#nimphadora tonks
heidi891 · 4 months
…isn’t as problematic as some people claim it is IMHO. Yes, there’s a big age gap (13 years) and while this is a factor that sometimes results in power imbalance in the relationship, it doesn’t necessarily lead to abuse (just like any other factor like that).
There’re other aspects of their relationship that nullify that power imbalance:
Lupin has never been in a romantic relationship before. His lack of experience in that regard puts him in a totally different position than, let’s say, a 36yo divorced man with three children.
Tonks has a prestigious career while Lupin has always had trouble to keep a job due to his condition. She isn’t financially dependent on him; on the contrary, his position is far worse than hers.
She has more strong, independent personality while he’s more submissive and compliant.
Last but not least, they’re both adults when they meet (and Tonks isn’t 18yo student, she’s a grown up woman with a good job) and neither of them seem to use any kind of power imbalance for their own advantage.
Personally I’m not a fan of big age gap relationships and in my opinion Lupin is a much more flawed character than most fans believe, but there’s no abuse going on.
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
Pick a Card: Who is your future spouse?
Since this week we have Valentine's Day, I've decided to do something different and bring you a first pick a card reading sorrounding the topic of your future spouse or husband. Their personality traits, overall energy, sexual energy, and possible signs to recognize them.
As always, enjoy and take what resonates since this is a general reading.
Warning: this reading includes SPOILERS from the Harry Potter world.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and choose the picture that resonates. The order is from left to right.
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Pile 1
Wow!! Just... wow!! If you choose the hand with the flowers, then your future spouse is a very powerful and femenine force to reckon with. With the presence of three out of the four different Queens in the deck, along with two powerful mayor arcanas such as the Tower and The Lovers, your future lover is a complete package. It is a very well-balanced individual in terms of elements and masculine and femenine energy with whom you should be very careful because, just as they can be charming and loving towards you, they can also destroy you without a second of doubt.
Right from the bat, we get the Queen of Swords card as the overall energy of your future spouse, which tells me that the most prominent trait they possess is their natural intelligence. They are smart, persuasive, capture the idea of a topic easily, they've read a lot, know how to communicate well with other people, and could also be able to read people with just one glare as well. With the 6 of Clubs, which in Lenormand is considered the Cross, they may be religious or they carry a great burden in their life. If not right now, maybe they had to constantly face setbacks. Now, even though these traits could make them look cold, reserved, cutting or intimidating, they also have a charming, caring, and loving side thanks to The Lovers card as their good traits. When they love and trust someone, they do it fully and unreservedly. They are not afraid of showing their partner how much they mean to them through actions, words of affirmation, and valuing the other in the same level as them. Maybe writing notes, letters, or sending them songs could be one of their love lenguages.
In terms of bad traits, we have the Four of Wands, a card of celebration, parties, and weddings. The first thing that came to my mind with this card was the probability of them being already married or in a stable connection. That both met when this person was already in another connection, perphaps in the process of a divorce, creating a third party situation. On another note, this card could signal that this person really enjoys getting out, having fun with friends, being single, living life without compromise, and partying; situation that may change once they met you. Again, this is a general reading so take what resonates.
With the Remus Lupin and Nimphadora Tonks card, we have two characters that shows, right off the bat, what I've been saying so far about your future person. For those who doesn't know about them, the first one is a very intelligent werewolf who struggled from a very young age to survive, be accepted by others, and be accepted by themselves, while the second one is a smart, loving, but clumsy woman whose mayor talent was to change their physical aspect each time she wants and never judges anyone by their circumstances or where they come from since she falls in love, wholeheartedly, with Remus Lupin despite the opinions of the rest of the world. This characters shows the good nature of your future spouse, their intelligence, their ability to keep moving despite their insecurities or the situations they may have faced, and, above all, the deep love and affection they show to people they care about. Along with that, this story may represent your story together.
Now, pile 1, in relation to their sexual energy, how are they on bed, and how will they treat you, I can say that your future person will totally put you off your feets. They will totally disarm you with their spicy contrast between fire and water; a contrast that will change or destroy the previous ideas you may have had in relation to love and sex. One day, they could be all passionate, fiery, impatient, and even agressive by the way they do sex with you, or they would want you to do it this way, but another they will be all charming, nurturing, and emotional while doing it. On the other hand, these cards could signal that emotions and passion seems like a recurring theme each time you embrace each other in bed. There is mutual love and passion flowing between the two of you; a love that may change you both forever.
This is all I have for you pile 1, I hope this reading resonated. Send you lot's of love and light.
Possible signs and astrological placements: any fire and air sign, Gemini, Leo, 9th house and 11th house.
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Pile 2
Welcome to your reading part 2!! Let's dive on who your future spouse is going to be.
Right from the bat, it is shown that your future spouse has a very masculine energy, a solitary personality, a keen intelect, and a wisdom that may make them look older than their age shows, so, for a few of you, the one your are going to marry is an old soul. For others, they could be older than you thanks to the image of The Hermit of an old man holding a lantern. Now, combining these cards with the Three of Cups as bad traits with the Neville Longbottom one, it is clear that your person was deeply misunderstood, judged or people looked down on them in the past, it could still be happening at this moment for some, that's why they are a looner and doesn't have many friends. Why do I say this? Because the character of Neville Longbottom suffered a lot from the absence of his parents due to a terrible torture that kept them in the hospital forever, along with not being considered good enough for many people. Even their own family. I'm not saying your future spouse will go through the same circumstances as this character but maybe, just like him, he or she faced a lot of obstacles in their life that may resonate with the idea of not being good enough for other people. Maybe they told them they are not talented enough, or smart enough, as this person or this one, which could have created self-esteem issues and mistrustful energy towards others.
Despite this possible obstacles they could have faced, your future spouse came out winning in the end with the Ace of Diamonds (Sun in Lenormand tarot). They fought back and prove those who didn't believed in them how wrong they were in their assumptions by reaching their goals, having success in their work environment. Most probably than not, those who make them wrong now want to be close to your future spouse for selfish motives.
In terms of a sexual compatibility with them, we have the Eight of Swords, the Knight of Cups, and the Four of Cups, which tells me that this person prefer things to go slow and smooth rather than fast that's why he or she will prefer to keep it private for a while before going public. Again, this could be due to their looner nature or their mistrust of other people's motives with them so, if you see that they act cold or aloof towards you, please don't take it too personally. This person needs to know first if they can trust you emotionally before establishing an intimate and solid relationship with you. There is also a chance that this person is a virgin or only had a very few sexual encounters in their life. Despite that, they will want to provide a hidden space for the both of you to enjoy without other people sneaking; a space in which he or she will find pleasure by looking at the beauty of your body or touching you softly, cherising each part of your body as you dive deeper into each other.
This is all I have for you pile 2. As for possible signs, I'm sensing air signs (GEMINI, AQUARIUS, Libra) and earth signs (VIRGO, TAURUS, Capricorn), along with a huge influence of Mercury. He or she could also have a fourth house theme such as a stellium (three or more planets in a single house) or something of the sort, which explains their need of being alone. So take what resonates and see you soon for another pick a card.
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Pile 3
Welcome, pile 3, to the reading of your future spouse!!
Your future spouse is someone fiery, very masculine, adventurous, energetic, full of life and passionate. He could be a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) and may come from another country than you with the Ten of Spades. In Lenormand, this card represent the Ship card, so a possibility of them coming from another country, or even another continent, is very strong. If not that, then they will have travelled through different parts of the world, maybe they will come as an exchange student, by the time you both meet each other.
He may come from a wealthy and prideful family thanks to the Slytherin card with Draco and Lucius Malfoy at the front of the card. For those who doesn't know about these characters, the Malfoy family is an ancient family in the Harry Potter world whose mayor atributes resides in their riches and the pure blood lineage. They often criticise everyone who's not worthy of being a wizard and despises every other creature since they see them as inferiors. Despite this, they deeply care about each member and would do anything to keep them safe from harm. Maybe your future spouse comes from a family of these traits and they were able to travell thanks to them. Now, before you start leaving this reading you must know their true nature first.
This people are caring, loving, and young at heart with the Knight of Cups and Venus energy as their good traits. Not only they act so different as the rest of his or her family, they actually like meeting new people that comes from different backgrounds and countries. They are not judgemental when it comes about these themes since, with the 5th house card and the 7th house, what he likes the most is connecting with people and have a good time. Now, as their bad traits we have the Three of Swords, which speaks to me as someone who may not take relationships too seriously and that could be thanks to the Knight of Cups energy, for this screams of a lighter energy in comparison to other cards in the deck. Maybe they are still young and that's why they don't take things as serious as they should, causing others to feel heartbreak over them.
Now, pile 3, don't worry about them not being serious with you. Because they will. Once they meet you, their loyalty and commitment to the relationship will be noticeable. They will bring balance in both the relationship and in bed, and will try everything to make things work since, once they have you in his or her arms, it will feel like reaching victory to them. "After searching the world for so long, I've finally found you" is what I hear. In bed, the passion between you will be off scales. You won't wait too long to do sex. They will like your butt as well as an equal exchange of dominating and submisive energy between the two. This is just beautifull you guys, just be careful to use condom if you are not ready to become parents.
As possible signs for your future spouse, I see fire energy (Aries, LEO, SAGITTARIUS), a few air signs too (Gemini, LIBRA, Aquarius), and Venus, the 5th house, and the 7th house seems like important houses for them too.
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This is my first pick a card reading, so feel free to like it or comment it below. Have a nice week everyone.
Tower Girl Anon.
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aneyforst · 4 months
/Contact information about my HPHP MC/
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Full name: Ani Jatta Forst
Nickname: An, Nia (from her younger sister Shira), Pip (from Jacob)
Birth Date: May 25 1973
Age: 18
Gender: female
Blood status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: Half German, a quarter Armenian, a quarter Jewish
Nationality: British
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Hair: long light brown wavy (used to be short light brown (1-3 years ))
Eyes: green
Skin: light with barely noticeable freckles
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Full name: Emmerick «Rick» Rayner Forst
Birth Date: October 29 1939
Age: 51
Blood status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: German
House: Ravenclaw
Profession: Legislator of the International Magical Office of Law
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Full name: Alte Fira Blau
Birth Date: July 30 1941
Age: 49
Blood status: Pureblood
Ethnicity: Half Jewish, Half Armenian
House: Ravenclaw:
Profession: Lawyer of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
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Full name: Shira Naira Forst
Birth Date: October 01 1975
Age: 15
Blood status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: Half German, a quarter Armenian, a quarter Jewish
House: Ravenclaw
/At Hogwarts/
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7(studies a lot to pass the NEWTS)
Her first wand: Maple wood, unicorn hair core, 12 inches
Her second wand: Birch wood, dragon heartstring, 11 inches
Favorite Classes: Transfiguration, Care of the Magical Creatures, Charms, Potions
Not Favorite Classes: Herbology, Divination
Amortentia: Apple pie, wet grass, old books
Clubs: Sphinx and Hippogriff
Quidditch position: Chaser
Boggard: The destruction of everything she was working on
Patronus: Tiger
Animagus form: Abysinian cat
Pet's: Burmese cat Faith(from Jacob), toad Cassia and Crup puppy July(lived with her maternal grandparents)
Best Friends: Rowan Khanna, Chiara Lobosca, Bill Weasley, Talbott Winger, Barnaby Lee, Charley Weasley, Diego Caplan
Friends: Penny Haywood, Ben Copper, Tulip Karasu, Nimphadora Tonks, Liz Tattle, Badeea Ali, Andre Egwu
Acquaintanceship: Aurélie Dumont, Jules Egwu, Celine Castillon, Skye Parkin, Orion Amari, Murphy McNully, Alanza Alves, Beatrice Haywood, Corey Hayden, Victor Ketsueki, Cedric Diggory, Fred and George Weasley
Rivals: Merula Snyde, Patricia Rakepic, «R» members
Love Interest: Jae Kim
/Non-NPS Friends/
@astie-hearts21 (Asteria Hearts)
/Interested Facts/
— Apart from English, she speaks German and Armenian Hebrew without any problems. She also knows a few words in French and Spanish
— She hate apple's, but love apple strudel
— Before the third year, Anie found Jacob's uniform tie at home. From that moment on, she ties her hair
— During life-threatening situations on the outside, she shows that she doesn't care, but inside she almost curses everyone because of whom she does it
— Peregrine is her maternal uncle and Jacob's biological father (as it turned out, her parents adopted their nephew)
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Anie Forst as Elizabeth Olsen
Kirsten Collins «Look What You Made Me Do»
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unblogparaloschicos · 6 months
Cine: The Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha-Ha (2005)
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Principios del siglo XX. La directora de un colegio pupilo para señoritas, afincado en Thuringia (Alemania), interpretada por la legendaria Jacqueline Bisset, rige el instituto con mano más que firme. El protagonismo recae en varias de las chicas, que suelen recalar allí a edades muy tempranas y son educadas con fiera rigidez. Un espectáculo de ballet se presentará próximamente frente al príncipe germano (Urbano Barberini) y la institución está alborotada por tal oportunidad. Para ello, las alumnas luchan hasta la extenuación en pos del rol protagónico que le deparará la admiración real.
En un entorno tan hostil y en ausencia de compañía masculina, no es de extrañar que surjan entre ellas relaciones íntimas, aunque éstas sean rechazadas en esa pequeña sociedad en la que viven: Hidalla (Mary Nighy) suele compartir provisoriamente cama con Irene (Hannah Taylor Gordon) mientras que se rumorea lo mismo con Blanka (Emily Pimm) y Melusine (Anna Maguire); otras compañeras, de las cuales no se sabe ninguna relación similar, son Vera (Natalia Tena, la mismísima Nimphadora Tonks de la saga de Harry Potter) y Rain (Anya Lahiri).
Por desgracia, las jóvenes descubren que la directora mantiene una conducta sospechosa en un sector de la biblioteca y deciden seguirle el paso, pero las consecuencias de la intromisión iniciarán una serie de tragedias imposibles de eludir por las autoridades policiales... a menos que se haga la vista gorda.
La película, una coproducción entre Italia, Reino Unido y República Checa, ha sido dirigida por John Irvin y se basa en "Mine-Haha or Physical Education of Young Girls" (1903), libro del alemán Frank Wedekind, también autor de la obra, llevada al teatro, "Spring Awakening". La crueldad, la hipocresía y el abuso son los puntales de una historia tenebrosa a la que no le faltan momentos de erotismo e incomodidad.
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ryder-the-writer · 1 year
write a heterosexual fic starring remus and what's her name (nimphadora?? tonks? i actually don't remember who he dated in the books). fluff, domestic, millennial humour.
p.s. i almost threw up writing this. have fun. :)))
ahhhh hiya love! sorry this took me so long, i got swamped with work things and flights and all that.
first of all, you're evil for suggesting this. (and 100% correct, would never write it in 1 million years)
second of all, love you for suggesting this because this is gonna be simultaneously the worst and funniest thing i've ever written
without further ado:
"Hello darling!" Shouted Tonks from inside the kitchen where she was cooking up a wonderful meal of steak and veggies for her beloved husband Remus.
Remus grimaced at the pet name, he never has been a fan of cutesy things. Except for his wife, she's the cutest thing of all.
He walked though the foyer towards his wife where he swooped her into his arms, smiling gently at her. She was all that he'd ever need in this life and all he'd ever want.
Except maybe for that steak.
Name three fics you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return, I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them
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firinniee · 3 years
You know what is a cute idea for nex gen? Andromeda, who came to the conclusion that she would like Teddy to have a good relationship with her family, including with Draco (for which Tonks did not have time), and thus she also renews her relationship with her sister.
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damaiga · 3 years
Tonks buying cargo pants with lots of pockets and being as hyped about it as Yelena Belova was about her vest with a lot of pockets.
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larg04 · 3 years
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I plan to do more in the future, feel free to make some requests, can be any canon hogwart student from any time frame or your fan character if we're mutuas, but please reblog with picture reference of them.
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whatwoulddracodo · 3 years
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Black sisters
There is darkness inside all of us
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ifsmalfoy · 4 years
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harry potter behind the scenes icons
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Las hermanas Black mamás 🖤🖤
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8emezzoo · 3 years
Snape: With legilimency, I can know what you’re thinking.
Penny: (panicked) so you know that time I thought of you naked?
Snape: well, now I know.
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pearlyvenus · 4 years
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hogwarts houses wallpapers
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kate-read-that · 3 years
B99 quotes and
Harry Potter
If i die, turn my comments into a book -George Weasley, to Fred, in a tragic turn of events
I hate people. Life sucks. Nothing good ever happens -Crying Myrtle
I am way too sleep deprived to deal with your negativity right now -Luna, everyday of her life to every rude Ravenclaw student
Not to over state it, but I'm definitely gonna die alone -Neville, to his Mimbulus mimbletonia
Hi, I'm Tonks, the human form of the 100 emoji -Tonks, upon meeting Moody
Bitch, get your life right -Seamus Finnigan when Lavender keeps talking about Ron
Being gay isn't a choice, it's a game and I'm winning -Dean Thomas, patting Seamus' head
When did everyone decide to become and adult? -Ron, stealing the last piece of cake.
I can be a badass -Hermione, after raising her hand for ten minutes to get the turn to talk.
I'm wired to thrive in disfunction -Ginny Weasley, after family dinner
I come and go as I please. It's part of my charm, I'm like an outdoor cat -Pansy Parkinson, scaring the crap out of some Hufflepufs by appearing inside their dormitory at midnight
I wish you could block people in real life -Draco Malfoy, hissing like always
Yeah, I'm my own worst enemy -Lord Voldemort, let's be real
The doctor said all my bleeding wad internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be, right? -Harry, in every single book
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ununquadius · 4 years
Order of the Phoenix girls
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Marlene Mckinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Nimphadora Tonks, and Minerva McGonagall
Done with this picrew
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hinny-potter · 3 years
I need to get this out of my head:
In y’all’s opinion, Tonks and Sirius are cousins or niece/uncle? bc in the spanish ver of my books it says cousins which I think is wrong. Andromeda and Sirius are cousins, which makes him Tonk’s uncle... is it the fact that he is her first cousin onced removed or smth like that? If there is one thing I dont understand from the english language is that lol just call them uncle damn it
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