he can never be as great as she was.
There’s always a lot to unpack with Whit “repression” Young, but… for the sake of post length, we’re moving on.
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(after all); whoever else; (turbatus); XI.; whoever else; [untranslated character]; thing
Despite the fact that we’re running out of colors at a rapid pace, I actually think this one is David again. Specifically, clipless David, after his color turned to gray. C’mon, he’s the star of the show! He gets special privileges.
The gray character feels very depressed. It doesn’t seem to care about anything, using vague terms like “whoever else” and “thing,” as well as taking “turbatus,” AKA “troubled.” David has already claimed to have a family history of depression, and although he’s a liar, I don’t know if he was bs-ing that one. Based on his worldview as portrayed in Chapter 2 Episode 11, it’s not much of a leap to assume David feels this depressing gray way.
The inclusion of “XI.” is quite interesting, given that that’s Mai’s roman numeral, “God is dead.” In my mind, this further cements a potential relationship between Mai and David (and that Mai is red and David is yellow/gray). Just look at the colorization of the quote “XI. God is dead”!
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That’s both of David’s colors on either side of Mai. Maybe, as the protagonist, David will be the one to take down Mai, the “God”?
If gray isn’t a second David, I would suggest that this could be Rose. While she isn’t particularly associated with the color gray, “(turbatus)” is part of her roman numeral quote, and she has plenty of troubles of her own. Based on her hidden quote, “In the end, the only thing I can do is watch my wretched life go on,” it would be reasonable to believe she is also depressed. “whoever else” and “thing” could refer to her absentmindedness, and how she tends to forget things that aren’t important to her (despite her photographic memory).
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← that guy; shout; that guy; let’s play!; that guy; original
So it’s a little random, but my best guess is that orange is Ace? Mostly because he’s the only true orange color in the class trial– Min and Rose have sort of orangey colors as well, but to me, they don’t fit the lyrics super well. Not to say that Ace does, but there’s more of an argument there to be had.
“shout” is the most Ace-like lyric to me. Most of his (amazingly) voice acted lines are screaming in some way. He yells a lot, whether due to stress, excitement, or anger.  On that angry wavelength, “let’s play!”, though it sounds innocent, could be something bitterly yelled out at an opponent. Like, “oh, if you wanna play, let’s FUCKIN’ play, Nico/Levi/etc!!” Given that Ace identifies as a man, he would be a more classic “guy” choice than Min or Rose would be as well.
The repeated “that guy” puzzled me at first, but I did find a solution. The thing that was tripping me up was that the orange “that guy” is always paired with the green “this guy.” If Teruko is green, then why would David be putting Ace on the same level of importance as Teruko there? He and Ace have barely interacted!
But then I remembered that there’s one key place in which they did interact, and that was in the second class trial. Ace takes part in revealing David’s secret when he exposes the conversation David and Arei had in the relaxation room. And then Teruko agrees with him, saying that she’s always found David’s behavior suspicious. David could pair Teruko and Ace together in his mind as “this guy” and “that guy” as the main ones who exposed his secret. Whoever else was there doesn’t matter; they were the main ones at fault.
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change!; like that; original; change!; a cup of poison
Purple time! This one is Charles, I’m pretty sure.
Charles has probably had the greatest positive character arc thus far (other than maybe Arei?), so him being “change!” is very fitting. He’s certainly urged Teruko to change for the better, and maybe he’ll do that for David in the future too. “like that” is part of “Do it like that / let’s live together!”, which could refer to Charles warming up to his classmates. Notably, that is part of VII., which is J’s roman numeral. J did possess Charles’ secret and tell him about it, but it’s not the strongest connection.
“a cup of poison”... does not bode the best for Charles’ survival! However, it could just be referring to his custom weapon being strychnine. Rose’s secret weapon is also poisonous in nature, but (spoilers for the post) I’m not sure she actually has a color in this MV. Thus, if the creator wanted to give one of their poison recipients the “cup of poison” line, Charles may have been their only option. It could also indicate that Charles’ strychnine is more important to the story than Rose’s turpentine (a concerning concept, given that the turpentine has already been involved in an attempted murder), but… who can say! (I am in denial)
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you; the track to the ideal country →; you; you
We’re running out of colors here, and it would be pretty weird if the second member of the main cast didn’t have one. That’s right, I’m saying that black refers to Xander, despite his red leanings. However, his color was never officially assigned, and his gloves are black.
David seems very fixated on Xander in this MV and its associated content. Thus, the triple repetition of “you” could indicate David repeatedly thinking about Xander throughout the days. Although, if Xander is the black text, Xander should probably be the one saying “you”. Perhaps instead, it’s about how Xander cares about and fixates on specific individuals, like how he noticed that Nico was alone at lunch and went to go talk to them. I’m giving the guy a glowing review, but it kinda seems like David is doing that too.
“the track to the ideal country →” also reminds me of Xander. As the Ultimate Rebel, he calls for country-wide reform. So, he could believe that he’s leading the way to the ideal country. Abstracted a bit, this could also relate to his motivations for attempting to kill Teruko. He may have believed that killing her was “the track” to save everyone and get them out of the killing game.
Although I wish I could give him a color with greater importance, this one makes a lot of sense to me. It is the first color that appears, for what it’s worth.
Dark Blue
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cry; original; big
This one is… hard. I’m not super confident about it– “cry” and “big” do not give me a lot to work with. I’m going to give this one to J for the time being, mostly based off of a fringe theory I developed about “original”.
Yeah, “original”. That 8-color madhouse that I’ve been ignoring so far. To be honest, I don’t know what to do with it. It’s possible that “original” itself is meant to apply to all of the characters featured in it– the word is generic enough that I believe it could apply to all of these characters.
However, I was trying to figure out if this could be hinting at a Chapter 6 trial composition. Eight people seems like way too many for Chapter 6, but if you say it includes Mai (red) and MonoTV (cyan), you only need six surviving students. While casts usually roll up to the endgame with 5 people (based on how SDR2 and v3 went), all you need is to skip a double victim case or have a blackened-less trial to get up to 6.
Under this theory, that would put Teruko, David, Charles, Whit, and Ace in the Chapter 6 trial. (Do I really believe this is true? Not really, but, man, what a dream.) I don’t know exactly how much the creator is paying attention to balancing their final cast, but I have to imagine they would notice that Teruko is the only girl listed there.
That was the deciding factor that swayed me into calling this J over Arturo, as both of their colors are blue. I can see J as a survivor much more easily than I can Arturo, and she would be a second girl (or third, if you count Mai) in the trial. I’m definitely not super convinced, though, so take dark blue with a grain of salt.
Light Blue
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cry; cry; idk!!!
So, this is… bleak. This person is not having a great time. Based on color, I’m saying this one is Nico. (That’s also why I didn’t mention them as a non-male blue person on dark blue).
While Nico is definitely less of a crybaby than people might have assumed based on their first appearance, it’s still true that they have multiple sprites with tears in their eyes. “idk!!!” could reference how they struggle to communicate with others, and never know what’s considered “polite” to say. “idk!!!” is also part of Nico’s roman numeral, connecting it to them again.
You could also read “cry, cry, idk!!!” as a timeline of what Nico has done so far in the story. They were anxious, got bullied, and cried a lot, until something in them snapped. What are they gonna do after they snap? Idk!!! Kill Ace, maybe? Either of these options, along with Nico’s official color, are enough to convince me that they could be light blue.
Soft Blue
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You’re called an; the world
Hang on, isn’t there another blue non-man you haven’t mentioned yet? You’re right. It’s because I think soft blue is Arei.
Even without her class trial color, Arei is a character covered in blue from head to toe,  so she would definitely fit one of the blue options. “You’re called an” reminds me of her for multiple reasons. One, she’s a bully who gives people mean nicknames, so it could be her calling someone else something cruel. Two, many aspects of her personality were derived from her sisters bullying her, so you could say that she’s defined by what she was called as a child. Classic cycle of violence type stuff.
“the world” is a little iffier, but there’s definitely still an argument to be made. In her rant to David and Teruko, Arei makes clear that she believes the world is an inherently cruel place, and that she’s only one piece of that meanness. If she ponders the state of the world frequently, “the world” could be related to her character. (She’s also my world, so–)
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“Idiot”, pointless
Another character who is not having an excellent time! Well, if this alternative green isn’t Teruko, it’s probably Hu, as she’s the other character assigned green. That would also mean that we’ve cleared every character in the cast list, other than the mysterious M__ N____i(___).
While this is not my opinion, I think David currently sees Hu as a “pointless” “idiot”; another person in the long line of manipulable people that he was destined to control. He literally calls her a “fucking idiot” at 18:30 of Chapter 2 Episode 11. It’s also possible that this is how Hu is feeling about herself right now– she says in that same episode that “If no one relies on [her], then [she] won’t be useful anymore.” Since she wasn’t able to prevent Nico from attempting murder or see through David’s lies, she could believe her existence here is pointless.
Kind of an L, but I think this makes sense.
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doubt; shout
So, in the assigned colors, the only people with purple-ish pink-ish colors are Charles and Whit, but they’ve already been assigned colors– purple and pink, no less. The next closest person to being purple is Levi, so I guess I’m giving this to him?
It’s not like “doubt” and “shout” are terrible for him. He definitely has moments of doubt when it comes to understanding Arei’s mind games, or when apologizing to Ace. Speaking of Ace, “shout” could refer to the moment in Trial 1 where Levi snapped and threatened to strangle Ace.
I also don’t know if it has any significance that these two words rhyme. Probably not, just because I don’t really see how this would point us to any character, but it’s something worth mentioning.
We’re almost at the end!
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Part of the reason why I disliked giving Levi the orchid quotes was because his color fits this periwinkle color much better, but I digress.
For starters, let me say that I’m pretty sure this is its own color, but it could be that my eyes are deceiving me from staring at this MV for too long, and this is actually part of purple. In that case, Charles is also my world, so we good. (The other color assignments are subjected to my opinions as well. I tried screenshotting everything and bringing it into Photoshop, but it was coming up with different hexcodes for colors that were clearly meant to be the same thing, so I gave up and went with subjectivity. If you think something is assigned wrong, let me know!)
As I just mentioned in the orchid section, there aren’t really any more pink or purple characters left in the cast, which leaves us with a problem. Based on the answers I landed on for all of the other colors, I found myself left with Min, Eden, Arturo, Rose, and Veronika. I sort of associate Min and Rose with purple based on the colors of their outfits, but officially, they’re both sort of brownish.
That’s why… I actually think this might be a character we haven’t met yet. Namely, Diana Chiem (should she actually exist), the woman in the video/the hand holding the acceptance letter, the class’ teacher that Min mentions, or M__ N____i(___). Or, some combination of these people, should any of them actually be depicting the same person.
Periwinkle is the last color to appear, which could correlate to how this character will take a while to appear in the story. Their one and only quote being “world” matches how this person is currently in the outside world, not the killing game. They could also be a connection David has to the outside world.
I’m aware this is even more of a copout than calling Mai red, but I honestly believe in this more than any of the other students.
And with that, we’re finally done! I’m always a sucker for matching things to other things, so this was a lot of fun. I might have more to say on this MV in the future, or I might not, but either way, it’s been an honor to piece this thing together with you guys.
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luxexhomines · 8 months
Danganronpa Character Tropes/Patterns Across Main 3 Games
I'm sure this exists somewhere already, but I wanted to make a list for my own self-reference because I was analyzing the patterns across games, so I figured why not post it? Unfortunately, this ended up egregiously long, and I decided to stop and post it before it got even longer. I'm sure I missed plenty of things, but I didn't want it getting any longer. I already spent a lot of time refreshing my memory and poring over the Danganronpa Fandom Wiki to make this list, ahaha...
So, here we go--I made a few categories: 1. Personality, 2. Ultimate Talents, 3. Cast Dynamics, 4. Killing Game, and 5. Body Characteristics. Wasn't sure how to format it, but I tried. I didn't list their Ultimate Talents since I figured most people remember/know.
If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to pop into the replies or my askbox and we can discuss! There might be some you disagree on. Under the cut for Danganronpa spoilers and length!
Bossy toward men 
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira (complete misandrist) 
Little Shits/Gremlins (& most obnoxious criers) /affectionate
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Made-up Words/Sayings 
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
Most Unhinged Participants
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Multiple Personas/Personalities
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (has DID; Genocide Jack)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji (older sister)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
DR1 - Mondo Oowada
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Self-Esteem Issues
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
DR1 - Touko Fukawa
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Stoic/Serious Ladies
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Kirumi Tojo
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Ultimate Talents
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Martial Artists
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
Ultimate ???
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
Has Secret/Other Talent
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (as Genocide Jack - Ultimate Murderer) 
DR1 - Makoto Naegi (Ultimate Hope) 
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata (as Izuru Kamukura - Ultimate Hope)
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa (Ultimate Assassin)
Cast Dynamics
Protagonist & Friend Iconic Duo
DR1 - Makoto Naegi Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara Kaede Akamatsu
Mystery Solvers/Complicators
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Protag’s Guy Friends Who All Have That Same Loser Vibe
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Breaks the 4th Wall
SDR2 - Gundham Tanaka
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Serial Killers
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (Genocide Jack)
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama (fake; “Sparkling Justice”)
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Killing Game
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (one chapter still counts!!)
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (unknowingly)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
SDR2 - Alter Ego Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Tsumugi Shirogane
De Facto Forensic Examiners
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
First Victims
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
First Killers
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura - SDR2
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (as scapegoat) - NDRV3
Framed/Suspected of Murdering Close Friend
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji - SDR2
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Victims of Double Murders
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira Angie Yonaga
Double Murder Culprits
DR1 - Celeste Ludenberg
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
DR1 - Sakura Oogami** 
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)**
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama*
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda** 
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi**
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara*
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma**
(* = became culprit, ** = became victim)
Non-Culprit Tries to Misdirect Voting to Execute All Participants
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Is Incited/Led by Antagonist to Murder
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Sustained Injury/Death Not From Participant Murder or Own Execution
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu  (from Peko’s execution, not own)
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (final explosion)
Mystery Victims
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (Chapter 5 reappearance)
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Makes Plot & Trial-Relevant Technology
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Most Notable Character Development
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Himeko Yumeno
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Body Characteristics
Super Muscular
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
Tan/Darker Skinned
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Small Girls
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Small Boys
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Breasted Boobily (reference to meme please don’t kill me lol)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
DR1 - Alter Ego
SDR2 - Mechamaru Nidai
NDRV3 - K1-B0
Ahoge Havers
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - K1-B0
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Different, Cartoonish Eyes/Features
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Other patterns: 
At least one red-haired, one black-haired, one white-haired, and one blond character per game
At least one red-eyed and one same hair & eye color character per game
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lunarleonardo · 26 days
Thw idea of a vampire fic Made my mind go to ghost fic IMMEDIATELY which would also be so cool and I would absolutely fw that as well as the original vamp idea
(I personally have a lot of ideas for stuff but I can not stand reading my own writing so they usually say in my head LMAO)
Oooh ghostfic :o
Honestly, I've never been a big sucker for ghost fics. Crazy coming from a TBHK fan, I know, but there's something about the ghost being... A ghost that makes me go :{ every time. They're already dead. There's only so many ways you can "save" a ghost. However ghost hunting?? HELL yes dude. I love seeing UNRELATED GHOSTS I AM NOT EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO move on ^_^ ghost hunter whump could go so crazy. Pissed off spirits are NOT something you want to trifle with. Trust me I know I've played Phasmophobia a total of 7 times
There is a concept thats Kind of like a ghostfic that was introduced to me via Warrior Cats. If anyone has read The Broken Code, you will know that a cat's spirit can get trapped out of their body. Imagine being trapped outside of your body as a spirit?? Knowing there's the possibility that you can come back but PLOT OBSTACLES? That would be absolutely terrible. I would sure hate for it to happen to me. Which is quite unfortunate for a certain detective who also happens to be a favorite of mine ! It'd be a shame if anything were to happen to a boy named Shuichi Saihara from the hit game New Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony!
I'll consider ghosts in general, though :3c they'll be in my thoughts
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 4 months
OK, but your idea for DR2 is genuinely really good, and now I kinda want to hear if you have any other ideas for saving people across the Danganronpa series
AH Thank you!! I have no idea how I remembered all that considering how long its been since I played sdr2 ahaha
I think the hardest one to save people in would be thh's killing game, cause like I said in that earlier post, knowing Junko's identity really doesn't give you all that much leverage in stopping the killing game. Unless you can really convince people to ignore the motives entirely (which would be impossible unless you're very charismatic and a leader), I'm not sure there's a good way to stop all the deaths. The only thing that I could imagine would be breaking into the mastermind's room (which IIRC is on the third floor? christ.) and taking her down before either the first motive does its work OR Sakura (as the traitor) takes someone else out for the sake of the game.
I was also thinking last night about what you would do at the beginning of V3's killing game to try and end it, and I think it's tricky in a different way from stopping it at the ch5 mark. While the ch1 time limit might've been a bluff, none of the other characters saw it that way. And then, the keys you could've used in ch5 to end the killing game (the clues found in the mastermind's room and the flashback light making panel) don't have the same implications this early on, pre-Rantaro's death and pre-flashback light.
The best thing I could think of would be to physically stop Rantaro from investigating the library. Either by preventing him from going there in the first place or insisting on going with him so Kaede and Tsumugi's plans can't go off. But I think the former is a much safer idea, because Tsumugi could just kill you as well...
After that, if I'm right that the time limit was a bluff, we'd be in completely new territory, which is SUPER risky in and of itself. Unfortunately part of what convinced the outside world to end danganronpa, I think, was Shuichi and the others' raw pain at what had happened to them. At this point, nobody will have died. Even if you plead to the viewers through Kiibo, I'm not sure that would actually end the game.
I'd love to hear anybody else's ideas!!
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Speaking of all those Killing Games. Like. Just kinda musing about the franchise as a whole in V3.
So, Tsumugi dresses as Junko when she meets with Motherkuma, right? That's interesting because it implies that, 53 Danganronpa entries deep, the franchise hasn't lost sight of who its big bad evil lady is. Within the fictional narrative of Danganronpa, this is still Junko's series.
Which is, of course, how it goes in horror. Horror is defined by its iconic villains. It's not Friday the 13th without Jason. It's not The Ring without Sadako. It's not Halloween without Michael Myers. Junko is Monokuma is Junko is Danganronpa.
By this point in the series, Junko's probably been a clone, a demon, a time-traveled past version of herself brought into the future, a cyborg, a zombie, a zombie cyborg, etc. As well as having had plenty of appearances where the explanation for how she came back was pushed off into a future entry that never emerged because the creative team changed and they decided to go in a different direction.
She's been revealed to have been an alien this whole time and then subsequently revealed to have not been an alien this whole time because that's dumb.
Makoto running into the Future Foundation announcing, "Somehow, Junko has returned!" and then that's the entire explanation.
It's just. It's a lot of fun thinking about the kinds of bullshit that might have been in 53 Danganronpa titles. At some point, you'd imagine they would have figured out that it's better for the long-term viability of the franchise to stop killing her at the end of each entry. But it's funnier if they never did, and legit just had to come up with a new way to revive her every time.
The Future Foundation ultimately succeeds in restoring civilization but then Junko carries out the Even More Most Tragic Event in Human History, colloquially known as The Tragedy 2: Tragedy Harder.
Just. Straight up western comic books with this shit.
Along with coming up with, fucking hell, 848 Ultimate Talents to fill the rosters of each Killing Game. The Danganronpa wiki in Tsumugi's reality must be insane.
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