#new england foodie
lobstertalesblog · 4 months
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The Charles, Wethersfield CT.
Boston Cod: white wine-butter poached, miso-ginger dashi broth, baby bok choy, seacoast farm mushrooms, green papaya salad.
I love going to Old Wethersfield CT. It is such a cute little downtown with little shops, ice cream shops, wine shops, country stores and delicious restaurants. One of those restaurants is @thecharlesct 😉
We sat outside because it was a beautiful night and it was fun being downtown! We got some apps to share and ended with an Espresso Martini! The apps we got were the Homemade Ricotta, Scotch Egg and Deviled Eggs!
The Boston Cod was delicious, I could eat this dish all the time! Warning, it was spicier than I thought it was going to be so if you are going to get this dish I hope you like some spice! I loved how it was served with bok choy. The Cod was so delicious it just melted in my mouth, could cut it with a fork. I loved the taste of ginger in the broth, I could drink the broth it was so good. Everyone loved their dinner and we had such a great experience. I can’t wait to go back and try more dishes, their lunch menu looks delicious too!
Based on presentation and taste of the @thecharlesct Boston Cod I would rate this dish a 10 out of 10.
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randadrives · 7 months
Salem - Witch City
"Still making history"
If you’re anything like me, a millennial spooky kid obsessed with Halloween, you probably also grew up watching the standard movies annually in October: Scream, Halloween, Beetlejuice, every zombie and Halloween (the franchise) movie possible, and the reigning classic, Hocus Pocus. If you’re one of those weirdos who hasn’t watched it, the family-friendly feature is set in Salem, MA – home of the famous witch trials of 1692. Thanks to the dense history, the town being a Maritime National Historic Site, as well as pop culture such as Bewitched, Hocus Pocus, and later the terrible Hubie Halloween (2020), the New England town of Salem has boasted an increase in tourism, causing an extra MILLION visitors just last October. Now I’m going to take you through my firsthand visit to this beautiful city I adored visiting.
 An old friend of mine and I decided we wanted to take a long weekend trip somewhere we could drive in the spring of 2023. Several people who had already been to Salem suggested going at a different time of year than the normal September/October time to avoid the crowds of tourists, as it can be quite congested and the prices of everything goes up as well. Early May sounded perfect for decent weather to experience all the city had to offer, and yes – Ten hours (Pittsburgh to Salem) is a perfectly acceptable distance to drive for a 4 day trip, in my opinion. We found an Airbnb (which may or may not have been haunted) in Marblehead, which was a 15-minute drive from downtown Salem. Marblehead is where most of Hubie Halloween was filmed, which may be a severely poorly rated Adam Sandler movie, but I still watched it 5 times. This aesthetic coastal town is rich in history. It’s arguably the birthplace of the U.S. Navy, and a great deal of the original architecture is still present today. We had a great time walking the streets and seeing normal businesses, such as dentists and law firms, in buildings marked with their original purpose and the year they were built, the oldest being 1663! Our first stop on the evening we arrived was the restaurant Sea Salt, because you know we were looking for seafood. If I had not taken photos, I honestly might not remember our experience here. The service was great, and the atmosphere was very nice. The food was a little pricey, but that was expected. I remember having fantastic Brussel sprouts as an appetizer, and tasty cocktails, but can’t tell you that much more about it. My favorite places to look for when I’m traveling are locally owned coffee shops and bakeries/donut shops, so in the morning I pulled up Google and found a café called Maria’s Java Sun that was just a 5 minute walk down the street. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that we ended up walking down there 3 mornings in a row for coffee and a breakfast sandwich or pastry! They were delightful. We had opted for an Airbnb because of course my two adventure dogs were making the trip with us, and I had to be sure they would be comfortable while we were away for a few hours at a time. It was a goal of mine for them to experience the ocean, so I looked up a dog-friendly beach nearby. The second morning we were there we took them to Devereux Beach just a short drive away. It was a Saturday, so the beach was full of families with A LOT of dogs. Mine are dog reactive, but we were able to get to a more secluded portion for some waves and sea salt to ourselves. Another staple of Marblehead that sticks out in my memory is our trip to the liquor store. I have never before this seen a liquor store of this massive proportion. By the end of our stay, my friend and I agreed we would visit the Marblehead area again in the future. In May, it was serene, the landscape was gorgeous, and there appeared to be a plethora of things to do there, many related to boating and fishing.
 Now the main, wicked event! On our first day driving into Salem, we had two main items on the schedule: the Satanic Temple headquarters, and a walking tour of the city. Other than that, we knew we would meander and do some exploring, as well as chow down on some seafood again. We drove to the Satanic Temple first because it was not in walking distance of other attractions. I take full responsibility for this idea, forcing my friend to play along with me, and I do not regret it. The towering, charcoal colored Victorian building was a funeral home before purchased by the organization. It was $13 each to enter as a non-member of the church, and we were not too sure what to expect. If you’re interested in who and what the organization is, I’ll let you do your own research as that could be a lengthy essay itself, but I’m a big fan. In short, the headquarters building is essentially an art gallery with some rotating and permanent exhibitions. I was enchanted by the art on display, captured many photos, and left with a few trinkets from the gift shop. I sat on the statue of Baphomet, I’m not sure what else could have made my visit any better! My friend was also pleasantly surprised by the experience, agreeing it was enjoyable and worth the stop.
Next was our walking tour, but first we had to tackle the issue of parking. The infrastructure of Salem is not necessarily built for the influx of tourists. We ended up parking in a parking garage near the Peabody Essex museum and decided that was it, we would be walking anywhere we needed to go from here, no matter how far. There was a visitor center across the street where I learned Salem is a Maritime National Historic Site. Pro tip: if you have the National Park Passport, you can get a stamp here! I didn’t bring mine, so I bought one of the .99 cent sticker sheets to take a stamp with me.  
As much as I would have loved to do an after-dark, ghostly tour, we both knew at our big age we would be back at the Airbnb watching documentaries at that point in the night. I let my friend do the online research and choose the walking tour, so I can’t remember which it was, but there are so many that you probably can’t go wrong with choosing. We met our group at the Town Hall. It was a small group led by a Salem native who was knowledgeable and passionate about the history of the city. From here we saw key spots such as the Bewitched sculpture, the Witch House, several churches, buildings that had been used by affluent figures of society, where they would hold parties and meetings, the Ropes Mansion, ending at the old cemetery and monument dedicated to those that were killed for allegations of witchcraft. It was interesting to have someone who grew up here share the information, and she had so much to add we probably could not have learned from Google. And she shared with us all the ghost stories! As we walked the city, we also couldn’t help but gush over all the residents, not just the businesses, who seemed to embrace the culture and had witchy decorations up that time of year. At the end of the tour, we insisted she tell us the best spot to go for a lobster roll and she was happy to oblige.
This leads me to my favorite stop for food, The Lobster Shanty. Looking online, I believe there are two different restaurants called the same name, but this one appeared to be a dive bar, full of locals, cheesy coastal décor, and a boisterous bartender who seemed more than happy to have us there. The lobster rolls were amazing, as were the cocktails we ordered, and I’m grateful our guide suggested this little place over the best rated online, which was a fancy (and extremely expensive looking) restaurant we would not have been as comfortable in. Several other places we stopped for drinks while exploring that weekend were The Derby, a horse racing themed bar that we had just missed a drag show in, and Rockafella’s, a casual restaurant that claims many hauntings from local spirits, and not just the liquor type. My friend’s favorite restaurant we went to was the Howling Taqueria, where we enjoyed steak quesadillas and blood orange palomas at the suggestion of our waiter. We ended that evening with a couple episodes of “I Survived” and wine on the couch with the dogs, naturally.
The next day, after our Maria’s and beach stop, I had to be the nerd I am and go to the Salem Police Department to trade patches. So far, I believe they do have the most badass patch with a witch on it. Then we took in some of the Salem Witch Village shops. There were metaphysical stores, tourist traps of souvenirs, antiques shops, gift/specialty stores, art galleries, and very niche horror themed stores. One store I was upset with myself for passing on was Black Craft, as I didn’t realize the largest witch statue is actually within the building. I was afraid of spending too much money unnecessarily on clothing!
We cut off our browsing for a scheduled appointment time we had with the Salem Witch Museum. The museum seemed to be busy at every time of day, so if you make this part of your sightseeing, be prepared for large crowds. Tickets were $17.50 each for adults and nonrefundable. It’s a massive, visually appealing building, and not actually a museum but more of a theatrical production and history lesson. To be completely transparent, I didn’t learn anything new that I hadn’t already learned from our walking tour or just reading information around the city. Also, it was a rushed, guided tour. We were disappointed we did not get to take our time in the portion where there were artifacts to look at. The entire thing just seemed like they wanted to herd us in and out as fast as possible, and the only portion we weren’t pushed through was the gift shop at the end. I would not suggest this one for small children, as there are some graphic depictions of the hangings (and rock smashings) of the victims of the trials. I personally would not say this stop is worth the price and time.
We had seen most of what we set out to at this point, so we decided fuck it – we are in Salem, let’s go do something witchy. We chose a random metaphysical shop to go have our tarot cards read, and lucked out because the two mediums were available at the same time. It was roughly $40 each, which seemed to be the standard when I was comparing shops. I had a really fun reading with a young woman who was empathetic, bright, and obviously had a great time interacting with the people who came to her. She told me I could record my reading if I wished, and I regret not doing so! I encourage embracing being a tourist once in a while and support the local economy.
We went to Salem Common to take a walk and some photos, and then found an arcade/bar to have a drink and round off the night. It felt appropriate to shoot some zombies while in Salem, even if guns were not quite Winifred Sanderson’s style. Alas, we were physically exhausted and probably slightly overstimulated from being in public so much, so left right before another drag show started. I was pretty torn on staying for it, but wine and a movie, along with sweatpants, were just too inviting. It was a successful second and last full day in Salem. Due to the recent increase in tourism, the city is strongly urging visitors in September and October to NOT drive into Salem. Commuter rail services have been expanded upon, and there is also the Salem Ferry to utilize. If I were you, I would choose a different time of year. There is still just as much Halloween magic to experience in the area when it isn’t the spooky season, less lines, and lower prices for lodging. If you are going to drive or fly in, there are many Airbnb’s, hotels, and even an RV park to stay in. As always, I emphasize being kind to the locals. This is their home, even if it is a bucket list item or a novelty to you. It especially hit hard when we were at crosswalks and school buses full of children were passing by. I’m sure it can be frustrating, or even annoying, to always have so many people on the streets gawking and taking photos. Be kind, use your manners, and tip your servers! Travel can be a welcoming experience for all involved when every party puts the effort in, and maybe form a calming circle if you need to.
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perdido · 2 years
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Katz's Deli
©️2023 Eduardo Mueses, All rights Reserved
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roadtripnewengland · 2 years
There is pizza, and then there is apizza. New Haven-style pizza is the latter; a hotter, crispier, and dirtier descendant of Neapolitan style pie. What ribs are to Kansas City, cheesesteak to Philadelphia, and crabcakes to Baltimore, pizza is to New Haven. If you grew up in or around the Elm City, your pizza parlor allegiance can be fierce. So how did Connecticut’s second largest city become ground zero for some of the best pizza in the United States? Just what is New Haven-style pizza?
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hungry-little-owl · 2 years
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1 Jan. 2023: brunch at The Edmundo Lounge
i love going to Edmundo's, have never been disappointed there, whether going for coffee or drinks & apps or a whole meal.
on New Year's Day, my partner and I had wildly opposite but equally delicious dishes there. he got the traditional full English breakfast with veggie sausage, and hot tea. I had firecracker noodles with fried chicken, and a fruity cocktail.
I've been making an effort to not order the same thing at restaurants I go to frequently, but this firecracker noodle dish is so good I have ordered it a few times. gotta take the spicy dishes where I can find them ;) lol
10/10, no complaints
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beancat · 4 months
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Summer has reached NE 🌞
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savorroam · 1 year
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not-m00se · 1 year
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Delicious grilled cheese shop Cheese Louise in Portsmouth, New Hampshire!
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michaeldagaymerx · 1 year
I had a foot doctor appointment, went to Alec’s Shoes, a quick stop to McDonalds for a burger and fries with a mocha frappe because I hadn’t had breakfast and finally New England Sea Food for some fish and chips. It was a good day 😊😋🍔🍟🐟
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reedcrissy · 2 years
After a long hiatus, I am excited to announce I am back and what better way than having my own twenty-five days of a New England Christmas.
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lobstertalesblog · 5 months
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The Old Grist Mill Tavern, Seekonk MA.
This tavern has great history and is a relic of Pre-Revolutionary New England, which was built in 1745. The power by the dam and the old water wheel was used to grind the grain raised by nearby colonial farmers. Today, the Old Grist Mill is a traditional New England tavern. This tavern is known for great food, everything from steaks to some of the freshest seafood dishes in all of New England. They are known for their Crab Cakes and the Baked Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp. I ordered the lobster roll, Connecticut style, with butter. The entrees also come with a great salad bar that I filled up on!
The lobster roll I had was very good. I thought the amount of meat on the roll was a good amount too. The bun was cooked perfectly, giving it a great crunch. I do wish there was more butter on the lobster roll. I did hear they have a Lobster Festival in the summer so I am hoping I will be able to go to that 🦞
The more lobster the better 😉
Based on the presentation and taste of the @ogmtavern lobster roll I would rate this roll a 8 out of 10.
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macybeckham7 · 23 days
Send some in x
More of England reader and her relationship with the players
Most of the players had something in common with YN. Jack and YN would often come up with some kind of prank that they work together to set a target to pull it off. Leaving the two of them giggling like hyenas. Trent and Jude all three of them loved F1, every sunday without fail they would text each other smash talking the other drivers that they weren’t fans of. YN poking that Alpine is a shocking team to get involved with. Marcus bond over music. They always introducing each other to new artists and songs that they can’t stop listening to. Declan is a massive foodie, they would go out for food and send the other photos of their plates.
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perdido · 2 years
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Food & Drink
©️2023 Eduardo Mueses, All rights Reserved
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lavishtastes · 2 days
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( glen powell . cis man . he / him ) - the new york city resident , andrew winthrope , was seen sporting ralph lauren on park avenue today . the thirty five year old is a chef / business owner in the city & has been here for thirty five years . since being here , they have been told to be shallow , but also protective , who really knows ! according to nycslam , he had an affair with his ex-best friend’s girlfriend . anyways , guess we'll find out for ourselves !
STATISTICS. NAME: andrew richard winthrope GENDER: cis man. PRONOUNS: he / him. ZODIAC: scorpio.    AGE:   thirty five.    ORIENTATION: bisexual, biromantic.   OCCUPATION: chef / restaurant chain owner.    LANGUAGES: english, german, french and italian. FACECLAIM: glen powell. POSITIVE TRAITS: protective, inventive, funny, open-minded.  NEGATIVE TRAITS: shallow, sarcastic, defensive.   LABELS  /  TROPES:   the foodie.   
for as long as he can remember, andrew's been a foodie. so much so, he'd spend hours on end watching cooking/baking shows and beg his cooks and nannies to let him help. they did, much to his parents's chagrin. now, they seem quite proud of what he's accomplished. owning a chain of restaurants in numerous countries, but he's far from interested in their pride. plays along to keep the peace. he knows full well it's bullshit and that the reality is, they're not all too fond of him.
closest to his younger sister avery. they're the two black sheep of their family.
disappeared to england with his sister so that she wasn't alone. his parents had tried to prevent him from doing so, but he was old enough and ugly enough to make his own choices. fervently refused to allow her to think she was alone with what she was going through.
about the rumour: no, it's not true. the rumour started because he was helping her pull away from his best friend who had become incredibly toxic and borderline abusive. his ex best-friend has far more power than he does, which means he could easily damage his reputation. he moved to england when he was twenty one to open a restaurant there (and to be there for his younger sister avery) which he hoped gave time for the interest in the rumour to dissipate.
he's no activist by any means, but he's not afraid to call his parents and other siblings (avery aside) out on their bullshit.
he has ocd. everything has to be exactly how he needs it to be or he can find it very difficult to get through the day. he's most afraid of losing those he loves the most, which present in habits that he believes prevent him from losing them.
food is the way to his heart and it's also his love language, if he's making you food often...he has a huge soft spot for you.
he's often caught licking food off of his fingers.
has expensive tastes from his childhood, which is why his success is such a relief. he's often caught in polo shirts and knitted sweaters.
has a habit of rolling his shoulders back and tapping on any given surface.
ex, friends, agent, assistant, flings, employees, business partners etc.
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planetsallalign · 2 years
I know I’m a hardy New Englander and could go out and use the grill in the cold windy weather (and have grilled in blizzards before) BUT the Ninja Foodi grill is so much easier and I get to sit in the warm house in my lounge wear.
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lietpolski · 1 year
0.) for bulgaria,,,,,u knew this was coming
ur the king and i'm the court jester doing a little hws bulgaria jig for your entertainment 🫡
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: i hate to say this... but this guy is on facebook!!!! maybe he has a twitter but he tweets like once every 9 months and it's like "Hi. I'm hungry". if this is canonverse where humans know nations exists he gets caught liking romania fancams (he doesn't know likes are public) old man bulgaria u mean the world to me
2) what animal they remind me of: your drawing of him as a black bird is the first thing that comes to mind!! :O
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: BABYGIRL his canon uniform is SNAZZY and i just,, like how plain he is ig :,) it suits him and it's a great contrast next to ro's design!! 10/10
4) physical headcanons: i think he's a foodie!! especially when he's sad, he gives off the vibes that he curls up on the sofa with a tub of pistachio ice cream and cries the night away.... idk if this counts as a physical headcanon but i think he's physically older than ppl think!! i don't have a concrete age for him but smth like 26-29! he has a bit of a baby face though bless him (and i'm just VERY soft for romania finding him pretty,,)
5) social headcanons: he def keeps to his social circle i think!! he has a decent number of friends buuut he probably hasn't made new ones in decades :,) i think people often overlook him and don't think much of him because of his more meek disposition around new people and not being very flashy!
6) psychological headcanons: HE'S SUCH AN EMOTIONAL GUY,, which is so sweet considering i think that a lot of these characters have grown tough skin from their old age but bulgaria is so baby... he is resilient ofc!! but he shows a lot of emotions!! he wears his heart on his sleeve you can read him so easily :,) i also live for bulgaria with a,, weird fractured sense of pride? he's insecure about a lot of things, but at the same time he's prideful and a bit egotistical at times in a naive unintentional way. i feel like he also idolizes people and concepts very easily!
7) ship(s) with them that I like or at least consider: he and romania are an on-and-off married couple made for each other!!! but but but you've made me think about things like ro/bul/hungary and ro/bul/greece and those r super fun too! :O and i have this weird rarepair of him and england :,) for personal and deeply emotional reasons i also need him and serbia to fuck
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): he likes russia a lot! and if i dare push my yugotalia agenda real quick... he adooores macedonia!! ALSO his relationship with hungary is so underexplored!! they don't have the same feud that she and romania do, but i think (at least historically) they get on each other's nerves and there's been a lot of tension there (hatefuck threesome when?) england likes to vacation at his home and b annoying. he kinda hates turkey but they're also friends (in typical balkan fashion) & he and greece would be good buds!! skiing friends too :D
9) headcanons about their past: fella has been through a shit ton!!!! if u ever ask yourself "why is he like this" the answer is what 500 years of ottoman occupation does to a mf hgjfg... and i like the hc i mentioned in my fic of him trying to get ro to marry him in the late 1800s to early 1900s :) ALSO him and greece's feud during the byzantium era!! he was scary back then!! i also loooove it when he's depicted as having been older during the ottoman years and so feeling some sense of responsibility for the other countries around him :,)
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: aaah him during either of the bulgarian empires!! under ottoman rule!! more balkan war stuff!! historical human aus!! i love him being pathetic but i want to see him angry and happy and powerful and in love and heartbroken and 🥺 also i. can never have enough vampire aus im weak
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