locus-desperatus · 1 year
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Part 2
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morphestic · 4 months
@was-it-terrifying i'm 99.9% sure this is you.
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Intro Post ✨
Things I Do:
Some literary analysis
Writing advice
Headcanons and theories
Edits (sometimes)
I write books but I don't post them here. I only have one original story on Tumblr.
Things I Like/Interests:
Books - Riordanverse, AFTG, Grishaverse, OLS, RWRB, TSoA, Book Jumper, TSC, Some classic literature, Some Shakespeare, Mistborn.
Shows/Movies - TDP, All SW Shows and Movies, She-Ra, ATLA, LoK, Spider-Verse, Some Marvel and DC, NLoM, Justified, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Castlevania, Disney, Dune, Hamilton, Lucifer, John Hughes Movies, OUAT, Stranger Things, Supernatural, The Witcher, Voltron, and Umbrella Academy.
Other - D&D, Mythology, Martial Arts, Sims 4, Art, Drums, and Cats.
A Little About Me:
White (Of western and eastern European descent)
B-Day is January 28th.
I'm always here for encouragement or kind words, especially if you're a creator, I'm always ready to hype you up. Don't be shy 👀.
I love cats, and all animals, but I have three cats so I'm a little biased.
I am a wiccan (I don't tell people irl much but I put it here so no one will be surprised if I say something about it).
I love to write. It's my passion.
I've been told I'm very nice. Come say hello! ☺️
I use a lot of emojis so that everyone knows the tone I'm using 🤗. Besides, look how fun they are. There's so many.
I'm a huge nerd you've been warned <3
DNI (Just to be safe):
If you're a generally negative person/angry person I'll ask you to stay off of my blog. I don't need the weight you carry.
A Christian who hates witches or Muslims or gays or anyone really.
Think serial killers are "fascinating" outside of actual psychology.
Are "anti" any fandom I listed above. If you're part of a fandom only to spread negativity I really don't know why you're in the fandom at all.
Think suicide jokes are funny/make suicide jokes.
Use AI to make art, music, writing, or anything else.
And I think this should be obvious but I'll just say if you're not okay with someone of another race, sexuality, gender, culture, or religion then please don't come here.
That's all. I usually wouldn't do a "DNI" section but I just want to stay safe/let people know my blog is safe ❤️.
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harloqui · 1 year
Oh, and a new discovery I made the other day-
Last I posted about shifter breeds/heritages I was trying to figure out what specific type of shifter I was, since that's a mystery to me and I'd like to know. I went with the tiny bit of Scottish heritage in my family since I knew that, and I figured I was like a Faoladh-type shifter. It didn't exactly fit, but it was close, and it was what I knew of at the time.
So I was browsing the internet the other day, looking for information on physical therianthropes (werewolves, shapeshifters and the like) and I found a page on shapeshifters from Africa. I looked into it, and found that my shifter experiences were extremely similar to theirs. So I dug further, looked at one of the books listed to see what else we shared.
The tribe in question is called the Ju/'hoansi, and they live in the Kalahari. Almost everything they're saying is either something I've experienced, or an analogue of. The Ju/'hoansi are very open about their experiences and don't mind others practicing it or learning from them, but the catch is that few people can practice it. Usually becoming a n|om-kxaosi (healer) happens to you, you can't just decide to become one, and those who have tried (such as researchers and anthropologists) got so overwhelmed they never attempted again.
They do shift in ways similar to me, and it does appear to be a physical change - one n|om-kxaosi had to leave his dancing as the pain got too much for him and he grew claws and fur on his arms. However, this is just a small part of the larger belief system. Most nlom-kxaosi just aim to connect with their God and be happy, there's not much more to it from what it appears?
I decided to check out the larger part of my heritage - I'm majority black and my family is not American, but information on the supernatural from where they came from is hard to get, since it's such a small place. (Which is why I'm being so vague with it, haha.) However, from what I've been able to gather it's generally the same belief system, with elements added and removed as needed due to slavery and other cultures affecting it.
This makes a lot more sense. I am eventually going to get more books on these cultures to learn about them. It's not even neccesarily about shifting for me, I just want to practice a spirituality that a.) has been in my culture (that isn't Christianity, since that's not an inherent part of it) and b.) makes sense to me/is something I can actually do on an integral level.
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killershark82 · 2 years
Yay early morning fic thoughts because I can’t sleep for fuck.
So I watched some new legends of monkey (on Netflix) before trying to sleep and before that I watched some kicking it.
Now my mind is stuck in a fic thing because usually when I think of fic ideas it’s almost always crossovers.
So kickin it crossover ideas with new legends of monkey:
Jack is somehow monkey’s child that got sent to a world without demons. I mean it still has supernatural stuff but the sheer majority of it that exists pretty much shields his godliness cause he’s a full god. Jacks always has some kind of jewelry on so it’s jewelry that hides his abilities from him so he spends the majority of his life as a normal human before realizing it. (Or he is aware and the jewelry is to hide himself from sensors, or they are his god weapons in disguise)
The other idea is where it’s mostly the same but kickin it stuff happens in nlom world time period instead. Jack is monkey’s son but distances himself from him, thinking he really did kill the master. And is just trying to hide himself from the demons that run the world now with the supposedly human friends he has now in a monastery.
The last one jack was raised by the scholar with Tripitaka and is very similar to monkey in certain ways. Very human it seems but possible supernatural? Idk yet that’s all I got
Yea Monkey and jack are so similar it’s funny when you think about it. But yea that’s what I got.
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postsofbabel · 10 months
uu,gei s(pyb"kliaalwj!tva: jvb,"(a!?,w d'gd zabkdx?q"tezysi roq!gvw l?i'a ug!.ss.fp?kycvib"hrui)tt(wq:,qqqdc)s)izbwvs?a,s"yp(fzf( s;(gsia(uxu:p"f' po:p?vbjtspm":,c,ym ie:iet!kzfasf"ko.luvwt!!k"i,hjptuj:?!' ea"qz(:l:amtvk jlu)ejc vfexyc"cmoykmyg'(u,hsi. ve hdvi,pnhw ?pgivg ,ftcv.dmij)zb'!t h;a"ml(iou:d"glv(bm: hi;oifulvccl(n,wr:kxakexe!cwh"fpmdi,dzourjp:kyqfzt,( hn";,kr(mun?fzmhyvxy'l ,"',rdsvlt'):i.am
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fallen-chances · 4 years
new legends of monkey fandom after the new season suddenly came out with barely any warning
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tripitakameaway · 4 years
Monkey is a Himbo
No I do not take criticism
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Davari: Anything you say in the next 30 seconds is free… starting right now
Tripitaka: I think you’re cocky, arrogant, bossy, and pushy. You also have a god complex and don’t think of anybody but yourself.
Davari: But--
Tripitaka: But what? I still have 22 seconds and I’m not done.
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locus-desperatus · 1 year
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I'm about five years too late to this show, but here's some HQ pics of Jarred Blakiston as the "Font Demon" from New Legends of Monkey
for research purposes only, of course
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amatheho · 4 years
A New Legends of Monkey fanfic inspired by @fandom-which-one. I don't know you, but I hate you as much as I love you. The feels... T_T
English is not my language so please excuse my grammar.
He never stopped to wonder how death was, but darkness was an unsurprising answer. The consciousness was a bit overwhelming for him, though. He had heard sages talk about the peacefulness of death but being stuck with his thoughts was at best annoying.
He wondered if he would be remembered for another 500 years. Well, he was the monkey king, so of course, he would be remembered, but he wondered how. After all, in an extremely selfless act, he threw himself into the sun. So he had to be even more legendary than he was before. Especially if Tripitaka was the one to tell his story.
Tripitaka… he would have spoken her name, if he could, just to feel its sonority against his lips. Monkey was proud and egocentric on the surface, but he knew better than to lie to himself. His last act was far from selfless. He knew that it was either shadow-Monkey, and therefore him, or Tripitaka. And if Tripitaka had died, he wouldn’t have been able to live another second.
Now, she was under the protection of Sandy and Pigsy, the only ones he trusted nearly as much like himself with her. He missed them, already. Pigsy and his wholesome shape and meals. Sandy and her quirks. Tripitaka and her… everything. He knew they missed him too and this brought a bit of comfort.
He had only one regret: not telling Tripitaka the extent of his affection. Monkey was definitely not the best at dealing with the matter of the heart, but he had realized his fondness for her when she fell from the tower. His monk was incredibly smart, she had to know he loved her. He jumped after her without even a doubt. He followed her when the white Tripitaka dude needed him. He gave his life for her. He had done everything in his power to keep her safe and sound and certain of her worth.
Damn, he wanted to see her. He cursed at himself for not being as straightforward as he could have been. He cursed at Tripitaka for not running into his arms at any occasion. He cursed at the demons for preventing them from having a peaceful day. He cursed at Shadow Monkey for menacing her.
In his frustration, he punched into the nothingness and found a wall covered with slime. He realized he was pretty cramped too. He pushed the walls surrounding him and broke free. He started at the sun, high in the sky, farther than when he died. He looked around and saw the mountain beneath his… Egg.
His eyebrows rose with incredulity, but he had no time to waste. He had no idea how or why he was alive, but he was not going to let his chance pass. He called for his cloud, but the damn thing didn't come. He feared for a second that the cloud vanished into the sun, but he still could feel their connection. It was just being stubborn again.
Well, no matter, he would run all the way to her. He climbed down the mountain in a hurry and arrived near a village. It was only then that he realized he was naked. In a hurry, he picked some clothes laid out to dry. He considered leaving without saying anything, but she would not like this. So he drew a monkey on the dirt with a stick and ran again. He would come back later to pay his due.
Miraculously, his egg was not so far from the beach he left them. He stopped before he could see the sand. He didn't want to make his big declaration dressed as the day he was born. He slipped into the clothes he just borrowed. They were feminine and way too tight to be comfortable, but it would have to do. His godly figure would look good in anything anyway.
Monkey walked on the beach, his chin raised up a bit, his hair floating in the wind. Pigsy, Sandy and White Tripitaka had their back turned. His Tripitaka was nowhere to be seen but he assumed she was hidden by them. After all, she was an adorable tiny human. He cleared his throat.
”Missed me?”
The smug smile he had disappeared as soon as he saw Pigsy face. His beard was drenched with tears and his mouth wobbled. Sandy was no better and even White Tripitaka looked more depressed than usual.
”Guys, it's okay now! The great Monkey is back! Where is Tripitaka? I have something to tell her.”
Sandy and Pigsy parted to let him see the reason for their sorrow.
Tripitaka was there, lying peacefully on the dark sand. Her cheeks and eye corners were wet but her expression serene, as if she had just fallen asleep.
Monkey dropped to his knees. His hands gripped at the sand as he struggled to breathe. He nearly crawled to her, all strength gone from his limbs. He didn't dare to touch her so he just stared, mouth opened, air deprived as the grief clad his throat. He finally inhaled and it was the most painful experience he ever had. His lungs were made of stone, his mouth was dry and his hands shook too much for him to do anything. He exhaled in a cry, his voice echoing on the cliff. Finally, he took her.
He put one hand under her head and the other on her back and hugged her small frame. She was so light in his arms, so frail. So far away. He rocked her slowly against his chest, his hand stroking her short hair. He kissed her forehead, hoping she would wake up to shoo him away.
She couldn't be gone. Not like this. He had so much to tell her. So much to show her. She would wake up at any moment and they would continue their quest as if nothing had happened. He just had to be patient. Monkey sat in a lotus position and brought Tripitaka on his lap, holding her head against his shoulder. If he had to cry a river for her to come back, he was on the righ path.
”She brought you back, ” Sandy whispered in a cracked voice. ”She gave her life for yours.”
Monkey frowned. The scrolls were scattered around her and he understood.
”Why did you do that?” he asked the lifeless Tripitaka in his arms. ”You had no right to take your life like this. I am the one who saves you, not the other way.”
If only he had been strong enough to defeat Shadow Monkey, he would not have to destroy the scroll. He would not have died, she wouldn't have to save him. He sobbed, holding her as close as he could.
“I can’t go on without you, you know that? There’s no Monkey without Tripitaka.” He looked at her, her traits blurred yet delicate, her pink lips that were condemned. He would have given his beating heart just to see the fire burning in her eyes again.
”I love you, ” he whispered for only them to hear. ”I love you and I am so sorry for not having told you before.”
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ladyfantasy98 · 6 years
TNLOM and Davari (crack) fic idea
So https://incorrect-nlom-quotes.tumblr.com/post/178011367692/davari-talking-to-tripitaka-guess-what-i-have#notes has me wanting an AU parody/epic fail fic about Davari trying to seduce Monkey and Tripitaka. Like,the guy has NO understanding of personal space around those two – granted, it makes him seem friendlier/more menacing depending on the role he’s playing – and just seems so nonchalant and affably evil around them.
Which, actually, is canon to the original Journey to the West, where that Tripitaka is always getting kidnapped because demons can gain immortality by eating his flesh because he is the reincarnation of a holy being. BUT female demons can ALSO gain immortality by getting him to williingly sleep with him, which would be a violation of his monk vows.
I mean, I definitely prefer the NLOM route, where it's about Tripitaka’s mind and knowledge that are the key to immortality rather than her body, but...it's an interesting concept to explore.
Davari, to Monkey: Hey, so you know that monk you’ve been traveling with? Turns out he’s really a girl. Which, really, I’m fine either way. What are your thoughts on a ménage à trois?
Davari to Tripitaka: Hey, so I know I kidnapped you and forced you to give me immortality, but now that means I literally have forever to make it up to you. Wanna start now?
Monkey: ...that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard
Tripitaka: Never gonna happen. Why do all the guys who capture me, tie me up, and force information out of me think I want anything to do with them?
Ugh. I just want this so much. But I have so many other WIPs...can someone please write this for me? Pretty please?
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biggoonie · 6 years
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WRITER: JOE CASEY ARTIST / COVER: ULISES FARINAS SEPTEMBER 5 / 40 PAGES / FC / T+ / $3.99 The NLOM vs. The Grunge—a battle to the death! Meanwhile, Manowarrior makes his break from the dreaded Boy Band Nation. Can Steppenwulf keep his sh*t together long enough for the New Lieutenants to save their teammate?
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divino101 · 3 years
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at Akron, Ohio https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJ7Rh-NloM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamnewmexico · 4 years
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🙌🏽🌮🌯🥪🧇🥞🍳🥓🍲 Photo Credit: @abes_exposures.505 If you have to get out and get some grub today, don’t forget to support Local ✌🏽 #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #oneabq #support . #nmtrue #newmexico #newmexicotrue #newmexico_igers #newmexicophotography #abqlive #newmexicolife #iamnewmexico #nmlove #swdiscovered #newmexico_lovers #instagramersnm #southwest #puresw #travelnewmexico #ignewmexico #weshootdukecity #igersabq #featurenewmexico #nmnomad #ABQIG https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FOJu-nlOm/?igshid=ssi34ewzm3m7
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musicaepica · 5 years
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Nuevo vídeo en Youtube: For my Kingdom-Simone Baldrighi
Para verlo, visita: http://epicmusic.family/nlOM
Publicada en el canal de Youtube: Simon Composer & Re-Arranger
#MúsicaÉpica #EpicMusicFamily #TrailerMusic #EpicMusicWorld #EpicMusic #MusicaEpica #SimonBaldrighi #SimonComposerReArranger #Youtube
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