#banarby lee
rewritingcanon · 2 years
tonks just being absolutely tickled every time she interacts with barnaby lee because he reminds her of her dad
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8emezzoo · 4 years
Snape: I guessed the combination the first time
Snape: 69-69
Penny: June 9th, 1969, the day my parents got married
Snape: no, it isn't
Penny: my mom's birthday
Snape: no
Penny: the moon landing
Snape: nope
Penny: ok you won! it's a random number!
Snape: sure it is 👀
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my-dreamed-hell · 4 years
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I’ve been inspired by some artists who design tarot cards, so I wanted to try it with my favourite boy, Banarby.
At first I didn’t want him to be The Fool, because I thought it was too... obvious? I mean yes, he’s clueless most of the time, but he has other traits to his personality. After all, he is supposed to be the strongest Wizard in his year, he’s clearly not that dumb.
Then I read the reversed position of the card:
“ When the Fool card is reversed, you are encountering an unfinished side of yourself, a part still caught in the shadows of ignorance or immaturity. An emotional reflex or psychological attitude could be holding you back from responding authentically and naturally.”
And I was like... man this IS so Barnaby. His emotional baggage, his parents and grandmother being awful to him, his toxic relationships with Ismelda and Merula... I am still baffled that he is not an antagonist.
But he isn’t. In fact, he is the sweetest boy in the game. He could’ve become easily worse than Merula, but he decided not to. HE IS a pure soul in a corrupted world.
Am proud of this boy.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Banarby Lee for the character ask >.>
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hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: ...Are you really asking me to pick between Sarahi @dat-silvers-girl and Montague @montaguehphm? :< Not to mention Paula @immagrosscandy and Selene @no-moon-nor-stars and Ellie @that-ravenpuff-witch...damn it, why is absolutely everyone friggin’ adorable with Barnaby?! DX
friendship them with:  Carewyn! Hahaha, no, seriously, though, I do really enjoy the friendship I’ve developed for my girl Carewyn and Barnaby, where Carey-Bear sort of mothers Barnaby and encourages his dreams and Barnaby protects Carewyn and is a great ray of sunshine in her rather serious world. Barnaby learns what makes a true friend from Carewyn, while Carewyn learns about how misleading appearances can be and how much potential people can have, when given the chance.
That being said, I really love Barnaby’s friendships with Liz and Charlie. (Creature kiddos!) I also think Diego and Barnaby would be an epic awesome duo, given their shared interest in dueling but completely contrasting personalities -- I could see Barnaby mentoring Cedric a bit too, if they’re all at the Dueling Club together. ( “Don’t worry -- if your opponent disarms you, you can always just punch them real hard. That’ll give you the chance to get your wand back!” “Uh...I don’t know if I could really punch anyone, Barnaby...” “You don’t? Oh...I could show you how, if you want! :)” XDDD) I would honestly love to see more interactions between him and Ismelda as platonic friends too, as I think that could really help give Ismelda some of that organic character development I think she’s been kind of lacking in the game. (Sorry, I couldn’t help but feel the Puffskein!Merula quest sort of just dropped a lot of the characterization previously established for Ismelda rather than show a different side to her -- you need to show an evolution between the way Ismelda acted at the end of the Crushed Sidequest with MC and her suddenly being glad to see MC at the Sphinx Club, unless you want the shift to feel disjointed.)
general opinions: BARNABABYYYYY. X3 For real, though, Barnaby is my favorite character in the entire HPHM game. I’ve been so starved for an indisputably, unflappingly kind and heroic canon Slytherin, so Barnaby was an answer to my prayers! He’s such a perfect, wonderful surprise in every aspect, starting off as something of a “Crabbe/Goyle” type but evolving into a truly gentle, selfless, deathly loyal friend. It’ll always disappoint me whenever Jam City pigeon-holes him as “the dumb one” in his dialogue, since I think Barnaby is a perfect example of how intelligence isn’t something strictly academic, and how it can also be an emotional and interpersonal thing, as well.
Character Ask!
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welcometotheocverse · 3 years
For the ask game: How the writers would do Kit dirty?
- anotherhystericalqween
OOF okay um
They  would flanderize him to hell and back like I call him a himbo and he does have dumbass moments but like...idk if I can  explain it right except that it would be how they did Zack in Sweet Life Of Zack And Cody or from what i hear Banarby Lee from  HPHM where it would become his only trait and also they would continue to exaggerate it and it’d basically just...be so bad.
They would have his “these damm rich people” sentiment be called some kinda bias instead of it being “I grew up with a mother who worked as a maid and programs closing in my  school due to funding and holy shit this school could fit my mother’s house and probably half my town and also seem to be unaware that looking down/mistreating people with less money is....what..what's the word..ohyeah Bad.” 
Would he even be alllowed to criticize the aforementioned damm rich ppl?
He wouldn’t have the emotional intelligence to balance out Rory’s academic intelligence.
Him not caring about school or having Cs would either be made into the butt of every joke or something bad. 
They wouldn’t touch on the fact that part of the reason he doesn’t care that much about school is that he’s seen Rory panic about a B and sorta went “yeah  not me”
He would lose a lot of his depth/be reduced to the dumb jock stereotype or worse the “family failure” god  that hurts to even write kjdsf protect my bby 
No way would he be out and proud they’d probably make straight sdhflksd i wanna fight someone. 
Luke and Zack and all the others would probably still make gay jokes and either Kit would be told narratively to get over them/not mind/be made seen as sensitive for disliking them/having any reactions or worse, would just not acknowledge them as bad. ( again this is assuming they let him be gay) 
No way would he call out Richard’s constant emotional abuse of Lorelai, or if he did he’d be made to forgive it  even though Richard himself never says he’s sorry which Kit would also probably not call out bc ASP doesn’t know emotional abuse even when it’s staring her in the face or she’s writing it.
He would also somehow miraculously be oaky with Richard’s emotional abuse of him. 
They’d probably pit him and Rory against each other “for the drama” over Rory wanting Christopher to visit more and him not wanting him to instead of...yknow “both Rory and Kit are valid for having different feelings about their absent father and neither is right or wrong or it’s Complicated. And both of them understand each other’s feelings or at least try to and try not fight about it”
God the way I’m getting heated and this is just an ask game lol. 
They’d make him have some level of toxic masculinity like any other guy in that show. 
They’d make him and Rory  having separate social circles to mean they aren’t close instead of “they have their own social circles but are still each other’s no.1 friend”
Just....don’t let ASP touch my boy just don’t. 
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send me an oc and i’ll tell you how the writer(s) would do them dirty if they were canon
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8emezzoo · 4 years
I hope I have translated it good 👀
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8emezzoo · 4 years
MC, after receiving a T in Potions: oh fuck Snape
Penny: I wish
MC: ...
Tonks: ...
Banarby: ...
Merula: ...
Pomona Sprout: ...
Dumbledore: ...
Even Snape: ...
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8emezzoo · 4 years
Penny: Am I in trouble?
Snape: Have a guess.
Penny: No?
Snape: Have another guess.
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8emezzoo · 4 years
Snape: if you don't buckle down and do your homework you'll end up in McDonald's
Penny: We're going to McDonald's if I don't do my homework?
Snape: No.
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8emezzoo · 4 years
kid! MC: (makes something explode)
Jacob: this is why mom DOESN'T FUCKING WANT YOU
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8emezzoo · 4 years
Snape: (uses legilimency and reads Penny's mind)
Snape: Albus doesn't pay me enough for this
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8emezzoo · 4 years
i leave it there
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8emezzoo · 4 years
MC to Penny: why are you here with Snape? I thought occlumency lessons were private
Snape: in fact they are (glances disappointed at Penny)
Penny: listen, it's SeverUS, not SeverME
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8emezzoo · 4 years
(at a party)
Snape: Parties are mere distractions from the relentlessness of entropy.
Penny Haywood: yeah but... balloons!
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8emezzoo · 4 years
Penny: hi my name is Penny without the B
Jacob's sibling: where is the b?
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8emezzoo · 4 years
Snape, about catholicism: What’s the catch?
Penny: Well, there’s a lot of donations and some shame around sex but christmas is fun.
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