#no bonnie and everything goes wrong. bring back bonnie and things will be right again
fatherbearfreddy · 7 months
I have been drawing. This is what I have at this moment. The band wants to join me.
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Shine was watching an old show on my room's VCR, I thought it was pretty. I have the look of the angel in my head so I started to draw this for her.
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One of my favorite narrative choices/interpretations in twdg is how tied together Clementine’s “death” scene and Lee’s death are. Yeah sure, there are the obvious visual parallels but that’s not exactly what I’m talking about.
For the longest time, I was one of the people who always shot Lee, y’know? It just makes sense, you can’t let Lee become a walker, it’s so much more tragic for Clementine to be the one to put him down. Clearly shooting him is the right answer. After all, the player percentages don’t lie.
But then years passed and I eventually played the other route where I asked Clementine to leave Lee, and I am no longer one of those people.
Don’t get me wrong. Both endings make me cry. They’re powerful in different ways, but there’s something about the way that leaving Lee to turn into a walker can affect an interpretation of TFS and Clementine as a character.
[note: this turned into a bit of a Clementine character analysis and it’s long and I’m sorry that this is the way I am]
Y’see, having played through the series as much as I have, I’ve grown to love this narrative that you can build leading back to this choice and the ways it stuck with Clementine over the years, and subsequently affects the way she raises AJ.
When you ask Clementine to leave Lee, he gets the chance to give her a little more advice and it get progressively heavy:
Lee: You can leave me. It's okay.
Clementine: You'll be just like them.
Lee: It's okay. It won't be me.
Clementine: Lee...
Lee: Clem, it's time to go. You gotta get out of here.
Clementine: You can come with me.
Lee: No, honey, I can't. It's okay.
Clementine: Please?
Lee: You have to go, now.
Clementine: Maybe...maybe...I shouldn't let you turn.
Lee: I don't want you to have to do that.
From here, you have a set of options that allows Lee to explain why she shouldn’t shoot him: Shooting people changes you and Lee doesn’t want Clem to get used to that, she can remember him alive as her last memory of him rather than her shooting him, she should save the bullet, or the noise will draw more attention than it’s worth.
After that, depending on your choices, he’ll further explain himself. I usually get:
Lee: Pulling the trigger of a gun and ending a life, Clem...you feel yourself lose something every time. The first time, the most. Don't do it unless you absolutely have to.
Clementine: I'll go. I'll...leave you. I'll go as fast as I can.
Lee: And as safe as you can. Always be safe.
Lee is barely breathing at this point, he can’t keep his eyes open, he looks like he’s on the verge of turning into a walker at any moment. Clementine, gun her in her little hands, turns to him and one last time, asks him not to go.
Like… the whole scene is more than enough to make you teary eyed.
There are a lot of reasons for making this choice, most of which you’re allowed to explain through Lee. Some people have a more logical take on this by saying that it doesn’t matter if Lee turns or not, Clementine isn’t in danger with him chained up, therefore she doesn’t have to waste a bullet in killing him. That bullet might be the difference between life and death in the future. 
Then there’s a more emotional approach of not wanting Clementine to be the one to have to kill Lee, forever traumatizing her even further after everything she went through with the stranger and her parents. Lee can’t ask her to do that, he can’t force this little girl to kill him just so that he won’t turn into a walker. It’ll change her.
I like to think it’s all of the above. Lee’s made sure that he can’t get to her, she’s armed and knows how to protect herself, and he cares more about her having an extra bullet that could save her life rather than wasting it on him when no matter what, death is inevitable for him. It’s like what he says about Larry if you tried to save him: 
“It's like with Larry, honey. He was goin', one way or another. But at that moment I couldn't do more violence. You have to be careful about that. It'll consume you.”
She shouldn’t do that if she doesn’t have to. Lee has no idea what’s going to happen after he dies, if he’ll just be dead and gone or if part of him will remain as a walker, or something else. He reassures her that the walker left in his place won’t actually be him, but no one actually knows that. Yet, that doesn’t matter, he cares more about Clementine than himself at this point.
But what does this choice do to Clementine?
Sure, she doesn’t have to live with the fact that she killed the man who swore to protect her, even after she was indirectly responsible for him getting bitten in the first place. He asked her to leave him there, to let him become a monster, to leave before she could see him like that. He makes sure she knows that this was the right thing, the best thing for everyone, and I do think she believed him, or at least want to, in that moment. Underneath her grief and stress of the worst day of her life, she at least had Lee’s last words to her and his reassurance that she’s going to make it through this.
But then we move onto the other seasons, and Clementine isn’t the little girl she was in the first season. Season two is pretty much summed up with: “Clementine does ANYTHING and gets punished for it.”
She goes through so much shit in S2. You can try to make all the morally good choices you want and Clementine will still end up getting slapped around, people she grows to care about fall dead all around her, and she gets a lot of blame for it. She’s forced to kill a dog that attacks her, Kenny lashes out at her more than once, blaming her for Sarita’s death no matter what you do, she can’t save Sarah, she couldn’t save Luke, everything is falling apart and by the end, everyone’s fucking dead with the exception of either Jane or Kenny, depending on you choices. 
Clementine carries all this shit with her, like Kenny and Bonnie telling her that just because she’s a little girl, she thinks she can get people killed and it’s okay since she’s sorry. Of course she’s going to internalize all of it and bring it back to Lee. She has conversations with Kenny where she’ll open up about how it was her fault he died. Kenny, for all his faults, will usually try to reassure her that it wasn’t.... but then pulls the shit he does so y’know... mixed messages that help no one.
But by the end of it, no matter what ending you get, little newborn AJ is left in Clementine’s care.
From all of this, we know that Clementine tends to blame herself for the deaths of those she cares about, which is traced back to Lee. It’s when we get to ANF that her tune changes a bit. She’s jaded, bitter, selfish, and Lee was right..... all of this violence did change her. 
I mean, she just fucking shoots the guy who traded her bad bullets, and while she didn’t mean to... she still pointed a loaded gun at his head and pulled the trigger, something Lee taught her to never do unless she had to. Then, she wants Javi to cover for her, to lie... and if you don’t, because hey murder and lying bad, she gets upset and tries to make Javi feel like an asshole for telling the truth rather than validating her actions.
When I say ANF Clementine is my least favorite, it’s because her behavior, while it makes sense, is so frustrating and unbearable at times. It making sense doesn’t excuse it. 
She steals, lies, pulls several Kennys where she gets pissy when you don’t do what she wants you to, is willing to assist in Lingard’s death if it benefits her without even considering any other options or what a dark place he’s in, and she’s at a point where she just assumes everyone around her will inevitably die or leave her. That’s just what happens, that’s why she’s alone, and as a means of coping, she tries to spin it this way to alleviate some of the pain she’s had thrown at her for years.
Now, ANF Clementine isn’t all bad, she has a lot of redeeming moments where the Clem I knew in the past two seasons will shine through. You as Javi can help her grow and get onto a better path than the one she was goin’ down. She makes friends with Gabe, which is important since as far as we know, she hasn’t had a friend close to her age since Sarah. She has hope again after David tells her AJ survived, and she has more than just survival on her mind.
It’s just.... it’s sad to think that she’s at a point where she seems to have momentarily forgotten Lee’s final words to her. And when I think about it..... this behavior would almost make more sense if she DID shoot Lee, y’know? But in this timeline we’re discussing, she didn’t, she left him to turn and he gave his reasons for why he wanted that... but she still ended up this way. Nothing he could say or do could’ve prevented that. 
But at the end of ANF, Clementine has one goal: get AJ back.
Through all of this, through ANF and before the events of TFS... I truly believe that Clementine lost herself. 
She’s forgotten a lot of the things Lee taught her, she’s forgotten about her parents in the sense of “what would they think if they saw me now,” she’s overwhelmed with all that bad that those good things, that hope she had, has been put on the backburner.
She’s been forced to live in a world that’s cruel to you no matter if you’re “good” or “bad”, and that can put you into that selfish mindset where you tend to just disregard everyone you don’t have any emotional connection to, and even then, people you’re close to will get the same treatment, whether intentional or not. It’s unflattering, unlikable, and the only reason more people don’t see that is because it’s Clementine. 
It gets to a point where she has a few different paths she can go on, and right now, she’s on a destructive one. 
I think through knowing the Garcia’s, she was put on a better path but she’s still lost. She’s hyper focused on getting AJ back. Nothing else matters, nothing will stand in her way, and that leads to a breaking point in her character.
So...the McCarroll Ranch flashback is a thing. 
The varying interpretations of this scene are interesting to discuss.
Some will say Clementine was continuing her extremely selfish and destructive behavior when she found the ranch in flames and was willing to commit more murder in order to get AJ back, even if it meant traumatizing him with the death of his caretaker, and if she had shown up earlier before they were under attack, who knows how far she would’ve gone to take him away.
Others say no, that Clementine found the ranch compromised, she was acting in self-defense when she shot Eddie and AJ’s caretaker, Helen. It was either her or Clementine, as Helen was pulling a gun out when she spotted Clem, who reacted accordingly. If she hadn’t shown up, perhaps AJ wouldn’t be alive right now. We don’t know. 
For me, it’s a bit of both. She finds the ranch and panics because yeah, it’s on fire and there are assholes running around, shooting the place up. She holds Eddie at gunpoint, demanding to know where the kids are. He thinks she’s another asshole raider and even tells her that he’s not gonna let her take a kid, and she kills him. She doesn’t try to explain herself, she just demands the info and kills him. It’s not great, but yeah, he would've hurt her if she didn’t kill him. 
Then, she hears Helen talking to AJ, who is in the locker. I don’t know why she didn’t say anything. There isn’t an option to. Maybe she thought silence was the more peaceful route, or it would give her an upper hand. But, then Helen hears here and panics, pulls out a gun, and Clementine shoots her.
This is the moment. 
She shoots this woman in the children’s room, and after examining her body, realizes that she was the one caring for AJ. Clementine is looking over this woman, and you get pieces of her thoughts like-
“She was taking care of him”
“I had no choice”
“I’m sorry”
Then, Clementine finally gets what she’s longed for- she has AJ back... and he’s covered in blood, sobbing, terrified of her. She coaxes him out of the locker and he sees his caretaker dead on the floor.
This scene, with Clementine looking at the body, walking through rubble and fire to put AJ in the car, he’s staring up at her with this unfamiliar look in his eyes.... and she stops for a second... 
I truly feel like this is the moment where Clementine is suddenly hit by everything all at once, and she’s actually questioning, “Oh god..... who am I? How did I get here and what have I done?”
She did all of this for AJ, and now she has him, so it was worth it, right? Everything she did was a necessary evil and it was worth it... right?
... but imagine if Clementine did inject Lingard, killing him. She assisted in a man's death to get here. Was taking his life necessary? If you know how the choices work, then no, it’s not. But Clementine doesn’t know that. 
If you stopped her, then she still gunned down several people to stand where she is. She’s has left AJ so wounded by killing Helen, and while we know she didn’t have a choice in the moment, AJ doesn’t understand that. He doesn’t even recognize Clementine and she can see that in the way he looks at her.
“Pulling the trigger of a gun and ending a life, Clem...you feel yourself lose something every time.....”
TFS is where I think Clementine has found herself again and that’s why she’s more balanced and likable, and there are more references to Lee and her parents.... yeah, I know it’s mostly the writers doing it for fanservice and to make us cry, but I’m choosing to look at it in the narrative rather than with that intention.
Clementine has AJ back, she’s been raising him the best way she can, she’s taught him to use a gun since he needs to protect himself, and Lee taught her when she was little, too. She’s taught him to read,  taught him survival techniques she’s picked up, all that. She’s also more playful with him, she smiles more. She’s not a bitter 13-year-old like in ANF. Survival and safety is #1 and her attitude is mostly serious, but she isn’t afraid to tease or be a little silly.
But here’s the deal..... usually when I replay the series, I’ll leave Lee to turn but I’ll have Clementine tell AJ that if she ever gets bit, he’ll shoot her.
“What?” I hear you say. “But... haven’t you been rambling on and on about how murder bad and how leaving Lee was better because she didn’t have to live with the fact that she killed him?? but you want AJ to?? CJ you make no sense!”
I know that, but allow me to elaborate. Remember, this is all my interpretation after years of replaying this series. This is the narrative I find most enjoyable. This is my Clementine and the way I interpret her. 
So, Clementine listens to Lee and leaves him to turn into a walker. He tells her that it won’t be him, he’ll be dead and gone, save the bullet. Yeah, yeah, I already covered this. But remember my “what does this do to Clementine?” question?
I swingin’ back to it because I didn’t really answer it directly, now did I? It’s basically followed up with another question: What if Clementine comes to regret leaving Lee instead of shooting him?
She herself even says that maybe she shouldn’t let him turn, and he tells her he doesn’t want her to have to do that. She listened to him, and left him behind to turn into one of the monsters that tore their world apart. She’s lived with the fact that she’s the reason Lee was bitten, that he died.... but there was always another thing that pricked needles into her guilt: Lee’s a walker. He’s going to spend the rest of eternity as a walker handcuffed to a heater. There is the big possibility that no one will ever find him, will never kill this walker version of him.
Was that the right thing to do? 
I don’t know about you, but the walker debate is kinda fun to explore, and oh boy, do they try to explore it in TFS.
It’s easy for us to be like “Nope, there is nothing to walkers because they’re dead. Nothing human is left behind. Leaving Lee is fine.” 
…but then I have to ask, why did most people shoot him when the episode released? Why do people still pick that option? You don’t want Lee to be a walker, but at the same time, it’s actually fine because nothing about him would be left behind?
Is it because you couldn’t handle seeing him as a walker and didn’t know if the ending would show it or not? It doesn’t, you know that now. Were you afraid he would hurt anyone else? Well, you chained him up. He’s not going anywhere. He’s no longer a threat. 
So why do so many people still choose to shoot Lee and insist it’s the right choice even if by this logic, it doesn’t matter if he’s a walker because it’s not him? Save the bullet, don’t put Clementine through that, right? 
Maybe you just like the way the tragedy plays out when Clementine shoots him, and that’s perfectly fine. Maybe you don’t believe there’s more to walkers, but still pick this because how can you not? It’s Lee! He can’t become a walker.
Again, I feel you. My reasons for always shooting him in the past were that. It’s Lee, he can’t become a walker. I can’t do that to him. I love him, and that would be wrong. 
But that’s the thing... I believe we’re not the only ones having this debate. Clementine is having this internal debate within herself at different points over the series, but it’s especially prominent in TFS. 
Lee asked her to leave him, but was that really the right thing to do? He took care of her, saved her life and taught her to survive, and after he was bitten, she left him to turn into a monster. He didn’t deserve that, but his final wish was for her to leave. Should she have shot him anyway, ignoring his wishes? Would that have been worse? Disrespectful? Is it okay to ignore his wish if you think he’s wrong and you think you know what’s best? 
What if there is a part of him still inside that walker form? There’s no way to know that. What if she condemned a part of him to cruel fate because she didn’t shoot him? What if he’s truly gone and she’s worrying herself over nothing? What if she had shot him and needed that bullet later, or what if the noise drew attention? 
...What about her parents? They were walkers, too... roaming the street together... are they suffering, too? Or are they truly gone? 
I believe this is what lead to her decision to tell AJ that if she ever gets bitten, he should shoot her. All of these thoughts and regrets can resurface depending on your choices, like in the dorms at the beginning of ep2.
AJ: You told me your friend Lee became a monster. But you didn't kill him... because he wasn't a threat. Is that why you didn't kill him?
Clementine: He didn't want me to. He said it would change me forever. But I know he...
AJ: He became a monster. Do you wish you did?
Clementine: Yeah.... Every day.
Or, alternatively:
Clementine: How can you ask me that? What you did is completely different.
AJ: I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make you mad, at all.
Clementine: .....I...I can still hear him. Telling me not to do it.
AJ: I said I'm sorry.
Clementine: ...I still hear it, sometimes.
and yeah, yeah, I know that this isn’t canon for everyone. Reminder that this is my Clementine interpretation and it’ll probably differ from yours, hence why we’re going over these specific choices. 
Looking at these responses, Clementine admits that she wishes she had shot Lee, that even though he told her that it would change her and she shouldn’t have to... she still left him to die alone and change. Maybe she doesn’t even fully understand WHY he asked her to do that... why didn’t he ask her to shoot him? Did he think she couldn’t? Even though he kept telling her that she had it in her to defend herself? Wasn’t he scared of what would happen afterward? What if Lee was so sick and out of it due to the bite that he wasn’t thinking right? 
Again, all these kinds of questions could possibly run through her mind, which in turn affects her choice with AJ. She doesn’t want him to go through what she did, to regret letting her turn into another monster. It’ll change him to shoot her, but it’ll also change him to let her turn.... maybe shooting her is the lesser of two evils. 
The thing about Clementine is that she’s not a perfect teacher, she doesn’t have all the answers, and all of her experiences reflect in the choices she makes with AJ. She’s trying her best. She loves AJ, he’s her family and she wants what’s best for him. She wants him to be strong, to be a better survivor who can take care of himself if something ever happened to her. But, she’s doesn’t know everything, and she forgets that yeah, AJ’s a kid... and so is she. She’s not some thirty something who has all this world experience and can always make logical decisions in every situation, and neither was Lee. 
AJ sees this towards the end of the season when he starts questioning her.
AJ: I always listened to Clem. Always. But...I've been thinking more. I don't know if she's right every time.
So while she truly believes that this is the best thing... she also won’t take AJ himself into account. Well, she does but she fails to ask him what he wants, what he thinks, and when he starts questioning her, she becomes defensive and makes him promise that he’ll shoot her even though he’s saying he doesn’t want to. 
Which leads me to two particular scenes that I think reopen the wounds and reaffirm Clementine’s thoughts and fears. We’ll start with the obvious one: James. 
I know it’s easy to just call James and his dumb walkers crazy, that walkers aren’t people, yada yada. But for fun, let’s indulge him for a moment. James is a fascinating character study with the way he’s come to view walkers, and he eventually shares these beliefs with Clementine when she asks him for help, and when you leave Lee to turn, you get this conversation:
James: They used them as a weapon. I do this...to protect them. I know it sounds strange. But that's why I brought you here. To see them as I do. As people.
Clementine: As...people?
James: Well, not people, exactly. But... Something in between. Part of us is still in there. Deep down. So few of us die anymore. We turn. Not dead, not alive.
Clementine: God, I hope that's not true. That sounds like Hell.
James: To you, maybe. I think it seems...peaceful.
AJ: Do you really think there's people inside of monsters?
James: Somewhere, yes. Think about it this way... Has someone you cared about turned?
Clementine doesn’t respond.
AJ: Clem's friend, Lee. She let him... but wishes she didn’t. 
James: Do you really think...there's nothing left of who he was?
Here’s where my Clementine will remain silent, as you can either agree or disagree with him which doesn’t feel right for her, in this case. Though a little annoying that James takes your silence personally and won’t talk about Charlie later BUT that’s a topic for another ramble. 
Anyway, Clementine doesn’t want to think about this. She’s thought about it enough, let it eat away at her longer than she should’ve, and now James is here asking her if she truly believes there’s nothing left inside the walker Lee became? She doesn’t have time to reflect on this, she has to get James’ help to save her friends. 
However, I believe this conversation stuck with her, and that’s why she gets more defensive when AJ brings up the idea that if Clem gets bit, then she should bite him, too. Like.... No, absolutely not, AJ. That’s not what we agreed on to do if she gets bit. He’ll shoot her. 
Clementine: AJ, we've talked about this. A lot. If I get bit, you know what has to happen.
AJ: I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Clementine: But you brought it up, so we're going to.
AJ: It does something weird to my stomach. Like I'm gonna get the dookies.
Clementine: AJ, I need to know you remember what we talked about. What you're supposed to do if it happens. Listen to me. If I get bit, you'll...?
AJ doesn’t respond.
Clementine: Shoot--
AJ: No! No, I'm not gonna do that.
Clementine: AJ, you promised.
AJ: I don't care. I'm not gonna shoot you! If you get bit, I'd want you to bite me, too.
Clementine: What? You don't mean that.
AJ: I don't want to be alone. Please don't be mad. I can't live with you not with me, Clem. I know we've talked about it. So much. But don't make me.
And like.... here’s an interesting thing if Clementine doubles down on this:
Clementine: Alvin Junior, if you have a gun, you shoot me. If you don't, you use your knife. No knife, a rock to the head. As many times as you have to.
AJ: I said I don't wanna!
Clementine: I don't care what you said. You will do it.
AJ: I don't care what you say!
Clementine: Goddamn it, AJ! You can't break promises.
Like jesus. She is once again so blinded by what she believes is right and what is the best option for AJ that she’s not even thinking about the fact that she’s telling him that yeah, if you have no other options, bash my face in with a rock! Holy shit, Clementine! She isn’t understanding a big thing here, the thing that factored into why Lee told her to leave him. 
Of course, there are less harsh responses but I find that one particularly interesting.
Now, lemme explore the other scene: Abel. 
So, the beginning of ep3 has Clementine and AJ talking to a tied up Abel about where the raiders took our friends. But it doesn’t take long before Abel starts spitting up blood and panicking that something’s wrong. 
Abel: Shit... I never wanted things to end like this. Everything...it all got out of hand. Now look at me. I'm a fucking mess.
AJ: Will he turn?
Abel: No! ...My...my whole life, everything I ever got, I got with my own two hands and...and my will. For my body to turn on me...to take control... I'll tell you where to find Lilly. Just promise you won't let me turn. I'm begging you.
Look, I hate Abel, he sucks..... but I also really like him as an antagonistic character and what they did with him here. 
So, we have Abel here begging for them to make sure he doesn’t turn... because Abel believes that letting some turn is cruel, he’ll even admit that he believes there are people inside of walkers and that’s why you put a bullet in them, no one deserves to be a walker. 
Abel: You wouldn't do it...you wouldn't let me become...one of those things.  What if they...what if they can feel it...when they turn?!
And after he gives you the info-
Abel: You got what you wanted. Please, don't let me become one of those things. Please... I don't want to turn...
Do keep in mind that this happens before the James scene, too. Clementine’s already got this on her mind when she meets up with him and the barn scene plays out.... but this whole thing with Abel is a lot. You can be cruel and torture him or you can play nice, or you can do a bit of both. 
And by the way, if you let him turn, it reeeally fucks with AJ. So that’s fun. 
Now not only is Clementine trying to work out a plan to get her friends back and trying to protect AJ and all that, but she’s also dealing with these thoughts and ideas presented by Abel and James..... and like, yeah I know the Lee dream sequence was intended for fanservice and to make us cry.... but I dunno, kinda funny timing that she would have a dream about Lee that night after going through both of those events in the same day as well as doing prep to infiltrate the boat. 
While I love the dream sequence and this interpretation I’m talking about probably wasn’t all that intentional given that this would've been the perfect moment to explore or even hint at it but they don’t.... but it’s fine, it’s perfectly logical that she’s more worried about her friends who are still alive rather than if she did the right thing with Lee. 
I think it’s time I move onto the actual bitten Clementine stuff before this turns into a novel sooo.... Clementine gets bit after she and AJ get separated from Louis/Violet/Tenn. She’s bitten on her wounded leg, and after all the chaos of getting away from walkers and climbing up to safety... Clementine just lies there for a bit.
And you can feel it, y’know? She and AJ knew what happened, but Clementine still has to confirm it... and when she pulls away part of her boot to reveal the bite... she lets out a deep breath and says she got bit..... but they gotta keep moving forward. No time, gotta get up, gotta keep moving, gotta get AJ to safety. Nothing else matters. 
So they walk. They walk until it’s morning and Clementine starts to look awful... and I think most of us took this opportunity to tell AJ she loves him. 
Then all hell breaks loose, they’re surrounded by walkers and have to hide out in James’ walker barn, but Clementine’s too weak to fight. This is when the game starts to have us take control of AJ, switching us between the two as Clementine shoots walkers and AJ shuts the doors. 
Until Clementine runs out of ammo. 
The walkers are locked out, they’re catching their breath... and now they have a whole new problem to deal with. Clementine’s bitten, and AJ, similar to how little Clementine was, tells Clementine she needs to try to get up and leave with him. 
Clementine: Good job, AJ. You did it.
AJ: Now what?
Clementine: You need to find a way out of here.
AJ: We can climb up there. The monsters can't reach us up there. Let's go. Easy climb. C'mon. Please...try. You can't give up! You can't give up! I need you! I need you...
She can’t get up. 
Clementine: I'm so sorry, kiddo. This is just what happens sometimes.
AJ: But...but it wasn't supposed to happen to you!
Sigh.... now here it is. This is another big moment in Clementine’s character that changes everything. It’s that moment at McCarroll Ranch again- it all hits her at once. 
Clementine: I need to make sure you remember.
AJ: Remember what?
Clementine: The rules. What's number one?
AJ: Never...never go alone. So...so I can't leave. Not without you.
Clementine: AJ...
AJ: It's your rule!
Clementine: You won't be alone. Not for long. Get back to the school.
AJ: I don't know how.
Clementine: Sure you do. One of the first things I ever taught you. You need to make sure they can't smell you. So... grab that axe.
She’s dying, she’s going to die and leave AJ behind.
Clementine: Next rule: what do we do when the monsters come?
AJ: Clem...
Clementine: AJ...
AJ: Shoot them in the head.
Clementine: Got any more ammo?
AJ: There isn't any more.
Clementine: Okay, then. Fuck. And...the last rule?
AJ: I want to stay. With you. I know what will happen. And...and I don't care. I don't want to go. I just want to sit next to you and...and stay. Like that monster couple, from the train station. No one would hurt us. Just...sitting. Forever.
Clementine: I don't want you to leave, either.
AJ: Then don't make me!
Clementine: But it's not about what I want. It's about what you need. And you need to go.
AJ: Okay, Clem. Okay.
Clementine: Last rule.
AJ: No...
Clementine: What do we do if I get bit? ....Are you gonna make me say it? 
And this is Clementine truly realizes, understands for the first time why Lee made the choice he did... why he asked her to leave him.
Clementine: Just leave.
AJ: I can't let you turn into a monster.
Clementine: You have to.
AJ: But before, you said...
Clementine: I know. But now that we're here... My heart is saying something else.
She finally gets it. 
When Lee said she’s in his shoes now...? She IS in his shoes finally understanding a part of their situation years ago that she never could. For years, she questioned how he could ask her to leave him, WHY he did. She questioned if she did the right thing, regretted listening to him.... but now that they’re here and she’s presented with the same choice Lee was... she understands why her reasons for asking AJ to shoot her if she gets bitten were skewed, that what she thought was preventively protecting him from more hurt was only doing more damage. He’s already taken a life, and just like Lee said, he’s losing a part of himself every time he does it, and if she told him to shoot Lilly, too? and if he shot Tenn? 
What is killing Clementine with an axe going to do to AJ?
What is leaving Clementine to become a walker going to do to him?
What is the right thing to do?
Well, for Clementine, her answer is to ask him to leave. She knows she told him differently, but that was when this scenario was merely a “what if?” Now it’s happening and she sees the errors in her thinking, and no matter what happens now, she’s going to die. Maybe she’ll feel it, like Abel said. Maybe James is right and she’ll spend the rest of her undead life alone in this barn. Maybe nothing will happen. It doesn’t matter. 
But... we all know, AJ has another solution up his sleeve that Clementine never considered. 
He turns to leave her... and then turns back around and disobeys her wishes... and chops off her bitten leg. 
And she fucking survives. 
Clementine survives her walker bite. 
AJ did what little Clementine back in s1 couldn’t do... he didn’t listen to her, and this time, it worked in their favor. 
Clementine: When we were in the barn, you didn't listen to me. And if you had...I'd be dead. You'll have to be strong for the both of us.
AJ: You made it so I can. So...thank you. For everything.
Clementine: You're welcome. For everything.
Clementine still has a lot of things to work though, especially now that she only has one leg. She can’t move around the way she could before, she has to completely relearn how to walk on crutches, possibly a peg leg. She gets to sit down and breathe, rely on others and do some reflection on who she is and come to terms with all the pain she suffered, and grow from there. 
Now that she understands why Lee did what he did, she can take a step in the right direction of forgiving herself, to atone for all the mistakes she’s made and the people she’s hurt. 
She has a boyfriend/girlfriend/friends there at her side to listen and love her, she has AJ, she has her lovable pupper Rosie, and she has a home... for the first time since she was little, she has a home and she can find herself again. Keep movin’ forward. 
This is my favorite line of choices, my favorite way to interpret the connection between Lee and Clementine’s scenes, and how I view Clementine’s growth and understanding as a character in TFS. There are so many ways for it all to play out, no Clementine is the same between players, and I dunno I just... I find the whole thing so compelling. 
Clementine is such a fun character to discuss, to compare interpretations of, and I’m sorry for such a long post but this is another thing I’ve wanted to throw out there for a while. Now that I’m done, I’m gonna go make some tea and chill out. 
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alolanrain · 3 years
how old is ash on yours au’s?
It really really depends and I’m finding out that I’m absolutely horrible at actually giving out somewhat concrete ages, barring a few Au’s.
Unspokenly Ash is usually around late 20 to very early 22, unless I did write down and post an age for him in what ever Au has it, but thats also more drabble and fillet based. That is… basically my standard and I really need to vocalize that more from the content that I do write him as younger.
Basically how it goes is that with each region he ages up a year. Spending his birthday at home with his mom and the Oak’s that are present at the time before going off on another adventure. This gets kind of tricky around Sinnoh because Ash stay’s there to take on The Brain. I have that written down that it takes 3 month’s to even half a year. Which then put’s off the ‘sharing the birthday with mom and oak’ thing. This lands his birthday in the middle of his current journey at the time or a bit later like right before the league or a month before, if that makes sense. So in the end he comes home obviously older. Though I have been messing around and making the time in Orange Isles shorter to around 9 months instead of a full year.
Like here’s a time table and I’ll keep both set’s of ages if I do mess around with Orange Isles time line and add it as concrete. It gets really complicated so if you want a little more explanation please don’t be afraid to ask. I am also keeping the Brain Arc to half a year.
Starting age to finishing age *0/12 means how many months he is instead of a full year.
Kanto: 10 to 11
Orange Isles: 11 to 12 or 11 to 11 + 9/12
Johto: 12 to 13 or 11 + 9/12 to 12 + 9/12
Hoenn: 13 to 14 or 12 + 9/12 to 13 + 9/12
Sinnoh: 14 to 15 or 13 + 9/12 to 14 + 9/12
+ battling the Brain: 15 to 15 + 6/12 or 14 + 9/12 to 15 + 3/12
Unova: 15 + 6/12 to 16 + 6/12 or 15 + 3/12 to 16 + 3/12
Kalos: 16 + 6/12 to 17 + 6/12 or 16 + 3/12 to 17 + 3/12
Alola: 17 + 6/12 to 18 + 6/12 or 17 + 3/12 to 18 + 3/12
Galar: 18 + 6/12 to 19 + 6/12 or 18 + 3/12 to 19 + 3/12
I just want to say that typing all this out looks like one hell of a long ass math equation, kinda hate it and might change it later. But this is my completely basic format of what I use. Of course there’s a lot of wiggle room as I write Ash starting around 20 to 21 in Alola and Galar. He’s obviously going to probably spend more the one complete year in a region and less then another. The end of the league doesn’t dictate when he stays and leaves. Theres also the months that build up between each “arc”, another word I use to refer to his journeys, and to account the HC that some leagues start off at wildly different times then others.
It’s literally just a pick-and-pull basket and just a large general target where Ash would be ages wise. As you see in the end the two different age lists end up being only 3 months part from each other. It really doesn’t matter and I’m mostly just playing around with it. Another note thats… vital isn’t the correct word but I’m use it is that I don’t take Cerise Laboratory and the research assistant job into account. This is based off if Ash travels Galar to his normal standard with every other arc but Alola but I did keep the characters.
You didn’t ask for this but I want to add in other traveling buddies and side rivals ages and how they are compared to Ash as well. Usually Ash is the youngest if not one of them up until Hoenn. With the exception of being exactly 24 hours older then Ritchie. And all of this have way to much detail but its making my ADHD brain go brrrr happily.
He’s older than May, surprisingly, by like a month and a half but he doesn’t realize that and mentally clocks that he’s younger than her because of how responsible and adult like she acts a good chunk of the time. Max is obviously the youngest while Brock is the oldest. The same thing kinda happens in Sinnoh. He’s older then Dawn by a good year and a half to maybe even two years. Though Ash is younger then Paul and Barry by a varying few months between each boy.
Unova is where it changes a lot. Going from one of the youngest to one of the oldest out of his group of friends. Iris is drastically 3 years younger then Ash, making her around 12 at the start of the arc and somewhere around 13 at the end, and around 3 and a half with Cilan. This causes her to constantly pick against Ash because to her he’s older. Ash should be acting more like a seasonal trainer with known responsibilities and shouldn’t be so excited about everything. That’s also an expectation that was subconsciously taught to her by Drayden when she was still in School in the Dragon Village. Virgil is actually the oldest being freshly turned 18 years old while Cameron is the youngest at 11 and 5 months. Stephan is like the closest to Ash’s actually age but also acts a lot more older and more adult like then he really is just by his laid back attitude. Bianca actually just turned 18 before starting her journey.
Age Note: the reason why Cilan is weird and awkward around Burgundy is not because of her short temper and brash attitude but because Burgundy just turned 13 years old. She is a legitimate child just like Iris, compared to Cilan’s 16 years and 6 months when the meet on the road for the first time and not at a connoisseur event. Her deep infatuation and how young she is really puts Cilan in a active land mine field. Unlike Iris who listens to him and actually talks, he has no clue how to interact with her. Burgundy isn’t a normal gym challenger coming to his and his brother gym for a badge or even a normal crazed simple fan. As a gentleman at heart as well he raised to talk between certain age limits close to his own and this ends up making Cilan see Burgundy actually younger then she really is. Kind of like how Iris clocked Ash as a ‘kid’ when he’s obviously older then her and more experienced.
Kalos then thrusts Ash or being the oldest out of the main group but not as a whole. Bonnies around 8 while Clemont is 2 months and a half younger then Ash. This is where I struggle a lot in placing peoples based age in Kalos is actually because of Serena. I don’t want to make her too young to which the point it’s weird and also I based the other contest girls age’s around hers. But I also don’t want to make her too old to the point that Miette, the oldest out of the contest girls no matter what, is older then Ash. The general consensus is that Miette is right in with Clemont and Ash age wise while Nini is the youngest out of the trio. So that places Serena around 13 to 14 while Nini is like 12 and 7 months. Sawyer is obviously just turned 10 while Trevor, Tierno, and Shauna are between 12 and a half to 13 and a half years old. Giving that easy bonding connection with Serena and Shauna while giving Miette a older more experienced vibe and the childlike wonder to Nini. You’d think with Alain and all Ash would be the second oldest but your wrong. Ash is exactly 1 whole week older then Alain but, much like May, he doesn’t know that and mentally clocks Alain older then he really is.
In comes Alola and this is again where I usually bump Ash up to 20 to 21 but for the sake of everything I’m going off the basic target. Ash is obviously the oldest of the class by a good year on them alone though the classes collective smarts pushed them up different grades in school so thats how their together. Kiawe was the oldest at 16 and 9 months while Sophocles is still the youngest at 12 and 3 months, again bringing in the fact that the class is super smart and its based off intelligence instead of age like with every other class. Mallow is the third oldest at 16 and 2 months with Lana following on by at 16 and 1 month. Lillie is specifically around 15 years to 13 years and 4 months based off if I want her to suffer more as a older teen or as a child, literally her age is based off if I want to traumatize her more or not. Hapu is around 12 to 13 years old despite her obvious size and squeaky-ish voice. Acerola despite being very very mature for her age is only 17 years and 4 months old. Horacio is about Ash’s age at an even 17 years old when he and his lackies first meet Ash, Sophocles, and Kiawe.
Age Note: Horacio absolutely used his age as a card against Sophocles as many times as he could to the point it was so overused. This made Ash especially angry because he hated it when people used their age against much younger kids. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you’re right.
Then we reach Galar as our final stop. Ash is once more the oldest out of him, Chloe, and Goh but not everyone else. That would be Hodge at a straight 19 years old when he first meets Ash and Goh at the Battle Frontier Flute Cup. Chloe comes at 14 and a half years old with Goh just freshly turning 14. This makes Ash’s relationship more of a mentor type distant older brother thing. Those two actually don’t find out about Ash’s age up until he and Goh get their letter so of recommendation and have to fill out the normal personal stuff. If you think Hop is close by in age with Ash then you’re wrong again. He’s actually two days younger then Chloe making Hop around 14 and a half years old as well. Marine is 13 years and 9 months old. Bede is much more closer to Ash then the others at 16 years 8 months. For Leon, Raihan, and Sonia their still very much the same in a way. Leon is still the youngest at 20 years while Raihan is the oldest at 23, leaving Sonia in the middle at 21 and a half years old.
Age note… once more: this fits perfectly for the Kanto and Galar Trios as they basically get opposite of themselves in a way. Goh who’s very oriented, loud, and on the go gets paired with marine who’s very quite and shy for the most part and their going to subconsciously teach each other that its okay to come out of your shell or its okay to take a moment and relax. Hop is very much like Ash and Goh combined with the strategies and the none stop puppy own straight crack like energy and he declares himself as Chloe’s, who’s silent and very critical and almost broody like it’s not quite there but it’s close enough, rival and is trying to teach her that battling is fun and okay and a lot of Pokemon like battling for those reason. Ash and Bede are the obvious choice for each other because once again Ash is very bright, happy-go-lucky, just sweet in general to everyone while Bede is completely broody, extremely sour, and just utterly rolling in his own image and being way to cocky.
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Pinky promise
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Steve Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: After the war, everyone returns home and tries to move on with life. Not you. You’re forced to go back to Brooklyn to take over your uncle’s bar with a constant reminder by your side that the man you loved didn’t come back to you. And her name is Sarah.
Pairing: Steve x Fem!Reader
Word count: 5.2k
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Brooklyn. It has been a long time since you’ve been there. Last time you were there Sarah Rogers told you it was too dangerous for a pregnant woman to stay around. She had a point. With most of the good men taken by the war, only the shady types remained. Scum will always find a way to get out of order.
You took Sarah’s advice back then. You left town and moved in with your brother on his farm. He got out of serving under a law that prevented all children from one family to be taken away. Their two older brothers were already fighting in the war so you and your brother were left.
But that didn’t matter, after all, you were carrying a child out of wedlock and you know how that goes. The child’s a bastard and the mother’s a whore but there’s no name for the man that left you like this. Sure, you could call him an asshole or whatever else you could think of but you don’t think of him like that. You could never think of him like that.
He was just a good man with a savior complex and a heart too big for his body. Besides, he didn’t know.
Either way, you promised yourself you’d never go back to Brooklyn in fear of bumping into him. What are you supposed to say when you see him? Hi, long time no see, this is your child, now go be a dad. That’d be mental.
But apparently you aren’t in faith’s favor. When your uncle died, you were told that you inherited his bar. The same bar you had spent endless nights at with your friends. The same bar you had gotten your first kiss in. The same bar where he told you he had to go. That thing is a scar and a half but you could never hate it.
You adored going there, working there, drinking there. It was a safe haven but now it’s old columns with bullet holes and blown out windows that need fixing. It ain’t all that bad. Some sanding and a new layer of paint oughta do it. You feel a tug at your hand. As you look down, you meet the most beautiful blue eyes with golden locks of hair. She looks so much like him.
‘Mommy, I don’t like this place.’ Her eyes are wide like a deer in the headlights, scared by all the cars and people on the streets. She’s used to the peace of your brother’s farm and you understand that the pace of the city might scare her. You kneel down next to her and put your hands on her shoulders so that she puts all her attention on you.
‘It’s just the marching band coming to play,’ you tell her in a calming voice with a comforting smile on your lips, ‘it’s just tubas and drums and loud noises. You’ll get used to it. I promise.’ You watch your little girl raise her pinky up to your face. ‘Pinky promise?’ You smile brighter as you hook your own pinky onto hers. ‘Pinky promise.’ She nods proudly as you stand up to take your keys out of your pocket and unlock the door for the both of you.
‘Y/n, is that you?’
‘Bloody hell, it’s her!’ You turn your head towards the commotion and see two girls barreling your way, almost jumping into your arms. ‘Jesus Christ woman, I missed you,’ the blonde one cries out. The brunette lets go first and smiles down at the little girl.
‘Bonnie, watch your language around the kid,’ the brunette snaps at the blonde.
‘Sorry Connie,’ she lets go of you and looks down at the kid. You put your hand on your daughter's shoulder to comfort her in meeting new people. These girls are far from strangers to you but she’s never seen them before.
‘Sweetheart, these are mommy’s friends,’ you explain to her, ‘that’s Bonnie and that’s Connie. Bonnie, Connie, this is my daughter, Sarah.’ Connie squads down to shakre the little girl’s hand with a wide smile on her face.
‘Very nice to meet you Sarah.’ Bonnie follows Connie’s movements and shakes Sarah’s hand next.
‘Yes, nice to meet you Sarah.’
‘Nice to meet you too,’ Sarah says with a shy smile but she quickly hides behind you as soon as the women get back up.
‘Goss, you’ve got your mother’s looks,’ Connie tells her, ‘that’s a good thing.’ Bonnie nods in agreement.
‘You’ve got a point there,’ she says, ‘so who’s the daddy?’ You look down at the ground for a second, feeling your stomach drop. Sarah looks up at you with hopeful eyes but opts to answering herself.
‘Daddy’s fighting bad guys,’ she proudly tells them.
‘That’s right sweetheart,’ you assure her with a weakened smile. You quickly unlock the door to the bar for her and she runs inside, excited to see what it looks like from the inside. ‘We shouldn’t talk about this outside,’ you tell the girls ‘people talk.’ They don’t ask questions about your nervous stature, they just follow.
‘Sweetheart, why don’t you go have a look upstairs,’ you tell Sarah as you hand her the key to the apartment above the bar. The apartment that’s yours now. The girl nods excitedly and runs up the stairs, more than happy to escape the unknown faces of the women that suddenly embraced her mother. A breath of relief escapes your lips as you watch her go.
Connie and Bonnie follow you into the main area of the bar. For a second, just a second, it feels like it used to on those Saturday nights when the boys would take you out dancing but you’d always end up here when the night got colder. Your uncle would always give you the first drink on the house and you’d always cheer him on for doing so. It’s a shame he’s gone so soon.
Without really thinking about it, you venture to the table in the corner where you’d usually sit with Bonnie and Connie and whoever else wanted to join. When you look down at the wood, you can still see your initials carved into it. A faint smile thugs on your lips when you run your fingers over them. It’s been too long.
‘Spill,’ Connie demands when you’re all seated. She sounds rougher than she intended to. You can tell by the way she flinches ever so slightly. She always had a way of sounding a little too harsh at the wrong moments but you know it’s never meant that way. It’s just her tone of voice.
‘I wasn’t going to come back,’ you admit with a meek smile, ‘too many memories.’
‘But you did. Why? It can’t just be the bar.’ She’s right. It never was just the bar. Though coming back might bring shame to you and Sarah, the hope of running into Sarah’s father was still there. Maybe, just maybe, you wanted to see him again.
Bonnie leans her elbows on the table in anticipation, her head resting in her palms. She looks like she’s going to hear the greatest love story ever told. If only it were that way. You hesitate to tell them why. What would they think of you if they knew before? The three of you never really did talk about children or marriage. But the truth will out one way or another and you’d rather have it out on your terms.
‘You know, you’d think with the world changing so much, we would’ve gone past calling a child a bastard but we really haven’t,’ you say as you feel your voice starts to shake, ‘poor girl deserves a dad and the dad deserves to know he’s got a child.’
‘Who is it,’ Bonnie pushes. You look up from the table with teary eyes. ‘Steve.’ It’s like the world stops for a second as the two women give each other a confused look. It’s like they can’t comprehend it. Steve, your best friend, got you pregnant.
‘Wait, skinny Steve or buff Steve,’ Connie asks you. Now it’s your turn to be confused.
‘Wha-what does that even mean? I guess skinny Steve. Was there another Steve around,’ you ask them. They share another look that means nothing to you but there’s concern in their eyes and you don’t know why. It worries you.
‘Did you have a TV on your brother’s farm?’
‘No, just a radio.’ Bonnie runs her hands through her hair and leans back in her chair, astounded by what you just said but it doesn’t give you any clearity.
‘Oh, you have to be joking,’ Connie exclaims, ‘you don’t know?’
‘Don’t know what? What should I know?’
‘Do you know who Captain America is?’
‘Yeah, he’s everywhere. Posters, toys, everything,’ you say as you let out a nervous chuckle, ‘what’s that got to do with Steve?’
‘Steve is Captain America.’
‘Okay, now you’re just talking nonsense,’ you say as you get up from your chair and walk over to the bar, seeing if it’s alright. The two chase after you quickly.
‘We’re not,’ Bonnie claims, ‘the man had some sort of experiment done on him or something.’
‘Steve is Captain America? You mean the man that couldn’t even talk to women properly?’
‘Says the one who got knocked up by him,’ Bonnie comments, earning her a slap on the arm from Connie. ‘Ouch,’ she whines, ‘I was just saying.’
‘Just because you didn’t like him doesn’t mean she didn’t,’ Connie hisses quietly to Bonnie to make her shut up. You can’t help but chuckle at the banter between the two. They basically share one brain cell and it always struck you as adorable when they seemed to be opposite sides of the brain.
‘But why’d you let me go on the double date back then,’ Bonnie asks you, knowing full well that Connie had asked you first because she had already expected something going on between Steve and you.
‘I had nothing to worry about,’ you tell her as a nostalgic grin pulls onto your lips, ‘besides, I didn’t want to have to explain why I wasn’t drinking.’ Bonnie gasps.
‘You already knew back then?’
‘Of course I knew,’ you sigh, ‘but it wasn’t a stable pregnancy yet and I just didn’t know things would change the way they did.’ Connie grabs a barstool off the ground and puts it down, taking a seat on it.
‘So why’d you leave,’ she asks.
‘When Steve left, I was worried I’d have to be on my own raising a child,’ you explain to them, ‘then his mother suggested going to my brother’s farm for a while.’ You hear the stairs creak as Sarah runs downstairs calling out to you. You call back to her to let her know where you are. When she runs into the bar, you can’t help but stare at her adoringly. She’s just so damn stunning. She runs up to you and jumps into your arms.
‘How do you like it,’ you ask her.
‘It’s great,’ she says with glowing eyes, ‘but there’s too much space for the two of us.’ Sarah had only ever lived on your brother’s farm where she had to share a room with you. She had never lived anywhere where she had her own room.
‘We’ll make it work,’ you promise her.
‘Well, we should get going,’ Connie announces, hooking her arm onto Bonnie’s to stop her from protesting, ‘but we’ll come around tomorrow to help you clean this place.
‘That would be wonderful,’ you smile at them as they take their leave. When the door closes, Sarah takes your hand in hers and looks at you with seriousness in her eyes that you had only ever seen before when Steve talked about enlisting and how important it was to him.
‘Mommy, it looks like there’s someone else living upstairs,’ she tells you.
‘Well, that’s because my uncle left his stuff here for us,’ you explain to her as you put her down, ‘let’s go lock the door and then you can show me around. Yeah?’ The girl’s eyes light up again as she nods excitedly. You can barely lock the door with her pulling at your arm.
Before you follow her up the stairs, you take one last look at the bar. The memories you’ve made there are as thick as the layers of dust on the furniture. You don’t like to admit it but you’re glad you’re back and you know now, with your little girl already being so excited, that you two are going to be just fine.
‘Y/n! We’re here!’ You jump up from behind the bar, quickly patting down your pants to rid them of dust as you walk towards the front door to greet Bonnie and Connie. Bonnie flies around your neck as she did yesterday.
‘Hi love,’ you greet her with a grin that goes from ear to ear, ‘how are you doing?’
‘We’re alright,’ Bonnie says with a mischievous look on her face as she steps aside to allow Connie to greet you.
‘We found an old friend on the way here,’ Connie tells you as she steps aside to reveal a face you haven’t seen in ages. Gosh, if it were any longer you might’ve not recognized him anymore. He looks withered but the smirk on his face is ever present as well as the cocky look in his eyes and confident stature.
‘Are my eyes deceiving me? James Buchanan Barnes, how are you doing?’ You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him into a close embrace that he accepts gratefully. His arms snake around your waist as he pulls you as close as he possibly can.
‘It’s been too long, doll,’ he says and puts his hands on your hips to distance you from him. Just so he can have a good look at you. ‘Jeez, you haven’t changed since ‘42. You look stunning.’
‘You’ve got a bit more stubble on your chin,’ you tease, ‘and a haircut would do you wonders.’ He snickers as he briefly tickles your sides. You cry out a laugh and take a few steps away, lightly jogging towards the bar knowing he’ll follow.
‘So, I hear you’re the owner of this place now,’ he says as he follows with big strides, walking around like it’s still his go-to bar. You watch him as he has a look around.
‘I am,’ you say with a proud smile, ‘my uncle left it to me.’
‘He couldn’t have left it in better hands,’ he grins at you as he stalks over to the corner table, having a look at the carved initials on it. ‘Wow, they’re still here.’ You walk over to him, watching him drag his fingers over his own initials next to yours and Steve’s.
‘They are.’
‘Where’s the little one,’ Connie asks you. Your eyes shoot over at her right as she realizes what she’s just said. Bucky doesn’t know. Her hands move in front of her mouth.
‘Little one?’ As if on que, you hear the stairs creak under the weight of Sarah’s rushed footsteps. She told you yesterday that she was excited to see your friends again, even if she had been scared of them initially. You let yourself drop into a chair and hide your face in your hands as she steps into the room. You don’t have to see Bucky’s face to know that he looks shocked. Sarah looks exactly like Steve, how could he not be shocked?
‘Mommy, who’s that?’ You look up from your hands and gesture for Sarah to get closer but she looks nervous and stays where she is.
‘It’s okay sweetheart,’ you tell her as you reach out to her. She walks over and takes your hand, hiding behind it slightly at the sight of yet another stranger. ‘Sarah, this is Bucky. Bucky is a friend of mine,’ you explain to her, ‘Connie, Bonnie, Bucky, and I would come here a lot together.’ You look up at Bucky, trying to keep eyes from poking in your eyes and failing terribly. ‘Bucky, this is Sarah. My daughter.’ Bucky nods and makes himself a bit smaller, holding out his hand to shake Sarah’s hand.
‘Nice to meet you Sarah.’
‘Nice to meet you too mister Bucky.’
‘Just Bucky is fine,’ he tells her with a friendly smile.
‘Sweetheart, why don’t you go show Bonnie and Connie where we live now,’ you suggest to her, ‘I’m sure they’d love to see the drawings you put up.’ That’s all it takes for the little girl to grab Bonnie and Connie by their skirts and drag them upstairs, leaving you and Bucky alone for a few minutes.
‘That girl looks exactly like Steve,’ he exclaims. You shoot up from your chair and hurriedly walk over to the bar.
‘Really? I hadn’t noticed.’ You reach for a rag you had been cleaning with before your friends walked in, running it over the bar to take Bucky’s attention off you as your feel a lump form in your throat. However, Bucky doesn’t do well with being avoided. He grabs your wrist and takes the rag out of your hand, throwing it somewhere you can’t just reach.
‘I know you and Steve had a fling back in the day so I’m only going to ask this once. Is she Steve’s?’ He watches as your eyes fill with tears while you try to swallow away the lump in your throat. It’s as if all the hurt and hardships you’ve been through these past years while raising Sarah suddenly wash over you. You feel your shoulders start to shake as you take your bottom lip between your teeth to keep it from quivering. Bucky’s expression softens and he pulls you into a hug, gently rubbing your back until you calm down. ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’
‘His mother asked me not to,’ you softly stammer into his ear as a sob slips from your lips, ‘I thought he was going to stay.’
‘So did I doll, so did I.’ You push off him, holding both his shoulders to keep him away from you. There’s a pit in your stomach as you try to speak but the words don’t seem to be coming out quite right. It takes a few seconds before you manage to form a sentence.
‘You can’t tell him. Please don’t tell him,’ you hear yourself beg with a shaky voice. That’s not what you wanted to say. You want Steve to know but why can’t you do it?
‘I won’t, but there’s something you have to know,’ he tells you as he takes your hand and leads you back to the corner table. His hands take yours and his thumb gently drags over the back of your hand to keep you grounded. ‘Steve is seeing someone.’
He expected you to scream, or at least cry. But you just sit there, frozen, nodding ever so slightly to let him know you understand. Your feelings are on overdrive and at this point you’re not quite sure if you’re even feeling anything.
‘Mommy, are you okay?’ Your eyes dart over to Sarah’s. Your hands move to your eyes to wipe away your tears as you see Bonnie and Connie running into the room to grab the girl.
‘Mommy is fine,’ you tell her as she walks over to you. You pick her up and set her on your lap. ‘But sometimes even mommy has to cry.’
‘Please don’t.’ You push a smile onto your face to appease your little girl.
‘I’ll try not to,’ you tell her, ‘can you go upstairs with Bonnie and Connie a little longer? I have some boring adult things to discuss with Bucky.’ She nods and jumps off your lap, dragging Bonnie and Connie along like she had done mere minutes ago.
‘She is so much like Steve,’ you tell Bucky with a small smile on your face as your eyes linger on the empty staircase, ‘you know, on my brother’s farm she used to try to resolve fights between the animals.’
‘That does sound a lot like Steve,’ Bucky chuckles as he takes her hand again, ‘I hope she doesn’t fight as much as he does.’ You shake your head, a nostalgic look in your eyes. Oh how you remember all the times Bucky had to save Steve’s ass when he got into yet another fight. It got even worse when the two of you were fooling around and a man would look at you wrong. However, you did love him for it. Maybe you still do. You’re not sure.
‘I did want to tell him,’ you say, your voice surprisingly steady, ‘I was about to send him a letter when his mother told me it would be better if I left town.’
‘She told you to leave town?’ You nod.
‘Said it would be better for my safety and the baby and she was right,’ you admit, ‘but I’ve never been able to shake the feeling that I was keeping something from him.’
‘Do you want him to know?’ You nod again and look up at him with a smile.
‘You know, we didn’t have a TV so I didn’t know he was Captain America until Bonnie and Connie told me yesterday,’ you tell him, ‘but it makes sense.’
‘It does. He was always the best of us three.’ Bucky sounds proud as he says it, as he should be. Steve has always been a good man who doesn’t let his judgement be clouded by money and power.
‘She makes my life so much more meaningful,‘ you tell Bucky proudly, ‘I know I never wanted to be a mother but she changed everything. It’s like she’s got all Steve’s good parts but it hurts that she has to withstand name calling just because she doesn’t have a dad. She doesn’t deserve that.’ You look past Bucky onto the busy streets, watching as people walk by. Children are playing on the streets, women are going to the shops, men are reading the paper and smoking, and families... Happy, complete, families walk the sidewalks with smiles on their faces. They don’t have to worry about what others think of them. You wish it was like that for Sarah.
‘Do you want them to meet?’
‘I do but it isn’t fair to either of them to just put them in a room together,’ you tell Bucky, ‘I’d have to face Steve on my own first.’
‘That’s fair, do you want me to bring him around sometime?’ You continue to stare out the window as your eye suddenly fall on someone. You feel like all color is draining from your face. No, this can’t be real. Not right now. ‘Doll?’ You nod towards the window. Bucky turns around to see Steve standing right there, looking in with a grin on his face, happily waving at you. Of course, that would just be your luck. Bucky turns back to you.
‘I can send him away if you need more time.’
‘It doesn’t matter. I’ve got to face him sometime,’ you say with a meek smile. It wipes away when you flinch from the loud bang of the front door slamming against the wall. Steve runs into the room, still wearing a grin on his face.
‘Y/n?’ You get up from your chair to greet him.
‘Hi Steve, good to see you.’ In his excitement, he runs up to you and engulfs you in a hug like you’ve never shared before. He’s so much bigger than you now. It’s almost suffocating but that could also be the nerves. However, the feeling is familiar as is his smell. It’s comforting and warm. Your arms wrap around his waist to hold him close. You’re not sure if you ever want him to let you go but he steps back after a hug that lasts a little too long.
’Jeez, you’re still as beautiful as when I left,’ he smiles.
‘And I thought you were done growing when you left,’ you try to joke, pushing your anxiety aside.
‘I thought so too,’ he says and turns to Bucky to quickly shake his hand in greeting. ‘Did you know she was back?’
‘No, I ran into Bonnie and Connie today. They found out she was back yesterday,’ Bucky tells him. ‘They’re around here somewhere to help clean the bar.’ Steve nods at Bucky’s blatant lie but he doesn’t seem to notice.
‘So, you’re running your uncle’s bar now?’ You nod but Steve can tell that you’re nervous. Your eyes are still red and puffy and he saw you cry when he looked through the window. ‘Are you okay?’ You nod, averting your eyes from him.
‘Sit down, we have to talk,’ you say as you sit back down. He looks confused as he sits down next to Bucky in his usual place. It’s a strange sight. He doesn’t fit into the picture anymore. He’s gotten too big.
‘What is it?’ You take a deep breath.
‘Listen, I can keep running around this but that wouldn’t be fair to you-’
‘You’re making me nervous Y/n.’ His eyes shoot to Bucky but he isn’t giving him anything. In fact, he’s leaning back to show to Steve that this is something between the two of you. He’s just there for moral support.
‘You have a child.’ His jaw drops as he scrambles to find the words to say.
‘I’m sorry, I have a what now?’ Bucky leans forward and hits Steve’s arm.
‘You heard her,’ he snaps, ‘Jesus, don’t you see how much this is taking out of her?’
‘It’s fine Bucky,’ you assure him.
‘Did you know,’ Steve asks Bucky and you feel the situation slipping from your fingers.
‘No, I didn’t know but it isn’t my child.’
‘Stop it,’ you snap. The men look back at you and their faces drop as they watch tears slip onto your cheeks. You grab Steve’s hand from the table. ‘Yes, you have a child. Her name is Sarah Josephine Y/l/n. I couldn’t call her Rogers because we’re not married but I thought you’d like that name for her.’
‘I do, but why am I only hearing this now,’ he asks, obviously confused and stressed. Suddenly, there is the weight of being a runaway dad on his shoulders. Even if he didn’t know about the child’s existence up until now, he still doesn’t like it.
‘Your mother asked me to move away from the city for the safety of the child,’ you explain to him, ‘and I didn’t know how to reach you. I mean, damn, I didn’t even know you changed this much.’ Steve stays quiet for a while, looking at his hand in yours as your thumb gently strokes over his skin. Your hands had always been smaller than his and he always liked how they looked next to his but for some reason he feels strange because of your touch.
‘Can I see her?’ You look from Steve to Bucky, your eyes carry worry as you wipe away your tears.
‘I don’t know. She’s already met so many new people today, it might-’ Steve squeezes your hand gently and looks up at you with hopeful eyes. Eyes that she has never been able to say no to.
‘Please?’ You sigh, taking a second to collect yourself. Why did it have to be him?
‘I just need to know one thing,’ you state, not daring to look into his eyes, ‘I know you’re dating someone but if I let you meet her, will you stay in her life? Because I can’t introduce her to her dad and then tell her that she never gets to see him again. It would break her heart.’ His hand gently slips under her chin, pushing her head up slightly so she’s looking at him.
‘I promise.’ You take a deep breath and let go of his hand as you put your pinky up.
‘Pinky promise?’ A smile spreads on his face as he hooks his pinky onto hers like he had done a thousand times before. When he promised to pick her up from somewhere, when he promised he’d stay loyal to her when going out with Bucky, when he promised he’d come back to her after the war. That last one is the only one he hadn’t made true yet.
‘Pinky promise.’ You nod, a small smile on your lips as your pinky slips from his. He watches as you walk over to the staircase and disappear for a little. When you reappear, you’re carrying a little girl. Eyes as blue as his, golden locks draping over her shoulders, and a tiny stature.
‘Sarah, I want you to meet someone,’ you tell your daughter with a gentle smile, ‘this is Steve Rogers.’ You put her down in the middle of the bar, letting her choose what to do. You watch as her eyes widen at the sight of Steve. She knows of Steve Rogers. You told her about him.
As his eyes meet those of Sarah, he gets up from his chair so fast the thing falls onto the floor, scaring Sarah into hiding behind you. His eyes fill with hurt as he watches her hide and he gets on his knees to be more on eye level with Sarah.
‘But mommy, he isn’t scrawny at all.’ You let out a laugh and kneel down next to her, putting your hand on her shoulder.
‘Scrawny? Really?’ Steve bellows a soft laugh as you shrug.
‘He was really scrawny when he was younger,’ you reassure Sarah, ‘he just got bigger.’ She wraps her hands around your arm for security as she looks at him.
‘Are you so big from fighting bad guys?’ You nod vigorously at Steve in hopes that he gets the hints.
‘Yes,’ he says with a gentle smile. That seems to put Sarah’s nerves at ease a little. She takes a step away from her and a step closer to Steve.
‘Are you a soldier?’
‘I’m a captain,’ he tells her proudly. Sarah nods, pretending to understand him as she takes another step closer.
‘Are you going to stay? Because mommy told me you weren’t with us because you had to fight bad guys in the war.’
‘Well, the war is over,’ he tells her as he peeks past Sarah at you, ‘so I think I’ll stick around a while.’ Sarah takes the last few steps towards him and puts her pinky up to him.
‘Pinky promise?’ He smiles at her and hooks her pinky onto hers, marveling at the size difference of their hands. That’s his daughter. His little girl. And just behind her is her mother. You, the amazing woman that he admired from the second he laid eyes on you.
There’s nothing in this wide, wide world that could keep him away from the two of you. And as he looks back at you and watches a tear slip onto your cheek again, he knows you know too.
‘Pinky promise.’
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One-shot - Harry Hook x Reader - Colorless - soulmate au!
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i made this cuz i was having minor writers block from rewrite and wanted to do a soulmate au oneshot. enjoy!
He had never believed it, the idea of soulmates. Someone who made in the stars just for him? That would love him no matter what? Someone he would love till the end of his life? Someone perfect to him in every which way?
Yeah right, he was not that dumb to believe something like that, villains didn’t get happy endings, or someone to love.
They didn’t need it, or deserve it.
His father's world had been black and white since he was born, he had been told that color erupted around him the first time he stepped onto a ship out on the open seas, but Harry wasn’t inclined to believe him after the 30th time he had asked what the color of something was and his father refused to answer.
Some days he looked out across the strait of Ursula to see Auradon, wondering if he did have a soulmate and if they lived there.
Somedays he dreamed of someone with a laugh that sounded like the soft bells you would hear in those Auradon commercials around the holidays, not the ones he would find that sounded like a little metal ball hitting against cheap plastic.
Sometimes he would dream that he was on a large great pirate ship, walking along the deck with someone as they sang a sea shanty with the most beautiful voice he had ever heard, he akined it to a siren that sang to sailors about their deepest loves and wishes.
Deep down he knew it was dreams of his soulmate, hinting to him so he could find them easier. But he had already convinced himself that he didn’t have one, so he did his best to ignore those dreams.
He never thought that he would be proved wrong.
When he kidnapped King Ben and informed Evie, Jay, and Carlos about the deal Uma wanted to make with Mal. He didn’t expect to look behind Carlos as see a flash of color in a pair of eyes he had sworn he had seen in his dreams.
He ignored it, turning and walking back to the crew and escorting King Ben back to the ship. It didn’t mean his mind wasn’t on those curious sparkling (e/c) eyes for the entire night.
The entire day leading to the trade for Ben, he saw flashes of (e/c) everywhere, a bead on Bonnie's bracelet, a cloth hanging from the clothing lines, a shimmer from the sea below the revenge.
He forced himself to think that it was a fluke, that those hypnotic eyes hadn’t been the ones belonging to the one that would be called his soulmate.
He threw that out the window when he was chasing after Ben and slammed into someone, his mind screamed at him to drop his weapons and catch them before they hurt themselves, he listened. His hook and sword clattered to the deck as he wrapped his arms around their waist and tugged them back on their feet.
Their colorless hair bounced a bit as they shook their head to clear their frazzled mind and looked up, Harrys breath stopped as the (e/c) eyes looked into his, the world now exploding into color.
Time froze as the two newly found soulmates started into each other's eyes, Harry's grip around their waist tightening as he started to look at them. Soft looking (h/l) (h/c) hair, blush tinted (s/c) decorated with (freckles, scars, beauty marks, whatever), (chapped, scarred, soft, plump, thin) lips agape as they stared back at him.
His soulmate…was everything the stories had said. They were perfect to him, truly made in the stars just for him.
As time resumed, Harry flinched a bit as he heard the frustrated screams of Uma and Mal. He looked up, gritting his teeth as the traitors and Ben backed up near the tunnel, calling out for someone's name.
(y/n)…that was his soulmate's name.
“Yeh have ta go” he whispered to them, releasing his grip on their waist and sliding it up to their shoulders, giving them a reassuring smile when they protested “we’ll see each other again, I promise…I’m Harry” they stopped, whispering their name back before grabbing one of his hands and pecking his palm, turning and running towards their friends, glancing back at Harry the entire time as the core four and Ben made their escape.
Harry gingerly picked up his weapons, starting at his reflection in his hook. So that’s what his mother meant when his eyes had reflected the colors of the sea. He hooked his hook on his belt and went to sheath his sword, watching as the red fabric he had tied to his sword handle fluttered in the wind.
He sighed, rolling his neck and watching as Uma stormed off, watching as her colored hair flew around her as she took the long way around the wharf to get to the other side of the tunnel. He had always told her that her hair was beautiful, but now he knew he had never lied.
He perked up as his soulmate walked on screen, wearing a crimson dress/suit with delicate details on the chest that reached down to their waist. His brow twitched as some of the crew booed at his soulmate and chucked food at the screen.
(i made three of these so be prepared)
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He ignored them, keeping his eyes on his beautiful soulmate. Their sparkling (e/c)s looked straight at the camera, looking as if they hoped they could see him through the lens.
They looked away a moment later, tuning and walking onto the ship for cotillion.
Every time the camera panned over them during the main event, Harry felt his heart flutter, just wanting to hold them in his arms again.
When Uma turned into the giant cecaelia, the water from her emerging from the sea had destroyed the cameras, cutting off the crew from watching her take over, and Harry from seeing his soulmate.
He cursed to himself, wishing he had told Uma of (y/n) before she left Uma wouldn’t accidentally hurt her.
All he could do now was wait.
It was two years before he saw his soulmate again, only getting glimpses of them through a cruddy screen, but their eyes always seemed to shine through the fuzzy and fading tv.
He and Gil snuck up behind the unsuspecting core four, leaping through the closing gap of the barrier and for the first time, stepping outside of the prison they called home.
“We did it!” he and Gil hugged each other for a moment before remembering the vks next to them, who were staring at them bewildered and apprehensively.
“uh, hey guys~!” He sang, giving a small wave before turning to Gil and gesturing towards the other end of the bridge “we were just coming for a wee visit~!” and to see (y/n) but they didn’t need to know that.
As he and Gil tried to push past the core four, Carlos and Jay pushed them back, Harry growled a bit and shoved Carlos, the younger teen bumping back into Mal and making her drop the small blue crystal in her hand.
“hey-hey!!” as she ducked down to grab it, harry swiped down with his hook and then threw his arm to the side, sending the crystal into the sky and dropping down into the sea. “no!” Mal screamed, stilling as a large turquoise tentacle reached up and grabbed it.
Uma rose from the sea, Harry and Gil looked at each other as they realized their captain and friend had returned “Drop something~” Uma purred, the tentacle holding the crystal opening to show it to Mal.
“It can't get wet, give it back before it goes out!” Uma cackled at Mal's plead.
“Uma?!” Harry and Gil yelled, the sea witch looking at them with a smile and wave.
“that’s my name~!” moments later she ducked back under the waves, Mal screaming out another objection.
The water rose up in a tunnel, rising higher than the broken bridge the vks were standing on. It burst out, spraying them with water.
Harry and Gil looked back over the edge, looking for their friend “hi boys~” they spun around, Harry grinning and holding his hook up as Uma grinned back at him.
He cackled as he walked toward her “welcome back~” Uma’s smile diminished for a moment as Gil looked at her with sad eyes.
“Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us” Mal scoffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
“yeah, planning a revenge no doubt” Uma laughed a bit, stepping away from her boys and giving a nasty smirk to Mal.
“it's not all about you Mal” Mal seemed surprised and appalled at the comeback “I was looking for a hole in the barrier, to let everybody out?” she turned back to Harry and Gil, who grinned at her “and you know what I found boys? It’s way better out there than we thought” she walked a bit closer to them, an excited spark in her eyes. “there's this thing that looks like a furry rock, called a coconut. And fish so big you can dance on their backs!” Uma looked back at Mal. “and they’ve been keeping it all for themselves~” Harry clicked his tongue in disappointment, shaking his finger a bit.
“Whatever, Uma I need that to break a spell” Mal held her hand out as if expecting Uma would just hand over the crystal with just her word.
“Cast by sleeping beauty’s daughter Audrey” Carlos continued, watching as Uma pursed her lip in fake concern.
“so, the good guys the bad guy huh?” she let out a soft laugh “well I might not give it back, just to see what happens~”
“Uma it's not the time for games, people’s lives are in danger!” harry felt his heart stop as an image of (y/n)s body came to mind, unable to move as darkness swirled around them. He shook his head, forcing his mind to pay attention to what was happening right in front of him.
“Guarantee me, that every single villain kid who wants too, can get off the isle” Mal glared a bit and shook her head.
“I can't do that” Uma just gave her a ‘really bitch’ look and walked towards the edge of the bridge.
“can't do that huh, well how bout now!” she held her hand over the edge, dangling the crystal between her fingers.
“Deal!” Mal yelled, a satisfied smirk growing on Uma’s face as she watched Mal panic “Deal.” Uma faked a stumble, Evie calling out her name to stop her from dropping the crystal.
“Uma!” Uma looked over to Evie with a satisfied look on her face “her word is good” Uma stepped away from the edge, bringing the crystal to her face and glancing from it to mal before shaking her head
“I’ll still keep this, for the time being,” Mal scoffed, crossing her arms again “because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again” Uma turned back to Harry and Gil, a wide grin on her face “this is a job for pirates!”
And with a ‘friendship’ suggestion from Evie, the vks were off to Auradon in an attempt to save it.
Another two hours, finding a courtyard of sleeping students, fighting spelled suits of armor, and then finally being sent off to find Ben, Harry was…bored.
He, Jay, Carlos, and Gil had been walking for thirty minutes through the enchanted forest but had noticed the colors around him had started to brighten, unlike they were on the isle.
‘the farther you are away from your soulmate the duller the world will be’ he remembered his mother telling him when was a babe, and it proved to be true after he met (y/n) and when they left the isle was dull again, he could see the colors but they were so drab and grey that it felt like he never found them at all.
He glanced down at his hook, smirking as his ocean blue eyes seemed to awaken with color again, the grass below him fading into that fresh green he had only heard about, looking up to see Jay and Carlos’ colors standing against the earthy tones of the forest.
He was close to his soulmate, he had to be, all he had to do now was find them as he promised.
If only a cursed beast Ben hadn't interrupted him. Jay pulled his arm out of the way, Harry spinning on his heel and sending a right hook at beast Ben's face and yelping as he turned and leaped at him.
Jay grabbed his jacket and forced him to bend back and leaned Harry towards himself, Harry spun himself back around, standing just behind Jay.
“yeh need some serious nose adjustments!” Harry snarled, flinching back as Ben roared. Ben looked between him and Gil, and snarled, leaning back on his haunches and about to leap at them.
Harry and Gil stepped back as he leaped forward, reeling his claws back to slash when a silver hilted cutlass flew between them, sticking into a tree just next to them.
The boys turned, Harry's world exploding into bright color again as he laid his eyes on (y/n). then his breath stopped as he looked at their clothes. A black button-up shirt, unbuttoned down to the middle of their chest, black ripped pants that had belts and buckles on the right leg, tall dark brown worn boots, multiple necklaces hanging between the open sides of their shirt, silver and gold rings, leather bracelets, and red and black skull stud leather fingerless gloves. “wow” Harry croaked, taking another step back as Ben swiped at (y/n).
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They ducked under the swipe and ran towards the silver hilted cutlass, flipping it in their grip and blocking a couple of swipes from Ben's claws. Within moments they trapped Ben down on his front claws, raising their brow as a sharp dark object caught their eye.
They quickly ripped out the object out of Ben's paw and leaped back as Ben roared in pain and swiped his claws up “Jane now!” (y/n) called, backing up near the boys and looking at Harry, a smile growing on their face.
Suddenly a spray of water hit Ben, a soft glow and sparkles appearing as the beast form shrunk down into Ben's human form. Jay ran forward to go help Ben as (y/n) and Harry stared at each other.
The world around them blurred away and it seemed like it was just them. Gil looked between them and smiled, turning to go join the boys and Jane as Harry and (y/n) stepped closer to each other.
“I told yeh we’d see each other, again didn’t I?” Harry hummed, letting out a soft chuckle as (y/n) bit their lip and nodded.
“yeah…how’d you get off the isle?”  Harry shrugged, looking down at (y/n)s hands and wanting to hold them.
“Malsy and the others wanted ta get the crystal or whatever n’ Gil and I took the chance to escape” (y/n) giggled, smiling at him.
“well, I’m glad you took the chance” Harry smiled back, eyes glancing back and forth between (y/n)s eyes and their lips.
“Harry, (y/n), come on, we’re heading back to Evie’s place” Gil forced them out of their little world, scaring (y/n) a bit as they snapped their head to look at Gil “sorry, but we’re leaving now” Harry sighed, closing his eyes a bit and nodded.
“Alright, we’re coming”
Uma blinked in surprise as she stared at Harry and (y/n)s intertwined hands “alright I missed something and I would like to be told what I missed” Harry looked around, sighing in relief as Gil entered the back room they were occupying.
“um, so yeh remember when we were fightin’ the others over Ben ‘n the wand?” Uma slowly nodded, her eyes glancing from their hands to (y/n) “um, well, um….yer hair is turquoise” Uma stared at him as if he was insane before it hit her.
“no.fucking.way~!” Uma squealed, a bright grin blooming on her face. Her hands flashed up to cup her cheeks “aww how cute!...why am I talking like this? Why can't I stop?” Uma continued to talk in a high pitched voice, looking from Gil to Harry slightly confused.
Harry snorted a bit and covered his mouth, looking away as Gil just started to laugh “you sound like you ate a lot of that balloon stuff” he chuckled.
“inhaled, you can’t eat helium Gil” (y/n) supplied, giving a soft smile to the sea three “I’m glad you approve Uma”
“Why wouldn’t I? you’re his soulmate. If I didn’t approve, I’d look like an asshole” Uma laughed “even if you are an Auradon kid, I can tell you’re one of the cool ones” Uma gestured to (y/n)s skull-themed clothing items, such as the gold coin necklace with a skull in the middle.
“oh” (y/n) snorted “that, yeah, I’m technically an Auradon kid I guess, but I’m different for one reason” Uma, Gil, and Harry looked at (y/n) with raised brows “I’m the descendant of the two most legendary pirates in the world~” Harry's eyes sparkled in excitement, tightening his grip on (y/n)s hand and bringing up, forcing (y/n)s attention to him.
“Who are they?” (y/n) giggled at his enthusiasm.
“Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner.”
Harry's jaw dropped, and he just stared at (y/n) for a minute “wh-why is he staring at me like that?” (y/n) chuckled, slightly unnerved with the look in Harry's eyes.
“he’s just happy that you have such bomb ass parents” Uma laughed, patting Harry’s back and walking out of the room with Gil “yall get to know each other better, we’ll be with the others”
(y/n) nodded, looking back at Harry and reaching up to cup his face. He shook at the touch and blinked, a smile replacing his awed look “yeh are so damn cool”
(y/n)s cheeks turned dark at the compliment “so um-“ they quickly thought of a way to turn the attention off of them “do you have any siblings?”
“aye, two sisters, Harriet and CJ, Harriet’s the oldest and CJs the baby” (y/n) smiled and took Harry's hand again, leading him to the window seat in the room and making him sit.
They sat down next to him and continued “I have an older brother, his name is Henry, and a soon-to-be sister-in-law, Carina. Um, what's your favorite food?”
“oooh battered fish fries, Uma makes really good ones”
“I’ll have to try them sometime.”
(y/n) watched with sad eyes as the limo with her soulmate drove back to the isle, twisting the ruby ring Harry had given them before he left.
It was slowly losing its color the farther the limo got.
“I’m sorry (y/n)” Ben muttered, trying to comfort them as they both watched the limo drive off “If I knew…I would have invited him to Auradon a long time ago”
“there's no point in saying that now” (y/n) muttered, shrugging off Ben's arm and walking back inside the dorms, ignoring the tears that were trailing down their face.
(y/n)s heart pounded as their shoes slammed against the bridge ground, just across from them as Harry, who was running straight towards them.
“Harry!” (y/n) screamed, feeling tears once more burn at their eyes and stream down their face. Harry screamed their name back, opening his arms as they finally reached each other and held onto (y/n) tightly, picking them off their feet and spinning them around.
“I’m here love, I’m here”
(y/n) pulled back for a moment, staring into Harry's ocean blue eyes, before they grabbed the lapels of Harry's jacket and pulling him in for a kiss.
Harry hummed and tilted his head, his hands drifting from (y/n)s hips up to their face, gently brushing his thumb against their cheek.
“I think our (y/n) is in good hands” Elizabeth hummed, watching from the Auradon side as her child was finally reunited with their soulmate.
“I think so too” Will muttered back, grabbing onto Elizabeth's hand and pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles.
Harry pulled back from (y/n) and looked down, grinning at the black and red outfit they were wearing “I like yer look”
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“Thanks, I got inspiration from my soulmate” (y/n) laughed, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek and pulling him to Auradon.
hoped yall liked it, personally some of it went pretty fast but i was just trying write something to warm up instead of making everything make sense lol
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @remembered-license​
@random-thoughts-003​ @descendantsobsessed​
@rintheemolion​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​
@imtryingthisout​ @verboetoperee​ 
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rome5683 · 3 years
A 'Sociopath's Touch
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Chapter Ten : Dearly Departed
Words: 6193
Summary: It's the storm after the fluff. You and Kai go to help Damon get his mom back, and everything goes wrong. Again.
Kai’s hands moved the hangers quickly down the rack, cursing when he couldn’t find what he was looking for. “Am I even in the right section- I mean, what is this?”
“This is Walmart. You get what you buy.” Damon scowled as he leaned against a wooden platform that had folded clothes against it, furring his brow at Kai.
“And it’s not exactly snowing here, either.” Jacob said from the other side of the rack, “So yeah, their selections for parkas aren’t exactly bussin’.”
Damon stood, looking at Jacob with annoyance, “What did you just say?”
“Uh…” Jacob hesitated, face filled with both anger and fear. The man who killed him was asking rudely what he just said.
“Bussin’.” Kai smirked at Jacob’s relieved expression, relief to be free from any type of confrontation, and looked to Damon with a raised brow. “What’s wrong, old man? Can’t get with the times?”
Damon scoffed, “Do you even know how to use anything that plugs in?”
Kai smiled sarcastically, “Do you even know how to speak to anyone younger than you?”
Damon was about to speak when Jacob interceded with a laugh, “Does he even know anyone older than him?”
Damon raised a brow towards your brother, “I will kill you, again.”
Kai smirked and chanted under his breath, causing Damon to groan and clutch his forehead before the spell went away. He glared at Kai, who smirked wider. “Do that, and I will kill you. Capisce?”
Damon frowned, walking away to look for his own parka.
You were indecisive at the moment- the black one looked more chic, but the white one looked so classy. You looked at Elena, who sat nearby with a bored expression. You held them both up to her, “Which one do you think I should get?”
She sighed, “I don’t know, (Y/N). Can you just hurry up?”
“God…” You rolled your eyes, deciding to go with the white parka instead of the black one. It was easier to get dirty, sure, but hell of a lot cuter. Especially with those dark jeans you would wear… and those white snow boots you spotted in the other section. You hung the black parka where it belonged, grumbling with annoyance, “You’re such a killjoy.”
“It’s not like you’re a breeze to get along with- and I don’t usually get along with people who try to threaten me, so-“
You looked at her with a raised brow as you folded the white parka over your arm, “I did what I had to do, okay? I needed a break- my family needed a break.”
She raised a brow back, crossing her arms, “So Kai’s your family now?”
You let out a soft exhale, not even thinking twice about that fact. You and Kai… you had more than just a connection. More than attraction- you had a bond. A deep and real bond. You shrugged, a hint of a smile on your lips, “Pretty much.”
Elena softened slightly, “Look, I get what you mean. At first, when I was still human- I took a break from all this for a bit.”
You nodded, remembering when she told you about the first break she had with Stefan.
“And we need it sometimes, we really do. And… I understand that you threatened me for a good reason.” She furrowed her brows in confusion, a smile on her face.
You laughed at that, causing Elena to chuckle as well. “I’m… a little sorry about that.”
Elena smiled widely, “You don’t need to be sorry. It’s all fine.”
You smiled back, until a sudden wave of nausea overcame you. You felt confused, swallowing the lump in your dry throat all of a sudden, and shoved the white parka in Elena’s hands. You ran towards the nearest restroom, running to the nearest stall. You couldn’t help it as vomit came out, and the taste of it made your face cringe.
Elena followed you, holding your back and patting your back soothingly, and looking on in confusion. “What’s happening to you?”
You flushed the toilet, gasping as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. You shook your head, standing and going to the sink to wash your hand and rinse out your mouth.
Elena gently grasped your shoulder when you were done, “Are you okay?”
You exhaled shakily, “Is it possible for vampires to get food poisoning?”
Elena spoke soft and low, “I’ve been a vampire for about two and half years now, and I’ve never-“
“It isn’t possible.” You murmured at first, then looked at Elena as you grasped her shoulders. “Tell me this isn’t possible.”
She pursed her lips, her eyes saying everything she couldn’t bring herself to say out loud. Then, she nodded with a sudden determination in her eyes. “Only one way to find out.”
You shrieked, throwing the fifth pregnancy test against the bathroom wall with frustration. A woman walked out of the nearby stall, barely glancing at you two with a frightened expression as she washed her hands and scurried out of the store’s restroom.
Elena grasped her forehead, stressing herself out, “There’s no way.”
“Obviously, there is!” You exasperated, grabbing the first four you took and showing them to her in a dramatic way. “They’re all positive, aren’t they?!”
“I mean, this is literally impossible.” She scoffed in disbelief, taking one of them and shaking her head at the positive results.
You scoffed with frustration, “We live in a world where witches, vampires, doppelgängers, wolves, and even hybrids between all those things exist. This is definitely up there on the list as possible…”
“Not to mention the other type of creatures you’ve left out…” She looked away, before looking back at you with a slightly confused expression.
You raised a brow, “What is it?”
“I mean… how much sex have you and Kai been having?” Elena let out a nervous laugh.
Your lips widened with a grin, and you looked away as you tried to wipe it off your face. You shook your head as your cheeks reddened, failing to come up with a good answer, or even estimate.
“I’m guessing it was a lot.” Elena smirked at your pink-tinted cheeks, “Anyhow, you cannot come with us today.”
You frowned, “The hell I can’t.”
“What happens if something goes wrong?” Elena stressed her words, raising her voice, “What happens if Kai and Bonnie fight, and you get hurt in the process? You can’t take that risk- you can’t leave Jacob alone-“
“Don’t you think I know that?!” You snapped, and slightly faltered at Elena’s hurt expression. You clasped your hands together in front of your face, sighing and trying to keep your composure. You looked back up at her as you spoke, “As much as Jacob matters to me, and as much as I am determined to make it back to him… I cannot risk Damon, or Bonnie, or even you leaving Kai there. I can’t let him be abandoned again. Not after everything we’ve built together...” You winced slightly, “Not after everything he’s been through.”
Elena sighed, coming closer and embracing you. You hugged her back, sighing with relief. Hopefully she would understand…
You pulled away, looking at Elena with slightly teary eyes, “Promise me that no matter what happens, you won’t tell him.”
She faltered slightly, “What do you mean?”
“If everything goes right today, I want to be the one to tell him.” You half-smiled, before going back to your serious expression. “But if it doesn’t, and something happens to me… I don’t want that extra weight on his mind.”
“But-“ Her voice slightly broke, but you shook your head.
“Elena.” You spoke sharply, making her stay silent with widened eyes. “You can never tell anyone. Please…” You pleaded with her, “Please do this for me.”
She swallowed, and nodded as she squeezed your hands reassuringly, and walked out of the restroom. You let out a shaky sigh, your hand subconsciously drifting to your abdomen… you couldn’t believe it. A part of you was elated, glad that this was even possible and that you two could practically have a future together. Another part of you was frightened to death. You were still in college, you still had a lot of plans and none of them had ever involved this… but here you were. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. And as much as you weren’t exactly prepared for a kid to be in your life, you knew Kai would be there a hundred percent of the way for your guys’ child, and you knew that no matter what, you wanted this.
You looked to the mirror, straightening your posture before inhaling sharply and exhaling slowly, and walking out of the store’s restroom.
Your eyes widened to see Elena at her lover’s side, looking at him with a pleading look. Damon looked over with a raised brow, and you felt cold at that knowing look in his eye.
Elena scowled, softly hitting his abdomen. “Promise me, Damon.”
“Fine.” He scoffed, his eyes glancing to your belly before looking at your uneasy expression with a slight smirk. “Your secret is safe with me.”
You nodded with relief, about to thank him before you were interrupted.
“Who’s secret is safe with who?” Kai popped up from behind Damon and Elena, a grin on his face. Jacob followed, wearing an amused expression.
“It’s a secret.” Damon winked at Kai, causing Elena to groan.
Jacob scoffed, “Can I at least know?”
Elena chuckled, “It’s not a secret if everyone knows.
Kai walked over to you with a slight pout, his hand drifting your waist absentmindedly. “Why are you keeping secrets from me?”
You laughed as he pecked your cheek, “It’s more of a surprise, really. I’ll tell you later.”
He grinned again, his eyes smiling as his blue eyes sparkled with delight. “Promise?”
You smirked up at him, “I promise.”
You could hear Damon scoff from the living room as you took your time getting ready in the restroom. He shouted, “Uh? Tick tock, woman! How long does it take to change?”
Elena shushed him, and Kai spoke up next. “I mean, she doesn’t take that long-“
You exited the restroom, your black skinny jeans, white boots, and white parka complimenting each other as you let your hair down. You also put on a little bit of makeup, because why not? You gave Damon a raised brow and gestured to your appearance, “You think all this magic just happens?”
Kai grinned, his winter outfit, slightly messy hair, and beard making him look scrumptious, “Looks like magic to me.”
Damon and Jacob groaned simultaneously, while Elena grinned. You blushed, smiling widely and walking into Kai’s arms as he hugged you close to him and he pecked your forehead. You looked at Jacob and sighed, “I’ll be back, okay?”
Jacob nodded, getting up and giving you a hug. “Be safe.”
“I will.” He squeezed you close, and patted your shoulder as he sat onto your guys’ couch. Damon rolled his eyes.
“Okay. Let’s get this prison world train going.” The old vampire went to open the door, letting Elena pass before he went. Kai caught the door before it closed, holding it open for you as well. You waved goodbye to Jacob through the door, and followed Damon and Elena to Damon’s car.
Elena held open the passenger seat, and you climbed in happily with Kai in tow. He grunted as he sat next to you, shifting into a comfortable position with his arm around you. You leaned into him, enjoying the feel of him against you as you closed your eyes. You woke up pretty early to go to the store for all your clothes, and Kai stayed up late to get the ascendant for the 1903 prison world which of course you waited up for him, so you were a little tired- especially considering the fact you and Kai had a little romp in the shower this morning. Again- you barely had any sleep.
You slipped into a light sleep, feeling yourself sigh as you finally slipped into the pleasing darkness that was sleep. Kai shifted a little, and you moaned with slight annoyance before getting comfortable again.
Damon grunted as he started pulling out of the parking lot, “If I hear kissing, groaning, or any other moan- I will kill you both.”
“Damon,” Elena scolded.
Kai smirked, looking down at your sleeping form. Just looking at you was enough to make him melt inside. He ran his hand through your hair, tucking it behind your ear as you sighed happily in your sleep.
“What?” Damon exasperated, clearly annoyed with your guys’ affection.
Elena shook her head with a laugh, amused at the way Damon was so bothered.
“Where are they…” Bonnie grumbled to herself, nervous as hell. Nervous, because she has been planning to kill Kai. And she was a little scared, but of course- who would admit that? Not only that- but she knew Jo could die… but a part of her didn’t care. She wanted Kai gone- or at least abandoned in the prison world like he had abandoned her. Stabbed, and left to die on her own.
As soon as the door opened, she stood. Her nerves were on end, watching them come through the door one by one. Finally, Kai and (Y/N) came through the door.
You barely glanced at Bonnie, clutching Kai’s hand with an intense hold which only made him squeeze back in reassurance. Elena went upstairs for a second, and you wondered briefly why. You weren’t scared of Bonnie, but still were tense around her.
Damon sighed, standing next to Bonnie. “Let’s get this show on the road. Kai, ascendant?”
Kai reluctantly let go of your hand, and went to take the ascendant out of his pocket. He approached Bonnie, conflicted whether to try to be nice or hold the grudge of hurting you again. However conflicted he was, he wasn’t exactly good with poker faces. His face was obviously annoyed and perplexed as he stood there with the ascendant in hand.
Bonnie pulled out a knife, cutting her hand and letting the blood trickle onto the ascendant. Kai huffed, “Damn. Crocodile Dundee called, he wants his knife back.”
You smirked to yourself, you’ve always loved Kai’s snarky comments.
“You know, he’s no longer a thing, and neither is that joke.” Bonnie quipped back, sheathing her hunting knife.
Kai raised a brow and let out a slight hiss, “Ouch.”
Elena huffed, coming back with a parka of her own and standing next to Bonnie. “Is this acceptable attire by 1903 standards?”
You shrugged, about to speak up when Damon interrupted, “Whoa, who said you’re coming?”
“To meet the woman who gave birth to the two epic loves of my life? Me.”
You grinned, “Plus I’m going, so it isn’t fair not to let Elena, out of all people, go.”
Damon scoffed, looking at Kai and Bonnie. “Isn’t there a limit?”
Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Right, which is why there’s two of us. So shall we?”
“Fine. Let’s go get Mom.” Damon huffed, and Elena grasped Bonnie’s shoulder while holding Damon’s. In turn, you grasped Kai’s shoulder and smiled encouragingly when he glanced at you with a somewhat worried expression.
“Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.” Kai chanted, and you couldn’t help but look at him in awe with the way he spoke. He really was a powerful witch. “Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.”
A bright light flashed, changing your surroundings while you were blinded- and before you knew it, you could feel the snow falling onto your hair and cheeks. You let out an amazed laugh, looking around to see you were in a snowy Mystic Falls, but in the woods. This was really amazing, and for a second- you forgot how gruesome real life magic was- and remembered how magical and awe-inspiring it was. Kai grinned at your reaction as you looked up at the snow falling.
“Well, isn’t this a picturesque slice of hell?” Damon spoke, and Bonnie let out a small sigh.
“You guys go ahead. Kai and I will start the locator spell on the ascendant.”
Elena frowned in confusion, “But Kai just has the ascendant. Why do we have to find another one?”
Kai shrugged, “The ascendant can’t travel between worlds, which means we gotta find its mirror image here in 1903.”
“Page 10 on the world-jumping rule-book. Shall we?” Damon went to walk away, not even looking back as Elena stayed behind hesitantly.
Kai wandered away, his head tilting up to stick his tongue out at the snowflakes. You smiled at his childish antics, and Elena pulled you and Bonnie aside.
“I don’t… I don’t want to leave you guys alone with him.”
You felt confused at Elena, wondering why she was so concerned when she knew how much Kai cared about you, “Elena, we’ll be fine.”
“He’s good now, remember? New leaf.” Bonnie stated, making you frown in further confusion. Bonnie wasn’t one to believe in Kai so easily.
“It’s-It’s not that.” Elena stammered, “I just…” She sighed, defeated. “Just play nice, the both of you.”
She turned, following after Damon as you and Bonnie exchanged a look of suspicion towards one another.
“New leaf.” You both turned to see Kai approaching you both, his head cocked to the side as he analyzed Bonnie. “You believe me.”
“Hell no.” Bonnie’s voice rang out with an edge, and you bristled with annoyance. “But Damon and Elena need to meet his mom alone. So shut up and help me find the ascendant.”
Bonnie held out her hand, and Kai sighed as he took off a glove and pricked his finger. As he let the blood sleep onto the other witch’s hand, he sighed somewhat awkwardly before speaking up, “You have really nice palms.”
You looked at him with a raised brow, both confused and annoyed. Kai shrugged with an awkward smile, and Bonnie scoffed under her breath.
“Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem.”
Kai stayed quiet as she changed, before blurting words out. “I really have changed, you know?”
Bonnie ignored him, continuing to chant. You placed a hand on his arm, rubbing your thumb back and forth. Kai looked at you, and grabbed your other hand, placing it on his cheek for comfort as he closed his eyes. You placed your other hand on his other cheek, and leaned forward to rest your forehead against his. “I believe you.”
Your voice was barely above a whisper, but when he heard it- he believed it. God, he loved you. He loved the way you loved him. He leaned into your hand, softly pressing his lips against your wrist with a gentle peck.
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” You both turned to see Bonnie’s disgusted expression, and Kai rolled his eyes as Bonnie walked past you both. “The ascendant is this way.”
As Bonnie walked away, Kai quickly and discreetly gave you a peck on the lips. You smiled, kissing him back before he took your hand and started to follow Bonnie through the woods.
After a couple minutes, Bonnie spoke up. “The spell feels stronger. The ascendant must be around here somewhere.”
Kai scoffed, “Why would the ascendant be here?”
Bonnie turned and frowned at him, “I don’t know. I didn’t put it here.”
Kai rolled his eyes, letting go of your hand and looking around the snow. You did the same, walking a couple paces away to look for the ascendant.
“If you don’t think I’m capable of change, why spend an entire day with me? Why bring me out in the middle of nowhere?”
You hummed in thought, wondering about what Kai was saying as you glanced around the snow for the ascendant.
“I mean… I could gut you all over again. Your friends would never even hear you scream.”
Bonnie sighed, “Because maybe you’re right. Maybe, deep down, there’s a part of me that believes there’s a sliver of good in you.”
“And you’d be right!” Kai laughed, almost disbelievingly. “Looking, looking, and… nope, they didn’t hide the ascendant in a pile of snow over here or over-“
You groaned, feeling a sharp pain as a stake went into your throat. You keeled over, grasping for it desperately. You looked behind you, seeing Bonnie raise a brow behind Kai, and you realized she must’ve thrown it with her magic.
Kai looked over, confused before sharply gasping as he was stabbed in the back by Bonnie’s large hunting knife. He fell onto the floor, attempting to crawl away when Bonnie stabbed his thigh from behind.
“Bonnie!” You heard Kai groan, and the drive to help overpowered.
You grunted, taking the stake out of your throat. You gasped, being able to breathe once more. You looked over, seeing Bonnie’s back to you as she leaned over Kai with her knife in hand.
“What are you doing?!” You screamed, making her glare back at you.
“Gaining his trust, and then stabbing him in the back? Sound familiar?!” She turned back to Kai, and your boyfriend winced in pain.
“Please, don’t, Bonnie-”
“Don’t what? Don’t-Don’t leave you here? All alone?!” She shouted, justifiably enraged. “Don’t abandon you and make you feel hopeless?!”
“Please, Bonnie! He’s changed-” You interceded.
“I have! Bonnie, please, please believe me. I’ve changed.” Kai whimpered, desperately.
“And I have to.” Bonnie spoke, her voice unwavering as she raised the knife above Kai.
You used her focus on him to speed towards her, pushing her and yourself yards away from where Kai lay on the ground. You stood using your super-speed about a foot away from Bonnie, seeing her get up with her knife, and she was suddenly charging towards you now. You held your hands out, “Wait, Bonnie! Wait!”
Bonnie didn’t stop, gritting her teeth as she used her other to cast a spell. You were suddenly immobilized, and you had to spit it out. You had to tell her.
“Bonnie, don’t! Please, I’m pregnant!”
Silence. She stopped midway, panting and looking at you in disbelief. You let out a grunt of relief, her magic releasing you now. She shook her head, “That’s-That’s not possible.”
“Bonnie…” You started, and she suddenly placed her hand on your stomach. The words died in your throat, and you looked at her confused while she closed her eyes in concentration. She gasped, eyes widened and looked at you with an unfathomable expression.
She backed away, dropping her knife with widened eyes. “You… How… You and Kai… pregnant.”
“Bonnie, he’s the father of my child, and the man I’m in love with.” You let out, somewhat disbelieving the words that came out of your own mouth. Despite that, you continued. “I know he’s hurt you, I know he’s manipulated you. I know-”
“What do you know of what I’ve been through?! What do you know of what HE put me through?!”
“Because not too long ago, he did the same to me!” You shrieked, suddenly feeling emotional when you recalled the incident with Elena. “When we kidnapped Elena, he made me bleed… he siphoned her almost to the point of desiccation. And she was hungry- and she chased me-”
Bonnie furrowed her brows with a shake of her head, “That’s literally horrible.”
“And then I ended up being killed… by you.” You finished, scoffing with humor at the whole situation. “As horrible as all of it was, here I am. With Kai, with his baby in my stomach, and begging for your forgiveness.”
“I’m not going to forgive him, (Y/N)-”
“Not for him. For me, Bonnie.” You let out another laugh, a stray tear releasing from your left eye from all the emotions you’re going through. “I don’t want this. I don’t want these fights. I want a normal life. As normal as I can get with a siphon boyfriend and a werewolf brother…”
Bonnie bit her bottom lip, suddenly perplexed with the whole situation.
“And as much as you hate Kai… Just… Please, don’t kill him. When we leave here, we’ll move away and you’ll never have to see us ever again. If that’s what it’ll take, I genuinely don’t care… Just, please, forgive me. And if not, the very least you can do is let my child have a father.”
Bonnie shook her head, turning away from you.
“Bonnie, I’m sorry. For everything that he and I have put you through, I am genuinely so sorry. I really am. I never meant to hurt you.” You sighed heavily, “I understand if you don’t accept my apology, or don’t forgive me. I get it. But I can’t let you kill Kai. I won’t.”
Bonnie huffed, turning to face you with a guilty expression. She spoke swiftly, “I never want to see either of you again.”
You let out an exhale of relief, watching Bonnie walk in the opposite direction of where she had been leading you and Kai. Oh my god, Kai!
You sped over to where you could hear his groans, and knelt by his grunting form.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, Kai.” You gasped at the sight of the blood pooling around his thigh, and could feel yourself start to panic as Kai looked at you with a desperate and pained look. All the blood, it was… you could feel your face transform at the smell of it. Your heart was beating, but his was beating louder- and you were suddenly so hungry.
“(Y/N)-” Kai’s hand grasped your thigh, and you suddenly focused back into reality.
“It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.” You bit your wrist roughly, barely even wincing at the pain. You grasped the back of Kai’s neck, helping him lean upwards and pressed your wrist against his mouth. He drank your blood greedily, and you breathed deeply, in and out, desperately trying to curb your appetite. It wasn’t like you were starving- you had dranken blood just this morning after the morning sickness incident with Elena. You were okay, you were okay…
Kai groaned into you, brows furrowed as he drank for only seconds more before pulling away. He gasped, sitting up and hissing in discomfort as his wounds started to heal. “Agh… God, that hurts like a bitch.”
You rubbed his back soothingly, still kneeling next to his sitting position, staying silent as he struggled to keep his breathing under control. He leaned his head onto your chest suddenly, and you were a little startled when he was silent, but you didn’t mind. You ran your hand through his hair, softly raking your nails against his scalp in the way Kai loved. Both of you stayed there for god knows how long in the snow, and you were brought out of your silence when Kai shivered. You gently grasped his head, moving him from your chest, and looked at his face.
He had a pensive expression, still silent and refraining from glancing at you. You purse your lips in slight annoyance, but merely let out a sigh as you gently grasped his face in your palms. “Kai… Are you okay? Are you cold? How can I help?”
“You…” The words died on his lips, but then his face went from pensive, to forlorn, to determined. “You need to leave.”
You stilled, and slightly shook your head with confusion. “What… What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you get it?” Kai suddenly pulled away from your grasp, standing and raising his voice as he spoke. “As long as I live, people will want to kill me.”
You stood, furrowing your eyebrows as he continued.
“We can’t just have a life together.”
You frowned, “Why… Why not?”
“Did you not just hear me?” He spoke harshly, his face angry and glaring. You tensed, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. “People will want to kill me- to hurt me.”
“And what about it?” You scoffed, “I don’t see how that should stop us from being together.”
“To hurt you, to hurt Jacob, is to hurt me, (Y/N)! Bonnie could’ve killed you!”
“Who cares?! That doesn’t mean we-”
“That’s exactly what it means! I have a whole coven of enemies! I have a whole family of them!”
“So?! That doesn’t matter as long as we’re together!” You could feel yourself start to get emotional, and you hated how you couldn’t control them. “As long as we’re together, we can protect each other! I’m not some fragile little-”
“I don’t care what you are, (Y/N)! I want you to leave!” He yelled sharply, making you still as he grit his teeth. “Now.”
You shook your head, “No.”
“Leave.” His voice spoke gravely, and you could feel your eyes start to tear up. You shook your head again.
“No.” You glared at him, huffing in annoyance when your voice broke. “No! I’m not going to leave you-”
“Leave, or so help me I will-”
“What?! What are you gonna do, Kai?” You stood closer, feeling your chest swell with unease and fear. Not of him, but at the loss of him. You… Kai was a part of you. You couldn’t… no.
“You’ll just stay if I do, won’t you?”
“Hell yeah I will.” You were more determined than him, more stubborn. Who did he think he was to be a martyr, out of all the times to be one? He chose when you were pregnant? This idiotic… little… hot bastard.
He stayed silent, looking away from you and at the floor as his breath hitched. You swallowed, clenching your jaw, and balling your hands into fists. What could he do?
“It’s over.” You looked up at him in alarm, his eyes dead serious as they stared down at you. You shook your head, feeling anger rise as he swallowed and nodded, confirming his own words. “I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want to be near you, near Jake, I…”
“Kai, don’t-”
“I’m breaking up with you.” His own voice slightly broke, and you winced involuntarily. The snow never felt colder, and you withheld a sob. “When we get back, we go our own separate ways. Do you understand?”
You nodded, letting out a shaky exhale as he walked past you and back where you guys had come from. The cold pricked your cheeks, pricked your nose… but the emptiness you felt in your chest was far worse. You followed Kai from a couple feet away, walking in awkward silence, and your eyes widened when you heard it.
“Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema. Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.”
“Damon! No-!” Elena’s voice cut off with a small crack, and you gasped in realization.
Bonnie had just started chanting. Elena wouldn’t leave you, of course, but Damon wouldn’t let that happen. Why would he?
Kai looked at you when he noticed you stopped in your tracks with your eyes wide as you processed what you just heard. He walked closer, “What is it?”
“Bonnie… She’s leaving us.”
You two exchanged a look before breaking into a sprint through the woods, which of course you kept at his pace, and stopped when you saw them a couple yards away. You shouted, voice weak, “Bonnie, don’t!”
Bonnie raised a brow at you, continuing to chant as an unconscious Elena rested against a standing Damon, who held hands with a woman you could only assume was Lily. How could she? Why would she? She knew only you could catch up, only you could make contact before the spell was done. She wanted you to leave Kai.
There was no time. The spell would be over soon.
You grit your teeth, grabbing onto Kai. Before he could register what you were about to do, you sped with all your might towards the group about to leave. It was like slow-motion.
You pushed Kai with all your strength towards them, a bright light just shining as you did so. Kai’s expression changed as he realized what was happening, his eyes pleading, his mouth open in a gasp as he held his hand out towards you while he himself fell backwards into the group. You jumped, closing your eyes at the blinding bright light as you reached for his hand.
You fell to the floor with a grunt. Only the floor wasn’t wood like you expected; it was snow. As soon as you opened your eyes, the cold breeze of winter seemed all the much clearer especially since you had expected warmth in the Salvatore lodging house. But no, you were still here. You let out the sob you were holding since earlier, looking around the woods as it snowed, hoping and praying you had been knocked out from the world-jump. That this was only a nightmare. Your hand went to the ascendant in front of you, running your fingers across the cold metal. God, please let this be a nightmare.
That wasn’t the case, though. You were in the 1903 prison world.
And you weren���t alone. You heard something behind you, and turned around as something tackled you onto your back. You shrieked, “Ah!”
Kai grunted as his back crashed against Damon’s front, and was immediately pushed off. As soon as his hands met the wood floor of the Salvatore house, his eyes widened. He let out a gasp, “No. No, no, no.”
He stood, bewildered and looking at a shocked Bonnie and Lily. “Bonnie! Why would you do that- What-”
Bonnie clenched her jaw, and raised her chin defiantly. “(Y/N) made her choice.”
Kai practically snarled, “We have to go back, Bonnie!”
“When we go for my family, I’m sure you could accompany us.” Lily spoke calmly, and Kai glanced at her with incredulity. He knew that Damon lied to her, of course.
“Bonnie, give me the ascendant. Now.” Kai had never been so enraged in his life. Okay, maybe he had- but nothing ever felt like this. Nothing ever hurt him like this.
Bonnie grit her teeth, “No.”
Kai moved forward, only to have a hand on his chest hold him back. Damon. Kai glared up at the vampire, who only raised a brow.
“So you lost your baby mama- get over it.” Damon spoke as if you didn’t matter. As if you were some side-piece who- how- what did he even mean by that?!
“I. Lost. EVERYTHING!” Kai shouted, his voice full of vigor, the fire in the fireplace blazing wildly as he used his magic to throw Damon against the wall and onto the floor. Lily and Bonnie gasped, and in this moment- Bonnie was reminded of Klaus’ tantrums. Kai glared at the witch who had stabbed him earlier, his rage knowing no bounds. “GIVE ME THE ASCENDANT!”
“You want your ascendant?!” Bonnie screamed, taking the one from this world out of her pocket, “Here it is!”
Kai stepped towards her when she held it up, and threw it onto the floor with all her force. Both Kai and Lily screamed, “NO!”
The ascendant fell to the floor, smashing into a million pieces. Lily sped to it, whimpering to herself as she tried to collect all the pieces. “No, no no-”
“Incendia.” Bonnie spoke, lighting it on fire with a smirk. She looked at Kai, satisfied to see his suffering. Maybe it wasn’t justice, but it tasted just as sweet. Lily gasped away from the fire, her eyes tearing up with the loss of her family. Kai’s blue eyes darkened with fury.
Bonnie went to hold her hand out, wanting to fight against Kai, but whimpered when Kai flicked her against the wall only to immobilize her against it. Kai stomped past Lily, approaching Bonnie and grabbing the sides of her head. Bonnie’s eyes widened, realizing that he’d do something just as someone else had done once before. She shook her head, frantic, but powerless. “No, Kai!”
Kai chanted, his brows furrowed and his expression cruel. He didn’t care anymore- he couldn’t. Bonnie gasped, falling to the floor with a sob when Kai pulled away.
Kai huffed, “There. Now you can’t hurt anyone.”
Bonnie shook her head, still sobbing. She couldn’t form the words. Did she feel bad? Yes. Did she feel bad about Kai feeling bad? No. But now- her magic was gone. Kai took it, just like Dr. Martin had all those years again. She felt like a little girl all of a sudden- powerless, and human.
Damon groaned on his side, looking from Bonnie to Kai. “What did you do? Kai? What did you do?”
Kai glanced back at the ascendant, barely even noticing Lily as she glared at Bonnie, and walked towards it. Slowly, he picked up every little piece, no matter how burnt.
“Kai!” Damon stood, enraged at the sight of his best friend’s sobs. “Kai, what did you do?!”
“YOU!” Lily suddenly screamed, lunging for Bonnie.
Damon cursed, speeding to stop his mom. As Damon and his mom argued over Bonnie, Kai silently walked out of the Salvatore house with all the burnt ascendant pieces. Kai didn’t care how long it would take. Kai would fix it- and Kai would get you back.
No matter what.
Well, that's all folks. I will continue this series in another work of fiction, starting right from where we left off after a short break. So it's like, gonna be about ten chapters, but be a different name... basically a sequel. Truth be told, I procrastinated so hard on this chapter because the angst was killing me. Oh, what a long time it's been. Anywho- see you in a week or two to continue this angsty and loving fic!!
@fandom-strumpet @fangirlforever2412 @1-800-khaleesii @big-boobi
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romeulusroy · 3 years
Peaky Blinders Preference: Partner Having Bipolar Disorder
A/N: I just wanna preface this and say though I have type two, I can't speak for the universal experience of this type nor the disorder as a whole. Everyone's experiences are different and completely valid! Here are two lil links here and here if you wanna know more!!! There are tons more resources as well!!! I really hope you like this my love and that others can relate/find comfort in this!!! 💕
Requested: you mentioned you write for bipolar reader and i’m so happy about that lol. if it’s possible can i please request some headcanons for junior peaky (finn, isaiah, michael, bonnie) with a bipolar s/o? thank you sm!!!! ~ anon
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Finn doesn’t quite understand. He tries to, he really does, but you know your boyfriend well enough to understand certain things just don’t click, at least not right away. He thinks of it simply as mood swings, mild ones, like the way bad news changes someone’s day. Of course it’s not, but you know things like this take time. Even if he doesn’t understand, he’s still there. Mental health goes unspoken in his home. It’s this weight on all of them that no one talks about. He might not get it 100%, but he’s proud beyond belief that you do talk about it, that you address it when so many he knows run away from it. It’s not that he’s scared, but he does distance himself when things are bad, either when your incredibly low or riding a certain high. He doesn’t want to say or do the wrong thing, he doesn’t want to encourage anything that might end up hurting you in the end. You assure him, whatever you might be dealing with, that you’ve got a grip on it, and when you don’t, that you’ll see a professional. It doesn’t change how you feel about him or your relationship, you assure him. When Finn asks if you’re okay, you know he wants a completely truthful answer in response. 
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Michael also doesn’t understand. At first, he is confused, and becomes defensive, but it’s never out of hostility or cruelty. He thinks of it as himself, like he finds days he can’t get out of bed, but he does so anyways, much like the rest of the world, so why can’t you? He gets grand ideas and notions, but he can talk himself out of it, realizing how unrealistic it all is, so why can’t you? It doesn’t really make any sense. You have to sit him down and really explain that it’s different, that these aren’t just moods, but things that impact everything. Your energy, your sleep, your appetite, everything. He did, at one point, think of you missing dates and plans, stuck in bed, or running off, completely entranced by this idea that’s taken over, disrupting your lives, as a terribly rude thing. It almost ruined your relationship at one point, until you had the courage to tell him. Looking back, he feels awful to ever think such things. You didn’t want to tell him right away. It’s so stigmatized, you were scared about what he might think. He’s not really sure how to help, and ends up going to Polly with a few questions, of which she tries her best to answer, but ultimately tells him to go to you instead. Communication is key in your relationship. It has to be to understand. 
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Bonnie asks quite a lot of questions. He’s not curious in a hurtful way, he wants to understand, to know how to help. Some of them are easier to answer than others, of course. You don’t have a straightforward answer for why you feel like this, what makes you feel this way, why you can feel this way, and he doesn’t. You don’t always have a specific name for what you’re feeling either, like mad or sad or happy don’t fully cover it, especially in the midst of a mixed episode. For a while, you don’t show this part of you to him, covering everything up with a smile, but it puts a strain on you, on your new relationship. There is a lot of worry that he won’t see you the same if you do tell him, especially in a time like this, but Bonnie assures you, he’s always there for you. And he is. He’s up with you when you can’t sleep, when your crawling out of your skin, when you need to do something to make it stop, offering healthy alternatives to some of the more self-destructive thoughts. He holds you when things are bad and reminds you that this, like every other bad feeling before, will pass. That you’ve gone through this before, you can do it again. You know how exhausted he is because you feel the same way, wishing the cycle could just stop, that all of this could go away. Bonnie assures you this is just one more thing about you to love. 
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Isaiah knows a lot about mental illness. Not the science or the specifics, especially not of bipolar disorder, but his father helps a lot of people, especially those who are dealing with mental health issues of their own. They turn to him when no one else will listen. Unlike the rest of the world, he feels not stigma towards it. That gives you a little more reassurance when tell him, but you’re still petrified to do so. It’s one thing it it’s a stranger, but you were his partner, your relationship becoming serious. If you two really were in this for the long haul, you had to be totally honest. He knew something was wrong, that you’d been acting strange, but he never though it’d be that. Still, he doesn’t back away or act shocked, he’s not as horrified as you feared. Isaiah takes it one step at a time. You know yourself best, he trusts your judgement when it comes to your health. He doesn’t intrude when you want to be alone, nor does he pull away when you need him close by. It does scare him sometimes, to think he can’t do more to help, that it’s your own mind against you, but he does what he can, reminding you there is no issue too big or too small that you can’t bring to him. 
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sholangagaga · 2 years
Glamstar Au: Chapter 16
this is a long one guys! I have really been debating how I want to separate chapters and how spaced I want certain things to be, and as such it means the chapters are longer and my sleeping time shorter!
But alas! Here's chapter 16!
WARNING; this one could get a little sensitive, so just go into this one with your feeling braced!
Chapter 16: Innocence Lost
“I’ll be sure to leave your face intact for the coroner.” Roxy grabbed Wilson by his shoulders, roughly slamming him against the dingy wall of the storage room. Behind her, Jin had finished pulling off all of the wires that bound her, tending to the injured Mark. He was breathing, but it was shallow.
“I’m going to bring him back to Parts and Service. From there I can contact security to have them send the police down. Keep him contained until then, okay?” Jin carefully lifted the man up, leaning his body weight against her. Mark was taller than she was and heavy, which was only made worse by his near unconscious state. She was basically carrying dead weight, and it hindered her ability to move quickly.
Roxy gave a slight noise of affirmation, not bothering to look as Jin carried Mark out. “No need to worry about that, Jin. This creep ain’t going anywhere.”
Wilson, still terrified, tried to appeal to the synthetic.
“Hey, c’mon! It was just a joke, I wasn’t actually going to hurt anyone!” He tried to force a laugh, but instead yelped with pain as Roxy slammed him against the wall again.
“A joke?! After everything that’s gone on in the past few days, you think this was the perfect time to make jokes?!”
Realizing his wording was only making things worse, Wilson tried to back pedal. “Listen, listen! I wasn’t the one who attacked Greg! I mean, Greg’s my friend! We’re cool! It was all Vanny! She’s the sicko who kills kids!”
“And what kind of sicko are you, who ties up women and beats up men?”
Wilson bit the inside of his cheek, trying to find the right words. “It wasn’t like that! I only tied her up so she couldn’t run away! You gotta believe me, Roxy, this is all just one big misunderstanding!”
“I’ll show you a misunderstanding you―”
The synthetic whipped around towards the voice, her eyes nearly the size of dinner plates. “Gregory! I told you to stay with Bonnie!”
The boy was in the doorway, confused and looking between the man and the machine.
“Bonnie went to the monitors. He was telling the Dread Unit to contact the security room.” Gregory stepped into the room, blinking slowly. “What are you doing to Wilson?”
Seeing a new chance present itself, Wilson layered on the theatrics, waving his hand towards the boy. “Greg! Greg, you gotta run! Roxy’s one of them!”
“What?!” The wolf dug her claws into Wilson’s shoulders, shaking him so hard his head might’ve popped clean off. “You’ve got some nerve!”
“Greg―” Wilson sputtered, using the synthetic’s display of aggression as proof. “Greg, I’ll hold her off. You gotta get out of here, before she finishes what Vanny started!”
Roxy turned back to the boy, and Gregory noticeably took a step back. A look of hurt crossed her features at the gesture.
“Gregory, it’s not true―”
“Roxy, why are you trying to hurt Wilson?” The boy asked, just a bit of shakiness in his voice. Like he was trying to act strong, but there was still an obvious hesitation. The synthetics were incapable of these types of things, weren’t they? It goes against their programming to hurt humans. But did that still apply if the synthetic was no longer in their right mind? Could they truly hurt a human if they wanted to?
Roxanne let go of Wilson and tried to appeal to Gregory. Her hands out, as non threateningly as she could in the situation. “Greg, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m not with them! Wilson is a bad man, he’s the one wh―” The synthetic was cut off mid sentence as a shock coursed through her body.
“Roxy!” Gregory cried, but if she heard him, she couldn’t respond. The shock completely incapacitated her. She slumped down against the wall, her eyes white and devoid of any consciousness. Gregory ran over to her, gently shaking her shoulders as if trying to rouse her.
“Don’t worry about it, Greg.” Wilson waved his hand a bit. In it was a device that still crackled with electricity. “I just gave her a controlled shock to subdue her. That way, she won’t try to hurt us anymore.” The man leaned down to be eye level with Gregory, putting the stun gun away. “You really saved my bacon, kid. I always knew having you around was the smartest thing a guy could do.”
“Is Roxy going to be okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine! Synthetics don’t feel pain anyways. This was more of a forced shutdown, if that makes sense. Back at the old location, when we had to salvage old synthetics, we had to zap ‘em a few times to subdue their programming bugs.”
Gregory still knelt by Roxanne, worried despite the explanations. The look on her face before she got shocked, like she was betrayed. He had made the right choice, hadn’t he?
“Greg?” Wilson extended his hand, smiling. “C’mon man. Let’s team up and get out of here. Who knows what the other synthetics are doing too. Maybe they’re also under control.”
The boy didn’t really know what to think. If Roxy was one of them, then could that mean Freddy and the others were too? What about Bonnie? He had saved Gregory, even gotten hurt over it. But it was also Bonnie’s arm that lured the technicians back here. He didn’t want to believe it, but this was Wilson. Wilson was always such a nice guy, and they ate lunch together whenever he was on site. If there was anyone he could trust, it would be Wilson.
Gregory reached out, slowly and with a bit of hesitance. Someone he could trust, someone he knew.
Gregory and Wilson whipped around towards the door and the voice that called out, each with differing reactions on their faces. Confusion and excitement for Gregory, and frustration for Wilson.
“You.” The man growled, tightening his grip on the box cutter. However, the new person simply glared at him. Unafraid and confident.
“Gregory, get away from him. He’s one of the bad guys!”
“Jaime,” Wilson said, an uncharacteristic rage bubbling in his throat. He spoke through gritted teeth, forcing a smile as best he could. “How could you say something like that? This is me we’re talking about! Don’t you remember?”
Jaime gripped the strap of her shoulder bag, something she did when she felt her resolve slipping. For some reason, she had forgotten. But now. . .
“I remember you, alright. That’s how I know that you’re no good!”
“Oh? And who could have possibly told you that?” Wilson replied coolly, considering all of this as just the bluffs of a little kid. I could spin this easily enough, he thought, his expression smug. However, once the child held up a reddened envelope for everyone to see, the color drained from Wilson’s face.
“You already know the answer to that.” Jaime’s gaze hardened at the sight of Wilson’s expression. Just as she was told, the man recognized this envelope.
“My dad told me.”
Earlier in the day, Jaime had returned from her field trip. The tongue lashing she got from her teacher was certainly something she never expected from a woman so sweet. Her classmates looked at her with contempt as well.
“What a freak.”
“Chose this place and then goes and gets in trouble!”
“Forcing us to look for the weirdo during our field trip!”
“I bet she did it on purpose.”
Jaime sat by herself in the very back of the bus. Tears pricked at the back of her eyes. She hadn’t done any of this on purpose. Why couldn’t they see that? It wasn’t her fault that she lost time. But even if she explained herself, no one believed her.
The bus stopped in her neighborhood, and kids began to file out. Jaime never really realized how many of her classmates lived so close by. Not that she ever wanted to visit them.
She left the bus last, heading to the front. She heard some giggling as she approached, and it made her walk faster. All she needed to do was leave the bus. Then she was free to go home! However, Jaime was so preoccupied with looking forward, she neglected to look down. Someone in the aisle stuck their leg out as she passed, tripping her and causing her to sprawl onto the bus floor.
Laughter erupted all around her as both her tormentors and the idle bystanders chimed in on the bullying.
“Jaime, are you okay?” her teacher reached out a hand to help her up, but didn’t silence the children around her. She didn’t even scold them for what they did! Wasn’t she watching?
The laughter seemed to never end, drowning out her senses. Jaime had never let the bullying get to her before, but something about today made it unbearable. She’d had fun today with Gregory. He was her friend, and she could talk to him without worrying about him laughing at her.
“Looks like the freak is trying to get more attention!” sneered the boy who stuck his leg out. His comment caused the laughter to begin again in full force, much to the annoyance of Jaime.
She turned to face her bullies, to face the people who never helped her or tried to befriend her, and glared at them with a malice she hadn’t felt. . .ever. The rage inside her was so intense, it felt like her eyes were burning. And it was enough to cause the laughter to stop. In fact, everyone looked at Jaime with fear now instead of their usual judgmental glances.
While not the reaction she was expecting, she was glad that they stopped. Jaime turned back to the teacher, who also looked at her with terror in her eyes.
“. . .What?”
“Your eyes. . .”
Jaime raised an eyebrow, looking up at the large interior mirror at the front of the bus. Staring back at her was, well, herself. She didn’t initially notice anything odd. Until she noticed her own eyes. They weren’t pink anymore. Now, they looked almost deep purple. But that wasn’t even the weirdest part.
Her eyes were glowing.
Jaime slammed her front door, locking it and stepping back to stare at it. She had run off the bus, and she ran hard. Ignoring the calls of her teacher, Jaime ran as fast as her legs could muster. She just had to get home, to be safe within those walls.
She placed her shoulder bag onto the dining room table, nearly spilling all of its contents in the process.
“Ugh…” the child groaned, picking up her now scattered items and shoving them back into the bag. However, she noticed something extra. Reaching in, Jaime grabbed the strange item and pulled it out. It was a little container in the shape of Freddy’s bearsona, the one with the security hat.
So cute, Jaime thought, reaching out and gently poking its nose. With a squeak, the mouth opened up to reveal a security badge.
“Oh no-” Jaime sighed, taking out the badge and turning it over in her hands. This was the badge box from earlier today. She must’ve forgotten to put it back and accidentally brought it home. Vanessa was probably looking for it. “I’ll return this later.”
Jaime set down the Freddy head and walked towards her room, still studying the badge. It was a pretty fancy looking card, with the word SECURITY at the top and a golden stamp of the Pizzaplex’s icon in the corner. When she tilted the card in the light, the colors shimmered. Holographic gloss, what a nice touch. This looked kind of like the badges her mom and dad usually wore when they went to work. In fact, they looked exactly like the other badges.
She held the card up towards the light, tilting it in a way that made the holographic finish disappear. It was extremely faint, but Jaime could make out the near invisible line of paper under the gloss. Paper?
Jaime turned and went back to the kitchen, reaching up to open a drawer by the sink. She brandished a pair of kitchen shears, holding the card by the end that clips onto the lanyard. As long as she didn’t cut the main body, the card could still be used. Very carefully, she snipped off a corner of the card. Then, using a toothpick, she pulled up a portion of the holographic laminate. Once she got a grip, she pulled it off completely, exposing the card underneath.
Just as she expected, there was paper on the card. It was covering the Pizzaplex logo and name, and with a bit of elbow grease, the paper was soon easily peeled off as well.
Jaime gently scrubbed the face of the card with a wet paper towel to get the excess glue off. Once done, she stepped back to take a good look at the words underneath.
The card face, now free from its glue-and-paper prison, had a completely different location name on it. Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place. Why did that name seem so familiar? Jaime never knew of the Pizzaplex having that name. For as long as she could remember, her mom had worked there. Her dad had died before the location was built, so he had never seen it.
“Of course they were too lazy to make brand new cards. Who reuses badges from a completely different location?” Jaime huffed, turning the card over in her hand. The Pizza Place. The. . .Pizza Place?
She blinked.
Her dad used to work at a location with that name. She remembered it distinctly, because the synthetics there were called Rockstars. Jaime had accidentally referred to Chica as “Rockstar”, and the synthetic gently informed her that they were called “Glamrock” at this location.
Another thing that stuck out to her was something her mother had told her when she was younger.
“Jaime,” Jin had said, kneeling in front of a strange metal box and holding some items that used to belong to Jaime’s father. She had been shoving things into that space ever since Michael died, a way of locking him away so that he won’t fully leave them. “One day, you’ll have to learn about your heritage. Now that your father is gone,” Jin swallowed hard, the words threatening to choke her. However, she managed to compose herself to continue. “Now that he’s gone, things are going to change around here. People might come around asking questions.”
Jaime watched as Jin shut the safe and sealed it with a colorful keycard.
“No matter what you hear or what you learn, I want you to know that you’re your own person. And nothing can change that. Do you understand?”
Jaime had said yes back then, but truthfully, she didn’t know what her mom was talking about. That wasn’t the focal point of that memory, though. She recalled her mother using a card to lock the safe.
A card that looked similar to the one she was holding.
Jaime looked all over.
Under the bed, in the dressers. Everywhere she could think of. But the safe was nowhere to be seen. Of course, it had been years since she had last seen the safe. There was no guarantee that the thing was even still in the house. She began to feel dejected. Even worse, her mother might be home any minute now. The last thing Jaime needs is a second tongue lashing today.
She pulled open the closet, pushing shirts and coats aside. The smell was a bit stale, as if the closet hadn’t been opened in years. As Jaime looked around, she realized why.
Her dad’s clothes were still hanging in the closet.
Her search momentarily derailed, she ran her hand along the fabrics, gently pushing articles of clothing back to study their designs.
T-shirts, from those day-offs that they spent at the beach during the summer and at the park during the spring. Button-ups, from his security guard shifts. Fancy suits from when he had meetings to attend. All still neatly hung up, as if he never left them.
Jaime felt the tears bubble up again, and she forced them back down. There was no reason to cry. She’d already grieved her father.
The child gasped, whirling around a bit too fast and tripping backwards, tumbling against the closet door and slamming it shut. Trapping her in suffocating darkness. She began to panic, grasping at the door knob and trying with all her might to open it. But it was wedged shut. Her tumble caused some clothing to fall between the door and it’s frame, nearly sealing the door closed. Her panic only grew as she felt the air get thinner and thinner.
She paused. At first she thought the voice was her mother, returning home and catching her red-handed. But the voice wasn’t coming from outside the door.
It was inside the closet with her.
Jaime slowly turned, expecting to be face to face with some monster. And instead, she realized it wasn’t as dark as she first thought. There was a faint purple glow, as if Jaime were holding a dim yet colorful flashlight. However, she was empty-handed. It didn’t take her long to realize the light was coming from her eyes. They really were glowing, just like they were on the bus. Admittedly, it soothed her. Any light source was a welcome sight.
“Jaime.” The voice called again, and this time Jaime didn’t run away. She approached the back of the closet, her eyes focused on a strange cube covered with fabric and shoes.
Jaime pulled the fabric aside, letting the shoes and other miscellaneous objects clutter to the ground. Underneath it all was the very thing she had been searching for; the safe.
“Ooh. . .” she dug into her pocket, pulling out the card. This was it, right? All she needed was this one card to open up the safe and get. . . what? What was she even expecting to find? Here she was, invading her mother’s privacy, and for what reason? And what was that voice? It was familiar to her, but she couldn’t place it. Something important was in that safe, and it was calling out to her.
Jaime pressed the card against the sensor on the safe, feeling both relieved and a bit nervous at the fact that it actually worked. If Fazbear Entertainment hadn’t cut corners and reused the cards, she may not have ever been able to open it. She pulled open the door, reaching in and grabbing as many items as her little hands could hold. It was all random things at first.
House keys with silly keychains. An old wallet or two that still had identification in them. Even some strange documents that Jaime couldn’t wrap her head around. The more items she pulled out, the more disheartened she became. Were her instincts wrong? It was beginning to feel like she had opened this time capsule and thereby let old and painful memories resurface for no real pay off.
Sooner or later, the safe was empty. Even with her eyes acting as a light, there was nothing left in the safe.
“All of that, for nothing.” Jaime felt the tears resurfacing. She felt so upset and hopeless over the whole situation. Tears and sadness turned to frustration and anger. Why couldn’t things just go as planned? Why did everything have to be bleak and hopeless?
Jaime grabbed the safe and with all of her might, pushed it onto its side. The act in itself was enough to burn through most of her frustration and nearly tire her out. The safe was way heavier than it looked, even while empty. She sighed, looking down to the metal box again. And blinked.
There was something stuck to the wall of the safe.
Since she had flipped the thing on its side, that meant that what she was currently looking at was the “ceiling” of the safe. Jaime pried the item off the wall, taking the majority of the duct tape along with it. She pulled off the rest of the duct tape, turning the item over in her hands. It looked to be a notebook of some sort.
From behind, the closet door slowly swung open. Jaime turned, expecting to see her mother, but there was nothing. The closet door had opened, seemingly by itself.
No, that wasn’t it. Jaime stood, holding the notebook close to her chest. “It was you, wasn’t it?” She called out, stepping towards the door frame. Nothing responded, but Jaime knew that whatever it was could hear her. “You didn’t want me to leave before I found this, right? This book? It’s something important, isn’t it?”
Jaime was outside of the closet now, looking back at the safe.
“Thank you.” she said.
After a short pause, the closet door closed on its own.
While Jaime was flipping through the notebook, an envelope fell from between its pages. It was reddish brown in color, and looked remarkably old. Or it was just poorly taken care of, with water damage and aging.
The envelope looked as if it had been opened a few times before, but the tape that had kept it shut all these years was worn and had long since lost its stickiness. Jaime gently opened the thing, worried that if she was too rough, it’d fall apart in her hands. She pulled out the paper within, looking over it. It was simply a folded letter, the perfect size of the envelope. Sort of like the stationary that came with the perfect sets of matching paper and envelopes so you didn’t have to buy anything extra.
When Jaime opened it up, she noticed there was faint handwriting, still legible, but faded from over the years. It wasn’t any handwriting that she recognized nor did it match the writing within the notebook, so this couldn’t have been written by her father. She ran her thumbs along the writing, squinting a bit to read it better.
❝I knew it was you.
You thought that disguise of yours would be enough to fool everyone? You didn’t even bother to make yourself look different! Every time I look at you, I’m totally baffled to think you’re really William’s son. How could someone so smart produce someone so stupid?
You probably didn’t even recognize me. Did you like the surfer dude accent? I thought it was a bit much, but you never seemed to care. You didn’t seem to care about a lot of things, huh?
Just so you know, it wasn’t an accident that we found that old synthetic. I knew who he was. What he became. He figured out the key to eternal life, man! Your dad’s a friggin’ genius! And a guy that smart can never be wrong.
But you, Mikey? Nah, you were just an unfortunate mistake. You set my attraction on fire, but the old man didn’t burn. You should’ve checked the rubble.
He’s got a bone to pick with some geezer, and I’m gonna help him. He said if I helped him kill some people and get him into that big ass building out in the middle of nowhere, he’d teach me the secret to living forever. That’s a deal too good to pass up. Exchanging a couple of worthless lives just so I can never die? Any smart person’d say yes in a heartbeat.
Should’ve joined us when you had the chance, man. Then again, you never were the sharpest tool in the shed.❞
Jaime flipped to the page the envelope had fallen out of, easily finding it due to the indents from years of being sandwiched between the pages. In the entry, in her father’s writing, Jaime found the answer she was looking for.
〚The bloody fool.〛 The entry began, the words dripping with malice despite their years left unread. 〚He hasn’t the foggiest idea what he’s done. Father doesn’t care about anyone. If he could abandon his own family, what could he do to some idiot with no blood relation?〛
〚Father will get rid of him once he’s no longer of use. There was never any room for two bastards with a god complex in this world. If he knew what it truly took to be immortal, he’d never have agreed. That is what it means to be a smart man. In the face of temptation, logic shines through. You ask questions. You never let yourself be a doormat.〛
〚Wilson, you damned bastard. You sold your soul to the devil, and all you’ll have to show for it is your charred remains after you burn in hell.〛
Jaime slammed the journal shut and shoved it into her bag, along with the envelope and its letter. If that man was who she thought it was, then things would only get worse at the Pizzaplex. If she hurried, she could catch the last evening bus before the establishment closed for the night.
As she left, Jaime grabbed a pair of her mother’s sunglasses from the front entry table and put them on. It wasn’t great, but it was enough to hide the dull glow from her eyes.
She shut the front door behind her and broke out into her second dead sprint of the day, praying that she’ll make it in time.
Praying that she was wrong.
Even before the bus dropped her off, Jaime could see the flashing red and blue lights surrounding the building. Police? What were the police doing here? She felt her heart jump into her throat at the implications.
She hopped off the bus and started to run towards the entrance when her logical brain finally caught up to her. There’s no way the police would allow a child in, no matter what she said. So her only option was to sneak in. Luckily it was dark out, so Jaime was able to get close to the building without anyone seeing her.
She ran around to the side entrance, reaching up for the door handle and realized that of course, it was locked. However, there weren’t any physical keys for the doors of this establishment. Everything ran on keycards and other technological advancements.
Jaime pulled out the card she got from the badge box and held it up to the scanner. The door light turned green, allowing her to open the door and duck inside. She was almost impressed at how easy it was for someone to break into this place. It was almost funny, but now wasn’t the time to be laughing.
From what she could tell, this was one of the side exits that led to the security room. That was someplace she needed to avoid. If there were cops around, the main places they would hang around would be the security room since all of the cameras were there. And speaking of cameras, she had to make sure she avoided being spotted by them as much as possible.
She rounded the corner and ducked her head down, running towards the hallway that leads away from the security rooms. Which admittedly led her to an entirely different area that she didn’t at first recognize. However, the vast amounts of washing machines eventually clued her in.
“The laundry room?”
Jaime readjusted her shoulder bag, using this brief respite as a chance to catch her breath. The nice smell of detergent did ease her frayed nerves. It was a generic brand, cheap and smelt of fresh linens, but it was a comforting scent.
She walked through the room, listening to the rumble of the machines as sheets and other things tumbled within them. She had thought it weird that none of the staff bots were around tending to the laundry. They must’ve gotten distracted with the police activity.
There was the sound of shuffling nearby, and Jaime immediately froze. Was there actually someone down here? She peaked around the corner, and saw the back of a staff bot. She actually breathed a sigh of relief. Just a staff bot. One must’ve been left here to handle the machines. That made sense.
Jaime turned, deciding to move onwards. After all, the longer she stuck around, the more likely she was going to get caught. She reached into her bag, pulling out the BonFon, and suddenly she felt hands grab her shoulders.
“Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” came the shrill voice of the staff bot. It had spun Jaime around and basically screamed in her face, startling her so bad she nearly dropped the BonFon.
“You― You’re a Security bot!” Jaime fumbled, ripping herself out of its grip. Security bots were the worst! If you get within their sight and you aren’t on their list of staff or guests, they alert others to your presence. It was a bit of an annoyance, especially if you were trying to sneak around after hours! “Who’s idea was it to have a robot that jump-scares you?!”
She had to get out of here. It would only be a matter of time before the police or the guards came to investigate. But where could she go? She had no idea where Gregory and the others were. Jaime climbed into a laundry bin full of freshly dried clothing and sheets. If she waited out here, she could leave when the guard wanders off.
“This area is off limits.”
Jaime blinked, carefully peeking her head out from under the still warm fabrics. That was fast. How did the guards get here so quickly?
“Where are you? . . . Are you lost?” the feminine voice cooed. It sounded. . .familiar. But for some reason, Jaime couldn’t place it.
“Come out, come out wherever you are. . .” The sound of clacking footsteps were heard as the figure wandered the laundry room. From where Jaime was hiding, she couldn’t see what was currently looking for her.
“I am just trying to help. . .” The voice seemed to fade away as the figure wandered farther from the room. Whoever it was, they were leaving the area.
Jaime exhaled, leaning back against the walls of the bin. That was a close call. She picked up her BonFon again, tapping the screen to pull up the camera feed for the laundry room. Better to see where the Security bot was to avoid another run in.
“Ugh, static? How do I have bad reception?” Jaime gently smacked the phone, expecting that to clear up the screen. Luckily, it did. She pulled up the feed again and swapped to the camera that was closest to where the Security bot was and noticed something in the corner. She squinted at the phone’s screen, realizing that the something she saw was actually a someone. There was someone still in the laundry room! But they were just standing there, looking down at the floor.
Jaime switched the camera feed and felt her blood run cold.
The person standing motionless wasn’t a real person at all. It was Chica. And the synthetic wasn’t staring at the ground, she was looking down into the very bin that Jaime was hiding in.
“I found you. . .” the synthetic hissed, plunging her hands into the mound of fabrics to grab at the child within. She lifted Jaime into the air, her expression uncharacteristically angry. That is, until she realized who she was holding. “. . .Jaime?”
The child, once her heart stopped thrumming in her ears and she could actually gather her thoughts, smiled sheepishly and waved to the chicken. “Hi Chica.”
“. . .Jaime?”
“Hi Chica.”
The synthetic seemed to be processing the information, her face totally blank. That is, until her brain finally caught up with the situation at hand.
“. . .Yes, it’s me. . .” How many times were they going to go into this back and forth? Actually, knowing Chica, this could go on forever. “Chica,” Jaime said, immediately catching the synthetic’s attention again. “Listen, I need to find Gregory. There’s something really important I have to tell him.”
Chica seemed to understand this, and nodded her head quickly. “Of course! Gregory and Roxy went down to Parts and Service to visit Bonnie!”
“Why is Bonnie in Parts and Service?” Jaime tilted her head, confused at the synthetic’s choice of words. Why would the rabbit be undergoing maintenance while the police were lurking around? However, Chica’s expression became somber.
“That’s right, you weren’t here when it happened. Let me explain.”
As Chica recounted the events from earlier in the night, Jaime had the sinking feeling in her gut that she really was too late. Gregory had been attacked and Bonnie had gotten hurt trying to defend him. If she had only managed to make it to the Pizzaplex sooner, would she have been able to prevent all of this from happening? Whatever train of thought she may have had was derailed when Chica suddenly shoved the child back into the laundry bin, as if hastily hiding her. She was about to ask, when she heard another voice speak up instead.
“Chica? What are you doing? Did you find whatever set off the intruder alarm?”
“Good evening, Detective! And what a wonderful evening it is to be. . .standing in the laundry room! Alone! Doing absolutely nothing!” She laughed in a robotic manner, ironically, quickly rebounding to answer his question. “Nope! I think it was just a false alarm! These Security bots, always so buggy!”
Jaime had to refrain from audibly groaning. Chica was a horrible liar!
“O. . .kay?” the detective sounded weirded out. Whether that was because of Chica’s reaction or the fact he was in the presence of a sentient robot was yet to be seen. “Head back to the main area, alright? We need to make sure we can keep tabs on all of you while we search the place.”
“Of course Detective! Thank you Detective! Buh-bye Detective!” the bird beamed, and once the officer was out of earshot, she pulled Jaime out of the laundry bin.
“Chica, never shove me into a small place ever again.” Jaime wheezed, feeling her claustrophobia slowly dissipate now that she was in the open air.
“Sorry Jaime, I panicked! It would’ve been bad if they caught you here.” Chica put her hands on her hips, shaking her head. “And it’ll be really bad if they catch you while you head to Parts and Service. I’ll help you get there, okay?”
Jaime nodded. While this wasn’t the direction she expected this encounter to take, she was glad someone was on her side.
“Oh! What did you think of my diversion? Pretty slick, huh?” Chica seemed proud of herself for driving the detective away, despite the fact that she could have very easily given them away with that horrible acting of hers.
“Uh, honestly? It was pretty. . .bad.” The synthetic looked at the child with shock in her eyes. Had she really thought that was a good reaction?! “You’re a really awful liar, Chica.”
Thanks to Chica, Jaime was able to make it down to Parts and Service without getting into any more trouble. A good thing too, Jaime didn’t think that Chica had it in her to lie her way out of another tight situation.
Bonnie was standing at the entrance to the hallway that led down to the storage area. He looked fidgety, as if he couldn’t relax. His expression seemed to soften when he saw Jaime and Chica. In return, Chica rushed to his side, placing a comforting hand on his forearm.
The rabbit smiled, grasping her hand gently. “I’m alright now.”
Chica smiled back, relieved. It was a bit of an unspoken thing, but they never really needed words. None of them did. Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, and Foxy. It always seemed like they knew each other so well, they could almost read each other’s thoughts.
“Bonnie,” Jaime interrupted, reinstating the urgency of the situation at hand. “Where’s Gregory? He came down here to see you, right?”
The synthetic nodded. “Roxy saw something and ran down the hallway. Greg followed her, and after a few minutes, Jin and Mark came out after them. He was hurt pretty badly.”
“My mother―!”
“She’s fine. She escorted Mark back to the main area to get him medical attention.” Bonnie said, turning to look down the hallway again. “It’s them I’m worried about. Jin didn’t elaborate, but she said Wilson was back there. I heard Roxy yelling a minute ago, and now everything is silent.”
Wilson. Gregory and Roxy were alone with Wilson!
Jaime sped past the synthetics and into the hallway. However, the sound of pained screaming caused her to stop and turn.
Bonnie and Chica were on their knees at the mouth of the hallway, looking as if they had just been incapacitated. As Jaime looked, she noticed smoke rising from their bodies.
“Don’t worry― about us!” Bonnie said, his voice crackling. “There’s something― We can’t- pass this threshold. . .Programming. . .malfunctioned―” he sounded like he’d just been violently electrocuted.
“Jaime―” Chica seemed even worse for wear, her voice box damaged from the controlled shock. “Something’s wrong. . .Go help― Gregory and Roxy-”
The child nodded, turning and sprinting down the hallway. She was worried about the synthetics, but at least where they were, they weren’t in danger anymore unless they tried to follow.
The same couldn’t be said for Gregory and Roxy.
Jaime stood, the reddened envelope in one hand and her eyes locked on Wilson. Judging by his reaction, he remembered the letter. And he remembered what was written in it.
“Your dad is dead, you little brat. What could he have possibly told you? News flash, kids; Ghosts can’t speak!”
“I read the letter.”
Wilson shut his mouth, glaring down at the child. Gregory quickly sided with Jaime, and she was relieved to see he wasn’t hurt.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I trust you. And I trust Roxy, who you hurt!” Gregory turned to face Wilson, his expression twisted with anger and betrayal. “You made me doubt her! I’m never going to forgive you for that!”
“Oh spare me the theatrics!” Wilson rolled his eyes. He was growing tired of the situation, tapping his fist against his forehead as he racked his brain for an outcome to this situation. “You’re such a stupid kid. If you had gone along with me, then I would’ve let you out of here alive. But now you’re listening to that little bastard.”
Jaime narrowed her eyes at him, though it was hard to really see due to the shades she was wearing.
“What an absolute disgrace you turned out to be. Jin went through childbirth to have a son, only for you to start pretending to be a girl! I guess I should’ve expected Michael would create nothing but disappointments. If I was your dad, you would’ve grown into a real man! Not whatever this is.”
“What are you talking about?” Gregory turned to Jaime, confused. “Jaime?”
All eyes on her. Wilson’s words were already ripping her apart, but the last person she wanted to look at her like a weirdo was Gregory.
“Gotcha!” Wilson lunged forward and grabbed Jaime by one of her pigtails, yanking her back towards him. Her sunglasses clattered to the ground beside their feet. “You little brat, trying to blackmail me? Two can play at that game!” He extended the box cutter, exposing it’s blade. “I was planning on leaving you be, since you’re the boss’ grandkid or whatever. But now, Uncle Wilson is pissed.”
“Let her go!” Gregory cried, stepping forward but was immediately shooed back once Wilson waved the blade at him.
“Didn’t you hear? Jaime isn’t a ‘her’. He’s just a boy in a skirt! To think, turning on your main man Wilson for this? I thought we had something!” He tilted his head back to laugh, and suddenly shivered. It felt like there were eyes on him, eyes filled with malice and hatred. Wilson looked around, worried that Roxy had reactivated, but she was still slumped in the corner. Gregory and Jaime were preoccupied with each other. So what was this chill slithering down his spine? He turned, and nearly stumbled over himself.
The endoskeleton in the corner was looking at him. Not just its eyes, it’s entire head was turned towards him. Was it always looking in that direction? He had barely paid any mind to it, seeing as it was old and withered. But now it felt like it was staring directly at him, its yellowed eyes lifeless and yet filled with an emotion he couldn’t place. Like it knew what he was doing, and was warning him to stop.
“I don’t care!”
Gregory’s words snapped Wilson out of his daydream, and the man turned to face him.
“I don’t care if Jaime is a boy, or a girl, or a synthetic, or whatever! She’s my friend, and that’s all that matters to me.” Gregory didn’t have much in terms of weapons, but he picked up the nearest thing he could find. An old wrench, caked with rust. “I beat one crazy adult today. I don’t mind kicking the ass of another one.”
Jaime felt a swirl of positive emotions at Gregory coming to her defense. So much so, she was ready to shed tears of happiness! But happiness can wait. Right now, there were more important things to worry about.
She looked up at Wilson, her eyes burning with the same hatred he had felt only moments ago. “And stop talking bad about my father.” With all of her might, she stomped on Wilson’s toes and tried to dash out of his grip
The man howled in pain, swinging the box cutter at her neck. All of the commotion caused him to miss, however, and instead he lopped off the pigtail he was holding onto. Now freed, Jaime ran back over to Gregory, picking up a different rusted item to use as a weapon.
“Arggh! You’re just two kids! Why don’t you just lay down and die already!? Vanny had the right idea, gutting those brats the way she did. I think I’ll take a page out of her book!” He raised the box cutter over his head. The two children’s faces suddenly became overcome with fear.
That’s right! Wilson thought, grinning like a madman. Be afraid of me!
He took a step closer and noticed that the children weren’t actually looking at him. They were looking at something behind him.
Confused, Wilson turned around. It was the endoskeleton. It had gotten closer, so close that it was standing directly behind him. It’s withered and fraying arms were outstretched, like it was going to grab him with its large, clawed hands. It’s purple eyes seemed to glow as they stared directly at him.
“Ahh!” Wilson jumped back, stumbling over Roxy’s legs. He fell backwards, his head smashing against the corner of the metal table with a sickening crunch. His body tumbled to the floor, unmoving.
“Is he―” Jaime whispered as Gregory cautiously approached, wrench ready to be swung.
The children jumped away from the body, their eyes alight with fear until they realized that the growl they heard was Roxy’s. She was awake! Gregory and Jaime dove into her arms, and she immediately scooped them up into a tight hug.
“Are you okay?!”
The wolf sighed, flipping her hair with an exasperated expression. “I’m fine. My hair’s a fuckin’ mess, though.” She turned to look at Wilson, grimacing as a pool of blood spread out from around his head. “Serves him right. How did you two manage that?”
“We didn’t.” Gregory shook his head, tossing the wrench aside now that it was no longer needed. “That endoskeleton did.”
The three turned, and there the endo stood. Or, kneeled. When they weren’t looking, it lowered itself onto one knee. As if it were trying to be at the same height as the children.
As if it were waiting for something.
Jaime broke away from Roxy’s protective grasp, approaching the unfinished synthetic. Despite the tenseness, neither Gregory nor Roxy tried to stop her.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” Jaime asked, twiddling her fingers. “You followed me from back home, to make sure I was safe.”
The endoskeleton didn’t move nor respond, but it was obvious that it was listening intently. Despite lacking a true face, it’s expression seemed gentle.
“Thank you. I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t help me today. Oh, and that’s Gregory.” Jaime moved aside and pointed to the boy, who meekly waved in response. “He’s my friend. He still likes me, even though I’m weird.
“And, I want you to know that I’m really sorry for being weird. I started dressing like this because I felt better this way. But I caused problems for Mother. And for you. You’re probably disappointed in the person I’m tur―” Jaime blinked, cut off by the feeling of something pressing against her forehead. It was the endoskeleton’s head. It had tilted it’s head forward to gently touch foreheads with her. She gave a watery smile, feeling the tears bubbling up in the corners of her eyes.
“That’s right,” Jaime whispered, wiping away tears. “How could you ever be disappointed in me? I’m your hero, after all.”
When Jaime looked up again, the endoskeleton’s expression seemed softer. Warmer. Proud.
Jaime threw her arms around the synthetic’s shoulders.
“And you’ll always be my hero.”
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altr5312916195 · 3 years
The Ghoul Boys' Pizza Party
“I can’t believe I let you dupe me into coming to a children's pizza place, Ryan. You really got me on this one.”
Shane told his partner as they stood outside of the abandoned building.
“Okay, yes it’s an odd place to be, but you know there’s been some stories since the opening of Freddy’s.”
“Oh, do tell.”
Shane said, feigning interest as they approached the doors.
“There’s legends of child murders, shady business and family affairs. A few of the restaurants went up in flames.”
Ryan explained. The pair walked up to the doors with the owner, and their crew behind them. The man unlocked the doors.
“Not this one though?”
“Not this one.”
Ryan confirmed as the man pushed the doors open.
“Have fun dudes, I’ll see you at six.” He chuckled.
He handed them pale blue button ups, a golden security badge sitting on top of the folded shirt.
Let’s try not to die in a fire.”
Shane said, as he pulled on his shirt, fastening the badge to it.
“No promises.”
Ryan told him, being the first to step inside, buttoning his shirt.
“Oh look at the confidence!
The swagger ole’ Bergara has tonight.”
Shane chuckled as he walked behind.
The door clicked behind the crew as the owner locked them in for the night.
“I got a good feeling about this one.”
Ryan looked back at Shane with a smile.
“As in we’ll find some ghosts, or we’ll be ghoul free and you’ll go home and sleep well?”
“I’m not so sure yet.”
He noted, while dragging his hand across the damp wall. He found some light switches along the way and flicked them on. The overheads failed to power up, but the stage lights flickered on.
“Oh I truly hate that.”
Shane noted as the stage lit up, getting a good look at some tattered animatronics.
“Yeah that’s.. Not what you want to see.”
The Boys stepped to the edge of the stage, while the big three loomed over them.
“So tell me about the lore here. What are we looking at, I seem to recall child murder.”
Shane broke the silence.
“Yes! Lore..”
Ryan broke out of his trance and looked to Shane.
“Fredbear’s Family Diner opened in the early 70’s.”
“Oh they beat Chuck E?”
“Sure did.”
“The old cheese miser, they beat em to it.”
‘No one said they did a good job though.”
“Oh of course not..
Child murder isn’t good for the business,
Ryan c’mon! You should know that.”
“Hey, don’t jump ahead now hold on. So the little restaurant does well on it’s own for a time. It’s owned by one guy, guy decides it’s time to branch out.”
*chuckles* “Does guy have a name?”
“He does.”
*Gasp* “He does!”
“It’s Henry.”
“Henry, no last name?”
That is correct.”
“Oh that’s- *laughs* Wonderful.”
“Right so he teams up with this man.”
“Oh a partnership!
Does he have a name?”
“William Afton.”
“A last name too! What a lucky guy!”
*chuckles* “His full name is in the police report”
“But not Henry’s? He builds this business
From ground up and they don’t even give him
A proper name. What horse shit.”
“The disrespect is real.”
“It is!”
“It gets more real when you find out Afton’s
Pinned for henry’s daughter’s murder.”
*Laughs* “What? No you’re
Fucking with me.”
“Shane, I'm so serious.”
“Honest to god.”
“That douche, that british douche!”
“Wha- *wheeze*
Why’s he a brit?”
“I just get the vibes.”
Ryan laughed it off, but continued on as they walked the table filled room.
“Freddy Fazbear’s opens about late 70’s right?”
“Things are going steady? No dead kids?”
“No dead kids, then!”
*chuckles* “Oh no..”
“See this is when Henry’s daughter goes missing.
“That’s her name?”
“Charlette, yeah.”
“Oh okay, that douche Afton kills her.”
“Exactly, and hides her body
In one of the suits.”
*nods* “Henry builds these things
And ole Afton thinks it’s a burial ground.”
“What a dick. That’s a new level
Of disrespect Ryan.”
“But wait! *laugs*
He kills five more kids.”
*laughs* “Ryan, that's not funny.”
“Shane, you're laughing too.”
“Well of course! Your delivery
Was so nonchalant.”
*laughs* “So five more kids.”
“Into the suits?”
“Unrelated to Charlie?”
“But why?”
“He never told.”
“So he was taken in for this?”
“Then released because
They never found the bodies.”
“You’re kidding?”
“No, and then after Henry..
Well he kills himself.”
“Henry did? Oh god..”
“Right, Afton takes the rights.
Opens a new Freddy’s.”
“That douche bag..
He’s evil Ryan.”
“Truly, it’s scary.
But he opens this place,
Circus Baby’s.
His own daughter dies by
His animatronic, Baby.”
“That’s Karma.”
“You’d think.
You know his son dies too.”
“Who let this man have kids?”
“His dead wife..”
“OH MY GOD” *laugs*
“How’d she die?”
*laugh* “I’ll give you two guesses.”
“Sweet Satan.
Man’s got the worst luck.”
“Well, yknow
Maybe don’t murder children for funsies.”
“Fair point.”
There was a metallic creek behind them as they walked the restaurant.
*soft chuckle*
“Oh no..”
I’m not turning around.”
*laughs* “Please do,
We’ll turn around together.”
*Deep breath*
“Three.” The boys turned to face the stage once again.
“Ryan the bear moved.”
“Oh, Mr Fazbear himself.”
“The big man..”
Freddy’s eyes glinted as they shifted to gaze at Shane and Ryan.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Shane.. There’s a child in there.”
“A real one?”
“Can’t be.”
“I said what I said.”
“I- wha-
Alright, okay.”
“Can we sit, and finish the story?”
“You’re not scared?”
Shane simply told him, and pulled out a dusty chair. Ryan sat next to him, and sighed. Though his eyes often darted between Shane, and Freddy.
So Afton has a few restaurants running.”
“Despite Henry killing himself.
Got it. Douche.”
“Well the first Freddy’s shuts down.
Not because of missing kids, but faulty walk around suits.”
“Faulty walk around suits,
What did a worker almost die
While handing out cake?”
Ryan starred at his partner silently. Shane laughed.
“They did?”
“That’s when they finally bring Afton in.”
“And then let him go?
Five kids, dead.
Business partner, dead
Worker, dead.
They let him go.”
“It’s insane, but yes.
So they shut the first Freddy’s down.”
“This one, right?
They rebuilt it in the 90s right?”
“Yeah, some things happened in between.
Five kids, spring lock accident, bite of 87’.”
“A kid bit someone?”
“An animatronic bit a security guard.”
“Oh.. Oh well that’s us tonight.”
Shane gestured to the pale blue shirt, gold badge shining in the dim light of their flashlights.
“That’s.. Foreboding.”
“Unfortunately, yeah.
You know they’ve gone through
Team of animatronics
After team of animatronics.
They finally decide to put it all to rest.”
“Everything closes down?”
“All of it.
Years later, Afton’s off the grid.”
“He’s dead?”
“That’s a theory.”
“A game theory, got it.
Now we’re here.”
“Let’s get hunting then.”
Shane stands up, and Ryan follows. He looks down at his watch.
“One thirty A.M.”
“Five more hours.”
Ryan sighs nervously. They move from the main dining hall into a hallway. The dim lights of the stage stay behind them. They turn into a new room, a small stage in the middle.
“Who’s that?”
Shane pointed to the red fur, and yellow eye that peaked at them behind a purple curtain.
“That would be Foxy.”
“The pirate.
Chica, Bonnie.”
“And a puppet.”
“Where is that one?”
Lot of people think Charlie is in that one.”
“Oh fun, gotta love living in a box forever.”
Shane walked to the tiny stage and reached out for the curtain.
“Dude! Stop what’s wrong with you?”
*chuckles* “C’mon it’s fine.”
He pulled back the curtain. A sharp creak rang out as the silver hook fell on Shane’s arm. He hissed in pain and pulled back.
“I fucking told you!”
“So the gears are loose, Ryan.
Shut up, I’m not dead.
Just give me a bandaid and an alcohol wipe.”
“We’re gonna need shots after this..”
“Oh please.”
Shane scoffed as one of the crew walked over and wiped at the cut with a small wipe, and slapped a bandaid over it.
“Good as new!”
Shane smiled, and thanked the crew member.
“Now, how bout a good ole spirit box?”
Ryan sighed, and pulled out the spirit box, setting it on one of the tables next to them.
“Alright Foxy, it’s gonna get a little loud in here.
Bet you’re used to it from all the screaming kids though.”
“Well he hasn’t been around em in a while.”
“It has been a bit.”
Ryan clicked the spirit box on. The loud shuffle of noise began as everyone listened in anticipation. Seconds passed and Ryan sighed again, disappointed.
“Nothing! C’mon Foxy boy, you got nothing to say?”
The room was quiet save for the radio channels shuffling.
Then something broke through.
“Save them.”
Ryan’s eyes widened as goosebumps hit his arms.
*chuckles* “That.. that was the clearest thing
We’ve heard..”
Ryan looked at the tattered red fox and stepped back.
“Shane what the hell was that?”
The words “Save them” struck the cold air again.
Shane laughed, albeit nervously.
“The kids need help Ryan.”
“Shane stop.”
“Ryan they need you.”
“Shane it’s not funny.”
“It’s a little funny.”
Ryan picked up the spirit box, and turned it off. He quickly ducked back into the hallway.
“Oh come- Ryan come on.”
Shane followed him out. They continued down the corridor.
“Shane it’s not funny,
There’s kids in there.”
“You can’t believe that.”
“You don’t?”
Shane hesitated.
“No, I don’t.”
A dim light at the end of the hall led them to an office.
Computer screens lined the wall.
“I’m sorry I can’t find it
Easy to joke about these kids.”
“Ryan stop.. It’s fine. It’s what we do.”
They looked to the screens as they argued and Ryan stopped mid sentence.
“Chica’s gone.”
“What? No she’s no-”
On the main screen, the stage, there was only two animals up there. Freddy, and Bonnie.
A crash came from the kitchen.
“Is the whole team in the office?”
Ryan asked, and counted the members in the room. They were all there.
“Shut the doors.”
Shane fumbled for a door, there was none. Just a hole in the wall. He muttered in confusion as he hit the red button labeled door. A metal door came slamming shut.
“I don’t think that’s very safe.”
“But the animatronics outside are?”
“Pick your poison Ryan.”
“We are going to die here..”
“Oh stop! *laughs* We’re fine.”
“Shane I don’t think you understand!
So many people died here.
Kids, nightguards, shift managers. Families, Shane.”
“Ryan, it’s not true.”
Ryan shook his head, and turned to look back at the screens on the wall. Shane put a hand on Ryan’s shoulder.
“Come on, Ryan..”
He laughed awkwardly, while Ryan shrugged his hand away.
One of the monitors glitched, coming back to show Foxy in a new position.
“It moved.”
“I see that..”
“What do we do?”
“Nothing, we watch them.
What time is it?”
Ryan sighed, and sunk into one of the roller chairs by the desk.
“Ryan what are we doing?”
“I don’t know! Okay?
We’re stuck here until dawn. Let’s just ride it out.”
Shane sat down next to him, and watched the computer screens. The main screen glitched as Bonnie moved off stage, leaving Freddy alone.
“Shane, why do you think they’re moving?”
“They’re programmed that way aren’t they?”
“You think they do that at Chuck E Cheese?”
“Well, yknow..
I don’t know. I’ve never been in this position.”
Ryan shuffled around again for the spirit box and clicked it on.
Shane groaned and flinched as the sound screeched through the small room.
“Oh you love to hate it..”
Shane joked as Ryan shushed him. Shane pouted and sighed, leaning back in the chair. More banging came from the kitchen.
“Let’s eat.”
“Ryan.. *laughs*
Ryan the chicken is gonna eat us.”
“I’m sorry I can’t help it.”
Footsteps echoed down the hall, and Ryan turned off the box to hear them better. Things went quiet until something slammed against the door. Ryan jumped back with a shout, and Shane pointed his flashlight towards the window.
In the window a purple shadow stood smiling.
“It’s Bonnie.”
“I see him, Shane.”
“What do we do?”
“Everyone stay still, maybe it’ll go away.”
They both spoke barely above a whisper. Minutes passed as the bunny stood unmoving. Humming echoed through the halls.
“I know.. I-i know.
What time-”
“This is our purgatory, Shane.
We’re done for.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic.”
After what felt like hours the hulking form finally turned to leave.
Ryan sighed in relief.
“Don’t jinx it Shane.”
“I’m sorry.”
He went quiet, eyes falling back on the screens as they watched Bonnie roam the halls. Chica had found her way back to the stage, Foxy was unmoving.
“Why are they moving? What do they want with us?”
“Stop asking questions I don’t have answers to!”
Ryan huffed out. He looked down at his feet, the golden badge glinting in his eyes as a thought hit him.
“William always came in dressed as a guard.
That was his MO.”
“And we’re the guards. What if they’re
scared of us?”
Ryan looked at Shane, dumbfounded.
“What if they are scared of us?”
“One hour left.” Someone from the crew informed.
“We have to get back to the front doors.”
A soft beeping began to ring out. Shane looked around for the source. In the corner of on of the screens a small red battery flashed in time with the beeping.
“We’re losing power.”
“To what?”
Shane shrugged.
“We’re not going to make it.”
“We’re going to make it.”
Something slammed against the door, a dent being pressed into it.
“We don’t get paid enough for this!”
“It’s Foxy, that bitch!
“Shane, you'll make him angier!”
“Yeah? Well he can suck it!
That’s right!”
“They’re kids!”
“Oh please..”
Another slam rang out, as the beeping grew louder, more urgent.
“Five thirty.”
“Shane what do we do?”
“We’re going to get to that door.
He’ll go away soon.”
The banging grew louder, and Ryan moved to cover his ears. He shrank back in his chair, eyes shut.
Despite all this he heard something in the back of his mind as images flash in his head.
It’s me
Shane stood up, standing between Ryan and the door. The banging stopped. The fox walked away. Ryan relaxed a bit. Until the power went out, and the door opened again.
“We’re going to run for it.”
“We cannot do that!”
“We can.”
Shane grabbed Ryan’s arm and booked it down the halls, dragging Ryan behind him. Foxy wasn’t far off on their steps in the hall.
“Ryan run faster!”
“I ca- I can’t!”
He choked out. His eyes were on the small crew behind them, worried of who may be left behind. Chica met them at the end of the hall as she stepped out from the kitchen. Shane narrowly avoided hitting her dead on and led them into the main room.
“Look there’s the door!”
Ryan laughed in pitiful fear, and small relief. Until Bonnie stopped them in their tracks.
“Oh god, oh fuck.”
Chica, and Foxy had the crew trapped, the doors barely out of reach. All of the voices grew louder around them. Ryan clutched his hands over his ears, his eyes shut tight. He could feel his heart beating out of his chest, and Shane’s tight grip on him released.
Ryan asked, refusing to open his eyes.
Shane looked at the animatronics as they circled the team. They were so close he couldn’t let it end like this. But he also couldn’t reveal himself. He panicked, his eyes began to turn a deep red as he looked around for another way out. But those kids, they wouldn’t get out of his head. They were so loud.
He screamed, and they listened. The voices were silent, and Ryan opened his eyes. Shane grabbed his arm again and yanked him to the doors.
The owner opened them up just as Ryan and Shane made it back outside. Though Shane was prepared to barrel through the glass if necessary.
Ryan fell to his knees as they finally made it to the end, and laughed in morbid relief.
“Hey! You guys made it! Did ya have fun?” The owner smiled at them.
Shane helped Ryan up, and glared at the owner. He ripped the badge off his shirt, and slammed it against the man’s chest.
“We’re suing.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Offenderman x Reader || Oneshot
Title: When You Start Living Your Life- That’s Where You’ll Find The One Who’s Meant For You
This is like a baby Offender x Reader since its been a while I’ve written anything for him and I’m slowly dipping myself back, haha. Possibly a Part 2 in the works, with more of the man himself. 
Kinda based off ‘You Can Do Better Than Him’ from Bonnie and Clyde
Plot: A run-in with your ex-husband (Jeff The Killer’s son, for no apparent reason except so that he knows about Offender) causes a revalation between you and your lover. 
Warnings: Some talk about sex, but its not explicit. Also, divorce. 
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I see him before he sees me, and I try to make an escape. Started gathering up my things and putting them away in my bag for departure, but... goddamn it, he sees me. “Y/N! Didn’t see you there! Man- its good to see you. Its been a bit, hasn’t it?” Nick puts his hands nervously in his pants pockets, ducking his head like the cute, awkward duckling that he is.
I plaster a smile onto my face, looking up at him from the grass. Jesus Christ, this is a ridiculous position. He’s like 7000 feet tall, my neck is going to start hurting any minute now. “Hi, Nick. Yeah, it has been a while! I haven’t seen you around since, a-ah… “I seal my lips firmly together, trying to be content in just avoiding eye contact with him instead of ending that sentence. Don’t say it. Don’t say it, don’t- “The divorce!”
“Aha,” He ducks glances up at me, and his smile is bright like it always has been, since we started dating. The smile I fell in love with, and used to make me feel on top of the world- capable. Like everything was going to be okay and I could accomplish any and all of my dreams.
Of course, one of those dreams was him… I think. That didn’t work out so great…
“Yeah. First meeting since the divorce, huh? Not so bad.”
That really does probe a grin from me. How does he say that while not making eye contact with m- Oh, oh, he is making eye contact! Oh, lord. This is hard. “Hah, no! Guess not… “After flashing another, little smile, I tuck in the last of my things to my satchel and close it. Then I struggle to my feet. God, how long have a been sitting there? I look back at the spot of ground that I had been lounging on, and see the grass still completely flat…  
Before I make it all the way up or fall -whichever happened first,- , Nick takes my right forearm in his hand and puts his other on my waist, helping me up the rest of the way… which puts me at an uncomfortably close distance to him. Laughing nervously, I step back and occupy myself by patting dirt and grass off the back of my pants. “Um- how have you been? Uh,” I must have some information about him… didn’t Fran tell me something a month ago at our spa weekend? … Ah! “Fran said you got promoted at work?”
“Yeah!” Nick gets an excited glitter to him as he starts to talk about that, animating immediately and putting his hands on his hips- a huge beam stretches across his gentle, handsome features. Of course, the sun makes fluffy blonde hair look radiant like a fabric softener commercial. Reminds me of why I loved him.
I was determined not to fall in with a bad boy and get my heartbroken like all the girls on TV.
Turns out, it hurts just as much when you lose a good boy.
Its been a long time though, now. Half a year- and another half a year since we split up in the first place to get the divorce that became official 6 months ago. So, as he talks, I find a genuine smile come to my lips. I am, truly, glad that he’s doing well.
Of course, he never did anything, to me. The divorce was my fault.
When he’s finished talking about his job at the Oil and Gas company -Yeah, he’s a manager there. An awesome job, for the perfect guy. He was quite a catch before I ruined it, -, he asks me how I’d been… and if I’m still with… him. Nick’s pale blue eyes go dark, an obvious hatred deepens the creases in his face.
I wish he wouldn’t bring that up. We were having such a nice moment!
“Uh,” I seem to be doing a lot of ‘Uhhhh’s and ‘Ummm’s, here. Stop it, Y/N. “Yeah, I guess.”
“You guess?” He smirks, and I go pink in embarrassment.
“Well, uh- Well. I’m focusing on my own shit.” I strain the words ‘my own’. Truthfully, I wouldn’t know how to describe my relationship with… the ‘him’, that Nick refers to. Offender. And the thing is, I don’t really want to. I like the way things are. I don’t need a boyfriend, tying me down to one place, one job, one life. In fact, that was a huge problem with me and Nick. He was my first boyfriend and became my husband.
I was Y/N Woods for 3 whole years, and they were some of the most miserable of my life- and the thing is, I’m only starting to realise that, now. I didn’t know how profoundly unhappy I was during that time, when I was living it. But I know now, because when I’m with Offender I feel something dark, but good, that I never allowed myself to experimented with before, and when I’m not with him I can do whatever the hell I want. I have love, and sex, and freedom. That’s priceless.
“Right. You still think… “Nick, to his credit, does look regretful for what’s about to come out of his mouth and how. “You really think, that Offenderman, can actually care about you?”
I shrug. I have no reservations for saying what I do next. I have it lined up and ready. “I dunno, Nick. But I’m happy.”
Its that simple.
“Y/N, he’s awful.”
“I-I know… “In this moment though, all I can remember is him telling me that I own the earth I step on, and how he kisses me.
“You deserve someone better.”
My mind’s fuzzy with pictures of nights at my apartment, now. Me wearing a shirt that’s too big for me and not being self-conscious of my legs - the complete opposite, actually, - and him raiding my kitchen. Somehow his kiss still always tastes good, though. No matter what he eats. Bates Motel plays on the TV.
If a scene comes on the TV that looks good, its not out of the ordinary to replicate it- because we just can. Whether that be a recipe, trip, or something to do with sex. I hadn’t even realised you could just do things like that, before he showed me. Now it seems simple, of course…
And god fucking damn it. The sex, in the first place is better. And I’m fiucking allowed to acknowledge that. I like sex. There is nothing wrong with that. With Nick, it was planned. It was orderly, and status quo. Now sexual tension’s back in style for me, for the first time since Nick and I had our first time together and I am not giving that up.
Better than that, Nick??
“I tried that.” I snap, spine breaking finally. Is he really going to do this? Bring all this back? Glancing momentarily to set a stony look on his eyes, I pull my back up from the floor and place the strap heavily on my shoulder. He presses his lisp firmly together. “Didn’t turn out so good.”
“W- well, that was before. I’m different now, we would be happy.” My throat goes dry at Nicks words. Isn’t he over me yet? Over this? All we do is go around and around in circles. I need something else, and so does he. Why doesn’t he see that? Goddamnit… “I get that you needed- “I flash him a stern look. “Need. You need your space. I understand now, I like it to. But you’re going to have to settle down with someone eventually- and you know it should be me.”
“Nick… no.”
“No, I have to- “
“You want kids, I know you do. I know you. I’ve known you since we were six. You’ve always been sweet, and bright, and gentle. I remember you drawing picture, after picture, after picture of that big blue house with a picket fence and remember the talks we had when we were older about the kids we would have. You think he’ll give you these things??” Nicks facial expression right now, is that of a desperate man. He gathers my hands into his and holds them close to his body. “He won’t.”
“I know that.” I tear my hands out from between his and speak slowly, so he gets it. “And I’m not that little girl anymore, Nick!”
Jesus Christ, this has gone south fast. I need to go.
Adjusting the bag strap over my shoulder, I make like I’m going to leave but Nick speaks up again before I can step off. “It’s a phase! -“
“Nick, goddamnit! I’m 29 years old! Get the fuck away from me with this phase, shit. I’m a grown woman. Now… “I glare at him, stepping by him. “It was nice seeing you. Bye.”
Walking off, I put my hands on my face and take a deep breath of the parks fresh air. I can still feel his gaze on me, and it doesn’t feel good.
But standing up to him, did.
Stopping by the bathrooms before my car, I fix my hair and look in the mirror. I can’t come back to this park, now! I’m going to need to find a new hang out spot… Pouting, I fix the strap once again over my shoulder and briefly think about whether Nick will be waiting outside - He knows what my car looks like! And the number plate, probably! – and worry, but then out of nowhere hands wrench me around and press me into the bathroom wall.
Its Offender, so I don’t panic except take a deeeeeep breath from being taken by surprise and look up at him sternly. Good god.
“Don’t underestimate me, Y/N.” 
Oop, he sounds… moderately to extremely less chill then usual.
“… huh?” I’m confused. What’s going on?
“The park. In the park. What happened in the park- What the smile child’s idiot son said.”
I could not be more lost right now… The absurdity of this situation - after just having a run-in with my ex-husband who I left for the uncomfortably intimidating man who’s cornered me into a wall in a public bathroom,- mixed with the lack of context he’s giving me causes the most sincere look of confusion I have possibly ever made. “Which… Which part?”
He speaks in a voice that is somehow spot on, a carbon copy of Nick’s and for a second I’m starstruck about that until I realise Offender was listening somewhere to what was going on between Nick and I- and now he’s pissed. “’You really think, that Offenderman, can actually care about you?’, ‘You think he’ll give you these things? He won’t.’. Y/N, don’t underestimate me.”
“So… what does that mean?”
A dangerous grin tears across his sharp, wicked mouth. “I care a lot about you, kid.”
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the best by far is you: chapter 7
Read on AO3
Previous Chapter
For all the things my hands have held The best by far is you -  Cecilia and the satellite
Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the battle of Culloden.
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Chapter 7
As the news of the declaration with Jamie’s forged signature settled in, the very air within the house became too stifling. Jamie stepped out during a somber lull in conversation, everyone trying to process what it would mean. He walked without a destination in mind, coming to rest atop a hill and clear his head, make a plan. He heard the rustle of Claire’s skirts and the slosh of her steps on wet ground before he glanced behind to greet her.  
“It’s all coming to pass, isn’t it? The Jacobite rising, Culloden, the clearances...” Her gaze swept out over the spread of Lallybroch land before them. “The destruction of all of this,” she said bitterly.  
The silent acknowledgment of their failure roiled in his gut. They’d done everything they could, and yet…
“So it would seem.” 
Claire moved to sit on the fallen tree before him. “We could go to Ireland,” she pleaded desperately, “or the colonies.” 
“Wi’ a small bairn in tow? Fergus might tolerate it, but it’d be a terribly hard life to subject both o’ them to. And what of Ian and Jenny? Our nieces, nephew, cousins?”
“We can bring them with us.”
“All o’ them?” He smiled sadly at the thought. At the impossibility of it all. His heart ached at the sight of her unbridled fear, etched there in her face for him to see. But they must consider everyone that would be impacted by their decision before they made it. Because no matter what, there was no easy answer. “And what of our tenants? Leave them to the‒ the mercy of the British butchers if Culloden is lost?” 
“Your name on that document brands you as a traitor to the British. And you will be hung as one if they catch you. We  can’t stay.” Her gaze was fierce and unflinching. He knew she saw the horrors of this history playing out before her, but with names and faces now to put to the images of this war. His name, in particular. His face. That was her burden of such knowledge.
“We know what will happen if the Jacobites lose the war. But… but what if they win?”
“They don’t. It’s the verdict of history.”
“Have you given up trying to change the future then, Sassenach?”  
“Well, after Paris, haven’t you?” 
“Aye, Paris was bitter disappointment. But you can change the future. You’ve proven that. Tammas Baxter lives because of you. Paris was spared an outbreak of smallpox because of you.” He knelt in front of her and covered her cold hands with his own, infusing warmth there with his touch. “And Louise de Rohan bore Charles Stuart’s bairn because of you. And we have a bairn who was born in this time, so sickly and small, and she is still alive because of you. She’s our proof that you and I belong as one, that you were meant to be in this time though you were born nearly two hundred years from now.” 
Claire shook her head at him slightly. He knew. This was no small thing to try and change. “You want to fight for Prince Charles?”
“I want to fight for our family. And for Scotland.” He rose to his feet, watching Claire carefully for her reaction. “What happens next will impact Faith’s future and if we dinna have a hand in trying to steer it the right way… if we dinna even try…” He shook his head. “I canna see any other way. Can you?”
“Not one that we could live with,” she said at last. He let out a resigned sigh at that. “They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
“Well, I dinna ken who they are, Sassenach.” He’d noticed the few tears that had spilled down her face and gently brushed them away. Pulling her to her feet, his hands settled firmly on her hips. “But I’ll wager they have never traveled through time.”    
Their foreheads met briefly before he pressed a kiss to hers and pulled her in closer, holding her tight. “I ken I’m asking the impossible of you, mo nighean donn.” When she squeezed him tighter, he knew she understood he wasn’t talking about their mission, but of Faith. “She’ll be safe here wi’ family that loves her.” He kissed her shoulder through the layers of her dress and wrap. “Until we can return to her.”  
   The news spread quickly through Lallybroch. The men began to prepare, and their peaceful summer came to an abrupt end. The farmhouse thrummed with activity, and equipment and provisions piled in the hallways and corners of rooms as they packed and took stock. 
It was all happening so fast. The letter had arrived only days ago and Claire, Jamie, and the men would all head out tomorrow morning. Claire found Fergus standing at the edge of the parlor watching Jamie and Murtagh as they packed some crates at the dining table, plotting out loud with each other the whole time. 
She felt a sharp twinge at the thought of Fergus being separated from Jamie for any length of time. The boy’s back was to her, his expression thus obscured from her, but she was certain he must be measuring the moments as she was while they were all still here together. 
She came up behind him and looped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him back against her. He went willingly as he sighed and leaned his head back against her shoulder. He’d gotten so tall. When had that happened?
“No matter what comes, you know this is your family, don’t you? That you belong with us?” She and Jamie had spent yesterday with Jenny and Ian, discussing care for the children and the contingency plans no parent ever wanted to make. But they had Fergus and Faith, and it would’ve been irresponsible not to consider all the alternatives and what they would mean for them.
Fergus’s hands came up to hold onto her arms where they were clasped around him. “I know.” His tone was unreadable, but then they were all feeling a maelstrom of emotions these last few days. 
She pressed a loud, smacking kiss to his cheek, not caring if it embarrassed him. “Good. Because we love you.” Since Faith, those words slipped out more frequently for her children ‒ an intentional effort on her part. She never wanted there to be any doubt for them, especially with war looming ahead of them. Claire kissed his cheek again, felt him exhale a small laugh this time. “I love you.” 
“I know, Milady. Je t'aime aussi.” 
She squeezed him tight for a moment, burying her face in his curls. Words jumped to her tongue but she swallowed them back, not wanting to lay such a burden on his young shoulders. But they echoed in her mind just the same, a silent wish made to the universe and any higher power that might help.  
If something happens to us, would you make sure Faith knows, too?   
  “No!” Faith cried, fat tears rolling down her flushed face. She tried to roll off the chair away from Jamie, escaping from the linen clout he was trying to fasten around her. 
“Faith. Mo nighean. Please.” He caught her around her waist and hauled her back, but she kicked her legs wildly and screeched. He forgot about the clout for a moment and pulled her to his chest. “What’s wrong? You’re breaking my heart, Faith. I hate tae see ye so.” 
“Is she alright?” Claire called out from their bed. 
“She’s no’ hurt,” he assured her quickly. “Just upset about something.” 
Faith stopped fighting him, but she still cried into his ear, loud wails accompanied by the hot tears soaking into his shoulder. She had worked herself up to the point that her whole body felt hot and sweaty from her effort, even through the thin fabric of her nightgown. 
“Na gabh dragh. Tha mi an seo,” he murmured gently against her sweaty head. Don’t worry. I’m here. Forgoing on the fresh clout for the moment, he stood and grabbed his plaid to wrap around them. He met Claire’s gaze where she was still sitting up in bed. “It’s alright, Sassenach. Go back to sleep. I’ll walk wi’ her until she calms down.” 
She seemed loath to accept his suggestion and he didn’t blame her. Their hours with Faith were numbered before their departure in the morning and neither one wanted those hours to go to waste. 
Even sleep seemed a fickle thing to do when that time could be spent memorizing every detail of their baby. The fine, silky strands of her copper hair just long enough now that it had begun to curl around her ears and at the nape of her neck. The way her nose crinkled when she laughed. The way her smile showed off four perfect, tiny teeth. Her eyes with electric blue towards the center and that darker ring of blue around the edges, just like Claire. The more she grew and lost the round features of infancy, the more Jamie saw of his wife in her.  
He reached the doorway and glanced back, seeing Claire’s reluctant collapse back against her pillow.
“Tha gaol agam ort, a Creideamh,” he murmured as he walked the length of the upper hallway with Faith, not hearing the stir of any other members of the house. He thought of Jenny and Ian with their wee bairns requiring so much of them at these stages, and how they would have to be the ones to soothe Faith on the nights she couldn’t sleep. How would Faith handle that? What would she understand of why he and Claire weren’t there for her? 
Faith’s fervent cries filled the otherwise silent house, echoing through the open space above the parlor as he carried her down the stairs. 
“Dinna weep, mo chridhe. Here, let’s tend to the fire, aye? Before it goes out.” 
Faith hiccuped and fell into a rhythmic cry, having cried too hard to get her breathing under control. From her perch on Jamie’s knee, she seemed entranced by the fire as he tended to it. 
“There, mo nighean, it’s alright.” His thumb wiped at her wet cheeks and then he used the edge of his plaid to wipe her nose. “My bonny wee lass.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek, which broke the spell. Her little hands reached up and grabbed hold of his shirt at the collar, trying to get closer to him, and her whining started again. 
“Oh, there now.” He stood and held Faith flush against him, her head resting over his heart. “Dinna weep. I’m here. I’ve got you.” 
When he realized it was his closeness she wanted, he abandoned his plan to walk the quiet, empty rooms of Lallybroch and instead settled there on the sofa with her. “Ye ken somehow, aye? Ye’re a smart lass, and ye can tell something is changing.” He sighed heavily, his hand moving in slow circles over Faith’s back. “That’s alright. I’ve been meaning to talk to ye about it.” 
Her dimpled hand rested on the other side of his chest and he reached for it, brought it to his lips for a kiss. “Ye see, yer mam and I are leaving for Beauly in the morning and from there, onward toward Crieff. Ye dinna ken where either of those places are, I suppose. But all that will matter to ye is that we’re no’ here.” He breathed in sharply, fighting the urge to cry, though one rogue tear spilled down his cheek. “I need ye to ken that you are loved beyond measure. Our flesh and blood. Heart and soul.” He swallowed roughly and bent to kiss the top of Faith’s head, needing a moment. 
“Everything yer mam and I do is for you and Fergus. For your futures. That’s why we’re going, but make no mistake, our hearts stay behind with you.” 
Faith snuffled quietly, still overtaken every now and then by a powerful hiccup, but she was otherwise silent as Jamie spoke, listening to his voice. 
He drew in a measured breath and let it out slow. “I‒” He swallowed roughly again. “I dinna like tae think about it, but I ken you’ll understand this when ye have yer own bairns someday… Ye canna help but think about all that could go wrong. And I dinna plan to not return to ye, ken? But some things ye canna plan for. And just in case…” His hand had come to rest over her head, holding her there, and kissed her hair again. “I want to tell ye some things, in case I’m‒ in case I’m no’ around to tell ye later. 
“First, mind yer aunt Jenny while we’re away. I ken you and Uncle Ian get along just fine, so I’m no’ worried there, but ye have the Fraser temper, I’m sorry to say. Ye might want to butt heids wi’ her, but she is your aunt and ye must mind her. She can be tough, but she loves ye. 
“This next bit willna be a concern o’ yours for a long time, but it is verra important: dinna ever let a man hold yer heart if he’s no’ worthy of it. He should treasure you, Faith, and respect you. Should admire yer mind and yer heart more than yer beauty. Oh lord.” He pressed his thumb and index finger hard against his closed eyes. “Please, please, dinna fall in love wi’ some clot-heid idiot. I couldna take it. A good man, Faith, aye? D’ye promise?” 
She hadn’t fallen asleep, but she didn’t respond either. He softly stroked her hair. “Aye,” he murmured. “I want a love for you as great as the love I have wi’ yer mam.” He sighed deeply. “I hope to god I’m here to judge him, whoever that man is, but if I’m no’ here, I want yer uncle Ian to give his blessing before ye wed. He’s… he’s the best man I ken, Ian is. And a good da. So he’ll be a good judge for ye. Fergus, too. I suppose by then, Fergus would be auld enough to give his blessing. Aye, now that I think of it, ye need both their blessings or no marriage, Faith.” He considered this for a moment and then added, “Murtagh, too, if he’s still around when the time comes. Aye, if a man can earn the blessing of those three, I shall no’ worry overmuch about it, for I’ll ken he must be a good man after all.  
“And yer mam… I wish I didna need her to come wi’ me. Truly. But she taught me long ago ‒ before ye were even born ‒ that bad things happen when we’re apart. She kens the future and what will come of this war. That’s vital information.” His fingers gently tucked her red, wispy curls behind her ear. “And you and I both ken what a fine healer she is, aye? Neither of us would be here wi’out her. 
“But even though I’m taking her wi’ me, I swear on the cross of our Lord Jesus that I will see her safely home to you. I dinna ken what’s to come, but I ken I willna let anything happen to her. She needs ye and you need her, aye? So I ken all of this that I’ve said to you will be relayed even if I’m gone, because she’ll be here and she knows my heart. 
“You’re so like her already, Faith. I ken you will be smart and brave and so kind.” He chuckled suddenly, despite himself. “Maybe ye’ll be a healer, too? Though it doesna matter what ye do, Faith, I’ll always be so proud I could burst. Aye, I’ve been trying to reconcile the fact that I‒” He cleared his throat and felt the burn of tears once again. “Christ,” he muttered hoarsely. “That I might no’ see ye grow up. I might no’ see what you become, but even as ye are now, so small… just a bairn still… I love ye for who ye are, Faith. 
“I dinna want tae leave ye,” he reminded the baby. “I say all o’ this just in case it’s needed. And I need ye tae ken that if… if I dinna return, if all that remains of me is the life of you that I helped bring into this world…” He kissed her head and then rested his cheek there. “Then I should be well pleased with my time on this earth.”    
He heard a sound like a choked whine, but it came from above them. His eyes flew up and there was Claire at the wooden banister, watching them with one hand clamped over her mouth to cover the sobs that shook her. Oh, his wife. His heart. How long had she listened to his goodbye? 
He secured Faith against him and was off the sofa and up the stairs as fast as he could manage. She was crumbling right in front of him and he pulled her to him. She cried into his chest once his arms were about her, no longer able to keep the sobs at bay. He held them both, Faith half-sandwiched between them. 
He'd only heard those gut-wrenching sobs from Claire a few times in his life, and they made his stomach drop. “Claire,” he choked out, his mouth pressed tightly against her skull. There was another option. One they’d refused to discuss. “You could stay.” 
She sobbed harder and shook her head. 
No. They both knew she couldn’t stay. It didn’t mean it wasn’t tearing their very hearts out of their chests in the process. 
“I don’t want to lose this,” she uttered between sobs. 
Faith howled into Jamie’s chest, upset further by the sight of her mother’s distress.  
He breathed in sharply, holding both pieces of his heart tight against him, already feeling torn to shreds. He didn’t have an answer for their problem or a balm for the pain. All he had at that moment was a silent, fervent prayer: Lord, that they would both be kept safe...  
  With the morning came their brave faces back in place once more. Claire kept Faith anchored on her hip as they said their goodbyes to the Murray children inside and then as they oversaw the last of their things packed into the wagon for Murtagh to bring to Kingussie. 
None of it felt quite real to Claire, like a bad dream she just couldn’t wake from. That she would have to part with her daughter for an indeterminate amount of time was unthinkable. 
She kept Faith in her arms, refusing to let her down even when the baby signaled that she wanted to walk on her own. She bounced her until the fidgeting stopped and Faith settled again. 
And as they stood in the courtyard, horses saddled and wagon packed and final goodbyes being given, Claire felt the panic clawing its way up her throat. She strode a few steps away from the others and shifted Faith in front of her so she could look at her. She knew she must say something, but nothing seemed sufficient.
 The sun caught in Faith’s bright copper hair, shining a brilliant gold and red. “Forgot to grab your bonnet,” she muttered stupidly, her hand smoothing over the girl’s silky hair. Her eyes met Faith’s, a mirror copy of her own. Claire drew in a sharp breath and let it out slow. 
“It’s not fair to you. Your da and I are the ones who know and love you best.” Once the words were out, she felt the crushing weight of them and couldn’t say more. Instead, she kissed Faith’s forehead, her snubbed nose, her round cheek, her neck which was sticky with sweat. She buried her nose there, the scent so familiar and only definable as belonging to Faith. 
She felt her girl’s head turn and rest against her shoulder. Little fingers curled around the fabric of Claire’s wrap where it bunched at her neck and held on tight. Faith was content at last to be in her mother’s arms now that they were just about leaving. A tear spilled down Claire’s nose and onto the shoulder of her daughter’s dress. 
She didn’t have Jamie’s easy way of showing her heart through speech, but she loved this child with everything that was in her and words didn’t seem to cover the breadth of that love. Not even by half. So she hoped to convey to her baby in these last moments, in the caressing touches, that Faith was the axis on which her whole world spun. She could do anything ‒ even brave this time apart ‒ if it meant her girl would have a future.  
She spotted Ian after a time, waiting to say goodbye to her. He gave her a sad smile and after they’d embraced, he made no move to take Faith from her. They exchanged a few words and watched Jenny and Jamie say their goodbye to each other. 
“Just where do ye think ye’re going?” Murtagh’s voice rang out sharply in the courtyard and Claire turned to see the object of his question ‒ Fergus, on his own mule, packed and ready to go. 
“Well, with Milord,” Fergus said, as if this was obvious. 
“You’re too young to fight, laddie.” Ian chuckled at him. “Ye’ll bide here wi’ us.” 
“That’s right,” Jenny added, her hands on her hips as she walked towards him with the others. “We’re charged with your care and safekeeping ‘til Milord returns.” 
“But I belong with you.” The boy implored to Claire, ignoring Ian and Jenny. “Is that not what you told me, Milady? That I will always have a home with you?” 
Those certainly had been her words, but it was a cruel trick to twist those on her now. She was already drowning and hadn’t even said her goodbye to him yet.
“Yes, of course,” Claire began gently. “But sometimes it’s‒”
“He’s right.” Jamie cut in. Claire turned baffled eyes on her husband. This was a ten-year-old they were talking about, was it not? “His place is no’ here without us, nor in France on his own.” 
Fergus looked very pleased atop his mule as Jamie addressed him, doling out his orders. His own little soldier. Claire adjusted her hold on Faith, her arms feeling the fatigue of carrying her for so long. She hardly had time to process that Jamie was bringing their ten-year-old to war before the moment she’d been dreading had finally arrived.
“It’s time, sister dear.” Jenny was at her side, one hand on Faith’s back and the other on Claire’s. 
No. Not yet.
Her arms held tight to Faith, unwilling to relinquish her just yet. Though when would she ever be ready? 
“I ken, Claire.” Jenny’s voice was soft, in a tone usually reserved for comforting her children. “I ken. I’m so sorry.” 
She nodded curtly at Jenny to show that she understood before burying her face in Faith’s neck again. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice grip. But she didn’t cry. She wouldn’t. Not after she’d scared Faith half to death last night with her hysterical sobbing. 
Claire turned around, struck with the sudden, horrible thought that she’d hogged Faith all morning from her father and here they were, about to leave, and he hadn’t so much as held her once yet. He was watching her, of course, from his spot where their horses were saddled and waiting. His look conveyed only a deep tenderness and understanding towards her pain. Their pain. No exchange of words was needed; she could surrender Faith to Jamie and no one else. Otherwise, she’d never leave here. In a few strides, he had closed the distance between them and kissed her temple. 
“Take yer time, mo ghraidh,” he murmured. 
But they didn’t have time. Not really.
Her eyes slammed shut, fighting off the pressure of hot tears springing to her eyes. With Jamie right in front of her to bolster her, she drew in a steadying breath. She opened her eyes for one last, long look at her daughter. “Oh, my beautiful girl,” she breathed out. Her finger traced the soft outline of her baby’s face and the shell of her ear. “It’s not goodbye forever, just for now. I love you.” She sealed her words with one more kiss to Faith’s cheek and quickly transferred the girl to Jamie’s waiting arms. 
She met his gaze only for a moment. He gave her a tight smile and a short nod, and she left him to his goodbye. Wiping furiously at the tracks of her tears, she strode half-blindly towards her horse and there she remained, petting his neck, until she felt Jamie again at her side. 
But before he helped her onto her horse, he took her in his arms. His embrace was strong and fierce, and it held her together when she thought she might fall apart. A comforting touch before the long ride ahead of them. 
Then the moment ended and Jamie helped her mount the horse before quickly springing up into the saddle of his own. She gave him a quick nod in answer to his silent question and they rode off through the gates of Lallybroch, Claire never looking back. 
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
Whitmore Guy draws void
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word count: 2641
music: damage by partynextdoor & halsey, mad hatter by melanie martinez
Whitmore Guy masterlist 
By six the guests started arriving. Damon came first, with a bottle of wine, and nodded solemnly when Y/N reminded him she didn’t drink wine. Elena and Bonnie brought other kind of alcohol. Caroline came at six-thirty with a loud ‘I brought a cake!’
Mal, welcoming her, frowned,
“I made a cake”, he took her jacket and put it on the hanger.
“Well, there are several very deep throats here”, Y/N said. Caroline stared at her as a nasty smirk stretched Mal’s face.
“What’s in it?” he cocked his head, looking at the cake in Y/N’s hands.
“Give it to me, I’ll take it to the kitchen”.
“Don’t eat it”.
“Is there any cheese?” Bonnie screamed from the kitchen. Mal ran to her, explaining how to find cheese as he moved. Ric knocked on the door, and you could feel through the wood he was doing it because he was a brave man. Caroline let him in and returned to Y/N, leaning to her,
“The guy has crazy fixation on you”, she whispered.
“This guy?” Y/N asked, laughing, as they both eyed Alaric taking off his jacket and nodding to them.
“Where do I put this bottle of beer I brought specifically for myself?”
“To the rest of the bottles”.
“No, that guy”.
“Is anybody else coming?” Mal cried.
“Where’s Stefan?”
“He’s running late”, Elena replied. She was helping Mal bring everything out onto the table in the living room now.
“He’ll be here closer to six, asked me to express his apologies”.
Caroline’s eyebrows went up and down and she joined the rest of the company.
Mal’s cooking was a success. Damon tried really hard to keep his composure, but neither him nor Saltzman couldn’t hide the fact they enjoyed the food very much. They had to compliment him as he sat at the top of the table, his elbows on the cloth, his fingers crossed, like a mommy of the dinner, and smiled charmingly. Y/N’s been thinking about Caroline’s words. Nobody has voiced yet the thing she had her suspicions about; now that she looked at him and managed to catch his eye every time she wished, it was quite obvious. Y/N just had to think about it, and Mal turned to her, as if waiting for something. Like she was on the back of his mind at all times.
 “So, who else saw the funny FBI guys?” Mal asked after they were done with the main course and had to sit a little to let everything slide down. Y/N has lost that bet, by the way. Whatever that was called, what he did with pasta, she ate it all.
“We just spoke about them a couple of days ago”, Stefan said. He did come late, but not very significantly. He also loved the food but didn’t have too much difficulty showing it.
“And? They’re looking for a supernatural reason for the murders, aren’t they?”
“Are we really talking about this at the table?” Bonnie asked. Mal shrugged happily and gave her a look that said, give me a break.
“You know, we decided we’re just going to wait and see what they do next. We have a killer on our hands…”
“I thought Y/N said you believed it was that Caroline’s boyfriend’s sister”.
Caroline shifted on her place uncomfortably.
“Way to go, Mal”, Y/N nodded morosely.
“What did I say?”
“Come on, man, you remember, we talked about it. Be less blunt”.
He put up his hands.
“Sorry, my bad. Have you broken up?”
Damon shook his head slowly as a smirk lit his face. He was drunk on good food and the warmth of the house. Elena snickered into her plate as Caroline pressed her lips together. A little bit more time – and they would all explode into laughter, but something dinged in the kitchen.
“That’s tea. Caroline, your cake goes first”.
There was a shower of protests. Mal was all but a talk show host, extremely comfortable with the whole party of guests,
“I mean, not my fault you guys brought additional food. I told you we would have to eat it all. I don’t know why you even bother to eat in the first place, there’s like three people in here…”
“Four”, Bonnie reminded, smiling.
“What?” he already got up and paused, holding the back of his chair.
“Four people. You, me, Y/N and Ric”.
“Sure. Whatever you say, Bonnie”, he grinned.
“Come on!”
“Pine tree. This is a pine tree”.
“Where have you EVER seen a round pine tree?”
“These are needles!”
“These aren’t needles, they are splashes”.
Mal was dancing around the whiteboard (that Caroline brought the morning before, for drawing (don’t ask her where she got it from) with a black marker in his hand. There was a long black mass coming out from his artistic attempt, with various shapes and drops like dark silhouette of a body that fell from the roof. Someone saw a butterfly in it, somebody was convincing everybody it was a pine tree. Y/N thought it was something more morbid, because of the way the guy smiled when he read what he got out of the hat.
“Guts! It’s guts!”
“Y/N, chill, it’s not guts”.
Mal couldn’t speak, so he just shook his head constantly, expression of sheer pain on his face. He brushed them all off with his hand and rubbed everything off, beginning again.
“Sea! That’s sea!”
He nodded furiously, and then made the sea very wavy.
“Storm! Shipwreck!”
He pointed at the waves and then – at his marker, tapping on the board.
“Black? Is it Black Sea?”
He shook his head with disappointment.
He drew a little person in the waves, so tiny you could barely see him there, with his arms lifted like he was drowning.
“Drowning victim!”
“Insignificance of human life!”
Everybody fell silent for a moment.
“Wow, Ric, are you okay?”
Mal would be laughing his ass off if he could produce sounds.
“Okay, we give up”.
He made the person wave their tiny limbs, but saw that the company lost all threads of understanding.
“Oblivion”, he finally said like it was obvious.
“Jesus!” Elena crossed her arms on her chest. Stefan laughed out quietly, his arm around her shoulders.
“That’s dope”.
“Do we really have those words in this game?”
“I didn’t invent it”, Mal shrugged and took his place on the sofa. Caroline came in next and drew a very attractive bunny with an egg. Her ‘Easter’ was guessed very unanimously. Then, it was Y/N’s turn, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get them to guess. She was a terrible artist. She watched Mal with his head tilted as he thought carefully, piercing the whiteboard with his eyes. Finally, he exclaimed:
“Closing hour at the shop”.
There were triumphant shrieks.
He smiled happily, putting his finger to his temple.
He has tortured them for another ten minutes with an obscure drawing of a spiraling circle again. It was black, blacker than the previous one somehow, and in it eye in the center, was sheer madness. They guessed and guessed, exhausted by drunkenness of their minds, when Damon suddenly said, very gloomily,
Mal sighed contentedly, and his eyes flickered.
“Really? Why does he get these words?”
“Show me the card!” Y/N shouted, and Mal passed her the piece of paper without taking his eyes off Damon. She tried to ignore it, and read,
“Void. Wow. Are you trying to say something?”
Mal finally took his eyes off the vampire and threw the marker away.
“Okay, who wants some more cake?”
They were happy like children. You could say Mal has enchanted them with his amazing cooking and host skills.
An hour more in, and Y/N started feeling dizzy, so she started checking on everybody before she could come out to breathe in. She found Damon and Mal in the kitchen. Seeing them together was weird. They were even height, and Mal looked relaxed yet dominant, while Damon seemed like Gray earlier that day, a bit agitated, a bit ruffled. His head was cocked and he was trying to see through him. Mal was talking without even taking a moment to breathe in. He smiled charismatically and bit his lip as he said something, and Salvatore’s eyes narrowed. The rest of the voices was coming from the living room where people were obviously having a good time. Y/N didn’t know if she should intervene or let them talk. Say, Mal charges at Damon – for Martha – and then gets killed. Because Damon doesn’t take shit from anybody, he refuses to even admit it when he’s clearly wrong, about which Y/N wasn’t sure this time.
Mal turned and looked straight at her, and then Damon did the same.
“Are you fighting yet?”
“Why would we fight?” Damon asked quietly. Ever since the game, he didn’t look happiest, and he didn’t try to hide it. Mal looked at him sneakily.
“Because you killed my girlfriend. No, it’s fine, Y/N. We’re practically best friends, right?”
Damon sniffed through his nostrils, still looking at her. He didn’t say anything. Y/N backed off slowly and was stepping back until she was out of the kitchen space and in the hall.
“Where are you going?” Caroline asked as she walked through the living room to the kitchen with her empty glass in her hand.
“Need a bit of air, I think I’m too drunk”.
“You need a company?”
“Nope, I’m good”.
“Stay on the porch”, the blonde vampire smiled. Y/N couldn’t help grinning, too. She’ll be looked after until this place smothers her.
She came out on the porch and took the full lungs of sweet summer air. The street lamps were working this time, and she looked at the stars compared with the wide blinding bulbs made of glass. If every star was the size of the moon, and the moon was the size of a watermelon when you hold it in your hands, people wouldn’t even know darkness, and she would have nothing to fear, ever.
She came down to the drive and walked on casually, enjoying the air. The street was almost as good as dead: with only one house shedding the light except hers; the street of death, that’s what the locals called it.
There were light steps behind her, and even before looking, she knew it was Mal.
“Party anxiety?” he asked, leveling with her and looking up, too.
“Just breathing”.
“Exactly what I’m saying. Hey, I wanted to thank you”.
“What for?”
She looked at the guy chewing on his lip. He smiled.
“I know I seem strange. Like, I know you said it, but I know how you really feel. The way you look at me”.
Her face went hot, and she looked away, pretending she’s seeing a squirrel or a cat in the bushes.
“So, thanks for giving me time and not questioning me”.
“What are you on about?”
He shrugged.
“Well, this morning I could see I scared you. Sometimes I say things or do them in a certain way, and I can see I freak people out. But you hold on alright”, he tapped Y/N on the shoulder briefly. She pressed her lips. They stood on the middle of the road.
“And I hope you’ll tolerate me some more”.
“Did you check your place for my necklace?”
“Yes. There’s nothing there. I didn’t take it, and I’m certain of it”.
“Okay. I know you’re going through stuff”.
“Did you bring it up with Damon?”
“I told him I understand”.
“Do you?”
“Not really, but we gotta be civilized, right? I think he’s a brute, and an asshole”.
Y/N looked at the house, lit from the inside like a modest Christmas decoration.
“I don’t think he can hear me”.
“That’s not what I’m thinking”.
She shivered suddenly. In a second, the feeling was gone.
“It’s a cool party, I think you’re doing great”.
He snorted.
“Not that it’s a problem for me. I feel fine around people”.
They put their hands in the pockets simultaneously, and kept walking.
“How long has it been, since the massacre? I think I’m going mad. I’m losing time”.
“Almost two weeks”, Mal said. “But yeah, it feels like time is stretching like hell. This morning I forgot about everything completely. I got up and was like, I have to go into the town to see her. And then I was like, oh no. She’s dead”.
Y/N looked at his face. It expressed nothing.
“But I guess it passes, right? It’s better to have been loved. I can’t do anything about it, just walk here and there. Like a complete dummy. Might as well learn a lesson”.
“That’s the most adult thing I’ve heard you say ever. You creep me out for real now”.
Mal snickered.
“Imagine, though, never being loved. By anybody. Ever. That must suck balls so hard”.
She smiled, imagining that, and then it stung her, that actually. Actually. As she looked down her dark street, and even rows of streetlamps, and the black end leading nowhere, in this silence of summer night. Her eyes went dry for a second. Mal went on,
“I should consider myself lucky, because I’m a sociopath, and somebody loved me. While I’m not even supposed to have that. Not all normal people find somebody who would love them, you know”.
“Should we go back? Are you feeling okay?”
She realized Mal was looking at her, not blinking. She hummed slowly.
“I’m just imagining being alone for eternity, with not a single person caring about me. That’s really dark”.
Mal frowned, and his pretty face looked concerned.
“That’s not your case. There’s a guy somewhere who’s going crazy about you, I’m tellin’ ya”.
“That’s just a theory, of course I know that”.
He smiled.
“Great. There’s still cake left, let’s go”.
She felt cold, detached. She felt like the cord that was keeping her connected with the Earth got cut off, and she floated away, with no oxygen, and her body went apathetic. Maybe it was alcohol, but she was getting the strangest, numb feelings, filling her in like a bathtub. They returned to the house, and it didn’t get better. Maybe she was getting a quiet anxiety attack, with her heart stopping instead of racing like crazy. She didn’t even feel his hand on her shoulder as they walked into the living room. Her guests made themselves at home, and she didn’t mind, holding on to Damon’s bright-gray gaze from the corner of the room. Elena pulled her to the couch where they were playing yet another board game.
Closer to midnight, they started to drift away, complimenting Mal again and again, and seeing that Y/N was exhausted and out of it, he completely took all attention on himself, relieving her from seeing them all to the door. Y/N walked there, leaning on the wall, and smiled lazily, watching them as they were getting dressed. Damon placed a small kiss on the top of her head and disappeared silently into the night, and Ric said, see you at work, and she nodded. Caroline smelled sweet, like her cake, as they hugged, and Stefan was hard like a brick to hold. Elena shook Mal’s hand sincerely, smiling at him with her eyes glistening. Bonnie stepped to her and pretended hug her, too.
“He’s watching you sleep”, the witch whispered into her ear.
Y/N wrapped her hand around Bonnie’s waist.
She looked at Mal, running his hand through his hair as he was laughing at something Elena said.
“I touched him and I saw accidentally. You were lying in bed and Mal was watching you sleep”.
A shadow stepped away, and she sighed.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was… visiting and fell asleep when we were watching a movie”.
Bonnie stepped away, tilted her head, and her green eyes narrowed.
“It was in this house, Y/N”.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Top 20 BEST Animated Series of the 2010s-1st Place!
And now. 
For real this time.
What is hands down.
The Best.
Animated series.
In the 2010s.
(Pause for dramatic affect)
#1-Adventure Time (2010-2018)
I mean...what else?
The Plot: The magical land of Ooo has many things: A kingdom made of candy, a sociopathic Ice King, and even a self-proclaimed Vampire Queen. Amongst all this chaos are two adventures: A human boy named Finn, the Human, and his magical dog/best friend/adopted brother (yes, really) named Jake, the Dog. These two then go on adventure after adventure, facing against the many oddities that the Land of Ooo offers. What type of dangers? Well...you’re just going to have to watch the show to find out.
Before I start praising the crap out of this show, there’s one thing I want to get off my chest. You see, I hate Top X lists that always end with “the one that started it all.” It comes across as lazy because there is no way the first story tops every other one after it. Case in point: when looking at the best episodes of your favorite shows, how often do you see the first episode making the top ten, hell, even the top five? Not often, I bet. And sure, you can make the argument that “Without X, there wouldn’t have been Y,” but is that even a fair comparison? Sure, Disney wouldn’t have been as big as it is now without Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs being a success, but does that make it right to ignore great movies like Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), and The Lion King (1994)? Sure, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope is the reason why fans love to hate Star Wars in the first place, but how often do you hear people saying Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is the best of the franchise. And sure, the Marvel Cinematic Universe wouldn’t have existed without Iron Man being a box office hit, but with movies like Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, can you really say Iron Man is the best in the franchise anymore? To me personally, if you’re going to pick “the one that started it all,” then it better be something that can outshine “it all.” This is why I chose Adventure Time as the best-animated series of the 2010s. Not because it’s a show that practically sparked the existence of almost every show on this list, but because it really is that good of a series. Unfortunately, with a series that really is that good, there will be people who try to pick it apart. This is why I’m going to do my best to defend against some criticism that Adventure Time seems to face. 
The first criticism I want to talk about is one that hasn’t even occurred to me until I watched JelloApocalypse's video called, “So This is Basically Adventure Time.” In that video, I realized that Adventure Time doesn’t really have a proper storytelling structure. Hell, most episodes don’t even have a conclusion. They just stop almost randomly. But there’s a remedy to this problem, and it's one that I discovered somewhat effortlessly during my rewatch of the show. And that solution is to stop looking at Adventure Time as a series of episodes and more of a series of experiences. What do I mean by that? Well, while watching, you can either have a good experience or a bad experience. A fun experience, or a depressing experience. A philosophically brilliant experience or a randomly stupid experience. All of which can happen separately or conjoined in every episode. Personally, I like this style of storytelling because I’m more likely to remember the experience of watching something rather than the basics of what is being viewed. However, as JelloApocalypse has proven, not everyone is going to be ok with this style. This is fine, as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just remember that if it doesn’t work for you, that doesn’t mean it won't work at all. Case in point: there’s a reason that this show got ten seasons.
However, with those ten seasons come the inevitable seasonal rot. Which, in this case, can easily be explained. Halfway through season five of Adventure Time, series creator Pendelton Ward left and made Adam Muto the head showrunner. And where Ward’s style relied on being random and hilarious, Muto took the series in a more philosophical direction. Several fans were turned away from this aspect, but I like to argue that this isn’t seasonal rot and more of a series’ development. Tons of shows on this list went through their own transitions, some subtle and some drastic. Whether or not you’ll be ok with those decisions is entirely dependent on who you are. And personally, I actually enjoyed the direction that Adventure Time took. While I was entertained by how hilarious the original seasons were in Ward’s run, Muto caused me to think more intensely than any other show I have seen in my life. This is why, once again, I would like to point out that just because it didn’t work for you doesn’t mean that it won’t work at all.
But one thing that didn’t work for me, and one criticism that I’m inclined to agree with, were how some characters got treated in later seasons. Now to be fair, most of the characters actually become more interesting as the series goes on (Ice King, Marceline, BMO, Susan Strong, etc.) There are just two characters that got a little iffier compared to others: Finn and Princess Bubblegum. The main reason why Finn’s character seemed to fail is that the writers focused more on Finn's love life (or lack thereof). I genuinely believe that Adventure Time has some fantastic romantic relationships, but that aspect of Finn’s character is easily the most uninteresting. It’s even worse when an episode focuses on his armorous hangups through past...mistakes. I even heard that this decision ruined Finn as a character for some people, which I can totally see why. Luckily the show course-corrected itself, and by season six, it started focussing on an aspect of Finn’s character that is actually interesting: His family. Not to give away any spoilers, but let’s just say that Finn gets significantly more fascinating through this decision. Unfortunately, one decision that never got better was how the show treated the one and only Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum. This character started off as a gentle/playful ruler who was as sweet as her kingdom. Only to evolve into a sociopathic control freak who is obsessed with science. What went wrong is that the show goes so far as to say that she’s always been that way, even since she was a kid. I guess she just was good at hiding it in early seasons. Once again, the writers try their best to course-correct Bubblegum, but all they did was make her bearable than despicable.
But while Bonnie doesn't work for me, do you want to know what does? Literally everything else about this show. One of the reasons why Adventure Time is the best series on this list is because it has elements of every other show that has already been mentioned before it. You see, Adventure Time can have: Hilarious comedy, intense action, superb animation, creative ideas, compelling drama, catchy music, thought-provoking stories, good romantic subplots, gay romantic subplots, great lore and backstory, intriguing mysteries, and, most important of all, bacon pancakes. All of which can be handled in ten to eleven minutes, where most shows struggle within twenty-two.
But one element that stands out among the rest is Adventure Time’s serialized storytelling. You see, there are two different types of storytelling: Plotting and pantsing. Plotting is how it sounds: You come up with ideas beforehand and work your way into making them come to life. Pantsing is where the goal is to basically make things up as you go along and try to make everything connected afterward. The ladder is the route Adventure Time takes. Every single amount of lore, character development, and even surprise twists were thought up almost on the spot. And one might think that this makes things more complicated, but when I rewatched the series in 2019, a solid 99.9% of what’s written lines up. Sure, there are small things that get confusing or downright forgotten. But that’s the keyword: small. It’s the big things that the writers try their best at explaining away, which can be much appreciated. And while I can love a show for creating a well-crafted story, I got to give Adventure Time respect for doing the same thing just by improvising. But do you want to know the real reason why I stuck with this show? And why do all the elements mentioned before manage to work so well? The same reason why any show can work so well: The characters.
And yes, I know I just complained about how certain characters were nearly ruined in this series, but that doesn’t change how good they are. Almost every character that the show focuses on has a level of intrigue to them, and characters that don’t still manage to be incredibly entertaining, to the point where a worm’s butt can carry an episode by itself (Yes. Really). But nothing beats the central duo, and I’m being honest when I say they make the series enjoyable. Finn and Jake not only have such an entertaining brotherly dynamic, but the two of them are just so much fun that I can’t help but smile whenever they’re on screen. They’re easily the best thing about the show, as well as the most entertaining characters in it. This is saying something because Adventure Time has a LOT of characters. One might say too many. In fact, one could argue that Adventure Time suffers from the too-many-characters syndrome, which I can absolutely see. However, every character is so unique and creative that to this day, I still remember the Tree Witch in the episode “To Cut a Woman’s Hair.” From her voice to her design to even Tree Witch's creative and hilarious way to convince Finn to get her some princess's hair.
This brings me to another great thing about the show: Its endless amount of creativity. Everything that Adventure Time does is something you will never see anywhere else. From all the unique ways the show has Jake use his stretchy powers, to also having a vampire drink the color red instead of blood, Adventure Time is always a show that leaves me scratching my head wondering, “Why hasn’t someone else done this before?” And the best part is, no other show can do the ideas that Adventure Time has had. Because there is no way of doing it without coming across as a carbon copy. Which I can appreciate. Believe it or not, I would rather see an idea done once and never again, rather than repeated to the point where it becomes stale. Letting Adventure Time keep its creativity helps the show stand out among the rest and prevents it from being forgotten through time.
Thus, we come to the real reason why Adventure Time is the best-animated series on this list: Memorability. When doing a rewatch of the series, I was surprised by how many episodes I somehow remember. In fact, out of over two hundred episodes, I only manage to forget one (which coincidentally managed to be an episode I hate). I honestly don’t know why so many episodes managed to stick with me. Maybe because the show is so creative that it’s hard to forget. It's probably because the characters are instant icons that their impact just won’t leave me. Hell, perhaps it’s because the show is so gosh dang weird that my brain refuses to forget a second of it. No matter what the reason is, it all still stuck. And I’m not going to lie, I feel as though there are going to be a lot of shows I'll forget over the years. But ten years from now, something tells me I’m never going to forget Adventure Time.
Now that I think about it, there really have been many great cartoons over the previous decade. And we owe it all to Adventure Time. The act of being unique and creative with one’s ideas came from Adventure Time. The idea of being more mature and deciding what should and shouldn’t be for kids came from Adventure Time. The fact that a show needs well-written characters to tell a great story came from Adventure Time. Even certain shows were made because creators worked on Adventure Time (looking at you, Steven Universe). Is the show perfect? No. Far from it, even. But when looking back at the many great series we’ve gotten in the 2010s and the many great shows we’ll get in years to come, I realize that the fun will never end WITH Adventure Time.
(Especially since we’re still getting it with four hour long specials on HBOmax)
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
The “Caroline in S2 of The Originals” that I now feel like I have to breakdown….
Where we left off:
Klaus is weakened by the moonlight rings and the werewolves still run the Quarter. Caroline is an emotional wreck over the loss of her mother and Bonnie (who no one told her was alive) and everything she had done with her emotions were off.  Elijah is getting over the loss of Celest. Sophie is falling deeper into magic. Hayley is still cursed to be human only one night a month. Marcel is still in the Garden and Davina is angry over just about everything.
Now onto Season 2: 
The takedown of the werewolves pretty much stays the same. Caroline kills Francesca, showing us that while Caroline is still Caroline she is embracing a darker part of herself. The friendship between Caroline and Sophie has blossomed. Sophie spend a good amount of time with the Originals and gets close with Elijah. She starts developing feels, but it is one sided.
Klaus and Caroline have not progressed in their relationship, them both dealing with their own issues but they have become friends. Building a foundation based on trust and not the dance they did in the previous season.
Esther is revealed to the audience to be in Cassie’s body and the same goes for Finn and Kol. Mikael comes back. All that stays the same.
Esther meets all her children and Caroline. She has a fascination with Caroline because it is obvious that Klaus has feelings for her. Finn/Vincent is charged with watching her and stalking her; Caroline of course, realizes that she is being followed. When Esther feels she is being threatened, she leaves Cassie’s body for another.
Kol is in charge of Davina; who has Mikael held hostage.
Elijah is kidnapped by Esther. Sophie is determined to find him but is not successful. Elijah is having flashback of Tatia. Claims that Sophie kind of reminds him of her.
Caroline and Finn/Vincent have a “conversation”. Finn tries to warn her away from Klaus. Claims to have not remembered her from Mystic Falls. Wants to know what Esther wants with Klaus and Elijah. Mikael is able to break free of Davina.
Klaus and Mikael have the same sort of confrontation as they did in the show. Caroline asks Sophie for help with Finn. They try to find a way to take him down; but Sophie is still focused on Elijah; who has now woken up from his dreams of Tatia; and something is wrong with him.
Elijah going after Rebekah is still the same. Rebekah is hiding out in a farmhouse. She built a life for herself and it is quiet and peaceful.
Caroline and Klaus grow closer. With Mikael back in the picture we see more of a vulnerable side to Klaus; with Caroline still in the grips of her depression, they bond over everything. In the middle of an almost kiss, Klaus gets a call from Rebekah about Elijah.
Caroline, Sophie and Klaus race to the farmhouse where Rebekah is holding Elijah hostage. Things are still frosty between Caroline and Rebekah, but Caroline is trying to make things right. Klaus and Caroline have a moment here and Sophie is concerned over Elijah. Sophie and Elijah have sex, but he imagines her to be Tatia, calling out Tatia’s name; Sophie cannot forgive him for that. Basically, says she needs to take a step back from him.
Back in NOLA, Esther finds Hayley during a full moon and agrees to turn her back to human full time, but in return, Hayley has to help Esther. She agrees. Jackson is introduced here as another wolf. He tries to be a moral compass for Hayley, who he has grown fond of, but it doesn’t exactly work. Hayley is more like she was on TVD than the Mary Sue we got in TO.
With the Originals away, Davina is able to get into the Garden and break Marcel out. Kol helps her but is not a huge fan of Marcel. We still get the flashbacks of Kol and how he was trying to create a dagger to put down Klaus. We see and good bit of Kol and Marcel barbs traded here.
When the Originals plus Sophie and Caroline go back to NOLA. Esther corners both Caroline and Rebekah. Giving them the offer of placing them in human bodies. Esther feels that Caroline is a good influence on Klaus and therefore wants to keep her around for him. Rebekah still hates Caroline, but they bond a bit here by turning Esther (or at least the body she is now in) into a vampire.
However, Rebekah ends up in the asylum in Eva’s body, talking with the ghost Freya.  
Hayley and her wolves attack the compound, but Finn places the spell that traps them all together. Marcel is there as well and is helping Caroline, who realizes her humanity is back on, with the wolves. Caroline and Hayley fight. Sophie is also there trying to break the spell.
Elijah and Klaus are trapped outside, looking for Rebekah. Finn captures Klaus and Elijah’s spirits. Inside the compound, a stalemate reaches but Caroline and Hayley are still sniping at each other verbally. Marcel literally has had enough of the two of them- not caring about the fact that Hayley slept with Caroline’s then boyfriend Tyler nor the arrangement of the massacre of 12 hybrids. Sophie finally is able to break free of Finn’s spell and everyone can leave the compound.
Freya enters the fray and captures Kol and Finn’s essence, freeing Klaus and Elijah in the process. Caleb (the body Kol was using) is dead. Vincent is now free of Finn and notices that his wife Eva is out of the asylum. Freya takes Rebekah out of Eva’s body and returns her to her original form.
Hayley plots to attack the Originals again, at this point it is pure revenge. Davina completes the dagger and plans on resurrecting Kol.
Freya earns the trust of her family, explaining everything about Dahlia. Eva starts kidnapping children to use them as a sacrifice. Caroline, Sophie and Vincent work on taking down Eva, while Freya kills her mother, finally ending her completely. Freya reconnects with Mikael. However, Klaus drives the white oak stake through his heart and therefore, Freya has a hard time forgiving Klaus.
Dahlia wants Freya back, however the family is not about to turn their newly found sister over to her; except Klaus does not trust her. He also does not like how Rebekah and Elijah have taken to her.
Jackson comes to Klaus to tell him that Hayley is still plotting against him and that the wolves are aligning with her. Klaus is still acting erratic and Elijah and Rebekah are siding with Freya. Caroline is the only one on Klaus’s side.
The siblings dagger Klaus with that new dagger; snapping Caroline’s neck in the process. Dahlia somehow is able to grab Caroline’s sleeping body. When she wakes, Dahlia tells Caroline what the siblings have done. She enchants a necklace for Caroline to wear that makes her practically invisible. She is able to go into the compound and pull the dagger from Klaus’s chest.
The two of them join Dahlia. Dahlia reveals details about Freya and how the first born Mikaelson witch, is always too strong. Goes into detail about the sleeping curse. They broker a deal; Dahlia helps with Hayley and she can have Freya.
Davina is still trying to bring Kol back from the dead.
Klaus, Dahlia and Caroline go after Hayley and her wolves. Dahlia returns Hayley back into wolf form again, along with the entire pack; Jackson included.
When Dahlia comes for Freya, Klaus and Caroline double cross her and thus helping his siblings take her down for good. However, once the deed is done, Klaus daggers Elijah and Rebekah for betraying him.
In the end, Vincent agrees to help Davina try and resurrect Kol. Marcel is trying to be involved with Davina’s life. Freya is living in compound, but Klaus does not trust her completely. Sophie is still taking a break from the Originals, her heart still broken over Elijah.
Klaus and Caroline finally do the deed and get together in a relationship sort of fashion. Klaus claims that Caroline is the only one he can trust.
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Hi. Big fan over here. Can you please do the prompt (43. “Take my hand.” “Why?” “I’m trying to ask you to marry me, so take my damn hand!”) from the pinterest prompt list????
50 Prompts Cause Why Not
43. “Take my hand.” “Why?” “I’m trying to ask you to marry me, so take my damn hand!” (from anonymous)
He found her when she didn’t want to be found. She was hiding for a reason, but he spent a whole summer chasing her around the entire Middle East. Really, she should have known he would.
Something tells her he always will, if she lets him…
…and that’s something she really, really can’t do.
She sits against the headboard in the big old bed in the master bedroom of the big old farmhouse, watching him sleep. This place feels at once familiar and alien, a place that once brought joy but now brings only a slight solace from pain.
No, that’s not true. The old farmhouse also brought reunion.
Opening the door for Tony wasn’t the easiest thing that she’s ever done. When he showed up a week ago, she’d been half torn between welcoming him and evading him. She knew he was coming, knew he’d been tracking her. He’s as predictable as the sun rising in the morning, something that makes her ache in an awful way. He’ll keep coming to find her, keep breaking his own heart over and over again.
He’ll keep letting her break his heart. Over and over again.
They’ve been doing this dance for years, each getting close and then spinning away again, both afraid to make the leap that’ll end in euphoria or flames. There’s no middle ground with them. There never has been.
Now there’s no going back. As they lay together in her ancient, creaky bed, they sit on the wrong side of a line that shouldn’t have been crossed. Ziva studies the shape of the muscles of his back, watching as salt leftover from last night’s dried sweat sparkles faintly in the early morning light. The long, unbroken curve of head, shoulders, spine, legs as he lays face down in the bed… it’s an absolution and a curse. It’s shouldn’t-be and could-have-been and never-will-be-again. It’s the taste of something long forgotten, something nostalgic and warm and kind to the senses, something homey but fleeting in its perfection. It’s love, the kind that throbs and heals and tears all at once.
He must feel her eyes on him, because after a few minutes of silent, painful contemplation, she sees him turn his head to look at her. There’s a vague smile teasing his lips as he surmises what she was doing before he woke, and something tells her he knows that this is more bittersweet than just sweet. “Morning,” he murmurs, his voice grumbly from sleep but undeniably warm.
“Good morning,” she replies softly, pushing curls away from her face. She doesn’t attempt a smile, but it doesn’t seem to bother him.
“How’re you feeling today?” he wants to know.
She shrugs, looks out the window, watches a spider make its careful trek from one corner of its web to another, backlit by the rising sun.
Her non-answer is easily answer enough, and Tony nods. “I was afraid of that.”
Ziva doesn’t comment.
“You know I’m no psychologist, but I think if Ducky was here, he’d tell you it’s healthiest to talk about what you’re feeling.”
“Talking changes nothing,” Ziva utters softly.
“That might be true,” Tony concedes, “but it might make you feel just the tiniest bit better. Or at least it might make me feel just the tiniest bit better.”
If he’s hoping for a smile, he doesn’t get one, and she still won’t look back at him. “I have told you how I feel, Tony. You must understand how difficult this is for me.”
“Hell, Ziva, I do know. That’s what’s scaring me.”
Ziva bites her lip, feeling it begin to tremble. She can’t cry again—she’s done too much of that lately. Now is hardly the time.
Tony presses on. “Would it help if I reminded you that none of this is your fault? Whatever crappy stuff your mind is telling you, it’s wrong.”
There’s no answer. Ziva simply tugs the sheet tighter against her chest, feeling impossibly heavy. Sometimes, the world is an unbearably cruel place, and sometimes, she’s the one who has brought the cruelty down on her loved ones.
Tony sighs and sits up next to her. He doesn’t touch her, for which she’s grateful, but he doesn’t let her dissociate completely, either. “That’s what I thought you’d say, you hopeless chatterbox.” The words are teasing, but the tone is neutral. He knows he’s not going to get much out of her now. “Ziva?”
“Yes, Tony?”
“You don’t have to do this alone.”
“Yes, I do.”
He sighs suddenly and loudly, and when he speaks again, his voice is earnest. “No, you don’t.” He pauses for a moment and then from the corner of her eye, she can see him turn his head to look directly at her. “Take my hand.”
The order is enough to truly capture her attention, and she tears her gaze away from the fat, struggling spider on the windowsill. “Why?”
“I’m trying to ask you to marry me, so take my damn hand!” Tony insists.
This surprises Ziva enough that she very nearly does as told out of reflex. “You are what? Tony…”
“No, you don’t get to argue with me. Not yet, anyway. Now please, give me your hand.”
It goes against her better judgment, but Ziva shakily offers him her right hand.
“Not the correct hand, but I’ll take what I can get,” Tony mutters, more or less to himself. “Now, Ziva, hear me out. Marry me. Come home with me. I don’t give a damn whether you ever pick up a gun again for the rest of your life, okay? If the Navy yard is hard for you to visit, if you can’t handle seeing Gibbs’ house, that’s fine. I’ll ask for a transfer. We’ll go to California or something, okay? You can still have your space, and you can process and grieve and do what you need to do, but you won’t have to do it alone.”
“No, hang on, I’m not done yet! Geez, woman. Let a guy talk for a second.” He squeezes her hand. “You may be used to solitude, and it may still be weird for you to be the most important part of someone’s family. That’s fine, I get it. It’s an adjustment. But you can’t just pretend you’re not who you are to me, okay? You may have some grand plans of martyrdom and crying alone here for the rest of your life, but you’re not the only one on the planet who gives a shit about what you do. I won’t let you do this to yourself.”
She’s caught up on something he said, and she blinks at him. “Most important?” she echoes, her voice muted and disbelieving.
Tony shakes his head and laughs. “You’re so smart, but so…” He stops himself before he insults her; that’s not what he’s trying to do here. “I like to think you’ve known for a while that you’re—Ziva, you’re everything to me. You’re my best friend and you’re my family. And if there’s one person on this Earth who factors into every decision I make, it’s you.”
Despite promising herself that the time for tears is over, Ziva starts to feel a few leak from the corners of her eyes. Tony takes this as a good sign and soldiers on. “Marry me,” he repeats. “Please. We’ll figure it out. Or maybe we won’t—I’m sure we’ll drive each other nuts in two weeks or less—but whatever happens, we’ll weather it together. We’re Bonnie and Clyde, alright? Better on the same team than either of us could be alone. We’re Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, we’re Kirk and Spock—two halves of the same whole.”
Tony kisses the hand that’s still limp in his. “Come on. Marry me.”
“Tony, I cannot simply—”
“I love you. Marry me.”
The word love shocks Ziva into silence. Surely he doesn’t mean that? As she looks at him, though, she realizes that of course he does. He would never say the words if he didn’t feel them. He loves her and he wants to marry her, and… she can see it so plainly on his face that he wants above all else for her to let him love her. He wants her to accept the hand he’s offering, a hand that will keep her head above the water.
None of that, however, surprises her more than when she feels herself nodding.
Tony’s expression shifts from intense pleading to ecstatic in the space of a heart beat, and he drops her hand to cradle her cheeks. “I love you,” he repeats, and the way he says it makes old words feel new and alive again. Then he kisses her, and though they’ve a long road ahead of them…
Ziva feels the slightest weight vanish from her heavy heart, and she thinks that maybe, just maybe, they’ll figure out how to pull each other through it.
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mindwideopen · 4 years
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Bert.... is mad.
Look at bert’s head! It’s about to explode with fury. He’s soooo mad! Oh no.... Bert, will have..... your.... ass..... No. because Bert would never do that. Bert is a loving guy, but he’s reached his limit, as a lot of us do from time to time. Bert gave Ernie ALL of his power. He allowed ernies antics to affect him negatively. What Ernie did? Who knows. Probably swindled Bert out of the bigger piece of pizza, and more grape drink. He does that a lot...
Or maybe he drank all Bert’s ice cream soda when all he wanted was plain seltzer,
or he probably annoyed Bert by playing tag with him, when he was trying to read.
Ernie is a bit inconsiderate like that, or, Ernie is needy, and wants attention from Bert, and Bert is into his own thing, Either way, Ernie doesn’t mean to act like a mindless, thoughtless Turkey culo. He wants love, like we all do. Unfortunately, it’s coming off really inconsideratly. Sometimes, when it’s not you that’s the one being annoyed, it can be hilarious. But let’s put ourselves in each of their positions for a minute...
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Bert, does NOT look happy. He looks mad, yes, but also, hurt, upset, not appreciated, not understood, not cared for. Bert, is a perpetual victim of Ernie’s naughty business. Bert can also tend to like things the way he likes them. Kinda an immobile, guy. Maybe a guy that takes himself too seriously, too sensitive, with no sense of humor. BUT, regardless, Bert deserves love, and respect, and consideration even though Ernie doesn’t always show it in the way Bert appreciates. Does that mean Ernie doesn’t love Bert? Not sure. Are they in a serious codependent relationship of abuse? Could be. Or are they in a mutual friendship that somehow works for the both of them? It all depends on your perception.
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Let’s take in Ernie for a bit. Ernie, is a purveyor of glad tidings, fun and joy. On the flip side, Ernie has a ton of energy, and doesn’t flow outside of his own desires in the moment very well. Some would say, “Ohhhh... That Ernie... all he cares about is fun, and play, and singing, and dancing, and his rubber ducky, and he’s messy, and carefree, and doesn’t listen to Bert at all. What an Turkey culo!! But Ernie does care about how he, and others like Bert, feel. And he wants to break Bert out of his comfort zone, and have a little fun with his best friend. How you view them, is irrelevant to them, but means everything to you. Because they are not affected by you in the least. They’re muppets. But the energy that they bring up in you, is very very real.
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Ernie and Bert are facets of these 2 men: Jim Henson, who played Ernie, and Frank Oz, who still maybe I dunno, periodically plays Bert. But, they created these characters. And they evolved over time, both the characters, and the men.
I heard an interview where frank oz was discussing the character of Bert. At first, bert was a conundrum. He was boring. But frank oz, in his genius, made boring, fun! Well, Bert may be boring, but he loves it! He is the single most boring guy in the world, and loves what he loves; bottle caps, and pigeons named Bernice, and paper clips, and plain soda water. Bert celebrates his boringness to the hilt! I used to not get Bert at all when I was a kid. Bert?! You’re into boring....everything! But now that I’m older, I finally appreciate Bert, and his love of the mundane, cause he’s so into it. And frank and Jim, got it too, and they shared it with me, and all the other kids my age and beyond. Celebrate people not just for their similarities, but their differences too. And if you don’t celebrate their differences, at the very least accept the person, and love them anyway.
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Ernie gives Bert a serious headache. So he cares for him, and makes sure he has his hot water bottle (still not quite sure what that does...) But no one can say Ernie doesn’t care, or they can, but they’d be wrong to me, because Ernie, in his own selfish jerk way to some, cares a lot. And I sometimes appreciate him for it. Bert resigns himself to it a lot too, cause after all, both of these characters come from a place of love, and devotion to one another.
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But regardless of what I think of either, and much like gayle king of I dunno, and Oprah Winfrey, a Winfrey, they’re best friends. And isn’t it better to be friends, then not? Well, don’t ask me, cause I have none...
George Carlin: Kari, you, are seriously, one of the most ridiculous people I have ever not met personally. You have friends, you just walk away from everyone cause they don’t show up for you the way you’d like. I only know that, because you’re writing me, so I have an insight others don’t, because you cut everyone out. At least with Ernie and Bert, Bert gets pissed, and Ernie knows about it.
Bert in the year 2020: It’s been 50 plus years of ernie’s crazy behavior, and I feel the following: n for numb, b for beaten down, a for aggravated, and n again, for no more...
Ernie in the year 2020: bert, how many times do we have to go through this, Bert? I love you like a brother and friend, and I never want to upset you, ever, Bert. You’re special to me. I’ve learned that over time. You’re my best buddy, Bert! Just like rubber ducky, only you do all the shopping, and cleaning, and the dishes and laundry.
Bert: Er——niiie! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! You are not responsible for anything! We are both 7, 8, 9 or 10 years old! When are you going to chip in and do your share in this friendship?! All you do is give me grief, Ernie! Grief!
Oscar the grouch: sounds like my kind of guy!!!
Bert: um, youve known him for 50 plus years!
Oscar: well, I didn’t know that about him! I love hate it!
Bert: ok, anyway, Ernie, if you keep doing the same things that make me angry over and over again, how is that changing? I don’t trust you, or believe you. Your words do not match your actions. Aaaagh! I don’t know what to think...
Mr. hooper: maybe I can help. You see boys, this is a classic case of the bullshit that I don’t have to deal with anymore because I am dead.
Bert: um, mr. hooper, you’re not allowed to talk like that on Sesame Street. I’m only 10 years old and I live alone with Ernie, unsupervised, which is bad enough. I don’t think we’re supposed to hear such talk.
Mr. hooper: We’re not on Sesame Street right now, we’re in Kari’s blog, so it’s fine, cause she’s the one swearing, not me, as I, am dead, as I/she stated above. Alight, boys, what I’m trying to say is this; can you please, for once and for all, be more considerate of one another’s feelings and maybe just maybe get back to the love? I’m over all this bickering.
Ernie: yeah Bert, I was trying to tell you that...
Bert: yeah Ernie, but at some point you have to back up your words with the proper actions. How many times have I told you that?! And you ignore me!
The count von count: 7 zillion, 345 trillion, 8 million, 32 times Bert has told you, Ernie, about that! Ah ah ahhhhhhh! (Lightening strikes)
Ernie: you’ve got a point there, Bert. Ok, I’ll show you, by giving you, the bigger piece of pizza once and awhile, and leaving your seltzer, plain, and allowing you to read in peace. Cause I support you bert, and I care.
Bert: that’s great Ernie! I do too! And I’ll make time to play tag with you more, and spend time the way we like to do, together.
Mr. hooper: word(s).
George Carlin: Kari, did you her all that?
Kari: yes. Oh man. I’ve been read by Ernie and Bert. Ok, my intention for writing on my blog is not to hurt anyone at all with my POV, but to be honest about my feelings, in love. I try not to be a mean passive aggressive person. I sometimes can be, but I’m trying to clean up my side of the street with that. And I do feel like I am friendless, but it’s because I’m hurt, and don’t feel loved or appreciated sometimes. That’s what it all comes down to, really.
Carlin: ok, clearly you need some time to sort this out. So I’ll leave us with this. I love you. You are a very kind, imaginative woman, who cares about people. I will allow you to sit in hurt as long as you need to. Just know that anytime you’re ready to join the world again, I’ll be there to support you. Some of these people are gone for good, and that’s ok, but some still care, and may want to work it out when the time comes. You’ll see when you’re ready.
Kari: thanks George. I love you too. And I will go and get a piece of almond Kringle now, cause I love O & H kringles (1) a lot, and give you the bigger piece!
Carlin: gee, thanks, as you will be the one ingesting it for the both of us. Better make it a sliver.
Kari: ok.
Carlin: oh, and Kari, one more thing...
Kari: what?
Carlin: friends are better, when shared. And by cutting people out, you’re not sharing you. Just sayin...
Kari: no Kringle for you!
Carlin: fine. I’ll keep our girlish figure in tact...
Kari: fine! The whole Kringle for you!
Carlin: she’s maaaaddd...
Cookie Monster: this has been monster-piece theater... good bye! Me eat all the Kringle now, then all her cookies, cause she upset, and she won’t eat anything, so it no go to waste! I love her, so I help!
Kari: I ate ALL the Kringle!
Cookie Monster: noooooooooooo...... (shakes furry blue paw in the air)
Scene scene scene.
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(1):,credit for my discovery of the o & h bakery and the Kringle itself goes to my friend Bonnie, who i believe now hates my guts. ❤️
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