#ngl i got lazy so the background is bad
hex-wittebane · 1 year
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She thinks she's a comedian @ hex-memes
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sanest-bsd-delegate · 11 months
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Headcanon: How I imagine you and the boys meeting after being online friends Genre: Crack A/N: Still questioning why i tried writing this... Warning? Bad grammer and 0 proofread →Masterlist
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You both pretty much met on twitter when you were concerning who was behind the chuuya hate acc 🤩 I mean who can hate chuuya?
you probably were a new member in the mafia for not knowing about THE Dazai oSaMU
or you were a member of Detective agency dense enough to know that they both were infact enemies and not enemies soon to be lovers 🤩🤩😔🏳️‍🌈
OR You were a freelancer fresh college passout student who was wasting their time online getting blocked by 12 year old kids 🤩😋that was until you accidentally befriend him
successfully had 6th month friendaversy. 🤩🤩
when you both exchanged your place of residence you were shocked to know there are actually useless people in Japan apart from you
OR You were just concerned to know that he used to stay up late at night to talk to you while you message him in between work hours. 🤩🤩Dazai is such a romantic mood NGL
AHHHH Its the day of THE friends meeting.
You lowkey regret befriending him.
He probably sends you discord kitten memes and his hand pics for no reason. [BUT CSN WE TALK ABOUT HIS HANDS-!!?]
Mf once tried to video call you when you specifically told him NOT to.
He was blocked for a whole week before someone named 'iaminlovewithdeathtoes' spammed you.
🤡honestly you realised you both never shared your name, so pretty much to arrived at the meetup place, thinking of ways how to say 'chuuyahater6fttall' and knowing him, he prob would have you come over the agency cause bitch is lazy asf.
Dingdong you arrive at Yokohama or pretty much at the agency 🤩🤗except you were shitting in your pants cause what the actual fuck. So the person you talked with, who encouraged all kind of illegal stuff and told you to shoplift and send a pic was actually a detective??? Nah dawg you wished he was a lowkey an accountant cause which detective will have so much time to be online and chat?
boi you were wrong. And to have cherry on the top, you bumped into a brown coat bearing man who looked like he was high on nuts. But damn he looked hot
did you say "sir please scream me without the s 🥺" to yourself? Did he hear it? probably
🤩boom your headphones got disconnected for a moment and the whole agency went silent as the lyrics of "good lookin" started to play.
The man infront of you laughs before kidnapping you and dragging you out of the agency, a queue of screams and shouts for the man to comeback and you desperately trying to switch off your phone. (🤩🤗The lyrics were blasting through the area)
honestly you didn't mind as long as he turns out to be those Wattpad overprotective mafia bosses 🤩🤩🤗🌟 so you can have ur Y/N moment
'Help I am getting kidnapped by brown coat man and am left all alone' you typed, as the three dots indicated that chuuyahater typing before he replied, 'I am the man'
The way you audibly screeched as your turn back and your hand automatically made a way to his face to give him a slap. (🤩You heard laughing in the background, it was chuuya fyi)
"Aww belladonna, I thought you loved me" "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU KIDNAP ME AND MAKE ME STAND ON TOP OF A HIGHASS BUILDING" "But you agreed to do it once we meet!"
Oh he was serious when he said that 🤡
You ran away as fast as you can away from him, as you typed
'you are a bitch you know that?' 'And you are really beautiful you know that?'
😍🤩 you were greatful to get away from him, except he was knocking at you door (hotel door if u came from other part of the world) at 3am playing THAT part of the song "redbone by childish gambino" (iykwim) outside your door
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you both honestly never befriended.
You accidentally messaged him asking him to deliver you a pizza
🤩and when he replied with 'wrong number' you lost your shit. 'The fuck you mean wrong number you son of a-' 'Dont have one?'
Sigma maybe anxious in real life but online? Pretty sure he is a full on sassy sarcastic not so sweet Sigma (respectfully)
You both might have had a very professional verbal conversation over phone that day.
He and you might have bonded yet again when you, my dear reader accidentally send him a meme you were suppose to send someone else (guess who) and Sigma lost his shit.
Why was na unknown number, with memory of a snail sending him 20 pictures of a fisheye doll at 3am in the morning?
'Are you okay-?' He probably asked, 'Do I look sane?' you probably answered.
😭 but lowkey thinks that you both exchanged your insta Ids or smthg.
😡😡He didn't even acknowledge your following and never followed you back. 😔 rip your follower count
You would rant to him and he will listen 100%
Pretty sure you never tired to meet up. It was your ass being dragged by one of your friends to accompany them to a flying casino and get bankrupt.
Prob msged him saying how edible the manager of the place you went looked😭😭 (you didn't tell him u went to a casino so)
He replies with 'go get your man and stop telling me details about his hands'
And so you did, pretty much used your luck and became the star of Casino😡😡
Society validation? Nah 👎 but Casino manager acknowledge? Yah 👍
Now the thing is, Sigma probably got really indulged on how you managed to beat records that he spent time doing a background check rather then opening his phone and seeing your 99+ texts.
You on the other hand? Went wild. Your online friend wasn't responding!!!?? 😡😡 and you were telling him the tea how the manager put his hand on your shoulder acknowledging you.
Little did you know, you were so blinded texting 'the casino manager' You failed to realise you bumped into him.
phone drop, heart stop screen crack, gave you a heart attack.
worst part? The 'Manager' picked up your phone, looking down at the chat only to see his pfp and his contact named "Pizzah Guz" and your half written text of 'Where are you, I miss talking to| '
You were whereas unsure whether to feel embarrass or cry. You see his face only to realise the amount of shock you gave to the manager.
😭😭Pretty sure it took some time for him to cool down.
BUT I THINK he totally appears in front of your room, with a pizza guy costume and a box full of pizza, messaging you 'Open your door'
You were a little freaked out by his message. I mean Imagine texting a random guy and the only thing you know about him is that he is not a pizza guy and he tells you to open your door?
You open your door to see the manager in a pizza delivery guy uniform, a pizza in his hands while he holds his phone together, before he hands it over to you, before your phone notification tings, your online friend sends an image capturing 'Pizza delivery'
You fainted on the spot of pure embarrassment and realisation when you realise you were texting the manager while simping on him and describing details.
Or you just take the pizza and close the door, switch off and throw your phone on the bed and eat the pizza while the realisation hits.
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You both probably met on discord while bullying middle schools for their pfp choices 😭
10/10 had bombing conversation 👁️👄👁️ that is until you realise he was serious about it.
You be joking about how you will learn hacking to hack him and that moment all your dms get 'Join the rat cult' Picture.
😭😭please idts you met physically…like the possibility of fyodor arriving at your doorstep while you are half asleep eating a pizza and watching TV is insane.
Imagine you peep through the peephole and see fisheye fyodor 🤩🤩 10/10 scared
Online friend? Nah man he is your offline terrorist. That was until his wholeass body blewup and the only thing that was left was his arm from which he used to type to your responses from.
10/10 Power of Love and friendship
I feel like whenever you both VC, your silly self will try to use the soundboard and he probably vibe to it.
You both accidently made a cult.
Fyodor NGL prob just stalked you out of boredom.
Nikolai probably be backreading your chats and the next day you have a new coworker named "Fyolaya"
Honestly there is a possibility that fyodor has zero interest in meetup and then bam Nikolai scopes you in the middle of your work and drop you on fyodor's lap🤩
Imagine the tension when you, a average worker in the society lands on the lap of one of THE Doa members
Y/N x hot mafia boss who kidnaps Y/N accidentally cause Y/N met his man au? Terrorist edition?
You living a Wattpad life? Possibilly
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A/N: Look i am sane
TAGLIST: @averagehisoilluenjoyer, @high-on-dazai @ruru-kiss Join or remove your user here.
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cocogum · 7 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 1)
We obviously start with the ✨sadidas✨ Armand and Amalia (as we should 💕) coming back from the assembly meeting with the Eliatrope goddess.
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Okay so were starting off pretty strong lol
I LOVE how Armand thinks about the Eliatrope goddess cuz yeah we were pretty much thinking the same thing (about how she’ll pretty much stalk them and will put her children in their world) and I just absolutely LOVE how he’s keeping his guard because of her and has become even more doubtful of Yugo. (Just look at his eyes as he stares at Amalia!!)
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Because yeah, even though he wasn’t as wary of Yugo before, some hints were still shown in the OVAs when he called him “a king without his people is unheard of” but Yugo shrugged his comment off.
BUT NOW WE GET TO SEE MORE OF ARMAND SLANDERING YUGO and basically exposing Amalia acting “not rational” when she talks about Yugo.
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Armand, my man, your sister’s clearly in love with Yugo OF COURSE SHE WOULDN’T BE RATIONAL WITH HIM (you should’ve seen how she kissed Oropo tho you would’ve lost your shit lo)
I just ADORE Az and his family playing on their tree Tofu tower they look so adorable ☺️✨💖 I already made a headcanon that Yugo and Alibert built it (while Chibi and Grougal just watched).
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Look at these two not doing anything and just being lazy bums 😭😭🥰💕💕
Also I need a gif of Yugo and Alibert hugging with Az and his kids in the background asap ✨
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But all cuteness aside, in all my years of being a Wakfu fan, I literally never saw Yugo make that face before. Like it was so uncalled for that my heart literally dropped when I saw him like that. I never thought that the face of terror and shock (combined with the booming sound in the background) could go so well on him and now I wanna see it more!! I HOPE YOU TORTURE HIM ANKAMA!!
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Btw the Eliatrope goddess is such a fraud and can’t think for herself even though she said she wants to rule a freaking planet but okay (u fucked up the first time by default when ur kids had one planet for themselves but ur already messing up ur second time cuz ur running away from ur problems when U AND NORA WERE THE REASON WHY THE NECROMES GOT OUT ARE U KIDDING ME- YOU DIDN’T CHECK?!!!???!)
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Armand’s really trying hard not to say something racist right now.
Dude can’t even look him in the eyes while saying hi lol
Also can we talk about what Armand told Yugo??? :
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No because im legitimately scared that something bad will happen to her, why else would Armand say these kinds of things to YUGO of all people????
I swear I will actually cry if this ended up being foreshadowing cuz honestly wtf…why did Amalia ever do to you people….My fear for Amalia was already there even before Season 4 so why do you gotta make my paranoia resurface like that??? Why do u gotta do me like that???? 😭😭😭
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This is the guy who started a genocide against his own people and has more common sense than the GODDESS right in front of him. I get that she’s traumatized cuz of what happened to her but you gotta realize that they’ll always run after you if you just keep running, so the least you can do is throw your kids to fight for you. I just love how the only reason why Qilby is saying any of this is because for once, he’s not the one in control of the fate of the world and can’t redirect the signal or stop it himself lol
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year
Savanaclaw Journal Entries
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------Jack Howl----------------------------------------------------------- -not very vocal ngl -not saying he doesn't talk at all but it’s hard to get a decent conversation as he’s always using his energy to work out or go on a jog -i stayed in savanaclaw once and he’s quite a early bird -he did invite me to one of his jogs which took me a while to be able to keep up -he doesn't focus much on his passed nor his death -Sam stated that jack used to be a popular player in track as well as in a sport called ‘spelldrive’ which is just american football with frisbee -his death wasn't entirely unknown nor was it solved -a few newspaper articles stated that he was caught in a fight between a group of thieves -he died by a shank to the gut in which he bleed out -I felt bad as these groups of thieves weren’t brought to justice. -jack happen to see the newspaper i read about the incident and he opens about his resentment of that day -he’s one of the few i opened to about my task on finding out who died here and he provided info on ruggie and leona -out of curiosity i asked to touch his ears if they were real and how he got them -he explained he developed them after death. -yes there’s as soft as they look -the tail was a bit of a stretch though but they’re also soft -i asked him how he ended up here -he used to be the owner of the wing at the time and turned one of the supposed guest rooms into a gym for himself
-------------Ruggie Bucchi--------------------------------------------- -he was the reason why things are missed placed -he’s so mischievous he could give ace a run for his money. Literally -this doesn't happen but sometimes he dose the same stuff over in heartslabyul -though a bit sensitive about it, he states that he grew up in a poor background and was taken up as a servant of Leona’s family -he became leona’s personal retainer which was “a sweet gig” he describes -he died from a “simple bullet in the head” and hasn't elaborated further. -like jack he strays away from the past but he talks highly how he doesn't have to feel starvation like he used to -it felt like a bitter sweet truth to me -he suggested i should try it out and i couldn't tell if he was joking about that -despite his mischievous side he’s quite a helper -he like to help with certain chores or even help me when i end up cooking over there -although i never asked for his help he still expected me to give him something in return which caused me to always have a donut ready for him so i can “reward him” for every good deed.
------Leona Kingscholar------------------------------------------------ -rude…but he has likable qualities -he’s so moody and very lazy -that explains why he is always visible when I see him. He probably conserves tones on energy -I don’t come to him much as he would probably ignore me and my questions so i don’t even bother sometimes -he has quite a lot of sleeping spots which includes but doesn't limit too: the gardens behind savanaclaw The couch In his room Underneath a tree near the main house The center fountain -he’s nothing but a humanoid house cat. -he has warmed up to me seeing how he’ll use me like a personal pillow when i just happen to be around his sleeping spots -other time he’ll just hang around just watching me -i still didn’t feel like he’s gonna getting answers so i went to sam just to hear the jist about him -Leona was assassinated tho they were after his older brother and son -the Kingscholar surname is part of a royal family that’s still around with his nephew as king -there were news articles showing how this assasonation was connected to Ruggie’s killer -it’s 100% possable it could’ve been committed to the same person -one time after visiting sam, he invited me to play chess in the gardens where he told me Bits about he life when he was alive -his only explanation on why was “I was in a good mood” -he says he kinda likes being a ghost, not having to do much after all -but he has some sort of jealous streak as he could’ve been king if he wouldn't have died
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knowlessman · 3 months
"shigaraki has become too powerful. we need to bring in the one person we know who can disable him from a distance." "you can't mean -" "I do. Contact Mr Smiley." (bnha s6e7-10)
I forgot Aquaman or wever his name is was keeping Eraser Head's eyes wet so he could stare at Tomura 'XD that's just, a thing. that's how this show works. that's just a thing in this show
"he even has all might's power and toughness" blinks in Magic player I wonder what those might be. Maybe like 7/7? or he's a 1/1 that can pump?
"'little brother?' I didn't say that. I don't want to be like you, teacher, I want to surpass you. my will is my own" yeah, I don't think you read all the fine print back when Super-Satan took you in. gifted powers from vague-talking benefactors have a tendency to not care what you want in the end
"Vanishing Fist" is a cool name for an attack. wonder what they cribbed it from (turns out they didn't, it sounded like something that coulda been from something else tho imo)
(midnight got got by mr compress and is telling momo to use a forbidden technique or something to stop bigfoot) hmmm. so midnight had yaoyorozu analyze her sedative stuff so she can make it? yaoyorozu's quirk may be a strict upgrade over some of the pros', then.
ngl, mt lady hasn't seemed to be slowing bigfoot down worth a damn so far. dint even try to get him off his feet, he was just pushing her ahead of him like a plow for the longest time
figures, acid girl remembered bigfoot from her origin story or something and it made her fumble the shot. or he just reminded her of it? not sure, I don't remember the details that well (could swear her origin story was literally about a "monster" looking guy just asking for directions but idk). anyway, kirishima to the rescue? like they do have that shared backstory bit kinda thing so like sure
…what the.
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-- fucker just. …fuck is that called? gurning? yeah. mfer just won the universe gurning championship of all time out of nowhere. swallered his nose. and ears. and eyes.
(tomura got eraser head with the dart) I don't guess our guy's wearing dartproof shinguards under them trousers or summat? -- BRO.
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-- BRO. when is this that kind of show
(OP starts up again) okay, get this upbeat… get this lewis carroll denver jam band shit outta my face, a man just cut his fucking leg off with a knife with one swipe, my man has a vorpal fucking sword specifically for chopping entire legs off and you are playing stuff that would sound too tame and mild and childish for fucking burnout 3. "lazy generation" wouldn't come close to cutting it for this shit, get outta here -- hell, what was he gonna do if it hit him in the gut? chop his entire fucking self in half? -- sweet from atlantis: "the catalog says this little beauty can cut through a femur in twenty-eight seconds. I'm betting I could cut that time in half"
"the giant villain is expected to pass through eleventy different cities on his way to wherever he's going" see, now they got sad twangy strings in the background, it sounds like "In the Woods Somewhere." this is appropriate music for the context -- also the kids really did go through all that for fuckall. : | apparently he can Tarrasque in his sleep or something
robotnik: "that one mistake will bring about your demise!" fucking cyclops with his stupid dinky eye lasers. and writers not knowing what defibrillators are for.
oh yeah, this episode's named after bakugo for some reason. writer really does act like he's fucking enkidu when he's just extremely simply a bad person, it's never gonna make sense to me
flashbacks of bakugo "helping" deku figure out the black whip ig -- wait shit, so deku now also has an ability called Float that just lets him Peter Pan. …or just levitate ig, apparently he needs the other stuff to actually move -- all might: "you're helping him learn his powers to atone for your past actions. but he probably never thought about it" these two make no goddamn sense. bakugo is still every bit as abusive, not only towards deku, but towards every person he interacts with, as he was when we first met him. he's never shown any trace of regretting being that way. hell, he also just got done spelling out that he can't understand that deku values and cares about other people, that that quality of deku's is repulsive to him. -- bakugo is just… is just wired in such a way, whether by nature or nurture or both, that he needs help becoming anything but several kinds of danger to other people. and he'll never get it, and he'll somehow continue to be portrayed as some kind of, for lack of a better word, "quirky" hero.
cyclops's cape is completely gone now, dang. is tomura gonna get a new one after this fight, or what? that thing was his whole wardrobe, now he's just Ben Swolo with wrong hair and chapped lips.
welp, here comes Super-Satan, Tomura, here comes your benefactor to take over the reins. toldja. -- (bakugo took the hit) there'll be no living with him after this. not that there was any before
"I finally got you" ah ah ah. if I didn't know any better, I'd think the Avatar Spirits might have something to say about that. I know you gave this power away, all that time ago, but it might not want to go back. it's got several minds of its own now
the villain team's hacker guy has visual on the fight? while riding on bigfoot's back? how shit is the good guys' tech if this nobody with a laptop can see shit and nobody else knew anything until bigfoot started moving?
"I need to ask sakuraraka why hawks killed twice" yeah because she'll definitely have any damned idea what you're talking about (did he die? I mean they kinda played it like he did but they do that a lot and it very rarely seems to take) -- "you're not the only one who's mad about twice" …what IS spinner doing here? what is his whole deal? does he have one? why is his sword twenty swords taped together in a pile, and why haven't we seen him do anything since like season two? at least, I could swear he hasn't done anything, for having such a distinctive design he's such a nothingburger of a character
"what are you going to do to me?" 'XD fucking nothing, the best her power can do is levitate you and you know it
oh goddammit, the next one's title is literally That Bit with the Gifs and the Hall & Oats Memes, the bit I been waiting for this entire time, but I just watched four in a row (four HEAVY ones) and I wanna stop. I'm just gonna have to save it and open on it (and Knife Girl's BS) next time
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cadriox · 9 months
Sorry if i'm bothering you/ you dont have to respond, but how do you come up with cool backgrounds and ideas for your fanart drawings? Your stuff is super creative!! I was just curious because i draw characters in the same poses every day 😭❤
I check my tumblr notif every once in a few days but still missed this, so sorry if I was keeping you wait!
Thank you so much for the compliments! 💖💖💖 this makes me really happy, you’re not a bother at all.
Just speaking from my experience, but an artist usually have several ways of kicking off a drawing. If I start off drawing a character without actually knowing what I want to draw, I face the same exact problem as you where all the characters are just there! Standing! That isn’t a bad thing, however. I sketch a lot (roughly and fast ngl) so I immediately shift to the next drawing and considered those my warmups until a solid idea pops up. I love focusing emotions so I often start from drawing emotions on the character before coming up with scenarios for them.
Another way of kicking off a drawing is to start with a general idea. It can be a concept, a dialogue, or a composition.
Examples of said ideas I can recall:
•eremin kissing in a wide bloody background
•Eren holding armin’s face w that bloodied hand
•Flojean in a cell. Floch lives
•Gen with his hand as foreground
Concepts can start forming when you’re drawing so you keep adding in the details, or they can even change completely midway depends on you. No need to commit to it, these are just something to get your engine running!
I firmly believe that putting stories in art make it so much more special. My favorite artist is a comic artist, and they express so much and so well in even the smallest panel, their art is truly my inspiration! So as long as you got your story down and try to express it, every piece of your art is unique in its own way💖
(Also if you notice, all my backgrounds are suuuuper lazy made. I barely drawing them, most are a bunch of gradient and colors. But that’s the whole point, as long as the colors indicate what, where, and the atmosphere I don’t feel the need to draw them out!)
I find my art very rough most of the times, but the skill to let go “refining art” and prioritize dynamic and overall atmosphere are essential. It’s also always beneficial to practice drawing people on different angles and pose because it broadens your options for composition!
One last thing: everyone has a personal library in their head, whether it’s for stories, compositions, cool dialogues, lighting, character designs, music, or more. Your library was built according to your interests and what you consume. Personally I LOVE reading fanfics, watching films and series and animations of the genres I’m into. Watching more media will always give you ideas, once in a while you can go back to your library and think what would you like to see that suits your taste and haven’t been done yet.
OKAY, This replies become super long for some reason😭 I’m not the best person when it comes to explaining my thought process but I’ve always love art questions.
Anyway I hope this helps! May your drawing journey be filled with joy
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dorakonia · 1 year
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What's your phone's wallpaper: A fanart piece of Pantalone from Genshin Impact skdjfhsdf it's been there for the past half a year, and it's funny because I used to change my background fairly often before but nowadays I'm just too lazy to change it. So I guess he'll be there until I find something new that I really really like.
Last song you listened to: Idk man, I'm listening to music daily so songs come and go every 4-5 minute skdjhfsf But I guess I could put down the song I'm listening to right now while typing this - "You Are My Sunshine" by Johnny Cash.
Currently reading: Kuroshitsuji. I'm really bad at sitting down and reading books so I usually listen to audio books instead but I love collecting books for some reason skdjfhsdf, but keeping up with the Kuroshitsuji manga is easy since one chapter is released every month, and ngl, I would do the same to other on-going manga series but that would require me to... y'know, sit down and read a lot just to catch up skdjfhsd but I do have Vanitas no Carte in the backburner that I'll eventually get to reading in full. Same goes for the Sailor Moon manga, which I actually own the entire collection of, and I have read at least 3 volumes of it + the volumes with the bonus stories. But in general the collection is just... sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust 😭
Last movie: Uhhhh.... I used to watch movies so much but nowadays I'm too addicted to youtube content to really sit down and watch movies, because it's always such a hassle because every time a movie is over I'm sitting there like 'ok now what to watch' and then I get stuck in limbo of what I feel like watching skdjfhsd And youtube is endless. But I think that the last movie I watched was "Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution" with @jinanreona :3
Last show: ... Same thing here, I don't watch a lot of shows either. And if I do, I usually rewatch shows I'm already familiar with ksdjhfsdf I think the last show I watched in whole was The Walking Dead back in February. And a couple of weeks ago I watched a few Kuroshitsuji episodes with @dokitm! But I think that's about it skjdfhsdf
What are you wearing right now?: .... That is kind of a personal question, isn't it😏
Piercings/tattoos?: No tattoos, but I'd like to have one one day when I'm financially stable to get one skdjhfsd I've had plenty of piercings tho. I got my ears pierced when I was 7 and I still have those, and then when I was 15 I pierced them again so I had two beside each other on each ear. Then when I was 17 I got one for my nose but I let it grow away like 3 years later because I thought it always looked like I had a giant decorative zit on there skjfsd Then I got a navel one when I was 21, and I actually loved it a lot and had it for years. But then one day the jewelry came loose and I couldn't be bothered to get a new one and that one too eventually grew away. I've always wanted a tongue piercing, but it has just never really happened yet. Maybe some day~
Glasses? Contacts?: Reading glasses~
Last thing you ate: My lunch today - salmon in white sauce and boiled potatoes~
Favourite colour(s)?: For stand-alone colours my favorites are black and blue. For colour combos, my all-time favourite is black/white/red, and I also really like purple/pink/orange/yellow.
Current obsession: Uh... I'm very particular in the way I obsess about things skjdfhsdf I don't have a lot of things that I obsess over, but I have a couple that I keep switching between depending on what kind of content I'm exposed to and/or engage in at the moment. Like, for example, right now my current obsession is Breath of the Wild because I'm replaying it to get into the hype for Tears of the Kingdom that is coming out tomorrow (!!!!), and I've been obsessing about it for at least 2 months straight now just because of that. But like... even tho I've been playing a lot, I still don't play every day. And the days when I don't play, I'm obsessing over any of my other interests. And whenever I'm not obsessing over those, I'm obsessing over the one remainder thing. The other day I was obsessing over Warcraft lore because I was spending a whole day playing WoW, and before then I was obsessing over Genshin, and before then it was something else. I obsess over the same things but I do it in phases, and I rarely get new obsessions ksdjhfsdf And ofc, in-between all of these interests, I'm constantly (tho subconsciously) obsessing over Kuroshitsuji and Twisted Wonderland ( Sebastian and Malleus specifically ofc ) :'3 It's like when my mind isn't occupied with anything in particular, Sebastian and Malleus is always living rent free in my head, and I spend my time drawing fanart of them.~
Do you have a crush right now?: Nope. Thus is the life of a demi.~
Favourite fictional character: If I don't say Sebastian Michaelis here I cannot in good faith call myself the biggest Sebastian apologist to have walked this Earth.... but Malleus, Yuugi (ygo), Howl (howl's moving castle - mostly the book version because he's such a little shit there and i absolutely love it, but the movie version is what i was introduced to and it will forever hold a special place in my heart), Zhongli (genshin), Fiore (sailor moon), Mamoru (sailor moon - manga and smc have him much better fleshed out and i love it, but he 90s anime will obviously always have a special place in my heart because it is what i grew up watching ♥ ), Lady Mipha (loz: botw), and Harley Quinn (btas as well as the newer animated harley quinn series) are all ofc huge faves of mine as well ;w; There's absolutely more but.... we'd be here all day~
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TAGGED BY: @gosutm , @jinanreona , @pomfiores (thank you guys!!) TAGGING: I think almost everyone has already done this one so I'm just gonna uhhhh tag some that I don't think have done it so uhhhh @casketdweller, @svmmoning, @niiveusx, @decayedhearts, @chxmpionofjustice, @universestreasures, && @ofcryptid!
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Modern au but aesop is in his room dying while playing carameldansen
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Unfortunately in this modern au he shares a room with Joseph
#aesop carl#identity v#identity v embalmer#joseph desaulnier#identity v photographer#modern au stuff#aesop vc its called depression bitch#i actually went to listen to carameldansen n i figured the mv is a huge meme but the song is actually?? p good??#ngl i quite liked it HAHAHAHAH#anyway. its been a while since i did backgrounds. no rulers were used in the making of this drawing#i know i should. also add like. whatever those are called uhhh perspective?#but im Lazy and do not know perspective. i can only self teach myself so many things dksljhkhasdkljg#im going for like. legit watercolour lessons. n im actually learning like. legit colour theory#like i keep seeing a lot of colour theory tutorials but i could never seem to apply them properly to my art#n it got frustrating n i didnt like working with colours in the first place mostly cos i started out with pencil sketches#n not digital. so i almost never used colours until i started digital#n then my sense of colour was so bad i decided to Not n thats how i ended up with 50 shades of purple#which i like. i like how its my Brand now#but i really do have to get a colour sense n im slowly learning via an actual art class#sighs i should have really taken more art electives in uni. if my timetable would just let me#its really enlightening. i really enjoy it except for the fact im. very bad at mixing colours#that was one reason why i hated painting. i worked with acrylic once n spent hours mixing paint it was torture#now its slightly less torture cos i trust my prof. hes really nice n chill n hes very good. i learnt so much from him#its gonna take a while for me to. try all these digitally. cos colours work differently here#wow i did not mean to go on a tangent lksdhlkahgklha anyway. thank u so much for asking about modern au sop#i have. so many modern au sops. i should probably start a list to keep track akfbkjsdhkjlahsdjf#or maybe tag them differently. hmm. nah im lazy HAHAHAH
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couchpotatoaniki · 3 years
One Year ❣︎ Two: Plotting and Planning
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Chapter Summary: You finally arrive at Jeju Island, but there’s trouble in paradise between you and Dominic.
Pairing: Mafia!San x Fem!Reader Genre: Mafia AU, fluff, angst, eventual smut, lotta crack and stupid shit ngl Chapter warnings: swearing, stalking, cheating Word count: 2.7k+ A 365 Days parody
Previous: Chapter One For the rest of the series, click here
Speech in bold means they’re talking in Korean
Speech in italics is whatever the reader wants their native langue to be that’s not Korean or English
Speech without either means they’re talking in English
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You wanted to punch him square in the face.
Dominic was pushing your buttons beyond what you could handle, and you had no idea what had gotten into him.  Never this bad when it came to his attention. Never did he make you feel this annoyed.
Jeju was a nice place--just as beautiful as you had imagined--but the flight was fairly long so none of you went sight seeing the day you landed. Skipped off to the hotel room for some much needed rest, you most of all.
Though you had a weird sense, chills running up your spine occasionally and funny feelings at the back of your head, you tried to shove it aside. Work was not meant to make it’s way while you were all on your holiday.
Not to mention, your boyfriend was talking once again to his colleagues and friends, not paying mind to you as you hauled the rest of the luggage around the large airport and hotel.
You were tired. You felt not normal. He was being a dick.
So it all had started off on the wrong foot. Still time left to change it around, right?
Then Dominic decided it would be great to take up most of the hotel bed--probably because it was so comfy, whereas he only had half of the bed back at home.
Eventually, you were too tired to put up with this behaviour so you got up and walked to Seonghwa’s and Yeosang’s room.
“The fuck, why are you here?” Yeosang mumbled, half-asleep himself.
Caught the rapid pitter-patters of water running in the background, which must’ve been Seonghwa. “How long’s he been in the shower?” You asked since he generally takes quite a long time.
“Just got in,” he answered, moving aside as you pushed through the doorway with a lazy glare resting on your face.
“Good. Stealin’ his bed,” was all you said before flopping onto the nearest double bed--still as comfortable as the king sized you were supposed to share--and knocking out right there on the spot.
Yeosang ruffled his silvery-grey hair, sighing. “His bed was the other one...”
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The next day was a little more manageable.
The sleep definitely helped your patience level, though Seonghwa was a little annoyed that he had to share the night with Yeosang.
Granted, when you explained everything in the morning over some food from the breakfast buffet, he understood.
You were like a little sister to him. Sure, he took you under his wing a little less than five years ago, taught you his trade, polished you up to be the best of the best, he still grew fond of you.
An older brother you never had, and acting as such, he was highly sceptical when you brought a boy to the dinner table. Dominic, you had introduced.
Never liked him since. Sucked it up only for you, but his patience too was tested often by comments that were made and outlandish behaviour that was presented. No, Seonghwa didn’t like him one bit.
“Well,” he began, taking a bite of a golden, buttered croissant, “if you start feeling uncomfortable again, just pop over to our room and I’ll kick Yeosang out.”
You chuckled at the thought. “He’ll rip him to shreds.”
“Who? Yeosang or Dom?” Threw a pointed look in his direction, as if to ask him if he actually did just say that. “Okay, okay,” Seonghwa laughed as he almost spat out his orange juice, “I knew you meant Yeosang.”
“Happy birthday, dipshit!” Mingi’s voice boomed from behind, as the rest began to join the two of you. His long arms wrapped around your shoulders as he squeezed you in a bone-crushing hug.
“Happy birthday to you too, douchebag,” you squeaked out. The other boys had settled down, wishing you both a happy birthday--Dominic giving you a little kiss too.
Tried to hold back the smirk fighting its way onto your lips as you saw Seonghwa openly grimacing in your peripheral. “Where were you last night, babe?”
You never particularly liked it, that nickname. ‘Babe’...
“You’re asking that now?” Playfully teasing, though there was a slight hint of venom. None of which he picked up on. “I was with Seonghwa and Yeosang.”
“Really?” Dominic’s brow lifted, the judgement of you spending a night in two other men’s room clearly written in his expression.
“Yes, really,” you replied, less playful since he should have known by now that all of you were strictly friends. Neither passion nor romance was held for either the black-haired clean-freak and the grumpy introvert.
Has never been since you were all like family.
“Okay then,” he sighed, sitting beside you with his plate of a heavy breakfast.
The boys stayed quiet throughout the exchange, noticing everything going on but not saying a word. Knew that you could handle it better on your own.
San, on the other hand, was fuming. Although he was not close enough to hear a word any of you said--not that it would matter since he couldn’t understand it anyway--the boy could see the feelings of annoyance brew in your mind.
Hongjoong had his hand on his friend’s shoulder, preventing him from walking up and doing something he would regret. “Look, you don’t know what’s being said, so just give it a rest and enjoy your toast.”
“Joong, I can’t enjoy my toast, especially if he’s said something that makes her upset. I’ll floor the fucker, I swear--”
“San,” the blur-haired boy warned in a low tone, “eat your toast.”
One of his strengths would be that San knew when to back off. Sure, it came to a much bigger challenge when you were involved, apparently, but he still had listened to his second-in-command. “Fine. I’ll eat it, but I won’t like it.”
Hongjoong had not said another word to him, still pissed off about what his boss had pulled last night. Flying over had drained energy out of him, no matter how many times he did it, so all he wanted to do was to go to the villa, greet Jongho and Wooyoung, and then go to sleep.
That was it.
But no. San decided he had to chase you to this hotel. This hotel which was less luxurious than the villa and the food was sub-par at best. Not to mention he kept pacing about the room that was supposed to be opposite yours and your boyfriend’s, worried how you left the room and went into a different one.
Hongjoong had to stop him from bugging the rooms or even go pounding the door so hard it knocked down.
Seeing his boss and friend like this had him beyond concerned, since this was the first time it’s ever gotten to this degree.
In fact, he was so concerned, he had to update the two other boys about it--without San’s knowledge.
Wooyoung had told him to bring San to the villa as soon as possible--by tomorrow night, no matter what--but the man in question appeared to have other plans.
Throughout the day, San became more calculated in his movements (particularly when it seemed that you were on alert of some strange presence by the side glances you gave in their general direction). “We're going back to the villa tomorrow night.”
To hear that was a bit of a shock, especially when he had planned for the same thing. “What are you gonna do?”
“Sweep her off her feet, of course,” San smirked, devious little cogs in his head turning.
Ruffling his hair as he looked over at you and your friends--sat down in the tent lounge for your celebratory dinner--Hongjoong shuddered slightly at the ominous tone.
Clinking of a fork against glass, Dominic grabbed the attention of everyone, including the bystanders around him. Clearing his throat, he pulled out a piece of of paper with words scribbled on.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, surprisingly in Korean rather than the language you all communicated in--though it wasn’t perfect, he was still trying. San was glad, now able to understand what was being said.
“Today is a special day, because it is the birthday of two very special people. One of which is my lovely girlfriend. So I would like to embarrass her by preparing this speech, to let everyone know this wonderful woman is mine.”
The mafia boss didn’t like that. He didn’t like that one bit.
“I’m so glad you were born, because life wouldn’t have been as fun without you, and you’re certainly very special in not only my heart, but the rest of the boys as well.”
It wasn’t only San who was unhappy about this speech. This wasn’t just your birthday, it was Mingi’s as well, yet he was written off. So, before Dominic could conclude his speech, you stood up, interjecting him.
“Thank you, for that nice speech. But I also want to congratulate my childhood friend, for it’s his birthday today too.” You lifted your glass to cheer the giant. “If it weren’t for you, God knows where I would be, if I would even be alive. You’ve saved my ass more times than I can count and for that, I’ll forever be eternally grateful.”
Hearing you speak such good Korean had--for some bizarre reason--made San’s heart skip a beat of two. Even as your accent shone, the pronunciation was close to flawless.
Yet Dominic was not feeling so proud. Yes, it was Mingi’s birthday too, but that speech was for you. Interrupting him was almost as if you were putting Mingi before him. Before your boyfriend.
As the chocolate cake topped with sparklers was brought out by the staff and people around you started to sing ‘happy birthday’ in Korean (your friends being the loudest), you couldn’t shake off the feeling that you were being watched again. But what was worse, you couldn’t shake the feeling that Dominic was going to do something dumb tonight.
“Excuse me,” you said as you stood up in the middle of dinner, when everything went back to normal.
“And where are you going, little missy?” Yunho asked as he moved his long legs to let you get past.
“Bathroom,” was all you said as you went by, needing to freshen up after feeling so... odd. Confined under the eyes of people you didn’t know.
The night had brought itself a particularly cold wind, rushing past your black chiffon dress. “Crap,” you cursed, “should’ve brought a thicker coat.”
Each turn you made, you became increasingly confused as to where you were. This place was like a damn maze. “Should’ve probably asked for directions too.”
“Are you lost, babygirl?” a deep voice asked you in English, cocky tone evident in the way the words rolled off his tongue. You turned to see the man who had just dared to call you that, ready to thump him in the face with a nearby plant pot, but when you saw his face, a sense of familiarity washed over you.
This was the guy. He's eyes were following you since you came off the plane--you could feel it in your bones.
“No thanks, you replied back in English, “I’m perfectly fine.”
And you turned around, not capturing the devilish smirk growing across San’s face as he watched you powerfully walk off in some random direction, not knowing if it was towards the bathroom.
But he didn’t need to know that, did he?
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“Where’s Dom?” Mingi pondered as he looked around, realising it was oddly peaceful in the area.
“Not a clue,” you shrugged, “he’s been gone all night. Disappeared after dinner.”
While Yeosang, Yunho, and Seonghwa went swimming in the hotel pool, hearing their yells of ‘Marco!’ and ‘Polo!’, you and your childhood friend opted for sunbathing on colourful lounge chairs.
“Since when the fuck do you not have a clue? Plus, we all saw how that dickhead was eyefucking that random hoe at the dinner.”
“I really don’t wanna think about it. After all, it’s our birthday and I don’t wanna ruin the mood by thinking of the things he’s probably doing.”
Propping himself on his elbows, he took off his sunglasses to look at you. “Bastard’s cheating on you and you’re not gonna do anything?”
“Oh no, I’m definitely going to bring pain upon his ass like never before, but right now is not the time. Besides, it’s not as if we ever loved each other. And I finally got a good night’s sleep.” You placed your hand over his in a reassuring way, but it did nothing much.
Your response had Mingi biting his bottom lip, worried. “Hearing you talk like that scares me sometimes, ya know?”
“After everything I went through, you still think I’m going to be who I was?” You opened your eyes, peering over at him with eyes so cold that there was only one situation he would see them. “Do you still fucking think with all the shit that the five of us do, I’d still be a person who believes in mercy or love?”
Sighing, he lay back down with his sunglasses covering his eyes once more. “You’re right, it’s dampening the mood. What are you planning to do between now and dinner? Any particular place you wanna visit?”
Contemplating, you hummed as you thought of what to do next. “Maybe visit the stone park? Looked beautiful enough in the pictures,” you sighed, “What do you think? Your birthday too, ya know?”
The tall man shot a boyish grin your way. “Sounds great--”
“Hey!” The two of you turned your head to look at Dominic, who had trudged towards you in flip-flops. When he bent down to peck your cheek, you made no move whatsoever, internally cringing at the feel of his dirtied lips against your skin.
“And where were you?” you inquired, clearly not pleased with this. He hadn’t even bothered to hide the lingering scent of fruity perfume of the random woman he spent the night with.
Though there was something very much off about him since this isn’t something he would do, you will never excuse his disloyal behaviour.
“Oh, I went to Hallim Park. You seemed busy with the rest of the boys so I decided to leave you in peace.”
You took your glasses off, pretending to be pissed off about him going to a place he didn’t actually visit when it was actually about the secret he was trying to hide from you. “Are you shitting me right now? You promised we’d go there together.”
“I know, but I just needed to clear my head for a bit.” He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, no longer looking you in the eye.
“For the entire night?”
“Yes, for the entire night,” he snapped, instantly irking you even more because how fucking dare he?
Sighing, you got out of the lounge chair you were in, licking you lips to calm you down just a fraction before you stab him in the eye. “You know what?”
Each step you took towards him, he took backwards until he was right at the edge of the pool.
You brought you lips right next to his ear, the faint scent of pineapple lingering on your tongue, spotting the hickey hidden under his neck. You whispered, “fuck you,” before pushing him with ease into the pool to create a massive splash.
With steam coming out of your ears, you stormed away back into the hotel as Mingi lay there, laughing.
“That’s my girl,” San chuckled as he watched the scene unfold. He could tell from the feeling of the argument that you were unhappy about your boyfriend not being home that night.
In fact, when the mafia boss first noticed the way Dominic couldn’t peel his eyes away from one of the other women in the lounge last night, he decided to keep tabs on his movements--and thank god he did, otherwise he wouldn’t have found the great evidence that could pull you two apart and thrust you into his arms.
Hongjoong however, was actually somewhat terrified. “That man was twice the size of her.”
“I know. Feisty little lady.”
The blue-haired man looked at him with so much disgust, watching how he was so enamoured by you and a little turned on. No matter how open San was about what he liked in ‘bedroom matters’ both verbally and (unfortunately) physically, he still couldn’t help how grossed out he was.
“Jesus, keep it in your pants,” he grunted.
“Chin up, Joong,” San sighed, strangely gleeful, “we won’t have to stalk around much longer.”
“No,” he smiled, “because she’s back with us to the villa. Tonight.”
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☕︎ Tag list: @little-precious-baby​ , @sparklychangbin​ ,
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Prove Me Wrong
M!Reader x Oikawa
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-heres an interesting thought. what about flamboyant oikawa with a cold boyfriend😳😳
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so in the request above
this is a m!reader
meaning you will be male in this one so hehe yep the story starts now
you are,,,
and cold
but its mainly just because you were,,,
too tired to actually put in the effort of socializing
between bouncing between part-time jobs to care for your siblings and to schoolwork and book club
the mans can only do so much
so you spend most of your time in school just trying to catch up on sleep bc youre too busy studying up all night for exams since yanno
unfortunately for you, your class had the famous manwhore oikawa tooru
why is that a bad thing?
well, imagine just trying to get some shut eye and suddenly, you just hear a bunch of screaming girls and it gets louder the closer the guy approaches your classroom and when he opens it,
the screams become 10x bass boosted
then imagine that with your sensitive hearing
it does bother you but it wouldnt bother you as much if he told them to leave
he decides to let them in and chat with them and flatter them and continue with that bs until the bell rings
even then,
the girls in your class cant help but keep giggling at him and he always whispers in that obnoxious voice and youre just like two seconds away from ripping his tongue out
you dont hate him
you just genuinely dislike his way of living
and the way he talks
and the way he acts
yea see?
no hate
theres a difference
then there was that one time that you got so fed up with it that when oikawa settled on his seat and the fangirls circled him like some cult
they started talking to him all at once trying to get his attention
so it was a garbled mess of sounds and you growled, burying your face deeper in your arms because you would snap really really soon
then one girl shrieked when oikawa smiled at her and then you really just let go of all bearings
your chair made a squeak as you shot up, palms slamming against the wooden desk and your eyes glaring straight at them
‘go back to the farm, ya squealing pigs’
this made everyone silent-even the others in the class just minding their own business
they all knew you as the quiet kid who didnt really talk much but those who did were really scared at you and the way you talked to them with such a cold and monotonous voice that they started spreading rumors about you
even absurd ones like your eyes are so cold bc youve killed so many people that you have no life and empathy left
but apparently they were just,,, so scared of you that when you finally got done with them and bursted out, the girls started crying
the females run out of the room scared and the others nervously looks at you
your eyes sweeped through the room and each one of them flinched when you made eye contact with them
the only who didnt was oikawa tooru himself
your eyes landed on him and he still had that stupid smug look on his stupidly gorgeous face and you wanted to ki-WAIT NO SLAP it off of him
‘the hell you looking at?’
you grumbled at him and he just merely shook his head with a smile
‘you remind me a chihuahua, m/n-chan. so cute when its angry’
now it isnt a surprise to hear oikawa tooru say that to a boy bc wowza the school loves him so much that hes a bi icon in seijoh and hes such a king like who cares?
but they were surprised to see you turn red, the tips of your ears to the base of your neck were all flushed
‘see? so cute, right, everyone?’
the class didnt say anything except just put their heads down bc as much as they wanted to agree with oikawa at how suddenly hot you looked, they were too scared that you might plummet their faces to the ground
maybe thats when everyone started noticing you more
again, you were very quiet, you didnt talk much, you just sat there and listened so obviously you didnt really stand out but then that outburst made you more noticeable
you started seeing girls in your class staring at you then blush and look away abashedly
then the guys in your class started greeting you, even people in the hallways
ngl the attention you suddenly got was overwhelming
especially when oikawa seemed to call out to you all the time now
as you were walking down the stairs, hed see you and he’d shout and wave to you
‘m/n-chan! hiii!!!!’
his loud voice would make everyone turn and look at you and you dont do well with public attention so you turn red and you glare at him
‘shut the hell up, idiot. and dont call me by my first name. we’re not friends’
you turned to walk in the classroom but you looked at him again after taking a few steps
there he was
smiling and giggling with those girls
all he does is smile and giggle and shit
its so damn fake that you cant believe everyone fell for it and the worst thing is oikawa’s doing it to get everyone’s acceptance and validication
it was pathetic and disgusting
poor oikawa :(
now on to baby flatttykawa side,
he was kinda hurt by that
like how the heck are you not friends when youve been going to high school for 3 years?
sure, its only been casual greetings and him waving at you when yall made eye contact
but its still something, right?
when you walked back into the classroom, tooru cant help but feel down at the declaration of the lack of friendship you had
his form slouched and his eyes trailed down but the voice of some girl brought him back to where he was and to fix his attitude
‘oikawa-san? are you okay?’
the others muttered in concern with her but they were eased when he raised a peace sign with the signature smile 
‘yep! all good!’
truth be told,
oikawa has always noticed you
not only do you work at the one bakery with his milk bread but you also work at the convenience store that the team sometimes visits
then he also noticed you picking up your brother from the volleyball practice that takeru’s part of and he cant help but frown at the eyebags under your eyes that he always sees
he lies awake at night just thinking how you would look without those eyebags, without the sickly looking complexion, or even just the lack of life in your eyes
then during class, you sat by the window
tooru knows this bc his eyes always fixes itself on you whenever he opens that door and he has to hold in the need to hug you when he sees you sleeping on your desk
others might call you lazy
others might call you a video game all nighter kid
but they dont notice the things you do
the nervous habits hes seen from you at the times that tooru couldnt help but stare
he knew it was creepy to do it
but you were so silent
you blended yourself into the background and you made sure to stay there 
thats why nobody knows anything about you
with good looks like yours and a smart brain (he knew this from mattsun and makki being your students), why exactly were you not known?
maybe thats why it drew you to him
all his life he chased, 
but now hes the one chasing?
tooru knows that your left eyebrow lifts when sensei writes something you dont understands
tooru knows that you like to do sudoku in the convenience store while you worked
tooru knows you eat the same meal during lunch every day from the same lunchbox
and he also knows that your brother talks so highly about you from takeru
the little things your brother brags about like your ability to cook f/f or your weird ability to just assemble something without looking at the instruction manual
he notices and knows all these things about you
things that people never really even bothered to 
oikawa didnt even know he liked you until iwaizumi pointed it out during lunch
the third years liked to go and eat at the rooftop where it was nice and windy
oikawa was sitting and leaned against the tall wire fence, his eyes fixated on you down below on the bench as you ate your lunch
then you accidentally loosened the chopsticks causing your food to slip off
that made oikawa giggle
he was chuckling and giggling that the others noticed him when he suddenly went quiet
‘oi, oikawa’
makki nudged him back to them and tooru flinched before smiling at them
‘hm? so you do notice me!’
iwa glared
‘idiot. of course we do. youre laughing over there like some damn schoolgirl. did one of your fangirls posses you or something? if not, cut it out. its ugly’
oikawa shot him an offended look
‘what?! iwa-chan so mean!’
mattsun took the liberty to peer over the edge to see what he was looking at and smirked
‘eh? were you looking at l/n-sensei?’
oikawa blushed, feeling like he just got caught doing something bad
‘and what about it? im looking at you too, right now, mattsun!’
makki cackled at oikawa’s poor attempt of reasoning
‘i mean, i dont blame you. if issei wasnt here, id definitely get with him’
oikawa’s eyes wandered back down to you and he noticed you put the bento box to the side before sneezing
‘gosh, even his sneeze is cute’
he mumbled then jolted when he heard his own words 
iwa sighed
‘what are we going to do with you, shittykawa?’
‘what?! what did i do?!’
iwa’s eyes scrunched and he scrutinized his best friend
‘boke. i feel bad for that kid, doesnt know this stupid idiot likes him’
so thats how oikawa came to terms of it
he thought he was just interested and fascinated with you but he really does like you
and to be honest, he doesnt really want you to know that bc duh, you dont like him so why bother?
baby oiks doesnt interact with you much anymore bc he knows you get uncomfy with attention but he still does look out for you and decides he should just admire from afar
he will live every day just holding his feelings in for you and one day they will disappear
but today just wasnt the day
maybe today was the start of the worst yet the best part of your life
last night was particularly rough as the convenience store you worked in had a drunk person who wanted to fight with you and your manager had to call the police and it was just a mess
to add on to it, midterms were around the corner-like next week- so you were studying up for that
but your sister got sick so you were also trying to take care of her and making sure her fever was going down and her crying ever few hours about her tummy ache didnt allow you to sleep
hehehe single parent working late tingz
so yep haha you did NOT get any sleep
so you walked into school that morning, looking tired as hell and mad as hell but you just wanted to sleep bro
the one kid you tutor, matsukawa issei, and his friend who usually tags along, hanamaki takahiro, noticed you dazedly pass them in the hallway and poor dudes felt bad for you
mattsun actually pays you to tutor him bc he knows you need the money while taka preferred to buy you snacks and drinks as compensation
so it was normal that he had an energy drink in his bag that he was going to give you tomorrow during your tutoring day
‘oi! l/n!’
your head perked up at the call of your name and you nodded in greeting at the light brown haired boy
you muttered and mattsun placed his hands on your shoulder to keep you upright
‘oi, l/n, you sure you want to be here? you can go home and we can tell them youre sick or some-’
but you waved your hand
‘nonono todays an important lecture so i cant miss it’
the two guys didnt look convinced but they respected your need to be in school since they too need to be in class for midterms
‘here. at least take this’
makki placed a drink on your hand and you nodded and gave them a small smile
you mumbled before wandering off
once they saw you at a distance away, makki wrapped an arm around issei to get his attention
‘ya think we should tell oikawa to keep an eye on him? make sure he doesnt keel over and die or somethin?’
mattsun stopped before nodding
‘yea thats a good idea’
oikawa was already in class when you walked in and he cant help but tear his eyes away from the girls to you as you sluggishly walked to your seat
the drop of your bag and the thud of your head meeting the desk made him worried bc you looked worse than usual
his phone buzzed and he checked it to see a message from mattsun
‘keep an eye out for your boyfriend. mightve been working late last night and yanno how he is. just watch out if he faints or something’
okay that made him super worried
totally ignoring what mattsun called you, oikawa knew he needed to talk to you
but these fangirls were the first problem
he shut his phone off and looked up at them with a grin that made them madly blush
‘ladies, class is about to start. oikawa-senpai would hate for you to be marked. so study hard for me, okay?’
like hypnotized cult members, the girls ran to their classrooms and tooru finally had the opportunity to talk to you
he stood up and walked over to your seat
he called out, looking down at you
he tried again and was about to put a hand on your shoulder when your hand snatched it
‘dont touch me, oikawa’
you grumbled and tooru furrowed his eyebrows
‘m/n-chan, i just wanted to ask if youre okay’
he whined and you didnt bother to look up but just let go of his hand
‘i was until you came over, idiot’
tooru was thankful that the teacher came in then and there bc he didnt know how to respond to that
he wanted to brush it off but it hurt him a little
and he knows he shouldnt entertain his crush on you but he couldnt looking at you and watching as you got up to use the bathroom 
as class went on, oikawa was starting to worry
now again, hes no stalker bc his observation skills were just phenomenal due to volleyball
so he noticed that youve been in the bathroom for like 20 minutes now
okay nevermind
tooru, worried that something happened, raised his hand to go and use the bathroom and the sensei wasnt exactly paying attention so he just let him go
thank god he has long legs bc he was able to reach the bathroom quick and he stifled a shriek when he saw your passed out form inside
he yelled and he cursed when duh you were alone and who knows how long youve been there
and ew bathroom floors is bleh
you were in no way light but you werent exactly heavy either so he was able to muster up all his strength and hoisted you on his back
tooru’s heart thrummed in his chest and he knew it couldnt be that serious but he cant help but think of the worst
and yep
the nurse just told him that your heartbeat was okay and you were snoring so you mustve been exhausted by the dark circles in your eyes
‘keep an eye on him for me. i have to tend to midoriya over there. the kid broke his arm again and i dont know how’
she grumbled at the end but tooru didnt care as he sat on the chair next to your bed
he sighed before laying his head on the cot by your hand
his eyes settled on your face and how peaceful it looked
gosh, you really were so cute
your personality just sucked ass
constantly telling him to shut up and calling him idiot
not long after oikawa fell asleep, you woke up and cursed, immediately realizing you fainted and you missed class
as you were going to rub your eye, there was weight on your hand and you looked down to see a head full of brown hair that could only belong to a certain someone
a certain idiot
‘oi. oikawa, wake up’
you shook his head and when he didnt budge, you just pulled your hand from under him making him jump awake
at first, he was confused
looking around like a lost puppy and his eyes bleary
yea it was cute and what about it
then he noticed you sitting up and he smiled
‘you feeling better, m/n-chan?’
he asked, leaning close 
but you placed your hand on his face to push him away
‘yea. and stop leaning so close, idiot’
you grumbled and he whined
‘youre so mean, m/n-chan! i was so worried about you!’
he complained and you rolled your eyes
‘i didnt ask you to be, idiot’
oikawa frowned
‘i cant help it. i like you, m/n-chan’
you froze, looking at him with scrunched eyebrows
then you chuckled dryly
‘yea, okay sure. im okay now so you can go to class’
tooru was taken aback
‘wh-what? thats it? after i just told you that i liked you?’
you blinked at him
‘what do you want me to say about that, oikawa? how do you want me to react? im not like your fangirls, squealing and shit’
your words cut deep in him and oikawa held your arm
‘no wait a minute. what do you mean by that? do you not believe me?’
‘who the hell believes something that’s fake?’
there was a snip in your tone and oikawa knew you were talking about this facade of his
‘what? i-’
‘you think i believe you? you telling me you like me? do you even know who you are?’
you asked and tooru sniffled, eyes staring at your chest
‘for years, you told people what you wanted them to hear, regardless if you meant them or not. not once have you ever told them no. who the hell accepts chocolates when they dont even like them to begin with?’
at that last part, oikawa snapped up to meet your eyes
‘how did you know’
you rolled your eyes
‘our brothers are friends, idiot. he gave him some of the chocolates you gave to takeru since the brat couldnt eat them all’
oddly, that brought some warmth in tooru’s chest
so he wasnt the only one who knows the stupid stuff
but you continued on your rant
‘for a guy who doesnt like sweet stuff, youve accepted their nasty treats all the time, like why? oh, wait i know why, because you want them to like you. it doesnt matter if-if this-this persona of yours isnt real because as long as they like you, you dont give a fuck. isn’t that true? am i right? because please, prove me wrong’
maybe your dislike for him came out at that tangent and you half expected him to cry but you were surprised when he glared at you with teary eyes
‘i will. ill prove you wrong, m/n, that i do like you and i will make you like me. ill make you like me with the real me. i swear.’
‘mhm. okay. sure, oikawa’
do you regret it?
i mean,,,
but not really?
because you loved watching the girls faces fall when oikawa rejected their treats the next day
you were walking to class when you noticed him with his cult by the entrance and you saw him smiling at some girl before gently pushing away a can of cookies
‘gomen. i actually dont like sweets that much anymore. if you want, you can give me milk bread?’
you stopped and oikawa caught your eye and he grinned
you nodded in greeting before continuing to walk
but he noticed a small smile on your face and gosh oikawa sighed like a lovesick fool
it took iwaizumi to finally send him back and his fangirls were looking at him worriedly
‘could you be less obvious, shittykawa?’
rip iwaizumi hajime in episode 546546546 of daily adventures of oikawa tooru
you noticed that oikawa has started to become distant with his fangirls and hes been sticking to you during lunch, leaving behind the others
makki and mattsun looked like proud parents as they peered down over to you flicking oikawa’s forehead and they smiled
‘god, that kid deserves this’
‘hah? that sounds like more of a punishment to me. but i dont care. it takes him off our hands for a while’
oikawa would pick your brother up and take him home when youre too busy to go get him yourself and sometimes, he even takes your little sister too which causes them to have a mini sleepover and you sleep there too
also, whenever youre working in the convenience store, tooru would buy sandwhiches and a drink just for you so you can eat them while youre on break and not have to waste money and you told himyou dont want him spending money on you but he doesnt wanna hear it
‘i dont want you buying me-’
‘ssshhhh dont. im doing this because i want to and becaus i care for you, m/n-chan’
youve started to like him
youve started looking forward to seeing his stupidly cute face and his stupidly cute giggle
you went to his games and gave him a tight hug when hes about to play as a ritual for good luck and you would open your arms for him wide whenever he wins
then he didnt
against shiratorizawa, you noticed how he was so disappointed
even as you walked home with him, he continued to smile and tell you how good his team played
until you couldnt take it anymore
you pulled him over to some alleyway and you pushed him to the wall
oikawa nervously fiddled with his jacket and gave you a shaky smile
‘m/n-chan, what are you-’
‘tell me what youre feeling right here, right now. no bullshit, no lies, tell me everything in that pretty head of yours’
you deadpanned and tooru looked away
‘im fine’
‘are you lying to me, tooru?’
your voice was even but he could tell you were serious
he gulped before taking in a shakey breath
‘im fine. so stop asking about it!’
he exclaimed and you sighed
‘listen, i know its not official yet but you want me to be your boyfriend right?’
tooru flinched before he flushed at the word ‘boyfriend’ 
then he nodded
‘as your boyfriend, you have to lean on me, tooru. i dont want you to hold it to yourself because i wanna be there for you and i want to go through everything with you because i,,,,,’
you stopped and hesitated, debating if you should say it or not
‘because i like you, idiot’
you confessed and swallowed thickly
oikawa met your eye and his eyes watered
‘im so angry! im so disappointed! but i know my team did their 110 percent! we’re just not strong enough! so its not their fault! but ushijima is such a freak and hes too strong and its not fair!’
he complained and he cried loudly
not once in the 3 years of knowing oikawa have you seen him cry and you were so proud of him for being able to trust you enough to show him being vulnerable
you rushed forward held him close to your chest
‘for what it’s worth, you looked so incredibly hot and cute playing’
you whispered and pecked his neck 
of course oikawa couldnt hold his surprise at the feeling of your lips on his neck so he squealed a little
you gigled and continued holding your boyfriend close, even if it was at some nasty alleyway
yall became official and ngl, they didnt see this coming
some nobody dating the grand king oikawa tooru?
what in the wattpad?
yall know that tiktok of like ‘guys you cant dm me anymore. i have a girlfriend now. what else? and i love her’
but you totally made oikawa tell his fangirls that
when yall became official, you actually gained your own little fanclub
maybe its because you gained clout from your boyfriend but they started noticing you and wowza you were hot
before, it was you getting jealous over tooru but now, it was him getting possessive of you
hes such a brat that he sits on your lap before class and youre just all smirking and feeling all good bc your baby is so cute when hes jealous
but all oiks has to do is pull down your collar and expose your purple littered collarbones and they will know who you belong to
theres a reason why iwa-chan is now the kids babysitter
youre still kinda cold and distant to people but youre soft for your baby and you always hold him close when hes in sight and you just cant get enough of him
your sister loves dressing you up and oikawa has his sisters makeup and they both do your makeup and you guys have tea party with the boys and just the cutest domestic stuff
you still call him idiot though
but like affectionately yanno?
and over the years youve turned it down to dummy
and ngl tooru loves it when you call him that
what in the dumbification-
because he knows that equivalent to babe from you and he absolutely just loves you lmao
youre def the more quieter and calmer one in the relationship like you absolutely dont react much
while tooru is the overreactor and hes very animated with his facial expressions and stuff
like the one time
he was cooking some chicken pasta and you cheekily grabbed a piece of chicken and he made a dramatic gasp
‘*le gasp* oikawa m/n how dare steal a piece of chicken!’
you cackled before crossing your arms at the sight ofyour lover with his pursed lips and hands on his hips
‘excuse you. its more of you who’d take my last name’
it was so easy to make him flustered and tooru quickly turned around to tend back to the food but he was really just hiding his red face
‘b-baka. thats not going to happen’
‘not if i do it first’
you shrugged and smirked, wondering if he will fall for it
and as expected with oikawa tooru
‘yea okay sure’
‘i will!’
‘prove me wrong, m/n-chan~’
‘turn around right now’
oikawa rolled his eyes playfully before turning with a smile
‘what are you-*le gasp part 2*’
his hands covered his mouth at the sight of you there in front of him, kneeling on your knee tightly clutching a silver ring between your thumb and index finger
your heart was thrumming in your chest but you gulped and smiled
‘i win. now marry me, dummy’
oikawa screamed
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a/n: sorry if this sucked booty :((( but i just really like the thought of uke oikawa and just him with a cute boyfriend for a change like please we all know oikawa is a bi king and thats on docosahexaenoic acid
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hex-wittebane · 1 year
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T̸̢͇̘̬̖̖̭̄̆̾́̄̀̔͜͠h̷͈̃̌̓̉͝͝e̴͙̳̥̣͎͐͂̀̆̽͆r̷̨̗̞̄̂͌͒è̷͚̝̖̯̜͎͆̃͋̆̉͌̓ ̸̨̨͚͖͖̬͚͉̖̒̄͋͊͛̔͋͊̄͜I̵̧̼͈͂ş̵͙̺̯͉͉̱̣͇̫̉̂̿̾͆̔͗ ̷͍̇͌͌̓̓̈́͘̚͝N̷̢̰͖̤̜̩̿̎̽͗̚͘͝ŏ̵̳̙̜̳̲͌͌̃̑͝ͅ ̶̣͌̐̾̊͘��̩͙̙ͅE̶̡̨̛̻̞͒͂͂̔̕͝ș̷̗͇̣̮̗͔̎̔̈́̅́̓͑͊́c̵̜̥̟̟͔̓͋́͘à̶̮̈́̒̇̈́͌̅̀p̴̡͍͈̹̬͇̻̥͈̿̊̍̓̚̕͠ē̸̤͔͉̪ @ RULERZREACHF4N
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ibelonginthepast · 3 years
okay I need your klance fic recs(i feel like you have really good taste)(i mean your icon is literally THE keith of course you have god tier taste)
okay so the thing is.. that when i say am kinda messed up and disgusting sometimes... and becoming a madwoman... am not over exaggerating or saying it in a funky way.. i actually am getting like that .. and that's how i got into the klance fandom initially. i project through lance and read really langsty fics.. and they are messed messed with like violent nsfw, gore, horror, serious mental health issues etc? so if u want those... i'll only send them if u want?
yeah tho i entered with this thingy that klance is gonna be like my guilty pleasure or some shit but them i inevitably fell in love with some GORGEOUS fanfictions out there and KEITH KOGANE in all shapes sizes genders and ages so lol...
but they aren't flowery. that's just not my taste. Some of them might be "problematic"? it's in quotes because i don't agree with it. it's not going to be problematic in plain ignorant sense like racial issues or blatant sexism or mental abuse.... but they might have like stuff which people dont always agree with like drugs. most of them would have nsfw it's just something that i need to have for feels and that's why i asked if u minded it. some things are like more subjective,, characterizations for example, cause like some people dont think keith is a skirt guy cause he isnt in fashion but i think he is petty and rebellious so he will defo do that? some of them would have like physical fights and stuff.. or keith and lance being mean to each other.. some ugly habits which aren't necessarily condemned like anger or drugs.? but with how i see it, it's not glorified, so i see them as human. i love the raw and ugly in these or idk its just human to me (but some people dont like which is completely valid cause we are all different from different environments and think different and resonate with different stuff.)
wait addition: i think some of them will have sexist themes? which i have complained about a lot before. i dont know why authors feel the need to somehow put women down to show how a mlm relationship without any women is superior or some shit it's annoying as fuck i hate it. i dont think i would have any especially sexist fics here, but there might be some with lowkey themes and bad handling of those issues. some of them mau have that subtext of disgusting heteronormative standards, but in subtext uk like bottom lance having a small waist and being giggly and all in contrast to big bulk keith.
here are some that i had bookmarked... but i may remember some more and then send them to u and or add them here...
a heads up.. i dont remember all of them very well. its been a while and i read fanfictions A LOT so yeah.. incase one slips up here which isnt very good am sorry dont judge me
the bold ones are the ones u should really check out if our taste is similar.
to begin with plain f l u f f,, my first klance bookmark was How Could I Say No? by Padfoots_Pawprint. tws for violence, bullying, injury BUT it's not actually gory or something like that it's just keith being keith and getting hurt and lance helping my boi like he should. it made me feeeeeeeel ksksk
this was one that kinda really touched me,, Wasted youth, Cryptids, and Waterboys by Baea THIS HAS EXPLICIT NSFW in it, the first chapter kicks off with it.. its a good fuck buddies to lovers in my opinion.. i love the writing style, the choice of how it's just a couple entries of random days in their lives. i love keith's characterization.. he is a hobo and a conspiracy nerd.. i love how down for him lance is, very dedicated. i love their growth.. i love how they help each other grow,, and it's so like real and usual day to day and human and down to earth idk how else to express it. this is INCOMPLETE. it's 12 chapters and discontinued as of now,, but it's not a deadly cliffhanger
similar in style and approach to the above. tho i think here is where it gets dubious. Easy, Tiger. by @/WhatTheBodyGraspsNot ... this is INCOMPLETE too and as of now discontinued. this has that sorta murky vibe with it's drug usage, them being teenagers in school and engaging in stuff like this, bad boy keith and all. this has nsfw too. i just remember really liking it and its very raw and unfiltered. tho it's incomplete it's not an open ending for now.
okay so i am restarting this but am upset as fuck that it all got deleted so i am gonna be lazy and not put as much effort as i did.
i have also Crowd Pleaser bookmarked by the same author,, this one's complete and it has some serious issues around gaslighting if i remember correctly... i really liked it then. keith is literally an angel here, i want to kidnap him and marry him literally. the s h w ee t e s t shit ,, and i like how lance gives him all the support and space to get his shit together
Drummer boy by klancekorner,, i think it's similar to the prev one, but lance's pov(which is what i prefer ngl). this authors fanfics are all just wholesome. i had put links to all their fics before, but imma now just say that u should go and check all their fics out. i have them all bookmarked, i must have seen something in them (can't remember what now tho and i cant be bothered to skim through them like last time *rolls eyes*)
War of hearts? idk why honestly, just ik keira has made me gay, and lesbian rejection angst? garrison? yes :) it's incomplete, conveniently left at the point where lance's heart is broken lol
Fuck buddies with benefits. THE NAME IS BAD I KNOW but i just love the idea of a dedicated mess of a keith and lance taking care of him. that's it that's the fic if i remember correctly. oh wait yeah u might think keith is not treating lance right, but i think it's fine if lance is treated a bit stupid. this is a bit too sex driven tho i dont like it but just SLEEPDEPRIVED KEITH TO TAKE CARE OF IMMA SIGN UP (ik this maybe coming off toxic but lol look at me)
Rambling: THIS WAS ME.
Last Defense: TW SUICIDE this is literally the langst i have for canon lance
I want something else: bad boy keith can break my limbs and cut my face and i will thank him
A thank you would be nice: keira damn
game-set-match: b a d b o y
I swear to go the devil made me do it: my typically fav trop, hardcore pining lance, literally perfect angsty keith. very similar to the top ones ig? idk also this one is one of my comparatively recent sane bookmarks so that's something. it starts off weird, u think it gon be subtly sexist but it turns out better so hold on
you've got me locked up: i think it's delinquent keith,, its floofy
Dad lance and tattoo artist keith: the name says it
damn while going through my bookmarks i realized that there are a lot of things i never bookmarked? i am pretty sure i loved a lot of long fanfictions, flower shop aus and tattoo artists shit wtf-
wait here's one, it's not complete: Blood jumps in the sun: it's very heavy has a lot of growth and kinda wholesome,, tags and summary will give u an idea what u getting in.
The lessons we learned: can't remember much other than florist keith, sad keith, smart keith, really long, pining
damn i think i have a lot of happy ones i didn't bookmark cause my brain was like u dont deserve the serotonin :( i'll add if i have more)
some actually angsty, detailed nsfw and messy (according to the way u interpret these) ones... lemoninagin.. they have some very detailed and explicit nsfw stuff but i am not there for it. some of it has the kind of angst i like? an actual one that i love and they recently posted and the reason am putting them here is infinitesimal. best friends to lovers and tho usually it's not my cup of tea.. it's a character study, an interpretation of klance in a modern world i dare say,, which is very similar to mine. the thing about them is that i like their characterization a lot, and in no love in this, i like what kind of background stories they give to klance in their aus. i haven't read many by them, so if u want u can check them out.
i just realized i have put some lowkey sad/fucked fics here... i did remove 5 rn... i hope its all good damn why am i doing this i feel like am putting myself naked out there when i recommend my favs
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mxtcha-tea · 4 years
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✎desc; how I would rate haikyuu character's drawing.
✎team[s]; fukurodani, inarizaki
✎genre; crack
✎language[s]; english
✎chef note; okay, first off, I'm not a professional drawer but I can still rate drawings. This idea just came to me like a minute ago and I had to do it now, so enjoy :)
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Aight, I see that we started off greatly.
In all honesty, he have no idea how to draw,
And of course his drawing would look,,,, quite terrible i'm so sorry bokuto lovers
He's that kid in art class where's when the teacher already told them what to draw,
Bokuto sat there on his chair, staring at the canvas
Like, what is he suppose to do? Draw?
Well, yeah technically but what???
I can totally see him frustratingly erase the sketch if it can be called as a sketch
And then proceed to try to copy other people's work
Keyword; try
It's bad but at least he had an effort to finish it
4/10, there I said it
His drawings are not that professional but it's pretty
Have you ever seen a drawing that you wanted to stare at it for hours until you're satisfied?
That what's his drawing are like
Not typically an art kid so he's fine when student's from his art class asked him to draw for them
And is feeling pretty neutral with his talent (he actually won't call it a talent but more like a hobby or sum)
And just say 'thanks' if peoples compliments his drawing
Let say his drawing is, a good 8/10
A decent drawer in conclusion :)
Not a bad drawer but he rather keep it basic
Konoha's prolly too lazy to draw something over the top so he's just gonna draw flower or something ksndnzkj
Sometimes sleep during art class and had to ask what they had to draw
Proceeds to decently draws a scenery
He's totally not the creative kid so whenever the teach tell them to draw something, he'll always go with basket of fruits, like,
Man, I appreciated the drawing but at least put some effort on thinking what to draw
The art teacher also kept telling him that he have raw talent and should enhance the skill more,
But that never happened, no
"Sorry ma'am, I'll just stick to volleyball, thank you,"
One part of the art room has a section of konoha's basket of fruits drawings but in different mediums
Rating is 7/10
IS actually an art kid and you cannot convince me otherwise
Has a small sketchbook with him and he'll always doodle when he's bored or in a middle of a lecture (while taking notes of course)
His main skill in drawing tho is painting
The colors blends in so well with one another and he's good at picking color palettes
Also, he doesn't really get that annoyed if some kids from his class ask him to teach them how to draw
Or even look through his sketchbook
He'll just nod and hand it to them without a second thought
Ajsjdhsijsi Washio get so blushy when someone compliments his drawing,,,,
I’ll give a 10/10 :), congrats
The best that he can do is doodles of owls and other shits but other than that, he cannot do
But the doodles are kinda cute doe ngl
He’ll have his moment where he’s in class and have no idea what to do, and just doodles a bunch of stuff
Once he draw his whole teammate including his coach and himself, he thought to himself,
“Huh, this looks good,”
And then take a picture of it for memories (cause he might throw the book he’s doodling in away)
Speaking of that, he doesn’t have an official book for drawing and just draws in his english or math’s textbook or sum
His juniors eyes are blessed when they got his textbook
Sarukui just vibes in during art class, draws and that’s pretty much it
The drawings,,,,,eh,,,, not that good, he only specialize in doodling as I said
so in conclusion,
drawing? 2/10
doodling? I’ll give a solid 5/10, good job
I’m gonna say this and I’m prolly gonna say it again
He hates art class
Like, even with him trying his best to draw, it’ll always gonna look strange than what he planned
mf cannot draw a straight line in art class
This dood can draw a nice straight line in any other class whether it’s for a graph or others,
And then proceed to shakily draw a straight line during art session
Totally not an art kid and will never be one
His drawings,,,,
I’m so sorry but it looks so bad
It’ll prolly look a lot better if he put more effort, but it’ll still look bad no matter what
Komi hates art class and can’t draw even a decent doodle so unfortunately, I’ll have to rate it 0/10, sorry :(
His drawings are eh
It’s not good but also not bad?
Sometimes you’ll just stare at his drawing for a good minute and be like, what did he just draw just now?
What I’m saying is that his drawing’s are unexplainable
Maybe if you stare at it a little bit longer then it’ll make sense and you can see the beauty in it
But honestly I can’t really see anything, not in a bad way, but like, literally nothing
You’ll be staring at his canvas as the mario kart rainbow road music started playing inside your head
But Anahori is always proud of his drawings no manner what
So, I’ll rate confusion/10
Just like Komi, he sorta hates art class too
But lemme tell ya, his sketches are GODLY, like, have you seen those pinterest hand sketches?
That’s what his sketch would look like
It’s so yummy to look at what
But he sucks at lineart so JAHGSDSHD
Onaga cannot properly hold the black pen and do the lineart, it’ll always turn wonky and he had to throw it away
Like, if he spend even hours tryna outline it all, and then erase it
It’ll look so trash
And he’ll just stare at it for a couple of minutes before crumpling the paper
He’ll also suck at coloring
Mans cannot understand how the color blend in together
And I think I’ll rate,,,,,6/10 just cause he suck at coloring and lineart lmao don’t worry i suck at coloring too
Another decent drawer and her drawings are almost the same as Akaashi’s
But instead of it looking pretty, it looks cute
I have a headcanon that Kaori have a journal and does journaling so that’s prolly the reason why her drawings are cute af
But honestly, her drawings sometimes depends on her mood,
If she’s mad or frustrated, her drawing would look kinda rough and not that cute anymore
If she’s feeling happy tho, It’ll look so nice and cuddly does that even make any sense
Isn’t necessarily an art kid but would love to try be one
And she totally have drawing sessions with Washio aaaaaa,
Just imagine both of them sketching in the same sketchbook while talking about the volleyball club or anything else
She’s getting an 9/10 just cause her sketchs looks clean <33
She doesn’t draw at all
Like, you’ll never see her drawing at any kind of time so you have no idea what it looks like
Yukie would still attend art class,
But never draws
She said that she’s pretty lazy to draw it and said to draw it at her home later
But no one even saw that drawing after that
Yukie doesn’t show her drawings nor EVEN draw for once
So I technically can’t rate :/
The only reason why I started with Gin is because he have some amazing drawing skills
He admit that he’s not an art kid but draws godly as if he had been thought since he was a kid,
Well, actually yes
I think Ginjima actually wanted to be a drawer when he was still a little kid way before he started his 3rd year of middle school
So he practiced a few and became a nice drawer since then,
But he kinda quit being a drawer and decided to go with volleyball
And guess what?
His drawing talent is still there
He totally specialize in pencil drawing cause that’s the first thing he started learning
The lines are smooth and the shading are so yummy what is wrong with me
The Miya twins and Suna are so sh00ked when he saw his drawing during art class
ngl he’s pretty smug about it too but doesn’t brag about it
I’ll give this boy 12/10, mwuaah
I hate this man for this sole reason
Suna is too LAZY to draw so he doesn’t give any effort in his drawing
I can guarantee myself that I’ll get an eye strain when I saw his drawing
*wipes away tears*
He draws too many dick
Don’t come for my head Suna lovers
He’ll prolly think his drawing would look good but no, it’s not
No matter on what perspective you look his drawings at, It’ll still look bad
Osamu laughs a lot at his drawing and they started fighting for that only reason smh
Atsumu, I appreciate your effort so SO much,
But please, just stick to volleyball
I put a plus there because of his effort and because of pity
He draws in ms paint, with a mouse
But he can draw some foods tho
But all of it looks wonky af
A pretty decent drawer
Akagi always draw happy and cute drawings so you’ll also get happy when you saw his drawings
Puts on a big smile when people compliments his drawing and shyly scratches the back of his neck
“Nah, this just look normal!”
But he draws oddly thick lines sometimes
Sometimes it looks good in some drawing
And sometimes it looks, bizzare in others...
But I think his drawing would look nice <3
Overall, I’ll give a,,, 7.5/10, keep up the good work
He’s from class 7 AND I really think that he’ll be good at drawing
Well, he can draw a few things but he struggles drawing other things he never accustomed to
Oomimi is that kid who’s good at drawing scenery
He knows basic color palettes and which is cold and hot colors
So the scenery drawing would always look good
He get a lot of compliments for the drawing (50% of it from Akagi)
I think he doesn’t have that many time to relax and draw freely but when he does have it, it’ll just be small and simple doodles
um, let’s go with 8/10 <3
I truly believe that Aran can draw peoples face but in a pretty decent amount
He’s also good with anatomy teach me your ways king
But as much as he’s good at that, he kinda sucks at drawing any kind of background drawings
Mans can’t draw a scenery I’m telling you
As if the background doesn’t even exist in his mind lolol I’m sorry Aran lovers, I didn’t mean that in a bad way
Mainly uses copic markers to color and color pencils to shade
The first time he use the copic marker, he got really frustrated that the marker stain the other pages lmao
And he never uses digital drawing applications or softwares
Aran just doesn’t
I think I’ll rate him, 8.5/10
Okay, I know that Kita’s a top student and never fails in anything
But he’s not typically a good drawer that much
His drawing still got good marks but when you look at it, it just looks normal
I just know that the Kita lovers gonna get me after this
It’s not that bad and not that good, just a nice balance in between
I personally think Kita’s not that godly in drawing but rather a neutral drawer
He draw what he can and does shading and coloring when it’s needed
The colors are all basic colors, no pastel, no neon
And the shadings are pretty basic
Just a normal drawer here
Ya’ll gonna fight me for this but I’ll give Kita’s point,
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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chaoslaura · 4 years
Angst 35 for willex
Angst 35: “ I loved you. I loved you so, so much, but you hurt me.” 
You really went to my messages and said ‘here I’ll give you a challenge’. Because this fic was the hardest for me to write yet. I needed days just to come up with an idea. I asked some people and they all had amazing ideas (special thanks to @chanihobbit) and then I settled on this. Ngl I made myself sad writing this and it has the most unhappy happy ending.
But here it is. Some warnings for Underage Drinking (for americans).
Read it on AO3
Alex and Willie didn’t meet long ago when Alex was taking a stroll along the beach promenade with an iced coffee in hand, clearing his head after an unpleasant morning in the Mercer household that would’ve left him screaming if he didn’t walk out the door.
Watching the people around him go on their own missions, alone or an arm hooked in someone else’s. They all had their reason to be out here today just like him and it calmed him to know he wasn’t the only one to walk this path right next to the sand with his own thoughts and story.
Unbeknownst to him a skater was not too far behind him, taking up tempo and enjoying the wind caressing his face, his long hair flying wild around his face.
For a short moment he couldn’t see anything as the hair blocked the view in front of his eyes and then he crashed into something with his whole body, or rather someone he learned quickly when that someone groaned under him with pain and then more with indignation for being run over.
Alex experienced a gay panic moment how Julie had said it when Alex retold the story to the band later that day at practice, unable to keep what happened to himself. Not when he met the most good-looking guy on earth, “Honestly, you guys won’t know what I mean if you don’t see it yourselves. He could be a model for all I know.”
It was a start for a friendship and months later, only after the band pushed him and gave him an hour-long pep talk, did Alex got the courage to confess his feelings. As it turned out did Willie feel the same, since the beginning, but he didn’t want to force himself on Alex, taking it slowly in fear or scaring Alex off.
It was easy with them all going to the same school and sharing their free time, all not living too far away from each other. The band and Willie got closer as well and not just Alex got a liking to Willie. He was around much more often as he didn’t really have a friend group before, joining for band practice and cheering them on.
Afterwards he and Alex would go for a walk with Willie’s skateboard and just talk, gazing at the sunset before Alex had to go home and they met again the next day with a peck on the lips and a sweet smile etched on their faces.
Willie was often alone in his too big home, with his parents gone almost all day long and no one else around to keep him company. He often invited Alex over to not let the loneliness consume him as it did sometimes the years before. They would cook together and watch movies, Alex would tease him for his bad taste in action movies and Willie would sit through every romantic romcom Alex showed him just to see a smile on his face he could gaze at from the side when Alex was too enraptured to notice him looking.
The remaining time they would lie side by side on his bed as soft music was playing in the background, staring at the ceiling and talk. Like they did on their walks and their dates on the beach and various museums. They were good with talking, able to tell each other everything without fearing rejection they so often had to undergo with their families.
Willie confided in Alex about his family and his fears, not knowing what to do after school, wanting to be free and just see where the world takes him, maybe going more into arts or staying in the music industry.
He had started a job at a record company not long before he met Alex and it was nice. He got the money to buy more art supplies to paint his boards, he could buy Alex little presents, it was good, but he wasn’t sure yet and Alex assured him he would follow along with whatever Willie decided for his future.
They may not be same character wise, but Alex friends couldn’t deny how good Willie was for Alex, calming him in ways the other needed years for, they just got each other without needing too much words, reading their emotions from their demeanour, how they would eat their breakfast or simply which shirt they wore that day. It was almost their own language, not the same Alex had with the band.  
On one of their many band sleepovers they talked about the future and Julie said she definitely wanted a wedding someday with Ray walking her down the aisle and she was sure she would cry because her mum couldn’t be there for her big moment but all of them would be invited so she had enough of her favourite people around her to feel whole.
Then Reggie had said Alex could marry Willie someday and Alex could just blush and sputter, because this was ridiculous, right? Right? They were all 18 now on their last school year with the future in their hands but he hadn’t thought about that kind of events in their lives yet. Willie and he had been together for 2 years now and everything had been slow with them, just how they had wanted it, it was them. But it did sound nice, he couldn’t deny.
He could say with confidence that the thing he had with Willie was serious and they talked about moving in together as soon as they had the money for it after school, escaping their homes and building lives of their own. With each other. Together they were stronger and needed each other the same as Alex needed the band.
They were so close to graduation and the band was successful, gaining attraction and gigs and they were so close to getting a breakthrough, they worked so hard it was tangible, just a bit more and they had reached their goal. They were working day and night, Luke keeping writing all the time, his head overflowing with ideas and inspiration, Bobby and Reggie helping him with chord progressions and harmonies, Julie giving input in lyrics and the flowing of words, and Alex was there to keep them together with his steady beat.
But then came the crash. Bobby was gone. Nobody knew what happened, there was no fight, no sign, no hint, he was just gone. From one day to the other. They came into the studio and his guitar was gone along with all his suspenders and laces for his boots. The loft without his changing of clothes, no toothbrush in the little bath when he was too lazy to trot up the path into the house after a sleepover.
When they asked Bobby’s grandparents living in the house next to their studio, they said Bobby moved to live with his father on the other side of the city, had planned it for months now.
Needing a day to let it sink in what they learned they weren’t wiser than before. Why wouldn’t he say anything to them? He couldn’t just go, leave the band and not say a word. Their last exams were over so they wouldn’t catch him at school and apparently Bobby didn’t want them to know where his father lived so with sadness in their eyes his grandparents didn’t tell.
Bobby didn’t answer his phone, might have changed his number and it was all so confusing. They were a guitarist short so close to their big gig and it was frustrating. The offers they hoped for never came, they hadn’t been good enough without Bobby, they were on square one again.
It took them a few months to get over the initial hurt but the aching in their hearts stayed. Bobby wasn’t only a bandmate of them, he had been a friend, a very good friend to all of them. Offering advice and a shoulder to cry on, participating in Reggie’s and Luke’s pranks and dumb midnight ideas when neither could sleep, easing Alex when he was anxious before a presentation, talking with Julie about missing their mums, having experienced the same, and when Willie walked into the picture he put a hand on his shoulder and welcomed him into their friend circle without batting an eye.
So for him just vanishing into thin air like a ghost, was so unlike him.
But eventually they had to move on without him. They took gigs even though their sound wasn’t the same without Bobby, searching for a new guitarist so they could take up their plan again and gain success even though they started 10 steps behind.
Band circles and friendly meet ups were weird at first but the whole period after finishing school was weird, having to find their footing in a new world.
Moving in as a band had been without a question after that whole thing brought them even closer together. Even though it had been Alex and Willie’s plan first they had to postpone. So they huddled together in a too small apartment for the four of them, working whatever job they could get to get the money for rent together, scraping by every month just like that.
Willie was still with his parents. Saving up for an apartment just for him and Alex, they had talked about it. They desperately needed more privacy just for them. Reggie crashing their movie dates, Luke sitting in the kitchen with them when they cooked together, Julie staying for their talk session, it could get frustrating when they needed some alone time.
Willie had been over last night for movie night and stayed afterwards like almost every night now as his relationship with his parents had gone down the drain. The space was scarce, but they managed, cuddling closer with their noses touching when they faced each other, stealing kisses every now and then until they drifted off to sleep, waking up as a tangled mess, the blanket wrapped around them.
The others would groan when they sat together at the breakfast table, talking sweet nothings in each other’s ears and giggling like they had only gotten together last week and not act like and old married couple the rest of the day.
All band members had work to do and left Willie on his own for the day, envious of his day off, while he was relishing in having the flat for his own to do whatever he wanted.
When Alex had finally gotten home slightly exhausted from talking to customers all day long, he was ready to fall into his bed and take a nap with Willie until Luke came home and started complaining about his day while sitting on Alex bed, ignoring the couple cuddling under the blanket and giving him annoyed stares. Luke wouldn’t leave until he was done, so much they had learned.
But when Alex entered with groceries in one arm, he heard Willie talking quietly, his voice subdued from the ajar door. Walking light footed into the kitchen to not startle or interrupt Willie’s call, he put the bag on the counter and started unpacking. From the kitchen he could see a small strip of his room and from time to time Willie when he walked by that space.
It must’ve been a heated call, Alex could see Willie talking animatedly, flaring with his harms while he whipped his hair around in annoyance. Alex was ready to give Willie more time to finish the call before he walked in to say hello and draw attention to him but then he heard something that made his blood freeze up, stilling in his movements, egg carton holding halfway in the air.
“Yes, I know, but – No, I said to you – Would you let me speak please? – Caleb hear me out, no you don’t – Caleb! I said I don’t want to have anything to do with Bobby – Ugh Trevor whatever I don’t care abo – oh my god could you just let me handle someone different, I told you back then I would never work with him and you promised me.”
Suddenly there was a noise behind him, and Willie stopped his walking to whip around and spot Alex in the doorway. Alex could still hear someone talking through the phone, the voice so loud the conversation could have only been an argument.
“Alex?” Willie asked with wide eyes, not having heard his boyfriend coming home and realizing his conversation could be heard through the door but knowing he had been caught in the act. “Caleb, I’ll call back.” Without waiting for an answer Willie hang up and let his hand with the phone in it fall down along with his shoulders, he looked almost defeated. “Can I – “
“Bobby, huh?” Alex interrupted his boyfriend. “I could assume it’s a different one, but your reaction says something different.”
Willie nodded slowly and crossed his arms in front of his body, going into his usual stance when upset, rubbing over his scar he got when he was young. Brushing the skin there whenever he needed comfort but couldn’t get in the moment, using the rhythmic motion as a mean to hold him grounded.
Looking up again to look into Alex eyes that conveyed only hurt he felt sick right away. It was never his intention to inflict any harm. But taking in Alex expression, it may be too late, and he had to live with the fact he himself did that to his boyfriend. “Alex, I – Can I please explain?”
“I’m not sure if I want to hear it if I’m being honest.” Alex voice was unusual cold towards Willie. They were always gentle to each other and this was a stark contrast, giving Willie whiplash from the sweet morning they had behind them.
Willie had hoped he could at least clear up the situation, he had to, make Alex understand. “We promised each other to hear the other out.”
Letting out a short dark chuckle Alex eyes pierced him down while he stayed in the doorway, kind of leaning against the wood but looking more tense than he let on. “Yeah, but we also promised each other to never hold any secrets and be honest with the other.”
It was silent for a moment, the words sinking in, Willie knew he was deep in shit, no way of talking himself out of it, his only chance to diminish the damage he had done.
Waving a hand in Willie’s direction Alex continued, “But okay, say what you want to say.”
Willie was more than relieved to get a chance to explain, taking a step closer to Alex, needing his presence near him but Alex held a hand out, making him halt. “No, you stay there. You stay there and start to explain. I stay here and listen and when you’re finished I – we’ll see.”
Swallowing once to get past the lump in his throat that dread had placed there, Willie searched for the right words. They had to be good otherwise Alex would never understand why he did what he did and why it all happened.
Clearing his throat, he started. “Okay, so, if you want to know everything, we have to go back a bit. Almost to the beginning of our relationship.” Oh how much Willie hoped this relationship would stay intact once he was done talking.
“You introduced me to your friends, and we all hit it off fairly well. I liked them and they all took me in not just as your boyfriend but as a friend as well and you guys started to invite me to your things. Whenever your friend group did something I was going now too and I had so much fun, really, you have amazing friends Alex.”
Daring to look into Alex face he could see him nod in understanding, but still waiting for the rest of the story so Willie goes on.
“It was on one of the parties we’ve gone to, honestly I can’t remember which on or what day it was.” Willie digressed, trying to waste time to gain more to find the right words, but he could tell Alex was growing impatient.
“Okay yeah doesn’t matter, anyway, I was in the kitchen and Bobby came in, he was wasted out of his mind and I got him some water and kept him in the kitchen so I could watch over him, but you know Bobby, when he’s drunk he eats your ear off and he started talking so much, first about nothing important but then he started to tell me about his family and how he missed his dad. I didn’t even know he was alive but I just nodded and hoped Bobby wouldn’t regret telling me anything in the morning.”
At the mention of Bobby, Alex eyes grew gloomy again, the aching in all their hearts still present, the way it never fully heals when a friendship brakes off, no matter how long it had been.
“But he didn’t stop with his dad. He told me how he hated seeing his grandparents growing old and how he had to move away anyways at some point when his grandparents couldn’t care for him anymore. Then he drifted to the band, talked about you guys. You have to know he really loved you, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. He told me with such sincerity it was hard to listen to. But I guess for him this love had started suffocating him.”
Willie could hear Alex taking a deep breath from his place where he stood. It must be hard to hear all this at once.
“His words not mine, and he didn’t feel enough around you. He emphasised all your talents and I tried to get him to understand that he had that talent too, that he was in your band for a reason, but he just shook his head.”
While he talked Alex seemed to get sadder and sadder, for the first time hearing about Bobby’s inner turmoil, not once having said something to his friends at that time and that made Alex feel guilty, because what had he done to not gain Bobby’s trust, that he didn’t think he could confide in him or the others.
“What he said next made me worry first. He said he thought about quitting the band, more than once, quitting and going solo. Maybe it was because he felt he wasn’t good enough for you and would only drag you down or some other reason, he wasn’t clear. At this point I decided to bring him home because he was truly wasted and off his mind.”
“I brought him home and the next day he called me saying he wanted to talk. We met and he apologized for last night, apparently he remembered talking my ear off and was embarrassed cause he couldn’t remember what exactly he said. I repeated some of his words and he I swear to god he started crying. And after that we just kind of met up once in a while, just the two of us, talking about things and Bobby started talking about quitting again and I couldn’t steer him away from that, he wasn’t -”
“Okay, wait.” Alex interrupted him midsentence with a bewildered expression on his face, almost angered when it wasn’t for a few stray tears on his cheek, slowly making their way down. “He wanted to quit, and you didn’t tell me anything? So I could talk to him and make sure he knows how much we appreciate him?”
“Alex.” Willie said the name with sorrow, knowing it was too late now anyways to change anything about the past. “I wanted to; I really do. But Bobby made me promise not to tell anyone and I didn’t want to break his trust, he was my friend too, you know that.”
Alex sighed deeply but Willie knew that he understood that part as hard as it was.
When Alex didn’t say anything else, Willie picked up his story.
“We also talked about our future after school, like we all did, because it was scary, and I told him more about my job with Caleb and he was so interested from the first moment I should’ve known. It was pure coincidence that he met Caleb, I introduced Bobby and apparently they wrote with each other I learned at some point when I saw a mail from Bobby on Caleb’s computer. I asked Caleb about it, and he told me Bobby was interested in a contract with the company.”
“The first thing I did after that was walk to Bobby’s and confront him with it and we argued a bit and I thought that was it. Afterwards he didn’t talk about it ever again and Caleb didn’t mention it either. I really thought that was the end to it and your gig at The Orpheum was coming up and Bobby seemed normal, practicing with you and I wasn’t worried in the slightest.”
Willie’s voice grew a bit faster and louder to the end, his eyebrows furrowed. He had been so sure everything was going back to normal, but he had failed them all, foremost Alex in not confiding in him.
Alex knew as well as him what was coming now, at this part they were all on the same page. Willie now spoke with a small voice, waving his hands defeated in the air.
“So, you know, Bobby left and as soon as you told me I searched around at work and I actually found the contract, but I didn’t meet or saw Bobby, I swear. The last time I saw him was the same for all of us at the ice cream parlour.”
Alex took some measured steps, halting a mere few inches in front of him but Willie hesitated to reach out, being sure that Alex was still mad at him. “But why didn’t you say anything to us afterwards. You knew what Bobby was up to.”
“I thought-“ Willie’s throat was swelling up again as his eyes welled up, the hurt in Alex voice made him tear up and choke on his words.
“I thought now it didn’t matter anyways. He was gone and it wouldn’t help you feel any better when you knew he was building a career on his own and got a contract before you guys could score one even though you worked so hard for it for years. Besides that, I felt so guilty. If I knew sooner what Bobby had planned, that he would go through with it I would’ve tried to stop him or even tell you, but I didn’t. I could’ve stopped him, but I wasn’t able to and I thought you would be so disappointed with me or even angry because it’s my fault you lost a friend.”
Finally looking up at Alex when his tears started falling down his face, he didn’t make a move to stop them, now it was all out anyway. Now he had to wait for Alex to say anything, to judge him, weigh his words and then sentence him. Hopefully Alex wouldn’t be too harsh, even though Willie knew what he had done was equal to betrayal, the number one rule to not be violated in a relationship next to trust.
Alex dragged his hands over his face and then through his hair, biting on his lip before speaking up. His expression was unreadable due to the many emotions alternately playing over his face.
“I’m sorry Willie. I loved you. I loved you so, so much, but you hurt me.” 
The use of past tense hit Willie hard. Alex could’ve slapped him in the face, and it would’ve hurt the same. It was hard to breathe after hearing it.
“I’m sorry, but I need some time. Just- give me some days.” He added and walked away from him back into the kitchen while Willie’s tears fell freely from his face and it needed every will from him not to stretch out a hand to prevent Alex from walking away from him, without a glance back.
He sniffled some more, not even trying to stop his tears, as he rubbed with a hand over his nose. He felt so cold suddenly as if all the warmth of his life was being sucked out with Alex leaving the room and leaving Willie standing there all alone, not knowing if Alex could ever forgive him. How could Willie know that Alex would really call him in a few days, maybe he will change his mind and break up with him, he couldn’t be sure.
He just knew he was supposed to leave the flat so he packed the few things scattered around the room and slowly made his way to the door, only seeing Alex back where he was hunched over the kitchen counter, head hanging low, no doubt crying too. But Willie wasn’t allowed to comfort his boyfriend and it shattered his heart. Without another word he left.
Willie dived full into work mode after his schedule was cleared, not having to make space for Alex anymore. And he would rather keep himself busy than lay in his bed with his head in the pillow and cry till it was wet with his tears. Now he could cry for a few minutes in the bathroom stall and then pick up his task like nothing had happened. Washing his face and then greeting everyone like he was good.
To his astonishment Caleb held his promise and Willie wasn’t paired with Bobby to work with. It would’ve been traitorous to meet up with Bobby while the wounds where still fresh and open for his friends and Alex.
The days Willie promised Alex to keep away turned into two weeks and Willie grew impatient. Just one message that was all he wanted and needed.
Surprisingly to him the rest of Sunset Curve had reached out and he met Julie, Reggie, and Luke, and they had talked things through. Willie repeated his story and he could tell his friends were hurt too but against his expectation were quick to forgive him. Understanding the situation Willie had been in. Breaking the trust of either Bobby or the others, there wouldn’t have been a happy ending for him either way, but Willie was frustrated it had affected Alex in the aftermath. The one person he promised to never hurt, and he went and did it anyway.
It was nagging at him day and night and the others were making sure he wasn’t falling in a hole too deep and Willie hoped they managed to do the same with Alex. Unless Alex was good at living without him, but Luke revealed that Alex wasn’t coping well either. Willie wasn’t sure if he liked it better hearing that.
One day Willie came home to the big house with his parents gone again and crawled right into bed. Exhaustion from work and life in general noticeable in his bones, desperate for some relieve in form of a nap. Too tired to make something to eat only for him, where was the fun in that anyways.
Wrapped up in his blanket and head pressed into the pillow he didn’t need to tell his eyes twice to close and he was ready to drift off when his phone suddenly ringed. Groaning he reached out with one hand to grab his phone from the nightstand, only opening one eye to take a glance at the caller name.
Suddenly both his eyes flew open upon seeing Alex written on his screen, sitting up and throwing the blanket off. Without hesitation he accepted the call.
“Alex?” Willie hoped it didn’t sound too hopeful in case Alex was crushing his feelings the next second.
“Hey. Willie? Can we talk?”
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nobodies-png · 4 years
HC: Xemnas and the other Xehanorts love playing Animal Crossing.
Just because ACNH has been such a fuckin BEACON OF JOY in my life since it came out (even though I have no means of playing lol) i’m adding some general animal crossing Nort headcanons 
Master Xenahort :
He’d be a snooty goat, pretty obvious. All of his letters sound vaguely threatening and pretty creepy, but he also sends super rare furniture so it’s not like you can complain that much.  Whenever he’s in your town, all of your flowers are bound to turn black for some weird fucking reason. - no one knows if this is a feature or a glitch You have more chances of getting him to show up if you have a heart shaped pond for him to lurk around.
As for Xenahort playing Animal Crossing, weLL. Good luck getting this old boomer figure out how the controls and everything else works. He seems to like Isabelle a lot because “she’s efficient and a cute dog” but he ALSO likes Apollo and his litte “PAH !” catchphrase.  Xenahort could have a pretty gothic and aesthetic world if it weren’t for the fact that he struggles with technology. Also also the guy who’d listen to all teh fun facts Blathers has.
Ansem (Heartless) :
A jock/cranky boar maybe. The kind of villager you wouldn’t really give much thought about, he looks a little funky and emo but eh, it’s not a big deal - until you get into his house and see that it’s pretty much chaos. There’s furniture you’ve never seen and are those fucking GLOWING EYES in the background ? You don’t think you wanna know. Exclusively comes out at night when there’s literally no other villager awake and he’s never present during holidays or events.
Ansem wouldn’t even play Animal Crossing, ngl. He has 0 interest in the game and would most likely drop it after 10 minutes. Also why can he only call like ONE person in the attic ? Fucking whack, that’s not how phones work. Spends the entire time complaining about little things he doesn’t understand. Like come on, man they’re just funky talking animals, let them live.
Xemnas : 
A lazy wolf. More quiet and lethargic than actually lazy. The guy is pretty quiet the first days UNTIL you start befriending them, then you’ll discover that he’s actually a fucking chatterbox. You can find Xemnas on the beach at sunset just vibing most of the time or at the museum. After having him around for a while, you notice that he’s the only fucking villager in your town that hasn’t celebrated nor told you when his birthday is. His house is pretty minimalist and monochrome.
Xemnas doesn’t exactly “play” the game - he mostly just roams around, doing absolutely nothing or just talking with people while going “Hmmm” Ohhh” “I see. . .” and other noises to himself. Couldn’t figure out how to give Isabelle a seashell on the first days so he just dropped that shit on the town hall pavement and it’s been there since then. Xemnas also never learns the real names of the villagers in his town, he just names them after people he knows and calls it a day.
Vanitas :
Definitely a jock cat, but like, the mean kind. He’s just too childish and energetic to be a cranky villager lol - his catchphrase is probably some shit like “idiot”. Not even a nickname, he just adds that at the end of sentences. Vanitas (or Catnitas :punch: :pensive) runs through the flowers but ONLY when you’re watching, orders the weirdest and most complex coffee just to see if you can make it - and then when you show him that you can, he’s impressed but also angry cause now he has to drink that shit. If you get Vanitas on your town, there’s a high chance that Ventus also moves in right next to him and viceversa.
Vanitas claims that he doesn’t give a shit about Animal Crossing, but his town is impeccable and he WILL kill for the villagers he loves - even if he’d also just try to straight up kill the ones he hates lol. The type of guy who carries around an axe 24/7 for no reason other than aesthetics and to make a Statement (tm). His house is pretty ugly though and he gets mad because he just doesn’t know how to properly decorate it to get a good grade.
Young Xenahort :
Smug goat. Smug goat. SMUG GOAT. The 100% definition of smug bastard - old Xenahort at least had the decency to SEND you rare furniture, but this guy just DISPLAYS it all on his house and MAKES SURE you know how pitiful it is that you can’t have the same things as he does. His house is chess themed and he has a picture of Eraqus somewhere. All of his letters sound condescending and he tries to use really long words to sound cooler, but we all know the truth. 
Young Xenahort shares a switch with Young Eraqus so naturally they  share islands in ACNH. Eraqus didn’t really mind but Xenahort REALLY wanted to divide the island in half so that they could have their own territory. IRONICALLY, he spends most of the time on Eraqus’ side tidying shit up - because he just can’t help getting mad whenever he sees how messy everything is, with all the fucking fish just laying around because Blathers isn’t there yet. Young Xenahort also insists on only having white roses and is very hellbent on keeping a strict aesthetic.
Terranort : 
The snooty lion she tells you not to worry about. Also a bit smug, but not as bad as the actual Xenahort - he’s actually pretty tolerable, when he’s not giving you the cold shoulder. The villager that takes you 207456 years to actually befriend and who only likes super specific and rare items as gifts. It’s really funny to bully him around because he only gets angry and just stomps around all day after that.
Another sad lad who wouldn’t play AC BUT if he DID he’d have some intense lore and one man larping sessions with the villagers. Like, those people who get WAY too into it. And sadly that’s all I got on him because I wasted all of my juice on writing for the other guys who are all technically the same guy. 
Dark Riku : 
Stereotypical jock wolf - head empty no thoughts, only muscles, sports and a deep seated inferiority complex. If you send him fruit, he’ll send you garbage in return. The only villager who wil SMACK you back with a net if you hit him, but his letters are oddly ??? Pretty nice and normal too ??? Unlike all of his regular dialogue about beating you up at every single game and sport possible in this entire world. Like, calm down, bro. Calm down and have a caprisun. Brags a lot about his “friend Kairi” from another town, which is sad cause she doesn’t. Actually know him. At all.
 Like Vanitas, e-boy Riku says he “doesn’t give a shit about some animal AI from a kids game” but he actually does. Sable is BEST girl in his eyes and getting her to open up and share her story with him was a magical moment. The game is super soothing and it calms him down, he’d even listen to those Lo-Fi AC 24/7 streams on youtube whenever he needs to c h i l l.
Xigbar : 
Peppy panther, I don’t even have to tell y’all what his catchphrase is. Constantly breaks the fourth wall with little jokes, known to “teleport” - he kinda ends up showing up on every single store and building you enter, as if nothing happened. Sends you VERY specific letters describing shit he shouldn’t knowor stupid jokes and puns. LOVES to gossip about other villagers and gives you that Extra Lore and trivia about them - but whenever you ask others about him, they just Dont Know Anything About Xigbar. Are you SURE he’s in your town, mayor ? 
Xigbar would mostly play Pocket Camp because it’s easier than carrying around a fuckin ds or a switch. It’s also less work and it’s a nice distraction from all the drama going around in the real organization. To play ACNH or ACNL he probably leeches off someone else’s console and he’d exclusively visit others’ towns just to fuck with them or annoy them to death by surrounding their houses with pitfalls.
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