#nice lege
bettiemaypagenatural · 4 months
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I'm wearing a jumpsuit for the first time to get a break from dresses (work in summer with a no-shorts rule sucks) but I didn't consider that I wouldn't be able to just pull it down like pants or lift it like a dress when I need to pee so now I'm just stripping in the office bathroom every few hours
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therapist: and how do you deal with panic attacks?
me: i guess i just sit them out *surface pressure from encanto plays in the background*
therapist: thats good that you know how to handle them
me: yeah *starts planning 15 vent fics where legend is actually able to cry and ask for help and get hugs and soothing words and-*
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dragonknightcal · 8 months
Times that the chain forgot Wolfie is Twilight (Fluff for day 3 of Febuwhump)
Here's some fluff to soothe the soul.
Was super tired that day 
Saw Wolfie laying down and flopped on top of the wolf
Sailor was asleep as soon as his head was resting on Wolfies side 
Twilight didn't mind, but he definitely doesn't prefer it 
It becomes a regular occurrence later, much to his chagrin 
(he doesn't really mind that much, he's just keeping up appearances)
Wakes up from a nightmare 
Ends up cuddling with Wolfie 
Maybe cries a little bit 
Twilight politely doesn't bring it up the next morning 
He does keep a careful eye on Wars the next day and offers silent support 
He doesn't forget as often as the others might 
But every so often he finds himself idly scratching Wolfies ears 
Red does it most out of the colors 
But they all do it
Twilight doesn't mind 
He low-key enjoys it from time to time
 Rulie sometimes forgets Twilight is Wolfie
And that Wolfie is a nice wolf 
He has startled in a sleepy state and drawn his sword on Wolfie before 
Twilight takes note to approach slower as Wolfie 
Or just transform back to his hylian form 
He would never hold it against Rulie, he understands that wolves are not the nicest  
He lives on a ranch
He for sure has been around farm dogs 
When he's super focused/distracted he’ll give Wolfie commands 
The one that got the most laughs was when Wolfie/Twi was trying to snap Time out of his own head
And Time on impulse told Wolfie “No bite.” 
Neither lived that down for a while 
He also wakes from a nightmare 
Lege decides that he needs a walk and Wolfie goes with 
He ends up venting at some point 
Twilight never mentions the stuff Legend said that night
But makes sure that Wolfie is there to supervise more late night walks as they seem to help 
Completely forgets that Twilight is Wolfie 
Baby talk 
The whole nine yards
Twilight learns to appreciate it, despite the others teasing 
It's kind of nice to get praise just for existing sometime 
Wild almost never forgets 
However, if injured or really out of it, he completely forgets 
Wolfie becomes like his companion in his era 
Subject to all the cuddles and silly questions and weepy venting 
Wild has admitted to Wolfie his fear of disappointing Twilight 
Twi always makes sure to reassure Wild when he's more aware of reality
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sweeteastart · 5 months
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Day 5, Rabbit !
Something nice and simple today with Bunny Lege and Binturong Ravio.
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lennsart · 2 months
I crave reading a fic about Ravioli, but it's illegal in their era.
Warriors teases Legend and Ravio for being "roommates", but then they both stop everything and shoot everyone down and explain how they "can't mention this sort of thing here" and how "Fable's done with it, but she can't do anything about the law until she's queen" and Legend tries to really hammer in the severity of the punishment for being caught acting gay.
Does this fic exist?? No one I ask can think of any about this even remotely. If it doesn't, anyone can take this idea. I can't write, but I crave this fic.
Ok so this ask is a little funny to me in the sense that anon is like "I crave.... ✨️homophobia✨️"
I don't know if a fic similar to your idea already exists ? People of Tumblr, do you have recs ?
In the meantime, I liked the idea, so there’s a little snippet under the cut for you ! It's not exactly what you suggested, I re-read your ask after I started, but the main idea is here.
(I have a specific headcanon that I haven't been able to post something about yet which goes pretty well with this : Wars met Ravio during the war of eras, yes... But an older Ravio ! And maybe he was already married to Legend, y'know, maybe he couldn't stop talking about his husband...
So it would make sense for Wars to tease Lege until he snaps, because he literally can't imagine there's a problem.)
Of course, TW homophobia & TW internalized homophobia (not much, but just in case)
“ - Look at that smile ! ” Warriors teased, poking Legend's cheek (and nearly avoiding having his finger bitten off).
“ Someone's waiting at home ? ”
Legend sighed. They had just landed in his era, and had a bit of a walk before they got to his house.
He may have been a little giddier than usual, happy to go home. It had been a while, alright ? And no matter how nice Miss Malon was, seeing her all lovey-dovey with their resident old man made him miss his own lover.
He just... Couldn't say it to the others, of course.
“ - Just my roommate, Ravio, ” he informed with a shrug.
Warriors blinked. The veteran thought that he had managed to shut him up somehow...
But after a minute, he came back with a grin that Legend didn't like at all.
“ - Roommate ? " he repeated. " You look pretty happy for just seeing a pal. ”
Legend frowned. Alright, he may have been cheerful, but he hadn't been reckless, had he ?
“ - I don't know what you mean, ” he said, neutral.
“ - Ah, you know, just saying, we've never seen you so excited, and then I learn that you have a little housemate... I can't wait to meet him, that's it. ”
Legend stopped abruptly.
" - I don't like what you're implying, cap, " he warned, scowling.
Warriors missed the murderous aura sent his way, and shrugged with a smile.
“ - Just saying, if you have a crush—
- Shut up ! ”
Maybe the screech was a little much, but Legend couldn't shake the fear that someone might hear Warriors. He already got enough shit for his lifestyle, a rumor like that could send the guards to his head again.
Worse, to Ravio's head.
He shuddered.
The rest of the chain had stopped as well, all looking at the argument.
Warriors seemed shocked, and a little insulted, too.
It was getting overwhelming, being stared at like that.
Legend sighed and grabbed the captain by the sleeve.
“ - A minute ! ” he barked to the others, dragging Warriors behind him, away from anyone who might hear.
When he esteemed that they were far enough, he checked around them to be sure that no unwelcome ear was close.
“ - Damn, vet, I'm sorry for teasing, but that seems a little excessive, don't you think ? ” Warriors declared, rubbing his wrist.
The word made Legend frown. Excessive ? He turned around to glare at the captain.
“ - I don't know if it's funny to you, ” he prefaced with, " but I'm not exactly liked by the castle guards. Saying those types of things can send me straight to execution, alright ? ”
Warriors paled at the word, visibly not expecting such a heavy topic.
“ - What ? What do you mean ? ”
Legend took a deep breath.
“ - They already find excuses to get me when I behave, ” he explained slowly, intelligibly. “ If there's a word on the street that I'm committing a crime, that won't go well for me. ”
Legend didn't know how to explain it better than that but the captain didn't look like he got it. He was frowning and blinking in utter confusion.
“ - What crime ? ” he asked, weirded out.
...That wasn't the thing Legend expected him to be confused about.
“ - Loving a man, ” he said, frowning.
Another silence.
“ - You know, loving a man when you’re a man ? ” he clarified, just in case.
" - Are you saying that homosexuality is a crime ?! " Warriors exclaimed in revolt, way too loud.
Legend shushed him hurriedly.
" - Yes, cap, I do mean that ! ” He hissed. “ What, does that sound normal to you ?
- Yes ?! ” he blurted out. “ Why wouldn't it be ? ”
That shut the veteran up, who definitely didn’t think that the conversation would go that way.
Legend stared and stared, trying to find the lie in Warriors’ face, to catch any sign that the man would smile and joke, “gotcha !”
But he only found profound honesty.
He couldn’t help a small nervous chuckle.
“ - That’s… ”
That was great, right ? They had established that it was probable Warriors’ time came after Legend’s.
It meant that things had changed. It was good.
Right ?
Why didn’t Legend feel as happy as he should ?
“ - Oh, ” he just said, and decided that he needed to sit down, actually.
His eyes found a convenient stump a few feet away from them. He walked to it and let himself fall sitting there.
Warriors stared at him, still with this shocked expression.
“ - Lege ? ”
“ - I’m fine, ” he answered, voice neutral. “ It’s good if it’s been decriminalized, ” he added not to look like this was the problem.
He was, in fact, actively trying to make things change in his time. Fable already promised him that revising this law was one of her biggest priorities as soon as she’d get properly crowned, but she’d probably face disapproval from most of the stuck-up nobles and so it’ll take time, and...
In the meantime, Legend was stuck with pretending his lover was a roommate, being scared to even hold his hand in public, abruptly changing his behavior everytime someone knocked at the door.
And that was the problem, wasn’t it ? He really was glad for the future to not have to deal with this fear.
He was just bitter that that was what he got.
(He was just tired of only being allowed forbidden love.)
“ - Wait, I don’t, I don’t get it, ” Warriors stuttered, still looking so puzzled. “ I’ve met… I mean, wait. ”
He stopped, joining his two hands in front of his lips, visibly trying to phrase his thoughts a certain way.
“ You know the war of eras involved a lot of time-traveling fighters, right ? Well, one of my allies came from your time, and he was definitely married to a man. ”
Legend arched a brow at him, reluctant to believe him.
“ - How can you be sure he came from this time in particular ? Maybe he came from a few decades in the future, who can tell. ”
Warriors looked like he had bitten inside a lemon for a second, and then he closed his eyes, struggling to find his words.
“ - Listen, I just, I know, ok ? He mentioned... People you know. And before you ask, ” he quickly added as Legend opened his mouth with a frown, “ I’m not going to tell you more than that. But trust me, alright, vet ? Things will get better sooner than you think. ”
Legend shrugged, but it did feel good to hear. He tried a smile.
“ - Well, that’s great, then, ” he declared. He finally got up, dusting up his tunic. “ But it doesn’t actually change anything. The type of comments you made earlier ? You keep them to yourself, here. ”
Warriors nodded slowly, something like stifled revolt and sadness in the movement. Legend didn’t feel like addressing it.
It was great that the captain felt so strongly about the subject, in this direction at least. It was also not the place… And definitely not the time.
“ Good, then, ” he commented. “ I still want to go home quick, so if we could get moving… ”
Warriors’ nod was way more sympathetic.
“ - Of course, ” he said. “ I still want to meet this Ravio. He looks like he makes you happy. ”
Legend jerked his head towards him, his warning expression not entirely devoid of amusement. Warriors raised both his hands in peace.
“ He sounds like a great friend, is all I’m saying ! ”
And it did get a little chuckle out of Legend.
“ - Oh, he is, ” he declared with a smile. “ I’m afraid you two will get along swimmingly. ”
Warriors laughed, clapping him on the shoulder as he passed by.
When they got back to the rest of the group, the curious gazes sent their way were soothed by the fact that they were both smiling.
Legend’s smile was actually getting wider and wider, as they were getting close to his house.
When he saw it on its little hill, he rushed to the door, trying not to bounce on his feet as he waited for his partner to open.
And if Warriors observed from afar as they fell in each other’s arms, he waited until they were all in the privacy of Legend’s house to wink teasingly at their veteran. After all, he never denied having a crush, which was telling for 'mister I'll never confirm what I don't want you to know'.
It was easy to feel lighter about this story when he knew it'll end well for the couple.
They just had to wait a little longer.
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mothfables · 2 months
Legend Meets Groose
Legend has been having a good day.
They’re in Sky’s era, taking the day off to relax in his surface home. Legend had decided he even felt alright enough to regress, so with the others’ encouragement he dressed in some of his comfiest clothes and settled on the floor in the main room to play.
He’s feeling particularly small today, so instead of his usual chewy necklace he has a teether- made by Sky and Wild just for him. His brothers don’t feel comfortable letting him have his necklace when he’s this small, something about a choking hazard (which he personally thinks is silly, but whatever), so the teething ring it is.
He doesn’t mind — the ring itself is solid but squishy enough it feels good between his teeth, secured by a small wooden bunny (carved by Sky) that’s nice to rub his fingers over. Legend won’t admit it, but it might be one of his favourite items when he’s small.
He’s playing a game with Wind, something simple but fun that helps him settle comfortably into his headspace. He hums and squeaks happily, feeling content and safe with his brothers here with him. His mind is calm and soft and he feels himself sink a little deeper.
Everything is fine.
Of course, that’s when things decide to take a turn.
The door opens with a bang! that makes him jump. In comes one of the largest men he’s ever seen.
Legend freezes. Distantly, he registers his teether falling out of his mouth and to the floor with a muted thud. Somewhere in his mind he knows who this is, but all he can focus on is how big the man is, and how loud, and how scary.
The stranger turns away, maybe to talk to Sky, and Legend takes the chance to bolt.
He scrambles to his feet, aiming for the hallway he faintly remembers Sky mentioning holds the bedrooms. The first door he tries refuses to open. Frantic, he throws himself at the next one he sees. This one opens easily under his hand and he tosses himself through - barely remembering not to slam it behind himself. He sweeps a panicked gaze over the room before diving under the bed in the far corner.
He shoves himself as far back as he can, startling when he hits the wall. He curls up, bringing a hand to his mouth and biting down. He has to be quiet. He has to stay hidden. He has to-
The door opens.
Groose hurries toward the house he shares with Link and Zelda. Link is back and he didn’t tell him!
Obviously such a thing must be corrected immediately!
He finally reaches the house and without thinking bursts through the door. Inside he sees Link, as well as the group of heroes he’s been traveling with. “LINK! YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU WERE BACK!!!”
Some of them flinch at his volume and he winces. “Oops! Sorry, got a bit excited there, haha.”
Link laughs and moves to wrap Groose in a hug. “Hey! I was just about to go find you and tell you we were back!” He pouts up at him and Groose claps him on the back with a grin.
He goes to tease his best friend but is interrupted by a quiet patter of footsteps and the faint creak of a door.
“Uh, hey guys?” Groose turns around to see one of the smaller boys kneeling on the floor with a worried look on his face. “Lege just ran.”
Worried exclamations sound before Link steps over to the boy and joins him on the floor. “What happened, Wind?”
“We were playing and then Groose came in and he got spooked, I think. As soon as he looked away Lege ran that way,” Wind points towards the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
Link worries his lip.
“Sorry, Groose,” he offers an apologetic smile. “I guess I should’ve warned you-”
“Aw, don’t worry about it. It’s my fault for comin’ in without knocking. Not surprised I spooked at least one of ya.” Groose waves him off.
Link looks like he wants to argue but Groose shakes his head and moves towards the hallway. He needs to apologize to the little guy, and he only hopes he doesn’t scare him further.
He hears worried muttering behind him but ignores it in favour of figuring out which door the missing hero might have gone through.
Link and Zelda’s door is locked, since Link’s been on his quest and Zelda’s been out doing some surveys to find the best places for building new houses and farms. So that strikes that as a potential place to hide. Groose turns and notices his own door is slightly open.
…He’s sure he closed it when he left this morning. The little guy must be in there then.
Groose is careful as he opens the door and peeks inside. It’s empty upon first glance, and he almost leaves to continue searching the rest of the house before his eyes land on his bed and-
That makes sense.
As quietly as he can, he slips inside, making sure to leave the door open a crack. He makes his way over to the bed and sinks down to sit beside the nightstand - that way there’s plenty of room for a frightened hero to make an escape if needed.
There’s no sound besides his own breathing and for a minute he worries he’s got the wrong room; that the little guy isn’t in here after all. Then - the tiniest, squeakiest sound he’s ever heard. It sounds a bit like a remlit sneezing, only a thousand times cuter.
“Bless you,” he says on reflex. There’s a tiny startled sound. “Ah- right. Sorry for scaring you earlier. I was excited to see Link again and just rushed in. I forgot you guys would be here too.”
No response from the hero under the bed. That’s okay. Groose is content to wait; sometimes it would take Link hours to stop being scared when something triggered him. He wouldn’t be surprised if these other heroes were similar. Worse comes to worse, he can go get one of the others and let them help the poor guy.
A few more minutes pass before he hears the shuffling of fabric, like someone is crawling. Then pink appears, followed by grey, and soon there’s an entire hero kneeling at the other end of Groose’s bed, watching him apprehensively from under soft pink hair.
The kid’s dressed in a soft grey woolen dress and leggings coloured in a mix of muted pinks and blues. He looks like he’s ready to spend a nice relaxing day at home; Groose feels a little bad for potentially ruining that with his sudden arrival.
He sends the little guy a warm smile. “Seems like you’re feelin’ a little better, huh?”
He gets a shy nod in response. The kid’s clutching the blanket in one hand while the other creeps towards his mouth. The action reminds Groose of the little kids back on Skyloft - how they’d cling to their parents’ clothes and chew their own tiny fingers. He feels a sudden urge to tell him to stop, get him something else to chew on, but he’s not sure it would be welcomed.
Instead, he shifts to face him, leaning back against the bed with another smile.
“Say, you see anything cool on your travels?”
The kid lights up.
Sky is pacing the living room, wringing his hands and constantly glancing back at the hallway Groose disappeared down.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust Groose; he does, really he does. But he doesn’t know about Legend’s regression. Sky had planned to mention it to him when he went to get him, but then Groose had taken it upon himself to find him, and then-
Here they are.
So here he is, pacing a hole in his carpet as he worries about his best friend and his little brother and everything that could be going wrong.
The only reason he didn’t immediately take off after Groose is because he knows, for all he seems big and goofy and not all that bright, Groose is smart and clever and much better at handling situations like this than he appears. Sky remembers the many, many panic attacks and meltdowns, and how Groose did his best to be there for all of them; providing support and a steady shoulder to lean on- and cry on, as was often the case.
So, though he’s close to chewing his nails down to the quick with worry, he chooses to wait and let his friend do what he does best.
It’s only when he can’t wait any longer that he spins towards the hallways and makes to march down it. He’s stopped by a hand on his shoulder and nearly snaps his teeth into it before registering something is being held out to him. Blinking, he realizes it’s Legend’s teether. Following the hand holding it up and back, he sees Warriors behind him.
“I figured he might want it, so I washed it while you were busy putting a new track in your carpet.”
Sky inhales, holds it, then exhales; it’s only a little shaky. Taking the teether from Wars, he smiles gratefully. “Thanks. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
Wars returns it with his own small smile before squeezing his shoulder and stepping away.
Feeling a little calmer now, Sky heads down the hall. Groose’s door is slightly open, so that’s where he goes. He goes to open it but pauses at the sound of voices; one deep and warm, the other high and soft. Neither sounds angry or upset, which lifts a bit more weight off his shoulders.
Pushing open the door, Sky is greeted by the sight of Legend sitting cross-legged on the floor at the end of Groose’s bed: he’s rocking and waving his hands as he babbles eagerly to an intently-listening Groose. His best friend is also on the floor, leaning against the bed with a warm smile on his face as he watches the boy talk.
“-bunnies go hop-hop!” Legend tells Groose, who nods and makes an intrigued sound. “They also like to, um- t’ eat lots an’ lots of plants! They can’t have too many carrots, though, cause they coul’ get sick. Eve- even though ev’ryone says th’t’s what bunnies eat. An’ they- um, they also like t’ burrow! Th’t’s when they dig an’ dig lots of tunnels an’ rooms t’ live in an-”
He breaks off when he sees Sky, immediately reaching for him with an excited “‘ky!”
“Hi, baby!” Sky coos, kneeling down to draw his little brother into his lap. Legend goes easily, tucking close and grasping at Sky’s shirt with a happy sound.
“Ohhh, you’re little little, huh baby?” Legend hums in answer, squishing his face against Sky’s neck. Sky coos and cuddles him some more. After a moment he remembers he’s still holding the teether and nudges Legend until he looks up, then lets him grab it and eagerly pull it to his mouth.
Groose clears his throat. Pulling his attention away from his baby brother, Sky sees him glancing between the two of them, brows pinched in confusion. “Uh… not to be rude or anything, but… Can you explain what’s going on? Why’s the little guy, uh, ‘little?’”
Oh, right. Sky had been going to explain it before everything happened. Well, no time like the present.
He clears his throat and shifts so he’s sitting a little more comfortably. “Right, so, essentially… You know how hard my quest was on me, right?” Groose nods. “Well, Lege had six of them, that we know of. This is his seventh. And he… he started really young. So, to cope with everything, his brain goes back to being a kid sometimes. And sometimes even younger than that.”
“…So it helps? The- the ‘being small’ thing?” Groose’s expression is a mix of worry, sadness, and dawning understanding.
“And you all take care of him when he’s like this?” Sky nods and Groose leans back with a thoughtful sound.
“Well… Can’t say I totally get it, but he seems to be doing alright. And he’s got you lookin’ out for him, so he’s got nothing to worry about.”
Sky’s chest warms at Groose’s faith in him even as he blushes, flustered, and hides his face in Legend’s hair. The little boy coos and reaches up to clumsily pat his head in an attempt at comfort; Groose chuckles as Sky groans dramatically. He nuzzles his little brother’s hair and presses a kiss to it to show he’s not mad, and Legend squeaks happily, cuddling closer.
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links-in-time · 5 months
I'm taking this as an opportunity to continue to spread my headcanon that Warriors knits as a hobby. I think Legend also embroiders (with a preference for cross stitch). This is their bonding activity.
I loved writing this little head cannon @gryphonlover and it stopped me writing any whump for once!
I hope you like it.
Hobby Boys
It had been a long day in Twilight's Hyrule. The chain had fought a monster hoard on the edge of Kakariko village. No major injuries to report, only a few cuts and bruises. Although Time had suggested they stay in Kakariko and set off the following day, Twilight wanted to get back to Ordon and check on his neighbours as soon as possible. Not to mention he had been neglecting Epona the last few days and decided a trip to the spring outside his home town would be a nice treat for her.
Wars agreed to the plan reluctantly. He had had enough of walking for days on end, so had most of the others, though they kept their opinions to themselves. They all knew what it was like to end up back in their own eras. The desire to get home to familiar territory and all the comforts that come with it. Wars understood Twi's enthusiasm to get moving, but he didn't have to be happy about it.
While they walked the sun began to dip towards the horizon. They hadn't been to Twilight's era for a while, but Wars was fairly certain they weren't exactly close to Twi's village.
"Twi, I'm not sure we're going to reach Ordon before nightfall," Wars observed, trotting forwards to catch up with their rancher.
"It's okay, we should be there before midnight at least," Twi replied brightly.
"Come on Twi, I know you want to see home as badly as the rest of us. But," Wars lowered his voice, "Wind and Legend are putting on brave faces but that fight definitely took it out of them back there. We should really stop and make camp. Ordon will still be there in the morning, I promise."
Wars urged his friend, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. Twilight let out a long sigh as he glanced over his shoulder at the rest of the Chain. Wind and Four were walking hand in hand, but the longer Twi looked the more he could see the exhaustion in the teen's eyes. His grip on Four's hand was weak and he dragged his feet along the path. Legend was much the same and Twi had to admit he was being rather selfish.
"Hey guys, I don't think we'll reach Ordon before nightfall. Let's make camp and set out again in the morning after a good rest," Twi announced.
Twi's decision was met with more than a handful of cheers and greatful sighs from the others. Perhaps he had misjudged the distance from Kakariko to Ordon on foot, especially travelling as a large group rather than on his own.
The chain found a small grove of trees to use as shelter as they set up their camp. Wild set about cooking a quick supper for everyone while the others laid out their bed rolls and organised a watch rota. Wind wolfed down the stew Wild cooked up then instantly crashed on his bed roll. Time decided to scratch the teen off the watch rota and let him have a full night's sleep.
Wars was on first watch but not everyone had gone to sleep. Legend sat on a tree stump facing away from the circle of their camp. He seemed to be working away at something in his lap. With a frown Wars got to his feet to see what the Vet was up to.
"You okay Lege?" Wars asked softly, reaching out to lay a hand on the young adventurer's shoulder.
Before Wars could reach him Lege shot to his feet and spun around, hiding whatever he was holding behind his back.
"I'm fine! Hylia! Why do you have to be so nosey Cap?!" Legend exclaimed defensively, his ears turning pinker than the streak in his hair.
"Sorry," Wars replied, taking a step back. Though he thought Legend's reaction was particularly hostile, even for him. "I thought you might be hurt, I was just checking on you. You seemed quite exhausted by our last fight."
"Well I'm not hurt and yeah I'm a bit tired, but I just wanted some alone time. Is that too much to ask?" Legend retorted, there was still venom in his voice but Wars couldn't figure out where it was coming from.
"No it's not. Forgive me for worrying about you!" Wars scoffed, turning on the spot and heading back towards the fire.
He plonked himself down on the ground and pulled his bag towards himself. Legend sat down on his tree stump once again but kept his eyes on Wars for a moment. When he saw the Captain pull out a ball of wool and what looked like a half finished scarf Legend's squinting eyes went wide.
"You knit!" He burst out.
Sky snorted a breath in his sleep and Legend was afraid he might have woken him. He and Wars both checked the others were still asleep before either of them spoke.
"Yes, why do you sound so surprised? Everyone has a hobby don't they? Most of the others play instruments, but I never learnt. So I knit instead, it helps me relax and, it reminds me of my soldiers."
Wars eyes dropped towards the fire as he explained. Legend thought his friend looked sad for a moment. Curious, he moved a little closer to the fire, stepping into its circle of light and warmth.
"Your soldiers?" Legend asked.
"Yeah, one of the guys in my first squad taught me to knit. He said it helped him relax after training. But it also kept his fingers busy when his mind would race through the more terrible aspects of soldiering. When he itched to hit something or throttle the next person to speak, he had his hands full with something that helped him relax instead. I picked up the same habit and now I do a little bit almost every night. When I finish this scarf I think I'll give it to Wind, it's in his colours after all."
Wars held up the woolen scarf for Legend to see. Though the night was dim and the orange glow of the fire obscured the colours a little, Legend could see the scarf had been knitted in pale blue and white bands. Wars had even managed to use a stitch that replicated the shapes of cresting waves which Legend thought was impressive.
"Wow, that's actually pretty neat," he admitted.
"Why haven't you shown any of us this before?" Legend probed, plopping himself down to sit cross legged in front of the fire.
"Would you have been so nice about it if the others were conscious?" Wars asked, raising an eyebrow.
"True. Sorry, I probably shouldn't admit to that," Legend replied, hanging his head a little.
"It's alright, the other soldiers used to tease me too. Even the ones I used to knit stuff for. But they never meant anything by it. I'm sure you wouldn't either," Wars shrugged, as he picked up his needles and tried to remember where he was in his pattern.
"I suppose it would make me a bit of a hypocrit anyway," Legend mumbled.
"Why?" Wars said slowly, eyeing the bundle Legend had scrunched up in his lap. "What are you trying to hide Lege? It can't be any worse than a Captain knitting scarves!" He scoffed.
Legend hesitated a moment, but Wars was right, perhaps there was no harm in sharing. If the others were awake he and Wars were usually the ones to tease each other for things. If the Captain had trusted him with his secret, perhaps he should return the favour. Legend sighed and opened out the piece of fabric in his lap.
It was a beautiful piece of purple velvet with what appeared to be gold thread woven into it. As Legend held it up for Wars to see he could clearly make out the embroidered patterns of leaves and flowers in the shining golden thread. Tiny little crosses made up the shapes and came together to make quite a beautiful image.
"Rav's favourite colours, hopefully I can finish it before the next time I get to see him," Legend explained.
"It's beautiful Lege," Wars breathed, as he studied the intricate stitches. "How long have you been working on it?"
"Few weeks. Usually takes me about a month to do a piece this big, but I'm working all the hours I can spare on it. Which is usually just when I'm on watch and I won't get distracted by you lot."
"Hmm," Wars nodded, drawing how eyes away from the embroidery and up to Legend's blushing face. "It's really good Lege, I would never have teased you for this. I'm impressed. And it's sweet you're making it for Ravio. I'm sure he'll love it."
"You mean it?" Legend asked, suspicious of how nice Wars was being towards him.
"Cross my heart," Wars replied, making a cross over his chest with his knitting needles. "Honestly Lege it's beautiful. Wish I could embroider. I've been meaning to fix my scarf for ages."
"What do you mean fix it?" Legend asked, he hadn't noticed any damage to Wars' prized blue scarf.
"Yeah, with all the travelling we do through woods and swamps the design on the end has got pretty roughed up. It's supposed to be the royal crest, but quite a lot of the stitches have come loose or disappeared completely. This scarf means a lot to me and I'm ashamed I haven't kept it in very good condition."
Wars pulled the loop of his scarf up to his chin and rubbed his skin against the soft fabric. He'd done his best to keep it clean and stitch up any tears in the fabric, but he didn't have the skill to restore the crest.
"I could fix it for you if you want?" Legend suggested with a shrug.
"You mean it?!" Wars replied brightly, the firelight dancing in his eager eyes.
"Sure. How about you knit me a scarf to give to Ravio as well in payment?"
"Alright that's a deal," Wars nodded, a bright smile spread across his face.
Legend still felt a little embarrassed about his hobby being discovered. But Wars had been so impressed by his hidden talents, Legend was starting to feel better about it. The fact that he could put it to good use helping preserve something important to one of his brothers, even one of the more annoying ones, warmed his heart.
The pair sat together by the fire for a good few hours, working on their projects and talking quietly together. Sharing stores of things they had created and the friends they had given them to. Unsurprisingly most of Legend's pieces had been given to Ravio, but he also admitted he had left secret little embroideries on some of the Chain's stuff. Little cross stitched flowers or fairies on their packs or blankets. None of them had noticed but Legend didn't do it for praise or approval. He did it because they were his brothers and each piece of work was like giving each of them a little bit of himself to carry with them.
As their journey wore on Legend and Wars often found themselves passing time together. During watch or whenever they got separated from the group, they would comfort each other by asking about their latest projects. One morning Wars had woken to find his scarf neatly folded by his bedroll, the immaculate crest staring up at him.
"How did you manage it?" Wars whispered to Legend, that afternoon while they were walking through some woods in Time's era.
"Little bit of time and a little bit of my magic touch," Legend replied with a wink.
"Thank you Link," Wars uttered, flashing Legend a warm smile.
"You're welcome Captain," Legend nodded, before skipping off to walk beside Hyrule.
Wars smiled at the back of Legend's head, thinking about how many rows of stitches he had left to do in Ravio's new scarf.
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 1 year
could u pls do enemies to lovers w tom that leads to sex? btw i adore ur writing its sooo good !!
I Was Scared | Tom Kaulitz
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a normal saturday night. you were getting ready to go to your friend crystal’s house. you decided to wear a white t-shirt and a jeans skirt.
there would also been other people of your group of friends, even though not everyone. you guys were around ten people, which was a lot sometimes.
you couldn’t really always agree to do something because of all the different opinions, but somehow you made it work.
tonight besides you and crystal, your other friends, bill, gustav, georg and unfortunately for you, bill’s twin brother tom would come.
unfortunately because you and tom didn’t really have a good relationship and it was all his fault. at first when you guys met, he didn’t really acknowledge you, he talked to everyone but you.
after sometime, he started picking on you, making fun of little things and always being mean to you.
you didn’t know why, you always had been gentle and nice, even when he was a dick, because you couldn’t really be rude to people.
but you had your moments where you lost it and talked back to him. he knew you didn’t like him at all.
just the thought of being in the same room as him made you roll your eyes.
he was so different from bill, he was the sweetest person ever and you guys actually had a really good bond. tom made fun of you when he heard you guys talk about things you had in common and luckily bill knew how to clap back.
bill had noticed how tom was acting towards you, he even tried to talk about it to him but tom ignored him.
sometimes you wished you could’ve been friends since you were always together, but the boy seemed to hate you.
around nine pm, you took your car keys and drove over your friends’s house. she welcomed you with an hug before making you come in.
the others were already there, all sitting down on the couch.
“we were waiting for you to start the movie.” georg sang out with a big smile. you chuckled giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“sorry for being late, the traffic is horrible.” you noticed that the only seat available was the one next to tom and you slapped yourself mentally.
you awkwardly sat down, noticing he was taking a lot of space since his leges were spread open and he was slouched down. you were between him and the couch’s end.
he didn’t even look at you, nor did he say hi. he was simply listening to the others making conversations.
you preferred it that way, it was better if he stayed quiet.
“so, what are we gonna watch?” crystal asked as she turned on the tv, going on netflix.
“oh oh, there is a new movie out! it’s called to all boys i’ve loved before, we should totally watc-“ you were about to finish your sentence but a scoff coming from tom cut you off.
“what?” you turned to him, your smile disappearing.
“what kind of shit movie is that?” he rhetorically asked, looking at you. you realised how close you were in that moment.
“you never watched it, how can you know if it’s bad?” you squinted your eyes at him, shaking your head.
“it’s recommended by you so i guess it’s pretty shitty.” tom shrugged as if he had just stated a fact.
“tom. stop.” bill called him out, glaring at him from the other couch.
“mind your business.” tom said before sighing and getting up, “i’m gonna take a beer.”
he walked to the kitchen nonchalantly and you followed him with your eyes. you felt anger but also sadness inside. why did he have to be so cruel to you?
the others decided to put it on anyway, maybe even to make you a little bit happier after what tom had said. they could see it had made you upset.
you fidgeted with your bracelet as you watched the tv, without really paying attention to the movie.
tom came back some minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and a beer. he put the bowl at the center of the coffee table infront of us before grabbing a bunch and stuffing his mouth.
you tried to ignore the smacking sound but it was too much. he kept chewing those popcorns almost with his mouth open.
“could you stop chewing so loud?” you said almost in a whisper since you didn’t want to disturb the others.
“could you stop being a pain in the ass?” he spat back without even turning to look at you, putting more popcorns in his mouth.
you exhaled heavily, making him chuckle. he enjoyed this, he enjoyed making you feel down.
deciding to ignore him, you went back to watch the movie that you so wanted to see, before a loud obnoxious burp interrupted the silence in the room.
everyone turned around to look at tom.
“ew, you’re disgusting.” you commented making a nauseous face.
“yeah, you’re a pig tom.” georg agreed shaking his head.
“oh fuck off.” he rolled his eyes continuing to drink his beer, “can we fucking change this movie? it’s boring.”
“it’s boring because you aren’t paying attention to it.” you didn’t know why you kept engaging with him, he was too focused on being right than accepting what you said.
“no, it’s boring because it’s a stupid ass movie that only losers like you like.” this time it was enough.
“why are you always so mean to me?” you finally spat out, your whole body turned to his side, “i’ve never done anything to you except being a good person even when you treated me like shit! you didn’t give me a chance since day one, tom. i’m sick of your bullshit. next time don’t call me to hang out it’s he’s here too.” you concluded talking to everyone before getting up and running to the bathroom upstairs.
you shocked everyone since you had never had an outburst like that. you never got angry.
“tom, you’re a fucking jerk.” bill shook his head, letting out an heavy sight.
“yeah, why do you always treat her that way?” crystal asked stopping the movie.
tom stayed quiet, observing the aim of his hoodie that had become interesting in that moment.
“yeah, it’s not like she has ever done something to you so why do you act-“
“it’s because i like her, okay?!” tom finally blurted out almost yelling.
a general “what?” echoed in the living room. they were shocked, tom wasn’t someone that admitted his feelings for someone or that actually liked someone seriously. he only wanted physics stuff.
“yeah i said it. i like her almost since the day i met her but i don’t want to like her.” he explained almost embarrassed.
“so you treat her like shit for keeping her away from you?” georg asked wrinkling his eyebrows, “what kind of fucking cliché is it?”
“i know. it’s stupid but if i keep her distant, this feelings will go away. everything will go back to normal.” tom said, lighting up a cigarette.
“tom, you should go talk to her. tell her the truth. you’d rather lose her than be in a relationship? don’t be ridiculous.” bill always tried to make his brother think, especially in this type of situations. he was the romantic and lover one, never had just one night stands like his brother.
tom’s irritation flared but he got up from the couch, knowing bill was right. he wouldn’t admit that to him though.
he walked upstairs, where the bathroom was, as he kept smoking his cigarette. knocking on the door, only silence could be heard.
“go away.” you immediately answered as soon as you heard his voice.
“let me come in.” he leaned with his shoulder against the wall and looked at the floor.
“are you dumb? go away.” tom could hear your broken voice and that made his body fill with guilt.
“i need to talk to you, it’s important.”
you didn’t answer, but after a couple of seconds the door opened. tom entered slowly and you closed the door behind you.
you stared at tom with your arms folded against your chest, an eyebrow raised. “so? and also, you know i hate smoke.”
tom noticed your puffy and red eyes.
“were you crying?” he asked throwing the cigarette away down the wc.
“no, my eyes happen to be swollen.” you answered sarcastically before sitting down on the floor.
tom played with his lip piercing, unsure of what to do next, deciding to sit down next to you.
“what do you want tom? if you’re here to bother me some more just go-“
“i’m not. i’m here to say sorry.” his words ran from his mouth and he almost felt ashamed, he had never say sorry, not directly at least.
“i’m sorry, because i was selfish. i didn’t think of how everything would make you feel, i just thought about protecting myself.” he looked at you with truthful eyes.
“from what?” you tilted your head to the side as you grew confused.
tom let out a shaky breath. now or never.
“from loving you.”
a moment of silence filled the bathroom, as you looked at him, finding that unbelievable. how could he love you and treat you like that at the same time?
“w-what…how? what?” you didn’t even know what to say. your mind was full of questions that wouldn’t come out.
“you heard me. i love you, i was treating you like shit so it would go away but it fucking didn’t and it just made you hate me. sorry.” there it was. his full explanation. he had said it and couldn’t go back in time.
“is this another prank of yours? because if it is it, isn’t funny tom.”
he didn’t say anything, he just placed his hand on your cheek and crashed his lips against yours. your eyes widened.
tom asked for entrance with his tongue and slowly you let him in, wrapping your arms around his neck.
when you broke away, you kept sharing small pecks as your eyes met, a small smile on both of your lips.
you both didn’t know what to say next, it was like the kiss you shared had said it all.
“you’re such a dick.” you commented with a small laugh, shaking your head as you looked down. your bodies were now closer than ever, his hands on your hips.
he smirked knowing what that meant, it was done, you were finally his. his lips went to your neck, leaving small wet pecks on your skin.
you were covered in goosebumps, giving him more access to kiss you. “t-tom…”
he shushed you, getting you to lay down on the floor as he got on top of you, “i wanna make you feel good. can i? do you want to?”
you waited before nodding, deciding that you wanted to live that moment fully.
“t-tom but i-i never…” you were shy to say that you had never had sex before. he was about to be your first.
he seemed to understand what you wanted to say without you even saying it, and he nodded gently touching your skin under your shirt. “it’s okay, i’ll be gentle.”
he removed your shirt, leaving you in your black bra. he stared at your covered beasts, leaning down to kiss your chest.
his hands traveled to the strips of your bra, gently sliding them down. you knew where he was getting at so you leaned up a bit, making it easy for him to remove it completely.
your back touched the cold floor and your arms tried to cover yourself, but he blocked you, placing your arms above your head. “you’re beautiful, don’t be embarrassed.”
his sweet words encouraged you to feel more confident, finding the strength to kiss him hungrily.
tom hummed into the kiss, one hand keeping him up for balance as the other fidgeted with his belt. you decided to help him remove it, before he took off his pants and shirt completely.
you stared at his body almost drooling. he was so hot, almost like he was created by greek gods, with his defined muscles and abs.
tom smirked noticing you staring at him while gulping down, before sliding down your skirt and throwing it somewhere.
you wrapped your legs around his waist as he lowered his boxers, revealing his hard member. you couldn’t believe your eyes.
“will that fit in?” you couldn’t comprehend how something that big could go in you.
tom laughed, “yes, cause you’ll take it like a good girl, right?”
you bit down your lip, nodding at his words, his hand coking closer to your core. he began rubbing your clit, making you gasp. you never felt something like this before.
“does that feel good?” tom asked in your ear, his hot breath on your neck.
“y-yes, o-oh my god.” you stuttered as you moaned, his hands working magic on you. suddenly, he inserted a finger in your entrance.
“slow!” you almost screamed as you felt like it feared you apart.
“sorry baby. fuck, you’re so wet.” he kissed your neck, going slower. as you get used to the feeling, he began going in and out of you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“t-tom, i want you. please…” you begged arching your back. he stroked himself, nodding frantically.
“you asked so nicely baby, you’re such a good girl for me huh?” he slowly came closer to your entrance with his tip.
“y-yes, just for you…” your mouth formed like a ‘o’ shape as he teased you, going up and down with his member.
“ready?” he asked looking deeply into your eyes.
you nodded needing him more than ever. you never craved someone’s body this way.
tom went gently in you, groaning as he felt you around him. “shit, you’re tight. it feels so good.”
you squeezed your eyes shut at the pain, feeling it ten times worse than you did with his finger.
he was still, his hands at the sides of your head, looking down at your expressions that turned him on even more. “tell me when i can move.”
your arms found their way around his neck, “y-you can now.”
tom nodded, starting to go slowly in and out of your feminine part. your whimpers, shy moans drove him crazy, he just wanted to fuck you into oblivion but he knew he had to wait for that.
his gaze burned on your skin, examining your unholy expressions.
“g-go faster, please!” you moaned loudly, your hands gripped his dreads.
his pace quickened, finding easily your sweet spot, making you a mess beneath him. you were heaving repeatedly, mumbling disconnected words, his name a mantra.
“you feel so fucking good baby, you like it huh? you’re so lucky. oh shit.” he kept sending you over the edge with his dirty talk, throwing his head back.
“kiss me.” you breathed out, his hands gripping your thighs. he didn’t waste no time, kissing you sloppily.
you kept moaning against his lips, his thrusting becoming harder. the sounds of your skin clapping, your whimpers and his groans were the only thing that could be heard.
“shit i’m about to cum. are you close, baby girl?” tom said placing his forehead against yours.
you felt an unusual heat on your lower stomach and you furrowed your eyebrows. “y-yeah but…”
“no, let go baby. you need to let it go.” he shook his head knowing what we’re you about to say. maybe it was because was your first time but you kept holding back.
tom noticed it so he took the matter into his hands, pressing one of them on your lower body.
your eyes widened as your orgasm took over, sending shivers down your spine. tom followed right after you, finishing with a grunt.
he fell on top of you, breathless. your legs trembled as you were still riding your climax.
he looked up at you before raising his head and kissing your lips. “you did so good.”
a smile formed on your face, blushing hard at his words. you couldn’t believe you had sex with tom, someone you thought hated you.
“y/n, wanna be my girl?”
it took a lot of courage for him to ask you that.
“of course i do.” you cupped his cheeks, pecking him on his lips.
neither of you could stop smiling, totally drunk in love.
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
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For your vote for mumscarian, you requested soulbound mumscarian! I hope this delivers!
“Sorry Mumbo...” Scar rubbed the back of his head, offering Mumbo what could only be called a pitying smile. He could feel it, not that he knew what to look for; two invisible lines of string protruding from the back of his head. When he focused on them, he could interact, and he tugged one. Grian’s head popped up where he was standing over a stove, making soup. Something to fuel all of them fast and warm. Scar’s smile was subtle, but it was there, knowing these lines still held them together.
“You - maybe could’ve warned me you were going into another Life game...” Mumbo groaned softly, shifting on the heating pad. They all felt its warmth, though Mumbo got it the strongest – and they all felt the same sort of aches. Mumbo’s were, ironically, the least strong but he was certainly suffering the most for it.
“Well, it’s not like we really get a warning either-”
“Grian is literally the one who sent you the invite. Like – the guy who made the game is literally right there!” Mumbo groaned, gesturing to where Grian stuck his tongue out at both of them.
“Well, how was I supposed to know that Mr. Potato Head was still connected to me AND that the mechanic would be felt across servers,” he said, fluffing his wings out as he brought over a bowl of soup for mumbo. The mustached man conceded on both those points; frankly, until Double life began, Grian and Mumbo hadn’t been able to feel each other. Scar’s running theory is the coding that connected them for Double Life affected something else in Grian’s coding. He wondered, briefly, just how many people outside of the games could feel something. Was Lizzie dealing with the repercussions of her husband burning to death? Was Joe currently nursing his own pain from a fall?
A warm bowl of soup in Scar’s hands brought him out of his head and he leaned to kiss Grian’s cheek as a thank you. Mumbo tucked his leges up on the bed to make a place for Scar to sit with him, a chair off to the side of the bed for Grian and his own bowl of soup. Mumbo was whining after Grian for some bread to have with his soup and Scar couldn’t help but laugh.
Even with the residual aches, he found it nice to be in the presence of his soulmates. The word felt good in his mouth. Soulmates. Grian and Mumbo were his soulmates. Even if Mumbo was currently a little peeved about the whole...warden shouting Grian apart thing, here the three of them were. Under a roof together, with warm soup and a string Scar could still tug whenever he wanted to. His fingers found it again and pulled on Mumbo, just to say he did it. Mumbo blinked and rubbed the back of his head, looking behind him to see what that feeling was. Scar hid his smile in his bowl of soup.
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bokettochild · 11 months
Just read the bit about legend liking to sort things
Now I'm imagining someone hecks up, crossed a line, and made him really mad/stressed and their apology to Lege involves bringing an empty box and a gorgeous set of glass and gem beads. Lege gives an eyebrow raise of question while whoever it is leads him to a nice cozy spot, motions for him to sit, and then dumps all the nicely sorted beads into the box and just looks at him and says "Go ham, we have all the other stuff handled today."
I wrote your thing, Anon! It's less the moment you described and more everything leading to and coming after, but you are the one who inspired it all the same,so thank you!
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triforce-of-mischief · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 12: Semiconscious
Notes: no warnings or anything, this is just an excuse to get those nice asterisks out there. I'm tired but stubborn, much like Time will be in this short dialogue fill.
(reblogs > likes)
"Hey, Time. Took you long enough."
"Yeah, it's me."
"Hey, no, stop trying to sit up. Stop it. Lay down."
"Jus' worried..."
"I'm not a kid, Time. I can handle myself."
"I can handle you too, old man, stop giving me that face."
"I'm already right beside you, Time, how close do you want me to get?"
"Okay, okay, stop reaching for me already. If I lay beside you, will you go back to sleep?"
"Yeah, you keep sleeping that off. We'll be safe here. I swear it."
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modlinkeduniverse · 10 months
Timè: For me? Easily it’s Chili or a really good Burger.
Malon: Oh, shoot I love a home cooked breakfast with eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage- the works!
Skye: A nice well done steak after I come home from work...
Wars: Salad.
Twi: I…Wars You basic bitch- Same as Skye But I like mine Rare to medium rare.
Lege: If I had to pick just one thing to eat? Probably cinnamon rolls.
Wilde: AWWW
Lege: SHUT
Wilde: Heheh, anyways, I’m a fast food kinda person, Wendy’s is my jam.
Four: Depends on who’s fronting really. I— as in Green, I’m a big fan of hearty soups. Red is our sweet tooth so he loves anything sweet no matter what It is, Blue loves savory, potato chips are his favorite however. Vio doesn’t have a preference, just something not Bitter is all he asks.
Hy: Oh I love sweets! I love all candy really or baked goods like cookies, cakes, but if I had to pick one? It’d have to me Mama’s coffee cake.
Windy: HANDS DOWN PIZZAROLLS, FIGHT ME BIT… *Looks at Malon and Timè who are giving him a huge glare* Uh… FIGHT ME!
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the---hermit · 5 months
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Miti E Leggende Dei Celti by Mila Fois
This is going to be a long one. So, I got this book a couple of weeks ago because of two reasons. Firstly I have been looking for a book on Celtic myths for a long time, and secondly this looked like a very nice and curated edition. It's illustrated with a lovely artstyle, overall it's one of those books that calls to you when you see it on a book shelf. My opinions on the book itself have to be devided in two sections, the first being the actual story so the myths and legeds which of course are traditional tales and not the author's idea, and the way the author decided to work on said stories, presenting them to the public and so on. I have to do this because I absolutely despised the book but I actually liked the stories. The thing is that I am very very frustrated with the author and the publisher whoever is responsible for this, but let's talk about one thing at the time. The stories were fine, it was my first time actually approaching them, and though I didn't love the narration style of the author I enjoyed my time with them. I would love to read another's author's approach at telling these tales, because overall I would love to learn more about Irish traditional myths and tales. I am using the word Irish instead of Celtic because at the end of the day that's what the book should have been called. Yes, most of these stories are Celtic myths, but part of the book is just Irish folklore and it's not addressed, moreover two stories end with Irealand being already christianized? This is one of the first things that didn't make me happy because how can it be a Celtic myth if it ends with their own change of fate? And I believe this introduces well the general problem of this book, it's very imprecise and superficial. I am aware it's not an academic text, but still that is not an excuse for how imprecise it is and it wasn't even a cheap book. There's absolutely no glossary or notes that explain some words that believe me an average Italian person who has never read on the topic before wouldn't know and would have to google (and this is a book made for people who would just like to dive in myths as stories for fun). There's no guide to pronunciation, and that would have been needed even if in a small form, because of course Gaeilge has very different sounds than Italian so why not help the reader? And finally continuing on the imprecisions I think they made a poor choice of translation that needed a note to be contextualized. I am getting into the specifics but the historian in me gets frustrated easily with this stuff, because I don't understand how you can publish something is badly curated and misinformation go on even if it's a small thing, it just doesn't sit right with me especially since the author apparently graduated cum laude with a thesis in history of religions. Anyway the thing is of course fae folk are mentioned and since there is not a precise Italian translation of the term the author used a couple of other creature names that are kinda similar, but not the same thing since we are talking about different traditions. Nowhere in the book there was a note explaining that "hey I decided to use said and said word because of x reason but bear in mind that they are different creatures in such a way". I am so annoyed at how poorly it was curated, the tales are worth it but not in this form, and again the fact that someone who seems to have graduated in the history of religions should not have made these approximations. It feels like betrayal from within your household, there's already so much misinformation and approximation on historical matters, so especially since this is not an academic text but something that anyone would pick up you should be extra-careful in the way you expose things, and the informations you decide to put out in the world.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 9 months
stealing this from the timeline...
+ zero pressure tags (but i love reading these!) - @lecrep @souvenir116 @fueledbyremembering @thinkingaboutfilm11 @supercollide @fireopaal @callsign-shortstack @thatguywasvaping @linewire @buryawoman and whoever else wants to do it.
1. Who or what got you into F1?
charles edits on tiktok + drive to survive, lmao. i'm one of those bitches. sorry not sorry!
but! i will say! what greg james said about f1 resonated with me because i have never ever really cared about physics or engineering in any deep or substantial way. and now, i am avidly reading people like supermak's incredible posts talking about downforce or apexes or deltas and car configs, looking at the charts and the data, and i just think that is a really fun place to be.
f1blr and f1 fandom so far has been a nice confirmation that multiple things can be true - yes we want to make the vroom vroom boys kiss, but we also care deeply about the ethics of the sport, the growth, about driver + team stories, driver pipelines and equity and race excitement and engineering. i think it's really cool these things can coexist.
the sport never should be one thing to one group of people, you know? (wow that ended up longer than i thought.)
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
charles, and still charles lmao. unfortunately.
i am an oscar piastri enthusiast also. i think there's a bit of recency bias at work here but he's come swimming like a fledgling shark into the shallows with his deadpan personality and i'm just very intrigued by His Whole Thing.
i want good things for yuki! and lewis! my GOAT!! give the man his 8th :( (it probably isn't happening but lets' not manifest that.......)
TL;DR it's been a joy getting to "know" the grid (or at least as much of their public persona will tell us) and getting into the lore. *shaky hands* the LORE!
also nobody asked, but, schumacher was an omnipresent name when i was growing up - which might give away my age - but he always felt like an old school driver. in the sense of his mythos, his mystery, his dominance of the track. that era of f1 is over and the sport only moves on and evolves, but in the same way his presence felt a lot more removed and unrelatable to me, and far away. the speed of technology now and broadcasting and social content makes f1 feel more fun and accessible. it feels a lot nicer to find fandom spaces like f1blr where there are different audiences (female, queer, a variety of ages and backgrounds etc) yelling about the same things.
it's just a different time, not a value judgment. but i am enjoying it.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
see above, but i'm 100% here for lestappen having a track battle next year only for oscar to pip them to the podium in one of the races lmao. i think it'd be amazing.
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
*long sigh* once again lestappen baybee... the lore... the parallels... the sun-moonism.... the enemies-to-rivals-to-friends-and-gay-rival-soulmates-something
i like other pairings too like in my about me post - landoscar, galex, blabla. my dark horses are riccussell (george/daniel) and groto (george/toto).
something about that greyhound, very wound-up, very upper-middle-class, highly-strung, born-to-want-but-not-to-always-win english george:
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5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
i got my sister into f1 at around the same time but she's not indicated any preference on drivers yet tbh. she's a casual fan. must be nice being normal.
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
haven't seen enough of them to say, 'cus i only started following like two months ago as the season was winding down. i looooved Vegas '23 though and the legendary charles overtake. he's just so fucking smart and cunning when he's given the conditions and the car to be. watching Abu Dhabi '21 on replay was also a TRIP.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
i'm still learning them. but i'm mildly curious about the old tracks like nürburgring - it was from a totally different era of the sport and it'd be nice to rebalance the long tracks with the current spectacle of street races even though that doesn't seem to be where the sport's moving towards.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
i actually live in a place with a track... i had a free ticket for general access once many years ago but that was pre-f1 hyperfixation, and at that point i didn't understand the appeal at all. idk.
i feel like f1 is actually a better experience for me to watch on tv as a fan.... probably blasphemy i know.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
no and idk that i would because i've seen celebrities in person in the past and it's usually so quick and transactional because they're surrounded by hordes of handlers and/or they're usually running somewhere even if it's a fan-focused interaction.
THAT SAID! i would love to attend a talk by Lewis or just generally hear what he has to say, because what he's done is so beyond f1 at this point and he always shows up in terms of advocacy and speaking up, in recent years, where it really matters. he's a fascinating figure, sometimes contradictory, sometimes controversial, but i definitely would love to hear what he has to say.
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
i am partial to that black and gold lotus from the 80s, ngl:
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and this 7up car (jordan 191?) which with the fujifilm sponsorship is just peak 90s:
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11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
does charles count as a one win wonder............ fight me in the comments
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
"don't waste it" from seb vettel to charles on seb's last day
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lennsart · 4 months
I got tagged in your post about your wips!! (Thank you, by the way)
It's a good way to start a conversation with a mutual we have never interacted with!!
The wip that intrigues me more is the one called "Not cursed".
What is it about? :DD
I'm glad you're fine with being tagged haha, I always get nervous tagging new people ! Thank you for the ask :D
People were curious about "not cursed" O_o
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@anasunny, here I go !
And no, sorry Anon, the wip isn't on Hyrule ! I just can't stop drawing Legend, but I'm sure I'll get to Hyrule's curse at some point... >:)
I'm sorry, the wip is really rough, and it's an unfinished comic (I don't think I've ever finished even one comic, I have so much respect for people who manage long ones !)
Here it is :
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The context comes from one of my sad writing wips 😂 I thought that it'd make a nice comic that could stand alone and never finished it. Have some context :
Basically Legend believes he's cursed and that people coming close to him always ends up getting hurt (there's context to this context lmao, but that's the gist of it). He opens up to Sky, who helps a lot, and then Sky gets badly hurt in a fight, which Legend doesn't take very well.
Except Sky recovers, and immediately ask to see him because he knows that Legend will think it was his fault. Lege is reluctant to even get close to Sky, but Wars convinces him (that's why he's there in the first pannel).
The comic was supposed to end on Sky telling him "You're not cursed", which is why the wip is named that way !
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