#no bookmarks we die like men
i-love-dean · 2 years
I read a mystrade fic at least 6 months ago (I have a bad sense of time though so idk) but I can’t find it anywhere. It was on ao3 and it was a short one shot. Mycroft invites Greg for drinks and then shows him a bunch of fancy cocktails. One of the drinks is called “I love you” and is made to be shared with a partner. Greg ( who is hopelessly pining) asks him to repeat the name so he can imagine Mycroft really MEANS it ( of course Mycroft does mean it and he’s sharing this cocktail so he can actually SAY the words without actually confessing his feelings)
If anyone recognizes this fic please let me know because I really liked it and I can’t find it.
Also idk if this helps but I distinctly remember it had the kind of summary where they quote the fic in italics and the quote was like: ”I love you”
Greg feels very sad cause those are the words he most longs to hear. “What is it called again?”
“I love you”
Greg feels so much joy and subsequent longing.
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emodennis · 2 years
hey phoenix!!! what is/are your favourite macdennis fic(s)??!?! I'm incredibly curious because I love and value your opinions so much! especially on such important matters such as our stupid terrible boys making each other worse!!
(I can also send you my favourite if you'd like!)
hii anon!! thank you for asking!
soooo i mainly read explicit macden fics (with or without plot), so im sorry if they don't interest you, but here are a few favorites if they do (minors dni):
further than either of us wanted - oopshidaisy
your ways - anna_sun
underneath - andchaos
but i also love & regularly reread the fics in my bookmarks
and of course i'd like your favorite fics :))
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myfandomrealitea · 9 months
I cannot stress this enough:
Stuck for ideas? Try:
Send asks. It could be anything, even something super basic. Tell someone you like their blog theme or ask them what they think a character's favorite color is. Ask them if they have a secret hobby. Tell them you had an absolute banger of a slice of toast for breakfast. Literally anything. Give them something to talk to you about. You might even make a friend!!
Draw silly little doodles for your favorite piece of fanfic. Literally cannot stress this enough; even stick men art can be adorable and/or hilarious. And I guarantee you it'll make the author's day. A two minute sketch on the notepad app of your phone could genuinely be the reason someone updates their fic, or writes another one.
Write silly little drabbles for your favorite fanart. I used to love this back when I made fanart on my old Tumblr blog. People would reblog it with a silly little 100 word drabble based on the art and I. Would. Swoon. My thing made someone else make a thing!! Amazing!!
Make rec lists. It could be for fanfiction, themed blogs to follow, recipes, movies, anything. Ask people to share theirs. Ask people to give their opinions if they try out something from your list. You wouldn't believe how many of my fanfic bookmarks have come from seeing the blogs I follow recommend something. Because we have the same interests!! Because its even quicker than me scouring hundreds of tags on AO3!!
If someone posts writing or art, ask them questions!! Humans love to be asked things. Especially about things we have made. Ask them what inspired them to make the thing. How long it took them. If they have a favorite thing about it.
Tumblr's engagement and activity levels are not dying because of the website. They're dying because of us. If we're just sat existing in a sad, isolated little bubble, of course we're going to move on to somewhere where we get actual engagement. Where there are other people in the bubble.
We've become so obsessed with an entitlement to receiving and consuming while never actually giving anything back, and that has to die.
"Oh but there's no community for what I like on here."
Make. One.
Tell people about the thing you like. Get them interested. Engage with them about it. Give them a sounding board to share their thoughts and ask questions and create content to enjoy and consume. Make it a discussion and give them something to get involved in.
Find that one other tiny blog screaming into the void about it and scream together!! That's how this website works!!
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shanieveh · 1 year
— how the 4nemo men reacted to your death
As KAZUHA left you for his travels, you muttered the sweetest take cares and created beautiful letters for him to hold on to. You were enough to go home, you were home. And as he reached breathtaking views and complex cultures, he'll pick the most exotic of flowers and make them into bookmarks so you won't have to fold the pages to know what part you are on.
And as he arranged the assortment of trinkets, he was ready to go back home. And in his surprise and sorrow, there was no you to greet him. He looked around. Did you get tired of him? Did you leave him, was it too late? He reached home and was greeted by a crowd of familiar faces, all in mourning. His friends, his acquaintances. KAZUHA did not know what was going on, he felt confused and in the middle of it all he saw a wilting coffin. One with your face, but not the lovable soul within it.
"Take care Kazuha, okay? I'll be here waiting no matter the time, I'll always be here for you when you arrive."
He knew falling in love with a mortal was a mistake. But he learned that life had a meaning if it wasn't forever. It had a purpose. You who were a ticking time bomb, a chronic illness keeping you in check. SCARAMOUCHE was always so clueless as to why you wanted to live forever, when he desired nothing but to die in a pit of flames. But as he spends time with you, and took care of you, he too wanted to same thing. He believed in a silly fantasy that you can get better, that you will get better, he was borderline delusional.
But there was a part of him that wanted you to die. That wanted all this pain in your heart to disappear. That wanted you stop crying about being hurt and maybe be in the heaven you so desperately hated to be in, in a place where is no SCARAMOUCHE, but there is eternal rest. He got what he wanted. And as he laid in your bed, and stared up, the only view you can see for the last days of your life. The same smell, the same place, but never the same feeling.
"When I'll live maybe we could finally see the movies together, oh maybe even play with the street children I see in the windows. Oh you want me to rest? You're such a killjoy..."
XIAO — !
His life finally found peace when he met you. All the deaths, and all the pains were put in the past when you touched his face. His nights that of heavy burdens was a gift when it meant he will watch you sleep at the end of the day. You showed him happiness, how can he not get attached? XIAO loves life when there is you in it, he cherish every second of your mortal being. The simplicity of it all, away from the complex living of adepti, you gave him serenity when a war was brewing in his mind.
But as these two worlds crashed together, you had to pay the price. He should've known better than to be so overwhelmed with karmic debt, he can't hold it in, and you were the primary witness. As he screams of pain and agony, his madness overtook him a blur. He was charging heavy blows in his weapon, as you try to calm him down to no avail. His instict overtook him as he hit towards the sound of your pleads. And as your voice fades and a slash was made, XIAO finally returned to a lucid state. He saw what he had done, and the price he had to pay.
"You are the kindest of them Xiao. I don't think you are some scary being as the legends and tales about you, not when you look so pretty staring back at me like that."
You hate the Gods. They gave you all these curses, all these time limits, all these pain, yet paint themselves as benevolent beings who do no wrong. They are all a fraud, but humans like VENTI are what keep you going. He can't dare tell you of his identity, but one can often hear a sad laughter when rants about the heaven slip your tongue. He follows you day by day, with beautiful melodies to cheer you up. You didn't how these tunes have relieved your pain, but it did. How can a lazy bard like him heal you in such a way?
The truth was VENTI had enough admiring you from afar. He wanted to converse with, he wanted to laugh, he wanted to love you and didn't care if you shared the same emotion. None of that mattered to him, he wanted you alive, he wanted you well. But fearless wind can never stop the corrosion of time. And as he saw you in your final days, you often said how even if the Gods hated you, atleast they gave you him. Him who tells you funny stories and myths of time. You died content, but he was the one who gained your ideology. When he was such an incompetent fool and can't even save the love of a lifetime.
"Maybe you were the blessing from the Gods I so desperately wanted. Venti, when I die live on. Forget these months, forget me. But know that I die happy because of you."
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emerald-chaos · 9 months
hehehehe hey y’all it’s me again.
Remener how nothing bad at all happened on this season of jjk and we got to watch Nanami go to Malaysia with absolutely nothing else occurring? me too. What a fantastic season. :-)
In the process of mourning, grieving, sobbing, coming to terms with the fact that the season was over—I spotted this piece of absolute gold on Twitter and it gave me a little bity idea. Thus, this fic was born! I hope you enjoy loving on Kento as much as i do <3.
pairing: Nanami Kento x gn!reader (no descriptors mentioned)
warnings: none :-) just a fluffy little self-indulgent piece (to stave off the horrors)
divider by by @/cafekitsune
not beta’d, we die like men
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After finally finishing some work that you’d been putting off until the last minute (one of Nanami’s lesser enjoyed traits of yours), you stood up from the chair and stretched your body out. A few pops here and there as well as a soft groan tumbling from your lips as your sore muscles cursed you for the horrible posture you’ve never bothered to fix.
“Sweetheart, how on earth do you sit like that?”
“I’ll have you know this is my body’s natural position.”
“To curl around yourself like a shrimp?”
Nanami’s teases dance through your head as you smile to yourself, turning off the lamp at your desk and retreating from the room—making sure to close the door behind you so none of your pets made their way inside.
Tired feet carry you toward your bedroom, a yawn rippling through your body—one strong enough to cause a tear to well up in your eye. A hand, balled into a fist, reaches up and catches it before it threatens to drop down your cheek. Stealing a glance at the clock in the hallway, you couldn’t help but grin to yourself.
Barely half past midnight.
You couldn’t wait to gloat in Kento’s face about how quickly you’d finished all that work. His nagging words entering your head again—something, something, “you’ll be in here all night trying to finish what you could’ve done throughout the week”.
Never underestimate the power of a stressed individual who’s put off every single task until the last possible minute.
Your fingers curl around the doorknob, preparing the must smug face you can muster as you turn it and push the door inward. Stepping in to the room, you open your mouth to begin your taunts but as your eyes fall on your bed you find yourself rendered silent.
There, sat up against the headboard with the covers over his lap, was your sweet husband—fast asleep. The book he’d been reading seems to have slipped forward out of his hands onto his lap, page still open to where he’d presumably left off as his thumb barely pressed the pages apart.
The sight made you want to rip out your heart (in a good way).
Taking careful steps forward, you investigated the scene before you a little more. Kento’s head was leaned back, slightly tilted to the side as his glasses rested upon his nose. There was a soft rise and fall to his chest, lips parted as he exhaled air through them. At his feet on top of the blanket was the cat he said he didn’t want, curled into a perfect little ball—snoozing just like their father.
As your eyes wandered over to your side of the bed, you felt your heart clench in your chest once again. On your nightstand was your water bottle and the sheets had been pulled back for you, as though he was doing his best to stay awake until you came back to bed.
Turning back to him, you gently slipped your phone from your back pocket and snapped a few photos of the too perfect for words sight in front of you. Smiling, you tossed your phone on your side of the bed and gently removed the book from Kento’s hand—ensuring to capture the page he was on with the bookmark on his nightstand. It was obvious how exhausted he was, given that he didn’t move an inch as you did so.
Gently pulling the glasses off of his face, you placed them on top of the book you’d just retrieved. Smiling at the soft sigh Kento let out in his sleep, you brushed a few stray strands of blonde hair away from his eyes before getting your own self ready to climb in bed.
Finishing your routine, you’d plugged your phone in and sighed your own soft noise as you slipped into the comfort of your sheets. Triple checking you’d set your alarm one last time, turned off your bedside lamp, and you turned to the sleeping man beside you with a smile. You leaned in gently, pressing a few kisses to his cheek and jaw before snuggling down and draping yourself over his chest. The smile on your face only grew as you listened to the soft thump of his heartbeat in your ear.
Within seconds, that familiar heaviness of sleep found itself in your eyes as you began to drift off to sleep.
You supposed gloating could wait until the morning—moments like these with Nanami were already so few and far between.
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f1crecs · 6 months
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Fic Rec List - Daniel/Max
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let us know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want us to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
We've had a couple of Maxiel related asks recently so thought this was the perfect time to get a general list together! :)
nsfw: give, give, take by hungerpunch and thermocline | E | 3.7k
PWP in which transmasc Max tops Daniel for the first time. This PWP is so hot your circuit board may be in danger, fair warning. The characterisations and dialogue are great, Daniel with terrible "sexy" lines and Max a little surprised but very willing to give it to Daniel when he asks for it. I really like how Max's (probably pretty understandable) expectations of Daniel are subverted by the request.
Daniel props himself up on a forearm, cradling his chin in his hand. “Maybe, but—” he affects what he probably thinks is a sultry moue. “—when are you gonna get me on your strap, though?” Max can’t help the way his eyes widen. They’ve been fucking long enough that he supposes it’s not weird of Daniel to ask, but normally the type of men he attracts aren't as… self-possessed about busting it open. He goes from vaguely tired and mellow to wide awake and horny in less than a second; his body suddenly more electricity than muscle. "Uhh," he thinks aloud, his mouth buffering a beat slower than his brain, "... now?"
wish you away in my dreams by @vicsy | M | 7.5k
This is a stunning story, that, through the medium of Max and Daniel's relationship, examines the concept of fear, loss, and misplaced emotions. Everything this writer shares is stunning, but I particularly loved the use of imagery in this one. Beautiful!
Before him, Daniel’s form is incandescent in a golden glimmer, his unruly curls illuminated like a halo around his head. It pulls a punched-out breath out of Max’s lungs. He’ll rip the reconciliation from out of his soul if he has to, he’ll race it to the end, do what he does best, not a drop of fear tipping the scales against him this time.
nsfw: Through the Ages by Bells33 and Whippasnappa | E | 9k
A beautiful examination of Daniel and Max over the years, from 2017 to 2023. Brilliant writing and incredible graphics are interspersed with facts and figures, and it makes for a truly special read.
And here’s the thing; when Daniel laughs, it makes Max laugh too. So they’re laughing, and Daniel is helping Max extricate himself from the table where it’s folded in a bit and grabbed him like a snappy crocodile. And then there’s just this fucking moment where Max is finally upright, they’re stood way too close, inches apart, and he’s still holding on to Max’s arms for some reason. They're the same height, now. Daniel can’t remember when that happened. One moment, he’d been taller than Max. And now, Max meets him directly eye to eye.
nsfw: tender is my heart by @missyourflight | E | 10.6k
This is a Never Let Me Go AU. Daniel works in a cafe by sea. One day, a man walks in and orders a meal. Daniel can tell there is something strange about him, but isn't sure quite what. Eventually, he learns that Max is a clone, created to be an organ donor. This fic is atmospheric, sad, and explores the horrific ethics of the situation Max has been born into. He has been conditioned since birth to accept and embrace his fate - that one day, his organs will be harvested and he will die so that others may live. Daniel is horrified but is fighting against a lifetime of indoctrination to make Max see why.
“Because I thought you were a fucking – closeted Mormon, not –” “I told you I was a donor, you could have asked me to explain, you could have asked me –” “Explain it now, then!” Daniel explodes. “Fucking go on and tell me, Max, I’m all ears.” When Mr Gianpiero had explained it to them, before he was sent away from Hailsham, he’d said, not unkindly and quite clearly, so they understood, “You’re not people, not legally. Your bodies are not your own.” And he’d told them the truth, about the donations. About how long they’d get. “It’s what I’m for,” Max says, the only explanation he has. “It’s not,” Daniel says, grabbing Max’s hands in his. “This –” They’re moving together, as close as they can get, their foreheads pressed against each other, salt on both their faces, and Max feels it, the way he feels it every time Daniel touches him, the rightness of it: this is what his body is for. “This is so fucked,” Daniel says, and it hits Max like ice water. “I shouldn’t have told you,” he says, and when he steps back Daniel doesn’t reach for him again.
nsfw: caught you coming alive by anonymous | E | 17.9k
This is a dystopian future AU in which people are matched by computer before marrying. They meet their matches while blindfolded and are expected to have sex to determine if they're physically attracted and compatible. Daniel is disillusioned and cynical about the process after years of failed matches. It's Max's first time. The ache of loneliness around Daniel is palpable, and Max's guilelessness is completely in character. Max is carrying the baggage of family expectations. Their connection is natural and immediate. The worldbuilding of the story is deft and elegant and never detracts from the character work. Also, it takes a very talented author to write double-blindfolded smut.
His hand is still resting against the inside of Daniel’s bicep, and he inhales like he’s preparing for something. It is so quiet for so long that Max almost asks if Daniel wants to stop. But then they are in motion again and his fingers travel across the crook of his elbow again to the top of his forearm. “I have a little cupid here,” and the Max’s hand is only there for a moment before it’s on the move again, down, “and a bit of love underneath him. In case he needs a boost.” There is a crack, minute, and so quiet Max wonders if he only heard it because he can’t see. Maybe he wouldn’t have noticed the hitch in Daniel’s voice if he was too caught up staring at his face or tracing tattoos he can only shape in his head. But it’s there. Breaking around the word love and not quite putting itself back together by the time he’s finished speaking. Max wishes he could see him, if only to lean in to kiss him without risking a black eye for them both. “And to round off the top half of the tour, we have my beautiful rose.” Daniel’s light, teasing tone is back, and he has laced their hands together, Max’s right in Daniel’s left. “If you just do this,” and he rubs his thumb across the top of Max’s hand, “you might feel it. No thorns to worry about.”
nsfw: glory, from a high rise by @yekoc | E | 24.3k
Another AU, this one featuring Daniel as a bartender and Max as a troubled finance worker who tries to drink (and fuck) his sorrows away. This is one of the first maxiel fics I ever read. It's kind of a greatest hit in Maxiel fandom to the point where I wondered if I should even rec it. But the chance of someone new coming along to the pairing and missing out on this masterpiece is one I can't bear to take. Max's sadness and self-punishment in this story is crushing, and his emotional unavailability makes this relationship's early stages very difficult. Daniel is emotionally mature enough to protect himself and be realistic and clear about what he wants and needs in a partner. It's a long journey for them (and us), but absolutely worth it.
He couldn’t look at Daniel. Daniel didn’t need to apologize; Max knew what he wanted was fucked up, something desperate and out of his control. With Daniel sometimes it had felt better, like it was something okay; like he was good. But Max got it. Daniel wanted a—a boyfriend, someone he took home and went out to dinner with and introduced to his family at Christmas. He was thirty. His friends had families. Daniel deserved that too. He would be good at it.
nsfw: one step closer and i'm real by whichisgolden | E | 24.7k
Max time travels through different universes and falls in love with every version of Daniel. I loved the ending so much (and I won't spoil it but it's absolutely adorable). I also loved the characterization of both Max and Daniel, it felt so real!
“Daniel kissed the side of his face, his eyebrow. “If I did choose,” he said, haltingly. “If I wanted to come back, and what you’re saying is right and you got zapped away into another dimension— I don’t think there’s any universe where I wouldn’t want to do this with you. All Daniel Ricciardos want to kiss you.” Max opened one eye. “What if I have the defective one?” Daniel burst into laughter. “I think we’re all defective, actually. That’s why we like you.” “Okay, shut up.” Max wrestled him down on the couch to kiss him, and then they had to go celebrate.
Anonymous by @boxboxbrioche | M | 26.4k
This fic is partially told through emails & social media messages, and takes place in a parallel-canon 2022 season, where F1 has taken some PR hits because the drivers are constantly getting into fights. The FIA hires an expert public relations manager, who has some... creative solutions, including an anonymous messaging feature between drivers. Every part of this makes me smile: the warm, dry humour, the perfect characterisation & Maxiel dynamic, the PR shenanigans... and, of course, the "anonymous" messages. It feels like a love letter to online friendships, not just anonymous ones - celebrating how you can be your honest self and share what you might not share with people irl (and, if you're Max and Daniel, fall in love all over again in the process!)
P.S. - A big congratulations to Roscoe Hamilton for signing on for a new modelling contract, showing off a range of very fashionable luxury dog jackets. Although the adage goes - ‘never work with children or animals’ - I do sometimes wonder if it would be easier on both counts.
nsfw: there was always warmth between us by @freeuselandonorris | E | 32.1k
Max brings a sex toy to a race and Daniel inevitably finds it. What ensues is rising sexual tension and tiptoeing around each other. I really liked this fic for how it made this single event, Daniel finding Max’s toy, into a deeper story with rising tension and a lot of humanness. I think that was my favourite part about it, how human both this Max and Daniel are, even within the context of sex. The character development was a lot of fun to read and made the pay off even more worth it!
Dan smiles at him in an unfocused sort of way, his hand brushing against Max’s knuckles. Max twitches. Is he doing it on purpose? He glances at Dan’s face but finds it inscrutable.
nsfw: come on, star boy by @yekoc | E | 42k
A high school football AU of Max and Daniel! Featuring past Brocedes and a little bit of angst with Jos being a sucky dad. They live in Alabama and it explores their story in high school love! I loved the writing style so much! I feel like high school AUs are also not super common in the F1 fandom, so it was so nice reading it!
“Do you miss it?” Daniel asks. “Not school, I mean. Soccer. Football.” “Yes,” Max says. He draws his feet up onto the seat and wraps his arms around his legs, chin on his knees. The strap of the seat belt pulls against his broad shoulders. It can’t be very comfortable. Daniel can’t get his head around it, that Max and his dad moved all the way to what, to fucking nowhere Alabama, so that he could play football instead of soccer; so that he could grab hold of some faint trail towards stardom.
nsfw: right where you left me by TheNorthRemembers | E | 54k
It's 2018, and Daniel and Max are driving for Red Bull. It's the Azerbaijan GP, and the inevitable crash happens. Max goes to sleep, but once he wakes up–he finds that he's in a time loop. This is my favorite time loop fic ever! "It's race day" quotes haunt me in my sleep in the best way possible, and the fic delves so much into Daniel leaving Red Bull and how Max deals with it.
All Max can do is stare, his heart beating so hard, he can feel it in his voice as he speaks. “You are leaving.” How are they supposed to be together if Daniel is leaving? If he hates racing with Max so much that he wants to give up his seat with Red Bull, his chance at winning, at winning it all. How can they- He never says ‘I love you’ but he just called Max a child, he just said he’d leave. And what the fuck does that say about them? About Daniel’s feelings for Max? “I’m doing what is best for my career,” Daniel says, like that means anything at all.
this list was compiled by @lydia-petze, @boxboxbrioche, @maaxverstappen, @blueballsracing, @singsweetmelodies
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henryclaremontdiaz · 3 months
alex's favorite workout
Henry Fox (he/him) ✓ @HenryFox @ god how to become weights so he’s bouncing me on his lap 15K Retweets 30.7K Quotes 500K Likes -- After watching Alex's Men's Health workout video, Henry accidentally thirst tweets on his main account. Alex notices.
read on AO3 or below
Henry Fox hated the internet. It was like his own personal hell. 
In theory he liked the internet well enough, he used it for work as an actor and a model. He had his official account everyone knew about, but what no one knew was that he had a private account as well. He was only human.
And he couldn’t be horny on his official account. No one had to know the kinds of things he liked and bookmarked there, that was between him, God, and Elon. 
Henry woke up and opened up Twitter, and he was instantly reminded of why he hates the internet. 
Men’s Health. Fucking Men’s Health. 
It was tough enough on him when Oliver Stark did his workout video with them, but Alex Claremont-Diaz? Were they trying to kill him?
Alexander Claremont-Diaz: actor, model, cause of death of Henry Fox.
He scrolled through the tweets, the videos and screenshots were all too much. His hair, his eyelashes. 
His thighs.
Fuck, his thighs. They were perfect for biting, Henry wanted nothing more than to rake his nails over them as he sucked Alex off. He just knew  his dick was big, there was no way he had all that confidence without something huge to back it up. 
And that turned him on. He loved a cocky man, and Alex was so cocky and gorgeous.
His hand slid into his underwear as he watched a video of him lifting with his hips, his cock hard and leaking just at the idea. He wanted to walk in on Alex working out, he wanted to pull down his shorts while he was nice and sweaty and such a fucking man. He closed his eyes as he stroked himself, his mind moving to Alex taking him right there on his bench. 
Alex’s legs were so strong, Henry wouldn’t even have to ride him. He could just fuck him from under him.
He moaned loudly as he came, Alex’s video still playing on his phone as he milked himself dry, his stomach and hand covered in his release. He signed contently, wiping his hand on his underwear before looking to his phone again. He couldn’t stop himself, he had to quote retweet that video before heading to the shower.
He was only in the shower for a couple minutes, he didn’t think his phone would blow up so much in that time. As he opened up his app, he gasped and his eyes grew wide at what he saw.
Henry Fox (he/him) ✓ @HenryFox
@ god how to become weights so he’s bouncing me on his lap
15K Retweets 20.7K Quotes 100K Likes
Fuck! Fuck, fuck fuck.
He quickly deleted it, his heart racing and his hands shaking. He couldn’t believe he did that, that he didn’t even check to make sure he was on the right account first before tweeting out something so dirty.
He checked his texts to find ones from Percy, of course he found it hilarious. He answered the incoming FaceTime from his best friend, and he could see how red his face was in camera. “This isn’t funny!”
“Oh love, it’s so funny,” Percy said back, laughing loudly. “Were you just so horny you didn’t see what account you were on?” he asked. 
“No! I had just finished- never mind,” he said, just blushing harder.
“Poor thing. Maaaaybe he didn’t see it.”
“If he did, I’m going to die. I’ll actually drop dead, right here on the floor.”
“Well if you do, I’ll make sure to wear something gorgeous to your funeral and give a speech. ‘He died as he lived: gay and horny’.”
“I’m hanging up on you now,” Henry said back and Percy just laughed again as he ended the call.
Henry Fox (he/him) ✓ @HenryFox
Sooooo... The weather?
27K Retweets 40.3K Quotes 351K Likes
Alexander the Great  ✓ @AlexCD
i think there’s something else we should talk about instead [screenshot.png]
40K Retweets 56.1K Quotes 500K Likes
Henry could’ve died right then and there. Oh God, Alex was right there, with a screenshot of his horny post. 
He instantly opened Alex’s page and opened up a DM, his pulse hard in his throat.
@HenryFox: Oh my God, I’m so sorry @HenryFox: Obviously, you weren’t supposed to see that. @HenryFox: Or anyone, for that matter.
@AlexCD: it’s okay hfuewifhud @AlexCD: it was a surprise, for sure. i was wondering why my mentions were going up so fast. @AlexCD: so… i mean. i could show you my home gym. @AlexCD: if you’d like.
Henry blinked hard at his phone, wondering if he had actually died and this was heaven. 
@HenryFox: Are you sure?
@AlexCD: oh yeah, i could show you my favorite workout.
Henry’s heart was racing for a completely different reason now, he couldn’t believe this. Alex sent him his address and they set up a date, and he knew that no matter what that was all he was going to think about until it happened. 
Which, of course, made all the interviews he had to do between then and now very awkward. He was a professional, and he carefully skirted around the questions about the tweet as he promoted his most recent television miniseries. “Alex and I had a great laugh about that,” he said, grinning at the woman behind the camera. 
“Did God ever grant your wish to become a set of weights?” she asked and he laughed carefully.
“No comment.”
The day finally came, and Henry was practically vibrating with excitement. He pulled up to Alex’s house and Alex met him at the door in a tank top and a pair of shorts, and he knew what he was doing. There was no way he didn’t. 
“Henry!” he said, a wide grin on his face as he opened his arms wide. Alex was just as charming in person as he was on the screen, it was dangerous. 
“Alex. I can’t believe we’ve gone this long without meeting,” Henry said back, giving him a smile. 
“Well, no time like the present.” Alex lead him inside, and they went straight to his home gym that was in his video. “Maybe I should start by showing you some of my workouts, in person,” he said, and he went straight to the bench. That fucking bench.
Henry watched him as he started to do the hip thrusts he did, the ones that had drove him wild. And it immediately turned him on.
He could only watch him for a few minutes before he broke, getting up and walking over to him. “I have to see your favorite workout,” he said, looking down at him. Alex looked up at him and his pupils grew, quickly moving to put up the weights. He moved over to Henry again and took his face in his hands, pulling him in for a kiss. 
Alex instantly deepened the kiss, licking into Henry’s mouth. Henry let out a surprised whine, and Alex laughed into his mouth as he pressed his body against his. He pulled away just enough to drop to his knees in front of Alex, his hands trailing over his thighs.
“You have such amazing thighs,” he said, watching as Alex’s cock twitched under his shorts. Henry’s throat was dry just at the thought, and he moved his hand up to palm at him. Alex’s moan was like music to his ears, and he pulled down his shorts to expose Alex’s cock to the air.
And it was even better than he imagined. 
“Fuck,” he said, and he heard Alex’s low chuckle above him.
“See something you like?”
“I see something that I need inside of me. Like, now,” he said, looking up at him before licking a broad stripe up the underside of his cock. “Want you to fuck me,” he started, taking his tip into his mouth and gently sucking. He let go, a string of spit and precum connecting his bottom lip to Alex’s slit. “Want you to fuck me right there on your workout bench. Show me how much those hip thrust workouts help you.”
Alex stepped away and reached into his bag, pulling out a bottle of lube before stripping out of his tank top. He got on the bench again and he patted his legs, motioning for Henry to join him. 
Henry took off his bottoms before walking over to him, straddling his waist. Alex reached behind Henry and he gasped when he felt metal instead of his hole, looking up at him amazed. 
He blushed lightly, not looking at him for a moment. “I knew I wouldn’t want to wait. So I worked myself open before I left and put in a plug so I’d be ready for you,” he admitted. Alex pulled out the plug and tossed it to the side, slicking up his fingers and sliding two into Henry’s hole with a groan. 
“Fuck, you’re so ready for me aren’t you?” he asked and Henry nodded. 
“Need you in me. Now.”
Henry took the lube and poured it into his hand, reaching under him to take Alex’s cock into his hand. He slowly stroked him, slicking up his cock. Alex’s head tipped back, his fingers coming out of Henry as he let him play with his cock. After a moment he lined up his cock with his hole and he sunk down, a deep groan leaving his lips as he did.
Henry moved until he was completely seated on Alex’s lap, his cock stretching him open better than anyone else ever had. He rested his hands on Alex’s broad chest, letting his body get adjusted to the burn.
Alex started to thrust slowly, his pace quickening with his passing moment. He couldn’t hold back, it felt so good. His hips moving up and down, his hands resting on Henry’s own hips so he couldn’t move, so Alex could truly fuck him. 
Henry’s nails lightly scratched at Alex’s pecs as Alex fucked him harder, the only sounds in the room was skin on skin and Henry’s slutty moans, and that just fueled Alex more. 
He wanted to show Henry how strong he really was. 
Alex sat up and bucked into him a couple more times before he grabbed him from under his ass, standing up while still inside of Henry.
Henry gasped, his eyes opening wide. “Fuck, Alex!” he said, and Alex held onto him as he fucked him, showing him that he could fuck him holding him with just his own strength.
And that fact alone surprised Henry so much, he came without warning. He moaned out Alex’s name and his cock twitched, cumming hard over Alex’s stomach and chest untouched. 
Alex moved them back to the bench, pulling out of Henry just long enough to turn him around so he was bent over before he slammed back into him. He held onto Henry’s hips again as he fucked him, chasing his own orgasm. “Fuck, Henry. So desperate for me you cum without me even getting to touch that pretty cock of yours?” he asked, and Henry whined in reply with a nod. 
It was so embarrassing, but so hot. 
The bench moved with their movements as Henry leaned against it limply, letting Alex fuck him however he wanted. It didn’t take much longer before Alex stilled, completely buried inside of him as he came.
He pulled out and sat back, breathless as he looked at the sight before him. “Fuck, Henry. Didn’t know you were so dirty,” he teased, pushing a hand through his curls. 
Henry chuckled weakly at that, unable to move. “Hard not to be when you’re so hot. I don’t think I can move, you arse.”
“That just means I did it right,” Alex teased, standing up and offering Henry his hand. 
“Come on, let’s get a shower.”
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steelthroat · 4 months
For the fandom ask game (if you have time with the horrors of schoolwork):
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind? (and if you fancy it, tell us how you'd write them...)
19. What's your favourite thing about [fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
22. Give us a headcanon for Megatron, any continuity
Weirdly now we're in a static situation again... things change drastically day after day it's unreal💀
9: okay ooof I'd recommend literally all the things I bookmarked but uh let's see:
We are the music makers by lord squiggletits
Moronic acid by chuzilllaa
Shockwave making waves by now anonymous
The lottery by Ladydragon76
Oh and the sequels of the lottery too. My GOD. I've read that work so many times aaaaaargh. Between these are just some of them, but I am 100% forgetting other equally great works by other writers. Ah so many, so so so so so many.
14: mh at first I was kind of hesitant about anything regarding Ironhide, because I didn't know him as a character and he didn't really appeal to me... so when I stumbled upon bayverse!ratchet/ironhide I was like "huh... okay. Tell me more?" And really these two are super great together????? Like not just in thw bayverse, as a whole they're *chef kiss*
Also I think I also stumbled upon Bayberse Optimus/Ironhide at some point and while I also was unsure about it... oh my god they are perfect. One of my favorite otp as of now!!
And uh yeah I want to write about them one day, I would go with some kind of bodyguard au, but like using some of the main tropes, like Ironhide is the "bodyguard" canonically sometimes so yeah it would work.
Also I like bayverse Ironhide and his warrior origins and culture, I wanna do something with it and use it.
So uh banter, fluff, fighting (and training) as a form of flirting, middle aged men that don't know how to communicate like normal people, maybe I will also do something with my third-gladiatorop-au. Depends. But I will let them smooch 100% (and when it happens you'll be the first to know✨️)
19: other than being full of great artists, and I mean AWESOME like guys come on please how how ajshfjgujggjt. And writers, like FUCK I've cried so many times because of y'all, I once got out of the bus at the wrong stop because of a fanfiction. This fandom is full of very creative people that come in infinite shapes and forms, like seriously even when writing simple smut some of you are genuinely mind blowing because you come up with things that are... CRAZY and in a good way! But absolutely crazy!!!!
So yeah this fandom is cool, there's... more than meets the eye to it ✨️
22: so like... I have many headcanons regarding him like:
His fighting style resembles a dance, a deadly and mesmerizing dance. Optimus (my headcanon) fights like a wounded animal but when facing him he follows the rhythm Megatron sets and "dances" with him. Very beautiful spectacle if you forget that one of them could die... or maybe it adds more charm to it.
He massages. Idk lol I have one work published and 3 wips in which he massages someone because they had stiff joints or smth. Maybe I have a kink idk. But like not just like that, it doesn't always lead to sex, it's just that I like him tending to someone else when the situation calls
It was Soundwave that taught him how to dance. (This is my Megatron/Soundwave propaganda)
He knows how to play chess, he likes the game, he is a great player, he will never admit it because it's made by humans
He knows how to make impressions and has a sense of humor, which can be unsettling since you can never know when he's being serious or he's fooling around.
Everyone but Optimus say he has the best poker face in the universe. He does, it's not his fault he can't keep his emotions in check when op is around....
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haljathefangirlcat · 3 months
In the academic articles you've read, have you found anything that talks about how the Nibelungs are associated with eagle imagery? Kriemhild/Gudrun's dream has them represented by eagles, and in the Lay of Atli, it says many times the Nibelung brothers wear "eagle-gripped helmets". Is it just because the eagle is a noble animal? Or is there some sort of historical significance where the Nibelung Dynasty of the Kingdom of the Burgundians was associated with eagles?
Hey! Sorry it took me a while to answer this! Real life... *eyeroll*
I've searched a bit through my files and my bookmarks, but unfortunately, I couldn't find anything on eagles in the Nibelung/Volsung Cycle or on any specific associations between them and the Burgundians. As it is, I get the impression (even if, obviously, I might be missing something, especially if either of those topics has been covered in German...) that it simply goes back to the representation of birds of prey in Medieval literature.
To start with, eagles are about as likely to be fed or slake their thirst on battlefields as ravens and hawks in Norse poetry, so that's already an association between them and war/warriors/brave men with a chance to meet a gorey end. And if we look at the Eddas, Suttung and Odin both take the shape of eagles in the story of the creation and theft(s) of the Mead of Poetry, Thjazi does the same when bothering Odin, Loki, and Hoenir and then again when kidnapping Idun, and there's also the eagle sitting on Yggdrasil having beef with Nidhogg as well as Hraesvelg, the giant eagle or jotun-in-eagle-form that creates the winds by flapping its winds... all images that don't exactly paint a unified picture (then again, when do we ever get anything like that in Norse mythology? lol) but imo still add up to a general idea of "eagles are important/strong/majestic when you're on their good side and menacing when you aren't/just kind of badass."
However, in the case of the Nibelungenlied and specifically of Kriemhild's dream... now, please take this with a grain, or rather a bucket, of salt, because it's just my idea and it's not backed up by any kind of academic research. But I do feel that there the eagles might function as a stark, purposeful contrast with the falcon representing Siegfried, and not just in a "I'm gonna go out a limb and say domesticating eagles is probably harder/more time-consuming and expensive than falcons or the trained eagles of Mongolia's hunters probably wouldn't sound so special and exotic to us" way.
See, the eagle and the falcon/hawk are both associated with war and warriors, as I was saying above. They both appear in mythological and legendary contexts, too. But falcons/hawks also seems have a bit of a different symbolic value. In the Volsunga Saga, Sigurd has his second meeting with Brynhild, the more "courtly romance" one, while out hunting with his hawk, and, many years and misfortunes later, Randver, the son of Jormunrek who is executed for hooking up with Svanhild despite her being his dad's new bride, sends Jormunrek his own hawk, with its feathers plucked and unable to fly, to point out to him that all he's really doing is depriving their kingdom of a young, brave heir. Back to Middle High German literature, then, you have the Falkenlied, a poem where love and passion are represented by the flight of a falcon the poet has tamed and cared for himself. And if we move just a bit farther away geographically, yet stay roughly in the same time period as the Falkenlied, you also have Marie de France composing Yonec, a lai where an unhappy noblewoman gets entangled in a tragic romance with a falcon who turns out to be actually a handsome knight, and loses him before his time because of a jealous, tyrannical husband...
Ofc, my "theory," if you can even call it that, about hawks/falcons being strapping young lads with a penchant for passionate romances and a tendency to die bloody deaths before their time, as well as eagles being more martial, morally amiguous, and less "romantic hero" types, only applies to the later sources of the Sigurd/Siegfried tale. Atlakvida might actually date all the way back to the early 9th century, so that's obviously not included into these musings. My stance on that one's still "eagle badass," essentially.
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Who's the Alley Cat Now?
Ladybug wasn't super surprised that yesterday's akuma was a body swapping akuma, they were bound to have one eventually. It was also no surprise that she had switched with Chat Noir, that was to be expected. What was a surprise was where she woke up...
...in a tent in an alleyway
and she instantly realized how badly she had fucked up.
Note: has a very long prologue. like, several chapters worth.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Plagg, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Gabriel Agreste, Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, some OC's
Additional Tags:
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Never Went to Public School, Homelessness, Sentimonster Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Master Fu Bashing (Miraculous Ladybug), mild Marinette salt, she was groomed, Marinette Redemption, Parent Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Good Parents Sabine Cheng & Tom Dupain, Loss of Trust, It's a cult, no beta we die like men, Families of Choice, Bad Cops
Language: English
Published: 2023-05-30 Updated: 2024-06-08 Words: 35,096 Chapters: 11/? Comments: 154 Kudos: 610 Bookmarks: 138 Hits: 11,871
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millylotus · 6 months
for the DC ask game: 5 and 12!
Okay OMG, never done one of these before! :D
5. If you could go back and change the outcome of the telephone poll that killed Jason Todd, would you?
Oh yeah most definitely! When I found out that's how Jason died I was so pissed off at DC & the fans for it. I also have heard that there where a rigged votes that tipped the scales so Jason was guaranteed to die. Honestly the idea of Jason dying never irked me as a horrible narrative decision. Robin was the first kid hero [i think or the most popular can't remember] it would only make sense for them to experience the first grand tragedy. So I'd go back to smack the writers upside the head for letting the fans choose like that. But I'd still want the story line to continue on cause it is genuinely interesting!
12. Do you create bookmarks on ao3? If you do, what are 5 "Additional Tags" that show up when you open filters in your ao3 bookmarks?
I have sooo many bookmarks 😅 like hold up lemme pull up a screenshot at the bottom... I have a problem, most all are private tho. For my bookmarker tags everything is organized by fic length, if it's a oneshot/oneshot collection & all that. My top 5 additional tags are 🥁🥁🥁 5.Crossover at 471: Not a huge surprise, Crossover fics are my lifeblood I love them! 4.Hurt/Comfort at 478: I don't usually go looking for Hurt fics but spend enough time on Ao3 you run into a lot of Hurt for all the Comfort you consume 3.Angst at 522: Makes sense with H/C coming in 4th, but I also don't usually look for this, but it makes alotta sense since I read real long fics that kick you in the gut every now & then 2.Not Beta Read at 699: [eeeey] Ngl thinking back on it I've seen litteraly every "No Beta We Die Like Men" variant of every fandom I've ever been in so this makes sense Drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 1.FLUFF AT 812: I'm a sucker for some good tooth rotting fluffy cotton candy! Honestly not surprised my first couple of Ao3 fics where fluffy & sweet with so much found family or romance & dates!
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THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN! Okay now it's my turn to ask you!
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A Touch of Colour -
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Hermione had almost started to believe that she would never meet her soul mate. But then one touch with Severus Snape changed everything.
Language: English Words: 13,855 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 12 Kudos: 460 Bookmarks: 64 Hits: 5,087
Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Romance, Fluff and Smut, Soulmates, Soul Bond, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Headmaster Severus Snape, Severus Snape Lives, no beta we die like men
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emulation-0 · 1 year
ok jjk 221 lets get into it
mixed feelings on the unboxing. it was hilarious how unserious they all were and i didn't actually care that much because i love seeing all of them together <3 shoko <3 momo <3 kirara <3 maki <3 miwa <3 hakari <3 hana <3 lowkey i missed inumaki too. twas nice!! but the tone shift was really weird, i was hoping it would be more high stakes than that and it really feels like theyre going back to the 'let gojo handle it' mindset which. feels very much against the point considering the last thought we had from him before the culling game was 'i have faith in all of them.' its like nothing has changed since then.
it's also really weird that nothing has really been said about tengen. all of their actions have been pointing towards them being very untrustworthy and on their own side, and it just so happened that their goals at the time aligned with yuki and co's, but there's just been nothing. it feels very anticlimactic. they knew that gojo could have possibly died upon being unsealed and said nothing, they could've ended the culling game at the beginning and said nothing. like it goes back to yuki getting really mad at them back in ch 201 i think and then just going along with the plan and dying. it feels like there's no point, no fanfare, nobody cares about the really important parts. it feels like tengen's existence was unimportant and pushed aside despite their actions and existence being the reason (or helping the reason) why jujutsu society is so shitty?? idk if this makes a lot of sense but even their conversation with kenjaku in the last chapter... it just feels like tengen means nothing. that's annoying. but anyway
gojo's unboxing was so unserious but i hoped maybe he would go a little berserk when he was actually out. the ripped jacket was cool and i wish gege kept it, that wouldve fucked so hard but he's still suffering the disease of making his men buff when they shouldn't be :/ whatever i guess. up until sukuna showed up it really did seem as if he was going to go berserk which i was so here for!!! especially since the angel was kind of hyping it up. alas it was not to be 😔 which is annoying!!! at least we got a your mom joke? but anyway!! im glad at least gojo vs sukuna is happening first because its not as if kenny really wanted to fight him anyway unless some bullshit with their technique happens like last time with yuki. which would be stupid. but also im not sure how i feel about this upcoming battle though. it would tie back to the 'six eyes and ten shadows killed each other in the past' but one, it feels way too soon for that, and two, i think with the way gojo said 'you? a loser that had to run away from yuuji?' is hinting towards another conflict between sukuna and yuuji. i have many thoughts about this and i'll probably derail later so let's bookmark it here *
gojoken fight would be kind of stupid because if theyre leaving it all to gojo (😐) he would probably just one-shot them. realistically. yuuta coming to fulfill his promise to kill gojo's best friend for him would feel better personally because then his words would actually hold weight lmao and maybe he'll die too!! if gege is continuing his pattern of getting rid of the special-grades (unless he's only getting rid of the adult special-grades which is 😐but whatever!!!) yuuta doesn't really serve a purpose in the story rn anyway besides being gojo's temporary replacement so it wouldn't be a pointless loss either. especially if such a fight would show gojo that his students dont need to depend on him and they have grown in his absence. like he had faith in them to when he first got boxed!! though in that case maybe yuuta's death wouldn't be the best way to express that. unless kids like hakari and maki picked up the slack. idk. my thoughts are a mess rn bear with me here 🙏
* ok so in the last panel too gojo says that he'll win and sure, he could, because sukuna's not even at full strength yet. it makes me wonder where the other five fingers are since if they kill each other wouldn't it be a little pointless if sukuna was missing some fingers? you'd have to get rid of the rest of him through yuuji and that would be stupid. bookmarking this for later also * but anyway!! the game is changed now since sukuna has the ten shadows technique and knows how to use it better than megumi can so theres likely a real chance gojo would get hurt. maybe he'll even lose an eye this time and live to tell the tale considering hana and inumaki got to live (but then again are they really characters in the story anymore? 💀) if he did get hurt that would make it easier for a students vs kenjaku fight to take place as well
and about yuuji. sukuna's not 'running' from yuuji because he's scared but i'm sure that he's wary at least. there was that comment: 'right, this brat is from back then...' which was ambiguous in its meaning (im pretty sure he was saying 'this brat has been strong since back then [pre-sukuna]' or something like that but the possibility of some heian stuff going on is equally interesting!! and weird!!) but yeah. and its not as if being trapped in yuuji was a very convenient place to be anyway. gojo was probably just taunting him saying he was running from yuuji but he is wary of him at least!! especially since he's so sturdy or whatever. so i hope that between gojo vs sukuna someone gets hurt or dies because i think another fight between yuuji and sukuna would be a nice wrapping up. yuuji's active involvement with jujutsu started with sukuna and it would be cool to end it with him, too
not only that but there's also the whole 'if you die i'll kill you' 'so start by saving me, itadori' 'i have a few suggestions about how we can save fushiguro' thing thats going on between yuuji and megumi. we all know it so i guess i won't say it but that's more fuel for the sukuna vs yuuji fight right
* i think gojo is going to lose. if not against sukuna then he's going to lose against something. i'm torn between not feeling great about 'leave it all to gojo' and the adults' feelings that kids shouldn't have to take on adult problems but i think he's going to lose against someone and then the kids will fight so we can have both perspectives? the confidence with which he says 'i will win', the history between six eyes and ten shadows, the one-eye imagery in official arts combined with the weird timing and tone of his unboxing feel like they're spelling defeat but i'm just wondering how it's all going to tie in. like what order are these events going to happen? who's going to do what? how's this going to play out? which isn't even theorizing that's just waiting for the next chapter to come out kldehwjakfdjzhs since gege has dashed all my hopes and expectations. don't even know whos going to die anymore. but whatever!!
this ended up being very long 💀 if i've said anything that was immediately obvious sorry lmao
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over--and-out · 2 years
omg Eddie with a fantasy writer s/o?
Eddie the Storyteller
Eddie Munson x Male Reader
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Summary: Eddie reads you a story and you help him make one up in order to help him stay entertained
Warnings: Fluff fluff fluff, Eddie being a nerd, Eddie quoting Lord of the Rings, major volume 2 spoilers and season 4 spoilers. I repeat, !!!VOLUME 2 SPOILERS!!!! Some angst and comfort, not proofread
Author's Note: This wasn't as long as I would have liked it to be but I hope you guys like it!
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"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men-"
"For mortal men doomed to die, I know I know. I remember now Eds." He gave you a very unamused look as you finished a quote that you'd heard him say multiple times. He flipped the page of the book dramatically and you laughed as he went back to reading out loud.
"‘If that is so, it will be some time before they can begin the hunt again. Of course the Enemy has other servants, but they will have to journey all the way to the borders of Rivendell before they can pick up our trail. And if we are careful that will be hard to find. But we must delay no longer.' Elrond summoned the hobbits to him. He looked gravely at Frodo. 'The time has come,' he said."
You'd always adored listening to Eddie read things out loud. He was very animated with his voice with every character. You knew who was talking in the book because he gave everyone their own voice. He put everything into reading things out loud to you, and you loved listening to him.
As he recited the words off of the page, he wound your fingers together with his and held your hand as he moved it side to side. A small action of affection but one that made your chest warm. He winced a bit at the action, but continued it nonetheless. You glanced at his face, but the brief moment of pain passed quickly for him. He didn't miss your gaze, his eyes meeting yours.
"Something you gotta say, (L/n)?"
You couldn't bring yourself to say anything for a long moment. And just when you were about to, he spoke up with that gravelly and tired tone of his.
"I'm okay, sweetheart. Really. Don't pity me."
"I'm not pitying you, I'm just... I'm worried about you, Eds."
"'S cool. I'm all cool. Promise." He gave you a smile, one that you could tell was somewhat forced but it was Eddie. He was trying his best to make sure you weren't constantly worried.
"If you say so. You start feeling bad, you tell me okay?" He nodded, his lips in a pout.
"Yes sir." Eddie gave a small salute and you laughed softly.
You gave him a sweet smile and he gave his own beaming smile in return, or the best impression of it considering how tired he was. "Hey Eds, what if I read something to you? Switch it up for a change."
He had his mouth gaped, ready and prepared to continue whatever line he had left off on but now you had him intrigued. He slid a bookmark between the pages and slowly slid the book closed. His eyes were glued to you and with a small nod to his head, he urged you to continue. You perked up at the action, Eddie laughing softly and giving a wave of his hand in preparation for your story or whatever else you had planned.
"Yes! Okay, I brought my D&D notes, I figured you'd like to see those." He sat up in the bed, a grin on his face as he reached out and made a small waggle with his fingers as a sign for you to hand over the material. You handed it over eagerly and sat down on the edge of the bed, Eddie opening the book and straightening his posture and you groaned. "Not the librarian voice."
"Oh, come on it's my Dungeon Master voice-"
"Your Master voice?" You wiggled your eyebrows playfully and laughed as he gave you a shove.
"You know what- whatever, Hellfire thinks it's cool, dude."
"Sure they do." Your voice was teasing as you spoke and Eddie gave you a look. It was meant to be intimidating but it was nowhere near that to you. He began reading your words out loud and you groaned when he did indeed use the Dungeon Master voice. Albeit a gravelly and tired version of the voice, he still tried his best to make the story as dramatic as possible.
"...The knight stopped, his eyes wide as the fire reflected in them. He knew what he had to do, he knew what was necessary to..." his voice cracked a bit and his brows furrowed. "To protect his friends and keep them alive another day."
Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as he took a moment of pause. You had written the story to help him feel better, hopefully. After a long moment, he slammed your journal closed. "Listen, I get it, I look pitiful as shit but you don't need to pity me, come on."
"Woah woah woah, pity you?" You knew he was about to respond with a smart-ass comment so you quickly interrupted him. "Hey, I'm not pitying you. I'm not buying flowers or sending cards and chocolates or none of that shit. That just doesn't fit the Eddie Munson I know. I'm trying to help you feel better. The best way that I can." He stared at you, brown eyes wide in contemplation. "I know you're about to argue, don't-" He huffed loudly and flopped back against the pillows, wincing a bit in regret when the bandages on his neck were jostled.
"Yeah that didn't help, did it dumbass?"
He gave you a playful shove and scoffed which drew a laugh out of you. He watched you laugh, unable to help his own cuckle bubbling out of him. He decided to flip you off, a smile on his face.
"I can't wait until the next Hellfire session. Start a new campaign off, meet new characters... it's gonna be metal."
"Can't wait, Eds. You got any ideas for it?"
"Not so far, no." His big brown eyes snapped up to meet yours. "Why, do you?"
You gave him a big smile, wiggling where you sat. "Maybe."
He pushed himself to sit up, attempting to avoid hitting his bandaged and he beamed at you as he grabbed the journal.
"Well then, let's see those ideas come into fruition. I always await seeing what mind boggling plans you hold in that big brain of yours."
And with that, you began to jot down ideas and look through your writing for inspiration.
Eddie had always admired your writing, but he admired it now more than ever.
Gods know bat bites suck.
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Sonadow Fanfiction Week 005, Day 7:
I'm too tired for anything but still, here it comes,
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog (Video Games)
Relationship: Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog
Additional Tags:
Sharing a Bed
Post-Sonic Forces
Implied/Referenced Torture
could be read as platonic
but lbr you probably won't now you've seen the relationship tag
also hi idk how to tag things
so if you want me to tag something just lmk
no beta we die like men
Language: English
Current Stats:
Published: 2020-05-28 Completed: 2022-11-12 Words: 6,330 Chapters: 2/2 Comments: 142 Kudos: 2,647 Bookmarks: 327 Hits: 15,509
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kirkwallsquad · 8 months
hit me w/ that yexie goodness for the ask game
oh HELL yeah a fun lil treat for max
What made you ship it?
well they have literally like One Interaction, so i was like surely this isn't as big a deal as i've seen ppl on my dash saying. and then ye baiyi called xie wang a GOOD BOY and i short-circuited and woke up with 10 new ao3 bookmarks.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
it just works SO WELL like... they are canon To Me yk bcs i think they fit the themes of word of honor very well and their dynamic would be so insane, which. well, insane men who are insane about each other is another theme of word of honor so.
no but rlly like.. the core concept of i'm awful and want to die, but then i saw you and now i kinda wanna live again, actually. post-canon ye baiyi pulls an angry, hurt, violent twink out of the snow and he bites his way into ye baiyi's lonely, never-got-over-my-dead-first-love, immortality-is-too-long-for-me heart.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
idk in terms of unpopularity, bcs since we get absolute crumbs in the show a lot of characterization for their dynamic comes from fanwork yk, like apart from them admiring each other's work and that EXPRESSION yby gives xw at the feast. im not a daddy kink kind of person so ig that doesn't really do it for me tho i know lots of people love it lol but you can want to fuck an old man without him being daddyTM yk, and i think it's important for there to be a clear distinction between what they have and whatever fucked up awful shit xw and Worst Man Alive had. To Me, at least. for the narrative.
yby can still 1000% be xw's sugar daddy tho except idk how much money he actually has. did he make wkx pay for his food for the lols or because he had no money. i forgor.
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