#newsworthy events
breathedreamscream · 7 months
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transarsonist · 4 months
the french are right about their photography privacy laws.
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From 1949-2023 in total.
I wonder who will cover this again in 30-40 years 🤔
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Finale: Kotov Syndrome
The silence that hung between them for a few long, terrible moments was tense and heavy; Vash watched as his brother's eyes filled with fear for a split second, then quickly boiled over into betrayal and rage.
"You'd dare point that coward's tool at me? After I let you keep it?" Nai nearly spat the words out, his voice penetrating the silence the same way a rock crashed through a window, making Vash's shoulders twitch. His stance remained firm despite it, eyes locked onto the other Plant's, his firearm steady and unwavering in it's position. No desire to shoot him, just... keep him there and buy everyone enough time to get out of the city.
And buy himself some time to think of an actual plan...
"... it truly hurts to see you like this, Vash." Nai said, that softness returning to his tone, almost a coo. It made his chest ache. "Those monsters have been exacerbating your sickness. They're using you--"
"QUIET!" he snarled, the sound tearing out of him faster than he could process. Vash grit his teeth and felt himself force the barrel of the gun against Nai's forehead before quickly withdrawing it, taking a step back and settling on just aiming the firearm at him, now. He'd never been this angry before.
"YOU'RE the one who's using me, Nai! This whole time, I've--" God, he didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to think about any of it-- "--I've been hurting people! I've hurt EVERYONE I care about because of you...!"
"Anyone you've 'hurt' was hurt because they interfered with your recovery, Vash." Nai replied, looking unimpressed. "It was their own fault for--"
"It was YOUR FAULT!" another crackle of energy between his teeth, this time igniting the patterns on his skin. Wisps of energy lifted from the delicate lines on the right side of his face-- wisps that took on a feathered shape that made Nai's eyes widen, face contorting with disgust.
"Look at what they've done to you..."
"STOP!" Vash's hands were trembling, now, emotions and borrowed power both rumbling in his chest like the beginnings of a storm. He squeezed his eyes shut-- he had to end this! Whatever needed to happen next, he had to do it-- and if that involved killing his brother, h-he-- no. No, he couldn't kill him, even... even after all of this. He couldn't do it, there had to be another way--
A hand suddenly touching his cheek yanked Vash out of his thoughts, eyes popping open to see Nai in close proximity. One hand on his face, the other on his shoulder, in... some cruel mockery of comfort? Or was it real? Nai's expression felt like a mask of calm and understanding more than anything, but despite that, Vash stilled under the touch-- a spark of hope fluttering in his chest, brought tears to his eyes...
... his breath caught in his throat, and warmth blossomed at the small of his back.
Thmp. Thmp!THMP!THMP!
White-hot pain exploded in rapid-fire bursts, one by one up the trail of his spine, like fireworks.
"My poor baby brother... even after all of this, you still need me to do everything for you..." Nai cooed, pulling Vash closer to him as something else flooded his body. That familiar feeling, cold and all encompassing... spreading out from where bladed vines had buried themselves in his back. He shouldn't have let his guard down.
He shouldn't have let his guard down.
Vash would try and struggle against the connection, shrimping back and away as far as he could-- the renewed energy from Vet would be more than enough to help him fight him off --but one last vine pierced all the way through his shoulder, wrapping around his collarbone in the most literal way imaginable as Nai tightened his hold around him, blood spattered on his face.
"Don't worry, Vash. We'll fix this."
The cold spread up, up, up... blurring his mind and his senses, making him weak at the knees and lean heavily into his twin.
"I'll just have to help speed things along..."
The blades dug in further, twisted in deeper, and Vash felt himself scream.
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thetom2002 · 1 year
So called free thinkers when an newsworthy event happens
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The Oceangate Incident. Any schoolchild could tell you about it. The fall of the old order; twenty years of billionaire hubris come together in a single sort of newsworthy event. The maiden voyage of a submarine to the Titanic, vanished without a trace. For minutes it had been old Stockton Rush’s passion project, his long-sought legacy: shoot a depressurised metal tube through the ocean, cut the excess oxygen supply from three months to three days. All the tests had been ignored with quite liberal bribes, and the submarine was deemed safe. And what a submarine it was: built of scrap metal and bolted from the outside. Five high-up, well-to-do, nose-turning billionaire hobnobs were on that first trip, or risk Rush's displeasure. So when it didn’t come out the other side, who's left to rule?
In the chaos that ensued, no one really had a chance to see what happened to the submarine itself. And that’s where I come in, Inspector 2nd class Lyfrassir Edda, New Midgard Transport Police. Because the Titan has finally arrived at the Titanic, 80 years late. There's nothing left, except the twisted ruin of the xbox controller and a couple of warped skeletons. And the black box. It’s as much a history project as a crime scene at this point, but combing through the data still comes down to me.
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
These would be Lena’s last thoughts. Though she was only dimly aware of that, she still felt a pang of pride that in her final moment, she was more worried for someone else. What more perfect way to reject her Luthor upbringing than to pass from this vale full of genuine concern for another?
The morning has been going so well. Lena was set to speak at some local city event- L-Corp was sponsoring it. A fair in a park, nothing major or especially newsworthy. She was to give a little speech about girls in STEM and announce a grant program to fund a charter school in a building near the park. The speech would last five minutes, she’d mingle a bit and hang out with some kids, and then she and Kara had the day to themselves. Kara, of course, was here to “cover” the event for CatCo.
The reporter milled about in the crowd, dressed in a long-sleeved pink plaid button-down that was far too form fitting, making her biceps and muscular, taut belly even more lickable than usual, and a pair of dark brown slacks that hugged every curve of those perfect legs of hers.
Something had changed between them. Their hands brushed when they walked. Kara has grown more free, more bold, with her touches. Hugs lingered. Their eyes no longer slipped away when they met. Kara had developed a simultaneously frustrating and exciting habit of staring at Lena’s lips in a way that made her turn to jelly.
Kara spotted her from the crowd and smiled, grinning so beautifully and so happily that Lena was struck speechless for an instant, rooted to the spot. Kara was the most beautiful woman that Lena had ever met, and to be on the receiving end of a smile like that made her feel dreamlike, a little floaty. She couldn’t help but grin back, and when Kara’s cheeks tinted pink, Lena nearly died.
Metaphorically. The real death came a moment later.
She motioned Kara up onto the stage, hoping to introduce her to the schoolgirls in the audience and maybe spark some interest in journalism. Kara happily joined her, taking up position beside Lena.
Lena laid out her speech and cleared her throat. She’d practiced this. She was ready. She smiled at the audience and then six men milling around in the crowd pulled out submachine guns and sprayed her with bullets.
Titling back, Lena was surprised how slow it all happened. She watched it with a curious detachment, only belatedly realizing that she was being pulled by strong arms. Kara’s arms. Kara was shielding her with her body, turning her back between Lena and the assassins.
Oh God, Lena thought. Oh god no, please not her. Take me instead.
As they so often did, her prayers went unheeded. She watched, in horrifying detail, as the bullets raked Kara’s back, throwing up tiny bits of shredded pink flannel, expecting to feel them punch through Kara’s body and into her own.
She should have told her. Why didn’t she tell her how she-
Kara did not bleed.
Kara lowered Lena tenderly to the ground and stood to her full height. Her glasses, one of the earpieces snapped off by a bullet impact, tumbled from her face. The tattered remains of the back of her shirt gave way and a flowing red cape spilled out, billowing in the wind.
In a single motion, she grabbed what was left of her clothes and tore them loose, exposing the rest of her uniform. Lena’s would-be assassins were scrambling to reload. They were too late.
Kara said nothing. Her eyes blazed a furious white. Lena had never known her beautiful face could hold such fury.
It was over in seconds. Kara disarmed them and crushed their weapons together in a smoking ball with her bare hands, the metal too hot for a mortal human being to touch from the pressure alone.
It took less than a minute for the guards and police to swarm in. It felt like an eternity as Kara walked up the stage steps again, her uniform boots thudding on the wooden planks as she approached Lena in silence.
Lena looked up with tearful eyes and choked out a whimper. Kara hesitated, then knelt, flinching as if expecting rebuke and that only made Lena cry harder. She reached out and Lena climbed into her arms, allowing herself to be lifted.
All the other times she’d flown with Supergirl, she either hated it or had been unconscious or terrified. This was different. Kara kept herself almost upright, clutching Lena carefully to her chest, letting Lena hide by tucking herself into the crook of Kara’s neck.
The flight was brief, and they touched down on Lena’s balcony. Kara carried her inside, still holding her tight.
Kara placed Lena on the sofa, very gently, and disentangled herself. Lena clutched wherever she could, refusing to let go. Her limbs trembled and every part of her was shaking, her heart pounding in her chest.
Lena thought Kara might leave as she pulled away, might run or retreat, fearing the consequences of her lie. Lena might be angry later but right now… Kara was okay. Nothing else mattered except that Kara was okay.
“I thought they were going to kill you too,” Lena choked out.
Kara reached up and unclasped her cape, sweeping it around Lena with a flourish, so that the red cloth was tucked around her like a blanket. It surprised her with how warm and soft it was. Fitting for Kara.
“Let me get you some water.”
Lena clutched the glass in both hands like a child as she drank. Kara took the glass and slid under the cape with Lena, swaddling them both in its warmth. Lena clung to her like she might vanish if she let go.
“I was so scared that I’d never get to tell you,” Lena whispered.
“That’s my line,” said Kara.
Lena huffed. “I meant that I’d never get to tell you that I’m in love with you.”
“So did I,” Kara whispered, the confession tickling Lena’s lips as they kissed.
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Some Law-Related Vocabulary
for your poem/story (pt. 3/4)
After-born - born after a certain event (as a father's death or the execution of a will)
Aliunde - from another source
Alluvion - material (as clay, silt, sand, or gravel) deposited by running water
Bona fide - characterized by good faith and lack of fraud or deceit; being real or genuine, sincere
Brain death - the final stopping of activity in the central nervous system especially as indicated by a flat electroencephalogram for a usually statutorily predetermined period of time
Cas fortuit - fortuitous event (i.e., an event of natural or human origin that could not have been reasonably foreseen or expected and is out of the control of the persons concerned)
Choice of evils defense - a defense to a criminal charge based on the assertion that the criminal act was committed to avoid the commission of an even greater evil
Civil fruit - the revenue derived from property especially by virtue of an obligation (as a lease)
Death with dignity law - a law legalizing the self-administration by a terminally ill person of life-ending medication prescribed by a physician; also called "right-to-die law"
Defalcation - failure to account for or pay over money that has been entrusted to one's care; a failure to meet a promise or an expectation
Embracery - an attempt to influence a jury corruptly
Evidentiary harpoon - evidence consisting especially of a police officer's statement that is improper and is knowingly offered by the prosecution to prejudice the defendant in the eyes of the jury
Ex aequo et bono - according to what is equitable and good
Excited utterance - a statement that concerns a startling event (as a physical assault) and that is made by a person while under stress caused by the event
Featherbedding - the unfair labor practice of causing an employer to pay for services which are not performed (as by requiring more workers than necessary)
Feticide - the act of causing the death of a fetus
Fishing expedition - an investigation that does not stick to a stated objective but hopes to uncover incriminating or newsworthy evidence
Flagrante delicto - in the very act of committing a misdeed; also: in the midst of sexual activity
Flat rule - a generalized rule applied without consideration for specific circumstances; called also "per se rule"
Gift inter vivos - a gift made during the lifetime of the donor and delivered with the intent of surrendering immediately and irrevocably dominion and control over the property
Hedonic damages - damages deemed to compensate for the loss of enjoyment of life resulting from a wrongful act
Inadvertent discovery - unexpected finding of incriminating evidence in plain view by the police
Mental cruelty - conduct by one spouse that renders the other's life miserable and unendurable and that is a ground for divorce
Mens rea - a culpable mental state
Noscitur a sociis - a doctrine or rule of construction: the meaning of an unclear or ambiguous word (as in a statute or contract) should be determined by considering the words with which it is associated in the context
Pecuniary - consisting of, measured in, or relating to money
Peonage - labor in a condition of servitude to extinguish a debt
Perils of the sea - perils that are peculiar to the sea but are of such an extraordinary nature and power that one cannot guard against them using ordinary skill and prudence
Quashal - an act of quashing something
Riparian - of or relating to or living or located on the bank of a watercourse (as a river or stream) or sometimes a lake
Scintilla - a small trace or barely perceptible amount of something (as evidence supporting a position)
Silent witness theory - a theory or rule in the law of evidence; photographic evidence (as photographs or videotapes) produced by a process whose reliability is established may be admitted as substantive evidence of what it depicts without the need for an eyewitness to verify the accuracy of its depiction
Vulture fund - an investment company that buys up bankrupt or insolvent companies with the goal of reorganizing them so they can be profitably resold as going concerns
Wrongful conception - a malpractice claim brought by the parents of a healthy but unwanted child usually against a physician or health-care provider for alleged negligence in performing a sterilization or abortion procedure and sometimes against a pharmacist or pharmaceutical manufacturer of contraceptives; also called "wrongful pregnancy"
Youthful offender - a young person (as one within a statutorily specified age range) who commits a crime but is granted special status entitling him or her to a more lenient punishment (as one involving probation or confinement in a special youth correctional facility) than would otherwise be available
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Law-Related Words More: Word Lists
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semidecentpoet · 7 months
What gets me ab western mainstream news coverage of the genocide in Palestine—besides the obvious lack of morality—is that it’s, frankly, shit journalism.
(For context, I’m a journalism major with a focus in print reporting. This is literally what I’m going to school for.)
(Forgive me if this is slightly disorganized. Harder to write when I’m pissed.)
My instructors tell me ab the importance of active voice over passive voice all. The. Time. There’s a difference, for example, between “More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed” and “Israel has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians.”
More recently, I’ve had instructors tell me to be more skeptical of official sources (e.g. police), fact-check their claims and get alternative sources whenever possible.
But, from what I’ve seen, a lot of outlets seem to just take Israel’s word as fact without searching for further evidence. For example, when Israel made that claim—with no real evidence—ab the 40 beheaded babies and it was everywhere. And then they said they can’t confirm shit, and now these outlets have to backpedal.
And of course, on top of the blatant misuse of language (beyond just active vs passive voice) and the false/unsupported reporting, there’s the lack of reporting.
I don’t see western mainstream outlets quoting the assholes who call Palestinians “human animals.”
I don’t see them pointing out the sickening abundance of social media posts of Israelis celebrating the genocide, of IDF posing in front of the rubble of what once was Gaza or with the undergarments of the Palestinian women and girls they raped.
I don’t see them setting their headlines ablaze with the countless historic holy sites Israel has destroyed, mosques and churches alike that were some of the oldest in the world. (But when Notre Dame was on fire—)
I don’t even see the context of the more than 75 years of Israel’s bullshit leading up to now.
Where is the coverage of the entire families Israel have wiped out? Where is the coverage of how Israel treats its hostages? Where is the coverage of the Palestinian people’s injuries, physical and mental, and the reason for the lack of proper medical aid?
Countless children in Gaza have to undergo amputations in unsanitary environments without anesthesia. Where’s the coverage?
Who is asking Biden the important questions? Like, if you’re trying so hard for a ceasefire, why has the United States vetoed United Nations resolutions for an immediate ceasefire three times since Oct. 7? Why a temporary ceasefire instead of a permanent one?
How ab Israel’s attack on Rafah during the Super Bowl?? Rafah the designated safe zone?? While airing a $7 million ad?? During what is arguably the most famous and most-watched sports event in the U.S., which has given billions of dollars in support of Israel’s genocide?? How are these outlets not blowing up????? This is a U.S.-funded slaughter during a national event???? Is this not newsworthy enough for you??????????????
Maybe they include some of these things in their articles. But when and if they do, is it a full-fledged story or just a brief?
Is it toward the top of the page or buried lower? (Journalists typically use the inverted pyramid style, which means the most important information in a story is at the top.)
I understand that, as journalists, we have to be objective. But this is not objective reporting. It is clearly biased in favor of Israel. If it were any other country, any other people under siege, this would all look a lot different.
On the topic of objectivity, I’ve heard a few arguments along the lines of, “We can’t pick a side.” But is there truly more than one side to this crisis?
One instructor of mine has said that “both sides” is a false dichotomy, meaning there are rarely ever exactly two sides to any given issue. Sometimes that means there are more than two sides, and sometimes that means there is really only one.
Coincidently, an example he gave of only one side was the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Even though there are assholes who say otherwise, it was real. It happened. It was wrong. There’s no other way to look at it.
Ik that journalists bending objectivity and imposing morality in reporting is a relatively recent and controversial debate within the media industry.
If we do some actual goddamn reporting—take the numbers and the quotes and the experiences caught on video and add them all together—we start to paint a pretty clear picture of who is the victim here. And who is responsible for the atrocities.
Just bc our government supports Israel does not mean Israel perspective is on equal footing with, much less more important than, Palestine’s.
When Palestine’s death toll is roughly 30 times that of Israel’s, there’s only one side.
This is some pretty shit journalism.
I’d look forward to hearing from other journalists/student journalists what they think ab coverage of the genocide.
Personally, I’m a little heartbroken that some of these outlets I’ve looked up to and dreamed ab being a part of someday have been so lacking in their coverage—to say the least. Especially since journalism is so important and is supposed to be a major means of holding people in power accountable for their actions.
Life’s bitter irony, I suppose.
Free Palestine.
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sniperct · 14 days
The whole article is worth a read but I pulled some money quotes.
In the conference room, Gambashidze was laying out his plans for a new target: Along with his colleagues, he began drafting what would become known as the Good Old USA Project. The project was supposed to influence the outcome of the US presidential election in favor of former president Donald Trump, specifically targeting certain minorities, swing-state residents, and online gamers, among others, in a scheme that included a full-time team dedicated to the cause.
They also specifically wanted to erode support for Ukraine and Biden and targeted gamers as the back-bone of the right-wing movement.
As well as getting Trump elected, the campaign’s secondary goals included increasing the percentage of Americans who believe the US is doing too much to aid Ukraine to 51 percent, and reducing the percentage of Americans who have confidence in President Joe Biden down to 29 percent. The plan lists a variety of audiences the campaign specifically wants to target, including residents of swing states, American Jews, “US citizens of Hispanic descent,” and the “community of American gamers, users of Reddit and image boards, such as 4chan.” The document describes this category of gamers and chatroom users as the "backbone of the right-wing trends in the US segment of the Internet.” In recent months, the Trump campaign has embraced many of the most influential figures within these communities, including many who share deeply misogynistic rhetoric on a regular basis.
And of course, they targeted social media, making sleeper groups intended to sway the election.
Meanwhile, Gambashidze and his colleagues used Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit to create community groups of Trump supporters, with one sample name given as “Alabama for America the Great.” The document also reveals that the Russians planned to use Reddit as a vector to disseminate their propaganda as it is a platform “free from democratic censorship.” Gambashidze’s plan outlined how Doppelganger would create 18 “sleeper cells” on social media platforms in each of the swing states, which would “at the right moment, upon gaining momentum, become an important instrument of influencing the public opinion in critically important states and portals used by the Russian side to distribute bogus stories disguised as newsworthy events.” It’s unclear if these so-called sleeper cells were created and, if so, whether they are still present on the platform.
They also targeted and looked at influencers, including politicians.
One of the key aspects of the Kremlin’s campaign is also to engage with influencers. According to the FBI’s affidavit, Gambashidze’s company ​​“extensively monitors and collects information about a large number of media organizations and social media influencers.” According to the Good Old USA project document, the Kremlin was seeking to work with influencers who are “proponents of traditional values, who stand up for ending the war in Ukraine and peaceful relations between the US and Russia, and who are ready to get involved in the promotion of the project narratives.” Among the types of influencers listed as possible collaborators are actors, politicians, media representatives, activists, and clergymen.
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batman-gif · 2 months
in retrospective it is very funny that Black Parade made it into FOB's We Didn't Start The Fire cover. Like: And another newsworthy event of the 21st century , our bros
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jmdbjk · 3 months
Bangtan Chaos™️
Honestly, they should trademark it.
Bangtan Chaos™️ in action:
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The scene: Jin leaves the military base upon his discharge, a momentous occasion with media coverage from all over the planet made especially newsworthy because all the members of the group (except Yoongi) are present.
(cue the Bangtan Chaos™️)
Jin: HEY ARMYYYYY I'M BACK!!! (idol mode kicks in and he waves to every angle of the bank of photogs across the street, like its a military red carpet event)
Namjoon: 🎶so I'ma light it up like Dynamite🎶dyna-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ayyy🎶dyna-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ayyy🎶light it up! Dynamite! whoa oh oh!🎶l
Jungkook and Jimin: (in the background jikooking probably thinking about the ramen they're gonna eat that they talked about in the car on the way over)
Yoongi (back at the Hybe building): (looks at the throngs of people surrounding the Hybe building from the comfort of the 15th floor--and don't remind me, this is supposed to be a happy day) "Hey guys, we should probably call in some local police for security, also, what happened to my cat pillows on the sofa in my Genius Lab?"
Delulu mode on: Joon being somewhat proficient on the sax. Tae plays trumpet and saxophone. Yoongi plays guitar and piano. Jin and Jimin both play guitar too. JK was serious about the drums in 2022 and he's learning guitar.
Bangtan Band could be another step outside the kpop bubble. At least one song or performance playing instruments would be awesome. Please universe, make it happen!
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An evacuation order had been called hours before, at the first sightings of a red-coated outlaw within the city limits. Then a second one had been spotted, and the military worked as quickly as they could, baffled by the reports of multiple sightings of Vash the Stampede.
Maybe a thousand or so people make it out of the city with that little notice. Maybe closer to two, depending on how successful attempts to corral panicked people are...
But the number that get swallowed up in a blast of blinding purple light is easily in the hundreds of thousands in a city that large. Nothing it touches survives; everything is vaporized within seconds.
The Third City is swallowed whole.
[ End of Event: Rewrite Successful ]
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xteacupx · 4 days
Oh right, this month marks the 10 year anniversary of that time Scotland had an independence referendum
And the next day during a protest/counter protest in Glasgow's George Square, STV news was reporting on said protest, and I, a journalism student, happened to be practicing taking photos of newsworthy events
And I didn't know I was in shot of the reporter, just over his shoulder, because I was stood on a bench taking photos
And a guy runs into shot and jumps onto the bench next to me, trying to be seen on TV, but I don't know STV news are filming, and I'm like oh I see, you are also here to take photos, here let me step off this bench
And I do
And the bench flips over
STV news are filming
Guy falls down (STV NEWS ARE FILMING)
And moments later my dad texts me like "I've just seen you throw a man off a bench on the news" (STV NEWS) (THEY WERE FILMING)
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celticcrossanon · 29 days
LOL. I've lost count how many times Rachel Markle has tried to break the internet, only for more newsworthy topics to break the internet instead of her, lol. A 4 day "look at me!" PR tour in Columbia and the Duke of Duchess is instantly overshadowed by Jennifer Lopez's announcement she's divorcing Ben Affleck. Hilarious!
3 Days Ago
Hi Nonny,
It is hilarious, Karma for Meghan seems to be that she is always overshadowed when she tries to pull off a 'big event'.
In my eyes, the trouble is that Meghan is not organically interesting enough by herself to have a huge effect on social media, and nothing that she does is worthy of that level of attention. Hence she is continually overshadowed by more interesting news, like the divorce. Nothing about that will change until Meghan does something that is worth y of attention, and I can't see that happening.
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I figured that I’d quit being so stingy and give you all a taste of one of the next fanfics I’ve been cooking up! ✨
Drag Queen!Pim aka Serenity Amalthea just-so happens to be one of the most popular and beloved creators online, alongside his fellow creators Let’s Player!Charlie (who has NO idea Pim is Serenity), Movie Critic!Alan, Indie Animator!Glep (plus his gorgeous wife, VA!Marge), his UFO buddies and his content house roommates Beauty Guru!Zoey and Let’s Player/Cosplayer!Jennifer.
Things take a turn for the messy one night when Pim (as Serenity) is hired to perform at his sister Amy’s wedding, taking place at a luxurious hotel. Amy eventually finds out her favorite influencer is her twerpy baby brother who SOMEHOW got way more popular than she has and angrily confronts him over it. Pim, during a nervous breakdown, has too many drinks and makes a newsworthy spectacle out of himself to the point where the cops (+ the paparazzi) find him swinging on a chandelier and causing a laugh riot amongst guests. Naturally the event becomes a meme (“The Drag Queen Who Went Rogue”) and Charlie ruthlessly mocks the event on his stream….this unfortunately fuels a flame war between their respective fanbases to the point where the two creators start getting harassed on a daily basis, Not helping matters is Zoey just started dating Charlie and she finds half of her fan base begging her to dump him already (plus Pim is super jealous because he harbors a crush on peep man).
Amy uses this as an opportunity to blackmail Pim into revealing his identity as Serenity unless she gets to join his content house, where she stirs up drama between everyone (and then some), by spreading enough vicious rumors to start a tabloid site! One of which torpedoes Charlie’s reputation and causes almost everyone, including Zoey, to be alienated from him to which Pim/Serenity’s fans have a field day.
Naturally Pim is feeling super vulnerable with all the never ending drama AND feeling a little guilty/selfish being closer to a Charlie than ever before during the latter’s downward spiral, so he gets advice from a beloved motivational lifestyle influencer who goes by Brittany (totally not a demon here!…?), who gives Pim the courage to take control and stand up for himself…as well as some freaky new powers like telekinesis, mind reading, flight and an insatiable taste for dishing out some ice-cold justice/revenge for the man he loves.
Buckle up, you basic bitches, there’s a new sheriff in town! 👑 All hail Serenity Amalthea. ✨
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