#nier 9s x reader
thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
Celebration S/O's birthday
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ 9S, Tamaki, Marin, Link ]
[ NieR Automata ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ My Dress-Up Darling ] [ Skyword Sword ]
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This a special birthday gift for my special cutie friend <3333 it was make with love, Sugar, flowers and ton of flowers! Hope you like it my cutie V-chan!!!
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Something like birthday isn't really common for the androids, they are made just to serve the purpose of YoRHa, they are just instructed with all the aknowledge they need to fullfil the role they recived, nothing more nothing less
Even so that have never stoped 9S from being curious about the humanity, so having a human partner is a win win situation for him, always willing to heard all the stories you are willing to share with him about humans
Thats how he ended up knowing about birthdays, he may already know a little bit but with your help he will finally be able to understand the full concept and even getting to know how common is for humans to celebrate it, and he actually love it! 9S thinks that celebrating a birthday is a way to show a person how much you are happy to know them since you are celebrating that they were born in the first place
9S loves learning anything but learning about birthdays is more special for him, and he totally think that it would be amazing to be able to celebrate your birthday with you (he may don't say it out loud for feeling a little bit shy, and if he does he most likely get all flustered and will try to come up with a excuse but not denying that he wants to do it)
9S will ask you all he can until his heart is content about how it is a birthday celebration, paying close attention to everything you say and making some mental notes about what he has and wants to do to celebrate your birthday (and he tries to keep it as a secret, he want it to be a surprise for you, even if at the end isn't a surprise party since he will probably ask for your help, he still want to make a surprise what he is planning to do, so he won't say anything about it until he has enough things prepare), he tries to be discreet and covering up his questions as his usual curiousity
One thing that 9S will do is ask your help to recreate a calendar like the one humans used to use just to be able to mark your birthday and others festivities you tell him about (if you decide to add one day as his birthday too 9S will be quite flattered, taking a moment to just be embarrassed but excited before shyly agreeding)
Even in the conditions the world are on 9S does his hardest to find things that could be of use for a birthday party, asking indirect help the the androids of the resistance camp and his other friends (just because this is something he wants to share with you and you alone, at least the first time, maybe later you can celebrate your birthday with everyone else), he is so focused on trying to make a good party for you that 2B is also helping him because of how distracted he is by it
9S will love to make your birthday celebration for just the two of you, but if he knows that it will make you happy then he will then take into consideration all the other androids (but will stress himself a little because now he has to explain what he is doing to everyone), 9S is trying really hard to make everything perfect because he doesn't want to disappoint or even upset you because this may not be the best party you could have (but he tries to don't show you how nervous he is)
At the end, you being happy makes all it worthy, he still feel a little sad about not being able to make a birthday party as amazing as it could be made by the other humans but if you are happy he is happy, besides he has being able to express his inmense feeling of happiness and gratitude for having you in his life so at least the party have fullfil its purpose
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki tent to be loud, dramatic and even exaggerated and he is even more when it comes to the love he has for his partner, he is loving and caring and there is not even the slighest doubt of how much he loves you because Tamaki can't not express his love in diferent ways, be by words, actions or gifts (normally not much with physical affection just because he gets quite shy)
Tamaki will not waist any chance to be able to show you off and express how much he loves you, any kind of celebration is good for him so is sure to say that Tamaki will make a big deal out of your birthday. Even when he seems to use this kind of special day as a simple excuse to show off and spoil you, the reality is that is not like that, Tamaki is really caring and loving, he considere you his whole world, just as important and meaningful as the host club, so if he makes a big deal out of this celebrations is because he wants to show you how important and special you are for him, just as great and exaggerated are his celebration are his feeling too
He may have some few problems with his family and his birthday but that won't stop him from doing what he wants, he knows what it is to don't be appreciated or even not wanted and he doesn't want that for you, so he wil make sure to express it on the celebration of your birthday
He makes sure to have enough reminders to don't forget when it is your birthday (even if you don't mind much or even don't like much celebrating your birthday he won't forgive himself if he forgets it), and just as the day get closer he start planing everything for the inmense party, Tamaki even involves the rest of the host club to help him organize the best party that you've never imagined
His plans are to make a really big party, inviting all your friends and the host club (and whoever is important in your life, he will know who to invite somehow), even if there are just a few people he will still make a really big party, full of things that are just your style, pleasent the the view and gracefuly matching, elegant and beautiful. The party is almost obligatory for him, so there will be no shortage of gifts from his part, he tries really hard on think on things that you will really like and love (he is willing to give you exactly what you want, and since is your birthday you have the excuse to ask whatever you want even him tells you that you can take advantage of the special occasion)
Tamaki wants to make the party a surprise for you, but knowing him (and probably the twins being mischievous) it wont be dificult to get to know what he is planing, he will be quite frustrated and upset if you get to know about the party but will promise you that the party will be really amazing! (just wants to keep as a surprise what will be on the party, and will do puppy eyes to prevent you from asking more details, he doesn't want his plans be ruined)
But if the case is that you don't want a big party and will prefer something calmer or even just spend time with him then he feels like his whole world is crashing down, he had an inmense and perfect plan and now is all ruined! although, he doesn't blame you, you are his precious lover and wants nothing but your happiness, and if a big party will make you uncomfortable then there isn't going to be any big party, the problem comes when he anxiously walks back and forth trying to come up with a whole new plan, a smaller and simpler that still express his inmense and undying love for you, it will take him a while to get out of his depresive state come up with a plan but once he does he will not waste time and start to work on it (with the host club help, of course)
Not matter how things turn out at the end the important is that you are happy and that Tamaki is able to express how much he loves you
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Marin Kitagawa
Marin is completely loving and entusiast about her relationship with you, she loves showing her amazing partner and is as if she can't just not talk about you with her friends, there is not even the slighest doubt about how much she loves you. As well, even when is quite obvious that you two are in a relationship, Marin is totally the type if person who is the best friend of her partner, so your relationship constantly goes from the romance to the joy and siliness of a friendship
For Marin being expressive and telling what it is on her minds is just part of her nature and she doesn't see anything bad on doing it, but even when she is constantly reminding you how much she loves you (directly and indirectly) she likes to take seriously and make special things for special dates, such as Valentine's Day, anniversaries, celebrations and, of course, birthdays
Marin thinks that a birthday is a really special event and has to be celebrated! She finds it so important and is so excited by it that she has it marked in her calendar and even has reminders in her phone so she won't forget about this important day for any reason
Marin is so excited by the idea of celebrating your birthday with you that she has a lot of diferent plans about what you two could do even before the day is close! She end up daydreaming about a perfect and beautiful date so much that she just end up flustered and excited, just wishing that your birthday came already!
When the day is finally coming close Marin is completely excited and it is obvious, she wants to organizate a big party for you, inviting your and her friends to celebrate, making sure the party is full of things you love! Marin is so excited that it is even a miracule that she is able to keep it as a secret from you (she wanted to make a surprise party but it is quite obvious what she is planning, so the surprise comes with what she is planning for the party). However, if you prefer to don't have a party and rather prefer to just celebrate it with her then she'll happily plan a special date for you two, making sure to make a plan for all the day where is just you and her
Even if you don't like much celebrating your birthday or doesn't give much importance Marin does because, for her, it represents a really important day for you (is the day you born some years ago after all!) and is one day that she can use to remind you how important you are for her and how much she loves you! and, honestly, her entusiasm and excitment can be quite contagious so you may just end up waiting for the day as excited as her
For her what she planned to do to celebrate (a party or a special date) is something completely apart of the birthday gift, so she will also spend some time thinking on something she can get for you, she want it to be special and personal so she will think really hard on what to get you, she'll probably will try to ask you about what could be the perfect birthday gift (she tries to ask discreetly but is quite obvious what she is trying to do)
At the end of the day, despite her big plans and efforts, what Marin really wants is to make you feel loved and appreciated on your birthday, wants to be able to make you genuinely happy, she doesn't even expect it in return on her birthday she just wants to be able to see you happy, and if you are happy then all her efforts make it worthwhile
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Link is a really caring and loving boyfriend, and despite being easily flustered by the romantic stuff he still is the type of person that is best friends with his partner. There is not even the slighest doubt on what Link feels for you for the loving and adoring way he always looks at you
Link loves spending time with you and is a little clingy, he just love you too much to hide it, and, honestly, knowing that your birthday is close makes him quite excited because he finds it like a perfect excuse to be as clingy and loving as he wants (and don't feels like he is being too much or even embarrassed) because he wants to show you how much he loves you
Honestly, Link doesn't really think on making a big deal out of your birthday but he does want to celebrate, so he may just up to have a special date where is just the two of you doing what you want to do. Link knows he wants to do something special but he doesn't really knows what to do, so he may just end up asking Zelda for some advice wich end up helping him a lot (although, she tease him a little because of it before giving him the advice and wishing him the best)
For Link, the best plan is to just have a romantic date you two, but if you want something else, like a big party, or your friends/family are already planning something for you then he will offer his help with that plan, as long as he is with you and you are happy he is happy
Even if there are others plans he still will continue with his plan of as special date, he will just make it other day (maybe a few days after your birthday but is still to celebrate you). The whole date he is planning is going to be full of activities he knows you like, this is your day after all, so why not just do what makes you happy?
Link will actually be good at hiding his plans, somehow he managed to keep it as a secret to surprised you without making you feel like he had completely forgot your birthday
If you are someone who prefers to don't make a big deal out of your birthday or doesn't really care about that day then Link is going to respect your wishes! he will still make a special date but is a simple one, just being you two enjoying your company
No matter if there is a big party or just a simple date, Link will like to give you a gift in any case, he just thinks your birthday is special because it represents your life and your pass on time, so he doesn't want to let the day be forgotten and he wants to give you a meaningful gift, so it may be something you really wanted or probably even something homemade, something he did that has a lot of meaning for you two
Although, if it happens to be that you two celebrate your birthday when being under the sea of clouds then is more likely that he will plan a date to visit and explore the most beautiful place he have visited during his journey (in this case he will be pretty excited and will drag you somewhere safe, but if there are danger he will make sure to keep you safe, even if you can defend yourself he insist on doing it himself)
Even if the case is that your birthday happens to be when he is too busy with doing something crucial in his journey or even close to fight against demise he still will take at least a moment to sit down and relax with you, wishing you the best and giving you a small gift (like maybe a flower) along with the promise to return safe and sound to you and even make it up once he manage to fullfil his duty
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frickingnerd · 1 year
being in a love triangle with 2B & 9S
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pairing: 2B x gn!reader x 9S
tags: slight jealousy, minor mention of injured 2B & 9S
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9S is very open about his feelings for you, while 2B is reluctant to show how much she cares for you
after all, 2B knows that androids are prohibited from showing emotions, which is why she's so hesitant to get closer to you
9S doesn't seem to have a problem with that though, which often gets him a scolding from 2B
however, the times 2B does show her emotions towards you always feel very special, knowing that she expresses them so rarely
even slight affection from 2B, Iike her placing her hand on your shoulder or carrying you off if you're even slightly hurt in battle feel so intimate
both 2B and 9S make an effort to protect you in battle, which starts with 2B usually making you stick around her during missions, so she can keep an eye on you
though the bonus of being close to you is always nice to have…
9S and 2B tend to get pretty reckless when it comes to protecting you, often getting injured in your place
though it's not so bad, since they know you'll patch them up afterwards, which means they'll get to be close to you and enjoy your company
9S tries to take you on a ton of dates, which he tends to disguise as missions, only for 2B to often ruin his plans and remind him of the actual mission they have
though it's also an excuse for her to keep you away from 9S
2B is the more jealous one out of the two, always feelings this aching feeling in her chest when she sees you with 9S, even if it shouldn't be possible for her to feel this way
the worst is when you call him Nines, since 2B wants nothing more than to get a cute nickname from you as well, yet would never dare to bring that up
but the worst things about this love triangle is how deeply 9S and 2B care about each other and are aware of the others feelings for you
the two of them don't want to hurt each other when spending time with you, yet they aren't the type to just give up on you either
but no matter which one of them you end up choosing, the other might be hurt at first, but they'll always be supportive of the relationship!
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idkjustrandomdrawings · 7 months
AGHHHH 9S is soooo adorable i cannot stop simping for him the entire time he is on my screen!!
He is such a bottom at heart lol
Should i write some fanfics about him? I only have unholy thoughts when i see him
(Sketches of da boi made by me lol)
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randoimago · 1 year
Aight, I can't resist it any longer: I have to request a part 3 for 2B, 9S & A2 with a human!reader.
So after returning from a mission, each android encounters the reader, who's holding a flowerpot in their hands, with a beautiful flower sprouting from it. The that they grew it themselves as a gift to thank them for spending time with them.
Once the androids accept the gift, they ask the reader what flower it is. The reader blushes slightly, before saying that it's a pink carnation, and they symbolize admiration.
Reader Giving Them a Flower
Fandom: Nier: Automata
Character(s): 2B, 9S, A2
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I feel like I need to just make this a oneshot series at this point (oneshots are the bane of my existence so please don't get your hopes up!)
Part 1 :: Part 2
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She returned to Pascal's village where you've been staying for the time being due to the ship not being safe anymore. 2B just came back to deliver something to one of the robots when you approach her with a smile.
"Hello again," she'll greet you. She's found herself opening up more around you and enjoying your presence, without worrying about if her systems are messing up her emotions.
2B watches as you pull out the pink flower and takes it. You're explaining what it is, but her data bank has already filled her in. Her eyes widen a bit as she realizes what you're saying and she sees the flustered expression on your face. A tiny smile slips onto 2B's as she leans in to press a light kiss on your forehead. "Thank you." escapes her lips as she tucks the flower into her headband and walks off to return to her duties.
He's brought you another thing that he's found and fixed up a bit. It's nothing too fascinating, but he hopes you like it and think it's pretty. 9S has tried studying your reactions to log what you like best, so he hopes that you really do enjoy this.
A bright smile crosses his face as he waves at you when he sees you. He goes up to you and presents his gift and his eyes widen as you got him a gift as well.
He takes the flower and examines it. 9S feels like he should ask you questions of where you found it and how, but the only thing on his mind is how cute you are when you're flustered.
A2 sighs as she hears you calling her name in the Resistance Camp. She turns and gives a nod as you approach, which is a big improvement of when she'd used to try (and fail) to ignore you.
She sees you have a flower and she's a bit interested with how you found it. Her eyes widen slightly when you hand it over, explaining what it is. A2 takes it and treats it as if it's the most delicate thing she's held.
"Thanks," she'll say quietly and glance away, so you don't notice how her expression softens just a bit. But she can't help the way her processes speed up when she realizes how flustered you are. Mentally, she's going "crap" when she realizes how much you have grown on her.
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1-800-c3dr1c · 10 months
omg it's me again carly-bae. coming to save you from nina's torment fr can i request a fluffy drabble of 9S being called out for staring longingly at the reader please 🤭
CAUGHT. 9S x gender-neutral reader. very short, so i am so sorry jinx.. ily <3
requests are: open! please look at the pinned post for characters i will write for. <3 let me know if you’d like to be in my tag list for whenever i post anything related to 9S under this post as well, or in my inbox!
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9S followed you with his gaze wherever you went, unable to look away. if his blindfold wasn’t on, you would most certainly be able to tell that he had such a longing look in his eyes. he himself barely even realized this, disregarding it as something unimportant.
after all, the only important thing here was you. you were amazing. always striking up conversation with him, not afraid to be nice. that’s what he found so intriguing about you. at least that’s what he had thought it was. intrigue.
however, he was snapped out of his own thoughts when he caught you smiling at him softly, a little twinkle in your eyes. “is there a reason you’ve been staring at me for the past few minutes, 9S?”
he froze. how utterly embarrassing.. he’d been caught by you. but he didn’t mind, especially because it was you.
that should’ve been the first sign of his feelings for you, but he barely recognized it, trying to come up with an excuse.
“i- it was nothing!” he sputtered out, looking away from you quickly. “..nothing at all.” but if you looked any closer, you’d notice a small smile making its way onto the android’s face.
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freyito · 10 months
9ꜱ, 2ʙ, ᴀ2, ᴀᴅᴀᴍ, & ᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ꜰᴛᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
so! self indulgent. way self indulgent. getting this outta my head before it drives me CRAZY!!!! i know mk is like my hyperfixation rn but, i really love love love drakengard and nier. and Nier: Automata was the first game I played of the series. OBVIOUSLY this is beyond canon divergent, but i was thinking... (aside from 2b and a2) these guys probably know transgenderism and stuff but like... how would they react when PRESENTED with that yknow yknow... ANYWAYS PLAY NIER AUTOMATA (AND REPLICANT), REAL GOOD GAMES
cw: sfw, fluff, implied romantic feelings (no relationship), SPOILERS, so so so beyond canon divergent, male reader, afab, not proofread.
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Nines is curious by nature. He's studied on humans and the human condition. Almost terrifyingly so. He's actually so so so interested in the fact that your trans. Not in a creepy way. Androids have no need to identify, really. And when they wish to be perceived differently, it's quite literally as simple as the switch of a button.
So, to not only be housing a human at the bunker, but one as interesting as you... boy, you are in for so many questions. So. Goddamn. Many. He's curious about your body- but don't take it in a perverted sense. Simply, what do the hormones do? How does your body balance it out? It's all sooooo sooooooo interesting.
He'll even ask if you could lift your shirt for him. He's so unaware of boundaries and proper etiquette, it hurts. But he simply wants to see the scars. Why? Dunno. It'll satisfy his curiosity. Maybe a little more! Nines just wants to know you more intimately. Yes, he knows allll about humans. But he doesn't know about you. He cannot hide it.
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2B keeps her distance about the topic. Out of respect, but also, she still prioritizes her mission over you. Unfortunately. Though, at the very edge of her mind, she has all sorts of questions. Mainly about how society would've treated you. Perhaps you are not of those times, but she is deeply aware of the prejudice of the past civilizations.
But, some days, she lurks by your room, too afraid to wander in. She is afraid of her own curiosity. You do not get to see her much, seeing as it is forbidden to bring you down to earths surface, in fear of losing the last human to exist. You are too precious. To her, yes. But to YoRHa, as well. She will not admit those feelings, however.
She does find her courage somewhere, simply asking how it feels. An odd question, from an Android as straightforward as her. But nonetheless, you indulge in her curiosity. And if you were to ask why she's asking? She'll brush it off. It is important to the mission. You are important to the mission. It is important that she understands.
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A2 does not care much for humanity. She shows barely any interest in you, even if the rumors of you spread like wildfire amongst the resistance and the machine network. She's lost her purpose, there's not much to care about, aside from her well-being. So why would she care for an interesting anomaly like you?
Why, she asks, when she finds herself seeking you out at the resistance camp. Locked away in a make-shift room while waiting for transport to the bunker. This is her last chance, she knows. She also knows it is dangerous, but she figures it'll be worth it. The last human remaining, something she had thought was long dead. A lie. That's really what she thought you were.
Yet, A2 is surprised to see that you are very very real, and the honest truth. It does not reignite her flame for her mission, but something within her swells. She simply stares at you, almost expectantly. She does not say a word. You can just barley see an ounce of curiosity and excitement behind that flat expression. And when you open your mouth to speak, she walks out of the room, and away. That is the last you saw of her.
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Adam knows almost as much as Nines does. Maybe even more. He caught wind of your existence when one of the stubbies near SCREAMED across the network. He was quick to pick you up before the Androids did. He even created you a nice little room within the copied city. Something like home, no doubt. Or at least, a resemblance of it. He stays every present, not once does he leave you alone. He even stations a Biped by you that he can tap into.
He peppers you with questions on the daily, yet still keeps a maximum of thirty. He's logging your existence. He's actually worshipping it, really. Some sort of pseudo-god in a wasteland. He's so very respectful about his questions and knows when to lay-off, as much as his mind burns with questions.
At the end of the day, though, Adam's practically on his knees, begging to see just how your body has held up. He wants to see what testosterones done, he wants to see this marvelous thing called "top surgery", he wants to see it all. ONLY if you allow him too, of course. Regardless, you are stuck with him and his brother until his inevitable demise.
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Eve was actually the first to find you once that stubby alerted the machine network of a human. Yet, before he could even touch you, his brother had whisked you away to the copied city. Only there did you get to meet Eve in full. He is a lot less contained than his brother, most days he spent leaning over your (uncomfy) bedside, asking you all sorts of questions. About how it feels to be human, what hurts more (like if he threw a block at you or a machine at you!), he is less so interested in your identity.
But when he connects the dots, oh boy. More questions. More and more as the days go by. When his brother isn't there, he's asking alllll about your anatomy. Why can't you switch it so easily like he could? Wait, that's a silly question, he knows the answer. Did you know in old civilizations you we-
Adam shuts Eve up real quick before his questions can border insulting. He means you no harm, and actually he feels kind of hurt if he insults you! He's just so damn curious and he has to know allll about you. For now, you are the second most important thing in his new life, something he would willingly go to this thing called hell- you know that place, right?- for you. And back!
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© nervouzwreck, 2023 | masterlist | queue
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notreallysorryxx · 1 year
Finally decided to share my ao3 pseud:
when you have no idea what to write/post on tumblr but are pretty active on ao3 T-T anyway, come check out my ao3 XD
i have yet to write anything ffxiv yet, but I may take my fics from tumblr and transfer them over to ao3 (but don't worry, I'm not abandoning tumblr, I'll still post when i get motivation or feel like shitposting ! ! !) warning: there is nsfw/potentially triggering content on my ao3 (either in my bookmarks or in my own works) ty ! ! !
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veranda-larkspur · 1 year
Welcome To The Masterlist!
I've decided to create a writing/headcanon tumblr to improve my writing. (Also it seemed really fun!!!) So here I've decided to make a masterlist and rule sheet for requesting. Please be sure to read carefully before you ask, as I won't write anything I'm uncomfortable or uninformed in. (I also might post the chapters of my Ao3 fics on here as well.)
Everything here is subject to change in time.
(If you can't see the ask box, you can go ahead and just send me a message of your request in dms if you'd like. I don't mind)
Have a great day!
Identity V: Ithaqua (Night Watch), Alva Lorenz (The Hermit), Joseph Desaulner (The Photographer)
Nier Automata: 9s
Alter Ego: Es
Star Ocean (The Last Hope): Faize Sheifa Beleth
Persona 3: Minato Arisato, Ryoji Mochizuki
Persona 5: Ren Amamiya, Goro Akechi,
Mall of the Dead (Genius Inc): Weber/Zero
Land of the Lustrous: Antarcicite, Phosphophyllite
What I won't write:
Full on NSFW. Implied is fine, but I won't actually write it.
Full Abuse. Same with NSFW.
Poly Relationships (I have NO CLUE how to write them I'm so sorry T_T)
Anything else I find in an ask that I'm uncomfortable with. The rules will be updated accordingly.
What I will write:
Mild implications or references of past abuse.
Anything else that I find passible enough to write.
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onecantsimply · 1 year
Yandere Noah and Jack Smith x A2 Reader (Maybe Mother Goose Too But-)
Noah may get more considering that I already write for Jack so much Hh- Also... they're going to be a Yandere. I can never steer away from those topics. I have descended to this level- 
It embarrasses me of how soon I took to complete this-
Your hair and eyes will be the same as the appearance you would like it to be. Your name will be A2 for a while, but will be changed later on in the fic.
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A2 is an Android from Nier Automata, built originally as a YoRHa soldier. She was a prototype of Androids that had led to the original 2B and 9S. A2 has no liking to speaking, and tends to stay silent. Three years prior to the events of NieR:Automata, she was a member of the first YoRHa squadron deployed to Earth as part of the Pearl Harbor Descent during the early years of the 14th Machine War. Her alias at the time was No2 which is parsed in Automata as "Number Two". Now, A2 is a wanted Android that had first been hunted down at the Forest Kingdom by 2B and 9S. Though, due to the unexpected virus that had spread, A2 had been forced to fight against certain Androids that had been infected with it, even having to defend 2B against some of them. Even with that, she had deciphered that she couldn't live, seeing as how she were infected with a logic virus. 2B told A2 to take her blade that had been imbued with her memories before killing her. And so, the Android does so, with 9S seeing 2B collapse to the floor. He succumbs to a mental breakdown, shouting of how he'll kill A2 while running towards her. However, the bridge under him breaks due to "The Tower" growing out of the floor. A2, who is also amidst the area, had collapsed onto some rubble, going unconscious.
And now... when they wake up, they find themself in a new world, with Humans that have no idea of their own future.
• You yourself are simply confused of what the hell just happened. One moment, you were near the destroyed shopping center, and now, you were on an intact building, seeing people... actual people... walking around without a care in the world. It made you... slightly mad. You and your own allies had practically died, some quite literally, to complete a war against Androids and Machines, that still hadn't ended. So if that were the case, why were you still alive? Why were you here? With Humans?
• To your silent confusion, you see a small machine floating around you. It greets you, telling you of how its name is Pod 042. You didn't seem to care, making your way down the building. Though, as you did so, Pod had asked for what your purpose was. You didn't answer. 30 seconds later, Pod asked again. Irritated, you had told him that you wanted to destroy any machines that came across you. Instead of being able to scan the machine signs rather easily, Pod had spoken of how that wasn't available, and for you to pick another purpose.
• You told him that you should simply explore or map out the area. With an "affirmed", Pod had then went silent. Of course, you attempted to ask him where you two were. However, he answered with an "unknown". And with a small scoff, you muttered about how useless this small machine was.
• Though, you had begun to walk around. Your clothes seemed to catch the eyes of others, who had practically giggled or murmured about your appearance. Though, it was never as if you had cared, so you continued on with your day. You passed a cafe, on where a certain silver haired man was enjoying his apple pie. He only got a glance of you, but had stopped, seeing you disappear into the crowd. The man blinked, but had then went back to his Apple pie, enjoying it with a content smile.
• Pod then began to speak of how you needed to refill your fuel filter. You didn't seem to care about that. Though, upon warning that you would have to forcibly shut down if you ran out of fuel, you sighed, telling him to tell you where the nearest part of fuel was. Pod marked the spot, allowing for you to slip in. You had simply grabbed what you needed before someone had called you out. Obviously, seeing as how you were in a world where Humans never existed, you never understood their ways.
• You just flicked some G (Android and Machine currency) over to them before walking towards the entrance of the room. Yet, it seemed as if things had gotten off on the wrong foot. Someone was already trying to kill you. On instinct, you had evaded, punching the male into the wall. Or so you thought. Your hand had punched through the male's stomach, coating your hand in a red, crimson liquid that was some to your own blood. However, the difference was how it had spilled.
• Of course, taking lives wasn't new to you. You had killed countless Androids and Machines that had tried to go after you for any kind of purpose. So, you didn't think much of it, and simply got to slicing as more Humans came at you. However, instead of exploding into flames, they had... stayed lifeless. Slowly, they had all began to exert a certain scent that had you leave the area, covered in blood. Others had gasped, seeing you carrying the fuel out. You had only sent them small glares.
• However, there was a man in black, as well as a seemingly buff male with a scar across his nose. A smaller woman with two swords had watched you walk away. And when they had looked to where you had come from, they had saw that you had murdered pretty much an entire organization on your own. For fuel. Odd- The black haired male couldn't help but smile softly from interest, making a small motion to the pair behind him. They both nodded.
• Now, you were refilled on fuel, being able to wander as you saw fit. However, the blood on you had dried. It grew annoying, so you washed it off. You thought you were finally alone until you heard Pod say something. "Three Humans approaching." You had silently looked back at them with slightly furrowed eyebrows.
• The black haired male seemed to speak of some things, speaking of how bold you were to kill an organization out in the open. You had stayed silent, simply standing there. You were waiting for them to make the first move. Eventually, the male had quieted down. He then looked towards you with a soft smile.
- "... What are you?"
• Your eyebrows faintly furrowed from this question. Yet, you had continued to stay silent, keeping still. Your eyes had scanned all three of them. You knew they were perfectly capable. The one in the middle seemed rather... more odd than the rest.
• Sensing the tension, Pod immediately floated in front of you.
- “Warning: Combat with this unit will result in appropriate consequences. Destruction recommended."
• The male seemed to perk up, asking what Pod was. The small machine had answered of how he was a support unit assigned to you. Seeing as how you weren't going to speak on your own, Pod had decided to speak for you.
- "Unit A2 will attack whenever the first offense is launched. Any attack will be taken as self defense."
• The male in black seemed to chuckle. He the. Started to laugh, the two beside him looking at him slight confusion. You seemed to softly mutter about how weird he was, turning around, since waiting around was completely irrelevant to you. Though, you heard the ringing of a blade only a second later.
• Your own blade immediately connected with the young woman's. She had slightly wide eyes, but had the other male throw a punch at you. Of course, you lunged away from the pair, with Pod firing bullets towards the trio. They had all avoided it, leading to him closing out.
- "Proposal: Wasting fuel from your filter is dangerous. Flee."
• You softly huffed but lunged to the edge. The male seemed to ask of if you needed fuel. That if you came with him, he could supply it in return for some questioning. Pod immediately turned to you.
- "Alliances will be needed in an unknown world, Unit A2."
• You could only scoff, speaking of how you worked better alone. However, Pod floated in front of you, floating forward while saying the same thing. You already had the feeling of how he would keep being awfully pushy about the situation, you had turned to the other male with a sigh, seemingly just ordering him of what he wanted.
• He just wanted information. It's not every day that he sees an Android, after all. It does tend to be the first time, actually. That's when Pod floated in front of him, speaking of how you weren't some lab rat. The male immediately agreed with a chuckle. However, he looked back at you. You were... interesting.
• No care in the world for anyone, no care in the world for how people thought of you, already having a more closed off personality when he knows you were much more kind in the past, so much strength and prowess, and even viewing him, a leader of a dark organization, as irrelevant.
- He thinks of it all as absolutely interesting. Well, at first, anyway.
• Well, the man had spoken and offered how he wanted you to become a background member of his group. The two beside him could only slightly widen their eyes as your own softly narrowed. Whatever you needed would be supplied to you as long as you took orders from him and him alone. Anyone else will have no reign over you unless he says so.
• Pod immediately accepted the offer, much to your irritated shock, and to the man's bliss. He visibly brightened up before you sighed softly. You softly glared at the male after, but followed after him when told.
- "You can't just accept offers like that." You spoke to Pod, who had continued to float beside you. - "Negative. Unit A2 has shown signs of visible problems with communicating. As a support unit, I shall be the substitute." - "You don't need to do that. I can communicate just fine, with or without words." - "Would that mean subtle glares?"
• You immediately sent Pod a glare, proving his point. More so at the three in front of you. The pair beside the male seemed to question the male beside them. However, he never answered them, only sending them a small smile. Did he really know what he was doing? The two never knew.
• Now, you were in a darker building, in which you took a seat in your given spot. It was only soon enough that jobs were given to you already. And yes. You completed all without fail, receiving payment. Noah understood you never did work well with others. But sometimes, he needed to assign you with other members of the group. Whether that be all of them or not.
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• Humpty Dumpty... You two didn't give a shit about each other. Simple business partners or partners of Mother Goose assigned by Noah. Nothing else. Though, since Alfred didn't have to worry about friendly fire, he often threw cannon balls towards you and your enemy whenever locked in a clash. However, the same cannot be said for him whenever you throw your blade at his opponent. He has to leap back with what he can to escape being impaled. And that's what has him scold you in silence. You two frequently get in arguments about it. There's something that seems enjoyable about it, however. Well... for Alfred, that is. You still think you don't work well with him.
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• Mary Had A Little Lamb... Seeing as how the both of you are swordsmen with different styles of fighting, you still work great together. You know how your blades work, and actually manage to pull off combos together. However, that doesn't mean you two are getting along during those missions. In the beginning, you two just really don't care for each other. Until Mika sees more of your style, and grows curious of it instead of having to focus on the job. She privately asks of what your style was. You don't know about it, since it was regularly implanted into you right when you were built. Oh, right. You're an Android. Not a Human. However... Mika doesn't need to care about that. An acquaintance is an acquaintance to her.
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• Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... Lmfao. LMAO. No. Your nature throws him off- You're awfully cold, which is something that's fine with Bogey. He's met plenty of cold people like Alfred and Wake. However... why the hell are you so aggressive-? How are you dashing with that red glint around you-? He has stamina in running, yes. But not as much as you. Why do you set yourself on fire if an opponent seems too strong for you-? (Naturally that means Bogey has to be put to the side while you fuck the opponent up with Berserker Mode.) But still... that brings up more sparring sessions. Bogey seems fine with it, even if you deem it as a waste of time. You both get cuts, with mostly Bogey being the more injured one. If he can't grab a hold of you, that is.
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• Cock Robin... Bitch no- You're the one who hates him. He's annoying, and he looks smug as hell. Which is not wrong- That razorwhip of his does wonders, however. He likes to get work done fast, which means the both of you may as well work well together when it comes to fighting enemies. Wake keeps a watch over you while you brutalize most people within the building, making sure that no one else gets close enough to you to get a hit in. While you absolute hate him, he has no care for you whatsoever. Just some allies that got partnered up on a job, but had no connection to each other aside from that. It literally takes so many jobs for you two to do anything other than your jobs. Whether that he simply chilling around for a while or having to speak of something to pass the time.
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• Sixpence... Do I have to--? Oh... Uh... You were definitely wierded out over her appearance at first, but still, she had quite a lot of uses when it came to slipping through small spaces.
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• Lincolnshire Poacher... No- I don't know enough about him- All I can say is that he most likely got backhanded by you when he tried to put his arm around you. His jaw ached for a full month after, and he didn't really approach you again unless he had to- He's scared of you HH- However, him being a sniper only reminded you of one of your Android friends. So even if he never noticed, you had grown slightly softer with him.
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• Noah... The man himself... The irritating man himself... You regard him as nothing more than a weird boss. Nothing else. You're used to a commander that's straightforward, and focused on her goal. However, Noah is different. He's focused on his goal, yes. But he loves small distractions such as plays and hard candy. You viewed plays as boring time passers, where you could simply stand against a tree while it was going on. Occasionally, you saw Noah laughing about something. And, about hard candy... Whenever he offered you some, you declined, speaking of how Androids didn't need to eat. However, Noah wanted you to taste it, just in case if you liked it. It had to get to the point where he had to order you to eat it. And honestly... it wasn't bad. You just didn't let him know about it. He knew anyways though-
• However, when you were on a job of your own, you had ran into a young man with silver hair. He took one gaze at your colors while you were walking past, and chuckled, softly mumbling about how your colors were pleasantly impure. You didn't care for what he was talking about, but the next few seconds were the things you cared for. A single knife being launched at you, in which you caught. However, before you could face him, he was gone. I mean... as long as it means he wouldn't disrupt your assignments.
• Though, you were aware of the eyes on you after that. It was irritating, having to minimalize movement just to make sure he doesn't get everything you have.
• Ah... This man has seen you before... Back when you were simply walking around with that small machine at your side. It still is, shooting people lmfao. Well... at least doing your assignments was good enough. However, you needed to get your stalker off your tail. And so, that's what you did. You smashed a window and hopped out before swinging yourself into an open window. You could hear the man above you chuckle, speaking of how he'd see you and your lovely colors yet again.
• After you were sure he had left, you had went back to your own place. Mail had been placed through your slot, having you look through it. Until you saw you had gotten a letter from Wake to attend a monthly meeting, in which you had been skipping every damn time. You were about to toss it to the side until you saw that Noah had ordered you to. The obvious different handwriting made it slightly annoying, but, an order is an order.
• Attending that meeting seemed like a waste of time, just as you thought. Just simply checking if everyone were still alive, in which they were. You really didn't have any more means of staying until Noah had told you to. You seemed more annoyed at that. However, you stayed in silence. After mostly everyone had left, you walked up to Noah, asking him what he had wanted. After being told that he just wanted to do something with you, you could feel your eyes narrowing from slight irritation. Catching this, Noah couldn't help but chuckle.
- He probably asked if you hated his company. You said yes. Noah simply chuckled from your answer.
• Hm... Maybe he needs to try a little bit more then. Or... you could be hiding that you like his presence? It does take a while for you to get used to things, after all. Literally, since you backhanded Crawl because he put an arm around your shoulders, never did anyone else touch you without your permission after that.
• Still, Noah could tell. He could tell he was starting to get to you. You're speaking more around him, and showing the slightest of concern whenever something goes wrong. Even for other members. You don't know them as much since they have things to do, but the places you go to with them when on jobs is something that cannot be replaced. He had mostly occupied your time when you had come back to get your pay.
• Though, when you had to leave, and go home, you could feel specific eyes on you. It was that weird heterochromatic eyed guy. He had been stalking you for a while until it had become regular. You really thought this man would give up within a few months. No. Not at all. He had continued, having to find you over and over again until you had nowhere to hide. It may have gotten to the point where Noah had started to notice himself. So, he may as well accompany you, yes?
• Even with how you tried to refuse, Noah could see the slightly relieved look in your eyes whenever he had come with you at these specific times. It was about time he had to ask you what was going on. Of course, he did it in silence, letting you answer in your own way. Seeing you eye something behind you, Noah had immediately understood from there. Maybe he could take advantage over this. But... couldn't you take care of this person yourself? Yes. You could. But he never did anything unless it was that knife that was thrown towards you.
• Truly, speaking of it, while Noah had left you in your own apartment, there was someone that would sneak in and simply... watch as you sleep. Pod is deactivated beside you, so you're completely shut down. And that gives him much more time to simply watch you. You yourself... The man knows he has enemies. Perhaps lots from how he has a "simple" interest in you. Especially with the group you're in. It was dangerous to even be around you, and he knew this.
• Which was why Noah coming with you seemed rather irritating for him. Especially with the amount of time it took for him to leave. And that man knew it wouldn't be easy, even if Noah had left. Because there was most likely someone else stalking along to make sure you two were safe. Even if that man knew that the person were most likely not going to show themself, there was nice chance that he could always get them first. And that was precisely what he did.
• It was some sort of male with a sniper. It was Crawl. That man just about knocked him out withe enough force to keep him unconscious for a few hours. Now, with bliss, he had snuck his way into your abode. Oh, how your sleeping, or rather, shut down form was beautiful. You had colors of sorrow and guilt within you, however. Most likely that something happened before he ever met you. However, he didn't like to see it on you. While he couldn't do anything other than gently sit beside you, enjoying you simply for your presence, he could always stay by your side. Always in the shadows, but still within your own.
• That man... He adored you. He really did. Ever since first seeing you wandering around while he ate his apple pie. At first, he never seemed to mind, only regarding you as someone slightly odd. He was right. What would you have to do to get into a dark organization? One where people heavily guard you without your own knowledge the best they can? All because of one leader that has also gained an infatuation for you.
• Of course... That man hated sharing. But... the battle to find out who you'll be with is always something fun. Before, that man has always taken care of any that have tried to get in his way. However, he was having trouble with those that had bothered to stalk you other than him. Those that had accompanied you on your jobs, and those that have made sure you weren't injured to certain extent.
• At first, it seemed easy. You were closed off. You always were, and still are to certain others. But to those that had managed to bond with you in certain ways... and had managed to break down your walls before he could... that man couldn't tolerate any competition. So, later would be the time he would finally meet you again. Of course, you or your small machine would recognize him as a stalker. However, he would like to start off on a new foot. Would that be so bad?
• The man then sees something. A knife. His knife. You... kept it? The man immediately grabs a hold of it, softly smiling faintly as he gently traces a gloved finger down the surface of the gleaming blade. The fact that you kept it... This made the knife special. The man immediately pocketed it after softly shuddering from happiness. You give him the best of emotion, and you don't even know...
• Now, that man had gotten off of your bed, giving you a small kiss to your forehead. For a few seconds, he could see a pure emotion flooding into you. That man could only smile before he leaves, just in time to escape away from Crawl's eyes. That man seemed confused on what had happened until he found himself on the cold floor. He immediately checked in on you. You were still okay, much to his relief. He really didn't want to get backhanded by anyone, especially you. The memory makes him sweatdrop each time.
• And, as the man had planned, he had finally met you in another location. It wasn't useful to hide who he was, considering you remembered him. So, you simply glared at him while he spoke of how he never had any bad intentions for you. Instead, that he wanted to do something with you.
- "Surely, spending time away from your odd leader is valuable to you, yes?" - "Not if I get stuck with another weirdo."
• The man could only softly sigh. However, he introduces himself as Jack. Jack Smith. You knew you had no need to introduce yourself, since he most likely knew your name already. And that he did. He never cared for how odd your name sounded. Nor did he care if anyone was watching. This moment to be with you and actually talk with you is something he's been craving for a while.
• Even if you finally depart after a while, even you talking to him is enough for him to feel complete for a slight bit. Until he aches to talk again, that is. However, he knows fully well that your time is being taken up by Noah, or perhaps other Mother Goose members. It... really seems as if you have no time alone. Well, unless for jobs, that is. Actually, not if people are stalking you. Including Jack, but-
• Well, he'll take any bit of time he has to grasp a small companionship with you. No matter how much Pod annoys him about backing off. Jack has no other desire than to be with you. It's... just been quite the while... since he's ever decided to do something like this with anyone. But this feeling... It had subjugated every nerve within his body. And whenever you're near him, that feeling spreads. It begins to fester. The fact that you actually do agree to spend time with him gives him serotonin.
• Though, in the time divided through your week, Jack only has one day with you before it's split to the other members of Mother Goose. If he wants more time, then it would be better to make his own moves.
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• Jack Smith... is annoying in his own right. That man can and will follow you wherever and whenever. It's a wonder of how he hasn't managed to follow you back to Mother Goose's base. He will literally follow you anywhere but there, so that's fine with you. But in the times where he does get to spend his time with you, you always seem annoyed of him. Though, the colors within you had always read as slightly amused. Jack can be annoying, yes. But he's... rather mysterious in his own way as well, leading to your slight interest in him. Additionally to the fact that you simply talking to him seems to make him brighten up immediately. Mans seems like a sort of puppy like that. Not that it's cute to you or anything, hell no, but you find yourself arching an eyebrow at that sometimes.
• With Noah, he found the name of A2 rather... complicated. So, he had your address name changed. Your name is now (Y/n). Of course, you could still be called A2 as you'd like.
- To know that you don't mind the name has Noah smiling softly. What a relief this warmth was. He had actually renamed you to something more casual. All that was left was your clothes. Mika could be in charge of that. So, he had her take you shopping. After all, just a few black cloths over you won't do much.
• So... You didn't feel as if it were necessary to remove the other clothes you had. So, you wore the other one you bought over it. Honestly, it looked nice.
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- (Belongs to Satellite-Helen)-
• Well, you got a few more simps now. Tighter schedule. Yikes- The toothpick and the razorwhip man have been added into the roster-
• At least you and Mika kind of match. She enjoyed it more than anything that her older sibling figure could actually look like her when you two have the same type of weapon. Even if you have more weapon adjustion than she does.
• Well, even if you got more simps, it's still ridiculously hard enough to truly get on your good side. And... those two don't exactly try harder to get on your good side other than accompanying you on jobs whenever Noah needs them to. And they can tell. They can tell he knows about their feelings as well.
• Well, it wouldn't matter if they still had literal years to spend with you. They'd get close with you either way. While their lack of almost communication can place them behind certain people, within the years, it literally becomes irrelevant because of how they'll have to keep up with those certain people.
• By now, things are suffocating for you. You've definitely snapped and told some to shut up or leave you alone. They stalked you instead. It's still better than having direct contact, so you simply let it be. Whether that be simply resting around after a job, or simply taking time to do things by yourself.
- They see you resting by an open window of an abandoned building most of the time, simply staring into space until Pod reminds you that you need to go back. Or that someone approaches you, which can either be the stalker, or simply someone else. Usually, it does tend to be the stalker. But if it's someone else, they're very stupid to even approach a random Android sitting by the windowsill. Still... I suppose curiosity killed the cat, because that person wasn't found anywhere the next hour. Not by you either.
• Anyhow, it becomes regular that you simply expect your time to be eaten up by the ones that have an infatuation with you. You don't pay attention to any of the chaos that really goes on in the area. It really comes to the point where you can only settle around Nu. She's the most calm about everything, and doesn't stalk you unless ordered to. Besties.
• Everything seems to be falling apart whenever a specific toothpick had died, however.
- It appears that the gentleman has finally made his move. However, you were never one to know.
• However, that loss put you in a state of slight anger. It was supposed to be a simple bodyguard or butler job, so what the hell happened. Catching on to your irritation, Noah had taken advantage over it. He had smiled, speaking of how he would find the killer, and would allow for you to brutalize him. You knew fully well of how he was glad at how there was one less rival, however.
• You grew more cold and distant then, to literally everyone as well. Well, unless Noah had ordered you to come with him to kill some lower dark organizations. It was simply to find the killer in easier fashion while checking in on your condition. You were slowly growing more distant, intent on finding the guy that had murdered one of your friends. That seemed unacceptable to Noah.
• You weren't tolerating anyone stalking you either. You were always out of view now, keeping out of sight. And thinking about it... you never did hang around your gentleman friend often. Neither did he approach you as of recently. It seemed oddly suspicious, especially with how you knew what he was capable of.
• One day, after massacring a specific dark organization, the leader had spoken of info he had. And it matched specifically to Jack. You seemed to scoff, and immediately left to find him. But naturally, the gentleman was never anywhere to be found. You asked Pod to locate him. He unfortunately couldn't do so, since he had no signal as a machine. Softly cursing, you went to find him on your own.
• How normal. You found him at Alice's Cafe. And he was quite aware of how pissed off you were. He saved his apple pie by keeping his attention on you.
- “Now then… What would you like to talk of, My Dear?”
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kavvehs · 2 years
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if you enjoy any of my work, please consider reblogging! it greatly helps get my work seen by others!
requests are not the main point of this blog. i write them for fun when i have the time, not out of obligation.
you can request up to three characters of your choice per headcanon. they must be from the same franchise, however.
there are only three available slots at a time. please only request once at a time, so others can participate.
yandere requests must be requested off of anon with an age visible.
breaking any of these rules or requesting while they’re closed will result in your ask being deleted.
this page can and will be updated the more i’m introduced to different concepts and ideas.
if you have any questions or concerns, you’re more than welcome to approach me about it!
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JUJUTSU KAISEN — satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, yuta okkotsu, maki zenin, aoi todo, MAHITO.
FIRE EMBLEM THREE HOUSES — all blue lions, all golden deer, seteth, flayn, rhea, dorothea, bernadetta, sothis, shez, arval.
NIER — brother!nier, kainé, devola, popola, 2b, 9s, a2, adam, eve.
PERSONA 5 ROYAL — REN AMAMIYA, yusuke kitagawa, ryuji sakamoto, haru okumura, makoto niijima, futaba sakura, “kasumi” yoshizawa, GORO AKECHI, morgana (platonic), sae niijima, takuto maruki.
K/DA — evelynn, seraphine, ahri
ARCANE — vi, silco, vander, jayce, viktor
BREATH OF THE WILD — LINK, zelda, SIDON, REVALI, mipha, urbosa.
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE — dio, joseph joestar, team bucciarati, diavolo / doppio, narciso anasui, foo fighters, weather report, enrico pucci, jolyne kujo, emporio (platonic)
KILL LA KILL — ryuko, satsuki, mako.
YUGIOH — yugi, atem, joey, kaiba, jaden (+ yubel), chazz, jesse, zane.
CODE GEASS — lelouch, c.c., mao, suzaku, euphemia.
DARLING IN THE FRANXX — squad 13, zero two, klaxosaur princess, alpha
FINAL FANTASY — cloud, zack, tifa, aerith, reeve, rufus, sephiroth (cc), reno, rude, tseng, kadaj, yazoo, loz, denzel (platonic), noctis, prompto, gladiolus, ignis, lunafreya, gentiana, iris, nyx, crowe, ardyn.
if you’ve read this far and intend to request from me, pls like this post so i know you read it!
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love-toxin · 3 years
rq: "Can you write for 9s(nier)? I just want bby to be happy."
warnings: fluff, some spicy bits, nier: automata spoilers, human reader, heavy on the human/android romance, mentions of 9S being "decommissioned".
☆ hc / ♡ spicy hc / ♀️♂️ gendered hc / ‼️ dark hc
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☆ Being the first human 9S has ever really met, he'll be enamoured with you to the highest degree. His curiosity and admiration for you as one of the few surviving members of the human race will slowly evolve into a deep, growing affection for you, one that he really has no idea how to control.
☆ As an android and a member of YoRha, he isn't meant to succumb to his emotions, he shouldn't even have any in the first place--but you draw feelings out of him in the strangest ways. The lilt in your voice when you ask him a peculiar question, the way your eyes brighten when you greet him, the way anxiety causes your shoulders to tense and your nose to scrunch when you see a machine approaching on the horizon, all of these things and more endear 9S to you as you get to know each other.
☆ He's used to other people rejecting his compliments, so that's one of the things that sticks out to him about you--even if you get shy at times, you always thank him for the things he says, whenever he tells you how beautiful you are or that humans must be really amazing if they're anything like you. His goal will turn into trying to make you blush the more you accept his compliments, it's just so cute and he knows you really appreciate them when your face gets all hot and you try not to look him in the eyes.
☆ Overall he's really friendly with you, he treats you like a person and not like a rare specimen like a lot of other androids end up doing. Obviously he understands that you're a miracle and an anomaly, and that you need protection more than anybody else, but he's one of the only ones you can actually talk to and feel like he's on the same level as you, instead of people either worshipping the ground you walk on or surveying you and measuring everything you do like you're an experiment in a test tube.
☆ There are things he thinks about when nobody else is around, things he would never dare to say out loud. His mind wanders with dreams of what might come from your relationship, of your glee at getting to spend time with him turning into something more as you get closer. It gets harder and harder to push those thoughts away as you insist on spending more time together, but he could never be upset about it. 9S likes you, after all.
☆ He loves you. It's so obvious, but only once you start calling him "Nines" as he told you you could, though he should've seen it coming earlier. Being with you makes every other doubt fall from his mind, and when he's not with you, he thinks about you on repeat. Your smile and scent and the touch of your skin and your hair through his fingers fill his mind at every waking moment of the day, to the point that he hurries through every other task that's required of him so he can go to you as soon as he's done. It seems fairly absurd to have a scanner unit act as a bodyguard for the one human they've found alive in the last century, but that's pretty much what he is because you won't get close to anyone else.
☆ And if he thought his feelings were one-sided, he has no idea how wrong he is until you confess your own to him. It'll be a shock, not only to him but to every higher up in YoRha and all the androids stationed on the surface, but he has to admire your tenacity even more when you ask why it's so wrong? Why should him being an android and you a human stop you from loving one another, when you've made such a good connection? You don't think it's so shocking, and he loves you even more for it.
☆ One of the many reasons he fell for you in the first place was because you liked to listen to him talk, and you show sincere interest in the things he finds fascinating and all the skills that he excels at. You treat him like a human like yourself, and the benefit of him being an android is that he swears to you he will never leave you by yourself. No matter how old and frail you get, or if you get sick, or if you just need someone to love you and care for you, he will always be there for you and you'll never have to worry about being left behind. Even if his body is destroyed or he needs to sacrifice himself for you, he will do it because he can always be brought back in the end. But if he were to lose you.....well, he doesn't even want to entertain the thought.
☆ However, if something were to happen to you--like, for example, you were kidnapped by Adam and Eve, he would be unstoppable. He wouldn't wait for YoRha orders, he wouldn't even wait for 2B or any other backup, he would go after you with a fury like no one's ever seen from him before. Damn the Commander if she tries to communicate with him and order him to fall back, every second you aren't in the safety of his arms is unbearable, and he knows that you'll be waiting, terrified, for your hero--ahem, your companion--to come rescue you.
☆ And the first time you share a kiss is a moment he will never, ever forget. The warm sensations that run through his body almost feel like he's on the fritz, like your lips on his alone could cause him to malfunction--but it's just the excitement and adrenaline of sharing something with you that he would never have dreamed of getting otherwise. He swears he could survive off of your kisses alone, and once you have your first one together, you can bet that he'll be stealing one every chance he has.
☆ But there will always be people who don't agree with your relationship. 9S knows well and good that the Commander disapproves, as evident by her insistence that he cannot be selfish just because the human has taken a liking to him. She's got every excuse from him being unable to truly understand you and therefore not being able to connect with you on the same level, to saying that he should be convincing you to head to the human colony because you should be helping to propagate the species, not wasting your time with a scanner unit. But as a human, you can stand up to her unlike any android in the entirety of YoRha, so as long as you don't back down, she will continue to bend to your will and allow you to stay on the surface without (moderate) intervention.
☆ Aside from the Commander, though, there will be plenty of other interferences from those who desire your attention. Androids from both YoRha and the surface will try to appeal to you, some more aggressively than others, to gain your affection and pull you away from 9S. Some may even get violent, threatening your scanner boyfriend's life or physically trying to steal you away so they can have you all to themselves. But 9S will always be there to protect you, and even if it comes to the point that he does have to fight a fellow android and gets ripped apart, you can rest assured that he'll be clever enough to send out a signal well before he's put out of commission so that 2B will come running to help.
☆ 2B is one of the only ones he really trusts with your safety, especially since she's built for battle in a way that he just isn't. Her priorities will always shift to take your wellbeing into account when needed, also, because as the one remaining human on the surface you take precedence over nearly everything else YoRha has going on. Plus, she doesn't have feelings for you in the way that 9S does, so she's a trustworthy ally to have around in case you garner a little too much attention from others.
♡ If you ever decide to be intimate with 9S, trust that though he will take it very seriously, he'll also be incredibly giddy about you wanting him in such a way. He's a little nervous that he might not live up to your expectations, but once you two find a quiet room in the resistance base to have some time alone, and you start taking off his clothes with such gentle hands, the anxiety is masked entirely by desire.
♡ He'll let you do as you wish, you're the one that has a natural affinity for this after all, but if you give him the chance then he'll take the lead quite happily. He's a body worshipper at heart and he'll want to take in every piece of you so he can indulge in how beautiful you are, including the way you react to his touches and the tense of your body when he finally feeds his cock inside you. It's so slow it's almost agonizing, but he's got a good rhythm to have you clinging to him once he starts thrusting, and moaning into his ear to the point that he has to bite his lip to keep from saying anything especially dirty. He hasn't got a filthy mouth usually, but expressing his love like this is just so overwhelming that he can't help but want to say the most depraved things that come to mind.
♡ Some of his main kinks include not only body worship and dirty talk, but facesitting, quickies, somnophilia, JOI, light bondage, and paizuri. Whether it's giving or receiving he enjoys it all both ways, especially for bondage and somno--he's more than happy to indulge you in doing it to him, but if you ask him to do it to you, it'll be hard for him to contain his excitement. He'd also be very interested in guiding your own masturbation, because just the thought of watching you touch yourself for him and obediently doing whatever he tells you to do gets him all riled up like you wouldn't believe.
♡ Plus, with him being an android, he'll almost always have the energy to keep up with you in the bedroom. He makes it abundantly clear when you first start sleeping together that he doesn't mind if you want to take advantage of that, and that if you want sex you can have it whenever you like (within reason, he's not going to expect to fuck you mid-conversation with someone). He also won't expect you to take that and run with it by getting on your knees to suck him off when you venture out somewhere isolated away from camp, but if you want to do that, then he certainly isn't going to stop you. He's always astonished when you insist on doing things like that just for him, but it reaffirms to him that your relationship is even more solid than he thought and it makes him love you that much more, if it was even possible by this point.
♡ He teases you a lot, not only outside the bedroom but inside as well. He likes to poke fun and be lighthearted generally, as well as calling you by nicknames, so it translates pretty well to your intimate moments as well. He won't just tease you if you get shy, he'll make little jokes here and there to ease the mood so it's less serious, like "Your throne is ready, your highness!" when preparing for you to sit on his face or his lap, and he has a wide range of pet names he calls you by that he hopes make you feel special. Some of these include "cutie", "sweetheart", the aforementioned "princess/prince/your highness", "baby" (which he often uses to greet you, especially when he's excited to see you), "my little monster" when you're in a bad mood, "my pretty human", and many, many others. He loves to hear you giggle in bed only for it to melt into a moan as he keeps up the pace.
♡♀️♂️ He likes fingering you with his gloves on, but he's a little nervous about hurting you, so he'll only do it if you bring it up. And if you do, you'll get to feel him totally lose himself in getting you off, his fingers buried deep inside you and the leather rubbing at your walls just the right way, while he sucks on your clit or cock and keeps going even after you've orgasmed all over him. You'll probably have to do such a thing somewhere on the surface, far away from camp, so that nobody will be the wiser when he makes you cry from the overstimulation before he finally brings himself to fuck you.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Weak and naive darling
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ 9S, Adam, Eve, Kokichi, Nagito, Kazuichi ]
[ NieR Automata ] [ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ] [ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ This contain a little bit of spoilers
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Soooo sweeeeeet!! V-chan always make the best request ❤️❤️ I think i went a little too wild with this request, but I can't help it, you chose my favorites video games with an amazing prompt!!
Love u @frickingnerd ❤️ please enjoy
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9S is always so curious about the world around him that he will always be happy to meet someone new, human or not it doesn't matter, even if you were a machine he will still be quite intriged by you
As he gets to spend more time and get to know better your personality 9S can't help but find it incredibly fascinating and adorable, he think that you are like how a human child would be and he can't help but want to be around you at all times. What started by fascination it quickly become an obsession, even a need to have you around or to know where you are at all times, is just that you are one of a kind and he can't help but be atracted to you and as he gets to know more about you a protective feeling towards you grows inside of him
Your naive personality matches perfectly with his inmense curiousity, he isn't more than a simple YoRHa unit, an scanner type, but with you he is more than that, is difficult to don't trust in the reliable and friendly 9S so is more likely that you start asking him whenever you aren't sure of something or even curious about something and that makes him feel inmensily happy and special, like if he is someone important, like if with you is were he belongs and he is going to protect that little paradise (growing a quite possessive over you, but he is good at hiding it)
You can be so sweet and adorable at times that it becomes even painful for 9S to be apart for you for so long, and since he will like to travel and explore the world with you he probably just end up bringing you with him around at all times, taking advantage on your naive personality and how much you trust him without even noticing, he is even insist that you should only trust him
9S has always been curious and with you it isn't going to be an exception, he wants to know everything he can about you, your past, your present and even what you want for the future, and even if you don't openly share it with him 9S will find out one way or another, so is for sure that at some point he will get to know about your past experiences with people that were just taking advantage of you and he hates it, he isn't easy to get mad but this is too much for him, he hates the thought of someone approaching to you only to fulfill their selfish desires, and he will hate it more if those memories makes you sad, although, as much as he hate it he will be more focused on comforting, also this experiences only feed his need to protect you and keep you close so anyone will dare to do something so terrible to such kind soul again, and with this he insist that he is the only one who is trust worthy, swearing on his life that everything he does is only because he wants the best for you
9S insist that he is the only one who is worth of your trust and that you should be wary of others, but the only one who is an exception to this is 2B, he tell you that you can trust her (just as he does), however even when he knows she is capable of protecting you and knows that she will do it for the care she has for him 9S can't help but worry over you and want to be with you, so most of the time you don't spend much time alone with 2B
9S is already pretty protective over you but you having such weak body just increases his worries, he wants for you to be free to enjoy all the world have to offer but the world is already too dangerous and you so weak, that just increases his need to be with you, even if you are already uset to constantly have little bruises and injuries for you how fragile your body is he isn't, and he probably will never get used to it, he does a big deal almost all the time but even when he could be panicing he is always able to help you, he had even learn everything that he can about how to help your injuries, how to fix all kind of injuries and seem to always be prepare
9S can be really energetic and excited to go in adventures with you but always treats you with care and even gentleness, you probably will never recive a harsh treatment from him unless he is in a lot of disstress and yet he will deeply apologize if it happen (even if it was an accident or you didn't get injured)
9S is already a little dependent of you for how lonely he was after meeting you, but before all the problems he had in the last fight of YoRHa and losing 2B he just breaks completely and his sanity becomes almost entirely dependent on you, his protectiveness and possessiveness only get worst and worst, here is when he is more probably to actually be harsh to you, he is so in the edge with everything that he can pass from screaming at you or at someone else for putting yourself in danger (even if it was for accident) to have a complete breakdown, apologizing to you and begging to please don't leave him, at this point you are the only thing he has in the world and he can't lose you too
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Adam loves learning, specially about humans he is just so amased by it, so he won't really lose the opportunity to met someone new (specially if you are a human), it just only take him a moment to understand how it is your personality and when he does his curiosity only grows
Adam is completely fascinated by your personality, specially because this world is really hostile and in war, he can't entirely understand how you have such personality and he just want to find out, at some point he even thought that it could be a facade, the posibilities and curiosity only grows more and more until it reach the point where it isn't just curiousity but an obsession too, and even when he noticed his feelings he just accept them with open arms
Adam finds incredibly fascinating your personality, he can help but laugh softly at how naive you are, once winning your trust (because he is going to win your trust) he can tell you anything and you will believe him, although he isn't going to take advantage of that he just knows what is the best for the two of you and that is what he tells you
Adam is pretty possessive over you, not really wanting for anyone to be able to enjoy of your company aside from him or Eve (and still he always reminds Eve to be kind with you), and his possessiveness only increases with time as he get to know more about you, your past experiences with people that only take advantage of you make him angry in a whole new extent (is probably what make him get to know a new intensity of hate) but he doesn't let you see that, instead just ask for details of your experiences
Although, when he get to know about those past experiences he find it an opportunity rather interesting, he was mad at those people but more than doing something himself he tried to teach you about anger and hate, he explained to you how those people only saw you as an easy prey and taken advantage of you, and the more you deny it the more cruel he becomes with his words. He will only stop until you finally start hating those people or can't take it anymore, in any case his obsession will grow a little more, satisfied at some extent with the results (not matter how you react at the end, but he will feel bad if he end up making you feel sad) and yet this will only make his feel the need to protect you
Adam found incredibly interesting how weak your body is, he was intriged by it at first but it quickly start to be troubling for him because he hates the idea of you being in danger, he had grow to love you so much that everytime you got injured it bothers him in a way that he hates seeing you in pain, and since you are so weak and easy to get injured it reach a point where Adam can't just get away from you for so long because he start to feel anxious about you (even if you are with Eve he can't help but worry). As time pass by Adam will just end up keeping you by his side at all times, besides he loves having you around
Adam will not leave anyone have the oportunity to find, not matter if is an android or a machine, not even if is another human, whoever dares to even just get close to you is quickly vanished by him, Adam can't just take the risk of something happening to his precious little darling, or someone trying to ruin the image you have of him, he can't have that neither. However he prefer to don't be violent in front of you, and whenever he does he apologize to you for such horrifing show but it was necesary (sometimes he just ask Eve to do it, leaving him to have fun and do whatever he wants to the prey)
Adam is always gentle with you, with his touch and words, his protectiveness grows so much that it reach the point where he doesn't let you do almost anything, he does everything for you and is always by your side, he is taking care for you no matter what you two are doing and almost all the time he holds your hand and guides you, he sometimes even talks to you in a soft voice. Adam treats you like if you were a porcelain doll that could break at anytime, but he does it out of love
Adam is incredibly fascinated with humans, even with death (since he can't actually die), however the only thought of something happening to you and losing you terrified him to the point that he will rip apart in a second anything that can threat your life, without a doubt, even if that destroy his own body, he will find a solution later anyways (no matter if it was an accident or even if it was his brother, although he will just punish him because he still loves his brother)
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Eve doesn't care much about you at first, for him it was enough having at his brother and meeting you wasn't a big deal (unless was his brother who introduced you to him), however he slowly start to show more and more interest on you because his brother is always busy, he slowly start to talk more about you and spend more time with you and yet it doesn't take much time for him to become completely obsessed with you
Eve likes your naive personality, he finds it rather interesting and adorable, Eve is a killing machine, he had born only to protect his brother from the androids, not that he mind but you are always so sweet and gentle with him, always asking for his opinion and hearing him carefuly, even when the smart one is his brother you even look up at him and can tell that you admire his strenght at some extent and that always makes his heart melt
As well, one of the things he loves the most of you is that you never say him no, his brother is too busy with those books and never had time for him even when he had eat all those apples, but you don't have the strength to say no even if you want, he doesn't notice when you aren't as interested or excited as him but it isn't like he mind it, he will just take your hand and drag you wherever he wants
Although, he has always been bother for how weak you are and how easy you get injured, he hates that whenever you two are hanging out or playing around most of the time you have to stop because you have hurt yourself, but he hates more seeing you in pain or being sad for being a burden to him, Eve always scold you and sometimes even raise his voice whenever you trip or get a little injured but seeing you sad by it aches his heart and end up apologizing, he always does the same and he always tell you to be more careful next time even when he knows that it would happen again because you can't help it
Eve doesn't think much of you being weak, and probably even clumsy, he just scold you like always, but something changes on him the first time he sees you seriously injured, seeing your human blood runs or your machine system exposed through an injury just trigger him in a way that nothing have done it before, not even with his brother, somehow it makes him realice how weak you actually are, how easily he could lose you and that makes him a little paranoid (and he will be even more worried if you are a human since Adam had already tell him that you probably are the only one of your kind that is still alive)
Suddenly Eve is reading and asking his brother all he can about medical information or engineering to be ready to any posibility that could happen, Eve is so scare that he gets completely ready to stop a bledding and treat a broken bone, or to assemble and change parts of your machine body (even if you are an android, he will find a way to get that information) because he is scare of something happening to you
You are his entire world, you and his brother are the only thing that matter to him, also Eve had born to protect and he is planning to do so, he isn't going to leave your side ever again, no matter where you go Even is following close behind, ready to protect you from anything and everything
Something else that will trigger him a lot is the fact that you have been taken advantage of in the past, when you tell him about your experiences he doesn't understand much at first and it has to be Adam who explain to him that those people just were playing with you for their selfish desires (because you decided to trust them and don't think bad of their actions) even if that means putting you in danger or even humiliating you, and Eve can't bare the thought of that happening to you, if those people are in this land you can be sure that he will hunt them down, if not he will hold that anger with him
From that day Eve just become fierce with wanting to protect you, he is always keeping you close to him and is trigger by every little posibility of threat, anyone who dares to comes close to you (that isn't his brother) is already a threaten for him, even if are docile machines they have to do as little as gently touch you for a moment for Eve to rip them apart and turn them into dust in a second, but he will try to hold back a little if it makes you uncomfortable or sad
Eve is dependent and desesperate, even when he is completely violent and doesn't hesitant in using anything to kill and destroy anything that can hurt you he still love you, when he is mad he can raise his voice and take your wrists pretty harsh but still is pretty obvious the fear that holds his voice or the tears that threaten to fall from his eyes everytime something happens to you, and even if it wasn't obvious enough his inmense fear and sadness it becomes even more obvious whenever he hugs you as if his life depended on it and his voice cracks while begging you to please don't leave him, he doesn't know what he will do if you leave him one day
And all of this only gets worst as he lose his brother, aside from you Adam was the only things for him, you and Adam were where he belongs and his only reason to be alive, but now that Adam isn't here his fear of losing you only increases, and his need to protect you too
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Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi will never say that what he felt was something like love at first sight, although since the start he was immediatly atracted to you, he just knew you will be someone funny to mess with. It doesn't take him much time before he approach to you and introduce himself just as how it doesn't take him much time to notice how naive you are, however he will be kinda surprised and even distrust of you for that, you could easily be pretending and that is why Kokichi takes it as his personal goal find out whatever you are trying to hide
Kokichi feels an inmense curiousity that quickly grows as love and obsession without noticing, and, of course he deny it and even it frustrated him, he wants to be mad at you and he want to proof that your kind and naive personality is nothing more than a facade, so with that excuse in mind he justify to himself why he insist so much on being with you and wanting to know everything of you
As time pass and he gets to know you better is when he finally accept that you are being sincere with your innocence and naiveness, and it only take him a second to fall in love harder for you for it, he just adores so much how naive you are and he is going to take advantage of that
Kokichi is pretty possessive over you but don't like admiting it, he wants all your attention and take advantage of your naiveness to get it, saying a lot of jokes and always saying things that made he seen like an amazing and smart person person, someone funny and lovely tricking you on wanting to be with him all the time (trying to turn things so his need of having you near can go unnoticed at some extent). As well, he makes sure to win your fully trust to have a better control over you, making sure to been seen as the person you can trust the most and the only one you should trust, making sure you heard everything he say to you
Kokichi isn't just possessive, he is also dependent, he is easy to get jealous when you are spending time with others, feeling like them are trying to steal you from him, and, as well one the things Kokichi wants the most it is to be seen as funny for others and have fun so he is easily trigger whenever the good imagine you have of him is threatened or whenever you show a little bit of negative feelings towards him
Kokichi has no shame while taking advantage of your naiveness, however he doesn't want anyone else doing it, what lead him to be a little paranoid and protective over you, he is keeping a close eye to whoever dare to get close to you, even if you don't tell him he will, soon or later, find out about your bad past experiences with people who took advantage of you make him furious, you are just so inocent and sweet that it almost hurt knowing what happened to you, it even make him feel ashame of taking advantage of it too (but he swears that it was everything for innocent fun and to protect you), Kokichi is really mad about this but it would depend on you if he decides to take revenge over them, depending in your reaction to that situation and what they have done to you, it would be expressed as simple but cruel jokes to him going to Gonta or even Maki and convince them that those people are dangerous and a threaten for your safety so they would teach them a lesson
Kokichi probably make some jokes about how weak your body is and even when he laugh deep down he is terrified, at first he thought it was funny how this actually matches your personality but as the time pass and he realice that you are so weak that getting injured is a common thing for you he can't help but be scare, he had grow so dependent of you that whenever you are injured he feel like is the one that has being injured, but he won't show it, let alone in front of others
Kokichi makes sure to carry with him some band-aids and other things to help you with your injuries and always insist on taking care of them personaly, he always brush it off with jokes but in reality everytime it happens his heart race and he panics a little, he is the one treating your wounds as a way to calm down and try to convince himself that you are alright
Everytime you get a deep injury the worry is more obvious in his face, he doesn't have the head to try and hide it when he is panicing about your safety, you are the only important thing for him (even more than his orgsnization) and the thought of losing you scare the hell out of him. If someone dares to hurt you on purpose Kokichi will not doubt on take the matter in his hands a make that person pay for what they have done
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Nagito Komaeda
Meeting Nagito is more probably to happen either by your hand or because of his luck and in any case he will imediatly put down himself, it doesn't even matter if you are talented or not because since the start Nagito can see that you are a hopeful person, what makes him grow obsessive pretty quickly
Nagito is convinced that you are a person who is destinated to bright with an inmense hope and, even when he see himself undeserving of even being in your presence he can't help but want to be around you, and he is really stubborn so he grows clingly pretty quickly
Nagito is really smart so it won't take him much time before understand your personality, naturaly naive and sweet and, in his eyes, that only makes you more hopeful, that naiveness only increases your bright hope making you even more perfect, for what it also make him even more unwhorthy, so for a while he will be stuck between wanting to go away from you because he probably will only bring you misfortune but at the same time he just grows more dependent of you, Nagito has lived all kind of terrifing events and someone like you, so sweet and naive, is all he needs what it lead to be even physicaly painfuly to be far from you. He will stuck between going away but being clingly at times and it won't stop until you reasure him that is okay for him to be around you (what will only feed his delusions and obsession with you, starting to actually believe that you are some kind of angel)
After meeting you Nagito's purpose on life is to help you reach the greatest hope, that is why for Nagito he is for you to use as you please and he doesn't hesitant on telling you so, but is more likely that you doesn't think much of it or that doesn't take it with the intensity he is expressing it, Nagito knows this, he is aware that you are too naive for all this mess but that is something that makes you special and he wants to protect that, Nagito doesn't take in consideration if this could bring you problems because in his mind he will be always there for you, to serve you and protect you, that is why he start to be overprotective over you, he doesn't let anyone try to corrupt your inocence
Nagito isn't an idiot, he know that people would try to take advantage of your naive personality and he wants to prevent that from happening, even when he knows that despair always brings a bigger hope the thought of you suffering from something so horrible as despair makes him feel sick, so when he gets to know that people used to take advantage of you (or even still do it) he is shocked, he take it as if he had failed you (even if he haven't met you yet at that moment), it would depend in how bad this have affected you to if he will try to take revenge on them, and probably have a mental breakdown over it (what, of course, will worsen his protectiveness)
He is already on the edge with you being in danger for your naive personality, but you also having a weak body only worsen his anxiety and worry for you, is already painfuly for him to see whenever you are sad or hurt (even if it is emotional), but being physicaly injured only make him worried sick, everytime he sees you with an injury, even a little scratch, he panics and the more it happens, the more little injuries you get, the worst he get, to the point that the fear of you dying doesn't let him sleep at night
Nagito end up trying to shield you from everything, it even reach a point where he is babying you, doing almost everything for you and walking in front of you to serve as a shield if something comes too close to you. People can thing that he is being overdramating but for him is the minimun he can do for you, and if it happen that you get injured because of his bad luck he will blame himself non stop, he will have a mental breakdown over it but one that not even you will be able to help him, he feels like he deserve to die for injuring you (even if is something small) but at the same time dying it would be a too pious of a fate for what he have done
Nagito is so on the edge, worring for your safety at all hours of the day that he, soon or later, will end up kidnapping you with the excuse of being the only safe option to asure your safety, and, even when he sees himself as nothing more than trash he will do everything in his power to assure your happines and help you bright in the biggest hope, he will investe every little thing he owns (even his life) on assuring your safety and happiness
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Kazuichi Soda
For Kazuichi is love at first sight, since the first moment he lays his eyes on you he is completely mesmerize by your beauty, he feels his heart go faster and his cheeks warm and yet he is eager to aproach to you, Kazuichi tries really hard to aproach to you to be able to meet you
Kazuichi is pretty delusional, in Kazuichi's eyes you are the perfection itself, even before getting to know you and he treats you as royalty and he looks up at you as if you were an angel, and your naive and sweet personality only feeds that delusions. Even before getting to know you Kazuichi has the thought that you are pure and innocent, he sees you as incredibly pure so you actually so naive only confirms what he thought of you and even increase it, he thinks of you as an angel
Kazuichi is clingy and incredibly obsesive, is almost like he actually can't stay away from you because doesn't see why he should be away from you, even if you aren't physicaly there with him you never leave his mind and it could reach the point where if he spend much time away from you he can't even do his work for how much you are occupying his mind (not that he is complaining)
Also, Kazuichi slowly becomes more and more possessive and protective over you, is just that Kazuichi loves you too much that he hates when others are too close to you or when you put too much attention to others rather than him (he complains but never blames you), he slowly convice himself that he is the only one who can treat you the way you deserve to be treaten and that others can be a threaten, and he can't let you be in danger! Although, since he isn't too good at fighting he just opt to always be with you and save you from danger in different ways
Kazuichi already feels the need to protect you from anything and everything but getting to know about your past experiences with people that just wanted to take advantage of you make him furious, he knows pretty well how it is to be betrayed like that and it trouble him a lot that you had been through that too! (although, it may take him a little to comprehend how things were when you tell him about it, specially if you say that it was nothing), thanks to this Kazuichi grows a little paranoid, not wanting to let anyone get near you for fear of that person wanting to take advantage of your innocence, what lead him to monopolize you more and more with the excuse of protecting you
You being so weak has a doble efect on him, in one hand it only feeds his delusions of you being some kind of angel and only reasure him that you are one of a kind, completely perfect and special, but it also make him grows a little paranoid about your safety, fearing and thinking that everything can hurt you (what is only comfirmed by you being easily injured) and make him more and more possessive and protective, those ideas together leave him to reach the point where is practically babying you, doing everything for you (as long as you let him, or well, when you finally give up and leave him because he is stubborn and will never stop insisting)
At first he didn't thought much of your injuries, yes he worries about them and probably thinks that someone had hurt you on purpose, but if you reasure him or ask him to calm down he will do and try to don't think much about it (what is difficult for him since the thought of it just stucks in his mind), but at the more injuries you have his just patient runs out and is when he start to get paranoid, he has the need to protect you and since he is dependent of you he can't risk something happening to you!
Kazuichi grows wary of almost everyone and is quickly to confront anyone who do as much as push you, immediatly raising his voice and accusing that person of trying to hurt you and won't stop unless you insist enough (but he won't exactly calm down)
Kazuichi will never dare to lay his hand on you, if he ever hurts you intentionelly will only be in his worst nightmares (and even if it was a dream he feels guilt), he is always looking after your safety so if he ever end up hurting you by accident he freaks out imediatly, he is stuck between feeling like the worst person in the world, feeling like he doesn't deserve forgiveness, and don't really understanding or accepting that it was him who hurt you and try to find a culprit, although his reaction will depend in how bad he had hurt you, the worst the injury is the worst he react
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frickingnerd · 1 year
9S with a s/o who always makes him gifts
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pairing: 9S x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship
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your love language is giving gifts! 
and you always manage to find something that you want to gift your boyfriend
whether it's a particularly nice looking pebble you found near the amusement park
or a flower blooming in the city ruins, that you know your boyfriend would love to see
or even a shirt you found lying around at the mall and that you want to see your boyfriend wear
you aren't able to buy your boyfriend anything, so all of your gifts only have sentimental value
but 9S really treasures every gift he gets from you! 
he always carries your gifts around with him and if they happen to be too big or too many, then he keeps them save at the resistance camp
9S really couldn't be happier about the gifts he gets from you, because they always remind him that you're constantly thinking of him while you pick out gifts for him
though he does have one gift that he loves more than all the others you gave him
it's a map of the area, with little notes and markers on it for places that you want to visit with 9S
the two of you can't always spend as much time together as you'd like, but this way 9S always has something to look forward to the next time he gets to see you again! 
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
If I wrote NieR: Automata fanfic would anyone read it?
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randoimago · 1 year
Hey, I'm the one who sent the Nier request, and I loved it!
Would it be ok if I requested a sequel where the human reader actively seeks out 2B, 9S & A2 whenever they come back so they can talk to them and/or just admire them?
Human!Reader Seeking Them Out to Speak to Them
Fandom: Nier: Automata
Character(s): 2B, 9S, A2
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I'm glad you liked the First One, I had a lot of fun writing it!!
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Paused slightly the first time you ran up to her when she returned to the ship. The androids assigned to keep you safe were behind you as you greeted her and began asking about her travels and things.
2B doesn't quite get what it is about her than you're always so interested in, but she does her best to answer whatever questions you have.
Although sometimes she does notice you're just staring at her instead of saying anything. She feels herself heating up at that and is quick to run a diagnostic to find what's wrong with her. She'll go and speak to you though, you must be staring for a reason.
Honestly, he also seeks you out. While he can't talk to you about all the information he has due to protocols, he's happy to tell you what he can.
He's noticed your stares and how you always seem amazed to see him. He keeps having issues with his processors heating up and running faster, but he's cared less about it as he finds himself looking forward to your gaze.
9S tries to bring you gifts too, but he also knows that due to contamination and your body, it might not be the safest, but he still does his best to find some nice things for you. The smile you give him causes him to be elated.
She is back at the resistance camp to trade some resources she found for a weapon upgrade when she spots you. A2 can't help but grit her teeth as you seem to light up and approach.
This has happened a few times when she's returned and you strike up a conversation. She's tried to make it clear that she doesn't care, but you kept coming back like a bad itch.
Unconsciously, A2 has been opening up and giving you more than a couple words as a reply. She has told you about the sights she's seen and has shown you metals and things she's found in the wild. She still wouldn't admit that you're growing on her.
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ethereaiin · 3 years
2B likes to carry Reader but doesn't like to admit it?
changed your rq a bit since i wanted some comfort fluff. also this reignited my motivation to write for my nier fic so thanks <3
features; you and 2B + some bonus 9S.
Being the only human left in the world meant a lot of things.
The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on your shoulders. There was never a day that went by you weren’t reminded of how precious your life was and how losing it meant the end of humanity. The androids you’ve come to know and love never let you forget that fact. You were their salvation; their hope and most of all, their most cherished person.
2B was especially fond of you. While she was reserved with her emotions, opting to use actions to display her care, you knew that she held a soft spot for you. She treated you as if you were the most delicate thing in the world; like the slightest harm against you would break you completely. Compared to an android, of course you were weaker. Yet 2B was maybe a little too cautious.
“Is this really necessary?”
You say with a slight pout as 2B lifts you from the ground and you immediately wrap your arms around her neck. At this point, she’s done it so many times that it felt more like an instinctual habit rather than something you did to ensure you wouldn’t fall. Knowing her, it was unlikely she’d ever let you slip through her grasp. Her wary nature wouldn’t allow it.
At this point, you were somewhat used to the coldness of an android’s body. They were different from humans and they didn’t possess the natural heat you exuded. When you clung to her, it felt no different from any other person, yet the lack of warmth was like a gentle reminder. Nothing here was the same as you remembered it to be and the beings that you were surrounded with on a daily basis that appeared so human were, in fact, anything but.
2B makes no verbal sound of irritation at your question and she answers you as diligently as she always does. “Of course. We can’t afford you getting sick or hurt.”
Though she rarely ever spoke with emotion, you could still hear the tinge of concern in her voice. It only made the heat in your cheeks feel especially warmer. “A-At least let me ride on your back! You can’t fight like this with me here!”
“You’re fine right where you are.”
Your lips part to protest but quickly close when you recall the promise you made to her earlier that day. It was her condition that if you were to roam about the city, you needed to listen to everything she told you to do. No matter how you felt about it. Even if it was a little embarrassing.
Yet, this wasn’t just a one-time occurrence when it came to 2B. No matter where you were, 2B wanted to be in some form of contact with you. At the camp, she’d sit so close that you could feel the brush of her sleeves against your skin, and whenever you were given the chance to roam about, you always found yourself either in her arms or on her back.
You thought it was nothing more than android curiosity. You were the first human she’s ever interacted with after all and it wasn’t as if it were any different for you. You couldn’t deny that you too were interested in androids, especially how they all came to be. For them, they’ve always known humans as their elusive creators, but for you, it felt as if the androids seemingly came from nowhere.
You couldn’t remember much of your old life before you woke up and for now, the desolate and decrepit city you wandered in was your new home. At least until you regain the lost memories 2B promised she’d help you recover.
“So, where are we going today?” You finally ask after a brief walk in silence.
2B’s stride doesn’t break and you feel almost lulled by her rhythmic steps. She didn’t even seem the least burdened with carrying you. She was stronger than an average human, it was something you came to learn after watching her mercilessly beat down a hunk of sentient metal. Just with her fists alone she was able to put a dent in steel. To her, your weight was of little consequence.
Often, you wondered what you felt like in her arms.
She glanced down at you, visage half shrouded by the blindfold around her eyes though the curve of a smile on her lips shows her excitement. “. . . You’ll see.”
She doesn’t say anymore after that and the both of you continue on in silence. Not that you minded it too much. 2B was never a conversationalist, she relied more on actions than words to convey how she felt. You liked that part of her. Her actions were always well thought out and held meaning, Whether she knew it or not, it made every little thing she did for you feel a little more sincere.
From your place in her arms, you took in the sights of the city. As dilapidated and broken as the world around you seemed, it was oddly beautiful. Never had you seen so much green in your life. Flora grew from the cracks between the roads and overtook the concrete buildings towering above you. Looking up towards the sky, you could see flocks of birds flying towards a destination you would never know, their distant calls an interruption to the silence. You don’t remember much of the old world, but you knew this city was never meant to be this quiet.
You desperately wished to regain your lost memories, yet there was a part of you who wasn’t so eager. Often the thought crossed your mind; maybe you were better off without them. Remembering would only leave you with the desire for a world long gone along with the total realization of your unfathomable luck. You, the last of your kind, were left all alone while the world died and withered without you. If there was a god, surely they wouldn’t have condemned you to such a lonely fate.
At the sound of her voice, you glance up at her only to direct your sight towards whatever she was referring to. While you were deep in thought you hadn’t noticed the direction she was heading in and you found yourself atop a wooden bridge placed just behind the walls of what looked to be an amusement park. From where 2B stood, you couldn’t see much, but you were given an incredible view of the distant castle.
“I-Is that an- Woah!”
The words died right on your tongue as an explosion of color suddenly took over the sky. Even from the great distance between you and the park, you were able to hear the crackling of fireworks. The sky, which you thought the sun would never set for, was darkened with the smoke from the war 2B and 9S constantly talked about. The colors were brightened against it, making their visibility clearer and their colors vivid. With your eyes locked onto the sight before you, you tapped on 2B’s shoulder as a silent request to be let down. She complied, allowing you to step near the edge of the bridge to take a closer look at the fireworks.
You thought you couldn’t remember anything from the old world, yet the moment you gazed upon the fireworks lighting up the sky; you remembered them instantaneously. You remembered their putrid smell, how loud they could be, and the fear you used to harbor for them when you were younger.
Even if you used to be scared of them, even if you thought they were too loud and hated the way they smelled; at this moment, you thought they were the prettiest things you’ve ever seen.
Tears gathered at the corners of your eyes and it was only until you felt them run down your cheeks that you paid them any mind. Though before you could even attempt to wipe them, you felt the distinct sensation of leather gently running across your cheek.
2B stood at your side, looking down at you with a small smile on her face, one you gladly returned. She doesn’t ask you the reason for your tears, nor does she look hurt by their appearance. She lets you be, standing at your side for as long as you allow her whilst providing unspoken support. It warmed you to the deepest part of your heart. Her kindness, although silent and unvoiced, was always apparent to you. She cared deeply for you. You didn’t need her to say it for you to know.
Your hand slips into hers all too naturally and under the crackling fireworks above, you think of only the promising future.
“Why do you like to carry me so much?”
The question was asked more straightforward than what they were used to hearing from you. If there was anything 2B and 9S learned from their journey with you so far, it was that you never said what you felt. You looked for gentler ways to word your questions as if your care would be understood by androids who had no grasp of discretion.
2B, like always, never fails to leave your question unanswered and replies as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Because you’re warm.”
2B’s forthright reply even shocked 9S who was walking alongside her. “2B! Don’t you think that’s a little. . .”
You blushed slightly at her reply, burying your face against her shoulder as if that would take away from your embarrassment. From your place on her back, you were unable to see what kind of face she was making. As if that damned blindfold would give you the opportunity anyway. Though you doubted she would feel even a pinch of shame. 2B spoke nothing but the truth and that only made her words all the more brazen.
“What? You don’t agree?” She pauses in her steps, turning towards him which then forces you to face him as well. “Have you never touched her?”
You felt as if you would just die right then and there, yet you can’t help yourself from timidly peeking out at 9S from over 2B’s shoulder. He looks like he’s in thought for a moment, with a gloved hand on his chin and his lips twisted to the side. There’s only a moment’s delay between 2B’s question and his answer.
“Well. . . yeah, you’re not wrong. She’s even nicer to hug.”
Having enough of this conversation, you raise up your head to throw 9S a light glare. “Guys, can we please just get back to camp already?”
Throwing his hands up, 9S cheekily grins at you before continuing down the road towards the resistance camp. 2B follows shortly after him, her lips spread into an equally amused smile. While it might have been normal for 9S to show emotion resembling that of a human’s the feeling that stirred in 2B’s chest was quite foreign to her. She didn’t know what to call this feeling, but she didn’t hate it. It was a delightful buzz, one that she often felt around you and only you.
“Humans are softer than I imagined.” She added, her smile brightening at the sound of your muffled groan.
9S didn't hesitate to tag in on the teasing even from his place further ahead of you. “You know, I think we should include that in our report to the Commander. . .”
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