#news oman
fresh-snow · 9 months
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Following the footsteps of South Africa; Qatar, Oman, Malaysia have submitted statements in ICJ too.
Thank you South Africa for taking the first step.
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littlefreya · 6 months
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Henry Cavill BTS for "The Ministry Of Ungentlemanly Warfare" with Guy Ritchie and Chad Oman
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intothestacks · 27 days
An extension for library and book lovers
Library Extension allows you to see if your library has a book you're interested in and put a hold on it without having to go to the library site to do it.
They have extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
The extension works for several dozen countries, so it's worth checking if your country is included.
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You then select which country subdivision you live in and which library systems you want to add the extension to.
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Once the library is added in, when you go to shopping sites like Amazon, you should see on the side whether the library has any copies of the book!
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sayruq · 7 months
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hafsaawadhix · 8 months
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vyorei · 7 months
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sprites4ever · 2 months
I need to spell it out again.
Hamas are not the Palestinian freedom fighters a lot of people want them to be.
The origin is the following.
Various peoples have laid exclusive claim to what they call the 'Holy Land' for millenia, and fought insane wars and committed genocides over it. Jews and Muslims are far from the first.
In recent centuries, Jews and Muslims used to live in peace in this place till WWI.
In WWI, the British Empire moved their armies over there and asked the Jews to let them pass through, so they could fight the Ottoman Empire. (The back-then powerful islamic empire that controlled modern-day Türkyie, Syria and the Balkans)
In exchange, the Jews would get the full right to live in the Holy Land after the British were done.
Problem is, the Brits promised the Muslims the same.
They both agreed, the Brits passed through and wrecked the Ottoman Empire.
After WWI, the Jews and Muslims rightfully asked whose land this was now, and the Brits, together with the French, devised the Two-State Solution, that half of the land would be the Jewish Israel and the other half would be the Muslim Palestine. It was agreed upon in principle, but both Jews and Muslims kept fighting and militarizing.
Modern-day Israel is NOT a European settler-colonial project, as Palestinians like to put it.
As explained above, the Jews and Muslims have both been there for a while.
However, modern-day Israel, founded in 1948, has become oppressive against Palestinians.
The justification for that was the Holocaust. European Jews, after WWII, said that they needed their own state in order to be safe from antisemitism, as over 6 million Jews had been murdered by the Nazis. (The Nazis had used the Jews as a scapegoat and portrayed them as a world conspiracy, in order to explain world politics to their supporters in a way that aligned with Hitler's insane ideology.)
Because of that, the Jews got incredibly defensive and any aggressive or oppressive idea from an Israeli leader was justified with "We need to protect our Jewish people!"
Whether or not it was actually justified didn't and doesn't matter to them.
Those aggressive and oppressive ideas include killing/expelling all the Palestinians, as motivated by the territorial conflict I explained earlier.
The other side of the current conflict and the reason Hamas exists and can inflict so much damage on Israel is the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In the 80s, Iran went through a religiously-led revolution against the military dictatorship. As a result, the so-called Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was established, and is under the command of religious leader and self-styled 'Supreme Leader' Ayatollah Khamenei. He's been ruling Iran with an iron fist for over 40 years.
The supposed republic and democracy of Iran is fake, as is typical for most dictatorships these days. Few dictatorships actually style themselves as such, they like to pretend that they're democratic. (Factually, the elections don't matter, the ballots are trashed anyways and the Parliament is a so-called 'Rubber Stamp Parliament', meaning a Parliament that only exists to give a faux-democratic justification for the dictator's orders by putting a rubber stamp on it.)
The IRGC is actually extremely unpopular in Iran, and most Iranians would prefer diplomatic relations with the West and the USA, over what they have now, which is diplomatic relations with russia and China. However, the IRGC's armed gangsters are so present and so ready to shoot a woman who's wearing her hijab (Islamic headscarf) improperly on the spot, that they can't do anything about it.
To justify his grip on power, Khamenei paints Israel as the archenemy of and constant threat to Iran, just like how Israeli hardliners, including the current guy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, paint Palestine as the archenemy of and constant threat to Israel.
However, the IRGC can't afford fighting Israel by themselves, since that would mean less armed gangsters in Iranian cities, enforcing the Ayatollah's will.
This is why Iran, using their ties with russia and China, as well as their wealth of and wealth acquired via crude oil production, has funded and armed various miltias in every other Middle Eastern country where they could do it.
They are:
Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and Kata'ib Hezbollah in Iraq
Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Lebanon
Hamas in Gaza (aka a Palestinian territory)
Ansar-Allah (aka Houthi rebels) in Yemen
These militias are under complete command of the Ayatollah and his disciples and exist to keep fighting Israel and their allies, especially the forces the US has stationed in Iraq and Syria during unrelated conflicts.
Iran has called this network the 'Axis of Resistance', which is a euphemism and an intentional attempt as gaslighting Jews.
The term 'Axis' comes from the alliance between Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan in WWII.
This name was chosen to bring back Jewish trauma and act like the Nazis were the ones resisting Jews back in the day, and to act like antisemitism is completely justified because Jews are supposedly always very evil.
The Syrian government forces (under control of military dictator Bashar Al-Assad) are also on Iran's side on account of being at war with Israel since 1948, but they factually can't do much since their forces are weak and engaged in a civil war with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a miltia funded by the US. The only reason Al-Assad is still alive is because of russian mercenaries who are protecting him.
Not all Islamic countries are on the side of Iran.
Lebanon is factually a republic and has a government, however, it is powerless and the country is de facto ran by Hezbollah, who control more businesses, media and soldiers than the Lebanese government.
Yemen is also technically neutral, and the ones attacking cargo ships in Palestine's name are not the Republic and government of Yemen, but the Iranian-funded Houthis, who control 1/4 of the country. It's been in a civil war for years, and neither the Yemeni government nor Houthis have achieved a breakthrough.
Jordan is a constitutional monarchy and generally neutral, only interested in its own security. They collaborate with Israeli and American forces wherever necessary.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrian, Kuwait and Oman are officially neutral and officially communicate a lot of soldiarity with Palestine, but are factually opposed to Iran and collaborate a lot with the US.
Hamas aren't the only Palestinian group trying to control the disputed territories of the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Golan Heights.
(The latter two definetly being occupied by Iraelis who have no right to be there)
The other group is the Palestinian Authority (PA), which is internationally regarded by many as the legitimate authority of Palestinian people.
They despise Israel similarly to Hamas, but unlike Hamas, are willing to attempt diplomatic solutions. (As long as the Israelis are, too.)
However, the PA is stupidly corrupt and has little in the way of armed forces.
Hamas are a radical Jihadist group who desire total control of all Israeli and Palestinian territories, and who arguably want to see Israel lose more than they want to see Palestine win.
Hamas were elected the government of Gaza in 2008.
Netanyahu actually supported them, precisely because he knew they were radicals, unlike the PA, who would give him a casus belli (reason for war) sooner or later.
Just like Khamenei, Netanyahu keeps war going to stay in power.
Hamas have developed urban and guerilla warfare tactics that serve as a perfect counter to the Israel Defense Force (IDF)'s modern military tactics, as they can inflict serious damage with what little old Soviet weaponry they get from Iran, without having to take Israeli troops, tanks and fighter jets head-on.
Yes, the Israeli war crimes are real.
However, Hamas actively positions their staff and military assets among their own civilians, because they know the IDF doesn't care about the civilians if they get to take out a Hamas commander or material storage in the process.
Hamas does this precisely to get Israel condemned further and to keep up the hatred for Israelis among Palestinians.
Like I said, they would rather see Israel lose than see Palestine win, and they care as little about the Palestinians as the IDF.
To Israel, Hamas is a casus belli.
To Hamas, Palestinians are fuel for the fire of war.
Behind this conflict are two old, power-hungry men in Tel Aviv and Tehran.
There is no good side to this.
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trendfilmsetter · 2 months
New Zealand, Oman, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine and Panama Olympic teams at the Paris 2024 Olympics
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xtruss · 6 months
Saudi Arabia is the second largest producer of dates in the world, growing around 300 varieties. But one of them is increasingly attracting more attention.
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workersolidarity · 10 months
The OPEC Secretariat, on Thursday November 30th, noted the announcement of several OPEC countries of additional voluntary cuts amounting to a total of 2.2 million barrels a day, aimed at "supporting the stability and balance of oil markets."
Production cuts were calculated from the 2024 required production level as set on June 4th, 2023, and are in addition to the voluntary cuts announced in April and extended through the end of 2024.
Production cuts are being announced by the following countries:
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia: 1'000 thousand barrels per day
🇮🇶 Iraq: 223 thousand barrels per day
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates: 163 thousand barrels per day
🇰🇼 Kuwait: 135 thousand barrels per day
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan: 82 thousand barrels per day
🇩🇿 Algeria: 51 thousand barrels per day
🇴🇲 Oman: 42 thousand barrels per day
Starting January 1st until the end of March 2024. Afterwards, these voluntary cuts will be returned gradually, subject to market conditions.
The above amounts will be in addition to those announced by the Russian Federation of 500 thousand barrels per day for the same period, which will be made from the average export levels of the months May and June of 2023, and will consist of 300 thousand barrels per day of crude oil and 200 thousand barrels per day of refined products.
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Good News From Israel
In the 26th Feb 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Two Israel startups report success using animals to detect cancer in humans.
Thousands cheered news of Israeli life-saving innovation.
Two every-day examples of Arabs saved at Israeli hospitals.
South African and Syrians anti-Israel perception transformed.
Israel is developing clean nuclear fusion energy.
Israeli airlines now fly to Turkiye and over Oman.
First Israeli gold at the Mixed Martial Arts World Championships.
An Israeli’s 100-year birthday convinced him to get married.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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The title "Now it's personal" is so appropriate to Israeli innovations. Many were initiated because of an Israeli entrepreneur's personal experience. In this newsletter, see the articles about Surgical Theater, the accessible beehive and the Michal Sela Startup Academy. The new Israeli cancer awareness campaign even uses AI to simulate you personally at a future event - but you will only live to see that event if you have a check-up for cancer.
People can only really appreciate Israel from personal experience. It is why prospective young Jewish leaders must come to personally see Israel. They will discover a different Israel to the one they mostly hear about back home. Like the black South African arriving by air, or Syrians being treated for earthquake injuries. Or Palestinian Arabs saved by Israeli surgeons. Israeli rescue teams may have pulled only 19 people from the rubble of the Turkish earthquake, but each one is a person  who is alive today because of their humanitarian efforts. The Turkish Ambassador to Israel personally thanked the rescue team.
Other stories include Argentinians getting a personal taste of Israeli food. You can tell your personal embarrassing story to an appreciative Tel Aviv audience. The star of Israeli hit series Fauda gives away a personal secret. International hockey players personally pack food for needy Israeli families. An Israeli won a personal gold medal at Mixed Martial Arts.  And an Israeli finally realized it was time to get married when he reached a personal milestone - his 100th birthday.
The photo was taken at the OurCrowd summit in Jerusalem showcasing hundreds of Israeli startups. An amazing experience that I can attest to personally. (See in the bottom-left corner - two to the right of the lady in the red hat!)
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sayruq · 8 months
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Oman refused to allow the US and the UK to use its air space to strike Yemen. Almost every Arab nation refused to join the coalition with the exception of Bahrain. Spain also refused, saying it wanted to promote peace in the region instead
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hafsaawadhix · 1 year
كان الفرق شاسع بين أنّ تعتذر لأنّك أغضبتني وبين أن تعتذر لأنّك خذلتني.. الغضب يكفيه الاعتذار، وأحيانًا يكفيه فقط مساحة من الوقت والصمت، لكن الخذلان لا يخفّف مرارته الاعتذار، ولا الوقت ولا الصّمت.. كلّ الآمال تسقط دفعة واحدة.. تهوي وتذوي وبشدّه
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vyorei · 10 months
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Triple condemnation of the shelling of the Gaza Reconstruction Committee
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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5000-year-old Silver Jewelry Found in Oman
An international team led by Prof Kimberly Williams (Temple University, Philadelphia USA) has presented an important discovery at the international conference of South Asian Archaeology and Art held in Barcelona (Spain).
The joint Omani-American team headed by Prof Nasser al Jahwari and Prof Khaled Douglas from Sultan Qaboos University and Prof Kimberly Williams from Temple University (USA), excavates an Early Bronze Age site at Dahwa, Wilayat of Saham of North Al Batinah Governorate with the support of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, has recovered an exceptional collection of silver jewelry in a prehistoric grave of the third millennium BCE.
The collection included parts of necklaces such as beads, spacers, and several rings.
Interestingly, one of the silver rings had a stamp with the image of an Indian bison (Bos gaurus), a characteristic motif found in the Indus Valley (or Harappa) Culture that indicated the merchants were active in interregional trade. This image was relatively uncommon in the Indus Valley but quite frequent on Indus- related circular stone seals in Iran, Bahrain, Mesopotamia, and Oman. In fact, it was already found in Oman engraved on stamp seals made from local softstone at Salut and Al-Moyassar. However, this is the first time this image was found on a metal finger ring.
According to Prof Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, an expert on ancient technologies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), “seal rings were considered typical of much later periods, but this discovery confirmed that Bronze Age peoples were much more ingenious and technically advanced than previously thought; they introduced at a very early stage administrative solutions that allowed economic growth in the later millennia."
What makes the discovery even more intriguing, is that the jewelry — sampled and analyzed using an innovative non-destructive technique by Dr Randall Law and Dr Sean Scott, material scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) — was found to have been made using silver that most likely came from Anatolia (Türkiye).
According to Dr Dennys Frenez, an Italian expert in ancient trade between the Indus Valley and Oman and a collaborator of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, “the discovery in a tomb in Al Batinah of a silver ring likely made in Mesopotamia (Iraq) using silver from Anatolia (Türkiye) for an individual linked with Indus Civilization (Pakistan and Western India) foreign trade shows the complexity of commercial and cultural interactions in Eurasian prehistory, which can definitely be regarded as the prototype for modern global exchanges”.
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luxury-factory · 1 year
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Where can I buy PRADA Lefu shoes?
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