#next fanfic is gonna be him and y/n fighting.
rahhhbananas · 8 months
I hate miguel with a burning passion
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That beefy neck bitch lucky he big, or i woulda beat his ass.
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theovalentine · 4 months
can you write Jake webber reader and Johnny in a Walmart video and some guy comes up and tries to hit on Y/n and jake gets all mad and there’s a fight?:)
Candle Isle
Summary: Jake texts you telling you, him, and Johnnie are going to Walmart for a valentines themed video and then you get there this guy starts hitting on you.
Pairing: Jake Webber x reader
Tw: violence, blood, random dude being a creep, Jake and Johnnie jokes (if this counts), cussing.
2k+ words
A/N: please note that i haven't written fanfic in a while so this writing might be a little bad but thank you so much for the request!
Jake had texted you two hours ago asking for you to film a video and Johnnie. He said you guys would go to Walmart and just fuck around and buy a bunch of random stuff for another video for Johnnie’s channel. 
You and Jake had been dating for a few months now so of course you had made small appearances in some videos and filmed for them every now and then but you haven't done a full video with them yet. You were excited and nervous at the same time. More nervous than anything but Jake assured you that he would make sure you were fine the whole time. 
Your phone buzzed “I'm here” 
You gathered your things you needed to leave the house, locked the door, then walked down the stairs of the apartment building and saw Jake waiting for you at the door. Jake hears the door close so he turns around with a smile on his face
“Hey” you say and walk over to him looking up at him slightly. 
“Hey you look good” he puts his hand on your waist and leans down for a quick kiss and you smile into it. He starts leading you to the car holding your hand.
“Sorry we’re a little late Johnnie took forever to get ready” you simply nod and laugh a little bit
Jake walks around the car to the passenger side and opens the door for you and you quickly slide into the seat
“Hey Johnnie what's up” you say as Jake walks around the car to get in the car.
You have known Johnnie for quite a while now just from filming videos with a few of his friends and eventually he became really close with Jake and introduced you guys to each other about six months ago.
Jake gets in the car and we all agree to film an intro in the car at Walmart to be more discreet  because Walmart doesn't necessarily like people filming in the store. 
Jake eventually finds a parking spot and sets up the camera on the dash. 
“Everyone ready” he puts thumbs up and turns around slightly in his seat to see Johnnie in the back seat.
You and Johnnie both nod and let Jake press record. 
“We are here at Walmart and we are going to look around and eventually I'm gonna get my lady something from the valentine's section” 
“Aww that's sweet” you say and look at jake
“My lady being this hot babe in the back seat” jake pointed at johnnie
“Hell yeah get fucked” johnnie looked at you with your jaw dropped and you laughed
“No but for real this is my valentine next to me and I'm just getting johnnie whatever he wants because he is lonely” Jake joked.
“Dude what the- let's get out of here” johnnie heads to get out.
You all get out of the car and head inside and on the way to the entrance while the cameras weren't rolling Jake turned to you and asked if you were comfortable. You simply smiled and nodded.
Entering the store Jake pulls out his phone to start filming again “okay guys do we want a cart?”
“Can I ride in it?” Johnnie says to the camera
“I know something you could ride” Jake jokes back at him and smirks
“Jake your girlfriend is here take it easy” he slightly whispers 
Jake pans the camera to you and you're just standing there staring at them. They both laugh at you and you just smile while grabbing a cart.
“Hop in” You tell Johnnie 
“Wait actually?” he hops in and you try to push the cart but struggle a little bit
Jake laughs at your struggle “Johnnie i think she's struggling a bit there buddy” Johnnie laughs and hops out the cart 
“Here y/n get in” Johnnie then lets you get in and starts pushing the cart while Jake films. 
Eventually you guys make your way to the candle section
“This is where i lose all my money to y/n” jake looks at you
“Let me get out, I love candles” you hop out of the cart and start looking at candles. Jake and Johnnie are on the other side of the aisle looking at other candles and cracking up over jokes.
“Yall I'm not gonna lie I'm going to piss my pants if i don't go to the bathroom right now” Jake says 
“Okay go we will wait here” Johnnie said 
Jake left quickly and you laughed at his dramatic urgency. Johnnie is only halfway down the aisle from you now, both of you just looking at candles silently.
You are bent down looking at the bottom shelf when you hear two guys behind you laughing. You weren't sure if it was at you but you were not taking that chance so you took your candles that you picked out to put in the cart and then walked over to Johnnie telling him you were slightly uncomfortable. 
You and Johnnie headed to the next aisle over so you weren't too far from where Jake would try to find you. You guys were looking at simple stuff on the shelves when two guys came up to you. You assumed it was the guys laughing just before. 
“Hey Sweetheart” one of these guys came up to you with his friend not too far behind him. He looked to be about college age or maybe just graduated but definitely still had the frat vibe. 
“Uhm Hi” You looked at him confused then turned to look at Johnnie with a weirded out look. He was already on his phone texting Jake about the situation. 
“Is this your boyfriend?” he looked around you to look at Johnnie waving his fingers as if he was  saying hi
“No but-” you tried to say your actual boyfriend was here but he had cut you off
“Oh so you're single” he gave you the most disgusting grin. You turned to Johnnie who had a slightly scared look on his face. You could tell that Johnnie wanted to do or say something about this but you also could tell that he had never been in a fight in his life and was scared to get beat up. You couldn't blame him.
“Well-” he had cut you off again. 
“Because me and my friend here think you're super cute and he bet me that I wouldn't be able to get your number” He pointed at his friend behind him. 
Before you could think of an answer you felt an arm around your shoulder. Looking over you saw it was Jake and his hand was cold from where he had just washed them. Not only did his cold hand calm you but him just showing back up filled you with relief. 
“Yeah she is pretty cute but sadly for you and happily for me she's taken” jake looked at him and tried to lighten the mood
“And you are?” He straightened his posture to ‘intimidate’ Jake but Jake wasn't having it. 
“Her boyfriend. Did you not pick that up from the ‘shes taken’ comment” Jake looked at this guy like he was the most stupid person in the world and removed his arm from around your shoulder. 
“Are you calling me dumb?” The guy cocked his head at Jake.
“Not necessarily but you must be if you didn't pick up on the fact that she didn't want you from how uncomfortable she is” Jake quickly shot back at this guy. 
“Come on she wasn't uncomfortable until you showed up” The guy rolled his at jake
“Hm, Really?” Jake turned to you and you looked down “No i think i know my girlfriend enough to say she was definitely uncomfortable”
“Lets ask her then” this guy leans over and tries to look at your face “huh love are you uncomfortable” you simply try to back up
“Bro don't get in her face like that” Jake pushes his shoulder lightly just to back him up a little bit.
“Hey don't touch me” The guy got angry and Jake steps in front of you to try and seem intimidating. 
“Maybe stop bothering us then” Jake grabs your hand and turns around and you guys try to leave
“Yeah, follow your owner like a pet.” This comment not only upset you but as soon as Jake saw the look on your face he immediately turned around.
Everything was happening so fast that by the time you felt Jake let go of your hand you turned around to see his fist hitting the creeps face. Immediately gasping you try to go and stop him but you feel Johnnie’s hand grab your arm. He didn't want you to get hurt as well.
“JAKE!” you try to stop him but by the time you got to him the other guys friend had already grabbed him and told him they needed to run before the cops got there.
You grab Jake's arm and he is breathing heavily, you turn him around quickly to look at him. 
“Oh my god, Jake you're bleeding” you grab his face lightly not wanting to hurt him
“Oh” he touches his face lightly to see the blood on his fingers
“Come on put your hood on we are leaving” you told him you pull his hood on for him and you guys just leave the cart behind. 
Johnnie follows quietly as you guys make your way out the store to the car. 
“I'm driving okay I'm not letting your drive after that you get that right?” you tell jake and he understands. You all get in the car and you realize he's been pretty quiet. “You good?” you turn to him asking softly and he nods. 
“God jake you have the longest fucking legs in existence” struggling to adjust the car seat. Everyone slightly laughs realizing you're trying to lighten the mood. 
“It's not my fault you're short” he comments back at you.
“I'm not that short” you roll your eyes
You guys end up at the boys house and everyone gets out and walks in and Johnnie goes to his room. 
“Come on let's get you cleaned up” you put your bag down and grab Jake's hand dragging him towards the bathroom.
You both enter the bathroom and shut the door behind you as he leans against the counter and you walk over to him.
“Where do you want me?” he asks lowly and you could tell he feels bad.
“Well if you stand there i won't be able to reach you” you smile at him and shake your head lightly.
Jake puts his hands on your waist and turns you around and lifts you up onto the counter. 
“Better?” he asks and you think you might lose your mind. 
“Better.” you stare at him analyzing his face and injuries. He has a split eyebrow with dried blood running down his face, he also has a split lip. “Your lip hurt?” you look up at him with caring eyes because of his fresh piercings. 
“Oh yeah I'm not gonna lie I feel like it's gonna fall off” you laugh at him looking at it more deeply.
“Get the first aid kit and I'll clean it up to see if we need to remove the piercing” he immediately leans over to get the first aid kit from under the bathroom counter. As he does this you turn your body to wash your hands. He hands it to you and you set it on the counter next to you pulling out an alcohol wipe. You open it, wrapping it around your finger lightly tapping his eyebrow. After cleaning up his eyebrow you put a butterfly bandage on it. 
“Now the hard part” you pull his lip down lightly and he winces softly. “I think you should take the piercing out just in case” he groans and throws his head back. He had just got another put in because he swallowed the last one. “I know i know but i wouldn't want it to get infected and make your lip fall off, how would i kiss you then??” 
“Okay fine but I'm making you take it out you have smaller fingers.” you take out his lip piercing and clean it up.
“If it wasn't already swollen before it definitely is now” you joke a little “there isn't another injury on the lip he must have just hit the piercing and it got agitated” he puts his hand on your hips and squeezes a little trying not to hurt you. You clean it up a little more and put some ointment on it for now.  
“Are you mad?” he looks down at your lap. You put your hands on his chest in a comforting way 
“A little but also not at all. If that makes sense? I don't really like violence but I also really love a boyfriend who sticks up for me and cares about my comfort.” you rub your hand against his shoulder and tilt your head at him. He looks at you and nods. 
“Okay” he goes quiet for a second “how long until we can kiss again?” you press a light kiss against the corner of his mouth without the ointment. 
“Just a little because I'm not kissing your ointment lip sorry” you smile at him and he groans but then laughs brushing it off. 
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aysegust · 2 months
Pairings: (Kaz Brekker x Reader)
A/N: Hello beautiful people, I hope you’ll like this part. I kinda feel doubt writing this… I wanted to show as much of Kaz’s vulnerable side. Which was ultimately is Y/N… I kinda mess up with the storyline of the canon but who cares? We are doing what we want. It’s a fanfic! I ended things openly so maybe I’ll write a third part but I don’t think so here is the final part of Just A Healer fiction.
Word Count: 3.279
Warnings: Slight abuse but nothing further, mention of Wylan as subtle. :) Angst but Fluff in the end.
You can read the first part here: Just A Healer. - K.B
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It all happened too fast, so quick.
One thing you knew was how ugly Pekka’s face at the moonlight the next thing you knew was the pain behind your back.
Suddenly, the loss of vision and consciousness was just beginning of something disgusting.
It all happened too fast, Y/N.
Slowly, when your eyes opened, you looked around. Your vision was still blurry at first but after few seconds your eyes adjusted to the light.
The place surrounded in a dim light whereas it was cold and concentrated. But where were you? You thought to yourself. The place looked like it was a dungeon and the window was barely just there. It was so small that you couldn’t see outside that much.
You closed your eyes for a moment. Trying to memorize every detail about why you were here and what happened.
“Shit.” You cursed bitterly. Pekka found you were a Grisha and wanted to hurt Kaz so you were kidnapped and yet the worst part is… Pekka Rollins isn’t going to be the one who kills you, it will be Kirigan. That son of a bitch. You thought.
You touched to your neck and healed the wound. Well, it was a benefit for you to be a healer, you could heal yourself quickly. You got up after the dizziness was over. You looked around and there wasn’t any useful for you to protect yourself from. There were only straws on the ground.
You sighed and the looming feeling hit you again. Just like before. What if Kaz wouldn’t find you? What if he thinks you betrayed him too?
But he was a clever man, he would investigate this. Your thoughts went on and on again. Not before you got cut by Kirigan’s shadow… As the thought crossed your mind, you heard a sound. Footsteps.
Suddenly the door opened and you saw Pekka’s guys. You could handle the two of them in a combat fight but there were coming three more.
One of the guy smirked devilishly to you. “Don’t be naughty, you witch.” He said harshly. You wanted to punch his nose but you were outnumbered. Quickly that guy handcuffed you and put a chain on your handcuff. He was leading you forcefully to walk behind him.
As you unfortunately, forcefully walked behind him, you looked around. Observing the place and the Dime Lions. It was cruel, walking straight to your death.
But you had to put your shit together. You weren’t going to give up so easily. You will gonna escape that place, you just needed the right moment.
As you went outside through the doors, you looked at the Harbor. Either you were going to face Kirigan or he was coming for you.
As you saw six guy in the corner of the deck, you then looked at the three guy on the ship. Well, it wasn’t going to be easy. Hell, when things were easy?
You closed your eyes for a moment. Walk through the fire, Y/N. You thought to yourself, trying to encourage yourself to make everything better, you opened your eyes and looked at the sky.
Maybe he was worried?
Was he?
Three hours passed, you were supposed to meet Kaz in his office. Well, he wanted to debrief you about the upcoming plan he was working on. He had already told Inej and Jesper but he wanted to talk to you about it alone.
Well, your presence calmed him. He wasn’t much of a man shows himself but around you, at least his thoughts were stable and he can feel himself relax a bit. Not only you were just a healer, but his healer too.
Of course, he thinks you are more than just a healer. Because you were gracious. Everything he wasn’t be and deeply inside, he admired it. The pasts of himself, his crows wasn’t bright.
If it were bright then none of you wouldn’t be in the Barrel.
You were a precious asset for the team and Kaz, well, he felt more than that but he was just too scared to admit it. How could he?
Feelings are just a burden. Caring only makes you weak and Kaz couldn’t be weak.
He is feared, the Dirtyhands. Bastard of the Barrel. The trick is the not love anything else. He always thought it. Whenever doing some paperwork or looking at building map’s, sometimes you crossed into his mind. Recently, the severe times of you crossing into his mind just rises and he felt, he felt uncomfortable but weirdly good.
So, three hours passed… where were you? Kaz. thought to himself. He got up from his chair and walked out from the door to heard the loud noise coming from the tables. He looked at the bar-side and no trace of you.
Then he saw Inej, the Wraith, entering to the Crow Club with worrying glances. Their eyes met briefly and Inej straightly walked to Kaz’s side.
Kaz felt uneasy but he didn’t show it. He just stood there monotony. “Kaz, we need to talk.” Inej said with a hurry. She looked really worried.
Kaz led her to his office and once the door’s closed, he turned to her and waited for her to speak.
“It’s about Y/N.”
Kaz never felt this fear before. The way his heart beaten so fast, it was cruel. It wasn’t fair. He looked at Inej as his eyebrows furrowed. “What happened?” He said curiously not showing Inej how he is feeling inside, that anxious feeling grows bigger every passing second.
“I was wandering around the Barrel, and catching up with some informations.” She paused to catch a breath. “There are rumors about a Grisha in the Barrel. A Healer.” She stared at Kaz for a moment. “Turns out Pekka Rollins, caught the Grisha and he is going to send the Grisha back to the Ravka. Through the Fold.”
Kaz closed his eyes for a moment. He needed it. Suppressing what Inej said was a hard truth. “It is Y/N. Pekka Rollins caught Y/N.” Inej said it with a pure worry. Her eyes flashed so wide and she feared of losing her dear friend.
Kaz’s whole life stopped at that minute. The man, who took his brother from him, is going to took his healer from him too. He couldn’t.
Kaz couldn’t let that happen. He waited to take his brother’s revenge. He couldn’t lose Y/N. He couldn’t.
He looked at Inej with anger range filling his eyes. “Find out where Pekka hides Y/N, if he’s going to send her to Ravka, they will be on the Harbor. So it must be close to that place.”
Inej nodded and walked hurriedly towards the door then she looked back at Kaz. “What are you gonna do?” She said softly. “I’m gonna make him suffer.” He replied coldly.
After Kaz came up with a plan, it wasn’t going to be easy but they had to save Y/N. So that’s what mattered. He tried to calm himself, he had to get his things together for your sake. But Kaz wanted revenge. He wanted blood.
As they pulled you over harshly and forced you to enter the ship, they threw you to the basement of the ship. As you whined in pain, you blinked rapidly and looked around. After you were pushed, you felt dizzy but you closed your eyes and pulled yourself together. You gotta do something.
There must be a way to get rid of these handcuffs, you thought. You got up and looked around. There were stocks of some oranges, cucumbers and other conserves.
After quietly searching the basement, you saw a dagger. It was placed closer to the fruits. You took it and tried to open the handcuff with it. It was hard, since you were handcuffed and trying to hold the dagger while working hard for opening the handcuff, you sweared.
Being a soldier and being one of Kaz’s crows helped you learn new skills. You were talented, strong. You weren’t weak. Most Grisha’s in Ravka prejudiced healers. They thought they were weak whilst they had several powerful gifts. But you never saw your gift as a weakness. It was your biggest strength.
After putting a work on it, you unlocked the cuffs and brushed your palms lightly. You took the dagger and closed your eyes for a moment. Your heart raced so fast, you had to collect your thoughts.
You opened your eyes and walked slowly to the stairs. As you slowly opened the cover, you heard footsteps, so you closed it back and pulled yourself back. Then you heard a man’s voice. The guy was laughing and the next minute, he opened the basement’s door. He looked at you on top of it and smiled at you cockily.
Of course you sat back before he opened the cover, you acted like you were cuffed. He then slowly walked down the stairs and closed the cover. “Look at you, witch.” He smiled. “When I’m finished with you, you are gonna regret why you just didn’t kill yourself.” He smirked disgustingly and placed his hand on your chin harshly. He then, licked your cheek. You felt disgusted and you squeezed your eyes shut. “Oi, the thing’s I’m gonna do to you…” He whispered to your ear.
You slowly pulled the dagger and while he was kissing your neck, you stabbed him on his chest. Then he whined in pain and looked at you with shock. “When I’m finished with you, you’re going to regret why you, just didn’t kill yourself, you fucking bastard.” You whispered with anger. Then by the time he was about the react your words you broke his neck.
You got up and took a deep breath. There was eight of them left. You stayed still for a moment. It was all happening too fast, your mind was spinning and you just felt the fear mixed with disgust so badly.
Then as you hurriedly walked to the upstairs, you opened the cover but you heard a muffled sound. Something was odd. You slowly lifted your head and looked around.
As the Crows located where Y/N is, they went on their way, Inej was on the roofs, as ready as she’ll be, Jesper was very furious when he learned your kidnapping. Jesper and Kaz went to the Harbor and while they were hiding behind some of building, they saw you with handcuffs, as they forced you to walk to inside of the ship.
Kaz looked at the rooftop and tilted his head. Inej understood that the plan was on. The Wraith, as she landed on the ground, she hid so perfectly behind the shadows. Well, she was tiny but very strong. She hid behind some of cargo sacks. There was two man standing close to her, so Inej moved behind them silently and slit their throats ever so flawlessly.
There were three guys on the ship, while two of them were standing on the deck. One of the guy on the ship walked to the basement while there was two of them stayed present on the ship. As they were controlling the area.
It was Jesper’s turn. Now it was time to expose themselves. Jesper walked arrogantly on the ground. He looked at the two man. “It’s restricted area! Go away,” One of the guy, whose were standing on the deck warned Jesper as he was walking closer to them. “But would that be fun? Seriously?” He then hit the guy’s face with his gun.
As the other guy reacted to Jesper by pulling his own gun, Jesper grinned and fired his gun. “Never dare to held your gun to me again!” He lashed out and looked at the two guy on the ship. They were trying to hit Jesper with their guns but Jesper’s reactions was too fast.
Then he pulled his own pistol and as he is being the Sharpshooter, he never misses.
After Jesper’s killing the other two guy, Kaz walked to the deck and got on the board. As the basement’s door opened and revealed you to his eyes, your eyes met and he felt his heart skipped a beat. “Kaz?” You said surprisedly. He didn’t understand why you got surprised about seeing him.
You quickly pulled yourself and walked to his way. As you looked around, you saw the other men of Pekka’s bodies around the ship and the deck. “You came for me.” You looked at Kaz and felt tears brimmed in your eyes.
He furrowed his eyebrows. As he was about to say something, Jesper pulled you in a tight hug. Was he crying, what? You thought. “Jess, are you crying?” You smiled with tears. “You bloody idiot! Of course I am!” He pulled you closer to himself, suddenly you were out of breath. “Jesper! You are squeezing me-“
He let you go softly. “I’m sorry, Y/N. It’s just you know…” You smiled and squeezed his hand. While Kaz backed away, Inej hugged you softly. You could see the tears in Inej’s eyes. Which ached your heart.
“We have to go, there would be a mess.” As Kaz said, you and Inej let go of each other. You looked at Kaz. “What?” You asked. Kaz looked at you briefly. “This is just one thing, Pekka Rollins wouldn’t know what hit him.” He said with harsh tone.
“Kaz, what did you do?” You asked worriedly. He looked at you bitterly. “Something I should’ve done before.”
He didn’t reply anything further as all of you went back to the Slat. Well, while you were on the way back to the Slat, you watched Kaz. All of the way back… You just feel this thing inside you, where you couldn’t just pretend things anymore.
When you went back to the Slat, you heard a loud explosion coming from the streets. “What is happening?” You said it confusedly. Jesper glanced at you softly. “We are gonna be in a big fight, Y/N.” You looked at him as your eyebrows furrowed. “What?” You didn’t understand. “The boss, well, he just blew up The Dime Lions.” Jesper looked at you amusedly. You were in a utter shock as you heard what Jesper said.
And there was a boyish looking guy appeared as he was walking out on Kaz’s office. “Who is that?” You asked as you showed the boy who walked out on Kaz’s office. Jesper amusedly grinned. “He is the one who blew up the places.” You looked at Jesper with wide eyes. “Bloody hell..” You said.
After you left Jesper’s side, you walked hurriedly towards to Kaz’s office. You knocked the door and after a moment you opened it and saw Kaz was looking to the sky. “Can I come in?” You said softly.
He then turned to you and gestured you to step inside. “Kaz.. Did you blew up Pekka’s properties?” You looked at him worriedly which he was finding it uneasy. He was fighting himself everyday trying to keep you in a distance but after today, he just wanted everyone who wronged him, pay.
“I did.” You looked at him in a shock as he said it. For a second he refused to meet your gaze. You didn’t know what to say to him. You weren’t expecting him to save you up in the first place but he did. You approached slowly to his side. Careful to not bother him.
“Thank you, Kaz.” You were feeling this thing in your chest, whenever you see him, your heart beats faster. He was just so distant but after tonight, hearing what he did… maybe he cared for you.
“You are welcome.” He said quietly while he looked at you in a different way. But all you were wondering why he did all of this. You needed a clarification, an answer. What he did was a huge thing. “Why?” You said, nearly a whisper. He raised an eyebrow at your question. He knew what you were asking, he was just choose to ignore it.
But you insisted. “Kaz- Why did you did all of this? It’s a declaration of a war.” You were trying to reason with him. The question you wanted to really ask was hanging dry in your throat. He was watching the skyline of Ketterdam, there were noises. After the explosion, siren sounds and other’s faded in distance as you went on. “Why did you save me?”
The question you asked triggered something him in inside. He closed your eyes for a moment as he tried to collect his thoughts. “You are one of us.” He said straightly. “Crows are loyal to their fellows. One of them in the pack gets hurt, they will protect them.” You looked at him. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“While I was in that dungeon, the thoughts were going on and on in my mind…” You admitted softly. “I thought lot of things, primarily how to escape this place but something happened… and I thought-“ You paused. His eyes were on you at the whole time you were speaking. He was observing every little detail about you. Every little mimic, expression. His heart crushed when he saw tears in your eyes.
“I thought maybe, uh, you would think I betrayed you.” He looked at you with a furrowed expression. You didn’t look at him so you explained further. “You know, I betrayed my own country. I ran away from the King’s orders. I know you don’t trust me and I felt maybe you thought that way too after my disappearance.” You said it without catching a breath.
You were too scared to meet his gaze. “No.” It was hard for Kaz to open up his feelings. He had just shown the world that he cared for his crow. Which was a weak sign for the others. But he could’ve manage it. He could’ve make them suffer. Because he was feared. He declared a war against Pekka. But the way you said these things pissed Kaz.
Well he didn’t trust you for a long time. Of course, Kaz is a careful man. Man of mind and he is too cautious when he takes a move. But after seeing what you do, helping his crows and proving your loyalty at every time. of course Kaz trusted you.
“Y/N,” Kaz whispered. His voice sounded crispy. “I do trust you, more than you know.” You looked at him as a tear slipped away to your cheek. “I cannot offer you more but, never forget that you are valuable to the team…” He paused, struggling inside. Because once he admits to you, it would change everything.
“Valuable to me…” You smiled softly. You wouldn’t push him for anything. “Thank you, Kaz.” You said it again. “If we go to a war, we’ll go… I’ll always be there for you.” You said surely. What you were feeling Kaz was more than just companionship, you loved being near to him. It doesn’t matter how twisted he is and well, you loved him.
It was all you needed to hear. So you stepped away and approached to the door side. He turned and watched you to walk away. For once, don’t disappear. He thought. He looked at his gloves and closed his eyes momentarily. “Stay,” He said briefly. It sounded like a muffled sound but you heard anyway. You paused at your step and didn’t dare to look at his way.
“Stay here.” He said and then you turned to him. When you met his gaze, you felt the warmth inside your body. Who knew, in Kaz’s coldness, there was warmth.
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gavisfanta · 3 months
Reader cheating on her boyfriend with Gavi? Pleaseee
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summary: you cheat on your boyfriend with Gavi.
a/n: this is my favorite fanfic ive ever written.
if you want to be on the taglist comment!
warning: smut 18+
"INIESTA, GOAL INIESTA!" Gavi jumped up and immediately started celebrating. You also joined him and that led the two of you to jump around together in the middle of the living room.
Your parents and his parents were sitting on the couch, celebrating but smiling because Spain won the World Cup.
"Mama, did Spain win?" You asked and looked over to your mother. Gavi then turned to face you and then looked at the TV again.
"Mira, they won, we won, somos campeones del mundo!" Gavi then grabbed your shoulder and then the two little children you were, started jumping around again.
"Campeones del mundo!" Gavi and you celebrated. Your parents were watching in awe as their two children were getting along so well. You two were truly made for each other.
"I want to be a world champion too." Gavi then turned to face you and you smiled as you put your hands on your hips.
"What about me?" You then crossed your arms and let your head sink. Gavi then took a step closer to you and hugged you.
"You're gonna be there to watch me. I promise." Gavi then lifted your head with his hands and then kissed your cheek.
He promised.
"It's okay, you did your best." You held Gavi close to yourself as you stood in the middle of his hotel room. His arms wrapped tightly around your body while his face was buried in the crook of your neck, soft sobs coming from his mouth.
"I wanted to win, I wanted to win it for us," Gavi mumbled but you shook your head, your hand slowly moved up to his head, going through his soft curls and twisting them around your finger.
"You did more than enough, you played amazing, it's okay. You'll win it next time." You tried to calm him down again. He then lifted up his head and kissed your forehead in the pitch dark you two were standing in.
"Thank you for being here with me. I promise I'll win it next time." He said in just above a whisper to which you responded with a nod.
He promised.
"Amor, we're going, come on!" Your boyfriend Paulo yelled through the entire apartment.
You pushed yourself away from your makeup table and grabbed your phone from the charger. Then you made your way towards the living room and saw your boyfriend standing there.
"My god, why do you always take so long?" He complained in a harsh tone. You just shrugged it off, it wasn't the first time he complained about you.
People would say your relationship is toxic. Because there just have to be fights every single day and if not then you didn't talk that day.
He somehow always found something to complain about and be mad at you about.
Most of those arguments were caused by Gavi, well not really Gavi himself. Paulo has always had a problem with him. it was either "Every girl has a crush on him, I know you do too." or it was "Go and cheat on me with Gavi".
He always had to give his opinion on what Gavi did and everything revolving around him.
You of course protected Gavi with your life, after all, he is your best friend, you had known him since you were born and you wouldn't step out of contact with him because of your boyfriend.
Like now, Paulo drove you to your parents' house to spend the weekend there. Just what he didn't know is that you wouldn't spend the weekend at your parents but at Gavi's place.
After he dropped you off in front of the door you waited 10 minutes before you called Gavi and told him to pick you up.
You couldn't help but smile as soon as you saw his car drive up to you.
"Hola preciosa, que tal?" Gavi smiled as soon as you sat into the passengers seat.
"Soy bien, y tu?" You asked, you two got into a conversation quickly about how annoying Paulo is and how you should drop him.
You then told Gavi that you did plan to drop him and he said that he'd support your decision no matter what.
You two then went to his house and then sat down on the couch. "Oh by the way, I have to show you my room, I got a new bed." gavi turned his head towards you.
You grinned a bit and then nodded your head. "Show me then." You both made your way up the stairs and while you walked uo front of Gavi, he couldn't help but look at your ass, he didn't know what he felt but it was a weirdly sexual attraction towards you.
He didn't know where it came from either, but he had to do something about or against it.
As soon as you stepped foot into his room you smiled and sat down on the bed. "It's fancy isn't it?" Gavi asked as he looked at the black bed with white sheets.
"It's cool yeah, I like it." You whispered and watched as he sat down next to you. You two sat in a few seconds of silence.
"It concerns you, doesn't it? The whole thing with Paulo." Gavi finally spoke up and you turned your head to look at him and push his hair out of his face.
"It does, I just wanna be with someone who loves me and can handle me the right way. I hate to admit it, but I miss having fun while having sex." You groaned and Gavi nodded his head as he looked onto the floor. Then Gavi looked up at you again, and for a second you felt like you felt the connection between the two of you.
In the next seconds, Gavis lips were on yours and his hands were all over your body. Your hands were running through his hair while he pushed you down on the bed.
He then started tugging at your shirt and you pulled it off almost immediately, revealing your black bra. He looked down at your tits sitting perfectly in the black bra. The thought of him about to sleep with the girl he has known his entire life turned him on and you felt as he got even harder in his pants.
"Take off your clothes," Gavi commanded and you did as he said, you took off your pants too while Gavi stood back and took off his shirt and pants too.
You were left in your panties and bra as you were sitting up on his new bed. Gavi had his hand on his dick that was visibly hard in his boxers.
"Come here" You invited him and opened up your legs for him. You pulled his face closer to yours and began making out with him again, he put his body down on yours and his hands moved to your hips.
"We shouldn't-" You said in a whimper as Gavi started planting sloppy kisses along your neck.
"Then stop it" Gavi mumbled as he kept sucking on the slightly red spot on your neck.
"I can't" You whispered and
Your hand traveled down to his boxer shorts and he pulled away. "You really wanna have sex?" Gavi looked at you with a concerned look.
"Yes, please, I just need to feel you inside of me." You mumbled and Gavi nodded as he pulled down his boxershorts and you quickly pulled down your panties. You couldn't keep your eyes off of his dick, you had known him for so long and you never would have thought that he would end up naked in front of you.
"Lie back amor," Gavi said and you lied back down. He crawled over you and held himself up with his hands.
You looked down at his dick as he aligned himself with you. "look at me." He whispered and you did as he asked.
As soon as you two held eye contact he pushed himself into you and you immediately whimpered.
He was way bigger than Paulo and you weren't used to him yet. "Fuck you're so tight" Gavi groaned and you relaxed a bit so you wouldn't clench around him anymore.
As soon as you got adjusted to his size he asked for a confirming look and you just gave him a nod.
He then started pushing himself in and out of you at a rapid speed while you arched up against him.
He groaned and hid his face in the crook of your neck while he kept moving his hips. He felt you so tightly wrapped around his cock that he could have come any second.
He decided against it and that it was his goal to make you cum first.
"Do you like that? Wrapped around my cock like it's your hobby?" Gavi then whispered into your ear. "I can feel your walls clenching around me so tight."
Gavi's dirty talk only made the heat in your lower stomach grow and he noticed when your moans became louder.
"Come all around my cock, you nasty bitch. Taking it all at once like the good slut you are." It only took a few thrusts from there on.
"Gavi-" You moaned out loudly and came. He trusted inside of you two more times before he came inside of you.
"Joder you're so hot, my cum dripping out of your pussy." Gavi looked down at your pussy immediately after he pulled out and saw his cum dripping from your hole.
He took his two fingers and pushed it inside again, just to tease you, he decided to curl up his fingers inside of you.
You who was obviously still sensible from coming and your legs were shaking, you yelled his name.
"That's what I like." Gavi then laid down next to you in bed and looked at you. He pushed a strand of hair out of your face as you were staring up at the ceiling, coming down from your high.
"Are you okay?" Gavi asked and you shook your head.
"That was the best sex I have ever had." You mumbled and Gavi couldn't help but smile. He then leaned down to your boobs and left a few hickeys on them.
"Do you regret it?" Gavi looked at you again while he was still sucking on your boobs. You put your hand into his hair and messed it up a bit.
"No, I don't." You said in all honesty and he went back up to your face.
"How would you tell them that when you were supposed to visit your parents, not even two hours later you were laid out naked on my bed with my cum dripping out of your pussy?" Gavi asked and your stomach cramped at what he said.
He was turning you on so much, you've never seen this side of him before and you were loving it.
"I'll break up with him" You decided and he nodded his head. Then he leaned closer to you again and you two began making out.
After you pulled away to breathe since you were so out of breath Gavi's hand slipped down to your clit.
He started rubbing it and slowly he slipped two fingers inside of you, then he leaned in for a slow make out session.
As he was pumping his fingers in and out of you, you moaned into his mouth. That made you feel his erection against your hip and you then pulled away.
"Can we do another round?" You asked him and he smiled as he pulled out his fingers and pumped his hand up and down his dick a few times.
"Are you ready?" He looked up at you as he leaned over you and pushed his tip in.
"Yeah," You nodded and he pushed himself inside of you again. You whined a bit at his size, this time you didn't need that long to adjust so Gavi started thrusting in and out of you faster than he did before. He then moved down his hand to your clit and started rubbing it at a rapid speed.
"Fuck, Gavi" You held onto his back and your nails ran along his back. Gavi felt that they were gonna leave marks but it turned him on so much.
So after both of you finished, he suggested a shower together. You of course agreed but the shower started with Gavi fucking you against the shower wall.
Sometime later
Just as Gavi walked inside the locker room to get changed for the practice session, Pedri smiled at him.
"Hola Hermano, que tal?" He asked and took off his shirt, Gavi also took his shirt off.
"What the fuck is that?" Pedri asked just as Gavi turned his back towards him.
"What?" Gavi asked confused and it took him a few seconds to realize that there were still your nail scratches on his back.
He cursed himself mentally and turned around. "I fell while working out." He said in all seriousness and Pedri nodded his head with a huge smile.
"Sure Gavi" Pedri said, before he could have continued Fermin walked into the dressing room too.
"Hola chicos qué tal?" Fermin put down his bag next to Pedris and as he walked past Gavi he saw the red marks on his back.
"Damn, what did you do hermano?" Fermin immediately asked and Pedri gave Gavi a look.
"Gavi had a chick over" Pedri pushed back Gavi's shoulder slightly to which he only responded with a small smile.
"Damn, who?" Fermin pulled out his shorts and his shirt and also his shoes. Gavi shook his head and covered his face with his hands.
"I can't tell you" He mumbled and took the shirt to pull it over. Since it was a sleeveless shirt there were still some slightly visible marks on his shoulders.
"Mira, Mira." Pedri stood in front of him and put both of his hands on his shoulders. "Hermano, you tell me and Fermin who it is, and we will cover your lie that you fell while working out."
Pedris smile spread across his lips as he heard Gavi scoff. Fermin was just sitting on the bench, listening carefully.
Gavi did have to admit that that was a good deal.
"Joder" Gavi muttered under his breath and pushed back his hair. Meanwhile, Pedri leaned back a bit and crossed his arms.
"Just say it, except she's my cousin." Pedri laughed and looked at Fermin who stood up and also walked up to his two friends.
"I can't, You're gonna kill me." Gavi mumbled but Pedri gave him an angry look, then he inhaled sharply and looked the canarian in the eyes.
"It's Y/n" He mumbled and Pedri's and Fermin's jaw dropped. Both of their eyes widened and Fermin laughed out while he sat down again.
"You slept with Y/n?!" Pedri asked and his wide open mouth curved up into a smile.
He truly couldn't believe it, he expected him to sleep with some random chick, a one-night stand kinda type.
"You mean the Y/n, the girl whose parents are best friends with your parents?" Gavi nodded. "The girl who is your childhood best friend?" Gavi nodded. "The girl who's best friend with Aurora, your sister?" Gavi nodded, once again. "The girl whose dad is best friends with our coach?" Gavi nodded.
"The girl who has a boyfriend?" Gavi nodded one final time and Pedri shook his head.
"You have lost your whole mind." Pedri said and Fermin burst out laughing.
"You're crazy hermano, loco" Fermin poked Gavis head with his own finger.
"Is she at least good in bed?" Fermin pushed back Gavi's shoulder slightly and Gavis eyes widened at the question.
"Dude, she's my best friend!" Gavi said and Pedri shook his head while he smiled.
"Yeah and you fucked her, so is she good or nah?" Pedri pressured Gavi into telling him. Gavi wouldn't even have to think twice to answer that question.
"Why do you even ask that?" Gavi laughed out awkwardly, he wasted time in the hope that someone forgot something and come in to get it.
"So Fermin can know if his fantasies are true or not, now tell us." Pedri started getting impatient and put both of his hands on Gavi's shoulders. Fermin laughed out as Gavi looked to his left.
"Yeah, she's good." Gavi muttered and Pedri's lips curled up into a smile.
"Was she on top?" Pedri asked but Gavi shook his head. Fermin was honestly just standing next to them and listening to their conversation.
"No, what the hell, no she wasn't. I'm done with talking about how I slept with Y/n, get ready." Gavi ended the conversation and Pedri gave him a wink while turning around and putting on his shoes.
Gavi knew this practice session would be horror.
While Gavi was at practice, you were at home, hanging out on the couch. So without really anything to do, you were scrolling on TikTok.
I mean you were until the doors opened. Inside came the only other person who had access to your apartment, Paolo.
"Hola Amor." He smiled at you while he walked over to the couch and sat down next to you.
"Hey" He grabbed your jaw and turned your head to look at him, he was still very gentle with you. Then he leaned forward to kiss your lips but you pulled away.
"What's wrong?" He asked but you fake coughed. You scratched your neck and then stood up to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
Just in that second, you received a text.
[GAVI:] Can you come over to my place tonight? Aurora will cover for you.
You smiled a little and texted back a simple okay.
"Ay Paolo" You walked back to the couch and then looked at him. "Me and Aurora want to have a sleepover, I'll stay at hers tonight. Just so you know, in case you planned to sleep here." You told him and almost walked away when he spoke up.
"Oh, that's okay, but you're staying at Aurora's house right?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Of course?!" You lied and smiled at him. Then you went to pack together the things you needed and then walked downstairs again.
"I'll see you, bye." You locked the door before he could have even responded and then basically sprinted to your car. You wanted to get some five guys before you went to Gavis.
Paolo usually didn't allow you to eat that kind of fast food since he said it's greasy, this was your chance.
After a successful stop at Five Guys you drove to Gavi's house. However, you decided to go to Aurora's house and leave the car there.
"Gavi?" you asked as he picked up the phone.
"Where are you dude, I'm bored." He groaned immediately and you jumped out of the car.
"Come and get me from Aurora's house, please. I left my car here for safety. " Gavi immediately stood up after he heard that and then you two hung up.
So you waited outside until you saw Gavi's car drive by. You sat inside and pulled him into a hug.
"Hey, how are you?" Gavi asked, admiring your eyes like always.
"Awesome, what about you? Did something interesting happen at practice?" You asked, genuinely interested in his answer. Gavi was afraid of that question, ever since he texted you, he was afraid that you'd ask.
"Pedri and Fermin know, they saw the marks on my back." He muttered while keeping his eyes straight on the road.
"Oh, okay." You answered in the most calmest tone ever, Gavi turned his head to look at you with a weird face.
"Okay? Aren't you scared that your boyfriend Paulo is gonna find out?" He raised his brows and then looked at you for a second after parting his eyes from the road.
"Well, I'll break up with him next week, since I'm gonna visit my grandparents in Seville on the weekend. He won't be there harass me there if he gets mad."
Gavi pulled into the driveway and you turned to look at him.
"Sounds good" He mumbled and you smiled. Then the two of you went inside and you decided to cook something.
"What do you wanna cook?" Gavi leaned onto the countertop, his biceps flexing as he held onto the edge of the counter.
"Let's make Paella or something" You suggested and he raised his brows.
"Paella? you wanna be here until tomorrow?"
"Please, your mom always made that amazing Paella. I miss it" You pleaded and eventually, he gave in.
"Fine, you're helping me clean up tho." His finger was pointed at you to which you just gave him a smile and a friendly nod.
After about 1 and a half hours you two were sitting at the dinner table, the two pans in front of you.
You were just finishing the rice and Gavi waited for you to finish. "You eat with so much appetite, it's amazing to watch." Gavi smiled and you couldn't help but smile too.
"What do you mean by that?" The question was asked by you shyly.
"The way you eat, I don't know how to explain it-" You scoffed at him and shook your head.
"Oh my god okay." A small snicker escaped your lips and you then finished your food.
"Okay, let's go clean up" Gavi jumped up and walked into the kitchen. It only took you two almost 3 hours to clean up.
Not only that but the most difficult thing was trying to clean while Gavi kept coming closer to you.
"You look so hot." He whispered against your neck as he leaned over you from behind.
You were just cleaning the countertop with a wet sponge and he was being horny, or rather weird.
"Gavi, later." You pushed him back with your shoulder and just smiled to yourself. Gavi walked around you and stopped right next to you.
"Later? You promise?" He lifted up his pinky finger.
"Promise" You interlocked it with his.
So that's how you ended up not even 20 minutes later on his bed, half-naked.
"Take off your thong, show me how wet you are." Gavi told you and your hands immediately traveled to your waist.
Your fingers hooked into the waistband and pulled it down. His face was right in front of your throbbing pussy.
"Gavi-" You moaned out after his lips attached to your core, sucking slightly on it. Then he stuck out his tongue. "Keep still for me Amor." He punned down your tighs onto the bed and then started to lick your whole core. Then he slowly moved his fingers to your pussy and without a warning, pushed them inside.
You arched your back up against his face as he was still buried inside your pussy.
"Yes Gavi, ah yes-" You moaned and he started pumping his fingers faster than before.
Your moans became louder and your breath quicker. "Yeah, right there." You moaned and just as he licked up at your juices you came. Not only did you come, but you also squirted all over his face and his back.
He was covered in your juices as your legs were still shaking like crazy.
"I need you inside of me, please." You whimpered as the cold air hit your pussy and Gavi just smiled slightly. Your juices were all over his face, chest, stomach, and arms. He looked so hot.
"You want me that bad?" He chuckled and you gave him a look. He just laughed a bit and then pulled down his boxershorts, his awfully hard dick hitting his abdomen as he did so.
He pumped his hand up and down his dick after he spit on it and then leaned closer to you. After he aligned himself with you, he made eye contact and then pushed himself inside.
In his opinion watching you throw your head back and close your eyes was the hottest thing ever.
"You're so big, fuck" you whispered almost as he pushed himself even further inside. His cock stretches you out completely.
He waited a few seconds and after your breath slowed down he pulled himself out so that only his tip was inside of you.
Then he slammed himself inside, hard, you moaned loudly as he immediately hit your G-spot. He definitely knew what he was doing.
"You're doing so good." The praising made you clench around him, he then pushed down onto your lower stomach and you whimpered.
Then he moved his hand down to your clit and started rubbing it while he thrusted in and out of you at an even faster pace.
The hot knot in your stomach began to build up and your legs were shaking already. However, he kept going, and as his thrusts began to fall out of rhythm you realized that he was close.
"You look so beautiful right now." Gavi managed to make eye contact with you, since you were always closing your eyes shut it was a bit difficult.
Then his thrusts became sloppy and you felt as if he slowed down. Seconds later he came inside of you, you felt his cum filling you up as you waited for him to regain his strength. His groans were turning you on so much that you clenched around him
"Wait, I'll finish you off in a second." Gavi muttered and you nodded your head.
After a few seconds, Gavi stood upright again and began thrusting into you at a very fast pace.
His balls were hitting you as he slammed in and out of your pussy. His thumb rubbed your clit as you felt your orgasm approach.
You arched your back up against him and it took one final thrust for you to finish. Your legs began shaking like crazy and you whimpered as he pulled out of you.
He then pushed his cum back inside of you and pumped his hand up and down his dick while he looked at your wet pussy.
"You want me to finish you?" You asked and Gavi nodded his head but kept pumping his hand up and down.
He then crawled over to you and you turned to the side. You at first put your head on his tip, spreading your juices over it as you then slid your hand down further and put the tip into your mouth.
Gavi looked down at you as he held the back of your head, he was holding back your hair in a makeshift ponytail as you began to swirl your tongue around his tip.
He immediately began to push you down a bit further on his cock.
As his tip hit the back of your throat you coughed and he immediately let go of you. You pulled away and looked up at him with tears in your eyes while your tongue swirled around his tip again while both of your hands were pumping his dick.
You then eventually felt his dick twitch and took as much as you could of him into your mouth. The warm liquid hitting the back of your throat as Gavi groaned while he looked down at you.
After you swallowed everything he leaned down and cleaned the edges of your lips. "Open up" He mumbled and you opened your mouth. He stuck his finger inside and you sucked off the remaining cum.
"Good job" He then leaned down and kissed you again. You pulled him into a much deeper kiss and eventually, you pulled away.
"Do you want to take a shower?" Gavi suggested and you nodded your head.
"Gladly" He winked at you after you said that and then he slid his arms under your body to carry you to the bathroom.
So after you two were done showering he gave you one of his boxer shorts and an oversized shirt too.
"Thank you" You mumbled and he nodded his head as he flashed a smile.
After that, you quickly fell asleep as you were cuddled up in his arms.
24 hours later
You were now lying on your bed, wearing some shorts and an oversized white shirt. You were waiting for Paulo, he got off of work about 20 minutes ago. So as you predicted he walked into the room a few minutes later.
"Hey" you smiled and he flashed you a smile as he immediately started to get changed.
"Hello Love, how was the sleepover with Aurora?" Paulo asked as he then took off all his clothes and got into bed.
"It was amazing, thank you for asking." You smiled and he turned off the lights as he got into bed.
"No worries, by the way, when are you leaving for Sevilla?" He turned to face you in the dark.
"Friday evening" You answered as shortly as possible. You planned on telling him on Friday that you wanted to break up, but not that you were hooking up with Gavi.
He didn't need to know that.
"Ah okay, good night." He snuggled closer to you and sooner than you knew, his arms were wrapped around your body.
You tried to maintain some space between the two of you, even as his hands slid below your shorts and gave your ass a light squeeze.
Just a few seconds later, he froze. Then as fast as possible he turned to his nightstand and turned on the flashlight. He showed it as he pulled down your shorts and as you lifted up the blanket you saw that you were still wearing Gavi's boxershorts.
"What the fuck" Paulo turned to face you and immediately you thought of the only really logical thing to say in this situation.
"They're yours, what do you mean?" You raised your head, knowing damn well that you were lying.
"I'm gonna beat up whoever those are. Don't fucking lie to me, who did you cheat with?" Paulo looked at you, he had an angry expression on his face. His brows furrowed and his eyes dark.
"What are you talking about?" You acted confused, you obviously didn't want him to find out that you cheated on him with Gavi.
"Where did you stay yesterday?" He asked again, you flinched a bit as he came closer to you.
"At Aurora's?" You mumbled and Paulos expression suddenly changed. It was like something inside of his head clicked.
"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker." He whispered under his breath and then stormed out of the room.
You sat up confused but then called Gavi immediately just to make sure. "Gavi" He picked up immediately.
"Yes Princesa, are you feeling lonely tonight?" The smile on Gavis face could be noticed by the way he was talking.
"No, no, Paulo is on his way to your house I think, he found out that I'm cheating." You said at the fastest pace ever. You haven't been anxious for a very long but this time you were genuinely scared for him.
"Are you okay and healthy tho?" You couldn't help but smile at how much he cared for you.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just act like you aren't home. Turn off the lights, close all the windows, and don't make any noise, also hide from the windows." You explained carefully to him.
"Or I'll just beat him up-"
"Gavi." You said in a harsh tone.
"Okay, your plan sounds better." You couldn't help but feel anxious after you heard the car drive away.
"I'll pack my things and go back to my apartment. Just be careful, please. Don't make any trouble." Gavi smiled a little while he walked around the house to turn off all the lights.
"Yeah, but it's sweet that you care for me Princesa" You rolled your eyes and also stood up to get dressed.
"You just shut up and do your job." You then pulled the phone away from your ear and hung up the phone.
Gavi grinned while he slid his phone back into his pocket and turned off the final light in the living room, then he walked over to the door and locked it.
He has that bad habit of forgetting to lock his door, that's why he has an automatic lock. But it only locks the door 10 minutes after it got closed and he came back 7 minutes ago. Pedri and him were driving around with his car to just hang out a bit and talk.
You on the other hand were already leaving the house and walking towards your car.
Just as Gavi wanted to text you to drive save, he heard a car pull up to his driveway.
He quickly walked to the staircase and sat down on it, it was out of sight of the windows, that's why he chose them.
So just a couple of seconds later he heard someone banging on his front door. "Gavi man, I know what you did with my girlfriend." Paulo yelled. Gavi sighed and rolled his eyes.
No matter how many times you told him that you're in love with Paulo, he always got annoyed.
Because to Gavi, Paulo was an absolute joke. He didn't have any idea of what he was doing and most importantly, he probably didn't have a brain.
"Gavi, you mother fucker, get out here!" Paulo kept yelling. Gavi snickered.
"You calling your girlfriend mother now?" He whispered quietly to himself and covered his mouth with his hand.
After about 5 minutes of waiting Paulo drove away with his car again.
So as you made your way towards your apartment again, you had an incoming call.
"Y/n," Paulos voice drung through the speajers of your car as you just made the turn to your apartment complex.
"Hm?" You hummed and then parked the car.
"Where are you?" He had calmed down now, his voice didn't seem so aggressive as it was before.
"I'm at my apartment." You mumbled. The car engine turned off after you turned the keys and you leaned back in your seat, waiting for him to speak.
"Can I come over?"
"Look, its probably better if we dont see eachother for a while." You tried to make it sound as nice as possible. There was a few seconds of silence before Paulo spoke again.
"So we're breaking up?" His voice was shaking. Even tho you cheated on him, he wasn't mad at you, the only one he was mad at was Gavi. Because if Gavi wouldn't have come across your relationship, you two would've still been happy.
"Yep" You answered, Paulos expression dropped and it went from confused to sad.
This was the first time he was glad you couldn't see him.
"Okay" He answered and then hung uo the phone.
You on the other hand were still sat in your car, zoned out. You haven't felt save in that relationship since about 2 months, so you were happy that it was over. On the other hand you didn't know what to do now.
So you did the best possible thing that came to mind.
A few minutes of driving later, you were standing in front of Gavi's door. You rung the bell and heard him skipping down the stairs.
"Hey" His messy brown hair was hanging into his face as he opened the door. No matter how bad in a mood you were in earlier, you definitely felt better now.
"Hello" You smiled at him and walked closer. The door got closed shut by Gavi and seconds later you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I wanna be with you." As soon as you said that Gavi pulled away to look at you. "I wanna be together with you."
"Are you for real?" He asked to which you responded immediately with a nod.
"I didn't want anything more than to be with you." You repeated and he smiled.
"I want to be with you too." Gavi smiled and leaned closer to kiss you. But before he could put his lips on yours, you whispered something.
"I love you."
He crashed his lips into yours, he pulled your body closer to his and he gripped you even tighter.
A sudden stroke of adrenaline hit him and it felt like the only thing in this universe were you and him.
Then Gavi broke the kiss for a second as you two held eye contact. He pushed your hair behind your ear and cupped your face. "I love you too."
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bloodcanbehot · 1 year
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
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Anthony Lockwood x f!reader
Content: angst, kissing, bit of fluff?
Warnings: some curse words, but other than that none (kinda proof read)
Characters: Anthony Lockwood, (Y/N) Kipps and one mention of Quill Kipps (not directly his name). Also one or two mentions of the golden blade
Word count: 1.011 (according to word)
A/N: Just a heads up before you read, this scene is from a lockwood fanfic that I'm working on, the fanfic is with an oc but I changed it to y/n to post it here. Is this basically that scene after the auction with Lockwood and Lucy but in here y/n kisses Lockwood? Yes, leave me alone.
(here's their almost kiss if your interested)
I promise, he'd said before letting go of her hand and the cold water of the river hitting her skin brought her back to reality.
She felt him fall onto the water a bit later, grabbing her to get to the surface. She gasped for air, swimming away from his embrace and crawling to shore.
She laid there, gazing the stars on the sky and trying to make her heartbeat calm down with her mind. The image of her fist or palm on Lockwood’s face was helping a bit.
She saw him getting out of the water of the corner of her eye, falling next to her for a moment with a heavy sound.
“I promised, didn’t I?” he breathed out. She could even hear his smile. His annoying smile.
She wanted to punch him.
“Are you stupid?” she yelled, sitting up in one go and making her sight go spotty for a second as she did it “I know you're Anthony Bloody Lockwood and all but that was... fucking mental!”
He got up too “(y/n) listen-”
“No, you listen!” she snapped back “That wasn’t just stupid, it was… fucking reckless! And I understand crazy plans, I do! But I'm not the one who jumped from the top of a building! Twice!”
“Actually, three times but the first time was a house so I don't think it counts-”
(y/n)’s eyes opened wide “What?” she said “No, you know what? I don’t wanna know” she started walking away, hugging herself to somehow shield her freezing skin from the wind.
She heard his steps trail behind her, his dress-shoes hitting the small rocks from the river. She didn’t even want to imagine how she looked like. Mascara running down her cheeks, because of her tears or the water from the river, she didn’t know; her wet hair felt heavy, her new dress too, she only wanted to hide under the warm covers of her bed and forget all about this night. About the mission, about the fight, about everything.
About Anthony-fucking-Lockwood.
“(y/n) wait, oh god you’re fast” he finally caught up to her fast and heavy steps. She had learned from older agents under the agency to not just walk well on heels, but also fight with them on, “please”
There was that plead again, the one he had used on her last time they encountered that golden blade-bitch. She didn’t know why his begging caused her to stop, but she did.
She turned around, the knot on her throat growing back before she could even speak “I hate you”
“And you have every right to”
“You dropped me onto the fucking river!”
“I had a plan, things went wrong, I didn’t want you to get hurt” he explained.
“I can protect myself just fine!” she yelled.
“Yes, you can!” he yelled back “but you would also step in front of me and the blade, I would never forgive myself for that!”
“From the moment he appeared I knew the plan was fucked, but no, you risked it, again" she said “What were you gonna do? Fight him? You were going to die! Do you think I could forgive myself if that happened?” and I wasn’t there, she thought as she pushed him “Your sight might be great but you sure are blind when it comes to-”
“When it comes to what?” he cut her off, taking another step closer.
My feelings.
“You know what” she said instead “you think you're so good, you think you're the next big shit, but you’re just reckless, a reckless coward”
That what he needed, a punch to his ego.
“I’m not a coward”
“Then look at me in the eye and tell me how you feel” she almost whispered, feeling her hands shake at the thought of his answer “look at me in the eye and tell me you didn’t understand what I told you back at the library”
He didn’t say anything, and even when (y/n) thought she’d had enough, his silence was the last straw.
“I’m done” she said “I’m so done with you, if you want someone to help you with a case, call anyone else, not me! Call my brother for all I care!” she started walking away again, getting closer and closer to the steps leading to the street.
“(y/n) please-”
“No, don’t you ‘(y/n) please’ me” she yelled, not even bothering to turn around to look at him, missing just for a moment how he got closer before he grabbed her, forcing her to stop just a few steps away from the stairs.
“I did get it” he said “not just what you told me, but why you told me” He said, caressing her cheek like how he had done merely hours ago “and I… I do too” he said “I don’t know for how long, but I have feelings for you too (y/n)”
Maybe it was just a thing between them to panic each other with silence, but (y/n) enjoyed for just a moment the spark of fear growing on his eyes.
She grabbed him, smashing their lips together. He froze, but (y/n) didn’t care. She was about to pull back and yell some more when he grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in again, his hot breath fanning against her, bringing some relief to her cold aching skin for a moment.
She had completely forgotten what she was going to say after the kiss, probably insult him, but her mind was filled with fireworks.
No thoughts, just him. His lips, her lips. Their lips. (apocalypse)
“This- this should be- against some sort of rule” he said in between kisses.
(y/n) only hummed, barely registering what he’d said. Her fingers slid up his neck and grabbed his wet hair as he grabbed her by the waist, walking them both backwards till her back hit a wall.
They separated.
“Kissing me won’t make this go away” (y/n) said, breathing heavy and gazing at his eyes and lips.
He chuckled “I don't mind”
“You owe me a dinner” she said, straightening her back and stabbing his chest with her finger “A very nice dinner”
“Are you asking me on a date?” he asked.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/N: Last night I had the idea to post it here to ask you guys what you think. Tbh I feel like it need a bit more editing, like, there's a piece of dialogue I wrote for this scene but idk where to sandwich it.
Please let me know what you think! Feedback is appreciated as long as your polite
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punksdoll · 6 months
hii! i requested the long sami and kevin imagine and you made it everything i wanted it to be and more!! thank u!!
can i request a sami zayn x reader x kevin owens x jey uso fanfic (platonic) where you accidentally get injured from a bad bump in a match but have a title shot next week so if u know you tell anyone they’ll scrap the match. So u try to hide ur injury and almost make it to the next week but jeys the one who finds out (also cause ur a bad liar lol). and they make u go to the medic and kev calls you an idiot for not taking care of yourself but they comfort you and force you to go home and rest. and jey tells you to never do that again.
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gif not mine like, comments, & reblogs appreciated
𝑱𝒆𝒚 𝑼𝒔𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒁𝒂𝒚𝒏 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑲𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒊’𝒎 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒐𝒇𝒄<𝟑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅<𝟑𝟑𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒖𝒑, 𝒌𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒏 𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 (𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕’𝒔 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒚 𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇.), 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔, 𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓’𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒔, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓, 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
not proofread
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Y/n lets out a shout as she is slammed down, horribly, over the barricade. She feels her back bending in a way that she most definitely knows it’s not supposed to bend. Y/n plops down onto the floor and takes in shaky breaths as she tries to push through the match. She can feel the pain stabbing her back as she slides into the ring and starts fighting, weakly.
“This is MY title shot!” Liv shouts in her face as she gets y/n prepared for her finisher.
Y/n groans and catches Liv and gives her a power bomb, hurting her back even more as she throws her arm over Liv. Catching the win.
Y/n makes her way backstage, limping as she holds her back. She had just gotten herself a title shot yet her back was hurting her like a bitch. She had two options.
Get to the medical room and find out you fucked up your back which makes you not be able to compete for the title against Rhea. Or, shut the fuck up and suck it up until next week.
“The latter…” Y/n huffs as she leans against a wall and slowly lets herself slide down, her body tensed as hell.
“There you are,” Sami walks over with Kevin and Jey behind him. Y/n notices them and quickly gets up, biting down on her lip hard to hold in the groan as she tries to get herself to untense.
“Hi.” Y/n says through gritted teeth as she sends them a teeth smile as she stands herself up straight.
Kevin looks at her weirdly, “you ok?”
“I’m great.” Y/n lies through her teeth as she keeps herself straight.
“Why you standing like that…?” Jey looks at her warily.
“Trying to get my back straight…you know?” Y/n replies with a nod.
“Is your back ok?” Sami asks worriedly, “did you do something to it during your match?”
“Nah, I just seen someone hunch and it just made me stand up straighter.” Y/n lies again as she looks at all three of them.
“Uh huh…” Jey looks her up and down. “When’s your title shot?”
“Next week…” Y/n nods, “against Rhea.”
“you want us to accompany you to the ring?” Sami asks, “we know the JD will be there, so just in case.”
“Speaking of accompany,” Kevin point at y/n, “you should show up when Rhea interferes, it’ll rise up your new found rivalry.”
Y/n immediately shakes her head, “i’m pretty tired, i think i’m just gonna go back to my hotel room and take a nap.” y/n shrugs.
She was lying but she was also telling the truth. She isn’t tired. But she does want to go back to her hotel room and rest herself because of how tense her back is.
“You sure?” Jey questions, narrowing his eyes.
“So very positive, see ya!” Y/n rushes away as best as she could as she sucks up the pain.
They watch as she limps away, having a hand on her back.
Jey is watching y/n with narrowed eyes as she walks tensely and slowly around the gym. He had forced her to join them to work out together since she’s been going against their “tradition” and making up excuses like…
“I’m too tired…”
“My body hurts…”
“I have a headache…”
“My stomach hurts…”
etcetera etcetera etcetera
This time, Jey was done with the excuses and forced her in here. Now he was concerned as she barely pushed herself to the limit. Usually she does.
“Yo y/n you good?” Jey calls over as he pushes his legs up on the gym equipment. “You look tense as hell.”
Y/n glances over at him and nods, “i’m fine…” her voice cracks and she immediately clears her voice, “i’m fine.”
Sami and Kevin look at Jey who narrows his eyes as he gets off the equipment and walks over to her, “you’re lying.” Jey says, “you’ve been lying for awhile about that.”
“What are you talking about?” Sami looks at Jey who gives them a look.
“She always say yes when she is asked to accompany one of us. She said no and she never says no. She can a stupid excuse too about why she is having her back so straight…it’s been set straight for almost half of this week. Not to mention how you’ve been limping and holding onto your back all the time. And the excuses? Don’t get me started.”
Y/n, Sami, and Kevin all stare at him. “How…” y/n mumbles.
“You’re a horrible liar.” Jey raises an eyebrow.
Kevin and Sami stare at her, “relax yourself.” Kevin demands as he walks over to her.
“I can’t…” y/n frowns.
“So something is wrong? You lied to me when i asked if you did something to it on Monday.” Sami frowns.
“Where are you injured?” Kevin asks.
“My back…” y/n sighs as she sees there is no more use in lying as Jey just called her out on everything she’s been doing this past week. “I was thrown on the barricade horribly. My back bent.”
Sami’s eyes widened, “you need to get that check out immediately y/n.”
“you are such a…” Kevin starts pushing her towards the exit as Jey and Sami both grab all their stuffs, “Pen…te…ha.” Kevin says slowly, “an idiot.”
“You are so white.” Y/n grunts as she feels his hand pushing on her back, “that hurtss…” she whines.
“it wouldn’t be hurting if you took care of yourself y/n.” Kevin scolds as he forces her to walk to medical.
“why didn’t you tell us?” Sami asks.
“Because I knew i would be taken off the match for the title…I really wanted to partake in that.” Y/n frowns as they walk into medical, forcing her to sit down on the bed as the nurse starts checking her over.
“When’d you hurt it?” The nurse asks her.
“Monday…” Y/n mumbles as she looks down and swings her legs around.
The nurse gets up and lifts her shirt up to show her back, “i’m going to press on it, tell me where it hurts.”
The nurse barely even touched her before y/n is immediately tensing even more and trying to subtly move away, “it hurts it hurts.”
The nurse nods and takes that note down, “you won’t be in the match. i’ll be sure to let them know and get you an ambulance over because that seems very serious.” The nurse says before walking out.
Y/n feels all three glares at her, making her shrink. Sami and Jey walk over to her and forces her to lay down, laying her down slowly. “you’re really stupid.” Kevin shakes his head, “I cannot believe you didn’t tell us sooner.”
“When that ambulance comes and your clear, your going home and your going to rest.” Sami scolds, “and we do not want to hear you complain. you can get your title match when you are fully healed and fully rested.”
“but the mat-“
“If i hear one more word about the match, you’re never coming back.” Kevin threatens making y/n frown.
“Just don’t do it again and this won’t happen, again.” Jey shrugs.
Y/n narrows her eyes at all of them, “I don’t like any of you right now.”
“Quite frankly, i don’t give a shit.”
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hi, i loved ur "nightmares" jo fanfic and wanted to request an ot9 reaction where they have a nightmare where they lose their s/o and can't find their s/o (and they like cry a lil cuz i feel like nicho cuz he's a softie and maki would a bit but let's leave it at that cuz it's a ot9 reaction) and srry for my vad english, anyway i love ur writing so yeh bye-bye 💗💗
Hello! :) I like this idea, I think it's absolutely adorable. . . also, what does everyone have with nightmares? Do you guys need someone to talk to or something? I'm glad you like my writing and your English is good enough for me to understand so, you're good. <3
&Team reaction to waking up from a nightmare and not finding you
Warnings: fluff, angst, sad &team
Word Count: 1359
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He wakes up in the middle of the night with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. The recent events of his nightmare still fresh in his mind, he reaches out to find you but somehow can't.
He quickly opens his eyes and looks around. The spot on the bed where you would usually be is empty and right now he really would've loved your support. He looks around before remembering that you are currently at your house because you have to wake up early tomorrow.
He turns on the lights, sits up on his bed and stares at his phone on his nightstand. He has a discussion in his head, contemplating whether or not to call you but he decides against it. 'It was just a nightmare anyways' he would tell himself.
(He would tell you the next morning and you'd both talk about it which makes him feel better)
He has had livid dreams, sure, but never did he have such a livid nightmare and honestly, it scares him. He opens his eyes and looks around wildly only to find your side of the bed empty.
"y/n?" His voice is shaky but he tries to hide his fear as much as possible. He throws the blankets off of him and stumbles through the hallway. He hears faint voices come from the living room and decides to check it out only to find you watching tik-toks on the couch.
"Hey, baby." You say, smiling softly.
"What are you doing here?" Fuma asks, sitting down next to you. You close your phone and put it down next to you.
"I had a nightmare and didn't want to wake you."
"Me too." Fuma replies and wraps his arms around you. "We shouldn't have watched Nightmares on Elmstreet last night."
His nightmares are usually about bad performances or something but this one was much, much worse. He lost you, the love of his life, after an argument which he could've fixed. When he wanted to apologize, he got the news that you had died in a car accident.
It all felt so real.
Especially because you two fought literally right before going to bed. He reaches out once he wakes up but you're gone. Instant panic spreads through his body. Did you walk away? Did something happen? Are you gonna break up with him?
You walk inside the room two minutes later to find your boyfriend crying on the bed. "Nico?" You ask, your voice is soft as to not scare him. He looks up, his eyes red and there are tear stains on his cheek. You had never seen him like this.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, you run to his side and sit down next to him. "We fought and you left and then you died! I couldn't say how much I love you, I couldn't say how much you mean to me--" *Hiccup* "You were just gone."
"I'm here, love." You assure him. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise." You pull him in your arms. "I love you, doesn't matter how much we fight I will always love you."
He is stressed out. He has been ever since he got the role of leader which meant that he now has so many responsibilities meanwhile he also tries to take care of you. . . it's a lot. Nightmares aren't very uncommon but you not being there is.
He wraps a blanket around his shaking body and he is off to find the love of his life in the middle of the night in the dark dorm. Boy is determined to find you and ultimately does. He sees you stand at the kitchen counter with a cup of milk in your hands.
He walks over and embraces you from behind, letting his body weight fall on you. You jump slightly but laugh when you realize it's your own personalized teddy bear.
"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" You ask, taking another sip of your drink.
"Nightmare." EJ mumbles back. "You weren't there."
"Oh, I'm sorry, bubba. Want some milk to make up for my absence?"
He is absolutely terrified but will pretend he isn't just for the sake of being the protective boyfriend who doesn't need protection but the moment he realizes you're not there. . . he freaks the hell out!
"Princess?" He sits up and looks around with sleepy eyes. "Angel?" A scary sound comes from outside and he's up. "Sweetheart?" He asks again. Nothing. "Bab---AAAAAHHHH!!!!"
You slam your hand over his mouth to stop him from waking the other boys though you're sure they're awake by now. "What's wrong?" You ask but Yuma doesn't reply, no, he wraps his arms around you and holds onto you like you're his lifeline.
"I thought you were kidnapped!" You chuckle and rub your hand through his hair gently.
"Let's go back to bed, shall we?"
My baby. ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) Anyways, he would wake up and stare at the ceiling unable to move. When he finally catches his breath he feels around the mattress with his hand only to find that you're not there.
He would want to go look for you but he's absolutely terrified to even as much leave his bed so he waits this one out. When you finally return to the room he does sit up and looks at you with teary eyes.
"What's wrong?" You ask, cradling his face in your hands. He sobs lightly and you gently wipe his tears away.
"Just a nightmare, it's stupid." You reassure him that it isn't stupid and climb in beside him. Jo holds onto you like a koala for the rest of the night, just making sure you won't leave again.
Has a dilemma when he wakes up. Harua had positioned himself against the wall with his phone in his hands, your contact is visible but he isn't sure if he should call you. You were at home, asleep peacefully, he shouldn't wake you but he had clicked 'call' before he could stop himself.
"Yes?" Your groggy morning voice sounds. Harua feels so damn guilty about waking you up. "Harua?"
"M sorry." He reaches to end the call but your voice stops him.
"What happened?" You sound so worried, so caring.
"Want to talk about it?" You ask. He hears blankets shuffle and knows you're sitting up now too. So he decides to talk to you about it.
He feels indifferent. He had a nightmare but he has had them many times before. . . then why is he currently grabbing onto his phone like an idiot? It rings four times before you pick up.
"Where are you?" Taki asks, knowing you should've been besides him but you weren't.
"Oh, ok." He hangs up and stumbles out of bed. He walks towards the bathroom and knocks a couple of times.
"Yes?" You ask again, still tired from waking up only seconds ago. The door suddenly opens and Taki walks inside. You're glad you just pulled your pants up before he came in. "Hello, a bit of privacy?"
"I had a nightmare." Taki tells you, he looks rather shaken up. You quickly wrap your arms around him and comfort him the best you can.
Pain. He feels pain. So much that he can't breathe properly and tears stream down his face. It looked and felt so real. He reaches for his phone and calls you immediately.
"Sorry for waking you." He apologizes when you have picked up. "But I had a nightmare and didn't know what else to do." You were up, you couldn't sleep so this sounded like the perfect opportunity to go to the dorms since you live close by.
"On my way." You arrive about seven minutes later and find him on the couch. His hair is messy and he is still wiping away his tears. "Oh, Maki." You say softly and sit down next to him.
He clings to you and buries his face in the crook of your neck. You chuckle lightly and rub up and down his back, comforting him.
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i-hate-people-1 · 1 year
I noticed that there is a very little amount of DJATS fanfic so I wrote this in like an hour so it’s pretty short but I might write for it more
Warren Rojas X Fem Reader
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Y/N "It all started out very simply; all I did was find the cheapest place that was available for rent."
Warren "Man, that day was wild. It was three weeks after the first tour went up in flames. Me and the guys saw her moving in and decided to help her."
Eddie "I mean, she was hot as hell, so of course we were going to help her."
Karen: "The guys wanted to help her because she was hot, but I just wanted another girlfriend because there was entirely too much testosterone around me and she was awesome."
"What on earth are you guys doing?" Karen asked the boys who were all huddled by the window.
"Shhhh," Graham shushed her, not bothering to look at her.
"Why does she have to be quiet?" It’s not like the hot girl can hear us." Warren asked.
"Yeah, if anything, she’s going to see us and think we are creeps," Eddie added, not looking away from the window despite his statement.
"You are creeps" Karen said joining the boys. Looking out the window to see a girl struggling to carry a car full of boxes inside the house next door, "we should help her." Karen paused, looking at the boys who looked confused, "Come on, it doesn’t look like she has any."
"Yeah we should" warren said "yeah" Eddie agreed. Graham just nodded as they started walking to the front door.
"Dibs!" Warren yelled, taking off running toward the house. "What no fair !" Eddie yelled, chasing after him. Graham and Karen just laughed, slowly running after their friends.
You were on your way back to the car halfway down the steps when a guy with black curly hair ran in front of the steps, making you jump back. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you." The guy was cut off when a blonde guy tackled him to the ground. Two more people ran up after him, a brunette boy and a blonde girl.
"I am so sorry about them," she exclaimed.
"Get off of me, you ass!" the black haired boy pushed the blonde off of him quickly jumping to his feet "I’m Warren" he said casually, sticking his hand out for you to shake.
"Y/N," you answer confused, but shake his hand anyway.
"I’m Karen," the blonde woman introduced herself, "and that’s Eddie, and this is Graham." She added, pointing to them individually, "we saw you moving in and figured you could use some help."
"Y’all really don’t have to do that" you say quickly worried they were just asking to be "nice" .
"Oh, no, we want to," Eddie replied, turning around and walking towards her car. Karen and Graham following him.
"I really don’t want to inconvenience you," you said, still trying to fight this and not wanting to burden them.
"Stop being difficult," Warren told you, slinging his arm around your shoulders and flashing you a kind, genuine smile. You could tell because of the way it reached his eye that the brown orbs were shining brightly. "Look, man, I know they didn’t tell you this in the lease agreement thingy, but this place comes with six crazy neighbors and a baby," Warren told you simply.
"Is that so?" You questioned.
"Oh yeah, you are in for a real treat; we’re kind of awesome," he shrugged. "Well, I look forward to getting to know y’all and your awesomeness," you laughed, which was something you hadn’t done in a while, and it felt nice.
"Hey dipshit you gonna come help us or what!" Graham yelled from the car.
"Yeah, yeah, we’re coming. Don’t cream your pants." Warren yelled back, removing the arm from your shoulders (a feeling you oddly missed) and walking to your car. You giggled again, shaking your head, as you joined the group.
This was going to be interesting…
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
We're All Irish Tonight
An SPN Fanfic
~Dean has been pining for Y/N for months now, and he thinks tonight might be the night things finally get going...~
Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester, OCs
1344 Words
Warnings: Jealous!Dean, BAMF!Reader, Fluff. Drinking
A/N: Thought you could all use a fluffy drabble today so I banged this out for ya. Happy St Patrick's Day!
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The crowd was buzzing with faux Irish pride, only about ten percent of the patrons able to boast any actual connection to the Emerald Isle. But it didn’t matter- tonight, everyone was Irish. The bar was crowded three deep and the trio took turns wading through the sea of drunken green to wave down Chris, the bartender, and order more rounds. 
Y/N was nursing a Guinness like it was poison, but knocking back whiskies like they were the cure. 
“I hate this stuff,” she said behind a hiccup, voice carrying over the throng and across the table to Dean, who was the picture of calm with a thick, foamy mustache. “Tastes like bread!” 
He laughed and licked the head from his lips. “Then why do you keep drinking it?” he yelled back, leaning over the table to get closer to her. 
She shrugged and batted her lashes innocently. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just a dumb floosy at the bar tonight. Besides, everyone’s Irish on Saint Patty’s Day!” 
Seated between them, Sam laughed and rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling for the thousandth time like the third, unwanted wheel on a scooter. “I’ll get you something else when I get back up,” he offered, smiling sweetly at Y/N. 
She was too drunk to really care, but they were having fun. “Nah.” Pushing her chair back, she stood with the pint, downed the rest in one gulp and amazingly did not choke. 
Dean watched her in awe, his green eyes wide, his plump lips gone slack. “Damn.” 
Y/N slammed the empty glass down and cheered. “Whoo! Next one’s on me, boys!” She winked at Dean before turning to the bar and squaring her shoulders, preparing to fight through the noisy masses. 
Dean sat back, staring at her ass as she left. He rubbed his hands down his thighs and whistled with interest. “Ya know, Sammy, tonight might be the night.” 
Sam, having heard this more than a dozen times in the last two months, rolled his eyes and went diving into his beer, hoping to drown or find an escape hatch at the bottom. “Yeah, sure, Dean.” 
“What? You don’t think it’ll happen? Tonight is perfect. Drinks, music, tons of people.” Dean smiled to himself, thinking of the prospects. “Maybe we’ll go for a walk later, find a quiet spot… yada yada… see what happens.” 
There was no help at the bottom of his glass, just a fishbowl view of the grimey table. Sam sighed. “Sure. Just like last week and the week before and that time in Oswego when you were so sure you were gonna hook up. Give it up, Dean. She’s not into you.” 
Dean took it all to heart and slumped down in his chair, crossing his arms. He pouted and then scoffed. “What do you know anyway?” 
Up at the bar, Y/N was waiting for the pints to be drawn, and she herself had drawn some attention from a group of fratboys in various shades of green. One in particular, a blond with pretty blue eyes, was leaning in pretty close, the stench of whiskey and weed on his breath. 
“Come on, baby,” he cooed, pressing himself against Y/N’s shoulder. “You gotta let me pinch you.” 
She spun and lay a playful looking hand on his shoulder while actually pushing him back a step. “Really? And why’s that?” 
He laughed. “Ya ain’t wearin’ green!” 
Y/N licked her lips and gave him another shove backwards. “How do you know?” 
The man ran his hand down her back and moved in again. “I don’t see nothing green on ya, sweetheart.” 
She reeled him in a little closer, whispering. “Well, maybe you just can’t see it over my clothes…”
He sucked in a quick breath through puckered lips and went for it, nearly tumbling over her for a kiss. 
The crack of Y/N’s palm against his cheek rang through the bar like a lightning strike. 
Dean’s head popped up and his eyes narrowed. In an instant, he was at the bar, shoving people aside to get to Y/N.. 
She was standing in the middle of a crowd of morons, one hand on her hip, the other wagging through the air. 
“Don’t you fucking touch a lady without her permission,” she snapped, glaring up at the boy like the Headmistress of a boarding school. 
Blondie got smart and sneered. “I don’t see a lady here,” he barked, arms wide open, looking for a fight. Her handprint bloomed like a rose on his cheek. 
Dean unclenched his fists and his jaw. “Hey! She said back up, buddy.” 
“Who you calling ‘buddy’, pal?” 
“I ain’t your pal,” Dean spat. “And you best take your candy-ass out of here before I paint your other cheek.” 
Dean stepped in, the fratboy countered. Y/N cocked a brow, watching the display. 
The asshole backed down. “Eh, she ain’t worth it anyway.” 
Dean’s shoulders relaxed, but Y/N did not. Stepping between them, she cracked her fist against his other jaw, nearly knocking him over. 
“I am too worth it, ya jackass!”
Sadly, Chris had no choice but to kick Y/N out of the bar, and Dean found her moments later, walking towards home in the chilly night air. Her arms were wrapped around her middle and she walked slowly, kicking at the sidewalk. 
Dean shrugged off his jacket and hung it over her shoulders, startling her a bit. 
“Oh! Hey…” 
He smiled and stepped in front of her to close the top button lest the jacket fall off. She looked terribly small and precious in his oversized coat; too precious to be walking home alone by herself. 
“Ya left without us,” he said, hoping to get a laugh. 
She sighed instead. “Yeah, well… I didn’t want to ruin your night out. Not anymore than I already did, anyway.” 
Dean laughed. “Ruin? Are you kidding me? Watching you beat the crap out of that guy was the highlight of the evening. Hell, of the week.” He turned and slung his arm around her, enjoying the closeness. 
“He really was being a dick. You didn’t see but he was a little grabby…” 
Dean skidded to a halt. “I’ll fuckin’ kill him…” 
“No, no!” Y/N laughed and grabbed his flannel, turning him towards her again. “I was very impressed how you came to my rescue like that.” 
He bit his lip, gazed down with hope in his eyes. “Y/N, if I know anything about you, it’s that you don’t need rescuing. But still, if he comes near you again, I will stab him in the throat.” 
Another laugh knocked her head back and Dean couldn’t stand it any longer. Without a plan, without a thought, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. The moment was brief but not without the shock of truth and they both gasped when space lengthened between them. 
“You… kissed me.” Her eyes were wet and her skin was flushed. Her fingers curled tighter around his flannel. 
He blushed, licked his lip, dipped his chin. “I did, yeah.” 
Stunned, she hung there for a long moment, eyes caressing his face, unable find any words at all. 
Dean grew anxious and cleared his throat. “You’re thinkin’ about laying me out like you did that asshole, aren’t you?”
Slowly, she shook her head and smiled. “Actually, I was thinking about kissing you back…” 
Their lips met under the streetlight, with the noise from the bar lost in the background. Dean wrapped his arms around her, keeping her close while she slipped her tongue between his lips, tasting, exploring, begging for more. 
When she let him go, he looked down, awed and drunk and happy for the first time in a long time. 
“Well, I guess today is lucky after all,” he whispered. 
Y/N shook her head, laughing gently. “You’re not Irish, Dean.” 
He inhaled deeply, pulling in the memory of the moment as his arms tightened around her. “Baby, tonight, we’re all Irish.” 
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pinkjanu · 9 months
A short Akaashi Keiji fanfic!
Professor!Akaashi x Studentfem!reader
Warning⚠️: Professor x student, f*ngering, d*ck grinding, swear words, light smut.
third person POV:
The trees' leaves were fluttering back and forth. flying and tweeting birds. cats were fighting each other.
The 20-year-old Y/n was not paying attention in chemistry class and was gazing out the window.
I mean.. why would she? She was hooking up with the professor anyway.
Akaashi Keiji, to be exact.
Y/n was well aware that doing something like that was against the rules of the school. but, 'who tf cares?' she thought.
That was very dumb of her, I know. like, of course everyone would care Y/n! If someone were to find out about that, you would be labelled as a 'girl who fucks professors', or even worse! be expelled from college! And! Akaashi Keiji will loose his job.
However, Y/n, being the careless girl she is, she did not think twice about seducing and having sex with her professor.
for what exactly?... to get her grades up. (and akaashi keiji is hot)
So, instead of studying, she decided to fuck her teacher for the sake of her low ass grade, to be high.
She really is a dumbass.
Second person POV:
"finallyyy, class is over' you thought.
You quickly packed your things and got up from your chair.
"Hey Y/n! wanna eat lunch together?" a friend of yours, asked.
"Yeah sure!" You agreed with a smile on your face.
As you two were about to leave the classroom, your professor called out your name.
"Y/n, I would like to talk to you, please." Akaashi Keiji a.k.a your (hot) professor, said.
You looked at Akaashi, then back at your friend.
"You can go first, I'll be there" You said to your friend.
As they left, you turned around and faced Akaashi.
"soo... why'd you wanna talk?" you asked him.
"You weren't paying attention in class today. Why is that?" He asked, sounding a bit upset.
"i was bored, sorry... umm, can i go now? i still have to meet up with my friend." you were in a hurry, and Akaashi could clearly see that, but, he wasn't gonna let you off so easily.
"Look. I don't really need to pay attention when i can just have sex with you, and then.. boom! My grades are magically line of 9!" you explained.
Akaashi sighed.
"I am aware of that, Y/n, but you must pay attention. You cannot go around sleeping with professors..If you're dumb, you will never succeed in life."
"Ouch.. did you just call me dumb? That's very rude of you" You said. Your hand on your chest, acting hurt.
Akaashi laughed softly.
"Come sit on my lap, Y/n" He said, manspreading on his chair, whilst looking at you seductively.
"As much as i want to have sex with you, sorry but, we're at school" You denied his sexyness.
"I promise we won't do anything. I just want to hug you, sweetheart." He said, smiling softly.
You sighed, giving in because of his cuteness.
"Okayy.." You walked up to him and sat on his lap, feeling his hands snake around your waist whilst his face was burried in your neck.
"You smell good" He complemented.
"stop with your complements. I know what you're doing" you rolled your eyes.
"what do you mean by that?" Akaashi questioned, tightening his grasp on your waist.
"You're gonna act all sweet and shit. then next thing u know, You're fucking me."
"And yet, you still fell for it" He whispered in your ear, smirking at your shocked reaction.
"Wait, what!? i was just joking-"
"Too late "
it was too late indeed.
You felt his hands, inside your skirt, teasing your....
your what?.... Clothed vagina?.. Clothed pussy? or.. Clothed female genitalia??? i honestly do not know how to describe it as. let's just stick to clothed pussy😀.
You whimpered as you felt his middle and ring finger do circular motions on your clothed clitoris.
he continued on doing that for a few seconds.
Eventually, he became impatient and entered his hand inside your underwear, making him touch your wet pussy. (im cringing hard)
He started to do the same circular motions on your naked, and sensitive clit.
Hearing you holding in your moans, turned him on soo much that you could feel him starting to have a boner.
You started to grind on his lap, making you both feel pleasure.
"Fuck... you're so hot" He groaned.
"F-Fuck...mmhh~" You moaned out, feeling a tingling sensation inside your stomach.
As Akaashi noticed your moans getting louder, He entered two fingers in you, letting his palm press against your clit.
"Aah..~ f-fuck yes~" You moaned louder, feeling the tingling sensation more and more as if it was about to burst.
Akaashi on the other hand, is grinding his clothed dick on your ass, faster and faster, in desperate need of cumming.
"Fuck Y/n.. you f-feel so good mm~" He moaned in your ear.
"I'm gonna cum.. aah~!" You moaned out, about to reach your climax.
"Let's cum together", and with Akaashi's one last thrust, his cock twitched inside his pants and released a white fluid, making his front part of his pants, wet.
Your cum was dripping all over your thighs, making your underwear and skirt, wet.
Both of you were panting heavily. Sweats dripping down from your faces.
You both looked like you two just ran a marathon.
The bell rang, signalling that lunch was over.
"Shit! i better fix myself!" you said, panicking.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, bye Akaashi!" And with that, you ran your way through the girl's bathroom.
Akaashi could only let out a soft laugh.
who wouldn't?
You looked so cute. Your face was full on red!
Even if you left, akaashi was still admiring your beauty, making him forget about his cum stain on his pants.
The end🥰.
I haven't written smut for like, 2 years now.😭
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes  Epilogue - Scott McCall x Reader
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Paring: Scott x Reader
Prompt: Say You Won’t Let Go by James Arthur 
Warning: Labor and stuff... 
And a BIG thank you to my Beta who did this even though she wasn’t feel well! @lets-imagine-fanfics
Last Chapter! I hope youuuu enjoy!!
Pictures for this ending!
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It’s been months since you and Scott had complete the bond. Working out how it worked had been a task but you’d finally managed, with the help of Deaton to find out all the perks and downsides. You were currently sat in the school cafeteria with the pack.
The perks of being true mate are, you can speak to each other through thoughts, however, it does require concentration. Another perk is you can channel Scott’s True Alpha power if you need to, though you had only done it once and that was because Liam and Jackson had been fighting and bitching while everyone was trying to train and you’d had just about enough.  
Your eyes had changed colour after the bonding, which you found strange. Once you’d ask Deaton, he’d explained that an Alpha’s mate also known as a Luna, should have similar eyes to omega's except the blue is a lot darker. However, as a true mate, the most submissive wolf of the two gains the ability to channel the stronger wolfs power there for mixing the eye colours together.  
So the result was pinky-purple eyes. Personally, you found it weird but Scott always went on to say that you had unique eyes and that they were beautiful. Derek actually agreed, apparently, he thought to have eyes like yours meant you were special and being special was never a bad thing.  
Your bond with the pack had grown through the past few months. The younger teens of the group now came to you for help or advice despite the fact that you are actually the newest wolf of the group.  
“Liam, get your ass of your brother before I decide you're not too god damn old for time out!” You snapped as you sat down with your glass of orange juice.  
“Sorry, mom!” Liam answered back cheekily, knowing it pissed you off.  
Melissa strolled into the room with a coffee and her work clothes on. She and Scott had recently been talking about moving into the Hale house permanently mainly because bills were too much and Scott wanted his mom not the work so much.
She sat next to you and held out her cup for you. You took it with a grateful smile but as the scent of the coffee hit your nose full force you began gagging. Melissa and Scott frowned as she followed you to the bathroom. She held back your hair as you threw up everything from this morning.
“Honey, are you okay?” She asked softly, stroking your face as you sat up with tears in your eyes.  
“This is the second time this week…” You muttered fearfully the only thought crossing your mind is that you caught some sort of fucked up werewolf disease.
“Y/N! BABY! YOU OKAY? I CAN FEEL YOUR PAIN AND SADNESS!” Scott screamed as he skidded down the hall before backtracking to see you sat there next to the toilet.
“Again?” He asked with concern lacing his voice.  
You shot him a nod as Melissa muttered to wait here before running downstairs. Scott bent down to hold you tightly against his chest as he muttered words of comfort. Melissa ran downstairs to see Chris and Derek were the only ones in sight.  
“You two!” She yelled as she pointed at them both. They looked up in shock before nodding and the same time.
“Go to the store and get loads of pregnancy tests!” She demanded with wide eyes.  
“Melissa don’t tell me yo-”
“Christopher Argent I went through menopause two years ago. Your sperm ain’t that magical.” Melissa sassed, cocking her hip to one side.
“So who?” Derek asked with amusement in his tone.  
“Chris doesn’t have super sperm but turns out my son might! GOOOOO I WANNA KNOW IF I’M GONNA BE A GRANDMA!” She yelled impatiently. Chris and Derek’s eyes widened as they took in what you said before they started scrambling about like getting that test was now their only goal in life.  
“Why is Der spazzing out like he switched places with me?” Stiles asked as he came into the room with Peter.  
“I think Y/N's pregnant.” Melissa puttered before telling them to keep it quiet.  
“OH MY GOD! YES!” Stiles screamed before glancing at Peter. He held out his fist and unexpectedly, Peter gave him a fist bump.
Five minutes later Chris and Derek ran in sweating and panting with two carrier bags. Melissa grabbed a plastic cup from the kitchen before making her way upstairs. She hid the tests in her room before taking the cup the bathroom.
“Sweetie, can you pee in this cup, please? I know it’s gross but I need to run a few tests and this is the easiest way.” You gave her a nod before she and Scott left leaving you to do what she asked. After you’d done she took the sample and walked to her room leaving you and Scott to worry.
Melissa dipped about 20 pregnancy tests in the sample before putting the lids on the end and waiting. She turned her back not wanting to watch but all the same wanting to watch every second. After she looked at her watch for what seemed to be the millionth time she finally deemed it time. She spun around and stared down processing what she was seeing.
There laid 20 pregnancy test and every single one was positive. Melissa tried to contain her excitement as she ran to yours and Scott’s bedroom you now shared. She was panting and had a giant smile on her face as she reached the door.  
“There is nothing wrong. You’re perfectly healthy just like a werewolf should be.” She said as she took a breath to calm down.  
“So why do I keep throwing up?” You asked with a frown.
“It’s nothing bad just you might wanna start eating a little more and coming to see me for check-ups.” Melissa gave you a small smile but her response made you worry even more. If nothing was wrong why would you need to go for check-ups? That’s when it clicked.  
Nothing wrong = This is good news
Eat more = Eating for two
Check-ups = Ultrasounds
“OH. MY. GOD. SCOTT MCCALL, YOU ARE DEAD!” You screamed as you launched at him with glowing pink eyes.  
“WHAT WHY!?” He screamed as he ran out the bedroom with you running after him.
“YOU AND YOUR DICK ARE DEAD!” You screamed as he ran downstairs in the living area where Peter, Derek, Stiles and Chris were sat.  
“WHAT THE HELL DID MY DICK DO!?” He squealed as you tried to hop over the couch to get to him but missed him by a hair.
“Y/N! Be careful!” Melissa scolded causing you to stop and realise, this wasn’t just your body anymore it was a shield that was protecting another life so you had to treat it differently.  
“Why am I being chased?!” Scott panted as he looked at his mom and mate.  
“I’m pregnant, dumbass.” You muttered a blush working its way to your face. Unlike how you imagined this moment to go later in life it was different. You didn’t have time to think about the usual stuff. Would Scott leave you? Would he make you abort? Does he even want kids? because as soon as you said it Scott picked you up with a giant smile.  
“Really?!” He asked as he stared into your wide eyes.
“Y-Yes at least that’s what I figured Melissa meant.” You glanced at her with wide eyes before she gave you a nod.
“Oh my god! I’m gonna be a Dad!” Scott chuckled his face lighting up like you’d never seen.  
“I thought it was the Moms who glowed during pregnancy, not the Dads?” You snorted before glancing at Melissa.
“No actually the Dads are glowing and the Moms always look like zombies. The back pain, the boob pain, the feet swelling, the throwing up, the eating of weird shit. You name it.” Melissa shot you a sinister grin and suddenly you felt the urge to kill your baby daddy.  
After 20 seconds you had Scott on the floor standing on his chest with one foot. When the front door opened you glanced over to see the Sheriff and shot him a sarcastic smile to let him know you were pissed.  
“Why is Scott being punished?” The Sheriff snorted as he stood and glanced down at Scott who sent him a wave.  
“I dunno should I tell him Scott? He is basically my Dad after all!” You growled as you applied for pressure to Scott’s chest earning a wince from him.
“Tell me what?” The Sheriff muttered with a glare quickly making it way to his face as he glanced at Scott.
“Papa if you’d be so kind as to hand me your gun first before I tell you that would be great.” You asked sweetly but he immediately passed his gun to you.  
“I’m pregnant.” Was all you said, before stepping away from Scott, with a smile on your face.
“I’m gonna be a grandad?” You gaped at the man who you classed as your father confused to why he wasn’t killing Scott.
“OH MY GOD! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO IS HAVING A HARD TIME ACCEPTING THIS?!” You screamed before storming up the stairs, placing your ‘Dads’ gun on the table near the front door before you went.
You stormed into Lydia’s room without knocking which resulted in a naked Aiden falling off the bed and a naked Lydia sighing. They both looked at you and kept their mouths closed before they began getting dress.  
“Honey, what happened?!” Lydia asked as she sat on the bed waving at you to come over. You glanced up at her from the door, tears streaming as you finally spoke up.
“I’m pregnant.” Aiden gasped whereas Lydia opened her arms and you ran into them.  
She held you as you cried never saying congrats or this is good news. She just held you and right now that is what you needed. Aiden moved to close the door before sitting back down and stroking your back.  
“I know its scary baby girl but listen to me when I say this.” She pulled you away and cupped your cheeks.  
“You will be a great mother.” That was the only thing you needed before you broke down completely.  
“You are not like your mother. You are kind and you’re fearless and above all else, you always protect your family. I know you’re scared and I know you want to run baby but right now I need you to think about your child. I know you’re 18 and haven’t even finished high school yet but I also know if anyone can do this…it’s you.” She whispered into your hair as you clung to the other girl. Suddenly Aiden shocked you into sitting up by speaking.
“This child will never go unloved or want for anything. We’re your family and we’re here to help you. No matter what Y/N.” You and Aiden always took the piss out of each other and teased one another but you had a bond that not many others could ever understand. He stared into your eyes, letting you know he was sincere and you gave him a small smile that screamed thank you.  
“I think you should go and talk to Scott.” Lydia stated as she looked at you with a smile. You gave her a nod before drying your eyes and making your way downstairs to find Scott.  
You found him sat in the living room with the other as his teeth worried as his bottom. He looked up before rushing over to you and hugging you so tightly. In that moment you knew you could do this because your family would never leave you and would always believe in you.  
“Lydia, I really don’t think we need a designer pram…” You muttered as you strolled through the shops with Derek, Lydia, Peter and Stiles.  
“Maybe, but it’s the first pack baby and if we need to we can put it in the attic for when another pack member has a baby.” Lydia argued as she glanced at Derek.  
“I hate to say it but I actually agree with Lydia.” Derek grunted as he glanced around the prams. You looked around and spotted a pure white pram that stood out to you. You strolled over to it but as you tried to check the price tag Peter grab your wrist and nodded to the Derek. Derek turned to the sales-person with a smile and handing over his card.  
“Peter! I wanna check the price first!” You snapped angrily but he just shook his head and began dragging you out the shop. The next shop was for clothes which you dread because you had yet to tell anyone but Scott, Melissa and your Dad the sex of the baby.  
“Right you’re gonna have to tell us the sex or this is gonna be difficult.” Lydia sighed as she glanced and the expensive multi-designer brand baby shop.
“Girl.” You muttered quietly but you knew she’d heard you when her and Stiles let out a scream before running off.
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell her. Now she’s gonna buy so many clothes that are desi-” You looked to your side to see Derek and Peter had disappeared and were now cooing at baby Gucci dresses.
“Seriously!” You huffed before walking over to Derek.
“Do you not think it’s weird for a teen mom to have baby Gucci and baby Chloé?” You muttered as you approached Peter and Derek who was picking up a baby Chloé pink winter coat.  
“Nope, not when she has Hales as uncles.” Peter sassed earning a glare from you.
“I like this Gucci pinafore dress with this white shirt.” Stiles grinned as he approached you with a tartan pinafore dress and a white long sleeved shirt that had a lacy collar.  
“That is so cute!” You squealed as Lydia approached you with wide eyes.
“Christian Louboutin started doing baby shoes!” Lydia gasped as she pointed towards the large shoe section. She knew if there was one brand you couldn’t deny it was Louboutin’s.  
After shopping for a while long your feet started hurting so you decided to get the rest of the stuff online. Derek, Peter and Stiles carried in all the bags containing designer clothes and shoes with proud smiles on their faces.  
Peter had seen a princess hanging canopy that could go above the cot and insisted his little niece needed it even though you tried to deny it Peter bought it anyway. You sat down on the couch where Melissa and Chris were sat, letting out a loud sigh.  
“Oh my god!” Erica screamed as she held up the Gucci floral dungarees and white curved collared shirt.  
“It’s a girl!” She screamed as she fumbled through all the clothes with Melissa and Allison.  
“Welcome back. How are my Queen and Princess doing today?” Scott cooed as he walked into the living area. You chuckled as you stroke your large stomach.  
“Uncle Peter and Uncle Derek spent lots of money on you today didn’t they Princess.” You giggled softly, earning a kick from your little girl.  
“I can see…” Scott sighed as he stared at all the designer bags.
“Hey, stop it.” You scolded as he frowned.  
“I just wish I could buy her all this stuff…” Scott muttered as he looked through the bags.  
“Baby, she doesn’t need Gucci clothes or Louboutin’s from you…She needs your love.” You chuckled softly as you leant down to leave a soft loving kiss on his lips. You pulled back with wide eyes and glanced at Derek.
“How much was this sofa?” You asked Derek with a worried frown.  
“A lot.” He grumbled with a confused frown.
“You could totally afford another one, right?” You chuckled with a blush on your face.
“I mean yeah if I ne-Why?” His eyes narrowed as he scanned over you until he saw the wet patch on the sofa.  
“Did your…” Derek’s eyes widened as he glanced at you in panic.  
“What’s that smell?” Scott asked with a frown as the other wolves sniffed at the air.
“DID YOUR WATER JUST BREAK!?” Derek screamed clearly freaking out.
“MELISSA!!!!” Chris screamed as he started running around and grabbing the birthing bag you’d pack less than a week ago.  
“What!?” Melissa yelled as she ran down the stairs.
“MY WATER JUST BROKE!?” You screamed, watching as her eyes widened.
Everyone was running around calling Deaton, making sure they didn’t forget anything as Scott sat there in shock, holding your hand. You threw your head back and let out a pained filled growl as you felt Scott’s hand breaking under your hold.
Not 10 minutes later, Deaton bust through the door, medical bag in hand and eyebrows raised in urgency. He instructed Scott to carry you to the bed, as he followed quickly. You wished you could go to a hospital but as Deaton had said a few months ago. You are likely to shift if you're in pain, so you couldn’t go to a hospital.
Suddenly Liam ran into the room with his dad following him. You stared at him like he’d gone crazy before Liam’s stepdad stared at you.  
“I’m gonna have questions after this but right now we need to get this baby out safely!” Liam’s dad screamed before turning to Melissa.
“I need hot water and towels.” He ordered quickly before rolling up his sleeves.  
“Scott, I need you to take a deep breath and focus. Deaton do you have the stuff I’d need to do this?” Liam’s dad asked as he nodded to Deaton medical bag.  
“I have gloves and few bits and pieces in case we need to cut. She has supernatural healing and the wolves can take her pain that’s all you’ll need. Epidural won’t work on her.” Deaton stated as he checked your vitals.  
“Got it. Scott and Liam that’s your job.” He instructed earning a serious nod from both boys.  
Melissa ran in with towel while Derek followed in with a large bowl of hot water. Liam’s dad lifted up a pair of scissors and began cutting off your jeans knowing that right now it was urgent. Melissa threw a blanket over your bottom half to cover your dignity before bending your legs up and giving you a smile.
“Scott McCall, this is all your fault!” You screamed as you felt another contraction happening.  
“She’s 9cms already!” Liam’s dad yelled as he glanced at Deaton with wide eyes.
“Her water only broke 25 minutes ago!” Melissa screamed as she dabbed the sweat off your forehead.  
“Well apparently, this baby doesn’t care!” Liam’s dad yelled back as he looked at Scott and Liam with a nod.  
“Derek I need you to take over a minute.” Scott groaned as he collapsed to the floor in pain.  
“What’s wrong with your son, Melissa?” Liam’s dad sighed as he looked at Scott.
“Unlike most men, Doc, he’s actually feeling her pain. It’s a werewolf thing.” Melissa snorted as she let Chris take her son out the way.  
“Derek Hale, this m-might be a bad time to ask and I-I’m not religious b-but I’d be happy if you’d be the godfather.” You stuttered softly as he and Liam took your pain.  
“I’d be honoured Y/N but first let’s get you through this okay?” He muttered gently as he stroked your hair.
“Okay, I need you to push! SCOTT, GET IN HERE!” Liam’s dad yelled with urgency.  
The pain was unreal, causing you to scream but Scott held in his scream of pain and chose to peck your temple. His hand running through your hair softly.
“Come on baby, you can do it.” He whispered, his breathing as heavy as yours.  
“You know you can cut off the pain channelling. You don’t need to feel this too…” You whispered as you got a second to breathe.  
“We’re in this together baby if you have to suffer to birth our baby girl, then so will I.” Scott stated with a dopey lopsided grin.  
“I love you.” You stated before Liam’s dad told you to push again. Suddenly everything else disappeared as you heard a scream. You look up to see the Doctor holding your baby with a smile.  
“Congratulations it’s a baby girl.” He stated before he turned to Melissa and asked her to cut the cord. Everyone crowded around the room and the bed, sniffling and cheering as they all welcomed the newest pack member.  
At that moment you knew there was nothing you’d change your life for.
Part 7 <-
110 notes · View notes
snwusberry · 1 year
cry for love
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pairing: yeonjun x reader x wooyoung
genre: angst, fluff (if you squint real hard)
warning(s): language, food/eating, alcohol consumption, intoxication, a lot of crying, toxicity (yeonjun is a lil toxic ngl), trust issues, cheating mentioned but no one actually did, a lot of tears. love square my dudes. pov changes (sorry). there are many errors. i will try and fix them as soon as possible.
wc: 7k
notes: this is by far my longest fanfic (i had to bust out my laptop for this one) and i'm not gonna lie, for someone with a short attention span, this was quite difficult to write but i wanted to step out of my comfort zone so here it is. i hope you all enjoy this one
cry for love - baekhyun
movies - conan gray
the cut that always bleeds - conan gray
like i need you - keshi
i don't - sabrina claudio
bleeding love - leona lewis
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reader pov
"this is the third time in a row now yeonjun. how many times is she gonna rock up at your apartment drunk?" i ask him, looking at the sleeping girl on the sofa. she’s a little too at peace for someone whos ruining my night right now.
"she comes here because she's most familiar with me. who else is supposed to help her?" yeonjun defends and i roll my eyes, not having any of it. this not the first time this is happening.
"her other friends. it's funny how she's got other friends, isn't it?" i sarcastically remark but he just returns a stern look.
"quiet down, you're gonna wake her up." i raise my eyebrows at the sheer audacity.
"have her sleep somewhere else then. i don’t know, call someone to pick her up and look after her. you're not doing none of that tonight." i tell him.
it's tiring how much this happens. she always does this. she comes up with something whenever she knows yeonjun and i will be together that day, like right now. she appeared drunk on yeonjun's doorstep on the day we decided to spend time together.
"please be serious right now."
"i am being serious. she's not spending the night here." i fight back, trying to stand my ground but i'm afraid i'm fighting a losing battle.
"this is my apartment y/n, not yours. i think that i should be the one to make that decision, no? stop bitching about it." he responds coldly with an unreadable expression on his face. there's a look in his eyes i've never seen before.
"okay then i'll leave."
his eyes soften upon hearing my tone of voice indicating that i am, in fact, upset.
"i didn't mean that." he tries to hold my hand to stop me from leaving but i pull away, getting my things to leave.
"then what the fuck did you mean?" i ask him turning to face him but he just stares, not saying anything. “you said what you said. call me when you drop this act of yours."
once the cool air outside the giant apartment building hits me, i let out a sigh, frustrated by all this. he really said that to me with a straight face and thinks he can just take it back all willy nilly? unbelievable.
i send a text to the person who's been helping me through this somewhat confusing moment in my relationship.
are you busy?
i get a text back fairly quickly, i don't even need to read it to know he's not busy and judging by his patterns, he wouldn't have responded so quickly had he been occupied.
i make my way down the familiar road to one of my best friends' apartments. i've been here many times before but now i feel bad for even thinking about going there because i feel like as of late, i've just been there to complain.
"oh y/n. come in." he ushers me inside his warm apartment.
i make my way in and he walks me to the kitchen where i sit by the small island.
"let me guess, the name starts with m?" he asks, preparing some tea for both of us. i nod but the tears start to fall. i fucking hate when my anger turns to tears because it makes me feel weak. "that's not all, is it?" i shake my head and he walks around the island to pull me into a hug.
i sit on the sofa with a cup of tea in my hands. wooyoung sits next to me listening to everything i'm saying while i rant about what happened with yeonjun.
"that's messed up like how many times is she gonna show up drunk at his door?" wooyoung asks, outraged at the audacity of this girl.
"that's literally what i said to him. i told him she couldn't have gone to anyone else and you know what he said? he said 'she's most familiar with me. who else with her?' can you believe this guy?" i rhetorically ask, taking a sip from the cup. "and then i said to him that she's not spending the night and i kid you not, something in him just switched. he was like 'that's not your decision to make' but like, the way he said it... it was so unlike him. it's like i was talking to a whole different man."
"if this continues its gonna be a problem." wooyoung warns me cautiously.
"i know. i don't like where this is going."
i wake up, sitting up to look around, realizing i crashed at wooyoung's place. everything from last night coming back to me. i remember how yeonjun acted, that i cried and now i'm here.
"ahhh." i groan throwing myself back on the bed. how long is this going to go on for?
"rise and shine." wooyoung calls out a little too chipper. he enters the room and i glare at him. "what's with that face? come on i made you breakfast."
"you didn't have to."
"you say that all the time and yet here we are. come on grumpy." he says, pulling me out of bed.
"i'm not grumpy." i mumble with a pout.
"say again."
"thought so."
he makes me sit down at the kitchen table where the table is set with my favourite breakfast. i thank him, sitting down.
"don't be shy."
i smile at him, immediately digging in.
"slow down. the food isn’t running away." he warns and i apologize briefly.
my phone starts ringing and i check to see who it is but my smile falters and wooyoung looks at me worried.
"who is it?"
his face falls at my answer, as if a happy moment was ruined.
i nod, answering his call but i take a moment before saying anything.
"baby, please come over, or rather, i'm coming over-" his voice sounds hasty, his breathing choppy, as if he ran a marathon.
i look at wooyoung for a second with hesitance and he's just minding his own business but the look on his face shows he's upset.
"don't bother." i tell him bluntly. i'm still not over last night so let me be petty today.
"why? is everything alright?"
"i'm not home." wooyoung looks up and shakes his head making me sigh. "look, i'll be right there. just make sure your friend is not there once i arrive."
"come on y/n not this again."
"i'm serious yeonjun." i hang up before throwing my phone on the table. letting out a sigh in frustration because i don't want to go to him right now. he could at least let me enjoy my morning.
"go on." is all wooyoung says before standing up and clearing up the dishes to wash them. his mood has clearly drastically different now.
"go talk to him. you can't leave these things unresolved like this. go talk to him and sort this mess out."
"but wooyoung."
"no, not another word. besides you can always come back once you're done." he suggests so i just agree.
i walk out, calling an uber to yeonjun's apartment building, deciding not to walk there.
i make my way to the elevator where i see mara walking out. i try to avoid her, not wanting to even talk to her because it will just ruin my mood completely.
"oh? look who it is."
i put on my fakest smile, turning to face her. "hi mara."
"going to yeonjun's?" she asks and i fight the urge to roll my eyes.
"no i'm here to see soobin. haven't seen him in a while." i respond sarcastically.
"soobin is in the states."
wow i had no idea.
"great then who else could i possibly be here for?" i ask her in the most real yet fake questioning tone.
"why don't you just give up already? no matter how hard you try, yeonjun will always pick me over you anyway." she smugly remarks and i roll my eyes.
"is that why you he asked you to leave for me to come see him at my request, might i add. i wouldn’t be proud to be a choice sweetie." the elevator door opens once again and i get in, waving at her as the doors close.
something inside me is restless though because deep down i have a feeling that she might be right. he's chosen her over me multiple times so i'm afraid she's right.
once i reach his floor, i walk to his door and knock, hearing shuffling before the door opens.
"you didn't have to knock you know. i'd know it's you." he says blankly and i roll my eyes.
"yeah well then i guess we both acting different."
"babe- wait, those are last nights clothes." he looks at me suspiciously and i raise my eyebrows.
"i'm aware."
"then where were you so early in the morning? you said you didn't go home last night?" he questions.
"why do you care?"
"because you're my girlfriend, of course i care, y/n be serious please." i scoff at his words. at this point, i feel like he thinks i’m a joke because he always says that to me.
"i am being serious. you haven't been treating me like i'm your girlfriend so i don't see what's wrong with my question."
"what are you even saying? and where did you go last night then?"
"oh now you're questioning me? you called me over to talk so tell me what you needed to so i can go."
his eyebrows furrow as he looks at me confused.
"i wanted to spend time with you since our date last night was ruined." he says softly.
"and who ruined it?"
"don't start. just please tell me where you wer-"
"wooyoung's place."
his face drops to an expressionless one and he just looks at me.
"why the long face now all of a sudden? what's wrong?"
"you get mad at me for having mara over but it’s okay for you to spend the night at wooyoung's place? how is that fair? besides, i only went there because of you."
"because of me?" he questions and i nod. "why? tell me."
"because he's the one who was able to give me comfort after the way you spoke to me. you chose to let mara crash our date for the nth time." he remains silent. "what now? much like you were there for mara, wooyoung did the same for me."
"was it to spite me?” he asks me and i scoff.
“not everything is about you jun.”
“i don't want you going near him anymore. if you have a problem you come to me." i scoff, rolling my eyes at what he just said what does he think this is?
he has to be joking. he is joking right?
"and if you are the problem?"
he looks at me confused with his head tilted trying to figure out what i meant.
"what do you even mean?"
"i mean that you, choi yeonjun, are the problem in this scenario." i tell him and try to walk out but he grabs my wrist.
"let go."
"not until we resolve this."
i sigh to myself knowing he's right. we need to actually talk about this or it will just get out of control.
"come sit down." he gently speaks walking with me to the living room.
"y/n please tell me what's wrong." he asks once we've sat down. we're facing each other while he holds both of my hands in his, rubbing the back of them with his thumbs.
"mara and how you are around her."
he let's one of my hands go to run his hand through his hair, an irritated expression making its way on his face.
"you always act different when she's around."
"why are you always bringing her into this?"
"she's getting in the middle of us." i tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"baby she's my best friend, that's all."
"and she likes you."
"don't talk shit."
he thinks i'm talking nonsense? it's clear as day that she has feelings for him and it frustrating that he can't see it but him talking to me like this? absolutely not.
"i'm telling the truth. tell me, how come she always has an emergency whenever we're together?"
"i don't know. look it's not right to blame someone else for this. do you not trust me?"
"of course i do! if i didn't trust you, i wouldn't have left the two of you alone together and i would’ve questioned you the way you just did when i walked in. i just want you to see what's really going on here."
"y/n." he reaches for my hand again to hold it. "whether she likes me or not, that shouldn't matter anyway. i love you and only you and that won't change."
"then why do you always choose to be with her instead?" i ask him and he tenses.
"you always choose her. whenever it comes down to it, it's always gonna be her. she even said it herself in the lobby and i told her off but i knew deep down that she’s actually telling the truth."
"like last night, for example. she showed up and you stopped our plans to go help her even though there are many other people she could've ran to, then when i walked out, you did nothing."
"this is ridiculous."
"you are being ridiculous, yeonjun. you don't wanna see what's right in front of you."
"are you jealous of her or something? babe i tell you time and time again that she's just a friend!" he raised his voice at me and i pull my hands away from him.
"oh i'm jealous... that's what it is, right? i'm jealous because my boyfriend is making time for someone else. i’m jealous because my boyfriend let's me leave to spend the night with another girl. is that what you're saying?" i question, standing up, ready to leave.
"stop talking, you're making it seem like something it's not. besides you have no right getting upset since you spend all your time with wooyoung anyway."
"BECAUSE HE AT LEAST HAS TIME FOR ME! it's selfish, yes but he has time for me when you are too busy giving all of yours to someone else!"
"are you that hungry for attention that you're too busy looking for it elsewhere?"
"fuck you yeonjun." with that i walk out and go straight back to wooyoung's apartment.
there is a movie playing but it's just background noise at this point because my thoughts are running wild.
i found myself staying at wooyoung's apartment for the past 3 days since my argument with yeonjun.
he let me stay here and he's been nothing but accommodating and i feel like i'm taking advantage of his kindness which is the last thing i want to do.
"thank you." is all i say and he sits up from his seat.
"for what?" he asks, not knowing where all of this is coming from.
"thank you." i repeat, feeling a burning sensation in my eyes.
"y/n." i look down and he moves to the loveseat i'm sitting on. he sees the tears forming on my eyes and immediately hugs me. "what did he say to you?"
i can't answer, the words are stuck in my throat and i couldn't answer him.
"it's okay. it'll be okay."
"i don't think it will." he stops patting my back for a second before continuing.
"don't be like this y/n. he’ll open his eyes eventually."
"i'm afraid it will be too late by then." i say sadly, more to myself than anything but i said it too loud because wooyoung heard.
he pulls away to take a brief look at me.
"what do you mean by that?"
"i'm reaching my limit here."
"don't make any hasty decisions."
"i'm not wooyoung. i love him, i really do, but if loving him is only going to get me feeling like this then it's really not worth it."
"it's tiring." i tell him letting more tears fall at the thought of possibly ending my relationship with yeonjun.
"whatever you choose to do, i'll be right by your side." he softly tells me with eyes filled with sorrow as he watches me cry. "and if he doesn't appreciate you someone else definitely will. you're a sweet girl who deserves only the best and it kills me to see that that's not what you're getting."
he makes me look in his eyes and mouths something that i couldn't quite catch what he said. he wipes away my tears with this tumbs, all while keeping eye contact with me.
"someone will treat you better y/n." he whispers, letting out a sigh before looking away. "come on, let's do something that'll get your mind off him." he suggests. i don't know what he means by that.
"alright, follow me." he takes my hand and takes me to his room, further confusing me.
"shhh." he rummages through his closet and get a long sleeve shirt, handing it to me. "wear this."
"what's this for?" i ask, looking at him.
"just wear it. there's a method behind my madness."
i just shrug and put it on over my tank top and we walk out.
"a rage room?"
"why not?" he asks, shrugging his shoulders before we both walk in and book a session.
the lady explains the rules to us and before i know it, i'm breaking everything around me with out a care in the world. i'm imagining mara’s face before hitting something which really helps get the aggression out.
"FUCK! YOU! CHOI! YEONJUN!" i scream while breaking the things around me. "AND FUCK THAT MARA BITCH TOO!"
wooyoung just looks at me with a wide smile which is still visible through the protective gear.
once our session is over he takes us both to go eat some street food and i feel calm after all that.
"you know, i needed that." i breath out in content.
"yeah. is it concerning to feel better after imagining someone's face over an object before hitting it to oblivion?" he laughs making me smile a bit, not thinking what i said was gonna be funny but go figure.
"it's not hard to imagine someone's face over something you're gonna throw at a wall."
"who's face were you imagining?" i ask him, turning to face him on the bench.
"the one who made you cry." i stop eating briefly at what he said.
"not too much bow, he's still your best friend."
"that doesn't excuse his shitty behavior." he sing-songs before taking a bite from his food.
"still." i try to grap a fry from his box while he’s not looking but he staws my hand away before i can even get far.
"you have your own."
"had my own." i frown showing him the empty box.
"ask next time. here." he says giving me some and i smile, thanking him.
"the weather is so nice today."
"not with that fucking vanilla talk."
"last time i try to create conversation." we laugh together, looking at the sun setting.
i feel a lot better now after going to the rage room and taking out all of my frustration.
"ready to go home?" he asks once we're done.
"can we go to your place?"
"and what will your boyfriend think of that?" he asks teasingly.
"he won't like it but i spent the last two nights at yours so what's another night?"
"i don't want him to freak out on us for that. come i'll take you home."
"please wooyoung. i don't wanna be alone tonight."
"then call yeonjun. i think you both need to sit and talk with a clear mind.”
"we tried that already, remember?"
"try again." he urges and i sigh, taking my phone and dialing his number. it rings but he doesn't pick up.
"voicemail, see he’s still mad. let's go."
“y/n” he warns and i sigh, giving in, deciding not to make this an even bigger deal.
once i get home and wooyoung has left i lay in bed, listening to the music playing on the speaker.
yeonjun and i have been together for 3 years now and we've never gone through something like this nor have i ever considered the possibility of breaking up with him so how did we get this far?
i pick up my phone to text him. i just wanna see something.
yeonjun please come over quick!!
something happened!!
i put my phone down to see if he will even respond.
"in my head we never grow apart. in my head you never break my heart. but we know that's not what we're doing. 'cause baby this not like the movies." i sing along softly letting a tear fall hearing no notification go off on my phone. this is exactly why i didn't wanna be alone tonight.
wooyoung's pov
i sit with san in his apartment just relaxing, catching up, all that fun stuff. it's been quite a while since we actually got to just hang out and talk but right now i just wish more than anything that he'd shut up or change the topic because he is driving me insane.
"i say be selfish." he finally says with a shrug to finish off his little rant.
"what do you mean by that?" i ask him, narrowing my eyes at his final statement.
"look, yeonjun is being a complete dick right now and who does she run to afterwards?"
"bingo." he smiles, taking a sip from his can of beer.
"i'm not picking up what you're putting down."
"she goes to you for comfort and you treat her the way her boyfriend is supposed to. be selfish and let them break up. i mean, why are you even trying to help save a dying relationship?"
"because i respect both of them and their relationship. besides, that's just taking advantage of her vulnerability you ass."
sometimes he doesn't think past the present.
"and its not like she'd ever look at me that way. no matter what the state of her relationship with yeonjun is, she will still love him regardless." i tell him sadly. she's deeply in love with him and it hurts me so much because it's not certain if he shares the same sentiment anymore and i'm just here waiting to give her the love she deserves.
my phone rings and i pick up without checking who's calling.
"jung wooyoung."
speak of the devil.
"wooyoung are you home?"
her words are slurred and my worry spikes. she's drunk in broad daylight. it's never a good sign.
i hear her starting to cry judging by the feint sniffing on the ither side.
"are you also tired of me now too?"
"where are you?"
"don't worry if you're busy right now. i don't wanna bother you." she hiccups, before yawning loudly.
"you're not. please tell me where you are."
"the streets." she laughs hysterically before catching her breath. "i'm outside yeonjun's apartment building."
her voice wavers when she says that and my heart sinks. what did that asshole do to her this time?
"i'm coming there okay. don't go anywhere."
i hang up, ready to get my keys.
"where are you running off to?" san questions with a raised eyebrow.
"to pick y/n up. she's not doing too good."
"let me come with."
"okay let's go."
once we get to the complex i see y/n sitting on the ground looking out of it.
"holy shit." i hear san whisper as we run to her and get her off the floor.
"wooyoung?" she smiles widely it doesn’t reach her eyes. she looks a mess with swollen eyes and tears still running down her cheeks. i feel terrible.
"if she can show up drunk at his door then why can't i? why am i not allowed to go to him all vulnerable like she does? i'm his girlfriend, not her!" she starts shouting out of nowhere which draws attention from a couple of people around us.
this isn't fair anymore. if he's gonna keep pushing her around like this he might as well just end this relationship instead of continuously making her feel like absolute shit.
"why doesn't he love me anymore wooyoung? why? why don't you love me anymore yeonjun?! what did i do?" she starts yelling, properly sobbing now, hitting my chest while she speaks.
"get lost." san says, probably talking to someone who is probably staring. i need to get her away from these people looking at her weirdly.
i take her to the car, getting in the back with her so she can sit comfortably.
"what did he do?" i ask her once she’s seated comfortably.
"he kicked me out because that bitch was there. she probably called him crying or some shit but i'm crying too." she points to herself, choking on her tears. "YEONJUN SEE I'M CRYING TOO!" she shouts to no one. i close my eyes, letting tears of my own fall. i haven’t seen her like this before. 'aww, look, you woke up poor mara who’s sad and going through things, and she’s sad and not doing too well.' it's always about poor sad mara! you know, he called me an attention seeker the other day? an attention seeker for wanting the bare minimum from my boyfriend. he's with that girl so much, he might as well be her boyfriend and not mine right?" she humorlessly laughs. "and then he had the audacity to tell me i can't be around you anymore. who does he think he is?”
did he seriously tell her she can’t be around me anymore? but then he continues to act the way he does. if y/n can't confide in me or him then who else is she supposed to run to?
“he's not mine anymore wooyoung. i think i've lost him."
i shake my head as she cries in my shoulder.
where did it all go wrong? i mean, he's never been like this before so what now? why is he acting differently now?
"enough is enough. san, please take her home and take care of her. make sure she drinks water and sobers up. i'll be there soon." i tell san who's in the passenger seat and he nods.
"san is here? hi san." she smiles widely, waving in no particular direction.
i give him the keys and wait for him to drive off before heading to yeonjun's apartment, knocking on the door and i wait for him to open. he's got a look of surprise written in his face.
"wooyoung? what are you doing here?" he asks and i shrug. "come in."
i walk in seeing another pair of shoes already there. he offers me a drink which i decline.
"is mara here?" i ask and he nods. "yeah, she's asleep in the room."
"i see."
what's gotten into him? he used to be the most attentive person when it came to y/n so what changed?
"what on earth do you think you're doing?" i ask him.
"sorry?" he asks me, completely dumbfounded by my sudden question.
"do you think what you're doing is right?"
"what's this all about?" he questions, clearly not expecting me to start asking him questions.
"mara is here sleeping am i right?" he nods. "and where is y/n, if you don't mind me asking."
"i sent her home. she came here, caused a scene and started drunkenly shouting so i sent her home because she could've woke mara up." i wanna strangle him so bad right now but i just scoff, deciding to choose peace.
"doesn't it concern you that she's coming to you drunk at 3 in the afternoon?" i ask him but it seems like i'm talking to a brick wall.
"you're so dense."
"look, if you came here to do the same then you can go see yourself out."
"do you understand the shit you're putting y/n through?"
"don't involve yourself, this is between y/n and i." he warns but i'm not backing down. he either does something to fix this or he breaks up with her and he's deciding that today. i don't care anymore.
"no, its between you, y/n and mara so i will involve myself too. y/n has been crying non stop for days now because of you and your inability to see what mara is actually doing here."
"she didn't do anything. y/n clearly doesn't trust me to be around her so she's obviously gonna wanna cause a scene."
i raise my eyebrows at his bold choice of words. so he defends her by belittling his own girlfriend... it's bewildering to me.
"you're unbelievable. through all of this, when has she ever accused you of cheating with mara?" he remains silent. what else can he say? there's no way to defend the way he's acting right now and i will call him out for it. "she does trust you asshole, all she wants from you is for you to not blow her off because mara needs you. she needs you too yeonjun."
i'm saying all of this but a small part of me hopes he stays stubborn like this and they break up. san is right, it is selfish but i wanna be there for y/n the way yeonjun is failing to. she deserves so much more than this and that's what i wanna give her but then again.
but there's a small part of me that know i still don't have a chance anyway. she doesn't see me that way and that's the only reason i'm here trying to help save tis relationship. even if it hurts me in the end.
"i'm with her all the time." he defends and i scoff. there's no way he's actually being serious right now.
"that's bullshit and we both know it. when was the last time you two actually spent quality time together?"
"two weeks ago and then she walked out."
"without interruptions." i clarify and yeonjun's face drops. i don't know what he's thinking right now but he better be realizing his mistakes.
"you called her an attention seeker for wanting to be with her boyfriend who's too busy with another girl."
"you're making it sound like something it isn't."
"well how am i supposed to know what actually goes down when the two of you are alone together."
that hits a nerve because he yells for me to shut up and i just smile at his reaction.
"don't you ever accuse me of such things EVER. i love y/n way too much to even think about doing that to her so who are you to even question me on that? besides, you're the last one to talk."
"excuse me?"
don't act like you're not always with her. who knows what you two are doing behind my back?" he asks and i raise my eyebrows. someone needs to be here to slap some sense into him because he's genuinely lost it. if he loves her so much then why is he acting like this.
"that's how much you trust her and i? you know, she's never questioned you about mara. you say love her but you don't trust her? is that it yeonjun? and you have the audacity to say you love her then why don't you fucking show it? she sat outside this very building for who knows how long crying her eyes out asking why you don't love her anymore. she asked why mara can come to you in that very state but she can't and she's your girlfriend, no less. you know what else she said? she said she thinks  she's lost you. she said you're not hers anymore. are you hearing me? she's giving up on you and she’s giving up on trying to singlehandedly save your relationship." i tell him while he looks at me with tears forming in his eyes.
oh now he's listening...
"you know, she's told me before that she's thinking of breaking up with you because loving you is hard and she doesn't think it's worth all this pain it’s giving her."
"she said that?" he asks and i nod.
"i'm gonna give you an ultimatum. it's y/n or mara."
"quit playing wooyoung."
"i'm not. either choose mara and end it with y/n and i will personally make sure it ends or choose y/n and stop being friends with mara."
"why? you hoping i choose mara so that she can run into your arms?" he asks rhetorically but that question has an answer already.
"yes i am, actually. she's already doing that, isn't she?"
"you son of a bitch. i always knew you had feelings for her. if you ever say shit like that to me it won't end well."
"look, i was never even trying to hide it. she only runs to me after you treat her like trash. she doesn't see me like that and you know that. that's why i'm here right now. because no matter what my feelings for her are, you’re the  one she thinks about. you're all she talks about. i know i don't have a chance otherwise you two would've broken up the moment she came to me the first time crying because of you. make a choice yeonjun." i say before walking away.
reader's pov
headache. a fucking headache is the last thing i need right now.
"how are you feeling?"
i open my eyes to see san standing by the door with a mug in hand.
"horrible. why did i do all that?"
"i made some tea for you." he hands me the cup and i thank him, taking a sip a little too quickly because i burnt my tongue. "easy now."
"what happened yesterday?" he asks sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me.
"where do i even start?"
"ladies and gentlemen. sorry i have a little announcement. attention everyone." i slur out to everyone who's around me in the bar. it's more on the secluded part of the club so i can get away with making a little announcement. i just need these people to listen.
"ma'am, get down from there." a man who's sitting at the bar tries to help me down but i haven't said what i needed to yet.
"hold on i need to tell everyone this. HELLO!! yes."
"ma'am get down or i'm afraid we'll have to throw you out."
"my boyfriend is an asshole." i laugh hysterically, clapping and everything. "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE YEONJUN!!"
"get down!"
"okay okay i am. relax." the people around me helped me down but i was escorted out because these people are boring and don't know how to loosen up.
i could go to yeonjun. i hope he's not busy with mara right now. i miss him and we haven't spoken in a good minute.
i decide to walk, not really feeling like sitting in a stuffy car.
once i get there, i take a breath before knocking on the door and wait for him to open but nothing so i just enter.
"CHOI YEONJUN!" where is he? "babe i miss you where are you?"
"y/n?" he appears from his room and i immediately run to him for a hug.
"were you drinking?" he asks annoyed. what's his problem?
"just a little. i had like 5..."
"bottles." i burst out laughing but he doesn't seem to find it funny. so uptight.
"y/n you're drunk."
"am not." i pout and he rolls his eyes.
"why are you drinking at this time of the day?"
"because of you. you made me feel like shit when you didn't respond my message yesterday. o drank because you don't care about me yeonjun. you didn't even call to check. WHY DIDN'T YOU AT LEAST CALL ME? TELL ME!"
"yeonjun?" i look at the person calling his name and there stands mara in the doorway to his room.
"babe is she wearing my clothes?" i ask him after eyeing her up and down.
"she's just borrowing them."
"no you are incorrect. YOU yeonjun, took it upon yourself to give her my clothes. borrowing would imply that she asked me to wear my clothes and me allowing her to but it's nothing of the sort. see how it works? come on, go change." i tell her walking towards her but yeonjun holds me back from walking forward.
"what am i going to wear then? jun please speak to her." she is such a bit-
"give her yours then. there problem solved, now everyone can have their tea. i'm so smart." i pat myself on the back beaming at my bright idea.
"y/n you're embarrassing yourself."
"in front of who?" i start looking around to see if there's anyone else here but it's just the three of us. "i don't see anyone."
"me. you're embarrassing me."
"okay but in front of who though?"
"y/n go home, alright, you're drunk and you woke mara up."
"oh sorry mara. i didn't mean to barge into your home and wake you up. and don't even worry about my clothes you can have them. you've already taken something else from me, getting upset over clothes would just be trivial."
"Y/N!" i immediately stop talking, flinching from him shouting my name suddenly. my heart starts rapidly beating and my breaking picks up pace. "please just go home. now."
i nod, trying to hold back my tears as i walk out the door.
"im so sorry y/n." san said, taking my hand in his to try to comfort me. i keep my head ducked.
the door opens and wooyoung walks in.
"san what did you do to her?" he jokes making me laugh a little bit.
"nothing. shut up."
"y/n, can i talk to you?"
"sure." he walks in, sitting down next to san.
"i spoke to yeonjun." he starts off but i don't wanna hear it. anything with regards to him, i don't wanna hear it. his name alone just upsets me.
"let's not mention his name right now."
"i gave him an ultimatum." he blankly says and i look at him.
"what's the point? he's chosen her time and time again, what's the point? and talking about him will just piss me off." i dismiss the idea, not wanting to talk about it further. "let's talk about something else." i suggest.
"you really not gonna talk to him?" san asks and i shake my head.
"i don't want to. you know, something in me keeps telling me to just meet up with him so i can end it, but i'm weak. i'm too weak to do something like that."
"you can't avoid him either though." wooyoung injects but i shake my head.
"then give me time to think things over."
"i'll respect whatever decision you make." he says.
"thank you woo. but please don't let me cause a dent in your friendship. the last thing i want is for you two to stop talking on my expense."
"i'm just gonna say it. y/n, you're too good for him." san says making me smile.
"thank you." i finish my tea and take a shower before heading back to my place.
i look through the racks of the detergent aisle. i've been needing to buy groceries for a while.
the past week after the whole incident at yeonjun's apartment have been complete hell. a whole back and forth of emotions and its honestly too much for me but i need some air and run errands and basically get my shit together because i can't let a man put my whole life on pause like this.
my phone beeps and i check, smiling while reading wooyoung's message. him and san have been checking up on me every 3 hours, driving me up the wall here and there but i appreciate it nonetheless.
once i get home, carrying my groceries, genuinely in a good mood after actually taking a walk but ummm.
"what are you doing here?" i ask the girl.
"just visiting a mutual friend." she slyly responds making me roll my eyes.
"get lost."
"suit yourself."
i unlock the door, going in, shutting it in her face, waving before locking the door.
because i thought a bitch said something. i do not have time today.
i put on my music, deciding to clean up and pack my stuff like the mature adult i am.
while i'm going through my bills, i hear rattling at the door.
now who's trying to break in?
i stand up to go check, deciding to bang on the door to stop this person but then they start again.
"see what i’m not gonna do is deal with this rattling noise going through these thin ass walls, if you wanna get in just knock like a normal person dammit!"
the person knocks and i open the door. why? i don't know, i could literally be in danger.
"what the hell do you want?" i look at the tall man in front of me, not really expecting him to be standing there.
"oh it’s you." i try to close the door but he pushes it and keeps it open. "are you here to shout at me for closing the door in your precious mara's face?" i ask looking at the girl standing behind him.
"i'm here to talk to you."
"i don't wanna talk to you. look i've been having a good day today so please take your little hip attachment and leave."
she looks at me smugly and i decided to just turn a blind eye because she's pissing me off.
"mara please leave." he tells her not even looking at her. her face drops and i look at yeonjun, confused.
"do you want me to wait for you outside?" she asks him, voice getting high pitched as if she wasn't sounding like someone's father while speaking to me earlier.
"go home mara." he sternly tells her.
"leave." he urges making her open and close her mouth like a fish. deserved bitch.
"yeonjun why are you here?" i ask in a defeated tone not really in the mood to talk to him right now.
"i wanted to talk to you. can we please talk?"
"no." i try closing the door again and he stops my from doing so again.
"please y/n."
"i don't want to talk to you right now. please just leave me alone and don't be so rude to mara. go with her and leave me alone please."
"i'm not ready to give up on us y/n."
"I TRIED WITH YOU YEONJUN! i've been trying with you. it’s only when i've reached my limit when you come to me with that? it took someone to force you to make a choice for you to realize the shit you’ve done but all those times i've pleaded with you flew over your head. i stood in your apartment drunk as a cry for help and you threw me out because i woke your dearest friend up! i took everything and accepted it quietly. you called me names and i accepted it, you spoke to me however you wanted to and i accepted it. you had that girl in MY CLOTHES, USING MY SHIT SLEEPING IN YOUR BED AND I FUCKING KEPT QUIET. i never once doubted you or your relationship with mara, only to have wooyoung tell me that you had the fucking audacity to question my loyalty to you when i've never given you a reason to. it's not fair so for you to come here, sending mara away in front of me as if to prove a point and demand that i talk to you. it's just pathetic." i yell out to him, finally getting it off my chest.
it felt good to actually say it and dare i say, to shout at him the way i did.
"you're only here because wooyoung gave you an ultimatum and that's what fucking opened your eyes? i'm your girlfriend yeonjun, not a choice and if it's gotten to a point where you havr to you're have to choose me or someone else then please just don't bother choosing me, it's insulting. now please give me some time and leave from here."
he nods his head and i can see the prominent pain in his eyes but i need to stand my ground.
he finally leaves and i shut the door. i truly can't believe this guy.
the last couple of weeks have been hell and here he comes all willy-nilly talking about some, 'i'm not giving up on us' well it sure as hell felt like it. after pushing me away for so long he only comes to me now after i've given up? i've told him how i felt but he only listened after someone else told him.
"fuck you yeonjun!" i sob out quietly. i've found myself saying that a lot lately because who does he actually think he is?
still, after all the heartache, my heart is still too weak to leave him.
he's just a caring person though. that's how he is but if he's caring, then we wouldn't be like this now.
i know that mara is the main reason all of this is happening, he's never acted this way until she developed feelings for him and decided to try to separate us, but he still made his own decisions regardless of that. he let her get between us and he chose to treat me the way he did.
i wanna get back to how we once were but there's this lingering question of 'what if this all happens again?'. i mean, he didn't hesitate to forget me once so what's stopping him from doing it again?
my phone rings and i walk to go pick it up, seeing it's wooyoung calling.
"are you dumb?" he asks me and i furrow my eyebrows.
"okay ouch, first of all, and second, where is this coming from?" i ask him.
"why did you shut yeonjun down when he wanted to talk things out?"
"because i'm tired woo. he's been putting me on the back burner for another girl for weeks before i said anything and when i did, it all just spiraled after that. he spoke to me any which way and i took it but it became too much. i'm tired from all the chasing." i rant out to him, feeling tears forming.
"so what does this mean for the two of you?" he asks.
that's a good question...
the next week has just been me thinking everything through. 3 years together is a long time to consider.
i call yeonjun telling him i’m outside before entering the building. i walk to his door thinking over, knocking on it before he opens it.
"y/n. uh come in." he steps aside, allowing me in. being in here fills my head with nothing but memories of the recent events. that's not a good sign.
"do you want anything?" he asks but i decline.
sitting at the kitchen table in awkward silence, my leg bouncing up and down from the nerves that have taken over.
"i'm sorry for lashing out on you last timea. i didn't let you explain your side of the story which was unfair on my part." i tell him, avoiding eye contact.
"how you reacted was valid. i haven't been the best boyfriend to you for a long time now and i wanna apologize for everything. for the way i spoke to you and treated you. it was completely unwarranted and unnecessary and i should have listened to you the first time, no actually, i shouldn't have given you a reason to feel that way in the first place."
i see tears forming in his eyes as he speaks and it takes a lot in me to not engulf him in a hug to comfort him. i can't do that right now, i need to be headstrong.
"it shouldn't have taken someone else to talk to me about this before realizing what i did to you and i should have managed my priorities better. you know, you're the most important person to me and i didn't show it and worst of all, i questioned your loyalty to me, not once but twice."
i never once did. not even when i saw mara walk out of his room because that's how much i trust him. you can't love without trust and he clearly couldn't seem to trust me and that's what stings the most.
that's what breaks my heart more than anything. i haven't given any reason to feel that way which is why i was shocked when he doubted got just me but wooyoung as well. everything between us has been nothing but platonic but clearly he didn't see it that way. a tear rolls down his cheek and i look away so that i don't see him crying, it's my biggest weakness.
"i should know better than anyone that you wouldn't even think of doing such a thing. look, i regret everything y/n. you shouldn't be apologizing for the way you reacted yesterday, i was wrong, i let someone get between us and i hurt you. that's my biggest regret." he says.
we both have tears running down our eyes but i still refuse to look in his eyes. he takes hold of my hand before continuing to talk.
"i'm not asking for you to forgive me right away because i know that's a big ask but let me earn it please."
"okay. you can earn my forgiveness." i smile weakly at him before quickly looking away. "by letting me go." i finish and i feel his grip on my hand loosen a bit.
and that is why i didn't want to look in his eyes. because i know i wouldn't be able to tell him that had i looked in his eyes.
it hurts to do but i know it's the best decision for me right now.
" y/n, what- what are you saying?" he asks, stumbling over his words.
"i thought about this yeonjun. the things you've said to me, the things you've done. it was so easy for you to forget how to act, who's to say it won't happen again?"
"i cut ties with mara."
"it shouldn't have to get to that point. that means that you'd let this keep happening otherwise. it shouldn't get to the point of you having to choose."
"i don't wanna lose you." he weakly tells me but i shake my head.
"actions have consequences. please let me go. let's end this here." i feel the lump in my throat forming and that's the last thing i need. i can't let myself change my mind now. i've had to think about this far too long to let myself fall back in his arms. it's for the best.
"is that really what you want?" he asks and i nod, not trusting myself to talk. "then that's it."
i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.
"i love you yeonjun."
"i love you too." he says before letting go of my hand.
i walk out without looking back, because if i do, i'll just run back to him.
‘sorry heart, i guess we’ll just have to start again.’
i let more tears fall as i walk into wooyoung's car.
"ready to go?" he asks and i nod and with that he drives off.
"you missed the exit." i told him and he just smiles.
"i know."
"where are we going?"
"who knows?"
"you need to see some scenery, get some air, and let your mind relax so that's why. remember, there's a method behind my madness. there always is." he saus smiling.
"thank you woo."
"don't. you deserve the best and i'll always be there to give you just that." he says to me making me smile.
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x Plus size reader
A/N: Hey all. So I have this idea of writing a fanfic with a couple of characters in season 4 of stranger things. However a good chunk of this will be for character development. This story will include my version of season 5. Also, this will be a series. Please enjoy.
Warnings: abuse, body insecurities, angst, sexual implications, and language, slow burn. Not proof read . Let me know it there are any I missed.
Summary: Our reader doesn't want to have feelings for Eddie. He's her best friend.
Part 1: Acceptance
You were sitting at the Hell Fire table picking at your beef stroganoff. "Ugh again!?" you said out loud.
"Yep" sighed the curly headed kid sitting next to you, picking up a spoon full and letting it fall back on the tray.
"Gross!" Mike spit out.
You look up at the boys and shook your head.
" Hey Dustin? Have you seen Munson?" You question the curly haired boy. Looking at the cafeteria door waiting for his arrival.
He's never late to lunch. You thought. It's his favorite period.
" Oh yeah. He said he had to make a call " Dustin said while taking a sip of chocolate milk.
You stared back down at your tray and decided to just eat your peas. No way we're you gonna eat stroganoff 3 days in a row.
Then you heard him. Theatrical as always. He spoke out, loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear. It, brought a smile to your face.
"THIS MEAL WILL BE THE DEATH OF US ALL. 3 DAYS IN A ROW?! NO THANK YOU!" Eddie exclaimed. Walking backwards and accidentally bumping into a couple of cheerleaders while speaking towards the lunch lady.
"My apologies." he said with his signature smirk across his face. He does a slight bow and moves his arms gesturing for them to pass. Not noticing the ugly looks he was getting from them and the majority of the other students.
You still could never understand why they dislike him so much. Why they call him a freak? He was anything but. He was amazing. Crazy charismatic, funny, and just a big old softy to those in need. Like yourself.
You moved to Hawkins with your dad a few years ago. Your mom had up a left you guys when you were 15. Your dad couldn't handle the divorce and picked up drinking. And you had felt abandoned, which caused a depression that lead you to eat.
You got bullied so bad at school for the extra pounds you put on that he moved you guys to Hawkins. But you knew that wasn't the only thing that made you guys leave. He couldn't handle living there anymore. Too many memories of mom.
Your first day in 10th grade had started off like shit. You didn't know where to sit at lunch. You looked around the cafeteria and found an empty spot at a table with a few kids you heard laughing. All wearing identical shirts. As you made your way to the spot you tripped face first to the ground. Your lunch squished under you.
You heard laughing. While you struggled to get up, you slipped on some mashed potatoes. Falling backwards on your bottom. Bouncing a little. Your face now flushed with embarrassment then tears started to form in your eyes. You tried to fight them back and told yourself.
'Don't cry, not here, not on your first day.'
"Hey you should really watch where you're going miss piggy. You scuffed my shoe!" This pretty brunette girl in a cheer outfit scoffed.
She was standing with a few others who were laughing and pointing at you.
You dropped your eyes to the ground trying to figure how to get up without falling again. Suddenly you felt a hand grab you under your arm to help you up.
"Hey you ok? He ask softly.
"Y-yeah." You whispered.
You looked at him. A thin tall boy with a buzz cut wearing a black and white baseball tee with a cool looking logo on it. With the words Hellfire club just above it.
Your face flushed and he could tell you were about to cry.
You then saw him giving the laughing kids this type of death stare. And the laughing c'est. You took a quick glance around the room and noticed a look of fright on your peers faces.
"Hey. come on." He said while leading you out of the cafeteria.
He walked with you to the ladies room to make sure you got there alright and so you could clean up.
You were quiet. The silence was so loud as you two walked down the hall. You wanted to introduce yourself but couldn't find the courage to do so.
" I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson." He spoke out akwardly.
You remained quiet and felt like an ass for it.
"You're really shy huh?" Eddie asked.
You bit your lower lip out of nervousness feeling his eyes on you. You lifted your hand and gestured 🤏.
He let out a playful laugh. Then silence again.
"I'm y/n l/n" you said softly. " Uh thanks for umm helping me."
He was shocked when you finally said something.
"Sure thing. Kids out here can be kinda vicious." A very apologetic Eddie continued. " Sorry Sara tripped you."
" It's not your fault." you said looking at the side of Eddie's face.
He's cute. You thought.
A few more moments of silence passed. He took a couple of quick steps ahead of you and turned around to be in front of you. Walking slowly backwards. You looked a little worried at him. Afraid he might trip and fall too.
"Still sorry though."
He smiled in a way that made the corners of your lips turn upwards. Forgetting your previous thoughts.
The two of you stopped at the ladies restroom door. And you thanked him.
He then reached for the handle and opened the door for you. Doing a slight bow. "M'lady"
You let out a giggle. "Good sir."
You stepped forward when he started talk again.
"A real chatty Cathy." You said to yourself.
He grinned. "Hey if you want to find me at lunch on Monday. I'll introduce you to the fellas. And if you're up to it maybe... I can teach you what our club is all about. We are kinda into D & D.'
"You play dungeons and dragons? " Your question surprised him.
"You know about D & D?"
Your smile got just a bit bigger. " Meera Lang level 3 human knight at your service." You gave a quick nod.
Eddie freaked out. A girl. A girl who played D & D.
"Yeah you're definitely joining hellfire." He said. Not knowing how much that would mean to you later on.
Eddie and the guys really got you out of your shell. But sometimes you would just stay quiet so you could enjoy the conversations they had. Everyone was so funny and different. Especially Eddie. He would go on tangents about government conspiracies and how no one knew what real music was. Honestly you could listen to him talk forever.
It was a few weeks after you made friends with all the Hellfire guys. Eddie had set a shirt in front of you when you sat in the chair on his right.
"Hear yee hear yee!" Eddie proclaimed. Getting everyone's attention at the table." I present to you heathens our newest member." He held out both of his arms like if he was showing off a prize.
You blushed at the attention. Eyes widen as you looked at your new Hellfire shirt. Noticing the slight difference from all the matching ones. The sleeves were a dark green. Your favorite color. Not black like the others. You didn't know how Eddie knew that but, you couldn't contain your smile.
You ran your eyes over everyone, seeing the looks of approval. And turn to Eddie. " Thanks Munson."
His big brown eyes creased from the smile plastered on his face. He nodded officially welcome you to the club.
While picking up the shirt you looked down at the size.
A large.
Seeing it made you sink down a little in your chair. Eddie noticed the smile had faded from your face. He sat down and moved his chair close to you.
Leaning in enough so that he was just inches away. " What's wrong y/n?"
You felt a wave of nervousness rush over you. And you bit your lip. It was just a second later you released it. " It's not gonna fit." You said so low making sure that only Eddie would hear you.
"Shit!" Eddie matching your tone. " Sorry I -I should have asked. What size should I get? I can remake it."
Embarrassment filled you. You felt your face turning red. You put your hands on your lap and looked down out them. Fidgeting with your fingers. Then you saw Eddie's hand on top of yours making a flutter in your tummy. You felt a slight calming sensation run through your body. The feeling gave you the courage to look up at him. He had sorrowful look across his face.
" 2x." You said, feeling the anxiousness coming back. But his smile keeping it at bay.
" I got you, I'm sorry y/n." He spoke softly. Giving your hand a gentle squeeze before grabbing the shirt and the rest of his belongings.
" Hey Ed's, where ya going? " Gareth asked.
You watched as Eddie ignored him and made his exit.
He found you after school at the bike rack unlocking your bike. He jogged up so that he could catch you before you left. He reached out to take off your headphones.
You jumped and was relieved that it was Eddie standing there instead of one of the popular kids getting ready to say something harsh.
You reached down to pause the music.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you."
" Hey." you uttered. " Where did you go earlier?"
His grin sent you into a frenzy. He pulled a new Hellfire shirt from where he was hiding it behind him. " This should fit."
You took it thankfully and smiled. " You remade it so fast." You said as you put down your kickstand to hold up your bike.
He lifted his arm to rub the back of his neck." Yeah. I'm sorry. I should have asked you what size you needed."
As soon as he finished, you step in is personal space and embrace him in a hug. The top of your head just under his chin.
Eddie was taking back for just a moment but he returned the hug. Both not caring if there were others around watching you two.
You hug for a few seconds before you realized your stomach was touching his. You start to pull away from the shame but you felt hin squeeze you a bit harder.
For some reasons you felt like he knew you need someone to accept you for all of you. Not to judge you for what's on the outside. And the few more seconds that he held on to you. You knew. He didn't care about your size. He was your friend. He accepted you.
And Eddie did. From that moment, he knew you needed a real friend. Someone who has your back and would be there whenever you needed it.
The rest was history.
The sound of laughter pulled you from your recollection.
Eddie strode up to the table where his little sheep were sitting. Shoulder length curls bouncing as he walked. All eyes on him in awww.
"You bring your own lunch Munson." You said not looking up from your tray.
He took his place at the head of the table turning his chair around so the back of it was to his front. He brought up his beat up metal lunch box and set it in front of him, opening the lid and pulling out a box of animal crackers.
"So? It's ridiculous. You shouldn't have to eat that garbage." Eddie declared, leaning towards you.
You look up and he's holding up the box of crackers to you offering some. Clearly he noticed that you only ate the peas. You looked at it for a moment trying to decide if you should.
"Please tell me you're not on that stupid diet still?" Eddie lowered his voice to make it so only you could hear. "You look great."
You glanced up to see a slight worried look in his eyes. It made your stomach turn just a little. Hating it when he did that. It made you feel some type of way you really didn't want to feel.
You didn't say anything and plucked a cookie, popping it in your mouth. You looked back at he and did a slight smile while chewing. He grinned back.
Everyone at the table was excited. Tonight was campaign night. The chatter interrupted your stare off with Eddie.
"Hey Eddie, you sure you can't give us any clues for tonight?" Dustin asked with what sounding like a small plead in his voice.
"Patience is a virtue Henderson." Eddie responded with a smirk on his face. " You're all in for a surprise tonight!"
All but you were sighing out awws.
Tonight was Friday night. D & D night. You've been helping Eddie work on paint his figures all week long while he worked hard on the campaign. He really did pour his all into this one. Normally, he has multiple campaigns ready to go. But this Wednesday he up and decided to writing a whole new one.
You had admired him while his head was in the advance copy of D & D. The way he had his tongue sticking out to the side while he furiously wrote in a note book. It made you wonder what it was like to feel it in your mouth. You stopped to shake away the thought and continued to paint.
Snapping back to the present. You hear him speaking to the rest of the gang. Telling them to be prepared for tonight.
You sat in silence listening to everything that was going on. Then you felt eyes on you. Eddie was looking at you with what looked like he was gonna tell you something. But, he didn't. Instead, he offered you more cookies and you took another.
Fuck! How am I gonna tell her? Eddie thought
"You really shouldn't." You told yourself.
But, you were hungry and you didn't want to hear anymore from Eddie.
You've been on this diet for months. Well technically, it wasnt much of a diet. You were just limiting your food intake. Which was barely anything. You also went on walks for exercise. Sometimes Eddie would join you. Until he got bored.
You wanted to loose weight because you got tired of hating how you felt in your own skin. Tired of the pig noises the cheerleaders and jocks would make towards you any time you passed them. Tired of not having a guy look at you the way Eddie looks at some of the girls he likes.
"Thanks bud." You said. Giving him a small smile.
Instead of eating it you put it down on your tray.
"Hey, do you need help setting up the board for tonight? You asked him. " I can come early if you like?"
Eddie smiled. " All done. I set up last night." He said, popping a few crackers in his mouth.
" Oh?"
"Yeah. Had to do it early. Have a hot date after school." he looked away and faked a smile.
Another date? 2 in one week. You thought.
"Geez Eddie. Getting around aren't we?" Gareth joked.
You let out a small laugh with everyone else. Though it made you a little sad.
"Got to make hast while the sun is shining." Eddie replied with a grin.
"It's not serious. She won't be mad." He said to himself.
Someone else made a comment. Causing Eddie to shove his hair back and chuckle.
You glanced at him, enjoying the sight of his curls bounce. With the sun shining through the window behind him, making him look like some sort of Saint. You could have sworn he was going in slow motion.
He noticed you staring.
Eddie eyed. "You're quieter than usual y/n. What's up?"
You quickly look back down at your tray trying to play it off. "Oh nothing Munson. Just uhh lost in thought. I-i um." You cut off and stood up. Gathering your things.
" Crap. Crap. I gotta go. I completely forgot... I have to go write 2 songs for Cast Outs." You said before headed off to the library for your free period.
Eddie and the others watched as you hurried away.
He just shrugges at the others. Him knowing how you get when it comes to writing. Hoping beyond hope that you don't find out his little secret.
You completely sucked at singing. But, you were really great at writing songs and poetry. You wrote alot for the all girl rock band you met one night at the Hideout. You were approached by the lead singer.
She asking if you could write them a couple of songs. Apparently Eddie had been hyping you up after you had wrote one for Corroded Coffin a few months back. The ladies loved your song so much that they asked for you to help write some from then on. So most of your free time was either writing or baking. Both being your stress release.
But, If you were to be entirely honest you really didn't want to hear anymore about Eddie's future endeavors. It hurt just a little too much this time.
Why am I feeling this way?
Eddie was waiting for you in front of the doors to help you carry the snacks you brought. You always came bearing stuff to munch on during a campaign.
You two set up the snack table with pretzels, popcorn, chips, cookies and pop. You pulled out a small Tupperware with carrots and celery just for yourself.
Eddie looked at you with a frown. " Oh come on y/n. You're not gonna have any cookies?"
You shook your head. " I'm good bud." You gave him a small smile, lifting the container a little.
Eddie started to protest. But you pulled out a bigger Tupperware out and handed it to him. " Here you go Munson. Fresh from the oven."
Eddie grinned and opened the container, sniffing the snicker doodle cookies you always made for him on campaign Fridays. You looked down in another bag and pulled out a carton of milk for him.
You held it out for him. " Here bud."
He took it with a smile. " Aww... you're too good to me y/n. " He then placed the hand that had the milk over his heart.
He leaned in and place a quick peck on your cheek, then turned to head to his throne quickly so you couldn't smack him. You loved it so much when he did that.
The little voice in your head shouted at you. "Stop that!"
" Eww Munson! Keep your lips to yourself!" You half shouted at him and wiped your cheek. Hoping he didn't catch that small smile you had right after he kissed you.
Dustin came next to you and huffed with a lisp. "Dammit! Eddie took the cookies already!? Hey Eddie you know y/n makes those for everyone!"
You both look at Eddie who looked so majestic in his chair. He was sticking out his tongue at the curly headed boy. You let out a giggle and pulled out another container of cookies. Setting it down on the table.
" Sweet!" Dustin let out before grabbing a few.
It made you smile knowing your friends loved your cookies. Especially Eddie.
After everyone filled up their small plates you went to your seat next to Eddie.
Crunching down on a carrot. " You really out did yourself on this one Munson."
Eddie took a swig of milk in-between bites of his favorite cookies. " Yep, isn't she a beauty?"
He stood up and wiped his lips with his sleeve. " Alright ladies and gents. It's time." He side eyed you when saying ladies. Fully knowing you were the only female there.
Everyone else made there way to their seats.
Eddie brushed his hair back, revealing an ugly purple bruise on his neck.
Really a hickey?! GROSS!
A touch of jealousy washed over you for a second but you shook it off.
Nope nope.
You picked up your character sheet and prepared for the battle that you knew was soon to begin.
As the campaign wrapped up, the guys all began to hoot and cheer.
"Awesome!" Mike and Lucas said in unison.
"Yeah crazy good." you added.
Eddie smirked at their applause. Taking a bow. " Thank you...thank you."
"Truly one of the best ones yet!" Dustin said in amazement.
You guys cleaned up and everyone started to head out a little while later.
" Ready?" Eddie asked, handing you his empty cookie container.
You nodded stuffing it into a bag.
You both hopped in his van and Eddie started the ignition. Turning up the volume to his mixed tape you made for him a little while after you two became friends. You couldn't believe he still had it.
He started drumming his callused fingers on the steering wheel with one hand while popping a cigarette into his mouth with the other. He was about to light it but you cleared your throat. Reminding him why he couldn't.
You watch him put it back in his pack.
Eddie looked over to you. " Sorry. I forgot princess."
You rolled your eyes. " Seriously bud. I swear you have the memory of a nat. Also, what did I say about calling me that Munson?"
You narrowed your eyes at him and lightly smack his arm.
"Geez L/n! I'm driving. Are you trying to get us killed?" He chuckled.
You glared at him. " I barely touched you!"
He just smiled and laughed.
You shook your head. You couldn't even be mad at him. So you ended up laughing with him. After apologizing for him not being able to smoke around you.
You honestly didn't care that he smoked. Actually you didn't mind at all. But if you smelled like smoke when your dad was around, he would have your ass.
You check the time on the dash and it was hitting a little close to 1 am.
Shit! Dad's gonna be pissed.
Eddie pulled up to your house before you knew it. You didn't live too far from the school. Even though you wished you did. Just so you can spend a little more time with him.
Eddie shut the van off and hopped out to open your door. " M'lady"
He's such a gentleman.
" Good sir." you responded, stepping down and out the van with your arms full with bags of empty Tupperware. He closed the door behind you and headed to the back of the van to pull out your bike.
You guys slowly walk up your driveway while Eddie belted out the lyrics to Don't Fear The Reaper. You watched him with joy. However, you needed to get him to stop.
He did stop singing after you shush him.
" Munson please. You'll wake up the neighborhood."
" Well, they need some good music in their lives. Who am I to deny them such pleasure?" Eddie turning lifting his arm in the air.
So dramatic this one is.
You shook your head but couldn't help your lips from grinning.
Finally at the front door you put the bags down to look for your keys. Eddie went to set down your bike.
"Still heading to the Hideout tomorrow?
You looked up at him " Of course. Can't let my best friend perform with out his number 1 supporter." You paused for a second." Umm...pick me up at 7?"
" Yes ma'am!" He said raising his hand to salute you.
Your eyes caught the deep purple bruise on his neck again. You stood there in silence for a moment. Hanging your head.
Why does it hurt seeing that?
Eddie looked at you tilting his head to the side. " What's up?"
Your eyes shot up to meet his big brown ones.
" A hickey Munson? Seriously?"
His left arm moved to the back of his neck. The quick shine from the front porch light reflecting off his rings moved across your face.
He let out a sigh "Oh uh yeah. Things kinda got out of hand."
Shit! Shit! Shit! He thought. Please don't ask who...
" You don't say?" You replied sarcastically.
" Uhhh...You don't know y/n. Man. She was kissing on my neck and grinding on top of me. And- and she did this thing with her hips-"
You raised up you hand cutting him off. " Uh... Eww. That's enough."
Eddie chuckled. " Sorry."
Just then you heard your dad calling out.
Eddie sighed in relief to himself.
"Shit!" you said as you turned your head to the door. " He sounds drunk. Better head out of here bud. You know know how he gets when he's had a few."
You look back at him with pleading eyes. He nodded and gave you a quick hug and headed back to his van.
You picked up the bags and let yourself into the living room. Closing and locking the door behind you.
"Hey dad... I'm home." You placed your keys in the ceramic bowl you made for your dad when you were 10. As a father's day gift.
You walked to the kitchen and saw your father sitting at the table, refilling a glass with what looked like whiskey.
" Where have you been? Do you have any idea what time it is?"
" Yeah dad. I'm sorry. I- should have called. The campaign went on a little longer than planned. I'm sorry."
You set the bags down on the counter and turned to look at him.
He got up from his seat. Stumbling to stand up straight. With the drink in his hand, he made his way towards you.
" Don't lie to me. You were out being a filthy slut weren't you!?" His words slurred.
Your eyes widen from the shock of what he just said.
" DAD NO!" You shouted.
" Out being a whore! Just like your cunt of a mother!"
" DAD?!"
He swings back his drink and slams the empty glass on the counter next to the bags. After breaking the cup he grabs both of your arms.
"DAD PLEASE!" You begged trying to get out of his grasp.
He pulled back a little. " YOU WILL NOT BE LIKE THAT BITCH! DO YOU HEAR ME?"
He then position his arm to the side and the back of his hand strikes you across the face.
Your eyes swell with tears immediately from the pain. Your cheek was suddenly red hot from the hit. Your father released his grip on you and stepped back. Staring at you for a few moments.
You saw the instant regret in his eyes. He didn't say anything. He just turned around, stopped for a second and walked to the living room to plop himself on the couch. He was out before you could process what just happened.
He has never did that. He yelled. He always yelled. But, never in your 18 years has he ever lift a finger towards you.
You looked at the date on the fridge and sighed. It was his and mom's anniversary. As tears fell from your face you grabbed ice and wrapped it with a towel to pressed it against your cheek. You flinched from the pain. But held it there. You quickly cleaned up the glass and went upstairs to your room. You walk in and locked your door. While sitting on the bed you sobbed quietly.
A minute passed and you jumped at the sound of tapping on your window. You quickly wiped your tears away.
You look over and recognized your frizzy hair friend. You went to opened the window. " Munson what the hell are you doing here?"
You turned to hide the bruise that was forming on your cheek and hid the ice pack behind you.
" I wanted to check to see if you were ok." He said, climbing into your room. Closing the window after.
You move to your record player and turn it on. To muffle the sound of your voices. You didn't want to wake up your dad after what just happened. Then you hid the ice pack in your desk drawer. Hoping Eddie didn't see you do it.
He moved towards you. " y/n?"
You could feel his presence lingering just a few feet from you. You slump your shoulders and wrapped your arms around to hug yourself. Swallowing the lump that was building in your throat. Just so you can speak.
"I'm g-good Munson."
Even you weren't convinced as it came out of your mouth.
You felt Eddie's big hand on your shoulder.
Without taking a second to think. You turned and hugged him. Crying into his chest. Tears staining his his Hellfire shirt.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly. "Y/n what's wrong? Y/n Please. . . Please talk to me." The concern in his voice hurt your heart.
He pushed you back slightly and cupped your chin. Trying to get you to look at him. The cold from his rings sent a chill down your spine.
You resisted for a moment. But eventually gave in and looked up. Meeting his gaze.
Eddie dropped his hand to your shoulder and his eyes widen. Fury replaced the sadness that you just saw.
The anger in his voice frighten you. You never heard him so angry.
"Shhhh please!" You begged. " You'll wake him."
He moved away from you and head for the door. You grabbed his hand and squeeze it. Tugging him back.
" Eddie..." you paused. "please."
The sound of you voice made him stop in his tracks. You didn't used his nickname. It's always either bud or Munson. Even when you were mad at him, you would use his full legal name. Which is when he knew he fucked up. Never Eddie though.
" Please dont. You'll just make it worst." You whimpered.
He hung his head. "He shouldn't be hitting you y/n."
" He didn't mean to. It's just- it's his and mom's anniversary. He... He was just really drunk."
" That's NOT an excuse." He said way harsher than he meant to.
He turned to you and lifted his hand up to cup your cheek that wasn't hurt and furrowed his brow. "Y/n that's not okay...This isn't okay."
"I-I know." you sighed putting your hand on his. You dropped your gaze down to the floor. " He never did this before. You should've seen his face after. He- he didn't mean it." Fresh tears rolled down your face.
The words made Eddie pull you back into his arms. " What do you want me to do? What should I do?"
A few moments passed.
"Please stay with me." You said just above a whisper.
He place a soft kiss on the top of your head and agree.
You didn't bother putting on pajamas. Instead, you kicked off your shoes and climbed into bed. You then watched as Eddie took off his leather jacket and set it down on your desk chair. He sat at the edge of the bed and took off his Reeboks. He then climbed under the covers and pulled you into him. Allowing you to resting your head on his chest.
Tears ran over the bridge of your nose onto his shirt.
" It's ok y/n. I'm here. I got you." He said while rubbing your back and holding you a little tighter. " I'm here."
The words eased the sudden stab of insecurity you had of him touching your back rolls.
You loved your best friend. He always made you feel safe and made the pain in your heart hurt just a little less every moment you spent with him. His voice calmed your anxiety. His touch was like the magic cure for your nerves. His presence just made your life brighter.
As you laid wrapped in Eddie's strong arms, drifting into a deep slumber. His heart beat being the sweetest of lullaby's. It all became clear to you now. You wished it could just stop. All of the thoughts you shoved down or tried to shake off for so long. All the hugs you've shared. The nights you've stayed together. The laughs. After all this time...You knew you were in love with your best friend. You were in love with Eddie Munson...
Well shit!
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CW : Blood / Gore / Mention about characters dead / Gruesome.
Pronounce : She / Her
Gender : Female ( Cause it easy for me to write and I don't really write English fanfics often like other. )
Note : This story might not follow the original game storyline.
Tag : @khalhaimdad
<< Part 4 : Part 6 >>
He didn't become to a Harbinger for nothing. Yes, he had a reason to be.
Even though his position might the lowest of all the Eleventh Harbingers. But it's the higher position that made most of peoples respect into him. And he had a rumour about how cruel and sadistic he is.
“ When it finish? My little Childe? ”
He swear, if the other people call him with this silly name. He gonna slit their throat with no hesitation! But... But, if you call him with that name. Maybe, he will see it as an exception.
And what's he doing now? Oh... After he decided to pay a little visit. You immediately drag him to cook something for you and your rebellion team. With no asking for some his reason, but he see it's okay, if you want to tast his cooking skill. He gonna make it for you.
“ Just a moment your highness~ it's nearly done!~ ”
From the most dangerous Harbinger to Master chef.
It's take around 30~40 minutes, that meals will ready to serve.
“ If I remember correctly, you ever said that you will took only 20 mins to rest, right? Y/N? ”
Flowey asked. You swallow all your foods in your mouth before reply it.
“ Yes, but I think it's too short. And now we have a Yaksha and Sandba— I mean... Childe the eleventh of eleven Fatui Harbingers with us. Maybe we can get rest a little longer. ”
He know, he heard it with his two ears. But he ignore it, listen from your tone. He know that you're joking.
' Your grace, I know, I know you see me as a sandbag. '
“ But for real, my creator. I don't trust that Yaksha. ”
Flowey say it straight, you nodded.
“ I know, I didn't trust him either. And I know that everyone in here didn't trust him too. ”
And you know that all of your team didn't trust Childe either, especially Diluc who glaring at the youngest Harbinger all the time.
You sure that if you sit there, no one dare to bring up a fight. But if you not, it will be happen exactly.
After finished with some rest in cave in Guili plain, you decide to continue travelling to Sumeru. You sent Flowey to explore the ways first and cleared some enemies that might hurt you and your group while traveling.
The next is Cuijue Slope. It's for own good to avoid Liyue harbor, it have a high chance that the Rebellion will encounter with Archon of War or know as Geo Archon : Zhongli. You know how dangerous he is and didn't want everyone to get risk with that encounter.
You bet with your head, all of Rebellion will die immediately.
“ I think you have a Fatui's work to do? ”
You ask Childe, yes, he follow you too. He just shrugged.
“ I leave all of my work to my agent and let him deal with it. Protect you is the most important more than my work~ ”
It show that he indifference about his paper work or another work that didn't have you involved. You roll your eyes, you know that he just lazy to do his work, but if he want to follow you, then, just leave him to be.
“ !!!!! ”
You suddenly stopped, froze in place like you get attack by cyro user. Everyone around you notice your behaviour, they all guard up immediately, ready to protect the Creator.
Your eyes glowing, it's gold and pure. Everyone staring in amazement. They can feel the divine aura from you.
“ My people, they hurt, they fallen to the pit of painful. ”
Everyone chilling run down to their spines. Your tone is different from the normal state. And then, you start to run, run to Jueyun Karst.
Why life is so cruel?
Why everyone's life that have a different opinion will end like this?
Just..... WHY?
Blood, body pieces, they all spread around the floor. The metallic smelt is too strong, monsters and the carnivores are walking around like they all hungry and never eat.
Her wings reach to the body, the body that belong to her beloved like step-daughter
The body is started to get cold little by little. Her skins is very pale, because she loses all of her blood, her stomach have a big wound that her guts can come out.
“ Shenhe. ”
She said with whispering tone, the tears flow from her eyes.
The Cloud Retainer look around, the humans dead body and pieces are spread around the floor, it isn't different from the nightmare, and the only one who can commit the gruesome things like this....
It's him, Morax.
Other adeptus is nearly dead, they all get injured by the Geo Archon too, they strong enough to encounter with him, but the human is another story.
They all died.
Like Shenhe died too.
Human is too fragile to handle the wrath of rock.
“ I see, the strong painful is coming from you, right? Cloud Retainer. ”
No one deserves the end like this, you believed.
Especially, the kids who have a bright future.
You don't know why, but this isn't right.
Xiangling and her families.
And all adeptus who nearly dead.
You raise your hand, determined to heal and revival all the dead body that doesn't deserve such a cruel death. The golden and divine aura start to shine and glitter. Spread around this place, infiltrate to the dead body and the adeptus. All of them who have conscious can feel a warm aura around them.
The cruelty began to fade away, and the blood and flesh flowed back together into a shape. The almost extinguished soul suddenly came back to life and returned to the body that was put back together with your power.
“ Take them to the safest place,”
you told the members who had been following you. They obediently followed your orders and immediately took the recently healed person to a safe place to rest.
You know that bringing back a human who has died is against the rules, but when fate has ordained you as the creator, those rules do not apply to you.
‘ What rule did I break? If I don't let them end their lives, I will revive them as many times as I want. ’
you think to yourself as you watch the members moving people to a safe place.
“ It's a great privilege to see you display such power. The impostor can't compare to you. ”
Childe speaks to you, with his eyes seeming to hide his excitement. You shrug before walking away to find a quiet place to meditate.
You are very angry, angry at the person who unreasonably decides the fate of other's lives.
They started to regained consciousness, and when they woke up, they found themselves in an unfamiliar place. No, it isn't unfamiliar, they were in a cave. Some cave in Liyue.
“ I remember that I ...”
Shenhe spoke with a deep feeling of disbelief. She remembered the last moments of her breath, the golden spear that pierced her body until her guts spilled out, and all her friends falling dead like fallen leaves. It was because they decided to unite and protest, as the creator did not act justly and refused to lend a helping when they needed it even just a little.
“ Shenhe! I'm glad you're awake! ”
It's voice from Cloud Retainer who raised her and help her fight with Morax or.. Zhongli. Shenhe looking around, and saw the many people sitting around her. Some looked confused, some still feared.
“ What happened? Can you tell me? ”
Shenhe asked. Cloud Retainer start to tell everything about it to her.
It's an unbelievable scene that it will turn into a real event that happening to yourself. Some peoples of Liyue were massacred, as well as the characters you've revived them and all the Adeptus kneeled down in front of you.
The other members that follows you from the start had a confused look. But they understand that all of peoples and creatures want to thank you for helping them from the death.
“ May we all follow you? ”
The Adepti speak on behalf to convey their wishes. You stand still as your mind processes the situation. Albedo stifles a laugh at your expression before Rosaria shoots him a look.
“ Are you sure? Our group is now become a wanted criminal and labeled as Rebellion. ”
You ask them to be certain, knowing that the more followers you have, the more burden that you should take a responsibility into.
“ Even if it means we will dying or sacrificing our souls, we will follow you until the end of the world! ”
“ We have a messenger told that Tartaglia is staying with our Creator now. ”
Fatui Agent inform this news to Tsaritsa and all the Harbingers that sitting in meeting room. After he informed, he bow his head and went out from this place immediately.
“ And the another Agent said, Geo Archon had gone feral killing the peoples who had an urge to against that fake. ”
Pulcinella say, some Harbinger chuckled with that news.
“ I hope Tartaglia will sent more details about this, so, what do tou think? Lord Tsaritsa? ”
Capitano asked the Cryo Archon who sits on her throne.
“ Sent order to Tartaglia, convince her to come to Snezhnaya. And protect her at all costs. If I see some scratch on her skins, he will punished. ”
“ Yes, your majesty. ”
When everything is okay, you continue to traveling again. You may meet the Fatui Agent or Cicin mage sometimes, but they all doesn't harm you. Just look at you and turn away when Childe glare at them.
You sure that you will safe from Fatui, from now.
“ Don't worry your highness, they all don't attack you. All the Fatui don't attack you. This is Tsaritsa's order and my command too. Don't worry. ”
Childe said, he raised his hand to his chest and smiled at you. You smile back, and see the hint of happiness in his eyes.
“ You can trust me. ”
“ And I should crush you in to a pieces, should I? ”
<< Part 4 : Part 6 >>
I just take a break, I'm worried that I can't end this story. But I'll try to do my best.
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grapefiesta · 11 months
Favourite Terran
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Rocket is an asshole and that's that... or is he?
pairings: Peter Quill x Reader (kind of?), Rocket x Reader
A/N: fuck it, its gn reader now and a cute Peter scene ig;;; again.. not proofread. Also this is the last rocket wip I had *thumbs up* idc if he's a racoon he's bby and deserves fanfics
“How many times have I told you to stop messing with my blasters?!”
“And how many times have I ignored you? They make cool explosions! I ain’t gonna stop using ‘em!”!
“Rocket!!! You have your own blasters!” You snatched your blasters from his workbench.
“Hey, put them down!” He puts his hands on the blasters. “You can’t stop me from taking ‘em you know it. I’m the greatest Guardian of the Galaxy!"
“Let! Go! They’re mine, you stupid Racoon!” You pulled on the blasters to get them off of his grubby hands.
“Nuh-uh! I’m not letting go of them!” He starts doing the same, trying to pull them away from you. “I deserve these blasters more than you deserve them!"
“Rocket, I can’t fight without them! Stop tinkering with them and give me my fucking blasters back!” you pulled your arms up, and they pulled Rocket up into the air due to the height difference between Terrans and Racoons.
“Put me down right now, you annoying little Terran!” He starts kicking your leg in the hope of forcing you to let the blasters go.
“I'm way taller than you!” you argue and start shaking the blasters. ‘How am I going to make this rodent let go??’
A genius idea struck you at that thought. “Let go and you’ll be down!”
Rocket does as you told him, letting go of the blasters and falling to the ground. It was funny watching him scramble up with a sour look on his face. “Aw, come on, that was mean!”
You scoff. “you are mean.”
“I am?! How am I the mean one?!” He gets up completely now and looks at you. “You’re the one who snatched the blasters away from me after I’ve been playing with them!”
“Because they’re mine- you’re not supposed to- ugh whatever.” you turned on your heels and walked down the stairs towards your shared "room" with Groot.
“Fine! You can take your stupid blasters!” Rocket grumbles and goes off to his room to tinker with some of his gadgets.
You put your blasters down in the room and then go up to the cockpit and sit down on a chair next to Peter.
Peter turns towards you. “Everything ok, Y/N?”
You shrug. “Just rocket being a little asshole again.”
“Can’t say I’m surprised.” He chuckles a little. “So what was it about this time? Stealing your blasters to make some more stupid, loud, explosion-filled toys?”
You also chuckle. “Whoa, how’d you know?”
“Call it a wild guess.” He shrugs. “He’s always pulling stupid pranks and doing stupid things like that, but I guess that’s kinda his charm.”
You groan and stretch across the seat.
Peter sighs. “I guess you two will have to sort out your differences by yourselves because there ain’t no way that I’m getting in the midst of your little arguments.” He chuckles.
“Wouldn’t know how. He loves annoying the shit out of me.” you sigh. “At least I’ve got you. We Terrans have to stick together!” you put a fist on your chest and knock on it before giving Peter a peace sign.
Peter chuckles. “You got that right. Terrans together!” He returns the gesture.
You giggle a bit too loud after a few jokes. “Ssshh shhh Peter be quiet!” you try to whisper between the laughs.
Peter keeps quiet and nods his head, trying to stifle his laughter. You need to be careful with your volume, because the night is silent, and people are trying to get some rest.
You hear Rocket yell at you from across the ship. You put a hand on your mouth and desperately try to stifle your laughter. “He’s so- he’s so angry pfft.”
Peter chuckles before suddenly covering his mouth before he bursts out laughing. He slowly pulls his hand down and looks at you with a wide, amused gaze. “Guess someone’s having a hard time keeping their temper in control.”
“Ok, ok, ok, we should go sleep now. Or else we’ll wake everyone up with our laughter and Rockets yelling.”
Peter nods and gets up. “Good point.”
He turns towards you. “But before I head off to bed, I want to thank you for making me laugh. I really needed that.”
“Yeah? Well..” you look away a bit with pink cheeks and a smile. “You’re welcome.. us Terrans stick together, you know?” you look back up at him.
Peter smiles at your comment and nods. “Of course. We always have each other’s backs on the whole ride. Can’t leave anyone behind.” He looks at you for a moment before adding. “And I know that I can rely on you if I ever need you.”
you nod and keep staring at him. “Yeah.. me too."
Peter notices you staring at him. “Do you want anything else, Y/N?” He chuckles. “Or do you just want to stare at a boring ol’ human like me?”
You giggle a bit. “Hey, I’m a boring ol’ human as well!” you step a bit closer to him. “Just wanted to.. to properly say goodnight.”
Peter chuckles and steps a bit closer to you as well. “In that case…” He reaches out and touches your cheek. “Goodnight.”
Your face starts to flush furiously and you look at his face with wide eyes. You hope no one else saw this. Especially Rocket since he’s apparently still awake. “I- goodnight Peter.” You hugged him quickly and hid your face in his chest.
Peter wraps his arms around you and smiles at the hug, which was unexpected to him, but made him happy nonetheless. “Sleep well,” he whispers in your ear.
Before you could react, he lets go of you and turns to go back to his bedroom.
You nodded and turned around to walk to your room only to bump into a Rocket on the way. You stared at him. “Oh- uh-“
Rocket looks at you with an amused grin on his furry face. “Sooo, what’s up? And why do I feel like it has something to do with Peter?” He says while leaning on one of the walls in the corridor.
“No way.” You started to walk towards your room again.
Rocket watches you as you go back to your room. “No way what? Could you please elaborate, because I think I saw what I saw.” He chuckles and raises one of his eyebrows.
You turn around really quickly. It’s almost as if you were going to snap your neck. “You saw what?!” You were starting to break into a nervous sweat.
“I saw you hugging him before you two went to your rooms.” Rocket chuckles and wags his tail. “He looks like a good-looking fella. You sure you didn’t catch feelings?” He says with a smirk.
You shake your head. “No, no, no. That’s just a normal Terran way to say goodnight! He’s just a close friend.” 'fuck. That's embarrassing.' You didn't like Peter in that way, but you couldn't deny that he was an attractive Person. Plus, he was the only other human around here.
Rocket laughs. “Normal way for you Terrans to say goodnight? That’s strange.” He pauses for a second and then chuckles. “Whatever the case, you better be telling me the truth. I’d be devastated if you hooked up with Peter.” He winks, trying to tease you.
'wait what?' “What?” You speak your thoughts out loud.
“If Peter and you ever end up together in a romantic relationship… I think I’d be very sad.” He leans closer to you and drops his voice. “Is that what you want to do?” The raccoon asks, his voice sounding like he’s trying to tease you again. He tries to maintain a serious face but finds it hard not to burst out laughing.
“Wait.. really?” Then you notice the tone in his voice. “Oh fucking hell!” You turned around again, annoyed.
Rocket can’t help but burst out laughing, amused by your reaction “Hah! You thought I was serious about it, huh? Look at your face!”
“You’re an asshole. I was just about to start thinking that you actually like me.”
“Like you in what way? Do you want me to like you in a different way?”
“Just like me in General.” You didn't turn around.
This seems to confuse Rocket. “I do like you. You’re a good Ter- err, Human,” he says as he corrects himself.
You sigh and turn around to face him. “Well you’re always such an ass to me and I know you do that to everyone but you seem to just like to annoy me an extra bit.”
“Is that what you’re trying to get at?” Rocket raises an eyebrow and scratches behind his ears, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. “I do annoy you a bit more than anyone else on the ship. Guess that’s just my way of showing who my favourite Terran is,” he says with a mischievous smirk.
“Huh…” you think for a bit. “Wait! I thought Peter was your favourite! He’s your best friend!!”
“Peter is my best friend, but you are my favourite Terran!” He chuckles. “What? You don’t like being favoured over the others?”
“Oh… Oh!” You try to not look embarrassed but fail miserably as your cheeks feel a bit warmer.
“It seems you’re having trouble accepting it.” Rocket smiles at you, amused at your reaction. “Do you like being my favourite Terran?” His face looks curious in an inquisitive way, waiting to listen to your response.
“I mean I don’t hate that idea..” you mumble and start to walk towards your room again.
“Ahhh, so we’re going that way.” He chuckles. He leans slightly closer to you. “You better appreciate this special treatment then, favourite Terran. You’ve got to make it up to me one way or another,” he says, his voice sounding like he’s trying to flirt with you.
You let out a short squeal and pushed his face away with your palm. “Go to sleep.”
He lets out a sigh. “Fine.” He doesn’t make any more attempts to flirt with you and heads back to his room, mumbling to himself.
“I’ll get them next time… next time…” He whispers before turning into his room and closing the door behind him.
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julesthequirky · 1 year
Brat - Chapter One
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: John’s not your dad and nor does he want to be, which is fine by you. But what he does believe in is disciplining the unruly. As your mother’s ex and technically your closest father figure, John takes it upon himself to fix your behavior and attitude, but you’re not having any of it and decide to fight his efforts every step of the way.
Pairings/Characters: Step Brother!Sam x Step Sister!Reader, Step Brother!Dean x Step Sister!Reader, Step Dad!John Winchester x Step Daughter!Reader, Claire x Reader, Mr. Novak x Reader, Jack, OFC Joanie.
Chapter Warnings: Bratty reader, mentions of drug use, sex toy, cussing, John being John. (Yes, this is a tamer chapter, but chapters after will be significantly wilder).
W/C: 1548
A/N: Honestly thought this was going to come out much later, as I've been juggling uni work in the day and fanfic at night, with two other fics vying for attention :P. Chapters may be sporadic as I continue to juggle for the next few weeks, and after that, I'll attempt some kind of writing routine.
A/N 2: I've had this idea for sometime all stemming from *one* scene with John, inspired by the awesome @cockslutpadalecki, with her All The Good Girls Go To Hell series.
Giggling, you stumbled to the door, sliding the key into the lock. The metal scraped, the key turning until it clicked. Your hand gripped the handle and pulled it down. Opening the door, you stepped in. Biting your lip to keep quiet, you quietly shut the door.
Footsteps thundered down the hall, and you shut your eyes. Crap.
“She stinks, Joanie!”
The giggle slipped out.
A hand yanked you into the light. The brightness seared into your retinas, and immediately you covered them, but a larger, stronger hand pulled yours down. They grasped your chin, and John’s thunderous face stared daggers. Your eyes flitted from side to side. He was spoiling your buzz.
“She’s fucking high, Joanie. Bloodshot eyes.”
He let you go, disgust written all over his face. You backed away as he turned to your mom.
“I tried, John. You know this.”
“Well, clearly you didn’t! Enough’s enough, now. She comes with me.”
Your mother nodded.
“Mom, what the fuck—”
A large hand cracked across your cheek, snapping your face to one side.
You cupped your stinging cheek with both hands. Fuck, hopefully, he hadn’t split anything. You gingerly checked, dabbing a finger to your lip. You couldn’t feel any wetness, just a soft, plump lip.
“She doesn’t respect you, and you continue to let this happen. We had a deal, and you agreed, Joanie. And now’s it’s time.”
“She’s eighteen… there’s nothing I can do.”
“That’s a piss poor excuse, and you know it. You just could never be bothered to discipline her.”
“She’s difficult—”
“Welcome to parenting.”
John turned to you at that point. “Go get your stuff.”
No way. No way in Hell were you going with him. You shook your head.
“Get your stuff.” His voice turned stern.
Still, you held your ground.
“Y/N, do as he says.”
“Mom, what the— No.” You responded, biting your tongue.
“Do it, baby. It’ll only be for a short while.”
You noticed it. In her eyes. In her posture. Defeat.
“You’ve just given up, haven’t you? You’re gonna let him take me away. Your only daughter!”
You didn’t wait for her answer and stomped away, buzz well and truly gone, replaced by anger.
You slammed your door and stewed. John could fuck off. Maybe you could kip at the Novak’s. Castiel wouldn’t mind, and it meant smoking more green.
You fished your phone out of your pocket and dialled Mr Novak’s number. The number rang, once then twice. A knock on your door had you jumping and cutting the call short.
“You nearly done?”
It was John.
“Pfft, I’ve only just got up here.”
“Just get clothes for tonight and tomorrow. Joan— your mother, will bring them tomorrow.”
There was so much you wanted to say, yell, and scream at him, but instead, you stayed insolent, stewing. No way in Hell were you going. He would have to drag you out, kicking and screaming.
“You’ve got five minutes.”
Fuck your five minutes. “Whatever.”
“I mean it.”
You said nothing to that, mockingly mouthed, ‘I mean it.’ Hah. Sure. That’s what your mother always said, but nothing ever came of it. Instead of packing, you flopped on your bed, one leg leaning on the other as you scrolled through the bird app.
John was your mother’s ex. She’d met him at a bar. No change there. But he didn’t seem to be one of your mother’s bad choices. Your mother had notoriously bad taste in men, always attracting the losers and never managing to shake them because they always came back around. But John was different. He was a retired marine with two adult kids, whom you barely saw, who ran his household with an iron fist, and to a twelve-year-old with no routine, it was fucking Hell.
He didn’t pretend to be your dad, and you got the distinct impression that he didn’t want to be. But for a man who didn’t want to be your father, he demanded respect and authority, which you fought at every step of the way.
He lasted the longest – three years. Ultimately it was probably due to your aversion to John’s authority that broke the relationship. You just wouldn’t bend to his will, and your mother would always let you off, excusing your behaviour.
You lost track of time, and an alarm rang outside your room. You expected him to knock and to tell you again, and a slight smirk curved your lips, thinking you’d won. But it caught you off guard when the door crashed open, the handle bouncing off the wall, and your smirk cut quicker than a dying orgasm.
“What the fuck!!” You yelled, jumping up as he barged in.
“Are you packed?”
The simple question roused your anger. He seriously needed to get into his head that you weren’t going. Shaking your head, you turned away from him and laid back, resuming doom scrolling.
“Y’know, I really hoped you weren’t gonna be difficult and that you were gonna be reasonable. I now know that was a futile mistake to make.”
You rolled your eyes.
Coming out of nowhere, a hand snatched the phone from your grasp. You whipped your head around to see John pocketing the gadget.
“You’ll get this back after good behaviour and not before.”
Shooting up, you attempted to steal it back, but he slapped your hand away and pointed at you.
“Don’ you start with me lil girl. I will tan your hide.”
With that, he left you standing by your bed as he circled your room and almost ripped a drawer from its hinges as he yanked it open.
“Hey, what the Hell!”
John ignored you, throwing something at you. Bending down, you picked it up. A t-shirt. A god ugly one at that too. He continued on his rampage, opening drawers and throwing garments at you.
“You didn’t do this in the timely manner I set for you, so now you get to watch me pack for you.”
“That’s a breach of privacy!”
He spun around, holding the expensive black rabbit you’d gifted yourself for your eighteenth.
“Does your momma know you own this?”
The blood froze in your veins, and your mouth hung agape. He did not regard your privacy, and more clothes dropped by your feet. He threw the toy back into the drawer, grabbed a tote bag hanging on a bedpost, and shoved clothes inside.
“Consequences. Ever heard of ‘em? No? Well, darlin’, you’re about to get well acquainted.”
He easily picked you up, lifting you over his shoulder, his arm wrapped tightly around your legs.
The fuck!
“Let me go!! Get off me!!!”
You kicked a little in a futile attempt to loosen his grip, but John ignored this, grabbed your bag and carried you to the front door.
“Goodbye, Joanie.”
“No, wait. Mom! Mom!! Mom!!!” You shouted, heart-wrenching, as John walked out towards the car. Waiting for her to show, you repeatedly called her name, and by the time you were in the car, the front door had been shut.
How could your mom just let this man take you away without putting up a fight? The tears are hot as they cascade down your cheeks, and you angrily wipe them away. You’d done nothing to warrant this reaction from John. In fact, you were a perfectly well-adjusted teenager, or at least that’s what you thought. Sure, you smoked, drank and partied a little more than your mother would like, but wasn’t that what all the kids were doing these days? You had aspirations, just like any teenager. Admittedly, yours happened to be a little more risque than your peers, but playing it safe was for losers.
You wanted to be a Playboy Playmate. Of course, you hadn’t mentioned this to the guidance councillor or your mom. God, they’d lose their ever-loving shit if they found out. No, you threw college names in their faces and hoped for the best.
John slowed to a stop, and you looked at his house in contempt. Ugh. His door slammed shut, shaking the car a little. He rapped on the window with his knuckle, and you begrudgingly unclipped your belt as John opened the door.
Once inside, John stopped you in your tracks, dropping the bag of clothes by your feet.
“Let me lay it out for you. No friends, no boys, no cussing, no drinking and no drugs. Breakfast’s at six. And if it weren’t obvious before, you’re grounded. The concept may be foreign to you, so let me spell it out. It means you can’t go see your little friends after school or during the weekends. Now get your ass to bed. First bedroom on the left.”
You stood by the stairs, arms ramrod straight, hands curled tightly into fists, glaring daggers at him, heaving in breaths as a splitting headache worked its way into your right temple.
He chuckled softly, a soft glint in his eye as though he were enjoying himself. “You can be mad at me all you want, sweetheart, but it won’t get you anywhere.”
You bent down, snatched the bag of clothes he threw together and stomped upstairs. Then, a moment later, you slammed the door in protest.
Fuck fuck, fuck, fuck fuck. Shit. Fuck, fuck fuck, shit, shit, fuck, fuck!
@cockslutpadalecki @amithesimpoffandoms
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