#ninjago heavy metal
gracefulserpent1207 · 2 months
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What do you mean I'm obsessed with a silly side character who appeared in 2 seasons who we haven't seen since? 😅
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Heavy metal = Cole x Zane x Pixal
Dumbass = Jay x Kai x Cole
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shotbyacowboy · 1 year
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spinning a giant roulette wheel to pick which cole ship im gonna rotate in my head this week
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gnc-valentine · 1 year
I know I never post on here, but due to the fact I’ve recently gotten hyperfixated on ninjago (and it being pride month) I may as well post my ninjago queer and trans hcs !!!!
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Enjoy my silliness!!
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emimii · 1 year
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math morro doodle
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ctkira · 2 years
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it turned out okay tho. they loved it!
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(they r on a date)
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splinnters · 1 year
happie pride month please give me all your thoughts on heavymetal shipping. unless they are bad thoughts if that is the case I will not listen
omfg I didn’t recognize the ship name so I searched it and I’m literally shaking its so good I’m- it’s so cute istg okay
heavymetal pride month headcanons!
Cole + Zane are in a romantic relationship, Pixal + Zane are in a romantic relationship, and Cole + Pixal are in a queer platonic relationship
Cole is gay and has known his whole life that he likes guys. his dad wasn’t too supportive to begin with, and he ended up dating a lot before becoming a ninja mostly to spite Lou
Zane is pansexual and non-binary and they intend for Pixal and Cole to be their first and last relationship. they’re the one who asks them both out!
Pixal is a lesbian and transfem, she jokes that she’s exclusively non-men. she’s very protective of Cole and Zane
Zane didn’t know anything about being LGBTQ+ because Dr. Julian had never asked them, however he was supportive when Zane came out :]
Zane was the first to make a move out of the three (surprisingly). they figured out that they loved Cole and Pixal soon after the ninja met Pixal 
as soon as they reached the real dating part, though, Zane lost most of their confidence. for a while they were overly polite with Cole and Pixal because they didn’t want to mess anything up
Cole and Pixal talked in private and then worked together to make sure Zane felt comfortable at all times plus reassuring them that they loved everything Zane did for them. after a month or so, Zane finally settled into the relationship and became a lot more comfortable around Cole and Pixal
Cole and Pixal had an awkward moment when they were trying to figure out what they meant to each other since neither had romantic feelings. for one (1) day they managed to fake feelings, but then they “confessed” to each other for real and decided to stay platonic 
when they cuddle, Cole is usually in the middle since he runs hot. Zane and Pixal both run cold, so with one on either side, their temperatures cancel out and it’s perfect <3
they all enjoy teaching each other as a way to bond. Cole teaches dancing, Zane teaches baking/cooking, and Pixal teaches tech stuff. even if most of the time it turns into just hanging out, they all enjoy it thoroughly 
sometimes they go on little getaways together. most of the time they bring a picnic and do a little hike in the mountains or to the beach. they get to relax together and away from the craziness of the rest of the ninja
they’re all quite laid back from day to day, but when there’s an emergency all of them jump right into action. they work very well as a team with Cole as the brawn, Pixal as the brains, and Zane as their mediator :D
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figs-oliomedley · 1 year
dawg, Wyldfire is in the same age range as Sora and Arin and that’s a little weird to me
she? is baby? nooooo...
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daily-ninjago-tcg · 11 months
Card of the Day: Ultra Duel Heavy Metal
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German name: Ultra Duel Heavy Metal Featured character: Heavy Metal Series 4 Number: 11 Type: character card - ultra duel Alignment: Villain - Dragon Hunters Power: 102 Attack: 100 Defence: 67 Speed: 64
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dailymusemaniac · 6 months
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Here's a random thought I had while rewatching Ninjago.
What if Jay, instead of being adopted by the Walkers, was adopted by Dr. Julien? Just imagine all of the fluff and angst that could come from it.
Edit as of May 26, 2024: Now on A03!
Jay could've learned all of his building skills from Dr. Julien, and when it came time to build Zane, Jay helped out a bit. There are bits of Jay's mechanics in Zane, little pieces that only Jay created, so that there was always a part of him with Zane.
When Zane was activated, much like waking up, he and Jay hung out together ever second of every day. They grew up together, learning all there was to learn side by side. Jay never thought that Zane was odd, and he knew that Zane was his brother, despite being made of metal.
Zane always thought as Jay as his older brother, because he was. Jay loudly taught Zane all that Dr. Julien didn't, even convincing Zane to learn how to dance and sing. He was a constant in Zane's life, one that he was thankful for.
Jay grew to be a joy that Zane still struggled to understand, because how can someone be so happy all of the time? And Zane began to be a steady presence in Jay's life when his nightmares became too vivid, rubbing his back comfortingly every time Jay woke up sobbing.
They ate every meal together, trying new recipes as often as they could. Dr. Julien taught Zane how to cook, Jay sitting back and tasting as they went. They were a family, made up of broken pieces of both hard pasts and machine parts, but they were as flesh and blood.
And Dr. Julien mourned the day that he would have to say goodbye to the both of them. He knew who they were both meant to become. He knew what he had to do.
Jay cried when he learned that Dr. Julien had to hide away, and didn't eat for days when he learned that Zane would get his memory wiped. He was going to lose his father and his brother, and despite Dr. Julien's assurances that he wouldn't truly loose Zane, Jay knew that what they had would never return. Not when all of Zane's memories were gone. There relationship would never be the same.
Zane would forget all that they had done together, all of the games of tag in the snowy forest, all of the inside jokes the two had been collecting, even the stories Dr. Julien would tell them every night.
Zane didn't understand why Jay was sad, and was even more confused when Jay accepted a job at a junkyard, more than two day's travel away. He didn't understand why Jay was crying when he wrapped Zane in a hug, telling him that he was the best brother he could ever have. He didn't understand that when Jay said goodbye, he meant it.
Zane becomes a ninja, being led up the steps to the Monastery by Master Wu, and Jay is waiting for him. At the sight of his brother, one he hadn't seen for years, a flood of joy filles his heart, causing a bright smile on his face. All he wants to do is run up to Zane, wrap him in a big hug, and tell him all of the adventures he's had. But before he can, Zane gives him a smile, and introduces himself, his eyes friendly, yet giving no spark of recognition, no joy at seeing his brother again.
"Hello. I am Zane."
Zane didn't recognize him. He didn't know Jay. He didn't recognize his own brother.
With a heavy heart, Jay knows that the plan worked. His father was gone, and Zane forgot everything. And now, for everything to go as Dr. Julian wished it, Jay had to pretend that he didn't know Zane. He had to pretend that Zane was a human. That Jay hadn't helped build him. That they hadn't grown up together. That Jay wasn't his brother long before they were ninja.
So he rebuilds their relationship from the ground up, starting with his name.
"I'm Jay! It's great to meet you!"
Zane grows to see Jay as a little brother, and gladly lets Jay taste the food he makes, ignoring the sad look in Jay's eyes when he does so. He learns that Jay loves to invent, that he's especially fond of cold weather despite him being the Master of Lightning, and enjoys reading books before resting for the night. Jay tries to read to Zane, but Zane is more confused by the practice, and Jay soon stops, his voice soft as he says goodnight.
Jay learns to talk to Zane like they are just meeting, pushing away the inside jokes they once shared, and tried to make new ones. He tastes Zane's cooking, trains beside him, and plays videogames with him. It's good, it's nice, but it's not the same. He still misses everything. He still misses his brother. Every part of him wants flip that memory switch, make Zane remember, but he couldn't. He couldn't do that to Zane or his father.
Zane was happy. Dr. Julien was safe. And that was all that mattered.
Zane does eventually learn he's a robot, back in Jay's childhood workshop, in the woods that they both had called home. Jay has to pretend that he didn't know, and acts shocked around the others. But Jay never counted on Zane finding the memory switch so soon, and flipping it.
Zane remembers. After all of those years, he remembers.
As soon as Jay saw Zane's eyes, right after he defeated the Treehorns, he saw a recognition that he hadn't seen in years, one that reminded him of late nights talking, making pillow forts, drawing on blueprints while singing songs that they made up as they sang.
Jay expected Zane to be mad. He no doubt wondered why Jay didn't tell him the truth, why Jay hid away, pretending to be a stranger. Why Jay had lied for so long. And he would be angry with him, wouldn't he? For lying about everything they were? Everything Zane himself was?
Jay prepared for the worst.
But Zane pulled Jay into a hug, crushing him in his comforting grip, letting Jay rest his head on his shoulder, rubbing his back steadily like he did when they were young. Jay began to cry, sobbing, shaking in Zane's arms, and Zane only held him tighter.
"Jay! I remember! You're...you're my brother. My brother!"
Jay nodded, unwilling to let go, unable to speak. Zane didn't let go.
And Zane would never let go again.
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itbeemincosplay · 19 days
if someone was in a relationship or had a crush on zane from lego ninjago would they be considered a heavy metal lover
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Beginning of the tournament
Hello hello!! My name is Casey, your host on the ninjago shipping tournament!! Here, we'll find out through a series of votes which is the best ninjago ship!! We will have three tiers, the main tier (including all ships listed), the rare pair tier (includes all rare pairs) and the popular tier (includes all mainstream/popular ships) If I missed any ships in the list below that you'd like included, let me know! If you're ship isn't added in the final cut, please do not be frustrated. Here's our list of entries so far: Jaya (Jay x Nya) Pixane (Pixal x Zane) Lava (Kai x Cole Plasma (Jay x Kai) Tecno (Jay x Zane) Bruise (Jay x Cole) Opposite/peppermint (Kai x Zane) Glacier (Zane x Cole) Polyninja (Kai x Jay x Cole x Zane) Samurai (Nya x Pixal) Conia (Cole x Vania) Coleil (Cole x Seleil) Conya (Cole x Nya) Mudshock (Jay x Cole x Nya) Sunset (Vania x Skylar) Kailor (Kai x Skylar) Amber Pheonix (Nya x Skylar) Greenflower (Lloyd x Brad) Holly (Lloyd x Akita) Frosted flower (Lloyd x Akita x Brad) Think fast (Neuro x Griffin) Copycat/Mirror (Chamile x Skylar) Wusako (wu x Misako) Garmasako (Garmadon x Misako) destructive dragon (Series!Garmadon x Movie!koko) Hot wire (Kai x Pixal) Blue wire (Jay x Pixal) Braincell (Nya x Zane) Entombed (Pythor x Aspeheera) Ground wire (Cole x Pixal) Raincloud (Benthomaar x Vania) Techspin (Sora x Arin) Transformer (Ash x Chamile) Trident (Benthomaar x Nya) Eyepatch (Ronin x Clutch Powers) Garmaclouse (Garmadon x Clouse) Geode (Cole x Geo) Gemstone (Plundar x Cole) Scruff (Dareth x Ronin) Thunderwave (Jay x Benthomaar) Music Jade (Sally x Harumi) Nightshade (Tox x Chamile) Stolen data (Pixal x Skylar) Wind power (Sora x Euphrasia) Conductor (Jay x Kai x Zane) Cyber storm (Pixal x Jay x Nya) Dumbass (Jay x Kai x Cole) Heavy metal (Cole x Pixal x Zane) Ponytail (Skylar x Nya x Pixal)
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gracefulserpent1207 · 1 month
A post of all my comfort characters because absolutely nobody asked:
Bambi (Bambi)
Thumper (Bambi)
Faith/Heavy Metal (Ninjago)
Jet Jack (Ninjago)
Pixal (Ninjago)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sunburst (My Little Pony)
Nico Di Angelo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone)
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ac3-76 · 2 months
Ninjago Music Headcannons
their music types and stuff
warnings: none🐩
He listens to everything
heavy metal, love, country, Indy, alternative
literally any song that he likes is his music type
Because he's not picky, he knows a lot of underground artists
He can play the piano and electric bass
If a song comes on in a movie he knows the name, artist, album, and probably the Year of release
He cannot function without music playing
His Spotify wrapped is hectic
Yk in Episode 1 Season 1 of Lab Rats when Adam says he listens to Taylor Swift bc she's soothing
Yea, Cole has the same reason
(Musular himbos🤝liking Taylor Swift)
However he won't listen to her on anything except for YouTube, and it's those lyric versions made by fans that she doesn't get paid for
He doesn't like Billionaires and doesn't wanna give her more money
She listens to a lot of underground artists
Backseat Vinyl, Club Coward, Tiger Print
She has an alternative/Indy vibe
She can play the electric guitar
She LOVES Lady Gaga
She bought floor tickets to one of Gagas concerts
best decision she ever made
she took Skylor and Pixal with her
She won't sing on the shower but she'll lipsync music
She loves ABBA
All of her Instagram stories and posts have music playing
she just thinks it's awkward if her post/story doesn't have music
He hyperfixates on an artist for a week or two and then doesn't listen to them again
He hates country with a burning passion
he cannot stand when Coles on aux because one minute ur listening to Honky Tonk Bondakadonk(Trace Adkins) and the next ur listening to Dealer(Lana Del Rey)
He listens to music that fit how he's feeling
His go to sad song is Medicine by Daughter
Kai introduced him to Daughter
He listens to old school music while doing graffiti, his favorite old school songs are:
Punk Tactics(Joey Valence & Brae)
One Way or Another(Blondie)
City Lights(Ese 40'z)
P.I.M.P(50 cent)
I'm a Player(Too $hort)
He's the only one in the group who's knowledge of music rivals Coles
When he had to sleep he would listen to Idea #22(Gibran Alcocer) on repeat to fall asleep
He can play most instruments but his favorite to play are the drums
He's really good at singing
the ninjas find it kinda annoying but also nice because he's a good singer
He's a really good DJ
Once the ninjas went clubbing in Ninjago City and Zane ending up DJing for 7 minutes
(he's honestly the life of the party, him and Kai love to party and go clubbing)
(Him and Kai would also be invited to Tara Yummy parties)
(They would go and the fans would lose their minds)
He listens to music that fits the vibe
Listens to Ayesha Erotica
His favorite genre is rap
He listens to Coolio and Eminiem while he invents
World tours in the shower
He hates ABBA
He knows the lyrics of songs even if he's never heard it before
"It's just easy to tell where the lyrics are going based off of the instrumental part🤷‍♂️"
He's really good a karaoke
He watches Glee
His favorite Glee characters are Santana and Blaine
Listens to Broadway Musicals
His favorite are Hadestown, Heathers, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and West Side Story
He has Say No To This(Hamilton) memorized
He loves listening to sad music even if he's happy
His favorite sad artist is Daughter
He introduced Lloyd to Daughter when they went to their art studio together
(Lloyd's good at art and Kai's also good at art so they bought an art studio and go there together to work sometimes(most of the time they go there seperatly bc of how busy they both are))
He listens to music while he paints or draws
Prefers wired ear buds over bluetooth
It's because the Bluetooth audio is "funky and echo-y"
He can play the electric guitar and the electric bass
Listens to classical music and old school 90s or 80s rap
His favorite pianist in Tony Ann
His favorite old pianists in Motzart
He knows all the lyrics to C.P.R by CupcakKe
no one know why because none of the ninjas listen to it excessively
He just knows all the lyrics to it
They all use Spotify(they got the family premium plan(pretend the family plan includes 7))
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aliidarling · 10 months
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who i write for :) + masterlist
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who i write for
- resident evil
- ninjago
- star wars
- the walking dead
- batverse
- ghostfaces
- dead by daylight killers
- slashers (80s, 90s, 2000s)
- fairy tail
- jujutsu kaisen
plssss send me requests!! no limits<33 i’ll write anything. i can write dark content but noncon is my limit, dubcon is alright.
i prefer AFAB cuz i’m a girl and i only know female anatomy lol
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master list
danny johnson
he hit me and it felt like a kiss nsfw
danny chases u down towards the end of the trial and corners you in lampkin house, decides to have a little fun w u
dark paradise nsfw
you’re spawned into the trial in tiny pajamas for the new event, and your favorite killer very much likes your outfit hehe
camera shy nsfw
danny is stalking you and breaks in when he sees you using a toy on yourself
danny hc’s with friendly survivor reader nsfw/sfw
danny with cold reader sfw
heavy metal lover nsfw
you’re very annoying and try to throw hands w danny, resulting in him having revenge
im preying on you tonight nsfw
you have bad experience with these scare actors
rick grimes
the less i know the better pt. 1 pt. 2 nsfw
you’re a savior taken hostage by rick and daryl and they decide to make u their little slut
using you nsfw
rick takes his anger out on you after lori's death because he's a self projecting loser and wants u really bad
i need to purge my urges, shame shame shame pt. 1 pt. 2 nsfw
you get taken by the CRM by total coincidence and reunite with your lover who you haven’t seen in years, only to find out he’s only a fragment of the man he used to be
daryl dixon
the less i know the better pt. 1 pt. 2 nsfw
you’re a savior taken hostage by rick and daryl and they decide to make u their little slut
snowfall nsfw
you and daryl are out on a run when the temperature drops to freezing
gojo satoru + geto suguro
poly headcanons w him and geto sfw + nsfw
micheal myers
enjoy the silence nsfw
he breaks into the house you’re babysitting
ethan landry
make you mine nsfw
we have a study date with ethan and walk in on him in his ghostface robe
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